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5007 60TH Street East
Bradenton, FL 34203
Bradenton GCREC Research Report BRA1991-16 Ceera Scien gust 1991
J!N 2 7 19 32
T. K. Howe and W. E. Waters1
Univeri'slt of Fc-i'J1
Thirty-two sweet bell pepper cultigens (varieties an~d'btee-dTg-Trne) -were
evaluated in a replicated yield trial in the spring of 1991 at the Gulf Coast
Research and Education Center in Bradenton, FL. In addition, twelve cultigens
were harvested for yield estimates from single, unreplicated plots.
Soil in the trial area was sampled before field preparation and analyzed by the
IFAS Soil Testing Lab: pH 6.5; Melich I extractable (double acid) elements, P
= 20.5, K = 30.8, Mg = 94.7, Ca = 616.0, Zn = 2.80, Cu = 0.91, Mn = 0.77 and Fe
= 8.88 ppm. Beds 32 inches wide and 9 inches high on 5 ft centers were formed
in early February 1991. Superphosphate (0-20-0 plus minor elements as F503 oxide
at 80 Ib/ton) was banded 12 inches to each side of bed center 4 inches deep at
523 Ib/A (Acre = 8712 linear feet of bed). Two bands of 18-0-25-2 were placed
in a shallow groove on the bed surface 12 inches to each side of the bed center
at 1568 Ib/A. The beds were fumigated with methylbromide:chloropicrin (67:33)
at 214 Ib/mulched A (8712 x 2.7 ft) and covered with black polyethylene mulch.
Land was seepage irrigated from ditches spaced every six beds.
Seed of all pepper entries (Table 2) were sown on January 4, 1991 into plastic
trays containing coarse vermiculite. Seedlings were transplanted 12 days later
to containerized plant flats (1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 inches) containing peat and
vermiculite (1:1, v:v) amended with dolomite (11.3 lb), superphosphate (5.6 lb)
and hydrated lime (2.8 lb), each per cu. yd. of media.
Transplants were set into the field beds on February 21, 1991 in two rows spaced
10 inches apart with an in-row plant spacing of 11 inches. At transplanting,
plants were watered with 20-20-20 fertilizer at 3 lb/100 gal water. There were
four replications of 20 plants per plot arranged in a randomized complete block
Integrated pest management was used for insect population control throughout the
season. Predominant insect pests during the season in order of severity of
damage were: pepper weevil, aphid, sweetpotato whitefly, and thrips.
Applications of labeled pesticides were utilized for control of these pests. A
preventive spray program utilizing maneb with or without copper was followed for
'Research Program Coordinator and Center Director, respectively.
control of fungal and bacterial pathogens. Bacterial leaf spot was first noted
about 3 weeks prior to the first harvest. Paraquat was applied post transplant
to the row middles for weed control.
Green or red fruit were picked on May 9, 17 and 24. Pickers on May 9 were told
to harvest only the largest green fruit. Therefore harvesting for size meant
some smaller fruit matured by the second harvest, when size was also emphasized
along with any fruit with mature color. Total fruit harvested and cull fruit
were counted and weighed. Virus infected (mosaic) and sun-scalded cull fruit
were tabulated separately to quantify the extent of yield reduction due to these
Yields were computed on a weight basis and were expressed as 28-lb cartons.
Qualitative evaluations of horticultural characteristics and disease incidence
were made for all entries prior to harvest. A sample of eight marketable fruit
per plot was selected at random from the first harvest. These fruit were
measured for length, diameter, wall thickness, and the number of lobes were
Temperatures were above normal for the entire production period (Table 1).
Rainfall greatly exceeded the 35-year averages for April and May. Consequently,
there was an increased incidence of bacterial leaf spot as the season progressed.
However, even in the most susceptible entries (see Table 2 for bacterial leaf
spot ratings), only slight defoliation was noted.
Insect pests which were present included thrips in two episodes during early
April, aphids predominantly during early April, and pepper weevil from late April
until mid-May. Lepidopterous larvae (worms) and sweetpotato whitefly were
present, but had little impact. The pepper weevil infestation caused major
losses of immature pepper fruit preventing a fourth harvest which is normal for
a spring pepper crop in Bradenton. Mosaic-like virus symptoms were observed on
some fruit as a reddish-brown mottled streak and puckering of the pod wall. The
prevalence of these symptoms were documented at harvest but generally were not
Characteristics of plants and fruit along with ratings for disease incidence and
overall acceptability for each entry are in Table 2. These qualitative
evaluations were made on a single replication for each entry before harvesting
began with the exception of the bacterial leaf spot rating, for which all plots
were evaluated. Entries with very little to no observable bacterial leaf spot
symptoms (rated as light) were: 'Rebell' (formerly XPH 5693), 'Crispy,'
'Bellguard,' NS 411, NS 412, 8076, 9139, 'Park's Early Thickset,' PR 89-3, PR
300-1, PR 300-2, PR 300-6, PR 300-7, 'Gator Belle,' 'King Arthur,' PSR 14890, PSR
49587, PSX 3187, PSX 37786, and PSX 88888.
Seasonal yields for three harvests (Table 3) ranged from 417 cartons/A for 'Zico'
to 1053 cartons/A for 'Verdel.' Sixteen other entries were not significantly
different in yield as compared to 'Verdel.' The number of marketable fruit per
plant ranged from 1.7 for P-1288 to 4.3 for 'Crispy.' Eight entries were similar
to 'Crispy' in the total number of marketable fruit per plant. Average fruit
weight for the season of 7.0 oz or greater was produced by eight entries;
'Verdel,' 'King Arthur,' 'Ssupersweet 860,' PR 300-2, PSX 3187, PR 89-3, PSX
72286 and 'Galaxy.' The proportion of harvested fruit which were culled ranged
from 19% for PSX 3187 to 41% for 'Empressa.' Twenty-one other entries were not
significantly different than PSX 3187 in total cull fruit produced. Cull fruit
were separated for sun-scald damage and for symptoms of mosaic virus damage.
Sun-scald damage for the season did not exceed 9% of the total harvest for any
entry. Virus-like damage was greatest for NS 43504 and 'Bell King' at 8% and 4%
of the total harvest, respectively.
At the first harvest on May 9, the total marketable yields ranged from 65
cartons/A for 'Early Calwonder' to 402 cartons/A for 'Orobelle.' Six entries
exceeded 300 cartons/A; 'Orobelle' (402), 'Verdel' (397), PR 300-3 (389), PSX
3187 (368), 'King Arthur' (359), and 'Ssupersweet 860' (311), all of which had
at least one marketable fruit harvested per plant. Average fruit size at the
first harvest ranged from 6.8 oz for 'Early Calwonder' to 8.9 oz for PR 89-3.
Sixteen entries had fruit which averaged 8 oz or more. The proportion of the
total yield attributed to cull fruit ranged from 2% for PSX 3187 to 27% for NS
43504. Nine entries had less than 9% cull fruit, they were: 'Orobelle,' PSX
3187, 'Ssupersweet 860,' PR 300-7, 'Whopper Improved,' 'Thickwall Red,'
'Belmont,' 'Rebell' and PR 300-1. Scald from exposure to the sun was not a
factor at the first harvest and only fruit from NS 43504 and 'Bell King'
exhibited viral symptoms.
Fruit dimensions of marketable fruit were quantified for a sample of the earliest
fruit harvested (Table 5). Average fruit length ranged from 3.3 inches for
'Verdel,' 'Memphis,' and 'Early Calwonder' to 4.8 inches for 'Zerto,' which
produced the longest fruit of the trial, followed by 'Lamuyo' at 4.5 inches.
Average fruit width for all entries was between 3.2 inches for 'Bell Captain' and
3.9 inches for PR 89-3. Critical to market acceptability is the squareness or
blockiness of the pods, reflected in a 1.0 fruit length to width ratio. This
ratio was found for: PR 300-7, 'Ssupersweet 860,' PSX 3187, 'Thickwall Red,'
'Belmont,' 'Bellguard,' 'Rebell,' 'Empressa,' 'Ranger,' and 'Early Calwonder.'
Long fruit types were produced by 'Zerto' (ratio = 1.4), 'Lamuyo' (1.4), and
'Bell King' (1.3). Wall thickness exceeded 0.236 inches for twenty entries, but
was no less than 0.213 inches for any entry. Lobe number per fruit ranged from
3.1 for 'Bell Captain' to 4.3 for 'Belmont' with 24 entries with at least 3.5
lobes as an average.
At the second harvest on May 17, yields increased and ranged from 146 cartons/A
for P-1288 to 585 cartons/A for 'Crispy.' Eighteen other entries were not
significantly different in yield to 'Crispy.' The number of marketable fruit per
plant ranged from 0.5 for P-1288 to 2.4 for 'Crispy'. Average fruit size ranged
from 5.3 oz for 'Bellguard' to 7.8 oz for 'Empressa.' Six entries produced
average fruit size of at least 7 oz, they were: 'Empressa' (7.8 oz), PR 89-3
(7.6), PR 300-7 (7.3), 'Ssupersweet 860' (7.1), PR 300-2 (7.0) and 'Verdel'
(7.0). The proportion of fruit harvested as culls rose sharply at the second
harvest and ranged from 16% for 'Zerto' to 46% for 'Empressa.' Sun-scalded fruit
contributed to the large proportion of cull fruit in some cases. For instance,
15% of all fruit harvested from 'Empressa' and PR 300-6 were scalded. Virus-like
damage to the fruit was significant only for NS 43504 at this time at 9% of the
total harvest.
On May 24, the third harvest, most entries had lower yields than at the first
harvest. The exceptions were: PR 300-1, PR 300-6, PR 300-7, 'Bell Captain,'
'Gator Belle,' 'Crispy,' P-1288, NS 43504, and 'Early Calwonder.' The yield at
the third harvest ranged from 63 cartons/A for 'Ranger' to 300 cartons/A for PR
300-7. All but 'Galaxy,' PSX 3187 and 'Ranger' were not significantly different
in yield than PR 300-7. The number of marketable fruit produced per plant ranged
from 0.3 and 1.4 with entries producing 0.6 fruit per plant not being
significantly different from PR 300-7 at 1.4 fruit per plant. Average fruit
weight was over 7 oz for 'Ssupersweet 860' (7.7 oz), 'Galaxy' (7.4 oz), and PSX
3187 (7.1 oz), and over 6 oz for PSX 72286 (6.6 oz) and PR 300-2 (6.3 oz). The
total proportion of culls averaged between 30 and 68% for all entries at the
third harvest, and was at least 50% for sixteen entries. Viral symptoms had
little impact on yield except for NS 43504 with a 10% yield loss. Sun-scalded
fruit accounted for less than 10% of yield reduction for all but three entries.
Poor shape and small size accounted for the bulk of the cull fruit defects.
Of the dozen entries in the single plot, observational trial seasonal yields
ranged from 56 cartons/A for NS 412 to 722 cartons/A for PSX 8287 (Table 8).
Half of the entries were within the yield range of those entries in the
replicated trial, and of these only PSX 8287 showed promise for commercial use
and should be re-evaluated.
Summary: Best seasonal performance came from those entries which combined high
total yields with high average fruit weight and a low proportion of cull fruit.
When high early yield (first harvest) and desirable horticultural qualities, such
as blockiness and little to no bacterial spot infestation, are considered, the
best cultigens were: PR 300-7, 'King Arthur,' 'Ssupersweet 860,' PR 300-2, PSR
3187, PR 300-6, and PR 89-3. Other varieties, 'Verdel,' 'Orobelle,' 'Whopper
Improved,' and 'Belmont,' fit all criteria except they had light to moderate
bacterial spot infestations.
Literature Cited
1. Stanley, C. D. 1990. Temperature and rainfall report for 1989.
Bradenton GCREC Res. Rept. 1990-05.
Note: The information contained in this report is a summary of experimental
results and should not be used as recommendations for crop production. Where
trade names are used, no discrimination is intended or endorsement implied.
Acknowledgment: The authors thank the following firms which contributed funding
toward variety research within the last year: Abbott & Cobb, Agrisales, American
Takii, Asgrow Florida, Green Cay Farms of Boynton Beach, Petoseed, Neuman,
Nunhems, Rogers/NK and Sakata America.
Table 1. Temperature and rainfall at the GCREC during the spring of 1991z and
the 35-year averages (1).
Average Daily Temperature (F)
1991 35-yr avq. Rainfall (in.)
Month Max. Min. Max. Min. 1991 35-yr avq.
Febz 78z 56z 73 51 0.55z 3.13
Mar 79 57 77 55 3.96 3.43
Apr 85 62 82 60 4.57 1.56
May 90 69 87 64 9.39 3.10
zTransplanted Feb. 21, 1991 and 1991 statistics reflect interval from Feb.
21-28, 1991.
Table 2. Characteristics and seed sources of pepper entries evaluated during the spring 1991 trial.
Plant Characteristics Fruit Characteristics Disease/ Bacterial
Habit Foliage Mature Disorder Spot Overall
Uniformity' type' Size' cover' Habit" Uniformity' color Shape" Severity' Incidence' Rating' Comments'
10 up med-talt 10 pend
Rebell (XPH 5693) 10
Crispy 7
Enza Zaden (Precision Agric. Prod.)
Thickwall Red 10
Harris Moran
Bellguard 9
Bell King 9
HMX 8862 8
Lamuyo 8
NS 411 9
NS 412 9
NS 413 8
NS 43504 9
Zerto 6
Zico 8
Park's Early Thickset 9
Pepper Research
PR 89-3 9
PR 300-1 9
PR 300-2 9
PR 300-6 9
PR 300-7 8
Bell Captain 7
Gator Belle
King Arthur
PSR 14890
PSR 49587
PSX 3187
PSX 8287
PSX 37786
PSX 72286
PSX 88888
9 yellow B 10 mod
up med 10 up/pend
semi med-tall 10 pend
semi med 10 pend
semi med
semi med
up med
semi med
semi med
semi med
up med-tall
semi med
semi med 10 pend
semi med 10 pend
semi med
semi med
10 pend
10 pend
9 up med
6 semi med
7 semi med
9, V
9 red
9 red
9 red
9 red
9 red
9 red
B 10 It
B 10 It
B 9,BS
E 8, BS mod-hvy
B 9, BS hvy
B 10 It
8 red B 9, BS mod
9, BS
Abbott & Cobb
Ssupersweet 860
Early Calwonder
st tapered frt
Low frt set
ridged shlds
low frt set
ridged shlds & sides
st frt distortion
10 st tapered frt
8 st lodged
8 st lodged, distorted frt shape
7 low frt set, shlds ridged,
some pits w/o frt, rain check
9 st tapered frt, distorted frt
9 variable frt shape
9 ridged shids & sides
8 tapered frt
9 tapered frt, hvy frt set
8 tapered frt, purpling
9 tapered frt, hvy frt set
7 rough texture, poor color
6 lodging
7 rough texture, sv distorted
frt, hvy frt set
6 tapered frt, st frt curt 0
8 I
9 hvy frt set
9 thick walt, purpling
9 thick wall
8 purpling, ridged frt
9 v square frt
6 lodging, rain check, tapered
frt, purpling
8 ridged shLds & sides
7 purpling, st lodging
8 some pits w/o frt, ridged
shlds & distorted frt
8 lodging, low frt set
Table 2 (cont. 2).
Plant Characteristics Fruit Characteristics Disease/ Bacterial
Habit Foliage Mature Disorder Spot Overall
Uniformity' type Size" cover' Habit" Uniformity' color Shapev Severity" Incidencet Rating' Comments'
Orobelle 9 semi med 10 up/pend 8 yellow B 10 It-mod 8 ridged shlds & sides
P-1288 8 up med 8 pend 8 yellow E 9,BS mod 8 tapered frt, thick wall
Verdel 9 semi med 9 pend 9 red B 10 mod 9 thick wall, lodging
Whopper Improved 10 semi med 10 pend 9 red B 9,BS It-mod 9
8076 8 semi med 10 pend 9 red B 10 It 9
9139 9 up med 10 pend 9 red B 10 It 9
'Rated April 24, 1991: 1 = poor or severe; 10 = excellent or none.
Yup = upright; semi = semi upright/spreading.
'sh = short (<17"); med = medium (18-23"); tall (24-29").
"up = upright; pend = pendant.
'B = blocky; E = elongate; S = squat.
"Rated April 24, 1991: 1 = severe; 10 = none; Disease/disorder appraisal included sun-scald (S), bacterial spot (BS), virus (V).
tRated May 8, 1991: It = zero to very light, mod = moderate (tops of plants with spots); hvy = heavy (some defoliation).
'Abbreviations: frt = fruit, hvy = heavy, pits = plants, shlds = shoulders of fruit, st = slight, sv = severe, v = very, w/o = without.
Table 3. Total marketable yield, fruit size, percentage culls and plant stand for the spring 1991
Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly ScaldedY Virus-Y Plant
Yield Fruit Fruit Wt Culls Culls Like Culls Stand
Entry (cartons/A) per Plant (oz) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Verdel 1053 ax 3.5 a-d 7.0 ab 26 b-e 5 a-e 0 b 100 a
PR 300-7 1039 ab 3.8 ab 6.5 a-e 25 b-e 6 a-d 0 b 98 a
King Arthur 1017 ab 3.5 a-d 7.0 ab 31 a-e 4 a-e 0 b 98 a
Crispy 1006 ab 4.3 a 5.7 c-e 21 de 5 a-d 0 b 96 a
Ssupersweet 860 992 ab 3.4 a-e 7.0 ab 26 b-e 3 a-f 0 b 100 a
PR 300-2 980 a-c 3.3 a-f 7.0 ab 26 b-e 3 a-f 0 b 98 a
PSX 3187 973 a-c 3.3 a-f 7.0 ab 19 e 3 a-f 0 b 99 a
Orobelle 954 a-d 3.3 a-f 6.6 a-e 24 c-e 3 a-f 0 b 100 a
PR 300-6 889 a-e 3.2 b-g 6.5 a-e 35 a-c 7 a-c 0 b 100 a
Whopper Improved 882 a-e 3.0 b-i 6.9 a-c 26 b-e 4 a-e 1 b 100 a
Gator Belle 848 a-f 3.5 a-c 5.6 de 27 b-e 4 a-f 0 b 100 a
Thickwall Red 821 a-g 3.1 b-g 6.2 b-e 22 de 3 c-f 0 b 99 a
Zerto 803 a-h 2.9 b-i 6.5 a-e 23 c-e 3 a-f 1 b 100 a
NS 43504 801 a-h 2.9 b-i 6.6 a-e 39 ab 0 f 8 a 99 a
Lamuyo 797 a-h 3.1 b-g 6.2 a-e 26 b-e 2 a-f 0 b 99 a
PR 89-3 791 a-h 2.5 c-j 7.5 a 32 a-d 5 a-e 0 b 99 a
Belmont 778 a-h 3.0 b-h 6.0 b-e 27 b-e 4 a-f 0 b 100 a
Bell King 766 b-h 3.0 b-h 6.4 a-e 27 b-e 3 a-f 4 a 94 a
Bellguard 712 c-i 3.2 b-g 5.5 e 38 ab 6 a-c 0 b 99 a
Jupiter 690 d-j 2.5 c-j 6.4 a-e 29 a-e 7 a-c 0 b 100 a
PSX 72286 670 e-j 2.3 c-j 7.0 ab 26 b-e 1 d-f 0 b 99 a
Rebell (XPH 5693) 658 e-j 2.7 b-j 5.7 de 29 a-e 4 a-e 0 b 100 a
Capistrano 645 e-j 2.4 c-j 6.5 a-e 35 a-d 3 a-f 0 b 98 a
Memphis 639 e-j 2.2 f-j 6.7 a-d 37 a-c 6 a-c 0 b 100 a
PR 300-1 615 f-j 2.3 e-j 6.5 a-e 27 a-e 6 a-e 0 b 100 a
Empressa 583 f-j 2.1 g-j 6.5 a-e 41 a 9 a 0 b 98 a
Ranger 581 f-j 2.2 f-j 6.2 b-e 30 a-e 2 a-f 0 b 100 a
Galaxy 553 g-j 1.8 ij 7.1 ab 30 a-e 5 a-e 0 b 99 a
Bell Captain 542 h-j 2.3 d-j 6.0 b-e 37 a-c 3 b-f 1 b 95 a
P-1288 478 ij 1.7 j 6.5 a-e 33 a-d 7 a-c 0 b 99 a
Early Calwonder 460 ij 1.9 h-j 5.7 c-e 29 a-e 7 ab 0 b 96 a
Zico 417 j 1.7 j 5.7 c-l 39 ab 1 ef 0 b 99 a
ZCarton = 28 lb or 1-1/9 bushels. Acre = 8712 linear feet of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of total harvested fruit.
XMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.
Table 4. Marketable yield, fruit
harvest, May 9, 1991.
size and percentage of culls of pepper entries for the first
Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly ScaldedY Virus-Y
Yield Fruit Fruit Wt Culls Culls Like Culls
Entry (cartons/A) per Plant (oz) (%) (%) (%)
Orobelle 402 ax 1.1 a 8.0 a-f 4 a-d 0 a 0 b
Verdel 397 ab 1.1 a 8.1 a-f 12 a-d 0 a 0 b
PR 89-3 389 a-c 1.0 a-c 8.9 a 17 a-d 0 a 0 b
PSX 3187 368 a-d 1.1 ab 7.8 b-h 2 d 0 a 0 b
King Arthur 359 a-d 1.0 a-d 8.9 ab 19 a-d 0 a 0 b
Ssupersweet 860 311 a-e 0.9 a-d 7.9 a-g 6 a-d 0 a 0 b
Bell King 292 a-e 1.0 a-c 7.2 e-h 16 a-d 0 a 2 ab
Lamuyo 291 a-e 0.9 a-d 7.6 c-h 11 a-d 0 a 0 b
PR 300-7 287 a-e 0.9 a-e 8.0 a-f 8 a-d 0 a 0 b
Whopper Improved 282 a-f 0.8 a-f 8.4 a-d 5 a-d 0 a 0 b
PR 300-2 260 a-f 0.7 a-f 8.4 a-e 13 a-d 0 a 0 b
NS 43504 260 a-f 0.8 a-f 8.0 a-f 27 a 0 a 7 a
PR 300-6 254 a-f 0.7 a-f 8.2 a-f 15 a-d 0 a 0 b
Galaxy 251 a-g 0.8 a-f 7.6 c-f 14 a-d 0 a 0 b
PSX 72286 251 a-g 0.7 a-f 8.2 a-f 19 a-d 0 a 0 b
Capistrano 246 a-g 0.7 a-f 8.4 a-d 10 a-d 0 a 0 b
Thickwall Red 241 a-g 0.8 a-f 7.4 d-h 6 a-d 0 a 0 b
Belmont 228 a-g 0.7 a-f 7.5 c-h 4 b-d 0 a 0 b
Zerto 228 a-g 0.7 a-f 7.1 f-h 30 ab 0 a 0 b
Ranger 227 a-g 0.7 a-f 7.5 c-h 14 a-d 0 a 0 b
Jupiter 219 a-g 0.6 a-f 8.0 a-f 10 a-d 0 a 0 b
Empressa 214 a-g 0.6 a-f 7.3 e-h 25 ab 0 a 0 b
Memphis 212 b-g 0.6 a-f 8.2 a-f 18 a-d 0 a 0 b
Crispy 201 c-g 0.7 a-f 6.8 gh 10 a-d 0 a 0 b
Rebell (XPH 5693) 181 d-g 0.6 a-f 7.8 b-h 6 a-d 0 a 0 b
Bellguard 161 e-g 0.5 c-f 7.3 e-h 27 ab 0 a 0 b
P-1288 159 e-g 0.4 c-f 8.6 a-c 15 a-d 0 a 0 b
Gator Belle 152 e-g 0.5 b-f 6.7 h 13 a-d 0 a 0 b
PR 300-1 140 e-g 0.4 d-f 8.2 a-f 4 cd 0 a 0 b
Bell Captain 127 e-g 0.4 c-f 8.0 a-f 12 c-d 0 a 0 b
Zico 96 f-g 0.3 ef 7.2 f-h 26 a-c 0 a 0 b
Early Calwonder 65 g 0.2 f 6.8 h 18 a-d 0 a 0 b
ZCarton = 28 lb or 1-1/9 bushels. Acre = 8712 linear feet of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of total harvested fruit.
xMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.
Table 5. Marketable fruit dimensions.
Length Width Ratio Thickness No.
Entry (in.) (in.) Length/Width (in.) Lobes
Verdel 3.3 iy 3.6 c-j 0.9 j-1 0.260 ab 3.8 a-e
PR 300-7 3.5 g-i 3.6 c-i 1.0 g-k 0.236 b-j 3.6 b-h
King Arthur 3.5 g-i 3.9 ab 0.9 j-l 0.256 a-c 3.6 b-h
Crispy 3.6 f-i 3.3 g-n 1.1 fg 0.248 a-e 3.3 c-h
Ssupersweet 860 3.7 e-h 3.8 a-d 1.0 g-k 0.236 b-j 3.5 b-h
PR 300-2 3.4 hi 3.7 c-h 0.9 j-1 0.264 a 3.7 a-f
PSX 3187 3.5 g-i 3.6 c-j 1.0 g-1 0.252 a-d 3.9 a-c
Orobelle 3.4 g-i 3.8 c-d 0.9 j-1 0.240 a-i 3.8 a-f
PR 300-6 3.5 g-i 3.7 b-f 0.9 j-l 0.248 a-e 3.1 gh
Whopper Improved 3.9 de 3.5 f-m 1.1 d-f 0.252 a-d 3.8 a-f
Gator Belle 3.6 f-i 3.3 mn 1.1 ef 0.244 a-g 3.3 d-h
Thickwall Red 3.5 g-i 3.5 e-l 1.0 g-j 0.240 a-i 3.6 b-h
Zerto 4.8 a 3.3 k-n 1.4 a 0.232 c-k 3.5 b-h
NS 43504 4.2 c 3.5 d-k 1.2 c-e 0.221 h-k 3.4 c-h
Lamuyo 4.5 b 3.3 k-n 1.4 b 0.225 f-k 3.7 b-h
PR 89-3 3.4 hi 3.9 a 0.9 1 0.264 ab 3.7 b-g
Belmont 3.5 g-i 3.5 e-1 1.0 g-k 0.244 a-g 4.3 a
Bell King 4.1 cd 3.3 1-n 1.3 c 0.225 e-k 3.6 b-h
Bellguard 3.4 i 3.5 e-l 1.0 h-l 0.213 jk 3.8 a-d
Jupiter 3.5 g-i 3.7 c-g 0.9 j-1 0.244 a-h 3.5 b-h
PSX 72286 3.6 f-i 3.8 a-c 0.9 i-l 0.240 a-i 3.5 b-h
Rebell (XPH 5693) 3.5 g-i 3.3 k-n 1.0 f-i 0.248 a-f 3.6 b-h
Capistrano 3.4 i 3.8 a-c 0.9 kl 0.248 a-f 3.6 b-h
Memphis 3.3 i 3.5 d-k 0.9 i-l 0.244 a-g 4.0 ab
PR 300-1 3.5 g-i 3.8 a-d 0.9 j-1 0.248 a-f 3.5 b-h
Empressa 3.4 hi 3.5 g-n 1.0 g-k 0.225 e-k 3.2 f-h
Ranger 3.7 e-h 3.7 a-e 1.0 g-k 0.213 k 3.8 a-f
Galaxy 3.8 ef 3.4 h-n 1.1 ef 0.240 a-i 3.8 a-f
Bell Captain 3.9 de 3.2 n 1.2 cd 0.217 i-k 3.1 h
P-1288 3.7 e-g 3.3 j-n 1.1 d-f 0.260 ab 3.2 e-h
Early Calwonder 3.3 i 3.4 i-n 1.0 g-k 0.221 g-k 3.6 b-h
Zico 3.6 f-i 3.4 i-n 1.1 f-h 0.229 d-k 3.4 c-h
zAverages from samples of eight fruit per replication taken from the first
YMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.
Table 6. Marketable yield, fruit size and percentage of culls
the second harvest May 17, 1991.
of pepper entries for
Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly Scaldedy Virus-Y
Yield Fruit Fruit Wt Culls Culls Like Culls
Entry (cartons/A) per Plant (oz) (%) (%) (%)
Crispy 585 a 2.4 a 6.0 a-c 20 a-d 7 a-d 0 c
PSX 3187 531 ab 1.9 a-c 6.7 a-c 22 a-d 5 a-d 0 c
PR 300-2 493 a-c 1.7 a-d 7.0 a-c 22 a-d 5 c-d 0 c
King Arthur 491 a-c 1.7 a-c 6.7 a-c 33 a-d 7 a-d 0 c
Verdel 487 a-c 1.6 a-c 7.0 a-c 24 a-d 4 a-d 0 c
Gator Belle 458 a-d 1.9 a-c 5.6 bc 23 a-d 5 cd 0 c
PR 300-7 452 a-d 1.5 a-e 7.3 a-c 25 a-d 11 cd 0 c
Thickwall Red 448 a-d 1.7 a-d 6.1 a-c 20 b-d 3 b-d 0 c
Bellguard 425 a-e 2.1 ab 5.3 c 38 a-d 8 a-d 0 c
Ssupersweet 860 412 a-e 1.4 a-e 7.1 a-c 29 a-d 7 a-d 0 c
Belmont 393 c-f 1.6 a-e 5.8 a-c 28 a-d 5 a-d 0 c
Whopper Improved 381 c-f 1.3 b-e 6.9 a-c 22 a-d 7 a-d 0 bc
Jupiter 373 a-f 1.4 a-e 6.4 a-c 23 a-d 11 ab 0 c
Lamuyo 361 a-f 1.5 a-e 5.9 a-c 27 a-d 4 a-d 0 c
Orobelle 359 a-f 1.4 a-e 6.0 a-c 28 a-d 7 a-d 0 c
Zerto 355 a-f 1.3 b-e 6.6 a-c 16 d 4 a-d 0 bc
PR 300-6 352 a-f 1.3 b-e 6.2 a-c 40 a-d 15 a 0 c
Memphis 337 a-f 1.2 b-e 6.6 a-c 32 a-d 3 a-d 0 c
Bell King 332 a-f 1.3 b-e 6.4 a-c 40 ab 5 a-d 3 b
Rebell (XPH 5693) 324 b-f 1.4 a-e 5.5 bc 29 a-d 8 a-d 0 c
PSX 72286 321 b-f 1.2 b-e 6.5 a-c 17 cd 1 d 0 c
Ranger 291 b-f 1.1 b-e 6.1 a-c 27 a-d 4 a-d 1 bc
PR 300-1 288 b-f 1.0 b-e 6.6 a-c 28 a-d 12 a-d 0 c
Early Calwonder 287 b-f 1.2 b-e 5.6 bc 28 a-d 10 a-c 0 c
Empressa 278 b-f 0.9 c-e 7.8 a 46 a 15 a 0 c
NS 43504 272 b-f 1.0 b-e 5.9 a-c 44 ab 1 cd 9 a
PR 89-3 256 c-f 0.8 de 7.6 ab 32 a-d 10 a-d 0 c
Capistrano 248 c-f 1.1 b-e 5.6 bc 44 a-c 6 a-d 0 c
Zico 236 c-f 1.0 c-e 5.9 a-c 38 a-d 1 cd 0 c
Galaxy 225 d-f 0.8 de 6.6 a-c 36 a-d 7 a-d 0 c
Bell Captain 182 ef 0.7 de 6.7 a-c 31 a-d 5 a-d 2 c
P-1288 146 f 0.5 e 6.6 a-c 24 a-d 8 a-d 0 c
zCarton = 28 lb o
YBy weight, as a
xMean separation
1-1/9 bushels.
Acre = 8712 linear feet of bed.
percentage of total harvested fruit.
by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.
Table 7. Marketable yield, fruit size and percentage of culls
third harvest, May 24, 1991.
of pepper entries for the
Marketablez Marketable Average Totaly ScaldedY Virus-Y
Yield Fruit Fruit Wt Culls Culls Like Culls
Entry (cartons/A) per Plant (oz) (%) (%) (%)
PR 300-7 300 ax 1.4 a 4.7 cd 44 b-d 6 a-d 0 c
PR 300-6 282 ab 1.2 ab 5.6 a-d 57 a-c 4 b-d 0 c
Ssupersweet 860 268 ab 1.1 a-c 7.7 a 48 a-d 4 b-d 0 c
NS 43504 268 ab 1.1 a-c 5.5 a-d 60 ab 0 d 10 a
Gator Belle 238 ab 1.1 a-c 5.2 a-d 41 b-d 5 b-d 0 c
Bell Captain 234 ab 1.1 a-c 4.7 cd 50 a-d 3 b-d 2 bc
PR 300-2 227 ab 0.9 a-c 6.3 a-d 42 b-d 2 b-d 0 c
Crispy 221 ab 1.2 ab 4.6 cd 30 d 3 b-d 0 c
Zerto 220 ab 1.0 a-c 5.1 b-d 39 b-d 6 a-d 2 bc
Whopper Improved 219 ab 0.9 a-c 5.6 a-d 43 b-d 3 b-d 3 bc
Orobelle 194 ab 0.8 a-c 5.5 a-d 44 a-d 3 b-d 0 c
PR 300-1 187 ab 0.8 a-c 5.0 b-d 42 b-d 3 b-d 0 c
P-1288 173 ab 0.8 a-c 5.2 a-d 51 c-d 11 ab 0 c
Verdel 169 ab 0.7 a-c 5.4 a-d 61 ab 4 b-d 0 c
King Arthur 167 ab 0.8 a-c 4.9 b-d 51 a-d 7 b-d 0 c
Belmont 156 ab 0.7 a-c 4.6 cd 47 a-d 2 b-d 0 c
Rebell (XPH 5693) 153 ab 0.7 a-c 4.7 cd 53 a-d 1 cd 0 c
Capistrano 151 ab 0.6 a-c 5.4 a-d 48 a-d 1 cd 0 c
PR 89-3 146 ab 0.7 a-c 5.5 a-d 57 a-d 11 a-c 0 c
Lamuyo 145 ab 0.7 a-c 4.7 cd 47 a-d 3 b-d 0 c
Bell King 142 ab 0.7 a-c 5.1 b-d 40 b-d 3 b-d 3 b
Thickwall Red 131 ab 0.7 a-c 4.6 cd 50 a-d 5 b-d 0 c
Bellguard 127 ab 0.6 bc 5.4 a-d 52 a-d 6 b-d 0 c
Early Calwonder 108 ab 0.5 bc 5.6 a-d 33 cd 7 a-d 0 c
Jupiter 98 ab 0.5 bc 4.5 d 60 a-d 7 a-d 0 c
PSX 72286 98 ab 0.4 bc 6.6 a-d 46 a-d 4 b-d 0 c
Empressa 91 ab 0.5 bc 4.5 d 61 a-c 8 a-d 0 c
Memphis 89 ab 0.4 bc 5.1 b-d 68 a 20 a 0 c
Zico 85 ab 0.5 bc 4.2 d 52 a-d 0 d 0 c
Galaxy 77 b 0.3 c 7.4 ab 41 b-d 5 b-d 0 c
PSX 3187 74 b 0.3 c 7.1 a-c 55 a-d 6 a-d 0 c
Ranger 63 b 0.4 bc 4.1 d 62 a-c 1 cd 0 c
zCarton = 28 lb or 1-1/9 bushels. Acre = 8712 linear feet of bed.
YBy weight, as a percentage of total harvested fruit.
xMean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level.
Table 8. Seasonal marketable yield, fruit size, percentage culls, and plant stand for observational (single plot) pepper entries.'
Sun- Marketable fruit"
MarketableY Fruit Average Total' Scalded Virus-Like Plant Wall
Yield per Fruit Weight Cutts Culls Cults Stand Length Width Ratio thickness No.
Company/Entry (cartons/A) Plant (oz) (X) (%) (X) (%) (in.) (in.) Length/Width (in.) lobes
Harris Moran
HMX 8862 615 2.2 6.6 28.0 0 0 100 3.5 3.5 1.0 0.256 3.5
NS 411 441 1.8 5.8 34.5 1 0 100 5.4 2.8 1.9 0.193 2.8
NS 412 56 0.4 3.2 85.2 14 12 100 -
NS 413 135 0.5 6.2 55.2 5 0 100 4.2 3.5 1.2 0.221 3.4
Park's Early
Thickset 306 1.8 4.0 47.9 10 0 100 3.2 2.7 1.2 0.221 3.6
PSR 14890 396 1.3 7.3 30.5 0 0 100 3.2 3.9 0.8 0.244 3.6
PSR 49587 396 1.3 7.0 32.9 0 0 100 3.7 3.8 1.0 0.248 3.5
PSX 37786 406 1.3 7.5 35.0 0 0 100 3.9 3.5 1.1 0.236 3.9
PSX 8287 722 2.2 7.7 26.2 0 0 100 3.8 3.8 1.0 0.240 3.0
PSX 88888 500 1.9 6.1 29.1 0 0 100 3.5 3.8 0.9 0.225 4.0
8076 535 2.2 6.0 40.5 14 0 95 3.7 3.2 1.2 0.292 3.8
9139 493 2.0 5.7 37.4 4 0 100 3.6 3.3 1.1 0.213 3.4
'Computations based on plant stand, where 100% stand
YCarton = 28 lb or 1-1/9 bushel. Acre = 8712 Linear
xBy weight as a percentage of total fruit harvested.
"Averages from samples of eight fruit taken from the
was 20 plants.
feet per bed.
first harvest.