Florida, its soil, climate, health, productions, resources, and advantages

Material Information

Florida, its soil, climate, health, productions, resources, and advantages with a sketch of its history. A manual of reliable information concerning the resources of the state and inducements to immigration
Florida Land Agency
Place of Publication:
Jacksonville Fla
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
104 p. : ; 22 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Description and travel -- Florida ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


General Note:
Advertising matter on p. 62-104.
General Note:
Cover title.
Statement of Responsibility:
compiled by the Florida Land Agency, Jacksonville, Fla.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
024451584 ( ALEPH )
01700252 ( OCLC )
AAP9524 ( NOTIS )

Full Text


'* <

-ibht tsRnr 3n^ JLjM^^ PPJ* I) : *Util V'
;fajBodtfi Tni 19fi'fRJZ9ix 4rTrZi9uttde 1f' Frit~u h>'fJ^^( ,J'sto.
toSdsd6 trx '4 cr1T r n.-iJ l-t''j,'fnuJ
50fl,,tVLIMAel, HtlJALTH, 8A AUlU^^i^jWM AlP^
-:* T .n *jr *.S A.J MI f.;o -i :'*^ A .^ ^^ &:.' **- *r t .; i *< "

,.-t: *D *AI. ./. A -.-i ,* --- '.t. ^ ^. .% '. ;; >* V.' ^l^
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.l Oof this: prn*ii ut o< not teary di t qeMy
,aaot to t Irotf ,porldtalredyo 4 ttd
Iei 4of Florida because thete ptiltweat ad n te dn

StliMS !t i.bor nethats .t e What hats bwn &oeai 4tt

Atte:.,ttAriuf ni the winr d .t &b(
b utud have been the tabe mnfuts ofi thousansraato come
1 d eYn noe asetdinet th. emergency, it atn w xefo
alfeieb ,pourilo rdaI, wllee" "y wbotover tae bwhl e'otintte,
iskl hadna )htMio yth.keia tiofre h;tir, to advertise tf
hr Ba~fota wrcsr to La hettip.e World, the tmowrhee Leodbi vad
t~ mweh pe Wo have Mtf that 'we -had a'dtyin thfih dtiWi Ut
iad abno ve that drttig the n years-we mav wdtttMti
'ad .IS red 1ss be hlf, w baw ready alcoitpithed soviet aMg
not only towards infoming the wofld ha reerd' t this beatt.fa l
la, but have been the means of inducing thousands to come
nd enjoy its advantages.
The lorida Aipesg w,of.w c) during .the three and a
half yearswe .pubtflTiedit, we sei abroad over tie whole'continent,
oi .lMy m cp wa(es f'ertdi 'agency in opening'
t4bi yet of the wor t view of the mdy thls
kEiGd iMd* ad their are tboufdsa of actual ests ainr Ploridkt
ts9 rwhobrwi goilt tw the as the means bwhl& led theo
midsl bhoes wlkdbr Ac eatimaMe oition of O.ape ek&tt,
*inwnty fcm Sttdaton 'Yignias, ealted at our s aq n ftwkda
ufi~ro(rikidtsvithlb old home, ad infrmed aus t i
lr #fan mining .tsiGntgc, heldttns r
he > troua^^w^MijieM adw of Oe styof, lM~iy
wmy Virginigrh who were brought to
~ttoro~b fuMlth^ bonumoby b a hazidMtd ofw AA-
kiitrEbi st)t^ l withd-db ooMe ksfn 'ftr'tWri
fiem hlr t visit to Forida five years' pgo. And the beeatspS!
t t l.:tb~ai tIev Ut bbeot
l~%de. $MW& *w to* the l t flo dtlr
tWbh|^t]9^t d iB riethlig t thel^dMW'of r
6..t Aorbtbh.. p o Mle k tht UIl4Gd

iirlr~dmi ;Qao uadnad 61 4r~n may 4 Asi



4 -. .



*i < i 1.

*o l .intleathw a a
tidal rad lad pl eurabk sut MM
time othe, pwbhaps, who e a not inai t ;
.clhW*ii flttK'...,. t1hoftiir. / ,iid/ -. i
When we bean write and publish what cauld be 4ne in Werl-
da in the orange and fmuit cultun ,wre found many, evea in our own
midat, who Be
our pen too -d"ei ihk 't vw Iro f;f rot wte the
satlabctlon of seeing many of 4-ow.tateawita a to the peHtles
of Florida repeated aod co>rmdhy th.qs whoe hae hi. 5ie cour-
age, midst the skepticism e aigo, to try the expetlnmt of
seibuIw of the orange ad :otheiw prodwcaCi.LM eaW m Sed,
rn* h*, a discover, in tbeittbrifty bpariqegroq4. o.trpacry
'afCis i'^l i-tnerpoi!AlBed '" .i:-n,.\ f e t/oaultn
isIbsathe;&le publicaion wesahabU autmpt; satae,
SW lin,.its. pages, all the questions .ti, an lw b th.
letter-writers from u.part of the NorthbandiWdt.q< I lr
j$f5$B$QuregardiOg.$h *1iL OWMWO heOl4 i ^
arnftlp. and beneite s Flohrid4 as. welle the iWnsmdtfl
of IWraicktlIoj as the iwingraftldAsii*n ottiwiMc o
r".9,aa: t"othe mair; paune A 6h: c-lmatitt-go-
Sa i prJ odn(atteo n t atr fx attbw: a hSd
tJA tbhi weaall' hae Mn pride of MuthoftflMrivnslnhp iiaaUty,. but shall, whew It st a tlhe i-.b a ,;
Hola4 ely from ill tat has eu. wiely .w, ~yl
wdsa upna the, various: euboct ieore us, copBi netoiage of
cowms, except what we.can fully endorse.

i. .. .SBE F^ESO ,,.i I /"
We re mocdatily, reeriPr oaM latr at ath e Nt who
haves# maa tbidg of .be. li*rpa ptrodultioma end' thoi Ble r i
;. are drmnodmia' Sgptfiug diabae ijrmfntafiom a&*shoprSt
givan by d8IksLWWO M are epnur y 0w ottsIta;rt w jiq
tBaFtik ?ide iase va desert, biag aeber dil t dm
0d- or impareplble and Orthleee am r W ub
axpin(lenipua rapoe, Ofbra at but MSglbaiosMhi
fr.u 4 Sflowars, every bath oewea kith rihadlgM
berMY- toriogv-power. Thaetrth I;iiSWnitAld(B eIUd
tke Sto by tbe a-fw twgb* qud:vo-y vi wet-
ptnrJahwve atUow hetMfS ntwfV l lu bAlyt the(&ji
of g ij weureand to oeloo* the mr priatial, atubb!ro r -in
tklm ." --i -
or idPmia t bmheltl ,ha wta o Th.P
,wworae i w'Ooe Il, "0 ,In
I.edisAqpotbey i4r thiL at aasr day:
li& ang ae tsined grnjto r t

tw r ,k Je gave bus t>iJ
At Florida has chag ted nationaIty ohre o fcm thf 4 M it

'tbv aY uisi.ils.i I.OW .lsltjvijluli ilsuoo *u.rv odi woa'; nqorj iO.ju

fectly apted to the climate
country, and will yield a more buatlfil return to the good husband-
man than any other soil on the face of the globe. It does not look
like the.solg (UhtAlM, Ctr b4t.Ult ( V, iat ta Wttly ;adapted to

gSS t liyy'/it
m rf% 'oi o
S: thw wt,, ',i w-il"s -d
i"l6 af-li Stte ia equal tt seot to, ,an in atof uc reiter a uin
1f' M n U 'I l i tiii i '. dil '.i .lt i.
f*hi obtatl a drr B bir Iti

*d' ejA t' f ofl'dhW'i dt bin
r~th ma' 6t i Ylajd o Iat ti. e There romIh-

b;tfartiiioy TitiiMt Ithlir *^' 'Asbutf :ngontmaan
It 'e Yd d' i' 'N Uli
btas we s-id thfo< #t 6 erit t be
rdf66utA1 'Jt ya iltfoby1 & tiln-

Sid caroh an t fd o t time. Thsner ane in a retr abun-

A ttrd'tlf drodnllsbut rnot nte, and

SWa e tounderoy, and turnips, carrots and o bcr


root crops grow the year round if cultivated. 8tock raising is very

I I I *
S* .

Many articles have been writtn s' O g *m *
Florida. ,
We now propoe to Io who sheoQJ.iot ep et ,toct
Many aQsteas areade in this tnater sad hm enmb D
bo th t to.e terest of the coutt. y a4 .. ,
We.repeat i, toridMn it a NtW cojati+5, Jbae msT p f
its wild lands thebe arc much tbe aat e q tor 9iot
have ever 'been fotud, on 'the frouities M tn West, o, o4 r
country. Comparatively only a few uipr'ove places nrep, te.
Hence. those delicate, kid gloved" young gentlemen who hjV b
tenderly raised and. 4ave never doae ay sI4 farm worwk,o a$y
ally whose, means are spall, should not com* tio Flr0r. Wprp..
A fapcy that it would be very nice to basak under the srPneim of
a tropical clipe and Pluck the eneroua fMit ha1 ch
to'.iodrida; and in thie mids0ft ib ilsa.l ,, ..
tier life, the romance of tlhee iplactica e,g p WS
out, .ad, heyare 1e, stiarded ap t w. eupo ii uiwel rM(.
and iorce of thatlaw which, fror s jarl., period, Ihas. QO
man.t .earn be dbr y tlie w ,t o ,pwp.. .,
There is anothi not bclr nn be phoserw pn serbe
p teiri sf ,iitwhou blw bemplo ea .-.orw
in clerk or mechanical punuits, who are Tlesmed may wth
large. &. aa4 with but lttlq.aus. .Tl4t qPvmto
Flo ', "itsa thb pe certaii thy arep of 't ,st1 t g 7
inepioneemra.sre at of and are wtili g,,to 'test I4two, ,,
t our y'of and o h
wild*. .tie rs d eared, fenced, fl ..u r ci ,cauiri o gye
to earind .... ... ..,.. .; ; *. ,. ': ,

* .

a s q 4. m ii
+.e yg e.

ac .i i d no ,

ar. Sct mac .. t.h. ..;abot,. duind au C

oppo iy 1 t tat pther a utterly 'ot."Ie o
Attftiosn to eaddretin th po Cie wb" H, t-
ttand ids stoou settrs are welcomed every h.cotr
altg I her, e4n 4 trt^" td
TFioe i nt pIu ol-"ne* born of thes "d the "hate
becont, an therefoea be most texp iebh divi(o bbo'ort en a
watn anm .e bt.dth or ace. than d bo tlie d od and twent- e
opotloes. ts su ts another 4a hae utgenerly suppoed, onte ot-
and idust morass et prinipre wela scoaned everoli country, and the

.tpr twi ut e o
Piodas is a vast. pionula-^--n'ew bome of'. the seas"-the sibt
southern, an therefore the mo st t"6pic~l diviaioi of'our corntry.
It extends' jouthwad nfetl Au- hundred miek between two opaaces,
with an average .breadth o tblre than pne binuied ani twenty-sfve
miles. Its sourfe is riot, asi has' been generally supposed, one'con-
tinaous morass, but principlly a andy, rollie coons, and f or the
o1stIpart ocp, .itha)u tfa se foretsb ofye ow''ot pitch peine a -
oters Iryee oitfpibelyq $ lUy woo ded e or patcbes d
hab e hle Sbtate lies upon .4 rst bed of sotal, rat
in tsributed, and mhy be digtratdm of iahd sely mingiled.wih
galt^^etdor cor41 and g sells. It sme pats of .t
stAte tis#. d .p ;dsrd hai becomine concrete, formidp f sort 0
li) rtock, an Ib tb .6 at ehel, more 64 1688 briokenthv a
can a ft It it^^^te 't f pr rock clled ana."',

IThe~lads of Flortdhaae almost msu gneris. favnV^ ifikitt^
distributed, and may be destenated tlHigfh lammook, ow Ham-

Savanna and the 'dirent qusdlis of

ability and strenogtb, 1imllate'a a1Itiii' gIls' 'Both -ithae zttrhet~
the chief attention of the traveler, for in them is vegetation most
rank, Inxuriant, diversified and beautiful. One realizes, upon en-
tering a hammock, the astuteness of the savage in making such a
locality the theatre .dfT;l h. et,; concealedd and deadly mode of war-
A ** *' -. .r -_ ^

.~mntiflmr aH'WWTiarwqrTISUTSHWTT annnr^
-t ,twa ba$ ban *Sl tawank.: 1In aidh nrm ti w J .('o :?':) l-. I; *^ j: ; .'. .1 /v:" .*."^*** iILt

Let us here give a brief sketch of tim different descriptions of the
l s1 xRdd '..U Ju. i idno. n.dJ a atd' ewplos .d.t
5, pe^)i uh tbe otlp^oA ThrMe iM l
U o .1dn 1Iii oytti ,'s dqui. 'ta edt IMo1
9tflttdea m iopirha

oftaM Lnve O iitdtoi hnflW
vn" ,I 't Mb

loam, milmtP tit l4eta pab.a r tetl
g'ig jrparcr m^t~ ^ lwk cl4 9l-m Hswfore r .t hTh;r feaoty
n44ra9iUty c< rf~;d^iewoFlandimaybe ^athnakrffrwtotkb
wallki wAl4 that ith on.e luke upr BnwhtxAla eveet
oNbegti$r4*a, yi ltAdwrinagoteaia *eaes of,rawaum vrcuiwo
wtip i.lqut bfetaid.ue ure w hondd ywd powidl otfnasi ittd
cq4ton ;to! .. cto, i Tinpe la'*d ae still aa productivslae evet!lf
tittele ifmikof hbir dpranqity iate-il tblnown, ru is -I I
.i4reti elap4lnle lan t::a gewuraBy ptteferrdby small planters to
any.otbay, and heyiave Ialwys bea;fifond paeidctlvea? aid l-
blie Im4, it fv;ievrt h.ths pine lase et loridaam wp-
rior toan, J lin.l ad$ iab bre uth f6q thbirferttlity, sieditnga1
eCops ia tc Jir.,glMural staterMand, vwlMetroddlen- by cattle,. beconu.os
eqnal to/riebhawR(k la4d, There has.been, eeu early .in,.tr atS
s olrrw e ba i g tabve twenty joita e.and well nmtured, g.roa, upon
Floridap ,irltand, atd their w gac made from such lands isgenrafly,
of euperiq quniitOy. U 3hwe la ds are:not appciatt~dt aatthevy isl
be4 thou are es siest olored and cultivat ew anQd some of thbezabat
little infori[o to.the hammocks. For cotton, vegetabWe and augta
they av jeut as good if not better.. The occasional uppeaztnueoon.
thp surf in pineor hammock, of lime rock, is an evidence d troang
la d. ; '
The secondd rate pine lands," which form the largest proportion
of Florjda, pre alpdaQtive, and can, by a proper systemSL elZi-
vation, be rendered much more valuable than .the bet oamdsea
T~ws. These laoda afford flue natural pasturage;, they aae hee#ily
timbered with the best pee ie! of yellow. pine; they ftor theaw
part high, ro!Ullu; 1e a4b..y and well watezed. They are generally
b.e4 upona marl, ,ely orimeatone. They will proiIuoe forieeverat
yS withoMt :the .ai of. manuresaund when *'c"wpeuml, 'theywill
yiqh 4aor tbogUnd ponds of the best:quaflity of eugsr' tthe acri,
oybout thee hundred p9satd of sea, island cotton. i Tley willar,
sides, when properly cultivated, produce the finest quality of iuba
tocpc o8faw, jeOMq4 lims and yariea otlerr tsopital pro*lc-
tiso ;yh^l. net, .I. say o atanees, render thiriTae Uetuable
tn re4eit J to ^'-ur 1or ho. tati I~
.AI pia eM landof tlw :k,r4tec or most iufexior clues, are by.
zIp im^(,am rafbta u jmithe; cibu1 e of FJoridb. .:bia:tcke of
a aM 3 Mcly o e stiob wstnd
l ;i 5w u etenh twlv o tK; IuSigbk1 U lWbuit|n
Mtaa;H- u xvOw, w wtar Shwoitta to er i

' pj ,i /m 7M1',9 ihYwu'.i nb bi'

t~$) ihj .nrs.aI', *4 Ia' ~4i I- 9 ia
Mmt Js, WfIi^il1!- fii4r^/ buiwp^(

the Puilque Plant, the Century Plant, Ac., have been InttuIb
flids and they both grow i gtkt psifot o th e
lhals'otbe oattlryt AM*tbws4 'b4l^ tflfeli4T ^b
from the atmaophere, they will. like the common ur'p '
thera.vitaUtyy for mastomonthsa i tt adle MttU he ,IrduUis
scarody neesary t6&add that th Beeond oetn i ofl :h
lahdl as here described, is far ,from being:mselM The t
a#lMd a most excellent: rage fort cattle, tbee bid mg ~balable i&r
their timber and the naval store whih' they can 'redae ** '
There is one general feature in the' topography tf Pia wh
no other country in the United States pnuruaeesnd wg ieh'afftibA
great security to the health of the inhabisents. It ii; this; tht th6
pine lands which form the basis of the oounttry and whick arstel
mostuniversally healthy, are nearly everywhere studded, t inter-
vals' of a few miles, with hammock lands of the richest quality.
These hammocks are not, as is generally supposed, low, wet lands';
on the contrary, they are high, dry, undulating lands, that neter
require either ditching or draining. They vary in extent fronu twen-
ty acres to twenty thousand acres, and will probably average fire
hundred-acres each. Hence, the inhabitants have it everywhere in
their power to select residences in the pine lands, at such convenient
distances from the hammocks as will enable them to'cultivate the
latter without endangering their health. Experience has satisfacto-
rily shown that residences only a mile distant from cultivated ham-
mocks are entirely exempt from malarial disease, and that the ne-
groes who cultivate the hammocks and retire at night to pineland
Ssaidenoes, maintain perfect health. indeed, it is found that reML.
dences in the hammocks themselves are generally perfectly healthy
after they have been for a few years cleared. In Florida, the di-
eases which result from these clearings are, as stated above, gen-
erally of the mildest type, (simple and remittent fevers,) whle in
nearly all the other Southern States they are most frequently of a
severe grade of bilious fever.
Te topographical feature here noted, namely, a gegeral inter-
spersion of rich hammocks, surrounded by dry, rolling, healthy pine
woods, is an advantage which no other State in the Union enjoys ;
and Florida forms in this respect, a striking contrast with LouisTa-
una, Mississippi and Texas, whoee sugar and cotton lands are gener-
ally surrounded by vast alluvial regions, suject to frequent inunda-
tions, so that it is impossible to obtain, within many miles of them,
a healthy resident.
It would eem paradoxical that the malarial diana of esat
Florida, abounding as it does in rich hammock lads andetpoed
to a tropical sun, should general be ota d tch slider bm thoan
those which prevail in more northern latitudes. That seh, hiw-
ever is the fst, there can beno doubt, fortlbd fikr tv.d by an
aCreials of evienoe, (extaudisg 'err mote tti Itnebtyr real,)
whlh t is impose iMe to estat. It is 9sgrreetda)i eaa lplC f
this o c tIthe luxurin vt tatlo which bi te .thef
EutiabriM-i ttanrtortrbefei^^ libt~k othtft'
of crroU

da i alm st everywhere
da I. Almost everywhere

a porous and suorbeut a chtarsetr that

Mt d tl* tw
enoit tr isn aiM,- lIa teLtedistn its rll getiatly he ibut dphe
sisndourutr tcda< and*thatttfere'Is' Sueh ma" 'Sbtbabeblti~ht
thardat bort ethfw StatS fIs Thrt~r Buugctn4d 'taBt dbie u-
fsp miruhdleri~e of a is Wmtsi& thin tondtan t UMeitorIo0 ltatW bn-
pbi~flbberlpetlbtifta t~uem nuwth toditseanrrtatit~wustevtuSrt.
en~t poiucm ti7rserats8,t itiftt it' wiUt gednfi~ly' produce' but thi
-mikalt fom of ever .
Th laeds Whtjdh id', Fd lordk are par excellence,' dotnlhated. '"eli
latias,, ar. first, the i sw~p 'tlahds;" second, low pihc~ts, '
third "hi h taummocks," and fourthh' "first rate bh' oak, and

t '


The situation, of Florida, in the southern part of the temperate
zone, between two eas, the great Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf. of
Mexico, and embracisg six degrees of latitude and as many of lon-
gitade, appears to be the natural cause of the goodness of its cli-
mate, for, on the one hand a southern latitude exempts it from all
the inconveniences of extreme cold, so a maritime situation, and its
lying within the course of the sea breeze that daily blows across the
peakisula, is the cause that the heat of the sun in summer is miti-
gated by the freshness of the sea air, which in a hot climate is much
more salutary than the air of an extended continent. All America
to the north of the river Potomac, is greatly incommoded by the
severities of the weather for two or three months in the winter. In
East Florida there is, indeed, a change of the seasons, but it is a
moderate one. In November and .December many trees lose their
leaves, vegetation goes on slowly, and a slight trace of winter is per-
ceived. in the northern part of Florida, above 29 or 30 degrees of
latitude, there occur frost, but not very frequent. At 28 degrees
and below, roset is unknown, -and vegetation never ceases the year
round. Snow has never been known in the State. The tender plants
of the West Indies usually remain unhurt during the winter in the
gaidems of St. Augustine.
The foas and darkt gloomy weather so common in England and
other countries ;o much surrounded by the sea, are unknown in this
oomnty. : At .the equinoxes, Specially the autumnal, the rains fall
heavily every dy between eleven o'olock in the morning and foei in
the afleMorhe/Cr some weeks together: When a shower is over,
the sky does not continue cloudy, but clears, and the un appears
spt'l Thefw eMn 4 thte seoedn aad the pmrity of the airare
plt thraeube f the health aneds of thb country. The avr-
.geo eIakry kh dAtyIf s o 2.
litii Ja :t "IC fh indtriufbTe ft*W.*efi) be

mate is healthy in the ditre nt parts of the province."

The peninsula of Florida is not broader, and an it fiea between two
I herkA M. tiedniA tbl t -absL usiaah

.Mwtbemifoin,.wov.hb arti nastms tiae eaMto hjtrw4Au
SiM4 bntll^iifobjin^:ta ) JC rope, is sometimes intolerable for want of win4'itl hera,:leluUrd
i9 se h. ,hday Ltnieu wd,alni d #d1t8 i fT 1iMly
iQand way,p phat p the. Janda 4, ptB, pBee^re at a qiWW
fqirm or tiol B pie aed upon. !i.:h. : ,..: -. .: ,L,'i .," _.1,1 ir
he white ople work in the fields in the heat of the ywihot
prejudice to t eir health; gentlemen frequently' ride out in thli mid-
dle of the day, and instead of the debilitating effects of a warm
southern climate, so often spoken of by writers, tvW here see and feel
only an invigorating-effect, which enables a man to performt more
work than in any other part of the United States.
During the eighteen years of residenpq pf 1. L :Williamaein Flori-
da, the greatest heat was 96 dez. Fahrenheit in the shade, and this
took place but three or four times, and once the cold waw as low as
'26 deg. In usual seasons, the mercury ries toiablmut90 da. ia the
hottest days of mid-summer, and flls to 43 degl duringthe coldest
Wlays of winter; it is not extreme in itfr variati of teampratrta ,
neither is it rapid .in the succession. of those. tartatioas,'blt alras
nmintains thit equability and dryness of climate so -grateful tote
northern invalid, The wonderful climate exerts itself alike upoit
animal and vegetable nature. The heat is sufuilent itb tit~ialt. a
rapid and luxuriant growth, while it-is never so intetae as *tie-
eome disagreeable -.:' .. i,..
Dr. Torry says.: "Compared with the other regibhs of the Uni-
ted States, the Peninsula of Florida has .a climate wholr peaullar.
The limen orange, and the fig. fnd their genial tempr ture;, the
course of vegetation is unceasing; culinary vegetables acwcutivateM
in all seasons, and wild flowers spring up and flourish in the rdatlt
of January ; and so little is the temperature of the Iakeand rivers
diminished during the winter months, that onA may aknnet at any
time lbathe in their waters. The climate is so exceedingly ruild and
uniform, that besides the vegetables of the Southern Stesgenerally
maly of a tropical character are produced. The palmetto, or-ob-
bage: palm, the live oak, the ideoiduous cypreu.,-rand to le v'rietles
of the pine are common farther north, but the lignuh .vite, maheg.
any, logwoodd,, mangrove, .cocoa, nut, &p., .are ouqd only in the
s~utherp 5tip ~ f the Peninsula. In qpnte gtio the, aene y
9f East Florida Sp tImonth of January, tb fl o;rtrr man-A f as
tq foget thatMt is a winter 'lgdseap.. i him; rlknatUiba n. tg
e e thp bir4de f thb .tir, the.peliean an4d,lamingo,, Anda e toJUlh
a :.imuo9mtlrpyrQW.' I ,,' iii- '.^ >, -i i.
Sb y hthn adogeaopt the cimate and .ti hbmih y ,of tI f, at-
my pher? ao tnjroip frrp thyt;ll 41:&*harwpiPqi glkP
wi grow .n sotahtbheran .F,,akurg7.4l t r,
.hMc^^ ,,Wf^^

'' */*n7 f f-' h" --^ r", 'Sh -;'^ rr! *-*r tl
)t11~ff ih z"C lF'n'~i~ '>! (7%tY~1111f? i; p I:

north as 29 deg.; above that they

suffer from II

ht troats.

,1 ,IT

ers, i' i ... n ." ..
.?, 9 i -T "' 7

efln*o a, 910 ':. 27' 74 "t
Syers, ,t # 6 17 ''
9? 0 20 "
hePe, it.must be. eempmbered are.oly extremes, and do not oc-
curqo op than 9pop, lq..segeqral ,year; the usut.u.qwper or, winter
WAt tgr aryipg, from 6 to, 10, degs, tt former in thqcase of bQt,.
agg.t ,latyrip thqse cold. .. ,. .
ibepo~teios lin supuhar Flo.rida, on the gulf coast, are warmer
in wipter., a't ttr.nlrth..: Ti.-is explained by the .teot
pttha pp01 bleqrk nortio'a which spread along the Atlantic coal3.

ipFrossinpg to 4.Jh Gulf.ecpapt, beop e,,.
teiy ,Qlc pepinsPlh, aud alU,that ir f(l, of

PariQed by the radiuion of
..tOhem:i their militw i-

r,TbI health of the inhabitants of Florida is proverbial ;manny oan
now ht. es n;whoar ,e90 yqefs oh4 and upwards. The only disease
t'qx' tro, tp. usual intoermiMt ant, 4 .remittant fevers, which occur
tOpow,petlJprs or hgg4i who wpe aitn~rted near wamps. It i bo
my, firvoc ,e.climi4te tor puloua ry invalids on the Westerp Con-
tlq.t; is~9 ees .Abve, oQurrel. wSire they were afraid to leav-e
hbrs. Q.09 exatnuipgi he dd,. list, w. find the.hief diseases tq be-
<4 ge aqd qpusumpQoop, the last being an exotic and not indigen-
*~a Ie~e-

siastic writer, speaking of South Florida, says: "Tho
Soug4 Florida miy hb t.,qncpg set dawn as the most de-
;er climate, I).the United States, presenting to the invali,

oft 'iNqr.rf, desjr leo etreat frQom tbe rude blasts peculiar tq t.a
rPgion. .. ,f opli,o Kpy ipicayne Bafy, and Key WVest may bt
consltreds a, pot gflisrako point ,(or establishing the neOensary
facilities fot'ihe enoHuragoment of visitors of that class, numbers ot
whom annually go to Cuba and other West India islands, but who
would be in Qqdi to,etQp ;i n Florida, were there.proper accommo-
d ions. ,N :PAla, peasesse .greater advantages for fishing, boat- e Qo t d. i,Ad, Miami,.on,Key BIse*nUe Bay.
"a EOl ,. ,lgr rE1nr ,0,montbhs, a otpany of Upited States
.~,tgp ,a.., a ,matter of, astprise t9 the Surgeon that he
I9 QI f .ngspcrao. rmong tbg ,o nqers urnng all thn:t. tie. the

r^r(71?'j7 11./

ltflh, 4 i.

* lt, 1 .

A -1

. *


S : :t I *-

,.s. I

co61b6tiWn iWtift tjib ei jt jA'tA aV
tfIb'Hiot'fi tf th thtur *dIM'M
There are iti'at i't wAMl"
mend for tlitdfliltdhta, 4ilI
MiamJf pty West, and Fort' tbks,
Itas an' sky of. this last place b*& lop
tipn, and the wildnesss of the Wint<
tropical fruits, has ever been amuire
Though hundreds of invalidE *nd
to Florida froin the North and. es
the State bha been slandered ah'bein
The statemeSt of Mr. KepnedIy, th
proves, on the score of health, she
Southern State, and is very nearly tl

but three or four S
taltty is that it do,
1.00 per cent., and
In reply to a friend
in the year ending
This is but one in I
any other State in
population in 1860
per cent., 1.28.
some transient v
Providence for the
ignorant of the geI
paring the soHf of I
and Middle States,

states in the U
es not exceed
Oregon, Califl
i, he says, that
June 1st, 18504
98 in that year

t during,th
g insalujrij
e Superi te
stands far


e first 'mate,

lion. His state
1.06 per eet t:'
)rnia an'd Mitlr
Sthe ntiumberofr
, was 983; the 1
, and is less in

the Union, except the abotb rn
was 140,939; the mortality abe

jent 6M YJ' lai ,
bead of any l4ter
beiit teedediby
meant' of the "mor-
'Verntnt h*d but
eiota ar .still 'lesg.
deaths in 'FIrikda
populatfori 87,401.
proportion than tfh
amned States. The
iut 1,700, th@ rate,

visitors to Florida, ignorant of the ordinances of
preservation of health in" tropical 'regtonu, klid
nial effect of the climate upon thb soft, and com-

'Floridn with the rich
denounce the lands

as worthless, &..." It is o
by these remarks, arnd fut
climate and health are conc
ed upon the unerring test
these notices of unhealthtul
valids shows the truth of all
hope that her bright Italii
afflicted of every land, the
people of the United Stat
know and feel for once the

,ur duty to
ure article
earned Mr.
if official st
ness, and the

that has bee
an sky may
invalid of e
es may try
influence of

bottom lands of the Western
of Flbrida' as "barren sand,"
remove the prejudice caused
will explain it; but as far:4s
Kennedy's testirdony, fitand-
tatistics of facts, disprove all
e testimony of hundreds of li-

n said. It Isunar reasonable
, alWays attract thitbet tbh
very nation, and that all the
her balmy atmosphere, and
her invigorating power.

During nearly the whole year, p'nd especially the ~inCri
the peninsula of Flotida is favored with n cool'2 i
breeze, which sets in frbm 9 to 12 b'iock'In'th'e 'tho
until sunset. This breeze s remarkably codl for t 6iatit
to the fact that the cooled wstti "bf hirh itatid doldert
cobst t1hb' thrown alook dowd the Flora 6'Mt ht t ,ba
of the' er flowing 1ilf 8ttea-t~ i rnihmli t
vnst 'dd -extpipdldg'frbo n ht ht'rt, ( f
rufrhtid; wfbet Hnb'O*ii IStt ade" ade4 'tW
leo tweo't k i tr. TMr 6oor l T terH
.^J rtY6~.*eli J7 Q 1!;Ctr dl jf .b .iftfj ik'tf

air nru adw brings tho cooler air of the Atlantic across the penin-


,' .i(
e -) -



suls to supply the vaoouum--thusbrmin a steady breeze during the

cy other pot nhe ot near the same latuder, t
oderIn July and Auiust-a ti e when adB, yegetaon 4 .wgrpn .
apd. .i 5P ra.. T, qoo ,gj. t reverw.olw ts
L?0*?, rwWP ,btU ^o^Wtgefte in wlnte, 14
tb b tn r!3mer -n 9, merg ,wRtera more lly and
unf ho s0 8um#oersus re.p:iir*plftl Md s,~ ,. .
t o qte occits (F F'loria, 4tbt as many ap. thirty.dys pars 9qn-
Sequiqvt 'l t abtisip ectly dear and almps8without a cloud.
The ha in'e1 "of a country like 'this, then, we shall infer 4om
1st. The lgrios and nseciqptic quafli of the soil, wbch pneu-
tralizses ald aortSa ^j malaria. ,
2d. The ie: orests, 4Ijg the air with their heaJlhful arozm.
8d. Its ~.bpdat sea sturroUndipg-always a p,urifpr of the air.
4lj.T i oo lass of the summer breeze and dryness and, clear-
ness of t h writer air.
heri c'aip' ra4dded to all; is the ipild and friendly influence of
her warmpi clipate. .
Sow as to the results and effectaoof t\besj na;etral advantages, let
us quote bpreflyt.rp thoae. los. author~tyj must be nq uestionatble.
General; LW, Qurteun-Gneral. o the Army of the United
States, 'n an ol a Qepsrt before the war, remarks:.
Thy clfmtS of 1rida is reajkabi, eq able ond agre bJe,
being subject to fewer atmospheric vatiatiop, ~and its thermomgter
ranges much less than any other part ot the Unitr States, xcexpt a
ortiop of; thec rca9 of California. iFor example, he .winter at Fort
Siplq gg, Wifpsot. terrtty, is 48 degrees. QoWer tban at .'iort
Urpk rI nly aboutu, Qgt
Brpe, l.ii 1i; btut the shamxer at Fort Brooke is only aboutopght
degqs Iwroitr... T6he mean annu) temperature of'.Augusts, O(T.,
is urldy degreess, anid that of Fort Gibson, Arkansts, upwardS of
10 uep, es lty r &tian. t, r4am a, yt 1n both these places, the meaen
sm er tem rs~tu;re .ngbhr. than ,t Fort B rookie, Tatpan by.
In tih spmr;n 4 s on the ,mercury 0ries higher in every pprt of the
Utiitl.,t es. ,p evQn in Canmida, than it does along ,the coatof
Florida.. I hia is" $:in) t.,Hetetorql(" in this HBreap.
'."s respectc .ka, tme: cltiate .of :.p$idra ptapds pre-emiqqnt.
That,)h'e., tj nsyl aciate d of ~oy. id imue .W:ore s&lubrious tLla
thi 4f any oer .tp in ot(fr iond, is mlearu established by; tbe

IiiLt eitid 'bd'.gfi', Mdf shin~ia Wl\ 6 Wii
nPtet o~of~ ~ibt it ifdin 4a dvoi dhP
those which V bufttll'i~trW f~t~b~! ;

thiR iuct, I-a t the luxuriant ve, tatio w Idh
Miic '~te~i CCdtr~lr~ all; ~ti W~~iLkd1 .,
East Florida, jrnelrall dr~ied up brefaBit;&
sitloti? ~ ~ i Th vtewdeW In 1tcitkd 'n u~i

Florid is almost ,erly whore ou so Pur4us a 6d' c ti
srttm&W1riiesrurq ` ieeldo I pO aretI i t eId .dt, a
mrsphere is ife coWstunt motioul and that tc e f e a m Ro t td t ea n-
61bs bsttlon:, TNI rpr /V I I i. ete! ah a t.
Floriedftatlmotevaer y iwhere of dtp'k on toL lo usn M
1Yr~t~ mcb'thrAt 4*&sdujm iwhie te7dW Sa1e W Ut n 11

~r.Sr, i~p dthe syipp anrd that t ei '" '

CUleess bdy a occut' ,utiuiu'l~~t. T~fieLt alb`isis ~n&&r' 't 1j~rzfiW r~iH~
pathO' ~r w t b~ f~Y iaMFdi` rbt 'd.' Ie~r much'I 6t~girPdearIbse.t kl~d
Z~itg'tubhiIt ~eii6 iot6~b ih b~eigf' iidaedbW 1 briet e ir~l~t thea
eetlijti~c~t,pt, ti thasW of W d h ihe

,!bo tithe c'd a' n bei dfshlu fI t 4n thi' ilo tloltmgn
Oi&dless kn bf'Wad
~JejkA~.aikm.4d0 Stte V4.6 I I 9 hotWdq
ftirtibt,'i%eept-th4 the AyAA pSr.i. octlda i t macd'tdrj B
ft*"d.,6last%.' 'P.M01016' W 't~itb'en isrelyc'b k~tti i~bbe" V61~
or n~)c i* b duenltly fivo I 'd~irie rPt~l~~b~i.~
tut" f m 'and et tin t l ear, dn~j

srdr ; hym
ftidf es6prV'6i'iINtbdi e sx40- fiM4
dWUt. ITWh d*d#it lii bin Wed4 hYbre"* ( h
Af~e6*th emiathseof, tk Ybth 14t

0P last more than four ft ra. Indeed,


i,~ Itr bPo i,~It 'I h91, l-7 iI 'tJ)L1 i*1t ji ii11i t IfrlIJ li Vl7. fI 2L r A CI

4W% 4UW MAlRaiw of m"t kd a 'dtuL ek3'

,AT*& mnb*I4 (AMhKfihail pswinu 1A 'itsiV ItP o 4o0U 4I6ftoth
APB-&Pdf WiiohI I'bWstizhitt w iU~t1,5bnj1Np*'
mIt,4143&ia FlowiitlB f todpoirMpaW utin tabror~o rmici
ssawxnj; d wi lbobionlt 11PPoWI0 19einers -reii pbrianvo
p,,e.sopbfnw daT msg~SL,' d4~Weiik*~0 'an4 vivid' gt~elh 6t
loss)qng tceee;: ol lettuceiv, dlkb.s Ud gveeh ponfttheiavdrdiei;
1*elab ~ cRitB alwhing the Sew~er bw~don.'l h ittrnll
ary day -has setbveu. equiallty -kiright-,aa t tatfiy; Okampig of
tupeatture 'herd -voqksponmd toa.'thbusearer vms- I of- ihe NdttA'.
Whtre ther i'ecord: w thee day& suw stomj wid rebtneaber 4 tMie
.ysraid4at*i inwhhich;t. haw hici Opert-imi. olity -bere iVA Wil0hb-
yls in an-ai e ratwboalm st -b"iie. Ikitvevea ithis waA- toft with-
t ita:whavrmo. f-To'rsiOV t' hbdLa Ie. ad Se*! gr(l1t*1pSlmdi'd We"
t n their greeskarms *ad ibwarvinw theW, lonfgtitestdo bfa -
oe W Ast the iwludiu temhm'd dwiwe them thakipihnrnd intjt I. qnIsUlu,
dIftrent reafitew'otm10w b ahoked upiwith driftingwor.8 61 ,rd WIvit
ai 'BultruIaing oatitbe etdirino or; throwing, thent- 1,, &s
best suits, we say Irom a sam*hwA widei- ejrperldn'C ia the -wirtr*
that Florida is the- on ly.elrl matt this we ever tried, where-the month
of March Is really d'LTghtfd1t We rem ember tihe bone cutting chills
"UthtMAOAv W"i 9t1i -b tsed to Sweep 1dd4* the'OiknpsraW- %hd
thusugh th e Mvrebtr-ocliad R17mee; Wel tr.wmbiptC thoe wir, ;hfWeo-
iof hirh~ of thse'prinw w ~esi fad wlasayi ref, ;Df'all. that
t06 chisbateifarldsri is neArly piarfeet vis'fa 6 'Abpod feb'1i1
thislimprefto-1tpane of, Ours.i Od the ftj i J4hat !rlVr wd are, *My
ft~een;wt).i troe thu 0po oseesn,'-ad; '*Vehe"e*:'a hot day cOuth
do, the sea breezes fo*'in *bii delIfe ns. Oned olbt-
ubentnitfeelk In thelar the MtelIAdtatt viviah*o vtyjwihl Is peeitlar
to he soa coast, yet without the harshness of more northern re-
I*4v reeetle Ip Mts.)Siowewrlves: '
~'Mbfvishl here haas bftwMeo limisbihe %nd Orl rieg 1to a ilout bitten
plsat;-+tuiw'e'kxd A.Ow-UKli 00o" Toot meoe lip' *,ut more rMs-
volous j1oWsawto ex~texid sibai IUhav6 *lA for, 5Ars itNew- b -
laud., Herbe pl .bsmey4eureo hombf, Tr aS Omeat-hoW te year, ,,I
AID tulitv eabd 'do 'anyulug.' Here I am a living woman, at the
North, I am a half dead one." It
-st th, 10exiod 10i the ah "" t Ft"Adwlim partlaularly a p iR ae
Oriuvallfd,' :aed 1px eAl f re uaksmptltvaes D. 'Bh
Rztierfi aowstd aadd-umiprna praititioner mid widely, known in Me@-
saaeafuhs dd-Osftwifr; t ig ;1 I '"'
Ieaimiir i~tu he-fpiAor ibUm qk -Oift-I 1j t~ d411
heiurav*h ~u a will 'Naowik4btitip"V if'anrlel~bW I98i
to thertd cl ris rIIb IS buM

WndpiO lusdu in thdt-gua Iststb*eioi !-r0I6W
Italy,' but more favored by geograhical position than Italy. siwwS

she lies almost in the very fountain of that gulf stream whose
wft c ragmt lted ihr bmnlOl atroaspm C buE r StL 4r 1.
EIwppap; ued aloe beead e qaiiwt^. t ih |a;ir i
fr heth t Alhfiop 0i>ola tadiditAdrbledB tee ~ thi i
exhaurts the invalid both In Italy )-min iiJW!p4latp bbteb h
vital Importance that yo)a~R'st bear, ith merjle 1i anuirtiaitlit.
To flnd, eimatewhicbh sihll ao ame abe b:iP l SM~~i& 'anlilrst
requisite foraJlwbho sea sfferl g,- rdtmna tcii sbm d
pi.mpooary, afeBtions.. o, thil 4p at~he.~e aoiddgreameat
amoag phji eiausa noles {it be o0 thequstloiof the i. estdegre
of temperature; and to those who,hase ipew nally tried Aiiot ie
old and the warm: dry !litate, the heoryoaf tbh greatergod froin
the greater amount of oxygedt in the'ooldl *lr very generally yield
to the greater attaettons whlok keep one oeatoftdoorsin thb Warm
olimate. Thetheory of thecold dry air Is Wgbt fortihose whe an
resist the.cold, but the practice in nine oatoutboF>en' is wrotg.
For instace, one begins, to.oogh or expedtofiate i JttalebleOd, and
straightway his medical adviser hastens hinm a*ay to'liandbots4r
some other dry, frosty region.. Of this oaer:iwodld not doomplain
during the pleasantautuan, when a friend ean join.iu the dne wild
sport~A,but when the intense oold witerMbehteidowe/upb hbim, it
rarely bringB the moral key whihiobpees the4 or for ddily
exercise in the open air, and the poor soul is actually i, me isera.
bli than he would be in his eaten home.
WHAir CbiftSUSPftIVES Xf99D.
'"I.t it be understood, then, once forall,that if theeousamptive is
to live at all, he must be ie the open air. :TkhiLradenstandiig will
lead us to a second thought before condemning: cilma~e. M*ny :a homeless invalid haa. eadrbidl : his d&as by
crouching over. tire during the bleak, sterile moathsof a moptbern
winter-and this while his friends. wece tondly expedtig that-the
change of climate would restore him to health .
"This is not theoretical--it is what I have seny -and I have seel
such invalids desperately iborease the popular prescription of whie.
ky till a habit was formed, which made life less desirable thar' death.
Let us then, I repeat, choose a temperature fdt combutptives which
shall not he so;low *as to exhaust in resisting the ,odld: If, with
such temperoetae,:we can combine a dry, elaatio, geniaL-atlospberb,
which, permits fannel. clothing so light that the surface of thetbody
oei be freely sXted4pon, or bathwed in the surtmndiag! aitr we shall
haye supplied ne of the first conditions in theisuobetaudl treatment
of pulmonary affections. : .
I 'iDoe& the peninsula of, Florida offer tbhis4Aalble bkdiateIP I I n-
hqaitutingly say yes. andI.asert this .t,t etik of Etaditg in your
estpiation as the adrvocape. rather-;than hbejisimple;, 6rrito~ But
one comes here in mid-winter from the. Nothiwhe~'e he .had ,iben
impriod, ;y the pUttA4lstOt asd AtoaigbtwetabogitM tebubathe
fnd live hagaiy -ani u wUl d metMhngo itbe Dtamay i.naIgnces
thtMaIartbh'a.. 11o. eaAiesid. hhrhInadredha of
hqpWij l halbthke1M UafJtqpfithbeitmlbrio ;) biatny who
caktYd4eaK^ t"e"tti amdiia) ithe; othtpaMMtene-f
a14e1rwy Won e9pfAre in A ley RoO nw, 6 sh a yt-otne
fittedlho sroe aokt already in tAe I last efagro 'dlsead6*4elbefe l1tT-



in& hobwA. Aud -hereJ id write a *eAsfidetiom> are unable to sit in the saddleorti o bpla llitoc l ato'lwEt h
tbeo a ino. por taei seeda to a thelrI obbmr ttii bfteT l
o ..... .... Whyn.h q hould'irahaWe t 't :,., .. y t-a lt.,
laIdtorthe salke f &a -h:y watbr oekti ofiddsitoCtn m'ueh
do st ktow; anridE thitplgririDU ^btl rSpdhyel Isoafthe &iW
44la y of uathk ptients load adxiet and noMee i&nMe 'IbIlt
y asusmmnig tbenuapphbant vs bWilklity otahtkleg'i tefinstB '
ebl rstault It l.alk 4 *lito*teelodIe ;d.l m bkfrtid, bt
t beeomes especially bo rhen there semsaetdsb good tesfifte '
.;, I ,i i; ,y
But I want to furnish you with some statistics to corroborate my
pinion of this climanfle ~T1,e aYly lpatb4tNttA on the beauty of
he country and the marvelous effects of the climate were full of
wace &at ag t ge*ri terIo ritM idi o a be
iboret hfaarn 1hf artslietxnenteracal 6b ufou ra ti Uoe him Pndle, Rte~VW,-thb~ ioe ~. ik ma awln
tle pmsdte dilVkcio ncsfltw1ai egeti b aid tlns
1to)heda~be Isylays .ulntha9gaD.c ,hrlt<'rler .tf ".r frio bmV. t
ma'44elwiiub laUDm uMimP l. dCwM'u is l ft'ae f 6fdi4i
A4 be todaHir 01Z U, I V
aFrtontatety olae ~gdrng igrewla' bat df'thht 'b16g,' eliodlwa, t
kon th68emiinlel abd that waIs arti l tIebie 'tites lI ftb,
'e.luatft seli id doadtkld uions 4f I totd.a' MIakh, hoirstitk hhb'
previously beeao writluty 'EhriaMtsh'cbListS' whleh iB' e tP t.tIo
enole within .my:rlucho Cwpvr remarks .h. wa.gmeeal,4 i~, "
writing of Ithawn s i8tthd pd'l'hnabiL thanb llzli' k thtW 'di '
re in East Florida that the most delicate vegetables and plants of
he Caribbee Islands yc tertzte injury from the
n; the orange tr e nana the plantain, the guava, the

S.dow ,, ,yOre myp's u p i i -,hi m.
n Ne u f onla n d urt -c

igtne'trikad eo &y Adinf or'h
holeybr.v A hTgdei 4th4 IteblQa 'J 'M'b
*epd Jis mutMhiad keeftp: '1nbe r,
everoldhire, neU &ufle s' h
Anriofth-taeenry fIt#dm8 o6.: tI
dowast thti =b= M tal&johWe.lirthte tvatibnk Which'
10nlr(ortov3 dberes st6f1thfan dMdmellei-d V0 tb6,*6Mfid -
omfortable addition of the most penetrating dampness in the'ald-
vmqafphG w.l 4. i i .'. ".''t. "' "
Yom 'QC 0 a I 0at 56W., kad or thoL w
o i pQw rtia kv icr #M -9Wbet Ate Inadit wfrthedn dti0pe1
cul 64n 8yeaofe..e9 I ,atabakspMopte osit y^ ,r *tire'tolie* 13
atpMe lipt u4on.bien wkhbook aspwsekep thnatel*
poison sure so emanate from theat. t estte A* tti l V*
ock; and second, because I best li that kind of land which.

constantly demands a retnrn for what it ieldr, requiring the p'es-
tIaWMV~iH~ 8Wih- witDlbrt~ hich Iriii j tralobsI~dd ant u~dmlY'.
laIwr~ng ;in ItllstUfl stlanazs t .
-jl IMO farming in4he 4voY",xandeoseqrTiwy'li. most profit*-
blo-rrMM At qv ndv, k3lataie6by, reude g'mnasequivakut'for bknefiWt
rFe~yi~d.. This tptoadtio ri le of, all, 5Wn3Ddbv a$eoeii in
buiyoW.s Jbion onh P bn~lettIp ap d~twwoi
farmqr, bpkrom its PAmost iiunuim*wl abseenamhu6,ttt uatlbo Uit&.a
AbA tcoaob14Awr eir, landsa,&iwfvr. the IOaw & pftuwertteUL L1lb
Vl*!, y3fiew of theees, rosaeoin, I trust 7#m wil advisb suckhOUTyhfr
fiendA rU oppoe Womake hbome on the loninls to arwy with
them the cardinal virtues o-a, .o1I, tIarxd farmer-indus-
try, economy and comdpededtioU
TQI t' I aek.d j F 91 I i. i t
lrw.hjkyod &ok Wehboold: nek. a horns in ildaFk ? T1hto
qqwtopnjs rea4ry Tre Itban h.MW nnsweird In whit l have writkitw
of I ,*tqtppd, its4ofiuew vupoRvoJnsumtptiveu.t J I wiuh tOadd4
hqyep.U, that. F-10i4p oftro beautlui kotteWoenj a&id altd l & l 1i
ge~ aw4l iqAn4riovo ag$su itivist *hoxuusi a diiwamo adh#bn
a I albow 4-ly, the low. to ans thatfdomil~e h4W
efomane of nearly all the ]aWv of tlwe er during dnoothird or
.it q._. ,oi tlhiifrdereiw firors the extrinltu of labor atid! antvity
wopbyJ, VTeL As1gimr eeunc va rym marked mtodificatrnw oU
thp g_4% qrjtito g nd- inequttla of nfimid sd body hicideflt tW the
AM 4 Imata of, the X4ortb anl it* rgid demand&, Ynture, genewg
tiqgi i the, wore genial climate mway-he less acsute in infeliecti, but.
are 4ldy, qot likely to be Intellectual character?

C view to agrlcnilhe,.Oetoher seewns the mpost '4euiible
month for immigration. Durizj tM 6iUriief months. bhe'gvoMwig
adET'r 11:dlf the veetso6ih'As to hW watoiOh4,.'W% spring the au-
tuwom Utid)bto bqe ttRne. s a ,Pa a.toreUia e
a .1 a sprit lqrl3ruiannu=retuqr are not to
be th ui,*t&tl hold tre odf many specie&
e aloqo turf 4D hide tb eawid iasA
fj6.1penp i& "hing cotald -upply b:
earth ui1Ch';dA /teto
0 k I pasit, A%lu4bW ;; la+pring..
u~i twd t;aw. Wwpll grove Msil Y 4,ti4 atbs.

A~ning the pinDA, ltow'w0 vdwre the annual burning o1 4W, l
Stabblo has Well ; r M ,t In -the fresh
no M i I tdW wr~u~yei he.. at Iriet

-Y~.YI~R \hcJ'I
nr AI(3y tWbd~*d


So much baa been wriitten on the peculiar products of(this soi1
that I ftWIlisflt'th( to go' over Jhe usual g~pund, but prefer rather
to give Von nrnma~ry or what I And here.": Firt of all grows Atlxe
orppge, a liqil 1 ha%4.t4efore. plcrRed fronthe tree in, Wlhertcoun-
MO where It. thrives#irbhnt nevir,"bave I i46$ it so s4)lid anid with
fia 4) So skitedl an4-1kelctltoe hp hero; na4 it is of large size be-
ilks. Thepi 4nalip are (nop no,)t almne, to the sen+,4rA/IPW'I
eIlmate, hustli-o tto a qpil coltrninl*g less of tl(k hnnus Nihj.)VI &qes
aw. weD a n -r., il!10 c.01stitueprl t Oj Uj ,
inrit. Tih" (1iitfrencej in q:iality 4s yet more pcrcept14W
inihoe melon, whkeh gjnwi to enormous 44AIzq a surface thtq.eV*
fa&nly do)es l'ot lo seyilect enough for suceh rAtills. ,
Corn,.pftilloes, beqs, peas, tonratfios, Fn13 all the Other ve ffigr
sinehn aJiehls and grdcns, arergrowlng thr til; 0.
aPal4) tlkie on hN4tlipt5 uhimnj, I was In Jte4 to dlinq $It$A. 4 1
Where new Pei'iy In-jr pI~ l oeslgrcen peoa ;nd tomatoes,,I,0na,*,
*4joiDUna n1t~zrd (.ieq. In pail ciupnmpom rhe(I nner, .
A Mrs, jpwe Pis for.p e groreoat 11fni1mrlp-tfiteen fli~9iji4W
stsonvilio-intrtoratY anta wo-ro: not harmed by the coli of the
PP4 winter Ot tnusz Pe rewmenri Jt, howq. r, that Mrs. ftyol's
grare lies 6if enl bank 4f & rtor. an, that the tinvi1.aturo
)r&A1 W# .ploo -"141o A~d 411 1u 'md itetc4

'ILI t 7- .11 toll!
Ir~~~qr~~r.# 111)0*.! wnr.t~,sb, i WI'W'I ~ i~i'elll I-

*3 f 1A I jot
P9Il~I L1 MP~D~II bji~Jp~itke~-~~hesA stdnkcc'w, re~ ii4'ny

rpp-20 .2s
; 12 pt b- 'til nbiu nesi of ~

hi 6 oil

P;i) -"0 7' .6
February 'a & '. i.e. ~

TotaIh 20 6a 70W



-M. I o d I* 1' 'I I,
I~ ~ I .4

2 C' b I !
*O Y,, a '0' '2 I g. *8 44*
9C 6."'' II-' 7

1:0 1 ~ ,
1K 2 I tl 3'. [' 2 .
**0 4, jr J 45

?~t~vu~or ~ 1" i I .~ ,'~ I 4 I -L '
Al: 0; I f ,(

~~ w~~~~ ~of th 1 b1uia 1~ ,g ~n o

Three dled of the-ages, respectively, 68, 70, 70, colored, and one
white'aged 66. Or the 84, eleven had no pbyaiian.
ThO arrestt numbor,of duatbh was in Augut, v13: 18, of whick
10 eret blaek andS 3hkb'.F '. f' T
The least number wait? the months of AprilV'9 POO, k.
Tho bF 8sdiha '& thel ysI, -b f Opdi & ts M
setij.ed pamulatisob"of 'tbd bity vudA, hturba, do ibiIa& i 11h e'_
*t~pyiS.8Os~vbih rehbA the a be ahob tfri'6dei ;tthvbr Via
pqr qftV. Theft CUM m-4 -tatltcked? fodmi Wd 0111IM 4 'fr 6f Pal Vl
uak. Bsq., City Sexton.
SBaaensh h'e in the same MICA$ 96 V Ijnrials.
White residents, .201
~hits con-residonts, 62
lookd 'residen ts, 706
4 ~ 4.
~Toj, (1 -;,' '969
mber o41burials tqOotober: (2
Jf~Itor~d~s n- -. 9'
ite no a 1 v S

"otal, U: V j -
loa$ pplaber wab InJuly. vds:-
It. non4iuldents,t .- I ('V
oredr~j~s ~- i i I'

1%L pwvskIs oI SaAMa is #Is ):-1 ui 1I(ck glwl'Akddfrf
Wooe~w not of- deagmr
lt. t," F,: J; I I.

OmEnRAS L oo30t01rPIoN OFP~8 ,~Hl*Ci
The, (A,,.1~, lo ; %ti.t wfbii* ol aed rT Ils U '
celdeneb Gov M. L. Stearns; to tte Legi asture of Florida, wiM be
realf wnIfibrftj-
'h1tjriog thtl psatakqerj p4~.ektb6 'otphll g so dduta~uru 'aw
habihbet oil Oftsodtpr urJh7p illud, tdbmbregh4st ,b BSil.'
Cdwme bas. pbreepiby Mishm", 2pbs"Peelny dOreila vlb t
gr.oas. 1e .e0168e4 Novs;?Ze fib r vslrw edvitfi-
ad -9rdler %ndC *I*Wkl iIs. beljevuo td&i s of' abe
PO.P196wiIlrasmbeagitI hay. est6 )4eMh1##1% OAImgIdce6iw bt)
dist .pdMSIs $ 4I ltM."d A4dew k"&s m a KR.'
Goalr that 631CMUOshlmtv I,4,t. 11'-0 r a (lt '
lO&1,Af, and. rccfgaiwdll s i mw

~Yll~o~h~ikktb~crom c Irk g
oiqwuaLh 0"ivv I

that! A"I1

16 1*I

td. ~lY,0. !alll

kll,(1 fta% FO b h I al Oii

ns 'a JkA t, .a,~~')
greater s vas t 6 i~n~s~~
,mwL~ to) U16 W=coltdtc~"eI~~~ieoi
pmot-Ob" W 'it L Wohl
erailit 'site rol:h 1
tbelpe'djrwy 411d" tdt. ewii

Arm &a are we~olb -icd b er plemis to travel.

We would also add that the report of the Congreisionna1 Commit-
(Co as to ow'jtF C&q~*. wet Iw*~ t Mtjtkl of time
jar'intt~lr. IIl' atddid oneo cijyher to, theounauber, m~akhg: tioe deWl fifteen
didWiui i teu44.OV ..udilion. and .4 hlt! ai It bo~kt bwoei D
W10"AYAGOV, WMA IWO.k~0 1SSlot1
*h'in~oalte~p4M ( cuAba~ lat ~thieBlll idqfrbae IH1 iafltdoi Its
sOq~4~q) I;~~tk~rehlyemL taacliow g the'taop100 )l*@W oEngth' **",I
OQiuadwsi 4Fpm~ila,, ~v YIQ~e 'ytti abotbt~bO it .md# Itsitr gveat~
csM4U~~kl~rru4wi.altwg theO mitlro &#hatbu)ebm.W4r of'Gtkl "
s ryof 1AA*liamNj I atitiAt1d6O,&W48 fIrien, bAng
'cOgAA..#e),~ L~is40R ft)*UmldbI3yto,. 5th areais.4*08bl qhupe
wMO&D&: AU b.?IU 0 hid.JS s 40 Iafbh
''IIFLS ~ viven t' ud lore :an am otherikC~ttlej At lei,~;b'P ~
44pio i giiimm tom bk.4yd Whl dihefta fpelMmidt. t 36%ftb aiI Is

7I)rj 6 "ue aM, i 4ha ~ b
w thWtii'iero and'there lnoreased in richness depo" "&dfRMhai
S:,me of dejt, shell bS4idz pkmasre, Oft)y fqat high or wore.

~l)t -040M arl"

q In"fi
0#NOS, a,,tr~l~rr

40i 88 O-1

jets Ia ~8i;)V r~tacl)FLil~
)~7 m~a~F"14" -AqqL, 06j, no Siye ~ BC4,k; 4-#

0, &Uut~,yh 47 I

19 e UKRIU, I t i %%mm Aga. VA

x Miles aj em
m I i ia* i rive &.s Twentysi vo. eso w *i., ita D 0 r Ku MUS

(Ir~ll(tlo~~~t~l .'') 'r; ):;:~riu~c~n 3liP ~c i~Cmi

wIri~, 1$y 1319 R~wcpiee, ~maptle' chie~la Oh wtawhats~bie, ~YL)Aowa
B~ac~k, f~99Prt~lCF4,iq 4,Purdidn. rivers, and o numerous *aujW*dexna
hBay. he whole coat IpII14fnjI With Ith, olgsftanr *Lyi1I-
should nt, die ptoiate 0e, num rofl,.ilo9 ~ 4. Ift4~pq o
,ti8: I't willnet e 6i 'b~ L tba e.~lr ~stri40b !.Ul9 1 i~i;~s,
r~oai~dL. II~i"*At(Wj. krp e~ I~iighw1& '~4' 9tLt &~fel. I

I Thp r nt~po. IiA .i l. 187) ~Ras l87aIOOO. ,1neiedaur of
g7.bOo during the cde, in spite of tba.ttlin'caused4byathsWav.
rp lier Ig Wqoarte e milioflJD0VCthO
~icfjC91lzlWciMPfthtkeP# Eju~A*id48t~oaie phetcrlrLnnLdB
.09nPI P! tPPA 1, *SPw# .4h agfnrthti
ce a Sectoan is know Les8tfse I twA i wuinaiDs
"''~ pc dQC #ttrsro.d oihdl 0k~erdb btri neu~

eAoot;Iowp em fat d oi#iII whie
9P 9re 9, F1 W pgm4llp! tr be4O d uwtr Ih6W

S ~,tib. i i~ phioe ,pr ht~i t YI Srl abu IAH:$ .I' UlA bi~~'.
memo ri0NI b'l
elecsoltpi" s. tQC p*9FnJ1

tate *AiWYOVl fdo&' I I i ei1 N

few yllf~ArsVg,'wb ogtrtliaa, a1trutaJ

Watrithh the. Q be "a
tack 1n4$ 'WI iha~t.~ ~ was0L; wLw~,#

oW31t' pam*Aot !QIBPr)31~~k
'p r e gn I'ab r I cite "C" 4P1I,
StateTh aat once a 'y X. 91nea "'r. I

few o pby0 n h I xesu~auywr n. oee.I
backii' lino ikil~;~~b~~ ~~t hrw al Oh Mt ( 'klr ~~ are

th6 rs a. th ;4. r I r. ci~dids, aljovp pw p,"
0 t 0r 96

Mtt; w 91 bauymr~,horori

miserable system, at best leading to expenses that Iooud pot other-
;w b6e iesrgdi It fuiieva 'ixtkufvl.l I ali'thf Sodthosn'poI-
ftabyL- Tbevrkwabuu amu dt aMong tfhe lna 6f rsiir s4laj
~b~aai.' ~Psborp~iesubc~t~b~f'thesqrItioads. I '
'x bf. Ibb lh# ie Ov
vt4"01*116nal xtfilandbidn a XPpec~q
All Welied ti'shfiry the're ;PFI
ht6~C bden ap 16 I t en hidnr9
be ratified by' Oft pie. -titch f
Wi* bmAaof I ur4erescasi:ndaim zh.W
3i*tMDJfWISS VU&iS iD Fibridt. .
With tthOC'slil -te fiuanc ofthe"W a'
oB5r)doua ate4 tstII
Adfli an en, Oa bwdesoiwa ieft, bspbid "64
0#Ieud fum rskW4jbtws" 'wOttaf

bh ti A


Tb rseQsnto aprpntRpen of 1 I ioky to IITe 4. 8ct0
\Brldb~'re~f fo pe: of iyP~~r~, I" 41 d 10 80pri
of ehe 18atei. '1~e Is Wide rw~ku, andr as free t~oiij.tba Pilra'lbkIeqg-
any man in the 8tate.
,, I *1

.?~ .~ i .., :%wuifBtjg,1rim w t;~

'dy I i ),

h L_, I H, c
T8 RA L No"~~



Lols nd points L Woim St~P~9401(Ib

-%hW omi'& v~tC~tdte.

Bolstm-A 87Mon 7d JmupuoI Ve, Boston & Pro
tat. Nortib sad *3e U
h~e Short Line" I

Hmw 6-Alp tbu, rHirdl?~;~lQ',r:ql*i d
AL L.d. .nuIT
neasueneai tyHtel &BPI lh Fifth Steet; an ar
Boumiya~s-At 87, 79pb, wd Boeton&P~L ovI-~

*in Ii, 391 ~IlW(B tee es,' ~t?

44 South Fifth Street; and at
k ~rp i 4 r~ eHel~ie~ ml
Wim .SnliR ~

,~ A*b bg

e .~kRi d MLl:)b '~RIJ~t c fi1 NY ti 1 1.1 O

New York, Buiton. Philade phia and Baltimore. (By
Steameship to Savannah. anrlfhence to Fkoridix.)
The Sea Rnoutes45 fWrkTr~j '~uji, N~po sORK AND BAVAN-
tIAl STEAMSUIPS,.')fAist1 ng oT threA Iinos or commodious und well
appoinLed Stteamvp. T of Murra. Verii &
'Co's e Ba~ll tioorn wIf it1 ;t lver, ai ernately on'Tuesdays.

f-b n~i Ii ,,lii

s er *n, a

m e*i lily A, df t .51 -1
Witt 0, 0l r, q'v

roonkh; Street, Jet* 'o :-

r ir16*W%1ii NO( vWj
At li du Hlotbnd ~,6i~ ~~s soli~6, to I I pt 19 rxjorw! O

Ti. 09D141j ~r iR 911. im~e1*i' sbaeald
the i oeror of Georgla and Alabamar. f.t4 a, Aee Igent, 237 and
M9 Dock Sweet, Ph~il'Whibli..'' ':'

teyvhr~l day oe'd e r g l sea- Wortbhy~rvolepal

4 4#$1- Tikulb~
.pdp irt: ;pop)p"IiIdIIo doRIIC~ l 1194;Ilrni+'
owdl~ I A A..) .a~C~t cC~:b~~id ~

4benle Ths. 60 M10*110) and ~l
A, -Awk-A

he Atlantic and Gulf Rlilroad lae Savanna hjail
,u~ the ikbtiiai f hihi eIi, ;
%wt*e "bt ile .80Ut twioirbP ttstf t

estauralit accommodations exist atonho tiheline
Or, 80008dld bV'tbW81LqiTf! eW40't'l

,he St. Johns Rztilw*ay for St Augustine,' UU%1o4i( &

alapvsI4irCbMeAhbe bomwl Shwdf4
eaflaomhiiee .3Mn*4bI.s*~+e


3 '?JIIJ I~t l ..~ VlkI *.iII E u 1 NJ NI

j' *Irl *p~JI) aJ. :! L j ( 91159n~ tII(1f~9rnI ,~ s y t h ,w v ~ ase.1
h, Now rboa% MbbXsd& tlMr. I.i( M& i

Wh~i~q 4 inSld~anu inlplkayctam4l
;,,Hj A-40 v #un-s) 9di d*&g ntiq Few) 3~i

If the alaWs. 15 dJ~unwr
tre m1ore easily obtained, and which1 obhmA atwe4,1-111ftt

si))-o wos!o mb 0M (6b n&1 J.... YsN It.d
le SVAORNYU wsa kiaded0 piwIu~.' "M' I~t'
61 M)Ap0vAdAW Inai~un-ut 'w-u4 sidelb

ry. H!ere no miasmmstic s:'amps oVII )11 0

Whlo Iabitaiwors.i w"", Amy 'd'ifUi( Iii' ?'41 w *''y
O~w~ h.~b~bf L~W1~eI1 r'ial 'h~i.rr SPI Wufr
)Qkiwgal Ji ueg~d iwhbbt~gonut 1I7l~rh UN~:
tie moredeie 1eb4ld
etar o(00 i"Aii ~ ~ AbpX* Foisi q
rra !Wosken 1Mbf6& e

~plbi b~jA~~IIUlbbdIIIQ~ur,,
le vai J, &kaytl pWOU.111r~ 0 ke. Asbiwb*

9f qr#41 rm hvcaf
41 W IVO

f l.ipo. .,p OvI~~r~mdral o f dw
AU 4 pp TIei ra',Mv.
PWY M*N#W 0149 M4 surromd-

"qat~~~) 4o setrAfmbe A.319tvuudd-
~ vN~i Mai* i8=11
1i ho of-dad lalmdl~r1I~d~iembdoosodl v6tj~c

g. mbwesa~ te vaiseCsOW,V~j6

orieth ram sindag o tinktha thelir
tr~i~smF~g eat canop oveLrhed th~rough whic mthe sm'sra

lramdb havel~tpI~Y p$4~alE~r metid. to canet
ass411a possibe Into sweet dlnenoran i a a

4p~kb kb~kb~sveLae u etk
~~~~W WiMuuvN4eW 04~~~a~V~

bgUa~w.4p e 4sAShern;m Wa.lihush Wrei tM' I

r#Y i siii, 1 l3 f Vi nj II I tI

C~n i~bbe f~bklawJ1' iigiarlarde~
bymy vo siing sok h thereir e

cpaMM.=p o iv p vi-bea4 *vovgb which the asy
we Is 46OC1V
411j, as jiidble Into swet orange groves am n'j

w berl~r I .re It nd

tgj 0.
fts~pg there, i WN tim agott~
of" 1. .~I ~ 118 lp11d

0 ma ered by saying thers-ar et~h

*0100r~i ost 4ift .Kubdiom

within a shgdin i

b tauth .s~ ** ep'd
,mlfev4'3rthaFttbd! uib~
to meof o

-)I Woo 'oi. 11410? #, Ig -f 0 s I $ 1 1171; ,ll. 1 311, IIV


1s AI

Jalap, tahubarb, Gi Qu auaum, ,

8oQca:a lirtl~b~rsmb~aulw s~ebIgbh WAUtfs
argersa Lt~ItAridarilaJ~bsut\adIub*864e
tey.l rsS6At yW It1A ib

nportant productions omitted anl no a~lluion made to many
ithatm s i rftQw r

of. qp I

oui. beu*W4.i jo)kiRUI,t SPAl 4( .re1JS
b -1101 1 Me

of cattle may be ralsedl and sustained absolutely
it at almost no P.penle, when allowed to run wilT.
Ihn of many Inlteelvigt tArymvn. that oven In the
alto *aule cana be 4 kI I p1y fed with green
S uwwf UFGW thban thbey am be
phastauge then surety here can be Ilule question

~~ t.~~ A 1, 1 f1) Otttw, 1

f hE iej rrt

stan pr~di n( esttooWar fumsr


tbe *ranges On the&St J.ohN d Oi 114nhat~


tWe ni1I' ;t'd;HH' H 1 ~4i 4V
t~id' n~t~bl ~i~tY:ip '0l

rgiun dlbab t ~ id~i:r~o
1UUUU; Ith fWlTerflI q Muhl
6awbl i ti V&Kb hi e
,T~ I rr~ieur~ORr 0-2~d~

f -all .014efh lshe-ft"1 x Thb W*t)VAVI'lr d
fh)ojrwjlqh*St'itIMOdr$ Fh4e rouI~13 br t.
ed tlleATOP, but pI*hi .a WE:* t 1t a

ot. groves, In ftiM &tut4 ftblth4ef186I6
T)&4 husixfo.~likuloshUr~ boa IM'i ''A~4R
Individual Venttris, thr4*a~h:-.4 4j[0A'j Wib

m9~t lanvsLerl~l&: gprk*t *xrlnnobiM i u,r)_~Yu~OIhB4*t~~'Y'
lb. r~p~aii~ 4Du tc1M~m, itr : kPlbl(Ukh1nl1
uanvigatlon of t~iq~j Jr~il~~Ah~mrbslbwsnb h6Uf~t#a~4SW'lp
AF ~ jw~drloff. AllE
one ~ ~ JA .4JA gr'4p~~*

3~ttei4TFy, lt.~tit, kwoPjm6 &RLr
j Igpi

sil I,ighL ~ rIgei b i*t,: ,re ),j .' frl' tt!!Q:
r"er. Wrb Uqi~tbStztI*rt w m& widsf
one f o ,rgSgcrol~sacm, Ia r;ulo I
Itho 11 PT 1:::&:'bw* NMRWD P 101 'J Ydottrrrls

'y ~ II 'tj 9 tl
,Txg Bif~~rrmp *)n;.btfp porbti*-- Wo Staw
nd 'ITppaiap 1ong pW_ 11u d i-AkSa. Lrg


ar- ~;r ~i jelPCql.~y ~~r' fp
,i) PPM U rWPM5I*M TyUWA PMA flIowi~
th" 16*1 lon',t !hq nip IoL -ansk *10hudom
in be n nite ~ (r~nl~Srnrbdr a
9OW 14' AWAR& T29118 492 '44W~jk*. 7U, bkhiek.

c. willowSirnlcn UdrOtuylj~

008 V Cut ifirriflon. U*46OW4111

~b~t~~t~Ei~RoAy-.4 h-- -.


Sh ; I S
4'41r, -W

.1 1 10wo Is Ibi Is Pik ,.tss

144W Or s'ax wv.tnin
A6 M adip -ibisYtokiu rdst a.llew'n itru W

a uimtd a)ibP11upr ii M~kIOA
W o loppidtl*ufet .k I#ia 4
u# b%%)A autmfri.%he. mhbie ~ va

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new ones. From our ownh observation the orange here is not so eare-
fully cultivated as it is about Palatka. Not so much attention is
paid to it arid the graves do not make such a fine display.- Those
on the banks of the river cannot be seen from the dense woods al-
lowed to grow alout them, under the impression that it protects the
In the garden of Mr. James Wilson,: in this city, can be seen ~ n
orange tree with fruit on it. The seed from which this tree grew
was planted by Mr. Wilson himself four years ago. A utmlber of
five-year old trees in diflfrent parts of the city have fruit on them.
Fine orange trees grow still fiirther north, about Fernandina,
that have ndver been injured by frost. The quantity of orange laud
in this State is almost unlimited. We do not advise new settlers to
rush into the cultivation in any place they may find cheap; first
make careful inquiries and take the advice of older hands who can
mhow "what to do and how tl.go about it. Every local agricultural
society should carry on the discussions, that every light may be
thrown on it at the next grand meeting of the. Fruit-Grolve'rs Asso-
ciation. .


This tree thrives lx"st in a rich calcareous soil. We have seen no
Ihier -fruit on the MediterrLnean than anthat :produced from trees
growing on the shell and red coquina lands of our Florida coast.
It will, howcvtr, alt,'pt itself to almost any variety of noil, though
if the ground is too poor,' it will be but a barren fig tree, and if too
,uolst the fruit will be of an inferior flavor. Unlike the orange, the
fig tree should not, he pliAted where it is at all shaded by other tre.-s,
fhr the niore fully it is exl)os-,d to tli e s :nrllinethe m nu~ S y ai:l
I.lih tlavore4d will ihe the fruit.
The tree is one of the very easiest, to propazge, growing, readily
from hayers or cutting, which mn:y lbe set, out in this clirn:ite at any
time through lhe winter. perhapss the quickest way to haIve a ban.r-
ri, g tree is to lay a brImlh Iorizoitially, covering it with seven or
eight inches of ertlh; ; ; branch is snutfered to project from the earth.
which fio;'ms the fIltre of the tre,,' whilst the parts under the sur-
lace are forimwd into Irots. It iu;mlly (.in ,n,'icus l-aring the s-.c-
ond year. In Florila tihe tree % il! lear hl ree crops of' fruit, hut'the
spring crop is generally immnatuire:and I he thll crop is very scant, so
that only the sumnir crop is unich relied on, though Prof. Bich-
man, of South. C(ardlina, is of the opinion that high manuring will
produce a good early crop from il the varieties, and with some care
plenty of fruit nmy be had till the frosts of' November. When the
tree is subject to attacks from insects, the following wash is recom-
mended: To fiur gallons of'water add h lf az pound of snft Soap,
one pound of sulphur, and a 'i srter of an ounce of black pepper.
All these ingredients must be b),iledl together for twenty minutes at
least,'and when in a luke warm state. appliedd to the bark of the
troe with ai suitable brush. We ofrtn hear i aid t sai tht tiH tre!s
should never nx- Iprined, and indeed, they never should be cut ba'-k
as, we do most fruit tre.s, ,bt neither should the tree e allowed to
attain a large si'e, n t large trees h.-:tr prl:p,,)riionall' less fruit, bevid.Ms

being Jiflcuilt to gather. On'this point we copy the following di-
rections 'Aro an. old.,ywork. Titled "Tha.Gardener's Calender,
,",piublsh inarirl~eton,r. 1ni809: : .7 .- s., ; ,--**.,,
,I.,n ttbe. rt ace evertp 9ut away or grub'up. all the suckers
.t"pc. ~,ftLh ep .which otherwl~e .wuld. requireumch nour-
",i hen.t o,.sApport.Ahe .,. and wYakun..theimotlhr.,plants; when
Sthis is done, you must prune out all dead, decayed and crowded
wo~d. ru hee. yrlarsge branobl grow! .in a rambling -manner
Across golh.ra, he alsoQtaIken.iout. :.-, *; ;*, -I r ., -
S, .., I. i .ihbraischles anditoo close.o as not totadmit a free cir-
.cuI aIonof mir tlhrut-gh the tree, lqt some ofr thes be also cut away.
Theeping.,the tree.thin. ad 'taking away,.all irregular-and old
worn.y, b ancs, is, .ithe yt way x. ;ns.urerilarg, crops and:fine

Y-: .i. I it-I ....... .. .A I'

r* From extensive e iperinitnts 'orelrees ad oliservations among
our neighbors, we find that there are no peach trees that do as well
as the native Florida varieties.
Very many trees have been imported into our State the last four
years from Northern Georgia, and from New Jersey and they have
been given a thorough trial.
The native seedlings excel them greatly. in vigor of growth and in
Searing qualities. A tree .once starters in. those colder soils and
atmospheres seems to acquire, and always after retain the habits of
slower growth and of the time of putting forth and throwing off
their leaves, peculiar to the latitude where they began life. Our
Street grow more in one.year than these strangers willing two.
For choice varieties and early fruitage, we have only to bud from
the few most excellent trees which may be found in every neighbor-
hood. We have them in the State, we are credibly infornmeu that
ripen the. last of May.:. .. .. .
.The best of.the Northern varieties may, however, be cultivated
here very successfully by, budding from the early aorts brought from
the North, although puny- in. growth, into .our vigorous seedling
Stock. In this way we get the Hale's, Troth's, Crawford's Early, /
and Early, Tillotsou with a.vigor almost equal to the.native: 1e i
do not, however, get these varieties to ripen any sooner than they
do at the-N orth.. .,i .-.r.',. .- *' .: .., .- -
.We should hesitate to risk our reputation-for, veracity with.our
friends in the slow growing regions of the. orth:upon a statement
tof the rbia facts as to the rapidity of growth of the pech- tree. in this
;latitude, .We will. venture..the assertion,, h(wew-er..ttatt we often
get fruit fom. Awo year,old trees and wo can prove by Indisputable
teiinmony, that several peaches have been picked from a tree grown
from seed planted twelve months previously % ., ,.' -.. i. -
S"Is.the peach crop a retable.,nd sure crolp?. DoB thetree suffer
. from any .nsect?'- ,! ,,, : ..' .! ; : h' :. A
We 'have resided. in Florida the last seven feair.dutrig which time
there luil, ep a fullcrop, except 4n 1873. when the crop was par-
tiaifalure, owningg to a.ostini.March.-;W know 6f:noinsect that
troubles the tee,.except: the .borer, which is anore-oc less trouble-


6d.Mrubbi' I- ef~the~hoe-itnink'wit
d- on j m W cLthe..worm lsrhihtehed--; i~fthbatiffendinn
to HId ,-etooi -n-mn!thietnn, u h
ve seq ian pacte60 i,1115 wehnkbb ivr,' hai ivii gucc~dbd 6n, the

-and D44 A6 lotheirJorther-ii tates g pcrw Arilli-here, but, they
S: are ilcirbiii p* pyo fi l. 'peks aftei ie~blii q have bloom-
ed bit~C~e thy ~l~pt~p t k lyrllbloom-iihiItt;irlll soon'drop
';`ff,~ii~4=id .PX ibe, ivided byplantingg ood 11 dew &I ntly
: i'b~~i biiaddin?, i~;ti~~;;ift, ,ite~ 3 fpipIaIIIjfeIIII~itreLih~a
Lfodr2l Jac~k66lnvllg! Pv4".rnl x~r, att. fmai8 i $1 tltc y $31e bmhbkf; while
e.X h'ir~j~l k~tj~~q~rs~ ighiri i Soma tha we~f* ihied

g'~~8err.,A fh -'wo re, sarcely k66*fif hete(? 49 theh
'I 'robien l-eownn pq~nhere~since wt 're~abeg iste
a re k~'~imei iralaied Vuk,by..the hot !ium in.- a, -e6 -seisonj they
should be planted on ridges or, raised. beds in a: moist soil. We were
la Itely shown some finol N*Wi~enie~bf -i ifiative. seedling MIMIe by, Rev.
bit_Modre,6at hissopsa& cc "the k: jbhhhs Milli normc us -that
!;-the vite; g~er ot Mon-ddh 6f tA6"W iimon iir e ji oliF
i1:= if'he g~eatdi~ri~~3ito rar iasihifrtiit'ol, 9ll 11"dihaq been -the
--ijant of pquiektrus poittofin t6the'-7astdi citiei*,which.'we hope
..;Vill soon. be'remedii~ bgb the'-Fbi~iiaiiilL, 'lini,'.,' .".
; "i~ Pergrons liviiij~ lit otbei tatdrs thust I ieir~timb~ir t ftuit-glrodv~ddd ingdd~~~~
" Flo'nida is ln-its; iiifitkiqy, ali `thaf thonit,:if.nbt all. tbcis engapil
. in it -btave done 96 at much cost of money, and' labor in ixeriemep&
-47i -nhc i oif~ to the greitfdifference, of the dlhm'ate and iesn
of~is contry.:;nd that fipm wrhich'rs fu ae

~, .t': i'SWEET~POT&TO CULTURE..,,,,~:
IR 7,, ;'' r by j:p J A. Bo atrorh before the Halifax Rive r A icu I tuxa ; A~owatioo

T he- culiivartion'of thee'sweet 'potato i s too generally. known to
.eed; ;;any, remaikh .66m -mae; nevertheless, *I Eire. to agy a few
Swords in explanation of the Cirumstances affecting the cost of rais-
ing them, and- tbi probable tea~son why, some Ofrireer fail to produce
San vrrcrp'
.If the.laud is too poor, the crop, very small, If too- rici in
ammonia br stlmiiatlni manulre, th p',ill be. -sW saier .h
vifte imt-kr w 1t -:iq&"d.T;"6ut* "Will `P ipd!M-)q'i ccjjj6Wtpejoog roots
and &A **Wi~bnall rtlbi- ttbiiL trot, jliil ot good to eat,
-We ftd froot. books -oiij di J"' "t *1 1 Jag jinust .nti

'profit c tio easilyj~#ii~"~ rtili sn~~bii~~b.aal ob-
ta ..-cined'and ;Lpplied'% P gdvI~dantagii;, But we hafie the materials
hffV#."4foi~prdduclug n good crop-of. potatoes wwthouk,he..a=6
y,,c~ommerclsl.* f~irtilizers.:- Thesq,*'ro.*qd `flttxfm to prepare
: ..and &pP1)r.---: They ae, ?eaves',. jr'ser..ani iA',dsi oi decayed 'vegets-
;,ble-matter kenerally,,. composted *rith wood ashbes, and a small -quan-
~it; brfih m rni~u .'matter; this:*heen welle rottedl n applied



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will produce a good yield. The usual mode of fertilizing, however. .
is by cow-penig ad ree copsuch as ye oroaf stibble or
eam ,plowedI. iand beddedu pon' ether b'hilch: ~l' prduce a

those who eab'pinr or:oat'fbr foratgef -. .' ,: n ; b,'
Sewr lana whicn has somodecayed leaes r Woi alu it,'ho Ut 1 ai 'l'1so
,produc'arfidr; crop -without" any additional fertilizng, apd on eight
httnick feland it. ithe mont profitable crop to plant te f- r year.
Whly iz.his;"'Gardening for r the 8outh,e asyg of this pot at* -
whlolesore grown. ln nutritious properties it excels ill ,otherroot ..
.cultivated inithis country except the earrbt.' WeIgh.fbr s ei ht, it
:ontains more than double the'qantity of arch sugar, and other "
e ementao htrition that are fhund' l the i varieties'oRf sh
ota-toes. For fbeding stock, three nbishel 'dore eqifal t .ind of "
ihndise cor yielding on thea sai land ve or'six tine' thwe fgod
that is producedkiby ts most profitable graii'w A glo8no i bak sweet
petato is alhosbas nutritious as breaso h,, din .'(, > i

SI think'dtie en1 acision stpin this section tii t opla e. froni twelve
to eighteen ii 'is apart in the row, san one acre ofland, aiade :up
into roivsfe r feet apart is equal to ogne row .1300) feetira length,
': giving omfor:f a many plan t f, yieldingg an averqge.of only a little
Over one poiind each.' If plante eigb teen inches apart an acre will
hold about,8oL p tuplants, which, at the rate .o 2 r.apshels per acree.
produce' au e of oulyr one and one-half to to. pounds each;
but- one' siI- il or plant often' yields five. ppuudsand upwards,
and an uy go' hillhould contain at leiiat three pounds ,'conaequ et-
.'Iaoyu pl 6f'hilf; produce less than .one and oie-balf pounds.
he cause ofIthi~alow rate of yield, I believe Csplabnting too close in
the row.. If by' planting two or two and a hIalf feet apart we can
produce the same g ppant. per acre., it willbeeconomy of time tnd
plants, and conseque ntly cheaper 'tha .th, e resent mode .of close
planting. -At:his distance of two'feet apart in the row, an acre
will hold ab utt ,b00 plant, whblch, at an average yield of three
poundAea 'dl h'6nld ake a total of two"hundredand seventy-ive .
bushels per sid This is above'tlhe amount usually y, obtait ed. y .
close planting and I. have ho doubt that,tlit i creas'd ye.d ,c u,:be ;
obtained o.fth aiii e 'land by gi ing each liit an mi re room... .
The above figures are not expert, biut'hear renou e fonom r poim pt
purpose. ,,n, ..*. dft che .x-- pe*r.. e '..' ..'.1.' *= c ,s
The best. y el .r thisseaa. frim. onetacr wa h6s .
This was on hammockk land; , the wdI had been burned .
and the ashe'-ca ttered amoig 'tb'decayed vegetable matte.o. the
grotlnd, A : ,t5fb6'oth manure s ed bn-hal ,o fti acre yield ed six na .... ..... .... .. .......... .." ..o .
***e m *r r *.. os m.

".., f. -. t', vc ,^.,- '.. ..: ,-c.. ....... !................. .. .. .-...
1: 's wa -o n-)W1 m M k ., dp :hi.- th'e'. ._, --.

--- -
-lux. six., S; ~ I. .......
i \ via"= 4W -4 SJ:0.

.r. '' r ~
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.,.., -~r

At this.. ratq the cost will hardly exceed'fben cents per bushel,
avino qu the clearing iud vale of land and of plants., :,. -,:..
It should;bqtakii oit ilderation, however, that.the expenae-
f cultivati. iy iSAe what. changed iby. planting,
rhich required more.aer-cplture to keep down the gras and weeds,
rhile the plapti t! p ay.,be ,done.rcheaper .by making up the rows
rith plow, which n .nPw landn4 must bedone almost entirely by
oe,..The cost of, plating good,-and poor land however,is -the
une, so that i4qeta4 of ifteen;to. twenty cents on good land,.the
potatoes raised on.pop. land wil coat forty to. fity cents pec bushel.
Ye must, therefore try to bring our land.iotowsuch condition- as to
ring the best possible yield, which on. old land Inustbe done by
green crops or.manure. or bothas before mentioned, :f we want to
tise good and cheap .potatoes.,f;: ji .'. :' :'A ; -- ;.4 '.:'.
I will also state In connection herewith that this acre of land -p-
rred to aboyveJad one hundred young orange trees set on it at reg-
r distances pap rt,each, ofwhichl occupied a-space ten
et of row, 1,000 feet in all,; oo.nearly one-tenth oE an acre ;. but I
ve made no deduction therefore, because the plants or hills nearest
ese trees gave aucb .ap e.traordinary yield that I counted it as a
ole acre; these plants:sent roots:into the mulching of oai leaves
d grass around the- trees:and: produced from five- to -fohrteen
unds to the hill, and a similaryied was obtained from the ends of
cry row where the plants lad plenty of room. If by the proper
plication of the right kind tof manure. the land can .be' made:to
uce evenly at the rate we find in some places or spots,.we should
upwards of.400 bushels per acre ;- this is about one bushel from
enty-seven. feet., of. row,. Have dug .a bushel. fom twenty-two
t, which is at the :rate of 500 bushels per acre, and I hope every
ntber of this association will try, if only :on a, to ex-
imeutin this Isatter and give. us,the result so that.we may profit
the t~ited: experlene of .j~ua y. ..I- r. : ,>. ;;. -.J: N .. i: .:s
e all know the value of this potato, and-still nay fail to have: a
supply,,. We ofteu haar, them spoken, of as life-preservers,"
they .arv truly so withmauy,families. They are easily prepared,
are eaten not only by. man but. all the; domestic.animals includ-
the dogs, cats and cbikens, and by:proper care can bekept .the
r round. If communication, could. be had with: the North, we.
Id probably afld a profitable market there, and get other articles
xchange- for ,our ,sweet.potatoes;; but until then.,they are ioly
bleat home, and so,valuable that no farmer should tail to have
o supply. for hil ow .nq eqS ,t :;t>'t r s::;. t .... *.1;';. ?
1; : jl. &7: ;;' "' I O.,.'.', I;. b'L, I :, -, i 4,1,'. .... / ". .

aiwerifig the ifowi'g gustiosht have' been prop dd
From to tile 'we ~'ve t- allod''t ou assistance the experience
knowledge of somi of our best, Ottlers, men, who have encoui-
all the obstacles Incdent 'lnee;.fe in'this 8tat'. ,
|-Whatare thedromi sof Ploridato ortern', ettIe ?
th an any other Bta n th.Unon.j; bgretal. tak.e made
.ny who comKe r s bel'in ti a fortune can be made

-- r *- ., .
-- - - .' -, ". ". ... ..

.... ... .. ... -.. .


*r ,.i. 4

r" .'-.


S42 .

.Without working ha-d for t$ Th eyinaglne that all'tbey a requre-
ed to do iso tolear plieesof 'lndmirbt'ldauthunudrodor t#b range
';'trees, a'few:-gkape&vined, peafd te ,t eit doi dlynd
.bf wa itthoresutt, orielsetum ittevrto th ind a maeehi6~i ~some
S',"hired man' wh6 has no interest iriWt?-Aii natth' 16ctui.lta they therresult, and the/ieixt'.4 tiikn' is touse
some of.the regular moded 6flueblotltl6tkInd&Lte ae. Butt tb a man
w ho.can labor and wait-4inatr'wlto 'wllW kpply his .energies and
; ihisjudgment to the work bef6rehhi'mtn.- 'ia n whoi willing to re-
*ceive new -ideas in cultivatingtvegetablt aInd' fruits' best 'adapted to
t this climate--a man whbo .wil'ultitate thtesoit;,not'as they culti-
";vate:it in.Maine or Minnesota, liut as his intelligent aud.successful
.tt neighbors cultivateit in Floridaw-to:tich'as tan we iiky C"tix oi,',
Florida offersyou a far better return fojr'yur, labi. thalh Any other
.State in the Union. .1 ; ,I .. ..!Int 4 ,, .AL I.," -
*:. '. Q.-'Is- the country, healthyP, iA.;It is--we' do.haisciills and
1t feveri butof as much milder type thatuthe-fever'andWage of Illinois,
L Michigan, Iowa, Kansas and other Westeri States.'I A'great many
; who come herm ar told that in'oder to'succeed: in'raising oranges,
; they must not stop this side of In:dian river br, perhaps, still further
out df. the 'way.i.-,Th' donsequAnce, is: that: in-their anxiety'to get
:. "below frost' theylbe ssightof that allimportant fact that healthy
i locations the first.thing t ht.stiould be'soukhiB after by the settler.
S. Our pine. lands .are -generAlly healthy, "while our 'ow, 'rich. ham-
Smocks, occasibnal'chiU. "Butf 'with 6tdinary care and:cau-
f!'tion-you need not fear malaria%.- i :*' '*,, *i. .* '.:: T
SWe have in some.localities also some billions fever,' b't it'is of a
-* 'ery much milder type than the-.ieases of, there same class through-
out th3 West and South' West. Geheratl :Iwson, Surgeon General
of the U.: S. Army in 'an official report of his observations during
'"the Seminole wars remarks that ,*the diseases' which'-result from
S malaria are a much milder type in the.peninsula of Florida than in
asny.other.State in the Union.)': '
The records show that the ratio of deaths to the number of cases
'of remitteut fever has been much less than among the troops serving
in any other portion of the United States. In the Middle Division
of the.United States the proportion is one death to,36 cases-of re-
mittent fever; in the Northern Division, one to 5 ;' in the Southern
Division, onewto54; .inTexas, one to78; in California, one to 122; in n
.'New Mexico, one to 148; while inf Porida, it is bt one to 287."
.In short, he says "it may be: asserted without fear of refutation.
that Florida possesses a much more agreeable atd salubrious climate
than any other state or territory in the Union..
: A large classof typhoid and inflammatory diseases which prevail
at the North, and sweep off the population, and especially the chil.
S 'dren, are hardly ever heard of herb. Among' these, are typhoid
S fevers and pneumolbIc d)pthera croup .acarletia, canker, rash and
'- dysentery^ C(onsufntptsi;amoag, the, natives here ver rare

countryy avofl then--why should:yo, settle in a swyimpydistrict,'
while there i plnty: of good 'iighland t'be c h pad chapt. t
: ":-What .are'theta entiente team by th&a' people, toward
ortfh iz iea6tttlig innyour tte A.We d not know an
'place io 'the cotldent'wherd 'earnest men inre more heartily wel".',

...' .I

.. ," ** ,, . . ; .
.. . : ,



corned than by the citizens of this State....Differences of opinionex-
ist everywhere,' and .one nedn not travel to Florida toget up a9 quar-
rel by'indecently and itinteini'atelytirstling his opinions
. those, who- differ' fr~o him. Yet there i not f,Stte in.thdT ionU
where greater freedom of speech is enjoyed than id' Florida'to y.
I Inview of aUlttt is past, and with a hope for what we expect to
accomplish for the future of our'couutry, the settler'can afford to
ignore all.dead issues 'nd-labor Afb the civil and peaceable cahiqve-
ments the future basiinostore for us4 .. .i 0 t:* t ai. t, i ..
.Q- QW-What re.your building materials?; Ai -Pine'lulmber, brick,
coquina rock or shell concrete and airtifcialstone. **'*- -
/ Q--What isIthecoet-of. 'h6use 20x34 -feett two. story front, with
four bedrooms above. two: roonisand hall belowi with kitchen- at-
tached,.and finished in iplaia'andasubstantial mannerP A.-From
1500 to 9 9 )O0.0 :o w ,.. I ,,*,'< ^ ., :".*' b,. -< ..
Q.-What-is the price of: a good -ea'i ihorse?t. A.---From $175-
to $200. '.Mules are generally used here,' andiare worth in price, say
a quarter more thanihorsees.:' ;** *' I~ .' :. ': .' '
Q.-Whatt is the prioe of a good milch cow, and what the cost of
keeping hern year?' A.--From o $456 to '580.' :Hay, (Nqrthern;) is
worth $30 a: ton.. Turnips and ruta- bagas, squash, pumpkin and
millet can be grown here the year through and make excellent f&ed.
SQ.-What are the staple articles of exportation? '.A.-Lumber,
cotton, drangesri hidesi vegetables :beef cattle, naval stories etc., etc.,
including mocking birds -proqcete and turtle.- Not enough sugar
iL made here to supply the.home demand,k idefiliency that will
probably be supplied. in the course of the present' year. : '
Q.-What articles are imported? A.-Nearly everything that is
manufactured,- except',a ffew. primitive-; agricultural and, house-
hold utensils. '.:, : .- ; -. -. **
SQ.-What ard the principal articles of;food for the laboring class
of whites? A..-The same as with you at the North, with the ex-
ception of hominy and sweet potatoes, which are cheap, nutritious,
wholesome and largely consumed. Fish and oysters are cheap and
excellent. Nearly.all the Northern vegetables may be had all
through the winter at a. minimum cost of labor, and such luxuries
as oranges, lemons, figs; peaches and the finest of grapes and melons
may be had in abundance by any one owning a few rods of ground.
In addition, the most delicate of flowersand shrubs are grown with
little or no protectionlin the open air. -Florida is one vast conserva-
tory. ... -. .. ". ...... .'-. "- ..'. ..... .
SQ.-What proportion of the population are white?' A.-In Jack-
sonville more than ofie-half.- :* '
: Q.-*hat;are the leading religious denominations? A.-Metho-
dists, Bap tist Presbyterlans and Episcopalians are largely repre-
sented. The.omGnCatholics hver a hrch and school.
SQ.-Are the white. general adtiv' and industrious? ,A.--As as at .the ,North.h There, lre probably ore days in the
year in which. bor. can be performed n th open air in Florida
than in any other State in the niorn.''!" ."-- '' L-
Q.-W-hat.lsyour fencing materialjkwht..tha probable- cost of
fencing ~~e, asp. field? A.-AiTbhepinaluumbqr.4f-tlB country; with
either cypr or lvve .oak post, the,latte.veryidurable, the former
eating aboutegp years. A s substantial boaadfencefrieb ars high,
ots eight feetapart will cost about St5.per rod. .- .

,' + ,


':'-:: ..~:;i ~ .: .. *. .sjj. ~:~ : ~ 1

: fl ..
.~i' .......: ~'~.;~

FyL~Jdd Ydigei. sto'osnSteoes~
at, WopdJI wMC'Ic gqsw%~ every
hadA.if 'ford.~~r~

..-0 (a or sbids ,or- mattresses used P er4 -Tesittr are
IBM*r omfortable inthis ailiuate-..t :i ` '..; :J;i t5l&.-~:'? '.*,.:
elan Iwtrj.v0r. needed?, tAti'A,.-Both. surnmierandwiniter.
the. iughs are Invariably coolpand this fact is one of thi;reasons of -
the beoilthfulness -or'this climate-j'.'In anotherr tropical tuntry' Is it.
possible'to obujin such.refreshing f slumber; J,
Q.,7,Would It pyS:to& take -good. funitnre, that dixtauck f X -A Not-- [ -
..,unles It Issver gniod.,,N oat and substantial furniture naj bI -had'',-.,
o~~r~e at a swali advanse. oV~crNOY~Yor ir prices. ~ ~;'~; ~i ;I.:~
Q.-Wbat is' freight per too from New York to1 Floridi?-A.-
j'.-'Quiw low,,to Jackeooville, say 20c..per bbl. a.k' -
Q.-4Wbat would .a mechanic pay a month for- boird ? .A.4-ood
bn'oard m-ay be had at from $7 to,610*per week..." ( itu-'?' #:
,Q.-Wbat is good silk per yard1'P What Cdtton A.-Sl~k is V
*2.5GW 61 pelr~;yavdc. -lCottob CiOt tot21c.'ter yard..' 1..
1. Q-..rWbkt:Rkrwtlbe;wageas.Df .a:jeurneynlan .balnessimiaker- per
~week...r )houtb P f, A-,-.'rbe Aemautl for that class.of ;, labbi is at'.
present.fqoly supplied. ~ -. -' .-P i. 41V IV' *.i)
,Q.-W~ha. wges. a;'tin smIth-?V Whit, anA.inin mouIderPw 4A-.A
.' Smiinanith ico6iyes from 8 1,W to, $4 per-day; i -.A good.:iron i uiulder
ias~rfaived, thicwwinter.64.per.Aay; no demand. forone alt present.
Q.-What do rmIable clr-tk in. dry gdod stores get a ye4jii P A.-
]From $Q 0to .6200.por*month, depending upon ~experienoW and 'ehur-*
lter;tb rongh ip .Wioter. hionthp. v:: Duaring, .tne sutimmr, he'might
earn his living not much more. ,. .
-. ,Q.-Wbat ~y~ tII filrfirs1 class'millinerget by the.Y arP.J)A.-
.Pordpg tbih *wIter seasau, frrom ,*Ln a week to $60. per mouth's .
Q~r .Wl~r'hatik~tbe ptieof, uyinak~iuga lady's cdressP *A~:-Froiti *2.~)0
Q.-- haLili thii usunal.4nte, ocurltedih drinking: th6 royage- fromt
'~id~.A-By. steamer. iia Charleston- and. Saran-.
nah, t-or or#ve days; by PaiiringvesseIq froth seven to-lwwenty.tays.
Q -What-clausi of blaiinerse is threwost lucrative-at'present. .:A.-,
4 *T'Cho cultivatitonre stiL; : > S .! :t .,yitIfIKW :*
..i:X..~..Wnt~1d,:foreigwnern' :ineettl alhesrtyl reception f~iromio: certainly
.1a.3s waiting t& rcceiv the unwari travelers, and relievu.thcmof a.
_1good'. pordow.'qX jirfoatblr: urging t-emf. exorbitanft prices?.
A.-In Jacksorw-ille, as in every-other rapidly grdnIng.tdwr. -situ-
ated In an undf!tvel-ped: ,aCgrit-icutLumI country,:dem .nd, f6M ows last..
-'supon..upply.;n aaee~,i~bc ,arliesf.- f, dO4: and sitr a tit re
ral x Izai.thl pricj:$nt p4oploaft mostly.afraiikers! -to. ach.
pother, business trnailc ono keIctob&I p penom oldep set- -.:.
~1tld ditr~ts.ieiprii alI~twa~r Iay~Oi olezdi'ieakbtn ~but 1 Rse
..jtrqpithe acthoi fak I .Inftoiti.f k population Iar4fit loiwirvay per-
VestyoIVt dsoqiltou 6n'pi VA~tC :ij.rvu i

dp::.8lslir cr.F;:A.'~-"Im p rovedC riank1trn- thae St.;. J~dhn~,i-d'~~bei~e between
-X Jakspo nvolteiand -Palatac.'anhe W IdWat $25 td'i$00 per.Or&-bc k
A. rom the rAver, sibill, proved ptces canb b.bought cheap" 'As
gene ral rii1,you can -pturrchne small Im piN'edW PWl 3 cCbdapti than I

S. C..
* *:.- :,'.Y. '2.: A. .-. A "j '.

YWVV4i I-~ .ap. *

S S.;

~ A-..

:. :...

3. 3idhaLL'Bc ~.': ~!1
Urng'ow tubaq zmdd* Wedied.m mil, be SOMr ki

,*tr~di~jIIW that thM olb.fd taba.* urt4Yrel
Atrime hemu wcof Apt

to 146 fil 'tb!ft#1 OU10671.t Iihtd a.
9 wa& -w" 0 l umlijgtvtg$ that tNdw1*b621d
Althibtagk the ababu f wlld 41469 P 4g lhi

ki 6*4 ftI4IImil5 t th~wAUdfe t boo atTuwa
ihi wut I~ll I~~dmhridrkwnbI#` biSi aaw~f-
* CF bn'je wsu, IbcPiritrrqgw~~e

ftwi t it alio gives quick return.; and In co.dpSiaEi wilth
kdllb9 b*.'I !rIotn~i dt "ll 6 etweawas,* nge,

assiar bhrl~na hr W" n-
.~WphIe thy N~efrm~~r~r
dr a~ b t* toi~hl in, gsalf.udpo li)P ouIwvo 1lhmdsigex-

ponding desire for information iwith regard to detalta of thAMPUs
Qindinu s ~~IPl) ACIdat, IP~hr I~t" It~LO
'~J;;lj`;~-kv`e~ l ta~r d, baifsEl;,~~JeSV~~9S'

No fbr the reougpon o0 the loung wines. In l1 ja a5y gik; shere
is &smdI aAAban bf ortgaic. =@WrIxk Oa4, wbant is 99 4be
rri~C1~biS4 appll~ a b bpos 0 .ld )l. -e *Mks, *s, and
hallikem uirn *Ideztinbo 0t ihii
sboqw u uI r ldled-ls be .pre.4tpim *Im4. Q R4,, 1ted
iW'A Oum Ifusb~h"mda ALA not 4or)eaUqIaIj4Lwkbj or
%Weu', 1 ObV-soUi. maridry, Wt sboui be& VAU s bylan gpi put
itLa kbLdtozi~agea1mbiaAr~ona.
Thbl omti j*MA vine. should be pIrftedj a 'do
dpli01relbi"Ita A :A &*mgal,.. 1 I
sboli""qi'P ;4n Mlb. imuovirutag wth
add II~htUIi*Wt b t*9 60 t sua. givei plety
of 'Amd is' I id es bRcbintIy fin, "Pat o-slukw m0t
aa'n d 1w. ft-4 r mit abd et for mpV.Smot, ffANHiN the
'; U 9:Ur

eord, Rooets' 4, 15, 19, and Telegaph fbr 4 Id' rnd

0 0t1A ~I f T

Buoelau 44isg


q qqj,,Arge,
EbIg toWlbs W the dreer that we are sure town& toinApri
li~M(IQY ivew

md May.'C

JBdere Usmtin1 aot back &altoIget..M .utleh.
i1tpieh tind twghe tea 40 *SetsUiEit( wbhebi IB~eial

Soth110e i"sd iu4ni-

ho*"zr III I pCijhe
should be a few inches lower. Um pi AuIL~&*pJ A*w
*enAOW4a o ifwiwill

:Esmr, rp"pn~~ hernt~4b~h
.uelecAul oT his inqjteuib i ns, aloe


red to the

beCThe af Itum i n~t i

cane i
gYO :sLeibob*Jas~t to
tB11 gsoaJ.u'ahCoUrp
4tment for he-d seon

whether to state or to
cm . . . Ji AWJV BOt
roaolscanbo edhi dn t

aid l~litd the
ovr alIato

~~~~t 4otdre_ an *henoth

Im~g-A& m ilt
TV* itil ftb' i few

out O *It~f a~ntwill

(04.1 V

M' I f.~io r*jll ifwf 4A
,(: I .- **t .r:~ a~i lI ~s
.AI.~ 5Jt6

lie 17,; ; t -iifi~P ~ ;''
-~~ j "I, NP40

I., smws, fItsqfs4 IcW kieeo. f1reg CM-!7~

tun3m43Fkwidmi' Mudl~nus!.wkiwno Ibe ab didhr~WbYitYe,
and It may have been thought that I should be pm,4Jtt~ebdeI:a
reason, .Ar. Wba .Myhi.UWaereweIlhWAre

eel .WIUIrhoeiSUB
or n"[ 4mtO Nito eof fl 'wod fat
as VPaI !1f ibe pnui6.*heUpt"*&
fallure, tb.. a a man charged with the tempoal rbltbheiv of, a
faily,~lp .l~q~~4p!,C~)IWl#A .,a*Impw:
Sw r~~m 'rJ qqr~ 2do qot boel ls" l VW w4 4"SoDWrd
my",el. *xiumw IW' Ikttied Wid i Iaae iV bf. W
iinagte~~t~PrlbOIb~~ gg. wIL 6+ bdthll
the ;I ADIWI SA IDAM nornt~i rbl1
facalty In to p ay n g part In the remarks wbiab =j

of jpt.T," MMISMd -I'ftth"

u4Ltai. # y a *

value . . a m ortunatelu doing sq.,.
The' ovbo

then. jpcW.) s; if raging ire hbd awept through Ith, and that on
his return, a few weeks Water, the old trankshad been oat down sad
the top it the yowng, IVmitsghe.' than his head. Ioan
easily ito : this btabeinenttbeosue' wthat I have oftan main
the growth of new shoots from the root o wild- Om Stump.,
utwwnmlrntn QE ~tbetree in seek mms a mrs~e whb.h ap~d~t

01 ~fiissr. whI~b a'zuaye obsldetied'sV al *ho
hAt. begn' bbeduuam i tbjIN .' last: 'au-h odi
As Cb,4 I 186; gad'Bgai ati '~I~itz, S 'the
two sw'sost, frtha Isat 6i0VO be~et kiwt~#I 1nAt
4meh,10l'thes tdaft-nab itoode dejnds N 612~hi64
mesdinuxi were fnifrften'o 7the Munt, ku6ldhft a ha h? f pt
was' dtutiyld.m 'I '
Now, in regard to such. frosts as th6,14halb hv U i6l
In -te 3)bb" )'htbey 4re -qutW u3Y1.' A 7aIb
Dr.iMwp ood'shat he bad, lteKie 16'-%W g .
en~~nd~tigsbe- nAVft *4& 6* ki fost.
uasiaidd witH aw.ih -
8Seondly, these two severe frosts, occurring within this ,Iftrt

& 0er a~te the 0 Camt I=i Itbr
qndi, 46"tidnvepy t*O.-1Wd 1thWaii be t 1N""A Iha
*inaor, "iayfe* It -left bOwam Ime., MUM
ALJACAWm *vos 4 Qbesimmia'd g bt VwP494,Wk; NO 1 0l
a~hh~a amano*-,1ohft4'*1tbh SIB zidiiB~t
0*'.o t pt P~tte&; in Itliq'eg Whm~e4r~tr~at j
the productive stags.', '

7v'7red't 815 16 ',i'U
'io*' MU'~ :'t4:

~go ep4 i9 oalJ usborv lu~~t#odr sid b
if~ V'hqj VI tAav.
*o,* W mpr % tr aUs .C-op .sisebt
.l P)&IIon.: Zbow.' Mgit sluoa i-

,Ta osn01Y."iai ,Q ml whlch I have eiv berswd,-a threat-
eaftany$~ meaamb'O bbih ovaae cults; luess ifrim. a dr-

r~r*NA .?fd~bW4fL1?.1 (TkE-lusr name Amdhsates bboinamtbe of-he
4isepe..; Tme .uyaw.*hoota.prebht &o bpamntW mad gvia.
all~y~vlthr amid -dsu di yh IVM ;*aprp@u*Omv ek I '#1 not
stW,1*j.#%Wlbov, Z!iemv. Ism o dubb sbim beduskeimalvaes4s of-. this
alblP~hswags he. ay smog. 1=64 ew .uygs e lwV t lowirda.
I "O4kd te num Who4ae gboiwil'oruigese lomf0tmwbre the )lut
fmi AS4t1 J~od OftAibly it I& Mc*oontgks. '*M-b" It Us~ven
ouljozpd4.s~, ePd ltmeroroauou '4 apprbehend thu 46,wi e wvev be-
come what may lie called epidemic. You have listened this, even-
Ji~L~ :i~~PR +c;=7;,sd 4Fw $hm'Sl*d* h er
r q k~9 40q S- 0 of ueowki

.isq n r ., .Jj 4 4 jw
ry or dima~e to orange culture in Florida, &a I think

you will gree that leu formidable dangers are banging over no
0rf6 rM o h ,


bedo"Iem, '406dweb." ,tkhdb'L'Jm
wishJ tot 4eg(gJ

4~,R bia *Peon, IbteliSnl~pwlIt~n iqiPeuin
Pwtw, Jllmo mf -a mbew a* inm of bIrl
hrnSai Abw"IABsA~MN m; 46 pUrMss %U
n~qyt~kr-mis.O.A IN )S4F#YMM

byIMbw. aimpk 4& .mwo& -be aw Jmw*Aw e
Point vbW& pouestm ths esta&a

111ies g lml "kj '',A
fnt toisn TEEM*Os4 =- *Eu

~ase ~ &"- ob Ahi A'Wi

the~obat onoau as ae.
a -coos bui; to bb ve*
4'q' tegm
I Aare m-
beLk I 6n foot

Irf~l glb" UbJ'71W *61, qket'

~ifth wY*Mo

t V t.~P~SP eb~Yt
*IMY *6

of twelve seres, lf a mile

I. c~


building f ;dPw op.~6S Iii at11- 4boQm co ~o

in A*t ~L~-
and TORa. Y i
of t4;"L Upj R, 5AI P'wqi
forey; mMYeoU Wd3 lii~i9P. 1b4a5t8
Johe Armi44 oi~e
belt j -4g 9oe.' Yf M .,
with, o" 91 Yq 1 4 Save Iw *Rom* ,WI a
treeq.,.sd ~rip* PIC daI
that If 9 'r 409w,
sOl gc011 .0 .1011

ti er Irronb ng. tbC o ku fY prsl! &06
wbi,i PJJIC)I thp* ftbd i r~anuu iyretu~rs Mc~ herS 4*
ca n~6ifa ti~tp~ *a.. lTwlo orithreelrAno 'CWOL
Dam* oew~mdtp, b*t4p*temt oCf Agvloltf)vot-" hoe,
the wrA4'm Fdg a oli aY'IortyteeS w*Mth I*
treoA vf*up*,1w P nody8O %Wn tA Id 1aM o
at 4m a4uei1Iv4 ia bIs zLi rV
reA 'w~ ~ b~lrSiA Tbl4c*pw vli "' t3
he a:0jI Per~o~iia' *idi
ed idr~hd~
Per il expss. I Was at Miemopy last Aprl%, and
ou Z deards .11 obthippiE orasgv, six zaonhu after hos
first'Ah ia.t had been made. -e had just received returns from

"islAtoA ts,

iit~;~~it~drr~e i i. n
~1~t1V~1t16i, I vb"4

ooaYwM. ...m u

sion of ta e topic aug ue. 'adtet I
wow. 6 i~ Wbs(4 1i
sion of the to a i e. add et
OtYW*~,n ru

~~t1 ugA %Ago=.

LaWW 6 Eb1:4 .- Q tIS s

where *o e W% OIL- t "IM c
MRA ghat M tbhhv -mi moguoatof *uaisi&etI*mI %M dso&W ,i&
odysit13 h if. t ptheNt a ipatei
ftgha~nt41i~ AISone, 1u~Am) tbdi~~as4u
~~here~ ~ lbv $MbE~~k ~ILJY

1 M"ia 01161i4 '1mIr
asd "~sr~ .p44hu.od
tDEr~ssoa jA b3Sb

cwmo .
,~l ~.i t;. lt d~lr c uU I J~c h.~~i.~( jr V Y I-W~~


% .,i *jW i




*-mw1ImW lowdir,
ta -.1

I ii

I IJbM1t)O Ii

=od. 139mr4

de Vaca, he determined -taiake oW ihaehd tahi a tand ltt his
fleet to meet him further northward.
,Setting out in t ame tiow

but, at lh t..
city And a cLrt l in i
Bmaft ISdftkza lm an4 relied t attfB
D^W irndedt <.and one it With coOp U
the C the l hAd aredt
thethdt of do6ted ndo Ints hm'
horae. Thev theremre manmh .nnMa f i'''

Narvaez. The story of Ortiz is a lthrilH ulrrative, andu rqcaUs the-
better, kii*"'#6tDl db4 Of IF06*4t ty

sav e pil t
dai hter
fu tL fn ;,?gf P1~F
be ~ia' Pri$ &et gpe. beat wice moie Iuoepr
In the Wida hour obf thbii3Pht 't the rl# of her win Me 'fhe 1qA
Ortisfrvherbhsk' n abbu by be trustyf ri qthth
proteeung Mke of'ho er, It thf *xe ( ulghl~n ,xtug
We sate pled to'note Mhres Nuo prYved trnt to is trpto;
we aren .Pafiw tq rsoor4 thp t h4 ti$ bride in umib e.
If h ksnbt idneX64 ItW I-A-
tVi"y Wfh flh e poravumon M M4io4o, jis "Koon B Di"
to j3uaa lod
But:-o~bd M to nStOto, th *
pushed ibrwv~d him
county that **,in k~o gems.
weadosmo h, heytoguedM

paraujSatib'" 10,.i61 tt~~i~a~ ib
The wa -t hoy .iiq i
126- t Oi~sd f thA 'ius.' Ifpi~
adth' eson wewit~' Si~(3to, 1oo~iri tjml~ w6' al~hitd iith
diamu~ldB aid rubieai. .1 .
At, Nead h. ,sche& ltbam meghbcar ko of aUnakmuej 1'tolk
this pa@iua 6Ao~nbtL d4edxbom of smen tbelid cosM,. Wh6 r"poAtMd
that they had found the ,d! ealeinpment ofNKamevsat AsntIL Wnith
what deem niust they bawd beheld the gmvss of their teunbqi-
meal How4hairownft. mtst~habe*ex; 1ban s b=`00t=
Afti salshatt staftct' e i~ti4 :pseotd aiW
his fot vwst*d; w was he ~nt'
Sailelo the fftatitted, ,~ ,d IupM.; t to
diann't'c sfith Ajjit 12% lte 0hyslcal devpIobeiPmt,
of iod 1miADe-Pb ,bbttlt AM I uhieIug id

for gold and cOnqu ct tytotheax WT wl u
eAendered t cJ Ptvtuby

ed'l`b lilt 16h trb dlilt

east of, theprsn Bluff, and 144ae l~o~~q~!~~o~ ,:,, i,

e on n a 0 Zs IMW a 11";l~
moll. Av, o p* A *tP P~~As~pie~t

th uu eoseexehd

rn ez aecoo rmtn e aosn aoslt

In this ywe ndtwo hmout on the end;a M Plo
wi~j"n fo afil ; oaemc .tamro tbemr AtrYlnuite. us*oi OpWk d"
so~io Itl* She ooa of, someo~h~h.e rtA~t h

harmony. Bibaut.Iw faue$4 prob&y.with. a 'via* mi =*aIDa i own
qqW5I MAe 1plrTease4 JUN1~ 42fjie~m- of, oti:Augw-

don to jay re Iop P9 J~

vok5 p e upe afons, Incdn wo'men@and

d I . .~s

.11 01 '

aem aged twn

genuineiote of t1h=moreed ubt ft hstry age, to
genuine lote of ow m wre tdlbefaw&ftfiib history.

A: L

.'I ..I

(i ;f ik

I' ''" -\' 1 4


I I .-


I .

39I II#(*B1 10,

-. tUttIa


BVdS W-0w, a 1mr mar.

1.. TJ. ~

J.~2 Al-XI
tPi D-, SU


(C~; 'is
JD~~t;i~FM~~n+' i';'A r


Y ~irrYO~Y .I~

A~LIF~ & LAkK",
ma'omuwo" 6v Time jaamus

J dM. A W H U A L A I -i i O T .
wj &W -.W6.&& A. ;--

J A. HiAV H1*1t L U. F R I T OT .

Aii idt~' kari Jo ti
*:'lo rrsoi~iuw~ VOr Ji Jpr r
1 610( n bjusomoffii*M~i 4,14 NIWlI~1;rn
IL tW ki% 0 h fh w4M0wn 11"O
-i O O 1 ffco I rifle

d* ~ft r'lCi t
Uri i--04 "i'w Oalmp.iin *a 9111
F *

J* UCl wfl1H'Wt

4 4,k

'~U, I
-A n. x1
Izi jp j wo )j r41r 4f M.r


as Now Yat P*86


C~' ri

121 AHec


A Mossd&Jy JouW)4 Jimlalk Bis Se4k'u~ 4rlausae~. s r

j* ,'. ~ i

' !. r

Thae grst n~~ mItteN rs I welopemkl hd ce
Sto A" liii, k". die ** s
fb~tat~~~L~rit mumd6"rJI A& =4I1 r`i

~lib~rsrosA, PAW teO Udf s klft-
~br~bern a
W Aw".r

'h. .,)f w lai lu 11^ 0-t
1.l~fi '
,Hdi:('iJ in --%I,* 4A 41~~Ji;ld3C13
J-1r!~r'C ,r~Lt'r~~~~~rIin~~Js
g~jli-V l jo 1-1 SiP


Lr: I .T RC H;

Man factprer and Dealer in

mhu.&gi, 1A W Goi MAi i s

-.;' i. .7 "' ". "'
Allifkids of Coach and iap work 4o0s in the moAt imphnow
vwswr4a^ at X ic6. I vo from o o

1 -

C F.s, '; ,- - Lloda,

.*& 1


0. L. ;KEENE,
Dealer in

Millinery, Fancy and Dress Goods,

Y "E TI&ET, Aiaso1, & A.,
Has Just recelTvd frm ,w', TYo*k hfEL 6iifMtrenat afthe above
named, of the very latest
Ar4o At F*itlrlsooETrr ~arDI kB i GuN1r 4 j-Pvg.J
My stek hitn bhpesxpafh rW&eeuf d ihtt Af being
old at exoeedingly LW PRE.
.. ; .r : ,,._f : '.r .V 6.6

Florida ?hotgrapkaE pe uo.

Always .i t cIEaL t4p ps
and Large Viewm o oridas EL and NSossty. nembiacig
2 to r'oe, ae mail
to any part of America.
M A. G.


APEcIALTY-A F-4 .yiyr aLai 'aD on

'" ..- '.o:

FLTT C if BitOS.


My liiontractors and Buidch others,
L., : ;' r ; work,



My fclities from t.J~uLAM *Ji.olur'eare such that I
cianot be undenmld in the State.

M Ot ef yire. peomot o the cuatom n wor,
which wfiul ^iWif rnMonably.

No. 8, Palmetto Bl 'NS Jcksonville, Fla.,



Real tat a 'd 'Country PrQduc.

S pply of Choice Family Groceries constantly on hand
at lowest eh prices. Country Produce received on consignment,
ad If o desired win be forwarded to Sauvanh., Balthi*ae,
New York, Boston or any Market in the United

Attention ir thos.
who are eking for winter or perm~aet home.
Reed's Building, Four Doors West of Market,
Bsr45f sg Jjs r ZA' t i t6A.

ju JLLP [.iM%^ i HJIgg J .

wn ol fAge for staF elBTH DBIL OC BE S

i t;4 'A 1 1' I

19 .... .i
mPtetd a t R p^ l. of4^a Lmber.

I,.....::Y';_td: ~.4~i. ::illll:n.\m i:

& YA'4' K0BPtIAN,



BreadAe de)dio Utrt l (i, hdd tohe team-
ere without Extra Charge.


II L.... ".. '



Jacksonville, Florida.

Every delcacy themarket aford A LA aMTm. ChBampagnes of all
Sths., .b a l. .aid .a. ta : ~ hi.,. id

Connolamnrs an aoldTT ,d i tasure s tiaection.

F. BETTELYI, Prdprietor.


Dears in



No. 3, Atlantac 7po, ThirdStre from Pine,


Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals,


Manufticturers of the
"Florida Pine Tar Cough Syrup,"
.i :, ,' ,.* .fl^ .- .'.! ,' 14t1 1, ,, ,, :. ."g> ,.', ,.", ntM -.u^ ^ w ..';'.. ",", ''", :
mt)t iqdth er Styu oA*9WAii*.teum,
whloh frm one of the bi, -ic Syrapa" ever used;
it reeves Coughs,.i h tmak Aor- ,
rhage, vAth dti, 0c. o
( *,,' ** I i'*IffBIB'Bl B w-' l


Commission Merchant, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in



Best ameorted Stock and Lowest Price,

Wone BL ..d.i BAY ST.E. .WI. JA4ONVILLE, A .,


Pa..ints Co r, Ol. Brushes,

14 -

-, ", y: ,;. I .-

Window, Pictyre and Car./ige Glass.,


* ,' ; : '



Jisonviwie, Florida. '

Mrs. E. HUDNALL, tProprietres

'e t in .' :
TACKLE, &e., Ac.
Bmiaogtots'e atent 6 0tipg~ig WIbwale au i 'i.
Such s Gune, PIltoil, e~.IgM hin sa Ac. Keys Fitted
and Checks f',it ,,'~Ai^Y FiiYoth. Work
Sand oIel Building.
No. 6 Pan etto blt, Pife S,3 boors fronm ay,


The Florida Agricwulurist is the only agricultural paper
in the State, and the best in the South. If you wish to get reliable
information abqt'lordai, .i t, aind capacity;
accurate dertletora M'tM 'dtif on o' the Orange
and Tropical Fruits, and the profits to
be derived therefrom, subscribe
to the Florida Agriculturist,
an 8-page weekly paper,
32 broad columns.

The Florida Agriculturist comes to us regularly and Is full of use-
ful hints as well as personal experience in the culture of Florida's
fruits and vegetables. It fills a void long felt in Florida journalism,
is well worthy of sMportt and wifl become almost a neessity to the
fItt-gmrwer in our Mtate. Ja cam p o .es.
It it a capital paper/ds itw hc r ri tlanter who invests in
the amount of subscription ill have his money back five, ten and a
hundredfold. In Sct no man or woman who lives by the cultiva-
tign of the soil eaa study his own interest and not become a sub-
scriber.-Bl. A Wuine Prws.
The Monticelo Constitution of February 2a 1875, says: 'The
Florida Aqgrfeuvriet is the only journal devoted exclusively to the
interests of agriculturists, that Is publish m is State, and it
, shouldr vye, = rous support.L .T e p I^ tf ttip >1
Frtr Aslocation are i or publ she in ts columns,
which is of interest not only to planter, but to every man who has
a permanent interest in the State. The typography of the Agricul-
turist is elegant, and it i edited ith marid ability "
A gentleman writing frmlA N..H., says: "I am so
well pleaed with The Tlorhraie i~rfm u*, although only in its
second year, that I heartily wish that every lover of Florida and
her charming climate might read it, and hand it around among their
friends at the North, that they may learn of the 'Land of Flowers.'
Your paper has p d its crii and can now well work its way in-
to e bats cW me of-a4w both SqWbh:aUt 2erd4
at t NorU1tffo yors b e UC qulompare
with yotwe plper: T'I. iat OW Wh pioneer
th3 1 sa aforFlorl-
agricultural *fekl?. I am xgifed b a clony for Flori-
da, and intend t, maki a p'rammt i' daring the coming
Addies.CMG 86.HWALTON& Co.,Pubishers,
3'. addo f 5tEr* aeca 1 xiyR .,



%' : ,

H. I. Kimball House,

*' *,

aT~LraNU E,~ A
r~~' r.~, q..~


i ~ cropriotor.

ben fia-k inal -rapit
m 'l ks nhsr i

tibin i O il, USA
A, rr tooor .

being flmt-~1aw i all Hoiheir appont

of Irth~r9alpltar IsFt b tka#tq6i be

o~~rtih$ tti~woinoItR~e
c'tblounfot ot f gueste.



The Wheeler & Wilson New Rotary Hook Lock Stitch



The qualities which recommend the Wheeler & Wilson Family
Sewing Machine are,

will not rip nor ravel. 8-Economy of thread. Attachments
and wide range of application to prpo and materials. --Oom-
pactes and legance of model and niah. 6-Simplicity and thor-
oughwne of comstraction, aod onaaeat durability. 7-8peed,
ease of operation and management, and quietness of movement.
Machines s* e' asy rti* ak~d iy ina~bled warranted.

GW:G. CLEVS, 1Agent,


E. C. BIDWELL, Agent.

Miit~cht Bock, Pay S6 i4.mville,Fla .




~ s'
:1 ~

Manufacturers and Dealers in


Sawed and Rived Cypres Shingles, Lath, Fqcing,


O*f 7" I R.O.
Ibf~ oS ddC v ^f,. L^KI^.

-b.'' '. *1*~L


kb ~~
:'' Z I d


-. 'THg GIJ ..I A .




;4r :

Jacksonville, Fla.,

The largpet Auortaent of



For Rent and for Sale einthe Installment Pla,,
I ,

Ol la itrument take in 6xobRp s br N w os -
p svm w D




Corner of Bay a ewma reetse


Built of Brick. New Throug
I ,' *


. : *'. '

/ i : ,..., ., ,,.,', '

J. B. WO.KrI, i, ,,f', J Jetor.

i* ,. *.


i ;



*r 1 v <.". ;'
* ; '.


NeitrOo: the General Ticket Office, '

K ^ ^.1 ii! T.

'eet, -

d ackso


And dealer in All Minde of

Iroiions, To o and Cigars.
a.d ,.,

New and Second-Hand Furniture Bought, Sold or
Exchanged. "

8*tridt attedd6i, pad tildt'dI Of El tA'Proiupert
of every character, and V fii6 bi6oesible prices obtained.

~4arBffqixp 9. 3vKY 3WV Tres V BPUSIAJY souLnl1f.E



V..'* I../ .^

.21~;5 .rsSSj.~~s~nu,;t~'~RFf~FUD~r.




Insurance Agency,

Representing the following Old and Reliable Companies.
Insurance Co. of North America assets 4,700,000
Underwriters Agency, New York, asset $2,9655o00
Handver company New Vork, assets 1,426,950
Germania Company, New-York, assets (1,538,550
Continental Life Ins,'Co N. Y, assets $6,600,ooo

Insurasce *lted. en .yaJl4e, pf9pprt a ,a "aut~.,s pa

Se*ab& 4 teban wm* easenut e&t crd IaC I.aocio&in Stae

oraoCrar mxwmaws. drMK,

Bay Street, .cksonile, fla.




The X1Lical Triuihph of the age with numerous Pataited
Improvements. A arded the First Prize and Gold Medal over

Geo. W. Morgan, the great Organist, says: "An indispensable
improvement over all Reed Organs. I give them my best recom-
mendation." (Oct. 18, 1873 )
J. R. Thomas, Organist and Composer-"One of the most valua-
ble musical inventions of our time."
J. E. Buckton, Organist at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity,
Manchester, England-"In my opinion, the best Cabinet Organ in
the world.",
Albert W. '7. r the' distinguished OtgaRist and Composer-"I
consider it something entirely by itself and above all competition
from anything now known,"
Chaplain C. C. McCabe, says : "It is worthy of the high commen-
dation it is receiving. Its sweetness, purity and power of tone pre-
eminently fit it br Parlor, Church and Concert-room.
A. C. Taylor, Organist All Saint's Church, New York City and
Polar Star (MS ic) Lodge, says: "Having used the Cabinet Pipe
Organ the pdst ith satisfaction to myself and the numbers, I
heartily concur In the highest testimonials you have received."
O. Wakeman, Chorister and Trustee of the Baptist Church,
Millerton, N. Y., says : "The Cabinet Pipe Organ fully answers our
highest hopes and expectations. It easily and completely fills our
church, 70 feet long, 85 feet wide and 484 feet high. We know
of no one instrument that gives such general satisfaction. It has
forced praises from the friends of other manufacturers."

The crowning triumph of all. Entirely superior to all Reed Or-
gans."-N. Y. Independent.
The invetAion gives. thee Organs precedence qver all Reed Or-
gans."-C7ristio n Union, N. Y.
An instrument beyond competition.-Christian Advocae., N. Y.
Far surpassing anything therto attained by the finest Reed Or-
gan.-Boston Ogregalw t.

,Age' -. ", r.. "7 tSir IuESif i;L Sou ,:, .th.
b'gen'di -od Ini a a' South.


Produc toe Cooftnmission Moerohants"

And dealers in




I r


:'~~~ I I.\, .

:Ir t~S IZ r L il)`
~s1~8~4~2,d ,l~n Q4~r~8~~ vrr~Lls~ pr-
) ?r~ X

: .u *~. .:r.. 1.. r I '1

)~ i i


'N. K. SAWYER, Editor. A. E. SAWYER, Busine Manager.
T'he Beat Nevwp er in tM S !: '

Tri-We kl -very Tuesday, Thbsdayaa Satuday.

'il-We kly-Oeje 6i6 e:- pe 2.50
S Three months -1.0 Three months 1.00

TThe UTnols a IState Offca'l Paper.
The prominent features of the Union are Local News, State Newsj
tGeneral News by mail and teegraph Agricultural, Political, Liter-
ary and Mcellaneou Matter, hippinteeeProduce and
market Beport, As an Adertising d ion is one of
thbatet Josurrle41st'o be empoed.
tion as well as the character of the people among whom tt cirltes
makes it valuable in this respect.
N. K. SAWYER & SON, Publishers.

N.B.;-The Undo doe not claim tobe either the largest paper in the
State, or to bre the bIrgst citrlation, but no other paper in the
State contains so much valuable reading matter, and no other paper
publihebemrq'lan W, Ils mnay copies

ThI JPrid a ok and Job Printing Offie posses hedu-
II y ioyprintng iai tihbe State &rV

lants of la OM ?2dJ,^ O btt eada. a BUOdasW labels.
PerMu liT frae, aseaay othbr kid

D OW.NiK Ar t Wat A A <
Pfwkdmm vinylo be tin w

W. D. Barn H. RlKooker-


I UiU AtmiO .HT'


C pets, Mattr.g Mares

Wall Paper, Wiqdoy 8Ifad= pd Fixture4, Ioking Glasses, Picture
"Frames and Moddings. .

: :', ', .I, i ... :'TO ORDER,

7, I. ,, l ., ,I ... ; ..... .' .i ;'
"I t; *;1I '
South S~e of BO-y Street,

*. '. 1 H '' ljOq tfI.a j' ,..., ; ,> I I .flJ

S .maam dd iaylv Adl ai esob *ow To
r WAia gwdsd" aJ aiwtAI.& rti.o
erAa goods ed atNew Tf Ptew.




RZ"Xap as w 0IS1TaOn tO

Wm. Astor, Esq., of New York; Capt. Boyd, Ex-Governor A. J.
Curtin, of BelIefonte, 1a.

6A4BS- SA"ElER SikTTim,


S :: surveyed n Manhattrh opposite Yhalmtia, -.,
The proprtt of 'Wna 4tor, C1pt. W: 8t.61 ~ 'n' 'Richard
I II ,. i.,.m _

." ', ',

Thia mj.sia I#it6 8i 1ii4tf (?tb,4fsovWe ,nd is
weli suited for orange and eay vegetabe, bi b ded
on the north and north-west by Lake GamsP, the
frost ever reaches it.o oeter land In
.'Aull to *i*ls orO '~ ~ ~, : i ( *eionv Ti
-. : ; I (S l QtIl A 0 l' f r I : 4f ) 4 (1 J.1W : .. v
Also Farmis of 0 Mellonville. This

v- <' 'PI N OSr !.

The Parlor Favorite.
.-.. : t r f i. I. LiJ' .r3.

881 Washington Street, Boston.

Upwards of ten thousand now in use.
Send/fr Illut1t"rd Cat&aloFu.
S.. \

The immense demand for this po ular instrument has induced us to
make its manufacture a specality, and we are consequently en-
abled to 4lrithb a jluachtiir att* atrba chargedd
Sthoundn a large
number of Public Schools an the United States, Cuba, South America, Sweden India and
Peru, giving entire matfactlon. Among a score of testi-
montals are Three Gold Meda)l and Two First Premi-
iums. Prove our Panos, which are justly
called the
,: ,.r,. .' < 1

A arg motmen stoob ti oo mtaallj on hand.

881 WAihBgtot SfteEt, B!too..


1875-76. T P OF (.pjEL LE- 1i 875-76.

Brock's Line



Running between

on the

St. Johns River,



The old reputation of this popular lage will be sustained, and every
comlbrt guaranteed toits patrons.
i -

Through Tickets to all point. North and West, and also for St..
Aagustis, Enterpreos, ampdda apf aton the Biry caA*
odasp~ploatipoatt ip htM etba
tbe liet.

i.JJ~lco:11. BROCK.




(Fridenber's Building,)


None but First Class Work done at this establishment, including

- $' :i-eyery, sta let 8.J e .
4 nteed.

(at.~ IT '


lit 41 !, fi~s boL v .aN-.p o,,3 ~

UkL~t& ~e ~Xba g VS~~ttruei

Ii... ..r 9b


I i'

'* ; *



The age, standing, experience a~d resources of the SMITH AMunI-
cAa OneAiA C'goPAaYr, *albed tro nga aratty of its work. and of the just and liberal principles on which its busi-
ness is conducted.
The Company has been established nearly twenty-five years, and
is the oldest ed Organ Company in New England.
6Ln nt"U = ov, r ,it "ud. ."
the plan now generally followed.
All the membira of the Company are actively engaged in the bus-
ines, and are interested in the improvement of the instrument.
Its ample capital, and the largo property of its members, give the
Company, practically, unlimited resources.
The reputation of the Company for.honorable dealing has never
been been called in question. Its oldest patrons are to-day its firm-
est friends.' -', "'Y y 'r- {
It has twb bI&M faoresiUlly rtp tlth'aU;'Aodeiu Miachine-
ry and-fdlities of every description.
Its immense stocg of lumber and other materials is purchased for
cash on delivery, and comprises only the highest grades of every
article required.
The tone of the American Organs is distinguished from that of
all others by its superior swetns, fi) ess andid vqice-llke quality.
To.cad~ei~ s ate Mcn newn r designs, harribiiontr with
the Mo fm th
the ta1 ,ucclurm 'WO am 4a beastlf. -
The AmnrloatOira m4l i A iuedm ilgreat number of medals and
other awards, aptbla el a er, beemJ4ge inrdo inny fair compe-
tition th e
The sales have stafllny increase' 'utti the fulW capacity of the
factories is nearly reached.
The prices are low as those of any first-class instruments.

0, *i a

Jack ,;.,_
dcJsMTTW,~i ~~ ul~ lW^NE' frlOF:IF:IF:~

'1(,,,)^ ^ J~ (r
****~.;..~ '; ~.*" ,i ,i" .. it .)'/ .,7; i:'^ ,l~. MtX ,bn;.''kl-1 ,n -ttu *"/*ofa~- .- i ",>*L,*jI-



Jaeksontoilte, Flao. i d

Without question, the moeatI tteivetpliAe ip Florida for vialtor to-
whtle tway. an hour, is at

Geseoeafs ee MkFtma of Forda Citi

Connecting with his: well kaown


Iw~, Al r from 1 to ,I feet In length, Eve Uttlesnakes 7 fhet
long; ~Pdl* g(e v, ity,. M
Mle an*ad atesl ta tndstoa -itls* ti aM. Oree-
leafhtthe mota;llbat tatook of IMsBA
C vRxpu0l found in the t Ste.

All Goods Manufactured in his own Establishment.

-"pC. 8amBa ta rt o w h a &C.
Feather t s fj '4ath of all kinds
of Poek wood, em nwl me plain.



FU O k k6jTMS..-



Every variety and, tie beat quality

Household andO4ffiee Goods,

Wtich we are Pteered to bl at


Wehvoby &A, -Sd


and solicit tmh inspeotoUl of -uiq da be we yu purchase

w, k. -

*-, ;




/- F
--Th~ Finest

opposite Metropolitan Hotel.)

Teams in the

The very latest style Pleasure Carriages, open and close,


'ubrao, Buggies and Saddle Hor"e ftralshed at the shortest notice

Omnibuses, Pheeto n and Bagt g Wagons meet all trains and b oat

-- a-d 'Stab

e. JBITAN Manager.

r ,4 .-
ak jtt~,.A *'i'" *
^Eft h.,'< ^.....^ ^J*_>,i,|. ^ ft- ^ ^j ^ _, ./ ^ -A i.A
