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Established 1881 50 CENTS SUMMER COUNTY INSIDE Calendar ..............15 Church ............... 6 Obituaries ............ .6 Police Report ..........3 Tidbits ..............24 7 1% A- ---- ---l--..- -- NOVE1MBER 2 4, 20051 THURSDAY, VOLUME 121 NUMBER 44 Shed houses Coleman fire dept AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer It's not exactly the Hollywood image of a fire- house. No one is hastily slid- ing down a pole, rushing out J the door and grabbing gear in . preparation to battle a blaz- ing fire. In fact, it may be difficult to imagine many firefighters actually fitting inside the small metal shed that is now Coleman Fire Station 33. Nearly two months after the station was moved from a building leased from the City of Coleman to an approxi- mately 10-by-15-foot shed on County Road 468 just east of the city, one firefighter says they don't have the equip- ment and building space nec- essary to perform their jobs properly. There is apparently no tele- Photo by Amanda Mims Please see SHED, Page 2 For the last month, Fire Station 33 in Coleman has been located in this shed after a building lease agreement with the City of Coleman was not renewed. Cement plant seeks next approval Autopsy t I nt A / Commissioner Roberts doesn't Natural Resources of Central Florida, doing busi- ness as American Cement Company, has applied for an air construction permit to build a dry process Portland 'cement plant in Sumtem ille. The application was filed recently with the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). It is avail- able for inspection at the department offices in Tallahassee and Tampa. Portions of the application can also be accessed at the department website at: Nvww.dep.state.fl.us, Airper- m it t i ng/construct ion -a meri- can.htm. Thlie project won approval in August from the County Wildwood. growth is flourishing AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer The northernmost city in one of the state's fastest grow- ing counties, Wildwood has become an increasingly desir- able area to developers, and homes are quickly springing up. Robert Smith, the city's Growth. Management Coordinator, said he talks to an average of two developers every day interested in the city or surrounding areas. Wildwood is Sumter County's most populous city with about 4,000 residents, but that number is expected to rise quickly One developer is offering new condominiums and villas from the $200,000s at Lakeside Landings, east of Lake Miona, where 480 homes had been planned. Another development, Lake Andrew Preserve, is planned for 134 acres north of County Road. Smith said 73 residen- tial units are planned and home sites in this develop- ment would vary from small parcels up to 10 acres. Construction at Lake Andrew :Preserve has not begun. A third developer, Amprop Development Corporation, is planning 600 units on 130 acres on County Road 472 and U.S. Highway 301. The land is currently zoned in a general .mixed-use. category and Smith said the zoning could Please see GROWTH, Page 2 .American Cement Coimpany, has applied for an air construction permit to build a dry process Portland cement plant in Sumnitertille. Commission in a three-to-two vote. Commissioners Michael Francis, Joey Chandler and Richard Hoffman approved a request from Natural Resources of Central Florida (NRCF) for a conditional use permit that would allow a cement, plant to be built on 46 acres of property in Sumterville. Commissioners Jim Roberts and Randy Mask voted in opposition. The property is part of 1,294 acres that is currently used for limerock mining. The site is west of the Coleman Correctional Complex off County Road 470. Ag cer BoB REICHMAN Editor It's been more than three years since a groundbreak- ing ceremony wvas held for the future home of a multi- million-dollar agricultural center at the Sumter County Initially, the County. representatives. Commission tabled the com- According to the DEP pany's permitting request request, construction plans until additional information would begin in January 2006 could be gathered about air with the selection of a con- emissions and traffic impacts. tractor and approval of engi- The cement plant will use neering plans and specifica- limestone, sand and clay from tions. the site along with other mate- The company is requesting rials to produce cement in a 6 five-year air construction kiln with an approximate 275- permit that would allow fbr foot-high exhaust stack, unanticipated delays. according to the company's The plant would be ready% application with the county, for operation late in 2007, The company will continue according to company plans mining operations on the While county commission- property that are currently ers approved plans for the performed by Dixie Lime and plant, that approval did not' Stone, according to company come without some criticism. iter nears com[ Fairgrounds, north of Webster. Finally, after years of con- struction, in January 2006, the new facility is expected to open its door to the public. Called the West Central Florida Agricultural, Education. Marketing and Development Center, the facility \\ill house a variety of agriculturally related offices, including the Sumter County Fair Board, 4-H pro- gram and the local branch of the state Department of Agriculture, Master Gardeners. County Exten- sion Office. "It's really going to benefit tI B c p tt voiced concerns about the potential discharge of mercu- ry as an air contaminant and other pollution factors. Some audience members also echoed his concerns. John Koogler, NRCF air quality consultant, said plant emissions, will be monitored continuously and reported at least quarterly to DEP and that the company would adhere td stringent' monitor- ing processes to ensure that pollution would notbe a prob- lemn. *The plant will have a dry process preheater'precalcin- er kiln system, and will pro- duce various types and grades of Portland cement and masonry cement," according Please see CEMENT, Page 2 )letion ie community, said 3arbara Kane, fairgrounds coordinator. "It will be a flace for people to come and isit and a meeting place." Kane said facilities inside he complex would be avail- Please see CENTER Page 2 explain death AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer The Sumter Sheriff's Office is still trying to deterneiid tlhe cause of death of a Villages man found dead in his back- yard by lawn maintenance workers on Tuesday, Nov 15, according to Sheriff's Lt. BobbyCaruthers. He said the death is being treated as a homicide until police can rule it out. The body was positively identified later as 54-1 u Ri Thomas Saunders, who lived at 1339 La Jolla Circle in the Lady Lake area of Sumter n County in Saunders the Villages community of Rio Grande Villas, he said. His body was found about 9:30 a.m. on the ground next to some shrubbery, Caruthers said. Saunders is described as a man who didn't quite fit in the swanky retirement communi- ty that boasts being "Florida's friendliest hometown," where polo matches and golfing on exclusive courses are com- monplace. Caruthers said neighbors described Saunders as antiso- cial, and visitors to his home came from outside the Villages community. "Neighbors said he was an eccentric kind of person," Caruthers said. Please see DEATH,~'age 2 .l 0t Ie " 's W s -: ,,2 5 Barbara Kane, Sumter County fairgrounds coordinator, is shown near the almost completed building that will house Sumter County Fair offices, 4-H programs and the local branch of the state Department of Agriculture. The facility is expected to be completed in January 2006. Editor I Ri. t I 3 ? I PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 SHED continued from Page 1 phone, running water, or rest- room except for the plastic portable toilet next to the shed in plain view of the road. Currently, the telephone num- ber assigned to Station 33 is not in service. In a memorandum from vol- unteer Firefighter Michael Cassidy to Fire Rescue's Deputy Chief of Operations Judd Wright, Cassidy wrote, "It is very difficult to operate out of the shed as there is no power aside from a generator, no running water, no tele- phone, no fax machine, and no heat." He wrote a Coleman fire truck unable to be driven because of a mechanical prob- lem, and that it remains parked in the open field next to the shed. Also according to Cassidy's memorandum, the station is "lacking necessary ladders, fire extinguishers, hard suc- tion hose, tools, and appli- ances." Wright responded with a memorandum' the. same day, addressing the building and vehicle issues. CENTER continued from Page 1 able to rent during the year for anything from organiza- tional meetings to weddings. The 38,000-square-foot cen- ter is located directly on the north side of the existing fair- He wrote that there is cur- rently a 30-day lease agree- ment with Trinity Baptist Church, which owns the prop- erty where the shed is located, and until Fire Rescue can secure a longer lease agree- ment with the church, there could be nothing permanent done with the property. "...We are not dragging our "It is very difficult to operate out of the shed as there is no power aside from a generator, no running water, no telephone, no fax machine, and no heat." feet on the issues you bring up but rather are awaiting events to unfold so that we may pro- ceed in establishing a first rate facility for your use," Wright wrote. Coleman City Clerk Clay Godwin said last month Fire Rescue Director Bill Gulbrandsen made known at a grounds main exhibition hall. The multi-million-dollar county-owned facility is a joint venture funded with two grants from the state Department of Agriculture (totaling $250,000), a $200,000 local grant from the Carrie Ellen and Herbert Sparkman' Foundation and funding from the County Commission. The facility houses two ATtime late in the evening of Nov. 14 or early Tuesday morning, Caruthers said. He said there were no continued from Page 1 signs of forced entry in the home, no weapons were Neighbor Jack Dodds said found inside, and that Saunders was unlike others Saunders lived alone. in the community. He said the medical exam- "He was very inward. He iner would be performing a was not friendly." toxicology test, which could Caruthers said Friday .an take six to eight weeks, and autopsy revealed there was 'the Sheriff's Department no physical trauma except would continue to investigate for some superficial abra- and interview neighbors and sions. friends of Saunders. Based on the initial investi- Saunders had a criminal gation, Saunders died some- history that included an meeting in May the county did not intend to renew the lease. Fire personnel were scram- bling to move gear out of the building on Sept. 30, the day the lease expired. Gulbrandsen said that it was decided before the last day of the lease to use the shed as a temporary facility, and the lease was not renewed because of building maintenance issues with the city. "Temporarily, it seemed like a reasonable idea." The Coleman fire trucks are in good condition, and the firefighters have the equip- ment they need, according to Gulbrandsen. He said this is an "incon- venience" to personnel in Coleman, but anticipates a modular building will be placed on the property with running water and electricity by January. Gulbrandsen also said securing another building to lease in the small city was not an option. "There's nothing like that in Coleman. It's better to start from scratch," he said. County Commissioner Jim Roberts said he knew there were issues with the lease but he. was "caught off guard" when the relationship exposition halls. The larger hall is about 10,500 square feet and the smaller is about 5,400 square feet. ,Plans for the new facility were launched back in 2000 when representatives of the Sumter County Fair Association and the County Commission joined together to find a way to create a multi- faceted agricultural center. arrest in North Carolina for indecent liberties against a minor, a conviction for inde- cent exposure in Sumter County in 2003, and an arrest by Lady Lake Police for dis- orderly intoxication in 2004. The indecent exposure charge stemmed from a call to the Sheriff's Office by neighbors saying Saunders "was walking around outside his residence not fully" clothed," he said. Saunders moved into the home after his parents, who lived there for 12 years, died, Caruthers said. between the City of Coleman and Fire Rescue was severed. "I wish I would have been involved in it, and maybe we would have had a better end- ing to it." Aside from the situation at Station 33, he said he has basic concerns about Sumter County Fire Rescue. "I'm concerned about esprit de corps of Fire Services," and "a number of issues deal- ing with the men and women who fight fires," in the county, he said. Though he did not specify what those issues are, he did say there are other concerns. "I can say I think we have a problem. I do not think the problem is the system. I believe we have a manage- ment problem." GROWTH continued from Page 1 allow for 15 units per acre. Amprop has not broken ground on the project. The city is in the process of completing the second sub- stantial land annexation this year, which could involve more than 175 parcels. As to whether or not the city plans to expand further to the north or into other areas, Smith said, "That depends on where development wants to go and what's best for the city." Mayor Ed Wolf said "there're a lot more (develop- ers) ready to jump," and the city is experiencing a turn- Unlimited Hours, No Contracts! '9.95o*. Instant Messaging Keep your buddy list 10 e-mail addresses with Webmaill FREE Technical Support Custom Start Page News, Weather & more! (Surf up to 6Xfaster! ) just S3 more Sign Up Online! www.LocalNet.com S 352-629-7607 LocalNet 1-888-488-7265 Reliable WIntrntccSince Roberts said he did not believe Fire Rescue response times to the area would suffer because of the housing situa- tion. "We are going to do every- thing possible to protect the people and their property in the city and the area of Coleman. That is our biggest concern." Sumter County Fire Rescue is comprised of 10 stations and divided into three battal- ions headquartered in Wildwood, Bushnell, and Lake Panasoffkee. Eight vol- unteer firefighters are assigned to the Coleman sta- tion. Station 33 has no full- time employees, according to Gulbrandsen. The Fire Rescue budget approved for 2005-2006 totals around from what it was 19 years ago when he first served as mayor. "When the railroad left town, Wildwood almost died," he said. "We had boarded up build- ings downtown. It was pretty much in a decayed state." He said the explosion in development is due to growth in The Villages and in sur- rounding counties, as well as landowners selling and taking advantage of current property values. Now the city has four indus- trial parks in addition to the almost $3 million. Sumter- property owners are paying- $56 this year for fire protec-; tion for every structure on res- idential property. CEMENT continued from Page 1 to the application with DEP "The cement will be stored in, silos, will be shipped in bulk; by trucks, and will be bagged- and palletized for shipping by trucks." Fuels used in the process; include coal, petroleum coke,; tires, natural gas and fuel oil,- according to supplemental information filed with the, application. housing developments and; other businesses, which is helping to "secure the finan-, cial future" in Wildwood. "The growth is inevitable,, but we tried to plan and pre- pare for it the best we could." He said acquiring the land: through voluntary annexation will "protect us from being- surrounded and swallowed up by development in The, Villages and the county." "It's going to be some excit- ing times here especially for young folks who want to stay in the area and make a living here," Wolf said. EstabNk,d LablI SUMMER COUNTY TIMES (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department.. 352-793-2161 Circulation ............................................. 1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertising .. 352-793-2161 Classified Advertising. 352-793-3163 Fax ........ 352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $19.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailingoffices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES AN AMICAN R 847 S. Main Street, Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com Genuine People. Genuine Chevrolet . E-MAIL: cindychevrolet~cDaoI.com WEB www.CAYU!inds yAUhevrolet6][4~scomi 2002 CHEVY 2500 HD 1999 GMC SONOMA EXT CAB,DURAMAX EXT CAB DIESEL 2000 CHEVY $26,995 IMPALA ImLMOYMM MV27608 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 3 Catastrophe in the Withlacoochee Forest How did 60 gopher tortoises die? TERRY WITT Special to the Times State scientists gathered in the Withlacoochee State Forest Friday to call attention to a mystery they are just now beginning to unravel. Nestled in the tall grasses of a stand of pine trees are about 60 gopher tortoise shells, the remains of animals that were part of a large die-off. The shells are scattered around a 200- to 300-acre area southwest of Tillis Hill Recreation Area off County Road 480 in south Citrus County Foresters with the Florida Division of Forestry discov- ered the remains less than a month ago as they marked pine trees to be cut for a thinning operation. The cause of the die-off is unknown. Vince Morris, leader of the ecology unit that manages the 160,000-acre state forest, said scientists suspect well inten- tioned residents may have unknowingly dumped diseased tortoises off. in the forest and infected healthy animals living there, triggering the die-off. But he said it's too early to draw conclusions. What they do know is that the dead tortoises, often scattered as much as 100 feet to 200 feet apart, died in healthy gopher tortoise habitat on protected state land. Joan Berish, a research biol- ogist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, said the tortoises were not killed for their meat. It'they had been butchered, the .shells would ha'e beea cut *operW-. e ttftoise on tlh'e:halt shelf: s[h aid.-',. ' It appears unlikely the ani- mals died of natural causes. she said. egien the sheer num- ber ot'dead animals in such a small area of the forest. This leaves Berish and University of Florida research veterinarian Dr. Lori D. Wendland, w\ho are leading the investigation. with an alarming mystery on their hands. While it is true tortoises die every day as a result of devel- opment pressures, diseases and attacks by other wild ani- mals. tortoises that lie on state lands are viewed as "assurance colonies." Berish said. They assure the species will survive But this assurance colony is dead. And no one knows why. VETERANS HONORED AT SCHOOL BRIAN LaPETER University of Florida research veterinarian Lori Wendland (left) holds a diseased gopher tortoise that was found in the same area as the 60 dead rep- tiles. Several United States veterans from various military branches were on hand for the Veteran's Day ceremony held by the North Sumter Intermediate School students. The students held their annu- al celebration in the Wildwood High School gym. LSCC to be a key player in program S'. .' The board of trustees of monial signing of such a reso- Lake-Sumter Community "Something strange is going servation land to protect .the Lake-Sumter Community lution by community college College's Associate in Arts on here," Berish said. animals. College approved a resolution and UCF trustees and presi- degree graduates have always One potential cause of the She said FWC is aware the during its October meeting that dents will be held on UCF's been guaranteed acceptance tortoise deaths is Upper policy leads humanitarians to will expand students' access to Orlando Campus on Nov. 9, into state universities, but Respiratory Tract Disease rescue the animals and dump University of Central Florida symbolizing the continued through the signing of this 2+2 (URTD), a bacterium that caus- them in places where they bachelor's .degree programs. commitment to this education- commitment, students will es a runny nose, watery eyes, think they may be safe. The Along with Seminole, Valencia al partnership. have additional opportunities fever and breathing problems unfortunate result of such and Brevard community col- "A regional approach like to earn four-year degrees. A in tortoises. URTD kills some dumpingss" is that animals leges, LSCC and UCF have cre- this consortium makes great first in Florida, the resolution tortoises and leaves many oth- often die when they are ated a consortium agreement sense," states LSCC Board will also assure a regional part- ers with chronic respiratory deposited in areas where there that will streamline university Chairman Jacqueline Talley. nership that more deeply problems, Wendland said. is little food or where they have transfers, expand UCF pro- "Institutions can plan together aligns its systems, policies and Wendland is part of the to compete for limited gram offerings to community to ensure that needed pro- procedures; resulting in a "URTD and The resources with resident tortois- college graduates, and help grams are available without seamless transition for stu- Environmentally Threatened es. create a competitive workforce costly duplication. Centers of dents. Other benefits will be Gopher Tortoise Study" funded In the case Berish and in Central Florida. Excellence can be created in preferential UCF admission by the National Science Wendland are investigating, it Due to the projected growth various regions based upon for consortium community col- Foundation. The study, in its is possible a humanitarian of the area's educational local workforce demands and lege graduates, expanded third year, is intended to foster introduced a sick tortoise to a demands, LSCC and the other institutional expertise, while opportunities for joint-use a better understanding of the healthy colony and accidental- community colleges want to serving as magnets to encour- facilities and joint faculties, disease, which in turn will help ly infected 60 animals, killing assure that the regional needs age students to further their and more efficient data shar- the state fine tune its tortoise an entire colony to save pne or of its students are met. A cere- education." ing. conservation policies, two. Die-offs among tortoises are if URTD killed -the animals,- nothing new%, Berisltsaid.,State and the disease spreads to .. .. .. -'..- .. otfficiels noliced a.ighr e-. othentorroi- colbronies irn." .....f' q.ueny.. .ot dje-o.ff betwe.en.. for6 st. the falloi't could bethat -. '' 1997 and 2001. Die-offs have much greater Gopher tortoises occurred in sich places as are social animals. The disease Wednesday, Nov. 16 was arrested for petit theft driving. Bond was set at $500. Cape Canaveral and state can be spread when a healthy Craig Jones, 21, Wildwood, and conspiracy to commit. Thursday, Nov. 17 parks But with tortoise popu- animal comes into contact wvith was arrested for violation of Bond was set at$500 Elbert Hall, 36, Bushnell, nations in decline, die-offs are a sick tortoise. probation. No bond was set. James Richay, 41, Webster, eted for driving while always investigated. If a humanitarian was not to Jerem Palmeri, 28 was arrested for battery.No was arrested for driving while Berish said a study team blfa humanitarian wa not to \ebste; wa arrested for vio- bond was set. license suspended. from FWC is looking at ways to ame fortheie-off,itraises nation ofprobation No bond Delores Cumbie, 63, Lake Bond was set at $500. change or tweak tortoise poli- then did URTD enter the for- as set. Panasoffkee, was arrested for Gary Norman, 18, Lake cies. She said a proposal has then did URTD enter the for- Edward Johnson, 18, driving under the influence. Panasoftkee, was arrested for been made to upgrade their est? Does the disease surface Widwod, was arrested for Bond was set at $500. possession of marijuana with status to a threatened species. ,in healthy tortoise colonies petit theft and conspiracy to Kreg Cooper, 39, intent to sell and resisting an Tortoises are currently a when certain weather events commit. Bond was set at $500. Sumterville, was arrested on officer. species of special concern. occur, like an El Nino, when Steven Webb, 18, Wildwood, .a Sumter warrant for reckless Bond was set at $10,500. The FWC is studying its poli- rainfall is heavier than nor- cy of allowing developers to mal? Or did the animals die of pay a fee in exchange fbor being some other disease? able to entomb tortoises on Berish and Wendland said land being developed, they may never know\ what ' Revenue from tortoise permit killed the animals. SALON fees is used to purchase con- Therein lies the mystery. PROFESSION AL ACADEMY ,4 1 Cosmetology Class Starts 0. January 16th, 2006 _"Class size limited! Enroll today! INC. Convenient payment plans amic Tile Laminate Wood Vinyl PCoementpino0ans % ,, A A ,Placement in over 6,000 salons p, UI A V 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 ., (Next to Dollar General) 569-0171 _ 352.341.3500 .800.858.5909 admiissions@thespaschoolfla.com 1522 US Hwy. 41 N. Inverness Florida 1,000 OFF TUITION LFor starting in the January 161h, 2006 class. Bring this coupon to enroll. cft.rq9 "/g /ifanketjvkfbiy 6e o -Yoe /ile 1 A..0a.......peaCrv SUMTER COUNTY TIMES, .. .. ... PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 SUMMER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 188i The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County 21mes is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ..o............ Bob Reichman Publisher .......... ... Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our VOICE Firefighters in shed is pathetic situation "Copyrighted Material SSyndicated Content'. Available from Commercial News Providers" AskIM ou know, if it wasn't so pathetic, it probably would be funny. Someone needs to come up with some pretty good answers to explain why the Coleman Fire Department is now being housed in a metal shed with a portable toilet beside it Last month, when Sumter Fire Services left its housing at the City of Coleman, it left, with absolutely nowhere to go. Instead of ., launching . some immediate emer- REIC agency plan to find hous- " ing, what happened was that the fire department equip- ment simply ended up in a shed - no fire house, no firefighter accom- modations, just a shed with a near- by portable toilet. S-iWe think Sumter ., ;,_ GCounty, property owners should be If this is a " absolutely out- and finance raged over this situ- neansoff action and why means off county commis- Trescue se sioners have facilities" allowed this situa- hate to seeI tion to exist is idea beyond us.dea of an Property owners means of need to take a nice these s long look at the photograph that is included with a story in this week's issue displaying the new lodging for the fire department. Then take a look at your property tax bill because you're paying a yearly fire protection assessment for this. The housing certainly doesn't seem to miesh with the county's description of the assessment.. Here's the information that the county posts: "The Board of County Commissioners levies an annual assessment for the purpose of fund- With the holiday season upon us, more than 170 people a day in the Florida Department of Children and Families District 13 (Citrus. Hernando. Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties) are seeking financial assis- tance and food stamps for their fam i I ies Recent DCF Tereisnorea. data also shows There i o ea 68 percent of should go hunm those applica- season, especial tions are now being received now jUst a mo via our Access Florida website at www.myflori- da.com/accessflorida. The ability to apply via the web was only made available by DCF a few Months ago, so why has the web appli- cation become so popular? Bill SD'Aiuto the Access Florida manager District 13 says. "Nearly everyone now, has access to a7 computer, whether it is at home, a library, a DCF Service center. or at one of our ing fire rescue services benefiting improved property located within all areas of Sumter County. The special assessment piggybacks on the annual property tax bill. This method (1) saves money by reducing the administrative costs ofthe program, (2) results in a stable revenue source to fund fire rescue j : 'i services, and (3) is more : fair to property owners who pay on time as well Sas those who may be delinquent in their pay- oB ments. HMAN "The fire rescue servic- es assessment program will provide a cost-effec- tive and financially stable means of funding fire rescue services and facilities for years to come, stabili- tyin insurance rates, protection of public safety, enhancement of property value and cost-effective better service to ally stable property and its unding fire occupants." nIe f this is a "cost- -ices and effective and, finan- then we'd cially stable means the county's of funding fire res- ineffecve cue services and ineffective facilities" then, providing we'd hate to see services. the county's idea of an ineffective means of providing these services. Determining exactly who is responsible for this travesty isn't all that simple but we do know that ultimately it is up to Fire Rescue Director Bill Gulbrandsen and the County Commission to fix it. And it must be fixed immediately. This is just prime material for the tabloid press and we'd really rather not see Sumter County fea- tured on some nation-wide talk show explaining why its firefight- ers work out of a shed. Community Partner sites. Our poten- tial clients have found that by taking advantage of that technology and the convenience it provides, we can approve them for services more quickly and easily" D'Aiuto says anyone whose health or well- on why anyone being is com- o wy ayoe promised by a -ry this holiday temporary y !ly since help is financial crisis lck ay or an ongoing Ise click away. struggle to pro- vide food for their families should take advantage of the efficiency of the web application and request Access Florida services immediately. For more information, they can log onto the web address above or call 1-866- 76-ACCES (1-866-726-2237). There is no reason why anyone should go hungry this holiday season, especially since help is now just a mouse click away. A note of thanks Thanks to the county commis- sioners, lawyer, road maintenance leadership and all the crews that put together the reconstruction and update of our road. Appreciation goes to all the neighbors that helped with this effort. A special thanks to Linda and Ron Graves for their generous support. Thanks everyone, Bob Singleton Croom Sumter County delegation to meet State Rep. Hugh H. Gibson III, chairman of the Sumter County Delegation, announced the follow- ing date and infomriation concern- ing the delegation's public meet- ing/local bill hearing. The meeting will take place Wednesday, Nov. 30 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Sumter County Commission Chambers at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell. Persons wishing to address the delegation should send five copies of materials related to the topic to 916 Avenida Central, The Villages, Florida 32159 or they may contact representative Hugh II. Gibson's office at 750-1671 prior to Nov. 18.. Sumter County delegation Thank you note A sincere thank you to Mrs. Patsy Morgan and the entire facul- ty and staff of Bushnell elemen- tary School. Your expressions and acts of kindness, generosity thoughtful- ness and prayers were over- whelming and %will never be for- gotten. In all of my years in the work force, I've'never been surrounded with a team of colleagues who are so steadfast in displaying love and compassion towards others. I am so grateful and honored just to know each one of you. I appreciate your genuine concern about my well being, wanting to and assisting me in yoUr own spe- cial ways. My desire is that each of you and your families have a very happy Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas and a blessed and happy New Year! I hope to see you in January 2006. May god bless you. Mary D. Simmons Praise for Thompson I see by your paper that Mrs. Anne Thompson of Center Hill made a great donation of $500,000 to the Lake-Sumter Coinmmunity College. I feel like she is a eat citizen in Central Florida and deserves many accolades for her interests in help- ing our youth in this day of uncer- tain times and troubles, for our' young people but also a lot of pres- sures on all of our people. Back in the late '30s and early '40s, I had the pleasure of working for her now deceased husband. H. Guy Thompson, and his father, in the cattle handling business. I found them to be the salt of the earth; their word was better than any notarized contract today. To top it off guy had a sister: Bern iece, and his mother, who were the finest cooks in the country I can tell you that for a 14 15-year-old kid like me thatwas like finding gold at the end of the rainbow. I was a day rider back then and always appreciated being called to help them. On, another note, guy and Anne always donated to our Sumter County Fair, not only financially. but they put in untold hours oftime and labor seeing that the fair went offwithout a hitch (Guy was a direc- tor on the fair board for ages). During the start of World War II, Uncle Brant (as w'e called him) pur- chased many thousands of dollars worth ofwar bonds during the early stages of the war bond drive and guy served in the war. Sorry to go on about the Thompson family so much but I think they should be well recognized for their place in Sumter and Lake County history. William Clay Wing Wildwood Decision time forA Medicare benefiVOCATE Decision tie, for Medicare beneficiaries S kindly save the next three : columns, so we can accom- L .plish what We need to. I shall attempt to collate the Medicare plan with the insurance plans that you may or not be con- '* sidering. You will find these columns helpful ,' in makingyour decision. A quick recap: I have ,3 written 12.000 to 15,000 words on this new law. far more than any other columnist. I have given my best to attempt to Di translate a most confus- D ing program. The next, Roi two columns will not concern those people who qualify for a full or partial subsidy. They will not concern those folks who have had and will continue with a former group plan, no matter the entity, that is providing continued Medicare Credible Coverage, as their pre- scription drug plan. These future columns will be written for those 20 million or so Medicare beneficiaries who need to make a very important and informed decision. And, at this point, time is still on your side. However, read this series any- way: You will learn something! I have been averaging three, speaking engagements per week; I read (or scan) some 60 to 100 news- papers per week I have answered more than 1,000 individuals on a one-to-one basis, questions received by e-mail, the post office and telephone. We have solved a great number of problems, less- ened a great deal of stress, and made many new friends. And, of course readers' questions and problems have been sat- isfied at no cost. No, I am not patting myself on the. back., Perhaps it has been a bit more public service in 2005 than I anticipat- 'ed, but it is my feeling of obligation, to both you N and the newspapers that I write for. HAN And the overwhelm- ing conclusion is: Folks are still confused. This is based on what I read and my personal experience. In fact, put- ting aside the new law, I am find- ing that people are still baffled by the entire Medicare program. We have battled our way through a language of government bureaucracy, and we now face the language of the insurance indus- try. I do not believe that either of these languages, foreign to most of us folks, were written purposely to confuse you, or that either the entity that created the law or the insurance industry marketing the plan had any deceit or misrepre- sentation in mind with the wordage of the presentation. The language is the only one that these respective groups are familiar with. Indeed, it could have been far smoother and understandable, but it is not, and we mustdeal with it. After all, no one group wants you to join this plan more than the government and the insurance industry that is involved. I shall not repeat any of this info in the next two columns, However, you may always con- tact me with your problems, sug- gestions and comments, be they positive or negative. I will not respond to this singu- lar column, and I shall not waste a word i n the two editions following this one. I only ask you to put off your decision for two more weeks. You will still have some three to four weeks to join and have your policy effective Jan. 1,2006. Reassessing the continued con- fusion, and having read many of the insurance plans, your wait will be well worth it But, I needed to do this first! Keep my green tea warm, and be here the next two weeks. May you and yours have a pleasant and gratifying Thanksgiving. Despite all, we indeed have much to be thankful for, and a bountiful thanks from me to you, for being there. Dan Rohan has assisted govern- ment entities in writing health insurance programs and legisla- tion. Send questions and com- ments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mail danro- han@atlantic.net. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically, given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. -M a - - Another VOICE Internet site helps needy EL Your -VO-I.-C E c 0 r t "( S g lt I I. I h SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 5 Local businesses gather in the spirit of holiday season Businesses help local charity with support for holiday ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Last Thursday, local busi- nesses gathered at Veranda Home Furnishings in Wildwood to decorate Christmas trees. The trees are being auc- tioned off to benefit Sumter County Habitat for Humanity. Veranda Home Furnishings purchased 9 trees for the auc- tion and were joined for the decorating by representatives of Citizens First Bank, Micki Blackburn Realty, Great Lakes Carpet and Tile, the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce, Connie Duff Wise- State Farm Insurance, Stokes Accounting, Cindy Chevrolet and Omni Financial Services. Each tree is themed, like Micki Blackburn's "A Taste of Sumter County" which, in addition to decorations also has envelopes containing gift certificates to 12 different Sumter County restaurants and the Cindy Chevrolet tree is decorated with Chevrolet model symbols and Matchbox- sized cars. Those interested in seeing or bidding on the trees are welcome to peruse them at Veranda Home Furnishings 850 S. Main Street, Wildwood between November 18 and December 1 when the top five bidders will be invited to a Wine and Cheese Gala. The tree idea was the brain- child of Veranda's Chief Operating Officer Ann Hughes who realized that many local charities have suffered from depleted resources in the wake of five devastating hurri- canes in the past year. Lynnette Southard and her mother, Jan Summers work on the patriotic themed tree for Omni Financial Services - Grace Nur orS Everyone's offended sometimes s it in the water? The food? "in Jesus' name" at the conclu- An airborne virus that has sion of his prayer at President turned us into a bunch of Bush's second inauguration. whiny, easily-offend- The complaints, ed babies? however, came from Recently, a com- the religious right. munity theater group They were upset somewhere wanted because he, like to perform the play Palau, had said, "Snow White and the "Respecting persons Seven Dwarves," but of all faiths, I humbly some thought the submit this prayer in title might be offen- the name of Jesus sive, so they changed 7 Christ Amen." it to "Snow White The offended were and the Keepers of offended because, as the Forest." NANCY Evans wrote, Last year, Illinois KENNEDY Caldwell's prayer state government aENNEL acknowledged other workers were forbid- religious beliefs "as den from saying "Merry if they had the same standing as Christmas" while at work, and a Christianity." New Jersey school banned even Evans, an ordained Baptist the instrumental versions of tra- minister, added, "Of course, ditional Christmas carols. under our Constitution, they We're all so offended and do." no one is more offended (and I bet that made his Christian offensive about it) than religious readers go nuts. people, of all persuasions. He went on to say that the rit- Ten or so years ago, the big ual use of "in Jesus' name" is uproar around here was about often misunderstood by those the county schools' use of two who hear it as well as by some puppets, Pumsy and Duso. who use it That's because it has Christians especially were nothing to do with the words upset, claiming these puppets used or the form the prayer taught some sort of New Age should take, but its content religion. It divided the commu- Jesus told his followers, "You nity for months. may ask me for anything in my Recently, I read about a name, and I will do it" (John Washington National Cathedral 14:14), which sounds like a prayer service for Hurricane magic formula for getting stuff Katrina victims. Evangelist Luis we want. Palau had told the Agape Press Not quite, say biblical schol- that the invited clergy were ars who point out that "in the "trembling" over what they name of" means "in the spirit would be allowed to say. of" or "in the manner of," and Organizers of the service had that praying in someone's name required Palau and his col- means to pray the kinds of leagues to submit their prayers things that person would pray. and preaching in advance for If that's true, then Christians "approval," and Christian clergy can pray "in Jesus' name" with- were instructed not to pray "in out even using that phrase. On Jesus' name." the flip side, tacking an "in Palau told the Agape Press, Jesus' name" on the end of my I'm praying to God, not to (those prayer doesn't mean the prayer in attendance)" and that he had honors his name. ignored some of the "edits." My pastor once suggested that At, the prayer service he said, we try starting our prayers "in "With due respect to people of Jesus' name" instead of waiting other faiths, this I pray in the until the end to say it. It would name of Jesus." certainly change how we pray, Later Palau commented, "Are he said. we all babies? If I hear a Muslim In Jesus' name, please let me pray in- the name of Allah, I win thie lottery. In Jesus' name, I won't m6lt;", .... .. '. 'wanttowrite a best-selling book. Earlier this year, religion In Jesus' name, I'd like to vaca- columnist James Evans from tion in Vermont and be able to The Decatur Daily in Alabama \~Tote about the uproar over the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell's use of Please see GRACE, Page 6 MVAGN~LIFICENTI DzfACHROrIIujr HOMLVE .2eceoM&r /0.e.y13e S.4h/, Connie Mahan, left, and Julia Schulp, right, prepare to decorate the Micki Blackburn tree last Thursday at Veranda Home 'Furnishings. The Waggoners Trucking-Established 1951 Now Recruiting drivers for our SE Auto Transport Division. Drivers must have a valid Class A CDL, 1 year and 100K verifiable OTR miles. Stable work history and clean MVR is a must. Great Pay, Great Benefits, Matching 401K. Contact Susan or John at (866) 413-3074 EOE Twirn Oaks -ndscape, "ock & Mttlch * Mulch Horse Bedding * Landscape Rock All Types * Lawn Ornaments Delivery Available Office/Fax 352-568-1464 Donnie & Shawn Toole Hwy 801, Sumterville, FL SoI GET ON THE MOVE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON... WE CAN GET YOU THERE! 568-MIOVE PORKY SEZ: Give us a call to make your reservations for the holidays. Serving is always a priority for Sumter Transit. Since the holidays are a busy time for everyone, call today! Reservations must be set up before 2:00 PM the day before you want to travel. /^ CALI SI " 568-MOVE Al HAPPY THANKSGIVING .COUNTY' 568-MOVE SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Sumter County Transit Will Be Closed On November 24, 2005 November 25, 2005 December 22-23, 2005 January 2, 2006 PAc., 6, SUIMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 1-- nch CAl.ENDAR OB Advent season at Bushnell Methodist Bushnell First United Methodist Church, 221 W Noble Ave., will bring in the Advent season during their Sunday morning service on Nov. 27 dur- ing the 10:45 a.m. worship serv- ice with their traditional "Hanging of the Greens." Pastor Larry Armbrust sees this service as one of the highlights of the church year. Responsive read- ings, congregational singing, special Advent, readings and music all ore coordinated around the decorating of the sanctuary in preparation for Advent At the conclusion, each individual attending the service will have an opportunity to hang a Chrismon (special Christmas ornament) on the Chrismon tree in the sanctuary. The public is cordially invited to attend this service. For more information about the "Hanging of the Greens" or for directions to the church, call 793-3221. Ring will be guest speaker David Ring will be the guest speaker at First Baptist Bushnell at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 4. Ring was born with cerebral palsy in Jonesboro, Ark. After being orphaned at an early age, he was cast about from "pillar to post." Life seemed worse than hopeless to him until his relationship began with Jesus Christ. He has been featured on numerous occasions on "The Old Time Gospel Hour" with Rev. Jerry Falwell. For more information call 793-4612. Drive-Thru Nativity set The First Baptist Church of Bushnell will have its "Drive- Thru Living Nativity" on Dec. 17 and Dec. from 6:30 to 9 p.m. both nights. It is the story of Jesus Christ from birth to res- urrection and is free for everyone to enjoy. Cornerstone Baptist Church Cornerstone Community Baptist Church has wide open doors, just waiting for you to come in! Our pastor'is doing a series of sermons on "Upside Down Living." We have laughed and learned a lot during these ser- mons and there are more to come in this series. We would love to have you come and visit us this Sunday. We have a fellowship time from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Our Service time is from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We also offer small groups that meet on: Sunday nights 6:30 to 7:30 p.m, and on Wednesday afternoons from noon until 1 p.m. Wednesday evenings, there are youth groups, children's groups and prayer meetings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. We are meeting at the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the corner of Florida and Seminole, at the blinking light. For further information, please call 352-603-1373 or 352- 793-8928. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have or give you directions to the church. As they say in the south, "Ya'll come!" Our clothing is casual and our folks are friendly Hope to see you on Sunday! Friday night fish fry It's time to eat and the lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church may be just the place to do it. Hungry for fish? How 'bout a Friday night fish fry? The United Methodist Men are igniting their season again, with monthly fish dinners. They're slated for the first Friday of each month and should continue through April. Dinner starts at 4 p.m. and includes fried or baked fish and Engagement announced all the fixin's, as well as dessert and drink. $6 per person or $20 per family Every Wednesday night, the entire family can come for din- ner at 5 p.m. Dinner is $6 per person or $20 per family and you are asked to make reservations for the Wednesday dinner. Anyone interested in a 30- minute mid-week service is invited to join the group for a worship service that lasts from 6 to 6:30 p.m. The church is located at 589 C.R. 470. For reservations or more information, call the church at 793-3438. Sunday Connection groups planned You're invited to two new Sunday Connection small groups that are forming. One is Young Marrieds for ages 18 29 and the other is Men and Women for ages 50-60. The classes will be held at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood, 402 Oxford Street. The group will work to discov- er and apply Bible truths to everyday life; take part in regu- lar outings, parties and home get-togethers; care, support and pray for one another; reach out to others and get connected to other church ministries and activities. The groups will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. on the second floor of the Church Education Building. For additional information please call 748-1822. Planning holiday meal A Thanksgiving Day dinner will be served beginning at 1 a.m. until 1 p.m., as long as the meals last. There is no cost for the dinner. It is our gift to those who would otherwise eat Thanksgiving din- ner alone and to those who, for whatever reason, are unable to prepare a special dinner on this national day of Thanksgiving. The dinner will be served at Coleman First Assembly of God, 505 Mulberry, in Coleman. For more information you may call 748-3456 or 793-8405. GRACE continued from Page 5 eat cake every day without get- ting fat In Jesus' name, I want to love others more than I love myself. In Jesus' name, I want to live my faith in such a way that others see Jesus in me. In Jesus' name, I want to be more merciful and full of grace. less offended and offensive, more like the One in %\hose name 1 pra.y In Jesus' name, I pray that we stop whining and complaining - and let fictional dwarves be dwarves. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Oeer, Victoria I Know\ the Real Secret." "When Perfect Isn't Enough," and her. latest books, "'Between Tw'o Loves" and "Praying With Wonen of the Bible." She can be reached at 1-352-564-2927. Monday through Thursday, or via e-mail at nkennedy@sct- news.com. .f.V "Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice --- , The engagement of Kelli Nicole Fuqua and Clinton Glenn Hart has been announced.The couple was engaged on Sept. 11,2005 in San Diego, Calif.The future bride is the daughter of Larry and Mary Fuqua of Ocala. She is a graduate of the university of Florida and Webster University, earning a master's degree in mental health. She is the owner of the lime cabinet, a gift shop in downtown Ocala. The future bridegroom is the son of Clinton and Kathy Neal of Webster. He is a graduate of Central Florida Community College, earning a barber's license. He is employed by the NFL as a safety for the San Diego Chargers. The wedding date is set for June 24, 2006. To place a church ad call 793-2161 iurcell Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated 793-4531 S he'i1 ALL NEW PAY PACKAGE: $1500 SIGN ON BONUS Class A CDL Company Drivers & Increased 0/0 PKG Call Val 1-800-973-9161 www.heyl.net; HEYL TRUCK LINES, INC ( BUSHNELL > All Are Welcome At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday Worship 8:00 AM. 10:30 AM. & 6:00 P.M. Sunday School 9:30 A.M. S i Wed. Discipleship Night 7:00 P.M. 1451 West C.R. 476, Bushnell 793-2240) r BUSHNELL > St. Francis Episcopal Church 313 N. Grace Street (At US 301) P.O. Box 566, (352) 793-3187 Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Sunday , Sunday School 10 a.m. K AA meets Thursdays at 8 p.m. " r BUSHNELL First United Methodist Church OFFERING OUR COMMUNITY Faith, Hope & Love SUNDAY SCHOOL9:30A.M. WORSHIP 10:45 AM. Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. 4 Cub Scouts Tues. 6:30 p.m. Daisy Troop, Thurs. 6:30 p.m. | SAl-Anon, Fri. 8:00 p.m. S.H.A.R.E. 4th Sat., 10:00 a.m. 793.3221 K221 W. Noble Ave. Rev. LarryArmbrutPador BUSHNELL " First Church of God Affiliation: Anderson, IN 793-3455 S105 E. Central Ave.- P.O. Box 1128, Bushnell, FL 33513 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. y Randall Belcher, Pastor 793-3534 ) r BUSHNELL " II,,lirjiil Cli. n OF CMIIT 310 W, Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m. w Evening Worship 6 p.m. y Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. BUSHNELL Sun. Fellowship 9:30-10 a.m. Sun. Worship 10-11:15 a.m. Sun, Evening Study,,. 7.....? .7 r .........6:30 7:30 p.m. Wed. Teens & Children........................6:30 7:30 p.m. Wed Noon Bible Study' i ,F', lI' 1p.m. Wed. Evening Bible Study ',c co, ,6 30 730 p.m. Meeting Place- Seventh Day Adventi'st Church Comer of Florida Ave. Seminole Ave., at blinking light A Church On The Move Pastor Ron Thomas 569-0184 or603-1373 \K Cornerstone Cares r BUSHNELL > Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, Bushnell Sunday School..................9:45 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship.....6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service..7:00 P.M. 793-5083 Pastor Mike King J r BUSHNELL ^ St. Lawrence Catholic Church 320 East Dade Avenue Pastor Fr. Pedro Zapata Office: 793-7788 Mass Schedule , Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 9:00am Sunday 11:45am (Spanish) Tuesday, Thursday, and Every 1" Friday 8:30am y Life Long Catechesis 10:15am 2 r BUSHNELL 125W.AndersonAve. 793-4612 "Sharing the Good News of lUe Through Faith In Christ" *Sunday Bible Study ..... ........ 9:;15 AM, *Sunday Worship......... ........,10:30 A.M. s .and 6:00 P.M. S Wednesday Bible Study ...............7:00 P.M., BUSHNELL ) BUSHNELL SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Comer of Seminole & Florida Ave. Worship Hours 9:30 A.M. Sabbath School 10:45 A.M. Sat. Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 | `k1 All Welcome - r BUSHNELL " A"" wv Hid &apiit- Ckarch 7819 CR. 633, BceWAe We* 476 bcan.476& S7S Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Evening Worship 7:00 pm S i.ednesday Prayer Service................7:00 pm2 K BUSHNELL - THE BUSHNELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA 323 N. BROAD (Comer ofW. Dade & N. Broad) Church School: 9:15 am Public Worship: 10:30 A.M. MONDAY: AA Group Meeting 8:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 10:00 A.M. j K 352-793-4202 LADY LAKE Hope Lutheran Church 250 Avenida Los Angelos (comer of C.R. 466 & Morse Blvd.) The Villages Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For more information, call 352-750-2321 or our yWeb Site: www.hopelutheraninthevillages.org. 2 LAKE PANASOFFKEE' . LAKE PANASOFFKEE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 589 CR 470,1 mile W of 1-75 Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 AM Hospitality Time at: 10:45 AM Sunday School Gathering: 11 00AM 9 Sunday School at 11:15AM S www.gbgm-umc.org/lakepana-umc 2 r LAKE PANASOFFKEE ^ First Baptist Church of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School...............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening.............6:00 p.m. g Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting....7 p.m. y_ .Pastor Jon King r LAKE PANASOFFKEE > S aths of Grace Ministries ,U Church of God Pastors: Fred & Patti Hooten Pastoral/ Morning Worship- 10:30 Christian Sunday Evenlng---- 6:00 Scrcices Wednesday Night-----7:00 Available 793-1600 IEveryone ,101 CR 527 Lake Panasoffkee S I FSRUIRG GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Pastor Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. Church located 1 mile West of 27 on 44. ,Le offof44 on South Lone Oak for 1 block (Leesburg) 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2 r SUMTERVILLE Sumterville United Methodist Church "OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER" a 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 Invites you to attendSunday worship service 9:30 a.m. Pastor CharlesTomberlin y_ All children are Invited. . r WAHOO (Discover the Difference!) nlyRsady 4.3 Miles West of -75 on Hwy 48 Senior Pastor : Bii ny Sunda . aclitIi .'j a, d i"0 M Wednesday Evening- New Community Cafe 6:00 P.M. New Community Worship/Student Activities....7:00 P.M. Associate Pastor Matt Blackmon ww.wahoochurch.org 352 793-6015J r WEBSTER > First Baptist Church of Webster 1/4 mile east of 471 on SE 1st Ave. Sunday School 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00AM Evening Service 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM S Webster United Methodist Church l Invites You To Attend Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. 173 S.E. 3rd St., Webster, FL 33597 (352) 793-3734 yi A praying church 2 / WILDWOOD ' _ Wildwood United Methodist 300 Mason Street SSunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:00 am, 9:30 am & 11:30 am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service Nursery Provided 748-1275 49j r WILDWOOD 20 P n7481822.1 i) Snn ,I S4a i S- i I U |N SO rhp....... .-.W30 AM. &:00 6MN, 0 \ordneda. .Fn-a J MTetin .....a& 15 PM e kSnda Evrolngusery PMPo e WILDWOOD FI SUNSET PARK A-\ CHURCH OF GOD 202 Pine Street 748-1318 Pastor: Carl J. Hart Sunday School 9:30AM Wed. Night Fllo bhip....O6:00PM Monmg Worship ,.10:30AM Wd. Bible Study--.7:00 PM SmdayEvening..., 6:PM Wd. NightYout..... 7:0PM 5 WELCOME ALL!!!!!! j r WILDWOOD SWildwood United Methodist S300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service R Nursery Provided K 748-1275 2 K WILDWOOD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD SWorship 10:30 a.m. 203 Barwick St., Wildwood, FL 34785 K (352) 748-2530 44, r WILDWOOD > X-AILIM CUM- Serving Lake & Stanter Counties f6r over 80 years FUN 1-800-501-4343 IJIIIIIIII 1:111ICr.11 I Eloise C. Burgess, 90, homemaker Eloise Clara Burgess, 90, of Sumterville, died Friday, Nov. 18,2005, in Sumterville. A native or Ironton, Ohio, she moved to here in 1986 from Ohio. She was a homemaker Ms. Burgess was a member of the First Baptist Church of Sumterville. Survivors include a son, James R. (Carleen) Burgess of Sumterville; a daughter, Roseann (Richard) England of Carlisle, Ohio; seven grandchil- dren, 15 great-grandchildren and one great great grandson. Services will be held out of state at Anderson Funeral Home, Franklin, Ohio. Purcell Funeral Home provided information. Allie Gentry, 88, homemaker Allie Gentry, 88, of Bushnell, died Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, in Dade City. A native of Alabama, she was a Sumter County resi- dent for over 70 years. Ms. Gentry was a homemaker. She was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Joann (Joe) Harrin of Bushnell; brother, Carlos Edward Reese of Cottonwood, Ala.; sisters, Betty Price of Graceville and Edna Nagles of Kissimmee; seven grandchildren, 19 great grand- children, 17 great great grand- children. Services were held oil Nov. 22, 2005 at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel. Bushnell. Pastor Randy Harris officiated. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell funeral Home handled arrange- ments. Clifford Rose, 82, welder/engineer Clifford Rose, 82. of Bushnell, died Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 in Tampa. He was born in Irvine, Ky. and lived in Bushnell since 1998, moving here from Gulfport He was a welder/engi- neer supervisor for General Motors. He was a Baptist. Mr. Rose served in the U.S. Army/Airforce. Survivors include daughters, Sheila Love of Webster, and Linday Van Scoyoc of Clearwater; brothers, Nolan Rose, Louie Rose, and Herschel Rose all of Ohio; a sis- ter, Floie Hathway; two grand- children; and two great-grand- children. He was preceded in death by one grandchild. Services were held Nov. 21, 2005 at Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell. Military honors were rendered by Marine Corps League #708. Place of interment is Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell provided infor- mation. Stanley W. Ruby, 63, foreman Stanley Warren Ruby, 63, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Thursday, Nov. 10, 2005 in Inverness. A native of Bedford, Pa., Mr. Ruby was a foreman in the construction field. Survivors include his wife, Rose; sons, Danny E. Ruby and Samuel J. Ruby, both of Lake Panasoffkee; daughters, Tammy L. Fudge and Tonya L. Merritt, both of Lake Panasoffkee; five grandchil- dren. Services were held on Monday. No.: 14, 2005, at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home provided information. Carl Smith, 86, bookstore owner Carl F. Smith, 86, of Hernando Beach. died Nov. 11, 2005 at Evergreen Woods Health and Rehab Center, Spring Hill. Carl was born Nov. 30, 1918 in Parkersburg, WVa. He moved to Webster 10 years ago and Hernando Beach five years ago. He was the son of the late Benjamin Franklin and Latha A. Wigal Smith. Mr. Smith was bookstore owner in Cadillac, Mich. He was a member of the Elks for 38 years. Surviving are his wife, Ruth; two step chil- dren, Butch Gentry of Hernando Beach, and Kathy Elliott, Webster; five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by four brothers, James E. Smith, Robert F Smith, Lawrence W Smith, William H. Smith; and one sister, Mandell F Gray. Burial will be at Mt. Olive Cemetery, Parkersburg, WVa. The family requests donations be made to the charity of your choice. Evie L. Treadwell, 89, farmer Evie L. Treadwell, 89, of Dade City, died Saturday, Nov. 19, 2005, in Dade city. Born in Bonifay, she was a farmer. Ms. Treadwell was a member of the First Baptist Church, Linden. Survivors include a son, Jake Treadwell of Tarrytown; daugh- ter, Ernell T bass of Dade Cit:; brothers, Doc Thompson and Doferice Thompson, five sisters. Lovie Bryan, Olive Trant, Arie Lee Neal, Lavell Miller and., Dorothy McWhirter, three" grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. Services %were held Wednesday, Nov. 23,2005 at First Baptist Church of Linden. Pastor Eric Anderson officiated. Intermient in Linden Cemetery. Linden. Purcell Funeral Home provided information SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 7 .'x- - Newsletter for Sumter County Chamber of Commerce -'hY SH I ~~~~~'MuJmL~ R *H^"'H|B Tourist Development Tax helping to promote Sumter County Ribbon Cutting at Micki Blackburn's new office location in Wildwood. Micki Blackburn Realty Survives Storm and Celebrates Veterans Micki Blackburn Realty in Wildwood played host to com- .iunity leaders, Chamber members and veterans Saturday October 29, 2005. To help celebrate the Grand Opening of their WildwNood office, Micki Blackburn pro- vided a dazzling array of bar- December 1 Diabetes 101 Basic Diabetes Education., Spoil so, ,J by' .,1J aiLd \ llk, al Instructor: Kluhi .,..'ic R,\. BS,\. CDE. 2 .i--i4 0 -i,,. The Villags Regi'inal Ho-p al, 1501 North' Highway 441, East Campis-9I.h 0 Biil/dig- Classroom 1, Thl I ii/ae' ScL,:. Fo.i, ClIass .:o'i Act, SS ii l high/li\ filn iel Sharon Morse Building. To register, or for more information .:all (.'66- 7 j16-9.Si4 December 1,8,15, 22, 29 "Sumter on the Move" Walking Club Kenny Dixon Sports Complex, Bus -ai'11. Baseline . blood pressure, weight, and BMI taken. Walking logs maintained. Sumter County Residents Only Adults and their children. December 6 What Women Put Up With Workshop for Women 301 Are You Fit To Be Tied? All Stressed Up & No Place to Go Linda Ball, RN, BSN, CCRN Clinical Instructor, LRMC/TVRH Staff Development Tips for Keeping Fit & Staying T.,d/thi - le and other delectable fered an unex ces. A large tree fe e 2005 event marks the as a result ol nd time Micki has extend- during hurric, ter arm to veterans and Through the unity leaders. But this Blackburn an it almost didn't happen. ity was clear( Monday, October 24 this wonderft i's Wildwood office suf- truly amazing nity come t( recognize th veterans. Come an .. Blackburn's office at 112( H>cati,, iiihman, BSH Exercise Specialist, LRIIC II'.h7ews C&toi 10:00-12:00 noon. Leesburg Regional Medical Center, 301Oak Terrace Drive, 301 Building Auditorium, Room 112, Leesburg. To register call (352) 323-5537. For more information on the programs, call Shelly Scarbrough, 323-5527. 11 hat fWomen Put Up llth II orAshop jor Women 301 Vascular Heath in Women Speaker: Dr Marvin Mengel, MD, Endocrinology 2:00-4:00 pm. Osteoporosis & You... Speaker. : Chris Curry, ARNP Florida Musculoskeletal Institute. Leesburg Regional Medical Center, 301Oak Terrace Drive, 301 Building Auditorium, Room 112, Leesburg. To register call (352) 323-5537.' For more i'dl aii iioti o. hli pi"h r 1 aI5I, call Sh/il S.aibriiighi, 3.3-552:. December 7,14,21,28 Family Caregiver Support Program Calendar: Family Caregiver Support Program has part- nered with Mr Van Patterson's support group that meets every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. Pleas' call i/ic FCSP for further information at 1-800-71."-32-- pected setback 11 on the facility f gusting winds ane Wilma. efforts of Micki i staff, the facil- d in time to host al event. It is to see a commu- ogether to help .e efforts of its d visit Micki new Wildwood 62 US Hwy 301. ' The Tourist Development Commission along with the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce has begun distributing grant money to help promote Sumter County. In an effort to increase revenues for local businesses, Sumter Board of County Commissioners implemented a 2% bed tax on overnight stays in Sumter County The fund collected from the bed tax is intended to promote tourist related activities in Sumter County To date the TDC has approved four grants and begun work on one special project Tourist funds were used to help promote Bushnell's Fall Festival statewide. The event attracted thousands to Sumter County, enabling them to see what Sumter has to offer. On Monday November 14, 2005 the TDC 4 voted to approve the disbursement of funds to Dade Battlefield to help promote their reenactment of the Seminole War. This event draws thousands to Bushnell from across the globe. Visitors can relive the conditions of this historic event by spending the night in recreated tents and witnessing the reenactment of the battle. Additionally the TDC approved the Chamber to place two high profile adver- tisements in nationally distributed magazines. The hope is to prompt readers to inquire about After a year of dramatic changes, Sumter County Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to its next phase of development At the November 10, 2005 Networking Luncheon a Chamber Committee announced its recommenda- tion for the incoming Board of Directors. December 8 Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Meeting, 11:30 a.m. Meeting is being held at Lake -Sumter Community College Sumterville campus 1405 CR 526A Sumterville. Please RSVP by the 2nd of December, 352-793-3099 December 10 The City of Wildwood will have their Christmas Parade. The parade will be Saturday, at 10:00 am. Santa will be at the parade and at the Wildwood Fire Station after the parade for pictures and to hand out candy t. rFiie kids For more information please con- tact 330-1355. December 15 The Economic Development Council Monthly Luncheon, 225 S. 301 (SECO Building) Sumterville. Please RSVP by October 9th. 352- 793-3003. Diabetes 102 Advanced Diabetes Education, 'Sponsored by Advanced Medical. Instructor: Kathy Moore, RN, BSN, CDE. 2:00-4:00 pm. The Villages Regional Hospital, -1501 North Highway 441, East Campus-1800 Building- events in Sumter County. After a lengthy structuring process the Tourist Development Tax is working hard to put these tax dollars to work Nonprofit organizations in Sumter County who hold a vested interested in tourism are eli- ,i gible to apply. Please contact the Chamber of ' Commerce for additional information. None of the current seated members will be replaced from the board. Board posi- tions are placed on three-year terms. Members can serve two consecutive terms before they must relinquish their seat. This year seats 11-15 would have been vacated, but no board member had yet served two consecutive terms. Classroom 1, The Villages. Second Floor Classrooms Across the highway from the Sharon Morse Building. To register, or for more information call (866) 716-9804. December 17 The City of Webster will have their Annual Lighted Christmas Parade at 6:00 pm. After. the parade, Santa will talk to all the children and there will be entertainment and refresh- ments for all. For more information please contact the Webster Police Department, 793- 2072. December 23 & 26 The Sumter County Chamber of Commerce and The Economic Development Council will be closed for the Christmas Holiday. December 24 Santa Claus will be jumping into FreeFlight Airport in Coleman. Santa will have toys for boys and girls. Come join the fun, Saturday December 24 at noon. December 30 The Sumter County Economic Development Council office will be closed December 30th in observance of New Years Eve The most visible change to the Board will be the make up : of the Executive Committee. * Barbara Shaw will step down. as President of the Chamber to make way for Connie,. Mahan of Micki Blackburn Realty. Diana Couillard will' step down as Vice President: allowing Marilyn Connell to take office. Elaine Chin-Shue will no longer serve as; Secretary leaving room for' Julie Pacheco to move into: this vacancy. Robert Van, Hooijdonk of SunTrust will' retain his seat as Treasurer. Congratulations to the incoming Executive Committee. The new slate of' officers will formally be installed .at the January Annual Meeting. 568.TEMP (836 NOW FEATURES WEATHER FORECAST Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Committee Nominates incoming Board of Directors lendarou Events Sumter County Chamber of Commerce SUMTERCONTo CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone: (352) 793-3099 fax: (352) 793-2120 225 South US 301 (old SECO Building) P.O. Box 100, Sumterville, FL 33585 www.unexpectedflorida.com www.gosumter.com All PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 SUMTERBIZ CONNECTION Mobile Workforce Services Helping Hurricane Katrina .WCF's WORKFORCE MOBILE EXPRESSz just returned from a month and a half of serv- ?I V ,ice in Waveland, Mississippi to aid Hurricane ...... 7Katrina victims. The mobile unit is a state of 0,the art 37-foot computer resource room and ONE-STOP CAREER CENTER on wheels with many uses. In Mississippi, a dozen WCF staff volunteered in September and October by pro- viding Disaster Unemployment Assistance, Food Stamp Assistance, and general employ- ment search assistance:, The WORKFORCE MOBILE EXPRESS was back in Central Florida for a verN short stay, when it was called to disaster assistance duty again. This time the unit. along with W'CF staff are in South Florida providing similar assis- tance to Hurricane Wilma victims. WCF's WORKFORCE MOBILE EXPRESS is equipped with 11 computer % workstations con- Workforce Central Florida Mobile unit helping out in the hurricane disaster area. nected to the internet via satellite that. will & Wilma Victims" allow job seekers to apply for unemployment and search for jobs online. Information about unemployment filing by phone and food stamps will also be available.- The mobile unit is also fully handicapped-, accessible with a wheelchair lift and ADA soft-, ware. "In light of recent events, WCF is proud to- offer our resources and support to regions in- need. It's our responsibility, as a regional part-' ner, to ensure that areas like Mississippi and, South Florida have the assistance they need in- their community," states Gary Earl, President &- CEO of WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA. " WCF partnered with the Seminole County Sheriffs Office to fill the mobile unit with sup- plies of water, food, diapers, clothes and stuffed- animals for Hurricane Katrina victims and. helped to distribute those in both Panama City and Waveland Mississippi as well. ASK S.C.O.R.E The following are suggested techniques to minimize business failure: 1. Set aside a cash reserve fund for future needs or a disaster. 2. Keep your CPA, or Bookkeeper and Banker in the loop of what is happening. 3. File payroll and other taxes on time, even if you cannot pay them as due. 4. Do not ignore your creditors, or taxes, make arrangements to pay. 5. Watch your cash flow. If it is down adjust your purchases, personnel, invento- ry, and other spending. 6. CHECK YOUR BUSINESS PLAN FREQUENTLY. Are you doing as planned? If not why? 7. Don't get locked into commitments that may affect your profits, remember your objective is to be profitable. 8. Be prepared to cut or eliminate perks. 9. Be prepared to sell assets, personal or business. 10. There are three sources of money: you earn it, you borrow it or from your own pocket. 11. Take advice from those who are fellow business owners and may have had simi- lar experience's. 12. ASK S.C.O.R.E. Their counselors have experience in most every area of business expertise. Call 352-589-2250 EXT. 149 for an appointment. ABOVE ALL ENJOY WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND BE HAPPY Gayle Teerman SCORE Counselor Lake Sumter Chapter 414 Chamber Directors and members gather for the ribbon cutting at Michele's Tropical Tanning. Michelle's Tropical Tanning Celebrates Their Grand Opening Sumter County Chamber of Commerce's newest member, Michelle's Tropical Tanning of Wildwood celebrated its Grand Opening on Wednesday, November 9. Michelle's Tropical tanning otters a comfortable environ- ment to tan. Their facility has both standing and bed format tanning. Each month Michelle offers giveaways, drawings and spe- cials tailored to meet the needs of her clients. Ifyou did not have: an opportunity to attend the grand opening stop by and see what they have to offer. You won't be disap- pointed. Michelle's Tropical Tanning is located at 326 Shopping Center Drive in Wildwood at the Wildwood Shopping Ceniter -i _ THE SALVATION ARMY WILL BE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS ASSISTANCE The Sahation Army, Sumter County Service Center will begin accepting applications from individuals and families that will need assis- tance during the Christmas holiday season. Dates for Sumter County applications are December 1st and 2nd, 2005 from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. Christmas assistance will be offered to fam- ilies and senior citizens, based on financial need. Based on availability, assistance will be given in the form of food. clothing and toys. Persons wanting to apply may come on the application days to The Salvation Army, Stumter County Service Center at 870 N. Main Street, in Bushnell. Florida. The following documentation will be required: photo ID for applicant. original Social Security cards for all persons in the household, birth certificates for all children (ages 14 years and under) in household, documentation showing monthly income (including food stamps), and docu- mentation showing monthly. expenses such as rent, utilities, etc. For more information, please call The Salvation Army Sumter County Service Center at 352.568.2284. The Salvation Army is a Participating Agency with United Way of Lake & Sumter Counties, and the Human Care Network. LET GEORGE DO IT When George Ettley and wife, Beth, first tried an air purifier in their home they were so impressed that they not only purchased more products from ECOQuest Intl., they became distributors. Suddenly they no longer suffered from congestion in the morning and George's respiratory problems were greatly alleviated. EcoQuest's products have helped many peo- ple like the Ettleys live a healthier life simply by cleaning the air inside their homes. Additionally, EcoQuest has been certified by the NASA space agency Today the Ettleys are proud to carry a line of air purifiers for the home, office and automo- bile. These air purifiers assist people who suf- fer from allergies, hay fever, asthma, and any- one seeking to improve the quality of the air they breath. EcoQuest purifiers also kill mold, mildew moisture and pollen helping to bring the outdoors, indoors. The air outside your home is cleaner then the air in you home and now you can bring that purity into your home. The Ettleys also carry water purifiers that can clean the water in your entire home or for the individual faucets in your home. They also carry product lines designed to help your skin, nutritional and household cleaning products. In the spring of 2006 the Ettleys will add Laundry Pure, a no detergent or fabric soften- er that will give you cleaner clothes, brighter colors and make fabrics softer, while killing bacteria and protecting the environment To find out more about these products please contact George or Beth Ettley at 352-793-5411, cell 352-250-1177, or Via internet at Ecoquestintl.com/george VisIT BECOME SUPPORT YOUR SUMTER COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Ofl -,With The Eagle Big enough to serve you... Small enough to know your name. At Colonial, you get the best of two worlds, the security and lending strength of an established multibillion-dollar bank group and the one-on-one local financial relationships all Floridians appreciate. Colonial, the bank that's big enough to serve you... small enough to know your name. For the location and phone number of the Colonial Bank nearest you, please visit colonialbank.com or call 877.502.2265. COLONIAL BANK. uwww.'olona/bank.om" MIember FDIC a FMANIAL TREGTH N LCAL AND OXFORD SELF STORAGE AFFORDABLE & EASY RENTAL OPTIONS \A"'i\\'\\\< Air Conditioned Units Available S* Vehicle, Boat, S^*Free Pest Control SPacking & Moving Supplies Available S- Insurance Available 11203 N. US 301 Oxford, FL 34484 35243302330 A PINNACLE Filian'ial Cnrporation ' The Peebles Team ELIEPEBE - ELAINE PEEBLES Branch Manager Member of the 2004 CEO Circle 352-394-.-534 office 352-3'9-1-1)66 tfj. S8S-570-56b26 toil-free elainep@pinnaclerinancial.com 295 E. State Road 5U. Suite #I Clermont. Florida 34711 e. l TheElainePeeblesTeam corn p o~cm*~o 1425 US Hwy 301 Sumterville (352) 793-5900 OPEN SATURDAYS 8:00 AM 2:00 PM Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Urgent Care Lab Radiology Dental Behavioral Health THANK YOU SPONSORS! SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 9 SUMTERBIZ CONNECTION r~1,w, V ,'- *-, ,'ww Access Healthcare i Celebrates their Lake Panasoffkee Facility Access Healthcare is a proud to open their newest office in Lake Panasoffkee. On Friday, November 4, Access Healthcare opened its doors to the community of Sumter County. They played host to 64 community mem- bers. Access Healthcare is open five days a week from 8:00- 5:00. They have a full lab on site. Come and visit their new offices and welcome them to Sumter County. Dr. Jude-Farley Pierre prepares to cut the ribbon at Access Healthcares open house. Lake and Sumter Counties' Business Assistance Center Welcomes New Manager THE SALVATION ARMY IS CONCERNED ABOUT HAVING ENOUGH VOLUNTEERS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON "We are thankful that folks are calling and asking about how to help during the holi- days", said Bill Stewart Service Center Administrator for The Salvation Army, Sumter County Service Center. "Right now we are concerned that we may not have enough volunteers to assist w ith the various holiday programs. 'Volunteers are still needed to help 'Ring the Bells' at the traditional Red Kettles as well as with the 'Angel Trees' and gift distribu- tion". Stewart continued. Volunteers play a key role in helping to raise funds that are used to assist people dur- ing the holidays and through- out the year. During last year's holiday season, 175 families were assisted in Sumter County and that num- ber is expected to double this year The Salvation Army ket- tles will be seen at the local Wal-Mart (Bushnell) and Winn-Dixie in Bushnell & Wildwood. Individual volun- teers and organizations often form teams to ring the bells for one or several days. "Volunteer recruitment is get- ting started late due to the recent hurricanes and we are hoping that local churches. service clubs, school groups, and individuals will see this as an excellent opportunity to provide help to our friends in need", said Stewart. Many stu- dents use this opportunity to earn community' service hours. The Angel Tree provides an opportunity to select a child or senior citizen and then pur- chase clothing and other sug- gested items for them. The Angel Trees will be located at Wal-Mart (Bushnell), Community National Bank (Bushnell and Wildwood), SunTrust Bank (BushnellI. and McDonalds (Wildwood). Any churches, offices. or busi- nesses that would like to have an Angel Tree are encouraged to call The Salvation Army. Persons and groups inter- ested in volunteering for any of the holiday programs may visit the office located at 870 N. Main Street in Bushnell, Florida or call 352.568.2284. The Salvation Army is a Participating Agency with United Way of Lake and Sumter Coutnties, and the Human Care Network. LEESBURG Gary Holstein has been selected as the man- ager of the Business Assistance Center (BAC), located on Lake-Sumter Co mmu nity College's Leesburg Campus. A knowledgeable business consultant. Holstein brings a wealth of experience to the position. He has designed, implemented and facilitated training programs tor such diverse functional groups as information technology, sales, marketing and senior level management. Equally adept with groups or individuals, from large corporations to small organizations. lie has been a senior trainer through- out the United States. Europe and the Pacific Basin. Adding to his expertise in areas such as: customer service, strategic planning, organizational design, relationship building and team development is the fact that he has himself man- aged and owned small busi- nesses. The Business Assistance Center, created through a partnership between Lake- Sumter Community College, the Lake County Board of Commissioners, the Sumter County I Industrial Development Authority and the Sumter County Board of Commissioners, provides services and resources to help new and existing businesses throughout Lake and Sumter counties. A nine-year Mount Dora resident, Holstein says he is. looking forward to managing an organization that helps people meet or exceed their goals. He invites the business community to contact him at 365-3579 or holsteig, lscc.edu. FROMENSof Wildwood Going Strong S"30 Minute Fitness & Weight lss Cente Curves of Wildwood has been in operation for four months and is continuing to grow. In the short time they have been open they are reporting 300 members and look to add more in the near future. Lots and lots of people coming together in with a com- mon goal: lose inches and fat. One Curves client has report- ed losing 15.5" since July. Curves' members are not. only losing weight but serving as contributors to the commu- nity, too. They filled the equiv- alent of 28 school bags of sup- Several New P Lake-Sumter Comr LEESBURG I Childhood Educa Computer Informin Administrator and Elect Distribution Technology new degree programs plies for local schools in July, and provided additional sup- plies for local teachers In September and October Curves provided the equiva- lent of a full shopping cart of food each to two food banks in Wildwood, as well as, con- tributing over $300 dollars to the Hurricane Katrina Fund which w\as matched by International Curves. Then in the beginning of November Curves had a team of 14 walkers for the Multiple Sclerosis Walk held in The Villages at the beautiful Polo programs Offered during mnunity College's Spring Term Early will be offered during Lake- ition, Sumter Community College's action SpringTerm. These programs trical were developed because of a 'are demand for graduates in that these careers. Each has a cur- riculum that was created through input from area pro- fessionals in these fields to assure students meet work- place standards. Make an appointment with an advisor at an LSCC campus in Leesburg, Clermont or Surnterville, to find out more about these and other two- year degrees and certificate programs. Classes start January 5, and new students will be able to register online beginning November 21; at wvwww.lscc.edu. Prior to regis- tering, new students must first complete a five-step registra- tion process: (1) apply for Grounds. They raised over $2000 from sponsors. What an awesome group. Their generosity has been wonderful. And they do all of this while getting healthier and having fun. Penny Furphy of Curves encourages anyone interested in laughing, losing fat, gaining muscle, losing inches and sharing some "me time" with a group of fantastic women to come on out and see what CURVES is about. Curves can be contacted by calling 748-2848 or just drop- ping by. admission, (2) submit high school transcripts orGED cer- tificates, (3) take placement tests, (4) complete new-stu- dent orientation and (5) meet with an advisor. It is impor- tant to start this process now. for the greatest choice of classes. days and times. Spring Schedules are avail- able online, at any LSCC cam- pus, Winn Dixie store, and city chambers and libraries. For additional information call 568-0001. H* . From the Executive Director. As the 2005 year comes to a close I want to thank each of you for your generosity to myself and the Chamber of Commerce. Without the efforts of Chamber member businesses and individual efforts we could not have seen the growth that we experi- enced -this year. This calendar year we have added 51 new mern- bers, seen record attendance at our Chamber lunch- eon and worked to increase communication within our Chamber. Sumter County Chamber of Commerce's growth is indicative of the community spirit prevalent in Sumter County. The connections and support that you have pro- vided' have added value to this community. Everyday I encounter the generosity that our mem- bership displays toward Sumter County. It is this community spirit that sets this community apart. I - want to thank each of you for making Sumter a bet- ter place., As we approach this holiday season, I want to encourage you to continue this spirit of generosity. I hope to see this excitement continue into the 2006 year. On behalf of Sumter County Chamber of Commerce I want to wish each of you a happy holi- day season. David Siantana Executive Director Davdl'vSantana: --.f Executive Director Officers President Barbara Shaw Vice President Diana Coullard Secretary Eleine Chin-Shue Treasurer Robert Van Hooijdonk Directors Alex Ogilvie HI Bill Farmer Bob Hunt Cindy Duran Connie Mahan Joe Santoro John M. John on Julie Pachecod ., SUMMER CHAMBER WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS MICAH (A program of the Christian Care Center. Inc.) Mr. Ken Scrubbs, Project Director 220 N -13th St. Leesburg, FL 34748 352-314-8733 Church Organization Michele's Tropical Tanning Ms. Michele Cordell, Owner 326 Shopping Center Drive Wildwood, FL 34785 352-748-7400- Tanning Salon SUMTER CHAMBER THANKS RENEWING MEMBERS Colonial Bank (Wildwood) Ms. Sylvie Zimmerman, Branch Manager 837 S. Main Street Wildwood, FL 34785 Banking I Finance National Property Inspections Mr. Mike Howell, Owner 1424 Almanza Dr. The Villages, FL 32159 Home Inspections Sumter Christian School Ms. Karen Lord 2210 CR 528 Sumterville. FL 33585 School Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union Ms. Jennifer Hoefler, Branch Manager 217 West Belt Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Financial Institution I Credit Union Sumter County Farmers Market Mr Terry Bellamy, Office Manager 524 N. Market Street Webster, FL 33597 Livestock Auction I Flea Market Bushnell Truss. Inc. Mr. James Connell, Owner 5240 CR 476 Bushnell, FL 33513 Construction Materials H&B Consulting Engineers. Inc. Mr. Bennie Bedenbaugh 410 B E. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 Civil Engineers I Surveyors )U Courtesy of Frank Arenas: Jason Williams of Floral City was awarded a patent for an improved rebar bending tool for con- crete and construc- Stion. Mr. Williams intends to license the invention to a con- crete tool company for manufacture and distribution. THE SUMTER ELECTION SECTION FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION OF SUPERVISORS OF ELECTIONS (FSASE) FSASE SCHOLARSHIP Alyssa Ramirez accepted one of the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections (FSASE) scholarship awards at the associa- tion's banquet on June 8, 2005. Each year, three $1,200.00 scholarships are awarded to Florida students. The other recipients iere Charity Carbo and Lucas Thompson. The scholarship program is open to students who have finished at least two years of junior college or undergraduate work and are enrolled or have been accepted into a four-year college or university in Florida. To qualify, the applicants must be majoring in one of the fol- lowing: Political Science/Public Administration. Journalism/M11ass Communications or Business Administration and have maintained at least a "C" average. Applicants must also be Florida residents and registered to vote. For more information regarding the FSASE Scholarship, please con- tact your County Supervisor of Elections' Office. IN SUMTER COUNTY KAREN S. KRAUSS, SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS 220 E. MC COLLUM AVENUE BUSHNELL, FLORIDA 33513 352-793-0230 KKRAUSS(aSUMTERELECTIONS.ORG VWWW.SUMTERELECTIONS.ORG [ PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 ' i I I-- UI -I Nmm- I m m UI IIM 0 U I I I 'I 10 ! )-, ~-~;~;* L,:. r4.~ M-' ~-~~-i r-~' F4,~A '~fr~ Li Ii WI SSpport these Chamber businesses: _N :,, *'_' '*;..- -:_ 40 t^rike vPveeAovw owd- ATTENTION MILITARY AND OVERSEAS VOTERS IF YOU ARE IN THE MILITARY, PLEASE CONTACT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE. IF YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER IN THE MILITARY OR KNOW ANYONE IN THE MILITARY AND THEY'RE A REGISTERED VOTER IN SUMTER COUNTY, PLEASE HAVE THEM CONTACT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE FOR THE PURPOSE OF UPDATING/VERIFYING THEIR CURRENT INFORMATION. AS WE APPROACH 2006, WE ARE ALREADY PREPARING FOR THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR ALL MILITARY PERSONNEL TO UPDATE THEIR INFORMATION (IF THERE HAS BEEN A CHANGE) SO THAT WE CAN MAKE SURE YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOTS FOR NEXT YEARS ELECTIONS. IF YOU ARE THE REGISTERED VOTER, YOU CAN CALL THE OFFICE OR REQUEST AN APPLICATION FOR YOUR CHANGES. BY LAW, NO ONE OTHER THAN THE REGISTERED VOTER CAN MAKE THOSE CHANGES. AS OUR MILITARY AND OVERSEAS VOTERS ARE OFTEN MOVED FROM PLACE TO PLACE, WE WANT THEM TO BE ASSURED THEY WILL RECEIVE THEIR ABSENTEE BALLOTS. PLEASE HELP US UPDATE OUR RECORDS SO WE CAN BEST SERVE YOU WHILE YOU ARE BEST SERVING OUR COUNTRY. Karen S. Krauss Supervisor of Elections 220 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 352-793-0230 www.sumterelections.org kkrauss@ sumterelections.org Our electric cooperative was founded and still runs on one premise: everything is done to benefit the member -- the customer. As a noc-for-proflt utility, owned by the people we serve, our mission is simply to deliver reliable electricity and be a responsible part of the community. Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ytur Tni, h-thi'n, fn.rj,,' C.opLr'.tivc K^ ^ It's the dealership that makes the difference. Genuine People. Genuine Chevrolet. c H BVROLaBT 847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida 34785 (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 Cindvbrookerchevrolet.com F-MAIll : Cindvbch'hrilanolncom Neighborhood Crime Watch Sheriff Former wants to thank the Neighborhood Crime Watch for everything they do. Sheriff Former states, "Your extra eyes and ears effectively helps us deter crime, and Is a vital part of the Sheriff's Office Community Policing." Neighborhood Crime Watch is a citizens involvement program where citizens in cooperation with their local low enforcement agency directly participate In the protection and prevention of crime Citizens involved In neighborhood crime watch are trained In how to recognize suspicious or criminal activities and report these activities to their local law enforcement Neighborhood Watch can and will make your community a better and safer place to live. Sheriff Farmer Wants Everyone To Be Safe LET'S KEEP OUR NEIGHBORHOODS SAFE If you wish to start up a new Crime Watch in your neighborhood or want to re-energize an old Neighborhood Crime Watch, please contact your Sheriff's Office District Commanders South District Commander (Croom, Centerhill, Bushnell, etc.) - Lt. Donald Knee Middle District Commander (Lake Panasoffkee, Sumterville) - Lt. Gene Evans North District Commander (Wildwood, Coleman, Royal, etc.) - Lt. Tim Nordle Village District Commander (Villages, Cherry Lake, Oakland Hills) - Lt. Nehemiah - If you have any community service projects, or speaking engagements that you wish a representative of the Sheriffs Office to participate, feel free to contact the District Commander In your area. SHERIFF WILLIAM 0. FARMER m ff f tI I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 11 Anniversary celebration set for LSCC Foundation ,...c- The Lake-Sumter Community College Foundation is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Foundation! They are cele- brating throughout Lake and Sumter Counties including an exciting event in South Lake County. The Foundation is having a Black Tie Gala at The LaViance Mansion in Groveland, on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. This event is pre- sented by Micki Blackburn Realty and The LandQuest Group. This will be "THE EVENT" in South Lake County that you don't want to miss! This is an opportunity for The Foundation to invite the South Lake communityto tour a magnificent mansion, sup- port the college and enjoy a festive evening. All of the funds from this evening will be used for the Scholarship program at Lake-Sumter Community College. For the past 25 years, the Lake-Sumter Community College Foundation has pro- vided excellence in educa- tion, service to the community and financial assistance to qualified students. Each year the Foundation awards more than $450,000 in scholarships to assist students in achieving their dream of a college edu- cation. Tickets to this Gala are $75 per person and your contri- bution is tax deductible. Enjoy an evening with special entertainment, heavy hors d'ouvres, beer, wine and champagne. For tickets or more informa- tion contact 352-365-3518 or Angie Langley@aol.com. At the Sumter Library Reference books are avail- Business, the Ultimate able in the Sumter Campus Resource Library The Florida Handbook, The Sumter Campus 2003-2004 (29th Biennial Ed.) Library is located in Compiled by Allen Morris and Sumterville east of Langley Joan Perry Morris Medical Center. It is open to Foundation Grants to all residents of the county. Individuals (13th ed.) Phyllis The library's hours are 8 a.m. Edelson, ed; to 7 p.m. Monday thru Statistical Abstract of the Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30, on United States (120th ed.) The Friday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. National Data Book on Saturday. The Statesman's Yearbook, Archaeology of the The Politics, Cultures and Everglades by John Griffin Economies of the World, .. Here is the list of reference Barry Turner, Ed. 2001. books: Bartlett's Familiar Quotations dt16th ed.) by John Bartlett and Justin Kaplan, General Editors 352=748-6689 Benet's Reader's .-.... Fncyclopedia (4th ed.) Bruce M Murphy . ~~=:DA 8-120000 JV0 0:000 0 0A00 0 0 0 00 0 0 Il Dr. A. Leigh McBri LASER SURGERY *E '* HEALTH CARE PET SUPPLII de, lOAF ES DVM RIDING 0md =Mt e .- - 533_r eIN e.,-ILDOOe 0L0478 (352) 7400045 Co-owners of the Bushnell Trailer Court helped organize an early Thanksgiving meal for park residents. Picturedi(left to right) are: Steve Goff, Evelyn Goff, Dan Smith and Cindy Smith. Trailer park throws Thanksgiving party STEVEN AYERS Times Correspondent Bushnell Trailer Court held its annual Thanksgiving din- ner for its residents and win- ter visitors last Monday, Nov. 21. Park co-owner Steve Goff said, "A lot of winter guests aren't here but we had an excellent turnout." Park owners Dan Smith and Goff both cooked the turkeys and residents of the park brought a covered dish for everyone who attended. "This is the fifth annual thanksgiving dinner for the residents of Bushnell Trailer Court," Smith said. "We enjoy cooking for the residents and our winter guests." The park is also planning its fifth annual Christmas party for its residents in December with a live band and food. MASSEY FERGUSON A pdd Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment App ed $14,997 s19'997 22'997 p 1 "4 -9 Tr1 rr HF.-4 71:70 HP, Au. Hyd A HA"' Au.r J,:, ,,a .r rump F,:,r L ,, r '.:,.'r, r i nr ,, , B1rlT,r4'1, 1:..rPCurl.r. i I;' r,'u r 1 B r Tiio:' 6'rt. A 'I. r * .6'11 ,, r4p,r i:' r'.pi ,:r r %M B ,;l I 'rP r. l1 LIMr, Fr rnt Loaler Frc,,rt Lid!r, 14,250 4' 4-4 ,4," 504 $4,2 50* .46 huttIe irari $5,500 r.:.r 14,2 0 $4 ,2 5 0 -. Wl.h Tr.:I.:., Hur.rn:, il Tr,,:.:,r Il ui :lr. John Mason Tractor, Inc, Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Phone: (352) 796-5171 Fax: (352)796-6683Saturday 8am-12pm 11..'* C-1 :I I| I t1; 1-, 51 F, pr. j, : r r: IJu1 : .jahr r:r i:e" .I -' rl r, r, :.r,- .. r.. r.. u, -.- n- : rr.. S r. r. --Sprint, '4 f . 44444, N Always wanted to teach, " but have a bachelor's degree in another field? Find out how you can enroll a now in LSCC's new Alternative Certification Program K-12 teachers are and will be In great demand, especially if you have an education in the sciences, reading or math. Information & Enrollment Sessions Sumter...Mon, Nov 28, 5-30-6:30 pm Library, #4110 SSouth Lake Thurs., Dec.1, 5:30-6:30 pm Bldg 2, #106 Leesburg Sat., Dec. 3, 9-10a rn, HSC#116 and i ~Mon., Dec. 5, 5:30-6:30 pm SBring a copy of your college transcript and enroll on the spot. ACP Orientation is Dec.16. Call: 568-0001 or 352-365-3537 S .or email: edwardsd@lscc edu wLakewSumter 0 M M U N I'IY 'OLLL C E e w W .Iscc.edu Finance Roles a.ntIhdir pii.ni.it,' It. %ciim i'd)i Terrn-Mos 24 36 48 60 72 Rate 0% 1.9% 3.9% 4.9% 5.25%" : ie.:t. I- I I i- "' ). '144 1 Combining services means more money for your hobbies. For a limited time, sign up and get High-speed Internet and DISH Network Satellite TV from Sprint FREE for one month. (Offer ends 12/31/05,. p 4~ a Combine services from Sprint and save. Sprint high-speed Internet with EarthLink* offers free tools like spamBlocker, Virus Blocker and Pop-up Blocket" for full iM protection while you surf like the wind. -: DISH Network Satellite TV from Sprint S .for all of our popular channels. * Reliable and inexpensive unlimited local and nationwide long-distance calling. * One provider you can trust, one point of contact. maal. ,.J i t..Ii* M.i l i*~..Unlumtuiell Naliouwlde 0Qit i .N: .)-r lg.41 i..,, 'gf iu ''10 Pa i,3nTaIti, '.,., u Nr. 'iI .17aC I., lair *... .r,,lI j~.I 1 .0 .,. r. 1'1 43 i.i Ii ifli411n n.~ i 444L -W i3'I.:W.!iv X-. .u VI- 1r~JI ii, l .. .rI I r .:W j.Iiidi.tIrlid b i 1am%,A~ .13.1Ci Su.iidl' iliila,d.11SaInMiCi'ag"i -hf ~,- M.. 1. -roal ..e I. [ j,1 :.. i r. ~l.1 -i f 1141 .4ri' p.iilf.1h~~' .. Mrii~l 113 lAiYl .eI.i P I'io i' dl,,iu.-oi.4l h r,- Ii ~el, tj1r., T 11p 'ii.:tipio~..nld, or neiir e 5. lidilu-g i *rP Tlit' u.6.N..nrb.' 4 .1, 11 j_1 O.Ji ..X.... 1 EI-- i- 11u .4J .iiii.:lr..' ~3 V1 1vSlunid w..n11 A% y1 diM' &i l pl-01.52. dlj i'.f 11 nic.-Iii ISH Allp.4g. .3I1 ln-jw.1001 1,11.. 3,L11 3(lliM i.TitI ia' NS U l 1,'lA ..1.1 .3 ST" .il,,., ..1. 1-1 14, 'o.iil,iiiA u romr ..m 1ar-dIv l. i .,n. ...a iN .li .371 4,a.rk I'., 1 U-il0 i i-n I.i. i l-j h:. j1".qun .il pha I i ,pr i, t I .i.I V.I~i k ft .I..i- 11 uii'0(N i 1.01' I--- -dIUitti.3-J 1-(4' 04I V 1 I r -dl 1 ..' v4 f i j1 0 'I3... lipI I,gh 5 4111.41. pf ,*4 o ,U(i1111134's' : ] .14 ii Cd,1 I I 11 '1.,i A .." C.... :. RilV ..iiy a s p ....'ill1 5 111i., L.c9.1td 3*1I, r.,1 a, Iub P i r~inf. m1 P1 j r '4j 'I t 4I S i1.3%. *.I L- L d I I- 110 1'i 1 1: .IT"',II i 4 '&144ai '-4 I 4.4 i-.. ,il i .11".444114,4 11th I) ih.11ili~illI3.i.;'b mli ,41 141', 4i..1411 iW: i.,il3 .lW.1 .h .d'i1'I,,"184,piniiii11,'I,1., 44 4 i' ''.Ti .1 of! i-A iI- b i "4),4 4 J -I' 'di 3 -,I;4" ,, 4 .4 ...4*... * LIl'IdiDiiodt1r .,c-Ird e'.I. I dv.1 ,uvm ..ll~ cn wy .,.j ..1. ,,r r 1. .-"11i V V ON NEW TRACTORS PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 Dad, son revved up and on the speedway track Kyle Dubbs turned 18 last year and when he did, he hit the racetrack at full speed BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer South Sumter High School's Kyle Dubbs turned 18 last year and when he did, he hit the racetrack at full speed. Or at the very least, stock car speed. Following in his dad's foot- steps, Dubbs built his own car and signed on. His dad Mike started rac- ing about five years ago, after getting involved through a friend. He used to go help the friend, but got bored with watching and decided to race, he said with a laugh. They were on a traveling series team, according to his wife Janine. She said they would travel from Punta Gorda to Hialeah and around the state, with Mike working as a pit crew member before he began rac- ing himself. The father-son team made a special trip to Bushnell Elementary School last month to encourage kids with their reading. The younger Dubbs serves as a volunteer in teacher Darlene Hawkins' classroom and when the kids Accelerated Reader series had a focus on racing, the father and son team brought one of their cars in for a show and to tell about their experi- ences. Along with the car, they brought all the accessories, from fire protective shoes A new Cole Jeremy and Kiley Cole would like to announce the birth of their daughter Katelyn Lacy, born Sept. 3, 2005, at Leesburg Regional Medical Center Katietipped the scales at7 pounds, 12 ounces and w\as 20-1/2 inches long at birth. Grandparents are Chuck and Julie Fairbrother of Americus, Georgia and Bubba and Cheryl Cole of Wildwood. Great-grandparents are the late Ollie and Elizabeth Dew and the late Aris Perry, all of Americus, Georgia and the late Charlie and Peggy Fairbrother of Lake Blackshear, Georgia, Carl and Linda Cole of Wildwood, Pat and Keith Evans of Coleman, and Ed Alford of Lake City. Katie is the niece of Mandi Cole of Wildwood and Christy and Larry Gaines of Oxford. and body clothes to helmets and trophies. Kyle plans to go into sports management and teaching. He wants to attend college and race next season. "I think he's a great kid," said his mom, adding that he's an honor student who "knows what he wants," and knows it doesn't come easy - that he has to work for it. "And he's proud of what he's done." Because he and his dad are in the beginner's class, the hobby isn't as expensive as it could be. It's the hobby stock and late model that really cost more money, she said, adding that the class depends on a vari- ety of things, including motor size, power, cams and body styles. Kyle races a 1977 Ford Thunderbird, number 32 and his dad races a 1976 NoVa, number 36. While she's mellowed a lot since Kyle first took up track- ing, Mrs. Dubbs said that first race for him, "scared me to death." She said she was sitting thinking things like, "Play nice, be fair, stay on the road, don't go too fast, watch that car behind you." She recalls that he spun out a couple of times in the early races. He said he was nervous at first. "When I was sitting and waiting to go out on the track, my legs couldn't stop shak- ing," he said with a laugh. Michael (left) and Kyle Dubbs (right) are father and son racers who compete in stock cars at the Citrus County Speedway. The younger Dubbs, a student at South Sumter High School, is also a volunteer at Bushnell Elementary School. Because the students Accelerated Reader series focuses on racing, the men brought one of their cars to the school and gave kids a chance to get up close and personal. The Dubbses are shown here with Bushnell Elementary School students James Miner and David Jacobek. But then, "Once I got out on the track and the green "flag dropped, I just went." These days, Mrs. Dubbs says, "It's fun. It's a family sport," noting that she and the two youngest Dubbs sib- lings Leah and Devin, sit in the stands and cheer their drivers on. She even took part in the racing recently. "I just drove the Powder Puff Derby this weekend." It's an all female race. She believes she moved up from her starting position of 20 out of 27 to finish 10th. As for Kyle and Mike Kyle finished about 10th and Mike finished fifth. Mike finished fourth in the point series. "It's an exciting thing. Something I do with my dad. Something that he got me into." He plans to continue rac- ing for a long time, especially if his dad continues and they can keep it a family sport. T. S, ~Advertisement Do you need a loan? SSmart Money" by Kinberly Ross 'LOANS: Direct lender loosens its requirements for homeowners who need money now. Have you been turned down for a loan? Do you need more than $10,000 for any reason? Are you paying more than 7% interest on any other loans or credit cards? If you are a homeowner and answered 'yes" to any of these questions, they can tell you. over the phone and without obligation if you qualify. High credit card debt? Less- than-perfect credit? Self em- played? Late house pay- ments? Financial Problems? Medical bills? IRS.liens?It doesn't matter! If you are a homeowner with sufficient equity, there's an excellent chance you will qual- ify for a loan-usually within 24 hours. You can find out over the phone-and free of charge- if you qualify. Honey Mae Home Loans is licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. Open7 days a week to serve you. 1-800-700-1242 ext.228 670-1201 SCT OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT WILDWOOD MUNICIPAL ELECTION DECEMBER 6, 2005 OFFICIAL M HUNCIPAL ELECTION B ALLOT CITv OF UILDWOOD DECIBE.6 ,200S I0,W MAY(O / COmISSIOWER Unoti- for o, i a r ion sGraham ntchuel U. Holdenr [ Ed uO l f" GRIiP 4 COMIISSIOMIER tUnt nr nr- fl.) Suvsai Hitchi r.i-on Hooper' John It. Johnsimon j 1r 1 In accordance with FS 101.5612( 1). a pre-election test ofthe automatic tabulation equipment to be used to tabulate votes for the City of Wildwood Municipal Election on December 6, 2005, will be held on Monday November 28, 2005 at 9:30a.m. at.the Supervisor of Elections Office. NOTICE TO VOTERS: Sample ballot is prepared in Wildwood Municipal Election December 6,2005, This Accordance with PS 101.20 This certifies that the above is a true and correct copy of the official ballot for the City of Wildwood December 6, 2005 Municipal Election. /s/ Joseph Jacobs, City Clerk 672-1124SCT OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT BUSHNELL MUNICIPAL ELECTION DECEMBER 6,2005 OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION BALLOT CITY OF BUSHNELL DECEMBER 6,2005 ikeferenduus Shall Article II, Section 2.02 Elect ion and Terms and Section 2.04(a) Elections of the City of Bushnell Charter be amended to provide for four-year terms for Bushnell City Council Members and the Mayor, as well as Article III, Section 3.01 Election be amended to provide for four-year term of office for the Bushnell City Clerk. This referendum shall be effective upon passage. All provisions of the charter, in conflict with this referendum, shall be amended to conform to the referendum. Shall the above Charter Amendment be adopted? Yes for Approval I-- No for Rejection IE S PageI x of I ,teiw ot Publc Couni 0 In accordance with FS 101.5612(1), apre-election test of the automatic tabulation equipment to be used to tabulate votes for the City of Bushnell Municipal Election on December 6, 2005, will be held on Monday, November 28, 2005, at 9:30 a.m., at the Supervisor of Elections Office. NOTICE TO VOTERS: Bushnell Municipal Election December 6,2005. This Sample ballot is prepared in Accordance with FS 101,20. This certifies that the above is a true and correct copy of the official ballot for the City of Bushnell December 6, 2005 Municipal Election. Joy City Cle n-Store Key Buys: Live FruitTrees Homemade Fudge Unique Gifts New Crop Pecans Local Honey Claxton Fruit Cakes We Carry a Large Assortment of jams & Condiments SugaiFree jams & Candies L Salsas SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 13 I Cr1itr CHATTER ,November is 'Adopt A Senior' month 0; ur senior of the month is Fredrick, a handsome Shepherd mix with a heart of gold. Fredrick had lived his whole life in a loving home until his guardian 'passed away. Now - poor Fredrick finds himself homeless, sad, and lonely. His life has been turned Upside down, and he can't understand Swhy Fredrick is 10 plus years old, and a bit arthritic, but he still has a lot of love to give. He enjoys going LUl for walks, and sleep- GR ing quietly by your feeL He does take one job very seriously, he is an awe- some watchdog. Fredrick is a ; genUe soul with a beautiful sen- ior face that will melt your heart. He deserves to have a loving home in his golden years, where he will be cared for and loved again. Oh howk sad to be an older orphan People stop to olter a pat on the head, then pass the older pet by For a younger dog or cat But there are very special people out there who adopt seniors. SThey understand that the time they have together is, very pre- %ious. And they know the advan- 'iage to adopting older animals N A are many They are usually housetrained, and they are con- tent to live a less active lifestyle. No running through the house or chewing your favorite shoes, just a loyal and thankful companion by your S side. As humans, we enjoy long and happy lives. Why shouldn't a senior dog or cat be given that same -opportunity? Senior dogs still enjoy a relaxing walk around (q the block, sniffing out all the latest news in IDA the neighborhood. It WES helps stimulate their minds as well as pro- viding the exercise they still need. And you will find you get something out of a .leisurely stroll too. When your pace slows down, you get a chance to enjoy the little'pleas- ures of life, like appreciating the plant life in your neighborhood, and watching it change from day to day. One of the. most pleasurable times you and your pet will spend together is grooming and petting your pet while talking to him. When adopting a senior pet, you may still have many quality years to share together Whatever time you have, the senior pet deserves to feel loved and cared for. And you will be rewarded with a special kind of love that will fill your heart every time you look at that beautiful white face. If you would like to offer Fredrick a home, e-mail the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County at humane@sum.net, or mail in your request for Fredrick at: PO. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. Fredrick is 10 plus years old, and a bit arthritic, but he still has a lot of love to give. FWC sponsors contest for new manatee decals The Florida Fish and ,Wildlife Conservation "Commission (FWC) is seeking talented artists to participate in its 15th annual Manatee ,.Decal Art Contest. The win- ning artwork \ill become the Design for the 2005-06 state -manatee decal and sold at ^county tax collectors' ortices to benefit manatee research >and protection programs. The contest is open to all 'middle school and high school students who attend public, '' private or home schools in Florida. This year is the first time high school students are eligible to enter. , "This art project has been very successful in encourag- ing students to learn about manatees and their role in Florida's environment," said Bonnie Abellera, manatee decal coordinator. "It's great to see the artistic variety, but the most rewarding thing for us is seeing ho\v interested kids are in Florida's conserva- tion issues." The FWC is accepting art-' work postmarked between Dec. 5 and Jan. 31 and there are specific entry require- ments. , Students need to work through their art teachers. who \\ill submit the artwork to the FWC. Each school may submit up to five entries. FWC staff will judge entries on Feb. 14. Teachers may review all the contest rules and require- ments at http:,'myfivWc.comi manateeDe cals/Contest2006.htm or find out more by contacting the FWC at (850) 922-4330. Broward County artist, Vivian Chiu, a student at Indian River Middle School, designed this year's decal that is projected to raise approxi- mately $70,000 for manatee protection programs. Beginning in July, the new manatee decal will be avail- able at county tax collectors' offices to individuals who donate $5 or more to the Save the' Manatee Trust Fund. Special support for special need David Foster, a Sumter County resident and employ- ee of Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc for seven years, learned his baby daughter was having health problems. After going to sev- eral specialists, ,it was deter- mined that little Suzanne's skull was not growing normal- ly. Part of the soft spots on her skull were already closed. This meant that as her head grew, it would do so dispro- portionately. One side would remain flat while the other side would grow into a bulge, affecting the brain. Although state aide would help. pay for the surgery expenses, cover- age on a special helmet to pro- tect her head after surgery was not available. A collaboration of profes- sionals from the othothics and prosthetics industry donated their services to help little Suzann get the helmet she needed. Ronnie Graves, BOCPO, CO of Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. in Bushnell, and David Goris, CPO of Sonlife Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. in Brooksville (satellite office in Bushnell), made a cast of Suzann's head with the nec- essary measurements to make a helmet Shannon Schwinn of OrthoAmerica, Inc. in Orlando, manufactured the custom helmet from the cast. All three companies and practitioners waived their fees and worked together so that little Suzann could get the appropriate device she Suzann Foster wearing her protective helmet after sur- gery. Her family has decorat- ed her helmet with stickers to make it fun to wear. needed to recover. Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. re- arranged David's work schedule so that he did not miss a paycheck during the times he had to be with his daughter for surgery and doc- tor visits. We all wish Suzann Foster a speedy recovery and a bright future. Serve dne rght Lube, Oil & Filtering System l' Every 3,750 Miles! INCLUDES: Crngi lo ',,up uS .qua crl o 1 Pressure test cooling system and I r .r Luticae C -as, E Che' e I cap; Inspect drive belt(s),.hoses& roses ire pressure and il nud free" .plugs EoacuAiesarem and 9 ees nspel i rs.ai.rcltIE er 1 _9 0 9 1 rill aChi'n u5CMi.ofCool .uln and C or Selemnert I water. : Extended Expiratil 114106 .Goodwreif h Extended Expiration til 114106 fGOOdwIanch g...l-+ v O n -.l u .:.:.u[..: i,, : pT. :.,, ur ir l v ,.l .. .1 i r.......0', i .I '_i,. ..,h .'.I(.. r, a ..P ei r| .p. '.. l.[ ., a .i ,jmi ir,.n offer. SBalance Wheels Automatic I & Inspect Brakes Transmission Service tI INCLUDES: I Every 30,000 MIles I Free .e roilon Compulertalar, c Remove pan and drain fluid; %Wteeil InspeF,:ifeoro and rear t.rai-, $ Inspect for excessive wear; Install F .2 _91- ~ new filter; Reuse pan gasket; Install 3rd~~~~ geertin0 id Cec&lnag W U [ 3rdgeneration fluid;hecklinkage1 and mounts; Check for leaks; Test I on-road performance. Extended Expiration til 114106 OOd e h Extended Expiration tIl 114106 I GOod wenlch ',id i,,r: : pre:. p r1, -p':,r, ,, .ii i.i ,,.I r,,i ,,, r.:ri:i Validwith coupon. Please present upon arrival. NotValid wth any other offer. C, Mr ,i ',i, ,' i. s..u ii1 I MostGMpars.Similarsavingon othervehicles.Plustax. MV27608 Service Wild Card Fuel System Service (every 30,000 miles) Discount on Parts 0 & Labor on a /0 l INCLUDES: I Repair over $300. Power flush fuel injectors; Clean intake I ovr 3 valves; Clean combustion chambers. Extended Expiration til 1//06 Extended Expiration til 114106 Bill & Eleanor Stewart Administrator and Volunteer Coordinator Seasons Greetings orom "James & "Joan" Are A Working Family. Joan Attends School As Well As Working A Full-Time Job. James Was Recently Laid Off As A Patient Care Provider And Is Hoping To Return To Work Soon. They Have 3 Children Ranging In Age From 7 Years To 18 Years. The 18 Year Old Son Is In The Process Of Joining The Armed Forces. They Are Usually Able To Meet Their Monthly Expenses But Win James Recent Lay-Off Finances Are Very Tight And They Are Requesting Help For The Holidays. They Never Had To Ask For Help Before And They Find This Very Difficult, In Fact It Brought Tears To Joan's Eye. The Children's Special Requests Are For A Bratz Doll, Some Fishing Ear, Camouflage, And Especially A King James Bible. Their Family Bible Had Been Worn Out By So Much Use. Your Gift Will Make A Difference And A Positive Impact in These Children's Lives. It Will -Also Bring A Big Ray Of Holiday Sunshine To -James' & "Joan". It Will Be Due To Your Caring Generosity That We Will Be Able To Help "James" & "Joan" And Their Children And Many More Families Like Theirs. Your Donations Will Make Possible A Happier Holiday For Needy Families, Children And Disabled Persons. All Donations To "The Empty Stocking Fund" Are Designated To Help Our Neighbors, Right Here In Sumter County. Please Consider Making A Special Donation On Behalf Of Yourself Or As A Dedication In Someone's Honor Or Memory.' Eleanor And Our Hard-Working Volunteers Have Completed Our First 2 Weeks Of Accepting Applications For Families And Seniors Who Will Need Help During Thanksgiving Day And Christmas. They Have Been Personally Touched By The Lives That Have Come Here Seeking Help. 'We Are Fast Approaching The Two-Hundreth Person That We Will Be Assisting. We Will Be Taking Applications Again From November 28 December 2, 2005. This Is Your Opportunity To Make A Brighter Holiday For Those We Are Working Together To Serve. Please Consider How You May Be Able To Help Us To Help So Many Others. Also A Reminder That We Are Still In Need Of Volunteers To Help With Gift Bagging And Distribution And "Ringing The Bells"At The Traditional Red Kettle. SUMTER COUNTY TIMES Please Remember Marie And Her Family And The Many Families Like Her When r-i You Consider Making Your Donation To "The Salvation Army Empty Stocking Fund". The Funds Raised Through This Program Will Help Families Children And Senior __ ... Citizens In Sumter County. We Are Inviting You To Participate In This Inaugural Effort. Below Is A Coupon You May Complete And Mail To The Salvation Army At P.O. Box 25, Bushnell, Florida 33513, Along With Your Donation. You May Make Your Donation On ..... Behalf Of Yourself Or In Honor Of A Family Member Or Friend Or A"Special Someone" Or Group That You Want To Be Recognized. In Return For Your Donation You Will Have The - Knowledge That You Have Made A Direct Impact On Those Who Seek Help During This ..- Blessed Time Of Year. You Will Also Receive A Letter Of Recognition From The Salvation - Army, An "Empty Stocking Fund" Slicker, And The Person Or Group That You Have THE SALVATI N ARMY Designated Will Be Listed In This. Column. Additional Coupons May Also Be Obtained At -'Fi. THE SToacN,, FUND" Our Office At 870 N. Main Street In Bushnell. For more information re this program, speakers for your group, or any of our programs and volunteer opportunities, please call us at 352-568-2284. 7, --------- -------- ------------------------ Yes! I want to help my neighbors during this holiday season. My donation for The Salvation Army Empty Stocking Fund is: $ My name is: My Address is: Name to be listed in this column (you may designate: Anonymous, Friend, In honor of, In memory of, etc.) My prayer request is: Please mail this coupon, along with your donation, to: The Salvation Army Empty Stocking Fund P.O. Box 25 Bushnell, Florida 33513 This Znformafion Sponsored 7By: SAl Smerican Rey & insurance Under all is land Over all is GOD 649232 .......... 95 I I I I I am m gf. \ PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 SMater GARDENERS - Growing Christmas plants By Martin Grum and Wendel Martinkovic Christmas is not far away and this is the time for giving and receiving flowering pot- ted plants. A bright, colorful azalea, Christmas begonia, chrysanthemum or a gaily- decorated poinsettia, kalan- choe, or Christmas cactus added to the other decora- tions in the home give the hol- iday season a festive air. These Christmas plants can be enjoyed not only during the holidays but will remain attractive far into January and even February if properly cared for. Care of Christmas plants, whether a colorful cyclamen, a long-lasting kalanchoe, or a cheerful Christmas begonia, is easy. Faithful attention will add days and even weeks of life to any of these popular Christmas plants. Temperature has an impor- tant influence on the length of time a flowering houseplant will remain attractive. The poinsettia is especially sensi- tive to chilling, and a pro- longed chill will cause it to loose its leaves. The plant should be placed in the coolest place in the room, but not in a cold draft. This means away from radiators and any. other source of heat. A temperature of 65 degrees is satisfactory, but 60 degrees is still better for most of the flowering potted plants. In fact, cyclamen like a 50- degree night temperature. The method of watering many times determines the life of a plant. Many people drown their plants by watering at regular intervals, not considering if the plant needs it Plants roots need air as well as water, and excessive amounts of water do not allow a place for air in the soil. Over watering literally smothers the plant roots. Proper watering calls for a lit- tle thoiughtthilness and often the exercise of restraint. Water should be applied in sufficient quantities to thor- oughly soak the soil in the pot and no more given until the ~-1ROPANE ~~~ CFlemmmunZAM Prices good Ihru 11 30/( C ',T :5 05 r60 GALLON SET & FILL 100 GALLON 1 SET & FILL PAR-GAS, Your Hometown Propane Company ~ Fami l 352-793 ODAY!. FAX 352-793 You the Happiest of Thanksgiving Holidays "D)e clop an attitude of gralitude, and grt; tanks for every-, thing that happens to you, knuoing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." Brian Tracy At Edward Jones, we'rn grateful for \o6r business and look forward to continuing to work with you to create and implement investment plans desiged to help you achieve your long-term financial goals. Joseph Capporelli 110W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 P 352-568-0406 wwwcdwardjonies.com ^M \e.,, MesberS lO _.-Edward Jones Serving Individual Inwe-stors Sine 1871 soil approaches dryness again. Plants should be checked for dryness daily, but not watered if the soil is still moist. Remember that most holiday plants have been out of the greenhouse a short period. The difference between a greenhouse envi- ronment and a typical indoor room is usually considerable. In the home, provide as much natural light as possible. A dark bedroom, hall, entrance foyer, or living room does not have optimum growing condi- tions. Place your plants where they receive the morning sun. Poor light will cause leaf drop. Although the humidity in a house is not easily altered, plants will do best in an area of the house where the humidity is greatest. This is usually in the cooking area. It often helps when plants are set on pebble-filled saucers whit water maintained at a level just below the base of the pot so that it does not though the water. 'By giving your Christmas pot plants the best environ- mental conditions of proper temperature, adequate water, and good light, they will fur- nish an attractive display for a longer time. Plant clinics are held at the extension office in Sumter County 793-2728 on Thursday, as well as 1 to 4pm on the first Monday of every month at the Sumter County Annex on County Road 466; and a Florida Friendly Landscape Series is held from 330-5pm on the second Wednesday of every month at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, located at 1852 County Road 457. A Florida Friendly Landscaping Series is pre- sented by Wendel Martinkodic and Martin Grum in Oxford on Dec. 8 from 1 to 2:30 pm. The topic is "Trees for Florida" Martin Grtiun is a Sumter County Master Gardeneri for help with any garden or land- scape advice call the Sumter County Extension office at 352-793-2728 Jeanne Reed L and Jean Weddle R take their turn as Salvation Army Bell Ringers at the Wildwood Winn Dixie last Saturday. The two members of the Pilot Club of Sumter County were more than happy to assist the charitable organization this holiday season. Club rings in season for Salvation Army Members .of the Sumter County Pilot Club and the Blue Heron Pilot Club lead the way for volunteers who will be ringing the bells on behalf of The Salvation Army this season. "This is the first year that the Pilot Clubs have assisted with this campaign", said Eleanor Stewart, Volunteer Coordinator. "They have set the pace for other clubs who" will also participate this year", added Stewart. Among other individuals and groups who will be "Ringing the, Bells" will be The Salvation Army Advisory Council, the Kiwanis Club of Bushnell, the Kiwanis Club of Wildwood, members of the Wildwood Assembly of God Church, the Wildwood Rotary Club, 'Al's Pals", the South Sumter NJROTC, members of the Wildwood Presbyterian Church, the Wildwood High School Key Club as well as Mr. and Mrs. Rupert and Catherine Dunkum and Josh Steller (in honor of Daniel Steller), and members of St. Catherine's Baptist Church (in honor of Daniel Steller). "We are so encouraged by the number of new groups and individuals that are helping as well as the "veteran" volunteers who are returning after last year", added Stewart. The bell ringers may be found on various days at the following locations: Wal-Mart in Bushnell, Winn-Dixie in Bushnell, and Winn-Dixie in Wildwood. Mrs. Stewart noted that many more volunteers are still need for ringing the bells as well as other projects such as Christmas gift distribu- tion. All funds raised at the Sumter County traditional Red Kettles are designated for use for needy families, children and individuals in Sumter County. For more information regarding ringing the bells pr other volunteer opportunii- ties or any. of The Salvation Army programs and services, please call Eleanor Stewart at 352-568-2284. The Salvation Army ,is a Participating Agency with United Way of Lake '& Sumter Counties, and the Human Care Network. SUMTER COUNTY'S GUIDE TO - .0NMG. UT iCafet" Vebster I Market Blvd. \ I Catering * inell 352-569-0200 1WPIM FRI THRU THURSDAY 11,25-12.1' -- FRI- SAT-SUN WED- THUR Tlhe al see TANK SUETSG- la YOURS MINE 7:45 .. Drivon& s IO.SIn W Threat K^Bre p Plus 9:30 599 N A $8900U.30NoDCLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY 9 S WALK THE LINE $ii $.000pr 12/23 CHRONICLES OF NARMIA ', $12 9 00'cI *M Please call Haroia Spearn 863-602-2979 122 ,, OIL FNRI: or Judy crews 863-967-0842 j 5 FLEA MIARKET \ ,NEWI Website joylandriveln.com Sat-Sun 6am-noon mm mm mm m , INC. The Dam Pub ily Owned & Operated New House Band ^ -~~- 1iW*JJ "Southern Confort" ALL MUSICIANS WELCOME -198 Is-jasj 12pm-6pm InyA= A -I. I d I 4 TIV- I r I I- --l 0 .. .I - THURSDAY SING ALONG 6 10 PM LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Every Saturday Night 7 PM "til" Prime Rib Dinner '15 Advance Tickets Live Music 8 Until... Balloon Drop Door Prizes Reaffles Coming Soon Full Liquor Bar 569-9306 4666 CR 300 Lake Panasoffkee restaurant j, Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm i to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in Central Florida & Much More" BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 Eggs, Toast (with free dessert) & Free Coffee t Food... Super People NEW YEAR'g EVE PARTY TOYS FOR KIDS DROP OFF Family R IIMon.- Fri. 7am , Good Service... Great * Dine.In Take-Out 2684 West County Road 48 Bush 69& YOURS, MINE & OURS PG JUST FRIENDS PGl3 " Wed-Sat: 12:55, 2:55, 5:15, 7:25, 9:40 Wed-Sat: 12:05, 2:35, 5:05, 7:50, 10:30 Sun: 12:55, 2:55, 5:15, 7:25 Sun: 12:05, 2:35, 5:05, 7:50 Mon-Thur: 12:55, 2:55, 5:15, 7:25 Mon-Thur: 12:05, 2:35, 5:05, 7:50 RENT PG13 ICE HARVEST R Wed-Sat: 12:55, 4:10, 7:20, 10:15 Wed-Sat: 12:20, 4:20, 7:05, 9:30 Sun: 12:55, 4:10, 7:20 Sun: 12:20, 4:20, 7:05 Mon-Thur: 12:55, 4:10, 7:20 Mon-Thur: 12:20, 4:20, 7:05 IN THE MIX PG13 JARHEAD R Wed-Sat: 12:35, 3:00, 5:20, 7:40, 10:00 Wed-Sat: 4:40 Sun: 12:35,3:00, 5:20, 7:40 Sun: 4:40 Mon-Thur: 12:35, 3:00, 5:20, 7:40 Mon-Thur: 4:40 WALK THE LINE PG13 CHICKEN LITTLE PG Wed-Sat: 12:50, 4:00, 7:10, 10:10 Wed-Sat: 12:40, 2;45, 4:50, 7:15, 9:35 Sun: 12:50, 4:00, 7:10 Sun: 12:45, 2;45, 4:50, 7:15 Mon-Thur: 12:50, 4:00, 7:10 Mon-Thur: 12:45, 2:45, 4:50, 7:15 DERAILED R Wed-Sat: 12:15, 7:35, 10:20 Sun: 12:15, 7:35 Mon-Thur: 12:15, 7:35 ZATHURA PG Wed-Sat: 12:25, 2:50, 5:10, 7:45, 1'0 05 Sun: 12:25, 2:50, 5:10, 7:45 Mon-Thur: 12:25, 2:50, 5:10, 7:45 GET RICH OR DIE TRYING R GOOD NIGHT, & GOOD LUCK P Wed-Sat: 9:40 Wed-Sat: 12:45 Sun: 7:30 Sun: 12:45 Mon-Thur: 7:30 Mon-Thur: 12:45, 4:05 HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE PGl3 Wed-Sat: 12:00, 1:00, 3:30, 4:30, 7:00, 8:00, 10:25 Sun: 12:00, 1:00, 3:30, 4:30, 7:00, 8:00 Mon-Thur: 12:00, 1:00, 3:30, 4:30, 7:00, 8:00 - - - - SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 15 M ster CALENDAR Law enforcement prepares for holiday traffic Saturday, Nov. 26 The Villages Democrats of Sumter County will feature an informational presentation on Medicare Part D Prescription Insurance at La Hacienda Center. The guest speaker will be Lonnie Brown, a Florida native who spent 30 years with the Social Security Administration. He will answer questions and help us to understand the various plans. Saturday, Dec 3 Victoria Newman has recently returned home from working with DreamWorks in London, UK She'll be holding an Acting Seminar at The Lake Panasoffkee Community Center (next to Library) on from 1 to 4 p.m.,, Open to all ages. She has also appeared in such TV Shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-files, Charmed, NYPD Blue, The Nanny and hosted The Fox Kids Club TV Show where she was granted an exclusive interview with Jessica Klein, Executive Producer of Beverly Hills 90210. She's appeared in movies with such actors as Robert DeNero, Sandra Bullock and Rene Zellweger. "Tinseltown is such a magi- ,cal place," Victoria stated, "but I strongly believe that it's time to remember my home roots." "I'm at a point in my career where I find it's essen- tial to stay connected and grounded to those who've inspired me my teachers and to pay dues for the many blessings I've received by sharing and. motivating others to achieve their dreams. Victoria is available for interviews, public and guest appearances including schools, charities and events. For, interested parties or Seminar info please email: hollywoodstudios@mail.com or call Madison at 352-793- 7350. The Annual Wildwood Woman's Club Christmas Tour of Homes will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Four homes will on display this year. Call for information, 748-2697 or 748- 1119. Saturday, Dec. 17 The City of Webster will be having their 11th annual Christmas parade. Line up for the parade will be at the Sumter County Farmer's Market beginning at 5 p.m. The parade will start at 6 p.m. and will last approximately 45 minutes and end at Webster City Hall. There will be refreshments and entertain- ment. If you need any informa- tion, contact the Webster City Hall at 793-2073, or the Webster Police Department at 793-2072. Tuesday, Dec. 27 Sunshine Athletics/Florida AAU is now accepting entry forms to the Winter National Tournament to be held in Tampa, Dec. 27 through 30. For more information call 407-302-7570 or go to www.sunshinesports.net. Law enforcement agencies throughout the state are par- ticipating in the Thanksgiving Click It or Ticket Florida holi- day campaign to heighten safety belt use awareness dur- ing one of the busiest travel times in the U.S. The mobi- lization conducted by the Florida Highway Patrol and local law enforcement agen- cies throughout Florida will run from Nov. 18 to Nov. 30 to coincide with the Thanksgiving holiday. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) projects there could be as many as 567 highway related deaths over the 2005 Thanksgiving holiday week- end. "It is important that motorists understand the importance of buckling up every time they get into their vehicle," said Carla Sims, Florida Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Administrator. "The simplest and most effective action a motor vehicle driver or occu- pant can take to save their life is to spend a few seconds buckling their safety belt." Law enforcement officers throughout Florida are doing a great job saving lives through safety belt enforce- ment. The Thanksgiving holiday kicks off one of the nation's busiest travel seasons of the year so law enforcement agen- cies will be increasing their visibility and will have more patrol units out on the road protecting motorists. Granville Beville chapter plans district workshop The Nov. 12 meeting of the. Granville Beville 2234 chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was held at the home of Doris Sue Smith in Wildwood. Those in atten- dance were Joyce White, Mary K. Greer, Doris Sue Smith, Belle Phillips, Peggy Sloan, Laura Strickland, Mary Harrison, Cynthia Buswell, Elaine Beebe, Bettye Jemison, and Eloise Pitts. One child of the confederacy, Jessie Strickland, was also present. Jessie is a member of the Home Guard Patriots Chapter of the CofC. After refreshments, the meeting was called to order by President Mary K. Greer, and the UDC ritual was led by Peggy Sloan. Bettye Jemison read a poem about Robert E. Lee. Belle Phillips read the minutes and Joyce White gave the treasurer's report. Joyce White and Mary Harrison reported on the UDC Florida Division conven- tion, which was held in St. Petersburg on Oct. 6-9. They reported on the changes in the bylaws and the failure of a recommendation to change the districts. Joyce White par- ticipated in the memorial cer- emony by reading a poem called "The Last Hill." Peggy Sloan and Mary Harrison reported on the plans for the 50th anniversary celebration, which will take place on April 8, 2006. Also, Mary Harrison encouraged every to attend the Plantation Christmas at the Gamble Mansion in Ellenton on Dec. 3. Luuyaoe iig Avial Unde 15,00 PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 USocc &C In an action-packed game, the South Sumter Raiders took the Friday night clash against the Jacksonville Bolles Bulldogs 38 to 35. Raiders take win against Bolles STEVEN AYERS Times Correspondent The Jacksonville Bolles Bulldogs came down to Sumter County hoping to cash in on a win advancing one step further in the playoffs hoping to get to state. Likewise, the South Sumter Raiders took to the field on their home turf of Raider Stadium hoping to do the same and take the next step in the quest to seal a state cham- pionship for South Sumter High. In an action-packed game, the Raiders took the game 38 to 35. The game began with the Raiders receiving the kickoff. The Raiders made a power play by throwing the ball to Carlos Everett to the 50-yard line but were forced to punt the ball to Bolles. The ball was recovered by Raider Kendall Smith. The 1st quarter ended with Carlos Everett taking control of the ball and run- ning it to the Bulldog 13 yard line then running it to the 1 yard for an easy goal by Jarrod Flemming with only 1.7 sec- onds left in the quarter. The 2nd quarter began with South Sumter kicker Kody Stump kicking in, the extra point to put the score at 7-0 with the Raiders in the lead only seconds into the quarter. With 9:22 left in the half there was a turnover, from Bolles to South Sumter. With 8:59 left in the 2nd quarter Carlos Everett made yet another TD to leave the score at 13-0 when Kody Stump kicked in the extra point putting the Raiders 14-0 ahead of the Dogs. When the Bulldogs took the ball on the kickoff return Bolles running back Andre Bird ran a TD in for Bolles putting the score at 6-14 when Jon Soto, Bulldogs kicker, kicked in an extra point for a 7-14 score midway into the 2nd quarter. Flemming then threw a long pass to Carlos Everett who ran just shy of the end zone for teammate Nick Southall to run in the ball for a 21-7 score just before half- time. With only second left in the 1st half Bolles QB Randy Hardin threw the ball to Bulldog Running Back Sam Viering for a 14-21 score to end the 1st half. Bolles kicker on Soto kicked a successful extra point The 3rd quarter began with the Bulldogs receiving the ball via the kickoff. The Bulldogs made another TD shortly thereafter from run- ning back Shaun Chaples and a good extra point from kicker Jon Soto. Shortly after the Bolles touchdown Carlos Everett scored another TD with Kody Stump kicking another very consistent extra point. Then Bolles Wide Receiver Tray Herndon caught a long pass and took it straight to the end zone. After the extra point from Jon Soto the score was tied up late into the 3rd. The 4th quarter began with the Raiders taking control of the ball once again hoping to take the lead once again. There was a punt and Try Herndon took the ball and ran with it but it was Bolles Running Back Ray Van Reneburg who made the touchdown putting the Bulldogs in the lead and after a good extra point the score was 35-28 with the Bulldogs in the lead. After moving hard down the field Nick Southall made another TD for South Sumter tying up the game at 35-35 after another quality Stump- kicked extra point. Travis Hutcheson blocked the ball for the Raiders halfway through the 4th quarter in hopes that the Raiders could take the lead once again in this very tight football game causing the Bulldogs to punt the ball to South Sumter. The all-star standout play of the game was a long 60-yard throw to Tony Smith that put the Raiders only yards from the goal line. Kody Stump kicked in a 3-point kick settling up the score 38-35 with only 38.4 seconds left in the game. Following the game, Raider Head Coach Inman Sherman said, "I told the team about having the confidence in our- selves to make plays and we made them tonight" Sumter County Youth Soccer Club had their division games on November 19 at Millennium Park in Wildwood. Here are the results: U-7 Division Genesis Aluminum Defeated Patco Transportation Michael's Floor Covering Defeated Energy Erectors Jarrett Bail Bonds Defeated WD Aluminum U-10 Division Mask & Sons Defeated SCI- 2 Brighthouse Defeated Country Roads Real Estate Langley Medical Defeated Doggy Doo Run U-13 Division Matthews Produce Defeated Del Peters Painting Chris the Plumber Defeated Wildwood Mower & Saw Angelotti's Defeated Edward Jones Investment U-18 Division DNB Ventures Defeated SCI -1 Speckled Butterbean Defeated. United The following is team stand- ings: For teams in the Sumter County Youth Soccer Club: A '"" FP " FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! U-7 Division Energy Erectors 24 Genesis Aluminum 24 Jarrett Parish Bail Bonds - 12 Michael's Floor Covering - 30 Patco Transportation 9 WD Aluminum 9 U-10 Division Brighthouse 21 Country Roads Real Estate - 13 Doggy Doo Run 9 Langley Medical 21 Mask & Sons 31 SCI 2 9 U-13 Division. Angelotti's 9 Chris the Plumber 33 Del Peters 15 Edward Jones Investments -3 Matthews Produce 21 Wildwood Mower & Saw - 27 U-18 Division DNB Ventures 13 SCI 1 7 Speckled Butterbean 33 United 18 The next games will be held Saturday Dec. 3, beginning at 9 a.m. at Millennium Park in Wildwood. As seen on TV. 4 4 ,,, % ar rett WHRY\3I[[T DPY / D~ jjJ~J /l\L IK KEEP IT SIMPLE AER FEE! s~v$7OO IN DEALER FEES!' ((M FORD CSU$X4 S) '06 FORDFfiVEHUNDRED) (%6FS V4401IIWSW ") (*6 FORD F-I50 SUPERCW ( O6 FORD F-250 IT SUPECi S #211Sk064 t t62 11Stk #26126Si 262 35 MPG(gt1 Disj c (DwiMP3 Player.&More! V-.6 AuromlaniC, D.Il'I" iw, f rAcorrrCuraromI& More,' ALC D. o qp oiGop 6 # R.&W V-8. A turo j W-4U nttil ]Whi rromr T~rei C.t AU # GVWW T~u' V4.8 lhu i u9 O#VKn,l~TurjvkmMuir, More KEp f r1ra LEpRICE I E SIMPLE PRlitICE,1 MEP ii' S4PLE PIRICLE:I KEEP 11T SIMPLE M IC K IEEP IT SIMPLE PRICEzi1 6 m ue a 05 = m RCNIuici) vs, UW-WHUN AWiATOR I-106 MERCURY MILAN 101005 LINCOLN TOWN CARl) S*#67 t A&50m Stk #25M 6Stk f261 19 Sk#53 4. V41 Amumr.Pwer Pau oi WoVeldMirrFog Lbolit&Murt V 6. Autrm~ifl6-Spk. (DX llHlAudio S *ffim PowV8Awucir n Sen..i & M ilooWle.~rL BauOoi~~u~k&Iu, 88Aa r.. uI~i(m i uarl&lou AEEP ILSI1WJA-PJMM-1 KEEPJ[TSIMP-LUM-CE: KEEP I IrEr K -I KEEP N' SIMPLE PRIJLKEa- I tSIA(1WfMPLEPILCE,*, ImFom IM OM$ 470C FS TAUS SE $ OC94% 2OO Cim MMONVAN$9 OOC 'oMaRYDNAROUI$1 995 MDDMU 10,99S # 666AGa S2d2iVer" f 97 7 f #43. Atari V6 All orFw,1* rrann' E I #15011A.2t%,il~~ o VAPVX(V8ai' 9 #M84A, Avic, 88 CDAU NT W Miles' 90#60, AQuadt(b. LoaTrade' 'IOIU YP!DfON=117 GOC 'O4Nii= ~~~MAI ~ ~ ~ K JEaA ilhRNMn~ 188'HU ~ '1~5IM 1117I~ SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 17 IMP' -t 41, h w I .1 - C Pastor Darrel Strickland dressed as Uncle Sam and shared a patriotic poem while Sumter Sheriff Bill Farmer and school employee Arvis Harrison took time out of the day to sing at the ceremo- ny. Austin Murray had his flag in hand during the Veteran's Day ceremony at North Sumter Primary. Edward Fuchs and Jacob Cardona seemed to be feeling pretty patriotic during the annual Veteran's Day ceremony at Wildwood High School. The students were part of an event hosted by North Sumter Intermediate School and coordinated by media specialist Viki Ferrell. Jarrod Hubbard is looking patriotic his vest and hat. He's one of several students who took part in the North Sumter Primary School Veteran's Day celebration. Aubrie Potter and Robert Brown helped share the A, B, C's of America with the group gathered for the North Sumter Intermediate School performance. PAGE 18,.SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 Si l llI I Save uver 10U,UUU t rom New. 4-wneel uisc Anti-Lock Brakes With Traction Control, Slit Folding Rear Seat, Dual Recliners, Driver Side 'ower Seat. 3.41 V6 Engine. Low 26,200 Miles. $14 AAln Only 10,500 Miles And Plenty Of Factory Warran liar Wheel Drive. 7-Passenger, Dual A Conditioning, Am/Fm/Cd Stereo, Alloy Whee Power Windows, And Locks. Great Champa Colors Too!! 1 8.995 )nly 34,000 Good Miles And It's Loaded!! Deep Burgundy Colors. Dual Power Leather seats; Aluminum Wheels, Am/Fm/Cd, More! V/irant White F.renmum PracKage LS with 'ower Moonroof. Loaded, Leather, Formal iloth Top, More. Mercury Certified. $23.995 ie Right One!! Ford Executive Driven. 5.4 L Triton V8, uto 4x4 System, Four Doors, Keyless Entry, Aluminum heels, Power Moonroof, Am/Fm/6 Disc Cd, Bed Tender, Unique King Ranch Interior. Factory Warrant) Cylinder, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, Hard DooI oft Top. Air Conditioned, Am/Fm/Cd Stereo, Allc Heels, And More. Rare Spring Green With Blac interior. Factory Warranty. 8.700 Low Miles ry Clean And Well Equipped. Mercu -rtified Too!! Dual Side.Doors, Dual Air, ' ssenger, Power Seat, More. Only 30,001 Ktra Low Miles With Lot's Of Warrant3 'mainig. $4 A QQC iet The feel ut A Big Car With ims 4 tCyimae Economy Sedan. Power Seat, Windows, Locks Iruise, Am/Fm/Cd, And More. Balance Of Toyot Factory Warranty. Only 26,000 Low Miles. 1 8.995 A Great 4x4 Value. Only 36,500 Miles On This Like New One- Owner. 4.01 V6, Ext Cab W/Jump Seats And Quad Access Doors, Power Windows And Locks. Aluminum Wheels And New White Ltrd Radials. Removable Leer Topper. FX4 Off Road Package. Gotta See This One!! $4 Q QQQ Not A Stripped uown Mocel!! mits one tias Leanhe Interior, Am/Fm/Cd, Aluminum Wheels With Centers Rear Deck Spoiler, Mustang Graphics, And More. Vibrai White With Black Power Operated Top. Mercur Certified. $ )ne-Owner Miles. Silver Birch With Stone Leather Power Trunk Open And Close, Rear Park Assist A.m Fm Cd Stereo, Keyless Entry, Driver Memor, Profile Lincoln Premier Certified: 2.400 Extra Low Miles That's Right, Just 7,000 Extra Low One Owner Miles. V6 Sport. 17"T' Chromed Spoke Wheels, Michelins, Power Moonroof, Am/Fm/6 Disc In. Dash Cd, Select Shift Automatic Transmission, Diver Side Memory Profile System, Electro-Chromatic Mirror With Compass, And Keyless Entry Pad. Factory Warranty. 7.000 Miles inly 12,500 Low Miles And Super Sharp. VN engine, Automatic Transmission, Powei Windows & Locks, Am/Fm/Cd, More. Balance )f Factory Warranty. $1-5-9QQ Local one-owner Ana Loaaea!l Ani-LocK DBraKes, Chrometec Wheels, Wagon Group With Third Row Seat, 24 Valve V6 Engine, Keyless Entry. Mercury Certified With 6yr / 75k Mile Factory Lmtd Warranty. 1 8.995 )ne Of The Most Popular Mini Vans On The Market. This Recent New Car Trade Is Super harp And Well Equipped With Features You'll Love. top-oi-ine-Line!! Autumn Kea witl atone Formal Coach Roof. Dual Power Stone Leather With Driver Side Memory, Power Trunk Open And Close, Reverse Park Sensors, Am/Fm/Cd, More. Certified. $1' A2co Save Money And Lot's Of Gas With This Fuel Sippi Economy .Coupe. Automatic Transmission, A Conditioning, Stereo System, More. Balance Of Factory Year 60,000 Mile Lmtd Warranty Too!! 7.500 Low Miles 3nly 19,100 Extra Low. One Owner Miles. Auto, Air, More. Champagne Colors. Bran New Radials & Ready To Go. 19.100 Miles )nly 15,000 Miles On This Vibrant White One )wner. Keyless Entry, Power Seat, Window 7ocks, And Trunk. Sharp.. Mercury Certified ust Traded In!! Two-Tone Silver Colors. Well Equipped. Only 16,000 Miles And Balance Of ,actory Warranty. veil Over $31,000 New!! This Mercury Certifed Luxu Vagon Has Only 10,400 Low, One-Owner Miles. Go ksh- Colors. Keyless Entry, Dual Power Sliding Side )oors, Quad Captains In Parchment Leather, Dual Air, Am ,m/Cd, Front/Rear Park Assist, More. Mercury Certified. S2 b hr= mis Jold Just iviMetauic beauty is. iouH normal Roof, Dual Power Leather Seats ,oaded. Balance New Caddy Warranty. Onl) 1,500 Low Miles. Must See How Sharp Anc Extra Clean. $% 2 A gA tuning Black Exterior With G(ray Interior. 4 Cylmde] economy. Almost New Without The New Car Price. Save 3ig Bucks Right Now!! Well Equipped With Powel features. Balance Factory Warranty. 3.300 Low Miles Dark Pearl Blue And Loaded. take A Good Look t The Equipment Level On This Almost New Chevy. Excellent Fuel Economy In A Sporty Package. Lot's Of Factory Warranty Remains. 3.000 Low Miles F Ii' iU MINIIII ... ...... ....... ........ ......... ...... ... ... L 1, N I-Ni m c Y t I I' y i O SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 19 0 _______ a 0 - - S&.a i. "ZMM * 4% __ a - go 40 fa - g- - 41W. - - 1% Uh -- a-w"'L wq amw . _.o.prig htedM water .i yndicatd 'Content Available from Commercial NewsI - .O 10 -- - ial -- Providers" smi v4w a 1w 00 -o 4 0 -MIN .-0 10 lb 0 -4b. = Qw .0 '.0 41. '0m - 4- mw mom 4b 4w q 4.-W Go qmm *- .ND 44 * - mmmbm b M 4 0 o w S 4 q d 4w m *0.0om4 4m dom-w .4 - - -w- 4-W 0-wm 40 4D- ..Ow- dilo I- IND -- W - :d-Y 9w 41- 4P- q 4 4- 0- w oo m.dl .4 o . '0 0 '0 - '0 - .4 a C - .4 580 Iv MoroW Be choosy. Only with Sprint do you get so many choices of phones and capabilities, including: > Unlimited night and weekend minutes > Unlimited Nationwide Walkie-Talkie > Nationwide long distance, every minute, every day > SMS Text Messaging Sprint' > STTV UlYIM V P!!V M CTEIhIARc (((C c TECINICS, ,Ic For all your wireless needs, visit us at: Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free Natlanwilde Walkle-Talkie- l'rovirk- .as Sprint PCS Ready Link or Nextel Walkle-ITakle service. Sprint PCS Ready Link requires a Ready Link capable phone. Coverage, rate plan features, services and phone availability vary by network The Nationwide Sprint PCS Network reaches over 250 million people. The Nextel National Network reaches over 263 million people. C2005 Sp;nrt N-.xtr- All rights reserved. SPRINT. the "Going Foiiwarid"' Ilrj. IhQ NFXTFt. ;iar .i1 loo ri thl,,.r [r,.ir-rri ,rk'. are trademarks of Sprint NexteeL MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.,lS. P. nt. l.ademark Office. All third-party product S' crvict. i n s' .icr properly or thleiir rt'%pc'live ,wn r, All rigHtts reserved. 4 4 a 1 Ott - ---w- 71 * * * I PAGE 20, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 k C Trw:. ft W-%- &VW%- wS - 4b p- *w- 4D 40 -...w 4b' ampim f- al- 4m__ -mdb 4NO N MOW .0 - 4w -*n q- top- 1 14I 0. aft o -s -b *w* 4 alm.~ - 4w 40 __ -d 4w 4mm * AD a 0 0- 0 0- 4'.* 0- qmmw 1b-m 41M- . m w a a - dim sdw * qw 0 - - 0 00- * - O o 4- 4m 4 4w a, -. 40 am4IW %- 0 qD w%0 4 01. t0 w 10 q 4dw-OW w m mm ft mo* e --w w *,4M 4 0 eaft qw qm -..d mm4mp wv- u-p S- 4.0db- 411mm 400110 40-4p -Npmmommmae lb ~--o -m 490- S ow- o4 mwv - ted *Mate' 40 - ~0 S - - d. 4WD 0-.0~ 9 9 S - --=Nw 0 O-If 40 0 mom 0 - 4. Sao NNW I( ndSyndicated .-Content Ivaiiable from'Commercial News Providers" a Q 4.o lo. 44b a so o 4W 0 400*41 ] 0 1~ 'A ' .' ' S S _____ ~ i % 1 U 111"04W 011-111 0 t0 MOM-01t eno- 0410amom4N so Qb0 m Itltl0lmile *40 40m* 0 e - o~oooO O "I 'a a WANIO W 0 no alftp"af "aam 4 o m a4 40MW 4 A fail~lp 4P Uow b mtl am omt-0 a #EN ft, b* .0 4U 6 a-is alsp -am o wa* o 4b q. - Mm -mob.4.- 49@ft -4b4w -0 f - - ____ I -me 4ow '. 4D-M.-O amp -pw- 4m4m ~4P.- -S am 4- U SQ S a m 40-o O ft~ oW%"pmm -0 -o. m 0 -0 .4 4 '- 0 -m a b 4m saw m40- 44 ;opyrighi amew 4b 41 4m am io * * O,,,o I - oldomm dim SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 21 Try i YOU'LL UKE IT What .Amnria Eats Ai Syndicateontent Available fromNCommercial News Providers" mme esma ( 1% Abb-o* 2SU n4 m.h* W&- WM-4. * Ic 4 0.. 0 -h di do 41 swap 0 4um ftimw-t -dm Mba mUb O- P %Olbp G - 04oto4 -- vqo- ai -mA 441 1=6 4a 40 40 4 dmmq o e - - S a ~ -e - - S - - S U a = * ~ a a - a Q mom a a o- a .d f - * - S S a - -a-4b - a - -- a -- - a -~ - ~a - a -~ - - -a. * -a a - a a &Mo wosow0 -bw 004bqmo 40 dqmw mo *w -0 4 4=0 *wm 0=0rm 40= AR 4 N 4w Ij 40 -fi O :_ - -. 4 0 0 PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 Helping SHARE the cost , Helping SHARE the cost 9. v *'. m Val f-W ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Do you volunteer? Do you want to save approximately 50 percent of your grocery bill? If your answer is 'yes' to both questions then SHARE may be the answer for you. Even if you don't volunteer there are ways to do so and benefit from the. SHARE Florida Food Network Started in 1990, the Florida Food Network buys. food in bulk to distribute locally rewards those who help their neighbors with a steep dis- count on food purchases with buying power that equals some of the larger grocery store chains. - Each member first volun- teers somewhere, some how, whether helping your neigh- bor get to church or the store, helping a scout troop, being a member of a 'chic -organiza- tion or if you time is limited even donating two hours of your time over the course of a month to the SHARE group nearest you then you are eli- gible to purchase a food pack- age. Each month the basic pack- age costs $18 and other spe- cialty packages vary in cost but all are at about 50 percent of what an individual would pay in the grocery store. For November the basic package consisted of pork chops, chicken legs, fish filets, cocktail franks, chicken breasts, plain bagels, pota- toes, yellow onions, a head of lettuce, broccoli, carrots, lemons, apples and tanger-' ines. The Thanksgiving Dinner Package included an 8-10 pound turkey, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, gravy mix, a head of lettuce, broc- coli, celery, four apples and a pumpkin pie for just $19. Another special was for 10- 5- ounce bacon Wtrapped top sir- loin steaks. Extra meat pack- ages are also available for $12 each. Volunteers are limited to the amount of packages they wish to purchase. Shirley Reuter, head of the Wildwood SHARE, enjoys helping out her neighbors. "It's wonderful to be able to help others reward them- selves and save a lot in their ,food budgets, too." "The Wildwood SHARE dis- tributes from the Soup Kitchen at the 1st Presbyterian Church at 203 Barwick St. on the third Saturday of the month. at which time you can pay for the next month's packages you wish to purchase and also for next month you may pur- chase, your packages on Thursday, Dec 1, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the church. For more information you may contact Shirley at 352- 330-4421 for the Wildwood -area or Bushnell SHARE at 352-793-3221 and Webster SHARE at 352-568-3111 or, 352-793-9778. #461 2WD * 64 HP STD 8x8 Shuttle 2-Spool * Aux Valve R-1 Tires 6ft. Rotary * 6ft. Box Blade Front Loader * Quick Attach 72" Bucket $24,355s plus tax SHARE volunteers do a final inventory before distributing this month's food packages. #471 4WD D 4 Wheel Drive 72 HP 8x8 Sinc Shuttle Shift 60 PTO @ 2200 RPM j 6 ft. Rotary Mower 6 ft. Box Blade All irBrrainS Inde Oil Cooled Disc Brakes 31800 Progress Rd., Leesburg, FL, 34748 Post Hole Auger 352-360-1398 126,141 00pus tax HI .,, Ik* NeW Tractors: Compacts (Monthly Payments) SIM ASSEY FERGUSON *AGCO ST Seres 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 60 Months 72 Months MASSEY-FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment F1500 Series 0% 0% 0% 4.45% 4.45 9% Nights of Lights planned Fort Cooper State Park is celebrating the 8th annual Nights of Lights. Dec. 16 and 17 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Admission is free with dona- tions of new toys or canned goods. The event will take place weather permitting. Fort Cooper State Park will be decorated with thousands of holiday lights, hundreds of luminaries and other season- al decorations. Refreshments of mulled cider, hot cocoa, cookies and smores will be served at no charge. Santa Claus will make a CI.ATEANDNONCUiMA STORAGE SHEDS M- 352 rL '-"SS guest appearance both nights. Picture with Santa $5 dona- tion to benefit the Friends of Fort Cooper State Park Holiday music will be per- formed on a lake front stage by country singer Don Thompson and the gospel group, The Remnants. All food and toy donations will benefit Citrus United Basket pro-iding holiday meals and. presents to an estimated 2,000 families of need. For more information con- tact Fort Cooper State Park at 726-0315. fE CONTROLLEDMINISTORAGE CARPORTS STEEL BUILDINGS MGO, AND UTIITY TRAILERS -793-9083 L....^ VEB Slaug - FeedE Slaug Repla Sitgrter Cowe Breaker s, .A% m, i i,'.).( A., 'h i vi. :y I ,aj A i ,',o I n i' I 1 1z :)--1 1 : '. Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Wl Range AvgWI Price Range AvgPrice 840-885 867 41.0045.00 4303 915-1090 1004 4000-46.00 43.67 1100-1255 1137 41.0045.00 43,41 lli' il 1 ;) 4 -1 i4- 46.84 SiaognIeI Co*s Lean 8-i90% thi ,i.. VUi i nt,:, ')(,' Atg Pace 715-820 tM ;,i.lk 4i .) t .i i tL 905-1050 1') i 3'10,+4 4,., SlaughterBulls YG 1 "1 411:.-14'I 11 I 4.. ',4 1 ) llr .kl I I l"i l. Ii 1' I i 4l W |,4)l. 1 44.3) I, Feeaer Steers ama Bulls Metum and Large 12 002 1987 1955 hter cows and bulls: we.r-. ii-aoy er steers and heifers: w ,iE ,TE.:. j, pui, 1 h.,., d,, ..: r steers and heifers:.. i :i r.: :, .,.,-,n :,' r .n :.a o .n..., r,, .'. .: i [...r Ii r......i-i , hter cows and bulls:'i ,c.c.,cr,: cement cows; a parEonT Fe, 1eEio.'*,lst I',. '1.l- wll ,jinm y ". ,-) I i',',, H.Ia',,), ,j ^.,.,,, S:.':A 11 .: ,i, .t 111 l r l'S 170.00 100n -.4 332 132.00-142,00 1 'r' 368 *124.00-130.00 1.;. Ii,-jO 418 122.00-128.00 1: l" 450-485 470 110.00-117.00 112.77 C.1 ,, .I I i. ll' 1101 )) 11 I J *',, *t [, 1 ,'I 11 1:1. l)'. 1)1) 114 42 eder Slurs and Bulls Meaumn and Large 2-. ,li9 2 "mt,[ Pr..ii A.j ) A IPnl-o ji; l.. I'Jll.' i "0i6 i'i" I. Ii, .u 7 17 1 'i -i.yuun tiii tt: I't'," 5 1) 1.' n)1i ) rin. 111. III'4 1 4. V.4 ,.. h i)i)-106 Oil 116; :11 'i. i '.ir. .44 *)8 '). -Ii 4 ,I 1A ) f" '. aeer Slars and Balls Small 12 th 'iA.''. i l l iF. l., A.I) ., 1A ' 11,lu I, '11 I IBIUI 111 l I:' i 5 364 i'i).1 9. ) 11 i):i- 1461 1" I " eder Heiers Meooum and Large 12 ''. i t1 -; (('ii.', i 1i i "^.'-m i .l H lil-~hlNl 11 ij [ Autoie elro 2tl.Il- I rc 4 1, illl, IHIJ. l ", ] 1. llll 1 IN 1 4 lii1 i li.I IrH')-II.1 i. i 1"144 S.525-536 T"l lii' iii,. ',-n,,' 104.17 ''.i1, *.;4 'aT iii"i.M iii.i 95.51 Feadei Heifers Mdi m and Large 2 3 l; .rf I..j~ ,',, _,'. .; AvgPrice "1,a'4 .i O. U ii 133.59 i ii) i 122.83 31n.14-, i 11 nn 127 nO ii' .' .. 51.'l .. -') :. l.' i'll l .' nn ,1 ) h.n ; i,', 4, W Y1'' 4 9601 'I 1.-It X I t', I'3 Feeder Henfers Sall 1-2 ft Ra"mp 4 41tAl F'i." l!i,'.-I A F'iFr.., I.I).. iI ) l hi1i1:1 -l. I 1:I)I1: 1 ii : . il.r- ill i I II'II IN I, ,JI',ll ll't i "' Bred COW1ldiUni mand La 1el-2Ye,,' " t Phu,,, A ,h f'Mn.,iFR r,.t A ) Q:.. ";4 l.0 1 i 14 Iij-. (1)i)' i. t4 i 4 :.A.. .Ir. B,4 , 41"11B 1" 1 ll i II 1111''i o)d 'l .1 4-. _g 'r ;' ,, I1 i 1:ij ) I IYi) l ,' 1)&1'6 ,1i,: i. j, FA ,lm : .r- l Cow..al Pais M ,dium and Large 1-.Y odig W lT:iY ,- c .,WIV i\ ,.F : I, ,, 4, q ". ,)1i-.iin' iii) 1(2 i Hiij1i-;M,)i)ii vt.'r'f Livetockand- Grin Mrke New, Bunpe Bartow,__FL__568-0084 Breakthrough in Eye Surgery The Cataract Surgery Implants Can Restore a Full Range of Vision Without Glasses! Until now, people have had to make a decision'' about their postoperative vision prior to surgery. Distance vision with readers or near vision with glasses for everything else? What about monovision. with one eye set far and the other near? With revolutionary breakthroughs in lens replacement technology (Crystalens e, a ReZoom-T and ReStor3) patients can receive a lens to restore a full range of vision without glasses following surgery. Unlike any single focus implant, these intraocular lenses are- designed to function as the natural eye does; allowing you to focus on objects that are close up, in the distance and in the intermediate range. Stuart J. Kaufman Cataract and Implant Surgeon Sun City Center 4002 State Road 674 6 813-634-9289 Dr. Stuart Kaufman. a leader in' cataract surgery is proud to offer the latest advances in lens technology. If you are considering cataract surgery, call the closest office to you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kaufman. ,llllim,. Sll I FLORIDA EYE CARE S LASER. & CATARACT CENTERS ga lir Zephyrhills 6329 US 301 tGall Blvd.) 813-788-7616 Call Today 352-793-2161 , - 14 6 GROOMinG A DOGS WANTED: , All Breeds great and small, We will bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOUR pet today! For Fido's next appointment please call Sandy at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 . *axi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMQ 748-2222 - AIRPORTS: 00 off ORLANDO SANFORD 0 Off TAMPA* ST. PETE Per Person in Your Party CRUISE PORTS Must present coupon. PORT CANAVERAL *TAMPA = Valid airport limo service only OTHER PORTS UPON REQUEST f\ EQUINE Orthotics JARRETT PARISH and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research =- Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 S352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR1 16 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist Bushnell 1814 CR 48 352-568-0600 1452W. HWY 48 :BUSHNELL, FL33513 OFFICE: (352) 793-8861 CELL: (352) 303-0000 " wss -^ 609 N.Old Wire Rd. Wildwood, FL 34785 OFFICE: (352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 www.dibarco.com Diana B. Coui SnRLn COn44773 S Fully Licensed & Ins www.floridaeyeeare.com, llard sured 2,.., - Dibarco Buiing CFull Serporation Full Service Contractors - 4r,' C~r~ndj President Owner . GN/BUILD SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 23 MZZYA AMMRAN R2IOWION The price. #N150X o ur127 O6SILVERADO OO 1500 05 TRAILBLAZER L EXT Cab, Automatic MSRP $24,005 l, MSRP $32,647 05,017 hFF IIRP $7,247 OFF MSRP V..r AL -- YOU L I A&j. Atkh. im.n ag. in ......na : .-w +, *-....... .*-*. ,. 05 CHEVY 05 CHEVY 02 CHEVY SILVERADO 02 CHEVY SILVERADO 05 NISSAN 05 JEEP 03 JEEP 05 JEEP MALIBU SILVERADO 1500 1500 HD 4X4 2500 HD DIESEL QUEST LIBERTY WRANGLER UNLIMITED 5 To Choose Froml Like New. #8853T Leather, crew cab. #8851T Loaded, gieat for towing. #8720P Loaaea for the family #D60150F Loaded #8759A Sierra, both tops. #8798P Long wheel base #D50810A $15,888+ $19,9980 $21,8880 '21,8880 17,388 $17,988 $20,9880 $21,888 "72 months @ 7 9"o Selling price $11.588 fPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299 50 )and includes all factory incenthes, rebates and customer loyalty Dealer incentives subject to change See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only li l~ llm + ;.+l~l+:l...+.-.,.l.++ ....,ll. -y PAGR 24. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 Sumnerl :BITS Pageant applications are available The 2006 pageant applica- tions are available at the Sumter County Fair Grounds or maybe downloaded from our website sumterfair.net Moose Lodge bingo Lake Panasoffkee Moose Lodge #1179, located at 1317 C.R. 470, is holding bingo every Tuesday. It is open to the public, starts with a lunch- eon at 11:45 a.m. and the games begin about 12:15 p.m. This is a friendly place to have fun and food. Holiday fruitcakes at Linden Church Holiday fruitcakes are available now at Linden Church of God. They are avail- able in 2, 3 and 5 pounds at $5 per pound. Call 793-7818 or 568-1991 to reserve. KofC bingo Bingo. is .held every Thursday at 6 p.m. and, spon- sored by the Knights of, Columbus, Our Lady of the Waters council #12544 at the St Lawrence social hall red building at Hwy. 301 and Dade Ave., Bushnell, FL. Refreshnients are available. American Legion looking for members, American Legion Post 18 holds their meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Wildwood, Hvwy 44 and Hwy 301. We are look- ing for new members. For more information, call 352- 326-2158. Holiday Zip Lock Sumter County Veterans Service office will be sending packages out to the troops during the holidays. If you are interested in this cause, bring your donations to the Veterans Service Office's listed below: Bushnell office: 416 N. Lawrence, St., Bushnell, FL 33513. For infor mation call 793-0235.. Villages Annex: 8033 E. C.R. 466, Suite B., Box 9, Lady Lake, FL 32162. For informa- tion call 753-2686. Youth Center turkey sale , It's time once again for the Sumter County Youth Center annual smoked turkey sale, also offering spiral sliced hams that are great for holi- day dinners. Call the Youth Center at 568-8722 for more information. Tracy's Point , meeting The Tracy's Point Community Club meets every third Tuesday each month at the community club building at 7 p.m. For more informa- tion call 568-2883.. Cancer support, group meets A cancer support group meets in Bushnell every see-, ond Monday of the month at 7 p.m., at Chuck's Odd Cuples Restaurant,, 117 W. Belt Ave. (Hwy 48),. Bushnell it is between CVS Pharmacy and the Dollar Store. . This is for anyone dealing with cancer in their lives. You rnay be a current. patient ,or a caregiver or a survivor who may have words of encourage- ment to offer! Come and share and listen. You will be uplifted to lkow you are not alone! Hosts are Lee Krauss and Georgia Klems. RN. Mommy provide assistance and social support for all the little ones. Classes will be on Saturday, from 11 a.m. to ,noon at Just Acro in Lake Panasoffkee. For more information call 303-0518. Rural Florida Health raffle The Rural Florida Community Health Foundation is sponsoring a reverse raffle to raise money for Thomas E. Langley Medical: Center. Tickets are $100 each with only 200 being offered. The drawing will be Nov. 18; at Continental Country Club in Wildwood. For tickets or information call Marilyn Connell 352-568-2272 or Julie Pacheco at 352-793- 5900. Webster Holiday parade - The City of Webster will have their. Christmas Parade Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. Any one that would like to participate please contact Cathy at 793- 2072. Attention SSHS class of 1990 We are planning a reunion for Feb. 17 and 18. If you're interested in attending, con- tact Teresa Allan-Tredway at 727-501-3601 or by e-mail at ttredwayt@'email.com. You can also contact Susan Shackleton-Berry at 352-793- 1727 or by e-mail at rber- rys2001@yahoo.com. We look forward to seeing everyone again. Recycle, don't And Me throw away Momrny and Me acrobat The Sumter County FI s essalc are set to start in mid Freec cle rou is o en l come to participate too! One main rule: everything posted must be free. This group is part of The Freecycle Network, a nonprofit organi- zation and a movement of peo- ple interested in keeping good stuff out of landfills. Check out freecycle.org for other cities and information on the move- ment! E-mail the Moderator for questions or improvement ideas! mailto: sumterctyfl- f r e e c y c 1 e - owner@yahoogroups.com. Have fun and jump right in! Jazzercise Lite classes Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Building, Tuesday and Thursdays, 9 to 10 a.m. Call Patty Jordan at 793- 9340. Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation. Sumter on the move Walking Club in Sumter County every Thursday at 6 p.m. at Kenny Dixon Sports Complex Walk Track Co-Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation and Health Department. Crank-Y- Campers, The Central Florida Camping Club aka Crank-Y- Campers, has members and camps all over the state and invites you come out meet new people and make new friend at one of our monthly campouts. Children and pets welcomed. For more informa- tion call 407-699-3039 or 407- 575-3300. Our website is: geoc- ities.comi/crankycampers. Country and U. iuo -V.U.t. J I N. t.Cj.. iv I It II I I MI IIii ) l.i..,.. xi.I. U,1vlJ U l+ II tv C ii September! who want to "'recycle" that gospel music , Morms with their children, special something rather than There will be music at the ages three and four, can join throw it away. Whether it's a Community Building starting together for some basic turn- chair, a fax machine, piano or in July on second, fourth and bling. an old door: feel free to post it. fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Mommy doesn't necessarily Or maybe you're looking to Country and gospel music will tumble in the starter classes, acquire something yourself! be heard at Lake Panasoffkee but she needs to be on hand to. Nonprofit groups are also wel- Community Building across from truck stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only. Call 748-2628 for informa- tion. Dance at Lake Panasoffkee There will be dancing every first and third Friday, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, % block north of blinker light across from Sunshine Truck Stop., Singles and couples are welcome. Life entertainment and finger foods appreciated. All ages welcome; sponsored by Sumter Singles. Call 352-424-1688 for more information. Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries throughout the county. Beginning on June, 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will be at Lake Panasoffkee Library. The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third Tuesday of each month we, will be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville.. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster:, -.... If you. have any further- questions please contact Sumter County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75. ': block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to eou- Elk". A ples and singles. Finger food-!.: appreciated. Sponsored by- Sumter Singles. Live music. For more information, call 352-424-1688 Cancer support group Meetings are on the second" Monday of every month at: Chuck's Odd cup'les Cafe On' West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p. m. Refreshments are provided. For information, contact Lee Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Domestic violence ;: support group meets Curious about what may- constitute domestic abuse 'r, concerned that you might be: in a domestic violence rela-' tionship? There's a women's" support group from 6 p.m. t6 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club meets . The ;Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the firLst Thursday of the month at tihe American Legion Hall. on' Hwy. 44, Wildwood. - Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. ' Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets evety second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a serit-e club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member: For more infornma- tion. contact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. Support Group . A suLpport, group for widow" s, iwidowers and divorcees- s held every Wednesdav at 9:30" a.m. at the Lake Panasofikee - United Methodist Churchi If you are grieving, hurting, join us. : : -''-, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 25 Outdoos widh ADAMS ... Memories of past Thanksgiving and hunting seasons A s a boy growing up in Back in those bygone days North Florida in the there were not near as many '40s and '50s, deer and turkey as there is Thanksgiving was these days but there second in impor- still were enough tance only to around and close by Christmas to make it interest- Thanksgiving 5 ing for a young boy meant to me that 5 4 to get excited about hunting season was" and chase after. finally open and Most of the wild better yet I was game I pursued going to be out of back then was school for nearly a squirrels both fox whole week and be i and grey along with able to traipse 'all kinds of ducks, around in the JAMIE ADAMS coot, snipe, dove woods doing pretty Outdoor Writer and quail. much whatever I Sometimes I would wanted to be doing be fortunate which in my case was hunting enough to slip up on an otter whatever edible wild critters I and if I did this was a sure nuff could find. bonus. After selling a prime I was richly blessed in hav- otter hide I could stock up on ing been raised near the banks plenty of ammunition at the of the one time pristine local Western Auto Store and Fennholloway River and the better yet if I could get two or rich hammock woods that bor- three or even more otter hides ders it as it twisted and turned during the course of a hunting slowly flowing to the gulf pro- and trapping season I could viding treasured and even out right buy a new rifle unspoiled hunting grounds. or shotgun or at least put a good down payment on one. Incidentally, back in those days you could go into most local places that sold ammuni- tion. If you did not have enough money to buy a whole box of shells the owner would gladly bust open a new box and sell you whatever the number of shells that you had the cash money to pay for. Many times I would go into a store and buy a few each of several different types of rifle and shotgun shells and you can bet I did not waste a single one of them. When I first started hunting, my daddy would let me have a few shells and he fully expect- ed that if I shot at a squirrel, duck or whatever, I had better be bringing some meat back to the house. He would not in any way tolerate wasting shells or any of the meat from wild game. As far as the meat from the wild game we shot, most of it was eaten right off the bat but my mama would often save up a bunch of wood ducks and one of the main courses at both our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners was a great big pan of cornbread dressing with a half dozen wood duck breasts baked a golden brown on top of the dressing. As far as the squirrels went, most of the time mama fried them just like a batch of chick- en and then made a big pan of milk gravy to go along with a pot of sticky rice. If the grey squirrels were young and not too tough they could be cooked outright but if they were old squirrels most of the time they had to be par boiled a while to tender the meat up a bit. On the other hand, a full grown fox squirrel could always be figured on being as tough as whip leather so they were always tendered down a while by par boiling them before being made into a big pot of squirrel and rice. Ever so often on rare occa- sions, some of us might luck out and get a wild turkey. This was time for real celebration as this was about the only way for us to have a real turkey for Thanksgiving or Christmas. There was not a whole lot of wild turkey in the woods of north Florida back in the time I was growing up where now the woods are full of them up there. Nowadays, most turkey hunting is done in the spring with all kinds of fancy meth- ods and equipment but back then it was usually just pure out and out luck when you happened to chance up on a wild turkey. If you got a wild turkey in your sights you emp- tied the gun at it no matter whatever sex the -wild turkey might be, whether it was a hen or gobbler, they both fried up mighty fine. Back then, folks were not in love with a wild turkey gob- blers beard' and spurs and I have heard the comment 'dozens of times that what good were the beards and spurs anyway as they were not fit to eat? Times have sure changed, as now days a lot of hunters could care less about the wild turkey meat and just want the beards and spurs to show off as trophies. Folks don't do as much camping around Thanksgiving and Christmas as they used to. Many folks around where I lived bitterly moved to the woods when hunting season opened. With all of the crops laid by it was the time of the year to get into the woods and relax. For a lot of families around where I lived this was a way of life. When I would get the chance I would camp with them and lots of times when I got off the school bus I headed straight for the camp. A lot of folks traditionally spent their Thanksgiving at the camp and have been doing so for many generations. Eating in the woods at the camp just makes food seem to taste a little better in my opin- ion. Anyway, it is for sure I purely miss some of those old times at the hunting camp and the good groceries that were always spread on the table. Bobwhite quail numbers nosedive; leaders seek cure Wildlife conservation authori- ties met at Tall Timbers Research Station near Tallahassee Monday to map a plan to reverse a 25-year decline in Florida's bobwhite quail pop- ulation. ' According to the Northern Bobwhite Conservation, Initiative (NBCI), Florida's quail population has dropped between three and five percent each year for a total decrease of 70 percent since 1980. Experts say that is merely a symptom of a much bigger problem loss of quality habitat. Where hunters in Florida were once harvesting around 2.5 million quail annual- ly during the 1960s. they are now taking fewer than a quarter-mil- lion. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in cooperation with Tall Timbers, called on Florida Agriculture Commissioner Charles H. Bronson, Florida Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd, and other state, federal and key conservation organizations to assemble for the Leadership Summit on Bobwhite Management on Florida's Public Lands. The purpose of the half-day meeting was to enlist support of leaders and key stakeholders in public land management, con- servation and bobwhite manage- ment for the focus of restoring habitats for quail. The initiative will help not only quail but also several other birds, including the threatened red-cockaded woodpecker and the Florida scrub-jay, as well as more than 40. endangered or threatened plant species, all of which depend, on the same open pine woods ecosystem for their sur- vival.: Florida has roughly six mil- lion acres of public lands. Approximately 1.5 million of this acreage could provides suitable quail habitat if proper manage- ment techniques such as fre-. quent prescribed burning and timber thinning were employed. "I feel really good about the level of leadership., of those who attended this meeting, and I am confident that we have the abili- ty and commitment to get some things done to help quail restoration in this state," said Congressman Boyd. Represented at the meeting were the state's Division of Forestry, the U.S. Forest Service, University of Florida, water management districts, .Department of Environmental Protection, Allied Sportsmen of Florida, Quail Unlimited,' .Pheasants/Quail Forever, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. "The number of hunters in this state has been declining sig- nificantly, and I feel we can help turn this around by increasing quality hunting lands and game. This will help pass down the hunting tradition to future gen- erations and increase hunting families in Florida," said Kate Ireland, chair of Tall Timbers' board of directors and owner of Foshalee Plantation. I Other states within the bob- white quail's range, including Alabama, Arkansas, .Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri. North Carolina, Oklahoma,. Tennessee and Texas, have already started similar initia- tives. South Carolina and Mississippi also are on the verge of getting involved, and the goal of the NBCI is to enlist nine more states, adding 2.8 million coveys of quail to the existing populations and improve habi- tat on 81 million acres within the bird's range. The FWC is committed to forming a partnership with sev- eral interested agencies and organizations to share the cost of time and resources spent on the challenge of turning this situa- tion around. One need identi- fied at the meeting was to create a full-time paid position to spearhead this initiative. w*r PAGE 26, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 ALL NEW2006 JEEP COMMANDER Ln V7perne SLMV^ FIVE STAR ALL NEW 2006 DODGE MEGA CAB mmm L SLT CLUB CAB CAW, I 111 rfS #B50428 RAM 4 :7 Automatic o22 9,100#J60FF M SRP MSRP224..........................................25,895 19,10000 OFF MSRP MSRP ...............................s25989500 YOU ftIk PAY wm --- ONLY 2006 DODGE CARAVAN SE 18,95400 OFF MSRP YOU PAY PAY DNLY ONLY *On select 2005 makes and models. See dealer for details. Prices & Payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fees (299.50) all rebates, customer loyalty & dealer incentives included, expires the following Monday of ad date. Photos for illustration purposes only- Cnrysler is a registered trademark of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. Jeep" is a trademark ol Daimier nrysler To Choose SPCIA PURCHASE Gas -7 From r ^A-. a M a &.. %.RANf..t ,I Mileage n_' E M I i 2005 DODGE NEONS & CHEVY CAVMilRS O DOWN 22 ER MONTH WJLC. I 24HOU.RS/7 AYS 06 CHRYSLER 99 MAZDA 99 CHEVY 99 CADILLAC 300 PROTEGE CAVALIER SEDAN DEVILLE Touring. #D60073A 4 Dcor. gas saver. #D60072B Great on gas. #8810A Loaded. #24533B SAVE 4,688 sS,888 $7,988 nO M 05 NISSAN 05 JEEP 03 JEEP 05 JEEP 05 CHEVY' 05 CHEVY 02 CHEVY SILVERADO 02 CHEVY SILVERADO QUEST LIBERTY WRANGLER UNLIMITED MALIBU SILVERADO 1500 1500 HD 4X4 2500 HD DIESEL Loaded for the family. #D60150F Loaded. #8759A Siena, both lops. #8798P Long wheel base #D50810A 5 To Choose From! Like New. #8853T Leather, crew cab. #8851T Loaded, great for towing. #8720P *17,388 S 7,988! *20,988 *21,888 $15,888 *19,998 s21,888* 21,888 **72 months @ 7.9.: Selling price $11,588 Prices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299.50 )and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. .1141 CHRYSLER 1.877-692799 4238 DODGE JEEP (MY CRYSTAL .077 H.wy. 44 West, Inverness . ,DODGE- H];46 l~| OFF pAy SMSRPONL, _ s200oo6 ------- DAKOTA CLUB CAB ( YOU -I Coolf'V-mnrs OOR 9? 'asy- Crygtal ounfified prwo-awma- go Vchicu, Ak' -< SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 27 rnIinr-~-~-~- -. Fun andGGAMES 0 4a 0=00 4b 4' . ~'. ~*Apo 4w ra - mm4b-Cm jq~, 4 S e 1I~ s3~, C do I* low rnm 0 0* n Ei S. S SO ~C. d Material Ow-. Syndicated ContWeni Available from Commercial News t5' 1" : A ^E* 4 41A m s ft m 4 alL m:E, 0 o opft 4b.- a. f- mw - ft*- ow. AM. Ui '4 fte M p t* fo d ft dP-MNI-4091- 4 C p-0 - 40 40.8 .- -%ow 4 amom m-wMN40 0 b 1.4 am-old 4 ANIM ..0 40C p qw0 9FMP qw .10, d~onllp o o 4- -mp44 - . Providers'! 0 aw 410w0*"ME at" &Af-. .- am 4 1w 40 ft. lft a ~ -woos *.Q4 ~-wa0 a V0 a do 61Da f m ' S '6 GNP= 0 *wow swa ebmbwa - C 0 *15o - o U )W .. * f S b r 9 b 'U ci - ~ - 9'~ *~1 C bb. 1. 4 e~i 4mb. -ak-Oft * - *. e I I. Ut" 'IL- * * AL 4: r I I 0 e I F!, w 4- 4w I 9 S a "o e 14 * . *** eta 'IL 9 I b 'I I d "m D*.- Am I 144. 40 4m W 4 .4 91 = "a 1 0 b vow (it mavo I" I ow m PAGE 28, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. A i w1 (a dscfidr l incsliancr -yours now online!! 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FCAN BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Escape the heat in the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of western NC Homes, cabins, acreage & investments, Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, NC cherokeemounfain realty.com Call for free brochure. (800) 841-5868 FCAN ESCAPE TO YELLOW TOP MOUNTAIN Western NC. Easy Access, paved roads, privacy, gated. Awesome viewsl Acreage w/creeks & log cabin shell from $89,900. Financing. available. (828) 247-0081 FCAN GRAND OPENING SALE Phase 2. Lake view Bargains! Water access frmo $34,900 w/FREE Boat Slips. PAY NO CLOSING COSTS! Sat & Sun 12/10 & 12/11 Huge pre-construction savings on beautifully wooded parcels at 34,000 acre lake Tennessee. Enjoy unlimited water recreation. Surrounded by state forest. Lakefront available Excellent flancing! Call now (800) 704-3154 ext. 701 FCAN NC MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN on mountain top, unfinished inside, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby. No traffic. $89,900 Owner (866) 789-8535 www.NC77.com UNIQUE 6,000 SQ.FT. Lake Lanier home, private 2 ac. 325ft on lake, exquisite gardens, waterfalls, boat dock, 50 ml.NE of Atlanta, GA $1,500,000 Doris Savage RE (770)861-8525 FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there Is cool Mountain air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS Cool Air, views, streams, homes, cabins, acre- age. Free brochure of mountain property (800) 642-5333 Realty of Murphy 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906. www.realtyofmurphy. com FCAN Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Private Party seeks home on 1 to 5 acres. Sumter. Cash. (239) 793-5798 4 Lots in CITRUS SPRINGS Buy 1 or all 4, ea. Is 1/4 + or ac. 1 ea. on Edison, Eldridge, 2 on Doroni- cum. (386) 445-7776 Lake Panasoffkee Gorgeous Ig. dbl. lot. 208'X100'..Mostly clear- ed w. manr, oiosullul oaks _rear r.nei.jh,.:, hood. Deed restricted area. Near lave & boat access C.ts .ler Ready to build your dream home. Only $49,900. Call now, won't last (352) 793-6270 or Cell (561) 389-5036 "TENNESSEE LAKE . PROPERTIES" Located on pristine Norris Lake, TVA's first reservoir. Lakefronts, lake & mountain views, homes and land. CALL Lakeside Realty (423) 626-5820 www. lakeslderealty-tn.com FCAN $10,000 DISCOUNT Grand opening Ocala area- The Preserve at Oak Hill. Upscale equestrian community of 5 to 21 acre parcels. Private gated trails. Discount ends. 12/15/05 Broker/Owner (352) 330-0022 FCAN COASTAL LIVING AT IT'S BEST BrunswIck County, North Carollna. Homes and homesites, Call Now! (800) 682-9951 coastal Carolina Ufestyle Inc www. coastalcarollna llfestyle.lnfo FCAN COASTAL SOUTHEAST GEORGIA Large wood- ed water access, marsh view, lake front and golf oriented homesites from the mid $70's Uve Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com 0 F^ El---- MOUNTAIN, LAKE AND VACATION PROPERTIES AVAILABLE In Northeast Georgia and Western NC. Contact Exit Realty (877) 203-5151 www.exitng.com FCAN NORTH CAROLINA GATED LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pro-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800) 709-5253 FCAN OWN A LAKEFRONT RETREAT Private community on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2 hours to Nashville. Spectacular views of Lake Barkley. 1 to 6 acres from the $40's. New to Market. Call (866) 339-4966 FCAN OWN A LAKEFRONT RETREAT Private community on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2 hours to Nashville. Spectacular views of Lake Barkley. 1 to 6 acres from the $40's. New to Market. Call (866) 339-4966 FCAN .OWN A PRIVATE MOUNTAIN RETREAT Spectacular gated riverfront mountain community near Asheville, NC 1-8 acre building sites from the $60's. Borders National Forest. Community lodge & river walk. Call (866) 292-5762 FCAN SEASON CLOSE-OUT SALE IN THE TENNESSEE SMOKIES Gated waterfront community Riverfront & mountain views available. Prices starting low as $46,900. Final Phase ULimited Lots call now Ask about our lot/home pkg. Buy Direct from the developer Save TiTr..:u..rd .. 5.: 4 u -;' e'V, 327. www.riverscrest.com FCAN TN WEEKEND RETREAT. . ACREAGE New lake community close to Chattanooga & Knoxville.:Uimited number of private boat slips. Community lake access and amenities. 1/2+..acres from $40K Call (866) 292-5769 FCAN FISH ALMOST ANY- WHERE- 15'11" Peenoe, .3 lior.jr,:.,rn Motor, 1.10gl,i: Til l r $2700. (352) 793-489.4 Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.comr Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.corn Search 100's of Local Autos Online at- www.naturecoast wheels.comr Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com Clermont, FL 34712-0188 Fla. Bar No. 097474 TEL (352) 394-4025 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, November 24 and De- cember 1. 2005. To place Search 100's of TO Local Autos a legal Online at www.naturecoast ad call wheels.com 793-3163. cY^ITIA 628-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3927 Notice is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has fied said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name In which it was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 1190 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: BLK 3 JOHNSON SUBD Parcel Number N36B042 SEC 36 TWP 21 RNG 22 Name In which assessed: MARY RUSHING ESTATE C/O ANNIE PATTERSON Said property'being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder- at the Court House door, on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the, clerk a nonrefundable -cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay-- ment. Witness my hand and offi- clal seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times,- November 10, 17, 24 and December 1, 2005. 627-1201 SCT PUBUC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3928 Notice Is hereby given - that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has tiled said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issu- ance, the description of the property, and the name in which It was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 1305 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: LOTS 41 & 48 UNIT 3 ROY- AL OAKS RETREATS UNREC LESS N 1/2 OF LOT41 Parcel Number R02AO41 SEC 2 TWP22 RNG21 Name In which assessed: RONALD M & LINDA BROWN Said property being In the County of Sumter, State Sof Florida. Unless such cer- tiflcate shall be redeem- ed according -to law the property described In such certificate shall' be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ":ment. ' Witness my hand andi offi-" clal seal on-r.i 10 2ii.. Gloria R. Hayward ..; Clerk of the Circuit.Ceurt '!.,j ilm er .,:.,jr.r, Fli.:.rl ,.3 ,.Cui ',i COU-i SEL o, v, i .r i o.itat . PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMER COUNTY. FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005-CP-000230 IN RE: ESTATE OF EILEEN F. COLLINS, Deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVEURT ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been EILEEN F. COLLINS, de- ceased, File Number 2005-CP-000230, by the Di.i:.:..n rr.e aa .; of which Is Sumter County Fiori.a Street. Bushnell,nFL cash value of the eAdmstate on)s TO AL,91L PERSONSd HAVIthe those to wh ABOVEm t has been assigned by such or-tified der an Order of Summary teAdmin LewisGarrison enter red in the estate of .ceasedT File Number ,2005-CP-000230, by the servue!d wtn toh ratere COurr, NTIFIS NHAT':Date which Is Sumter County cash fvaluebcio of the estate s $1,915.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom It has ATE3520 TaFHlor Ave. OTHS ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons shaving cla ims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of this notice Is served within three (3) notice must file the:r claim with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE FIRST PUBICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM, All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons who have claims or demands against the de- thetr claims with this court. NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS Steven Lews Garrton Elwood M. Obrig, Esquire SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 29 625-12UI 01 ;T PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3930. Notice Is hereby given r.oi ARCHIE L. COLLUM ..,uTRUST me holder of the ,.,,l,.:r,,ng certificate has fihi aid certificate for a o itax deed to be issued oethereon. The certificate 5j1rnumber and year of Issu- a.-.c-. the description of Ire property, and the odiname In which It was as- .0o sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 469 Year of Issuance: 2003 Description of Property: THE N 1/2 OF LOT 3. BLK 8 ULTRA CITY Parcel Number F35A169 SEC 35 TWP 19 RNG 22 -beName in which assessed: 3TAEMMA LEE MCCRAY EST C/O KELVIN MCCRAY , ,-:-Sold properly being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificoate shall be redeem- r, ed according to law the property described In such certificate shall be .r sold to the highest bidder s, at the Court House door C90on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. $,.. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- e. der shall post with. the ei :clerk a nonrefundable :o cash deposit of $200.00 at ea the time of the sale, to be .eiapplied to the sale price -yat.the time of full pay- ment. i rWitness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In ..:-,,the Sumter County Times, b :-November, 10. 17, 24 and December 1, 2005. 624-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3931 n- Notice Is hereby given MUthat, JOHNNY MCCART, aid the holder of the follow- -o, ing certificate has filed o said certificate for a tax bo-deed to be Issued there- ,t, on. The certificate num- -L. ber and year of Issuance, lo the description of the eri property, and the name -rC In which it was assessed are as follows: . Certificate No.: 1437 Year of Issuance: 2.r.'' Description at Property: -' L.: T BL* E ." i-' 4.1- O~CCOOCHEE EST OR 148 PG 90 Parcel Number R14B066 SEC 14' TWP 22 RNG 21 :beName In which assessed: AdIPAUL E & CELIA SCURLOCK Said pi,', rrt, ,.-ilr,g i, Ir,. eiitCounr, or lurli,- 'tale etnbf Floridao ui-,ie.. r.;., -isetiflcate rallyl Os r.a;.- r,. S.c- a-.c :i.ir. i: Ic .a i r, -* I pr-:,r",.p ', .1 -:IC:,"rr i. ir, 'u.:r. Cr, inmcOa- :r3li I.- t:, tria r1: r, ig3r :i . -I ar in- C.:.un -H.:.,j:e 3.:., or, Monday, January 09, ,90 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute -i. 197.542 (2)' The- high bid- -bicder shall post with the a .:iler-s a .ri-i. r,,.33 .'le -I a ;r. a s,.p 1 -..-r : 1" I:IIJ . to (the'time of the sale, to be a.- .3nCP le, I.:. rr. ..31- rr-.:e -: oa rile rr .- jI I r 3,- ,c met M Witness. my hn,..3 i r..3 -:,r i i' iaiVeai icr. :ri I:n i i S rii la r H., ..'3,'3 Clerk of the Ci.cu- ,i::.i .frc.',iC.urr, FI-.:.ri 3.3 .:.j l JIT,0 .,: .i'i .,E -L, 6, -'& B :k,i ., . :ul:.nl:rA a e r'.Co 1 '1irimi.- Ir, ,I ti1 ',llijmIf-n r '-, i.-i,.i., rri- -, Pid.,.'rbier I'.: i-' -'A .3.1 623-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE '1' 'J 3 :-e .:4 ,i,0 p .; TI...-i ior 10.1 .-L e TAX DEED 3932 ic-. i l r,rr :I -i I thi LUTHER L WRIGHT Fr. n,-:l'rd-i o a Fr,- i.I .r C>:hIni>:oit rdii 1- .0"I c:.1rri.:o, uds Ie r l..e T, 0 S, -riu rr.:.Ir- r. r,.- -hr-h I d, : '- 1 ir,- I'.:.[i-|T , ar. i, rIe Inare Ii arIcr. n s01 'o: ,e;Ae, or a. ,1 , r.:... Certificate No. 'J Year of Issuance "2:0. Description of Property: -, l J ,:E i ITJ : -, -'. i i : r1.11l 200 I- I'.., F:,:, 260.'1 Ji J FT .' 1 ; I i 0 r 2 Ii 1 'A i- :iJ 3* F, F i F T 1 2 I '" F 0 1 1Fhl1 2.C.) T IC-.n-C- Parcel Number .:-,-..73A SEC TWP I RNG :'3 ','"Name In which assessed. CLEMON MCGRIFF 8 STE. VEN STEWART -' 3.3 LC.i.:I r;1. "i, e.-lr,:2 i ri- Ir :t F1 1.i.3i UnIle.: j:-r. :-'. himcol shall be redeem- d -I .c,:ording to law the 'pr:.perr, described In '.,Jc rlil.:.-.ie :nall be L.:I3 .:. ir,e r.lar,er c.i cl r 01r rn C.:..jn Iou.e ,5''.,-. :.r. Monday January 09. 2006. at 11.00 AM. 197.542 (2). rrPs rlgr, 01,3. -h's-' ralO p': .. Ir. Ir-,-. I c r:l k 0 r l.r, li l' ri3 .3l l r:a:r, hiepuli .:l r SI?"ri')l ll ,i irl IliT, *.i irs :,3ie i.:. r mert . Vr mrtn e-. Is, r.3rnd 3rid 'fri. -;' ci o,,d :,-. mn' lu.l C'u 'Gloria R. Hayward Clerk.:.-iir',7i.-.:,jii':.:urt ' ulT.lle Ci.:..'jrlr, I-.:.na.3 ,,. B', A,' se':,', H ..v.3'ra E 'pOPe Cl"lrr' F",aj llre.r~c ,:,.'r iJi nhi.T : h. l lt',e Sanr-Il._' C.-.urr, uInr'i,: ..YNovember Is s nc a2 a "-$ 622-1201 SCT eiii PUBLIC NOTICE lic. ljcnr.:- .,F pp:. 3Ti.hi.Ii-or. TAX DEED #3933 I 'rr.:.llcc I. rner o, qi. l r. nrlel ARCHIE L COLLUM 'TRUST ire r,.:.ihei .:1r irse Iciiaing CsrnilliC.-hl r.3. ru s1 hea .oia Ce5llll1ale t:,r a i.3' desed I,.0 be iI:.ei, lr, ere:.-n ,Tr.c Cr'niriC 31 r" nurloer aha ',Sar :,1 i.. o-' *ance,,'the aer:pr:,non ',1 r e Dr:.oerr., ,Ird ir.e '.,', rlarr.,e in ,ricr. = I iia: a:- I Certiicale No:':'i Year of Issuance: c',riu Description of Property: W 1/2 OF THE FOL FROP. ERTY BEG 37.22 FT N OF SW COR OF'NE 1/4 OF.SW IJ f ,."r.Cl ,OB R.nfJ ri c-' FT E 12cFQ FT S t-,. R F SW.126:34 FT TO POB '.', OR 180 PG 1'3 Parcel Number C2.'-05: SEC 20 TWP i8 RNG: 2 - Name in which assessed WILLIE WOODS JR iau rt, o' cf -r, C ir. ir, ile 'C.ur.t', -I;C.f rr~l-,I ll3A . 1l Floricda Ur.i.; :u.:r, .-n.i liflcle oir, oll -.5 re.3eem. -h acc.:idirg i.:. i-'. Irne po,.perr, -:iiorl ise I-I *i'j':l cerllli care ,rill 3 i .o1' 1io Ines riagr.eol Ci-Ier -31 tre CC.ur Ho.-',,e 3.1:,r on Monday. January 09, 2006. at 11.00 A.M. *Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid-,' j er r..31l : :1 ...Irr, ir. clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- ment, Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, November 10, 17, 24 and December 1.2005. 621-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3934 Notice Is hereby. given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issu- ance; the description of ir,- property, and the name In which it was as- sessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 479 Year of Issuance: 2002 Description of Property: LOT 1 'BLK 10 ULTRA CITY LESS N 80 FT & LESS THE W 80 FT & LESS BEG 80 FT S & 80 FT E OF NW COR OF LOT 1 BLK 10 RUN E 6 FT S 120 FT W 6 FT N 120 FT TO POB Parcel Number F35A200 SEC 35 TWP 19 RNG22 Name In which assessed: GREEN TREE FINANCIAL SERVICING CORP Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such cer- tificate shall be redeem- ,ed according to law the property, described In such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, January 09, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- der shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, tp be applied to the sale price at the time of full pay- menf. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this 10/21/05. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida '. IU ITjl : 1." 01':LE tL) 6, .. .. .r ,: ..,3r3r F u.c.ii r,. i:. r i J.i lim es In r-1 n...rrI.i- C :.,jr,r, Times, November 10, 17, 24 and :,e.: .-.er i,2005. 620-1201 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE .: .r *.: r C. : n: rll.: 1.:r, for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3935 [iot.:- i. h're-., given ir,..3 ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUSt ir.e r.nla-e, :.f the re...:...irq certificate has ri.- :.,j certificate for a 1.3, .3 e-.3 to be Issued thereon. he certificate number and year of Issu- ance. irh- 5 i.:.iplii..- of the Crr:roi rr, 3r. the name Ir. ..-r,i.;r. 1 .n a. as- cesed ore as follow?- Certificale No.: i :; Yeai ol Issuance: 2:00 Description of Property. BE.-- 3 1, FT 0 R 1 C i J ";UI : :. 3 F E ) TH- I l i E 'I A' I i, DOROTHY M. TYLER P.-rc Nop err, si ir ir. OR n -r. i l i .TY r . .:id T:. r. r,i.lr..-:1 Ol.h sr iHr r..r, .:u H-.u l., le : S::Molnday. January 09, ,2006.,att .0 1A M . Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2): The high bid- a., r '.3 l :.;r ..mir.- iris 0 ,Ca r.oreiur,dt ivw air. -celO i P ..il 0. x' rE rirr. -: ,r ,ir. l R.aG ,- a31 I, n .:'. Hiric ,. ii a Cis r Piur3-an,., ro F iIrad SItu.t ,'.-i." rH a1 .h.. .3 lir l l I.' a ris. orr.' Co. l a..tr rr,, eou r,r r .i.:.r.aa ,rCilCi. i C.-: i B.- il. 'TL 5 L.' : -i, .3 :..i.ir Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In i S rrie rCounty Times l:.]e.Monr 10, 17, 24 and 200. r 1,2005. 626-1201 SCT- lr L -ARC HIEL iClU S, rUS ir r.' .I' sr s sr I:.. a rrelu ed ar.ie IU.-r.e :.iioun oifes .cslc I.: r.ia 31: lfal. Des-riptio of Property: I-., oT, r. H 20 0 i . T ri PW0IC0 NM OI i.r IC ir e v.3 .3 i E 6r. C W o R:i. Gl 2a De.pI,, Crl. erkis: T nar , ub.r ,ised four' r4i.,s-e- 1il i5: r, -iPre rourn Limela arI.:rs- T.:.'.er 10,~c of 4 n 2I0Ti:,e-r' ,2005A. t.a .di ]r..:Oi .:.i I.: '.:.. Cerlcal No:.. i .1 p er reo Isuan. ;:1i.':ii a :,r1,' I;, ir~ e r~lgri-1 r:.,.3aet ,.JI tr e lim~e. ,-* /,jII po,. lWitr,m.. rr, ri.3r aora offl- :il i ce calo r, l 1i; i01i j i ',i ' Gloria R. Hayward Cl-ir, of fih, Cl.culi C.:.urt ,un-risi Cour.r, Florl.a CIPCUIT COIJIPT ?EL) Ce'-.ur, Cier. Fuhli,'.aj ii..jar 14i limes In r,. '.jr.ri' C :.'jr.r Times, i.: ,emesi' l0 i' 2. and E's-.te-rri-.er I 0ULI: 649-1124 SCT rip:. .. i.:iage 'ol or 012 :.r le.nr .u-irl 84 PUBLIC NOTICE r:,..:u,. t r.l I :I1I ,3 bhiraluis 8: I'. lO -,I:ce I: rso,r gi er. Ir.ai or. December 3, 2005. at 9.00 A M 3t TIP iCOP ,i,?IGE INC '693 aiie ioa.l 1- I Buier.nell, FL 33:513 ir e entire con- iesr.i of ,ou i siroagie unit r.all tie :c.1l for ,.: ir. Unit #84 LINDA INGRAM 1653 CR 435 Lake Panasoffkee, FL. 33538 All proceeds shall be used to pay past due rent and other charges. Dated this 14th day of No- vember, 2005, TIP TOP STORAGE INC. 7693 STATE ROAD 471 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, November 17 and 24, 2005. 656-1124 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Lawrence L. Craddock PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005-CP-000268 IN RE: ESTATE OF LAWRENCE L. CRADDOCK a/k/a LAWRENCE LEROY CRADDOCK, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LAWRENCE L. CRADDOCK a/k/a LAW- RENCE LEROY CRADDOCK, deceased, whose date of death was September 15, 2005; File Number 2005-. CP-000268, Is pending in the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative's attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the Dece- dent and 'other persons having claims or de- mands against Dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS IOTICET OR'THIRTY DAYS ,rTEf THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM.. All other creditors of the Decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the Dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DAIE OF DEATH IS BARRED Ine a.31 :, ir.- I ti.. pub. I ol.:,r. i : r I l: I :.ir. e i --,-. e,',rrer i" 1_00J F r:-..:.r,.3i I"'C .- .rioli.. EVA M SAUNDERS 1506 Juarez Place L3 ., L3L ,, Fic.i.3.3 32159 -n.:.iri-, :.r e,'. :.r.al1 Representative: KEVIN A. SENTNER, Attorney Fiorl.30a .3'I, u I j:'J J THE MILLHORN LAW FIRM i Ui" ill.1 Hi.r. ".3, Jd I ',.llrc iiJu Lady Lake, Florida 32159 Telc~pr.:.r.e. j'.2, '53. i. ,Oll-re,3 r.*,o ~2'.' rirr I.n: Ir, ir.e urriT er C.:.ur,r, Ti-..- . r :. rr.e. i and J 2005 679-1124 SCI PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE W CE ADKISD 367 N. Park Ave. Winfte Garden. FL 34787 jri, I-r, r. r l 3er rj-r I IE .3rn,. lI ., ri.- porri-: rr.al on December 16, 2005, at 9:00 AM, a public sale un- der statute 713.78 will be conducted al Lr..:h Re- cyclers, Inc., I..i.'! ,.*C. 48, 8u.:r.r.iil FL y'irc rf 1967 FORD VIN 0 ,7T01C212699 For: Recovery of towing ,-J --r6, a r.:h iJ ,], .: i o'.i".= r., t--: h I .:iriman. iri. orrc.urntl iprA -,:.r.in .u,.: r. I...irg :.:..r.g. puri-aic.rr .*3r i -a or., .ir.01 *:::,L ,'3erid jnm I- ir.e : r.3ucircI :r :35e .?llr r. - :.r.e; Iea rgria tc. 1-3 L l. 1 L,nr..:r. '.ie,'l r,r r',j'c.ii rr.d. one ii T,' ir. irt- ,'jrmril C.:.'ji-.r, iiTi.-. November 24,2005. 680-1124 SCT PUBLIC NOnCE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given to: Registered Owner GEORGE W. YOUNG 3308 14th Ave. West Bradenton. FL 34205 dr,, llsl r, r,. ", .1 ,:,lit ar'a3 ,aI i ir.ir Eparfi-i Iat o,-, December 12, 2005, at 900 AM .3 pucic .01, un- ,'et i.3T "re i "' ,,111 be *:.:.r.,3u.:lF- .3 1 ,rr.r I" c,Ci-r: ir,: I-'.l,0 S.C At ,'J.r,,-,.ll FL -uS. I :, a 1972 MACK VIN# DM685S8644 F.,: rTeco.er, of towing- .P31h-1. ;Io(r. ).t accrued. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid less than the amount representing such towing, storage, ,ul,'ii.nailor, .3r..3 any other ,': '. '. oal.3 r.ajiT, Ic, ir,- "er.e: ir,is r.3!r, iC. cil Published one (1),time In the Sumter County Times, November 24, 2005. ) , 647-1124 SCT Tip Top Storage Sale of Contents-Unit 82 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Florida Statute 83.806 Notice Is hereby given that on December 3, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. at TIP TOP STORAGE, INC., 7693 State Road 471, Bushnell, FL 33513, the entire con- tents of your storage unit shall be sold for cash: Unit #82 JOSEPH JOHNSON 7056 CR 561-B Bushnell, FL 33513 All proceeds shall be used to pay past due rent and other charges. Dated this 14th day of No- vember, 2005. TIP TOP STORAGE INC. 7693 STATE ROAD 471 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, November 17 and .24, 2005. 648-1124 SCT Tip Top Storage Sale of Contents-Unit 86 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Florida Statute 83.806 Notice Is hereby, given that on December 3, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. at TIP TOP STORAGE, INC., 7693 State Road 471, Bushnell, FL 33513, the entire con- tents of your storage unit shall be sold for cash: Unit #86 PATRICIA CREACH 7017 SE 10th St. Bushnell, FL 33513 All proceeds shall be used to pay past due rent and other charges. Dated this 14th day of No- vember, 2005. TIP TOP STORAGE INC. 7693 STATE ROAD 471 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 'Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, November 17 and 24, 2005. How To Make Your Dining Room Set Disappear... Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results Quickly! (352) 793-3163 T SUIERK COtWiriM TIMES www.sumtercountyfimes.com Car in the Classifieds and get results Howq To Make Disappear... Simply advertise quickly! \ (352) 793-3163 TIMESj www.sumterc6untytnmes.com ER-- 681 1124 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING HEARING lJ:Cii:E l HIPEb, .. G-. Eli ITr .3 pU ou I.: r-eaiinrg .ill ICS riJ I I irr.e -:.r.r,r rri .l.:.rcr. I.lesrliru I :'C.rr. at iris 1,,T.i Cc.',jrr, ,--'j,,ar.. '.- ir. 6u:rlrii Fic.ia-a .31 5:01 o'clock pm.. or. ir, 29th day of November. 2005. 0, ir.e 6.:,ar.3 .:.1 i u.' r C-.urr, Fi.:.nri.3 C1 dit iiTdrie the oa.i:iL.ir, .. cic-iOr.g orne .a.:ir. that portion of the Foa.o rigri .0-1..3, *j isdelerr described as fol- lows: All that portion of County Road 132 right of way lying In Section 33, Township 18 South, Range 23 East, Sumter County, Florida, described as follows: The South 25 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of solaid Section 33, and the North 25 feet of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of sold Section 33, and the East 1092 feet of the South 25 feet of the South- east 1/4 ofat the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 33, and the East 1092 feet of the North 20 feet of the Northeast 1/4. oat the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 33. Renouncing and disclaiming or., rigt i .:.,f T.,iei C':-',r t, Fl.orda and the public Ir ana iro ir.e lora or irnrere.i Ireleir. a: ri: the above ae:.:rne,-3 ropec, All rrer.i e.ied e,'r'. ,TIr, appear ano-I r,-.3,.3 ol .ai tirr.e a, or i .:l e . -fPPE-L IL 'F-F".i. l f II 'F.I' ir, 'i .- il .r o appi e in . I" l-, I-:.:-..ir. ir. Ir, rr.orei oel.iimT. r-ccr.3 *.- I e Oc..:eedirg. L eur. d T-he Board assumes no respon- :Cilir, i .:., rjirirr., .a l.0 3 ec. 3l BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA /s/ Joey A. Chandler, Chairman Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 20 and November 24, 2005. 677-1124 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE A Public Hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, De- cember 6, 2005, at 6:00 p.m., before the City of Wild- wood Planning & Zoning/Board of Adjustment/Special Master, This Hearing will be held In the City Hall Com- mission Chamber, 100 North Main Street, Wildwood, Florida to consider the following cases, SP CASE NO.: 05-10-01 Kendall Development, LLC Parcel Number: F12WOOP GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: North 100' of the East 210' of lot 15, Willard Peebles Industrial Park, as per the plat thereof record- ed In Plat Book 4, Pages 89, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida; Section 12, Township 19S, Range 22E, Sumter County, Florida. GENERAL LOCATION: West of the Intersection of Indus- trial Drive and Walker Road REQUESTED ACTION: Applicant Is seeking site plan ap- proval to allow for a 6,400 square foot of- fice/warehouse building in an area zoned Industrial (I). SP CASE NO.: 05-10-02 Kendall Development, LLC Parcel Number: F12WOOP GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel B: South 100' of the North 200' of the East 210' of lot 15, Willard Peebles Industrial Park, as per the plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 4, Pages 89, Public Rec- ords of Sumter County, Florida; Section 12, Township 19S, Range 22E, Sumter County, Florida. GENERAL LOCATION: West of the Intersection of Indus- trial Drive and Walker Road REQUESTED ACTION: Applicant Is seeking site plan ap- proval to allow for a 6,400 square foot of- fice/warehouse building In an area zoned Industrial (I). RZ CASE NO.: 05-12-01 S J S Land Company Parcel Numbers: G18=052 and G18=053 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: From the Northwest corner of the Southwest 14 of said Section 18, run S00101'28"W along the West line cf 'aid T..'uir...,i 14, a distance of 285.47 feet, thence I.:-. i 6 a dlstance'of 750.00 feet, thence $00500'37"W a distance of 150.00 feet to a point on a line, said line being the Westerly projec- tion of the centerline of Sulphur Springs Slough Ditch, thence run N89'49'18"E along said line and along said centerline of Sulphur Springs Slough Ditch, a distance of 1473.00 to a point on the West right-of-way.line of US Highway No. 301 (100 feet wide), thence run S00100'37"W along said West right-of-way line a dis- tance of 1866.00 feet, thernce departing said West right-of-way line, run N89259'23"W .a distance of 1255.02 feet to a point on a line, said line being cen- tered within the 295.00 foot wide Florida Power Corpo- ration right-of-way easement, thence N44229'47"W along said line being centered within the 295.00 foot wide Florida Power Corporation right-of-way ease- ment, thence N44'29'47"W along said line a distance of 1380.85 feet, thence departing said line, run N00900'37" E a distance of 1023.90'feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The area described contains 86.68 ac- res, more or less. Subject to covenants, restrictions and easements of record. TOGETHEF WITH ar. e- A:TSr,li f.li ralir:ad Access over 0a-.3h : r:. trie ,i.l.:....h'. i-.3- C:ril:.da pr:.p err, From the Northwest corner of the Southwest /4 of said Secn.:-r, 1' ru r, ,:ni'-o ii l.:rg .Ir,, A.e% : lir.. -:i '.313 Souir..,-.- i 3 3ilirar.ce .:1 ,t8 J" i-.el irr,r:,e. N8 'IJ9 ? 18 E I ail -3.:- or 16 IL reict o ire t -iC 'lli CF' BEGir Jrit J', :.r ir.i, ae. .n' n..r rrer.n:, nrur, I -1.1 3 'W a oaIr- 2r:., c,r '12 i i C/ Jg 1 I 3 c ECir.i .:.r o ii-i .i. l31l I' ber.a c- nTerea .iriir, rtr,- ;- : .:i" 1r,.i v.Sloas 1.,1.3a Power Corporation right-of-way easement, thence N44-29'4'"W'O aic.r.3 a,: ir.e a ..i3-..ce :,. 997.15 feet to the Ea.liei, iir., rr. .1lgr,]..;.r.T- a, :.-r irne railroad as shown on .r, aor,-. Map '. .i-fIa L. 11 .r28,. and d.", run thence N22R16"20"tE oi.:..g :.3id line a distance of 644.74 feet to -r.e ric.rrr. I,-.s .:. rre Southeast 1A of Sec- tion 13, Township 19 South, Range 23. East, Sumter County, Florida, thence N89-46'29"E along said line a distance of.72.71 feet to the aforementioned North- west comer of the Southwest 14 of sold Section 18, thence S53120'31"E a distance.of 476.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The described easement area contains 12.36 acres. GENERAL LOCATION: East side of State Road 301 south of the Florida Turnpike . REQUESTED ACTION: Applicant Is seeking approval for ,:.:r,ir,- .-i Ir,, pr.:,r.orr, from Commercial/Industrial to Higr. i:L' lr ir, r" I- r 131 CU CASE NO,: 1:i- I -" ''" '? ' Parcel Number: C3'2=10.-', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Commence at the SE corner of the SE '4 of NW 4 .of Section 32, Township 18S, Range 23E, Thence S89557'10"W along the south line of the SE 14 of the NW 4 a distance of 799,52 feet MOL to the Point of Beginning. Thence S89257'10'w along said line a distance of 1027.86 feet to the, easterly right-of-way, line of Cr 1:31 a: fencr.j ar.-d .-oint.lr.eCd thence northeastls, ,hl. a0 ;a1a 3ihli'li .rari.oi.., line a distance c.i 11 ,Ji TreI rre-r.:e adep ,aiir.rin Ol line N89'57'10'E a 3i.i.ar..- i i '41i reol irrrce N00-09'12'E a -.i:i.3r,.:-e ., ic 4J i-e-i irr.r.ce S89N59'48"E a ai:ia,'.:e cr i00J ;.2 rc.a ir, ,.:-, S0009'12'W along the west boundary of lar3 ae. scribed In OR Book-535. Page 273 a distance cr .2 i, 0 feet to the Point of Beginning. GENERAL LOCATION: *'E 4m Crnri..er ar- E CR462 REQUESTED ACTION: Applicant Is seeking approval to alil.... f.:.r .:-.dili.:.r,.ai u':s of a modular structure in an 3re.a :..neda ir.au:Tial .' All oral and ...,ine.-, cc.:.,m r,,ri.3ti.:-i. co.r.c-rning the case, between. Coai'a mTem.i.,',. or rncx ori- rand, and the appllccni ..,r ire pubi.: cr. Ir, .:ir.. rr.id are pro- hlbited by =ornao 1ia0 urie:: n,-ioae ir r3 e rearing on the case. . The staff report on the case shall be sent to the board members/Special Master and be available to the gen- eral public at least five (5) days prior to the hearing on the case. Anyone other than the applicant, the staff and those who are entitled to receive written notice of the case under applicable law, who wish to present testimony at the hearing ,r :r:.-; ,'amiTi,'. .:tlhr witnessess must file a Notice ol f pposrar.ce Ari.r,, w rmu;t be In the hands of staff .-.or c ir orr.- ri.1 .5) al, prior to the h Th e Notice of Appearance should Include the -o.anS ard -Id!.,'. of tl.,e part, :Slr.g i.:. aDppoai' r,, person c.r 0, .a, .31 1 i3.,n-r *.i orrier a:l-r.rrIae Iep. reria.ioii.e .p rirrer .: r,.-:. aor,, tDire,5p rraoi. i': merl. iirea ir. Ire olli-.e v,.p c irur.irg .r,: :1 Ap n .ciror., 'nail oe COr.imire. DartiDIDrr. In irte r.Coririme :us|N-J I.:. aea rr.ir-riio.-. c.! ,.lriirrg Ir Cr.hi1isrgeo r.- ir.or pliri Tr~e ,:rlaiiT,3r, oui Ire.i B-. Ol.'CIo~laler 'rh'3, *3li.-:.'. p.Oi:l, p.3I-."J:r, ir, ir.e rei"ilr.g 0, I.er:c.r.: tiir.g a rJli'.:e Ci A pDDcari,-r.e hit-r Irn- rl1. I'', Oh, d'ha.h1ir, e upor.r aI T....ir.g or C.cuCa-i.lS rn giec.i 0, irai per.:r., oul II :u.I:r o Idl6 appe.3'r,3n, r: aill-.-.,i-I irae ,ppiicdri :rail ro.e ngril a.:. o', aud.i:,monIi cConiirnuarlC- ot ire. case, at Its option and without cost .Persons who do not file a Notice of Appearance oF who file late and do not, In the opinion of the Chairman/Special Master, demonstrate excusable neglect, are not entitled to seek any delay In the proceedings. Anyone who does not file a Notice of Appearance may sign up atcthe beginning of the heorir'.g II reak aiJ tr-o. who do so will be called as virr, b e: o, ir, Sian aPU rir.g Its pres- er.rirc.r. ..rer0rer they support or oppose the Staff pa- ims-n ;j,,jecr r,.:.wever to the rights of participants in the hearing to object to the testimony and to cross-ex- amine ihi:,e/.n.ir,e:ie: i.-:. -nIe n,.:, .3.i:.-. r~ol tilc a No- ticSe C.i "PC ,'i-a.",ce rTI3], -:r:.i .:' 0aTihr', ,*3, *,il,'.(... APPEAL: NECESSITY OF RECORD In order to appeal the B.:.3ird",p.]ciai r.1a.;i-r : e.- :l:h--.r. on this matter a verba- trri, re.-.:'i -I rr,e p.i.:i.-ee l..h-.g. I. rc.'ired The Board/ p.,:i.3l h .l.;1-ier .i1:-.m r.,:. rS:p.:.r.:iC.5lr, ror furnishing :aoa re,:C.r.3 ;,' ,Cri DI. 'ri C C' I c-r.Trri'jrilr, C .hp,:.iTi-rir C'irec l-:.r Cir, ,:,1 WilI. .,OC.da FIo.rl,3. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, No- vember 24, 2005. 652-1124 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION .BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. B-44 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at.9511 CR 733 Webster Sumter County; FL, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Date ofSal: 12/8/2005 Time gL Sal: 11:00A.M. Name of Tenant YVONNE BENOIT Address: P.O. Box 1613, Bushnell, FL 33513 Unit No.: B-44 Desc. of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof, Published two (2)'times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 17 and 24,2005. Let the Sumter County Times work for you. 669-1208 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE OF INTENT TO USE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS Sumter County, Florida (the 'County") hereby provides notice, pursuant to section 197.3632(3)(a), Florida Stat- utes, of Its Intent to use the uniform method of collect- Ing non-ad valorem special assessments to be levied within the County, for the cost of providing stormwater, roadway Improvements, roadside maintenance, and solid waste services commencing for the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1. 2006. The County will consid- er the adoption of a resolution electing to use the uni- form method of collecting such assessments authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, at a public hear- Ing to be held at 5:00 p.m. on December 13, 2005, at Board of County Commissioners, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. Such resolution will state the need for the levy and will contain a legal description of the boundaries of the real property subject to the levy. Copies of the proposed form of resolution, which con- tains the legal description of-the real property subject to the levy, are on file at the' Sumter County Clerk's Of- fice, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. All Inter- ested persons are Invited to attend. . In the event any person decides to appeal any deci- sion by the County with respect to any matter .relating to the consideration of the resolution at the above-ref- erenced public hearing, a record of the proceeding may be needed and in such an event, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the public hearing Is made, which record Includes the testi- mony and evidence on which the appeal is to be based, in accordance with the Americans with Disabili- ties Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an Interpreter to participate In this proceeding should . contact the Clerk's Office at (352) 793-0211, three (3) days prior to the date of the hearing. DATED this 15th day of November, 2005. By Order of: /s/ Joey A. Chandler SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 17, 24, December 1 and 8, 2005, 654-1124 SCT LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board .will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 6, 2005, at 6:30 P.M., In Room 327, Sumter County Historic Court- house, 209 N. Florida St.. Bushnell, Florida to consider re- quests for rezonings, special use permits, temporary use permits, and variances. All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to partici- pate In any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County-Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Stat- utes, Section 286.0105, If a person decides to appeal any .decision made by an above named Board with' respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the pro- ceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed-. Ings Is made, which record may Includethe testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0113 Barry Lyals GENERAL LOCATION:, Wildwood area:, North on US 301. East on C-466A. ric.nr, :,r, .J.:.l 'wi'i-:. .:-, .7 i iAJ ',:,--rty approxi- rr,.3l i, 1 i -ri,.- .:.r. rr.,e .:ujr. i3-e r ir.- r.Cad LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 5, Twp 19S, Rng 23E: .1 I or.i 'r IiE 1 of NW VI of NE Is. REQUESTED ACTION:- Rezone 1 acre MOL from an Illegal A5 to R2C. CASE NO.: R2005-0114 Ina Mae Reaves, ETAL. GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: West on C-476. South on CR 635. Prop- ert, alIc.r.:..ihT,aii, r.mile :, the east side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 30, TnrI:. 21 i?r,pg .2 E ': cr irE EA ..--* .:,r N l of SE 4 ... i 1iu rr, rererIr Lr i lf iT 11 ar0. ill ior tE ,5. R a s 1e C ,.. o01 IE o,. o lt 'l .:.r 'lE 'l run it t5-.1 5.1, i E c:.3 ri .*A- 0 C' 5 s e: ; i l 2:' 5O :,'r .l 6 '0 of JE 'j :r "E i.-:' .ub-:un' .ri,: e i.,rr: i11 n 'l ,:r SE ' REQUESTED ACTION: I"?e;n. 1, I7 a..-re. 1 70mL "en.I, l 6 MI l.I :.Al 1: r,'. i'rn Dpr:. err, Irric.I .ornpiOa.'. v. ltrr r.s uTu'i- Larnd Li-'. Map. -, ' CASE NO.: R2005-0115 Scott Mann GENERAL LOCATION: Sumterville area: Norm .:.n uS 301. Property located approximately 400' N or ,:P .1 on.the east side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 'ec, 3 r,, F,. 0T. i,.g. 'E 6BlCc A .I Si tof lands lying C.,t-reser,n bli.c I Bi.S t -3 .",umi ri,ri- REQUESTED ACTION: I',-,e 1 J6 acr3 :: 1.1.L rt:,T. PF', IC CL Ic, r -.g property rilO Corrr.iil.nCe 6.Ir, tirse FuTu'e. LOr, i J. U .100 3 CASENO.: R2005-0116 E',i'h i, l.lar.ir, GENERAL LOCATION: >,evii.1.Mc:.h3 ar--a .,r r,rr Cr. i0 ji 'A-:i .:.rr, .14. North :.r, C-i' Wel or. I'.r,,' C lrr3 1.,O aODrc..ir.aleiy 2 ml- 5: 1Olrlr, r, oa'rmr.ri F.:.l.:.,. La1:, v' tri-n ;. :r to the property. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 20, Twp 18S, Rng 22E: Beg at NW cor of N ih of NW V4 of NW A E 530' S 204.76' to POB S.295.20' E 295.20' N 295.20' W295.20' to POB. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 2 acres MOL from RR5 to RR1C to complete a lineal transfer. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tues- day, December 5, 2005, at 6:00 P.M., In Room 222. Sum- ter County Historic. Courthouse. 209 N. Florida St., Bush- nell, Florida. CASE NO.: S2005-0015 Steven & Julle.Summerlln GENERAL LOCATION: Linden area: East on C-48, South on SR 471. East on SR 50, North on CR 721. Property located approximately A mile on the v..e.. :ilie .:r inm .'-,,3.1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 17, Twp 22S, Rng 23E: Lots 7 and 2 Unden proper- ties Replat of Tract No, 45 HIghland Farms. REQUESTED ACTION: SpecIal Use Permit to add two (2) residents to existing assisted living facIlity, CASE NO.: T2005-0046 Jewell & Dewayne LewIs .. GENERAL LOCATION: Tarrytown area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. East on CR 721, South on CR 727. Property approximately A mile on the west side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 18, Twp 22S. Rng 23E: E l of S i of S l of NE Vs of SW i less S 705' of'E41:". REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow a.Mobile Home for three years as a caregiver's residence. CASE NO.: V2005-0002 Barry.Lyals GENERAL LOCATION: Wlldwood area: North on US 301. East on C-466A. North on C-462. .West on CR 134. Property approxi- mately 1/8 mile on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 5, Twp 19, Rng 23E: W /5 of W of NE V of NW V of NE 'A. REQUESTED ACTION: Variance for 75" lot width to 66' lot width. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 17 and 24,2005. Let us work for you! SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED Get Results Call 1-352-793-3163 Let us work for you! SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED Get Results Call 1-352-793-3163 650-1124 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. A-79 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 5796 C R 313 Bushnell Sumter County, FL, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Date of Sale: 12/8/2005 Time of Sale: 11:00A.M. Name of Tenant: HALBERT WEAVER Address: P.O. Box 581, Bushnell, FL 33513 Unit No.: A-79 Desc. of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, No- vember 17 and 24,2005. 651-1124 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. 128 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 1514 Hwv 48 Bushnell Sumter County, FL, will be sold at PUBUC AUCTION. Date o Sale: 12/8/2005 Time of Sale: 11:00 A.M. Name of Tenant: ED SNYDER Address: 4457 W. C.R. 48, Bushnell, FL 33513 Unit No.: 128 Desc. of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof, Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 17 and 24,2005. 646-1124 SCT Notice of Sale Citlflnanclal Mtg. Loan Corp., etc. vs. Cager Coty Windham, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE RFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CA-1261 CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE LOAN CORPORATION F/K/A ASSOCIATES HOME EQUITY LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff; vs. CAGER COTY WINDHAM; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF CAGER COTY WINDHAM; CANDY WINDHAM; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF CANDY WINDHAM; IF LIVING, INCLUDING ANY UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMARRIED, AND IF DECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTSS; WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL . SYSTEM FLORIDA, INC.; WHETHER DISSOLVED OR PRESENTLY EXISTING, TOGETHER WITH ANY GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, OR TRUSTEES OF SAID DEFENDANTS) AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST DEFENDANTSS; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UNKNOWN TENANT #2, Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to a Final Sum- mary Judgment of Foreclosure entered In the above-styled cause, in the Circuit Court of SUMTER County, Florida, I will sell the property situate in SUMTER County, Florida, described as: LOT 57, OAKLAND HILLS. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 75 THROUGH 75G. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. To Include a: 1985 CHANDLER DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME VIN GAFL2AF230510003, TITLE NO. 0041945647 1985 CHANDLER DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME VIN GAFL2BF230510003, TITLE NO. 0041955943 A/K/A 8157 COUNTY ROAD 109D LADY LAKE, FLORIDA 32159 at public sale, at 11:00 o'clock, A.M., or as soon there- after as same can be done, to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash, on the West front steps of the Sumter C.:ur.r, C.:.,'Trr.:j. i:r-' rli l':.-..a Street, Bushnell, FL, c.n Ir.e r. 3a, .C : e-,T eT ,' _,r:. E.SED THr: Ori ..- L .; .:..Er 1Ef. Eri .:i. , G iian r- HJ,..0a, -.r *:i rtr.i ii'.: it c'urt E, !j:ar, aiOiarr Publ2'shed -c 2. ir tr,. f r.'.rnr,-r .7 :..vr.t, iis.. Nc. vember 17 and 24,2005. 673-1201 SCT Notice of Sale Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. vs. Kathy 0. Volner. et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA GC Er E i. JI.j I ri:; rlC.ri II IC,] *:..I:e r. 27 1-',-: -. 11A7 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. VS. KATHY 0 VOINER. el al. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure i L'.:'j i,.3 .. 3ra of Attorneys' Fees and Costs dated 1'J-: .:.-, i 2C'"J. entered In Case No. 2005-CA-1187 of the Circuit Court of the 5TH jdiciai Circu.l ir. 3r,j f: r .jmter County, Florida .,u.r, r, :,:'w',Fjrrr,,.", F HC, ME LCANS, INC. Is the Plain- fir ar.I T i.TH ..CLJIE and ____ VOLNER, un- i'n.,.r.n :p.:..u:e r.i VTH. ,', ..'OLNER n/k/a MARK VOLNER; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE is/are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the west front door of the Sumter County Courthouse In the City of Bushnell, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on Wednesday, the 14th day of December, 2005, the fol- lowing described p.opet-, a. :,l r.:.rlth in sold Summary Final Judgment' :. F:.:r .:.... i.. I r..g Award of At- torneys' Fees and Costs, to-wit: Lot 43, SQUIRREL -HAVEN SUBDIVISION, an unrecorded subdivision In Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, Sumter County, Florida, more particularly de- scribed as: Commence 545.01 feet East of the 1/4 Sec- tion comer on the South line of Section 30, Township 19 South Range 22 East. run thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 1405 58 feel: thence run East 161 25 feet; thence run South 0 degrees 04 minutes West 80 feet to Point of Beginning' thence run East I 11 25 feet: thence run South 0 degrees 04 mInutes West 80 teet, thence run West 11 1.25 feet thence run North 0 degrees'04 minutes East 80 feet to Point of Beginning: and 1/80 interest in Lot 7, SQUIRREL HAVEN SUBDIVI- SION, more particularly described as: Commence 545.01 feet East of the 1/4 Section comer on the South line of Section 30, Township 19 Sobuth, Range 22 East, run thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 1575.97 feet; thence North 66 degrees 29 minutes East 523.74 feet to Point, of Beginning; thence North 66 degrees 29 minutes East 70.94 feet; thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 150 feet more or less to the waters of the Panasoffkee River, thence Southwesterly along sald waters to point that Is North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 111 feet more or less from Point of Beginning; thence South 0 degrees 04 minutes West 111 feet more or less to Point of Begin- ning; and the South 10 feet of the following described prop- erty: Lot 44, SQUIRREL HAVEN SUBDIVISION, an unre- corded subdivision in Section 30, TownshIp 19 South, Range 22 East, more particularly described as: com- mence 545.01 feet East of the 1/4 Section comer on the South lIne of Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, run thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 1405.58 feet; thence East 161.25 feet to Point of Begin- ning; thence South 0 degrees 04 minutes West 80 feet; thence East 111.25 feet; thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes East 80 feet; thence West 111.25 feet to Point of Beginning. Together wIth a 1994 Homes of Merit Doublewlde Mo- bile Home, VIN # FLHMBB71636797A & FLHMBB71636797B DATED this 14th day of October, 2005. GRACE R. HAYWARD, Clerk (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk The Clerk of Court Is In full compliance with the Amerl- cans With Disabilities Act of 1990 In conjunction with all Human Resources policies and practices and general services provided to the public. It is the Clerk's policy to provide any and all services, normally provided to the public, to all disabled Individuals at no cost to the Individual., Any disabled person who, because of a dis- ability, needs special accommodation to participate In a judicial proceeding at a Sumter County Courthouse, should contact the ADA Coordinator not later than two business days before the proceeding. The tele- phone number Is (352) 568-6628, and this telephone Is accessible for both voice and transmission for deaf persons. The Clerk does not provide transportation to or from courthouse locations, nor can the Clerk post- pone, suspend, or delay any proceeding. To receive a postponement to a proceeding, you must write direct- ly to the applicable judge. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 24 and December 1,2005. PAGE 30, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 South Sumter Middle School lists honor roll students South Sumter Middle School names its students on the first Nine Weeks Honor Roll. The students are: Team I The Raider Pack Of Excellence 6th Grade "A" Honor Roll Shantayata Baker, Jessica Burns, Jamie Collins, Stevie Collins, Stephanie Draher, Rebeca Franke, Stephanie Henderson, Marissa Sanborn, Tyler Rhodes, Andrea Roberts, Paige Root, Amber Sapp, Amanda Sullivan, Audrey Vann, Chase Wiley, Brittany Williams. "A-B" Honor Roll Melanie Barr, Chase Commander, Amber Davies, Cheyenne Flynn, Maricela Hernandez, Hanna Irby, Chase Kiefer, Jessica Moir, Brandon Mowrer, John Papagno, Aaron Parker, Elena. Ramos, Sarah Reed. Team II Refridge- Raiders Of Excellence 6th Grade "A" Honor Roll Micha Adams, Samantha Churchill, Miranda Craig, Skyler Dunham, Zechariah Hoffman, Phillip Longo, Taylor Maddox, Kirsti Merritt, Haley Neese, Madison Oliver, Joseph 'Reynolds, Jadanith Rodriguez, Stacey Sapp, Shana Woodard "A-B" Honor Roll Joseph Bachand, Lauren Bertram, Michelle Breen, Austin Craig, Morgan Edwards, Lacy Furlong, Andrew, Gonzales, Rachel Harrison, Ian Papenheim, Kimberly Parish, Daniela Reyna, Ivy Roush, Megan Ryan, Lance Sippel, Ashley Steen, Randi Storts, Victoria Vann, Mikelia Wallace, Taylor Whicker, Garett Young, Nicole Lawler, Brandon Holloway, Brittany Holloway, Max Johnson, Coral Knight, Courtney Labonte, Dalton Moss. Team III Tomb Raiders Of Excellence 7th Grade "A" Honor Roll Nicole Brannen, Dustin Rooney, Heather Smith "A-B" Honor Roll Rohni Beck, Kasandra Blokzijl, Henry Bolduc, Megan Box, Rebekah Bray, James Goff, Melanie Gosha, Maria Guillen, Olivia Halby, Vida Harp, Carrie Johnson, Emily Knight, Alyse Lawler, Nathaniel Lovett, Steven Lozano, Brianna Mckinney, Lindsay Martin, Evan Merritt, Terrence Neal, Brittany Northington, Deep Patel, Taylor Prevatt, Lauren Ray, Kristen Rhodes, Daniel Rollins, Levi Sausaman, Alissa Schrenker, James Sorensen, Victoria Thompson. Team IV Star Raiders Of Excellence 7th Grade "A" Honor Roll Skyler Burges, Kayla Butler, Phillip Chavez, Ellen Drawdy, Kyle Follansbee, Lauren Fussell, Robert Hall, Latasha Kennerson, Reymundo King, Erynn Martin, Desiree Mitchell, Chloe Morey, Courtney Reynolds, Heather Speer, Aaron Troller, Mary Weber. "A-B" Honor Roll Trevor Adams, Rachel Allen, Johni Beck, Britlee Berry, Dylan Creasman, Dwight Deweese, Lynisha Duboise, Alex Dulin, Ana Garcia, Victoria Haines, Kymber Harris, Dakota Harrod, Kaley Howard, Trenton Howard, Ashley Lovett, David Mcann, Ashley Rhodes, Breanna Schuman, Charles Segebart, Melanie Silagy, William Smith, Brandy Steele, Issachar Stephens, Whitney Turk, Cody Bradley Connolly, Samantha Watson, Cory Wells. Cypret, Duong Dang,- Victory |; Team V Space Elliston, Kelley Gideons,'-: Raiders of Christina Hood, Kayl4 Mcintosh, Hannah Perkins- Excellence Jenifer Sapp, Andrew Todd, 8TH Grade Shawn Zagrocki. "A" Honor Roll "A-B" Honor Roll Nicole Beissel, Buffy Lesley Cardoza, Joseph Cole, Branch, Fred Chagan, Brian Savanah Cook, Laurie Crosby, Nattelie Garcia, Craddock, Angela Crawford, Nicole Langford, Kassandra Tiffany Fortsch, Donald Foster, Sorokach, Kristin Whittle. Sterling Greene, Brian Griffis, - Brandi Griffith, Trinity Hall, "A-B" Honor Roll Jennifer Hendricks, Kristina Emily Baxter, David Johns, Lesley Cardoza, Joseph Brindac, Micha Cullison, Cole, Savanah Cook, Laurie Rebecca Day, Janay Douglas, Craddock, Angela Crawford, Layla Elliston, Tiffany Enssle, Tiffany Fortsch, Donald Foster, Kate Giannola, Chelsea Goers, Sterling Greene, Brian Griffis, Kelsey Harrell, Kalyn Brandi Griffith, Trinity Hall, Holloway, Ashton Johnson, Jennifer Hendricks, Kristina- Nicholas Martinez, Orbelina Johns, Cody Johnston, Alyssa: Martinez, Mckinzy Mask, Lacey, Cinthia Lanza, Reba- Audra Mazak, Michael Love, Mihai Marston, Angela; Mccrimon, Elizabeth Polk, Newhouse, .Joshua Newhouse,- Aaron Porter, Tyler Prevatt, Juventina Ochoa, Mollie- Shelton Rice, Marisela Parrish, Kellie Powell, Sierra: Robles, Kaitlin Russell. Robinson, Jeffrey Scarpelli,: Team VI Lightning Cody Simmons, Kayla Smith, Raiders Of Quintin Story, Mega Venable. Excellence Team VII Excel- 8th Grade Raiders Of Merit "A" Honor Roll "A-B" Honor Roll - Hannah Adams, Samantha Bobby Freeman, Jessica" Andre, Kirsten Coleman, Gill, John Walsh. HELPING OUT FOR THE HOLIDAYS Members of the Sumter County Blue Heron Pilot Club helped out the Salvation Army last week- end during the red kettle drive. The drive assists needy residents during the holiday season.. Representatives of the Pilot Club of Sumter County assisted the Salvation Army last weekend in Wildwood. 655-1124 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF WILDWOOD, FLORIDA NOTICE Is hereby given that the City of Wildwood will ,C.ee.e sealed bids to purchase the following parts, pipe and material for the County Road 209 extension project . 18,000 linear ft. 12" DR 18 Blue 18,000 linear ft. 12" DR 25 Green -The City of Wildwood maintains the right to add or de- lete Items for 60 3>.,. :.,. .: 1 approval as necessary to complete proe.;: ALL PIPE SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY BY January 6. 2006. Pipe and material are to be delivered to the construction sile per cdirec- lions fiom the City. Bids should reflect per uni, cost Bid must be for entire package I J c 111.i : .3-J: ,rei3 Bids will be received until 12:00 Noon, DECEMBER 8, 2005, at *-ir,- Hall, 100 N, Main Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785.- .'- 11 Os :ht:.l.. C.-i Ir, .3 e 3 1 a-. r, -1.,:,pe 4 l.4 -i i marked 'BID-COUNTY ROAD 209 PROJECT' ,3rad ,. 676-112,4SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION ?T-TE OF FLOPID- :.T Ar il 1li ,: i CI i it.r 0 I I. FPOTECTIOr I DEP File No. 1190042-AC i1.* VL.) I American Cement Company . Sumter County.. The Department of Environmental Protection an- rn:,.u,.:e; re. :ei:l ,r or, ppi-l i.: li. r r, a. ir .:,r.,.IUC- iv r, p i-imr ji ,,j,. rt r.:, Ir. Ir ul T- 1 fr .- Fr[ erI.:.r-. of ilgr.mic.rii r Ele ,. 1,ii.,a C .r :' -l; ,, 11 IIT, rr :.rr-. i.J tu- ral Resources of Central Florida dba American Cement Company. The project Is t.-. conr-tnjt a dry process portland cement plant In Ir.,e I:rir of Sumterville, Sumter. County. This application Is being processed and Is available for public Inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 c ,r. Monday through FIrIn:, e,:-ept legal holidays, ori rr,. following Depart- mrr,rI :.nl.:e: Department of Environmental, Protection 'ur 3u ;, -t-11 n -c 11-r, 1.' I .ulr, r lojrc.lla L :i. .,ule J 'r ", 1 n' I..,e Hl,.riO 3'- ":2J00 Telephone' 850to21-0523 . Fax: '. ;- i.--'.i Department of Environmental Protectionr Southwest District Office 8407 Laurel Fair Circle i.,jrrioa FIl.ll a :,I i , wIerpr.:,re 813 "J-.1-1, . Fax;: 813/744-6458 Key portions' of the application and additional Infor- mation can be accessed 3r irse E-oartrr,-ri i website at: www.dep,state,fl,us/Alr/Dermltting/construction/ dressed to the Attention of City Clerk, 100 North Main Street, Wlldwood, Florida 34785. T l.: ..111 ,:.c- r..-d i 2n 0 Pir December 8, 2005, i i' r, 31 r. I..,re...rl : i ro the Water and '.3:1.- 3 lre r-.:l-,r.. *r,3 Eir.- l -i-el. for study and rec- :.,_.Mr,, .Jlic.r; Bids will be presented at a Regular SIrring .:.r ir,- City Commission scheduled for Decem- ber 12, 2005,7:00 PM., for award. Questions regarding this bid should be directed to the attention of Pete Bennett, "Wastewdter Director, 352-330-1349, City of Wlldwood reserves the righ Ito reject any or all bids, and the right to accept that bid deemed to be In the best Interest of the City. /s/ Joseph Jacobs, City Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 17 and 24, 2005. 675-112.1 SCI PUBLIC NOrlCE NOTICE OF APPLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEP File No. 1190041-AC (PSD-FL-358) Sumter Cement Company Sumter County The Department of Environmental Protection an- r..: jr.:e. re-: .;i ;-f .3r., application for an .JI *:.:.-, i 11r. eriT.II r .rj:u rin rI:. the Rules for the -,e -r.ll:r, :r i3.rin.:.r, Der,.i-,.:.,Ti.:ri (PSD) of Air Quality from Sum- ter Cement Company. The project Is to construct a dry process portland cement plant. In the vicinity of Center Hill, Sumter County. This application Is being processed and Is available for public Inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at the following Depart- ment offices: Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Air Regulation 111 South Magnolia Drive, Suite 4 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Telephone: 850/921-9523 Fax: 850/921-9533 Department of Environmental Protection' Southwest District Office 8407 Laurel Fair Circle Tampa, Florida 33610 Telephone: 813/744-6100 Fax: 813/744-6458 Key portions of the application and additional Informa- tion can be accessed.at the Department's website at: www.deo.state.fl.us/Alr/permlfting/construction/ 674-1201 SCT Notice of Sale Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. vs. Timothy C. Oliver, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2005-CA-399 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., Plaintiff. vs. TIMOTHY C OLIVER. ei al. I "r, i .3I ,'/. NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED FORECLOSURE SALE 'i.,T1-.r 1-i HFPEB', ':i 'EN that, pursuant to an Order Re- .:r,-..ji,,g I :..-.:r.::u. e Sale dated November 10, 2005, and entered In Case No. 2005-CA-399, of the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial Circuit In and for SUMTER : :,.jr, Fi:.i3,:, .r.re.-ir, r .-:,F ---.-I ELECTRONIC REG- i-ii,., ., EltI 1: II l. : I Flnirin jrd TIMOTHY C, OLI- VER, are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest, and best bidder for cash at the WEST FRONT DOOR OF SUM- TER COUNTY COURTHOUSE, of 11:00 a.m. on the 7th day of December, 2005, the following described prop- erly as set forth In said Final Judgment: THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE SOUTH 75 FEET OF LOT 274, CENTER HILL, SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES) 78, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA, TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME VIN #GMHGA4020431217A AND VIN #GMHGA4020431217B. A/K/A 203 W. Jefferson Street, Center Hill, FL 33514 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of this Court or)n No- vember 10, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court By: /s/ Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, No- vember 24 and December 1, 2005. F05013975 Let the Sumter County Times work for you. 681-1124 SCT Public Hearing, 12/8/2005 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing by the Sumter County Industrial Development Authority (the "Authority"), to be held on December 8, 2005, at 408 East Seminole Avenue, Bushnell, Florida 33513, com- mencing at 3:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, for the purpose of receiving comments and hearing discussion-concerning the Issuance by the City of Lees- burg, Florida, of. Its City of Leesburg, Florida Hospital Revenue Bonds (The Villages Regional Hospital Project), In an aggregate face amount not to exceed $80,000,000 (the "Bonds'). The proceeds of the Bonds will be loaned to .Leesburg Regional Medical Center, Inc., LRMC Home Health Services, Inc. and The Villages Tri-County Medical Center, Inc. to finance the re- funding of the outstanding Sumter County Industrial Development Authority Adjustable Rate demand Rev- enue Bonds, Series 2001 (The Villages Trl-County Medi- cal Center, Inc. Project) (the 'Refunded Bonds") and the acquisition, construction and equipping of Im- provements and expansions to the hospital facilities known as The Villages Regional Hospital located at 1451 El Camino Real, The Villages, Sumter County, Flori- da. The Improvements and expansion shall Include the renovation of approximately 15,000 square feet of the existing hospital facilities and the construction of ap- p.r: .irr,,el, I -J0i .aj U3e feet of additional facilities, Fr,..-Iir.6r r., p.3r,:.:. ,'. Af the first and second floors c:. Ir,.- .l:ii-. Olciiiill: .3.Jr,, the construction of an ad- ditional three floors (the "Project"). The Project will pro- vide approximately 132 new acute care beds and will Include the conversion of an approximately 6 addition- al beds to acute care and will Include an approxi- mately 12 bed Intensive care unit, an approximately 8 bed coronary care unit, an expansion of the emer- gency department, the addition of two operating rooms, a special procedures/cardiac cath laboratory and the expansion of ancillary and support depart- ments, The Villages Regional Hospital Is, and the Proj- ect will Initially be, owned and operated by The Vil- lages Trl-County Medical Center, Inc. The Refunded Bonds were Issued to finance a portion of the cost of the existing 60 bed acute care hospital facilities The Vil- lages Regional Hospital. All Interested persons are Invited to attend said hearing and, either personally or through their representatives, present oral or written comments and discussion con- cerning the proposed Issuance of 'the Bonds, the re- funding of the Refunded Bonds and the Project to be financed thereby. Written comments may be submit- ted to the Sumter County Industrial Development Au- thority, 408 East Seminole Avenue, Bushnell. Florida 33513. Should any person decide to appeal any deci- sion made by the Authority or the Board .of County Commissioners of Sumter County, Florida, with respect to this hearing, he or she will need a record of the pro- ceedings, and he or she may need to Insure that a ver- batim record of the proceedings Is made, which rec- ord Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. SUMTER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, No- vember 24, 2005. 645-1124 SCT Notice of Sale Cr,3.,- i4 :r Fic. ,,.: W I..' i.: VS. I.I, ep-r. ': :.l -. Ji, I .h r '1, PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2005-CA-001106 CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE MANHATFAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH S. MCDONALD, JR.; MERCANTILE BANK, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER WITH FLORIDA BANK, N.A.; SALLY BARBER; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPH S. MCDONALD, JR.; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 1st day of November, 2005, and entered In Case No. 2005-CA-001106, of the Cir- cuit Court of the 5TH Judicial Circuit in and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE MANHATFAN MORT- GAGE CORPORATION is the Plaintiff and JOSEPH S. MC- DONALD, JR.; MERCANTILE BANK, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER WITH FLORIDA BANK, N.A.; SALLY BARBER; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPH S. MCDONALD, JR.; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSES- SION OF THE SUBJECT. PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the WEST FRONT DOOR OF COURTHOUSE ON THURSDAY at the Sumter County Courthouse, In BUSHNELL, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the Ist day of December, 2005, the fol- lowing described property as set forth In said Final Judgment, to wit: THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST, SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO AN EASE- MENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER AND ACROSS THE NORTH 20 FEET THEREOF, AND TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROP- ERTY- THE WEST 30 FEET OF THE WEST 300 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 AND THE WEST 30 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST, SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AS SHOWN IN DEED RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 681, PAGE 740, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled persons who, because of their disabilities need special accommodation to participate In this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinator at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513 or Telephone Voice/TDD (904) 793-0215 prior to such proceeding. Dated this 2nd day of November, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court By: /s/ Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times; No- vember 17 and 24, 2005. (05-04649) I %&acc C." Legals %Amp C.0 CA Legals 71 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005, PAGE 31 You Must Know What Your Trade Is Worth Before You Shop For A New Car. If you sell or t that you your car, are going rade, it's know the truck, va to buy, critical Value of n or SUV. Our expert appraisers can give you a value within minutes, and it's... Ocala Nissan Mitsubishi >..,,,, PAGE 32, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005 P ..;g,,.. 'fuo: ct F 1 01 oi'0 <,_. i, 'I". IlPI CI iiA A NEW 2006 TOYOTA NEW 2006 TOYOTA Per MIO. Lease NEW 2006 TOYOTA NEW 2006 TOYOTA "' SLARA A7WV m :r AlwrwL essv ruin rower, Lruise, noor Rack, Keyless SIkaP1607N IS '8,693 $Y.H8B '97 LINCOLN TOWNCAR IMWFMCase, Full Power, Dual Power Seale Cruise Lealter Alloy Wheels. Keyless, SillF01l?3N IS AM/FM/CD, Air Condilloning, Stk#P1579A IS AM/FM/Cass. Air Condi Stk#P1615A WAS 10. 499 9.15 0 CHEVYASTROLS '01 GRAND MARQUIS LS /FM/CD. Full Power, Cruise, Alloy AM/FM/Case. Full Power, Dual Poawer Wneels, SIkFO41I A Seats. Cruise, Alloy Wheels, Keylessi IS SlrHF52'5A IS WAS Is WAS- 511 IS 0.105 $01 1 ...... oi $ O '031MTUYT1V4 L AWMlF5ACD,uC FoiPa*&.q Crui seCo~i 1,0 Col.GIlaCk Alloy Wncis LE.ln.., WAS 3 TOYOTA COROLLA S AM/FM/CasseCD, Full Power, Cruise StkYE2132A IS WAR -. eIM/ri.u, rull rower, SIklF0051B sI WAS 1u,9.9$4.17 w'wnoIeu, run rower., e Liner, Chrome, SltkPI605 WAS I 47,53994,998,R AlwrUM/ass/u, rull rower, Stk#P1609 IS WAS ,u1,.99114,998, AM/FM/Cass/CD, Power Mirrors, Air Conditioning, Stk#F0402A WAS 9 5.,.5s $.4999.A M/FM/Cass/CD, Full Power, Cruise, Keyless, Stk#FO344A WAS .-m N--- '03 TOYOTA CAMRY LE AM/FM/Cass/CD, Full Power, Power Seats, Cruise, Side Air Bags, Keyless, Stk#FD355A IS WAS 'I,..- p16,581. HaCKS, Hunning Doarus, eow Liners, Alloy Wheels, Keyless, Stk#FO175A WAS ,4,39s 161.49& Alwrwu,F run, rower, cruise, ikey- less SlkvP1620 WAS ,*1.599 16.112 AW M/Lu, unll rower, rower seats, Cruise, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry, SIWPI1S83 is AM/FWMCD, Full Power, Cruise, Alloy Wheels, Keyless, Stk#P1586 . WAS"9 . 519, 699 liE B L AM/FM/CD, Full Power, Keyless, Stk#P1585 IS WAS MOA N 8. AMF'M/CassCD, Full Power, Power Seats, Cruise, Roof Rack, Running Boards, Alloy Wheels, Keyless, StklF0134A IS WAS ,18.98f-$ 1 .98a 'U0 IUTYUIA UAMRKT L AP/FM/Cass/CD, Full Power, Cruise, Keyless, StkfF0305A IS WAS '1,99,3 iif,999 Cruise, Sunroof, Leather, Keyless Entry, StI WAS .-.. AM/FM/Cass/CD, Ful Power, Power Seats, Cruise, Keyless Entry, SIk 591 WAS ..- .. - Svul, ^In marnv u, rule run ew ruowers eats, s, Keyless L Cruise, AlloyjWheels, Keyless Entry, IS Stk#P1621 IS WAS R m --- AWrm, uaOw u, run runner, uuOI run, Seals, Cruise, Keyiess Enlry, SIkNP16 IS WAR A-- --- Sedllner, Alloy S WAS 25.499 els, Keyless Entry, '1617 18 Weas WAS UWAS - nwer, Suie, ;A Itry, SIkP1612 IS Chrome, Keyless Entry, Stk#P1623 IS Uf~~~ft 1 -.. AM/FM/C3ss/CD, Full Power, Cruise, Power Seats, Roof Rack, Keyless Entry, StkIP1590 IS WAS ... .. 732-0770 Or 1719 SW College Rd. Ocala 1-800-342-2550, All ilSL&CI W I .- i i T. I -.rlf- TLE : l'rL -EE llT f. TU. C .7 AE ; "F.:.A ,3- AA I'.) LU' i .n r |:, I IT lN .:.:.UA j ULE64u N -M J T i: *..c':N .1C.. Ef : : 'tT AE LEJr A A... :r C F., LQIA aI=F13cr www~eluatoyoa*co HiI oL0 'Ik' U v- W i Per Lease eQ S S 2006 -S L Per MO., Leave ,i 1.., MUJ k Liner, SIk WAS a~1 Leather, Roo R WAR 17/1 QK4 agoIl ivi I -"% , Kel --"% i I |