Information for those who desire to know of the State,
its Climate, Resources, etc.
The Best Place to Settle, and how to get
there ; Society, Crops, Trade, &o.
New Smyrna, Volusia County, Florida.
S 1 1875.
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a, 'I'
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On the oth of December, 1874, I wrote a note on a postal
card to the Chicago Inter-Ocean, informing an inquirer that
there wasp a u.pdsnce of land subject to entry in this State,
under the IUited States Homestead Law, and the correspon-
dence caused by the appearance of that card has been im-
mese, covering most of the States and Territories of the Uni-
ted States, apd.some from Canada, England and France,,and
as so many questions are asked, I find it impossible to answer
all as I wish to, and have therefore decided to issue this pam-
phlet, in which I shall answer all the questions asked, and in
addition, shall re-print many articles written by others, ,
Question---What is the best route to your section of. the
State ?
Answer.-You can come by rail from Chicago or New York
to Jacksonville, or by steamer from New York, Baltimore, or
Boston, via Sgvannah; from New York to Fernandina direct,
or via Mississippi to New Orleans, thence by steamer to Cedar
Keys, thence by rail to Jacksonville, from which place you
can come direct, by schooner or by steamer, to Enterprise;
thence by stage to, (see advertisement) or if you have a team
you can drive from Jacksonville to St. Augustine direct, via
St. Augustine, Dupont's and Bennett's. (You can easily find
the way this route.)
Quesion.-What is the fare ?
Answer.-For information, write to the general ticket agents
at New York or Chicago for fare by railroads, and to Garrison
& Co., Bowling Green, or C. C. Lang, 73 William street, N.
Y., for steamer fare from New York, and to I K. Roberts,
New Orleass, for fare by the New Orleans, Florida and Ha-
vana steamship company to Cedar Keys and Jacksonville.
Mawtion.-How large places are Daytona, Port Orange,
New Smyrna and Titusville.
Amewer.--New m yra is situated two mile south of Mos-
q0ito Inlet, the Hill rough river, r d ha a hotel, post-
ooei eutoq.house, church and school houos twospall stores
and some dosen dwellings. Port Orange is located eight
miles north of the Inlet, on the Halifax river; it has a hotel,
post-office, store, and a town hall is being built, which will be
used s a S6h6ol house Atd clhiirl fote i pdest. The Dunn
Lawton 'itntation, at this ple M'jA'lh ly e'b hb'pY iased by
Mesisi's. `G er afd Oanntn s nF'a i beni laid'ff btd ten and
twenty acre lots, whib~ will: bi 'ld it "a ~dl dance of
cost. These lots are being sold' rapidly and the plj46 is ast'
settling. Dayt6ha is'eieven mil6s nbrth 6f 'tle hiTt and itd
miles north Of Port Orange. 't':8i wa, 'l 6 D1 in' Lawtbi, I
Iarge tspanish'flht, aiid; has 'been aid .ff iftt I8du of fr6m o6r
to tweity aor6s, to suit purchasers. It hai its hotel, twv&
Sposet-offe and several dwdilihng. Oiss. k8 E JC oBs
-,kman, rE. N. Widdren will 'ahiwer ii liinqutits.
'< lIA:itaiWis a few miles further north, and 6 being s~ded
by colonists from Connecticut. Titusville is on the Indfiu
River. which is connected with 'Atsquito 1gobn and Hiles-
g boroigh' ifer by-a csal some eight hundreya ~ s in le h;,
S' and is thirty-five miles south of the Inlet. 'O*l htell --
stores, pot-office, a saw mill and several dIeiMgti O
this settlement. Write to Col.. i T. Tittis or DR D..D
for further information. Four miles north and ie~l
river, is Aurantia Grove, owned by Bas, 'Ho~t 'bHid
offce 20'~urery street, New Ydrk;' ~ .os hatd'o".O .
This tract has been cut ip ihto loit l aid' lire foie, under
charge of a competent engineer, are clearing atid layIs it off
into streets and blocks and setting out orange treer e
who desire. r )'.-..,,,;'" ,
Since' writhig diy letter to the Intert,% i4 U aU 4l A M.
b4en laid off; two milee- ahtth of Mo.qlo ui M t; hil *i
called AIaliftkx lity. A ltge foree is at wow cfttring olat th
streets amd ere ing a ma# mill.' A large htZlis tPk B &6
this soeasoWt.-alirt fLthenIfbm6irmatio4h,4 'eWti Ai i'NJ .
ftt Gity. r'aitdl'ees Jdige W. WYB fc*a irtybn t "
* u','zt .- Wnt is slie' qtib ".f th .'... ".. I
rAs.Lte- eafderidr e oe tive igiat& tewdhil bkao~tiS :
7, ,
h'lie te alis o ofows. ^
orf whi i are uner 4tecontrol of tihe state rd of |
c at' ; da, ,i. ac ee Seminary inds,"us1nd'the sanie ,
irol; 216,`0 gc0res Internal Ih proement Iland ,nde.
Sa Board Ti0eees; I8915'2 ai'e4 of (Swpaip ans 'of 4
Bowed la while iere is' 17,262,459 acres ofrGovernmhit
.ad. Th e of ties se lais re from seventy-qved cnts to
five dapll&rse j ae' 'blit the government lands can only ,
obtain',. ey er,: he not-etea At In fqrmatio
in re S a te Hotc llen.
Dennis Ean oiim ioner of Immigration, Tallahassee,
Question. e e the any, private lands for sale.
S4iMtr.I.. large Sanish grants of from one to t enq
Sn r ec referred to, which have' been l a
oi it rl
Sgqcipar cro08s '4u the St
I )k a4
A'n.-w ah _n arl Ie er)?th in Vlonoa, ao-
S ,., lot. H al crop ,are sar-
caner, ~ol, .t ni_, or rijesh, mo nsetc.
nw.. as for wit from r ,ir io
Anow.-i'rom rrdst 01i% ro
.t"r,, t .:san:d '-r W. .
Vn Iomr -e ^ ont,
t.< UW1)
I '' i'
- ,
place for peorons troubled with mtF teeaes, sethmP and
rlematisn' ,
'ra-MiYe%, I wa. trouble ji h lg in
chuse t, *:hen e was '00es ; O 0 oun
I now weigh 1 pnd hve not sena da r ve
I called in 4hsicipn since I ve be ere. I be iveall
souh who come hre in season l ntver. A edi-
cal gentleman, wriiAmg on Florda s a e for consaq p ve
says; "Oi e ci4ef o jeot in pOendig aweie in 7i'rda is
this: A' man t4 a chronic disease should be satisfied i,
during the Wnter, he merely keeps his eneqm baT. te is
..tent f his disease-hisr enemy-ma es no progress there,
S w e during the spring and summer he tries toget yel In
S this the climate of Florida helps him. It is thebest place i,
Shich an invalid can put his d iase into winter quarters pre
vious to undertaking tle summer campaign. And if his life
is, to be a constaiit retreat-a running fight with and from
death--this is a strong fortress in which he may retire and
from which he may often set his enemy at defiance. One
really becoines confused about the seasons, simmer and win-
ter are so jumbled together that between the almnawc ad the
weather you are completely puazled. You date your letter
january, and yet you are sitting ty an opein Awndow, itiut
a fire, and feel as though Ma-ay-day hqd c6ie. You haye.,
so long a. ring that you thiak it must m!ly.be r.
o to FFlo aas vs o < chose, but ovi f ^i 5i'fbme
fthe lanbaurted, wifhu I3fa A
a' a in outant on
any other tate or Terr4iory mi the aUnon, arnd l e on
the AtlantiL coast. *
e di r. i to
filled with a larg variety of fAi s; al. o,
,, .."'.o .-!ori,i A.
while dper, b"u )"., 20- .i-, 2
in their ;eadon)rBd in gd
4 e oe an speak a he chooses
4tnelwrto-8ay Cb nuSinaitoner of ihion in rsqfP
tpet 1up g~q: gutf the ate y w ar, sn whiobh ha oper-
te forces, I pp4g this larg ad4isti tq our wealth
.4p population, n t t least patnta 1i been; tbh confieceo
that ia nigrersally felt thAt every pn coming awong ut will
be ppwteotd lifn; awo propertyPxd will not ei oipxer that
anaaby aail 4igrder wbich have oonvqled pnany of. the other
Southern States. There i nothing that bhs operated so di~s-
trqp~ly t the onTe r of: southern immioatien ps the disor4 ,
thlt have grow Qout of the late war, and which, in. some si-
ter States, still distract society. It is a matter for profound
congratulation that while te bitterest passions of ,rj.pdioe
and hate have held unoontroled sway in other portioaq.pf the
South, Florida reposes in absolute peace and fobretnlness of
the past, extending the right hand of fellowship to all, and
invites them upgrudgingly to share the honors equally with
the.d4a4ies of hoinnship. The history of the lato election fur-
nishep d forcible proof of .the restoration of that seoipa peace
and utrani y essential to the welfare of ady tat. We
Ikow nothing qf white leagues or those numerous political
orgaaisatiQns which flourish through the South, and the exis-
a4 "inimi'tl tp the well being of society. Forbearance and
peqeatjion h4Ae h araiterized the aStions of both races." A
to yptig t*. (vernor, in his last annual message, says:
"The election las 1November was passed with unpapeedented
oFder sad quiph pd it is believe a fa$r expression of the
people's wi| (wasa 4. I have yet to learn of a single olli-
ion or disturbed ip t the polls between race opposirg par
ts gro t 0 t At e contest. edom of politi-
opinon acti a bepp aaPpd 41e to &ll and re
SprieoipJ of free gppiueueot. qnal
'rd Ire y i4e4, to. nu" ,-d the most
3 m am g siC goig .of u peoplw
anv ij IP e w wo ejv t would d
theiw sxwer to uphold and
Sand 'opirehenie as We
SAmeridan Unot posSesses their hstts, itha". doubt fIf any-
State hai a nore loyal' and patriotic 61bWof eideisals than the-
people of Florida are to-day.;"''I' e It bdrrted'4tired that
our Goveinor is a Republicahn ad a n6e eaite~ea titan of' -
M~ine Regiment, while' the C6mmnisaoner is a t'Veran from
the Emipire State. I 'can further' add that I am friom' Masa-
chusetts; was mastered out of'ieviee fin thih'St~t; ~ ltiat I
:. have been in it since April, 1864; "Uie' lveed in Penhii ola,
-0 8est Florida, at Tallahassee, in Middle FPldiida, aiid. stiee
.uly, 1869, have been living here; that IT hae been an out--
spoken Republican from the first have taken ai active part in
polities during reconstruction and since, andhave no morefear
of speaking my sentiments here than in Massachusetts. All
stories circulated to the contrary are false.
Question.-Is it true that the -Governor and other State
tfficials are thieves ?
Antwer.-No; Governor Stearns is a model Etecntive and'
his cabinet is hard to beat, (morally or physically,) tut the
Democratic papers have a disease like those North, which has.
become chronio by growling'; yes, gtowfing at everything-
which does not emenate from their paIrty, and' at everybody
who does iot train with them.' Says the' Governor in his last
message': "It is highly gratifying and encouraging' that
while for many years the interest on thd St te debt remained'
unpaid and the volume of the debt' was aiinhually iihreaed,.
during the faat two years we have hot b6ily paid .ill our in te-
eat promptly, but hiae made an actual reddoti ibf th&: prin-
cipal.* 'he teductins tihe past 'ya wetz'1,3; '*
Questaon.-What Idna of road& l6 t'h aW t li *'
Anatoer. -GodA. in'6me 'sectiou~i; 1 OS" bbi. 'T:e"
will itpr6oe as the ;oo try 'ecbniies iikthl.
qiess.-L What-is1tbhn Ii e g t f ina inatre
JulQa.i alrtet iii eipl: Tae
are only tio seabi i6n Ft orid i d '
four .6 1art wdttihe'. I fre'
exlitlt fot the year 1 i eai l i *
ai' by fading the IMt idtht l4 a'Bbd
by the number of day' In the mohth, tbhie gi s the imbnthly
mean the same 2" anm9d m. 'Jainubar, ia t. s, 2 p. t;., 6s,
9 p. m., se59; Februiry and'arch, aSkist' th 'ine; Apil, 72,
81, 70; May,'7t, '4, 74', Jin, 8i, 9, 8, ;. Jiy, 81, -, 78;
August, j"8, 90, 81 ;' Sptember, 86, 86, 8 ;' October; 4, 80, 74;
November, 68, 74, 69; December, 61, 71, 64. In January and
February of this year (18i1)'as follow*: Yanuiaryl,1, 68,61;
February, 59,, 6, 61. The highest temperature during this
time was 96, whi:h point was reached biit thre6 or fbur times,
while the coldest was March 8th, 1'75, at' 7 a. m., when it fell
% ,to 42.
Questimo.-Is it necessary to bring furniture with us ?
Anstwer.-No, f6r you esn buy all you want in Jaclsonville
as cheap as in New York, with freight added.
Question.-In what part of the State is New Smyrna in ?
Answer.-East Florida, on the Atlantic cedst, one hundred
miles south of the St. Johns bar and sixty-lfve iiles south of
St. Augustine.
Question.-Where can I get a good map of Florida?
Anewer.--By writing to Columbus Drew, Jaoksonville.
Price, $1.25 and ten cents to pay postage.
Question.-Do you have mosquitoes, gnats, etc, ?
Anstoer.-Yes, in some localities.
Question.-Di you have many snakes?
Answer.-Very few.
Question.-Do you have alligatots and are they 't~uble-
some? "",
lAnswer.-Yes, 'on the fresh water streams, but they rause
no trouble.
"Quft o-Whia are the cliaiees for a carpenter ?
Anwoer.-We want all kinds of trades to come hete anrc
grow up.with the eountt;. The aehiacm1 i a 'good for all.
Quetion.-What would be the prospect for *'saw mill ?
SAnser.-QG0 oo e hed in'yu e-
Q' N'' rds.-Dbfo "ot^t a live paper published in your sec-
'A*w.ir:-iT as oon mt tpkible.
gyegiogn.-r- n is the best tiUe p9 gp Flria ?
4^ wr.-Jor2 oOtobpr qo Qovemb qi.rh.
QiM n.-What is provI J we 1
Aneietr.--Thig quwti< ii^t a9 byr haPxdr4^ Thete -'
uone fqr sale. Come and inimprp 41. 6o ot ; R
Question.-What is the beet ix f oin
egage ip ?
.4p* r.-Bu..a small tract, clear it up.ap 4 set ot'p I
orange and other fruit trees.
Question.-How much land does a man want to make a
farm ?
Asqty i -Not over forty acres of.gqod land.
Quesset -)orA y9p ever have the yellow fever at Smyrn0a?
An'a ter.--No, never.
Questior--Is orange culture laborious ?
Anmer.-,9t, more so than other fruits, North.
Question.--How thick do you set out orange, figp au
banana ?
.: 4,ragOp trees tweaP y an4 ..W y-five feet; figs
twenty, bananas six to eight.
Question-Can orange groves be bought ?
Anaster.-Yes, but at fabulous prices.
Question.-Can a man get as good living is Florida a' in
Anrqer.-Yes, better if you work.
S Question.-Do you ever have snow ?
S ., Qusuon.-What is the quality of the water?
SAnstoer.- ije is go4, IN*4 04 Pea u o laints o tat
,Sore from of
qu^iO*.-Frpvee y7-a 0go4 JV4Iarb ;, ,. ,,t
Queaion.--fe the Halifax river navigable ,
Jacuonville to the head of the Fal t o et witW01
gian river by steauer, 4. A,,,
)-., y* '
, "..
~. .. ~
.,.;,. liblLLu :I~~.r;L~:.'1W~i~Ii~l~uiiLLiu~~, '~ ."~ *;.~ 'Y. LILY~PI
"...: 11;4 1
,W n fAih ed4, pa ;es and frbht be tfraiorted froQ
TusyiY Jo c lyilI is S day,,a tn planter can en-
ge n rsig a rn tu fte ei, York aiets, fur-
^ fth.a 1it w rn grpene peas, c9rq, etc., i
ueati W f,-$ 4t are your minns of comm ipsa1A now ?
Anawer.--3y schooner to Jacksonville, of whieb we have
thbre, (aee advrtioepents) or by stage to nterprfe, teceo
to Jacksonville by steamer down the St. Johns.
Question.-How often do you have a mail?
Anwero.-Sei-weekly. .i
,.Q eon..-IIye you churches and schools?
Aniwer.-We bhve services and.h .ph }bt n buildingss
-qvoted to those purposes, but are, blding them. These, of
course, will improve as settlers come in.
Question.-What kind of timber do o have ?
i'i je.-P~ie, Live Qak, Cedar,- yprs,. p fanett, etc.
The plq inlds loagely predominate, aoie of vepg prodaotiv ./
quality, with beautiful sites immediately' upon the river.
There are also ofe bodies of the post splendid hmmob, pe.
-coliarly adapted to the growth of tropical fritWM, .tM*e4 hg
-variety of which are the orange, lemon, lime aa lip boma
plftain, pine apple, guava and pomegranstt6. '"*h *orq ge is
ihe Jefding crop of all others. It requires three,4 3 from
4traqps$nting tp oommence bearing, then pas huixp of
-dollars per acre. andaopo, s n, s to thousands. asppow Ro
oonsidefsbly. north of this, wd pay from stwel I.d Jrto
two thousand dollars per acre. Pine apples pro d fr* a
4i to twelve hundred dollars per-sore. Snugrcane gows
,.atlpg a heIht of tsyele to sixten feet,
Siding m pore thas a gallon of juice, which being
a dow makes q a a f thick* yr uppi pro4ues
##o six hundred gallons o syaup per acre" Of peas and
plains, two crops from the same vine are raised in abun-
AWiaB oad potato urish 'the year round The natural
g~obf the hammock is the sturdy .ive oak, measuring
irom,, two 4 ; diani ; re thlory, two. to
h three feet IhA tametef' airdpitwe6 ni tot 1 f 's '.l
the red e6htsiuilb'e` h paletl M i in n- u
dergrowifi of iack-biusi, 'ti nrT i viia
There are also IroIn-d6 6 aid '6 n od ,a / p tgb'
weight to the lignumvitfe, and susceptible df ti fii ish
Quiestioh.- Whi are, the lhans for stock iir '
141shefA-15xcilleht. .'. .:. <
Queatido*.--Can orange trees be 'set ouuti sI 6 as tie inrif
is cleared ?
Que8tion.-How do you get your grovesstii d ?
Answer.-Some buy sweet t'ees from thre to fiv years.
id and set them out,' but the quickest way is to buy sour
trees and bud them. By the latter way, orange trees'can be-
made to bear in from three to four years..
Question.-- s it protiable ?
Answer.-t take the following statement from a ironular
* issued by Bliss, Hood'ihd Bent, Aurantia Grove, ITfdian tiver.
Price of grove of ten trees, (lot 50 fee1 eiy i'b6,) with
warranty deed, and eost of first year'i care...... $50 00
Cost of second year's care................. .... 6 00
Cost of third year's care.... ...... ......... ...,,,... 8 00
Total cost of grove brought into beari"ng......... ,64 00
To those purchaiing fiyg or more lots a discount is ali~ofe
of five'per eett. on first cost, as follows: '
Five lot, etc.; kt $20, les. five per.mlt......' .: .., 4~'606-
Second ywar caro..... .............. .,,. i ,ao.1,:
Tlird year's ,. ... ........ ..... ...,.....- 40 QO
rTotal cost dfgtrov6 of five ots, to beari g...... 5
Sicou' itox Iok LO.
r 'INCOMfC BOM i0 ` OT.'
trdear, id t it eabh beariidg 56 bringe aeaI h. 10 Obt
4th .* 10 250 ." :''".' '('0@
5th 10 So Wo O ... .. .0 00
6th 10 O1000 200 O p
Tot d fyincoefo' xei.....8
SFor eai xe R s 41/ I
IPW 10~
:3rd year, 50 trees, each bearing 50 oranges, 2c each. $50 00
4th 50 250 00
Sth 50 Or" 500 00
,, 50 "->h t tt 10 ^0 100000
I..otal. ipraeforp a.x yyar.. ,....... ..... 800 0
.Foreh enauingjear an ; oo: of ato Wa34, P1000.
!ug "n.---What are the prices of horses, cattle, mnleK and
< w 8;/, ... ... .. ,,
:.Aatsor.-Horses, ifroe 100 to *2QO; cattle, from ti0 to 10oo;
jnules, from 75 to $15,0; cows, from 15 to $5p.
Quesimon.-Are teachers in demand and what wages are paid ?
Anuwer.-Write, to Hon J. Watkins Hicks, Superntendent
-of .Public Instruction, Tallahassee: He will give yqu the ne-
vessary iqfgrmatioun
The foregoing answers and all comnuiications in, this wurk
can be relied upon, and if it is the means of bringing capital.
i'snd laborers to our- State, either from abroad or from
ot.er. sections of the United States, the writer will be content,
and ,we will extend the most cordial welcome to alL Come
and help us bu~id up our schools and churches, open ouw lines
of communication and assist us in making Florida one of the
most prosperous States ip the Union. Nature has highly fa-
vored her, and all that is now needed is capitalists and, live,
Yours truly, GEORGE J. ALDEN
S. ,. .
Florida was discovered by Juan Ponce de Leoj on Maro
27, 1512, buthe did not set foot upon its shores until the 2d of
April, in latitude 30 deg., 8 -mina, t a point sho4tr dktance
north of St. Augustine. The' Iliiii naide of the b6i dtry was
Cautio, but the discovered nailed ft Paseia; Florida. The
usual ceremony of planting a cross and taking possession of
the country in the name of the Spanish Monarch, swearing
allegiance to his throne, and throwing the royal banner to-
the breeze was observed, and the country was thereby con-
sidered, by their Catholic majesties, a Spanish province by
right of discovery. On the I1th of February, 1763, a treaty
was ratified and East and West Florida were ceded to Great
Britain. On the 3d of September, 1783, last and West Florida
were ceded to Spain. February 22d, 1819, the 1Floridas weri
ceded to the United States. The treaty was ratified February
19th, 1821, and the change of flags in East Florida took place
at St. Augustine, July 10th, and in West' Florida, at Pensa-
cola, July 21st; 1821. On the 3d of March, 1822, a territorial
government was formed. The first governor was Wm. P.
Duval, of Kentucky. The first legislative council met at
Pensacola in June, 1822, and commissioners were appointed to,
select a site for the seat of government. They chose the old
Indian fields of Tallkaassee, which was approved by the coun-
cil in October, 1823, and the seat of government permanently
established. The construction of the State HouSe began in
1826. In 1845, Florida was admitted into the Union. The
first session of the legislature was held June 23, 1845; William
D. Mosely, Governor. The first Florida war commenced in
1812, and continued, almost without abatement, until 1843.
Florida is a much larger State than Iowa or Illinois, con-
taining an area of 59,268 square miles, or 87,931,520 acres.
Very large concessions of these lands have been made to the
State by Congress for works of internal improvement. The
population, in 1870, was 187,748, and Gov. Reed, in his mes-
sage to the legislature in 1872, estimated the increase the
three years previous, at 40,000, and the ratio of increase is
much higher at present, for a knowledge of the inducements
which the Stite o*ers to sett eik ave been widely diffused.
Out of thirty-4ie ooiuttie,, twenty-one of them have a sea-
shore border, while the St. Johns, the St. MaryO, the Suwan-
nee, the Ooklo*6oee, the Thdian, the Hillsborough, the Halifax,
the Cho~ktnwatchie, and Apalachibola rivers ire natural chan-
nels of appiroch to thb most interior parts of the State.
There are four lines of raihloads in the State, One extending
from Fernandina, on the Atlantic coast, to Cedar Keys, on the
Gulf coast, connecting at Waldwin with the Jacolonville, Pen-
sacola and Mobile Rairoad, which extends from Jacksonville,
through the northern tier of counties, to the Chattah6oda ee, at
its point of junction with the Apalachicola. The latter line is
connected at Live Oak with the Savannah line. Pensacola is
connected with Montgonmery by the Pensac6la and Louisville
Railroad. : llahassee is connected with the Gulf by a branch
of the Jacksonville, Pensiaola and Mobile Railroad, while St.
Augustine is connected with the St. Johns by the St. Augus-
tine and Tocoi Railroad. The New Orleans, Florida and Ha_
vana Steamship Company have a weekly line connecting with
the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Cedar Keys, and steamers
connect with the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad
at Chattahoochee, for Eufaula, Montgomery, St. Louis and
the great West. Steamers connect with the New York and
Baltimore steamers at Charleston, S. C. and Savannah, Ga,
for Jacksonville, Fla, whence steamers run daily to thp upper
St. Johns
The mildness of the climate, the productions of the soil, and
the cheapness of the land have induced many to emigrate from
the Northern States and from Europe, who have invested
capital in agriculture or lumbering, which at present, are the
leading pursuits of the people and the chief sources of wealth.
Cotton, corn, sugarcane, rice, sweet and Irish potatoes, or-
anges, lemons, pifneapples, bananas, etc., are the principal
cropL The raising of vegetables and fruits for the Northern
markets has proved profitable, and will in a few years add
materially to the trade and wealth of the State.
S4W* OPpFsvu.-7Governor, Maselyus I. 8tearns Lieu-
tenant GfqypQr, vacant;, Secritory of, '* mu#) $. Mc-
Lin; Comptroller, C. 4, Cojq# ? H. Foster;
Attorney GenerSl, William AxOF C.4; Mp4i Oenergl,
.Jolp VArnum; Commissioner, 9*ia s and ie'p, Pen-
nis Eagan; Superintepnet of Pubiph IRpp~r41qkNi J, Wgtkins
149pks;.State. engineer, M, H.ofbeig; iCS,,oe Qf the
Supreme. Curt, i E. M. JI nd$;R pqooiitc Jqt 090s0, J.. I).
Woetott and Rg, a. VanYalketbgri, i
The follaring iq a 43s of ho os, showing. :t~j e 'PripCipj l
houses in allvlalcesgceiwally vJ*te4lby s traugerp: St. Jamehs
Hotel, Grand Nation _Uotel, *Ictr ol*t4 ffqtel, Jackson-
Ville;, ;Norwpqd- oupe, Riddell UPuee, Feruqdina; Clarendon
Hotel, Union Houne, Green Cove Spring,; *. Fleming's
House, Fibernia; Magno4A Hotel, Magnolia; St. Augustine
Hotel, Florida Hopse, Magnolia House, St. augpstIAe; P4-tr
nai ffouse) 84 Jobans .otel, Paztka; Brook Roue, Enter-
prise; Mellonville Hotel,; Orange House, MelloppviUe; Ocean
House, New Smyrna; Titusville Hotel,. Titisville; Gesaer
House, Port Gvange; PaJmetto House, Paytona,
ra*oxl ar
We have sueeoded in paurhsulsn the famous Dunn Lawton plantation,
and a luge portion of the town, site of Pert Orange in front and immediate-
ly on.the bank of Halifax or upper Indian river, one mile west of the ocean
beach, seventy miles south of St. Augustine, and ten miles north of New
e have out up this.plantation into lots, to suit the convenience of those
who wish to make a permanent or winter residence, or who wish to make a
small and safelnvestmwet ja some of the rlohest lad' in the State, where
they may, ,t leisare, and with certainty of success, e ge in the cultiva-
tion of orange, other eeni-troploal fruits, garden vtabl, or farm crops.
To show the earemter ofthese lands and t p on to theer purpaes,
we publish below letters in eswer to our own nu iries, from two of the
most reliable persons we could selet of those lving and operating on
simralaandsein the immediate vicinity. From further inquiry sad actual
obsertitionwe believe the opiiona they have expreeil could be ribtan-
tieted by aver man in' that part of VoabiIa county. We offer these lands
at the lb q at rie for tie ake of making ready eals an Indducin the
r dpid, asttkat of th eenuntry where we propose to mike oon own wMnter
reelduees,>ad, ultimately, a persuenet hoaie.
For tetmake of making our plan of settling up this most delightful oUtn-
-try more complete, we have purchased the Port Orange Hotel, wMhc we are
.patting in first class order, and where we propose to gie oEr guest the
very best fare and accommodations possible. We hl do everything in
our power to make their visit pleasant and agreeable. We are aso pre-
pared to sell, in connection with the lots of Dunn Lawton, building lets in
town, immediately on the river, or on equally desirable sites a lite nearer
theplantation. The east line of Dunn Lawtoo is only about three-fourtha
of a mile west of the river; and the land between is high and dry-excellent
for building-beautifl and perfectly healthy, summer and winter, Water
good. Plenty of fish and oysters of the beat quality in the river, with an
abundance of wild game in the woods. The ocean beach is easily aeoessible
and the finest in the world. The winter allmate is a perpetual spring-not
the slightest frost having yet been seen (now the. 9th day of January.)
Garden VegeCtbles are sotrihing as finely as in June. The summer dys.
at the very hottest, are alwaysmade delghltul by the fresh and invigors-
ting se beee e, whsh blow almostperpaay from the southeast.
We- hall be haipy to answer ay Inquiri but prefer that our friends
come andees frthMse. We eepeat an lpiadl steauboat and overland
route to; be lmaudiatoly opened from St. Anguatipe. There are outside
*ailing schooners prepared to bring passenger from Jaoksoarile, while
those woe-e ip.to e i-B. Johito EnteKrise, san always find conveyance
across, iWrtivemiles by stage, to this plios.
,, .. C Osmo, October 20, 1874.
r. thefaa :, VO W, Mu -C EBFa.:-S8r :-As.you
wunfarmaon thA irmsh i leed f l ',ir a ,dl es ar e now reading bear
the famous Doae Lwd dpaitattke, I shall.ploae much reliance upon any
information you can give me respecting that section of Florida, and espe-
cially the Dunn Lawton plantation, which I hear is for sale. I will take
the liberty of asking you a few J edi g< questions.
What is the character of the soil? Whatcanbe raised on i ? Are there
any wild orange trees on it ? Can a man make a good grove by setting out
trees upon the land ? Can a Northern man work there in the summer time
and not get sick ? Are yon doing anything in the way of starting an orange
grove or farming down there, anidif bo, with what success ?
Respectfully yours, I. GOMNEB.
PonT ORANGE, Volusia County, Fla, November 6, 1874.
Mr. 1. 0. nner, Cincinnati, Ohio .-Sr :--I reply to yours of the 20th
ult., I will answer in order of youth questlosh. The soil- i a black mould,
resting on a'deep bed of rich marl, mixed with more or less of sand, but so
rich as never to require any fertilizers. There is .no -humbug about this
land, and any person purchasing it cannot help being ,satefied. I believe
th'st anything that can be raised anywhere in' this lattude can be raised
upon it. There are several thousand wild orange trees growing very
thriftily pon it. One of the best groves I have seen in the tateis on the
sa' lnd, and, adjoining, some of te t rees of ts grove have been
r nely. I procured a few aces of this rih 4end, covered
Sot and cabbage palmetto tree soUd plated about
th-ree B orange trees taken from Dann Lawton in. ebruary, 1874.
and now, in less than a year, have, by budding, fine sweet tdps on netly all
of them, and am satisfied that r will succeed in making a goo bearing grove
at a very rtfling cot. I will here state the cost, s I have found it, for 100
trees on one acre of ground for one year:
Suttabledearipg add fenelng................. .......... 20
Siu aitumps and planting............................... 34
Bading and prning.................................... 10
Hoeing, &c.... ......... .. ........................... 20
Total for'one year .................. ......... ......... $85
1 thinkI can carry them on two years more for... .... ;... 40
Interest olt $$85tr two years.... ....... ............. 17
Total cost of 100 trees, for three years. ............. ..$142
1 have n6 doubt thqy Will then be in good, bearing condition. At this
rate, my grove of -8 treed will coat at the end of three years, $486. This
does not include thl p ce paid for the land.
This stiigpof rich ra i.froom one to two miles wide, reioeg parallel
with iallfax river, aoutC one mile to the west. It is the only.land I have
seen in the St4te whiih I think iS ft for the oultivatoqrof oangee trees, or
anything else, and oh this I am sure that any man whs tI willing to work
cannot Fail of : uc ..
-on ask, "Ciana 'otthern mah work thereta tke summer time and not
get sick ? I will give you may ow experience' -I e:me herfrom Warren
e.ounty, Ohio, about a year ago, for my health. I had been an invalid for
eeAvral years, and while here trying to regain my health, I have been work.
S g every day, with the eIdeption of about one.week and have steadily im-
e I fond the past summer much -mord pla~t than the same sea-
on a hio. I believe this has been the r aerhise of ery waes-hra an,
and that the generally.believed opinion that a white.a an 4 et work here
n the summer is a mistake. I am not trying to do anything it farmisng;aa-
hit is the cse with most of the people here, but I have no doubt that
would be successful at it on thee rich lands. Yours truly,.
Gzonoe E. Sxtain
PI Po OAbes, Fla., December 8, 9W1
J. &. e .fs .:--Deat Sir --With a view to the pdrobeg .f Doi lAe- .
n and offering t for sale la small lots to etual settlers, were b tt
ioit vtr oioti ase to its adaptettle and veale for the 8olture
td other frno, as' well as for gardening A*d genieravl fr oroft
nucli as yo: have had"i large eipetenoe in eteore oelt oe, er&,ltrb
armed albila land t i ithvityoi for t several yefts, we aihaIt .tft- mI..
importance to your views and deem their expression a great ft~ot
R spectfbti y yours, I. 0. OGsmsw
WI.UAx Oa*iMs
SPoi OaANes, Vo~ ia. Oouty, Fla., January Ivl
Meswrs. G(asMr and rannon:-Gentlemen:-I mos ehceelrlly..oeSy
with younrquest, as I regard the oonsammatin of your pmpoee she tli
light ofLa emiA publio benefootion.
The diffi lty of sgetti a title to a aial. traot of good land is thr ve -
ty ofiPotOrange has always beei a serious obsteol to itsauid g.reU
Nine yer go aleasee 6o his ettie of the eomntry to look br ieuJ-
myself -dodoMelwt alview to tbe asteinma&tof a tlage aloo..y. ISa
on6dea- tlscnrdersblenew.ot. ,Dana onl plamtalio. AA trA w t-
ing toitbe *mpaay,tae of our number was dispatehed t6 Dr. G.: BI
agent fck Du aUiwton, authorized 46 obrr him t15;O000for the place. .f
refused and would not take less than $20,000-would not selLpart of r. a
aayg-pie. I have since known many efforts made to obtain amal plei
but *t : tn. u* ..
The first eight of this place alwaysoarpties a 'Nrtbem man-a-tihem -
trart.-ith what he has seen in thO States 1 great, and hhe aennok61asw-
tand why so large astraot of thorougBhly 4Aprdved land .ot lsmkautllOM
* fertiliteaenie idl. Hdte ia a laigamugar Uill, with machinery eapahIetf
manafaotuartgr l,20i4O00 pomdea of ,tair iwn' SeaeOB, tandingia the ctsh.-
of wt.iorotghly kNepl .:feldM 6f 400 cea. lof land that.havetva tUy -
duood.8je 0 poua& of aeuquand 0D bimhels of corn to the ear, aU gadi O
ruin: Why iithlit? The anm waidln a w"or, M*aaiv~eatw L .Csmet*o
thing be biein p?.t No, Why? ; Mesivea M l Everwboty.wrntid pf
Who ibhlipbrsiase and oit it u Nuid thum'beMme.el publio.heefaMol t
I_ i do it- yo w *' gt,.-i-ort is y a, d privileothat nwt t
btvA~Sirer l metttd. hee, kIahro w to .ie, and wVob will m-I
iao6e twlkst tadw'of la s M I homwe'p pe ps tor omInt snmdagp V
WblGw*NadMe4f tdth jo.7Udamane plea" twoe slainda; *ria e
w*trb.t h o will Ad*M fgrayotr O :Mteest bms.to a.rad s"le b
ad sel M W .puth('ou ry whiak ls Bve yonuwli ymLY
I; yVwili e ia".birtwoemeI asat4emet. whioh Ithiakl ^a -
ntd60at e III t wil 'r tsrxpreudmy opipa.Oarmk LU adapter
jiatd vrsath bsk U f, p aynpNhl y la %my dan haa mes
OMM USSSa a Burln bt be gb ay, ri arlaey or u etm r q i
abhabd lwverimrt)hwabe in ii>*t l gradeaes ire MttrIfA late> a agem
P# "EO : A
them. 'itmay beposeible to seaed in making a eweet grove u~op slae
soils if a large portion of the overhaging trees a left landing sd a ,mr g
trees are planted beneath them."
This was written about one year ago, since which time I have visited
many groves in different parts of the State, and on erry variety of soil.
This extensive observation, with a larger experience in my own groves, ba
oofirmed th opiniq q then epsed, awaty t-hes aleyk
"should be le.arqd of tlh lae~ t4mber,,as ltti e aa # but qa
brushed thoroughly plpatag t4 araoge trw ia thIe petWi shaed, oat
deep, but ahalow; coverng ther,arfae iots with looa vegDtabljo would.
raised little above the rerag ase." T..iesagpa tlhi way I am now
prepared to say many of these muarey bhsuaookaa e athe v rry bast for
orange cultw. ,
First Besause the clearing and prepsratioa quied i less expensive
than that mnAesry for any other, not excepting the pine lands.
Second. Because they will require no fertiling for many years.
Third. Because the trees transplanted into thmn will be surer to live than
upoa ~my Wthe soils. They will uat out qauid t, grow more thriftily and
Soomto slr ag sooner. .
Fifth. Beaue men who engpge in orange suw lto lose eaesdig n
other sols by using improper fertilizers, r by us1ngdo io stiUers baly.
nad en ltidatg too deeply. al tbeae a M.Ar tlbr Iu to suffer
errity fifomenad to neep thm. clein of pnaa, eedomand gruing
roots o otier tr s; widsk steal the molure saI uatimnt fr, m, les
viorou woets eo the young mage t1eeA; while plbNuted qIo thee rioh,
mriy-hammoes laade, whewubo Mil ia arwa mairs ad k a dwlh in-
xlkb ible nutritioausblmen, the orange trees ia.uar. i bWh in
this way, w1i m vetr My itb froTrr lglet, m proV b th b de* e
Benauwsi lsaii adw thedde oarehanglatr&eas, the'young
Storage trees will be less liable to suffer from frost than those planted on
l ,ad eequring to b* opl0teely eard.&
NOw apply thee ats to the Dm LawriM lads. For the most part the
asol s a very rich, mar fy hamsiek, someamea rao,- oauw more
saady, and in a few psee. toolrw, unles more broul dtl Sat-
ten d thro the n oleaeim poelma thm atee bhoma a
widhbte whi&ob asiy bhabddedwl they stand asd.rot.t ba
ws fruit in a 'rsy
too iahkly can be resa ttrnasplaatd iat the useM ule by, and be
sme tol3 weed do wvo TheadaI portie l arM sia- la dO and won
orI~ a oversaw d h large ril (Iway set taetag tired of whic, now
s .a I P l fmoor~ by islWmsrmi rMat dw fe w i sloMfer-
edns* eled Lad is i t dtod, and aso"wan *"pe s o It aoo-
Ma.b evalyla d, l!t. nY Oa t e_ ; I b*A* dhLe*sM by
,ie iopw -m ol ro dn', at that oesom a n
orbistai.0 'Iel e aak i~Mgs wgdpret of what I
4-Wegaudl uI tjlu*4b u.B i eawhichwi satheoreiglaui a
t&wtno ordhps*peatUllowied tal seL> sslaj theia.
were moed off and budded by Dr. 0L. m s laiea ale.
NmY6 dtehlr.a td htathle. T Wehehrndi& als ei o
nMy~f the ctt.w. hisTaeth ge wyr
sit**' thbe.
Sthiwas the only grove in t te, was in a
healthy condition. At this time Mr. Base entered the land and com-
clearing it up and extending the grove. I have carefully watched
dudig the nine years since that time. While some of the trees have sof-
d from too close clearing, others, on the higher and drier lands, have
ne exceedingly well, and, as a whole, I have seen no finer grove in the
te-none bearing richer or better fruit. I was in this grove a day or two
ce with a gentleman who said he 'had eaten oranges from trees in all
sof Florida, and had pinked them in all parts of the world where or-
es grow. and be had never eaten or seea finer oranges than some in this
ve. Jusm outside of the enclosure, and still in the native forest, stand
ut a dozen of the trees budded by Dr. Howes, all perfectly healthy,.
ifty, and laden with fine, sweet fruit. What other proof can be asked to
in an affirmative reply to your question and to encouragethe under-
you oontemplate ? I have asked you, in oase you suceed in making
purchase, to put the price of these lands within the reach of a poor-
n. I hope you will do it, for they are just the lands for a poor man to
in on, because he can make a grove quicker, and cheaper than he can
n any other, and because if he wishes to make a garden or raise-general
m orops, he can do it easier and more satisfactory here than on any other-
Ids. Have seen cabbage, onions, English peas, and other gardn vege-
bleegroing a thriftily on these lands in the month of June, whea'they
uld scarcely liveon many of our soils, as I ever saw the same plants grow -
the Easten on Western States. I have ee sugarease, corn, oats adnd
r farm rops grow bre as stoutly as in aay other State in the Union.
e old fields ae ova6d8 with as heavy a smWwd, gram, fed cloe by cat-
as you ea fnd in New inglsand. n stair lands, havre els good
y at the rate of three tonsto the acre As for oottbnj it grows to trees,
t bri agtlitle fruit. Blaekberres, "too much." Banamas do spleen dle y
sotls similar to the most damp of these. Grapes, largenogh wild,.
ough I do et think their oultaw would be so sooe dfuIon theseas a
her anddryer lnds. Several other. fite, as pear s, aad some varieties
pear, also strawberries, I think, woulr do well. s fte, one een rase all
can ask to raieron these lads,' and more 4:tbe iMoessaries aad lueries-
life than bhe a possibly produce on any o the.Wetern prairies, amd, I
lieve, with greeter eae. lad le ability to daknss.
Wishing ye'uoes;uI o main tralyyour obediet servant,
J. H. Fowsm.
Those desiring further information will pleas address, at this place
GENsna & CAW at.
xew Mtthn.
This name has been given to a new and very promising settlement made&
Some very enterprisi~gpople frbmiionnecticut. The name of the place
State whence thie ptip ne, may suggest carpet-bagging, but there
nothing of hat, ukd about th* people- e re bona id settlers a
er some to 4b, aNy other SBto, They ha gone right about the
tical work Utliag lhe so almd builiog thems a boses n whbioh
eW PrP to y tl S-oit wr .paamfort ah they have hady sub-
ie Mwarleads lk eObr hemvaimhe In who aist jon a
tom., 4twbdMide lnt they boeomm quite a viIa
*e a4md4t istas owqbrha orm,s e ad ep'bae nde in '
0a vefto y
i ld tmltply tbe r aa ordflan oranao ge tree, ton years fieo
-m s g, b one hundred, the number on one acre, we should havq an income
Bsuter.thban ahe average products of the New England farms. Concerning
tiW. colony, we extract the following from a late article in the Florida
'*St is now less than a year since a party of men from New Britain, Con.
'* ma-i t, arrived. here and selected e a future home lor tbh e elves and their
a*ian who proposed to join tbom, one of the best ad4 & at fortunately
iasted.traots on our delightful iver, via: the Henry!You .grAtC of 1.000
as,;nsituted about fifteen .milesa orth of the inlet, an eabut sixty miles
Se~e f St. Augustine.. This traee had been put in a high atat of im-
jpviment more than one hundred years ago, when the country, wa owned
ad governed, by England, and when English noblemen, speh as Lord
Hrke, Egeont., Greenville, and Hillaborough, Sir William )Dnan, Dr.
raubaull,.81r Richard Oswold, Major Moultrie, and Chief Justice William
Dmayton,, from South Carolina, were selecting and imprpsing fine tracts for
S platiag.Andigo, sugarcane, &c.
Qhe ruins of old buildings, sugar mills, with staei engines, ad. tie
tm pike road. from which tall palmetto trees-and livie*ol are now grow-
iT.Aadicate A-former wealth and poeperity, which, in,t.he age of progrew,
wi requlie,years to realize. In theom olden times, aewm of the fMest wild
Snagegareess were out down and torn up and field crops planted i. their
l/aoes, and thes paid haadsome profits. Now it is proposed Jeveplace the
masag trees, which, in these rich and well-sheltered soila their original
isme, promise more remuerative returns than anything else ..
"S1toof the.party who.oemesamd made the .aleation slatye tetured in
p4ll: ad. worked hard all the summer, enjoying. perfect healtU ; Ni they
a Inenlgjotad -by their tfalier s and other memoirs of the .elnsy,ito the
m tmbeh ifmrteen. TQ see what Wilso dad Mllard have don dnulag the
.at.er.t look at their ompanim as..laely rived, ad to]4o ow wlt ads
a-A l -locations they bave. chose,, produce perfect oona4ei c ,in their
,u -asaf r To such people we older etlers. on the HalUax ayye, very "Reb"
ad seoa of a "Reb" in the country will extenda besrty welcome. Ia fact,
mai ooualy, to'a mna, reeeirvqevery we lldispoid immrat, of what-
ear class and from whateer quarter of the ilow, ad we ove: made up
'm winds to fully ptat every ersoa in the fall: enjoymeet of.t natural,
d Mlal poliUcald rights, while we frown upon and, ifpoeibl.punlsh every
acf lawless violence upon whomsoever or upon whaetoever pretext com-
stl I is looted on th* wpg bank of .thoe9j i wi -ail"es
wormil h#b Inlet. The g iadppop i jltoBdi b dr Iith aving
ed -.risae it roda. fromsithe)Trrl ttk astoe p( firty
ittinr s an ela of sae ifter ee ae it waehole
%Wo d~ee. Id ,named -
Aeen opened through a forest of t e tree, offering the modesre
> .,',
23 -
-ations or residences, as such redundant, varied and beautiful vegetation
could not be produced in years by y any expenditure of money.'
The river front is most desirable. A clear, bold shore, a hard bottom,
free from mud or grass, a dry bank from three to flv e*t high at l aUtge~
of the tide, a water view three-fourths of a mile in bteadth and -unobdtlioted
by islands, a depth of water sufficient for all praticable purposes, areamong
the natural advantages that at once present themselves to the #e of the
visitor. The opposite bank--the finest on the Peninsula--i a lear shell
shore of nearly half a mile in extent, known as SilverBeach. There, a good
road has been constructed across to the ocean beach; a distance of half a
mile. It is the most magnificent sea beach on the Atlantic coast For
many miles, in either direction, it is as smooth and hard as a floor, varying
in breadth from 100 to 600 feet, sad of an inclination to the water so slight
as to be hardly perceptible. At low tide, as a highway, it is uspralleled.
Daytona is laid out upon a tract of land comprising some 2,000 acres.
North of it is another tract of 1,000 acres, and, to the sooth, still another of
equal area. These tracts have recently beeh surveyed Into lots of from one
to forty acres in extent, and may be had at prices varying from $1 to $10
per acre. River front lots in Daytona are held at higher prices The titles
to these lands are unexceptionable. The quality of thesol varies from light
pine to heavy hammock, and this division of pine and hammock land is
common to the whole extent of country adjacent to the Halifax river. All
the pine, and what is known as light hammock land, is sumseptible of imme-
diate cultivation as soon as cleared, but varies somewhat in productive quali-
ty. The beavy uhamock has first to be drained, but tt to of inexhaustible
fertility. Not td rfdect in the least upon the inducements offered by other
seeoons of the State, there are not probably so deirableoea:tios to settlers
from the North to be found as in that extent of country lying between the
head of the Halifax and the head of the Indian rivers. The meo attractive
portion of this area is to be found upon the banks of the Halifax.
Daytona numbers at present a population, all told, of some seventy per-
sons. Nearly every section of the country is represented, the majority bebt
from the Northern States. We have some twenty framed buses, severst of
them neat ad tasty cottages. There are two stores, one of them seven
years estabished, doing a thriving business, and keeping on haed, at srE
prices, everthig desired by settlers in a new country. We have several
goodhouse casrpiters, a blacksmith shop, maned by a competent and
thorough workman, an experieapd physician and surgeon, a briekayer, a
boat builder, ais a shoemaker. 'We have, during the summer, an excellent
private school. We have a commodious boarding house, kept with scrupu.
lousy neatness. The grounds present a striking and pleasant contrast with
what is sometimes witnessed in new countries. Visitors here will be pro-
vided with every reasonable comfort, ad find themselves surrounded with
the refinements and amenities of the best social life. We have either
church, Jil, minister o nor lawyer, yet there is no settlement of e* uise,
either Nort or Souta East or West, that contains a tbre respectable, law-
abiding and industrious pQpueltton.
Theliatof this oflorid is nearer perfection than any other
one thing 1 th world k fir enough to the sodtb to be beyond the
rach.o winter yet 'ea exempt from the too ardeft beat of the
tropic s. O winds ta ool and bracingwthotit the loett suspicion
of hah e th ofitbe summerh s tempe&d by an ocean
breeas ''riensW, wit imt thd eIstt of bnervation.
T9uto et IKMt utt p its ` tbsa. Its
W IbcND thithb at: V'I i*ty of U4h yeat.
It never encroaches upon its banks. It abounds, at all seasons, in most
wholesome food for man, and territories might be fertilized from its pro-
The mildnes of climate and fertility of soil make this section of country
susceptible of a most varied agriculture. Cotton, sugarcane, the finer
qualities of tobacco, the orange, the lemon, the fig, and the whole number of
semi-tropical productions may be grown within our borders. In certain
situations nearly all the vegetables grown at the North may be raised, to,
gether with many others only known to lower latitudes. The most useful
variety of timber abound-oak, pine, cypress, and cedar may be had upon
almost every homestead.
The hammock lands of this section produce abundantly of all crops adap-
ted to this climate. Naturally, the first settlers select those lands that
promise the greatest return for the least labor, and decry the light pine
lands. It is underrating too much the resources of modern scientific agri-
culture not to believe these lands capable of producing a fair profit in return
for thorough cultivation. We know of repeated instances where ordinary
pine lands have been fertilized and cultivated in the manner that good farm-
ing is practiced in other sections, and the returns have far exceeded that of
any of the staple productions of the North.
But we are a handful of men in an almost unbroken wilderness. We need
help and co-operation. Here, beneath a summer sky, where food and warmth,
and shelter may be had at a minimum expenditure of labor, we say to the
hundreds of idle men in Northern cities, who are vainly seeking to bar the
wolf of famine from one door while trying to close the other against the
rirors of an unsparing winter; and to the thousands of farmers over the
broad territories of the West, who are brooding over a desolation unequalled
by the plagues of Egypt. what you most desire we possess ~nyin.ant~-.
The labor that you cannot utilize is our sorest need. But do t bede-
ceived. We paint no Utopia. Though nature is benefieent in oar' genial
clime, she will not open her treasures to the hand of idleness. Here, as
elsewhere, the sturdy arm of labor is required to wrest trom her grasp the
Riches of hidden harvests. ,
The settler in Florida. particularly if from a Northern State, must re-
nie mber that the conditions of agriculture here are a" differeitfrom those
he has left a heat from cold. Many accede to this fact without realizing it.
Because they do not find fields of grain and grpss, they cote.to te ,cocolu-
sion that this is a poor country. It does upt seem to occur to them that,
because a Northern man has to buy his sug4 and cotton eloth he lives in a
poor country. They do not think it strange that a man ia Massachusetts
warms himself by a fire of coal from Pennsylvania, or that the shingles on
his house were brought from the forests of .Mine or Minnesota, and that the
greater part of his grain and grass crop rha to be exchanged for these things.
They look upon a field of cane as a curiosity, and not as so much money
value return for labor. A cotton field is a novelty, but it does not appear
to them in the light of a bill of exchange, which the SoptherA fprmept turns
at the nearest store for articles of need or luxury. ,With piLty q excellentt
fish in every water course, beef and venlson in abundance t hbe cost of a
few cents a pound, we have known a man to lament his povertyy in that he
did not have a barrel of grey salt pork in his house.
But time and experience oon correct these mnijpj henaions. We have
real needs, and these needs you can supp. both toqpr avntage an d yor.
own. We ned better mWans of oommailioa.; we oe4 rhoade ad bril;
we need soloole ad ohrbea we need the awalagps that *iibr
to the settlement and deretlo ent of a new country; we lsoe tpr
t '
and your skill; we need society for ourselves and our children ; we need the
comforts and refinements that only a multiplicity of occupations and the
power of natural co-operation and exchange can confer; and we take this
method of setting forth to you some of the measures of our abundance in the
hope that you may discover therein some advantage to yourselves.
We make these representations in all sincerity; they 'are a part of our
belief. We make them because we love the bright sky under which we
dwell, the glad waters upon whose shores we live, and because we have the-
highest faith in the noble capabilities of the land we inhabit. H.
Ha lifx City
This place is about three miles northwest and in full view ot the inlet, and
is one of the most-healthy and delightful situations on the Halifax river, so
situated that the southeast breeze, which blows almost perpetually during
the summer months, strike it most advantageously. The lands are high and
dry hammock, affording excellent sweet water and insuring perfecthealth,
while they are rich, productive and pre-eminently adapted to orange grow-
ing. Rose bay is a large basin of salt and tidal water, flowing in and out
directly from the ocean, and encircling the town e'a and west. The shore
is bold and clean. The waters afford an amrplh saq o f the best oysters in
the country and abound in the most excellent varieties of fish.
The largest vessels that pass the bar will find no difficulty in coming up
to the point of land in front of the town, where it is proposed to build
wharves, to be connected by a shell road leading to the business streets, less
than half a mile distant.
This place has the advantage of all others on the main lana in being the
nearest point to the inlet, where a town can be made, while at the same
time it is easily approached from the main land. If the company do what
they propose they will no doubt make it the chief commercial oestre of this
section of the country, as wel as a most attractive abd desirable village of .
winter aid summer residents ind fruit growers. One of the important ad-
vantages' which this, as well as every other place oh the river, has, is the
large tracts of Iost excellent hammock lands lying in the immediate viotni-
ty, any of which can be bo6nht cheap, and perfect titles given. This place
is bought aid laid out as a commercial centre by the East Flvida Land
Company, chartered in 1870, (see acts of 1870, for December, &e.) 'One-
half of the. stock was immediately subscribed and the company organized at
St. Augustine. 1as obtained titles to large bodies of fine agricultural lands
in Volusia county, and laid out a town named Halifax City, at Rose bay;
has a large cash capital, and proposes to immediately commence the devel-
opment of its lands by sales to actual, settlers, to *hom it'will offer great
inducements, and as cheap lands in small bodies, with guaranteed titles, for
cash or in exchange (or Northern property, erecting saw mills, hotels, and
wharves, and opening roads aid cansis, and by steeti' communication with
the St. Jo s, and Vth S8vaniah, Charleston, Port oyal and New York.
A lot p EalIfAx CitJ fiikb gratudtously deeded to bone fide settlers
upon the ompeonA o lidfovements agreed tipoo.
The ch 'satd ufp" of this company can be seen by referring to
the act o on o which (see chapter 1;,94, No. 64, An act to
Incporate t l ortdal Land Copany) we quote.ethe preamble:
InWhii ~ids oitands are held la tMs Ste by persons deriv-
ing title unid iants, many of whtm reside in othe6 States and n
foreign countries, difficult of access to actual settlers, whereby the settle-
ment and cultivation of said lands and the general prosperity of the State
is retarded; and whereas, many persons who would prove industrious and
valuable citizens are prevented from immigrating to the State and settling
upon said lands, and upon the public lands of the State, by want of the ne-
cessary means to improve and stock the same; and whereas the following
named persons, and those who shall become associated with them by be-
coming shareholders in the company, propose to purchase said lands, divide
them into small holdings, place them in the market at low prices to actual
settlers, and when necessary advance upon just terms and proper security,
the necessary funds to enable such settlers to improve and cultivate them,
thus benefitting both the large lapdholder and the indigent settler, while
greatly promoting the interests of the State by encouraging the immigration
of a valuable class of citizens; therefore" (See act, page 108, Statutes of
For further information, address W. Howell Robinson. President of the
East Florida Land Company, at principal office, St. Augustine.
LFrom the Florida Agrlculturlst.1
Farming in the 'West,
[Read at the late meeting of the Florida Fruit-Growers' Association. at
I am requested to tell "what I know about farming in the West" as com
pared with Florida.
Having been a pioneer settler in Ohio and Indians fifty years ago, and
having traveled extensively over the principal Wedtern States between that
time and this, I am able to say, confidently, that there is not anywhere else
on earth so vast a body of extremely fertile land as that between the kreat
lakes and the Rocky Mountains. As a food-producing region it so far excels
Florida that this whole State is not equal to one county in some of the most
fertile portions of the Great We*t" It will always have an inb se agri-
cultural population, producing a great eufperabudanoe of food ki wealth,
supporting great cities and numerous rafiys and steamers to troalrt its
surplus produce. Some of it, even now, reehde Florida, to Aed'tbt dwel-
lers upon our poor sads, where I would rather live than upon the beet firm
in any one of a dozen of those extremely rich States. And simply for this
"What proiteth it a man to gain the whole wealth of all the West and
lose the enjoyment of this delightful climate?'
In point of health, none of the Western States can show a, record that
will compare at al favorably with Florda. Here, it is true, *.e are object
to malarous disease; so are portions a the Western 8e e of
them far more than this. and oJ.a aore m 4ant type. .seti, conb mption,
the North's most dreaded epay. tI almost' Rbowa, uoept when Imported,
H e, diphtheria, another popurge of all fk Lori er, ad teetern States.
scary, I ever, prevails. So of pne umoi t typhu fever,
and lotlsdh, daaai-, tA~ t'' lh.e.t to o nate H I t.ue, people
more Q1m bty. re thrI partly old age, or feeble consti-
Of crops, it is true that Florida never will produce such as grow in the
West. I have traveled there forty miles upon a straight line through what
appearedd as one corn field. I have bought and sold corn there for ten cents
a bushel, and I have known it sold for less; and so have I known it used ex-
tensively for fuel.
It is not likely we shall ever compete with the West in corn, oats, wheat,
and many other food crops, nor in the production of beef, pork, mutton,
wool, nor domestic animals; and I fear it will be a long, long time, before
we shall see in Florida such a continued succession of handsome.farms and
farm houses, mills, factories, villages, cities, school houses, churches, and
other public and private buildings, as a traveler mpy see upon very hand
as he goes westward of Lake Erie a thousand miles. .
In the West, apples can be grown for about the same price'er bushel as
corn; yet there are many farms without orchards, because it A useless to
grow only for the owner's private use, just as it was here a years ago to
grow an abundance of oranges.
Now, anywhere within reach of easy transportation, ora 4 a ready
market, and the greater the production the better will be the minet, and
the sales at home or abroad will always be double the price of apples where
they grow almost spontaneously.
Yet the growing of oranges will cost no more than the growing of apples,
and very much less than peaches, where they are proddoed in the largest
quantities. The locality where they have been grown most abundantly,
and at the least cost, is upon the eastern coastof Lake Michigan.
Will the market become overstocked, if the cultivation of orange trees
and production of fruit is greatly increased in Florida ?
This question is often asked, and sometimes in a manner that indicates a
belief in the questioner that it certainly will be, and California and other
great fruit-producing regions are instanced in proof of that belief.
It is very easy to overstock the market where the fruit is produced solely
for home supply, and so far from the great centres of consumption that it
will not bear.transportation. That is the reason why fruit culture is not
profitable in California.
The Florida orange grower will always have an advantage over all the
rest of the world, owing to his geographical position and ability to put his
fruit into a score of great cities by cheap water conveyance, in less than a
week from the gathering from his trees.
Can such a market be overstocked ?
Not if there was a sea-going steamer leaving the St. Johns every day, and
strain of orange-loaded cars leaving this city every hour.
Whoever has witnessed the arrival of peaches in New York or Chicago,
as I have done, and seen how quickly the freight of a large steamer or a long
train of cars is absorbed by a hungry multitude, can readily believe this
statement sa hot the future of the orange trade of Florida. have no sha-
dow of a doubt that there are people now living who will live to see the
Great Southern Railway completed through this State and s6it become the
greatest carrier lp the world of oranges and other semi-troical fruits td the
vast region of oobfwtrt North, East and West of Plariaa, which cannot
produce, bt wibtonrspsne these fruits in such qanutit"e that our extensive
are fruit soil, if every acre was devoted to itp production, can never
oVfttpok Uthe market.
Amin I eetaanguB'ne Let us reason from analogy. Some persons here
arew .aare ta I d something a few years ago to pro pote the settlement of
people apo 4W rwas called "the baren". of New Jersey.-a vas, flat, san-
dy, wooded reglt n'! the southeastern part of that State. I traveled exten-
lively through the woods and scrubby oak bushes, and examined the soil-
if sand can be called soil-just as I have in Florida, and in both cases con-
vinced myself that sand does not always indicate barrenness. It does, when
combined with calcareous matter, and covered with forests and other growth.
indicate fitness for some profitable products, although it may not be adapted
to several crops, and may need more artificial fertilization than the great
Western prairies.
For my opinion and advocacy of utilizing the Jersey barrens I was often
laughed at, ridiculed and abused, just as other reformers have been before,
but it did not stop my pen nor tongue, nor the influx of settlers upon those
"Jersey sands," and the building of some of the most beautiful villages in
the State, and the establishing of some of the most profitable farms and fruit
And I have lived tu see at one of those villages, of a pleasant summer
evening, a whole train of railway cars loaded with strawberries to be sent
off during the night to that insatiable monster, the New York market. And
this from a village that had not a human habitation nor an acre in cultiva-
tion ten years before that time.
Did such a train glut the market? No, nor half a dozen others arriving the same
day; nor ill a dosen of orange trains glut it, for In this we have the great advan-
tage of durability. Strawberries and other small fruits, so extensively cultivated Ip
the Northern and Western States, are so perishable they thust beconsumed In fewer
days than oranges will.keep sound weeks. Besides, the small frutt season lasts
fewer weeks than the orange season does months; and "out of season" the small
fruits are unsaleable, while oranges are never out of season nor out of place upon
any table.
I grant that fact also applies to apples and pears, which we cannot produce to
any extent, in comparison to the Northern and Western Btates: but I contend that
oranges can be produced In Florida at the sae price per bushel that apples are in
Ohio, Indiana, Illunoi, i.lgan, Wisconsin, owa, and Missouri, where they grow
to such perfection. ttoo, thatapples are the superior fruft, of far morevalue
in a family than oranf,'yet I must sl aenowledge that oranges, in the greatest
fruit markets of the country, will always outsell apples. y recent disobey and
improvement la rergentors, in a region wherein is one of the most abundant na-
tural products, ofae dan be preseed from decay, so as to extend their- eason a
long time. Please ndetstand that I include the whole citrus family, in speakingof
th roftsa oforange eilture.
What are the advantages, then, that the West has over Florida for f- person dis-
posed to devote his attention to fruit culture ?
One word gves the answer. Transportation. Whatever brfngi the producer and
consumer ogether solves the question of profit to whoever tllAthb soil.
Here, In rirda, for loktance, out of an area larger than New York, where land
can be bought for a dollar an acre, suitable for the cultivation of oranges and other
semi-tropiCal fruits, there are only a few thousand adres aVailable, owtfi tolhackor
means of transportation.
In mere richane of soll. the West is lncomparably superior to Florida. uBat tlat
very richness makes production so eay aodabundantthat farmers rs. but small
profits from their abundant means of tranportation. That is why 'e s bi ted
for fuel. Corn in the WIt I a cheep product and won't bear long dson.
Apples wouldbut theyre perlthaMe-prticularly la an atnc ep at some-
times (mlktwenty-firL degrees below nero. Still, the lnaeLau.LtUI rnlass of
soil i t Wet,an tdi vt extent of lItesof easy transportation, and it'rat
rapidly ing t o give it lmoaeBe dmvantag to al who can e9uhe it&
horrte eme an srer d ad mteltingnows. *For myself after haUnt ted
of the aswt of pt ldllmnte, I hveo desire to renew my
wtth o eet states, notw ltnding their ricnem r
ainter Uals silp a state of torment.wktch might be subsWuta fo
described by at, theo bst exceeds .eot here, a t*
air Is too stagnant to allow tt. In ever po ofl t f n-
ture is coceed, Flortda is tr p re 0bl for huna presence stO ay 'iypateo
the Western ate. In all artificial respects we must patiently w a- of tia s so
work to Moo0ish improvemeants, W1Uh will follow, ofeoutre. 4ipeses oIP-
I tlon. *
eau pr wththesWmflaislont deoiB en.nIatteths tItSa-,r eSttr.-
malm fsa d sMb td, mo ftrwmsbstgt tttfttlhorUU~ti- otoalythef^iseK.
the serora o earaof thiogret n o lnerof mltaral wealth In the Sate swhieha
we have namllarly denominated the greatt West."
Cultivation of Sugarcane.
'"The attention of intelligent and thoughtful planters through-
out the Cane producing regions of the South, is being turned
morewriously and generally than ever before to the exceeding
profitableness of the sugar crop, and the manifest advantages
of adopting it as a fixed crop wherever the climate and soil
will permit. Cotton has brought so many and so severe dis-
appointments to large numbers of those who have invested
thir fortunes in its production; the risks to the crop from the
elements and-the insects are so great, that in all cotton regions
that are capable of 'producing cane, many of the cotton plan-
ters are wisely abandoning cotton for the mre and more re-
munerative crop of sugar. And the region in which it is pos
sible to grow the cane profitably is found to be much larger
than was heretofore supposed. And it is found that the culti-
vation of cane is much more pleasant and healthful and not
near so onerous as the cultivation of cotton.
The demand'for the sugar crop is almost unlimited. When
it is considered that more than nine-tenths of the sugar con-
samed in the United States is imported, (mostly from tekWest
Indies,) it will be seen that the utmost possible production of
sugar in our own country will never be suMcient to supply the
home, to say nothing of the foreign demand. And the con-
sumption of sugar is materially increasing throughout the
world, and especially throughout this country, where it is con-
sidered a necessity in every family, rich or poor. And the in-
crease of production bears no proportion to thb increase of
consumption, so that, unless some new source of supply is dis-
covered, there will never be any marked reduction in price,
even if the price does not gradually and surely increase, as it
has in this country during the past five years.
The great obstacle to the general cultivation of cane in the
cane growing region, has heretofore been the immense cost of
the machinery necessary to manufacture sugar-sets of ma-
hinaery with the necessary buildings and future, eopting from
435,000 to $2Q000.' Of course, in order to niike so expen-
sive maohinery pay, every6ing must be doiieon a giind sale,
.ad inmiense lai4_ons must be bo tght a-d a large itumber
ofands wor l ence, no oiie but a miluonire could em-
'bar.k in the s *gar usinesa and sia ll plinters ao d fiiiners
were absolutely preclude from it .as efft~iialy as though
bA W flf i &$ialst which is destined to revoluti6u-
l'ihk'We'i)d44eils of the Soutli and opri'to mendflhinited
4' .*
means, a royal road to wealth fro'othe pro tiye resources
of the rich lands and warm suns of the South: By means of
this new and improved machinery which is now being intro-
duced, the way is opened .to every land owner to become a
sugar planter and manufacturer upon terms that will enable
him to compete successfully with the heaviest capitalists in the
business; Complete sets of machinery can be procured at any'
price, from $200 to $5,000 per set, by which sugar can be pro-
duced at a less cost per pound than by the largest and most
expensive set of machinery in the country. So that every land
owner who lives upon the cane growing belt can at once enter
upon the production of sugar with a certainty of success It
is really the same in effect as introducing a new-article of pro-
duction for which there is a ready market at greatly remwera-
tive prices.
With the present prices of sugar and molasses, the profits of
sugar growing are very great, and there is probably no other
stiple crop that now equals it..' The cost of cultivating cane
is. ut little more than that of cultivating corn, while the pro-
ceeds f the drop amounts to many times that of corn. And
with the new class of machinery described in this manual, the
srnal farmer can grow sugar just as advantageously as the
r ner 6de. Alii example of what may bledone on a small
scalT~ we quoterthe following interesting facts from the Frank-
lin (Louisiana) 'Banner:
"Our 'readers will remember the account we gave last year
of Mr. Maynaid's sugar crop; cane enough for forty-five hogs-.
headk of sugar and sixty barrels of molasses, iiiade by one man.
This Mr. Mayfiha is a worthy citizen: of this parish, born
in the State,'of French. origin, and nearly raised in St.:Mary.
He returned home from the Confederate army attthe 'lbse of
the war, nbt Worth a dollar. He noticed two rows of sugar-
cabe in a neighbor's garden, and made a bai'~in with the
owhet to plia1t,.givmg the owner, one-half of the proceeds.
He failed the afe in a on-hbre cat, and it made two lods.
Prbn' this he made five rows of cane ialf an arpeht in length.
'His*,t f 'this*-ne-hal--the next year, planned ~at arpent
and ahalf'.-nely ian Eci and a half; and this the next year,
plxteid twenty arpeztd, frqn which he 'obtained tame enough
to it4eatha ioantoft an' above nbticd..
"Mr. Maynard sold enough ;iihj potato, nd other pro-
ducts ofhs fann to more than pay r al he liaor he hired ,
so his rPof T s rn o, zjriWi potw-
toes mereTl represented igs own indivual labor.
I '
"As Mr. M. had no sugar mill, he agreed with Mr. Brown-
son, who lived four miles distant, to have him make up his crop
for about one-third. Some of the cane was frosted, and was
not ground until Christmas. He sold his part of the crop for
over $4,500, and Mr. Brownson sold his part for more than
$2,500. If the crop had been well worked up before the frost,
and sold at the prices obtained by Mr. Brownson, it would
have brought nearly $8,000. By means of the proceeds of this
crop, Mr. Maynard has been able to purchase the place on
which the cane grew and has nearly paid fo it.
"These are all strio ly reliable facts, for the truthfulness of
which we unhesitatingly voch. Who doubts that white labor
andsmall sugar farms can succeed in St. Mary ?"
Another Louisiana paper says: "The net profits of a sugar
plantation in the parish of St. Landr, La., the last year, with
ninety acres cultivated in cane and eighty in corn, amounted
to 425,660."
S. B. Hubbard &, Co., Jacksonville, Fla., ate agents for the
American Cane Machinery manufactured by Gerge L. quier
& Bro., successors to the Biffalo Agricltiiral Maiie Works,
Buffalo, N. Y.
~ ~ *. --- ., ., ~^.** ...
Circular of the Ealisfax Agriultural
A narrow strip of coquins land separates these waters from
Indian iiver erprdper. Trough thiia distance of eight hun
dred yards, a i~hal twelve W feet wide oia'been opened. To
sufficiently enlarge this"canal fdr light draught steamers would
require but a,1 sinal additional outlay. This r emld open inland
wate1t diiun1nicatioii from Japiter 'ilet to the northern ex-
tiemity'6f. the h alfaAt a distance pof nearly two huadred miles.
By ,aielin eight' iles, to the head"bf the Matenzas, these
s'teatn; e ft ma tinie theIf ditee fifty miles fhuriter to St.
Augai e oever, e th' intiral pasatge between these wa-
ters and tht 6 it, ic" s M8uito Irlet, at the junction of the
Hai*fa ad llough er, riidwai y between Port Or-
aqige id .New i 't~ i channel i nbt inibrior to tdat at
St. AuAgtine, anl hias si6libent water for large shaone6rs,
drawifit'ron seventh tentfeet. Several :sah semloonets 'are
e1iee4Aib Mlarly dintiug 'tle wh tei season, carryinr live
oak t tle ayrds. I thm hfrighti andirasage to and
from Philadelphia, New York and Boston may be obtained on
the most reasonable terms, concerning which. Van Brunt &
Brothers, 75 South street, New York, also William Allen, of
the same city, may be consulted.
Three schooners owned at Port Orange, make frequent trips
to Jacksonville. These have pretty good accommodations,
and sometimes go through in less than twenty-four hours.
Agents for these at Jacksonville are John, MJirk and Geo.
Foster, commission merchants.
Steamers from Jacksonville eanietimes make special trips to
this place. It is pybable:that' regular outside t line of steam-
ers will soon become establi. An inla.~s4 team commani-
cation through Indian nver, H borougki H and tanatan-
zas is already partially o01iplet bya eiaer built for Indian
river, and it is hoped will be ready for trevl the coming win-
ter. A steamer is lreadj on the Hillsbdrough.and Halifax,
but this is owned by Swift Brothers of New Bedford, Massa-
chusetts, and enjoyed e lusively by the the i live oak
basinese. To establish bbth of these ines would require but a
-small capital, and not fail to attract numerous visitors and
rapidly settle up the country.
For winter excursions and residences there is no place in the
State, or on the Atlantic coast, where Nature has provided
ipe~ior sour~ of .eaymbat. The climate. fm November
to May, is a perpetual commingling of the Indian summer of
.autumn and he balmiest days of spring, butlittle interrupted
by heavy wiads, storms, or fog. Most of the time thert is a
breeze, gentle and harmless as the breath of an infant, coming
inland from the even-tedpqred Waters of the Gulf Stream, or
,seaward from the pine forest and, orange groves. 'The nights
are cool; not chilly, ut sep-invitieg and refrehing. The
dAwn and sunrise open a soene of spId, r and loveliness; and
Nature et with a jublee abandon of s66 n9id, in every pitch
atd l Caity, let loose from myriad thrioas'f bir gathered
from every ii' tva rieb ton no hberlesn in-
Beots, -ided b andst oefroy and liAr4lttod sweet as
the brp and keen as brasnd e wil base %tgrl of
thse a6pator OrjQeing1 VP;1P4ljt^e ^ vibrakitW t tiruh the
wa s the earth, ;r ilUg t 1.
: j. fisi of Afnest,if4iad g tv t orowe e waters.
QOPyt 4rs, ellent ayor a s ieg r b t. Cirlew
4an14 WreBsp Q(,y rriceAgl, Aaftd pea lwade
, 6ealono9:rg the ithoe .Qua ti~ ep:) tpC;h. ibr pan-
q#telQ1 pge tb s ean-
nas, ana thugh then-ise lainmocks, ring the sporttMan
with new excitement at every nook and turn.
A sea beach, hard as a plank road, clean-swept, and washed
by breezes ever fresh, and tides daily renewed, wheteon the
waves cast up treasures of perpetual interest, and where a
walk or bath, or a drive is always pleasant, invigorating, and.
exciting; is easily approached by a short walk from any point
along the Halifax. Further south, the distance from the river
increases, and the approach becomes more difficult, except at
long intervals, while the beach is equally fine and richer in
shells and corals.
The climate and soil are favorable to winter gardening,
which, properly conducted, will briig rich returns of fruits
and vegetables for home cotniimption and foreign markets.
Frosts rarely visit the islands and eastbank of the river, while
on the mainland they are very few and light, but injurious to
tender plants unprotected. In favored lcalities pineappes,
bananas, guavas, and other tropical fruits matiue in the open,
air, while in places less favored they may be produced with
little expense of protection. Everywhere the soil and climate
are warm enough for vigorous wintergrowth. The few fro;ee,
never exceeding fifteen or twenty in number-nuually not over
five or ten-are not indigenous, but borne On the northwest
winds, which gives us timely notice to cover and protect our
tender plants. Cucuribrs have I.en raised for the Ndrthern
markets with success, anid ilons ay be ripened by the mid-
die of: May. Grass grows greed and flowers bloom every da
in the yesr. The honey be' feeds itself afld.lays up a surplus
at all seasons, and is made a profitable servant tQ man. The
cow always finds green pasturge and if soiled, as she may be
everyvlinter dhy, with lkesh ti kproduipg food, will amply
reward her owtrer. 'Shep' and poutry ae asily kept and do
well: Oranges, tiodt delicious, crown all 'rM productions sad'
become our spcalty.. The fame of "Florida oranges" has
reached most of the Northern markets, giving them the pe-
ference to all others. This fame Ihs created a 'ew era in their.
culture, elicitIg a large outlay of capital ai labor in differ-
ent parts of te Stiae. : Nohe fear h ote tsttk in the market,
since they bring the highest pries'"Where fhy are best known
and most abufldant. But iFlidorids 6orai command the-
highe't pries, what bsh41 e say of the IQyrna sid Indian,
river oranged'- which areItrst inqulred 6MIr i dw own mahe
where they are in such great demand that th5' scarely en ape
to the mot ietbithern. The name .Srni a ndi river
attaching td'this fruit as indicative of' ts superior exoellenee,
naturally suggests this region as the ch6iest for orange utl-
ture, and justifies our conviction that one who visits this ptae
and consider its many advantages will not readily reject it for
another. As to what part of Indian river is most favorable for
orange culture we are unable as yet to determine. We see no
difference in the quality of the fruit produced. The southern
portion% is slightly less frosty, but not so accessible, and insects
are more troublesome; the country is less settled; the means
of communication are not so good; the combinations of soil
and formations of the land are less favorable.
In order to justify our preference for the Halifax and Hills-
borough as a residence, and especially for the cultivation of
oranges, it is necessary to re-stte some of these facts more
First. The Halifax river.-This is a sheet of pure tidal wa-
ter half a mile wide, extending, from the inlet northward thirty
miles, and navigable the whole distance. North of Port Or-
ange the river is free from islands or marsh, bounded by shores
cleq and beautiful, from which in many places the maim lands
.aua rise for a quarter of a mile, thus affording the most
le4lghtfl and healthy locations for single settlements and for
villages. On the east the shores are usually bold, the lands
rising quite abruptly ten to fifteen feet above the river, thence
drop of into valley, which alternate with ridges to the ocean
beoh half a mile dstn The lands on both shores, though
light, -are in many places well s8hetered and adapted to orange
and other fruit culture. Fertilizers are everywhere abundant
and accessible with their use, the lightest soils become very
prodRotive. The water is pure and good. The sea breeze
comes fresh and invigorating, tempering and equalizing the
cliniate, summer and winter. It never permits the mercury to
rise above loo-sel4om to 90; but renders even this tempera-
turq quite endurable in the open sun and delightful in the
shade. Xere, men directly from the North, wori in the field
every summer day and enoy perfect health. Spruce creek, a
stream of considerable size, and navigable with.light draught
boats ten miles to the westward, runs through a beautiful and
hebathiy ooutry of rich hammock and rolling pine lands, and
emptige into te .Halia two ml north of the inlet. The
Topoqh nns grteast nt9 the Halifax at its northern ex-
treaity, where also3 Iulow ad II~aover creelp come in from
the .opql eet. A1og ank bns of these storess are some
etep y 4 exce rigy Anch marsh lands, on which garden
vegete flourish as gl, g a whereon: 4,000 pounds
ofo 9 tp t t o rave a prol uced :Further up there
are yTr 'hamic ansd, beyond these rolling pin
lands, healthy and of excellent quality.
f $ 1
Second. The Hillsborough river extends southward about
thirty-five miles. It has the same advantage of inlet and navi-
gation throughout as the Halifax, except that in some places
its channel is less straight and its waters a little more shallow.
The marsh islands .and shores extend further from the inlet,
and the east shore is generally less desirable. Insects are
worse and the sea breeze more frequently obstructed, whilee
there are richer lands directly on the west shore, but settle-
ments are more rare.
Third. A range df most excellent hammock lands, extending
the whole length of these rivers and from one to two miles in
width, lies just back of the high light lands above referred to,
and about one mile from the west bank of the river. The soil
of these hammocks is a very rich sandy loam and hnmus from
six to eighteen inches in depth, resting on a deep substratum
of marl. In these hammocks there are many wild orange
groves of large extent and exceedingly valuable. Some of
these have been improved where they are, and from others,
trees have been removed for transplanting and budding.
Most of them remain undisturbed, where they grow luxuriant-
ly and bear profusely.
These rich lands, so admirably situated, with other natural
advantages and attractions of the country, invited the atten-
tion:of the earliest European immigrants. Soon after Florida
was ceded to England by Spain in 1763, such men aa Lords
Hawke, Egmont, Greenville, and Hillsborough, Sir William
Duncan and Dr. Turnbull, from England, Governor Drayton,
with Major Moultrie and Richard Oswald from South Caro-
lina, also Bisset, Taylor, Penman, McLean, with many others
famous in history, took up extensive tracts and improved them
at great expense, raising with much profit indigo, rice, tobaC-
co and other crops. In 1772, they exported $100,000 worth'
indigo. Sir William Duncan planted a colony of 1,800 people
at New Smyrna, and cut three large canals from the river into
the.hammock lands, draining some ten square miles, and put-
ting several thousand acres under a high state of cultivation,
from which they reaped large profits. These settlements suf-
fered greatly by the war of the American Revolution and
were completely broken up by the recession of the country to
Spain in 1783. M4t efthe "English settlers refusing to be-
come Spanish subjects, left the country. The Spanish goveirn-
ment,, whih, succeeded that of England, caused the whole
country seth of St. Augustine to be abandoned to the Indiand
until 1i03, when the Sbpanish Governor, White. an Iridshan,
hostile to American settlers, induced some Englishmen from
the Bahamas to settle at New Smyrna by offering them large
grants of land. These and other settleihents in this section
suffered greatly, and were finally broken up by Indians and
American fillibusters in 1812, during the war between Ameri-
ca and England, leaving all East Florida a scene of desolation.
In 1819, the country passed from Spanish anarchy to American
border-ruffianism and military dictation, spite of which the old
improvements were renewed with considerable energy. Most
of the old plantations, from Bulow southward, were re-opened,
canals, ditches and roads repaired, large sugar mills erected,,
extensive fields of cotton and sugar cane planted, such as Bu-
low's, Dummitt's, Andrews', Anderson's, and others, at the
head of the Halifax. Further south, on the same river, were
Armstrong, Simmons, Harriet, Williams, Dun Lawton and
others. Hunter, Stamp, McCarty and others opened on the
HillUborough. Their prosperity was flattering, but their hopes
were soon cut off, their improvements destroyed, and them-
selves driven from the country, which they left a blackened
waste to the merciless savage tribes which swept over it like
a hurricane in 1836. Succeeding this long period of uncer-
tainty, fear prevented the return and settlement.
About 1847, a few herdsmenand some more permanent set-
tlers began to venture in, making, however, no 'efforts to re-
new extensive planting operations, except at the Dunn Lawton
sugar plantation, and this, by gross mismanagement, proved a
failure. .Nearly all existing buildings and other improvements
were demolished during the late war, but at its close a new
era opened. The natural resources and advantages of the
country, always too conspicuous to be long overlooked, elicited
the attention of enterprising men from every State, who had
learned by report and the writings of such men as James
Grant Forbes, in his "Historical and Topographical Sketches
of Florida," 1821, that "the land in this quarter has always
had the reputation of being very rich, and adapted to themost
advantageous culture Some came single handed, others at-
tempted to bring colonies, both of negroes and of whites. All,
without exception, managed badly- ome very badly. Clol-
onies proved a failure. Individuals impracticable, unaccus-
tomed to endure hardship and privation, altogether unfitted
for pioneer life, became discouraged and left. Few remained
and 9ate came,' and from the persistent efforts of those, we
are aile to present a fourth advantage which the Halifax offers
ir pr~it settlement over anything south of New Smyrna, on
the MlItoborough. Both aides of the Halifax are mostly set-
tied tp from one extremity to the other.
We first call attention to the main centres of settlement,
-viz: Port Orange on the west bank of the river, four miles
north of the inlet, and to which vessels drawing seven feet of
water have free access. Here is a hotel, store, post office and
several dwellings, with now buildings going up, including oni
for schools, church and town hall. The place is agreeably
situated, with an open river in front and a shore free from
marsh. The lands, with a single exception, are high, dry and
healthy, and may be purchased in lots large and small, suita-
ble for buildings, gardens, and orange groves. Adjoining this
on the north is the famous Dunn Lawton plantation of a thou-
sand acres, with extensive improvements of canals, ditches,
clearings, buildings, all or part of which may be bought cheap,
with a perfect title. This plantation contains thousands of
wild orange trees, with some very fine sweet bearing trees,
and is capable of yielding an ample support to an hundred
families. Port Orange is an enterprising and fast growing
place, and will doubtless double its inhabitants the coming
Daytona, six miles north of Port Orange, is a new and
promising place, laid out regularly in lots, small and large,
upon a large tract called the Williams' Grant, which was
highly improved as a sugar plantation, but completely broken
up qnd abandoned in the Indian war of 1835. This colony was
started in 1870, but suffered greatly by the bad management
of the proprietor and the impracticable character of the first
settlers. It has, however, gradually improved, and now as-
sumes a very prosperous and healthy aspect. It has thirty
dwelling houses, a hotel, which has lately passed into the
hands of a new and enterprising settler, who is fitting it up in
excellent style for the coming winter. Here is also a post
office, a store and a saw mill, with some fine gardens contain-
ing promising fruit trees. Considerable enterprise is manifes-
ted in building, clearing, fencing, and planting out orange
trees. The river in front is half a mile wide. The shores are
clean and sandy. The lands in front are excellent, high at the
water's edge, sloping as they recede for a short distance,
thence rising to a high ridge, thence again sloping back into
excellent hammocks, bordered by pine lands, back of which,
and a mile trom the river, commences the range of rich marl
hammock, into which t*o large canals were formerly opened.
These lands include every variety of soil, and are well adapted
to farming, gardening, to the culture of oranges, grapes, figs,
and various other fruits.
New Smyrna, on the Hillsborough, four miles south of the
iinlet, is a beautiful and healthy place, famous for the Turnbull
settlement a hundred years ago. Here the lands are very rich
to the water's edge, and have formerly been extensively im-
proved. All the buildings were destroyed in the late war,
since which the place has gradually improved. Several dwel-
ing houses have been built. A large and commodious hotel
has been erected and furnished for the accommodation of win-
ter boarders. These is also a post office. To all our post
offices mails arrive twice a week.
Florida Fruit-Growers' Association.
President-P. P. Bishop, San Mateo.
Vice President-Harrison Reed, Jacksonville.
Secretary-Charles H. Walton, Tallahassee.
Assistant Secretary-J. W. Whitney, Jacksonville.
Corresponding Secretary-C. Codrington, Jacksonville.
Treasurer-C, Drew, Jacksonville.
Executive Committee-P. P. Bishop, San Mateo; l)cnnis
Eagan, H. A. Corley, A. J. Curtis, C. L Robinson.
Committee on Transportation-J. S. Adams, Jacksonville;
H. L. Hart, W. J. Woodward, A. S. Baldwin, J. C. Drake.
Committee on Soils and Fertilizers-G. W. Means. Micano-
py; J. H. Fry, William Reave, L. A. Hardee, E. R. Chadwick.
Committee on Fruits-F. L. Dancy, Orange Mills; C, Cod-
rington, J. A. Harris, A. J. Bidwell, M. Martin.
Committee on Gardening-A. L. Eichelberger, Ocala; .TJs.
Burt, J. R. Bradford, A. J. Beach, E. Jamison.
Committee on Entomology-N. H. Moragne, Palatkty Jolin
Westcott, L. H. Everitt, R. B. Hilton, O. J. Dillard.
Committee on Cotton and Cane-Thomas C. Lanier, Lake-
Griffin; C. P. Brigham, S. I. Owens, W. D. Boxham, J. D.
Committee on Preparation for Market and Sale of Agricul-
tural Products-H. R. Teasdale, Palatka; I). Bowen, John 0.
Mathews, John Varnum, Myron Strong.
Committee on Statistics-C. H. DuPont, Quincy; G(cc. J.
Alde, Z. H. Mason, N. K. Sawyer, C. A. Cowgill,
Article 1.-This organization shall he known as the Florida
Fruit-Growers' Association.
Article 2.-Its objects shall be the improvement of the pro-
cess and modes of fruit-growing by discussions and essays in--
tended to elicit and spread abroad the best practical informa-
tion upon the cultivation of fruit in Florida as a specialty, the
selection and importation of the best varieties of fruits and
seeds, with general attention to kindred topics of agriculture,
and the best means of transportation to market.
Article 3.-Its members shall consist of the members of this
Convention, who shall sign this Constitution, of all delegates
properly accredited from local Agricultural Societies, and such
honorary members as may, from time to time, be elected mem-
bers thereof by a two-thirds vote, and such ladies as may at-
tend the meetings.
Article 4.--tts officers shall coniitlof a Wlesident, Vice
President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and an
Executive Committee of five, of whom the President shall be
one; all of whom shall be elected annually by ballot, or viva-
voce, as the Association shallorder the time of the election,
and all of whom slall serve until their successors are elected
and qualified.
Article 5.-The duties and rights of all the officers of the
Association. unless otherwise specially provided, shall be those
usually appertaining to the same in sBimlar associations.
Article 6.-The annual meeting of the Association shall be
held on the third Wednesday in January, in 1875, and annual-
ly thereafter, at such places as the Executive Comnmttee may
determine and designate in a public notice, and special meet-
ings of the Association shall be held at such times and places
as the Executive Committee may select.
Article 7--The Association shall rely for its necessary ex-
penses upon an initiation fee of one dollar, and an annual fee
of one dollar, and for life membership twenty dollars; and
upbn such funds as the Executive Cammittee may raise by
subscription, or by assessment made in their discretion upon
local associations represented, and upon members, which as-
sessment the Executive Committee are empowered to make,
and all funds raised shall be deposited with the Treasurer.
Article 8.-No moneys belonging to the Association shall
be expended by the Treasurer except upon the written order
of the President or Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Article 9.-This Constitution may be amended at any regu-
lar meeting, said amendments having been proposed in writing
at the previous peeting, and the Association may from time
to time, at any regular meeting, enact such by-laws as it shall
deem necessary, and which may be in accordance with this
CosERCTroN..-Since the article in relation to the sale of the
Dunn Lawton plantation has been in press, I have learned that
the sale was illegal and the purchase abandoned. There being
minor heirs, the place must be sold at public auction. The court
has ordered the sale in December next, when perfect titles will
be given the purchaser. G. J. A.
DRY GOODS, Carpets,
Of Jacksonville, are known all over the State, and claim to
offer the best selection and largest stock of
Carpeting and Matting.
Strangers intending to make Florida their home and wish-
ing to fit up hotels or private houses, will find goods at North-
ern prices. Call at our establishment, which is, without ex-
ageration, the LARGEST this side of Baltimore, comprising
7,296 square feet.
No. 1, Atlantic Block, foot of Pine and Bay-sts.
F. B. & CO., 275 King street, Charleston, S. C.
F. It. & CO., 38 Wh;tehall street, Atlanta, Ga.
F. B. & CO., 41 White street, New York.
F. B. & CO., Atlantic Block, Jacksonville, Fla.
PEI? I IT r,
TA~CjeSONV'tr3iLE1, FLA.
Drew's Pocket Map of Florida, by mail,
Roller for wall,
Fairbank's History of Florida, 350 pps., cloth,
of St. Augustine, paper,
Stereoscopic views of St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Palatka,
Green Cove Springs, and points on the St. Johns river, $2.00
per dozen.
;i Prompt attention to orders by mail.
Adjoining City Market,
Jacksonvilke, Flo'idla
Dealer in
Hope and Rigging of all kinds for vessels and small boats,
Canvass, Blocks, Mast Hoops, &c.,
Tar, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil,
Sperm Oil, Pitch, Oakum,
Lard Oil, Signal Oil, Boiled Oil,
Raw Oil, Auchors, Steam Pipe,
Chains, Fittings of all kinds ,
Tools of all kinds.
Also, Manufacturer of all kinds of LUMBER.
House bills cut to order. Planed Flooring, Laths, &e.
Agent for line of vessels from New York.
Agent for Stearns' celebrated Circular and Gang Saw Ma-
5,000 acres of Land
On the Halifax river, suitable for the cultivation of Sugar,
Oranges and all semi-tropical fruits, consisting of both, heavy
and light hammock, with some pine land.
I have lately purchased the Fitch Tract, on the Halifax
river, containing 5,000 acres, which I will sell in lots to suit
purchasers. This land is located in the most desirable and
healthy locality in Florida, and is well adapted to the cultiva-
t ion of sugarcane, corn, sweet and Irish potatoes, and all semi-
tropical fruits, and most, if not all, the vegetables of the North
and West. Upwards of 15,000 wild orange trees on the tract
Titles perfect. -
For further information, address
WILLIAM S. FLEMING, Jacksonville, or
GEORGE G. ALDEN, New Smyrna.
A. .A. KNt T,
No. 2 Hoeg's Block, up stairs,
Collections Promptly Attended to,
ear~ches made Regarding Land TItles,
Spalsh Grants Ivestigaed,
Safe investments made for parties who have money
to loan with interest at 15 per ct. per annum.
Persons seeking information by correspondence, must enclose
return postage.
J1. 8 DBIS & 00O.,
Dealers in
hina, Crockery,
Chandeliers, Brackets, Ianteras, Globes,
Gas Fixtures, Pendants, &c.,
Stuker's Celebrated Stone Water Fiiter,
Masons' Porclain lined-top Self-Sealing Fruit Jars
Rogers, Smith & Co's. Silver Plated Wir,'
SMeriden Cutlery Company's Table Ware,
Rogers' and Wostenholms' Sissors,
Razors and Pocket Cutlery,
Bird Cages and Bird Seed,
Prepared Mocking Bird Food,
And a general asottlp ot of Hesie-Tr i Goods.
Particular advantages for supplying Hotels, Boarding
Houses, Rtestandats and Bers with- all the neoeisrwy rari as '
low as any house in the country.
Orders by mai wilL. receive prompt attention.
We sell French China Tea Sets, 56 pieces, for $16; Stone
China do, $a.60; Stone China inner Set, 82 pieces, 8;
Stone C a UChamber Sets, 10 pieces, 4650; Ch~m ber. Sets,
7 pieces, *2.o0.
New York to Jacksonville.
Schooners leave every week.
WARREN RAY, 120 Wall st,, New York.
GEO. R. FOSTER, Jacksonville, Florida.
Home Insurance Co., New York.
GEO. R. FOSTER, Agt,, Jaoaville, Fla.
I3H11 f6l Th JAIDNiI E
Chicago to Jacksonville, via Louisville, Ky. e st route.
Through in 72 hours. Fare, $8.85. Tickets-for sale by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Agent at Chicago, alld
J. C. L'ENGLE, Jacksonville.
I. S. SHELDON, New Smyrna,
Dealer in
Canned Erits, Paints and Oil, Wooden and Tin ,Ware,
Rope and Cordage, Corn, Oats, Hardware, Tobacco and Ci-
gars, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun
Caps, Fish Hooks and Lines, and other articles too numerous
to mention. A full stock constantly on hand, which will be
sold low for cash.
Orange Grove Land for Sale.
Having lately had the north half of the Briggs and Robin-
son Grant surveyed up into suitable lots, I am now prepared
to point out to the inteAding settlers tsitabie tracts of land
for orange and fruit culture very deitably_ located, (within "
half a mile of the Daytona post-office, which I wif sll at rea-
sonable prices to Phose proposing to make immediate improve-
ments. GE. COLEVMA,1i tnag, Fla.
Dealer in
Dress Goods,
Has just received a fine assortment of Flowers, Pattern
Hats, and everything new and stylish in the line of Millinery
Also, a fine lot of Ladies' Scarfs, of the latest styles and
patterns. A fine lot of Summer Silks, Grenadines, Suiting and
other styles of dress goods that will be sold cheap.
Attorney, Counsellor at Law and Notary Public, Port Or-
ange, Flau All business promptly attended to.
GESNER HOUSE, Port Orange, Fla.
This house is situated on the Halifax river, Volusia county,
in a fine sporting region; it has been thoroughly refitted for
the accommodation of seekers after health and pleasure; fine
boating, fishing and hunting.
ISAAC 0. GESNER, Proprietor.
TITUSVILLE HOTEL, Indian River, Volusia Co.
A capital resort forpportsmen. Boats always on hand.
J. J. HARRIS, M. D., Proprietor.
GEO. J. ALDEN, Notary Public,
New Smyrna, Fla.
and dealer in
SJcksonvite, FlIa
Ik Parldcul~r'atteniion 'givn to thd piuthaae and sale of
Constantly on hand, Ferris' Sugar Cured6 Hams, Breakfast
Bacon and Shoulders, Long Clear. BaOa, Pilkled Pig Pork,
Kettle Rendered Lard, Kerosene Oil, all grades of Flour, Pearl
Hominy, Pearl Meal, Kiln-dried Meal, Gilt Edge Butter,
Cream Cheese, Florida Syrup, Florida Molasses, Golden Drip
Syrup, Rock Drip Syrup, all kinds of canned 'oods, Peaches,
Pears, Pineapples, Strawberries, Plums, Salmon, Lobsters,
Sardines, Club Fish, Corn; Peas, Tomatoes, Beans, Succotash.
Mail and Stage
A semi-weeklyline of Stages will run between EUterprise-
and New Smyrna, Port Orange and Daytona, Ia#k s elose
connection with the. St. Johns steamers each way.
FRANK W. SAMS, Proprietor.
Indian River Lands
4 3,000 o A.OCRES.
The Great Dlteaite mut
This, perhaps, is one of the most desirable tracts of land in
the State of Florida. It lies immediately on the Indian river,
beginning at Titusville or Sand Point, and running south along
the high bluff of Indisa river, from Titusville for ten miles
and extending to the St. Johns river, where the grant fronts
for eight or ten miles. The bluff the whole line of Indian
river averages fifteen feet in height, and slopes back for four
or five miles to a very high ridge.
This lano is owned by Messrs. Benner, Duclos, Allan and
Anno, the two first residing in New York city and the latter
in Florida. A railroad is now being completed from Sand
Point or Titusville to Lake Harney, on the St. Johns river,
which will be in operation by the first of January, 1876. The
State Agricultural College is also located near this grant, and
one thousand acres have been donated by the owners to the
College, which donation will doubtless be used for the Nar
tional Gardens for the growth and propagation of tropical and
semi-tropioal fruits.
This tract has been surveyed off into eighty acre lots, and a
map made with all the the topography of the survey, showing
and describing the entire grant in each particular locality.
Sales have been already made of these lands to considerable
number of acres, and orange groves are springing up in.every
direction. No orange in Florida, or where Florida oranges
are known, has such a reputation as the Indian river oranges,
and deservedly so, for in fact no orange in the world is supe-
rior to those grown upon this great and beautiful river.
We herewith give the opinion of Col. B F. Wardaaw, of
Middle Florida, Grand Master of the State Granges, concern-
ing this great section of tropical Florida:
gave you ever ee Indis river Ifnot, you don't Iaow syl about It. All .
tbh I everlread or bewrd moeerawnos l ve u os the ot la I dtes t er f UI f el-
tude ad hbeaut. "J oenelrta we o of theaet beetse of malt watrI eve
An trm of the see It must- te.tiornl Inland a hundred sad Aft4r lWoIhanure4
mUM. Is to aomeea nguw woufmsi. Oppoise Sa PolI~te StWVlrtU4 U4Ap
It s flve siOr x UMes sr and.I laro, In many plaoe on *e Ilawerl, Ias W ac
wider. asd aI no plise. le. TYou mur see It to apcla Ik MYt deylgrUIh ,
Is 4411 too bhm to give wyou ia O ioqte lAdb gSe oleJ 4oo.,ta Had
000",ftS Pertaltd:u ,fr down ie river as I meadtkhet_ iVq4el e
ksl deaue gepMte ver gee to bs,al kvies Wd4measta ad 4el) hirN.
I hayeasuar ereesm be-r MsewU I eo e meI Wh~' i one ii
joyem dartuig my aboshame Ita ea river reMag lk-n IsrWU& 4te
We cann frtapp pi theAqwoP sf Professor
Fowler, laQ, SfM t ahuiett8' as public i eA Florida
Agriculturist: r r .1,-0 :e, 'l
Concede all that to claimed 64bi %L0k1&li-t8Iby US Vtt OI, beautiful itee
eastern shores. ampstopt~bd. na8u4l orape groves. and coiparailyelJy advanced
Pettl..menls.% t(. n am xr and -yt It is 0ot albd nevef ana bs.what
Indian rivet It e~ttn 'to .The India orlfl i diser cllmat.: n:fq~ tnafty more
l a at the ~ time more go snd elt. The c e
fron til;I.Sk
S eAXn*further oIn diane 1el I4 J erf14 sy.-
be ofatr*amd water and forest rajige, is varied ao t throlglag with Interet. Tlw
tlandie uo utatr ViM the rwt nr d i rwp" up the st. moilreandin'Zoe Slace Lae
SInurps'pr0 wb up through the tlllaborougb lrailfa anA zflp"to St. AU-'
gustine,"rtowwtn tuun 94 t, kelmNe tOa It!ror h e1 N. he oondldered
onI k- e 'oertest aitjractloae awl iodu loia )vlslt $hwb3s.
tr iakirg further of Itndia riter rot sofy &
eAters ae Md salt. sni navinabLd t lhtagbout 1tor beatg owIn brbe
and for fteet. Tbe qpen water ii nowhere letsthap a mile aqd In -qire plaes sin
mile13wdth. TIa togetber a ohe confinsd' bttof e Ito bI tevaia 203
mli~*~sal~i q C~~PI ourse. titrowab more tbaq hs iprqo ~td aesi'bof st
ACtM&leto uthae etre o th gea t iac lte Uke ebobIe.ihibwivr. b~ lszwo el tr
Lnk~ suggests resources bor the pwducionrh UaI.1rg h aeiropt~lsfl4 even.
trophies wrod4bts o' no emall zna~nlttae uqI port 'r*#.le to tee rest Qj bte
State and to tie whole cohntry.
Auni miay of tese waters aid IJ4,V'Jowt north of stI1se I, and ailcdded'
on the Wesiby b the b~rqad ajdtpidwu of the Indian river. th.-r Iew several
bodies o oltJIvable h16sl4M1 ~fbes~t qhW3 ad edo~urdlroy beatthy.lar Tb Ibclnde
OsEe 1t prom; Mevr,1 Island and
st ove. uoptrroee, od the w est side
of WS river: Isthe great riVeeiPlite P rntMU MAUL. iPha a Wbrace bearly ce
h 4uW GAy eijnre miet. The poll Is exeylieni-In sojo, places uf exhaust leas
an even 6 Ok" lighter tlonas:whereit In by no means barren, and
whafelrtlllsrs of the-bestqla104" $sosnd 4 lldim provimity, is may be siade ex-
cee4oglyly trod elle. Sugarene YIs and wsv at perfect maturity; guavas
batabls, m1eVplw% %he most seusdlve of the;= "ita the c0ofee. &ad Waest
tb9 %o*aU;hM VWpk iwtl Aerlah iwith I upun nII thE dedgtMpradpets for
the sIluy oi lrtboilprf matkotf. grow iW IWI nsrmeonih* WitL dbut danger
f rom frst. Tkia of tWis. 15 square ml-uew riy 10.0.astesw-of, rinhitse~al
la:w1. qI : a high state of cultlvatiqn-4.0OO acres In orange*, cItons od
leaioW3.IUU adros in pineapples and banarnus; 1.000. are Ih p*idm i n
0o6"t iLQffq'rs. Iure Nu; acres l otor %ropkica lts **4a girdma
truck. and what of steamers will beruqired torport tr products of this
po0-lon at the [hIliM rivr~ counuj to ouir NOih ep rmtets. LArge atd impoAnt
a.d 01 Ps sca4em- i ewortlWnes rearrCly one half of Ah4 section of the tegrdorY
lyingeast orth~e f651 btik n go these rivets.
And yet. eainpwats t8o3IN. Sa WI covn~y aleo U or mainaud Whires, Win to
the'eaat Ier. 44=00=, The land haorswuag lmot-dlisely mn thma wepwrn
.hove, ert~nuiatffghbd ortilaf a mil" tobal-e Vo e. Is 11gb. l'ig aond iaddl,
thoug*1 M16rU iOe' pi*ia~'Jr y of good swW aM easily, (sUlhad tlipc pro-
ducts of the river and rich dep oUts of marl every where arossibloe. Dev-des it Is
renaftbtb Ilalbty'and .11", NOMAtm k live Upon. 14kOf of his strip of bigh Isd.
thereeti5 nthi.'llwtit the Wlqi leng~ Qthorirca sem of hanoebs agd
sravannas OItstrgd ttw 1les1 101 4" to fertility undurised p7
sly land ISA thOV6rid.l Lie. mtoh hammou"a eOWsanaw 1.*nr bft ae unit 300
sque uis. or= sress. They are well adikk to the prkluetlon ofa r
eawhag Vt'a rftwberriema hbaft Csd mast epzi-opIdl
with garden trunk and most fble eropow liam*e W#, Ciorn and some of Alissmall
grs1aa. Imakediately west of these rich aIsle emu" try for the mo.t pdtt rie to
a W4e1 of NOigt s olif % bVranes aofts" ub bd, bealmthy e to pON n mmd
wowl aipto wCl e= V C t"gR f noe dgamM1 t1 1u0m40, 110 1so 0s6 pO
tameyrl ether 1110h1 Ihrm w rops, f. wow se U lk ow sarana rad pprwl
ae or 461b ntScoe# o UI muguitude Sd WIM
or hioxmlu'rd tIV both eWes of I m 0ad silm0 e west only Ibar
="66hig oft Vour s Meth, each a le w $et h t: S101dad MO sIMSh-
bC~i on. hut. mee er~lr'tly uwpreai; 1ad.r Uheu the uses 'g me-
w fterhPwft Vie an span flea Owo' eal,
s opl s l o -ea s d i n a
PopUIAU08 of 006 OLM5ly to eery~ tea screirl, %a. n the men""~ epol oapaet
portlno bry all ultur;ai 1 lqnetlie, lcb1em. add a s many
mord Ia Northero Ivalt"IM W %lo_ t os:4 lo y
and 4
it rSoi40ys ot.on rd-thi
vait and peculr. omraune grows brp 0 y become ou en
hotels of the St. Johap. c1mmaudlg 4m0 le to our own home marKets.
Captain Burnham's syrup, irnde I.rni srq4o e r u.ntl pow tnhrteol .yisri% aO
coming to perfect maturity Wtthnut Ith a t irs, ove't by hon. has a reputa-
tion for superiority auown to the whole cod try.
,,/ ,I 1,P O'TLV, P )". 1, ",
viadi PoQteTklo. E. O ;
Johns river to Lake HarIey--stepnri, daily-when you coff
nect with a rdeigl now under construction, a distance of t5
miles, to. Titb 'o.bid PAint. n
The agents forthsq bie6f th'i Tahd are Hiram Benner, No.
19 Old Slip, New A;,~Jpse M. ppl,, Nsw Brunswick,
N. J.; Wilibm j o,;a'kMivilf, xI; W1PWam Allan, of
Port Ormftl Vo!ip qcAunpy, Fla.; Cap Wiliamn Sharp apd
CoL U. .Tithus, Titaville, Fla. Sales, willbe made on easr
trrms anfdin any l ntity', desired. Letters to any of the
above named gentle -~iwill reouiY ypmy.m J1pntion.
Palmetto House,
1M %fox Proprietor.
Situated on the Halifax er, twelve miles above Mosquito
Inlet. Nbo open for thed'eeblutoti of vi~iits. '6ed VVhia d
comfortable accommodations Five bhtaing, fsbifdg~ ~bthtiwj' I
&c. Resident physician in the viae.
modation of health and pleasure ers who may vlt to visit
the east coast of Florida for the ke of its mstohlhs climate,
its unsutp t!pa!ng
MN 1 .1ift If
Groceries, Provwsons,
Dry goods Hardware Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes
Hats, 146htiots, IDrn, M, eienes, A&e.
SPhybici~ns Prerrlbtov iterefulry' c oapounded.
W eekly- ln to Jaoksatir. .
Schoomer, iot rl~s iHfasMurd, Muater, make, wotly
trips between New Smyrna, .PFrtOrange nd Danymn&, Ifor
freight orp pas ee,&plyt4XLOHNiCLARK, Jacksonville, or
on blir A i. / .
1 .
coTr TNTs s VrievroIe
.i BAY,
(Adjoiai falifar City.)
ls prepared to take contracts, and m ~~1 at any
time. ^CKSvwP
NEW SMYRNA, PLA. E. K LOlIf, 'prietor.
Pleasantly located and a most desitable e for 'sportsmen.
Sehr. Frank E. 8to~a,
Charles Dougherty, master, makes weekly trips between
Jacksonville, HI Rlo Jllsle4rp1th fltisrs.
JOHN CLARK, Agent, Jacksonville.
Paintp Qlaq, Cordage, and Boat Supplies. I
VaElable Building Sites
1 .DIT
Volusia County, Florida.
2,000 acres, known as the Raggs &, Robinson (or Haniot)
grant, consisting of liit and heavy hammock and pine lands,
suitable to the growit of semi-tropical fruits, also cane, corn,
Irish and ssiddt, potato, add mosttf *no&t.U, tbhfi getables
grown Noi'tk i'wh *W t." "
T 'hMland will be divided into lots to suit purchaser.
IFr farther information, iLddre~ .
D. D. 'ROGE.8 .Daytona,
1 Volusim County, Florida.