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Group Title: Bell pepper variety trial.
Title: Bell pepper variety trial. Fall 1993.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00054199/00016
 Material Information
Title: Bell pepper variety trial. Fall 1993.
Series Title: Bell pepper variety trial.
Alternate Title: Research report - Gulf Coast Research and Education Center ; BRA1994-7
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Howe, T. K.
Waters, W. E.
Publisher: University of Florida
Publication Date: Fall 1993
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00054199
Volume ID: VID00016
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 62705619

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
        Page 1
        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
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        Page 11
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    Center information
        Page 15
Full Text

Gulf Coast Research
,,,rssiencand Education Center
MAY 2 0 1994
University of Florida

5007 60th St. E., Bradenton, Florida 34203-9324

SUNIVERSITY OF Gulf Coast Research and
SFL RI A Education Center
O FD J l5007 60th Street East
Bradenton, FL 34203
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

GCREC Research Report BRA1994-7 (April)


T. K. Howe and W. E. Waters'

Florida vegetable statistics for 1991-92 indicate that the value of fresh market
green peppers was $170.8 million (1). Production of 18.8 million bushels came
from 20,600 acres with an average price of $9.09 per bushel. This was the first
time the state average exceeded 900 bushels per acre. The value of green peppers
in Florida was surpassed only by tomatoes during 1991-92.
Pepper production is concentrated in the southwest, southeast and west central
portions of Florida (1). During 1991-92, Manatee and Hillsborough Counties
ranked fifth and sixth, respectively, in harvested acreage with a total of 3000
acres in the two counties. A variety trial was conducted at the Gulf Coast
Research and Education Center (GCREC) in Manatee County during the fall of 1993
to evaluate yield and horticultural characteristics.

Raised beds of EauGallie fine sand were formed on 4 August 1993. The 33-inch
wide, 8-inch high beds were spaced on 5 ft centers with seepage irrigation
ditches spaced every 6 beds. An acre was equivalent to 8712 linear ft of bed.
Fertilizer included 18-0-25 (N-P2O0-KO) at 1307 lb/A placed in 2 grooves on the
bed surface 12 inches to each side of bed center. Superphosphate (0-20-0 with
80 lb/ton minor elements as F503) was banded on the false bed at 436 lb/A. Beds
were fumigated with methyl bromide:chloropicrin (66:33) and covered with white
on black polyethylene film mulch.
Seeds of all entries were sown in vermiculite on 12 July and germinated in the
laboratory. Seedlings were transferred 14 days later into 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 inch
containerized cells containing a peat:vermiculite medium (1:1,v:v) amended with
dolomite (11.3 lb), superphosphate (5.6 lb), and hydrated lime (2.8 lb), each per
cu. yd. of medium.
Transplants were set into the field on 26 August in two rows spaced 10 inches
apart with an in-row spacing of 11 inches. Four replications of 20 plants per
entry for 23 entries were in a randomized complete block design. Nine additional
entries were planted as single plots of 20 plants.

'Research Program Coordinator and Center Director, respectively.

The crop was scouted for the presence of pests throughout the season. Problem
pests were broad mite, lepidopterous larvae and aphids. Insect populations were
managed with: methomyl, Bacillus thuringiensis, permethrin, acephate,
insecticidal soap, oxamyl, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, dicofol and dimethoate. The
crop also was treated with maneb and tribasic copper to control bacterial spot
and fungal pathogens. Diseases were not a significant problem.
Fruit were harvested four times on 2, 9 and 22 November and 7 December. Only the
largest, firm fruit were harvested on 2 November. Fruit was not allowed to reach
mature color. Total fruit harvested were counted and weighed, then cull fruit
were separated (7) which also were counted and weighed.

Yields were computed on a weight basis and were expressed as 28-lb bushels.
Qualitative evaluations of horticultural characteristics and disease incidence
were made for all entries prior to the first harvest. A sample of eight
marketable fruit per cultivar and replication was taken from the earliest fruit
harvested. These fruit were measured for length, diameter and pod wall thickness
and the number of lobes was counted.

Minimum and maximum daily temperatures were one to three degrees higher than
normal throughout most of the season (6) (Table 1). Rainfall was below average
during August (-2.48 inches), September (-4.08), November (-1.32) and December
(-1.32), but above normal in October (+4.28). The relatively low rainfall kept
the incidence of bacterial leaf spot minimal.
A complete listing of all entries in both trials along with their sources,
descriptions of the plants and fruit, and ratings for disease incidence and
overall acceptability are in Table 2. These qualitative evaluations were made
on a single replication for each entry before harvesting began. Bacterial spot
was not a problem during this trial, therefore no rating was assigned for this

Replicated Trial. Seasonal yield for four harvests ranged from 467 bushels/A for
NVH 3082 to 1129 bushels/A for 'King Arthur' (Table 3). Nine other entries were
not significantly different from 'King Arthur' in total seasonal yield. These
yields are as good as or better than those seen in previous fall trials at this
location (2,3,5), but lower than a typical spring season trial harvested four
times (4). The number of marketable fruit per plant ranged from 2.3 for NVH 3082
to 5.3 for NVH 3083. Fifteen other entries were not significantly different from
NVH 3083 in the number of marketable fruit obtained per plant. Average
marketable fruit weight for the season ranged from 4.4 oz for HMX 8862 to 5.7 oz
for 'King Arthur'. Ten other entries (all over 5.0 oz) were not significantly
different from 'King Arthur' in average seasonal fruit weight. The percentage
of harvested fruit which were culled, ranged from 18% for PSX 296491 to 48% for
NVH 3082. Nine other entries were not significantly different from PSX 296491
in the percentage of cull fruit. Throughout the season fruit were culled due to
broad mite damage, lepidopterous larvae damage, undersized fruit and misshapen
fruit. Plant stand was excellent for all replicated entries, except NVH 3083

At the first harvest on 2 November, the marketable yields ranged from 45 bu/A for
NVH 3082 and 'Galaxy' to 254 bu/A for 'Bell King' (Table 4). Twelve other
entries were not significantly different from 'Bell King' in high yield. The
number of marketable fruit per plant ranged from 0.2 for NVH 3082 and 'Galaxy'
to 1.1 for 'Bell King'. All but seven entries were similar to 'Bell King' in the
number of fruit harvested per plant. Average marketable fruit weight ranged
from 4.7 oz for HMX 8862 to 6.5 oz for PSX 296491. Thirteen other entries were
similar to PSX 296491 in average fruit weight at the first harvest. The
proportion of cull fruit ranged from 9% for XPH 5964 to 55% for NVH 3082.

Average fruit length ranged from 2.9 inches for 'Verdel' to 4.4 inches for
'Estima' (Table 5). Fruit width ranged from 2.5 inches for 'Estima' to 3.3
inches for 'King Arthur'. The ratio of fruit length to fruit width ranged from
0.95 for 'Ssupersweet 862R' to 1.72 for 'Estima'. A ratio of 1.0 indicates a
blocky fruit shape. Wall thickness ranged from 0.195 inches for NVH 3081 to
0.264 inches for 'Whopper Improved'. All other entries were significantly
different from 'Whopper Improved' in wall thickness. The number of lobes per
fruit varied from 3.2 to 3.9 with the vast majority averaging around 3.5 lobes.

At the second harvest on 9 November, marketable yields ranged from 96 bu/A for
'Galaxy' to 307 bu/A for XPH 5963 (Table 6). All but four entries were not
significantly different from XPH 5963 in total marketable yield. The number of
fruit harvested per plant ranged from 0.5 for 'Galaxy', NVH 3082, 'Capistrano'
and 'Bell King' to 1.7 for NVH 3083. Thirteen entries were similar to NVH 3083
in the number of fruit harvested per plant. Average marketable fruit weight
ranged from 4.2 oz for XPH 5964 to 6.1 oz for XPH 5936. Fourteen entries were
significantly lower in fruit weight than XPH 5936. The percentage of fruit which
were of cull quality ranged from 17 to 54% at the second harvest.
The marketable yield at the third harvest on 22 November ranged from 129 bu/A for
NVH 3081 to 384 bu/A for 'Bell King' (Table 7). Only seven entries yielded less
than 'Bell King'. The number of marketable fruit from each plant averaged from
0.5 for NVH 3081 to 2.0 for 'Bell King'. The percentage of cull fruit ranged
from 20 to 57%.

The final harvest was made on 7 December and yields ranged from 109 bu/A for NVH
3081 to 342 bu/A for 'King Arthur' (Table 8). Thirteen other entries were
similar to 'King Arthur' in yield. The number of marketable fruit per plant
ranged from 0.6 fruit for NVH 3081 to 1.5 fruit for XPH 5963 and 'King Arthur'.
Only five entries produced significantly less fruit per plant then XPH 5963 and
'King Arthur'. Average marketable fruit weight ranged from 4.0 oz for HMX 8862
to 5.7 oz for 'Ssupersweet 862R'. Seventeen entries were not significantly
different from 'Ssupersweet 862R' in fruit weight. The percentage of harvested
fruit which were cull ranged from 15 to 42%.

Observational Trial. Of the nine entries in single plots, seasonal yields ranged
from 366 bu/A for PSX 264391 to 1500 bu/A for 'Ssupersweet 860' (Table 9). The
three entries with yields above 800 bu/A were comparable to the best yielding
entries in the replicated trial.

The miniature pepper ,'Jingle Bells', had a very good novelty value, as well as
good yield. As in the spring (2), the diminutive fruit were sought for use as

an hors d'oeuvre and in salads. One grower commented that he successfully sold
'Jingle Bells' as a potted plant. 'Jingle Bells' fruit had be to harvested with
care because the stem did not snap easily and pickers often tore open the pods.

Summary. Best seasonal performance came from those entries which combined high
yield with high average fruit weight and a low proportion of cull fruit. Several
entries had these qualities (Table 3). When high early yield (Table 4) and
desirable horticultural qualities such as blockiness (Table 5) are also
considered, outstanding performance came from: 'Ssupersweet 862R', 'King
Arthur', 'Valiant', 'Boynton Bell' and XPH 5936. In slightly longer, less blocky
peppers 'Bell King' and PSX 296491 also were superior in early and seasonal

Note: The information contained in this report is a summary of experimental
results and should not be used as recommendations for crop production. No
discrimination is intended or endorsement implied where trade names are used.

Acknowledgement: The authors wish to thank the following organizations/firms
which donated funds toward vegetable cultivar research during 1993
(alphabetical): Asgrow Seed Co. (formerly Asgrow Florida Co.), Dorsing Seed,
Ferry-Morse, Nunhems, Pepper Research, Petoseed, Rogers NK, and Sunseeds.

1. Florida Agricultural Statistics Service. 1993. Vegetable Summary 1991-
92. Florida Agric. Statistics Serv., Orlando, FL.

2. Howe, T. K. and W. E. Waters. 1991. Bell pepper cultivar trial for fall
1990. Bradenton GCREC Res. Rept. BRA1991-5.
3. Howe, T. K. and W. E. Waters. 1992. Bell pepper variety trial for fall
1991. Bradenton GCREC Res. Rept. BRA1992-8.

4. Howe, T. K. and W. E. Waters. 1992. Bell pepper variety trial for spring
1992. Bradenton GCREC Res. Rept. BRA1992-14.
5. Howe, T. K. and W. E. Waters. 1993. Bell pepper variety trial for fall
1992. Bradenton GCREC Res. Rept. BRA1993-7.

6. Stanley, C. D. 1993. Weather report for 1992. Bradenton GCREC Res.
Rept. BRA1993-1.

7. United States Department of Agriculture. 1981. U. S. standards for
grades of peppers. USDA Agric. Marketing Service, USDA, Washington, DC.

Table 1. Temperature and rainfall at the GCREC during the fall of 19932 and
the 39-year averages (6).

Average Daily Temperature (OF)
Maximum Minimum Rainfall (in.)
Month 1993 39-yr. avq. 1993 39-yr. avq. 1993 39-yr. avq.

August 93 91 73 72 7.33 9.81
September 92 89 72 71 4.08 8.16
October 86 85 67 64 7.09 2.81
November 80 79 60 58 0.68 2.00
December 72 74 48 52 0.99 2.31

zCrop transplanted 26 August 1993.

Last harvest 7 December 1993.

Table 2. Characteristics and seed sources of pepper entries evaluated in the fall 1993 trial.

Spot Race Plant' Plant' Plant' Fruit" Mature Blossomt Broad
Seed Supplier Resis- Uni- Habit Plant" Foliage Fruit' Uni- Fruit Fruit" End Mite Overall'
Entry tance formity Type Size Cover Habit formity Color Shape Rot Sunscaldt Mosaic' Damaget Rating Comments

Abbott & Cobb
Ssupersweet 860
Ssupersweet 862R
XPH 5936
XPH 5963
XPH 5964
FM 284
FMX 1153
FMX 1169
Harris Moran
Bell King
HMX 2660
HMX 2662
HMX 8862
Market More
Pepper Research
Boynton Bell
PR 300-11
Jingle Bells

King Arthur
PSX 264391
PSX 296491
Valiant (PS 55887)

Rogers NK


NVH 3081
NVH 3082
NVH 3083
Whopper Improved

7 up tall
8 semi med

1,2 9



9 pend
8 pend

semi med-tall 10
semi med-tall 9
semi med-tall 9

spread tall
semi tall
semi med

semi tall 9
semi sm 7
semi med-tall 8
semi tall 8

9 semi med-tall 9


9 semi tall

7 semi med
7 semi med

semi med 10
semi sm-med 10
spread med 8


semi tall
semi sm
semi med
semi med

4 semi sm-med 8

7 semi sm-med 8
9 semi sm-med 9

1,2 5
1,2 5

med 8
variable 6
tall 7
med 7
med 8
tall 8

5 yellow varies 10 10 10 7 5
8 red B 10 8 10 8 8





9 pend

6 pend
8 pend





6 red E-B 10 10 10 8 5

8 red E 10 9 10 8 8

8 red B
8 red E-B


10 7 10 10 8
10 7 10 10 7

10 10
9 10
8 10

pend 8
semi 9
semi-pend 9
pend 8




5 red

6 red
4 red

3 Few fruit
9 Miniature
9 Early
7 Fruit shape

B-E 10 9 10 8 4 Fruit shape
B 10 10 10 5 5
B 10 10 10 10 4 Fruit shape


Table 2 (continued).

zResistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria by race number, according to seed source.
'Rated 27 Oct. 1993: 1 = poor; 10 = excellent.
"up = upright; semi = semi upright; spread = spreading.
"sh = short (<17");med = medium (18-23"); tatl (24-29").
'up = upright; pend = pendant.
"B = blocky; E = elongate; T = tapered.
'Rated 27 Oct. 1993: 1 = severe; 10 = none.

Table 3. Total marketable yield, fruit size, percentage culls and plant stand for pepper entries evaluated
in the fall 1993. (Harvested November 2, 9 and 22, December 7, 1993).

Marketablez Marketable Average TotalY Plant
Yield Fruit Marketable Culls Stand
Entry (bushels/A) per Plant Fruit Wt. (oz) (%) (%)

King Arthur 1129 ax 4.8 a-c 5.7 a 23 d-f 98 a
XPH 5963 1065 ab 5.1 ab 5.0 b-f 29 b-f 98 a
Ssupersweet 862R 1019 ab 4.5 a-c 5.3 a-c 25 c-f 98 a
Bell King 1011 ab 4.8 a-c 4.9 b-f 21 ef 99 a
PSX 296491 976 ab 4.2 a-d 5.5 ab 18 f 98 a

XPH 5936 901 a-c 4.2 a-d 5.0 b-f 26 c-f 99 a
NVH 3083 899 a-c 5.3 a 5.1 a-e 26 c-f 84 b
Valiant 860 a-d 3.8 a-f 5.3 a-d 28 c-f 98 a
PR 300-11 841 a-d 4.1 a-e 4.7 c-f 31 b-e 99 a
Boynton Bell 836 a-d 3.8 a-f 5.3 a-d 28 c-f 95 ab

FM 284 817 b-d 3.9 a-f 4.9 b-f 35 a-d 100 a
FMX 1153 815 b-d .3.6 a-f 5.3 a-c 34 b-d 99 a
HMX 8862 798 b-e 4.4 a-c .4.4 f 33 b-d 96 a
Whopper Improved 795 b-e 3.8 a-f 5.1 a-e 29 b-f 94 ab
XPH 5964 789 b-e 4.3 a-c 4.6 ef 32 b-e 94 ab

Capistrano 770 b-f 3.6 a-f 5.2 a-d 32 b-e 95 ab
FMX 1169 749 b-g 3.4 b-f 5.2 a-d 33 b-e 98 a
Admirabelle 633 c-g 3.1 c-f 4.8 c-f 33 b-d 98 a
Verdel 633 c-g 3.3 c-f 5.0 b-f 33 b-d 90 ab
Estima 580 d-g 3.1 c-f 4.7 d-f 36 a-c 94 ab

Galaxy 501 e-g 2.5 d-f 4.9 b-f 36 a-c 96 a
NVH 3081 482 fg 2.4 ef 5.1 a-e 42 ab 98 a
NVH 3082 467 g 2.3 f 4.7 d-f 48 a 98 a

ZBushel = 28 lb. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of harvested fruit.
xMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 4. Marketable yield, fruit size and percentage of culls of pepper entries evaluated at the
first harvest, November 2, 1993.

Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly
Yield Fruit Marketable Culls
Entry (bushels/A) per Plant Fruit Wt. (oz) (%)
Bell King 254 a 1.1 a 5.5 a-f 19 b-d
Ssupersweet 862R 237 ab 1.0 ab 5.6 a-f 10 cd
PSX 296491 222 a-c 0.8 a-c 6.5 a 17 b-d
XPH 5964 201 a-c 0.9 ab 5.4 b-f 9 d
FMX 1153 181 a-d 0.7 a-d 6.0 a-d 18 b-d

King Arthur 169 a-d 0.6 a-d 6.4 ab 33 a-d
FMX 1169 162 a-d 0.7 a-d 5.8 a-e 22 b-d
HMX 8862 158 a-d 0.8 a-c 4.7 f 23 a-d
XPH 5936 151 a-d 0.6 a-d 6.1 a-c 26 a-d
Whopper Improved 146 a-d 0.6 a-d 6.0 a-d 29 a-d

Capistrano 142 a-d 0.6 a-d 5.5 a-f 29 a-d
Boynton Bell 126 a-d 0.5 a-d 6.1 a-d 28 a-d
Valiant 126 a-d 0.5 a-d 6.1 a-c 32 a-d
XPH 5963 112 b-d 0.5 a-d 5.4 b-f 18 cd
FM 284 110 b-d 0.5 b-d 5.8 a-e 20 b-d

NVH 3083 102 b-d 0.6 a-d 5.5 a-f 35 a-d
PR 300-11 100 b-d 0.4 b-d 5.2 c-f 23 a-d
NVH 3081 99 cd 0.5 a-d 5.2 c-f 37 a-d
Verdel 97 cd 0.5 b-d 4.8 ef 39 a-c
Estima 92 cd 0.4 b-d 5.4 b-f 36 a-d

Admirabelle 57 d 0.3 cd 5.0 d-f 27 a-d
Galaxy 45 d 0.2 cd 5.9 a-e 48 ab
NVH 3082 45 d 0.2 cd .5.2 c-f 55 a

ZBushel = 28 lb. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of harvested fruit.
xMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 5. Marketable fruit characteristics of pepper entries evaluated at first harvest, November 2, 1993z.

Ratio Wall
Entry Length (in.) Width (in.) Length/Width Thickness (in.) No. Lobes

Bell King 4.3 ay 2.9 f-j 1.49 b 0.219 d 3.5 b-f
Ssupersweet 862R 3.1 ef 3.2 a-c 0.95 k 0.222 cd 3.5 a-f
PSX 296491 3.9 b 3.0 d-h 1.29 c 0.230 b-d 3.5 b-f
XPH 5964 3.4 cd 3.0 d-g 1.12 e-i 0.228 b-d 3.2 f
FMX 1153 3.3 c-e 3.2 ab 1.03 h-k 0.220 cd 3.8 ab
King Arthur 3.5 cd 3.3 a 1.06 g-k 0.235 b-d 3.7 a-d
FMX 1169 3.5 cd 2.9 e-j 1.22 c-e 0.218 d 3.6 a-e
HMX 8862 3.3 c-e 2.8 h-j 1.19 c-f 0.218 d 3.5 a-e
XPH 5936 3.6 bc 3.2 ab 1.12 e-i 0.226 cd 3.2 ef
Whopper Improved 3.6 bc 2.9 f-j 1.24 cd 0.264 a 3.7 a-c
Capistrano 3.3 c-e 3.1 b-e 1.08 f-j 0.241 bc 3.7 a-d 0
Boynton Bell 3.3 c-e 3.0 d-g 1.10 f-j 0.231 b-d 3.4 c-f
Valiant 3.3 c-e 3.1 c-f 1.09 f-j 0.246 b 3.8 ab
XPH 5963 3.4 cd 3.0 d-i 1.15 d-g 0.224 cd 3.3 ef
FM 284 3.3 c-e 2.9 e-j 1.13 d-h 0.235 b-d 3.7 a-c
NVH 3083 3.2 d-f 3.1 a-d 1.03 h-k 0.239 b-d 3.6 a-e
PR 300-11 3.4 cd 2.9 g-j 1.19 c-f 0.239 b-d 3.3 d-f
NVH 3081 3.6 bc 2.8 ij 1.29 c 0.195 e 3.7 a-d
Verdel 2.9 f 3.0 e-j 0.99 jk 0.224 cd 3.9 a
Estima 4.4 a 2.5 k 1.72 a 0.224 cd 3.5 b-f
Admirabelle 3.3 c-e 2.8 h-j 1.19 c-f 0.223 cd 3.5 b-f
Galaxy 3.5 cd 2.8 j 1.27 c 0.222 cd 3.7 a-c
NVH 3082 3.0 f 3.0 e-j 1.01 i-k 0.218 d 3.6 a-e

ZAverages from samples of eight fruit per replication taken from the earliest harvest.
YMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 6. Marketable yield, fruit size and percentage of culls of pepper entries evaluated at the
second harvest, November 9, 1993.

Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly
Yield Fruit Marketable Culls
Entry (bushels/A) per Plant Fruit Wt. (oz) (%)

XPH 5963 307 ax 1.6 ab 4.6 bc 24 b
PSX 296491 298 ab 1.3 a-c 5.3 a-c 18 b
King Arthur 296 ab 1.3 a-c 5.4 ab 23 b
NVH 3083 280 a-c 1.7 a 5.2 a-c 25 ab
Ssupersweet 862R 231 a-d 1.1 a-c 5.1 a-c 29 ab
HMX 8862 208 a-d 1.2 a-c 4.3 bc 31 ab
XPH 5936 204 a-d 0.9 a-c 6.1 a 32 ab
Boynton Bell 203 a-d 0.9 a-c 5.3 a-c 24 b
FM 284 188 a-d 0.9 a-c 4.9 bc 30 ab
Valiant 186 a-d 0.9 a-c 4.8 bc 23 b
------------------- 7-------------------------------------------------------------------
PR 300-11 184 a-d 0.9 a-c 4.8 bc 29 ab
FMX 1153 183 a-d 0.9 a-c 5.0 bc 26 ab
Estima 179 a-d 0.9 a-c 4.6 bc 31 ab
Whopper Improved 162 a-d 0.8 a-c 5.1 a-c 24 ab
Admirabelle 152 a-d 0.8 bc 4.7 bc 25 ab
-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
FMX 1169 149 a-d 0.7 bc 5.1 a-c 27 ab
NVH 3081 145 a-d 0.7 bc 4.7 bc 41 ab
XPH 5964 143 a-d 0.8 a-c 4.2 c 42 ab
Verdel 142 a-d 0.7 bc 4.3 bc 45 ab
Bell King 123 b-d 0.5 c 5.2 a-c 17 b
Capistrano 107 cd 0.5 c 5.2 a-c 35 ab
NVH 3082 106 cd 0.5 c 4.5 bc 54 a
Galaxy 96 d 0.5 c 4.4 bc 42 ab

ZBushel = 28 lb. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of total harvested fruit.
XMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 7. Marketable yield, fruit size and percentage of culls of pepper entries evaluated at the
third harvest, November 22, 1993.

Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly
Yield Fruit Marketable Culls
Entry (bushels/A) per Plant Fruit Wt. (oz) (%)

Bell King 384 aX 2.0 a 4.6 a-c 22 ef
XPH 5963 323 ab 1.5 ab 5.3 a-c 36 b-f
King Arthur 322 ab 1.3 a-c 5.9 a 20 f
PR 300-11 282 a-c 1.4 ab 4.6 a-c 35 b-f
FM 284 281 a-c 1.4 ab 4.6 a-c 45 a-c
Capistrano 274 a-c 1.3 a-c 5.2 a-c 34 b-f
HMX 8862 271 a-c 1.5 ab 4.4 bc 41 a-d
FMX 1153 270 a-c 1.2 a-c 5.4 a-c 41 a-d
FMX 1169 265 a-c 1.2 a-c 5.4 a-c 38 b-e
Boynton Bell 261 a-c 1.2 a-c 5.1 a-c 32 c-f
Valiant 260 a-c 1.1 bc 5.3 a-c 40 a-d
NVH 3083 255 a-c 1.7 ab 4.7 a-c 24 d-f
XPH 5964 251 a-c 1.5 ab 4.1 c 40 a-d
PSX 296491 245 a-c 1.2 a-c 5.1 a-c 20 f
XPH 5936 236 a-c 1.2 a-c 4.4 bc 30 c-f
Admirabelle 234 a-c 1.2 a-c 4.6 a-c 45 a-c
Whopper Improved 223 bc 1.2 a-c 4.6 a-c 41 a-d
Ssupersweet 862R 214 bc 1.0 bc 5.0 a-c 37 b-e
Estima 188 bc 1.0 bc 4.6 a-c 46 a-c
SVerdel 181 bc 0.9 bc 5.8 ab 43 a-c
NVH 3082 175 bc 0.9 bc 4.4 bc 52 ab
Galaxy 168 bc 0.9 bc 4.6 a-c 46 a-c
NVH 3081 129 c 0.5 c 5.5 a-c 57 a

zBushel = 28 lb. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of harvested fruit.
xMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 8. Marketable yield, fruit size and percentage of culls of pepper entries evaluated at the
fourth harvest, December 7, 1993.

Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly
Yield Fruit Marketable Culls
Entry (bushels/A) per Plant Fruit Wt. (oz) (%)
King Arthur 342 a 1.5 ab 5.4 a-c 22 b-e
Ssupersweet 862R 336 a 1.4 ab 5.7 a 21 b-e
XPH 5963 323 ab 1.5 a 5.1 a-d 30 a-e
XPH 5936 310 a-c 1.4 ab 5.1 a-d 21 b-e
Valiant 287 a-d 1.3 a-e 5.2 a-d 19 c-e

PR 300-11 275 a-e 1.4 a-d 4.8 b-e 33 a-d
Whopper Improved 264 a-e 1.2 a-e 5.5 ab 15 e
NVH 3083 261 a-e 1.4 a-c 5.2 a-c 21 b-e
Bell King 250 a-f 1.2 a-e 5.0 a-d 16 de
Capistrano 247 a-g 1.2 a-e 5.1 a-d 27 a-e

Boynton Bell 246 a-g 1.2 a-e 5.0 a-d 25 a-e
FM 284 237 a-g 1.1 a-e 4.9 a-d 28 a-e
Verdel 212 a-g 1.1 a-e 4.9 a-d 23 b-e
PSX 296491 211 a-g 0.9 a-e 5.5 ab 18 de
XPH 5964 194 b-g 1.1 a-e 4.6 c-e 36 a-c

Galaxy 191 b-g 0.9 a-e 5.3 a-c 15 e
Admirabelle 190 b-g 0.9 a-e 5.0 a-d 25 a-e
FMX 1153 181 c-g 0.8 b-e 5.1 a-d 39 ab
FMX 1169 172 c-g 0.8 b-e 5.1 a-d 42 a
HMX 8862 161 d-g 0.9 a-e 4.0 e 32 a-e

NVH 3082 141 e-g 0.7 de 5.1 a-d 39 ab
Estima 120 fg 0.7 c-e 4.3 de 35 a-c
NVH 3081 109 g 0.6 e 4.7 b-e 28 a-e

ZBushel = 28 lb. Acre = 8712 linear ft of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of harvested fruit.
XMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.

Table 9. Seasonal marketable yield, fruit size, percentage culls, and plant stand for observational (single plot) pepper entries evaluated in the fall of 1993'.

Marketable Fruit Average Total" Plant Marketable Fruit*
Seed Yield per Fruit Culls Stand Ratio Wall No.
Supplier/Entry (bushels/A) Plant Weight (oz) (X) (X) Length (in.) Width (in.) Length/Width Thickness (in.) Lobes

Abbott & Cobb
Ssupersweet 860 1500 6.6 5.2 26 100 3.2 3.2 1.0 0.222 3.8
Harris Moran
HMX 2660 702 3.3 5.0 25 99 3.4 2.9 1.2 0.233 3.8
HMX 2662 733 3.3 5.2 28 99 3.1 2.9 1.1 0.234 3.6
Camelot 557 2.3 5.6 21 99 4.0 3.0 1.3 0.211 3.9
Jingle Bells 804 21.6 0.9 26 99 1.6 1.6 1.0 0.107 2.8
PSX 264391 366 1.5 5.6 46 99 3.1 3.3 0.9 0.265 3.9
Rogers NK
Jupiter 639 2.9 5.3 28 99 3.2 3.0 1.1 0.224 3.5
Memphis 804 4.0 4.6 18 100 3.3 3.0 1.1 0.215 3.4
Orobelle 636 3.4 4.6 35 99 3.1 3.0 1.0 0.221 3.8

'Computations based on plant stand, where 100X stand was 20 plants.
"Carton = 28 lb or 1-1/9 bushel. Acre = 8712 linear feet of bed.
'By weight as a percentage of total fruit harvested.
"Averages from samples of eight fruit taken from the first harvest.

The Gulf Coast Research and Education Center

The Gulf Coast Research and Education Center is
a unit of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sci-
ences, University of Florida. The Research Center
originated in the fall of 1925 as the Tomato
Disease Laboratory with the primary objective of
developing control procedures for an epidemic out-
break of nailhead spot of tomato. Research was ex-
panded in subsequent years to include study of sev-
eral other tomato diseases.

In 1937, new research facilities were established
in the town of Manatee, and the Center scope was
enlarged to include horticultural, entomological, and
soil science studies of several vegetable crops. The
ornamental program was a natural addition to the
Center's responsibilities because of the emerging in-
dustry in the area in the early 1940's.

The Center's current location was established in
1965 where a comprehensive research and extension
program on vegetable crops and ornamental plants is
conducted. Three state extension specialists posi-
tions, 16 state research scientists, and two grant
supported scientists from various disciplines of
training participate in all phases of vegetable and
ornamental horticultural programs. This interdisci-
plinary team approach, combining several research
disciplines and a wide range of industry and faculty
contacts, often is more productive than could be ac-
complished with limited investments in independent

The Center's primary mission is to develop new
and expand existing knowledge and technology, and
to disseminate new scientific knowledge in Florida, so
that agriculture remains efficient and economically

The secondary mission of the Center is to assist
the Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS campus
departments, in which Center faculty hold appropri-
ate liaison appointments, and other research centers
in extension, educational training, and cooperative
research programs for the benefit of Florida's pro-
ducers, students, and citizens.

Program areas of emphasis include: (1) genetics,
breeding, and variety development and evaluation;
(2) biological, chemical, and mechanical pest manage-
ment in entomology, plant pathology, nematology,
bacteriology, virology, and weed science; (3) produc-
tion efficiency, culture, management, and counteract-
ing environmental stress; (4) water management and
natural resource protection; (5) post-harvest physiol-
ogy, harvesting, handling and food quality of horti-
cultural crops; (6) technical support and assistance to
the Florida Cooperative Extension Service; and (7)
advancement offundamental knowledge ofdisciplines
represented by faculty and (8) directing graduate
student training and teaching special undergraduate

Location of
GCREC Bradenton

" The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
University of Florida.
" A statewide organization dedicated to teaching,
research and extension.
" Faculty located in Gainesville and at 13 research
and education centers, 67 county extension
offices and four demonstration units throughout
the state.
1 A partnership in food and agriculture, and natural
and renewable resource research and education,
funded by state, federal and local government,
and by gifts and grants from individuals, founda-
tions, government and industry.
O An organization whose mission is:
Educating students in the food, agricultural,
and related sciences and natural resources.
Strengthening Florida's diverse food and
agricultural industry and its environment
through research.
Enhancing for all Floridians, the application
of research and knowledge to improve the
quality of life statewide through IFAS exten-
sion programs.

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