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B S h
Th2 I
A p
With extracts from the New
Pamphlet Issued
of Immigtation,
the State
its Resources.
Parties desiring a more minute description will
please state the
number of the
place they wlah to Inquire about.
-.' ,. .
I 1 l-,- I -. r r *
F, 09
f13 i
j4 r -
raito from th
State Bureau
the 81
Florida is ca
during from the
an average wid
from the Atlan
of Georgia and
40 to 90 miles.
lied the I
th of 100
tic west
te New Pamphlet issued by the
of Immigration, Describing
late and its Besmorees
Italy of America. The peninsula portion, meas-
boundary, extends south about 400 miles, with
miles. The northern part of the State extends
,ard along the southern boundary of the Stat.e
a bout 876 miles, with a width to the Gulf of
The early history of Florida was not one of rapid and encouraging
development. From 1566, the dat
the oldest town in the Union, to tl
was clamied by Spain, except 20
1768 to 1788. In 1768 the Flori
Spain to Great Britain,but in 1782
American Colonies in the war of I
* the Floridas to Spain. Thus, for
grasp of a power far away, and of
te of the settlement of St. Augustine,
he cession of 1819-21, the territory
years under British authority from
das, East and West, were ceded by
Great Britain having lost the thirteen
776 and succeeding years, receded
260 years, the territory was in the
a monarch whose people regarded
the territory as too much inferior to the fatherland to invite immigration.
With a ooast lie o nearly 1,200 miles, accesible with small boats all
along the shore, the long, narrow figure of Florid puot its whole sur-
face in near approach to the oommeroe of the ooe. Some of the best
barbors of the United States are on the coet of Florida. Key West
has 86 feet of water ia the harbor. There is only one hwbor on the
coast of the U. 8. that ua deeper water.
,rm~;~~rrc--*--a7"J~m--~-; a -''-r'-rr*'rr i"f "fl"jr v" Wt
coochee, Suwannee, St.
Chipola, Choctawhatohi
ing in some inatances
available to extensive a
mouths such habor It
moderate draM ufet nu
e, Escam
areas, and
Wakulla, Ocklokonee, Aplachiool,
bia and Perdido. These streams, flow-
across the State, make transportation
iu almost every instance have at their
Ie BO fwise fa at veasels of
2..LL 1
The railway system o the State embraces some sixty railroads, com-
pleted or projected; and half frozenn or more canal companies have
)t 4h .$ q.iji 'ilr1lN sa wbt t a or
work construct Mfl BH fteeli week adds to the
number of miles in actual opemtoa. The aggregate length of the rail-
ways now in uoe, wd thoa ctbo ehartste ih npr*o tin, ,C09 .Pin 'ome
of these roads ma not, and proba not be. uilt, but rect
IS tbat a large proportion of them .w e t enc unaemen oered
bt the' State asdlr this' tn~rc. All thete ~oiiiaiIet' haee rfght of
Siway through the State laurid, also the rig t t acqairdltt ste 'eaottns
e land for six mies on each ade of pongpo4 jutimi@gtOBntgtoh 840
acres per mile. The enhanced value of these lands, .a, so0qn at 4he
roads are built through them, will at ready sale pay the coot of building
a narrow gauge road, and a nukmbel bf them are of that class.
*.Y r ag~o railway statisetlbshowed tte ~tl Engllnd to cost about
S4Go.Oe per mitbe ud in tl Ubited iStatesabkbt $t 000 per mile, but
apw, in 1lorida, te'etimate is tiat a nUrrDw) uge moad.n oeo be built,
s.d economically quippedd at a 9oqof $4.,90 eF 4.i..
lni iitlay MAS cahals, w asort 6f iht 6i k aln'ove th 'State' and
io'tbrtbb wi be mnoe tid"2tc0 'n frtil Ada': tipbtrIo ,; either by
..,itearwuer. i .. .:
T,/apfti.a .for tmanepptatio, afor trat an,, ,pmme t Florida
1, to ,nqar future are peurwices 9f a pro y ,TurS n *.
all iong dow te path of the oges commercial faile ana' weAlth
'h ate aipled eah' Oth 't'l' idf th d' tardbh of
Europe on the line of progreua 'a wmpared with the more halting steps
o:M a4I ba tOn di* mainly tob euo bch laipr M ftqllrons io coast
maanua naviorhln streimt These have giyve more numerous nod on-
Vt IIla lIart s* s ihe&N. rat waI Si feay sitbe bse
commercee and wealth are c>Pywmijly,pmpts Itt o.tJPllp,l
Now. Florida is favored above zp galk her sister in having all
ud: iew
her ter-
Site the tefpperature of the atmosphere fall, as distance frpm the
equtotr inatekCis, one degree of depression to every added degree of
latfftde, aid stltie, moreover, the thermometer fll one degree for
evPy 00 6et ii. Altitude, Florida being so near the equator and so lit-
tle' abov the sea Teyi, might be thbugIt frod tlie4 premises to be very
hot; bat there are other influences which must also be taken into the
account to reach the' truth. Terere are dozens of rivers, and smaller
streams courting over tile surface; then lakes in Florida are thicker
than thie stares n the skes; and some of tbem eea deep. The evapo
ration from these streams and lakes and from the Gulft hard by on the
one side, 'had the Atlantic on the other, rapidly consumes or absorbs
the heat of the sun just as water sprinkled upon the floor absorbs the
beat of a room; and this process is more' rapid, because as the vapor
rises and takes all the heat it can render insensible, the breezes from
the Atlantic or Gulf bear it away and supply it with other vapor, per-
forming the same office in the cooling process; consequently, as a mat-
tar of tact, the thermometer in summer rises higher in New York, Bos-
ton, and Montreal than in St. Augustine, Tampa, and Key West. Sun
stroke, with its terrors, so frequent in the cities, and, indeed, in the .
country North, 1i never known in Florida.
Another item to be taken into account when searching for the causes
of higher temperature in summer of places north of Florida, is the fact
that the days in summer are longer as we proceed northward, and the
nights shorter. There is, consequently, less time for throwing off or
radiating the heat from the sun during the day until his return with
new supplies.
The rainy season in Florida is in the summer months, when the show-
ers cool the atmosphere and refresh the crops. During these months
the average moisture is slightly greater than in the States further north.
Observation and experiment show, however, that the humidity of Flor-
ida in summer is only 1.07 greater than that of Minnesota, while in the
winter months-Florida's dry season-the moisture is less than in Min-
nesota by 1.08 degrees.
Is exceedingly diversified, and in its varied character is suited not only
to the crop of the bthet States generally, but because of its near ap-
proach to a tropical clime, to some products not grown elsewhere in the
other states.
The soil I generally classed as first, second and third rate pine lands,
and as high and low hammock anl swamsp lands. The pine lands cover
much those large portion of the, State, and the traveler. in the trains, or
over the highways throiigh then, is n6t apt to be impressed in such
omasl insjietion with the real worth.
The white sand on the immediate fsrface is taken as conclusive teatj-
monV aa~ln t ihewn hot that IA not ail rl'whl ih in tihe nareals l ansa
' I :sr ', -
omy. One of the marks of the third class pint
growth upon the more elevated spots, and the a
the ash of the palmetto root, makes fine soap
plants' to be rich in potash; and this mineral is
leaves from the atmosphere, but through
Even this poorest soil is not Worthless. It
would otherwise be an inconvenient chasm in
furnishes more or lesa of pasturage, both upon
and the gallberryy fiate." Cattle feed frequ
leaves, and hogs are" very fond of the tender
and fatten upon the berries in the season for th
spreading leaves are converted into cheap and
ing the face, and are now being converted into
Of the first-class pine lands the Commissione
publication of 1869, says: "It has nothing a
the other States. It surface is covered for s8
vegetable mold, beneath which, to the depth of
e lands is the black-oack
seh of the blIok-jack le'
, showing bo4 of thie
not derived ft4ough the
the roots iropi the spil.
does mo~ .t i fill what
the eartli s surface. It
the black-jack elevations
entiy upon the palmetto
buds in the spring time,
seir ripening. Thn the
convenient fans for cool-
paper of thp first quality
r of Immigration in his
nalagous .to it in any of
wveral inches with a dark
several feet, is a ohoco-
late sand loam, mixed for the most part with limestone pebbles, and
resting on a substratum of marl, clay or limestone rock. The fertility
and durability of this description of land must be estimated from the well
known fact that it has on the upper Suwannee, and several other dis-
tricts, yielded during 14 years of successive cultivation, without the aid
of manure, 400 pounds of Sea Island cotton to the acre, the lands are as
productive as ever, so that the limit of their durability is still unknown.
High hammock lands, in reference to these lands we quote from the
same author: "There is one feature in the topography of Florida which
no other country in the United States possesses, and which affords a
great security to the health of its inhabitants, it is that the pine lands
which form the basis of the country, and which are almost universally
healthy, are nearly everywhere studded at intervals of a few miles with
the rich hammock k land. These hammocks are not, as is generally sup-
posed, low, wet lands; they do not require ditching or draining. They
vary in extent from twenty acres to forty thousand acres. Hence the
inhabitants have it in their power to select residences in the pine lands,
at such convenient distances from the hammock as will enable them to
cultivate the latter without endangering their health, if it should so hap-
pen that any of the inhabitants prove to be less healthy than in the pine
lands. Experience has shown that residences only half a mile distant
from cnltivated hammocks are exempt from malarial diseases, and the
negroes who cultivate and retire at night to pine landresldencee main-
taft their health. Indeed, ft is found that residences in the hammocks
are gntrally healthy after they have been a few ye.rs cleared. This
olist of lands, under favorable circumstances, have produced as much
as three hogsheads of sugar per a4 re. ,
Orange Groves and Plantations.
One of the best plantations in the state of Florida for sale at a decid-
the particulars of which are
situated in Alachna
ville on the Florida
sonville, Pensacola
natural bridge whicl
roads now building
contains 400 acres (
cleared and mostly
all kh
I Cotton, tobacco,
nds of vegetables
i of ten rooms, whi
out-houses. The
fig trees, bananas,
County, 3 miles from
R. B., and 15 miles
and Mobile railroad,
h expands the Santa
within less than one
of extra fine high pin
fen"ed. The land is
has a
, 81
y n
as follows: The plantation is
Newnansville, 17 from Gaines-
from Lake City on the Jack-
and three miles from the great
Fee river. There are two rail-
'mile of the place. The place
e and hammock land, 250 are
adapted to the culture of Sea
igar, potatoes, peas, corn and
market. The place has a good
foundation under it.
of an abundance
Also plen-
of fine peach
a few pears and also a few orange trees.
is the best part of the state for the raising of stock. Game of all kinds
in abundance.
The orange will grow to great advantage, but never has been planted
to any extent on the place. Good neighborhood; plenty of labor. The
farm and improvements could not be put in their present condition
short of $10,000. But the owner will sell for $8,500, being in need of
cash. There is no more healthy or genial climate under the sun. The
roads in this section are naturally very fine.
50 acres and the handsomest and most complete gentlemans residence
on the St.
the river,
vile. It
tivation &
perfect or
Johns River It is beautif
about % of an hours drive,
is divided in hammock, lawn
ully s
The house is large and bud
, with verandahs all road,i Ou
situated on the west bank of
ie Shell road from Jackson-
orange groves, fields for cul-
lit with great care, and is in
tide kitchen. The location
ed bargain,
of 200 trees in good condition and will bear in one year.
ready for immediate occupancy. Price, $12,000.
The place is
680 acres, 400 under cultivation, located in
Tallahbsee, and in one of thefinest farming I
the Micoosukie Lake. It is well watered by
carry a mill, either gin or grist. There is i ]
very good repair, six houses on the plae-hbr te
and 10 or 12 orange trees bearing, also flgs,~
is within a mile of the village of Micosukile,
lake in the atate. 10 bales of cotton and 81
raised to the horse worked on the place. Price
66 acres, 40 improved,
on the place. A hands
and well built wharf for
steamboat at almost any
is known as Bellvicw, on
Co., 18 miles from
oothties in the qnty, on
a astes-m hiu* enough to
large seven room house in
ants, good well of water
teches, bananas eo. It
within a mile Of the finest
00 bushels of corn can be
2 e7.000.
2,500 orange treee, 600 bearing; other fruits
me oak grove crowns the river bluff. A new
steamboats. The place can be reached by
hour of the day from Jacksonville. The place
the east side of the St. Johns river. Price,
120 acres at Yellow Bluff, on the St. Johns river, 12 miles from t
city, high land and in a good location for summer residences, price $1
per acre. Also 46 acres at Black Creek, a branch ofLthe St.[Johns,
well adapted for orange growing.
90 acres of land opposite Jacksonville,
or about 1 E miles from the
city. The land is on a high bluff, overlooking the city and the river
for some ten miles. There are numerous large live and water oak trees
on the place and surrounding the house, also many large cedar'trees.
Dock and other boat accommodations on the place. Steam oommuni-
oatson with Jacksonville three times daily. Good school with northern
teacher, fine society. There are a few bearing trees,.with over 1,000
young trees; a house so08s, with kitchen 16x26 and other out build-
pgs. A first rate well of water near the house. The plae for loco-
tion sad health is equal to any on the river.
Price $fi,000.
more in good order, 6 yewr old; a very good house of ten rooms, near
the P. O. 15 minutes row p the .oity. Priro $12,000.
40 acres, 9 scored, 600 fee.. river front, bold
fromIJToksooviI, east aide $ St. Johns river.
bluff bank, 12 miles
Price $60. per acre.
also 80 acres with ilprprement, consisting ot young grove of 260
8 years old, that pre sweet .edlings, lemons, fige, peaches and
fruit treos. 140 choice young grape vines, 7 bearing orange trees (
thousand this ywar.) 1U story frame cottage, outhouses &c., 8
cleared. 400 feet river front. Both are adjoining and can be b
r one tract. Location healthy and fast settling up. Price I
640 acres, and one of the most beautiful places on the river
mont, near Remington Park, St. Johns County. Its natural
gee are very great, being on a peninsula, stretching out into
which almost surrounds the place. Not subject to frost. It i
cool place in summer and sunny in winter time. The place
settled 7 years. There is. on the Dlace, a lanre. new house of
8 of
of pai
at thi
V F U-
ch are large and in perfect order,
int; intact the whole place is in pert
on the place, all in beautiful order,
ear the coming year. There are
will bear the coming season. The
s place. There is also a young grov
is considered still more profitable tl
I, guavas &o., in bearing. The guat
fail and are not affected by the fo
ect order.
200 are
1,600 tre
Mail boa
thingg b
here is
at Clair-
the river
s a nice
has been
15 rooms
>ut a coat
a large
ring and oti
stop twice a
'e of Pecan trees coming on,
han orange growing, also lime
ras yields bushel and bushels,
85 acres under fenoe,
mile from landing.
Price $80,000.
178 acres on
sonville. The
of river front.
orange trees at
house is fir, 8
the east bank of the St Johns river, 5 n
land is high hammock land, on a bluff;
About 60 ares of land cleared and ov
Id 1265 young trees, as well as a young
rooms, out house &c. Price $10,000.
lee from Jack-
ver half a mile
r 100 bearing
nursery. The
-- w -- v
frtdt trees, such as peaches, pomegranates, bananas &e. The house is
thoroughly furnished. Price $12,000;. uanfrnthlied $10,000.
No. 12. LAKE COMO.
60 acres at Lake Como, on the St. Johns River,
Jacksonville, east shore of the river, 20 miles from
100 mile south of
Palatka; good new
frame house of 11 rooms,
back *rom river, on a high
spring of clear, cool water
sweet orange trees. 800 s
figs and bananas in bearin1
loathed and platered. Homestead 1,'
I bluff, 120 feet higher than the river.
, brought to the house by a ram. 40
ret out in rows, also guavas, peaches,
g. One half the land is high pine,
ance is rich hammock. M mile river front, with
shore. Good fence, log barn and houses for help.
000 feet.
the bal-
r to the
61 acres, two miles from Jacksonville, and the best coltivated piece
of land within 50 miles of that place. Has a large river front, looking
down the river with a ten miles view. This place has over 2,000 orange
trees planted out, that are 7 years old. 60 bananas and othe fruit, Or-
dinary houses and a very fine brick barn. Price $8,000.
22 acres at Remington Par
k. on the east side of the
St. Johns river,.
28 miles from Jacksonville, has 100 orange trees and half the land is
fenced and under cultivation. Daily mail, P. O. within 200 yards of
house.. All the Savannah and Charleston steamboats stop here. Situ-
ated directly opposite Magnolia and near Hibernia, and 8% miles from
Greep Cove Springs. It is situated out in the river, on a point dry and
Nice location
No. 1
250 acres on Amelia Isl
Amelia river, on the west
fine neighbors. Price $6,000.
Land, 6 miles south of Fernandian, c
boundary and runs, east to the ocean.
,n the
greater part of the land is cleared, and the whole of it las prime ham-
moe* land. The original growth of timber betag live o0, hickory,
magnolia &c. .The crossing of the riSrod isp twre miles: from the farm
There is an old traveled road to Fernandina fropam t3.plao and naoiga-
tion by the river. The soil is slapted to the growth of sea island cot-
ton, corn, peas, potatoes, sugar cane and fruit, vegetable of every
* S*-. a at. -' .1 L;.kI.. ^2A. '. < '0 .,^ ii.^ f { -j. -
of steamers from Petnandina t6 New YorI City, and Wtri-weekly line to
Savannah and Charleston. The beach on the ocean side is the finest
in the world, There is a plain dwelling bouse on the place which comt
$1,100 to bild. Good place for took. Fish and oysters abound and
plenty of neighbors. Price $8,600.
15 acres in the heart Of the city of St. 'Augustine. The pliae includes
an elegant mansion of 15 rooms, costing over $40,000 to build; stable
and carriage house, large green house filled with tropical fruits, cottage
for gardner and coachman.
an orange grove in full
that are from 20 to 25 years
tains gas, water and every I
in the most elegant manner.
and one or two rooms are el
The grounds are ornamented and include
bearing, containing from six to 700 trees
old. The house was built in 1874, con*
modern improvement, is finished throughout
A wind mill supplies the water. The hall
egantly tiled and the wooden mantles and
mirrors above them are of the most elaborate
Price $25,-
and fe
three '
ty. P
, the b
of the
'rice $
86x150 fed
fronting on three lakes; all good land, 28 acres c
22 acres are in grove. 1,600 trees 9 years old, 1
Balance are orange trees. The lemon trees are be
orange trees will bear next year and all will bear in
It is at Island Lake, 4 miles from Sanford, Orange
wOK /3 rats
*o. 18. PALATKA.
et at Palatka. with a one story cottage. close to thi
- -
- .,
00 are
two or
> large
hotels, Postomflce and river.
The cottage is in perfect order, is 40x46
exclusive of
through the a
wag are the
place with w
of which are
the piazzas,
center; ceiling
kitchen and
after for all us
bearing; the
g 12
small trees set out, such as fg, b
trees, grapes &c. The place is a
siitble. Prlce t 50.
No. 19. 0O
rooms, with an 8 foot hall running
et high, joined te the house by the pi-
room. A large cistern supplies the
xe place has 44 large orange trees, 86
e will bear next year, also some forty
anana, plum, and Japan plum, guava
perfect lije gem. Healthy and de-
'4 att a -----
- AJ k -- '- I..- 1 I, L -t .-...3 a I__ 5 .1 .. ....
--1__ 0 --1---
s 5
966 acres at
Harrlson, havi
bear 2,000 per
years old; the
There is a rich
beautiful fresh
timbered with
two or three n
rooms and all
head of stock
the year round
This is the
Clear Water Harbor, Hillsboro Couaty
ng 1,500 orange tree, 150 an, 5 years
tree a year. Five hundred are bearing.
balance from 5 to 8 years old, and allin
muck prairie on the place of 50 acres, n
water fish pond wjich is @closed.
, knbn a Port
old, which wBil
and are eleve
.- mnditMoa.
> l
pine and oak, bananas and mulberries In full
ever failing springs, good dwelling house with
necessary out houses, sugar kettles and mill,
cattle go with the place. Fruit and vegetables i
m grove, a
ad is well
50 or 60
grow here
nost valuable place in South Florida,
the place paying a
good income from oranges al1
fish within 100 yards of the d
This is the most delightful c
boats pass the door daily. I
trees, 75 bearing mulberry tr
ure, with residence and barn,
here is an abundance of salt
one. T1
oor, also
'here are
ees; the
Plenty of oysters and stone rabs
in the world. 8teamers and sail
also on the place 200 bearing Ulme
above is on 40 acres, 7 acres past-
I on the Gulf shore. The town
has stores, schools, pst-ofee and beautiful scenery.
Price $
19 acres with orange grove of 300 trees.
income of P400 per year. Balance will bear
other outhouses. Horse, wagon, cart and
Three cows with calves, two 2 years old hei
is fretting on the St. Johns Biver. Price
* 80 bearing which bring an
in 2 years. House, barn and
other farming implimenta.
ifers, hogs, chickens hc. It
No. it. VOL
4,000 aorea in Volusia County,
eXielaut eugar and orange land;
belt of the richest laud in Florida.
groe is 018.000.
surveyed and laid (
is on the Halifax I
The price of this
)f in lots. This is
river, epd is in the
without the orange
600 acres omheb manneditver, 220 under cultivated,
frame dwelling, kitchen, sppr hope, q. oke house-cotton
orib, stables Ac. one hundred baring peoh trees, a few
anA9 sntai f ynnat. rwl salehu sMMW MaIt t r a
house, oorn
range tree
No. !
sae amedstuaton ta th s tate.
" ase wmds, veluable timber.
'aSre of .ive od; hlckory,&o.,
myrtle. A grove of young ora
from depot, ten to 64t ate.:
lurge sad iewmant,,ride, heb
-d.. Price 6,0Q0.
ood land,. welih and newly fenced, 80
The he.e Wia itM4ed, in a grove of 18
.with hrtbbery oleader, ros ., and
nge trees. Fine soake, five minutes
G(oodl echsoos, stre &o. The house is
Dulp pauw ., Housp cost .$12,000 to
I i .- .
40 rsre, 14 sekMsd, with small log bhoue and out houses, also a
new lelrg houses 40x60 with 8 roams, 16 fee square, 4 rooms on each
foot, ptMz l lareouandi lars window opening os thie eat, he house
t ootaB ayle, f'minnutee walk fro dept,. This plaoe is well adap-
ted ttO the raising of early vtgetabes, as prte i town buy them right
pf or shipment. There ame 0 orange trees, some bearing. Alo,
80 sores 1 mile fom towt, goea with the above pleao. Waldo has
streets laid out and a common ocundl. ( the land em. be sold.in aity
lots, as it joins the bat atteets and location in WaIdo.;. There is a
canal being dug, now a!WCfc^^led, whih, goes to Lake Santa Fee.
Sw aers, will run.0p the ctna Price Fpr all,, l1600,
28 acres at Area
.N.. .38. S&GOOTS 14
dia or Scotts Laudftng
16 of
which is in orange
trees, 14 trees are 80.yeCopl'ahndbear from two to three thousand
orange, eC4h, ppr yg .,, atd o0 the veryI best quality. There are 750
ytraw tep, t o 6.yry QJd, Jotfty'in are in'bloom this
Yearr, These laa4o aqrwUy oQQp4iqgg qpe tro tJ4jid tree from
Sto 4 years old.., T rpn vw.nd uuiu g sq. Jaf4pt .rje condition.
Be baiiidings on the p are opny ro oney, ,a for the hgads and
MtooL. There ris.a amustore on;t pp aoe* 0s0o opeof 9 larget and
Sbeet wharfs on thr iver. er JI a bW#PIoul o pove of eIa alsqre,
and ta, elbewi g ple t ftp a xsandpnoe. TNki,pLq e, aeond tonone
in the state for raising a~PI.. Priee $10,000.
S., .. / ,, to.. O^ Cp.UJTJI. .
S1l,60faow, arboutvs e r ta .S4rpt pd. Oe jzpk (part
cleared and parttimber,) b.Mse ,poe 4 h few, .aPf. prairie.
Dwelling was bunlt'aio:t a.g oost 600.. There are two wells
Sand a pondon the land.:. T e pfe 'has Ih reputation of being the
from St. John River. Thb land is
caltlvaMd, 40nmg. tream 10 bearing,
buildiapg, le track b:um, mad good for
Price *9.
weU timbeMd mnd bSa 5
rich luMl,, i auer dfene
1i kids of wy vaet-
10 acres in Orange County, 4 amles from the i
road to Maitland and Orlando. It is almost enti
27x27 equilateral triangth. Trees ae from 6
seedlings from ohoibe aeed. Only 16 or 90 are b
The older trees air now beriag and the. balamoe
two years. There sae also ten tbhaand Meedlin
lemons, (some budded with chodoe vareties,)
Japan plume and other tropical fruit. The lam
rolling pine land, with a deep clay subsoil. Th
are in a thrifty state and doing well. Any puro
imn land at reasonable prices. The land i. all cl
a bea and stable combined, no house.
rtaford WhIrf, on the
rely put ut in toMTr,
to 8 years old, chiefly
added Oa ou stocks.
wril come o n .M or
gi, meetly orspgeeiad
and some guass and
d is high, aomewbat
e trees and eoedliga
uer can obtain adjoin-
sared and fenced; has
Price $6,000.
No. 80. PALATKA.
80 acres of pine land, 8 miles from Palatka, on public road, 28 sores
cleared, 100 trees I yeam old. Geod new house, a fine fenced grove of
young trees. Price per acre, Sto.
12 aore and handsome residence at St. Nicholas,
opposite Jackson-
viU, all Improved; a ver foine fower and vegetable garden. 850 or-
sang tree in grove, and about twelve hndrd in noraery. 18 trees bad
oranges on this year, many more will best text year. Choe pebh
and plum trees, Japan perntmons and Chineee sand pear tree, two
beautiful Magnolia in front b the house. House i a -ood two tory
tframe buiotldg, with six roam. The kitchen and storaqmroom are
detahbd. Sves small out honoes 6a the place. Prlt 4000,
,4 pmor, with a lne rimr front, ftdw mith below Arltotom, oppo-
.t MiMt t bbonuvffe, high birf wtAI ha&omeb Wrtet t umd.about
oa bouid' feet tiver froat. Pioe t OOO. '
S.. p~ -'_
No. 99.
ected with dity sewer and water system, and all paid ior. Gas is psed
on the rst floor and upper halls. The dinmag room will eat 60 person
oomfortbly. The hone stands, on one side of the lot, levting a space
on the other side for stable and wood house. It hae ne flowers and
bearing orange trees. The location is first clms, being but a few min-
ceta walk from the depot and steamboat landing. The house is kept
opua the year round and a fair businesses done in the summer time. Is
built partly of brick and partly frame. Price $16,000.
In connection with the above, are two cottages on 52) x106 foot lot,
with plenty of fruit. There cottages are used for boarders when the
.main house is full, They are furnished. Will sell lot and furniture for
:88,000. The capacity of cottages and house is about 100 boarders.
Prefer selling the whole property out.
40 acre,
County. 8
ingtrees a
orange, qui
oOnUDty; a 1
Railroad. W
pretty good
Price $6,00'
House and
trees, grapes
4l1 furnished.
House and
on the St. Jol
No. 84. ALACHU
5 mile from Hawthorn, i
S e/h young tree frc
ny in the state. 1
kce, joh and other tree.
eof gbPd wrter. Locatio
house not flrt clau,
but smalL ver $400 mi
No. 85. ST.
lot at St. Augustine.
flp, Japan plums, lem
This property rents
No. 86. ML
lot adjoining Mn. Ha
hans river, aome 15 nil
n the eatern
m 4 to earsr
acre in
There noth
n verK Nlithi
lat year:
The place ha
omn &e. House
for P600 a year.
art of Alatchus
old. 100 bear-
er garden in the
SenlIe from
cS2, out house
from frait alone.
21 bearing orange
has 8 large rooms,
Price $6,000.
riet B. Stowe'a please, s Mandarlan
e south of Jackonville. There is
a very fine hbuoe, newly Mw, 80x46 fet
Ithed. One eistern or the plse and two
plete, aso a peking home for orange,
and laundry. The plaoe groe banana ,
25,000 from 20 pee. There are 100
bear next year. About $1,000 per year
oranges albie, and from twenty trm.
and in very
Afgs and
or aore
Is made
order, furn-
Barn and stable orm-
kitchen, wah-house
orange, of the latter,
yoeing tre trat will
from this plae from
The fi est house on the river.
fuPm 7to 11 ynta old sflwt Mer. 860 btn Kadflg; MI' M bL in I
grf8 yents'N th 1io cp r t. are kbo'lrad; pai, iiraba
gmass laIsn perhitoned,' p*eg*init, *tj bAdans '*e.' Mtne
a'ellIng'of tizobasr and panttles,'and servtnr etbln. 'eJrsh is on
this flce the only Sulphor sptldg south of Oreen Cov-E S~pig, which
would make tIt plie tood '6e'tt start a hotel an ti ,tlt j t This
waite is good for @itber eoking
enough water fo' b ltag' a large
build t hbtel, this tprlin ls' Iabth
or drinking' pdrpo ': ta therm is
bath' i tie. To any doe Vishiag to
More than is atked for the Whole
. r .
Splendid'bo tthg;, fsMtg, hunting e.
o' 8"' (' t o
I,8. OaRGE QOgnY.
." I 4,
Price 66;nO.
, 1 --
116 acres in the middle of a seUtlemat. caled Sylvan .L
County, with one of the finest range groves in this section
being. Every acre is of te be~i quality for orange
aciH' ire under cultivation, 500 bearing tre*, some yield
asuoie thousand to a tree. They ate loaded with oranbg
k1it tdfleinons; I kinds of limes, citron, grape fruit,
baii, moar, JapiA plums, aPotd, peaches, ~d
pbin4astes tidO'600 beaIing pine app eplantt. -'the inb
year *V* $1,G00 fi;od pine appei alofde 18 aclWin otnaD
manutlfu Mea flter likes, one near the hOise and full 6f
use. This is the hazdjpPeat loeatiqn in the aetlement. '
ewia of perpetual roses and alt lnds of shrubberey andflfoi
ar 1& 6otagenht dvb inSI/ht lit tharedosalo g
OWM6e, teMgirai o rme, hani, heht'rhe,';"dxl8m and'ib lin
laid'6'n te edge of tte'pace, and now liUlldingi 2j
the St. Johns River, 6~tL a td, 2,4. froi the Wekeva
. qsiah and bentiy. 9pa qqt4 8 sao al,
iltrlw p
ak, Oraige
i. Partly in
culture. 256
flgg au many
snow. 'Tbn
lgs, guatra,
lste,; rpdms,
Ebh fbi table
rWeity vari-
rers. There
bttes, poet-
eof railtoad
Ultfe from
River. La-
khit, and
piasx, ge' ,arbor, bsr. An, ,ote,. wit hoqq k 4b, jinakipg
.: *|i()l apifsisuRdafe p, with
SwMt. insIc, A a*PWRlpW,, biOh^B$4*PN t*3*SjR, andOevy-
4Badj O c9Jtor WDaoqy, .AJ nrgwy ,of o)WCJ~a ad, lrQon.0 tnaer
fal9p9,)Dtro^ 4ne aofl 44 fa tleny )4 9Wlpcqs' 4hw> Iwed
/i *,I
I', 91 t I
|, !t',-,-*'
'$ j$LI I I. tbft if. i,
-1*d **'* S -. 3.
*Ite tor.*n,1rjD ftw eioQprtm ln weaB.soA i2Qeaaon^ I PErf$idy
.ko^Uhy.- fift9f 11J62ZflQA41IAOO Itt o.7 : (I; r',: K t It *d f
* rT***...- *Kt I>;No .D Or, S^'MARCO. l **** <*! '< si;-- *
200x200 foot lot, directly
Augustine. 21 variette aP
UliveO, o.ge,4era
north of 61d'S. WM ?, 'N",
ftitnd) share tales, including
le.gpoogo1eo8ge taM. .^ lBoat
thetsky st.
date palm,
houe .with
yacht, ro ba, nd, y.gall wWi"h4 -pt$
QplnlJ 9sWideqkltclnu $' pm.ipoit, o
No,' .1I ,ORANGE
17x260' foot lot, uith- lae'residemeo on
id a corner lot and notifatrrom the wkart
38a9, with.kitohen.ttaghed. 8 reoms'in
mOdern style ; wide doubler veraqdse ':to
the river. The house was built ten years
nicely painted, light sis
rounding the house is a
varieties, three budded
plum, peach arid plun
place has been well kep
Price $6,000, it
pver $00. ,Houqe has minp
rice (7,500. .. .
the main etmeet,Oraoge Park,
ago, ai
ate oolor, with white trim
, all
se is twm
well fur
, wet oV
f the best
green blib
choice flower garden, '50 orange trees of
lemon trees, two Japan persimmon, 2
it up and is in good condition,
furnished $6,600.
out b
) stories,
shed in
i. Sur-
cistern and
No. 42.
160 acres at Putnam Hall,
acres under fence,
woods. The cleared land is hammock, the balance, is pine,
x46, painted, six large rooms, piazzas and entries; new bar
and other necessary out buildings. Store 18x32, a good st
Ing goods. 200 orange trees, 4 are 80 years old. The 4 tl
10,000 oranges a year. 5 more bear and the balance will
years,75 peach trees bearing, pomegranates, figs, mulberry
Ac. price $4,500.
e uncleared
. House 56
n and stable
and for ell-
rees average
bear in two
tree, grapes
No. 48. D:
A grove of 20 acres of young
six to eight hundred blossomed
the bulk of them
als out houses.
thobsand trtMe, 4
will bar, :
Alsob, 14 o
aad 8 year
34 .1
Il <. 'JljL-^<
trees, set
this year.
year,. Finu
er 10 acr
old. The
out at Drayton Island. From
In thi grove, of 1,200 trees
e cottage and servants house,
te lots, containing about one
land has sold from $100 to
.. -- l^' aeSa I. At-a --- ^
owne hb
losr Mdl
tae It the 9up0l oft $mpbts'4a k yto1 1nil
M. rut tohe lrg river frot wfr pt
of tss. Tb. mA grove wrl:be old fore 61000.
tP~bd~(lrait0, fl.&Cf flW. ai ,, it
> -M
ENo fL. 4 fSV. *- .: 4
81l aert at' Oaule, HW n i hC ab Mfr, biMdW taosi 9 bteB
clad'aad h ia s tst'of dtlst hvoI. Hn bedau itia M tbwbt
15 year fa market garden hfar 1,000 orMia tt'ide tir6 r
& L
old.up to bearing age; grape vines
olir, egaat, banana, plma
Located on the eat aide of the t.
utnbout. daily. 2 boe, barm,
buidiang. The pl oe h d out l
lot haa a river front. Price 6.500.
Sdiffesent varieti p$ach,
Slemons, Japan pe.rrimos Ac.
rohins Brer. Coammtat by
rork shop, hen houw and oter out
o of 10 to 18 areaeab. Each
No 8. ANFOD.
S0 sores, one mile south at of Sanford. 1,000 full grown orange
trdes, half in bIering, balance will bear in one year. ly one o4l
house on the plane, but there Is the material on the gqund, brought
Pfm the north, for a good new house. Theie are bout a doaen lemon
trees, pine apple, fgs dc. This is one of tie beat groves of its size in
the county. 15 acres In cultivation. Price' (20,00.
60 aore, an old improved farm, 8, mile from. Arligtom 80
lear od d under cultiv
The improvement t cons
en, oue log building ad
year old, balance from
2 lago fig trees 15 years
white soupemong gnp.e
abadadoe. Good well,
etm, of running water
rahpe. FPrioes 8,600.
atlon, balance in .wood, phae uad hardwood.
st of one houas of there rooms atd ahed kltchb
2 aheds. 800 orange trees, 1 beIS og, dane
1 to 5 years old. 26 peaoh tree, 8 lemno and
Sold, 1,Q00 plum tare, all benng,; k are of
, apd i ltull eqLg; beirtub otevery kind in
a never falling opdig offne w pr, and r good
. The laud i high hamo and rlling; no
t 4
Ct i .275tree9, from 4 to 75 yqsqj; a.
fr roml on o S. Ji ) %
*t -- < -- tt A< w *
be.4uog,') ~lhsi
MhbeaR i W *- *
Ut isrr4'r.1
- 'I
1a0 acre.
Sb6ea sk hote 'sad bau O
-d o
wttit tbe doot,' 0 sm andw onltlvnafo, the blame Is pnea, ok
and hickory. Tb lsad is high wad rolalg td dlst, oab detxdai b,
md ila the enter of t.e s ~ l dt with pgrot all about. It djobrns
the bez ted of HMnry Ward Beber. Tb. oomuty u.d Iom
Welts, 1 miles distant paMM by tbheo. re.re good rob-
MHstat bousm all about uM amd
Prioe 2,400.
owned by wealthy uor* ru people.
80x80 foot lot oa TrMnaurer Strt, 8. AouaStie. The hone. o old
style and not very large, but in very foe condition ; 10 beIag orage
tree, sad other emi-tropical fruit trees on the place. Two 8tret
back from the sea walL Prioe 6,000.
80 acres. all cleared, located about one mile back from the St. Johns
a -
River, at Mount Royal. The land is high and rolling, and there is a
small lake on one corner of the place that is full of fish. The .tract is
in the midst of beautiful clear water lakes, all healthy apd free from
limestone. On 40 acseres there are three set of orange trees, one grove
of 200 trees are bearing and are from 8 to 10 years old, and hbaa boon
bearing about 80,000 per year.The other grove of 200 tree. are 4 years
old, some budded and bblarg; grbting rapidly and all will bear inside
8 years. Also 260'sweet stump, 4 year old, partly budded; ere
ofstrafrberrea. Some very One orange trees in yard of house, abk,
some exoeedimrlr Bae bases plsamt. The other 80 sores se oleoed
sadis good orange
71 soe of land
teed, and under a
ptie, oak sad lhicko
bth rosm and kit
two Mor, al Id nda
land. Price tor
the h e and 40 sores of trs &c,
No. 61. MADISON.
1% mile from Madikon. Ohe half cleared, well
i good 'troe c'o ,ZMtltIon, balance well wooded with
rPy. ine dwelling oontsaing sren robt&, b.ildes
hen, all In good oonditlon; mrouMided by yeat of
of phaded' ta ad *owen, pouagr nateb, orange
orab apple, Japs plums, ad po sad fibet' ut
oaide go pot of NO Wbebg tfre Adotoning the -an
_ ____
first class stock farm ar.it:ia Mtt'watcredt /Price $10,000.
S. ..* 6,o6a. SJT. AUGCU8TIBS :T ..: '
60, acres, sirxmilesr from St. Augauine, nodeillkrom U e;Mbataasss
.. River, on the border of BImabll deam, calbdi MoJlttie ak,5Cra There
is a gotd private'landing o the pla town athe FeaohnlM 's lad-
ing, and is the test landing ocmthe' oreek. Tfflreib khik od, 6 1reoa
on the place in an excellait and healthy location. oJA abasndiaoe'of
blh and oysters in the 'water on the place. Btideeh tbe creak eom-
all al
a litt:
ip tothe place, there ar
and across the ple. ~.
eog their course and n
bluff, between thd two
Lcres, near the building
le ground near the house
e two streams
These sthtamB
ever dry up.
streams. The
were undef ena
of fresh watertmiaing par
are f~d by numerous springs
The house' i situated -on a
house is not mastered. A
tivation a few years ago and
been planted
with grapes, figs, or-
anges &c.
Price $8,000.
son to
acres in the
on Castle L
are a few ac
live in until
No. 58. PUTN4M COU
town of Saratoga, Putoam
ake, and some of it orpens
res cleared and a small houn
he was able to build a bett
County. A part of this
I very near Saratoga Lake
se ob it suitable for a per-
or one. Price Der acre.
No. 64. LEV
4,700 acres known Dibble's Sugar,
at Rose
,the latter
lywon th
acres of
Levy Co
leading from
r place. The
east aide and
Pine land lies
unty. T
land lies
on the w
Vegetable and Fruit
plantation is situated on the Tranwit
to Cedr Keys, apd. tea miles from
both sides of the rajrad, but main-
road and the Gulf copa. Some.SO0
side of the road, the balance on the
east, and nearly all of this is in what ,is knoi
acknowledged to b.e the best body of land in
ments consDiepf alqut 600 acres, by estiwatik
sugar works, four small frame dwellings, pe
sbp,,baran, stables, several negro calina etc
qrange trees, ,et in groves, .frop 6 ,,t, 9.,'Je
them will bear next year, and some 4,000 in
old. In addtion,there are grape ine,., petc
hAr Tr a LtlmKa 4. l firs, na klle av.j1 a4
vn as "Gulf Hammock,"
tbeS&4te. .The improve-
in, of lredlan~d, a ,eam
w store .ouse, blacksmith
I. There are .abqut. 4O0
Sold.; a good many of
nursery from 8 tp 7 yprs
;h tree pecan and MIl-
_ --_ w
L *J ) '&w V 4 4 '/
' -' T
ably suited for stook raising, as there
pine woods in the Summer and, in the
prairie in winter Price $30,000.
No. 55. 5. AN
20 sores, fine rolling pine land, 80
back from the river. l the land is
trees, all budd e l. rill bear fruit
past three years. d house, that
h an; extensive range in the open
evergreen hammock and coast
feet above the river, and ( mile
cleared and' fenced. 800 orange
this year, 50 ye borne for the
cost ($q0O, th ten rooms, all
barge. Besides or ges are dates, palms, q, lemo
limes, peaches, onds, grapes different kin pin and
of 9,000 young age tree. The place is on hill, and
two story trat large and commodious. Sa steo is 5 mile
Palatka, and ose to schools, churches, P ., stores, &c. 'I
is in the center of the place, and in the midst of a wealthy a
and fine place. There is a railroad now building in the place.
1,000 seres and over, within five miles of Leesburgh. It
orange land, and was selected 14 years ago by the owner's bro
S, citrons,
a nursery
ouse is a
, south of
'he grove
s all fine
other, who
lived there. Price, $10 pet
No. 57. H
40 acres, near Bonifacio.
* acre.
Six sores are cleared and u
under fence.
sweet seedlib
1 mile from
40 acres,
order, some
hall runninL
beach a!
There ,
age in grove, six years old, besides other citr
P. O. Fine fishing. Price $1,000.
20 acres cleared and fenoed. 800 sweet se<
7 m
bore last year. 7
'e 80
fruits. A g<
.through tho
house stands
I around the
Orange trees
)od f
ftont of the hnuse; one mile
otel or oonntry store. Price
Us trees.
edlings in grov
r year old lemon trees, limes and other
rame house with four large rooms, 10 foot
re of the honse, also a 10 foot piaza in
feet from the beach, shell walks to the
. All noesry outhouses, stables, 0o.
bore last year. Clams without end in
to P' O. This is an excellent place for
, #4,000, Also 400 acres of good, high
olaS, oI hig pine land, good .i. vegetable laud.
tao k"b J '
'' 1 1w. nILLSBOzOaGfl COUNT.
- i-
> -
60 soar, oontainlig 400 oras tea jta u t ot, 4 to.6 yews old,
m aile from the other pl c. Prios, I,00 :. .j .
120 acres, t mile from the first plam a oOfdrtab log hoe, 3S
bearing orange trees, and .other tras, incudipg guavu, baansa, Mo.
Price, $1 L00. .: ,.
20 scres with house of two rooms and barn. 18
frait, 700 orange trees, lemons, guavas, limes, Ao.
now bearing, the orange trees will bear in two or
place is two miles east of Tampa, on Nebraska Ave.
fenced. .Two railroads will be finished to Tampa
Price, $2,200.
88 acres, 8 miles south of Jacksonville
Johns River, 25 acres in orange groves, and
protection and water front, boss to the
hour to Jacksonville by row-boat.
tide water, the land forming a blot
and good soil. 2,000 orange trei
all will bear in two years. There
and utensils, also stable. This is
The lis
at the ri
Share set
a one ho
1 on
acres set out with
The lemon tees re
three yesar This
The place is well
inside of 9 months.
the east side of te St.
I in grove order. Fine water
city several times a day, 3
nd is some twenty feet above
ver, and is the best hammonok
out in choice budded frees,
for help, a mule and car
very fine location for a winter reei-
denoe,being convenient to Jacksonville, and is a first-class in vetmentas
ai orange grove. Price, $20,000.
No. 62. TAMPA.
40 acres, 6 acres clear of timber, 15 acres fenced, new frame boune,
18 01, With exteriion or kitchen porch. rl6 orange trees rtoi 4 to 10
yias oldr, 800 ttawbeW y tines, 4 kinds of limo and sioe oikr fruit.
'ie pIace t '6cte 1i2 miles north of Tamp'' BHigtfiftn. lntid ae
oi's & tab.' todited on the math rod. Saw milll thne lake.
PIe *yW O'; -* .' .
.*) 'i 'r' a itt't *. '"' *
acres, 80
in fruit t
Ia a
1Uu. gO. *atactmOVn V ALUe
under thoro on, and
e from 5 18 asr od. nur.
trw from 1 to y4n ol$oo o
gape-fruit, -itrao, -ro-ps, i
5 ,.. 'a
* 'p.
. I
rT C^i ^ i | ''- .i*., r *: '^ ^
r I
d4ss anr ftd
aa d
Saaftdwl& t
clm'w~ cadoel
ve reltr aboutt 4 yewr oM,
CtaLotScttte D IIfttl&
od htoe~s 4
I, m mile from
Owb. Fir.
kfS *
u .u5. OaA sNE utiuoffwrr. ^
100 sores of very flne or 'lan'lud at Orange Mills, with a river front.
Price pei sre, $80.
18 half sre lots, with house of8 room, in Bunchville, 6 miles east
of Tampa, on the proposed Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West R.R.
and the Live Oak, Tampa and Charlotte arbor Railroad, with a good
prospect for a lively town. The house is painted and nicely finished.
Store building 18x86, both buildings are new, only one year old. A
good place for an orange grove. House and lot enclosed all about with
a good picket fence. Price, $1,200.
10 acres at Sylvan Lake, flrt-elas pine land, 5 acres cleared, 800
trees planted of both orange and lemons; 100 are bearing, and many
more will bear next year. The trees ar seven years old. More than
10) of them are budded with standard varieties of choice o apgee. 20
peach trees bore 2 bushels of peaches last year, pomegrnates, ip,
gnaws, mulberries, blood shaddocks, .pp fruit, bananas, pine apple,
cherries, grapes, date trees, L. Thle bro
clar Atr lake, and within stfew iaudred yr d of Sylvan Lake,
h is two me long. The place' fened wit bart b d' fr' Badl-
use within ha mile of place, anotMr within 4 mi re. '2 mines
8t. Johns Biver. The mest healthful pha in Orange County.
I hunting and sig. Spltadfd *'tuter home. The owner was
bo ituias by kg bin.; Jiw .ohola, 4bureb, P.O. tdkgwapb,
pety is situated
on a
- e '4,i
t I -
Priboa M 62,00.
Zi^' 4Cl .lay Cb
- n.,j i I- I
f CLAY' CQUUyh o
A ,.ldiSw Ma: Sfltf
4 S
* 4-.
J t) l -,
'3d Stew tt {S'
arC bet hfw Il~i isi Le -/
Sl.,; r *
: A grove of 700 ornge orange e~7 ase'atrt r Cove, Q maebodd-
di with the best swetiei, including 60: tsamudi tnse. ,.. plae, i.
oc.ted on a cove of the St. Johns River, which bA, f mbi s wide, here,
good wharf
rich, sandy
on the place, also steam
hammock, 2 mails daly,
Sboat landing. The~1ed is. good,
2 btsc dy each way. The bl*.
ance of the 700 trees afe sweet seedlings, 50 trees have borne and are
bearing. All will bear in about 2 years. The grove ha two beautiful
building sites on it, there being four fine large oaks on each site. Along
the front of the river (400 feet) the growth is mahogany, cherry and
gum tree. It is nicely located for any one wanting a nice winter home,
as well as a good paying grove. Price, $5,000.
139 acres at Bonifacia, 12 acres cleared and under fence, and u6der
a good state (* cultivation, 560
old, 6 large bearing fig trees,
trees, 60 bear; 50 guava trees,
bananas, grapes, &c. Frame
otde houses. The place froe
abundance of fish, oysters and
faci P. O. is on the place. I
sufficient water to navigate a g
hotel. Price, $1,800.
No. 72. B
orange trees, 15 bearing, balance 6 years
50 lime trees, 6 are bearing; 75 lemon
all bearing; 6 pear trees, 8 pomegranates,
house of 2 rooms for servant, barn, no
its Boca Leiga Bay, where there is an
clams, fine boating and bathing. Boil-
Good neighbors, and within 800 feet of
rood sized steamer.
Good location for
SO acres at Tituaville, a beautiful place situated on a lake
wide and from tjrne to tour in length, 300 orange trees just
sx acres in trees. Small house, situated near Indian Rirer, in
County, Fla. Price, $800.
1, 10 aere on Lake Gran, a grove f 400 1 y- old sMdl
under good plank fence, 100 acre cleared, 20 morm of good:hai
balance good pine 3andn. Log' ho a,.pasbly eood outhonM
4$tn rQl F UGa 91P 06wlUthgoodp jAfe. 8j
tQAto!A4UIOA 4M, Bogtlaan,?toqt Ldt ,rslb
N.IL. end of Lake t, Bue acmi naiiDror4..: & Jutb ibolut
one mile
usgs, all
m, about
1v,74, P 4JY ,Q COUNT..
1f .qren pieana4.d oA ad.4% jile fr < Juqpqtop Cr.t 844,1K
mile %o t apt Mandarian steW ost Irzing.. 2 pce. c.arqdiad
ferqed 10 orange tea seapt put. .0, bepr an~prduoce 20,000 oragea a
yea^ 1265 ursey trees, 4 to 5 yo ua old. Othep.e mi-tropical fruit.
Good well of water on place. Building not very good. Price. $1,600.
Also 22 acres hammock land, ( mile from above place, 13 acres cleared.
Will sell for $260.
553J apge of good orange land from M to H mile north of the town
of Ocala Court House, % ol
three room houses now on ii
trees. There is a very fine
forms a small pond, making
then disappears in the base
t, i
would make desirable building lot
500 orange trees set out, mostly bi
t water boiling spring on the place,
fine fish pond. It runs about ten
a ridge of rocks. SO acres of high
e. 8
land, which is very desirable for residence purposes. Priee, $10,
120 acres, 15 miles north of Tampa. This is a tract of the best
mock land in the State. All adapted to the growth of fruit, or
included, sugar and corn. This land will grow 40 bushels of co
the acre, or 10 bbls. of sugar. It will also produce pineapples su
fully. The railroad to Tampa, now building, runs within one mr
this land. Price, $1,200.
rn to
Uie of
65 acre, all h
Al orange land,
situated 8 miles
Suatfr, and is
Primo, $6,500.
igh pine land, with
and fronts on one
N.E. of Ft. Muson,
in Orange County
half mile lake front. The l
of the finest lakes in Florida.
,si eat o Tavaree and 26
, .No improvements on the
land is
It is
rest of
681 ;mei 4 roamed frame house and two. teemeats, a never failing
S wetr eron tiM plieS. Tl pubbHi rad fromn 'GnelrUvi to Os aim
ditMi tbftwb halMe.' The d*llngp ar on the wst haf, andd shr
tha Asbe Jo a teroa of 16t io d heai&a trtee .ud e rSt in nsmule
trt H hJ ye' old t a th t wil beta In in Thd proTt
S-- .. .. a n t.1 --
Bo t t. ALAeA n vOurT
A hoie 1 rt m i' A lh 186f, od'Sotofdis tIB H 4 4
aei of lot 95Sx210 feet T sb o o ai s tddatitAd'v dii
u it s nhear the buin ea nt -,on Oe ha dsmt bi'if
The lot is et eut with being 6rhdge trees 'ad othert Mt.
$8,5I00." I
Nt s
No. 80. .NAM COit.. '
40 shares, 2 miles wet of Crescent City. The lanm is 80 feet above a
beautiful, clear water lle that bounds it on the east. 5 ore of this
is le are d fenced and set in grove of choice bdded orange tees,
al ina very thrifty condltln and wll bear in a year. 806 ae in grove
and 800 are in nursery. There s a 1% story house, 14x20, with wide
verandahs in front and rear, good table, fowl hluse, ic., a well of
very fe water. It is a very desirable place,-on the line of the Palkta
an4 Indian River Bailroad, and will be within "j mile of the CrMoent
City 'depot. The surrounding country Is remarkably' Melthy' ad f
from insects. Prices $1,500. 1
80t otre, oside,
the other side,
Avr, an
on it 100 wild
to set out all
Weraofu iU
the south aide
forming almost
ly protected ftr
d te land "is
orange trees be
I the tfllI$' 1
lln. o byt lis p,
of thu
'an I
)m frr
wl.oage. mes.
e Wtlhaeoochee river and
land, of the bewt orange
s8t Sby timber on the nor
l adapted td oroani j
. It has enough amll
"'t raflwoadfrom Llv
, W,,l,,QO,,
' Take on
and in the
as hit ha
ree s b
re Oak to
R*qg4 PD
N611k CU MPaBrisIW' um 2 .
*'Wbre0 t6hhh*d -atd; os tak^xax*W'tlsM S1* flsot Y~aha, lIt Saily
qommunicatdon with St. Johns and Lake Eustis B.. .tarmitjs; Fort
wasou. MalU boat. rtoj) itlatI tf day; eO 4 oo&iijatWl
khon 1.,0 a p ,dit Mi *
Lnmu boadeSI :J
inL.a. .a a _. fl _S Akl ,.t A'=e Z. ..S.L &.. J.aL _
'I r
r a'
A good wpl of, ,wat o p pd a good house and
3 sDtbles. Thb. .sa tbe pgi I wit. ,Ol,00 pt of the pl~ce,
town just started, oeild Bl.oq$44 biPewn this plose d
Land about here sell for #50 per acre in the rough. Price, $2,5(
10 acres at South Lake Weir, 8 aore eet out with orange and
trees. It has a front on a lake of elear water of 80 acres, full
trout, weighing ten pounds each. It is seveo miles from depot,
be but one when the road is finished to Leesburgh.
of ine
but will
1 acre in Micanopy, in the beest
bearing; good paling fence all ab
part of town, 80 orange trees, mostly
out it; good building site. Price,
80 acres, 4 miles from Sumterville C. H., 23J from depot. Healthy
location. 30 acres are cultivated. It is midway between Lake Harris
and Lake Panhlee. 2,000 orange trees on the place, 150 are bearing.;
1 sugar mill, 8 boilers, 100 head of hogs. This is one of the best orange
regions in Florida. Some of the treae bear 2,000 each. Price, $8,000.
200 sores at Mioanopy, P. 0., 100 cleared and fenoed, M trontipg:
on Lake Wanberg, which is one of the mo beautiful lake.in the Ste,
8 miles from Orange Lake, 13 from Micanopy, 8$ from rlro trane-
portation on the Florida Soutihen, and 12 mile from Gainesville. There
are 1,100 trees set out, 200 are bearing and qOz more will bear in the
next two years, the balance are 4 years old. plenty of o er fruit.
Also a four roomed dwelling houe, 0o4 well ol water. 'A `' tdair
ple' for early vegetable. The owner sold $40 wor of bes, net,
from aore, and fro 1 acre of cuure 60. Ree,
86. uALAA rt.6,T. .ls
a a .7 < *i .* .,I. .
K acre, city of GainsyIe, tee ,e. o3 o orags trees, other fruit,
House of 12 rooms, nice / Yurntrd~is then istched, stable of four
MIU% fit 4W heart' ok & wI*. rWtCt hcm M ^WbtrfM nitl
dI tr ', O G .*' > I. *f' rr .*r1 )ti !t t' '"** i
.!rw .Ai ,r .1 t* :' ir.:" ( f$p" 1r -'f
rO. O.. J* I MvZ V'JXX.s. .
^lA?^ ^ 'l~~~~r ^^'^ 1 ~~rt nrKS ^^ 'if^^ ^'S?
udelftr, holds 600
utensils. One of
88 acres, % lig
set in
bbt., 8 weles hBtse,"a6n abd c
the hesIthleet'ploces tI.Ftorida.
it hammock, balance pine land, 10
orange grove (700 trees), 400 will bear
led with
r. The
)alm for
attt *4 all Mtming'
acres improved and
next year, all sweet seed-
very fine stock, Maltese
from the Mediterranean.
grove was commenced 9
healthfulness and. thrifti-
in the State. Good well of free-
malaria. Price, $7,000.
20 acres at Racino, Lake George.
only one on the east side of the lake.
The land is a high shell bluff, the
There is a grove of 70 trees, with
40 bearing on the place, 15 lemon trees, tangerine trees. House of
six rooms, kitchen, dining room and store room. Stable for 2 horses,
carriage house and two large cisterns. Flowers, shrubbery and 4 large
scuppernong grape vines. A dock could be put in front of house where
all boats could land, 2 poet offices within mile of place, store, saw
mills, school houses, church, &c. This is a desirable place for a hotel
or boarding house, none being here.
.$100 per aore. Price, $2,600.
No. 90. ALAC
can be
had adjoining for
120 acres just north of Hawthorn, 3 mile from railroad station, 86
acres in full cultivation, 10 acres in orange grove, 7 acres from 7 to 12
years old, the balance, 8 acres, 5 years old, 60 bearing trees, also fig
trees, grape vines, Ac. The grove onsists partly 9f seedlings and
partly of budded fruit of the choicest and best varieties for selling.
Healthy and fine orange growing sectlih. Prioe, $4,600.
MQ ,c, Eat J3s*?konvlJZ,1 lyttg between Shellro4 awl 0J
Li w, ,Tu1y Par, 9h tra Ja
north of the toll-gate. There is mall oottage on the plhs, ilK typ,
150 gnape vine and p ,r-tpi fruits. This will
A-k tet^fl rt Ad grg ftRm, and ,to
except a few small trees budc
St. Michael and a varigated
Sa dozen bearing trees this yeai
ago, and the trees will take the ;
There is no handsomer grove
water. All kinds of fruit. No
"- .r
itSP St.q .; .lqcedrin Mprpn Coumty. ,ihs.ia,.iAe#uanp;,elt.
640 acres, 40 acrd~reitWd iWft/o 20 dres*i orange grove.
'grove b 4gstoadmmnehoed to bear ',TiLeplabp e 96- a
si &h, oa:tse .Muljobi .nd .4 beautiful for situation l n
600 acre are :aU fine orange ihd,-is all meps'MeMae
Florida Aitherm. Ther are several fde.hlakesoa the
tiomis on theamdldle of thetract... The price bt4,Be4d0
and-grove is $80,000, or lto the whole phlaee$60,000. O
100 acres. 17 in trove. 26 ti'ees are 27 Vtiar 'old '
large and beautiful. All the pfttdnl jroves
bedded from then trees. ,Over 1,200 trees on
more will beat year, ahd al will bear in t
about Ora
-the 17 aer
three years.
in a flourishing condition. There is on thi police a fan
rooms1 12 cloedte, 2 piazzas, &o. The house is two sto
orange trees sudround it. The yard has a new fenoe, alsc
pure and free water, garden and grove. Price, 540,000.
60 acres fine pine land, 6 acres in young grove, and th
se. wvt o*gPal-
adi health The
mt Station, of the
btMet. oThes-
mild exceedibilv
nge Lake were
es, M bearing,
. They are all
m house of 13
trile high, and
oa well of ine,
avenue of four
rows of Water oaks
These t
very ric
of Anth
, over 1(
wo places join and
Lake, 1 i mile wes
I. Price, $2,000.
bh, six miles south 4
Lony Place, on the
X) yards
are 10 m
t of Penfi
Also, 1
of Ocala,
long, and the avenue is magnificent,
iles north of Ocala, 7 miles south of
n6ula railroad, 4 miles east of Florida
00 acres of.pine.hickory and oak,
in Marion' County, 1% miles west
railroad. It is cleared and fenced
and ready for cultivation.
No. 9
Price per acre, $25.
100 acres on the shore of Silver Lake, and %
mile from Lake Weir
there is a small lake of
out, 3 years old.
healthiest region i
sheets of water in
r opn the
10 acres in the land;
Lake Weir
n the ,State,
the state;,4
No. 97.
south shore
a grove of
region has the reputation
and the lake is Qpeof the m
miles from railroad. Price,
of beautiful Lake Weir, 2 a
aaeU~~~~~~~ ES -r aul -* A Leaa-ata .AA ..
150 trees
of being the
osat beautiful
ores cleared
,AAA 1j4knaf~r
I~ C
JJ^^1 A*Wu 1
back, where
trees are
on a level.
IO5 sore of
culture. It is
Is horse shoe sa
and clear, and
fish in Lake.
mills close by,
Location good
Leesburg. Ra
No. 98. MABION
very good land, 80 aores
situated on a very pretty
hape, the toe extending ini
surrounds the land on thr
Plsoe well fenced; no.ma
100 orange set out, some
and healthy. 2 miles front
ilroad to come very
near t
cleared. All good for o
lake, called Lady Lake.
the water; water is very
ee sides. Great aband.a
rsh on the place, steam
two and 'others five yeaw
m Lake G n, 8
his place. Jf^ t ^V
200 acres, near Fantaville, with fine assortment of fruit trees, 6 to 9
years old, 800 young trees, 50 bearing peach trees, a fine plum orchard,
plums of all kinds. The land is fine high pine, is located 18 miles west
of Ooala and nine miles from Orange Lake, 1 ) mile sohth of Tantuville.
The t farmland in Florida. Two Pecan nut trees worth 6100
each. ,-
j acre lot, corner Union and Hogan Streets.
with 12 room, besides extension; 200 feet of
- Prie, $8,000.
piazza on two
148 acres one pile from Little Manatee river's mouth
and bordering
on the banks of the
in grove order, and
trees. Some of the
About S0 acres cleared
a nursery of 600
orange trees will
grown sour orange trees, also
rooms, is located some 30 feet
market; plenty of outhouses;
right at the door. About 3 i
over 500 bushels of potatoes we
4 years ol
bear next
Ac. Good
the river.
garden lan
om here is
ire raised from 2 series.
800 orange trees set
100 bearing lemon
year. Plenty of
two story house,
Everything near
d; fish, oysters, d
40 acres garden lt
Game, such as
deer, wild turkey and small birds abundant. Price, $2,60.
No. 1o0 2- .^/^ ^
8 lots, 87%x250 each, 160 orange trees on three lots, and equally
divided trees are 9 years old, and some are now Bearing, t blocks from
. t -* Afl, ,tk ,
V' '"r^ -' GW ^
o l103, HANmdo y, Co I.0
of land I Be&rando County, one of 340 sans
other 80 aorm. These tras bods tplspop ta Iph of about l6
are, ar well timbered with pine suitable for lumber, the Meond
half a mile oatuheat o the first. Between them liea oultvrated
Thb lad* are wl adptd to orsqe sad other frut., beiog of
oil, with little underbrsh and easily lerd. Thebe lands are in
of the
State that to rapidly ettlig up, ad offer good
eat in Florida real eate, or for oreage grovmod
known on application.
o grore. one 736 acres the other 94 sores. The
thdd for
th likb.
Sat tel
an in-
cream are
bearing orange and lemon trees. The 73 acre lot is valued at $10,000.
The other grove is younger, yet many of the trees are bearing and full
of fruit Value, $25,000. Both are in ine condition and are destined
to be the beet in the State, being right opposite Palatka it is near trans-
portaion. A steam ferry lands at the wlhnf by this plen every half
hour. There is a good house for help on each grove. Niy 6500 tree
on both plaoe are bearing. One ma takes cre of both for $26 per
month and finds himself.
860 acres, 8% miles south of Oeala, high rolling, first-claw I
land, 100 aores cleared, S00 orange tree from 7 to 18 years. old
80 years old, also hearing lemon .kree, grape fruit and citron
ing. A lake of 20 acres and fall o fisk on the place. An old 1
only, on the place. From $1,600 to $2,000 is made yearly
place. Price, $16,000. Also 820 sores in Sumpter County,
in flrst-lass hammock, balance rolling pine land.. An orange
830 trees, 15 bearing this year; twenty acre are cleared.
I, 21 trees
Small bear-
og house,
from this
100 acres
grove of
limes and other fruit. All the tree should bur in two years more.
Railway surveyed within 1% mile of plie. Primo, $6,000.
No. 106. NEW SMYRNA.
8 acre, the Oea. House, the great resort for hunter, tourists and
fishermen. TI loubo 4e i~ l4 from the an bach, and it overlooks
the ocean. The houe i. 48x86, two store and atlo, 24 sleeping-rooma,
2 ptlorn, dining-room 16x40, kitchen, servant rooqa, smoke house,
Two tnac
half furnished.
"e,' 576b
mtce 8ofrtd on
* :Bmi 6' mles Bt~hof' We'9 rdi "." WM I 6~e'v#e.
[.s(.., il ,,\ .'L1: I ; itC Pt ;I .1 itjI '1;2' *t t
,,r,^ I.,. ; *a. .* a~v Y, ::~Dlrl~mf,* t. i 7 Bi tl ^:i
.1 160'amerw tinLe Ooafly4;1dcSEo G &PetciiWa sr, httftlt'tzd
.hanumok laidv aB4ftt-claMs mil *tro 'Akhtihr.T: I, e *E au hir
fenoe id aditnvtsow ; iaver guoed:rtnu' hou a',nd tfo- r f ve hl-
.drad o aige te.m,
ready to bear
enough to set
raising, fruit,
surrouPd4 bJ
9pan ty of fe
wr;'fty' ate
b*rit th batl'te
; also a good peach and plad'air'td; rbattdd
out & sore, tndZo:pktti bf the State is better adaj
Gyod group ntofp vegetable. &c0. The Pi is,
the two beautifpl,ake s..ad s.b.4y grovef:a.4
Ih of different kinds moke the place very derabl.
)ted to
. gredt
qa\il and duck shooting in the fall aod winter. 9 Price,.18,600, .
No. 108. DE.B AIND. -
40 aoreas on Lake Winnemise6t, havy hammock, and a very ine
building site, lake front, and a felaskb in the center covering 9 scre
$40 per aere. 46 aoree adjoining 2nd class ammock, has a lake front
price $30 per acre; also, a small grove of S acres of budded tres, three
years old, on hammock lad, ht 6 frodt. All thbee are 2H miles from
De Land. A good healthy location. No malaria and thebest.of water.
Good society, scbhols and churches. Game very abuadaut.
No. 10*.
I hate a princely estate of 500 acre o) 'the St. Jobels iyver, which
oost thie present owner $80,000. I ame authorized to sell it for $16,000
cash. There are' 500 bearing orange trees upon it, eacb tree worth at
the lowest rating, $50 each; this would amount to $25,060 alone.
is t splendid mi
and boat bouse
of good land.
plose,yet I will Ull it
Bet'Of reaonas ven
"" \ *it' No.
mnsiot upon it which cost $8,000. There
where steumer. lind every day, and there
Thirty tbo said dollnMar would be cbeap
for $15,0001 ta bffer is mnid d the xft I
why the tur klbea to dell. '
n~o. strntagtrflez~t4. ;~ -'
'I have aiso, thefnet grove in ot
t I .1 tr, i
is.a fle
are 500
for the
)90 days.
I 4 ,piqoQo.
W tw sal<
98M acren, of the choieset land in Florida, described s follows:
66 soree fet-elm pine, high plateau;
mock, put of Phillippi, high and dry; 2
but not subject to overflow;r and 8 asre
All the sad is well wooded, and has a
16 are of the
0 aeree low pine
at Oyster Bayoi
bay front of ove
richest ham-
and palmetto,
a mile.
The water of the bay is salt and no malaria is
The bay abounds in the fnet oyster on the Gulf
water is alive with many kinds of fish. The largest
near up to shore a shown by U. S. Government Coast
The tract adjoins the old Phillippi orange grove now
Halaley and Mr. Dick Booth, of Ocala. Bay View is
office, yd is thj
considered the n
land to be
at the head
well .
of O
a vie'
deed a beautiful
The owner is
figure. In fact,
200 feet front
in this
ree miles distant. The tract adjoins j
nodel orange farms of South Florida, i
adapted to All kinds of semi-tropical t
lid Tampa Bay, on Safety Harbor, on
w of 20 miles on a beautiful sheet of
site for a retreat-a home.
a non resident and the property will be
it must be sold.
No. 112. HOTEL.
on Orange Street. Hotel is 40x70, ha
and the
]an come
owned by Prof.
e nearest post-
groves that are
rhiob proves the
ruits. Situated
high land that
water. It is in-
at &
i 19 bed rooms,
parlor, office, dining room and kitchen. The bed rooms have either an
open fire place or a flue for a stove pipe; large windows, also transoms
over each door, securing good ventilation. The house is two stories
high with a flat tin roof. There are two large cisterns giving plenty of
water, besides a pump on a drive'well 68 feet in depth. The house is
completely furnished. The ground is on half of a block, the oti
half is occupied by the Court House. There are 18 bearing orai
trees on the lot and a garden which supplies the house with vegetab
the year round. The stable has accommodation for six horses. Wc
shed, servants quarters, water closets Ac. Three blocks from the rif
and two from the R. R. depot. The lot is very valuable, room enou
to extend the building to over 800 rooms. Insurance very light.
good business is done here the year round, and a rushing business
the winter. Price, $15,000.
Nn 11_ ( CR E RNT fl'TY.
and dry and is surrounded by ftue lakes AedtaIilng good fish.
30 acres
of the taud Ie clearedd adhielodlnl~Yrne tem o, A'~ 'inrl e~r-
table hlme of aour rolcwa stable ma l bd'mltaod fl r-wd mrvebr.
One hundredlorangu aen s~e tout itn '*rdtre esom rAtabt
plenty of othefranlt. 14000feswdtn gdtat wit rdor, bua
out'ncxt:spriug,< andsmbout 68 budded treas that: t n
The land not oleamd is very fne .timber: Thee ifr t: an
scres. Convenientte schools, ehurobee &e. Prie jeW,.
81) acres with 8,300 of orange trees from 6 to 9 and 10 years old.
Will all bear in two yean,500 will bear. in one year, all set out in grove
order. This is the handsomest grove at Orange Park. The land fronts
on the beautiful St. Jobos River where it is about 5 miles widA. 80 of
.these trees are lemon,
the balance are orange trees. Price
A o 8 acres which adjoin the hotel site,. fronting
feet. .The trees( 150) are 7.years old. 8,000 nur
dian River" fruit, and all the trees the same stock.
with brick foundation, 12 rooms. Price $10,000.
g on tl
sery tr
I, $25,000.
bees, all "In-
Also adjoining the above with a river front of 150 feet, 2 3 acres all
told. 200 trees, some bearing; they are all from 6 to 10 years old.
This is a good site for a residence. Price, $8,500.
Hamlet in qaesto taOrange
To b*, or mot to buy? (an orange grove,) that ti the questkn :-
WheWr fl wther ih anmma to' balSh
TWm mpiavl rMm qfs tpplem) oime:
Or to led some damu4of our Utim tQ an wange grove,
And, by buy~fn, Mecure thetamf 'ij ay, to look
No asongedt Itbetimstrwemd
The lung-l he, and 4the thouaad oold troubles
Of nltbhern ilalida, '~t a eaas tionu
Dnbsdb Lobe *lsrbashed;*c4 '4t'fy flid
Thb bqea, buld ap tihe iM mUadrsd aoiy rthe world-
To buy, perchance, a fortune. *Ae, there's the rub,
Ir ristlC t Minodii IS wdlTi bE bMUk
Why w..haweshead .o4Ns aothum omne
west give no pause; thoe's the respect
That makes promptness of so much pra e
For who wieadddru.ta^| 1fMlttM rbliaa ;
rphr *rr M *.C~Jiibd if AL teklSM I'flAM~k
JMt fMb the okld ofitauAt and xpesolve wives-
oMazodIg us et.modeama sthetle ttarnlng-pnzle your will
And make A ratherb br those ills we have
Than uharard.bei~g taken in and Dunn for?
Thus women do mike cowards of us all,
ASthuatsebae e h t of many a purchaser
Iealohed 1r* wtih leple aut o< thought,
And enterpriaia.mm of will and spirit,
With this regard brom buying, turn away,
And keep the name CONSUMTIVE.
As an investment for a future Income there is nothing surer in this country, for
the reason that the crop is sure every year; also, sahr they censmene to bear,
the flret two years' crop will naually pay fobr aR Opense In matunri the Rrove.
Including a liberal amount for Interest on the nvrentment The older orange trees
get, the better they become, up to a hundred years old. They require care and
attention, and if this is given them there Is no tree in the country that shows a
more rapid growth than the orange-the healthy, thrifty trees have no enemies.
It is the neglected groves., with the ground overrun with weeds, and the trees
with deadwood and insects, that beonme stuatedead sow In thb growth
Now let us look at the profits In this enterprise: Five acres Including land and
preparing san tor 70 to the acre, wli.cost, all .ploted, $375 this is on basic ot
land at $15 per acre. We sell the land at all. prim, from $5 an acre up according
to loaties oan estimate as to cost. will be in proportion to eat of land. You
ma have-putout t er old aweet seed4 or sour, stumnps.- tfpm S to 4 inches
In diameter, or sweet or sour budded seedlings. Generally' the trees will com-
men to bertry l large budded trees in 3. years. At 4 years they would average
100oranwes ac.h, at the lowest cadculation. The next year they would bear 300
each. This is the rlfthvymr, and at 2 per.hundred they- would brlng $6 per tree
or 040 per sere-the eot. hn beeo $75-per neor to start on.
Partles whoare settled here and make it a baiuness will contractt to care for
them at 6 pr Are during the entire year. If you want cemmerclal fertilizers
umSd they will apply them but youanmaut fanlsah them. This would be $126 per
year to car fOr the same. Say, Jdd.forthezfAt three years $100 for fertllrwIs, "-
thuSnmddi g der I san 5 years, .38., added to the original, cost, $375, would
.make your grove oot eleven hundred doUa et. The e a estimated product of .
the sam the fifth year would be fer the 6 ascrs $JQ at ;deast, and understand
this product is elalmed.only on, providing your grove has the bet of attention.
Nmw ut tblsadown one hai, and call It $1 per hundred Instead of $q,,the trom
tA tmanl nin, -at nrlnmna,,a In Ihaanw nof tmn at thil. m tha eron of the fifth
average 1600 oranges each, at one cent each, it
3,760 from 5 acres. When oranges are sold 1
groves, they will be sold on the street corners
At this price it will increase the consumption
are the beat oranges grown in the world, and
will give you a group income o(
Plorida at one cent each in the
Cf the north at SO agent per dozen.
n fold, for the reason that they
at thee prioe they will drive out
*t A -l .k .
ot the country the pale, sour. insipid Mediterranean oranges, wat are pioSli
green and change their color in transit, but do not ripen.
With all these facts in view, and they are facts and not theories, can the limited
amount of land in Florida adapted to growing the orange sucoestully, overdo
the orange production-when you bear in mind you have 4 months in which to
market your crop, also a yearly growing foreign demand, during December and
January, for this, the most delicious of all oranges? We answer no! And u
you investigate the enormous consumption of oranges, you will readily ee that
.h *,.-- ...it 4...-- ia,. 4^ lAmA ts mll the nrrtno Florida en
IlC LWU i UULIUtIeLts Wil, o IUU Iiatily M yars oi' c -,l --- mat ---- ------
grow at remunerative prk*s.
To-day in desirable locations in Florida you can buy a grove just compendlag
to bear at less than $1,000 per acre; we have shown you what it costs, so you can
see the profits in the enterprise. Where els in this country can you get sunoh re-
turns for your investment. And in all this we have not made any calculation for
the Increase of value In land as the State is being settled up.
The article on the ost and product of Orange Grovt, many will sy is
largely overdrawn. Any assertion made In this paper 1 am prepared to hbak up
tO the letter. If I cannot, I pubMcly challenge anyone to publish this enterprise
as a frand (and I will pay the bill) As t the products of Orange Grove, t will
say. Mes. Bowen Bros. of Mandarin, (acron the river from Orange Prk). will
tesl anyone they paid one of tie grower In thatvldcnlty $W) for the orange
they picked from trees growing on les than three fborths of an acre of land;Dr.
licks, of Areadl,(elght miles from Orange Park), will tell anyone he ells his
entire crop at from 8.00 to $6.50 per hundred, he has trees beMing over 000
Oranges each; Col. Dancy, of Orange Mills, will Infonrm anyone that his trees fr
years have averaged him over 10 per tree above all expenses C. G. Crane. BEq..
of Mandarin, win also infrm anyone that lart eaon hbe picked d sold from
Mrs. BL B. Stowe's Grove the ftuit of seventy. ave tite, and after paying all
expesm In wharketing the same, paid her as nett profit, $100; (this nnrmber 6f
trees can easily grow on a ae of land.) A. M. Reed, of Mulberry r.ove,
whteh Joins brange Park on the north, will show anyone a teS plauk by
his daughter I years ago. The fuit from it last year would hae samoun
to i75, alro, at this place you can see an orange tree that bers hom b~O to
7.M orannm vearlv. 'flms Intanom of aNr ltb obtaliad' In tS lin6 eoaltse
.3 .
'S ^
.' 7