Academics: a monthly newsletter for the faculty of the University of Florida

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Academics: a monthly newsletter for the faculty of the University of Florida
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Academics: a monthly newsletter for the faculty of the University of Florida
University of Florida. Senate
University of Florida Faculty Senate, University of Florida
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A Monthly Newsletter for the Faclty o the Unersity of F idised by the acul Sente

Buzz: Shared Governance

By: Danaya Wright, Faculty Senate Chair
I hope you have been witnessing a
flurry of activity around shared gover-
nance in your college. If so, it is a
result of a lot of work by your col-
leagues that has brought us to this
critical time. As you may recall, in
August, 2005, President Machen and
Senate Chair Kim Tanzer organized a
Danaya Wright joint task force on the Implementation
of Shared Governance Structure. That group was co-
chaired by Jean Larson (CLAS) and Tony Brennan
(Eng), both former Senate chairs. That committee
worked diligently through last year and wrote a
lengthy report on shared governance at the local unit
(college, department, center) level. The report was
adopted by the Faculty Senate at the April, 2006
Senate meeting, and supported by the Board of
Trustees at its June, 2006 meeting. The report is
available on the Senate's Web site at
Besides containing a lot of valuable information on
the principles of shared governance, best practices for
shared governance, and resources to assess your own
unit's level of shared governance, the report required
each unit to form a unit-level shared governance task
force (SGTFs) to evaluate, develop, and implement
better shared governance in each unit. Each SGTF is
to report back to the Senate Chair and the appropriate
Vice President the results of its work during the 2006-
2007 academic year by April 30, 2007.


Over this past summer and in the early fall I
charged the senators from each college or academic
unit to make these SGTFs happen.
The Senate cohorts are to determine the size and
composition of their own unit's SGTF, subject to the
one requirement that the faculty membership must be
elected by the faculty. In some colleges, for instance,
there already existed an elected faculty group that was
looking at shared governance structures and proce-
dures, and so the senators determined that that group
should continue its work and be responsible for
fulfilling the charge laid out by the report. Other units
decided to take a subset of a pre-existing elected
faculty body (like a council or executive committee)
and supplement that group with elected senators.
Other units simply decided to have their senators, or a
subset of senators, fulfill this task, because the diffi-
culty of holding another election would take valuable
time away from that needed to fulfill the report's
charge. In any event, each college, as well as the
units represented by the library and group one sena-
tors, should have a fully functioning SGTF that is
meeting regularly to investigate and develop better
shared governance procedures and mechanisms in the
I have received many inquiries about these SGTFs
and their role within the academic units, and so I
thought I would simply mention a few of them and
provide some brief answers.
see Wright, pg. 2


Shared Governance Info 3

Faculty Senate News


6 Senate Agenda

College in Focus

A Monthly Newslette r r the Faculty of the University of Forida

Wrightfrom, pg. 1
Are these SGTFs senate committees? No, the
Senate resolved that each unit should create one, but each
is a unit-level committee. The unit senators are expected
to make sure the committee fulfills its charge, and it is
asked to respond to the senate chair, but it also must
respond to its academic vice president.
What role should administration play on these
SGTFs? The dean, director, chair, or appropriate
administrator should appoint members to the SGTF to
represent the administration. Those members are
fully-voting members of the SGTF and they are re-
sponsible for bringing to the table the voice and
concerns of the administration. Remember, these are
SHARED governance task forces.
Should students or staff serve on these SGTFs?
The answer to this question is unit-specific. In units
like the libraries, for example, where there is a strong
cohort of non-faculty professional staff that have a
valid interest in shared governance, the answer is
most likely yes. In some units, like academic technol-
ogy for instance, students probably aren't appropriate.
Each unit has to come to its own decision on this.
How do I discover the composition of my
SGTF? If you aren't directly involved and haven't
been contacted by members of your SGTF, contact
your senators and they should be able to tell you
what is happening with your unit SGTF.
What if I have ideas about improving shared
governance, what do I do? If your unit has mecha-
nisms available for bringing ideas to appropriate
committees, then follow them. We hope that many of
your unit SGTFs are holding workshops (or will be
doing so soon) to solicit feedback and to inform
faculty of their goals.
Can I just sit back and let others do all this
work? No, not only will shared governance not work
if faculty do not get involved, but any constitutional
changes, or significant policy changes involving
governance mechanisms will most likely need to be
approved by a full faculty vote. So at the very least
you need to become informed voters on these issues.

What if the administration and the faculty pro-
foundly disagree on some procedure or
mechanism? Then they need to keep working on it
until they come to a position they can both agree on.
Shared governance is SHARED both the administra-
tion and the faculty need to feel confident that any
new procedures or mechanisms for governance are
ones they can all live with and follow.
Why do faculty want to get involved in the
administration's decision? It's not about interfering,
it's about getting input from the relevant people so the
best decisions are made. Sometimes there isn't time
to run issues by numerous faculty committees, but that
does not mean faculty should not be consulted even
when decisions have to be made quickly. On the
other hand, decisions involving academic policies
should be primarily within the purview of the faculty.
It is up to the faculty, therefore, to make sure that
mechanisms exist so they can properly execute this
Is all this shared governance talk for real? Yes,
the administration and the Board of Trustees are
committed to shared governance at the local level and
will do their best to insure that it is functioning prop-
erly. They agree with faculty that the best decisions
are made when multiple viewpoints are expressed
and when as much information as possible is brought
to the table.
What if I still have questions? Feel free to contact
any members of the Joint Task Force (whose mem-
bers are identified on the report and on the Senate
Web site), or contact me at:


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A Monthly Newslettei r r the Faculty of the University of Forida

AAUP Indicators of Shared Governance

One important resource for shared governance infor-
mation is the AAUP Web site. There you can find
surveys, reports, and information about the mechanisms
of shared governance. One useful report is their Indica-
tors of Shared Governance, which is a simple checklist
that should allow you to spot where governance proce-
dures in your unit are working well, and where you
might want to consider making changes. A summary of
these indicators are below.

BOT and President verbally acknowledge the
importance of shared governance
Faculty view participation in shared governance as
a worthwhile faculty responsibility
Institution fosters SG by maintaining reasonable
work loads & supporting service work
Faculty members can express dissenting views on
governance without reprisal
Campus climate supports a diversity of ideas
Relationships between faculty, administrators, and
governing board are cooperative
Procedures for grievances are consistent with AAUP
standards of due process
Communications are transparent and carried out in
good faith
Given reasonable time, the faculty, administrators,
and board respond expeditiously to requests from
each other
Faculty committees determine educational policy,
curriculum design, curriculum review, and standards
for evaluating teaching and scholarship.
Faculty committees largely determine standards for
hiring, retention and promotion of faculty
Faculty sets agendas, chooses representatives and
leadership, and establishes procedures for committees
that oversee those areas in which the faculty has

Faculty periodically reviews and proposes changes
to governance procedures and documents
Faculty representatives have adequate time to
consult with their constituencies before voting on
important issues
Faculty has an influential role in developing the
institutional budget
The faculty SHARES with the board the primary
responsibility for selecting a president
The faculty has a strong influence on the selection
and evaluation of academic administrators
Faculty senators keep their constituents informed of
the agendas and actions of the senate



A Monthly Newslette r r the Faculty of the University of Forida

Unit Level Shared Governance Updates

Each academic unit should have its shared governance
task force in place by now. We have requested informa-
tion from each to let you know how your college or unit
is doing. If we have not listed information for your unit,
you should check with your senators and encourage
them to be more communicative with their faculty as
well as with the Senate office.

Agricultural and Life Sciences
Update not available
Business Administration
Update not available
Design, Construction and Planning
Update not available
In response to both the Faculty Senate request and
the dean's charge, the Steering Committee met with
the college's senators and decided to review previous
documentation related to the structure of shared
governance at the college and prepare a brief, docu-
ment with flow charts in response to Dr. Dolan's
charge to the Steering Committee. Two members of
the Steering Committee are preparing the draft docu-
ment which will then be reviewed by the Steering
Committee and ultimately distributed to all faculty for
comment and discussion. It is anticipated that the final
document will be submitted by the Senate's deadline
in the spring.
The College of Education is in its sixth year of a
system of shared governance. A college constitution
guides the operation of the Faculty Policy Council and
is assisted in its work through nine standing commit-
tees. This year the COE is revising its annual report
guidelines to make shared governance work more
visible and valued. In addition, upcoming conversa-
tions with department chairs will address the issue of
considering shared governance work in merit determi-
nations. Also, the COE will develop a system for
annual periodic assessment by the faculty of the
effectiveness of shared governance.

Update not available
Fine Arts
The faculty of the College of Fine Arts (CFA) ap-
proved their first Constitution on August 18, 2006. A
constitution committee representing two faculty from
each of the College's three Schools began to craft the
document in September 2004. The committee's efforts
were capped in the Spring term of 2006 with three
College-wide constitution workshops that informed
and gathered input from the CFA faculty.
Health and Human Performance
Update not available
Journalism and Communications
The College of Journalism and Communications has
been hard at work on developing a shared
governance model since January of 2005, when the
college faculty elected nine faculty members to
develop a model of shared governance.
This committee began meeting regularly in February
of 2005. In November of 2005 the faculty voted to
establish a faculty senate and, while there was
majority support for the establishment of a faculty
senate, the vote fell 8 votes short of a 2/3 majority as
required for changes to the college's constitution. This
committee was discharged in spring of 2006 and a
new committee elected in October 2006.
The 2006-07 Shared Governance Task Force elected
a chair, Julie Dodd. The committee anticipates regular
meetings and will present a model for college
implementation of shared governance to the college
faculty in spring 2007.
The SGTF for law has met twice and is currently
going through our detailed policies to determine
which ones to bring to faculty workshops for input
and evaluation. We hope to have 2 or 3 workshops
with faculty in the early spring, and bring relevant
changes to the full faculty by April.



A Monthly Newslette r r the Faculty of the University of Forida

Liberal Arts and Sciences
The CLAS Task Force on Shared Governance identi-
fied two items that needed immediate attention in the
College. It has recommended amendments to the
CLAS Constitution which will create an elected Execu-
tive Committee and an elected and partially appointed
Finance Committee for the College. These committees
would represent the Faculty to the Dean. They will
have regular meetings with the Dean. The creation of
these committees will begin a process of representa-
tive participation, transparency, and mutual
Much more needs to be done to implement all the
requirements of the Task Force on Shared Gover-
nance. The CLAS Task Force will continue its work.
Update not available
The College of Nursing has a 10 year history of
effective Shared Governance. Recently, a Faculty
Senator, our Faculty Organization President and the
Dean met to review and amend the College By-laws
to align with the University's Shared Governance
initiative, and those revisions were approved by the
Update not available
Public Health and Health Professions
PHHP senators have established a work plan for
shared governance. We are forming a "Shared Gover-
nance Steering Committee" to assess the current state
of shared governance at the departmental and college
level, prioritize aspects of shared governance that are
most important to our faculty and write our constitu-
tion, bylaws, etc. In the next few weeks, the senator
will attend departmental faculty meetings, make a
short presentation, and ask each department to elect 2
representatives to the steering committee.

Veterinary Medicine
Update not available
University Libraries
In Fall 2005, the faculty of the three campus Library
systems met to explore possible structures for a faculty
assembly body. Bylaws were drafted in Spring 2006
and formation of the Library Faculty Assembly (LFA)
was approved in June. Assessment of LFA and College
Administration shared governance interactions will
begin shortly.

Group One
Update not available


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A Monthly Newslette r r the Faculty of the University of Forida

College in Focus: Liberal Arts & Sciences

College at a Glance
The following information is provided to increase our
mutual understanding of each other's disciplines at the
University of Florida. It is not intended to suggest a
hierarchy among our colleges, but rather to reflect the
intellectual and organizational diversity each college
lends to the University.
Total number of faculty (Fall 2006)
Total Number: 802
Ranked: 646
Lecturers: 93
Non-ranked faculty: 63
Number of faculty in tenure or tenure earning
positions (Fall 2006)
Tenured Faculty: 451
Tenure Track: 195
Non-Tenured: 156
Number of Degrees Granted (2005-2006)
Bachelor: 2,657
Master: 169
Doctorate: 169
Student credit hours generated annually (2005-
Lower: 307,663
Upper: 160,817
Grad I: 17,213
Grad II: 25,430
Enrollment (Fall 2006)
Undergraduate: 12,377
Graduate: 1,922
NonDegree: 90
PostBacc (with prep for graduate school): 25
Student/Faculty ratio:
Undergraduate: 15:1
Graduate: 3:1
Funded research expenditures:
Sponsored Research: $39,940,632
UF Research Foundation $1,025,417
Overhead Returned: $8,208,151
Overhead Received: $2,247,608
Foundation Endowments: $63,932,040.82;
Funds Available from Endowments: $6,072,034.44

College development during the past year:
Gifts: $6,509,079.75
Pledges: $7,289,700.76

College Narrative
By: Scott Nygren, Senator
The College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences is the largest college at UF,
and the core of the university. More
than 800 faculty are responsible for
teaching at least 35,000 students each
year, including more than 12,000 un-
dergraduate majors and nearly 2,000
graduate students. The college offers
not only the majority of the university's core curricu-
lum courses, but 40 undergraduate majors and 42
minors, as well as advanced degrees. These courses
and degrees are offered through 30 departments and
programs, while 26 active centers and institutes pursue
interdisciplinary research, teaching, and service.
College faculty rank among the best in the nation,
and contribute to UF's reputation both through their
extensive publications and grants, and through na-
tional and international awards. CLAS's many
conferences and visitors also make the college a vital
center of intellectual activity for the university commu-
nity at large. At the same time, the college's
international programs, across Europe, Latin America,
Africa, and Asia, are responsible for making UF
known throughout the world. The college is one of
the oldest at UF, and was first organized in 1910. As
affirmed in the Strategic Work Plan, the college's
continued excellence is the foundation on which UF's
aspirations to top-tier status is based.
CLAS continues to develop self-governance, and the
CLAS Assembly has met this fall to form new commit-
tees to take further responsibility for the college's
future. Following the initiative of the Faculty Senate,
CLAS senators will also be working to facilitate self-
governance in a more systematic way across



A Monthly Newslette r r the Faculty of the University of Flor1da


While the 802 faculty members in the university's
largest college are charged with the responsibility of
teaching the majority of the university's core curricu-
lum to at least 35,000 students each year, they still find
time to pursue cutting-edge interdisciplinary research
and achieve international attention for their contribu-
tions to society. The following faculty from the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are only a few of
the many individuals whose research, teaching and
service were recognized in 2005-06. This selection is
meant to suggest the breadth and depth of the efforts
in which our outstanding faculty engage.
Anthony Oliver-Smith (Anthropol-
ogy) was selected to hold the Munich
Re Foundation Chair on Social Vulner-
ability at the Institute for Environment
and Human Security of United Nations
University in Bonn, Germany for 2007-

Elizabeth Lada (Astronomy) was one of 13 U.S.
astronomers appointed to the Senior Review Board of
the National Science Foundation's Division of Astro-
nomical Sciences to examine the organization's
investments in the astronomical research community.
Husband and wife research team
Doug and Pam Soltis (Botany) have
received several international awards.
Their book, "Phylogeny and Evolution
of Angiosperms, received the 2005
Stebbins Medal from the International
Association of Plant Taxonomists. They
Doug Soltis also received the Centennial Award
from the Botanical
Society of America, along with William
Stern in their department and David
Dilcher in the Florida Museum of
Natural History. Finally, they received
the Asa Gray Award from the American
Society of Plant Taxonomists.

George Christou (Chemistry) was
invited by the Supreme Court of
Canada to serve on the Scientific
Advisory Panel on Nanoscience. The
panel brings together 12 scientists from
Canada, the U.S., Israel and Australia
to work in diverse areas of

Jill Cement (English) was awarded
a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2006-
2007 and will use her award to write a
new novel, "Take All Heroic Measures."
Staff member Mark Mitchell, editor of
the department's subropics literary
magazine, also received a
Guggenheim, which he plans to use to
write a biography of the writer Frederic Prokosch.

William Logan (English) won the
National Book Critics Circle Award in
Criticism for his book "The Undiscov-
ered Country: Poetry in the Age of
Tin." He also has received the first-ever
Randall Jarrell Award in Poetry Criti-
cism from the Poetry Foundation.

Nora Alter (Germanic and Slavic
Studies) has received the Deutscher
Akademischer Austausch Dienst
(DAAD) German Academic Exchange
Service Prize for Distinguished Scholar-
ship in German and European Studies
from the American Institute for Con-
temporary German Studies at The
Johns Hopkins University.

Guido Mueller (Physics) has been
selected to co-chair the interferometry
working group of the Laser
Inteferometer Space Antenna (LISA)
International Science Team. LISA is a
joint observatory between NASA and
the European Space Agency, aimed at
detecting low-frequency gravitational


.. . . . .. . . . .


A Monthly Newslette r r the Faculty of the University of FlorPda

A number of CLAS faculty were recognized for their
mentoring of students this year. Douglas Cenzer
(Math) was named an Exemplary Mentor at the 2006
Faculty Mentor Recognition Program of the South East
Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate.
Goran Hyden (Political Science) was awarded one of
five Dissertation/Mentoring Awards from the UF
Graduate School for his mentoring of doctoral stu-

STerry Mills (Sociology) received the
2005 William R. Jones Outstanding
Mentor Award from the Florida Educa-
tion Fund, while Robin West
(Psychology) received the Mentorship
Award in Aging from the American
Psychological Association, Division 20.

Bonnie Moradi (Psychology)
received the Outstanding Contribution
to Scholarship on Race and Ethnicity
Award from the American Psychologi-
cal Association's Society of Counseling
Psychology Section for Ethnic and
Racial Diversity.

Lou Guillette (Zoology) was one of
20 scientists named a Howard Hughes
Medical Institute
(HHMI) Professor this
year and will use his $1
million award to sup-
port undergraduate
o u e e science research at UF.
Additionally, the HHMI
awarded the university a $1.5 million
grant to establish a new interdiscipli-
nary science laboratory to bring together
undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral
fellows and faculty campus-wide to collaborate on
research-an effort led by Randy Duran (Chemistry).

Brian Silliman (Zoology) was one
of four national recipients of the
Young Investigators' Prize from the
American Society of Naturalists. The
annual award recognizes outstanding
work by promising new scientists.

The U.S. Department of Education
renewed its support of the Center for
European Studies, the Center for
African Studies and the Center for
Latin American Studies-awarding a
total of nearly $5 million through its
Title VI National Resource Centers and
AmieKreppel Foreign Language
and Area Studies
grant programs. The funding was
secured thanks to the leadership of
Amie Kreppel (European Studies),
Leonardo Villal6n (African Stud-
ies) and Carmen Diana Deere
(Latin American Studies) and will Leonaro iia
be used over the next four years to
enhance university curriculum in
foreign languages and international cultures.

Three CLAS faculty received
Fulbright awards. Angel Kwolek-
Folland (Women's Studies and History)
spent six weeks at England's University
of Nottingham as a Fulbright Senior
Scholar. Adrian Roitberg (Chemistry)
was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship
Kwolek-Folland and spent three months in Argentina
collaborating with researchers at the
University of Buenos Aires. Richard Scher (Political
Science) received a Fulbright Senior Scholar award
and is spending fall 2006 in Hungary.

/ina u n Kouiurg

ACA L) L M IIC'S-,5 8

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C A A Monthly Newslette for the Faculty of the University of L orida

Faculty Diversity Numbers by College

The faculty diversity numbers for the Colleges of Education and Nursing were incorrectly reported in the October newsletter. The
corrected numbers are below. The College of Education numbers below are broken down by College and PK Yonge faculty. The College
of Nursing numbers below reflect clinical faculty.
College of Education

Full Time Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown)

Fall 2005 Total Male Female White Af Amer Hisp Asian Nat. Amer Pac Isl Minority
COE 118 40 78 99 9 7 3 0 0 19
PKY 77 27 51 67 6 3 1 1 0 11
Total 195 67 129 166 15 10 4 1 0 30

Full Time Tenure Earning Faculty (but not yet tenured) by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown)

Fall 2005 Total Male Female White Af Amer Hisp Asian Nat. Amer Pac Isl Minority
COE 18 8 10 14 3 1 0 0 0 4
PKY 5 1 5 1 4 0 0 0 0 4
Total 23 9 15 15 7 1 0 0 0 8

Full Time Non-Tenure Earning Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown)

Fall 2005 Total Male Female White Af Amer Hisp Asian Nat. Amer Pac Isl Minority
COE 34 2 32 28 2 3 1 0 0 6
PKY 38 10 28 32 3 2 0 1 0 6
Total 72 12 60 60 5 5 1 1 0 12

*This revised report is only accurate for COE. Figures not checked with PKY

College of Nursing

Full Time Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown)

Fall 2006 Total Male Female White Af Amer Hisp Asian Nat. Amer
Total 55 4 51 50 1 2 1 1

Full Time Tenure Earning Faculty (but not yet tenured) by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown)

Fall 2006 Total Male Female White Af Amer Hisp Asian Nat. Amer
Total 28 2 26 2 23 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

Full Time Non-Tenure Earning Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown)

Fall 2006 Total Male Female White Af Amer Hisp
Total 27 2 25 2 23 0 1 0 1


A Monthly Newslette r othe Faculty of the University of Forida

Faculty Senate News:1o.19.o6 Meeting Outcomes

Chair's Report
Dr. Wright announced that the November Senate
meeting has been rescheduled to November 16th and
will be held in room C1-7 in the Health Science
Center. She also reminded Senators to please use the
Senate Web site to check meeting times and locations.
Dr. Wright also notified the Senate that a committee
has been established to review the student conduct
code. The NCAA site committee recently reviewed UF
and the extent of faculty support for procedures for
academic credentialing and support of student ath-
letes. Dr. Wright also reported on council activities and
noted that the Academic Policy Council will meet with
the President to develop procedures for revising the
strategic work plan and the Welfare council will revise
the climate survey to include questions about shared
governance at the local level and faculty develop-
ment. There were not enough faculty members at the
shared governance workshop. There will be another
workshop in January or February. Dr. Wright stressed
the importance of faculty participation in these work-
shops. Dr. Wright also reported that she met with a
consultant who is working with the future of the
libraries committee.
Provost's Report
Dr. Fouke updated the Senate on closed and on-
going searches. Recent hires include: a dean of HHP,
Fine Arts, DCP, Vet Med, and Directors of Admissions
and Institutional Research.
On going searches include: Dean of Med School,
Dean of Grad School, Dean of Libraries, Associate
Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, Dean of Journalism
and Communications. Dr. Fouke also reported on the
status of the library committee and the budget reallo-
cation committee. Fall undergraduate enrollment is
the smallest it has been in five or six years; while fall
graduate enrollment is the highest it has ever been.
Dr. Fouke also updated the Senate on recent construc-
tion projects.

Action Items:

Curriculum Committee
Sheila Dickison, Curriculum Committee Chair
Engineering Joint Degree Program
The degree program was approved.
Nominating Committee Structure
John Leavey, Chair Committee on Committees
Dr. Leavey presented an action item to the Senate
regarding the nominating committee structure. The
Committee on Committees recommends changing the
nominating committee structure from four elected
faculty members to six elected faculty members. The
structure change was approved. The item will come
forward with constitutional language as an informa-
tion item at the November meeting.
Constitution items
Tim Taylor, Constitution Committee Chair
Temporary Senator Replacement Policy Senate
Bylaw 4 E 2 (e)
Absence policy for councils and committees Con-
stitution Article IV Section 2
Senate Secretary Constitution Article IV Section 3
The constitution committee presented three items
for approval. Scott Nygren moved to amend Bylaw 4
E 2 (e) by removing the sentence, "Therefore, accep-
tance of appointment to a position carrying ex officio
senate membership constitutes resignation from one's
elected senate seat" to avoid redundancy with the
preceding sentence.
The motion to amend the language was approved.
All three proposals were approved.
CLAS 5 year plan: Shared Governance, Academic
Policies and Alignment of Budget and Strategic
Work Plan Discussion Danaya Wright, Chair
The Senate voted on each of the resolution bullet
points separately. All three points were approved.



A Monthly Newslette r r the Faculty of the University of ForPda

Faculty Senate Agenda:
November 16,2006
3:00 -5:00 P.M.
C1-7 Health Science Center
Communicore Building

Approval of October 19, 2006 minutes ................................................Danaya Wright, Chair

*Chair's Report................................................... ... ........................... ..D anaya W right, Chair

Information Items:

*Graduate Council Items Ken Gerhardt, Interim Dean Graduate School
o Proposal to move the concentration Entrepreneurship under the Master of Science with a
major in Business Administration to a Master of Science with a major in Entrepreneurship
o Proposal to sunset the International Relations PhD program in the Political Science

*Constitution Items
Compensation Committee Language
Nominating Committee Language
*Minus Grades Recommendations

Tim Taylor, Chair Constitution Committee

Carol Murphy, Academic Policy Council Member

Action Items:
*Name Change: Department of Decision and Information Sciences to the Department of
Information Systems and Operations Management from the Curriculum Committee
Sheila Dickison, Curriculum Committee Chair

Open Discussion from Floor of Senate:

Three minute limit per speaker, floor will be open to Senators first



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Shared Governance Info3 College in Focus6 Faculty Senate News10 Senate Agenda11 November 2006By: Danaya Wright , Faculty Senate Chair Buzz: Danaya Wright Shared Governance I hope you have been witnessing a flurry of activity around shared governance in your college. If so, it is a result of a lot of work by your colleagues that has brought us to this critical time. As you may recall, in August, 2005, President Machen and Senate Chair Kim Tanzer organized a joint task force on the Implementation of Shared Governance Structure. That group was cochaired by Jean Larson (CLAS) and Tony Brennan (Eng), both former Senate chairs. That committee worked diligently through last year and wrote a lengthy report on shared governance at the local unit (college, department, center) level. The report was adopted by the Faculty Senate at the April, 2006 Senate meeting, and supported by the Board of Trustees at its June, 2006 meeting. The report is available on the Senates Web site at www Besides containing a lot of valuable information on the principles of shared governance, best practices for shared governance, and resources to assess your own units level of shared governance, the report required each unit to form a unit-level shared governance task force (SGTFs) to evaluate, develop, and implement better shared governance in each unit. Each SGTF is to report back to the Senate Chair and the appropriate Vice President the results of its work during the 20062007 academic year by April 30, 2007. Over this past summer and in the early fall I charged the senators from each college or academic unit to make these SGTFs happen. The Senate cohorts are to determine the size and composition of their own units SGTF, subject to the one requirement that the faculty membership must be elected by the faculty. In some colleges, for instance, there already existed an elected faculty group that was looking at shared governance structures and procedures, and so the senators determined that that group should continue its work and be responsible for fulfilling the charge laid out by the report. Other units decided to take a subset of a pre-existing elected faculty body (like a council or executive committee) and supplement that group with elected senators. Other units simply decided to have their senators, or a subset of senators, fulfill this task, because the difficulty of holding another election would take valuable time away from that needed to fulfill the reports charge. In any event, each college, as well as the units represented by the library and group one senators, should have a fully functioning SGTF that is meeting regularly to investigate and develop better shared governance procedures and mechanisms in the units. I have received many inquiries about these SGTFs and their role within the academic units, and so I thought I would simply mention a few of them and provide some brief answers. see Wright, pg. 2


2 Are these SGTFs senate committees ? No, the Senate resolved that each unit should create one, but each is a unit-level committee. The unit senators are expected to make sure the committee fulfills its charge, an d it is asked to respond to the senate chair, but it also must respond to its academic vice president. What role should administration play on these What role should administration play on these What role should administration play on these What role should administration play on these What role should administration play on these SGTFs? SGTFs? SGTFs? SGTFs? SGTFs? The dean, director, chair, or appropriate administrator should appoint members to the SGTF to represent the administration. Those members are fully-voting members of the SGTF and they are responsible for bringing to the table the voice and concerns of the administration. Remember, these are SHARED governance task forces. Should students or staff serve on these SGTFs? Should students or staff serve on these SGTFs? Should students or staff serve on these SGTFs? Should students or staff serve on these SGTFs? Should students or staff serve on these SGTFs? The answer to this question is unit-specific. In units like the libraries, for example, where there is a strong cohort of non-faculty professional staff that have a valid interest in shared governance, the answer is most likely yes. In some units, like academic technology for instance, students probably arent appropriate. Each unit has to come to its own decision on this. How do I discover the composition of my How do I discover the composition of my How do I discover the composition of my How do I discover the composition of my How do I discover the composition of my SGTF? SGTF? SGTF? SGTF? SGTF? If you arent directly involved and havent been contacted by members of your SGTF, contact your senators and they should be able to tell you what is happening with your unit SGTF. What if I have ideas about improving shared What if I have ideas about improving shared What if I have ideas about improving shared What if I have ideas about improving shared What if I have ideas about improving shared governance, what do I do? governance, what do I do? governance, what do I do? governance, what do I do? governance, what do I do? If your unit has mechanisms available for bringing ideas to appropriate committees, then follow them. We hope that many of your unit SGTFs are holding workshops (or will be doing so soon) to solicit feedback and to inform faculty of their goals. Can I just sit back and let others do all this Can I just sit back and let others do all this Can I just sit back and let others do all this Can I just sit back and let others do all this Can I just sit back and let others do all this work? work? work? work? work? No, not only will shared governance not work if faculty do not get involved, but any constitutional changes, or significant policy changes involving governance mechanisms will most likely need to be approved by a full faculty vote. So at the very least you need to become informed voters on these issues. What if the administration and the faculty proWhat if the administration and the faculty proWhat if the administration and the faculty proWhat if the administration and the faculty proWhat if the administration and the faculty profoundly disagree on some procedure or foundly disagree on some procedure or foundly disagree on some procedure or foundly disagree on some procedure or foundly disagree on some procedure or mechanism? mechanism? mechanism? mechanism? mechanism? Then they need to keep working on it until they come to a position they can both agree on. Shared governance is SHARED … both the administration and the faculty need to feel confident that any new procedures or mechanisms for governance are ones they can all live with and follow. Why do faculty want to get involved in the Why do faculty want to get involved in the Why do faculty want to get involved in the Why do faculty want to get involved in the Why do faculty want to get involved in the administr administr administr administr administr ation ation ation ation ation s decision? s decision? s decision? s decision? s decision? Its not about interfering, its about getting input from the relevant people so the best decisions are made. Sometimes there isnt time to run issues by numerous faculty committees, but that does not mean faculty should not be consulted even when decisions have to be made quickly. On the other hand, decisions involving academic policies should be primarily within the purview of the faculty. It is up to the faculty, therefore, to make sure that mechanisms exist so they can properly execute this responsibility. Is all this shared go Is all this shared goIs all this shared go Is all this shared go Is all this shared go v v v v v er er er er er nance talk f nance talk f nance talk f nance talk f nance talk f or real? or real? or real? or real? or real? Yes, the administration and the Board of Trustees are committed to shared governance at the local level and will do their best to insure that it is functioning properly. They agree with faculty that the best decisions are made when multiple viewpoints are expressed and when as much information as possible is brought to the table. What if I still have questions? What if I still have questions? What if I still have questions? What if I still have questions? What if I still have questions? Feel free to contact any members of the Joint Task Force (whose members are identified on the report and on the Senate Web site), or contact me at: Wright from, pg. 1


3 AAUP Indicators of Shared Governance One important resource for shared governance information is the AAUP Web site. There you can find surveys, reports, and information about the mechanisms of shared governance. One useful report is their Indicators of Shared Governance, which is a simple checklist that should allow you to spot where governance procedures in your unit are working well, and where you might want to consider making changes. A summary of these indicators are below.BOT and President verbally acknowledge the importance of shared governance Faculty view participation in shared governance as a worthwhile faculty responsibility Institution fosters SG by maintaining reasonable work loads & supporting service work Faculty members can express dissenting views on governance without reprisal Campus climate supports a diversity of ideas Relationships between faculty, administrators, and governing board are cooperative Procedures for grievances are consistent with AAUP standards of due process Communications are transparent and carried out in good faith Given reasonable time, the faculty, administrators, and board respond expeditiously to requests from each other Faculty committees determine educational policy, curriculum design, curriculum review, and standards for evaluating teaching and scholarship. Faculty committees largely determine standards for hiring, retention and promotion of faculty Faculty sets agendas, chooses representatives and leadership, and establishes procedures for committees that oversee those areas in which the faculty has primacy. governanceTaskForce/indicators.pdf Faculty periodically reviews and proposes changes to governance procedures and documents Faculty representatives have adequate time to consult with their constituencies before voting on important issues Faculty has an influential role in developing the institutional budget The faculty SHARES with the board the primary responsibility for selecting a president The faculty has a strong influence on the selection and evaluation of academic administrators Faculty senators keep their constituents informed of the agendas and actions of the senate


4 Unit Level Shared Governance Updates Agricultural and Life Sciences Agricultural and Life Sciences Agricultural and Life Sciences Agricultural and Life Sciences Agricultural and Life Sciences Update not available Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Update not available Design, Construction and Planning Design, Construction and Planning Design, Construction and Planning Design, Construction and Planning Design, Construction and Planning Update not available Dentistry Dentistry Dentistry Dentistry Dentistry In response to both the Faculty Senate request and the deans charge, the Steering Committee met with the colleges senators and decided to review previous documentation related to the structure of shared governance at the college and prepare a brief, document with flow charts in response to Dr. Dolans charge to the Steering Committee. Two members of the Steering Committee are preparing the draft document which will then be reviewed by the Steering Committee and ultimately distributed to all faculty for comment and discussion. It is anticipated that the final document will be submitted by the Senates deadline in the spring. Education Education Education Education Education The College of Education is in its sixth year of a system of shared governance. A college constitution guides the operation of the Faculty Policy Council and is assisted in its work through nine standing committees. This year the COE is revising its annual report guidelines to make shared governance work more visible and valued. In addition, upcoming conversations with department chairs will address the issue of considering shared governance work in merit determinations. Also, the COE will develop a system for annual periodic assessment by the faculty of the effectiveness of shared governance. Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Update not available Fine Arts Fine Arts Fine Arts Fine Arts Fine Arts The faculty of the College of Fine Arts (CFA) approved their first Constitution on August 18, 2006. A constitution committee representing two faculty from each of the Colleges three Schools began to craft the document in September 2004. The committees efforts were capped in the Spring term of 2006 with three College-wide constitution workshops that informed and gathered input from the CFA faculty. Health and Human Performance Health and Human Performance Health and Human Performance Health and Human Performance Health and Human Performance Update not available Journalism and Communications Journalism and Communications Journalism and Communications Journalism and Communications Journalism and Communications The College of Journalism and Communications has been hard at work on developing a shared governance model since January of 2005, when the college faculty elected nine faculty members to develop a model of shared governance. This committee began meeting regularly in February of 2005. In November of 2005 the faculty voted to establish a faculty senate and, while there was majority support for the establishment of a faculty senate, the vote fell 8 votes short of a 2/3 majority as required for changes to the colleges constitution. This committee was discharged in spring of 2006 and a new committee elected in October 2006. The 2006-07 Shared Governance Task Force elected a chair, Julie Dodd. The committee anticipates regular meetings and will present a model for college implementation of shared governance to the college faculty in spring 2007. Law Law Law Law Law The SGTF for law has met twice and is currently going through our detailed policies to determine which ones to bring to faculty workshops for input and evaluation. We hope to have 2 or 3 workshops with faculty in the early spring, and bring relevant changes to the full faculty by April.Each academic unit should have its shared governance task force in place by now. We have requested information from each to let you know how your college or unit is doing. If we have not listed information for your unit, you should check with your senators and encourage them to be more communicative with their faculty as well as with the Senate office.


5 Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences The CLAS Task Force on Shared Governance identified two items that needed immediate attention in the College. It has recommended amendments to the CLAS Constitution which will create an elected Executive Committee and an elected and partially appointed Finance Committee for the College. These committees would represent the Faculty to the Dean. They will have regular meetings with the Dean. The creation of these committees will begin a process of representative participation, transparency, and mutual accountability. Much more needs to be done to implement all the requirements of the Task Force on Shared Governance. The CLAS Task Force will continue its work. Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Update not available Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing The College of Nursing has a 10 year history of effective Shared Governance. Recently, a Faculty Senator, our Faculty Organization President and the Dean met to review and amend the College By-laws to align with the Universitys Shared Governance initiative, and those revisions were approved by the faculty. Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Update not available Public Health and Health Professions Public Health and Health Professions Public Health and Health Professions Public Health and Health Professions Public Health and Health Professions PHHP senators have established a work plan for shared governance. We are forming a Shared Governance Steering CommitteeŽ to assess the current state of shared governance at the departmental and college level, prioritize aspects of shared governance that are most important to our faculty and write our constitution, bylaws, etc. In the next few weeks, the senator will attend departmental faculty meetings, make a short presentation, and ask each department to elect 2 representatives to the steering committee. V V V V V eterinar eterinar eterinar eterinar eterinar y Medicine y Medicine y Medicine y Medicine y Medicine Update not available University Libraries University Libraries University Libraries University Libraries University Libraries In Fall 2005, the faculty of the three campus Library systems met to explore possible structures for a faculty assembly body. Bylaws were drafted in Spring 2006 and formation of the Library Faculty Assembly (LFA) was approved in June. Assessment of LFA and College Administration shared governance interactions will begin shortly. Group One Group One Group One Group One Group One Update not available


6 College in Focus: Liberal Arts & Sciences College at a GlanceThe following information is provided to increase our mutual understanding of each others disciplines at the University of Florida. It is not intended to suggest a hierarchy among our colleges, but rather to reflect the intellectual and organizational diversity each college lends to the University. T T T T T otal number of faculty (Fall 2006) otal number of faculty (Fall 2006) otal number of faculty (Fall 2006) otal number of faculty (Fall 2006) otal number of faculty (Fall 2006) € Total Number: 802 € Ranked: 646 € Lecturers: 93 € Non-ranked faculty: 63 Number of faculty in tenure or tenure earning Number of faculty in tenure or tenure earning Number of faculty in tenure or tenure earning Number of faculty in tenure or tenure earning Number of faculty in tenure or tenure earning positions (Fall 2006) positions (Fall 2006) positions (Fall 2006) positions (Fall 2006) positions (Fall 2006) € Tenured Faculty: 451 € Tenure Track: 195 € Non-Tenured: 156 Number of Degrees Granted (2005-2006) Number of Degrees Granted (2005-2006) Number of Degrees Granted (2005-2006) Number of Degrees Granted (2005-2006) Number of Degrees Granted (2005-2006) € Bachelor: 2,657 € Master: 169 € Doctorate: 169 Student credit hours generated annually (2005Student credit hours generated annually (2005Student credit hours generated annually (2005Student credit hours generated annually (2005Student credit hours generated annually (20052006) 2006) 2006) 2006) 2006) • Lower: 307,663 • Upper: 160,817 • Grad I: 17,213 • Grad II: 25,430 Enrollment (Fall 2006) Enrollment (Fall 2006) Enrollment (Fall 2006) Enrollment (Fall 2006) Enrollment (Fall 2006) • Undergraduate: 12,377 • Graduate: 1,922 • NonDegree: 90 • PostBacc (with prep for graduate school): 25 Student/Faculty ratio: Student/Faculty ratio: Student/Faculty ratio: Student/Faculty ratio: Student/Faculty ratio: • Undergraduate: 15:1 • Graduate: 3:1 Funded research expenditures: Funded research expenditures: Funded research expenditures: Funded research expenditures: Funded research expenditures: • Sponsored Research: $39,940,632 • UF Research Foundation $1,025,417 • Overhead Returned: $8,208,151 • Overhead Received: $2,247,608 • Foundation Endowments: $63,932,040.82; Funds Available from Endowments: $6,072,034.44 College development during the past year: College development during the past year: College development during the past year: College development during the past year: College development during the past year: € Gifts: $6,509,079.75 € Pledges: $7,289,700.76 College Narrative By: Scott Nygren, SenatorThe College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the largest college at UF, and the core of the university. More than 800 faculty are responsible for teaching at least 35,000 students each year, including more than 12,000 undergraduate majors and nearly 2,000 graduate students. The college offers not only the majority of the university's core curriculum courses, but 40 undergraduate majors and 42 minors, as well as advanced degrees. These courses and degrees are offered through 30 departments and programs, while 26 active centers and institutes pursue interdisciplinary research, teaching, and service. College faculty rank among the best in the nation, and contribute to UFs reputation both through their extensive publications and grants, and through national and international awards. CLASs many conferences and visitors also make the college a vital center of intellectual activity for the university community at large. At the same time, the colleges international programs, across Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia, are responsible for making UF known throughout the world. The college is one of the oldest at UF, and was first organized in 1910. As affirmed in the Strategic Work Plan, the colleges continued excellence is the foundation on which UFs aspirations to top-tier status is based. CLAS continues to develop self-governance, and the CLAS Assembly has met this fall to form new committees to take further responsibility for the colleges future. Following the initiative of the Faculty Senate, CLAS senators will also be working to facilitate selfgovernance in a more systematic way across departments.


7Laudamus While the 802 faculty members in the universitys largest college are charged with the responsibility of teaching the majority of the universitys core curriculum to at least 35,000 students each year, they still find time to pursue cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and achieve international attention for their contributions to society. The following faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are only a few of the many individuals whose research, teaching and service were recognized in 2005-06. This selection is meant to suggest the breadth and depth of the efforts in which our outstanding faculty engage. Anthony Oliver-Smith Anthony Oliver-Smith Anthony Oliver-Smith Anthony Oliver-Smith Anthony Oliver-Smith (Anthropology) was selected to hold the Munich Re Foundation Chair on Social Vulnerability at the Institute for Environment and Human Security of United Nations University in Bonn, Germany for 2007… 2008. Elizabeth Lada Elizabeth Lada Elizabeth Lada Elizabeth Lada Elizabeth Lada (A stronomy) was one of 13 U.S. astronomers appointed to the Senior Review Board of the National Science Foundations Division of Astronomical Sciences to examine the organizations investments in the astronomical research community. George Christou George Christou George Christou George Christou George Christou (Chemistry) was invited by the Supreme Court of Canada to serve on the Scientific Advisory Panel on Nanoscience. The panel brings together 12 scientists from Canada, the U.S., Israel and Australia to work in diverse areas of nanoscience. Husband and wife research team Doug Doug Doug Doug Doug and Pam Soltis Pam Soltis Pam Soltis Pam Soltis Pam Soltis (Botany) have received several international awards. Their book, Phylogeny and Evolution of Angiosperms,  received the 2005 Stebbins Medal from the International Association of Plant Taxonomists. They also received the Centennial Award from the Botanical Society of America, along with William William William William William Stern Stern Stern Stern Stern in th eir department and David David David David David Dilcher Dilcher Dilcher Dilcher Dilcher in the Florida Museum of Natural History. Finally, they received the Asa Gray Award from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists.Doug Soltis Pam Soltis Jill Cement Jill Cement Jill Cement Jill Cement Jill Cement (English) was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for 20062007 and will use her award to write a new novel, Take All Heroic Measures.Ž Staff member Mark Mitchell Mark Mitchell Mark Mitchell Mark Mitchell Mark Mitchell, editor of the departments subropics literary magazine, also received a Guggenheim, which he plans to use to write a biography of the writer Frederic Prokosch. William Logan William Logan William Logan William Logan William Logan (English) won the National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism for his book The Undiscovered Country: Poetry in the Age of Tin.Ž He also has received the first-ever Randall Jarrell Award in Poetry Criticism from the Poetry Foundation. Nora Alter Nora Alter Nora Alter Nora Alter Nora Alter (Germanic and Slavic Studies) has received the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) German Academic Exchange Service Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies from the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at The Johns Hopkins University. Guido Mueller Guido Mueller Guido Mueller Guido Mueller Guido Mueller (Physics) has been selected to co-chair the interferometry working group of the Laser Inteferometer Space Antenna (LISA) International Science Team. LISA is a joint observatory between NASA and the European Space Agency, aimed at detecting low-frequency gravitational waves.


8 A number of CLAS faculty were recognized for their mentoring of students this year. Douglas Cenzer Douglas Cenzer Douglas Cenzer Douglas Cenzer Douglas Cenzer (Math) was named an Exemplary Mentor at the 2006 Faculty Mentor Recognition Program of the South East Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate. Goran Hyden Goran Hyden Goran Hyden Goran Hyden Goran Hyden (Political Science) was awarded one of five Dissertation/Mentoring Awards from the UF Graduate School for his mentoring of doctoral students. Bonnie Moradi Bonnie Moradi Bonnie Moradi Bonnie Moradi Bonnie Moradi (Psychology) received the Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship on Race and Ethnicity Award from the American Psychological Associations Society of Counseling Psychology Section for Ethnic and Racial Diversity. Brian Silliman Brian Silliman Brian Silliman Brian Silliman Brian Silliman (Zoology) was one of four national recipients of the Young Investigators Prize from the American Society of Naturalists. The annual award recognizes outstanding work by promising new scientists. Lou Guillette Lou Guillette Lou Guillette Lou Guillette Lou Guillette (Zoology) was one of 20 scientists named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Professor this year and will use his $1 million award to support undergraduate science research at UF. Additionally, the HHMI awarded the university a $1.5 million grant to establish a new interdisciplinary science laboratory to bring together undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty campus-wide to collaborate on research„an effort led by Randy Duran Randy Duran Randy Duran Randy Duran Randy Duran (Chemistry). T T T T T er er er er er r r r r r y Mills y Mills y Mills y Mills y Mills ( Sociology) received the 2005 William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor Award from the Florida Education Fund, while R R R R R obin W obin W obin W obin W obin W est est est est est (Psychology) received the Mentorship Award in Aging from the American Psychological Association, Division 20.Terry Mills Lou Guillette Randy DuranThe U.S. Department of Education renewed its support of the Center for European Studies, the Center for African Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies„awarding a total of nearly $5 million through its Title VI National Resource Centers and Foreign Language and Area Studies grant programs. The funding was secured thanks to the leadership of Amie Kreppel Amie Kreppel Amie Kreppel Amie Kreppel Amie Kreppel (European Studies), Leonardo Villalón Leonardo Villalón Leonardo Villalón Leonardo Villalón Leonardo Villalón (African Studies) and Carmen Diana Deere Carmen Diana Deere Carmen Diana Deere Carmen Diana Deere Carmen Diana Deere (Latin American Studies) and will be used over the next four years to enhance university curriculum in foreign languages and international cultures. Amie Kreppel Leonardo VillalonThree CLAS faculty received Fulbright awards. Angel K Angel K Angel K Angel K Angel K w w w w w olekolekolekolekolekF F F F F olland olland olland olland olland (W omens Studies and History) spent six weeks at Englands University of Nottingham as a Fulbright Senior Scholar. A A A A A drian R drian R drian R drian R drian R oitber oitber oitber oitber oitber g g g g g (Chemistry) was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship and spent three months in Argentina collaborating with researchers at the University of Buenos Aires. Richard Scher Richard Scher Richard Scher Richard Scher Richard Scher (Political Science) received a Fulbright Senior Scholar award and is spending fall 2006 in Hungary. Kwolek-Folland Adrian RoitbergRichard Scher


9 Faculty Diversity Numbers by College The faculty diversity numbers for the Colleges of Education and Nursing were incorrectly reported in the October newsletter. Th e corrected numbers are below. The College of Education numbers below are broken down by College and PK Yonge faculty. The Colleg e of Nursing numbers below reflect clinical faculty. College of Education College of Education College of Education College of Education College of Education Full Time Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown) Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005T otal Male Female WhiteAf AmerHisp Asian Nat. Amer Pac Isl Minority COE1184078999730019 PKY772751676311011 T T T T T otal otal otal otal otal 195 195 195 195 195 67 67 67 67 67 129 129 129 129 129 166 166 166 166 166 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 30 30 Full Time T T T T T enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear ning ning ning ning ning Faculty (but not yet tenured) by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown) Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005Total Male Female WhiteAf AmerHisp Asian Nat. Amer Pac Isl Minority COE1881014310004 PKY5151400004 T T T T T otal otal otal otal otal 23 23 23 23 23 9 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 Full Time Non-T Non-T Non-T Non-T Non-T enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear ning ning ning ning ning Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown) Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005T otal Male Female WhiteAf AmerHisp Asian Nat. Amer Pac Isl Minority COE3423228231006 PKY38102832320106 T TT T T otal otal otal otal otal 72 72 72 72 72 12 12 12 12 12 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 12 12 12 *This revised report is only accurate for COE. Figures not checked with PKY College of Nursing Full Time Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown) Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006T otal Male Female WhiteAf AmerHisp Asian Nat. Amer T T T T T otal otal otal otal otal5545150 1211 Full Time T T T T T enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear ning ning ning ning ning Faculty (but not yet tenured) by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown) Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006T otal Male Female WhiteAf AmerHisp Asian Nat. Amer M FM FM FM FM F T T T T T otal otal otal otal otal282262 230 0 0 1 0 10 1 Full Time Non-T Non-T Non-T Non-T Non-T enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear enure Ear ning ning ning ning ning Faculty by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity (rank not shown) Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006T otal Male Female WhiteAf AmerHisp M FM FM F T T T T T otal otal otal otal otal272252 230 10 1


10 Faculty Senate News: 10.19.06 Meeting Outcomes Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair s R s R s R s R s R epor epor epor epor epor t t t t t Dr. Wright announced that the November Senate meeting has been rescheduled to November 16th and will be held in room C1-7 in the Health Science Center. She also reminded Senators to please use the Senate Web site to check meeting times and locations. Dr. Wright also notified the Senate that a committee has been established to review the student conduct code. The NCAA site committee recently reviewed UF and the extent of faculty support for procedures for academic credentialing and support of student athletes. Dr. Wright also reported on council activities and noted that the Academic Policy Council will meet with the President to develop procedures for revising the strategic work plan and the Welfare council will revise the climate survey to include questions about shared governance at the local level and faculty development. There were not enough faculty members at the shared governance workshop. There will be another workshop in January or February. Dr. Wright stressed the importance of faculty participation in these workshops. Dr. Wright also reported that she met with a consultant who is working with the future of the libraries committee. Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro v v v v v ost ost ost ost ost s R s R s R s R s R epor epor epor epor epor t t t t t Dr. Fouke updated the Senate on closed and ongoing searches. Recent hires include: a dean of HHP, Fine Arts, DCP, Vet Med, and Directors of Admissions and Institutional Research. On going searches include: Dean of Med School, Dean of Grad School, Dean of Libraries, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, Dean of Journalism and Communications. Dr. Fouke also reported on the status of the library committee and the budget reallocation committee. Fall undergraduate enrollment is the smallest it has been in five or six years; while fall graduate enrollment is the highest it has ever been. Dr. Fouke also updated the Senate on recent construction projects. Curriculum Committee Curriculum Committee Curriculum Committee Curriculum Committee Curriculum Committee Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Curriculum Committee Chair Engineering Joint Degree Program The degree program was approved. Nominating Committee Structure Nominating Committee Structure Nominating Committee Structure Nominating Committee Structure Nominating Committee Structure John Lea John Lea John Lea John Lea John Lea v v v v v e e e e e y y y y y , , , , , Chair Committee on Committees Dr. Leavey presented an action item to the Senate regarding the nominating committee structure. The Committee on Committees recommends changing the nominating committee structure from four elected faculty members to six elected faculty members. The structure change was approved. The item will come forward with constitutional language as an information item at the November meeting. Constitution items Constitution items Constitution items Constitution items Constitution items T T T T T im im im im im T T T T T a a a a a ylor ylor ylor ylor ylor , , , , , Constitution Committee Chair • Temporary Senator Replacement Policy Senate Bylaw 4 E 2 (e) • Absence policy for councils and committees Constitution Article IV Section 2 • Senate Secretary Constitution Article IV Section 3 The constitution committee presented three items for approval. Scott Nygren moved to amend Bylaw 4 E 2 (e) by removing the sentence, Therefore, acceptance of appointment to a position carrying ex officio senate membership constitutes resignation from ones elected senate seatŽ to avoid redundancy with the preceding sentence. The motion to amend the language was approved. All three proposals were approved. CLAS 5 year plan: Shared Governance, Academic CLAS 5 year plan: Shared Governance, Academic CLAS 5 year plan: Shared Governance, Academic CLAS 5 year plan: Shared Governance, Academic CLAS 5 year plan: Shared Governance, Academic Policies and Alignment of Budget and Strategic Policies and Alignment of Budget and Strategic Policies and Alignment of Budget and Strategic Policies and Alignment of Budget and Strategic Policies and Alignment of Budget and Strategic W W W W W ork Plan Discussion ork Plan Discussion ork Plan Discussion ork Plan Discussion ork Plan Discussion Dana Dana Dana Dana Dana ya W ya W ya W ya W ya W right, right, right, right, right, Chair The Senate voted on each of the resolution bullet points separately. All three points were approved. Action Items: Action Items: Action Items: Action Items: Action Items:


11 Agenda: Agenda: Agenda: Agenda: Agenda: Appro Appro Appro Appro Appro v v v v v al of Oc al of Oc al of Oc al of Oc al of Oc tober 19, tober 19, tober 19, tober 19, tober 19, 2006 minutes 2006 minutes 2006 minutes 2006 minutes 2006 minutes ...................................................... Dana Dana Dana Dana Dana ya W ya W ya W ya W ya W right right right right right, ChairReports: Reports: Reports: Reports: Reports: € Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair s R s R s R s R s R epor epor epor epor epor t. t. t. t. t................................................................................................... Dana Dana Dana Dana Dana ya W ya W ya W ya W ya W right right right right right, ChairInformation Items: Information Items: Information Items: Information Items: Information Items: € Graduate Council Items Graduate Council Items Graduate Council Items Graduate Council Items Graduate Council Items K K K K K en Ger en Ger en Ger en Ger en Ger hardt, hardt, hardt, hardt, hardt, Interim Dean Graduate SchooloProposal to move the concentration Entrepreneurship under the Master of Science with a major in Business Administration to a Master of Science with a major in Entrepreneurship oProposal to sunset the International Relations PhD program in the Political Science Department € Constitution Items Constitution Items Constitution Items Constitution Items Constitution Items T T T T T im im im im im T T T T T a a a a a ylor ylor ylor ylor ylor , , , , , Chair Constitution CommitteeCompensation Committee Language Nominating Committee Language € Minus Grades Recommendations Minus Grades Recommendations Minus Grades Recommendations Minus Grades Recommendations Minus Grades Recommendations Carol Murphy Carol Murphy Carol Murphy Carol Murphy Carol Murphy , , , , , Academic Policy Council Member Action Items: Action Items: Action Items: Action Items: Action Items: € Name Change: Department of Decision and Information Sciences to the Department of Name Change: Department of Decision and Information Sciences to the Department of Name Change: Department of Decision and Information Sciences to the Department of Name Change: Department of Decision and Information Sciences to the Department of Name Change: Department of Decision and Information Sciences to the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management Information Systems and Operations Management Information Systems and Operations Management Information Systems and Operations Management Information Systems and Operations Management from the Curriculum Committee from the Curriculum Committee from the Curriculum Committee from the Curriculum Committee from the Curriculum Committee Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Sheila Dickison, Curriculum Committee Chair Open Discussion from Floor of Senate: Open Discussion from Floor of Senate: Open Discussion from Floor of Senate: Open Discussion from Floor of Senate: Open Discussion from Floor of Senate: € Three minute limit per speaker, floor will be open to Senators first Faculty Senate Agenda:November 16, 2006 3:00 -5:00 P.M.C1-7 Health Science Center Communicore Building