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Established 1881 SUMMER COUNTY Church ..... Obituaries . Police Report Tidbits ..... 35 CENTS INSIDE ......9 ..........6. ......... .3 ......... 22 Cement plant request tabled MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County Commis- sioners on Tuesday decided to wait a week before acting on a request to permit a second cement production plant in the county. With a three-to-two vote, the board tabled the request by Natural Resources of Central Florida (NCRF) to modify a mining permit for land near Sumterville to allow the con- struction and operation of a cement kiln. The board is scheduled to take up the issue again at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 16. Commission Chairman Joey Chandler asked for the delay, noting that the presentation by company representatives had raised more questions for him. In particular, he said he wanted to know more about possible air emissions from the plant and about the traffic situation on County Road 470. Commissioners Michael Francis and Richard Hoffman voted against tabling the deci- sion until next week. The board is considering NRCF's request to modify its current conditional use per- mit for limerock mining to include the cement produc- tion facility. It would be locat- ed on 46 acres of land off C- 470 about two miles east of The County Commission is scheduled to take up the issue again at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 16. With a 3-to-2 vote, the board tabled the request by Natural Resources of Central Florida. U.S. 301. The plant site is on a more than 1,200-acre site 'already approved for mining that its adjacent to what is known as Warm Springs Hammock. The site is also generally situated between the Dixie Lime and Stone mining facility and the Coleman Federal Corrections Complex. About a month ago, commis- sioners approved a similar CUP modification for a cement plant at a mine near the Mabel community in south Sumter County. According to Gary 0. Cohrs, general manager of NRCF's cement division, the company proposes to market their product within a 60-90 mile radius of the plant; It would employ about 90 workers with an annual pay- roll of approximately $5 mil- lion, Cohrs said. They would be full-time jobs with benefits. In response to commission questions,- he later said that the salaries for those jobs would range from' $40,000 to $100,000 per year. We will do everything with- in our power to staff the plant from within the county," Cohrs said. Construction of the plant would likely take 18 to 24 months and would require 250-300 workers, he said. Except for the related min- ing operation, materials stor- age, handling and processing will be under cover or inside buildings, according to Cohrs. And, about 90 percent of the raw materials would come from the Sumterville site. The process involves heat- ing a mixture of mostly lime- stone with some clay and sand to produce "clinker" a brown, rock like material. It is ground to a fine powder and mixed with gypsum to produce the cement. Fuel for the facility could include coal, coke, discarded tires (up to about 10 percent), natural gas and diesel fuel, Cohrs said. The building for the plant would typically by about 40 feet high, according to Cohrs. Please-see CEMENT, Page 5 SPECIAL HONORS Ethel and John Stephens Banquet, scholarship honor Stephenses AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer It may be difficult to meas- ure how much influence a teacher can have in a commu-, nity, but in this case, the answer can be summed up with an effort by people around the county to honor a former educator A bam and his wife, who being i were much more Aug. 27 than that to many. As a result, a P.m., multitude of for- South mer students, col- High leagues, and friends have gymn joined efforts to bene honor former high school school agriculture teacher John prog Stephens, and his wife, Ethel, by creating a schol- arship in their names.' The John 'and. Ethel Stephens Scholarship and Student' Enrichment Fund will pro- vide for one scholarship for $2,000 or two for $1,000 every year to the University of Florida College of Agriculture. A banquet is being held on Aug. 27, at 6:30 p.m., at the South Sumter High School gymnasium to benefit the scholarship program, and the cost for a ticket is $25. A former student of John Stephens, Walter Graham, now works as the chief of the Florida Unclaimed Property h S f tw gr Program in Tallahassee, but can vividly recall the impact Stephens had on him during his school years. "Other than my parents, (Mr. Stephens) was probably the single most positive influ- ence on my life," Graham said. Stephens. 73, a : Plant City native, uet is came to teach in :Sumter County in eld onf 1957, and spent 35 at 6:30 years in the at the school system, both as a high ,umter school agricul- 3chool ture teacher and as the head of the um to vocationaL it the department. irship Graham said due to Stephens' ram. efforts, the agri- culture program at South Sumter High School thrived, and many state Future Farmers of America officers emerged from Sumter County. "We had a very dominant program in FFA. Mr. Stephens built it into the premier FFA chapter in Florida." Students also remember him for other reasons, like the barbecues he sometimes held for them, sight-seeing on trips to FFA conventions, and for such things as teaching some of the boys to water-ski on Lake David. "He taught so many people Please see STEVENS, Page 2 --_ ---- "- -. -- :--- Adventures for I BRENDA LOCKLEAR . Staff Writer The 2005-2006 school ? .: Year brings a whole lot o .. new to Sumter's estimated 6.900 students from paint and teachers to Nemo and ESPN. While reading coaches j aren't new to Sumter County, full-time coaches -*_ at the secondary level, are. 1 ' Florida law\' says lower ' scoring readers must have a 90-minute reading block during the day and full- time coaches have been added. V .ith the change, they're hoping for dramatic improvement. School Supt. Rick Shirley said. As for new technology computer labs are expanding in Sumter.' County, with nearly three computers in every ele- mentary school classroom. "Technology is grow ing tremendously," he said, pointing out that it was becoming difficult for stu- dents to get to the library on the computers for accelerated reader test- I ing. I School officials are also dealing with the Jessica Lundsford Act. Starting Sept. 1, all contractors mhst be fingerprinted - that list includes oMcials. referees, umpires, etc. They'll also be focusing nn flilt dim fli ii tn d i no Uonl me a ig iree san ntLllllg. "Drug free means drug free." He said everybody wants to take a tough stance on drug free issue, until it's their child. Talking about checking book bags and rooms and drawers, Shirley believes parents shouldn't hesitate. He said he thinks the safety of their children s more important that any privacy right the children may have. Please see CLASS, Page 2 Photo by Brenda Locklear Sophomore Miguel Rangel is shown through the glass of one of the two tanks in the South Sumter High School library and cappuccino spot. While this is the smaller of tanks, the media center is already benefiting from a 500-gallon salt water tank that will be used by the science lab students to learn about ecosytems. Dinner planned for Maier-Martin Lori Maier-Martin BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Lori Maier-Martin is facing a detour in her life. While she's still on her way to becoming a teacher, she's deal- ing with a major challenge, after being thrown from her car on U.S. 27 in March. The 31-year-old mother of two is pushing herself through reha- bilitation, fighting to strengthen and heal the spinal injury that's kept her from walking for the past three months. And while she's fighting to walk, friends and community supporters are fighting to help her in the battle. They're gather- ing up goodies, holding raffles and cooking up benefit dinners and entertaining evenings. With the expense of health care and rehabilitation, the Martins are facing some heavy financial burdens. Her mom, Louise, said the total has already reached $250,000. Members of the local Sumter County Seminole Club, like teachers Donna Howton and retired educator Rosa Lee Tomberlin, were on board to hold a fundraiser, but the effort has taken on a life of its own. Tomberlin said because people know and care about Maier-Martin, they've all jumped in to help and made Please see BENEFIT, Page 2 -rWrdS-ies . v^S^L VOLUME 121 NUMBER 31 Calendar ....... THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 20051 students --------' , I-' I.' -'4 C.. 4 ~d- ~ ~ I. ~ qn. j- PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 STEVENS continued from Page 1 outside (agriculture) things stu- dents should know, like charac- ter, hard work, and doing right He instilled that into people he came into contact with every day. It was a lifestyle, not show, and he made sure all of us-boys knew it." But Graham said Stephens wasn't just an educator. Supporters of the scholarship fund do include former students like Graham, Sumter Sheriff Bill Farmer, and County Commissioner Randy Mask, but others like Sumter County Supervisor of Elections Karen CLASS continued from Page 1 As for school safety, Shirley said it is of paramount impor- tance. "That's our focus." There are changes in pre- kindergarten with expansions and changes that the district is responsible for. Parents were asked to pre-reg- ister their children at a state level, earlier this year, just to give the state a ballpark figure. BENEFIT continued from Page 1 the club plan a community effort. One of the main events is a Saturday, Aug. 20, barbecue chicken dinner and Gospel sing. I Food will be served from noon until 6 p.m. and the sing will be on from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. at South Sumter High School., The, crash happened on March 31 as she was traveling along U.S. 27 toward Clermont, her mom said. Her vehicle flipped several times and she %was thrown out, according to her mom. Maier- Martin was tossed into the medi- an and then slid into the high- way, where rush hour traffic was moving. Krauss knew him as a county commissioner, and many more know him as an active member of the First Baptist Church of Bushnell, and a positive influ- ence in the community. "He was a leader in the coun- ty, in the community, and in the church for many, many years," he said. The scholarship is also meant to honor Ethel Stephens, who Graham said helped her hus- band tremendously with his work A full-time employee at Sumter Electric, she used her vacations to attend FFA trips, and spent countless hours of her free time throughout the years to help out. "She put in an unbelievable amount of time for us kids at night and on the weekends," he To register for actual class, parents needed to get set up locally Shirley said there were numerous people who regis- tered online, but hadn't regis- tered locally. At Wildwood High School, Principal Richard Hampton notes the agenda, as it moves from last year's block scheduling to a full seven-period day. The Wildcats have two new assistant principals on campus this year with James Presley and George Joyce, as well as new teachers on-the faculty list. They've also made some cos- Fortunately, business owners on 27 heard the crash and ran out to stop traffic, until help could get there otherwise she might have been run over. Ironically, the business own- ers turned out to be her cousins, who didn't recognize her or real- ize it was her, until much later. They were simply concerned with getting medical help for her and not moving her to avoid more damage. Her mother said it was good that she was thrown, otherwise "She wouldn't have survived.' The top of the car was destroyed. Currently, she's unable to walk, paralyzed from the waist down. She's in- rehabilitation and- doing well, but her doctor still isn't certain of her future prog- nosis as far as walking because of the tension on her spinal said. Graham, who served as a state FFA officer and won numerous awards, credits Mrs. Stephens as well as Mr Stephens with his success as a student at SSHS and a member of the FFA And Mrs. Stephens has taken with her some fond memories of those days. "I had more adopted boys and girls than anyone around," Mrs. Stephens said jokingly. "I was always a second mother, I still get a lot of hugs (from his former students)." She retired after 34 years working for Sumter Electric, and during, that time was very involved with her husband's stu- dents. "I did it because I enjoyed working with the students." The Stephenses said at first metic changes, painting parts of the campus. "I'm really looking forward to- it," he said of this year. He's excited about the return- ing group of teachers, as well as new teachers that are coming on board. "They seem to be energetic and excited about teaching." At South Sumter High School, principal Preston Morgan said, "We're going to put the emphasis on reading this year." "We were one of the highest scoring high schools in Central Florida this year," Morgan said of their ranking in the top five chord. She and her husband Fred have two children -Kaley, 7, and Frede, 5. While she ran for homecom- ing queen in high school, she's never been the type of person to seek attention for herself - instead always wanting to help others, her mom said. Even now she.doesn't want to be center of attention uncom- fortable with being the focus of the benefit in her name. The fact that others want her- to be the center of attention and want to help her is evident in their desire to do for her "Everybody loves Lori. She's a beautiful girl always doing for others." "And she has two good rea- sons for wanting to walk," he mom added. Tomberlin, a retired coach and teacher, said, "Her peers if they were reluctant when- approached with the news for- mer students were working on something to honor them. "Neither one of us likes to be in the spotlight," Mr. Stephens said. "But when you find out it's for the good of the students, being a teacher, how could I say no? "Both of us are very apprecia- tive of what they're doing (with the scholarship)." - Though thankful, he said being a teacher is rewarding in itself. "Those were probably the best years of my life. I enjoyed it" He said he doesn't recall ever having a student he didn't like. Successful farmers, doctors, lawyers, university professors, and teachers are just a few pro- percent for FCAT test scores. But even with the high scores, "It's so hard for a high school to get into that A range." He said South Sumter was only 10 points away from a B grade. With their math grades at top level, they'll be focusing on reading and writing. They're implementing intensive reading blocks for lower level readers. For the past three years, they've been on the verge of a. top grade, but haven't quite made it. "Next year we're not going to let that happen," Morgan said. New additions include a 500- anything went wrong, she was the first one to try to help them. "She's just a wonderful little girl a big girl," Tomberlin said with a laugh. Mrs. Maier said her daughter has always been very active, fun loving and very optimistic. "'She has a lot or faith. She has a lot of trust in the Lord, as we do. She believes in miracles as we do," her mom said. . But even if the miracle of walking again is slated for Maier-Martin, she plans to be in fessionals many of Mr. Stephens' former students have grown to be. Mr. Stephens said he gives credit to other teachers, people throughout the community, and to the students. "I give my credit to my stu- dents because I had so many good students." He said even now students he hasn't seen in years will stop by his Bushnell home for a visit, and sometimes they don't expect Mr. Stephens to recognize them, but he always does. "Their eyes don't ever change," he said. Mr. Stephens, who grew up on a strawberry farm, is still an avid gardener, sowing .as many as 3,400 ears of corn from his gar- den, along with peas and other vegetables. The Stephenses gallon saltwater tank in the school media center. The self- sufficient tank is d6cor for the media center, but it's actual class work for the science lab students, as they study the tank and ecosystems. Already done in bookstore, coffee-shop style, the tank adds to the atmosphere for students as they sip cappuccino, surf the net and browse the book selec- tion and tank residents are named after some pretty famous movie stars the cast of"Nemo" the movie. Adding to the, excitement at South Sumter, is a planned visit the classroom. She plans to be a teacher, by wheelchair or on foot Maier-Martin had wanted to be a nurse at one time and .then did some work as a druggist's assistant, but her .college years have been dedicating to educa- tion. Her mom said her words were, "I need to be a teacher." Her mom said she had some excellent teachers growing up and cited Howton and Karen Cloud among them: have a daughter, Lisa, 45, who lives 'in Stuart, one son, Lawrence, who passed away, and two grandsons. Dinner tickets for the scholar- ship banquet are being sold at CenterState Bank in Bushnell and Wildwood and Farm Bureau in Bevilles Corner. Funds for the dinner have been donated by area businesses, so all proceeds from the dinner tickets and donations will go directly to the scholarship fund. All donations will be recognized with a letter from the University of Florida and the scholarship organizers, and are tax-deductible. For information or to contribute or purchase tickets, call Shirley Revels at (352) 793-4613, Marilyn Connell at (352) 568-2272, or Mike Winter at (352) 748-0999. from ESPN during the Raiders first home game on Sept 2. South Sumter plays Union County that night one of the Union County players is top in the nation and the station is doing a bio on the teen, follow- ing him through his senior year. Note Webster Elementary School will hold an open house with a School Advisory Council meeting, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Aug. 25. Uqlimiled Hours, No Contracts! $9.095. mnn Meaggv- KMp you buddy IMl 10 e.1manl .ddrnea wft Wbmalli FREE "tncal Supprt Custom Start Page. News. Weatht m&oAr Surfup to 6X asterb) Sign Up Onitnel wwwL.ocalNet.omn I-' 3526488-7265 Loais et 1-884887265, Struitland iPark- hannacy | The Chamber of Commerce estimates there are over 250,000 people within a short drive of Fruitland Park. Almost 1/3 or 75,000 DO NOT have any health insurance to pay for their prescription drugs. Now there is a Discount Pharmacy that will give you the lowest cash prescription price in town. Fruitland Park Pharmacy & Respiratory Services :: j: 315-1717 1 ;,.>Q W^A- ; George S. Beebe, RPh MN 25 ye:rb experience in pharnimacy & David O'Donnell Respiratory Mngcer Formerly of Absolute Re-pir.or, & Ad.an cd Rclmprator~ with 8 yea!t, in Respiratoiy care Have teamed up to bring professional quality service & the lowest cash prescription price in town. nNOW OPFMN M.F 9:30. *:0 Sumter County Honors John & Ethel Stephens You're Invited To attend a special dinner in celebration of Mr. & Mrs. Stephens (Two of Sumter County's greatest citizens) Saturday, August 27, 2005 South Sumter High School Gymnasium Reception 5:30PM Dinner/Program 6:30PM (Casual Dress) $25 contribution per person. Make checks payable to: 100% of your tax deductible "UF Foundation SHARE" contribution will go into the Make notation on check: John & Ethel Stephens "Stephens Scholarship" and Scholarship Fund at the mail to P.O. Box 272 University of Florida. Bushnell, FL 33513. Larger contributions welcome. Please join us today! Tickets are also available at the Bushnell and Wildwood offices of Center State Bank, the Sumter County Farm Bureau and the First Baptist Church of Bushnell. DO MORE. WITH MORE. Only Nextel has ti io t.ools. ,ou need to get more done. Instant. Coast-to-coast. walkie-talkie Connect in under a second. Free Incorinq calling plans Receive calls for free. Voice-quided, turn-by-turn directions At the push of a button. Wireless web access Always-on access to e-mail, websites and more to stay connected. FOr Intarit Itolurtl$iS to a yo vr wlrers needS, visit a Nextel Auttiorized Representative listed beow CdEfIIA ((ft TECINICS, c Tc.s .C wvireless consultantsOw Ofd 352-568-1967 Local NDC'rELI 888-568-1967 Toll Free I Iquxie's ktmfffiw Ihtudurk msww297 al t icu pp o riurbe. I ir1I4 ileCia cisume'r rn. WFOL isd ninr rnwiP lianemam mdw reQ~iud th admirk .i f!,HC( I r! r nIlhWs't- liL fML*T1IU iMd flue Sliii)-d WN OQ r't 4!-ted 9 IN U1. I'nMt K a Tua~nwk rne. All UMoptJ' I zIsinricta Prsaes are rpp-iy or1 h'f K- K~wownees Allrk;At5 rfwle*d SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 3 Sex offenders arrested, sheriff launches unit BOB REICHMAN Editor Two sexual offenders were arrested last week as the sher- iff's office beefs up efforts to monitor the whereabouts of criminals convicted of sex crimes. The first arrest was made on Aug. 3 when convicted sex offender Lloyd Clayton failed to register with the sheriff's department as required by law, according to sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. Clayton, 28, Wildwood, was arrested outside the Sumter County Detention Center in Bushnell when he refused to register as a sex offender, Caruthers said. Clayton had been released from jail on August 1 for a sex- ually-related offense, accord- ing to Caruthers. After several days, he was arrested for failure to register when he told deputies outside the jail that he had no place to live, no money and refused to register as a sex offender, Caruthers said. Clayton was placed in the Sumter County Detention Center with bond set at $2,000. The second arrest was made on Sunday, Aug. 7, when a sheriff's deputy learned that Robert Goodman, 27, of Wildwood, failed to register as a sex offender. Goodman was arrested after he was stopped by a sheriff's deputy for a traffic violation in The Villages, according to Caruthers. When the deputy ran a com- puter check, he discovered that Goodman's registration tag had expired, he did not have a valid driver's license and his Indiana driver's license had expired. The officer also discovered that Goodman was a convicted sex offender from Indiana who hadn't registered with the sheriff's office, Caruthers said. Goodman told the deputy he has been living with his cousin in Wildwood for two months and thought he had a few more weeks before he had to regis- ter, according to Caruthers. Goodman was arrested for failure to register as a sex offender and no valid driver's license. He was placed in the county jail with bond set at $2,150. In the meantime, Caruthers said the sheriff's office is already implementing a new unit aimed at better monitor- ing convicted sex offenders. On August 1, the sheriff's office implemented the Career Criminal Apprehen- sion Unit, headed by sheriff's Det. Zeke Shaw. The unit was launched in anticipation of the newly enacted Jessica Lundsford Act that becomes effective December 1, Caruthers said. "Instead of waiting until December, we wanted to be on top of things," he said. The new law sets stricter requirements for convicted sex offenders including more frequent registration with local law enforcement agen- cies, background screening for contractual workers on school grounds and stricter penalties for persons who assist sex offenders in hiding, Caruthers said. World War II revisited j i . Charles Spicer portrays a German soldier. Spicer was born in Germany and is the grandson of Karl-Friedrich Mertin, Captain of U68 who ranked 7th with 29 confirmed Allied vessels sunk. -Police RElPOR - Wednesday, Aug. 3 William Turner, 30, Webster, was arrested on a Lake County warrant and giving false name to a law enforce- ment officer. Bond was set at $2,660. Andrew Hodges, 24, Webster, was arrested for vio- lation of probation. No bond was set. Friday, Aug. 5 David Reese, 48, Bushnell, was arrested for battery. No bond was set. Linda Brown, 40, Webster, was arrested for battery. No bond was set. Cynthia Wolfe, 46, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Shane Marsh, 23, Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended with knowledge. Bond was set at $500. Krystal Shannon, 20, Wildwood, was arrested on s Sumter County warrant for grand theft. Bond was set at $2,000. Dawn Lovett, 36, Bushnell, was arrested for battery. No bond was set. Justin Parish, 34, Bushnell, was arrested for battery. Bond was set at $1,000. Eric Cowles, 26, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Saturday, Aug. 6, Janet Driggers, 22, Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended with knowledge. Bond was set at $500. Sunday, Aug. 7 Sandra Lane, 55, The Villages, was arrested for battery. No bond was set. Lawrence McCullough, 28, Wildwood, was arrested for loitering and prowling. Bond was set at $500. Felipe Alvarez, 23,' Wildwood, was arrested for operating a vehicle without a valid license. Bond was set at $150. John Mason, 26, Webster, was arrested for domestic battery and violation of pro- bation. No bond was set. Daria Ullah, 45, Bushnell, was arrested for disorderly intoxication. Bond was set at $150. Monday, Aug. 8 Joseph Davis, 40, Bushnell, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Gary Mitchell, 33, Coleman, was arrested for domestic bat- tery. No bond was sdt. RoBIN EDDINSS Times Correspondent On Saturday, Aug. 6, World War II came to Bushnell. The 8th annual remem- brance event brought together people from far and wide to. share their knowledge of the time, show their wares and demonstrate to the public what is was like-to live during that era. If one ignored the parking lot filled with contemporary vehicles you could almost feel like a time traveler looking into the past from authentic campsites to "soldiers" milling about the Dade Battlefield Park. Matt Asplin, of Crystal Beach, dressed in a German uniform started as a collector and was online looking for a holster when he ran across a website for a reenactment unit. His great-grandfather fought for the kaiser in the Imperial Army. Others got involved by \ ay of just interest in'the area, their parents, a spouse or had a family member who fought in the war. During the day, demonstra- tions of firing techniques. marching and even an American arms inspection took place. Joe Chumbley, of Largo, is a history buff and likes the idea that the reenactments help show the general public a piece of the past with an up close and personal feel. "We do it to share the histo- ry but also to honor the sol- diers that fought in the w\al: he said. "The war affected everyone everywhere not just the soldiers. People at home had to ration their food, their gas, their tires. I Slaughter Cows Boner 800.8%. W Range AvgWI Price Range 820-880 840 50.00-56.50 910-1065 .999 53.00-58.00 905.1085 1004 59.00-63.00 1100-1200 1150 52.00-57.00 1120-1175 1140 59.00-63.00 1250-1265 1258 57.00-58.50 1385-1425 1395 59.00-65.00 1300-1640 1490 54.00-61.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 8500% WI Range Avg W Price Range 740-885 810 48.00-52.00 935-1020 979 46.00-52.00 920-965 942 38.004.004 Slaughter Bulls Y.G.1 WMOange AvgWM Price ange 1195-1385 1304 57.00-68.00 1220 1220 78.00 1000-1330 1182 58.00-84.00 I855-1770 1720 65.00-71.00 1605 1805 75.00 "Company benefits are a direct result of post World War II. Wages were frozen and it was a way for businesses to entice the returning soldiers to work for them." said Chumbley. Displays showed uniforms, mess kits, books, canteens, firearms, vehicles and a vari- ety of items used during the war by British, American, French and German soldiers. Adding flare to the event women dressed as Army nurs- es, Rosie the Riveter, USO entertainers and young men portrayed their parts with fer- vor and a love for history. Even "Le Resistance" was represented in the reenact- ment. What would a WWII reenactment be without "Le Resistance?" Penny Levy of Jacksonville adds to the atmosphere last Saturday riding her bicycle. American soldiers take a break in the hot August sun. The background of camping displays gives one an eerie feeling of time travel. W MASSEY FERGUSON MASSEY FERGUSONFERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment All Terrain All Terrain 31800 Progress Rd., Leesburg, FL, 34748 352-360-1398 * 2 Year Warranty * 15% Down With Approved Credit --- #461 2WD - * 64 HP STD 8x8 * Shuttle 2-Spool * Aux Valve R-1 * Tires 6ft. Rotary * 6ft. Box Blade * Front Loader * Quick Attach 72" Bucket New Tractors: Compacts (Monthly Payments) 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 60 Months 72 Months Visit the newest m em ber Of the Massey Ferguon 0% 0% 0.9% 2.9% 3.9% 4.9% q MASSEY FERGUSON TEAM 1411600 Series 1 11- ' Friendly Folks 'Fair Prices' Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: Western T&A Western Alfalfa Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer" All Purpose & Leisure 10% 5.65 12% 5.85 New & Used Saddles & Tack Convenient E-Z Access for loading! Slaughter cows and bulls: Steady to 1.00 higher.. Feeder steers and heifers: Mostly steady. Supply and demand were moderate. Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 74 percent, (39 percent steers, 35 percent heif- ers).over 600 Ibs. 2 percent (1 percent steers, 1 percent heifers). Slaughter cows and bulls: 18 percent. Replacement cows: 6 percent. Avg Price 53.43 55.82 80.20 High Dressing 55.51 60.52 High Dressing 57.75 Holstein 82.08 High Dressing 56.91 Holslein Avg Price 49.30 49.16 40.58 Low Dresing Avg Price 64.55 78.00 High Dressing 82.24 Low Dressing 6A.84 75.00 High Dressing A -;sM ' Feeder Steersand Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 W Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 250-280 272 152.00-185.00 159.57 310-345 325 138.00-154.00 143.25 380-397 383 123.00-135.00 129.82 400445 424 118.00-126.00 123.78 458-495 475 105.00-121.00 115.28 500-535 509 108.00-118.00 l112.88 555-590 585 108.00-113.00 110.33 632 632 100.00 100.00 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 W Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 220 220 150.00-185.00 157.50 275-295 286 130.00-142.00 138.71 300-349 327 123.00-140.00 131.86 350-398 385 108.00-122.00 118.22 400,430 409 108.00-116.00 113.40 455-490 462 99.00-108.00 105.80 510-545 529 97.00-105.00 100.48 555-580 588 91.00-106.00 91833 Feeder Steers and Bulls Small 1-2 WI Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 501 ;:0 ''von :94lU .; 15 1U" .i6 i;A I 1 00If) 1 8)ll 1o '5 Feeaer MHehers Medum a Large I -2 WRi Ranpp AqgWN fn' 1Ni jAv f'ic:e 15-16i 2 80 '1l0i '.l:i)00u )1 255-.N5:a,17 '44 0,)14600 144 5 M3U0-0 1 31 i:i 01) 146 00 1 ; 55-U., I'8 1ui, ir0Ou'0 s j 00 4,1 'i 'a !; O1l 01) iii 100Oi iso i 4 ,Ojeq h II10101) 1 :01) 1II)tlh ' 500-540 514 103.00-114.00 108.23 590 590 98.00 98.00 Feeder Hellfers Medum and Large 2-3 WI Range AvgWI Price Range AvgPrice 200-225 208 130.00-160.00 142.80 200-282 273 118.00-142.00 137.40 300-348 335 110.00-130.00 120.39 355-360 376 108,00-124.00 113.04 415-433 427 88.00-108.00 104.48 475 475 98.00-100.00 98.00 500-530 519 88.00-100.00 91.40 6820-630 825 83.00-94.00 88.46 Feeder Hefllers Small 1-2 W Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 225-240 232 118.00-138.00 128.32 Bred Cows Medum and Large 1-2 Young W Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 630-885. 789 57.00-74.00 6285 4-86mosbred 665-990 872 59.00-75.00 65.72 4-8 mos bred 1140-1295 1208 82.00-80.00 71.60 4-6mosbred Cow-Calf Pairs Medum and Large 1-2 Young WI Range AvgW Price Range Avg Price ; .ii" 83 i6'. ii 04000 141 i9 S11 ') I i1 5 II B ll (ll00' 0 !)! 00 1 "- " Lietc an ri nMreNws U arow.F mH 1091 1150 1970 HHHB^B^HBMB^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^.2^^^^^^^^ 0L.,,blish.d isai T SUMTER COUNTY TIMES GIVE US A CALL (USPS #535-880) News Department ....................... 352-793-2161 Circulation .............................. 1.888.852-2340 Retail Advertising ....................... 352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352-793-2161 Fax ....... 352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES EMM=d ) PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 SUMrER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ...................... Bob Reichman Publisher .................. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our VOICE A special honor for some special people John and Ethel Stephens as a county commissioner from have given a lot to their com- 1986 until 1994. munity. I watched Stephens over his Now, that community is giving years as a county commissioner I back. A local campaign -' recently started to honor the Stephenses for their outstanding contribution to Sumter County. ' A committee of about two dozen people is Z planning a very special 'thank you" to the cou- ple by creating an endowment in their B honor and a special REIC evening of recognition. A story appears in this week's edition about the plans. The committee, comprised of local leaders and former stu- dents of Mr Stephens', is working to honor the couple by funding a $50,000 scholarship in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at the University of Florida. The John and Ethel Stephens Endowment will support the educational development of future educators, communicators and leaders in agriculture. I didn't know John Stephens when he was a vocational direc- tot and FFA advisor at South Sumter High School. I'd never been one of his pupils during his 23-year span of teaching voca- tional agriculture. But many people were and many people speak of Stephens with very positive comments- about his days as an instructor. I met Stephens 'when he entered the political arena, when he became a County Commissioner Stephens served Stephens are great Sumter citizens The effort to establish a scholarship fund and hold a dinner in honor of John and Ethel Stephens is one of the best things that. has been done in Sumter County. If true success in life is giving and" making the lives of others better, and having had the most positive influ- ence on the most people, then Mr and Mrs. Stephens are probably the most successful people who have ever lived 'here. They are easily two of our coun- ty's greatest I am grateful and happy to support the cause to honor them. I encourage all Sumter County citizens to do the same. Sincerely, County Commissioner' Randy Mask A very impressive resume for Roberts Judge John Roberts, President Bush's pick to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court,- brings with him one of the most impressive resumes any nominee to the high court has had in a genera- tion. HMAN appreciated his thoughtfulness in his decision-making process. Stephens was an ana- lytical commissioner, not quick to jump. You could almost see him weighing different sides of an issue before mak- ing a decision. Just a couple of years ago, I decided to stop by his house to do a feature story about him. He was outside work- ing in his garden, a garden he has tended for years. It's a garden that displays the special care that Stephens can give. I, like many others, shared in the harvest from that garden. Stephens, overlooking my protests, handed me ears of corn, some squash and a few other gar- den delights. Stephens knows how to grow a garden and he gleefully shares its bounty. That may be exactly what makes Stephens stand out from the rest. He's close to the ground. He knows how to appreciate and he knows how to share. You can tell that by that little glint in his eye and that wide unassuming smile. In honor of John and Ethel 'Rft h i l bti uepnens, a special c dinner is being pla August 27. Between the celebr the scholarship, it see fitting honor for a co have meant so much to Judge Roberts has sui both the public and priv - from his time as a la ChiefJustice William Rehl brilliant career as a priva attorney, to his current po judge on the D.C. Circi court. Most impressively, as d solicitor general, he argu before the Supreme Cour Despite this impecca record, though, Roberts to face stiff opposition fr liberals like Ted Kennedy Schumer and anti-Bush groups like MoveOn.org. They've already begun his nomination, despera off the bench anyone who judge's job is to interpr make it Any attempt to block Ro inatioh on partisan g through filibuster or othe must itself be blocked. Those who refuse to Judge Roberts' fitness fo court are the ones whose tions ought to be called tion. eiiD auiUn Almost a year ago, Sept. 6, 2004, tnned for Florida Administrative Code 69A-62 took effect This fact went mostly ation and unnoticed because last year in ms a very September, Florida was ravaged by )uple that four major hurricanes. Also few of so many. the general,public knew of the code and the impact it .would have on their local fire services. Florida Administrative Code 69A- 62, commonly known as "Florida's Firefighter OSHA Rules," sets statewide uniform firefighters stan- dards for all fire departments, cceeded in whether they are paid, volunteer, or iate sectors any combination of the two. aw clerk to This code sets standards in the inquist, to a areas of minimum necessary equip- ate-practicen a ment, employment and staffing, sit appeals adopts OSHA Standards, adopts the National Fire Protection deputy U.S. Association Standards, and neces- ed 39 cases sary requirements to be recognized t. as a fire department. It also includes able track mandatory workplace safety and can expect health programs, safety and health tom Senate compliance, and workplace safety and Chuck committees. pressure This code is meant not only to pro- vide better fire protection to the n assailing public, but also provide more safety te to keep to the firefighters themselves, Believes a whether they are paid or volunteers. et law, not The adoption of OSHA Standard 29 C.FR 1910.134(g) 3 and 4 places a berts' nom- requirement that involves the num- rounds ber of personnel required on the r means scene of a fire where entry into the structure is necessary to fight the recognize fire. The requirement is to have a >r the high minimum of two firefighters inside e qualifica- the structure who are in direct con- into ques- tact with each other at all times and two firefighters outside the struc- BettySikes ture ready to engage in rescue or Buslmell backup for those inside. Firefighter K~Wsum"I safety is the reasoning behind these requirements. This is a mandatory minimum requirement Volunteer firefighters are and have been the backbone of the fire service, nationwide. Most rural and non-urban areas throughout the country rely solely on the volunteer companies. Usually paid fire com- panies are found in larger, more metropolitan cities and areas. Sumter County Fire/Rescue is now at a crossroads. For the first half of this year, 2005, statistics show that while Sumter County, itself, grew approximately five percent, emergency responses have increased more than 21 percent over last year, for the same time period. These statistics, with the addition of the second quarter num- bers, project an annual call volume for the year 2005 of about 8,400 calls. On average, that's over 23 calls per day system wide. The annual call load (responses) has increased 36 percent since 2003; just two years ago, when the county first consoli- dated the 10 volunteer departments into one unified county fire depart- ment To meet all staffing requirements of the state's FAC 69A-62, and espe- cially the National Fire Protection Association Standard 1710/1720, which this code adopted, Sumter County Fire/Rescue is proposing to employ 39 full-time firefighters in addition to, the volunteer (paid per call) personnel. This would allow for staffing of 12 certified full-time fire- fighters per shift The four person- nel will staff three stations each shift There will be one station in. each of the three Battalions. In addi- tion, one full-time certified firefight- er per shift would be hired in a relief position to cover vacations, sick time, etc. The three stations, which would be staffed, have the highest call vol- umes in the system. Even with full- time staff, these stations, due to their extremely high call volumes, will still need the volunteer (paid per call) firefighters. Costs for this proposal would initially be partially funded by a "SAFER" grant The for- ward-thinking Sumter County Board of County Commissioners agreed to permit Sumter County Fire/Rescue to apply for a "SAFER" grant. Sumter County Fire/Rescue pro- vides coverage to just under 50,000 permanent residents in an area of 548 square miles. In addition, within the coverage area is 15 miles of gas transmission pipeline along Florida's Turnpike, the Coleman Federal Corrections Facility, the Sumter Correctional Institution, and two large municipal water treat- ment facilities. Included also are two small municipal water treat- ment facilities, approximately 45 miles of Interstate 75, approximate- ly 15 miles of Florida's Turnpike, many commercial and industrial businesses, several large manufac- turing plants, and several large min- ing operations. Shopping centers, schools, government offices, power companies, truck stops, restaurants, and motels are also covered. The CSX Railroad runs almost the entire length of the county. Everyday new homes and businesses are appear- ing throughout the county. Sumter County is growing and as it grows, so will the demands on Sumter County Fire/Rescue. HenryPoates Wildwood 4b b ao "Copyrighted Material V Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" STA' 7. Your VOICE Help Animal Control It's that time of the year again for budget planning by the Sumter Board of Commissioners. Unfortunately, most likely it will be a new budget with the old lack of funds for Animal Control Departments needs. As described by Mrs. Linda Graves, of the Sumter County Humane Society, the improve- ments made through the past five years are greatly appreciated but far from being up to standard requirements to adequately house these stray, abandoned and home- less animals. The past Board of Commissioners were slow, if not at times opposed, to making any improvements at the facility until Commissioner J. Roberts was elect- ed. His tireless efforts, not only to speak with the past Board mem- bers concerning the lack of funds appropriated to Animal Control, he served as chairman of a committee to update a poorly written Animal Ordnance made over 10 years ago, thus making the Board aware of needed improvements. Granted, this is a Board of Commissioners with the three newly elected members who hope- fully will show the same initiative as Commissioner Roberts to visit time at the facility. Observing, themselves, the deficiency of this makeshift facility, operating at no fault to the Animal Control Officer and personnel. Newly appointed Director J. Sparks and Chief Officer J. Hezlep have made improvements, but funds are needed for this poorly constructed building to be demol- ished and an updated shelter be built. Lake County and Ocala Animal Control shelters are models if Sumter Board of Commissioners would give the same priority to a much-needed project. Actually a visit to the shelter by any Sumter taxpayer could and would be beneficial to this pur-. pose. A resident doesn't have to be an animal lover to understand this is a responsibility not to be ignored. These animals have become shel- tered here until euthanized through no fault of their own but by lack of conunitment of past owners. Animal Welfare Societies and advocates continuously advise owners not to leave their dogs in hot automobiles in fear of death due to heat exhaustion, yet the dogs of the Sumter facility are being housed in extreme heat and cold weather with little or no protection. Each winter, donations of blan- kets are collected for the dogs who are sleeping on cold cement floors due to lack of improper wiring to provide heat. This is countywide problem, not just South Sumter where the facili- ty is located. Support from all residents are encouraged to write and call each and every Commissioners to con- sider adequate monies. Two Village residents have pub- licly requested the newly elected Village District Commissioners for their consideration when earmark- ing funds be allocated to Animal Control not just General Funds which other projects take priority. Jane Brangman Adamsville Let's not wait! Do it Now! Do it correctly! Let's form a truth sqad, or squads, to be in attendance with bullhorns, and in the name of Vietnam vets, run Hanoi Jane out of town, prepare now. Have application in hand to sign up new members. Permission to disseminate grant- ed. JackP. Bratton Bushnell The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. Another VOICE We live in changing times - Your VOICE SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 5 CEMENT continued from Page 1 In the application, NRCF representatives stated that the tallest structure on the site "is not expected to exceed 275 feet." It would be "a state of the art plant," at an "excellent site," according to Cohrs. Some of the residents or Sumteryille and the sur- rounding area aren't too sure about the latter. Bill Costner, of the Beville's Corner area, asked about the sulfur emissions from burn- ing coal and fuel oils. "It produces a lot of sulfur doesn't it, Costner asked? Then he asked about how the fuel would get to the plant and the potential impact of more trucks on the local roads. "C-470 east is over- Tom Poss loaded as it is about the with the dump trucks." the chile Keith Allen, grandch Sumterville, had similar Sumter concerns. "when w "C-470 east these ho cannot not handle it the mines. H road is coming there were apart," Allen for re-clai said. He followed sit with a list of questions about how the form the coals and tires would delivered, stored and used. And, he noted that a third mine in the area would be "too much dynamiting." Cohrs responded that the coal and tires have to be in enclosed storage to comply with some regulations and because the materials needed to be kept dry. He also stated that lime- stone is introduced. into the furnaces of power plants to provide a "scrubbing" action to limit sulfur emissions. With a kiln heating limestone, it provides a "natural scrub- ber." Tom Posse warned about the future for the children and grandchildren'of Sumter residents "when we dig all these holes" for mines. He asked if there were provi- sions for re-claiming those sites. County Attorney Randall Thornton said that for mines approved in the last 20 years, there are requirements for restoration. Helen Blackmon told the board that she lived only about two miles from the pro- posed plant site and that she had family also living nearby "I found out that dioxin is one of the most toxic of sub- stances and that the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) shows cement plants to be generators," she said. She cited government infor- mation that showed a Texas cement plant to be listed as the seventh largest generator of dioxin in the country. "It sounds real good, the jobs and all what about all the bad things ," Blackmon se warned asked. future for Oscar future for Alvarez told Sren and the board that ildren of his parents residents had lived residents about 10 miles ve dig all from a cement oles"for plant and that S if even at that e asked f distance, the provisions dust was a ming those daily problem. But, NRCF es. engineering consultant John Koogler said that the area effected by the plant would go out about two miles and that was generally for "particulate" matter in the air. He noted that dust or chem- ical emissions from a given plant could mostly depend upon the age of the plant and where it was located, some, states not having as stringent restrictions as Florida. He noted that chemical emissions would only amount to about 40 percent of the state allowable standards, with the quantities being measured in "billionths" of a gram. In response to concerns raised by Chandler about pos- sible impacts of multiple cement plants in the area, Koogler said that the zones of impact for these plants would not overlap. On another issue, NRCF legal representative Anna Long said that the company has agreed to fund a traffic study on C-470 with the coun- ty choosing the consultant. The recommendations for that study would be imple- mented by NRCF, she said. Commissioner Randy Mask was another with concerns about pollutants, asking specifically about mercury. Koogler said that the metal is naturally occurring in the sand, clay and limestone, but that the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) "strenuously" regu- lates mercury emissions to about one fourth of the EPA standards. Chandler said he simply needed more time to consider the information and to get answers about air quality from someone that wasn't being paid by the applicant. He also expressed concerns about the roads. "We don't need to have four major traf- fic accesses in a two-mile stretch," Chandler said. Francis commented that NRCF had provided the most thorough presentation he had seen and moved to approve the CUP modification. Hoffman provided, the sec- ond. But, Chandler pressed to hold off for a week. "Everyone seems like they're in, a race." Francis argued that the plant would be subject to both state and federal regulations. "We just approved another one and this is more informa- tion." Thornton noted that the last application to modify a CUP for a cement plant was rec- ommend for denial by the Zoning and Adjustment Board (ZAB), but was unani- mously approved by the com- mission. Now, this application has a five-to-two vote of the ZAB in favor of recommendation of the proposal, he said. "Could you show me what the differ- ence is?" Commissioner Jim Roberts asked if the applicant could wait for a week. The answer from Long was yes. Roberts moved to table the issue and Mask provided the second. 651-0818-SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING County Commission of Sumter County, Florida to Consider Ordinance for the Establishment of the Lake Miona Community Development District DATE: TIME: LOCATION: August 23, 2005 6:15 p.m. Historic Courthouse, Room 222, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513 { 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 ,i (Next to Dollar General) V- 569-0171. O Interested persons are advised that a public hearing will be held on the 23rd day of August, 2005, at 6:15 p.m. at the Historic Courthouse, Room 222, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513; before the County Commission of Sumter County, Florida to consider the elements of a Petition filed by Power Corporation ("Petitioner"), to establish a community development district to be known as the Lake Miona Community Development District ("District"), as authorized and provided for in Chapter 190, Florida Statutes. A copy of the Petition is on file and available for public inspection and/or copying at the Building and Zoning Department, 3rd Floor, Historic Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, Florida, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. except on weekends and holidays. The information presented at this hearing will be used to afford the Petitioner, landowners, any affected units of local government, and the general public, a fair and adequate opportunity to appear and present oral and written comments regarding the establishment of the District. If adopted, the ordinance will establish the Lake Miona Community Development District, name its initial Board of Supervisors and designate the land to be serviced by the District. The land area proposed to be served by the District is located entirely within unincorporated Sumter County, Florida. The District will comprise of 158.53 acres of land. The boundaries of the lands proposed to be served by the District are outlined in the map depicted in this notice. The site is located in the area bounded on the West by rural residential land, on the East by Lake Miona and Planned Unit Development, on the South by Sumter County Road 114, and on the North by Sumter County Road 472. There is no real property located within the District that will be excluded from the jurisdiction of the District. The Petitioner has proposed that the District will construct or acquire certain infrastructure improvements in order to serve the land within the District. By way of information, a community development district is a local unit of special purpose government authorized by statute to ensure the provision of infrastructure to serve community developments subject to state and local regulatory requirements governing the lawful use and development of the property. Establishment of a district pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, is not a development order under Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. All planning, permitting and other regulatory requirements pertaining to development within the land area will be in accordance with general and special law, and the Sumter County Comprehensive Plan. The County Commission will comply with section 190.005(2), Florida Statutes, in conducting the public hearing on whether to establish the District by ordinance. The purpose of this hearing is to consider the relationship of the petition as submitted by the Petitioner to the six factors listed in section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes. A statement of estimated regulatory costs ("SERC") was prepared by District Management Services, LLC, in compliance with section 120.541, Florida Statutes, as required by section 190.005, Florida Statutes. The complete text of the SERC is contained as Exhibit 10 to the Petition. By way of summary, the SERC estimates that the principal entities likely to be affected by the ordinance are the State of Florida, Sumter County, Florida, and the District, and describes the type of individuals most affected by the ordinance as the landowners within the District. The SERC estimates that establishment and enforcement costs to the above-described entities will be modest and are concurrently budgeted or not burdensome; and, that there will be little to no effect on state and local revenues from the establishment of the District. Further, the SERC estimates that certain development-related transactional costs incurred would occur regardless of whether the District was established and are voluntarily assumed if at all by and through individuals or entities owning or purchasing property in the District. Finally, the SERC concludes that the establishment's effect on small business will be minimal or positive and that Sumter County is not a small county as defined by section 120.52, Florida Statutes. At the above-referenced public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners will consider and adopt the following ordinance: An ordinance by the County Commission of Sumter County, Florida establishing the Lake Miona Community Development District; naming the District; describing the external boundaries of the District; granting special powers; naming the initial members of the District's Board of Supervisors; providing for conflict and severability; and providing an effective date. At least 10 days prior to the above-referenced hearing, a copy of the proposed ordinance establishing the hearing will be available for inspection by the public at the Building and Zoning Department, 3rd Floor, Historic Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, Florida, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. except on weekends and holidays Interested persons are advised that, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at a hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons needing special accommodations to attend any hearing noticed hereinabove as a result of a disability must contact County Administration, at (352)793-0200, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before a hearing or meeting in order to make arrangements. PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 ChA T CALENDAR m 131U Sumter OBITUARIES Barbecue at Methodist church On Friday, Aug. 5, there will be a barbecue chicken dinner from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at Lake Panasoffkee Methodist Church, C.R. 4707. Dinner will include baked beans, maca- roni salad, Texas toast and dessert for $6 each or $20 a family. Call 793-3438 for more infor- mation. Gospel showdown There will be a "Gospel Showdown" on Sunday, Aug. 14, at 5 p.m. at the Wildwood High School Gym, 700 Huey Street, Wildwood, featuring Gospel Echoes of Ocala, Harris-Felton Family Choir of Coleman and many more. This event is free to the public and sponsored by the Greater Youth Organization and Greater Youth Ministry. Donations accepted. For information, call 352- 461-9727 or 352-330-5992. House of Prayer Praise Team concert The House of Prayer Praise Team will be in concert on Aug. 19 at 7:30 p.m. presenting Lil Johnny and the Gospel Wonders, featuring Pastor McKinley Baker. Free admis- sion. For more information, call Sandra Chives at 352-369- 8417, Sis. Florine Williams at 352-748-4088, House of Prayer at 352-748-4055. Annual Men Day Celebration St. Mark Pentecostal Church, Center Hill, Holy Ghost Headquarters, will present the annual Men Day Celebration on Sunday, Aug. 21, at 4 p.m., in the Bushnell Community Center. Speaker of the hour will be Minister Tracy Taylor. Affiliation Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church, Bushnell, Elder Fred L. Lewis, pastor. Chairpersons, Missionary Bertha Williams PURCELL and Missionary E. McMullen, 568-3270 or Eld. Eddie Ervin, pastor. For more information, call Sis. Hazel Lyons at 793- 3183. Helping Hands Food Ministry The Helping Hands Food Ministry of Coleman First Assembly of God distributes food on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 9 to 11 a.m. The church is located at 505 Mulberry St in Coleman. For more information, call 748- 3456. Family caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer Care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793-3438. Newspaper recycling bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recycled newspapers to fund global ministries opportunities.. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. 61Mc0SN'.16 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell John D. Purcell Owner Founder 793-4531 ,f Ass FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, onl ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 j J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! SLake Sumter C 0O M U N I r F (- o I. L C. E . H Education... just one of LSCC's many degree programs! The emphasis on quality pre- kindergarten education and the future requirement for degree L teachers make LSCC's new two- year Early Childhood Education program a timely opportunity. SHead Start Teacher/Director SPublic School Paraprofessional Pre-Kindergarten Teacher S Group Childcare Director Family Childcare Provider *Child Development Assoc Advisor Fall Classes start Aug. 23 Register Online Now www.Iscc.edu 568-0001 Leesburg South.aL-ke Sumter ;. - Helen Towne, 75, homemaker Helen Towne, 75, of Webster, died Friday, Aug. 5, 2005, in Bushnell. A native of Corona, N.Y, she moved to Webster in 1976 from North Miami Beach. Mrs. Towne was a homemak- er. She taught Sunday school and worked with the youth at 1st Baptist Church of Webster. She also taught arts and crafts in Vacation Bible School, and was the founder of the Mission in Action pro- gram. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Webster. Survivors include her hus- band, Howard Towne of Webster; two sons, Howard Towne Jr. and wife, Laura, of Fruitland Park, Adam Towne and wife, Amy, of Lady Lake; daughter, Denise Prevatt and husband, Kenneth, of Webster; brother, Gus Gimourginas of Port Richey; five grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; three step-grandchildren; and three step-grandchildren. Services were here Aug. 9 at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel with the Reverend (a- w 0 I w LU u w 0 I 1 w LU) L 0 I N UJ U Ok K vi Il Eddy Fredryk officiating. Interment was at Garden of Memories Cemetery, Webster. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Roger Pellerin, 88, businessman Roger Pellerin, 88, of Webster, died Sunday, Aug. 7, 2005, in Bushnell. A native of Vermont, he lived in Webster for 23 years, moving here from Vero Beach. While living in Vero Beach he owned Pellerin Radiator, and then Vero Beach Automotive. After moving to Webster he became part owner of Sunshine Village Mobile Home Park in Webster. He was a Navy veteran serving during WWII. He was Catholic. Survivors include a daugh- ter, Suzanne Sippey and her husband, Robert, of Webster; two sisters living in Canada; and numerous nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held at Crestlawn Cemetery in Vero Beach Aug. 10 with Chaplain Dick Flick officiating. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. William R. Spann, 68, welder William Roger Spann, 68, of Astatula, died Saturday, Aug. 6, 2005. Born in Bushnell, he moved to Astatula in 1958. Mr. Spann was a retired welder and fiberglass fabricator and a member of Astatula Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Ruby; daughter, Debbie McInturff of Fruitland Park; son, Chris (Shannon) Spann of Astatula; grandchildren, Ashley Cox of Fruitland Park, Holly, Amber and Kyle Spann, all of Astatula; great- grandchildren Justin and Juliette Cox of Fruitland Park; brother, Ray Spann and sister Joyce Newsome, both of Webster; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a son, Ricky Spann and granddaughter Stacy Pasill of Astatula. Funeral services were held Aug. 10 at Astatula Baptist Church with Pastor Travis Lane officiating. Interment followed as Astatula Cemetery. Steverson, Hamlin & Hilbish Funeral Home, Tavares. William F. Vantwoud, 97 William F Vantwoud, 97, of Worth, Ill., previously of Wildwood, died Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2005, in Worth, Ill. He was the beloved hus- band of the late Clara Jane. He was a devoted father of William, Darlene, Lois, Julia, Robert, Carl, Buddy and Evelyn; the late Joan; dear grand and great-grandfather of many. He was a 45-year member of Teamsters Local 705. William will be best remem- bered for his train collection. He found enjoyment in his hobby up until the last moments of his life. It brought a great deal of joy to him and so many people. Graveside services were held Aug. 8 at Greenwood Cemetery, Wildwood. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood. huwh o~hvctou W Tu Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice 0 BUSEHNELL ( First Church of God 793-3455 E. h i~iiiI. ip BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD K W r.d Dcp, I i,.ri 0P f.1 1451 We sI CR. 476. Bushnell 793-2240,)/ (-St. Francis Episcopal Church-) W-1,, I~Eui.h.-tr.-t 11.1 am rn ',.rii ''uriidai ~i chdI II i,-,ni -tN rri-t4 ~.Thu .~d J;' pm (" EBUSHNELL PRESB'ITERIAN) K CHURCH LISA Ch-urct, l-i:hooI 'a 171.1n Fut-lic %%loicl- uF 11)iili3 .1) First B D .V! t I ht C h rch *i L l'% I'-"- III 125 W Anderson Ave. 793-4612 Snaring rae Good rl?.e o f LUlarri.aoun ijan -nCnrnir .'- ,. ... Fa ii h.Hulpe & Lo% e Ditieiplef. Dialogue, Wed. 6:31) p.m. Cliji.v fri-p Thu x- i piniip ihdA.Arn.iti1`1ri6b1.11.1 p IT S H A KE Lllh ztin ,if Hiin 793-3221 K221 W. NobleMA e. R. i;Lam An. brust Pami-ir_) (~,j ITh~f 1-1Q(,-1 Or C a.? ~i-vxi .3 1 Ci kV Da& ~A% e. 793-8428 Surida.jvBibli- 'Sirud%. 11)iaM C' d;, k-rcluni roohi 11'3 p m I, J\~n':-~aYBible Sidv7 .m. -2, SIndian M71di~A tW Ch'furchQ Sur1~in 5cr ,Ii q 41, .arn r1lornrn-?Wuirzr1rIi1 00 am E v'eririq Vitr-rIPP171C yWAiriezaa PraIr Ser:a& 7 00 r ~Pleasilnt Hill Baptist Church CR-3316A. Bu-;hnell Sunday School .. 945 A. m Worshi-p. 11 00 A.. Sunda4' Evening Wc'rsrip 6 00 Pl.m Wr-sdnesdlav Prayer Service 700 P m, 793-5083 Pa.-41'r Alike Kn l"BUSHINELL SEVENTH DA17 A-%D% ENliST CHURCH %kor~hip Hour, 3 .1.m Sahh:13h11Sciwi11 11-1 .1, i Pl S HI %% .Prj'p-r Meet~ing -31.1 .411/ tielcome 2 I I LADYLAKE ( Hope Lutheran Church " 250 Anenida Los Angelos TI ,.: \ i ll,. .-. Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM F-:-, I.:. iihri.: Ti i i, i ra ., in ."i.-.' .:.r I.u wi i l ,r ,, r,'.r ;.: luirri ,'.rrirlh,. ll ,i, .:.ji2 LAKE PANASOFFKEEI LAKE PANASOFFKEE > UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1 589 CR 470. 1 mile W Io1-75 :,uij, ;,' V,:.r:rip .ier ,:.1 *' :'i A .m H':. i. liry Ti I1 I) JI i. 1 rFirst Baptist Church' of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Surn.:5, Ser ,,:r 8 30 i10 50 a nT- SuJnda, S,'r,,-.i .: J5 3 n, ,ur,,i"a Ea=erir, 6 vOC p rri WW@ ,',,.=.: ),q tr "' e.ae, ,,,,."ii 5 ,I y Pastor Jon Kinqg i u < ,:i,,it ,<.t i 1. . al1, :,r t 31a.,1 e P nli H.,-,:,l e ) MorningnWoiAnip-----...lu')U ,. . Sunaly E.uning-- 6 . *ednady fli.glhI----- "u00 .! .A' 793 1600 | -, " T FESRURG GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2 OKAHUMPKA First Baptist Churchi N"" ring church that is reachmin bond Ih co n I inr l -." Sunday School 9:45 AM Morning Sertice 11:00 )NM Evening Sersice 7:00 PM \%ednesda) Etening 7:00 PM ri i p -:1:nJi nu..n- i.'lJ rli Hii j' Bi hl, t if'l : j hrl-n;l | SUMThRVILLE | SUnited Methodist Church "OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 I>'il1. yuto ito i ridl SunIay 3 wo hilp e-rlICe 9 J30 i m us..Ciiarlcj.rT.lWrlln ( Alrchildreni at inite | WAHOO | w 7#ad. agIw a e4 te- " (Discover the Difference!) 5i, Re awr edSunay .. Wedr.esday Evpning arjA.. L,:PTii,,iu',r i ,T.. I P1 rj C .:..T r .:r, ,: i 5 E.7.i 6 1 il ^ j,.:^h ... 352 793-6015J I WEBSIERI Webster United - Methodist Church SInvites You To Attend Wvo.r _r.. 'Ser.i.:- I1I 0 : a T. Crurcr. : ch.i.l 4 4 a rm r. : :'rC3 l eti,. 4r FL :.'9 I V3. 7 41: 7 3-i: First Baptist Church of Webster 1.4 nlrrl,i 7 l .i ,nr SE I Ave :u .: ..i Ji 1.1 I WILDWOOD Wed Sdi.. P I" ,M in L......... 6:15 M 748-1822 S urnday Svhlin Sr t ... ............. :1 APM 'S c W ,hp....... .n & 6.110 PI Ev W edata) Pry. nWelcome. 615 !'M ("Wildwood United Methodist\ 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 arm Nursery Provided 748-1275 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 11:00 a.m. 2" 3 Bjar ,,I St. \\ildS .:..d. FL d -F L ,5 ^ (352) 748-2530 2 r SUNSET PARK +< CHURCH OF GOD) 2i:i2 Pine Str.;ct 748-1318 1 ELCO.. NI E ALL!!!!!! .... t \\ WELCOME ALL!!!'! ! "~ E Ax c: E sWiLrXmiU 1-" c3 E ILXMMA-rN I 0 "0 m m I 0 m I 0 ~ m I '.! n: . X...o m "O I I I J I.+ V .,:. t* * WE" MIN S"Copyrig hed - SSyndicated C Available from Commercial -.M eMN m m m o -u .-,, -, h, -0 4- d 0- ft" 40 ___0__ am 0 - W- qw0 -00G MOM mo *w -o d- -N mo W__ 0-4 0 ___ ~ -~ __ MEN-dow.* --IWMMO hi W-4qM 1 4 -WNOM _ IMaterial intent News Providers" .4 'a t". * ^ g.w. i J4thng flab L .1 Ily oft'v *A PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 0PA - -sq - - .0 am me umeam 040caa 4 womlb DOdaam 4mo m mm 4 qmm adt -. Q n Gft04ft MM=MGl*Gw -t** A -. -0 -41 ft dkl 40 dMft iCopyrighted Materij Syndicated .Content le from CommercialINews P W7 --jmm - 40 S- 0-ftd 1 -- 4b 4w -V -% 4 ---MW 40 64D *am&as%&-4- oebou Se am004b-t 0@Se *0 * ~ S ~ * 0 - *- -Ono * w * 0e *0 ~.,..D * 0 * 0 6 6 10 mpeI -IW49. uo4b- - m Q A* 1 4b :are* 0 o too4m e 4406 man0 momo a bs a a S. - 0 S - * e U - -.-- w- -- amo. . -dl qm - ,of .% 0 - 0 ~ - e ON. o ~ -' 0 -2-, - ~ j~SIt qp - providers" comft - I olb v I b & 40 0- 1 Word S41 at( 0 ILI I . -dftp 46 -dob dlMP4 .4a Qw, al I hebk FwM d Flattery Oma'o -N -- -- 41 Available mo.Ot - opyrighted_.Material alam, T - Syndicated'Content. -- e from Commercial News Providers" - -F - ,, m 4 WRMM -MM **-W m * UNO -~ - ~ U MW a- 40 m. iniu -40am *Qf ___ do qft * .0b- woo onw t 4Mwm mf mO -io -41W- ,W, -a-W -4b dw,* lo -d mn U 400 -hm 40 a.- U --qw am 0U -aw -dw m -m -. -a a, "d .. 010 QIM- 00 allow -~4 U SC U1f 4 -- - -- A ~U - a ~- U 4MI~i- avo- --a -~o amm- w MU* IMO 4= ______ -W -m a 0011p SMOOM 440udoa .7- = db- 4be 41W .MO W-4 - ~w- -vo qupm 0 Oo-Ma 0 G-g 0 1 dwm dwomMbt-doon ft 4-w hoks" %me 10 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 9 -S wnerCALENDAR Walsh found not Thursday, Aug. 11 LIFE, a social support pro- gram designed for the wid- owed person, will hold its monthly luncheon at 11:30 a.m. in the Leesburg Community Center, 109 E. Dixie Avenue in Leesburg. Enjoy great music of the by- gone era presented by the Dixie Masters Pete Gillis and Joe Coplano who have been performing together for 25 years. Lunch buffet is $8. Please RSVP to 787-5421. 0 The Sumter County Democrat Club will be hosting a complimentary spaghetti dinner for their membership and any new prospective members at 6 p.m. followed by their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. If interested in helping to promote the Democratic Party, please attend or call President Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. Thursday, Aug. 18 The Sumter County Democrat Club will be hosting a complimentary spaghetti dinner for their membership and any new prospective members at 6 p.m., followed by their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. If interested in helping to promote the Democratic Party, please attend or call President Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. Tuesday, Aug. 23 North Sumter Primary School's 2005-2006 School Advisory Council will meet from 5 to 6 p,.m. in the school cafeteria. Immediately follow- ing the SAC meeting we will host our annual "Parent Orientation Night" from' 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Families are invited and encouraged to attend. This is a wonderful time to visit teachers and tour the school. Saturday, Aug. 27 The Visual Arts Association of The Villages (VAA) and the Villages Recreation Department present the Summer Show at La Galleria of La Hacienda Recreation Center in The Villages. The show will open at 2 p.m. The show consists of original work in all media and is open to the public free of charge from 8:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. daily. All Central Florida art lovers are welcome and encouraged to experience the show. For more information, con- tact Edith O'Connor at 259- 0893 or Sam Hoppe at 259- 9442. Saturday, Sept. 10 . Sumter County Farm Bureau will hold its First Annual Clay Shoot on Sept. 10. Registration will begin at 10 a.m. The Shoot will begin at 11 a.m. Barbecue lunch will be served. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer A man accused of killing a 5- year-old Leesburg girl during a purported road rage inci- dent was acquitted last week at his second Sumter County trial. Joshua James Walsh, 25, Wildwood, faced a minimum sentence of 25 years in prison to a maximum life sentence for firing the shot that killed 5- year-old Marishka Lovett dur- ing an altercation with the girl's father. The jury, made up of four men and two women, deliber- ated Thursday afternoon and into Friday afternoon, and at one point requested tran- scripts of Walsh's testimony. Walsh was convicted of third-degree murder in February 2004, after a jury found him guilty of the girl's February 2003 shooting death. Though the previous jury found Walsh guilty, the deci- sion was overturned and he was granted a new trial. Circuit Judge Hale Stancil ordered a new trial for Walsh last August, and in a 25-page explanation, said misstate- ments of law and evidence were made during the trial, issues were not fully exam- ined, and possible errors occurred. Walsh was arrested follow- ing a fatal confrontation that occurred about 10 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2003, after two parties were engaged in a road rage incident, according to court records. Joshua Walsh was not. involved until the end and the shooting occurred. The incident began when Marishka's father, Tyrone Lovett, 30, was reportedly cut off by Walsh's brother, Jeremiah Walsh, and brother- in-law, Wesley Parker. Defense Attorney Michael Guilty Graves said in his opening statement last week that a heated chase ensued, and led the two vehicles from Wildwood on State Road 44, through "the highways and byways" all the way to Fruitland Park, during which time the Lovett pursued Walsh and Parker, flashing the car's lights. Graves said it wasn't until the vehicles reached Leesburg that Jeremiah Walsh called his brother Joshua on his cellular tele- phone, "hysterical and fran- tic" for help; Then, on County Road 466- A, in the Sumter County por- tion of Fruitland. Park, Jeremiah Walsh and Parker, spotting Joshua Walsh's white pickup truck on the roadside, pulled over. Lovett also pulled over, and Parker and Jeremiah exited the car. Please see WALSH, Page 10 GET READY FOR THE GATORS WITH FLORIDA FOOTBALL 2005 It's the dawn of a new era for Gator football and IriLORaiA has everything you need to know to get ready for the upcoming season! TimberRidge: Full-service emergency care. NMunroe Regional excellence. ..A .. when time maters mosr, "" TimberRidge is thcre-wirli the same high-qualir. emergency care -NT,-, you receive adUNiunroe'Regional. hu-....-.... ,. --__ This full-service, Free-standing, emergency center is staffed by a team of board-certified emergency medical specialists, available every day, around the clock. And because of our convenient location, there is almost no wair timn for treatment. To learn more about TimberRidge emergency~ care. plus our lab, radiology, pre-admission testingg and imaging center services, Nisit us at ww.MLLnroeRegional.com or call (352) 351 -7500. Across from W\V Il-.lart T d ""'' 75' I . on Hwv. 200, near the "I.., Munr intersection of Hw~: .484 --- Regional '. i-.... .- Medical Center Packed with full-color photos, analysis, previews and much more, Florida Football 2005 is the ultimate preseason guide to the Gators. Get the lowdown on every position on the team, what to watch for, statistics, interviews, opponent previews and more. Order your copy today to make sure you're the most informed Gator fan on the planet! Just $11.95 (includes shipping and handling) Call Toll Free 800-782-3216 Or mail check or money order to: Florida Football 2005 P.O. Box 14022 Gainesville, FL 32604 ------------------ Name Address Address City Siale Zip Pnone D MC D Visa CC # Exp. Date Signature L------.---------------------------- E~TR c tXJI7,~ ,;4JRMSrE LOCKED IN THE HOUSE ~. ''~ A - AND YOU CANT7 OfT 4 OUT? mmr UW3 l Go anywhere inside Sumter County for $1.50 each way, or take a shuttle from STOP TO STOP for FREE at this time. The fare is 25 CENTS for Senior deviations, or 50 CENTS for people under the age of 55. GET ON THE MOVE WITH THE TRANSIT! .. !,' -N-n SUMTER COUIT TMSI SS I-MOVE (6683) A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS was I I '---fc- -ad PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 Man dies in 1-75 wreck Officials, residents to celebrate BOB REICHMAN Editor A Bradenton man died and four of his passengers were injured Saturday in a single- vehicle accident on Interstate 75 north of Lake Panasoffkee. Rocco Lagana, 54, died fol- lowing a 6:21 p.m. accident when a tire blew on his 1997 Dodge van just north of the Lake Panasoffkee exit on I- 75, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. Lagana was traveling in the outside southbound lane of the interstate when the right rear tire blew out, according to the report The van spun around and went into a ditch, overturning and then rolling about three times before coming to rest facing north- west on the fence line. Lagana was thrown from the vehicle following the accident and was under the right side of the van, the report states. He was taken to Leesburg Regional Medical Center. Four passengers in the van were also injured. Connie Lagana, 48, and JoAnna Lagana, 22, were both taken to Leesburg Regional Medical Center. Frank Lagana, 15, and Joseph Lagana, 10, received minor injuries in the accident. Rocco Lagana was not wearing a seatbelt. Karen Nolte (center) received Volunteer of the Year 2005 at the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Conference,Nolte has served as a representative to the Local Transportation Board since July of 1997. Pictured are Jim Sparks, CCTM, Director of Community Services; Pam Taylor, Transit Coordinator; Dan Baker, CCVSO, LCB Vice Chairman of the Local Transportation Board; Karen Nolte, Sumter County Resident Volunteer on the Transportation Board. Foote and Black announce wedding Lisa Michelle Foote, daughter of Michael and Judy Foote of Webster, was married March 5, 2005, to Jason Black, son of Michael and Valerie Konchis of Lake Worth, and Michael Black of Nashville, Tennessee. Harold Hendren of Boynton Beach, and Haig Medzarantz of Leesburg, per- formed the ceremony at Webster United Methodist Church. The reception took place at The Savannah Center in The Villages. The bride graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a Bachelor's Degree in Communication and is employed at the JKG Group in Boca Raton, where she handles Public Relations for Office Depot, Inc. The groom is continuing his Master's studies in Computer Engineering at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. After a honeymoon to Isla Mujeres, Mexico, the cou- ple is residing in Lake Worth. Wildwood Park grand opening BOB REICHMAN Editor Local government officials and residents will join the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (FHLBank Atlanta) to celebrate the grand open- ing of the new Wildwood Park housing development in Wildwood on Thursday, Aug. 18. U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown- Waite, a member of the Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee in the U.S. House, will be joined by County Commission Chairman Joey Chandler, Wildwood Mayor Ed Wolf and FHLBank Atlanta officials for a grand opening tour of the Wildwood Park development. Mr. and Mrs. Ortega are first-time homebuyers who utilized the First-time Homebuyer Program (FHP) of the FHLBank Atlanta, in partnership with Homes In Partnership and the First Federal Savings Bank and will be hosting the program at their home. The event is scheduled from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Ortega home, at 908 Powell WALSH continued from Page 9 At one point, Lovett hit Parker with the front of his car, landing him on his feet, according to Graves' account. According. to court docu- ments, Joshua then fired three shots from a shotgun he had in his truck One shot -went into the back of Lovett's vehicle, hitting his daughter Marishka, who was in the backseat, in the head, and mother-in-law, Sandra Vickson. who was in the front passenger seat, in the finger. Lovett reportedly drove his vehicle away from the scene and went to the Handy Way store in Fruitland Park for Street About 150 people are expected to attend the event. The FHP provides grants to member financial institu- tions for down payment and closing cost assistance pro- grams for low- and moderate- income first-time homebuy- ers. Homes In Partnership has partnered with the FHLBank Atlanta and First Federal Savings to provide funding for low-to moderate-income homes for Wildwood resi- dents. Beneficiaries of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) within the FHLBank Atlanta, Homes In Partnership has used $270,000 in AHP funds for the construction of single-family units designated for low- income households. The Wildwood Park tour will cover areas still in need of redevelopment as well as completed projects in the community's ongoing revital- ization efforts. Homes In Partnership (HIP) is a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization that addresses sub-standard housing and homelessness through part- nerships with families to help. The victims were taken to Leesburg Regional Medical Center where Marishka was pronounced dead. Vickson was treated for injuries and released. Joshua Walsh was arrested days later when police dis- covered the vehicle and shot- gun at his residence. The defense argued that Joshua Walsh acted in the defense of Parker after Lovett allegedly tried to run Parker down with his car. "This is a case about defending your brother and brother-in-law from harm," Graves said. Prosecuting the case was State Attorney Brad King, who said there was "enough stupidity to go around for everyone" in this case, and that the only two people with- out control in the matter build their own houses in a self-help program.. Their alliance includes financial resources at the Federal, State and Local lev- els to help families obtain affordable mortgages with adjustable payments. The organization partners with the state of Florida, Sumter County, USDA, FHLBank Atlanta, banks and other entities to build stronger communities. It also provides mortgage and credit counseling to fam- ilies. FHLBank Atlanta is a $135 billion financial services organization that provides low-cost financing, communi- ty development grants, and other banking services to nearly 1,200 financial institu- tions in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. FHLBank Atlanta is one of 12 district banks in the Federal Home Loan Bank System, which since 1990 has contributed more than $1.7 billion to affordable housing development in the United States. were the two victims. King said during opening statements the facts would show that Joshua Walsh did not intend to kill Marishka Lovett, but that "transferred intent" would apply, meaning that if Walsh intended to kill Tyrone Lovett but killed Marishka instead, there would be equal punishment. He said Walsh fired into the vehicle in a "wanton and malicious manner." Following the incident, Lovett was charged with cul- pable negligence for his involvement in the matter The Sumter County Grand, Jury that indicted him had a range of charges to consider for Lovett. from felony mur- der to aggravated child abuse to not being charged He w\as sentenced to six months' pro- bation. il RESIDENTIAL 6o0 GALLON .- SET & FILL Prices good 100 GALLON thru 8/31/05 SET & FILL SPECIAL TANK SETS - $7900 $ 090oo PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated 3 352-793-1982 TODAY! FAX 352.793-1918 This summer, don't keep all the fun to yourself. ,,, Equipment S..: to remove S. Iron, /- HardneSs, Tannin (yellow VIN TIC ~water) and KINKINETICO' *Sulfur. 'Drinking water systems 7 FREE WATER S TEST r.4 yearS. y Share it with Sprint PCS Vision" You can share more of your summer when you're connected to all of your friends and family on the Sprint Nationwide PCS Network. 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Instant Savings: Requires in-store purchase and activation of new phones with Sprint PCS Vision by 9/10/05. Savings may not exceed total purchase price of phones. Phones subject to availability. Preferred credit may be required. Business accounts excluded. Not combinable with other offers. Sprint PCS Vision: Services are not available while roaming off the Sprint Nationwide PCS Network. Sprint PCS Vision Packs are limited to Sprint PCS Phones with Sprint PCS Vision and are not available with any device used as a modem. Additional charges for premium content apply. One-Month Free Offer: If you do not wish to continue Sprint PCS Vision Service after the initial one month, you must contact Sprint prior to the billing end date of your first invoice to avoid charges. Service Plan: Subject to credit approval. $150 early termination fee and a $36 nonrefundable activation fee apply to each line. A deposit may be required. 2005 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the diamond logo design are registered trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 11 Pro wrestling at the fairgrounds Ci TrCHATTER - ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent The Community Building at the Sumter County Fairgrounds was transformed last Saturday into an arena. Full Impact Professional Wrestling was in the ring. "Heatstroke 2005" was per- formed before a crowded audience of men, women and children. The crowd enjoyed the moves of many of their favorite wrestlers. The "Heartbreak Express" in their hot pink costumes with a combined weight of 535 pounds spent more time antagonizing the audience than actually wrestling in the ring. Fabulous Phil and Superstar Sean whose back- side even makes the state- ment, "You're just jealous" where both irked by their loss. CM Punk performed his last match on Saturday before moving his talent over to the WWE. Ace Steel took on Samoa Joe in a match that appeared to have Steel the clear aggres- sor at first Steel seemed to have found all of Samoa Joe's weaknesses and took advan- tage of each and every one of them. However, during a trick maneuver Ace got caught upside down in the corner ropes and Samoa Joe made a comeback Even Samoa Joe's manager took a shot at Steel when the referee wasn't look- ing. Samoa Joe dove off the ropes in time to catch Steel's Beanie needs a good home Gavin Weaver, 7, and Connor Stephens, 8, of Webster, and Brooks Gonyo of Bushnell watch the FIP Wrestling last Saturday at the fairgrounds. foot on his chin but Steel was worn out and lost the match. Spanky and Sal Rinauro took on Jimmy Rave and "Fast" Eddie Vegas in the Tag Team Championship. Spanky spent quite a bit of time out- side the ring yelling at the ref- eree as his opponents seemed to be tagging each other fre- quently but preventing his partner Sal from getting close enough to tag Spanky. At one point Sal was tossed high into the air taking out three ceil- ing tiles in the process before he landed with a belly flop onto the mat. Despite the das- tardly deeds of their oppo- nents Sal and Spanky were. able to turn the tables and claim the coveted belts as champions. FIP Wrestling will be returning to the Sumter Fairgrounds in the Cow Palace in September and October. Beanie is an adorable lit- tle rat terrier mix, with a very sweet personali- ty. She is 8 months old and weighs 15 pound. Beanie is very playful, and loves lots of toys. After play- time, she will curl up with you and snuggle by your side. Beanie is house- trained, current on her vaccinations, and spayed. If you are looking for a playful com- panion, Beanie is the girl for you. Call the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County at 352-7939117 and leave your name, address and phone LiN number. Or e-mail GRA us at: humane@sum.net. Visit our new web address at: www.hsspca.org. Beanie is one of the lucky animals that made it out of Animal Control alive. The sad truth is that the majority of animals that go to the county's outdated facility are eutha- nized. Opening the public's eyes to the conditions at Animal Control will hopefully let the County Commissioners know that we, the citizens of Sumter County, are ashamed of the deteriorated conditions that exist there. A new building can be built with the $400,000 allocated to Animal Control, alleviating some of the overcrowding conditions that now exist The beauty of a new facility is that it will meet today's standards and codes, and it can be added onto as the need arises. So my question to the Commissioners is: "Will you be pro- active and build an Animal Control facility that meets the standards of the Florida Animal C o ntr o l Association, or will you waste our tax IDA dollars and add on VES to the sub-standard building that now exists?" But the problem of over- crowding in Animal Control is two-fold. Sumter citizens need to take responsibility for the animal overpopulation problems we continually experience. Everyone who allows their unaltered dogs or cats to wander the streets, continually giving birth to unwanted litters, should go to Animal Control and watch so many healthy and innocent animals being euthanized each week If we believe that Beanie is an adorable little rat terrier mix, with a very sweet personality. She is 8 months old and weighs 15 pound all life is precious, then how can we not care that thou- sands of animals are being killed in our county? The sim- ple answer to the animal over- population problem is to have your pets spayed and neutered! With a low cost spay/neuter clinic in our county, and in surrounding counties, there is no reason for animals to keep having lit- ter after litter of animals that are doomed to die. When we ask our County Commissioners to act respon- sibly, they should in turn expect the same from the pub- lic. GET IT DONE. INSTANTLY. I Only Nextel has the tools you need to get more done. Free Incoming Calling Plans Coast-to-Coast Walkie-Talkie * GPS Solutions * Wireless Web Access For all your wireless needs, visit us at: Preferred Partner * Preferred Partner l AR ((( W wireless Consultants I EL 352-568-1967 Local AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 888-568-1967 Toll Free Free Incoming applies to calls received in the U.S. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 2?7 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications, Inc. NEXTEL is a registered trademark owned by Nexte - Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved M Di PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 PotR - Dixie Boys home from World Series LSCC Golf Classic set The Lake-Sumter Com- munity College Foundation and Athletic Department will be hosting its 7th Annual Golf Classic at Harbor Hills Golf and Country Club on Friday, Sept 23. Registration and lunch will begin at 11:30 a.m. with shot- gun start at 1 p.m. The cost is $85 per golfer and includes a fun-filled day of golf, a custom golf shirt, lunch, goodie bag and plenty to drink. The lunch is being spon- sored by Ryan and Angie Langley. Dinner will be served by the Outback,. upon completion of the day and will include prizes and awards. "The generosity of our spon- sors and golfers makes this day possible," says Athletic Director, Mike Matulia. Current sponsors include: AM-PM Plumbing, Brandeburg Development Group, Micki Blackburn Realty, Cart World Club Car, Citizens First Bank, Coca Cola, Sprint, Colonial Bank, Ernie Morris Enterprises, Follett Bookstore, Ford Press, Phillips GMC and Buick, Gulf Point Construction, Tom Grizzard ERA, Progress Energy, Douglas E. Scott Enterprises, SunTrust, United Southern Bank, Wachovia Bank, and Outback Steakhouse. Sponsorship opportunities are still avail- able. Proceeds from the Classic benefit the LSCC student-ath- letes and the Athletic Program. The LSCC Foundation is a 50i(c)(3) non-profit organiza- tion. For more information or to register to play in the event, please contact (352) 323-3645 or (352) 365-3518. Please support LSCC Athletics! * 41 Photo courtesy of Shelley James Sumter Dixie Boys pose for a photo during the World Series in Muscle Shoals, Ala. The team ended its season last Friday in the World Series playoffs when they tied 3-3 with Alabama North. Sumter defeated South Carolina on Thursday, Aug. 4, with a final score of 7-3 but then lost later in the day when they played Tennessee. The Tennessee team took that game 12-2. Sumter wins one, loses one and then ties ' ..'r '- ..;.. Practice began Aug. 2 for the Wildwood High School Wildcats. Wildcats start season ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Aug. 1 marked the first day of practice for the 2005 Wildwood High School foot- ball season. ", the staffand the team are very excited about the coming season," said Coach Robert Lindsey at last Saturday's practice. The team practices Monday through Friday from 3:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. and most Saturday. Aug. 10 marks the beginning of the "Gold Card" sale to help raise funds for the team. Team members will have them available for purchase. The $10 cards will offer a variety of discounts from local merchants and are good for an entire year. On Aug. 20, the team will be out and about in the neighbor- hoods in uniform jerseys from 9 'a.m. to noon. If you are out or they miss your house you can obtain a card by contacting Coach Lindsey at 748-1314. Ildwood Medical Center 411 N. Webster St., Wildwood, FL NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Providers: A. Allen, ARNP E.K. House, M.D. V. Jacobs, M.D. J. Cummings, M.D. We Accept: Medicaid Medicare Blue Cross Blue Shield United Health Care Walk-ins welcome Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 to 5:00 Closed from 12:00 to 1:00 -1-Wwi. Friday 8:00 to 12:00 , 748-6689 STEVEN AYERS Times Correspondent /; The Suinter Dixie Boys are back in Sumter County after returning home from the World Charipionship games in Muscle Shoals. Ala. The team won its first gaiime against South Carolina last Thursday. Aug. 4, which was the first game of the playoffs. The Dixie Boys competed against teams from Tennessee, Virginia and all other southern states in the World Series The team lost the second garmre on Aug. 4 against Tennessee. The next morning, the.\ tied against Alabama's state championship team. The losing game and the tied game removed the team from a chance at the World Championship, but that doesn't mean the Sumter Dixie Boys didn't play strong games. '"As a team, they played excel- lent baseball," said Travis Upshaw, head coach. As far as regrets, Upshaw said there aren't any. No regrets whatsoever: no, these - SUMTER COUNTY'S 2701fol0~ The ays I 5' L,----'" I DriveIn FLEAVIARKET SSat-Sun 6am-naori Supercross PG 13 S i rj,:. : . .1 r.- .Tuj r :. I,,:, eed Cafe I n Webster I 99 N Market Blvd. 352-568-8008 / FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 8b12-18 FRI SAT. SUN. WED. THURS. ' PO-13DUKES OF 8-30 PGA3 8:30 PLUS PG-13 STEALTH 10:30 Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: CHARLIE & CHOCOLATE FACTORY SKY HIGH FANTASTIC 4 Oue'sons' Please call Harold Spears 865-602-2979 or uav Crews 86-967-0842 NEW' website- iovlandrlvein comr Fantastic Four PG-13 F 1,- al 1- :1 : z. . :.r..u- I l iz a"I' ro.'1 Tu- 1. .l i' Vfj- lTrIur rii. C. Skeleton Key PG-13 Four Brothers R F r. 1 1 "Fr: 1:1 -.i'I 11 11 r.'.i l 1:2 4 : 0 i. ii ':',,u', i- ,:,'- -'- i:' 0"5 1:1Sur. 1 -i Jx 4 "V . r. I;, .Tu:' : 3, 5 Mlr:. Tu.- 2 'S ) 7 54 We*'T.ur 3" 4 5 7) 5 Wlie.aTnur 2 5 .' 25 7 '55 March of the Penguins Fr, n r 1" h I 4 25 i 9 -', Sun 1; l i I 2.:, :1 .i.., -Tue-: :l i I", 7 " ja:d.Tr.ur i " Must Love Dogs PG-13 Sr I D ) ', "_' 4 55 :I M;.,', .Tue I 1 J., 43 15 /,..Tr.,jr 1 4A 4 3', 7 1i Sky High PG F .. '.:,a 12 1 : ., : ,) '- ':..". 1un 1 : ,:,'.-: ,117 c 35 Mn .Tu 1 "c1 Lc 7 04i Stealth PO-13 .un 4 11 : '' 1:" 0 U .-,, 4-Tu ''. 2 iu0.'' if.ru I 7 Bad News Bears Fri- a 1." -1) U.n .Tu,. 2- ,.T1.r.,,r 25 Wedding Crashers Fi.r. 1: I 4 I :'.5 1iC 10) ZS1r, I ( . M.-,n .Tue: 2 ,:,0 J 4 7 20 We,.TTri .-' JaJ5 :H kids went a lot farther than most kids will ever go and I'm just glad I was a part of it." For the record, the Dixie Boys are already preparing for their next shot at the series, and if this year's season is any indi- cation of what people can look forward to next time around, the leagues of the southeast bet- ter get ready for the heat score. GUIDE TO - Rosey and Dave's SCountry Cafe 311 N. Market St., Bushnell. FL 33513 (352) 568-7667 Monday through/ Friday 7am-8pn Closed Satuidav 7anit-3pI Sunday S.-P- .'- " Gil Cei fica: ht e vi rB1' ~ G-ood Servce. Good Service ... G reat "Best Burgers in Central Florida & Much More" BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 E' Tu jF. liir irea-l.'- i t Food...Super People S.:,. , Hidden Rivers Resort I & The Dam Pub ll a y A u 28t SURVIVR PART Vi' .I -...1 !., The Island PG,13 IVE ENTERTAINMENT Charlie & the Chocolate Factory PG T ')" LIVE ENTERTAINMENT :n 5 7 .T ,, Every Saturday Night V.V. Tr. :2:20 S' .o The Dukes of Hazzard PG3 7 PM "til" l, r,-Sa i ,:-;' _"j 10 .1iiu 4 Ji 5 00 45-1 Spn12ce B10 '42 "30,4-o .7 40MOTORCYCLE WEEKEND SEPT. 17'" 3ur.1: 2 1 3 4 l 9 ur,n 4 )i 00 .1 : 'V' ",.- 1...' :7,.,. 1. : i BIKE SHOW/RAFFLES/FOOD/CAMPING/MUSIC Lak.e- ..Luy '2J] Coming Soon Full Liquor Bar 352 787-2807 es 569-9306 New House Band, "Southern Comfort" 46"6 R 300 IALL MUSICIANS WELCOME) 12 PM 4PM -. Lakd PanaSoffkee r a;., t' %=..., ; :. ,,'.: l L e e s b u rg.-,.. ---. -r _.'. = .-,.t ;; =' -, :-z,. -.';.;f ,, : _:.l .,'. ,ed,: : .''. ..."., .,y .. :.. .'"........'? . -S Host an Exchange Student Today! Make a lifelong friend from abroad. Enrich iur famrnily with .mthv r culture. Now )mi N. evichangeL tftkfcJIgid or Engoad,Jala. l I it"ly W Becoming a host Ilu a Noung Sintrnallunal u'ilor t ;111 t. Tic11Lc Of 4W iliinc' llannaJ rnnf .vnri'aI; 16.tS1" lasfrlsmm ( nia ,; /'ITS u ,in .j.ij i>. 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"I'd say I'm. cautiously aggressive," said Bill Ryan, driver of the No. 33 Hobby Stock racecar. "We're very competitive." But when a driver is points' racing they can't be as aggres- sive, and Ryan knows the risks. "You have .to get through most of the traffic to get to the big boys and that's where you really have to watch it," he said. "One slip and 'you're in the back again." Luckily for Ryan, he's been able to go from the back to the front on a consistent basis. "It's a huge thing to be able to do that," he said. By his own admission he's caught up in the points, and that means that he has to make it to the front of the field. "Sometimes you'll take a second or third instead of pushing it for the win, but I still want to win every race," Ryan said. There have only been six different winners so far this season. Corky Miley tops the list with four wins, Curtis Flanagan and James Batson each have .three, Tommy Smith has two, Ryan and Herb Hoefler have one. Two of those drivers, Miley and Smith, were recently sus- pended from competition indefinitely. "We lost a couple of really good driv- ers," said Ryan. "The better drivers you race against the better you become." Despite their departure from the local racing scene, the field is not at a loss for competi- Elm tion. INGER 'A few guys are ...... almost there," he said making specif- ic note of John Zuidema and Herb Hoefler. "It's just a matter of getting their cars right" Ryan's focus for the remain- ing 13 events is on finishing races and finishing up front, and perhaps a few more wins to his credit To date he's scored one win, 11 top 3s, six top 5s, and one top 10. Ryan moved to the top of the division's points list four weeks into the 2005 season. His lead has been anywhere from 28 points to 118. Last week's fourth-place fin- ish stretched Ryan's lead to 118 over Curtis Flanagan, who finished tenth. James Batson, John Zuidema and Jay Witfoth round out the top five com- petitors in the division. "If I could get a top 3 or top 5 every week I think I'll be hard to beat," he said of his run for a points' championship. But he knows the conse- quences of being aggressive on the racetrack "I could easily be caught if I have any problems," he said. "I have to try to be level-head- ed and take care of the car. We've been real lucky so far. There have been seven times that could have put us out of the race, but things have hap- pened during practice or on Thursday night and we've been able to get (the car) fixed before we had to race." Edward Jones sets seminar If anyone deserved the checkered flag Saturday night it was the track officials, crew and fans at Citrus County Speedway. General Manager Don Cretty and his crew were determined to get the night's program in without incident despite constant interrup- tions from Mother Nature. Rain showers came and went throughout the evening delaying the afternoon prac- tice sessions, washing out any attempts at qualifying, and splitting the Hobby Stock fea- ture into two races. And when one would think the show should be called off due to the inclement weather, the sky would clear, the track would dry and the next event would head into competition. "With the cooperation of the drivers and the coopera- tion of my staff, everyone went the extra mile to get it all in," Cretty said after the last checkered flag was thrown. The fans, well, they really showed how dedicated to Saturday night racing in Citrus County they are. With umbrellas open and their raingear on not too many peo- ple left the stands or headed to their cars. With the few hundred oth- ers sitting in the stands, those dedicated fans toughed it out to the very end. "They came to see a race and were willing to stick it out," Cretty said. "I'm glad we got it in for them." And what a racing program they got to see! In an all-feature action show, Legends Cars, Outlaw Modifieds, Late Models, Thunder Stocks, Hobby Stocks, 4-cylinder Bombers and the Super Stock 50 sorted through muddy pits and a sometimes-slick racetrack to compete. Early winners included Kory Abbot (Legends Cars), Raymond Jones (Outlaw Modifieds), Curtis Flanagan (Hobby Stocks) and Rusty Adams (4-cylinder Bombers). Tom Posavec landed the Super Stock 50 race, his first of the season, over Travis Nichols, Scott Hendrickson, Phillip Rook and Rob Perry, Mike Loudy topped the Thunder Stock feature with Dennis Sanderson, Michael Bocija, Louie Coie and Mike Dubbs following in respective order at the finish. Raymond Lovelady collect- ed his second Late Model win this season after early race leader Dale Sanders devel- oped problems with his race- car as the field neared the John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Phone: (352) 796-5171 Fax: (352) 796-6683 Saturday 8am-12pm *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will quality for low A PR. Financing. half-way mark of the event. Daniel Webster was second, Perry Lovelady third, Gary Grubbs fourth, Danny Johnson fifth. Saturday night will see the return of the USA Sprints plus the local Modifieds, Figure 8's, Sportsman, Mini Stocks, Hobby Stocks, Thunder Stocks and 4 Cylinder Bombers on an eight-division race card. Full Throttle Hour gears up for Wednesday night debut Wednesday night's Full Throttle Hour program will include in-studio guest Larry MacMillan (Citrus County Speedway announcer) and call-in guest Wayne Anderson (NASCAR Nextel Cup hope- ful). Tune into WYKE-TV channel 16 on cable, or broad- cast 47 at 8:30 p.m. for what is being billed as Citrus County's fastest hour on TV Photo supplied by Grover Stewart Wildwood attended their annual summer camp at Flaming Arrow Scout Reservation near Lake Wales. Front left to right: Asa Graham, Brandon Coleman, Kyle Knudsen, Anfernee Martin, Kevin Jenkins, Alex Orozco, David Germain, Ron Coleman. Back left to right: Grover Stewart, Corey Stoops, Justin Wiseman, Joe Carroll Fhrance Rates jJbmith14y pawncnL' au ieqmwd) Termn-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rale 0% 9.9% 2 91% 39 Efl.ecbve Date Unt-I 5,305 FAR* AW ON NEW TRACTORS Patience and discipline are necessary to achieve almost any long-term goal. Joseph Capporelli of the .financial services firm Edward Jones is hosting "Rules of the Road: A Common Sense Seminar on Investing" at 9 a.m. on Aug. 12 at the American Legion (Bevilles Corner). The seminar is free, but space is limited. To reserve your space, call Capporelli at 352-568-0406. Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DFVM p LASER SURGERY BOARDING .4 HEALTH CARE i* e PET SUPPLIES 5 ygaL ~x^^i .~ti~ * OB b' .4* 0S 4 I: 4'S 0S .4. *6 .4. 0S I Hire I neaidIntrel ~ t Sateite TI~ V -U In1limuSiY i~ n~itp iLral 1 Nainnwi aivl r. r n Wi1 DiU It1anrp Combine services from Sprint and save. We're pleased to announce that Edward Jones has been ranked "Highest in Investor Satisfaction with Full Service Brokerage Firms.' We've always believed our way of doing business made sense for our clients. Its nice to know they agree. To see how we can make sense of investing for you, contact one of our investment representatives today. r. 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Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 ww..ed~wardjones.com fleTTber SIPC 1 1 NE[S I[ *Prices exclude monthly taxes and surcharges (including a carrier universal service charge of 11.1%, which may vary by month, carrier-cost-recovery charge of $0.99 and certain in-state surcharges). Service not available in all areas. Offer good for new residential customers only. Not valid with any additional offers or discounts. Limited time offer subject to change or cancel without notice. Unlimited Nationwide: Offer subjectto change and cancel without notice. For residential voice service usage only. State-to-state and international long-distance services are governed by Sprint Terms & Conditions of Service. Local and in-state long-distance (including local toll) services are governed by the applicable state tariffs and/or state terms and conditions of service. Monthly fee does not include usage for Directory Assistance, Sprint foncard' service or operator services. Service not intended for commercial use, Internet, data or facsimile service. If Sprint determines that usage is not consistent with residential voice conversation, the service may be assessed a data usage fee or disconnected. US residents only. Dial-1 service only. Calls to 900, 986, 555 and 700 NPAs are not considered unlimited interstate and intrastate Dial-1 calling. Monthly fee includes one phone line. Customer's first invoice will include a partial monthly fee and the first month billed in advance. International rates vary and surcharges may apply-including surcharges on residential calls made to foreign mobile phones. Call 1-888-255-2099 for international rates. Additional in-state and universal service charges will apply. Operator-assisted calls and toll-free/calling card calls made from payphones in the US will be assessed a surcharge. All rates subject to change. Additional requirements and restrictions may apply Some services included in previous calling plans may not be included when converting to new unlimited long-distance plan. Contact Sprint for details. High-speed Internet: Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Rate applies to 1.5 Mbps speed, which is not available in all areas. $49.99 activation fee will apply. Sprint high-speed Internet: A fee of $99 will be charged for early termination. Actual performance may vary due to conditions outside of Sprints network control. These conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of Web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Additional restrictions may apply. DISH Network: Restrictions apply to DISH Network Satellite TV offer. Offer is available in the continental United States. Must be a new, first-time DISH Network residential customer. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. All rights reserved @2005 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint, the diamond logo design, Sprint Solutions are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. DISH Network is a registeredtrademark of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. All rights reserved. I IIUII-apWWU IIILWI IIWL %,7CILUIlILV I V UIIIIIIIILWU L.Ut;Cll Ot IMCILNUIIVVIU"- L.Ullu LitaLcIllut: Ll m m m m PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 Mine plans don't sit well with some residents AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer A proposal by a new cement company to annex into the City of Center Hill has some residents concerned about how the area will be affected. In July, the company approached the city during a workshop with plans for a 1,100-acre mine and 50-acre cement plant on land that was purchased in May. Representatives from Sumter Cement Company, LLC, which is owned by the same companies as Suwannee-American Cement in Branford, presented coun- cil members with information about plans for mining, cement manufacturing, and intentions to annex the entire 1,400-plus acre property, most of which is currently improved pasture, into the city. The workshop drew a rela- tively large crowd, and though there was no opportunity for public input at the workshop, some of the same individuals attended a city council meet- ing about two weeks later. Resident Leroy Smith brought his concerns about the plant and mine to the city during the public comment portion of a regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 2. He told council members he believes the city is growing too rapidly. "We do not need any more industry, we do not need more truck traffic," he said, refer- ring to the likelihood of more traffic coming into the area due to a proposed 250-acre RV park the city agreed to annex this year. "I know the (cement) com- pany paints a pretty picture, but we can't be expected to believe that the quality of life will not be impacted in the surrounding areas," he said, and questioned why the coun- cil would consider accepting it into the city. Council members did not respond to Smith's comments, except to say "thank you," and they did not discuss the mine or cement plant at the meet- ing. Before last Tuesday's meet- ing, City Clerk Diane Lamb said the company has not offi- cially submitted any propos- als to the city yet Also at the meeting, one council member proposed set- ting stricter'guidelines about where convicted sex offend- ers are allowed to live. J.R. Smith told the council he would like the city to do what other cities have done regard- ing the issue, which is to restrict how close sex offend- ers will be allowed to live to areas normally occupied by high numbers of children, including school bus stops and parks. Smith said he would like the limit to be set at 2,500 feet by the city with a new ordinance. He said currently, there are two registered sex offenders with Center Hill addresses who live outside the city, and none known to live inside. Panasoffkee gains medical center AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Although the building that formerly housed Bean's fur- niture store on County Road 470 in Lake Panasoffkee has been empty for quite some time, a Hernando-based healthcare company has breathed new life into it by opening a new medical office there. And since the commu- nity no longer has a medical care provider, the timing couldn't be better. The company itself has 10 physicians and medical offices in Springhill, Brooksville, Beverly Hills, and Hudson. As well as fami- ly practice doctors, there are chiropractors, physician assistants, a podiatrist, and an infectious disease special- ist. Three of the physicians who practice in Lake Panasoffkee are family med- ical doctors Vincent Alia, Jatin Sheth, and Podiatrist Jude-Farley Pierre. Nurse Practitioner Sylvia Photo by Amanda Mims The medical staff at Access Healthcare in Lake Panasoffkee has been seeing new patients there since the office opened in June. From left to right are: Sylvia Letts, A.R.N.P., Jatin Sheth, M.D., and Medical Assistant Misty Thomason. Letts, who is based in the Lake Panasoffkee office, said the company chose the com- munity for its new location because of the lack of med- ical care in the area. "We heard there was a great need for medical offices in this area," she said. Letts, a nurse practitioner of 25 years, said the office has been open since June and they've been seeing patients for reasons common in the summertime from swim- mer's ear to school physical. The main part of the build- ing has been remodeled to accommodate two identical offices approximately 3.000- square feet in area. Each side has four exam rooms, but right now\\ they're only using one of those offices. -Letts said they hope to grow and expand into the second half in the future. Because there have been other doctors to come into the area and leave again, Letts' said she is reassuring patients the company plans to operate a medical officer there permanently. "We're not going anywhere. We're definitely here to stay." Letts said one benefit of being an Access Healthcare patient is that fees for those without medical insurance are reduced. Although they do not accept Medicaid insurance, they do accept Medicare and other health insurance plans. The office can be contacted at (352) 793- 1140. Due to the generosity of many Wildwood merchants in donating items for the annual Chinese auction, the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 219 of Fruitland Park has been able to donate $400'I worth of school supplies to North Sumter Primary, North Sumter Intermediate, Wildwood Middle, and Wildwood High Schools. Wendy Coats and Susan Saunders were the co-chairs of the Chinese Auction Committee. North Sumter Intermediate School received school supplies the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 219 of Fruitland Park raised through a Chinese auction. Shown from left to right are Susan Saunders, Wendy Coats, and Curriculum Coordinator Pat McCutcheon. ^^H~f-.^xHH~t1'.2 a, North Sumter Primary School was one of four Sumter schools to receive supplies from American Legion Auxiliary Unit 219 of Fruitland! Park. Shown from left to right are Susan Saunders, Wendy Coats, and Principal Dana Williams. Furniture Galleries, LLC 12 Months NO Interest, NO Payments, NO Money Down* Monarch Oak Dining Room Table and 6 Chairs or China Buena Vista Dining Set Table and 4 Chairs or China YOUR CHOICE $0s95 Double Pedes Table and 4 or China rchase Of sofa at 5 pc. Dining Room Set or China Hutch e Alta Vista tal Dining Set Chairs Table and 4 Chairs or China Purhase of Dual Reclining A- R andN. g A Wing Chairs NLY Feet available in Cherry, Whitewash or Oak, ON i www.simsgalleries.com Many New Colors HT UR'OMLET Baset, URITUE S LR Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC US 27 & 441 Leesburg 352-323-1736 @home with Basse& Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Lecanto 352-726-8282 Bassett Sims Furniture, LLC Ocala 352-401-0477 B eck our back room- bargains up to r hill `.KLNE Lounges, OPEN: MoN Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Hudson 727-861-2589 Leesburg 352-323-1736 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Ocala 352-291-2563 Brooksville 352-796-5450 *With approved credit. Min. purchase $ 1,000. See store for details. Art for illustration purposes only. 6 Furniture Galleries, Lkc 1.-SAT. 10AM-7PM; SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Bassett Sims Furniture, LLC Lakeland 863-815-4400 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Clermont 352-242-6350 - Microfiber Recliner . Green or Tan I--, I- -- - SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 15 TRUCK CENTER 109 E NOBLE AVE, BUSHNELL, FL 352-568-0000 ff -r r.r.r... .Ma. JIn1N~T S4x4 *2* Iin stock as ^^ 2005 FORD F-350 4-DOOR 4X4, POWER STROKE DIESEL, LARIET PACKAGE, FX4 OFF ROAD CALL 568-0000 2005 DODGE RAM 3500 DUALLY 4X4 DIESEL, SLT, 4-DOOR, LOADED CALL 568m0000 DYJESFIT w 2002 CHEVY 1500 4X4 CREW CAB, LS CALL 568-0000 a E2P1 2004 DODGE RAM 3500 4x4 DUALLY DIESEL, 4-DR, FULLY LOADED CALL 568-0000 *FREE* GENERATOR WITH EVERY 2000 OR NEWER VEHICLE SOLD DURING THIS PROMOTION. ALL PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED. ONLY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. "RUGGED/ DURABLE POWER WHEN YOU NEED IT. 6.5 HP, AIR-COOLED, OHV ENGINE ELECTRIC START, 4500 WATT OUTPUT, 120 240 OUTPUT 2005 CHEVY 1/2 TON 4-DOOR 4X4, BELOW BOOK VALUE CALL 568-0000 2002 DODGE RAM 4X4, 4-DOOR, SLT PACKAGE CALL 568-0000 Only till 8/15/05 1999 DODGE RAM 4X4 QUAD CAB SLT PACKAGE, V-8, AUTO FULL POWER CALL 568-0000 2001 DODGE RAM 4X4 QUAD CAB SLT, V-8, AUTO BELOW MARKET VALUE CALL 568-0000 C-, L - - 2005 FORD F-250 4X4 DIESEL FX4 PACK, LARIET, 4-DOOR CALL 568-0000 3 00% FINANCING ON OVER 25 VEHICLES, AS LOW AS 199 - ,,"": ./ ll E A_ AeAII N DAnDE C ITYr 1 - . CREW CAB 2001 FORD F-250 4X4 QUAD CAB XLT, FX4 OFF ROAD PACKAGE CALL 568-0000 ar.r -,il I e, PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 M~ ANAMERIGAN R2IOUJON Keep it going for another 30 days! '.loynt But when the 05's aref one, the 're one. "ver -yo .-M 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO MSRP2 1............ 19,04000 You Save........................................ 3,28600 You Save...................... ................$5,19800 ,.2005 CHE '5337 ,--r MSRP .........................................s27,39000 You save........................................5,7730o 2005 ACHEV COLORADOO Reg Cub YOU PAY ONLY 2005 CH~ SIhBUR3AI~I a., .2 #N5343 MSRP ..........................................21 ,21500 You Save......................................$4,22300 ..... N .. .EW39,80500 MS avP ........ .................... ........... 9,00900 You Save ......................................$% ,00900 #251 5S4do MYou ave........................................38,973500 You Save..................... 8,83500 -YOUVAYt.N YOU PAY ONLY V YOUPAYONLY *OA YOl;ilB ifi YOUPAYONOYN *On select 2005 makes and models. See dealer for details. Prices & Payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fees (299.50) all rebates, customer loyalty & dealer inceni.,. ,incuaeo v'pires Ine following rlor,aay. ot ao date Pnowos for ilusiration purposes only ARELI Ak IA ... -, 04 BUICK 05 KIA 02 CHEVY SILVERADO 04 CHEVYMALIBU CENTURY OPTIMA EXTRA CAB New body style, 6 cyl. Loaded #8347P Loaded SAVE #8439A Loaded #N5233A SAVE. #8324P *1,326t $13,997t $ 4,298' *$14,986' 03 NISSAN 05 CHEVY 04 CHEVY 1500 04 CHRYSLER 03 CHEVROLET 04 SUZUKI 04 DODGE 04 CHRYSLER XTERRA IMPALA SILVERADO EXT CAB PACIFICA ASTRO VAN LT LX7 RAM TOWN & COUNTRY Loaded #N5128P Wny stop nave 2 to cnoose from PW, PL, cruise. #N5277A Only-2100 miles. $AVE. #8364T Leather; #D50641A Leather, sunroof. #8204P Leather, loaded. #D50270A Limited. #D50735A 15,123 '16,986t $19,983t 28,4S57 $14,888 $17,888' $22,888t $23,888' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299.50 )and Includes all factory Incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Dealer Incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for Illustration purposes only. 2 .OCAL.... .. _.ii, 1.877,., CHEVROLET (MY CRYST S"HwY. 44 West, inverness .2005 CHEVY fk CAVALIER #N5010 M SRP ...................................... $14 ,89000 YOU PAY ONLY SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 17 Upcoming deer season: It's not too far away Upcoming deer season: It's not too far away It seems like it was only a few days ago that last year's deer season came to a close in January. It is now August and the temperature for the last few days has been up near a ... scalding 100 s= degrees. I truly believe this has to be one of the hottest summers in , my memory and it - appears as of today that there is no relief iinslight. To make matters even worse, I saw on the mi TV the other night JAMIEt where the experts Outdoo said we may be in line to get even more hurricanes this summer that we endured this past year. Hot as it has been and possi- ble hurricanes on the way, deer season is just around the corner. The season will start here in Florida around Labor ir Day for bow hunters and will pretty mush continue on up until January, and in a few cases, out in the Panhandle, muzzle loading hunting season will be even longer. The deer harvest B was off consider- ably here in Florida as well as in most of the neighboring Southeastern states this past season and there is one school of thought that it may have been due .to all the hurri- canes. ADAMS I personally don't r Writer have a clue as to why hurricanes might have anything to do with the number of deer taken in a given season but some experts are touting that theory. For my part, I had a pretty decent season but then I am not one of those hunters who has to get a big trophy buck each season to feed my ego. I really would just as soon take a few deer in the 100-pound class because that is the best eating size and I do enjoy a good mess of deer meat ever so often. Sure I like to take those big old trophy horned bucks from time to time if the opportunity comes around, but I have killed a bunch of big deer over the years and I doubt that I will get to many more chances to get many more bigger bucks than the good one I already have mounted and hanging on the wall. A lot of deer hunters I know are serious horn hunters and that is fine, but for a lot of us, putting meat in the freezer is the main thing. I do a lot of hunting in Alabama and Florida and the deer season and limits in both states are very liberal. In Georgia the limit on antlerless deer is 10, which all have to be does except one. Also in Georgia, a hunter is only allowed to take a couple of bucks and one of those has to have at least four points on one side. There is no tagging system in Georgia, Alabama or Florida, so the hunter's conscious must be their guide. Many deer hunters from the northern states are shocked to find out that here in Flroida there is no limit at all on deer. In fact, if a hunter should so desire and be extremely lucky, he or she could start killing two deer a day in September and then take two deer a day up until mid January. Of course no hunter is actually going to be able to do this, but theoretical- ly it is conceivable within the existing FWC rules and regula- tions. I am heading out for Georgia this weekend to check out the camp and put a little feed out. It is legal to feed deer in Georgia but you sure had bet- ter not get caught hunting any- where near any bait once the season opens. We put corn out to supplement the native feed during the summer, but a cou- ple of weeks before the season starts, we quit putting any more feed out. Really, you don't have to feed deer at this time because by the start of deer season the acorns have started to drop and deer would really rather have the native feed other than the corn anyhow. Feeding the deer does have several advantages and the main one is to keep the deer on your property. Most of the hunting clubs in Georgia, and practically everywhere else for that matter, supplement the deer with feeding programs and if you don't join in the practice, you will more than likely find that the deer may be on property other than what you are paying big bucks to hunt. The other thing about feed- ing deer is that it does increase the size of the deer as far as body weight goes and from all that I have read there should be bigger antlers on the bucks as well. We also plant a few food plots so the deer can have a good supplement of green veg- etation during the winter. For the most part we plant rye, wheat and oats, which do not get killed off come the first hard frost. The trick to having good winter food plots is not to spare the fertilizer. Deer are attracted to food plots that have nitrogen-rich plants. So to have good food plots deer will come to, don't skimp on the fertilizer. Anyway, it is just a little over a month before archery season opens here in Florida and I sure hope a little cool air will come with it. I am sure tired of these long hot days. Special apple sale started on August 1 The annual Sumter County 4-H apple sale started Aug. 1. Either Ohio grown Crispin (yellow all purpose) or Empire (red all purpose) apples can be purchased. These apples are picked right from the tree and shipped immediately to the Florida 4-H counties. No pes- ticides or preservatives are used. Apple sales will last through Sept 24 and you should be able to buy apples from any 4- H member, or by calling the Sumter County Cooperative. Extension Service at 352-793- 2728. Bushels are $27.50 and V2 bushels are $15. All checks should be made payable to Sumter County 4-H and mailed to PO. Box 218, Bushnell, FL 33513. Be sure to include your name, telephone number, mailing address, type of apple, which quantity you would like, and also which location you will be picking your apples up from. Unfortunately, we cannot mix bushels half and half. Apples will be available to be picked up at the Extension Office classroom, 67 County Road 538, Bushnell, or at The Villages Annex, 8015 East County Road 466 in the back parking lot on Wednesday, Oct 26. For more information, con- tact the Sumter County Cooperative Extension Office at 352-793-2728. Photo by Amanda MIms Senator Carey Baker and Representative Hugh Gibson pre- sented the City of Coleman Monday evening with two checks in the amount of $200.000 for Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program grants the city was awarded this year. From left to right are Baker. Mayor Lonnie Evans, Council Member Mary Bigham, Gibson, and Council Members Cleveland Williams Jr. and Billie Marie Winkles. Place a classified ad in oier 160 Florida newspapers and reach o(er 5 Million readers for just %450. Place a display 2x2 or 2x-4 in 113 Florida newspapers and reach o\ er 4 Million readers. w %w .flndrida-classiri eds.com m -Successful Retirement Planning and Money Management Seminar Presented oy: Neal Smalboch, CFP '.. ., with GunnAllen Financial Topics: Growth and Fixed income Inveormenrs SAlternative Investments & fox Free income i b r Financial Planning ( Stock and Bona Trading. S'IRA ana Rollover Rules Thu. @ 11:30a.m. citrus Hills Country Club Wed. @ 4:00 p.m. (Formerly Andre's) Tue. @ 11:30a.m. 505 East Hartford Street Tue. @ 11:30 a.m. Hernando, FL 34442 Tue. @ 11:30 a.m. Wed. @ 4:00 p.m. Call Today 352-793-2161 Sintemet/isp Local Internet Access Since 1996 ,N 1-888- Net-Nerd 1-888- 638-6373 tAxi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO TAMPA For as low as For as low as $35.00 $45.00 i -bulder 609 N.Old Wire Rd. S 't3 1 ertr, di Wildwood, FL 34785 I*-. \ OFFICE:(352) 748-5228 - FAX: (352) 748-4854 J ' www.dibarco.com S-. _ibarc BRuild'it l !iaoCorlporation M Diana B. Couillard-MBEP Fully Licensed& insured Full Service Contractors JARRE TTPAR Complimentary meal will be served Seating Is limited, so ,h, please make your reservations now by calling toll-free (877)NEALCFP (632-5237) s. GunmAllenFinancial N.hay . ).ul- 've tried the rest, I lOw use the best! 'I Tifton 44 :,.S r square and round bales, fertilized and weed-free. . Bushnell (813) 817-7966 pet groo S R/nDY'I S 0GROOMI0nG DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and small. We \~u l bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOUR pet today! For Fido's next appointment please call Sandy at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 equine ohotc EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 President owner Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC O, LPO#POR116f Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist ISH To Advertise here, I oS Call (352) 793-2161 on the Street" lj Aug :24' Aug.30 E Sept 14 PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 .-.- S a - a ---a O e *Sg - w * a 40 m 0 O 0 a dor 404 4be 4w - owsom 9 0-- -- a * - U a * - a - - a' - a -a a - * a- w a a a - a' a- ~UsL o % - * %Dw %o.ft- B atA to Ba S"GCopyrightec :- -Syndicated I -Availablefrom Commerc S - a . -a a a - ab = - Material content' --- I News Providers"'. a-a a a a a- a- ~ a- * *.- a a * -0 - a * 6- - a- a - *m al *4 m 41* 0 ow~ Goo 40 ft 40M b 41ba EW0 0 m 4mw~ --p of-ow P"-=-qw m t ft-ot OW * ~ a- a - a -- a - a- ..a do 4b 4b 4 *an.Now --a Momon-a- *milms o - -mi oe imn -mo, bansw "NW 0Mlmu- 11 a w alb.4 ftoa- b q* o.- O a a' Om w N-mmum 0 -0a OW s 0a. 0. mo - "Now -4h. 4m. - --Nm .a ft* .0 . qp MW 4b 4w 0 a a a.~ ~ 4 a *-a. - a -0 - -Now. a- - a.':: a~ - a. a - a a a ~ a - a- -omo amp ag a ~I6- a - a- - -one - -~- - - -. GET IT DONE. INSTANTLY. I Only Nextel has the tools you need to get more done. * Free Incoming Calling Plans * GPS Solutions * Coast-to-Coast Walkie-Talkie * Wireless Web Access For all your wireless needs, visit us at: B Preferrea d partner * ECEIlULAR ((((4- Wireless Consultants EXTEL I 352-568-1967 Local AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TECh ICST /c 888-568-1967 Toll Free Free Incoming applies to calls received in the U.S. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications, Inc. NEXTEL is a registered trademark owned by Nexte 860 Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved - qa - a 4w4 - a a a a -. ~ a * bs~ v SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 19 Cl C) iYSL(3- PIE FIVE STAR *@*** Ln In venessn C 3-I E~YS L~ ~ "i DODGE Keep it going for another 30 days! But when the 05's are gone, they're gone. DODGE " NEON * EMPLOYEE PRICING * CASH INCENTIVES * REBATES * Two CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY MSRP ........ ........ ............. 15,16000 You Save........................................ 2 ,78 000 YOU PAY ONLY --- ', +-- ".--''. :'-+ l i-"- -:; :. -.' _' -_ ..~ff fl MSRP ........... .4..................... ... 22,0259 0 You Save..................................... 4,29800 YOUPAY ONLY 2005 DODGE ___ _A.. g.- CA i~.5, 00, C -Reg Cahb 2005 DODGE DAKOTA Quad Cab 4D50729 MSRP .......................................... 29,53500 You Save........................................6,70000 YOU PAY ONLY MSRP ..........................................22,76000 You Save..................................... 5,55300 #J503900 MSRP ......... 23,12900 ,Y u $ave ...........4 ... ......... ..0...... 4,47300 MSRP .........................................28,22000 You Save...................................... 5,10100 YOU PAY ON YOU PAY ONLY YOU PAY ONLY11 "On select 2005 mat es ana moaeis See dealer for aeails Prices & PaymenTs exclude tax tag title and aealer fees 9199 501 ail rebates customer loyally & dealer incentives included expires the following Monday ol a 3 are Photos for illuslration purpose only OPE HOURS DAYS AT CRYSTALAUTOS.COM BU WihCnieneO vr C uatidPeOwe eil 95 DODGE DAKOTA Work Special. 4D50800A +6,888- 04 FORD Great on gas. #8328T $10,488t 99 CHRYSLER 02 CHEVY CAVALIER CONCORDE LXI LS SPORT Loaoed, leather: #8357P Loaded. #8446P 59,488' *9,988t 02 DObGE 01 DODGE RAM RAM SLT Ready for work. #8203P Quad cab. #D50770A I10,788 *10,888, 01 CHEVY 01 CHEVY 01 CHRYSLER IMPALA TRACKER PT CRUISER Low miles, affordable. #N5353A Reliable, affordable. #8309A Leather, sunroof. #N5324A 9,292t 9,342' t 9,896t 04 FORD 05 CHEVY 02 CHEVY LIZ FOCUS CAVALIER TRAILBLAZER Loaded, pw, pl. #8267A $AVE, auto. #8268T Low miles, loaded. #N5126A '11,284t 11,926' *L2,926 02 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE LXI Leather. #D50771A $]12,488t 05 KIA 02 CHEVY SILVERADO 04 CHEVYMALIBU OPTIMA EXTRA CAB New body style, 6 cyl. Loaded. $AVE. #8439A Loaded. #N5233A $AVE. #8324P $13,997t 14,298+ t 14,986' 03 CHEVROLET 04 SUZUKI 04 DODGE 04 CHRYSLER 03 NISSAN 05 CHEVY 04 CHEVY 1500 04 CHRYSLER ASTRO VAN LT LX7 RAM TOWN & COUNTRY XTERRA IMPALA SILVERADO EXT CAB PACIFICA Leather. #D50641A Leather, sunroof. #8204P Leather, loaded. #D50270A Limited. #D50735A Loaded. #N5128P Why stop have 2 to choose from PW, PL, cruise. #N5277A Only 2100 miles. $AVE. #8 S4,888W $17,888' $22,888t *23,888t $15,123t *Z6,986t $19,983' t 28,457 tPrlces and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299.50 )and Includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for Illustration purposes only. f A l- E'A;.' + +++ uA+ U~irl l A [AP DODGE JEEP (MY Y kMHwy. 44 West, Inverness *I, * ll HURRY Now FOR BEST SELECTION EA ILE WARRANT NOBODY *KLLS FOR LESS THAN A;RYSTAL!el 0 PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 Fun and GAMES 40&I, 0 &1 % Ew vo.s 1 ~*0% I4m "t-AP 1 9r ow am= low &"I@ C9 404 *4 rr A. - V ad IL di e 5. 9 5 I S RI,. "1 .DW 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 -- qibuhldlllhi o * -10m 4%* m 4 "Copyrig htedlMate rial & I ^ ft O.-W. M* * - ~ - a ~ a - -- a~ --~ Ro.*-.AwqE w- ~ \^~r \ Syndicated.Content7i -z ftow a a% --- ft (Available from Commercial News Providers" 4009 000 wh. 4w 0_6.4 . ar Aa "'S -" -r -- a ^-- 411. k- MOP --- w aM ___ 4". .. Q udb - *I -. 'V ~p,. 4, ~tq~ sO qmw a.- - qI~dm 40 .-do a. a -mlbs oh _____o -aAs w & Q ftwomm &*ft 4 - G 4W ao .f WM d 4m malow_- 4 40 a p a - 4m- D0 qp 10 41 * o *dmbm- *-wo-do 40-mmmw f-"b4b ow 0* od . a am m. -.0 ao________ -4D 40 4 O*M4o -aa40Mamm 4ow ONOW db 0M aim 0- AI- 41 t -qb b40 -,a 4owq .SO W-0 60- bammw-a - o~- -qP 40 GOD* "-ow 4 a-~m W.4b-emom -40 o EU l a -em 44 ob dmp 41h a -- * o *hWIW M *b4M-dMl mw .0 * m* go o a-,. -a me o- a ca @Pop4W 6 0mlm w*t~ OU. -M 04.oo a ~ ;k = -. *- 41h 4b 4b. 0 O- ( ana-m we I~- v JI U:-- 'p' a a: U'. 9 S * S , t * a * 0 Sor a~i a,. Ad lob 0 ob.-M SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 21 'S #1 SE~3LL UTILITY 4X4 01 DODGE DAKO SPORT Low, Low Miles, 5 Speed 2003 FORD EXPEDITION 4DI ILITY EDDIE BAI 6L V8, Auto, 4-Spd., w/C FIND OUT THE VALUE OF YOUR TRADE FOR FREE! INSTANT APPRAISAL LINE SA 5 V , 9 fII 'lLITY EDDII 4L V8, Auto, 4-Sp -r^,,., ni,- Prln n... 3 FORD F-150I SUPERCAB XL 4.2L V6, Auto, A/C 2004 --U HEVROLET SILVERADO 4DR EXT CAB K1500 4 TO CHOOSE FROM 5.3L V8, Auto, A/C WuA s$2 2.9 002 DODGE RAW 1500 TRUCK QUAD CAB SLT t.7L V8, Auto, Split Bench 1500 TRUCK TRUCK SLTA JEEP ONLY 12,, . 4.0LI FORD F-250 4 !CAB SUPER D V8, Auto. Solit Benc JLA!J PAGE 22, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 - 1SwnrTIDBNS Steer and Swine rules and dates The 2006 Sumter County Fair Steer and Swine rules and dates may be picked up at the Sumter County Fairgrounds, north of Webster on County Road 471 or down- loaded from the website at sumterfair.net Jazzercise Lite Classes Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Building, Tuesday and Thursdays, 9 to 10 a.m. Call Patty Jordan at 793- 9340. Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation. Sumter On The Move Walking Club in Sumter County Every Thursday at 6 p.m. at Kenny Dixon Sports Complex Walk Track' Co-Sponsored by Sumter County Parks & Recreation and Health Department. Crank-Y- Campers The Central Florida Camping Club aka Crank-Y- Campers, has members and camps all over the state and invites you come out meet new people and make new friend at one of our monthly campouts. Children and pets welcomed. For more informa- tion call 407-699-3039 or 407- 575-3300. Our website is: geoc- ities.com/crankycampers. Sponsors needed for raffle fundraiser Sponsors are wanted to donate prizes for a raffle fundraiser for the Sumter County Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) neglected and abused children in the legal system through Advocating for Kids, Inc. All local business owners are encouraged to contact Frank Arenas, project coordi- nator, at (748-6629) to donate gift certificates for meals, gifts, services, etc. to be raf- fled for an event planned for Sept. 17 at FreeFlight Airport in Coleman, All donations are tax deductible as charitable dona- tions receipts will be given. Frank is donating gift certifi- cates for airplane and heli- copter scenic flights around Sumter County. Raffle tickets will be sold for $5. Food ven- dors are also wanted for the event please contact Frank at 748-6629 or email at freeflight@cfl.rr.com. Library Summer Reading Program The E.C. Rowell Public Library at 85 E. Central Avenue in Webster announces its Library Summer Reading Program, Reading Around Florida, from 10 until 11:30 a.m. and be held each Saturday. There will be an interesting and educational program each Saturday. Refreshments will be served. Those children attending will receive a free new book.each week Mark your calendars and plan on attending each week for fun, crafts, free books, refreshments and more. Call Judy Lee at 352-568-1600 for more information. Country and gospel Music There will be music at the Community Building starting. in July on second fourth and fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Country and gospel music will be heard at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building across from Truck Stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only. Call 748-2628 for informa- tion. Haven of Lake and. Sumter Counties Haven is a non-profit organ- ization dedicated to serving victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Due to our non-profit status, we are entirely supported grants, and more importantly, the community. Currently, Haven is in need of volunteers at our adminis- tration building and at our shelters. Those that selflessly give of themselves and their time are what makes our work possible. For information call (352) 787-5889. Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building There will be dancing every first and third Friday, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 1/2 block north of blinker light across from Sunshine Truck Stop. Singles and couples are welcome. Life entertainment and finger foods appreciated. All ages welcome; sponsored by Sumter Singles. Call 352-424-1688 for more information. Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries through out the county Beginning on June 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will be at Lake Panasoffkee Library. The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third Tuesday of each month we will be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. If you have any further questions please contact Sumter. County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Summer reading Program The Panasoffkee communi- ty Library will be having a Summer Reading Program. This program will be geared for children, kindergarten through third grade. It will be held Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20 ,and 27, at 10:30 a.m. You need to pre-register at the librari- 1500 C.R. 459, or by calling 793-8608. Volunteers needed The Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for volun- teer drivers to transport veter- ans to the Gainesville VA Medical Center. Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and be able to pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5129. You do not have to be a veteran to drive. Cancer support group Meetings are on the second Monday of every month at Chuck's Odd cup'les Caf6 on West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m. Refreshments are provided. For information, contact Lee Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member, For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 1/2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surround- ing areas. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more information call Secretary Mark Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and emergency bills will be paid on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave. in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respectively. Al-Anon Group The Al-Anon Group, Joy in' Freedom, meets at 8 p.m. every Friday at the First United Methodist Church of Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave. Parking on N. Hopkins St. Contacts are Judy 352-793- 5738; Linda, 352-583-3075; Jeanette, 352-568-0612. ,' .~ - CHEVROLaT Geusmie Peoplen, uc Geret *Tax, tag, & title and $197 dealer fee not included in above sales price. Rate & rebates subject to change. Art for illustration only. 847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com rnv27608 VETERINARY TRAUMA CENTER OF GROVELAND The Veterinary Trauma Center of Groveland is a new, high-tech facility designed for sick or injured dogs and cats. Located in Groveland across from Hardees' restaurant, the center offers pet surgery, medical services, critical care, radiographic and laboratory diagnostics. Orthopedics, reconstructive, general and electrosurgery are routinely provided, as are contrast radiography, ultrasonography, and endoscopy. Internal medical services include GI, cardiac, renal and cancer care. 24 hour patient monitoring is also available. In order to focus on the task at hand, wellness care, routine checkups, boarding or grooming are not offered. Many in the community thought the practice \ would just be a night-only emergency clinic, but it is actually a daytime practice for small animal surgical and medical care. The emergency aspect of the practice is an additional benefit available after hours and weekends as a doctor-on-call service. For info call 352-429-7707. PAID ADVERTISEMENT Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, AUGUST 11, 2005 23. [IH 1I 1-ROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet iand you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. All our classified including yours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes.com 10 wod rls Dedinf~r~~e.: w 1 .am Tuesay -'I Place your ad under one of these classifications '00O-100 SPECIAL NOTICES "100-160 HELP WANTED 200-300 SERVICES * 300-400 MISCELLANEOUS/SALE 400-500 PETS 500-6QO MOBILE HONTE RENT/SALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION ^ ' ARRESTED OR INJURED ',l-ie&e,3 La.,er -r 411" Crlmnal D'r Dni r Feraonri injur, "FelConr. LI.II .1, i.1ceme,.3r "Doe'in-. lc '.oilrr,-n.. " iraf|ic Auto ccilnir, "Wrongrul CDeotr. "ProteCt vCour il.aht-: A.--4. nC ren, fr.eierr.3u Se;r.ce (00C")23-5.:'J2 CASH FOR YOUR ACCIDENTI injurea ir, on acCId, ern' La..-uill per.alnr.g' lee' Casr, NOW; We pr.j ie cain ao,rances' for pers.noai inrur, claimnr flnncial rclelicl icOn-uI'e (888)3.5-05ct6.r (727)3:5-05.c1.5 C."INJ DIVORCE $175-, - Cc.vers cniareti sic Only one lgrilure requireal EicE lue- goyt fre-si Coil .vteik- a.ys (860C) 4o2-2000 eai 6.'O (8am-7pm) DI ,,r,-:c Tecnr Esjlaiisr.eca I9- RUN YOUR AD STATEWIDEIII! for oni, 3E150 you ,-in pla3.:c jour 25 ,.oCr.3 'J, lll, oi a i i,-r I,0 re.A i.aopers irro,,'rioul irme Ile r-ocnirn g .,er 6 MILLION e-'.3e"r; Coil Advelnlrirg Networks ol Florlaa 01 (866) '.2 1i 3 .'l.11 j: online *at wIw. no'riao. classlled-u corn aDitpo1 a aiFC a. a bN e FO 4N iS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L.-., Hubbard :.aii 20-22 ,:r eri a '*-"- IC'. Duiran ric. I1:cli:' I J M.:C,.i-,,- j .. To-im.-3 FL 3Jk,:i I i-'::- '] BOOKKEEPER F'ar-lime fltIoclre ,I :. -, c -..3r, p.3, r,.i-g 1.,l.C.l L ,iJ'ur, a'rega io. I'~:urTe I.:. 352-728-2850 Call SACK ROOFING ,.. INC. w ry ,nr,,O.Inc 1 :1rr.: ... I -r.iIr g S,: ,,i, j.:I l.:'r I: -:. ,- I, r.-l,,rE'3 uC ifIa .ll'.: I.:.r,. I/ ,a3rn a ao t,,, L- p. r Ir ,n -i :.ni: - Pam e.nor ier.r e'i'iOt Oui,:.L b. oC - -:.:cur,iIria m'r.,] J. 's .:Inr. g. lr.,:...di-.ia or r.r,:. rr:,-,Fn W ,:.r-. ana E ..L1 m/ vui.r.. a pre:el: on. 3 F ,.:.r I.:.l r-lr.i i / i -.nr Fi ,er .*.ir, a pc,';n i e o illIu.3a. '/ rl i- ..a Ir ,3 IO.t po,-,ea bu, ,' ip uilrI iIT irig ope-rno a. rr. .m.111 P.:- ;l l l" ; r ;,.: 'i,'t ',:.:.T,.m a t nr r :. miall I.:. SACK ROOFING 9381 'IE Hiar,.-.., J2 '.urnr err--fi ,ldc FI 3d-O I Nnil Tech HHA*CNA*LPN*RN Start TODAY TOP PAY! 866-431-8700 MONDAY JOB FAIR the Centers is holding an On-site Job Fair Monday August 15 from 3:00-8:OOPM at our Administrative Building #1, 5664 SW 60th Ave. (also known as Airport Rd.) In Ocala. Personnel will be available to conduct S "on the spot" Interviews, take applications and answer questions for the following positions: V. Masters Level Therapists V Child Welfare Workers V Supported Employment Specialist V, Supported Housing Specialists V Family Support Coordinator V Mental Health Tech/Transporters Background checks will be conducted. Comprehensive benefits pkg DFWP/EOE If you are unable to attend, fax, or emall resume to: (352) 291-5580 hrsthecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 60C'ih 4e Bidoa 41, C'o.:.io ,rn, rll out on application, Therapeutic Behavioral On-Site Therapists the Centers is seeking Master's Level Therapists for, Marion and Citrus Counties. E'.-'rlIn-.:e ...:r ung .*.g lr r rI.,ari, -r, TEC.' ,-r,.ir.-.nrinr t pro.iin a -r.I.: :Ir, :.,:r, -.: olr, ar r nr r. ,,:riarl. r, r .-qu.h i Hn .,It.i- -rr. ul- a 1,3t'r i ,3 re.- ir I li1 101 Humor. n Services required. Flevlble schedule r.1a:r r : ,J-*j, ir, Human Services' required with min of 2 yrs, related exp. 00'; L0I.r.nuoil, C.:.mnprern, ie ' benefits pkg DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or e-mail resume to: Hr 5.cJ i~t ,:l, rrt , 4ic Oc.o1,3 FL '4J'd hrtlhecenters us (352) 291-5580 CASHIERS AND FRUIT BAGGERS Irr ii-m.hl.t.c auperilri- , r.:.r tI'7..l.. lura -,in i.1,re C,'-.l linta .3r 352-342-6547 ,:.r appi,' Ir, r. p r:.n Florida Citrus Center 763 E. Hwy.44, Wildwood n,.:.rre. I -. H. ,.UJ, CONSULTATIVE BUSINESS SALES -r ,:.u I'oo irig ror 0 C:reE.r lith urnliirE.3 in.: .n-Te -:.lerIInli.:' Tnrer.appi,. to.,jori r FIS mIre rnrlitior.' i'. i:i :., ,ir.-,up r- r SFiB or.ir p l31 train.r ri. url ni lriE e,'rr-r.in. e,-n,1rll, p-3C.'a:le. ir.:- lu.3lr r, i. ; mu1:31 .:l riit.l .3ran .- i JO 1 h -, ...rimr,.3icrn i. l-.larr, ,n're -cC.-t oLur ,3orgaril'31li.r.n or-i rc. m5ppl, -r:.or -IaleI ,'.. n,, -. nri rri' EOE Great Opportunity! Dairy Queen opening In Wildwood c cr Irin2 reui.jT.Tes r-4r amc.uirC'.- ,nmangIr' lFo I.:. ria-L rn o 352-748-5644 or mail S Brlanhobbs7 @aol.com TradesH cm /Sills CARPENTERS AND HELPERS Must have tools and transportation. 793-6832 between 4pm-6pm DWFP HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators. Next Class: Aug. 22nd -*' tio lri, - Fuin.r,:lo I ltance -.Ic.c Piac err.eni 800-383-7364 " .i';.aCiii c TrainJig www.atsn-schooisi' corn ' AVON Join AVON Today P/T or F/T, Need extra money Call now, representa- tives needed. Free call 1-866-702-9342 Se Habla Espanol 352-429-4584 CONCESSION P/T MONDAY ONLY, Call 352-628-4656 FEED MILL LABORER Full Time Starting @ $7.00 hr GED/HS Diploma Required (352)793-2242 FULLTIME PLUMBERS & HELPERS for all phases of residential constructlonfi Will train MOTIVATED Individual. Top pay and benefits. 352-753-4636 ASSOCIATE NEEDED $10C t.. "'i 000 I -r ..j , E .plnlr.rg .':. Convincing, Call (800) 242-0363 ext. 4250 FCAN COMPANY AND 0/0 NEEDED 87 cents-per mile all Dead head paid + fsc. Call Don Saltsman CTC Trucking DRIVER- COVENANT rRANSPORT E.-,:-ier,.t pay & benefits.for experienced drivers, .0/0,. Solos, Teams & available, (888) MORE PAY (8i c,:-,: -- 3-;'%CAN DRIVER- NOW HIRING qualified drivers for Central Florida Local & OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new, A-'JIp-rnt le ..E 2 $10Ct.. r 7r.3r trp.n l.:.i ,.-ar,-.r. .perler,.: e ...ll S ,nu r.. Tro irf ,-.. ,.r , C.uroaipnorrn Ir,i,.:C.3.ll e(.uu,/41,~795:. FC: ,J EARN DEGREE .:.r, ilnre rrc.ni r.:,rr.- l .1.i 1a C Bulre f:' *"'araol g31 l, Il i. : l tr, .. .C ilr. rl.-i l .. ri ,3ie' S/E & 3-S fATE RUN: S,-r. .-r Ho r re '.. sir e. ,r* .. t.lll.1 .3- p 3,' ner,-fll; d.iF rair~eo .-.elo':.rre r.llorr,i 3es.3 'C re':S ru,. ': iu :,u':.SJ -. i 4 t I FC .rl A CASH COW' 90 .Cernira, ma,:nrine urir- ,c'C. OK I-.: ,311ai,-1 Enilre c.u ilr' *,L I'. i Hujrr, I 00.'Li 84:/.-4C"..,J &OTRpo's? fCi rn ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do ,ou earn '*..:" .3 a 3.ac ? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995, (800) 629-9968 B02000033 CALL US: re ...III not be ..urop.er.i FCAN FREE DIRECT SATELLITE, 220 channels + iocal, S2.9 09(r.:,,nlh Fir,;l 5m0 i.r,r) l free D.D PFI ,er (iC''i .. u..-" ,0 l PrCorr,..: il170i FC 1 *"$500-$100,000++ Free cash grants 20051 Never repayl Per:.:.r..3l' Medical Blls, -.:r,o-:. New business-Home, as seen on TV. No credit check Live OperatorsI ( l00.. 2- l'- 2 l:3 e .T 9 $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS E-2r.i, Ne.ar repo', I for per'-o a Iuil .. 6ic 1a..:. rii.: 1 .?in0 * uriacOiiei, tfrom 2'I.nl LIvE Operaior .l (.n800C A9i-,.-..0A E A 0 FC AH $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS "*-20051 Never repayl For personal bills, school, new business. $49 billion left unclaimed from 2004. Live Operatorsl (800) 856-9591 Ext. #113 FCAN FREE $$ CASH $$ GRANTS) For 20051 Never repayi For personal bills, home buylngi School, new business.- $5;000-$500,00; Live Operatorsi '800) 860-2187 -Ext..#116 'FCAN ; - llIilMiii II I j - ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Licensed & Insured "No Job Too Big or Small" *Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 B.J Beckelheimer I TREE I SERVICE BUCKET TRUCK I I STUMP GRINDING I LANDSCAPING I 793-5949 I Top Shape Beautify Your Trees Washer Dryer, Kenmore Elite Calypso washer and electric dryer, Paid $1,700 will sell for $800 (352) 793-1028 r----- "ESTATE MERCHANDISE AUCTION *THURS. JULY 11* 4000 S. Fla. Ave. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: NOON AUCTION: 5PM Huge Collection of like new furniture. I ',' r.r i 'r, -r a i t.3 'ujrpri'-;!'I JI'Y + Oli'. t.- Web www. dudleysauctioncorn DUDLEY'S AUCTION (352) 637-9588 AB1667 AU2246 12% Buyers Premium 2% disc. cash/check METAL ROOFING SAVE S$$$ 6u, Cir-,: i tr:m .rn Ti.3.aiul. 3 .tir r Al r: in .: rr, 11 O,':,- ::,;.e. 'uk', lurn 3rC.jr, .ii l.er, .al.3,I.3 I ill he' . ,'4 ;, iO t.. '5 F.- A 2 dark green La-Z-Boy Wal Hu.ia,, r,-:ilr,. ' .Jd r,.:r ,.i3r 352-793-1439 BUSHNELL ' I 1, M r..- b,'. a i p ':.1, ' :" 3, :. 1.rp itl rr.rj f.1.:.r 114 E. Central Avenue' Selling contents home & t4.3 1 i000".: .:,f ire-m. BUSHNELL E:t.t.:Oi le. S -,, i 21r, I rr. "orr. 3pm fur hjrI're C':ll.: i l .1- I i u-I -,u-,-.Er. :li i Tr. 1682 N. West St ( Behind Winn Dixie) GUN & KNIFE SHOW Brooksville HSC Club -u,.3uir '.I '1', -J* PITf HIfrr,or.i,:. Co.ur.r, F.ii 'r. d' 0.3mj~i';iC or, .c, 10 (352) 799-3605 PERRENIAL PEANUT HAY i i.4., ,-31 S", per ro.ir (352) 793-3133 $500.00 DOWN -H" Ilrar,.:ir.Q :' l:r II 'i u,-f poor :,r e,3iii rc. ironn: ri., ..3-,no3 rJe.. 3 .'. D4 edrorr,n r,,re uP I: 23. C :q n ,uir., in,3 ,,3.alla ,le Call 352-621-9181 FOR SALE.BY OWNER Must sell this one. Move in now! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, New-Nice home & land only $85,900. Owner will be able to pay for all closing costs 352-621-9181 NEW LISTING This beautiful home won't last. Ready for Immedlate move In. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, great location $4,500 down, $614, per month No hidden charges, Call 352-621-9183 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at ww.naturecoast homefront.com REPOS AVAILABLE in your area.. Call today. Ready to move into. 352-795-2618 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties r listed at www.naturecoast " homefront.com Beautiful 3/2 on 1/2 acre In great school district, $2,000 and $650 mo. (352) 795-6085 Great Country Setting 3/2 on 2 acres In the Mini Farms. Easy to Qualify. $4,000 down and $560 mo. (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for. New 4/2 on 5 acres. Zoned for agriculture. Horses Welcome. $6,000 Down $750 mo. (352) 795-8822 Lease / Option Ig. 4/2 MFG Home. 1782 sq ft, screen porch, pond, fenced, all sifting on 2.5 acres MOL Call (352)357-1916 For more Information New Land Home Packages Available. Many to Chose from. Call today for approval. Low down and low monthly payments. 1-877-578-5729 OPEN HOUSE Brand new warranted home 3 bedroom, 2 bath, tiled floors, appliance package, eat-In kitchen, top of the line, deck, driveway on paved road. Must see, Call for directions 352-621-0119 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com New Duplex Apartment for Rent 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, All Kitchen Appliances in- cluded. Sumter. 407-877-8063 or 407-808-2306 2 Bedroom Cabin I lJolr, ,' C,3r..-lir, rr,..url.31r,. ,3..oit rut ir,, ii.,rir. .)ir C.iirg iI 4.,Iro ,\, r, E, 352-748- 199 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE:. II rE.1 e Olrare .3.3.Grl:lng r, I i ,3-3.-rrl ri in rlu.L i|. F.3ir Hou.Ir.g ,t which makes it Illegal t io a .. rii ,.3l i- r,/ I.re -reirnr.- l lr.ionr , o.3 :,r i3 rl .:.r, ,or. r rErallqr. -f r.r.tl- Irlril.r-,r, tO mrak..e :uCei pr.rererce IiTmi- al,'.r, ':.r c3i .- rlrIlrii. uII, F, rn r ll,-1 -,I- i:n r - cilua. : .:rll,:irer, ur..3-r ir.- agO or Ie ili. ir nr. t r:. -r.i; .r i:.ilna':t -.o1rn. ap, pn. ile ...-c. rr,,r ,u;i.:3,-' ,.or cril. 'l, r, r,un.er 18 r.ri: r.,.-...pap ,3 .illi ,.: r.:..-.rrlng l .:n r ,3r .,3 l,,.; rm .in-g lior i3a 1 ,l .r, i n. Ir i.:.Ia, t..r, .; ire I,3v. Cur r .,Jer *3 -,-r-E., irir.:.riT,,i' tr,,3 orj..rll.,a ir, iril. rie,..p.ip3pper are o.oll. a, .I. ,:.r, or. eaquai To o-.rri.pl.31r, 0r discrimination call HUD toll-free at inum-IIer til pr.,:.-e number for the ',.-arir..) Impairedl . ACROPOLIS MORTGAGE *6.3 C, ,:r t,'1 I,. ,Cre il . *L'o.,.'r Par., *P'jrcna-. r' Ir.3rOce *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties : listed at ww .naturecoast homefront.com -US^ Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com NEW HOME 3/2 on 2.7 wooded acres.You pick the finishes. $219,000 call Woody at 352-516-4859 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Escape the heat In the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of western NC, Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments, Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC, Real Estate, Murphy, NC www.cherokee mountainrealtycom ,',il fc'r ri.e i:,'r,,;:iur-, .nr .j i. J ,*,:8 C r NORTH CAROLINA C','- l m .:,urni.ir o lfr views, streams, homes, cabins acreage.FREE Brochure Mountain ihr Jir. ,.1 r.li:. rlrp I - Peachtree St., Murphy, N.C, 28906 www. sgI. :r,,:, urpr, ." .:.,I SPECIAL OFFERS, Pre-constructlon Condos- AL TX, MS, GA, FL NV, SC from $199K-$2M www. BeachClublnvestments. com (877) BCI-5020 Flexible Financial Ol li.:,r.L pr...i.r- ,j t , Free Pre-Quallfication FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNIAINS I jl.:in Cr., riinra wrere. r r I.:.clo r.1 .uj toir. air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free, ,r.rc-, ,jre ,,* [.c.ur.roih iys. ..,:J2-':,'': ' Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. r,11o f' ,urln-u r ccrr, Arbor Lakes,,. eI,-ulitul LLkL. Ifronr, ,-tiri.3 or. Large co;rr.Er ir.t. mnar,, upgratrDi- 3r.3 ga,3rage r,',a ,1 air acarEtd .:.mmriT r, 'rlk, '.:. J.:'u rL.u-j ' ,ooI l'r ,'. 3:ck (352) 726-7239 Over 3,000 Homes and Properties listed at www.naturecoast homefront.com O zello. 2 ,'2 :ii I ri..ri l'[ ':q l n eco.ullful ol*'pr .,,,i r .i ,.e auil o n',*.= r i.,.' n iir.1 Ir 3-4 weeks,;$539,000D (352) 795-0596 WANTED TO BUY: FARM supply (river/lake) In Citrus Co. or N, of Tamprrp./L ar,,:oar.-o For a r.no.pr. .rrit pri. ale foundation wanting to- establish. a school for boys, Ask for Justin & Call Collect @ (305) 643-0966 30 Acre Subdivision on Ozello Trail, 24 lots 1 to 2 acre lots. 352-274-3164 or 352-208-6285 11.5 Acres equestrian community, new subdivision: Deed r- rn.:llc ri o .u -,Jl. The Preserves at Oak Hill In Wldwood. (954) 461-4625. "MAKE THIS SUMMER THE BEST" E Tennessee's Norrls Lake & Golf properties will make every year special. Starting at $24,900. Call Lakeside Really (423) 626-5820 www., lakeslderealty-tn.com FCAN EAST ALABAMA MOUNTAIN PROPERTY FOR SALE One hour west of Atlanta In Pied- mont, AL Great for en- Joyment or Investment 15-acres $54,250 512-acres $1,485,000. More Information call SGary McCurdy (256) 239-8001 FCAN NC MOUNTAINS 1.90 Acres w/50 mile view & hardwood trees. Financing available at $39,000 w/little down. Perfect for log cabin. This one won't last call today. (800) 699-1289 or wwwrdverbandlake lurecom FCAN LAKEVIEW MOUNTAIN PROPERTY -3.13 acres $57,990. Spectacular property offering breathtaking lake and mountain views. Located 20 minutes from Helena, Montana at Canyon Ferry Lake. Solls tested, utilities, ready to build on. Call owner at (888) 770-2240 FCAN NEW RELEASE 20% DISCOUNT For reservation holders only. Coastal Georgia Gated Deep Water Access. Wooded, Lagoon and Golf Course homesites. Call for Reservation Information (877) 266-7376 FCAN NORTH CAROLINA MTNS. 4 acres on mountain top, view, trees, waterfall and large public lake nearby $49,500 owner (866) 789-8535 www. NC77.com FCAN TENNESSEE NEW WATERFRONT PROPERTY from $19,9001 Waterview properly from $9,9001 Waterfront lot & cabin packages $59,9001 Call (866) 770-5263 ext. 8 for details FCAN WESTERN NEW MEXICO Equestrian Estates 40-800 acres, mountain views, big game, adjoins public land. Telephone & electric, Starting $39,990. 100% owner financing (505) 788-2220 FCAN 10 MINUTES TO INLET New seawall. $475,000, Pompano Beach (954) 461-4625. Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com lssic ,,, 1968 XL Fastback F actO: F.:,-:.r, '-C l,: r.1 .3.3 Ir.. .r. aii .ii .ain .. i ri.lor, (352) 748-4911 Search 1i001s of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast. wheels.com Search I00's of Local Autos Online at: www.naturecoast . wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at www.naturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at wwwnaturecoast wheels.com Search 100's of Local Autos Online at wwW.naturecoast wheels.com Ci M wIk Wanted at: Bushnell House of MANATEE TOURS i| I 121Be Ave. BOAT CAPTAIN PH 0 N E I Wednesday (352) 795-7033 through Saturday (352) 795-7033.- 689-0811 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Due to unforeseen cir- cumstances, the Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast will be fa- cliltating the Tri County Advisory Council Meeting on Thursday, August 18, 2005, from 9:30a.m. through 11:30a.m. The original scheduled date was August 11, 2005. The location remains at the Child Care Resources Office, 212 N. Main Street, Chlefland, FL 32626, If you have any ques- tions, please call the Coa- lition Office at 1-877- 336-5437. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times,. August 11, 2005. 675-081.1 SCT Notice to Creditors (Summary Administration)- Estate of Mary E. Shelton PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CP-000112 IN RE: ESTATE OF MARY E. SHELTON, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary' Administration has 'been entered in the Estate of MARY E. SHELTON, De- ceased. Case Number 2005-CP-000112, by the - Circuit Court. for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the, address of which Is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, and the date of death was September 5. , 2004; that the total value of the estate is approxi- mately 1,518.00; and that the names and addresses of whom it has been as- i signed by such Order are: Ralphelta Ervin 1332 Banks Avenue Rockford, IL 61102 Joy S BuIney :,:7 :i.') IL : I1"1 " David C. Harmon 5328 76th Street North t Petersbura FL .3'3709 Cresror. Snelton 2JS i. ".jr9'- ,:.,n Paducah, KY 42003 C. Edward Shelton 4010 Bennett Road Morrow, OH 45152 William Houser 7572 Waterford Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 Nancy D. MIrrasoul 410 Lyoncross Way San Jose, CA 95123 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors, of the estate of the decedent and per- sons having claims or de- mands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom pro- vision for il.i ..4: T,.-ri was made In ir.-e :..r-a of Summary .Administration must flie their claims with rr ..:i:u THi WITHIi THE TIME I e i'L'. :1: 1 ..iH ,IN ,:..,,j -: OF THE FL,.-ri" Pr.. :.v-iE CODE. - ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL ' BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWirHSIANDING ANY OIHER APPLICABLE lIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DAIE OF DEATH IS BARRED " e. 3 a ir, .f fir c.'ut.ll n.:.r, ir ur,,: frJ .:,' r -u. . : Joy S. Bitney. Peinnioner I,_.: -r,,r.3 IL 5-. I1 :- Oanr:., O rF-r, rorie : Mary P. Hatcher, Esq MARY HATCHER. PA A ,.t-n,:i.:sojSrreei "-_'. : ;.ut- .,.na .n-c-, r , bu.r,r.elu Fi:-.ruioa :,,513 'l. ll:r, -, r...,:. .. rhi i.,: hir the Sumter C:.-.r,, irr,' August4 and 11,2005. 678-0811 SCT Notice to Creditors ' Estate of . Dewey Darwin Fussell 4 PUBLIC NOTICE ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 2005-CP-000134 ' IN RE: ESTATE OF DEWEY DARWIN FUSSELL. r, rOITICE TO CREDITORS ' The administration of the ' estate of Dewey Darwin Fussell, deceased, whose 8 ,date of death was April 8, " 2005, and- whose -Social C Security Number is 264-14-8351, is pending in 'the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address .:. .Ar,.r. is 209 N. Florida a Si'eei Bushnell, Florida "1 4i'l'. ine names and ' SAir; ::e: of, the personal r el: .e:-,-,iaii.s ,.'., It-,h n p '.t:r.r.al .ep..e:rran..e * attorney are set forth be- low. - 4.1 .:,,aiiu,'; of.the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- a mands against dece- dent's estate on whom .a ,a copy of this .notice Is re- " quired to be served must " file their claims with this . court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION - OF TH-I. NOTICE OR 30 DA,' stifF' THE DATE OF * SERVICE OF A COPY OF a THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the ' decedent and persons having claims or de- .1 mands against dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- ' TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS DN SET FORTH IN SECTION ' 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA a PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE -r TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ' ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED, The date of the first pub- . licatlon of this Notice Is a August 4,2005. Personal Representative: 'v -s- James W. Fussell ' P.O. Box 606 Webster, Florida 33597 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- MIchelle T. Morley Attorney for James W. Fussell Florida Bar No. 0603333 132 Bushnell Plaza Bushnell, FL 33513 Telephone: (352) 568-2100 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, August 4 and 11, 2005. EII E ALESPEOPL 24 Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, AUGUST 11, 2005 --B- Egl 684-0901 SCT Notice of Action Estate of Alysha Leigh Boyd PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 2005-CP-000181 IN RE: ESTATE OF ALYSHA LEIGH BOYD NOTICE OF ACTION (formal notice by publication) TO: Casey Boyd, address unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Petition for Administration re- garding the above-referenced estate has been filed in this court. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, on petitioner's attorney, whose name and address are: Robert D. Hines, Esq., 315 S. Hyde Park Avenue Tampa, Florida 33606 on or before September 12, 2005, and to file the origi- nal of the written defenses with the clerk of this court either before service or Immediately thereafter. Failure to serve and file written defenses as required may result In a judgment or order for the relief demanded, with- out further notice. Dated on August 2, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Wanda Murray As Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, Au- gust 11, 18, 25 and September 1, 2005, 655-0818 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Morrison PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-DR-000999 MEUSSA LYNN MORRISON, Petitioner and LARRY FRANCIS MORRISON, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: LARRY FRANCIS MORRISON 7924 CR 129, Wlldwood, FL 34785 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to It- on MELISSA LYNN MORRISON, whose address Is 2916 CR 509, Wildwood, FL 34785, on or before August 29, 2005. and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N, Florida St., Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or Im- mediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tilfed on your current address (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved- Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In thIs lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: July 27, 2005 GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha.Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (J,. nT.. ir, ir.i,- ,urraie .ur.r, Times, July 28, August 4, 11 anra iS j21.05 679-0811 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF WILDWOOD rli-nce r.err, gi.en Ir.,-3i r n- Cir, .- asicv-. -:,a .' l. ,e i.e ;eaiecl bi.r ia :.T r., rr .. r. pai p ,Il: i. pui- r,.r,.' a. puollc address aound system ujijiai- i-.,r .JSr a' ,3 .:'.:.:T T ,,.,. i:.r,: ...irni r .- ..r .I T jrII ,.crielr i..carc a3 .ci lO :r .i i 1,'. .. f ic.ia . :. i.:i:aTIor "ii r :jri, e.T. maT n Dc re-.lair.ed: SC :. -.I 3, PI .iic Ws:.:. Dire,- :r at Dl.3 -i .J ,D r, I in ,.hr i.- ic:,'ei ai Jr -10 re, ,n iel ''A ,.3 i.-rl.1 -r .-i '.O i ir,.:.r,h -. .'.n Ir. l ..:or. c . r.:.. ie.3,s ai r.I; ri-Te irs C'.T-,murir, Center has four .; e.a'iie miTeir g .'c,:.,i-. .3:...r.:1s31i that can also ,- ujo.'gi- *:.r.,ti c.g me.nr.,g res Tr,.re. is also one (1) r..:., .up.:Ilrr Q ue-rOIn. igarair.ig l ,i: r 'ai ,r,ouiv Sj C irect I,- I. r e 0 re:",li..r, :,f G-r,, ':.ircga, P.j-i-,: W .:i OIle-,;ic.r 3. 330-I ;Ji Anyone requesting to Inspect the facility should also make arrangements Inrough Gene gomegay. Bids will be received until 2"00 P.M.. August 18th. 2005.' at City Hall, 100 N. .lir. ;,ii rI W aii..:o. oi :.1i.a- 34785. All bids should e.- ir, .eai- icr cr.e-pe ir.i, marked "BID-SOUND SYSTEM .iri a e'i .:. ire aine -rt .n yt r, Cir, Cilii. i1) lrjc .tr, r.i Sitr.ei! wii,.- ',..,..' f.:.n a v 3J 'S. Bids will be opened at 2:05 P.M., 'tou'.i 1- : 120 for re. cording and will be presented an a Teer.,',g :r rr. Cir, Commission scheduled for August 22, 2005, 7:00 P.M. for award. City 01r Cr.i-i..:,-i re:cr.e. rr. right to reject any or all bids, '..ai.e ar., re.:rnlai.,: and the right to accept -"i,I r la S o eeri',el Io:. eir.. n- rr, c, -i Ir. ,-. i't ir,. Cir,. -s- Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published tw:- ri re -i. ir Sumter County Times, Au- gust 4 and 1' 200 671-0811 SCT Notice of Action- Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, etc. vs. Shannon Oliver, et al, PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CASE NO. 2005-CA-001009 DEU1SCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST . COMPANY AS TRUSTEE OF AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SECuRITIES., INC.. ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES. SERIES 2004-RI I UNDER THE POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF DECEMBER 1, 2004, WITHOUT RECOURSE, Plaintiff, vs, SHANNON OLIVER, etal., Defendants, - NOTICE OF ACTION TO: -MArat rCl i. IC- 12, ur JwJ'OWl' i S: OI F 5H-, fd C' ",L'.El? . La.1i l,:..-., oddie 712 i.v l .: .'. K fE.rjnFCE DI'i.'E -fl D- LSE:BUJG fL F34J8 ar.i 8:" -'Ci',jr., RD., LADY LAKE, FL 32159 jIf aii. ,-ad ifi de.i all parties, clairiinrg iier'i by, -r.roujgRr. .jra ..r a..: ir. ;i IH .SlllC'l .'LIIERI i r. all pa'mA: r.,ii-ig or :i.lonrr.ihg i. r,.3 .e ar., ngrio rme c.r in- Teren .in ire proper', d'ecn.neao r.rieir, YOU ARE NOTIFIED -that an action for Foreclosure of Mortgage on the following described property: LOT 54, OAKLAND HILLS, ACCORDING TO THE: PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 75, PUB- LIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it, on J.o MLI E.ger.ai nrrnne cr Plaintiff. whose address Is w ri IE :ih riegi: juire 2i- l.rtr. r117aml Beach, FL .33 io2 eiT-,r (cr..:o:e ore'; . X,. a) i,,iTrin s ':i da,. arer rr.e fir. p li.: ol .:'n .r tr.i. rI.:.i ce i.r X_ (5, .:.r, oC ,'erelCr teaelT,De 2u.3" an1a fni te. ol1Ir,,ai ,itr. meIn Cr.e :,r rr,i-: Court either ber,;e :er'. ce *,,r. iairtrr a norrne, c. immediately" tree-in, Grrer..i.e 0 aerjuiI ..111 ,c critered against Cu irar rr.,e rlIer ,iJemariaea Ir, Ire .: ,T.e,1air. - WITNES.S ,T.,, r.ar .n.i ine se-al of this Court this 20th day of Juji 20,5 A; C., :, ir.e C.ut (CIRCUIT CGURT SEAL) B, -: uJ:ar.& railar iI:c .'jr, Clerk In accordance with the Americans with Disabillities Act, persons needing a reasonable accommodation to participate Ir. iris proceeding r-.ouuia r.no Ilaer ir.ar. -:.e- eri (7) days socr c,,rc.taci rre Clerk or ire Court ai.:a- blllty coordinator at 352-568-6628, 209 N; FLORIDA STREET, BUSHNELL FL 33513. If hearing Impaired, con- tact (TDD) via Florida Relay System. PaJinriea ro '2' snrrie in -r"e SuTier County Times, Au- gust 4 and 11, 2005. 688-0811 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Sumter Coun- ty Commissioners Is seeking land title search services for determining the status of easements to certain ditch and canal structures located within Sumter County. The completed product to be provided should be suffi- cient to determine if easements are currently estab- lished and In force or If not, Identify the current title- holder of specific parcels, and to locate the ease- ments on a map. The task will Involve searching exist- Ing records of the defunct Sumter County Water Con-. trol and Recreation Authority and Official Records of Sumter County. Persons or firms offering to provide services should pos- sess sufficient professional training and background ex- perience to perform detailed land title search work and be able to provide record information In a com- plete and thorough manner. Replies to this notice should Include the following: 1. Background Information including work history suffi- cient to ascertain job performance. 2. Professional references. 3. Proposed fee. 4. Typical outilne of proposed product. For questions or further Information please contact Ro- berta Rogers, Sumter County Planning Department at 352-568-6625. Proposals should be received In writing In a sealed en- velope marked "Proposal to Provide Land Title Services" and received no later than 5:00 P.M. on August 17, 2005, In Room 206, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, Au- gust 11, 2005. 672-0811 SCT Notice of Action Old Canal Financial Corporation vs. Steven C. Chattertori, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY Case No. 2004-CA-953 Old Canal Financial Corporation, PLAINTIFF, vs. Steven C. Chatterton a/k/a Steve C. Chatterton; Unknown persons) In possession of the subject real properly; If living, and all unknown parties claiming by, through, under and against the above named defendants) who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said, unknown parties may claim an Interest as spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, or other claimants; Bureaus Investment Group #4, LLC; GE Capital Financial, Inc.; Wachovia Bank, National Association f/k/a First Union National Bank, successor by merger with First Union National Bank of Florida, DEFENDANTS. , NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Steven C. Chatterton. a/k/a Steve C. Chatterton If liv-- ing and all unknown parties claiming by, through, un- der and against the above named defendants) who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said un- known parties may claim an Interest as spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, or other claimants whose last known address Is: .2756 County Road 321 Bushnell FL33513 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for foreclosure of mortgage on the following described property: BEGIN 599.95 FEET NORTH AND 7.77 FEET EAST OF THE NE CORNER OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST, THENCE SOUTH 0 DEG. 44'31" W 150 FEET, THENCE N 89 DEG. 09'12" W. 440 FEET TO THE WATERS OF A CANAL, THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID WATERS TO A POINT THAT IS N 89 DEG. 09 12' W 520 FEET FROM POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 0912" E 520 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO A 50 FOOT ROAD EASEMENT ACROSS THE EAST SIDE THEREOF. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to It, on JOSEPH J. CIRCELU, Attorney for the Plaintiff, whose ad- dress Is Codllis & Stawlarski, PA. 4010 Boy Scout Boulevard, Suite 450 Tampa, FL 33607 on or before thirty days from the date of the first publi- cation of this nonce ,3'.i fi. rr,- :.iigir-.3l with the Clerk .-1 rrci j'C.jn citr-..r r. .:-re service on Plaintiff's attorney r,r IrriAi.iataei, ir,,-.i.' 3r: otherwise a default will be enter rqs,,.gelnst you for the relief demanded' in the complaint. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection 'Practices Act you are advised that this law firm'Is'deemed to be .3 -r ,.i ,- :.i:. _- il ..', ti-r'i .iir.3 I.:. .:.:.ile:i .je -t, ,' or,, irhdrT,.3TI.:,I-. .:c.I.lr. ,. *.ill De J.e3 .-' r.: J Ir .,l ,. - WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court on July 29, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) S By: -s- Susan A, Stollar C',.ic ,jr, ,'Cl-ell Published two (2) times In the Sumter County-Times, Au- gust 4 and 11, 2005. 673-0811 SCT Notice of Sale M.:.n1gasge Eie-:iir:.ri.: i l:riil.:.rr, ', r.ei,. Inc., etc. [1. ir, Lurei I. 01 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE r 1111 .l, iiri C.-.F iHE ".'i JI .ILICIL 1F'lCIR 1.11 .rl i ID f;. u .tii.E C'- ii, r, FL''-PIC.A, : I L. I li.:l S. ,E I J.-O 2i:, .- --.- MORTGAGE ELECfRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC. AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS. INC F/K/A ' COUNTRYWIDE FUNDING CORPORATION D/B/A AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER ,' .-. nlaiI-iri - vs. MARY A. LUTZE A/K/A MARY ANN LUIZE; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MARY A. LUT2E A/K/A MARY ANN LUTZE; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF VICKI KIBLER; VICKI KIBLER; JOHN.DOE; , JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. ' NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE iC1:.E i. HEI;FI:, -1i.Erf cjr:uar.I io a Final Judgment :.t fore.:,:.: e .it r. i r.e -'rr, ..3, of July, 2005, and -, rere.i ir. C-a:e rij; .u00.'-.:.-'J-] of the Circuit Court of the 5TH Judicial Circuit in and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE H''.ME LC',i, INC. F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE FUNDING CC.,rCiui::.lI D/B/A AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER Is t-c PliainrrN and a .-r Lu e -,ii:'"' .-1 s ir ili LUTZE; UNKNOWN u'.'.i i -r LiUiCE '- MARY ANN LUTZE; 1li I'S ,-vI I ': i ,i ii: I' KItEi. VICKI KIBLER; JOHN :-;E J-.IIE .E : .r in I'JWI iErl ANT (S) IN PC,'t." :.:,r: THE ;UBJEC I -,.Ft"Er, are ierioa rri: I ,.iii1 .. "Ir-1i r rIr ieirlr .: i or.' l .ia-I. i for :a.n 31 ir.e WE'1 i T:-. L: *i: .'F H:'i.i i.iIE ON iHi.li!.C.- ari rr,e jmlri ,:.,jr.r, .ounrr.:.j:e ir.' fiSH- I ELL Fi.arica i31 11:00 a.m on the 23rd day ot August, 2005 Ire icr. i.-ri..inag c-..:rlbed property as set forth In said Final Judgment, to wit: SEE ATrACHED EXHIBIT "A- ir, occc.ior.ir,.:e ..nr., Ire nme.cans with Disabilities Act, ,li.acle.iA 'perc.r, .r,-.: -cau:- r i ,.eir ai-acilifles re-ia .c-:ii.3l a c .,,,iai3,.:.r. Ic arncipaie 'i. this pro:eed-air.g r.,.aIi .:o-,ia-:I ir ,i- C:-.:.,rainr3lor at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513 or Telephone Voice/TDD (904) 793-0215 prior to such proceeding. Dated this 127th day of July, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Deputy Clerk SGLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court -By: -s- Susan A, Stollar LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT A LOT 32, UNIT 8, CROOM-A-COOCHEE ESTATES, OTHER- WISE KNOWN AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NW CORNER OF THE SOUTH -1/2. OF THE EAST 3/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH; RANGE 21 EAST AND RUN THENCE S.89 DEGREES 14'36" E., A DISTANCE OF 166.50 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN S 89 DEGREES. 14'36" E. A DISTANCE OF 166.50 FEET; THENCE RUN S 00 DEGREES 03'04" W., A DISTANCE OF 110 57 FEET; THENCE RUN 89 DEGREES 14'59" W A DISTANCE OF 165.52 FEET; THENCE RUN N 00 DEGREES 03'35" E. A DISTANCE OF 110.59 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE EASTERLY 25.00 FEET THEREOF SUBJECT TO EASEMENT FOR ROW FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. ALL LYING AND BE- ING WITHIN SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO RE- STRICTIONS AS RECORDED IN O.R; BOOK 124, PAGE 414, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH A 1996 JACO DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME, VIN #JACFL17562A AND JACFL17562B, TITLE #71102914 AND 71102913 AND RP # 12024285 AND 12024286. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, Au- 'gust 4 and 11, 2005, (05-02394) To place your Legal Advertising in the /i t ER COUNTYTIMES call 793-2161 685-0811 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Tourist Development Council will hold a meeting In the 2nd floor Historic Courtroom, Room #204, Sumter County Courthouse, on August 16, 2005, at 3:00 p.m. Notice Is given if any person desires to appeal any ac- tion taken by the Board at the above hearings, verba- tim record of the proceedings may be necessary and Is not prepared or furnished by the Board. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting or to be heard at the meeting should call 352-793-0200 to make any special arrangements The public Is Invited and encouraged to attend. Board of Sumter County Commissioners Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, Au- -gust 11, 2005. 687-0811 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter C.:.,r, i-,.uj.i.,iai D, .e i.:c-,Te.r,lI Authority, a public body *: :rp 3i- ,r,.- : ri: : .:, Ir- i tate of Flori- da (the "Issuer') will hold a public hearing concerning the proposed issuance of not exceeding $1,000,000 of Its Industrial Developmer,-i r-e.r.ue E,-r.d. (Global Tire Recycling of Sumter C : .r.r, IC,, i-r:j -. I, In one or more series (the "Bonds") for the benefit of Global Tilr -.:,.:ii-.g .f ^uTle C.:.ur., Inc., a Florida c.:p.:.'.m.:,r. 'r I": .u'.Iar, .:.r nraTl ir', "Corporation"). -"I ,.:. r, ,.ij.:Ll r.-ai.rg Ir-. 13suer Will conslic, rr w. DI: :,. 1 .r irr. nr i,,:lr.g .:.I rr.e Project (desc ic..a r,ere. In) with the proceeds of the Bonds. Following .u.-r, u- er approval, the Board of County Commr',:r, r. .:i Sumter County, Florida (the "County") will ::.r,:i.3r elected official approval of the Issuance of rr.- .:.c.A and the financing of the Project by the Issuer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Issuer wii r..:ia ir,,- public hearing for the Bonds and for the Prole: r- uj.u. ant to Section 147(t) of the Internal Revenu- ..:rae :r 1986, as amended, at Its meeting to be hela :..- Mon. day, August 29, 2005, beginning at 3:00 P M. Ir. r.- Conference Room of the Issuer at 408 EaSE,' ..:.i Avenue, Bushnell, Florida 33513. All Interest.d per : are Invited to attend and be heard. The proceeds of the Bonds will be loaned -.: rr.,- .:. portion to finance or, refinance the acqul il.:.r. :,:r, struction, expansion and Improvement of th: ire re.:,. cling and processing and crumb rubber ma-."u3,: ru,'. I facility on a site of approximately 10.7 acres I:.: ;ea i-. the Industrial Park at street dress 1201 Insdu'rii i :n.. W ildw ood, 5u r.Ter .:. .jrr, fl.: ida 34785, r ,: ju h',3 -r., purchase -, c. as. or,-ai1 ir..ju':ial equipment -.:. :.:r. 1.3 ,*ir, :,j,.:r, ,. ,.ar,3rji,-, : r,,:, ] er, auto--- 3-) 3,, '-. r I:,,-rg n; -.:,r l[ r :- u rlr. ., l,,: shredders and ir.ll. :..i : I ir, n ,~., ,:r .- r . Project, comprised of such facility and a,3,in,:.r.li ir. dustrial equipment. Is to be owned and rT. ,.,a a C, the C :.i ---3n:.,, The Bonds,shall be .i:-e:il Ii,.,-, .'-.i li, 1.:.,,-. :. ir.. : - su e r p a y a b le so le ly r :-r: rr.e i,,.r li.r ,'. i ,:'l.- e ,-. payments from the ,:.:.,p.:.r.,31..r. ,. r,.itr.e- rr, i::uer nor the County shall be obligated for the r.a3,mer, .:.r ir.e .:.r, 3: e-,:- ri nr.:.T|, the Trust Estate, ar.3 ei-itr, ,' ire- ijii aIr, or. ,i'cr ,sit nor the i.j.ir-.q -:. r .:.r ir.- ,,3e ,r Fl.:.n ,3 .:,r or., political .u,JA l :1I.:.r, rrcre,. *:.l r.e '..:.u-.,r, i. peage, i: rn. c. 3, T -r,' .f the b: ria: -ii p'-:.:r,: e 3,'3 .1,- Ir..r it i r.-, :Iecde r: 3: c- 3i any decision made following this public heaiing-a rr., they may need to make a verbatim record :r Ir.e cl'-- ceedlngs. F.:, rru.nr.- iri:. T.3n-.r. contact Diar-,a Le '31 SUMTER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL.DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Published one (1) time In the Sumter C:'r.,r, ih.,.. u-. ,.gust 11, 2005,. 674-0811 SCT I'.: .:, .-: 31[c l MidFirst BanI ,: r.:.-en C.:ra,.:.3fi etaL. PUBLIC NOTICE INTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF TI-E FiH .yI.I:I:' L :I': 1 ,111 OF FLORIDA,IN AND F': r.' : i -. :I..ui iT, CIVIL DIVISION Case No, 2005-CA-000306 MIDFIRST BANK, . Plaintiff, vs. ROBERT CRAYCRAFT AND JEAN CRAYCRAFT, and Unknown Tenants/Owner, Defendants, NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Final Judgment of. Foreclosure for Plaintiff entered in this cause on July 27, 2005, in the Circu'I C.. jr, i T.f i- C,:.u.- r, Florida, I will sell the properly ii.i.-,, :J i,. *:.jurn_. .::,,j,-,r, Florida de- scribed as; LOT 25. BLOCK 9. PANA-COO-CHEE RETREATS UNION ONE, ACCORDING T TTHE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 13, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH A CERTAIN 1983 CLASSIC TRAILER MFG./CLASSICAL DOUBLEWIDE, SERIAL # GDOCFL25839893A and SERIAL # GDOCFL25839893B commorily known as 1992 County Road 429, Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538, at public sale, to the high- est and best bidder, for cash. Sales held at the west front .door of Sumter County Courthouse, at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on August 24,2005. Dated this 27th day of July, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Wanda Murray Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodatian In order to participate In this proceed- ing, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Cheryl Creel, 225 E. McCollum Avenue,; Sumter County Judicial Center, Bushnell, Florida 33513, phone (352) 568-6628, within 2 working days of your receipt of this notice; If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, Au- gust 4 and 11, 2005. 686-0818 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE As c re:.uii .:,f iceo:-f Ir. population, the State of Flori- do, Dep, ,,rrri .:.ir Bujr,e.i and Professional Regula- tion, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, will be accepting applications for Inclusion In the drawing for new quota liquor licenses In the following local counties and amounts: SUMTER (1) For a complete list of the counties where licenses will be available contact any Division of Alcoholic Bever- ages and Tobacco office. Applications will be accepted beginning AUGUST 15, 2005 and continuing through NOVEMBER 12, 2005. All Interested persons should make inquiry by contacting the BUREAU OF LICENSING of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco at: Gainesville District Office 240 NW 76th Drive, SuIte B Galnesville, FL 32607 (352) 333-25,15 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, Au- gust 11 and 18, 2005. S"Enna-ge your pups to read a newhfytper every day' It's no secret... Read the newspaper every day to stay on top of what's going on in the world. Lou Sumter County Times It all starts with newspapers. -'" WWw.NEWSPAPERLINKS.COM ',, T ,,, ,, : : I i :ANDTHFENEWSPAPERASSOCIATIONOFAMEPRCA' N Venturing Crew 452 Golf Tournament /Jnt Boy Scouts of America Net scrainble wli/hndicap Saturday, October 1, 2005 8:30 a.m. shotgun start El Diablo Golf & Country Club $50 per player includes: 18 hole green fees, breakfast, lunch and soft drinks during and after play, tax and gratuity, PRIZES, RAFFLES and more PRIZES. A bole in one on the 3rd hole wins a new car i iba). Prizes for the closest to the pin on hole #6 for women and hole #13 for men. Prizes for longest drive in fairway) on hole #11 and hole W2 for men. First, second and third win cash prizes. All entries must be submitted by September 24, 2005. For information caD, DillonWhitelaw at 795-9222 or pat Rundio at 344-1140 C u CIR U5- r," C oUnt y 690-0818 SCT S ] r - E tulic Zr "I, :-.3 Leil.3r B., 3, PUBLIC NOTICE III T HE .C' .ll I I2 i-ll F .111| ri.','-. ijrI l. I r i " F.i',-,', il-: ,i. iiCii, i JI:,- i '. : i -" '. H I F I IN RE: ESTATE OF ALYSHA LEIGH BOYD, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Alysha Leigh Boyd, deceased, whose .3,3r i .:.f j,..,31l-, ,.j i jr. S 2u,-I I' p. r, rirh, ,r Ir,. Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of -which is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, The names and addresses of the personal representative and the ,.- :.:,_-,: ,, l i |:. :.r -,T.3 11. i- . -3n.:.n,,e, i3'e .,il ri:,ir. i- low. n lia ir .:1.3Ti : .:.r .3r -. ra. i'r.s ,,r '.1 mands against dece- .e T : .'iai, .':.r ..r.,,'T a S'c', ,, tl'i rrIn.:e i. re- q.jire,3 I.:. c-, .er -,J must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF .3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME ,'F Hi-iF Fi ,r .1 .1I ':. ,l i ,ri ,F iHI' I iC'iiCE .' .'A." EFTEFI i-E fiiAE ,"F ElS,.,ICE ,.F ',Cf-, OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or de- mands- against the dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publica- tion of this Notice is 'Au- gust 11, 2005. Personal Representative: -s- Constance Robertson 5701 Coolidge Street Riverview, Florida 33569 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- Robert D. HInes, Esquire Florida Bar No. 0413550 Hines Norman HInes P.L 315 S. Hyde Park Avenue Tampa, Florida 33606 Telephone: (813) 251-8659 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, August 11 and 18, 2005. 691-0818 SCT Notice to Creditors * Estate of Gladys M. Ellis PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 2005CP000185 IN RE: ESTATE OF GLADYS M. ELLIS Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of GLADYS M. ELLIS, deceased, File Number 2005CP000185, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate' Division, the ad- dress of which Is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth be- I-I clear.'. '.,r mTe ,-ic- r ,,--. ,- i31n,' ..:l 3. - r-ir.a. .i.3iir.:i 1C--a .: unl : ..i.i e Ir.cij.ii',g rea, ",,- h ,- ",,r j ,Il rl ."l 3. 1 .3 .- :1. 3 Ti : .r- whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice Is August 11, 2005, Personal Representative: DONALD MARTIN 9603 E. 24th St. Indlanapols, IN 46229 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON Florida Bar No.: 176505 Post Office Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, August 11 and 18, 2005. 680-0811 SCT t. : l. T E t1.3 -,t m.rii, r 1 ule r: ' PUBLIC NOTICE E1- tH" III-IH I I S THE II .l II i- I ', : i, . F, I., I,. :. ;N.:-i'. "'.1IA I ". IN RE: ESTATE OF EMILY M. RAULERSON, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Emily M. Raulerson, deceased, File Number 2005-CP-000179, Is pending in the .Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses ,-of the personal'represent- i, .:.r t rrr .I , 3';ri 3ri a .,.irei' Pel:'.:,- r,3', ir,. 3 .:iirri. &r -, ITIi. -i 3 : .I3 lI l 3 -II : I 3 .1" : .10 1 :'"" ..r,-.:-i: .3 copy of this notice is served must file -their claims with this court WITHIN" THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS-'AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERV- ICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mnands against the estate of the decedent must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST 'L'SLiC IiC. t' OF THIS NOTICE. . ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT, SQ.FILED WILL BE FOREVER BAiRED.:' NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first pub- lic-3Ti,:.', r l : i :,i.:e is Aucgu; -20,4f Petitioner: -s, Deborah A. Allies f/k/a Deborph A; Vand Nostran 12053 County Road 727 Alw F c.ria 33597 ,.n .i-,e, icr F Irmorce,' -s- Mary P. Hatcher, Esq. Florida Bar No. 792926 MARY HATCHER. P A. 22.'Scurr' Fl.:,n-ia .riee 3u:nr.ei.L F. 33513 Zubli:rea r,c. (?) ries In the Sumter County Times, August 4 and 11, 2005. To place your Legal Advertising in the IME S call 793-2161 693-0811 SCT . *uT.I-I ..::.r.r, nc.c- lBa i',xg'iiI S ;;i.Z.r, 4' is. OS, i PUBLIC NOTICE ' The Sumter Countyv School Board will meet r. rerguiat session cr. Tuesday. Au' gust 16, 2005. at 6 00 p.m.. In the Sumter County u:r,,'.,.ti o FI ii F,1 -. ..T .... .2 Pucil:.e-3 .: r, t ii fimr.eir, the sumler '::,,j.'ih ihl, ; Aug.. I i I "':*:, ' 692-0811 SCT I '.A- "e3 ;--i.ye or/. i 0'3 PuBLIC tInCE. The 'umier C'. .r., n..'.:n..I Boara ,.Ill re,5-1 .- I, cl., e3 se;..I.:r. r.:r lre pJr.:.;e-c. .:.:.r',ri-,ri. g "l,jI ,erl e. .,uiilir.- c.,r. Tuesday. Au- gust 16. 2005. at 5'00 pm . i.-, ir,- ,jurn'ic ,".'Zunr,' '? -r.:-- b,, di,'3 Meeilirg ;.iT r,- or 266&-. W.-,.47.:, Bu.r.nll Fir-ioi. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, August 11, 2005. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005, PAGE 25 TOYOTA T-IRIE , NATIONWIDE CLEARANCE EVENT EVERYBODY WiNS , 4 NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME, DELUCA TOYOTA IS OFFERING AN UNPRECEDENTED WINDSHIELD PRICING! T7,400 $AVIICNS! ; - OVER 650 VEHICLES AVAILABLE! E BRAND NEW 2005 CU A SCION'S "PURE PRICE" PURCHASE MEANS NO HAGGLE. NO HASSLE.Vehicle starts well equipped. You can accessorize (or not) Simple, straight forward menu pricing. IOft X1 1 AC. Power Slteering & AC. Power Steeringo& 1601 Horse Power. Windows. BS. V6, Speaker Windows, AB, V, SpeakerheelsPo r Pioneer AMFMICD Pioneer AMFMICD Sunroof. Memory Sats 1tIflU m, Sm sfy1 7 j11 0 ILI ii CaM .FINANCING AVAILABLE! PAYMENTS * OR 90DAY 0.0Wmu l WE SELL THE MOST CARS SO YOU GET OUR LOWEST PRICE! oft, L. 14 ELAU, 2i U14~ AmucnuAir(~ofIowqRr~i ~ ~~muw~mWirF*W' P7s-.rSfenPff9 U Ni .Cuise Tit CO Rsr Ai SUIVENM ~P7w~ ._. *111i _________i-__u (I^ _______nw ^!^ v ^. ft WAS '02 HYUNDAU ACCENT 9 7999 AM/FMCD. Air Conditioner. SilkE1839B ............ .................... .... fg AM/FMCass. F Power Cruise. Sk 3E1832A . . . . . . S LCo SFuBI5.Hm 4C.A .............0.......... ... ,499 01 SATURN SC2 s 10695 AMIFMiCD Full Power. Cruise Alloy Wheis. Keyless, Si#S E1983A .. .... .. 0 ,6 9 5 "US HIRSKqLVR TOW"NCq & UNTRY LXSA 1,295 AM/FMCas/CD Full Power, Power Seat.ruse Leath. Roof Rack.k 5t E1740B ..... 1 I295 A0A w sR!SE R M TO N&, UrT ......A1 2,966 00 ME1DAKOTAful5AIISLT,599 AMIFMCess.Full Power. Cruise. Bed Liner.AlloyWheals. tSEl1459A .......... .. 1 3 ,5 9 9 1 TA ,M1. C8 ossC3era.CL.Sunrd,,,loyWael.so2,B.... .5 15,895 IS WAS 1s Is -1 'OS TOYOTA COROLLA LE $15898 14997 7 AM/FMfCO. Full power. Alloy wheel. StkftEl89A ...................... I S8,977 'u03 cnVe!of.,T So10 XCAB LS r ........' 16,499 01S,677 AMIFM[CD. Cnlse, Air Conditioning. Alloy W els BSeaL Uner. SIKOP1507 .......... 48,995, 2fJ ,6"9c5,MR6, ,..................... 17, 963 16,785 M9,477 TFMO Poer.Pwer Sea, Cruse.Leaher, Chrne Ke yles. 1 8977 '17,865 9,977 'M9K.A19 A rM eyless.SuE932........I9,9 ..9 '18,83 i11,879 R M"SLN ODJLN oN eA SI TU .. 20.888 19,799 '1 ,5381 ,!,9,.,o .d,,r!,SM5............. 21,988 '20,976 '-14,7835 D 'A i l.Yr.L h &t, ...... 22,899 '20,998 TO TA MAU iKS .CAl UCA MAiE THE DIFFEIEC . ~ ~~~ ------------a -A . T.. T -LOCATIObN:1 1-'/2 .MILE EAST OP PADDOCK MALL SW @Rl li d. opc102-235 wi. ,d j C(. ii At U ,m Ii 0 "A - - - - PAGE 26, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 Best Full-Line Manufacturer on Sh alegic Vision's 2005 Total Quality IndexTk" Strategic Vision's 2005 Vehicle Experience StudyTM surveyed 40,793 Oct.-Nov. new vehicle buyers of 200+ models after first 90 days of ownership. 2005 NISSAN TITAN 2005 NISSAN ARMADA "BEST FULL SIZE TRUCK" "BEST FULL SIZE SUV" 1t, I .. i JI fll l& *5.;***:-' f^" ;" ? "'j^^f SS V-8 AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING CD PLAYER 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE PER 299MONTH 2005 NISSAN FRONTIER KINGCAB 2005NISSAN MODEL 49215 V-8 8 PASSENGER POWER WINDOWS POWER DOOR LOCKS ?ON FRONTIER CREW CAB 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PR 2005 NISSAN TITAN CREW CAB MODEL 13255 MODEL 73365 AIR CONDITIONING 5 SPEED V-6 4 FULL DOORS CD PLAYER OVERDRIVE TRANSMISSION BEDLINER 15,999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2005 NISSAN XTERRA MODEL 21415 4 FULL DOORS V8 AUTOMATIC * POWER WINDOWS POWER LOCKS * CRUISE CD PLAYER 19,999 21,999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2005 NISSAN PATHFINDER 2005 NISSAN QUEST 2005 NISAN MURANO MODEL 04165 MODEL 09215 9992 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 249 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE99 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE MODEL 10215 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE A1 THIS PRI999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE MODEL 07215 S24O999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE NISSAN FRONTIER.... $.6,999 XTERRA.... 10,999 PATHFINDER. .15,999 ARMADA.... 23.999 CHEVY 00 S-10.........6,999 02ASTRO...... pl,999 02 SILVERADO.. .$12,999 04 YUKON......22,999 02 03 04 05 DODGE DAKOTA.... CARAVAN.... RAM QUAD... DURANGO.... . .9,999 *. .9,999 .319,999 .*21,999 FORD TOYOTA 03 RANGER.......8,999 00 TACOMA.....$.7,999 03 F150 ......10,999 02 TUNDRA.....15,999 04 EXPLORER... .$14,999 03 HI NDE 119,999 04 EXPEDITION .. .$17,999 04 fEQUIA.... .S27,999 Ip~t hp.r IIG ' OCALA NISSAN SALES DEPARTMENT (352)622-4111 2200 SR 200 OCALA 622-4111 *72 MONTHS @ 7.9% APR. ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & '195 DEALER FEE. PRICES GOOD DAY OF AD. SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY, WAC. *'SUBJECT TO TERMS. |