IFAS, University of Florida
Bradenton, Florida
Bradenton AREC Mimeo Report GC-1972-7 August, 1972
Poe, S. L. 1970, two 1he phyiodeiid mitLe from Missouri (Acarina:Phytoseiidae).
Annals of the Entomoiogical 8oc of AMbtt 63(5):1279-1282. Journal Series
No. 5860 of Mo. Agr. Expt, Sta.
Poe, S. L. and W. R. Enns. 1970. Effects of inbreeding on closed populations of
predaceous mites (Acarina:Phytoseiidae). The Canadian Entomologist 102(10):1222-
1229. Journal Series No. 5784 of Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta.
Enter, P. E. and S. L. Poe. 1971. Description of Erneyetes (Anerynetes)
coenobitus n. sp. (Acarina:Ereynetidae) associated with the hermit crab.
Fla. Entomologist 54:135-138.
Poe, S. L. 1971. Influence of host plant physiology on populations of Tetrany-
chus urticae Koch (Acarina:Tetranychidae) infesting strawberry plants in
Peninsular Florida. Fla. Entomologist 54:183-186. Journal Series No. 3834,
Poe, S. L. and C. M. Howard. 1971. Relative susceptibility of selected strawberry
clones and cultivars to spider mite injury. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 84:152
156. Journal Series No. 4123.
Poe, S. L. and W. R. Enns. 1969. Predaceous mites (Acarina:Phytoseiidae) associa-
ted with Missouri orchards. Trans Mo. Acad. Sci. 3:69-82.
Poe, S. L. 1970. Directed selection for improved mite predators (Acarina:Phyto-
seiidae). Diss. Abst. 315:2743B.
Albregts, E. E. and A. J. Ohlrogge. 1970. The role of tube diameter and surface
characteristics in the tolerance of roots to toxic solutions. Plant and Soil
Locascio, S. J. and E. E. Albregts. 1969. Strawberry clone evaluation studies in
Florida. Tropical Region Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 13:81-87. Journal Series No.
Albregts, E. E. 1969. Blossom removal in the strawberry winter nursery. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 82:146-148. Journal Series No. 3367.
Albregts, E. E. and P. Sutton. 1969. Strawberry leaf composition and yield. The
Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 29:283-287. Journal Series No. 3432.
Sutton, P. and E. E. Albregts. 1970. The effect of fertility and plant populations
on yield of okra. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 83:141-144. Journal Series No.
250 copies
Sutton, P. and E. E. Albregts. 1970. Response of eggplant to nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium fertilization. The Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 30:1-5. Journal
Series No. 3788.
Albregts, E. E. 1971. Influence of plant density on strawberry fruit production.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 84:156-159. Journal Series No. 4146.
Albregts, E. E. 1971. Effect of nitrogen and potassium on bell pepper grown on
paper mulch. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 31:(in press). Journal Series
No. 4241.
Albregts, E. E. and P. Sutton. 1971. Response of strawberry to N and K fertili-
zation on sandy soil. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 31:(in press).
Journal Series No. 4240.
Albregts, E. E. 1969. Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.) germination and root elon-
gation at three temperatures under stress of moisture, ammonium sulfate, and pH.
Agron. Abst. p. 35.
Albregts, E. E. and C. M. Howard. 1970. Climatological Report. Fla. Agr. Expt.
Sta. Mimeo Report SVL 71-1.
Locascio, S. J. and E. E. Albregts. 1970. Strawberry variety evaluation. Fla.
Grower and Rancher 63(8):24-25.
Albregts, E. E. and C. H. Howard. 1970. Strawberry variety trial results, Dover.
In Vegetable Variety Trial Results for 1967-68, and Recommended Varieties. Fla.
Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. 5-206.
Albregts, E. E. 1971. Strawberry mulch trial. HortScience 6:309. (Abst.).
Albregts, E. E. and P. Sutton. 1971. Response of strawberry to N and K fertili-
zation on sandy soil. HortScience 6:21. (Abst.).
Albregts, E. E. 1971. Effect of nitrogen and potassium on bell pepper grown on
paper mulch. Agron. Abst. p. 85.
Burgis, D. S. 1969. Phytotoxicity to purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) soil
persistence of six forms of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide. Proc. So.
Weed Conf. 22:328-333. Journal Series No. 3170.
Burgis, D. S. 1971. Herbicide tests on tomato transplants and seeded tomatoes.
Proc. So. Weed Sci. Soc. 24:241-245. Journal Series No. 3869.
Burgis, D. S. 1969. Phytotoxicity to purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) and
soil persistence of some hormone type herbicides. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
82:143-146. Journal Series No. 3364.
Burgis, D. S. 1970. Fruit chilling and ripening studies for evaluation of breed-
ing lines of fresh market tomatoes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 83:135-137.
Journal Series No. 3718.
Burgis, D. S. 1971. Herbicide tests on pepper transplants and seeded peppers.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 84:183-186. Journal Series No. 4172.
Burgis, D. S. 1970. Weed control in non-crop areas. Proc. Fla. Pest Control
Conf., IFAS 4:46-49.
Crill, J. P., D. J. Hagedorn and E. W. Hanson. 1970. Incidence and effect of
alfalfa mosaic virus on alfalfa. Phytopathology 60:1432-1435.
Crill, J. P., D. J. Hagedorn and E. W. Hanson. 1970. Techniques for assaying
al"fri- s.c"eptible to alfalfa mosaic virus. Phytopathology 60:1517-1520.
Crill, Pat, E. 1. Hanson and D. J. Hagedorn. 1971. Resistance and tolerance to
alfalfa mosaic virus in alfalfa. Phytopathology 61:369-371.
Crill, Pat, D. J. Hagedorn and E. W. Hanson. 1971. An artificial system for
differentiating strains of alfalfa mosaic virus. Plant Disease Reptr. 55:127-130.
Crill, Pat and D. S. Burgis. 1970. Comparison of tomato varieties and F1 hybrids
for yield and uniformity. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 83:120-122. Journal Series
No. 3719.
Crill, J. P., D. J. Hagedorn and E. U. Hanson. 1970. Alfalfa mosaic The disease
and its virus incitant. Univ. Wis., College of Agr. and Life Sci. Res. Bull.
No. 280.
Crill, Pat, J. W. Strobel, D. S. Burgis, H. H. Bryan, C. A. John, P. H. Everett, J.
A. Bartz, N. C. Hayslip, W. W. Decn. 1971. Florida MH-1 Florida's first
machine harvest fresh market tomato. Circ. S-212. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta., Univ.
of Fla.
Crill, Pat, J. W. Strobel and B. Villalon. 1969. Tomato breeding in Florida.
Biennial Report, Veg. Breed. in So. U.S., Hawaii and Puerto Rico. pp. 36-37.
Crill, J. P., J. W. Strobel and B. Villalon. 1970. A mutant similar ,to but
distinct from bushy. Tomato Genetics Coop. Rept. No. 20:14.
Crill, J. P., B. Villalon and J. W. Strobel. 1970. An improved technique for
crossing tomatoes in the field and greenhouse. Tomato Genetics Coop. Rept. No.
Crill, Pat and J. i. Strcbel. 1971. Inheritance of fruit pox and gold fleck.
Tomato Genetics Coop. Rept. 21:14-15.
Crill, Pat. 1971. Breeding multiple disease resistant fresh market tomatoes for
machine harvest. Proc. 68th Annual Convention of the Assoc. So. Agr. Workers,
Inc. (Abst.).
Schmidling, J. (as written by P. Crill). 1969. The development of disease
resistant tomatoes. Florida Grower and Rancher. Dec. 1969.
Crill, P. and B. Villalon. 1970. The research story behind a 92 million dollar
tomato growing industry. Florida Grower and Rancher. Feb. 1970.
Villalon, B. and P. Crill. 1970. Breeding fresh market tomatoes for mechanical
harvesting. Florida Grower & Rancher. MPar. 1970.
Crill, P. and B. Villalon. 1970. Genetic control of tomato diseases and pests.
Florida Grower & Rancher. Apr. 1970.
Crill, P., B. Villalon and J. J. Strobel. 1970. Some characteristics associated
with compact inflo:reccnce in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Hill.). Univ. Fla.,
IFAS, Himeo H.p ort GCS 70-3. Feb. 1970.
Crill, P., B. Villalon and J. A. Bartz. 1970. Response of two tomato varieties
to sand damage and control of fruit rot with sodium hypochlorite. Univ. Fla.,
IFAS, Mimeo Report GCS-70-4. Mar. 1970.
Crill, Pat, D. S. Burgis and J. P. Jones. 1971. Breeding fresh market tomatoes
for machine harvest in Florida. Univ. Fla., IFAS, Mimeo Report GCS-71-3.
Crill, Pat, J. P. Jones and S. S. Woltz. 1971. Breeding tomatoes for resistance
to race 2 Fusarium wilt. Univ. Fla., IFAS, Mimeo Report GCS-71-4.
Crill, Pat, J. W. Strobel, D. S. Burgis, H. II. Bryan, C. A. John, P. H. Everett,
N. C. lHayslip, J. A. Bartz and T. W. Deen. 1971. Florida MH-1, A machine
harvest tomato for fresh market. Univ. Fla., IFAS, Mimeo Report GCS-71-7.
Crill, Jerry Pat. 1969. Alfalfa mosaic virus disease of alfalfa. Diss. Abst.
(Order No. 69-9673). p. 931-B.
Crill, P. and E. W. Hanson. 1969. Inheritance of resistance to alfalfa mosaic
virus in alfalfa. Phytopathology 59:1022. (Abst.).
Crill, J. P., J. W. Strobel and B. Villalon. 1970. Effect of tobacco mosaic virus
on fruit yield of tomato. Phytopathology 60:1288. (Abst.).
Crill, J. P., J. W. Strobel and B. Villalon. 1970. Genetic control of the gold
fleck disease of tomato fruit. Phytcpathology 60:1288. (Abst.).
Locascio, S. J., J. G. A. Fiskell, and P. H. Everett. 1970. Advances in water-
melon fertility. Proc. Tropical Region, Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 14:223-231.
Journal Series No. 3692.
Strobel, J. W., D. S. Burgis, P. H. Everett and N. C. Hayslip. 1969. Walter and
Tropic New tomato varieties for Florida growers. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
82:121-124. Journal Series No. 3373.
Everett, P. H. 1969. Sources of fertilizer copper for watermelons. Proc. Fla.
State Hort. Soc. 82:136-139. Journal Series No. 3379.
Daen, W. W., Jr., N. C. Hayslip, H. H. Bryan, and P. H. Everett. 1970. Recent
advances in mechanization of fresh market tomato harvesting in Florida. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 83:131-135. Journal Series No. 3746.
Everett, P. H. 1971. Evaluation of paper and polyethylene-coated paper mulches
and fertilizer rates for tomatoes. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 84:124-128.
Journal Series No. 4131.
Strobel, J. W., N. C. Hayslip, D. S. Burgis, and P. H. Everett. 1969. Walter -
A promising determinate tomato resistant to races 1 and 2 of the Fusarium wilt
pathogen. Univ. Fla. IFAS, Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-202. Nov. 1969.
Geraldson, C. I. 1970. Intensity and balance concept of soil testing. Proc.
6th International Colloquim on Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Problems. Tel
Aviv, Israel. March 12-17. (in press).
Geraldson, C. M. 1971. Constant nutrients and moisture for precision nutrient
gradients. Proc. Experts Panel on Irrigation. Herzliya Pituach, Israel. Sept.
6-13. (in press).
Geraldson, C. M. 1971. Evaluation of root environment nutrient gradients for
optimal production. Proc. Symposium Nutrition and Fertilization of Vegetables.
International Soc. Hort. Sci., Warsaw, Poland. Sept. 13-17. (in press).
Geraldson, C. M. 1970. Intensity and balance concept as an approach to optimal
production. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1:187-196.
Journal Series No. 3486.
Geraldson, C. M. 1970. Precision nutrient gradients A component for optimal
production. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1:317-331.
Journal Series No. 3787.
Geraldson, C. M. and W. G. Duncan. 1971. Corn yields with optimal nutrients and
water. Soil Sci. Soc. of Fla. 30:259-262. Journal Series No. 3823.
Geraldson, C. M. 1971. The I and B Concept An approach to optimal crop
production. Agri-Chemical Age, 14:6-8.
Hipp, T. S. 1970. Income potential of alternative crops in Northern Florida.
Univ. Fla., IFAS, Agr. Econ. Report 13. Oct. 1970.
Overman, A. J., J. P. Jones and C. H. Geraldson. 1970. Interaction of cultivars,
nematodes, and fumigants on development of Verticillium wilt on tomatoes. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 83:203-208. Journal Series No. 3717.
Overman, A. J., H. H. Bryan and R. W. Harkness. 1971. Effect of off-season
culture on weeds, nematodes, and potato yields on marl soils. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 84:135-139. Journal Series No. 4202.
Overman, A. J. 1971. Effect of fumigants on non-target soil micro-organisms in
tomato seedbeds. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 31:(in press). Journal
Series No. 4258.
Overman, A. J., J. P. Jones and C. II. Geraldson. 1971. Soil preparation for
tomatoes on old sand land. Univ. Fla., IFAS, Himeo Report GCS-71-6.
Overman, A. J., J. P. Jones and C. H. Geraldson. 1970. Interaction of cultivars,
nematodes and fumigants on development of Verticillium wilt on tomato. OTAN
Tropical Nematology Notes, 2:8. (Abst.).
Overman, A. J. and J. P. Jones. 1970. Effect of stunt and root-knot nematodes on
Verticillium wilt of tomato. Phytopathology 60:1306. (Abst.).
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. Comparative symptomatology of target spot and downy
mildew of cucumber. Plant Dis. Reptr. (In Press). Journal Series No, 3281.
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. Occurrence of gray leaf spot of peppers in Florida,
Plant Dis. Reptr. 53:756. Journal Series No. 3282.
Blazquez, C. H. 1970. Varietal resistance of cucumbers to three diseases.
Plant Dis. Reptr. 54(1):52-55. Journal Series No. 3477.
Blazquez, C. H., A. D. Vidyarthi, T. D. Sheehan, M. J. Bennett, and G. T. McGrew.
1970. The effect of pinolene (beta-pinene polymer) on carbaryl residues.
J. of Agric. and Food Chem. 18(4):681-684. Journal Series No. 3557.
Blazquez, C. H., G. T. McGrew, A. D. Vidyarthi, and T. D. Sheehan. 1970. Bio-
logical activity and chemical residue comparisons of carbaryl with Pinolene
on foliage and fruit. J. of Econ. Entomol. (In Press). Journal Series No. 4142.
Blazquez, C. H. 1971. Target spot of tomato. Plant Dis. Reptr. Vol. 56:243-245.
Journal Series No. 3935.
Blazquez, C. H. 1970. Detection of foliar diseases of vegetable crops with
infrared color photography. Proc. Third Biennial Workshop 3:236-245. Journal
Series No. 3935.
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. Effect of Nu-Film 17 on fungicides tested for control of
cucumber target spot. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 81:141-143. Journal Series
No. 3378.
Lander, D. W. and C. H. Blazquez. 1969.
and field corn rust in Collier County.
An unusually severe outbreak of sweet
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 81:148-151.
Blazquez, C. H. 1970. Effect of plot size and plot layout in ground and aerial
applications of fungicides on vegetable crops. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
Vol. 83:196-203. Journal Series No. 3761.
Blazquez, C. H. 1971. Gray leaf spot of pepper. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
Vol. 84:171-177. Journal Series No. 4204.
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. The role of pesticides in the production of vegetables
in southwest Florida. Sunshine State Agric. Res. Rep. 14:7-9.
McGrew, G. T. and C. H. Blazquez.
polymer) on pesticide residues.
1970. The effect of pinolene (beta-pinene
Proc. Chem. Soc. Pest. Div. (In Press).
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. Fungicide spray trials on cucumbers for the control of
Corynespora cassiicola. Fungicide-Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of 1969.
(A Report).
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. Fungicide spray trials on watermelons for the control of
Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Fungicide-Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of
1969. Vol. 25:87. (A Report).
3lazquez, C. H.,
of potatoes by
A.P.S. Results
lczquez, C. H.
of fungicides.
(A Report).
Elazquez, C. H.
of fungicides.
(A Report).
H. S. Potter and D. W. Lander. 1970. Control of late blight
aerial applications of fungicides. Fungicide-Nematicide Tests.
of 1970 Vol. 26:81. (A Report).
1970. Control of gray leaf spot of pepper by aerial application
Fungicide-Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of 1970 Vol. 26:79.
1970. Control of gray leaf spot of tomato by aerial applications
Fungicide-Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of 1970 Vol. 26:90.
Blazquez, C. H. 1970. Control of gummy stem blight of watermelons by aerial
applications of fungicides. Fungicide-Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of
1970 Vol. 26:96. (A Report).
Blazquez, C. H. 1971. Fungicidal control of gray leaf spot of peppers.
Fungicide-Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of 1971. Vol. 27:86-87.
Blazquez, C. H. 1971. Fungicidal control of gray leaf spot of tomatoes.
Fungicide-Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of 1971. Vol. 27:96.
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. Chemical and biological activities of Difolatan 4 Flow
with and without Nu-Film 17. Phytopath. 60(11):1539. (Abstract).
Blazquez, C. H. 1969. Effect of Nu-Film 17 on adherence of Dithane M-45 to
tomato and cucumber leaves. Phytopath. 60(11):1539. (Abstract).
McGrew, G. T. and C. II. Blazquez. 1970. The effect of pinolene (beta-pinene
polymer) on the biological activity and residues on pesticides. Proc. VII
International Congress of Plant Protection, Paris, France pg. 478. (Abstract).
Blazquez, C. H. and H. S. Potter. 1970. Low volume application of fungicides
by aircraft on tomatoes and peppers. Proc. VII International Congress of
Plant Protection, Paris, France pg. 834. (Abstract).
Blazquez, C. H. and H. S. Potter. 1970. Low volume application of fungicides
by aircraft on potatoes and watermelons. Phytopath. 60:1285.
Blazquez, C. H. 1970. Residue Monitoring. A system for timing spray schedules.
Proc. VII International Congress of Plant Protection, Paris, France pg. 738.
Blazquez, C. H. 1971. Residue monitoring: a system for timing spray schedules.
Phytopath. 61:885 (Abstract).
Blazquez, C. H. 1972. Residue monitoring, (Dyrene), a system for timing spray
schedules. Phytopath. 62:11. (Abstract).
Howard, C. M. 1971. Occurrence of strawberry angular leaf spot, Xanthomonas
fragariae, in Florida. Plant Disease Reptr. 55:142. Journal Series No. 3792.
Howard, C. M. 1971. Control of strawberry anthracnose with Benomyl. Plant
Disease Reptr. 55:139-141. Journal Series No. 3799.
Howard, C. M. 1969. Control of strawberry anthracnose (Colletotrichum
fragariae). Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. A.P.S. Results of 1969 Vol.
Howard, C. II. 1969. Control of strawberry leaf spot (Mycosphaerella fragariae)
and leaf blight (Dendrophoma obscurans). Fungicide and Nematicide Tests.
A.P.S. Results of 1969. Vol. 25:56-57.
Howard, C. M. 1970. Control of strawberry leaf spot in the fruiting field.
Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (Am. Phytopath. Soc.). Results of 1970.
Vol. 26:60. (A Report).
Howard, C. M. 1971. Control of strawberry leaf blight in the fruiting field.
Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (Am. Phytopathological Soc.). Results of
1971. Vol. 27:62.
Howard, C. M. 1971. Control of strawberry fruit rots. Fungicide and Nematicide
Tests (Am. Phytopathological Soc.) Results of 1971. Vol. 27:63.
Howard, C.M. 1970. Control of strawberry fruit rots. Fungicide and Nematicide
Tests. (Am. Phytopathological Soc.). Results of 1970. Vol. 26:60 (A Report).
Howard, C. M. 1971. Control of strawberry leaf spot in the nursery. Fungicide
and Nematicide Tests (Am. Phytopathological Soc.) Results of 1971. Vol. 27:
Howard, C. M. 1970. Strawberry fruit rot caused by Colletotrichum fragariae.
Phytopathology 60:1296-1297. (Abstr.)
Howard, C. M. 1971. Cassia obtusifolia, a possible reservoir for inoculum of
Colletotrichum fragariae. Phytopathology 61:896. Abstr.
Howard, C. M. and E. E. Albregts. 1971. Control of leaf blight in Florida
strawberry nurseries. Hort. Science (American Soc. Hort. Sci.) 6:309-310.
Howard, C. M. 1970. Squash variety trials. In Vegetable Variety Trial.
Results for 1967-68. Florida Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-206 pg. 48.
Jones, John Paul and S. S. Woltz. 1969. Effect of ethionine and methionine
on the growth, sporulation, and virulence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
lycopersici race 2. Phytopathology 59:1464-1467. Journal Series No. 3195.
Jones, John Paul and S. S. Woltz. 1970. Fusarium wilt of tomato: Interaction
of soil liming and micronutrient amendments on disease development. Phyto-
pathology 60:812-813. Journal Series No. 3482.
Jones, John Paul and S. S. Woltz. 1969. Fusarium wilt (race 2) of tomato:
Calcium, pH, and micronutrient effects on disease development. Plant Disease
Reptr. 53:276-279. Journal Series No. 2957.
Jones, John Paul, A. J. Overman and C. M. Geraldson. 1971. Fumigants for the
control of Verticillium wilt of tomato. Plant Disease Reptr. 55:26-30.
Journal Series No. 3698.
Jones, John Paul and S. S. Woltz. 1971. Effect of soil pH and micronutrients
on Verticillium and Fusarium wilt of tomato. Plant Disease Reptr. 55:(In
Press). Journal Series No. 4254.
Jones, John Paul and S. S. Woltz. 1971. Effect of amino acids on development
of Fusarium wilt of resistant and susceptible tomato cultivars. Phytopath.
61:(In press). Journal Series No. 4199.
Jones, John Paul. 1969. Control of soil rot and downy mildew of cucumber.
Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 25:69-70.
Jones, John Paul. 1969. Control of downy mildew of cantaloupe. Fungicide
and Nematicide Tests 25:64.
Jones, John Paul. 1969. Control of gray leafspot of tomato. Fungicide and
Nematicide Tests 25:84.
Jones, John Paul. 1969. Living with race 2 Fusarium wilt. Proc. South
Florida Tomato Inst. l:(In press).
Jones, John Paul. 1969. Tomato diseases. Tomato Disease Control Guide.
Jones, John Paul and S. S. Woltz. 1970. Physiology, parasitism and virulence
of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. Phytopath. 60:1034. (Abst.).
Jones, John Paul and S. S. Woltz. 1971. Effect of glucose and amino acids on
growth and sporulation of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp, lycopersici, race 2.
Phytopath. 61:897. (Abst.).
Jones, John Paul and A. J. Overman. 1971. Interaction of five soil-borne
pathogens of tomato. Phytopath. 61:897. (Abst.).
Woltz, S. S. 1969. Morphological and growth-retarding effects of l-amino-2-
nitrocyclopentane-l-carboxylic acid (ANCPA) on certain vegetable crops.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 82:165-167. Journal Series No. 3412.
Woltz, S. S. and J. P. Jones. 1970. Effects of twenty natural amino acids on
pathogenesis of Homestead 24 tomato by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
races 1 and 2. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 83:175-179. Journal Series No.
Woltz, S. S. and John Paul Jones. 1971. Effect of varied iron, manganese and
zinc nutrition on the in vitro growth of race 2 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
lvcopersici and upon the wilting of tomato cuttings held in filtrates from
cultures of the fungus. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 84:132-135. Journal
Series No. 4126.
SWoltz, S. S. 1970. Physiological effects of high soluble salts on plant growth.
Agrichemical West 12:7.
AREC-Bradenton, Florida
Burgis, D. S., Associate Horticulturist, vegetable variety testing, weed control
and growth regulators.
Crill, J. P., Assistant Plant Pathologist, vegetable breeding, genetics of fungus
and virus disease resistance.
Geraldson, C. M., Soils Chemist, soil nutritional problems and their relationship
with cultural methods of vegetables.
Hipp, Timothy S., Asst. Area Economist, development of economic data on ornamental
and vegetable production.
Jones, J. P., Plant Pathologist, etiology and control of vegetable disease with
emphasis on Fusarium wilt.
Overman, A. J., Associate Nematologist, etiology and control of nematode problems
of ornamentals and vegetables.
Poe, S. L., Assistant Entomologist, insect and mite control of vegetables and
ornamental cut flowers.
Woltz, S. S., Plant Physiologist, physiological disorders and diseases of vegetables
and ornamentals.
ARC-Immokalee, Florida
Blazquez, C. H., Assistant Plant Pathologist, vegetable disease control with
emphasis on disease forecasting and fungicide longevity.
Everett, P. H., Soils Chemist, soils problems, vegetable variety testing, herbicide
testing & nutritional relationship of watermelons, tomatoes & other vegetables.
ARC-Dover, Florida
Albregts, E. E., Assistant Horticulturist, strawberry and vegetable variety
Howard, C. M., Assistant Plant Pathologist, diseases of strawberries and their
control by fumigation and plant breeding.