Or ---
Agricultural Research and Education Center
IFAS, University of Florida
5007 60th Street East
Bradenton, Florida 33508-9324
Bradenton AREC Research Report 1983-7
April 1983
W. E. Waters, Editor '
This bibliography'contains a listing of the research articles submitted for
publication during 1902 dealing with vegetablecrops and agronomy. Publi-
cations are. classified in one of the following research areas: Agricultural
Economics; Agronomy; Entomology and Nematology; Horticulture;- Plant Breeding
and Variety Trial Evaluations; Plant Pathology; Plant Physiology; and Soil,
Water and Plant Nutrition.
This is one in:a series of periodic bibliographic listings of the publica--
tions written by the faculty of the Agricultural Research and Education
Center in Bradentoh-and the.Agricultural Research Centers in Dover and
Immokalee, branches of the University of Florida, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences.
Many of these articles are still in press and reprints may not be available
at this.time; therefore, all requests for reprints or information on the
research should be directed to the author.
AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ..............................................
AGRONOMY ........... .. .... ...................................
ENTOMOLOGY AND NEMATOLOGY .......................................
HORTICULTURE .....................................................
PLANT PATHOLOGY .................... .... .... ... ...........
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY ...................... ................... ...
SOIL, WATER AND PLANT IUTRITION ......................... ........... :10
LIST OF CONTRIBUTING FACULTY ..................... .................. 12
1. Mislevy, P., C. L. Dantzman, J. W. Prevatt, A. J. Overman, G.M.J. Horton
and F. A. Johnson. August 1982. Forage production and utilization
from a south Florida multicropping system. Florida Agr. Expt. Sta.
Bull. 830.
2. Prevatt, J. W. January 1982. Economic evaluation of three irrigation
systems for tomato production.. Citrus and Vegetable Magazine 45(5):49.
3. Prevatt, J. W. 1982. Financial analysis. Proc. of the IFAS Computer
Conference. Univ. of Fla., IFAS.
4. Prevatt, J. W., M. A. Eason and C. G. Chambliss. June 1982. Hay making
cost comparison. Florida Cattleman-and Livestock Journal 46(9):32-33.
5. Prevatt, J. W., M. A. Eason and C. G. Chambliss. July-August 1982. The
economics of hay harvesting alternatives. IFAS, Univ. df Florida, Food
and Resource Economics Department Fact Sheet #47.
6. Prevatt, J. W. and W. E. Kunkle. 1982. Methods to determine the market
value of silage. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc-. Fla. 41: (in press).
7. Prevatt, J. W. and W. E. Kunkle. July 1982. Planning will help ease
price-cost squeeze of cow-calf operators. Florida Cattleman and
Livestock Journal 46(10:56, 58 and 98.
8. Prevatt, J. W., John E. Reynolds and Bryan E. Melton. 1982. An evalu-
S ation of beef cattle and agronomic enterprises. Agric. Systems Journal:
(in press).
1. Chambliss, C. G. Nov. 29, 1982. Coastcross-l Bermudagrass for Florida.
Agronomy Facts #139.
2. Chambliss, C. G. Nov. 29, 1982. Cover crops. Agronomy Facts #140.
3. Chambliss, C. G. (Co-editor). 1983. Florida Field and Forage Crop
Variety Report 1982.. Agronomy Research Report AGR1983: (in press).
4. Chambliss, C. G. and W. E. Kunkle. Nov. 29, 1982. Grass tetany in
cattle. Agronomy Facts #138.
5. Chambliss, C. G. and W. R. Ocumpaugh. 1983. Creep grazing for suckling
calves a pasture management practice. Coop. Ext. Circ.: (in press).
6. Chambliss, C. G. and K. D. Shuler. 1982. Hybrid field corn variety
test results from the Everglades agricultural area, 1981. Agron. Res.
Rept. AY82-9.
7. Chambliss, C. G. and D. L. Wright. Oct. 28, 1982. Red clover in Flor-
ida. Agronomy Facts #136.
8. Kalmbacher, R. S., Chairman, G. T. Hurner, Jr., J. E. Moore, J. W.
Prevatt, et al. 1983. Native Range Committee Report. p. 15-23.
In Florida Agriculture in the 80's. Forage Crop and Rangeland
Committee Reports. IFAS, Univ. of Fla. 48 pp.
9. Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, F. G. Martin and G. A. Jung. 1982.
The management of Brassica for winter forage in the sub-tropics.
Grass and Forage Science 37:219-225.
10. Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, R.
Martin. 1982. Small grain forage production at
1981-82. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1982-5.
11. Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, F.
Prine. 1982. Ryegrass forage production at Ona
1981-b2. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1932-4.
12. Mislevy, P., C. L. Dantzman, J. W.
Horton, and F. A. Johnson. 1982.
from a south Florida multicropping
D. Barnett and F. G.
Ona and Immokalee:
G. Martin and G. M.
and Immokalee:
Prevatt, A. J. Overman, G.M.J.
Forage production and utilization
system. Fla. Agt. Expt. Sta. Bull.
13. Hislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, and P. H. Everett. 1982. Cool season
legume production in South Central Florida, 1901-82. Ona ARC Res.
Rept. RC1982-7.
14. Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, P. H. Everett and E. S. Horner. 1982.
Commercial corn variety test results from South-Central Florida, 1982.
Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1982-6.
15. Mislevy, P., A. J. Overman and C. L. Dantzman.
yield and quality as affected by crop sequence.
Sci. Soc. Fla. 41: (in press).
1982. Seasonal forage
Proc. Soil and Crop
16. Moore, J. E., W. E. Kunkle, C. G. Chambliss, and P. Mislevy. 1982. A
forage quality evaluation and grading system for Florida. Proc. Soil
and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 41: (in press).
17. Ruelke, 0. C., Chairman, C. G. Chambliss, et al. 1983. Hay, Silage
and Green Crop Committee Report. p. 3-11. In Florida Agriculture in
the 80's.' Forage Crops and Rangeland Committee Reports. IFAS, Univ.
of Fla. 48 pp.
18. Whitty, E. B., D. W. Jones, G. Kidder, D. L. Wright and C. G. Chambliss.
1983. 1983 Field and forage crop variety recommendations. Agronomy
Fact Sheet No.: (in press).
1. Overman, A. J. 1982. Effect of Temik 15G on rootknot nematodes,
Verticillium wilt, nutsedge population and yield of tomato, 1981.
Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 38: (in press).
2. Patel, K. J. and 1. J. Schuster. 1932. Biology of Diglyphus intermedius
Girault, a parasite of Liriomyza spp. In D. J. Schuster, Ed. Proc. of
IFAS-Industry Conf. on Biology and Control of Liriomyza Leafminers.
Univ. of Fla., IFAS. 235 PP.
3. Patel, K. J. and D. J. Schuster. 1982. Influence of temperature on the
rate of development of Diglyphus intermedius (Hymenoptera:Eulophidae)
Girault, a parasite of Liriomyza spp. (Diptera:Agromyzidae). Environ.
Entomol. 76: (in press).
4. Schuster, D. J. 1983. Control of insects on tomato in west Florida,
Spring 1982. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 8: (in press).
5. Schuster, D. J. 19C2. Insecticide Evaluations for Tomatoes. p. 22-28
In Report of Tomato Research Supported by the Florida Tomato Exchange.
Univ. of Fla., IFAS, 1981-82. 43 pp.
6. Schuster, D. J. 1983. Mole cricket control in tomato,-1982. Insecti-
cide and Acaricide Tests 8: (in press).
7. Schuster, D. J., Ed. 1982. Proceedings of IFAS-Industry Conf. on
Biology and Control of Liriomyza Leafminers. .Univ. of Fla., IFAS.
235 PP.
8. Schuster, D. J. 1982. Update on Insecticidal Control of Tomato pests.
In W. M. Stall, Coordinator. Twenty-first Annual Florida Tomato
Institute. Veg. Crops Ext. Rept. VEC 1-82. 39 pp.
9. Schuster, D. J., and H. W. Beck. 1982. Sampling and distribution of
Liriomyza on tomatoes. In D. J. Schuster, Ed. Proc. of IFAS-Industry
Conf. on Biology and Control of Liriomyza Leafminers. Univ. of Fla.,
IFAS. 235 pp.
10. Schuster, D. J. and R. L. Burton. 1982. Rearing the tomato pinworm
in the laboratory. J. Econ. Entomol. 75:1164-1165.
11. Schuster, D. J. and P. H. Everett. 1982. Cortrol of the beet armyworm
and pepper weevil on pepper. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95: (in press).
12. Schuster, D. J. and P. H. Everett. 1983. Insect control on tomatoes
in southwest Florida, Spring 1982. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 8:
(in press).
13. Schuster, D. J. and P. H. Everett. 1983. Pepper weevil control on
pepper, 1982. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 8: (in press).
14. Schuster, D. J., P. H. Everett and D. E. Dougherty. 1982. A research
update on the chemical control of the vegetable leafminer on tomatoes.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept.BRA1982-10. 4 pp.
15. Schuster, D. J., B. K. Harbaugh, L. D. Ketzler, and J. F. Price. 1982.
Resistance of chrysanthemums and tomatoes to Liriomyza spp. In D. J.
Schuster, Ed. Proc. of IFAS-Industry Conf. on Biology and Control of
Liriomyza Leafminers. Univ. of Fla., IFAS. 235 pp.
16. Schuster, D. J. and J. R. McLaughlin. 1981. Control of the tomato
pinworm and tomato fruitworm utilizing the male disruption technique.
Report of .Tomato Research Supported by the Florida Tomato Exchange.
Univ. of Fla., IFAS. 34 pp.
17. Waddill, V. H., E. R. Mitchell, W. H. Denton, S. L. Poe, and D, J.
Schuster. 1982. Seasonal abundance of the fall armyworm and velvetbean
caterpillar (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) at four locations in Florida. Fla.
Entomol. 65t350-354.
18. Walker, T. J., J. A. Reinert and D. J. Schuster. 1983. Geographical
variation in mole cricket flights (Scapteriscus spp.:Gryllotalpidae).
Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 76: (in press).
19. Zitter, T. A. and P. H. Everett. 1982. Effect of an aphid-transmitted
yellowing virus on yield and quality of staked tomatoes. Plant Dis.
1. Albregts, E. E., Chairman, et al. 1983. Strawberry Committee Report.
P. 113-130. In Florida Agriculture in the 80's. Vegetable Crops
Committee Reports. Univ. of Fla., IFAS. 261 pp.
2. Elmstrom, G. W., Chairman, et al., W. C. Adlerz, J. A. Baldwin, J. P.
Gilreath, et al. 1983. Vine Crops Committee Report. p. 215-242. In
Florida Agriculture in the 80's. Vegetable Crops Committee Reports.
Univ. of Fla., IFAS. 261 pp.
3. Everett, P. H. 1982. Vegetable Field Day. Immokalee ARC Res. Rept.
4. Everett, P. H., Chairman, et al. 1983. Pepper and Eggplant Committee
Report. p. 51-68. In Florida Agriculture in the 80's. Commodity
Committees. Vegetable Crops Committee Reports. IFAS, Univ. of Fla.
261 pp.
5. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Evaluation of herbicides for weed control in
spring transplanted tomato. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-11..
5 Pp.
6. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Evaluation of herbicides in fall transplanted
cabbage. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-25. 5 pp.
7. Gilreath, J. P. August 1982. Fusilade: A new postemergence grass
herbicide for vegetables and ornamentals. Fla. Weed Sci. Soc.
Newsletter 4(3):4-5.
8. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Influence of various adjuvants on efficacy of
aquatic weed control with Diquat. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-16.
2 pp.
9. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Postemergence grass herbicides. Weeds Today
13(4): (in press).
10. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Postemergence herbicide screening trial 1981.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-12. 5 pp.
11. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Relative efficacy of paraquat and diquat for
weed control. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-18. 2 pp.
12. Gilreath, J. P. and P. H. Everett. 1982. Watermelon herbicide trial,
spring 1982. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA19G2-7. 2 pp.
13. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Weed control in cauliflower. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 95: (in press).
14. Gilreath, J. P. February 1982. Weed control in out apiaries. American
Bee Journal 122:89-91.
15. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Weed control in spring transplanted cauliflower.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-24. 5 PP.
16. Gilreath, J. P. 1982. Weed survey of vegetable and ornamental growers
in south Florida. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1982-3. 3 PP.
17. Marlowe, G. A. 19J2. Commercial Vegetable Varieties for Florida. Fla.
Coop. Ext. Circ. 530.
18. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Agricultural systems. Polk County Annual
Agricultural Council, Bartow. The Vegetarian Newsletter. July.
19. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Observations on the variability and unifor-
ity of tomato yields. The Vegetarian Newsletter. March.
20. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Providing a safe basis for changing practices
in vegetable production. The Vegetarian Newsletter. May.
21. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Seeing and looking at a commercial tomato
crop. The Vegetarian Newsletter. July.
22. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. The Allied Industry Workshop Concept.
The Vegetarian Newsletter. October.
23. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. The cost of protection programs for vegetables.
The Vegetarian Newsletter. September.
24. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. The problem of attendance at commercial
vegetable meetings. The Vegetarian Newsletter. February.
25. Marlowe, G. A., Jr., Chairman, et al. 1933. Tomato Committee Report.
p. 151-212. In Florida Agriculture in the 60's. Vegetable Crops
Committee Reports. IFAS, Univ. of Fla. 261 pp.
26. Shumaker, J. R., Chairman, A. A. Csizinszky, et al. 1983. Cole Crops
Committee Report. p. 25-48. In Florida Agriculture in the 80's. Veg.
Crops Committee Reports. Univ. of Fla., IFAS. 261 pp.
27. Waters, W. E., Ed. 1982. List of Publications Dealing with Vegetable
Crops and'Agronomy for 1931. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-5. 9 PP.
28. Waters, W. E., J. P. Jones, G. J. Wilfret, S. S. Woltz and D. S. Burgis.
1982. The History, Development, Accomplishments and Programs of the
Agricultural Research and Education Center, Bradenton, Florida.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1982-1. 30 pp.
1. Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1982. Strawberry'Variety Trials for
1980 and 1981. Dover ARC Res. Rept. DOV1982-1. 6 pp.
2. Albregts, E. E. and C. !I. Howard. 19o2. Strawberry Variety Trials for
1982.. Dover ARC Res. Rept. DOV1982-4. 6 pp.
3. Everett, P. H. and K. A. Armbrester. '1982. Pepper Variety Trial
Results Spring 1982. Immokalee ARC Res. Rept. I1M32-3.
4. Everett, P. H. and K. A. Armbrester. 1982. Staked Tomato Variety
Trial Results. Immokalee ARC Res. Rept. *IMMT2-1.
5. Howe, T. K. and W. E. Waters. 1982. Evaluation of cauliflower in
west-central Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95: (in press).
6. Howe, T. K. and W. E. Waters. 1982. Sweet Corn Trial Fall 1981.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA19u2-9. 3 pp.
7. Howe, T. K. and W. E. Waters. 1982. Sweet Corn Variety Evaluation -
Supersweets, Spring 1982. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-22. 5 PP.
8. Howe, T. K., J. W. Scott and W. E. Waters. 1982. Hand Harvest Tomato
Variety Trial Results for Fall 1981. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept.
BRA1982-8. 5 pp.
9. Howe, T. K., J. W. Scott and W. E. Waters. 1982. Hand Harvest Tomato
Variety Trial Results for Spring 1982. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept.
BRA1982-15. 8 pp.
10. Scott, J. W. 1982. A frost tolerant tomato. Tomato Genetics Coop-
erative 32:45.
11. Scott, J. W., D. S. Burgis and A. A. Csizinszky. 1982. Labor and produc-
tion materials in support of the tomato breeding program. p. 1-2. In
Report on Tomato Research Supported by the Florida Tomato Exchange. Univ.
of Fla., IFAS, 1981-82. 43 pp.
12. Scott, J. W. and J. D. Farley. 1983. 'Ohio CR-6' Tomato. -HortScience
18: (in press).
1. Crill, J. P., D. S. Burgis, J. P. Jones and J. J. Augustine. 1982.
Tomato Variety Development and Multiple Disease Control with Host
Resistance. pp. 37-66. In Evolution of the Gene Rotation Concept
for Rice Blast Control: A Compilation of Ten Research Papers.
International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Lagura, Philippines.
130 pp.
2. Crill, J. P., J. P. Jones and D. S. Burgis. 1982. Evaluation of some
concepts of variety development and disease control with host resis-
tance. p. 19-26. In Evolution of the Gene Rotation Concept for Rice
Blast Control: A Compilation of Ten Research Papers. International
Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 130 pp.
3. Crill, J. P., J. P. Jones and D. S. Burgia. 1982. Failure of "hori-
zontal resistance" to Control Fusarium Wilt-:f Tomato. pp. 13-18.
In Evolution of the Gene Rotation Concept for Rice Blast Control: A
Compilation of Ten Research Papers. International Rice Research Insti-
tute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 130 pp.
4. Crill, J. P., J. P. Jones, D. S. Burgis and S. S. Woltz. 1982. Con-
trolling Fusarium Wilt of Tomato with Resistant Varieties. pp. 1-7
In Evolution of the Gene Rotation Concept for Rice Blast Control: A
Compilation of Ten Research Papers. International Rice Research Insti-
tute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 130 pp.
5. Crill, J. P., R. H. Phelps, D. S. Burgis, J. P. Jones and W. Charles.
1982. Host resistance and disease control in tomato. pp 27-35 In
Evolution of the Gene Rotation Concept for Rice Blast Control: A
Compilation of Ten Research Papers. International Rice Research
Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 130 pp.
6. Howard, C. M. and E. E. Albregts. 1982. Strawberry Anthracnose,
Crown Rot, Fruit Rot. and Black Leaf Spot caused by Colletotrichum
fragariae. Dover ARC Res. Rept. DOV1982-2. 5 pp.
7. Jones, J. B., D. L. Dawe and S. M. McCarter. 1983. Separation of
isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato into serotypes by three
serological methods. Phytopathology 73: (in press).
8. Jones, J. B., R. D. Gitaitis and S. M. McCarter. 1983. Evaluation of
indirect immunofluorescence and ice nucleation activity as rapid tests
for identifying foliar diseases of tomato transplants incited by
fluorescent pseudomonads. Plant Dis. 67: (in press).
9. Jones, J. B., J. P. Jones and J. W. ililler. 1982. Pith necrosis of
tomato. Fla. Dept. Agric. & Consumer Services Plant Pathology Circ.:
(in press).
10. Jones, J. B., J. P. Jones and R. E. Stall. 1982. The ecology of bac-
terial spot of tomatoes. p. 30. In Report on Tomato Research Supported
by the Florida Tomato Exchange. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, 1931-82. 43 pp.
11. Jones, J. B., J. P. Jones, R. E. Stall and J. W. Miller. 1982. A stem
necrosis on field grown tomatoes incited by Pseudomonas corrugata in
Florida. p. 29. In Report on Tomato Research Supported by the Florida.
Tomato Exchange. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, 1981-82. 43 pp.
12. Jones, J. B., J. P. Jones, R. E. Stall and J. W. Miller. 1933. Occurrence
of a stem necrosis on field grown tomatoes incited by Pseudomonas
corrugata in Florida. Plant Dis. 67: (in press).
13. Jones, J. P., J. B. Jones and J. W. Miller. 1982. Fusarium wilt of
tomato. Fla. Dept. Agric. & Consumer Serv. Plant Path. Circ. No. 237
Also In Twenty-first Annual Florida Tomato Institute, Veg. Crops Ext.
Rept. VEC1-62.
14. Jones, J. P., J. B. Jones and.J. W. Scott. 19G2. Fusarium wilt of
tomato. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-13.
15. Jones, J. P. and W. R. Stevenson. 1982. Efficacy of a-disease fore-
casting system in prediction and control of downy mildew of muskmelon
in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95: (in press).
16. Jones, J. B., S. S. Woltz-and J. P. Jones. 1933. The effect of foliar
and soil magnesium application on bacterial leaf spot of peppers.
Plant Dis. 67: (in press).
17. Volin, R. B. and J. P. Jones. 1982. A new race of Fusarium wilt of
tomato in Florida and sources of resistance. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 95: (in press).
1. Howe, T. K. 1982. Air pollution and plant responses. Proc. of 15th
International Bedding Plant Conf. p. 195-20k.
2. Howe, T. K. and S. S. Woltz. 1932. Sensitivity of tomato cultivars
to sulfur dioxide. HortScience 17:249-250.
3. Woltz, S. S. 1982. Fertilizer requirements of pepper seedlings for
transplant production: Symptoms of inorganic nutrient deficiencies.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-23.
4. Woltz, S. S. 1982. ilutrient deficiency symptoms and nutritional
imbalances in tomato seedlings. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. BRA1982-19.
5. Woltz, S. S. 1962. Tomato seedling nutrient requirements on six media:
An evaluation of media and seed reserves. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept.
1. Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1982. Effect of fertilizer rates on
number of malformed strawberry fruit. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95:
(in press).
2. Albregts, E. E. and C. II. Howard. 1982. Effect of strawberry transplant
stress on growth and fruiting response. Dover ARC Res. Rept. DOV1982-3.
3. Albregts, E. E. and C. 1H. Howard. 1982. Effect of transplant stress on
strawberry performance. HortScience 17:651-652.
4. Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1932. Response of fruiting strawberries
to micronutrient fertilization. Proc. Soil & Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla. 41:
5. Csizinszky, A. A. 1982. Effect of fertiizer placement and in-row
spacing on cauliflower cv. 'Snow Crown' Hybrid. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 95: (in press).
6. Csizinszky, A. A. and C. D. Stanley. 1982. Effect of trickle tubes
per bed, fertilizer type and rate on yield of spring broccoli and
cabbage. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 41: (in press).
7. Csizinszky, A. A. 1982. Investigations into fertilization of vegetables
with drip systems on sandy soil. Proc. Fla. Fert. and Lime Conf. 12:
-8. Everett, P. H. 1982. Fertilizing double crop tomatoes on plastic
mulched beds. p. 14. In 21st Annual Florida Tomato Institute.
Veg. Crops Ext. Rept. VEC1-82. 39 pp.
9. Geraldson, C. M. 1982. Intensive production of vegetable crops using
the gradient mulch system. Proc. 9th International Plant Nutrition
Colloquium. Vol. 1:192-197.
10. Geraldson, C. M. 1982. Rationale for the selection and integration
of horticulture components for maximizing production efficiency.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95: (in press).
11. Geraldson, C. M. 1982. Tomato productivity and the associated composi-
tion of the hydroponic or soil solution. Plant Nutrition 5:1091-1098.
12. Kovach, S. P. 1982. Bibliography for crop and irrigation system water
management by University of Florida (IFAS) faculty. Veg. Crops Ext.
Report VEC82-2.
13. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1932. Agricultural water use and public opinion.
The Vegetarian Newsletter. April.
14. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Boron toxicity on tomatoes in southwest
Florida. The Vegetarian Newsletter. January.
15. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Diagnostic characteristics of palt damage.
The Vegetarian Newsletter. August.
16. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Extension responsibility, integrity and
hydroponics. The Vegetarian Newsletter. May.
17. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Irrigation water application in south and
southwest Florida. p. 11. In 21st Annual Florida Tomato Institute.
Veg. Crops'Ext. Rept. VEC82-1. 39 Pp.
b1. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1982. Water application on full bed mulched
tomatoes in southwest Florida. The Vegetarian Newsletter. November.
19. Marlowe, G. A.,.Jr. 1982. Water management in commercial vegetable
production. Water Management Workshop. IFAS, Southwest Florida Water
Management District. Seffner, FL.
20. Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 19d2. Water use and conservation in vegetable
production. Water Management Workshop, IFAS-St. Johns Water Mgmt.
District, DeLand, FL. The Vegetarian Newsletter. June.
21. Marlowe, G. A., Jr., J. M. Bennett and L. B. Baldwin. 1982. Conser-
vation of irrigation water in vegetable production. Fla. Coop. Ext.
Circ. 533.
22. Marlowe, G. A., Jr., A. J. Overman and S. P. Feinberg. 1982. Results
of an irrigation application rate survey of tomatoes and strawberries
in southwest Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95: (in press).
23. Overman, A. J. 1932. Soil fumigation via drip irrigation under full-
bed mulch culture for row crops. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla.
41: (in press).
24. Rogers, J. S. and C. D. Stanley. 1982. Subirrigation of staked tomatoes.
Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 41: (in press).
25. Stanley, C. D. 1962. A Summary of results from water research projects
supported by the Southwest Florida Water Management District and conducted
at the AREC-Bradenton, ARC-Dover and ARC-Immokalee. Bradenton AREC Res.
Rept. GC1982-2.
Waters, Will E., Horticulturist and Center Director. Administration, soil
and plant nutrition, and ornamental horticulture.
Chambliss, C. G., Extension Agronomist. Develop extension educational
programs and cooperative research programs on forage production for
south Florida.
Csizinszky, A. A., Asst. Horticulturist. Production systems, crop management
and post-harvest studies of vegetable crops.
Geraldson, C. I1., Soils Chemist. Soil nutritional problems and their
relationship with cultural methods for veg-table production.
Gilreath, J. P., Asst. Horticulturist. Weed control of vegetable and
ornamental crops.
Howe, T. K., Senior Biologist. Variety performance and post harvest
evaluations for ornamental and vegetable crops.
Jones, J. B., Asst. Plant Pathologist. Ecology and control of bacterial
disease of ornamental and vegetable crops.
Jones, J. P., Plant Pathologist. Etiology and control of disease of
vegetable crops.
Kovach, S. P., Extension Water Aanagement Specialist. Plan and implement
extension programs dealing with water requirements, water use efficiency
and water quality of commercial vegetable, ornamental and other crops of
south Florida.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr., Extension Vegetable Specialist. Develop extension
education programs and cooperative research on vegetable crops of
southwest Florida.
Overman, A. J., Nematologist. Etiology and control of nematode problems on
ornamentals, vegetables and agronomic crops.
Prevatt, J. W., Extension Farm Management Economist. Develop extension farm
management educational programs in agriculture and cooperative research
on production economics of vegetable and ornamental crops.
Price, J. F., Asst. Entomologist. Identification, biology and control of
insects and mites of ornamental and strawberry crops.
Schuster, D..J., Assoc. Entomologist. Identification, biology and control
of insects and mites of vegetable crops.
Scott, J. W., Asst. Geneticist. Tomato variety development and genetics
of characters related to tomatoes.
Stanley, C. D., Asst. Soil Scientist. Soil-water relations for ornamental
and vegetable crops.
Woltz, S. S., Plant Physiologist. Physiology disorders and diseases of
vegetable and ornamental crops.
Albregts, E. E., Soils Chemist. Center administration, production, soil
and plant nutrition of strawberry and vegetable crops.
Howard, C. M., Plant Pathologist. Strawberry breeding and etiology and
control of strawberry and vegetable diseases.
Everett, P. H., Soils Chemist. Center administration, soil and plant
nutrition, production and variety development of vegetable crops.