Notes on Florida

Material Information

Notes on Florida Carefully selected by G.H. Sutherland, Arredondo, Florida
Sutherland, G. H
Place of Publication:
Printed by McCreary & White
publishers of the Daily News and Weekly Advocate, Gainesville, Florida.
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
24p. : ; 22cm.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
024461642 ( ALEPH )
01704459 ( OCLC )
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Arrcdondo; Floida.,

The Daily News and Weekly Advocate *
Gainesville, Florida.

KI 1~ P~ W inBin M W IY~ I

- ..

..' i ..

; ,
nnra U CLAM erorF urr PInresa Tn LAn OPr

Oau' w o, FLA., May 18.-In consent to
a sml with information from thise Iad of Irat
S promise to landed Il so poetic pbnoaay, bt to
aMets It rard to everything of which Im
writers from loridas may be put into three cl
iadalges Ina er- colored pictures, another
truth, wildl the hinl troly details the impn
their mlada! d what its many readers want Is
of fietsa be esom one who has been loob e od
to becTe pnossesed of comerrt Informatlo
. tole lpre oh Ios fte made po the mind of
Floridas is like ay land der the sea. T
h' &Moa agthe tricalMli districts of var eooatry,
S adi tlTgbaut uech that ia. rather. repulsive il
e of thtag. A Ilad of aBdwhilte seed,
black sad-sand everywhere. What la not
ponds, takem, tlaud easa-all s sand sad water
Th. vihstor cas only be convinced that th
S wase bs eeing with his own ye the varied
produ tiona that grow In the saud.
There know to as o land that produce
of prodecta; there ts o land that is making
progress In wealth aad every material laterest.
made the statement that It to only of the peal
that I write. The peninsula from Jacksonville
chain of mall islands on the southern coaas,
a half degrees from the Stth to thirty
*altoidsi l width it varies rom 115 Biles to
wry peaiar'i itoa geography, typogrphy,
,elmlat; In fhet, it Is a laad feunr .

>W 1AN).

aorish your col-
S. ud owers, I
make fair state-
y write. Letter
i., The one
far below the
oas made upon
a fair statement
SiN the country
Sto oorreet the .
the new comr.
thee who come
there is nothbi
the Alt appew-
elow .-ad, sad
and is water -

is not a burned ..
and wonderful
Seach a variety
uch a wonderful
.I should have
sala of Florida
to the Key, or
braces Iive and
I a hall north
1t60 ils. It is
l1, piodnoctol ,

In m iture letters I hall treat of all thee l, th -dA
mpbasi elimate apd it diaease The great$ f
i~ de but one Floridta and He has made it th f Mggt
of a vast empire, for a opalaUti thai mn L t "g mnrio e
hundred mlllo of Visitors oem wny pM t ar thit
altd Statu and frou every province Ia M ,Pe af to be'.
hero every u em, and all look upon what they am l with'
or, if not with ad lrstlon. Oar itlaesship I. made ,
people from every St~t i the Unioa, and alme" evryl .
In Europe. -
The future of Florida looks, to s who dwell here, a Wa .,
I* tbing. The laterior of the eonatry hat Just$ de :;td oe,-
a course of devolopmeant Uat will be a erpi to evry- "
dy. Railroads ae now project and in built that -
.truaslorm this terra Arma Inoogntla lato .o of the moast :
y populated seootio of Amerca.. .
Progress sad development are mee verrwhere. T aphe *'
tleof the ountryn isa Utheme pon which lo a;
eloquena t and of which he naow tire.
I shall begia In my next a somewhat meoteyst tle nat-
t o our theme and expect to treat petty every lpor-
Salt subje t. Dchm .sou.

When n Taunto, Masachuasets, daril the year 1888, Ia;
badly, but who wi Ilke Thoma of old. When I told biT o
fortunes were mado ia Florida, bhe was ver kepioal, sad
Sto believe nothing. lually b aad to make a
temeat on paper as to a probable rot la asa eagr
mlde figures br him, and whea I got through, he ld ..ol
She dj not belive it. I sai, all right; your ddabie d".
alter the ft L at atll, I still asoert it to be true. This u ":
,t ettlerlag mo, seat my statement to the Plorida D ..
printed at Jaskeoavile, Fla. Thie poee .s..beaedIr&.- :
at Valueof Ora O oveo." We will here gl on i
had i answer of taeaditor as it was:
TAuNO"," MAss., Agst S.
dmioru f Ia. .Florida JfXee 4 .
SI owa an orange IMore at Ar redodo ad am latmed4 ;.:
Uthe probable larolts f oral e growing. .m porleas tom as a.
a the North which appear to be at least eagerate .o o
Icsh li told me by a ge tleme who ato g ae t .
r eg u lae-when asked For esage at*oiw hlb to
earealations Ibr theaS "that after
of land at n,# O; t000 -year die
; plating trees ,100,. eare of etrs

; '. ~

" :' 4
*.. set at sad ot Arst year, $1,000. At the e
., p yeuId asell br $2,700; ead of eoond
1 i year. $5,500; ad of. forth ysar,7,i
$, 00;"ed ofsixth year, $9,500; that rer
eared for would readily ell for $16,000. 1
State where capital is waiting invetme
souh fgur as the abovi were endorsed by
Swould be the means of seedlog ame U
your Stlts. What we want ie reliable
we bearsueh store Ma the above we think
the" an that went down to Jerlobo," etc.
with susp(ioan les we share the ae fate
By larU the aboe be io your ralui
yosr,optiloa, woeld ausee quite a an m
decide about Investing lan orange grove.
Reepeetllc y yours, '

RaBLv.-We do oot ee anything ver
.the lures given by our correslondent.
well plated irorange trees and properly
in ae even more rapidly than the forog
and to sell for a higher price, relatively, th
in estimadtig prospective values, a great
the easelation; such as adaptation of the
quality of the trees, culture, management,
is like any other practical business. The
to suceema. Knowledge, common sense, ta
In thle as Jn any other business; but we tl
moderately favorable, there is no branch o
country which ofhr so many lndueementu
I sting profit

'Pour weeks after this letter and asns
Dispatch, we saw a letter lathe California (
which saye:

"The Florida Dispatch publishes the
answer thereto, relative to the value of oral
As the value of similar property In Califor
as that In Florida, we publish the figures:'
They then gave he same letter and *e
Moulieo, which we have already publish
thus showing our figures a given Lj MIr. I
the Florida Dispatch and the Outaio P
fornia. Thas you will ind allow of ur tat
S: If you take the trouble to Investigate them

ad of ir year thlW
year, $,00., ud
0; end of f yeah
ly, this olaoe, if
ving a I do. in a
at four per oen, it
the Florida Dispateh
ousanda of dollars to
information. Whee
of the experleaseo
and think of Florida

Noble paper, sad gitag
er. of people h en
bmrT D. MoULTOs.

r old or visionary ia
Fe have known lasu
%ared for, to increase
Ang figures Indieat4
an be mention. Bet
leal anst enter into
lcality, natural soil,
ete. Orange culture
r is no "royal road"
rift and industry tell
link, all things belgs
r fruotltu-citre-in t
and promises seu

or from the Flid
ntario Fruit. Grower

following letter an,
go groves in Florida
pl, is about the s

mwer, written by Mr
i onm preceding
. to em endored
ait Grower, of
heents to be corre
G. H. 8zrnarLAwo.


SWhat Alaohn Olaims Ov Oa tber oC ti ba fleM K
Alachua lie 650 miles soulh of Jacksoanille. "iil Ai l .-
i les south or St Augustie. *..
SSurface of onesLyr 1 broke, hilly, elevated. niLg) el*.
on, 240 feet above sea l .eve.
S adstone, limestone and at ro ot r lar ge '
Kisa the only atvigable canl Dlay .
Ha: UnitedStatesLa OdO bat 8ly Si .C
Has the bes railroad faciliaUes o aeboty irl. of.J
.as the largest orange tre Se.;, -%m 't h tgo.
SHa the State S Ituaryr and*MHtary Iu e .. : '
SRs -good private aud pubio hool '
one daily and three weekly paper. -
I astea thriving towns.
SHas excellent hotels and large armbir of water iitor .
Has people from every State in the Uloa -
Has medicinal sprig and health reeortrs..
S Has good fishing ad h7daUg; beaantil eoea. -
.- Prodces orange lemons, lime, IbaM pehe'ples "*
pples corn, oats re rye, wheat, etc..
Shipped last season over 40,000 pakales o-Cr alI M ev
300,9000 crates of vegetables, and ea Islans d eauttewOi $4t0IAO
EIoept on the islands and aismedlate seaboard, IV t A
nothing raleed commercially, with proat it, aiit eso u h.C
Alachua, that Alachna does not alo I.. :;

I' Avabl 0. L '
M any questions ar asked as, dilT
.' ople goig to Florida so increase the oreae, that oei .
e dow to give-away prices Oar answer s o; ifor m i
that tbere is but so many aore to plant io oraqes, ard *1
they are planted, there l no pore room. If thee .w+ s t ..
SStates growIin oranges the prior no doab% wo9ul ged.~ I t .~
Sfew dollars a barrel; but when yoa eooasr th maey ,,
rowln g appleW, peaches and pea do .thesro~y r I- S he
SNorth stop planUng pear and apples beseas thelm aeid y
.* planW It I think I nood not answer this quaeleas Th-e we ,
you come to a much more delicious friH, wL Ili a~alsy ek O *
000 to 6,000,000 ores, or about oe-eight of the S i4 1t
.them an, with the United Stete Increasing aboat 1,0040,
year of her imoplation, soa knowing It will take e mvy ma who
eommeaces this year, ve or six years to gt o d gr di :
.you now thio t themssn muoho daert of- M ..-
what W. L B says, a writer nl theTmeUuioa:"
have been looking over a calealaton made la nllg the

.. '. ..., :*. . .' i
) 4

amount of available orange land in the Sta have been advised
by some friends to end it to you. It is tbi.
The State of Florida contain ............ 8,000,000
Above the S deg. parallel there are land
"too cold" for oranges a a market crop,
aid Itetr adapted to early and profit-
blo vegetable% and Other fruit than the
oran ge... .........................1 00000
In the Evergladek, saw-gra region aad
swap land of South Florid, there are
unat for orange, and if drained, far bet-
ter for gar, etc..... ........ 1,000,000
Then there rer of tiird.ela-s plne lands,
cypress and other swamps, water pine
barreaus, are of rivers, lake, ponds,
ereeks and flat lade too wet, etc....... 0,000-32,000,
Leaving available orange land .......... 6.000,000
,Of thl but a portion will be planted I groves, for every
holding must leave land for house lots, gar and other crop
of fruits besides oranges, and other planting of various kinds,
and towns must have land, etc. Thus a ally there is nIs
more than 8,000000 to 5,00000,000 acres of n in Florida avail-
able for ornage growing for market, and le holding land
which they can anord to keeps need hav n an xiety, as the
lands will soon be absorbed, and whilst population of
the United States is inreasing rapidly the of orange land
will not. The' ooonsapion ooraage I rapidly laerew
.ing, and lands in Florida must advance to many Uees their
present pries. Yours, W. L.

Eight Year in Florida.
The Mlaopy Gastte says: eight t y ago Mr. George
Chatberiain parhased a tract of woodland a the uorth shore
of Lake Geore, not one inb of which was e. His fian-
cial situtio was at a remarkably low ebb; pt that time he then
owing ore than be paid taxes upon. How, er, this did not
Sdane him; seealg his neighbor pitching n t make something,
be made p his mind not to be behind an of them. So be
go to work the Art year and clear three e, planted it in
early vegetables, and the first thing he kner his pockets on
trained nearly $1,400 as a result of the first.y ar' work. This
put him square with the world. During his f rtyear he plant-
ed some orange seeds, from which he et oat a e on the three

-'"- : ." ." .,, i ,
.*- ( ) 't

These three acres have been bearing sallerop ie ti:
-two years. The following year hed lrared lowrel- lsd, ..t
more trees, many of which blossomed thie year, o costin- ..
-for subsequent years, until now he basa a oot charming
of twenty acres, which yields him a god rop. r. C'br i
slain haearned Lth name or tho "boms gardoer," and is r '
so ai lirily UloI all q(1utlirs pertefaing to vegetable
iSg. Ill spaledid suoLoe is but another profor what a.
can do i Florida when he sets his ind npo It. Neither
his a ncess made him lndoleat; for he kese to work as u. '.
-1, and Ithi year be has a very large crop of vegetables der
ovation, and which are lookrif remarkably ae. George
many friends who adien i ie d ruk el t o as tle plS.
s haess, kis possesloes ow being well worth 15',O ever000 y
of which he has earned within the past eight years." : "
-4. ... ... _' *, '._._h_

Why is Florida a Delsrabe Oon y
1. Because health is paramount to all else, ad It is admitted
o Ially and otherwise, that Florida is the healthiest Sttet we .
e, the mortality being les than imn ay lther. The poons;
eaileariousal and atiepic quality o the soil absorbs .allae wa-
ter quickly, noutrallae malaria, and in ooaaeetion with the ever
moving sa air, dries up decaying vegetation so rapidly that e-.
-y the milder forms of laterlititeaM are eooontered, If any,
MUad which, with proper oare, may be avoided,. ... .
.,, 2& Becauee.of ite deligtfal climate, botl inawiater sad *
Mummer, averaging 66 deg. In winter ad rarely d'eed 90
dgs. In summer owing to the oonata t s~ Ma layin'..
,eroes so narrow a eloatry f om either aid whte-ii.~hsl s
i keep cool at any tme y seeking the abade. ..'
* 8. Because the quality of the tWperatasr'ad
iag air, laden with balImie edod frot t lm..fre ULW ,
lsts, and aoowe from the o00n. pnrecrves the ad ad tik
the invalid to health by naatre's own remedies, the InavulU .
sool nights Insuring refreshing sleep and dOd appetite.
4. Because the soil s so easily woridt ad yelds aso -
dantly, and in such variety that a living ean ha had. with less .'.-
abor than anywhere eie, thes main work Is dooe during the
AKld, dry winters, the raine eoourring mostly 4araig ithe u-
Jer, when meot needed; you want lose clothing and it lat
twieoo a long, there being onether coal samt, dusit .r d .-
make frequent destrctive washing necessary.
5 Because a very small asu will secure you a hoe, and, '
thathome cannot be taken from you, the law exempting f,"i '.-
tred sale 160 ares of country or half ase ot .tow land, wi i
tall improvements thereon, and tI addiio, 14,000Worth o prep
+P + A. 1-

.. ..

( 8)
orty,, and thtr without a burdenaome tax, the State and county
levies for all purposes not exceeding 13 mill.
Because in addition to its being s desirable, healthy
and economical a country there i no place where wealth and
Independence so surely and quickly rewards the industrious and
energetic cultivator, tradesman, mechanic, *took-ralser or speo.
ulator, the Immense yearly Inorease or pope ation and raid de-
velopment of the country by railroad in every direction, insure
7. BeAesee nearly every one coming to Florida (except
strictly professional men) can be suited.
For 4he basineea man there are spidodi openings il many
loealitfes for unoe line of merchandia. The per eeat prolt is
good, iad everything Is on a cash baals.

A Tutrl, of Yellow Bluff, Hilbboo County recently,
reftued an offer of $9,ooo for an orange grove that cost him $8oo,
three years ago.
SThe future of Florida needs not the prhetlc vision to de-
termine. The recent rapid growth of the S is but a faint re-
flex of the added prosperity of the near futr Capital in large
amounts is steadily finding its way there, not merely for specula-
tive purposes, bt as permanent investments as a matter of
gain and produotiveness. Already its'produ reach Wbgh fig
ures, and in the one article of oranges count p into the millions,
and engage the exclusive attention of many merchants in New
York ad other cities. Inspired by what has ready been accom.
polished in Florid, as its interior portions ecoe an "open ses-
ame," capital and eterprise wl see to it that the multitudes
shall go up and pomes the goodly land, and he fruits thereof be
partaken the entire confederatio.of the United States.
Colonel Dancey says: "I have lived h forty years, and
have undergone exposure of every kind, never even smelt
chills or billions fver. I have had fifteen hildro, and never
paid ten dollars doctor's bill for them--never ad cae of chills
and fever in my family up to the clse of the t. If a an lives
decently well anywhere on the St. Johns Riv he need not have
chills. And in other portions of Florida m experience proves
the same. In 1835 I was ordered by the Un ed States Govern
meant to repair the old military road from St. Augnstine to Talla-
hassee. I began the work on the loth of J ly with forty-five
white men, and continued the work up to Nomber. The men
had no shelter except a light canvas cover g, and were often
wet, but none were ever sick. But they were applied plentifully
with good wholesome food."

Itskl .A..Eo:R "l~ma'wm, j D Q --" .o, i ,B ,-

anthwbst from Gai lUHle. It is settled for s a ile;~ a
by fannmen ad veges ble grown, whose' preda ts are M a
be ricbhe revenues to the county. Targe number of'Idbt eW
.aad other laborers are employed, who s eargiap rqauklya
disttrihiut' aong the merchants.
When the State of Florid was in pommoses of tb eS
SloverInme t, tract of lod were granted to vario ptsfM for.'
some ioritorious acts. Among otbes, Armdood' h So, of
Cuba, merchants, in consideration of seWting '-0 faMiies in
Florida, were grated the traut known as te Arredoedo grast.
It is the riohert body of ind in the State, and ieludes the lty
'o Gaie vilco, b te t e of Mieaopy, 'Paler, ,wai .
Yulee, Iochelle, Ta r and ArredoodA., t- .laterb.
wry nearlythe oeatre, ad Ikown a the dia res t of
Grant. To landast Ar~dodo i rioh and fti r olb ; .
,with alacrity to oultivation, yielding rich rtares. Tb soill I
Largely mixed with finely oomaanioat bits of kshe, or dboMate,
of lime, which faroblsh a natural frtiliser al most eaitl. e
SNearly all kinds of fruits and vegetables ean be raised er with .
prom8. A piece of land on the border of Arredado lake at the
side of Indian spring, is aslid wall f dedopeOdbellad isle-
rook stiuding 20 feet high and extending bIk lte ti hill-and
surrounding territory an unknown distance. Tbhe are thomanda '
oftons of it. In some lstances well-formed shbJele a be take .
from it while the surrounding matter will armbl- like chalk.
It bas been analyzed, and mid to be one'of the mot valuable of
Dawing the season of 1888 there we shipped from Aire.
dodo 0,100 orates of,vaeetble by fight eand 80,000 by.
express, which, with 17,000 from Hammaok tBidge, a. U I
station two ,iles away, mashe vairy' MuAdyl1 at U t os'
egetables from the Arredood land n tiaree oat ,. : ..
L. *' ,;i P *o
SThe Tan f^ a dverbaalgigac iacei i 4
r writer in the ~ amM o d d trrly
,u. under the sau that corana- ,nd 1 iw, 1 i*
riety of fruit tha this. Aafpw
.i energy guIde 6s*
Scan enjoy a a ~,;4 Io :. ,
' the year, every wee : 11 the omot
'thboe who o wlthoutuare oly
dtheM eves, -and who had 4ther
tt ood hings.*

Price of Orango Lands. Italy-California-Florid

It may be thought by some, that orange laIds in Florida, even
at the present very moderate prices, are too dear, but when wea
compare with Italy or California, we shall do btless be surprised
at the contrast.
CAL1sroslaA-Remotely sitiatod as she a from the consum-
ing States, her rainy season coming in wint r when rain is little
needed, her protracted drouths in summer, rendering irrigation
an absolute necessity, the quality of her frui greatly inferior to
that of Florida, and yet you cannot buy an a re of her desirable
land short of $2oo and up.
ITALY-Subject as she is to frosts, and having to depend
largely on this country for a market for her fruit, in quality no
better if asgood as oars, and having to pay so centum for the
privilege'of selling it to us, and yet you eannot buy an acre of her
Orange lands for less than Sr,ooo. Indeed it hardly to be had
at any price.
FLoaUDA--With a climate for healthfulness and comfort equal
1 to, if not superior to any other on the globe, her rainy season
coming in summer when rain is moat needed, and not subject to
drouths, with a quality of fruit equal to the bes, cheap transpor-
tation to a market very near to her own door which affords remu-
nerative prices, and yet she is selling as fine 0agelands as lays
out of doors, at from $so to $30 per acre, acc ding to location.

Orange Culture as an Inest ent.
It is related that a cotton grower in Flori a died some years
ago, leaving his family nothing but a despise orange grove of
forty trees on poor black-jack soil. Iis widow gave attention
to her grove and it soonc came to her relief, an has aince yield-
ed her a good living. One tree yielded at leIgth three thous-
and five hundred oranges which netted he seventy dollars.
This yield was the fortieth part of her single are of grove. An
Alabama merchant doing a large credit busince concluded that
there could be but onu end to such a business iviz. disaster) ro-
solved to close it and did so. Casting abon for something to
do he fell in with a Florida pamphlet and red it with critical
attention. lie decided to raise a grove in lo ida. lie says he
concluded thatL Ie couid g-o hair fed and half clad for seven or
ten years, in a mild climate, if in that time lie could raise a
grove tharlould support him afterward. Iu is here well fed
and well clothed andi has his grove. ThoughL till in the infan- *
cy of this business, many all around us have realized a fortune'
In 1869, Col. T. C. Lanier purchased at what, is nowOrange
S. I

* 1*

. .

V .*. I

'; mile from Leesburg, eight hundred acre of land for
thousand dollsra. He has since sold three hundred and
sores at a fine advance, given his children one hundred
and would not.part with the balance for twenty thousand
All in twelve years.
bout the asno time, Mr. Hux settled on the eastern bank
o Harris, anl now has, a large productive grove valued at
Ipty-lve thousand dollars.
About 1872, Mr. Milam, a medical gentleman from Ke*n-
Swho was afflicted with pulmonary troubleawient to Lees .
ad purchased forty acres of wild land for three hundred
entylive dollars. It contained- a wild* grove. He has
I.lad to the value of threb thousand dollars and holds the
.at twenty.five thousand. Mr. J. K. Caunl.gbafin,;,,': *.
purchased a wild grove on Lake Harri for Aive baudd '.-ed.i.v '
y dollars, He now has a bearing grove of twenty or..':a :
at fifty thousand dollars. : ,
S1869 Mr. A. P. Roberts purchased of Col. : : t1
Bend, eighty acres of land for Ave hand' .
SHe budded a wild growing groe o8 e-ad f.iydoI.a .
day.for seventy-five tbousan do t ad w'ld us"a
heodd at nine thousand dolhla .. .Mi. His -..crop Abisyel
bagmn to bear. T a and hTheirsoWelSii bAog
Sll around these 1- .e but a few *x m **s qthe s"
'o" whe m .,re b:.ndr.d.wLh .
are covered wi .ses, where hundreds and hndrdt
..a the beautifull grove .
Smay oeer the Florida sand banks, beuit '14dibt fldo
. where ele In the United States an iorof aI 4itaa ~
'..ned to such financial acoont as in Floril. Wshias
ouge tree comes into full bearing, it Is-Talned at a hundred
Iar all over Florida, A tree tea or ffteenayears old Is eer-.'
naly worth all its fruit will pay the annual interest of. The -'-
St of cultivation need not be deducted,, a the trebat 4hat e
reases so rapidly that its value is above the income it yild,. .;
* suburban lands in a rapidly growing city.- Perhaps
investment exists for surplus funds than a boeaia g.rov, .
hen a tree has reached its tenth year sad has pasueds throngla.. ,
a processes of transplanting and pre ingm it ttaina-a ag.of .
rdihood where it is not likely to be affsset by heat, cold .or
ioght. It nay then thrive and yield its precious harvest for .
o or two hundred years. It may outlive the ral road in which ,.
a invest your loose capitaL No defaulter can rua away.with .,
nor any rival line depreciate it. And whatmnore profitable ,
luatry on the globe than the rearing of yong groves for mar-
t. In a district well adapted to it with a abundance of
od cheap lands, with healthful surroundings, and cultivated .
tety, it is really no wonder that eager thousands .inaqlure.,
oat Florida. All its dry lands should be occupied in fve -.:.
* *. .' /

( 12 )
yeas and most orf we th e think, will be. 'iat an opening,
for young men.
A number of the older trees in this Stat yield annually
eight or nine thousand oranges each. The one large tree grow-
ing in thu yarl of Mr. Brown ait Webster ( mxut twenty-aix
years old) han yielded eighty dollars worth of fruiL annually at
different tlues. A tree owued by Mrs. lamilt of Suumterville
netted its owner in 1878 forty-seven dollars. Mr. Woodard on
Corleys Island has a bnddel lemon tree eight years old whose
thrifty top measures over twenty-five feet in di meter, and yields
fruit that sells for from forty to fifty dollars annually, besides
what is used from it in his family.
Mr. Joseph R. Fort of Scotts Mills has two orange trees
with buds ten years old that netted him last ycar fifty-one dol
Iarm. A Lteo twenLy-six years old standing on theo laice of irs.
Lanier west of Leeoburg measures' tfifty-two in hes in circumfor-
ence, and yields four thousand oranges per annum. They sold
last year at Leesburg for sixty dollars. Mr. ohn Condry and
Mrs. Swackard at Adamaville, and the late rs. Tillman have
trees of similar age which yield from three ousand to four
thousand per year. An acre containing fifty o such trees would
yield its owner an average of three thousand dollars annually.
Mr. L. B. Lee of Leesburg sold last year oleveo hundred dollars
worth of oranges from an acre of youngerly trees. Col. T. C.
Lanier has some trees at Orange Beud that hafe netted twenty
dollars per tree for several yiars, and are not over half grown.
Other examples might be sited,
What will be the wealth 'f this county When the scores of
thousands of budded and sweru seedling trees come into bear-
ing? Admitting that some are on poor land and wil never bear
heavily, the vast majority give every promise of complete sucoes.
WILL NOr TIn OUANsi BIMrnIkss aIt: Ov .RIaNK ?
"Thb Iowa farmer toiling in a great belt of Irich ltnds where
millions and.billions of wheat and corn are garnered does not
ease his efforts fearing over production. The Texan with his
myriad flock does not abandon the range to cas the wool market.
We have stood at New York in August and September when the
long drawn Irnns rolled in loaded with peaches. Many hands
worked* lively unloading until peach carts and baskets, piled one
upon another, appeared to cover atrcs, and still the trains of peaches
came thundering in, until we turned away saying "Who can ever
Seat all these peaches?" Yet the peach business has. not been over-
dong. Now there are a hundred acres in these States that will
jaise peaches for every one acre that will raise oranges. The
peach isaperishable fruit. It.must be picked when it rpens and
hastened to market, while tie orange, the queen of fruits, hangs

ing in ripened beauty from Ocolbr' toMarch 'it ahoo 4a1;
jury, awaiting a customer and a market. -,.
We need not fear over production as long as oohunCireduirt
'ml seventy millions annually of the Mediteranean crop find buy-,;;
ers in our markets, and thirty or fifty millions more are imported';.
from the West Indies and its vicipity. Florida has not yet been --;
able to furnish more than one in fourteen of the annual .upply.i'n
the country. Thlo incrnasc in population and wealth will gretlyv '
.aotstrip the increase in orange production,'s.othat no plthra is
possible. If we could fill our own markets, we havetill the whole -'
outside world for a customer. If Europeans can afford to ship -i:
Spoor oranges to us can we not afford to ship good oranges to them? ;
Florida fidds market for Inuch of her crop on her own territory.
All Florida will soon be a vast boarding house, and visitors come
to Florida to oat oranges, just as they go to Saratoga to drink
mineral water. Many millions are to be consumed in onr'mwn
State annually, so that coisidering the quality of our fruit, and
oar clouc proximity to the great American markets, all fears of
over production must quickly vanish. The Florida, orange with
all the increase in production, brings a better price than it did tea
Tears ago. half its present price it can be grown with vastly
better profts than crown the toils of the New Hampshire farmer.
In i860 Mr. T. C. Janier, of Alabama, an officer of the Con.
federate army, who had lost nearly everything, came to this coun-
ty and settled at Orange Bend, declaring his purpose to raise or-.,
anges for market. Many laughed that a man of his age and intel- .
tligence should expect a livelihood from such a dubious business.
Indeed there were not then two hundred trees bearing sweet
.oranges in the entire countj.. Mr. Lanier's original purchase ."
covered much of the wild orange grove, since'so famous,.and if
t he had kept it all and budded it promptly he would to-day have
been the wealthiest man in the State. .
SMr. l anier was followed by a number of friends who-under ".
his advice murchasod various tracts containing wild groves, which. '*'i:
they have budded, and now rank among the most prosperous fam- .
Slices of the county. These early settlers endured privations and
.toil through long years, waiting anxiously for a golden harvest,
and arc eminently deserving of the rich success that has finally
crowned them.
At this time there are probably three hundred thousand or-' :
ange trees planted in grove form in this county, besides untold -
,thousands growing in the nurseries. Perhaps the reader now feels..'
-anxious to ask if this whole business is not after all
We do not claim to have attained to any high perfection in the .
*cultivation of the orange. It is a long-lived tree which we may.
study through all our years, leaving much for our children to

~~ I.

certain when we are gone. Its culture here we admit is in its in-
fancy, its kindred frnits of the citrus family having received even
less attention.' We know we have often made mistakes. Some
have overdone the business of plowing trees, others of pruning,
and still others of fertilizing. Some groves have bee neglected,
others overworked. If we had made as many mistake with peach
trees we should all have been bankrupt ere this. Bu the orange
is a hardy, patient tree. Crippled by bad management, it still
holds on to life, awaiting the true education of its owher, when it
bursts out in an abundant harvest. Cut down by severe cold, it
immediately sprouts from the root and quickly grows to a large
tree. From the examples of suceMss.everywhere around us we
Cannot believe this an inflation.
About 1847 Mr. Melton HIaynes, then a young man reared in
North Carolina, brought into Sumter County some ornge seeds
taken fdm the best imported fruit he could ind in Charleston.
Those he planted on his farm on the north side of iake Tarris
and cultivated them with moderate success for two years. From
this planting young orange trees were carried into vaious sections
scattered all about this great lake region, some finding their way
into adjoining counties, and it is believed that from i have grown
all the. oldest sweet seedling trees of the region, exce ing the fa-
mous "Brown" tree at Webster. The orange tree fr that time
became a door yard ornament, but few families taking the trouble
to have one. No one thought of raising an orange for profit.
The business of the sparse settlements was the culture of cotton,
lugar cane, etc., and hundreds of acres of wild orange groves were
cut down and grubbed out to make room for these cops. Some.
thing of an awakening on. the subject of orange culture was noticed
about s851, which recslted in the planting of thegrove at YalIaa,
now owned-by Captain Phares, the trees being obtained from Mr.
Haynes. Some of the oldest trees now growing round .Lake
Oknhumkco came from the same nursery.
Some of these trees were crippled with cold winters, delay ing
the time of fruitage, lessening the interest the few sanguine spirits
had left on the subject. In the summer of 1867, Mr. Herring
Hooks, of Georgia, who had, like hie r'tghbors, lost nearly over V
thing by the war, was attacker with pulmonary trouba Ife
had studied somewhat the 'dbjeokof orange onlauri ad e ,eled
it could be conducted in Florida, and in the hope recovering
his health he resolved to make the experiment. no costing a fe
household f'' .ct with his amiable wife and a l ir family of
small c.ldren, he started with his teams aml. woa on a long
jO'..1lev into the wilds of Florida. lIe dWoe ndoed the peninsula
to Maniatee on the Gulf coast and halt9. But o soon booame
disgusted with the low saddy condition of the o tr and, fall.
mng in with a Mr. William Kendriots who deari d n glowiMg
terms this elevated lake region, hr directed his tin their, and
reached the hank of Lake H.rris just as the f et Ocklawsha

.' (10) '- :
or was making it first trip. The itoof thopresent Yalba .:
was a large corn field with but one log houe, eeebarg was a
-wliderness with a hut or two, and Okahumkee was the honme of.
Kendricks simply. Floor was twenty dollars a barrel lid Pa-.
Palatka his postofBoe. Hook found at the home of a neighbor ; .'a
mall box o youngorange plants. He purchased it and m it-:'
'planted the grove now growing near Mr. F. V. Hull, south 'of '
-Helena. Alont 1870, he accidentally met Rov. Mr. Brown at
.Oksaluuikeo with'two barrels of oranges from his famous fee .
He purchased them and planted every seed and from these
planted his large grove of one thousand trees now o @e e m
,k of lako n arn and for which be rooently refused $6000.-
ln gol .. ... '

S"Too Hot Int SunmerI"
:Is an oft repeated ixpreyoion at the Nort, in reference to the
climate in Florida. In answer to this objoctiiu we will let Gen.
eral Spinner, formerly United States Troearmr, speak in his own
words, as written to commissioner French for pubUoiaou:
"Now I deeire to day, right here, that I was more comfortable
in regard to exoesiv heat, than in any summer I spent in Wash-
Sington, D. (3., or at my home in Mohawk, New York. The
truth is, it is hotter in the long days of July and August in Que- :
,beo, Lower Canada, than it is hero. Then, too, we have breezes
'elthur from the ouean on tliu east. These, with the trade winds,' ave a cooling '.
Ipiuemnce upon the atmosphere." *

Early Peaches.
The Florida Herald is under obligations to.Mr. W. B. Lipely,
hortioultiuralist anid ure)ryinan of Archer, Florid%, for about
half a Imck of delicious ipaches of the early Peen-To variety .
which he lhas beun shipping North since the 10th inmt. When .
Ieo inform our readers of the fact that Mr. Lipsey resizled 19
'per dozen for the first shipment of these peaches last eason, amd *
*.,6 for the second shipment, in Philadelphia, It will be readily "
wleea what a good thing he has in his peach orchard The gen..
.toleman made a pleasant call at our sauetam yesterday, and left
n his return hmonip this morning.-- lorida Herald.. '

. 'llee.keeping mnay be made to contribatu largely to the support
a family while an orange grove is ooming ,imlto bearWgr-
anci Trueblood went to Archer one yer ago with twenty),'
ad- Five were lost, as a result hpa l deay. i t
now has forty-two stands, and hsb ei(0- -
-9y.: One stand alone yieldingftOOb..i0.t.
^ ... '. .. ,. ,.
II .: ... -" ...: .": ',-'7 -' : :

South, Not West.

Appropriate when uttered years ago, was e advice of. Hor-
ace Greely to young men to "Go West and grow up with the
country.' The broad prairies of the west wqre then holding in
their fertile soil; rich haryost, to be given in return, for the la-
bor of those young men; and the rapidly intlo ing tide of iomi.
gration, furnished ample and remunerative arkots for all they
could produce. Now the order of things is changed. The field
are still large and prodnotive, but the supply as grown to be in
excess of the demand, while labor still remain s explosive. The
cost of production, for an sero of the leading cereal of the west
(wheat) is about $9.00, with an average yield, not exceeding
twenty bushels per acre at an average price of 0 eants or $12.00
per aore, will not leave a living profit.
To-day thtre are large possibilities for ouug tme in the
South, and the tide of emigration is sotti g this way. Our
lands may be less productive than those of h West, but they
respond cordially to kind treatment, and are cheaper. In no por-
tion of the South are there better opportun ties, especially for
young men and ovon older one, than in lorida. And while
other counties may be equally 'good, non we thiuk are better
than Alachna. The lands are high and gent y rolling. For pro-
ductiveness, the soil will average well with ny other part of the
State. Il healthfulncsa, equal to the best With even smlll
means, energy and economy, investments may be made whiuh
with proper attention, will in a few years abe very proftable.
To good young men, and even those wh may be further ad.
vanced in life, who may be looking about y n for an opportunity
to apply your means and energies, our vice is, Come South;.
Thaw out and Grow.

Culture of the Pear in Flo ida.
Pear culture in some sections of our untry, as many are
Tware, is a very remunerative business. Pr e in the great mar-
sell at high pries.). In this State the La ueu b~yl fair to be
very profitable; ,ne variety of Chines, orig n, is giving good sat-
isfaction-the Le Cote, which originate roni seeodef the ql
Hawl P'ear. It i a rapid grower, never i ocbeld by blight, or
any other disease. It bears young and pxnodous heavy'eroe
.every year--is lrge and good shape--oa ries well to a ditnp
market--ripens in July, which early season lusures for it a good
and someltmedrvery high price. The ality of the fruit
not as good as thrverf bestsorts, ripeni In tieI midst of P
season, yet its of right good quality
There are several other sorts from the i origin th ar giv

lag good satisfaction, whore they have been fruited. None have
borne in this part of Florid no far as we know.
We look forward to the near future when e will have a im.
, ber of very valuable varieties of Pears which will rival in profit
Sthe valuable Orange.
Not only can they be used in the raw state in the markets, hat
'when thecy are prodnied in such enormous quantities, that the
pay will not be atoisfatory to ship, they can be evaporated aM
other fruits, ad. thus fnd a ready market, at paying prices, in
the great markets of the world; and thus millions of bushels may
Sb utilized to good advantage.
SIn Southern Georgia it is already yielding the growers ver
Slarg profits. It is said an are of pears, ten years old, will 14
$1,000 an acre.
LeContu pears shipped tropt Tallahasseo haye netted from
$9.80 to $4 Ipr bushel Throe yonng trees have netted the ow.
er $50, besides what was used at home or given to friend--
Pine Level Tuna.' -
SMr. Qeo. Vye and Conductor McCellan have recently, returned
.from a trip to Florida. Having previously heard many glowing
Accounts of this "sunny" orange State, and on the principle of the.
.adag--"Seeing is believing" they ventured for the purpose of
'gratifying their own personal curiosity. As an evidence of the
authenticity of these current reports, it is enough to'ay that they
were more than pleased-"the half had not been told" of the
Greatness, grandeur, and glories of this fruit growing State. Mr.
SVee left home somewhat prejudiced against Florida on account of
wtt appeared to him unreasonable misrepresentaton, but .on.a.
glimpseo of it was converted, and with his companion Mr. McOel-
Ian bought two lots each of so acres at $30 per acre, and. gveoW.
erm for Idanting orange trees immediately., They brought home
.many fine specimensof fruit culture, among them lemon
grape stalks, with twigs of oranges and oranges without twigs they
plucked themselves to treat their friends and visitors, for they are.
Slegion.. .
any sights and scenes attracted their attention both goingtd '.
coming. Among them the Capital at Washington, which was o
special interest and importance, as well as many others too numer-
ous to mention. Very many friends greeted these popular South-
er sojourners on their return home, and all the talk now on the
stroetl and elsewhere is Flotida.---St. John Telegraph.
Tlese gentlemen paid us a visit, and after looking round.they
bought of us. We are now planting their trees. We have other
: as desirable lots in same neighborhood, and we will soil and select
land for anyone who will put confidence in us-and we don't .
Think they will miss it much. Our land is from $ao to $30 pet
Sacre; according to location. G. H. SuTrn aLN, ':.'
Arredoodo, Fla.,

Florida Climate all the Year Bound-Oom tire Drynea of
Atmosphere, Etc..
The climate of Florida is so well known roughout the civil-
ir .d world thli it is inot necessary to o iut details; we will
briefly givu somc. fauts fruit official table, nd the opinions of
scientists. It is uot a hot climate in summer, but mild, and not
subject to groat changes in temperature. le winters are net
cold and freezing, but uniformly cool and braling. Throughout.
the whole twelve months the rainy, clody, disagreeable days
are the exception; fair, bright, sunny days tu rule. The ther-
momneter rarely goes below 3o" in the winter, and rarely above
N(J0 in the summer. The ofiial records sho the daily average
for niuiammi;r7H8, for winlt.'r ilo0. Til daily cotanatooLanii Ibroose
in maininr indlify the huat; (the (Inlf lbron4, comisti wilt the suin, e4ouli tlh air lit nigat); a warm and isltry uight is
almost iinkLl iwn. Official siantary rIoorlts, both of sciuntifl
bodies and the army, show that Florida standa first in health,
although in the reports are included the transient or recent pop-
ulation, many if whom take refuge here as invalids, Rome in the
lowest stages of diseame. Inl the middle and Isontthern portions
of the State frost is rarely knuwn. The suninner is longer, but
the heat he*s oppreesive tlhain inildsnmmer at Hhe North; this ro-
siilts froin its iwculiar plniniiiular shape: and Ithe ever-recurring
breezes which pass over the State. For dtys together New
York, Boston and Chicago show in suinlimt r a temperature as
high as lob*; it is yery rare that it reaches that degree in Flori.
da even for a single day, generally ranging below OoO; not op-
pr-ssive; modified by Ite ever-ohanging air; lot sultry, close or
humid; mornings and evenlings always cool and bracing. Natives
and old reshklnct, if asked, would say they priekrred the slno-
nic-r to tlh winter molnthtl, for climate.
We take from Dr. A. S. lialdwin's tables k pt for the Smith-
sonian Institute, as follows:
"Jackionville, attitude 3o0 15, loogitude 8 -mean of three
daily observations, for twenty y..u's, 1844-186t.
January ..........655 July ............. 8
February ........580 August............... 82
March ... ...'1 Scpteminlr .. .78
April ... ..... 7o0 October ... ...... o
lay .... .... .76* November ...... .20
June ............... 80 December.. .......... 620
The army records show for twenty years, variation at St. Au.
gustine, Fla., twenty-threo degrees.
lRaiufall at Jacksonville, average for ten ears, 545 inehea;
the largest quantity in Auguat and Septeml and the least in

important qetion, both for comfort aid belth, ii
Sbumidity, and here Florid sada to say, hd
ill other SWte for the dryness of itea aaher the foly ;
mean temperature, taken froa the Sipl Servioe,'will.
the ive winter months from 1875 to 8iSo:
villo. .............. ............ ... .......d
P=4l, Miun.......................................71.0
ratio City, N. J................. ......... .. ... ....... 78.1. '.
kAtJ ona ille for March .............................. .9.

One Hundred to To Hundred Per Oent., and How to Mlae It. :
T.' st summer while traveling in Canada, I fodud many penmonsa
swho doubted very much when I told them how much could be
~ade by planning an orange, peach, and pear grove. When I
talked about soo percent. they would laugh, so I came down to
Is and z5 per cent., and I found this was as large a dose as they
coold swallow. Now I mean to make them take the proper dose, 1
and I will compel them to swallow it, or I cannot prescribe for.-
hem. Now, we assort there is from loo to oo per cent. in plant-.: '.
oig an orange gr6ee, peach, pear, and Japan peimmon grove
We will hele try to prove the assertion. We will take one acre
to illustrate by. We will select it iR a; call it.. $s5.oo. :.
Olearing and fencing .............................. is.oo
Plowing, cost of trees and planting.................. ..IS1 7,
Thirty-flve pear trees one year old ....................' & 75
rttiliing one year................................ 5.00 ..
Oare of one year, plowing, etc......................... lo.oo,
SThis is what the one acre would oost............... $76.50 .*"
Second to seventh year may be added 1 o for care and $4 tor fer-
tilizer-this will make in seven years $r6o an acre to the man who* 'ti
iires the work done, but much less to the man who does it himself.. '
sAt the end of seven years I claim this acre will be well...
worth $S1,oo, and maybe $s,ooo, according to how it is cared
for. Now, at $i,Soo, you can all figure for yourselves how '
much it is. I started to prove too to soo per cent., but I have
come nearer 900 per cent.; and I will not take back one per cent.,
and any man who lives in our county will amy this is not over-
drawn. Aftor seven yoarx have gone by it will pay so per cent.
interest on s$,ooo per acre the rest of your life. If well cared for
it will pay more and more each year, until a single tree can be
made to pay from $50 to $zoo. The tree to do this would have
to be an old one, perhaps 20 years old, or older, but. there ae
Itree in Florida paying from $100 to $126 a year, but not many
siaehtrees. But what ha been done ma be done again. Though
these ignroe do soem high I cannot help it, for every word l .

true; or I would not have written it. If any ne of my readers
will take the trouble they can prove every word; and to the
one who can disprove one, or any of these set events, I will give
a fo -ty aero lot, all planted out; and to save toblo on yonr part
1 will give you the Intlakes of a few gentloume well poted in or-
ange culture here, and they will knOw if *my tatmcnets are over-
W. B. Lipecy ........................ ..... Archer, Fia.,
W. K. C m a... ................. Ga ill a.,:
Judge Meaos ... .. ....... ... .. ...Micnnopy, Fl.,,
Judge Edwards, ......... .. .. .. ... "
Dr. Montgomwery............. "
We could give one lundreld bul t ld not carU to spare the space.
Addrcs any of thels gentlemen with a stapup, for an aswer,
.and I think you will gel it.
With good care your pear trees will bear lin four or five years;
peach trees in two years, Japan iersinumous ib two years, the or-
:ange in six years, though we lave known them to bear in six
years from the seed. But we put it far enongh off, lest we, too,
should he called an exaegerator, like many who get up snoh Ipam.
There is cu thing no nian here will disput| -that a man who
has a bearing grove of tell to fifteen acres, has a liandsome in
oome; and suppose you, who are so skeptical, will leave all fig-
ures out--any common mind hero can tell yo i that man is inde.
pendent, onoo be has a bearing grove.
We will sell you the land nd select a go a place (or you, as
we have selected about fifty already, for permins who have never
seen them; and we are not afraid to see any one of them at any
time, knowing each man has a niou place. We will clear, fence
and plant any number of anes for you, and Iu ve it cared for by I
responsible people. G I. SuTirnLAWIr .

SThe crop in the old flpeer orange grove, a uhort distance from
this place, ha- been sold. The grove cmbrae r 550 trees, cover-
ing six acres, and ihe estimated crop is 600, )0 oranges. Two
dollars and aqnarter per box, on the tre, is the price paid.
Six hundred tlhoituid oranges, at 15 r) r bIx, will aggregate
4,ooo boxes, which, at p$.25 per box, wil yi:hll $1,ooo. We
lear. that tlch UXeIeI of the grovt tlhi. ye ar will not excood
General Joseph Finnegan, who has a grov near here, and one
down the river, has sold the crop on both ,r ives at $3 per box
delivered at the railroad station, near his hoie place, and at the
wharf at his river place. The estimated yi ld of both groves is
1,4ooo boxes, which, at $3 per box, would month to $4%2oo.--
Sanford Journal. .

(21) .% "(
eymon Grove-- colonel LA. Hardee's Great'
Orange -Plantation.. '
the Times--lnoni of OtIt. 3. 188. 1* '
Sfew afternouons since a number of the attaches of the "TS .
lon visited Col. 1. A. Hardee at his home at Honeymoon for .'
Splrpoe of seeing his orange grove, some of the party.aever
Seen one before.
great deal has boun said in a general way, about TIooeymoo,'
none of the TimacsU,nMio party were prepared to believe tl'.:
de the borders of Duval oonuty, and, in fact, almost iasiW.,
limits of the city of Jacksonville, existed one of the largest,
nolt thrifty and lhacvioct hearing orange groves in the State of .
oroida; and, in fjil, we doubt very mnuch whether the. regular
liitor to lioneymoon are aware of the fact themselves, but nev.
rtheless it is true.
SThe party met Col. ilardee standing at the extreme! northeast-.
ern corner of the grove, and on being asked if he had any obje-.
tlons to our entering and inspecting the same, the Colonel replied:
JNo; on the contrary I will take great pleasure in showing you
through myself; and, by the way, you are the first newspaper
who have thought it worth while to take the trouble to oome
out here and ose for yourselves exactly what can be done at home.
I frequently blame you newspaper men for remaining quiet nd..
allowing visitors to go south to see orange grove, under the in-
pressiotn that the fruit cannot be Iucceisfully grown here, when
you actually have right here, within one and a half or at most
two miles from the poet ofioe,.which I claim to be the largest and
.aest Frove in the Stute, which faet I am prepared to demon-
Itrate.' .
... ."low large is your grove, ColonelP' 4
It4 "Oh, it.covers one hundred cores, though it is not all in beas.
Sing yet. Why, sir, I wll walk with you straight through the'
-.grove, a distance of one tile, and then we will not get through.
! In the younger portion of the grove, where the trees are not be-r.
ltog, I keep my nursery stock. This stook is planted in alternate
prows and between the trees."
S"H'ow many acres have you in hearing?"
"Twenty or twenty- ive."
"A"nd IAmil ln.* Ihow nnany trete?"
'"In tall, or do you Imittiln Iariug?"
S"I mieau both."
"'Well I have in the neighborhood ol two thousand tt bear..
I cannot may bow'many there. ae in t includi'ng ,i '

+ t':"'^ ,

* _

mwry stook-is is somewhere between 150,000 a 1,000,0tX) troes,
that is as near as I can tome at it."
"How many oranges do you expect together isyear,Colonell"
"I do not' know. I estimate that there are o r 600,000 on the
trees, but Mr. Conner, our largest fruit dea who hbs visited
the grove, estimates that there are between 7 ,000 and 1,000,
000 oe the trees. How many you can jud for yourself,'
said tihe Colonel, as the party entered tle hearing portion of tile
g. grove, and asre enough there we were in the k It of a magnil-
cent orange grove, the large, healthy lookil g tree ill loaded
down with fruit. In passing from one port a of tile glove to
another we frequently Saw limba hanging the ground, and
others propped up on poles in order to assist the cm to support tie
Immense weight. Thero vere oranges of nil a was and varielie,
a great many of the trees, though loaded do r with the ripe
fruit, also contained large numbers of young ranges from the
size of a buck shot up. hecre were oranges f every variety,
from the snall tangerine or "kid glove" 'o the largest navel
orange, andbesides those we were shown di ng the afternoon
bearing baana plant, ans, ppan eaches, appl, fgs, plums and
all other kinds of fruit, which the Colonel gro on his place to
"A rather amusing feature of the grove whi h will be noticed
at once is the Colonel's peculiar method of renting with
his tree. The trunks of some are literally filed with nails,
while pieces of wire, bone, iron, sticks, railros 'spikes, etc., are
: to be seen on every hand, all fastened to or n some way oon.
nected with the tree. In places where four or we shoot ran up
from the ground in a cluster, forming, as it weie, as many sepa.
Srate tree, the Colonel, by his various experiment, is lecceeding
Sin forcing them all to verge into one large trunk, and by this.
means he mays that within a few years he wil have trees three
and four feet in diameter.
S"How long have you been here, Colonel?"
"I started this place about thirteen years agA. At that time I
had seven children, not a cent of money, was $20,000 in debt, and
otherwise had a bad character generally."
"How is itnowr? ventured the reporter.
"Oh, rve got Afteen ohildreu now, have a somewhat better
character now, and am much handsomer. You know I always
said men grew handsomer in this county with old age, which can
be proven by a careful examination of my features.
"What do value your grove atY"
"Haven't got any valuation on it. Rcf.ctl this summer
$1oo,ooo in cash for it. 1 expect to not this year ten
thousand dollars from the sale of my oranges a one, to say noth..
Ig. of. my nursery business, which is now sim ly immense, and
;:, potato patch-and, by the way," said the Clonel, addressingi
.;.' V *

%(2) 'asked
rer, "you recnmber I told yon some timo ago,j : e
to pot it in the paper, but you ailed to do so, that the .
Sbe glutted with sweet potatotoes this year, and that
would go down to 25 cents per bushel and even below that.
ell, now 1 want to show you why 1 made the statement. I've .
a patch over yonder on newly cleared and unfetilrzed pine
,which I want you to examine. From that patch of twenty
I expect this season to dig 8,ooo bushels of potatoes, or 4oo
Is to the acre. It seems incredible, but nevertheleb it is so.
k hero," said the Colonel, as he got down on his knees.near
l and began to pull the vines back for the purpose of exposing
potatoes to view, but finding that some one had previously
the vine back and tampered with its roots came to the
lusion that a "Republican had been there," and went to:
r hill where the Republican had not been, pushed back the
and, after removing the sand with his finger, exposed to
almost one bushel of very largo potatoes on that'vine alone.
er going over a portion of the grove and walking directly
h it for a mile, the newspaper men returned home greatly
with their trip and would now advise all those who have
soon a large orange grove in full bearing to visit Hoey-.
n, and those who think or pretend to think that oager ean
be successfully grown in Duval county, ind who make it their
biness to recommend strangers to o further south, we would
ise to visit Col. Hardee, who will show them as large grove as
is ihn south Florida and in nine cases out of ten thriftier and
r trees than can he found in their favorite localities.: ,

rown stone fronts, handsomely furnished buildings and orna-
etal grounds,where the skill of the artist or artisan is used, is *
ot t matter of a few days, and a lavish expenditure of money.
While in building a handsome home in Florida, which has for its .,
oveliest attractions the wealth which lies in its surreandings o '.
ptmi-tropical growth, it becomes a matter of ears of labor and pa-
Bent waiting. Many come to Florida not thinking of this, nad
having been accustomed to different surroundings, they are disap-
pointed, because they cannot at once enjoy the beatiiof such a
home. A preventative from such feeling of disappointment is to
be found in having the work of improvement commenced, and
the process of growing into such pleasant surroundings going on
In advance of your cominilg.
By addrCf.ting ;. II. Sutlbrlandl, Arredondo. Fla., he will rake
oou an ectintate of land, planting trees, and the best kind to plant,
tc., and those who will trust him to select a lot, will not iJe dis-
Inted in a nice lot, with all the conditions for a home, every '
warranted just as represented.

r .

*:- ".,. '. T^ '..

Beferenoeas.4 *
A anono F Jun7, 1884.
.C AixlDoinO*,.'Flii -JiUe lS'-. ,-"
his isto tertifythat I am one of manyw havep b p
Stwenty-are lota of Mr, G. H. Sutherland, and he t ever regret
ted doing so. I purchased without seeing the l upo n'hi oh n
ro reontatiop, and I fnd it all ho ropreentd, ad even better.
I found him at all times honorable and straight srd'iuall .i
:: dealings with ime; and h is wih pleasure I mal thifaatemenot
i ORana W.
A. J
h ." a' ..a.
R W.I.So, .
R. D. o ..
I know the pieeo of land Mr. Sutherland ofers~for, sale;
Sit being 480 aores bought from General ford. I wel
adapted to the growth of orange, pears, ohe;'sad other
fruits. It is unquestionably. healty. I nave lied by the side
, of thii land, i fact my corner.iu a corner of it, s 14- r.
ty years-and have raised thirteen children. Yur et; '
STH E. Il Ta, BS'...

C: opied fromrlotter to G. II. Sutherland.].
R ltisuoro, N. B., CA"AD,, 25,1884. ,
-We have known Mr. G. H. Sutherland, wh be lived lere.
.-. which was from his youth up to manbood. e have known
*; him a a Son of Temperane and a Mater ;during all
S the.e year we have ever heard or known of ythng but fali
Stealing with him, and, we obeerfully rish m oo .
Hatchn. o, Q. 0.; James Barnet, J. P.; 0. iardso, Bar'
A rosterr; J. Eargason, Coneillor; J. D. Phln y Barrister, Clerk
Sof CoUnty' Cort; .Wa,Wbehto, M. P. P.; Whitmore
Bll.;'-;,Ja MDoaUlJ. P.; .Wa. Brw, Eaq.; Thoa. G.
i 2 eharda.op J. P and oldest Maao.;'leA Boxhbry, Mer-
&b nt; M.D.B..or. i CityMusre; Au t i ti D Allo

.. ..- .
-.i*. ,i -", .. : ,. ;. ,
.,._ *- ,. .
S% I.. .. .

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