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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY INSIDE Calendar ............. 12 Church ............... 6 Obituaries ............6 Police Report ...... .. .3 Tidbits ................ 9 VOLUME 121 NUMBER 39 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 20051 County denies mine expansion MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent The Sumter County Commission on Tuesday blocked Rinker Materials' plan to expand its Florida Crushed Stone Center Hill Mine into neighboring pas- tureland. Just before midnight, the board ended an almost six- hour public hearing with a four-to-one vote to deny the Florida Crushed Stone appli- cation for a conditional use permit to mine an approxi- mately 395-acre tract to the west of its existing mine. Commission Chairman Joey Chandler cast the dissenting vote. Chandler tried to keep some option open for the board to take up the issue again, possibly several months from now. He asked both Florida Crushed Stone attorney Steve Richey and fel- low board members if the issue could be tabled until a later date, but got little sup- port. The board spent most of their meeting listening to the testimony of an array of "experts" from both sides of the debate. The proceedings were observed by a meeting room packed mostly with Rinker employees and their families. A crowd of almost equal size --both supporters and opponents packed the second floor hallway. Commissioner Jim Roberts contended that the mine had failed for about nine years to comply with a ground-water recharge plan required by the Southwest. Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). He was not alone, Beville's Corner area resident John Megan cited page after page of SWFWMD and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) documents which he claimed showed the failures of the mine to follow adopted plans or the agencies failures to ensure compliance. Megan raised a number of issues, such as exactly how deep are the excavation pits. "How deep are they?, After reading this data, no one can know," Megan said. There was also concern about who actually would own the mines. As of Sept. 20, there was no clear picture, he said. "Where is the financial back- stop?" Megan also said he had found numerous inconsisten- cies in the documents where no water discharges were reported from the mine site, even during flooding periods associated with last year's hurricanes. One of the key points was what he described as the mine's nine-year failure to construct a perimeter barrier Please see MINE, Page 2 TREMENDOUS TRUCKS AMANDA MIMS Stafl Writer It's been said one shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but competitors at the 75 Chrome Shop's 7th Annual Truck Expo on Saturday apparently don't believe in that philosophy. In fact, the tw\o go hand in hand for the men and women who spend much ot their free time- and money- customizing the trucks they drive for a living. From the deepest black rigs to chrome-covered giants, the 35 entries stationed behind thlie Wildwood Chrome Shop made for quite a display where spectators and partici- pants alike moseyed around to check out the customized semis One purple truck, adorned with an eclectic mix of chrome. flag-style stars and stripes, and lots of airbrushed bright green dragons and dragon statues. was brought in from Michigan by 45-year-old Bob Brinker and his 55-year- Please see TRUCKS, Page 2 This truck owned by Bob and Shelly Brinker of Michigan was one of 35 entered at the truck expo in Wildwood last weekend. Webster AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Folks lined up for diner plates of )arbeque and chicken 'n' rice at the Webster Cemetery Association Picnic onl Saturday not just for the tasty lunch but also to help raise money for a worthy cause. The annual picnic, held at the Sumter County Farmersi market, is always a big local draw and those who attend get a big dose of sugary delights, entertainment and, in the afternoon's near- ly 90-degree heat, real lemonade to quench their thirst. Board Menlmber Lillian Radney said the picnic. which benefits Mount Zion. Stew art Chapel and Garden of Memories Cemeteries, has been held every year for about 50 yea rs. For many of those -who attend, going to the Webster picnic has become a tradi- tion. In keeping with that tradi- tion, there're usually plenty of door prizes, which are all donated to benefit the cemetery. For the volunteers, Radney said, getting it together is a big job and it's a "community effort. "These men, they do a tremendous job, and the ladies do too,'. she said, adding that the picnic Please see PICNIC, Page 5 C Photos by Amanda Mims Jeremy Williams, 6, can be seen in the reflection of a semi- tractor trailer's mirrored interior as he peers in from the oppo- site side. The truck, owned by Bob and Shelly Brinker of Michigan, was one of 35 entered at the 75 Chrome Shop 7th Annual Truck Expo in Wildwood. offersShaking picnic offers food, fun Shal Missy Wilson, a Webster t cemetery Association volun- I: teer, sells a dinner plate to John Smith of Webster at Saturday's picnic. ested Photos by Amanda Mims Chelsea, 7, and Shawna Silva, 10, (below) get ready to dig in to a couple of slices of chocolate cake on Saturday at the Webster Cemetery Association Picnic. BOB IEICHMAN Editor A Webster man was arrest- ed last Friday after he nerv- ously shook as he watched sheriff's deputies determine that the van he was using had been stolen from a Wildwood business late last month. Carlos Ornelas, 33, 210 SW 2nd St., was arrested on numerous charges when sheriff's deputies arrived at a Webster home looking for a different man and became suspicious of Ornelas' behav- ior, according to sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. Ornelas was arrested on Lake County warrants for fail- ure to appear for driving while license suspended, grand theft, possession of bur- glary tools, criminal mischief and trespassing on a con- struction site. He was addi- tionally arrested by Sumter authorities for grand. theft, possession of methampheta- mines, possession of a pre- scription medication without a prescription and possession of paraphernalia. Ornelas was placed in the Sumter County Detention Center with bond set at $$56,500. Deputies arrived at a Webster residence to serve an arrest warrant on another Please see ARREST, Page 2 Pedestrian killed near Bushnell BOB REICHMAN Editor A 31-year-old Zephyrhills man was killed Tuesday morning when he walked into the oncoming path of a trac- tor-trailer truck. The man was identified the following day as Carmine M. Vella,, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. The accident happened at 8:45 aim. south of Bushnell on Interstate 75, according to the report. Vella was standing on the West shoulder of the inter- state facing oncoming traffic, according to the report. For some unknown reason, he walked out in front of the- southbound truck which struck him. Vella was transported to East Pasco Regional Medical Center where he died as a result of injuries from the accident, the report states. The driver of the truck, Rick G. Lees, 47, of Sauk Rapids, Montana, was not injured, according to the report. Two die in 1-75 crash BOB REICHMAN Editor A Monday morning crash on Interstate 75 left two peo- ple dead and one person injured. The single-vehicle accident happened about 11:30 a.m. just south of the County Road 470 exit near Sumterville, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. A 1988 Buick Regatta was traveling in the inside north- bound lane of the interstate when the driver, an unidenti- fied 48-year-old Leesburg woman, lost control of the vehicle and entered the east shoulder of the interstate, according to the report. The right side of the car col- lided with two trees and then spun, throwing both passen- gers in the car onto the east shoulder of the road, the report states. The engine compartment of the car erupt- ed in flames after it stopped. The driver was transported by helicopter to Orlando Please see CRASH, Page 2 -- gI^rni ' -~ Ax x. 'r, 50 CENTS PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 ARREST continued from Page 1 man when they saw Ornelas in the backyard by a Ford van, according to Caruthers. "They saw the man's body shaking violently and they knew he wasn't the subject they were looking for," he said. When officers began ques- tioning Ornelas, "He began stuttering and was obviously nervous." As officers approached the van, Ornelas tried to block their view with his body and "bladed" his body when they tried to see the license tag number, Caruthers said. Ornelas reportedly told offi- cers he was just cleaning out his work van.. When officers saw that the name on the Ford van was Desantis Appliance and AC Service, they contacted TRUCKS continued from Page 1 old wife Shelly. Just about every inch of the truck has been customized, mostly with the dragon theme, from the statues to the painted dragon head with raised yellow eyes above the windshield. Shelly, an active duty Army 1st Sgt., said the patriotic work was done "for the troops." The rest has been done for a different reason. "When I was growing up, Puff the Magic Dragon was the big thing," she said. Altogether, she said they've won about 220 trophies with their eye-catching truck Bob uses to haul lumber and steel for a living, mostly through- out the Midwestern United States and Ontario, Canada. Even after 657,000 miles, it's still "dragon on," just like it- says in Old English lettering on truck's chrome front bumper While the Brinkers' truck gets plenty of looks at shows, it isn't the only time. "Sometimes there'll be cars going down the inter- state doing 75 (miles per hour) trying to take pictu res." Shelly said. The many^' other ti'ucks there were also tailored to reflect the owners' personal styles, and spectators went to' have a good time just looking at them. Jon and Renee Williams, who live in Pasco County, brought their sons Jeremy Williams, 6, and 11-year-old Damian Cassidy. Jon, who drives for a truck- ing company in Palatka, Fla., said, "I try to come up here with the boys every year. It gives us something to do together." Besides attention, trucks unfortunately were also Wildwood police to see if the van had been reported as stolen from the Wildwood business. The van had been reported stolen on September 30, Caruthers said. A woman was sitting inside the van while deputies checked the vehicle, accord- ing to Caruthers. During a search of the van, officers found a leather purse on the passenger's side containing a glass smok- ing pipe containing a white substance and a small bag containing a small amount of a crystal substance. The woman told officers that Ornelas had handed the items to her when the deputies arrived, Caruthers said. When a test revealed that the material was metham- phetamines and a prescrip- tion medication, Ornelas was arrested on drug charges in addition to grand theft. showered with a little rain, though there was a still a lot to do at the expo. Under several sizable tents were vendor tables, includ- ing those for truck acces- sories and driver recruit- ment, and tables were cus- tomers could dine on bar- beque chicken, hamburgers, and hot dogs as big speakers blasted Southern Rock and Country classics from Lynard Skynard and Brooks & Dunn. People could also be seen strolling through the Chrome Shop store, where owners organize the show every year. Kerri Farkus, daughter-in- law of owners Billy and Debbie Farkus, said.they do it "to give something back to the drivers." She said almost all of the trucks are working trucks, and the few that aren't com- pete in a separate category. "This is to let them enjoy themselves and just have fun," she said, adding that they come from all over, even from Canada and Europe. The show was scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and winners were to be announced on the last day. The varied categories includ- ed the Competitors Choice Award, the Best of Show "combo," Best of Show "inte- rior" and Best or Show "bob- tail." : '' -Y Adcompanying A the "combb" and "bobtail" tro- phies were each $1,000 cash prizes and Chrome Shop gift certificates. Unlimited Hours, No Contracts! Instant Messaging Keep your buddy list! 10 e-mail addresses with Webmaill FREE Technical Support Custom Start Page News, Weather & more! (S Surf up fo 6X faster! ) just S3 more -- Sign Up Onlinel www.LocalNet.com 4 4 352-629-7607 LocalNetf "1-888-488-7265 HI-ila i>ll..W 1.. MINE continued from Page 1 ditch that was to be used to recharge the neighboring aquifer with water pumped from the mine pit. '"All of the agencies have said you are not following your permit," Megan said. The ditch got built in June when this place was under the microscope and the neighbors were up in arms." Commissioner Michael Francis was apparently con- vinced. "Limerock is a valuable commodity for the county and central Florida, but I wished I felt better about it," Francis said, noting Megan's description of the apparent mine's failures. "Rinker needs another year to prove that they will comply with all things required of them," he said. Commissioner Richard Hoffman agreed. "The county's hydrology consultant (Charles Drake) said we need more time to, see that the recharge ditch will work," Hoffman said. He even quoted former President Ronald Reagan in his observations. "He said to trust but veri- fy," Hoffman said. "We trusted, but we did not verify." Rinker attorney Clifford Kirkmeyer presented a num- ber of experts before the board. One of them, hydrology consultant Mark Stevens, told the board about the plans for the "hydraulic bar- rier" the ditch that would be used to direct the mine water back into the aquifer. He also described the 15- foot-high berm that would be used to shield some neigh- boring properties form mine operations. He said the hydraulic bar- rier installed around the existing active mine pit is working an reducing off- "He said site "draw- down" of but v ground water Hoffman to about two trusted, feet within 10' tr e of the mine not V perimeter. Kirkmeyer also presented testimony from a seismologist - an authority on blasting and an engineer But, the opposition also had its own experts. Attorney Marcy LaHart represented Citizens Against Rinker's Expansion, a grassroots organization formed months ago to work against issuance of the permit. Dr. Sydney Bacchus, a "hydroecologist" presented a slide show on Florida's aquifer and what she assert- ed were negative impacts of mining on lakes and wet- lands. Testimony was also pre- sented by Timothy Hazlett, a hydrology consultant who presented a somewhat criti- cal review of the mine's d e 7e i, "dewatering" plan. Among other things, Hazlett displayed a U.S. Geological Survey that depicted the "vulnerability" of the county's aquifer and cited many of the numerous "relic" sinkholes in the gen- eral area of the mine expan- sion. He challenged some of the mine consultant's data as "inadequate", cited inconsis- tencies in their application documents and to trust raised a num- Sber of techni- fy," cal points said. '"We regarding the utwe did dewatering application. bfy." But, many of the local citi- zens attending the meeting were support- ing Rinker and concerned about their liveli- hood. Allen Merritt, a 16-year employee of the mine, said some of the arguments heard might be right and some might be wrong, "but we still need to make a living." David Cook, of Webster, was another Rinker employ- CRASH continued from Page 1 Regional Medical Center, according to the report. The driver was wearing a seatbelt ,MASSEY FERGUSON STractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment $13,495- W $15,995.taj -- -- -- ABC M EW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Phone: (352)M 796-.171 d T-rid-> T Fax: (352) 796-6685 Saturday 8am-12pm Ra ! ee with just a brief comment: "I need my job." Norman Martin, of Beville's Corner said she is the wife of a Rinker employ- ee and that she also drove a rock truck for six years. "That land next to Rinker is useless to anyone but Rinker," Martin said. "No one's going to want to live there or build there. Our fam- ilies need these jobs." But, both Marilyn and Leo Zimmerman, residents who live close to the existing mine and would be directly south of the proposed new mines, told the board about their problems. Leo Zimmerman said he had two wells go dry back in the eighties and that there have been numerous struc- tural damages. The expansion would be "right in my front yard," he said. "I'm scared to death to see how much worse it'll get." Marilyn Zimmerman said she has lived near the mine since 1984. , "I like the area, but not the damage from the mine," she said. "It would be an end to the country atmosphere we enjoy." at the time of the accident. Both unidentified Tampa passengers, ages 50 and 39 years old, died at the scene from injuries. The victims' identities are being withheld until notifica- tion of next of kin, according 0% Down Payment WIth Approved Credit IIl-m r iiil ynra nSfu3rp) MF Compacts Lo RateTFinancin ion Waes (J~f4 est~payanaed aw eqivwpd) rm-Mos'. 24 36 48 60 tle 0' ix. -.:. 4.5 4.5 w ; ; m a I IIne rma. i:131-u: -r I ,iIIr.S:M 3- -P -Iz _ * Okeechobee County, FL * Homes1te Buyers 433, San *i nvestors. n ipers * FairIR133anti"e 43 Cailfior Inspection Dates &- F~.ulf'-ra,,. Dnnrjr 80051.2709 Thursday, Novemb 3 "H For info. visit: 1 " ,MB ., ~ www.schraderauction.com. EabaLh1d 1881 T SUMMER COumNTY IM.ES (USPS. #535-880) GIVE USA CALL News Department 352-793-2161 Circulation 1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertising .352-793-2161 Classified Advertising 352-793-2161 Fax 352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $19.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. 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M.1ij: ,n- ii I.V I 1' 'aL I 1 44 Tracts From 3 to 1. 0 Acres I e)( )( SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 3 Webster High School holds special reunion AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Though Webster High School saw its last graduating class in 1959, its students continue to come back together every year and they held their fifth annual reunion Saturday. Former classmates who attended Webster .High from the 1930s until the early Classmate, 1960s gathered Webster I once again at the Sumter the 1930 C o u n ty gather. Farmers Sumter Market to catch up with Farmer. old friends and. take a stroll down memory lane. Grace Hayes Crouch, who solely represents the 1936 grad- uating class of only 13 students, said the Webster she remem- bers growing up is very differ-. ent from what she sees now. Less than 800 people currently reside within the Webster city limits, but to her, the city has grown up considerably. She recalled "strawberry school," when during the late winter and early spring, stu- dents left their schoolwork behind and took to the straw- berry fields. Local farmers paid them two cents for every quart they picked, she said, adding farmers needed the labor and the students needed the money. "It's not like today when we have Christmas 12 months out of the year," she said. Crouch now lives in Fruitland Park, but her roots in the area run deep. "I was born in 1919, right here in Sumter County," she said, and that her father was one of the first directors of the Sumter County Farmers Market. She's been to all of the reunions, and said her favorite part is "seeing the people I grew up with. "We just love it here," she said. Crouch was one of many who shared memories of Webster High School and spoke of the old friendships formed there. Winona Giddens Farmer, Class of 1945, and Hairman Farmer, Class of 1944, fondly recalled their marriage before graduating. They were married with their parents' permission, and allowed by the school to finish their education as a married couple on one condition. "You were supposed to act like you weren't (married)," Hairman said. He immediately left home for the Army to serve in World War II, finding himself in Germany, Austria, France and Holland. Hairman returned to Webster and to a marriage that's lasted 61 years. On Saturday, Winona and Hairman took s attending pleasure in High from look ing s 1960s through some sundry keep- d at the sakes from SCounty their school s Market days and held a yellowed copy of the S u m t e r County Times showing some of their gradua- tion photos. In one photo, Winona was among 10 girls to, graduate along with one boy that year. Though the reunion serves largely as a gathering for former schoolmates, they also honor former school faculty and staff as well as classmates who've passed away. Every year, the graduating class celebrating its 50th anniversary sponsors the event, and this year it was the Class of 1955. Before the day was over, 200 people were expected to attend. Sumter teen performs Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind senior Kaylin Lyals of Wildwood has been selected to be among 26 high school juniors and seniors who make up the performing arts group called "The Dance Troupe." The students travel throughout the state giving free per- formances to community and civic groups and at Florida schools. The Dance Troupe is comprised of students who are mainly deaf/hard-of-hearing. The show they present is complete with costumes and props, with popular music and specialty choreographed jazz '50's numbers. RPolice&R ^--F James (left) and his Wife Miriam Purcell (Class of 1944) look at some old photos and scrapbook items at the Fifth Annual Webster High School Reunion on Saturday. The Purcells came from Linnville, Ga., to attend the reunion. Photos by Amanda Mims Even before the reunion began, former Webster High School students poured in, busy talking and socializing at the annual event held at the Sumter County Farmers Market on Saturday. J Thursday, Oct. 6 Richard Johnson, 32, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Ryan Carlton, 19, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia and carrying a concealed weapon. Bond was set $1,500. Clinton Goldberg, 33, Bushnell, was arrested on a Sumter County warrant for violation of probation. No bond was set. Lee Patterson, 18, Wildwood, was arrested on a Sumter County warrant. Bond was set at $5,000. Friday, Oct. 7 Michael Hamlin, 33, Webster, .was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $1,000. Eric Dunham, 32, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Ursula Gathers, 31, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation, viola- tion of probation, failure to appear and affray. Bond was set at $20,000. Marquis Stokes, 27, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation and warrant. Bond was set at $10,000. Carl Tolliver, 48, Webster, was arrested for driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond was set at $500. Calvin Callaway, 38, Wildwood, was arrested for child abuse. Bond was set at $2,000. Patricia Erving, 27, Wildwood, was arrested for cocaine purchase and nar- cotic equipment possession. Bond was set.at $5,500. Calvin McCurdy, 56, Wildwood, was arrested) for possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $500. Carlos Orneilas, 33, Webster, was arrested for failure to appear and Lake kT RAINBOW SPRINGS STATE PARK SUNDAY, OCT. 2. 2005 ANNUALS, PERENNIALS BENEFICIAL INSECTS * Bugs Keeping the good ones * Mulch Is it really necessary *Turf Do we really have grass in Florid: SUNDAY, OCT. 16, 2005 * Fertilizer Choosing wisely to protect our springs Native vs. Drought tolerant plants. Choosing plants for this area *Attracting wild life Admission to the park Is 51.00 a Workshops are FREE Times for workshops are I Iam to 3 pm w-"- FREE Door Prizes For more information call 671-8400 lnoRIDAimm11 i -UWF-.E R;iT', ,-.F od ,] I..... I ,,, i .I .... Ralni--h'' YAR&DS&r T "'FLORIDA '." ',n.- ,n. Sp,,nJ S. NEIGHBORHOODS e Pk ; City of Wildwood is now accepting applications for the following: Custodian The successful candidate shall possess at minimum a valid Class B, Florida Drivers License and High School Diploma or GED. Some weekend work required. Preferred: prior experience in janitorial maintenance and general maintenance. Entry level pay, $18,000. Laborer Wastewater Department. Entry-level position. General maintenance and pipe installation experience a plus. The successful candidate shall possess a valid drivers license, B endorsement or above. High School diploma or GED preferred. $18,000. Mechanic: Assigned to the Public Works Department. The successful candidate shall possess at least a High School Diploma or GED, and possess and maintain a valid Florida Drivers License, WITH AT LEAST a Class B endorsement or the ability to obtain one within six (6) from your employment in this position; have extensive experience in vehicle and equipment maintenance; knowledge and experience in maintaining records. $24,960. Laborer: Assigned to the Public Works Department. The successful candidate shall possess a High School Diploma or GED, and possess and maintain a valid Florida Drivers License during employment. $18,000. Operator Trainee/Maintenance: In the Wastewater Department. The successful candidate shall possess a High School Diploma or GED, and possess and maintain a valid Florida Drivers License. during employment. Training, experience and knowledge of Wastewater Plant Operations a plus. $20,800. Assistant Secretary: Part Time: Wastewater Department. The successful candidate shall possess a High School Diploma or GED, and possess and maintain a valid Florida Drivers License during employment. Must possess working knowledge of Computer and other office equipment. Additional training and experience in secretarial science a plus. $14,070. Part Time Inspector:Community Development Department. Must be a Certified Building Inspector, and possess all credentials necessary for this position. Must also possess and maintain a valid Florida Drivers License during employment. $21,840. Positions will remain open until filled or closed by the City Manager. Applications are available at City Hall, 100 N Main Street, Wildwood,.or by calling 1-352-330-1330 extension 103. EOE/AA/M/ F/VP/HD Drug Free Workplace. 645937 ." SALON PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY Cosmetology Class Starts October 31st Class size limited! Enroll today! Convenient payment plans Placement in over 6,000 salons .1.800.858.5909 admissions@thespaschoolfla.com 1522 US Hwy. 41 N. Inverness Florida - --- --- " " 1$/000OFF TUITIONI: II1 L . ..I . For starting in the October 31, 2005 class. Bring this coupon to enroll. I I-- -- -- -I - Ii~ County warrant for grand theft. Bond was set at $50,000. Saturday, Oct. 8 Ann Glenn, 20, Bushnell, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Karl Craig, 19, Coleman, was arrested for attached tag not assigned and driving an unregistered vehicle. Bond was set at $500. Sunday, Oct. 9 Jeremy Strong, 26, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for possession of parapher- nalia, possession of a firearm by felon, concealed weapon, violation of driver's license restriction and violation of probation. Bond was set at $6,750. Gregory Schutt, 40, Webster, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Valorie Williams, 43, Webster, was arrested for vio- lation of probation. Bond was set at $461. Mark Sickafoose, 31, Wildwood, was arrested for driving under the influence. Brett Franz, 20, Sumterville, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $5,000. Monday, Oct. 10 Robert Lupien, 49, Center Hill, was arrested for viola- tion of probation. No bond was set. Virgil Holt, 54, Bushnell, was arrested for domestic violence. No bond was set. Nathaniel Youngblood, 19, Webster, was arrested for lit- tering and pollutant dis- charge. Bond was set at $500. Chaz Harrison, 18, Bushnell, was arrested for possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $500. Brandy Yancey, 20, Lake, Panasoffkee, was arrested for battery. No bond was set. Willie Croom, 49, Webster, was arrested for driving while license suspended with knowledge. Bond was set at $250. I PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 4b dbse THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 188i The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County rmes is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor .................. Bob Reichman Publisher ....... ,... .. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Another VOICE The $71.50 cigarette AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer I have an expensive habit, and as of last week, it just got more expensive. Not really being what I'd consider a lit- terbug, I cringe at the sight of someone tossing a McDonald's bag out the window or when I see trash bags left on the side of the highway. However, I did absent-mindedly toss a cigarette butt out the window when we were just approaching 1-75, headed south from Wildwood. It was about 10 at night, and what was about to happen followed one of those unusually long days that come along every now and then. It was one of those days that make you want nothing more than to just go home and get in bed. But the realization of that vision was slightly delayed by something that caught me by surprise.- Immediately after I flung the cigarette out the window, my world was flooded with flashing blue lights., A state trooper, who looked to be in his thirties, approached the driver's side door, shined a flashlight inside, and said flatly "license and registration." Cars whizzing by him, he stared impassively to his right. I could already tell Mr. Friendly wasn't going to be very nice about the whole sit- uation because he didn't ask how we were doing and didn't bother to say why we were being pulled over. until after examining the requested credentials. I knew I had a better chance of bobsled- ding home than getting off with a warn- ing. When I fessed up and told him it was I who committed this heinous act of earth- killing, he expressed some skepticism. "Are you sure? It looked like it came out of her window," he said, nodding toward the driver Then he showed obvious disappoint- ment. It made sense when he later informed me when a person commits such an offense while driving, the pun- ishment is much more severe and could even result in gulp a court appear- ance. Sony, no big arrest here. I was just a passenger It was hard not to wonder why he'd endanger his life by standing so danger- ously close to passing traffic on the onramp like that He already had the license of the driv- er and when he demanded my license I was thinking, You need a license to ride in the backseat of a truck? I produced it, mordantly thinking this was the perfect ending for the perfect day. I'd had a very long day I'm thinking he's not a fan of smoking; cigarette-butt-flickers probably top his list of miscreants, right there above the murderers, thieves and dope dealers with nerve enough to scoot across the Wildwood onramp. Neither am I-a big fan of smoking if you want to know the truth about it. I don't think it's a good thing to do and I don't recommend it As funny as it may sound, though; that's what being free's all about. Making your own choices. Some people like to skydive. Some peo- ple like to zoom down the interstate a motorcycle with nothing but balance to separate them from a mortal encounter with the blurred pavement I have a dan- gerous habit too and it happens to involve dried tobacco laced with oodles of human carcinogens. Fine. Degrade my already-shortened life by writing me a ticket I was also thinking how my crime against the environment pales in com- ,parison to the smoldering stacks and air- borne toxins we're welcoming in the county with all these cement plants. We have fish in our lakes you can't eat, but what's being done is perfectly legal. My little stunit, however, was not That is just another instance of how legal does riot equal moral. I admit though, what I did was wrong. Not because I got a ticket, and hot, because it posed a great biginconven- ience in my day. It's just plain not nice. It seemed as though the trooper must've been running our names through every database imaginable because he stayed in his car for a long time, all the while the severe blue lights continued to bound across the cab of the truck, off our heads, the glass and my tired eyes. Eventually, we went on our way, and so did the trooper/environmentalist who, incidentally, did not stop to pick up the cigarette that was apparently single- handedly destroying the world.. So by the end ofthe day, he got his tick- et issued, the first I'd ever received. It figured. Of course it wouldn't be for speeding or running a red light or stop sign. Nothing exciting or otherwise inter- esting. Nothing to take a class or be reha- bilitated for. I tossed a cigarette butt out the window. Uncle Sam will be a little richer before 30 days comes to pass- $71.50 richer to be exact And I will never again toss a cigarette out the window- at least not onto the patrol car of a state trooper. "UQCopyrighted.Material f ynicat edContentT " Available fromnCommercial News Providers" 011W -"q Your VOICE Visionary behind Habitat for Humanity I was there from the very beginning, even before there was a Habit for Humanity. I was just nineteen years old, a neighborhood big brother/pied piper of sorts, living amongst a great group of kids in the slums of Americus, Ga., when Millard Fuller moved into town. He had a vision to create a global housing program as a witness to the world. I also had vision to get every youngster a library card and a break from the heart wrenching poverty that surrounded them. He funded his vision by opening a law practice and by asking a few people for donations. I funded mine by flipping hamburgers at Hardee's on weekends. When we met, we both shared the burden God had given us and formed a bond of mutual respect Like the kids I related to, I had very little. I lived in a $20 a month shack and ate one meal a day. I didn't have a radio or television, nor even running water, just a naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling and nightly freight trains that literally passed within 20 feet of my door. Millard wanted to* help. He let have the back two rooms of his law office in exchange for paint- ing his house. Habitat wasn't much in the begin- ning. It was just Millard, his wife, Li nda. and Gail his secretary, when he wasn't practicing law. I can? still remember hearing the sound of his voice through our shared kitchen door when I dashed in for refreshments between stories of Noah's Ark and Peter Cottontail. He was always dic- tating letters, usually to churches about the urgent need for decent housing or a word of thanks to some dear person who sent in five dollars to. support the effort. Oh, how the years have flown by I went off to college and eventually became a pastor, then a hospice chap- lain. Habitat for Humanity went from three people to a massive ,charity, a global behemoth, one of the most rec- ognizable brand names in the world, complete with corporate sponsorships and legal challenges to copyright infringement Yet, Millard Fuller, the man who started it all, never really changed. I got a letter in the mail the other day. It had a clipping about a near fatal car accident the Fullers were in. The car rolled three times but fortu- nately, neither Millard nor his wife, Linda, was injured. As I read through it, I could not help but chuckle. For what was he doing at the time it occurred? He was in the passenger seat doing what I might have expect- ed. He was dictating letters, telling about his new venture to reclaim the personal touch of neighbor helping neighbor. In a world where charities become so large that they often lose touch and seem more corporate than charitable, it is refreshing to know that Millard Fuller's vision has never dulled. He still believes tin the ultimate grass roots movement and works with a pas- sion that humbles even the most earnest amongst us. Drop him a line. Let him tell you about the need for affordable housing still confronting a staggering number of God's children. I'll wager you'll get a reply. Yet, in fairness, I must warn you to be prepared to be caught up in the whirlwind that is Millard Fuller. If you are at all like me, he just might persuade you to pick up a hammer and join him. .Will Archibald Board changes website address The Board of Sumter County Commissioners proudly announces a domain name change. www.sumter- countyfl.gov replaces bocc.co.sumterfl.us, and with the .gov extension sets it apart from other Sumter County websites. The initial launching of the website in 2000 involved an outside web designer and the BOCC Information Technology Department. Today it is solely designed and maintained in house by the Information Technology Department with the Job Board main- tained by the Human Resources department. You can stay more informed as Sumter County strives to bring you the technology of the modern age. The site is periodically updated so you may want to register online to auto- matically receive notice of changes. A few of the many things available to you: Get a schedule and agenda of all upcoming BOCC meetings. Also avail- able are schedules of Public Hearings, Workshops and Special Meetings. Get information on all BOCC Departments and the services they offer. Planning and Development: Check on the progress of your building per- mit through eTrakit View the compre- hensive plan, zoning regulations, fee schedule, land use regulations, and other building issues. Find out if you qualify for Home Purchase Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance or for Rental Payment Assistance Emergency, Home Repair Assistance, Home Rehabilitation Assistance, and Rental Development Assistance. Go to Planning and Development then click on Housing. Want to contact a commissioner or other key administrative personnel? Use the personnel directory. Or go to the Commissioners Corner under Meet the Commissioners. Looking for a job? Check the Job Board for a list of vacancies. Get the qualifications, the job description, the salary range and an application online. See what Community Services are offered: Library services: Search for a book, reserve a book, manage your account, do research. Parks and recreation: see map of available facilities and get an applica- tion for use. See what recreational programs are offered. Animal control: See the ordinance highlights. General information on how-to care for your pet. Find out where to get a pet license. Learn what to do for your pet in a severe weather emergency. Transit: Get the bus schedule, check out the Free Rides and get answers to some Frequently Asked Questions. County Probation: use the contact information for staff, get transfer information and check on the latest community service projects they are involved in. Veterans Services: see what assis- tance is available to you and your fam- ily and where the local offices are located. Want to volunteer for Fire Rescue or just see what the department is about? View the qualifications, get an application and see what training is available. Need a utility or driveway permit? Public Works offers the forms online on the Road and Bridge page. Find out all you wanted to know about Mosquito Control and see what responsibilities you have in their con- trol. See how Eastern Equine Encephalitis can affect your horses. Find the links to recycling on the Solid Waste page. Read a short history of Sumter County. There is much more information about Sumter County available to you than can be listed in this space, so log on today at www.sumtercountyfl.gov. Then bookmark or add this page to your favorites and check back often. If you have our old address bookmarked please take the time to update it to reflect the new add. Susan Hunt Training and Support Coordinator Reflections on a good year As my first year anniversary approach- es in running the Sumter County Fair Grounds, I still feel it is an honor to hold this position. I am very proud to be here. I have been touched and amazed in so many ways.-I can't tell you how many times I have been floored by our fair board. They work long hours giving so, much, even with our mix of personali- ties. They are the best Their commit- ment to the youth of our community is endless. During my first fair year, I was wel- comed with open arms by my community I saw and felt things that touched me deeply. An elderly lady confined to a wheelchair whom had a stroke entered a handmade blanket to be judged in the fair. After the fair was over she came by to pick the blanket-up. When we placed the blanket in her lap with. a Best of Show ribbon on it, tears fell from her face as they also fell from mine and as I looked at her husband the tears were welling up in his., This truly is what it is all about; that moment was one of the best for me. As I look back on my year and what my contributions have been, I feel good about it. We are running smoothly, more organized and much more cost efficient I maintain a useful source of news on our websitee. We now have the fair grounds rented through the middle of 2006, bring- ing more good and wholesome entertain- ment to Sumter County. My plans will be to continue adding more of a variety of activities for all to enjoy. The Sumter County Expo Center should be open soon and it will offer much more to the county My hopes that within the next three years the fair and fair ground will be a showplace. We have begun the preparations for the 2006 fair, which will be held March 10 through March 18, 2006. We're planning on bringing in big name entertainment., The livestock show will be one of the biggest ones we have had. In passing, my thanks go out to some of the finest young people I have ever met, we all can be very proud of them, and to their parents that have done a fine job. My thanks to the folks who sponsor parts of the fair and attend our live- stock show. Believe me, without your help we could not have done it. Folks like you make this community what it is. I hope to see all of you at the 2006 Sumter County Fair Barbara Kane Dissolutions: Phillip A. and Gloria Ann Galbreath Kay Lynn and Joshua Thomas Reaves Brian E. and Christina J. Newbould Sue Ann and Thomas Drunasky Mary Sceppa and Howard, N. Siira, Jr. Mary E. and James Henry Robinson Marian I. And Phillip Munden Mary Margaret and Duane Richard Lamb Warren and Sandra Graham Kimberly D. and Michael J. Guertin Juanita Serna and Jose Valdez Marriages: Larry Lee Gaines, 36, and Christy Lynn Ragan, 29, both of Oxford Silas Griffey, 59, of The Villages and Johanna Delgatto-Sauchuk, 63, of The Villages. Thomas Wilson Gibson, 27, and Lacey Lee Schleman, 22, both of Floral City Joel Ernesto Coronado, 27, and Denise Maria Swanson, 33, both of Center Hill Villamar Noel, 46, and Cherry Lee Rich, 41, both of Wildwood Justin Daniel Lanzl, 26, and Ellisha Dawn Ross, 20, both of Fruitland Park Charles Gifford Howard, Jr., 37 and Sherry Lynn Dorman, 29' both of Webster Tracey Reed Jacoby, 36, and Amberlee Dawn Morrison, 21, both of Tennessee Larry Lewis Lovett, 34, and Jessica Aaron Lovett, 18, both of Webster Paul Edward, Bradley, 34, and Yja Michelle Russell, 27, both of Webster Anthony Scott Roberts, 42, and Patricia Denise Yarbrough, 41, both of Leesburg Larry Kenneth Gill, 28, and Trisha Ann Riley, 23, both of Bushnell Daniel Richard Douglas, 22, and Jessica Renee Clark, 22, both of Sumterville Jeffery John Jericho, Jr. 22, of Webster and Christy Lee Stubbs, 20, of Kissimmee Donald Robert Schmidt, 76, and Ardith Kay Mumy, 64, both of The Villages Douglas Gregory Spitz, 39, and Debra Kaye Dixon, 49, both of Wildwood Robert Jeffery Ashley, 33, and Anna Revomirovna Tsoy, 20, both of Wildwood Property Transfers: Ruth M. Reed Estate to Eric Reed, property in Oakland Hills. John w. Outlaw and Almarene W Outlaw to John W and Almarene W Outlaw, Trs. Outlaw Revocable Family Trust, property for $100. Joseph R. and Stephanie R. Stone to Joseph Roy and Joseph Roy Stone Pour-Over Trust and Stephanie R. Stone and Stephanie Ruth Stone Pour-Over Trust, property in Villages Unit 18, for $100. Loreta J. Stanley to Clayton E. and Loretta J. Stanley, property in Villages Unit 87 for $75,000. Robert A. Thompson to Eugene Adrian Claudio, property in S5, T19S, R23E for $87,700. Donald Edward and Sandra Sue Vaughan to Jan C. Jenkins, property in S8, T21S, R22E for $122,000. Edith D. Morris 'to Homes in Partnership, Inc. property Meadowlawn Addition to Wildwood for $8,000. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone-numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. Your VOICE E News (6f N -m -0 "-M- viwp SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 5 Center Hill council members | p consider mine, cement plant AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer After the Center Hill City Council meeting last Tuesday, several council members commented about the pro- posed mine and cement plant' on roughly 1,500 acres outside the current city limits. The company, Sumter Cement LLC, has applied for annexa- tion into the city and a condi- tional use permit. A public tour was recently held of an affiliated company, Suwannee American, in Branford. Sumter Cement's controver- sial proposal has been met with objections from city and county residents over the last several months. Mayor Ralph Barry said he was opposed to the operation at last month's city council meeting but after a recent PICNIC continued from Page 1 -requires hundreds of pounds of potatoes to be peeled just for the potato salad every year, and it takes between 30 and 40 people to prepare the big feast and associated items. "We start on Wednesday night" before the Saturday picnic, she said. "It's a lot of hard work, but we have a good time." Besides the slices of cakes and pies patrons eagerly bought, the association also planned the usual cake auc- tion, at which a multitude of varieties of desserts is avail- able. At the auction, the homemade treats sometimes sell for between $40 and $400. Country/Gospel singer John Steqd of Floral City provided this year's entertainment, as he has done in the past at the picnic and many other local events. While the association does receive some' donations throughout the year, it depends largely., n the picnic to raise funds 'necessary, to maintain the cemetery grounds. visit to Suwannee American, he's had a "turnaround" in his thinking about the mine and plant and he was impressed by the facility's cleanliness. "This will be a great benefit in a lot of ways to the city and the county." He acknowledged the oppo- sition city and county resi- dents have expressed since this spring when the issue started to surface. "I'm sure there are some townspeople who will never accept it," he said. He also recognized the reso- lution recently passed by the Sumter Board of County Commissioners to oppose the annexation of the land. He said, "I was kind of shocked to see they would take that stand." "We've got to grow," Barry said. "Progress is coming. We can either be a part of it or be overrun." City Council Member J.R. Smith, who last month said he was for the annexation of the property but against the mine/plant, said his recent visit to Suwannee American led him to change his position. Jimmy Smith, who attended the first tour in April, said he's for the mine/plant. He said he would prefer the land be used for this operation rather than more housing. "This will create jobs and employ over 500 people just to build it," he said. Council Members Bubba Hodge and Elsie Ramsey both said they haven't formed a decision on the issue yet. Council members are expected to make a decision about the annexation at Center Hill's next regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 p.m. L Photo by Amanda Mims Chuck Vorobok,,along with Randy Mask (not shown) serves up fresh lemonade made by Gary and Cindy Revels at the Webster Cemetery Association Picnic on Saturday. On Sept. 30, South Sumter Middle School donated $1,389.73 to the Salvation Army for the hur- ricane relief fund. To date, the local Salvation Army has passed on $13,000 in donation for the hurricane relief fund. The majority of donations come from individuals and a couple of the churches. The SUMTER FAIR ASSOCIATION PRESENTS... THE, HRIS GOUGH MEMORIAL October 29 Advance Tickets 2005 Adult (13 & over) A7$6.00 7:00 PM SUMTER COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS PHILLIP BRADY ARENA Child (5-12) $3.00 A Gate Tickets Adult (13 & over) $7.00 Child (5-12) $4.00 ADVANCE TICKET LOCATIONS Sumter County Fairgrounds 7684 SR 471 Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 793-2750 Colonial Bank 837 South Main St. Wildwood, FL 34785 Colonial Bank 1128 North Main Street- Bushnell, FL 33513 .%% % % % S % 0 ^ Seeking A Ennouncement , holiday support The Salvation Army, Sumter County Service Center will begin accepting applications from individu- als and families that will need assistance during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. Dates for Sumter County applications are Oct. 17 to 21, and Oct. 24 to 28 from 9 a.m. until noon. Also, Nov. 28 through 30, and Dec. 1 and 2, from 9 a.m. until noon. Holiday assistance will 'be offered to families, and sen- ior citizens, based on finan- cial need. Based on availability, assistance will be given in the form of food, clothing- and toys. Persons wanting to apply may. come on the application days to the Salvation Army, Sumter County SerVice Center at 870 N. Main Street, in Bushnell. The following documenta- tion will be required: photo. ID for applicant, original Social Security cards for all persons in the household, birth certificates for all chil- dren in household, docu- mentation showing monthly income (including food stamps). You will also need docu- mentation showing monthly expenses such as rent, utili- ties, etc.. For more information, please call the Salvation Army Sumter County Service Center at 568-2284. , The Salvation Army is a' Participating Agency with United Way of Lake & Sumter Couhties, and the Human Care Network. Opening Nov. 2005 H.B. Serra Jr. M.D. Primary Care E.M. Vizccrra M.D. Primary Care and Chelation Threapy 1283 CR 463 B and W. Hwy 470 Lake Panasoffkee, FL 352-793-9099 i Ann ,Hunt thought she was going out with friends and her.. family from Tennessee to dinner on Saturday. She was moving to her new home in Tennessee on Sunday. Imagine her surprise when she stepped through the banquet room door at Catfish Johnny's to the greetings of "Surprise!" by approximately one- hundred friends, family and coworkers. A red- stenciled welcome mat welcomed her with "We love, you Ann." From the front door trellis, decorated with ferns and lights and cloud balloons. She was met with beautiful" tables with vases of white orchids, white tealights, tall "urns of white gladiolas and tables covered with tealights. A delicious meal of shrimp, salad, prime rib, baked potato and fresh yeast roll was served. Dessert was a huge white, beautifully decorated cake and. ice cream. Favors were miniature boxes of Godiva candy. During the evening, friends told of events with Ann over the years. After dinner, Ann sat in her new' rocking chair and unwrapped her many cards and gifts. Music was by Duane Caruthers. The party was hosted by her friends Edward and Kathryn Fussell MacKenzie and their children of Brooksville and Ann's daughters and sons-in- law Sharon and Steve Maddox and Danni and Sam Scott of Tennessee. "The Storage Shed That Lasts A Lifetime" 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH* Photos for illustration purposes only LDL ENTERPRISES, INC. www.LDLEnterprises.com *with approved 1825 W CR-48, Bushnell credit 352-793-9083 Fax 352-793-7609 Cell 352-303-1969 a mm M@ Pam 2AIMME PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 Salvation Army seeks volunteer helpers The salvation army is seek- ing volunteer bell ringers and holiday helpers. "We are thankful that folks are calling and asking about how to help during the holi- days", said Bill Stewart Service Center Administrator for The Salvation Army, Sumter County Service Center. "Right now we are hoping to recruit more volunteers to help "Ring the bells" at the traditional Red Kettles and help with the Angel Trees' and gift distribution", Stewart continued. Volunteers play a key role in helping to raise funds that are used to assist people dur- ing the holidays and through- out the year. During last year's holiday season, 175 families were assisted in Sumter County and that number is expected to double this year. The Salvation Army kettles will be seen at the local Wal- Mart (Bushnell), and Winn- Dixie in Bushnell & Wildwood. Individual volun- teers and organizations often form teams to ring the bells for one or several days. "Volunteer recruitment is getting started late due to the recent hurricanes and we are hoping that local churches, service clubs, school groups, and individuals will see this as an excellent opportunity to provide help to our friends in need", said Stewart. Many students use this opportunity to earn community service hours. The Angel Tree provides an opportunity to select a partic- ular child or senior citizen and then purchasing clothing and other suggested items for them. The Angel Trees will be located at Wal-Mart (Bushnell), Community National Bank (Bushnell and Wildwood), SunTrust Bank (Bushnell), and McDonalds (Wildwood). Any churches, offices, or businesses that would like to have an Angel Tree are encouraged to call The Salvation Army. Applications for holiday assistance will be taken beginning on Oct. 17 (days and hours vary) at The Salvation Army, Sumter County Service Center located at 870 N. Main Street in Bushnell, Fla., Holiday assistance is. offered to families, and senior citizens, based on financial need. Persons and groups inter- ested in volunteering for any of the holiday programs may visit the office located at 870 N. Main Street in Bushnell or call 568-2284. The Salvation Army is a Participating Agency with United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties, and the Human Care Network James D. Floyd, 82, chief deputy James 'Jim" Floyd, 82, of Hiawassee, Ga. Passed away Thursday, Sept. 29. He was born in Winter Park and moved to Bushnell in 1971. He started work for the Sumter County Sheriff's Department in 1972 as a dis- patcher/jailer under Sheriff Fred Roesel and retired in 1985 from the department as chief deputy under Sheriff Jamie Adams. After retiring, he moved to Hiawassee, Ga. He was a member of the Bushnell Masonic Lodge #30 and a WWII veteran, United States Coast Guard. Survivors include his wife, Grace; son and daughter-in- law, Mitch and Kathy Floyd of Hiawassee, Ga.; daughter and son-in-law, Pam and Dal Tompkins of Tarryt9wn; and three grandchildren, James "Jimmy" D. Tompkins of Tarrytown, serving in Afghanistan, Sam A. Tompkins of Tarrytown, and Domini C. Floyd of Ft. Lauderdale. A memorial service will be held Saturday, Oct., 29 at 3 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Bushnell with the Rev. Fred Hooten officiating. Because of, the nature of the service, the family respectfully requests flowers not be sent. In lieu of flowers, for those who wish, memorial. donations may be made to the Bushnell Masonic Lodge #30 building fund or the Florida Sheriff's Boys Ranch. Robert 0. Renaud, 75, truck driver Robert 0. Renaud of Wildwood, 75, passed away on Oct. 5, 2005. He was born on Aug. 20, 1930 in Syracuse, N.Y. and moved to Wildwood in 1994. He was a retired truck driver from Singer Transport and worked at the Florida Turnpike. He was a member of St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church. He was preceded in death by his' first wife Shirley. He is sur- vived by wife, Elaine; broth- er, Richard of Wildwood; sons, Paul Renaud of Clay, N.Y., Steven Renaud of Syracuse, N.Y; daughter, Karen Mitchell of Manlius, N.Y; stepson, James Bertollini of North Syracuse, N.Y, stepdaughters, Laurie Hoke of Poland, N.Y, Dawn DeLap of Bridgeport, N.Y; 15 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held at a future date in Syracuse, N.Y. Arrangements provided by Banks/Page- Theus; Funeral Home, Wildwood. Gary B. Potter, 67, construction worker Gary Bruce Potter, 67, of Lake Panasoffkee, died on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2005, in Gainesville. A native of Lowell, Mich., he was a con- struction worker in the com- mercial construction field and a member of the United States Army. He is survived by two daughters, Toni Potter of Kingman, Ariz., and Tami Kay Potter of SanBernadino, Calif. Information provided by Purcell Funeral Home in Bushnell. Dorothy V. Davidson, 72, prep chef Dorothy V Davidson, 72, of Bushnell, died Monday, Oct. 10, 2005, in Montgomery, Ala. A native of Chicago, Ill., she moved to Bushnell in 1956 from Chicago. She retired as a culinary prep chef with Walt Disney after 21 years. She was a graduate of the Disney Culinary Chef School and a member of St. Lawrence Catholic Church. Survivors include three daughters, Christine (Wrobel) Vick of Eagleville, Tenn., Frances (Wrobel) Stone of Montgomery, Ala., and Carlene (Pawelek) Russell of Bushnell; two sis- ters, Betty Hunt of Lake Panasoffkee and Margie Whitman Long of Bushnell; five grandchildren, Desiree Vick, Dane Vick, Benton Stone, Jonathan Russell Jr. and Austin Russell. Visitation will be held on Friday, Oct. 14, 2005, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell. Services will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005, at 2 p.m., at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Bushnell with Father Pedro Zapata officiating services. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Bushnell. Information pro- vided by Purcell Funeral Home. Servig Lae & Snite UP ,RC ELLI-g fr ,-, c- /960 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned SJ. Lane Purcell John D. Purcell SOwner Founder 793-4531 Church CALENDAR Cornerstone Baptist The pastor is doing a series of sermons on "Upside Down Living." Come and visit this Sunday; fellowship time is from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., serv- ice is from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Small groups meet in vari- ous members' homes, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings include youth groups, chil- dren's groups and prayer meetings. 'They meet at the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the corner of Florida and Seminole in Bushnell. It's at the blinking light. For further information, please call 352-603-1373 or 352-793-8928. Church Flea Market The Women's Guild will have a flea market at 520 East Dade Ave.; on Saturday, Oct. 15 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Price per space is $10. For reserva- tions, please contact Mrs. Jean Petty at 352-793-7773. Because this is the same day as the Bushnell fall festival, large crowds are expected. Sunday Connection groups planned You're invited to two new Sunday Connection small groups that are forming. One is Young Marrieds for ages 18 -29 and the other is Men and Women for ages 50-60. The classes will be held at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood, 402 Oxford Street. The groups will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. on the second floor of the Church Education Building. For additional infor- mation please call 748-1822. October craft sale Lake Panasoffkee Methodist Church, C.R. 470, will hold a craft sale on Friday, Oct. 21 and Saturday, Oct. 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come see out talents dis- played and do some early Christmas shopping. Lunch will be available from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. As an added benefit, Maxim Healthcare will be there Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to administer flu shots for age 65 and over or persons consid- ered high risk. Call 793-3438 for more information. The Ladies Aide of Nobleton Church The Ladies Aide of Nobleton Church will have a soup and sandwich lunch, served with dessert and coffee, Saturday, Oct. 22 from 11 to 1 p.m. at the Nobleton Community Center. Sponsored by the Ladies Aide of Nobleton Church, a variety of homemade soups, sandwiches and a choice of desserts will be available. They are asking for a dona- tion, so the Ladies Aide can help others. For further information, call 352-796-5988 or 352-793- 6064. Ladies Night Out The First Baptist Church of Webster will hold its semi-annu- al Ladies Night Out dinner on Saturday, Oct. 22 at 5:30 p.m. Program personality will be local inspirational speaker, Lovi Jo Parker. This will be a ham dinner and all ladies are invited to attend. There will be. door prizes and a nursery will be pro- vided. Tickets are $7 per person and may be obtained at the Church on Sunday, Oct. 16, the last day to purchase tickets. Call Nell Todd 793-3928 or the church office 793-3738 during the week Homecoming Oct. 23 First Baptist Church of Coleman will have a guest speaker, Rev. Richard Bracken on Sunday, Oct 23. The service begins at 10:50 a.m. with special music and dinner on the grounds. Baptist sing First Baptist Church of Webster will host the gospel music group, One Reason at their Saturday Night Sing, Oct. 29, 7 p.m. Founded in 2004 by Joel Ogburn and Brian Bracey, One Reason is headquartered in Lakeland. For further informa- tion call Larry Connell, 793-4434, or Pastor Hoss Moore at the church, 793-3738. Helping Hands The Helping Hands Food Ministry of Coleman First Assembly of God distributes food on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 9 to 11 a.m. The church is located at 505 Mulberry St. in Coleman. For more information, call 748- 3456. New Life Center Ministry celebrates singles New Life Center will be alive with songs, powerful praise and worship as their Singles' Ministry, under the ,direction of Evangelist Olivia Crawford, celebrates singles and single living at two events. The jubilation begins on Saturday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., with rousing, informa- tive and educational semi- nars. Seminar topics and speak- ers are: "Singleness is not an Ugly Word," Evangelist Gloria Austin; "Can You Stand to be Alone," Mother Elvira Brown; "Standing in the Midst of Temptation," Evangelist Pamela Bivins. Also I Might Be Alone But I Have Someone to Lean On," Mother McKinnon. The jubilation ends, the next weekend, with a confer- ence on Friday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m., New Life Center, with Evangelist Olivia Crawford, speaker on this year's theme of "Alone but We are Still Standing." The conference will feature performances by New Life Cefiter's other ministries such 'as the uplifting Praise & Worship Team under the . direction of Minister Albertis Timmons and Sister Gwennette Gant, Soloist. Bishop Leslie Hannah is Pastor. All are invited whether you are single or married, young adult or senior, male or female and the admission is free. For more information, call New Life Center, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 352-748-0433.1 The Center is located at 97071 County Road 229, Wildwood. r h IV,\ Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice -A T' ' r BUSHNELL BUSHNELL CHURCH OF CHlT 310 W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m. . i Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. f WILDWOOD - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 10:30 a.m. 203 Barwick St., Wildivood, FL 34785 (352) 748-2530 ^ BUSHNELL tdbta, Hil- Baptit dCwrcA' 7819 CR 633, &BeM i urs W~cst 7 b7twde 476c & S7S Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Evening Worship 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service................7:00 pm BUSHNELL BUSHNELL SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Corner of Seminole & Florida Ave. Worship Hours 9:30 A.M. Sabbath School 10:45 A.M. Sat. Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 y All Welcome ) F BUSHNELL > First Church of God Affiliation: Anderson, IN 793-3455 105 E. Central Ave.- P.O. Box 1128, Bushnell, FL 33513 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. | _ Randall Belcher, Pastor 793-3534 ) r BUSHNELL Sun. Fellowship 9:30-10 a.m. Sun. Worship 10- 11:15 a.m. Sun. Evening Study..... .R ...6:30- 7:30 p.m. Wed. Teens & Children.....................6:30 7:30 p.m. Wed. Noon Bible Study 7122CR. 09A 12-1 p.m. Wed. Evening Bible Study.. ,?i,.l.ci...6:30 7:30 p.m. Meeting Place- Seventh Day Adventist Church Comer of Florida Ave. Seminole Ave., at blinking light A Church On The Move Pastor Ron Thomas 560-0'184 or 603-1373 K. Cornerstone Cares 's^c. r(L BUSHNELL ') 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 "Sharing the Good News of Life Through Faith In ChnisF Sunday Bible Study..................9:15 A.M. Sunday Worship.........................10:30 A,M. and 6:00 P.M. ' Wednesday Bible Study ...............7:00 P.M. P /" BUSHNELL THE BUSHNELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA 323 N. BROAD (Comer ofW. Dade & N. Broad) Church School: 9:15 am Public Worship: 10:30 A.M. MONDAY: AA Group Meeting 8:00 P.M. DNESDAY: Bible Study 10:00 A.M. K 352-793-4202 ( BUSHNELL > St. Francis Episcopal Church 313 N. Grace Street (At US 301) P.O. Box 566, (352) 793-3187 Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Sunday Sunday School 10 a.m. K AA meets Thursdays at 8 p.m. 2 . r LAKE PANASOFFKEE > First Baptist Church of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School...............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening.............6:00 p.m. g Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting....7 p.m. 5 , Pastor Jon King ) I FRIIRG GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Pastor Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. Church located 1 mile Westof 27 on 44. Left off of44 on South Lone Oak for 1 block (Laesburg) y 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 3 r WAHOO. wax" Vaftgdt ew"e (Discover the Differencel) Billy Ready 4.3 Miles West of 1-75 on Hwy 48 Senior Paslor Sunday: Wednesday Evening' o, ., r..,urs.r,.., 352 793-60152 BUSHNELL Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, Bushnell Sunday School...............9:45 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship.....6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service..7:00 P.M. 793-5083 Pastor Mike King J FLAKE PANASOFFKEE" LAKE PANASOFFKEE. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 589 CR 470, 1 mile W of 1-75 Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 AM Hospitality Time at: 10:45 AM Sunday School Gathering: 11:00 AM 9 Sunday School at 11:15 AM g S www.gbgom-umc.org/lakepana-umc 2 r LADY LAKE Hope Lutheran Church 250 Avenida Los Angelos (comer of C.R. 466 & Morse Blvd.) The Villages -Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40AM and 11:15AM s For more information, call 352-750-2321 or our yWeb Site: www.hopelutheraninthevillages.org. 2 r SUMTERVILLE Sumterville United Methodist Church "OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER" 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 Invites you to attend Sunday worship service 9:30 a.m,. Pastor CharlesTomberlin y All children are invited. ' WEBSTER Webster United Methodist Church Invites You To Attend Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. 173 S.E. 3rd St., Webster, FL 33597 (352) 793-3734 , A praying church 2 r WILDWOOD ,'. OAtk ,l it.,x i .',ill. .d, FIL ji4 4 I 2i 748-1822 Wuanhsip4%,10M :PM .W-dn day Pr rM ..........6-15 PM Sunday Et.uing ServlI.-........ :00 PM 7 WILDWOOD -\ Wildwood United Methodist 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service S Nursery Provided 748-1275 eoe / BUSHNELL -\ M.lA, \\'.'ic'me .i BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday Worship 8:00 AM. 10:30 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. Sunday School 9:30 A.M., Wed. Discipleship Night 7:00 P.M. 1.1451 West C.R. 476, Bushnell 793-2240 ( WILDWOOD > Wildwood United Methodist 306 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service Nursery Provided F LAKE PANASOFFKEE - , D aths of Grace Ministries kj Church of God Pastors: Fred & Patti Hooten Pastoral/ Morning Worship--- 10:30 Christian Sunday Evening------ 6:00 0 Seng Wednesday Night---- 7:00 Available 793-1600 nen 101 CR 527 Lake Panasoffkee Welcome WEBSTER First Baptist Church of Webster 1/4 mile east of 471 on SE 1st Ave. Sunday School 9:45AM Morning Worship 11:00AM Evening Service '6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM WILDWOOD -r SUNSET PARK A+( CHURCH OF GOD J 202 Pine Street 748-1318 Pastor: Carl J. Hart SundaySchool ...........9:30AM Wed. Night Fellowship..600 PM Morning Wrship ...10:30AM Wed. Bible Study....... 7:PM Sunday Evening ..,..,.6:00 PM Wed. Night Youth ........7..... PM y WELCOME ALL!!!!!! 2 ( WILDWOOD ^ / BUSHNELL ' First United Methodist Church OFFERING OUR COMMUNITY Faith, Hope & Love SVNDAy SCHOOL 9:30 A.. WORsHIP 10:45 A.M. Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. SCub Scouts Tues. 6:30 p.m. Daisy Troop, Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Al-Anon, Fri. 8:00 p.m. S.H.A.R.E. 4th Sat., 10:00 a.m. 793-3221 y 221W. Noble Ave. Rev.LarryArmbrust Pastor) j. I ' i I I -' - Sumter EMiiU~dS SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 7 Local leader dies Event set BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer After years of dedicated service to the community and a lifetime of building friend- ships, cattle rancher and retired postal worker W. Clifford Wynns died Saturday, Oct 1. Born in Bushnell on Aug. 12, 1920, he was the eldest son of Walter G. and Alma G. Wynns. He attended schools in Bushnell and Leesburg, as, well as the University of Florida in Gainesville and Stetson University in Deland. He enlisted in the United States Army in 1942 and also served in the United States Air Force in the Korean War., When he returned to Bushnell, he was appointed a rural mail carrier for the United States Postal Service. He spent the next 42 years of his life in the department - he had stepped into his father's position. His father had begun in 1916. Wynns was a cattle rancher, member of the Sumter County Cattleman's Association and a past Kiwanis member. He served on the Sumter County School Board, the Bushnell City Council and was a mem- ber of the First United Methodist Church of Bushnell. He enjoyed music, ,sports, reading and was dedicated to spending time with his family. His survivors include his. wife Anita Schroeder Wynns.. They were married 62 years. He is also survived by one sister, Mildred Smith (C. Ray), of Brooksville;. two sons - George Wynns (Beth) of Gainesville and Brian Wynns For women who are inter- ested in equality and educa- tion for girls and women, the Lake/Sumter branch of American Association of University Women will have its annual coffee on Saturday, Oct. 22, at 10 a.m. for new, cur- rent, and prospective mem- bers. Women who hold a bac- calaureate or higher degree from any fully, accredited col- lege or university are invited to join as full members., This coffee will be held at the home of Blanche DiRito, 13 Hickory Head Hammock, The Villages, Lady Lake. Call 'Blanche for additional infor- mation at 753-2310. vurrT vqlA' 1 W. Clifford Wynns (Vicki) of Bushnell; two daughters Kathryn Caples (Keith) of Lake City and Marilyn Jones (Michael) of Deland; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Charitable contributions may be made to the Bushnell Public Library, 409 Florida Street, Bushnell or the Lane Purcell Hospice House. Rasmussen and Swain announce marriage Robert and Carol Adams of Bushnell are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Tina Marie to Matthew Robert Yindra, son of Mary Hill of Hudson. The cou- ple plans to wed in the fall of 2006. Wood and Akins wamsA to wed Oct. 22 to wed Nov. 5 Amanda Kay Williams and Thomas Matthew Akins, both of Webster, will be married on Nov. 5 at First Baptist Church of Bushnell. Amanda is the daughter of Donna and David Williams of Webster. Matt is the son of "Jitter" Akins of Webster and Sharon Reeves and Keith Reeves (stepfather) of Zephyrhills. The bride to be graduated from South Sumter High School. She is currently employed at Physical Therapy Services of Sumter as a medical transcriptionist. The groom to be graduated from South Sumter High School. He is employed with Sumter Public Works in Bushnell. Friends and family are invited to attend the wedding. Please RSVP by Oct. 15. Shawn and Amber Wood, of Webster, announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Sloan Boyett Akins to Toby Joe Farmer, son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Bobby and Lola Farmer, of Center Hill. Sloan is a graduate of South Sumter High School and is employed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sumter County., Toby is also a graduate of South Sumter High School and is now employed with the Lake County Sheriff's Department. The ceremony will be Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. at the residence of Paul and Becky Atkins, 5141 County Road 772 Webster.. No invitations will be mailed out; all friends and family are welcome. Please RSVP to 352-793- 8700 or 352-303-2565. Katie Lynn Rasmussen and Kale Lee Swain were married on Sept 4, 2005, at Christ Episcopal Church in Ponte Vedra Beach, by Rev. Rick Westbury. The bride is the daughter of Bert Rasmussen and Marlene Rasmussen of Jacksonville and the granddaughter 'of Alice Tedesco. The groom is the son of Mr. And Mrs. Dale Swain of Bushnell. He is the grandson of the late O.B. Carlton and Mildred Carlton Smith, and the late Mr. And Mrs. Earl Swain. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, Bert Rasmussen. Kellie Buffington, sister of the bride, served as maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Jeanine Richard, Michele Dicharry, Kimberly Katiban, cousins of the bride, and col- lege friends, Alicia Weaver and Kerry Stafford. The best man was Dale Swain, the groom's father. Groomsmen were Kirk Henderson, David Harrell, friends from Bushnell, and college friends Robert Rodenkirk, Kelly Ridley, and John Cayangyang. The flower girls were Jilian Kayde and Jentri Rane Emily, nieces of the groom. The bride's sister, Kelli Buffington composed and sang "Amazed." On the eve of the wedding the groom's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at the Homestead Restaurant. , A reception dinner fol- Rasmussen Swain lowed the ceremony at Jacksonville Golf and Country Club. After their wedding trip to Jamaica and Mexico the cou- ple will live in Orlando where Kati works for Solantic and Kale works for Grubb and Ellis/Commerical Florida. As seen T. ITIT FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, Uon . ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! V. '1 Kayak Pools iof Florida Liiiiled OtT-r! l'reeSpafflot llub nKcwywk llSttdtdv%(eriii1Ap Sn c $ r TOl: 941-379-4184 T. oll Free: 1--866-348-7W)1 -msts -AsnpouL~floridai.com Do you need a loan? t '-,on arc jarching for thc beit honic ,Lqulit. 'Iian, ak thi'e 3 queL'ionIsi 1) Will you guarantee the low- est rate? We protti.: the; lonw,1i rate in I iling II we can l heat it -nen nt- ier .ou'n e gone tllrough the entire lIoarr pr.ccIs will u'I-nWe will pay you S250. 2) Will my interest rate in- crease, if I have a low credit score? To othtl.ii .impaniC.. you arc .1 t'acil c s- rL dic i stile. ThL Ilos cr '.o'tr ,oici. llhe hither our mnicre.t Lt ale -\t Hone.% Mac H!nime L loans. ,..c don't Io a C:itnpul:t-r tell C1UM what to J., 1' caLn |z]t, h :i lo.,n .liten OLihcrs -') nu .: Cen it'~f LI ht'.' a low credit scre 3) What are the chances my loan will be approved? \Ve apprisi (, nul rl 7 .pphcalinn' And many ofl 1ih e people lh:ltc .riedil corc bhclov. 5i31. We Jan gyi e ,'oU quite over the phioi, in L i. nlille %i rrn' icts,, lthoLt ,|'ligni i--n.' riiailer tlr 'in.in' l hiiuation. 1-800-700-1242, x208 Lube, Oil & Filter Every 3,750 Miles! Crringe u.i i up 10 i'ql,anr 01o oli IleII& Lut'IlC ,:na1las.- CnrI .elle hoC'.es lireopr.:ur ar,] ill lnuld eivil'i. inpect Cv jCinli air leaner element ~19.91 Extended Expiration til 11406 13 GOOdwAIef h I I... %m~arrn.:- ,r C i-, '- :. 4 w rduoamyjI e -i oamii 3r, iir ,r r ,i Pliii Gil 61r, imiy ainr!L.r. r "I- ra.: .PI .5-F. .i 'L' Cooling System Service Pr.: ur.-' i ::lir`i iviim and I .ap inr:,.:l ,rivet l[.li rai .".i'.., KU IlO ,e plu'.". E v3,a:U | :..Vlerri 3rna l relIll iltn i t, mil. ul C.jo ranli ari. ll air I_. l Extended Expiration til 114106 GOOd wAI hI '11.iiii] 11 '.:.. j...rn Pl1. si. i:,:' pen j[,',r l .1 r ,,ii :.i ai ] al ai n .ir. r ,rq \ .i ,lr.1 .; n ra r i rm :, r ...in.r, r ir:,' :l, : Fu: 1p u r .... r ,. : Balance Wheels I Automatic & Inspect Brakes Transmission Service 1 INCLUDES' I Every 30,000 Mles! Free ilre rolallon CorripulrpvDalanr,,: J 4 R wi.mo pai.rarid sirlul d -Asj l in -:po Ifrord1,nIna rr n i ,a Irrpe i[or iv E l')6 r In1.la rl n *nu lilCer Ro ,.ID rn,.j' iAp l iar i l 9 ,ir rallor liuid irne:irl i i. .rnd ,mounir Cheio:: Ir leal i TIl I ~'l on rload pell,"'rT rl-,r:c Extended Expiration til 114106 fE GCood nch Extended Expiration til 114106 3GoodwIrnch ll ] a li n M Iircr PJ, iprf r Yi up a t i r,, r flv i r '.r'aill] ir. lrY ,:,lr:>A1 0,II Vr 3. Id1 ,11, -rr i i :.i p li A :. ,i l 'JP i c o. nrr. l rii rj.:.Il V, ill] i rin, i r, y jir-n.r i ~ila r ,t*. m. C ., ir ir ,llr -cna. ir, :,r, 3Ir, or, : l l ,i : ": ,, i :, ti 1 ,m' i. ldr a vln. ,rain .:. .:.in r v r :iir l.: Plu t.tl M 'c:', Service Wild Card Fuel System Service Discount on Parts & Labor on a Repair over $300. 10" OFF I Extended Expiration til 114106 l Good w irich I c al.'1 P ir *nJp.r P:..: A ,.&A ij .4 i i ..i ii. j iu- i m r, i r -n i m yl -.', I-H ..i t *a I.li~i -*iawlrio- .:c*. ..ih~r..:qv ra.:.-lj Plij I j 0Ht""~i' II (every 30,000 miles) | INCLUDES: 8 Po rer lu I iu I .nle,.r:ra i. le4 rlnair , I value ,ci i.'.m--. ." Cle, n9 . Extended Expiration til 114106 Goodw retnch .,ll alir,l ..:l:, r l ii. l i.,- r ; .n i" li l a[ : rll.l n y ...ire:r ...n | 3.. ,5 '.i,,1,'- ;: iflina M VlN j ,A ,lr. r,,Y,. nl." Fl u .I. t.'. .. A BRIEF LESSON ABOUT Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. (And why you don't have to be a teacher to join.) WELCOME S- Buying a car. Saving for a home. Planning retirement. Theie are the tests in life everyone ne'-d.< to lie r.'adv for. 0 So allow us to rell you a few things that ihey just don't [each o iin school. rarting with the difference hbiweern banks and credit ltlitonn II voult tnunec\',w in ai bank, the praiolils on that noneN go to %tockhol.lers. At a credit union, profits ,ire returned to niemrn er. This explAins why members of Suincotasrt cin get a new or used car loan for as low as 5.0%' APR'. It's whv our ligh-vield certilicate accounts earn up o 5.15%0 AP'2 nnd only require ja lldnLe of $1,000.' And why "'fee checking" is really frr'e checking. JW in 193I., teachers chaiteied uur credit union with the philosophy of helping one another. Since then, we've expanded the criteria for tnembership be)oiid school employees. Now. students attending SumLte County public schools, people 5_5 and older, and employees of many local businesses, hospitals, cities and counties can join. Immediate family members are eligible as well. So it'.- possible ,ou could become a member too. o Call 800-999-5887 or iis[ joinsuncoast.org to find out more. After all. there's no telling what you could learn. STUDENTS ATTENDING PUBLIC SCHOOL IN SUMTER COUNTY AND THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SUNCOASTI Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org .NC UA ik.o d ,i....i P ....,,aI'.v r-. .,.th .... n = ..., ,,.L ,..- l r...... ....... l : C : o. s r ... ,. , Service done rig ht. And done by pros. PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 Sumter SPORES Leesburg takes Raiders blank Pirates in 49-0 rout Wildwood, 42-16 South Sumter Raiders cap- sized the Crystal River Pirates last Friday, giving the Raiders its first shutout game of the season, with a final score of 49-0. The unrelenting Raiders' offense dominated from the start and took advantage of Pirate miscues in the second quarter to extend to a 42-0 halftime lead. With 7:45 left in the half, the'Pirates had advanced the ball to midfield on two suc- cessful first down conver- sions. What looked like a promis- ing possession and a chance to keep it close resulted in a fumble, recovered by South Sumter's Travis Hutcheson, who returned it 45 yards to make it 21-0. This proved to be key, espe- cially since the Raiders' ensuing kickoff was fumbled by the Pirates. South Sumter's Carlos Everett promptly scored on a 22-yard rush with 7:07 remaining in the half, extend- ing the difference to 28-0. South Sumter's Jarrod Fleming threw for 105 yards on 5-of-8 passing, and added a .4-yard touchdown run. The Raiders' Markus Stephens rushed for 92 yards with a touchdown, and Richard Kelly went 90 yards on the ground with two scores. "We're very proud," said head coach Inman Sherman. "We're doing a snap count and we just had different people jumping at different times, so we just have to work on it before we get to those district games.. .and we will." "We got a good block out of our guard and tackle and it worked how the coaches wanted it to work, obviously," he said. South Sumter JV takes win against Crystal River STEVEN AYERS Times Correspondent Last Thursday, the South Sumter JV Raiders took a decisive win against the Crystal River JV Pirates. The game began with South Sumter kicking off the ball to the Pirates of Crystal River High. The Pirates took the open- ing play and ran a long 20-yard drive to start off the game. Thereafter, Raider Chris Camancho picked off an inter- ception for his team during the next play. Standout play- ers of the 1st quarter were Denzel Smith and Justin Ornelas of South Sumter, respectively. The first touch- down of the night came from Raider Alex Wood in a pass from quarterback Denzel Smith. The 2-point conversion from Thurman Price that fol- lowed left the game at 8-0 with 6:20 left in the 1st quarter. However in favor of the Pirates, on the touchdown kickoff to Crystal River the Pirates ran from the 20 yard line after receiving the ball from Raider Chris Baker and ran it all 80 yards to the touch- down to attempt to even up the game which happened when the Pirates made a suc- cessful 2-point conversion. Shortly thereafter, Raiders score another TD by the. standout Thurman Price. Later on in the 2nd quarter Crystal River fumbled once again. The 2nd quarter saw more points for Crystal River leaving the busy 1st half with a score of 22-16 with the Raiders in the lead. The 3rd quarter was equally exciting for both teams as Thurman Price dominated the 3rd Quarter with many powerful plays. Crystal Rivers Thurman Price ran another defense put up a strong front touchdown to leave the game as well forcing a punt from the 8-14 with the Raiders once receiving Raiders early in the again in the lead. Joe 3rd Quarter. But with 4:06 left Arredondo made the 2-point in the 3rd Quarter, Chance conversion a reality to seal up Strickland recovered another an 8-point lead in the 2nd fumble from the Pirates let- quarter. The Raider defense ting Thurman Price put also proved its durability another touchdown on the when the touchdown return to board with a mere 47 seconds Crystal River was fumbled left in the 3rd Quarter. and picked up by Raiders at In the 4th Quarter, Pirate the 30-yard line, letting the Matt Baley put up a TD for Crystal River making a close 22-30 score. But then again, the JV all-star Thurman Price put more points on the board flat lining the score at 38-24. But then in one last valiant effort from the Pirates, Crystal River put one more TD on the board with 38 seconds left in the game. The final score was .38-30 with a victorious South Sumter. After the game South Sumter head coach Keith Hileman said, "We knew it was going to be wet and we wanted to get our face masks stuck on that ball tonight." From Pirate JV coach John Crawford, "I think we played an extremely good opponent and our team played very well. We've got nothing to be ashamed of...another great game. I think if we were in col- lege the game would be on ESPN classic right now." ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Last Friday night, the Wildwood Varsity Wildcats were defeated by Leesburg with a final score of 42-16 in an exciting game that kept the crowd in the stands on edge as the two teams fought a hard game on the field. In the first quarter, Leesburg (5-1) scored and then pushed Wildwood (2-5) back to their own goal line after regaining the ball. The Cats' claws dug in and defend- ed the goal until the end of the quarter. In the 2nd quarter, the Yellow Jackets scored again but a great play and a run of more than 60 yards by Raider Anthony Goodwin for a touch- down and an extra point brought the score up to 7-14. Leesburg scored again and another play by Goodwin went sour when a flag on the - field left the Wildcats with a' 66-yard penalty with less than' 2 minutes left in the first half the Cats scored another touchdown ending the half at 13-21. A wonderful interception by ' Akeem Ross left the Cats on- the Yellow Jacket 6-yard line-' but the Yellow Jackets, defense did not allow for af' touchdown. Wildwood kicked a field- goal in the third bringing the. score up to 16-21 but three, more touchdowns and some, extra points by Leesburg left the final at 1642. "Our offense was doing al, good job," said coach Robert,' Lindsey who had hopes of turning the tide against the Yellow Jackets. The team played without' senior Tim Sweeney this, week. Sumter soccer scores listed Sumter County Youth Soccer Club announces results from games played on Oct. 8: U-7 Division Michael's Floor Covering Defeated Energy Erectors Genesis Aluminum Defeated Patco Transportation WD Aluminum Defeated Jarrett Bail Bonds U-10 Division Mask and Sons Defeated SCI-2 Brighthouse Defeated Country Roads Real Estate Langley Medical Defeated, Doggy Doo Run U-13 Division Matthews Produce, Defeated Del Peters Painting Chris the Plumber Defeated, Wildwood Mower and Saw Angelotti's Defeated.- Edward Jones Investment U-18 Division United Defeated SCI -1 Speckled Butterbean ' Defeated DNB Ventures ' Sports champion featured Lake-Sumter Community College's athletic department will welcome Gene Conley during its Oct. 24 Sport Leadership Series dinner. The event will be held in the Leesburg Campus' Magnolia Room, starting at 6 p.m. Tickets for the program and dinner are $25 per person. The program benefits Lake Sumter Community College's Athletic Scholarship Fund. Seating is limited, so please make your reservations now by calling 568-0001 or 352-323-3645. 629-1013SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Corrective Notice The Zoning and Adjustment Board and Board of Sumter County Commissioners will consider modification of a Conditional Use Permit, to allow the use of the property located generally as indicated in this notice for the purpose Class I landfill. Owner: A.C.M.S. Applicant: A.C.M.S.. Application: C2005-0004 REQUEST: Modification to existing CUP from a Class III landfill to a Class I landfill. Section 22, Twp. 20S, Rng. 22E: The NE less E YA & N V2 of SE &E 'A of NW & NE '4 of SW less the E 50' of NW of NE Y Section 23, Twp.20S, Rng. 22E: The NW4of the SW Y. - GENERAL LOCATION: Sumterville/Lake Panasoffkee- North on C-475. East on C-470. South on CR 529. CR 529 dead ends into the property. Two public meeting will be held at the Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida, as follows: .Zoning and Adjustment Board Monday, October 17, 2005 at 6:30 PM. Third floor: Room 327 . Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 6:00 P.M Second floor: Room 222 Information regarding this application is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning and Development, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These files may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286 0105 If a person decide- to appeal any decision made by an above named Board ith respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such,Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding. is made, which record may include the testimony and evidence upon '. which the appeal is to be based. I -B. THS WEEK COMPASRED T |LAS3EEHK: 1416 Feeder Re laucg ReDlaC{ Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80% S.WRange AvgWI Price Range Avg Pdce 1125-1155 1140 37.0040.00 38.48 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Wd Par.,n Avg WI Pdce Range Avg Price 2W.A71) 815 41.00-44.100 42.83 55-1090 1013 42.0047.00 44.36 1120-1285 1202 42.00-48.00 45.76 '1415-1505 1453 42.50-47.00 45.12 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% Wl Range Avg WI Price Range Avg Price 725-855- 814 38.00-42.00 40.23 700-875 777 32.00-38.00 35.30 Lo 900-1085 985 39.0045.00 41.45 910-1065 1005 28.00-38.00 34.16 Lu I .. ",, 1106 40.0043.00 41.58 1l-51. 1 1135 35.00-40.00 37.23 L Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1I W Range Avg WI Pdce Range AvgPrice 1175-1445 1285 50.00-52.00 50.81 1400-1425 1417 44.0049.00 406.8 L 1035-1750 1869 53.00-56.00 53.77 645-1715 1880 48.00-50.50 49.24 Lawt 1897 Prices good thru 11/2/05 1C i OPANE SPECIAL I RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - 0 GALLON $8 00 SET & FILL 8 )0 GALLON $ go00 SET & FILL A: 2209 ter cowsr and bulls: ".i, da yto 2.00 lower., Itees and heifers: ,..... i TO 2.00 Higher. Supply and demand were moderate, steers, and heifers: u1. 31 0', ibs 69 percent, (43 percent steers, 26 percent helfers).Over 600 Ibs. 2 percent (1 percent steers, 1 ier cows and bulls: ::. :r. emeni cows. ,.r5 ow Dressing ow Dressing ow Dressing ow Dressing ressng Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 WtRange AvgWI Pdce Range Avg Price' 155-190 170 170.00-200.00 181.23 215-245 227 159.00-170.00 162.84 270-295 282 148.00-105.00 156.70 305-335 319 140.00-154.00 145.51 350-390 371 135.00-140.00 137.80 400-445 424 118.00-130.00 122.58 450-405 478 100.00-122.00 114.13 500-540 509 105.00-107.00 105.45 570-590 577 98.00-100.00 09.00 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 WIRange AvgWI Pdce Range Avg Price 210-245 231 130.00-150.00 138.89 250-295 279 128.00-148.00 135.69 301-345 326 120.00-136.00 128.10 360-395 369 118.00-130,00 124.52L 407-445 410 103.00-116.00 110.14 460-495 476 103.00-108.00 106.13 500-545 520 98.00-102.00 99.48 550-595 572 94.00-99.00 96.60 615-620 618 04.00-96.00 95.00 80-6909 685 83.00-87.00 85.01 Feeder Steers and Busb Small 1-2 WIRangs AvgWI Price Rnge Avg Price F0 H 'ai i"u0 a.-lin I0 t1 n 265'OS :MI1 li0 ( (i uVA 0 I00 1 300.335 119 llO0(01-HbOn 112 97 36853-0 d 376 a0-vO50u 16600d Feeder Heifers Medim anen Large 12 0Rdl Ai, WI P,, Peage A.'g Prc. 210-24. :.j 1401 i'O100 14341 !65- i 2 I6 ;'1 u aI10-160"0 14(['i) Oil). 2'!,. 1'2 i 'f 4r1. AO ri t iA U5-'i 160i ] 00).MO ''' 405-445 422 110.00-121.00 117.36 450-475 460 104.00-114.00 110.39 500-525 511 101.00-105.00 103.98 550 560 100.00-103.00 101.50 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 200-245 230 128.00-140.00 133.26 250-295 270 126.00-140.00 130.78 305-345 323 110.00-123.00 115.94 355-385 367 106.00-120.00 111.87 400-430 413 100.00-110.00 105.82 460-475 468 100.00-102.00 101.01 505-530 524 94.00-95.00 94.24 655-890 672 86.00-88.00 80.97 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 WI Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 210-240 223 90.00-110.00 97.91 255-295 279 108.00-122.00 115.81 300-365 302 95.00-110.00 101.30 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2 Young WI Range AvgWI PriceRange AvgPrice 705-880 818 54.00-88.00 71.95 4.OM OsMed 905-1095 1017 52.00-90.00 70.31 4-TMontelSd 1120-1225 1165 62.00-76.00 69.04 4-MadisBred Cow-Calf Pairs Medium'and Large 1-2 Young aPingi lgPM PneP ,rige .agPr ia 610-l 0 40 00-W A SH uO dd31 101)(00 I l 0:' 006 100.W00 i6W l2D( i 1ior l 1-" Id0],10-9i0 11 40000 SPULLERS You're invited to join us at our TRACTOR, TRUCK PULL & GARDEN TRACTORS Sates Ociober 15th,2005: I Time: Wei'Oghln is at 1o1 ; : S Pull!wUl.'start1 a1 1""00 Location: CarsGp -nty Far Gu nd6" ; Cst: $10 per hook (3hkfaini; : $10perhelad "" .'" ,. {driver& chilff n' u aer 1 a free]-. * Pri: l. stPlacewill'reveatrbphy . ... 2nd & 3rd Place will receive ribbons" .. .: :, (352) 726-2483 U(352) 302-3049 (352) 302-0006 SPONSORED BY: SMG, RG Printing, A-Ace Septic, Bonded Septic, Citrus Land & Te, Certified Const., Fitzpatrick ins., Vanness Autoparts, Neat & Tidy, Croft Const., Stumpknockers, I Armantes, Kenneth Charles Jewelers, Builders Surplus, Carters Recycling, Entergard, PC Alrboats, ICC, Global Radio, Ace Hardware, Coaches Pub, Crystal Chevy, Green Acres Tractor, I John Mason Tractor, Landmark Realty, Vandervalk. .. .... -- 645539.. 41 MASSEY MODEL #GC2300 4-WD, turf tire, 22.5 HP, Hydrostat MASSEY- FERGUSON FERGUSON Transmission, with loader, front T bucket 54", bellymower 60", ST Ctors box blade 4ft. . PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated "LL 352-793-1982 TODAYN FAX 352-7931918 U U OLS76 BATW FLS ' Friel Folks'Fair Pries* Fresh Fed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: SWestern T&A. Western Alfalfa Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% 5.65 12% 5.85 New & Used Saddles & Tack I .-bmm HI1B1BB1 s^Mfe I LAST W I YEAR A SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 9 Snter TIDBNS Youth Center turkey sale It's time once again for the Sumter County Youth Center annual smoked turkey sale, also offering spiral sliced hams that are great for holi- day dinners. Call the Youth Center at 568- 8722 for more information. Coming events for Shine Club At the latest Villages Shine Club meeting discussions were held on events coming up, Masonic Golf Scramble, participation in parades, Photography Club, Fall Dinner Dance, collecting money for the Shine hospital at the paper drive, Ladies Shrine Club. These items and informa- tion about the next meeting of the Villages Shrine club will be on Tuesday, Oct 11. Please contact Jack McCleve at 750-2085 for infor- mation. Flea Market and Book Sale A flea market and book sale will be held Oct 13, 14, and 15 from 9 a.m. to noon at Panasoffkee Community Library on 1500 CR 459. Clean and useable items needed. American Legion looking for members American Legion Post 18 holds their meetings on the second Monday of each month 'at 7:30 p.m. in Wildwood, Hwy 44 and Hwy 301. We are look- ing for new members. For more information, call 352-326-2158. Power wheelchairs available The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available Power Wheelchairs to Senior Citizens and the Permanently Disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. The Power Wheelchairs are provided to those who can no longer walk nor self-propel a manual wheelchair, and who meet the additional guide- lines of the program. No deposit is required. If the patient's need is for use in the home, please call for more information to see if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-246- 6010. Health raffle The Rural Florida Community Health Foundation is sponsoring a reverse raffle to raise money for Thomas E. Langley Medical Center. Tickets are $100 each with only 200 being offered. The drawing will be Nov. 18, at Continental Country Club in Wildwood. For tickets or information call Marilyn Connell 352-568- 2272 or Julie Pacheco at 352- 793-5900. Steer and swine rules and dates The 2006 Sumter County Fair Steer and Swine rules and dates may be picked up at the Sumter County Fairgrounds, north of Webster on County Road 471 or down- loaded from the website at sumterfair.net. Recycle, don't throw away The Sumter County F1 Freecycle group is open to all who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself! Nonprofit groups are also wel- come to participate too! One main rule: everything posted must be free. This group is part of The Freecycle Network, a non- profit organization and a movement of people interest- ed in keeping good stuff out of landfills. Check out freecycle.org for other cities and information on the movement! E-mail the Moderator for questions or improvement ideas! mailto: su mntercty fl freecycle - owner@yahoogroups.com. Have fun and jump right in! Advocating for Kids, Inc. Advocating for Kids, Inc., is seeking community-minded and proactive board and advi- sory members in Citrus, Hernando and Sumter coun- ties who are passionate about issues affecting children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected and the Guardian ad Litem Program. Prior fundraising, grant writ- ing, or nonprofit board experi- ence is a plus. Our mission success is that every abused, neglected or abandoned child in the 5th Judicial Circuit Court has a court-appointed advocate to speak on their behalf and never having to say NO to a child in need. For more information, visit our web site at www.advocat- ing4kids.org or send an inquiry e-mail to info@advo- cating4kids.org. Sumter on the move Walking Club in Sumter County every Thursday at 6 p.m. at Kenny Dixon Sports Complex Walk Track. Co-Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation and Health Department. Country and gospel music There will be music at the Community Building starting in July on second fourth and fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Country and gospel music will be heard it Lake Panasoffkee Community Building across from truck stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only. Call 748-2628 for informa- tion. Dance at Lake Panasoffkee There will be dancing every first and third Friday, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, % block north of blinker light across from Sunshine Truck Stop. Singles and couples are welcome. Life entertainment and finger foods appreciated. All ages welcome; sponsored by Sumter Singles. Call 352-424-1688 for more information. Cancer support group Meetings are on the second Monday of every month at Chuck's Odd cup'les Caf6 on West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m. Refreshments are provided. For information, contact Lee Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on. Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, V1 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark Raciappa, 7934911. Sumter Cruisers The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in or owning classic cars to Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee every second Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night. Bring your old cars. For more information call 793- 3006 or e-mail jessiewoodard57@hotmail.co m. Craft show at fair grounds Craft show being held at the Sumter County fair grounds on Feb. 10, 11, and 12,2006. We are looking for vendors and concessions. Contact Barbara at 793-2750. MULBERRY " GROVE PLAZA HWY 42 I F IN THE VILLAGES I I Hearing Aid Repairs 259-5790 all makes and models SOUIERN TRACE PLAZA E NO HWY 466 Battery Sale OBLIGATION OXFORD HEARING 751-57120 I I THE LOAN CORPORATION Retire Your Old Fahioncd Mortgage. ith an. .tI Manager Louni" * Cut Your Mortgage Payment In Half! With rates as low as 1 20% and up to 40 Years To Pay. * No Lender Closing Costs. No Points. No Broker Fee. . Loan Amounts $250,000 to $5,000,000 * Borrow: $250,000 for $657/mo, $400,000 for $1,3121mo Cash out for debt consol home improvement or investments. Free No Obligation Approi al-Refinance or Purchase Loui-ns Call Toll Free 800-957-7622 fiten~ijtti t~ig.iiii>t! i~lt rilB~a Mstoim *la1 kI*UtttgLeilt f *.tMdii Call Today 352-793-2161 .,: : L .-., :: _22'.' L. L.'-- LL,' NNW--..-...... A.ft 828 Di6arco Buit[ing Corporation ~eE Full, LceneddInswued Full Service Contractors President 1 I OwnerI S .... r. f'.in g FERNANDESIGN ROOFING METAL ROOFS FLATS LEAK REPAIR SKY LIGHTS 352-568-9991 License #CCC 1325870 G"peGroominG A1 DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and small, We will bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOUR pet today! For Fido's next appointment please call Sandy at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-.4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist JARRETT PARISH C14522W. HWY 48 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 OFFICE: (352) 793-8861 CELL: (352) 303-0000 "I'll Put Your Feet Back on the Street" MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO ..E748-2222 . I --n1 AIRPORTS: S00 1' ORLANDO SANFORD 2& Off I TAMPA* ST. PETE I Per Person in Your Party CRUISE PORTS Must present coupon. PORT CANAVERAL TAMPA aliarpbrt limi service only J OTHER PORTS UPON REQUEST Lawn, La l a| & Tree Mgt. 17 Complete Lawn Service Office: " Annual Agreements Only 352-465-9339 On-time Service/Fair Prices Mobile: Complete Landscape Design & Installation. 352-425-6600 I Siale Registered Lic & Ins Residen ial/Commercial internet/isp Local Internet Acces 1-888- Net-Nerd 1-888- 638-6373 .I mo Q PRS MEDICAL SUPPLIES Medicare Accepted Complete line of: Walkers, Custom Braces Crutches, Canes Bathroom Aids Custom Prosthetics Female Fitter Breast Prosthetics on Staff Prosthetics Research Specialist, Inc. 720 E. Southland Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restoration Full Fabrication Services 352-793-4477 Fax: 352-793-1448 z 609 N.Old Wire Rd. Wildwood,FL 34785 OFFICE: (352) 748-52 FAX: (352) 748-4854 www.dibarco.com Diana B. Couillard 777, f I "11 ft-A6AkdA-go . Allalmirial 4aw I- ,MEOJCALSUP PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 Outdo s ih ADAMS Gearing up for upcoming deer hunting season "uzzle loading season for deer will be open- ing in a couple of weeks in Georgia and if noth- ing gets in the way opening morning of the season should O find me high up in a tree stand waiting for that big buck of . a life time to show - up. Actually I' don't really care if a big buck shows up or not because these days the main rea- son I hunt deer is I AJAMIlE really enjoy eating Outdoo them and a young ". - yearling deer weighing somewhere around a hundred pounds is my choice. Of course that is not to say I don't still enjoy getting a chance at a sure nuffbig buck every now and. then. It is just that old endless grind of hav- ing to get a monster buck every season just doesn't interest me near as much as it once did when I was younger. Deer hunting has sure got a lot more complicated these days. Not so many years ago all you had to do to go on a three-or, four-day deer hunt- ing trip was to throw a few things in your pickup and head for the woods. Now it seems like I take enough equip- ment (the majority of it coul)letel, . unnecessary) to oult-. fit a small army or ADAMS two. Writer Then too, it sure - seems like the license and permit system is out of control. It, almost requires a board certi- fied lawyer to figure out all of the rules and laws pertaining to what you can and had bet- ter not do. In the days of old here in Florida most of the deer hunt- ing was done with a good pack of deerhounds but sadly that old Florida tradition is fast disappearing. In these modern times a great majority of deer hunter still hunts (slip around) or hunts from a tree stand. Strangely enough however there are probably more deer in the state as of today than there was when the first early explorers landed here. . For my part, I do a lot of slip hunting and a lot of tree-stand hunting. I particular like to tree-stand hunt when the rut is on and as a general rule' when the muzzle loading deer hunting season opens where I hunt in Georgia the rut should. be getting about ready to start. The rut, for you non- hunters, is when the bucks start to chase the does around to mate and that is the time when normally there is a lot of activity with both does and bucks moving about. I haven't yet checked as to what faze the moon will be in at that time and also the time the moon comes up and goes down. The moon, in my per- sonal opinion, has a lot of influence on whether deer are very active or not. I know a lot of really good successful deer hunters who don't pay a lot of attention to the moon phases but over the years I have discovered that deer do seem to react to the moon in a big way. Anyway, it is about time to be checking all of your hunt- ing equipment out. Just the past month I was out in Idaho elk and bear hunting when one of my hunt- ing buddies got the chance to shoot a really big trophy bear and after shooting several times and the bear not even being close to being hit I asked him if he had checked out his rifle sights lately and his answer was that the.. rifle had been sighted in the previ- ous season and it should&:still be right on target. After convincing him that rifle sights do get knocked off once in a while we checked, the scopes zero out and sure enough the rifle was shooting a good twelve inches to the left and at least that much high. Don't ever buy into the assumption that a rifle sights stay true all the time. Check out the accuracy of your rifle at least one a year and prefer- ably more and most especially just before you plan on using it. Just as in my buddy's case, if you don't, you are taking a real risk of not getting that big- racked buck or other trophy game animal you have dreamed about for years. It looks like we are going to have a good acorn crop here in Florida and I sure hope the acorns in Georgia are doing as well. Along with the rut in full swing, and if you are fortunate enough to find a bunch of good oak trees where the acorns are dropping, you stand a very good chance of getting a deer as they come in to feed. We have several food plots that have rye and wheat plant- ed in them and the deer need this extra supply of food espe- cially during cold weather but they will bypass the food plots if there is a natural supply of Osceola turkey hunt set October 17 is the last day to apply for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) 2006 spe- cial-opportunity spring turkey hunts. To apply, hunters can obtain applications at MyFWC.com and at' all FWC regional offices. Applications will be. accepted online at MyFWC.com, at county tax collectors' offices or at any license agent but must be received by midnight Oct. 17. A. random drawing decides who will receive the coveted permits. Hunters can increase their chances of being selected by submitting as many $5 nonre- fundable applications as they like. Successful applicants pay an additional $50 $175, depending on the special- opportunity hunt area select- ed. Participation rules limit out-of-state hunters to one permit per hunt. These special hunts have been created for sportsmen who covet an Osceola, the "crown jewel" of the turkey hunters' Grand Slam. The FWC designs special-opportu- nity turkey hunts to take place on large tracts of land with great habitat, healthy turkey populations and with a limit- ed; number of hunters. All hunts take place within th Osceola turkey's range. For more information on .these special-opportunity Osceola turkey hunts, visit MyFWC.com/hunting. I trssd. ut FndOutW y IN TMIMI'S WOti [D, (.AITINC P1- '%L F 01-'hMINI) I- X blL IIH~t'L I. 1BL.1 Wi-WN' YO*U REAIDAND U151; 01.1 I Lh'. Tilt. MODERN SCIENCE Of MENTAL HEALTH By L. RON HuBBARv, You HAVE THE JiI 'Ii US Ltll''i0fE EESTSLLLLEP DEALS- '0,'FlL AE EEPY DAY-FRLJBi.tf.14 TH.AT C -\NN 'HO'IFN 'UNtLfc I I[FF rI\D OUT Till CNI, PROVEN. It. I%%IRKABLl W'.TO EKA-L T-fF CAULS~I OF AtP.Li5 ~ GAIN CCINFIDEN-CF. Buy, Read and Use Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental II12PV Health by L. Ron Hubbard. Onlh $7.99 Includes free SH Send Paymeni t o: Hubbard Dianetics Foundation 3102 N. Habana Ave. Tampa, F. 33607 Or Call to Order (813) 872-0722 All orders shipped within 24 hfa. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back., .. .. .... ,. r ... .. .. .... I ... . . irk Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM . lie LASER SURGERY BOARDING HEALTH CARE P. .40 PET SUPPLIES .J 53 ANST., W'IS^LSI%] FL 34785 (35z 40-55 -- -- ----- ---- T ayseed Cafe,. In Webster 599 N Markcet Blvd. N S -- -352-568-0 FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 10/14-10120-\ FRI.- SAT. - 8:00 PO13 FLIGHTPLAN 5 JOYIM9:55 D ieISUN. WED. THURS. ThetrePO-13 FLIGHTPAIAN8:00 U.S.30NoClosed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: , T5TIM BURTON CORPSE BRIDE WALLACE & GROMIT QOuestions? Please call Harold Spears 863-602-2979 (or Judy Crews 863-967-0842 FLEA IVIARKET NEWiWebslte joylandrivein.com Sat-Sun 6am-noon Hidden Rivers Resort: & The Dam Pub HOLR E PAT OGATLTOST DOCTOR 9THSUR IVO AK iA .. S F.W Featuring Southern Comfort Band ALL MUSIC 11S WELCOME IJEW HOUPS 12 6 P1.1 09~pn~fiDqOi * Dine-In Take-Out Catering * 4 862 West County Road 48 Bushnell 352-569-0200 "Best Burgers in Central Florida & Much More" BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIAL SPECIALS SP $1.99 $5.99 S Eggs, Toast (with free dessert!) & Free Coffee Good Service...Great Food...Super People I THE FOG PG-1a ELIZABETHTOWN PG-13 Fri: 2:15, 5:10, 7:45, 10:00 Fri: 1:35, 4:20, 7:15, 9:55 Sal: 2:15, 5:10, 7:45, 10:00 Sat: 12:40, 4:20, 7:15, 9:55 Sun: 2:15, 5:10, 7:45 Sun: 12:40, 4:20, 7:15 Mon-Thurs: 2:15, 5:10, 7:45 Mon-Thurs: 1:35, 4:20, 7:15 DOMINO R THE GOSPEL PG Fri: 2:05, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 Fri: 1:40, 4:25, 7:00, 9:30 Sat: 2:05, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 Sat: 12:20, 4:25, 7:00, 9:30 Sun: 2:05, 4:50, 7:35 Sun: 12:20, 4:25, 7:00 Mon-Thurs: 2:05, 4:50, 7:35 Mon-Thurs: 1:40, 4:25, 7:00 IN HER SHOES PG TWO FOR THE MONEY R Fri: 1:25, 4:15, 7:05, 9:50 Fri: 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:10 Sat: 12:50, 4:15, 7:05, 9:50 Satl: 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:10 Sun: 12:50, 4:15, 7:05 Sun: 2:00, 4:45, 7:30 Monithurs: 1:25, 4:15, 7:05 Mon-Thurs: 2:00, 4:45, 7:30 WALLACE & GROMIT MOVIE G GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED PG Fri: 1:50, 5:05, 7:25, 9:35 Fri: 1:55, 4:35, 7:50, 10:20 Sat: 12:30, 2:45, 5:05, 7:25, 9:35 Sal: 1:55, 4:35, 7:50, 10:20 Sun! 12:30, 2:45, 5:05, 7:25 Sun: 1:55, 4:35, 7:50 Mon-Thurs: 1:50, 5:05, 7:25 Mon-Thurs: 1:55, 4:35, 7:50 INTO THE BLUE PG13 SERENITY PG-13 Fri: 5:15, 10:05 Fri: 2:10, 4:40, 7:30 Sat: 5:15, 10:05 Sal: 2:10, 4:40, 7:30 Sun: 5:15 Sun: 2:10, 4:40, 7:40 Mon-Thurs: 5:15 Mon-Thurs: 2:10, 4:40, 7:40 FLIGHTPLAN PG-IS TIM BURTON'S CORPSE BRIDE PG-13 Fri: 1:30, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 Fri: 1:45, 4.55, 7:10, 9:25 Sat: 12:15, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 Sat: 12:45, 2:50, 4:55, 7:10, 9:25 Sun: 12:15, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20 Sun: 12:45, 2:50, 4:55, 7:10 Mon-Thurs: 1:30, 5:00, 7:20 Mon-Thurs: 1:45, 4:55, 7:10 JUST LIKE HEAVEN PG-13 Fri: 2:20, 7:55 Sat: 2:20, 7:55 Sun: 2:20, 7:55 Mon-Thurs: 2:20, 7:55 SUMMER COUNTY'S GUIDE TO - GOING.UT ........... .L, i r I good acorns. In fact, they will even bypass a feeder withA corn to get to the acorns. ; I have several white oak trees that I supplement with fertilizer and I have found that the trees do seem to pro,, duce more acorns and for a longer period of time. This year, with all the rain, I thinly that the acorn crop will be really good and with plenty of quality acorns it sure makes for a much healthier deer herd. Finally, as I have stated, so many times over the years in my columns don't use a tree stand or any deer stand of the ground without using a safety strap or better yet a body har- ness. Friends, it is not worth the chance of falling out and getting hurt bad. Think about it for a moment or two; the chances are you might not fall but if you should it could be some time before you are found and help administered. A little extra time in using a safety strap is well worth the effort. r SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 11 -,i CirCHATER ==_ North Sumter gets Passport to Play EWBINLDDIN Hair overgrown, matted, and filthy, the little dog was thrown from a moving vehicle. An Animal Control officer responded to the call, and then called in the Humane Society/SPCA. She was unrec- ognizable. " The Humane Society/SPC A took the dog into its care and had her checked out by a vet- erinarian. Then we brought her to Sandy Bays, of "Sandy's Grooming" in Webster. Sandy has been a Humane Society/SPCA member for years and she is always avail- able for us and our animals. We bring her the neglected, matted, flea-infested poor lit- tle souls that have just been rescued. ' Their fur is in horrible shape. The stench is some- times unbearable. Sandy grooms them all every one of them. She always makes time for our animals, and she does it with a smile. Sandy, "We can't thank you enough!" Sandy did a remarkable make over on the little dog, and lo and behold, under all that hair and .dirt was pre- cious little poodle. As delicate as china, we named her China. It is unimaginable that someone was so cruel to the little dog. How long had she suffered before the final act of cruelty of throwing her from a moving vehicle? The Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County's investiga- tor sees acts of cruelty toward A before photo of China. animals weekly. No animal should suffer at the hands of humans. A person who abuses ani- mals will most likely display violent behavior towards peo- ple. Immediate action should be taken to protect the animal as well as bringing criminal charges against the abuser. While caring for the injured or neglected animal, the Humane Society/SPCA works with law enforcement and the State Attorney's Office to bring the abusers to justice. We need your help in the fight against animal abuse. If you witness an animal being abused, call 911. Call the Humane Society/SPCA at 793- 9117 with information on ani- mal abuse or neglect. Make a donation to the Humane Society/SPCA and mark it for "The Hope Fund." Money An after photo of China. Sandy Bays provided the grooming that revealed China. donated to the Hope Fund helps pay for emergency med- ical care for injured and abused animals rescued by the Humane Society. Send your donations to PO. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. 659-1013-SCT RESOLUTION NO. 916 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE PURPOSE FOR THE 2005 CITY OF WILDWOOD MUNICIPAL ELECTION, ITS DATE AND TIME WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Wildwood has heretofore passed an ordinance adopting all General Laws of the State of Florida relating to Elections; except that for purposes of determining any qualification fee for election assessment, the City adopts only those portions of the Florida Statutes directed .pecificallJ to municipal Election-, .and except for any other exceptions contained in the City Ordinances or Charter % which have been delegated by General Law to the City, and WHEREAS, The City Charter of the City of Wildwood, Section 5-1, provides for the time of holding elections and terms of office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WILDWOOD, FLORIDA that the municipal election for the City of Wildwood will be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in December 2005, which is DECEMBER 6, 2005. THE PURPOSE OF THE ELECTION IS: 1. Elect officers to the following Commission Seats: She was thrown from a vehicle KOBIN IEDDINS Times Correspondent Last week, North Sumter Intermediate School students learned some new games. They were games from all over the world presented to the students as part of a grant applied for by Karen Vandemark given by a joint effort of Kaleidescope, McDonalds and GMR Marketing. The three companies spon- sored the program to educate children in being active as well as learning cultural games from every corner of the Earth. While most' schools received the informational packets provided by the com- panies, North Sumter Intermediate was one of the few that was also awarded a visit from one of the program organizers that demonstrate the games and Ronald McDonald himself. During the week, NSIS stu-. dents learned the specifics and histories of the games and on Friday when the truck Arrived they were given the opportunityy to play the games. Tlatchtli from Mexico, Rayuela Colombia, Korfball Holland, Kameshi Ne Mpuku Congo, Boomerang Golf Australia were the games the children learned to play. "It was an exciting way for the children to learn of other cultures. We gave them 'passports' and when they learned a new game, we stamped their 'pass- ports'. The Sumter County Fair Association Would Like to Thank the Sponsors-of the 2005 Chris Gough Memorial Demolition Derby Wildwood Auto Repair & Wrecker Services Del Peters Painting Wildwood Ace Hardware Sumter County Farmer's Market Cindy Chevrolet Bright House Networks Good-Fellas Roll-Off Publix Supermarkets Sumter County Sheriff's Department Central Florida Graphics ' Rinker Materials A&D Tree Service Sumter County Times The bes things come out of the QUALIFYING PERIOD FOR PERSONS WISHING TO QUALIFY AS CANDIDATES TO THE AFOREMENTIONED SEATS IS: NOON, OCTOBER 17,2005 UNTIL NOON, OCTOBER 21,2005 QUALIFYING FEES: STATE ASSESSMENT - THE REQUIRED 1 % STATE ASSESSMENT BASED ON THE SALARY FOR THE POSITION GROUP-1 - GROUP 2 & 4- $78.00 $63.38 Registration closes for the City election November 7, 2005. Please contact the Supervisor of Elections 2 Office in Bushnell, Florida or any of the branch offices in Sumter County. City of Wildwood, City Election will be held at WILDWOOD CITY HALL, 100 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILDWOOD, FLORIDA. POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. Joseph Jacobs, City Clerk I 568-iMioV DQ HO(SWASH! 0mTER TRADS IS A.. movin EXPDERIECE! Do you need personalized Door to Door service or would you like to catch the shuttle? Monthly passes are available for shuttle passengers at very reasonable rates, and lower fares are available for seniors. CALL NOW! FOR MORE INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS SUMTER COUNTY TRANSIT SOS-MOVE (68S3) A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Fifth graders at North Sumter Intermediate School learn to play Tlatchtli. GROUP 1 MAYOR/COMMISSIONER GROUP 2- COMMISSIONER GROUP 4 COMMISSIONER 4 YEAR TERM 4 YEAR TERM 4 YEAR TERM Frwao-,e- PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 Special honor I, *':10 .. Sumter County Administrator Bernard Dew received the Florida Friend of Extension Award from the Florida Extension Association of Family and Consumer .Science Agents during the Extension Annual meeting in Sarasota, Florida. Martha Maddox, Sumter County Family and Consumer Science Agent nominated Mr. Dew for this award and pre- S sented him the plaque at the Awards Luncheon. 4-H celebrates month with honors The roots of 4H rest at the beginning of the 20th century, when progressive educators began to emphasize the needs of young people. They intro- duced nature study as a basis for improving agricultural edu- cation. "Learning by doing" was a key component of the program, which sought to make education relevant and enjoy- able for young people without sacrificing substance. To fur- ther draw young people into the program, Farmers' Institutes cooperated with school superintendents, spon- soring and promotion produc- tion contests, plant identifica- tion and soil tests. The very first 4H club in the nation traces it roots to 1902, in Springfield Township, Ohio. By March 1904, several boys and girls clubs around the nation had already begun exhibiting projects to "demonstrate" what they had learned. Most states organized clubs outside their schools. Rural parents served as volunteer leaders for the youth clubs, and County Extension agents provided materials for them. Extension agents noted that young people could learn the new scientific agricultural'techniques, model them in their demonstrations, and teach them to others; Farmers and rural families saw the practical benefits of 4H, and support for the organi- zation grew. In 1918, there term' "4H" was first used in a federal bulletin authored by Gertrude L Warren. By 19254, wider use of the term "4H" designated these hands on learning clubs for boys and girls. 4H today has changed to included urban and rural youth but still does learning by doing through project, work and demonstrations. Sumter County 4Hers celebrated their awards banquet on Monday, October 10, 2005 to honor all 4Hers for outstanding work during the past year. 2004-2005 Council President Candy Munz opened the banquet and the 2005-2006 Sumter County 4H Officers were introduced. Council Officers include: President Jessica White, 4H Friends Forever, 1st Vice President: Candy Munz, All in One 4H; 2nd Vice President: Tiffany Maddox, South Sumter Livestock Club; Secretary: Tyler Foster; Sumter 4H Sports Club and Lacey Wing, Parliamentarian from 4H Friends Forever Club. Council advisors this year are Gerri Gatlin and Lisa Graddy The Council has an exciting year planned full of lost of activities. The group will be involved in the Bushnell Fall Festival, Legislative Reception, Leadership Workshops, A variety ot Educational workshops, Sumter County Fair, Florida State Fair, Summer Camps, Florida Legislature, several community service project and other educational activities. They will be busy spreading the word about 4H and recruit- ing new members, leaders and searching for alumni. 4H has a lot to offer and through the years, the overall objective of 4H has remained the same: the development of youth as individuals and as responsible and productive cit- izens. 4H serves youth through a variety of methods: organized clubs, 4H special interest or short term groups, 4H school enrichment programs, 4H instructional TV 4h camping, 4H activities, 4H centers or as individual members. For more information about the Sumter County 4H Program call the Sumter County Extension Office at 352-793-2728. Smwatr CALENDAR Thursday, Oct. 13 The Sumter County Democrat Club will be hold- ing their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. Refreshments will be provid- ed. If interested in helping to promote the Democratic Party, please attend or call President Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. Please stop by our booth at the Bushnell Fall Festival Oct. 15 for coffee and stimulating conversation. Friday, Oct. 14 The meeting ofrthe National Association of Social Workers (NASW) will be held at the Savannah Center in the Villages from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The topic presented by "Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties" will be of domestic violence. . Please call Stephanie at 323-5507 9LRMC). Sunday, Oct. 18 Sumter County Farm Bureau will hold its 56th annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the new Wildwood Community Building. A free BBQ dinner will be furnished to members and immediate family. Thursday, Oct. 20 North Sumter Primary School, 2005-2006, School Advisory Council will meet on at 5:15 p.m., in the school Learning Resource Center. The Sumter County Democrat Executive Committee will meet at 7 p.m., in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call D.E.C. Chairwoman Gloria Lewis at 568-1660. The Withlacoochee Long- Term Care Ombudsman Council will hold its October 2005 monthly meeting at 12:30 p.m., at Lake-Sumter Community College confer- ence room at 1405 County Road 26A, Sumterville.. The Republican Club of Sumter County will meet at Lake-Sumter Community College in the portable class- room. The meeting will begin at7 p.m. The speaker this month will be Megan Ortagus of Katherine Harris Campaign. Her topic will be on the dynamics of the 2006 election cycle. All registered Republicans are welcome. Please make an effort to attend and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served. For more information call Richard Huff, president, at 330-4012 or go to the Republican Party's website at www.gopsumter.org. Thursday, Oct. 27 There will be a Sumter County Interagency Council meeting at I Hop, Hwy 44 in Wildwood. The meeting starts at 11:30 a.m. and continues during lunch. Anyone interested in social issues in Sumter County is welcome. For information call Bonnie Reidy at 728-6661. Home i ts & D'e! velopmen La[d1 I pm Sat., Oct. 22 Lake Placid, FL. 100 Florida Homesites In Highlands, Okeechobee & Polk Counties 6 pm *Thurs., Oct. 27 Ocala, FL. 57 t PRIME ACRES SS C .ufl IIt FJ oljicr'flG-.A- L o f r- w i C' aUlC IONUR'S ME Higger,botham CAI 80-574161 FLUcAUA305ABiS58 wwwhiggenbotham.com CENTEALFLOJDAASPRJNTi MODIFIED AINI CUP MINI STOCKS HOBBY STOCKS THUNDER. STOCKS 4 CYL FI RC 8 citrus countyspeedway.com 1O. Race Action Enjoy the ride. starts at kU'. .'i 41 Friend see the best in you. (Usually within weeks.) ..., 1.. -,..... ..,,. ,..m Ag SL. 30 minut,. curves.com nepu ewemto aeyu O0. 9.ON bt.l..d.---.id, (352) 748-2838 848 S. Main St. Wildwood, FL 34785 u.r -im.i~i.iini..a,..i,.. d 4r.u^ ,.'.i ..tO.' j nJO.i 2006 2006 COLORADO REG, CAB SILVERADO EXT CB S Auto -.-VC Alum. Wheels. V-6 Auto-MC .:- . iMSRP$1 00 MSRP 7$26,2570 ST0 -4" 'H ---^^^ ^* .1 iT^!^B'lfit SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 13 a, aGNP adin. a, -401b --Mow , ~ - 4 ~. b -a IL 40 =10 *I* 40 4b -aMb.wi:- - IN.-- - %Oqa .0 w a soomko -Now 4110. 0 0 o q4mm a. Avai *MM 401 0 aE S"Copyrighted Matrial . nic, ated Content - lableAfrom Commercial News Providers" Qmmm- pO* __ - aim am- 0- Si I I MW a -a,- - - qmmm- :om b* &ag -mb PM4 ft~buml w -qb b If* *b 0 o o a$w 0 1 Gm = =W Wa-a. 46 * .w 40wo 4 bamosm 4 em ab* V-mm 4b~mm w cm- w -4 4P dqpw4P _____ b b o - S 0 0 kw o ab 4 ome0 -40s amo*f- Mae Mb a 0 4w 4 -~ aQ - a-~ 41W M..m u 4 qmw 4tmd-- SMao M dPOW x. -ow S - "a - a, - S * - MOM NOGO - v eb Options come standard. 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All third party product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved w 0 0e a U a Sprint qw 004GWQqftq I N -.0 qamb_ Q 400 domme on dom ft OW a 0 bf o OhAh, 90 wvp kAr wow PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 Pun and GAM ES CV%'P 0i'" ft -mowd - 4ee V .go 9 b-rn 4Whm ow snow %.A 4L di I oh iE~ *o 14 *X 'p I a,.. .gas a,. ......... ft qw 40 am s-do .5 wwpp sgF~ ~r. S~' w w - S"Copyrighted Syndicated C Available from Commerci Mob -4b mo Wiale Im it i / F. - MBP0 o'0. 0- b- -00 M __40__- 40IMP -o -o. d~w-40b 410b- dw 40 o -- dam. -0 40. -6. - dPW Mb4 MWl- gDW- -~ 4a --m - -0 .1 .- t.- -00GP NP d 4. 4. m m-OWMow4D Go 4 -a Qb dl- doam 4b w - qw.w -ft 0 a 0 I- . 0 0 Providers" 4a ~. -- pa- .0 -mu as.--t w W-m-0 .a- -.4- - ~ Cmw Mow "NOW 4w - ftw -bW. wj 4M. 40 w M -. 4m *wom 40 4-- _ 4W 44 w- A a *o i dp w - 21* 8-s owe- Material . content - 0 4w 4b a.4bm,, 0..-Nlmmlb- pea imawmm% lqmmm a SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 15 IIMIS 4 ISpecialist That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees youa spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. 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(352) 793-3163 www.suMntrcounytiies.co$,,, Billing Specialists the Centers Is seeking a detailed oriented persons with data entry experience specific to medical billing. , This position will certify financial eligibility face to face with ,mentally ll patients presenting for services, enter appropriate billing codes for services rendered (training provided) and perform various other billing related duties. HS diploma or equiv. with a min of 1 yr related exp. Salary Range: $8.09- 9.11/hr. Vac/sick/hollday/ med beneflts/401K DFWP/EOE,.send, fax, or email resume to: HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters.us (352) 291-5580 To place a classified ad in the Sumter County Times call 793-3163 today! I 'MNW qmw Alum. & Vinyl Installation Carpentry and framing, Experience a plus: Call 352-303-3762 Experienced Stucco Plasterers STop Payl Exp. & transportation a must 352-793-7895 the Centers Is seeking MIS . Specialist who Is a motivated, team-oriented computing professional to support a rapidly growing & dynamic computing environment. Applicants should have knowledge of PC hardware, windows operating system, productivity software & networking (including TCP/IP, DNS & email). Troubleshooting & customer service skills a must. BA degree or equlv exp In Information Technology, Computer Science or Management of Information Systems. Salary range $25,000. to $31,000. Comprehensive benefits pkg, DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email resume to: HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave,, Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters,us (352) 291-5580 Outreach Counselor the Centers Is seeking a Substance Abuse Outreach Counselor for our Lecanto campus In Citrus County to provide specialized services to Individuals & the community. Flex schedule. BA Degree In Human Services required with a min 2 yrs exp. In child/ adolescent substance abuse treatment; or CAAPCCJAP or CAP with 5 yrs exp. Salary range $25,000.00 to $29,000.00 annually. Vac/slck/hollday/ medbenefits/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 60th Ave., Bldg. #7, Ocala and fill out an application, -E AM/PM COOK Apply at 311 N. Market St. Bushnell (352) 568-7667 Cashiers & Prep Personnel Hiring for all shifts. Subway, Pizza Hut & Popeye's. Full benefits & 401K. Call (352) 748-2501 ext. 119 or Apply in person Travel Center.of,'-, .. ,America - 556 St. Rd. 44 Wildwood ext; 329 off 1-75 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES The Citrus County Chronicle is seeking an energetic Individual to consult businesses on the use of classified advertising. If you have the desire to work In a fast paced, fun, environment please apply today. Essential Functions Develop classified customers through cold calling and prospectIlng.. Strong rapport building, professional communication and good listening skills Develop new opportunities for customers to do business with Citrus Publishing. e Maintain customers through servicing after the Initilsal sale. u, High School diploma or equivalent. SPrior soles experience SAdvertising or marketing experience preferred Send resume to: 1624 N Meadowcatres Blvd., Crystal River, Fl 3442P9 Fax. (352)1 563-5665 EOE, drug screening Sfor final applicant LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR For International Chemical Cqmpany Is seeking a salesper- son to develop a new territory in Citrus, Lake, Hernndo and Sumter Counties. We will train. Call Florida Fleet Services at (407) 791-2829 for more Information www.suoertrldge. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT- Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class: Oct. 24th Train in Florida National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement Assistance 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services S ww.atrsn-schools.com 645982 CAD Technician needed w/ 5-10 yrs. exp. in water, sewer, site plan, CAD drafting. Good wages/benefits. Reply to P.O. Box 520, Busnell, FL 33513 Dispatcher "Part-time Weekend" Leading transporta- tion Co. Is seeking a dispatcher at their Brooksville, Florida terminal. If you are a self starter, excellent communicator, have good computer skills and the ability to multitask In a fast- paced environment. Call todqy for an in- terview appointment, 1-800-342-4019 FRAMERS (WOOD FRAMING) We're the largest framing company In the state. We pay more, have great benefits, and have the best chance for advancement. Call us to make more money. Bill: 813-267-4741 OR Carpenter- Contractors of America, Inc. 1-800-959-8806 www.carpenter contractors.com SCALE HOUSE OPERATOR & LABORER Rinker Materials Is currently seeking a Scale House Operator for our Tulley Durarock Plant. -'Ganrdldates must be , r-ablieto. operate heavy equipment, S perform routine maintenance and, cross-train into different areas of the mining environment, Prior industrial experience preferred. Also now hiring for a Laborer.. Please apply in person at: 1600 Johns Lake Rd., Clermont, Fl. EEO/DFW. O- Operator$ Pay0/hou, sB sills Floor Buffer $10hour. usnet bl. mop. Must be reliable & dependable. (352) 564-2025 or 1-800-236-9398 Full Time Employment Adult Day Program Trainer/Van Driver Full benefits. $7.75/hr Increase to $8 after 6-months; Man. thru Fri. 40hrs+ wk. High school diploma or GED required. Background screening. Good driv- Ing record. EOE. Drug Free. For application visit SCARC, Inc., 213 W. McCollum Ave., Bush- nell. 352/793-5156 or website www.SumterCountyARC. com. Merchandising-PT Flexible hours, excellent pay, long term work. Merchandisers needed to service accounts In Bushnell & Wlldwood area grocery stores, Training provided. For more Info. Call 1-800-733-2999 ext. 601 or PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES Meat Packaging Plant has openings for production employees, Will train. We are not seasonal and pay competitive wages. 'Apply between 7am and 3pm at Central Beef. 571 W. Kings Hwy Central Hill, FL Necesitamos empleados para plant de production. Entrenamlento. Trabajo no es Temporario. Pago competivo. Aplique 7A.M. a 3 P.M Central Beef 571 W. Kings Hwy Central Hill, FL SEASONAL POSITIONS Earn holiday pay while helping others. Variable days & hours In Sumter County. For more Info call: Salvation Army (352)568-2284 TAX PREPARERS/ CUSTOMER SERVICE National Tax Service now enrolling students for Oct. Classes. Acquire new skills & a Brighter Future Qualified Students can earn extra money as a F/T-P/T preparer. Flex Schedules. Jackson Hewitt Tax Service (888) 282-1040 CDLA OTR DRIVERS Teams ,50 cpm; solos .34 cpm 100% drop & hook, health benefits assigned equipment, require 1 year OTR Hazmat & doubles (321) 202-4406 FCAN COMPANY AND 0/0 NEEDED 87 cents per mile all Dead head paid + fsc. Call Don Saltsman CTC Trucking Inc. (321) 639-1522 FCAN DELIVER FEMA RV's FOR PAY! A NATIONAL RV Delivery service has immediate needs for qualified contractors to deliver "new" RV trailers from factories and dealers to Hurricane relief sites. This is a great way for you to help the victims. Please log on today: www. .horizontransport.com FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses available. Refrigerated now available. (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN DRIVER- NOW HIRING qualified drivers for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950 FCAN EARN DEGREE online from home Medical. *Business, "Paralegal, "Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid If qualify. (866) 858-2121 www.onlinetidewater tech.com FCAN MOVIE EXTRAS Actors and models Make $75-$250/day. All ages and faces wanted. No. Exp. required. FT/PT (800) 714-7565 e FCAN S/E & 3-STATE RUN: T/T drivers. Home week- ends. Mileage pay, benefits, 401K. Trainees welcome, Miami area. Exp. req. 21 min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Lines (800) 545-1351 FCAN STABLE CAREER Immediate openlngsl Positions available for experienced CDL holders. Also company funded truck driver training offered. Financial assistance for Hurricane Victims, (877) PRIME-JOB. www. primeinc.com FCAN WILLING TO EDUCATE Highly Motivated Individual for rewarding career In financial services. Call (352) 326-4424 ***$500-$50,000++ Free cash grantsI 20051 Never repay For Personal/ Medical Bills, School, New home/ business. As seen on TV No credit check Live OperatorsI (800) 270-1213 ext 95 FCAN LANDI'S HOME IMPROVEMENT Exterior Remodeling Vinyl Siding, Soffit & Facia, Gutter & Down Spouts, Shutters Exterior Custom Trim Lic/Ins.Free Estimates Francis Landi Owner Phone(352) 615-1435 We accept major credit cards. HOT TUB/SPA, 5 person, like new, 24 jets, Red- wood cabinet, 5 HP pump. Sacrifice $1475 (352) 286-5647 AUCTION!! CASHIERS, NC, Oct. 21, 2005 Commercial Building on Hwy. 107N, Lot 37A, Sapphire Lakes Golf Community 10 am Misc. items; 11 am Real Estate 10% Buyers Premium, 10% down, 30 day closing Savage Real Estate & Auction Co., Inc. NC#7189 GAL#3125 Kenneth Savage (888) 983-0066 Toll-free (770) 718-8297 FCAN AUCTIONS ONLINE Used Trucks & Equipment. Register FREE. Low SELLER fees. Promo, Code SWC-103. Visit our website for details and personal assistance. www.surplusonthe.NET (877) 215-3010 FCAN ESTATE AUCTION 167 +/- acres Divided, homesites, hunting, timberland. October 29, 10am Claxton, Evans County, GA 10% buyer's premium, Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800) 323-8388 wwW, rowellauctlons.com GAL AU-C002594 FCAN BUILDING SALE! "Last chancel' 20x26 now $3,955 25x30, $5,700, 30x40, $8,300. 40x60, $12,900. Many others. Meets 140MPH higher available. One end Included. Pioneer (800) 668-5422 FCAN METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock, with all accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN Dinette Rattan Glass Top Table & Four Chairs, $100,00, Two lamps, $50.00 (352) 382-2755 JOBSITE LEFTOVERS! (7) 48" x 100" x 1/4" at $115 ea. (9) 72" x 100" x 1/4" at $165 ea. Will deliver, can install. Everything Must Gol Call nowl (888) 306-9046 FCAN -UI KNIFE & GUN SWAP MEET & FLEA MARKET Saturday, Oct. 15 8-1. Free Admission. Stokes Flea Market, Highway 44, Lecnto (352)749-7200 AKC LAB PUPS Adorable block heads- Health certificates -BIk & YIw- 352-613-2527 LOCAL VENDING ROUTE Soda, snacks, candy, juices, water, great equip, and locations, financing available w/$7,500 down. Call (877) 843-8726 #BO02002-037 FCAN SERVICE BUSINESS FSBO Sky's the limit in this large million dollar business http://landscapeand treecofsbo.homestead. com For more info call (941) 485-9212 FCAN IMMEDIATE CASH!! US Pension funding pays cash now for 8 years of your future pension payments. Call (800) 586-1325 for a FREE, no obligation estimate. www. uspenslonfundlng.com FCAN ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Licensed & Insured "No Job Too Big or Small" *Free Estimates" Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 B.J Beckelheimer TREE I SERVICE I BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRINDING LANDSCAPING I 793-5949 Top Shape Beautify Your Trees BUSHNELL AREA: 5.2 high & dry Aces with scattered Live Oaks, well maintained! Charming 2 Bd.Rm. 2 Bth. House Very Private Including large 30 ft. x 50 ft. Garage/Shop for your Motorhome etc. Asking only $249,000. ALL AMERICAN REALTY (352)793-6506 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1/2 acre. Great location, the best construction, too may options to list. Seller motivated, $2,000 down, $587.47 per mo. Call for more info 352-621-9181 BANK OWNED REPO"Sl Never lived in Starting @ $40,000 - Only a few left Payments from $349.00 per month Call for locations 352-621-0119 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com REPOS AVAILABLE in your area. Call today. Ready to move Into. 352-795-2618 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Beautiful 3/2 on 1/2 acre in great $2,000 and $650 mo. (352) 795-6085 Great Country Setting 3/2 on 2 acres in the Mini Farms. Easy to Qualify. $4,000 down and $560 mo. (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for. New 4/2 on 5 acres. Zoned for agriculture. Horses Welcome. $6,000 Down $750 mo. (352) 795-8822 LAND/HOME 1/2 acre homesite in country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath under warranty, driveway, deck, appliance package, ust See, $579.68 per month W.A.C. Call .352-621-9183 New Land Home Packages Available. Many to Chose from. Call today for approval. Low down and low monthly payments. 1-877-578-5729 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com BUSHNELL Rental apt. 2/1, living room, eat-In kitchen, C-H/A. Washer, dryer outlet. $525 mo. + $525 security. October occupancy... 35247 7-7175 between 9am & 5pm.r PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate Advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes it Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living wllh parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18, This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are avail- able on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777, The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 1 ^, . *.M-jiH i r . (423) 626-5820 www, lakesiderealty-tn.com FCAN ASHEVILLE, NC AREA Waterfront & mountain homesites Gorgeous riverfront, river view & wooded homesites 1+ acres from the 40's Gated community with amenities. Call (866) 292-5762 FCAN COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA WATERFRONT 3 +/- acres, $99,900 Beautifully wooded parcel on deep boatable water with access to ICW, Atlantic & sounds. Prime location close to town. Paved rds, u/g utilities, county water. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 732-6601 ext. 1405 FCAN Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Escape the heat in the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of western NC Homes, cabins, acreage & investments, Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC, Real Estate, Murphy, NC www.cherokee mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure. (800) 841-5868 FCAN GRAND OPENING SALE Lake Bargains! Water access frmo $34,900 w/FREE Boat Slips. PAY NO CLOSING COSTS! Sat & Sun Oct. 15 & 16. Huge pre-construction' savings on beautifully wooded parcels at 34,000 acre lake Tennessee. Enjoy unlimited water recreation. Surrounded by state forest. Lakefront available! Excellent financing! Call now (800) 704-3154 ext. 658 FCAN NC MOUNTAIN CABIN Unfurnished inside, on mountain top, view, +reer waterfall larae p 'JL .- 1. r., I t., . $89,900 .owner * (8656):79-8535 . www. 7Z.com 'F,: ,rI WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there is cool Mountain air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN . WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS Cool Air, views, streams, homes, cabins, acre- age. Free brochure of Mountain property (800) 642-5333 Realty of Murphy 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906. www.realtyofmurphy. com FCAN Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com LOTS FOR INVESTORS/ BUILDERS, Residential Lots for Sale, $35,000. ea., 407-697-9967 realestatelandsales@ hotmail.com CITRUS-OCALA-PORT CHARLOTTE, OVER- SIZED & 1/2 AC. Call 888-345-1668 TCHTRE greatfloridalots.com "TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTIES" Located on pristine Norris Lake, TVA's first reservoir. Lakefronts, lake & ' mountain views, homes and land. CALL Lakeside Realty Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com CGfOip ,e0 EAST ALABAMA MOUNTAIN PROPERTY FOR SALE One hour west of Atlanta In Pied- mont, AL Great for en- joyment or investment 16-acres $57,750 More information call Gary McCurdy (256) 239-8001 FCAN END OF SEASON BLOW OUT SALE Canyon Ferry Crossing, Helena, Montana. Only 8 parcels left in this magnificent develop- ment. Awesome lake and mountain views, close to Canyon Ferry Lake, minutes to Helena. Owner to pay closing costs. Call (888) 770-2240 FCAN FLORIDA LAND FOR SALE Building lots starting at $24,900. Fast growing areas. Great investment opportunity. For sizes, photos, prices go to www. FloridaLotsUSA.com or call (877) 983-6600 FCAN NC MOUNTAINS 10+ acres/stream/ $39,900. Grand opening Oct. 22-23 Spectacular long range views Near Blue Ridge Parkway and Boone. Excellent financing. Roads & utilities. (800) 455-1981, ext. 210 FCAN NEW MEXICO 20 acres $39,900 Scenic region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100% financing Call (914) 232-5100 FCAN NORTH CAROLINA GATED LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800) 709-5253 FCAN SERENE MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITE $342/month. Breathtaking views. Upscale golf community set amid Dye designed 18 hold course in Carolina Mountains. Near' Asheville, NC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Schools teaching facility! Call toll free (800) 334-3253 ext. 974 www.cherokee valleysc.com Price: $69,900, 10% down, balance financed at 4.94% fixed, 24 month balloon, OAC FCAN SOUTH COASTAL , GEORGIA $149,900 For a 2+ acre deepwater marsh lot $224,900. For a 3+ acre oversized deepwater lot 45 min. from Jacksonville, 15 min from St. Simon's,. Call today for. ..:..irih- rl r tE..:-Illnt 'ir.A',- "-'J .3.O3ilo +, (877) GA-OCEAN, ext. 708 FCAN SOUTH COASTAL GEORGIA 3+ acres Deepwater Ocean Access lot from just $240,perimonthl* 45 ,Tir,,-, 6'.,r, J, .l :.,, ;I.[ " .-' | .: i :i rr,-, i*, =T'.- :r,,, si Call redo, far aii:. I. available.: (877) GA-OCEAN, ext. 703 *monthly payment of $240.32 based on $59,900 purchase price w/10% down payment of $5,990, $53,910 fi- nanced at 5.19% fixed (APR of 5.55% includes 1% origination fee) for 3 yrs. 35 monthly pymts. of $240.32 w/final pay- ment of $53,910, Offer void where prohibited by law. FCAN TENNESSEE NEW LAKESIDE COMMUNITY 1+ acre homesites from the 30's. Private boat slips. Limited availability. Close to downtown Chattanooga/Knoxville Lake access from community. (866) 292-5769 FCAN Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels. cam wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com (:ii )\a(l ., $2,000 PER WEEK NOW Own your own travel business. Enter the exciting world of travel. Turnkey training provided. PT/FT $249 minimum Investment Toll-free (800) 684-7920 FCAN ALL CASH BUSINESS Local candy vending route Unlimited earning potential. Includes 30 all metal machines with candy, Lifetime Warranty. $9,895 (800) 704-5414 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (888) 629-9968 0B2000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN I ) f i PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 643-1020 SCT Notice to Creditors PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005CP000229 IN RE: ESTATE OF CHARLES L. CLEMONS, JR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Charles L. Clem- qns, Jr., deceased, whose date of death was August 9, 2005, and whose Social Security Number Is 266-67- 4443, Is pending in the Cir- cuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is Clerk of Circuit Court, 225 East McCollum Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal .Representative and the Personal Representative's Attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims I and de- mands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of the notice Is re- quired to be served must file their claim with the Clerk of Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST .PUB- LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR, 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE -OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DAE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE, DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Date of first publication of'this notice Is October 13,2005. Personal Representative: /s/Mlchelle Wllson Clemons 12123 CR 727 Webster, FL 33597 Attorney for Personal Representative: /s/ Felix M. Adams Fi:.rlaa 6,5i 1I :.-. 135 l'u.1-,rIll Fii.3 3a.T- ii Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, October 13 and 20,2005. 627-1013 SCT Notice to Creditors" Estate of Thomasine James PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT, COURT ..r C :.i.m r. F L",:, iD .' File No: 2005-CP-000226 IN RE: ESTATE OF THOMASINE JAMES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tr. a.3n,,ir.i:i.aii..,i, .4 in e.1..e ,:I THOMASINE JAMES .xcea'-sea .,r,.1-e aa- .I: a oair. .3: .1- .* i. L pI,- .. lri in rr.e .:1r. l, .'.u, rl:,r .. iTler County, Florida, Probate Division, File Number: 2005-CP-000226, the ad- dress of which is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the per- :.r,3l r-gre:.-r.io l a..a -re De- r:.:.,-..al ,p'e.-.r.'i 3. -1,6 : o.ri r-,-, .1 .- I forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons, who have claims or de- mands against, dece- .dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated- claims, and i'r..:, r,..e :eer, r..--.e.i a C :.J. .:.r Ir.r ,.- rl.:- T Ju.l file r.-lr .:i iin',; ..irr, mi i. court i-AriHill HE L-TEl" *'CF THREE ., r.lC'IrliaiH -7tin THE C.-TE ,-:F IHE FfIli, FLiEi '.-.T-:., J OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERV- ICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. - ao :e> 3-,T ,3''>3 :.ir,.-,' p~-. sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, including unmatured contingent 'or Ji'ilxul3 31 3 .:l. Irr." rr,,i: -ne ir,ir I,311,TI iii rraii. : :.un liHIr iHF'EE E .3,. MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION .:,i: rHi- r,:,r,'E ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED THE DATE 'OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- iCE C'.-:r, .r i : c iD,,, i -i, l ii- re :e.-,.arl. Warren Coachman i -. .;-,rr..: r.I rg r.u -3, : Tallahassee, Florida 32303 .ri.,ne, r. :r Pn- i .:.r,.3 Lawrence J. Marchbanks, Esquire. Lawrence J. Marchbanks, P.A. . -lc.ii.j3 B3r SI,:. l^.:.n I i' l elae, -.h -,J Wildwood, Florida 34785 Telephone: (352) 748-5888 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, October 6 and 13, 2005. 644-1020 SCT. -Notice to Creditors EC .31l ,.r Jc.:.epr. r..rica. PUBLIC NOTICE I iHE C.iIRCLiif COl.riri S -'F:LF.lrE? CUiT., FLOlCiC'- PPIOB5TE DI' 'So10 nie.', ; :.w'-:P-000.; 'i ri .E EIjTrE ,:F JOSEPH ARONICA NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tre .'.3riir [:1.aTl.-.r. .' ir i es-aie :.r JOSEPH ARONICA se.e.5iea wt,,:.e a-re, ;r a.3I,:tr. *,,a' July 12. 2006; File Numoer 2005-CP-000-239, Is pend- r.g It ihe Circuit Court for .3'jr.irer County, :l.: rloa Probate Di.iior, ir.5, a.:.5 dress of vr.ilcn I; ,:';' N Florida Street, .Bushnell, Florida 33513 Ti',e .ara.es and 3ar.;,:e: v ire. e'r. ,:-', iSec.re:e lrail.,_ ar.:1 I n i:.- el :,-.r,pil prI,.e err.' aoi.e I art.:.rre, ,re '. forth below. , All creditors of the Dece- dent and other persons ,,having claims or, d- mT.and, 3gal"..i 'ce-. .-er.i : etale y or. .-.hic.,-r .3 copy of this .-c.:e ra. been served, ifa.jIi iie their.claims wl-n ir.i. Couri WITFiri THE LATER COF THREE r.IONilHS FiEr, iHE D'iE OF iHE FI' S PUBLIC. C-iiC'l, OF iHit rI:SilCE OC'1 ;Hii;T, D1.4 F-TEI' THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent, and 5 r.'.r- having' claims,, *: r -je mands-,against the CDece dent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice Is October 13, 2004. Personal Representative: PATRICIA MUNSON 10 Katherine Place Oakdale, New York 11769 Attorney for Personal Representative: ,KEVIN A. SENTNER Florida Bar No, 304034 KEVIN A. SENTNER, P.A. c/o The Mlllhorn Law Firm 13710 U.S. Highway 441 Suite 100 Lady Lake, Florida 32159 Telephone: (352) 753-9333 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, October 13 and 20, 2005. 642-1013 SCT Sumter County School Bd. Regular Sesslon 10/18/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School 'Board will meet In regular session on Tuesday, Octo- ber 18, 2005, at 6:00 p.m., in the Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one' (1) time In the Sumter County Times, October ,13,2005. 626-1013 SCT Notice to Creditors PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO, 2005CP000202 IN RE: ESTATE OF TIMOTHY JAMES NORDLE, JR., De- ceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Timothy James Nordle, Jr., deceased, whose date of'death was February 19, 2005, and whose Social Security Number Is 595-48-2364, Is pending In the Circuit Court for.Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of w which is Clerk of Circuit Court, 225 East! McCollum Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal Representa- tives and the Personal Representatives' Attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims and. de- mands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of the notice Is re- .quired to be er..d T.u:;I file their claim ..iir, ire :-*a :.i .-.un '.virHIN THE L-iEl CO-f r.11.,i- H, AFTER THE TrI.lE .:.f iHE FirlI PUB- LICATION OF TI-I NOTICE OR 30 DAYS FEFr- THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A ':,- : IHI: r-iiLhiCE ON rHErS - 4n.ir.er creditors of the aocearint and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against : dece- dent's estate' must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Date of first o.jlc..:.ll.:r. of this notice Is C:ri.:.cr -r 2005. . Co-Personal Representatives: /s/ Timothy James Nordle, Sr. and Lisa P. Nordle 2505 East CR 462 Wlidwood, Florida 34782 Attorney for Co-Personal i' s.: p r,1:i1tl. Felix M. Adams Florida Bar No. 358282 138 Bushnell Plaza-Ste. 201 Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, October 6 and 13, 2005.' 636-1020 SCT Notice to Creditors (Summary Administration) Estate of Claude B. Blakley PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THEIE ITH JL.'lIC iL ,".:Uill .f rHE 1'iE *OF L.0:;iC'- il "isja DF:.'i ..ii. lrEr J..'uiifi , PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CP-000222 IN RE: ESTATE OF CLAUDE B. BLAKLEY, NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST, THE ABOVE ES- TATE: 'cJu x3e re.-'e,, r.illrll- r.-1.3 a0 ,'rae. ,r ci r ii Administration has been entered In the Estate of Claude B. Blakley, de- cea.ea Case Number 2005-CP-000222, by the Clic.il Court for Sumter C.:.ur.r, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513; that the dece- .-er.t : Jai si *e tr.e .,..: r 1.3, Ji V1u', li.,i irse. 1,131 ualu .:,r 11re eliale 1i .-1 .3r,.1 ir.' rre r.an -'e: ar., addresses of whom it has eer. 3.'ilgrea c. .uch ':',as.r are Nancy J Blakley f.:.i C'mr:e tc-, 3 .,.ie c .i3 S F Inax .'.c'i Deborah Ferguson I1 ".ladc..l.-is Laru,, S fIeler.c.urg F :.ri1.3 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 11 cre.ai. ,ri..i ,1 Ir.e e. loie. of rr.,e adceaer.l r.a. per. sons having claims or de- marnd' oadir,rt in.ci eair ,I tr, .3o,:e.e- ril .:.Ir',- mr.ar, ir,.-'. :. .*.r,..rr, cr.:. .l:i..r i ,'s rujlr para er.ilr #.3: mx..3., Ir. inre C'raer or numm.i.a Administration mu:T rile mneli claliT. alr, Sril: Cou.1 WIrHIir iH-E rIUE PFEi'lC,', iEti F WC iH ill 1E-. 0?ri :3 02 OC iHE FLOCiID4 PR-. FC'BIE CODE ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD. ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED Thre asi :.f tr.e IIrv pu-. II.:atlc.r, ,I tii's. r Jcric I" C',:irter i 3 200z : Nancy J. Blakley. F r'ril,:.ner Post Office Box 37 Nobleton. Florida 34661, n.:,rr.- i.,r PI .in-lf :r.er, . Mary P. Hatcher, Esq. Ficrida Bar io :0,,.:. MARY HATCHER, P A. 222 South.Florida Street Bushnell, Florida 33513 (352) 793-5600 Published two (2) times In the Sumter., County Times, October 13 and 20, 2005. 641-1013 SCT Sumter County School Bd. Closed Session 10/18/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School Board will meet In closed session for the purpose of considering student ex- pulsions on Tuesday, Oc- tober 18, 2005, at 5:00 p.m., In the Sumter Coun- ty School Board Meeting Room .on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one (1) time In the tumter County Times, October 13, 2005. Date october 2uu00 The Early Learning Coali- tion of the Nature Coast will be facilitating the Tri County Advisory Council Meeting on Thursday, Oc- tober 20, 2005, from 9:30a.m. thru 11:30a.m., at the ELC Nature Coast sat- ellite office, 7031 NW 140th Street, Chlefland. FL 634-1020 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID .Sealed bids for furnishing of all labor and materials and performing all work necessary and Incidental to the Roofing Projects, Sumter County School Board, ROOF REPLACEMENTS FOR buildings at: North Sumter Intermediate School and Wlldwood High School wll be received by the Sumter County School Board Facilities Department located at 301' V.' tr.:C.:Ilr,, enue, Bushnell, FL 33513, up and until 2:00 PM. prevail Ing time, on November 8, 2005. Bids .-.I c. n I .,c:i opened and read aloud In the Conference Room of the Facilities Department, Complete Information regarding bidding documents oa.J Ilhir 3..'lbilaillt, iTo, be obtained from Jim Alien or r.-. o.:. e .3 .,:. pr,.:.r.e (352) 793-1281. There will be a mandatory on-site pre-bid conference held in the Conference Room, second floor of the Fa- cilities Department, on October 31, 2005 at 10:00 AM. Attendance Is mandatory. .All work shall be performed between December 22, 2005 and January 6, 2006. The Sumter County School Board reserves the right to award bid(s) to the lowest and/or best bidderss, to waive any informality or Irregularity In any bid, and to reject any or all bids received, , SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD, FLORIDA RICHARD A. SHIRLEY, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13 and 20,2005. 645-1020 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the City of Wlldwood, Flori- da, will hold a Public Hearing on the first reading of Or- dinance No. 439, during the 7:00 p.m. Commission Meeting of October 24, 2005, In the City Hall-Commis- sion Chamber, at 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida. Ordinance No 439- An Ordinance of the City of Wild- wood Florida; amending the City of Wildwood Compre- hensive Plan; providing for General Multi Use Land Use; and providing for an effective date. Ordinance No, 439 Is available 3 ,- iT, Ha ,., fEurii..: ii-, spection between the hours.of a .0 a rr, ar..o i. ." .'r., Monday through Friday. Comments may be voiced at the above mentioned meeting or In writing, addressed to the City Clerk, 100 N Main Street, Wlldwood, Florida 34785.: . Be advised that any person wishing to appeal any de- cision made by the Commission on any matter consid- ered during the meeting will need a record of the pro- ceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record Is made, which Includes the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal Is to be based. Any person requiring special accommodation should contact the City Clerk, 352-330-1330 ext. 102. /s/ Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13 and 20, 2005. 635-1020 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The City of Bushnell, Florida is seeking proposals for a tax-exempt loan to repay Wastewater credits In ac- cordance with 'our Developer's agreement with local developer. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LOAN WILL IN- CLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Amount- S 253,000.00 2. Term 10 years 3. Interest Repayment Payments to be made Seml-annually. 4. Principal Repayment Payments to be made Seml-annually. 5. Public Entity Crimes -.Any person submitting a bid or proposal in response to this Invitation must provide a statement pursuant to section 287.132,133 of the Flori- da Statutes, Public Entity Crime Statement. 8. Fees and Expenses All fees and expenses that will be the responsibility of the City must be clearly outlined by the bidder In response to this RFPR 9. Interest Rate The bidder should quote on' a fixed rate simple rate basis. 10. The bidder, as deemed necessary for this transac- tion under the general terms of this RFP, will prepare documentation,. 11 Tr.e bidder. aie i t',.jli-d to conduct their own In- .earirg.a,-.r, aO e.3IuaTr.:. cf the credit worthiness of the loan. the City's financial Information will be provid- ed upon request by the bidder and Is NOT In any way Intended to relieve the bidder of Its responsibility to In- vestigate all relevant or material facts In reaching a credit decision with respect to the loan. Under no circumstances should any prospective pro- poser or any person or persons acting for or on behalf of said proposer, seek to Influence or gain the support .of any member of the City. Council or the City Staff fa-, vorable to the Inter:-i f ar-., ,pr.pective proposer or ,seek to Influence a gair. ra.~rjppc.nr of any member of the City Council or City Staff against the interest of any prospective proposer, Any such activities shall result in the exclusion of the prospective proposer from consid- eration by the Clty. Bids for the loan.must Lc- .e:.ca ci:ie:.i., lC000 am on October 21, 2005. It p.pcied irl ir,.e Cir, Council will .act on the bids at its regular meeting to be held, Monday; November 7, 2005. Closing will be coordinat- ed between the City of Bushnell and the approved fi- ,nanclal Institution. The City reserves the right to reJe.-.l any and all proposals and the right to waive any rreg. ularfty or Informality with respect to any proposal. Your Interest In the City of Bushnell Is, appreciated and we look forward to receiving a proposal from your firm. Ful: n1e1 rA,: .,: irres in the Sumter County Times, Oc- IC.er -I. a.d ~0 i :0 . 632-1020 SCT I Notice of Sale Business Loan Center, LLC, etc. vs. Julie H. Forbes, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE irl tHE CI I, l -'.ii'.11 *. I THE FIFT iUDI,'_ i.L PCUIr l 11J rIIJ l, f -J ':ur. iEl ,C.-iurJr. ifLOr II,: "- E :' s C .) 'j ' BUSINESS LOAN CENTER, LLC. A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY F, K 'A BUSINESS LOAN CENTER. INC .A DELAWARE CORPORATION,. Svs. ' JULIE H. FORBES, el al. Deier,-aanI,.., r NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure dated August 30, 2005, enter- ed In Civil Case- No.: 2005-CA-446 of the Clrcuit Court .:.1 rr,, Finnr, judiciala Ci,:jii ir., and for Sumter County; FIcilix0 .reseir., Bu.:ir, L,:'ar' Center, LLC, a Delaware LL.C F. Bulre: Lc.:,Gr. C enrer, Inc., A Delaware Cor- piCTS:,r,n Plaintiff, and Julle H. Forbes, Unknown Spouse Or .IuiCe H. Forbes, Verile Knox, Ihcorporated, State of Florida Department of Revenue, and unknown tenants In possession, are Defendants,. i .11 *.-rl .:. r ir, ri .i b I.'.a ri for cash Inthe West Front Errrr,.:e cr.i it. Hi.iil.:.3i Courthouse, Sumter County, 209 N. Florida St.. Bushnell. Florida 33513, at 11:00 a.m. on the on the 27th day of October, 2005, the following described real proa:er> as set forth in sold Final Sum- mary Judgment, to wit: EAST 1 ACRE OF LOT 11. BLOCK A. WILDWOOD RANCH, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 29A-29B, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY WITNESS my hand and the seal of the court on Septem- ber 28,2005. ' GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) " By: /s/ Susan A. Stellar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13 and 20, 2005. - - 32626. This meeting was originally scheduled to be To place held on October 13, 2005. Please contact the Coall- your legal tlon office at 877-840-5437 If you have any questions, ad call Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, 793-3163. October 13,2005. " 638-1013 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF CENTER HILL Notice Is hereby given as follows: 1. That the City Election of Center Hill to fill the follow- ing seats: Seat Mayor Two-year Term Seat #2 City Council Two-year Term Seat #4 City Council One-year Term Will be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2005, between the hours of, 7:00 AM till 7:00 PM, at the Center Hill Pres- byterian Church .Fellowship Hall, 55 S. Virginia Ave., Center Hill, Florida. 2. Candidate for the election of the aforesaid City Council seats of the City of Center Hill Election c'an qualify as such; Noon, October 17,2005 until Noon, October 21,2005 3. Voter registration books for persons desiring to regis- ter to vote in the City of Center Hill Election are pres- ently open at the Supervisor of Elections offices In Bush- nell, Florida and will remain open for said purpose until November 7, 2005. Diane Lamb City Clerk Published one (1) time In the'Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13,2005. 637-1020 SCT LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The, Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, October 17, 2005 at 6:30 P.M., in Room 327, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider requests for rezonings All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to partici- pate In any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Stat- utes, Section ;286.0105, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the pro- ceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may r." 3 :..r, ,re rr,.3A .3 ,ra,3Imh I,.:.:.3 r rr,. l r.:':....3 I r.g., I. T.3..3 r, I e, : :.,:r i-, l.lu. ir,- l-1:1i .:.r,, ar.. -.I.,-r,.:. r p.,:r, r.I:r i. ir, .3 p. p l -. r -: 1:E . CASE NO.: R2005-0105 A.CM.S., Inc GENERAL LOCATION: Sumtervllle: North on C-475. East on C-470. South on CR 529. CR 529 dead ends Into the property. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 22, Twp. 20S, Rng. 22E: The NE 14 less E V2 &' N 1/2 f SE 1/4 & E 12 of NW 1/ & NE r/4 of SW /14 less the E 50' of NW 14 of NE 1 Section 23, Twp. 20S, Rng. 22E: The NW 1/4 of the SW 4. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tues- day, November 8, 2005 at 6:00 P.M., in Room 222, Sum- ter County Historic Courthouse, 209. N. Florida St., Bush- nell, Florida. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13 and 20, 2005. 646-1020 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the City of Wlidwood, Flori- da, will hold a Public Hearing on the first reading of Or- dinance No. 438, during the 7:00 p.m. Commission Meeting of October 24, 2005, In the City Hall Commis- sion Chamber, at 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida. Ordinance No 438' An Ordinance of the City of Wlld- wood Florida; amending the City of Wlldwood Compre- hensive Plan to provide for additional Future Land Use Maps Including Map 1-8, City of Wlldwood Water and Wastewater Master Plan; and providing for an effective date. Ordinance No. 438 Is available at City Hall for Public In- spection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Comments. may be voiced at the above mentioned meeting or in writing, addressed to the City Clerk, 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785. Be advised that any person wishing to appeal any de- cision made by the Commission on o.',, morn-i. ..:r,:iaj ered during the meeting will need a r:c Tr,- F' :- ceedings;, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which includes.the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal Is to be based. 'r,., pr.:r, requiring special accommodation should ::.ria;I rr,-, Cir/ Clerk, 352-330-1330 exf102.' /s/. Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published twp (2) times In the Sumter. County Times, Oc- tober.13 and 20, 2005. , 647-1020 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE li':.iice i. i-, b..' i .i .r, ir..ar it-. ir, :s 'r.'i 1 j...: .:..' h1..iI IIa ..i r n:.i i:.-,Cl.: H- jlr,n .:.r. rr,,. II,.1 .e a-i .-.g .:.I a'ir. -r,.nce I.: J iji a, i.,-,1g ire 'C' IT C,,,T,,,I.:I:r, Meeting of October 24. 2005 ini re .:Ir, Hai C.:.rr.rr, . slon Chamber, at 100 N Main Street, Wlldwoqd, Florida. Ordinance No. 437- An Ordinance of the City of Wild- vood Florida. amending the City of Wildwood Ordl- nonce Number 423 and Section 39(i(8)(A). City of Wildwood Land Development Regulations, Providing for Ratio ol Gross Floor Area per acre, and providing foran effective date. Ordinance No. A37 Is available at City Hall for Public In- :.:-.Iei:.ir. ,.-.r.c,-, the ''.,:., of: 800 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,' 1.:.r,,3a, Ir,,':ugr. F.1a3, C,-,mmer t'. ,'T|, b .ol.:-d .3l -h- at,,. rT,.lic.r,-.1 ,r,.-iellr.g or Ir. ...Illir.q aa l.re:.ed to the City Clerk, 100'N r.lair. Lie- i ,i.xl....:..x: F,.:.,'a. 34785. Be advised that any person wishing to appeal any de- cision made L,' Ir., C:.mmrTi .:i.:,r, or. ar, r,i.rrl.r ,:.:.r,:I.-. eta,,1 .i.ilri.n Irg rriernrg ,.III r,"., .3 le.--:.'j : .I, Ir, ,r,: , .,: etira 'r.. rn. r,.e.3 1.:. ..r.',,j,. ir-..l 3 .- ,llnr . .: 3 i. ,T..3.3 ,e, hr,r t.:r 'il.- e I'. Ie.IIh ,:iy and.evl- >ar,,:e i..:.. rpl,.ir. ier ,e .pp,.,- i. h;, r Ic.a:o^ .. , Any person requiring special accommodation should contact the City Clerk, 352-330-1330 ext 102. S/s/ Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter, County Times, Oc- tober 13 and 20,2005. 630-1103 SCT Notice of Action/State of FL v: '1 ,.-., PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF FLORIDA, CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS & TRAINING COMMISSION, Petitioner . vs. FREDERICK J. STONE, Case #21951 Respondent S. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: FREDERICK J. STONE Residence Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Administrative Complaint has been filed against you seeking to revoke your Cor- rectional Certificate in accordance with Sectlon 943.1395, F.S., and any rules promulgated thereunder. You are required to serve a written copy of your Intent to request a hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, F.S. upon Michael Crews, PROGRAM DIRECTOR, Criminal Justice Professlonalism Program, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, P. 0. Box 1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489, on or before December 10, 2005. Failure to do so will result In a default being entered against you to Revoke said certification pursuant to Section 120.60, F.S., and Rule 11B-27, F.A.C. Dated: October 10, 2005 SERGEANT DORRIS SEIBERT CHAIRMAN CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING COMMISSION By: -s- Lessette Traverso, Division Representative Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 2005. 624-1027 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Patricia Mlnnlch-Atklnson/Rlchard T. Atkinson PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005 DR 001378 IN RE: The Marriage of PATRICIA MINNICH-ATKINSON, -Wife, and RICHARD T. ATKINSON, Husband. 'NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: RICHARD T. ATKINSON 3234 Baltimore Blvd. Finkoburg, MD 21048 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on PATRICIA MINNICH-ATKINSON, whose address is 1935 CR 470, Okahumpka, Florida 34762, on or before November 7, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- ture papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: September 30, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Grace Krause Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 6,13,20 and 27,2005, 631-1103 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Denise Pimentel/Wllllams Alexander Guerrero PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005 DR 001401 IN RE: The Marriage of DENISE PIMENTEL f/k/a DENISE GUERRERO, Wife, . and WILLIAMS ALEXANDER GUERRERO, Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: WILLIAMS A. GUERRERO 22 Parkland Ave., Apt. 20 Lynn, Mass. 01904 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that' an action has, been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on DENISE PIMEN- TEL, whose address Is 310 N. Broad St.; Bushnell, Florida 33513, on or before November 14, 2005, and file the oi,'gi3-,3xi ...rr, ir..- .'ie ,:r ri-,i:' C .rt at 209 N. Florida iij.-li t ,J r,,-,1-ii 1 :Ii 'i.:'. er.:. servicee on Petitioner .:r i xIrr,-e.3.e3, ir-n..n.-, II you lall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of.the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- ture papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: October 4,2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: /s/ Grace Krause Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times; Oc- tober 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 2005. 696-1013 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE SJ lii': I H:I Elsi' GIVEN that .ur, ,r I.:. .3 v',.,r of Exe- n:.i. :j i the Circuit. :urr :. ;.jr.e ,County, Florida, or. Ir.i :, .:13, of AuJu.i h-, re cause wherein -ir. :-r k -. was Plaintiff and Jack Dietz and Jun- u,-r: ,.'ee Defendants, being Case No. 2001CA580, in said Court. I .e.'iilim ', f3ia-re, 3 i-r,,iff of Sumter County, Fh:,r ,33 r,,3.,- I.l -3 j, :,-. 311 ir,-. right, title and, Interest Ir ir.e a. j ,-r. j.3 C ''i.sr-, q0'-d June Dietz,.in and to the following described properly, to-wit: 2001 BLUE GMC YUKON XL VIN/3GKECI6T1 G209673 2005 RED NISSAN PICK UP VIN/IN6BA07A05N523322 and on the 25th-day of October, 2005, at the North Door of the Sumter County Judicial Building, In the City of Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., I will offer for sale all of the said Defendants' Jack Dietz and June Dietz, right, -is orn. ir.i-r.--er ir. 3o.:.r- .31.a rcio.peT, .r p .T aI.: C.u- r, r. ..iii :sii1Ir., :i ,re u jc.J -t i.: i ,1 .' i i',. 31,rr.j t. .ar-. : 3,3 i'J agents, If any, to the r..g:r.e:r 3,-.,' c .i cti3-r c i..3.r, r for cash, the procee,.": i:. r, o.apF.i *i. r.1-' a' 7.3, c.e to the pay- ment of costs and satisfaction of the above-described execution. The vehicles can be viewed at Wildwood Auto and Wrecker Service by calling ahead, at 352-748-1716. W. O. Farmer, Jr., Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida By: -s-Sgt Roger Hayes Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, September 22. 29 October 6 and 13,2005. 694-1013 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage . Rania W. Abu Noser/Robert L Willey PUBLIC NOTICE IN.THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ii -t ', ,L- :i" ".ir e rt" ':C i'inr I: ,,rII:, I" .11L. L, *. '.v ,I l :l,-, l *;-- El I 2:.:'-o.r'-001104 RANIA W. ABU NASER, Petitioner, and ROBERT L. WILLEY, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: ROBERT.LAWRENCE WILLEY Last Known Address: Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed Against you 'and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it on Rania W. Abu Naser, whose address Is 609 S.W. Str., Bushnell, FL'33513,. on or before October 24, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk "of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or Immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be enter- ed against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In this lawsuit will be maIled to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED this 15th day of September, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, September 22, 29, October 6 and 13, 2005. 639-1013 SCT Livestock Impounded PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the following described HORSES (TWO): I SORREL BLAZED MARE and I BAY MARE are now Impounded at the County,ULvestock Impound Yard located at 223 E. Anderson Ave., Bushnell, Florida 33513, and the amount due by reason of such im- pounding is $249.00 as of the date of this Notice. The above-described horses will, unless redeemed within 3 days from date hereof, be offered for sale at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash. October 11, 2005. William 0. Farmer, Jr. Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida By: /s/ Usa Edwards Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13, 2005. 695-1013 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Sandra Montoya-Townsend/John Lee Townsend PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA FAMILY LAW DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-DR-001288 IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF SANDRA MONTOYA-TOWNSEND, Petitioner/Wife, and JOHN LEE TOWNSEND, Respondent/Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: JOHN LEE TOWNSEND YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been flied. against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it on the Petition- er/Wife's attorney, Mary P. -Hatcher, Esquire, MARY HATCHER, P.A., whose address is 222 South Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, on or before October 24, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fall to do .so, a default may be, entered against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- titled on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED this 15th day of September, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, September 22, 29, October 6 and 13, 2005. 633-1103 SCT NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE *:.il:i.iii CC uri .:F THi Fi1iH .IJI,,:.-1i-I' CIrI 1 .iT n J zLi I C FC.. l .ilTp' C 'Ti.l r, F .iC:r':.", C&NE NO 2.nMCAM1417 A. GENE GRIMES, Plaintiff, - vs. ROBERT B. TRACY, AS THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF MARGIE S. HARPER A/K/A MARGIE LETHA SHANKS DAVIS HARPER, A/K/A MARJORIE S. HARPER A/K/A MARJORIE S. REED A/K/A MARJORIE REED A/K/A MARGIE S. REED A/K/A MARJORIE REED HARPER A/K/A MARGIE REED HARPER, ROBERT B. TRACY, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF THURMAN R. HARPER, FAYE M. HELMES AND DONALD J. EMBERLIN, AS TRUSTEES OF THE STEPHENS TRUST, DATED JULY 16, 1993, ALL OTHER TRUSTEES, WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN OF THE STEPHENS TRUST, DATED JULY 16, 1993, ALL BENEFICIARIES; WHETHER KNOWN OR UN- KNOWN, OF THE STEPHENS TRUST, DATED JULY 16, 1993, STEPHEN D. DAVIS, THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, AND ALL UNKNOWN NATURAL PERSONS IF ALIVE, AND IF DEAD OR NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, THEIR SEVERAL AND RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES AND CREDITORS, OR OTHER PARTIES CLAIM- ING BY, THROUGH, OR UNDER THOSE UNKNOWN NATU- RAL PERSONS; AND THE SEVERAL AND RESPECTIVE UN- KNOWN 'ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, TRUSTEES OR ANY OTHER PERSON CLAIMING BY THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ANY CORPORATION OR OTHER LEGAL ENTI- TY NAMED AS A DEFENDANT; AND ALL CLAIMANTS, PER- SONS OR PARTIES, NATURAL OR CORPORATE OR WHOSE EXACT LEGAL STATUS IS UNKNOWN, CLAIMING UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE NAMED OR DESCRIBED DEFENDANTS OR PARTIES OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT TITLE OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE LANDS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Robert B. Tracy, as the Personal Representative of the Estate of Margie S. Harper a/k/a Margie Letha Shanks Davis Harper a/k/a Marjorie S. Harper a/k/a Marjorie S. Reed a/k/a Mar'.:.re i .3.' '3 I l,.3gle S. Reed a/k/a Marorie Reed -l.e,-i o a.lar-'- .i !eed Harper (hereinafter Margie C H.),pe.r. P .:in : riacy. Individually and as ir, Fe-r:.r,-,ai ipe-.-..r,i3 .:.r the Estate of Thurman rP H,Or-i Fi.,e M. Helmes and Don- ald J. Emt.r itr., .3; irue' :.r ir. le'pr.e.-. ir..j i ated July 16, i.'-.: .11i other trustees, .-.r.ir,,.' S'..: ...', .:r un- known of the Stephens Trust, dated July 16. 1993, all beneficiaries, whether known or unknown, of the Ste- phehs Trust, dated July 16, 1993, Stephen D. Davis, the United States Department of the Treasury Internal Rev- enue Service, and all unknown natural persons if alive, and If dead or not known to be dead or alive, their several and respective unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees and creditors, or other parties claiming by,, through or under those unknown natural persons; and the : -i. '3 3r.3 re-c.- ;rl.e urLr.:.. ,. 3. 'i,.3 ,: .a. - ..:r,".: i', i .' trustee: C. ar,, s.ir.-. .er'.:.r. cil.i .i,,3 :. Ir,I.:..gr. ur,,-. or against any corporation or other legal entity named as a Defendant; and all claimants, persons or parties, natural or corporate, or whose ex- act legal status is unknown, claiming under any of the above named or described Defendants or parties claiming to have any right title or interest In and to the lands hereinafter described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to the following property in Sumter County, Florida: That portion of Section 26, Township 21 South, Range 21 East, Sumter County, Florida and Lots 9 and 10 and a portion of Lots 11 and 12, SUMTER GARDENS PLAT NO. 29, according to the plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 2, Page 45, of the Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, described as follows: Commence at the Southwest comer of said Section 26; thence run North 00" 03' 24" West, 2036.32 feet along the West boundary line of said section 26; thence North 35" 39' 32" East, 719.34 feet; thence North 39* 33' 32" East 186.30 feet; thence North 45* 57' 24" East, 204.53 feet; thence North 49* 24' 10" East, 171.16 feet; thence North 52* 16' 02" East, 159.63 feet; thence North 48 43' 47" East, 130.10 feet; thence North 41" 08' 03" East, 134.18 feet; thence North 37 05' 20" East, 642.76 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue North 37" 05' 20" East, 416.74 feet; thence North '39* 21' 56" East, 105.67 feet; thence North 43* 08' 25" East, 100.45 feet; thence North 45 27' 38" East, 234.42 feet; thence North 52 02' 19" East, 92.53 feet; thence North 68* 21' 21" East, 104.60 feet; thence North 74* 08' 02" East, 632.34 feet, thence North 62* 15' 42" East, 159.66 feet; thence North 48 50' 47" East, 128.67 feet; thence North 42* 34' 59" East, 147.25 feet; thence South 29* 19' 56" East, 579.11 feet; thence South 45 30' 50" East, 332.91 feet; thence South 55 32' 15" East, 267.03 feet; thence South 00* 18' 49" East, 1517.97 feet; thence South 00* 18' 56" East, 1151.42 feet; thence North 45* 39' 36" West, 3392.54 feet to the Point of Beginning.. SUBJECT to the roads as shown on the plat of SUMTER GARDENS PLAT NO. 29, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 45, of the Public Records of Sumter County, Florida and other easements of record. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it pn Felix M. Adams, the plaintiff's attorney, whose address Is 138 Bushnell, Plaza, Suite 201, Bushnell, Florida 33513, on or before November 14, 2005, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the plain- tiffs attorney or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief de- manded In the complaint or petition, DATED on October 7. 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL). By: /s/ Grace Krause Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 13,20,27, and November 3, 2004. ,tlkc-" t Uht " S"Copyrighted Material gySyndicated Content !.Availablemfrom Commercial News Providers OO oft .f., 0 0. fm, - Lon a' D2VB POI tw I - I- 0 hn -m o i-"Copyrighted Material DR- *- _; 6 --- Syndicated Content1__ Available from Commercial News rovvidrs - _- I & %- Oz- a - .- d --, ,,- ,,p~mm - _n -- * o *,=p .=, .- - o -b. m, * *. n _p, __ o_- L i Cl L.) tSU^K t:^ FLOSS ACROSS Avai "Copyrighte Material Syndicated Content lable from Commerc ial News Providers" a- = i-rn = -w - ~ E~ ~ a - w ~ - dow .w Himp ubm o mmmd dr a Kick up HEAT wwh F LAVOS oDvra hted Material - I,' Syndi cated Content " Available from Commercial News Providers" I b * : A* * e- eb SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 19 , fvl vernes ,.i,.- |,-'- ^- P.. il.. 4...:..... ..A....U a... .":'-.- ; -' '-'" a.. : +" -., -- ": --. ,-'. --_ -* -.- . NlWP ftfibR FIVE STAR RIonT PRae i COUNTRY MSRP .................................. ......15,6000 .. .. 21,64000 You Save................................... $2,78000 .. .. ... 3, 3200 #D50726X -- MSRP.......................................... 29,50000 You Save........................................$7,82000 YOU PAY ONLY #JO #JQ503O M SRP0,3 ..3........ ..... .... .22,2100 123,12 You Save................................. .....'7,19400 YOU PAY ONLY 'On select 2005 make and models See dealer for delallz Prices & Paymenrt exclude la<. lag. lille and dealer fees (299 50) all rebates. customer loyally ? dealer in,: ooiro4se.2005 Dodge Neons Great DOWN / From & Chevy Cavaliers Mileage From e aes #J050450 00) 0- . 900 MSRP........................................ $40,395 - You Save ................................... '7,18600 YOU PAY ONLYw enh ea included expreS In'e [ollo'.-.ing Monday of ad dale Pnolos for illustration purposes only PER MOINT wL 03 JEEP 05 DODGE 02 FORD KING 03 CHRYSLER 02 CHEVY 05 CHEVY COLORADO 03 CHEVY SILVERADO 04 CHEVY GRAND CHEROKEE RAM RANCH CREW CAB TOWN & COUNTRY SILVERADO CREW CAB 4x4 Z71 EXT CAB AVALANCHE Z71 Larado. #8513P Quad cab. #D50778A #D50255B All power, LTD. #8647T Blue. #25494A Auto, loaded, fact. warr. #8558P Must seel #8570P Silver. #N6012A S15,888 16,988 *17,488 *18,988 '18,888 '19,995+ s21,5931 *21,998 -72 months @ 7.9'. Selling price $11.588 'Prices and payments exclude tax, tag tille and dealer fee 1299.50 land includes all faclory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER 17 38DODGE JEEP (mtC Hy. 44 est, Inverness k..TrTr@ RjPio 1) ELI PAGE 20, SLIMI ER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 R VOLUTION En _n~. erAd Hage Savings On I BO n Al iB 05 Silverado 2500 HD Ext. S UPTO - OFF MSRP LOWER THAN EMPLOYEE PRICING' THE FUN CONTINUES 05 Trailblazer UP TO OFF MSRP LOWER THAN EMPLOYEE PRICING THE FUN CONTINUES! lr for details. Prices & Payments exclude tax tag tille and dealer fee ORIG. MSRP S48.540vW~.. THE FUN CONTINUES 09qio ial rea tes cusiomh~ e r oat de.tnnI,,ih Ialer incentives incl ded flu-c. Inc. fiollo,Ang ,~Mr 5 ECIAL PURCe .er. 2005 Dodge Neons Great DOWN From & Chevy Cavaliers league T7-//i- ~~/r PER MONTH.wL 02 FORD 00 CHEVY 96 AUDI 96 CADILLAC RANGER VENTURE QUATRO FLEETWOOD Ready for work. #D50813A Ready for the Family. #8560A Loaded, low miles. #D80779A All power. #D50814A $4,988 SOLD '8,9880 9,988 IMUllfMP^Liltiii =51iii~llmiI-IHK, faf ~BBdl^ex 05 CHEVY 04 CHEVY 04 DODGE CARAVAN 05 CHEVY 03 DODGE 02 CHEVY 01 DODGE 01 CHRYSLER CAVALIER IMPALA Blue. clean, all power. IMPALA RAM S-10 LS RAM SLT TOWN & COUNTRY 10 :o choose from! Great on gas Power seat. #26064A #26020A Have 2 to choose from Ready for work. #D50766A X cab, great on gas. #D50688A Quad cab, loaded. #D50389A Loaded w/luxury. #8546T *12,488 12,888 13,995+ 15,9881 $11,488 $11,988* *11,988+ $11,988' l l l. .. L i i'N_ .- 02 CHEVY 05 CHEVY COLORADO 03 CHEVY SILVERADO 04 CHEVY 03 JEEP 05 DODGE 02 FORD KING 03 CHRYSLER SILVERADO CREW CAB 4x4 Z71 EXT CAB AVALANCHE Z71 GRAND CHEROKEE RAM RANCH CREW CAB TOWN & COUNTRY Blue. #25494A Auto, loaded, fact. warr. #8558P Must seel #8570P Silver. #N6012A Larado. #8513P Quad cab. #D50778A #D50255B All power, LTD. #8647T 18,8881 '19,995 '212,5930 21,998 '$15,8880 '16,988 '17488q 18,9880 "72 months @ 7 9. Selling prce $11.,58 &Prices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299 50 )and includes all factory incentives rebates and customer loyalty Dealer incentives subject to change See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only I m. 1-877-692,799 i:750 CHLEVROLET (MY CRY 9'Hwy. 44 West, Inverness -On select 2005 makes and.models See de oulf With conaldence j>i1jeVery CSVSJ'Cfi QuC#jjfjed PrCA-Owoles 11" Vehicle i SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005, PAGE 21 You Must Know What Your Trade Is Worth Before You Shop For A New Car. If sel thai your you are going t4 I or trade, it's c t you know the car, truck, van o buy, critical value of or SUV. Our expert appraisers can give you a value within minutes, and it's... Ocala Nissan Mitsubishi PAGE 22, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 11 *eIl AM(o J.J INL*VA )11lit /W#N... ad "TIRES &FOE IF" Cet irNs Por Lie kith hey He Toy0111 Vehicle Must Have All Service & Repairs Performed At DeLuca Toyota. Must Follow Facto R ured Service Schedule... e3 s BRAND NEW 2005 S ,xi 'I SCION'S "PURE PRICE" PURCHASE MEANS NO HAGGLE. NO HASSLE.Vehicle starts well equipped. r You can accessorize (or not) Simple, straight forward menu pricing. APR N A ...o.er Strg & SC 13 AC. Power SteEmilng & Windows, R T 6 Ho.e o., APR Windows. ABS 5Speaker ABS. Keyless Entry, 6 Speaker ly Wheels, PioneerAMDIF PCD ion.er AMFMICD Po0ner Sunroof. F FINANCING - J fro m P l, rom FIWro m f H fliif-i-H i=- **^ M mmFm Eur t OA m. 778L f E n 4-1rhI~ C~lh~(.. Y I & OMM tPo I CORWWOWIEs1Q11 r~irr1,~EC ,j9J 0 9 hi $40001 n 1DA IN TOYOTA REBATES! Uss'sa"s WE SELL THE MOST CARS SO YOU GET OUR LOWEST PRICE! Air Conltcning. Po S~reoCD Pql mBea. % COMA Iorsng Power 17rL 4ILr .0 1. 0f id3 4M fol F tolwivonLrrg Poeee IPowP BrAiei, AMIFM sw FyLOSae Bed 3 S50b ~ lowiS CMVaIri. 2;11 L "e~m W A a .1 ntlJnG More NEW'0 TOYTA Se05 OYPOsekTA FEY0 rs TCl wrN~M~IF rro O aer E ~ irj ?rrorrof 011V A-tilt ~ e '93 TOYOTA PREY WA AMFM VICj. Full FPowi ,rCrwze .SiuFINUFOMA "96 V6120 RANGEUR XL? AWFA-'FCai~s AlrCondflroning Alloy Wre~ds. SIM E' W01 M `94 MAZOA WMAVA PU1X AMIFM .Cass. Cruise Contral]l. KylesuEnt? y SAOrC fi 31A '01 PONTIAC MONTANA AM/FM, CO. Full Powr. Ciuise PlRooRakKeSyl~essEntry .StlrrE20,%A -.02. ODCarmINTRLEPIDSEU AM/FM'~CaoSS Full Pvoer. Alloy VWneols Ke I&%,t Entry StIMiF0a197A `01 TOYOTA TACOMA iEr! XCA13 AiutFWC ii-- CC. Full Pover Shut E2D97A "02 TOYTA COROLLA LU. AWFM/Cau-a Full PcmjverCruitie 1Sf? P1M79 '03 TOVOTA MATRIX ERSm AFtUICs&am/=D Full Power Ciuise, Sunrool. Allay WhreIs. lKeyle~tr Entry. Sikii E205r4B WAS Si $4,495 *3,995 $4,999 $4,588 s6,977 s5,988 '1 1,295 *9,998 '11,399 10,581 s13,899 *12,991 $13,999 '12,995 515,595 $14,381 WAS IS '02 PORD WINDSTAR SE $ Q5,699 *14,481 ,M FM'CarsCD Full P '.,(e PO'. ar SPt-a3 Cruise P Rc i c'k Alloys. Ke 1e.ss Stk< E2082A '2, TOVoTAsCE-LIA GT ,16,977 15,895 A Fr. C ,S.iI) FHI ,:...r r,11, .,?, :,f fl1,',. W l,rj, ls.i',-')lc., F rllr I nFIfFlt'fnA o cRYSLER PT CRUISER S1 7,399 916,281 AMI'FM'I CD F PI PWR. Cr 01e. PWRSe&L Lpalhe-r. Sunroof Crlorntrie 3 Kevies. Sika Ei671M '04 TOYOTA MATRIX S 7,677 916,441 '04 PONTIAC VIME $17,899 '16,889 AM'FM CO. FullP,;.m r C ,u e Rocl Raci, K,-fii. Enlry SlkN P11,93 '04 DODGE INTREPID ES S 17,999 $16,899 AM 'F.'CD. Full F'r..% r P .':.r Seiis Crji.ie Alloy WbiEls hK .es= Ec ntr y Sli P1583 '04 MAZDA DUAL SPORT XCAB $ 17,999 16,998 AMFAVCD. Full PwE Cru;n3. Alloy Whegl. Ke/leis Entry. Siki Pl 1568 'os Ik ov COROLLA LE s 18,699 17,766 AMRFM'CD. Full Pne-r. KeVless. Erlrv SI.lo P1585 "TOYOTA MAKES THE CAR .DEWCA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" Siii ri "ii rimi ,. ,m LA _ U' 'LOCATION: 1'V/2 MILRS- RAST OP PADDOCK MALL M wfpJaem .Y EO I A1"RPon j~AM .PJDPN15BAeD ON 4h8AO Xn4 iL U. OI A'FOV1 O 31 Brlv o f6FFosCAN NT 1eelJlflr IN i~ L VISIT US 24 HOURS A DAY 7/DAYS A WEEK 64 , ; ,', ., k. _,L ,, "WAPPMI-MA y.7;t 7-9mNlMgP-, ' MMM M% W.-.7 !L'. |