Management and advancement in a theme-based restaurant

Material Information

Management and advancement in a theme-based restaurant a case study of the Ale House
Series Title:
Teaching and learning paper series
Alternate Title:
Case study of the Ale House
Baer, Norman S
University of Florida -- Food and Resource Economics Dept
Place of Publication:
Gainesville Fla
Food and Resource Economics Dept., Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
15 [6] p. : charts ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Food service employees -- Training of -- Case studies ( lcsh )
Occupational mobility -- Case studies ( lcsh )
Food service management -- Case studies ( lcsh )
Career development -- Case studies ( lcsh )
government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent) ( marcgt )


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"January 2000."
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Statement of Responsibility:
Norman S. Baer...[et al.]

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
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Norman S. Baer, P.J. van Blokland, Gary F. Fairchild, and John E. Reynolds

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to chart the experiences of an individual who wishes to
pursue a career path leading to the position of General Manager at a Theme-Based
Restaurant by starting at an entry-level position and advancing through all the
employment levels and positions. This a case study of upward job mobility at the
Gainesville Ale House.

Key Words: career path to general management, theme-based restaurant, upward job mobility

Management and Advancement in a Theme-based Restaurant:
A Case Study of the Ale House

Norman S. Baer, P.J. van Blokland, Gary F. Fairchild, and John E. Reynolds*

Industry Outline/Outlook

The restaurant industry has projected total expected sales for 1999 at $354 billion. The

Theme-Based Restaurant (TBR) section is expected to account for sales of approximately $120

billion. In 1999 the restaurant industry projected a 4.9 percent growth in sales over the previous

year.' Although the numbers appear to be positive for the industry, some in the industry are not

experiencing positive growth results. Because of the changing eating habits of Americans and the

decline in the number of meals eaten at home, restaurants must be able to provide variety and

convenience to meet the growing demands of modem consumers.

The theme-based sector of the restaurant industry started in 1965 with the opening of the first

TGI Fridays in New York City. The first Fridays did not have a large menu selection. What it did

have was a new and unique atmosphere that integrated an entertaining environment. The formula

worked and new companies have been copying similar formulae ever since. TGI Fridays was the

first TBR to enhance the eating experience by offering some type of entertainment to its guests. For

example, some people like to see a bartender spin a bottle before making a cocktail. Because

competing TBRs often have similar menus, the restaurants have to offer unique experiences that

cannot be provided by the competition. Marketing courses teach that the number two company

'Norman S. Baer is a former Master of Agribusiness student. P.J. van Blokland,
Gary F. Fairchild, and John E. Reynolds are Professors in the Department of Food and Resource
Economics, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.


should do the opposite of the number one company. If a company is the leader in a certain aspect

of its industry, the second-placed firm should not follow the leader. Instead, the second-placed firm

should develop its own ideas to attract the leader's clientele. The problem is that too many TBRs

"follow the leader" by copying successful ideas, thereby losing their own uniqueness. For instance,

look at how many companies have a battered and fried onion appetizer. Competition is good, and

a positive outcome of the increased competition is that TBRs have become more effective and

efficient in meeting consumer demands.

TBRs must continually provide new unique themes and special offers to attract and hold onto

their market share. This offers consumers the opportunity to choose not only the type of meal, but

also the level of service and venue. The increase in competition, however, does come with a price.

There has been a recent wave of TBRs that have entered the market that have not escaped unscathed

such as the Planet Hollywood and Fashion Caf6 franchises. The TBRs that are experiencing

growth are noted mainly for their uniqueness.

The Ale House Restaurant is a growing TBR-chain that is experiencing a better-than-average

growth and does not seem to be affected by any national companies copying its ideas. The Ale House

caters to a mixed clientele that ranges from college students to families to professionals. It

incorporates a casual environment with daily specials to satisfy a multitude of tastes.

Becoming a general manager (GM) for a TBR-chain is a long and arduous task. A GM must

learn and be able to perform all the job requirements of the entire staff. A GM must be willing to

work many hours and be available to handle situations as they come up no matter what the time of

day or night it is. According to The Wall Street Journal's industry analysis, there is a current

increase in GM turnover within the restaurant industry. However, being a GM does have its rewards.

A GM employed by a large TBR-chain can expect an annual base salary of between $45,000 and

$55,000 and, with various bonus plans, a GM can expect an annual salary exceeding $75,000.

Therefore, it is a good field to enter if there are no outside commitments that will be affected by the

long hours required for the job.


Internship Application Process

The following are excerpts of Norman Baer's internship interview process with the Gainesville Ale

Dave Reid
Regional Supervisor

I contacted the Ale House corporate headquarters in Jupiter, Florida, to express my desire to obtain
a management position with their company. The company's regional supervisor, Dave Reid, contact
me to make arrangements for us to meet at the Gainesville Ale House to discuss my candidacy for
a management position. Mr. Reid is the previous general manager of the Gainesville restaurant and
S is familiar with the operations of my past employers in Gainesville. Mr. Reid and I discussed my
past experience, education and desire to be part of the management structure. Mr. Reid explained
to me the qualities that the organization is looking for in a candidate being considered for a
management position such as work experience at similar high volume theme restaurants and a
strong kitchen background. Mr. Reid stated that I had plenty of experience dealing with customers
and employees, but not enough experience dealing with high volume food sales in a corporate
environment. He suggested that I speak to one of the general managers of the company to get the
experience that I was lacking.

Mark Judy
General Manager

I contacted the general manager of the Gainesville Ale House and explained the results of my
meeting with Dave Reid. I arranged a meeting to discuss an internship with the Ale House to acquire
the experience I lacked. Mr. Judy explained to me why the Ale House management thinks that the
kitchen's performance is vital to the success of the company. The Ale House food sales percentage
is over 70 percent in gross sales. The more effective and efficient the kitchen performs, the more
profitable the restaurant is. I discussed my background with Mr. Judy and he made the arrangement
for me to meet with the kitchen manager, Scott Goldenberg.

Scott Goldenberg
Kitchen Manager

I met with Mr. Goldenberg and explained my expectations. Mr. Goldenberg asked about my past
kitchen experience to evaluate at what level I should begin. I have had experience with all aspects
of kitchen work, but none with a restaurant that did as much volume as the Ale House. Mr.
Goldenberg and I agreed that I should learn about their operation by starting with the most basic
position and advance through all the positions in the kitchen.

Internship Progession Journal

Day 1:

The first day at the Ale House requires the administrative procedure be completed. Tax

forms and all relevant documentation are completed in compliance with set guidelines. All interns

are required to read and sign an employee handbook that outlines company policies.2 Once all the

paperwork is completed, an intern is escorted by the kitchen manager (KM) through the kitchen area

to familiarize the intern with the kitchen's operation and location of products. The kitchen area is

referred to as the Back of House (BOH) while the area occupied by the customers is referred to as

the Front of House (FOH). The BOH is divided into various production areas. The BOH has two

distinctive line areas. The front area of the BOH, which is seen by the customers, is the front line.

This is where food preparation is completed before being passed on to the FOH. The front line of

the BOH is composed of the line cooks. The back line is the prep area.

An intern is taught the five following restaurant controls: (1) order it correctly, (2) receive

it correctly, (3) store it correctly, (4) prepare it correctly, and (5) do not let it die in the window.

2Refer to Ale House Handbook

These five controls are essential to the smooth operation of a restaurant. Translated they mean:

(1) make sure to order the correct amount so that the product is available

(2) make sure that the product ordered is received with the delivery

(3) make sure the product is stored to prevent spoilage

(4) make sure all customer orders are prepared correctly to minimize waste

(5) make sure all customer orders are delivered so that they are fresh when received.

Back of House

The prep area is where most of the meal components are prepared for the front line cooks.

Examples of prep area operations include the prep cooks slicing tomatoes and tearing lettuce for

salads and slicing a whole beef loin into individual steaks. The prep area is shared by the prep cooks

and the dishwashers. The BOH has two walk-in refrigeration units with each unit having an internal

* freezer unit. The smaller of the two units is located close to the front line to serve as a supply chain

supplement for final food preparation. A dry-store room is located between the line area and the

larger refrigeration unit. The dry storage area holds food items that do not require refrigeration as

well as other restaurant products and cleaning supplies.

An intern's first assignment is prep cook. A prep cook assignment familiarizes interns with

the restaurant's menu and the proper preparation of menu items. The Ale House has a

pre-established menu guideline that is followed at all of the company's units. These guidelines

ensure a standardized product at every restaurant. In addition, besides the standard menu found at

every Ale House Restaurant, the management of each restaurant creates a customized in-house menu

to differentiate itself from the other Ale Houses.

Day 2 through Week 3:

All interns are supervised by the senior kitchen personnel. An assignment is given to review

the Ale House's three master recipe books that lists all the menu items. The recipe books act as

tutorials in preparing the finalized dishes. The recipe books give all the specs for each item by

giving the volume of each ingredient and the directions for the proper preparation of its components.3

The three recipe books are used in sequence as a guide for transforming raw products into meals.

Throughout the first few weeks of training, interns are instructed on the company's hygiene policies

and the safety standards that are to be followed. All restaurants must follow certain guidelines that

are regulated by various government agencies. The Ale House adheres strictly to the set guidelines.

The Ale House takes precautions to ensure that all health regulations are followed for proper food

safety. For example, there are six cutting boards that are color-coded for specific tasks in order to

minimize cross-contamination. Also, food products must be kept at specific temperatures to prevent

spoilage and to ensure shelf life. Throughout the kitchen are copies of a temperature chart that

shows temperature ranges for various food storage and preparation.4

Federal and state governments set the health standards that are to be followed. Health

inspections are performed by a state inspector twice a year. The state inspector has the power to

issue warnings and citations (fines) and to close restaurants that do not meet health codes.

The KM periodically quizs interns on food preparation to ensure that the interns are learning

proper techniques and proportions for each product/menu item. Proper technique includes cutting

items to a specified standard since customers judge menu items for aesthetics as well as for taste.

3Book 1. See Baby Back Ribs Prep instruction page for BOH employees prep cooks.

4See The Ale House Food Safety guide sheet.

Week 3 through Week 12:

In addition to the KM, the GM also periodically evaluates how the interns are progressing.

The daily operations of the restaurant require a specific order in which each task is accomplished for

optimal, operational efficiency of the restaurant and the organization.

Certain items must be prepared more often than other items and the preparation time of these

items sometimes overlaps. By quantifying each task, an intern learns to maximize production. It

is also important to learn to multi-task. One example of multi-tasking is the preparation of brownies.

The time needed for the brownie batter to mix in the mixing machine can be used to perform another

task; and the time needed for the brownies to cook can be used for other responsibilities. Some

employees do more than one task at a time and have learned that, by organizing the production of

certain activities, they can maximize production capability.

During this time in the internship, interns take on new responsibilities. At the beginning of

each day, an inventory is taken and compared to the daily restaurant requirements in order to make

a daily production list.5 Interns are involved in the preparation of the daily productivity list. They

are also assigned responsibilities by management personnel for handling specific problems or duties.

Day 90:

The Ale House has a 90-day probation period for evaluating new personnel. During the

probation period management determine whether an individual can meet the company's policies and

learn to perform at a satisfactory level. Each person is assigned a direct supervisor. Interns are

'See preparation chart. The left column lists the product name. The morning (starting)
inventory is written under the appropriate date. Next to the starting inventory is the daily
requirement for the item. The last space is the amount needed to bring the inventory up to the
daily requirement. The inventory list shows what items need to be prepared by the prep cooks
and is used to make the daily production list.

supervised by the KM. At the end of the 90-day probation period, a written evaluation is placed in

the permanent file of each employee. An intern's 90-day evaluation involves regular conferences

with the KM and periodic conferences with the GM to discusses the intern's progress. If an intern's

progress is commendable, the KM and the GM will recommend the intern for management


Month 3 through Month 6:

The intern should now be familiar with all aspects of the BOH's back line operations and is

now ready to learn its front line operations as a line cook. The front line has five cooking


(1) Saut6: prepares all pasta/saut6 dishes, helps stock saut6/grill side of line,
and assists grill cook

(2) Grill: prepares all grilled items (steaks, burgers, chicken, and fish),
uses steamer to prepare food (lobster, oysters, clams, and vegetables)

(3) Drop: prepares all items that get breaded and placed into the fryers

(4) Pickup: removes items from fryers and players, prepares items for
presentation, and prepares all special salads

(5) Middle: most important position. Is in charge of the line, calls out orders to be
prepared, organizes all activity, and is in charge of final production.

Each of these five positions involves different responsibilities and varying degrees of ability.

A line cook must be familiar with the second master recipe book.6 An intern's first

assignment is saut6 cook. Of the five front line positions, the saut6 position differs from the other

6Book 2 demonstrates how to continue adding value for the next step in preparing a meal.
Restated: the line cook takes an item prepared by a prep cook and continues the process of
preparing the meal. See Bar-b-que Baby Back Ribs instruction page for FOH employees line
cooks and expos.

four positions in that the saute position is located off-line and the workload varies, while the other

positions are grouped together and have a steady workload. As a line cook, an intern is responsible

for cooking the food items prepared by the prep cooks. By first being a prep cook, an intern becomes

familiar with the ingredients for each dish, but this does not train an intern on how to cook each dish.

As a saut6 cook, an intern learns how to correctly toss a pasta dish in a saut6 pan without having half

the ingredients fly out of the pan and to properly saut6 foods.

By working near the grill cook, a saut6 cook learns the grill cook's responsibilities. During

the transitional stage, an intern is taught how to switch back and forth between both positions to

learn correct pacing. As a grill cook, an intern must be able to judge cooking times and food

temperatures to prepare dishes to customers' requests.

Once an intern is familiar with the saute /grill side of the line, he learns the fry side. The fry

* side consists of two cooks a drop cook and a pickup cook. The drop cook must learn how to

batter and drop each item into the fryers so that all items complete the cooking/frying process at the

same time. The pickup cook must learn to identify what is in each fry basket and to put all the orders

together in the proper sequence. The pickup cook must also make sure all salads are prepared

correctly and are sent out in a timely manner. It is important that the drop cook and pickup cook

learn to work together as a team to become efficient.

The middle person is responsible for the smooth operation of the front line. This person

oversees all the line cooks to make sure that everything gets prepared and delivered at the right time.

The Ale House is determined to satisfy its customers' dining needs by guaranteeing quick and

professional service. To achieve this goal, the management has set specific guidelines for the

kitchen staff. One of these guidelines is that food items must be prepared within specific time limits.

If a time limit is exceeded, the manager must be notified to inform the customers) of delays and to

provide a satisfactory remedy. Time limits for food preparation are as follows: appetizers 7

minutes, entrees -12 minutes, and desserts 4 minutes. A manager usually responds by issuing a

complimentary dessert or drink to the party whose food order is detained.

During this part of the internship, the KM trains the interns on the fiscal operations of the

restaurant. Interns are introduced to the restaurant's fiscal production tables and inventory statistics

that are used to keep the operation flowing. The production tables show how much volume the

restaurant is doing and compares this information to the same time period of the previous year to

indicate increasing or decreasing sales volume. These tables divide sales between food and liquor

and compare total sales against total product costs. The total sales of every restaurant in the

company are charted to compare individual restaurant sales. The KM takes inventory three times a

week to determine what is needed for successful operation of the restaurant. An order is then placed

with a supplier (Sysco Food Services) to ensure that production runs smoothly. The Ale House uses

a Just-in-Time inventory method since storage space is usually limited.

Front of House

The next step in the internship is to become familiar with FOH operations.7 The Ale House

requires all FOH employees to take an in-restaurant server course and examination to ensure that all

employees are familiar with the products, and that consistency is maintained in customer service and

product quality and presentation. All FOH employees must be familiar with the third master recipe

book. This book has photographs that demonstrate how the final product should appear before being

served to customers. The book also lists garnishes and appropriate condiments for each item.

7See Key steps to a Positive Guest Experience guide sheet.


Servers have the most direct contact with customers on a daily basis. Interning as a server

gives interns the chance to develop communication skills and how to properly address and interact

with customers. As a server, interns also learn how orders are delivered to the customers

Bartender is considered a prestigious position in any restaurant. The Ale House bartenders

are geared towards food as the priority as opposed to alcohol as the priority. Bar duties are divided

into two distinct positions bartenders and barbacks. Bartenders deal directly with customers,

while barbacks assist the bartender. Barbacks are responsible for stocking production inventory and

keeping the bar area clean.

The Ale House has a master drink recipe book that its bartenders must follow for all common

drinks and house specialty drinks. Bartenders have more control over situations and are classed

above the servers. Bartenders also tend to make more money than servers not only in salary but also

in tips.

Expediters, or expos, act as liaisons between the BOH and FOH. The expo must be familiar

with all menu items and is responsible for ensuring that all customer orders are correct, properly

prepared, and served in a timely manner.

An important step in an intern's progression at the Ale House is the position called Key

employee. A key employee is a hybrid position that is a cross between manager and regular

employee. This person must know the operations of both the FOH and BOH and fills in when the

restaurant is short a manager. This can occur when a manager takes vacation or during busy times,

such as holidays or special events. Otherwise, a key employee works his or her regular duties when

not needed in a management capacity. Becoming a key employee is one way to progress to GM.

Another way to progress towards management is to become an in-house trainer with the company.

An in-house trainer trains new restaurant employees and helps with the opening of new

restaurants. This person is in charge of training new employees in the proper procedures of the Ale

House and helps to ensure that new employees know what to do. An in-house trainer is essential if

a new store is to be successful and for the company to expand.

The first true step an employee takes to management in the Ale House is as floor manager

(FM). An FM is responsible for guaranteeing that everything in restaurant operation runs smoothly

and handles any problems that may occur. An FM is the person who addresses a customer if there

is a problem with a food order, be it late or ill prepared. Also, an FM is responsible for all employee

work schedules and for closing the restaurant at night. Closing the restaurant at night includes doing

the closing paper work and making sure that everything is secure before leaving. The Ale House

uses the FM position as a starting point for training potential GMs. FMs receive company training

in how to do cost and production tables so that they can better understand production efficiency. An

FM works an average of 45 to 50 hours per week, with special events increasing the number of work


Assistant kitchen manager (AKM) is the next position up in the hierarchical chain of

leadership. The Ale House considers food sales to be more essential than alcohol sales. Food sales

constitute approximately 70 percent of gross sales. The AKM shares many duties with the KM and

is in charge of the BOH when the KM is unavailable. The AKM is responsible for the smooth

operation of the BOH and fills in wherever there are problems. Therefore, the AKM must be

familiar with all the kitchen positions because he helps with inventory control, keeps count of the

food and supply inventories, and does all the ordering when the KM is not present. The KM has the

final say on how ordering and food preparation are accomplished.

O The KM has the second most important job in a restaurant. This person has the

responsibility of keeping food costs down to increase restaurant profitability. The KM must deal

with food suppliers to ensure that the best prices are obtained and that deliveries are on time so that

production is never hindered. Because a KM is involved in a restaurant's fiscal operations, he must

recognize how costs are weighed against gross sales and learn how to recognize profit ratios. A KM

position is one of the hardest management positions to learn because of all the variables that can go

wrong. For example, insufficient food inventories or broken equipment can be very detrimental to


The Assistant General Manager (AGM) position is vital to the smooth operation of the

restaurant. The AGM must be able to do any job in the restaurant at any time and must know how

to handle any problem that may occur. The AGM position is the last step taken before becoming a

* GM. The AGM must take the GM's place when the GM is unavailable and must be able to make

leadership decisions. The upper management of the Ale House is very careful about advancing a

person to this position. The AGM works closely with the GM to help the restaurant to continually

increase its sales while maintaining its profitability ratios. The Ale House corporate management

works closely with the AGMs and GMs by routinely scheduling meetings with them to discuss what

is happening at their restaurant as well as with other restaurants within the company. The company

also has general meetings that include all the company's AGMs and GMs to discuss what is currently

happening within the company and to discuss the future of the company. The AGM is in constant

contact with the GM for guidance in learning how to be a good GM.

The General Manager (GM) position is the highest level a person can achieve in a restaurant.

An individual must be willing to invest a lot of time and effort to successfully reach this goal. A GM

should expect to work over sixty hours a week. The GM has the responsibility of overseeing all

operations of the restaurant. To accomplish this, he must be willing to work lots of hours to have

a successful restaurant. The GM must work closely with the AGM and KM and must learn to trust

their judgment in handling situations. Having a well-trained management staff is crucial to the

success of a restaurant. GMs are given incentives by the corporate management to make the Ale

House restaurants more profitable. In addition, to their base salaries, GMs receive bonuses in the

form of cash and company benefits, such as cars.

The Gainesville Ale House is part of the Ale House Restaurant Company with headquarters

in Jupiter, Florida. The company, which started with one restaurant and the inspiration of its

founder, Jack Miller, has now grown to include almost twenty restaurants. As the company continues

to grow, it has changed its original hiring practices. In the beginning, the Ale House hired

successful, experienced upper managers from other TBRs, such as TGI Fridays which is considered

an industry leader in the training of its managers. The Ale House has reached the point where it now

has qualified management candidates within its own organization.

As interns at Ale House Restaurants, interns are given the opportunity to see how the

organization works from a hierarchal (bottom-to-top) perspective by experiencing each level of

employment within the company. By training its employees and interns in all aspects of the

company's production areas, the Ale House feels that it can develop successful leaders for its

company. Promoting from within the company helps to retain good employees. The company has

been very successful in keeping its managers apprised of what other restaurants within the company

are doing and in exchanging information within the company.

Final Analysis

The TBR industry continues to expand. There are many advancement opportunities for

individuals who are willing to invest the time and effort necessary to be successful in the restaurant

profession. Providing internship training is an excellent way for companies to produce successful

GMs who know how to handle people (employees and customers) and difficult situations.

Although the methods used by the Ale House are commendable, there are problems. What

looks good in theory does not necessarily translate into reality. For example, this intern has worked

in the industry for over 10 years and has seen first-hand how things really work. For every company

that rewards its employees based on merit with opportunities for advancement, there are other

companies that do not and these rewards are not always evenly distributed. Some examples of how

the system fails are as follows:

Example 1: The kitchen is the hardest position to learn. Therefore, good cooks are often not

promoted to management because they are considered too valuable in their current positions.

Example 2: Management chooses who advances. Too often advancement is based on the

practice of favoritism which can undermine the successful operation of a restaurant.

Example 3: Most management bonus systems work so inefficiently that some managers

become more concerned with short-term profits and ratios instead of long-term profitability. A bad

bonus system can cost the company profits it could be realizing.

Hopefully, in the future, TBRs (and restaurants in general) will find ways to benefit everyone

involved in the restaurant industry.




1 tub Scheiber BBQ spice
1 tub Scheiber poultry meat rub

1 30# case of ribs


1. Peel skin off the backs of all the ribs.
2. Next lay "bone side down" on a full size sheet tray. Be
sure not to overlap ribs.
3. Sprinkle ribs with spice mixture 1 oz. volume per rack of
ribs Add 1 cups of water per each rack of ribs per tray.
Wrap each tray with plastic wrap and foil.
4. Place trays into a 250 degree oven for 3 hours. Remove
from oven, drain off all juice, uncover, and place in walk-
in to cool. Allow 15 minutes.for ribs to cool.
5. When ribs have cooled, place 1 ounce of BBQ on each
side of rib and
individually wrap with plastic wrap. Place day dot on
each rack and
place back in cooler.

Wash and sanitize your hands
before you begin your shift or
after you may have
contaminated your hands!

Cool hot foods to at least 70
degrees within 2 hours and to
at least 41 degrees within an
additional 4 bburs!

You must wear
sanitary gloves when
handling any food product
that will not be consumed
within 4 hours!

Perform a thorough
Health Inspection
Check the dish machine for
proper sanitation levels
at least twice a day! *

> Reheat hot foods to

at least 165 degrees.

> Hold hot foods at

140 degrees or above.

> Hold cold foods at

41 degrees or below.@

The Ale House

Food Safety

Par W/ Date_
Lue Rn

uct Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
S16/20 4 4 4 6 8 8 5 Xl=
36/40 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 X1=
Scallops 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 X1=
Chef Ham 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 XL=
1/3 PAI
Saute Butter 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 Xl=
Seafood 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Xl-
Salad CLEX
Linguini 30 25 25 40 60 60 30 X1=
1 LB
Fettuccine 10 10 10 20 30 30 15 Xl=
1 LB
Nacho Meat 6 6 6 8 12 12 8 X1=
1/3 PAI
ajita Veg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1
Pico De Gallo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X=
Tuna Salad 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 X1=
Steak Stix 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 Xl=

Pommos 10 10 10 16 16 16 12 Xl=
1 EA
--__ -- --- --- ---- ---
St. Helens 1 1 1 1 1 1 Xl=
Clam 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 Xl=
Chowder CLEX
Conch 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 X1=
Chowder C LEX
Onion Soup 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Xl=
arinara 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 XI=
---- -- ------ -CLEX--- -- -
Cole Slaw 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 X1=



1/2 rack = 7-8 bones
full rack = 12-14 bones prepared ribs
BBQ sauce (as-needed)


1. Place desired number of ribs in a 425 degree oven for
approx. 4 minutes.
2. Remove ribs from oven.
3. Place ribs on grill, meat side down (inside of arch up) 3
minutes flip over for another 3 minutes.
4. Spread BBQ sauce over ribs coating each side thoroughly
while still cooking.
5. When ribs are evenly coated, remove from grill and place
on a 13" wooden plate.


SPlace steak knife under ribs leaving handle showing, place
4oz. coleslaw and parsley wet-nap between fries and ribs.












An Introduction to the Teaching and Learning
Paper Series

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Perspectives In Human Resource Management: A
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Foods, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida

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Agribusiness Management Education

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Russell Porvisions, Distributor of Boar's Head
Deli Meat and Cheese: A Dicision Case

TRACER: A New Market Challenge: A Case
Study of a Marketing Plan for Dow Agro Sciences

Gary F. Fairchild

Gary F. Fairchild

Aaron Troyer
Gary Fairchild
Richard Weldon
P.J. van Blokland

Pavan Her
Allen Wysocki
Gary Fairchild
Patrick J. Byrne

Ferdinand F. Wirth
Suzanne D. Thomsbury

Benjamin Brown
Allen Wysocki

Meagan Langford
Allen Wysocki

Cara Martin
Patrick Byrme
Richard Wledon
Ken Buhr


TLP 99-1

TLP 99-2

TLP 99-3

TLP 99-4

LP 99-5

TLP 99-6

TLP 99-7

TLP 00-1








