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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY .*A VOLUME 121 NUMBER 45 50 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ..............10 Church ............... 7 Obituaries ............6 Police Report ..........3 Tidbits ..............18 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 20051 Raiders set for state game StaffReport The pulse of the South Sumter Raiders is coursing through Sumter County right now, as residents prepare for a journey south, to show their support for the home team and stake their claim on a piece of Sumter history as the Raiders take on Miami in a state championship game. As a matter of fact, it's such a big deal and such a histori- cal spot in time, that the Sumter County School Board voted Tuesday night to dis- miss school early on Thursday and close it on Friday. While the pulse is strong everywhere, excitement is rippling through South Sumter High School this week. You can feel the high energy just walking into the front office, as plans for the game gear up. More than 4,000 tickets to Thursday night's game were sold last Friday when the Raiders took Madison 29-14. "Our defensive effort was superb." Raider's head coach Inman Sherman said of 'Friday night's game. I don't think we need to improve a thing for the Miami game. It's just an all-out effort at this point. We've done all the improving we can do." Sherman, visibly exited about the upcoming state playoff game, explained that the game last Friday was, "almost perfect. "They were a great team. They were undefeated until they played us. It was a privi- lege to beat them. "Sigmund Cook was the player of the game." Sherman said. "'He made a lot of pass break ups ..on-defense that, really helped and Travis Hutchinson also played well." Since last Friday night's game, more than a dozen Chris Morris (seated) stepped into the South Sumter High School front office to find a crowd waiting for football and bus tickets to Thursday night's game. She's shown here selling tick- ets to Joan Johnson. Steven Yaeger (at right) waits his turn in a line that wends out into the main office. buses eight charters have south. been scheduled to make the The school has asked trek south. employees and residents to be They'll pull out of Raider outside the front of their busi- Country this Thursday and nesses and homes at 9:05 a.m. head south to witness the bat- on Thursday as the buses tle for the Class 2A Florida parade by on their way out of High School Athletic town. Association State Students, parents, faculty, Championship Series. Set for staff and fans are grabbing 7 p.m. at Community Stadium their tickets and bus seats for - Florida International the ride. University in Miami, the game Sumter School Supt. Rick will be televised live on the Shirley said closing schools Sunshine Network. was a complicated issue on Those eight buses don't several levels from the include the five it will-take o school year calendar that has move players, chedtl'i0a6s. "already been ratified by two the band and assistants. professional agencies to the They'll be leaving at nine, Florida statute that requires parading through downtown Bushnell before heading Please see RAIDERS, Page 2 Reward offered in aniv BOB REICHMAN Editor It's been a month since Center Hill Police Chief Roger Odom found the mal- nourished and abused mixed- breed dog now called Amazing Gracie. A deep gash encircled her neck from the plastic cable that was used to keep her col- lared and leashed. Not far away were her eight newborn puppies. She was unable to feed the pups. She was too malnourished and too tangled in the cable that bound her. Odom found the animals on Oct. 30, after a young child called him saying the dog was seen in weeds near an aban- doned home on State Street. "The dog had gotten all tied 'up with the cable .wrapped around it in the bushes so it couldn't move," he said: "The cable around her neck had bitten into her neck and you could tell that it had been there for quite some time because of all the scarring." Odom provided the dog with some water and called Sumter County Animal Control for assistance. "I think it's pretty sick when someone takes an animal like that and treats it like that," he said. In the meantime, Odom says he is continuing an inves- tigation to determine owner- ,ship of the dog. "I'm going to investigate it fully," he said. "Right now I'm following up some leads and we've recovered evidence from the scene. "We intend to follow up to the fullest extent and then present the information to the state attorney's office for pros- ecution." Animal abuse can either be a misdemeanor crime or a felony, according to Assistant State Attorney Jody Fisher. Misdemeanor animal abuse has a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a $5,000 fine. Felony animal abuse has a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10.000 fine. The degree of punishment is determined by the intent of abuse, she said. Fisher said she will pursue the case once results from the Center Hill investigation are completed. "'We're going to stallrt cracking down on these types of cases, there's no other choice. We're the only voice these animals have and we're going to be screaming loud." Persons wit h information about the case can contact Odom at 7934609. "They can call in and leave a message Please see ABUSE, Page 2 .,- ? .-Photo by Brenda Locklear Coach Inman Sherman (back) stands with some winning members of his team as they bask in their win against Madison and prep for their game in the championship on Thursday night. Sumter County has grabbed on to the Raiders' heartbeat and desire to play. Shown are players Bo Massey, Carlos Everett (middle row. left to right) and Therman Price and Brady Jackonr,(front, left to right). '. nal abuse case County changes building plans MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County Commissioners on Tuesday abandoned plans to lease space in a Bushnell shopping center for county offices. Instead of incorporating vacant retail space into a plan for major shuffling of county departments, the board directed its architectural con- sultant to begin planning for a single story building of up to 10,000 square feet to be built adjoining the east side of the county judicial building. The new structure will be designed to house the Fifth Judicial Circuit State Attorney's Office. The board unanimously Please see COUNT_ fage 13 > ! < "4 Cc 7-t 1 Amazing Gracie is shown at right with Animal Control Officer Frank Taberner. Gracie is recovering from a severe gash in her neck that was caused by being attached to a cable. Gracie and her puppies (pic- tured above, are shown with Animal Control Officer Frank Taberner, Kennel Mgr. Eva Coffell, Supervisor John Hezlep, Chief Roger Odom. and Sheri Evans of the Humane Society/SPCA. The animals are being housed at the Sumter County Animal Control shelter until they are healthy enough for adoption. PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 ,iAB ABUS-E continued from Page 1 and remain anonymous;" he said. "We're looking for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators," he said. So are representatives of the Humane Society/Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Sumter County. ...;" The Sumter organization is offering a reward to anyone with information leading to the arrest and conviction of S the person responsible for S abusing the dog. To contact the organization call 793-9117, press option 2. "It was pretty horrific," crueltyly investigator Sheri J.Evans, said of the dog's con- edition when she was found. "She suffered some type of injury to her neck like this before this incident because other scars were found." Sumter County Animal Control took Gracie and her pups to Bushnell veterinari- an Mark Yates where she underwent surgery, for her injuries and the puppies were given nutrients, Evans said. The large wound on Amazing Gracie's neck was caused by a It's been a month now since cable that was used to collar and chain her. Gracie and her puppies were first discovered. The dog and her puppies are currently being housed at Sumter County Animal Control until the Humane Society can obtain custody, Evans said. "Now, she looks similar to a small cow," Evans joked. Gracie has gained weight and is nursing her month-old puppies. All the dogs are in good health. "The people at Animal Control are just totally mak- ing a fuss over her," she said. "The puppies are starting to walk and they're all doing well." Gracie will eventually be available for adoption, along with her eight puppies. In the meantime, Odoni' says he will do everything possible to find the person responsible for the abuse; "We're not going to tolerate actions like this." For a related story about Amazing Gracie read Critter Chatter inside this week's edition. RAIDERS continued from Page 1 180 days school days or an equivalent number of hours. Noticing the public of meet- ings and passing on the infor- mation to parents who need babysitters and after-school, out-of-school supervision for their kids is another part of the problem. Shirley said the board post- ed notice on the doors of the Sumter County Courthouse, and were finding times and dates that would allow stu- dents to make up the time, without a loss of instructional time. "This has never happened in South Siumter's history." he said of the Raiders chance to play for the state title. While the board made the decision to close school, the logistics might have been far worse if they hadn't, accord- ing to Shirley, who pointed out that so many people were going to the game, he didn't know who would be available to come in and work as teach- ing staff. "It's a small, close-knit com- munity," he said, adding that just about everybody either graduated from the school or has a son, daughter, nephew, uncle or cousin at the school. "Friday night, they ran out of food and they ran out of seats and they still came in. Obviously, the whole district is proud of their accomplish- ments," Shirley said of last week's game against Madison. He said the focus should definitely be on the players, but adds that some attention' should also go to Coach Inman Sherman and his staff. He said the coaches spent more than 16 hours over they weekend, prepping for the upcoming game and that was without the players. They did the same thing in the challenges against Madison and Bolles, earlier this month. The players will leave earli- er than the buses chartered by fans. They plan to keep to their routine. The buses are slated to get back around 4 a.m. on Friday. The game was originally set for Saturday night, but got bumped back to Thursday when Hurricane Wilma delayed the FIU game. "I am so proud of the kids and the coaches and the fans because of their support for them," Shirley said. "This is an opportunity for the entire county to unite for one goal." These young puppies where saved when they were found in weeds near an abandoned home in Center Hill. he qI ---- ---- ---- --- ---------------- ALL NEW PAY PACKAGE; $1500 SIGN ON BONUS Class A CDL Company Drivers & Increased 0/0 PKG Call Val 1-800-973-9161 www.heyl.net; HEYL TRUCK LINES, INC : - *'^ -^* i;".' a&ooo iILLm1& Hours one 'Full Year! 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L wilaLri SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 3 Elaborate marijuana operation found * BOB REICHMAN AND AMANDA MIMS Law enforcement officers arrested two Sumter County residents last week after dis- iovering an elaborate system for growing marijuana in a secret room in a building beside a Bushnell house. ; Officers discovered 69 plants ranging from four inches to three feet in height in the room on Tuesday. Nov. 22; according to a sheriff's office press released. Thomas Tuller, 36, was arrested for manufacturing marijuana, possession of marijuana with intent to sell, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $75,500: I Also arrested was Rhonda Marie Elchelberger, 23, for. possession of marijuana with intent to sell, possession of a controlled substance, and. possession of drug parapher- nalia. Bond was set at $6,500. The street value of the mar- ipuana confiscated is approx- imately $70,000, according to the press release. : The residence at 7181 County Road 625 was sus- pected of being a marijuana grow house, and upon exe- cutting a search warrant, detectives discovered 1.5 pounds of marijuana in the kitchen, and 35 Xanax pills in individual plastic bags, according to the release. The Xanax pills had been sorted and ready to be sold individually, according to sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. Xanax is a prescription anti-anxiety medication. It is used primarily for short-term relief of mild to moderate anxiety arid nervous tension It was a pretty substantial bust," said Caruthers. "We do feel we have put a good dent in that operation." Caruthers said the mari- juana was being grown in an "out building" that contained a secret room. The building looked like a game room but there was a corner shelf with a hidden door, Caruthers said. Behind the door was a sophisticated system for growing marijua- na. "The lighting system was very elaborate with lights that moved on a track over the plants," he said. The marijuana was confis- cated. It will be held as evi- dence and eventually be destroyed, Caruthers said. Officers discovered 69 plants ranging from four inches to three feet in height in the room on Tuesday, Nov. 22. Officers discovered 69 plants ranging from four inches to three feet in height in the room on Tuesday, Nov. 22. Police REPORT Christian rehab program fights addiction Wednesday, Nov. 23 , Michael Breckon, 27, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of methampheta- mines and possession of nar- cotic equipment. Bond was set at $10,500. Maggie Zanders, 32, Webster, was arrested for driving while license sus- p:ended or revoked. Bond was set at $500. Thursday, Nov. 24 *Steven Dyal, 32, Wildwood. was arrested for violation of ljrobation for"petit theft. ,'No bond we, -sset. : : Kell~ ~.~30; Webster, \vas arre't-'-Ior failure to appear for driving while license suspended. * Bond was set at $1.013. 'David Vega, 36, Webster, was arrested for aggravated battery. No bond was set. Friday, Nov. 25 I Gerald Nelson. 29, (oleman, was -arrested for sexual assault and lewd and ltscivious act. - No bond was set. t Domain James, 25, Wildwood, was arrested for disorderly conduct and existingg without violence. SBond was set at $1,000. -Raymond Curry, 41, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested IOr driving under the influ- ence. Bond was set at $500. o Clinton Weaver, 48, $ushnell, was arrested for dsorderly intoxication and resisting without violence. , Bond was set at $700. ~ Alredo Jeronimo-Torres, 0, Center Hill, was arrested i.'. for driving under the influ- ence. Bond was set at $500. Sunday, Nov. 27 John Beck, 44, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for driving with permanently revoked driver's license. Bond was set at $10,000. Brandon Sands, 20, Wildwood, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Jamie Wall, 28, Webster,, was arrested for failure to appear for grand theft, crim- inal mischief. resisting a law14 enforcement officer with vio- lence, petit theft and escape from law enforcement offi- cer. No bond was set. Monday, Nov. 28 Antonio Jackson, 25, Wildwood, was arrested for sale of cocaine and posses- sion of cocaine with intent to sell. Bond was set at $20,000. Thomas bailey, 32, Oxford, was arrested for violation of probation for possession of marijuana and parapherna- lia. No bond was set. Charles Stanford, 50, Webster, was arrested for trespass occupied dwelling. Bond was set at $1,000. Shelley Hurtt, 23, Bushnell, was arrested for uttering forged instrument, grand theft and violation of probation for fraud. Bond was set at $2,000. Arrest information com- piled for this report is made available from the Sumter County Detention Center jail log. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Ryan Rockwell started using marijuana when lie was 12 years old and cocaine at 17. After spending most of his teen years in and out of jail. arrested on charges from grand theft auto and arson to weapon and drug possession, he turned 18 behind bars. looking at time in a state prison. A very different 19-year-old Ryan Rockwell stood outside the Bushnell Wal-Mart Supercenteron Friday, selling Christian T-shirts and accept- ing donations on behalf 'of Youth Challenge, a Christian- based drug and alcohol reha- bilitation program he says turned his life around. He travels across Florida, working in the program and setting up outside stores all over the state, selling shirts and talking to people. "We try to get people into the program who need help," he said. When he was incarcerated, his mother happened upon others selling shirts who told. her about Youth Challenge. "By the grace of God, the judge let me into the program. It totally changed my life," Rockwell said, though he was- n't looking forward to it at the time. "I thought it was crazy. It was all about God and stuff...I didn't want anything to do with it." But he said the longer he was there, the more involved he became. "I was there for about a month, that's when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. "It's great. It's unlike any- thing else." Photo by Amanda Mims Ryan Rockwell, 19, left, sell T-shirts and collect donations for Youth Challenge of Florida, a Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation program in Wildwood. Rockwell, whose drug addition landed him in jail on numerous occasions, said the program changed his life. Four months later, Rockwell stuff is the devil." open to all men at least 18 is even considering Bible col- When he ran out of money years of age. One man in the lege and becoming a youth and things to sell, he started program now is 60 years old, pastor, writingbad checks. he said. "I would have never thought At one point, Rockwell, who Youth Challenge is an inter- I'd do this," he said. stands six feet tall, weighed national program based in He said the program lasts 18 135 pounds, pale and Connecticut, and Rockwell is months, which is what the unhealthy. His mother's reac- involved through Glory court ordered him to do, but tion hit home. Chapel Cathedral in he plans to commit himself to "She said, 'Ryan, I don't Wildwood. six more months with Youth even know you anymore.' I Youth Challenge is a not-for- Challenge. wanted to cry." profit organization and the 18- "The ones that stay, it Now, "She's happy to have month program is free of changes their lives...it's awe- her son back" charge. some just seeing people Rockwell said there are For information, call 748- change." around 30 people enrolled in 5595, or write to: Youth Rockwell has a long rap the residential program in Challenge of Florida, 4738 sheet, and used everything Wildwood, and despite its N.E. 49th Blvd., Wildwood, FL from ecstasy to LSD and pre- name, Youth Challenge is 34785. scription drugs, but he hit a low point when he began using cocaine. "I tried it, and I just lost it. "I started selling things," for 2W.-< "11 " drug money, he said. "That The Waggoners Trucking-Established 1951 BPORTS?-STEELBUIINGSS Drivers must have a valid Class A CDL, WO, AND UIn.U TRAILERS 1 year and 1OOK verifiable OTR miles. -793-9083 Stable work history and clean MVR is a must. Great Pay, Great Benefits, Matching 401K. -- k 0 |Contact Susan or John at (866) 413-3074 EOE ltomblihed 101 SSUMTER COUNTY TIMES GIVE US A CALL (USPS #535-880) News Department ....................... 352-793-2161 Circulation ............................... 1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertising ....................... 352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352-793-2161 Fax ..................... ...................... 352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES I PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 SUMMER COUNTY ~tR 4b I%~ole THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ............ ....... Bob Reichman Publisher ................... Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our VOICE A happy ending that could be even happier It's refreshing to write stories with happy- endings. Unfortunately, in animal abuse cases, they can be few and far between but not this time. For Amazing Gracie, a mixed- breed mother of eight, life is getting a whole lot better thanks to some concerned people. Gracie's story appears on the front page of this week's newspa- per. She was a dog that apparently was neglected to the point of seri- ous damage to herself and her recently born puppies. It's very likely that this story could have ended tragically if it hadn't been for human compassion. Gracie was rescued from entan- glement in weeds near an aban- doned house in Center Hill. Center Hill Police Chief Roger Odom found the dog. The compas- sionate act of saving Amazing Gracie and her pups begins with him. He is the first link in a chain of people that will surely to lead to a happy ending. Gracie has undergone an opera- tion and is now healthy. Her eight puppies are flourishing. Some people will find the grue- some photograph of Gracie's neck wound difficult to view. But we believe it was important to publish so readers can see the cruelty that this dog had to endure. It is a disturbing photo but not nearly as disturbing as the thought that someone caused this suffering. . Many people have taken up the cause to find the person responsi- ble for this act. It's nice to see so many people determined to take up the cause. The Humane Society of Sumter County needs to be commended for the work they have done not only to help Gracie and her puppies but for all the assistance they've provided to Sumter's unwanted and discard- ed pets. It's amazing what a group of ded- icated and compassionate people can achieve. While most of us are busy during this holiday season buying gifts for loved ones, it would be good to remember and help support the efforts of the Humane Society. Their compassion is great but their funds are limited. In Gracie's case, they provided funds for her, operation and med- ication as well as food for her and her puppies. A story about Gracie's plight appears on Page 1 and a. Critter Chatter column in this week's issue provides additional information. Unfortunately, Gracie is only one example of the many animals that need help. The Humane Society has a spe- cial fund set up to help provide aid to animals like Gracie. Adding your donation to that fund will provide a special treat during this holiday season. Just when you think you've got them figured out, they manage to surprise you. I'm talking about Center Hill. I went to a special meeting on Nov. 22 with the understanding that there would be readings of an ordinance to allow Sumter Cement to mine in Center Hill (even though the property is not annexed into the city yet). For anyone who doesn't know, the compa- ny wants to mine and manufacture cement on about 1,500 acres there. I expected a meeting similar to oth- ers in the city lately- crowded and long, with frustrated residents speak- ing to a tight-lipped council. Instead, I saw what could possibly be a record for short city council meetings. As fast as the city clerk could spit out the words of the ordi- nance twice, it was over. They managed to waste the time of everyone who bothered to show up, dismiss any voice of dissention, and breeze through a substantial legal process all in less time than it takes to make instant rice. I thought that was rather amazing. For people who can spend hours dragging out discussion on mundane city business, they don't seem to see the importance of discussing things that could have a profound impact on residents' lives for years to come. The reason for these hearings is to inform the public, but Center Hill is avoiding -disseminating information like the plague. Here's exactly what was said: 'An ordinance of the City of Center Hill, Florida, proposing a text amend- ment to the adopted local land devel- opment code; providing for codifica- tion; providing for conflict; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date." Meeting adjourned. A few audience members murmur bits of sarcasm as they get up to leave. I can only assume the ordinance she read had something to do with the request by Sumter Cement to change the current city code, which prohibits mining, to allow mining on agricultur- ally zoned land with a conditional use permit. I, like everyone else there, have to assume this because they never both- ered to explain. Council Member Elsie Ramsey invited everyone to come back for the Dec. 6 meeting and said they will take on discussion at that time.' The coun- cil is apparently scheduled to vote on the, mine issues then- the annexation, conditional use permit, and change to the city code. Let's hope the discussion they allow comes before the vote. It really makes me wonder how long this small government body will be permitted to run the place like a pri- vate business. They seem to feel no obligation to let residents know what's going on there, much less to allow the public to be part of decision- making process. Stay tuned for the Dec. 6 meeting, which starts at 7:30 at the Fellowship Hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Center Hill. Though you may not hear anyone say this, the legal advertisement placed by the city regarding the Dec. 6 meeting reads, "Comments may be voiced at the above-mentioned meet- ing or in writing addressed to the City Clerk, 94 S. Virginia Avenue, Center Hill, FL 33514." r"Copy righted Material o Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Your Coleman lease wasn't renewed On or about Sept. 30, 2002 the City of Coleman and Sumter County entered into a Fire Lease ("Lease"). The Lease, by its own terms, terminated on Sept. 30,2005. On May 19, 2005, the Director of Sumter County Fire and Rescue, Bill Gulbrandsen, appeared at a workshop held before the City Council. The purpose of the work- shop was to discuss the Lease, Sumter County's performance under the Lease and whether Sumter County intended to renew the Lease. At the workshop meet- ing, Mr. Gulbrandsen was asked whether Sumter County intended to renew the Lease. Mr. Gulbrandsen replied that Sumter County did NOT intend to renew the Lease. Between May 29, 2005 and Sept 30, 2005, Sumter County did not contact the City of Coleman in regard to negotiating either a renewal of the Lease or an exten- sion of the Lease. Sumter County was well aware that the Lease would terminate on Sept. 30, 2005, yet it took NO steps to either extend the Lease or renew the Lease. On Sept. 26, 2005, Sumter County was provided with a reminder that the Lease would terminate on Sept. 30, 2005 and that the City of Coleman expected the return of the property, both real and personal, that was the subject of the Lease. Even with the reminder, Sumter County took NO steps to contact the City of Coleman to either extend the Lease or renew the Lease. Sumter County voluntarily relin- quished possession of the premises and the property subject to the Lease at the end of the Lease, that is, on Sep. 30, 2005. Sumter County was not "evicted." For an eviction to occur, the party leasing the prop- erty, in this case Sumter County, must be in breach of the Lease or refuse to surrender the property subject to the Lease at the end of the term of the Lease. In this case, the Lease simply expired by its own terms because of the failure of Sumter County to negotiate an extension or renewal of the Lease. The, City of Coleman had no option but to seek the return of its property once the Lease expired. Without the Lease, the City of Coleman lost the protection provid- ed by the Lease, that is, liability insurance. City of Coleman Proud of the Raiders They are doing and have done d great job. Everything seems to have been falling in place, ever though things started out nervous- ly with the first game. They lost to East Ridge but they pulled it out by going for the State championship. The Raiders are champs; I have been going to the games for years; watching different plays, individu- als, just the team itself. It's just something about this year's group that stands out for champs, and I believe that we can and will pull this game to be called champs of Sumter County. Good luck to the team and coaching staff. Especially the staff, because going for two extra points, instead' ,of a field goal, and going for the first down on 4 and 1 outstanding. Hopefully there will be more of those wonderful plays, that will be pulled out (again). Good luck Raiders I'm with you all, so let's come back home champs. Lots of luck to the Raiders. Wanda Roberts Senior ADVOCATE What is deducted from out-of-pocket amount? SHealth care is complicated. We acknowledge that. Lots of things in life are complicated: filling out a tax return, registering your car, getting cable television. It is going to take time for seniors to become comfortable with the drug benefit." Current Health Human Services (HHS) secretary, formerly with the Environmental Protection Agency -: (EPA), former governor ,, of Utah and lifelong insurance broker, Dj Michael 0. Leavitt, pro- Roi vided this "statement of compassion." The 50- plus-year-old Leavitt Group Enterprises is now one of the top 20 insurance brokerages in the United States. I know that Leavitt has not had any activity with the group since 1992, although the latest income figures of Leavitt's significant ownership. of the group (I assume in a trust) are from 2003; the amount was $1.1 million, for that year. With Leavitt's statement, the government has passed the "hot potato" to the private insurance industry. The hot potato is, of course, your new Part D of Medicare. The government has set the orig- inal guidelines, but it is allowing the private insurers to "fly" with it. Part D for prescription drug plans is a program where the government chips in 75 percent of your premium to the private sector. Then the government, in theo- ry, indicates that the benefit, after the $250 deductible, pays 75 per- cent of the next $2,000, nothing for the next $2,850 and a magnificent catastrophic benefit once your drugs exceed $5,100 in a calendar year. In reality, the private insurer is paying the cost of what is considered an amount equal to your full responsibility. And, \ the government is pay- ^ ing a premium, as you are, to the insurer. However, most insurers' payments are not paid : in the simple manner that the government has indicated for some two AN years. HAN Insurance companies involved with Part D are motivated by profit. They ultimately have to answer to their stockholders, and this is the system in which we live. Hence, insurers' intentions are not to purposely confuse you or cheat you. They want your busi- ness! And, they want to keep your business once they get it. Subsequently, for an insurer to make a profit and please its enrollees, it must create policies written in an actuarially correct Part D for prescription drug plans is a program where the government chips in 75 percent of your premium to the private sector. manner, something that govern- ment does not understand. If an insurer loses money, it can apply for a rate increase the fol- lowing year, based on what is called "loss ratio." The government can simply print more money, sell various bonds that are not funded and eventually tax you one way or the other. So, insurance company lan- guage may be foreign to us, but it is necessary for an insurer. to ensure a profit But one item that you must be aware of: Let us suppose that your policy simply follows the original formula. I have reviewed one that does. You pay the first $250 as your deductible (note, many insurers are picking up this amount) and now the next $2,000 of expenses (some insurers go further). So, the question is: Does the insurer cotint the 25 percent that they pay toward your total out-of- pocket or the entire cost of said drug? Example: Cost of drug $100. Then, the insurer pays its contrac- tual amount, $25 based on a retail cost of $100. What is deducted from your insurance plan out-of-pocket amount? The entire $100 will be count- ed toward your contractual out- of-pocket amount Why? In theory the insurer is paying the full amount of the retail price, plus your initial lia- bility. Next week, nothing but insur- ance language as it pertains to Part D products, a simple glos- sary, so to speak Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week Send questions and comments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mail danrohan@atlantic.net. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. Another VOICE Center Hill to vote on mine/plant m l m SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 5 BRENDA LOCKLEJ Staff Writer The fifth annual p/Tropicana Public Sp( Contest was held Nov. the Villages Charter I school The room was with approximately 41 ents, students, teacher principals. , The event is sponsor t~ropicana Orange Juic is initiated in the fall o school year. Sumter 4-H ents the event to school : Teachers host a clas speaking challenge November and student selected to represent Classroom at the school Students are then se from that group and go represent the school at level. Each student has icana cl AR three minutes to speak on any subject they choose, accord- ing to Linda Burt of the Sumter County 4-H office. al 4- They can choose to speak making with a microphone and podi- 17 at um or neither and their pres- Middle entation scores are based on filled composition and presenta- 0 par- tion. They can receive up to 50 rs and points in each area and they red by must be within the two to 2e and three-minute time limit or )f each lose 10 points. -I pres- The composition is the s. choice of material, effective 3sroom introduction and body or by main portion of speech, lan- ts are guage, conclusion and time- it the line. The presentation is the level, audience bond, delivery, artic- lected ulation, volume speed and on to pronunciation. county The event is designed for two to kids throughout the county in challenge winners named grades four through six, Burt said. Tropicana provides two camp scholarships each year, trophies for the top county challengers, medallions for the school level winners, cer- tificates for all participants and even the orange juice served at the event. The first place winners earn a scholarship to Camp Ocala for a week in the summer, she said. Along with the supporters, the Sumter event was officiat- ed by Sumter County 4-H Council officers. The officers on hand were Jessica White - president, Candy Munz first vice-president and Lacey Wing parliamentarian, The 4-H Friends 4 Ever club helped host the event, serving refreshments to the crowd. 4-H Tropicana Speaking Contest winners from South Sumter Middle School are: Micah Adams - first place With her speech on "Spielberg and Making Movies"; Megan Ryan second place with ler speech titled "Cancer";' Tayldr Maddox third place for her :"Fishing" speech. Other finalists were' Miranda Craig, Stacey Sapp; Amber Sapp, Stephanie :Henderson, and Marissa Sanborn. More than 260' students prepared and delivered speeches in their sixth grade language arts classrooms. A school level competition pitted eight finalists. Three judges scored in categories such as choice of material, effective introductions and conclusions, delivery, articulation, and audience bond Candy Munz, Jessica White and Lacey Wing are shown back row, left to right, while Mahalah Zastrow, Taylor Maddox, Summer Carlson and Julian DeSevilla are shown front row, left to right during the Tropicana Public Speaking competition. Mahalah Zastrow, of the Villages Charter Intermediate School took second place in the fourth-fifth grade division; Maddox of South Sumter Middle School took first place in the sixth grade division; Carlson, of Webster Elementary School, took first place in the fourth and fifth grade division and Sevilla, Villages Charter Middle School, took second place in the sixth grade division. Lake-Sumter Community Veterans Community e jThe VFW Post #10137 has COftege jaZZeS up the following activities at the Post home located on Veterans Lake Sumter Community member group will exhibit Memorial Hwy (C.R. 674-B) College's Jazz Ensemble will their talents on brass and Sundays: breakfast 8 to 11 present a performance on woodwind instruments, as a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m. well as guitar, piano and Mondays and Wednesdays: The performance will fea- drums. pool tournament 7 p.m. ture a .different flavor of The concert will be held on- Wednesdays: spaghetti din- music, jazz. Lake-Sumter Community ner 4 to 7 p.m. LSCC Instructor Dr. Peter College's Leesburg Campus, Fridays: fish or 3 piece fried Arcaro added his own twist to in the Paul P William Fine chicken dinner 4 to 7 p.m. the concert by creating many Arts Center Auditorium and Fridays: entertainment 7 to of the arrangements for the is free. 11 p.m. karaoke. r well-known jazz standards. For more informationabout The public is welcome.. Under the direction of the event call 323-3651or 568- For more information, call Victor Pavnao. the eight- 0001. 793-8511. pi . SALON PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY Cosmetology Class Starts January 16th, 2006 Class size limited! Enroll today! Convenient payment plans Placement in over 6,000 salons 352.341.3500 can n800.858.5909 .depend on, GP admissions@thespaschoolfla.com from ouNC 15r22 US Hwy. 41 N. Inverness Florida !*! f a m i l y t o r - -S C T " S yours. :1 0 OF TUTIT N 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 (Next to Dollar General)- 0 OUIION 569 0 7 or starting in the January 16th, 2006 class. Bring this coupon to enroll. ; iterCoui r 568-oVEi PORKY SEZ: Make the right MOVE! The Board of Sumter County Commissioners: Best place to work in Lake and Sumter counties 2004 TForC7 r6bae:f{ ?61t1 5- ?p, i J I / You can join this award-winning team! The following jobs are available with Sumter County Transit Driver I Driver I Part-time Driver Temporary, Part-time Pick up an application at County Administration in the Sumter County Courthouse, or visit our website @ Z www.sumtercountyfl.gov and click on job board. A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - -1 -- y 4 -- - cotNrff I 56&MOVE PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Deborah Kibby, 49, auto trimmer Deborah K. Libby, 49, of Bushnell, died Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2005 in Dade City. A native of Miami, she moved to Bushnell in 2003 from West Palm Beach. She was an auto trimmer in the automotive industry. She was a Baptist. Survivors include a daughter, Jennifer Williams of Webster; brother, Terry Kelley of Stuart; sister, Linda Lendzian of West Palm; a granddaughter, Carly Markland of Webster; grand- sons, Gary Markland and Andrew Williams both of Webster. Services were held on Nov. 28 at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell with the Reverend Clarence Crane officiating. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, provided information. Leonard Fields, 87, U.S. Army Leonard Berlin Fields, 87, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Friday, Nov. 25, 2005 in Leesburg. A native of Winterport, Maine, he moved here 14 years ago from Belfast, Maine. He was a Major in the United States Army for 23 years. He was affiliated with Marriages Sidney Wayne Hawes, Jr., 21, of Bushnell and Courtnie Rachel Miller, 19, of Bushnell Raymond Peter Fleischer, 63, of The Villages and Sherry Ettinger, 56, of The Villages Property Transfers Villages of Lake Sumter Inc. to: William T and Carol Nisbet, property in Villages Unit 104 for $176,200; to Michael J. and Marleen R. Cardarelli, property in Eagle Ridge Villas for $133,000; to Michael J. and Michele A. To place a classified .-. ad in the Sumter , County Times call 793-3163. First Baptist of Sumterville. Survivors include his wife, Hilda; son, Allan (Marie) Fields of Gainesville; grand- daughters, Kim Bowlin of Knoxville, Tenn., and Tricia Tolleson of Nashville, Tenn.; two great-grandchildren, Zachary and Davis Bowlin both of Knoxville, Tenn. He was preceded in death by his first wife Elizabeth Fields of Belfast, Maine in 2003. Services were held on Nov. 29, 2005, at the First Baptist Church of Sumterville with Pastors Rick.Rodriquez and William Jackson officiating. Place of interment is Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, provided informa- tion. Felecia Heath, 65, waitress Felecia Heath, 65, of Lake Panasoffkee, died on Monday, Nov. 21, 2005 in Leesburg. She was born in Davenport. She was a wait- ress, and a member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Lecanto Ward. Survivors include sons, Chris Anthony Walters, and Mark Anthony Heath both of Lake Panasoftkee; Peleck, property in Villages Unit 107 for $247,500; to William M. and Mary E. Thompson, property in Villages Unit 109 for $217,300; to Diana L. Keskinen, proper- ty in Cherry Vale Villas for $165,900; to Lawrence V and Clara L. Sullivan, property in Villages Unit 109 for $261,400; to Edmund and Teresa J. Racke, property in Villages Unit 99 for $237,100; to David J. and Dorothy M. Raybin, Trs. David J. and Dorothy M. Raybin Revocable Trust, property in Villages Unit 99 for $322,700; to Louis G. and ilrcell Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated 793-4531 .7TH 7TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL F SERVICE In Remembrance of ". Family and Friends Saturday, December 10, 2005 4:00 6:00 P.M. Registration 4:00 4:30 P.M. Chapel Memorial Service 4:30 P.M. Prayer Children's Choir Speaker Roll Call Placing of Ornaments Special Music Refreshments & Fellowship 5:00 6:00 P.M. Please let us know how many i: from your family will attend. / Surcell funeral ome 4 ; S 114 W. Noble Ave. 44 Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4531 ... ... daughters, Cynthia Sue Speakman and JoAnn Walters of Myrtle Beach, N.C.; companion, Roger Anderson of Floral City; brothers, John Padgett, David Padgett, and Stanley Padgett all of Orlando; five grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by a sister, Gloria Jean Herrel. Services were held on Nov. 28, 2005 at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell with Mr. William Coates officiating. Place of interment in Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, provided information. John M. Johnson, Sr., 58, officer John Michael Johnson, Sr., 58, died Friday, Nov. 25, 2005, surrounded by family and friends. He retired two years ago from Florida Highway ,patrol after 33 years of dedi- cated service. He loved spending time with family and friends. Survivors include his wife of 25 years, Cheryl; three daughters, Dayla Michelle, Kathy McDowell and Lisa Capallia Tenorio; three sons, John Michael Johnson, Jr., John "JC" Capallia and Thomas Sharon M. Milan, property in Villages Unit 105 for $427,100; to Ann and Frank Mattina, property in Villages Unit 107 for $207,400; to James W and Marilyn J. Berum, property in Villages Unit 108 for $246,600; to Angelo G. and Betty J. Nazeres, property in Oak Bend Villas for $137,000; to Roger and Margaret Massman, property in Villages Unit 101 for $251,400; to June E. Newsome, proper- ty in Eagle Ridge Villas for $127,500; to Susan G. Polek and Pamela A. Foust, proper- ty in Virginia Vine Villas for Matthew Johnson; nine grandchildren, Kevin, Kenzie, Syna, Todd "Bubba," Dylan, Coby, Rory, Ryan and little Dylan and little Tommy; brother, Marvin Johnson; and sister, Carol Boggs. We will always love and miss you "Big John." Funeral services were held Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005 in the funeral Home Chapel. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery in Bushnell. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, provided information. Philip Lane, 86, salesman Philip Chester Lane, 86, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Monday, Nov. 21, 2005 in Tavares. He was a native of South Gilboa, N.Y., and moved here from Harrisonburg, Va. 14 years ago. He was a member of the Masons for 60 years, he had a lifelong interest in stock car racing, was a supporter of animal rights, and had a strong interest in politics, serving as a committeeman in upstate New York for many years. He was a sales- man in both the automotive and paper industries. Survivors include his wife, Elizabeth "Betty;" daughter, Mary Heather Lane of $145,100; to George W and Lorraine J. Montgomery, property in Villages Unit 101 for $207,300; to Shirley Elaine and Paul D. Taggart, Trs. Shirley Elaine Taggart Trust, property in Carriage Houses at Glenview for $334,700; to Thomas E. and Carolyn M. Hughes, property in Villages Unit 101 for $206,300. Volney, Jr. and Marian Dianne Wiley, Ind. & Trs., Wiley Trust to Harold J. Uhlfelder and Mariana J. Manzo and Arnold H. Segerholm, property in Jacksonville; a niece; and one nephew. There are no services planned. In lieu of flowers the family has requested that donations be made to Hospice of Lake & Sumter, 12300 Lane Park Road, Tavares, FL 32778. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, provided informa- tion. Sally Palmer, 54 Sally Ann Palmer, 54, of Wildwood, died Monday, Nov. 28, 2005 in Leesburg. A native of Lansing, Mich., she moved here from Bushnell five years ago. She was a member of Potters House. Survivors include sons, Stanley M. Haybron of Wildwood, Michael "Wayne" Haybron of Gainesville; daughter, Angela M. Haybron of Bushnell; brothers, Robert Coleman Hayden Jr. and Ronald "Joe" Hayden both of Macclenny, Fla.; one sister of Bushnell; stepmother, Phyllis M. Hayden of Bushnell; grand- son, Stanley M. Haybron III of Wildwood. She was a min- ister with the House of Ruth Ministries and Prison and Street Ministries. Services were held Dec. 3, 2005 at Purcell Funeral Home in Bushnell with Pastor Troy Miller officiating. Place of Villages Unit 6 for $355,000. Carol Caliendo to Deborah Sue Caliendo, property in Sll, T21S, R21E, for $100. Elizabeth Fuller to Sandra Lamb, property in Sumter Gardens for $39,000., Ethel A. Foster, Ind. & Trs, Foster Trust to Ina Lidsky, property in Villages Unit 28 for $311,500. DeLoriss J. Fort to Nash Enterprises, LLC property in S8, T19S, R23E for $74,800. DeLoriss J. Fort to Nash Enterprises, LLC property in S8, T19S, R23E for $46,200. Lloyd F Newcity to Nelva interment in Matchett Cemetery, Webster. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, provided information. Myrtle C. Raulerson, 96 Myrtle Cowart Raulerson, 96, of Tampa, died Saturday, Nov. 26, 2005, in Inverness. She was born Feb. 18, 19-09, in Moniac, Ga. She was a member of Belmont Baptist Church of Tampa for 55 years. Ms. Raulerson was preceded in death by her husband Everett Raulerson, Sr., in 1953. Survivors include daughters, Dorothy Britt and husband Bill, Barbara Coleman and husband Ron, Gwen Gower (deceased May 2003) and husband Marvin; son, Everett Raulerson, Jr. and wife Helen; grandson, David Gower and wife Debbie; great grandson, Lee Gower and wife Lisa; great, great granddaughters, Danielle Gower and Johnna Trease; many nieces, nephews, and friends. Graveside services were held at Myrtle Hill Memorial Park, Tampa, on Nov. 29, 2005 with the Rev. Rapley Armstrong officiating. Purcell Funeral Home of Bushnell provided informa- tion. Perea, property in Sumter Gardens for $49,900. Sue E. Sams to Sue E. Sams Trs. Sue E. Sams Trust, prop- erty in Villages Unit 80 for $100. John R. and Nancy M. Swanfeldt to John R. and Nancy M. Swanfeldt Trs. Swanfeldt Homestead Trust, property- in Villages Unit 75 for $100: John T. and Elizabeth Bender to Elizabeth and John T Bender, Trs. Elizabeth Bender Trust, property in Villages Unit 37 for $100. WT h V7, Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice r WILDWOOD " 0 SUNSET PARK J CHURCH OF GOD 202 Pine Street 748-1318 Pastor: Cart J. Hart SuadaySdchool...........9:30AM Wel.Night Fellowship.....6:0OPM Monming Worship ..10:30AM Wed. Bible Study...............7:00PM SundayEvening... 6:00 PM Wed.Night Youth.............7:00 PM K WELCOME ALL!!!!!! j WILDWOOD 1- w Ol Sl, l CI t- k'.ljdA.J Fl. I-L ".. 7 748-1822 :.'uodav S9h-ol.;....I .AM| Wedunda> .Prvi ..*. t..........:..... 615 PAM iSundn'y E.. .n S........... 60 PM Sun. Fellowship 9:30-10 am. Sun. Worship 10- 11:15a.m. Sun. Evening Study.........c............6:30 7:30 p.m. Wed. Teens & Children......................6:30- 7:30 p.m. Wed. Noon Bible Study 122CR. 60A 12-1 p.m. Wed. Evening Bible Study.... 2?.9 ...6:30- 7:30 p.m. Meeting Place Seventh Day Adventist Church Comer of Florida Ave. Seminole Ave., at blinking light A Church On The Move Pastor Ron Thomas 569-0184 or603-1373 " Cornerstone Cares ) ( WILDWOOD > Wildwood United Methodist 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service I Nursery Provided , K 748-1275 j K BUSHNELL All Are Welcome At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday Worship 8:00 AM. 10:30 AM. & 6:00 P.M. Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Wed. Discipleship Night 7:00 P.M. .1451 West C.R. 476, Bushnell 793-2240.) ^ BUSHNELL > St. Francis Episcopal Church 313 N. Grace Street (At US 301) P.O. Box 566, (352) 793-3187 Wednesday BibleStudy 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Sunday Sunday School 10 a.m. S AA meets Thursdays at 8 p.m. 3 K WILDWOOD > J Wildwood United Methodist 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:00 am, 9:30 am & 11:30 am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service Nursery Provided 748-1275 64590o r BUSHNELL First United Methodist Church OFFERING OUR COMMUNITY Faith, Hope & Love SUNDAY SCHOOL9:30 A., WORSHiP 10:45 AM. Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. L Cub Scouts Tues. 6:30 p.m. I Daisy Troop, Thurs. 6:30 p.m. ' Al-Anon, Fri. 8:00 p.m. S.H.A.R.E. 4th Sat., 10:00 a.m. 793-3221 K 221W.Noble Ave. Rev. LarryAnbrust Pastor2) LAKE PANASOFFKEE' _ LAKE PANASOFFKEE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sawl ; .111- !.a1B14 i rIn4' I 589 CR 470, 1 mile W of 1-75 Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 AM Hospitality Time at: 10:45 AM Sunday School Gathering: 11:00 AM * Sunday School at 11:15 AM S S ww.gbgm-umc.org/lakepana-umc F WILDWOOD > FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 10:30 a.m.. 203 Barwick St., Wildwood, FL 34785 K (352) 748-2530 m.s, r BUSHNELL > BUSHNELL CHURCH OF CHIIT 310W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m. K Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. 3 r BUSHNELL > Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, Bushnell Sunday School..................9:45 A.M. W orship.... .. ............. 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship.....6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service..7:00 P.M. K 793-5083 Pastor Mike King r LADY LAKE > Hope Lutheran Church 250 Avenida Los Angelos (comer of C.R. 466 & Morse Blvd.) The Villages Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For more information, call 352-750-2321 or our K Web Site: www.hopelutheraninthevilages.org. 2 ( WILDWOOD r BUSHNELL " First Church of God Affiliation: Anderson, IN 793-3455 105 E. Central Ave.* P.O. Box 1128, Bushnell, FL 33513 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. MorningWorship 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. ,. l, ,1 ,. I ....... c ,, y Randall Belcher, Pastor 793-3534 J? r BUSHNELL 125W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 "Sharing the Good News of Life Through Faith in Christ" Sunday Bible Study...... ....... 9:15 A.M. *Sunday Worship.....................10:30A.M. and 6:00 P.M. S Wednesday Bible Study ..............7:00 P.M. r BUSHNELL > BUSHNELL SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Comer of Seminole & Florida Ave. Worship Hours 9:30 A.M. Sabbath School 10:45 A.M. Sat. Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 ' S All Welcome J r LAKE PANASOFFKEE First Baptist Church of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School...............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening.............6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting....? p.m. y Pastor Jon King 2 S Iu FFRIIlRG GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Pastor Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. Church located 1 mile West of 27 on 44. Let off of 44 on South Lone Oak for 1 block (Leesburg) i 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2 r SUMTERVILLE Sumterville United Methodist Church "OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER" Ah2565 CR 522 1 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 Invites you to attend Sunday worship service 9:30 a.M. Pastor CharlesTomnberlin K All children are invited. 5 ' BUSHNELL " St. Lawrence Catholic Church 320 East Dade Avenue Pastor Fr Pedro Zapata Office: 793-7788 Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 9:00am Sunday 11:45am (Spanish) Tuesday, Thursday, and Every 1" Friday 8:30am Life Long Catechesis 10:15am ) ( BUSHNELL THE BUSHNELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA 323 N. BROAD (Comer ofW. Dade & N. Broad) ,Church School: 9:15 am Public Worship: 10:30 A.M. MONDAY: AA Group Meeting 8:00 P.M. i WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 10:00 A.M.Z) \352-793-4202 r BUSHNELL " Indiax Hill8 &st Cluwcdi 71.9 CR. 633, ewhuwte Wet 4f76 be.r 4768 & 57S Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Evening Worship 7:00 pm r QWednesday Prayer Service................7:00 pm) LAKE PANASOFFKEE aths of Grace Ministries |Church of God Pastors: Fred & Patti Hooten Pastoral/ Morning Worship----10:30 Christian Sunday Evening--- 6:00 Cooeesg Wednesday Night- 7:00 Avallable 793-1600 Ec7v 7- K 101 CR 527 Lake Panasoffkee r WAHOO " (Discover the Differencel) Bl Ready 4.3 Miles West of 1-75 on Hwy 48 Seno Pastor Bible Study S Sod 9:30 A.M. Celebration Service 10:45 A.M. Wednesday Evening' S3,,'^.. anun.org 3,52 793-6015) r WEBSTER " Webster United Methodist Church Invites You To Attend Worship Service 11:00 a.m. S Church School 9:45 a.m. 173 S.E. 3rd St., Webster, FL 33597 (352) 793-3734 iK, A praying church 2 r WEBSTER - First Baptist Church of Webster 1/4 mile east of 471 on SE 1stAve. Sunday School 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00AM Evening Service 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM 5 K 2 77 f stmoff Neu5 of RECORD SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 7 Chrah CALENDAR ~k~W -~ - - - -r -- ,Ring will be 1!guest speaker David Ring will be the guest speaker at First Baptist Bushnell at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 4. Ring was born with cerebral 4 palsy .in Jonesboro, Ark. After being orphaned at an early ( age, he was cast about from 4"pillar to post." Life seemed ,worse than hopeless to him Until his relationship began with Jesus Christ. 4 He has been featured on ,numerous occasions on "The Old Time Gospel Hour" with Rev. Jerry Falwell. C For more information call ,793-4612. Lottie Moon : held on Dec. 7 The First Baptist of Church of Bushnell will have its Lottie Moon Celebration on 4 Wednesday, Dec. 7. There will be the regular Wednesday night supper with dessert table from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall (eat in old sanctuary). Each adult plate is $4 and child's plate is $2. Sign up for the supper on Dec. 4. A silent auction will be held From 5:21 to 6:49 p.m., in the old sanctuary. This is a treas- ure house of items for all ages. Large and small items are needed for this part of the cel- ebration, especially children's toys, books, movies, etc. At 7 p.m. a live auction will be held in the old sanctuary. Bring one wrapped "white elephant" gift for an adult and 'one wrapped gift for a child. (No "white elephants" for the children, please). Christmas Craft/ Flea Market The Ladies Guild of St I, Lawrence Catholic Church ".will be hosting a Christmas Craft/Flea Market and Bake Sale, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Saturday, Dec. 10. If you have crafts to sell, or -have been putting off that Iyard sale, come sell with us. Spaces are being sold for $8 and are available to anyone. To reserve a space, contact Jean Petty at 793-7773. 0 The First Baptist Church of Bushnell will have its "Di'ive- Thru Living.Nati\ity" on Dec. 17 and Dec. from 6:30 to 9 p.m. both nights. It is the story of O Jesus Christ from birth to res- urrection and is free for v everyone to enjoy. Cornerstone (.Baptist Church Cornerstone Community 'Baptist Church has wide open doors, just waiting for you to 'come in! Our pastor is doing a series ,of sermons on "Upside Down \" Living." We have laughed and learned a lot during these ser- mons and there are more to come in this series. We would love to have you come and visit us this Sunday. We have a fellowship time from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Our Service time is from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We also offer small groups that meet on: Sunday nights 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., and on Wednesday afternoons from noon until 1 p.m. Wednesday evenings there are youth groups, children's groups and prayer meetings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. We are meeting at the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the corner of Florida and Seminole, at the blinking light. For further information, please call 352-603-1373 or 352-793-8928. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have or give, you direc- tions to the church. As they say in the south, "Ya'll come!" Our clothing is casual and our folks are friendly. Hope to see you on Sunday! Friday night fish fry It's time to eat and the lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church may be just the place to do it. Hungry for fish? How 'bout a Friday night fish fry? The United Methodist Men are igniting their season again, with monthly fish din- ners. They're slated for the first Friday of each month and should continue through April. Dinner starts at 4 p.m. and includes fried or baked fish and all the fixin's, as well as dessert and drink. $6 per person or $20 per family. Every Wednesday night, the entire family can come for dinner at 5 p.m. Dinner is $6 per person or $20 per fam- ily and you are asked to make reservations for the Wednesday dinner. Anyone interested in a 30- minute mid-week service is invited to join the group for a worship service that lasts from 6 to 6:30 p.m. The church is located at 589 C.R. 470. For reservations or more information, call the church at 793-3438. Sunday Connection groups planned You're invited to two new Sunday Connection small groups that are forming. One is Young Marrieds for ages 18 - 29 and the other is Men and Women for ages 50-60. The classes will be held at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood, 402 Oxford Street. The group will work to dis- cover and apply Bible truths to everyday life; take part in regular outings, parties and home get-togethers; care, sup- port and pray for one another; reach out to others and get connected to other church ministries and activities. The groups will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. on the second floor of the Church Education Building. For additional infor- mation please call 748-1822. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Helping Hands Food Ministry The Helping Hands Food Ministry of Coleman First Assembly of God distributes food on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 9 to 11 a.m. The church is located at 505 Mulberry St. in Coleman. For more information, call 748- 3456. Family caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer care -On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438. Newspaper recycling bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recycled newspapers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further information please call 352-793-7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to take place weekly Groceries will be distrib- uted every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon and available on a first come first served basis. One visit per family each month. Any questions please call the church office at 352-793- 1600 and ask for Ron. fumbled thNOTES Jumbled thoughts f'md grace This week I've had so many jumbled thoughts. As you read this, I am in California at my nephew's wedding, although that seems impos- sible considering - he's only 8 or 9. At least that's how old he was the last time I was home. My dad's sup- posed to wear a tuxedo, which will probably make me laugh or cry. With all of her mother-of-the - groom duties, I NAI probably won't get KENI to talk to my. favorite sister much I only have one sis- ter, so she's my favorite by default. We've already planned to meet in the mid- dle this spring, maybe Dallas, Texas. There's a great outlet mall in Grapevine, Texas, not too far from the airport. I miss my sister, but we know we'll have eternity together. We're hoping heav- en will have a beach like the one we went to as kids. We could lie out in the sun and hang with Jesus. Like I said, my thoughts are jumbled this week, so please forgive me if I switch gears. The other night I spoke at a women's dinner at Springs Presbyterian Church in Citrus Springs. If you ever go there, don't get Internet directions or you'll end up way out in the wilderness. Instead, call me and I'll tell you how to get there. Springs is my church's first plant, which is like a spin-off. I've written about the pastor, Keeth Staton, in probably three or four of my books. I'm writing another one, but I'm not sure if Keeth will make it in this one, but maybe he will. I knew a lot of the women there, and my friend Tara was there, too. I spoke about being per- fect, meaning having Christ's perfection by 'faith so we N N a don't have to knock ourselves out being religious and fake- holy trying to get God to like us. If we're in Christ, he already likes us - and won't ever stop. Anyway, before I got there I had spent a half-hour changing my clothes. I had a closet full of noth- ing to wear and wasn't thrilled with what I ended up with, but what can iCY you do? The point IEDY is, I should've spent that half- hour praying or at least going over my notes. Then, when I got up to speak I realized I wasn't sure which notes I brought I have several versions of the same talk so I just started talking anyway about what my life would be like if I were I miss my sister, but we know we'll have eternity together. We're hoping heaven will have a beach like the one we went to as kids. We could lie out in the sun and hang with Jesus. perfect. That's when I had another realization: I hadn't prayed, which is how I like to start a talk, not that it's a good luck charm or anything, but it makes you appear holier than you really are. Plus, it's always wise to ask God's' blessing. So, I interrupted myself and started praying. Oh. My. Goodness. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but the moment I said, "Father," God entered that room and unloaded a huge sack full of mercy on me. I felt his smile and I knew that everything I had come to say about repenting of not only our sin but of our attempts at being good and trying to appear holy to oth- ers and to ourselves and to God I was experiencing fresh. I knew, knew, knew I had no business being up there on that stage except for grace, which was the whole point. I'm not sure if I uttered a single coherent thought after that I remember now that I had been so focused on talk- ing about Christ's sacrificial death for us that I forgot to mention his resurrection. So, if you meet any of the Springs women, tell them that Jesus didn't stay dead; to prove he was God, he only stayed dead from Friday to Sunday. But besides that, or maybe because of that, I don't know, God smiled on me, which was so cool. After thinking mostly about what to wear and how many books I'd sell and what we were going to eat, God smiled, and that felt good. The one I call my uncle- dad told me that he's preached some of his best sermons when he's been in the deepest sin. . God loves sinners who love Jesus. which is a pretty good thought and not jumbled at all, so I think Fll end with that. Nancy Kennedy. is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough," and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 1- 352-564-2927, Monday through Thursday, or via e- mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. Twini Oalks 'r-ovisicape, Rock. & uei * Mulch ! * Landscape Rock .* Lawn Ornaments Office/Fax 352-568-1464 Donnie & Shawn Toole Hwy 301, Sumterville, FL THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES OF: Bushnell 221 W. Noble 793-3221 Coleman 1902 E. Warm Springs Ave. 748-2429 Lake Panasoffkee 589 CR 470 793-3438 Linden Highway 44 793-3193 Sumterville 2565 CR 52 795-1182 Webster 173 SE 3 St. 793-3734 pfe VOTE Susan H9utchiinson ooper Wildwood City Commissioner Group 4 Thank youl Paid pohtlcal aderrn'ement by the campaign for Sunn HL- per We may not all believe exactly the same thing, but the people of The United Methodist Church believe in God and each other. If you're searching for something to believe in, our hearts, our minds and our doors'are always open. , ' Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. The people of The United Methodist Church" k - Horse Bedding All Types Delivery Available PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Wildwood election scheduled for Dec. 6 Florida books available AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer While most of Sumter's cities will not be holding elec- tions this year, Wildwood can- didates are busy campaigning for the election to be held Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Wildwood City Hall. Two challengers aren't making reelection easy for longtime Wildwood Mayor Ed Wolf this, December. Wolf, who said he hasn't been chal- lenged in six years, said this is a crucial point in city gov- ernment, and "now is not a good time to change leader- ship." Wolf, 59, a retired educator with the Sumter County school system, served as mayor for 19 years, and as city commissioner for 11 years. "Continuity may be the best thing we've got going in our favor," he said. "Leadership and knowledge in the field is the important thing right now... my commitment has pretty much been estab- lished." Wolf is focusing on expand- ing the city's boundaries and tax revenue, which he said is essential to Wildwood's sur- vival. ''We could have very well been left behind and withered away," he said. "We're going to experience some growing pains, but the future looks very bright, very promising." But Michael Holden and Marlon Graham both have their sights set on becoming the newest Wildwood mayor- commissioner Holden, a full-time comput- er systems administrator at the Sumter County Health Department, said his con- cerns are with "new and old Wildwood, where people have lived for generations." He said he wants school children to be escorted through road crossings in cer- tain areas, and wants to expand the police depart- ment before more people move into the city. "You don't want to wait until growth is here," he said. "Wildwood is not ready." He also said he wants to enhance the city's parks and obtain the walking track that was promised but "axed" by the commission. Holden was appointed to, the commission and served for four months until he was defeated during last year's election by current Commissioner Robbie Strickland. He is from Orlando origi- * 64 HP STD 8x8 Shuttle 2-Spool * Aux Valve R-1 Tires 6ft. Rotary * 6ft. Box Blade Front Loader * Quick Attach 72" Bucket $24,35500plus tax nally and moved to Wildwood in 1999. Wolf's other challenger, Marlon Graham, 26, is a life- long resident of Wildwood and works full-time as a grad- uate assistant at the University of South Florida in Tampa. "The biggest issues (facing Wildwood) are economic development," and land annexations, he said. He also said he wants to develop, community-centered programs and events, and running for mayor has "always been something I've wanted to do." City Commissioner John Johnson is also fighting to remain an elected leader bf Sumter's most populous city. Challenger Susan Hutchinson Hooper, whose father served on the commis- sion for 26 years until his death in, 2003, 'is hoping to take Johnson's place. Hooper, 57, is retired from Progress Energy and recently moved back to Wildwood where she was born and where she lived for 24 years. She wants to preserve Wildwood's "rich railroad history" and feels some of the most important issues facing the city are growth manage- ment and drawing the right businesses to the city. Growth issues are also important to Johnson, who has been serving for two years. The Wildwood native cur- rently works as a corrections officer at Coleman Correctional Federal Correctional Complex and a volunteer firefighter with the Wildwood fire station. He said he's for controlled growthand expansion of city boundaries is in Wildwood's best interests. "I believe I'm community- oriented and I'm for the peo- ple," he said. Wildwood Commissioner Pamela Harrison-Bivins was not challenged this year and will serve another term. No one has challenged Bushnell incumbents, but the city will have an election in which voters will presented with a referendum and decide if the city's current, two-year terms for the mayor and city clerk should be changed to four. Bushnell City Councilmen Dale Swain and Billy Williams and City Clerk Joy Coleman will serve again in those positions. The election will be at Bushnell City Hall from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 6. #471 4WD 4 Wheel Drive 72 HP 8x8 Since Shuttle Shift 60 PTO @ 2200 RPM 6 ft. Rotary Mower 6 ft. Box Blade All m lefl l ** Inde Oil Cooled Disc Brakes 31800 Progress Rd., Leesburg, FL, 34748 Post Hole Auger 352-360-1398 $26,141 00plus tax New Tractors: Compacts (Monthly Paym M A SSEY FERGU SO N AGCO ST Series 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 601 SMassey Ferguson*' MASSEY-FERGU TractorS Loaders Backhoes -* Equipment 1411500 Series 0% 0% 0% 4.45% 4.4 TH17SW :171 I A T K 0 1720 Slaughter cows and bulls: noir nr au.. r.. iii Aic Feeder steers and heilers:.ss ,o ra ,-j.. r..1 &az r.:AralA C OM PARED T "Feeder steers and heifers: Suc.r,, a 1:r,-, ,, ',a8..nl., ,.:.,r i, 'l,. pa.. ow an, bul. 1...,, c , ^^^^^^^^^^^^ lS in^fn ht il d^j b tlllr *1C t-n-ns maugnter cc Replacemei S5aughrer Cows BremurI'M O : I 6 ;.'', .'W ', 9-a,.,9 AvgPie . 1:i .1i am I. 4. 4ii. I'hm 4250 SlaughterlCowsnBoner 0-85% WIRange .AAvgWl- PieRange AvgPrice 9101195 t1033 i4 -:4;~i; 44.74 in 1;n ,,miaii: 48.49 HighOressin9 .0" i, ;, )i 43,,0.M800 45.43 Slaugtler Cows Lean 85-90% MWRange AvgWI M I;.,. AvgPrkce 700-755, 738 1'. 0 3254 LowDressing 835-1165 955 i; iM: '.u 40.51 825430 28 320035.00 33.50 LowDOressng Slaughter Bulls Y.G. ,. S WIRange AvgW F PricRange |,FiF,, It3n.IM' 1223 50.00.56,50 I i,)'1Iv 1231 43.0049.00 4698 LowDressinS 1505.1875 1644 51.00-50.00 53.38 1530-1645 1590 44.50.4000 46.48 LowDtmsing Feeder Steter and Baug Medium and Large 1-2 MWIange AvgWI Pice Range Av Pie 215-236 233 170,00-175,00 174.1 owsan .us: percent. nt cows: cpa,:-ni . 290 150.00-155.00 150.77 315-340 328 138.00150.00 146.72 370-390 380 122.00-142.00 128.88 404445 412 122.00-130.00 127.21 450-40 461 110.00-124,00 112.65 500-533 518 104.00-109.00 106.32 565-598 586, 97.00-104.00 100.78 605-640 623 97.00-110.00 104.14 Feeder Steers and Beli Medium and Large 2-3 W Range AvgWI. PreRange AvgPrice 223-249 244 134.00-150.00 140.57 250280 26 126.00-144.00 132.83' S 305-338 324 128.04 350-384 377 108,00-12200 117.53 S400445 419 104.00-118,00- 110.17 450.495 473 10200-110.00 106.69 500545 521 94.00-10200 99.26 551-570 553 90.00-99.00 97.97 603-620 606 91.00-95.00 94.18 Feeder Sleers and Bells Smal 1-2 WIRange AvgWt PieoRange Avg Price 210-230 217 122.55 250.285 268 113.71 i' 1.11 4 I l' nii 4On 111t l , I l IIA 111:' *l l'hl llll ll ) h <1 ,l' FeederH dders Mealim and Large 12 v i i ; 1v 11- i' 1n ii' , '4' ,i v.1 1" I II 550-5o0 568 98,00-101.00 99.51 600-610 605 98.00-100.00 99.01 Feeder eflers Medium and Large 2-3 WIRange AvgWI PriceRange AvgPrkce 205-245 236 120.00-134.00 127.91 ".i. 278 110,00.124.00 118.87 321 108.00-120,00 iIT: 350-395 368 105.00-116,00 I 405445 433 100.00-108.00 103.09 460491 485 92.00100.00 96.45 505-545 521 90.00-95.00 93.59 550-575 569 37.00..00 8.93 623 623' 94.00 94,.00 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 vii.n jvi PriceRange Avg Price 100.00-110.00 ',4 4 250-290 273 100.00118.00 ii. 335-340 338 95.00-103.00 98.97 360-390 376 "91.00108.00 101.02 418-440 424 88.00-96.00 93.98 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2 Middle-Aged WtRange AvgWI PriceRange ,AvgPrice 720-770 746 45.00-70,00 58.66. 4-6 Mnlh Bred T 7l0lt 4 ev' *inv.7nn lnt5 40.6WnihjnproI CMV Cull Pai Mddurum andaU .ae I I dl e.Apied i t' I; i Il I',' i 1I .li; 11 * Friendly Folks Fair Prices 'Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: Western T&A. Western Alfalfa I Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% $5.65 12% 15.85 New & Used Saddles & Tack Convenient E-Z Access for loading 87 S. USHwy301(Jut IIh i of 476 Bu^shell^ 568-0084ff~fff^ ;MT :0-5:3 St -4^ in the Sumter Library Ed Wolf John Johnson Susan Hooper The cities of Webster and Coleman will not hold an election this year. In Coleman, Marilyn McCray, Mary Bigham, and Billie Marie Winkles will remain on the city council. In Webster, Patricia Ward, Michael Alderman, and Jeremy McKinney will continue to Michael Holden serve on the city commission. Also, none of the Center Hill candidates have been challenged, but Frank Moore will take Doug Cook's place on the city council, who did not run for reelection. Council Member Elsie Ramsey and Mayor Ralph Barry were unopposed. Ol #W4 Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM I 4 1 4 LASER SURGERY BOARDING *5 K- HEALTH CARE 64A,* PET SUPPLIES 533 S S .....W ..-,. .=F785 w w ^ ^ LivetockandGrai Maket ews There is a variety of books about Florida that are cur- rently available at the county library. The Sumter Campus Library is located in Sumterville east of Langley Medical Center. It is open to the public. The library's hours are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday thru Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 on Fridays, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. Here are some of the avail- able selections that readers may find interesting con- cerning Florida: The Beginning, a novel by Patrick D. Smith, Author of A Land Remembered A Florida Cattle Ranch by Alto (Bud) Adams, Jr. and Lee Gramling Florida Weather (2nd ed.) by Morton E. Winsberg with the assistance of James J. O'Brien, David F Zierden, and Melissa L. Griffin, Florida Climate Center Florida Wildflowers and Roadside Plants by C. Ritchie Bell and Bryan J. Taylor Florida's Hurricane History by Jay Barnes; Foreword by Neil Frank Guide to the FSU &' Tallahassee by Murray D: Laurie Guide to the University of Florida and Gainesville by Kevin M. McCarthy and Murray D. Laurie Month-by-Mont h Gardening in FLORIDA by Tom MacCubbin Native FLORIDA Plants, Low-Maintenance Landscaping & Gardening by Robert G. Haehle & Joan! Brookwell Piney Woods, Swamp Water and 'Gator Tales, Autobiography of a Country Lawyer PB. Howell, Jr. (Illustrated by Sandra G. Cook) WALKING IS A COMPLETE EXERCISE CYCLE... involving nearly every muscle and bone in the body. L""- Time Out Free Time A ]I 1'^ S .i.. for men for women .MEHL -12 in I DE i 2 True whole and half sizes.' Some colors do not come in all widths. S hoe Lake Square Mail 10401 136 S. Hwy. 441 Leesburg, FL 34788 (Next to Sears) r i 352326-2641 696-1208-SCT , PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning and Adjustment Board and Sumter Board of County Commissioners will consider an application for a . Conditional Use Permit to allow the use of the property located generally as indicated in this notice for the purpose of an expansion of existing Limerock Mine. Applicant: Gail Gregg, Jeannine Gregg, ETAL Operator: Florida Crushed Stone Application: C2005-0001 REQUEST: Expansion of an existing lime rock mine. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES: Sec. 16, Twp. 21S, Rug. 23E: All .Sec.17, Twp. 21S Rng. 23E: E % Sec 20, Twp. 21S, Rug. 23E: NE of NE Sec.21, Twp. 21S, Rug. 23E: W/4 of N 4 less E V2 of SE/4 of NW of NE 4 & NE of NE less W V2 of SW of NE of NE that lies south and west of abandoned SCLRR R/W LEGAL FOR MINE EXPANSION: Sec. 16, Twp. 21S, Rug. 23E: S of SW/4 & SW of SE Sec. 17, Twp. 21S, Rug. 23E: E Sec. 20, Twp. 21S, Rug. 23E: NE of NE Sec. 21, Twp. 21S, Rng. 23E:-W % of N 4 less E V2 of SE ' of NW of NE . GENERAL LOCATION: Center Hill area: East on C-48 to . Florida Crushed Stone on the north side of the road just west of Center Hill City limits. One public meeting will be held at the Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida, as follows: Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, December 20, 2005, at 6:00 P.M Second floor: Room 222 Information regarding this application is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning and Development, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These files may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record may include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. B I #461 2WD Am ML SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 9 District seeks input on Sumter County lakes The Southwest Florida Water Management District is seeking public input about pro- posed minimum lake levels for Lake Panasoffkee, Lake Deaton, Lake Okahumpka, Lake Miona and Big Gant Lake in Sumter County. Minimum lake levels are established to protect lakes from significant harm due to water withdrawals from a lake or the groundwater system. The District Government Board sets these limits as part of achieving a balance between meeting human water needs and those of Florida's natural systems. Minimum lake levels are used as guidelines in District permitting programs, for development of water resource projects and as infor- mation for development of bor- dering lakes. A public open house on the proposed minimum lake levels for these Sumter County lakes will be held Tuesday, Dec. 5, at the City of Wildwood Community Center, 6500 C.R. 139, Wildwood. Citizens are invited to attend the open house anytime between 5 and 7:30 p.m. to ask questions and share their comments. A for- mal presentation is not planned. The open house will afford an important opportuni- ty for local governments, citi-. zens and others to be part of the development of minimum lake levels for area lakes. Public comment gathered at the meeting will be summa- rized and presented to the Governing Board when staff presents the recommended MFL at the District's Jan. 24 Governing Board meeting. At that time the-Governing Board may choose to adopt the MFL into District rules. Governing Board meetings are open to the public where brief oral com- ments are permitted on meet- ing agenda items. Written comments are also welcome and can be submitted via mail or e-mail to Lisa Henningsen, environmental scientist, no later than Jan. 20. The addresses are 2379 Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34604- 6899 or Lisa.Henningsen@watermat- ters.org. For more information, please contact Lisa Henningsen at 796-7211, ext 4268, or 1-800-423-1476, ext. 4268. Four o'clock Monday morning, I toss and turn, haunted by dis- turbing images. Just Sunday afternoon Sheri and I had the pleasurable task to take two puppies to their potential i adaptors. I am assured they will get wonderful homes. , But earlier, before we left, Supervisor . of Animal Control John Hazlep, Animal Control Officer Frank L Taberner, and the H u m a n e Society/SPCA inves- tigator were called out on an animal cruelty case. A Labrador mix dog, starved, nothing but skin and bones, gave birth to a litter of pup- pies. What makes the scene worse was that she was .chained with a cable that had grown embedded in her neck, almost cutting into the esopha- gus. She lay there, tangled in the cable giving birth, half dead. How long did her owner keep her like that? It appeared that there was an old injury to her neck where the cable had grown in before. So there she was, chained with a i cable for months, while stray male dogs kept coming around, and making her pregnant. We have had some very cold nights, and there she lay, out here in (t1 the cold, giving birth, tangled in the oDA cable. I am sick- MVEs ened by the images. I am sick that her owner would allow this to hap- pen. We commend Chief Odem for taking a strong stand against animal cruelty in his town of Center Hill. "This will not be tolerated," he said. Supervisor of Animal Control John Hezlep said, "It will make you cry, it is so bad." Life at the end of a chain is no life at all. Life at the end of this cable is a slow agonizing death. As of this writing, I don't know what the outcome will be for the dog and her puppies; their physical condition is so horrific. Criminal charges must be pressed against the owner but what punishment could possi- bly be called justice. Fines are not enough. Jail time is not enough. The Humane Society/SPCE of Sumter County is offering a reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who is responsible for this act of cruelty. As I lay in bed, unable to sleep, my dogs were snuggled contentedly in their beds, and two were curled up under the covers by my side. It occurred to me that it is the luck of the draw on who a dog's owner will be. Whether the dog is treated with love and kind- ness, or treated cruelly, they have no choices but are at the mercy of our hands. My thoughts above were written several weeks ago when the dog was first found. I am happy to report that Amazing Gracie, as we have named her, has miraculously, survived along with her pup- pies. After spending a week at Jumper Creek Veterinarian Clinic, the canine family is now at Animal Control where they are being fed and cared for. Soon they will move to a Humane Society/SPCA foster home to recover and prepare to be adopted. The Humane Society/SPCA has a special fund specifically for abused and injured ani- mals. It is called the "Hope Fund," and donations marked for that fund help us give hope and care to these innocent vic- tims. Please remember the animals this holiday season with a donation to the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County at PO. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. Mark your check for the "Hope Fund" to help Amazing Gracie and her nine puppies. And don't forget to continue bringing blankets for the dogs at animal control on those cold nights. Bring blankets to Prosthetics Research in Bushnell, or to Animal Control. Sumter Health Department plans Step Up, Florida! The Florida Department of health announces the third year of "Step Up, Florida - On Our Way To Healthy Living!" It is a statewide event to be held on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006 to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles in Summer County. S"There are many health risks associated with lack of physical activity, including many preventable chronic diseases such as hyperten- sion, diabetes, high choles- terol, and stroke," says Girija Padmanabh, director of the Sumter County Health Department "Step Up, FL! seeks to bring statewide attention to the many forms of physical activity that Floridians enjoy, and remind the community that it is never too late to start exercis- ing." Counties throughout Florida will join with state agencies, non-profits and community organizations. to highlight the variety of activi- ties Florida offers for physi- cal wellbeing. Step Up, Florida! provides communities with the chance to showcase the many options available for fitness, such as visiting parks and beaches, enjoying Florida's many trails, biking, skating, walking or jogging. Participants along the routes will pass a "fitness' flag" from county to county. The Sumter County Health Department is currently planning the route to pass the "fitness flag" from Citrus County, through Sumter County, to Marion County. If you are interested in helping out with the event or participating in the relay (whether it is by biking, walk- ing, jogging, marching, or doing your favorite form of exercise), please call 793- 2701 ext. 223. To find out more about Step Up, Florida!, visit the Step Up, Florida! website at" http://www.doh.state.fl.us/fa mily/chronicdisease/walk_in dex.html. OFFICIAL NASCAR MERCHANDISE Hats *T-shirts -*Jaketss -*Sports Plaques Prices good thru 1/04/06 'ROPANE SPECIAL - RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - 60 GALLON $ o00 SET & FILL 100 GALLON $ 00 SET & FILL - SUMTER COUNTY'S GUIDE TO G0 NG OUT / FRI THRU THURSDAY 12/2 12/8 \ FRI SAT- SUN WED THUR PG YOURS MINE 7:45 &OURS Plus PG ZAT URA 9:30 CLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY COMING SOON: 12/9 WALK THE LINE 12/23 CHRONICLES OF NARMIA Ouestions, Please call Harola Spears 863-602-2979 or Judy Crews 863-967-0842 NEW! Webslte joylandrlvein.com>/ -- "" --- -- -- -- "- - The ayseed Cafe 1 In Webster I 599 N Market Blvd. LPee --sc---------- PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company ~ Family Owned & Operated LL 352-793-1982 TODAY! FAX 352-793-1918 4 Great Sdaeat on o6e to e I. LakeoSumter A hh. C COMMUNITY COLLEGE SPE YOURS, MINE & OURS * I *Ths usn ssMae ossbl B AGrntFrm od The Dam Pub Th;WTh~* New House Band "Southern Confort" ALL MUSICIANS WELCOME '12 pm-6 pm THURSDAY.SING ALONG 6 10 PM LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Every Saturdag Night 7 PM "til" NEW YEAf'f9 Prime Rib Dinner 1500 Advance Tickets Live Music 8 Until... VEC PMyI Balloon Drop Door Prizes Raffles TOYS FOR KIDS DROP OFF Coming Soon Full Liquor Bar 569-9306- 4666 CR 300 Lake Panasoffkee YOURS, MINE & OURS Fri-Sat: 1:45, 5:05, 7:35, 9:45 Sun: 1:45, 5:05, 7:35 Mon-Thur: 1:20, 4:30, 7:35 RENT PG13 Fri-Sat: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 Sun: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 Mon-Thur: 1:55, 4:55, 7:55 ,ENT THRU 12/4 ,* RENT ICE HARVEST IN THE MIX JUST FRIENDS PG13 Fri-Sat: 1:30, 4:45, 7:25, 9:55 Sun: 1:30, 4:45, 7:25 Mon-Thur: 1:15, 4:40, 7:25 ICE HARVEST R Fri-Sat: 1:20, 4:20, 7:55, 10:05 Sun: 1:20, 4:20, 7:55 Mon-Thur: 1:50, 4:45, 7:50 IN THE MIX PG13 WALK THE LINE PG13 Fri-Sat: 1:55, 4:50, 7:15, 9:30 Fri-Sat: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 10:00 Sun: 1:55, 4:50, 7:15 Sun: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05 Mon-Thur: 1:30, 4:20, 7:15 Mon-Thur: 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 CHICKEN LITTLE G DERAILED R Fri-Sat: 1:40, 4:55, 7:40, 9:35 Fri-Sat: 1:15, 4:15, 7:50, 10:15 Sun: 1:40, 4:55, 7:40 Sun: 1:15, 4:15, 7:50 Mon-Thur: 1:40, 4:15, 7:10 Mon-Thur: 1:45, 4:50, 7:40 ZATHURA PG Fri-Sat: 1:35, 4:40, 7:20, 9:40 Sun: 1:35, 4:40, 7:20, 9:40 Mon-Thur: 1:35, 4:25, 7:20 AEON FLUX PG13 Fri-Sat: 1:50, 5:00, 7:30, 9:50 Sun: 1:50, 5:00, 7:30 Mon-Thur: 1:25, 4:35, 7:30 HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE PG13 Fri-Sat: 1:00, 2:00, 4:30, 5:30, 8:00, 9:25 Sun: 1:00, 2:00, 4:30, 5:30, 8:00 Mon-Thur: 2:05, 4:05, 7:00, 7:45 It--A Ctter luCHATTER ai It's just the luck of the draw "Best Burgers in Dinemin Take-Out Catering * Much More" d 2684 West County Road 48 Bushnell 352-569-0200 Muc More SUTE OUTY(L)TME, HRSA, ECMER1 205 AG i $ t C-tificate D--ing We=.kly Located On HWY. 4*75 Bushnell, FL South Suinter Plaza IN LAI PAGE 10, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Swmter CALENDAR Thursday, Dec. 1 Sumter County retired edu- cators will hold its December meeting at 11 a.m., at the First Baptist Church of Bushnell in the fellowship hall. It will be a Christmas luncheon with the food furnished by the commit- tee. There will be a gift exchange of not more than $5 and a scholarship tree for a donation of $5. Saturday, Dec 3 Victoria Newman has recently returned home from working with DreamWorks in London, UK. She'll be holding an Acting Seminar at The Lake Panasoffkee Community Center (next to Library) on from 1 to 4 p.m., Open to all ages. She has also appeared in such TV Shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-files, Charmed, NYPD Blue, The Nanny and hosted The Fox Kids Club TV Show where she was granted an exclusive interview with Jessica Klein, Executive Producer of Beverly Hills 90210. She's appeared in movies with such actors as Robert DeNero, Sandra Bullock and Rene Zellweger. "Tinseltown is such a magi- cal place," Victoria stated, "but I strongly believe that it's time to remember my home roots." "I'm at a point in my career where I find it's essen- tial to stay connected and grounded to those who've inspired me my teachers and to pay dues for the many bless- ings I've received by sharing and motivating others to achieve their dreams. Victoria is available for interviews, public and guest appearances including schools, charities and events. For interested parties or Seminar info please email: hollywoodstudios@mail.com or call Madison at 352-793- 7350. The Annual Wildwood Woman's Club Christmas Tour of Homes will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Four homes will on display this year. Call for information, 748-2697 or 748- 1119. E "Meet and Greet" Bar-B-Q for Mike Holden, candidate for Mayor and re-elect John Johnson commissioner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Library Park on Huey and Palmer Streets in Wildwood and from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., at the cor- ner of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave and Kilgore Ave in Wildwood. Both Meet and Greets are for all citizens of Wildwood with free food, lots of play and fun for children as voters get a chance to meet and talk with Mike and John. They are asking for voters to get out and vote on Election Day, Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Wildwood City Hall. For more informa- tion call 461- 8157. Wednesday, Dec. 7 Citizens for Clean Air and Water will be holding a meet- ing at 7 p.m. at the Oxford Community Center. Officers will be elected and the agenda for the coming year estab- lished. For more information, call Sue Michalson at 259 1426. Thursday, Dec. 8 The Women's Ministry (Home League) of The Salvation Army in Sumter County will host Tim and Susan Martin, certified senior advisors at the weekly meet- ing to be held at 10 a.m. The Martins will present a review, clarification, and question and answer session regarding the (seemingly confusing) Medicare D program. The Salvation Army is located at 870 N. Main Street in Bushnell, Florida. All persons interested in hearing more about Medicare D are wel- come to attend. The Home League meets each Thursday at 10 a.m. at the 870 N. Main Street office. The women's program is open to all women age eighteen and above. There is a different program each week including fellowship and community service projects. Current proj- ects include assisting with Christmas gift distribution to needy families as well as the Angel Tree program. Light refreshments will be served. The Salvation Army is a Participating Agency with United Way of Lake & Sumter Counties, and the Human Care Network and is a mem- ber agency of the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday, Dec. 13 The newly formed Villages Shrine Club will meet under a provisional charter at 7 p.m., at the American Legion Hall, corner of Rolling Acres Road and County Highway 466, Lady Lake. There will be a Christmas party following the meeting. All Nobles in the area, their spouses or guests are invited. The club meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., at the same location. Saturday, Dec. 17 The City of Webster will be having their 11th annual Christmas parade. Line up for the parade will be at the Sumter County Farmer's Market beginning at 5 p.m. The parade will start at 6 p.m. and will last approximately 45 minutes and end at Webster City Hall. There will be refreshments and entertain- ment. If you need any information, contact the Webster City Hall at 793-2073, or the Webster Police Department at 793- 2072. Tuesday, Dec. 27 Sunshine Athletics/Florida AAU is now accepting entry, forms to the Winter National' Tournament to be held in Tampa, Dec. 27 through 30.; Come and play for champi- onship rings! Tournament: includes 8:U through high: school. For more information call 407-302-7570 or go to- www.sunshinesports.net. American Association of University Women meet The December meeting of the Lake-Sumter Chapter of the American Association of University Women will fea- ture state Senator Carey Baker as the luncheon speak- er on Saturday, Dec.10, at Harbor Hills Country Club, at 11 a.m. Senator Baker's topic will be "International Issues." He has traveled to the Middle East, and will report on the status of women in that region, As is the tradition for the December meeting, mem- bers, guests, and those con- sidering joining AAUW, are asked to bring one or more books suitable for a pre- schooler 'Angel Books" are distributed at Christmas time to preschoolers attending three different preschool programs, one in Sumter County, and two in Lake County. AAUW invites women in- Lake and Sumter Counties who are interested in equali- ty and education for girls and women to consider member- ship. Monthly meetings fea- ture guest speakers, fund raisers include, an annual luncheon and fashion show, and various groups, reflect- ing member interests, meet monthly. They include a social bridge group, a book club, and a newly formed cooking group, the "Educated Palates." We welcome partic- ipation in any and all groups. To attend the luncheon meeting send a check for $18 made out to Lake-Sumter AAUW, to Elizabeth Morris at 1640 Staunton Street, The Villages, FL 32462 or by call- ing her at 753-2442. TOOFAR's 14th Annual Pig Roast, Meaa Size Meal Only $6.00 F At the Pavilion in Floral City Sat. Dec. 3rd 11 A.M.to 4 P.M. For more information call: TOOFAR 726-5004 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC MEETING The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has scheduled a Public Meeting for the SR 48 (Belt Avenue) Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study. The meeting will be held at the Bushnell Community Center, 407 E. Belt Avenue, Bushnell, Florida (see Project Location Map). Participants are encouraged to come anytime between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. FDOT representatives will be available to discuss the project and to answer any questions. The intent of this public meeting is to introduce the roadway alternatives being considered for SR 48 (Belt Avenue), and to receive input from local elected and appointed officials, property owners/tenants, business owners/operators, and other interested parties concerning the types of transportation improvements being considered along this segment of SR 48. The PD&E Study is being conducted to evaluate transportation solutions and to provide documented information necessary for the FOOT to reach a decision on the type, design and location of improvements for the segment of SR 48 from the west ramps of 1-75 to CR 475 in Sumter County. This public meeting is being conducted to afford persons the opportunity to express their views on the project. Comments may be made orally or in writing. Written comments may be submitted at the meeting or mailed to Mr. Greg Moore, Consultant Project Manager, at DRMP, 1505 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida 32803 by December 27, 2005. Maps, drawings, and other pertinent information developed by the FOOT will be available for public inspection at the meeting. Anyone needing special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact Mr. Moore at least seven days prior to the meeting, by telephone at (407) 896-0594, or by email at gmoore@drmp.com. FLORIDA EYE CARE LASER & CATARACT CENTERS AS A COMMUNITY SERVICE WE ARE OFFERING HEALTH SCREENING VISION CATARACT GLAUCOMA COMPLIMENTARY SOLAR SHIELD SUNGLASSES [$30.00 VALUE] FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9TH I 4PM BUSHNELL JJ3JO6'UUUU 1814 COUNTY ROAD 48 S v dn rgt Lube, Oil & Filter Every 3,750 Miles! Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tire pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CV joints, air cleaner elements. p19.99 I Extended Expiration til 114106 fl GOO dwrenCh I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. MostGM cars Smilar savin.on other vehicles. Plustax.MV27608 Cooling System Service INCLUDES: Pressure test cooling system and cap; Inspect drive belt(s), hoses & freeze plugs; Evacuate system and refill with 50/50 mix of Coolant and water. $49.95 Extended Expiration til 114106 .GOOdWtm mch Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. MV27608 Balance Wheels Automatic & Inspect Brakes Transmission Service INCLUDES: IEvery 30,000 Miles! Free tire rotation; Computer balance 4 24 9 f Remove pan and drain fluid; $7 9 ,9 wheels; Inspect front and rear brakes. inspect for excessive wear; Install I newfilter; Reuse pan gasket; Install $ 9 9 3rd generation fluid; Check linkage I and mounts; Check for leaks; Test Extended Expiration til 14106 Goodw rCnch e Exaon til 14106 ,GOodw reEnch i Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other Vehicles. Plus tax. MV27608 I Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. MV27608 Service Wild Card Fuel System Service ..I 9. W-1 fB r \ (every 0u,uuu miles) Discount on Parts I & Laborona ,0 INCLUDES:, Repair over $300. Power flush fuel injectors; Clean intake Repair over $300. A~m^ ^ r | I valves; Clean combustion chambers, [] Promotes smoother running I and better gas mileage tended Expiration til 114106 fl G o dwirnch Extended Expiration tl 114106 Goo dAwr nch Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Valid with coupon. Please present upon amrrival.Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. MV27608 Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. MV27608 - Ex SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 11 Drm a ome Trwe: N a.-., ', 0Vkbe w b & ~ ..D -= . S . ~- ob - - - - 4 - -"Copyrighted Material 01 w.J fSyndicated Content: W & -. -- W a. Availablerom Commercial News Providers ' a----- .I - ____ -. C.7z -. ... S 19 P, 0a. ~ aa* a amgm -WOMMM a- 6 mm a m - 4 SA 4\ Y ii ,:.:. IA 9 9 40 fa- 8 a- a -4w"%-am -W lo oh 0b aUI-0 -4mdoob S -mm --- -ft* --b Wo -4-- a-- f a-- a -__ Gib a- .I-mw b S-a .a a- ma -- S U d- - a- - 0 a 60- ---NN 411b S a 55 -a a- w --ow No qilimom M-. w 0 NW Modw-MIIMiw--qp % - w ~ -oo. tm * 1M,--- S --- O 4111- do- ompo som - 41P MOa11b.- IN - O-qoin -4a -40- -~ 410 --- -011111 401W 410 - 4f 4-Sb am a- 1P.Iq 0 -moqmw aw am ap lllw wU a o 400000 a ----0 M,.b MIIIM .INIM a mo -w 0"P a 409100 46 .- b -do I -~ a -~ - -mob bmo -q ."WOD- wf-so-m * a am- O -.10-tom- 0 -.a -b~o 0 ..lb---- - oW4UR0 4P o god & 4aw Eu 4m 0 ~ .0m0 4WON : mo e (# 0 '.4 I,t liv- fps- * 4c wilt-a n- On o-4-w Aa lb- 0 - ..v '% f -,~ U 4b a n Ilk momm mmq =' -If M at, o .de O ,me o - .2 - O 46 0 4 t kb PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Greenwood is School-Related Employee of the Year at SSMS The holiday plant Deputy Josh Greenwood was voted Florida School-Related Employee of the Year at South Sumter Middle School. Greenwood, a school resource deputy, is a respected and valued member of SSMS who has the admiration of all those he serves, according to Linda Farmer, a teacher at SSMS. Greenwood not only serves in his daily capacity as SSMS resource deputy, but also teaches after-school classes to at-risk students in the areas of anti-violence and substance abuse preven- tion. He uses a research-based curriculum, teaching strate- gies he gained through School Resource D e p u t y Training, and his understand- ing of the devel- Greenw only senr daily cai SSMS r deputy, I teaches school cI at-risk s opmental needs of children. According to Farmer, Steve Doggett, assistant principal who charged with student dis- cipline, works closely ,with Greenwood and depends a great deal on his expertise in the area of school law. Interactions in the context of student discipline can often be volatile and challenging, but Greenwood is able to diffuse angry situations and turn them into opportunities for produc- tive work on behavior. The school receptionist, Janet Johnson, who interacts with Deputy Greenwood on a daily basis states, "He is so pleasant to work with and so helpful to students and staff. He takes even the smallest problem seriously and helps to solve it promptly." SSMS has an Accelerated Reader incentive plan where students are rewarded for reading and earn points by successfully mastering con- cepts and skills from that read- ing. As a component of the reward system, administrators will agree to do ood not things to amuse 'es in his students when they reach a cer- )acity as tain level of source points school but also wide. For example, s after- the assistant lasses to principal students shaved his head tuclents when students achieved 10,000 Accelerated Reader points. Last year, Deputy Greenwood wanted to help the cause, so he agreed to roller-blade around campus if students reached a certain level by a given date. They did, and so did he, tak- ing leave of duty to for the event In an effort to build positive relations with our parents and community Greenwood creat- ed his own link on our school website. His link can be found a t http://www.sumter.kl2.fl.us/Sc hools/ssm/Teams%20and%20S taff/greenwood.htm. Josh Greenwood On this site, he shares his goals as a resource deputy and provides information about his training and experience to build community confidence. Deputy Greenwood is a high- ly trained Sumter County Deputy Sheriff, certified not only as a school resource deputy, but also in the areas of Human Diversity and Domestic Violence, First Responder, and Firefighter Standards. He is a member of the Webster Volunteer Fire Department and attends the Linden Baptist Church with his wife, Brenda, and their 5- year old son, J.D. Highly prized throughoutL Florida and widely below\ ed as a symbol of'the Christmas sea- son is the Poinsettia No other flower can make such ai bril- liant sho\\ oft bright red throughoilt the festive weeks of December and January. The poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, is a member of the spurge family, which includes common ornamen- tals like crown-of-thorns, cooper-leaf, castorbean and Florida's colorful crotons. The poinsettia, was intro- duced to the United States by our first ambassador to Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett. He had some sent to his home in Greenville, South Carolina in 1825, and this lovely Christmas flower has since borne his name. An interesting point about poinsettias is their "flowers." The true flowers are small, green and yellow and incon- spicuous. The showy red parts, often called flowers, are not parts of the flower; instead, they are highly modi- fied petal-like leaves, which the botanist calls bracts. The bracts are formed below each flower. Since the purchase of poin- settia is a once-a-year thing for most people, several sug- gestions on proper plant selection are in order. Select a plant that has green foliage nearly to the soil line. Old plants will usually have experienced excessive leave drop. The bracts should be large and extended over the lower green foliage. The most popu- lar color in poicnsettllla is red Ho e\er the-re are lntii-meroLls shade- of whites. pinks and c-olor r olibinlfations Select onl\ plants w, ith small teiht ?eleni button-like flo wer pail in ithe ienterii of the bracts. These little buttons will eventually develop into open flowers. If the poinsettia is already producing pollen, you can be assured that a por- tion of its useful display life has already passed and the bracts will begin to fade. Poinsettias are predomi- nately greenhouse grown as pot plants for Christmas in most of the United States, but in South Florida, and some- what here, they can be uti- lized as colorful landscape shrubs. In North Florida they may be frozen to the ground before flowering, so are best used as potted plants. Poinsettias make beautiful houseplants. If the new vari- eties are properly watered and placed in a cool, sunny, draft free area, the bracts will remain lovely for one to two months. Contrary to popular belief, the poinsettia is not poison- ous. A Florida Friendly Landscaping Series is pre- sented by Wendel Martinkovic and Martin Grum in Oxford on Dec. 8 from 1 to 2:30 pm. The topic is "Trees for Florida" Martin Grum is a Sumter County Master Gardener, for help with any garden or land- scape advice call the Sumter County Extension office at 352-793-2728. Air Force Airman David 4. Freeman has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Freeman is the son of Angelia Williams of Beechwood Road, Florence, S.C., and David Brown of N. Osceola Ave., Center Hill. HO is a 2003 graduate of South Sumter High School, Bushnell, Air Force Airman Tamarah S. Abdullah has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Abdullah is the daughter of Margie Crowder of E. Central Ave., Webster, and Taheerah Robinson of Carson St., Barstow, Calif. She is a 2005 graduate of Barstow High School. Advertisement Homeowners with money worries may qualify for low-interest loans - -- -s-- ~ ~ * 100% Financing Available * Land Home Packages * Weak Or Slow Credit We Can Do * Retirement Communities * Subdivisions Hae you been turned down fora loan? Do you need more than $10,000 for any reason? Are you paying more than 7 % interest on any other loans or credit cards? If you are a homeowner and answer- ed y'es'lto any of these questions, they can tell you over the phone and without obligation if you qualify. Hig haeditcard dbt? Less-than-perfect credit? Self employed? Late house pay- ments? Financial problems? Medical bills? IRS liens?It doesn't matter! If you are a homeowner with sufficient equity, there's an excellent chance you will qualify for a loan- usually within 24 hours. You can find out over the phone-and free of charge-if you qualify. Honey Mae Home Loans is licensed by the the FL Dept. of Financial Services. Open7 days a week for your convenience. 1-800-700-1242 ext.233 We can put you in a new 3 bedroom 1 home with 0 down & payments with land & homes for $750 to s800 per month total! C Call Today or Come In. * Open Land We Have It All! * F.H.A. V.A. Biweekly Conventional Fannie Mae * Home Only... Your Land Or Ours * Ask About Our 7- 10 Year "Full Warranty Program" -4 00-71- vp Ik- Magnificent 3 bedroom 3 bath i 1590 Sq. ft. home. n o!^HHIB^1^*^ floor plans to choose from! Buy Today and Save THOUSANDS Driving 2) .1... P r4,o Directions: 441 "' " North or South to 1 9) Hwy 19 S. towards / H m Howey in the HlMls. 73) Home One Oe&ahalf Pres83 -blocks to Prestige i--,m .ne C.efileai Homes. Look for (800)335-4 hJdzQgh e TA.AE rr5 lA ,575 N D -. - so"Im kE Includes delivery, tie down & anchor, steps to LO AEf code. A/C & heat installation & skirting LOADEI estige enters, Inc. ,395 (35,r )uncan Drive, w Imp, L Z)343-2241 Tavares R-w-m- Alzm-Gamcfeww'Awn; SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 13 COUNTY continued from Page 1 approved Commissioner Richard Hoffman's motion to build the single story building to provide a long-term solu- tion to years of building prob- lems that the State Attorneys office has faced. The commissioners change of direction began a couple of weeks earlier when County Construction Manager Richard Mason advised the board of the estimated cost to renovate the shopping center space for county use. Since then, Long prepared a variety of options that the county could pursue for the space, varying from a very scaled-down project of slight- ly more than $1.7 million to the full package for slightly more than $3.6 million. The latter included re-roof- ing, interior asbestos removal, and a renovation of all of the former supermarket space. Long also prepared a pro- posal for the county to add a two-story building on the Bushnell county government complex. It was an option that Commission Chairman Joey Chandler supported. But, he also expressed con- cerns about the time it would take to get a new building ready for occupancy Long said it could be done within 12 to 14 months. Hoffman said he was amenable to putting $2.5 mil- lion into something that the county would own, not lease. Commissioner Michael Francis suggested that the county do the single-story building because the county would be able to have the money this year and wouldn't have to do a bond issue for that project. County staffers reported that the county possessed about $600,000 in state funds that could be used for that project. Chandler still wanted to make it a two-story building that could also house the Sheriff's Department. But, Mason said that there was a concept to put a walkway over the proposed single story building that would connect a second-floor sheriff's office in the planned three-story build- ing to the existing judicial building. But, Francis's suggestion prevailed. "This gets us started, we can pay for it and it solves the problem," Francis said. "We need to start driving nails somewhere," Mason said. Chandler did praise his fel- low commissioners for keep- ing a tight reign on the proj- ects. "We need to separate needs from wants," he said. In other business: Robbie Rogers, county director of development serv- ices, told the board that the public hearing for anA.C.M.S., Inc., application to modify it's existing landfill permit to a Class III landfill will be re advertised at a later date. The hearing had been on continuance for some weeks. Rogers noted that there is period of time when there is an exchange of information between her department and the applicant in order to com- plete the application. When it is completed, new public notices will be issued, she said. Starting in January, the commission will meet in the Villages on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Commissioners unanimous- ly agreed to make the change after sporadic discussions of diversifying the location began about a year ago. It is the culmination of an effort by Francis that began shortly after he took office. Commissioner did not have a specific address, but the location is the Lincoln Theater in Laurel Manor. It's on County Road 466 in the Villages. County Attorney Randall Thornton said that notices would be published with the specific address. County Commissioner Randy Mask obtained com- mission approval for a resolu- tion supporting a proposed Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission project to "clean out" Gant Lake. The project location is just a few miles southwest of Webster. While no specifics of what the project will involve were discussed, Mask said it is a joint project of the state wildlife agency and the Southwest Florida Water Management District. It won't cost the county, Mask said. Commissioners scheduled a special meeting for 4 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 29, to consider re-districting. Thornton said Hoffman was planning on being away dur- ing that time, but wanted to participate by speakerphone. He noted that it is legal to do so. Bears are looking to fatten up; local residents shouldn't help Backyard bear sightings have increased throughout the state in recent years and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) said today residents should not lay out the welcome mat for the big furry critters. In the fall, bears search for fallen acorns as they try to gain weight before winter, which often brings them into neigh- borhoods. Though bears have a natural fear of people, "They can smell food from more than a mile away," said Stephanie Simek, Bear Program coordinator with the FWC. "If they are rewarded with an easy meal, they learn quickly to return to the scene." FWC wildlife biologists recently had to capture and relocate three bears These easy meals include unsecured garbage cans, bird feeders and a pet's food left on the back porch. "Bears are very intelligent and extremely resourceful," Simek added. "They will want to stay if they find an available and abundant food source." Residents can avoid unpleasant bear encounters by taking some simple steps to ensure that living in bear country is a safe and enjoyable experience. What you can do: Remember, feeding bears is against the law. Store all food, garbage and compost in secure areas. Temporarily remove wildlife feeders if there are bears in the area. While Florida black bears never have attacked anyone in Florida, Simek said people should give bears ample space and never attempt to disturb, pet or feed them. '"A bear that stays in an area for long periods often reflects more of a people problem than a bear problem," Simek said. FWC wildlife biologists recently had to capture and relocate three bears from Franklin and Bay counties - the biggest was a near-record 500-pound male. These bears were feeding in unsecured garbage bins at a restaurant and school. FWC biologists tagged and relocated the bears to the Apalachicola National Forest So far this year, the FWC received more than 1,300 calls to report bears, including sightings and roadkills. For more information on liv- ing with bears, visit MyFWC.com/bears. Al Svoboda is pictured playing a few tunes as he helps sup- port the Salvation Army Kettle Drive in Sumter County. Svoboda, like other volunteers, are helping to raise money to help needy residents during the holiday season. 674-1201 SCT Notice of Sate Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. vs. Timothy C. Oliver, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2005-CA-399 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC . Sh ',- lrr - fIMOTHY C. OLIVER, et al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to an Order Re- scheduling Foreclosure Sale dated November 10, 2005, and entered in Case No. 2005-CA-399, of the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial Circuit in and for SUMTER County, Florida, wherein MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REG- STRATION SYSTEMS, INC., Is Plaintiff and TIMOTHY C. OLI- VER, are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and oest bidder for cash at the WEST FRONT DOOR OF SUM- FER COUNTY COURTHOUSE, at 11:00 a.m. on the 7th' day of December, 2005, the following described prop- rlty asset forth In said Final Judgment: IHE EAST 100 FEET OF THE SOUTH 75 FEET OF LOT 274, CENTER HILL, SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE(S) 78, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME VIN #GMHGA4020431217A AND VIN #GMHGA4020431217B. V/K/A 203 W. Jefferson Street, Center Hill, FL 33514 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of this Court on No- vember 10, 2005. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court By: /s/ Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk '6blished two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 24 and December 1, 2005. F05013975. 698-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER COUNTY ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County, will consider the en- actment of a County Ordinance on the following sub- ect: AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE SUMTER COUNTY ENTER- PRISE ZONE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY; SETTING FORTH TERMS OF MEMBERS, TERMS OF OFFICE, COMPENSATION PROVISIONS FOR REMOVAL, MEMBER ACTIONS, STAFF- NG, POWERS OF THE BOARD, PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Public hearing Is scheduled as follows: Date: December 13, 2005 rime: 5:00 p.m. Tlace: Board Hearing Room Second Floor ,Sumter County Courthouse Bushnell, Florida 33513 Notice Is given If any person., desires to appeal any ac- tion taken by the Board at the'above hearings, a ver- oatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and Is not prepared or furnished by the Board, Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 p.m. Is through the East door. 'Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at he hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any spe- cial arrangements. interested parties may appear at the meeting and be weard with respect to the proposed ordinance. A copy of the proposed ordinance Is available by con- acting 352-793-0200 and is available In the County Commission office located In Room 206, Sumter Coun- y Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Dated this November 29, 2005, Gloria Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court By: /s/ Connie Webb Deputy Clerk Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, De- -ember 1, 2005. Let Us Work For YOU! SUMMER COUNTY TIMES Get Results Call 1-352-793-3163 Let Us Work For You ! SUMMER COUNTY TIMES Get Results, Call 1-352-793-3163 693-1208 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the City of Wlldwood, Flori- da, will hold a Public Hearing on the second final read- Ing of Ordinance No. 443, during the 7:00 p.m. Com- mission Meeting of December 12, 2005, In the City Hall Commission Chamber, at 100 N Main Street. Wildwood, Florida.. Ordinance No 443i An Ordinance of the City of Wild- wood Florida; providing for Gateway Preservation Dis- trict; providing for purpose, Intent and scope of ordi- nance: providing for design plans for,Gateway District;, providing for Landscape Requirements; providing for Sign Requirements. providing for Site Plan Require- ments: providing for Out Parcel Requirements; provid- Ing for Variances from Architectural and Landscaping Standards; and providing for an effective date. Ordinance No. 443 Is available at City Hall for Public In- spection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Comments may be voiced at the above mentioned meeting or In writing, addressed to the City Clerk, 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785. Be advised that any person wishing to appeal any de- cision made by the Commission on any matter consid- ered during the meeting will need a record of the pro- ceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record Is made, which Includes the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal Is to be based. Any person requiring special -accommodation should contact the City Clerk, 352-330-1330, ext. 102. /s/ Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1 and 8, 2005. 695-1208 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the City of Wlidwood, Flori- da, will hold a Public Hearing on the second final read- Ing ,of Ordinance No. 445, during the 7:00 p.m. Com- mission Meeting of December 12, 2005, In the City Hall Commission Chamber, at 100 N Main Street, .Wildwood, Florida. Ordinance No 445: An Ordinance of the City of Wild- wood Florida; amending all ordinances and/or policies that Annexation or Pre-annexatlon is requirement to the extension of water/wastewater services; providing an effective, date. Ordinance No. 445 Is available at City Hall for Public In- spection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Comments may be voiced at the above mentioned meeting or In writing, addressed to the City Clerk, 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785. Be-advised that any person wishing to appeal any de- cision made by the Commission on 'any matter consid- ered during the meeting will need a record of the pro- ceedlngs, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record Is made, whlch- includes the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal Is to be based. Any person, requiring special accommodation should contact the City Clerk, 352-330-1330 ext 102. /s/ Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1 and 8, 2005. 691-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION' DEP File No. 1190041-AC (PSD-FL-358) Sumter Cement Company Sumter County The Department of Environmental Protection an- nounces receipt of an application for an air construc- tion permit pursuant to the Rules for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) of Air Quality from Sum- ter Cement Company. The project Is to construct a dry process portland cement plant In the vicinity of Center Hill, Sumter County. This application Is being processed and is available for public Inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at the following Depart- ment offices: Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Air Regulation 111 South Magnolia Drive, Suite 4 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Telephone: 850/921-9523 Fax: 850/921-9533 Department of Environmental Protection Southwest District Office 8407 Laurel Fair Circle Tampa, Florida 33610 Telephone: 813/744-6100 Fax: 813/744-6458 Key portions of the application and additional Infor- mation can be accessed at the Department's webslte at: www.dep.state fl.us/Alr/permlttlng/constructlon/ sumter.htm Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times,.De- cember 1, 2005. 699-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County, Florida, at a meeting held at the Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnell, Flori- da, on the 29th day of November, 2005, adopted a resolution closing and vacating the following de- scribed road, right-of-way or easement: All that portion of County Road 132 right of way lying in Section 33,. Township 18.South, Range 23 East, Sumter County, Florida described as follio.. The South 25 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 33, and the North 25 feet of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 33, and the East 1092 feet of the South 25 feet of the South- east 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 33, and the East 1092 feet of the North 20 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 33. renouncing, disclaiming and closing and vacating any right of Sumter County, Florida and the public In and to any land or Interest therein as to the above described property. This action shall not be final until 30 days from the date of this publication. Any Interested party shall have the right to request a re-hearing by the Board during the 30 day- period. Upon submission of proof of misrepresen- tation or mistake of substantial faqt or other error, the Board may reverse the decision to close the road and dismiss the petition. -BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA /s/ Joey A. Chandler, Chairman Published one.(1) time In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1, 2005. 600-1208 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Advertisement for Bids NOTICE IS.HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners hereby seeks competitive bids for Maintenance Dredging of Residential Canals along the Western Shore of Lake Panasoffkee. All bids submitted must be In a sealed envelope marked "Sealed Bid for Maintenance Dredging of Residential Canals along the Western Shore of Lake Panasoffkee," and must be. received by the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners at the Sumter County Public Works Division, Bushnell, Florida 33513, prior to 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 17, 2006. Bids will be opened at the Public Works Office at 10:05 a.m. on Tuesday, January. 17, 2006. The bids will be reviewed by staff for completeness and compliance with bid Instructions on Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at 1:30 p.m. at the Pub- lic Works Office. Bids will be presented.to the County Commission for award during thePublic Works agenda at the County Commission Meeting on Tuesday. Janu- ary 24, 2006, Any bids not received and clocked in by Sumter Coun- ty Public Works prior to said time will not be opened or considered. All bidders must be licensed contractors, capable of performing the scope of work necessary to satisfactorl- ly complete the project. All bidders must be prequalifled by the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners prior to bidding. Contact Sumter County Public Works for more Information at (352) 793-0240. Plans and specifications will be available on Wednes- day, December 7, 2005, and may be examined at the following locations: Sumter County Public Works 319 E. Anderson Avenue Bushnell, Florida 33513 Springstead Engineering, Inc. 727 S,. 14th Street Leesburg, Florida 34748 Copies.of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS may be obtained at the office of Springstead Engi- neering, Inc., located at the above address upon pay- ment of $50.00 for each set. Since the procurement of plans and specifications and related documents Is considered a purchase, there will be no refund. There will be a mandatory pre-bld meeting for this proj- ect at Sumter County Public Works office at 10:00 a.m. on December 15, 2005. The OWNER reserves the right to accept any bid whether It be the lowest bid or not, or to reject all bids and call for new bids. DATED this 29th Day of November, 2005 SUMTER COUNTY BOARD Of.COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /s/ Tommy Hurst, Director of Public Works Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1 and 8, 2005. Let us work for youl I SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED Get Results Call 1-352-793-3163 Let us work for youl SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED Get Results Call 1-352-793-3163 You've Got It! Somebody Wants I x. SSUMTER COUNTY (352) MES (352) 793-3163 www.sumtercountytimes.com 633278B ..I-. C ", . 1. .m r7,-4vi PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 "^ Tiry YOU'LL UKE FF I=. - -ofimm-ow- d 41W-dowa- -an- - -s4dm --w- wm * C - ~ S ~ Available f OMI- ; a -aa OM- & .E~ all ~ ~'Pop -ob =wm ow IM-M d IW- .1 - qll 4m -n 4M. Q -tw me 4w clean" righted Material )ntent oopy [Sync rom C &A -~ - = ~-- - - w m News Providers" _- . - ~ - * - a _ - --__ o - - - - S - 00 -0 41.b apm 1 40 -omm4b 49bw mw40 - a. S ~ lic'ated Cc commerciall A-b rGft Q qw, am A , aw UND ba &=ON= WAMW unw- amp- 401mb o - "o SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 15 Living nativity presentations scheduled by local churches VISITING SUMTER STUDENTS BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Dale said both the choir and the group acting through the pageant are from one of the twn nColeman churches livestock huddles nearby. You'll be able to hear voices 'of the heavenly frnm nn high annd the soun Can you smell it in the air? Methodist Pastor Bill Buell whips cracking in the Do you see the angel wings will serve as narrator for the night air as Roman sold 4s they flutter through the story as they move from scene hurl commands and dole ni ght? to scene in an event they their torture. l There's a camel there, near expect to take about 30 or 35 The experience st the fire and a donkey braying minutes. before Christ's birth and e in the night. They will offer two presen- with him knocking on a c For three churches in the stations. The second is slated for entrance leaving local area, taking visitors back to begin at 6:30 p.m. choice as to whether they in time, to the night of Christ's "I had the idea of doing the accept the invitation ui birth, are their focus this live nativity and approached those inside. month. Bill to see if it's something we In the past, the congr , The Coleman First could do as a project togeth- tion has used real livest Assembly of God, Coleman er," said Dale. including everything froi United Methodist Church and He said they will use the donkey to camels. the First Baptist Church of Gospels of Matthew and Luke Visitors are asked to turn Bushnell are ready to take you to share the story their headlights and fol back in time with living nativ- "It's something we can do the path lit by luminaries. ities on the third weekend of together. I'm hoping that we Various scenes from l5ecember. can continue to do it," he said Gospels are placed around ' The Coleman churches of the nativity. Bushnell city 'block and lhave paired up to provide a They also plan to serve tors stay in their vehicles living nativity with choir refreshments with each of the they drive through, reach music and a series of scenes, presentations. They are locat- giant placards that tell according to Assembly of God ed at 505 Mulberry Street. story before each scene. pastor David Dale. In Bushnell, church mem- The living nativity stai Slated for 5:30 p.m. on bers are planning to continue as a way for the church Saturday, Dec. 17, Dale said' with a long-standing tradition reach out and give to the c they're planning about six dif- as they take visitors on a munity and it's still that wa ferent scenes for the pageant, drive-through presentation of The First Baptist Churc 'with live music from a 16- Christ's entire life. Bushnell presentation is ipember choir. Another 10 Dressed in robes and head- from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. congregation members will pieces, ladies will gather to Saturday and Sunday, Dec perform. collect water from the well, as and 18. 'TOOFAR annual pig roast planned iTOOFAR will be holding its the oak fire to cook it. (In addi- books will be available, 14th annual Pig Roast on tion to the pig on the spit, we well as membership infor Saturday, Dec. 3, at the will be cooking 300 lbs. of tion, lake maps and ri Church of Christ pavilion in pork) Other preparations will maps. Iloral City, located in a field continue throughout the There will be many ot On Hwy. 48 just east of Hwy. 41. morning with meals being activities in the field gea Follow the signs. This even is served from 11 a.m. until 4 towards celebrating old t held each year in conjunction p.m. The menu will include Florida. There is no cha wvith Floral City Heritage barbeque pork, hoppin' john for the attractions and ac I)ays. over rice, applesauce, corn ties in the field. Funds coll People will begin arriving at muffins, and homemade cake. ed from the pig roast the field at about 5 a.m. to put The cost will be $6 per person, towards TOOFAR's work the pig on the spit and build TOOFAR shirts and cook- local water issues. Club prepares for home toui as ma- iver other hired ime large tivi- ect- go in Sumter County employees Aimee Webb and Skip Lukert were guest speakers recently at teacher Karen Cloud's economics class at South Sumter High School. They provided answers to ques- tions about planning, zoning, and development for new businesses. The students had been just completed a unit about business start-ups! As the Christmas season Green Acres subdivision. approaches, members of the The second stop is Jason 'vildwood Woman's Club are and Sabrina Ortenjren home preparing for their annual inTillman's Hammock Tour of Homes. The third stop is the This year, the tour will be Richard and Jannel Ortenjren fleld on Saturday, Dec. 3. home in Oxford. The fourth 1 The tour begins at 2 p.m. stop is setup as the teahouse. and continues until 5 p.m. It is the home of Mindy and Four homes will be featured Casey Jones, just south of on this year's tour. Coleman. The first stop is the Jody Tickets for the tour may be and Paula Williams home at purchased from club mem- Tri-County event , The Tri-county Volunteer Fire Department Ladies auxiliary will hold a yard sale and bake sale on Friday, Dec. 2 from 4 to 6 p.m. and on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. i Furniture, clothing, knickknacks, electronics, etc., will be available for purchase. i The sale is at Fire Station 29, 7725 C.R. 476. bers or at the following loca- tions: Micki Blackburn Realty, Gloria's Beauty Salon, Debbie's Head to Toe Salon, Old Tyme Sake and Arbor Village. Arbor Village will again this year be the starting point for the tour. Maps will be avail- able for pick up the day of the tour at Arbor Village. For more information, call 748-2697 or 748-1119. 670-1201 SCT OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT WILDWOOD MUNICIPAL ELECTION DECEMBER 6, 2005 OICIALt. HUWICIPAL ELECTION BALLOT CITY OF UILDIOOD DECIBER 1 .N 26OS GOIpF 1 HAY 0 / COM1ISSIONER cUote for Oncl IaUrlon Grahan i i nicheel U, Holden Ed waif | GROIUIJP 4 COflIISSIOMEB Susan Hutchirnson Hooper Jotin N. Joattm L ] P.age oC f - In accordance with FS 101.5612(1), a pre-election test of the automatic tabulation equipment to be used to tabulate votes for the City ofWildwood Municipal Election on December 6. 2005, will be held on Monday November 28, 2005 at 9:30a.m. at the [ Supervisor of Elections Office. NOTICE TO VOTERS: Wildwood Municipal Election December 6,2005, This Sample ballot is prepared in Accordance with FS 101.20 This certifies that the above is a true and correct copy of the official ballot for the City of Wildwood December 6, 2005 Municipal Election. /s/ Joseph Jacobs, City Clerk * Merr.y Christmas from Tfi Salvation rmy "'Tis the season" and we will often hear the words "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" during the next few weeks. We all appreciate the good wishes from our family and friends and the words remind us that we can truly make a difference for many people and help their Christmas to be merrier. This coming week, we will be taking more applications for needy families and children and senior citizens who need help for the holiday. Many of those who are asking for help would not ask at any other time of the year, they are working families who Bill & Eleanor Stewart just do not have something extra for the holidays. They are Administrator and managing to meet their daily needs and that is all the budget Volunteer Coordinator allows. Eleanor and I are still moved by the man who said "I never thought I'd be the one asking for help. I was someone who always gave to others for Christmas." We have heard many others say that and we hear it more frequently during this season. Your donation to the "Empty Stocking Fund" will have a positive impact for families who are in need. Families like the one.headed by "Joyce." Joyce works hard to supply her three growing children with food and a home all through the year. With the increased expenses of needing to buy school supplies and clothing she told us the "Without your help we just world not have a happy Christmas. Thank you and God bless you." We are humbled to hear those words of thanks and we gladly pass them along to you, our friends and donors who truly make it possible for Joyce and other parents to give that extra something to their children on Christmas. Please remember Marie and her family and the many families like her when you consider making your donation to The Salvation Army Empty Stocking Fund. The funds raised through this program will help families, children and SUMTER COUNT'(TIMES senior citizens in Sumter County. We are inviting you to participate in this inaugural effort. Below is a coupon you may complete and mail to The Salvation Army at P.O. Box 25, Bushnell, Florida 33513, along with your donation. You make your donation on behalf of yourself or in honor of a family member or friend or a "special someone" or group that you want to be recognized. In return for your donation you will have the knowledge that you have made a direct impact on those who seek help during this blessed time of year. You will also receive a letter ...... of recognition from The Salvation Army, an "Empty Stocking Fund" sticker, and the person or group that you have designated will be listed in this column. Additional coupons may also be obtained at our office at 870 N. Main Street in Bushnell. SALVATION ARMY "It-TM T1E STOCKIN FUND" For more information re this program, speakers for your group, or any of our programs and volunteer opportunities, please call us at 352-568-2284. Yes! I want to help my neighbors during this holiday season. My donation for The Salvation Army Empty Stocking Fund is: $ My name is: My Address is: Name to be listed in this column (you may designate: Anonymous, Friend, In honor of, In memory of, etc.) My prayer request is: Please mail this coupon, along with your donation, to: The Salvation Army Empty Stocking Fund P.O. Box 25 Bushnell, Florida 33513 This nformawion Sponsored 'By: iDibarco Building Corporation MBE 653012 the host id of still iers out arts ends floor the will p to ega- ock, m a n off low the id a visi- s as ding the rted h to om- ay. h of set on c. 17 * PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 SCounty Extension Holiday baking tips he holidays are upon, us and it is the season to shop and bake. During this season any tips on saving time and money are needed. You are busy and you want things to go smoothly. After rifling frantically through your kitchen cupboards, you're ready to wave the white flag of surrender because you just don't have all the ingredients you need to make that MAF batch of cookies! MAD Don't give up! Countless simple. ingredients can work double- time, giving you great versa- tility. Next time you can't scare up any cornstarch or baking chocolate, use these tips of handy substitutes to make your life simpler. When the recipe calls for 1/2 cup butter you can substitute /2 cup shortening plus /4 tea- spoon salt; 1 cup whipping cream substitute 1/3 cup but- ter plus % cup milk; cup buttermilk substitute 1/2cup milk plus 1 teaspoon vine- gar; 1/2 cup sour milk substi- tute 1/2 cup milk plus 11/2 tea- spoon lemon juice; 1 cup whipped cream substitute 1 egg white whipped with 1 sliced banana; 1 cup whole milk substitute 1 cup water, 4 tablespoons nonfat instant milk and 2 teaspoons melted butter or 1/2 cup water and /2 cup evaporated milk; 1 cup skim milk substitute 1 cup water with 4 tablespoons nonfat instant milk.' When the recipe calls for 1/2 cup honey butter you can substitute 2 tablespoons but- ter or margarine with /4 cup honey; cup sour cream substitute cup plain unfla- vored yogurt; 1 teaspoon bak- ing powder substitute tea- spoon cream of tartar with 1 teaspoon baking soda; 1 tablespoon flour (for thicken- ing) substitute 2 egg yolks, /2 tablespoon cornstarch or 2 teaspoons tapioca (quick cooking): 1 teaspoon double acting baking powder substi- tute' 1' teaspoon regular baking powder; 1 cup cake flour substitute 1 cup regular flour, sifted twice minus 2 tablespoons; 1 cup flour, for baking bread substitute 1/2 cup flour plus 1/2 cup -corn- meal, bran or whole-wheat flour; 1 package dry yeast substitute 2 teaspoons dry yeast or 1 cake compressed yeast; 1 square unsweetened chocolate substitute 3 table- spoons cocoa with 1 table- spoon butter or margarine. When the recipe calls for V cup molasses you can substi- tute /2 cup honey; 1 cup tomato juice substitute 1/2 cup tomato sauce with V cup water; 1 cup wine substitute Fr D i 1 1 cup apple juice; 1 cup orange liqueur substitute 1 cup orange juice; 1 large marshmallow substitute 10 miniature marshmallows; 1/2 cup honey substi- tute 5/8 cup sugar with 1/8 cup water; 1 cup canned bouillon substitute S 1 cup boiling water with 1 bouillon cube; 1/2 cup gra- = j ham cracker crumbs substitute /2 cup saltine cracker crumbs; 1 can cream of cel- THA ery soup substitute )DOX 1 can cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup; 1 egg substitute 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon water; 2 egg whites substitute 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon ice water; 1 egg substitute 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin mixed with 3 tablespoons cold water and 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon boiling water When the recipe calls for 1/2 cup catsup for cooking you can substitute /2 cup tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1/4 cup sugar; 1 teaspoon dry mustard substitute 1 tea- spoon prepared mustard; 1 cup chopped onion substi- tute 1/3 cup dehydrated onions; 1 teaspoon instant onion substitute 4 table- spoons chopped fresh onion; 1 tablespoon fresh parsley substitute 1 tablespoon pars- ley flakes; Mandarin oranges substitute pineapple tidbits; 8 ounces of canned grape- fruit sections substitute 1 medium fresh grapefruit; 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms sub- stitute 1 four-ounce can mushrooms. When the recipe calls for a 10 ounce package frozen peas you can substitute an 8 ounce can peas; 8 ounce can whole tomatoes substitute 8 ounce can stewed tomatoes; 1 can chow mein noodles substitute 1 can potato shoe- strings or 3 cups cooked rice: 1 cup cooked rice substitute 1 cup cooked macaroni or noo- dles; 1 cup seasoned bread crumbs substitute 1 cup regu- lar bread crumbs with 1 tea- spoon pepper or three slices of bread cubed with 1 tea- spoon pepper; 1/2 cup pecans, chopped substitute 1A cup walnuts or almonds. chopped; 1 pound ground pork substitute 1 pound ground beef; 1/2 cup cubed ham substitute /2 cup chopped luncheon meat; 8 ounce can chili beans substi- tute 8 ounce can kidney beans with 2 teaspoons chili powder. I hope you can use these helpful tips. If you have any questions contact the Sumter County Extension Office at 793-2728. Photo by Amanda Mims Five Bushnell Elementary School students were treated to a limousine ride and lunch at McDonald's on Nov. 22, for selling the most items during a school fundraiser. Shown from left to right are: Tara Kenny, 11, Autumn Yinger, 7, Kaitlin Hutchins, 9, Scout Eveleth, 5, and Shelby Johnson, 8. Florida Master Gardener course offered Do you want to learn more about growing plants? Do you have an interest in fruits, veg- etables, ornamentals, lawns and trees? Do you enjoy help- ing others? Do you want to serve your community? If you answered yes to these ques- tions, your chance may be just around the corner. An environmental horticul- ture program, called the Florida Master Gardener Program, is being offered by the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and the Sumter County Cooperative Extension Service to provide horticultural training for selected home gardeners in Florida. Florida Master Gardener is a title given to individuals who receive 50-hours of in- depth horticultural training from University of Florida faculty and agree, in return, to give 50-hours of volunteer service annually helping their local county extension program. Master Gardener training will be held at the Sumter County Extension Office in Bushnell each Wednesday from Feb. 1 through April 19, 2006. Most training sessions will run from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Training will include topics such as basic plant science, plant identification, veg- etable gardening, fruit cul- ture, flowers, woody orna- mentals, surf management, pest management and basic landscaping. Principles of the Florida Yards & Neighborhood (FYN) Program will. be included in the training. Master Gardeners give their volunteer hours to coun- ty extension offices in many ways. In Sumter County Master Gardeners help exten- sion staff, test soil samples, volunteer at plant clinics, work at the youth garden and attend special events such as, the Epcot International Flower and Garden Festival. Applications for a limited number of openings in the class are now being taken in the county extension office. The program.is open to any- one wishing to attend regard- less of race, color, sex, or national origin. As part of the Master Gardener training, each par- ticipant has access to one of the best gardening references for Florida. It is a compilation of Extension Service fact sheets and bulletins that apply specifically to our unique climate. The cost for the class and materials is $95k For further information about the Master Gardener program, contact the Sumter County Extension office at 793-2728. Applications will be accepted until the class fills. The Sumter County Cooperative Extension Service, through the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service, offers educational programs, and activities to all persons. BAL ONS As seen FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on T.V. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! ~uI~ ~Imi- 0'IN lw V, 7YOUR LfiP ANS OR OURS SUM TER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 17 0ollowin " A deer or any other hunt- K, ing camp for that mat- .A ter is a very special jnd unique place. Other than possi- bly at a church, probably more lose friends have been made and lost S at hunting camps - ,than any other " place I can think of :right off the bat. SOver the years, sadly, I -have seen many long time | . good friends fall 'out with each other JAOutdoo 3ig time over sim- - .ple or trivial things 'at a hunt camp that 'at the moment in time and even on down the road didn't really amount to a hill of beans. :- Much too often a misspo- ken or misunderstood word or some minor incident tak- ing place at the wrong moment has destroyed rela- tionships that had been great for generations and had been enjoyed and treasured by r I-g -Outdoois uy ADAMS. .-. special p..... etiquette at the deer camp.. special camp etiquette at the deer camp both sides. A hunting camp is sup- posed to be a place where good wholesome fun takes place and just like in a strong and active church long lasting broth- erhoods are devel- oped. However much too often mean-minded, sneaky snakes also known as envy, greed, distrust, jealousy, and self- ADAMS ish pride manage Writer to slip in the back- door and then big problems are bound to take place. Most hunting camps I have been a part of or a guest at have long standing camp rules that have been adopted over time and most are in conjunction with the local game and fish laws. There also are many neces- sary rules in most hunting camps, which reflect the individual customs as to the likes and dislikes of the mem- bers who originally set up the hunting camp in the first place. When these self-made rules are complied with, the hunting camp will almost always operate in harmony. Along with the normal camp rules there is some common sense unwritten rules of hunting etiquette that a seri- ous hunter can live by that will go a long way in insuring that the individual hunter will always be welcome at any hunt camp. Invariably, a guest or mem- ber is going to kill a deer or some other game animal. If this happens it is the custom at a lot of hunt camps to share the meat. , It is a good rule of thumb anywhere you might be hunt- ing to always offer a portion of your kill to be eaten at camp or offered to be shared with other less fortunate hunters to take home. I know of nothing any- where or anyplace that will get a hunter a bad name around camp than to kill an animal and not share, at least offer to the share, the bounty. It does not matter if there has been a lot of deer killed or not in the camp, the small gesture of wanting to share your kill goes a long way. Another thing that is frowned on and a lot of camps is the inconsiderate hunter who does not pay his fair share in camp expenses. Way too many times I have seen hunters show up week- end after weekend and eat like a full grown hog and if he leaves any money on the table to cover camp costs at all it is very little. All hunt camps in these days in time are expensive to operate and most especially if a large crowd of hungry hunters is being fed good meals several times a day. It is one thing if a hunter is down and out and little short on cash for the time being but if a hunter is ok financially he should not. have to be asked to kick in his fair share of money for the food and camp upkeep. Camp chores are also very important. There is a multitude of camp chores that must be taken care or a regular basis if the camp is to remain in good repair and a decent place to stay in and my good friends it is only right for all of the physically able mem- bers to put in time taking care of the camp. As far as day-to-day opera- tions of the camp goes all members are expected to do a fair share of the routine daily chores. Dish washing is one of the big hang ups and in, a lot of camps I have been a part of this mundane and extremely necessary chore is way to often frowned on as being on the unmanly-side. However, my feeling is if you can eat and enjoy the grub, then old buddy you ain't too good to wash a few dishes from time to time. Whether you do so back at home or not is not important but washing them at the camp is. The camp cook should not have to prepare a meal then clean up the kitchen. A good hint to any guest visiting a hunt camp is pitch in and wash a few dishes and you can best believe this small gesture will be noted and go a mighty long way on getting a return invitation. A guest will be smart to take due notice of the all the goings on around a hunt camp and if he sees anything he or she can help out with it will be appreciated and per- haps pay huge dividends sometimes on down the road. .Respect for your fellow hunter is always a matter of concern. If you know a fellow hunter likes to hunt a certain way in a special place then by all means respect his or her wishes. The hunting woods are a special privilege for us to enjoy and absolutely nothing is worse in a hunting camp than dissention but if we all respect and help each other the hunt camp is the place to be. Butterfly project launched locally Sumter County 4-H is par-. ticipating in the pilot program WINGS which is a partner- ship program between the University of Florida and the Natural History Museum/Butterfly Rainforest. ' The WINGS program focus- es on materials .and studies to educate youth about butter- flies and butterfly gardening While collecting research information. ' This project is being piloted in counties throughout Florida and will be intro- duced through the Florida 4- H curriculum this summer. Plans are to introduce the materials through the 4-H Program curriculum through- put the United States and international programs. Sumter County 4-H program is on the leading edge of an outstanding and educational opportunity for youth. 4-H Club Leaders Kathy Demaree and Ann Caraway along. with 4-H Agent Martha Maddox attended in service training for the WINGS pro- gram. During the training, individ- uals learned about butterfly plots, parts of a butterfly, but- terfly identification, feeding habits, how to develop a but- terfly garden, games and activities and received educa- tional project books. Ann Caraway, a Sumter County master gardener, vol- unteered to organize a 4-H Butterfly Club at the Sumter Youth Center. Youth at the B B center are getting the WINGS curriculum and hands-on experience with caterpillars, butterflies and the plants that attract them. This project coordinates well with the Master Gardener gardening project that is located at the Sumter Youth Center on C.R. 48 in Bushnell. Kathy Demaree and her 4-H club, the BES Explorers, are participating in a variety of community activities. The club recently -planted a butterfly garden at Bushnell Elementary and has been studying about butterflies. For more information about 4-H contact the Sumter County Extension Office at 793-2728. Ann Caraway poses for a picture in the garden with some of the members of the Sumter Youth Center 4-H Club. a Hwy. 48 Hwy. 48 Hwy. 48 Bushnell, FL 02006-"s 2005's & PREOWNED k", ""', 1, T"x PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Webster's ,11 th Christmas parade Float entries and partici- pants are welcome. Call the Webster Police Department for more information at 793-2072 or Webster City Hall at 793-2073. The parade will be held on Dec. 17. Line up is at 5 p.m. at Sumter County Farmer's Market The parade lasts about 45 minutes.' There will be enter- tainment and refreshments sold in front of the Webster Library. Pageant applications are available The 2006 pageant applica- tions are available at the Sumter County Fair Grounds or maybe downloaded from our website sumterfair.net. Moose Lodge bingo Lake Panasoffkee Moose Lodge #1179, located at 1317 C.R. 470, is holding bingo every Tuesday. It is open to the public, starts with a lunch- eon at 11:45 a.m. and the games begin about 12:15 p.m. This is a friendly place to have fun and food. Holiday fruitcakes at Linden Church Holiday fruitcakes are available, now at Linden Church of God. They are avail- able in 2, 3 and 5 pounds at $5 per pound. Call 793-7818 or 568-1991 to reserve. K of C bingo Bingo is held every Thursday at 6 p.m. and spon- sored by the Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Waters council #12544 at the St Lawrence social hall red building at Hwy 301 and Dade Ave., Bushnell, FL. Refreshments are available. Holiday Zip Lock Sumter County Veterans Service office will be sending packages out to the troops during the holidays. If you are interested in this cause, bring your donations to the Veterans Service Office's listed below: Bushnell office: 416 N. Lawrence, St., Bushnell, FL 33513. For infor- mation call 793-0235. Villages Annex: 8033 E. C.R. 466, Suite B., Box 9, Lady Lake, FL 32162. For informa- tion call 753-2686. Youth Center turkey sale It's time once again for the, Sumter County Youth Center annual smoked turkey sale, also offering spiral sliced hams that are great for holi- day dinners. Call the Youth Center at 568-8722 for more information. Tracy's Point meeting The Tracy's Point Community Club meets every, third Tuesday each month at the community club building at 7 p.m. For more informa- tion call 568-2883. Cancer support group meets A cancer support group meets in Bushnell every sec- ond Monday of the month at 7 p.m., at Chuck's Odd Cuples Restaurant, 117 W Belt Ave. (Hwy. 48), Bushnell it is between CVS Pharmacy and the Dollar Store. This is for ,anyone dealing with cancer in their lives. You may be a current patient or a caregiver or a survivor who may have words of encourage- ment to offer! Come and share and listen. You will be uplifted to know you are not alone! Hosts are Lee Krauss and Georgia Klems, RN. American Legion looking for members American Legion Post 18 holds their meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Wildwood, Hwy 44 and Hwy 301. We are look- ing for new members. For more information, call 352- 326-2158. Mommy And Me Mommy and Me acrobat classes are set to start in mid September! Moms with their children, ages three and four, can join together for some basic tum- bling. Mommy doesn't necessarily tumble in the starter classes, but she needs to be on hand to provide assistance and social support for all the little ones. Classes will be on Saturday, from 11 a.m. to noon at Just Acro in Lake .Panasoffkee. For more information call 303-0518. Community Health Foundation raffle The Rural Florida Community Health Foundation is sponsoring a reverse raffle to raise money for Thomas E. Langley Medical Center. Tickets are $100 each with only 200 being offered. The drawing will be Nov. 18, at Continental Country Club in Wildwood. For tickets or information call Marilyn Connell 352-568-2272 or Julie Pacheco at 352-793- 5900. Webster Holiday parade The City of Webster will have their Christmas Parade Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. Any one that would like to participate please contact Cathy at 793- 2072. Attention SSHS class of 1990 We are planning a reunion for Feb. 17 and 18. If you're interested in attending, con- tact Teresa Allan-Tredway at 727-501-3601 or by e-mail at ttredway@email.com. You can also contact Susan Shackleton-Berry at 352-793- 1727 or by e-mail at rber- rys2001@yahoo.com. We look forward to seeing everyone again. Recycle, don't throw away The Sumter County F1 Freecycle group is open to all who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you're looking to Swnair TIDBS Crank-Y- Campers The Central Florida acquire something yourself! Nonprofit groups are also wel- come to participate too! One main rule: everything posted must be free. This group is part of The Freecycle Network, a nonprofit organi- zation and a movement of peo- ple interested in keeping good stuff out of landfills. Check out freecycle.org for other cities and information on the move- ment! E-mail the Moderator for questions or improvement ideas! mailto: sumterctyfl- f r e e c y c 1 e - owner@yahoogroups.com. Have fun and jump right in! Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries throughout the county. Beginning on June 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will be at Lake Panasoffkee Library. The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third Tuesday of each month we will be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. If you have any further questions please contact Sumter. County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Jazzercise Lite classes Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Building, Tuesday and Thursdays, 9 to 10 a.m. Call Patty Jordan at 793- 9340. Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation. Sumter on the move Walking Club in Sumter County every Thursday at 6 p.m. at Kenny Dixon Sports Complex Walk Track. Co-Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation and Health Department. meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on 682-1201-SCT'-F NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, District Five, announces the Public Hearing for the Department's Tentative Work Program for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 through 2010/2011. This Public Hearing will include information for Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Sumter and Volusia Counties. DISTRICTWIDE PUBLIC HEARING FOR BREVARD. FLAGLER. LAKE. MARION. ORANGE. OSCEOLA. SEMINOLE. SUMTER AND VOLUSIA COUNTIES DATE: December 12, 2005 TIME: 5:30 P.M. Information Review 6:00 P.M. Public Hearing PLACE: Florida Department of Transportati< Orlando Urban Office Lake Apopka A & B Conference Ro 133 South Semoran Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32807 FOR BREVARD COUNTY DATE: December 13, 2005 TIME: 5:30 P.M. Information Review 6:00 P.M Public Hearing PLACE: Rockledge City Hall 1600 Huntington Lane Rockledge, Florida 32955 Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Wildwood, Florida, will hold a Public Hearing and the second final reading of Ordinance No. 440, during the 7:00 p.m. Commission Meeting on December 12, 2.005, in the City Hall Commission Chamber, Wildwood, Florida. Ordinance No. 440: An Ordinance of the City of Wildwood, Florida; annexing certain real property consisting of approximately 169.83 acres generally located North of the City of Wildwood in Sections 20 and 21, Township 18, Range 23, East Sumter County, Florida; all of which real property is contiguous to the city limits of the City of Wildwood, Florida; providing that said property so annexed shall be liable-for its proportionate share of the existing and future indebtedness of said City; providing that such annexed property shall be subject to all laws and ordinances of said city as if such territory had been a part of the City of Wildwood at the time of passage and approval of said laws and ordinance; providing that such annexed territory shall be placed in Section 1-14 of the City of Xu.%r.QJA2~d.J - .:..&, .I;1I: FOR LAKE. SUMTER & MARION COUNTIES DATE: December 19, 2005 TIME: 5:30 P.M. Information Review 6:00 P.M. -Public Hearing PLACE: Lake County County Administration Building Commission Chambers 2nd Floor Tavares, Florida 32778 This Public Hearing is being conducted pursuant to Section 339.135(4)(C), Florida Statutes, as amended. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to consider the Department's Tentative Work Program for Fiscal Years 2006/2007 through 2010/2011 and consider making any changes to the Program. This hearing also will include consideration of proposed projects for the Florida's Turnpike Enterprise. Written comments from all interested parties will be accepted by the Department at the Public Hearing and within ten days after the Public Hearing. Comments should be addressed to: George Gilhooley, District Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation, 719 South Woodland Boulevard, DeLand, Florida 32720. In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act, the Department, if requested, will provide special assistance at the Public Hearing for those persons who are disabled. Those persons requiring special assistance must notify the Department at least ten days prior to the public hearing, by contacting Mary Schoelzel at 719 South Woodland Boulevard, DeLand, Florida 21720, telephone number (386) 943-5398. The presentation of the. Department's Tentative Work Program will also be given at some of the Metropolitan Planning Organization Board Meetings and will also be available through various local TV stations. Please check the website www.WPPH2005.com for the availability in your area. For more information on the dates and places of the District Five Florida Department, of Transportation's Work Program Public Hearings, please contact Mary Schoelzel at (386) 943-5398. I I, Ii I - Wildwood Ordinances; providing effective date. Code of and an The properties are contiguous to the City of Wildwood, and generally located on the north side of the City. G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION: That property lying .south of County Road 472, north of County Road 114, and east of County Road 117, approximately 169.83 acres. Ordinance No. 440 is available at City Hall for Public inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Comments may be voiced at the above mentioned meeting or in writing, addressed to the City Clerk, 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785. APPEAL: Be advised that any person wishing to appeal any decision made by the Commission on any matter considered during the meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person requiring special accommodation under ADA should contact the City Clerk, 352-330-1330 ext 102. -s-Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Camping Club aka Crank-Y- Campers, has members and camps all over the state and invites you come out meet new people and make new friend at one of our monthly campouts. Children and pets welcomed. For more informa- tion call 407-699-3039 or 407- 575-3300. Our website is: geoc- ities.com/crankycampers. Country and gospel music There will be music at the Community Building starting in July on second, fourth and fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Country and gospel music will be heard at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building across from truck stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only. Call 748-2628 for informa- tion. Dance at Lake Panasoffkee There will be dancing every first and third Friday, from 8 to 11. p.m., at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 1/2 block north of blinker light across from Sunshine Truck Stop. Singles- and couples are welcome. Life entertainment and finger foods appreciated. All ages welcome; sponsored by Sumter Singles. Call 352-424-1688 for more information. Cancer support group Meetings are on the second Monday of every month at Chuck's Odd cup'les Cafe on West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m. Refreshments are provided. For information, contact Lee Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, % block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. .The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. Live music. For more information, call 352-424-1688 Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. I ..... .... L " L I SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 19 i ISeHabla M Espariol! TRUCK CENTER 109 E NOBLE AVE, BUSHNELL, FL "Family Owned 352-568-0000 & Operated Since 1969" % a r^ At- t7 p. 2005 FORD ric"nt IAR 2@99.,.mUI. *5*' PW RM NT0H* APPROVED CREOnir. MONTH FUlACING. WIrTH TAXES, TAG & DEALER FEE DOW.' WTH BEAQONS CORE OF PT PLUS. .ET I 2002 C Il M >LET 1999 DODGE RAM 1500 LARAMIE SLT S299 ,,,P/Mm* FORD E .ORER 2004 FOR RANGER EC 99990090 2001 FORD EXPLORER S2005C CA' IROLET JER P/MITH USI 31 / BUSHNELL/ ORANGE CITO SALES DADECRY r N I 2005 DODGE NEON SXT S 3p/w99 nr * REPO'S OK * SLOW PAY OK * CHARGE OFFS OK * BAD CREDIT OK -l~ry P/MW Igg Z.99"um4L- * BANKRUPTCY OK * DIVORCES OK * COLLECTIONS OK 2002 FORD TAURUS SE $199Q" Eerybody aets a, loan,! PRE-APPROVED HOTLINE 1-800-964-1325 1 ~Th ~ rAg & DEALER FEE a- 2 HON 291 ,rrrW SRV GRANDE TIAC LE SE RAVAN P/Ml*o 2005 C, 2003 PT' P/MTm 2001 XI SAN A 2001 RAM I / / ~ JI / .1 I -- 1 Aw. n 71 I _.* - " "4 ,- ' I PAGE 20 STIMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 rAU13f.V,13LJVX An -m--.- Fun and GAMES 0 1 4 6 S - i . wjb~o iea tfp. %pom Sm.g- 0 mmw sm0 4 5- It "No .0~ 49 ~4P ~. -4 P~A7 4 *14 C ,~.' I- p :~!~ 0 m A I, 0 - w] rn-u| "CopyrightediMaterial i- r Syndicated Content - Available from Commercial News Providers" % ~-4 u6 - 4-m Smmm~ amV o mp - do* fieiift '4 %4. -49 4b *w. ampe 4 ,W. 1h 4p WSf 4 dho -a - . 4w 4a 4m 4bf 4D o 4e- 0 0 0BN --111 -W oo~w "Wim sow -.0."IOW- 40111. -b- go484 4110,- tom coo 41M* 0l 0 ~ - ~0 - - 0a, ~ 0 0 S 0 - S 0l - S 0 -- 0 0- 0 ~. Sm 0* - 0 - 0 - smm- am. lb mm- coo j ai 0- '4 D 0 d a -( I I P%%bvmst I'I m OO" - I 9 I V S . 0 q p 9, S - '0 =Sol u I -"A' O - -W o ftow ow 400 Gomm" 0 I 49W 4" vat I IZ iti. . m ,wt SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 21 I-ROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. All ourf classified including yours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT AD VEflUW1JISEMEpNTINlTH 1rEir S uM ter countytimnes.com f o $ Place your ad under one of these classifications OOO-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 H--ELP WVANTIED 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 900-950 1 CALL STANDS BETWEEN YOUR 'BUSINESS and millions of potential customers. Place your advertise- ment In the FL Classified Advertising Network. For $425 your ad will be placed in over 150. S. r: Cr,:r cout our ;' .;". r,3r .1 ; ,i1'. r -r ..;.r ir.I:..;.i ,C.3ii ir... paper, or Heather Mola, FL Statewide Network Director at (866) 742-1373, or ' e-mail hmola@ \ flpre:': c :. for more rIr.:.rm.atiCr. 'O'ul ,: rare o.plcrrerTn i ..:. , O ,,,,onln e. l in lll ij" 'or.llr.e as1 .,v ii.:.rIca,. ARRESTED "INJURED Need a Lawyer? Al rimir,ol Defense & Per .:-r.oal Injury. *Accidents *Injuries *Wrongful Dealth Felonies *DUI *Misdemeanors Traffic *A-A-A -'_ Attorney Referral :>sr..:e,',i'.2)-5 -S J FC-.ri A DIVORCE $275-$350 ' C~".ei; cnildf.rern eic Srequlredl Excludes S. govt. fees S Call weekdays '. i..'0 i'ar '.: rri ,. ltaDi..:.;ce LLC i 1,in.3011;1ic,.3 I'"' fI'. EARN DEGREE c.rllr rarrfrom rme I.le.lcol ' Buire,. *Paralagol '- .C.:.Tputrer Jo.. plocerren assistance, i ompuler & Financial Aid IT. qualify. I:. (8,to 8 ,8-' 2 Si oniireridel,. ..arer -recri :.:.m FC-ri SERVICES IVIISCELLANEOUS/SALE PETS 1MIOBILE HOME RENT/SALE RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION Nicholas Christmas Tree Farm choose & cut, Sand Pine, Red cedar, Potted trees & fresh wreaths. 245-8633 IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813) 872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habaria Ave., Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN OXYGEN USERS: enjoy freedom Travel without. canisters. No more bot- tie C.iiie's lightweight, Oxygen concentrators run off your car and In your home. U.S.A. made- warranteed (800) 780-2616 www.oxllfeinc.com 'FCAN SAVE ON PRESCRIPTION MEDICINESI Up to 90% discount Patent, Generic. OTC's too. ,Reliable., Safe, Easy, Fao l ,rJer '.a irir,.ir,t C C S[ p i en e IS F '. i1a l1 Service delivery. www.pharmamx.com FCAN Let Us Work For You! SUMTER COUNTY TIMES Get Results Call 1-352-793-3163 MAXIM rsAL1HC trOR irICES Healthcare Professionals Wanted EARN EXTRA HOLIDAY Maxim Healthcare Services is currently seeking qualified RN's, LPN's, CNA's, and HHA's to work in the Citrus County area. We will beLhosting a one-day orientation the last day of the month right in your own backyard, so you can be working as early as Dec, 1st and enjoy the following benefits: SCompetitive Pay SFlexible Scheduling * Same Day Pay * Direct Deposit * Bonuses and Incentives * Adult & Pediatric , Homecare * Medical Staffing We are taking reservations nowl Space Is limited, so please call Immediately for the specific time, and locatloni Please call (352) 683-2885 and ask for Patrick or Salinaill .0 .-J~~:llel Pay Off]Thos'Blls!g' BDoeBfr PeopleI I et ! Outreach Counselor the Centers is seeking a Substance Abuse Outreach Counselor for our Lecanto campus to provide specialized services to Individuals & the community. Flex schedule. BA Degree In Human Services reqd with min 2 yrs exp in child/adolescent SA treatment; or CAAP, CCJAP or CAP with 5 yrs exp. Salary range $25,000.00- $29,000.00 annually. Comprehensive benefits package, 30 paid days off in 1st yr. DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 60th Ave., Bldg. #1, Ocala and fill out an application. Hardee's "Now Hiring" Shift Leaders (up to $10/hr) for Ocoee, Taveres, Leesburg & Widwood. , Please call 888-398-3556 ext. 8502 GOLF BUSINESS play lots of golf, play better golf, play the best courses, help others through charities, earn an awesome income. Call 24/7 (800) 709-4684 FCAN WHAT IS THE "IDEAL SALES JOB"? Leads giv- eni Viable business for next 100 years! Residual Income No Investment! Your business Your hours 80k-120k! Call us (888) 287-6033 ext. 302 www.merchantco operative.com FCAN HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Training for Employment Bulldozers, Backhoes Loaaers, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers & Excavators Train in Florida National Certification Financial -, .Assistance _ Job Placement Assistance 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services wwwatsn-schoolsgcom r Mechanic FT-All Shifts. Diesel Fleet (Mack/Ford). Concrete Pumping Co. Lake Cty. Own Tools & Valid DL, Wage + Benefits. Call (866) 762-2786. PRODUCTION/ MECHANIC Great Southern Wood Preserving Inc., Is seeking a goal oriented. dependable, safety conscious person to become part of our team. Individuals would need some mechanical background & be willing to work the 2nd and/or the 3rd shift. We offer competitive wages, health care & 401K. Please apply In person at: 194 CR 527A Lake Panasoffkee, Fl 33538 Or call Sean O Dell . (352) 793-9410 Drug Free Work Place EOE Spa Manufacturer Needs Exp. Fiberglass Laminators & Chop Gun Operator. (352) 748-0044 Ucensed & Insured "No Job Too Big or Small" *Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Ber Lovett (352)303-3878 *--S- --- B.J Beckelheimer I TREE SERVICE I * BUCKET TRUCK SSTUMP GRINDING . LANDSCAPING I 793-5949 I Top Shape S Beautify S Your Trees -- I --I-f II J CASHIERS AND FRUIT BAGGERS Now Hiring for Wildwood retail Fruit & Gift stores. Call Judy at 352-266-3800 or apply In person Florida Citrus Center 753 E. Hwy.44, (Sunoco) Wlldwood (corner 1-75 & Hwy.44) General Labor FT All shifts. Const. equip. fleet environ- ment. Ability to lift up to 50 Ibs. Must be self-motivated. Groveland shop. Call (866) 762-2786. Tax Preparers Now hiring. Exp. preferred or will train. Wildwood area. Jackson-Hewitt Tax Service Call (888) 282-1040 CDLA OTR DRIVERS Teams .60 cpm; solos .34 cpm 100% drop & hook, health benefits assigned equipment, require 1 year OTR Hazmat & doubles (321) 202-4406 FCAN COMPANY DRIVERS $.32-41 per mile, 1/2 raise every six months. Lease purchase, 0/0 .90cpm. National Carriers The Elite fleet (888) 707-7729 natlonalcarrlers.com FCAN CYPRESS TRUCK LINES, INC. Driver designed dispatch. Fla. only/Flat bed, students wel- come. Home every weekend, most nights (800) 545-1351 www. cypresstruck.com FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses available. Refrigerated now available. (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN DRIVER- NOW HIRING qualified drivers for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950 FCAN DRIVERS WANTED Average dispatch Is 2,100 miles *3-Pay packages to choose from *Late model equipment *No Haz-Mat *No East-Coast *100% No-Touch Freight *Weekly Advances , *Direct Deposit *weekly '", :sameweek) SSettlements. Solos and, ;o.," C.vr.er Operators Welcome. Requirements: 1-year OTR verifiable- experience, CDL Class A plus Safe Driving record ...Call Smithway Logistics, Inc. (800) 282-1911 ext. 115 FCAN HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR CERTIFIED Hands on Training, Job Place- ment Assistance. Call toll free (866) 933-1575 Associated Training Services 5177 Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, FL 34461 FCAN MOVIE EXTRAS Actors and models Make 8 $75-$250/day. All ages and faces wanted. No. Exp. required. FT/PT (800)e851-9046 FCAN 0/0 DRIVER FFE The F/S Is higher herel $1.11 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600 referral bonus. Base plate provided. No truck no problem. Low payment with short lease. (800) 569-9298 FCAN PRESS OPERATOR NewsKing experience preferred. Benefits, group health, vacation/ sick time and holidays . E-mail beldertonO nsb-observer.com, fax ,(386) 424-9858, Publisher, Observer Newspapers, P.O. Box 10, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 629-9968 BO2000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE construction, too many options to list. Seller motivated, $2,000 down, $587.47 per mo. Call for more info 352-621-9181 BANK OWNED REPO"SI Never lived in Starting @ $40,000 - Only a few left Payments from $349.00 per month Call for locations 352-621-0119 LANDI'S OUM IMPROVEMENT Exterior Remodeling Vinyl Siding, Soffit & Facia, Gutter & Down Spouts, Shutters Exterior Custom Trim Lic/Ins.Free Estimates Francis Landi Owner Phone(352) 615-1435 We accept major credit cards. WANTED ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE DEALERS Antique & Collectible Show Sat. Jan. 21, 2006 10am-2pm Court House Grounds Inverness $35. Booth Space. Deadline for entry Monday Jan. 16th, Sponsored by The New Inverness Olde Towne Association Contact Barbara Hartley at (352) 746-4292 or (352) 422-7443 Private Individuals with antiques and Collectibles Welcome Spal, Hottubl 4-5 person Deluxe model, Thera- peutic. Full warr. Sac. $1,650 352-346-1711 AUCTION 347 +/- ACRES, offered divided, Early County, GA. Excellent farm & hunting land. Thursday, Dec. 15,2 pm Rowell Auctions, Inc. . (800) 323-8388 www. rowellauctions.com 10% BP GAL AU-C002594 FCAN GIGANTIC 2-DAY Auction. December 1 & 2,2005, Montgomery, AL. Dumps, Truck Tractors, Skldders, Feller Bunchers, Log Loaders, Farm Tractors, Crawler Loaders & Tractors, Motor Graders & Scrapers, Rubber Tired Loaders, Excavators, Backhoes. J.M. Wood Auction Co Inc. (334)264-3265. Bryant Wood AL LIC#1137 FCAN ALL STEEL BUILDINGS Up to 50% off II Engineered for Hurricane Coastl Ship Factory Direct for quick delivery. 24x30 up to 100x2001 Call Now! (800) 499-6401 Eddie FCAN METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from S manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn Around I Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN Lake Panasoffkee 3 Family Yard Sale, Fri. & Sat. CR442 Something for everyone LAKE PANASOFFKEE Yard sale, Fri. & Sat, Luggage set, new appliances, fishing, jewelry, bike.tools, doghouse, etc. 2392 CR 401-B, past bridge, turn by Idlewild Lodge See you at Leesburg Pow-Wowl (This Weekend) Hwy. 27 So. Visit Moc's Booth. Ask Vince for (D EALS). (352) 603-5875 INFO WEBSTER Multi-Family Yard Sale, Saturday Dec. 3, 9-3 144 SW 1st,.Street PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES from www.SKMFG.com are now available at the World's Largest Retailer in Pet Department, $19.97, for a store near you, call (800) 764-8688 FCAN SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $2,795 Convert your Logs to valuable lumber with your Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwood industrles.com Free Information: (800) 578-1363 ext. 300N FCAN GUN & KNIFE SHOW Brooksville HSC Club Dec. 3, 9am 5pm Dec. 4, 9am -4pm Hernando County Fair Grounds. Admission $6.00 (352) 799-3605 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1/2 acre. Great location, the best Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com REPOS AVAILABLE in your area. Call today. Ready to move into. 352-795-2618 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Beautiful 3/2 on 1/2 acre In great school district. $2,000 and $650 mo. (352) 795-6085 Great Country Setting 3/2 on 2 acres in the Mini Farms. Easy to Qualify, $4,000 down and $560 mo. (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for. New 4/2 on 5 acres. Zoned for agriculture. Horses SWelcome. $6,000 Down $750 mo. (352) 795-8822 .LAND/HOM . 1/Zacrelhuui coun- try setting. 3 becdoom, 2balti wa dtry,iveway, appliance package, Must See, $579.68 per month W.A.C. Call 352-621-9183 New Land Home Packages Available. Many to Chose from. Call today for. approval: Low down and low monthly payments. 1-877-578-5729 LOT 3 OR LOT 4 BLOCK 12, SUMMER GARDENS, $14,900 OBO EACH OWNER FINANCING (352) 422-1916 (CELL) Over 3,000 Homes and, Properties listed at ' www.naturecoast homefront.com Bushnell 2 bedroom. 1 bath, CHA, W/D outlet, $525. mo. + $525. Sec. (352) 787-7175 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper is subject to Fail Housing Act which makes It Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status in- cludes children under the age of 18 living With parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are avail- able on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275.. *.*. ,, [**i") ^^ GEORGIA Large wood- ed water access, marsh view, lake front and golf oriented homesites from the mid $70's Live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. (877) 266-7376 www. cooperspoint.com FCAN NEW MEXICO -16 acres $24,990 Scenic region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100% financing Call (914) 232-5100 FCAN NORTH CAROLINA GATED LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800) 709-5253 FCAN Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Escape the heat in the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of western NC Homes, cabins, acreage & investments, Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, NC www.cherokee mountalnrealty.com Call for free brochure. (800) 841-5868 FCAN ESCAPE TO YELLOW TOP MOUNTAIN Western NC. Easy Access, paved roads, privacy, gated. Awesome views! Acreage w/creeks & log cabin shell from $89,900. Financing available. (828) 247-0081 FCAN GRAND OPENING SALE Phase 2. Lake view Bargains Water access from $34,900 w/FREE Boat Slips. PAY NO CLOSING COSTS! Sat & Sun 12/10 & 12/11 Huge pre-construction savings on beautifully wooded parcels at 34,000 acre lake in Tennessee. Enjoy unlimited water recreation. Surrounded by state forest. Lakefront available Excellent financing! Call now (800). 704-3154 ext. 701 FCAN. NC MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN on mountain top, unfinished inside, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby. No traffic. $89,900 Owner (866) 789-8535 www.NC77.com WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there is cool Mountain air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333, i Realty of Murphy, 317 \ Peachtree St., Murphy, r. NC 28906 www. re6altyofmurphy.com FCAN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS Cool Air, views, streams, homes, cabinsacre- age. Free brochure of mountain property .800-, 'J2.23? Realty of I 1.jrr,t-, i "F chtree .:, Murpr,, I11-. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy. com FCAN Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Private Party seeks home on 1 to 5 acres, Sumter. Cash. (239) 793-5798 4 Lots In CITRUS SPRINGS Buy 1 or all 4, ea. Is 1/ + or ac. 1 ea. on Edison, Eldridge, 2 on Doroni- cum. (386) 445-7776 Lake Panasoffkee Gorgeous Ig. dbl. lot. 208'X100'. Mostly clear- ed w/ many beautiful oaks. Great neighbor- hood. Deed restricted area. Near lake & boat access. City water. Ready to build your dream home. Only $49,900. Call now, won't last! (352) 793;6270 or Cell (561) 389-5036 COASTAL LIVING AT IT'S BEST Brunswick County, North Carolina. Homes and homesites. Call Nowl (800) 682-9951 Coastal Carolina Ufestyle Inc www. coastalcarollna lifestyleinfo FCAN COASTAL SOUTHEAST Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.comrn Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com 624-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3931 Notice Is hereby given that. JOHNNY MCCART, the holder of the follow- Ing certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued there- on. The certificate num- ber and year of Issuance, the description of the property, and the name in which it was assessed areas follows: Certificate No.: 1437 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: LOT 6 BLK E CROOMA- COOCHEE EST OR 148 PG 90 Parcel Number R14B066 SEC 14 TWP22 RNG21 Name In which assessed: PAUL E & CEUA SCURLOCK Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of S200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County. Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, November 10, 17, 24 and December 1. 2005. NORTH CAROLINA GATED LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800) 709-5253 FCAN OWN A LAKEFRONT RETREAT Private community on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2 hours to Nashville. Spectacular views of Lake Barkley. 1 to 6 acres from the $40's. New to Market. Call (866) 339-4966 FCAN OWN A PRIVATE , MOUNTAIN RETREAT Spectacular gated riverfront mountain community near Asheville, NC 1-8 acre building sites from the $60's. Borders National Forest. Community lodge & river walk. Call (866) 292-5762 FCAN TN WEEKEND RETREAT ACREAGE New lake community close to Chattanooga & Knoxville. Limited number of private boat slips. Community lake access and amenities. 1/2+ acres from $40K Call (866) 292-5769 FCAN Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.comrn Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com AUTO/SWAP/CAR CORRAL SHOW Sumter Co. Fairgrounds Florida Swap Meets DECEMBER 4th 1 _Qrlnfl..A'."O_ ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County. Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, November 10, 17, 24 and December 1. 2005. 621-IUI 201 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3934 Notice Is hereby given that. ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name In which it was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 479 Year of Issuance: 2002 Description of Property: LOT 1 BLK 10 ULTRA CITY LESS N 80 FT & LESS THE W 80 FT & LESS BEG 80 FT S & 80 FT E OF NW COR OF LOT 1 BLK 10 RUN E 6 FT S 120 FT W 6 FT N 120 FT TO POB Parcel Number F35A200 SEC 35 TWP 19 RNG22 Name In which assessed: GREEN TREE FINANCIAL SERVICING CORP Said property being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. Witness my hand arid offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, November 10. 17, 24 and December 1, 2005. 692-1208 SCT Notice of Administration Estate of Tracy Lee Terrell PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR'THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No. 2005 CP 000257 IN RE: ESTATE OF TRACY LEE TERRELL Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The Administration of the Estate of TRACY LEE TER- RELL, deceased, Case No. PR 2005 CP 000257, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Sumter County Clerk's Of- fice-Probate Division, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative's attorney are set forth be- low. ALL INTERESTED. PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All persons on whom this notice is served who have objections that challenge the validity of the will, the qualifications of the Per- sonal Representative, venue, or jurisdiction of this Court are required to file their objections with this Court WITHIN THE LAT- ER OF THREE MONTHS AF- IF- i I- TE ,'-: THE FIRST FUbL rI.i' .n ,:', THIftNOl i .E .- r i-irr. r "-. F. -E.r- iHE DATE OF :Et'.I,:i C"f COPY OF THIS' N0O TWICE ON THEM. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy -of this notice Is served within three months after the date of. the date of the first publi- cation of this notice must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM, All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece- dent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice Is December 1,2005. Person Giving Notice: MONICA THACKER c/o The Unger Law Group, P.L. 701 Peachtree Road ,Orlando, FL 32804 Attorney for Person Giving (407) 425-6880 (407) 425-0595 (fax) By: Judith I. Segelln, Esq. Fla. Bar No. 935141 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, December 1 and 8, 2005. 626-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3929 Notice 'is hereby given that. ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name in which It was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 599 Year of Issuance: 2003 Descriptian of Property: TION TO WILDWOOD Parcel Number G06F007 SEC6 TWP19 RNG23 Name in which assessed: JASON MUELLENBACH Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 690-1208 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Tracy Lee Terrell PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No. 2005 CP 000257 IN RE: ESTATE OF TRACY LEE TERRELL Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that Letters of Administra- tion have been Issued ,In the estate of TRACY LEE TERRELL, deceased, File Number PR 2005 CP 000257, by the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is Sumter County Clerk's Of- fice-Probate Division, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative's attorney are set forth be- low. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and per- sons having claims or de- mands against the estate of the decedent other than' those for whom pro- vision for payment was made In the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice Is De- cember 1, 2005. Person Giving Notice: Personal Representative MONICA THACKER c/o The Unger Law Group, PL. 701 Peachtree Road Orlando, FL 32804 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: THE UNGER LAW GROUP, P.L 701 Peachtree Road Orlando, FL 32804 (407) 425-6880 (407) 425-0595 (fax) By: Judith I. Segelln, Esq. Fla. Bar No. 935141 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, December 1 and.8, 2005. 622-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Jloric. or :ppiroall:.r. for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3933 Notice Is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name In which It was as- :-; 3 re a., I:.Ir . Certificate No ,I Year ol Issuance: -2,0 .,. Desrlppttf of Propertv- .... 'A 1 1 i-f i' E F ,-,:-. L f ",:'. EF:., BE':- .:.-. F[ II '-' SW COR OF NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 FROM POE RUN N 693 FT E 126.34 FT S 656.23 FT W 126.34 FT TO POB OR 180 PG 134 Parcel Number C26-059, SEC 26 TWP 18 RNG 22 Name In which assessed: WILLIE WOODS JR Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January. 09, 2006, at 11:00A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid-, der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200,00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times,' November 10, 17, 24 and December 1, 2005. 620-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3935 Notice Is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax .deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name in which It was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 132 Year of Issuance: 2001 Description of Property: BEG 316.8 FT S & 590 FT .E OF NW COR CF IlE 1J OF SE 1/4 RUN S T.'i. 8T E 70 FT N 316.8 FT W 70 FT TO POB & BEG 539.45 FT S OF THE NW COR OF THE NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 RUN E 590 FT S 50 FT W 590 FT N 50 FT TO POB LESS CR 231 R/W ACROSS TIE W SIDE THEREOF Parcel Number C28-038 SEC 28 TWP 18 RNG22 Name In which assessed: DOROTHY M. TYLER Said property being In the County of 'Sumter, State of Florida, Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. - Pursuant to -Florida Statute 197.542 (2): rr,- r.igr, bid- der shall .,.r ..ir. the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be. applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. - Wlhr-...: rri, ha-.d )rd. oaffi- cial ;e'- l c,. r i O ; Il ",I GC-Il3 Ih Ha, ,,w,.3 Clern i .ir. 'me :'Ir :, ..'.u'l Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County, Times, November 10.17, 24 and December 1, 2005. 627-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3928 Notice Is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon, The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the. description of the property, and the name In which It was as- sessed are as follows: Certilflcate No,: 1305 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: LOTS 41 & 48 UNIT 3 ROY- AL OAKS RETREATS UNREC LESS 1/2 OF LOT 41 Parcel Number R02A041 SEC2 TWP22 RNG21 Name In which assessed: RONALD M & LINDA BROWN Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tlficate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment, Witness my hand and offi- clal seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R, Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, November 10, 17. 24 and December 1, 2005, 628-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3927 Notice Is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name In which. It was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 1190 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: BLK 3 JOHNSON SUBD Parcel Number N36B042 SEC 36 TWP 21 RNG 22 Name In which assessed: MARY RUSHING ESTATE C/O ANNIE PATTERSON Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In .u.:r, cerificate shall be :) .. Ir.:. r,rw.e:r bidder at the C oI" H.:,u:e door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be ,applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. Witness my hand and offl- 1. ,1 : o al .r, irIs 0 21 1,4, P.:'Il, l' HD .0.1. r I ihe '-..,:'-C. u rl.. Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, November 10, 17, 24 and December 1,2005. 678-1201 SCT Notice to Creditors Summary Administration Estate of Elleen F. Collins PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005-CP-000230 IN RE: ESTATE OF EILEEN F. COLLINS, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered In the estate of EILEEN F. COLLINS, de- ceased, File Number 2005-CP-000230,. by the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division; the address of which Is Sumter County Court House, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513; that. the total net cash value of the estate Is $1,915.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom It has been assigned by such or- der are: Steven Lewis Garrison- P.O. Box 306 3520 Taylor Ave. Coleman, FL 33521 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS" ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims ,or de- mands against dece- dents estate on whom a copy of this notice Is served within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claim with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons who have claims or demands against the de- cedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publica- tlaon, of this Notice Is No- Vember 24, 2005. Person Giving Notice: Steven Lewis Garrison P.O. Box 306 Coleman, FL 33521 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Elwood M. Obrig, Esquire 700 Almond Street Clermont, FL 34712-0188 Fla. Bar No. 097474 TEL: (352) 394-4025 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, November. 24 and De- ' member 1, 2005. 625-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3930 Notice Is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for 'a tax deed to be Issued thereon, The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name In which It was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No,: 469 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: THE N 1/2 OF LOT 3 BLK 8 ULTRA CITY Parcel Number F35A169 SEC 35 TWP 19 RNG 22 Name In which assessed: EMMA LEE MCCRAY EST C/O KELVIN MCCRAY Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tlficate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05, Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, November 10, 17, 24 and December 1,. 2005. 623-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3932 Notice Is hereby given that, LUTHER L WRIGHT, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issuance, the de- scription of the property, and the name In which it was assessed are as fol- lows: Certificate No.: 543 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: COM AT NW COR OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 RUN E 200 FT TO POB E 280,61 FT S 407,34 FT W 170.51 FT N 82.47 FT E 57.73 FT N 125 FT W 173.34 FT N 200 FT TO POB Parcel Number G06-034 SEC 6 TWP 19 RNG 23 Name In which assessed: CLEMON MCGRIFF & STE- VEN STEWART Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Flu ll:l-h f:,u..,Ji ', limes In r. ,'.,rr.re. *, :.,..,r, Tim es, November 10, 17, 24 and December 1,2005. Coo -- ch Legals _ 688-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL AGENCY ACTION BY THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Notice Is given that the District's Final Agency Action is approval of the General Construction on .80 acres to serve Wildwood Center known as Sumter County Youth Center. The project Is located In Sumter County, Sec- tion(s) 8 Township 195 South, Range 23 East; Section(s) 13 Township 21 South, Range 21 East. The permit appli- cant Is City of Wildwood whose address is 100 North Main Street, Wildwood, FL 34785. The permit number Is 44024404,001, The file(s) pertaining to the project referred to above is available for Inspection Monday through Friday except for legal holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the South- west Florida Water Management District (District) 2379 Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34604-6899. NOTICE OF RIGHTS Any person whose substantial Interests are affected by the District's action regarding this permit may request an administrative hearing In accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chap- ters 28-106, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), of the Uniform Rules of Procedure. A request for hearing must (1) explain how the substantial Interests of each person requesting the hearing will be affected by the District's action, or final action: (2) state all material facts disput- ed by each person requesting the hearing or state that there are no disputed facts: and (3) otherwise comply with Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. A request for hearing must be filed with and received by the Agency Clerk of the District at the District's Brooksville address, 2379 Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34604-6899 within 21 days of publi- c an.:r. .i rl',il; r,.:.r.: i i .:., ..illJrh, 1 -.3 ,. [ :.: 31-1 b '".. :,1r, iT r,,-5,i I *'a..:,ijr.:e i a'riT? il o ,r .l t311a 1 ..11ri 1?-.; prlr.I i "-, Lar.o' ur -I.:.. rrgah'aMfiF,., Q-01 Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the District's final action may be different from the position taken by It In this notice of final agen-. cy action. Persons whose substantial Interests will be affected by any such final decision of the District on the application have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, In accordance with the re- quirements set forth above, Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., to settle an administrative dispute regarding the District's final ac- tion In this matter Is not available prior to the filing of a request for hearing. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1, 2005. 689-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE CITY OF CENTER HILL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS) IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO. 05-2-NOl-6003-(A)-(1) The Department gives notice of Its Intent to find the Amendments) to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Center Hill, adopted by Ordinance No, 05-06 on September 8, C-n0? I I COMPLIANCE, pursuant to Sec- tions 163.3184, ic: :6' and 163.3189, F.S. The adopted City of Center Hill Comprehensive Plan Amendments) and the Department's Objections, Rec- ommendations and Comments Report (If any), are available for public Inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal business hours, at the City of Center Hill City Hall, 94 S. Virginia Avenue, .Center Hill, Florida 33514. Any affected person, as defined In Section 163.3184, F.S., has a right to petition for an administrative hearing to challenge the proposed agency determination that the Amendment(s) to the City of Center Hill Compre- hensive Plan are In Compliance, as defined In Subsec- tion 163.3184(1), F.S. The petition must be filed within twenty-one (21) days after publication of this notice, and must Include all of the Information and contents described In Uniform Rule 28-106.201, F.A.C. The peti- tion must be filedwith the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100, and a copy mailed or delivered to the local government. Failure to timely file a petition shall constitute a waiver of any right to re- 'quest an administrative proceeding as a petitioner un- der Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. If a petition Is filed, the purpose of the administrative hearing will be to present evidence and testimony and forward a rec- ommended order to the Department. If no petition Is filed, this Notice of Intent shall become final, agency action, If a petition Is filed, other affe.: i-a -.:.r: m-r.a, -,,iinr,,, for leave to Intervene In the : r:-:,,wOr,3 pe .ii:ri .:., Intervention must be filed at least twenty (20) days be- ,fore the final hearing and must Include all of the Infor- mation and contents described in Uniform Rule 28-106.205, F.A.C. A petition for leave to Intervene shall be filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings, De- partment of Management Services, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060. Failure to pe- tition to Intervene within the allowed time frame consti- tutes a waiver of any right such a person has to request a hearing under Sections 120,569 and 120.57, F.S., or to participate In the administrative hearing. After an administrative hearing petition Is timely filed, mediation Is available pursuant to 'Subsection 163.3189(3)(a), F.S., to any affected person who Is made a party to the proceeding by filing that request with. the administrative law judge assigned by the Divl- slon of Administrative Hearings. The choice of media- tion shall not affect a party's right to an administrative hearing, -s- K. Marlene Conaway .Chief of Comprehensive Planning Division of Community Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee. Florida 32399-2100 Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1, 2005. Let us work for you I Let us work for you l Let us work for you I SUMTER SUMTER SUMTER COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY TIMES TIMES TIMES CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED Get Results Get Results Get Results Call Call Call 1-352-793-3163 1-352-793-3163 1-352-793-3163 - - 684-1208 SCT Notice of Sale Business Loan Center. LLC, etc. vs. Julle H. Forbes, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-000446 BUSINESS LOAN CENTER, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY F/K/A BUSINESS LOAN CENTER, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. JULIE H. FORBES, et al., Defendant(s), NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure dated August 30, 2005, enter- ed In Civil Case No, 2005-CA-446 of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit In and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein Business Loan Center, LLC, a Delaware LLC, F/K/A Business Loan Center, Inc., A Delaware Cor- poration, Plaintiff, and Julie H. Forbes, Unknown Spouse of Julle H. Forbes, Verlle Knox, Incorporated, State of Florida Department of Revenue, and unknown tenants In possession, are Defendants. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash In the West Front Entrance of the Historical Courthouse, Sumter County, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida 33513, at 11:00 a.m. on the on the 15th day of December, 2005, the follow- Ing described real property as set forth In said Final Summary Judgment, to wit: EAST 1 ACRE OF LOT 11, BLOCK A, WILDWOOD RANCH, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 29A-29B, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY WITNESS my hand and the seal of the court on Novem- ber 16. 2005, GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Susan A, Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1 and 8,2005, 683-1208 SCT Notice of Sale Household Finance Corporation III, etc. vs, Louis W. Keedy, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NUMBER: 2005-CA-315 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION, III, a Delaware corporation, Plaintiff, vs. LOUIS W. KEEDY, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure dated November 15, 2005, and entered In Case No. 2005-CA-315 of the Circuit Court in and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION Ill, a Delaware Corporation Is the Plaintiff and LOUIS W. KEEDY, et al., are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the East Entrance of the Sumter County Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, at 11:00 AM on the 19th day of Decem- ber, 2005, the following described property, as set forth In said Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: LOT 12, BLOCK 0, TRACY'S POINT, 6TH ADDITION, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD THEREOF AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 9 OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. DATED this 16th day of November, 2005. GLORIA HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Susan A. Stellar As Deputy Clerk lujr il.r,,-. r..,: ,. II ,,, ir,- .,.,',,i l -i .:.uj-, fi.Ti : L -, , ..=e rT .l'or q f (. -,,.:, . .:. -7--... '... ,...;,. 673-1201 SCT Notice of Sale Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. vs. Kathy 0. Volner, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION Case No. 2005-CA-1187 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. KATHY 0. VOLNER, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure Including Award of Attorneys' Fees and Costs dated October 14, 2005, entered In Case No, 2005-CA-1187 of the Circuit Court of the 5TH Judicial Circuit In and for Sumter County, Florida wherein COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Is the Plain- tiff and KATHY 0. VOLNER and VOLNER, un- known spouse of KATHY 0. VOLNER n/k/a MARK VOLNER; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE Is/are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the west front door of the Sumter County Courthouse In the City of Bushnell, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on Wednesday, the 14th day of December, 2005, the fol- lowing described property, as set forth In said Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure Including Award of At- torneys' Fees and Costs, to-wit: Lot 43, SQUIRREL HAVEN SUBDIVISION, an unrecorded subdivision In Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, Sumter County, Florida, more particularly de- scribed as: Commence 545.01 feet East of the 1/4 Sec- ltion corner on the South line of Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, run thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 1405.58 feet; thence run East 161.25 feet; thence run South 0 degrees 04 minutes West 80 feet to Point of Beginning; thence run East 1 11.25 feet; thence run South 0 degrees 04 minutes West 80 feet; thence run West 11 1.25 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 80 feet to Point of Beginning; and 1/80 Interest In Lot 7, SQUIRREL HAVEN SUBDIVI- SION, more particularly described as: Commence 545.01 feet East of the 1/4 Section corner on the South line of Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, run thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 1575.97 feet; thence North 66 degrees 29 minutes East 523.74 feet to Point of Beginning; thence North 66 degrees 29 minutes East 70.94 feet; thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 150 feet more or less to the waters of the Panasoffkee River, thence Southwesterly along said waters to point that Is North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 111 feet more or less from Point of Beginning; thence South 0 degrees 04 minutes West 111 feet more or less to Point of Begin- ning; and the South 10 feet of the following described prop- erty: Lot 44, SQUIRREL HAVEN SUBDIVISION, an unre- corded subdivision In Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, more particularly described as: com- mence 545,.01 feet East of the 1/4 Section comer on the South line of Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, run thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 1405.58 feet; thence East 161.25 feet to Point of Begin- ning; thence South 0 degrees 04 minutes West 80 feet; thence East 111.25 fedt; thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 80 feet; thence West 111.25 feet to Point of Beginning. Together with a 1994 Homes of Merit Doublewide Mo- bile Home, VIN # FLHMBB71636797A & FLHMBB71636797B DATED this 14th day of October, 2005. GRACE R. HAYWARD, Clerk (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk The Clerk of Court Is In full compliance with the Ameri- cans With Disabilities Act of 1990 In conjunction with all Human Resources policies and practices and general services provided to the public. It Is the Clerk's policy to provide any and all services, normally provided to the public, to all disabled individuals at no cost to the Individual. Any disabled person who, because of a dis- ability, needs special accommodation to participate In a judicial proceeding at a Sumter County Courthouse, should contact the ADA Coordinator not later than two business days before the proceeding. The tele- phone number Is (352) 568-6628, and this telephone is accessible for both voice and transmission for deaf persons. The Clerk does not provide transportation to or from courthouse locations, nor can the Clerk post- pone, suspend, or delay any proceeding. To receive a postponement to a proceeding, you must write dlrect- ly to the applicable judge. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 24 and December 1, 2005. 697-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County Housing Department Is announcing the Section 8 waiting list will close at 5:00 p.m. on Fri- day, December 9, 2005. This will be the last day com- pleted applications will be accepted. You may pick up an application at our office located at 115A North Florida St, Bushnell, Florida. You must have a scheduled appointment to turn In your com- pleted application. All appointments must be sched- uled by Wednesday, December 7, 2005, If you have any questions, you may contact our office at 352-793-0272. SUMTER COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, CREED, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, FAMILIAL STATUS, NATIONAL ORIGIN, OR HANDICAP, Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1, 2005. 694-1208 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby glven that the City of Wlldwood, Flori- da, will hold a Public Hearing on the second final read- ing of Ordinance No. 444, during the 7:00 p.m. Com- mission Meeting of December 12, 2005, In the City Hall Commission Chamber, at 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida. ' Ordinance'No 444: An Ordinance of the City of Wild- wood Florida; amending Section 12.2 of the City of Wildwood Land Development Regulations; deleting the requirement that Annexation be reviewed by the Plan- ning and Zoning Board; providing that the city shall comply with applicable Sta Ste Statutes; providing for an effective date. Ordinance No. 444 s available at City Hall for Public In- spection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Comments may be voiced at the above mentioned meeting or In writing, addressed to the City Clerk, 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785. Be advised that any person wishing to appeal any de- cision made by the Commission on any matter consid- ered during the meeting will need a record of the pro- ceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record Is made, which Includes the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person requiring special accommodation should contact the City Clerk, 352-330-1330 ext 102. /s/ Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1 and 8, 2005. 687-1208 SCT LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 19, 2005, at 6:30 P.M., In Room 327, Sumter County Historic Court- house, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider re- questsfor rezonings. All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to partici- pate In any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Stat- utes, Section 286.0105, If a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the pro- ceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed- ings is made, which record may include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. - CASE NO.: R2005-0117 thr.I Puj'.:hill GENERAL LOCATIOrN. ' Bnu.r. r, )i r .-3. ri.:.,lh o-, .13 :', 1 C,:,:r4,r, located ap- .i :..iT.3r-i, I /Ii.' i- :,,r. .:.r C. I Ew i :,-, Ire ea3;t .i :-.i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 34, Twp. 208, Rng. 22E: Beg 420' W & 330' N of SE cor of SW If of NW 14A run N 154.16' W 835' to E/ly RW Hwy 301 SE/ly along RW to a PT W of POB thence E to POB. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 2.89 acres MOL from an illegal A5 to RRIC on a vested parcel record. CASE NO.: R2005-0118 Eneida Robalna GENERAL LOCATION: Sumterville area: North on US 301. North on CR 543B. Property approximately 1/8 mile on the west side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 23, Twp. 208, Rng. 22E: S /2 of NW 14 of NE i, of SW 14 less E 25' less beg at NW cr of S 1/2 of NW 1/ of NE 1/ of SW '4 run S 8113'12" E 383.39' N 7804'12" E 264.63' W 637.82' to POB. 'REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 4.35 acres MOL from an Illegal RR5 to RR1C on a vested parcel of record. CASE NO.: R2005-0119 Randall & Susan Jacobs GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: East on C-48. S on SR 471, Property ap- proximately s2 mile on the east side of the road, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 19, Twp. 218, Rng. 23E: Beg 300' S & 49,58' E of NW cor of S /2 of NW '/4 of SW fA run E 250.42' N 119.8' W 250.42' S 119.8' to POB. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone .68 cares MOL from Cl to ID to bring property Into compliance with the Future Land Use Map. CASE NO.: R2005-0120 Ray Martin GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: West on CR 476W. South on CR 623, Property approximately a4 mlle on the west side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 23, Twp. 218, Rng. 21E: Beg 1343' N of SE cor of W 'A of W 6/ of SE A4 run W to W line of E 1h of E A of E '/ of E 12 of SW f4 S to N line of SE f,/ of SE /4 of SW fA W to NW cor of E A/ of SE f4 of SE 14 of SW 1A S to a pt 500' N of SW car of E fA of SE f4 of SE A4 of SW fA E,to a pt 392' W of E line of W A/ of W /2 of SE A4 N 278' E to E line of W /2 of W '6 of SE '6 N 75' W 290.50' N 450' E 290.50' N to POB less R/W for CR on E side less N 40' of S 1343' of E 292.50' of W 1h of W /2 of SE 14 & less N 490' of S 1343' of W l' of W 16 of SE A4 & less N 490' of S 1343' of E 1A of E / of NE 4 of SE 1 of SW/ ,. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 4.28 acres MOL from A5 to RR1C on a vested parcel of record. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tues- day, December 20, 2005, at 6:00 P.M., In Room 222, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida. CASE NO.: S2005-0016 Stephen & Rue Pellethler GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: West on C-476, Property on the NW cor- ner of CR 663 and C-476. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 19, Twp, 218, Rng. 21E: Lots 40 & 41 Holiday Acres. REQUESTED ACTION: Medium Special Use Permit to allow a church on 2.8 acres MOL CASE NO.: T2005-0048 Michael & Lorl Ann Goerling GENERAL LOCATION: Webster area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. East on CR 721. North on CR 727. Property approximately 1/8 mile on west side of road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 7, Twp. 22S, Rng. 23E: The NE A of SE iA of NW fA less comm. at NE car of NE 'h of SE 'A of NW iA run W 210' S 525' E 210' N to POB. REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow travel trailer while new residence Is being constructed. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1 and 8. 2005. S-M 685-1208 SCT Notice of Sale William F. Jenkins, et al. vs. Dwayne Helm, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 2005-CA-000975 WILLIAM F. JENKINS, et al., Plaintiffs, vs, DWAYNE HELM, et al., Defendants, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Clerk of this Court shall sell, pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated Nov. 17, 2005, In Civil Action No. 2005-CA-000975, Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Cir- cuit, in and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein William F, Jenkins, et al., are the Plaintiffs and Dwayne Helm, et ol., are the Defendants, the following described prop- erty in Sumter County, Florida: Begin at the NE corner of Lot 9, Block 21, Town of Web- ster, Florida, as per plat In Plat Book 1, pages 17 & 18, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, run due South 75 feet, thence run due West 195 feet, thence run due North 75 feet, thence run due East 195 to the FOB. at public sale on December 21, 2005, at 11:00 A.M., to the highest bidder for cash at the West Door of the Sumter County Courthouse, in Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Court on Novem- ber 17, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1 and 8, 2005. 669-1208 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE OF INTENT TO USE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS Sumter County, Florida (the "County") hereby provides notice, pursuant to section 197.3632(3)(a), Florida Stat- utes, of its Intent to use the uniform method of collect- Ing non-ad valorem special assessments to be levied within the County, for the cost of providing stormwater, roadway improvements, roadside maintenance, and solid waste services commencing for the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1. 2006. The County will consid- er the adoption of a resolution electing to use the uni- form method of collecting such assessments authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, at a public hear- Ing to be held at 5:00 p.m. on December 13, 2005, at Board of County Commissioners, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. Such resolution will state the need for the levy and will contain a legal description of the boundaries of the real.property.subject to the levy. Copies of the proposed form of resolution, which con- tains the legal description of the real property subject to the levy, are on file at the Sumter County Clerk's Of- fice, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. All inter- ested persons are Invited to attend. In the event any person decides to appeal any deci- sion by the County with respect to any matter relating to the consideration of the resolution at the above-ref- erenced public hearing, a record of the proceeding may be needed and In such an event, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the public hearing is made, which record Includes the testi- mony and evidence on which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabili- ties Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an Interpreter to participate In this proceeding should contact the Clerk's Office at (352) 793-0211, three (3) days prior to the date of the hearing. DATED this 15th day of November, 2005. By Order of: /s/ Joey A. Chandler SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, No- vember 17, 24, December 1 and 8, 2005. 686-1222 SCT Notice of Action 'll1ljT, .I | 3i-,. II 1" l-3 ,l-": .hT.- : ] "I gi PUBLIC NOTICE i l 'r i r r C 1i iC :,' ', TH n -, .ij : r I'-IH:' "* 1 rE f t ",r,,, .--, .' . WILLIAM J. KEARNS and CINDY LYNN KEARNS, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, v. CHARLES SIMECA, PHILLIP DIMENO, and JOE OZIMEK, as the Directors and Statutory Trustees of Florida National Land Company, a Florida corporation dissolved before July 1, 1990; and all other parties claiming by, through, under, or against It; and all claimants, persons, or parties, natural or corporate, or whose exact legal status Is unknown, claiming under any of the above-named or described Defendants or parties, or claiming to have any right, title, or Interest In and to the lands hereafter described, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: CHARLES SIMECA, PHILLIP DIMENO, and JOE OZIMEK, as the Directors and Statutory Trustees of Florida National Land Oompany, a Florida corporation dissolved before July 1, 1990; and all other parties claiming by, through, under, or against It; and all claim- ants, persons, or parties, natural or corporate, or whose exact legal status Is unknown, claiming under any of the above-named or described Defendants or parties, or claiming to have' any right, title, or Interest in and to the lands hereafter described, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for suit to quiet title to the following property In Sumter County, Florida: See attached Exhibit "A" has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any. to it on Lauren E. Merriam. Ill, Florida Bar No. 320099, the Plain- tiffs' attorney, whose address is P.O. Box 1869, Ocala, Florida 34478, and whose telephone, number Is (352) 732-7218, on or before January 3, 2006; and file with the Clerk of this Court, either before service on the Plaintiffs' attorney or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. DATED on November 22, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Court By: /s/ Susan A. Stollar As Deputy Clerk BLANCHARD, MERRIAM, ADEL & KIRKLAND, PA. By: /s/ LAUREN E. MERRIAM, III Post Office Box 1869 Ocala, FlorIda 34478 Telephone: (352) 732-7218 Florida Bar No. 320099 Attorneys for Petitioners EXHIBIT "A" COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST, SUM- TER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE S. 89*42'22" W., ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING PROCEED S. 0020'21" E., PARALLEL WITH AND 50.00 FEET WEST OF THE MID-SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 11, A DISTANCE OF 1092.71 FEET; THENCE S. 8936'57" W., PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SEC- TION 11 A DISTANCE OF 397.54 FEET; THENCE S. 0020'21" E., PARALLEL WITH THE AFORESAID MID-SECTION LINE OF SECTION 11 A DISTANCE OF 397.54 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 490.00 FEET OF THE AFORESAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 11; THENCE S. 89"36'57" W, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE AND A WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 877.10 FEET TO AND INTERSECTION WITH THE CENTERLINE OF A 68.00 FEET WIDE INGRESS AND EGRESS NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 348, PAGES 475, 476 AND 477 IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N. 0019'31" W. ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID EASEMENT A DISTANCE OF 1450.68 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING RADIUS OF 214.11 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11-11'49", THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID EASEMENT CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF 41.84 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST, 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SEC- TION 11; THENCE DEPARTING FROM SAID CURVE AND EASEMENT CENTERLINE PROCEED N. 89"42'22" E. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 AND THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 11, A DISTANCE OF 1278.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THAT CERTAIN NON-EXCLUSIVE EASE- MENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AS SET FORTH IN BOOK 347, PAGE 504 AND RE-RECORDED IN BOOK 348, PAGE 475, AS PARTIALLY TERMINATED IN BOOK 480, PAGES 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530 AND 531. Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 1,8,15 and 22, 2005. SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005, PAGE 23 IT'S BACK... DELUCA TOYOTA MPG40GL"Apr Sol 1 ft WJ^BBS6teTA^ ^B^I^^^ KT& THE. -:ENliE~ Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes, AM/FM Stereo CD Power Outside Mirror, 1.8 Liter, 60/40 Split Rear Seats, and More ~, -,SCION LT.L W tB---l^ ^^^^^ ^ ,^^ N-~tl 00.101'"^i^r^t^^'f^^kfh^CVI^ Automatic, Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Cruise, Tilt, AM/FM Stereo ! CD, Alloy Wheels, and More Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, AM/FM Stereo CD, Cruise Control & Much More www.delucascion.com PURE CHOICE. Scion's -Pure Price, purchase experience means No haggle. No Hassle,Vehicle starts well equipped. You can accessorize (or not). Simple, straightforward menu pricing. xA $!3,88 B208 W14,888AO Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes, AM/FM Stereo CD, Full Size Bed, 3,5001b. Towing Capacity, 2.7 L Engine xB 'm$14,483 tc $17,997 f2aSS^2,997 Automatic, Air Conditioning, Power Seats, Power Brakes, Cruise, Tilt, SCassette, CD, 2.7 Liter Engine, 30 M.P.G. Hwy, Power Windows, ~ Power Door Locks, and More sg590I5Q096B Automatic, Air Conditioning, Power Seats, Power Brakes, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Cruise, Tilt, CD, Privacy Glass & Mor Mo. W9^Z2,777 Automatic, Air Conditioning, Power Seats, Power Brakes, AM/FM Stereo CD, Cruise, Power Mirrors, Alloy Wheels, Running Boards & More- Standard Features Includ0watt Pioneer CD stereo with six speakers 8Air Conditioner BAntilock brakes 8 Power windows, door locks and outside mirrors 8Tilt Wheel 85year, 60,000 mile Power Train Warranty tC Additional Standard Features: 660 Horse Power 867 Alloy Wheels SPower Sunroof 8 Memory Seat Get Tires For Life With r Every New Toyota! Vehicle Must Have All Service & Repairs Performed At DeLuca Toyola. Must Follow Faclory Required Service Schedule. The Best New Cars Make The Best Used Cars! $6Yr. /100,000 Mile Limited Power Train Warranty t TToll-Free Call For Service 24 Hours A Day $6 YrJUnlimited Mileage Roadside Assistance $ t160 Point Quality Assurance Inspection t From the original date of first use when sold as a new vehicle. "00 FORD FOCUS SE WAGON '97 LINCOLN TOWNCAR '01 TOYOTA COROLLA CE '2 TOYOTA COROLLA CE '00 CHEVY ASTRO LS 'i01 GRAND MARQUIS LS |V,4IL '03 TOYOTA COROLLA S AMFMN Cass, Full Power, Cruise, Roof AM/FM/Cass, Full Power, Dual Power Seats, AMFMSD, Air Conditioning, AM/FM/Cass, Air Conditioning, AM/FWCD, Full Power, Cruise, Alloy AMIFMICass,.Full Power, Dual Power AMSFMCasC lD, Full Power, CruiseCon- AM/FM/Cass/CD, Full Power, Rack Keyless, Stk#P6607N Cruise, Leather, Alloy Wheels, Keyless, Stk#P6579A Stk#P1615A Wheels, Stk#FO411A Seats, Cruise, Alloy Wheels, Keyless, trol, Roof Rack, Alloy Wheels, Leather, Cruise, Stk#E2132A WAS WA S $ S $ W WAS WAS $8,695$ 8t9k29 3 I8399 9 ..IS. 7 IS04 .191566$1,795$ 8 s $S99 5,4994 '04 TOYOTA TACOMA '01 MAZDA MIATA CONVT '03 FORD RANGER XLT XCAB '03 TOYOTA MATRIX '04 TOYOTA COROLLA '02 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 3 TOYOTA CAMRY LEll PowerCruiseRoof AM/FM/Cass, Air Conditioning, Bed AM/FM/CD, Full Power, AMFMICD, Fuill Power, Bed Liner, AMIFMSassiCD, Full Power, AMfFMSCassECD, Power Mirrors, AM/FM/Cass/CD, Full Power, Cruise, AMFMICass0lD, Full Power, Power Racks, Running Boards, Bed Liners, Liner, Stk#P1618 IS Stk#F0051B IS .Chrome, Stk#P6605S Stk#P6609 IS Air Conditioning, Stk#F 402AKeyless, Stk#F0344AASeats, Cruise, Side Air BagsKeyless, Alloy Wheels, Keyless, Stk FO175A WAS WAS AS WAS WAS 999 WAS 5.499 $14 S511 '15.995 $14,76 17139W9 $A1 15,995441998 9e5,895 $14.,999 '011.69 $15,577 wAs,, 16,381 a'4136M5 49 S'05 CHEVY MALIBU '04 DODGE INTREPID ES '05 MITSUBISHI GALANT '05 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 4 SD PLORR XLT '03 TOYOTA CAMRY LE l MA 5 SL 04 TOYOTA CAMRY LE AROFCWCaSeCD, Full Power, Power Seats, AM/FM/CD, Full Power, power Seats, AMUFMIED, Full Power, Cruise, Key. AM/FM/CD, Full Power, Power Seats, AM/FM/CD, Full Power,.Cruise, Alloy AMIFMCD, Full Power, Keyless, Cruise, Roof Rack, Running Boards, Alloy AMFMICassCD, Full Power, Cru se, Cruise, Sunroof, Leather, Alloy Wheels, AMMICarus0e Full PosEr, Power Seats, less Stk#P6620," Cruise, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry, Wheels, Keyless, Stk#P1586 Stk#P6585 Wheels, Keyles, StF0134A Keyless, StkFO305Aess Entry, StFO201A Cruls Kom Entry, SUM 96 WAS IS Stk#P1583 IS IS IS Is WAS IS WA WAS Is sitro9 6,499*1 .169 9$1. 2,9$6A8WAAWs, , "TOYOTA MAKES THE CAR ...DELUCA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" .L1. I LOCATION:1 1/2 MILE EAST OF PADDOCK MALL 1719 SW College Rd. Ocala 73s-s0770os ALL OFFERS ON SELECT VEHICLES, PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE & $294 DEALER FEE, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY.*" SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. ALL PAYMENTS BASED ON 48 MOS. LEASE W02490 DOWN, 740 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED. 12K MILES PER YEAR AND TAX, TAG & REGISTRATION AND 294 ADMIN FEES. ALL PRICES BASED ON '1,000 CASH DOWN OR TRADE i l EQUITY. PRICES PLUS ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER SELECTED OPTIONS. OFFERS CAN NOT BE USED IN CONJUCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFER DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATE OR CASH BACK* 7 DAY ASSURANCE GUARANTEE: MUST BE SAME, IDENTICALLY EQUIPPED VEHICLE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE THAT VEHICLE & SELL IT BACK TO YOU AT A LESSER PRICE. w OF ---- -5, I For- PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 -E STYLE AND PERFORMANCE, YOU'RE COVERED FROM A-TO-Z. pwModel 13255 2005 NISSAN FRONTIER KINGCAB S15,999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2006 NISSAN FRONTIER CREW CAB 3.,000 OR 0% APR OFF MSRP FINANCINGt S.. "Model 11515 2005 NISSAN TITAN KINGCAB 1 8,888 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2003 2002 2006 NISSAN FRONTIER CREW CAB $3,500 OR 0% APR OFF MSRP FINANCINGt 2001 2000 FRONTIER ALTIMA SENTRA QUEST MAXIMA SENTRA MAXIMA ALTIMA 9,999 13,999 6,999, $9,99 12,999 $5,999 10,999 $7,999 * '189 259' 29189 239 *109 *199 *149 * M $*pER OEO .*PR tM a PE .*R MO$NE 1 pER *oMOO PER MONEY PER MONET '*1U PER OE U14 PER DOW 10' I S. i9 MO. DOWN MO,* DOWN gJMO.* DOWN 1'9 MO.* Do.. -: 1 MO.* PATHFINDER XTERRA ALTIMA FRONTIER 15,999 .14,999 1$1,999 $8,999 S299 :: *279 R S *229O. P *169. $ PER S9 Mo.* 2 9 O MO.* MO.*9** DNMO. QUEST PATHFINDER PICK-UP SENTRA '8,999 11,999 $6,999 $4,999 N *169 PER. *229N $ *1PER MO: 29PER: O 99 ,: ..PER DOWN I MO.* DOWN 1MO.* DOWN MO.* DOWNM MO.* OCALA NISSAN OPEN UNTIL 10 PM 352-622-4111 2200 SR 200 OCALA ALL PRICES GOOD DAY OF PUBLICATION'AND ARE PLUS TAX, TAG, '195 DEALER FEE, '1,000 TRADE EQUITY OR CASH. SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. tON SELECT NEW 2006 NISSANS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. *72 MONTHS @ 9.99% APR, W.A.C. PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. I AL .r - --w I em F.Iiw. Mdw..; on Simogt VrAft 2W6 Tw OuW.11 Jft' |