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Established 1881 I SUMTER COUNTY INSIDE Calendar ............. 10 Church ............... 9 Obituaries ............ .6 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits ..............13 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 20051 Sumterville landfill proposed BOB REICHMAN Editor The operator of a Sumterville/Lake Panasoffkee landfill used for disposal of construction and demolition debris wants to modify an existing permit for a Class 3 landfill to a Class 1 landfill that would allow dis- posal of solid waste. Currently, ACMS Inc. has a permit allowing the company to construct a Class 1 landfill west of the county landfill off County Road 529. The company is asking the county to modify its permit to a Class 1 landfill so that household solid waste mate- Selecting county leader BOB ReICMVrANM Editor County commissioners are in the process of sorting through about a dozen appli- cations to find a replacement for retiring County Administrator Bernard Dew. Since the County Commission began accepting applications for the position, about 50 candidates had applied by the September deadline, according to Sandra Howell, assistant county administrator: From that amount. County Commissioners last week, along with Tom Freigjo, sen- ior vice president. of the Mercer Group Inc., the com-' pany hired by the County Commission to weed through the applications, narrowed the field to about a dozen potential candidates. From that amount, about five top candidates will be selected for interviews. County commissioners are scheduled to meet on Friday, Oct. 28, at 8 a.m. to interview the top contenders. Interviews with the candi- dates are expected to contin- ue throughout the day in County Commission cham- bers on the second floor of the courthouse. Following the interviews, the applicants will then attend a social gathering at the Bushnell Community Center from 6 to 8 p.m. where they will interact with com- munity and business leaders. The following day, Oct. 29, commissioners will meet at 1 p.m. to narrow the field and make their selection. Candidates competing for the job have varied employ- ment records and come from Florida and outside the state. City managers, county admin- istrators and corporate exec- utive officers are all vying for Sumter's top government position. The annual salary range for Dew's position is between $110,000 to $135,000. While commissioners con- sider the applicants, they will also ,consider what role the county administrator should play in local government. Currently, commissioners view the position, with differ- ent thoughts. The board hopes to construct a clearer outline of exactly what func- tions the new county adminis- trator will perform. In particular, commission- ers will be considering if they want the county administra- tor to be more of a liaison between county department heads and the County Commission or whether com- missioners should continue to interact with department heads about issues. Please see COUNTY, Page 2. rial can be accepted at the proposed facility. Basically, the difference between a Class 3 and a Class 1 landfill is that household garbage can be accepted at a Class 1 facility, according to ACMS president Randy Messer. Messer has operated a con- struction and demolition debris facility for about seven years near the pro- posed site of the Class 1 land- fill. The proposal is scheduled to be discussed by the county Zoning and Adjustment Board at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 17, on the third floor of the Sumter County Courthouse, in Bushnell. The proposal is scheduled to be discussed by the county Zoning and Adjustment Board at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 17. The board recommenda- tion will then be submitted to the County Commission for consideration at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 25. The Zoning and Adjustment Board's review will result in a recommenda- tion to the County Commission. The County Commission has the final say on the project. The project involves creat- ing a lined Class 1 landfill on 280 acres, according to the application. It would be built in eight phases over 60 years. ACMS Inc. is also seeking to rezone the acreage from agri- cultural to industrial. Of that 280 acres about 180 would actually be used for landfill, Messersaid. The property is located at the end of County Road 529, in the vicinity of the intersec- tion of County Road 475 and County Road 470. It sur- rounds the current Sumter County landfill. Messer said the proposed facility will be a state-of-the- art landfill that will meet the county's recently adopted ordinance specifying requirements for a Class 1 solid waste landfill. "Sumter County's new ordi- nance is more stringent than state requirements and we meet all the requirements," he said. Several years ago, a pro- posal for a Class 1 landfill submitted to the county by a different company brought mounds of protests from southern residents of Sumter County when a solid waste landfill was proposed near [FASTER PASTOR 8 i ++ Ra ",: :',.. .... k' .(/. fll )- , ....,, . we- - I.-C ..o Rev. Richard Derreth,,of Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist, climbed aboard number 74, all suited up to give a wave. Unfortunately, the car had starter problems prior to the race. Local pastors take to the racetrack S BRENDA LOCKLEAR Monroe, in car number 13, Staff Writer said it was great to come by the stands and hear his church members cheering Some Sumter churches for him. are really reiwin' up with a And while both Monroe little different approach, and Derreth were ready to' when it comes to reaching run, it wasn't meant to be. out. Borrowing cars from regu- Sure, there are churches ar k .... racer De.rr.t.h'S Pastor Thomas Monroe, of Stagecoach Junction, raced in number 13 and took the lead early in the Faster Pastor race, but he didn't make the finish line. He had a flat just after get- ting the feel of the car and really picking up some speed. who meet for "Cowboy Church" in an equestrian center. And then there's movie nights and praise bands, but this week, two local pastors geared up and prepared to run down their fear, behind the wheel of local stock cars at, Citrus County Speedway. That's right, Pastor Thomas Monroe at Stagecoach Junction in Bushnell and Rev. Richard Derreth at Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist were ready, will- ing and able when it came to the "Faster Pastor" race at the Inverness raceway. They were game when their congregation members asked them to take part in the amateur race slated for last Saturday night jump- ing into a stock car with no experience or no previous chance to drive it and taking it around the track in a race to the finish. Dozens of supporters, including some of their con- gregation members, were on hand for the run. car number 74 never made the line-up. The stock was pulled from its first run with an overheating starter. Monroe made the track, but after a couple of laps and just when he was getting the feel of the gears and moving up in speed, he smashed into a hole and flat- tened a tire, ending his run. They put the pastors in their cars cold turkey no chance to drive them ahead of time. As for being nervous, Monroe said it was then. "I wasn't until I actually got in the car," he said, point- ing out the gear they had to wear and how closed in things felt once they were inside with the gear on. -"It was a different feeling than you expect," he said. "It was an exciting feel- ing," said Derreth, who did get to climb into the car. Members of his congrega- tion laughed when they found out he wouldn't be Please see PASTOR, Page 2 Center Hill. That request launched strong opposition from resi- dents who voiced concerns about the impact the landfill would have on the environ- ment and their community. The company then with- drew its application and the County Commission estab- lished a moratorium for Class 1 landfills until they could adopt an ordinance outlining requirements. Messer said he believes his proposal will be beneficial for Sumter County. It helps consolidate landfill operations to one area and Please see LANDFILL, Page 2 Coleman fire dept moves AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Sumter County Fire Rescue Station 33 in Coleman has moved abruptly, but the rea- son for the change depends on whom you ask Until Friday, the station was located in a building on Florida Avenue leased by the City of Coleman, which is also occupied by the Coleman Police Department. Fire Rescue had a three- year lease agreement with the city, and that lease expired at midnight on Friday. Coleman City Clerk Clay Godwin said Fire Rescue Director Chief Bill Gulbrandsen made known they did not desire to renew the lease as early as May this year. Godwin said a few weeks ago Judd Wright of Station 33 mentioned possibly extend- ing the lease until February but never submitted anything in writing to the city as would be necessary for the exten- sion. "To me, (moving) was their own decision," Godwin said. But Deputy Chief Brad Burris of Sumter Fire Rescue said the city did not give Fire Rescue a choice in the matter. According to Coleman's Please see FIRE, Page 2 Times goes to 50 cents The Sumter County Times is increasing its single-copy rate to 50 cents per issue due to increasing publication costs. The new rate becomes effective with the October 6 edition of the newspaper. The 50-cent charge will affect customers buying the Times at stores and from vending boxes.. Yearly subscription rates to the Sumter County Times are $19 for in- county subscribers, $31 for out-of- county subscribers, and $37 for out- of-state subscribers. For more information about subscribing to the Times call 352-793-2161 5 *A' r-l <^ fc 5 s s c? a ^ 3 IL< ^ gg ri ""^'S ^ m '^"1 f^' ^.3 ^' ^^ ii^n wj s; s"-.'* i Sgg tp Sfiti * ^ K. (3 ARA VOLUME 121 NUMBER 38 50 CENTS PAGE 2. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 Rinker mine expansion to go before County Commission AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer The Sumter County Zoning and Adjustment Board voted to recommend an application for the expansion of the Rinker/Florida Crushed Stone mine in Center Hill. It will be up to the County Commission to decide whether or not to grant the conditional use permit for the mine to expand by 231 acres. The issue will go before commissioners at a regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 11 beginning at 5 p.m. in the commission chambers at the courthouse in Bushnell. The company had original- ly applied. for the permit on December 20, 2004, but the application was met with objections by residents in the area. A letter from the mine's consulting company to Planning and Development Director Robbie Rogers indi- cated changes were made to the original application. '"As a result of discussion with the County, Southwest Florida Water Management District, and the Sumter County citizens during two community meetings, Florida Crushed Stone Company has modified the mine plan," the letter states. Still, the issue took up much of a three and one half- hour Zoning and Adjustment Board meeting. Several resi- dents were present to voice objections of the expansion. In a 6-3 vote, the board voted to recommend approval of the application to commissioners next week. The application changes include expanding by 231 acres instead of the original 315. Another was altering the distance for mining and blast- ing (for the modified quar- ries). from the property line from the original 215 to 375 feet along the western prop- erty boundary. Along County Road 48, the setback has been changed from 375 to 700 feet. Several dozens of letters from residents opposing the mine expansion have been received between May and September of this year. An opposition group called CORE (Citizens Against Rinker's Expansion) formed several months ago for the same reason. In one letter, Shirley Caution: Hurricane relief scams LANDFILL Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson is urging people to check out charities before donating money to victims of Hurricane Katrina. There is a potential for scam artists posing as relief agencies for the storm victims in Florida and elsewhere. In Florida, most charities are required to register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and provide finan- cial information, such as how much is raised, and how much is spent on administra- FIRE continued from Page 1 meeting minutes from a work- shop on May 19, Gulbrandsen indicated, "the County did not intend to renew the lease." According to Burris, this was untrue. "No, the actual gist of the meeting is the City of On Fri Coleman did not want to renew the station, u lease. afire "We were not brush tr given the option to renew the eight V( lease," Burris firefight said. The city needed the space, equpm he said. in the p On Friday, he moi said the station, which has a fire engine, brush truck and eight volunteer firefighters and equipment, was in the process of moving. Burris did not specify. a loca- tion but said it would probably be in a "facility nearby," within a e t ? y tive costs, fundraising and on the program services. Charities that solicit in Florida are included in this requirement even if they are located out of state. The Department has received complaints in the past about organizations seeking help for disaster vic- tims and pocketing the money. It is difficult to inves- tigate these crimes because the scam artists often disap- pear from an area by the time consumers realize they have been conned. Out of state charities are especially diffi- cult to follow up on so it's mile of the old building. Also according to the May meeting minutes, there had been other discussion related to the building regarding payment for water usage, maintenance, fire vehicles, and response times. Godwin said as far as the building lease agreement was concerned, there wasn't a prob- lem. "There's no problem- the lease was up," he Lay, the said. Mhich has "It's just a bit of -:- I a surprise and engine, now suddenly uck and Coleman's the lunteer bad guy in the sit- uation;" he said. ers and He said he nt, was couldn't speak for the City Council, process of but he believed fing. members would -- have been recep- tive to a formal request to renew or extend had one been made. "I'm of the opinion something could've been worked out" On Monday. Burris said he could not immediately specify where Station 33 would be locat- ed. important that people take the time to check the back- ground of a charity prior to making a donation. Consumers can call the Division of Consumer Services hotline at 1-800- HELPFLA (1-800-435-7352) to verify that a charity is prop- erly registered or exempt from registration, find out how an organization spends its donations, and check on the complaint history of a charity. Charities that are located out of state and do not solicit in Florida do not have to be registered. Bronson says peo- PASTOR continued from Page 1 racing. They had a prayer for Derreth and the other racers earlier and said, "Meant to be," when they realized he wouldn't be on the track Derreth said the adrenaline was beginning to flow earlier in the night, but he wound up with mixed emotions. TI was mainly disappointed at first, especially for Jack he had worked so hard to get it done. And for those who came expecting to see a race." But then with a laugh he said there was a little relief there because he wouldn't have to work his arm. He's been having some shoulder problems. "I think it was a good place to be. Just the fact that they .have a track chaplain ought to say something for us," he added. ple who get a phone number of an out-of-state charity from a satellite news broad- cast or the Internet may not be able to do a background check on the organization. He encourages consumers who want to help storm vic- tims outside of Florida to donate to charities that are well known and have estab- lished reputations. Consumers who have addi- tional questions or want to report a potential scam should also call the Department's hotline at 1- 800-HELPFLA. As for Monroe, once he got on the track, he said, "It was great!" The car he used belongs to a Christian racer and the words "On Fire For God" are painted on the car. "He gave me some tips," which included staying in sec- ond gear, Monroe said. After about the second lap, Monroe was ready to go, pick- ing up speed and actually leading the other three at one time. "It was a lot of fun a unique experience," he said. The fastest run took home $300 for their church and the highest number of congrega- tion members present brought in $100. It was Citrus pastors who took the win for speed in the 10-lap race. Dave Maddox in car number 77, took first place with Bill Ross, in car number 60X, taking second. Edwin Lundy took third. .'Other race results from the continued from Page 1 could save the county money in fuel costs associated with transporting refuse out of COUNTY continued from Page 1 Dew, 60, has been employed by county govern- ment for more than 30 years. He told the County Commission at a June 14 night were: Pro Modified Feature 75 Laps 25 Cars 1. #61 Chet Senokossoff 2. # 6 Dwayne Dempsey 3. #93 Rob Partelo Fast Qualifier 13.838 Seconds 4. #6B Billy Bechtelheimer 5. #98 Robbie Cooper 6. #77 John Gerstner 7. # 1 Wayne Jefferson 8. #56 Gary Southard 9. #89 Lee Collins 10. #01 Curtis Neumann Hobby Stock Feature 40 Laps 24 Cars 1. #77 Doc James Batsoni 2. #3X Curtis Flanagan - Fast Qualifier 15.938 Seconds 3. #2x Don Teague 4. #11 Tim Anderson 5. #22 Herb Hoefler 6. #73k David Kingsbury 7. #20 Josh Teague 8. #16 Danny He 9. #23 Butch Patz 10. #77 Neal Gaither Mini Stock Feature 20 Morningstar who lives on County Road 48, wrote, "The blasting rocks my house and knocks pictures off the walls. It is surely causing structural damage. I'm also worried about the (mine's) effect on my well." Center Hill resident Leo Zimmerman presented sever- al photos of his home, which show cracks in the structure, to the Zoning and Adjustment board on Monday and submit- ted them as evidence. county, he said. "We're not proposing to be the dumping grounds for the state of Florida," Messer said. "This facility will be done right with concern for the environment." board meeting he plans to retire on July 1, 2006. Before he became admin- istrator, Dew served four years in the United States Air Force and worked in the Clerk of Circuit Court office while attending college in the early 1970s. Dew became Sumter's first county administrator in 1983. Laps 15 Cars 1. #05 Rick Sirmons 2. #44 Mike Lawhorn 3. #01 Johnny Siner 4. # 3 Matt Rotkis 5. # 5 Mark Sowell 1st Heat Winner #1 George Neumann 2nd Heat Winner #05 Rick Sirmons Thunder Stock Feature 20 Laps 19 Cars 1. #14 D.J. Macklin 2. #13 Rex Mullis 3. #77 Ted Taylor 4. #87 Jason Savoic 5. #60 Fred Henick 1st Heat Winner #14-. D.J. Macklin 2nd Heat Winner #85 Tim Wilson 3rd Heat Winner #13 Rex Mullis Figure 8 Feature 20 Laps - 17 Cars 1. #14 Wayne Calkins 2. #46 Steven Anderson 3. # 3 Clifford Rousseau 4. # 5 James Poole 5. #81 Ken Crews l awoo iMedical Center 411 N Webster St., Wildwood, FL ". '.W xN0NeW PATIENTS Providers: A. Allen, ARNP E.K. House, M.D. V. Jacobs, M.D. J. Cummings, M.D. We Accept:. Medicaid Medicare Blue Cross Blue Shield United Health Care Walk-ins welcome Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 to 5:00 Closed from 12:00 to 1:00 Friday 8:00 to 12:00 S352-7, '48-6689&-- T SUMMER COUNTY (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department 352-793-2161 Circulation 1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertising 352-793-2161 Classified Advertising 352-793-2161 Fax .................352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $19.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES Using breakthrough technologies and brand-new equipment, Munroe Regional doctors are now, treating urologic conditions with extreme accuracy and improved results. These technologies, including the GorenLight Laserand thed, Vinci Robot, are the same as those used by the leading uLrology specialists at the world's most renowned hospitals. The new equipment, combined with our highly trained, board-certified urologists and award- winning nursing sraff, offer you the most comprehensive array of treatment options in die area. These include proven, minimally-invasive techniques, such as robotic-assisted prostate surgeries, which result in: shorter length ofstay, less discomfort, reduced complications, and S sister recover),y times. Munroe Regional's regionally exclusive urology program is brought to you width the same high quali ty care you've come to expect. lb request a free brochure about urologic conditions and treatments, call our Health Resource Lineat 352.867.8181 Monday through Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Munroe Regional: Meeting the changinghealth needs ofthe community. Munroe Regional - Medical Center www.MuiirocRegional.com I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 3 Touring cement plant Democrats hold special dinner Room EDDINS the guests they were enter- recent event in Israel that s AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer A tour to a cement manufac- turing facility in Branford was held Saturday, and those who attended got a glimpse of what could be in store for Center Hill. Apparently, the tour to Suwannee American Cement was designed to allow those interested to see and learn about, an existing cement plant, which is owned by the same companies as Sumter Cement, LLC, a business that proposes mining and cement manufacturing on nearly 1,500 acres outside the current city limits of Center Hill. Sumter Cement has recent- ly applied for annexation into the city. About 25 people signed up to attend the tour, for which Suwannee American provid- ed transportation, to the facil- ity in Branford, about 50 miles northwest of Gainesville. The company boasts being "one of the world's leading manufacturers of Portland' cement." One of its parent compa- nies, Votorantim Cimentos, is a major cement manufacturer based in Brazil. Another is Anderson Columbia, an asphalt paving company based in Lake City. The plant in Branford is similar to what could be creat- ed in Center Hill, providing the company's requests for annexation, zoning changes, and mine and manufacturing permits are approved. Sumter Cement purchased the land, ,which is mostly improved pasture, in May this year. A similar tour to Suwannee American in April attended by City Council Members Elsie Ramsey and Jimmy Smith, which was not an advertised public meeting, proved controversial. Since then, many city and county residents have pub- licly opposed the proposals made by the company, citing concerns regarding potential environmental and health hazards, damage to structures from blasting and possible water problems. The County Commission has als. passed a resolution to Unlimited Hours, No Contracts! 9e95mo* * Instant Messaging Keep your buddy list * 10 e-mail addresses with Webmail! * FREE Te.;r,r,, I :iuo'r": oi * Custom Start Page lr. o' l T .l ( Surf up to 6X faster ) j.ust s3 more Sign Up Online! www.LocalNet.com . 352-629-7607 1-888-488-7265 Times Correspondent On Sunday, Oct. 2, Sumter County Democrats held a din- ner in memory of Lawton Chiles former governor of Florida. The group chose to honor Chiles because of his 40 years of public service dedicated to children and families throughout the state. Once known as 'Walkin' Lawton' for his 1,003-mile trek from the Panhandle to the Keys during his earlier campaign years, he died while in office in. 1998 just short of the end of his term. He was well known for his Healthy Start program com- menced in 1990 and his suc- cessful lawsuit against the tobacco industry in 1995. After a prime rib dinner was served at the dinner to trained by Cindy Cooper singing several songs ranging from the '40s to the present. She was well received by the crowd. Karen Thurman, chair of the Florida Democratic Party and featured speaker, explained to the attendees what they needed to do the get the campaign going to help 'turn Florida blue' indi- cating the color used by tele- vision media in determining which party won in a particu- lar state. After telling a joke regard- ing clocks, heaven and lying Ms. Thurman addressed the crowd. "This administration is based on lies and what is happening now will affect our children and our grandchil- dren. It's time to fight back and make our voices heard." She told the crowd that at a he was questioned by so many people from other states that are watching what will hap- pen come the next presiden- tial election here in Florida. After Ms. Thurman's speech Democratic hopefuls in the race for the governor's office were allowed three minutes each to speak to the local Democrats. Carol Castanegro and Rod Smith spoke for themselves while representatives spoke for other candidates. Lawton Chiles awards were presented to James Collier, Knute Dobkins and Sidney Thomas who founded the first Democratic Club in Sumter County. State Democratic Executive Committee Chair Woman Terri Lester was pleased with the attendance." fL- Police REPOTI Photo by Amanda Mims Lucy (right) and John Shoup of Adamsville get ready to board a bus destined for Suwannee American Cement in Brandford, Fla. near Center Hill City Hall on Saturday morning. The tour was open to the public. Suwannee American is owned by the same companies as Sumter Cement, LLC, a business that pro- poses mining and cement manufacturing on nearly 1,500 acres currently outside the city limits of Center Hill. oppose the annexation of the land into the City of Center Hill. On Saturday, Sue Michalson, of The Villages, took the bus ride to the plant because she has concerns about the environmental impacts of cement manufac- turing. She is organizing a group to oppose the mine and plant, and said she became involved when she realized how wide- spread activity of this industry is in the county. She said there are 137 cement plants in the country, and "three (plants) for one county is outrageous." Michalson is the president of The Villages Democrats Club of Sumter County and is trying to garner more support- ers of her position and her group, Citizens for Safe Air and Water. After the tour of the plant, she said she thought the facil- ity was "state-of-the-art" and that the officials were "very slick" "I'm not convinced," she said. Another guest on the tour was there to "see what's going on." Inverness resident 84-year- old John Outlaw said his interest in the project lies in his 75 acres near Mabel. "I'm not going to worry about it at my age, no. I just came to listen," he said. S Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM LASER SUREkRY BOARDING j m HEALTH CARE .=a r PET SUPPLIES -w -~- -~ ~ ~ ~ SUNDAY, OCT. 2, 2005 ANNUALS, PERENNIALS BENEFICIAL INSECTS * Bugs Keeping the good ones * Mulch Is it really necessary *Turf Do we really have grass in Florida SUNDAY, OCT. 16, 2005 * Fertilizer Choosing wisely to protect our springs ' Native vs Drought tolerant plants Choosing plants for this area. Attracting wild life. Admission to the park is $1.00 a Workshops are FREE Times for workshops are II am to 3 pm - FREE Door Prizes For more information call 671-8400 flD IlDA ir5I F itIr UNIVERSITY OF S',,tFu,..s I-',id.i 51 Rainbo, YA DS&G Vi (* FLORIDA,' O.A .I. I..I.t) Spring; NEIGlHBDRHOOD5 State Park . Friday, Sept. 30 Stephan Ellison, 27, of Oxford, was arrested for fail- ure to appear. No bond was set. Edward Hoffman, 36, of Wildwood, was arrested for battery. No bond was set. Sherry Hemmer, 42, of Wildwood, was arrested on a Hernando County warrant for failure to appear. Bond was set at $10,000. Louise Parks, 48, of Wildwood, was arrested for possession- of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $500. Katie Dowless, 51, of Bushnell, was arrested on a Sumter County warrant. Bond was set at $2,000. Albert Isaac, 32, of Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended. Bond was set at $500. Luwanda Riche, 31, of Wildwood, was arrested for forgery and petit theft. Bond was set at $1,000. Saturday, Oct. 1 Jason Crossley, 26, of Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for driving under the influence and resisting without vio- lence. Bond was set at $1,000. Roger Peterkin, 33, of Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended. Bond was set at $500. Marques Tillman, 28, of Wildwood, was arrested for resisting without. violence, fraud and failure to appear. No bond was set. Felipe Martinez, 22, of Bushnell, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license. Bond was set at $150. Amber Moss, 23, of Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for aggravated assault. Bond was set at $5,000. Robin Duke, 35, of Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested on a Sumter County warrant for battery. Bond was set at $1,000. Xavier Greene, 22, of Wildwood, was arrested for resisting an officer without violence and disorderly con- duct. Bond was set at $1,000. Sunday, Oct. 2 Alfonso Rayas, 26, of Bushnell, was arrested for driving under the influence and no driver's license. Bond was set at $650. Robert Druga, 35, of Wildwood, was arrested for possession of cocaine. Bond was set at $5,000. Peter Hunt, 22, of Wildwood, was arrested for possession of marijuana and narcotic equipment. Bond was set at $2,500. Monday, Oct. 3 William Brendle, 19, of Webster, was arrested for vio- lation of probation. No bond was set. Paul Smith, 44, of Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $3,500. James Hull, 39, of Wildwood, was arrested for depriving communications and battery. No bond was set. Sonya Coe, 42, of Wildwood, was arrested for retail theft. Bond was set at $500. Charles Romero, 51, of Bushnell, was arrested for petit theft and contracting without a license. Bond was set at $2,500. John Woodard, 29, of Bushnell, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $1,000. Financial Lesson #7 Only use free ATMs. (YOU HAVE MORE THAN 34,000 TO CHOOSE FROMdM'...' 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Call us at 800-999-5887 or visit joinsuncoast.org to find out if you can be one of them. STUDENTS ATTENDING PUBLIC SCHOOL IN SUMTER COUNTY AND THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP AT SUNCOAST! 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 (Next to Dollar General) 5 69-0171 _S ) Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. u.... i nl. nVlmn O..* nr nJ p.' .Lo~calet- : RAINBOW SPRINGS STATE PARK ATRAINBOW SPRINGs STATE PARK r .;. a ... ,,,,; .' : ..- . Oeliable Internet Access Since 1994 A Aa www.ju In su nu u a 31. u rg I PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 SUMMER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County 71mes is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor. Bob Reichman Editor......................Bob eichman Publisher ............. .... Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Your VOICE Commissioners should rethink cement plants My name is Sue Michalson and I am resident of The Villages in Sumter County. I am writing this letter because I am outraged my -County Commissioners voted in favor of, and passed, applications by Natural Resources of Central Florida Inc., and Mazak Mine, known as Florida Mining Corporation, allowing them to build cement plants, treating it as an ancillary use to existing mines. I. am outraged that you have done this, When there are 137 cement plants in the United States, don't you think that to have three cement kilns burn- ing in Sumter County should be con- sidered totally unacceptable?' It was irresponsible of you to have taken the documentation provided to you by the companies' applica- tions as your source of information. It was negligent of you to not have done :extensive research regarding the hazards involved. It was your duty, as my representa- tive, to be aware of the danger of mercury, dioxins, and the effect of particulates that would be spewn into the atmosphere. Have you considered what effect this will have on pregnant women, unborn children, the young and old in this community ?, This is an area of wetlands. What will happen to our wetlands,, wild life, and fish? Are you aware that methylmercury is an organic form of mercury found in many species of fish, and a poten- tial neurotoxin that can cause nerv- ous system and brain damage in developing fetuses, infants, and young children? Are you cognizant of the fact that particulates that spew for miles from the stacks enter the lungs and cause respiratory ailments? Retirement comm unities are pop- ulated with many whose health is frail and whose respiratory systems are already compromised. Has it occurred to you to establish a baseline study of the conditions that are present here now in Sumter County? What are the levels of mercury, dioxin, nitrogen,, and particulates now? Are these levels already approaching or exceeding the maxi- mum acceptable levels? The State of Florida ranks second in the U.S. for mercury pollution warnings. The Florida Department of Health has already issued mercury warn- ings for fish consumption in many of our Sumter County lakes. Have you considered that, in the not too distant future, there will be 100,000 people living in The Villages alone? Have you even guestimated what impact that influx of vehicles will have on the quality of our air? Did you happen to notice the smog that was hovering over The Villages a few weeks ago? This air inversion caused stagnation and a health advi- sory warning was issued. What do you think the effect would have been if the air had been filled with partic- ulates, dioxins and mercury? May I remind you gentleman that you have been elected to your offices, and as such, are entrusted with the responsibility of making decisions that are in our interest, decisions that in effect would protect this community. I am truly hard pressed to believe' that additional tax revenue brought here by this industry could possibly be thought of as more important than protecting the health and land of those living here. Please, reconsider the ramifica- tions of your decision. You could be condemning a beautiful rural area and idyllic retirement communities to the possibility of increased sink- holes caused by drilling for lime, dewatering, .contaminated water, excessive .truck traffic, increased noise, dust, and air quality that could be toxic and devastating to our com- munity. Gentleman: the future of Sumter County and the neighboring commu- nities could well be in your hands. Consider the damage you will be inflicting on the community because of the superficial investigation done and your willingness to accept that information. Local government needs to be responsible to the needs of its con- stituents. This is our home as well as yours. Sue Michalson Citizens for Safe Air and Water Another VOICE Response to complaint In; response to Mr. Bob Edwards' complaint regarding the Federal government's ineptness in the Katrina catastrophe. I agree with him in that the Federal government is responsible for it's citizens' safety. Our taxes are provided for high- income personnel who are supposed to be experienced and responsible in their appointed positions and not political cronies. A rebuttal to Mr Edwards' letter by Darla Huddleston upheld the Bush administration in that the gov- ernment had no blame for the tragedy. The blame was placed on the local and Louisiana's State government. As well as residents, thugs, etc.: Bush finally admitted to the nation that the Federal government was at blame. How can she blame the less powerful for an emergency of this magnitude when FEMA is a federal emergency agency. FEMA's Michael Brown and Patrick Rhode, both cronies of Bush, were inexperienced but members of the -'chummy politi- cal clubhouse" according to the he U.S. News and World Report. It also called these appointments "a purely public outrage." The first and basic blame, in my humble opinion, was misappropria- tion of funds years ago to repair or rebuild, a new super levee around Lake Pontchartrain, as well as flood gates. According to the National Geographic (October 2004), studies have been ongoing for many years due to southern Louisiana's fragile wetlands, which oil, natural gas lines and ship channels have caused terri- ble erosion. These informative warnings of flooding are of federal concern. In 1998, civil engineers, hydrologists and city planners laid out a proposal for $14 billion. Hindsight tells us that was a steal when we hear $200 billion facing the, taxpayers today, along with the mis- ery, death and evacuee ongoing problems. U.S. Corps of Engineers can't begin work without proper appropriations from the federal gov- ernment while politicians were "passing the pork" to less important projects. Ex-President Clinton being inter- viewed about the outrageous cost of this staggering debt feels that the tax-cuts for the wealthy (including himself) should stop. I haven't heard anyone in this administration make a statement in these terms. Bettye Jemison Bushnell SjCopyriaghted Material Syndicated Contenj Available from Commercial News Providers" Your VO Your Constitutionalists in action I hear constantly that liberal judges are practicing "judicial activism" while conservative judges are Constitutionalists. Well, here are a couple of exam- ples of these supposed Constitutionalists in action. The male coach of a girls' high school basketball team was dis- missed from his position after complaining that unequal funding of girls' sports programs violated the Title IX federal law. Clarence Thomas wrote, "A claim of retaliation is not a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex." In other words, showing viola- tions of. federal law shouldn't be' protected. A blank check to violate federal law for all mini-tyrants who hold power in the government to open- ly break the law. In a second case the Suprenme Court ruled that states: were, bound by the 1990 Amnericans with Disabilities Act to make court- houses accessible to the physical- ly handicapped. A Tennessee paraplegic had to crawl up two flights of stairs to: answer criminal charges in court. He later was arrested for failure to appear when he refused to do it a second time. In a dissent, Justice Scalia. wrote, "one does not 'enforce' the right of access to the courts.... by requiring that disabled persons be provided access to all of the 'serv- ices, programs, or activities fur- nished or conducted by the state." This, is the strict Constitutionalists view? Justices that try to find a way around the protections of the American with Disabilities Act? To allow schools to violate Title IX (merits of Title IX aside) by pun- ishing whistleblowers? Under this logic, if a police chief were guilty of murder then it would be perfectly ok to fire a police officer that reported this to the FBI. Since 1994, when the US Supreme Court's current Justice lineup wvas put in place, it has struck down 33 federal statutes., an average of 3.67 per year, compared to an average of 2.29 per year for the Warren Court at the height of its' rulings from 1963 to 1969 when it struck down its highest average of federal statutes. Hardly judicial restraint by the current Court who has 7 of the 9 members appointed by GOP pres- idents. .One of President's Bush's court nominees, Priscilla Owens was criticized by Bush's 'current Attorney General Gonzalez as to "judicially amend" a Texas statute with a dissent. The worst case of Conservative judicial activism? The Bush vs. Gore decision which had the Court overriding the; Florida Supreme Court in deciding a case of Florida law! Indeed, in its' argument for "Equal Protection" to support its' position, it stated that this deci- sion should not be used as a prece- dent for future cases! They essentially admitted that the "Equal protection" argument was inserted to tailor make a vic- tory for Bush. The Court also stopped the recount in Florida and then stated later, that there wasn't enough time for a recount! So much for conservative judi- cial restraint. Joe McKenzie Bushnell Senior ADVOCATE Marketers gearing up for Part D enrollment W e have made'it to October; with more confusion or perhaps an appearance of clarity. By now you are well aware of my position about the law and enroll- ment in Part D. So, beginning this week, and for the rest of the year, marketing agencies will enjoy a bonanza. In addition to the gov- ernment's $300 'million . official educational mar- keting, messages will emanate froni your tele- vision, radio, magazines, mailboxes and newspa- pers. And this bombard- D ment will include the RO insurance companies' explosive material to "assist" you. with your final deci- sion. These are the official plan spon- sors, which have won the adminis- trations and Congress's lottery. All of the above-mentioned forms of advertising are legal. However, the wording of these masterpieces will be the best of Madison Avenue. Yet, there are some restrictions that you should be aware of. The plan ads cannot indicate in any form or manner that the advertising insurer is "endorsed" by Medicare or indicate that Medicare "wants you to join." Telephone: An insurance company or its agents may not contact you if you are listed with the Federal Communication Commission's Do-Not- Call reg- istry. However, if you have an ongoing relationship with the insurer,; i.e., a current health insurance policy, its representa- tive may contact you. Remember,' it is always your right to hang up, if you must be rude. 4 Under no circumstances can an insurer or its agents ask you to enroll or for personal or financial information. Remember, more than 30 state attorneys general have received a multitude ofcomplaints " of this type of "market- ing." Folks, these peo- S- pie are not insurers or agents, they are con artists attempting to steal your identity - and they have been suc- AN cessful. It should be HAN noted that coupled with .AN legitimate advertising, this type of con is pexnppect- ed to increase. m Door to door: Under no circum- stance can any- one solicit this product door-to- door. So, if someone should show up at your door with a smiling face and a great attitude, claiming repre- If you ha' residencies certain t1 join a nat sponsor sentation of an insurance compa- ny or Medicare, slam the door in their face! They only want your identity. If it should be your choice to enroll and join a plan, the insurer will show you how to do both. You can enroll now, but you can't sign up for a plan before Nov. 15. Some points to remember: E Make sure that your plan includes the prescription drugs that you currently take. N If you have dual residencies make certain that you join a nationally sponsored plan. There are a few quality companies that offer their plan to all 50 states, some 48 or 49. However, the major- ity will be of a regional nature. Take your time and shop. You have three months to make your decision. If you decide on Dec. 31, your plan still will be effective Jan. 1,2006. A note to my readers: Because of your number of e-mails and let- ters concerning the new Medicare prescription drug law, I am snowed under. It is and will continue to be my policy to attempt to answer all cor- respondence. However, I am some nine weeks behind. If you have requested info from me, and not yet heard from me, and your original request was more ve dual than eight weeks - make ago, kindly contact me again. Wat you Again, your tele- tionally phone number !d plan. would be of great Ln. help to me and pro- vide you with expe- ditious solutions. Again, .all mailed letters must have a telephone number I thank you. My columns concerning Part D of Medicare are available to pri- vate and for-profit groups, as well as individuals. Contact me for info. Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week. Send questions and comments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mail: danrohan@atlantic.net The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. 4b abw4 4 " i SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 5 Webster Cemetery Picnic, high school reunion Saturday AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer It's now October and to the people in Sumter County that means plenty of festivities and events throughout the month. This Saturday will be the annual Webster Cemetery Picnic, which has been a long- standing tradition with many that's lasted well over 50 years. The fun follows the 10 a.m. meeting at the Sumter County Farmers Market in Webster. Besides raising money to benefit local cemeteries, patrons can expect music (last year's was provided by local musician John Steed), social- izing, and plenty of food. From barbeque pork, beef, chicken and chicken 'n rice with all the trimmings to the famous cake auction, it's doubtful anyone will go away from the picnic hungry. Cakes at the auction have been known to sell for any- where between $40 and $400,' and multitudes of varieties are available. Visitors can also look for- ward to delectable pies, real lemonade and lots of socializ- ing. The picnic serves as a fundraiser for the mainte- nance and improvements of three active area cemeteries: Stewart Chapel, Mount Zion and Garden of Memories. Also at the Farmers Market on Saturday will be the 5th Annual Webster High School Class Reunion. The yearly event is hosted by the class celebrating its 50th reunion, and this year it's the Webster High School Class of 1955. The reunion will also begin at 10 a.m. at the Farmers Market. Yvonne Marsh, who gradu- ated in 1955, said she expects around 200 people to attend, adding that many of those who were students at Webster High but didn't graduate make it every year. The school closed perma- nently in the early 1960s, but who attended still look for- ward to catching up with for- mer classmates and even a few teachers at the reunion. Pilot Club of Sumter County raises funds Filot Club of M.. HOMECOMING AT WILDWOO ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent The students and faculty of Wildwood High School enjoyed a day of school spir- it last Friday for its Homecoming celebration. In the afternoon, a parade was held with students, foot- ball players and others par- ticipating. Both the Wildwood High School and the Wildwood F : iw I, 9',.2'~ Crowned during halftime at last Friday night's game against Trinity Prep Queen Akuawana Sesler and King Tim Sweeney shine before family and friends. Middle School bands to the enjoyment onlookers. With the theme "S Head to Hollywood" Marilyn Monroe loot was waving her fea boa to the crowd. Trucks and cars through the streets c King and Queen ho dukes, duchesses, prii and notables such as White voted "Most Spirit". On Saturday nigh high school gym was d ed to reflect the Hol theme for "A Ni Hollywood" with dooi top hats and a red ca usher the students room just ready for on the town. A large Oscar and bag of popcorn along huge replica scene sl ted the edges of the floor. Outside while the st awaited admittance gala event some \wer ticking for the danc under the auspices o Vilson who led then Hokey Pokey while a brushed his fellow s with the intricacies Chicken Dance. Sumter County hits the road for donations coming ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent DJ The Pilot Club of Sumter County along with friends and played supporters took to the streets of the last Saturday "It's hard to'say just yet how. Seniors many walked but I lost count," even a said coordinator Maxine Cox, k alike "I'm so pleased with the turn gathered out, it has been wonderful! I'm glad the weather held up. We've never been rained out in 13 paced years." carrying The annual Walkathon spon- )pefuls, -sored by the Pilot Club of ncesses Sumter County helps to raise s Katie needed funds for-victims of School Alzheimer's and other brain- related disorders. et, the Walkers had the choice of 5 or [ecorat- 10 miles to help raise the funds. lywood Shery ght in Hampton rrnf n i irpet to into a a night a giant with a ate dot- dance students to the e prac- e floor )f Casey in the another students of the coordi- nated the 17 walk- ers from Wildwood High School which included Key Club members. Some of the students had not Cody Beasley, Sheila Callaway, Charlotte Caudill, Bradley Beasely and Sherry Hampton talk after a 5 mile walk. only participated in the Ifomecoming Parade the previ- ous day but attended the foot- ball game on Friday night and after walking were going home to prepare for the Homecoming Dance. Jean Wright, president of the Pilot Club, walked more than 10 miles raising $300 herself. "I'm so proud of this community. They are always ready to help others no matterwhat." Rest areas for the walkers were set up at the Lion's Club, SProgress Energy. and the American Legion Post 18 of Wildwood where walkers could freshen up, cool off and get a snack and a drink in the nearly 100 degree heat Mrs. Cox will be providing a final tally of the funds raised in the near future. TRAILERS FOR WORK & PLAY 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH Prescription fraud alert Hwy. 301 N., Bushnell Veterans are receiving calls from a company identifying ... .3-57 itself as the "Patient Care Group." This company is claiming that the veteran's- prescrip- W"I tions are now being dis- pensed through them and if Thursdays Hip Hop Night they wanted to continue to3_9 receive their meds, they Fridays Teen Night (ages 13-19) would need to provide a cred- Saturdays Country Night it card number The VA has not changed the process of receiving and dis- pensing prescriptions. This company is a fraud.d If you have any questionsP please call your local Veterans Services Offices at, Bushnell Office at 352-753- 2686 or Villages Annex at 352- 793-0235. SALON PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY Cosmetology Class Starts October 31st Class size limited! Enroll today! Convenient payment plans Placement in over 6,000 salons 1.800.858.5909 admissiorts@thespaschoolfla.com 1522 US Hwy. 41 N. Inverness Florida I--------.- --- --------- St 0 O2F cTUiToN L~or~starinIn the October 31, 2005 class. Bring this coupon to enroll.~ 0% DOWN* Photos for illustration purposes only LDL ENTERPRISES, INC www.LDLEnterprises.com *with & 1825WCR-48, Buishnell ^.^ ^ (aI ODo P ax 352-793-7609 Cell 352-303-1969 Wiffl~i;)iH~lA^ ^ *fr'ft^-1, 4 #if^ -fiw,- fr -Wf-, Af \ w ,-;', -I *h. ."i Walkers had the choice of 5 or 10 miles to help raise the funds. SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIHES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 5 PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 SSUNTF TOBNARES - Jamie Lynn Allen, 5 weeks Jamie Lynn Allen, 5 weeks, of Sumterville, died on Friday, Aug. 19, 2005 in Gainesville. She was born in Gainesville. Survivors include her mother; Bethann Smith of Sumterville, Fla.; father, John V Allen of Sumterville; sis- ters, Jackie (Roger) Craft of Leesburg, Joy (Ronnie) Burdeshaw of Sumterville, Rachel Allen of Sumterville; brother, Chase Eby of Sumterville. Services were held Friday, Sept 30 at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel in Bushnell; the Rev. Tommy Sumner officiat- ed. Information provided by Purcell Funeral Home of Bushnell. Chad .E. Cockcroft, 21, student Chad Everett Cockcroft, 21, of Groveland, died Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005 in Groveland. He was born in Winter Garden and was affiliated with the 1st Baptist Church of Groveland. He was a life-long resident of Lake County. He was a former South Lake High School stu- dent and was an avid hunter and fisherman. He worked as a heavy equipment operator in the Commercial Construction Industry Survivors include his parents, Joe and Mary J. Cockcroft of Groveland; sisters, Heather Rine of Groveland, Jennifer Cockcroft of Clermont; a brother Randall J. Cockcroft, Jr. of Gainesville; paternal grandparents, Bob and Bonnie Latta of Leesburg; maternal grandparents, Stanley and Viola King of Groveland; 3 nephews, Samuel and Seth Rine, and Christian Lewis. Services were held on Wednesday, Oct., 5, 2005 at 1 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Groveland with Pastor Randy Mitchell and Pastor Randy Harris offi- ciating. Information provided by Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell Gladys Burnett, 89, homemaker Gladys Burnett, 89 of Lake Panasoffkee, died on Sept. 25,2005 in Leesburg. She was a homemaker and came here from Tampa 23 years ago. She was born June 9, 1916 in Jackson, Tenn. to Park and Anna Mason. She was a Baptist and enjoyed fishing. She was preceded in death by her husband, Perry A. Burnette on Nov. 14, 2000. She is survived by a brother Billy Mason of Lake Panasoffkee; two sisters-in- law, Dannie Brewton and Carmen Mason; nieces and nephews, Carroll Plenge, Lawrence Walker, Neil Lowe, Pat Haines, Christine Mason, William Mason, Kim Smith, Carolyn Whitten, Jerry Mason, and Dennis Mason. Hooper Funeral Homes of Inverness provided informa- tion. Dolly Bropson, 80, homemaker Dolly Bropson, of Wildwood, age 80, passed away on Oct 3, 2005. She was a native of Wildwood, homemaker, mem- ber of First Baptist Church of Wildwood, and Eastern Star. She is survived by her daugh- ters, Marcia (Donald) Camp of Wildwood, Barbara Bropson of Wildwood; brothers, Dr. David "D.C." (Nickey) Albritton of Ocala; one grand- daughter, Elaina. Graveside services were held on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at Oak Grove Cemetery at 11 a.m., with Rev. Craig Attaway officiating services. Family requests in lieu of flowers that donations be made to First Baptist Church of Wildwood, 402 Oxford Street, Wildwood, Fla. 34785. Arrangements pro- vided by Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home of Wildwood. Roy E. Freier, 72, plasterer Roy E. Freier, 72, of Bushnell died Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2005 at Brooksville Regional Hospital. Born in Addison, Ill., he came here 25 years ago from Villa Park, Ill. He was a carpenter/plasterer, a U.S. Army Veteran and a member of the Lutheran faith. Survivors include his wife, Nelta J. Freier of Bushnell; sons and daughters-in-law, Dennis J. and Susan Freier of Floral City, Wayne M. Freier of Mansfield, Ohio, Steven H. and Lisa Freier of Crystal River, and Mark A. and Gwen Freier of Inverness; a sister, Eleanor Mitchell of Owen, Wis.; and five grandchildren Merritt Funeral Home Brooksville Chapel provided the information. Marjorie S.Heard, 79, homemaker Marjorie Sands Heard, of Lake Panasoffkee, age 79,, passed away on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2005, in Brandon. She was born in Lady Lake and lived in the Sumter County area all of her life. She was a homemaker and a Protestant. Survivors include her son, Charles Hightower of Lake Panasoffkee; daughters, Nancy (Jim) Pierce of Lithia, Marilyne McClellan of Clearwater; brother, Ronnie Sands of the Villages; sisters, Wanda Montgomery of Griffin, Ga.; eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held on Monday, Oct. 3, 2005, at 1 p.m. at Pine Cemetery with Rev. Jim Pierce officiating. Arrangements provided by Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood. Thomas S. Lovejoy, 75 Thomas S. Lovejoy, 75, of Lake Panasoffkee died Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2005 in Lake Panasoffkee. He was born in Kathleen, Fla., was a resident of Lake Panasoffkee for 23 years, moving here from Tampa. He was the Past Master of Port Masonic Temple; Lodge #153, and a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies, Egypt Temple Shrine, Lake Miona Golf club, Lake Panasoffkee .VFW Post #10084, and the Lake Panasoffkee Moose Lodge. He was a Senior Master Sergeant for the U.S. Air Force during the Korean con- flict. Survivors include his wife, Betsy Lovejoy of Lake Panasoffkee; a son, Michael Lovejoy of Melbourne,, Fla.; a daughter, Susan Drew of Sheridan, Wyo.; six grandchil- dren, and 6 great-grandchil- dren. The Purcell Funeral Home of Bushnell provided information. Larry D. McCaslin, 61, carpenter Larry Deane McCaslin, 61 of Lake Panasoffkee, died on Monday, Sept. 26, 2005 in Wildwood. He was born in Akron, Ohio. Formerly of Las Vegas, he lived in Lake Panasoffkee for two and one half years. He was a carpenter in commercial construction. Survivors include two daugh- ters, Dee Dee McCaslin of Lake Panasoffkee, and Jennifer McCaslin; five sons, Jason McCaslin, .Jeremy McCaslin, Joshua McCaslin, Jarod McCaslin; two sisters, Lela Stewart of Virginia, and Lewis reunion scheduled Hospice needs dedicated volunteer support The 30th annual Ben and will be in our thoughts and Hospice of Lake and Sumter needs people who can assist in The next Hospice volunteer training will be held on two su Veleta Lewis family reunion prayers and will be greatly many important ways. cessive Fridays, Oct. 21 and Oct. 28, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., will be held on Oct 8. missed. These two sisters Volunteers are needed to sit with patients, provide trans- Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church on the corner of Highwi Ben Lewis and along with Vernon portation for patients and/or their loved ones, run errands, cut 50 and 12th Street in Clermont Lunch and snacks will be pr Veleta Brand along with Venon hair for those patients who can't get out, and just be a "good vided. Veleta Brackin have attended neighbor." Pre-registration is required Please call Jane Miller, volu were married in every reunion. The Previous medical training is not necessary. teer services manager, at 742-6806 or toll free 888-728-6234. June 191.. Bring Together they had nine chil- lawn C dren. Veleta and a C passed away in dish. L 1972 and Ben passed away in Will be 1974. At the time at no of Ben's death, the children made a decision to return to the old home place on the second Saturday, of each October for a family reunion. Currently the descendants of Ben and Veleta's family are 32 grand- children, 63 great grandchil- dren, 47 great-great grandchil- dren and the family is still growing. Two of Ben and Veleta's nine children have passed away, Virgil in 1991 and Verlon (Polly) in 1999. Katherine and Irene are residents of nursing homes and will be unable to attend this year's event They your remaining chil- dren and their fam- hairs ilies have once vered again planned a unch wonderful home- coming. 30 years! served This year a new on. tradition will be started, a baking contest There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. If you would like to join us for this celebration please do so. The address is 2778 Jesse 0. Lewis Road, Bonifay. If trav- eling from Alabama, from Black, go south to the Florida line then go approximately 2 miles to Jesse 0. Lewis Road. From Florida, take Holmes County 177 north to State Road 2 at Millers Crossroads. Continue north on 177,approx- imately 2.5 miles. Bring your lawn chairs and A covered dish. Lunch will be served at noon. RCELL fC 96 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell John D. Purcell Owner Founder | 793-4531 "How do I decide which funeral home to call when the time comes?" Aside from the requirement that all funeral homes be licensed by the state, some basic questions you might ask when selecting a funeral home include: Are they flexible enough to handle your specific needs? Are decisions made locally or from an out-of-town corporate office? Are they full service? Do they sub-contract services such as cremation or do they provide these options on-site? Everyone has different priorities and questions about funeral pre-planning. We invite your questions and we will respect your priorities. Please call us for a no cost, no obligation, no pressure appointment to get the facts on how you can benefit from funeral pre-planning. Plan today for peace of mind tomorrow! B. FUNERAL HOME oeyers and CREMATORY Serving Central Florida since 1920 Licensed Funeral Directors Locally Owned and Operated 1123 West Main Street' Leesburg, Florida Sumter County Tollfree: 1-800-501-4343 S c- at ay o- n- Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice All Are Welcome At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD .ur.l :,r1i r qri )ii '.l i uj M f ta .I0t' , Sunday School 9 ?OA Ir Wed. Discipleship Nigni 7.00 P.M. 1 I\ 1451 West C.R. 4 76. Buihnell 793-2240 "LAKE PANASOFFKEE> LAKE PANASOFFKEE 1-UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1,4' | 1,1'-.t niI.1m ir-'5 i at'41 l' tI:l 50 89 CR 470,1 mile W of 1-75 Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 AM Hospitality Time at! 1045 AM Sunday School Gathering: 11:00 AM Sunday School at 11:15 AM F S .www.gbgm-umc.org/lakeana-umc 2 r SUMTERVILLE ^ Sumterville United Methodist Church "OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER" 2565 CR 522 S1 BLOCKEASTOFHWY301 Invites you to attend Sunday worship service 9:30a.m. Pastor Charles Tombetlln All children are invited. ' r WILDWOOD 0 1 S a 'ostol -'% dd -'cd, n ,i 9 8 i -d.t 1 l 1 1, Wed.1euy Pr .I ............. ;6-15 PN Sundil .... .....i. " r WILDWOOD ,+ SUNSET PARK .+ CHURCH OF GOD 202 Pine Street 748-1318 s Pastor: Carl Hart Sunday Shool...........9-111AM p,,i N1,0 l'Fd h. IN. 1 ,I i'41 MorningWorship..,,10:30AMl oi] lit, i Sid P.ii.1 Sunday Evening ...6:00PM A0ol Nit., l.u liI'I y WELCOMEALL!!!! 2 BUSHNELL Sun Fellowship 9": ,.. 9 30-10 a.m. Suri WOrship .0-11:15a.m. Sun. Evening Study..............................6:30- 7:30 p.m. Wed. Teens 8 Chidren 6-7:30 p.m. R "ed Noon Bible Sludy O 2-1 p.m. Wed. Evening Bible Study..1M.c.M;,..6:30 7:30 p.m. Meeting Place- Seventh Day Adventist Church Comer of Frida Ave. Seminole Ave., at blinking light A Church On The Move Pastor Ron Thomas ,569-01830or603-1373 Cornerstone Cares WILDWOOD r WEBSTER First Baptist Churcho of Webster 1/4 mile east of 471 on SE 1stAve. Sunday School 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00AM Evening Service 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM s - BUSHNELL THE BUSHNELL PRESBlTERIAN CHURCH USA S1M N BRes,\Dof4iC1niS'El O DA N Br,.jl Church School: 9:15 am Public Worship: 10:30 AM. MONDAY: AA Group Meeting 8:00 P.M. ,WEDNESDAY: Bible Study-10:00 A.M.. S 352-793-4202 T LAKE PANASOFFKEEE First Baptist Church of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School...............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening..........ot.6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting....7 p.m. . Pastor Jon King , r LADY LAKE " Hope Lutheran Church 250 Avenida Los Angel s (corner of C.R. 466 & Morse Blvd.) The Villages Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40AM and 11:15AM For more information, call 352-750-2321 or our ,yWeb Site: www.hopelutheraninthevillages.org. 2 r BUSHNELL Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, Bushnell Sunday School................9:45 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship.....6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service..7:00 P.M. y 793-5083 Pastor Mike King r BUSHNELL > 7819 CA. 633, BaSphuil Woef f476 6O&OMo 47sB & 57S Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Evening Worship 7:00 pmA ,Wednesday Prayer Service................7:00 pmn r WEBSTER Webster United Methodist Church Invites You To Attend Worship Service- 11:00a:m. 1J | Church School 9:45 a.m. 173 S.E. 3rd St., Webster, FL 33597 (352) 793-3734 y,_ A praying church r" BUSHNELL . First United Methodist Church OFFERING OUR COMMUNE rrFaith, Hope & Love SUNDAYSCHOOL 9:30 AM. WORSHIP 10:45AM. Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. SCub Scouts Tues. 6:30 p.m. Daisy Troop, Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Al-Anon, Fri, 8:00 p:m. S.HA.R.E. 4thSat., 10:00 a.m. 793-3221 y 221W. Noble Ave, Rev.LarryAmbrust Pastor) r BUSHNELL First Church of God Affiliation: Anderson, IN 793-3455 105 E,. CentralAve. P.O. Box 1128, Bushnell, FL 33513 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. y Randall Beldher, Pastor 793-3534 ) r- LAKE PANASOFFKEE 0 aths of Grace Ministries I Church of God Pastors: Fred & Patti Hooten Pastoral/ Morning Worship-- -10:3 Chrstan Sunday Evening------6:00 Servicesn Wednesday Night---- -7:00 Available 793-1600 E 9 l101 CR 527 Lake Panasoffkee .Welcome BUSHNELL 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 "Sharing the Good News of Life Through Faith in Chdisr Sunday Bible Study..........9:15A.M. Sunday Worship..................... 10:30 A.M, and 6:00 P.M. 2 Wednesday Bible Study...............7:00 P.M. r WILDWOOD . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD *Worship 10:30 a.m. 203 Barwick St., Wildwood, FL 34785 (352) 748-2530 5... GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. Church located 1 mielWest of 27 on 44. Let offof 44 on South Lone 0Ok for I block (Leesburg) 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 5 K WILDWOOD - S Wildwood United Methodist 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service Nursery Provided 748-1275 6o45 .. K WILDWOOD > Wildwood United Methodist 300 Mason Street SSunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am 8:00 am Casual Traditional Service 9:30 am Praise and Worship Service Nursery Provided K 748-1275 K BUSHNELL St. Francis Episcopal Church 313 N. Grace Street (At US 301) P.O. Box 566, (352) 793-3187 Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Sunday Sunday School 10 a.m. K AA meets Thursdays at 8 p.m. ) K 1 BUSHNELL BUSHNELL SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Comer of Seminole & Florida Ave. Worship Hours 9:30'A.M. Sabbath School 10:45 A.M. Sat. Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 K All Welcome ) r BUSHNELL BUHNELLb CHURCH OF CmIfST 310 W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m. ^ Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. u WAHOO W'me 6e t 'a dt 6y 4.3 Miles West of 1-75 on Hwy 48 SenMor Paste F 1 i l. i u ,' 9 1 0 A M ,r ,10 4,1 A M Wednesday Evening: 1C|, u ::.. T '..il ( PM r C, n.T, our.,,r| ,a :hi.r: ]. ',l ...1 d : P A:;-":a e Pi; .' M3T at ,.,',6r,.', A*o.n X. r, uroCl..04 352 793-60152 1 0 s X( Marlene Anderson of North Carolina; and her mother, Helen Fraker of Lake Panasoffkee. Purcell Funeral Home of Bushnell provided informa- tion. L. W. McCullough, Sr., 65, mechanic Lawrence W. McCullough, Sr., 65, passed away on Sunday, Oct. 2, 2005. He was born in Shamrock and was a lifetime resident of Sumter County. He was a retired mechanic, a member of the First Baptist Church of Wildwood, and an avid sports- man. He is survived by his wife, Rita; sons, Quinn Bass and Larry McCullough both of Wildwood; daughters, Kim Marko of Brooksville, Sally Kaminski of Lady Lake, Nicki Hurd of Ocala, Laura McCullough of Wildwood; two brothers, two sisters, 14 grand- children and five great-grand- children. Funeral services were held on Thursday, Oct. 6 at Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home at 11 a.m. with Bruce Marko officiating services. Burial will follow at Adamsville Cemetery, Adamsville. Arrangements provided by Banks/Page- Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood. Marion Root, 86, admissions clerk Marion Root, 86, of Bushnell, *died on Sunday, Sept. 25,2005 in Bushnell. She was born in Glenfield, N.Y, lived in Sumter County since 1983 having moved here from Glenfield, N.Y. She was an Admissions Clerk in the med- ical field, and of Catholic faith. Survivors include, sons, Robert Burke of Appomattox, Va., Michael. Burke, of Charlton, N.Y.; a daughter, Sharon Tessier of Liverpool, N.Y; 15 grandchildren; many great-grandchildren; step- sons, Charles Root of Bushnell, Jerry Francis Root of Lyons Falls, N.Y; a step- daughters, Kathleen Baxter of Glenfield, N.Y; and a sister, Penny Bryant of Cincinnati, Ohio. She was interned in Old Glendale Cemetery in Glenfield, N.Y Purcell Funeral Home in Bushnell provided informa- tion. Clifford Wynns, 85, postal worker Clifford Wynns, 85, of Bushnell, died Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005 in Leesburg. He was born in Bushnell and was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Bushnell. He worked for the U.S. Postal Service in Bushnell for 42 years. He was the owner and operator of a cattle ranch in Bushnell and served on the school board there. He was a member of Kiwanis, City Council, and the Sumter Cattleman's Association. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and the U.S. Air Force dur- ing the Korean Conflict. Survivors include his wife, Anita E.; sons, George (Beth) Wynns of Gainesville, Brian (Vicki) Wynns of Bushnell; daughters, Kathryn (Keith) Caples of Lake City, Fla., Marilyn (Michael) Jones of Deland, Fla., a sister, Mildred Smith of Brooksville, Fla.; eight grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Services will be held on Thursday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m. at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel. Officiate will be Reverend Larry Armbrust, with military honors ren- dered by the Marine Corps League #708. He was interred in Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell. Arrangements by Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell. I - ~ - - - - e _UW I rF. olb 5-"Copyrighte b. --- Sy nd icated Available from Commer Su -* --N 4 0,, f-, - --- -w Af-WO- - -w 00 S - o*g - * 'S AIb d Material Content cial News Providers" I up, ftmw -0-a ot O Q * oWO dfteq~b a on" a 4 I *4&2L 1. 9 1 ". o m - O b o o o0 S O w .21 0@ . ~.* ~ .0 0 - 1 o t bnftm IP ! AA^km - ~~0) Is A s %-now** * - - - p en - V ~ __ - - 41 *- #9 C' ...... "Copyrighte SSyndicated Available from Commer Pi* $-Saslow ------ -- -.., -- d *Maeral - d Material f Content, cial News P . p I MOM o 4Mp M- 'O * o* ********** 0 W - -ONO car 0 I --".. R- . 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SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 9 Landscaping series set Chah CALENDAR Wendel Martinkovic, ISumter County extension agent for residential horticul- ture, with selected guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. This month's topic is prun- ing trees and shrubs. The series begins Wednesday, Oct. 12 from 3:30- 4:30 p.m. in Lake Panasoffkee at the West Wing Meeting Room of Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, 1582 County Road 459. The center Shawn and Amber Wood, of Webster, announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Sloan Boyett Atkins to Toby Joe Farmer, son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Bobby and Lola Farmer, of Center Hill. Sloan is a graduate of South Sumter High School and is employed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sumter County. Toby is also a graduate of South Sumter High School and is now employed with the Lake County Sheriff's Department. The ceremony will be Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. at the residence of Paul and Becky Atkins, 5141 County Road 722 Webster. No invitations will be mailed out; all friends and family are wel- come. Please RSVP to 352- 793-8700 or 352-303-2565 by Oct. 7, 2005. is across from Lake Panasoffkee Library and CR 459 off Hwy. 470. The series will also be held Thursday, Oct. 13 from 1 2:30 p.m. in Oxford at the Oxford Community Building, 4027 County Road 106, Oxford, Fla. The community building is white with red trim and is one block from both U.S. 301 and County Road 466. All materials included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register before class, if you wish to attend, at 352- 793-2728. /" Amanda Key Williams and Thomas Matthew Atkins, both of Webster, will be married on Nov. 5 at First Baptist Church of Bushnell. Amanda is the daughter of Donna and David Williams of Webster. Matt is the son of "Jitter" Akins of Webster and Sharon Reeves and Keith Reeves (stepfather) of Zephyrhills. The bride to be graduated from South Sumter High School. She is currently employed at Physical Therapy Services of Sumter as a med- ical transcriptionist. The groom to be graduated from South Sumter High School. He is employed with Sumter Public Works in Bushnell. Friends and family are invited to attend the wedding. Please RSVP by Oct. 15. GROVE PLAZA HWY 42 IN THE VILLAGESHearing Ai Repairs 259-5790 1all makes and models SOUTHERN TRACE PLAA FREE NO HWY 466 Battery Sale OBLIGAON OXFORD 99 HEArNG 751-5712 I . TEST 9,a L_ -- -- Grant Lake Baptist Church Grant Lake Baptist Lake Church has a ladies bake sale with cakes, pies, and cookies, along with a yard sale to bene- fit Baptist Youth Camp. The event is at Webster Farmer's Market on Saturday, Oct. 1, from 8 a.m. to closing. Cornerstone Baptist Church The pastor is doing a series of sermons on "Upside Down Living". Come and visit this Sunday; fellowship time is from 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m., serv- ice is from 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Small groups meet Sunday nights and Wednesday from noon. Wednesday evenings include youth groups, chil- dren's groups and prayer meetings from 6 to 7 p.m. We are meeting at the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the corner of Florida and Seminole, at the blinking light. For further information, please call 352-303-1373 or 352-793-8928. The Linden Church of God homecoming The Linden Church of God invites all to their 92nd Homecoming celebration on Sunday, Oct. 2. Services start at 10 a.m. fea- turing the nationally known Branhan Family. Dinner on the grounds will follow. Ladies Aide of Nobelton The Ladies Aide of Nobelton Church will meet on Thursday, Oct. 6 at 1 p.m. in the Nobleton Community Center. Refreshments will be served at 1 p.m., followed by a business meeting. Business for the new year will be plans made for a soup and sandwich sale on Oct. 22. St. Lawrence Church Flea Market The Women's Guild will have a flea market at 520 East Dade Ave.; on Saturday, Oct. 15 from 4 a.m. to 4 p.m. Price per space is $10. For reservations, please contact Mrs. Jean Petty at 352- 793-7773. Because this is the same day as the Bushnell fall festi- val, large crowds are expect- ed. Sunday Connection groups planned You're invited to two new Sunday Connection small groups that are forming. One is Young Marrieds for ages 18 - 29 and the other is Men and Women for ages 50-60. The classes will be held at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood, 402 Oxford Street. The group will work to dis- cover and apply Bible truths to everyday life; take part in regular outings, parties and home get-togethers; care, support and pray for one another; reach out to others and get connected to other church ministries and activi- ties. The groups will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. on the second floor of the Church Education Building. For additional information please call 748-1822. The Ladies Aide of Nobleton Church The Ladies Aide of Nobleton Church will have a soup and sandwich lunch, served with dessert and cof- fee, Saturday, Oct. 22 from 11 to 1 p.m. at the Nobleton Community Center. Sponsored by the Ladies ,- .'.K K. As< FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! Aide of Nobleton Church, a variety of homemade soups, sandwiches and a choice of desserts will be available. They are asking for a dona- tion, so the Ladies Aide can help others. For further information, call 352-796-5988 or 352-793- 6064. Helping Hands Food Ministry The Helping Hands Food Ministry of Coleman First Assembly of God distributes food on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 9 to 11 a.m. The church is located at 505 Mulberry St. in Coleman. For more information, call 748- 3456. Family caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be. hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for. more information at 352- 793-3438. Newspaper recycling bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use pro- ceeds from recycled newspa- pers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further .information please call 352-793-7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to take place weekly. Groceries will be distrib- uted every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon and available on a first come first served basis. One visit per family each month. Any questions please call the church office at 352-793- 1600 and ask for Ron. - -.. SOUTHERN TR TIDNSf DDT I N JEANS I r CWBOY Tr1NCS (352) 341-2668 -(BOOT) S F A LI E ..4474-C S. FLORIDA AVENUE INVERNESS, FL 34450.. I4 Whether you're looking for design innovations, unique decorating ideas, landscaping inspirations or cutting-edge technology trends, you'll find it at the 2005 Citrus County Fall Parade of Homes. I, N IU HOMES PRESENTED BY: / Prinaress Energy / 'TRP ARTISTIC HOMES DREAM CUSTOM HOMES FLYNN BUILDERS, INC. GOLD CREST HOMES LEXINGTON HOMES INC. PANDA CONSTRUCTION RICHARD A. VanORDEN ROYAL COACHMAN HOMES RUSAW HOMES SANDERSON BAY FINE HOMES SWEETWATER HOMES TAMPA BAY BUILDERS VALLEY BROOK FINE HOMES 'll iradc jomcs October 14-23, 2005 For more information call 746-9028 PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 -- SwnrCALENDAR m Friday, Oct. 7 The 5th Judicial Circuit Court Professionalism Committee will be holding their annual conference at Ewers Century Center at Central Florida Community College in Ocala. The confer- ence will begin at 8 a.m. and go until 12:15 p.m. Key note speakers for the conference are Justice Kenneth B. Bell, Florida Supreme Court; Justice Peggy A. Quince, Florida Supreme Court; Blan L. Teagle, Deputy State Courts Administrator; Elizabeth Tarbert, Ethics Counsel, The Florida Bar; and Judge Raymond T. McNeal, 5th Judicial Circuit. All lawyers and judges from Lake, Sumter, Marion, Citrus and Hernando Counties are invited to attend. The cost is $50 per person and CLE/CJE credits are being given for attendance. For more information you can visit or call Regina Lanzl at (352) 854-2322 ext 1320 or Kim Coleman at (352) 401- 7824. What were you doing 25 years ago? This year Lake- Sumter Community College Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary and every- one is invited to join the party. Come celebrate the good times with us from 7 to 11p.m. in the LSCC gym located at 9501 US Hwy 441, Leesburg. Enjoy music and dance favorites from 1980 to present by "Times of Your Life Entertainment" deejay, spon- sored by J. Scott's Skin Care and Day Spa. Tickets are $15 per person and $25 per cou- ple. Ticket prices include snacks, drinks and fun. Call the LSCC Foundation for tick- ets and more information at (352) 365-3518. Saturday, Oct. 8 A Fire Prevention and Safety Day is scheduled at Wal-Mart in Bushnell from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Everyone is invited. The Webster Cemetery Association and the Sumter County Farmers Market announces its Annual Picnic Meeting to begin at 10:00 a.m., at the Farmers Market in Webster. Following the Annual Market Meeting, you will be able to enjoy your choice of BBQ pork, beef, chicken or chicken n' rice din- ners with all the trimmings. Also available will be real lemonade, drinks, pie and cake. The market provides the entertainment each year, which will be followed by the cake auction. To complete,the day's festivities there will be lots of time for community and family fellowship. Proceeds from the event will go toward the maintenance and improvements of the Garden of Memories, Mt. Zion and Stewart Chapel cemeteries. South Sumter High School, in conjunction with the Foreign Language Club, presents the next in its Foreign Nights, Series, "A Night in Zimbabwe," begin- ning at 5 p.m., in the old foods lab of South Sumter A selec- tion of Zimbabwean foods will be served. After the buffet-style meal, guests will be treated to an evening of the culture, history, language, and music of this Manyenga science teacher at SSHS. He has been living in the U.S. for a few years, and has been gracious enough to help the Foreign Language Club put on this event. The meal is $5 per person, and the cultural presentation will begin around 6 p.m. and is free. If you are interested in attending either, or both, of these events, please call Sandra McClanahan at 793- 3525, or e-mail at mcclans@sumter.kl2.fl.us by Tuesday, Oct. 4. Join Nancy Tyner, a social worker from Clermont, as she shares a love story with heroes and villains. You can choose the ending. Can jeal- ousy and fear ruin your day? There is a hero in this story that can change every day for the rest of eternity come and hear what she has to share through the bold adventure that has been her life. Tyner will be speaking at the Lake Panasoffkee Christian Women's Club. Along with Tyner, the ladies will host their Fall Country Fair offering up great bar- gains on new and used items, from candles to sweets. The ladies will meet at 10 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation building, near the library. For $5 per person, the event includes hearing Tyner speak and sampling some luncheon treats. For reservations, contact Joanne at 748-4757 or email Patwe@sum.net or bren@sum.net . Arbor Village Nursing Center in Wildwood will be having an Octoberfest on Old Wire Road from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be a large yard sale, silent auction, a carnival for children, many vendors including food and craft booths, and an antique car show. For information call 748-3322. Monday, Oct. 10 The District 13 Family Care Council will meet 10 a.m. to noon at the Wildwood City Hall, 100 Main St. (SR301). All persons interested in issues of those with Developmental Disabilities and their families are invited to attend. For more information call Susan Clark- Long at 352-330- 2177, or Betty Kay Clements 352-753-1163. Tuesday, Oct. 11 The Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School Advisory Committee will meet at 3 p.m. in the Media Center. All SAC members are encouraged to attend. E The newly formed Villages Shrine Club will meet under a provisional charter at the American Legion Hall, corner of Rolling Acres Road and County Highway 466, Lady Lake. Social hour to fol- low. All Nobles in the area, their spouses or guests are invited. The group meets the second Tuesday of, each month at 7 p.m. at the same location. For details call Jack McCleve, president, 352-750- 2085. Wednesday, Oct. 12 Sumter County Fair is plan- ning on a Christmas theatrical show looking for all youths Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gant and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Walker announce the marriage of their daughter, Chasity Marie Walker to Rickie Glenn Boyd, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Rickie Boyd on October 8, 2005 in Ocala. Forest Land Recovery Program provides aid Owners of forest land that has damaged timber can receive up, to $25,000 in cost share reimbursement for activities to restore forest from damage caused during the 2004 hurri- cane season: Here are the requirements for meeting the reimburse- ment: Minimum of 10 acres to be treated Maximum of 1000 acres to be treated Management/practice plan required Activities include debris removal, site preparation, tree planting and more The sign up period is July 22 to Oct. 21. If you would like more information, contact Ray Adams,, your local DOF County forester, for details at 793-2431 or email: adamsi','doacs.state.fl.us. 3+ Acres Deepwater Ocean Access Lot from just $240 per month! * 45 min from Jacksonville/15 min from St. Simon's Call today for appointment Excellent Financing available "monthly payment of $240.32 based on $59,900 purchase price with 10o down payment of $5,990. 553,910 financed @ 5.19%o fixed (APR of 5.55% includes 1% origination fee) for 3 yrs. 35 monthly payments of $240.32 with final payment of 553,910. Offer void where prohibited by law. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation Sumrar County Tinmas a 8 o 2I- a05 | |weKlv Publigatlcn | J204EMCCuliumAE'BuErnell FL33513 l i^Tci Cu '= i t352.563-5 6 11 r *5 15,0 i aw'r.4 .4 'roea fl .u Cinfo itOVfir eOss 0fic aof Faietrs,,s ,hor irwi 1624 N Ma eatoarlist B a Crystal River Fl 34.129 ,tt. ,o oCofl,,o 0uBA3 sas ,.. ,, i r pa aM..arf too Va rowE.... |Geaard Mulligan-Publisher- 1624 N Meadacl*irst Blvd Crystal River. FL 34429 Lur io a-TJar a rx ~- 'CM- J I* [Bob Reichman Editor-204 E MC Cullurm Ave Buarnell. FL 33513 Aljar Place C-E-- Z, .L 20-1 E MC CuilumAve Bushn.ii. FL 33513 o..i Us'm CoT.ptM .ilaNg LimM Cinru, County Chronicle -Sumter County Times PO Box 549 Snaibyville KY 40066-069 C.n1J Putilianing Inc VWnose soie stocknolder is lrrnmarKc rr',mm..nniT Ne w'pVrif eInr O, .af.... .n Sunrexor Couny Tima es ..eember52005 1 bI, t .5 sinwo"l f Uwojl i 1 stil a.. .-.. r, 7,. -. ra 20 Oa s ft I Sa0 ".. .s. .... ...... ......... 0. .. I. u 'o ,a I r-.w ^ .aOw i*w;& sm5'. .3WO '0 n 3t2 5M78f.' Cpo's F';i-f d r i A.ssg, ha Co p'. is 00t. Cotta 0f.'r. Opi.' rj 131 ..Trolj P-s ldl t l doss',. P rnM Uwm U trrg Dv,0 S T.. i,.. c. ., m 1. ). 6205 6.534 i;.5T tI,,3,.It i I0 l.t 0 i 1110 0 ' m,il.l..t 0 ,,ho.... e.-. 2 4494.89 al- 1 ft. ,5 I C -2.- a%4ar8a s t. 0 ] -. 0 i.tf. na o. em rw-e4ro3ar .0 " .IT SMASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment Q $*13,495+n *15995.+ GCa23W.23HP 4 'a) TrarislisionS PS. Ind PTO, T. St q4e C W, 4 TitTuires., 60" Be8y,, Mosr TA,..s Ro l r y.., 54' FiontLoiderith48"BrkMel OLI.* fl 5 ro enC N EW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Sireet, Brooksville Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, F Phone- (352) 796-5171 Terr Fax: (352) 796 6683 Saturday 8am-12pm n|, Noty C ,' ,irrn-r ni. t1."1 :..b r : ,.r. .:.L IT.a. d IC q r.,3 Ir._-, ? j : :r l h r, ur :r ,, ... Ir, l.:r r I .I. : r -: 1 rr, Di: It, ilri,1-, +r,.. -,, ,0n r01-t ai l D,:ul : ,,.r I .11iOjF ifu,. ,@r da M r, h ,.:n f iT.. D -QuIr, 0% Dwned OwdWit ~185745., 1A.Ujr B o c 'rr inE COMPLETE PACKAGE n-MQs. -,4 -,6 4 F3 6''-1 I P., .5 4. ...._......._..._......._....._._._.._._._. rr ... H ~ -. .. ,._0 Combining services can free up cash for little extras. Get High-speed Internet and Unlimited Local and Long Distance-from a provider you can trust. High-speed Internet includes: * Free EarthLink* blocking and protection tools. S24/7 tech support. Call package includes: * Unlimited local and unlimited long distance service. Features like Caller ID, Call Waiting and Call Forwarding. T .c Il ni It rI j- r INK, TOf pinam Fvreidl rl rirallltCiga3 Offer: Cioinumet must suoliwbe to both Pint hpcj~~ ~v is ufthn 11C0ffII,4 ig" l 910.d0 i.iflcII 'et' fmt It31ai',OI .1)~~,ojT.I1.J l isp- op'100foir lace lirv'e'ojrtsariff S!omto naimod inharnliwoni lerig-difaim ~Bervav aa391B flP(3by Sprinf Tain &CA~nd~M asIl 'Wrorl Lcai ark, r-f.iltt ',,-j] LIT i',n l,!.ir',41 t4 IIIFI-111 K A ..1 -A~ by the apiciable -tale Istffttnendom gate rrTm and idcbdnt &tservice vMonthyin r1 te s "inctlude usag]e r rrimrctery Assit'luco tymarp' rj,:rj[iCR~' gIf" CfIi1.TVf, I~f7'OLle," spipnrLcornVmroney cfmaW- Dservi tceonlty CalCEOOi, t 211865%ogtiil700NPAs ae3otmm? Vanered unlimilea iruntte n dmiras ian~ol0e DN I callJing Moruhltyto i0 kl',Cltle phimre POII rseLC-1.II'iIFI NT I, ,vi31it la'Ado A ~',t,0Il~V~5 00ctsjfll6 ,Ill n~inir. ~ll be baled inadvance lkurarMpml ratesvsr)t and surchiea may a~9Iyinc ting surchtar Astrnal Lck;mai~tde to Welgen mol i Cntu C.1116ISj "M 2Olr.,,Ienair'I-',slI Vlp" ~O'H1C.),J.1 lStjtlit V'd 711 ip [.~i.1,IIr,410it1-1F1f'lj' nyu from pay phoits eSin thel US willi bwe rosteilaid reAl'ls, Mjfto cha~e A6wniuoprnuads0n rryy i, rnt high-speed Inten kr%:?r.el i -I v'1'i ii 5T-,ji k;0.I.rI. iii-.ll. IFI 0!O 6 ldriS3 w;.nlSI'j K V,1 ,e ielmir,0llon Acuopvjlfrennnmeevvarydtjetncc~jndtr3oqlmdeetSpilnttnefmvconoroI Noimnomuit orir&~~i~peedioiaindT',,aroT, v,,rt',jIohr..(1 i' .Ir'l.S i'Il, .'tIi,,Iii.i, .,'ltn krPiII'y serurTidi b furJTs paitI; o M stVlesl~aWtimM ir. Inscidevwinniisirt~elophoriecoodtiore AtMtlipX'Al reltOlTw-Tis Mnv 3payISf lN Fridays Ghveeway: fJc. cl,-rbo'Pral SAs-&11 i. e0tu I...I .iir,.Il,'S .s f I, .., ow,!r- O~ld rio.,'0i C Irt interested in all aspects of theater, also looking for adult volunteers. Contact Barbara at 793-2750 or Robin at 352- 874-2028 Auditions will be held 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20 North Sumter Primary School, 2005-2006, School Advisory Council will meet on at 5:15 p.m., in the school Learning Resource Center. Tuesday, Nov. 8 Withlacoochee Technical Institute is a offering Patient Care Assistant class. Classes include Certified Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide certifications. The Patient Care Assistant class meets Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 2:45 p.m., for approximately 11 weeks. Hours during clinical portion are 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. . This course will certify stu-, dents to work in hospitals,, home health care, and in long term care facilities. The total cost of the tuition is approximately $519.97. Books, supplies and lab fees are additional. Partial scholarships are: available to students who qualify. Students must be 18 years or older or have a High School/GED diploma. This' program is approved for Veteran's Training. For more information, please contact Student Services at (352) 726-2430. Walker and Boyd wed SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 11 RAIDER GOLFERS Water district seeks public input The Southwest Florida Water Management District is seeking public input about the order in which minimum flows and levels (MFLs) for lakes, rivers, streams and aquifers in the District will be determined. A minimum flow or level is the limit at which further water withdrawals will cause significant harm to the water resources and/or environ- ment. The District Governing Board sets these limits as part of achieving the delicate balance between meeting human water needs and those of Florida's natural sys- tems. The District continues to make significant progress in the establishment of MFLS for key water bodies in both the Northern Tampa Bay and Southern Water use Caution areas. The District has also expanded the list to include remaining first-and second- magnitude springs not previ- ously listed. This year's golf team at South Sumter High School (pictured above) includes: (back row, left to right): Andrew Moffett, Tyson Winter, Ryan Hileman; (second row, left to right): Jarod Langston, Tyler Latham, Richie Ragan, R.J. Carroll, Cory Martin and Coach Harry Neuman. Some of thisyear's top golfers at South Sumter High School are shown on the right. They are: (left to right) - Bret Spaude, Brandon . Mauldin and Jarred Chandler. 659-1013-SCT RESOLUTION NO. 916 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE PURPOSE FOR THE 2005 CITY OFWILDWOOD MUNICIPAL ELECTION, ITS DATE AND TIME WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Wildwood has heretofore passed an ordinance adopting all General Laws of the State of Florida relating to Elections; ec \ept that for purposes of determining any qualification fee for election assessment, the City adopts-only those portions of the Florida Statutes directed specifically to municipal Elections; and except for any other exceptions contained in the City Ordinances or Charter which-have been delegated by General Law to the City, and WHEREAS, The City Charter of the.City of Wildwood, Section'5-1, provides for the time of holding elections and terms of office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WILDWOOD, FLORIDA that the municipal election for the City of Wildwood will be held. on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in December 2005, which is DECEMBER 6, 2005. THE PURPOSE OF THE ELECTION IS: 1. Elect officers to the following Commission Seats: Four public meetings will' be held: The meetings will be held at the following loca- tions: Monday, Oct. 10 at the District's Brooksville Headquarters, 2379 Broad Street Wednesday, Oct. 12 at the District's Sarasota Service Office, 6750 Fruitville Road All meetings will begin at 6 p.m. and will be held in the boardroom at each office. The purpose of the meet- ings is to receive public input on a draft revised priority schedule for establishing minimum flows and levels. Legislation requires the District to review and, if nec- essary, revise the schedule each year. The Meetings will afford an important opportunity for local, governments, citizens and others to be part of the' scheduling of minimum flows and levels for rivers, streams and other flowing waters, lakes and aquifers. The revised schedule will .be considered for adoption at the Governing Board's regu- larly scheduled meeting in November at the District's Sarasota Service Office. The adopted Minimum Flows and Levels Priority List and Schedule for 2005 draft Priority List and Schedule for 2006 are avail- able on the District's Web site at www.WaterMatte'us.org on the Water Management issues page. The draft will be posted on the site as soon as possible following the Governing Board's Sept. 27 meeting. Written comments are also welcome and can be submit- ted via mail or E-mail to Marty Kelly, the District's ecological evaluation manag- er, no later than Oct. 14. The addresses are 2379 Board Street, Brooksville, FL 34604-6899 or: Marty.Kelly@swfwmd.state.fl. us. For more information, please contact Barbara Matrone at (352) 796-7211, ext. 4233, or 1-800-423-1476, ext 4233. GROUP 1 MAYOR/COMMISSIONER GROUP 2 COMMISSIONER GROUP 4- COMMISSIONER 4 YEAR TERM 4 YEAR TERM 4 YEAR TERM QUALIFYING PERIOD FOR PERSONS WISHING TO QUALIFY AS CANDIDATES TO THE AFOREMENTIONED SEATS IS: NOON, OCTOBER 17,2005 UNTIL NOON, OCTOBER 21,2005 QUALIFYING FEES: STATE ASSESSMENT-r 0^ ,THE REQUIRED 1 .% STATE ASSESSMENT BASED ON THE SALARYFOR THE POSITION $78.00i $63.38 Registration closes fo.r the Cit, election November 7, 2005. Please contact the Supervisor of Elections Office in Bushnell, Florida or any of the branch offi;e- in Sumier County. , City of Wild%%ood. City Election will be held at WILDWOOD CITY HALL, 100 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILDWOOD. FLORIDA. POLLS .RE OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M., Joseph.a cob-, CtN\ Clerk Your business running shorthanded? Call WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, the area's largest permanent placement agency. We'll help you locate, interview and keep employees through continued training and development. Last year, we helped area companies locate over 43,000 job seekers, all at no cost Call 800.757.4598 or visit WorkforceCentralFlorida.com today to find out how we can lend your business a hand. WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA WCF offors quO omp reimur ,.Awhlay &W ak m vku anahbeupon rmquestto io a ah wrt 5Ih U Mmer6,b nploy hida Announcing... a change to your window to the world of services provided by the Board of Sumter County Commissioners. A PORRY SEZ: Our website address has changed. Please update your Favorites , or Bookmarks to reflect the new : S address. T CONWT '.LOS, O N OW UKLO& N OI jW I For direct access to a world of information about Sumter County log on today. www.sumtercountfl.gov SUITER CO NT TRANSIT -5 OS-MOVARE 66S3)S 1-. SA SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 4 Q. *' '. 'i GRIOUPPI -, QRO IP 2'&4 - s,450KTER.COCJPJ7)' 9A B. PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 Remembering Aunt Tim and our bond that transcends time MARSHA PERKINS Special to the Times My Aunt Tim died a couple of weeks ago on Thursday, Sept. 22, at Hospice House in Tallahassee. She was 93, just a few days shy of her 94th birthday. Her son Carl was with her and recounts a peaceful passage from this life to the next. The last time I saw my Aunt Tim was on the Sept. 17 in a hospital room. I knew there was a chance that she would- n't respond to me, because she was quite sick But I also knew that I had to go to her, see her, touch her, to talk to her one last time. When she heard my voice and when I touched her, she said in a clear, but faltering voice "Marsha, My Marsha, I love you" words that will last a lifetime with me. Aunt Tim and I have a bond that transcends time and space, life and death. It could have been forged years ago when she was born and her 6- year old brother Edwin (my father) was assigned as her caretaker, a practice common among large families. She was the first girl joining four older brothers. My dad and Aunt Tim shared a special relation- ship the rest of their lives and I think my dad passed it on to me at my birth. Aunt Tim got her nickname as a child when her older brothers teased her about a boy living in their neighborhood and it stuck, to his dismay at first. Aunt Tim's ancestors were pioneers of Sumter County, moving to the state in the 1870s and 1880s after the Civil War. Her great-grandfather Benjamin Woodard died at 2nd Bull Run, one of Stonewall Jackson's "foot" cavalry. Her great-uncles, the Hamilton's on her mother's side, remained loyal to the, Union and a couple were on the steamer Sultana when it blew up on the Mississippi River while transporting them home from POW camp after the end of the war. My Aunt Tim's full name is a mouthful Delma Esther Woodard Huff Saggus but it says a lot about her and her long fulfilling life. She. was born Oct. 7, 1911 at her par- ent's homestead near Bushnell and lived most of her life in Sumter and Lake Counties. During her school years she formed life-long friendships, including the one with Mrs. Macey Fuissell of St. Catherine. Ms. Fussell, who will be 97 this year, remem- bers palling around with "Delma" and other friends- Marcel Fussell, Carol Allen and Lorraine McNeil, who have also departed this life. After graduating from Bushnell High School, Aunt Tim married a Georgia boy, Vernon.Carl Huff, in Bushnell on March 30, 1933. To them were born two children, Carl and Rosemary, Then Uncle Vernon died on Oct. 21, 1954. After her children were mar- ried, Aunt Tim attended nurs- ing school and cared for many patients for many years at Leesburg General Hospital before retiring in the late 1970s and moving to Tallahassee to be near her children. Later she married Ewel Saggus, who was her first husband's sister's widow- er. She moved to north Georgia where she greatly enjoyed the country life until Uncle Ewel died in 1987 and Aunt Tim moved back to Tallahassee. Aunt Tim was preceded. in death by both husbands, Itr parents Charles Jackson Woodard and Sarah Ann Hamilton Woodard and five brothers: Floyd, Edwin, Albert, Lester and Mark, and sister Frances, nephews ,Jimmie Pettit arid Bill Woodard. Survivors include her son Vernon C. "Carl" Huff, Jr. and his wife Marilyn; her daugh- ter Rosemary K. White all of Tallahassee; a stepson Frank Saggus of Orlando; two sisters Doris Woodward of Aunt Almarene Outlaw, Marsha Woodard Perkins, Aunt Doris Woodward, and Aunt Tim Saggus sharing a happy family gathering at Crystal Riyer on March 5, 2005 with other family members (not pictured) Uncle Johnny Outlaw and cousins Wayne and Jackie Hall, Rosemary White, Stephen Perkins, Mary Outlaw, Carl and Merilyn Huff, Bill and Linda Marsh, Kenny Woodard and Martha Trowell and her granddaughter Avion Trowell. Tallahassee and Almarene (John) Outlaw of Inverness; and six grandchildren, Margaret Hancock of Tallahassee, Vernon C. Huff III of Altamonte Springs, Jo Ann Lassiter of Longwood, Bill Keen of Aiea, Hawaii, Janet Blaum of Scranton, Penn., and Leigh Ann Harris of Panama City Beach. She is - also survived by 10 great- grandchildren: Jim Hancock, Wil Keen, Jill Lassiter, Annie Keen, John Keen, Jordan Dickens, Tyler Blaum, Savannah Blaum, Georgia Rae Harris and Caleb Harris plus nine nieces and nephews: Jack Woodard, Benita Hall Sharp, Wayne Hall, Linda Hall Crew, Bill Marsh, Susan Outlaw Stallings, Mary Outlaw, Kenny Woodard and Marsha. Woodard Perkins. Services were held at Danburg Baptist Church at Danburg, Ga. on Sunday, Sept. 25,2005. She was interred by Uncle Vernon at Danburg Baptist Church Cemetery. Chapter sets 50th event The Oct 1 meeting of the Granville Beville Chapter was held at the home of Mary Harrison in Bushnell. The meeting began at 10 a.m. with brunch, and was called to order by President Mary Greer. Those in attendance were; Mary K Greer, Joyce White, Bettye Jemison, Peggy Sloan, Mary Harrison, Marilyn Barnes, Carolyn Shaw, and guests Danielle Shaw, Carol Tomlinson Fairrell Jacobs, and Cynthia Buswell. Marilyn Barnes led the pledge and salute to the flags and the prayer. Bettye Jemison read two poems called "Alabama Autumn" and "The War Between the States." The division convention will be held in Clearw ater on Oct. 6 -9. Joyce White will be attend- ing the division convention and 605"- I NOTH PUBLIC ] The Zoning and Adjustment Bo; Commissioners will consider modifi allow the use of the property located the purpose Class I landfill. Owner: A.C.M.S. Applicant: A.C.M.S.. Application; C2065-0004 REQUEST: Modification to existing Class I landfill. Section 22, Twp. 20S, Rng. 22E: The NE 1/4 & N 1/2 of SE 1/4 & E 1/ NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 less the E 50' of N GENERAL LOCATION: Sumterv 475. East on C-470. South on CR 529 Two public meeting will be held at th 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida, Zoning and Adjustment Board Monday, October 17, 2005.at 6:30 PM Third floor: Room 327 Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, October 25, 2005, at 6:00 P.I Second floor: Room 222. Information regarding this applicati< Division of Planning and Deve Courthouse, 209 N Florida Street, files may be reviewed between the Monday through Friday. All interested citizens are welcome tc Persons with disabilities needing as proceedings should contact the Sur (352) 793-0200, 48 hours in advance Pursuant to the provisions of Ch 286.0105, if a person decides to ap named Board with respect to any ma such Board, he or she will need a r such purposes, he or she may need t proceedings is'made, which record rr upon which the appeal is to be based. 01 i U ; I IIo 41T will participate in the memori- al service on Saturday, Oct. 8. The newest member, Carolyn Shaw, was awarded her certifi- cate of membership by President Mary Greer and Registrar Mary Harrison. Three prospective members, Danielle Shaw, Carol Tomlinson, and Fairrell Jacobs were also present and encour- aged to complete their applica- tions as soon as possible. The members of the 50th anniver- sary committee are Mary Harrison, Peggy Sloan, and Marilyn Barnes. The commit- tee has decided that the big celebration will be on April 8, 2006, at Fort Dade Park here in Bushnell. The next fneeting will be at the home of Doris Sue Smith in Wildw\ood. CE OF HEARING ard and Board of Sumter County cation of a Conditional Use Permit to generally as indicated in this notice for .g, CUP from a Class III landfill to a /2 of NW 1/4 & NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 less W 1/4 of NE 1/4 less SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 ille/Lake Panasoffkee North on C- 9. CR 529 dead ends into the property. he Sumter County Historic Courthouse, as follows: AM. M on is on file with the Sumter County elopment, Sumter County Historic Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 PM., o attend. distance to participate in any of these mter County Administration Office at of the scheduled meeting. apter 286, Florida Statutes, Section appeal any decision made by an above hitter considered during any meeting of record of the proceedings and that, for. to ensure that a verbatim record of the ina include the testimony and evidence I U Surgery Day: Tuesday & Friday 8:30-5 PM (By Appointment) Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 PM .' CARES CENTER Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic 735 E. C 470, Lk. Panasoffkee (352) 568-9994 v v MASSEY- FERGUSON S St. Augustine Beach Oceanfront Resort F,, our PIe.qS te earte ne.i't to -\ntou ito a S. 5 outir Plnitjells ( i,,-,ll l:en 9n0 ret, urart. lounge a' i tn- 'rtunmPent Ri .TEN -F r.~ St. Augustine Beach Front Resort l 800-752-4037 904-471-2575 1 *www.,floridabeachresort.com se..6 a MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment II .* MODEL #471 $19 95OC00 ..^ j MODEL #471 2 Wheel Dr. 9 4 Wheel Dr. &8S Sinc Snurtle Snhn 72 Engine Horsepo..tr WIExtras: re Rolarvy urc..e. 60 PTC' @ 2200 RPM 1inepenr ent ail rooled a braki 6 E,., Blade. l.e PTO 2 spool rIemote 1 e. lelesoiic ,lZ r. F'.,I rle.uqcr wE3xtras: ,' le $21,98500 2 Year/or 1500 Hour Warranty 26,14100 Post Hole Auger All Terrain Lawn & Tractor 31800 Progress Rd. Leesburg, FL, 34748 7-5 M-F 8-12 SAT. 352-360-1398 J MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment MASSEY FERGUSON MODEL #471 $19 9500 MODEL #471 2 Wheel Dr. 9 P V4 Wheel Dr. 8x8 Sinc. Shuttle Shift 72 Engine Horsepower W/Extras: 6 ft Rotary Mower 60 PTO @ 2200 RPM. Independent oil cooled disc brakes, 6 ft. Box Blade live PTO, 2 spool remote valve, telescopic stabilizers. Post Hole Auger Extras: otaMdwer S21,985 2 Year /or 1500 Hour Warranty s26.141 00 Post Hole Auger All Terrain Lawn & Tractor 31800 Progress Rd. 7-5M-F8-12SAT Leesburg, FL, 34748 7-5 M-F 8-12 SAT. 352-360-1398 S1889 c 1648 2205 Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80% Wt Range AvgWt Price Range S1160-1170 1165 42,00-44.00 1300-1350 1320 43.00-46.00 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% WlRange Avg WI Price Range 800-895 854 45.00-48.00 905-1075 975 45,00-50.00 1500-1700 1598 44.50-48.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% - W.Range AvgWI Price Range 710-890 822 41,00-45.00 710-895 786 33.00-39.00 900-1005 908 41.00-45.00 925-1010 983 33.00-40.00 1110-1215 1163 41.5046.00 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1 Stii v.'g AvgWt Price Range S"io I,.l) 1177 53.00-57.00 1040-1350 1154 48.00-51.00 1535-1865 1603 53.50-59.00 Slaughter cows and bulls: Were steady to 1.00 lower. Feeder steers and heifers: Were. mostly steady. Supply was heavy, demand was moderate. Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 73 percent, (39 percent steers, 34 percent helfers).Over 600 lbs. 2 percent (1 percent steers, 1 percent heifers) Slaughter cows and bulls: 20 percent. Replacement cows: 5 percent. 1535 1535 52.00 52.00 Low Dressing 576 0 576 100.00 100.00 Avg Price Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 43.00 WIRange Avg WI Price Range Avg Price WI Range Avg WI Price Range Avg Price 43.98 250-295 268 150.00-170.00 161.10 228-245 232 119.00-132.00 126.72 330-342 340 -130.00-144.00 132.48 250-285 262 110.00-132.00 115.39 Avg Price 358-375 361 125.00-144.00 129.96 305-345 323 100.00-117.00 113.90 46.14 400-440 426 114.00-125.00 117.35 360-380 371 104.00-110.00 100.93 40.76 465-490 476 105.00-117.00 109.03 400-440 .418 95.00-102.00 98.18 46.33 Holstein 508-545 520 100.00-106.00 103.49 485-495 489 92.00-94.00 92.81 572-594 585 106.00-110.00 107.68 605-625 615 86.00-98.00 91.90 Avg Price Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 43.10 WI Range AvgWl Price Range Avg Price W' I Range Avg WI Price Range Avg Price 36.75 LowDressing 210-230 218 140.00-164.00 147.8 225-247 241 100,00-110.00 103.77 4327 2068-292 278, 124.00-136.00 132.03 265-283 281 106.72 36.36 LowaDressing 305-343. 330 115.00-128.00 119.96 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2 Young 42.70 355.395 377 112.00-122.00 117,05 W Range AvgW T Price Range Avg Price 410-448 437 100.00-112.00 107.44 705-855 793 58,00-86.00 67.84 4- 6rmos bre Avg Price 455-475 466 99.00-104.00 102.35 '910-1065 092 55,00-74.00 61.99 4-6 mos bre 54.97 500-545 518 968.00-102.00 98.26 Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2 Young 40.34 Low Dressing 555-565 560 94.00-95.00 94.50 WIRange AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 586.21 605-638 627 92,00-101.00 94.89 1020-1065 1042 700.00-790.00 745.97 Feeder Steers and Bulls Small 1-2 1170-1235 1202 750.00-800.00 775.88 c,],! ,l Wi r,-,, ,-) r&,:, t0 t11?n t 1AO 00 99900 I01 'hl,' ,' ,'00 I CI A'lii'l l'l-1uil I 114 ;I :A %- 1 1e.ll :ie4s M u 1 In o l ''111 W I Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1.2 '0-ivni1 IN In cF :'6a I '1. .IPD: w 04 1A.' L ., U-, U ,1 0 I'- '1 (0 1'i 14", * Friendy Folkls Fair Prces 'Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: * Western T&As Western Alfalfa s Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% 15.65 12% 15.85 New & Used Saddles & Tack Bsnl PAGE 12, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 LJIE3111W --% lI red ted SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 13 Stlner TIDBITS Cancer support group meets A cancer support group meets in Bushnell every sec- * ond Monday of the' month at 7 p.m., at Chuck's Odd Cuples Restaurant, 117 W Belt Ave. (Hwy. 48), Bushnell it is between CVS Pharmacy and the Dollar Store. This is for anyone dealing with cancer in their lives. You may be a current patient or a caregiver or a survivor who may have words of encourage- ment to offer! Come and share and listen. You will be uplifted to know you are not alone! Hosts are Lee Krauss and Georgia Klems, RN. Coming events for Shine Club At the latest Villages Shine Club meeting discussions were held on events coming up, Masonic Golf Scramble, participation in parades, Photography Club, Fall Dinner Dance, collecting money for the Shine hospital at the paper drive, Ladies Shrine Club. These items and information about the next meeting of the Villages Shrine club will be on Tuesday, Oct 11. Please contact Jack McCleve at 750-2085 for infor- mation. Flea Market and Book Sale A flea market and book sale will be held Oct 13, 14, and 15 from 9 a.m. to noon at Panasoffkee Community Library on 1500 CR 459. Clean and useable items needed. American Legion looking for members American Legion Post 18 holds their meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Wildwood, Hwy 44 and Hwy 301. We are look- ing for new members. For more information, call 352- 326-2158. Power wheelchairs available The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available Power Wheelchairs to Senior Citizens and the Permanently Disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify.'The -Power Wheelchairs are pro- vided to those who can no longer walk nor self-propel a manual wheelchair, and who meet the additional guide- lines of the program. No deposit is required. If the patient's need is for use in the home, please call for more information to see if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800- 246-6010. Mommy And Me Mommy and Me acrobat ,classes are set to start in mid September! Moms with their children, ages three and four, can join together for some basic tum- bling. Mommy doesn't necessarily tumble in the starter classes, but she needs to be on hand to provide assistance and social support for all the little ones. Classes will be on Saturday, from 11 a.m. to noon at Just Acro in Lake The be; come Panasoffkee. For more information call 303-0518. Marine Corps forming detachment The Marine Corps League is starting a new detachment in Wildwood at the American Legion Hall and VEW. The first meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. They are seeking former Marines and retirees from WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, and also FM.F. Corpsmen. For more informa- tion, call John at (352) 326- 2158. Rural community Health raffle The Rural Florida Community Health Foundation is sponsoring a reverse raffle to raise money for Thomas E. Langley Medical Center. Tickets are $100 each with only 200 being offered. The drawing will be Nov. 18, 2005 at Continental Country Club in Wildwood. For tickets or information call Marilyn Connell 352-568-2272 or Julie Pacheco at 352-793- 5900. Steer and swine rules and dates The 2006 Sumter County Fair Steer and Swine rules and dates may be picked up at the Sumter County Fairgrounds, north of Webster on County Road 471 or down- loaded from the website at sumterfair.net Recycle, don't throw away The Sumter County Fl Freecycle group is open to all who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or: an old door, feel free to post it, Or maybe' you're looking to acquire something yourself! Nonprofit groups are also wel- come to participate too! One main rule: everything posted must be free. This group is part of The Freecycle Network, a nonprofit organi- zation and a movement of peo- ple interested in keeping good stuff out of landfills. Check out freecycle.org for other cities and information on the move- ment! E-mail the Moderator for questions or improvement ideas! mail to: sumterctyf Ilfreecycle- owner@yahoogroups.com. Have fun and jump right in! Advocating for Kids, Inc. Advocating for Kids, Inc., is seeking community-minded and proactive board and advi- sory members in Citrus, Hernando and Sumter coun- ties who are passionate about issues affecting children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected and the Guardian ad Litem Program. Prior fundraising, grant writ- ing, or nonprofit board experi- ence is a plus. Our mission success is that every abused, neglected or abandoned child in the 5th Judicial Circuit Court has a court-appointed advocate to speak on their behalf and never having to say NO to a child in need. For more information, visit our web site at www.advocat- ing4kids.org or send an inquiry e-mail to info@advo- cating4kids.org. Jazzercise Lite Classes Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Building, Tuesday and Thursdays, 9 to 10 a.m. Call Patty Jordan at 793- 9340. Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation. Sumter on the move Walking Club in Sumter County every Thursday at 6 p.m. at Kenny Dixon Sports Complex Walk Track. Co-Sponsored by Sumter County Parks and Recreation and Health Department. Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries through out the county. Beginning on June 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will be at, Lake Panasoffkee Library. The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third Tuesday of each month we will be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Webster Cemetery Association ANNUAL PICNIC Saturday, October 8,2005 at the Sumter County Farmer's Market Bar-B-Q Beef Bar-B-Q Chicken' Bar-B-Q Pork Chicken and Rice Homemade Cakes and Pines Real Lemonade Drawing for Prizes Cake Auction Also, the Farmers Market Annual Membership Meeting I- r ot things out of the -.- Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. If you have any further questions' please contact Sumter County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Crank-Y- Campers The Central Florida Camping Club aka Crank-Y- Campers, has members and camps all over the state and invites you come out meet new people and make new friend at one of our monthly campouts. Children and pets welcomed. For more informa- tion call 407-699-3039 or 407- 575-3300. Our website is: geoc- ities.com/crankycampers. Country and gospel music There will be music at the Community Building starting in July on second fourth and fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Country and gospel music will be heard at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building across from Truck Stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only. Call 748-2628 for informa- tion. Dance at Lake Panasoffkee There will be dancing every first and third Friday, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 1/2 block north of blinker light across from Sunshine Truck Stop. Singles and couples are welcome. Life entertainment and finger foods appreciated. All ages welcome; sponsored by Sumter Singles. Call 352-424-1688 for more information. Cancer support group Meetings are on the second Monday of every month at Chuck's Odd cup'les Caf6 on West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m. Refreshments are provided. For information, contact Lee Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. For more- information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the 'Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, /2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any ques- tions, call Belva Maier at 352- 383-0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas, Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and emergency bills will be paid on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave. in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respectively. I S t r s s e d u t ? in d O t W y IN TODAY'S WORLD, GAINING PEACE OF MIND CAN BE DFFrCULT. BUT, WHEN YOU READAND :.'-Il l .. .'. Tur MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH BY L. RON HUBBARD, YOU HAVE THE KNOW-HOW TO GET RID OF STRESS! THIS EXPLOSIVE IESTSELLER DEAiL WITH THE STRESS-CREATING PROBLEMS YOU PACE EVERY DAY-PROBLEMS THAT CAN SHORTEN YOUR LIFE . FIND OUT THE ONLY PROVEN, SAFE, WORKABLE WAY TO ERASE THE CAUSES OF STRESS AND GAIN CONFIDENCE. 71 . . . Lube, Oil & Filter: Every 3,750 Miles! Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tire pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CV joints, air cleaner -19 ' elements. Extended Expiration til 1/4106 f GOOdw rnch I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer i Most GM cars Slmilar savlnhon other vehicle Plus tax MV27608 I' 1J Buy, Read and Use Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L Ron Hubbard. Hubbard Dianetics Foundation 3102 N. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33607 Or Call to Order (81 31 872-0722 All orders shipped within 24 hrs. , Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. | Cooling System Service INCLUDES: Pressure test cooling system and cap; Inspect drive belt(s), hoses & freeze plugs; Evacuate system and refill with 50150 mix of Coolant and Wter 149.95 Extended Expiration til 114106 M GOOCdWA I Ch Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. S Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax MV27608 Balance Wheels Automatic* & Inspect Brakes Transmission Service INCLUDES: I Every 30,000 Miles! Freetire rotation; Computer balance 4 Remove pan and drain fluid l wheels; Inspect front and rear brakes, I new flter; Reuse pan gasketsnstall 2 9 09 3rd generation flild; Check linkage 7 m I and mounts; Check for leaks; Test on-road performance. Extended Expiration til 1/4106 Go dwi i Extended Expiration til114106 GOI Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival, Not Valid ldth any other offer. Valid with coupon, Please presentaupon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. S Most GM cars Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax MV27608 Most GM cars Similar saving on other vehicles Plus tax MV27608 Service Wild Card Fuel System Service. i (every 30,000 miles) Discount on Parts / i & Labor on a / INCLUDES: S Repair over $300. IPower flsh fuel Injectors; Clean Intake Kove 1 0^ S ^W | Ivalves; Clean combustion chambers. $8 WM9 ^ '' ^^ r Promotes smoother running I and better gas mileage I Extended Expiration til 114106 E !GO Od VICIeCh | Extended Expiration til 114106 ilGOOdyWI nch I I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. 11 .Valid with coupon. Please present uponarrival. Not Valld with any other offer. S Most GM cars Similar saving on other vehicles Plus tax. MV27608 Most GM cars Slmilar saving on other vehicles Plus tax MV27608 Service done right. And done by pros. PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 Planting wiMasterflowering aensnuals Planting winter-flowering annuals MARTIN GRUM heights, deep flower borders Special to the Times can be produced. Plant the taller species at the rear and. It's time to get out of the progressively shorter vari- summer doldrums and start eties in front. Use colors, thinking about gardening. ts which blend well and avoid thinkingabout time to plant wing. It'ser- too many varieties having dif- about time to plant winter- ferent colors. Beds should be flowering annuals. flowers, large enough so that flowers Many of the annual flowers, can be cut and used to provide which thrive in the northern winter color indoors. Many annuals are classified into and porch gardenindoors. Many two groups cool season sfully low growing an be planted as annuals and warm season seeds or obtained as bedding annuals. Florida's coolseason plants which can be trans- is from October to April, thus planted into the garden. we grow many annuals during Bedding plants are usually the winter, which would nor- available at reasonable prices mally be planted in the spring and offer flowers quicker than in the northern states. As long growing your own plants from as the proper planting time is seed. considered, home gardeners When buying seeds you get can produce many colorful what you pay, for. Seeds of annuals all winter, named varieties of a specific Remember, however, the cool color are more expensive season annuals you plant in than color mixtures. The lat- the fall must be able to endure ter should not be expected to frost if they are planted out- produce flowers of as high doors. quality as the more expensive Annuals, which can be seeds. If possible, plant seeds planted in October, include after the rainy season is over, sweet alyssum, calendula, car- (after September), or small nations, digitalis (foxglove), seeds may be washed away. pansy, petunia, snapdragon, The other alternative is to phlox, sweet pea, ornamental start plants in flats so they can cabbage and viola. Pansy's be moved to shelter during don't like the Florida suns rainstorms. Some annuals, heat so wait till November to such as phlox and sweet peas plant pansy's. should be planted directly Annuals have numerous where they are to grow uses in the garden. They are because they are difficult to probably best displayed in transplant successfully front of shrub borders. By Keep a careful watch on choosing annuals of different young annuals. Their roots Free reptile and amphibian Come explore the fascinat- Wildlife Conservation ing world of amphibians and Commission (FWC), features reptiles at the Chinsegut live displays of frogs, lizards, Nature Center's 11th Annual snakes, turtles, salamanders Reptile and Amphibian Expo and more, guided walks Day in Brooksville on through native habitat, and Saturday, Oct. 8, from 9 a.m. to information on the. care and, 4 p.m. The center is located feeding of these herpetologi- seven miles north of cal wonders. Brooksville off US Highway Expo-goers can talk with 41. experts who reveal how they The free event, sponsored capture slithering snakes, by the Florida Fish and leaping frogs and slippery are shallow so watering is necessary until they are well established. Pests must also be kept under control. To produce compact, bushy plants, pinch off the top pair of leaves after seedlings have at least three pairs of lkaves. This will produce teral branches and better quality plants. Most seed packages co ntain directions for planting and care of annuals but ex:peri- ence is the best teacher. The gardener who learns how to successfully grow annu ds will produce magnificent color in their winter garden. So color your winter garden with flow- ers from Florida Plant clinics are held at the extension office in Sumter County 793-2728 on Thursday, as well as 1 to 4pm on the first Monday of every month at the Sumter County Annex on County Road 466; and a Florida Friendly Landscape Series is held from 330-5pm on the second Wednesday of every month at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, located at 1852 County Road 457. A Florida Friendly Landscaping Series is pre- sented by Wendel Martincovic in Oxford on Oct. 13 from 1 to 2:30 pm "Pruning Trees & Shrubs" is the subject. It is free to the public. Martin Grum is a Sumter County Master Gardener, for help with any garden or land- scape advice call the Sumter County Extension office at 352-793-2728. A succ essful food and personal items collection drive was recently carried out at Webster Elem, ry school. "The first school day after hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, I had teact in my office wanting to organize help for those victims" said Assistant Principal, Rusty Irby. iristi Brannen and Beverly Smith were the two main staff members behind the food drive". They came to me with the idea; Ms. Smith organized the collection, Deputy Hamilton and myself arranged for the delivery." The real credit though goes to the students who cared enough to .ring in all the food, clothing and personal items. Irby said, "In the end, we had collected nine h je boxes of needed items." Principal Helen Johnson beamed with pride as she described the .rforts of her students. After all the hardship these kids went through last year with their own hur- ricane troubles, it is heartwarming to see them reach out to help others. I am very proud of the students. South Sumter Middle School invited parents to an outreach held in Center Hill several weeks ago. The purpose of the outreach, of which there will be three more, is to bring parents to a familiar setting within their own community to learn about the middle school years. Topics of dis- cussion included course scheduling, incentive pro- grams, FCAT, and expecta- tions. Afterwards refresh- ments were served and sever- al parents won door prizes of backpacks, reading books and supplies for their chil- dren. expo at Chinsegut Center ,salamanders. They can also lizards and turtles. peruse exhibits that include Native plants will also be an interactive demonstration on display and available for sponsored by the Gopher sale. Tortoise Council. The event is free and open Everyone in the family can to all lovers of nature. To enjoy the herp puppet show reach Chinsegut Nature or compete in the increasing- Center, travel approximately ly popular and humorous seven miles north of frog-calling contest. Experts Brooksville, on U.S. 41, then will give show-and-tell talks turn left on C.R. 476 and go on a variety of herpetological one mile to the entrance on subjects including alligators, the left. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 15 A lucky puppy that was rescued after the wraith of Hurricane Katrina by Humane Society of the United States DART volunteers. Summer assists with hurricane rescue The Sumter DART team, working under the direction of The Humane Society of the United States and the Florida Department of Agriculture, was deployed to Mississippi in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrinia. The Sumter DART team goes into hard hit areas \where there is no service or utilities and sets up its logistic trailer, which is able to support and provide for incoming DART teams. The rescue teams are up at daybreak and out searching through the debris for lost and injured animals. The animals are brought back to the com- pound where they are given medical care, food, and water in the Sumter DART 44-foot air-conditioned trailer. A triage unit was set up giving dog-to-dog blood transfusions and ["s for dehydration. The compound's volunteers delivered pet food and hay and feed for livestock to peo- ple for their animals- in need. The compound was a haven for people to bring their lpets, and a place to find their lost pets. A surprise delivery came to the Sumter DART compound from Shady Oaks, Windsong Farms'Nicki Knowles. Judy Torres, and Knights Feed who donated truckloads of hay and horse feed. Over 700 animals came through the Sumter DART compound. This dog, one of many, was treated for dehydration by volunteers. . ...- - Sheri Evans, Sumter DART coordinator, (pictured at left) works with other volunteers from around the country at the Sumter DART compound in Mississippi. The group is shown preparing to dis- tribute livestock feed. Demolished homes and damaged property was injured or lost animals. searched by DART volunteer teams looking for All FA rAI L 4 .e--d y.rr u . A message found by Sumter DART rescuers. Residents of Mississippi leave information for loved ones and rescue workers of street addresses where their homes once stood. Spray-painted numbers were put on this horse to help locate its owner. The horse was cared for at the Sumter DART compound. 4 IT Ala If V1 N 'k. I C4 ;r I' I PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 4-H ADVISOR Sumter 4-H celebrates National 4-H month Sumter County 4-H Youth learn-by-doing approach to will be celebrating enable youth to develop the national 4-H Week Oct 2 knowledge, attitudes, and to 8, and October is National skills they need to become 4-H Month. competent, caring, 4-Hers willbe cel- and contributing ebrating with their citizens of the 4-H Banquet, mak- world. This mission ing others aware of is accomplished by the benefits of 4-H, using the knowl- a float at Bushnell edge and resources Fall Festival, f of the land grant Legislative university system, Appreciation along with the Reception and involvement of car- other activities. ing adults. What is 4-H? 4H 1 What do the four is an informal, MARTHA "H's" on the 4-H practical, educa- MADDOX emblem stand for? tional program for The 4-H emblem is youth. It is the the 4-leaf clover youth development program with the letter H on each leaf, of Florida Cooperative Extension, a part of the University of Florida IFAS. 4- H is where there's fun in learning and learning in fun! In 4-H, kids participate in hands on learning experi- ences that prepare them for life. 4-H programs are open to youth 5 .to 18 years of age regardless of race, color, sex, age, disability, national origin or sexual preference. 4-H has a wide range of educational projects ranging from garden- ing, leadership, nutrition, livestock management, citi- zenship, public speaking and several more. Call your local County Extension Office for more information on project work at 352-793-2728. What is the mission of 4H?? The Florida cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development program uses a Support for victims The Salvation Army. Sumter County Service Center and Wal-Mart are pleased to announce that, due to the expanded assistance beilig provided to areas dev- astated by the recent hurri- canes, there will be an increased number of days that the traditional Red Kettle and the volunteers will be seen at Wal-Mart in Bushnell. The Red Kettles will be at Wal-Mart on most days begin- ning with Friday. November 18 through Saturday. December 24, 2005. The Salvation Army does not place kettles on Sundays. "This should mean increased income that will be used to assist persons who need help during the holiday season and beyond. We are very excited about this opportunity", said Bill Stewart Sumter County Service Center Administrator. "Last year we were able to assist 1,074 people during the holiday season and we expect that number to increase this year", Stewart added. The Salvation Army s cur- rently recruiting individual volunteers and groups (such as churches and service organizations) to assist with various activities. including, taking applications for assis-, tance, collecting, sorting, and preparing gifts, as well as for the Red Kettle campaign. "The fact that so many people are helped is due to the many volunteers and hundreds of volunteer hours; every volun- teer has a direct impact on the number of people we are able to help", said Stewart. Persons interested in vol- unteering for any of The Salvation army programs or seeking further information should contact Bill or Eleanor Stewart at 352.568.2284, The Salvation Army is, a participating agency with SUnited Way of Lake and Sumter Counties and the Human Care Network. symbolizing the equal training of the Head, Heart, Hands and Health. The 4-H emblem was protected by an Act of Congress in 1924. The motto is to "Make the Best Better." The 4-h slogan is "Learn by Doing". 4-H colors are green and white. Isn't 4-H just for kids who live on farms?? No! 4H is for all youth, wherever they live on farms, in suburbs, in cities. 4-H serves youth from all backgrounds and interests. It reaches boys and girls through 4-H clubs, special interest groups and short term projects, school age child care, individual and family, learning and mentoring, camping and school enrich- ment. Most 4-H members are from towns and cities and they participate in contempo- rary l)rojects such as bicycle XL BUS FIGURE 8 & MORE LATE MODELS. SUPER STOCKS, HOBBY STOCKS, 4 Ol., FIG 8 A Simple Way to Invest in Stocks It's called dollar cost averaging You simply invest a regular amount of money into stocks each month. Although this can't guarantee a profit or prevent a loss, your money buys more shares when prices are low and fewer when prices are high. Call or stop by today to set up a plan that's customized for you. -.:ioar c.n,, .;njr jg ig ,, a iong I Errm strategy so you should ev.,ILIA3e yur *ar.,lliy ito ronrliLue I& in -liny rrough uip .,rld dorin markets. Stocks are subject to mrket lmue' fluL tI an1i and if sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 Swww.edwardjones.com ^ ~ Member SIPC EdwardJones Serving Indiidual laveftor Since 1871 84 38 ' care and safety, consumer education, aerospace and model rocketry, public speak- ing and animal sciences. 4-H offers membership without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, dis- ability or handicap. What is a 4-H Club? Clubs are the foundation of the 4-H program. A4-H club is a group of five or more youngsters guided by one or more adult volunteer leaders. A club can be any size from a small group of kids from one neighbor- hood to a larger club consist- ing of youth from all over the county. What happens in a 4-H club?? A4-H club usually con- centrates on one or more proj- ects such as gardening, wood- working, small animals, food and nutrition, livestock. Photography, etc. 4-h menim- bers build leadership by elect- ing officers and conducting their own business meetings: work together on community service activities; and meet new friends. How did 4-H originate? 4-H clubs were first known as corn clubs for boys and canning clubs for girls, organized early in this century by public school educators who wanted to broaden the knowledge and experience of their students. 4-H in Florida began in 1909 in several counties in north Florida. For more information about 4-H contact the Sumter County Extension Office at 352-793-2728. The students pictured above completed the Certified Nursing Assistant Class at the Sumter Adult Education Center on Sept.22. Shown above at their CAN pinning are back row: Amy Mules, Misty Hadder, Amanda Phillips, front row: Yvetta Brown, Michael Lee, Dana Neal, Mario Ornelas. Not pic- tured: Harriet Hayward. 2005 CHEVY I CORVETTE CONV Day tona Pepsi 4X-) Parade Car.. " Loaded Na\ OnStar STK# 50959 YOUR $ 00 PRICE 57,50000 2005 CHEVY.4 SSR ROADSTER 6 Speed Loaded SILVERADO EXTGAK V-6-Auto-AC - MSRP'26,2570 STK #02 YOUR I PRICE ,90 2006 HHR's ARE N k 20t9 LS & LT SILVERADO REG 1. ,V \-8 Air Cond.- Stereo- . T -PW-PDL Cruise $"M" 00 STK*" STK# 60004 MSRP ,A- "- Genuine People. Genuine Chevrolet Z Z lANECAAN REVOUWJLON 847 S. Main Street, Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com mv27 CHKEVROLET '608 2005 MALIBU MAXX LS Power Seal Remote Start Prem. Audio MSRP23J03600 sTK# 50927 YOUR $ FIB PRICE 1 2005 TAHOE LT Demo Loaded Leather MSRP$43,5800 STK# 50027 SYOUR $3 2%345* PRICE 0 0 00 2005 CHEVY <' SUBURBAN -LS Bose Stereo Homelink * IMSRP 41,56000 STK# 5064 " P R 00 PRICE' 6417T4 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 17 wr - -- .- ~ m -~ .~ - ~- - 4- - Ones"" S. Sa U L- qp PM e- O M so go 0 som - are 40M quo-.w -a4 ma m dD- - 4m .I 0 -- - 0 - - ANN. am toa f a Pa ft um wo "- 4 "I ow% dk a b S -4 -w "Copyr d=Syndi -e from dC 1e-from'Cc %~ 4* m S e*h - a - lighted Material ".. cated Content =. )mmerciallNews Providers. Im 10 in~ ~ 04m- - t o # o e M m o wi1m o - q- ow & wam ag doa %MP- 40 M a*ME4 4AW qua 0fo 4- lo mm- 4w 40 v -4 ENDO_ .~ ft a.4 o o a fto- 4W am &don 400a 41900 mEm' -4 ab quo, 46, ft-w eoA 4NOW-0 .w emble bb-.~ S S... 4f -- .M. 40 0 m ~ *on 4m* 4b pow a-0swap- %V *% or-OW Of awl* Options come standard. Only with Sprint do you get so many choices of phones and capabilities, including: > Unlimited night and weekend minutes > Unlimited Nationwide Walkie-Talkie > Nationwide long distance, every minute, every day > SMS Text Messaging For all your wireless needs, visit us at: Sprint CfEI4IAR (((" TECINICS, ,e. Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free Nationwide Walkle-Talide: Provided as Sprint PCS Ready Link or Nextel Walkie-Talkle service. Sprint PCS Ready Link requires a Ready Link capable phone. Coverage rate plan features, services and phone availability vary by network. The Nationwide Sprint PSC Network reaches over 250 million people. The Nextel National Network reaches over 263 million people. @2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved. SPRINT, the "Going Forward" logo, the NEXTEL name and logo and other trademarks are trademarks of Sprint Nextel. MOTOROLAAND Stylized M Logo are registered In the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved .4w - - - -- - IF: a -- I - S a -~ - S - :'r..~ z a S. ~ e e - - pp _ _- S 0 mom 135 aVMtw1 o --.. p o w Mal o m o Q Q PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 Raiders take win Raiders take Mount Dora il i ht the haven't Sherman said he is leased STEVEN AYERS Times Correspondent Last Thursday, the JV Raiders took their second win of the season against the Mount Dora Hurricanes in a tri- umphant victory. The game consisted of many powerful. and driving plays from South Sumter, as well as a strong effort from Mount Dora. The game began with a kickoff to South Sumter by Hurricane kicker Thomas Noffisinger, and South ,Sumter's Joe Arredondo promptly picked up the ball. The first standout plays of the first quarter belonged to Montana Barnes and Thurman Price-McMiller who both took, the ball and ran to score South Sumter some real yardage on the field. Price McMill'er took the ball to the Hurricane 15 yard line, but unfortunately, being a mere 15 yards from a field goal, the Raiders' Denzel Smith threw the ball hoping for a touch- down, only to have Mt Dora's Sam Armstrong intercept the, ball. Mount Dora received the ball only to have another inter- ception by South Sumter's Chris Camacho. Then, again, Joe Arredondo stepped up for a long run for the Raiders. With 4:15 left in. the first quarter, after Arredondo's run to the Hurricane 10 yard line, Thurman Price-McMiller took the steps to put six points on the board for South Sumter in the form of a touchdown. Then Montana Barnes took the 2-point conversion for an 8- 0 score with the Raiders in the lead. With 1:52 left in the first quarter, Mount Dora, unable to. move the ball, punted the ball to the Raiders and Joe Arredondo scooped it up for a Raider possession of the ball. Starting off the second quar- ter, Colt Wells from South Sumter caught the ball andkran a long drive to put the Raiders' just short of another touch- down. The player to put anoth- er six points on the board for South Sumter was Brent Akins. Montana Barnes took anoth- er 2-point conversion for the Raiders, who now sat with a lead of 16-0 in the first half. With 5:53 left in the second quarter, Mt Dora had to yet again give a punted ball back to South Sumter. With 2:23 left in the first half, there was a fum- ble made by South Sumter, which was recovered by South .Sumter's Kyle Lowe. With only a mere 47 seconds left in the second quarter, there was another punt from Mt Dora to the Raiders, resulting in Denzel Smith running a strong play and John Ornelas scoring another touchdown and Colt Wells scoring' another 2-point conversion to seal up the first half at Raiders .24 to Mount Dora's zero. At the beginning of the third quarter, South Sumter kicked off to Mount Dora who then was forced to punt it to the Raiders again after not manag- ing to break the South Sumter defense or obtain a first down. Montana Barnes caught a daring pass and followed its lead with a long run with five minutes left in the third quar- ter. The next touchdown was caught by Chris Baker, then leaving the score 30 to zero. Montana Barnes brought another 2-point conversion to the game leaving the score 32-0 with the Raiders in the lead. With 2:18 left in the third quar- ter, there was another punt to the Raiders from the Hurricanes that was picked up by Cash Irving. At the end of the third quar- ter, the Raiders were at the line of scrimmage at their 40-yard line closing out the quarter with a daunting lead against Mt Dora 32 to zero. The first standout play from the final quarter of the game came from Cash Irving, catch- ing a long pass back play to score another touchdown on the board with Mt Dora still at STEVEN AYERS Times Correspondent South Sumter's Varsity squad took on the Mount Dora Hurricanes at an away game last Friday. With a 62-6 final score with the Raiders in the lead, Head Coach Inman Sherman commented on the game as, "kind of uneventful. "Mt Dora's kind of strug- gllg ll llb n rg n VVo U.L..y A.VU.AU won a game, but I feel like our kids played really well. I mean our second string got to play in the second half." When Sherman listed his hopeful improvements, he thoughtfully said, "Well, We've got to become more consistent as far as trying to play at a high level all the time instead of just when we feel like it." with the team's play last, Friday comnienting, "Yeah, we're overall pretty happy. Joey Martiniez was instru- mental in what we did offen- sively, putting out' three pan- cake blocks... so we're real happy with our teams per- formance." The next game for South Sumter is Friday, Oct. 7, at home against Crystal River. WHS over Trinity Prep 34-13 Photo by Steven Ayers Head JV coach Keith Hileman celebrates a victory a little wetter than usual after a friendly team soaking. zero, and South Sumter with a 38-point lead at the beginning of the fourth quarter with only eight minutes left in the game. The extra point was another attempted 2-point conversion, which was fumbled and picked up by the ,'Canes' 'James Lackey. This led the Hurricanes to try to get at least one touch- down on the scoreboard before the game ended. The only touchdown by Mt. Dora was scored by Rebecca Bell, the Hurricane wide receiver with a no good extra point. The final score of the game was 6-40, a Raiders win. Afterward, Head Junior Varsity Coach Keith Hileman commented on the game. "We're very exited. Our kids had a great week of prac- tice...we went from our straight power-I offense, and I think that added some excitement for.our kids." ROBIN EDDINS. Times Correspondent Wildwood High School put on a strong homecoming display last Friday night with the Wildcats taking Trinity Prep with a final score of 34 to 13. . Trinity scored the first touch- down of the game, at the start of the second quarter, and the Wildcats fought back hard and scored their first touchdown of the game with 2:46 left in the quarter, adding a good extra point brought the score to 7-6. An interception by the Wildcats on Trinity Prep's 31- yard line by Brian Hinkle with a zigzag gained yardage enabling the Wildcats to score another TD ,and extra point with 45 seconds left in the first half. In the third quarter a 50-yard run by Wildwood High lead to a touch down by Josh Eason bring- ing the lead up to 21-6. The Wildcats then went on to score another TD in the third. In the fourth quarter, Trinity Prep countered back with another touchdown and an extra point. Not to be,, outdone, the Wildcats returned another touchdown bringing the final score to 34-13. Wildcat Coach Robert Lindsey was visibly proud of the boys and could be heard plying them with compliments on a job well done. The team is looking forward to adding another notch in the win column tomorrow night with another home game against Leesburg. SocerSCw RES Results of play for Sumter County Youth Soccer Club. U-7 Division Michael's Floor Covering Defeated Patco Transportation Energy Erectors Defeated WD Aluminum Jarrett Bail Bonds Defeated Genesis Aluminum U-10 Division. Mask & ,Sons Defeated Langley Medical Doggy Doo Run Defeated Country Roads Real Estate Brighthouse Defeated SCI-2 U-13 Division Wildwood Mower & Saw Defeated Del Peters Painting Chris the Plumber Defeated Angelotti's Matthews Produce Defeated Edward Jones Investment U-18 Division SCI -1 Tied DNB Ventures Speckled Butterbean Defeated United Standings U-7 Division Energy Erectors 9 Genesis Aluminum 9 Jarrett Parish Bail Bonds 6 Michael's Floor Covering 6 Patco Transportation 3 WD Aluminum 3 U-10 Division Brighthouse 6 Country Roads Real Estate 3 DoggyDoo Run-3 Langley Medical 6 Mask & Sons 12 SCI 2 6 U-13Division Angelotti's 0 Chris The Plumber- 12 Del Peters 6 Edward Jones Investments 0 Matthews Produce 6 Wildwood Mower & Saw 12 U-18 Division DNB Ventures 4 SCI 1- 1 Speckled Butterbean -12 United- 6 The league's next game will be Saturday Oct. 8, beginning at 9 a.m. at Millennium Park - SUMTER COUNTY'S GUIDE TO 2+ Acres Deepwater Marsh Lot $149,900 3+ Acres Oversized Deepwater Lot S$224,900o 45 min frorti Jacksonville/15 min from St. Simon's Call today for appointment Excellent Financing available 64533 1877GA-C EAN X. 708 DAY OR NIGHT: PET SURGERY, CHRONIC OR MAJOR ILLNESS, 2ND OPINIONS OR SMALL ANIMAL EMERGENCIES * ORTHOPEDICS CANCER THERAPY * GENERAL SURGERY ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS * CARDIAC CARE INTERNAL MEDICINE * PHYSICAL REHAB URGENT CARE CALL FOR INFO: 352.429.7707, A--a LAW OFFICE d f.III, P.AL 116 Busnlell Plaza. Bushnell, Florida. S Offering legal services to the citizens and businesses of Siunter County. in the following areas: Real Estate contracts and closings Title Insurance Agent for THE FUND Civil and Commercial Litigation Personal Injun' and Wrongful Deafth Criminal Defense 352-568-2500 Available by Appointment - | -. ...r - lT I'!iHavseed Cafe I * DinemIn Take-Out Catering 2684 West County Road 48 Bushnell 352-569-0200 !- FLEA IVeARKETn SSat-Sun 6arTam-noon ri FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 1017-10/13 -\ (FRI. SAT. SUN. WED. THURS.- PG13 DARK WATER 8:00 PLUS PG-13 XORCISM OF EMILY ROSE 10:05 Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: FLIGHTPLAN INTO THE BLUE Questions? Please call Harold Spears 863-602-2979 K I or Judy Crews 863-967-0842 NEWI Webslte Ioylandnvein.com THE GOSPEL PG IN HER SHOES PG-13 Fri: 1:05, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45 Fri: 1:00,4:05, 7:05, 9:55 Sat: 12:20, 4:00,,7:00, 9:45 Sat: 12:40, 4:05, 7:05, 9:55 Sun: 12:20, 4:00, 7:00 Sun: 12:40,4:05, 7:05' Mon-Thurs: 1:05, 4:00, 7:00 Mon-Thurs: 1:00, 4:05, 7:05 TWO FOR THE MONEY R WALLACE & GROMIT MOVIE G Satl: 12:50, 4:20, 7:15, 10:00 Sat: 12:30, 5:00, 7:20, 9:35 Sun: 12:50, 4:20, 7:15 Sun: 12:30, 5:00, 7:20 Mon-Thurs: 1:30,4:20, 7:15 Mon-Thurs: 1:35, 5:00, 7:20 GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED PG A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE R F,, i I 1 J -1:--. 9:50 Fri: 2:10, 5:15, 7;45, 10:05 'i : 9:50 Sat: 1:10,5:15,7:45,10:05 10' Sun: 1:10, 5:15, 7:45 Mon-Thurs: 1 15,4:15,7:10 Mon-Thurs: 2:10, 5:15, 7:45 INTO THE BLUE PG-13 SERENITY PG-13 Fri: 1:55, 4:30, 7:40, 10:10 Fri: 1:50, 4:25, 7:35, 10:15 Sat: 1:15, 4:30, 7:40, 10:10 Sat: 1:20, 4:25, 7:35, 10:15 Sun: 1:15, 4:30,7:40 Sun: 1:20, 4:25, 7:35 SMon-Thurs: 1:55, 4:30, 7:40 Mon-Thurs: 1:50, 4:25, 7:35 ROLL BOUNCE PG13 FLIGHTPLAN PG-13 Fri: 2:00, 10:05 Fri: 1:20, 5:05, 7:25, 9:40 Sat: 1:05, 10:05 Sal: 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:25, 9:40 Sun: 1:05, 7:30 Sun: 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:25 Mon-Thurs: 2:00, 7:30 Mon-Thurs: 1:20, 5:05, 7:25 TIM BURTON'S CORPSE BRIDE PG-13 JUST LIKE HEAVEN PG-13 Fri: 2:15,5:20,.7:50, 10:10 Fri: 2:20,5.25,7:55, 10:15 Sat: 1:00, 3:05, 5:20, 7:50, 10:10 Sal: 12:55, 3:10, 5:25, 7:55; 10:15 Sun: 1:00, 3:05, 5:20, 7:50 Sun: 12:55, 3:10, 5:25, 7:55 Mon-Thurs: 2:15, 5:20, 7:50 Mon-Thurs: 2:20, 5:25, 7:55 THE EXORSISM OF EMILY ROSE PG-13 Fri: 4:35, 7:30 Sat: 4:35, 7:30 , Sun: 4:35, L .Mon-Thurs: 4:35 In Webster 599 N Market Blvd. Sm 5 m mm ml m Fasiyr Restaurant Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pmr Fri. 7am to 9pm. Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in Central Florida & Much More". BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 &Eggs, Toast (with free dessert!) & Free Coffee Good Service...Great Food...Super People Hidden Rivers Resort & The Dam Pub NOWLERWEp PARTY -October 29t New'House Band, 'Southern Comfort" (ALL MUSICIANS WELCOME) 12 PM 4PM Coming Soon,' Full Lquor Bar Z69-9306 4666 CR.3QO Lake Panasoftke ' rayal- I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 19 WES ALUTE TJ F FRIDAY & SATURDAY GIVEAWAY BOTH D-YS! IE TRUCKERS. OCTOBER 7TH & 8TH Big Truck Registration L *. Friday 'til Midnight d ok I ; ~I AND -J Dii E50+ SHOW lU cKS O SKAY BIG TRUCK LIGHT SHOW LOTS OF FAMILY FUNN 8 FOOD GAMES FOR THE KIDS 7 WITHOUT TRUCKS AMERICA STOPS S75 CHROME SHOP 1-75 & SR 44 (Exit 329) WILDWOOD, FL For Information Call (352) 748-0330 or fax (352) 748-6283 I PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 Crier CHATTY ER Finding homes for special pets Schatzie is so adorable! She is a schnauzer/Italian grey- hound mix. The little three month old is very playful and full for fun. After playtime, she will snuggle in your lap. Schatzie along with her sib- lings will be at Petco in the Village this coming Saturday, Oct 8 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Come visit the puppies along with the Humane Society/SPCAs other adorable adoptable pets. I have recently read an inter- esting article titled "Match Makers" in Dog Fancy maga- zine. Matchmakers give a checklist of how to recognize reputable, responsible and reliable rescue groups. I am proud to say that the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County meets every requirement on the checklist S1. We are staffed with experi- enced volunteers 2. We operate as a nonprofit organization 3. A written application is required from the adopter, including a veterinary refer- ence if available. 4. A home inspection may be required. 5. Animals are bathed and groomed when they are taken in. 6. We provide basic veterinary care such as vacci- If yo nations and heart- fi worm testing. Socie 7. All animals are spayed and 793-9 neutered before they are adopted. 8. A full disclo- sure of the animal's medical condition and behavior are provided. 9. Support and helpful infor- mation is provided to adopters. Mrs. Croft and the students of North Sumter Intermediate School in Wildwood presented a check in the amount of $1,231.52 to Red Cross Representative Mr. Mitchell for Hurricane Katrina disaster relief. Students at NSI collected money with a goal of $1,000 to be donated to the American Red Cross. They exceeded the goal, and students were treated to ice cream sundaes. Sumter reps attend conference Schatzie is available for adoption along with her litter mates. 10. And we will always take back an animal if placement does not work out of if the adopter can no longer care for the animal. u are interested in adoption 'om us, please call the Hun ty/SPCA of Sumter Countj 117 and leave your name, and phone number. It is the goal of the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County to not only find loving homes for our pets, but to find the pet that, is best suited for the lifestyle of the new adopting family Because we are a small group of volunteers, the' adoption process may at times, seem to move a bit slowly. Be assured that we are trying to Wg a pet make that perfect nan match. y at 35t- If you are inter- S ested in adopting address a pet from us, please call the H u m a n, Society/SPCA of Sumter County at 352-793-9117 "and leave your name, address and phone number. E-mail us at: *humane@sum.net. Visit our website at: www.hsspca.org. The 2005 Extension Professional Association of Florida held its Professional Improvement & Administrative Conference in Sarasota during September 12- 15. EPAF consists of five associ- ations: Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents, Florida Association .of Extension 4-H Agents, Florida Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Epsilon Sigma Phi, and Florida Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals. More than 415 extensional professionals were represent- ed at the conference. During Wednesday's Friends of Extension Luncheon, all five associations honored and rec- ognized individuals selected as the Friend of Extension. Members from each associa- tion nominated individuals based on outstanding service to their county, district or state in each individual program area. Bernard Dew, Sumter County administrator, received the award for FEAFCS Friend of Extension for the Work he has done to support the exten- sion programs in Sumter County. Martha Maddox, Sumter County FCS agent, nominated Mr. Dew for the award and presented him with a plaque at the luncheon. Among the projects Dew sup- ported are the nutrition, finan- cial management, food' safety and housing programs offered to county employees; "Cherish the Past Invest in the Future" a video promoting shopping locally; encouraging new pro- gramming offered in The Villages; and offering opportu- nities for youth to interact with county government; Books in the Sumter Campus Library The Sumter Campus Library is located just east of Langley Medical Center in.Sumterville. The library is open to all residents of Sumter County. The hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Here are some suggested books: Adoption by Barbara Moe The Billionaire Boys Club by Sue Horton Down The Highway; The Life of Bob Dylan by Howard Sounes How To Mother A Successful Daughter; A practical guide to Empowering girls from Birth to Eighteen How to Father A Successful Daughter by Nicky Marone Advertisement Homeowners with money worries may qualify for low-interest loans Have you been turned down for a house payments? Medical bills? IRS loan' Do ,ou need more ihan lien ltft Jrein't matter! $10,00io) tori,, reasori 'Are \ou pa,\- It fou are a homeowner with suf- ing more thjn 10' indreS on an\ ticieri equiit3 ,'there's an excellent other loans or credit cards? 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PETE I Per Person in Your Party I CRUISE PORTS Must present coupon. PORT CANAVERAL TAMPA arportmo sece only j OTHER PORTS UPON REQUEST pet grooming k ANDY'I BrsGRoominG DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and small, We will bathe and groom them all! I Pamper YOUR pet today! For Fido's next appointment please call Sandy at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 ' MEDICAL SUPPLIES PRS MEDICAL SUPPLIES Medicare Accepted Complete line of:. Walkers, Custom Braces Crutches, Canes Bathroom Aids Custom Prosthetics Female Fitter Breast Prosthetics on Staff Prosthetics Research Specialist, Inc. 720 E. Southland Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restoration Full Fabrication Services Fax: 352-793-1448 Call Today 352-7932 "",- Call Today 352-793-2161 'v US;(o M- i260K! -a I 352-79.3-4477 boo SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 21 PAGE 21, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 Fun and GAMES * p. -' 4L 4w. 4 so , - * O v v *0 ~.quo I -~F .5 *a -^**^ lowe M righted Material-- -p WMP q p Syndicated Content..'4 Availablefrom Commercial'News Providers" 'ab -m % g "*- -" 7. - 0"'' .. CD "4 -_ ".-_ -... -._ .5 ..- 2- ._ .. '- 40 1 : %"-a ft S. 'S b Ip I 4 / v -lo pa.h MEW D __ - -MMEM 41b. - -~ w .5 -- ~0 ~. * 0 C * .5 a .5- C - .5 0 .5 - - .5 0 0 -- - .5- .5- - a a - * a- ~ --.5 - .5 C - *5- a - C ~*C * .5 - 0- .5 .5 - * .5 ~- - a C C - C C .55 C .5 .5 C 0 - * a e - .5- .5 S 0 ~ .5. ~ a ____ .5 .5 - a *~ - .5 .5 Ca .5 .5 *0 U .5 0 - C- *5 0 .5 .5 0 ~ 0 -- a- .5-se 0 *. - S .5 0 .p~ss~ a ~ .5a ~ -5.5 ~ -.5 r -qq " op p V V. Ia-. -dk -anm cob5 C ~-. a - 0 C - a a a'. F^> &'85* r ida i-s 1~ 0 4,, _ _( Je u w A - .44W 1 aP r oil~ v4 9 6 SF 9 .5- 4 d" v -^w W.,04f loolh- C Sr U, 0 -be 0*~ .54 4WD.4- j00 4m do0lb* 4 mom 4400 41D v 1 C C C C I I 0* - a p. *. p IV to J6A * a a, 0% I . C~. a'. 0 P354 sI~. g%. he' 04 da AML D1, e. S 0 * 9 I. e ~ '1 - w 40 q faft Z! F PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 PT Supported FRAMERS Housing (WOOD FRAMING) We're the largest the Centers framing company In Is seeking a part-time the state. We pay N W E NEWAP Supported Housing more, have great IN THE E SPACoordinator for our benefits, and have -- T Lecanto campus to the best chance for assist clients with advancement. chronic mental Illness Call us to make more to obtain housing, money. maintain dally Bill: 813-267-4741 living skills & live OR Independently In the Carpenter community, HS Contractors of diplomas or America, Inc. equivalent with min 1 1-800-959-8806 yr related exp and www.carpenter acceptable motor contractors.com vehicle record. Salary range Si $8.00-$9.00/hr MAINTENANCE DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., Wildwood (352) 291-5580, Manufacturing het@hecenters us company is looking or come by for maintenance 5664 SW 60th Ave., worker/Supervisor Bldg. #1, Ocala must have 3 s years and fill out on experience in a ppication. Industrial Maintenance, ir"i n- __ .p vW elding/!Fabrication PT/PTA and 3 phase electrical experience S Outpatient Physical required, Exc. pay S-. OUR ON INTher apy Clinic and benefits. S.. (umterpy County) Call/ Fax resume searching for Fax352-330-2213, professional, carlr--g Fax 352-330-2214 professional, caring Physical Therapist/ Physical Therapist SURVYING S, Assistant SURVEYING Candidate must be TECHNICIAN motivated by high quality one-on-one Requires a HSdiploma patient care or GED Training, W(12 patient's per day) special courses Excellent Salary & or self-education benefits advance- equivalent to ment opportunity satisfactory available, completion of one Sign on Bonus year of college new graduates education or welcome, specialized ad- Please fax resume to: vanced training In 'Physical Therapy drafting or a related FROM AROUND SUMTER LAKE Services field, Valid DL. FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, 352-683-8957 Requires three years CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- CasiaSenior Par . PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER usechnician; COUNTY TIMES!!! and Data Collection Ml and a general working knowledge With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the At PilotTravel of AutoCAD Survey. Centers, We think goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet success should be Annual salary range "shared with the $28,745-$42,348 and you get the thousands of customers whom. ae.o e ,A..:, ma e t peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! ., .rr ,ne. aCy ofLeesbur -4to helping all Human Resources That's right, placing your ad in the Times now members of ourteam 501 W, MeadowSt, reach ambitious FPO Box 490630 guarantees you a spot online and access to goals. We are a Leesburg, FL inCi s Lake $7 billion company 34749-0630 customers in Citrus, Lake. and Marion counties, as with over 47 years of Fax (352) 728-9789 record-setting growth or e-mail well as around the world. so we have a lot of employment@. SI.:. hare The leesburgflorlda gayv .u, quel.:.n roo.1 AA/MF/VP/H/D CALL TO Pi LACE PYOURCiLAS IFiEIl,11IOr ... ,D.o.u .,.aor.i., or. .. lolent to r L'a e ' Think about it, Then think about making fl General the move to Pilot. = H lp We are seeking qualified candidates who are looking to invest in their future . (9 .for our WildWood area Pilot Travel N SA PER Center: , *Shift Supervisors* Ea xra$ T (421. e a giti nal)*Cashiers* P os, i Join Pilot and All4 our classified including receive., d IJUE ,nd r.1e.oYal ]A1I yours now Online!! Insurance 11 ] yor s *ow li* Paid Vacation -BVEL IL Advancement -PINIDGE SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT .401(k) -CTUHI sumtercountytimes.com Must be flexible In schedule. S top in atone For Immediate oft consideration, i call 352-748-4486 Cr i eOfi between 9am-9pm Orcl56 -' Deadline:11 mTuesdaand ask for the Manager on duty. Or, apply In person at r= -- =IW 493 East State Route Custodlal Worker 44, Wildwood, FL The Sumter County Place your ad under one of IEOE HealthDeparent these classifications PILOT i AnnualSalary range: $16A22,90- $42,264.56. Starting 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES Merchandising PT salary Is $7.87/hr , F10 Easoe oppi, on line I 100-160 HEBLP WANITED Flexible hours, I at r.r, lo: 200-300 SERVICES excellent pay, cm,,olrlOO crm long term work, Refer to requisition 300-400 MISCELLATNEOUS /SALE Merchandisers number64086202,' 400-500 PETS needed to service I Only State of Florida accounts in Bushnell Applications will be 500-600 MOBILE HOM E areagrocery stores, I accepted no I RENT/SALE Training provided, resumes,please, Ad ,,,For more Info. closes 10/07/05, 600-700 RENTALS Call 1-800-733-2999 EO/AA/VP, 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE www.uerfrxdget L6wo p. mi 900-950 TRANSPORTATION ,D ASEweekly pay, NEED A LAWYER? MedIcal Employee $10/hour. Busnell. __r__._r__I Ir, lur, celons n & Start TODAYIll EAVY Run a floor buffer on Co. Rd. 223 Ox ford "r.1aemea:.r,:,, DuII Call My. EQUIPMENT mo at be ( 4Wrongful Death Ouec OPERATOR (352) 5 25 r ser.Ie ,e00, ;., Counselor TRAINING FOR FCAN the Centers EMPLOYMENT Full Time Employment Found I ra a Adult Day Program Jack Russell OCTOBER BEAD FESTS Sut1 Jn.:e C.u:e Trlher/Van Driver Call to Identify O. l,:.cber 'Ir. 8rr-, ,r Outreach Counselor Full benefits. $7.75/hr (352) 748-4525 P:.rm, aro 8ea.:r, i: for our Lecanto Increase to $8 after L.:,dae Oc .:..,'. :ompu" Ir CIru 6-months; Mon. thru Fri. ",bri-, Ha.o.r,a FL rr, C,:.ur, r1 o p~rcide 40hrs+ wk. High school ALL ACCIDENrs & o Irr ..l :,rrjr,ir, i screening. Good driv- ur.:.rn.:.Ole I.e O ,.'.co t-. ar, .tr-, r mar.a required with a mln 2 .ui arir,.l bi.es Shrire Temple ead yrs exp. In child/ Backhoes, Loaders, visit SCARC, Inc., 213 W. ..orkers .:,mpenal.'r. PMC, & Wire woppr,= adolescent D Trucks McCollum Ave., Bush- . rrngrul aearnrursc.gr Classes available. substance abuse ap e, nell 352/793-5156 or home Irluile" Fote: r Into or .. treatment; or Graders, Scrapers, webslte 'Our klgnr ..& Oc,:,oberBeadFe's cm C-P CC J P .;,r C" P Excavators www.SumterCountyARC Serice 0) 3342 C.r 66.'1232 1a Next Class: Oct. 24th .com. Service (800) 733-5342 C~rm range :-5 1),300 re. FCANE` $ C2 0 v onr Train in Florida DIVORCE,$275.$350 1 z lc "Ci National Certification TAX PREPARERS/ *Covers children, etc,. PRE PAID LEGAL ac nc.r, Nation Certification TAX PARERS rr, b.'r .r, e l l Financial Assistance 'CUSTOMER Only one signature SERVICE PLANS DFWP/EOE Fox or SERVICE requlredl,'E .iucie A Pre-Pald Legal mem- e-mail resume to -Job Placement Assistance govt. ree.! bership gives you ac- HR. the Centers, Inc., National Tax Service Call weekdays cess to quality law firms (352) 291-5580, 800-3837364 nownro aln T.,2. e. .:.01 for 26 a mn:.rlh or l hihecenters.us ..now enrolling r, -pmr. a Co m. f or de a :rt- hr@thecenterus AssociatedTraining Services students for ,',.m.'p.' ', 1,al me rAroTordeoal I- or come by I-..:.rce LI, ne~. op:ururnrItie. 5664 SW60th Ave., www.atsn-schools.com Oct. Classes. E-tobil:r~ea I,,'" FC -fj I oBd.#a664SW an 64hAv, Acquire new skills & a tail:, I- FCB-r g.a le Bidg. #1, Ocala and 6459 Brighter Future HUNT ELK. RED STAG 954-554-MATT fiM out an application. Qualified Students r.rai ul Qualified Students ,eacr, pena: 3. r CAD Technician can earn extra a.3,zor. oper,. 5'3 %i 'o I money as a F/T-P/T Guararteda Huntling RUN YOUR AD needed w/5-10 yrs. preparer, license, only $5. We STATEWIDEIII For only To place exp. In water, sewer, Flex Schedules. NO pay polcy.Call 450 you can place site plan, CAD Jackson Hewitt NO pay policy. Call' your 25 word classified classified ad drafting. Good Tax Service Days: 1314 20o0 800 ao In c..r 150 C SS waIgesbenefits. (888) 282-1040 Eves: )J) I ne.,spoper hr.ou.noul in the Sumter Reply aoPO. Box 520, S.. I,,he 6lo1e rea.chIng .-.,.er Busnell, FL 33513 5 .MILLiOr I reader Call Advertising County TimeS UTILITY MAN Let the Sumter Networks of Florida at y. Ti (866) 742-1373, Visit us Call 793-3163 HELP WANTED For truck/traller shop in COUnty limes online at www.florida- .. Wlldwood. FL. Manual classlfleds.com, Display lOday! for cabinet makers or labor, forklift exp. Shift Work for you. ads also ,.-allable for apprenticeship. Call work, Call Jim or Paul FC" .for appt. (352)793-9663 (352) 748-5500 [= -- $5,500 WEEKLY GOAL POTENTIAL If someone did It, so can youl 2-3 confirmed appoint- ments dallyl Benefits available... Call Catherine McFarland (888) 563-3188 FCAN CDLA OTR DRIVERS Tearis .50 cpm; solos .34 cpm 100% drop & hook, health benefits assigned equipment. require 1 year OTR Hazmat & doubles (321) 202-4406 FCAN DELIVER FEMA RV's FOR PAYI A NATIONAL RV Delivery service has immediate needs for qualified contractors to deliver "new" RV trailers from factories and dealers to Hurricane relief sites. This is a great way for you to help the victims. Please log on today: www. horizontransport.com FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT - TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students, Bonuses available; Refrigerated now available. (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN DRIVER- NOW HIRING qualified drivers for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950 FCAN EARN DEGREE online .from home Medical "Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid if qualify. (866) 858-2121 www.onllnetidewater tech.com FCAN KAYAK POOLS SEEKS CLOSER Sales Pros earn top commission $ + bonues's and Incentives, Some travel required 6 figure potential realistic. Call (866) 348-7560 for Sales Manager. FCAN MOVIE EXTRAS Actors and models Make $75-$250/day. All ages and faces wanted. No. Exp. required F 'F i (800) 714-7'.:." FCAN S/E & 3-STATE RUN: T/T drivers. Ho6ne week- ends, Mileage pay, benefits, 401K. Trainees welcome. Miami area. Exp. req. 21 min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Unes (800) 545-1351 FCAN STABLE CAREER Immediate openings Positions available for experienced CDL holders. Also company funded truck driver training offered. Financial assistance for Hurricane Victims., (877) PRIME-JOB. www. ;T, rc ,:,;,rr, FCN E-4 WILLING TO EDUCATE Highly Motivated Individual for' rewarding career In financial services. Call (352) 326-4424 $$$ OWN & OPERATE $$$ ,.:.ur .n :a.:r. cora, .enaingi roult 5 Unlimited earning potential. Includes 30 metal machines with candy, lifetime warranty $9,895 (800) 704-5414 FCAN A CASH COWI 90 vending machine units,you OK locations entire business. $10,670 Hurryl (800) 836-3464 #802428 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 maochlne- free candy, (800) 629-9968 BO02000033 CALL US; We will not be undersold FCAN Huddle House Franchise Opportunity - available In Bushnell, FL Huddle House Is a 24-hour family Ir'':.e 3ur,3nl .'.llTh' J I . .ear 6C.. perelnr.,: ord . 385 units. We credit our 40 years of consecutive same store sales .growth to an Innovative design and appealing menu, as well as a strong brand with constant corporate support. We are currently seeking franchise-operating partners to join our winning team For more Information, visit our website at www.huddle or call us at: : 1-800-868-5700 A HOUSE Is a great InvestmentI, PRIVATE MONEY AVAILABLE Easy qualifying, rapid funding, flexible terms on Real Estate Secured Properties, Mccall Mortgage Company. Call Thomds (954) 578-7735 (866) 895-4502 www. mccallmortgagellc. coam FCAN PROFESSIONAL VENDING ROUTE -Cola, all chips, candles, juices, water. No gimmicks, great equip/service, financing avail. w/$7,500 down (877) 843-8726 . #B02002-037 FCAN SERVICE BUSINESS FSBO Sky's the limit in this large million dollar business - httpi//lahdscapeand.. treecofsbo.homestead. com For more Info call (941) 485-9212 FCAN 7748 Country Rd. 772 DEMO HOMESITES WANTED in your area for the NEW Kayak Pool. Take advantage of this unique opportunity. Save $$ Financing available. For details call (866) 348-7560 FCAN CRAB TRAPS 400+ plastic six slat stone crab trapsused, need some lines and bouys. tags If needed,also 600 blue crab trap al- * lotient,all offers con- sldered352 344 4792,leave message If no answer . I I --L l You've always =Sefs uh had a knack g for good customer service. , c i. d, hl. -. .", Cr 1 ,q0 l .' .., L.oo .r.g fI,_.hallt.ng-q 6,nd pr .cl.r.,g ,-ear. CO e..se Out '.',- T'.~,T,'inuni(' I[.,l =-r.d narfrord fr.r .u O ;u. mesro'ne Sre ce gc t uS here That S why people like you thrive in ou- emppowe '.r.g er..nrint 'ru h.r'. he Ihr ieeed-om to help customers make the right d.. ,or.r.. Aret 3l. you're the one ,ho'. I lening New opportunity. New expectations. New Cingular. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES A high school diploma or equivalent with some related experience and excellent :' communication skills are required. Strong computer profioency and the ability to work a flexible schedule are also necessary. ob Our growing family of customers expects the industry's best service, If you're ready to., share your greatness, call 866-3444OBS to prscmeen for n appointment or apply at any,e', One Stop Workforce location. cingular , raising thebar mrv .^.: 1A .- a*4~.......a a A/J ^:.^ .AA. AA/>A-/ w eraf/f\' :t r:.v..I..ur- wlA 1 I/ I -a l OXYGEN USERS: Travel without canisters. No more bottles Oxlfe's lightweight, Oxygen concentrators run off your car and in your home. U.S.A. made- warranted (800) 780-2616 www.oxlifeinc.com FCAN TOO MUCH DEBT? Don't choose the wrong way out. Our services have helped millions. Stick to a plan, get out of debt & save thousands Free consultation. (866) 410-6827. CareOne Credit Counseling FCAN ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Licensed & Insured "No Job Too Big or Small" "Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 B.J Beckelheimer TREE SERVICE BUCKET TRUCK 1.STUMP GRINDING LANDSCAPING 793-5949 Top Shape Beautify Your Trees HOT TUB/SPA, 5 person, like new, 24 jets, Red- wood cabinet, 5 HP pump. Sacrifice $1475 (352) 286-5647 553 +/- ACRE LAND AUCTION 11 am Sat, Oct. 15 Development Land & Citrsu Grove. Central Florida Income & Development Real E r.ore :-.nre.3 ,r, .:. o r- Cel- F-..ur irr i.r r:a. n.:,ri.r j- r,-Iu.: j ir,ng I mile on US 27. Parcels range from 8.7 +/- AC t.:. .I '- I.- Hi.,3 a-- r,..- 1-.3,'1 International, Ltd. Inc. M.E. Higgenbotham, CAI FL Lic # AU305/AB158 (800) 257-4161 www. higenbotham.com FCAN 4 ESTATE 4+ MERCHANDISE AUCTION *THURS. OCT. 6 4000 S. Fla. Ave. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: NOON AUCTION: 5PM Lrg. collect of Irg. power tools, turn., household items, stove, fridge, smn. I apple Christmas & I morel Web www. = dudleysauction.com DUDLEY'S AUCTION (352) 637-9588 AB1667 AU2246 1 12% Buyers Premium 2% disc; cash/check PUBLIC AUCTION 5 treat l.:.rfth Car lrna -.urr.ainr pro-:err, 10. acres ea:r. E, ga ct Sparta. 10 acres. Lbo,'lutA au.:-iorl 12 I 1 c..-,r, :o. r 'C-.1 Il rr, Visit www. plerceauction.com kelth@carolinaauctions. coam (800) 650-2427 FCAN ALL STEEL BUILDINGS' Up to 50% off I Engineered for. Hurricane Coasti Ship Factory Direct for quick delivery. 24x30 Up to 100x2001 Call nowl (800) 499-6401 Eddie FCAN BUILDING SALE "Last chancel" 20x26 now $3,955 25x30, $5,700. 30x40. $8,300. 40x60, $12,900. Many others, Meets 140MPH * higher available, One end included, Pioneer (800) 668-5422 FCAN METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer, 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn around I Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN Dinette Rattan Glass Top Table & Four Chairs, $100.00, Two lamps, $50.00 (352) 382-2755 Mabel 3 Family Yard Sale, Sat. & Sun., 8am AKC LAB PUPS Adorable block heads- Health certificates -BIk & YIw- 352-613-2527 WEBSTER 2/1, with Florida room, 2 acres, $450. mo. $450. security 303-7434, 303-4872, 793-3807 $500.00 DOWN FHA Financing 1st time buyer, poor credit, recent bankruptcy, we have financing available. New 3 & 4 bedroom homes up to 2300 sq.ft, with land available. Call 352-621-9181 FOR SALE BY OWNER Must sell this one. Move In nowl 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, New-Nice home & land only $85,900. Owner will be able to pay for all closing costs. 352-621-9181 NEW LISTING This beautiful home .won't last. Ready for Immediate move In. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, great location I $4,500 down, $614: per month No hidden charges. Call 352-621-9183 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com REPOS AVAILABLE n your area Con i-i, r i.--a3, i.: move into. 352-795-2618 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at, www.naturecoast homefront.com Beautiful 3/2 on 1/2 acre in great school district. $2,000 and $650 mo. (352) 795-6085 Great Country Setting 3/2 on 2 acres in the .Mini Farms. Easy to Qualify, $4,000 down and $560 mo. (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for. New 4/2 on 5 acres. Zoned ir ,-,,-r i..J ijre H.-,r;es D,...r, '".' 3 rr..:. (352) 795-8822 New Land Home Packages Available. Many to Chose from. Call today for approval. Low down and low monthly payments. 1-877-578-5729 OPEN HOUSE Brand new warranteed home 3 bedroom, 2 bath, tiled floors, ocpr.llor,: e c-.i': l3-e ir.-e 1i-1 c driveway on paved road. Must see, Call for directions 352-621-0119 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are avail- able on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired Is 1-800-927-927. Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.comr Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Escape the heat in the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of western NC Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments, Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC, Real Estate. Murphy, NC www.cherokee , mountanrealty.com Call for free brochure. (800) 841-5868 FCAN GRAND OPENING SALE Lake Bargains! Water access from $34,900' w/FREE Boat Slips. PAY NO CLOSING COSTS! Sat & Sun Oct. 15& 16. Huge pre-construction sayings on beautifully wooded parcels at 34,000 acre lake Tennessee. Enjoy unlimited water recreation. Surrounded by state forest. Lakefront available Excellent financlngi Call now (800) 704-3154 ext. 658 FCAN NC MOUNTAIN CABIN on mountain top, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, 2 bedroom, 1 bath $175,000 Owner (866) 789-8535 www.NC77.com FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there s cool Mountain - air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS Cool Air, views, streams, homes, cabins, acre- age. Free brochure of mountain property (800) 642-5333 Realty of., Murphy 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906. ,.%,v reoltyofmurph -- M-::m I-,C .;' WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS,' homescabins, acre- age. Free brochure of mountain property (800) 642-5333 Realty of i Murphy 317 Peachtree. St., Murphy, NC 28906. i www.realtyofmurphy. [' com FCAN- I WHITEWATER LIVING IN' THE SMOKIES -_ Gated waterfront community Riverfront . and mountain views , available. Prices , starting low as $46,900. -. Final Phase limited lots Call nowl No closing costs buy direct from developer Save Thousants $$$ (800) 559-3095 ext. 327 www.rivercrest.com *Some restrictions apply. FCAN i, Over 3,000 Homes and ; Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com LOTS FOR INVESTORS/ BUILDERS, Residential Lots for Sale. $35,000. ea., 407-697-9967 ' realestatelandsales@ 'hotmail.com CITRUS-OCALA-PORT 1 CHARLOTTE, OVER- ,.' SIZED & '. AC. Call 888-345-1668 TCHTRE greatflorldalots.com CITRUS-OCALA-PORT, CHARLOTTE, OVER- SIZED & Y2 AC. Call 888-345-1668 TCHTRE -, greatfloridalots.com I' ASHEVILLE NC AREA .lc.uni-r. rnorneinre: C-,.rgeou.: i errr.:ri rl.er .le. ara .:,:iJe ,rl a-:, r,.:.rr,eiile. i* -:re. irrm ir.- J rr ' Gated c-.mmurirt -.nrr, amenities Call Today: ! (866) 292-5762 FCAN - COASTAL'NORTH CAROLINA WATERFRONT 3 +/- acres, $99,900. Beautifully wooded '" parcel on deep ' boatable water with access to ICW, Atlantic'- & sounds. Prime I' location close to town. 1 Paved rds, u/g utilities, i county water. Excellent, financing. Call now (800) 732-6601 ext. 1405 ; FCAN COASTAL SOUTHEAST : GEORGIA Large wood- j ed\.aler acce. TMarn ' vie., lake rr.-.r.l nr a ' goll orinren,3 nuorr:leles from the mia 0 u .e .- oaks, pool, ternri goli (877) 266-7376 www. cooperspoint.com ' FCAN EAST TENNESSEE PROPERTIES FOR SALE Sold and financed by owner.-Log Homes, Lots & Acreage near Pigeon i Forge- Gatilnburg. ! Call Ricky Bryanr (423) 623-2537 FC "I i..' LAND & LOTS Suppi, + *. aemanrid = F.:,l.O.a Lora, . 6.a 'rri C,.-,1 i/J I ,'i Ii) I ac re e -iCni'-2 "" Acre parcels. Highlands Hendry, Hardee, Okeechobee, ask for Lawrence (800) 796-6569 FCAN ; MOUNTAIN LAND FOR. SALE BY OWNER Beautiful mountain views In North Georgia. 1.5-3 AC parcels. Commons area on .A Trout Stream Call a.) (706) 636-2040 FCAN NC MOUNTAINS '- C-or,. .3erirg Ocr 22-23 'pe.'. rculor I.:.rg range .Iwr! Hfar bi'jc " Ridge Parkway and ,,' Boone. Excellent financing. Roads & = utilities. (800) 455-1981. ,.. ext. 210 FCAN ' r - NORTH CAROLINA GATED LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY 1.5 acres plus. 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts. 90% financing. Call (800) 709-5253 FCAN TENNESSEE NEW LAKESIDE COMMUNITY Spectacular homesites from the $30's. Private boat slips, limited availability. Close to downtown Chattanooga. Lake access from community. Call Today: (866) 292-5769 FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS --Extraordinary home sites In gated Fall Branch Estates. Wood- ed lots, panoramic mountain views, from $60K Current phase:, Pre-construction pricing. (877) 774-3437, www.RidgesLlfe.com FCAN J [ 1 Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecGast wheels.com FORD 2301, F250, XLT, 6 speed, power stroke diesel, ext. sab 4 door, all power, 19,500. (352) 394-4787. FORD 2003, F250, Lariat, pwr diet ,jl.e:l ere,, cob aoll fc,.Or J .,",r,"el (352) 394-4787 -Search 100's of Local Autos Online at ww.naturecoast wheels.com I Search 100's of L. Local Autos i Online at ww.naturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at - www.naturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com T^NK.Lipewr. Search 100's of Local Autos Online at ; www.naturecoast wheels.com 626-1013 SCT I toi, i.:. C7 .u ir.:.: PUBLIC NOTICE if; THE c'irS. Cliii 'C C' 'i FC'I' ur j.ITEr ,:..:0,i Jr., ', I" E riC' i', ; f" .i'ic, '; 1'1 FE Eti-iTE TIMOTHY JAMES NORDLE. JR De. NOTICE TO CREDITORS if'..+ arrir.Il:i. oii r. .-.r ir, ;:ate 'c.r Timothy James Norale. Jr. ,--:e,:eac ..",0.. a .e ci a ir. ..a0T Februa,', i 20:'.5 dnd . r,%'o;.. ;.:..:lal ;- 'jrit, p-.nai'.g ir.n ir- Cir.:uii ,.o rjn f,-.' :,u !li 'coujrr Ire oac're:! :., ..li.:r. i: Cle-rk .cf Cir.:uil l:oun 2l Easi r.1.ColiuiT. a. ue,. Br.shr,el FL .331il ri-i rn.n: and a Ca.are;.- .i ine Fcer,.:.ral I..,oe[ r.ia. tie. arn. ir, e Per;.:.nai ar3lc. I T 3nr. D thI,'c. -11 ." a ,i r. .- I ir.6 a0cc ' crnl and .air..) p.er..or.: rI.h'g c.laimT, arnoa .- rmr.j.a: ,3.ain1 ac. ..nri ev. lie ..-r. '.rc, rr. a -0 ', .:.i Ir.e r.3iire 11 re-. quirea 10o .- ier.se .T., ij ri irc-i.' ,: in'. ~.m r. 1 u.-, Clerk .r C :'rn witiHiTi rHt L TEP OF 3 MONTH" AFTER rHE IrIE CF THE FI,"i PUB- LICAIOr, Cf THIL r.)TICE 01i 30 c .5 "FTER THE CATE OF SER'.'ICE CF COP, OCF IHIS ti Ji.J:' C.r rHEr.M A citr.A i.r c iac.,: .:.i Ir.A eceaea.i aand Olnei per' 0r.-r r., ,ing claisi,' c.S .3 mr.,gn: againstr eci. dl-.hl : e-l sie rTr.u' I lIeI treir crAi 'oli n ril. Cc.urt iHE C[-iE O3 H rE FI rnE ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. - NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Date of first publication of this notice Is October 6, 2005. Co-Personal Representatives: /s/ Timothy James Nordle, Sr. and Lisa P. Nordle 2505 East CR 462 Wlldwood, Florida 34782 Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives: -s- Felix M. Adams Florida Bar No. 358282 138 Bushnell Plaza-Ste. 201 Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, October 6 and 13, 2005. 627-1013 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Thomasine James PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No: 2005-CP-000226 IN RE: ESTATE OF THOMASINE JAMES, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of THOMASINE JAMES, deceased, whose date of death was May 6; 2005, Is pending In the Cir- .cult Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, File Number: 2005-CP-000226, the ad- dress of which Is 209 North 'Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, The names and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representa- tive's attorney are set forth below., All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons, who have claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, and who have been served a c:.p, .:.f this notice, must, 1111 fri-.lr rclahiT,, .Ill-. iril : .1:J, '//tiHIi i I E L'TEr 'f iHi;EE1 .' .TCIriHi FIEF1 THE DATE OF, THE. FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERV- ICE OF' A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM, ' All other creditors of the decedent and other' per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Includlrig unmatured, contingent or unllquldatea .:i.'rr, must .file their ci '.irri: ir. this court WITHIN ,THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. , ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED THE C"'-iE '-f I H 1 Fir'i riCF I r C: i.:. ;i<: F,:Jr.I T,-,- ,I Jp.c: '.tr. ,' Warren Coacnman '6~- "'r..: rl 3 Frur..3 r ,: I Tallahassee, Florida 32303 n.:irr, r: -r Fe, ,i ,'..:i1 I'."ptre:er,.31i.1e Lawrence J. Marchbanks, Esquire Lawrence J. Marchbanks, PA r FIcr,.a B,3i N.: Ii-:.-.'o i ii .CI.-sare a A..er..,u ,\'i,3i..,:`a Fo,3r.3s 3J'8i i .r ,:.-.e 4 - (f'u O h ed !iySn.r -. ,:.,,=.,t.,c u r. "j 2 616-1006 scr E "far ."1 ,31 Arl ', ri a-, rn r.l I PUBLIC NOTICE iri HE : i'c.i i.ii r H ,'F ,C'C.l r ,,F '.' ,- E" r i'-' 2 H.','. C'CC,' i ". irIFE E:.i-rE Cf ARLENE MARY SOMERVILLE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ir,- ,3.3.,TiIr.i 'l' r .:.r. r ,l :ilSi" :.' ARLENE MARY SOMERVILLE. 3:-3:-3 File I'1.:, ",'r ,-F fL'.'iz I' 1 .er.-sir. ir. ir, irjAif i.Iric.na P, c-ae ii.i.:r, Ire ..3,-3ri,; ,r'.].:nr. I. : i)Fr;rl ic. .'Fr ;rl, 3 i :r.. o 'oo : ,cinr.' r.,1 r. .:. tr. t r r, i . All cre"st.:: :i rre . dent .3n. Cir.ier e.l r.: hra. in. claims or de- ,'3,r,. against dece- derdi'' isl, ir,,-h.,.lr,. ijnii.sulaai-a .:1aT,. ial ir. ur.r,. ai..r a .:.:, a r: r.i. r.:.. wiHi-ill JI HE L-TtEr OF T'HPFF or I iTH3S FEr 'THE C", t ,-:.F Fir-;'.' n iLi -. n E:,ri ,,F THI\ rI IiCE ",-' I':i I (F'1 er I 1 I"T ,.:;: IHI. I],:ii',- ,.'.ri IH[.1 All other creditors of the decedent and persons having, claims or de- rr.3ri.. against the dece- aer.i estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTEir) H E',.iE OF THE FIRST 'ULiL,]-ii,'.,li OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE. ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the fir-t pub. II.:- lli r. .,,1 ri. I ]i.. :e r " '* eaierrro .i,:' .'ilJt F 'r::.r,31 I e ir ,s-r-r.si1a. KRISTINA CATHERINE GORSKI F -.' B :.. 1. Fh.oa'Cir, FL 'iIJ35. Anr.:.-,, r.:,r i "e..r.aiO RANDALL N. THORNTON flrc.l. Ba rJ:, I ,'.-.. ' Lake Panasoffkee, Flodrida 3 3 538 . '.3:2. k.J .I . f:,.ciir,- r. .,:. 2'. ii,T : ir,' ir.e ',jmrr .i' Cou.rir, it'r,.; '-,c..-Trr,-r _2" .3.o C",:|.: r -rc. O 1.1" . 615-1006 SCT -,IICe I.:, Creal31r E1aie ci Sara C.,Woolford 'PUBUC NOTICE in THE CIPCI.IIT COULIPT FOr .iir, i C'' (..O.IIr, FLOPIC- F:,- C L'E C,.,'i.C ut ir,-. 1 2C'. '.i'mrC P1 "00-2 i. Fi r'E E .I-1iC'F SARA C. WOOLFORD, Decea.sed NOTICE TO CREDITORS ine c. amiri,'Trah.:.r, cr i'r .1 1'.1A SARA C. WOOLFORD ,:6 e3:eod ..r.;.e aale :.r jaiin ..a: Jul, 21 21-.5, Fire Ilui-.c . 2,':c, CF ,r :-,iX;i i : Ipc ira Ir, Irn ir. Cii'culil .:cu' i ,'O Surmr-r Cc.ur.r, Floriao Probate, Dllilslon in.? o dress of which i': 20' Flori3,a Sireel Bu hnnii Fi.:.riaa j35413 The names 608-1006 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Virginia Mae Wiley PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CP-00Q218 IN RE: ESTATE OF VIRGINIA MAE WILEY. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The, administration of the estate of VIRGINIA MAE WILEY, deceased, whose date 'of death was July 25, 2004, File Number 2005-CP-000218, is pend- ing In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which Is 209 ,N. .Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons, having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERV- ICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME' PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice Is September 29, 2005. , Personal Representative: -s- DARLA HOLSOPPLE Attorney for Personal, Representative: DENNIS D. CAMP, P.A. By: -s- Dennis D. Camp 351 N.E. 8th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34470 Telephone: 352/369-0664 Facsimile: 352/402-0028 Florida Bar No.: 8t-J5I.0 Published two (.'- trrme, In the Sumter County Times, September 29, and Octo- ber 6, 2005. 610-1006 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. 123 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 1514 Hwy. 48, Bushnell, Sumter County, FL, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. DateofSale: 10/13/2005 Ime of Sale: 10:30 A.M. Name of Tenant: JACK FROST Address: 506W. Noble Ave., Lot 97, Bushnell, FL 33513 Unit No.L: 123 Desc of Property' Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. .:. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, September 29, andOctober 6, 2005. 624-1027 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Patricia Minnich-Atkinson/Richard T. Atklnson PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005 DR 001378 IN RE: The Marriage of PATRICIA MINNICH-ATKINSON, Wife, and RICHARD T. ATKINSON, Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: RICHARD T. ATKINSON 3234 Baltimore Blvd. Finkoburg, MD 21048 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed aair, .. ,:.-- dr. :r l-,iol -..j I,. required, to serve a copy or" ,.,ur ..n.-er. 3:i-r.c:; i any, to It on PATRICIA MINNICH-ATKINSON, whose address is 1935 CR 470, Okahumpka, Florida 34762, on or before November 7, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N; Florida Street, Bushnell,. FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or Immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded n the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case. including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- ture papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the'address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions. including alsmissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: September 30, 2005. CLERK CF THE ,'IrC.llI C C'riJ (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) . S. ... .1 B : ,' ,. ora, '.'. ;4 ; ur, Cii6 Pur.II:r,.s 3 i,.' ,J .I me: ,. rr.e Sumter County Times,. Oc- Ij r..:j..' i' .' 2 . 683-1006 SCT Notice of Action for Dsolution Conway PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA . CASE NO. 2005-DR-001 198 IN RE: The Marriage of LOUIS D. CONWAY, a nd Petitioner MAGGIE D CONWAY, 'I .p.:.-. r.r. S ri NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE '* MAGGIE D CONWAY Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been .filed .aiirr. :.u ,.-.1 r'.ia :,J *, iA ,jIr.7-.j to serve a copy A:,i .:,j,' ..,'h ,- a s-,',-.:T. r., ', r i .:C'. LC'.UI .IJ ':0 1- WAY, whose, address Is P.O.: Box -:'- 1.a Iar.a- soffkee, FL 33538, on or before October 3, 2005 ii'a ire the original vir. ir,. Cir l .' '.T rrii: C.:u :,ii ,'0. ri ic,.rdja- St.,. Bushnell, F1. ,3 Ti,:, :cr.i:e ,.r, Fciiliii' r ,r i.T.,T.,dlt-l, tit''...fl. r If you fall to do so. a default, may be entered against you for the relief demanded In Ine pelltition Copies of all court documents in this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court s office. You may review these documents upon request You must keep the Clerk at Ine Circuit Court's office no- tillfied on your current address (You may file Notice of Current Address, Floilda Family Law Form 12.915) Fu- ture papers In this lawsuit will be mallec to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. :.,iTEL. A ,jau ;'; i u5 r. u :j-i..'r-. r. H I.W irc. CLERK OF iHE CI. Uli CCujr By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published. four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, September 15, 22, 29 and October 6, 2005., 694-1013 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Rania W. Abu Naser/Robert L.LWIlley PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE C iCCull c. :U.ri Tf,', Hf .-TH .I.if i.i -L. Ci."::ULiT i fi:. or *';,.Ii[iEr C'T i, r r I F_-'r.ic.- F"f-ulL. LJ. i LI Ii1:- 1 ,.: I,', i::0 -C.. r- .1 'i 0 4 RANIA W. ABU NASER, Ferl3 e e r iil, , and ROBERT L. WILLEY C'T p.-. .rnJ,, -'t "' NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE O10: ROBERT LAWRENCE WiLLEY last Known Address: Unknown .,U -RE IJCilFIED ir.a or, a,:ic:,r. r.a: c.An ilisa op.ai-.i ,:;,j ar..3 ir.al ,:j are r.ajui.',-1 i.:r .-r.r- a -op,o lT ,, ur ..nnr r, ,crer.ce.- ii ar., a i I .:.r. 'olani A' co.u ra.3 ,' ..r,c .., jodr+:: I. i:. 1 i ,v u;r.r.eill FI L '3 s3 on or before October 24, 2005 an, tii-, ir.e c.rngirnai *.sirn irne .i ek .:,. Ir.i C.,.uI 1 ot ,:. I] Fi,3. :1 'iitE Bu:r.r.elln FL i.t1 i D. C c.I C .r.A o:.n Iernli.:.r.r ..r iT.mne larel, rr.-eeaon, f11 you fall to do so, a default may be enter- ed against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, including aismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED this 15th day of September, 2005. Gl.:.ria P i-a, .ord ,'le rri ire.- Cir.:jiT Counn (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, September 22, 29, October 6 and 13, 2005. and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representa- tive's attorney are set forth below, All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece-. dent's estate must file' their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publica- tion of this Notice Is Sep- tember 29, 2005. Personal Representative: Roger L Woolford 11775 SE 178th St. Summerfield, Florida 34491 Representative:. MICHAEL D. MILLHORN, Attorney Florida Bar No. 311979 THE MILLHORN LAW FIRM *13710 US Highway 441 Suite 100 Lady Lake, Florida 32159 (352)' 753-9333 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, September 29, and Octo- ber 6, 2005. Place your legal notice in the Sumter County ,Times! 617-1006 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Roy Le Blanc PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005CP000233 IN RE: ESTATE OF ROY LE BLANC Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The, administration of the estate of ROY LE BLANC, deceased, File No. 2005CP000233, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which Is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's -attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims, or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE. OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece-, dent's estate, Including unmatured, .contingent or unliquldated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice, Is September 29,2005. Personal Representative:' ROY LE BLANC, JR. 4639 Rest Haven Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Attorney for Personal Representative; RANDALL N. THORNTON Florida Bar No.: 176505 P. 0. Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times in the Sumter *.:.'.-t, Tir.T , September 21 ar.r, C..l,- ber 6, 2005. 612-1006 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. B-56 of Bums Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 9511 C.R. 733, Webster, Sumter County, FL, will be sold at PUBUC AUCTION. DateofrSale: 10/13/2005 me ofSale: 11:00A.M: Name of Tenant: BERTAGARCIA Address: P.O. Box 926, Webster, FL 33597" uri-i .-. B-56 I-, '. .i i'ac-,'r. Misc. Household Goods 'nil: ir.rl:+ i. gi.Ar. pui.ar-ii ro -:rr.:.r. 83.806, FL Stat- utes. to satisfy the Self-service, Fqcility Owner's lien of rr.~ ,:.:.r. r.-r. rr.re.,ct,"* ' ut.ii:r.,-d rcf., D2', tim. In the C'umter County Times, ".plep ,TIri 2" ,ara Oc,,l.e, r e. 21';1:. , 662-1006 SCT Notice of Action Curtis Springer, ei a' .: iieen vremc lr. e.t al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE C ICUI ,JilCOur 1 OF THEIR FIFTH JUDICIAL CIP-C iJI -r Ai e, SLr.r1Ti? ,ER 'C l r. FLrI'iC,' C '.E IO I'i'05C W 0i iV CURTIS SPRINGER oa.d E i R r, l; R ire . ALLEEN KEMPUN ar'. : EDNA NORMAN. as Executrix of the Estate of ARLENE KEMPLIN if living, and it dead. ail parties claiming to have any right title or Interest In the property. D.ter ,','r,r: NOTICE OF ACTION TO- ALLEEN KEMPLIN an. EDNA NORMAN. as Executrix of the Estate of ARLENE KEMPLIN. n all.e aord i. a eaa ir.elr ie;p.dcrle .c.'31.c J r.eilrn .:e.':e; qr'nitees, crA.ii:,': ar. i a 'i rr,' rrparne: ccianir.g &o irof.r.rjr, ,'. cir o.:r a, :r r,er, a, al. o riInr,mc r- rr ural Icer r .-,r. it .311.' .3r. j IT 1.3- 0 c:.r r,:,r .r,:.,,. Ir .:. e oCea .:,.r alive, ir.,h' l. : : rn.= ;.:.j,:.,-; r,+ir. ".,,r:i". aoar.iees and .:r.n'.. or orini.r psre: .ai.'T.r. g rnr.,jgr, under .:,f agair. r ,. .+ unr r',-... r, narju.ai p. r..:.r.. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an Action to Quiet Title of the following property In Hemando County, Florida . Lot 38, HOLIDAY SHORES UNIT NO. 2, according to the map or plat hereof as recorded In Plat Book 3, page(s) 32, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida has been. filed against you arid you arc r..jsuir- d to r, r. a c,:-,p,, :,, r .:., e :.r .,A. r i ar,, :.. It on Flalr.,rrifT. ",rt ,rr ", rr.c,:_ nrr,t. arsa aosre-., 1i R. ELUOTTDUNN, JR., Esquire t.1:Ctoia-, Fifr'.r.:, P A F,:-,1r rTl.:i 8.B F.:.ur D.a,e 'ir, I, n,.3a 3 320-'j00J and file the original with the Clerk of the above styled Court on or before October 18. 2005, oir.er.-jI e a ludg- ment may be entered against ,.'u Ir.r rte irelli de- manded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of the said Court on this 8th *.a1 .:.T :epilrT.ice 2,-r j'i. GLORIA R. HAYWARD, Clerk of Court ,(CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) (CIRCUITCOURTSEAL) By: -s-Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, September 15,22, 29 and Ocfober 6,2005. 695-1013 SCT' Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Sandra Montoya-Townsend/John Lee Townsend PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA FAMILY LAW DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-DR-001288 IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF SANDRA MONTOYA-TOWNSEND, Petitioner/Wife, and JOHN LEE TOWNSEND, i'6e;.:.,-.a r,r,'Mhj coa,.3 NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: JOHN LEE TOWNSEND YOU ARE NOTIFIED ir.st an action has been filed aainLr ,..,J acr. iio ,oau are required to serve a copy t ,..uir ,nnn a. rn;:+. if any, to it on the Petition-' er Wiesi an:.,r.-e, .lary P. Hatcher, Esquire; MARY HATCHER, PA., whose address Is 222 South Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, on or before October 24, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or Immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED this 15th day of September, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Trlpp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, September 22,29, October 6 and 13, 2005. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 23 607-1006 SCT Constructive Notice of Eminent Domain Action Sumter County, FL vs. Shirmlk Ent. Ltd. Inc., et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-O01i368 Parcel Nos. 109, 113A&B, 115, and 802 SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Petitioner, vs. SHIRMIK ENTERPRISES LTD. INC., et al., Respondents. CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION TO: ALL RESPONDENTS NAMED IN "ATTACHMENT A;" ALL PARTIES CLAIMING INTERESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST THE NAMED RESPONDENTS; AND ALL PARTIES HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE "ATTACHMENT B." YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an eminent domain ac- tion has been filed by Petitioner Sumter County to ac- quire, or perfect its existing title to, certain property In- terests In Sumter County, Florida, -to wit, a fee simple right-of-way In Parcels 109, 113A&B, and 115, and a perpetual drainage easement In Parcel 802, as de- scribed In "Attachment B." Each Respondent Is re- quired to serve written defenses to the petition on: David M. Caldevilla, FBN 654248 Vivian Arenas, FBN 606261 de la Parte & Gilbert, P.A. Post Office Box 2350 Tampa, Florida 33601-2350. Telephone: (813) 229-2775 ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER on or before November 1 2005 (being not less than 28 days nor more' than 60 days from the date hereof) and to file the original of the defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on Petitioner's attorneys or Immediately thereafter, showing what right, title, Inter- est, or lien the Respondent has In or to the property de- scribed In the petition, and to show cause why that property should not be taken for the uses and purposes set forth in the petition. If any Respondent falls to do so, a default will be entered against that Respondent for the relief demanded In the petition, YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that a declaration of taking has been flied, in this cause and that Petitioner will ap- ply for an order of taking and any other order the court deems appropriate before the Honorable William H Hallman. III. one of the Judges of this court, on Decem- ber 9. 2005 at 10,0 a.m. (being qt least one day after the date specified herein for serving written. defenses to the petition) in chambers at the Sumter County Courthouse Annex, 209 North Florida. Avenue, Bushnell, Florida 33513. TIME RESERVED: Two (2) hours. All Re- spondents In this action may request a hearing at the time and place designated and be heard. Any Re- spondent falling to file a request for hearing shall waive any right -c-. t-le.-c.r I,: r. ,r cr oftaking. WITNESS rr., hard arnd the seal of.this court on the 26th 3,3, .:,l ".. p,-irr. r .0u5 GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of the Court By: /s/Susan A. Stollar As Deputy Clerk Attachment A List of Respondents' Names, Residences, Legal Disabilities, Sand Interests In or Claims to the Subject Real Property (1) (a) Name: ShIrmlk Enterprises Ltd. Inc., a Delaware corporation, d/b/a Village Self Storage, also d/b/a Budget Truck Rental (b) Residence: (1) 106 Hancock Bridge Parkway, D-15, Suite 544,Cape Coral, FL 33991; (2).Registered Agent Shirley A. Jones, 11852 Princess Grace Court, Cape Coral, FL 33991: and (3) Serve Attorney Joseph M. Hanratty, Esquire, 320 N.W. Third Ave., P.O..Box 159, Ocala, FL 34478- (c) Leaal Disabilities' None known. (d) Interest In or'cl'aim to Subject Real Property' May claim an ownership interest in Parcels 109 and/or 802. See, O.R. Book 1022, Page 211 (Public Records of Sum- ter County, Florida) (2) (a) Name: Florida Power Corporation, a Florida corporation, a/k/a Progress Energy Florida, Inc., (b), Reidence: c/o Registered Ager.r C.rc: ratin,. Service Company, 1201 Hays St;. oalara..-1e FL 32301-2525 " (c) Leaal Disabilitlies: None known. (d) Interest In or claim to Subject Real ProDerty' May claim an easement interest In Parcels 109 and/or 802. See, O.R. Book 850, Page 557 (Public Records of Sum- ter County, Florida) , ,.i 3 rag The Villages of Lake-Sumter, Inc., a Flor- *la .: rp.:.r ri r , (b) Residence: c/o Registered Agent R. Dewey Burnsed, 1028 Lake Sumter Landing, The Villages, FL 32162 (c) Leaal Disabilities: None known. (d) Interest In or claim to Subject Real Property' May claim an Interest in Parcels 109 and/or 802 pursuant to a mortgage, a security a,,i.'T, r. ,ana.or a ,c ,alali assignment of leases r, e,-nS C'i P E.:-:, C15 Page 731 'Fuori.: r ,'..ra: Cr '.JuTl.ir CCc.'.rpo .:.llaa O.R. Book 14i f1ag- "J2 (Public Records of Sumter CC..jrr, Fli.3i ,a (4) (a) Name: Citizens First Bank (b) Residence: c/o Michael Klllngsworth, as Pres- Ident, 903 Avenida Central, The Villages, FL 32159 (c, I. ,ol DI.aFllT.: None known (d) Interest In or claim to Subject Real Property' May claim an Interest In Parcels 109 and/or 802 pursuant to a mortgage and security agreement, a future 'ad- vance agreement, modification and extension agree- ments, UCC financing statements,'and a collateral as- .gr.rr.,r.r vr ia:es and rents. See, OR. Book 1022, 1age 21i .'u.: Records of Sumter County. Florida); O.R. Book 1073, Page 588 (Public Records of Sumter County, Florida); O.R, Book 1073, Page 690 (Public Rec- ords of, Sumter C.,ur,. Florida); O.R. Book 1088, Page 763 (Public "'c.:.rda f1 Sumter County, Florida); O.R. Book 1022, Page 222 (Puclic r' co.'d;i ,.I .jT.rir County, Florida); O.R. Book 1022, F 3gi 2i F',uirlc Ieo.ram of Sumter-Count, FI.:.,rlr (5) (a) Name: Norman LaPerie, a/k/a Norman G, LaPerie, a/k/a Joe LaPerie, and Dorothy LaPerde, his wife (b) ResldDene: (1) 12604 CR 103, Oxford, FL 34484; and (2) Serve Attorney Michael D. Jones, Esquire, 7100 S. U.S. 1792. Fern Park, FL 32730 Cc) Legaa DLabllirte.i :.-r, krr,.,,r, (d) Interest In or claim to Sublect Real ProDertv May claim an ownership Interest in Parcel 113A&B. See, O.R. Book 83, Pdge 594 '(Public Records of Sumter County, Florida) (6) (a) Name: Arnold Gebhart, a/k/a Arnold Gabhart (b) esidSece: 12283 N. U.S. 301, Oxford, FL 33484 (c) Legal Dlsabilities' None known (d) Interest in or claim to Subject Real Property May claim an unrecorded leasehold Interest in Parcel 113A&B, and/or an unrecorded right to Ingress .and egress across Parcel 113A&B (7) (a) Name: Darrel Cross (b) Rsidoace: 12246 N US HIghway 301, Oxford, FL 34484-2828 ' (c) L .L l uiI.aDlIn.l,. r.re .'r. o.r.c , (d) Interest In'or clalm to Subject Real Property' May claim an unrecorded leasehold Interest In Parcel 113A&B, and/or an unrecorded right to Ingress and eg, :: a::,': Parcel 113A&B (8) (a) Name: Larry Swift, a/k/a Lawrence Swift (b) Rsden~ae: 12246 N US HIghway 301, Oxford, FL 34484-2828 , C(c) Leaal Disabilities: None known (d) Interest In or claim to Subject Real Property: May claim. an unrecorded 'leasehold Interest In Parcel 113A&B, and/or an unrecorded right to Ingress and egress across Parcel 113A&B (9) (a) Name: Bobby Joe Swift (b) Residence: 12246 N US Highway 301, Oxford, FL 34484-2828 (c) Legal Disabllities: None known (d) Interest In or claim to Subject Real Property: May claim an unrecorded leasehold Interest In Parcel 113A&B, and/or an unrecorded right to Ingress and egress across Parcel 113A&B (10) (a) Name: Betty Jo Leatherman (b) Residence: (1) 7288 Highway 27 West, Vale, NC 28168; (2) 12348 N. U.S. Hwy. 301, Oxford, FL 34484 (c) Leadl Disabilities: None khown. (d) Interest In dr claim to Sublect Real Property: May claim an ownership interest in Parcel 115. See, O.R. Book 377, Page 299 (Public Records of Sumter County, Rorlda) (11) (a) Name: Donald Leatherman (b) Residence: (1) 3691 CR 466, Oxford, FL 34484; (2) 12348 N. U.S. Hwy, 301, Oxford, FL 34484 (c) Legal Disabilities: None known (d) Interest In or claim to Sublect Real Property' May claim an unrecorded leasehold Interest In Parcels 113A&B, and/or 115 (12) (a) Name: Tom Swain, In his official capacity as Sumter County Tax Collector (b) Residence: 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Flori- da 33513 (c) Legal Disabilities: None known (d) Interest in or claim to Sublect Real Propertyv May claim rights as llenor for any outstanding property taxes, in Parcels 109.,113A&B, 115, and/or 802 (13) All other persons claiming Interests by, through, under, or against the above-named Respondents, and all other persons having or claiming to have any right, title, or Interest in the Subject Real Property Identified in the Petition. Attachment B Legal Descriptions of Parcels to be Acquired Parcel 109 (Fee Simple Right-of-Way)- A portion of those lands described In Official Records Book 1022, Page 211, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of Section 17, Township 18 South, Range 23 East; thence along the West line of the Northwest 14 of said Section 17, S0002'05"W, a distance of 738.52 feet; thence de- parting said West line, S8957'55"E, a distance of 27.46 feet to the Southwest corner of Water Retention Area as shown on Florida State Road Department, Right of Way Map, Section 18010-2532, and the POINT OF BE- GINNING: Thence along the South line of said Water Retention Area the following three (3) courses and distances; (1) S89'45'25"E, a distance of 98.52 feet; (2)S0002'05'W, a distance of 3.54 feet; (3) S8811'24"E, a distance of 197.65 feet; thence departing said South line, S01*48'36"W, a distance of 34.31 feet; thence N8717'53"W. a distance of 296.27 feet, to the Easterly right of way line as shown on Florida Department of Transportation, Right of Way Map, Section 18010-2504; thence along said Easterly right of way line, .N0148'33"E, a distance of 30.54 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 9,697 square feet, or 0.223 acres more or less, Parcel 113A (Fee Simple RIght-of-Wayv) A portion of those lands described In Official Records Book 83; Page 594, Public Records of 'Sumter County, Florida, being more particularly described as, follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of the Southeast I1 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 18 South, Range 23 East; thence along the East line of the South- east 114 of said Section 7, S0001'50"E; a distance of 245.97 feet to the Southerly Boundary line of said lands described In Official Records Book 83, Page 594; thence along said Southerly Boundary line, N8949'42"W, a distance of 42.77 feet to a point 53.75 feet perpendicular measurement to the centerline of survey State Road 35, as shown on Florida State Road Department, Right of Way Map, Section 18010-2504; thence parallel with said centerline of survey, N0014'33'E, a distance of 576.05 feet to the Northerly Boundary line of said lands; thence along said Norther- ly Boundary line, S8950'51"E, a distance of 40.02 feet, to said East line of the Southeast 4; thence along said East line, S0001'50"E, a distance of 330.10 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 23,845 square feet, or 0.547 acres more or less. Parcel 113B (Fee SImole Right-of-Wav1) . A portion of those lands described In Official .Records Book 83, Page 594, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, being more particularly described'as follows: ',, r.1.1 rJ.: ia ire Ii ..rr.-n l .:.:r,'r r .:.i rr,- *:,:.uir',..3"t .1i r, ,. rr,, '1 -.i -ciir. Tr ,.,, ric. i ':.:..jrr, '.&I-"- ;: i -a 1 iri.- oi.-.r..-3 rr.te ai3i' i' ., i rr.+ :.uir. i.-3: 'i :. r3.l iec n:r', 0 I' 1) .i 'A .3 I.3 r,- .:, . r ','i. .3 1"i .,rar B,., .is r., f rr,.-.: 1. ,_ fS31. i:i r l I .c.re i'u r. 3 ai .3 31 Or, o c..r. :.r.i I. ri. .-, l- : .r .ui'. :i T '3 I .3.3 'S 3. S r,..,-, :.r. FTi:rio,3 i.T1o rI:..3 D a,-, 'a'irArli 'ri.lri .:.i '',T I.1.31:. S.-..: r. i i0-i.OJ l r.3n. Iri. IC'f -'.F E 1C-ilrliri';- thence, parallel with .said centerilne -of survey, S0014'33"W, a distance of 229.85 feet; thence Ic ,nJ- .a .3, hios.-.: c.i .77.97 feet; thence I, 1: d .-' ,5 .3 3a.s-.:- -:J C J feet to said rl:.nri,-Ji B.: ur.d'.a y ,irel r',.-,.;.' a,.,'.gi .aid Northerly ,.:"r.:" r1r0 ' line, S8950'51"E, a distance of 380.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING:," .: ''i - Containing 88,015 square feet, or 2.021. acres, more or less. Parcel 115 (Fee Simple Right-of-Way)' A portion of Lots 5 through 12 Inclusive, Block 2, Sirmons *Heights, Plat Book 2. Page 24, Public Records of Sumter ,,County, i.,'id3 -.sing ,-'.:.,i particularly described a. ' follows: .. ," .' , ..'..rr,rr.er.,e 31 rr, a .rr,-r ri ..r: r 7, Town- .rip i .:.,jn', lar.. i Ea i rr. -,'..:,- .si.:'. the East ir,- :.i ir,- '.-uTr. 3.i :r 31.3' Si ,"'llC ', 0 '0 01'50"E, a .:i.a.rnc+ .:r e, -',: ee i irerc.-e aeparni'r.. said East line, N8948'34"W, a distance of 25.69 feet to the North- east comer of Lot 12, Block 2, said Sirmons Heights, and the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence along the East line of Block 2, said Sirmons Heights, S0115'11"W, a distance of 200.07 feet, to the Southeast comer of Lot 5, Block 2, said Sirmons Heights; thence along the South line of said Lot 5, N8950'06"W, a distance of 15.50 feet, to a point 60.00 feet perpen- dicular measurement to the centerline of survey State Road 35, as shown on Forida State Road Department, Right of Way Map, Section 18010-2504: thence parallel with said centerline of survey, N0014'33"E, a distance of 200.04 feet, to the North line of said Lot 12; thence along said North line, S8948'34"E, a distance of 19.03 feefto the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing. 3A54 square feet, or 0.079 acres more or less., Parcel 802 (Peroetual Drainage Easement)' A portion of those lands described in Official Records Book 1022, Page 211, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of Section 17, Township 18 South; Range 23 East; thence along the West line of the Northwest '14A of said Section 17, S00502'05"W, a distance of 635.81 feet to the Westerly extension of the North line of Water Retention Area as shown on Florida Department of Transportation, Right of Way Map, Section 18010-2532; thence departing said West line, along said Westerly extension and said North line the following three (3). courses and distances; (1) S8945'25'E, a distance of 125.98 feet; (2) S0O02'05"W, a distance of 6.10 feet; (3) S8811'24"E, a distance of 134.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N0000'00TE, a distance of 25.01 feet; thence $8811'24"E, a distance of 25.01 feet; thence S00500'00"W, a distance of 25.01 feet to said North line: thence along said North line, N8811'24"W, a distance of 25.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 625 square feet, or 0.b14 acres more or less. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times. September 29 and October 6, 2005. 696-1013 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE-IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Writ of Exe- cution Issued In the Circuit Court of Sumter County, Florida, on the 9th day of August, 2005, In the cause wherein Albert Placente was Plaintiff and Jack DIetz and June Dietz were Defendants, being Case No., 2001CA580, In said Court. I, William O. Farmer, Jr., as Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida, have levied upon all the right, title and Interest of the defendants Jack Diets and June DIetz, In and to the following described property, to-wit: 2001 BLUE GMC YUKON XL VIN/3GKEC16T11G209673 2005 RED NISSAN PICK UP VIN/IN6BA07A05N523322 and on the 25th day of October, 2005, at the North Door of the Sumter County Judicial Building, in the City of Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., I will offer for sale all of the said Defendants' Jack Dietz and June Dietz, right, title and Interest In aforesaid property at public outcry and will sell the same, subject to all prior liens, encumbrances and Judgments, if any, to the highest and best bidder or bidders for cash, the proceeds to be applied as far as may be to the pay- ment of costs and satisfaction of the above-described execution. The vehicles can be viewed at Wildwood Auto and Wrecker Service by calling ahead, at 352-748-1716. W. O. Farmer, Jr., Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida By: -s- Sgt. Roger Hayes Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times. September 22, 29, October 6 and 13, 2005. PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 OutdFall Hunting Season Fast Approaching Fall Hunting Season Fast Approaching Dove hunting season Florida but with all of the opened yesterday at recent un-abated sprawling high noon the first development of much too Saturday in much of the native October, which has habitat and other been the tradition- prime lands once al, opening day of a used for agricul- dove hunting sea- w, tural- purposes, son for generations = dove hunting has here in Florida. not been all that I used to hunt A popular for the last mourning dove a several years. lot and in my opin- Actually there . ion dove hunting is are still plenty of , one of the .most. doves that could be enjoyable and chal- hunted but there is lenging types of. JAMIE ADAMS just not the open hunting there is. As Outdoor Writer places for the dove a, rule, dove are ...... to feed and at the shot on the wing same time and it is and with their incredible for sure you cannot hunt any-' speed and ability to dart where near the new resi- about they present a most dif- dents' property. ficult target for the hunter. Things have sure changed Thereare two types of dove here in Florida with regards, that are legally hunted here to all types of hunting. I. am in Florida with 'the main going to be very surprised if species being the mourning there is any kind of hunting; dove and the other species,. to speak of at all withIn 20 which by the way has only years in a great state that not showed up here in Florida in very many years ago use to large numbers in the past few pride its self on the many fine years, is the white winged hunting opportunities avail- dove. able to the sportsman. Mourning dove used to be Anyway, with the start of really plentiful all over dove season it.is a time to get There are two types of dove that are legally hunted here in Florida with the main species being the mourning dove and the other species, which by,the way has only showed up here in Florida in large numbers in the past few years, is the white winged dove. out your shotgun and burn up can fly, I was shooting way a few shells. behind them as they sped by That is if you are fortunate and only after a few, minor enough .to have or find a scoldings from my Daddy decent place to hunt. that I had better quit wasting There are many Florida .shells that I started to lead Cracker hunters who got the dove and I began to hit a their first experience of few. . hunting by tagging along with Dove are excellent table their father or some other fare., hunter as they'spent many The way I like to cook then afternoons trying to get a is 'to first be sure they are limit of dove. .. cleaned good and a through I well remember my first examination is ,made to0 young experiences of dove insure that all of the lead hunting. shot .has been found and I found out pretty quick removed from the meat. that getting a bag limit of Incidentally, I only, use, the dove was no easy undertak- chunky meat that is found on ing. the breasts, as that is where Most of the time I found, most of the good meat is any- that due to the speed a dove way. After the dove is cleaned to my expectation, I fire up my grill and wrap each piece of dove breast with a strip of lean bacon and secure the bacon with a toothpick. It doesn't take very long for the dove meat to cook and the trick is not to overcook the meat. The succulent dove breasts can either be used as a main meal or they make excellent appetizers. Anyway, with the event of dove season the weather is about to change into my favorite time of the year and that is the fall season. Deer hunting season is just around the corner .and that too is one my favorite kinds of hunting also. I don't do much deer hunt- ing here in Florida anymore because, just as with the dove hunting situation, most of the prime deer hunting areas have long been cemented over and where deer and turkey use to thrive we now, have urban sprawl graced with thousands of glowing pink plastic flamingos. Our neighboring. states of Georgia and Alabama under- stand that hunting is a viable economic boon to their states and take care of their hunt- ing lands, but our illustrious leadership here in Florida could care less when it comes to protecting the- habitat for our wildlife. , Just you let a major zoning decision as to where a mall or a thousand unit housing sub-division go in or retain the land for wildlife use you can bet the greedy develop- ers and other greasy political slicks will win every time. Some day our future gener- ations are going to. have to pay a terrible price for the way some of our uncaring politicians have let our beau- tiful state's delicate habitat succumb to the developers giant bulldozers. Oh well, deer hunting sea- son opens iin Georgia in a couple of weeks and I will be headed up there. SFor the time being at least the woods have been left alone up there, but one only has,to wonder just .iow long 'the deer arid other wildlife will be able .to thrive there FWC seeks feedback on Florida's -* S l r Rd Wildlife Legacy Initiative 116th Siver Spurs Rodeo The Florida Fish' and Wildlife Conservationi Commission recently invited further public comment on the final submission of Florida's first comprehen- sive wildlife strategy, an action plan for conserving all of the state's fish and \wildlife and natural places. The 500- plus page document, a com- ponent of Florida's Wildlife Legacy Initiative, is part of one of the largest conserva- tion planning efforts in the nation. Each state has developed a proactive action plan to con- serve wildlife before they., become more rare and more costly to protect: Florida's action plan can help us fulfill our responsibilities to con- serve wildlife and the places they live. . The health of wildlife is often an early indicator of disease and pollution that affects us all. Florida's action plan will conserve wildlife and natural places to the benefit of our health and enjoyment., and for Future generations. The action plan is a living document. The FWC is com- mitted to reviewing and, revising the plan with contin- ued public input. The FWCis planning a workshop or 614 1006 SCT LEGAL NOrICE NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING, The Sumt, C.:,.onrt, Z.:.r.lr.n & Adjustment Board will hold a Public l.>-rg .:.r. Monday, October 17, 2005, at 6:30 P.M., In Room 327, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 rh Fi :.i1.30 i E'.,j'r,..-ii Fi.:.ij3 iJ .:Cd*r. .4- e -r'; for -.:'rn are .- rmr .:r.ar, u'- p..~-.irl. All Interested citizens are welcome to attend, Persons with disabilities needing assistance i.:. o.i:l. pate In any of these proceedings should c:.rni,.: j r,- Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions cr Cr,..r,' 2 Fi.:.tr:a i ia.:' utes, Section 286.0105, If a per:..r, 3.:e.-. p..-o any decision made by or oat:..- rI.am,-. :aa ,o ir, respect to any matter considered during any.meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the pro- :- :ig, on' a d r..r1 I.r :ij. r, .c'u' c':. r, ..:4 .r. may ,,'.. -1 Ic. .r. jr rr,,. :o .el ,trim r r Id ir." p :-:eed- Ili. I: Im.j. .j'il.ni Ir. .:.I'a I..), ir..:iu3.1- Ir. ie.ri,-r.ony :ro .ui r.:; c.:.r. ..r c, r. c.i-. 1..x 1. .. c. cxv., CASE NO.: . R2005-0101 David & Larry Wilson, ETAL GENERAL LOCATION:. iiu ir,r.i.l r _a ..' :1 ..:. s .J--c .:.jrr. *:.r. :R 614. South :.r. 'i I' l-,1 iir-.i F r.-p r.' ap cr I: i-ri. 1 1/8 mile on 'n...ar i ioi c ir.e .ad. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp, 21S, Rng. 21E: S /2 Of NE V4 of SE 14, REQUESTED ACTION: .:-.r, 2 ,.> ,:r r I '.,L -.r, I0, 1,-. i: C i"^, , CASE NO.: R2005-0102 Sumpter Ventures, ETAL GENERAL LOCATION: Lady Lai.. Ii. nr., .-, ir "l E.3.1 .:r, .: 66. South on CR 100. ~...;rt, ih. Ir." :. uI..- .r i. :'r,. of CR 100 & CR 100B8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sect 24, Twp, 18S, Rng. 23E: NE 14 of SE.14 less S 399.3' of N 609.3 of E 600' & less N 210' & N ,/ of N 'I2 of SE A of SE V1. ' - EQUESIED ACrION: CASE NO.: R2005-0103 Judith Ann Uschold GENERAL LOCATION -j..rr.eiiL 'LiOIA Cr. iu' 3'01, West on C-476. South :.-. C J.o ,.VeA .i .r, Cr 630. Property located at the SW .:r,i-..i .-.t -J *'c.eI ':& cr .:. . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: , Sec. 28, Twp, 21S, Rng. 21E: Lot 61 Gum Slough Station *West, REQUESTED ACTION series of workshops early in the new year and through spring 2006, with a confer- ence in the fall." The strategy is a work in progress that will continually be updated, revised and improved based on the input of all those interested in wildlife conser- vation." said Thomas Eason, leader of FWC's Species Conservation Planning Section. "Working together, Floridians are shaping a future filled with wonderful wildlife resources and pro- viding for the enjoyment, -reereation and livelihood of its residents and visitors." The public review process is open Sept.16 to Dec. 16. Floridians can provide com- ments and suggestions on the FWC's Web site: w\%%--w.MyFWC.conm/wildlifele- gacy. Florida's Wildlife Legacy Initiative is the :FWC's long-term approach to secure federal funding,. leverage that funding, and implement and revise the conservation strategy. The success of the initia- tive depends on partnerships throughout. Its goal is to avert future declines of native wildlife with a goal to keep common species com- mon. R;e:.:.-;-,r: ,: .',1'. 1.':'.L ]..;rr, lf.'t. 1 f 'l. Ill CASE NO.: R2005-0104 '9 George Shotwell GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. East on CR 104. Property located on the north side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 5, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: SW 1A of SW 4 of SW 1/4 less Rd R/W across south side & Sec. 6, Twp, 18S, Rng. 23E.: SE /4 of SE A of SE V4 lying E of a certain line being 115' E of & running parallel with C/L of CSX R/R less Rd R/W across the south side. T, o be rezoned: ,: 5 .,' I; Rng, 23E:' SW 4 ofSW /4 ofSW A less Ioa :' ,',):.,, .o.uth side & Sec. 6, Twp. 18S, Rng, 23E,: SE A of SE /4 of SE 1A lying E of a certain line being 115' E of & running parallel with C/L of CSX R/R less Rd R/W across the south side less comm. at SW car run N 27.03' E 620,97' to POB N 363.94' W 234.79' N 276.06' E 272.67' S 640.19' W40' to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 9,9 acres MOL from Al to CP, , CASE NO.: R2005-0105 A.C.M.S., Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: Sumterville area: North.on C-475. East on C-470. South on CR 529. CR 529 dead ends Into the property. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 22, Twp 20S, Rng 22E: NE 1/4 & N 1/2 of SE 4 & E V of NW VA & NE 4 of SW 4 less NE 4 of NE less the E 50' of NW 'A of NE 'A less SE 4 of NE 1/4 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 282.78 acres MOL'from A5 to ID. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissioners at a Public Hearing fo be held on Tues- Sday, October 25, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. In Room ,222, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209.N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida . CASE NO.: T2005-0042 Olive Yarbrough GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on.U: :'1 :, r .i r ..: l,,oerty located approximately T1ie ,:r. r,r :..juir, .1o .: f the. road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 18, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: Beg at NE caor of SE VA of NW 1/4 run W 100' S 45' W 10' S 355' E 110' N 400' to POB less CR R/W across the N side. REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow a Mobile Home for 3 years for a care giver's residence; , Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, September 29, and October 6, 2005, the pulse-pounding action as organizations sheep. Yes KVLS Pavilion and Wil Rides some of the rankest bulls & folks, we said SHEEP! Spots. University of Florida cowboys will make an are available on a first come. Extension Services has been O i appearance at the PRCA first services basis. developed as a showplace of OCL / to 10 r Xtreme Bulls event where Participants must meet in the facilities that honors and cel- the unexpected is expected! front lobby of the Silver ebrates the Kissimmee/St. at the Chutes open at 8 p.m. Spurs Arena on Oct. 7 at 5:30 Cloud community and its ,aL 1th Tickets can be purchased p.m., Oct. 8 at 12:30 p.m. or agricultural and cattle ranch- in advance at the Silver Oct. 9 at 12:30 p.m., to sign up. ing heritage. iflver Spurs Spurs Arena Box Office, Future cowgirls that are The Silver Spurs Rodeo is lS located in Osceola Heritage eager to get into the saddle at a celebration of an original Park at 1875 Silver Spur an early age can test their American sport, born in the renIa Lane, off Hwy 192, the box reigns prior to the start of the old west where cowboys chal- office is open Monday-Friday, rodeo for the Jr. Barrels. lenged each other in a con- It's time to turn up the heat 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., or through Those interested need to call test of ranching skills. at the climate-controlled the Spurs website at Mary MonstDeOca at 407-892- Founded by.the Silver Spurs Silver Spurs Arena for the www.SilverSpursRodeo.com 9570 prior to Oct. 1. 'Riding Cliub in 1941 for the return Arenof the wildest eight- s. Advance tickets are ,$10, For the little adventure promotion ofgood horseman- return o the wildesti $15 and $25 youngster10 kers'in the family wve rec- ~ ~i PTw" itn seconds in sportS vnden the and youthgr are 'FREE. ommend the Calf Scramble! Ow.ola Countyo. Silver Silver Spurs Rodeo and the when accompanied by a pay- This event is open to young- splirs Rodeo today is one of PRCA Xtreme Bulls returns ing adult- When you mosey sters, ages 6 to 12, who are the most successful im the to Kissimmee on Oct. 7 to 9 up to the gate the day of the quick on their feet and like to country. with the bad bulls and tough main event, your tickets will get dirty! The event features tradi- cowboys and cowgirls for. cost you $12, $18 and $30. Fans and cowboys alike (ional rodeo- competitions four greatevents! If your little ones want a enjoy the climate controlled, such as bareback. saddle Sponsored by' the pibce of the action, they too multimillion dollar facility. bronc and bull riding. calf Kissimmee Convention & canbecomea rodeo stardcur- which boasts 8,300 extra- roping, barrel racing and Visitors Bureau aiid ing this October's Silver wide seats, the latest in state- much more. Napleton Dodge, the bi- Spurs Rodeo of Champions of-the-art, high-tech lighting, For additional information annual rodeo will celebrate by participating in- the audio and electronics, and on the 116th Silver Spurs the organizations 116th run- Muttin' Bustin, Junior the ultimate in rodeo watch- Rodeo of Champions, call ning of one of the countries Barrels or in the. always ing comfort: 12 luxury suites, 407-67-RODEO or go to toughest rodeo competitors. exciting Calf Scramble. featuring bar and restaurant www.silverspursrodeo.com. Action packed, traditional Muttin' Bustin competitors service all in the arena. For information on the rodeo events will kick into get their chance to make to The 120-acre Osceola Kissimmee/St. Cloud area, high gear Friday, Oct. 7'at 8 ride in the world famous Heritage Park, which visit the Kissimmee p.m., Saturday, Oct. 8 at 2 p.m. Silver SpuLrs Arena, kids ages includes the Osceola County Convention and .Visitors and Sunday, Oct..9 at 2 p.m. 3 to 5 and not weighing over Stadium, the Exhibition Bureau at: On Saturday night, witness 40 pounds, on one of the Building, Outdoor pavilion, www.floridakiss.com. 613-1006 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing before the Local Planning Agen- -, .:.',r.r. and Adjustment Board, of Sumter County, :*rI.3 ..III be held on Monday, October 17, 2005, at 6:30 P.M., in Room 327, Sumter County Historic Court- house, .209 N, Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida to consid- er the following application for a Small Scale Compre- hensive Plan Amendment to the Sumter County Future Land Use Map: SS2005-0015 George Shotwell, GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. East on CR 104. Property located on the north side of the road, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 5, Twp, lES, Rng, 23E: SW /4 of SW 14 of SW '4 less Rd.R/W across south side & Sec. 6, Twp, 18S, Rng. 23E.: SE 1/4 of SE V1 of SE 1A lying E of a certain line being 115' E of & running parallel with C/L of CSX R/R less Rd R/W across the south side, Sec. 5, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: SW 1/4 of SW -/4 of SW '4 less Rd R/W across south side & Sec. 6, Twp. 18S, Rng, 23E.: SE 14 of SE 14 of SE /4 lying E of a certain line being 115' E of & running parallel with C/L of CSX R/R less Rd R/W across the south side less comm. at SW car run N 27.03' E 620.97' to POB N 363.94. W 234.79' N 276.06' E 272.67' S 640.19' W 40' to POB . REQUESTED ACTION: Land use change on 9.9 acres MOL from agricultural to commercial. The recommendations of the Local. Planning Agen- cy/Zoning and 'Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday. October 25, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. In Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida. This application' may be Inspected at the Planning and Development Office, Sumter County Historic Court- house, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida on Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Published 'two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, September 29, and October 6,2005.. 611-1006 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. 12 of Burns -Self Storage; a self-storage facility, located at 1514 Hwy. 48, Bushnell, Sumter County, FL, will be sold at PUBUC AUCTION. DateofSale: 10/13/2005 Time of Sale: 10:30 A.M. Name of Tenaht: CLARENCE MOBLEY Address: P.O. Box 1006, Bushnell, FL 33513 Unit No.: 12 Desc of Propertv: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, September 29, and October 6, 2005, 625-1006 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO MAY FEEL THE NEED TO APPEAL A BOARD DECISION IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT IT WILL BE NECESSARY FOR YOU TO PROVIDE YOUR OWN VERBATIM RECORDING OF THE BOARD'S MEETING OR ANY POR- TION THEREOF VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE Is hereby given that the Value Adjustment Board of Sumter County will begin Its hearings on Octo- ber 17, 2005, at 9:00 a.m.. In the County Commissioners Meeting Room on the second floor of the Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnell, Florida. '. H .3rlrig .:.:.rrn pl.3ir.r r.31lri.g r .-. :lead exemptions: C. Hearing appeals from exemptions denied or disputes arising from exemption granted; D. Hearing appeals concerning ad valorem tax deferrals and classifications. ir. zumter County Property Appraiser maintains In his .:.r.:e on the first floor of the Sumter County Court- house, a list of all applicants for exemptions who have had thelr,applilcation for exemption wholly or partially approved or denied and such list is available to the public .3 ir.i .-rflce week days from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p m .cui'.cii-g holidays. The types of exemptions ,.i,.r r. .3r Included In these lists are as follows: religion, literary, scientific, charitable, educational, governmen- tal, homesteads, renewable energy sources, homes for the aged,, community centers, disabled veterans, hos- pitals, nursing homes for special services. The public Is Invited to attend dll meetings of the Value Adjustment Board of Sumter County. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the hearing or to be heard at the hearing should con- tact Connie Webb at 352-793-0217, to make special arrangements. VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD By: Joey A. Chandler Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, Oc- tober 6, 2005. To place your classified ad in the Sumter County Times call 793-3163. 609-1006 SCT Notice of Sale PHH Mtg. Corp., etc. vs. Allen Perry, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-825 PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION F/K/A CENDANT MORTGAGE CORPORATION PLAINTIFF VS. ALLEN PERRY, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ALLEN PERRY; LEWETTA PERRY, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST LEWETTA PERRY; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Fal Judgment of Foreclosure dated September 13, 21J5, entered In Clvil Case No. 05-CA-825 of the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit In and for SUMTER County, BUSHNELL, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at WEST FRONT DOOR at the SUM- TER County Courthouse located at 209 NORTH FLORIDA STREET 10 BUSHNELL, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 13th day of October, 2005, the following described property as set forth in sald Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: BEGIN 132.7 FEET WEST AND 330 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTH- WEST 1/4, THENCE RUN SOUTH 123 FEET, WEST 87 FEET, NORTH 123 FEET, EAST 87 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING, LYING AND BEING IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST, SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SUB- JECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER AND ACROSS THE EAST 10 FEET THEREOF. Dated this 14th day of September, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) " GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy CleHk IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILI- TIES ACT, persons with disabilities needing a special ac- commodation should contact COURT. ADMINISTRA- TION, 0at tr. :il.Ir .i' :,,j-.r, ,-.surthouse, at 904-793- 0211, '.i l:,-0 i t' P ,i: .L,. ci 1 800-955-8770, -.la i4.:.l. da Relay Service. b ' Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, September 29, and October 6. 2005. (05-42483 PHHM) --M-- --/ -- UT-wt*, -, I= -M Sf 5,0,q-W, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 25 *j41 1 ~~iJ :1.14 ~~ii *1~!;T'WMI rq- TIRES FOR LIFE IS Yinls PoI Life With hel y el Tloyt1a Vehicle Must Have All Service & Repairs Performed At DeLuca Toyota. Must Follow Facto Re uired Service Schedule. ' % APR $fD rU PA ,BI'fll UWismgi bib Mm us se warappovinmuist 4000 fTl! 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Slum E1670A '04 CHRVSLER PT CRUISER s 7 3991 16,281 AMFMI6CD. Full PWF. CruIse. PWR Seats LeaMer. Sunrool, Ctimme Wns. Kavless. Sm EI1671 M '04 TOYOTA MATRIX S 7,677 s16,441 AM FM/Cas-'CD. Cruise Slice F0086A '04 oNTIAC vISE s 17,99 s 16,889 AMWFACD Furl Power Cruise Rofl Reclr Kpless Envty SIR" P1593 '04 DODGE INTREPID S S 7,999 s 16g899 AWFM1,CD. Fun Power Power Seals Cruise Alloy VWheels KIyless Er.ty Sikn P15 83 '04 MAZDA DUAL SPORT XCAB s 7,999 s16,998 AM.FMLCD Full Power. CruiseM Alroy Whecls Kel',. Enlry Slun P1568 'os TOYOTA COROLLA LE s' 1 699 17,766 AkrlrCDn Full DPowr.. ,i C. n P n 8,69 s 1 7o766 STO-OTA MAKES THE CAR D1 .JUA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" LOCATION;: 1= MILES EAST OF PADDOCK MALL -, T;f O''l'70 E 7DCTIMI I A ih7y SIT US 24 HOURS A DAY 7/DAYS A WEEK SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005, PAGE 25 OWN N/WN/N Fill ffloof NTAGIEW 105 TOYOTA 60 ) E2 MP PAGE 26, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 You Must Know What Your Trade is Worth Before You Shop For A New Car. If you are going to buy, sell or trade, it's critical that you know the value of your car, truck, van or SUV. Our expert appraisers can give you a value within minutes, and it's... Ocala Nissan Mitsubishi A",1.1 |