TLP 00-9
FEB 0 6 2001
Lois Schertz Willett
Teaching and Learning Paper TLP 00-9
September 2000
The goal of the Teaching and Learning paper Series is to improve, enhance, and enrich
the teaching and learning environment in the department, college, university, and
profession through the publication of papers on teaching philosophies and techniques,
curricular issues, and case studies Papers are circulated without formal review by the
Food and Resource Economics Department and thus the content is the sole
responsibility of the faculty author or co-author.
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Food and Resource Economics Department
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
TLP 99-1
TLP 99-2
TLP 99-3
TLP 99-4
Gary F. Fairchild
Gary F. Fairchild
Aaron Troyer
Gary Fairchild
Richard Weldon
P.J. van Blokland
Pavan Her
Allen Wysocki
Gary Fairchild
Patrick J. Byrne
An Introduction to the Teaching and Learning
Paper Series
Engaging Learners In Economic and Management
Education: A Challenge To Our Profession
Perspectives On Precision Agriculture: A Case
Study of the mPower3 Company
Perspectives In Human Resource Management: A
Case Study of An Incentive Program At Tyson
Foods, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida
Opportunities and Challenges in Statelite Campus
Agribusiness Management Education
Florida's Natural Growers: A Decision Case
Russell Porvisions, Distributor of Boar's Head
Deli Meat and Cheese: A Dicision Case
TRACER: A New Market Challenge: A Case
Study of a Marketing Plan for Dow Agro Sciences
Management and Advancement In A Theme-Based
Restaurant: A Case Study of the Ale House
Procedures For Peer Evaluation of Teaching In the
Food and Resource Economics Department
A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Mutual
A Business Analysis of Therapeutic Botanicals
Ferdinand F. Wirth
Suzanne D. Thomsbury
Benjamin Brown
Allen Wysocki
Meagan Langford
Allen Wysocki
Cara Martin
Patrick Byme
Richard Wledon
Ken Buhr
Norman S. Baer
P.J. van Blokland
Gary F. Fairchild
John E. Reynolds
Gary F. Fairchild
John E. Reynolds
Tracy S. Hoover
Eric Garneff
P.J. van Blokland
Ronald Pearl
Gary F. Fairchild
Timothy G. Taylor
TLP 99-5
TLP 99-6
TLP 99-7
TLP 00-1
TLP 00-2
TLP 00-3
TLP 00-4
TLP 00-5
No. Title
Strategic Analysis of a Small Firm Competing in
the European Mango Market
A Strategic Business Analysis of Pike Family
Using Business Simulations and Issue Debates to
Facilitate Synthesis in Agribusiness Capstone
Raquel Guzman
Gary F. Fairchild
Gerado Sol
Gary F. Fairchild
Allen Wysocki
Karl Kepner
Gary F. Fairchild
Timothy G. Taylor
TLP 00-6
TLP 00-7
TLP 00-8
Lois Schertz Willett*
Abstract: This essay presents a vision of the learning opportunities in agricultural and
managerial economics that Colleges of Agriculture could offer to meet the food system's life
long learning needs of the 21st century. The paper discusses what kind of curriculum will meet
these needs, how it will be delivered, where and when it will be offered, and by whom. Key
considerations in achieving this vision are detailed.
Key Words: teaching, learning, distance education, food system, agricultural economics
*Lois Schertz Willett is Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Florida. This
essay was submitted to the American Agricultural Economics Association's Essay for the 21st
Century Competition in September 2000. She thanks Bernie Erven, Carol Fountain, John
Gordon, Burl Long and Lyle Schertz for helpful suggestions.
"... Where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical
studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to
agriculture and the mechanic arts..." This mission, established by the Morrill Act of 1862,
guided the creation of the land grant university system and their Colleges of Agriculture so that
they would be institutes of higher education for everyone. Since the late 1800s, Colleges of
Agriculture have focused on the development of the agricultural sciences as a means of
improving production technologies and transferring this knowledge to producers. They have
been concerned with the social, economic, and institutional problems of rural communities and
the environment in which we live. They have engaged in the transfer of this knowledge to farm
producers and embraced academic programs focused on agricultural as well as non-agricultural
fields. Colleges of Agriculture have provided training for people in agriculture so they could
contribute to agricultural activities as well as transfer from agriculture to productive non-
agricultural activities.
You may have received your education from a College of Agriculture in this land grant
university system. You attended your animal science and farm management classes in a large
lecture hall, took notes, studied in your dorm room or the library, submitted projects on paper,
and took tests with paper and pencil. You had your questions answered by professors after
lecture or during their office hours.
Fast forward. It is the year 2045. You are a Hispanic, 35 year old mother of 2 working
in Miami as an economic analyst for the largest citrus production and processing operation in the
world. You recognize that your skills, enhanced by continued education in the communication,
technological, analytical, and management fields, are critical to your advancement in a food
system rapidly changing to meet the needs of savvy consumers. You enroll in Agribusiness
Management from the University of Florida and Econometrics from Cornell. You obtain your
training in markets from the University of California, Davis. You receive materials via video
conferencing, the World Wide Web, or a technology not yet available in the year 2000. You do
not sit in a lecture hall; you do not visit your professors in their offices. Rather, you tap into
teaching and learning modules via your computer and receive faculty assistance through this
medium as well. You are on the road to mastering new knowledge and gaining new skills that
would be impossible for you to obtain if the Colleges of Agriculture continued to insist that you
be in residence on their campuses to take courses.
Clearly, as we enter the millennium, there is an opportunity for the land grant Colleges of
Agriculture to respond to the agricultural and managerial economics life long learning needs of
this woman and other individuals in the food system. The issue is, will they? This essay
presents a vision of the learning opportunities in agricultural and managerial economics that
Colleges of Agriculture could offer to meet the food system's life long learning needs of the 21st
century. First, the paper assesses the food system's changing life long learning needs in
agricultural and managerial economics and the driving forces behind these changes. Second, the
paper discusses what kind of curriculum will meet these needs, how it will be delivered, where
and when it will be offered, and by whom. Finally, key considerations in achieving this vision
are detailed.
Needs and Driving Forces
As today's food system evolved in the 20th century, it became increasingly imperative for
individuals working in the system to have a broad-based understanding of the biological,
physical, mathematical, and social sciences and humanities. Skills in oral and written
communication were important in order to articulate visions, goals, and accomplishments in team
activities, presentations to Boards of Directors, business plans, and position papers. Skills in
human relations, leadership, and employee motivation were increasingly recognized as
important. Then, changing communication and information technologies required firms to
ensure that its workforce be computer savvy.
It is natural to conclude that some, if not all, of the 20th century food system's educational
needs will carry on into the new millennium. However, the 21st century educational
requirements are likely to evolve more quickly than they did in the past century. The knowledge,
skills, and abilities of the 21st century food system employee may be different than those of the
employee of the 20th century in order for food system organizations to prosper in the new
millennium's markets.
Recently, I conducted a telephone survey of 30 middle- and upper- management
individuals in food system organizations. The purpose was to assess the learning needs of their
employees. Respondents said that to be competitive in the fast-changing global market, food
system firms need employees with learning that is up-to-date throughout their employees'
careers. They recognize that the knowledge base of individuals they hire with bachelors,
masters, and even Ph.D. degrees will change rapidly and completely in a short time due to
technological advances. Hence, their new hires must be able to contribute now. But of equal, if
not more importance, food system employees must have the opportunity to master new content
in areas of agricultural and managerial economics and be life-long learners so they can contribute
in the future.
Furthermore, the survey respondents identified three areas of learning critical to their
efficient and effective operation. The first is management. Vice presidents, directors, and
managers indicated that employees need to be well trained in human, financial, and information
management in order for their firms to have a competitive edge. Human resource management
skills are imperative since 21st century food system problems are likely to be solved by
interdisciplinary team efforts rather than one person within a single discipline. Financial
management training is necessary to assess the opportunity costs of different ventures and grasp
the bottom line. Increasing quantities of information in a plethora of forms require 21st century
food system employees to be able to sort, sift, manipulate, summarize, and use information for
decision making. Furthermore, the survey results suggested that it is not just one of these
dimensions of management human, financial and information that is important. Rather, it is
the combination of the three that will contribute the most to an operation's success.
The second area of importance for their employees is the knowledge of the markets in
which they operate. Understanding markets requires training in prices, risk, and market
structure; international dimensions of markets; and strategic planning for entry into new markets
and maintaining existing market shares.
Finally, the survey respondents indicated that continuous updating of employees'
analytical abilities is necessary. Quantitative methods, forecasting, and simulation skills lead to
effective critical thinking and decision-making; all necessary skills for 21st century food system
employees, according to the survey respondents.
The middle and upper management respondents suggested that workers in executive,
professional and technical occupations would use their previous educational and work
experiences as the foundation for this additional training. But due to time constraints, location
considerations, and the desire to grasp opportunities quickly, employees will demand learning
when they want it, where they want it, and how they want it. For example, suppose you are an
economic analyst for Quaker Oats and you need to forecast the sales of a new variety of cereal
for your team leader. Your deadline is two weeks! You recognize that you need a refresher
course in forecasting tools. The opportunity costs of you attending a three credit course, even if
the university nearby offers the course, is too high. You may be required to travel for work
during the semester the course is offered. Furthermore, you need the forecasting tools now, not
16 weeks from now. But suppose your late evening Web surfing locates a well-developed and
effective week-long module on forecasting offered by the Department of Applied Economics at
the University of Minnesota, a land grant university with a solid reputation. You sign up, master
the skills, and provide your team with forecasting scenarios to assess Quaker's cereal market
share under alternative pricing strategies. Your contribution was made possible by your ability
to obtain life long learning when you needed it and where and how you wanted it delivered.
Similar to markets for many new products, the demand for life long learning is unknown.
Thus, there are needs for test markets and test products. As these approaches are considered,
however, it is important to recognize that those who accurately anticipate the size of the market
and its characteristics will be in the best position to supply it in the future.
Driving Forces
Several forces drive the food system's demand for education in management, markets,
and analytical skills at any time and in any place. They are increasing global competitiveness of
the food system market, changing information and communication technology, and increasing
diversity of the work force.
Globalization. Clearly, the food system operates in a global economy. Just look up and
down the aisles of your grocery store. Grapes are from Chile, cheese is from France, and lamb is
imported from New Zealand. Furthermore, the grocery store where you shop may be owned by a
Danish firm. If one examines the supply chain of some of these foods, one may find that the
farm producer supplying the food to the grocery chain receives inputs from a multinational firm
and contracts part of his production to another multinational firm all according to very specific
requirements imposed by the grocery chain but dictated by consumer demands.
Firms operating in the food system from farm to fork are finding that their decisions are
affected by the changing global market, and may even affect the global market. To remain
competitive, they demand that their employees contribute to effective decision making by having
up-to-date knowledge, abilities and skills in management, markets and analytical tools.
Technology. Advances in communication and information technology, such as palm
pilots, books, cell phones and the World Wide Web, allow information to be processed in a
useful form and delivered nearly instantaneously to the key decision makers. Food system firms
would be lost in their market if they were unable to obtain the latest market news and other
information in a timely fashion. As food system managers adapt to these technological changes,
they expect their employees to be well versed in communication and information systems.
Furthermore, they think if market news and data are available to them in a timely fashion on an
as-needed basis, why shouldn't educational institutions be using the same technology to make
learning opportunities available in a timely fashion on an as-needed basis as well.
Admittedly, technology changes have entered our educational system. As reported by the
Institute of Higher Education, 15 percent of all classes used Internet resources in Fall 1996. This
percent jumped to one third by Fall 1998. Email usage increased from 8 percent in 1994 to
nearly 50 percent in Fall 1998. However, education delivered via distance education is just in its
infancy. estimated that less than 100,000 students have benefited from on-
line education when surveying more than 100 institutions. Forbes recent perusal of American
college and university distance education offerings suggests "Taking classes over the Internet is
easy. Finding the colleges that offer them is not." However, Forbes also reported that U.S.
corporations have found on-line training useful for their employees and last year spent $1.1
billion for on-line training. According to Forbes, Merrill Lynch expects these expenditures to
grow to more than $11 billion by 2003. Last fall, John Chambers of Cisco Systems predicted
that "Education over the Internet is going to be so big it is going to make e-mail usage look like a
rounding error."
Diversity. America's increasingly diverse labor pool has also been a driving force for the
changing learning needs of the food system. Whites, which were nearly 90 percent of the labor
force in 1970, were only 80 percent of the workers in 1998. Their share is expected to continue
to decline in the 21st century. In 1980, females were slightly more than 40 percent of the labor
force. They are projected to be nearly half of the work force by the year 2006. The percent of
Hispanics in the labor force is expected to increase to nearly 11 percent by 2006, double the 5.5
percent in 1980.
No longer will you find meetings at firms and organizations of America's food system
with just white males. More and more one will find a gender, racially, and culturally diverse
group of people reaching effective decisions. Furthermore, these individuals will have different
training, experiences, backgrounds and demands on their time away from the office. Each
individual will have different opportunity costs for their learning. It may be that the sales
manager for Purina is a single father who cannot take evening classes because he coaches his
daughter's soccer team. Or maybe the African-American woman in charge of dry goods buying
for Proctor and Gamble job-shares because she has elderly parents for whom she is caring.
Perhaps the Hispanic manager of a firm's Texas cattle operations grew up in the industry, and
travels the majority of his time. These diverse individuals still want and need life long learning
to do their work effectively. Yet, the content and the delivery method of their learning needs
likely will be vastly different.
As we look to the 21st century, we see that the increasingly competitive global market,
rapid changes in information and communication technology, and increasing diversity in the
backgrounds, life-styles and cultures of life-long learners are withering the boundaries of time
and location inherent in the current land grant educational system. The food system's demand
for learning in management, markets, and analytical tools in modules made available at any time,
in any place will dictate the educational market for life long learners in the 21st century. These
needs are good news for Colleges of Agriculture in land grant universities. It provides these
institutions with an opportunity, and a necessity, to rethink their curriculum and delivery.
Colleges of Agriculture are challenged to decide if they will participate in meeting the
food system's 21st century needs in agricultural and managerial economics. Questions dealing
with what curriculum is appropriate; where, when, and how the curriculum will be offered; and
who is strategically positioned to fill this knowledge market must be answered.
The curriculum content appropriate for the 21st century food system is quite clear.
Employees need education in human, financial, and information management; a knowledge of
markets; and analytical abilities for effective decision-making. The curriculum must be of high
quality so that learners can build on their experiences and become more effective decision
A quality curriculum is one that is accurate, relevant, flexible, and empowers learners to
solve problems today and in the future. The curriculum must contain cutting edge information,
and tools that life long learners can apply in problem solving, recognizing that these problems
are often interdisciplinary in nature. The content must be packaged effectively incorporating the
latest information in instructional design and respecting the diversity of learners, whether it is
from race, gender, culture or learning styles. In the end, those who take the modules will grade
the quality of the individual modules and the curriculum. Those institutions that do not make the
grade will be left on the shelf just like moldy bread is left on the grocery shelf.
A flexible curriculum provides life long learners with the ability to expand their
knowledge and skill base without duplicating what they already know or learning what they may
not need. For example, quality content in agricultural and managerial economics needs to be
repackaged into modules and offered a la carte. These modules could be engaged in separately,
as might be desired by the economic analyst at Quaker needing forecasting tools. Alternatively,
several offerings could be combined to form a certificate or degree indicating learning at
different levels of understanding and degrees of competence.
The modular learning units could be offered at a variety of levels of interactivity. The
learners who need a refresher in monopoly and monopsony market structure and its impact on
market performance may enroll just to capture the material and learn on their own. The learners
who need feedback on futures prices and their use in hedging may opt to capture their
educational module with an opportunity for feedback from the instructor and interaction with
other learners.
A curriculum where educators effectively empower learners is one that forces students to
discover, think critically, and move forward in the life long learning process. Experiential
learning, where learners gain understanding of concepts through experience, is one means of
empowerment. Here, the instructor moves from "sage on the stage" to "guide on the side".
Information and communication technology can help facilitate this movement. Learners benefit
by applying concepts to solve problems, often in their own place of work, while the instructor
facilitates the learning process. The importance of the knowledge gained by learners is
demonstrated and the benefit of their learning is felt by the ability of their organization to
compete in the global market.
Where, When and How
The needs of life long learners of the 21st century food system demand that these
educational opportunities be available anywhere at any time. Technology, such as the World
Wide Web, meets these needs. It allows for synchronous, asynchronous, and geographically
dispersed teaching and learning. Teacher-to-learner and learner-to-learner interactions are also
possible with current technology. Future advances will surely expand the speed and ease with
which learning modules can be developed, delivered and received anywhere and at any time. It
will be the challenge of those meeting the learning needs of the food system to use these
technologies effectively to provide quality educational opportunities that are user friendly and
technologically transparent.
By Whom
Several organizations are poised to capture the life long learning needs in agricultural and
managerial economics of the 21st century food system: entrepreneurial education technology
companies, book publishing companies, food system firms, liberal arts and business schools, and
Colleges of Agriculture in land grant universities. Each has a distinct advantage in the market.
Yet, the Colleges of Agriculture maintain a competitive advantage. They bring the strengths of
their faculty's research and outreach missions to their educational programs. Furthermore,
Colleges of Agriculture have strived to be institutes of higher education for everyone, contribute
to the common good, and make education relevant since 1862. But Colleges of Agriculture must
recognize their limitations and the need for a 21st century curriculum that is of high quality in
order to be competitive in the knowledge market for life long learners of the food system.
Colleges of Agriculture are not always up-to-date with learning pedagogy, nor information and
communication technological advances. They often have limits in their understanding of the
market for educational materials. They are not always willing, and sometimes are unable, to
identify the key problems of the food system.
For these reasons, the 21st century food system's life long learning needs would be best
served by a strategic alliance among several public and private organizations. The food system
firms, themselves, could bring knowledge of the problems facing them and an ability to articulate
their needs. Companies in the area of educational technology, by the necessity of the market, are
continually pressed to keep up with the lightning speed changes in communication and
information technologies. Their technological expertise is needed for seamless delivery and
interaction of the learning modules. They can also contribute to an understanding of, and make
recommendations for, the appropriate learning pedagogy to be used for delivery. Book
publishing companies could bring to the table an understanding of the market for educational
material and the skills needed for dissemination of the educational modules that were developed.
Other educational institutes, such as liberal arts and business schools, could contribute
knowledge to the venture. However, their ability and willingness to meet the specific
management, markets and analytical life long learning needs of the 21st century food system
should be scrutinized.
Such an alliance will not happen unless someone takes risks. Right now, Colleges of
Agriculture are strategically poised to foster the necessary partnerships to meet the food system's
life long learning needs. Their position of advantage will be eroded if they do not take steps now
to meet the vision. Furthermore, Colleges of Agriculture should take steps to seal relationships
among themselves so that educational modules are developed and delivered cooperatively while
recognizing that they contribute to the educational goals of life long learners.
Key Considerations
Not every College of Agriculture will be willing or able to service the food system's 21st
century life long learning needs in agricultural and managerial economics. Those that do will
take into consideration several issues. Those that don't will lose their opportunity to be players
in the future of education. Herbert Alien, the media financier and prime backer of Global
Education Network, said it well when he characterized the opportunity of educational institutions
to participate in online-learning ventures. He said, "The risk is simple. The risk is being left
behind." Unless Colleges of Agriculture want to be left behind they should consider the
Commitment. Administrators and faculty in Colleges of Agriculture must make a firm
commitment to meet the needs of the food system for high quality, flexible, educational
opportunities in agricultural and managerial economics. Faculty and their administrators must be
willing to inform and convince constituents and legislators of the importance of this effort.
Furthermore existing, as well as new, resources should focus on this opportunity.
Quality. Educators must ensure the quality of their curriculum by making it accurate,
relevant, flexible, and one that empowers the learner.
Partnerships. Administrators and faculty in Colleges of Agriculture must reach out to
other educational organizations both public and private to develop and maintain linkages for
effective development and delivery of educational content for the 21st century food system.
Development and Delivery Ease. Faculty should adopt, and College of Agriculture
administrators should support, a team effort in the development and delivery of the learning
modules of the food system's life long learners. If we assume that faculty bring the content
expertise, instructional design experts bring expertise in pedagogy, and the communication and
information technology expertise comes from the technical personnel, then it is the team that
should be responsible for course development and delivery.
Learning Resources. Learning resources, like on-line libraries, are an integral part of the
learning process. They hold the key to the past and the window to the future. These resources
must be kept up-to-date and be available to faculty developing and delivering learning modules
and to learners as they participate in the learning process. It is imperative that these resources be
available to educators and learners at any time and in any place.
Recognition. Colleges of Agriculture must reward faculty for their investment in learning
new technologies and developing new curricula using up-to-date instructional designs to enhance
the learner. Rewards in the form of additional program funds, salary incentives, and release time
are appropriate. Faculty's intellectual property must be protected. Faculty must not be
penalized, particularly with respect to tenure and promotion, for focusing on the life-long
learners in the food system.
Pricing. As Colleges of Agriculture move toward modular, flexible educational
offerings, it makes sense to look at market segmentation. Colleges of Agriculture have done so
in the past with different fees for resident and nonresident, as well as graduate and undergraduate
education. Be forewarned, the pricing of these life long learning offerings must send the signal
that they are of high quality. But Colleges of Agriculture must guard against pricing themselves
out of the market. If these offerings are priced wrong, there are plenty of other organizations,
private and public, that could and would be willing to provide sufficient quality and flexible
educational opportunities to meet the needs of the food system, and attract the necessary talent to
accomplish that goal.
Diversity. A commitment to diversity among administrators, educators and learners in
the 21st century must be fostered. This means not just developing ways to achieve diversity in
gender, culture, physical abilities, and learning and teaching styles, but respecting and fostering
that diversity once it is in place. It is not enough to take different flowers and plop them in a
vase. Rather, the beauty of the bouquet is in the effective mix of the flowers. Colleges of
Agriculture could achieve more diversity by supporting the notion that everyone is different,
accepting those differences, and then respecting those differences through its educational
offerings, particularly those for the life long learner.
Other Opportunities. A word of caution is in order. Trustees, deans, and faculty in
Colleges of Agriculture may consider life long learning, delivered via distance education, for
people employed in the food system as a self contained activity without potential implications for
their long standing resident instruction, research and extension programs. This type of thinking
could be a mistake. Is it not possible that today's and especially tomorrow's information and
communications technologies will make the costs of undergraduate distance education
significantly lower than the costs of resident instruction? If this should happen, those institutions
that work now to respond to the food system's life long learning demands will have an important
headstart in responding to opportunities to provide undergraduate distance education demands.
In Summary
Colleges of Agriculture face an immediate challenge. The 21st century food system needs
flexible life long learning in management, markets, and analytical skills. Those Colleges of
Agriculture that continue to take their mission seriously, closely monitor the 21st century food
system's life long learning needs, and meet these needs with creative and high quality learning
opportunities, will be the life long learning providers of the 21st century food system. Those
Colleges of Agriculture that do not will be left out, and the food system's life long learning needs
in agricultural and managerial economics will be met by others.
Bowen, B. E. and J. S. Thomson. 1995. "Distance education needs of agribusinesses and
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Friedman, T. S. November 17, 1999. "Foreign Affairs; Next It's E-ducation." The New York
Kellogg Foundation. Visions of Change in Higher Education. Retrieved from the World Wide
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King, D., D. Cotton and A. Turgeon. June 29, 1998. The Challenge of the Knowledge
Marketplace: How Will the Land-Grant System Compete? ADEC Academic Program
Section Meeting. California Polytechnic/San Luis Obispo. Retrieved from the World
Wide Web, March 15, 2000.
Institute of Higher Education. 1999 Distance Learning in Higher Education: Update February
1999 Washington D.C.
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. Board on Agriculture.
December 1996. From Issues to Action, A Plan for Action on Agriculture and Natural
Resources for the Land-Grant Universities.
Navarro, P. 2000. "Economics in the Cyberclassroom" Journal of Economic Perspectives
14(2): 119-132.
Setton, D. September 11, 2000. "Corporate Training." Forbes.
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U. S. Census Bureau. 1999. Statistical Abstract of the United States. No 650. Retrieved from
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Weber, T. E. July 28, 2000. "Allen is Wooing Elite Colleges to Teach Online" The Wall Street
Willett, L. S. September 1999. Distance Education Opportunities in Agribusiness Management
and Agricultural Marketing. Report to the Faculty, Department of Agricultural, Resource
and Managerial Economics, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Comell