Goodly guava

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Goodly guava
Alternate Title:
Bulletin - University of Florida Agricultural Extension Service ; 70
Thursby, Isabelle S.
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, Fla.
Cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, University of Florida
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Guavas ( jstor )
Recipes ( jstor )
Fruit preserves ( jstor )

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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P. K. YONGE, Chairman, Pensacola
FRANK J. WIDEMAN, West Palm Beach
GEO. H. BALDWIN, Jacksonville
J. T. DIAMOND, Secretary, Tallahassee


JOHN J. TIGERT, M.A., LL.D., President of the University
WILMON NEWELL, D.Sc., Director
A. P. SPENCER, M.S., Vice-Director and County Agent Leader
R. M. FULGHUM, B.S.A., Assistant Editor
E. F. STANTON, Supervisor, Egg-Laying Contest


W. T. NETTLES, B.S., District Agent
H. G. CLAYTON, M.S.A., District Agent, Organization and Outlook Specialist
J. LEE SMITH, District Agent and Agronomist
R. W. BLACKLOCK, A.B., Boys' Club Agent
HAMLIN L. BROWN, B.S., Dairyman
E. F. DEBUSK, B.S., Citriculturist
N. R. MEHRHOF, M. AGR., Poultryman
WALTER J. SHEELY, B.S., Agent in Animal Husbandry1
J. E. TURLINGTON, Ph.D., Agricultural Economist2
FRANK W. BRUMLEY, M.S.A., Agricultural Economist, Farm Management
W. R. BRIGGS, B.S.A., Assistant Agricultural Economist, Farm Management
D. E. TIMMONS, M.S.A., Agricultural Economist, Marketing
CARLYLE CARR, B.S., Specialist in Rodent Control'

LUCY BELLE SETTLE, B.S., District Agent
RUBY McDAvmI, District Agent
MARY E. KEOWN, M.S., District Agent
VIRGINIA P. MOORE, Home Improvement Agent
ISABELLE S. THURSBY, Economist in Food Conservation
ANNA MAE SIKES, B.S., Nutritionist

A. A. TURNER, Local District Agent
ROSA J. BALLARD, Local District Home Demonstration Agent

lln cooperation with U. S. D. A.



Introduction ............... .. 5
Preservation of the Guava....... 8
Canned Guavas ............ 9
Guava Sauce ............... 10
Guava Juice for Jelly Making 10
Guava Juice for Punch...... 10
Guava Jelly ............... 10
Pectin and Acid Necessary for
Jelly .................... 11
ThePectin Test............. 12
Commercial Pectins ........ 12
Guava Butter .............. 12
Guava Paste No. 1.......... 13
Guava Paste No. 2.......... 13
Variations in Guava Paste... 14
Guava Gumdrops ........... 15
Guava Preserves ........... 15
Spiced Guava Special ....... 16
Guava Pickle-Baked....... 16
Guava Sweet Pickle......... 16
Guava Catsup ............. 16
Guava Chutney No. 1........ 17
Guava Chutney No. 2........ 17
Tropical Relish ............ 18
Guava Salads ................. 18
Florida Salad .............. 18
Cream Dressing ........... 18
Flamingo Salad ............ 18
Lime Dressing ........... 19
Virginia Salad ............ 19
Guava Sandwiches ............. 19
Guava Preserve Sandwich... 19
Guava and Nut Sandwich.... 19
Sandwich de Luxe.......... 20

Guava Desserts-Hot ........... 20
Guava Brown Betty ........ 21
Guava Roly-Poly ........... 21
Guava Duff ............... 21
Guava Shortcake Supreme... 22
Guava Up-Side-Down Cake.. 22
Guava Gingerbread ........ 22
Lemon Sauce .............. 23


Honey Topping ............ 23
Guava Tapioca-Baked...... 23
Guava Jam Cake............ 23
Guava Fritters ............ 24
Fruit Juice Sauce........... 24
Guava a-la-Gadsden Pudding 24
Guava de Luxe Pudding..... 24
Orange Marshmallow Sauce. 24
Guava Kutchen ............ 25
Guava Tea Ring ........... 25
Guava Sauce Cake.......... 26
Lemon or Lime Butter Icing.. 26
Lady Tavares Guava Cake... 26

Guava Desserts-Cold .......... 27
Florida Fruit Cup.......... 27
Guavas with Cream......... 27
Guava Meringue ........... 27
Guava Delicious No. 1....... 27
Guava Delicious No. 2....... 27
Guava Whip No. 1.......... 28
Guava Whip No. 2.......... 28
Guava Nut Whip........... 28
Mid-Summer Dessert........ 28
Guava Ice Box Cake......... 29
Paradise Pie .............. 29
Guava Ice Cream........... 29
Guava Ice Cream Special.... 30
Buttermilk Guava Sherbet... 30
Guava Ice ................. 30

Easily Frozen Guava Desserts... 30
Frozen Guava Sauce........ 30
Frozen Fruit Salad No. 1.... 31
Frozen Fruit Salad No. 2.... 31
Frozen Fruit Salad No. 3.... 31

Guava Beverages .............. 31
Tropical Cooler ............ 31
Guabana Special ........... 32
Palm Beach Punch.......... 32
Pansy's Smash ............ 32
Hollywood Highball ........ 32
Frozen Summer Punch...... 32
Miami Blend .............. 32

Written and Compiled by

It may be difficult to tie the guava unto one's bouquet of poetic
remembrances of semi-tropical Florida, with its flashing red
hibiscus blossoms and dawn pink oleanders, but that is just where
the guava belongs. It is found here, there, everywhere. It may
be seen as an ornamental planting on the lawn of a millionaire's
estate, or again as the only shade and only fruit tree about an
humble shack.
The guava, botanically known as Psidium guajava, is the most
important pomological fruit of the myrtaceous family, to which
itbelongs. The myrtaceous family comprises an interesting lot
of aromatic plants, with blossoms bearing many long and con-
spicuous stamens. Of the better known economic family connec-
tions are the clove, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. This prob-
ably accounts for the always highly-some would say obtrusively
-aromatic property of the guava. Other fruit plants of this
family are the beautiful little Surinam or Florida cherry, the
downy myrtle, and the larger growing, handsome rose-apple.
On the ornamental side of the family, there is the eucalyptus,
myrtus, callistemon, metrosideros, and melaleuca, all valuable
and dependable plants for Florida gardens.
The guava often is referred to as Florida's substitute peach.
It is different from the northern peach, however, in that it does
not produce all of its bloom at one time, but will bloom and bear
fruit throughout the year. In productiveness it excels most other
fruit trees, having no barren years. It is most admirable as
being one of the least exacting of all the tropical fruits in cultural
requirements, growing and flourishing under a variety of con-
ditions and spreading rapidly from seed.
The fruit of the guava may be round or elongated in shape,
with a tender, white, yellow or green skin-even when ripe. The
flesh varies from white to deep pink, yellow to salmon red; may
be sweet, refreshingly acid, or exceedingly acid; and contains
many small seed. It ranges from the size of a walnut to that of
a fine apple or pear.
As soon as one is accustomed to its penetrating odor, the guava
is accounted one of the most delicious and fascinating of fruits,
the taste for which is acquired to an astonishing extent.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Fig. 1.-The Guava, least exacting of all tropical fruits in cultural require-
ments, distinctive in character, free bearing over a long period of time.

An early explorer1 writes interestingly of the guava: "It bears
an apple more substantial than those of Spain and of greater
weight even when of the same size. And it contains many seed,
or more properly speaking, it is full of small, hard stones, and to
those who are not used to eating the fruit these stones are some-
times troublesome, but to those familiar with it, the fruit is beau-
tiful and appetizing. Some are red within, others white, and per-
sons who are accustomed to it esteem it as a very good fruit, much
better than the apple."
Of the common guava, the pear-shaped and round types repre-
sent two of the many varieties found in Florida. The pear-shaped
forms are often called pear guavas and the round ones apple
guavas. The varieties to be grown should be chosen carefully as
there is a marked difference in color, smoothness, size, flavor,
thickness of meat, and degree of acidity. Select the variety for
eating out of the hand, for serving in the fresh state, and for
most cooking and canning purposes, those types which bear large,
'From "Natural History of the Indies", by Gonzalo Hernandez de Oviedo,

The Goodly Guava

meaty fruit with a slightly sub-acid flavor. For jelly-making,
punch and paste, only the acid varieties are recommended.
The diminutive Cattley guava, Psidium cattleianum, with at-
tractive, glossy, dark leaves, is especially adapted to use in hedges
and is much hardier than the so-called common guava. There are
two varieties, one bearing enormous quantities of dark, red fruit,
called the strawberry guava, because of its suggestive flavor, and
the other bearing yellow fruit, called Chinese. The fruit of this

Fig. 2.-The Cattley guava makes a charming hedge and furnishes an
abundance of delicious fruit.

hardy variety may be used in the same way that the other variety
is used. The Cattley type lacks the pronounced flavor of Psidium
guajava and, for this reason, is usually preferred-at first any-
way-by the newcomer in the State. Besides its productivity,
its ability to withstand severe frosts and attacks from insect pests,
it comes true when grown from seed.
The common guava, unlike the Cattley, does not come true
from seed. It should, therefore, be propagated by means of root
cuttings, budding or grafting to control parentage and variety.

Florida Cooperative Extension

One or two trees of superior quality are to be found in nearly
every guava grove in Florida.
The guava succeeds in nearly every type soil, thriving in light
sandy soils or on the heavier land. While it will produce satis-
factory crops under poor conditions, the guava responds most
generously to cultivation and fertilization. Barnyard manure
may be used or a complete chemical fertilizer will stimulate
growth and aid greatly in the production of large, fine fruit.
The use of the guava in the diet may be justified on the score
of its hygienic and medicinal virtues. The analysis shows the
mineral content as being a little higher than for most fruits. The
guava contains more than the average amount of potassium,
which contributes to its potential alkalinity. The guava is rich
in vitamin C, said to be an important factor in preventing tooth
decay and of much of the so-called rheumatism in children and
The guava may be either eaten out of the hand, sliced with
cream, served in shortcake and pie, or made into jelly, jam, or
preserves. It is pre-eminently a fruit for jelly-making and other
preserving purposes. Indeed, guava jelly is conceded to be the
"facile princeps" of its kind. It is interesting to note that the
acid and pectin are so concentrated that three times the weight
in sugar may be added to the juice. It is estimated that 100
pounds of fresh, acid guavas will yield 350 pounds of jelly. More-
over, acid guavas are often extracted three or four times and the
fourth extraction even will yield an acceptable quality of jelly.
In the vernacular of a present-day enthusiast, we have this
recommendation for the use of the guava in the fresh state:
"Pick out some nice, large guavas and peel them carefully. Scoop
out the seed mass and run it through the fruit press. Slice the
guava into spoonful chunks and mix with the fruit from which
the seed has been extracted, add a little sugar and a little lemon
or lime juice. Put in the ice-box until ready to serve, and then
serve with good, rich fresh cream. Oh boy! a peach in its prime
is no better."


Guavas may be canned, preserved, spiced or made into butter
and paste, relishes, catsups and chutneys. The juice may be used
for punch and jelly stock. These are some of the products that
should be made by the provident Florida housewife.

The Goodly Guava

There are several ways of canning guavas. They may be canned
whole, peeled, or unpeeled; may be halved, seeds removed by
means of the dilver or a fruit press, and this pulp returned to
halves and cooked with them. Or shells and pulp may be cooked
Wash, remove blossom end. Peel, if skin is blemished in any
way. Cook two to three minutes (according to size and ripeness
of fruit) in boiling, thin, or medium syrup. This preliminary
cooking is given in order to have full pack when processing is
completed. If "peach" pack is desired and guavas are large and
thick meated, halves may be packed in jars, after very slight pre-
cook, in over-lapping layers. The concave surface of each half
should be downward and the blossom end should face the glass.
Add a tablespoon of hot syrup with each layer. Process 20 to 25

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Fig. 3.-The fruit press is indispensable equipment in the preparation of
guavas. This one is of heavy weight aluminum and will last a lifetime.
It will be found useful in many other ways about the kitchen.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Take ripe, well-flavored, acid guavas. Wash fruit and remove
blossom and stem ends and any blemishes oi skin. Run through
fruit press to remove seed. Measure. Cook in heavy aluminum
kettle until somewhat thickened. Add two or more cups sugar
(according to acidity of fruit) to four cups of pulp and cook
rapidly again for about 15 minutes, stirring often. Pour into hot
jars, put immediately into boiling water bath and process five
minutes. This is excellent for pudding sauces, shortcakes, cob-
blers, gelatin desserts or for use in making guava ice cream.

Acid and not over-ripe fruit should be selected both for'making
jelly stock and for serving as a drink, because a juice of low
acidity produces jelly of inferior quality and the punch would lack
flavor. In fact, the sweet varieties of guavas, not only do not
produce a large amount of jelly, but from some of the fruit it is
difficult to make jelly at all without an added acid.
Wash guavas thoroughly, and cut into pieces. To one pound
of fruit, add one quart of water. Boil gently in a deep kettle for
30 minutes or until soft, with occasional stirring. Remove from
fire, strain through cheesecloth bag, then through a clean, flannel
bag. Heat juice to simmering, pour immediately into hot, sterile
containers. Seal and process quarts 15 minutes at simmering.
Store in cool, dark place. It is recommended that juice for making
jelly be canned, stored, and made into jelly as needed.

A juice canned for jelly making purposes must not have sugar
added to it. A juice intended for punch, however, may contain
sugar in the proportion of 1/8 to 1/ cup per quart, if desired. In
addition, pieces of the fruit itself, cut small, 1/ cup to a quart,
to be served in the punch, add considerable interest to the product.

Put 2 quarts of juice into an 8 or 10 quart aluminum boiler and
let come to a boil. When juice begins to boil add 2 quarts sugar
and stir until dissolved. When thoroughly dissolved, strain juice
quickly through two thicknesses of cheesecloth to remove any
foreign particles that might have been in the sugar. Return to
fire at once that the boiling may continue without further inter-

The Goodly Guava

ruption. Cook rapidly. No simmering should be allowed, since
slow cooking, as in making preserves, tends to darken the product
and destroy the pectin, causing the jelly to be less. firm when
finished. Cook rapidly to 228 degrees F. or to 109 degrees C.
Read the thermometer accurately by having the eye oh a level
with the 228 degree mark. Stir the jelly just before reading the
thermometer and hold in center of kettle. As soon as the 228
degree mark is reached, remove the jelly from the fire and pour
into jelly glasses. If a thermometer is not used, boil until the
syrup will sheet off the edge of a spoon. This is the jelly test.
The final sheet should tear off along the edge of the spoon, not in
drops, but in a distinct piece.
The jelly glasses should be boiled just before being used. Place
the clean glasses in a pan, pour hot water over and into each until
completely full. Bring to a boil and allow to boil gently until the
jelly is ready to pour out. Then lift the glasses from the water
with long fork or spoon dipped in boiling water. Empty glasses
quickly by shaking out the water; never wipe or touch inside with
the hands. Fill them full with the hot jelly. Allow jelly to cool
for 1 or 2 minutes, then skim with a thin spoon. When cold, fill
the glass with a layer of hot paraffin (not merely melted) and
close with hot, dry jelly glass cover; keep in dry, cool place. The
function of the paraffin is to exclude the air from the surface of
the jelly, which inhibits the growth of molds and retards or pre-
vents evaporation.
If jellies are to be marketed, containers with an air-tight seal
should be used. In this case, the covers must be applied while
the jellies are boiling hot, and of course, no paraffin is needed.

Pectin makes jelly jell. It is related to the starches and is
found most abundantly in unripe fruit. Pectin cannot do its work,
however, except in the presence of an acid. Hence, a fruit juice
that is good for jelly making must contain both pectin and an
acid. Some fruits, like the citrus fruits, plums, sour guavas,
Cattley guavas, grapes, loquats, mayhaws, mangoes, and Surinam
cherries, contain these substances in proper portions for making
perfect jelly. With certain other fruits, either acid or pectin
has to be supplied, to obtain a good jelly.
In making jelly it is necessary to know in general the proportion
of pectin present, as the amount of sugar to be used is governed
by the strength or weakness of the pectin. Tests should be made

Florida Cooperative Extension

to determine whether the fruit juice in question can be used alone
for making jelly, or whether additional pectin will have to be
supplied by adding another fruit juice, a practice preferable to
that of adding an extracted pectin. Also the test tells us whether
a further extraction of juice from the pulp is warranted.

Wood or denatured alcohol may be used, although a 959% alco-
hol is preferable.
Combine 1 tablespoonful cooked and cooled fruit juice and 1
tablespoonful alcohol, and shake gently. If there is a large
amount of pectin present, it will form a solid, gelatinous mass. If
weak in pectin it will collect in small, flocculent particles. Watch
carefully as there may be a tendency for the pectin to go back
into solution in a short time.

Commercial pectins for use in jelly making have made their
appearance on the market in recent years. The use of such com-
mercial pectins is quite legitimate if the housekeeper cares for
them and can afford to pay the price. But she should remember
that combining them with other fruit juices leads merely to a
compound jelly and if used in making jellies for the market, must
be so stated on the label, as otherwise it would be a misbranded
article. Needless to point out, the thrifty housewife can easily
prepare her own pectin from the "rag" of citrus fruits, from
citron or pie melon, for her compound jellies, if she desires that
If the same amount of water is used in cooking guavas of known
variety, the same proportion of juice and sugar taken, if the tem-
perature which is found to give the best jelly is measured with a
thermometer, it will be possible to turn out a uniform product
from season to season.
NOTE: A good jelly or candy thermometer costs from $1.25 to $1.50,
and is a splendid investment for the housewife or club girl who wishes to
take the guess out of jelly making and to standardize her products.

Guava Butter
Wash ripe guavas. Remove blossom and stem ends with paring
knife. If skin is rough and blemished, peel. If not, slice unpeeled
into dilver to remove seed.
Measure pulp. Measure out sugar, allowing 1/2 to 8/4 cup sugar

The Goodly Guava

to each cup of pulp-according to sweetness or acidity-and set
aside. Place pulp in a smooth, heavy aluminum pan and cook
quickly, stirring as needed until thick. Then add sugar (and
spices if liked) and continue cooking until as heavy as desired.
After sugar is added, the mixture requires constant attention.
Butter may be made, of course, from pulp left from jelly drip.
This gives a darker colored product than that made from the
fresh fruit and a more "fruity" flavor that is preferred by many
to that made by the above method.

Guava Paste No. 1
1 part sugar 2 parts guava pulp
The pulp or pomace left from the jelly drip or the pulp from
the fresh guavas may be used. Put through dilver or fruit press
to remove seed. Measure. Cook until thick; add sugar and cook
until the mass clings to spoon as it is stirred. The paste will
require constant attention as it nears the finishing point. A
wooden paddle having a square edge is decidedly better than a
spoon for stirring. The faster the product is cooked the clearer
it will be. It is possible, however, to bake it in a slow oven with
an occasional stir. This gives a very dark color.
The paste should be cooked until it is so stiff that when the
paddle is drawn through it the mass will not readily flow together
again. The paste may be molded, cut in squares, placed on card-
board and wrapped in waxed paper or, preferably, in cellophane-
first covering the cardboard with cellophane or waxed paper. It
may be molded in small wooden or tin boxes, lining the boxes
with carefully fitted oil paper.
The pulp should be canned in season and the paste made only
as needed.
Guava Paste No. 2
1 qt. canned guavas, juice and fruit
1 cup sugar
Drain juice from fruit and rub pulp through a sieve. Cook
sugar and drained juice until a few drops, tried in cold water, will
crack. Add pulp and continue cooking until the mixture follows
the spoon around in a pasty ball. Spread in an oiled pan about 1/
inch thick. Let stand for a day or so to become stiff, then cut
in cubes, strips or fancy shapes, and roll in granulated sugar.
If paste is a little soft a second dusting of sugar may be needed.
Allow a day for drying between the coatings.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Paste may be stored in layers separated by heavy waxed paper,
or in tight tin or wooden boxes, so that no moisture can be taken
from the air.
Owing to the stiffness of the paste it is important that it be
poured out rapidly, and that as soon as it is emptied from the
cooking vessel it be placed in the mold or spread into a sheet of
the desired thickness on a marble, enamel or china surface. This
surface should be oiled or greased and ready to receive the paste
when it is done. The best grades of oils-those having the least
flavor-are most suitable, but for home use lower grade oils,
butter, or even a good grade of lard may be used. Dry paste as
rapidly as possible. It should stand at least 12 hours before it
is cut.
Variations in Guava Paste
Just before removing the paste from the stove, various mix-
tures, nuts, and crystallized citrus fruits may be stirred into it
for the purpose of giving variety to the product. Or immediately
after the paste is poured out, a pecan half or candied kumquat
may be firmly pushed into the mass. After cooling, the paste is
cut around the nut or fruit so that each piece of paste has its
fruit or nut center.
Dust with powdered sugar, or roll into shredded cocoanut, which
has been slightly moistened with heavy syrup. Dry thoroughly.
Wrap and pack as other fruit pastes. Chopped nuts alone may
be used for a filling.
A paste loaf or roll may be made by spreading a mixture of
chopped nuts and candied citrus peel, gingered watermelon rind,
preserved figs and other fruit, fondant or divinity on the paste
and then rolling the mass firmly into a loaf, cutting it like a
jelly roll.
In cutting this candy loaf it is necessary to use a sharp butcher
knife, which should be heated and oiled frequently in order that
the cleavages may be smoothly and easily made.
For still further variety, the paste may be cut into various
shapes, dried thoroughly and coated with fondant, or with choc-
Many attractive and delicious variations may be secured by
the interested and ambitious worker with this best of all fruit

The Goodly Guava

Guava Gumdrops
2 cups guava pulp 2 tbsp. gelatin
2 cups sugar 8 tbsp. cold water
1 to 1% cups chopped pecans 1 tbsp. lemon juice
Put guavas through fruit press. Soak gelatin in cold water.
Add sugar to guava pulp and cook until thick, stirring constantly.
Remove from the heat, add the gelatin and stir until thoroughly
dissolved. Add the nuts and lemon juice and pour into shallow
pans to cool. When set, cut into rectangular pieces and roll in
powdered sugar.
Guava Preserves
Use 3/4 lb. sugar to each pound prepared guavas. Good flavored,
thick meated fruit should be used. If of fine, smooth, unblemished
skin, do not peel, merely remove blossom end and cut in half.
Scoop out seed center and save this pulp for butter or sauce.
Cover guava shells with sugar, add 1/4 cup water and allow to
stand 3 to 4 hours or until sugar is dissolved. Add ginger root,

Fig. 4.-The common apple-shaped guava.

a few slices of lemon and boil until the syrup is somewhat thick-
ened and the fruit transparent. Allow to stand over night. Pack
in hot, sterilized jars, and process pints 15 minutes at simmering.
Or reheat preserves to boiling, pack immediately into hot jars
and simmer 5 minutes.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Spiced Guava Special
4 lbs. prepared guavas 1 lb. pineapple cut in small chunks
31/ lbs. sugar 1 large stick cinnamon
3 cups cider vinegar 1 tbsp. whole allspice
1 cup pineapple juice 1 tbsp. whole cloves
3 blades mace 1/ tsp. salt
Boil syrup mixture for 10 minutes, add prepared fruit and
cook until tender and somewhat transparent. Let stand over
night to absorb syrup. Reheat, put fruit carefully into sterilized
jars, boil syrup heavier if necessary, put over fruit, adjust cover
and simmer pints 10 minutes.

Guava Pickle-Baked
Peel, if skin is blemished. Cut in halves and remove seed.
Cover bottom of large casserole with prepared guavas. Sprinkle
layer of either brown or white sugar over guavas. Alternate the
layers of guavas and sugar until casserole is nearly full, adding
a dash of ground cloves and cinnamon mixed in the proportion
of 1/2 part cloves to 1 part cinnamon. Have sugar layer on top,
cover with vinegar and bake-covered-until the guavas are
tender and well flavored. -Seal hot in sterile jars and simmer
10 minutes.

Guava Sweet Pickle
3 lbs. prepared guavas 3 dozen whole cloves
3 cups brown sugar 2 large sticks cinnamon
1 cup white sugar cup preserved ginger, or
% cup Best vinegar 4 pieces of ginger root
1 tbsp. allspice 1/ tsp. salt
Select large, meaty guavas. If with clean, unblemished skin,
do not peel. Cut off stem and blossom ends, cut in halves and
scoop out centers. Place fruit in preserving kettle; add other
ingredients, and let stand 3 to 4 hours. Then cook until fruit is
tender and syrup heavy. Time required depends on type of
guavas used. Seal boiling hot, in hot, sterile jars. If dry ginger
is used, remove before serving.

Guava Catsup
Slice prepared guavas in preserving kettle. Add only sufficient
water to prevent scorching and cook until tender, then put through
coarse sieve or fruit press to remove seed. Or pulp may be
obtained by putting ripe, raw guavas through fruit press without
preliminary cooking.

The Goodly Guava

To each quart pulp, add 1 level tablespoonful each of salt and
ground mustard; 1/2 tablespoonful each whole pepper, allspice,
cinnamon, cloves, celery seed (tied loosely in cheesecloth rag).
Simmer until thick, then add 1 cup strong cider vinegar and 1
cup sugar and cook until thick and smooth. Let stand over night.
In the morning, if too thick, reduce with vinegar to right .con-
sistency; reheat to boiling; bottle and seal while hot.

Guava Chutney No. 1
3 lbs. prepared guavas 3 lbs. tamarinds
3 lbs. brown sugar 3 pods chili pepper, dried
2 lbs. raisins 2 cloves garlic
1 pt. pimiento 1 lb. onions
1 lb. green ginger Y4 cup white mustard seed
1 tbsp. each ground allspice, 1% cup celery seed
cloves, cinnamon, salt 14 tbsp. pepper
Remove fibrous hulls from tamarinds and soak pulp in 2 quarts
of best vinegar, stirring often to dissolve the pulp from the seed.
When pulp is dissolved, run through fruit press or colander to
remove seed. Put guavas, from which seeds have been removed,
through the medium knife of the food chopper. Put the raisins
through the same chopper. Use the finest blade for the green
ginger, peppers, garlic (or onions) and mustard seed. Mix all
ingredients together and boil 30 minutes. Let stand over night.
Reheat to boiling, re-season if needed, and pour in hot, sterilized
jars and seal at once.

Guava Chutney No. 2
5 lbs. guavas 1 clove garlic
3 lbs. sugar 1 lb. onions
2 qts. best vinegar 1/2 tbsp. mustard
2 lbs. seeded raisins 1/2 tbsp. powdered sugar
2 tbsp. salt 3 small hot peppers
2 tsp. each cinnamon and cloves
Put guavas through fruit press to remove seed. Boil until
smooth and thick. Put raisins, onion, garlic through food chop-
per. Add these and sugar, vinegar, and seasonings. Cook until
thick, stirring occasionally, and let stand over night. Reheat,
seal boiling hot. Hold several weeks before using.
Chutneys are of East Indian origin. True chutneys are a hot,
sweet, spicy mixture, flavored largely with ginger and the ingre-
dients minced fine. Proportions seem very capricious and the
pungency and spiciness may be easily regulated to suit the taste.
The tamarind (Tamarindus indica), a beautiful leguminous
fruit tree whose brown pods contain a pulp rich in sugar and

Florida Cooperative Extension

acid, is used as an ingredient in chutneys and for making a
healthful, delightful drink. Many bushels of fine tamarinds
waste every year when they could so well be used to further
richness and add flavor to guava and other chutneys.
More than enough ginger may be grown in a 2-foot plot of
suitable soil to supply the needs of the average family for the year.

Tropical Relish
4 lbs. prepared guavas tsp. salt
1 qt. vinegar 1 clove garlic
2 lbs. sugar 1 tsp. dried chili pepper
1% lbs. raisins 1 lb. preserved ginger
% cup each white mustard and
celery seed
Cut blossom and stem ends from fruit; peel if blemished, and
remove seed. Put through food chopper with raisins, garlic,
ginger, mustard seed and chili. Add remaining ingredients and
boil mixture 30 minutes. Let stand over night. If too heavy,
dilute with vinegar. Reheat, bottle and seal. Allow to ripen
several weeks before using.

Florida Salad
1 cup peeled, seeded, sliced 1 cup bananas, sliced
guavas Cream mayonnaise
1 cup tangerine sections Lettuce
Mix fruit and dressing. Arrange on lettuce. Sprinkle with
paprika or few gratings of nutmeg, and top with a Surinam cherry.

Cream Dressing
1 tsp. mustard Few grains cayenne
1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. butter
2 tsp. flour 1 egg yolk
1 tbsp. powdered sugar % cup lemon juice
1/ cup thick cream, sweet or
Mix dry ingredients in top of double boiler and add butter, egg,
and lemon juice slowly. Cook over boiling water, stirring con-
stantly, until mixture begins to thicken. Cool and add to heavy
cream, beaten until stiff.
Flamingo Salad
Guavas Cottage cheese
Nuts Green peppers
Lettuce Surinam cherries
On a bed of lettuce, endive or thinly sliced Chinese cabbage,
place a chain of rose colored guava rings. In center of rings,

The Goodly Guava

place a mound of cottage cheese, well seasoned with cream mayon-
naise and chopped nuts. Decorate the top of the cheese mixture
with julienned green peppers and with pieces of guava in form
of small flower and place Surinam cherry in center. Serve with
lime dressing. Carissa also makes a pretty garnish. Salmon
colored or the yellow guavas may be used instead of the red, with
kumquats used as the garnish.
Lime Dressing
4 tbsp. olive oil 1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. fresh lime juice 1/4 tsp. celery salt
5 drops Tabasco sauce 2 tsp. sugar
% tsp. pepper Few grains cayenne
Mix ingredients; chill and shake thoroughly.
Virginia Salad
Yellow guavas, tangelos or grapefruit, celery,
carrots, peppers, kumquats and endive
On a bed of well-trimmed and bleached endive, or in a bowl
lined with endive, place equal quantities of yellow guavas, cut 1/4
lengthwise, peeled and seeded, sectionized tangelos, finely juli-
enned celery and carrots.
Garnish with a ring of thinly sliced kumquat and minced red
and green peppers in center. Serve with lime dressing.

The sweet sandwich is not only appropriate for social functions
but is most welcome in the child's school lunch, where it provides
the sweet that is desirable.
Guava Preserve Sandwich
1 small cream cheese, or 3 tbsp. chopped nuts
3% cup cottage cheese 3 tbsp. guava preserves
Mayonnaise Lettuce
Mash cheese and if needed, moisten with syrup from preserves.
Add nuts and preserves. Spread thin slices of bread with mayon-
naise, add lettuce sandwich mixture and put together. Guava
jam may be substituted for the preserves.
Guava and Nut Sandwich
Mix half cup guava preserves with 1/2 cup chopped peanuts or
pecans, add lemon, lime or calamondin juice to moisten and spread
on buttered whole wheat or other bread.
The preserves and nuts may be put through food chopper, if

Florida Cooperative Extension

Sandwich de Luxe
Mix guava chutney with mashed cream cheese and use as a
spread between thin slices of bread-rye or whole wheat. Press,
cut and chill.
Rich, ripe, flavorsome guavas, peeled if necessary, cut in halves,
seed'center removed and put through the fruit press or dilver,
then combined with the shells, sugared and covered with varying
types of rich, sweet doughs and pastries, baked to a golden crisp-
ness and oozing fragrant juice, are some of the manifold uses for
which guavas are particularly suited.

Fig. 5.-Fruit of the common, pear-shaped Guava-many top the scales at
from 12 to 16 ounces.

Shortcake, when carefully made, can be as delicious with guavas
as with the more renowned strawberry or orange, and deserves
to be served frequently in Florida homes.
The well-known German apple cake or kutchen is made with
yeast and is a most delicious cake when spread liberally with
butter and served with coffee. Many think this cake is even more
delicious made with guavas instead of apples, and once having
tasted the guava sauce cakes, in which the sugar and spice is
blended with the fragrance of the guava, will pronounce them
gastronomic delights.

The Goodly Guava

Guava Brown Betty
1 cup sugar /4 cup water
1 tsp. each cinnamon and 3 tbsp. lemon, lime or
nutmeg calamondin juice
2 cups bread crumbs 2 cups guavas, seeded and
1/ cup butter cut in small pieces
Blend the sugar, spices and lemon rind. Mix crumbs and butter
lightly with fork. Cover bottom of buttered pudding dish with
crumbs and add 1/2 of the guavas. Sprinkle with the sugar mix-
ture; repeat, cover with remaining crumbs. Mix the water,
lemon juice, and pour over. Dot with bits of butter and bake in
a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 45 minutes. Cover at first
to keep crumbs from browning too rapidly. Serve with cream
and sugar. Will serve about eight.

Guava Roly Poly
2 cups prepared guavas 3 tsp. baking powder
2 cups flour 4 tbsp. shortening
1" tsp. salt 1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp. sugar '2-% cup milk
1/2 tsp. each cinnamon and nut-
meg mixed
Sift dry ingredients. Cut in shortening until mealy in appear-
ance. Add beaten egg and milk and blend. Toss on floured board
and roll out about 1/4 inch thick. Brush with melted butter or
other fat.
Spread dough with guava mixture, sweetened and spiced. Dot
with butter. Roll up as for jelly roll. Place in greased pan and
bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.) for 20 minutes. Serve
with favorite pudding sauce, or hard sauce.

Guava Duff
Peel and remove seeds from enough guavas to cover bottom of
8 inch pudding pan 1 inch deep. Add sufficient water to nearly
cover. Sprinkle with: 1 cup sugar, dot with 2 tablespoonfuls
butter and 1 tablespoonful lemon juice. Dust lightly with nut-
meg or cinnamon. Place in oven and allow to cook while the
batter is being mixed.
Put in mixing bowl:
1 cup flour 2 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. sugar 2 tsp. baking powder
%' to %3 cup milk or water,-
enough to make thick batter
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add shortening and liquid; beat
and pour over guavas. Bake in moderate oven 40 minutes. Serve
with cream or lemon sauce.
-Contributed by Mrs. Delaware Kraemer, Eustis, Florida.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Guava Shortcake Supreme
2 cups of flour 1/ tsp. salt
4 tsp. baking powder /4 cup of shortening
2 tsp. sugar About % cup of milk
Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt two times. Cut the
shortening and add milk gradually. Toss on slightly floured
board and divide into two equal parts. Pat and roll to fit in two
buttered cake tins and bake in hot oven about 15 minutes. When
done remove one of the cakes to hot serving plate and cover with
well-sweetened guavas, sliced, seeds removed from pulp and pulp
added to sliced fruit.
Pour over thick sweet cream or spread with butter, and cover
with other cake. Spread with more of the guava, grate on a
little nutmeg and cover top with slightly sweetened whipped
Guava Up-Side-Down Cake
In a greased pan about nine inches in diameter spread one cup-
ful of brown sugar and dot with one-fourth cupful of butter.
Cover with a pint of guavas, fresh fruit preferred, seeds removed.
Place in oven while mixing the following batter:
2 eggs 14 cup bran
1/ cup milk 1 cup flour
1 cup sugar 212 tsp. baking powder
1 tbsp. lemon juice % tsp. salt
Separate the eggs and beat yolks. Add half the water, sugar
and lemon juice, then part of the bran, flour, baking powder and
salt which have been mixed together. Add the remaining water
and dry ingredients, lastly folding in the stiffly beaten egg whites.
Pour over guavas and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.)
for about 50 minutes. When baked, turn up-side-down on a large
platter. Spread with caramel from pan evenly over cake and
serve with cream or a hot lemon sauce.
Guava Gingerbread
Pare, remove seed and slice guavas, sufficient to make a pint,
into a buttered baking dish and mix with 1/ cupful of sugar and
1 tablespoonful of lemon juice. Cook 20 minutes in a moderate
oven while the following batter is being mixed:
1 egg 1 tsp. ginger
1/2 cup sugar 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
/2 cup sour milk % tsp. nutmeg
% tsp. soda 1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup flour % cup molasses
/4 tsp. salt
Beat egg, add sugar, sour milk, molasses, and the dry ingre-
dients sifted together; add the melted butter. Mix well and
pour batter over guavas. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.)

The Goodly Guava

until the gingerbread is done. Serve with cream, lemon or orange
sauce, or a honey topping.
Lemon Sauce
1 cup sugar 3 tbsp. lemon juice
1%3 cup boiling water 1% tsp. grated lemon rind
2 tbsp. butter Pinch salt
2 tbsp. flour
Mix dry ingredients thoroughly; add boiling water; cook 3
minutes. Add lemon juice and butter and remove from stove.
Substitute 12 cupful orange juice for 1/2 cupful water in the foun-
dation recipe and grated orange rind for lemon rind for an
orange sauce.
Honey Topping
1 egg white 1 cup honey
4 tbsp. water /4 tsp. cream of tartar
Pinch of salt
Combine all ingredients and cook very slowly over low heat on
an electrical range or in a double boiler, beating constantly with
a rotary beater until mixture stands up in peaks. It may be
beaten until creamy when removed from heat. This is a delicious
meringue topping. It does not set on the outside, but is creamy
and fluffy.
Guava Tapioca-Baked
4 cup quick cooking tapioca %4 tsp. salt
1 cup boiling water 2 tbsp. butter
/4 tsp. cinnamon 3 cups peeled, sliced, seeded
2 tbsp. lime or calamondin juice guavas
1/ cup sugar
Add the boiling water to the tapioca and cook until it clears.
Add the sugar, cinnamon, salt and fruit juice. Place the guavas
in a greased shallow glass baking dish, dot with butter, and pour
the tapioca mixture over them. Bake in a moderate oven until
the guavas are tender and the top is lightly browned. Serve hot
or cold with plain or whipped cream.

Guava Jam Cake
/2 cup shortening 2 cups of flour
1 cup sugar 1/2 tsp. each of cinnamon and
1 cup guava jam allspice
3 eggs, beaten 1/ tsp. cloves
1 tsp. soda /4 tsp. mace
3 tbsp. sour milk 14 tsp. salt
Cream the shortening and sugar together. Add the beaten eggs
and mix. Add the flour sifted with the spices and salt. Pour into
a long, shallow, greased pan, and bake in a moderate oven (350
degrees F.) for 30 minutes. Serve warm, cut into squares and
top with hard or lemon sauce. Will serve from 12 to 16.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Guava Fritters
1 cup flour %1-% cup milk
11/2 tsp. baking powder 1 egg, well beaten
3 tbsp. powdered sugar 1 cup peeled, seeded, sliced
% tsp. salt guavas
Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, and then the
egg. Stir guavas into batter. Heat fat until it is hot enough to
brown an inch cube of bread in one minute. Dip a spoon into the
fat, then take up a spoonful of the fritter mixture and carefully
drop it into the fat, without spattering. Fritters should be cooked
through and delicately brown on the outside in three to five min-
utes. Remove with skimmer and drain on crumpled soft paper.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Fritters may be served with a
fruit juice sauce.
Fruit Juice Sauce
1 cup sugar 1 cup fruit juice (fresh or
1 tbsp. cornstarch canned)-orange, mango,
% cup boiling water pineapple
2 tbsp. lemon juice
Mix cornstarch and sugar. Add boiling water and boil 5 min-
utes. Cool and add fruit juices.

Guava a la Gadsden Pudding
To 1 pint guavas, peeled, seeded and sliced, add 2 tbsp. melted
butter and 1 cup sugar. Beat 3 eggs until light; add 1 pint of
milk and a cup of hot, boiled rice. Add the guavas and bake in a
moderate oven for about 30 minutes. Grated lemon or orange rind
may be added. Serve cold with cream or with lemon sauce.

Guava de Luxe Pudding
4 cups guavas, peeled, cut in 1/ cup brown sugar
fourths, and seeds removed 1 tbsp. butter
from pulp Stale cake crumbs
Juice 1 orange 1 tsp. grated orange peel
2 tsp. lemon juice
Arrange half of the prepared guavas in greased, deep, baking
dish. Pour half of the orange and lemon juice over them; sprinkle
with orange peel and sugar and dot with bits of butter. Add re-
mainder of guavas and repeat process. Bake in a moderate oven
(375 degrees F.) until tender. Cover with a thin layer of cake
crumbs and brown slightly in oven. Serve hot with orange marsh-
mallow sauce. Pineapple, tamarind, mango or other fruit juice
may be used in place of the orange juice.

Orange Marshmallow Sauce
14 lb. marshmallows % cup sugar
1 orange, juice and grated rind 1/ tsp. cream of tartar
1 egg white 3 tbsp. water
cup cream whipped

The Goodly Guava

Cut the marshmallows up fine and let stand in fruit juices.
Place unbeaten egg white, cream of tartar, sugar, and water in
top of double boiler. While the water boils vigorously underneath,
beat with a rotary beater until the mixture is white and fluffy.
Stir in marshmallows and fruit mixture. When cool, add whipped
cream just before serving. This sauce is delicious.

Guava Kutchen
1 cake compressed yeast 14 cup of butter
1 cup scalded milk 12 cup of sugar
2 eggs 14 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. sugar 1 pt. guava shells
3%8 cups of flour Cinnamon
Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk. Add one and a
half cupfuls of flour to make sponge and beat until smooth. Cover
and set in warm place until light, about three-quarters of an hour.
Cream butter and sugar and add to sponge with eggs well beaten,
salt and remainder of flour, or enough to make a soft dough.
Knead lightly. Place in a well-greased bowl. Cover and set aside to
rise for about two hours or until double in size. Roll half an inch
thick. Place in two well-greased shallow pans. Brush with but-
ter; sprinkle with sugar. Pare large guavas, cut in halves length-
wise, then quarters and remove seeds. Press guava quarters into
dough; sprinkle with sugar and dust lightly with cinnamon. Cover
and let rise about half an hour. Bake 25 minutes at 350-400
degrees F. or until well browned. It may be necessary to cover
with pan for first 10 minutes that the guavas be thoroughly
Guava Tea Ring
1 to.2 cakes dry yeast, soaked in % cup butter
1 cup milk scalded and cooled /2 tsp. salt
% cup guava preserves 2 eggs
I tsp. lemon juice Flour, about 6 cups or more
1/ cup lukewarm water
Prepare this dough late in the afternoon or early evening.
Break and soak yeast cake in water. When soft add it to luke-
warm milk. Cream together butter, sugar, and salt. Add beaten
eggs, guava preserves and lemon. Blend this with yeast mixture.
Thicken with flour until so thick it may just be beaten with a
heavy spoon, then add enough flour so that it may be kneaded.
Do not make too stiff. Beat hard until bubbles form or knead
until smooth. Place in greased bowl; cover well and let rise over-
night in moderately warm place.
Early next morning, or when dough has fully doubled its bulk,
turn dough onto lightly floured board. For each cake take 16 oz.

Florida Cooperative Extension

of dough. Roll gently until 1/4 inch thick and 15 inches wide.
Brush with butter; sprinkle with sugar and add chopped pecans.
Roll up as for jelly roll. Shape into a ring, fastening ends together
firmly. Place in buttered pan. Wash top with egg and milk,
cover and let rise until fully doubled. Bake 20 to 25 minutes in a
very moderate oven, 325 to 350 degrees F. Remove from pan and
while still warm (not hot) frost with water icing. Sprinkle top
with chopped nuts or candied orange peel.
This dough may be used for any sort of coffee cake or for rich
sweet rolls.
Guava Sauce Cake
cup fat /2 tsp. nutmeg
1 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. salt
1 egg 3 tsp. baking powder
1 cup unsweetened guava sauce 1 cup candied orange peel, or
2 cups flour kumquat
1/ cup of milk 1/ cup pecans, cut small
1/ tsp. cinnamon /4 tsp. soda
/2 tsp. cloves
Cream the fat and sugar thoroughly. Add the remainder of
the ingredients with the soda dissolved in the guava sauce. Beat
for two minutes. Pour into a greased and floured loaf pan in slow
oven (300 degrees F.) for about 40 minutes.
The sauce may be made from the pulp left from the jelly drip-
cooked thick and canned without sugar.
Pecans may be substituted for the orange peel or raisins, or
they may be omitted entirely. A dusting of powdered sugar is
sufficient icing, but the most delicious for any of the guava cake is:

Lemon or Lime Butter Icing
2 cups powdered sugar /4 cup melted butter
3 tbsp. water 1%1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 /2 tsp. grated lemon rind
Mix all together, stirring until creamy. Spread at once. Cala-
mondin juice gives delightful flavor. If used, substitute cala-
mondin juice also for the water.
Lady Tavares Guava Cake
1 cup shortening 1 cup raisins
1 egg 1 cup sugar
1 cup guava sauce (or when in 2 tbsp. guava jelly
season, use 1 cup fresh 1 tsp. soda
guavas ground without 1% cup flour
peeling, but with seeds 1 tsp. cinnamon
taken out.) % tsp. nutmeg
1/ tsp. salt 12 tsp. cloves
Cream shortening and sugar. Add the egg and mix. Add the
guava sauce or pulp, in which the soda has been dissolved, then
the flour which has been sifted with the spices and salt. Dredge

The Goodly Guava

the raisins with flour and fold in this batter. Place in greased,
floured tube pan and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees). May
ice or not, as desired.
-Contributed by Mrs. Chas. Himelsbaugh, Tavares, Florida.

Florida Fruit Cup
1 cup each guavas, (fresh or canned), grapefruit or tangelo
hearts, pineapple and % cup rose-apple or carissa
Slice guavas, cut up pineapple and grapefruit in medium pieces,
slice rose-apple or carissa thinly. Cover with guava juice. Add
juice of one lemon or lime and sugar lightly. Let stand in refrig-
erator two hours before serving. (This is a good fruit cocktail.)
Guavas with Cream
Peel good flavored, thick meated guavas. Cut slice from stem
and blossom ends. Cut in halves and remove pulp. Put pulp
through fruit press and add the pulp to the guava shells. Sweeten
lightly and allow to stand in ice box until cold. Serve in sherbet
glasses with cream and sugar, with plain cake or cookies. Peaches
or strawberries with cream were never better than above. It is
an admirable dessert to follow a heavy dinner or for the evening
Guava Meringue
2 cups fresh guava pulp 2 egg whites
Sugar 1 tsp. lemon or lime juice
Put guava pulp, sugar, lemon juice and egg whites in large
mixing bowl. Beat with egg beater until light and stiff.
NOTE: Fresh strawberries, crushed peaches, persimmons, or mango
may be used in the same manner as guavas.
Guava Delicious No. 1
Pare ripe guavas, cut them in half and scoop out the seeds with
a thin silver spoon. Cut the shells into small pieces. Cut a banana
lengthwise into quarters. Have twice as much guava as banana.
In a glass serving dish place alternately the bananas and guavas.
Have the top layer guava, sprinkle generously with sugar, add a
half cup of cold water, cover the dish and let it stand in the
refrigerator for several hours. Serve very cold, with or without
cream. -Contributed by Mrs. Carleton W. Taylor, Lake Helen, Florida.
Guava Delicious No. 2
1% cups acid guava pulp Sugar
2 ripe bananas 1 tbsp. lime or lemon juice
1 cup cream Grated chocolate
Rub banana through sieve, add guava pulp and lemon juice.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Add stiffly beaten cream. Sweeten to taste. Chill thoroughly.
Serve piled in sherbet glasses and top with grated chocolate.
Crushed lemon, peppermint or other hard candy may be used
instead of chocolate.

Guava Whip No. 1
11/ cups guava pulp 2 egg whites
VZ cup cream 12 cup sugar
1 cup nut meats Guava shells
Whip egg whites and cream together until stiff. Add guavas,
sugar, and nuts and mix together lightly. Chill. Serve on guava
shells, sweetened and chilled.

Guava Whip No. 2
1 level tbsp. gelatin % cup sugar
14 cup cold water 1 cup guava pulp
cup boiling water 14 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. lemon juice 2 egg whites
Soak gelatin in cold water about five minutes and then dissolve
in boiling water. Prepare guava pulp by putting ripe fruit through
fruit press. Add pulp to dissolve gelatin and stir. Add sugar,
salt and lemon juice and continue stirring. Allow mixture to cool
and when beginning to thicken fold in egg whites which have
been beaten stiff and dry. Rinse individual molds in cold water
and fill with mixture. Place molds in refrigerator and chill. To
serve unmold on plate and serve with sweetened guavas. Garnish
with a Surinam cherry.

Guava Nut Whip
1 cup thick guava pulp 1% cup crushed peanut brittle
1 cup cream Sugar
Whip cream until stiff; add sugar; fold in guava pulp and peanut
brittle. Chill thoroughly. If preferred, freeze partially in refrig-
erator trays, or pack in equal parts of ice and salt for 1 hour.
Serve in sherbet glasses and sprinkle crushed peanut brittle on top.

Mid-Summer Dessert
2 cups guava sauce Sugar
% cup cream, whipped Honey ginger cookies
1 egg white, whipped
Make guava sauce of well-flavored guavas and sweeten to taste.
Place in electric refrigerator until very cold. When ready to
serve, fold in cream, then egg white. Heap in sherbet or parfait
glasses and sprinkle thickly with crumbled honey ginger cookies.

The Goodly Guava

Guava Ice Box Cake
1 tbsp. gelatin 1/s tsp. salt
VY cup cold water 1 cup guava pulp
V4 cup boiling water 1 cup crushed pineapple
3 tbsp. lemon juice 1 cup whipped cream
Ladyfingers 3 egg whites
1 cup sugar
Soak gelatin in cold water and dissolve in boiling water. Add
sugar and salt, then lemon juice, guava pulp, and crushed pine-
apple. Mix thoroughly; place in refrigerator until partly con-
gealed, then beat with wire whip and fold in whites of eggs, beaten
stiff. Have a straight-sided dish lined with ladyfingers or sponge
cake. Add mixture; chill thoroughly, 4-6 hours. To serve, un-
mold cake on large plate and garnish with whipped cream, pine-
apple chunks and guava slices. Or sprinkle with crumbled lady-
fingers or freshly grated coconut, and serve at once.
Thinly sliced ripe rose apple,' carissa, pineapple, banana or
other tropical fruit in season may be substituted for the crushed
pineapple. Paradise Pie
1% Zweiback, Graham crackers % cup sugar
or Melba toast crumbs % cup butter
% cup chopped nuts
Roll zweiback or put through food chopper. Mix crumbs, nut
meats, sugar and melted butter. Reserve 1/2 cup of mixture for
top. Spread remainder of mixture carefully in bottom and sides
of deep pie plate, using additional butter if crumbs do not adhere
easily, and bake in a slow oven 10 minutes.
For filling, use:
2 cups guava pulp 3 egg whites
Confectioners' sugar to taste 1 tsp. lemon or lime juice
Beat egg whites until stiff and dry. Add guava pulp and lemon
juice. Sweeten to taste and blend thoroughly. Just before serv-
ing cover with sweetened whipped cream. Sprinkle with re-
mainder of crumbs, or dot with guava jelly and nut meats. If
cut when cold, will come out nicely.
Guava Ice Cream
Use any foundation cream recipe. Add pulp of the guavas-with
seeds removed-as you would peach, strawberry or other fruit
pulp. One method follows:
3 cups guava pulp 2 cups sugar
1 pt. cream 2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 pt. milk
To the guava pulp, add the sugar and lemon juice. Scald the
milk and combine carefully with the fruit mixture. Add cream

'The rose-apple (Eugenia Jambos) is esteemed as an interesting orna-
mental. The fruit is crisp, juicy and sweet and is perfumed like a rose.

Florida Cooperative Extension

and freeze in the usual way. After freezing, pack and allow to
stand an hour or more to ripen.
Guava Ice Cream Special
Over a scoop of guava ice.cream, sprinkle 2 tsp. toasted coconut.
Pour hot chocolate fudge or chocolate syrup over this and top
with a spoonful of whipped cream.
To prepare the toasted coconut, place 1 cupful coconut and 2
teaspoonfuls butter and roast slowly, stirring all the while so the
contents will not burn.
Buttermilk Guava Sherbet
2 cups fresh buttermilk 1 to 3/ cup sugar
1 cup guava pulp fresh or 1 egg white, unbeaten
canned 2 tsp. lemon or lime juice
Combine buttermilk, sugar and guava pulp. Place in freezing
tray or automatic refrigerator and freeze to a mush-like con-
sistency. Remove to a bowl, add egg white and fruit juice and
beat until light and fluffy, using a hand beater at high speed.
Return to tray and freeze until firm enough to serve.
Serves six.
Guava Ice
1 qt. water 2 qts. guava pulp
1% cups sugar 2 tbsp. lemon juice
Put peeled guavas through fruit press. Make a syrup by boil-
ing sugar and water together for ten minutes. Cool, add the fruit
pulp and lemon juice. Pour into freezer and freeze.

Ordinary ice creams, ices, and sherbets must be whipped as
they are frozen, in order to incorporate the air. There are a few
desserts, however, that may be frozen after they are whipped by
packing in salt and ice, or by placing in the freezing chamber of
a mechanical refrigerator. Mousses and frozen fruit salads are
examples of delicacies that can be prepared in this way.
These products may be hardened in special molds, or in tin or
paper containers that can be tightly sealed. If placed in salt and
ice for hardening, crush the ice rather fine and add salt at the
rate of 1 lb. for each 6 Ibs. of ice. At least three hours should
be allowed for hardening.
Frozen Guava Sauce
1 qt. guava sauce put through 2 tsp. lemon juice
dilver, sweetened and flavor- 1 pt. table cream, well chilled.
ed with-
Whip the cream until stiff, then add guava sauce gradually,
beating constantly until the mixture is so stiff that you cannot
beat it longer. Perhaps a little more than a quart of sauce may

The Goodly Guava

be needed. Put into the freezing trays of the electric refrigerator,
and freeze 4 hours, or longer if necessary.
Frozen Fruit Salad No. 1
2 cups guava, fresh or canned, Salt, paprika, powdered sugar
cut in small pieces %/ cup thinly sliced kumquats or
1 tbsp. gelatin, soaked in sliced carissa
3 tbsp. fruit syrup or juice French dressing or mayon-
cup cream mayonnaise naise
% cup heavy cream, beaten until Lettuce
Dissolve soaked gelatin over hot water. Add slowly to mayon-
naise. Beat in cream. Fold in fruit. Season to taste with salt,
paprika, and sugar. Freeze. Serve on lettuce.
Frozen Fruit Salad No. 2
1 cup sliced guavas, seeded 1/ cup sliced carissa or rose-
1 cup diced pineapple apple
Y2 cup bananas, sliced 1 cup cooked dressing
% cup whipped cream %3 cup whipped cream
Have all ingredients cold. Add cream to dressing; add fruit.
Mix gently. Freeze.
Frozen Fruit Salad No. 3
% cup pineapple, diced /z cup mayonnaise
1 cup sliced guavas, seeded 1/ cup diced celery
1/2 cup sliced kumquats % cup whipped cream
cup chopped pecans
Drain fruit thoroughly, cut in small pieces, combine with celery
and pecans. Add cream to mayonnaise; fold in first mixture.
Guava juice is increasingly popular as an everyday beverage
or served as a party punch. The juice, canned in the season of
plenty, chilled, and served with lime, tangelo, or other citrus fruit
juice, deserves all the pleasant adjectives that are justly applied
to its intriguing flavor.
The smart Florida hostess knows that a drink does not have
to be alcoholic to rate careful mixing and blending. She adds a
bit of flair in the form of thinly sliced kumquat, lime, carissa,' or
rose-apple, and sweetens to taste with honey or boiled sugar syrup
that she keeps in her refrigerator.
Tropical Cooler
2 qts. guava juice Cracked ice
2 qts. ice water Sugar or honey to taste
1 cup juice fresh limes, calamon-
dins or tangelos
Blend well and serve with thin slices of the citrus fruit or thinly
sliced carissa.

'The carissa (Carissa grandiflora) is a handsome evergreen shrub. It
has star-like, deliciously perfumed white flowers and beautiful scarlet fruit
with flesh-colored pulp, flecked with red.

Florida Cooperative Extension

Guabana Special
For a 2-quart shaker (a 1/2-gallon fruit jar may be used), mash
3 bananas to a pulp. Add 2 cupfuls of guava juice, the juice of 4
limes and 2 cupfuls thin cream. Sweeten with honey. Fill shaker
with shaved ice and shake until outside of the shaker is frosted.
Serve in tall, slender glasses with a beverage spoon and straw.
-Contributed by Mrs. Frank Finzell, Mt. Dora, Florida.
Palm Beach Punch
Blend together 2 quarts guava juice, 1 cup crushed pineapple,
1 cup tamarind, lime or other sour fruit juice and 2 quarts cold
water. Add 1 cup minced mango, kumquat or carissa thinly sliced.
Sweeten to taste and pour over ice.
Pansy's Smash
Guava, Pineapple, Lime Juice
Fill the refrigerator tray with pineapple ice and freeze to a
mush. Make a tart guava-ade with lime added. Fill tall glasses
one-half full and add pineapple ice. Place a thin slice each of
lime and orange and a sprig of mint in each glass and serve.
Hollywood Highball
Juice of 12 limes 1 pt. tamarind juice
Juice of 12 oranges 1 qt. guava juice
3 qts. of water 1 pt. crushed pineapple
2 pts. ginger ale Honey to sweeten
Warm honey and add to water. Blend and add fruit juices and
crushed pineapple and chill. When ready to serve, add ginger ale.
Garnish with thin slices of lemon and orange, and pour over ice.
Frozen Summer Punch
2 cups guava juice 4 cups ice water
1 cup sugar 1z cup thinly sliced kumquats
14 cup lemon or lime juice Ice
2 cups cold water
Combine guava juice, kumquats, lemon or lime, sugar and cold
water, and stir until dissolved. Turn into tray of automatic re-
frigerator (may use freezer) and freeze until mush-like consis-
tency. Remove from tray, add ice water and stir. Serve in tall
glasses with addition of ice and any garnish desired.
Miami Blend
1 pt. guava jelly 3 qts. water
% cup lime or lemon juice Ice
Warm jelly to dissolve, add lime juice, water and cracked ice,
garnish glasses with thin slices of lime. A few crushed mint
leaves may be added if desired.