Compiled by
. W. McPherson
--.icia F. Smart
Economic Information
Report 174
and Dissertations
of the Food and Resource
Economics Department,
University of Florida,
JAN 2 i984
I.F.A.S.- Univ. of Florida
source Economics Department
SFood and Agricultural Sciences
of Florida, Gainesville 32611
December 1982
This publication contains a chronological list of theses and disserta-
tions in the Food and Resource Economics Department (formerly Agricultural
Economics) from the first one in 1916 through the fall semester of 1982.
It is anticipated that similar lists of future theses and dissertations
will be published at appropriate intervals.
Key words: Theses and dissertations, Food and Resource Economics,
University of Florida, 1916-1982.
Compiled by W. W. McPherson and Patricia F. Smart
Harold G. Clayton, M.S.A.
"A Study of Some Variations of Japanese Cane, with Especial Reference
to the Development of the Sugar Content, in Connection with Their Use
as a Florida Silage Crop."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Henry G. Hamilton, M.S.A.
"Farm Management Studies of Truck and Citrus Farms in Florida."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Robert Wray, M.S.A.
"Cost of Living on Florida Farms (A Survey of 85 Farms in Alachua County
and 110 Farms in Levy County for 1923)."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Frank W. Brumley, M.S.A.
"The Labor Requirements of Florida Crops."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
W. W. McPHERSON is graduate research professor of food and resource
economics. PATRICIA F. SMART is secretary to the graduate coordinator of
food and resource economics.
Marvin A. Brooker, M.S.A.
"Farm Tenancy in Jackson County, Florida."
Chairman: C. V. Noble.
Chaffie A. Scarborough, M.S.A.
"The Cost of Producing Potatoes in the Hastings Area."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Doyal E. Timmons, M.S.A.
"What the Farm Furnishes the Home, Jackson County, Florida."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
John F. Cooper, M.S.A.
"A Study of the Cost of Growing Beans in Florida, 1927-28."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
George R. Graham, M.S.A.
"The Cost of Living on One-Hundred Farms Columbia County, Florida,
Year 1927-28."
Chairman: C. V. Noble.
Harold N. Haskell, M.S.A.
"An Economic Study of Some Farms in Alachua County."
Chairman: C. V. Noble; Co-Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Robert L. Zentgraf, M.S.A.
"An Economic Study of Farming in the Plant City Area, Hillsborough
County, Florida."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Raymond H. Howard, M.S.A.
"A Study of the Relation of Grade and Staple to the Price of Cotton
Grown in Florida."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington; Co-Chairman: C. V. Noble.
Frazier Rogers, M.S.A.
"The Economic Use of Tractors in Florida for 1929."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
C. J. Bolton, Jr., M.S.A.
"A Study of Potato Cooperative Marketing Associations in Florida."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Martin G. Young, M.S.A.
"Cost and Returns on Sixty Poultry Farms in Florida with Comparisons
for 1928-1929."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Lawrence J. Larson, M.S.A.
"The Cost of Producing Strawberries in the Plant City Area for the
Season 1927-1928."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
George C. Roberts, M.S.A.
"The Production, Receipts, Costs and Profits on Ten Citrus Groves in
Polk County, Florida Over a Period of Fourteen Years."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
John L. Wann, M.S.A.
"Florida Truck Crop Competition, Intra-State."
Chairman: C. V. Noble.
Morgan C. Rochester, M.S.A.
"Factors Affecting Cucumber Yields, Costs, and Profits; A Study of the
Williston Area, Florida for 1923, 1928, 1930 and 1932."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington; Co-Chairman: C. V. Noble.
Alvin Harold Spurlock, M.S.A.
"Marketing of Florida Shade Tobacco."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Fred N. Farun, M.S.A.
"An Economic Study of the Lake Hamilton Citrus Growers' Association."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Victor V. Bowman, M.S.A.
"The Relative Importance of the Grade-Lowering Factors of Citrus."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Matilda Roesel, M.S.A.
"The Role of Livestock in the Farm Live-at-Home Program."
Chairman: J. E. Turlington.
Hamlin L. Brown, M.S.A.
"Marketing Florida Tomatoes."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Paul R. Seller, M.S.A.
"Production Loans Made by Florida Farms' Cooperative Associations."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Douglas G. Miley, M.S.A.
"Farm Mortgage Loan Experience in Four Florida Counties."
Chairman: J. W. Reitz.
Donald L. Brooke, M.S.A.
"Citrus-Grove Cooperative Caretaking."
Chairman: H. G.. Hamilton.
Herbert A. Smith, M.S.A.
"An Economic Study of Twenty-five Large Citrus Groves in Central
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Marshall R. Godwin, M.S.A.
"Membership Relationsiof Citrus Cooperative Associations."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Hugh M. Smith, M.S.A.
"Farm Planning in the Flue-Cured Tobacco Area of Florida."
Chairman: J. R. Greenman.
Robert J. Krueger, M.S.A.
"Retail Handling Costs of Bulk and Prepackaged Vegetables and a Consumer
Preference Survey in One Florida Market."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Jack C. Thompson, M.S.A.
"The Marketing of Livestock in Florida."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Eric Thor, M.S.A.
"Statistical Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Price of Florida
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Robert C. White, M.S.A.
"An Analysis of the Florida Citrus Growers Clearing House Association."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
William R. Cotton, M.S.A.
"Composition of the Membership of Florida Citrus Mutual."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
William N. Garrott, M.S.A.
"Costs and Margins for Marketing Early Irish Potatoes from the South-
eastern Region."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Clyde E. Murphree, M.S.A.
"Marketing Farm Eggs by Firms Operating Truck Pickup Routes."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Raymond Charley Barnes, M.S.A.
"Grade Qualities of Potatoes in Retail Stores, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
vania, 1950."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Pete H. Brock, M.S.A.
"Sales Analysis of Lake Hamilton Cooperative, Inc."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Theo H. Ellis, M.S.A.
"An Economic Study of Broiler Production in the Palatka, Florida Area."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
George C. James, M.S.A.
"The Florida Commercial Fertilizer Industry."
Chairman: M. A. Brooker.
Levi A. Powell, Sr., M.S.A.
"The Interrelationship of Prices and Quantities of Citrus Products
Purchased in Jacksonville, Florida, 1949-50 Season."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Elmer G. Close, M.S.A.
"The Nature of Contract Violations Under the Perishable Agricultural
Commodities Act and Factors Contributing to These Violations."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Fayette W. Parvin, M.S.A.
"Some Economic Aspects of Florida's
Chairman: M. A. Brooker.
Warren K. Trotter, M.S.A.
"An Analysis of Sales of Citrus and
Segments of the Memphis Market."
Chairman: M. R. Godwin.
Beef Cattle Industry."
Competing Products in Different
Luke D. Dohner, M.S.A.
"A Cost Analysis of Handling Citrus
Chairman: E. Thor.
Kenneth M. Gilbraith, M.S.A.
"An Analysis of the Methods Used in
Chairman: M. A. Brooker.
Fruit from the Tree to the Highway."
Transporting Fresh Citrus from
Robert F. Luckey, M.S.A.
"A Study of the Alternative Methods of Marketing Milk Produced in Glades
County and Hendry County, Florida."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Fred R. Marti, Ph.D.
"Retirement Farming in Hillsborough County, Florida."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
John F. Crum, M.S.A.
"A Study of Fresh Fruit Pooling Methods Used by Cooperatives Affiliated
with Sealdsweet Sales, Incorporated."
Chairman: M. A. Brooker.
Ernest E. Brown, Ph.D.
"An Appraisal of and Recommendations for Increasing
tition in Florida's Dairy Industry."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
George L. Capel, Ph.D.
"An Economic Analysis of Packing and Handling Fresh
Relation to Work Methods."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
the Degree of Compe-
Citrus Fruits in
Henry L. Castle, M.S.A.
"The Direct Marketing of Livestock in Florida."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Hooper C. Spurlock, Ph.D.
"An Economic Analysis of Mechanical Harvesting and Handling of Early
Irish Potatoes in the Southeast."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
James M. Torrance, M.S.A.
"The Estimation of Vegetable Acreage in the Pompano Area of Florida by
Objective Measurements on a Probability Sample."
Chairman: D. B. Duncan.
Theo H. Ellis, Ph.D.
"Optimum Farm Programs in Columbia and Suwannee Counties, Florida (An
Application of Linear Programming)."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Leopoldo Pardo de Guzman, M.S.A.
"An Economic Analysis of the Nethpds of Farm Financing Used on 5,144
Farms in the Philippines."
Chairman: J. R. Greenman.
Roy L. Lassiter, Ph.D.
"An Analysis of the Movements in Agricultural Land Prices and Values
in Palm Beach County, Florida, 1940-1955."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Richard K. Noles, M.S.A.
"A Study of the Caged-Layer Enterprise."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Fred B. Anderson, Ph.D.
"An Economic Evaluation of Custom Harvesting of Potatoes by Packing
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Tze I. Chiang, Ph.D.
"Marketing Florida Asparagus plumosus Ferns."
Chairman: C. N. Smith.
William T. Manley, Ph.D.
"Consumers' Use of and Opinions About Florida Avocados."
Chairman: M. R. Godwin.
Charles A. Nicholls, M.S.A.
"Marketing Analysis of the Florida Foliage Plant Industry."
Chairman: C. N. Smith.
Jesse R. Russell, M.S.A.
"Size of Herd and Some Management Practices of Grade A Dairy Farmers
in Georgia, 1956."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Teofilo Azada y Taqueban, M.S.A.
"Government Pricing Programs of Rice in Selected Countries."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Charles D. Covey, M.S.A.
"Some Considerations'Affecting Producer Equity in the Florida Flue-Cured
Tobacco Program."
Chairman: L. A. Powell.
Louis Vernon Dixon, Ph.D.
"Pricing Efficiency of Marketing Beef Cattle in South Florida."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Joseph M. Friedheim, M.S.A.
"Description and Analysis of Techniques
Cattle Fed in Dry Lot."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Edmond W. Horton, M.S.A.
"Sources and Amounts of Net Cash Family
North and West Florida."
Chairman: J. R. Greenman.
Chen-Tuan Li, M.S.A.
"An Agrarian Land Reform in Nationalist
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
for Deciding When to Sell
Incomes of Rural Households in
China, 1948-1957."
Paul T. Blair, Ph.D.
"Market Organization and Practices for Potatoes in the Hastings Area
of Florida."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Frederick J. Hoffer, Ph.D.
"The Cost of Packing and Distribution of Florida Honey."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Albert B. Krienke, M.S.A.
"Milk Marketing in Southeast Florida under Federal Order 118--The First
Three Years Operation."
Chairman: H. B. Clark.
Maxey D. Love, M.S.A.
"Business Analysis of Florida Cooperatives."
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Reuben Navarro, M.S.A.
"Marketing of Florida Cigar Wrapper Tobacco, Type 62."
Chairman: H. B. Clark.
Floyd W. Williams, Ph.D.
"An Evaluation of Consumer Preference and the Effects of Price Variations
and Selected Fruit Characteristics on Retail Sales of Florida Avocados."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Alfonso Blandon, M.S.A.
"Land Tenure in Nicaragua."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Elmer G. Close, Ph.D.
"Some Organizational and Functional Aspects of the Florida Watermelon
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Victor G. Edman, Ph.D.
"An Economic Study of Florida Hatcheries."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
William Bernard Lester, M.S.A.
"An Economic Analysis of Market Egg Production Contracts."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Chen-Tuan Li, Ph.D.
"Input Interactions in Florida Orange Production."
Chairman: C. N. Smith.
Stanley E. Rosenberger, Ph.D.
"A History of the Florida Vegetable Industry and State Farmers' Markets
for Vegetables."
Chairman: D. L. Brooke.
Mohammed Sultan, M.S.A.
"Farm Organization and Practices in the South Delhi Area, India."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Herbert W. Warburton, Ph.D.
"An Economic Evaluation of Fluid Milk Supply, Movement, and Utilization
in Florida."
Chairman: R. E.- L. Greene.
James D. Bates, M.S.A.
"An Observational Study of the Behavioral Characteristics of Customers
While Shopping for Fresh Oranges."
Chairman: M. R. Godwin.
Bobby Ray Bennett, M.S.A.
"Analysis of Factors, Affecting Costs and Returns in Producing Milk by
Size of Farm in Three Areas of Florida."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
John Raymond Brooker, M.S.A.
"Recent Changes in the Market Structure of the Florida
Chairman: C. N. Smith.
William F. Chapman, Ph.D.
"Demand and Substitution Relationships for Florida and
Valencia Oranges Produced for Fresh Market."
Chairman: M. R. Godwin.
Foliage Plant
Hashim A. Alsamarrai, Ph.D.
"Methods of Assessing Beneficiaries for a Share of the
Water Control Projects that Enhance Agricultural Land
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Cost of Public
Juan A. Aguirre, M.S.A.
"Analysis of the Economic Opportunities for the Development of the
Poultry Industry in the Dominican Republic."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
James B. Bell, Ph.D.
"Market Structure and Economic Analysis of the Florida Sweet Corn
Chairman: D. L. Brooke.
Jose A. Costa, M.S.A.
"The Export Beef Industry of Central America and Its Role in Economic
Chairman: D. E. Alleger.
N. Wayne Jordan, M.S.A.
"An Analysis of Factors Associated with Variations in Prices Received
for Cattle at'Florida Auction Markets."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
George H. Jung, M.S.A.
"Organization and Operation of the Florida Celery Industry."
Chairman: D. L. Brooke.
Richard L. Qualls, M.S.A.
"Some Economic Aspects of Strawberry Production and Marketing in Florida."
Chairman: D. L. Brooke.
Robert H. Brewster, M.S.A.
"An Economic Study of the Florida Cut Sod Industry."
Chairman: C. N. Smith.
Kenneth R. Henderson, Ph.D.
"Demand and Substitution Relationships for Frozen Orange Concentrate."
Chairman: M. R. Godwin.
Aaron A. Hutcheson, M.S.A.
"Some Selected Agribusiness Components of the Dade County Tomato
Chairman: D. L. Brooke.
John R. Linn, M.S.A.
"Economic Potential of Beef Production in the Suwannee River Development
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Julian R. Meitin, M.S.A.
"Pooling Arrangements for Citrus Cooperatives Under Distressed Conditions.
Chairman: H. G. Hamilton.
Carl L. Nottebohm, M.S.A.
"Structure and Development of the Market for Guatemalan Sugar."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Talmadge G. Rice, M.S.A.
"The Demand and Substitution Relationships for Florida Orange Juice in
Drug Store Fountains."
Chairman: F. W. Williams.
Robert C. Rock, Ph.D.
"An Expansion Path of Long-Run Adjustments of Citrus Packing Houses in
Central California."
Chairman: C. N. Smith.
David E. Weisenborn, M.S.A.
"Economic Analysis of Competitive Sources of Milk Supply to Florida."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Albert F. Cribbett, M.S.A.
"An Economic Analysis of 27 Central Florida Dairy Farms Operated by
Identical Operators, 1960 to 1964."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
John Gerald Feaster, M.S.A.
"Farm Managerial Decision-Making of Shifting Cultivators in a Tropical
Chairman: D. E. Alleger.
Thomas E. Floyd, M.S.A.
"Cost and Volume Relationships for Picking, Hauling, Packing, and Sell-
ing Fresh Florida Oranges."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Joseph S. Weiss, M.S.A.
"A Spectral Analysis Approach to Brazilian Cocoa Supply Structure,
with Related Market and Policy Discussions."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson; Co-Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Richard C. Raulerson, M.S.A.
"A Study of Supply-Oriented Marketing Policies for Frozen Concentrated
Orange Juice: An Application of Dynamo Simulation."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Howell W. Willingham, M.S.A.
"Marketing of Staple Foods, Port-au-Prince, Haiti."
Chairman: D. E. Alleger.
Luis Manuel Garcia, M.S.A.
"An Areal Linear Programming Model for the
of San Carlos in the Alajuela Province of
Chairman: W. W. McPherson; Co-Chairman: M.
Arthur F. Parker, Jr., M.S.A.
"Seasonal Price Patterns for Major Florida
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Agriculture of the Canton
Costa Rica."
R. Langham.
Agricultural Commodities."
David E. Weisenborn, Ph.D.
"Market Allocation of Florida Orange Production for Maximization of
Net Revenue."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Robert E. Zellner, M.S.A.
"Determining the Quality of Consumer Credit."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Charles L. Anderson, M.S.A.
"Use of Labor and Labor Management Practices on Florida Dairy Farms."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Manuel J. Carvajal, M.S.A.
"An Analysis of Agricultural Resource Allocation in Selected Areas of
Costa Rica."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Wen-Shyong Chern, M.S.A.
"Determination of the Optimum Number, Size and Location of Orange
Packing and Processing Plants in Florida."
Chairman: L. Polopolus.
Juan M. Clark, M.S.A.
"Social Patterns of Rural Family Income."
Chairman: D. E. Alleger.
Adrian Fajardo-Christen, M.S.A.
"Demand for Honey Dew Melons in the New York City Wholesale Market,
with Special Reference to the Potential Market for Supplies from Peru."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Mohamed Ismail Farh, Ph.D.
"Evaluation of Development Planning and Economic Growth in Egypt, U.A.R."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Sai Myint Lwin, Ph.D.
"Physical Impairments and Medical Care Costs: Comparisons Between Rural
People in Five Southern States and Florida."
Chairman: R. E. L. Greene.
Edward McClelland, Ph.D.
"Optimal Allocation of the Florida
Chairman: L. Polopolus.
Neil L. Meyer, M.S.A.
"Minimum Resource Requirements for
Livestock Farms in the Sinu River
Chairman: B. R. Eddleman.
Galen C. Moses, M.S.A.
"Cooperative Rural Electrification
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Robert H. Priscott, M.S.A.
"Demand for Citrus Products in the
Chairman: L. Polopolus.
Citrus Industry's GenericAdvertising
Specified Levels of Income on Crop-
Valley of Colombia."
in Costa Rica."
European Market."
Kit Sims Taylor, M.S.A.
"The Dynamics of Underdevelopment in a Plantation Economy:
Sector of Northeastern Brazil."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Ron-Horn Tseng, M.S.A.
"A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Farmland Values in Florida."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
The Sugar
John L. Bieber, Ph.D.
"Diversification Opportunities and Effects of Alternative Policies on
Costa Rican Coffee Farms."
Chairman: W. W. Mcl'iierson.
David W. Parvin, Ph.D.
"Effects of Weather on Orange Supplies."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Hans Patrick Peterson, M.S.A.
"Effects of Resource Reallocation on Crop Income from Medium Size Farms
in Jamaica."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Harry Gene Witt, Ph.D.
"Broilers, Dairy Cattle, Fed Beef Cattle, Layers and Swine: Differences
Between Actual Production and Production with an 'Optimum' Economic
Utilization of Feed in Eleven Regions of the United States, 1965."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Ahmad Mahdzan bin Ayob, M.S.A.
"An Econometric Analysis of United States Import Demand and Prices of
Natural Rubber."
Chairman: A. A. Prato.
Dallas Robert Fox, M.S.A.
"Policy Analysis and Simulation Modeling for Basic Grain Commodity
Systems with Special Reference to Rice."
Chairman: W. K. Boutwell.
Lee Wayne Hall, M.S.A.
"An Analysis of the U.S. Regional Demands and Marketing Costs for
Selected Florida Processed Citrus Products."
Chairman: L. H. Myers.
Bharat Jhunjhunwala, M.S.A.
"Minimum Cropland Requirements for Specified Income Levels in Selected
Counties of North and West Florida."
Chairman: F. H. Tyner.
William D. Ricker, M.S.A.
"An Analytical Approach to the Consolidation of Counties in North and
West Florida Based on Educational Efficiency Criteria."
Chairman: F. H. Tyner.
James N. Royal, M.S.A.
"Factors Affecting Differences Between Use-Value and Market Value
Assessments of Land--Alachua County, Florida."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Michael Schwartz, Ph.D.
"Input Productivity in Agriculture on the North Coast of Colombia."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Donna Fay Wyatt, M.S.A.
"Factors Affecting Farmland Values in Florida and the Southeast."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Reinaldo Alcantara, M.S.A.
"Returns to Scale and Resource Allocation in the Production of Sugar-
cane in Sao Paulo, Brazil."
Chairman: A. A. Prato.
Mario M. Amin, M.S.A.
"Regional Market Allocation for Selected Florida Citrus Products."
Chairman: L. H. Myers.
Morris Behar, M.S.A.
"Recreational Usage in the Kissimmee River Basin, Florida."
Chairman: K. C. Gibbs.
Henry D. Brodnax, Ph.D.
"The Effects of Various Tenure and Tax Management Strategies on Organi-
zation of Beef Cattle Ranches in the Gulf Coast Area of Central Florida
Chairman: B. R. Eddleman.
Jose Dearing, M.S.A.
"Cost-Benefit Analysis of Vocational Agricultural Education in El Sal-
Chairman: B. R. Eddleman.
Juan A. Figueras, Ph.D.
"Agrarian Reform and Agricultural Development in Mexico."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Paul J. Hooker, Ph.D.
"Systems Analysis of U.S. Management Strategies in the Gulf of Mexico
Shrimp Industry."
Chairman: L. Polopolus.
Jonq-Ying Lee, M.S.A.
"A Simultaneous Equation Model of the Economic-Ecologic System in Citrus
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
John F. McGuire, M.S.A.
"An Application of Two Methods to Estimate the Economic Value of
Outdoor Recreation in the Kissimmee River Basin."
Chairman: K. C. Gibbs.
Juan Montes, M.S.A.
"Effect of a Supply Control Program in the United States Market for
Winter Tomatoes Produced in Florida and West Mexico."
Chairman: D. L. Brooke.
Louis A. Murray, M.S.A.
"Areawide Planning for Optimum Locations of Hospital Facilities in
Northeast Florida."
Chairman: B. R. Eddleman.
Daniel B. Wilder, M.S.A.
"Marginal Values of Water Used in the Irrigation of Citrus in the
Central Ridge Section of Florida."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Ziblim Andan, M.S.A.
"Capital Requirements and Crop Combinations for Specified Income
Levels in Ghana."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
John R. Brooker, Ph.D.
"Systems Analysis of the United States Winter Fresh Tomato Industry."
Chairman: L. Polopolus.
James C. Cato, Ph.D.
"The Effect of Resource Investment Programs on Labor Employment."
Chairman: B. R. Eddleman.
Bharat Jhunjhunwala, Ph.D.
"Agricultural Mechanization, Rural Income Distribution and Unemployment
in Faizabad District, East Uttar Pradesh."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Clyde F. Kiker, Ph.D.
"River Basin Simulation as a Means of Determining Operating Policy for
a Water Control System."
Chairman: J. R. Conner.
Richard A. Levins, M.S.A.
"The Competitive Position of Potato Producers in the Hastings Area of
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Robert Glenn McElroy, M.S.A.
"Some Environmental Considerations of Regional Development."
Chairman: E. T. Loehman.
Terry A. Moore, M.S.A.
"Self-Sufficiency in Vegetable Oil Production in Ecuador: An Applica-
tion of Dynamic Linear Programming."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Arthur F. Parker, Jr., Ph.D.
"An Econometric Analysis of the Florida Grapefruit Industry."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson; Co-Chairman: L. H. Myers.
Charles E. Powe, Ph.D.
"A Model for Evaluating Alternative Policy Decisions for the Florida
Orange Subsector of the Food Industry."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Charles L. Richardson, M.S.A.
"The Advertising Response for Processed Oranges: A Distributive Lag
Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Joseph C. Roetheli, M.S.A.
"Economic Analysis of Selected Orange Harvesting Systems in Florida."
Chairman: D. L. Brooke.
Jackie G. Smith, M.S.A.
"Short Run Price Forecasting Model for Canned Single Strength Grapefruit
Chairman: L. H. Myers.
Chih-Huang Tuan, M.S.A.
"A Description of the Southeastern Kissimmee-Everglades Drainage Basin
with Emphasis on Hydrologic-Economic Linkages."
Chairman: J. R. Conner.
Sarah Shu-Jen Yang, M.S.A.
"Analysis of Family Income Variations in Florida."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Jose Alvarez, M.S.A.
"The Florida Shrimp Processing Industry: Economic Structure and
Marketing Channels.",
Chairman: F. J. Prochaska.
Donald R. Andrews, M.S.A.
"An Estimation of Residential Demand for Water in Dade County, Florida."
Chairman: K. C. Gibbs.
James R. Baarda, Ph.D.
"An Economic Analysis of Alternative Revenue Generating Policies for
State Financing."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Teunis DeBoon, Ph.D.
"Influence of Trade Barriers: The Florida and Mexico Experience with
Winter Cucumbers."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson; Co-Chairman: C. O. Andrew.
Edwin H. Finlayson, M.S.A.
"An Application of Computer Analysis in Florida Dairy Feeding."
Chairman: J. Holt.
J. Michael Gorham, M.S.A.
"An Analysis of the Determinants of Nutrient Intake for Selected Families
in Florida's Expanded Nutrition Program."
Chairman: A. A. Prato.
Aurelia B. Harris, M.S.A.
"Optimum Locations of Hospital Facilities in Northwest Florida."
Chairman: B. R. Eddleman.
Michael J. Mara, M.S.A.
"Economic Implications of Water Hyacinth Control."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Jean Ongla, M.S.A.
"Economic Impact of a Fertilizer Shortage on the Production of Selected
Vegetable Crops in Florida."
Chairman: C. O. Andrew.
David J. Zimet, M.S.A.
"The Economic Potential for Increasing Vegetable Production in the
Zapotitan District, El Salvador."
Chairman: C. 0. Andrew.
Jagadev N. Bagali, Ph.D.
"Nutritional and Nonnutritional Components of Demand for Food."
Chairman: A. A. Prato.
Frank A. Dasse, Ph.D.
"Economic Impacts of Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice Futures Trading
on the Florida Orange Industry."
Chairman: L. H. Myers; Co-Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Vo-Huu De, Ph.D.
"Demand for Food in South Viet-Nam and Projections for 1980."
Chairman: L. Polopolus.
Thomas A. Jennings, Ph.D.
"A General Methodology for Analyzing Demand for Outdoor Recreation
with an Application to Camping in Florida State Parks."
Chairman: K. C. Gibbs.
Jonq-Ying Lee, Ph.D.
"A Study of Optimum Number, Sizes, and Locations of Wastewater Treat-
ment Facilities in Alachua County, Florida."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Thomas S. Walker, M.S.A.
"Economic Analysis of the Domestic and Foreign Hired Agricultural Labor
Market in Florida."
Chairman: C. O. Andrew.
Kenneth B. Wiegand, M.S.A.
"The Economic Feasibility of Stabilizing the Price and Supply of
Potatoes in Ecuador."
Chairman: C. O. Andrew.
James D. Wilson, M.S.A.
"Mirex: Decision Making Problems in Pesticide Programs."
Chairman: E. T. Loehman.
Oon Lee Yeoh, Ph.D.
"Welfare Gains: from Supply Stabilization in the Orange Industry of
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Mario M. Amin, Ph.D.
"Allocation of Florida Pompon Chrysanthemums to Selected Regional
Chairman: C. N. Smith.
Gustavo J. Arcia, M.S.
"Agricultural Labor Supply and Unemployment Insurance."
Chairman: R. D. Emerson.
Efrain M. Figueroa, M.S.
"Feasibility of Marketing Woody Ornamentals in North Central Florida."
Chairman: L. H. Myers.
Mudiumbula T. Futa, M.S.
"Internal Agricultural Adjustment to External Disturbances: Case Study
of Export Crop Diversification in Selected African Countries, 1950-1973.
Chairman: W. K. Mathis; Co-Chairman: C. G. Davis.
N. Wayne Jordan, Ph.D.
"A Quantitative Evaluation of the Economic Feasibility of Expansion
in the Florida Cattle Feeding Industry."
Chairman: W. K. McPherson.
Tran-Nhu-Long, Ph.D.
"Capital Needs in the Agriculture of
Chairman: L. Polopolus.
William George Luppold, M.S.
"Commercial Demand for Water in Dade
Chairman: G. D. Lynne.
Bernard F. Neenan, M.S.
"An Economic Analysis of the Florida
Chairman: L. H. Myers.
South Vietnam."
County, Florida."
Feeder Cattle Industry."
Romulo Soliz-Valarezo; M.S.
"Optimum Farm Plans to Meet Changing Conditions on North and West
Florida Crop Farms."
Chairman: J. Holt; Co-Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
W. Charles Walden, Ph.D.
"An Interindustry Analysis of Technological Innovation and Regional
Impact: The Case of Flue-Cured Tobacco."
Chairman: M. L. Upchurch.
Joel S. Williams, Ph.D.
"An Economic Analysis of Alternative Management Strategies for the
Florida Spiny Lobster Industry."
Chairman: F. J. Prochaska.
John Henry Williams, M.S.
"An Estimation of the Agricultural Demand for Water in Dade County,
Chairman: G. D. Lynne.
Jose Alvarez, Ph.D.
"Traditional and Commercial Farm Supply Response in Agricultural
Development: The Case for Basic Grains in Guatemala."
Chairman: C. 0. Andrew.
Glen Nelson Buckley, M.S.
"Econometric Analysis of the FCOJ Wholesale-Retail Subsector."
Chairman: D. S. Tilley.
William R. Goodwin, M.S.
"Agricultural Development Under Urban Pressure, Costa Rica."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Robert Allen Morris, M.S.
"Primary Economic Impact of Florida's Commercial Fishing Industry."
Chairman: F. J. Prochaska.
Pamela Haines Neenan, M.S.
"Impact of the Food Stamp and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education
Programs on Nutrient Demand by Low Income Households: Polk County,
Chairman: C. G. Davis.
Khai Q. Nguyen, M.S.
"Effects of Prices, Income, and Exchange Rates on the European Demand
for Concentrated Orange Juice."
Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Juan A. Poveda, M.S.
"Earnings Differentials Among Florida Male Farm Workers."
Chairman: R. D. Emerson.
Manuel E. Reyes, M.S.
"The Economic Feasibility of Sugarcane and Citrus Production on the
Flatwood Sandy Soils of Southwest Florida."
Chairman: G. A. Zepp.
John C. S. Tang, Ph.D.
"World Demand for Fresh U.S. Grapefruit: An Application of Seemingly
Unrelated Regressions."
Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Bakayoko Adama, M.S.
"The Economics of Rice Production in the Ivory Coast, 1950-1972:
Strategies and Policy Implications."
Chairman: C. G; Davis.
James E. Davis, Jr., M.S.
"The Theory and Measurement of Coupon Effectiveness: An Application
of Error-Components Models."
Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Leo da Rocha Ferreira, Ph.D.
"Economics of Small and Sharecropper Farms Under Risk in the Sertao
of Northeastern Brazil."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Albert Fuller, M.S.
"Local Market Feasibility for Fresh Vegetables Produced in Columbia,
Hamilton, Madison, and Suwanee Counties."
Chairman: C. O. Andrew.
Virgilio A. Machado, Ph.D.
"A Dynamic, Mixed Integer Location Model Applied to Florida Citrus
Chairman: L. Polopolus; Co-Chairman: D. S. Tilley.
Larry M. Moore, M.S.
"An Economic Analysis of the Florida East Coast Finfish Subsector."
Chairman: F. J. Prochaska.
Vasco Antonio Moretti, M.S.
"Demand for Brazilian Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice Exports."
Chairman: D. S. Tilley.
Jean Ongla, Ph.D.
"Structure, Conduct and Performance of the Food Crop Marketing System
in Cameroon: A Case Study of Yaounde and Adjacent Areas."
Chairman: C. G. Davis.
Devin L. Tower, M.S.
"Rural Land Prices: An Empirical Analysis in East Central Florida."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Edward E. Canler, M.S.
"An Application of the Delphi Technique to Evaluate the Economic Per-
formance of the Biodynamic/French Intensive System Under Florida
Chairman: W. A. Colette.
Patricia D. Conroy, M.S.
"Economic Value of the Salt Marsh to the Florida Blue Crab Industry."
Chairman: G. D. Lynne.
Donald R. Crane, Jr,, M.S.
"The Sugarcane Stubble Replacement Decision for South Florida."
Chairman: T. H. Spreen.
Steven P. Hubbard, M.S.
"A Model for Estimating Differences in the Degrees of Risk Preferences
Between Small and Large North Central Florida Field Corn Producers."
Chairman: W. A. Colette.
Paul T. Phillips, M.S.
"An Economic Evaluation of Forage Alternatives for South Florida Cow-
Calf Production Systems."
Chairman: B. E. Meltopn.
James Walter Prevatt, M.S.
"Optimal Farm Resource Organization for North and West Florida: An
Application of Dynamic Linear Programming."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Gregory E. Schimkat, M.S.
"A Basis Model for Hedging Florida Feeder Cattle."
Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Holly J. Thomason, M.S.
"An Economic Analysis of the Role of the Sugar Industry in the South
Florida Economy."
Chairman: J. R. Gordon.
Ahmad Mahdzan bin Ayob, Ph.D.
"Choice of Technology in Rice Harvesting in the Muda Irrigation Scheme,
Chairman: W. W. McPherson.
Ella K. Carl, Ph.D.
"Selection of Alternate Vertical Exchange Mechanisms and Its Effect on
Market Price."
Chairman: L. Polopolus; Co-Chairman: R. L. Kilmer.
Julio A. Chang, M.S.
"A Multivariate Time Series Approach to Forecasting Cattle Prices."
Chairman: T. H. Spreen.
Gerald W. Fieser, M.S.
"A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Rearing Versus Purchasing Dairy Replacement
Heifers in Florida."
Chairman: B. E. Melton.
William B. Hackett, M.S.
"Economic Change in Florida's Coastal Counties: Shift-Share Assessment."
Chairman: W. D. Mulkey.
William M. Malick, M.S.
"A Simultaneous Equation Model of the Florida Retail Orange Juice
Marketing System."
Chairman: D. S. Tilley.
Henry E. Ramirez, Jr., M.S.
"The Impact of Empty Backhauls on the Fuel Consumed in Truck Transporta-
tion of Florida Fresh Fruits and Vegetables."
Chairman: R. L. Kilmer.
Robert A. Solove, Ph.D.
"The Agricultural Impact of Water Quality Standards: A Mathematical
Programming Approach."
Chairman: G. D. Lynne.
Keri Hamacher Taylor, M.S.
"Economic Efficiency and Distributional 'Implications of Alternative
Water Allocation Approaches Under Administrative Water Law."
Chairman: C. F. Kiker.
Timothy Gordon Taylor, Ph.D.
"A Bio-Econometric Analysis of tAe Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef
Fish Fishery."
Chairman: F. J. Prochaska.
Charles E. Allison, M.S.
"Optimal Producer Response to Cyclical and Seasonal Variations in
Cattle Prices."
Chairman: B. E. Melton.
Jehu A. Anaman, M.S.
"Optimal Irrigation Strategies for the 'Valencia' Citrus Crop in
Chairman: G. D. Lynne.
Robert M. Behr, Ph.D.
"A Simultaneous Equation Model of Futures Market Trading Activity."
Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Jeffrey R. Crawford, M.S.
"Long Term Projections of Ranch Expenses, Income and Net Worth: An
Economic and Financial Analysis."
Chairman: J. R. Simpson.
Sherry L. Organ Fieser, M.S.
"An Evaluation of Alternative Marketing Strategies for Florida Bred
Chairman: W. A. Colette.
Luiz Jose Maria Irias, Ph.D.
"An Econometric Model of International Trade of Frozen Concentrated
Orange Juice."
Chairman: D. S. Tilley.
Walter R. Keithly, M.S.
"Florida Spiny Lobster Fishing: Monthly Allocation of Economic Inputs
with Consideration of Population Parameters and Alternative Fishing
Chairman: F. J. Prochaska.
Kathryn Corinne Lewis, M.S.
"The Application of Non-Market Valuation Methods to Evaluate the Poten-
tial for Water Conservation in the Residential Sector."
Chairman: R. R. Carriker.
Menwouyellet Moussie, Ph.D.
"Impact of Socioeconomic Characteristics on the Nutritional Status of
Adolescents from Low-Income Households in Florida."
Chairman: C. G. Davis.
Elengesa M'Pia, M.S.
"Use of an Economic-Demographic Simulation Model for Planning in Zaire's
Beef Cattle Subsector."
Chairman: J. R. Simpson.
Jonathan S. Perry, Ph.D.
"An Econometric Analysis of Socioeconomic and Demographic Determinants
of Fish and Shellfish Consumption in the United States."
Chairman: F. J. Prochaska.
Joseph Michael Prentice-Cordon, M.S.
"An Economic Analysis of Seed Production and Seed Conditioning in Colom-
bia and Guatemala."
Chairman: P. J. van Blokland.
Francisco J. Proenza, Ph.D.
"Impact of the Supervised Credit System on the Use of Modern Agricultural
Practices: The Case of Corn in Guatemala."
Chairman: W. W. McPherson; Co-Chairman: R. D. Emerson.
Gwen S. Shonkwiler, M.S.
"The Effect of Increasing Fuel Prices on the Feeder Cattle Marketing
System in Florida.'
Chairman: T. H. Spreen.
Hilda Yumiseva, Ph.D.
"Agricultural Policy: A Linear Programming Application to Guatemala."
Chairman: M. R. Langham; Co-Chairman: R. D. Emerson.
Bakayoko Adama, Ph.D.
"Export Agriculture Diversification and Intra-Regional Income Distribu-
tion in the Ivory Coast: Case of the Forested Region, 1960-1980."
Chairman: C. G. Davis.
Ismet Ahmad, Ph.D.
"Indonesian Agricultural Productivity and Its Relation to Development
Strategy: A Value-Added Approach."
Chairman: M. R. Langham.
Guillermo E. Alvarado, M.S.
"The Impacts of a Marketing Order Quality Restriction on Florida Winter
Fresh Tomato Growers."
Chairman: J. J. VanSickle.
Carlos Anthony Arnade, M.S.
"An Evaluation of Alternative Price Forecasting Mechanisms in Relation
to the Florida Decision."
Chairman: T. H. Spreen.
Eric Scott Bauman, M.S.
"Producer Gas Powered Irrigation: An Economic Appraisal."
Chairman: C. F. Kiker.
Antonio Caro Cifuentes, M.S.
"Production Schedules for Florida Foliage Nurseries."
Chairman: T. H. Spreen.
Eleonora Daza, M.S.
"Estimation of a Production Function for Staked Tomatoes and Green
Peppers in Southwest Florida."
Chairman: W. A. Colette.
David L. Dodson, M.S.
"Choice Theory and the Adoption of Innovations: The Peasant Farmer
Decision to Try Soybeans in Mulungu, Zaire."
Chairman: P. J. van Blokland.
S. Elaine Grigsby, Ph.D.
"The Impact of P.L. 480 Title I Trade, Finance, and Aid in Colombia,
Chairman: W. W. McPherson; Co-Chairman: J. R. Simpson.
Wayne H. Howard, M.S.
"A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Florida's Fresh Vegetable Market
in the United States."
Chairman: W. A. Colette.
John David Locascio, M.S.
"The Estimation of Barrier Island Amenity Values Around Apalachicola
Chairman: W. D. Mulkey; Co-Chairman: J. W. Milon.
Amy Margoluis, M.S.
"Estimation of Implicit Prices for Juice and Drink Characteristics."
Chairman: D. S. Tilley.
Nancy McCabe, M.S.
"Characteristics of Fresh Citrus Consumers."
Chairman: D. S. Tilley; Co-Chairman: G. F. Fairchild.
Hector Medrano-Vaquero, Ph.D.
"Evaluation of the Limiting Factors to Bean Production in El Salvador."
Chairman: C. 0. Andrew; Co-Chairman: J. Alvarez.
Mario E. Molina-Batlle, M.S.
"The Economics of Producing Four Tropical Crops by Cuban Farmers in
the Homestead Area of Florida in 1981."
Chairman: P. J. van Blokland.
Robert P. Norbert, M.S.
"Factors Which Influence Agricultural Land Values in the Southeast."
Chairman: J. E. Reynolds.
Gonzalo A. Romero, M.S.
"Setting Priorities in Developing Country's Agricultural Research Sta-
Chairman: J. R. Simpson.
James Harold Sanderson, M.S.
"Socioeconomic Determinants of Food Expenditure Pattern and Nutritional
Status of Low-Income Elderly Minority Households, Dade County, Florida."
Chairman: C. G. Davis.
Ernest Binford Smith, Ph.D.
"Evaluation of Federal Marketing Orders for Fruits and Vegetables Using
Time Varying Parameters."
Chairman: R. W. Ward.
Amy L. Sparks, M.S.
"An Input-Output Analysis of Florida's Persistent Low-Income Counties."
Chairman: J. R. Gordon.
M. Kathryn Ting, M.S.
"Asymmetric Price Response in the Irreversible Demand Functions for
Citrus Juice Products."
Chairman: D. S. Tilley.
Elzadia Washington, M.S.
"Evaluating Farmers Home Administration Short-Term Loans to Farmers in
Jackson County, Florida, Using Discriminant Analysis."
Chairman: P. J. van Blokland.
Bonny J. Welcher, M.S.
"Diesel Fuel Prices and the Interregional Allocation of Florida and
California Celery."
Chairman: R. L. Kilmer.