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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ..............12 Church ............... 6 Obituaries ............ .6 Police Report ..........3 Tidbits ..............17 - - I THURSDAY, JULY 14, 20051 County Commission faces road problems AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer On Tuesday, county commis- sioners decided to stop taking on maintenance responsibili- ties for additional roads by accepting them into the coun- ty's plat system, at least until they can determine what the 'roads will end up costing tax- payers. The issue came up when Public Works Director Tommy Hurst asked for commission- :ers' input at a regular meeting on accepting roads in The Villages in units 72 through 76, Bushr BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer When Dylan Werner. of Bushnell, saw his first mechanical bull at a state fair he was only 10 years old and terrified to ride. Sure, he was dressing like a cowboy, roping like a cow- boy and acting like a cowboy., but that didn't mean much when it came to climbing aboard a bucking bull. It did- n't matter that he rode the doors around his house or lassoed his mom's cactus and snatched it across the room. It didn't matter because. when it came to that bull - he was scared. But he made a deal with, his dad Christian, who ended up paying him 50 bucks to ride and that was it. I loved it." said the Bushnell teen. Today, at 16. he's the Florida High School ,- Champ Wrangler - I Bullrider, Bareback Rider. Boys All Around. He's been asked to ride for colleges out west on scholarship and She's already turning pro. i earning some cash. Just glancing at the wall of pictures, his body stretched out to match the length of this bull or that bronco tells you what the ride is like. Hand high in the air and body in form. Werner's spent the past four years honing his craft and it 1 shows. Five light-colored leather saddles. each with one of his titles printed on it. grace the family living room. Behind them, on the wall. are at least three- dozen championship belt buckles lie's won. "I always wanted to be a cowboy when I was little." he said, but doesn't really know where the spark came from. "He was just going to be a cowbo.k:" said his mom. His dad is a merchant seaman and former surfer and his mom loved base- ball. Werner was born in Virginia Beach. grew up in North Carolina and spent some time in the Virgin Islands. When the family moved to Davie. across from a rodeo arena, Werner was ready to ride the real thing. She was hoping his ride'on a steer would get him bucked off and he'd never want to get on again. Not so. Werner said. now, years later, there's still some fear in him every time he rides, but it's something that can work to the rider's benefit. because it "Drives you to stay on top." He can rattle off a list of his injuries from riding. He's had his collarbone pulled out one arm is longer than the other now; I a broken foot and a dam- s aged eye socket He's miss- a south of C-466. Commissioner Joey Chandler expressed concerns he had about how much the roads would cost taxpayers, and whether more should be accepted., "It's getting expensive for the growth that we're having," he said. "We need to look at our entire road policy." But County Attorney Randall Thornton said he did- n't see a way for the commis- sion to "change midstream" with roads already in the process of being accepted, and that such a change should, come at a "good breakpoint." No action was taken on The Villages roads on Tuesday, and commissioners planned to hold a workshop to further discuss the county's road poli- cy,; requesting that the Public Works department gather information regarding the related costs and revenue to be presented to commission- ers at that time. The workshop was sched- uled for 6:15 p.m. on Sept.. 20 at the commission chambers on the second floor of the courthouse in Bushnell. In other business. County Attorney Randall Thornton said the Florida Crushed Stone mine, owned by Rinker Materials, in Center Hill is in compliance on points the board had previously ques- tioned. Rinker had recently requested a conditional use permit that would allow for expansion of the mine by nearly 400 acres, but commis- sioners declined to consider the request until the mine came into compliance. At a meeting last month, Commissioner Jim Roberts presented the board with a notice from Southwest Florida Water Management District to the company indi- eating that six million gallons of water that should have been going into a retention facility were being discharged daily into Jumper Creek canal. There was another problem of Rinker not furnishing reports to the county, but Thornton said this may have been partly the fault of county staff, who may not have insist- ed on filing of the reports. "Our people should have done a better job," he said. Roberts said he wasn't in Please see ROAD, Page 2 ..... Center Hill iell teen is rodeo champ mine, pant ing a sinus in one side of his workshop And while lie may be in scheduled pain after an injury, it's not sc e u e the pain that bothers him." I can't stand myself, not being able to ride." With all his injuries and every time he rides, his mom worries. "It makes you just sick." But even concerned and afraid for him, she's behind him 100 percent, because he loves it. she said. "Just like your kid playing soccer" In the future, he'd like to win the professional circuit - twice because that's the record. -But he figures it might be more by the time he turns 18 and gets a go at it. He wants to earn some money on the professional circuit too. His ultimate goal ' is to buy his own ranch and Please see RODEO, Page 2 Dylan Werner, 16, of Bushnell, is the Florida High School Champ Wrangler, Bullrider, Bareback Rider, Boys All Around. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Questions Center Hill resi- dents may have had since a cement plant was toured by city council members back in April could finally be addressed in a workshop scheduled for Monday, July 18. Thus far, residents haven't been provided, with much information about the tour of Suwa nnee-American Cement, which Council Members Elsie Ramsey and Jimmy Smith attended. Neither of the two has said much regarding the plant, the compal.y's plaiis for Center Hill, or their opinions of what they saw in Suwannee County. Following the April tour, approximately 1,470 acres were purchased in May in the Please see MINE, Page 2 Budget sets $1.6 million for parks BOB REICHMAN Editor Sumter County parks will be gett i ng substantially green- er soon thanks to more than $1 million in state funding. Florida's 'green' budget signed a month ago by Gov. Jeb Bush included more than $42 million to expand and improve local parks across the state a 100 percent increase from 2004. Funded through the Department of Environmental Protection's Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program. $1.6 million will go to Sumter County to renovate eight local parks and enhance nearby communities by increasing outdoor recre- ation and improving public Please see PARKS," Ika 4t age 2 Dylan Werner is shown in action during a bull ride. Werner has more than three-dozen championship belt buckles and five saddles for his ability to ride bulls and broncs.This year he was name All Around for the state, taking top billing in bronc and bull. VOLUME 121 NUMBER 27 Comn issione r Joey Chandler expressed concerns he had aboit holo much the roads would cost taxpayers, and whether more should be accepted. I PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 Wildwood shooting suspect sought AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Authorities are looking for a man suspected of shooting a 67-year-old Ocala man on County Road 213 near the Russell Stover Candies Factory Outlet Store in Wildwood on July 4, just before midnight Lt Bobby Caruthers of the Sumter Sheriff's Office said the victim, who was shot in the hand, approached a police officer in the vicinity near where the incident took place. He told the officer he had received a call from a woman asking to be picked up on County Road 213, and he did. Anyone with information to call the Detective Bureau at the Sheriffs Office at (352) 793-0222 or the Crimeline at (800) 423-TIPS (8477). But according to the woman, about 10 seconds after she got into the vehicle, a man driving a compact car approached the victim's vehicle, banged on the door, and demanded money. Caruthers said according to statements, the victim said he didn't have any, and the sus- pect then threatened him with a gun. When the victim didn't pro- duce a wallet or money, the suspect shot him in the fore- finger of his left hand, accord- ing to reports, Caruthers said. The 24-year-old woman was located and told authorities she had been on a date with the victim the previous night and the two planned to go out again when the incident occurred. Caruthers said according to the witness' account, she exit- ed the vehicle and fled on foot, and the victim drove away. He said the victim led the officer to the scene, where he saw skid marks consistent with his statements. Afterward, the victim was taken to Leesburg Regional Medical Center for treatment The suspect was described by the woman as a black male, between 5 feet 4 and 5 feet 5 in height wearing darkly colored clothing. Approximate age and weight were not provided. Caruthers requested any- one with information to call the Detective Bureau at the Sheriff's Office at (352) 793- 0222 or the Crimeline at (800) 423-TIPS (8477). Graduates, future grads wanted as Raider supporters ; Raiders and Raider alum- ni wanted! :The first South Sumter High School Raider Recruitment Rally is on and it's set for Saturday, Aug. 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6. , The rally was designed to draw in Raiders, Raider alumni from previous classes and Raider supporters to RODEO continued from Page 1 maybe raise some cattle for stock contractors. They're the folks who provide livestock for rodeo competitions. Because of his dad's profes- sion, the family moved a lot and by second grade, his mom began home-schooling him. PARKS continued from Page 1 access to natural Florida. "This funding allows the local government to preserve and protect Florida's natural areas for families to enjoy," said Bush. "Investi ng in green space expands recreational areas, connects communities and improves our quality of life." Sumter County projects funded in this year's budget include: Sam S. Harris Memorial Park, City -of Webster - Funding will renovate the playground, picnic facilities, softball field and restrooms, and will provide for a new baseball field and nature and exercise trails. . Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Park, Sumter County- The grant will fund a riew multipurpose field, bike help fund improvements at the school! They're all being asked to join the South Sumter High School Alumni Association. This year they're working on the sound system in the gym, to enhance events and high school graduations. Graduate years ago? Got a future Raider gradu- ate coming along? Werner and his mom said bull riding is the most danger- ous sport in the world and the most up and coming. "It's a mental game," said his mom, adding that she's seen riders go out there afraid, getting sick and jump- ing off, because of what' they've done to themselves mentally. Werner said the mental game is in getting to the point where a rider is certain they trail and restrooms, plus ren- ovate the exercise trail, ten- nis and basketball courts and playground. Lake Okahumpka Park, Sumter County The park will renovate their bike trail and picnic facilities, plus con-. struct; a boat ramp, fishing pier, volleyball court, horse- shoe pits, tetherball court and restrooms. Dunklin-Riser Park, City, of Coleman Grant funds will build a playground, shuffle- board, picnic facilities, nature trail and renovate bas- ketball court. J.L. Rowe Memorial Ballpark, City of Coleman - Grant funds will build a play- ground, shuffleboard, nature trail, fencing and renovate picnic facilities. B.M. Hewitt Park, City of Webster Funding will reno- vate the playground, basket- ball courts, parking and rest- rooms.. The grant will also construct a soccer field, nature trail, picnic facilities and fencing. Then you'll want to take part and grab a family mem- bership for $25. That gets you one free Raider T-shirt and an invita- tion to the cookout, prior to the first home game of the season! For more information about the event, the alumni association or joining early, contact Karen Cloud at South can ride anything. And that's Werner's top strengths. He's very "calm, cool and collected," his mom said, adding that he doesn't like a lot of recognition when he rides. He said he used to hate it when he "talked up" at a rodeo. He's gone every weekend competing, from Alabama and Mississippi to Georgia. Martin Luther King Park, City of Wildwood The park will be building a new play- ground and picnic facilities, plus renovating the baseball field and nature trail and pro- viding additional lighting. Bushnell Community Center-Recreation Area, City of Bushnell Grant funds will construct a new picnic facili- ty, exercise trail and shuffle- board court, and renovate the basketball and volleyball court, baseball fields, play- ground and restrooms. Sumter County Parks and, Recreation Director Lita Hart says the funding award is substantial for Sumter County. "This funding is one of our main sources of revenue for capital improvements for local parks," she said. The funding will be used to continue ongoing renovations and improvements to parks in the county and in local cities. For the county, work is cur- rently being done on Lake Okahumpka Park with Lake Sumter High School. e-mail kcloud@sumter.kl2.fl.us ort blocklear@sctnews.com, or drop by the Sumter County Times office for a registra- tion slip. Please type your name and sshs in the subject line on your e-mails. Additional T-shirts for the family can be purchased for $10 each. His most recent trip was to Gillette, Wyo., where he rides on a high school team in national competition. A few days before that, it was Oklahoma City where he was in the International Youth Rodeo in Oklahoma City. It's the largest youth rodeo in the world, his mom said: For updated information on rodeo results, the websitee is www.fhsrahomestead.com. Panasoffkee Recreation Park scheduled for renovation work, Hart said. "Florida's environment should be preserved for the enjoyment of its residents and visitors," said Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Colleen M. Castille. "This funding provides local communities with more opportunities to grow their quality of life." Administered by the Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program is a competitive grant program, providing funids to local communities for public outdoor recreation. Over the last six years, Florida has invested nearly $161 million to improve local park facilities through the' grant program a 50 percent increase compared to the previous five years funding more than 1,230 projects statewide. I up Yu Ad ta*w 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national 'Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Total Circulation: 2.2 Million 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Circulatinn- 7 7 Million Rec ve ilinRaer yclln9lriaPes 4vc (867217S .. su.^ifl cou 7ww Is new prieeldin.g Impreed fixed reufes, and a WilAL OF A DEAL FOR YOU. wldb gas prices rising, YOU CANr GO WRONG when yaou RIDE HiE TRANS. SIf BACK AND RELAX knewing tbad dte drivers provide SAFE, AND DEPENDABLE I1ANSPORTAIION. Rushondra L. Thomas, daugh- ter of Virginia Thomas of Bushnell, is the recipient of the 2005 scholarship given annually by the Women's Progressive Club of Sumter County. When Thomas gradu- ated from South Sumter High School in May, she had already been accepted at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee. MINE continued from Page 1 Center Hill area, both inside and outside the city limits and to the south and east, by Sumter Cement Company, LLC, for the purpose of manu- facturing cement and mining limestone. Sumter Cement is owned by Anderson-Columbia and Votorantim Cimentos North America, which are affiliated with Suwannee- American Cement. Chief Executive Officer of Sumter Cement, Dan Fritz, said in an interview with the Times last month they hope to start construction on the plant in two years, and would like to eventually mine 1,000 acres of ROAD continued from Page 1 favor of revoking the operat- ing permit and shutting the mine down at this point, but was concerned about the water issue. "I would just like us to be cognizantofthis and keep it in our minds when we talk about this again." Class offered The Withlacoochee Technical Institute is now accepting applications for their Cosmetology Program. Class will begin on Aug. 10. The Cosmetology class is held Monday through Friday, from 7:45 a.m. until 2:30 p.m! and is approximately 11- months in length. For information, call Student Services at 352-726-F 2430. Church event The St Lawrence Catholicj Church Women's Guild wilk host an indoor flea market on Saturday, July 23, from 9 a.mi to 3 p.m. It The event will be indoors& and air-conditioned. Spaces, are $10 each and tables ard-, provided. For reservations;: call Jean Petty 352-793-7773. f. The guild will have theiiv own table and any donations will be appreciated. Lunch will also be available, for a small donation fee. " the property. He also said the manufac, turning facility and related structures would be located' on about 50 acres of the prop. erty, and mining there could last 70 years. Amid the explosion of inter!' est in area cement manufac- turing, this proposal comes after a recent decision by the county commission t6 approve the construction of Mazak Mine's cement plant in the Mabel area, and a request by Rinker to expand an exist- ing mine in Center Hill out; side the city. The workshop will follow a special meeting covering other topics on Monday, Julyl 18, which begins at 7:30 p.m. in the meeting room across from Center Hill City Hall, (352) 793-4431. Commissioner Dick Hof- fman agreed. 'I "I've lost all trust in this company," Hoffman said. "They're going to have to do aF 'lot to convince me that they would be able to fulfill anye obligations they have." d , After the meeting, Chandler said the issue of Rinker's request for expansion hasd been tabled, and it igs unknown when it may be': brought before the commis- sion again. [ u,`.-uVLd 14 SUMTER COUNTY (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ....................... 352-793-2161 Circulation .............................. 1.888.852.2340 Retail Advertising ....................... 352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352-793-2161 Fax .............................................. 352.793.1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by:' Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES I FOR A WHALE OFA DEAL! '4,, 4' .' f -4'. 568-6683 FOR RESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION rt~ maiss. 56S-MOVE (6683) A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE 3, 88 pounds of marijuana seized, four arrested AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer One of the largest marijua- na seizures in the county hap- pened on July 7 and netted authorities 88 pounds of the illegal substance and four arrests. Law enforcement officers with the Sumter Sheriff's Office and Drug Enforce- ment Administration began monitoring a Webster resi- dence on County Road 721 at about 10 a.m. that morning. i They entered the property at noon and detained four men while they awaited a search warrant, then searched the premises and discovered two boxes weigh- ing almost 60 pounds apiece inside a pickup truck in a barn on the property, accord- ing to Lt Bobby Caruthers of the Sumter Sheriff's Office. He said the boxes con- tained a combined total of about 88 pounds of marijuana wrapped in cellophane. "This is one of the largest marijuana seizures Sumter County has ever had. A substantial amount of marijuana was taken before it hit the streets," Caruthers said. He estimated the street value of what was confiscated to be around $80,000. At about 4 p.m. four men were arrested: Emmett Kirby, 58, Mascotte was charged with trafficking marijuana and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Lloyd Joiner, 61, -Webster, was charged with trafficking mar- ijuana, possession of para- phernalia, and possession of Emmit Kirby Emmit Kirby a firearm by a convicted felon. David Henry, 39, and Ricardo Mathison, 39, both of Georgia, were charged with trafficking marijuana. All four were held without bond. Caruthers said upon searching, officers discovered Lloyd Joiner Kirby had a 9mm handgun in his right boot, and Joiner, who is the only of the suspects to live at the residence, had a 357 Magnum on the premises. 'Anytime you have firearms at the location, especially with this amount of drugs, it could very well turn danger- David Henry ous," he said, and that all four were taken into custody with- out incident Caruthers said the two Georgians are suspected to have brought the drugs in, and it was unclear if the intent was to sell the drugs from the home or to distribute Ricardo Mathison elsewhere. As to whether or not there will be more arrests in con- nection with the seizure, he said, "I cannot say where this operation will lead us. We're going to continue to work closely with the DEA." - Poce REPO Wednesday, July 6 i Christopher Munro, 30, center Hill, was arrested for violation of probation. i No bond was set Becky Croom, 18, Bushnell, was arrested for criminal mis- chief. Bond was set at $500. Robert Haagans, 41, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set Leaman Faulk, 48, Bushnell, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Brett Franz, 19, Sumterville, was arrested for driving while license suspended. Bond was set at $500. SLyman Perkins, 47, Coleman, was arrested on Arizona warrants for violation of probation. No bond was set. Aaron Adams, 21, Bushnell, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set Thursday, July 7 Kandes Gjertsen, 21,, Webster, was arrested for battery. Bond was set at $500. ; Marva. Johnson, 46, Wildwood, was arrested for theft, battery and resisting merchant. SBond was set at $6,500. Lloyd Joiner, 61, Webster, was arrested for trafficking in marijuana, possession of paraphernalia and posses- sion of a firearm by a con- victed felon. No bond was set. Friday, July 8 Joy Rhoades, 31, Center Hill, was arrested for child abuse. Bond was set at $5,000. Michelle Putman, 21, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for child neglect. Bond was set at $5,000. David Earles, 25, Webster, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $3,500. Julian Serna, 30, Webster, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Saturday, July 9 William Watson, 50, Sumterville, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set Jacob Cardona, 28, Bushnell, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $25,000. Paul Shultz, 46, Center Hill, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Jose Caneles, 42, Webster, was arrested for non-valid driver's license, tag attached not assigned and no proof of insurance. Bond was set at $300. Domingo Hernando, 23, Center Hill, was arrested for failure to sign-traffic sum- mons, non-valid .driver's license, driving under the, influence and open contain- er. Bond was set at $11,500. Melchou Procopio, 21, Center Hill, was arrested for open container. Bond was set at $500. Christopher Dorsey, 20, Webster, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $4,500. Sunday, July 10 Bonnie Meadows, 28, Webster, was arrested for failure to appear for driving while license suspended. Bond was set at $10,000. Jasmine Lindsey, 18, Wildwood, was arrested for sale of cocaine and posses- sion of cocaine. Bond was set at $25,000. James Schott, 44, Sumterville, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set Cheryl Franz, 44, Sumterville, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Oriel Benitez, 29, Webster, was arrested for driving under the influence with property damage. He was released on his own recognizance. Scott Frechette, 33, Wildwood, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $12,000. MOnday, July 11 Roy Plenge, 54, Bushnell, was arrested for failure to appear. No bond was set Jason Collier, 25, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of .probation. No bond was set. Two police officers, Duane Vaughan (left) and Michael Scofield (right) were hired by the City of Center Hill at a regular meeting on June 5. Shown at center is Chief Roger Odom. Center Hill hires new police officers For the first time since Center Hill's former police chief quit in April, the police department will, be fully staffed with a police chief and two officers. Since the resignation of Center Hill Police Chief Steve Dixon, Roger Odom has acted as an interim, hnd as of last month's city Council Meeting, permanent chief of police. At this month's meeting on June 5, Odom announced two applicants for full-time officer positions and city council members voted to approve the hiring of Duane Vaughan, 32, and 30-year-old Michael Scofield. "I'll be proud to have both of them," Odom told the council. He said Vaughan previously worked for the Bushnell Police Department and Scofield, who he said is a long- time resident of Center Hill, has recently completed his .law enforcement training. Former Police Officer Barry Cannon resigned in June, making both officer positions at the Center Hill Police Department vacant Odom said the police department will be working more on code enforcement and animal control,. and Mayor Ralph Barry reiterated that point after a woman com- plained about an encounter. with an aggressive dog in the: city. City council members and Barry also discussed possible? solutions to a claim by Cannon- that former Police Chief Steve, Dixon promised pay for extra-- hours he worked but didn't, report on his timesheets from: October 2004 to June. Barry. said he didn't "deny or sup- port" the claim for which. Cannon requested a full week's pay. At the end of the meeting, City residents greeted Vaughan and Scofield, wel-- coming them to the police: department. : 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 __ '(Next to Dollar General) w^ 569-0171 [U WHEN BUSINESS CALLS, TAKE THE CALL. FR IF= FAST&FREE. ONLY FROM NEXTEL. 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Fees for state & local programs may apply (vary by area), plus government taxes/fees. Cellular: Free incoming applies to calls received in the U.S. Nationwide Long Distance includes domestic long distance only. Overage ($0.40/min). Partial minutes charged as full minutes. Nights (9pm to 7am). tekends (Fri. 9pm to Mon. 7am). Walkie-Talkle: Nationwide walkie-talkie ($O.lO/mln.) times t of participants. Additional charges: charges may apply and may vary by market, including state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1.397% or 1.55%, in some states a Gross Receipt Recovery fee of 1.4% to 5%, a TRS charge of approx. .07%, and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available In all markets. Other conditions may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. @2005 Nextel Communications Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are service marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 ( 4b SSUMTER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE i881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion / of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ..................... Bob Reichman Publisher .................. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 7I 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell,FL 33513 - Member Florida Press Association Our VOICE !Residents should attend i Center Hill workshop | on mining proposal Tn Sumter County, mining is where city council members big business. With proposed stand on the proposal. expansions and new opera- A special meeting is scheduled 1ions in southern Sumter County, to begin at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, the mining industry is July 18, and the mine Flourishing. With workshop will follow. increasing needs in the The meeting is impor- 3building industry for tant because mining leement and limerock, isn't an issue that mere- Sumter County is seeing 1ly deserves considera- :h flurry of new mining tion by a local board. It requests. requires consideration , One of those requests by the community Vs about to hit the city of involved. Center Hill. Mining proposals A Next week, the Center ,bring with them con- Hill City Council will Bo1B cerns about blasting, consider proposed plans REICHMAN water usage and basi- 3y Sumter Cement call the impact that :Company to build a new such facilities have on :cement plant on more than 1,400 the quality of life in a community. :acres of land partially in the city This workshop meeting will and to the south and east of the actually be the first round ofgath- city. ering information about the pro- SIn preparation, the Center Hill posed facility and a good indica- -City Council has scheduled a tion of how city leaders view it. .workshop meeting that residents In the past, Sumter County has :,should definitely plan to attend. had its issues to contend with . Several city council members involving mining. have already toured a similar There have been complaints cement plant in Suwannee about noise levels, blasting County and now they'll be dis- affects on local homes and wells, ,cussing the possibility of having and water concerns. gone in their backyard. We hope that all these issues, ?, The reason that this meeting is are discussed by the City Council so important is because mining and that this proposal is viewed operations come with a price to with great care and concern. p ay. Too often, residents rely on :. They can have a tremendous their local government bodies to -impact on a community and on. make the right and best deci- the environment. sions. In this case, residents While this workshop meeting would be wise to become will not be open for public coin- involved and learn for them- ment. it should be a good oppor- selves and draw their own con- tunity to glean additional infor- delusions. nationn about the proposed facili- The more input provided on ly and, more importantly, to see this proposal, the better " Your V Hospice thanks those ,who helped raise funds S On behalf of Hospice of Lake and ,.Sumter and its foundation, I want to ,thank all the wonderful people and, organizationss that helped us in recent Jund-raising efforts to support ,Hospice and its many outreach offer- jngs. , The Kiwanis Club of Mount Dora Jield a Prayer Breakfast to raise ;money for our children's bereavement .program. Amber Johnson of Eustis .organized the first-ever Sunlove IFestival in support of both Hospice :and the Leesburg Humane Society. :The Harley Owners' Group 1135 of .Clermont held its second annual M'Hospice Ride, for Angels" to collect .funds for building the Mike, Conley :Hospice House in Clermont. And for -the 14th consecutive year, the -Lakeridge Winery helped to support *Hospice patients and their families 'with funds raised through its annual 'Blessing of the Harvest." The two-county community we .serve recognizes the special benefits 4Hospice is able to provide to patients 'and families facing any kind of life- 'limiting. illness. At the same time, all of us at Hospice staff and volunteers alike know that much of what we are able to do would be impossible with- out the tremendous and ongoing sup- .port given to us by these and so many .bother loving and caring people and VOICE organizations. Thank you so much! , Ted Williams. ExecutiveDirector Hospice Foundation of Lake and Sumter The idea has merit for saving tax money Your editorial spent very little time discussing my niain point and that was to save the Sumter County taxpayers (all of them as in One Sumter) $30,000.000. You may not be concerned about this if you are not a resident of Sumter County, however, this is a very big. long-term expense that could easily be avoided. All of the current county buildings in Bushnell would continue to e fully uti- lized by county employees. In addition we would add two buildings in Bushnell: one building for the sheriff's administra-- tion and an additional pod would be added to the current jail. So you see, I would not be sending all of the county offices north. All of the sheriff's offices, ,the clerk of the circuit, court, the courts and judges, state attor- ney, public defender and the office of guardian ad litem would stay In addi- tion, public housing, public health administration and Sumter County Road and Bridge Department would stay put If you gave this idea a thorough review, you might find it has merit Michael E. Francis, District 3 Board ofSumter county Commissioners "Copy righted Material Synd icate Content Available from Commercial News Providers" I Your VOICE A prayer for a rich and new understanding! "A couple of kids were sitting on a street comer, fishing into a bucket and looking very forlorn. A kindhearted woman came by and gave them a quarter. "How many have you caught today? She asked. "You're the sev-: enth," they told her." Author Unlkonow\n. I pray for our adults to gain a rich and new understanding. Our youth seem to have this rich and new under- standing down to a science. Just as this quote demonstrates, the youth of today are wise to the adults they live with and around and they know we are quick to put money where money does not belong. In this example, the children obvi- ously needed fishing lessons. Since we, adults, are so eager to give money and have indoctrinated our children to accept money, maybe they would not appreciate fishing lessons. Let's discuss the children,' who dis- obey and disrespect their parents all year long and then not worry about. receiving Christmas gifts because there is a program. Not just any gifts, the best that money can buy because we. adults, are and will put money, where money does not belong. It always amazes me when I hear adults complain how disrespectful children seem to be today and they, the adults, are the first ones to donate to providing free food, clothing and toys for children. I am not against this practice and am praying fora rich and new understanding of these programs by the adults. Some children know that these programs are available and they can receive assistance by telling a sob sad story, which may not be true, to the program organizers. These programs are extremely sue- cessful these days because it makes us, the adults, feel good to know we have helped a young child. And, we should feel good knowing that we have helped a child. Unfortunately, and without the knowledge of know- ing, our good deed can and does work against the parent's control, rules and discipline efforts. Ipray for a rich and new understanding. Hello Somebody! If we, adults. put as much into local youth organiza- tion's or church youth programs that we put into the cost of a new gift, maybe our good deeds would be more appreciated by many more. Try the parents, the community as a whole, when our children began to learn and demonstrate the qualities and skills needed to contribute to the future. We have many free food, cloth- ing and gift programs and little, if any, youth centers. In 2005, our local youth. are still being hassled by the local police for congregating in the local shopping center parking lot Why? Because they don't have many other options and they have new gifts they want to show off. I pray for a rich and new understanding. As a response to one of my previous printed letters to the editor, a parent faxed: "Ms. Steele. It made me very happy when I read your ad in the newspaper. I've been a Sumter County resident for the last four years and coming from Lake County area, I just have not been pleased with the lackof activity for our youth. I am very curi- ous as to the response you are getting and if there are any plans to correct this problem. I have a 15-year-old who is very frustrated because he can't find a job. During the summer there's not much activity going on -either. Some parents are required to work long hours or odd hours should I say and aren't always home when the kids are. It would be nice if we could have programs benefit both child and fami- ly. Our children are our future and wo only get out ofthem what has been put in." BeverlySteeld, CEO of The Steele Organizatioi. Is there a traitor in our midst? Freedom has been earned and is continuously being re-won with the blood of brave men and women. The flag of the United States of America stands for liberty and justice and must be protected from, the despots; the oppressors. At this moment, the Senate iJs mulling .over the, viability ,of, Constitutional Amendment protecting our flag. The Democratic Party spear- headed by junior senator from New York. Mrs. Clinton, and senior senator from Massachusetts, Mr. Kennedy, strongly oppose the Grande Ole Flag amendment with the usual lame excuses ... be sensitive to the tyrants' The Democrats have made many, many mistakes. The House of Representatives passed the proposed Constitutional amendment ... House Resolution #336 on June 22. 2005 by 286 for and 130 against The bill is now before the Senate. SJ Resolution #12. Contact: Senator Mel Martinez at 202-224-3041, Senator Bill Nelson at ,202-224-5274, Senator Bob Graham at 202-224-3041, Senator Hillary Clinton at 202-224-4451, Senator Ted KennedY at 202-224-4542. Vote yea on SJ Resolution #12 . protect the Flag of the Home of the Brave. RuthieKelly The Villageq .ATE4 New law makes winners of those with low assets Q questions concerning our new Medicare prescription drug law 'are pouring into my e-mail, and y postal mail service, as if it were the beginning of the monsoon season, or at least a good summer Mississippi rain. .i So let us briefly answer ' some of these most impor- tant questions, from week .to week . What are considered countable assets and income, and who will. be tested? Income and asset testing -- will be used for the first D time for beneficiaries of Roi the 40-year-old program. Asset testing of all types will be included within the new law. Whether one is wealthy or poor, all Medicare beneficiaries will be accountable and will have to acknowl- edge their assets for both Part B (com- monly known as Doctors or Medical insurance) and Part D (the' prescrip- tion drug part of the new law). Well-to-do beneficiaries will be test- ed based on their income and this will ultimately determine their monthly Part B premium.. Both income and asset testing will be used to determine whether or not' you will have to pay for Part D, or at least receive a partial discount. Beneficiaries with an income of less than $12,920 a year and assets of no more than $6,000, and couples with an income of less than $17,321 per. year with assets of no more than $9,000 are the only winners of this new law. They will not pay any premi- um or deductibles. At the present time, they are scheduled to. pay only $2 for generic and $5 for brand name drugs per monthly supply. Beneficiaries with' incomes below $14,355 per year and assets of less than' $10,000, or couples with income of less than $19,245 per year and assets of no More than $20,000 will pay based on a sliding scale. It N includes a maximum pre- HAN mium of $37 per month HAN and an annual deductible of $50 per year. They also would have to pay a maxi- mum percentage of 15 percent above their deductible up to a maximum drug cost of $5,100, in addition to co- payments from $2 to $5. Remember, 'this is a sliding scale. This is the best benefit of the new law, and perhaps this is where it should have stopped. After all, who can live on 13 grand per year, or, for that matter, a couple that is "surviving" at the highest income level. of $9,700 per year per person? The government's figure of what they consider poverty is ridicu- lous. Allow us to ask that if one of these married beneficiaries should pass away and that the survivor is totally dependent upon Social Security (yes, Social Security is countable as income), what is the amount that the survivor will receive? Income: All income including Social Security is countable. Assets: Beneficiaries' income cash, stocks,' bonds, bank accounts; retirement accounts, rental property Social Security and all life insurance policies with a face value more thari $1,500. Non-countable: Income of othet dependents in your home, not. your spouse, your primary home, personal automobile, burial space, personal items (personal jewelry and home fur- nishings) and funeral expenses up to .$1,500. This administration's hallucinatio4i of what is and what's not poverty borf ders on collective lunacy. The continued division of wealth within this nation is a national disk grace. The economic caste system of this nation will become its downfall. , By the way, what is the middle class? I don't believe it exists any longer. I personally don't even know where the working-poor or middle class starts and ends. I do know a lot of wealthy people (no, not this writer); however, I'm not sure if they even care. I do not see it oi read it in the daily routine of my day: to-day existence. Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week Send questions and comments t4 "Senior Advocate," 1624 N; Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FI 34429 or e-mail: danrohan@atlantic.net ; n The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although or \phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. SeniorADVO( II FIRP SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE 5 Guardian ad Litem: giving S A I o l a voice t( Practically every day, we Hear about a child who has been neglected, abandoned, or abused. We learn about their stories, and we sigh with relief that the person ,responsible has been found tout, the situation has been hanged and the child has een taken out of that bad home or family situation. But the child's hopeful journey to a safe and happy (home doesn't stop there; it's just the beginning. Now the child is in protective custody. The legal terms do little to invoke thoughts of what actu- ally happens when a child is ,taken away from home. Once children are removed from their homes, whether from Natural parents, a foster home, or other relative, an often long and trying judicial process begins. Then a struggle of interests His acted out in court, and the jState Department of ;Children and Families and Regal guardian have their kown legal council, but. the child really has no legal rep- resentation of his or her own. Local Guardians ad Litem, literally "guardians for the case," volunteers within the .Fifth Judicial Circuit Court, ,offer their services to help these children in need of support Their sole purpose is to fight for the best inter- 'ests of the children they rep- resent " They can come from many 'different backgrounds, and don't need legal experience. All that's required is a clean .background, completion of a 30-hour training course, and a desire to help. Besides serving as a 'spokesperson in court for a child, Guardians gather information, develop recom- mendations to present in 'court, attempt to make the %ourt process as swift as pos- sible, and ensure that court 'orders are carried out. ' Kate Busby, case coordina- 'tor of Sumter Guardian ad *Litem, said the program is in r ' ) chiaren in court great need of volunteers. "They're really the back- bone of the program," she said. The Sumter office, former- ly located in a tiny room in the judicial building at the courthouse, has moved to Suite One at 218 North Florida in Bushnell, and is made up of an attorney, case coordinator, office manager, and part-time staff advocate. They and children in these legal conflicts depend on vol- unteers to advocate for chil- dren. Sumter's Guardian Ad Litem program is in need of volunteers. For information, call the Bushnell office at (352) 568-6626. Currently there are 43 active volunteers, with 111 children in need of their assistance, and the numbers of children are increasing. Even though the State Department of Children and Families has its own case- workers who investigate these family and home situa- tions, DCF and Guardian ad Litem do not always share the same goal. Busby said the aim of the DCF is to reunite families, which isn't always in the best interest of the child. "Sometimes there are situ- ations where parents are never going to be good par- ents," Busby said. "That's the sad part." "Many times (Guardian Ad Litem and DCF) will end up on opposite sides of a case," she said. "It's a really frag- mented system, but we're all trying to make it better." In addition to what Guardians do for children in court cases, they often help just by being a consistent, Sumter's Guardian Ad Litem program assists children involved in dependency court proceedings. From left to right are: Office Manager Celeste Gregoire, Case Coordinator Kate Busby, Staff Advocate Carol Tropea, and Attorney Courtney Durham (seated). familiar face. Guardians can also visit with the children and accompany them with visits to family. Busby said visits with family during this time are often not' frequent enough, so Guardians play an important role in a child's court process. During exit interviews at the end of court cases, chil- dren are asked about their experience. "Many times they will say 'the best thing was. my Guardian ad Litem,"' Busby said. That's what the Guardian Ad Litem program is all about: Knowing the children and their individual situa- tions, doing the research, and then determining what their best interests are and striv- ing for the best outcome through the court process. Sumter's Guardian Ad Litem program is in need of volunteers. For information, call the Bushnell office at (352) 568-6626. Even if you can't volunteer, there's another way to sup- port the program. A special fund-raising event is being scheduled in September to help assist with the program's needs. Program supporter Frank Arenas, owner of the FreeFlight Airport in Coleman, is in the process of organizing a Sept. 17 event at the airport to help provide funding for the program. Currently, Arenas is hoping that local business owners will participate in the event by donat ing a variety of items that can be raffled off during the event Arenas has said he's hop- ing to raise about $10,000 for the Guardian Ad Litem pro- gram. All donations are tax deductible as charitable donations. For more information, con- tact Arenas at 793-5439 or e- mail him at: freeflight@cfl.rr.com. * 100% Financing Av * Land Home Packages * Weak Or Slow Credit * Retirement Communit * Subdivisions We can put you in a new 3 bedroom I home with 0 down & R payments with land & homes for 700 to 750 B per month total! Call Today or Come In. ailable Open Land We Have It All! F.H.A. V.A. Biweekly Conventional Fannie Mae We Can Do Home Only... Your Land Or Ours ies Ask About Our 7- 10 Year "Full Warranty Program" A Magnificent 3 bedroom- 3 bath 1590 Sq. ft. home. Your land or ours. 1: Al w SONNY & /G Buy Today and Save THOUSANDS Includes delivertj down &. anchor, st code, A/C & he installation 44 X 2Z' W, 2 B A ITH CaO(<) 6 CAk M r 6o- ff / ALS4AVARJA t ~.tie ,A A% m eps to at A LOAED Driving 4 !S52) Directions: 441 s: u./^ North or South to 19 Hwy 19 S. towards -73 l.--(S Howey in the Hills. ( 43 One & a half re^I blocks to Prestige in Q cm .Homes. Look for - the big log home TAREc 441 in front. MouUnDS Prest ilge Home Centers, Inc. (800)335-4395 (35? 575 N.. Duncan Drive, p. -1 6 I Z)343-2241 Tavares i PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 Cuh/rh CALENDAR Share Christ with Hokkien people Come hear what one cou- ple is doing to share Christ with the Hokkien people of Taiwan. Dan and Mary Agnes Minnich will speak at the morning service of the First Baptist Church of Bushnell on Sunday, July 17. The serv- ice starts at 10:30. If you wish to have lunch with the Minniches after the service, call the church office at 793-4612 for reservations and more information. Study and Worship times to change First United Methodist Church announces a change in their study and worship times for the months of June through August of 2005. Beginning June 5, the Sunday school will begin at 9 a.m. Morning worship will follow at 10 am. The Cub Scouts will contin- ue to meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. and the Wednesday evening Disciples' Dialogue will maintain its 6:30 p.m. program. If you have questions or need directions, please call the church office Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m., until noon at 352-793-3221. Celebrate 123rd Church anniversary. You're invited to worship with the Mt Olive Church family at 133 N.W. 10th Avenue in Webster on Sunday, July 24, at our 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. services. Pastor Moses Javis will deliver our 11 a,m. message, and Pastor Gary Oldham of the New Birth Community Church of Jacksonville, will deliver our 4 p.m. message. Come and bring a friend. Vacation Bible school Come and enjoy the fun at the Circle G Ranch where God is at the center and the love never ends. Be a part of the adventure at the Circle G. Ranch Vacation Bible School at Lake Panasoffkee United Met-hodist Church, July 25 to 'July 29, from 6 to 8 p.m. Come and ask, seek and knock on the door to a deep- er relationship with God. Each adventure is filled with a powerful 'Bible story and fun crafts, games and music, and much more. Lasso some fun with your friends at the Circle G Ranch. For information, call 793- 3438. Southern Gospel Sing at First Baptist Southern Gospel Sing will be held at the First Baptist Church of Webster, featuring Mary Rogers Oakley with Reverend Sinis Oakley and family. Also featuring Reverend Ray Greagrey and The Mustard Seed Band. The Sing will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m. on July 30. Please join us in this singing celebration. For more information, call 352-793-3738. The Messengers at First Baptist First Baptist Church of Linden presents "The Messengers" in Concert on Saturday, July 30, at 7 p.m. Free school supplies Get your year off to a great start with the ."3rd Annual Back To School Fair" to be held Saturday, Aug. 5, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be free school supplies, food and games. This event will take place at For more information, call the Wildwood United the church office at 793-3221. Methodist Church, 200 Mason Family Street, Wildwood. For more information call caregiving 748-1275. On the first and third Back to Wednesday each month the Back Lake Panasoffkee United School Fair Methodist Church will be There will be a Back to hosting a Family Caregiver School Fair on Saturday, Aug. Support Group at 1 p.m. All 6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. are invited. School supplies, food, fun For more information, call games, all free. the church office at 352-793- This event will take place at 3438. the Wildwood United Alzheimer Methodist Church, 300 Mason Street From U.S. 301, turn at King's Theater. Church is three blocks down on the left. For more information, call 352-748-1275. Newspaper Recycling Bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use pro- ceeds from recycled newspa- pers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is for newspapers only. care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Met- hodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver sup- port group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438. Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further infor- mation please call 352-793- 7720 or 352-569-0183. I M Sumter OBUARIES m Douglas Jones, 52 Douglas Byrn Jones, 52, of Old Town, died Wednesday, July 6, 2005, at his home. He moved to Old Town from Bushnell 20 years ago. Mr. Jones was a member of the Moose Lodge in, Fanning Springs. Survivors include his mother, Ernestine and step- dad Johnnie Duffer of Bushnell; lifetime companion, Barbara Cypert Jones of Old Town; three stepsons, James Bate of West Virginia, William Bate of Chiefland, Ronald Blewitt of Old Town; one step- daughter, Keri McAndrew of Old Town; sister, Sandra Woodard of Bushnell; and four grandchildren, Michael,. Patrick and Seamus McAndrew and Savanah Bate. Rick Gooding Funeral Home in Cross City, U.S. Hwy. 19, han- dled the arrangements. Arless L. Meahl, 70, "Arless L. "-Cowboy" Meahl,, 70, of Phenix City, Ala., died Monday, June 20, 2005, at the Medical Center in Columbus, Ga. He was born Oct. 17, 1934 in Paducah, Ky., to the late Arless L. Meahl Sr. and Katherine Mauguerite Holt Meahl. Mr. Meahi was a corpo- ral with the U.S. Marine Corp during the Korean Conflict He was also a retired pipefit- ter with Steamfitters Local 353 in Peoria, Ill. He was a mem- ber of the Steamfitters Local 353 in Peoria, VFW Lifetime member, and a 32-Degree Mason. He enrjo.ved farming, piloting, gardening and bird watching. He was preceded in death by his wife, Patricia Allaman Meahl of Phenix City; daughter, Crisa M. McCarty of Columbus, Ga.; and one grand- child. Funeral services will be held at a later date, according to McMullen Funeral Home, 3874 Gentian Blvd., Columbus, Ga. Joey Scheibler II, 52, Joey Scheibler II, 52,, of Bushnell, died Saturday, July 9, 2005, in Bushnell. A native of Hackensack. N.J., he grew up in Park Ridge, N.J., and moved here in 2004 from Park Ridge. Mr. Scheibler graduated from Park Ridge High School in 1971 and was a flight .engineer in the aviation field. He served in thle United States Air Force and was a consultant for Gulfstream Aviation. He was Dutch Reform. Survivors include his wife, Lia S. DeSimone, of Bushnell; par- ents, Joseph and Daphne Scheibler; brother, James Scheibler; and sister, Patricia Scheibler. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. SRC ELL .1960 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell L Owner John D. Purcell Founder I 793-4531 ."A Chosen Generation" JULY 20 22, 2005 7:30 PM \sand %ORS-'P Rev. Jermaine Johnson Youth Pastor % w ay Prate & WNA# eeener, Mmiwai, 1 & Youth Ministry AIN'T NO PARTY . DA&cE and W IW- LIKE A HOLy At G SPARTyP ' St. James Baptist Church ... 421 S. Lincoln Street Bushnell, FL R. ev. .Danny McKenzie, Pastor There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study, Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in' Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to take place weekly. Groceries will be distrib-: uted every Thursday from. 10, a.m. to noon and available on a first come first served basis. One visit per family each' month.. Any questions please call the church office at 352-793- 1600 and ask for Ron. IA 4M. IM IP I & 1014 d d4 1 EIRWOPICNE ICIJ SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE 7 Grace NOT ES Pants of grace fit everyone or the past 14 years, my friend Lorrie Bridges in California has held the title of Keeper of the Red Wool Pants. They originally belonged to Raquel Diaz, who got them at a thrift store or yard sale. They're gorgeous a rich red, not like stop sign red, but more like a fine red wine, 100 percent wool, fully lined. - Raquel is tall and medium build, and I am short. Even so, NA the pants fit us KEN both, which was always a mystery to us. Although I hardly ever wear red, I wore these pants. It was cold where we lived, right on the Monterey Bay. Then when we moved to Florida, where it's rarely cold enough for wool pants, I gave them to Lorrie. It's like the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants," only for middle-aged women. Of all my friends in California, Lorrie is the one I've kept in contact with most regularly. A few weeks ago, she and her family came to Orlando on vacation, so I went to see her. (Although I forgot to ask her about the red pants.) As we caught up on news from back home, Lorrie told me that she's been thinking about writing a book on par- enting, but she doesn't think her story is valid. First of all, she grew up in a happy family and has loved the Lord all her life. She once told me a funny story about singing in church when she was little. Everyone would be singing, "And we sing glory, glory, glory to the Lord," but she thought they were singing about her "Lorrie, Lorrie, NI Lorrie to the Lord." She grew up happy, and then she married a good man who also loved the Lord. They used to lead worship together in church for prob- ably 20 years. They're still mar- ried; she's still happy They've raised three children, all who have excelled academically and S athletically.They're decent and well- adjusted. No drugs, 4' W no drinking, no ICY promiscuity.. The LEDY kids love going to ---- church. They love to be with their par- ents. A few years ago, Lorrie's husband broke his neck riding his bicycle he's a triathlete but he's recovered now. Lorrie has some health prob- lems, but her eyes still sparkle when she laughs. For years, other parents have come to her for her par- enting "secrets." Why have her kids turned out so well? She said nothing she does is secret. She follows the Bible and uses common sense. Still, she said, she could list about a dozen questions she's asked most often and the answers she gives. I told her that's a book right there. Each ques- tion could be a chapter. But beyond a book's struc- ture, Lorrie's afraid that her story isn't valid. She said sometimes people laugh and call them the "Stepford" fami- ly, as if doing well is somehow not normal or not a valid testi- mony of God's grace. "Who would listen to what I have to say?" she asked, as if her family's wellness and, wholeness and functionality- are somehow a handicap. But is that true? Sure, dysfunctions and messes and mistakes and how God rescues and redeems make compelling stories - great drama. Everyone likes to hear ashes to diamonds sto- ries. People like to hear sto- ries from those who have it worse than themselves. It's comforting to know you're not the only screw up out there. But what about those who do things right? What about those who follow God's laws and commands with delight, not grumbling and who reap the benefits of living right? Why should they be dis- qualified or be made to think their lives don't reflect reali- ty? A few weeks ago, I men- tioned my youngest daughter once bemoaning not having an interesting testimony. "What am I going say that I've been to church every Sunday since I was 2 weeks old and a Christian since I was 3?" she asked. I told her that that's a good testimony. That, too, is a testi- mony of God's grace. Grace fits everyone's story. It's not just for the lawless, but also for the law-abiding, not just for the hedonist, but the self-controlled and temperate as well. It's a little bit like the red wool pants that fit the tall Raquel, the not-at-all-tall me and the medium-tall Lorrie. Different body types, same pants. Different life stories, same grace. It's really quite amazing. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria - I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough" and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 1-352-563-5660, Monday through Thursday, or via e- mail at: rikennedy@sctnews.com. 'End of Life' forum at Church on Square "End of Life" issues will be discussed by a panel of five professionals at Church on the Square on Tuesday, July 1.9. from 7topm. . Advanced medical technolo- gies will be the topic for Dr. Fredric M. Davis; Attorney Eric Millhorn will discuss legal aspects; Julia Allen, Comin i n i ty Relations manager for Hospice will discuss the philosophy of Hospice; Lesley McMillen, Public Education coordinator for TransLife, will discuss organ donation; and the Rev. Dr. C.W (Bill) Wealand will discuss options for servic-, For nbformation, please call Bill Wealand at 352-751-6273. Penny and John Furphy cut the ribbon at the Grand Opening of Curves in Wildwood. Curves has grand opening ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Penny Furphy loves to give and opening a Curves in Wildwood is her latest endeavor to give to the com- munity. The grand opening was held on July 5. A nurse for the past 41 years, Furphy has been the school nurse for Wildwood Middle and High schools for the last four years. Furphy launched the busi- ness because The Villages res- idents saw a need in the area for a place for women to go for their health. The exercise machines are designed specifically for women for optimum cardio- vascular toning. Already with more than 100 appointments set, Furphy said that walk-ins are welcome between noon and 4 p.m. Curves is currently working on extending its hours to accommodate both working and stay at home mothers' busy schedules. "I think women need to take some time for themselves, 30 minutes, three times a week, in a place that gives you a sense of family is a nice way to do it." Said Firphy. The machines are in a cir- cle in the center of the room with wall charts and a video that helps with instructions on usage of the machines. A CD player tells you when to switch to the next machine and wall charts tell you how to find your optimum heart rate. Bottled water is also avail- able to patrons with proceeds benefiting multiple sclerosis research. Furphy is also the business donor chair for the MS Walk scheduled for Nov. 5, this year. C and M Paper Supply celebrates new home ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Chris and Melanie Maggio have moved again. Their business growing so rapidly they outgrew their last location on U.S. 301 in only a year. This past weekend the Maggios held a grand opening buffet to celebrate their new location just off State Road 44 east of Wildwood on Monaco Way .. ", Beginning tive years ago as -a commercial cleaning serv-, ice, the Maggios saw a need in the area for more and added to their business. In addition to the commer- cial cleaning, C and M Paper Supply also carries a large variety of janitorial supplies both residential and commer- cial including hospital grade cleaners, paper products such as food service containers and packaging. If you have a coffee bar in your office, Chris and Melanie can keep you supplied. -,"We carry man\ name- brand products and can't dis- play everything we handle in the showroom and we provide free delivery to its business customers," said Chris Maggio. The expansion also allows the Maggios to provide a new service of selling to the gener- al public at wholesale prices by the case or a single item. C and M Paper Supply plans on making the buffet an annu- al event for customer appreci- ation. A grand opening ceremony is planned for July 1f at 1p.m. after the Surnter Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Amaaricafs S hortfTrack TimberRidge: Full-service emergency care. Munroe Regional excellence. W "hen time matters most, TimberRidge is there-with the same high-quality emergency care you receive at Munroe Regional. This full-service, free-standing, emergency center is staffed by a team of board-certified emergency medical specialists, available every day, around the clock. And because of our convenient location, there is almost no wait time for treatment. To learn more about TimberRidge emergency care, plus our lab, radiology, pre-admission testing and imaging center services, visit us at www.MunroeRegional.com or call (352) 351-7500. Across from WaJ-Marr on Hwy. 200, near the intersection of Hw:. 484 -!EAS V?.- - -I FIRST CRASH-A-RAMA JULY 16 A spectacular spectacle of racing! Figure 8 school bus race, sidecar race, flag pole race, reverse race, blind fold race, boat trailer race, 2 demolition races (V8 demolition and 4 & 8 cylinder demolition) wall of steel race and a roll over race! Come for a Night of Exciting Races Starting at 6 p.m. 352-622-9400 www.ocalaspeedway.com #6Suda, ul 3 alo ord-amusreorig Aris East of 1-75 on SR 326, then north on 25A (old Gainesville Rd.) PAGE 8, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 School grades are in for Sumter BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Thanks to the FCAT, Florida schools are just as responsible for making the grade as their students. The FCAT is a comprehensive test that assesses a student's com- prehension and learning level. The student test results are used to determine how each school is performing when it comes to education. This year's school grades were released in early sum- mer and Sumter County's grades ranged from five A schools, to one D school and everything in between, according to Sumter School Supt Rick Shirley. Lake Panasoffkee Elementary, Bushnell Elementary School and South Sumter Middle School earned A's, along with the Villages charter middle and elemen- tary schools. Wildwood High School came in with a D, the Villages High School received a B and the remaining Sumter County schools earned C grad- ings. For Lake Panasoffkee and Principal Bill Donahue, it's the fifth year in a row to bring in an A grade. Assistant Principal Colleen Strickland that one of the things they do as a school is focus on giving students time on tasks. For example, the transition time of moving from one subject to another or one class to another is cut down, allowing children more time working in the class- room. And the teachers are data driven, she said, noting that they scrutinize the previous year's FCAT scores and areas where work is needed. They rely on Success lab reports and Accelerated Reader reports that help them tailor the instructional needs of each student. The computer-assisted instruction is Success Maker lab. Students are tested on the computer and teachers get results on how they placed. The teacher can put in a tar- get of where he or she would like the student to be by the time FCAT testing takes place and the computer creates a schedule of how many times that student needs to work on that subject and how many times they need to come to computer lab before testing. It also provides information on the student that teachers can share with parents and areas that need work. The school has an open library, which means students can go in any time ofday. They also rely on the Accelerated Reader program, monitoring student's comprehension in reading. Strickland said they set a goal of 85-percent reading comprehension and the stu- dents met the goal, with 88percent. They had more than 55,000 AR points, which means an average of about 100 points per student "It's outstanding," she said, adding that she bases her comment on interviewing people from different parts of the state and comparing. While Wildwood has the D, Shirley notes there were some variables. He said their numerical score was actually a C, but because the students in the lowest quartile of read- ing maintained their reading scores and stayed level, rather than actually improv- ing, the grade dropped to a D. "If you don't make improve- ments, you drop a letter grade," no matter what, he said. "The high schools are the toughest, statewide," he said, pointing out that the number of D high schools has increased dramatically. It's the first year that the lowest quartile had to make bigger gains. And yet, even with a D school and more challenges, scores have improved, Shirley said. "Scores have improved although the challenge is more difficult" . Special education students and students with primary languages other than English were also counted for the first time this year. In the past they were excluded from scoring. So now any student, unless their Individual Education Plan dictates otherwise, is tested and their score is counted. ,"Even with that our scores went up."- So although meeting the cri- teria is becoming more chal- lenging, they continue to improve. "Our ,scores are better, I think we're on track where we ought to be," he said. As for things they'll do to work on improving, he said they'll add a reading coach an extra reading teacher, smaller class sizes and more. "We've never had five A's before, so that's a good sign," Shirley said.. ..-: .. "However C's are just kind of average," and "That's not our goal," he said. The effort to improve grades involves computer labs, Title One resources, after-school programs and reading coaches at all the sec- ondary schools. And while the high school grades aren't as good. the ele- mentary schools seem to high- er. not just locally, but statewide. Shirley wants Sumter's increases and improvements to be better than the statewide scores. As for the challenges of focusing teaching efforts on the FCAT through the year, Shirley said. "Whether you agree with it or not the Department of Education and Please see GRADES, Page 12 SECO is sending 32 personnel to EREC including mechanics, line technicians, service technicians, supervisors, etc. I SECO sends help to the Panhandle Sumter Electric Cooperative (SECO) is sending a large con- tingent of men and materials to assist Escambia River Electric Cooperative .(EREC) in Florida's Panhandle. Escambia County was hit hard by Hurricane Dennis and all of EREC's customers were without power as of Monday morning. In all, SECO is sending 32 personnel to EREC including; mechanics, line technicians, service technicians, supervi- sors, etc. Equipment being sent includes bucket trucks. material handler trucks, ATV's, boats, digger derrick trucks (to set poles) and more. Barry Bowman, SECO director of public affairs, said, "The electric system in Escambia County has been extremely hard Reports from the area indicate that the co-op there has lost power to all of its customers and we are moving very quickly to get a major contingent of men, equipment and material upl to the area to bring much needed relief to those folks." ; Bowman noted that, in the co-op world, it is common for co-ops unaffected by storms to rally to the cause of those who have suffered severe damage to their systems. s '"We know that we can count on assistance from other co . ops when we have a major storm in our area and they know they can count on us. This shai-ing of resources benefits everyone and we cer- tainly saw that during Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne last year," he said. 3 SECOQ serves over 141,000 member/customers and their families in Marion. Citrus, Lake, Sumter, Levy, Hernando ands Pasco counties. > SECO wins two APEX communications awards .f Sumter Electric Cooper- ative (SECO) has won two major prizes in the highly competitive APEX 2005 national communications awards program. SECO took an APEX Grand Award for its very useful and attractive Home Energy Management Guide and an APEX Award of Excellence for its public Web site. According to John De' Lellis, Editor and Publisher ofCommunications Concepts in Virginia, there were near- ly 5,000 entries in the APEX 2005.program and the "com- .... .' :"i . L ? . petition was exceptionally intense." SECO's entries were up against a variety of national and regional corporations, associations and institutions of higher education such as Publix Supermarkets, National Association of State Farm Agents, Washington International School, etc. SECO Director of Public Affairs Barry Bowman said, "The best thing about these awards is that they let us, know that we are producing high quality communications products for our member/customers and they allow us to measure our efforts against very strong national competition. "Our Home Energy Management Guide is avail- able free of charge to any of our customers and within its 20 colorful pages is a wealth of information on how to bet- ter manage energy consump- tion in the home. You can get one at any SECO office or read it on-line on the Co-op's Web site. Speaking of the Web site, the Award of Excellence it won this year is a tribute to the& wide range of information about the Co-op, its programs' and initiatives that the site' makes available to anyone with computer access. ' Just about anything you'dI like to know about SECO can be found at www.secoener- gycom," Bowman concluded.- SECO serves over 141,000 member/custoniers and their, families in Marion. Lake,, Sumter: Citrus, Levy, Pasco. and Hernando counties.. To learn more. about Sumter Electric Cooperative visit vwww.secoenergy.com. *. S, .. 7 -. :: '".- : ,.'-.. go:S -- II- -1. 1 1- - Combine services from Sprint and save. DAY OR NIGHT: PET SURGERY, CHRONIC OR MAJOR ILLNESS, 2ND OPINIONS OR SMALL ANIMAL EMERGENCIES, ORTHOPEDICS CANCER THERAPY GENERAL SURGERY ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS CARDIAC CARE INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICAL REHAB URGENT CARE CALL FOR INFO: 352.429.7707 l5 ] Tn~i m m in 4-Sprini * Sprint high-speed Internet with EarthLink offers free tools like spamBlocker, Virus, Blocker and Pop-up Blockers for full protection while you surf like the wind. * DISH Network Satellite TV from Sprint, for all of our popular channels. * Reliable and inexpensive unlimited local and nationwide long-distance calling. * One provider you can trust, one point of contact. Call 1-877-Sprint-2. Click sprint.com/local. Come by a Sprint Store. STORE LOCATIONS U - ALTAMONTE SPRINGS On the corner of State Riads 4 43ind 4 6 KISSIMMEE On the Corner of Michigan and Vine St. OCALA At SW College Rd. an8 SW 4th Ave. CLERMONT Citrus Tower Village-At the corner of Hwy. 27 and Citrus Tower, Blvd. MAITLAND 248 N. 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Some services included in previous calling plansinay not be included when converting tohew limited long-distance plan. Contact Sprint for details. High-speed Internet: Taxes and surcharges are additional and a8rebased on standard monthly rate:Rate applies to 1.5 Mbps speed, whic lis not available in all areas. $49.99 activation fee will apply. Sprint high-speed Internet: A fee of $99 will be charged for early termination. Actual performance may vary due to conditions outside of Sprints network control. These conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of Web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Additional restrictions may apply. DISH Network: Restrictions apply to DISH Network Satellite TV offer. Offer is available in the continental United States. Must be a new, first-time DISH Network residential customer. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite LL.C. All rights reserved 2005 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint, the diamond logo design, Sprint Solutions are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite LL.C. All rights reserved. Woodmen of the World JLWOODMEN Omaha Woodmen j W_ Life Insurance Society MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. Sprint high-speed V, ]eed Internet DISH NetworVl SatelliteTV Unlimited local and nationwide long- distance calling all for under $107' P month Flljjll-bpt:UU IIILCFllt:L %3C[LCIIILt:: I V L.UIUQI LX IMOLIUIIVVIUIU L-Ull!j I Hinh--,nppri lntprnpt Satellite TV Unlimited Local & Nationwide Lona Distance m m m m SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE 9 Summer County has delegates at 4-H Legislature The Florida 4-H Legislature convened June 28 to July 1, with 250 teen members, sworn into the 4-H House and Senate lby Lieutenant Governor Toni Jennings. The first item of busi- ness was to pass a joint resolu- 'don recognizing Florida's mili- lary men and women for their service, dedication and protec- ion of our communities through Homeland Security. This will mark only the second jbint resolution enacted by the 4-H Legislature. ! Now in its 33rd year, the 4-H Legislature program brings youth in direct contact with leg- islators and lobbyists. It is the Only 4-H program of its kind in the United States. Conducting business with an acting gover- ior, lieutenant governor and cabinet and with both a House and Senate in session, 4-H leg- islators, lobbyists and reporters will debate a variety of issues and learn how govern- ment works. "The legislature program perpetuates youth learning in civic engagement, specifically legislative and government processes and the leadership skills to make community deci- sions regarding public policy," said Marilyn Lesmeister, state 4-H volunteer development specialist and one of the adults advising the youth-driven event. Following Tuesday's opening session, 4-H legislators broke into committee meetings before debating the bills on Wednesday and Thursday. Bills successful in both chambers were signed or vetoed by Allison Campbell of Lee County, the elected "4-H gover- nor" for the 2005 4-H legislative session. The 4-H legislative bills are intentionally controversial and some may be surprised to learn not all the bills relate to agri- culture. While the agriculture committee's roster of bills includes topics such as taxing exotic flora imported to the U.S.; prohibiting water transfer from North or Central to South Florida, and permitting com- mercial gill net casting along Florida's coast, 4-H legislators and lobbyists will also discuss allowing high school students to possess over-the-counter medications, prohibiting any- one except emergency person- nel to remain in evacuated areas, banning chewing tobac- co, permitting stem cell research, and permitting fami- ly members to remove life sup- port. - "Kids can make a differ- ence," said Campbell. 'Activities like this help youth realize how much influence we can have on our government. Head Reporter Jessica White, from Sumter County, was up early and to bed later to make sure her media group cover every breaking detail. Reporters spent long hours interviewing lobbyists, legisla- tive delegates and government officials getting all the facts. According to Martha, B. Maddox, 4-H/FCS Agent from Sumter County, 4-H Legislature bills are designed to promote debate that simulates real leg- islative experience. "The 4-H lobbyists and legis- lators are not expected to rep- resent their own values or views, just practice communi- cation skills, negotiation and critical thinking," says Maddox. 4-H Representative Tiffany Maddox from Sumter County believes the 4-H Legislature program helps youth develop a better understanding of how our government operates, helps develop self-confidence, and improves their public speaking skills. "It is vital that youth of today know the government process and how they can get involved to make a difference," said Maddox. Maddox also served on the House Agriculture Committee. 4-H Senator Travis Collier from Sumter County served on the Health and Safety Committee. Collier believes 4- H Legislature is a great experi- ence because it opens the door to experience you can use throughout your lifetime. "It provides youth with a learning experience that teaches them how our government operates and introduces them to govern- ment officials," said Collier. This is Colliers' third year to attend 4-H Legislature. The co-ed hands-on experi- ence in how government works is organized by University of Florida, IFAS 4-H. A youth organizing committee has worked steadily on bills and logistics with UF advisors since September 2004. Youth play key roles through- out the event, helping with reg- istration, running meetings, leading charges to kill or sup- port bills and setting up an experimental "Green" and "Gold" two-party system. Throughout the planning, bill writing, and debates, organizers say teens are learn- ing to be engaged citizens. Marilyn Norman, state 4-H leader, said many "4-H Legislators" take their respon- sibilities as citizens to vote seriously and some go on to careers in government A Florida 4-H Legislature program alumnus, U.S. Congressman Adam Putnam, joined this year's delegation via teleconference to share his experiences and how the pro- gram contributed to his suc- cessful political career. Individuals attending 4-H Legislature from Sumter County included: Jessica White, Tiffany Maddox, Travis Collier and Martha B. Maddox, 4-H/FCS Agent. The 4-H Youth Development Program is part of IFAS and the cooperative Extension Service at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Last year, 4-H worked with more than 218,000 youth ages 5- i8 in Florida's 67 counties and five Seminole Tribes reserva- tions in South Florida. For more information about 4-H, contact the Sumter County Extension Office at 352-793- 2728. Business donation equals free mammograms Micki Blackburn Realty and Thomas E. Langley Medical Center jointly announced the availability of a new program for residents of Sumter County. As a cancer survivor, Micki Blackburn believes in the importance of early detection and the role it plays in breast cancer survival. Through her generosity, Langley will be providing free screening mammograms to women who are age 40-50 and are uninsured. Launching a new program. A large number of Micki SThe program is available Blackburn's Webster office staff turned out for the check pres- wishing to utilize the pro- entation to launch the new mammogram program. Pictured left gram. to right are: back row Mary Ann Merritt, Cheri Bloom, Bobbie For more information, Vaning, Ryan Heitman; front row Aprylle Stiefel, Jessica please call Langley's Imaging' Bedford, Everett Kelly, Letha Cosson, Dr. Maria Bello, Connie Department at (352) 568-1966. Mahan, and Kathy Thompson. Help start a newwalking club in Sumter County Sumter County Health Department and significantly improve overall health, and has Sumter County Parks and Recreation invite been shown to decrease the risk of heart dis- residents to form a new Walking Club. The first ease, Girija Padmanabh, M.D., M.PH., director planning meeting will be on July 25 at 6 p.m. at of the Sumter County Health Department. For the Kenny Dixon Park information or concerns, please contact Nadine "Walking for at least 20 minutes each day can Ohlinger at (352) 793-2701, extension 223. MEDICAL CENTER A C CE 7S S HEALTHCARE. LLC * Vincent Alia, M.D. Family Medicine * Jatin Sheth, M.D. Family Medicine * Jude-Farley Pierre, D.P.M Podiatrist/Podiatric Surgeon * Sylvia Letts, A.R.N.P. Nurse Practitioner S Most Insurance Plans Accepted kl, '114 * SILVEF MSRP 21 YOUR~ $7rffnz PRICE hVIZhV I X A - -I CBRVRO LET EIKI.V 1ION !.1 *Tax, tag, & title and $197 dealer fee not included in above G iuO n Peopne. Geaniye Cb molet sales price. Rate & rebates subject to change. Art for L'LLC VIUGnie(. illustration only. 847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 E-Mail: cindychevrolet @aol.com Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com mv27608 MSRP w I I A* PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 *SEL TY'S #1 PREOWNED 1 PRICE 0 EXPLOSION! 4 -2005 FORD KING RANCH 2( S u."l Sky ift 6" Lift, 18 52 S. '38 Toyo Tires ' B,.W7 Lal- WAS $36,995 **.. "" _. "'''" '1 rn"1 2004 CHEVROLET : !"-B- 1.. 4C R 2004 FOR F-150 4DR SSILVERADO 4DR0 005 FORD F504DR 2005 FORD F-350 EXT CAB K1 CREW CAB SUPERCAB XLT TRUCK 4 TO CHOOSETFROM SUPERCREW 5.4L V8, Auto, CD 6.0L V8, Auto, 6-Spd, A/C 5.3LV8, AutoACl 4 TO CHOOSE FROM WAS '41,995 WAS 23,95 5.4L V8, Auto 21,995 NOW 39,995 ow 2,995 25,995 .. .. .. 9.....- "--5. ". -NO.. -',,'.W =-. ;2 2- .. .- .- AM.J -" --- ;i_... ,-..'. .""::" .. ":: .-" n .' NOW 2003 FORD F-150 4DR SUPERCAB XL S4.2L V6,AutoA/C 16,995 / . 2003 FORD F-35 4DR. 2002 DODGE RAM 2002 DODGE RAM 201 DUTY 2003 FOR 0 1500 TRUCK 2DR 1500 TRUCK 6.0L V8, Auto, A/C. Cruise Control FLATBED TRUCK SLT 4X4 QUAD CAB SLT C "Auto'. 4.7L V8, Auto, A/C, Tow Pkg. 4.7L,V8,.Auto, Split Bench 4.7L' '33,995 .I34. 19,995 16:995 02 DODGE RAM 1500 TRUCK IUAD CAB SLT V8, Auto, Tilt Wheel, A/C ,4 aK. FIND OUT THE VALUE OF YOUR TRADE FOR FREE! STANT APPRAISAL LIN 1.800.496.2115 0. 2002 FORD F-250 4DR CREW CAB ""S. RD SUPER DUTY .-73V8, uto e3.' .3L V8, Auto, A/C, Alloy Wheels '322..99 3 A'-':. ^^.^^^^^^.-^ FORD -150 4D0R 2001 FORD F-250 4DR1 RV S,--,SU CARCAB XLT SUPERCAB SUPER DUTY vAto 4 61,...8, Auto, AM/FI/CD 5.4L V8, Auto, Split Bench WAVS20,995 . .... ..5 995. 2003 FORD EXPEDITION 4DR R,002 TOYOTA SEQUO UTILITY EDDIE BAUER GI 4DR UTILITY SR5 4.6L V8, Auto, 4-Spd., w/OD 4.7LV8, Auto, 4-Spd., w/OD SCapt. Chairs '0 !9, I 103 4X4 SUPER CREW DIESEL JN' 8 m m V^-^-" ,, ,:,, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE 11 SHospice assistants earn credentials ML, ;.The Salvation Army Home League, in Bushnell hosted guests of the two-footed and four-pawed ,variety at the service center located at 807 N. Main Street in Bushnell on Thursday, July 7. iSalvation Army Home League hosts presentation by 'PAWS' volunteers The Salvation Army Home heeling, delivery gifts and home residents. Women (ages league, in Bushnell hosted praying. 18 and up) who are interested ests of the two-footed and "Bone" cookies were served in learning more about Home four-pawed variety at the following the program and League may call Eleanor service center located at 807, crafts were made from dog Stewart at 352-568-2284. k. Main Street in Bushnell on biscuits and magnets. The Salvation Army Service thursday, July 7. Persons who are interested Center provided emergency Tina Andes, and Grace in volunteering or learning assistance to people in need *Delgros and their therapy more about "PAWS" may call in Sumter County. If-you are dogs "Lucy" and "Sarah" pre- Ms. Andes at 352-457-8790. interested in The Salvation isented a program about PAWS Home League is one of The Army programs, how to make [(Pooches At WVork Serving). Salvation Army's Women's a donation, or how to become LThey spoke about the need for Ministries programs. a volunteer, please call The i,,more volunteers and their Meetings are held every Salvation Army Sumter experiences at local nursing Thursday at the 870 N. Main County Service Center at 352- 4homes and other community Street location at 10 a.m. The 568-2284. services where the therapy programs are different every The Salvation Army is a ,dogs bring cheer and comfort week and light refreshments Participating Agency with to so many. are served. Future programs United Way of Lake and "Lucy" also showed her include plans to provide pot- Sumter Counties, and the (many behaviors including ted plants for area nursing Human Care Network. Lube, Oil & Filter Cooling system Service Every 3,750 Miles.! INCLUDES: Chang ol(upto 5 quarts of oil) &: I rssurle1,0iingvl ara . ilter Lur ic tassi ChS Ced ell -t ap.in rivea beilisi nos-es hoses Ure pressure ana alluia Ireeme plugs Evacuate system ana Levels nspect Cv s air .learer I reill with 50/50 mlx of Coolant and. 1 9 1 ExtendedExpiration til 8/3/05 9 0 GOOd 1IefICh I Extended Expiration til 8/3/05 W.GOOdlnnch vi'/.ili n, ,:np PlIa. r, ru[ ii .'r r.n val [|,1 w V 1,iJ .lsir, .- ,f P;I-r .m l, I -. Vail, ir, w ur,:"1 Pla: upr.,aiu rai l rl.r Wil rI i rn ais ~i .r .ar:, n .. M oAG Mo i 3ra Vh'irjq "ni o, Pl nvr umrIr I .v.nr.' w J M 1A',;,GM. rar oiTiii i r,,vwrr nuir v u a. N 42iu ;I6. 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I Promotes smoother running 'i and better gas mileage Extended Expiration tl 8/3/05 fl O od0 0 ench l valid Mfn coupon r ,u Pl- n 6 p r prP a pm wli P11 Vji Od WrI a1i. Vl&oI .4 n {* Mods GMarr& imllr savIngrcfr w vairielT l- 1lu Mu ''7i27i8 I Extended Expiration til 8/3/05 G OOdWlm ch I I V.l ii rl (,IJ(',cu qi 1aSl pre it-,I upon .,nli n l ii d iT oa y oXny oar ir I i rGMcarE.iimimrshrinarc.oaetrterii.a^, Piu3 du l. iJ'758 618-0721-SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning and Adjustment Board and Sumter Board of County Commissioners will consider an application a Conditional Use Permit to allow the use of the property located generally as indicated in this notice for the purpose of an expansion of existing Limerock Mine. Applicant: Cary Cohrs Operator: Natural. Resources of Central Florida, Inc Application: C2005-0003 REQUEST: Modification of CUP 1-95-1 on 1294 acres MOL to allow a cement plant on 46 acres MOL. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES: K08=001 N 1/2 & SE 1/4 K05=001 All K06=001 E 1/2 of NE 1/4 & N 1/2 of SE 1/4 LEGAL TO BE UTILIZED: NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec. 8 Twp. 20S, Rng. 20E GENERAL LOCATION; Sumterville area: North on US 301. East on 'C-470. Property approximately 2 miles on the North side of road. The public meeting will be held at the Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida, as follows: Zoning and Adjustment Board Monday. August 1, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. Third floor: Room 327 Board of County Commissioners Tuesday August 9, 2005 at 6:00 P.M Second floor: Room 222 Information regarding this application is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning and Development, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell. Florida. These files may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200,48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record may include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. -MMMENW-w- .. Imium.7,il d, New professional recogni- tion has been achieved by 13 Hospice of Lake and Sumter certified nursing assistants (CNAs). They are the latest to earn the designation of Certified Hospice and Palliative Nursing Assistant (CHPNA), said Barbara Lengemann, hos- pice's education coordinator. Lengemann said the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, the testing and certifying organization, informed her that the group had passed the test they took in March. "It's a very difficult exam," said the coordinator. "We're extremely proud they did so well." A majority of Hospice of Lake and Sumter's more than 120 CNAs have now earned the CHPNA designation, she added. The local hospice requires all of its nursing assistants to hold CNA certification. Beyond that, any who wish can seek the CHPNA advanced certification. "It demonstrates an enhanced level of profes- sional achievement and capa- bility," Lengemann explained. She said she and Jack Schiavi, another Hospice clinical man- ager, assisted the CNAs by teaching a series of classes to help them prepare for the exam. The rigorous test is offered twice a year and covers all aspects of nursing care from disease processes to holistic comfort care, the coordinator said. She said The hospice pays for its CNA staffers to take the exam as further encouragement for them to seek the advanced certification. The latest Hospice CHPNA graduates are: Timothy Archibald, Shaneta Coney, Vondalyn Curry, Mildred Daniels, Charolette Federline, Itilya Hamilton, and Charlotte Hearn. Also Voliazzo Hester, Lorraine Jones, Debbie Mansueto, Lawanda Nafield, Dale Ann Townsend, and Judy Vanek. Hospice of Lake and Sumter is a not-for-profit, community healthcare organization. It provides medical, nursing, emotional, spiritual, and per- sonal care services for patients and families facing any kind of life-limiting ill- ness. Services are provided according to need, not the abil- ity to pay. For more information call Hospice of Lake and Sumter at 343-1341 or toll-free 888-728- 6234. IWV|VN |'qwVIVVV mmmmm001 1 PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 - S/anterCALENDAR - Thursday, July 14 Showbiz Summer Variety Show features the "Southern Fried" Comedy of Johnny Roberts and Clearwater Connection performing a mix of country, bluegrass and western swing, at 7 p.m., at the Leesburg Community Building, 109 E. DixieAvenue (Route 44). $7 at the door. For more information, call 352-568-0102. < The monthly.meeting of the Sumter County Democrat Club will be held at 7 p.m. in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. Thursday, July 21 The Alzheimer's Family Organization Monthly Support Group Meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at the Alterra Claire Bridge Cottage, 710 South Lake Street, Leesburg. Free respite care provided. The public is invited. For more information, call Bonnie Reidy at 352-728-6661 The Sumter County D.E.C. (Democrat Executive Committee) will meet at 7 p.m. in room 1101 of the Lake/Sumter Community College off Highway 301 in Sumterville. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Gloria Lewis at 568-1660. The monthly meeting of the Sumter County Brain Injury Support Group will be held at the LSCC/Sumter Campus in Sumterville, from 2 to 4 p.m. Our guest speaker will be Janice Starling of Mural and Decorative Art, Webster, 352-569-0055. She will share her special talents with us. For more information, call 352-793-7841. Anyone is wel- come to attend our meetings. The Republican Club of Sumter County will meet at Lake-Sumter Community College, room 3101, at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Jim Roberts, County Commissioner District 4. All registered Republicans and Independents are wel- come. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Richard Huff, president, at 330-4012, or go to the Sumter County Republican Executive Committee Web site at www.gopsumter.org. Saturday, July 23 St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Bushnell is having a fundraiser flea market and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the St. Lawrence Catholic Church social hall on Highway 301. To reserve a table in the air-conditioned, hall for $10, call Jean Petty at (352) 793-7773. Thursday, July 28 There will be a Sumter' County Interagency Council' meeting at the new location at. I-Hop, Hwy 44 in Wildwood.; The meeting starts at 11:30' a.m. and continues during lunch. Anyone interested in' attending is welcome. For more information, call Bonnie Reidy at 728-6661. Monday, Aug. 8 North Sumter Primary: School -will hold its annual. "Open House" from 9 to 11. a.m. Families are invited and: encouraged to attend. This is' the perfect time to meet your" new teacher. Tuesday, Aug. 23 North Sumter Primary, School's 2005-2006 School Advisory Council will meet. from 5 to 6 p.m. in the school' cafeteria. Immediately follow-* ing the SAC meeting we will host our annual "Parent' Orientation Night" from 6:15 to 7:15. Families are invited and encouraged to attend. This is a wonderful time to visit teachers and tour the school. Wildwood High School Wildcats Baseball team members Deandre Mitchell (I) and Kierre Cuyler (r) spent some time Tuesday morning at the Circle K in Wilwood helping to raise funds for their teams trip to Tennessee today. The team will be playing Saturday in the Semi-Back Tournament. Hospice seeks volunteers Hospice of 'Lake and Sumter needs both adults and high school teens who can assist in a variety of ways Adult volunteers are need- ed to sit with patients, provide transportation for patients and/or their loved ones, run errands, cut hair for those patients who can't get out, and just be a "good neighbor." Teens are invited to assist with special projects for Hospice patients in nursing homes, assisted living facili- ties and hospice houses, or to work in the office. No medical background is needed. Those taking the training are asked to make a commitment for at least one year. Most volunteers donate four hours a week to Hospice. Volunteer training will be held on two successive Friday, July 22 and 29, at the Father's House in Leesburg. The church is located at 2301 Sbuth Street. Lunch, and snacks will be provided. Men and women of all ages, interests and backgrounds find .special reward in serving as Hospice volunteers. Through their caring, they bring welcomed coinfort 'and companionship to hundreds of patients and families throughout the Lake and Sumter County area or assist Hospice in many other ways. .Additional volunteer train- ing sessions are planned for Aug. 19 and 26 at the 'Sumterville campus of Lake- Sumter Community College, and in October a training will be held in the South Lake area. Pre-registration is required, and canbe done b.y telephone. Please call Jane Miller; ,olun- teer services manager: at 742- 6806 or toll free 888-728-6234. GRADES continued from Page 8 the Florida legislature has both the responsibility and the Constitutional right to deter- mine curriculum and that's what 'they've done.". He said it's hard to measure progress with everybody doing his or her own things. "In Florida, this is our set of standards and pretty much everybody has a high degree of accountability," Shirley said. While the pressure of the one- day test and even a handful of bad scores'in a small district or school.can have a drastic effect, good or bad, Shirley said he doesn't necessarily see account- ability as a bad thing. "'We ha\e a standard to meet," he said, expressing that the expectation is that the students can read.. While it's difficult that the test is the only measure, it's also fair across the board and across the district, he said. He said he wishes it was more than one week out of the year, in order to get multiple measures and a better gauge of what's hap- pening, but "over time, you do have .multiple, measures," he said, likening it to the stock mar- ket's performance and explain- ing that you can't determine things based on just this year's scores, but rather on a longer period of a few years. If there's a steady increase over a period of years, that's a good thing. "You want your scores to be steadily increasing.". Every year, as a county, as a district, our scores are getting better and better and better Each class is different and measuring really has to be done over time or you can jump to the, wrong conclusions, Shirley said. "Over time, I think. we're* doing a great job." Shirley said, the staff and administrators work hard to' meet the needs and teachers are- dedicated to the students. Their decisions are based on what data the results say they need, - "That data changes every year." These days, when they gather for staff development, it's with a focus on what the tests indicate need work It's much more defined, with a- pointed, specific approach now. They continue to add pro-- grams and may change what they do from year to year, said Shi rley, explaining that they- evaluate what's working, what's.- not working and re-channel: funds into other areas, if they no longer need certain programs. South Sumter Raider golf scramble set for Saturday, July 23 A Raider Football Golf Scramble is set for July 23 with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at Shady Brook Golf Course, Sumterville. The format is a four-person scramble. $40 includes golf, door prizes and lunch. Mulligans two for $5. Lunch begins at 12:30 p.m. Prizes will go to the top four teams, closest to the pin (men and women), longest drive (men and women) and lots of door prizes. For information, call 793-9769. \\,-h\ work for someone else's business, when you can build your own? m Comprehensive Training Direct Manufacturer Accts. Professional NMarketing Low Investment / Overhead -800-DEC-DENS N E R 0 R S $24.99 a month for 1 year. Taxes and surcharges apply. One-year term agreement required. After one year, pay $29.99 a month. $50 online rebate covers $49.99 activation fee. -4Sprint. Now you can enjoy High-speed Internet at a price that was worthithe Wait. 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Horatio Ave. and Hwy. 17/92 Service not available in all areas. Monthly rate offer good for new High-speed Internet residential customers only and applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed service. Not valid with any additional-offers or discounts. Offersaresubjecttochangeorcancelwithoutnotice. MonthlyFee:Promotionalmonthly rate of $24.99appliesfor12monthswhilecustomersubscrbestoaqualifyingSprntSolutions"bundleandotherSprnt services. After 12 months, standard monthly rate of $29.99will apply. Customer is required to subscribe to Sprint Solutions" Standard Plan, Sprint Special Plan Plus or Sprint Premium Plan along with one other Sprint service such as Sprint PCS or DISH Network? $49.99 activation fee will apply. Monthly rate varies by area. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Sprint high- speed Internet:A fee of $99 will be charged for early termination. Actual performance mayvary due to conditions outside of Sprints network control. These conditions may include vanables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of Web sites accessed, inside wiring ortelephone conditions. Minimum level of speed is 384 Kbps. Additional restrictions may apply. Rebqte: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at hsirebate.sprint.com within 45 days of installation. Sprint high-speed Internet account must be activeand in good credit standing to receive rebate. Limit of one rebate per household. Sprint will not honor lost, late, damaged, misdirected, illegible, incomplete orduplicate rebateforms. 2005 Sprint. All rights deserved. Sprint,the diamond logo design, Sprint PCS and Sprint Solutions are trademarks of Sprint Communications CompanyL.P. EarthLink is a registered trademark of EarthLink; Inc. All othertrademarks are property of their respective owners. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE 13 CrSumter DART team help out in Florida Panhandle Sumter DART team helps out in Florida Panhandle Fortunately, we were spared the wrath of Hurricane Dennis, but unfor- tunately, our northern neigh- bors in the Panhandle took a direct hit Days before the hurricane hit the coast, the Sumter Dart team was told to have their new logistics trail- er ready to respond. The Sumter Dart team wish- es to thank the following local business: Bushnell Foodway for their generous donation of food for the team, Bushnell Wal-Mart for their generous donation of supplies, and Prosthetics Research Specialists,. Inc. of Bushnell for equipment and manpower availability. Sunday evening, the Sumter Dart team was told to leave Monday morning for Tallahassee, where the logis- tic team would receive their orders on which area they are most needed to help with live- stock, domestic animals, and their owners. First respon- ders Ronnie Graves and Daniel Hickey, who are in charge of the logistics trailer, were ready. The Sumter Dart team had plans to rotate volunteers, giv- ing relief to working team members. Each week, some volunteers would return, home while other volunteers would take over the duties of running the rescue com- pound. Monday morning, just after the Dart logistic team pulled out, Tallahassee called. After reassessing the situation, it was decided that Dart servic- es were not needed. Apparently, the people of north Florida had their plan in place, and were able to keep their animals safe through the storm. The years, of education on storm prepa- ration for animal safety has paid off this time. The dona- tions made by Bushnell Foodway and Wal-Mart will be stored and used for the next call to disaster. Were you prepared if the hurricane turned toward us? Did you have a plan to keep your animals safe? Remember, if your house is not safe for you, it is not safe for your pet either. Do not leave them behind! Your pets' vaccinations should be current, and if you plan on boarding your dog through the storm, your dog must have a bordatello vacci- nation. Know in advance where pet friendly shelters are, and bring a kennel,. pet food, bowls and leash. Your pets should always have some form of identification on. For livestock safety, humane, organizations recommend keeping livestock in a secured pasture rather then closed in a barn. Identification on your livestock is also recommend- ed. Have a plan in place, pre- pare with your animals safety in mind, and you will have a better chance to weather the storm safely. Dart Logistic team responders to Hurricane Dennis left to right: Ronnie Graves, Sheri Evans, Daniel Hickey and Bonnie Smith of Bay Area Dart. Itsy is the perfect lap dog who will sing to you, and be your constant companion. She is 13 years young, bust as spry as a 5 year old. If you are interested in adopting Itsy, call the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County at 793-9117 or e-mail us at: humane@sum.net. USDA accepts nominations for county committees Sumter County Executive Director Laura Langford announced the USDA is now accepting nomination forms for eligible candidates to serve on local Farm Service Agency (FSA) County Committees. The nomination period is June 15 to Aug. 1. "I encourage local produc- ers to become a member of their local FSA County Committee and make a differ- ence." said Langford. "FSA County Committees have an important role in the decision making process for commodity price support loans and payments, conser- vation and disaster programs and other important agricul- tural issues in their farming community." Almost anyone participat- ing or cooperating in a local FSA program and of legal voting age may be a candi- date. Indiiduials may nomi- nate themselves or others. All nomination forms must be received in the County FSA Office or postmarked by Aug. 1. Voting takes place between Nov. 4 and Dec. 5. To hold office as an FSA County Committee member, a person must meet the basic eligibility requirements described below: r 1. Participate or cooperate in a program administered by FSA. 2. Be eligible to, vote in a county committee election. 3. Reside in the LAA in which the person is a candi- date. (In some cases, this requirement may be waived. Check with the local county office.) 4. A person must not have been: Removed or disqualified from the office of FSA County Committee member, alter- 'nate, or employee; Removed for cause from any public office or have been convicted of fraud. larceny. embezzlement, or any other felony; or . Dishonorably discharged from any branch of the armed services. People uncertain about their eligibility to vote in the FSA County Committee elec- tion should contact their local FSA office. Affirmation of eligibility to vote must be determined in order for a vote to count in an election. More information on the COC elections, including the nomination form, is also avail- able at local FSA County Offices or USDA Service Centers or online at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/pas/p ublications/elections/Default. asp. . Restaurant & Machine Shop Equipment Business Liquidation Sale Everything Must Goll 1 PM Friday July 15 500 & 520 S. Maple Ave, $anford, Florida Miscellaneous Restaurant/Pizza Equipment& Parts * Stainless Steel Oven Conveyors Conveyor Ovens * Manliowac & Hozsaki Ice Salad Bar Equipfrent Machines New & Mirowave ovens Machlh Shop Equipment * 10 ton hydraulic press * 4'12i ton Cdnneoficlt Press wit eaIS I Mrs r Full Menu Avadible Reservations Greativ Appreciated .352-74-j-0050 Tues., Wed. 8 Fri. 1 AM 9 PM Thurs. 8 Sat. II AM 10 PM "Best Burgers in Central Florida SMuch More" BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER Bushne ll, ,SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 4 Good Service...Great Food...Super People Hidden Rivers Resort & The Dam Pub Special Engag.rr. ni Iriru ,25 Batman Begins. Ie Perfect Man Special Er.gagerrr, ir.u M 7'3 Herble Fully Loaded, Bewitched, Land of the Dead -PROPME SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - 0 60 GALLON 9$00 S&SET & FILL 79 Pricesgood 100 GALLON $ thru 8/3/05' SET &FILL PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated o 352-793-1982 30A PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 '' Kg-A"' *~ ".4 7.. -ft '1. 4 .r4,~'jJ~ - %J.-'.C't 4 r '*" '... r '1* '* 4- 4 -. r. A 4. .. 4,..,' S '4* 2 ~r'~tt::~',~ S.. C4'~ .2,.. ,'- Z, 5'~t&t ~" 'A. - .:,,.I LA~~ 7.& ~.4Z Iar OF-.''"~4Z4kA as"-~" Aim% r L- I-. *;" t4Lt-..*- ' ^'.. - I.' 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M *m:,- .. :- *...!-. "mt Ne m a W t -... M [ .I... "... ... .p0Iiii 'i f (V. k l, I- ar - a - a. S S p - mae li a .5 Summer fun for the whole family ims Artkhoke Appetizer "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Contentr (Ae Available from Commercial News Providers" i. -- ."- .. . S....... ...W.o. 4 0 go -W ag b e 4 mms ~w~vm ON d GOR b 4E 4@ m- m90 = o m-ls -om W-qo mo awmom eaM 4b Ofsm *owSu m -o flo rub 4b - * - lt -i - : : Mm . 4b. 0-ss em-a -p M -q 40- -.nm W ew a-ms *W 0 1 h~ a am ~ bW- g b Copyrighted Materi -'-" Sy indicate Content vailable.from Commercial News -* 4i4~ IT 0-n k *A ea a.-M " 10- Q- 4NW mf 0OO gomdb"ItmeOEM am- a -.111W eG eg * --- -MV ft- 4b --IM minno - d-o m o - / ial providers " 4-ft - swam SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE 17- Stmter IDBnSi Sponsors needed for raffle fundraiser Sponsors are wanted to donate prizes for a raffle fundraiser for the Sumter County Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) neglected and abused children in the legal system through Advocating for Kids, Inc. All local business owners are encouraged to contact Frank Arenas, project coordi- nator, at (748-6629) to donate gift certificates for meals, gifts, services, etc. to be raf- fled for an event planned for Sept. 17 at FreeFlight Airport in Coleman. All donations are tax deductible as charitable dona- tions receipts will be given. Frank is donating gift certifi- cates for airplane and heli- copter scenic flights around Sumter County. Raffle tickets will be sold for $5. Food ven- dors are also wanted for the event please contact Frank at 748-6629 or email at freeflight@cfl.rr.com. Library Summer Reading Program The E.C. Rowell Public Library at: 85 E. Central Avenue in Webster announces its Library.Summer Reading Program, Reading Around Florida, from 10 until 11:30 a.m. and be held each Saturday. There will be an interesting and educational program each Saturday. Refreshments will be served. Those children attending will, receive a free new book each week. Mark your calendars ,and plan on attending each week for fun, crafts, free books, refreshments and more. Call Judy Lee at 352-568-1600 for more information. Country and gospel music There will be music at the Community Building starting in July on second fourth and fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m., Country and gospel music will be heard at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building across from Truck Stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only. Call 748-2628 for informa- tion. Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Haven is a non-profit organ- ization dedicated to serving victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Due to our non-profit status, we are entirely supported Dr. A. Leigh *' LASER SURGE &* l HEALTH C*WA *PE 4cjx. V Mflp .pC 53A3 4.(3424 741 grants, and more importantly, the community. Currently, Haven is in need of volunteers at our administration building and at our shelters. Those that selflessly give of them- selves and their time are what makes our work possible. For information call (352) 787-5889. Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries through out the county. Beginning on June 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will be at Lake Panasoffkee Library. The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third Tuesday of each month we will be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. If you have any further questions please contact Sumter County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Summer reading program The Panasoffkee communi- ty Library will be having a Summer Reading Program. This program will be geared for children, kindergarten through third grade. It will be held Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 10:30 a.m. You need to pre-register at the library, 1500 C.R. 459, or by calling 793-8608. Volunteers needed The Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for volun- teer drivers to transport veter- ans to the Gainesville VA Medical Center. Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and be able to pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5129. You do not have to be a veteran to drive. Cancer support group Meetings are on the second Monday of every month at Chuck's Odd cup'les Caf6 on West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m. Refreshments are provided. McBride, DVM *4 :RY BOARDING *' H CARE s r SUPPLIESi ,- , Annuity Review Changing interest rates and market conditions may affect the return on ,your investments, including your annuity. That's why it's important to periodically review your annuity to ensure, it is working to meet your - financial objectives.' If you have any questions about your annuity's performance, call or stop by for more information. Be sure to bring your contract and most current statements. '" "' Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue '. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 \,.v..ed ardjones com Member n1rSIPC Edward Jones Srnimig Ldiducd [Liiturb Smcn- 1871 For information, contact Lee Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111i or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site .name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 1/2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Artist! Do you paint? The Sumter County Arts Guild would like to invite you to come join us in our weekly meetings. This is a place to get togeth- er, with other artists -to paint and compare notes, to have other artist critique your work, to exchange ideas, to help and to be helped when you encounter a problem. You may be a beginner still struggling, and intermediate that has progressed in his or her work but still needs the eyes of other artist, or you may be a professional. Oils, watercolor, acrylics, pastels, colored pencils, draw- ing and or pen and ink or what ever style you work in doesn't matter. We will be offering different types of classes all along. We have had watercolor and acrylic classes and will be offering other classes in the future. Please come join us. We meet every Wednesday, 1 p.m., at the Sumterville Community Center on Hwy. 301 just north of Bushnell. For more information please contact Pat Oelslager at 352-568-2908; e-mail sumterctyartsguild@cfl.rr.co m. AI-Anon Group The Al-Anon Group, Joy in Freedom, meets at 8 p.m. every Friday at the First United Methodist Church of Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave. Parking on N. Hopkins St Contacts are Judy 352-793- 5738; Linda, 352-583-3075;- Jeanette, 352-568-0612. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza,, Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary MarkC Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and, emergency bills will be paid- on second and fourth Fridays^ at 320 E. Dade Ave. ina Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.r by Faith Based Food and them Salvation Army, respectively. Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite recently honored stu- dents at Webster Elementary School with a state proclamation of their achievements. She presented the proclamation to the students and their teacher to honor the success of the Webster Elementary science team in a national contest. The students were recently honored as the Southeast Division Elementary School Champions in the 2005 National Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Awards Contest. The students pictured with Brown-Waite are Dylan Brannen and Matthew Garrepy. Their teacher (not shown) is Lynn Thomas. Webster's student team included Dylan Brannen. Erin Tuten. Micah Lanham and Matthew Garrepy. Their coach was Thomas and the team mentor was Kevin Garrepy. As seen FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on T.V. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW . S.nfor Stmntumd fSettlemMent! H1459 11 22 COMAR -ivestc u. rinMre es Bartow, F I Author*zed Dealer of PAGBil48, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 * o40* *- -G -- - 111 - = 4 lip GNP~ -- -0 .- 411110 " ow -, - -al da- amw 40an 41. 4* - '0 apa 410 - MR - - a 0 ~ 0* * 0 - a -0 - 0. -~ ~0 S 400 wwlow 0m - qma~ -ow .40 " = b b N* MEOW 0 4 40 S- 4 * % 0 46 (.0 Upon I: to4 *( dmoo b "Copyrig hted Materi Synd i catedContent )I e. from Commercial Ne o5qRB - w w-up-. - *- 0 4w -~ 400 jw Vw~ Providers" dft. * RA a . I* -m du MUD 4b s 4bloabo4W so or q0 f!Rw lb~ d o 4 0 4007 WM dl *APQWI 4w 0 . op b W4:1aw -. 41* o* am Now~ OWto i'gm 4 ~I-op - 000 -w% L I medoe 4b-4wd - 40 401 GET IT DONE. INSTANTLY. . Only Nextel has the tools you need to get more done. * Free Incoming Calling Plans * GPS Solutions * Coast-to-Coast Walkie-Talkie * Wireless Web Access For all your wireless needs, visit us at: ofto Preferred Partner fCEIUlIAR ((f(t Wireless Consultants NTE 352-568-1967 Local N^* fV L | 888-568-19677Toll Free AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TECII ICS 888-568-1967T Free Free Incoming applies to calls received in the U.S. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the iop 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications, Inc. NEXTEL is a registered trademark owned by Nextel" 1860 Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved - 0 - - 0 -. I. Ii F. .1. _ 0 M SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE, 1) OuA tribute to Revels and 40 years u At FsDAMS Fs Hatchery A tribute to Revels and 40 years at Richloam Fish Hatchery he historic and land- mark Richloam Fish Hatchery located in the extreme south end of Sumter County was originally constructed by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish " Commission back NW in the early 1960s. = Harrell Revels . lived close to where the new fish - hatchery was going to be built and was employed to work with the GFC fish- eries division and subsequently was JAMIEA there when the Outdoo0 very first shovel of - dirt was excavated for the new fish hatchery and he has been there ever since. Harrell has now worked and lived at the Richloam Fish Hatchery for 40 years and his fruitful and produc- tive career with the GFC and FWC will soon come to a close when he retires at the end of this month. He served his entire career with the GFC now re-named Fish and Wildlife Commission working at the hatchery except for four years when he had to take a. r r leave of absence to serve a hitch with the U.S. Navy Sea Bees in Vietnam. Harrell and I have known each other for a long time and we have sever- al things in com- mon. One is we are both Native Florida Crackers whose ancestors were very early pioneers in Florida and we both are descendants who have been in Florida for well over a hundred DADAMS years and still Writer counting. Two of those spe- cial descendants, which by the way are at least ninth generation Florida Crackers, are Harrell's and my mutual grandsons, Cason and Landon Adams. Harrell and I both were employed by the old Game and Fresh Water. Fish Commission. As I mentioned, he worked in the fishery divi- sion and while I served 17 years with the law enforce- ment division before the folks of Sumter County elect- ed me their sheriff. During the many years I have known Harrell he has always been a good friend and back during the years when I was a with the Game Commission working as a game warden a large portion of my patrol area included the vast wilderness that is near the Richloam Fish Hatchery. I can't begin to count the number of times Harrell came to the aid of one of my fellow officers or myself who had got their patrol vehicle stuck or was in some other bad predicament and needed help desperately. It did not make any difference whether it was. in the. middle of the day or night, freezing cold or stifling hot, we could always depend on Harrell. Harrell with his many duties at the fish hatchery has been very instrumental in raising and restocking mil- lions and millions of newly- hatched fresh water game fish such as black bass, brim and catfish into the fresh water lakes and rivers all over Florida and no telling how many other states around the nation, have received the benefits of his tireless work at the hatchery. I have to wonder how many bass fishermen have caught a trophy ten pound or better large mouth bass that Harrell had at some time been a part of either helping through the critical spawning stage or actually releasing it into the water. During the years Harrell worked at the hatchery, all kinds of scientific research was carried out with regards to enhancing Florida fresh water game fish and it was at the Richloam Hatchery under Harrell's watchful eye and dedication that the now famous Sunshine Bass was developed. Work at the fish hatchery is hard and sometimes very stressful work often requir- ing 24-hour days in all kinds of bad weather assuring the small newly hatched fry sur- vive. There have been many other dedicated folks who worked with Harrell and a bunch of them were present: at the recent retirement party that was held in Harrell's honor. Some of those present at the retirement in addition to the many members of his family and close friends were numerous retired GFC and FWC fishery employees and many others that are still employed. Some of the retired employees present included Chuck Stalling, Bucky Wagner, Ed Zagar, Tom Croft, and a bunch more along with all of the present day hatch- ery staff including Elvis Rogers who has been work- ing at the hatchery nearly as long as Harrell. It was a fun day where a lot of good friends came togeth- er to honor Harrell and rem- inisce about the good times that we all had shared. There was some mighty fine eating that went on to boot and Harrell had even cooked up a great big pot of swamp cabbage that he is famous for. Folks, you can believe that if you work at the Richloam Fish Hatchery you are going to be a quality worker and team player ,or you won't' be there long. While living and working at the Richloam Fish Hatchery, Harrell and his wife Sandy raised two beautiful daugh- ters, Landy and Lynette. My youngest son Davy is married to Landy and they have two fine. boys, Cason and Landon, who were pres- ent at Harrell's retirement party and you can believe these two grandsons of Harrell's and mine are live wires. Anyway, Harrell is a lot of fun to be around. In 2001 the year the terrorist blew up the two buildings in New York City I was out in Idaho hunt- ing. The plan that year was for Harrell to fly out and help me drive back home. Well, I was not sure if Harrell would still want to come with all the problems going on with the airlines but sure enough, as he had promised, he showed up out there to help me. I am here to tell you all that if Harrell knows one funny story he knows a thousand or more and he kept me laugh- ing the whole trip back home. That is the type person Harrell is. Harrell, thanks for a good job well done and those thanks especially come from the millions of men, women, boys and girls who have and will cofitinue to enjoy catch- ing the untold millions offish you and all the good folks at the Richloam Fish Hatchery have provided us for the past 40 years. Don't wait to take a FWC Hunter Safety Class The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com- mission (FWC) is encourag- ing would-be hunters to sign up and take their mandatory Hunter Safety Course. this summer and not wait until the fall. This time of year pro- vides the best opportunity to get into a class, as slots are more readily available. During hunting season and just prior, classes usually fill up fast. The FWC Hunter Safety Course, or similar approved course by' another state.. province or organization, is a requirement to obtaining a Florida hunting license for anyone born on or after June 1, 1975. Even though the course is not required for persons born before that date, it is recommended, especially for beginning hunters. Classes are taught through-' out the state by certified vol- unteer instructors who teach firearm safety and laws, basic hunting terminology, conser- vation, safe hunting prac- tices, outdoor ethics, wildlife identification and manage- ment, survival, field first aid and the Florida Wildlife Code. The course is free and prepares sportsmen for a safer, more rewarding expe- rience while in the outdoors. ,"Don't wvait until the last" minute to sign up to take a Hunter Safety Course or you may have a hard time getting into a class," said Bill Cline, program administrator. "A large number of courses are being offered statewide this summer, and it's best to try to get i nto one while more space is available. Then, when hunting season gets here, you'll be ready to go." The Florida Hunter Safety Course meets all the require- ments for hunter safety train- ing throughout North America. It also is essential for Floridians who wish to hunt in most other states or in Canada and need to purchase a non-resident license. The course is available to be taken in a classroom set- ting, and it is offered in all of the state's 67 counties. In addition to the traditional in- class course, hunters now have the option of taking most of the classroom instruction online or on com- pact disc, without leaving home. However; hunters who choose the Internet or CD- ROM version must take an additional three hours in the classroom; successfully pass a written exam; and partici- 'pate in a field-day class that includes live-firing instruc- tion on a shooting'range. "Don't wait to take the class, and make arrange- ments now to sign up for one this summer," Cline said. For more information on the Hunter Safety Program or to learn when the next avail- able class or field day will be offered in your area, contact your local FWC office or visit MyFWC.com/huntersafety. * Pause and rewind shows anytime do all this,all included! * No equipment to buy and no installation fees * Multiple rooms connected in plan Call today in Central Florida Sfor all this together. Ud iO- Good for just a short time more! NETWORK O1-888-882-DISH PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 Fun and GAMES m _ (i -1om 1 .5 9. qv @9 * \41pw *1 9 * 0 fto IAW -OW lbb 0 fb9 a ur lo w I;-, -4 I *- 5. ~ .9.' 9. , o 1L ro L'; lia A ir 9K w ow Sp * 0 -" 0 i1 ,ft. Copyrighted "Syndicated. pr Nor or "5 r' T-m^ IB -IB s. mr Material a: 0mm % o -o. S o mm f.-m, content Available from CommercialNews. wmm"174040M9L I. 9 9 (4 Stip 4;Iwoo - j. assow MEM p do 40u 0.111. .. o-qu ot Mm w- "-- b bo ~ .0.41. o 0 ft om I awmip - .400 ft -as 66040 q, a Ok. new qw .4Idhopw .0 fs."Mm- am1 opm.m -0. loom MW S OMW .-OI qlw- aw. 9. -q an,*-.- --nw 4110 0 40!e 5""611 U a Nmpdw- 0 QAMR -. -mo oft s-w ll- - & wwww- w Mono- - 9. -, Uk - do. 4w- -omo-.11ms9a qp -' 4 w 4100. -.00 m- Providers" ft -4w.- --9- *am qw. VW"- .1m -ft.---MINN. MD. -W -ftm -%- -.No -NNW 40- a- 0. 0 -.* S ---me-ofts f-% - 9.00 =up ft. tim- wo **4 "M Gem - ft a .0 9. a- S-- ~ ftm * -- S~o-S W-- -do- & - - .z' f phm. Se.~malb 4wS a-mL *p 1; 0 I M-- I& qqw Omqmw le "' %lrA . SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGBfl21 2005 CHEVY CAVALIER 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO 2005 CHEVY JRAILBLAZER #N5010 MSRP.......................................... 14,89000 You Save........................................ 3,28600 425376 MSRP.. .......... ...........24,18500 You Save........................................ 5,95000 MSRP ........ W ..... ..................... 28 97500 You Save....................................... 6,04600 YOU PAY ONLY $1' YOU PAY ONLY "34 YOU PAY ONLY 2005 2005 CHVY CHEVY. SUBURBAN TAHOE You Save ........................................4,13300 #N5301 ....... MSRP................... ..................... 36 76500 You Save....................................... 8,49100 #21 38P9700 MSRP ........... .........................$38 9700 You Save...................................8.. 8,83500 YOU PAY ONLY 14,0 YOU PAY-ONLY YOU PAY ONLY 13,4 "On select 2005 makes and models. See dealer for details. Prices & Payments exclude tax. tag, title and dealer fees (299.501 all rebates, customer loyalty & dealer incentives included, expires the following Monday of ad date. -AR' PA ,, , AHOURSI DAYS AT ," hCofiene n .vey r sta uS ie r- 99 OLDS INlRIGUE Affordable. #8135P s8,993t 01 CHEVY S-10 LS Loaded, reliable. #8323P 9,873ht 04 CHEVY AVEO Auto, A/C, economy, factory warranty #N5205A s9,875' 01 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER Leather. sunroof. #N5324A s9,896t 01 DODGE CARAVAN Loaded. 48170T s7,888 14 A 94 JEEP 99 CHRYSLER 01 FORD WRANGLER CONCORDE LXI WINDSTAR Ready for mud! Loaded, leather #8357P Leather, loaded. #D60002A '8,488t 9,488t s0,488't 04 CHEVY MALIBU S3 To Choose From MURRYI S 9,986 03 CHEVI MALIBU 99 DODGE CARAVAN Losw miles, only 12K. #ff81525 s9,993t 05 CHEVY CAVALIER SAVE, auto. #8268T 04 CHEVY CAVALIER LS Power windows/locks. #8239P s$0,426t 02 CHEVY BLAZER 4-DR Clean, reliable. #N5246A $13,541t 04 FORD FOCUS Loaded, pw, pl #8267A $s,284t 04 CHEVY MALIBU lNew body sryle, loaded f8324P 04 FORD FOCUS Great on gas. #8328T $10,488' 04 PONTIAC MONTANA Ready for family. #8341 A $13,888t 01 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS Leather, loaded. #J050647B $I1,988' 02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS All power. #D50651A $ 14,488' 02 DODGE CARAVAN Family Ready. #D50444A $11,988t 03 FORD EXPLORER 4X4 Leather, loaded. #B50929A $17,888t 99 DODGE RAM Quad, loaded. #8319P $ 12,488S I. I ,-IH 02 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER Loaded. #8080A $17,988 04 FORD RANGER 02 SATURN 03 CHEVY 01 CHEVY 04 JEEP 04 JEEP 04 DODGE 03 DODGE 2500 XLT EXT CAB VUE TRAILBLAZER LS TAHOE LIBERTY WRANGLER DURANGO LARAMIE V6, auto. #N5305A Affordable, reliable. #N5176A Ext, loaded. #N5325A Loaded, affordable. #N5224B LTD. #B50857A Sport. #D50656B All power, leather. #8276T Leather, diesel. #D50721A 15,295' S1,783t *17,687t 19,213 *$17,988t $18,888t s19,488t $25,988t tPrices and payments exclude tax. tag, title and dealer tee (299.50 )and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. LOCAL 11687779279 S675050 CHEVROLET (MY CRYSTAL 2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness- ;~~ V W.. .'; r I N N . : -' 2005 CHEVY . R|2 COLORADO Ext Cab .1. PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 C.-I R YS L- ME r NO OTHER MANUFACTURER OFFERS i I FIVE STAR @@@@@ 7 es55 C H RYS l DODGC MCSE- Jeep EMPLuOYEEu4PRICINGELhI * EMPLOYEE PRICING * CASH INCENTIVES * REBATES * Two CONVENIENT LOCATIONS * 7 YEAR/70,000 MILE WARRANTY .2005 DODGE d NEON W r-h 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN& COUNTRY 2005 DODGE DURANGO ,J05622BW06T'XX ... ..x 1#D50729 OMSRP 1516000 ..........................................P 22,02500 SRP.......................................... s22,02500 MSRP29,53500 You S aveRP ........................................ .................... ,2 00 You Save........................................00 You save .........2,78000 You save....................................4,29800 You save.....................................6,70000 YOU PAY ONLY S2O005 DODGE GRAND twCARAVAN Stow-NO-o MSRP.........................................s22,76000 You Save........................................5,55300 MSRP ....................... 23,12900 You Save....................................... 4,473" MSRP .........................................28,22000 You Save.....................................s.5,10100 YOU PAY ONLY Aw w YOU PAY ONLY YOU PAY ONLY 'On select 2005 makes and models. See dealer for details Prices & Payments exclude tax. tag, title and dealer fees (299.50) all rebates, customer loyalty & dealer incentives included, e SPN 24 HOU/7DAYAT 99 OLDS INTRIGUE Affordable #8135P $8,993t 01 CHEVY 04 CHEVY AVEO S-10 LS Auto, AiC. economy, factory Loaded, reliable #8323P warranty. 9N5205A s9,873 $9,875t 01 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER Leather. sunroof. #N5324A 19,896' .'s ft .*'. *' *_ * 04 PONTIAC 02 MERCURY 03 FORD 02 MERCURY MONTANA GRAND MARQUIS LS EXPLORER 4X4 MOUNTAINEER Reaay for family. #8341 A All power. #D50651A Leather, loaded. #B50929A Loaded. #8080A $13,888' t 14,488t *7,888' s17,988t 02 CHEVY BLAZER 4-DR Clean, reliable. #N5246A $13,541t 04 JEEP 04 JEEP 04 DODGE 03 DODGE 2500 04 FORD RANGER 02 SA1URN 03 CHEVY 01 CHEVY LIBERTY WRANGLER DURANGO LARAMIE XLT EXT CAB VUE TRAILBLAZER LS TAHOE LTD. #B50857A Sport. #D50656B All'power, leather. #8276T Leather, diesel. #D50721A V6, auto. #N5305A Affordable, reliable. #N5176A Ext, loaded. #N5325A Loaded, affordable. #N5224B $988t 8,8884 $19,488t 25,988t $15,295 15,783 $17,687t $19,213 tPrlces and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299.50 )and includes all factory Incentives, rebates arid customer loyalty. Dealer Incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. ,, ... ,= .. mc pn in 1 CAL. HnKIYLEK .-877w-o!y9 -lY 1238 DODGE JEEP (MY CRYSTAL) 2209 Hwy. 44 West. Inverness :.*: 04 CHEVY 99 DODGE 04 CHEVY MALIBU CARAVAN CAVALIER LS 3 To Choose From HURRYI Low miles, only 12k. #81525 Power windows/locks. #8239P $9,986 s9,993t $10,426t 04 FORD FOCUS Loaded, pw, pl. #8267A S11,284' ..*.,-- ., . L Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, JULY 14, 2005.23 F FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as, well as around the world. A'lloIr classified including yours -now online!! SEE OUR DECLASSIFIED ONLINE AT Sumtercountytimes.com r o $ Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 100-160' 206-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 900-950 SWEET BRINDLE MIX BULL DOG NEEDS HOME: Since I am a bulldog mix no one knows how sweet I am. This little male dog I live with now picks on me so bad... won't you give me a good home? Have up to date vet records. To meet me, call 352-793-6098. THE HOME STORE a HODiial I101 HurT.3rnlry or CIlrui Counrry Ouii-each Is seeig Donataonsof use- able building materials, home , remoaeling and' decoratingg intern furniture, and Appliance.: J,: ciominrrg leaeoE VJirnterse re e, W 1r. r Home Siore Sore ours aie S 9am-Spm S Mbn-Sat. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness (352)341-1800 for further Information. SPECIAL NOTICES .-HELP WANTED SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS/ SALE PETS IMvOBILE HOME RENT/ SALE RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION LOST ROTTWEILER DOG Missing since July 4th. The dog's name is Brandon and he is very friendly. He has spots on his tongue like a chow and he has a brown dog collar on. He weighs 105-115 pounds. If you have any informa- tion, please con- tact Jason Kelley or Charna Powell at 352-217-0540 or 352-279-3968 or call Animal Control 352-793-1470. DIVORCE $275-$350 C'o.er ,crrilli3r-n elr, Only one signoTurei requlredl *Excludes govt, fees S Call ..eekaa,,: (8:i") J62.'01]0 *1 o0I -I,.. m'pmT'i DIv:orc, .e er. E: r .- 3 rFCA IJ ' Fr-'n Trc~oplmace yc)ur. ^- wba l exra -763-2-S 61 RUN YOUR AD STATE IDE!!! IF- r ,:'l , SJ150 ,o:'J ,: r. [:,Ipe ,.Our ._ :, ,',ic l -illc ' ad In over I- 0 rn ... y.,c.r: irlOugr ul Irre I.3i5 ra-oc.ir.g a .er SI.lLLIC' I r.Mer *..- ll :a .erll:,Ir. S-r,.orl.. .r I lI'.rl i a 1 ,'.rc..o, J2. I. i l us ..,r.lr.e .31 t.w, il.:.i la-3 . cla osilie: cr, i Diplot/ -*3: OI';c aO .,allbl. FC IJ IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Cnii $7.99to Dlanetics 3102 N. Habdna Ave., Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN BOOKKEEPER PART TIME' Small law office. Word/Excel, errands, filing. Personable, front office appearance, phone etiquette. Exp, Onlyl Fax resume to 352-568-2600. Include pay range. Master Level Therapists the Centers Is seeking Master's Level Therapists for Marion & Citrus Counties with experience working with children In either outpatient or therapeutic behavioral on-site environment. Full time salary Is $30,000.00 annually Vac/sick/hollday/ med benefits/401K DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email resume to; HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters,us (352) 291-5580 INSTRUCTORS NEEDED PRIVATE SCHOOL, HEAVY EQUIPMENT Full Time + Benefits Fax resume to, 608-825-6496 or call 800-383-7364 Ext 102 Associated Training Services Lecanto, Fl. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYi The Sumter County Sheriff's Office has an opening for the position of Road Patrol Deputy Applicants must be certified In the State of Florida. For a complete Job description contact the Human Resources Department at (352) 793-0222. Applications should be submitted to the Human Resources Department no later -rar, 5 00i p r on EOE/DFW . CASHIERS AND FRUIT BAGGERS I .,re at ll ,11 lr. I .3i .c -2rwil ,. 0 ;gin ,r app., in I .'.rn . H.F ,l)a C rrus .O-rier 753 E. Hwy.44, SWlldwood (corner I-"5 & H'.v' .a) CARPENTERS/ LABORERS needed good pay, benefits. 352-266-7108 , or 352-266-0445 EXPERIENCED ROOFERS Tools & transportation a must Dtpenaatle 733 N Suncoast Blvd. Crystal River. (352) 628-3516 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers. Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators. Next Class: Aug. 1st I 1j.31i.ar,.l Cerlificc i.:..r, S.inor. ilai -li t .rice 800-383-7364 ";'..-,,-la Tr.3nlril.3 r..r-' i,: Mason / Laborers tJeededl Must have : transportation! (352) 303-0598 PIKE'S ELECTRIC Bi.r,,ea u,:.er.ea Fei.'e.Iderniial & Commercial Lake Sumter Polk Dc.:r. miss ire *:,.'prjunilt,, I, .,.ork Ior tre 1. ratei S ,ro.-..Ing ,-ile':irIc:ai contracting business Ir, C ',h',ri1oi Fl.rla.3 Mrar, p,-,itlorns mav c.e avoilac'le or cur Ala,. 00 i Drar.an- . SIGN ON BONUS MAY APPLY FOR RESIDENTIAL ROUGH LEADS & RESIDENTIAL TRIM LEADS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED , Top wages and excellent benefits, Including health & dental, 401K plan., Company trucks are available for some positions. Valid DL . required. Helper positions also available,. DFW, EOE Apply today. Openings will fill quickly 352-748-9251 At Pilot Travel Centers we think success should be shared with the people who make It happen, com mittedto he Ilng all members of our team reach We are a $7 billion company with over 47 years of record- setting growth so we have a lot of success to share. The only question Is, how far Think about It. Then think about making the move to Pilot Shiftp Supervisors* Cashiers * Join Pilot and receive Competitive Pay Life and Medical Opportunities *401(K) Must be flexible in schedule. For Immediate consideration, call 352-748-4486 between 9am-9pm Sand ask r theil Manager on duty. Or, apply In person at s44, WIidwood, FL. EO , PILOT...1 A GREAT WORK! Immediate : SOpenings *r F/T c.r Pti aroup home d icfna .: ED 57 75 hr. -.Mana nr oier . -. Bactiround screeriri, C-::-3 ri.. ing record. Eit Dr.j.r Free. Apply at: SCARC,Inc . Bushnell a .. "wk fr :. t INVENTORY CONTROL Nlaiur. Coo I EMS am. ulan':e c ". i accepingr g F o.r.IcPa/icTroiuc ar. irn e,I .r, Con.tr.:. O;c, .a on a In.er.lory supplies. Excellent c...Ipn ui/'S r sIle 49 ,ans t raintegrou l-re rlun -ir, --r.,:.,l. iT, il -r.,oInce. '.ailP 3 FL dil.'ers OpCre rninquiiegj f.r F i"o r ,:,, o,.p cORici c.:-n iarr:i hr.l. y ion l r o *r-1 n tolureora. E-i,, rg ALL TRADESMEN: PF/PW. BFrMC. CIp/EL/TW/lW/ EO/PG-StJl/TW & PAt/ EiIPL/CO/CW!W Work out L-r *.are. .s-ir. lop. 3 Wo & per ai.~l r.'- .un i, Crat i Network, Box 137472, ClermontFL 34713 DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pacy & benefits fdr experienced drivers, r 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Rerriaeralia nos,, avcoiloiler (888) MORE PAY - EARN DEGREE *r.llr,.e rr3-m r.omn- "Bu irai aPoriieigai *Compuier: .l,c oio.emeri .r .;;l~rance ,ia ir qualir-,. .806) 856-212i www.tidewatertech online.coqul FCAN, 1 pirllCi,.llrncrJio ALTAESM-EN: ~Pf/W WILLING TO EDUCATE Highly Motivated ijn i.i iU ." r:,or rewarding career In financial services. Call (352) 326-4424 #1 CASH COWl 90 Verdirng Macnine-: unitrd ',u Ok locations Er.rre business 10 70 Hurryl (800) 836-3464, #802428 FCAN $5.9 TRILLION INDUSTRY needs you. Earn $1,000/sale. We do 95% and you Just place ads like this. $1,995 fee (866) 961-5031:' .(877) 821-2420 0k1391) FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995, (888) 629-9968. BO02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS ***-20051 Never repay For personal bills, school, new business, $49 billion left unclaimed from 2004. ULive Operatorsi (800) 785-6360 Ext. #75 FCAN . $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS ***-20051 Never repayl For personal bills, school, new business. S $49 billion left unclaimed from 2004. Uve OperatorsI (800) 856-9591 Ext. #113 FCAN FREE $$ CASH $$ GRANTS! For 20051 Never repayl For personal bills, home buyinIl School, new business, $5,000-$500,000. ULive Operatorsl (800) 860-2187 Ext. #116 FCAN ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Ll.:-.er,~e, Inrure. "No Job Too Big or Small!" *Free Estimates' Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 BJ Beckelheimer TREE SERVICE BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRIND-. IfIlG * LANDSCAPING I 1 793-5949 I Top Shaope Beautiry louL Trees Child Care In Home ages 1 5 and after cr".oer ., 352; %'3-J9.80 Cleaning Service No job too hard! Will do Windows! Residential/ commercial/ mobile homes. Licensed, private owner. 352-860-10621 352-568-9984 SPA, 5 PERSON, Never usea Warranry fe 0ll SJ 300 Sacrll.:ce Sl25. (352) 346-1711 FLORIDA BUILDING BLOWOUT FL product appr.,ved 30'.J0 O .R.60 J-. iull' LIn.ill-. IIhTi. ,..rer ,8I''' ".CO--2.-' e-1 J www aloldg con-r P LT. I METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy'Direct from marnul,',lujr.-r ICI c,-iori in t,r .:l; ..lir, all ,ccess,.rles Qu iclk tuin arounaI Del.,er5' a.ollaocle Tollr n6 1:888 39j.0335 FCAn J -NU YARD SALE Lots of BargalnsI SJuly 15th & 16th 107 S Florida St DEMO HOMESITES WANTED in jour area- for ine HEW Ka,aik Pool T,-i e advantage of this unique cp.p.ortur.lIuy Save $$ Financing available. For details coa I(86o' 3Q8.7 560 -CjI CONSIGNMENT SPECIALIST Turn your unwanted organ/ piano/or Keyboard into cgsh, Guaranteed lesu cal Mark at 352-361-5603 NEW TRAILERS SALE : Lawn/Equipment .Car Haulers/Enclosed Dunnellon 489-5341 or 427-1206 3/2 SWMH near Bushnell, c/h/a, water & garbage Included. No pets, $450 per month $400 deposit plus 1st & last months rent. Call SCARC, Inc 213 W McCollum Ave Bushnell (352)793-5156 SENIOR SPECIAL 55-PLUS WATERFRONT Live on the beautiful Withlacoochee River Some of the many amenities Include: a boat/ fishing dock, boat ramp, clubhouse and shufflebaord The BEST waterfront dear In Florida from from $295. call 1-352-793-5179 for an appointment FOR SALE BY OWNER Must sell this one. Move In nowl 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, New-Nice home & land only $85,900. Owner will be able to pay for all closing costs. 352-621-9181 NEW LISTING This beautiful home won't last. Ready for Immediate move In. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, great locatloni $4,500 down, $614. per month No hier, crhoae. Call 352-621-9183 REPOS AVAILABLE in your area. Call today. Ready to move Into. 352-795-2618 Beautiful 3/2 on 1/2 acre In great .. chooi l di :.frii ; Ir ori ,a :o.a 5 0 m m.. (352) 795-6085 Great Country Setting 3/2 on 2 acres In the inln .Far,; at Ic, Qujair, 4,'0a 2o,,.n ana rd u m.c. (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for I Jew l12 r or, 5o aci.L ore,-3 for agriculture. Horses Welcome. $6,000 Do.r.'r, S'5 mo (352) 795-8822 New Land Home Packages Available. alar.,, Ic. Cno.';e from Call, toa f,.r approlo LO.,. d.lovr. and low monrinly pamient.r 1-877-578-5729 OPEN HOUSE Branri-1, l.. ..orranleed n- n'ITe 3 ceor.jC.,T ;' tb.ath Illed llo'.r appilrnce pac kage eaol-n kllceri iopl.4 i-ie line aerck ariveay orn pao.'ed r:a,3 t.lustr ee Call for directions 352-621-0119 2 BD, 1.5 bath trwo ,.ori old Bu-r.rell 5800 1',,lu rn.se gooa create (352)793-7414, 793-1027 or (352)804-5146 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: 11I real esolTe advertising In this newspaper it *ubjecl t.) FoIr HOu':ir._, .ct: ;,i cr,, n.eak., II Ilegol to adverlIe any .preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, rellgaicn se5 rrnal. cap Irrnilla l ',,J or nalrional origin or arn Interrlor, tO make such'preferitrce liml ralir or ascrimnlra- IIC.r, FamilialI slalus In. cludes cnlldrenr, under rr.e agde .:.r 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children . under 18,. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate Which Is In Moloori r Ithe Ia0.'. Our readers are rieleby Iriformed ThaOr all 0vellngsa advertiisea Irn mnl newspaper are avail. ,3-I or, an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HIUD lollfree at. i.800-669-.97 The Sloll .tree iele*pnone number for rne hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275. ESALHUSN EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ACROPOLIS MORTGAGE *Gbod Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings. Free Call 888-443-4733 Two Story Cedar Home for sale,.3 bedroom 2V2 bath, 1700-square feet with 2-car garage on canal, off Wlthlacoochee River In Lake Panasoffkee. $350,000. Call after 5:30 p.m 352-793-6467 ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS Free $300 value Place your ad on www.florldareal estateforsalebyowner. corn Affiliates wanted FCAN BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of Western NC mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www. cherokeemountain realty.com Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN CLOSEOUT SALE Lakevlew bargains from $39,900 with free boat slipl 10% off plus pay NO closing costs High elevation, beautifully wooded lake view parcels. Across from national forest on Norris Lake In Eastern Tenn. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext 625 Sunset Bay, LLC FCAN GATED MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY NEAR ASHEVILLE, NC Spectacular view & river lots. Clubhouse, Paved roads, hiking, fishing, Grand Opening August 12-15. Huge IncentlvesI (866)'411-5263 www. BearRiverLodge.net FCAN NEED HELP BUYING A HOME? CarePlus Financial will get you qualified for no money down financing. Guaranteed Call now for a free consultation (866)262-PLUS. Fair/Poor credit welcome. FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there Is cool Mountain air, views & streams, homes, cabins & . acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain 'Property Sales (800)642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www, realtyofmurphy.com SFCAN. WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there Is cool Mountain air, views & streams,. homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800)642-5333, . Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachliet- SI Murphy, Ic 2.9*OC .v.,. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN For sale 11 .5AC Equestrian Community, new subdlvislon. 'Deed , restrictions, no subdivide. $38,500 per acre. The Preserves at Oak Hill Ir, Wild.c-od. (954)461-4625. LOTS FOR INVESTORS/ BUILDERS Pes.i'er. iai icr: tor sale 433, 'XI ea. 407-697-9967 10 ACRES , DEED RESTRICTED: CR317 to SW 47, 19'000 per aocre (850) 897-0233 .11.5 Acres equestilori commurnry new iv suj.iirion DeGd re rrci ll-.r.. nrO -uD.31- vide $38 500 per acre Tne Preserves at Oak Hill In Wildwood. (954) 461-4625. ATTENTION INVESTORS vatierrron ,r lot: In ir, e :coorhllls orN tC Deep water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20%' redevelopment. discounts and 90%, financlng.,NO' PAYMENTS for 1 year. Call now for best selection. www.nclake frontpropertles.com (800) 709-LAKE FCAN GEORGIA COAST- Large ,ooded ,J-CceS marsrrrorn & goir course nrc.-nslite . Gated wirn lenris kayaking & canoelng. Limited availability. Mid $70's & up. Call today (877)266-7376 FCAN GRAND OPENING Winding River Preserve 11 July30 & 31. Ocala/ Gainesville area. 20 acres from $195,000. 100 acres from $450,000. New semi-private gated community featuring parcels w/frontage on the Wacassassa River, Gorgeous woodlands teeming w/deer & turkey. SAVE up to $20,0001 Great financing. Call toll-free (866) 352-2249. x 517 or www.fllandbargalns. coam FCAN GRAND OPENINGi Lakefront acreage from $69,900. Pay NO closing costs *I July 30 & 31. Spectacular new waterfront community on one of the largest & cleanest mountain lakes In Americal Large, estate-size parcels, gentle slope to water, gorgeous woods, panoramic views. Paved roads, county water, utilities. Lake access from $29,900 Low-financing. Call now (800) 564-5092 ext. 215 "restrictions apply." FCAN NC MOUNTAIN PROPERTY 2.75 acres w/50 mile view or 1 acre lakefront lot only $85,000. Private communities with views, creeks, river and lake access. Swim, fish, hike. Other lots from $20,000-$85,000 (800) 699-1289 or www. riverbendlakelure.com FCAN NEW MEXICO 20 acres $34,990. Scenic region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100% financing, Call (877) 822-LANDI FCAN NEW TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY from $19,9001 7 acre parcel $34,900. Lake Parcel and log cabin package $54,900. (866) 770-5263 ext 8 for details FCAN MERCEDES, 1986 560 SL red, convertible and hard top. $12,000 (352) 793-3821 Ford Truck Cap Fits '99 through present. Excellent condition. Cost $800 will take $650 OBO. 793-8102. 635-0721 SCT Sale Contents Unit #22 Monica Thacker NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Michelle Steed, doing business as Priscilla's Stor- age, Inc., hereby gives notice that the entire contents of Unit #22 which Is a 10x10, of Priscilla's Stor- age, Inc., a Self Storage Facility, located at 131 Jumper Drive North. Bush- nell, Sumter County, Flori- da will be sold at Public Auction. DATE OF SALE: July 30, 2005 TIME OF SALE: 1:30 P.M. ADDRESS OF SELF STOR- AGE FACILITY AND LOCA- TION OF SALE: Priscilla's Storage, Inc. Unit #22 131 Jumper Dr. North Bushnell, FL 33513 NAME OF TENANT: MONICA THACKER ADDRESS: PO Box 503 Coleman, FL 33521-0503 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: "Miscellaneous Household Goods" MANNER OF SALE: Public Auction This Notice Is given pursu- ant to Section 83.806, Flor- ida Statutes, to satisfy the Self-Service Facility Owner's LUen on the con- tents.thereof. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, July 14 and 21, 2005. 679-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that' a public hearing will be held in the County Commissioners' Meeting Room at the Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnell, Florida, at. 5:01 o'clock p.m., on the 19the 19th day of July, 2005. by the Board of Sumter County, Florida, to determine.the ad- visability of closing and vacating that portion of the road, right-of-way or easements described as follows:. That portion of Old Istachatta Street lying between Lot 78 and Lot 53 and a portion of Lot 52 to a point where the Northerly extension of the West boundary of Mag- nolia Drive would Intersect with the Southern boundary of said Lot 52 as per plat of RIVER RETREATS, recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 42, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida. renouncing and disclaiming any right of Sumter Coun- ty, Florida and the public In and to the land, or Interest therein, as to the above described property. All Inter- ested persons may appear and be heard at said time and place. APPEAL: NECESSITY'OF RECORD In order to appeal the Board's decision in this matter,' a verbatim record of the proceedings is required. The Board assumes no respon- sibility for furnishing said record. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Joey A. Chandler, Chairman *Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, June 16, and July 14, 2005. 621 0721 SCI liori.-ae -I .i. Srrlt t ic.,i clr .. -':'-le- I ..e. -'ar.irer -r a1 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2005CA000043 KRISTI K. BOYLE, as Personal Represenrari.e of the Estate of RONALD E. OWENS vs. VIOLET ROSE GARDNER ana , SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is given that pursuant to a Final Judgment dat- ed July 6, 2005, In Case Number i-lol.C,:i 01=i y.r rr, Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circui i r. r..an r.t i jr.. ter'County, Florida, In which KRIST i bC'.0LE a. Fer,,rcna Representative of the Estate of Ronald E. Owens, Is the. Plaintiff and. VIOLET ROSE GARDNER and others are the defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the West door of the Sumter Co.ur,., Court- house In Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, tv 11:00 a.m. on August 4, 2005, thejfollowing described property set forth In order of Final Judgment: Tax Parcel #G29A201 Lots I and 2, Block I, WILDWOOD RANCH, as recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 29A and 29B, Public Records of Summer County, Florida LESS That part of Lots 1 and 2, Block I. WILDWOOD RANCH, as recorded In Plat Book 3, Pages 29A and 29B, Public Records of Sumrer County. Flonaa, more particularly described as follows From rne Nonnrest comer of Lot 1, BlocK I, run South 100 00'02" West, along tne West boundary of sold Lot I ana me East righr-ot-way of Oax Street, a alstonce of 190 21 feet to the Point of Beginning, continue South 00 00'02" West, a distance of 168.37 feet to a Point that Is North 00'00'02" East, 276.63 feet from the Southwest comer of said Lot 1, (Pqrent tract description 276.57 feei), tnence South 89'53'45" East 314.77 feet, to the SEast boundary of the aforesaid Lot 2, thence North 0004'49" East, along said East line, a distance of 272.79 feet, thenceSouth 71"45'43" West, a distance of 331.82 feet, to the Point of Beginning and the end of this de- scription; Dated July 7, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Suson A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times. July 14 and 21, 2005. 619-0721 SCT Notice of Action John lannotti, et al. vs. Thomas Kelly, et al. PUBUC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE rTH .ii C'ii-"', I. CIl ,nJT Ill IJ|D, CASE NO.: 2004-CA-001424 JOHN IANNOTTI and CELESTE IANNOTTI, Plaintiffs, vs. THOMAS KELLY, et al, Defendant(s). TO: REBECCA KELLY 644 Crawford Rd., Groveland, FL 34746 AND ANY PARTIES UNKNOWN to Plaintiff, which parties may be Interested as heirs, devlsees, grantees, assign- ees, ilenors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through, under or against REBECCA KELLY, whose whereabouts is unknown. NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for foreclosure of a mortgage on the following property: Lot 3, Block K, TRACY'S POINT SIXTH ADDITION, Plat Book 3, Page 9, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida. has been filed against you and -you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses to it, if any, on JOHN C. ENGLEHARDT, P.A., 1524 E. Uvlngston Street, Orlando, Florida 32803, Plaintiffs' attorney, on or before August 16, 2005, or no more than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this Notice of Action, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiffs' attorney, or Immediately thereaf- ter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint for Foreclosure, WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on July 7, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: -s- Susan A. Stollar If you are a person with a disability who needs any spe- cial accommodation to participate In this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of special assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida 33513, telephone (352) 793-0215, within two working days of your receipt of this notice. If hearing Impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771 or Voice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, July 14 and 21, 2005. 24 Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, JULY 14, 2005 -l- -i^B -PBH -^^ East door. Persons needing special assistance gaining 623-0721 SCT access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at LEGAL NOTICE the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any spe- NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING clal arrangements. The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board wlll hold Notice is given if any person desires to appeal any ac- a Public Hearing on Monday, August 1, 2005, at 6:30 tbon taken by the Board at the above hearings, a ver- P.M., In Room ,327, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, batim record of the proceedings may be necessary 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider requests and Is not prepared or furnished by the Board. for rezonings, special use permits and temporary use Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be permits, heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. A copy of the proposed ordinance Is available by con- Persons with disabilities needing assistance to partlcl- acting 352-793-0200 and Is available In the County pate In any of these proceedings should contact the Commission office located In Room 206 Sumter County pate In any of these proceedings should contact the urthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, Courthouse, Bushell, Florida 33513. 48 hours In advance of the scheduled meeting. Dated this July 12. 2005. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Stat- Glo i rcuit Court utes. Section 286.0105, if a person decides to appeal By: -s- Connie Webb any decision made by an above named Board with Deputy Clerk respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the pro- Pub2lshed one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, July ceedlngs and that, for such purposes, he or she may 14, 2005. need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed- ings Is made, which record may Include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0074 Matthew A & Deborah E Parsons GENERAL LOCATION: Tarrytown area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. East on SR 50. Go approximately 1 '/ miles to easement on the north side of road. Go approximately 1/10 mile to easement on the West side of the road. Follow to property. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 20, Twp. 22S, Rng. 23E: N 281.8' of W 284.16' of W h2 of NE i/ of NE A less E 154.71'. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 1.04 acres MOL from A-5 to RR1 C. CASE NO.: R2005-0076 James M. Woodard. GENERAL LOCATION: Wahoo area: West on C-48W. West on CR 628. Prop- erty approximately YV mile on the North side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 32, Twp. 20S, Rng. 21E: E of S of NW 4 of SE V lying N of CR 628 less Road R/W. TO BE REZONED: Sec. 32, Twp. 20S, Rng. 21E: E Y ofrS of NW ` of SE I lying N of CR 628 less Road R/W less Beg 210' W of the SE comer run N 210' W 210'S 210' E 210'Less RoadR/W. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 7.9 acres MOL from A5 to RRIC. CASE NO.: R2005-0077 Reginald K & Dorothy Wood GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: East on C-48. Property approximately 2 miles outside of Bushnell City Umits on North side of road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, TWp. 21S, Rng. 22E: W 320' of E 640' of S 729.50' of NW /4 of NE Less R/W for CR 48 across S side. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 5 acres MOL from RR5 to RR1 td complete lin- eal transfer. , CASE NO.: R2005-0078 G A Dicks, ETAL GENERAL LOCATION: Wlldwood area: North on US 301. West on SR 44. Prop- erty is on the North side of the road approximately Y4 mile East of 1-75. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E1/2 OF NE1/4 LESS HWY R/W LESS BEG AT NW COR OF NEI/4 OF NE1/4 RUN E 331.28' TO R/W HWY 44 SE/LY ALONG R/W 50' S 375' N 70 DEG 59 MIN W 176 33' N, 3365' W 21127 N TO POB LESS COMM AT NE COR RUN W 707 08' S 98 94' TO S/LY R/W SR 44 & POB RUN N 70 DEG 59 MIN 00 SEC W 200' S 402 72' S 70 DEG 59 MiN 00 SEC E 500' N 402 72' TO S R/W SR 44 NW/LY ALONG SAID R/W 300' TO POB LESS THAT DESCRIBED IN OR 422 PG 96 C34A818-LOTS 14 TO 21 INCL BLK 43 WEST WILDWOOD HGTS UNIT 2 C34A875A-W1/2 OF BLK 44 WEST WILDWOOD HGTS UNIT 2 C34A875-EI/2 OF BLK 44 WEST WILDWOOD HGTS UNIT 2 OR 169 PG 444 TO BE REZONED F03-001- ALL LAND LYING N OF SR 44 CONTAINING I ACRE MOL C34A818-LOTS 14 TO 21 INCL BLK 43 WEST WILDWOOD HGTS UNIT 2 C34A875A-W1/2 OF BLK 44 WEST WILDWOOD HGTS UNIT 2 C34A875-E1/2 OF BLK 44 WEST WILDWOOD H GTS UNIT 2 OR 169 PG 444 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 2.83 acres MOL from A5' & C2 to CL CASE NO.: R2005-0079 . c I" j n,: n,r,n r.l.-l.3a ..',:,ll :,l GENERAL LOCATION: CT':.ro 3.,- .,:.nrrr..:.r. ui iii East on C-466E. North on cir 11.1 Frc.pert, 3appr.:..irT3tli, 2 miles on the West side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 5, lwp 18S. Rng. 23E: Beg 510.30' N of SE car of NW run W 908.24' N 255.25' E 908.61' S 255.15' to POB less Road R/W across the E side - REQUESTED ACTION. i.-,:.:.r.- 5 3.:re: t.IC'L from RR8 to RR1 to complete a rn -.3 rrn-'..:i r ,r Tr., ,- .:.mmrir .3ail :.r., .,.r ir.e :.:.rIlrng -a3lu. hiT ,ri b.:.O 3 r ..l o p tr.e-..rie i: rr.e B.ar.a .,:jriT. er .:.j-.r C ..rn,.:r:i.:.n er .3 urI:. Hi rlanr a i r.jl.3 in Tues- .3.3, jAgu oi u"00. or ',0 t Ir. Ir. I ,.rm 2J' Sumrter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell,- Florida. ; CASE NO.: ' T2005-0033 - Audrey Yacuzzo GENERAL LOCATION- I. ,.3nr.c.r, aria 'iouth on US 301, East on C-478. "in.:.nr .:.W, is i r. 'a, Immediately after crossing R/R 'ia':i. Property on East side of road. , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 32, Twp. 21S. Rng 22E: Beg SE car of SW of NW '. run N 231 36' for POB N 145.9' N 80 Deg 35 MIn W to E R/W SCL RR S/iy along R/W W 178' MOL S 80 Deg 39 MIn E to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Renewal of TUP T2005-0002 to allow an RV as a tempo- rary residence, CASE NO.: S2005-0012 rino', .3r,'i n , GENERAL LOCATION Vanrc.c ar..a We.1 :.r. C -.J8 Poperty approximately 7 T.II .: '.:.iT, i. .:.,r. inc. uutr. n, iI f the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 32. Twp. 20S. Rng. 21E: N '" of NW 1/ lying S & W of SR 48 less N 156' & less W 320 & less beg at SE car of N "' of NW 's run W 741' N 677' N 76 Deg 12 MIn 49 Sec W 21553' N 13 Deg 39 Min 27 Sec E 21530' E 162 SE/IyJ along R/W SR to E line oatNW .S to POB REQUESTED ACTION. E .coa-,i."n of l'ii-ing ca, B" 1-89-3 for clrcus animals. Putjin.ri.nea r..k.:. ~2 rr in inn re uTier C:.ur.r, July 14 .i-,,,.- I 2,0:.9 637-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT FO CONSIDER COUNTY ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI'.El ir. in rL'e co.ard ,s County Commissioners of Sum'e'- C:.unr, 1,i1 c.,nidelr irne en- actment of a County Orairnance or, cr.i.oiiio..'.irag sub- Ject: ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF SUMTER COUNTY. FLORIDA. AMENDING CHAPTER 20-41 (c) TO PROVIDE THAT LAND THAT IS AN- NEXED INTO A MUNICIPALITY AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ROAD IM- PACT FEES FOR BOTH THE COUNTYWIDE ROAD CON- STRUCTION DISTRICT AND EITHER DISTRICT 1 OR DISTRICT 2 ROAD IMPACT FEE DEPENDING ON WHICH DISTRICT THE PARTICULAR MUNICIPALITY IS LOCATED: PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF 25% OF THE DISTRICT 1 ROAD IM- PACT FEE FROM ALL AREAS OF THE CITY OF WILDWOOD EXISTING ON THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE FOR THE CR139/C462/C466A PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR REPEATING OF ANY CODE PROVISION OR ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE; -PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING .FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , The Public hearing Is scheduled as follows: Date: July 26,2005 Time: 5:01 p.m. PI3.: Board Hearing Room Second Floor Sumter County Courthouse SBushnell, Florida 33513 Enrr, o. th c Ourrr.,,:e anoer 5:00 p.m. Is through the 606-0714 SCT Notice of Sale Deutsche Bank, etc. vs. Usa M. Hall, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF'FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CASE NO. 2005-CA-448 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE TO AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SECURITIES, INC., ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-R6, UNDER THE POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF JUNE 1, 2004, WITHOUT RECOURSE, Plaintiff, vs. LISA M. HALL FKA LISA M. PENINGER AKA LISA PENINGER HALL ET, AL Defendants, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of, Foreclosure dated June 16, 2005, and entered In., Case No, 2005-CA-448, of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit In and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE TO AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SECURITIES, INC., ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-R6, UNDER THE POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF JUNE 1, 2004, WITHOUT RE- COURSE, Is a Plaintiff and LISA M. HALL FKA LISA M. PENINGER AKA LISA PENINGER HALL LENNIE P HALL; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UNKNOWN' TENANT #2; SUMTER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS are the Defend- ants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at EAST ENTRANCE OF SUMTER COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 209 N. FLORIDA STREET, BUSHNELL FL 33513, at 11;00 AM on July 20, 2005, the following described property as set forth In said Final Judgment, to wit: COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE ROAD 471 AND SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST; SUM- TER COUNTY FLORIDA, THEN RUN NORTH ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SR 471 FOR 840 FEET AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING' THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 210 FEET; THENCE WEST 210 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 210 FEET AND THENCE EAST 210 FEET TO A POINT OF BE- GINNING AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN O.R. BOOK 207, PAGE 476. TOGETHER WITH A 2002-TRAILER MOBILE HOME BEARING VIN #NOVIN020268450. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) GLORIA R. HAYWARD - 'l-r. .:.1r in :u By: -s- Susan A. Stollar As Deputy Clerk IMPORTANT, , In accordance with the Americans with DIsabIlites Act, persons '-.--ir..i a r .3:.:r, t.ib accommodation to participate ir, Ir,. pi :..: -iI'..j .r..:.,ui.. no later than sev-. en (7) days prior, conto:1i ir..- :i- .1 ir.e Court's disa- bility coordinator at :'-,.5.:i.:,,; 2.'-' N. FLORIDA STREET, BUSHNELL FL 33513. If hearing Impaired, con- tact (FDD) via Florida Relay System. Published two (2) times In the Citrus County Chronicle, July 7, and 14, 2005. 610-0714 SCT Notice of Sale l, ,1 .i, ETie.: ..',i: re li' r.ii.:n ", .ie-,T., Inc. Ih ,.:l ir,, ira 1 r 1 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THEC0 l:,'11.111, C .:',u 1 f 11 i :T H .11. :'II I-L CIRC UIT O F i:'. i-;E'. 11 -I j i 1:- :'. '.Tf : .*:' ,.i r r. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., PLAINTIFF, . vs. Timothy C. Oliver, et al., DEFENDANTS. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE j I.:.il.:, i: r,. i oi.,-. that, pursuant to that Final I.j _i ,-ner.- i .:. l_- h ', d ni. 3 JuJ e 1i1 20 05, ,3orn r,. tered In civil case number. ..--..: '- of Inre C.'.;n Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit In and for Sumter Coun- ty, Florida, wherein MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC., Is Plaintiff.and Timothy C. Oliver,- I.i, rre D .-lern. d.r. I ..111l :- i : Tire r,in ne i.: i .ni ci . c.la e, I.:r c. r: 31. i r..,. 'A- :s ii :.-.r.i : C'.:..: !,,rriT :.unr ,r C.:., nrin.:.u.e Buj r,r.ell i .:.i ..rln jrTi-r count' Florida, at 11:00 am. on me 21st aay of July, 2005 irn, follow- ing, ae>:.w',r-i pr:.p.err, a.. .r forth In said Final Judg- ment, to wit: " THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE SOUTH 75 FEET OF LOT 274 CENTER HILL. SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH RANGE 23 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RE CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE(S) 78, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMfER COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME ViN nGMHGA4020431217A AND VINi #GMHGA4020431217B . NOTE: Pursuant -'to the Fair Debt Collection Practices ,,4.;r ,u J 're .odii:;ed ihat this i.,j nirm 1: de-i-ed I' be' 0 Cr C,.:nl-.;:r i rtin.-npnrrp ti, .;:1.*.:r 0 i "o, ni. .3 )' int:.r .2r,.3n 't.ri. ii3aed i. u -,ia t r..r r mat purpose. Dated the 15th day of June, 2005, GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2).times In the Sumter County Times, July 7, and 14, 2005. C&S #10-05-0991, 611-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS The Board of Sumter Co:.unr, C..: .ri'i...n-r. i; :-iirin. ie::..,:'r,' ri.:.n,Ti .u'nii-. nI~riTrs: Ir,i...i-iAe.i ir, pr .:. il.ing or. cnffrcruri1A enginen'g services, to prepare speclfica-. rior.; o.r a.:.:ur.rmer: n r the construction of buildings to house ,aii.,:u. '..'nt .:.ffl.:es at the courthouse com- plex area ir. Eu.j.reii 11.:.iloa Firms submitting propos- als should have experience in delani and con-trjctClon :.:' u rr, ..:i.n1e: 1 .3n a c.na.i.: ir:... i.e ,ge : r.,- i ..:ii. Irng i ': .Ir .:, r, g.:. e-, r-.r.ri.i irmT m .i .u'. i T i 1' :- rIT B^EiJ 1. p.r.-:. lae 0 i i. rl, ir..:.T, ln.:.r ,nd .'J c.ir. ,r hl .,T,... inIo acemeni"a *3CO :,C,"13'- .'' I, r. p,'r.:..-,.',':.n-a rn..,.orna. norn. ,comrTin1 I.- rT-O .e *o r :.i,T,r.n,.i Ti..n, i:. trri. Board of u i,- r r C iur C.:.mTirrl:'l.:.r., r. .:..i ir. 'l and nire co.-. :r..:.ui.i cs. p.r.i.Ja. 1. :, Ir. .-.:-.jr.r, i,1i sealed er..eiope:; ,Tie'a 'Archllect and Engineenng Services for County Buildings' a ndi r:,.ar do i.:. rrme Board cir L mjrer r C.,: rr, C.:.rmriT, :.r-. 1, 0 i '.:.rnr. F1-.:,.1 da StreeT ,j:r.r.e Fira.n :, .i0 .i-: 31ier rri)or. Friday, July 29, 2005, at 5:00 P.M Questions regarding this pro- potsoal-Tay be forwarded In writing to the above ad- dress or by calling 351-793-0200.. 7jbii.hed -r...: ';' times In tr,. ':um s. -. :ujr.r, Ti.T.,.. July nor.3 iJ 200h. 626-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County will hold a workshop meeting the purpose of which Is as follows: BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING The meeting Is scheduled as follows: Date: July 22, 2005 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Sumter County Courthouse Board Hearing Room, #222 Bushnell, Florida '33513 . The public Is Invited and encouraged to attend. Dated this June 28, 2005. Board of County Commissioners Sumter County, Florida Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, July 14, 2005. 612-0714 SCT Notice to Creditors PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO, 2005CP000099 IN RE: ESTATE OF J. LANE PURCELL Deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of J. Lane Purcell, deceased, whose date of death was December 21, 2004, and whose Social Security Number Is 266-86- 8840, Is pending In the Clr- cult Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is Clerk of Circuit Court, 225 East McCoIlum Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative stand the Personal Representative's Attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims and de- mands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of the notice is re- quired to be served must file their claim with the Clerk of Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUB-' LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBUCATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD -SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Date of first publication of this .notice Is July 7, 2005, Personal Representative: -s-Cheryl C. Purcell 114 West Noble Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Attorney for Personal Representative:' -s- Felix M. Adams Florida. Bar No. 358282, 138 Bushnell Plaza-Ste. 201. Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, July 7, and 14, 2005, 633-0721 SCT Notice to Creditors (Summary Administration) Estate of t:,-, I ne1 '-iT,- 1 i..3C,1i'r" PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005CP000154 IN RE: ESTATE OF ROBERT OMER LAPIERRE, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered In the estate of ROBERT OMER LAPIERRE, deceased, File Number 2005CP000154, by the Cir- cuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is 225 East McCol- lum Street, Bushnell, Flori- da 33513; that the total' cash value of the estate Is no more than $75,000.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assign- ed by such order are: DAVID LAPIERRE P.O. Box 89 Spencer, MA 01562 ARLENE I. LETOURNEAU 17 Forest Street Douglas, MA 01516 DIANE M. HUCKINS 24 Smith Hanson Rd. No. Brookfleld, MA 01535 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against -dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of this 'notice Is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the estate of the decedent must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS, AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice Is July 14, 2005. Persons Giving Notice: -s- DAVID LAPIERRE P.O. Box 89 Spencer, MA 01562 -s- ARLENE I. LETOURNEAU 17 Forest Street Douglas, MA 01nI.f -s- DIANE M. HJCKiNS ,"J I-,r r, Hi r'. :r, .- I 1.:. I? o.:, inri i .1- 1 r1 :' .-n..rr e -I :ri *.-. -i '. ,Notice: -s- JULIAN E. HARRISON Attorney At Law. Florida Bar No. 147199 lb j.rr,-ii l 1i :.I.I 1 43 i 1'. ) JULIANI E HARRISON. P.A. I "i 1i j.r ri ll 1.: Bushnell, Florida 33513 1-352-793-5566 Attorney for Petitioner Published two (2) times in ir.i ':ij.Tre.' ,::,,jr iire jlji I J .3,',.0 ; iI j",:,:,. 624-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The Board of County'Commissioners, Sumter C.:j,.r Florida, Is accepting submittals of qualifications .or.o i. terest in providing the following professional servlc. Contract Services for Building Inspection and Plan Review .,jI.i-i. l: ,,I qua li:,l .:l11 ,'. ij lrn ,l- .I T.u.i c': .' ' ,'. l.i.-a Ir. ,.. :,j ,',mi r", T Ir l i:h11 "-I l .:.n r. I.'.-l. .3.3 r.see.i j'unnell F.:.r,3 :.:, in-.: later than 5:00 PM August Il, 2005 Tri. .:,ll.:I1irg.:., i for services on an "as needed a.:i. -II ..,-., .nrii c- performed In accordance with nar.p : CI -.:u-,r, Coac. irnn ,:,r.3lr,.in.:.- lr.te Elat jl: and as directed ::, in,., in..iing r:.lm..1 i for, u:,r.e, County. Submittals must be delivered In sealed ene6I.:.-r: rri.ii:-.- .,,ju.-u ri 0c ni .oi Lce.rn r of Interest: ,uiinjir,. ir.c.,;O'n :lo ', E .rnin, r'i '-r .:- and are to i.' uj ne rl., i : :.p,1: :.r c-njii .ii:. '.:.r. ,in i_ r .i :ijb Titiail ': r.,m nj ..,- .:' I Ir .,; ri r .n ir.. ,i lan, i .i .Iirni ..iir, in, -.', .. ,ri.i.:i.:.-r ,e-rs.: 3ii..rir, i 'e ,jr.,Ter.il. i I: J.:., i'.ri ,Tu .':. r rire r.rr,-- .:-' Work History Staffing & Equipment S.'.,nle.: : .:.:r n'.:.ir n .i: i r .: 'Evidence of Insurance - The Ccur.r, pr.r:.. :".:.nr..il ,.-i,.' oii.l..-i com m itte ...iii1 follow -r.e .:.:..T.p,.-l. e :1i .:r.:- pr.-. :pedures to ,.-e a:. ate a contract for the County with the.firm con'ihe,', to be the most qualified. Upon completion .of -r- , :;.-.. r, :r .:..jrr :" : iT-r .:.r.-r: F.:.r ir .e r i.:e . For copies of the full Scope of Work and requirer.er.r please call 352-793-0270. Copies are available r., 1,3 e-mail or postal service. I Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Tim,. Jui, 14, 2005, 625-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF WORKSHOP MEETINGS OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County will hold budget work- shop meetings the week of July 25, 2005, beginning at' 1:00 p.m. PLACE: Sumter County Courthouse Board Hearing Room, #222 Bushnell, FL 33513 The public Is Invited and encouraged to attend. Per- .sons needing assistance to attend should c6ll 352-793-0200. Dated this July 12, 2005. Board of County Commissioners Sumter County, Florida Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, .July 14,'2005. 636-0721 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OR PROPERTY SALE CITY OF WILDWOOD Notice Is hereby given that the City of Wlldwood will receive sealed bids from the general public and sell to the highest and best bidder the following described property: Parcel ID No. G05C042 Lots 12 and 13, Block 5, Highland View; Section 5, Township 19S, Range 23E General Location 700 North Old Wire Road, Wlldwood. BIds will be received until 12"00 Noon, July 22, 2005, at City Hall, n:, i r l .ir. !,Tre t '.'...1. ,-, Florida 34785. All bids should bd In a sealed envelope plainly marked "BID-WIRE ROAD PROPERTY", and addressed to the at- tention of the City Clerk, 100 North Main Street, Wild- wood, Florida 34785. NO BID WILL BE ACCEPTED LOWER THAN THE RECENT APPRAISED VALUE OF $9,000.00. A 10% deposit payable by personal or cashier's check Is required with bid. Balance will be due on date of closing, which will be determined at a later date. Bids will be opened at 12:05, July 22, 2005, for record- ing and will be presented at a meeting of the City Commission scheduled for July 25, 2005, 7:00 P.M., for award. Questions regarding this bid should be directed to the attention of Joseph Jacobs, City Clerk, 352-330-1330, ext. 102. City of Wildwood reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and the right to accept that bid deemed to be In the best Interest of the City. -s- Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, July 14 and 21, 2005. Go OGRE the top... encourage your children to read a newspaper every day! Mirror, mirror, on -rhe v.:oll -who's the smartest :Ire,',i OGRE of them all? SHI"PEP SHREK reads the newspaper ',.i i-,i :- i- ff iienid DONKEY, every -ri,.rriir . [,:' l TBE ,'PEEl WITH jEl. r'..,YOU C 1 IlF A r IE ,V.P PEP TOO! Sumter County Times It all starts with newspapers. ,,z, .p -F, ,iri. .- TH I' l 1i 1 -*: E l: II H1 I, -, H I-- [II,'_F l''. *:, P* E I -- I :.,F -* M [.I l"' _." 632-0721 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Eula B. Helney PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT,COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 2005CP000163 IN RE: ESTATE OF EULA B. HEINEY, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS inr.' ,3 in-iIi i.3Tin:.r, of the -sin:.3 :.,i EULA 8 HEINEY, deceased, File Number 2005CP000163, is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter ,County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which Is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims 'or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this *no- tice Is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice Is July 14, 2005. . Personal Representative: DARYLE D. SNYDER 3029 Eastview Road Bethel Park, PA 15102-1629 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON Florida Bar No.:, 176505 / Pdst Office Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, July 14 and 21, 2005. 627-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE The Early Learning Coali- tion of the Nature Coast, will be facilitating the first Sumter County Advisory . Council Meeting on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 at 11:00.M. The meeting will be held at the Wild- wood Government An- nex, 362 Shopping Center Drive, Wlldwood, FL 34785. Please contact the Coali- tion office at 877-336-5437 if you have any questions. Published one' (1) time In the Sumter County Times, July 14, 2005. 622-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given to: Realstered Owner: BRIAN ALLEN STRICKLAND 5110 Strickland Trail Dade City, FL 33523 and lien holder: Unknown and all other parties that on July 28, 2005, at 9:00 AM, a public sale under statute 713.78 will be con- ducted at Lynch Recy- clers, Inc., 1616 W.C. 48, Bushnell, FL 33513 of a 1985 Buick VIN # 1G4GM47A7FP401906 For: Recovery of towing and storage accrued. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid less than the amount representing such towing, storage, publication and any other costs addendum to the conduct of sale. Seller re- serves the right to bid. -s- Lois R. Lynch, President Published one. (1) time In the Sumter County Times, July 14, 2005. 631-0721 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Jeanette L. Dorfman PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005CP000147 IN RE: ESTATE OF .. JEANETTE L. DORFMAN, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The 3.iTih'.1-rr,3rl.:.r, .:.i Ir.e estate of JEANETTE L DORFMAN, deceased, wbose date of death was May 31, 2005; File Number 2005CP000147, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which Is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Rorida 33513. The names. and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece- .dent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publica- tion of this Notice is July 14, 2005. Personal Representatives: EDWARD S. DORFMAN LORI J. CAMERON 708 Melendez Way The Villages, Florida 32159 "| Attorney for Personal j Representative: MICHAEL D. MILLHORN, 'l Attorney ' Florida Bar No. 311979 . THE MILLHORN LAW FIRM .' 13710 US Highway 441 . Suite 100 , L-,3 1.3., Fi.-.rlda 32159 Published two (2) times In 'the Sumter County Times, j July 14 and 21, 2005. j 630-0714 SCT ' Sumter County School Bd. ' Workshop Session 7/19/05 : PUBLIC NOTICE 4 The Sumter County School 4 Board will meet In Work- 4 shop session on Tuesday, 4 July 19, 2005, at 3:30 p.m., - in the Sumter County"i School Board Meeting'4 Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one .(1) time In the Sumter County Times, - July 14, 2005. 628-0714 SCT Sumter County School Bd. Closed Session 7/19/05 . PUBUC NOTICE The Sumter County School '4 Board will meet In closed 'i session for the purpose of ' considering student ex- i pulsions on Tuesday, July . 19, 2005, at 5:00 p.m., In ,' the Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one (1) time In ' the Sumter County Times, A July 14, 2005. ) .i 629-0714 SCT ) Sumter County School Bd. I Regular Session 7/19/05 * PUBLIC NOTICE " The Sumter County School Board will meet in regular J session on Tuesday, July j 19, 2005, at 6:00 p.m., in . the Sumter County School j. Board Meeting Room on . 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, - Florida. Published one (1) time in I the Sumter County /Times, July 19, 2005. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005, PAGE. 25 2005 NISSAN TITAN DOOR V8 AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR! 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 9 PER MONTH * 2005 NISSAN XTERRA 2005 NISSAN FRONTIER Model #13255 Model #04165 15,999 $19,999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE S 0 PAYMENTS IL JAN,2006 AND RATES STARTING AT 1%!! 2005 NISSAN PATHFINDER Model #09215 S23,999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE 2005 NISSAN ARMADA Model #49215 p29,999 2 OR MORE AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE WE WILL TEL YOU WHAT YOUR TRADE IS WORTH OVER THE PHONE. 622- 4111 OCALA NISSAN lOPEN'ILH 10PM 2200 SR 200 OCALA 2005 NISSAN SENTRA ( S*. -*-l C^^^ Bei; *^fa^-....^^ * AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING CD PLAYER $4M ONPER 1 MONTH 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA AUTOMATIC CD PLAYER POWER WINDOWSILOCKS CRUISE 14,999 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA V6 AUTOMATIC POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS 23,999 J-M .. LEZINSTANTI2 APPRAISAL LINE I 80.0342,3 008 FIND OUT THE VALUE OF YOUR TRADE WITH NO COST OR OBLIGATION K 2 2005 NISSAN QUEST 019,999 2005 NISSAN MURANO p24,999 OCALA IS SAN10 PM 2200 SR 200 OCALA 622-4111 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, & *'198 DEALER FEE. WITH '1,000 TRADE EQUITY. ALL INVENTORY PRE-OWNED AND SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. 72 MONTHS 0 7.9% APR, W.A.C. '* C, T . .4 $ ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, '195 DEALER PEE. 72 MONTHS 0 7.9% APR, W.A.C. t WITH '"00 COLLBOE GRAD REBATE W/ '1,000 TRADE EQUITY. PAGE 26, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 k1gv I fl 111 la!'] ; I 1Ji fi *1 l ;IeIYJ fast Tie M O alai ^ 0-0 IOU, "I :'~rari ~: ii 1.1 U IIII H *Ewr rV t. r n Camrycorolla lm~ij"IUI iiP~iA~jiEL~uwr1 0 W'4 MPa Sstk E1678 '-L,. i Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes. AM/FM Stereo, Full Size Bed. 3,5001b. Towing Capacity, 2.7 L Engine . ^ -- ----- ---.------- -- MPG- . -, *' flUE1012 SAir Conditioning, Power Steering. Power Brakes: AM/FM Stereo, Full Size Bed. 3.5001b. Towing Capacity. 2.7 L Engine. Style Steel Wheels and More Vehicle Must Have All Service & Repairs Performed At DeLuca Toyota. Must Follow Factory Required Service Schedule. BRAND NEW 2005 ISc]e SCION'S "PURE PRICE" PURCHASE MEANS NO HAGGLE. NO HASSLE.Vehicle starts well equipped. You can accessorize (or not) Simple, straight forward menu pricing. SCION XA AC, Power Steering SCION XB AC, Po.... Steerng SCION TC lo HorAe P.ower Windows. BS.Speaker Windows, ABS. Speaker Memoy s easw Pioneer AM)FMCD i n Pioneer AMPFM'CD Sumoo, Memory Sea" From From From NJ1404 '17,997 hM r The Best New Cars S6Yr. /100,000 Mile Limited Power Train Warranty t ;*6 YrJUnlimited Mileage Roadside Assistance t L t From the original date of first I e when sold as a new vehicle. Make TI me Best Used Cars! /Toll-Free Call For Service 24 Hours A Day g^160 Point Quality Assurance Inspection '01 DODGE NEON SE'2F5SU1M-iDOG S R ~olo '98 CHEVROLET MAUBJU *A B m AWWwl oL9 v?!suZ ODGE 1500 SORA-9fD.1I" n-... & .r -Q.1 A9j. ta ASB- c inw OrP% WAS SEIP11714 .g W" isps- 'B" mLame , 1 ',96L6 -.1 799 02taV1S 1o OMMOrMOR q lu TOYOTALCAURY LE V1 mu was WSI ~i". 'ILI 'J 4L-51Stt*1Ms 4l63JM o; 'o n 63 n. 07,20 9s CANNYLE 'V4 TOYOTACMTMYI AMC I Was is WASWASs W AS Is s..- 'ur9,Mn '2,M14.-MqgLggy o 1. 'to Lenn 121.01o's os $0,8lU i.r.a AdPA IstuAqOn cc PouMa Aepetam AA't 'A- ~Lti19~ g:1. 'son "TOYOTA MAE THE CAR.. MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" LOCATION:1 1/2 MILE EAST OP PADDOCK MALL 1719 SW College Rd. Ocala s3oo-s4-2sso or ALLUCSROFLP&SONSL t vEiCOES PUi R TAX Tul TIl E & A AUBmLirj FEE ALIVIAFr OV CrEO T P IC. AiES sLE FORC LLU-TRA L 'NOLVY EE M OEAL R L' LE-T LPA ML N3 I3C M .'LiMU LEASE WN'.W DOAN W, BEACONI CRE EUAfED IlK MILES PER LNAR fD AN TA A a REGiA TAnCu A P'RIu .lCE PLu CADIOTI.ONALid. T,- I :MEL EL.TE1 .-,,N:.-.. N uFF..E CANE NOT BE UJE.C ,u COIM ,urIC-TON WiflITH q GTHER OFFER ALL FLETATES ANlD ,CfErdES RETAlNED BY DEALER "j,..Cuf'l TAKETJ FaGM MSHr I LL I AEvl SE fANEO W VM-A ICLEL iNi. -Uz-c .T Wf AuMrFl FEE ,,r'MEl -, 'a ILLUSTRArON PLIAP06 ,S OFL e OFFER VALD ul DAY C'F PuBLhCA-ON ONLY 14 A L .! AE" i MVAIIIM M 1. wuc == B* rwk A WASIs MPG:: Stk# E1737 Jiw a- i S n n 7%P roew e r) Automatic, Air Conditioning PowerWinclows Power Steenng. Power B a es. AB r& rakes. ABS Tilt. CD Rear Air Conditioning, 7 Passenger & More `7 IIIIHIliklml |