Catalogue of the Florida department of the confederate museum

Material Information

Catalogue of the Florida department of the confederate museum
Confederate Memorial Literary Society, Richmond, Va
Place of Publication:
Richmond Va
The Society
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
40 p. : ; 23cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
History -- Museums -- United States -- Civil War, 1861-1865 ( lcsh )
catalog ( marcgt )

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
024432357 ( ALEPH )
01690013 ( OCLC )
AAP8862 ( NOTIS )


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Florida Department

Confederate Museum

Confederate Memorial Literary Society
Richmond, Virginia



Vice-Regent of Florida





(All articles, except where especially noted, sent through Mrs.
F. P. Fleming, of Jacksonville, Florida.)

I Account Book, General Hospital, Lake City, Florida.

2 Letter-Book of A. S. Baldwin, Medical Director of Florida.

3 Memoirs of Captain C. S. Fleming, Company G, Second Florida
Infantry. Written by his brother, Francis P. Fleming.

4 A Manual of Military Surgery. Presented by Dr. John C.
L'Engle assistant surgeon, Second Florida Infantry.

5 Little Book, "Adventures of Marion Hornets," written by John
F. Warner, a private in the "Hornets." Presented by F. E.
Harris, of Ocala, Florida.

6 Furlough Book, General Hospital, Lake City, Florida. Loaned.

7 Diary of George M. Lalane, Lieutenant, Company E, Thirty-
fourth South Carolina. Presented by his sister, Mrs. Aveilhe,
of Tampa, Florida.

8 Grape-shot from harbor of Pensacola. During the war Fort
Pickens on Santa Rosa Island was held by the Federal Army.
From the navy yard opposite Fort Pickens and from Forts
Barancas and McRae, both west of the navy yard, there was
firing at Fort Pickens and the blockading fleet. In 1897, while
dredging the bar at the mouth of the harbor at Pensacola,
these solid shot were taken up in a suction dredge, having
been fired from Confederate guns, fallen short of the mark,
and after thirty years brought up from the depths of the sea.
Presented by General W. D. Chipley, of Pensacola, Florida.

[ 3

29 Canteen belonging to Lewis Clemons, Company H, Starke, Fla.,
shot off at battle, Franklin, Tenn., December 15, 1864. Found
by a little girl a few days later, who returned the canteen to
Mrs. Clemons in 189o. It had been shot off three times. The
little girl is now Mrs. J. M. Margart. Loaned by Lucia Sharpe

30 Balls found on Kennesaw Mountain battleground.

31 .A Short Sketch of the Life of General Joseph Finegan, by J.
Ford Finegan.

32 Piece of a Shell which exploded in the yard of Mrs. Sarah Hoge
Henry at the battle of Ringold, Georgia, 1863.

33 Bracket made of material taken from the ceiling of the room in
which President Davis was born. The house was standing on
the original spot where the Davis family lived. Now occu-
pied by the Baptist Church, Fairview, Todd county, Kentt~cky.
Presented to Florida Division of United Daughters of Con-
federacy by Rev. J. W. Bigham. Loaned to this. museum.

34 Piece of Iron Bolt-of Steven's Battery, Fort Johnson, Mons
Island, from which the first shot of the war was fired, April
io, 1861. (See letter in Glass Leaf Case.) Presented by
Mrs. Aveilhe.

35 Rubber Chain made by a Confederate prisoner on Johnson's
Island for Captain Richmond Gardner, also a prisoner there.
Captain Gardner belonged to the Fifth Florida Infantry. This
chain was used to fasten an empty sleeve. Presented by his

36 Buttons made by a Confederate soldier while a prisoner at Fort
Delaware in 1862. Presented by M. R. Cooper, formerly a
member of Company K, Second Florida Regiment. Pre-
sented by Miss Brevard, of St. Augustine.

37 A Pair of Field Glasses, given to Major Harris by a Federal
prisoner after the first battle of Manassas. These glasses
were used by Generals Beauregard, Jackson, Dick Taylor, D.
H. Maury, Ewell and others. Presented by R. A. Harris,
Major Wheat's Battalion, "Louisiana Tigers," Army of North-
ern Virginia. (See letter in Leaf 40, Glass Leaf Case.) Sent
through Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel, of Richmond, Va.

[6 ]

38 School Girl's Gloves in War-Time. Knitted by Miss Alice Drew,
of Jacksonville, Florida, and presented by her.

39 Cotton Cards, which belonged to Mrs. Esther Louther, a widow
who lived in Nassau county, Florida. She did much work for
the soldier boys who always called her "Aunt Esther." Pre-
sented by Miss Lou Briggs, of Jacksonville, Florida.

40. A Soldier's Fork-Home-made.

41 Buttons made from persimmon seed-one of the expedients of
the war. Presented by Mrs. Hickson, of Lake City, Florida.

42 Home-Made Cloth for hospital comforts, made in 1863 by Mary
A. Bryant, of Lake City, Florida.

43 Sample of Yarn, Spool of Cotton and Cloth, made during the
war by Mrs. E. P. Hickson, of Lake City, Florida.

44 A Canteen, captured at Olustee, Florida, February 2o, 1864, by
W. B. Drew, Company I, Second Florida Cavalry.

45 Home-Knit Socks, worn by Private Peyre Galliard Pearson,
Ocklawaha Rangers. Presented by his sister, Mrs. Lydia
Fleming. (Mrs. Francis P. Fleming.)

46ANote signed by Miss M. Reeves (now Mrs. Leo. Vogel) when in
Confederate Treasury Department, and pen used in signing
such notes.

47 Inkstand used by Mr. Davis while President of C. S. A. Left
with Mrs. Amelia Haile by the President's private secretary,
Mr. Burton N. Harrison, who spent some ten days at Mrs.
Haile's residence near Gainesville, Florida, when escaping
from the Federals after the capture of Mr. Davis. Presented
by the Hon. R. F. Taylor, Justice of the Supreme Court of
Florida, who married a granddaughter of Mrs. Haile.

[ 7 ]

48 Small Bronze Bust of General Robert E. Lee, made during the

49 Letter-Book of A. S. Baldwin, chief surgeon, District of East

5o Sash of Captain John Bilbo. He entered service from Savannah,
Georgia, in command of the Chatham Guards, and served until
the close of the war. Contributed by his sister, Mrs. Hen-
rietta Swart, of Jacksonville, Fla.
Extract from letter which came with sash:
"Captain John Bilbo-the owner of this faded, battle-worn
sash, was a native of Savannah, Georgia, and entered the ser-
vice of his country from that city. Previous to the war he
was in command of the "De Kubb Rifles," a local company,
but took the field in command of the "Chatham Guards" and
served to the close of the war. I bequeath this last relic of a
brave and beloved brother to the keeping of the noble band
who will regard it as a sacred bequest to the country he loved
and served so well." Jacksonville, Fla., 1896.

51 Uniform Coat of Captain C. S. Fleming, Company G, Second
Florida Infantry.

52 Uniform Coat of Francis P. Fleming, who entered Confederate
States Army July, 1861, as private Second Florida Infantry.
He served with this regiment through the peninsular cam-
paign, and in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Vir-
ginia until after the battle of Gettysburg. In the latter part
of July, 1863, he was promoted First Lieutenant of Company
D, First Florida Cavalry, and transferred to the Army of Ten-
nessee. Served until May, 1865. He was Governor of
Florida 1889-1893; Democrat. President of the Old Con-
federate Soldiers and Sailors Home Association, and in 1905
Major-General commanding Florida Division United Confed-
erate Veterans.
He expended much time and labor in collecting and pre-
serving the records of the Florida soldiers of the Confederate
Army in the war between the States, seeking to so arrange
them historically that future generations should know and
honor the brave deeds of their ancestors.


53 Master and Pay Roll of the Second Florida Infantry.

54 Ambrotype of Colonel George Troup Maxwell, First Florida Cav-
alry, 1862. Loaned by his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Maxwell, of
Jacksonville, Florida.

55 A Yankee's Diary. Taken from a trunk which was captured by
George Lalane at the battle of Stonebridge, July 21, i861.
Supposed name of Yankee-W. H. Watson.
George M. Lalane was Third Sergeant Palmetto Guards,
Second Regiment, S. C. V.
Presented by Mrs. Aveilh6.

56 Pocket Testament of George M. Lalane, Third Sergeant Palmetto
Guards, Second Regiment, S. C. V. Contributed by Mrs.

A Photograph of Flowers used at burial of General Loring, of
St. Augustine, Florida (not a relic). Presented by Miss Bre-

57 Needle Case and Tiny Knife from Mr. J. T. Woods of the Sev-
enteenth South Carolina Regiment, Wallace's Brigade. Pre-
sented by his daughter, Mrs. Charles Levvery, of St. Augus-

58 Official Envelopes of the Confederacy. Presented by Mrs. R. A.

59 Writing Paper used during the War.

6o A Small Piece of President Davis's Hair. Presented by Mrs.
Haywood Randolph, of Tallahassee, a sister-in-law of the lady
to whom Mr. Davis himself gave it.
61 Old Purse, found near Orange Courthouse, Virginia, by Thomas
Vann and his brother, who were engaged in a battle near
there. The record with this says: "Found on Lookout Moun-
tain near Orange Court House." Presented by William Vann,
of Jacksonville, Florida.


63 A Soldier's Bible, with $50.00 Confederate note in it.

[9 ]

64 Spur worn by Robert Chapman May, of Sumpter county, Ala-
bama, while in active service as a private in Company D, Jeff.
Davis Legion, C. S. A. Presented by Mrs. Laura May, Presi-
dent of Southern Cross Chapter, U. D. C.

65 Stars from coat of Lieutenant-Colonel John W. Pearson, Ninth
Florida Infantry. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. Eliza

66 Newspaper published in Gainesville, Florida, in 1864. Presented
in memory of Lieutenant Simon Turman by his wife, now
Mrs. H. C. Crane, of Tampa, Florida. This paper conveyed
the sad news of his death.
67 The Floridian and Journal, of Tallahassee, Florida, published
January 2o, x86o. Presented by Miss Janie Givens, of Tampa,
Florida, in memory of the noble conduct of her father, Lieu-
tenant T. W. Givens, of Tampa, Florida, afterwards Captain
Givens. This paper contains a eulogy on the death of a
prominent man of that period, James T. Archer, written by
that grand statesman and soldier, George T. Ward, whom all
Floridians delight to honor.

68 Sabre-Tache, containing maps used by General J. E. B. Stuart.
This sabre-tache belonged to Major N. R. Fitzhugh, of Gen-
eral Stuart's staff. See maps on wall, Nos. i and 2.

69 Plated Fork, engraved "D." Part of President Davis's camp
outfit, left by Mr. Burton Harrison, the President's private
secretary, with Mrs. Amelia Haile, at the same time that the
inkstand was. (See No. 47.) Presented by the Honorable
R. F. Taylor.


71 Bullet picked up on the deck of the "Florida" in an engagement
off Mobile Bay.
Chip torn from deck of same vessel at same time.
Button worn by Master Mate of the "Florida."
Button worn by Leo Vogel when purser of the "Theodora" as
she ran the blockade from Charleston with Hon. Messrs.
Mason and Slidell aboard.

72 Straw Rosette-War time hat trimming. Presented by Mrs. R.
A. Patterson.

[ 1o ]

73 Field Note-Book of Major N. R. Fitzhugh, on staff of General
J. E. B. Stuart. It contained autograph letters of Generals
R. E. Lee, Wade Hampton, and Fitzhugh Lee. These have
been placed in Glass Leaf Case. Leaves No. 3, 4, 6, II, 12,
13, 14, 18, and 2o contain them. Presented by Major Fitz-

74 Walking Cane of Rev. F. R. Holeman. Presented by Mrs. Al-
varf, Joe Wheeler Chapter.

75 Uniform Coat of John Milton, War Governor of Florida. Pre-
sented by his daughter, Mrs. W. S. Simpson, Atmore.

76 Uniform Coat which belonged to Captain David Elwell Max-
well. Worn by him when he was wounded in the battle of
Fairgrounds, near Atlanta, Georgia, July 32, 1864. The cloth
was made at the Georgia Mills, and was dyed and made up
by his mother at her home in Bel-Air, Leon county, Florida.
David Elwell Maxwell volunteered his services to the
Confederacy in the spring of x86I-his age, 18 years. He en-
listed as a private in a company organized in Tallahassee by
Captain T. W. Brevard. On July 9, I86i, this company was
assigned as Company D, Second Florida Infantry, Colonel
George T. Ward commanding. From Florida this company
went to Virginia. While in the Army of Virginia, Captain
Maxwell was wounded at the battle of Frazier's Farm, June
30, 1862. In 1863 he was appointed Captain of Company D,
First Florida Cavalry, dismounted, Colonel George Troup
Maxwell commanding. Captain Maxwell was wounded at the
battle of Fairgrounds. At the close of the war he entered
railroad life, and in this line of work he served his State
and his dear Southland faithfully and efficiently until his
death on September 16, 1908.

77 Weaver's Sley which belonged to Mrs. Esther Louther, a widow
who lived in Nassau county, Florida. She did much work
for the soldier boys, who always called her "Aunt Esther."
Presented by Miss Lou Briggs, of Jacksonville, Florida.
(Letter relating to Mrs. Esther Louther in Glass Leaf Case.)

78 Belt and Sash of Lieutenant James M. Kilpatric, Company C,
Fourth Florida Infantry. Killed in 1864 at New Hope
Church, near Dallas, Georgia. Presented by his daughter,
Jennie Madison Kilpatric (now Mrs. Frank H. Conoly, Jack-
sonville, Florida).
[ II ]

79 Cadet Jacket worn by Charles Locke Beard, of Fernandina, at
the age of fifteen, when a cadet in the Florida Military In-
stitute in 1865. Presented by the owner, Mr. C. L. Beard.

8o Photograph of Captain David Elwell Maxwell.

81 Testatment. Presented by W. P. Bigham, Company A, Wal-
lace's Brigade. JiS. CM- I A .. 9

82 Music, Confederate Flag. Presented by Mrs. John C. L'Engle,
Jacksonville, Florida.

83 War-Time Fan, home made.

84 Photograph of General Kirby Smith. Presented by Governor
F. P. Fleming.

85 Ambrotype of General Loring. Presented by Mr. George A.
Barksdale. (This picture was taken in Richmond during the
war between the States.)

86 Record of a Private Hospital, equipped and sustained by ladies
who also did all of the nursing.

87 Needle Bag or "Housewife" of Lieutenant William Booth For-
man, Company C, Sixth Florida. Presented by Mrs. Ann For-
man Dismukes, of Columbus, Georgia.

88 "Housewife" made by a member of the Daniel family of Jack-
sonville, with many others for the soldiers. This one, given
by Colonel J. J. Daniel to M. A. Knight, Second lieutenant,
Company G, Second Florida Regiment, was carried with him
through all the struggle in Virginia. It was with him at
Williamsburg and Cold Harbor. Captain Knight re-enlisted
in Company H, Ninth Florida, and fought in the battle of

89 "Homespun" made during the War. The cotton for this was
grown and carded, the thread spun, and the cloth woven by
the mother of the lady who contributes this. Presented by
Mrs. Florence Knight Wier, in memory of her mother, Mrs.

[ 12 ]

go Piece of Pine, with Bullets Imbedded, cut from battlefield of
Olustee. Presented by Mr. Moses Blackwelder in memory
of his grandfather, Moses A. Blackwelder, who enlisted at
Sanderson, Baker county, Florida, October, 186x, Company
D, First Florida Cavalry.

91 Pieces of Flag which waved over Fort Sumter at the beginning
of the War, and
A Cross, made of the flagstaff. The Fort was under command
of General Robert Anderson at the beginning of War. In
memory of George Lalane, "Who gave up his life for the
Cause." Presented by his sister, Mrs. Aveilhe, of Tampa.

92 Memorial Bayonet. Colonel G. W. Ward, Second Florida Regi-
,ment was killed on the field at battle of Williamsburg, May 5,
1862. He was brought into town with a card upon his breast
giving name and rank and asking Christian burial. An officer
of the Federal Army, Captain Hayes, of the Artillery, who was
with him at West Point, asked permission to bury him with
military honors. This was done. He sleeps in the Episcopal
church yard at Williamsburg, Virginia. From Mrs. C. W.
Coleman, of Williamsburg, Virginia.


94 Framed Voucher. From W. L. Wittich, Fifty-sixth Alabama.

95 One of the Holster Pistols of Major-General Patton Anderson,
C. S. A. Presented by his widow.



98 A Hat made of rye straw, which was split and braided by a lady
during the war. It was shaped by some fashion plate sup-
posed to have run the blockade, and was trimmed with vel-
vet from an ante-bellum dress. Presented by Mrs. R. A.

99 Confederate Bond. Loaned by John Croft, Lake Butler, Florida.


[ 13 1

ioI Cotton gathered on the battlefield of Bethel, 1861.
A Geranium Leaf from a plant which belonged to General
Archer while a prisoner on Johnson's Island. Gathered by
D. Elwood Maxwell, private, Second Florida Infantry. Sent
to Mrs. W. M. Maxwell by Colonel George Troupe Maxwell,
First Florida Cavalry. Presented by Mrs. W. M. Maxwell.


103 Note-Book, sent as a letter of introduction from Acting Master
Floyd of the C. S. Ship Florida. Brought by Mr. Taylor to
Leo Voegel.

Io4 General Orders appertaining to Medical Department C. S. A.

105 Book, "Mrs. Darling's Letters," written during the .war.
Io6 A Ten Dollar Confederate Bill.
A Cross.

Pictures of Confederate Generals. Presented by the General
Loring Chapter, U. D. C., of St. Augustine, Florida.

lo8 Sash worn by Walter R. Blake, second lieutenant, Company K,
Fifth Florida Volunteers, Pryor's Brigade. Presented by
Miss Sallie E. Blake (his niece).
ino Belt and Bayonet Scabbard. Presented by Miss Carrie Blount,
of Fla.
112 Pistol Case of Dr. James Dougles Starke, captain under General
Dickenson, of Florida.

113 Sword of Judge Boiling Baker, First Auditor of Treasury De-
partment, Confederate States, and major of Third Regiment,
Local Defence Troops. Judge Baker was appointed First
Auditor in Montgomery, Alabama, 2oth of March, 1861, and
held that office during the existence of the Confederacy. He
was appointed major, local Defence Troops, September 23,
1864, having been captain of a company organized for the
defence of the City of Richmond, and was in some of the
battles around Richmond. Judge Baker was a native of Vir-
ginia, but lived the greater part of his life in Florida. Died
December 22, 188o. Presented by E. R. Baker.

[ 14 1

114 Pistol picked up on the battlefield of Olustee. Presented by T.
W. Chestnut, of Kanapaha, Florida.

115 Pistol used during the war C. S. A. Presented by Mrs. R. A.

r16 Pistol presented to Lieutenaqt Walter R. Blake by his brother,
Captain Joel C. Blake, both of Company K, Fifth Florida
Volunteers. It was carried by Lieutenant Blake in Sharps-
burg campaign and at the battle of Fredericksburg. Pre-
sented in memory of Captain Joel Clifton Blake, who fell
while gallantly leading his company in the battle of Gettys-

117 Pistol owned by Mr. Alexander McLean, and loaned to Briga-
dier-General James McIntosh, of Florida, previous to going
into action at the battle of Pea Ridge, March 7, 1862. Gen-
eral McIntosh was killed in this battle. Blood stains show
on the holster of the pistol. Loaned by Don McLean, of
Alexandria, Virginia.


I19 Sword found at "Trail Ridge" (now known as "Highland"),
Florida, by William Warren, 1862. Given by him to Miss
Florida McAfee, and by her to the Joe Wheeler Chapter
U. D. C., Starke, Florida.

120 Sword captured in one of the Western battles by Lieutenant T.
C. Hearn, a gallant and faithful soldier. Presented in his
memory by his mother.

121 Pistol used by General James Chestnut, of South Carolina. Pre-
sented by his nephew, T. W. Chestnut, of Kanapaha, Florida.

122 Sword from the battlefield of Chickamauga, 1863. "This sword
is the one I got on this battlefield, where an Ohio regiment
of cavalry, reconnoitering, was cut off and attempted to
break through our lines to rejoin their army. They were
all reported 'killed.' The colonel was the first to fall between
the two fires. This I believe to be true from the way in
which they were strewn on the ground. I was wounded in
the next day's fight, being crippled for life." (Sent through
Mrs. Elisha P. Dismukes.) Presented by Lieutenant (now
Doctor) William Booth Forman, of Quincy, Gadsden county,

[ 15 ]

123 Sword Belt of Lieutenant T. C. Hearn, Third Florida Infantry.

124 Pistol belonging to Eugene Frederick Lykes, who wore it from
the beginning of the war to the battle of Seven Pines, where
he was mortally wounded. Loaned by Dr. H. T. Lykes.
(Further particulars, see letter in Glass Leaf Case, Leaf 33.)
Sent through Mrs. Sheldon Stringer, of Brooksville, Florida,
a sister of Eugene Frederick Lykes.

125 Sword of General Edward A. Perry, Army of Northern Vir-
ginia, Governor of Florida from 1885 to 1889. Presented by
his wife.

126 Sword and Belt of Lieutenant Charles S. Briggs, Marion Light
Artillery of Florida, Army of Tennessee. Died May 6, 1877;
aged o5 years. "A faithful soldier and true man." This
sword, sent in his memory, he used in the service of his

127 Bayonet found on the battlefield of Olustee, Florida. Presented
by Mrs. Charles Marvin, of Jacksonville, Florida, in memory
of Mr. Galpin, who found it.


The money for the purchase of this case was secured by Mrs.
W. H. Dial by means of a house to house canvass.
(All articles, except where especially noted, sent through Mrs.
W. H. Dial.)

I Cartridge Box or Bag from the battlefield of Olustee, Florida.

2 Pair of Cards used in making cloth for soldiers of C. S. A. Pre-
sented by Mrs. W. T. Kirkpatrick, of Madison, Florida.

3 Bayonet from the battlefield of Olustee, Florida.

4 A Weaver's Reed used in making cloth for Confederate soldiers.
It was made by two ladies of Florida, Mrs. Emma W. Whit-
ner and Miss Mary Williams, for the loom of Mrs. Sarah
Paterson. Presented by Miss Catherine Paterson, of Madi-

[ 16 ]

5 A Soldier's Canteen carried by S. S. Smith, of Madison, Florida,
during the war.

6 Lantern of Tool Wagon of Gamble's Battery, Florida Light
Artillery. Presented by Sergeant W. T. Kirkpatrick, of Mad-
ison, Fla.

7 Bomb used by Florida Light Artillery.

8 Bed Ticking woven in Madison, Florida, in 1862, by Mrs. W. T.

9 Socks knit for a soldier by a girl of ten years (Imogen Moore)
of Madison, Florida, in 1862.

Io C. S. A. Button. Presented by Mrs. Vann, of Madison, Florida.

x1 Bullet from the battlefield of Olustee, Florida.

12 Ferrule-enveloping button of plume to cap-worn by a volun-
teer company organized in 1859 in Madison, Florida, mus-
tered into service when the War began.

13 A Soldier's Bible. Presented by J. A. Giles, of Madison, Florida.

14 Flakes of Iron from the "Merrimac," Confederate War Ship.
Taken from the sides of the vessel by W. T. Kirkpatrick, of
Madison, Florida. Presented by him.

15 A Pocket-Book carried through the war by W. R. Tack. Pre-
sented by Mrs. Biggerstaff, of Madison, Florida.

16 Bible carried through the war by Duncan McMillen, of Florida.
Presented by him.

17 A Pocket-Book with money in it just as it was used by a Con-
federate soldier, Sergeant Kirkpatrick, of Madison, Florida.

18 Fuses used by Gamble's Battery, Light Artillery, Madison, Fla.

[ 17 1

19 Homespun Dress. In memory of a little girl who went away,
while her father, Dr. H. J. Parramore, a surgeon in the Con-
federate Army, was prisoner of war in 1863. Presented by
Mrs. Judge Vann.

2o Letter from Mr. Vans Randell, of Madison, Florida, to Mrs.
Harriet Beecher Stowe in refutation of statements made in
her book. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and "Dread," a key to "Uncle
Tom's Cabin." Presented by Mr. Vans Randell.

21 Little Prayer-Book and Confederate Note. Presented by Mrs.
W. H. Dial.

22 Basket made during the war by a faithful colored "mammy" and
sent in her memory by Mrs. E. J. Vann, of Madison, Florida.
23 Sword of Lieutenant Albert Rhett Livingstone, Company G,
Third Florida Regiment, Finley's Brigade, Bates' Division.
He was wounded before Atlanta, Georgia, also Bentonville,
North Carolina. Presented by Mrs. Vann, of Madison, Fla.
24 Flag of Company G, Third Florida Infantry. Presented to them
by the ladies of Madison, Florida; afterwards given to Mrs.
E. J. Vann by T. L. Langford, captain of said company.
Battles of Third Florida Regiment: In Kentucky, Ten,
nessee, Mississippi, and Georgia, were as follows: Perryville,
Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Corinth, Missionary Ridge,
Nashville, Chattanooga, Resaca, Dalton, Jonesboro, Atlanta,
Bentonville, N. C. Original officers of the company were
Thomas Langford, captain; Edward Mashburn, first lieuten-
ant; Henry Sutton, second lieutenant; Albert R. Livingstone,
Jr., third lieutenant. Sent through Mrs. F. P. Fleming.
25 Spinning Wheel used during the Revolutionary War and the
War between the States in making cloth for soldiers' clothes.
Presented by Miss Catherine Paterson, of Madison, Florida.

26 A Piece of Pine, with an Imbedded Bullet, cut from a tree on
the battlefield of Olustee. Presented by Mrs. Helen Parra-
more. Sent through Mrs. Patterson.

27 Watch-Pocket purchased from a Confederate Bazaar in Madison,
Florida, February 14, 1864, by A. A. Newman, who paid fifty
dollars ($5o.oo) for it. Several thousand dollars were real-
ized from the sale of fancy articles for the Confederate hos-
pitals in Virginia and Georgia. Presented to the Confederate
Museum in memory of Mrs. Susan W. Wardlaw, who died
June 23, 1912.
[ 18 ]


(All articles, except where especially noted, sent through Mrs.
F. P. Fleming.)

LEAVES No. x and a

"Sunny South," 1861, Tampa, Florida. "Presented by T. W. Givens,
Second Florida Infantry.


Special Order (151) by command of General Robert E. Lee, 1864.
From field note-book of Major N. R. Fitzhugh, of General J.
E. B. Stuart's staff.

General Orders (No. 9) announcing the death of Major John Pelham,
by command of General J. E. B. Stuart, 1863. From Major
Fitzhugh's field note-book.

In Memoriam-Nettleton Hoge Payne.

In Memoriam-Francis Oliver Maxwell, sergeant, Company C, Fifth

Instructions for sending letters by Flag of Truce. Presented by
Mrs. Maxwell.

One Note of Georgia currency. Presented by Mrs. H. J. McCall, of
Madison, Florida. Sent through Mrs. W. H. Dial.

Counterfeit Confederate Note. Presented by E. J. Vann, of Madison,


"Palmetto Herald"-Extra. Published at Port Royal, South Carolina,
1864. Presented by Mrs. Emory, of Jacksonville, Florida.

General Orders (No. 44) by command of General Robert E. Lee, an-
nouncing the death of General J. E. B. Stuart. From field
note-book of Major N. R. Fitzhugh.

[ 19 ]

Autograph Letter of General R. E. Lee. From Major Fitzhugh's
field note-book.

Photograph of Dr. John Westcott, of St. Augustine, Florida, major
of a South Florida regiment. Presented by Mrs. Vann, of
Madison, Florida.

Photograph of Jim Red, a loyal old colored man who saved the life
of a Confederate scout named Taliaferro.

Photograph of Tony Wetters (colored), fifer in Company B, Third

Sick Leave of W. B. Kilpatrick, Company A, First Florida.


Confederate Muster Roll of 1862. Presented by Mrs. E. J. Vann, of
Madison, Florida. Sent through Mrs. W. H. Dial.


Map of Vicinity of Petersburg, from field note-book of Major N. R.
Fitzhugh, of General J. E. B. Stuart's staff.

LEAVES 7 and 8

Confederate Music. Presented by Miss Lelia Nash, of Tallahassee,


Resolution of Thanks to Second Florida Troops, 1864. Signed by
R. M. T. Hunter, approved by Jefferson Davis.

Special Orders (No. 75) by command of Secretary of War. Pre-
sented by Sarah Palmer.

One Document. Presented by E. J. Vann, of Madison, Florida.

Florida State Currency, 1861-'65. Presented by Captain Frank
Philips, of Mariana, Florida.
[ 20 ]


Collection of Confederate and State Currency of 1861 to 1865. Pre-
sented by Mr. E. J. Vann, of Madison, Florida. Sent through
Mrs. W. H. Dial.


General Orders (No. 6) by command of General Wade Hampton,
announcing the death of General J. E. B. Stuart. From field
note-book of Major N. R. Fitzhugh, of General Stuart's staff.

Mrs. E. A. Mitchel's Letter of Presentation of a flag (which after-
wards became noted) to the Columbia Rifles, Captain Moore
commanding, 1861. (See framed flag, No. 18.)

Postage Stamps. Presented by Mrs. E. J. Vann, of Madison, Florida.
Sent through Mrs. W. H. Dial.

Photograph of General Dickison.

Photograph of Captain Leo Vogel. Presented by Mrs. Leo Vogel.

Two Notes of Florida Currency.


Poem on General R. E. Lee, from Major Fitzhugh's note-book.

Poem on General J. E. B. Stuart, from Major Fitzhugh's note-book.

Letter to Major N. R. Fitzhugh.

Letter Pencil Sketch-"Art in War Time, Camp Price"-from Major
Fitzhugh's note-book.

One Note of Confederate Currency. Presented by Miss Ida Card-
well, Madison, Florida.

General Orders (No. 19) by command of Major H. B. McClelland.
From Major Fitzhugh's note-book.

[ 21 ]


Letter from Honorable S. R. Mallory, Secretary, C. S. N., to Pay-
master Henry Myers, who cruised in the Confederate steamer
"Sumter," commanded by Captain Raphael Semmes.

General Orders (No. 75) by command of General Beauregard. From
Major Fitzhugh's note-book.

A Note of Confederate currency. Presented by Mrs. Cochran, of
Madison, Florida.

Confederate States Loan of x861.

An Old Confederate Envelope. Presented by Lieutenant A. R.
Elmore, First South Carolina Infantry.


General Orders (No. 6) by order of General Fitz. Lee, announcing
the death of General J. E. B. Stuart. From Major Fitzhugh's

Copy of General Lee's Farewell Address to His Army. From Major
Fitzhugh's note-book.

Letter from Honorable C. G. Menninger, Secretary of Treasury, to
Honorable S. R. Mallory, Secretary of Navy.

Special Order (No. 124) by command of General Finegan.

Special Order (No. 224) by command of General Finegan.

Envelope of Commission of Lieutenant A. R. Elmore, South Caro-
lina Infantry, Sullivan's Island.

Confederate States Loan, x861. Sent through Mrs. W. H. Dial.

Medical Purveyor's Order.

Note of Fractional Florida Currency.

[ 22 ]

LEAVES x5 and 16

"Richmond Dispatch" of 1863, containing President Davis' Message
to the Confederate Congress. Sent through Mrs. R. A. Pat-


"The Columbian" of 1862, published in Lake City, Florida. Presented
by F. P. Fleming.

Confederate Envelopes, Collection of. Presented by Mrs. E. J. Vann,
of Madison, Florida. (Contained in Leaves 17, 18, and 19.)
Sent through Mrs. W. H. Dial.


War Music, Collection of-Battle-Flag Polka and Conquered Banner.
Presented by Mr. Horace Drew, of Jacksonville, Florida.
(Contained in Leaves 18, 23, 24.)

Photograph of Florida Legislature which seceded. Presented by Mr.
Arthur Wright, son of a member of the same name.

Newspaper Clippings. From Major N. R. Fitzhugh's note-book.


Photogravures of Confederate Officers. Taken from the periodicals
in large case. Presented by Mr. Drew, of Jacksonville, Florida.

Photograph of Captain J. B. G. O'Neil, Second Florida, Perry's Brig-
ade, A. N. V.

Photograph of Captain Mansfield, who commanded steamboats in
harbors and rivers in South Carolina and Florida.

Small Notes of Confederate currency, z86i-'65.

Furlough of Assistant Surgeon J. C. L'Engle, 1863.

Pass of Captain Seagle, Second Florida Regiment, 1863.

[ 23 ]

Sample of Homespun, woven and worn during the Confederate War.
By Mrs. W. T. Kirkpatrick, of Madison, Florida. Sent through
Mrs. W. H. Dial.

Confederate Envelopes, Collection of. Presented by Mrs. Vann, of
Madison, Florida.


Photogravure of General Maxey. Taken from periodical entitled
"Prose, Poetry, and Song," in Large Case. Presented by Mr.
Drew, of Jacksonville, Florida.

Imprint of Baby's Foot.

Postage Stamps, Badge, etc., on cardboard. Found among the ef-
fects of Mrs. Martha Reid, who was Matron of Florida Hos-
pital in Richmond, Virginia, during the war.

Soldier's Receipt, given by J. A. Giles for $5o.oo. Entrusted to his
care by W. P. Tack, for his wife. Sent through Mrs. W. H.

Photograph of Captain John L. Inglis, of Wakulla Guards, Third
Florida Regiment, 1862, Madison, Florida. Sent through Mrs.
W. H. Dial.

Autograph Letter of General R. E. Lee. From field note-book of
Major N. R. Fitzhugh, of General J. E. B. Stuart's staff.

General Orders (No. 38) by command of General R. E. Lee. From
Major N. R. Fitzhugh's note-book.

General Lee's Autograph.

LEAVES 21 and 22

Invoice of Medicines, etc., to Assistant Surgeon J. C. L'Engle.

Music. Presented by Mrs. Laura Whitner.

[ 24 ]

LEAVES 23 and 24

Music-Continuation of collection from Leaf I8. Presented by Mrs.
Horace Drew, of Jacksonville, Florida.

LEAVES 25 and 26

Muster Roll of Captain John Pearson, Ocklawaha Rangers. Com-
pany armed, equipped and uniformed by him, its first captain.
Presented by his daughter, Mrs. Eliza Moody.

LEAVES 27 and 28

Newspaper Clippings, Collection of. Presented by Miss Janie Givens,
of Tampa, Florida, in memory of her father, Lieutenant T. W.
Givens, afterwards captain. (Miss Givens' collection of forty-
six newspaper items, prose and verse, were all presented in
memory of Lieutenant Givens, who bore an honorable part on
the battlefields of Virginia, and through eighteen months of
prison life on Johnson's Island in Lake Erie.)


Newspaper Clippings from Miss Givens' collection, Tampa, Fla.

Collection of Postage Stamps. In memory of the loved and lost.
Presented by Mrs. H. L. Crane. (Miss Givens' collection.)

Florida Currency. Presented by Mrs. M. J. Ives. (Miss Givens? col-

Envelopes. Presented by Mrs. Aveilhe, Tampa, Fla. (Miss Givens'

One Confederate Note, $5.oo (No. 13567). Presented by Adjutant H.
L. Crane, Tampa, Florida.

One Confederate Note Twenty Dollars ($2o.oo) (No. 19545). In
memory of the "Lost Cause." Presented by Miss Janie Givens,
of Tampa, Florida.

[ 25 ]


Sketch of Life of General Finley, whose portrait hangs in Florida

One Blank Transportation Ticket, such as was used during the war.
Presented by Private H. L. Crane. (Miss Givens' collection.)

Newspaper Clippings. Presented by Miss Janie Givens, of Tampa,

One Confederate Bond or Certificate from Depository's office to Wil-
liam Hancock. (No. 3755.) Dated March 31, 1864. (Miss
Givens' collection.)

Letter, sent in memory of George Lalane, who was killed on a bat-
tlefield in Virginia. Presented by his sister, Mrs. Av6ilhe.
(Miss Givens' collection.)

Confederate Currency. Presented by Adjutant H. L. Crane, Confed-
erate veteran, Hillsborough, Tampa, Florida. One Hundred
Dollars ($Ioo.oo) (No. 4302); Ten Dollars ($io.oo) (No. 57637).


List of Prices of articles bought during the war. Presented by Mrs.
E. P. Hickson, of Lake City, Florida.

List of the Confederate Navy. Sent through Mrs. R. A. Patterson.

One Confederate Note Twenty Dollars ($2o.oo). Contributed by Mr.
Moesta, of Richmond, Virginia. Sent through Mrs. R. A. Pat-
terson, of Richmond, Virginia.

Concelled Bond of Territory of Florida. Presented by Miss Maury,
of Richmond, Virginia. Sent through Mrs. R. A. Patterson, of
Richmond, Virginia.


A Bill of Articles purchased during the war, and
A Tax Receipt. Presented by Mrs. Helen Parramore, of Madisor
Florida. Sent through Mrs. W. H. Dial.

[ 26

Music, partially burned at the firing of Fort Sumter, 1861. Con-
tributed by Mrs. Edward Badger, widow of Colonel Edward
Badger, of the Fourth Florida. It was given to her by Mrs. Sarah
Williams, of Ocala, Florida; picked up by her brother, James J.
Palmer, of St. Stephen's Parish, South Carolina. He was private
in Company K, Jenkins' Regiment of Palmetto Sharpshooters,
who went with South Carolina troops to Fort Sumter to assist
in extinguishing the flames of the captured fortress. He was
killed at the last battle of Manassas.

An Old Envelope which came out of the hospital books from Lake
City, Florida.

Two Confederate Notes, One Hundred Dollars ($Ioo.oo) and Ten
Dollars ($1o.oo). Contributed by Mr. Moesta, of Richmond,

Confederate States Bond. Contributed by Mrs. Sarah Williams, of
Ocala, Florida., through Mrs. Edward Badger.


Letter relating to cotton cards and sley, which are in large case and
numbered 39.

Two Little Sketches found in a diary taken from a Northern soldier
by George Lalane.

Letter descriptive of pistol used by Frederick Lykes. Large case,
No. 124. Presented by his sister, Mrs. Sheldon Stringer:

Confederate Note (5o cents). Presented by Miss Minnie Baughman,
of Richmond, Virginia.

A Sheet of Paper-kind used in South Carolina during the war. Pre-
sented by Sarah J. Williams, of Ocala, Florida, formerly of
South Carolina, through Mrs. Edward Badger, widow of Col.
Edward Badger, Fourth Florida Regiment, Ocala, Florida.

Two Envelopes made in Apalachecola during 1864. Presented by Mrs.
S. A. Hancock, through Miss Katherine Stiles, of Richmond,

[ 27

Small Photograph of General Kirby Smith. Presented by George R.
Poem by Mrs. Oltrogge, on the defence of Tallahassee-"The Battle
of Natural Bridge."


A Copy of the Ordinance of Secession.


Photograph of Lieutenant Joel C. Blake and his obituary; also a
notable Letter written during the war. Other letters relating
to him.
War-Time Newspaper Clipping. Presented by Miss Givens.
Small Note, fractional currency. Presented by Mrs. Louis Fleming.


Letters of Lieutenant Joel C. Blake.
Certificate of disability and application for discharge in case of John
Stepp, Captain Owen's Company, Fernandina, Florida.


Photograph and War Record of General Theodore Washington Bre-
vard. Presented by his daughter.


A Confederate Bond given Mr. Bisbee. Presented by Mrs. R. B.
Freeborn, of Jacksonville, in.memory of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cyrus Bisbee. (Loaned.)
Passport. Presented by Mrs. E. A. Miller.
Certificate of Discharge, James Hitt, private, Company C, Eleventh
Alabama Regiment.

[ 28 j

Memorial, G. W. Ward.

A Newspaper, "The Daily Citizen," Vicksburg, July 2, 1863. Printed
on wall paper two days before the surrender of Vicksburg. Pre-
sented by Mrs. Av&ilhe, of Tampa, Florida.

Letters from George M. Lalane. Presented by his sister, Mrs. L
Aveilhe, of Tampa, Florida.

Letter from Major R. A. Harris, last commander of Wheat's Battalion,
Army of Northern Virginia. This letter contains a synopsis of
his military career and an account of the field glasses he pre-
sented to the museum.

Letters from George M. Lalane, lieutenant, Company E, South Caro-
lina. Presented by Mrs. L. Aveilhe, of Tampa, Florida.

A Letter signed "Julius."

Blank Form for issuing order for transportation from Quartermaster's
Department, on brown paper. Found with some old papers of
Captain Arthur Roberts. Presented by General F. L. Robertson.

"Form of Commission used by State of Florida during the latter part
of the war. There were several commissions issued in i863-'4-'5,
they were all in the shape of this, and on the same blue
paper." Presented by General F. L. Robertson.

Photograph of Brigadier-General William A. Miller, C. S. A.

Photograph of Major-General E. M. Law.

"The Savannah Republican," September 2, 1863. Presented by Mrs.
T. H. Randolph, of Tallahassee, Fla.

( 29 ]


Newspaper Clippings from the Memorial Edition of the "Times-
Union," Jacksonville, Florida, as follows:
"Stephen Russell Mallory."
"General J. J. Dickison," by Mrs. F. M. Cooley.
"The Garys in Battle," by Mrs. Fannie R. Gary.
"The Federal Raid at Marianna, Fla.," by H. Robison, formerly
*assistant surgeon, U. S. A.
"General Finley's Brigade," by U. D. C., Madison, Fla.
Newspaper photo, Captain Francis P. Fleming, and an account
of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Fleming.
"Captain G. Washington Parkhill," by Harriet Randolph Park-
"Return of the Battle Flags," a poem, by M. E. Dew.


Map of Southern Part of Florida, used by General J. C. Breckenridge,
when escaping from the Federals through Florida at the end of
the war. Letter accompanying relic from W. L. Wittich, Com-
pany E, Fifty-sixth Alabama Cavalry, Johnston's Army:
"Mr. Russell, who took General John C. Breckenridge in a
sailboat from Florida to Cuba, gave the map to Mr. W. H.
Toomb, of Cardenas, Cuba, who gave it to me. This map
was used by General Breckenridge in the journey through
Florida, May, 1865. I was in the escort of President Davis
and his Cabinet, including General Breckenridge, from
Greensboro, N. C., to Washington, Ga. We arrived in
Washington about May 3, 1865. There was held a Cabinet
meeting in the second story of a small brick office, at the
door of which I was posted as guard, by my captain, F. D.
N. Riley, of Greensville, Ala., who had about thirteen of
his company present. After this meeting was over, we were
given twenty-one dollars each, in coin, and told the war
was ended. Mr. Davis left, going South early the following
morning. Our little squad, going to our homes in South
Alabama, followed close behind for about five days, until
we were captured and paroled on the evening of May 6th
at Brown's Ferry, Georgia. The second day afterwards Mr.
Davis was captured about twenty-five miles south of us,
our squad being the last soldiers with Mr. Davis.
"W. L. Wittich."

[ 30 ]


Paper, "The Quincy Republic," Quincy, Florida, August 1860. Pre-
sented by Mrs. M. F. McKay, of Tampa.


Fractional Bills of Confederate money of States of South Carolina
and Florida, and a letter from Mr. Samuel H. Harris, of Quincy,
to his niece, Mrs. Angie McNeill Givens. Mr. Samuel Harris
was killed at the battle of Shiloh. Presented by Mrs. M. F.
McKay, of Tampa, in memory of her mother, Mrs. Tom Givens.

A Four Per Cent. Registered Bond (No. 1396) of February 17, 1864.

Five Dollar Confederate Note.

Letter to Miss E. M. Lalane from George Lalane, lieutenant Com-
pany E.


History of "The Ochlawaha Rangers."


In Memoriam, Honorable Columbus Drew, of the Treasury Depart-
ment, Confederate States of America, born at Alexandria, Vir-
ginia, 1820; died at Jacksonville, Florida, 1891. Newspaper
clippings as follows:
"Battle of Ocean Pond."
"Generals Sent Out from Florida." Mr. Telamon Cuyler fur-
nishes valuable data.
"R. E. Lee Camp passes resolutions on the death of General
Baya and Reverend Weller."
"Famous Ordinance of Secession." Presented by Mrs. Max-

[ 31 1

"Florida Secession Convention." Its personnel, as compiled
by H. Clay Crawford, Secretary of State, from original
"Captain Leo Vogel." Presented by Mrs. T. W. Randolph,
of Tallahassee.


I Flag of the First and Third Florida. Presented in memory of
Captain Charles Stebbins, of Monticello, Florida, by Mrs.

- Flag of "The Florida Independent Blues" of St. Augustine, Com-
pany B, Third Florida Infantry, Army of Tennessee. Pre-
sented to them by the ladies of St. Augustine, when the Com-
pany went into service in 1861.

3 Flag of the Florida Battery, Marion Light Artillery. This flag
was presented to the company by the ladies of Marion county.
The material of it was a crimson shawl given for that pur-
pose by Mrs. J. J. Dickison from her wedding trousseau. The
spear head for the staff was made from a silver comb given
also by Mrs. Dickison. The rings attaching the staff and the
ferrule were made from trinkets given by the ladies of Marion
county. The silver attachments were stolen when the flag
fell, temporarily, into the hands of the enemy. Sent through
Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel, of Richmond, Virginia.

4 Poem on the Flag of the Marion Light Artillery, written by Col.
William T. Stockton.


I Map of Orange and Spotsylvania counties made in the Engineer's
Office at Richmond, Virginia, and used constantly by General
J. E. B. Stuart up to the time of his mortal wound at Yellow
Tavern. From Major Fitzhugh's collection in note-book and
sabre-tache. Major Fitzhugh was on the staff of General J.
E. B. Stuart. Sent through Mrs. F. P. Fleming, as were all
other articles in list following, except where otherwise stated.

[ 32 ]

2 Map of Eastern Virginia, made in Engineer's Office of Richmond,
Virginia. Used constantly by General J. E. B. Stuart. From
the collection in note-book and sabre-tache of Major N. R.
Fitzhugh, of General Stuart's staff.

3 Flag of the first Confederate privateer, "The Jefferson Davis." E. F. Gilbert, of Jacksonville, Fla.

4 Cutlasses of the armament of the C. S. A. Letter of Marque
privateer, "The Jefferson Davis," which made eleven captures
in six months. Sunk on St. Augustine Bar, 1861. Presented
by Miss Brevard, of St. Augustine.

5 Portrait of Honorable Stephen R. Mallory, Secretary of Con-
federate Navy. Presented by his wife, Mrs. Stephen R. Mal-
lory, of Pensacola, Florida. Sent through Mrs. John Purcell,
of Richmond, Va.

6 Embroidered Flag of St. Augustine Guards. Organized in 1885.
Not a relic. Company B, First Battalion, Florida State

7 Florida Currency, 1861-1865. Presented by Mrs. Leo Vogel.

8 Crayon Portrait of General Patton Anderson. Presented by his
widow, Mrs. Patton Anderson, of Palatka, Florida.

9 Portrait of Colonel John P. Sanderson, Florida Representative,
Confederate Congress. Presented by his daughter, Miss Min-
nie Sanderson.

Io General Loring's Sash, worn in the War of the Confederacy, and
when he was Pasha in the Army of the Khedive of Egypt.
Loaned by Dr. R. B. Borroughs, of Jacksonville, Florida.

S1 Photograph of General Loring, of Florida, in his uniform as Pasha
of Egypt. He served as an officer in the U. S. A. and lost an
arm at the City of Mexico. He was an officer in the C. S. A.,
and in the service of the Khedive of Egypt.

12 Confederate States Bond for one thousand dollars. Framed and
presented by the Martha Reid Chapter, U. D. C., Jacksonville,

13 Portrait in crayon of General Finegan. Presented by the Martha
Reid Chapter of U. D. C., Jacksonville, Florida.

1 33 ]

14 A Copy of the "Daily Citizen" printed on wall-paper, July 2, 1863,
during the siege of Vicksburg.
15 Florida State Bond for $500oo.oo, in pursuance of an ordinance
passed by the Convention of Florida, April 26, 1861. Con-
tributed by Mrs. Northern, of Richmond, Virginia.
16 Canteen of Captain Charles Seton Fleming, Company G, Second
Florida Infantry.

17 Flag of the St. John's Grays, of Jacksonville, Company G, Second
Florida Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia, made and pre-
sented to the Company by the sisters of its first Captain,
James Jaquelin Daniel. This Company, among the first raised
in the State, proceeded with its regiment to Virginia in July,
1861; served on the Yorktown Peninsula, and was engaged in
nearly every important battle in the State until its small
fragment surrendered at Appomattox. Captain Daniel, dur-
ing the war, became colonel of the First Regiment of Florida
Reserves, and was engaged in the battle of Natural Bridge,
Florida. Presented in memory of its first captain, James
Jaquelin Daniel, by his wife.

18 Flag under which was captured the first United States flag that
was taken on the high seas in a raid off Cedar Keys, when
Lieutenant Selden, of the U. S. N., was captured and several
prizes. It was presented to Captain Moore, of the Columbia
Rifles in Lake City, Florida, in 1861, by Mrs. E. A. Mitchell,
whose letter of presentation is preserved. (See letter in Glass
Leaf Case, No. Ix.)

g1 Portrait of Judge Baker, Confederate Senator from Florida, 1862;
re-elected in 1864. Associate Justice of Supreme Court of
21 Sash and Commission of Captain Vans Randell, of Madison, Fla.
Presented by himself.

22 Letter from General Kirby Smith to General Joseph E. Johnston,
and a
Letter from General Bragg. Loaned by the Virginia Historical

23 Photograph of General Lee on "Traveler." Contributed by Mr.
Bruce, of Richmond, Virginia.

[ 34 1

24 Resolution of Thanks to General Bailey and Dr. Henry Bacon,
for services rendered soldiers and their families during the
war. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. William T. Parsons,
Sr., of Jacksonville, Florida, in memory of her father.
25 Commission of Colonel Dickison. Presented by him.
27 Battle Flag of the Third Florida Infantry, Finley's Brigade. At
the surrender of Johnston's Army this flag was cut from its
staff by one of the color guard, Frank E. Saxon, of Company
C ("Wildcats"), who stuffed it in his shirt bosom and brought
it home. It is presented by him.
29 Photograph of Leyden House, the residence of Major H. Leyden,
Ninth Georgia Battalion, Fifth Battery Light Artillery. Pre-
sented by his daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Haynes, of Jackson-
ville, Florida.

30 Photograph of Confederate States sloop of war, "The Florida,"
taken at Brest, France, 1863, from a sketch made by Acting-
Master Floyd. The Florida and the prizer fitted out from her
crew destroyed fifty-two vessels of the United States Mer-
chant Marine and one Unite& States Revenue Cutter. It was
finally captured by the U. S. ship "Wauchusett" at Bahia,
Brazil. The picture is presented by Mrs. Leo Vogel.

31 Photograph of Lieutenant Raymond Jencks Reid, member of
Company H, Second Florida Infantry, J. W. Starke, captain,
1861. He served as a sergeant in said company until detailed
in Virginia as quartermaster sergeant of said regiment,
about one year, and was then appointed sergeant-major of
the regiment. After the battle of Gettysburg he was ap-
pointed adjutant of the regiment, and was killed at the battle
of the Wilderness in Virginia. This photograph was owned
by the Honorable F. P. Fleming, who requested that it be
sent to this museum after his death.
Raymond Jencks Reid was the son of Mrs. Martha Reid,
who was Matron of the Florida Hospital in Richmond during
the war. She kissed this son good-bye in the morning, and
in the evening of the same day his body was brought back
from the battlefield. He is buried in Hollywood, Richmond.
Mrs. Reid had given this cherished photograph at her death
to Governor F. P. Fleming.

1 35 ]

32 Portrait of Dr. Palmer, surgeon of Second Florida Regiment,
Monticello, Florida.

33 Photograph members of the Secession Convention of Florida,
held in 1861, with names attached. Presented by Mrs. Lizzie
Benedict in memory of her father, Simmons Jones Baker.

34 Engravings, framed together, of Governor F. P. Fleming and Cap-
tain D. E. Maxwell. They were life-long friends, and as sol-
diers were in the same tent. Picture of Governor Fleming
presented by his family. Picture of Captain Maxwell pre-
sented by his daughter, Mrs. Dillon.

35 Photograph of General Kirby Smith. Presented by his wife.

36 Shield of Florida, embroidered on white silk by Mrs. Douglas,
seventy-nine years old. Done in memory of her husband,
Judge Douglas. Materials for embroidering shield given by,
a number of Tallahassee ladies. Mrs. Douglas was a daughter
of Governor Brown. Procured by the solicitation of Mrs.

Portrait in oils of General Kirby Smith. Frame given by the Kirby
Smith e a ... f..tLf. % ivmt/ t -


39 Stand of Confederate Colors, painted and presented by Mrs.
Rogers, of Jacksonville.

4o Crayon Portrait of Lieutenaat-Colonel William T. Stockton, First
Florida Cavalry, Army of Tennessee. Presented by his
daughter, Mrs. John Freeman Young, of Jacksonville, Florida.

41 Muster Roll and Pay Roll of Captain Lang. He, with his com-
pany and regiment, went to Virginia in July, 1862; partici-
pated with the Army of Northern Virginia in all the great
battles from Second Manassas to Appomattox; was soon pro-
moted to Colonel of his Regiment, and commanded Perry's
Florida Brigade at Gettysburg, participating in the desperate
charges of July 2nd and 3rd. Presented by General David
Lang, of Florida, the original captain of Eighth Florida In-
fantry; Adjutant-General of Florida from 1885 to 1893.

[ 36 ]

42 Portrait of General J. J. Finley. Presented by him. (See short
biographical sketch in Leaf 30, Glass Leaf Case.)

43 A Set of Resolutions offered General Dickison for gallantry.
Presented by Mrs. Roselle Cooley, of Jacksonville, Florida.

44 Photographs of General and Mrs. Dickison, of Florida. Presented
by Mrs. Roselle Cooley, of Jacksonville, Florida.


I Chair, forming part of a set used by President Davis while living
in this house (now the Confederate Museum). Presented by
Mrs. Norman Randolph, Vice-Regent Tennessee Room.

2 Chair. Presented by Mrs. Murphy in memory of Lieutenant Miles
Jones Murphy, Company A, First Florida.

3 Small Mahogany Table, with leaves. Presented in memory of
Captain Aristides Doggett, Third Florida.

4 and 5 Solid Shot. During the war Fort Pickens, on Santa Rosa
Island, was held by the Federal Army. From the Navy Yard,
opposite Fort Pickens, and from Forts Barancas and McRae,
both situated west of the Navy Yard, there was firing at Fort
Pickens and the blockading fleet. In 1897, while dredging the
bar at the mouth of the harbor at Pensacola, these solid shot
were taken up in a suction dredge, having been fired from
Confederate guns, fallen short of the mark, and after thirty
years, brought up from the depths of the sea. Presented by
General W. D. Chipley, of Pensacola, Fla.

6 Camp Chair of General Beauregard, used by him during his short
sojourn in Florida. When he was called to the defence of
Charleston, S. C., it was presented to Captain T. E. Buckman,
C. S. A., at Olustee, who prized it not only as a souvenir of a
brave and gallant soldier, but of the cause they both loved so
well. Presented by Mrs. T. E. Buckman.

7 Washstand from Confederate cruiser, "Chickamauga," Presented
in memory of Duncan McLauren, of Jacksonville, Florida, by
his wife.

[ 37 1

8 Mahogany Table. Presented in memory of Colonel A. C. Blount,
C. S. Engineer of Pensacola, Florida. Presented by his daugh-
ter, Miss Carrie Blount.

9 Chandelier. In memory of Lieutenant-Colonel Stockton, First
Florida Cavalry, Army of Tennessee. Presented by his
daughter, Mrs. John Freeman Young.


Fractional Currency. Presented by Mr. John Croft, of Lake Butler,
through Joe Wheeler Chapter of U. D. C.

Picture of Apalachicola, Florida, 1830.

A Letter from S. H. Harris to Miss Angie McNeil. Presented by
Miss Givens, of Tampa.

A Letter from George Lalane, to Miss E. M. Lalane.

Literature describing Confederate Monuments in Florida.

List of Officers, Company D, First Florida Cavalry. Presented by
Mr. Moses Blackwelder, whose grandfather was an officer in
this company.

Account of the presentation of a flag to Governor Perry by the ladies
of Broward's Neck.

Pamphlet of ceremonies at the unveiling of the Confederate monu-
ment in Jacksonville. From Governor Fleming.

Lines by Columbus Drew, read on occasion of the dedication of the
Soldiers' Monument at Tallahassee in the Capitol Grounds, 1880.

Historical Record of monument erected at St. Augustine, November
I, 1879.

History of the Memorial Society formed in Tallahassee after the late
civil war, by Ellen Call Long and ladies assisting.

[ 38 1

Memories from Prominent Women of Florida Regarding the War
between the States, from Memorial Edition of "The Times-

Pieces of Pine cut from the battlefield of Olustee, with bullets im-
bedded. Presented by Senator D. U. Fletcher, of Florida, who
made the masterly address on the occasion of the unveiling of
the State Monument.

Items of Florida History. Presented by Mrs. Maxwell.

Small Photograph of Memorial Window, in memory of Father Ryan,
in Catholic Church at Tampa, Fla. Donated by daughters of
the Confederacy.

A Collection of Photographs of prominent men, soldiers, and generals
of the sixties, taken from a war-time album. Presented by Mrs.
E. L. Aveilhe, of Tampa, Florida.


Confederate Monument erected on Plaza at St. Augustine, draped at
the death of President Davis. Photograph presented by Mrs.
Leo Vogel.

Return of Battle Flags which were captured in the North. Scene is
in Representative Hall, Tallahassee, Florida. Photograph sent
by Miss Brevard, of Tallahassee.

Confederate Monument at Tallahassee, Florida. Photograph pre-
sented by Miss Brevard, of Tallahassee.
The above three framed together.

Confederate Monument at Ocala, erected by the Dickison Chapter,
U. D. C. Photograph presented by the Dickison Chapter, U.
D. C.

Confederate Monument at Gainesville, Florida. Erected by Kirby
Smith Chapter, U. D. C.
Confederate Monument at Jacksonville erected by -l st*I-
*% AtA-49o& e.

Confederate Monument at Orlando, Florida, erected by Annie Cole-
man Chapter U. D. C., No. 225. Photograph framed and pre-
sented by U. D. C. Chapter.

Confederate Monument at Madison, Florida, erected by Elizabeth
Harris Chapter, U. D. C. Photograph presented by Mrs. T. C,

Confederate Monument at Tampa, Florida, erected by Tampa Chap-
ter, U. D. C., No. 113. Photograph presented by Mrs. G. R.
Moore, president local chapter, U. D. C.

Monument at Lakeland, Florida. Photograph presented by Mrs. T.
J. Dg(racott, President Local Chapter, U. D. C.

Olustee Monument, Unframed Picture of, erected upon the famous
battlefield of Olustee, Florida. Photograph presented by Mrs.
Roselle C. Cooley, Chairman on Location for the Monument.

Monument at Pensacola, Florida. Photograph presented by General
W. L. Wittich, of Pensacola, Florida.

S.r .; '

[ 40 ]