Group Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables by ACREC-Bradenton, ARC-Dover, and ARC-Immokalee research scientists and others during...
Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables by ACREC-Bradenton, ARC-Dover, and ARC-Immokalee research scientists and others during the last 2 years, 1975-1976.
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Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables by ACREC-Bradenton, ARC-Dover, and ARC-Immokalee research scientists and others during the last 2 years, 1975-1976.
Series Title: List of publications dealing with vegetables by ACREC-Bradenton, ARC-Dover, and ARC-Immokalee research scientists and others during...
Alternate Title: Mimeo report - Bradenton Agricultural Research and Education Center ; GC1977-4
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Publisher: Agricultural Research and Education Center, University of Florida
Publication Date: 1977
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00054249
Volume ID: VID00006
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 62705927

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IFAS, University of Florida
Bradenton, Florida

SW. E. Waters, Editor I M- -.

Bradenton AREC Research Report GC1977-4 ,

1975-1976 It 1.S.
.-S.. Uni f
Listed below are the research articles submitted for publication 2"Vi4enpj 4 o
years. Many of the articles are still in press and reprints may not be av-i1bleat
this time; therefore all requests for reprints or information on the research should
be directed to the authors.


Levins, R. A., S. L. Poe, R. C. Littell and J. P. Jones. 1975. Effectiveness of a
leafminer control program for Florida tomato production. J. Econ. Ent. 68:
772-774. Journal Series No. 5946.

Otte, John A. 1976. Nursery Opportunity Costs What are they? Bradenton AREC
Res. Rept. GC1976-18.

Otte, John A. 1976. Cost considerations for growing tomato transplants. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 89: (in press). Journal Series No. 132.

Otte, John A. 1976. Estimating production costs for plants in a nursery. Food and
Resource Economics Department Economic Information Report 64.

Otte, John A. 1976. Calculating costs and breakeven prices for full bed plastic
mulch staked tomatoes 1976. Food & Resource Economics Dept. Economic Infor-
mation Report 59.

Otte, John A. 1976. Financial aspects of tomato transplant production. Food &
Resource Economics Dept. Economic Information Report 57.

Otte, John A. & John V. Yelvington. 1976. Estimating costs and break-even prices
for 100-cow beef herds in southwest Florida, 1976. Food and Resource Economics
Dept. Economic Information Report 56.

Otte, John A. 1976. Tomato growers may produce transplants at a competitive cost.
Citrus & Vegetable Magazine, July 1976. pp 6-8.


Baird, C. D., R. F. Lucas and S. S. Woltz. 1975. Utilization of solar energy for
greenhouse heating. Paper 75-3503, American Society of Agricultural Engineers.

Buffington, D. E., D. S. Burgis and S. K. Sastry. 1976. Infrared radiation curing
of Florida onions. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89: (in press).
Journal Series No.

Shaw, L. N., P. H. Everett and J. U. Mishoe. 1975. Mechanical removal of tomatoes
with a vertical snapping motion. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:240-243.
Journal Series No. 7078.


Lucas, R. F. and C. D. Baird. 1976. Application of solar heated water to green-
houses. AREC Bradenton Res. Rept. GC1976-3. Also in COPE, published by IBG,
pp 6-7, 1/76.


Mislevy, P., P. H. Everett and R. D. Barnett. 1975. Winter annual forage produc-
tion at Ona and Immokalee, 1974-75. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, Ona-ARC Res. Rept.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. H. Everett, and R. D. Barnett. 1976. Small grain
forage production at Ona and Immokalee, 1975-76. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, Ona Res.
Rept. RC1976-9.

Kalmbacher, R. S., P. Mislevy, P. II. Everett, K. McVeigh, and G. Prine. 1976. Rye-
grass forage production at Ona and Immokalee, 1975-76. Univ. of Fla., IFAS,
Ona Research Report RC1976-10.

Mislevy, P. and P. H. Everett. 1976. The response of fifteen tropical grasses to
stubble height and irrigation. 1976 Agron. Abstr., p 86.

Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, D. W. Jones, and P. H. Everett. 1976. Commercial
corn variety testing results from south-central Florida, 1976. Univ. of
Fla., IFAS, Ona Res. Rept. RC1976-6.

Mislevy, P., R. S. Kalmbacher, C. E. Dean, and Pi H. Everett. 1976. Winter annual
legume production in south-central Florida, 1975-76. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, Ona
Research Report RC1976-8.


Csizinszky, A. A. 1976. Effect of selected acaricides on the beet leafhopper,
Circulifer tenellus, in greenhouse cultures. Washington State Univ., Coll.
Agr. Res. Center, Bulletin.

Harbaugh, B. K. and Richard H. Mattson. 1976. Interaction of the greenhouse white-
fly (Trialeurodes vaporarioum) and Encarsia formosa on tomato (Lycopersicon
esculentum) cultivars. HortScience 11(3):218-219.

Poe, S. L., J. P. Crill and P. II. Everett. 1975. Tomato pinworm population manage-
ment in semitropical agriculture. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:160-165.
Journal Series No. 5441.

Harbaugh, B. K. and Richard H. Mlattson. 1976. Insecticide effects on Encarsia
formosa Gahan, parasite of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Westwood). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 101(3):228-233.

Harbaugh, B. K. and Richard H. Mattson. 1976. Integrating resmethrin and/or nicotine
sulfate with Encarsia formosa to control greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes
vaporariorum) on greenhouse tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum). HortSci. 11(3):
298. (Abstr.).

Poe, S. L., C. T. Shih and A. J. Overman. 1976. Integrated tactics for management
of spider mite populations on Florida strawberries. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 89: (in press).

Schuster, D. J., D. C. Peters, S. S. Kamel, and R. E. Berberet. 1975. Field com-
parison of peanut varieties resistant to the lesser cornstalk borer. J. Econ.
Entomol. 68(5):704-706. Journal article 2982 of the Agric. Exp. Sta., Oklahoma
State University.

Schuster, D. J. and K. J. Starks. 1975. Preference of Lysiphlebus testaceipes for
greenbug resistant and susceptible small grain species. Environ. Entomol.

Schuster, D. J., V. H. Waddill, P. H. Everett, and S. L. Poe. 1975. Leafminer and
tomato pinworm control research update. AREC-Bradenton Res. Rept. GC1975-7.

Schuster, D. J. 1976. Diaphania hyalinata control on cucurbits, 1975. Insecticide
and Acaracide Test 1:52.

Schuster, D. J. and A. J. Overman. 1976. Comparison of banded and broadcast appli-
cation of Furadan, 1975. Insecticide and Acaracide Tests 1:72.

Starks, K. J. and D. J. Schuster. 1976. Greenbug: Effects of continuous culturing
on resistant sorghum. Environ. Entomol. 5(4):720-723.

Schuster, D. J., J. P. Jones, and P. H. Everett. 1976. Effect of leafminer control
on tomato yield. Proc. Fla. State IIort. Soc. 89: (in press).


Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard. 1975. Influence of mulch type and fertilizer
rates on eggplant response. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 34:61-62.
Journal Series No. 5748.

Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1975. Weed control in the strawberry fruiting
field with paraquat. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:208-211.
Journal Series No. 6088.

Albregts, E. E., C. M. Howard, A. J. Overman and S. L. Poe. 1975. Agricultural
Field Day. Dover ARC Research Report SV1975-1. 16 pp.

Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1976. Response of four okra cultivars on mulched
beds to plant density. HortScience 11:242. Journal Series No. 7088.

Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1976. Effect of antitranspirants on strawberry
plant response. Proc. Soil & Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 35:67-69.
Journal Series No. 8069.

Albregts, E. E., and C. M. Howard. 1976. Effect of intermittent irrigation and
antitranspirants on establishing strawberry transplants on mulch. Proc. Fla.
State HIort. Soc. 89: (in press).

Albregts, E. E., and C. H. Howard. 1976. Effect of irrigation rates and fertilizer
placement and sources of N03 and Nil4 in soil solution with drip irrigation on
fruiting strawberries. HortScience 11:322. (Abstr.).

Albregts, E. E. and C. i. Howard. 1976. Influence of bed height and N fertilizer
sources on fruiting of strawberries and on soil nutrient levels. Presented at
Southern Ag. Workers, ASA Section in Mobile.

Burgis, D. S. 1975. Thirty-first Vegetable Field Day. AREC Bradenton Res. Rept.
GC1975-5. 26 pp.

Burgis, D. S. 1975. Effectiveness on tomato production of two weights of polyethylene
coated and uncoated Kraft paper mulch, with and without fungicide-herbicide
impregnation. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Proc. 88:147-152.
Journal Series No. 7019.

Pospichal, M. T., D. S. Burgis, and S. J. Locascio. 1976. Evaluation of napropamide
for weed control in tomatoes and peppers. Proc. So. Weed Sci. Soc. 29:196-199.
Journal Series No. 8077.

Wilfret, G. J. and D. S. Burgis. 1976. A nutsedge control using chemical and fallow
treatments. Proc. So. Weed Sci. Soc. 29:237-243. Journal Series No. 8082.

Wilfret, G. J. and D. S. Burgis. 1976. Nutsedge control using herbicides under
fallow conditions. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89: (in press).
Journal Series No. 227.

Csizinszky, A. A. 1976. Greenhouse breeding of beet leafhoppers for curly-top virus
research. Washington State Univ., Coll. Agr. Res. Center, Circ. 592.

Everett, Paul 11. 1975. Soluble salt injury to bell pepper grown with plastic mulch
and sub-irrigation. Proc. 2nd Nat. Pepper Conf. 2:24-25.

Everett, P. H. and Charles J. McLaughlin. 1975. Biodegradable liquid polymers as
soil mulches for tomatoes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:233-237.
Journal Series No. 7089.

Everett, Paul TH. 1976. Effect of nitrogen and potassium rates on fruit yield and
size of mulch-grown staked tomatoes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89: (in press).
Journal Series No. 285.

Everett, P. H. and C. H. Blazquez. 1976. Vegetable Field Day. Univ. of Fla., IFAS,
Immokalee ARC Res. Rept. SF1976-2.

Geraldson, C. II. 1975. Evaluation of tomato production efficiency with relevance
to contributing components. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:152-155.
Journal Series No. 7087.

Geraldson, C. M. 1976. The Gradient-Mulch System, a high level production-low unit
cost concept. HortScience 10(3):18. (Abstr.).

Geraldson, C. II. 1976. Nutrient Intensity and Balance. ASA Special Publication
#29. Soil Testing. pp 75-84. Journal Series No. 6062.

Geraldson, C. 1. 1976. Functional design of the gradient-mulch concept. Bradenton
AREC Res. Rept. GC1976-6.

Geraldson, C.,H. 1976. Salt accumulation and tomato production. Bradenton AREC
Res. Rept. GC1976-11.

Geraldson, C. M. 1976. Ionic description of the soil profile using the gradient-mulch
concept. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla: (in press).

Howard, C. M. and E. E. Albregts. 1976. Florida Belle strawberry. HortScience 11:

Marlowe, G. A., Jr. and Tran Vien Nga. 1975. Preparation and marketing of vegetables
in Viet N1am. UFLA, TAT Mimeo Series No. 18.


Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1975. Final report of the University of Florida Technical Assis-
tance Team in Viet Nam, USAID/UFLA/VN24, June 30, Office of International Pro-
grams, IFAS.

Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1975. The importance of the fertilizer salesman in farm ferti-
lizer use. Vegetarian Newsletter, August 1975.

Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1975. Muskmelon quality: What, When and How? Vegetarian News-
letter, Sept. 1975.

Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1975. pH control for tomatoes under full bed mulch. Vegetarian
Newsletter, Oct. 1975.

Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1975. Field characteristics of three tomato vascular wilt disea-
ses. Vegetarian Newsletter, Nov. 1975.

Marlowe, G. A. Jr. 1975. Remote sensing as a vegetable crop management tool.
Vegetarian Newsletter, Dec. 1975.

Marlowe, G. A. Jr. and C. M. Geraldson. 1976. Results of a soluble salt survey of
commercial tomato yields in southwest Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89:
(in press). Journal Series No.

Marlowe, G. A. Jr. and J. S. Rogers. 1976. Hater use by Florida vegetable crops.
Vegetable Crop Extension Report No. 16-1976.

Marlowe, George A. 1976. Some points to consider about low volume, high velocity
concentrate spraying. Vegetarian Newsletter, Jan. 1976.

Marlowe, George A. Jr. 1976. Some effects of soil water quality on vegetable crop
growth and development. Vegetarian Newsletter, Feb. 1976.

Marlowe, George A. Jr. 1976. Soluble salt build-up in seep irrigated soils of
mulched vegetables. Vegetarian Newsletter, March 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. Soil water influence on root development. Vegetarian
Newsletter, April 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. Some ripening characteristics of the 'TMorgan' melon.
Vegetarian Newsletter, May 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. Plant food removal by various vegetable crops.
Vegetarian Newsletter, July 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. Influence of water pH on effectiveness of pesticides.
Vegetarian Newsletter, Aug. 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. HowT big is an acre of tomatoes? Vegetarian News-
letter, Sept. 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. Nutritional Problems: Deficiency or Excess?
Vegetarian Newsletter, Oct. 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. Fertilizer Fieldmen's Training. Vegetarian News-
letter, Nov. 1976.

Marlowe, George A., Jr. 1976. Making fertilizer recommendations. Vegetarian
Newsletter, Dec. 1976.

Marlowe, G. A., Jr. and W. E. Waters. 1976. Characteristics of a good plant growing
media. In Vegetable Plant Production, Veg. Crops. Ext. Rept. VC1-76. pp 8-12.

Waters, 1U. E., Editor. 1975. List of publications dealing with vegetables by AREC-
Bradenton, ARC-Dover, and ARC-Immokalee research scientists and others during
the last 3 years, 1972-1974. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1975-2. March 1975.

Waters, W. E. 1975. Fifty years of research Helping to improve Florida Agriculture
(1925-1975). Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1975-4.

Waters, W. E. 1976. List of publications dealing with vegetables by AREC-Bradenton,
ARC-Dover and ARC-Immokalee research scientists and others during the last two
years, 1974-75. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1976-7, April 1976.


Overman, A. J. 1975. Efficacy of nematicides applied through micro-pore tape.
Nematropica Vol. 5(1):1.

Overman, A. J. 1975. A bit of history on ch loropicrin. OTAN Newsletter Vol 6(2).

Overman, A. J. and J. P. Jones. 1975. Effect of Furadan on yield and expression of
Fusarium wilt in tomato planted as bareroot and containerized transplants.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:214-217. Journal Series No. 7021.

Overman, A. J. and J. P. Jones. 1975. Field response of wilt-susceptible tomato
to carbofuran at 3 levels of soil pH. Journal of Nematology 7(4):328.

Overman, A. J., J. P. Jones, and C. H. Geraldson. 1975. Soil preparation for crops
on old land using fumigants and full-bed mulch. Bradenton AREC Res. Rept.

Overman, A. J. 1976. Efficacy of soil fumigants applied via a drip irrigation
system. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89:72-74.


Augustine, Jimmy J., II. Allen Stevens, R. William Breidenbach, and David F. Paige.
1976. Genotype variation in carboxylation in tomatoes. Plant Physiol. 57:

Augustine, J. J., I. A. Stevens, and R. W. Breidenbach. 1976. Inheritance of
carboxylation efficiency in the tomato. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 10(4):456-460.

Augustine, J. J., Mi. Allen Stevens, and R. J. Breidenbach. 1976. Physiological,
morphological and anatomical studies of tomato genotypes varying in carboxy-
lation efficiency. J. Am. Soc. Short. Sci.: (in press).

Augustine, J. J., M. Allen Stevens, and R. W. Breidenbach. 1976. Inheritance of
carboxylation efficiency in tomatoes. HortSci. 11(3):21. (Abstr.).

Burgis, D. S., J. P. Crill, N. C. Hayslip, P. 11. Everett, and J. J. Augustine. 1976.
Alter PF, a selection of the 'Walter' variety with a reduced incidence of
fruit pox and gold fleck. Circular S-249, Agricultural Experiment Stations,
IFAS, Univ. of Fla.

Volin, R. B., J. J. Augustine, H. II. Bryan, D. S. Burgis, J. U. Strobel, Pat Crill,
and C. A. John. 1976. Florida 1011. IortScience (in press).


Cook, A. A., T. Zitter, H. Ozake, and C. H. Blazquez. 1976. Florida VR-2, a bell
pepper with resistances to three virus diseases. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, Agr.
Exp. Sta. Circular S-242.

Crill, Pat, D. S. Burgis, and P. H. Everett. 1975. Morgan, a high quality vine
ripening honeydew type muskmelon for Florida. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circular
S-241. 6 pp.

Crill, Pat, H. H. Bryan, P. H. Everett, J. A. Bartz, J. P. Jones, and R. F. Matthews.
1975. FLORAMERICA, a widely adapted, multiple disease resistant, fresh market
tomato. Univ. of Fla., IFAS, Agr. Exp. Std. Circular S-248.

Howard, C. M. and E. E. Albregts. 1975. Florida Belle, an anthracnose resistant
strawberry for Florida. Univ. of Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circular S-233.

Volin, R. B., II. H. Bryan, D. S. Burgis, P. H. Everett, and N. C. Hayslip. 1976.
Flora-Dade, a fresh market tomato with resistance to Verticillium wilt. IFAS,
Univ. of Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circular S-246.


Blazquez, C. H. 1975. The use of spore trapping, remote sensing, and fungicide
residue monitoring in timing fungicide applications. Phytopathology 65:
Journal Series No. 6076.

Blazquez, C. H. 1975. Weather and disease surveillance in southwest Florida.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 88:243-248. Journal Series No. 7093.

Blazquez, C. H. 1975. Late blight of tomato seedlings. Univ. of Fla. IFAS,
ARC-Immokalee Res. Rept. SF1975-1.

Blazquez, C. NI. 1975. Where will disease hit next? Amer. Veg. Growers, Sept. 1975.
pp 28-29.

,Blazquez, C. iI. 1976. A blight of tomatoes caused by Corynespora cassiicola.
Plant Dis. Reptr. (in press). Journal Series No. 5217.

Blazquez, C. H. 1976. Powdery mildew of chilli, a new disease caused by Oidiopsis
sp. Phytopathology 65: Journal Series No. 6021.

Blazquez, C. H. 1976. Oidiopsis floridana, a new fungus on chilli. Mycologia 57.
Journal Series No. 6072.

Csizinszky, A. A. and D. R. Bienz. 1976. Effect of direct seeding and transplanting
on yield and susceptibility to curly-top virus in tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum
Mill. cv. Ace. Uashington State Univ. Coll. Agr. Res. Center, Circular.

Ungs, W. D., C. G. Woodbridge and A. A. Csizinszky. 1976. Screening peppers (Capsicum
annuum L.) for resistance to curly top virus. Submitted to HortScience.

Howard, C. H. and E. E. Albregts. 1975. A new bean disease caused by an unidenti-
fied fungus. Proc. Am. Phytopath. Soc. 1:160-161.

Howard, C. M. and E. E. Albregts. 1976. Control of strawberry fruit rots. Fungi-
cide and Nematicide Tests, Results of 1975. Vol. 30:72.

Howard, C. i. and E. E. Albregts. 1976. Control of strawberry leaf spots in the
fruiting field. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, Results of 1975. Vol. 30:71-72.

Howard, C. IN. and E. E. Albregts. 1976. Control of strawberry leaf spots in the
summer nursery. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, Results of 1975. Vol. 30:72.

Jones, John Paul and Pat Crill. 1975. Reaction of resistant, tolerant, and suscep-
tible tomato varieties to Verticillium wilt. Plant Dis. Reptr. 59:3-6.
Journal Series No. 5580.

Jones, J. P., J. P. Crill and R. Volin. 1975. Effect of light duration on develop-
ment of Verticillium wilt of tomato. Phytopathology 65:647-648.
Journal Series No. 5613.

Jones, J. P.; S. S. Woltz, and P. H. Everett. 1975. Effect of liming and nitrogen
source on Fusarium wilt of cucumber and watermelon. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
88:200-203. Journal Series No. 6091.

Jones, J. P., A. J. Overman and P. Crill. 1975. Failure to "break" Fusarium wilt
resistance of tomato with root-knot nematode. Proc. Am. Phytopath. Soc. 2:105-106.

Jones, J. P., A. J. Overman and J. P. Crill. 1976. Effect of temperature on develop-
ment of Verticillium wilt of tomato cultivars under short day conditions.
Plant Dis. Reptr. 60: (in press).

Jones, J. P. and A. J. Overman. 1976. Failure of the VE gene to control Verticillium
wilt of tomato at high temperatures and short days. Proc. of the Am. Phytopath.
Soc. 3:325.

Jones, J. P. and A. J. Overman. 1976. Tomato wilts, nematodes, and yields as affec-
ted by soil reaction and a persistent contact nematicide. Plant Dis. Reptr.

Jones, J. P., A. J. Overman and P. Crill. 1976. Failure of root-knot nematode to
affect Fusarium wilt resistance of tomato. Phytopathology 66:1339-41.


Woltz, S. S. and U. E. Waters. 1975. Chives production as affected by fertilizer
practices, soil mixes and methyl bromide soil residues. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 88:133-137. Journal Series No. 8000.

Woltz, S. S. 1976. Speed of reaction of finely ground dolomitic limestone.
Bradenton AREC Res. Rept. GC1976-14.

Woltz, S. S. 1976. Physiological effects of high soluble salts on plant growth.
Bradenton AREC res. Rept. GC1976-12.



Waters, Will E., Horticulturist and Center Director. Administration, soils and
plant nutrition.

Augustine, J. J., Asst. Geneticist. Tomato variety development and genetics of
characters related to tomatoes.

Burgis, D. S., Horticulturist. Vegetable variety testing, weed control and general

Chambliss, C. G., Extension Agronomist. Develop extension educational programs and
cooperative research programs on forage production for southern Florida.

Csizinszky, A. A., Asst. Horticulturist. Production systems, crop management and
post-h harvest studies on vegetable crops.

Geraldson, C. II., Soils Chemist. Soil nutritional problems and their relationship
with cultural methods for vegetable production.

Jones, J. P., Plant Pathologist. Etiology and control of vegetable disease with
emphasis on Fusarium wilt.

Marlowe, G. A., Jr., Ext. Veg. Specialist. Develop extension educational programs
and cooperative research on vegetable crops of southwest Florida.

Otte, J. A., Ext. Farm Management Economist. Develop extension farm management edu-
cational programs in agriculture and cooperative research on production economics
of vegetables and ornamentals.

Overman, A. J., Nematologist. Etiology and control of nematode problems of ornamen-
tals and vegetables.

Schuster, D. J., Asst. Entomologist. Biology and control of insects and mites of
vegetables and ornamental cut flowers.

[t'oltz, S. S., Plant Physiologist. Physiological disorders and disease and air
pollution studies of vegetables and ornamentals.


verett, P. H., Soils Chemist. Administration, plant nutrition of vegetables and
agronomic crops, tomato variety evaluations and machine-harvest.

>ugherty, D. E., Asst. Plant Pathologist. Etiology and control of vegetable diseases
with emphasis on etiology, control and pest management.


.bregts, E. E., Asso. Horticulturist. Administration, soil and plant nutrition and
horticultural problems in strawberries and vegetables.

ward, C. M., Associate Plant Pathologist. Strawberry breeding and etiology and
control of vegetable diseases with emphasis on strawberry.

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