Sumter County times
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028420/00026
 Material Information
Title: Sumter County times
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: D.C. Hull
Place of Publication: Sumterville Sumter County Fla
Creation Date: July 7, 2005
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Sumterville (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Bushnell (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Sumter County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Sumter -- Bushnell
United States -- Florida -- Sumter -- Sumterville
Coordinates: 28.663889 x -82.114167 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
General Note: Published at: Bushnell, Fla., <1937-1993>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 29 (July 3, 1891).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358001
oclc - 33393995
notis - ABZ6301
lccn - sn 95072059
System ID: UF00028420:00026
 Related Items
Preceded by: Herald express

Full Text

Established 1881



35 CENTS'-
Calendar ............. 9
Church ............... 6
Obituaries ............ .6
Police Report ..........3
Tidbits ..............10


Sumter government moving north?

Times Correspondent

Sumter County Commis-
sioner Michael Francis, The
Villages, last week presented
his fellow board members
with a somewhat different
proposal for solving county
government's ever-growing
need for building space and a
way to possibly save county
taxpayers about $30 million.
Instead of leasing out its
large office building in
Wildwood to the Florida
Department of Children and
Families, the county should
consider moving major por-
tions of the county govern-
ment operations to that build-
ing, Francis suggested.

And, he also contends that it
will help to centralize govern-
ment services in the county
and bring much of the county
government closer to a major-
ity of the county's voters.
Other commissioners did
not have much to say about
the proposal and did not take
any action.
Francis' suggestion follows
a workshop meeting last week
where the commission dis-
cussed proposals from a spe-
cial committee formed to
determine office space needs
for county departments. That
proposal included a new
three to four-story office
building and came with an
approximate price tag of $45
million. Near the close of that
workshop, he had made some

suggestion that much of the State Attorney's Office and
county government offices be Guardian Ad Litem move into
moved to The Villages. the building now occupied by
The office build- the Supervisor of
ing in the J. Elections. The
Willard Peebles Clerk of Circuit
Industrial Park, on Court would have
State Road 44, the historic county
could house the courthouse build-
C o u n t y ing and the courts
Administrator, would have use of
Supervisor of all of the newer
Elections, Tax judicial building.
Collector and Francis said the
P r o p e r t y county, would still
Appraiser s S need some new
Offices, Francis buildings in
said. "Satellite" Bushnell, includ-
offices would ing an office build-
remain at the Michael Francis ing for the
county govern- Sheriff's Office
ment complex in Bushnell. and another jail building, but
His concept would have the a move to Wildwood would

also help to reduce the prob-
lems of producing more park-
ing space in Bushnell.
In addition to his estimated
savings of $30 million, a bond
issue would not likely be
needed, according to Francis.
"The only downside I see is
that some county employees
might have to drive further to
work," Francis said.
The county has a transit sys-
tem that could also be used to
transfer documents and that
along with such things as com-
puter systems, the distance
between offices should not be
much of an obstacle, accord-
ing to Francis.
"We can save a lot of
money." Francis said.
County Attorney Randall
Thornton reminded the board


Fireworks mark Independence'I

Day at local lodge and madina
EttlX L..DL.-.P lake for the show the marina
Staff Writer and its donors spent about
$3.000 on a display they host-
ed fr-om a baige.
If you couldn't find fire- New om ners, Sharon and
works and Fourth of July fin Dirk Edge and Richard and
anywhere else, you could find Patty Harris took over the
it in Lake Panasoflkee this restaurant and marina on
weekend Saturday SunLday June 27.
and \Ionday u "aWe had been planning it
On Saturday night, a crowd for quite some time," said
H of a few hundred watched Mrs. Edge. adding that they
fireworks splay the outlet had a lot of help coordinating
over Pana-Vista Lodge. their Fourth of July celebra-
It was the third annual fire- tion.
works exhibition near! the Tqe event included live --
lodge, coordinated by v'oIlun- Music with Top Dead Center
teers and funded by dona- from p.m. to9:30 p.m., picnic aist
tions, according to lodge Amy Hamilton, 7, was in patriotic style during the Fourth of
owner Jimni Veal. July celebration at Crossroads Connection church in Lake
He credited brothers ,t Please see JULY 4, Page 2 Panasoffkee on Monday.
and George Brannen and -
Billie Joe Grimes and Steve .. .. 1:" '
Wood with the work, adding '.
that they took about a year to
plan the display. 7. .
"They ,put on quite a dis- -
play," lie said, adding that tihe ..'
crowd on hand was large, but.
The lodge grounds are open
to the public for the display. .- .
"It's a community thing," he
He noted that some of the
best visuals from the display
can be seen from a pontoon
boat o the water He said the
fireworks reflect on thej
water's surface.
A couple of hundred peo- On Sunday. there were at
pie were on hand to watch least 200 people on hand and '
the fireworks display at the sights were just off the "
Werda Heckamiat? There fishing pier at Werda
were also several resi- Heckamiat? -
dents anchored in Lake Small lights glinted above Mary Hamilton, Linda Grayson and Pat Galvin (left to right) dished up plenty of free Fourth
Panasoffkee to watch the the water line as residents in of July lunch on Monday, as Crossroad Connections Church celebrated Independence Day
display from the water. boats anchored across the and invited the public for lunch, crafts, music, fun and fellowship.
.. '. ... .. _. ". '. .. ..... .. ..........---.--- ". .....


sgo tto

Back row: Assistant Coach Ronnie Hawkins, Head Coach Travis Upshaw and Assistant Coach Brian Simmons. Front row: Brady
Hawkins, Caleb Harrod, Shane Wright, Cody Simmons, Ryan Robinson, Cory James, Jared Bedgood, Ethan Woodard, Brandon
Hall, Tyler Upshaw and Chris Cason.

Special to the'Times

Last week, the district base-
ball tournament for 13-year-
olds Bushnell Dixie Boy's
Sumter All-Stars Team was
held at the Kenny Dixon
Sports Complex in Bushnell.
They're going to state.
The Sumter All-Stars bat-
tled out an undefeated week
of games and after three
games of play, Sumter placed
first in the district and is
headed to Sebring where the
team will compete in the state
The district tournament
consisted of three games for

Please see CHAMPS, Page 2

that the county also owns a
five-acre tract adjacent to the
Wildwood building.
"There are a lot of ifs," but
the board could look at the
proposal, Commission
Chairman Joey Chandler
said. He also noted that the
original idea behind the coun-
ty having the office building
in Wildwood was to lure the
state agency and the accom-
panying jobs to the county.
But, "they won't let us make
a profit," Francis said about
the state agency lease of the
Chandler commented that
there could be "political"
aspects of such a move. "Be
ready for your phone to ring,"
he said.

County OKs

Village road


Sumter County Commis-
sioners had an ample array of
issues for their consideration
in June, including a road
repair issue that apparently
wouldn't just go away.
Last week, the board agreed
to pay a third of the approxi-
mately $150,000 that one of
The Villages' community
development districts was
charged last year to repair'
damage to R ichmorid Drive"'ifi'
the Villages.
It was the third time that the
board considered the issue
over a span of
about a year and
a half.
Randy Mask
presented the
idea for paying a
third of the bill
for fixing a road
that was ask
according to Mask
county officials -
not formally accepted into the
county system at the time of
the repair.
Commissioners on two prior
occasions have considered
requests to pay for the early
2004 repair, and twice the
requests have been denied.
The last time' was earlier
this year, when a three to two
vote of the board sent Villages
officials away without funds.
This time, Commissioners
Michael Francis and Richard
Hoffman supported Mask's
motion to pay part of the bill to
Rainey Construction.
Commission Chairman Joey
Chandler and Commissioner
Jim Roberts voted against pay-
ment, as they have done on
previous considerations of the
The recent round of discus-
sions began a few weeks ago
when a Village's resident
asked the board to again con-
sider the request At the time,
there was a general consensus
that the board would reexam-
ine the issue.
While the Village's consult-
ing hydrologist had labeled
the damage to Richmond
Drive the result of a sinkhole,
the county did not get an opin-
ion from its own consultants.
at the time, Mask said.

Please see COU_, Page 2



-' ."'-".~'. '



continued from Page 1
He also commented that the
road could possibly have been
in the county system had there
not been some delays in the
"I think it would have gone a
lot smoother if we had gotten
our own engineers involved and
made some determination,"
Mask said.
"I came to this as a new com-
missioner, I don't want to dig up
any old bones," he said
County Public Works Director
Tommy Hurst told commission-
ers the same thing as in previ-.
ous meetings: the depression in


continued from Page 1

The first was against
Hernando where it was a 5-4
edging win. Defense played a
large role in that game by not
allowing any runs for five of
the innings.
Game highlights included:
Caleb Harrod's in-the-park
homerun along with some
great hits by Tyler Upshaw,
Brady Hawkins, Brandon Hall
and Cody Simmons. Four of
them resulted in RBI's and the
fifth run was scored on a pass
Harrod also came in as a
relief pitcher in the second
'inning and had 15 strikeouts.
Wednesday night's game was
an intense battle for Sumter
against Spring Hill.
The team came back to tie
the game twice in the sixth and
seventh innings to cause the
game to go into extra innings.
In the eighth, Sumter finally
pulled ahead with a 7-3 win.
The team's defense was lead by
Brady Hawkins' 16-strike-out
pitching and only allowing 3
That night's top hitters were
Hall, Upshaw, Hawkins. Jared
Bedgood and Ethan Woodard.
"Every player was solid -on
defense and the team seems to
be getting better and better."

the road was "lateral" to an
underground drainline the
depression was not circular as
would be expected of a sink-
Nor did county officials con-
tact Rainey to have the repairs
done, he said. "It's their respon-
sibility to fix their sewer line."
Hurst contended that Public
Works was not notified of the
problem until the repairs were
underway. He also said that
commissioners should look at
the engineering boring reports.
As the discussion intensified,
Chandler said it was becoming
a case of "you said, he said."
But, Chandler said he saw
photographs of the site and the
depression ran laterally with
the road.
"The operative word is not
said Head Coach Travis
Finally on Friday night, the
playoff games determined who
would be first and second.
Sumter went through four
pitchers that game, starting out
with Upshaw for the first and
second then switching to Ryan
Robinson for the third and
fourth innings.
Another pitching change was
made in the fifth having Cory
James come in to pitch. Then,
once again, in the last inning,
Harrod came in to finish it off.
"We used four pitchers in the
championship game to see just
what we were made of and
their performance was nothing
short of what we need to win a
state championship," said
Coach Upshaw.
There were a few doubles hit
by Ryan Robinson, Simmons,
Upshaw and Hall who also had
a triple.
Coach Upshaw said he had
to give a lot of credit to his
coaching staff for the success
they are having. Together, they
have a 'lot of experience with
tournament baseball games
and together they have made it
this far.
Assistant Coach Ronnie
Hawkins said he felt the fans
got their money's worth and he
was proud of the boys.
The Sumter A.M-Stars will
play their first state tourna-
ment game at 10 a.m. on
Saturday, June 16. in Sebring.

our road," Roberts said, noting
that the previous board had
looked at it from all angles.
"It's a Villages project they
should pay for it," he said.
But, Hoffman countered that
there have been more sinkholes
appear in the vicinity of the
damage, showing that it is a
sinkhole-prone area.
"I felt we were somewhat
negligent to have not had our
own engineer investigate,"
Mask said.
In related discussions, county
officials said they do have a
consulting hydrologist available
in, case the sittiation should
occur again.
Commissioner also agreed to
Chandler's suggestion that it
was time to have a workshop on
the county road acceptance pol-

icy not just as it applies to sub-
divisions like The Villages, but
also bringing existing "dirt
roads" into the system.
County Attorney Randall
Thornton said there have
already been some staff discus-
sions about possible changes to
the policy.
Commissioners are consider-
ing scheduling the workshop for
early August.
In other business: commis-
sioners have been discussing
the county policy on pay raises,
with Hoffman apparently lead-
ing the charge to rein-in what
he has deemed excessive
Last week, he suggested that
the county should modify its
policy so that there would not
be "step" increases along with

cost-of-living increases as
under the current policy He
also has suggested that the
board not automatically grant
"seniority" increase every year,
but make them available on a 5-
year cycle.
Hoffman has argued in previ-
ous meetings that the board
must act to curtail expenses
and that a policy that can pro-
duce raises of about 10-percent
is not using revenue wisely.
"If we fail to do anything, our
department heads have no
choice but to continue as is,"
Hoffman said.
With his suggestions, employ-
ees would generally get about a
five-percent increase, he said.
Roberts maintained his prior
objections to tampering with
the policy.

Sumter coaches talking to the team after their first place win Friday

Back row, left to right: Assistant Coach Brian Simmons, Cody Simmons, Shane Wright, Brandon Hall, Head Coach Travis
Upshaw, Caleb Harrod, Chris Cason and Assistant Coach Ronnie Hawkins. Front row, left to right: Ethan Woodard, Brady
Hawkins, Jared Bedgood, Tyler (Stitch) Upshaw, Cory James and Ryan Robinson.

Sumter team receiving their first place trophy.


continued from Page 1
style food and fireworks at
She said they stayed busy
all day.
They're open daily, from 7
Weeknights they close at 8

p.m. and on Fridays and
Saturday. they close at 9 p.m.
with the restaurant, marina
and weekend entertainment.
She said their next planned
event will be Labor Day and
they're currently in the plan-
ning stages, but in the mean-
time, they'll offer a variety of
live entertainment, from
country and western to old
time rock and roll and

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Brandon Hall diving back to
first after trying to lead off to
steal second.

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Chandler has on more than
one occasion stated that the
board came to the policy to help
stop the migration of good
employees to other counties
and to help stop employees
from jumping from one county
department to another for larg-
er salaries.
He also again reminded his
fellow commissioners that the
board has actual control only
over its employees that consti-
tutional officers have authority
over their own workers wages.
Commissioners agreed to
seek input from department
heads and constitutional offi-
cers. They also agreed that
Hoffman should put his propos-
al in writing and circulate it
within the departments for
their reactions.


Nearby flooding threatens SCARC home


The threat created by early
predictions of a possible
weekend hurricane coupled
with recent heavy rains is
causing concerns for the res-
idents of a special group
home in Bushnell.
Outside the Sumter County
Association for Retarded
Citizens (SCARC) group
home in Bushnell, recent
rains have created a pond on
SW 66th Place. The water
and mud now covering the
road are creating potential
emergency conditions at the
"We're already having
problems getting to the home
and if we get any rain from
this weekend hurricane, it's
going to be a real problem,"
said SCARC Executive
Director Marsha Perkins.
The group home houses
four SCARC residents, all
with special needs. Three of
the occupants are wheel-
chair bound.
Perkins said she's had
great cooperation from both
the county and the city of
Bushnell in assisting to pre-
vent the road from flooding
but their efforts haven't
stopped the problem.
"We're trying to come up
with a solution but there'
doesn't seem to be an easy

one," she said.
Perkins said much of the
problem is being created by a
blocked drainage ditch
southwest of the area.
"There's just no place for the
water to drain. It drains to
the lowest point and that's
directly in front of the group
The city and the county
have worked to try and keep
the road in good condition,
but that's only successfully
during dry times, she said.
"We're sort of caught
between a rock and a hard
place," Perkins said. Adding
to the concern is the fact that
three of the four group-home
residents are in wheelchairs.
"They can't wade out into
the street"
Perkins says she's trying to
find some assistance with the
flooding problem.
"I'm hoping someone has
some miraculous drainage
solution and somehow build
up that road."
Several years ago, with
support from County
Commissioner Jim Roberts,
attempts were made to have
property owners on the
street agree to give up a por-
tion of their property so the
road could be paved.
Unfortunately, not all the
property owners agreed to
that proposal, she said.
"Now, with every rain, it
just floods."

High water from recent rains has flooded a portion of S.W. 66th Place in Bushnell. The road leads to the Sumter County
Association for Retarded Citizens group home. SCARC Executive Director Marsha Perkins is concerned that if water continues
to rise the home will not be accessible.

Poe REPORT New voter laws may breach privacy

Tuesday, June 28
James Jericho, 27, Webster,
was arrested for order com-
mit driving while license sus-
No bond was set.

Wednesday, June 29
Jennifer Morris, 21,
Sumterville, was arrested for
abduction false imprison-
ment and battery.
Bond was set at $5,500.
Jason Smiling, 20,
Bushnell, was arrested for
aggravated battery/motor
Bond was set at $5,000.
Herman Blair, 47, was
arrested for order commit
driving while license sus-
pended and lake county vio-
lation of probation.
Bond was set at $10,000.
Kenneth Mahoney, 47,
Bushnell, was arrested for
battery. Bond was set at $500.
Dewey Trett, 23,,
Sumterville, was arrested for
abduction false imprison-
ment and aggravated assault.
Bond was set at $5,000.

Thursday, June 30
Luis Barrera-Beiza,. 25,
Bushnell, was- arrested for
driving under the influence.
Bond was set at $500.
Kathryn Imm, 45,
Wildwood, was arrested for
third offense driving under
the influence.
Bond was set at $5,000.
Arnold Buschena, 35, Lake
Panasoffkee, was arrested
for violation of probation for
driving, while license sus-
Bond was set at $1,000.

Friday, July 1
Angle Velez Eligio, 27,
Wildwood, was arrested for
driving while license sus-
pended and attached regis-
tration license plate.
Bond was set at $650.
Guyton Williams, 49,
Bushnell, was arrested for
domestic battery.
No bond was set
Jeffery Shaw, 49, Bushnell,
was arrested for domestic
aggravated assault
No bond was set.
Christina Barnett, 35,
Coleman, was arrested for
driving while license sus-
pended. Bond was set at

Saturday, July 2
Gus Matzke, 29, Webster,
was arrested for possession
of drtg paraphernalia and
possession of marijuana.
Bond was set at $1,000.
George Cumbie, 41,
Webster, was arrested for
possession of drug parapher-
nalia and possession of mari-
Bond was set at $1,000.

Sunday, July 3
James L. Richey, 41,
Webster, was arrested for bat-
tery. Bond was set at $500.
Kimberly Knighten, 34,
Oxford, was arrested for pos-
session of crack cocaine, pos-
session of a controlled sub-
stance and possession of
drug paraphernalia. Bond
was set at $10,500.

Monday, July 4
Michael Diemer, 20, Lady
Lake, was arrested for fraud-
ulent use of credit card.
Bond was set at $2,000.

Staff Writer

In a time when directions
to most Americans' houses
are readily available on'the
Internet, some legislation
seems to be in favor of mak-
ing certain personal informa-
tion more easily accessible.
New voting laws have gone
a step in that direction,
allowing voters' telephone
numbers and signatures to be
seen by anyone upon request.
Previously, a list of regis-
tered voters was available at
the elections office, but the
list didn't include telephone
numbers and signatures on
applications were private.
Even unlisted telephone
numbers will be available if
already provided by the
Sumter County Supervisor

of Elections Karen Krauss year.
said new applicants, of whom Other information on
she says there are usually applications, such as social
between 500 and 600 every security and driver license
month in the county, are not numbers remain private.
required to provide a tele- Krauss said signatures on
phone number on applications may
the application. -,a only be viewedd on
She said she fears a computer
the new legislation screen at the elec-
will discourage vot- ..tions office.
ers from providing 1N This decision
the information. and others were
"It kind of hurt made at the 2005
my office in that legislative ses-
respect," she said. sion: most of the
If a candidate changes go into
running for public ; effect in January
office wanted to call ', --:' "There has been
voters individually a, tremendous
for instance, he or Krauss amount of
she would have had to get the changes this year," she said.
list of voters from the office Another change to voting is
and gain telephone numbers the elimination of signatures
from another source, like a on voter identification cards.
telephone directory. That Voters will have to provide
will change Jan. 1 of next another document that

shows a signature, as well as
a photo ID. Without the prop-
er identification, voters will
be required to use a provi-
sional ballot
Also during this year's leg-
islative session, the second
primary was eliminated.
Krauss said this was a pos-
itive change because second
primaries usually draw a
very low turnout of voters,
only about six to eight per-
cent., This will save an esti-
mated $150,000.
Next year, the first primary
election will be on Sept. 5,
2006. and the general elec-
tion on Nov. 7. 2006. :
If dissatisfied with thle new
legislation or other laws,
Krauss advises contacting
state legislators and giving
feedback, because although
they made the laws, "they're
also the ones who can go
back and change them."

Solid Waste continues work minus 14 employees

Staff Writer

Sumter County Solid Waste
continues to handle the coun-
ty's garbage while a transition
takes place there, the goal of
which is to turn the facility'
into a place for recycling and
transferring what isn't recy-
cled out of the county.
Assistant County
Administrator Sandee Howell
said remaining workers there
get the job done, but "it's very
challenging right now."
Since last month, the facili-
ty in Lake Panasoffkee has
been operating with about
half the employees it formerly
did. Of 30 positions, 14 were

eliminated, which included
clerical workers and equip-
ment operators.
The change came about
when county commissioners
decided on a plan of action for
the growing problem of cost
effectiveness of the facility.
Howell said the county is
working toward increasing
efficiency and cost effective-
ness of the facility, and "there
are a lot of changes going on
there right now."
Even though those changes
included loss of jobs for some,
Howell said the county gov-
ernment has done everything
possible to reduce hardship
for those affected, including
giving them prior notice.
"We want to treat employees

the best we can here. We
understand they're people
with families," she said.
Two employees who were
eligible to retire did so, and
seven employees were able to
gain other positions within
county government. Howell
said the county waited to post
some job vacancies until that
time so solid waste workers
would have an opportunity to
Of the 14 positions cut, only
five employees actually lost
jobs with the county, including
one who was offered a job but
didn't accept it.
"It was very difficult to do,
but I do commend the board
for providing a severance
package. They didn't have to

do that."
The severance package
included the equivalent of
one week of vacation pay for
every year of employment
with the county, and 25 per-
cent of accrued sick time was
paid. The county is also pay-
ing for the first three months
of COBRA, which gives work-
ers who lose health benefits
because of job loss the ability
to continue to pay for and
receive benefits for a speci-
fied number of months.
The future of the remaining
positions at solid waste is
uncertain. Howell said the
question of whether or not
more workers will lose jobs is
"something we can't answer, at
this point."


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The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion
of the news staff of this newspaper

Editor ....................... Bob Reichman
Publisher .................. Gerry Mulligan
General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place

204 E. McCollum Ave.
Bushnell, FL 33513
Member Florida Press Association


Francis proposal

is a bad idea

TB ack some 10-plus years ago,
county leaders made one of
the biggest pushes they've
ever made to attract some growth
and clout to Sumter
County. With help from
state legislators, county
officials and determined
Sumter business lead-
ers, Sumter County went
after the state .
Department of Children
and Families to house
their District 13 office in
Sumter County.
Local representatives B-
pulled out all the stops to REIic
try and encourage the
state to locate the facility
here. Winning the contract was
seen as a way to put Sumter on the
map and stimulate a then-floun-
dering local growth market and
become. the home base for the
state's district office.
To just about everyone's amaze-
ment, Sumter County actually won
the bid and the District 5 head-
quarters moved into their county-
renovated accommodations off
State Road 44 in Wildwood under
a 10-year lease agreement.
Well, 10 years has passed and
county and DCF representatives
are trying to negotiate a new con-
While this is going on, the
County Commission is trying to
find ways to solve its mounting
problem of finding additional
space for expanding county
offices and services.
Enter Village County
Commissioner Michael Francis.
Francis suggested last week at a
County Commission meeting, to
everyone's surprise, that instead
of spending an estimated $40 mil-
lion or so for new buildings in
Bushnell, millions would be.saved
by sending county offices and
services north.
Wildwood could become the
new home for many county
departments and services while
the Bushnell courthouse and
other county buildings could be
used basically as satellite offices.
Francis' says that instead of try-

ing to hammer out a deal with
DCF, the state agency could vacate
the building in favor of moving
county offices in.
Of course, no mention
was made of what would
happen to the hundreds
of DCF workers that
would be displaced or
the negative impact that
such an eviction would
Certainly Francis' pro-
posal came as a com-
plete shock not only
because it came out of
MA the blue but also
AN,,,, because it doesn't even
take into account any of
the suggestions proposed by coun-
ty department heads that have
been trying to come up with solu-
tions to their overcrowded condi-
Francis' idea is a terrible anid
disappoi noting one.
He's saying that the county will
save considerably by moving
county offices to Wildwood but is
that accurate? He accurately
maintains that it would bring
county services closer to the
majority of residents of Sumter
County, namely, those in The
What Francis' proposal doesn't
include is foresight beyond the
northern county population
explosion. There will be plenty of
southern developments popping
up down the road.
His idea shows no sense of pride
of Sumter's history or concern for
county employees. It may make
sense to Francis but it certainly
isn't being received well...nor
should it be.
Hopefully,, county commission-
ers can come up with a more prac-,
tical solution to the county's office
space dilemma.
Francis' proposal clearly shows
his focus on The Villages, not
Sumter County.
County commissioners need to
take the proposals compiled from
their department heads and begin
the process of whittling that price
tag down.

Another VOICE

A note
of thanks
, Thanks for the excellent coverage

of our annual Linden Cemetery
Picnic by Ms. Amanda Mims. We
were very pleased that she also
included a photo of some of our
kitchen volunteers. .
I would like to take this opportuni-
ty to acknowledge and thank, all of
our army of volunteers who make the
annual picnic event possible. This
includes the many folks "who provid-
ed the cakes, pies, drinks, sno-cones.
etc.. for sales and auction. I would
also like to especially.thank the local

businesses that provided many qual-
ity gifts to be raffled and auctioned.
In addition, I would like to thank the
wonderful anonymous donor who
provides the $1,000 to be raffled each
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge
our many friends who often come
from great distances to support and
be a part of our annual fund-raising
event for the upkeep of the Linden.
Thank you again for yopr fine sup-
port and coverage of our annual
cemetery picnic.
Dale Akins, Chairman
Linden Cemetery Committee

'The Sumter County Times welcomes
le-tters to the editor. Submit letters to 204 East
McCblium Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513

A recent Christianity Today arti-
cle, "Dirty Qur'ans, Dusty
L ibles," posed the question: If
Leviticus or Jude suddenly disap-
peared from Scripture,
would we notice?
The article contrasted
the violent reactions to
real or unsubstantiated
accusations of "Qur'an,
abuse" to the almost non-
reactions to similar "Bible
abuses, such as when the ,
Palestinians who holed up
in Bethlehem's Church of
the Nativity in 2002 used
Bibles as toilet paper."
The author of the CT NAI
article, Ted Olsen, said KENI
Christians may think the
greatest threat to
Scripture is an outright ban of the
Bible, but it's not
The greatest threat is the non-read-
ing of it The non-thinking ,,of it as
more important than food. The non-,
cherishing it as the final authority of
how we are to live our lives.
Olsen pointed out the major differ-
ence between how Muslims view the
Qur'an and how Christians view the
Bible. He said that to a Muslim, the
Qur'an is divine, a "recitation of God's
words, unfiltered through human
speech," and therefore, "must be ever
kept safe from the world's muck and
The Bible, while it is the very word
of God, isn't divine in itself, but
reveals the divinity of God Father,
Son and Holy Ghost It carries divine
authority because ,it comes from
Divinity, said a pastor friend of mine.
Jesus once told some religious
Bible scholars, "You have your heads

t is .another great tragedy that
;this week our new Medicare law
will. transfer Medicare appeals
that require judicial interpretation
from the more than 140
Social Security offices to
the Department of Health
and Human Services ',
HHS will have four
offices that will hear these "
most difficult of cases -
Arlington, Va.; Cleveland '
Ohio; Irvine, Calif.; and
Miami, Fla. And they will
be heard, monitored, seen
and adjudicated by video-
conferencing. DA
This was where I ran out Rol
of my allotted words last ,
week Kindly understand,
this is no different than
any other writer. As a great writer and
broadcaster used to state: "And now
for the rest of the story." I thank the
great Paul Harvey for always inform-
ing the public of the rest of the story.
I hope to always do the same, but it
may take a week
If one is not .used to speaking to
another person via a method of talk-
ing to a television monitor mind
you, speaking to defend a neglected
Medicare claim.- it is intimidating, to
say the least
Remember, Medicare intermedi-
aries who may have misinterpreted a
Medicare ruling or regulation are
wrong 70 percent of the time.
A Medicare beneficiary, an attor-

in your Bibles constantly because you
think you'll find eternal life there. But
you miss the forest for the trees. These
scriptures are all about me! And here
I am, standing right before
you, and you aren't willing
Sto receive from me the life
you say you want" (John
5:38-40, The Message).
But that's not what's.on
my mind right now. What
caught my attention was
the article's scenario -of a
sudden disappearance of
Leviticus or Jude.
S Truthfully, if Leviticus
disappeared, I would prob-
NCY ably be happy. Several.
NIEDY years ago, our church had a
a-year thing, and I got stuck
in Leviticus with all its detailed expla-
nations of how to make sacrifices and
regulations about clean and unclean
foods and what to do about boils and
mildew. I never finished reading it,
and went directly to Joshua (skipping
Deuteronomy and Numbers, too).
So, I would n't mind if Leviticus dis-
appeared. But what about the tiny
book of Jude just 25 verses? After
reading the CT article, I went to my
Bible to see how I would feel about
being suddenly Judeless and I got
stuck again but not stuck like
"Leviticus is so boring my eyeballs are
crossing," but stuck at the first two
verses the greeting no less -
because of its richness:
"To those who have been called,
who are loved by God the Father and
kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and
love be yours in abundance."
To those who have been called -
singled out, invited, divinely selected,

ney, a provider of the service or a rep-
resentative of the beneficiary may
take a case to this level.
I would have to presuppose two
The first is that if one
finds oneself in such a
predicament, he or she, in
all probability, is elderly
-* and ill. Also, surgery was
more than likely involved,
hence the illness and per-
haps a slight lapse of mem-
ory. I cannot imagine an
individual having to need
to bother to take a low-cost
physician's office' fee to
AN this level.
HAN The second probability
is that if, indeed, anyone
accompanies the individ-
ual, it is in all likelihood a
relative, who is as nervous as the ben-
I find this new process repulsive
and disrespectful to our nation's eld-
erly, and, of course, it is another part
of our new Medicare law that "our
elected protectors" never told us
Incidentally, this cost-saving and
efficiency policy, or modernization
and improvement policy, is not totally
new to various nationwide govern-
mental agencies.
In fact, many counties in this nation
now use videoconferencing for initial
arraignments of those jailed and sus-
pected of crime.
Hey folks, if it good enough for our
criminals, why not our elderly?

set apart and appointed.
To those who are loved wel-
comed, fond of, with deep affection.
To those who are kept guarded
and protected from being snatched
away, from being lost or spoiled, kept
from perishing.
Mercy kindness toward those
who least deserve it.
Peace the tranquil state of a soul
assured. of its salvation through
Christ, fearing nothing from God. con-
tent with one's earthly lot,
Love be yours in abundance lots
and lots and lots.
Wow. All that in 26 little words.
Back in the fourth century, young
monks would often approach an elder
in the monastery and say, "Abba
(Father), give me a word." The elder
would give the monk a phrase from
Scripture and send him off to learn it
for himself. The monk was then
expected to dissect and chew it.nmedi-
tate on it and put it into practice until
the word became a part of the monk's
So it is with us today So it is with me
and Jude. I am called and loved by
God the Father, kept by God the Son,
given mercy, which I need, peace,
which I crave.
As for the rest of Jude, maybe I'll
read on. Right now, I think I'll stay
stuck Abba has given me a word.
Nancy Kennedy is the author of
"Move Over, Victoria I Know the
Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't
Enough" and her latest books,
"Between Two Loves" and "Praying
With Women of the Bible." She can be,
reached at 1-352-563-5660, Monday
through Thursday, or via e-mail at.

Think that I am idiotic, foolish, irra-
tional or just plain stupid, if you so
choose. That is just fine with me.
However, I am factually correct
I have received many questions
this past week regarding the 19 mil
lion letters that the Social Security
Administration has mailed regarding
the new prescription drug benefit
You should be getting your applica-'
tion soon, if you have not already
received one. I have researched ii|
most thoroughly, and am dedicating
two columns to this issue soon.
I sincerely hope that y'all had a
great Fourth of July. This is still a, no|
it is the greatest nation on this planet
We just need some redirection and
bring forward the wishes of many oi
our Founding Fathers, who believed
that the domestic tranquility, welfare,
and I now will add health care, of anc
for all Americans should come first
I sincerely thank our veterans any
the members of the present military
for their sacrifices. However, it is one!
again time for our educational system
to start teaching American history'
and the errors of a history of manifest
destiny, and now the horrors an'
expense of a delusional form of global
manifest destiny.
America first for all Americans. I
this simple enough?
. Keep my green tea warm, and I wil
talk to you next week
Send questions and comments t
"Senior Advocate," 1624 1
Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River F'
34429 or e-mail:

lb ff as

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"


The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters
to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste
or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although
phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words.


Every book is important

New Medicare appeals prVOCATE ek

New Medicare appeals process starts this week






Water district sets proposed village rates

The Southwest Florida
Water Management District
Governing Board recently
adopted proposed Fiscal Year
(FY) 2006 millage rates. The
District's proposed millage
rate remains the same as last
year for the District's General
Fund. The proposed millage
rates for eight District Basin
Boards also remain the same.
The eight Basin Boards will
meet in August to adopt their
final FY2006 .millage rates.
The final millage rates may
decrease from the proposed
amounts adopted, but by law
cannot increase.
For the District's General
Fund, FY2006 is the 13th con-
secutive year that the millage
rate has been 0.422. FY2006
will run from Oct. 1, 2005,
through Sept 30,2006.
The total tentative FY2006
budget for the District is
$278,051,399. The FY2005
budget is $279,252,797. The
total budget includes the

General Fund, Special
Revenue Funds and Capital
Projects Funds. Special
Revenue Funds include the
Basin Boards, Surface Water
Improvement and
Management (SWIM) pro-
gram, Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT)
Mitigation program and the
Partnership Trust Fund.
For the owner of a $100,000
home with a $25,000 home-
stead exemption, the FY2006
Districtwide tax would be
$31.65 a year, or about $2.64
per month. The Basin Board
taxes would range from $12
per year in the Manasota
Basin to $30 per year in the
Pinellas-Anclote River Basin.
The proposed FY2006 millage
rates adopted by the
Governing Board will be used
by county property appraisers
when mailing out Truth in
Millage (TRIM) notices to res-
The District's FY2006 budg-

et includes:
$47.9 million for Water
Supply and Resource
Development projects and
reserves. Based on the long-
term water supply needs, the
Governing and Basin
Boards collectively deter-
mined that they must main-
tain the financial course
through 2020 to meet regional
water supply and resource
development needs.
$30.8 million in
Cooperative Funding. The
Cooperative Funding program
began in 1988 and offers a
50/50. dollar cost-share for
water resources projects
approved by the Basin
Boards. Cooperative Funding
is funded by the District's
Basin Boards and is available
to local governments, associa-
tions- and individuals for
water management projects
that support the District's
responsibilities of water sup-
ply, flood protection, water

quality and natural systems.
$22.1 million in New Water
Sources initiative (NWSI)
The NWSI funding includes
$10 million in the General
Fund for the 13th consecutive
year of funding.
The remaining $12.1 mil-
lion represents Basin Board
matching funds.
This is the 12th consecutive
year for Basin Board match-
ing funds.
The NWSI program pro-
vides a financial incentive for
local governments to develop
regional, alternative sources
of water, such as reclaimed
water or desalination.
These alternative sources
are necessary to ensure a sus-
tainable water supply for
west-central Florida.
The NWSI funds include
$15.1 million for the
Partnership Trust Fund,
which is the same as in
FY2005. This fund was estab-

lished in May 1998 under the
terms of the Northern Tampa
Bay New Water Supply and
Ground Water Withdrawal
Reduction Agreement
(Partnership Agreement).
The Partnership Agreement
is a legal binding contract
among the District, Tampa
Bay Water and its six member
As part of the agreement,
the District agreed to provide
$183 million for the develop-
ment of alternative water
sources and to fund approxi-
mately $9 million per. year
through FY2007 for conserva-
tion and reuse projects.
$11.4 million for the
Surface Water Improvement
and Management program.
The Florida Legislature
established SWIM in 1987,
requiring, the state's five
water management districts to
maintain a priority list of
water bodies of regional or
statewide significance.

The districts develop plans
and programs to improve
these water bodies.
Two statutorily required
public TRIM hearings on the
District's total budget will be
held in September.
The first will be Sept 13, at
5:01 p.m., at the District's
Tampa Service Office.
The Governor's office will
review and approve the budg-
ets of all five water manage-
ment districts before the sec-
ond and final public hearing.
The District's second and
final public TRIM hearing
will be Sept 27, at 5:01 p.m., at
the District's Brooksville
At the Sept 27 hearing, the
Governing Board will formally
approve the final millage
rates and budgets.
The public is welcome to
attend any of the Governing
Board or Basin Board meet-
ings to provide comment on
the proposed budgets.

For the Fourth

Photos by Brenda Locklear
Ron Rothe (seated center back), his wife Vivian and their friend Ed Lazzaire climbed aboard the
Rothe's pontoon boat for the fun. Residents of Dade City, they keep their boat in the marina at
Werda Heckamiat? In Lake Panasoffkee.

Sumterville man arrested for

having sex with daughter

AMANDA MIMS ed there, according to events that occurred in
[Staff Writer Detective Lieutenant Steve Sumter County."
Binegar of the Binegar said
Sumter Sheriff's there was no
A 38-year-old Sumterville Office. information relat-
man was arrested on 'What followed The man has ed to abuse of the
Wednesday. June 29, on was a forensic been charged 6-year-old, and
charges he had sex with his interview .of both that the children
S1-year-old biological daugh- children, the with sexual have not returned
ter report from which battery on a to Florida and \vill
The man's name is being Bi i n e g a r child'under'12 stay in Louisiana.
withheld by the Times to pro-, described as C e The man has
tect the child's identity. "very, very graph- and domestic been charged with
The arrest came when the ic." child abuse. sexual battery on
girl and her 6-year-old sibling He said the a child under 12
were visiting their mother for Sfumter Sheriff's and domestic
the summer. who lives in Office was con- child abuse.
Louisiana tacted and the. man was He is being held at the -
The allegations surfaced arrested "based on disclo- Sumter County Detention
and authorities were contact- sures made in Louisiana of Center without bond.



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Nicole Wade, Amanda Owens, Donna Hill (seated, left to right) and Mary Hamilton (standing)
were on hand to register kids for their upcoming vacation Bible school.

121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513
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Concert to be held
at First Baptist
Everyone is invited to hear
the Darrell Ritchie Concert
on Sunday, July 10, at 10:30
a.m. at the First Baptist
Church, 125 W Anderson Ave.,
The coordinator is Rickey
Taylor, minister of Music and
Education. A love offering
will be taken.
For more information, call
the church office at 793-4612.
'Hymn Sing' at
Presbyterian Church
Bushnell Presbyterian
Church will have a "Hymn
Sing," led by Marvin Pak of
the River Jordan Quartet, on
Sunday, July 10, at 10:30 a.m.
The public is invited. Come
and sing your favorite hymn.
For more information, call
7934202 or 568-1747.
Pleasant Hill Baptist
Church is having an Old-
Fashioned Homecoming on
Sunday, July 10. This will be
our 133rd. The time is 11 a.m.
then lunch and back at 1 p.m.
Dress old-fashioned if you
like and come join in on some
good fellowship, good food
and worshiping the Lord in
The Floridians will be our
guest gingers and they are one
of the best
Go west on 48 and turn right
on 316-A.
For more information, call
Kirk and Patti Lytle will be
at Wildwood Assembly of God
to present a docudrama from
Christian history. They will be
here Sunday, July 10, at 10:45
For more information, call
748-1022 or 748-7098 after 4
p.m. and on weekends.
Study and worship
times to change
First United Methodist
Church announces a change
in their study and worship
times for the months of June
through August of 2005.
Beginning June 5, the
Sunday school will begin at 9
a.m. Morning worship will
follow at 10 a.m.
7'fie Cub Scouts wili' contin-
ue to meet on Tuesdays at
6:30 p.m. and the Wednesday
evening Disciples' Dialogue
will maintain its 6:30 p.m.
If you have questions or
need directions, please call
the church office Monday
through Friday, from 9 a.m.
until noon at 352-793-3221.
Vacation Bible,
Come and enjoy the fun at
the Circle G Ranch where
God is at the center and the
love never ends. Be.a part of
the adventure at the Circle G..
Ranch Vacation Bible School
at Lake Panasoffkee United
Methodist Church, July 25 to

July 29, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Come and ask, seek and
knock on the door to a deep-
er relationship with God.
Each adventure is filled with
a powerful Bible story and
fun crafts, games and music,
and much more.
Lasso some fun with your
friends at the Circle G
For information, call 793-
Free school
Get your year off to a great
start with the "3rd Annual
Back To School Fair" to be,
held Saturday, Aug. 5, from 11
a.m. to 2 p.m. There ,will be
free school supplies, food and
This event will take place at
the Wildwood United
Methodist Church, 200 Mason
Street, Wildwood.
For more information call
Back to
School Fair
There will be a Back to
School Fair on Saturday, Aug.
6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. School
supplies, food, fun games, all
This event will take place at
the Wildwood United
Methodist Church, 300 Mason
Street From U.S. 301, turn at
King's Theater. Church is
three blocks down on the left
For more information, call
On the first and third
Wednesday each month the
Lake Panasoffkee United
Methodist Church will be
'hosting a Family Caregiver
Support Group at 1 p.m. All-
are invited.
For more information, call
the church office at 352-793-
On the fourth Wednesday
each month the Lake
Panasoffkee United
Methodist Church will be
hosting an Alzheimer's
Caregiver support group at 1
p.m. Mll are welcome.
Please call the church
office for more information at
recycling bin
First United Methodist
Church, located at 221 W.
Noble Avenue in Bushnell,
has installed a newspaper
recycling bin. The church will
use proceeds from recycled
newspapers to fund global
ministries opportunities. The
bin'is for newspapers only.
For more information, call
the church office at 793-3221.
Singles Bible
Study Group
The Singles Bible Study
Group will hold meetings'
every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the
United Methodist Church in
Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy.



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Lawrence Hatfield,
Lawrence "Hat" Hatfield,
60, of Wildwood, died Sunday,
July 3, 2005. He was born in
Perry, N.Y, and moved to
Sumter County in 1971. Mr.
Hatfield worked for the city
of Wildwood and was a veter-
an of the U.S. Army, serving
during the Korean War.
Survivors include his wife,
Linda; two sons, Lawrence
(Corrine) Hatfield II of Green
Cove Springs, Fla., and Brian
Hatfield of Wildwood; three
daughters, Loretta Pridgen
of Sumterville, Lori (James)
Tetreault of Sumterville, and
Kayla Hatfield of St.
Augustine; two brothers,
Gerald Hatfield of N.Y, and
George (Peggy) Hatfield of
Oxford; two sisters, Alice
(Harold) Wise and Virginia
Hatfield of Nunday, N.Y;
eight grandchildren, David
Hatfield, Wendy Tetreault,
Brittanea Hatfield, Travis
Pridgen, Braudie Hatfield,
Tony Monk, Katlyn Hatfield,
and Brandon Hatfield; one
great-grandson, Leslie
(Hillbilly) Wayne Hunter Jr.
Funeral services will be held
at 1 p.m. on Thursday, July 7,
at Banks/Page-Theus Funeral
Home with Pastor Daniel
Richwine officiating. Burial

will follow at Florida
National Cemetery in
Bushnell. In lieu of flowers,
the family requests dona-
tions be made to the
American Lung Association.
Banks/Page-Theus Funeral
Home, Wildwood, handled
the arrangements.
Dorothy Lee Etzel,
Dorothy Lee Etzel, 68, of
Wildwood, died suddenly
Thursday, June 30, 2005, in
Leesburg. Born in Cape
Charles, Va., she and her hus-
band Charles moved to
Wildwood in April of 1997
from Baltimore, Md. Mrs.
Etzel retired from PHH
Leasing in Baltimore in 1993.
She was Methodist Survivors
include her husband,
Charles E.; sister, Onie Wolfe
of Bel Air, Md.; two brothers,
Walter Collins of Glen Rock,
Pa., and Jimmy Collins of
Baltimore; several nieces
and nephews, Juliet (Scott)
Sweetser, Brian (Lisa) Collins
and William Collins; five
grand nieces and nephews
that she thought of as grand-
children. She is preceded in
death by one brother and one
sister. Memorial services
were held July 3 at
Banks/Page-Theus Funeral



r First Church of God
,Tlih,'ml.,n ,ri 1t nll 7l
l:,[, iJ, rl A,, ', ,,, J.1. [% h.l.n s M. I :1,1
,lmr ,id M,,ivi" )ii a M nuit; ,.r.- i f I, i a1 m .-.
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,'i-i ',,da E rlrcj iii' ....
( Randall Beh Pr 7"- r .?3.H %534

/ All A.re WVelcome At '
Sunday VV.r .r,.p 8 00 A M 10 30 A M S 6 00 PM M
Sunday School 9 30 A
Wed Dsc.pi.5sr,,p rIhl 00 P 1.1 ]
J451 WestC R. 476, Buenne 793-2240_/

/ St. Francis Episcopal Church '
313 N Grace Street .11US 3,l11
PO Sox 56r, 3i:.i 7.'3-3?S7
wedrie.day Bible Stud, 7 p m
Hol\ Euchadnl 10 a m Sunday
;Lunda\ ':ichool10 a m
W kA me. -h uda -;r m p

:" N BROAD Cornerofiv D.diN Bro.d
Church School ca 15am
Public \Vornlup 10-30 \ I
SMONTDiA'i .-ACGroup Meeting m iO 0 PIM
W- .\'iODNTED,'. Bible 'tud\ 11:").1 i
'- ,352-793-4202

First Baptist Churchn of Bushnell
125W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612
S naming g C.oa Nea sol le Tvrough rolainCn:rr
.' .u,',ad', 1hire ytu'3, 1 '. r 11
dr,-I 1111 : r
'.... .* ru .ay BI -.i'i I i r.1

r, First United Methodist Church
Of ;*, -)Tnr,. r ,,-,r T,". I Fatnh. Hope & Loie
..,-,, Sand.,sthilillOas i a WeinihipolnOa m.
Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m.
(l l,'' iCubS.A.ut TuS 6.IIb p
bD 1"Tri)p, Tius1 6'.')p t
| & AlAn.. 8 1Fn8 pm
SHA RE Eoh Si4thSa, ) .1 0 a 793-3221
S.221 W. Noble Ae. &. Li'n Armbra. Patr

FAR:R. bli$ELL CH[m1.CH Or CH'isT"
':_ 310 W. Dade Ave.
''. Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m
l ..-; Sunday Worsi-iLp Serice I I a.m
I .,_.', Evening Worship 6 p m
f x Vednr.dav Bible Study 7 p.m 2


11 -._ ',. 4:,;.
Indian lBaptist Clhurdh "

Sunday Scr.ool 45 nrr.
Moning Worsrhip 1 00 arr.
Evening Vorship 7 00 pm
Wlc.dne-day Prayer Ser v,ce 7 00 pr,-9

' Pleasant Hill Baptist Church "
CR-316A, ushnell
Sunday School 9 45 1 M
Worship 11 00 a M
Sunday Evening Worship 6 00 P M
Wednesday Prayer Servi.:e 7 00 P M
793-5083 Pastor Mike King

Comer of Seminole & Flornda n ve
Worship Hour 9 3) .A .I
Sabbath School I0 45 iM Sat
Wed Pra,,er Meenng 7 30
SAll elew ome J

Home with Rev. Harry
Holloman officiating.
Memorials may be made to
the American Heart
Association. Banks/Page-
Theus Funeral Home,
Wildwood, handled the
Edward F. Jordan Sr.,
86, carpenter
Edward Frank Jordan Sr.,
86, of Bushnell, died
Wednesday, June 29, 2005, in
Tampa. A native of Iloin, N.Y,
he was a resident of Sumter
County since 1976, formerly of
Pasco County. Mr. Jordan was
a carpenter in the construc-
tion field. He was a member of
the VFW Post 10137 and was
of the Catholic faith. He was a
U.S. Army veteran and served
during World War II.
Survivors include his wife,
. Marguretta Jordan of
Bushnell; sons, Edward F
(Charlene) Jordan Jr. of
Brooksville, Paul N. (Sandy)
Jordan of Hendersonville,
N.C.; Sarah Swanson of
Louisburg, Kansas; seven
grandchildren; seven great-
grandchildren; and two great-
great-grandchildren. Services
were held on July 1 at.Purcell
Funeral Home Chapel,
Bushnell, with Deacon Bruno
Weincek officiating.
Interment at Florida National
Cemetery, Bushnell, with
Military Honors rendered by

VFW Post 8083. Purcell
Funeral Home, Bushnell, han-
dled the arrangements.
Ron Veasey, 45,
Ron Veasey, 45, of Bushnell,
died Sunday, July 3, 2005, in
Bushnell. A native of Elkton,
Md., he grew up in North East,
Maryland, and moved to
Bushnell a year-and-a-half
ago from Tupelo, Miss. Mr.
Veasey spent most of his life in
sales, currently employed by
"The Claims Pages" in
Tavares as a senior account
sales executive. He was a
member of Faith Baptist
Church, Webster. Survivors
include his wife, Donna
Adams Veasey of Bushnell;
two sons, Marshall Phillips
Veasey and Austin Lee Hunter
Veasey, both of Nettleton,
Miss.; daughter, Kristian
Nicole Veasey of Nettleton,
Miss.; brother, Robert Veasey
of North East, Maryland.
Services will be held
Thursday, July 7, at 11 a.m. at
Purcell Funeral Home
Chapel, Bushnell, with Pastor
Emery King officiating.
Interment at Evergreen
Cemetery, Bushnell. In lieu of
flowers, donations may be
made to the Faith Baptist
Church, PO. Box 248, Webster,
FL. 33597. Purcell Funeral
Home, Bushnell, handled the

p This Week at the Church of Your Choice


' Hope Lutheran Church
250 Avenida Los Angelos
i.: .Tror I C R 4i .or1ci : EilO I
ITheV \'il.-4
Services are sunday
at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM
For mor rr r r, n nTaTjr..:ali 35-2 -"' :1 .: ,:ur
K Web Silo *aS r.op1iuir.rarriiiAvliiara'. org 2


Webster United
|Methodist Church
Invites You To Attend
Aorsmip Ser.'c. 11 00 a rr,
Church School -9 45 a m
173 Sl E .:rd I. V r-cTer FL 339'.:
A p'arn c/inrch .




H~,~p iT9r TIf, i 10 ILI, 1
'*:und y ,7 lL'ul lrc ','i n 11 CC 3M1
u,3lay Sr..IC,.i 31 11 I1 AM

rFirst Baptist Church""
of Lake Panasoffkee
Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510
Sunday Soarice- 830 a 10 S0 am
Sunday S.:hooi 45 a rr
Sunday Evening 6 00 p m
VW l .ay si ni Fra r Meetri.] p m
K. Pastor Jon Kinq 2

t adiu ofGiace istnes
Panc.r:.: FRao 5Pi Hc..:.r.,',
P.I.. I
Morrirg Worenip- 10 30 '.--.-..a..
Sunday Evening- 6:00 C ;;'"
Weonecraay ighi----- 7.00 .i .i.4 '
793-1600 Erirna
io. l CR 527 Lavi' Pana-offlo I o r ,


Pastor: Thomas S. Church
Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m.
Christian Education: 9:15 a.m
130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2


Pastor: Thomas S. Church
Sunday Worship 9:00 am.
Christian Education: 9:15 a.m.
S130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2

First Baptist Church
of Webster
114 rrmle east ot 471 cn SE 1 st Ave
.un a., S. :r.c.c i J .1
Moi ninro Worr..p i .1j .1
.I' iir.,i *.-/ r '.. i,,- ..r ir...: Pit

... l .h.'5, .; .

Sunday E"

. ildwood United Methodist
300 Mason Street
Sunday School 9:45 am
Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am
Nursery Provided

*Worship 11:00 a.m.
203 Barm ick St.. W\Ildnood. FL 347:
(352) 748-2530





2O'2 Pine Sueet 748-1318

Sli' LCONIE AiL! __' L !!!!! d N, hi I ,----IIP .I
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IDiscover the Ddfem once') 5May eAwdy
a.Ei.. 0Cd, Sunday. 9t304 M
Clovabosr~nS... 1rC 4tl .M
Wednesday Evening:
14.3h CoTMmurw) Cal's t, 11.)p1.
ljMw C;Ommrov u crr,, R 'p/rT,'a35rl 4d ,hii. A' P
Y--Aw w r.ar~rc~g 352 793-601 5,,

"- 0 l E EiJ




Books in the Sumter

Campus Library

The Sumter Campus
Library, located on the Lake-
Sumter Community College
campus behind Langley
Medical Center, is open to all
resident of Sumter County.
The summer hours of the
library are Monday through
Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7
Here's the recent list of
some good summer reading:
Bone Walker: an Anasazi
mystery by Kathleen O'Neal
Disarming Iraq by Hans
An Execution in the
Family: one son's journey by
Robert Meeropol.
The Failures of
Integration: How Race and
Class Are Undermining the
American Dream by Sheryll

HOOT by Carl Hiaasen.
Love and Hate in
Jamestown: John Smith,
Pocahontas, and the Heart of
a New Nation by David A.
Parting the waters:
America in the King Years
1954-63 by Taylor Branch.
Pius XII and the
Holocaust: Understanding
the Controversy by Jose M.
, Shoveling Fuel for a
Runaway Train by Brian
Unforgettable Women of
the Century: Special
Collector's Edition by People
The Working Poor:
Invisible in America by
David K Shipler.

We are coming to a

neighborhood near you!

. Sumter County Veterans
Service Office has Outreach
Stations located in our Public
Libraries throughout the
county to assist our veterans
and/or surviving spouse.
Please see the following days
and times listed below.
Lake Panasoffkee Library is
the first Thursday of each
month at 10:00 a.m.
Coleman Library is the sec-
ond Tuesday of each month at
11:00 a.m.
Sumterville Library is the

From left to right Webster
Police Officers Amy
Fernandez, Marjorie Sanders,
City Councilmen McKinney
and Alderman participate in a
potato sack race on "Cops-n-
Kids Day."

third Tuesday of each month
at 10:00 a.m.
Wildwood Library is the
forth Tuesday of each month
at 10:00 a. m.
Royal Library is the first
Wednesday of each month at
1:00 p.m.
Webster Library is the last
Friday of each month at 10:00
Please contact Sumter
County Veterans Service
Office to make an appoint-
ment at (352) 793-0235.

Children's Health Safari
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Thomas E. Langley
Medical Center is hosting its third annul "Children's Health
Safari" on Saturday, July 16, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The Health Safari is appropriate for children of all ages
and health information is available for their parents and
This year's Health Safari will feature oral health screen-
ings, immunization assessments, vision and hearing screen-
ings, and child risk assessment.
The Sumter County Healthy Start team will be available to
provide car seat checks and car seats are available to anyone
need ing them.
All services are free and no appointment is needed.
For more information call the center at 352-793-5900.



Photos courtesy Marjorie Sanders
At Webster's first "Cops-n-
Kids Day" on June 1, there
were about 100 kids, lots of
food, fun, and games. Officer
Guy Thayer is shown here at
the "dunk a cop" game.

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Dealing with chinch bugs

Dr. Linda Willis Ware, Dr. Barbara Entsuah and Minister JoJo Entsuah are shown left to right.
They served as judges and guest speakers for an educational and community event in honor of
Black History Month, held in February.

The Chinch bug is the most
damaging insect on St.
Augustine grass lawns and
sooner or later most home-
owner gardeners have to
spray to control this pest.
Many people have changed
lawn grasses as a solution to
the chinch bug problem since
the insect only seriously
attacks St Augustine. There
is, however, a way to reduce
turf injury, and this is by prop-
er summer fertilization.
Research has shown that
the rate and source of nitro-
gen fertilizer has. a tremen-
dous effect on the susceptibil-
ity of St. Augustine to chinch
bug injury. As nitrogen fertil-
ization increases, chinch bug
damage increases. There is
also a difference in damage
between nitrogen sources.
Lawns receiving fertilizers

containing slow-release nitro-
gen have fewer chinch bugs
and less damage than lawns
fertilized with highly soluble
(fast release) nitrogen fertiliz-
ers. Don't be misled by the
term "organic" on a bag of fer-
tilizer. Although nitrogen in
slow release fertilizers can be
in an organic form such as
sewage sludge, there are
organic forms such as urea,
which are very soluble and
release nitrogen rapidly. 16-4-
8 or 15-0-15 slow release fertil-
izer is recommended.
It is important to remember
that the natural color of St.
Augustine grass is light green
and not blue green.
Maintaining this unnatural
blue green color with high lev-
els of nitrogen throughout the
summer will greatly increase
the susceptibility of St.

Appearance and flavor took the cake when it came to the cake-
baking contest at a Black History event held Feb. 26, at
Bushnell Community Center. The cake-baking event winner
was Adelaide Small, shown here with her creation.

Halley Collins had a great seat for the fireworks at Werda
Heckamiat? She got top spot on her dad Brian's shoulders.

Augustine grass to chinch bug
There is another way to
maintain the green color of
the grass without promoting
excessive top growth and
increasing susceptibility to
chinch bugs. Applications of
iron sulfate at the rate of 2
ounces per 1,000 square feet
will provide this green effect
The effect from supplemental
iron application is only tem-
porary (approximately 2-4
weeks) therefore, repeat
applications are necessary for
summer-long color. Also,
because iron will stain, care
must be taken not to get iron
sulfate solution on concrete
walks or driveways.
Martin Grum is a Sumter County
Master Gardener, for help with any
garden or landscape advice call
the Sumter County Extension
office at 352-793-2728.



drill to be


Sumter County Emergency
Management will host a
Terrorism homeland securi-
ty, multi-agency exercise.
The exercise is-scheduled
to beginning at 8:30 a.m. on
Thursday, July 14.
The exercise will include
mock incidents at two differ-
ent locations in Bushnell.
One of the security exercis-
es will be at Osprey Point
and the other Blueberry Hill.
The exercise is being
scheduled to train Sumter
County emergency manage-
ment personnel.
Local law enforcement
and emergency management
authorities ask that resi-
dents not be alarmed if they
see action or emergency
vehicles at these two
Bushnell locations.

You are invited to

Vacation Bible School
at First Baptist Church
of Bushnell

"; Lawana Daniels was among the teens that took part in the poetry and reading contest at the
annual Black Awareness Celebration in Bushnell.

Crafts, Music, Games
& More.
Food & Fun & Fellowship.
Kids, Parents, Friends &
Neighbors Exploring
God's Word Together

July 11ith-:15th
|6:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
Pack your bags and get ready
to cruise "Route 254" with
Lifeway's Ramblin' Road Trip:
Which Way Do I Go?TM UBS.
This years kids will see natural
wonders, big cities, theme parks, and
more as they discover the choices
they make daily affect their entire
Show me! Teach me! Guide me!



Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of
the City of Wildwood will. hold a Special Meeting
on July 12, 2005 at 4:00 P.M. in the Commission
Chamber, City Hall, 100 North Main Street,
Wildwood, Florida.

Items for discussion and/or action include but not
limited to:

1. On Call Policy
2. Group Health Insurance Renewal or Bid?

The public is invited to attend

Note: Any person who may feel the need to appeal a Commission
decision is hereby notified that it will be necessary for you to provide'
your own verbatim recording of the Commission Meeting or any
portion thereof.



Quit smoking and stay quit,

local help is on the way!

The Sumter County Health
Department announces the
Freedom from Smoking pro-
gram held in Bushnell. The
Sumter County Health
Department has been helping
smokers for many years. We
now offer the latest informa-
tion on how to quit and stay
A free "Thinking about
Quitting" session will be held
at the Sumter County Health
Department in Bushnell on
Wednesday, June 22, at 5:30
p.m. Cost for the 8-week pro-
gram is only $15. Please call
Nadine at 793-2701 extension
223 to sign up or for more
Freedom from Smoking is
an eight-session stop-smoking

clinic sponsored by the
Sumter County Health
Department. Professionally
trained instructors help smok-
ers create a supportive envi-
ronment to break the smoking
addiction. Each smoker who
joins this clinic will develop
an individual plan for quit-
In the program, emphasis
will be on long-term freedom
from smoking. The ex-smok-
ers will identify the pitfalls of
relapse, and carefully plan to
prevent it. The program
includes the latest improved
skills for good stress manage-
ment, weight control,
assertive communication and
exercise skills to help them

During the Freedom from
Smoking program, the
instructor will teach a step-by-
step method for changing
behavior and quitting smok-
ing. This group approach uses
positive thinking, alternative
behaviors, one-on-one help,
rewards and group support to
help participants stop smok-
Sessions will begin on
Wednesday, June 22 at 5:30
p.m. at the Sumter County
Health Department in
Bushnell. Classes are sched-
uled on June 22, June 29, July
6, July 13, July 15, July 20, July
27, and Aug. 3, at 5:30 p.m.
Please call 793-2701 extension
223 to register and for more

- Summer CALENDAR -

Chief Deputy Jack Jordan, Lt. Donald Knee and Deputy Sheriff Brent Evans accepted the ci
cate from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation which oversees the
accreditation process for the State of Florida.

Sheriffs Office receive

state re-accreditation

On Wednesday, June 29, the
Sumter County Sheriff's Office
received Law Enforcement re-
accreditation in Jacksonville.
Chief Deputy Jack Jordan, Lt
Donald Knee and Deputy
Sheriff Brent Evans accepted
the certificate from the
Commission for Florida Law
Enforcement Accreditation
which oversees the accredita-
tion process for the State of
Florida. "
The Sumter County Sheriff's
Office was first accredited in
2002. Accreditation is a volun-

tary, proactive management
system requiring that policies
and procedures be developed
and in place for incidents or
events prior to their occur-
Accreditation requires com-
prehensive written policies
and procedures be reviewed
continually by agency staff to
ensure they reflect current law
enforcement and corrections
issues, :. -. -
The accreditation process
benefits deputies, the agency,
and the citizens of Sumter

County by ensuring cons
and efficient operations
administrative practice
raise the standard of pi
. sionalism and efficiency fc
sheriff's office.
Re-assessment is reqi
every three y
Participation in the volu
accreditation processes,
achieving accreditation
the established accredit
commissions demonstrate
Sumter County Sheriff's C
commitment to profess

Monday, July 11
The District 13 Family Care
Council will meet from 10 a.m.
to noon at the Wildwood City
All persons interested in
issues of those with
Developmental Disabilities
and their families are invited
to attend.
For more information call
ertifi- Susan Clark- Long at (352) 330-
2177 extension 6291, and (352)
Tuesday, July 12.
The newly formed Villages
S Shrine Club will meet under a
provisional Charter at the
American Legion Hall in Lady
Lake at 7 p.m., followed by a
social hour.
All Nobles in this area, their
wives and guests are invited
to attend.
For further information
istent please call Jack McCleve at
and 750 2085..
rs to Thursday, July 14
rfthes- Showbiz Summer Variety
r the Show features the "Southern
uired Fried" Comedy of Johnny
uired Roberts and Clearwater
rears. Connection performing a mix
ntary of country, bluegrass and
with western swing, at 7 p.m., at the

's the

Leesburg Community
Building, 109 E. Dixie Avenue
(Route 44). $7 at the door.
For more information, call
The monthly meeting of
the Sumter County Democrat
Club will be held at 7 p.m. in
the Sumterville Community
Center off Highway 301 in
Refreshments will be
If interested, please attend
or call Charlotte Poss at 750-
Thursday, July 21
The Alzheimer's Family
Organization Monthly
Support Group Meeting will
be held at 2 p.m. at the Alterra
Claire Bridge Cottage, 710
South Lake Street, Leesburg.
Free respite care provided.
The public is invited.
For more information, call
Bonnie Reidy at 352-728-6661
0 The Sumter County D.E.C.
(Democrat Executive
Committee) will meet at 7 p.m.
in room 1101 of the
Lake/Sumter Community
College off Highway 301 in
Refreshments will be
served. If interested, please

attend or call Gloria Lewis at
Saturday, July 23
St. Lawrence Catholic
Church in Bushnell is having
a fundraiser flea market and
bake sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
at the St Lawrence Catholic
Church social hall on
Highway 301.
To reserve a table in the air-
conditioned hall for $10, call
Jean Petty at (352) 793-7773.
Saturday, Aug. 27
The Visual Arts Association
of The Villages (VAA) and the
Villages Recreation
Department present the
Summer Show at La Galleria
of La Hacienda Recreation
Center in The Villages.
The show will open at 2 p.m.
The show consists of original
work in all media and is open
to the public free of charge
from 8:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m.
All Central Florida art
lovers are welcome and
encouraged to experience the
For more information, con-
tact Edith O'Connor at 259-
0893 or Sam Hoppe at 259-

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TimberRidge: Full-service emergency care.

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Library Summer
Reading Program
The E.C. Rowell Public
Library at 85 E. Central
Avenue in Webster announces
its Library Summer Reading
Program, Reading Around
Florida, which will begin on
Saturday, July 9, from 10 until
11:30 a.m. and be held each
Saturday after that on the
16th, 23rd and 30th of July at
the same time.
There will be an interesting
and educational program
each Saturday. Refreshments'
will be served. Those children
attending will receive a free
new book each week
Turn your children on to
reading during the summer
doldrums, so you won't hear,
"I'm bored, and there's noth-
ing to do."
Mark your calendars and
plan on attending each week
for fun, crafts, free books,
refreshments and more. Call
Judy Lee at 352-568-1600 for
more information.
Country and
gospel music
There will be music at the
Community Building starting
in July on second fourth and
fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m.
Country and gospel music will
be heard at Lake Panasoffkee
Community Building across
from Truck Stop on 470.
( Musicians by invitation only.
Call 748-2628 for informa-
Respite Assistance
Alzheimer's Family
Organization is offering mone-
tary reimbursement for
respite costs through our
Respite Assistance Program.
Respite is essential for the
caregivers of a dementia or
Alzheimer's disease sufferer
to help refresh and revive.
The Alzheimer's Family
Organization will also provide
other national respite
resources that can reimburse
costs to caregivers.
This free program is avail-
able to all residents .of
Hernando, Citrus, Sumter and
Lake counties caring for an
individual with dementia or
Alzheimer's disease. Contact
the Alzheimer's Family
Organization main office for
full details at 727-848-8888 or
toll free at 888496-8004.
Haven of Lake &
Sumter Counties
Haven is a non-profit orgatn-
ization dedicated to serving
victims of Domestic Violence
and Sexual Assault.,
. Due to our non-profit status.
we are entirely supported
grants, and more importantly,.
the community: Currently,
Haven is in need of volunteers

Spay or Neuter your pet!

at our administration building
and at .our shelters: Those
that selflessly give of them-
selves and their time are what
makes our work possible.
For information call (352)
Public libraries
Outreach Stations
Sumter County Veterans
Service Office will\be setting
up "Outreach Statio s" in the
public libraries through out
the county. Beginning:on June
7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday
of each month a Veteran
Services Officer will be at
Lake Panasoffkee Library.
The second Tuesday of each
month we will be at Coleman
Library. The third Tuesday of
each month we will be at
Clark Maxwell Library in
Sumterville. The fourth
Tuesday of each month we
will be Wildwood Library, and
the last Friday of each month
we will be at the E.C. Rowell
Library in Webster.
If you have any further
questions please contact
Sumter County Veterans
Service Office at (352) 793-
Summer reading
The Panasoffkee communi-
.ty Library will be having a
Summer Reading Program.
This program will be geared
for children, kindergarten
through third grade. It will be
held Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20
and 27, at 10:30 a.m.
You need to pre-register at
the library, 1500 C.R. 459, or by
calling 793-8608.
New 4-year-old
Sumter Christian School
will be starting a 4-year-old
Kindergarten for the 2005-06
school year. Enrollment is
now being taken.
The school is located in
Sumterville, behind Thomas
Langley Medical Center. Call
793-2358 for information.
The Disabled American
Veterans Transportation
Network is looking for v'olun-
teer drivers to transport veter-
ans to the Gainesville VA
Medical Center.
Must have valid driver's
license and insurance card,
and be able to pass a VA phys-
For more information, con-
tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793-
5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793-
5129. You do not have to be a
veteran to drive.
support group-
Meetings are on the second
Monday of every month at

Chuck's Odd cup'les Caf6 on
West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m.
Refreshments are provided.
For information, contact Lee
Krauss, (352) 793-7704.
History of Linden
books for sale
The Linden Cemetery
Association reminds everyone
of our most recent books, Ties
That Bind II, More About the
Linden Cemetery and the
Linden Cemetery Picnic. This
is a companion to our first
book, Ties That Bind, a
History of Linden and the
Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties
That Bind II is a 232-page,
indexed, hardbound edition
that features approximately
500 obituaries of those buried
at Linden with more than 500
total photographs.
Ties That Bind II sells for a
donation of $25 and may be
purchased at the following
locations: Sumter County
Times Office, Bushnell;
Sumter County Farm Bureau
Insurance Office, Beyille's
Corner; Warneta's Beauty
Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell
Public Library, Hayseed Caf6,
Speckled Butterbean
Restaurant and Webster
Beauty Salon, all of Webster
Domestic violence
support group meets
Curious about what may
constitute domestic abuse or
concerned that you might be
in a domestic violence rela-
tionship? There's a women's
support group from 6 p.m. to 8
p.m. on Thursday nights that
meets at Bushnell Library.
Pilot Club
The Pilot Club of Sumter
County meets the first
Thursday of the month at the
American Legion Hall on
Hwy. 44, Wildwood.
Contact Maxine Cox at 748-
0111 or Gwen Smith at 748-
AmSouth Bank
collection site
AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main
Street in Bushnell, is a proud
collection site for school sup-
plies for Sumter County kids.
Please do not delay; drop off
school supplies today.
Florida Friendly
Landscaping Series
Wendel Martinkovic.
Sumter County extension:
agent for residential horticul-
ture, with selected guest
speakers, is presenting a
monthly landscaping series
that will eniconi pass every-
thing you need to know to

have the ideal Florida yard.
The meetings are the sec-
ond Wednesday of each month
at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake
Panasoffkee Recreation
Center, West Wing meeting
Topics to be covered, but not
limited to: right plant, right
place; watering efficiently;
mulching; composting; fertil-
izing appropriately; managing
yard pests; rain barrels, storm
water runoff; wildlife, hum-
mingbirds and butterflies;.
protecting the waterfront.
All materials and light
refreshments included. Free
to the public.
Phone the Sumter County
Extension Office to register at
Pilot Club
meets 2nd Tuesdays
The Blue Heron Pilot Club
of Sumter County meets every
second Tuesday of the month
at Chuck's Odd Couples
Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell.
-The Pilot Club is a service
club supporting brain-related
disorders and welcomes any-
one interested in becoming a
For more information, con-
tact President Anne
Batchelder at 568-8411.
North Lake
Detachment 662
The North Lake
Detachment 662 Marine Corps
League meets the second
Thursday of each month at 7
p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad),
For more information, call
Mixer Dance at
Lake Panasoffkee
Mixer dance every first, and
third Friday night, from 8 p.m.
to 11 p.m. at the Lake
Panasoffkee Community
Building, located on C.R. 470,
one block east of 1-75, block
north of the blinker light
across from the truck stop.
The dance is open to cou-
ples and singles. Finger foods
appreciated. Sponsored by
Sumter Singles. For more
information, call 352-583-3740.
The Sumter Cruisers invite
all persons interested in or
owning classic cars -to
Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee
every second Friday of each
month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise
night. Bring your old cars. For
more information call 793-
3006 or e-mail:
jessiewoodard57,i hotmail.co

A support group for widows,
widowers and divorcees is
held every Wednesday at 9:30
a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee
United Methodist Church.
If you are grieving, hurting,
join us.
Central Florida
Dance Club
The Central Florida Dance
Club has a new Web site
name: dancefla.com.
Admission is still $5 and sin-
gles and couples are still wel-
If there are any questions,
call Belva Maier at 352-383-
VIP Support
Group Schedule
The VIP Support Group
meets the last Monday of each
month from noon to 2:30 p.m.
at the First Presbyterian
Church of Bushnell, 615
Broad Street, Bushnell.
Transportation provided.
Bushnell takes in surrounding
Kiwanis Club
The club meets on Tuesday
mornings at Herb and Peg's
Bakery in Bushnell Plaza,
Bushnell. For more informa-
tion call Secretary Mark
Raciappa, 793-4911.
Do you paint?
The Sumter County Arts
Guild would like to invite you
to come join us in our weekly
This is a place to get togeth-
er with other artists to paint
and compare notes, to have
other artist critique your
work, to exchange ideas, to
help and.to be helped when
you encounter a problem.
You may be a beginner still
struggling, and intermediate
that has progressed in his or
her work but still needs the
eyes of other artist, or you may
be a professional.
Oils, watercolor, acrylics,

pastels, colored pencils, draw-
ing and or pen and ink or what
ever style you work in doesn't
We will be offering different
types of classes all along. We
have had watercolor and
acrylic classes and will be
offering other classes in the
Please come join us.
We meet every Wednesday, 1
p.m., at the Sumterville
Community Center on Hwy.
301 just north of Bushnell.
For more information
please contact Pat Oelslager
at 352-568-2908; e-mail:
Need food
Food is given away and
emergency bills will be paid
on second and fourth Fridays
at 320 E. Dade Ave. in
Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
by Faith Based Food and the
Salvation Army, respectively. .
The Al-Anon Group, Joy in
Freedom, meets at 8 p.m.
every Friday at the First
United Methodist Church of
Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave.
Parking on N. Hopkins St.:
Contacts are Judy 352-793--
5738; Linda, 352-583-3075;:
Jeanette, 352-568-0612.
Lions Club
Sumter 44 Lions Club bingo:
is held. every Friday' and:
Saturday, 818 N. Old Wire&
Road, Wildwood, starting at:
noon; $50 games and three:
$250 jackpots. Call 748-3990 if:
additional information is
Breast Feeding
Support Group
The Breast Feeding:
Support Group meets the sec-;
ond Wednesday of every,
month at 1:30 to 3 p.m. at
Bushnell Public Library. For
more information call 793-
5900, extension 2928 or exten-
sion 2959.

Fireworks display at Werda Heckamiat

Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment
Visit the newest member of the lr MASSEY FERGUSON TEAM
P-- I I ,sa I -*" I. ," on = -- I t ,

must meet requirements

Surgery Day: Tuesday & Friday 8:30-5 PM IBy Appointment)
Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 P 4..,4f

Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic
yf. 735 E. C 470, Lk. Panasoffkee -
l (352) 568-9994

Annuity Review

Changing interest rates and market
conditions may affect the return on
your investments, including your
annuity. That's why it's important to
periodically review your annuity to
ensure it is working to meet your
financial objectives..

If you have any questions about your
annuity's performance, call or stop
by for more information. Be sure
to bring your contract and most
current statements.

lEdwardJSIPC ones
S adda Ir ce 1871


_____ 1258 786 1228


Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85%
Wt Range Avg W Price Range
855-880 867 58.00-63.00
920-1085 984 57.00-62.00
1015-10 0 1033 .65.0-69.00
1100-1270 1161 58.00-63.00
1160-1285 1212 64.00-69.00
1310-1500 1379 60.00-65.00
,iaueler Cos Lea n85-f%
M fliraq Aig M Price a.a
785-885 830 51.00-59.600
710-820 782 36.00-48.00
925-1085 994 52.00-59.50
905-980 954 36.00-50.00
Slaughter Bulle Y.G. 1
WIRange AvgWI Price Range
1260-1355 1313 70.00-76.00
1250-1400 1354 77.00-80.00
1075-1320 1204 65.0-e68.00
1595-1845 1706 70.00-77.00
1650-18955 1802 80.0-85.00
1580-1855 1702 66.00-67.00

Slaughter cows and bulls: Steady.
Feeder steers and heifers: Steady. Supply and demand were moderate.
Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 73 percent, (42 percent steers, 31 percent helf-
ers).over 600 lbs. 1 percent (1 percent steers, heifers).
Slaughter cows and bulls: 20o percent. NOTICE:The Sumter County Livestock Market will be closedTuesday
Replacement cows: percent. July 5 In observance of the 4th of July holiday. The next cattle sale .
Replacement cows: 6 percent. will be held onTuesdayJuly,122006.
FeederSteersandBulleMedu and Large1-2 385-395 300 125.00-138.00 133.06
AvgPrlce WRange AvgW PrCeRange AvgPrice. 403-442 418 112.00-124.00 118.74
60.00 191 191 215,00 215.00 450-495 482 113.00-125.00 110.53
60.26 205-235 218 180.00-182.00 180.66 517-540 523 103.00-105.00 103.52
67.02 HlghDressing 260-295 272 167.00-180.00 170.66 FeederHellersMedum andLarge2-3
61.83 304-340 313 144.00-158.00 145.88 WMRange Avg W PriceRange Aug Price
67.04 High Dressing 357-398 386 136.00-140.00 137.57 210-245 222 140.00-160.00 153.27
63.69 400-445 425 126.00-133.00 130.45 255-298 280 128.00-144.00 139.25
65.77 High DressIng 453-45 458 114.00-124.00 118.83 310-345 325 120.00-134.00 124,77
500-521 509 ,119.00-122.00 121.14 365-395 379 109.00-125.00 116.78
AvgPrice 567-594 580 118.00-120.00 118.98 435-442 440 107.00-110.00 107.80
55.91 640 640 112.00 112.00 465-485 475 103.00-108.00 105.31
43.65 LowDressing Feeder Seers and Bulls Medum andLarge 2- 510-535 520 92.00-98.00 95.68
54.33 WIRange AvgWi PdeRange AgPrice FeederHelfereSmall-.2
43.31 Low Dressing 205-243 230 150.00-170.00 167.45 I uRange Avg W PriceRange Agg Price
262-295 275 140.00-160.00 152.60 235-245 240 124.00-130.00 127,06
AvgPdrice 310-345 331 126.00-140.00 133.77 305-345 324 114.00-122.00 118.24
73.74 350-375 358 120.00-134.00 127.89 BredCowsMedumrandLargel-2Young
78.58 HIghDressing 405435 422 112.00-122.00 .110.57 WRange. AvgWl Price Range AvgPrice
66.07 LowDressing 460-485 468 105.00-114.00 108.41 770-845 808 62.00-96.00 79.79 4-6mosbred
73.74 517-545 527 99.00-107.00 102.58 900-1095 975 61.00-82.00 69.73 4 6 mos bred
82.20 HighDressa g 550-595 568 94.00-107.00 101.50 1145-1200 1171 60.00-66.00 62.55 4-6mosbred
60.67 LowOressIng 610-625 618 89.00-05.00 92.04 1305-1405 1355 63.00-65.50 64.20 4-6mosbred
FeederSleer and Bulle Smal 1-2 Cow-Calf PairsMedum and Large 1-2 Young
W Range AvgWl PriceRange AvgPrice WiRange AvgWt PrIceRange AvgPrce
210-245 222 114.00-134.00 123.26- 770-815 786 580.00-700.00 645,42
270-295 281 110.00-132.00 120.71 1105-1210 1169 610.0-900.00 755.06

310-340 320 110.00-125.00 118.29
350-355 352 110.00-126.00 118.06
Feeder Heifers Medum and Large 1-2
W Range AvgW Price Range AvgPrce
155-165 160 175.00-195.00 184.69
200-225 215 182.00-19.00 191.91
250-280 258 140.00-158.00 147.54
305-346 328 138.00-148.00 141.19

Friendly Folks 'Fair Prices 0FreSFeed
Your Quality HAY Specialists
Now in the Barn:
SWestern T&A Western Alfalfa

#1 Sumter County Dealer
All Purpose & Leisure
10% 5.65 12% 5.85
New & Used Saddles & Tack

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Office Hours
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Local student to attend Presidential Classroom Scholars Program

Harold Gadson, a student at
Wildwood High School, will
attend the Presidential
Classroom (PC) Scholars
Program July 2 to 9 in
Washington, D.C. Presidential
Classroom, the leader in civic
education, provides the best
and brightest high school jun-
iors and seniors unprecedent-

ed access to the leaders who
shape America's public policy
During the weeklong pro-
gram, PC Scholars interact
with Washington insiders,
including members of
Congress, presidential
appointees, senior military
officials, top business leaders

and journalists. Students
observe the U.S. Congress in
action, visit their congressional
offices and debate current
issues with peers from the
United States and abroad.
They also visit the renowned
sites of our nation's capital
such as the White House (by

special invitation), the U.S.
Department of State and
Arlington National Cemetery.
Additional program high-
lights include a seminar on the
'floor of the U.S. House of
Representatives, Central
Intelligence Agency briefing
and foreign embassy visits.


Joseph Brent Novak, 42, of
Weeki Wachi and Jeanette
Covey Ferguson, 34, of Weeki
Israel Paul Istre, 25, of Weeki
Wachi and Jessica Denise
Hooten, 22, of Bushnell.
Danny Lee Evans, 41, of
Bushnell and Kathy Ann
Beasley, 43, of Bushnell.
Property Transfers:
Richard N. and Josephine
Grubbs to Maria Alvarez,
property in S26, T18S, R22E
for $100.
Paul C. and Juliane T.
Charles and James A. Ricco
and Marlene Baldikoski-Ricco
to Kathleen S. Gregorch, prop-
erty in Fernandina Villas for
Villages of Lake Sumter Inc.
to Gregory E. and Mary Kay

Werner, Trs. of Werner Trust,
property in Villages Unit 92
for $256,800; to Sue E., and
Donald J. Sullivan, property in
Villages Unit 79 for $287,800;
to Jon R. and Patricia
Alexander, property in
Villages Unit 107 for $336,500;
to Robert L. Myer, Jr. and
Carol B. Myer, property in
Hickory Grove Villas for
$136,400; to Mark D. and Joan
D. Covert, Trs. of Mark D. and
Joan D. Covert Revocable
Living Trust, property in
Villages Unit 82 for $207,300;
to Joseph A. and Kristie K.
Cortis and Irene Kukorowski,
property in Villages Unit 90
for $348,900; to Jerry S. and
Candace A. Neibert, property
in Belmont Villas for $211,400;
to John H. and Rosemary L.
Lindquist, property in Hickory
Grover Villas for $126,500;

James H. Siedle, Jr. and Linda
J. Siedle, property in Villages
Unit 88; to Jeffrey R. and Mary
Ann C. Gaskill, property in
Villages Unit 94 for $ 672,500;
to Dave and Marjorie
Wdowiak, property in Villages
Unit 93 for $149,700; to Carole
and Harvey Barer, property in
Hickory Grove Villas for
$132,400; to Bryan M. and
Linda G. Marshall, property in
Villages Unit 93 for $151,300;
to Robert H. and Janet M.
Hammel, property in Hickory
Grove Villas for $129,100; to
Timothy R. and Rosanne H.
Berry, property in Villages
Unit 93 for $201,700; to
Richard W and Leona A.
Killock, property in Villages
Unit 95 for $321,300; to David
G. and Nancy K Gibson, prop-,
erty in Villages Unit 93' for
$170,700; to Jafiice M. Titus,

property in Sullivan Villas for
$210,700; to Dewey K., and
Mary P Servies, property in
Villages Unit 100 for $335,200;
to Carl H. and Nancy A.
Degen, property in Villages
Unit 92 for $226,600.
Bobby L. and Julie J.
Chandler to Thomas E. and
Esta Collins, property in
Riverside Retreats for $17,000.
Joan V Rogers Ind. & Trs. of
Joan V Rogers Trust to Ronald
K. and Judith L. Ryman, prop-
erty in Villa Escandido for
Robert J. Klimas and Bessie
M. Klimas to Robert J. and
Bessie M. Klimas Trs. ,
Klimass Family Trust, proper-
ty in Villa Escondido for
Patsy Ruth Ackett to Jeffrey
D. Witt, Jr, property in S5,
T21S, R22E for $209,000.


Now it's Bob's turn

Life has had its ups and
downs for Bob. He was res-
cued when he was a kitten
with his brother Herman.
Herman found a home quick-
ly, but Bob was overlooked. In
his foster home, Bob made
friends with a mini poodle
named Fifi. They became
Last year things started
looking up for Bob. Not only
did Bob find a home, but Fifi
was adopted too both togeth-
er in the same home!
Now Bob and Fifi could live
happily ever after.
But circumstances change,
and a year later a necessary
move had to be made. Only
one pet could go. Fifl would
be moving with her family, but
Bob was returned to the
Humane Society/SPCA of
Sumter County.
Poor Bob needed some time
to adjust to being homeless
again, and worst of all, he
missed Fifi. First he was sep-
arated from his brother, and
now he was separated from
But Bob is forever hopeful.
He is still willing to trust and
love again, if only someone

will give him the loving home
he longs for. Bob is so hand-
some with his oriental fea-
tures and bobtail. Given a lit-
tle time, he is very affection-
If you can offer Bob a for-
ever loving home, call the
Humane. Society/SPCA of
Sumter County at 352-793-
9117 or e-mail:

Gerald and Phyllis Bassett,
17-year residents of Bushnell,
will celebrate their 50th wed-
ding anniversary. They were
married on July 30,1955 in
Folkston, Ga. The Bassetts
have three children, John
Bassett of East Peoria, III.,
Richard Bassett of Peoria
Heights, III., and Linda
Stebbins of Londonderry, N.H.
They also have six grandchil-
dren and two great-grandchil-
dren. They will celebrate their
anniversary with their family.
Mr. Bassett retired in 1988 as
-- personnel manager of
Komatsu Mining Equipment
Company in Peoria, III.


Carl Cassels, 19, of Webster,
recently graduated from
United.States Marine Corps
basic training in Parris Island,
...S.C..He is the son of BaiLey
and Sandy Cassels of
Webster. He has one brother -
Corey, a sister-in-law, Hannah
and one niece Rachel
Rahann Cassels. He was born
in Brandon and graduated
from South Sumter High
School in 2004.



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] COMING SOON SUNDAY BRUNCH! I-ew House Band, 'Southern Comfort 4666 CR 300
LL. MuSICi lA-5 WELCOMrE) 12P.,1l-.IPI1 Lake Panasoffkee

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'! l Fri. 7am to 9p ro Sun. 8a m to 3pm ,sr n..-.:y ,, ., ,r Batman Begins.The Peoect Man
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SothSutW Plaz Dark Water PG-13 Rebound PG
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FR IDA.. T HRU H RSDAY /8. r.r,-rrur 12 ". : 0 r r,.Tru. 12 3 1 2 0 -2 10 0

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-- Batman Begins PG-13 Mr. & Mrs. Smith PG-13
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FRIDAY THRu THURSDAY 7/G-14S jkTr, M ud g 'a c r. PG T) L. n t 'a P) 1 1

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