*209 Orange Ave.
.Daytona Beach, Florida
*1 /
A. ?. Trainor
500 words
Feature:. FLORA
(DeLand Environs)
April 20, 1936
A. -. T.
Ponce DeLeon Springs is 27 miles from-
Daytona Beach, 9 miles north of-DeLand. The crystal
spring, scintillating,/set in a growth of huge Oendro-
pogon Usneoides (Spanish.moss)-draped Quercus Virginiana
(live oaks), Phoenix Sylvestris (Indiandate palms), Sabal
-palmetto (cabbage palmetto palms), vines and tangled
floral growth.
It is the site of ruins of an old Spanish
sugar mili, with its water-wheel still turning. The
Spring discharges a very large volume of water, said to be
80,000 gallons per minute, and supposedly coming from an
underground river. The temperature of the water is 7P
degrees throughout the year.-
The principal items of interesting data
connected with DeLeon Springs, The Fountain of Youth and
the only spring bearing the name of Ponce deLeon, are that
ponoe-deLeon landed on Florida soil April 3, 1512, and
some years later came back to colonize.
A Casino, locat-d beside the Springs,
where lodging is obtainable, provides also a dining-room
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, e-atur 'FLOfRA (D eL& t En viro ns) ; -
Daytona Beach, Fla. .
where large and small luncheon and dinner parties are served.
fed by this great Spring
The lakes/are ideal for boating and canoeing.
The swimming.is excellent. A large-dance floor of the most
modern type has been constructed adjoining the'main poroh of
the Casino.
A bowl of blue sky, strangely-enough not re-
flecting its blue, lies hidden in tropical foliage. Follow-
ing a narrow path through a jungle of Babal palrietto (cabbage
palmetto), Dendroeosn usneoide6 (Spanish moss)-hung Querous
virpiniana (live oaks), and tropical flowers,. one comes to
this rare spring. The gurgle of the spring as its water is "
forced from ics transparent depth is never stilled. It .is
one of the most beautiful of the many wonderful springs of
Florida. Clear water, a deep blue, and equatic plants,
fishes and other life seen in its dep-ths are different'
shades of this hue. .The basin is 70 ft. in diameter, 40
ft. deep. Volume is sufficient to feed a stream 10 .ft.
wide and 5 ft. deep. The current flows at the rate of 5
miles per hour.
Surrounding the springs are wild flowers,
ferns, Dendropogon Usneoides-covered Quercue virainiana,
Sabal palmetto, Tamala borbonia (sweet bay), Magnolia
Foetida (magnolia), and thick vines.
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F, DI._aytona Bea6h, ^la, ,
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Fourteen mibs southeast of DeLand .is Green
Springs, a jade green spring overcast by Dendrooogon
usneoides, draped Querous, Sabal palmettos, Surrounded as
it is by thiok Florida jungles of vines, Magnolia foetida,
Tamala borbonia (sweet bay), wild ferns, and other semi-
it harbors
tropical plants,/the grave of Polly Taylor, said to be the
first white person buried south of St. Augustine.
Cu the rollins uplands, 6 miles south of
DeLand, lies Orange City, a beautiful little town nestling
under the shade of widespread Querous virginiana and their
draping DendroDpoon usneoldes, lining the avenues ,and park- *
Orange City is famous for its mineral water,
bottled ad' shipped to all parts of the world, and was
awarded first prize at the World's Fair in St. Louis, the
world's purest water.
Nearby, the high cut-over pine lands are
especially adapted to citrus and fern growing.
\ N
."'.. I. ,' "By Rubye K. Goebel
Edited by A. W. Trainer
April-20, 1936
DeLand City Directory and Guide 1934. Pub. C. L. Coy, Tampa,
Fla. Property of Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce.
A Guide to Florida (Kims) by Ethel Byrum Kimball and The *
Record Co., St. Augustine, Fla.
Agriculture in Volusia County Florida. Compiled by Helene
E. Pillsbury, printed by The Drew Press, Jacksonville, Fla.
,Standardized P.ant names, American Joint Committee on Horti-
oultural Nomenolature, Salem, Mass. 1924. Daytona Beach
Public Library.
Florida Trees, A Handbook of the Native and Naturalized
Trees of Florida, by John Kinkel Small, Ph.D., So.D., N.Y.
Pub. by author, 1913. D.B. Public Library.
In Florida Gardens, by Mrs. Millar Wilson and Mrs. John A.
Ferg uson, Pub. by the authzor, 1934. D.B. Public Library.
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