Fertility trials with Florakirk Bermudagrass and chicory and harvest date trial with Florigraze rhizoma peanut

Material Information

Fertility trials with Florakirk Bermudagrass and chicory and harvest date trial with Florigraze rhizoma peanut
Series Title:
Jay, WFREC Research report
Dunavin, Leonard Sypret, 1930-
West Florida Research and Education Center
Place of Publication:
Jay Fla.
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, West Florida Research and Education Center
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
63 p. : ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Grasses -- Varieties -- Florida ( lcsh )
Forage plants -- Varieties -- Florida ( lcsh )
Paleudults ( jstor )
Distance functions ( jstor )
Peanuts ( jstor )
government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent) ( marcgt )


General Note:
Caption title.
General Note:
"February 1996."
WFREC research report ;
Statement of Responsibility:
L.S. Dunavin.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
62324806 ( OCLC )


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Jay, WFREC Research Report WF96-4 February, 1996
,;r on Sc ien.ce
Fertility Trials with Florakirk Bermudagrass and Chi'cry
and Harvest Date Trial with Florigraze Rhizoma PeTnart

L. S. Dunavint FEB 26 1996

Conversion factors are given in Table 1 for the use of tho~ ipvsit;adFlffIt to
convert to metric units. Climatological data are presented in Table 2.

Florakirk Bermudagrass.
This reports data for 1995 from a trial which has been conducted for several
years. The plots were established to Florakirk in 1988. They were located on
an Orangeburg sandy loam soil (Typic Paleudult). The fertility treatments
were very low, low, medium, high, and very high. The very low treatment was
31.25 pounds per acre of N per year, and each succeeding rate was twice the
preceding rate. All were balanced in a 2-1-1 NPK regime. All of the P and K
and 1/3 of the N was applied on 10 April 95. Another 1/3 of the N was applied
on 7 July 95, and the final 1/3 was applied on 14 August 95. Harvests were
obtained on 15 May, 30 June, 31 July, 29 Aug., and 27 Sept. 95. Yields of dry
matter varied from 3,570 pounds per acre at the very low level to 15,580
pounds per acre at the very high level. Data are presented in Table 3.

This fertility trial was imposed on plots of chicory planted on 18 March 94.
They were located on an Orangeburg sandy loam soil (Typic Paleudult). The
treatments were 100, 200, 300, and 400 pounds per acre of ammonium nitrate
applied following harvest. Fertilization in 1995 included 400 pounds per acre
of 8-24-24 fertilizer on 10 April 95 and ammonium nitrate at the indicated
rates on 7 June, 10 July, and 18 August. Harvests were made on 5 June, 10
July, 11 Aug., and 8 Sept. 95. Dry matter yields are reported in Table 4 and
indicate no response by the chicory to N fertilization in this trial. The
data are for chicory only and do not include the total biomass from the plots
which included a lot of weedy material after the first harvest. Season-total
dry matter (including weeds) is given in Table 5 and does show a response to
N. It is probable that the lack of response by chicory was due to a lot of
variability in stands which was more apparent after the first harvest. Other
observations with chicory at the WFREC, Jay have indicated difficulty in
obtaining uniform stands.

Florigraze Rhizomr Peanut.
A times-of-harvest trial was conducted with Florigraze rhizoma peanut in 1995.
Two old areas of peanut were used in the trial. One, located on an Orangeburg
sandy loam soil (Typic Paleudult), was established in December, 1979 and the
other, located on a Red Bay sandy loam soil (Rhodic Paleudult), was established
in January, 1976. The peanut areas were fertilized in 1995 with 300 pounds per
acre of an 0-30-15 fertilizer on 12 May. Each area was divided into four
replications of plots for harvest three, two, and one times each. Plots harvested
three times were harvested on 27 June, 23 Aug., and 19 October. Those harvested
twice were harvested on the August and October dates, and those harvested once
were on the October date. Yield data are given in Table 6. On both soils, there
was no real difference between yields when harvested two or three times, but a
considerably lower yield was obtained from a single harvest.

tAssociate Professor of Agronomy.

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Table 1. Conversion factors from English to metric units.

English Unit "Factor' Metric Unit
pounds per acre multiply by 1.12 kilograms per hectare
pounds per acre multiply by 0.00112 metric tons per hectare
tons (English) multiply by 0.9072 tons (metric)
tons (English) per acre multiply by 2.24 tons (metric) per hectare
inches multiply by 2.54 centimeters
yards multiply by 0.914 meters
miles multiply by 1.609 kilometers
acres multiply by 0.405 hectares
o Fahrenheit ......0.556.(9 F .32) : ::: :::.Celsius

Table 2. Climatological data for the West Florida Research and Education Center. Jay, 1995.

Precipitation Temperature Average Daily Solar Radiationt

inches _F Watts per square meter

Month 1995 47-year Avg. Avg. Max. Avg. Min. 1995 9-year Avg.

January 5.79 5.41 61.4 39.7 2868 2311

February 2.91 5.08 66.0 41.1 3762 3186

March 6.86 6.49 71.7 51.7 3982 4158

April 6.14 4.80 77.2 55.0 5447 5416

May 8.21 4.51 86.9 65.7 5873 5374

June 4.22 7.41 90.4 68.0 5829 5306

July 8.30 8.05 92.6 71.4 5410 5206

August 9.90 6.53 92.8 72.3 5801 5179

September 4.23 6.25 89.0 65.9 5301 4591

October 16.85 3.79 80.0 55.5 4450 4124

November 9.05 4.20 67.8 43.6 3250 3187

)ecember 4.71 5.02 61.0 '38.5 2835 2501

:al or Avg. 87.17 67.54 78.1 55.7 4567 4212

tThe solar radiometer

October, and 14 days

- 2 -

was out of operation during '9 days in June, 4 days in July, 3 days in

in November.




Table 1. Conversion factors from English to metric units.

English Unit "Factor' Metric Unit
pounds per acre multiply by 1.12 kilograms per hectare
pounds per acre multiply by 0.00112 metric tons per hectare
tons (English) multiply by 0.9072 tons (metric)
tons (English) per acre multiply by 2.24 tons (metric) per hectare
inches multiply by 2.54 centimeters
yards multiply by 0.914 meters
miles multiply by 1.609 kilometers
acres multiply by 0.405 hectares
o Fahrenheit ......0.556.(9 F .32) : ::: :::.Celsius

Table 2. Climatological data for the West Florida Research and Education Center. Jay, 1995.

Precipitation Temperature Average Daily Solar Radiationt

inches _F Watts per square meter

Month 1995 47-year Avg. Avg. Max. Avg. Min. 1995 9-year Avg.

January 5.79 5.41 61.4 39.7 2868 2311

February 2.91 5.08 66.0 41.1 3762 3186

March 6.86 6.49 71.7 51.7 3982 4158

April 6.14 4.80 77.2 55.0 5447 5416

May 8.21 4.51 86.9 65.7 5873 5374

June 4.22 7.41 90.4 68.0 5829 5306

July 8.30 8.05 92.6 71.4 5410 5206

August 9.90 6.53 92.8 72.3 5801 5179

September 4.23 6.25 89.0 65.9 5301 4591

October 16.85 3.79 80.0 55.5 4450 4124

November 9.05 4.20 67.8 43.6 3250 3187

)ecember 4.71 5.02 61.0 '38.5 2835 2501

:al or Avg. 87.17 67.54 78.1 55.7 4567 4212

tThe solar radiometer

October, and 14 days

- 2 -

was out of operation during '9 days in June, 4 days in July, 3 days in

in November.

Table 3. Florakirk bermudagrass, WFREC, Jay. 1995.

15 May 30 June

Fertility level*

Very low




Very high

LSD (t .05)













Dry Matter

31July 29 Aug.

Pounds per acret

1060 1040

1340 1580

2140 2080

3940 2260

4530 3170

700 550

'27 Sept. Total













tPounds per acre X

1.12 = kilograms per hectare.

*Very low = 31.25 lb./acre N. Each succeeding rate is twice the pre-

ceding rate. All are balanced in a 2-1-1 NPK regime.

For the season total:

r'= 0.96

S= 3536 + 20.5 (N rate)


Table 4. Chicory. WFREC, Jay. 1995.

Dry Matter

Pounds per acret

Treatment* 5 June 10 July 11 Aig. 8 Sept. Total

100 1060 600 540 180 2380

200 1170 810 910 310 3200

300 1140 830 970 320 3260

400 1300 840 910 180 3230

LSD (t .05) N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S.

tPounds per acre X 1.12 = kilograms per hectare.

*Treatments are pounds per acre of ammonium nitrate

following harvest.

In addition to LSD, linear regression was calculated

and r = 0.47.

PLANTED: March 18, 1994.

SOIL: Orangeburg sandy loam (Typic Paleudult).

FERTILIZER: 400 pounds per acre of 8-24-24 on 10 April 95

and ammonium nitrate at indicated rates on 7

June, 10 July, and 18 August.



11I1111111i III I III
31262 07468 380 5

Table 5. Chicory and weeds, WFREC, Jay 1995.

Season-total dry matter

Treatment ... Pounds per acret

100 3340

200 4770

300 4860

400 6240

LSD (t .05) 980

tPounds per acre X 1.12 = kilograms per hectare.

*Treatments are pounds per acre of ammonium ni-

trate following harvest.

In addition to LSD, linear regression was

calculated and r = 0.84.

PLANTED: March 18, 1994.

SOIL; Orangeburg sandy loam (Typic Paleudult).

FERTILIZER: 400 pounds per acre of 8-24-24 on 10

April 95, and ammonium nitrate at

indicated rates on 7 June, 10 July, and

18 August.


Table 6. Florigraze rhizoma peanut WFREC, Jay. 1995.

Dry Matter

Pounds per'acret

Times harvested* Oranrgeburg Soil Red Bay Soil

Three (June, Aug., Oct.) 5130 6290

Two (Aug., Oct.) 5340 6140

One (Oct.) 3580 3590

LSD (t .05) ...... '770 1..020

tPounds per acre X 1.12 = kilograms per hectare.:.

*Harvest dates were 27 June, 23 Aug., and 19 Oct..

ESTABLISHED: The stand on the Orangeburg soil was

established in December, 1979, and the

stand on the Red Bay soil was establish-

ed in January, 1976.

SOIL; Orangeburg sandy loam (Typic Paleudult).

Red Bay Sandy loam (Rhodic Paleudult).

FERTILIZER: 300 pounds per acre of 0-30-15 on 12 May


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