W. E. Waters, Editor
Bradenton AREC Research Report GC1979-2
OCT 9 1979
.F.A.S. -orida
Listed below are the research articles submitted for publication
years. Many of the articles are still in press and reprints may
this time; therefore all requests for reprints or information on
be directed to the authors.
during the past two
not be available at
the research should
Otte, John, Michael Boehlje, and Lowell Catlett. 1977.
acceptable strip mining royalty payments. Southern
nomics 9(2). (Dec. 1977).
The impact of reclamation on
Journal of Agricultural Eco-
Otte, J. A., J. P. Jones, and A. J. Overman. 1977. Tomato yield response to fumiga-
tion on old land and estimated costs to fumigate. University of Florida Food and
Resource Economics Dept. Economic Information Report 70. (April 1977).
Otte, J. A., and P. Mislevy. 1977. Estimated costs for multicropping corn, Aeschy-
nomene, and oats as forage for one crop season at the Ona ARC. University of
Florida Food and Resource Economics Dept. Economic Information Report 71.
(May 1977).
Otte, John A. 1977. Five easy steps to estimate your plant costs. Univ. of Florida
Food and Resource Economics Dept. Staff Paper 45. (August 1977).
Otte, John A. 1977. Hbw inventory changes affect nursery profits. Univ. of Florida
Food and Resource Economics Dept. Fact Sheet 11. Also in Pinellas County Orna-
mental Hort. Newsletter 3(2):4-7. (Feb. 1978).
Otte, J. A., and L. L. Rozar, Jr. 1977.
denton AREC Res. Rept. GC1977-2.
So you want to get into agriculture? Bra-
Otte, John A. 1977. Nursery opportunity costs what are they? The Woody Ornamen-
talist 2(3):2. March 1977. (Also in Growing Notes, Pinellas County Ornamental
Horticulture Newsletter 2(4). April 1977).
Otte, John, and Ben Abbitt. 1977. Year-end tax tips. The Woody Ornamentalist 2(7):2.
Dec. 1977. QAlso in Growing Notes, Pinellas County Ornamental Hort. Newsletter
2(12):2. Dec. 1977).
Abbitt, B., ir. P. rrr-, and! J. A. Otte. 1977. Citrus .rve prices ns determined by
fruit production potential 'roc. :et. State Eiort. c. 90:24-21. Jcurnal
Series io. 821. (Also in The Citrus Industry Magazine 59(4):10, 12, 14.
April 1978).
Otte, J. A., B. Abbitt, and R. P. Fluraro. 1977. Using mortgage repayment capacity
to determine maximum price to pay for an add-on citrus grove. Proc. Fla. State
Hort Soc. 90:27-28. Journal Series No. 759.
IFAS, University of Florida
Bradenton, Florida
Otte, J. A., M. T. Pospichal, C. M. Howard, and E. E. Albregts. 1977. Estimated
Plant City area strawberry production costs, 1977. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 90:234-236. Journal Series No. 760.
Otte, John A., and Dan L.:Gunter. 1977. Evaluating nursery labor productivity.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:290-292. Journal Series No. 787.
Otte, John A. 1977. What can IRS tell you besides how much
The Florida Nurseryman 22(2):37-41. (Feb. 1977).
Otte, John A. 1977. Fixed costs can kill you. The Florida
(May 1977).
you owe the government?
Nurseryman 22(5):73.
Otte, John, and Ben Abbitt. 1977. Income tax planning strategies. Citrus and
Vegetable Magazine 41(4):8, 20-21. (Dec. 1977).
Westberry, George 0., John A. Otte, Dan L.
beef cattle decisions. Univ. of Fla.
Sheet 13. 4 pp.
Gunter, and Ben Abbitt. 1977. Budgeting
Food and Resource Economics Dept. Fact
Gunter, Dan L., and John A. Otte. 1977. Determining which container plants to
produce. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:284-289. Journal Series No. 788.
Otte, J. A., M. T. Pospichal, C. H. Howard, and E. E. Albregts. 1978. Estimated
costs to grow strawberries in the Plant City area, 1977. Univ. of Fla. Food
and Resource Economics Dept. Economic Information Report 86. 11 pp.
Otte, John A. 1978. Strawberry Growing Costs.
Dover ARC Res. Rept. SV1978-1.
Strawberry Field Day Program.
Hislevy, P., C. L. Dantzman, J. A. Otte, and A. J. Overman. 1978.
forage system for south Florida. Beef Cattle and Forage Field
Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-9:25-34.
Day Program.
Mislevy, P., C. L. Dantzman, J. A. Otte, A. J. Overman, IH. C. Chapman, Jr., and
F. M. Peacock. 1978. Multicropping system for forage production in south
Florida. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC78-6. 20 pp.
Hislevy, P., J. A. Otte, and C. L. Dantzman. 1978. Multicropping system for forage
production in south Florida. Proc. of the 27th Annual Beef Cattle Short Course:
Otte, John A., and Dan L. Gunter. 1978. Using the University of Florida Nursery
Business Analysis. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:(in press). Journal Series
No. 1571.
Otte, J. A., J. P. Jones, and A. J. Overman. 1978. Does fumigating old land pay?
Citrus and Vegetable Magazine 41(11):8, 22. (July 1978).
Otte, John and Ben Abbitt. 1978. Income tax strategies for progressive growers.
Citrus and Vegetable Magazine 42(2):8, 18. (Nov. 1978).
Abbitt, B., J. A. Otte, and
and Vegetable Magazine
H. B. Clark.
1978. The grower as a credit risk. Citrus
(Feb. 1978).
Abbitt, B., J. Otte, D. George, and J. Wershow. 1978. It's important to understand
leasing provisions by both parties. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Jour-
nal 42(9):32-33. (June 1978).
Abbitt, B., J. Otte, D. Geroge, and J. I
interest in cattle leasing. South
Abbitt, Ben, Ron Furaro, and John Otte.
your citrus operation. Citrus and
1978. Higher cattle prices rekindle
Press 5(27):19-20. (July 5, 1978).
1978. Budgets and Records can help you plan
Vegetable Mlagazine 41(12):10-11. (Aug. 1978).
Mislevy, Paul, C. L. Dantzman, J. A. Otte, A. J. Overman, H. L. Chapman, Jr., and
F. M. Peacock. 1978. Triple cropping forage production systems. Four Seasons
News, Rainbow Division International Minerals & Chamicals Corp. 8(4):4-5, 7.
(Sunmmer 1978).
Gunter, Dan L., and John A. Otte. 1978. Computerized estimates of plant growing
costs. HortScience 13(3): (Abstr.).
Otte, John and Ben Abbitt. 1979. Income taxes good news and bad news,
year end strategy. Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association FOCUS
(Jan. 1979).
new rulings -
Baird, C. D., W. E. Waters, and D. R. Fears. 1977. Greenhouse solar heating system
utilizing underbench rock storage. Paper No. 77-4012. Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng.,
June 1977.
Baird, C. D., and U. E. Waters. 1978. Solar energy and greenhouse heating.
HortScience 13: (in press). Journal Series No. 1407.
Chambliss, C. G. 1977. Fertilization of field and forage crops.
Dec. 1977.
Agronomy Facts #70.
Chambliss, C. G. 1977. 1978 Hybrid field corn variety recommendations for Florida.
Agronomy Facts #71. Dec. 1977.
Chambliss, C. G. 1977. 1978 field and forage crop variety recommendations. Agronomy
Facts #73. Dec. 1977.
Chambliss, C. G.
Chambliss, C. G.
Facts #69.
1977. Winter annual forage production. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept.
1977. Liming for production of field and forage crops. Agronomy
Chambliss, C. G., D.
hay and silage.
W. Jones, and E. M. Hodges. 1978.
Fla. Agron. Fact Sheet No. 81.
Digitgrasses for pasture,
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H.
ation of commercial
1977. ARC-Ona Res.
Everett, C. G. Chambliss, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1978. Evalu-
grain sorghum hybrids at Ona, Immokalee, and Dade County,
Rept. RC1978-3.
Green, V. E., Jr., D. U. Gorbet, L. S. Dunavin, Jr., H. A. Peacock, J. T. Johnson, R. S.
Kalmbacher, C. G. Chambliss, R. J. Allen, Jr., G. M. Prine, A. f. Akhanda, B. R.
Tyree, and P. H. Everett. 1978. Statewide uniform tests with grain sorghums,
silage sorghums, annual summer grasses (sorghum x sudangrasses and pearlmillets)
and sweet sorghums sorgoss). Univ. of Fla., IFAS, Agronomy Res. Rept. AG78-7.
Chambliss, C. G. 1978. 'Bigalta'
and stockpiled winter feed).
Limpograss (a special-use grass for pasture, hay,
Fla. Agron. Fact Sheet No. 88.
Kalmbacher, R. S., C. G. Chambliss, P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1978. Evalu-
ation of commercial grain sorghum hybrids at Ona, Immokalee and Dade County, 1978.
ARC-Ona Res. Rept. RC1978-13.
Whitty, E. B., D. W. Jones, D. L. Wright, G. Kidder, C. G.
1979. Field and forage crop variety recommendations.
No. 89.
Chambliss, and B. A. Bailey.
Fla. Agron. Fact Sheet
Wright, D. L., C. G. Chambliss, and D. W. Jones. 1978. Field corn hybrids recommen-
ded for Florida. Fla. Agron. Fact Sheet No. 87
Chambliss, C. G. 1978. Legumes for grazing animals. Proc. 12th Annual Conf. on
Livestock and Poultry in Latin America. A8-A11.
Kalrbacher, R. S., P. Hislevy, C. G. Chambliss, and P. H. Everett.
cool season forages in south Florida: potential and problems.
Beef Cattle Short Course 27:125-127.
1978. Sod-seeding
Proc. 27th Annual
Csizinszky, A. A. 1977. Effect of selected acaricides on the beet leafhopper,
Circulifer tenellus, in greenhouse cultures. Washington State Univ., Coll.
Agr. Res. Center Bul. No. 87.
Csizinszky, A. A.
of curly-top
1978. Effect of environmental
virus in pepper, Capsicum annum
pH on the attachment and infectivity
L. Florida Scientist 41:122-128.
Price, James F., and S. L. Poe. 1976
and its parasites to stake and mi
Price, James F., and S. L. Poe. 1977
lepidopterous pests of tomato.
. Response of Liriomyza (Diptera:Agromyzidae)
ulch culture of tomatoes. Fla. Entomol. 59:
. Influence of stake and mulch culture on
Fla. Entomol. 60:173-176.
Price, James F., and Merle Shepard. 1977. Striped earwig, Labidura riparia, colo-
nization of soybeans and response to insecticides. J. Environ. Entomol. 6(5):
Price, James F., and Merle Shepard. 1978. Sampling ground predators in soybean
fields. In Soybean Insect Sampling. Narcos Kogan, ed. (Accepted for publi-
Price, James F., and Merle Shepard. 1978. Calosoma sayi: seasonal history and
response to insecticides in soybeans. Environ. Entomol. 7(3):359-363.
Journal Series No. 1528 (Clemson University)
Price, James F., and Merle Shepard. 1978. Calosoma sayi and Labidura reparia preda-
tion on noctuid prey in soybeans and locomotor activity. Environ. Entomol. 7(3):
Journal Series No. 1544 (Clemson University)
Schuster, D. J., R. B. Workman, R. B. Chalfant, and W. H. Denton. 1977. Cabbage
looper: Control on cabbage with synthetic pyrethroids and other insecticides.
J. Ga. Entomol. Soc. 12:228-231.
Schuster, D. J., and P. H. Everett. 1977. Leafminer and tomato pinworm chemical
control research update. AREC-Bradenton Res. Rept. GC1977-6. Aug. 1977.
Schuster, D. J., and R. K. Clark. 1977. Cabbage looper: control on cabbage with
formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis and synthetic pyrethroids. J. Econ.
Entomol. 70:366-368.
Schuster, D. J. 1977. Resistance in tomato accessions to the tomato pinworm.
J. Econ. Entomol. 70:434-436.
Schuster, D. J. 1977. Effect of tomato cultivars on insect damage and chemical
control. Fla. Entomol. 60:227-232.
Schuster, D. J., J. P. Jones, and P. H. Everett. 1977. Effect of leafminer control
on tomato yield. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89:154-156.
Journal Series No. 215.
Schuster, D. J. 1977. Melonworm, Diaphania hyalinata, control
Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 2:54.
Schuster, D. J. 1977. Tomato pinworm and leafminer control on
1976. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 2:78.
Schuster, D. J.
on cucurbits, 1976.
tomato seedlings,
1978. Tomato pinworm: Chemical control on tomato seedlings for
J. Econ. Entomol. 71:195-196.
Schuster, D. J. 1978. Vegetable leafminer control on tomato, 1977. Insecticide
and Acaricide Tests 3:108.
Schuster, D. J., R. B. Chalfant, 1W.
evaluation of chemical control
tions in Florida and Georgia.
H. Denton, and R. B. Workman. 1978.
of lepidopterous larvae on cabbage at
J. Ga. Entomol. Soc. 13:327-331.
four loca-
Poe, S. L., P. H. Everett, D. J. Schuster, and C. A. Musgrave.
effects on Liriomyza sativae larvae and their parasites on
Entomol. Soc. 13:322-327.
1978. Insecticidal
tomato. J. Ga.
Schuster, D. J., V. H. Waddill, J. J. Augustine, and R. B. Volin. 1978. Field com-
parisons of Lycopersicon accessions for resistance to the tomato pinworm and
vegetable leafminer. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.: (in press).
Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard.
plant chilling on strawberry
278-280. Journal Series No.
1977. The effect of planting date and pre-trans-
fruit production. Proc. Fla. State Hort Soc. 90:
Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard. 1978. Elemental composition of fresh strawberry
fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 103:293-296.
Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard. 1978. Influence of fertilizer sources and drip
irrigation on strawberries. Proc. Soil and Crops Sci. Soc. Fla. 37:159-162.
Journal Series No. 1007.
Albregts, E. E., and C. H. Howard. 1978.
plant growth and fr uiting response.
Journal Series No. 1439.
Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard.
berries and on soil reaction.
Meeting in Chicago, December,
Albregts, E. E., C. M. Howard, et al. 1978.
Rept. SV1978-1.
Evaluation of plant density on strawberry
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91: (in press).
1978. Effect of chicken manure
Agronomy Abstracts 1978, p. 19.
Strawberry Field Day.
on fruiting straw-
Presented at ASA
Dover ARC Res.
Csizinszky, A. A. and D. R. Bienz. 1977. Effect of two methods of direct seeding
and transplanting on yield and susceptibility to curly-top virus in tomato,
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, cultivar 'Ace.' Wash. State Univ. Circular 600.
Ungs, t. D., C. G. Woodbridge, and A. A. Csizinszky. 1977.
(Capsicum annuum L.) for resistance to curly-top virus.
Csizinszky, A. A.
of vegetable
Screening peppers
HortScience 12:161-162.
Effect of salt on seed germination and transplant survival
42nd Proc. Fla. Acad. Sci. Fla. Sci. 42:43-51.
Csizinszky, A. A. 1978.
by direct seeded and
Utilization of residual fertilizers of a fall
transplanted vegetables. AREC Bradenton Res.
tomato crop
Rept. GC1978-1.
Csizinszky, A. A., and A. J. Overman. 1978. Effect of drip irrigation tube place-
ment, type and quantity of fertilizer on yields of broccoli and cauliflower under
full-bed plastic mulch culture. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla:(in press).
Csizinszky, A. A., and A.
soluble salt content
gation. Proc. Natl.
J. Overman. 1978. Variation in soil moisture, pH and total
of tomato fields under full-bed plastic mulch with drip irri-
Plastics Conf.: (in press).
Burgis, D. S. 1977. Efficacy of Paraquat as influenced by adjuvants. Proc. So. Weed
Sci. Soc. 30:176-179. Journal Series No. 375.
Crill, P., D. S. Burgis, J. P. Jones,
development and multiple disease
Stns. Monograph Series No. 10.
and Jimmy Augustine. 1977. Tomato variety
* control with host resistance. Fla. Agr. Exp.
35 pp.
Poe, S. L., J. P. Crill, J. P. Jones, and D. S. Burgis. 1977. Tomato yields affected
by cultural management. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:376-379.
Journal Series No. 893.
Volin, R. B., J. J.
1977. Florida
Journal Series
Volin, R. B., J.'J.
1977. Fl rida
Fla. Agr. Exp.
Augustine, H. H. Bryan, D. S. Burgis, J. W. Strobel, and C. A. John.
1011 Tomato Breeding Line. HortScience 12:508-509.
No. 156.
Augustine, H. H. Bryan, D. S. Burgis, J. W. Strobel, and C. A. John.
1011, a dual purpose, market-processing tomato breeding line.
Stns. Circular S-250. 4 pp.
Everett, Paul H. 1977. Controlled release fertilizer: Effect of rates and placements
on plant stand, early growth and fruit yield of peppers. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 90:390-393.
Journal Series No. 841.
Fluck, Richard C., L. N. Shaw, and P. H. Everett. 1977.
of full-bed plastic mulch on vegetables. Proc. Fla.
Journal Series No. 812.
Energy analysis of the use
State Hort. Soc. 90:382-385.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr.
hybrid forage production in south-central Florida
Vol. 20, p. 96.
1977. Sorghum x sudangrass
in 1976. Sorghum Newsletter
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, V. E. Green, Jr., and A. J. Overman. 1977. Evalu-
ation of commercial grain sorghum hybrids at Ona and Immokalee, 1976. ARC Ona
Res. Rept. RC1977-1.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green. 1977. Sorghum x sudangrass hybrid
and pearlmillet hybrid forage production at Ona and Immokalee: 1976.
ARC Ona Res. Rept. RC1977-2.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1977. Evaluation of commer-
cial forage sorghum hybrids at ARC, Ona and Immokalee, 1976.
ARC Ona Res. Rept. RC1977-4.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, K. McVeigh, and G. Prine. 1977. Rye-
grass forage production at Ona and Immokalee: 1976-77. ARC Ona Res. Rept.
Nislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, C. E. Dean, and P. H. Everett. 1977.
legume forage production in south central Florida, 1976-77. Ona
Winter annual
ARC Res. Rept.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Hislevy, P. H. Everett, and R. D. Barnett. 1977. Small grain
forage production at Ona and Immokalee: 1976-77. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1977-10.
Hislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, E. S. Horner, and P. H. Everett. 1977. Commercial
corn variety testing results from south-central Florida, 1977. ARC Ona Res.
Rept. RC1977-11.
Phelps, Ralph H., Pat Crill, H. H. Bryan, P. H. Everett, J. A. Bartz, and Winston
Charles. 1977. CALYPSO, a tomato variety for the Caribbean and Tropics.
Caribbean Agr. Res. and Dev. Inst. (CARDI).
Everett, Paul H. 1978. Fertilizing tomatoes or cucumbers as second crops on plastic
mulched beds. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91:(in press). Journal Series No. 1466.
Also in Citrus & Vegetable Magazine, Dec. 1978, p 37.
Everett, P. H. 1978. Controlled release fertilizers
Pepper Conference, Sept. 11-14, Daton Rouge, LA.
for bell peppers. Fourth National
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green. 1978. Evaluation of sorghum x
sudangrass, pearlmillet and sweet-sorghum hybrids for forage production at Ona
and Immokalee, 1977. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-1.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green, Jr.
forage sorghum hybrids at ARC, Ona and Immokalee,
1978. Evaluation of commercial
1977. ARC Ona Res. Rept.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. H. Everett, C. Chambliss, and V. E. Green, Jr. 1978.
of commercial grain sorghum hybrids at Ona, Immokalee and Dade County,
Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-3.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Hislevy, P. H. Everett, and R. D. Barnett. 1978. Small grain
forage production at Ona and Immokalee, 1977-78. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-7.
Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, and G. Prine. 1978.
production at Ona and Immokalee: 1977-78. Ona ARC Res. Rept.
Ryegrass forage
Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, and P. H. Everett. 1978. Cool season legume produc-
tion in south-central Florida, 1977-78. Ona ARC Res. Rept. RC1978-11.
Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, P. H. Everett, and E. S. Horner. 1978. Commercial
corn variety testing results from south-central Florida, 1978. Ona ARC Res.
Rept. RC1978-12.
Everett, P. H., and D. E. Dougherty.
Res. Rept. SF1978-1.
1978. Vegetable Field Day. ARC Immokalee
C. f. 1977. Nutrient intensity and balance from special publication
Testing' correlating and interpreting the analytical results. Copyright
Soc. Agron., Inc.
C. N. 1977. Pepper production efficiency using the gradient mulch con-
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:385-388. Journal Series No. 848.
Geraldson, C. M. 1979. Minimal calcium stress using the
system. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Calcium Nutrition.
and'Plant'Analysis 10(1 & 2):163-169.
gradient mulch production
Ccm.un. in Soil Science
Geraldson, C. M. 1977. Gradient mulch concept, stabilization of moisture-nutrients
at a level that favors a highly intensive production. Proc. Intl. Agri. Plas-
tics Congress:410-415.
Segall, R.
H., C. M. Geraldson, and A. Dow. 1977. The effects of fertilizer compo-
on yield, maturity and susceptibility of tomato fruit to post harvest soft
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:393-394.
Geraldson, C. M.
1977. Fertilizing trickle and subirrigated crops. Symposium on
irrigated crops. Am. Soc. Agron. Nov. 13-18. Los Angeles. (Abstr.).
Geraldson, C. M. 1978. Relevance of intensive production to the concentration and
balance of nutrients in the soil solution. Proc. of the 8th International Collo-
quium on Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Problems: (in press).
Geraldson, C. fH. 1978. Ionic composition of the root environment under mulch.
Proc. Nat'l Plastics Conf.: (in press).
Geraldson, C. M. 1978. Functional design of the gradient mulch concept for a maxi-
mum production efficiency. Proc. of the 20th Int'l. Hort. Congress: (in press).
Geraldson, C. M. 1978.
Luck, mulch and the gradient system. Am. Veg. Grower, Oct.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1977. Water concerns of the Florida Vegetable Industry. Am.
Soc. of Civil Engineers, Florida section. College of Engineering USF, Tampa,
Proc. of Workshop on Florida Water Problems.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. and J. A. Cornell. 1977. The influence of specific ions on the
total soluble salt and pH levels of commercial tomato fields in southwest Florida.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:388-390. Journal Series No. 785.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. and A. J. Overman. 1977. A rationale for the determination of
irrigation needs for vegetable crops grown with seep irrigation. Bradenton AREC
Res. Rept. GC1977-8.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. and J. Montelaro. 1977. Tomato Production Guide. UFLA/AES
Circular 98-D.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Some symptoms of seedling plant disorders.
Vegetarian Newsletter, January.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Avoid the transplant production nightmare.
Vegetarian Newsletter, February.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Water for people or for food? Vegetarian Newsletter,
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Water conservation in the early grown of vegetables.
Vegetarian Newsletter, April.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. The Tiger, the Tapeworm, and IPM. Vegetarian
Newsletter, May.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Some similarities between war strategy and integrated
pest management. Vegetarian Newsletter, June.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Weight-size relationships among fresh market tomato
varieties. Vegetarian Newsletter, September.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Some information capsules on soil-borne pathogens of
vegetables. Vegetarian Newsletter, October.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. Labor used to produce staked tomatoes on full bed
mulch in the Manatee-Ruskin area. Vegetarian Newsletter, November.
Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1978. The importance of the seed salesman in modern vegetable
production. Vegetarian Newsletter, December.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. and D. J. Cantliffe. 1978. Factors to consider in precision
planting. VCR 1978-20.
Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1978. Basic processes and conditions influencing fruit develop-
ment of vegetable crops. VC 1978-24.
Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1978. Fertilizer relationships in the full bed mulch system.
Florida Fertilizer & Lime Conference Proceedings, Soils Dept. Publ.
Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1978. The sequence of operations and labor requirements in the
full bed mulch system in Florida. Proc. of 14th Agri. Plastics Conf.:(in press).
Journal Series No. 1512.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. and R. T. Montgomery. 1978. Labor requirements for tomatoes grown
in southwest Florida under the full bed mulch system. AREC Bradenton Research
Rept. GC1978-2.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1978. The management of agricultural research in the USA by
the project system. National Academy of Sciences 1C Report #6, Republic of
Cameroon Workshop, Buea.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr. 1978. Research information dissemination in the USA.
Academy of Sciences 1C Report #6, Republic of Cameroon Workshop, Buea.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr., and R. T. Montgomery. 1978. Some Weight-size relationships of
Florida tomatoes. AREC Bradenton Res. Rept. GC1978-3.
Waters, W. E. 1977. List of publications dealing with vegetables by AREC-Bradenton
ARC-Dover, and ARC-Immokalee research scientists and others during the last 2
years, 1975-1976. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1977-4, May 1977.
Overman, A. J., and J. P. Jones. 1977. A systems approach to reducing soil fumiga-
tion needs for tomato. NemaTropica 7(1):4.
Overman, A. J., R. S. Kalmbacher, P. H. Everett, and V. E. Green. 1977. Nematode
numbers and types in a south-central Florida grain sorghum experiment. Sorghum
Newsletter 20:97-98.
Overman, A. J., and J. P. Jones. 1977. Efficacy of one stream versus three of a
soil fumigant for production of tomato. Proc. Fla. State Hort Soc. 90:407-409.
Journal Series No. 822.
Overman, A. J. 1977. Crop response to nematicides and drip irrigation on sandy soil.
Proc. of VII International Agricultural Plastics Conf.:172-179.
Poe, S. L., A. J. Overman, and J. L. Green. 1977. Chrysanthemum production systems
affect pest populations and damage. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:323-326.
Johnson, A. W., A. J. Overman, et al. 1978.
editions for field evaluation of nematode
ating Plant Fungicides, Nematicides, and
logical Society, St. Paul, Minn.
Test materials and environmental con-
control agents. In Methods for Evalu-
Bactericides:106-Th8. Am. Phytopatho-
Overman, A. J. 1978. Host and nematode response to insecticidal rates of oxamyl
sprays. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla. 38: (in press).
Overman, A. J. 1978. Nematode control with foliar sprays of oxamyl at insecticidal
rates. Nematropica 8(2):19-20.
Overman, A. J. 1978. Crop response to SMDC applied through a drip irrigation system.
Proc. 14th National Agri. Plastics Congress: (in press).
Journal Series No. 1476.
Overman, A. J., and F. G. Martin. 1978.
tices in the Florida tomato industry.
Journal Series No. 1573.
A survey of soil and crop management prac-
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 91: (in press).
Burgis, D. S., J. P. Crill, N. C, Hayslip, P. H. Everett, and J. J. Augustine. 1977.
Walter PF, a selection of the 'Walter' variety with reduced incidence of fruit
pox and gold fleck. Circular S-2494 Agricultural Exp. Stations, IFAS, Univ.
of Florida.
Crill, Pat, H. H. Bryan, P. H. Everett, J. A. Bartz, J, P. Jones, and R. F. Matthews.
1977. FLORAMERICA, a widely adapted, multiple disease resistant, fresh market
tomato. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, Agr. Exp. Sta. Circular S-248.
Sonoda, R. M., and J. J. Augustine. 1978. Reaction of bacterial wilt resistance
tomato lines to Pseudomonas solanaceaum in Florida. Plant Disease Reporter
Sonoda, R. H., J. J. Augustine, and R. D. Volin. 1978.
in Florida on tomato lines obtained from the Asian
ment Center. Ft. Pierce ARC Res. Rept. RL1978-
Incidence of bacterial wilt
Vegetable Research and Develop-
Howard, C. M., and E. E. Albregts. 1978. Dover, a firm fruited strawberry with
resistance to anthracnose. Univ. of Fla. Expt. Sta. Circular S- (in press).
Dougherty, D. E. 1978. Evaluation of a systemic fungicide for control of 'Morgan'
melon diseases. Fungicide & Nematicide Tests 33:75-76. (Abstr.).
Dougherty, D. E. 1978. Yield reduction in tomato caused by bacterial leaf spot and
disease control with copper sprays. Proc. Fla. State Hort Soc. 91: (in press).
Journal Series No. 1462.
Also in Citrus & Vegetable Magazine, Dec. 1978, pp 37 & 40.
Dougherty, D. E.
1978. Disease reduction and yield increase in honeydew melon with
Phytopathology News 12:143. (Abstr.).
Pohronezny, K., R. B. Volin, and D. E. Dougherty. 1978.
dollar losses in fresh-market tomato production due
Phytopathology News 12:134. (Abstr.).
Assessment of yield and
to bacterial spot.
Howard, C. M., and E.
strawberry fruit
E. Albregts. 1978.
rots. Fungicide and
Fungicide evaluations for control of
Nematicide Tests. Vol. 33:56.
Howard, C. M., E. E. Albregts, and A. J. Overman. 1978. Strawberry plant produc-
tion. Dover ARC Res. Rept. SV1978-2.
Jones, J. P., A. J. Overman, and J. P. Crill. 1977. Effect of temperature and short
day on development of Verticillium wilt of susceptible, tolerant and resistant
tomato cultivars. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90:397-399. Jour. Series No. 9058.
Jones, J. P., and S. S. Woltz. 1978. Fusarium incited diseases of tCm t ad potato
and their control. The Fusarium Volume, Penn. State Univ. PZss: (in press).
Journal Series No. 747.
Jones, John Paul and A. J. Overman. 1978. Evaluation of chemicals for the control
of Ve:ti:illium and Fusarium wilt of tomato. Pl-ant Dis. Reptr. 62:451-455.
Journal SeLris No. 896.
Jones, John Paul. 1978. Disease thresholds for downy mildew and target leafspot of
cucurbits and late blight of tomato. Plant Dis. Reptr. 62:798-802.
Journal Series No. 1134.
Jones, John Paul. 1978. Effectiveness of scout-and-spray on control of downy mildew
of cantaloupe, target leafspot of cucumber, and late blight of tomato.
Proc. Am. Phytopath. Soc.
Marousky, F. J. and S. S. Woltz. 1978. Soil fluoride availability as influenced by
pH, calcium and superphosphate. HortScience 13:383. (Abstr.).
Woltz, S. S. 1978. Nonparasitic plant pathogens. Annual Review of Phytopathology
Waters, Jill E., Horticulturist and Center Director. Administration, soils and
plant nutrition.
Augustine, J. J., Asst. Geneticist. Tomato variety development and genetics of
characters related to tomatoes.
Burgis, D. S., Horticulturist. Vegetable variety testing, weed control and general
Chambliss, C. G., Extension Agronomist. Develop extension educational programs and
cooperative research programs on forage production for southern Florida.
Csizinszky, A. A., Asst. Horticulturist. Production systems, crop management and
post-harvest studies on vegetable crops.
Geraldson, C. M., Soils Chemist. Soil nutritional problems and their relationship
with cultural methods for vegetable production.
Jones, J. P., Plant Pathologist. Etiology and control of vegetable disease with
emphasis on Fusarium wilt.
Marlowe, G. A., Jr., Ext. Veg. Specialist. Develop extension educational programs
and cooperative research on vegetable crops of southwest Florida.
Otte, J. A., Ext. Farm Management Economist. Develop extension farm management ed-
ucational programs in agriculture and cooperative research on production eco-
nomics of vegetables and ornamentals.
Overman, A. J., Nematologist. Etiology and control of nematode problems of ornamen-
tals and vegetables.
Price, J. F., 7--t. Entcolog'st. Biology, ecology, and control of insects and mites
cf crniFam nta! s :'i ,,; ..-. 's- 'ries.
Schuster, D. J., Asst. Entomologist. Biology and control of insects and mites of
Woltz, S. S., Plant Physiologist. Physiological disorders and disease and air
pollution studies of vegetables and ornamentals.
Everett, P. H., Soils Chemist. Administration, plant nutrition of vegetables and
agronomic crops, tomato variety evaluations and machine-harvest.
Dougherty, D. E., Asst. Plant Pathologist. Etiology and control of vegetable dis-
eases with emphasis on etiology, control and pest management.
Albregts, E. E., Asso. Horticulturist. Administration, soil and plant nutrition and
horticultural problems in strawberries and vegetables.
Howard, C. M., Asso. Plant Pathologist. Strawberry breeding and etiology and control
of vegetable diseases with emphasis on strawberry.