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Group Title: Tomato variety trial results.
Title: Tomato variety trial results. Spring 1992.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00054239/00003
 Material Information
Title: Tomato variety trial results. Spring 1992.
Series Title: Tomato variety trial results.
Alternate Title: Research report - Bradenton Gulf Coast Research & Education Center ; BRA1992-12
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Howe, T. K.
Scott, J. W.
Waters, W. E.
Publisher: Gulf Coast Research & Education Center, IFAS, University of Florida
Publication Date: Spring 1992
Funding: Florida Historical Agriculture and Rural Life
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00054239
Volume ID: VID00003
Source Institution: Marston Science Library, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Holding Location: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station; Institute for Food and Agricultural Services (IFAS), University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 62705297

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
        Page 1
        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
    Center information
        Page 13
Full Text
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centrall Science
D-C 1 6 1982
diversity of Florida

Gulf Coast Research
and Education Center

5007 60th St. E., Bradenton, Florida 34203-9324
H Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida

5007 60th STREET EAST

Bradenton GCREC Research Report BRA1992-12 July

Tomato Variety Trial Results for Spring 1992
T. K. Howe, J. W. Scott and W. E. Waters'

The value of fresh market tomatoes for 1990-91 was $576.2 million (1).
Production of 62.4 million 25 Ib-cartons came from 50,400 acres. Tomatoes had
the greatest production value accounting for 35% of Florida's vegetable farm gate
value in 1990-91.

Twenty-five percent of the state's total fresh tomato production came from the
Palmetto-Ruskin area (west-central Florida) in 1990-91 (1). A variety trial at
the GCREC, in west-central Florida, was conducted in the spring of 1992 to
evaluate fresh market tomato varieties and breeding lines. Twenty entries were
evaluated in a replicated yield trial and an additional 64 entries were evaluated
visually in observational plots.


Bed Preparation: Soil in the trial area was sampled before field preparation and
analyzed by the IFAS Soil Testing Lab. The pH = 6.9, NH4N = 0.7 ppm, NO N = 20.4
ppm were determined from a water extract (2). While the elements P = 86 ppm,
K = 57 ppm, Ca = 946 ppm and Mg = 195 ppm were determined by the Mehlich I
procedure (3). Soil analyses results were not available before bedding. Raised
beds of EauGallie fine sand were formed January 27. The 33-inch wide, 8-inch
high beds were spaced on 5 ft centers with 6 beds between seepage irrigation
ditches. Fertilizer included 15-0-30-2 (N-P20O-K20-MgO) at 1917 Ib/A (A = 8712
linear ft of bed) distributed in 2 narrow bands in shallow grooves on the bed
surface 10 inches to each side of bed center. In addition, a banded false bed
application of superphosphate (0-20-0 with 80 Ibs per ton minor elements as F503)
at 348 Ib/A was made. This fertilizer regime provided a 1:2 ratio of N:K20 with
approximately 288 lb N/A and 576 lb K20/A. Beds were fumigated with methyl
bromide:chloropicrin (67%:33%) at 189 1b/mulched A (mulched acre = 23,522 sq ft)
and covered with black polyethylene.

Transplant Production: Seeds were sown on January 7 into wooden flats containing
an inert processed product of spent coal, and lightly covered with coarse
vermiculite. Seedlings were transferred 15 days later into planter flats
(1.5x1.5x2.5-inch cells) containing vermiculite and Canadian peat (1:1, v:v)
amended with superphosphate, dolomite and hydrated lime (11.3, 5.6 and 2.8 Ib/cu
yd, respectively). Plants were conditioned before transplanting by withholding
water and nutrients in the final phase of production.

'Research Program Coordinator, Professor, and Center Director, respectively.

Crop Production: Transplants were set in the field on February 26, spaced 24
inches apart in single rows down the center of each bed. Transplants were
immediately drenched with water. Very few plants were reset. Four replications
of 10 plants per entry were arranged in a randomized complete block design for
the replicated trial, and single 10-plant plots were used for the observational
trial. Plants were staked and tied without pruning.

Plots were scouted for pests throughout the season. Sweetpotato whitefly,
leafminer and thrips were the primary insects found. Avermectin, Bacillus
thurinqiensis, endosulfan, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, insecticidal soaps,
methamidophos and permethrin were utilized according to label instructions to
manage the various insect pest populations during the season. A spray program
using mancozeb, tribasic copper and chlorothalonil was followed for bacterial
spot, target spot, early blight and fungal diseases.

Fruit of the replicated entries (Table 2) were harvested at the mature green
stage or beyond on May 19, May 27-28 and June 8-9. Tomatoes were graded as cull
or marketable by U.S. standards for grades (6) and marketable fruits were sized
by machine as medium, large and extra-large (see footnotes, Tables 2-4 for
specifications). Both cull and sized fruit were counted and weighed.

Subjective ratings for various categories defining plant and fruit
characteristics were given to the observational entries only at the end of the
season when red ripe fruit were on the vine (Table 6).


Weather information for the season compared to the 38-year averages (5) is in
Table 1. Temperatures were close to normal for the production period. However,
isolated incidents of windy, cool and wet weather apparently adversely affected
blossom-end scars, blossom-end rot, and plant stand. Strong winds just before
tying the plants for the first time accounted for most of the plant losses
indicated in Table 2. Rainfall was greater than average in February, March and
April, but less than average in May and early June.

Seasonal: Total marketable yields for the season (Table 2) ranged from 1979
cartons/A for 'Spitfire' to 3271 cartons/A for IFAS 7375. These yields are 1.6
to 2.6 times greater than the state's commercial average of 1239 cartons/A (1).
Thirteen entries were not significantly different than IFAS 7375 in total
marketable yield.

Extra-large fruit yield ranged from 984 cartons/A for 'Spitfire' to 2225
cartons/A for 'Mountain Spring.' Only 'Sunbeam,' 'Olympic,' IFAS 7249 B and
'Merced' had over 2000 cartons/A extra-large fruit, and were not significantly
different than 'Mountain Spring.' Large fruit yields ranged from 394 cartons/A
for 'Merced' to 1154 cartons/A for 'Colonial.' Four other entries, IFAS 7375,
'Sunny,' PSX 860889 and IFAS 7430, were similar to 'Colonial' in large fruit

Average individual fruit weight ranged from 5.5 oz for 'Colonial' to 7.8 oz for
'Mountain Spring.' Only 'Merced' (7.7 oz) and 'Olympic' (7.4 oz) were similar
to 'Mountain Spring' in average fruit weight.

Seasonal cull fruit production ranged from 30% of total harvested fruit for
'Market Pride' and 'Sunny' to 57% for 'Spitfire.' Fruit defects included rough
blossom-end scars, zippering, flat or off-shape fruit, radial cracks and blossom-
end rot.

First Harvest (May 19): Total marketable yield for the first harvest ranged from
379 cartons/A for IFAS 7435 to 1111 cartons/A for 'Merced' (Table 3). Only
'Sunbeam' at 934 cartons/A was similar to 'Merced' in yield. However, 'Merced'
stood alone in producing the greatest yield in extra-large fruit with 1034
cartons/A. No other entry produced over 840 cartons/A of extra-large fruit. In
the large fruit category, yields ranged from 42 to 140 cartons/A with 11 entries
equivalent to or not significantly different than the 140 cartons/A yield.
Medium fruit production did not exceed 60 cartons/A for any entry at the first

Average fruit weight ranged from 6.6 oz for IFAS 7430 to 9.3 oz for 'Mountain
Spring.' Four entries, 'Olympic' (9.2 oz), 'Merced' (8.7 oz), 'Sunbeam' (8.3 oz)
and 'Agriset 761' (8.2 oz), were not significantly different than 'Mountain
Spring' in average fruit weight.

Cull fruit accounted for 25 to 64% of the total harvest on May 19. Most of the
cull fruit at this time had poor blossom ends and zippering. Average fruit
weight for cull fruit ranged from 6.2 to 9.5 oz.

Second Harvest (May 27-28): At the second harvest, total marketable yield ranged
from 436 cartons/A for 'Spitfire' to 970 cartons/A for IFAS 7375. All but three
entries were similar to IFAS 7375 in total marketable yield. Extra-large fruit
yield ranged from 188 to 643 cartons/A for 'Spitfire' and 'Sunbeam,'
respectively. Eleven other entries were similar to 'Sunbeam' in extra-large
fruit production. Large fruit yield ranged from 126 to 380 cartons/A for
'Olympic' and IFAS 7375, respectively. Only 'Sunny' and 'Bonita' were not
significantly different than IFAS 7375. Medium fruit production ranged from 23
to 173 cartons/A. At the second harvest, fruit yields shifted away from extra-
large fruit to large and medium sizes. Average fruit weight reflects the shift
in yield to smaller size and ranged from 5.7 oz for IFAS 7430 and IFAS 7375 to
7.6 oz for 'Mountain Spring.'

Cull fruit accounted for between 25 to 61% of total fruit harvested. Most
entries had 30 to 45% cull fruit.

Third Harvest (June 8-9): Marketable yields were greatest at the third harvest
(Table 5) for all but 'Merced,' which yielded heavily the first two harvests.
Marketable yields ranged from 628 cartons/A for 'Merced' to 2043 cartons/A for
'Colonial.' Six other entries, PSX 860889, IFAS 7430, 'Sunny,' 'Market Pride,'
IFAS 7375 and IFAS 7249 B, were similar to 'Colonial' in total marketable yield.
Extra-large fruit yield ranged from 384 cartons/A for IFAS 7435 to 1016 cartons/A
for IFAS 7249 B. Seven other entries were not significantly different than IFAS
7249 B. Large fruit yield exceeded extra-large fruit yield for six entries at
this time. Large fruit yield ranged from 149-833 cartons/A. 'Colonial' had the
highest medium fruit yield at 666 cartons/A which exceeded its own extra-large
fruit yield.

Average fruit weight ranged from 5.0 to 7.1 oz. Only 4 entries exceeded 6.5 oz.
The percentage of culls produced ranged from 32 to 54% among the entries.

Horticultural Evaluation: All observational entries were given ratings for
numerous horticultural characteristics by the senior author at the end of the
season when most fruit were ripe (Table 6). Ratings provide general indications
of crop performance at this particular location and time.

Summary: Best overall seasonal extra-large yields came from 'Mountain Spring,'
'Sunbeam,' 'Olympic,' IFAS 7249 B and 'Merced.' Best early season extra-large
fruit yields came from 'Merced.' However, 'Merced' did not place well in total
seasonal yields across all size grades, since its yields declined at the third
pick. 'Merced' was also an outstanding performer in the fall of 1991 (4).

Note: The information contained in this report is a summary of experimental
results and should not be used as recommendations for crop production. No
discrimination is intended nor endorsement implied where trade names are used.

Acknowledgement: The authors wish to thank the following organizations/firms
which donated funds toward vegetable cultivar research during 1991-92
(alphabetical): Abbott & Cobb, Agrisales, American Takii, Asgrow Florida Co.,
Florida Pepper Exchange, Green Cay Farms of Boynton Beach, Market More, Neuman,
Nunhems, Pepper Research, Petoseed, Rogers NK and Sakata Seed America.


1. Florida Agricultural Statistics Service. 1992. Vegetable summary 1990-
91. Florida Agricultural Statistics Service, Orlando, FL.

2. Geraldson, C. M. 1967. Evaluation of the nutrient intensity and balance
system of soil testing. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Fla. 27:59-67.

3. Hanlon, E. A. and J. M. DeVore. 1989. IFAS extension soil testing
laboratory chemical procedures and training manual. Fla. Coop. Ext. Circ.

4. Howe, T. K., J. W. Scott and W. E. Waters. 1992. Tomato variety trial
results for fall 1991. Bradenton GCREC Res. Rept. BRA1992-6.

5. Stanley, C. D. 1992. Temperature and rainfall report for 1991.
Bradenton GCREC Res. Rept. BRA1992-2.

6. United States Department of Agriculture. 1981. U.S. standards for grades
of cucumbers. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.


Table 1. Temperature and rainfall at the GCREC during the spring of 1992 and
the 38-year averages (5).

Average daily temperature (oF)
1992 38-yr. avq. Rainfall (in.)
Month Max. Min. Max. Min. 1992 38-yr. avq.

February (26-29) 73z 57z 73y 51Y 3.19z 3.11Y
March 75 56 77 55 4.05 3.38
April 81 61 81 59 2.93 1.65
May 86 62 87 65 0.15 3.24
June (1-8) 91z 72z 89y 70y 0.38z 7.58Y


ZTransplanted February 26, 1992. Last harvest June 8-9, 1992.
statistics for 1992 are from these dates.
YStatistics are for the entire month.

Table 2. Seasonal yields, seed sources, average fruit size and cull percentages of tomato entries in trial
spring of 1992. (Harvest dates: May 19, May 27-28, and June 8-9, 1992).

Marketable Yield (cartons/A)' Marketable Plant
Seedz Extra Fruit Wt. Cullsx Stand
Entry Source Total Large Large Medium (oz.) (%) (%)

IFAS 7375 IFAS 3271 aW 1521 d-g 1071 a 679 ab 5.7 fg 37 f-h 100 a
Sunbeam AS 3119 ab 2220 a 700 d-f 198 h-j 7.0 bc 30 h 100 a
Sunny AS 3112 ab 1443 d-h 1047 ab 622 a-c 5.8 e-g 39 e-g 100 a
PSX 860889 PS 3103 ab 1484 d-g 1039 ab 580 a-d 5.8 fg 36 f-h 100 a
IFAS 7249 B IFAS 3034 a-c 2058 ab 722 de 254 g-j 6.9 c 34 gh 90 ab
Colonial PS 3031 a-c 1137 f-h 1154 a 739 a 5.5 g 31 g-h 98 ab
Bonita RNK 2994 a-d 1622 b-e 849 b-d 523 b-e 6.1 d-f 34 f-h 90 b
IFAS 7389 IFAS 2922 a-d 1533 d-g 832 cd 556 b-d 5.8 e-g 44 c-e 98 ab
IFAS 7430 IFAS 2863 a-d 1243 d-h 965 a-c 655 ab 5.6 g 35 f-h 93 ab
XPH 5796 AS 2845 a-d 1692 b-d 818 cd 335 f-h 6.4 d 45 c-e 100 a

Olympic PS 2825 a-d 2197 a 493 f-h 135 ij 7.4 ab 34 f-h 98 ab
Mountain Spring RNK 2770 a-d 2225 a 443 gh 101 j 7.8 a 37 f-h 88 b
Market Pride HM 2713 a-e 1668 b-d 753 cd 291 f-i 6.3 de 30 h 95 ab
Agriset 761 AG 2628 a-e 1434 d-h 776 cd 418 d-g 6.3 de 38 e-g 93 ab
Merced RNK 2514 b-f 2005 a-c 394 h 115 j 7.7 a 42 d-f 90 ab

PSX 873489 PS 2476 b-f 1587 c-f 628 d-g 260 g-j 6.6 cd 52 ab 93 ab
IFAS 7446 IFAS 2420 c-f 1089 gh 811 cd 520 b-e 5.6 g 37 f-h 90 ab
Solar Set AS 2355 d-f 1260 d-g 718 de 377 e-g 6.1 d-f 46 b-d 95 ab
IFAS 7435 IFAS 2118 ef 984 h 676 d-f 458 c-f 5.6 g 51 a-c 93 ab
Spitfire FM 1979 f 1155 e-h 524 e-h 300 f-i 6.2 d-f 57 a 88 b

ZAG Agrisales; AS Asgrow; FM = Ferry-Morse; HM = Harris Moran; IFAS = Gulf Coast Research & Education
Center, IFAS, UF; PS Petoseed; RNK I Rogers NK.
Carton 25 Ibs. Acre 8712 linear ft of bed, beds on 5 ft centers. Grading belt hole sizes: extra-
large no belt, greater than 2 26/32"; large 2 26/32"; medium = 2 18/32"; cull = 2 8/32".
XBy weight.
WMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 3. Yields, fruit size and cull percentages of tomato entries for the first harvest, May
19, 1992.

Marketable Yield (cartons/A)z Marketable
Extra Fruit Wt. Cullsy
Entry Total Large Large Medium (oz.) (%)

Merced 1111 aX 1034 a 67 bc 10 d-f 8.7 ab 34 f-j
Sunbeam 934 ab 839 b 88 a-c 7 f 8.3 a-c 27 ij
Olympic 848 bc 804 b 42 c 1 f 9.2 a 30 h-j
Mountain Spring 821 bc 773 bc 44 c 4 f 9.3 a 37 e-i
IFAS 7389 805 bc 608 cd 140 a 59 a 6.8 ef 39 d-h

IFAS 7375 711 cd 569 de 108 ab 33 b 7.3 c-f 38 d-h
IFAS 7249 B 666 c-e 565 de 84 a-c 17 b-f 7.9 b-e 37 e-i
Bonita 663 c-e 556 d-f 81 a-c 26 b-e 7.8 b-e 25 j
Spitfire 642 c-e 476 d-g 140 a 26 b-e 7.2 c-f 59 ab
Agriset 761 562 d-f 520 d-f 38 c 3 f 8.2 a-d 38 e-i

XPH 5796 559 d-f 466 d-g 83 a-c 10 d-f 7.7 b-f 47 c-e
PSX 873489 525 d-f 453 d-g 58 bc 14 c-f 7.7 b-f 64 a
Market Pride 516 d-f 439 d-g 70 bc 7 ef 7.5 c-f 28 h-j
Sunny 515 d-f 407 d-g 78 a-c 30 bc 7.6 b-f 38 e-i
PSX 860889 504 d-f 396 d-g 98 a-c 11 d-f 7.4 c-f 41 d-g

Solar Set 502 d-f 387 e-g 98 a-c 17 b-f 7.5 c-f 49 cd
IFAS 7430 489 d-f 380 e-g 89 a-c 20 b-f 6.6 f 36 f-j
IFAS 7446 448 ef 362 e-g 58 bc 27 b-d 6.9 ef 44 c-f
Colonial 398 f 339 fg 54 bc 6 f 7.1 d-f 32 g-j
IFAS 7435 379 f 291 g 59 bc 29 b-d 7.0 ef 54 bc

ZCarton = 25 Ibs. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed, beds on 5 ft centers. Grading belt hole
sizes: extra-large = no belt, greater than 2 26/32"; large = 2 26/32"; medium = 2 18/32";
cull = 2 8/32".
YBy weight.
XMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 4. Yields, fruit size and cull percentages of tomato entries for the second harvest,
May 27-28, 1992.

Marketable Yield (cartons/A)z Marketable
Extra Fruit Wt. Cullsy
Entry Total Large Large Medium (oz.) (%)

IFAS 7375
XPH 5796

IFAS 7389
IFAS 7249 B
Agriset 761
Solar Set



Mountain Spring
PSX 860889
IFAS 7430
IFAS 7435




439 a-d
477 a-d
564 ab
370 a-d
336 b-d



254 b-e
240 b-f
179 d-f
239 b-f
246 b-e

141 ef
244 b-e
218 c-f
126 f
211 d-f

147 a-c
68 e-i
32 g-i
94 c-f
118 a-e

23 i
101 b-f
129 a-d
29 hi
83 d-h






7.6 a
6.2 d-h
5.7 h
7.3 ab
6.0 f-h

Colonial 589 a-c 254 cd 268 b-d 68 e-i 5.9 gh 29 f-i
IFAS 7446 587 a-c 248 cd 257 b-e 81 d-i 5.8 gh 40 c-f
Market Pride 554 bc 354 a-d 156 d-f 44 f-i 6.6 c-e 28 hi
PSX 873489 530 bc 268 b-d 182 d-f 80 d-i 6.3 d-g 52 ab
Spitfire 436 c 188 d 159 d-f 89 d-g 6.3 d-g 61 a

ZCarton 25 Ibs. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed, beds on 5 ft centers. Grading
sizes: extra-large no belt, greater than 2 26/32"; large = 2 26/32"; medium
cull 2 8/32".
YBy weight.
XMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

belt hole
- 2 18/32";

Table 5. Yields, fruit size and cull percentages of tomato entries for the third harvest,
June 8-9, 1992.

Marketable Yield (cartons/A)z Marketable
Extra Fruit Wt. Cullsy
Entry Total Large Large Medium (oz.) (%)

Colonial 2043 aX 545 c-e 833 a 666 a 5.2 ef 32 f
PSX 860889 1920 ab 754 a-d 697 ab 469 bc 5.3 d-f 33 f
IFAS 7430 1720 a-c 556 c-e 658 a-c 506 b 5.3 d-f 36 d-f
Sunny 1659 a-d 605 b-e 617 b-d 437 b-d 5.2 d-f 42 b-f
Market Pride 1642 a-d 876 a-c 527 b-f 240 e-g 5.9 cd 32 f

IFAS 7375 1590 a-d 534 c-e 582 b-e 473 bc 5.2 ef 35 ef
IFAS 7249 B 1583 a-d 1016 a 397 e-h 169 gh 6.6 ab 32 f
PSX 873489 1421 b-e 866 a-c 389 e-h 167 gh 6.3 bc 44 a-e
IFAS 7446 1386 b-e 479 de 496 c-f 411 b-d 5.2 ef 33 ef
XPH 5796 1377 b-e 694 a-e 471 c-f 213 e-h 5.8 c-e 47 a-d

Bonita 1372 b-e 594 b-e 433 d-g 345 c-e 5.5 d-f 41 c-f
Agriset 761 1363 c-e 543 c-e 499 c-f 320 d-f 5.8 c-e 39 c-f
Olympic 1361 c-e 933 ab 325 f-i 104 gh 6.6 ab 40 c-f
IFAS 7389 1277 c-e 486 de 440 d-g 351 c-e 5.2 d-f 48 a-c
Mountain Spring 1253 c-e 920 ab 259 g-i 74 h 7.1 a 39 c-f

Sunbeam 1241 c-e 738 a-e 355 f-h 148 gh 6.3 bc 35 ef
Solar Set 1154 de 538 c-e 374 f-h 242 e-g 5.8 c-e 47 a-c
IFAS 7435 1136 de 384 e 406 e-h 346 c-e 5.0 f 54 a
Spitfire 901 ef 491 de 224 hi 186 f-h 5.6 d-f 53 ab
Merced 628 f 407 de 149 i 73 h 6.8 ab 54 a

zCarton = 25 Ibs. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed, beds on 5 ft centers. Grading belt hole
sizes: extra-large = no belt, greater than 2 26/32"; large = 2 26/32"; medium = 2 18/32";
cull = 2 8/32".
YBy weight.
xMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 6. Late season ratings of fruit and plant characteristics for observational tomato entries in trial, spring 1992.

N c4- 3 -y U
I-) U 0) C-. O Cfl O-)
4- N LU 3 o U Cn
>C a( V >n c r -3 v) ) S 4u S.-
U) C.) V +I) 0 E ro A > >> UU a .C )
-a 0 () CE=4-) C S S_- C.> 0
-) 4xr _P 4-> +-) s- 4_ CP -P sr- 0 4u 0e ( U3
C: *i- *i- ( *-3 r- ) -P E >) C ,- u CC (Al J
(U 30 UD 3 3 +- 3 LS- 4 0 -0 C CS _- -0 r
S= 4-> S s (0 C 3 S (0 o (0 j Comments
Source/Entry 0- U L LL S U 2 U O U U t O Q_ V) CommentIs

Abbott & Cobb
Sunner Flavor 5000
Summer Flavor 6000
Agriset 1000

XPH 10005
FMX 168j
FMX 171
FMX 174
FMX 185j
FMX 186jcr

FMX 187j
Harris Moran
HMX 7803R
IFAS-Univ. of Florida
IFAS 7248B
IFAS 7264
IFAS 7267
IFAS 7296
IFAS 7368
IFAS 7374
IFAS 7408
IFAS 7423
IFAS 7424
IFAS 7425
IFAS 7426
IFAS 7427
IFAS 7428

IFAS 7429
IFAS 7431
IFAS 7432
IFAS 7433
IFAS 7434
IFAS 7436
IFAS 7445
IFAS 7447
IFAS 7449
IFAS 7450

m 2.5 gb jo 4.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 ft
t 4.0 gb j2 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 ov

m-t 3.0 gb j2 4.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 gl
m-t 3.0 gb jo 4.0 3.5 2.5 2.5 ft-gl

s 3.5 ug jo 4.0 4.5 3.5 3.5 gl

m-t 3.5 gb
m 3.5 ug
m 3.5 ttgb
m 3.0 gb
m-t 3.5 gb

1.5 3.0 ft
3.0 3.5 gl
3.0 3.5 vr
2.0 4.0 ft
2.5 3.5 fl

m 3.5 gb j2 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.5 gl

s 3.0 gb jo 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 fl

t 3.0 ug
m 2.0 ug
s 3.0 ug
s 3.5 ug
m 3.5 ug
s 4.0 ug
m 3.5 gb
s 3.0 gb
t 2.5 ug
t 3.5 gb
m-t 3.0 ug
m 3.0 ug
m-t 3.0 gb

s-m 3.0 gb
m 2.0 gb
t 3.0 ug
m 3.0 ug
t 3.0 ug
t 3.0 gb
s-m 3.5 gb
t 4.0 ug
m 3.5 gb
t 3.0 gb

3.5 3.5 ft
4.0 4.0 ft
3.0 3.5 ft
4.0 3.0 fl-gl
3.0 3.5 fl-gl
4.0 3.0 gl-fl
4.0 4.0 fl
3.0 3.5 gl
3.5 4.0 fl
2.5 3.5 ft
4.0 4.0 gL
3.0 2.5 ov-fl
2.5 3.0 vr

4.0 4.0 gL
3.5 3.5 fl
3.0 3.5 gl
2.5 4.0 ft
2.5 ft
4.0 3.5 gl-ft
4.0 4.0 ft
4.0 4.0 gL
4.0 3.5 fl
3.5 2.5 vr

2.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 3.5 ber;catfacing
3.5 3.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.5

3.5 3.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 ber
3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.0 st spider track;
variable size

3.5 3.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.0

3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.0 spider track
4.0 2.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0
3.5 4.0 2.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.0 ber
4.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 ber,sl spider track
4.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 pointed be; spider
track;20% bull plants
4.0 3.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.0 pointed be

3.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.5 5.0 4.5 4.5

3.5 3.5
2.0 2.5
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.5
3.5 4.0
3.0 3.5
2.0 2.0
3.0 2.5
2.0 3.0
2.0 3.0
3.0 3.5
2.5 3.0
2.0 3.0

3.0 4.0
2.0 3.5
3.0 3.5
3.5 3.0
2.5 3.0
2.0 3.0
2.0 4.0
3.0 3.5
2.0 3.0
2.0 3.0

3.0 5.0
3.5 5.0
4.0 5.0
3.5 5.0
3.5 5.0
3.0 5.0
3.5 5.0
2.5 5.0
4.0 5.0
3.0 5.0
3.5 5.0
3.0 5.0
3.0 5.0

3.5 5.0
3.5 5.0
3.5 5.0
3.5 5.0
3.5 5.0
4.0 5.0
4.0 5.0
4.0 5.0
4.0 5.0
3.5 5.0

5.0 30% pit loss to wind
5.0 30% pit loss to wind
5.0 ber
5.0 ber
5.0 folds in fruit
5.0 st catfacing
5.0 40% pit Loss to wind;ber
4.5 40% pit loss to wind;
pointed be
4.5 ber
5.0 pointed be
5.0 20% pit loss to wind;ber
5.0 br;st catface

Table 6 (continued).

N 4- 0)
4- > a) 0 u -z () )
L- 3 0 ) C Ao U -
) 4- N :3 M LU 3: (0 C. (5
S- 0) > -: (A -2 (A 0) S.. 0) S-
a) V) ) 4-, ) E (A ( > >, o ( o C a
-o *-- 0 a c -L-' -c V3 s- :M ".-
4- 4-,- X 4-) 4- 4- + (A 4- S...-- U. 0) ru
C T-^ E 1 r 3 ) ( E a) 4-) 4 0. )U (C 3
( 3 0 3 3 3 0 S- 4-) CO 0 ,c "O C .- S-0 o
Source/Entry 0_ ,, U ) 8 Z ,, U Comments

t 4.5 Ltgb j2 4.5

m-t 3.0 ttgb j2 3.0
m 4.5 ttgb j2 4.5

North Carolina State Univ.
NC 9022 m-t 3.0 ug jo 3.5
NC 9115 t 3.5 ug jo 4.0
NC 9119 t 3.0 ug jo 3.5
NC 9132 t 3.0 ug jo 4.0
NC 73388 m 4.0 gb j2 3.5
NC 87175 m 3.0 ug jo 3.5
NC 87294 t 3.0 ttgb jo 4.0
NC 88289 t 3.0 ug jo 3.5
NC 91135 m-t 3.0 ttgb jo 3.5

PSR 842189
PSR 869090
PSR 877690
PSR 880590
PSX 853389

Rogers NK
NVH 4471
Tom 9-100

Sunre 6589
Sunre 6590

3.0 ug jo 3.0
3.5 gb j2 4.0
3.0 ug jo 4.0
4.5 ttgb jo 3.5
3.0 ug jo 3.0

m-t 3.5 gb
m-t 4.5 gb
m-t 3.0 ug
s-m 4.0 ug

m-t 3.0 gb
m 4.0 ug
s 3.5 ug
m 3.5 gb
m-t 3.5 gb

jo 3.0
jo 3.5
jo 3.5
jo 4.0

jo 4.0
jo 4.0
jo 3.5
jo 3.5
jo 4.0

m-t 3.5 ug jo 3.5
m-t 3.0 ttgb j2 3.5
m 3.5 Ltgb jo 4.0

NS 213 (plum)

NS 274
Rio Largo (plum)

4.0 2.0 4.0 ov

3.0 3.0 4.0 ft
4.0 2.5 4.5 ov

4.5 3.0 3.5 ft
4.0 3.0 4.0 fl
4.5 3.5 3.0 vr
4.5 2.0 4.0 ft
3.5 2.0 4.0 gl
4.0 3.0 3.0 vr
3.0 2.5 4.0 ft
3.5 2.5 3.0 ft
4.0 3.0 4.0 ft

3.5 3.0 3.5 fl
3.5 3.5 3.5 gl
4.0 4.0 4.0 ft
4.0 4.5 3.0 fl-gl
4.0 3.5 4.0 fl

3.0 3.5 3.0 gt-ft
3.5 4.5 4.0 ft-gl
4.0 3.5 4.0 ft
4.0 3.5 4.0 gt

3.0 3.5 3.0 vr
4.0 4.0 4.0 ft
3.5 4.5 3.0 gl
3.5 3.0 3.0 gt
4.0 3.5 4.0 ft

4.0 4.0 3.5 gL-fl
3.0 3.0 4.0 gl
4.0 3.5 3.5 fl-gl

5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 be;indented;tisted as
5.0 4.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 30% pit loss to wind
5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 30% pit Loss to wind;
pointed be

5.0 4.0 3.5 5.0

4.0 2.5 3.0 5.0
5.0 4.0 4.0 5.0

4.0 4.5 3.0 5.0
3.5 4.5 4.0 5.0
3.5 3.5 3.5 5.0
4.0 4.0 3.5 5.0
4.0 4.0 3.0 5.0
3.5 4.5 4.0 5.0
3.5 3.5 1.5 5.0
3.5 3.5 2.0 5.0
3.5 4.0 1.5 5.0

4.0 2.0 2.0 5.0
2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0
3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
1.0 2.5 2.5 5.0
2.5 3.5 4.0 5.0

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
4.0 3.5 3.0 5.0
3.5 3.0 3.5 5.0
3.0 3.5 3.5 5.0

4.0 3.5 3.0 5.0
4.5 3.5 3.0 5.0
4.5 3.0 2.5 5.0
4.5 3.5 3.0 5.0
3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0

3.5 2.5 3.5 5.0
3.5 2.5 3.0 5.0
2.0 4.0 4.0 5.0

5.0 4.5
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 4.0
5.0 4.5
4.5 4.5
4.5 4.5
5.0 5.0

4.5 4.5
4.5 4.5
5.0 5.0
5.0 3.0
5.0 4.5

5.0 5.0
4.5 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5

4.5 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 4.5
5.0 3.5

5.0 5.0
5.0 4.5
5.0 5.0

5.0 ber

5.0 st catface
5.0 spider track, 10%
butt ptts

5.0 10% butt pits

4.5 30% pit loss to wind;
20% off type pits

5.0 20% pit loss to wind
5.0 ber;spider track
4.5 60% ptt toss to wind

5.0 4.5
5.0 4.5
5.0 4.5
5.0 4.5
5.0 5.0
5.0 4.5
5.0 4.5
5.0 4.5
5.0 4.5

5.0 5.0
5.0 4.5
5.0 4.5
5.0 3.0
5.0 4.0

5.0 4.5
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0

5.0 5.0
5.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0

5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 4.5

Table 6 (continued).

Zs = short, m = medium, t = tall.
1 = rough, 5 = smooth, gb = green base, Ltgb = Light green base, ug = uniform green.
xjo= jointed, j2 = jointless.
1 = poor, 5 = excellent.
S= smalt, 5 = extra large.
"1 = Late, 5 = early.
tl = inconsistent, 5 = very consistent, ft = fiat or oblate, gl = globe, ov = ovate or deep globe, vr = variable.
'1 = severe, 5 = absence of defect.
'be = blossom end, ber = blossom end rot, ptt(s) = plant(s), sL = slight.



The Gulf Coast Research and Education Center

The Gulf Coast Research and Education Center is
a unit of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sci-
ences, University of Florida. The Research Center
originated in the fall of 1925 as the Tomato
Disease Laboratory with the primary objective of
developing control procedures for an epidemic out-
break of nailhead spot of tomato. Research was ex-
panded in subsequent years to include study of sev-
eral other tomato diseases.

In 1937, new research facilities were established
in the town of Manatee, and the Center scope was
enlarged to include horticultural, entomological, and
soil science studies of several vegetable crops. The
ornamental program was a natural addition to the
Center's responsibilities because of the emerging in-
dustry in the area in the early 1940's.

The Center's current location was established in
1965 where a comprehensive research and extension
program on vegetable crops and ornamental plants is
conducted. Three state extension specialists posi-
tions, 16 state research scientists, and two grant
supported scientists from various disciplines of
training participate in all phases of vegetable and
ornamental horticultural programs. This interdisci-
plinary team approach, combining several research
disciplines and a wide range of industry and faculty
contacts, often is more productive than could be ac-
complished with limited investments in independent

The Center's primary mission is to develop new
and expand existing knowledge and technology, and
to disseminate new scientific knowledge in Florida, so
that agriculture remains efficient and economically

The secondary mission of the Center is to assist
tte Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS campus
departments, in which Center faculty hold appropri-
ate liaison appointments, and other research centers
in extension, educational training, and cooperative
research programs for the benefit of Florida's pro-
ducers, students, and citizens.

Program areas of emphasis include: (1) genetics,
breeding, and variety development and evaluation;
(2) biological, chemical, and mechanical pest manage-
ment in entomology, plant pathology, nematology,
bacteriology, virology, and weed science; (3) produc-
tion efficiency, culture, management, and counteract-
ing environmental stress; (4) water management and
natural resource protection; (5) post-harvest physiol-
ogy, harvesting, handling and food quality of horti-
cultural crops; (6) technical support and assistance to
the Florida Cooperative Extension Service; and (7)
advancement offundamental knowledge ofdisciplines
represented by faculty and (8) directing graduate
student training and teaching special undergraduate

Location of
GCREC Bradenton

U The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
University of Florida.
L A statewide organization dedicated to teaching,
research and extension.
O Faculty located in Gainesville and at 13 research
and education centers, 67 county extension
offices and four demonstration units throughout
the state.
1 A partnership in food and agriculture, and natural
and renewable resource research and education,
funded by state, federal and local government,
and by gifts and grants from individuals, founda-
tions, government and industry.
U An organization whose mission is:
Educating students in the food, agricultural,
and related sciences and natural resources.
Strengthening Florida's diverse food and
agricultural industry and its environment
through research.
Enhancing for all Floridians, the application
of research and knowledge to improve the
quality of life statewide through IFAS exten-
sion programs.

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