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Group Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables and agronomy, Agricultural Research and Education Center, Bradenton, Florida
Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables and agronomy. 1978-1979.
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00054250/00001
 Material Information
Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables and agronomy. 1978-1979.
Series Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables and agronomy.
Alternate Title: Research report - Bradenton Agricultural Research and Education Center ; GC1980-6
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Waters, W. E. ( Editor )
Publisher: Agricultural Research and Education Center, University of Florida
Publication Date: 1980
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00054250
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 62705929

Table of Contents
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IFAS, University of Florida
-b Bradenton, Florida .--

Bradenton AREC Research Report GC1980-6 April 1980

FOR 1978-1979 / 0

W. E. Waters, Editor

This bibliography contains a listing of the research articles submitted for publicati n
during the past two years (1978-79) dealing with vegetables and agronomy. Publications
are inventoried under the following classifications: Agricultural Economics, Agricul-
tural Engineering, Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Soils and Plant Nutrition,
Nematology and Soil Microbiology, Plant Breeding, and Plant Pathology. In each of
these classifications, publications are delineated as articles in professional journals,
bulletins, circulars and fact sheets, research reports, and other publications.

SThis is one in a series of periodic bibliographic listings of the publications made by
the faculty of the Agricultural Research and Education Center.in Bradenton, a branch
of the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Many of these articles are still in press and reprints may not be available at this
time; therefore, all requests for reprints or information on the research should be
directed to the author.


Abstract ............................................................ ........ i
Table of Contents ............................................. ...... i

AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS .................................................... 1
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ....................................................... 2
AGRONOMY ............. ....... ........................ ........................ 2

ENTOMOLOGY ................................................................... 4

HORTICULTURE, SOILS AND PLANT NUTRITION ........................................ 6
NEMATOLOGY AND SOIL MICROBIOLOGY ......................................... 9

PLANT EREEDING .............................................................. 10

PLANT PATHOLOGY ............................................................. 11

LIST OF CONTRIBUTING FACULTY .................................................. 13


Articles in Professional Journals

Bottcher, A. B., K. L. Campbell, A. J. Overman, A. A. Csizinszky, and J. W. Prevatt.
1979. Evaluation of cost vs. water quality improvement for alternative manage-
ment practices. Proc. Am. Soc. Agric. Engineers: (in press).

Otte, John A., and Dan L. Gunter. 1978.
Business Analysis. Proc. Fla. State

Using the University of Florida Nursery
Hort. Sbc. 91:213-216. Jour. Series #1571.

Prevatt, J. Walter, John E. Reynolds, and Bryan E. Melton.
optimal levels of field crops, forages ahd beef cattle
Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla. 33: (in press).
Journal Series No. 2208.

1979. Determination of
enterprises. Proc.

Research Reports

Mislevy, P., C. L. Dantzman, J. A. Otte, and A. J. Overman. 1978.
forage system for south Florida. Beef Cattle and Forage Field
Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-9:25-34.

Day Program.

Mislevy, P., C. L. Dantzman, J. A. Otte, A. J. Overman, H. C. Chapman, Jr., and
F. M. Peacock. 1978. Multicropping system for forage production in south
Florida. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-6. 20 pp.

Otte, John A. 1978. Strawberry Growing Costs.
Dover ARC Res. Rept. SV1978-1.

Strawberry Field Day Program.

Other Publications

Abbitt, Ben, Ron Muraro, and John Otte.
plan your citrus operation. Citrus
(Aug. 1978).

Abbitt, B., J. A. Otte, and H. B. Clark.
Citrus and Vegetable Magazine 41(6):

1978. Budgets and records can help you
and Vegetable Magazine 41(12:10-11.

1978. The grower as a credit risk.
:18-29. (Feb. 1978).

Abbitt, B., J. Otte, D. George, and J. Wershow. 1978. Higher cattle prices rekindle
interest in cattle leasing. Southeast Farm Press 5(27):19-20. (July 5, 1978).

Abbitt, B., J. Otte, D. George, and J. Wershow. 1978. It's important to understand
leasing provisions by both parties. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock
Journal 42(9):32-33. (June 1978).

Mislevy, P., J. A. Otte, and C. L. Dantzman.
production in south Florida. Proc. 27th

1978. Multicropping system for forage
Annual Beef Cattle Short Course:140-152.

Otte, John A., M. T. Pospichal, C. M. Howard, and E. E. Albregts. 1978. Estimated
costs to grow strawberries in the Plant City area, 1977. Univ. of Fla. Food
and Resource Economics Dept. Economic Information Report 86. 11 pp.

Otte, John, and Ben Abbitt. 1978.
Citrus and Vegetable Magazine

Income tax strategies for progressive growers.
42(2):8, 18. (Nov. 1978).

Otte, John, and Ben Abbitt. 1979. Income taxes good news and bad news, new rulings
year end strategy. Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association FOCUS 6(1):8.
(Jan. 1979).

Otte, J. A., J. P. Jones, and A. J. Overman. 1978. Does fumigating old land pay?
Citrus and Vegetable Magazine 41(11):8, 22. (July 1978).

Prevatt, J. W., and M. T. Pospichal. 1979.
small farms, west central Florida, 1979.
nomics Dept. Economic Information Report

Prevatt, J.
ted fii

eld crop,
Univ. of

Budgeting selected vegetable crops for
Univ. of Fla. Food and Resource Eco-

John E. Reynolds, and Bryan E. Melton. 1979. Budgets for selec-
forage and beef cattle enterprises in north and west Florida,
Fla. Food and Resource Economics Dept. Economic Information


Articles in Professional Journals

Baird, C. D., and W. E. Waters. 1979. Solar energy and greenhouse heating.
HortScience 14:147-151. Journal Series No. 1407.

Baird, C. D., and W. E. Waters. 1979. Inhouse solar collection for southern green-
houses. Proc. Fourth Annual Conf. Solar Energy for Heating Greenhouses and
Greenhouse-Residence Combinations. Dept. of Biological & Agricultural Engi-
neering, Cook College Rutgers University. pp. 142-146.

Articles in Professional Journals

Mislevy, P. and P. H. Everett. 1979. Performance of sixteen tropical grasses under
various management practices in south Florida. Soil & Crop Science Soc. of
Florida. Journal Series No. 1665.

Stanley, C. D., T. C. Kaspar, and H. M. Taylor. 1979. Soybean top and root response
to temporary water tables imposed at three different stages of growth. Agronomy
Journal (scheduled to be published in the March-April, 1980 issue).

Bulletins, Circulars and Fact Sheets

Chambliss, C. G. 1978. 'Bigalta'
and stockpiled winter feed).

Limpograss (a special-use grass for pasture, hay,
Fla. Agron. Fact Sheet No. 88.

Chambliss, C. G. 1979. How to collect, press, mount and store plants.
omy Fact Sheet No. 97.

Chambliss, C. G.

Fla. Agron-

1979. Red clover in Florida. Fla. Agronomy Fact Sheet No. 96.

Chambliss, C. G., and D. W. Jones. 1979. Bahiagrass.
Cooperative Extension Service Extension Circular.

Chambliss, C. G., D.
hay and silage.

W. Jones, and E. M. Hodges. 1978.
Fla. Agron. Fact Sheet No. 81.

IFAS, University of Florida

Digitgrasses for pasture,

Whitty, E. B., D. W. Jones, D. L. Wright, G. Kidder, C. G. Chambliss, and B. A.
Bailey. 1979. Field and forage crop variety recommendations. Fla. Agron.
Fact Sheet No. 89.

Wright, D. L., C. G. Chambliss, and D. W. Jones. 1978. Field corn hybrids recommen-
ded for Florida. Fla. Agron. Fact Sheet No. 87.

Research Reports

Chambliss, C. G. (Co-Editor). 1978.
1977. Agronomy Research Report


field and forage crop variety report -

Chambliss, C. G. (Co-Editor). 1979. Florida field and forage crop variety report -
1978. Agronomy Research Report AG79-5:13, 14, 39. February.

Chambliss, C. G. 1979. Quality winter
Florida (grazing, hay and silage).

feed for beef cattle in central and south
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-18.

Chambliss, C. G., Roy J.
cial corn varieties

Champagne, and E. S. Horner. 1979.
in Dade County, Florida. Bradenton

Evaluation of commer-
AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-

Chambliss, C. G. and K. D. Schuler. 1979.
from the Everglades agricultural area,
Report GC1979-19.

Hybrid field corn variety test results
1978 & 1979. Bradenton AREC Research

Green, V. E., Jr., D. W. Gorbet, L. S. Dunavin, Jr., H. A. Peacock, J. T. Johnson,
R. S. Kalmbacher, C. G. Chambliss, R. J. Allen, Jr., G. M. Prine, A. M. Akhanda,
B. R. Tyree, and P. H. Everett. 1978. Statewide uniform tests with grain sor-
ghums, silage sorghums, annual summer grasses (sorghum x sudangrasses and
pearlmillets) and sweet sorghums sorgoss). Univ. of Fla, IFAS Agronomy Res.
Rept. AG78-7.

Kalmbacher, R. S.,
Evaluation of
County, 1978.

C. G. Chambliss, P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1978.
commercial grain sorghum hybrids at Ona, Immokalee and Dade
ARC-Ona Res. Rept. RC1978-13.

Kalmbacher, R. S., C. G. Chambliss, P. H. Everett, D. L. Wright, and F. G. Martin.
1979. Evaluation of commercial grain sorghum hybrids at Ona, Immokalee and
Dade County, 1979. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1979-11.

Kalmbacher, R. S.,
Evaluation of
County, 1977.

P. H. Everett, C. G. Chambliss, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1978.
commercial grain sorghum hybrids at Ona, Immokalee, and Dade
ARC-Ona Res. Rept. RC1978-3.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green. 1978. Evaluation of sorghum x
sudangrass, pearlmillet and sweet-sorghum hybrids for forage production at
Ona and Immokalee, 1977. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-1.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1978. Evaluation of commer-
cial forage sorghum hybrids at ARC, Ona and Immokalee, 1977. ARC Ona Res.
Rept. RC1978-2.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1979. Evaluation of sorghum
x sudangrass and pearlmillet hybrids for forage production at Ona and Immokalee:
1978. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1979-2.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1979. Evaluation of commer-
cial forage sorghum hybrids at ARC, Ona and Immokalee, 1978. Ona ARC Res. Rept.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, and R. D. Barnett. 1978. Small grain
forage production at Ona and Immokalee, 1977-78. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-7.


Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, R. D. Barnett, and F.
Small grain forage production at Ona and Immokalee: 1978-79.
Rept. RC1979-8.

G. Martin. 1979.
Ona ARC Res.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, F. G. Martin, and G. M. Prine. 1979.
Ryegrass forage production at Ona and Immokalee: 1978-79. Ona ARC Res. Rept.

Kalmbacher, R. S.,
production at

P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, and G. Prine. 1978. Ryegrass forage
Ona and Immokalee: 1977-78. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-8.

Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, and P. H. Everett. 1979. Cool season legume pro-
duction in south central Florida, 1978-79. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1979-10.

Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, and P. H. Everett. 1978. Cool season legume pro-
duction in south central Florida, 1977-78. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-11.

Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, P. H. Everett, and E. S. Horner. 1978. Commercial
corn variety testing results from south central Florida, 1978. Ona ARC Res.
Rept. RC1978-12.

Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, P.
corn variety testing results
Rept. RC1979-9.

H. Everett, and E. S. Horner. 1979. Commercial
from south central Florida, 1979. Ona ARC Res.

Other Publications

Chambliss, C. G. 1978. Legumes for grazing animals.
Livestock and Poultry in Latin America A8-A11l

Proc. 12th Annual Conf. on

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, C. G. Chambliss, and P. H. Everett.
cool season forages in south Florida: potential and problems.
Annual Beef Cattle Short Course 27:125-127.

1978. Sodseeding
Proc. 27th

Mislevy, Paul, C. L. Dantzman, J. A. Otte, A. J. Overman, H. L. Chapman, Jr., and
F. M. Peacock. 1978. Triple cropping forage production systems. Four Seasons
News, Rainbow Division International Minerals & Chemicals Corp. 8(4):4-5, 7.
(Summer 1978).

Articles in Professional Journals

Chalfant, R. B., W. H. Denton, D. J. Schuster, and R. B. Workman. 1979. Management
of cabbage caterpillars in Florida and Georgia using visual damage thresholds.
J. Econ. Entomol. 72:411-413.

Poe, S. L., P. H. Everett, D. J. Schuster, and C. A. Musgrave. 1978. Insecticidal
effects on Liriomyza sativae larvae and their parasites on tomato. J. Ga.
Entomol. Soc. 13:322-327.

Price, James F., and Merle Shepard. 1978. Calosoma sayi and Labidura reparia preda-
tion on noctuid prey in soybeans and locomotor activity. Environ. Entomol.
Journal Series No. 1544 (Clemson University)

Price, James F., and Merle Shepard. 1978. Calosoma sayi: seasonal history and
response to insecticides in soybeans. Environ. Entomol. 7(3):359-363.
Journal Series No. 1528 (Clemson University).

Price, James F., and Merle Shepard. 1980. Sampling ground predators in soybean
fields. Pages 532-543 in Sampling Methods in Soybean Entomology. M. Kogan
and D. Herzog, eds., Springer Verlag. New York. 600 pp.
S. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Journal Series No. 1465

Schuster, D. J. 1978. Tomato pinworm: Chemical control on tomato seedlings for
transplant. J. Econ. Entomol. 71:195-196.
Journal Series No. 736

Schuster, D. J. 1978. Tomato pinworm, larval
tomato treated with organotin compounds.
Journal Series No. 1960

survival, development and
J. Econ. Soc. of America

Schuster, D. J., R. B. Chalfant, W.
evaluation of chemical control
tions in Florida and Georgia.
Journal Series No. 1181

Denton, and R. B. Workman. 1978.
lepidopterous larvae on cabbage at
Ga. Entomol. Soc. 13:327-331.

four loca-

Schuster, D. J., C. A. Musgrave, and J. P. Jones. 1979. Vegetable leafminer and
parasite emergence from tomato foliage sprayed with oxamyl. J. Econ. Entomol.
Journal Series No. 1447

Schuster, D. J., J. F. Price, C. M. Howard, and E. E. Albregts. 1979. Twospotted
spider mites: control on strawberry with organotin, naphtohquinone and cyclo-
propane acaricides. J. Econ. Entomol. 72:360-361.
Journal Series No. 1575

Schuster, D. J., V. H. Waddill, J. J. Augustine, and R. B. Volin. 1978. Field com-
parisons of Lycopersicon accessions for resistance to the tomato pinworm and
vegetable leafminer. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 104:170-172.
Journal Series No. 1130

Research Reports

Schuster, D. J., D. E. Dougherty, and P. H. Everett. 1979. Utilization of insecti-
cides for insect pest management on tomatoes in Florida. Univ. of Fla. Braden-
ton AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-9.

Schuster, D. J., and P. H. Everett.
etable leafminer with chemicals.

1979. A research update on the control of veg-
Univ. of Fla. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept.

Other Publications

Dougherty, D. E., and D. J. Schuster. 1980.
with soil-applied insecticides, 1979.
(in press).

Vegetable leafminer control on tomato
Insecticide and Acaracide Tests 5:

Schuster, D. J. 1979. Fall armyworm control on sweet corn seedlings, 1978.
Insecticide and Acaracide Tests 4:76-77.

Schuster, D. J.

1979. Mole cricket control on tomato
and Acaracide Tests 4:110.

and pepper, 1978.

Schuster, D. J. 1978. Vegetable leafminer control on tomato, 1977.
Insecticide and Acaracide Tests 3:108.

damage on

Schuster, D. J. 1979. Vegetable leafminer control on tomato, 1977-78.
Insecticide and Acaracide Tests 4:110.

Schuster, D. J., and D. E. Dougherty. 1980. Insect control on tomato, 1979.
Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 5: (in press).

Schuster, D. J., and J. F. Price., 1980. Control of lepidopterous larvae on tomato,
1979. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 5: (in press).


Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1978. Elemental composition of fresh strawberry
fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 103:293-296.
Journal Series No. 1897

Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard.
irrigation on strawberries.
Journal Series No. 1007

Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1978.
plant growth and fruiting response.
Journal Series No. 1439

1978. Influence of fertilizer sources and drip
Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 37:159-162.

Evaluation of plant density on strawberry
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:298-299.

Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1980. Nutrient element accumulation by strawberry
plant and fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 105: (in press).
Journal Series No. 1897

Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1979. Effect of bed height and N fertilizer sources
on fruit strawberries. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 38:76-78.
Journal Series No. 1563

Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1979. Effect of two and four row beds with drip
irrigation on strawberry fruiting response. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:73-74.
Journal Series No. 2042

Buffington, D. E., S. K. Sastry, J. C. Gustashaw, Jr., and D. S. Burgis. 1979.
Artificial curing and storage of Florida onions. Am. Soc. of Ag. Engineers:
1979 Summer meeting: (in press).
Journal Series No. 1910

Burgis, D. S., and Gary J. Wilfret.
4 varieties. Proc. Fla. State
Journal Series No. 2018

1979. Cherry type tomatoes: an evaluation of
Hort. Soc. 92:134-136.

Csizinszky, A. A. 1978. Effect of environmental pH on the attachment and infectivity
of curly-top virus in pepper, Capsicum annum L. Florida Scientist 41:122-128.
Journal Series No. 438

Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. Effect of salt on seed germination and transplant survival
of vegetable crops. 42nd Proc. Fla. Acad. Sci. Fla. Sci. 42:43-51.
Journal Series No. 1172

Csizinszky, A. A., and A. J. Overman. 1978. Effect of drip irrigation tube place-
ment, type and quantity of fertilizer on yields of broccoli and cauliflower
under full-bed plastic mulch culture. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla.
Journal Series No. 1620

Csizinszky, A. A., and A. J. Overman. 1978. Variation in soil moisture, pH and total
soluble salt content of tomato fields under full-bed plastic mulch with drip
irrigation. Proc. 14th Natl. Plastics Conf.:167-179.
Journal Series No. 1602

Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. Methods in increasing seed germination of winged bean,
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. HortScience (Accepted for publication)
Journal Series No. 1822

Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. Yield and water
drip irrigation systems. 43rd Proc.
Journal Series No. 1789

Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. The importance
ment in growing vegetable with drip
Journal Series No. 2064

use of vegetable crops with seepage and
Fla. Acad. Sci. (in press).

of irrigation frequency and fertilizer place-
irrigation. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.

Everett, P. H. 1978. Fertilizing tomatoes or cucumbers as second crops on plastic
mulched beds. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:317-319.
Journal Series No. 1466
(Also in Citrus and Vegetable Magazine, Dec. 1978, p 37)

Geraldson, C. M. 1979. Minimal calcium stress using the gradient mulch production
system. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Calcium Nutrition. Commun. in Soil Sci. and
Plant Analysis 10:163-169.
Journal Series No. 928

Geraldson, C. M. 1978. Relevance of intensive production to the concentration and
balance of nutrients in the soil solution. Proc. of the 8th International Col-
loquium on Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Problems. Aukland, New Zealand and
OSIR Information Series 134, 136-146.
Journal Series No. 1371

Geraldson, C. M. 1978. Ionic composition of the root environment under mulch.
Proc. 14th Nat'l Plastics Conf.:213-221.

Geraldson, C. M. 1979. Relevance of water and fertilizer to production efficiency
of tomatoes and pepper. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:74-76.
Journal Series No. 2093

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, P. Mislevy, and F. G. Martin. 1979. Methods of
overseeding oats, rye and ryegrass in herbicide treated bahiagrass. Soil and
Crop Sci. Soc. Proc. 38:32-36.
Journal Series No. 1591

Marlowe, G. A., Jr.
full bed mulch
Journal Series

1978. The sequence of operations and labor requirements in the
system in Florida. Proc. 14th Agric. Plastics Conf:
No. 1512

Stanley, C. D., T. C. Kaspar, and H. M. Taylor. 1979. Using solar radiation and
air temperature to statistically model soybean leaf-water potentials under
non-limiting soil water conditions. Crop Sci.: (in press).

Woltz, S. S., and C. G. Chambliss. 1979. Cadmium toxicity in some vegetable and
test plant species. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:110-112.
Journal Series No. 2049

Research Reports

Albregts, E. E., C. M. Howard, et al. 1978. Strawberry Field Day. Dover ARC
Res. Rept. SV1978-1.

Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard. 1979. Nutrient accumulation by strawberry plants.
Dover ARC Res. Rept. SV1979-1. 6 pp

Csizinszky, A. A. 1978. Utilization of residual fertilizers of a fall tomato crop
by direct seeded and transplanted vegetables. AREC Bradenton Res. Rept. GC1978-1.
Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. Calculation of row feet and plant numbers in tomato fields.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-11.

Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. Calculation of irrigation water for seep irrigated land from
riser flow rates. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-12.

Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. Considerations in calculating and reporting water applica-
tion rates for drip irrigated lands. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-13.

Csizinszky, A. A. 1979. Comparison of yield and water use of broccoli, sweet corn,
and zucchini squash with seep and drip irrigation methods. Bradenton AREC
Res. Rept. GC1979-14.

Everett, P. H., and D. E. Dougherty. 1978. Vegetable Field Day. ARC Immokalee
Res. Rept. SF1978-1.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr., and R. T. Montgomery. 1978. Labor requirements for tomatoes
grown in southwest Florida under the full bed mulch system. Bradenton AREC
Res. Rept. GC1978-2.

Marlowe, G. A., Jr., and R. T. Montgomery. 1978. Some weight size relationships of
Florida tomatoes. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1978-3.
Woltz, S. S., and T. K. Howe. 1979. Effects of airborne sulfur dioxide on Florida
vegetation. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-17. 6 pp
Other Publications

Geraldson, C. M. 1978. Luck, mulch and the gradient system. Am. Veg. Grower,
Oct. 1978:14-19.

Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1978. Fertilizer relationships in the full bed mulch system.
Florida Fertilizer & Lime Conference Proceedings, Univ. of Fla., Institute
of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Soil Science Dept. May, 1978.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Some symptoms of seedling plant disorders.
Vegetarian Newsletter, January.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Avoid the transplant production nightmare.
Vegetarian Newsletter, February.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Water for people or for food?
Vegetarian Newsletter, March.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Water conservation in the early grown vegetables.
Vegetarian Newsletter, April.


Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. The Tiger, the tapeworm, and IPM.
Vegetarian Newsletter, May.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Some similarities between war strategy and integrated
pest management. Vegetarian Newsletter, June.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1q78. Weight size relationships among fresh market tomato
varieties. Vegetarian Newsletter, September.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Some information capsules on soil-borne pathogens
of vegetables. Vegetarian Newsletter, October.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Labor used to produce staked tomatoes on full bed
mulch in the Manatee-Ruskin area. Vegetarian Newsletter, November.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. The importance of the seed salesman in modern
vegetable production. Vegetarian Newsletter, December.

Marlowe, G. A., Jr., and D. J. Cantliffe. 1978. Factors to consider in precision
planting. VCR 1978-20.

Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1973. Basic processes and conditions influencing fruit develop-
ment of vegetable crops. VCR 1978-24.

Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1978. The management of agricultural research in the USA by the
project system. national Academy of Sciences IC Report #6, Republic of
Cameroon llorkshop, Buea.

Woods, Chuck, and D. S. Surgis. 1979. Paper mulch. Florida Grower and Rancher (Feb.)


Articles in Professi oFal Joiurnals

Johnson, A. U., A. J. Overman, et al. 1978. Test materials and environmental con-
ditions for field evaluation of nematode control agents. In Methods for Evalu-
ating Plant Fungicides, Nematicides, and Bactericides:106-108. Am. Phytopath-
ological Soc., St. Paul, Minn.

Overman, A. J. 1978. I!ost and nematode response to insecticidal rates of oxamyl
sprays. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla. 38: (in press).

Overman, A. J. 1978. Nematode control with foliar sprays of oxamyl at insecticidal
rates. N~matropica 8(2):19-20.

Overman, A. J. 1978. Crop response to SMDC applied through a drip irrigation system.
Proc. 14th National Agric. Plastics Congress:128-136.
Journal Series ro. 1476

Overman, A. J., and F. G. Martin. 1978. A survey of soil and crop management prac-
tices in the Florida tomato industry. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:294-297.
Journal Series Mo. 1573


Other Publications

Ware, G., A. J. Overman, et al. 1979. Review of the 68 recommendations in the Califor-
nia report on environmental assessment of pesticide regulatory programs. Council
for Agr. Science and Technology Report No. 78. April 13, 1979. Iowa State Uni-
versity, Ames, IA.


Articles in Professional Journals

Sonoda, R. M., and J. J. Augustine. 1978. Reaction of bacterial wilt resistant
tomato lines to Pseudomonas solanaceaum in Florida. Plant Disease Reporter
Journal Series No. 969

Sonoda, R. M., J. Marois, and J. J. Augustine. 1978. Fusarium crown rot of tomato
in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:284-286.
Journal Series No. 1484

Augustine, J. J., M. A. Stevens, and R. W. Breidenbach. 1979. Physiological,
morphological, and anatomical studies of tomato genotypes varying in
carboxylation efficiency. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 104:338-341.

Sonoda, R. M., J. J. Augustine, and R. B. Volin. 1979. Bacterial wilt of tomato
in Florida: History, status and sources of resistance. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 92:100-102.
Journal Series No. 2112

Hall, C. B., J. J. Augustine, and J. E. Lazarti. 1979. Pericarp thickness of
ripened tomato fruit related to maturity at harvest. HortScience 14:541-542.
Journal Series No. 1332

Hall, C. B., R. E. Stall, and J. J. Augustine. 1978. Postharvest development of
graywall in tomato fruit. HortScience (in press)
Journal Series No. 1416

Research Reports

Sonoda, R. M., J. J. Augustine, and R. B. Volin. 1978. Incidence of bacterial wilt
in Florida on tomato lines obtained from the Asian Vegetable Research and
Development Center. Ft. Pierce ARC Res. Rept. RL1978-3.

Sonoda, R. M., J. J. Augustine, and R. B. Volin. 1979. Survival and yield in late
fall of tomato lines with partial resistance to bacterial wilt.
Ft. Pierce ARC Res. Rept. RL1979-5.

Bulletins, Circulars and Fact Sheets

Howard, C. M., and E. E. Albregts. 1979. Dover, a firm fruited strawberry with
resistance to anthracnose. Univ. of Fla. Expt. Sta. Circular S-267.



Articles in Professional Journals

Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard. 1979.
yield of Florida Belle strawberries.
(in press).
Journal Series No. 1968

The effect of Osmocote rates on fruit
Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla. Proc.

Dougherty, D. E. 1978. Yield reduction in tomato caused by bacterial leaf spot and
disease control with copper sprays. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:291-293.
Journal Series No. 1462
(ALSO in Citrus and Vegetable Magazine, Dec. 1978, pp 37 & 40)

Dougherty, D. E. 1979. Disease loss and chemical control of downy mildew in honeydew.
Plant Disease (in press).
Journal Series No. 1095

Dougherty, D. E., and D. J. Schuster. 1979.
blight, scab, and pickleworm in honeydew.
Journal Series No. 2133

Control of downy mildew, gummy stem
Plant Disease (in press).

Dougherty, D. E. 1980. Seasonal and fungicidal effects on honeydew diseases in
south Florida. Plant Disease (in press).
Journal Series No. 2140

Dougherty, D. E. 1979. Bud rot of pepper. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92:103-106.
Journal Series No. 2041

Howard, C. M., and E. E. Albregts. 1979.
applications on Florida strawberries.
Journal Series No. 1943

Costs and benefits of captain and benomyl
Plant Disease (in press).

Howard, C. M., and E. E. Albregts. 1980. Dover strawberry. HortScience 15 (in press).
Journal Series No. 1803

Howard, C. M., and E. E. Albregts. 1979. Strawberry mechanization in Florida.
Proc. Res. Workers Conference on Strawberry Mechanization: (in press).

Jones, J. P., and S. S.
and their control.
Journal Series No.

Woltz. 1978. Fusarium incited diseases of tomato and potato
The Fusarium Volume, Penn State Univ. Press: (in press).

Jones, John Paul, and A. J. Overman. 1978. Evaluation of chemicals for the control
of Verticillium and Fusarium wilt of tomato. Plant Dis. Reptr. 62:451-455.
Journal Series No. 896

Jones, John Paul. 1978. Disease thresholds for downy mildew and target leafspot of
cucurbits and late blight of tomato. Plant Dis. Reptr. 62:798-802.
Journal Series No. 1134

Jones, John Paul. 1979. Tolerance of tomato to manual defoliation. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 92:99-100.
Journal Series No. 1957

Dahlbeck, D., R. E. Stall, and J. P. Jones. 1979. The effect of vertical and
horizontal resistance on development of bacterial spot of pepper.
Plant Disease Reptr. 63:332-335.
Journal Series No. 1582


Woltz, S. S., and J. P. Jones. 1979. Effects of magnesium on bacterial spot of
pepper and tomato and on the in vitro inhibition of Xanthomonas vesicatoria
by streptomycin. Plant Dis. Reptr. 63:182-184.
Journal Series No. 1488

Bulletins, Circulars and Fact Sheets

Riding, W. H., and C. M. Howard.
by Colletotrichum fragariae.


Strawberry anthracnose and crown rot caused
Div. Plant Industry Circular 198.

Research Reports

Howard, C. M., E. E. Albregts, and A. J. Overman.
Dover ARC Res. Rept. SV1978-2.

Jones, John Paul, and D. S. Burgis.
Res. Rept. GC1979-6. 28 pp

Woltz, S. S., and

1978. Strawberry plant production.

1979. Vegetable Field Day. Bradenton AREC

T. K. Howe. 1979. Effects of airborne sulfur dioxide on Florida
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1979-17. 6 pp

Other Publications

Dougherty, D. E. 1979.
downy mildew, 1978.

Fungicidal control of watermelon gummy stem blight and
Fungicide & Nematicide Tests 34:59.

Dougherty, D. E. 1979. Control of gummy stem blight disease on cantaloupe, 1978.
Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 34:88.

Dougherty, D. E. 1979. Downy mildew and gummy stem blight control on watermelon
with new fungicides, 1979. Fungicide & Nematicide Tests 35: (in press).

Dougherty, D. E. 1979. Fungicide evaluation for powdery mildew control on honeydew,
1979. Fungicide & Nematicide Tests 35: (in press).

Dougherty, D. E.
Fungicide &

1979. Control of powdery mildew on muskmelon, 1979.
Nematicide Tests 35: (in press).

Dougherty, D. E., and D. J. Schuster. 1979.
with soil-applied insecticides, 1979.

Vegetable leafminer control on tomato
Insecticide & Acaracide Tests 5:(in press).

Howard, C. M., and E. E. Albregts. 1978. Fungicide evaluations for control of straw-
berry fruit rots. Fungicide & Nematicide Tests 33:56.

Jones, John Paul. 1979. Common names of tomato diseases. Phytopath. News 13:140-141.

Gilpatrick, J. D., C. C. Powell, Jr., L. V,
Contemporary control of plant diseases
prospects, and proposals for action.
169 pp

. Edgington, J. P. Jones, et al. 1979.
With chemicals: present status, future
Am. Phytopath. Soc. Rept. EPA-68-01-2914.



Waters, Will E., Horticulturist and Center Director. Administration, soils and plant

Augustine, J. J., Asst. Geneticist. Variety development of genetics of tomatoes.

Burgis, D. S., Professor Emeritus, Horticulturist. Vegetable variety evaluation,
weed control, and general horticulture of vegetable crops.

Chambliss, C. G., Extension Agronomist. Extension educational programs and cooperative
research programs oh forage production for southern Florida.

Csizinszky, A. A., Asst. Horticulturist. Production systems, crop management and
post harvest studies on vegetable crops.
Geraldson, C. M., Soils Chemist. Soil nutritional problems and their relationship
with cultural methods for vegetable production.

Howe, T. K., Asst. in Plant Physiology. Studies of physiological disorders and
disease and air pollution Studies of vegetables and ornamentals.

Jones, J. P., Plant Pathologist. Etiology and control of vegetable disease with
emphasis on Fusarium wilt.
Overman, A. J., Nematologist. Etiology and control of nematode problems of ornamen-
tals and vegetables.

Prevatt, J. W., Area Extension Economist. Extension farm management educational
programs in agriculture and cooperative research on production economics of
vegetables and ornamentals.

Price, J. F. Asst. Entomologist. Biology, ecology, and control of insects and mites
of ornamentals and strawberries.
Schuster, D. J., Asso. Entomologist. Biology and control of insects and mites of

Stanley, C. D., Asst. Soil Scientist. Soil-water plant relations of vegetable and
ornamental crops.

Woltz, S. S., Plant Physiologist. Physiological disorders and disease and air pollu-
tion studies of vegetables and ornamentals.


Albregts, E. E., Horticulturist. Administration, soil and plant nutrition and
horticultural problems in strawberries and vegetables.

Howard, C. M., Plant Pathologist. Strawberry breeding and etiology and control of
vegetable diseases with emphasis on strawberry crops.

Everett, P. H., Soils Chemist. Administration, plant nutrition of vegetables and
agronomic crops, tomato variety evaluations and machine-harvest.


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