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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 23 s35 INSIDE Calendar ............. 9 Church ............... 8 Obituaries ............6 Police Report .......... .3 Tidbits ..............12 THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 20051 Commission overturns board on cement plant MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Even the tallest pine trees of the south Sumter County flatwoods will appear diminu- tive in comparison to the 300- foot silo of a cement plant that might soon join them. County Commissioners on Tuesday approved changes to an existing conditional use permit that would allow the construction of the towering kiln exhaust stack and silo of a cement processing plant on agricultural land near the Mabel community. The commission- vote over- turned a recommendation from the county Zoning and Adjustment Board which last week voted seven to two to deny the application for expanding the conditional use permit. The commission approval changes a permit that current- ly allows for the operation of a limerock quarry on the Paul and Reba Mazak property north of State Road 50 and about two miles west of County Road 469. Commissioners unanimous- ly approved the modification upon a motion by Commissioner Randy Mask and a second by Commissioner Jim Roberts. The board decision came after about an hour of com- ments from consultants for Mazak's Florida Mining Corporation and citizens who mostly objected to the propos- al. James Bassett, Orlando. County Commissioners on Tuesday approved changes to an existing con- ditional use permit that would allow the construction of the towering kiln exhaust stack and silo of a cement processing plant on agricultural land near the Mabel community. engineer for the project, said that it would create no addi- tional traffic burden for the area roads. He suggested that the air quality issued be addressed through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permitting process. Steve Cullen, a consultant for the project said that many of the concerns were addressed in the 300-page FDEP permit application doc- ument and that it was avail- able for public scrutiny., He also explained briefly how coal along with possibly 10-15 percent waste tires- would be used to heat lime- stone with some clay afd sand additives to produce the cement. He noted that the federal Environmental Protection Agency supports the use of waste tires in kilns and that publications from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services showed no adverse health effects from burning tires. Residents, however, were not convinced especially about possible, kiln emissions near the limerock pits open into the aquifer. 1 Mostly, they raised concerns about air quality, traffic, possi- bly additional mining, water consumption and noise. And, virtually all of them ask the board to delay a vote until they could get more Truckers pull out all the stops at SuperRigs show AMANDA MIMS Staff W riter '-.., If Nyou*ve ever wanted to see everything to do with semi-tractor trailers. last week was your chance at the S23rd Annual Rotella SSuperRigs Truck Beauty SContest held in Wildwood at the 75 Chrome Shop. , S They rolled in, some brightly colored with murals. others colored sleek and solid, catching the eyes and turning heads of spectators. They came from the north- east and southwest, all to show offtheir stuffand hope- SfuI of being named the best. The event is known Throughout the country and Sis held in a different part of Sthe U.S. every year. i Presented by Shell Rotella Oil. the event draws an aver- age of 100 rigs for competi- Stion every year. and thou- sands of spectators. What really makes the competition unique is that it's all about the owners' pride in their work, because " they're all showing trucks ,-- they drive for a lisvinrg. " W"'We pride ourselves on the Mike Horan, of chrome manufacturer Road Works in Lafayette, Ind., shows off his "Chrorhe Police" truck, complete with More CHROME, Page 10 flashing lights to give it that official look. Plans for new Center Hill mine plant on 1,400+ acres AMANDA MIMas Staff Writer Florida Crushed Stone isn't the only business determined to mine more -of Center Hill. Already, there are several mines in the county, but Center Hill could soon be see- ing another industrial neigh- bor, as a new cement manu- facturing company makes plans to build and mine on recently purchased land total- ing approximately 1,470 acres in size. Although Sumter County and Center Hill are currently experiencing a substantial Guardian set to AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer With four people working in a 160-square foot office, the employees at Guardian ad Litem are anxious to spread their wings as they move into Suite One at 218 North Florida Street in Bushnell. : Pretty soon, they'll know what it feels like to have a bathroom that doesn't double as a file room, and a lobby with enough room for people to walk through. S"We're so excited," said Kate Busby, case coordinator for the Sumter program. amount of mining activity and faced with the proposed expansion of some of them, this one is separate from the others, starting fresh with a large chunk of improved pas- ture. The land is located par- tially in the city limits of Center Hill and to the south and east of the city. The company, Sumter Cement Company. LLC, is owned jointly by Anderson- Columbia and Votorantim Cimentos North America. The companies also jointly own Suwannee-American Cement, the cement manufac- turing facility two Center Hill council members toured in ad Litem move "The biggest problem now is that we can't fit everyone in here at the same time." said Busby, who hopes to be moved within the next few weeks. The County Commission has agreed to lease part of a .new office building just north- west of the courthouse, which will be more accessible to the public. "We're going to have a big- ger presence in the communi- ty," she said. "We'll have addi- tional volunteers and they'll be visiting us more often." The Guardian ad Litem pro- gram is serves as an advocate Please see GAL, Page 2 April. Dan Fritz, chief executive officer of Sumter Cement and a manager for VCNA, said the company plans to build a cement manufacturing facility and related structures on an area of 50 acres. During the lifespan of the mine, which could be 70 years, he said. "we'd like a thousand of those acres to be mineable." Fritz said one reason for choosing Center Hill is its location in the state. "The highest rate of growth within the state is in the center. We wanted to be positioned very close to the marketplace," he said. Also. Center Hill offers com- panies like Supnter Cement ample mineral, content and large open areas. "We had to find a property that was large enough to have sufficient limestone reserves which would be chemically suitable for cement manufac- turing," he said. "We hope within one to two years we'll have all permits and actually start construc- tion," he said. In all. they hope to be up and running within three to fou r years. He also said they are pre- pared to address possible opposition to the mine and plant Fritz said up intil now, the companies have had very lit- tle contact with local resi- dents, because the land had not yet been purchased. He said they are planning a work- shop for this month to address questions citizens may have, though an exact date hasn't been set. "The company is very inter- ested in working closely with the city and the county to develop this in the right way and to address any concerns they may have," he said. '* ** detailed information about the project. Yvonne Taylor, Center Hill began her comments with one simple statement: "Help!" "We have had-one struggle after another," Taylor said, alluding to a campaign that she and other residents waged a few years ago to halt a pro- posed landfill near Center Hill. She said she is concerned that the operation will be tak- ing more water and emitting toxins into the air. She also asked if there might be acid rain and sulfuric acid emis- sions from the plant "We are wet prairie after wet prairie," she said. "It is, very environmentally sensi- tive." Please see COUNTY, Page 2 Safe stolen ANNIE BROWN BONNETT Times Correspondent Center Hill City Hall was robbed of its safe in the early hours of Friday, June 10, prob- ably between the hours of 12 a.m. and 1 a.m., according to Chief Roger Odom of the Center Hill Police Department While many details of the investigation aren't being released at this time, Odom said police are investigating and processing evidence found at the crime scene. He said it was discovered that the safe was missing around 8 a.m., when a city water employee came to work Odom said only two employees work in the City .)ac cp AF-PIUU.., 2 Leesburg's July 4 celebration There will be a carnival and food on Saturday, July 2 and Sunday, July 3, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Venetian Gardens, Ski Beach and the Pointe. The district softball tourna- ment at Sleepy Hollow Recreation Complex will be held Wednesday, June 29 through Sunday, July 3. The times will be announced. July 4 Activities Climbing Rock noon to 9 p.m. ($5 per climb) ` Venetian Gardens pool opens for a cool holiday after- noon swim and lots of fun and games including a big splash contest, coin and drink toss, greased watermelon, side- walk chalk, limbo, underwa- ter soccer, hula hoop contests and more. Prizes, too! The: pool opens at 2 p.m. and clos- es at 8 p.m. There is no charge. More FOURTH,Page 2 .41 (" t \H Photo by Amanda MIms Not far from the courthouse, this office at 218 North Florida Street in Bushnell is the future home of the Sumter Guardian ad Litem program.. Case Coordinator Kate Busby said they hope to be settled in within the next few weeks. pl 1 15 !1 g 1j:j j: I 9 PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 GAL continued from Page 1 for children in dependency court, those who have been taken from their parents because of abuse or neglect The program depends on volunteers to work to make the court process as short as possible, while looking out for the child's best interests. ' The new office will accom- modate volunteers as well as employees. There will be a room for volunteers to work, equipped with a telephone COUNTY Wanda Gallagher described herself as the closest neighbor of the mine and proposed plant "From Sumter County, FDEP, and the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), the Mazak mine shows a history of repeated violations. She cited a list of docu- ments from the various agen- cies that pertained to viola- tions or notices about unper- mitted activities. But, commissioners and county officials noted that there have been no violations since Mazak took control of the mining operation a couple of years ago. Roberts said he under- stands that there are three such plants in consideration for the county, including one at Center Hill and one at Sumterville. "We need to look at these locations and potential impacts," he said, noting that SAFE continuedfrom Page 1 Hall building that also houses the water department. I He said there was some cash in the safe, as well as paper items but would not give specific details on what and computer. There will also be a file room, an office for the program attorney, case coordi- nator, and a reception area. Though this seems a neces- sary move, the office space wasn't easy to gain. Busby said they have writ- ten letters on a monthly basis to the County Commission asking for space, and have been trying to move since they moved to the current office a year ago on the second floor of the judicial building in the courthouse. Just a few weeks ago, they approached the commission at a regular meet- ing, and got the answer they wanted. cement prices, demand and shortages have all increased in recent months. Mask asked about employ-' ees and was told that the plant would have about 80-100 employees. "Everything that has come before us has been shot down as far as the negatives," Mask said, following his motion. "This is not a landfill and I believe it will be done right." In other matters related to mining: Roberts wants Rinker Materials to demonstrate why the company's mining permit for the Florida Crushed Stone Mine at Center Hill should not be revoked for failing to com- ply with SWFWMD water rules. Roberts presented his fel- low commissioners with a copy of a SWFWMD notice to the company stating that the mine had for some time dis- charged approximately six million gallons of water per day into the Jumper Creek canal. The water was sup- posed to go into retention facility. He described the discharge as a "major, major breach" of the paper items were or the amount of cash. He said the perpetrator or perpetrators entered the building through a window and left through a door, though he did 'not say if the window had been broken. . In an unrelated incident on Monday, Odom said several bottles of propane were stolen from Center Hill Food Store "We know there's so much need for space in the county. We were surprised when they gave us such a quick answer." The new office will cost the county roughly $15,000 for one year, with a few extra offices left for county use. Currently, more volunteers are needed- for the Sumter Guardian ad Litem program. There are currently about 37 volunteers helping approxi- mately 100 children. Volunteers do not need legal experience, and training is provided. For 'information about becoming a volunteer, call Kate Busby at (352) 568-6626. permit conditions. The board agreed to have staff compile a list of purport- ed violations that would be used to notify Rinker SMaterials of a hearing on its permit While Rinker is seeking to expand its mining operation near Center Hill, there should be no consideration of that until the water issue is resolved, according to Roberts. County Development Services Director Robbie Rogers said that on an inspec- tion of the mine last week, a ditch to divert the water to an empty pit was nearly com- plete and that SWFWMD offi- cials are generally pleased with it. ' "For this portion of it, the district feels they are back in compliance," she said. Roberts wanted to know why they waited until now to act on the water discharge. "We'll never recover that six million gallons of water per day," Roberts said. "They need to justify why 'this'was done." on East King's Highway. He said they were secured with locks outside the building. No arrests have yet been made in either case, though Odom said police are follow- ing up on leads for both. Anyone with information on either incident is asked to call the Center Hill Police Department at (352) 793-4609. FOURTH continued from Page 1 Vintage Car Show noon to 5 p.m., no charge. The location .is the Venetian Gardens park- ing lot Face Painting for the kids - 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Venetian Gardens, no charge. Water Ski Show visibility sports marketing profession- al, human pyramid, swivel and ballet, wakeboarding, slalom skiing demonstration, adagio doubles, trio, and bare- foot skiing at Ski Beach. Performances are at 4, 6 and 7 p.m. Jimmy Vee the Magician - free Treasure Island at Ski Beach free Ice cream will be served starting at 7:30 p.m. at the City of Leesburg's tent by your elected city officials and city staff at no charge. The July 4 celebration will also include bands at the main stage with music line-up from noon to 9 p.m. At approximately 9:15 p.m. to city will light up the night with an aerial fireworks dis- play presented by Dragon Works. Country and Gospel music slated There will be music at the Community Building starting in July on second fourth and fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Country and gospel music will be heard at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building across from Truck Stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only. Call 748-2628 for information. To place an ad in the Sumter County Times call 793-2161. DO MORE. WITH MORE. Only Nextel has the tools you need to get more done. Instantly. Coast-to-coast walkie-talkie Connect in under a second. 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Geiznue Chvrolet Rates & rebates subject to change. 847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16,. 2005, PAGE 3 Anti-mine group asks for help -P EPORT AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer While it's unclear whether the City of Center Hill will support a group opposed to the expansion of a nearby mine, a decision should be made by the time the council meets again next month. Founders of CORE, Citizens Opposed to Rinker's Expansion, approached the council on the topic at a regu- lar meeting on June 7, and asked for the city to support them in their resistance to the mine's proposal of expanding by 395 acres in the Center Hill area, outside the city limits, by writing a letter to that effect to the Sumter Board of County Commissioners. Among CORE's concerns are the mine's potential affects on the structure near- by homes, as well as water and environmental issues. Retired married engineers Louise Racine and John Megan, who live outside Center Hill on County Road 567, lead the group of home and business owners and pre- sented the council and a crowd of about 45 people with information on the expansion. Racine started by telling the council that to deny the expansion would be to shut the mine down, but explained the pros and cons to doing so. They spoke for about an hour before the council; some residents also voiced their concerns, and many of those related to nuisances they say the mine already presents to them. No one representing the Rinker mine spoke at the meeting. "I'm not totally against the mine," said Bubba Hodge, adding that restricting the expansion might be better. Council members did not immediately make a decision regarding the city's position in the matter. Many of those who were left after CORE's presentation AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Lynette Revels loves to shop, and she loves to go fish- ing. But getting around though busy malls and traveling over sandy ground poses chal- lenges unforeseen to others and can be very tiring to her. She has to work harder than most people to do everyday things because she has Spina .Bifida, a birth defect that results in nerve damage, and is consequently paralyzed from the waist down. In a manual wheelchair, it's hard to keep up in busy walk- ways for long periods of time. Revels. 29. and her family have been hying to acquire an electric wheelchair for years, but until last week. they haven't been able to because the cost was too great. She said with her insur- ance, she'd have had to pay around $17.000 for what she needed. Revels' disease has been linked to children of Vietnam veterans who were exposed to "Agent Orange," an herbicide used during the war. Revels father. Harrell. a 59- year-old biologist, served in Vietnam for 28 months in the United States Navy, but never *received any assistance from Veterans Services until Thursday, when his daughter was presented with the wheel- chair she'd been wishing for. He said he'd sought assistance for her from Veterans Semices before, but was told she didn't qualify. But as it turned out, veteran and Villages resident Bryan was over were there for the to annex Florida Grande third and final reading of Motorcoach Resort was unan- Ordinance 05-03, which will imously approved. approximately 500 RV spaces as they are sold. In other business, Roger Photo by Amanda Mims A full Center Hill meeting room was the site of discussions on two hot topics at a regular city council meeting on June 7: the Rinker mine expansion and annexation of the Florida Grande Motorcoach resort. provide for the annexation of land, which is the proposed site. for a nearly 500-acre RV park Despite several area resi- dents' protests, the ordinance Murphy. contacted Veterans Services in Bushnell. saying he was nioving back up north' and had a wheelchair for someone who needed it. A few weeks later, Manager Dan Baker found someone. "It feels really good to get this," Revels said, as she looked at the gadgets on her newly acquired Invacare Storm Series. She shared the moment - with a small group of people, . among them Veterans Services employees and her dad. Those who were just strangers to her seemed like. old friends and her smile and happy attitude were catching The group seemed glad to have played a pail in giving her something that'll make her life a little easier. For Revels, it means more than convenience and ease of motion. Greater mobility for her equals more freedom from depending on others. She won't need to be pushed on long trips, and she can adjust her chair up and down without anyone's help. Nowv she'll be able to keep up with her mom, Sandy. when they shop together: Revels said laughing. Revels is a 1994 graduate of South Sumter High School, and she says her dream is to become a nurse working in pediatrics, inspired by medical person- nel from her childhood sur- geries. "I really want to go into nursing," she said. "Ever L since I w'as in the hospital v when I was little, that's been t $14,995 +tax MF-431: 52HP Tractor, Aux: Hydraulic Pump for Loader, Power Steering Live PTO, Bar Tires, 5' rotary Cutter, 6' Box Scraper, rear 3pt Crane After it was accepted, David Peterson. developer for the project, told the council he'd throw in an extra $50,000 in addition to the $200 he would pay the city for each of the my goal." She's already completed almost one year toward a two- ,year degree at Lake-Sumter Community College and said Odom. who has been serving as the interim police cchief since the April resignation of Steve Dixon, was appointed to the position permanently on Tuesday evening. . she might be ready to stail working on it again. "I'm going to fry to achieve that until I find that it just won't work," she said. Photo by Amanaa Mirms .ynette Revels (front) smiles Thursday after receiving an electric wheelchair donated by a veteran like her dad, Harrell (back), through the Veterans Service office in Bushnell. $16,500+ta GC-2310:23HP, 4WD tractor. Hydrostatrc transmission Power Steering, Ind PTO. Front End Loader with 48" Bucket,. Back Hoe with 12' Bucket, 48" Box Scraper. John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri .am-5pm Phone: (352) 796-5171 : Sat8am-12pm Fax: (352) 796-6683 '*With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for low A.PR.' $18,545 a MF-1 533:33HP, 4WD Tractor, 8x8 Syncro Shuttle trans, PS, Ind PTO, R4 Bar Tires, Loader wilh 60" Bucket, 5' Rotary ,Cutter, 6'Scraper Blade. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE Finance rates (2 t4,4.e au e |gd) InanTerm-Mosi Effective Date Until24 36 6/30/05 Rate 0%: .9% 2.9% 3,9% :Inancina ,Effective Date Until 6/30/05 Summer term sei Earn college credits in just seven weeks during the sum- iner Term-B at Lake-Sumter Community College. High school graduates can jump-start their college careers or current college stu- dents can pick up that required course or extra cred- its. From June 27 through August 15. the term includes a variety of courses. There are also online composition and literature courses. Classes Tuesday, June 7 Georgette Williams, 37, Bushnell, was arrested for possession of a controlled sub- stance under 20 grams. Bond was set at $500. Justino Reyes, 35, Center Hill, was arrested for driving under the influence, refusal to submit to breath test, attached tag not assigned and no driver license. Kennedy Lodd, 51, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation and no valid driver license. No bond was set. Wednesday, June.8 Takeva Anderson, 25, Wildwood, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $2,000. Thomas Louis, 42, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Valentene Sears, 44, Sumterville, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended. Bond was set at $5,000. Robert Foute, 58, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for fraudulent use of certificate of *Neusqof H Marriages: Garrett Justin Dehart, 26, of Leesburg and Tiffany Sue, Altman, 21,'of Leesburg Edward Earl McCaskill Jr., 59, of Clennont and Barbara Jean McCaskill, 58, of Clermont Allen Alfred Hanzel, 60, of Lake Panasoffkee and, Nora Elizabeth Gibson, 65, of Lake Panasoffkee John Paul Meister, 72, of Lady Lake and Joyce Ann Ball, 65, of Lady Lake" William Lawrence Kennedy, 68, of Lady Lake and Sandra Jean Morle., 66, 'of Lake Panasoffkee Dissolutions: Bonita Suzette and James Ratliff Alan and Shelly Duin n Monty J. and Madonna E. Hack Wendell Ray Taylor Jr. and Billie Jo Taylor Bret K. and Melissa S. Hainilton Jackilin Audrey and Harold Howard Golz Dena Puqua and Stephen Michael Lehr Leslie and James Lawler Angela Jane and Chad Edward Duncan Property Transfers: James D. and Margaret Pennington to James D. and Margaret Pennington Trs. Pennington Family Trust, property in Holiday Shores Unit 4 for $100. Fank Quinno Trs. Carolyin K Hansen Revocable Living Trust to Paul Henke, property in the Villages Unit 24 for $173,000. Via\llages of Lake Sumter Inc. to Gene C. and Laurie J; Busse, property in the Villages Unit 91 for $216,000; to Oscar J. Ehrmann ancd Frances V Ehrmann, property, in Villages Unit 90 for $238,900; to Edward J. Moran, and Mary Scott, property in Villages Unit 91 for $271,100.; to Michael and Shari Grefner? property in Villages Unit .78 for $310.800: to Scott Gray and Rachel Gray, property in Villages Unit 71; to Randal J, and Susan M. Mistele~proper- ty. in Villages Unit 99 for $268.600: to Clifford A. and Kathleen A. Gipe. property ihr Villages Unit 91 for $207,600( Richard C. and Kathleen M. Welsh, property in Southerrn Oak Villas $131,000 t at Lake-Sumter . will be held on the Leesburgp South Lake and Sumter cam|, puses, but subjects do vary, so please pick up a. Summer Schedule or visit www.lscc.edu. Students cart also .register and pay online on the same site. New stu, dernts, or those who have not taken a class in over a year, do< need to apply in-person at least 48 hours prior to regis- tering. For more information call 568-0001. ' -., .- .' aBllsrdW l L' , SUMMER COUNTY TIMES (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ....................... 352.793.2161 Circulation .......... ......... .888.852.2340 Retail Advertising .. 352.793"2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352.793.2161 Fax ................,,.... ................... 352.793.1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES Woman gets gift of mobility MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes *Equipment - v v .5\ '. "' *.'"*' * IT119IL'd Ac iavohil: I7Oi b IEe] gu h I TAM ix"1!s (0]:1 ........ A title or registration. Bond was set at $2,000. Friday, June 10 Thomas Hernandez, 52, Webster, was arrested for fail; ure to appear and no valid driver license. Bond was set at $3,500. Jacqueline Myles, 38, Bushnell, was arrested for order commit petit theft and giving false information. No bond was set Saturday, June 11 Equana Scroggins, 39, Webster, was arrested for theft. Bond was set at $2,000. Johnnie Debose, 20, Webster, was arrested for vio- lation of probation. No bond was set. ' Wesley Beeman, 53, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Arturo Alvarado, 34, Bushnell, was arrested for burglary of an occupied dwelling and criminal mis- chief. Bond was set at $20,000. Sunday, June 12 Terre Conner, 59, Bushnell, was arrested for domestic vio- lence. No bond was set. co~ PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 SUMTIER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ...................... Bob Reichman Publisher ..... ............ Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Senior FOCUS Setting up new classifications 4b a mSs -M -A ,WV9 S. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" St q .. ~ Mi'B omumomu U united States Pharmacopoeia (USP) has announced its guide for the formulary of prescrip- tion drugs that will be available for the coming Part D of Medicare, the new pre- scription drug benefit . As part of the Medicare . Modernization , Improvement and Prescription Drug Act of 2003 (MMA), USP was - granted $275 million to cre- ate this formulary. At this time, USP has pro- posed a list of 146 classes of medications. It is the job of D, USP to create the classes of Roi medications to cover med- ical conditions that create the need for us to use pre- scription medications, such as anti- inflammatories, cholesterol lowering, hypertension and so on. Once this formulary is created and finalized, the new law will allow the private insurers that will run the pro- gram to offer two drugs for each class. And here is where the in-fighting starts. The private insurance companies that you will purchase your Part D benefit plans from are pleased with a low number of classes: it is their belief that a low number of classes will force favorable price competition among the pharmaceutical industry. Favorable? To whom, you the con- sumer, or the insurance industry? In theory this is true. However, will these drug savings be passed to, the Medicare beneficiary? On the other side of the ring stands the champion, that is the champion lobbyist, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers, of America (PhRMA), and its scores of members. PhRMA and the industry want at least 200 classes. Understand, this will give them leverage, because many pharmaceu- ticals have dual purposes. Hence, it will give this industry more drugs to offer to the beneficiary. Incidentally, PhRMA and its huge lobbying budget will indeed provide more weight for additional classes of medications. In fact, with the original Mercury is a little silver kitten, and as cute as he can be. He enjoys playing with the other kittens, and he has a very affec- tionate personality. Mercury will soon be ready for adoption. He will be neutered and current on his vaccinations. Would you like to,give this cute little fellow a home? If so, calf the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County at 793- 9117, and leave your name, address, and phone number. Or e-mail us at humane@sum.net' Visit our website at www.humanesoci- etyspcaofsumtercountycom to see other animals in need of a home. What do Mercury, Felix, Maryanne, Blaze, Flame and Sooty have in com- mon? They are a few of the lucky kittens saved by the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. Hundreds of orphaned kittens will be born to homeless mama cats this year in our county. The Humane Society/SPCA does not have enough room for them all. We do not have enough foster homes, or enough money to care for them all. The heartbreaking truth is that the majority of the adorable kittens born will not sur- vive, and those that do will have a very hard life. Sadly, this awful scenario is preventa- ble. If you feed a stray cat, trap it and have it spayed or neutered. Just imagine ... one stray cat has six kittens. Imagine MMA law, former HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson sought some 225 classes of medications, as did former powerful Congressman Billy Tauzin (R-La). By the way, Tauzin is now CEO of PhRMA. :' "So, who will be the bene- S ficiary of this battle the private insurers or the pharmaceutical industry? I would guess that some 20 7 or more classifications would be added. But it certainly will ndt be "we the people." 'two items to keep in .AN mind: The first is that the HAN Centers of Medicare and IAN Medicaid (CMS) will have the final say-so as to the final formulary. The second is rather simple: Once the final for- mulary is approved, it can be changed, i.e., medications may be deleted, and any and all price negoti- ations will be agreed upon by the insurance and pharmaceutical indus- tries, and not a singular soul in the United States government Remember, Part D will become part of your Medicare program, if you so choose. However, if you initially decline the program and decide to enroll sometime in the future, your premium will be increased by 1 per- cent monthly that you, were not enrolled in the program. This voluntary additional benefit will eventually self-destruct. The negation of MMA to allow Congress to intercede with any price negotiations and/or future price increases simply dooms Part D to failure. It is a great law for some 12 million good folks who will receive this bene- fit at a reduced cost or at no cost It is indeed the way this law should have been created. However, the cost to the rest of Medicare's beneficiaries will become overwhelming, and, as I have said, actuarially unbalanced. Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week. Send questions and comments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowerest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mail: danrohan@atlantic.net. three of the six kittens are female. Six months later, the three female kittens each have six kittens. Now you are feed- ing the original mama cat, her six kittens and the 18 new kittens just born. That totals 25 cats within a year's time, all from one pregnant female. Wouldn't it have been easier and less expensive to have the one cat spayed? We all need to lend a helping hand to the homeless cats in our county. Continually killing, them is a barbaric answer to the overpopulation problem. A more humane solution is attainable if we all will act responsibly and compassion- ately. Mercury Sumter Fire Rescue needs your help The Sumter County Board of County Commissioners has before it a request to seek federal funds through the SA.EE.R. (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) Grant to hire the coun- ty's first paid firefighters. This grant would allow, Sumter County to hire firefighters with grant funds paying for 90 percent of the cost for the first year. Each of the five years of the grant peri- od the grant funding would decrease until after the fifth year when Sumter County would assume the total cost of the staffed firefighters. The Board of County Commissioners gave its approval to county fire, chief, Bill Gulbrandsen, to proceed with the grant application at its May 31 meeting. To date, Sumter County Fire Rescue has received over $1 million in FEMA Fire Act Grant money, allowing the fire service to upgrade and standardize equip- ment including turnout gear, breathing apparatus as well as provide thermal imaging capaci- ties to each of the three fire Battalions. It's no secret that Sumter County is in a period of enormous growth and change. Along with this growth comes an increase in the demands put upon all areas of public service, especially in emer- gency services. We have a once-in- a-lifetime opportunity to help our county progress in our level of professionalism by hiring full- time firefighters to staff our busiest fire stations in order to help meet the increasing needs for fire and rescue services. No one asked if we wanted to pay more for gasoline, groceries or prescriptions. No one asks for an increase in mortgage and interest rates. But when it comes to saving lives and protecting property we are forced to "ask" for funding from the very people we have pledged to serve,, I would like to ask every citizen of Sumter County to call your com- missioners and support seeking S.A.EE.R. grant funding. Our Sumter County firefighters are the very best The last three years have only improved the level of service. Now we are ask- ing you, the citizens of Sumter County, to help us help you. Even though I have worked with fire rescue for over 17 years, I am still a taxpayer just like you. My biggest concern is that if we pass up this opportunity, in two years we will be looking back with regret that we did not take advan- tage of the S.A.EE.R Grant Every meal missed, every mid- dle-of-the-day-or-night call and every out-of-pocket purchase for the fire department has been to serve the people of Sumter County, to save lives and protect property. And now I am asking you to join me in support of the S.A.EE.R. Grant for Sumter County Fire Rescue. Andrea Carlson: Sumter County Fire Rescue SGrace NOTES Lost can be found Every so often, a certain friend calls and poses a question for me to answer. She says when it comes to God she's a biblical kindergartener, but aren't we all? This time, her question concerned the gospel reading at her church the previous Sunday - Matthew 9:9-13; she want- ed to know what I thought it meant. In that passage, Jesus is going around choosing his band of followers and 'picks Matthew, a tax col- lector. In those days, tax collectors were consid- ered thieves and extor- NAI tionists. If Jesus was try- KENI ing to pick friends who " would up his social status, Matthew wouldn't have been on his list But he chooses Matthew and later goes to his house for dinner, along with a bunch of other tax collectors and "sinners." That causes the reli- gious leaders in the community to corner Jesus and demand to know why he would eat with "sinners." Jesus tells them, "It's not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' I didn't come to call the righteous, but sin- ners" (verse 13 paraphrase, mine). If I understand my friend's ques- tion correctly, she's wondering if there are some people who need Jesus more than others. She said, "If you have a bunch of people in a room, some are goody-goodies and some are baddie-baddies, is it that maybe some of the baddie-baddies can'be swayed to be goody-goodies? "Sometimes I think I'm a goody- goody," she said, "but then I'll sit in church and see someone and say to myself, 'What were you thinking when you put that outfit together?' So I know I'm not a goody-goody after all." Then she told me of an incident that happened at church. A woman had come in with a noisy, chatty child. My friend said it was obvious that the woman wasn't a regular attendee; she did- n't know what to do - stand up, sit down, kneel plus, she had this kid with her who wouldn't stop talking. Everyone around this woman appeared annoyed. "But when church was over and everyone was on their way out the door, this NCY woman was still on her NEDY knees," my friend said, "and I knew that she needed to be there." I think my friend saw Matthew 9 played out in real life. There were people, regular church folks who know all the right motions and who make sure they put a few dollars in the offering every week and then there was a "sin- ner." Actually, all the people in that church were sinners, but sometimes the ones who know the motions think they're not They think in terms of goody-goodies and baddie-baddies. They may have judged this woman as a baddie-baddie. A commentary on this passage says, "Matthew is showing us that the morally and socially reprobate ('sin- ners') sometimes humble themselves more readily than religious people." The commentary writer adds that sometimes so-called sinners stay away from church "precisely because of the words or behavior of some within the church." Another commentary writer writes of his own experience. After his con- version to faith in Christ, he shared the gospel with everyone he could, including drug users as they were smoking pot "That kind of fellow- ship could've landed me in jail," he writes. "But Jesus' example gave me courage to continue to engage all people with the gospel, regardless of their moral background, and some of them committed their lives to Christ "Yet I have learned that some apparently worshipful and Bible- centered churches do not welcome such persons," he writes, "suggesting that ultimately, Jesus, who ate with sinners, might not be truly welcome there, either." Back to the passage in Matthew, Jesus isn't saying that some folks are already good and it's others who need his help. In his awesome, supremely clever way, Jesus is, put- ting the religious men in their places by telling them that their very reli- gion and goody-goodiness blinds them to their true need. Jesus came to call sinners, but unless you believe you're a sinner you will never recog- nize his call. Jesus is also telling them that true religion ("mercy, not sacrifice") embraces all sinners as people, but without condoning or encouraging their sin. That means welcoming whomever comes to the church for help drug addicts and homosexu- als, people with dirty hair and smok- ers, women who don't know the motions as well as their noisy kids. And not just letting them sit next to you in the pew and tolerating them for an hour, but inviting them to eat with you afterward. That's the hard part. That's what Jesus did. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough," and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 1-352-564-2927, Monday through Thursday, or via e- mail at nkennedy@sctnews.com. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are.typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnist are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay MI printing a letter due .to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although A phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. Your VOICE -=C-oTerCHATER - Mercury kitty needs a home IA OI LIN IN m SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 5 Books at the Sumter Campus Library Students are urged to join The Sumter Campus Library is located just east of the Langley Medical Center in Sumterville. The library is open to the public, and you may apply for a borrower's card at any of the county libraries. The county library system's borrowers card is valid at Sumter Campus. Below are some of our new titles to be enjoyed. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales by Bruno Bettelheim. Genes, Peoples, and Languages by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sfora. Vanity Rules: A History of American Fashion and Beauty by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler. Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before by Tony Horwitz. Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe and Anna Lappe. Upheaval from the Abyss: Ocean Floor Mapping and the Earth Science Revolution by David M. Lawrence. El Nino: Unlocking the Secrets of the Master Weather-Maker by J. Madeleine Nash. The Monkey in the Mirror: Essays on the Science of What Makes Us Human By Ian Tattersall. African Exodus: The Origins of Modern Humanity by Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie. The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science that Reveals our Genetic Ancestry By Bryan Sykes. Grant awarded for emergency education The Florida 4-H Foundation has granted the UF/IFAS Sumter County Extension Office a grant to aid in providing emergency edu- cation and awareness to the citizens of Sumter County. With the grant, the Extension Office will host an emergency preparedness workshop at the Federal Training Center in Coleman on Aug. 15, at 6 p.m. "Hunker Down for Safety" is an evening of free materials, dis- cussion and information for the public. Topics include food safety, livestock prepara- tion, horticulture concerns, preserving household docu- ments and others. The Extension Office will also train a team of high school youth in first aid and safety, which will be active in the community in emergen- cies. Any youth interested in becoming part of this team should call Martha Maddox at 352-793-2728. Other aspects of the grant include providing weather updates to nursery owners and ranchers in Sumter County through a fax system. For more information, con- tact the UF/IFAS Extension Office at 352-793-2728 and ask for Martha Maddox, 4-H Extension agent or Susan Kelly, Extension director. emergency response team Sumter County High School students are encouraged to join a 4-H team that will be trained to respond during emergencies. Students will receive train- ing in first aid, safety and other topics appropriate to emergency situations. Once trained, the students will have opportunities to assist in the community as a group (with parent permis- sion) in many different areas of need. They may assist with tasks such as helping care for shel- tered pets, aid ranchers or farmers, or in distribution of water, ice and food. For more information or to become part of the 4-H team, please contact Martha Maddox, 4-H Agent or Susan Kelly, extension director, at 352-793-2728. Youth must be entering 9th to 12th grade to participate, but do not have to be previ- ously enrolled in a 4-H club. Sponsored by: the USDA, Florida Department of Elder Affairs and Florida Department of Agriculture to, provide nutrition benefit to Elders age 60 and above that meet program guidelines. The goal of the program is to inform elders of the need to increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, and also the awareness and utilization of local farmers markets. The program accomplishes this goal through the distri- bution of voucher coupons that seniors bring to the Webster Farmers Market for redemption for fresh fruits and vegetables. The prograqi-as adminis- tered by: Mid Florida Community Services, Inc., 100 East Dade Avenue, Bushnell, Florida 33513. For assistance or addition- al information, please stop by the office, or call (352) 793- 3114. PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT Federal Consumer Protection has confirmed the fuel saving described in this advertisement. Device may increase gas mileage by 22 % The Sumter County Health * Department recognizes Monday, June 27, as National HIV Testing Day to help Sumter County- residents know their HIV- status and take control of their lives. This year, the message is to urge residents to "Take the Test, Take Control." "We are giving free HIV test- ing on June 27 to encourage everyone to get tested. Even if you think you don't have it, it's better to know so you can protect yourself and those you love from contract- ing the disease. The only way to find out if you have HIV is to get tested," says Dr. Girija Padmianabh, director of the Sumter County Health Department. "Early treatment can help you stay healthier longer. I encourage everyone in our community to get involved in fighting against this epidem- ic." According to the Florida Department' of Health, the most recent available figures in 2002 show' that Florida ranked second among states in the number of reported AIDS cases. Approximately 17 per-' cent of Floridians have been diagnosed with HIV in 2002. The Human Immuno-defi- ciency Virus (HIV1 is spread when HIV-infected blood or sexual fluids get inside the body, such as through a blood transfusion, unprotected sex. or sharing equipment when injecting drugs. People can prevent getting HIV by not having sex, not sharing drug injection equip- ment, protecting open wounds and cuts from contact with blood, and using condoms dur- ing sexual activity. Whether or not you think you have been infected with SHIV you should still get tested. Free and confidential HIV Testing will be available .on Monday June 27 at the follow- ing locations: Sumter County Health Department Bushnell Office - 415 E. Noble Ave. 793-2701 Sumter County Health Department Wildwood Office - 104 Rutland Street 330-1313 Bible Way City Ministries - in Royal -1301 High Street, Wildwood 793-2701 For more information about HIV testing* please call the Sumter County Health Department at 793-2701 exten- sion 223. Boston National Fuelsaver Corp. has developed a low cost automotive accessory called the Platinum Gas Saver which is guaranteed an engine is pollution, this 22% of each gallon normally bums when it reaches the platinum of the catalytic converter. to increase gas mileage by However, the converter's 22%: while meeting all platinum bums this fuel in e mission standard-. With a simple connection to a vacuum line, the Gas Saver adds microscopic amounts of platinum to the air and fuel entering the engine. Since platinum allows non-burning fuel to burn, the Gas Saver's platinum increases the percentage of fuel burning inside the engine from 68% of each gallon to 90% of each gallon, a 22% increase. Since unbumt fuel leaving the tail-pipe, where the heat and energy produced/from this fuel cannot be harnessed to drive, your vehicle. But when the Gas Saver allows the air-fuel mixture to carry the platinum into the engine. 22% more of each gallon burns inside the engine so that 22% fewer gallons are required to drive the same distance. After a five year study. the government concluded: "Independent testing shows greater fuel savings with the Gas Saver than the 22% claimed by the developer." In addition to the fuel savings, the Gas Saver has received patents for cleaning out carbon and raising octane, making higher grades of fuel unnecessary for most vehicles. Joe Robinson. the developer, was quite surprised at the market research: "We have sold a half million Gas Savers. To our surprise, as many people buy the Gas Saver because it extends engine life by cleaning out the abrasive carbon as buy it to increase gas mileage or to raise octane." For further information call: 1-800-LESS-GAS 1-800-537-7427 F..., 1. -.- .- a' "'~ - e cang put you in a new 3 bedroom home with 0 down & - ) payments with land & homes for 700 to $750 per month total! Call Today or Come In. 5 * 100% Financing Available * Land Home Packages * Weak Or Slow Credit We Can Do * Retirement Communities * Subdivisions * Open Land We Have It All! * F.H.A. V.A. Biweekly Conventional -Fannie Mae * Home Only... Your Land Or Ours * Ask About Our 7-10 Year "Full Warranty Program" Magnificent 3 bedroom 3 bath I 590 Sq. ft. home. Your land or ours. Buy Today and Save THOUSANDS Driving Directions: 441 North or South to Hwy 19 S. towards -,0owey m:nthe;.Hills. .=-to Arestige -, 1AIh h 4444 1 19 473 441n ef T'vARES 441 19 4 4~ a 4 MOUrNTDGRA Includes delivery, tie down & anchor, steps to code, A/C & heat installation cr, ) ac r.,ct ,.:, ,, r / l oO O .,-AS& 5 ;40 0. M -,2: WID LADED Prestige.: ~rII~fl enters, nc. . "L *-. .- .- .-. .-~- .... .... -- -n5 ^ t-: = '- .. "v. -a ~ - -+T- 55- 4 3 4-. ..-_...',.". Llr.-- -. ."" '*. .,,,- 4_ni. -. ".. : .' --e~t ,. ~nn~ ,'f ..... Florida Elder Farmers Market Nutrition Program Free HIV Testing available - '- A ' I 1-,-- ...... ... .. 7-77 *.-*-: .1- --?i -.-;-=-._Sa-+-. -- ^-"-.-^f-ap.-H-AA.';, 6 .y PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 Sunter OBITUARIES George M. Bailey Jr., 69, concrete worker George M. Bailey Jr., 69, of Center Hill, died Monday, June 6, 2005, in Leesburg. A native of Plant City, he moved to Center Hill 11 years ago. Mr. Bailey was a concrete sub- contractor. He was preceded in death by his brother, Gary Bailey in 1977. Survivors include his wife, Lura L.; daughters, Sheryl Garno of Tampa, Lori Tihansky of Largo, Karen Fischer of Riverview, Randalynn Bailey of Ocala; brother, Dan Bailey of Lithia, Fla.; eight grand- children; and three great- grandchildren. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, han- dled the arrangements. Arline J. Gabano, 73, homemaker Arline Janet Gabano, 73, of Beverly Hills, died Sunday, June 5, 2005, at Legacy. House, Ocala. A native of Yonkers, N.Y, she moved to Pine Ridge, Beverly Hills, from Long Island, N.Y., in 1978. Mrs. Gabano was a homemak- er and retired school kitchen worker. She was of the Presbyterian faith. She was a founding member and treas- urer of the Pine Ridge Fire Department and active in square dancing. Survivors include her husband of 41 years, John Gabano of Pine Ridge; son, Dean Hartnett of Summerfield; daughter, Lori Walker and her husband James, of Land 0' Lakes; brother, Eugene Hopper of Wildwood; and grandson, Matthew Walker of Land 0' Lakes. Memorial services were held June 11 at Fero Funeral Home, Beverly Hills, with Pastor R. Keeth Stanton, Springs Presbyterian Church, Dunnellon, officiating. Cremation arrangements under the care of Fero Funeral Home with Crematory. Memorial contri- butions may be given to Hospice of Marion County, PO. Box 48606, Ocala, FL 34478- 4860. Fero Funeral Home with Crematory, Beverly Hills. Harold Lee Gibson, 79, realtor Harold Lee Gibson, 79, of Wildwood, died Thursday, June 9, 2005. He was born in Cherokee,. Okla., and moved here in 1969 from Black Mountain, N.C. Mr. Gibson was a retired Realtor, member of First Baptist Church of Wildwood, member of Wildwood Masonic Lodge #92, and Morocco Shrine Temple in Jacksonville. Survivors include his wife, Joan; son, Paul Lee Gibson; daughter, Joann Sparks of Folkston. Ga.: sisters. Verda Kenmore of Independence, International pianist in concert locally Randy Estelle, internation- al concert pianist and vocal- ist. will be appearing in con- cert at Coleman First Assembly of God. 505 Mull)berry, in Coleman, on Sunday, June 19. at 10:30 a.m. His credits include 11 solo recordings, over 120 person- al appearances yearly, pro- ducer honors on numerous CD projects for other artists and an extensive background in praise and worship min- istry. He is considered one of Christian music's premiere innovators in the areas of jazz. blues and other eclectic styles. Mr. Estelle has appeared as a soloist with the Billy Graham Association, the Joshua Awards and as a session pro- ducer/musician with Bill Gaithert The public is invited to attend this dynamic. uplift- ing and humor-filled concert. A love offering will be received for Mr. Estelle. For more information, you may call 748-3456. First Baptist to take Ramblin' Road Trip Ramblin' Road Trip Vacation Bible School will be held from Monday through Friday. June 20 to 24, from 6:30 to 9 p.m.. for ages K 5th Grades. The VBS will be held at the First Baptist Church in Linden. For more informa- tion, call 793-3103. Groundbreaking set at Faith Presbyterian Faith Presbyterian (ARP) Church of Wildwood will hold a groundbreaking ceremony Saturday, June 18. at 10 a.m. on their new property located on U.S. Highway 301 and County Road 214, approxi- mately 1/2 mile south of Oxford and Route 466. The new facility will include a much larger sanctuary plus additional classrooms, library, kitchen and fellow- ship hall. Faith Presbyterian (ARP) Church is an MIMRCELL Associated Reformed denom- ination dating back to 1733 and the Church of Scotland. Dr. Christopher Hardeman is pastor of the local congrega- tion and can be reached at 352-748-0874. | >T i gfi '1 1S'e'd Se Y,sre'cSe 1960 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell John D. Purcell )under Va., and Martha Gibson of Volney, Va.; mother-in-law, Nell Frances Pharis of Wildwood; and one grand- daughter. Memorial services were held June 13 at. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home with Rev. Craig Attaway officiating and Masonic Rites provided by Wildwood Lodge #92 F & AM. Memorial contri- butions may be made to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, Grand Central Station, PO. Box 4777, New York, NY 10163. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, handled the arrangements. Michael T. Hayden, 42 Michael Terry Hayden, 42, of Wildwood, died Tuesday, June 7, 2005. He was born in Woodstock, Ill. Mr. Hayden was a long-term employee of the State Road Department and U-Haul. He was preceded in death by his father, Raymond Hayden, in August 2003. Survivors include his mother, Mary Hayden of Delavan, Wis.; brother, Edwin Hayden ofJonesville, Wis.; sis- ter, Wanda (Mark) Sconce of Fox Lake, Ill.; one nephew and two nieces. In lieu of flow- ers, contributions may be made to the American Heart Association. Beyers Funeral Home, Leesburg. Clara E. Hudson, 79, CAN Clara Elizabeth Hudson, 79, of Floral City, died Sunday, June 12, 2005, at Citrus Memorial Hospital, Inverness. She was Wahoo, Fla., on Aug. 20, 1925 to the late Ray Heller Sr. Clara Hudson and Edith (Woodard) Heller, and came to Floral City 37 years ago from there. Si Worshi BUSHNELL First Church of God - .4 i tliiii 'A 1,lr : i i 793-3455 11li 0: i;( -.tj A [1... 112s [.Fi lid,.11 tHL ", UI ll~l]'d]' lJ' ,,, S lr1i, j 1 II t ,,, miLT, "i'ir,rhlNip 1114. a "l U J K Rindall Bell.Fcr P ,-t.:r .~3* 1 2 r( II Are Ivel.conte 'At W BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD 0 ill H,'Wur- np (1 "0 A M Ih 0: A U S0 6 FLF PP.1 Surda, Scnoc.i 9.30 A 1 SWed Discipleship Nighl 7:00 P..1 \ 1451 West C.R. 476. Busnnell 793-2240-1 LSt Francis Episcopal Church> S 313 N GCr.aE :crEr i t Li ?1'l F.'O E0 al 1 ; ?;"s3l -3-?3S7 ." Wtednreday Bible Stud\ 7 pm I HI~H1 Eucharist 10a m iSundlav Sunday 1hool 1.a m W K i A meet Fhw',-dja\i at p m (THE BUSHNELL PRESB)TERIAN\ CHURCH USA 2".WN BROAD iComeru I Dade& N Brnadi SChurch school: 9.15 am SPubliic orship 10:30 1 f I IMOND.INLY AA Group Meetirii S 1:11 .1 SWIVTDNESDA Bibl S'rud 1l).00 -,1.. ) 352-793-4202 1 / First Boptist Church of Bushnell S 125W. Anaeison Ave. 793-4612 S Sh ngrneGoodNw.sof life TnougFaounilnCrrisl '. ,, iJr L'c.r ol ud', X;' I .1 ;' r.J.3 Wi ' W. -wA c,-. Fle ju rj0. 1.1 : First United Methodist Church > .- ,. -, :-.;,,, Failh, Hope& Loie u". Sindav.i (1lS9iroam Wirihiplti-50a.m '? ^ Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. rv A Cuut S1i 'Tuefs j p n S' i vTr....p,Thiiur .6Jil. f, I U AJ Anri,n. Fn 8 1i) p in E at t n a m 793-3221 21 W. Noble Ave. Ra. Larr Anibrus Ptr blv,-ii,, ,L CH(1,':i Or Cr-,, S 310 W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m. i'. ;. Sunday W,,orship Sevice I 1 a m ,. erung Worshdp 6 p.m WVedriesdav Bible Study 7 p m '-\ i K .hp -rvc Mrs. Hudson was a retired CAN for the former Inverness Health Care Center and a member of the Wahoo Baptist Church. She enjoyed dancing and playing the guitar in nurs- ing homes. Survivors include three sons, Jerah Edgar Goodge Jr. of Orlando, James Warren Goodge of Nobleton, Jack Clayton Brooks of Floral City; three daughters, Janice Theresa Miller of Lake Panasoffkee, Joyce .Faye Woodard and June Diane Wilkins, both of Bushnell; brother, Ray Leslie (Pauline) Heller Jr. of Maryville, Tenn.; 15 grandchildren; 14 great- grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A cele7 bration of life memorial serv- ice will be conducted on Thursday, June 16, 2005, at 3 p.m. from the Chas. E. Davis Funeral Home in Inverness. Inurnment will follow at a later date in the Bayhill Family Cemetery, Bushnell. There will be no viewing hours at the funeral home. Chas. E. Davis Funeral Home with Crematory, Inverness. Carolyne R. McLaughlin, 60 Carolyne R. McLaughlin, 60, of Lake Panasoffkee, formerly of Clearwater, died Friday, June 10, 2005. She was born in Wildwood. Mrs. McLaughlin was an insurance agent for Ed Lee Insurance. Survivors include her husband of 44 years, Robert; son, Robert R. McLaughlin of Clearwater; daughter, Deborah Kelley of Clearwater; mother, Marjorie Heard of Lake Panasoffkee; sisters, Marilyne McClellan of Palm Harbor, Nancy Pierce of Lithia, Fla.; brother, Charles Hightower of Lake Panasoffkee; five grand- children and two great-grand- children. Funeral services were held June 12 at Banks/Page-. Theus Funeral Home. Burial followed at Pine Level Cemetery in Oxford. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, handled the arrangements. p This Week at the Church of Your Choice LADY LAKE | WEBSIER - Hope Lutheran Church > ( Webster United > 250 Avenida Los Angelos Methodist Church rior 01 C.=G. A.166 & M,:,re Bld I Invites You To Attend TIhe \Vill.gs W.orshihp Servier 1 00 a.m. Services are Sunday Chur.ich s.r,ool 9 45 a m at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM 13 : 5sE. 3r S. We- er.FL 339. For m,:r,r, lrrr, hl.:.n : il l "'.750 :.[.". r ur 13521 793-3734 I vr.W e ww rop]ulherai ,rrn .,ll,,2,-,... A pra m ie ichI rch OFirstoBaptisteChurch 0 LAKE PANASOFFKEEI of Webster 1/4 mile eastof 471 onSE si Ave. a .: Lc 'L' 4 1.1 LAKE PANASOFFKEE r.: -:-:A vno 1Ar. f-UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ,,,, r r...... .1 l ilrl9fl.li'. 1!cttCI rKK I n 2 S 589-CR 470, mile W of 1-75 "urd v Wur.hip 3Srvice o AM Hy:.:Ialiry Tili .al Ii' 4 AM | ray ,::,,l ,AJ W ILDW OOD Sunday School.: .Ii1 1 i 5 AMW EI rFirst Baptist Church ... J. d r i JI 1 crr.,,; i, \ -l,c,1A d f-L -I't * of Lake Panasoffkee ,7 Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 uaidy Sunday Services 8-30 & 10:50 a.m orlip.-...& '. Sunday School.... 9.45 a.m ; Wediefde) Px.. -..Is .P-, Sunciay Evem ng .... .. .... 6:00 p.m 1 5% "-'-'"'-' " WAeciheslay Nlighl Prayer Meetiri 7 p rn -;--ey;i e"."e"l "K Pastor Jon King : - SWildwood United Methodist I ",T hads of Giace Miniie' 300 Mason Street '.:,", Fr',i p '"' ,:",. .. .. | 1 Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worehip- 10.30 ,r,-., ,,, ; .- Sun"day E: e.ng 6.00 Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am Wedne.al, iighi-- 7.00 .,.u. '.'- Nursery Provided 793-1600- pr 748-1275 .. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN "'I T. SF. RURG CHURCH OF WILDWOOD *Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Barrcwk Sti. ViJdood. FL 347.5 ,' M GLORIA DEI I LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA (352) 748-2530 Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Christlan Education: 9:15a.m. :.1...,a ^ SUNSET PARK 4 k 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 CHURCH OF GOD . 0I ) Pine Street 748-1318 Ait.,,i I. .ii.F 1M r l ., ...0' SOKAHRUMP KASEni .r.i h ...... '" ' K WELCOME ALL!!!!!! S --t r ..ti-. ... Y" ,. . Owner F 793-4531 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 7 Wedding bells for the spring season Smith and Henderson Swain and Brokaw Story and Button to wed Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Story and Reverend and Mrs. Edwin Button announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children. Amy Story of Webster and Jason Button of Bushnell. They will be married on the 25th of June at the First Baptist Church of Bushnell at 2:30 p.m. A reception will follow at the Leesburg Opera House. Please RSVP by calling 568-0516. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Moody of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Smith of Clinton announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Leanne Marie, to Mr. Russ Henderson, son of the late Mrs. Deborah Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Henderson of Webster, FL. The couple will exchange vows on July 30 at the Tampa Riverwalk Hotel followed by a reception aboard The Lady Tampa Bay in Tampa. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Sikes of Purvis, MS; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Star, MS; and Ms. Joan Smith of Clinton. Miss Smith is a graduate of Clinton High School and Belhaven College where she received a bachelor of sci- ence in sports medicine, summa cum laude. She is currently a graduate student at the University of Kentucky, where she will earn her Master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies this July., Mr. Henderson is a gradu- ate of South Sumter High School in Webster, and Belhaven College where he received a bachelor of sci- ence in business adm i n i stra- tion. He is currently a super- intendent with Pulte Homes in Tampa. Following a honeymoon in St. Lucia, the couple will make their home in Wesley Chapel. Goodson and Lewis James and Eileen Goodson of Webster are pleased to announce the upcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Erin, to Deryck Lewis, son of Dale and Nancy Lewis of Brandon. A July wedding is planned. Erin and Deryck are both graduates of the University of Florida. Erin is a teacher with the Sumter County school system, and Deryck is a Florida Highway Patrolman. The couple will reside in Lakeland. In a military ceremony, in the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, Norfolk, Virginia, Lt. Luke J. Swain, U.S.N. wed Miss Megan Ann Brokaw of Wray, Colorado, on March 19, 2005. Members of the VF-31 Fighter Squadron, the TomCatters, served as sword bearers. Following the ceremony a reception was held in honor of the couple at the Greenbriar Country Club. After a honeymoon in Belize, the couple will reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The bride is the daughter of Les and Pat Brokaw of New Bern, N.C. and a stu- dent at Old Dominion major- ing in finance and real estate. The groom is a F-14 TomCat navigator stationed in Oceana, Virginia. Lt. Swain is a 2001 graduate of the United States Naval Academy and a 1997 South Sumter High School gradu- ate. He is the son of Preston and Patsy Morgan and tom and Rita Swain, both of Bushnell. Praise dance event set On Saturday, June 18, 6 p.m., New Life Center Ministries, Under the leadership .of the founder and pastor, Bishop Leslie Hannah, will present a "Praise Dance, Extravaganza." The New Life Center Music, Drama and Dance Ministry, where Minister Albertis Timmons is execu- tive director and Sister Erroka Johnson is the dance istries from other local churches and New Life Center's own praise dance teams. The program is designed as an expression of praise through the fluid motion of da ce. ministry director, are sponsoring the extrav- aganza. The program is designed as an expression of praise through the fluid motion of dance and M\ill feature invited guest dance mrin- That Saturday evening is the eve of Father's Day and the celebration of the annual Royal Homecoming, where the folks who once lived in the Community returns home to touch base with their roots. The ministry welcomes all that are re--isiting, first time visitors and area families to come, taste and see worship through dance. For more information, call the church on Monday. Wednesday and Fridays. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lube, Oil & Filter Every 3,750 Miles! 1 Chrarige Oil iupiu to5quarl. t ISllA filler; Lubricale cha,.!i;, Chek bell: hoses lire pre.ure anrd all uiil levels; Irnpect CV ionrl ajar ,lW Wr W1 I' e lerrerIEI 1i4C LU DES: Prep.izuri Iz coi d r ig belT I rr-h lrhill err 5''El. WU.M-jT CWi al rld 149.95 TimberRidge: Full-service emergency care. Munroe Regional excellence. emergency center is staffed by a team of board-certified emergency medical specialists, available every day, around the, dock. And because of our convenient location, Where is almost no wait time for treatment. To learn more "about TimberRidge emergency care, plus our lab, radiology, pre-admission testing and imaging center services, visit us at iww.MunroeRegional.com or call (352) 351-7500. Across from Wal-Mart on Hwy. 200, near the intersection of Hwy. 484 Extended Expiration til 716105 GOOd.wrefCh extended Expiration til 7/6105 GOO W tlC r- Valid w ilh ]r:. .:. P" i ;. p :".'a i ,:,' j-l l,.a l I r, l t .:1'i :. n- I i- l .ir :.IJi:,...r f : ,: l a'l"" .I l i 'i i, : '" : G Oiji ll .l .: l. 'l lji: ..l..l,.ai ,a:.aa l, .. l',.I ..I hj: i : .,. ih i l-'.i .. ii: : i 1-----------------------I-------------------- --- ----- -- -- -- -- - Balance Wheels Automatic & Inspect Brakes I Transmission Service INCLUDES: I Every 30,000 Miles! FFreet' rer:it ,rrnC-,smpuit.rb3alr 4 I Remove pan and drain fluid; w ; , heek Ilapei fr'ni er I ,rear b mInspectrfor excessivetwear n;e Install . r U W W *ld giri. rlliuir C5lul,] U W U I, k *g I and mounts; Check for leaks; Test I Extended Expiration tl 7/6105 GOOd. w Iench Extended Expiration tl 7/605 G I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival Not Valid with any other offer. S Most GMcars.Slmilarsaving on other vehicles.Plus tax. I MostGMcars.Similarsaving on other vehicles, Plus tax. _ Service Wild Card Fuel System Service (every 30,000 miles) S & Labor on a 1 INCLUDES: Repai r o r $3 Power flush fuel injectors; Clean intake 8 Repair over $300. valves; Clean comustionchambers., I I Promotes smoother running ahd better gas mileage Extended Expiration til 76105 5 GoodwrenIch Extended Expiration til 7/6/05 GOO dwIlnch I Vi ir,,: :,-i:. al S:, ,: .ai i i :r,i i >.i ri r ni :I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival.Not Valid with any other offer. I g_ ,l. ,-,.... : -.- ,,, h .4... .. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. Cooling System Service Service done right. And done'by pro s. I vair I PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 - Chwvh CALENDAR J A Family caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Study and Worship times to change First United Methodist Church announces a change in their study and worship times for the months of June through August of 2005. Beginning June 5, the Sunday school will begin at 9 a.m. Morning worship will follow at 10 a.m. The Cub Scouts will contin- ue to meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. and the Wednesday evening Disciples' Dialogue will maintain its 6:30 p.m. program. If you have questions or need directions, please call the church office Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. until noon at 352-793-3221. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Newspaper recycling bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recycled newspapers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. Alzheimer care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438. New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to take place weekly. . Groceries will be distrib- uted every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon and available on a first come first served basis. One visit per family each month. Any questions please call the church office at 352-793- 1600 and ask for Ron Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further information please call 352-793-7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. The Sumter Adult Education Center is proud to announce the graduates of the most recent Certified Nursing Assistant Class. The class pinning was held May 12, 2005. Pictured above back row: Peggy Combs, Simona Arredondo, Amy Taylor, Santrell Mitchell, Cindy Sullivan and ; instructor Amanda Hodges. Front row: Phyllis Colbert, Aqui Fluitt, Sheena Gabhart, Turkesse Luther, Chenanai Solomon. Masons donate to soup kitchen Pilot Club holds installation Linda Deuel outgoing 2004/05 president pins new President Jean Wright at the installation din- ner of the Pilot Club of Sumter County. ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent : The Pilot Club of Sumter County held its installation of officers for the 2005-2006 year ,on Thursday June 2. The dinner meeting also included a business meeting, birthday presentations, a half arid half drawing and other announcements. The evening culminated in the installation performed by installing officer Maxine Cox who called each new officer individually they then lit candles to symbolize their desire to give to the communi- Woodmen of the World Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society 3 De 211 ty. The new officers are Jean Wright president, Leta Allis - president-elect, Gwen Smith - secretary and Jeanne Reed - treasurer. Directors for the club are Linda Deuel, JoAnn Hughes, Syhl ie Zimmerman, Bunny Mason and Iris Moore. W.M. Dana Bishop and Bro. Gilbert R. Smeiska . The Villages Lodge #394 met at the Boatman. Wilcdwood Lodge on Monday afternoon at The Charity Basket collected $100 whici 2:30p.m. Among the 39 MMs .present there was donated to the Wildivood Soup Kitchek were three first time visitors, one The 3rd degree will be conferred on two cail Committeeman. twp Thirty Third Degree didates at the Wildwood Lodge at 2 p.m., oi Masons, 13 PMs. four Masons with over 50 Thursday the 16th. years, seven with over 40 years and one with The Villages Masonic Lodge meets norina over 65 years in Masonry. ly on the first Monday of the month at A 50-year award was presented to Bro Hacienda at 2:30. Gilbert R. Smeiska. A 40-year pin was given to To place a classified , ad in the Sumter County Times call 793-2161. FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on T.V.. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! For further information please call D Bro. Sewyn Dana Biship at 753-7816. * Dr.A. Leigh McBride, DVM * "* LASER SURGERY BOARDING i *" -' *HEALTH CARE , .' .:,PET SUPPLIES-J, Stu *SiS^BBB S * I- 4; i Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free .', information about our qualifications and experience ODMEN mmmwmmlm MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 9 mo.neri. H A m SECO's 2005 scholarship winners took part in a recent celebration at Sumter Electric's head- quarters in Sumterville. The winners received their certificates for their $2,000 grant, a gift pack- age and they enjoyed refreshments, including a special cake. Pictured (I to r) are Vivian Lamolli from Clermont, Colin Roddy from Minneola, Jocelyn Frederick from Altoona, Claudia Perez from Umatilla, Harry Holloman from Wildwood, Ashley Burkett from Umatilla, Christopher Brauckmuller from Dunnellon, Jacquelyn Friebel from Leesburg, David Blair from Dunnellon, i-Kari Rohlwing from Ocala, Nikole Fitzpatrick from Summerfield, Gregory Johnson from Dunnellon, Amanda Garcia from Inverness, and SECO CEO Jim Duncan. Each scholar was selected by an independent panel of educators that do not see either applicant names or schools to insure impartiality. IHappy birthday to all! Sumter County Fire Rescue Station 29, Tri-County Ladies Auxiliary held their annual birthday 'party celebrating birthdays for the entire group on Wednesday, June 8. The celebration was complete with cake, ice cream and gifts for all. The Tri-County Ladies meet the second Wednesday of each month from September through May for lunch and a short business meet- ing. June is the month for birthdays and in August members will meet for a video travel experi- ence. The ladies auxiliary is a vital part of the fire service in the tri-county area, supporting CPR instruction and other projects as needed. Anyone wishing to join can call Station 29 at 793- 7732. Thursday, June 16 The Sumter County D.E.C. (Democrat Executive Committee) will meet at 7 p.m. in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Gloria Lewis at 568- 1660. 0 The Republican Club of Sumter County will meet at Sumter Christian School at 7 p.m. The address is 2210 C.R. 528 in Sumterville. The speaker will be Supervisor of Elections, Karen Krauss. All registered Republicans and Independents are wel- come. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Richard Huff, president, at 3304012. The Sumter County Republican Executive Committee now has a web site. For information on the Republican Party and upcoming events, go to www.gopsumter.org. Saturday, June 18 The Bushnell Family Practice Center, located on Belt Avenue in Bushnell (behind the CVS Pharmacy) has recently opened a new X- ray facility. The ribbon-cutting cere- mony of the X-ray facility will take place between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The public is invited to join in the ceremony. Free food and other giveaways are promised. There will be a clown to entertain the children. 0 "Tallahassee Expose" is the theme of the next meet- ing of The Villages Democrats to be held at 9"30 a.m. at La Hacienda Center in The Villages; pastries and coffee at 9:30 a.m., and the program at 10 a.m. !' The cost is $5. The meeting will be hosted by the Lady Lake Democrats. Barbara DeVane, political activist and "indirect" lobby- ist for the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLORA) will speak about what she does behind the scenes during the Florida legislative session to influ- ence the decisions our sena- tors and representatives make on our behalf. Call 352-750-6430 for reser- vations. Wednesday, June 22 Quit Smoking A free- Thinking about Quitting ses- sion will be held at the Sumter County Health Department in Bushnell 5:30 p.m. The cost for the 8-week program is only $15. Please call Nadine at 793- 2701 extension 223 to sign up or for more information. Thursday, June 23 The public is invited to the regular monthly meeting of the Highlanders Chapter of the Florida Trail Association at 7 p.m., at Morrison United Methodist Church, Room 209, middle building, second floor, 1005 W Main St., Leesburg. Learn about hiking and other outdoor activities for all ages in Central Florida. For information call 787 8654 or email: bobbiszoo@earth- link.net. 0 The next general meet- ing of TOOFAR, Inc. will be at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School, 790 C.R. 482N in Lake Panasoffkee. The speaker will be Jamie Adams, well known colum- nist, environmentalist and outdoorsman. There will be updates on the Lake Pan Restoration Project and the Parsons Point Project. Louise Racine of CORE (Citizens Opposed to Rinkers Expansion) will also present some iniforma- tion on that issue. Anyone interested in local water issues is encouraged to attend. All meetings are free and open to the public. For more information, call TOOFAR at 352-726-5004. TOOFAR is a grassroots organization whose major concerns are improving the quality of our water, main- taining water levels, preven- tion of water transfer to other areas and education of the public about these issues and what they can do to help. Saturday, June 25 The Oak Grove Cemetery, west of Wildwood, will have a workday. There will be a basket lunch. Your support will be appre- ciated. Monday, June 27 There will be an AARP Driver Safety Class at the Webster United Methodist Church, 173 S.E. 3rd Street. The tuition fee is $10. Senior drivers may be eligi- ble for auto insurance dis- count for three years. The classes will be held Monday, June 27, and Tuesday, June 28, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information and registration, call Phyllis Clark at 568-1708. Wednesday, July 6 The Alzheimer's Family Organization Monthly Support Group Meeting will be held at 1 p.m. at North Lake Presbyterian Church, 975 Rolling Acres Road, Lady Lake. The public is invited. For more information, call Reva Walters at 352-259-0020. Thursday, July 21 The Alzheimer's Family Organization Monthly Support Group Meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at the Alterra Claire Bridge Cottage, 710 South Lake Street, Leesburg. Free respite care provided. The public is invited. For more information, call Bonnie Reidy at 352-728- 6661. Furniture GaIlerlea, itC (b VJ ]Li~?2A ) INTERE FOR 2 FULL Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. June 16' June 19"' j www.simsgaileries.com Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC 1715 Citrus Blvd.- Leesburg 352-323-1736 @home with Basset Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Lecanto 352-726-8282 Bassett Sims Furniture, LLC Ocala 352-401-0477 Broyhill _BERKLINE If anyone deserves it, you do. Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Hudson 727-861-2589 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Ocala 352-291-2563 rD- N - Check our back room W urrgains up to........... O@/0%off Furniture Galleries, LLC V ungs OPEN: MON.-SAT. I OAM-7PM; SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Sims Furniture Galleries,.LLC Bassett Sims Furniture, LLC Leesburg 352-323-1736 Lakeland 863-815-4400 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Brooksville 352-796-5450 Clermont 352-242-6350 1,500. See store for details. Art for illustration purposes only. To place a classified ad in the Sumter County times call 793-2161. PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 After some finishing touches with a polishing cloth, Dan Thompson of Sarasota proudly stands next to his customized '99 Peterbilt, which has a patriotic theme. Red, white, and blue can be found throughout the truck, as well as lots of chrome, leather seats, and wood floors. uisers meet month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night. Bring your old cars. For more information call 793- 3006 or e-mail jessiewoodard57(@thot rail.co ' PROPAE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - 60 GALLON $ 00 "L SET & FILL Prce g 100 GALLON $ 00 br.u .'6 '05 SET & FILL 1 9 PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company.- Family Owned & Operated 352-7031982 TODADY FAX 352-793-1918 663-0616-SCT PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT The Department of Community Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection and the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council will be co-sponsoring a public workshop SPRINGS PROTECTION IMPLEMENTATION WORKSHOP June 20, 2005 From 10am till Noon At the Ocala Hilton Hotel (1-75 at S. R. 200) Developers, Engineers, Landscape Architects, Planners, Elected Officials and other interested parties are invited to attend this informational workshop to introduce and obtain feedback on the Draft Springs Protection Implementation Guidebook. The Guidebook will provide information to local governments amending comprehensive plans and land development codes to incorporate groundwater protection. For meeting materialsand additional information contact: Bruce Day, Planning Director Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council (352) 732-1315 The TV you want, when you want. * Get a receiver upgrade and DVR service for an additional $4.98 a month. Easy-to-use personalized programming, live TV pause and hours of recording power without videotapes. You watch the shows you like when you have the time. * DISH Network* Satellite TV with over 60 channels and the option to add premium channels and High Definition service. Includes equipment and installation for up to four TVs. * From a provider you know. And we simply add it on to your Sprint local phone bill. Sign up now and get three months free HBOP and Showtime. Call 1-877-TV-SPRINT Click sprint.com/dishnetwork. ~Spri *n1 NdIORK %LLITWORK STORE LOCATIONS TALLAHASSEE Across from Governor's Square Mall ALTAMONTE SPRINGS On the corner of State Roads 434 and 436 CAPE CORAL Two Blocks South of the MidPoint Bridge on Del Prado KISSIMMEE On the Corner of Michigan and Vine St. OCALA At SW College Rd. and SW 34th Ave. PORT CHARLOTTE Next to the Port Charlotte Towne Center CLERMONT Citrus Tower Village-At the corner of Hwy. 27 and Citrus Tower Blvd. MAITLAND 248 N. Orlando Ave. on the NE corner ofW. Horatio Ave. and Hwy. 17/92 Offer ends 7/31/05 and is available in the continental United Slates. Must be a new, first-time DISH Network residential customer. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separately. All DISH Network programming and any other services that are provided are subject to the terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available'at www.dishnetwork.com or upon request. Local * channel packages by satellite are only available to customers who reside in the specified local Designated Market Area (DMA). Local channels may require an additional dish antenna or SuperDISH antenna from DISH Network, installed free of any charges with subscription to local channels at time of initial installation. Significant restrictions apply to DISH Network hardware and programming availability and for all offers. Social Security Numbers are used to obtain credit scores and will not be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorities. Pay a $49.99 activation fee and receive a $49.99 credit on your first bill. Requires Social Security Number, valid major credit card and qualifying programming purchase. Participation is subject to credit approval. If qualifying service is terminated or downgraded, equipment must be returned to DISH Network. Limit of four tuners per account. Monthly package price includes $5 equipment rental fee for first receiver and assumes standard professional installation of one receiver. Monthly $5 equipment rental fee applies for each receiver beyond the first. A $4.99 per month additional outlet programming access fee will be charged for each dual-tuner receiver. This fee will be waived monthly for each such receiver that is continuously connected to customer's phone line each month. Monthly $4.98 DISH Network DVR service fee applies for each DISH Player-DVR. A $19.99 lease upgrade fee applies for the DISH Player-DVR 625. HD receiver requires additional purchase of DISH Network HD Pak. $19.99 per Month America's Top 60 Promotional Offer: Offer expires 7/31/05 and requires one-year commitment to qualifying programming under the Digital Home Advantage program. If qualifying service is terminated or downgraded prior to end of one-year period, a cancellation fee equal to the lesser of $240 or $20 per month for each cancelled month of service will apply. After three months, the then-current price for the programming package will apply. HBO and Showtime Offer; Offer requires subscription to qualifying programming. After three months, the then-current price for the programming package will apply. Showtime is a registered trademark of Showtime Networks Inc., a Viacom company. HBO' is a service mark of Home Box Office, Inc. 2005 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. All rights reserved. Phil Knowlan (front) and his father, Bill Knowlan, of Michigan. admire a truck with a little Florida citrus flavor at the show hosted by 75 Chrome Shop in Wildwood. Despite the dreary weather, truck enthusiasts gather and relax in folding chairs around their rigs on Friday, during the three-day truck show pre- sented by Shell Rotella Oil. Sumter Cr The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in or owning classic cars to Hardees in Lake PanasofTkee every second Friday of each SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 11 Ma r GARENR Ground covers can reduce maintenance Interesting contrasts in tex- ture and color may be brought into your landscape by the use of ground covers. Not only are those materials an asset to the beauty of -your grounds but can also reduce maintenance prob- lems. Ground covers may be divided into two categories. Living mate- rials would include such plants as vinca, English and Algerian ivies, liriope, daylilies, confed- erate jasmin and honeysuckle, just tof name a. few. Non-living materials usually are types of gravel, or rocks although in a broader sense we include such materials as leaves and pine needles. Ground covers are an asset to easy maintenance because we often use them in areas that are difficult to maintain in lawn or other plantings. Such areas may be strips of ground between sidewalks or driveways or walls. Steep slopes associated with ditches and areas of dense shade where grasses will not perform adequately may be planted with ground covers to reduce maintenance as well as making these areas more attrac- tive. The difficult time of ground cover culture is the first year. During this time the area must be kept reasonable free of weeds and well watered. Once the plants have become established only occasional maintenance is necessary. Some of the most adaptable ground covers are native Florida plants such as artillery plant, Carolina yellow jes- samine, coontie, several ferns, and wedelia. If your home is in a location: where salt is a problem and grass is difficult to grow, include salt tolerant ground covers in your landscape. Some of the best are coontie, climbing fig, Algerian and English ivy, shore- juniper, lantana, lily-turf, yellow verbena, liriope and wedelia. Many ground covers are excel- lent for shaded areas. Artillery plant, bugleweed, coontie, ferns, ivies, mondo grass, liriope, pep- peromia, wandering jew, and wedelia. All grow in shade. Several ground covers can be used effectively as flowering annuals in the spring. Summer and fall colors have the advan- tage that most are perennials. For spring and summer flower- ing consider bugleweed, yellow jessamine, daylilies, confeder- ate jasmine, lantana, periwin- kle, Mexican heather, lantana, yellow verbena and wedelia pro- vide fall and winter color. South Florida is especially rich in ground covers. Some of the most popular are wedelia, peperomia, blood leaf, ferns, kalanchoes, bromeliads, aloes, ajuga, and dwarf varieties of carissa. Bulbous plants like crinums, spider lilies, amaryllis and day lilies are also popular. Some of the exotic ground cov- ers can be damaged or killed by low temperatures and thus are not permanent in central or north Florida. Check with your local extension agent for those ground covers most adaptable for your area. Make your landscape more attractive by using ground cov- ers effectively and enjoy your bonus of reduced maintenance. Plant clinics are held at the extension office in Sumter County 793-2728 on Thursdays, Marion County 620-34440, and Lake County 3434110; as well as 1 to 4 p.m., on the first Monday of every month at the Sumter County Annex on County Road 466. A Florida Friendly Landscape Series is held from 3:30 to 5 p.m., on second Wednesday of every month at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, located at 1852 County Road 457. Martin Grum is a Sumter County Master Gardener, for , help with any garden or land-. scape advice call the Sumter County Extension office at 352- 793-2728. South Sumter Middle School honor students listed South Sumter Middle School' Honors -Fourth nine weeks and Presidential awards of Excellence and Achievement 8th Grade Honor Students Calla Ausley, Samantha Barney. Mercedes Bechwith, Cody 'Chandler, Rebecca Chisenhall. Sabrina Cordeiro, Eleanora Croney, Nick: De Matteo, Julie Earles. Patricia Ellingsworth, Amber Enssle, Rosa Finnell, Skylar Harris, Jacob Hitchcox, Britini Holcomb, Naida Lindberg, Heather Loran, Heather Pack, Melissa Parker, Austin Perkins. Zachary Reynolds. Spencer Rutter, Gabrielle Ryan, Sabrina Salinas. Misti Stevens, Brianne Tyson, Cheyene Vanriper. Amanda Vaughn, Ashley Velten. Colt Wells. Cindy Young. Students must achieve a cumulative average of 3.5 during the first two and one-half years of middle school and score in the 85th percentile or higher in reading or math on the FCAT tesL Presidential Awards of Excellence Taylor Bass, Mlercedes Beckwith, Michae"l Bellamy, Alison- -Br'ooks, ,CJ Carroll, Jessica Caruthers, Rebecca Chrisenhall. Sabrina Cordeiro. Michael Crandall, Eleanora Croney, Nicholas De Matteo, Julie Earles, : Patricia Ellingsworth. Skylar Harris, "Brittni Holcomb. Segree Isom, Marion Jean, Micah Joiner: Heather Loran. Charese Mitchell, Brandy Mowrer. Katherine Nicholson. Daryl Nobles. Mackenzie Oliver, Heather Pack, Melissa Parker, Miguel Posada, Ashley Postell, Tiffany Pugh, Zachary Reynolds, Jessica Rice, Spencer Rutter, Gabrielle Ryan, Sabrina Salinas, Rhea Schultz, Zane Sloan, Kayla Smith, Christy Spaude, Misti Stevens, Brianne Tyson, Justin Van Schoonhoven, Amanda Vaughn, Ashley Velten, Colt Wells, Cynthia Young. Students recommended by teachers for outstanding educa- tional growth, improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects. Presidential Award of Achievement Autumn Adams. Amber Enssle, Sha"wante McFadden. Janet Mederos. 6th Grade Honor Students Rachel Allen,- Tom Andes. Rohni Beck. Skyler Burgess, Paul Chavez, Kadara Croney. Dwight DeWeese, Ellen Drawdy, Sarah Durham, Kyle Follansbee, Lauren Fissell, Melanie Gosha, Maria Guillen, Leah Haefner, Victoria Haines, Olivia Halby, Robbie Hall. \ida Harp, Kymber Harris. Brandon Howard. Kaley How ard. Trenton Howard, Jordan Ivey,, Carrie Johnson. Reymond King, Karissa Lee. Ashley Lovett, Logan Lovett, Alyssa Maddox, Destiny Marshall. Brandon Matthews, David McCann, Ian McClanahan. Brianna McKinney, Evan Menitt. Chloe More Terrence Neal, Brittany Noithington. Kaili Nowicki. Michael Ornelas, Jacob Oudshoff, Deep Patel. Taylor Prevatt. Lauren Ray., Kristen Rhodes, Daniel Rollins, Dustin Rooney, Levi Sausman, Conner Schofill, Alissa Schrenker, Breanna Schuman, Heather Smith, Will Smith, James Sorensen, Heather Speer, Brandy Steele, Victoria Thompson, Tessa Townsend, Madison Velazquez, Aaron Wallace, Nicole Wallace, Brooke Weber, Cory Wells, Chris Wilson, Travis Winchel. 7th Grade Honor Students Hannah Adams, Lile Attridge, Caitlin Bailey, Jeltzin Barbiere, Nicole Beissel, Buffy Branch, David Brindac, Kirsten Colemah, Bradley Connolly, Laurie Craddock, Brian Crosby, Samantha Cypret, Rebecca Day, Alia Elnaji, Tiffany Enssle, Tiffany Portsch, Jessica Galloway, Nattelie Garcia, Kelley Gideons, Sterling Greene. Brandi Griffith, Kassie Hazen, Jennifer Hendricks, Cecilia Jeronimo, Nicole Langford, Cinthia Lanza, Donald Layne, Reba Love, McKinzy Mask. Audra Mazak, Michael Mocrimon, Kayla Mcintosh. Angela Newhouse. Juventina Ochoa, Mollie Parrish, Hannah Perkins, Amber Perry, Kellie Powell, Sierra Robinson. Marisela Robles, Kaitlin Russell, Jenifer Sapp, Heather Segebart, Quintin Story., Andrew. Todd, Justin Tyree, Kristin Whittle. Team I Sting Raiders of Excellence 6th Grade "A" Honor Roll Rohni Beck, Kasandra Blokzijl, Kaitlyn Dario, Ellen Drawdy, Maria Guillen, Victoria Haines, Vida Harp, Trenton Howard, Carrie Johnson, Reymundo King, Steven Lanzo, Destiny Marshall, Brianna McKinney. Chloe Morey, Terrence Neal, Dustin Rooney, Aaron Troller, Chris Wilson. "A-B" Honor Roll Rachel Allen, Derrick Andrews, Johni Beck, Britlee Berry, Michelle Bryan, Kayla Butler, Logan Chandler, Brekka Dowd, Lynisha Duboise, Sarah Durham, Nathan Evans, Kyle Follansbee, Linda Goodman, Dakota Harrod, Kaley Howard, Ashlee I Jacobs, Latasha Kinnerson, Emily Knight, Alyse Lawler, Ashley Lovett, Erynn Martin, Ian McClanahan, Brittany Nothington, Deep Patel, Taylor Prevatt, Courtney Reynolds,. Conner Schofill, James Sorenson, Alisha Taylor, Keri Unclebach. Madison Velazquez, Nicole Wallace. Cody Watkins. Cody Watson, Cory Wells, Jessica Williams. Team II Raiders of Excellence 6th Grade "A" Honor Roll :Phillip Chavez, Dw\ight. Deweese, Lauren Fussell, Robbie Hall, Jordan Ivey, Karissa Lee, Evan. Merritt, Daniel Rollins. Alissa Schrenker, Breanna Schuman. Heather Smith, Will Smith, Heather Spee:. Brooke Weber: Travis Winchel. "A-B" Honor Roll Thomas Andes, Gabriela Andrade, Skyler Burgess, Kadara Croney, Christina Garcia, James Goff, Olivia Halby. Kymber Harris, Brandon' Howard, Brianna Jimenez. Logan Lovett, Alyssa Maddox, Skottiann Malle. David McCann, Desiree Mitchell, Sharon Monday. Kaili Nowicki, Michael Ornelasm, Jacob Oudshoff, Tyler Pilkinton, Lauren Ray, Ashley Rhodes. Kristen Rhodes, Victoria Thompson, ,Michael Todd, Tessa Townsend, Aaron Wallace, Team HI Raiders of Excellence 7th Grade "A" Honor Roll Caitlin Bailey, Zeltzin Barbiere, Nicole Beissel, Buffy Branch, Brian Crosby, Layla Elliston, Alia Elnaji, Tiffany Enssle. Nichole Langford, Donald Layne, Audra Mazak, Hannah Perkins, Jenifer Sapp, Jeffrey Scarpelli, Heather Segebart, Kassandra Sorokach, Kristin Whittle. "A-B" Honor Roll Tatyana Brown, Leslie Cardoza, Isamar Cruz, Duong Dang, Anna Farfaglia, Lonkeesta Glean, Brian Griffis, Denise Hartwell, Cecilia Jeronimo, Nicole Martinez, McKinzy Mask, Michael, McCrimon, Juventina Ochoa, Amber Perry, Michael Reed, Kaitlin Russell, Ysabel Serrano, Quintih Story, Justin Tyree, Megan Venable, Asa Williams. Team IV Star Raiders of Excellence 7thGrade "A" Honor Roll Hannah Adams, Samantha Andre, Rebeoca ,Day, ,Nattelie, Garcia, Kayla Mclntosh. A\ndrew Todd. ,"A-B" Honor Roll Lile Attridge, Emily Baxter. David Brindac, Kristin Cabbage. Dylan Carroll, Kirsten Coleman, Bradley Cbnnolly. Sean Coscarelli, Thomas Edwards, Victoria Elliston, Kelly Gardner, Kelley Gideons, Sterling Greene, Brandi Griffith, Owen Hatcher, Cody Hileman, Kalyn Holloway, Alyssa Lacey, Cinthia Lanza, Christine Lord, Reba Love, Orbelina Martinez, Sara Mikels, Angela Newhouse, Josh Newhouse, Mollie Parrish, Elizabeth Polk, Marisela Robles. 4 Team V Space Raiders of, Excellence 8th Grade "A" Honor Roll Nick De Matteo, Skylar Harris, Heather Loran, Zach ; Reynolds, Sabrina Salinas, Misti Stevens, Brianne Tyson. "A-B" Honor Roll Cheryl Abercrombie, Taylor Bass, CJ Carroll, Eleanora Croney, Jennifer Gill, Naida Lindberg, Cali-Jean Nelson, I Katherine Nicholson, Daryl Nobles, Tiffany Pugh, Joshua Taber, Ashley Velten, Colt Wells. Team VI Lightning Raiders of Excellence 8th Grade "A" Honor Roll Mercedes Beckwith, Julie Earles, Brittni Holcomb, Heather Pack, Spencer Rutter, Gabrielle Ryan, Amanda Vaughn, Cindy Young. "A-B" Honor Roll Calla Ausley, Chris Camacho, Cody Chandler, Linette Coleman, Sabrina Cordeiro, ,Louisa Deweese, Amber Enssle, Rosa Finnell, George Hendricks, Jacob Hitchcox, Melissa Matthews, Janie Midyette, Nicole Palmer, Melissa Parker, Austin Perkins, Mariana Sixtos, Cheyene Vanriper, Thalia Velazquez. Team VII Excel-Raiders of Merit "A-B"-HonorRoll Michael Hunnewell, John Walsh. Team VIII Raiders of Excellence "A-B" Honor Roll John Blaho, Cortez Hall, Tara Hendricks, Tevin Isom. 1-4 INTERCHANGE PROPERTY 4 5.h rotor &,mm u ewlebpmnew Ttua qofivd in Ruvrt 4E) dlimiVlslbHlty-'l1i7t acuplanncs. 2362 aC WetndE -Fmnti'bnw 3.30C1t on-4,1A .C156k on! tU-oa" nterctmnge & 3.18-t un OR W5 us~ rhmltaffivwu Im4ld.. is wulncdowfT,- ON SITE PREVIEW IOAM-2PM Set, June I I CR 557 (Old Grade Rd] & 1-4 Lake Affmcl Ft AUCTION II )M. SoJne 1,~8 Fantasy of Fb~hT, 140Bracmway BP.-'dSE Po1w CityFL. hIIJOEM~ Pmqrk-y Sesx: S uzmber C:)PImrnty, &lft4mJ to tge Tmn LL-R 5t 4 r~mdedimnted4:-I StoreI? to tI~e b3Vel w ~'N8 tcolI Sltclri&? FD ~ ~~U c:S ~ I V ~ V ~ ~~uu i.j~ ~ ~ I ~ru ~-F~.-I - e:OO-~:OO Keep up with thae latest iu.fCp ....ution from Sumt.-er County by logging on MO to9 ,A' wArw, bocAc.coo su mter.fl.fus : A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS F-ALlr"'-"IER PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (PL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 StonerlT eBirs School of Ballet Summer Session Davonne's School of Ballet Summer Session will begin June 9 through July 7 (five weeks). Call now to register at 352- 303-0505. Country and gospel music There will be music at the Community Building starting in July on second fourth and fifth Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Country and gospel music will be heard at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building across from Truck Stop on 470. Musicians by invitation only Call 748-2628 for informa- tion. Respite Assistance Program Alzheimer's Family Organization is offering mone- tary reimbursement for respite costs through our Respite Assistance Program. Respite is essential for the caregivers of a dementia or Alzheimer's disease sufferer to help refresh and revive. The Alzheimer's Family Organization will also provide other national respite resources that can reimburse costs to caregivers. This free program is avail- able to all residents of Hernando, Citrus, Sumter and Lake counties caring for an individual with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Contact the Alzheimer's Family Organization main office for full details at 727-848-8888 or toll free at 888-496-8004. Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties , Haven is a non-profit organ- ization dedicated to serving victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. . Due to our non-profit status, we are entirely supported grants, and more importantly, the community. Currently, ,Haven is in need of volunteers at our administration building Iand at our shelters. Those 'that selflessly give of them- selves and their time are what .makes our work possible. For information call (352) 787-5889. Cancer support group Meetings are on the second 'Monday of every month at ,Phuck's Odd cup'les Cafe6 on ;-West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m. IRefreshments are provided. jFor information, contact Lee !Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Dance at Lake .Panasoffkee There will be dancing every first and third Friday, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 1/ block north of blinker light across from Sunshine Truck Stop. Singles and couples are welcome. Life entertainment and finger foods appreciated. All ages welcome; sponsored by Sumter Singles. Call 352-424-1688 for more information. Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries through out the county. Beginning on June 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will be at Lake Panasoffkee Library The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third Tuesday of each month, we will. be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. If you have any further questions please contact Sumter County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Summer reading program The Panasoffkee communi- ty Library will be having a Summer Reading Program. This program will be geared for children, kindergarten through third grade. It will be held Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 10:30 a.m. You need to pre-register at the library, 1500 C.R. 459, or by calling 793-8608. New 4-year-old Kindergarten Sumter Christian School will be starting a 4-year-old Kindergarten for the 2005-06 school year. Enrollment is now being taken. The school is located in Sumterville, behind Thomas Langley Medical Center. Call 793-2358 for information. Volunteers needed The Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for volun- teer drivers to transport veter- ans to the Gainesville VA. Medical Center. Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and 66be ableto pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5129. You do not have to be a veteran to drive. History of Linden books for sale, The Linden Cemetery Association reminds everyone of our most recent books, Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. This is a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232-page, indexed, hardbound edition that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total photographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a donation of $25 and may be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- .0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County extension agent for resi- dential horticulture, with select- ed guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass everything you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering efficiently; mulching; composting; fertiliz- ing appropriately; managing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, humming- birds and butterflies; protecting the waterfront, All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Pilot club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every, second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd 'Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related' disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. )me repair/remodel LEMING BROTH Personal Home Maintena Repair & Remodel Homes anc Painting Carpet & Congolium She Power Washing Fini 352- Vern 793-8469 352 For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, /2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. . For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. . If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sirm gles and couples are still wel-I come. If there are any questions,: call Belva Maier at 352-383-' 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each, month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615: Broad Street, Bushnell., Transportation provided., Bushnell takes in surrounding; areas. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday' mornings at Herb and Peg'si Bakery in Bushnell Plaza,! Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Markl Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is, given away andl emergency bills will be paid, on second and fourth Fridays, at 320 E. Dade Ave. in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; by Faith Based Food and the' Salvation Army, respectively Al-Anion Group ' The Al-Anon Group, Joy in1 Freedom, meets at 8 p.m.i every Friday at the First United Methodist, Church ofi Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave.! Parking on N. Hopkins St. , Contacts are Judy 352-793-J 5738; Linda. 352-583-3075;1 Jeanette: 352-568-0612. ~0'~ '1. 1 concrete ,:HERs ;s-- : ,ways Ptios Pool Decks S Cnoose from any designs: rick. ance a ie. state. orcreate yourotnr, d Trailers r FREE etrock Tile Estimates sh Carpentry WE SEAL ALL CONCRETE! Forest (352)288-1099 2-7934720 u2 taxi service ^IRfIDY'I | S 0 oo0lnG . DOGS I;4NTED: All Breeds great and small. \\e \ill bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOUR pet todaN! For Fido's next appointment please call Sands at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 bail bonds MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO For as low as $35.00 TAMPA For as low as $45.00 D\ equine orthotics Do you have the right invest- ments in place to meet the financial challenges ahead? At Edward Jones, our busi- ness is to help people find solutions for their long-term financial security. If you .would like a free review of your retirement plan or any of your other investments to see if they are appropriate for your, long-term goals, please call or stop by today. Joe Capporelli 110 W. Belt Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC 141 BUSH (35A (35; . l : '' Edward Jones ranked "Highest in Investor Satisfaction With Full Service Brokerage Firms" J.D. Power and Associates 2005 Full Service Investor Satisfaction Study". Study based on responses from 6,637 investors who used one of the 20 firms profiled in the study, www.jdpower.com Edward----on--- MAKNG ENEO F IVISIN RRET PARISH 52 W. HWY 48 INELL, FL 33513 OFFICE: 2)793-8861 CELL: 2) 303-0000 *I'II Put Your Feet Back on the Street") internet/isp EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC O, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist builder 6 4I~ 'CRC044773 FullyLicensed& Insurea Full Service Contractors S . . ." .. .;. . Call Today 352-793-2161 NEDANE OPUE BTN pet grooming I FREE REVIEW. , hc , .1I SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 13 ]/mmm--- t'.-m - hm.- r ,W Try it YOU'LL UKE fIT 1.111 Take a HEALTHY Bite "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content le from Commercial News Providers" .-Sa o t C aax W f - mm fwm ooah-m -*fo- 6-% .*" .I. .i. m.e. 4. W.iw .... .. a a a o eaam 41a *am ae ,110 -111 <0 '^ -e illinglf e MHeN l plantau a suuanm. agg ... *".* S '*. .ma 4 4. a ' S" , '"aas- PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 Thursday, June 2, 2005 71 year-old Lake County bride marries successful 24 year-old billionaire L. EESBURG In a highly anticipated June ^nd.cere ony, First Federal Savings iBank, 71, is uniting with the muchyounge ret.well-conneicted and extremely successful, S24fyearold Colonial Bank. Bot. patiesg aetatits defi n mitel ge o. rocnveniene. S pa to take. A -___ CO, --------- "AS YOU KNOW, IT'S ALWAYS BETTER TO MARRY UP." 71 YEAR-OLD-LAKE COUNTY BRIDE After 71 years, Lake County's First Federal Savings Bank has joined the Colonial Bank family. And we believe we did quite well. Because now you'll have even more to. love. With the same friendly folks and service you've come to expect. Plus all the benefits of Colonial Bank. 140 locations in Florida. 40 additional ATMs across Central Florida alone. New products and services. And $21' billion in assets for more loans. So stop in today. And reap the rewards of our happy marriage. COLONIAL BANK. wWw. colonialbank. com Member FDIC FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK is now COLONIAL BANK SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 15 / I I.4 EDECATiON u ~' U~ ~ I 0 -- - 0 - ~ q -g- 46~ --ow - -b IOP "Cop aSyn Available from r~ 5 1 *.saw.eS @.e.@eoD@0 sod - _ o 0 - - -- % ~,. . 0~* a a - ~ w.qmmi~ ~ ~.0 a- I a- -____ 9 0 0 a- ~ I a- o o - -~ ~ U a- -a---- w me ~-ws Fo*a0*000s- *101 40 4D 40.010 so- u- 40 am a . * * o *. * Wo b va %om L righted Material dicated, Contentf Commercial News Prov ---1 -ders" iders" '5 j/l//dr yi t (VP *b pf ( b"F f, N do 0m 4w -o am-r qCf C0 00 q %awaw4 40m0 Wwft ID . m 1 C4m 400a - 4baa-o 40o *4404w40om 4 4 4 -0 4GO 4 t ob m GO o40 - %W, a a -Nw amm b-G m.06 amp a- a a- Mwo am *a- 490 .mb q 4D40410 D a- 40 4bGC * 4b 40 -00 040 w 4 4M. a 4a p 4D @5now 041M 44P am q - m 0 00 qa m ft a-mba -Sa 40 4b- a-oda-4 41W q mi - 0 amm- qo . afto*44 M -48m40 4Do 4b-p 4 ft u aC mom o -40@mt4b4D- b 4b qW 0 4bft OM 4M0 4 00 t 6 eC mw **____-a-C a ob o. oe ~ *m o .4a0 a a 4m 4b bm4W10 4 4omqm 4ma h -q a mww 0 b m am-O f 1--ow - bm a.. am 9 see. 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MOTOROLA and stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved r- -T-.- a- 7. T Q O 4 -- ft *A % , SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 17 Racing world supports Heater family I know I've said this before but the racing family is an incredible thing to be a part of. When word began to circu- late about the death of the son of a local race- car driver the phones began to ring, emails went oit and the family was added to prayer lists across the state. Everyone wanted to know what they could do for the family. It didn't take long before calls were made to track offi- K cials and plans BOLL finalized to help support the Heater family. A helmet drive and donations from the track pro- moter were set up for Saturday night's program. Despite inclement weather that kept a lot of race fans away from the racetrack, over $900 was collected from both the main grandstands, pit area, and the track' dona- tion. It was an incredible way to .I [if Li show support for this family who had just endured such a tragedy, and proof that the racing family as a whole has the power to making things happen. Funeral services for Wayne Heater Jr. will be held at 2 p.m. today at Wilder Funeral Home, Homosassa Springs. Special events bring racers together In case you missed it, and yes, I IM was one of those NGER who didn't brave ,,. .the weather, a rac- ing get-together was held at Armante' Restaurant Sunday. On hand were 12 stock cars and two mini slingshot dragsters on display. I received an email from a race fan, of the Six Old Guys Racing Fans group, who attended the event and were spent time talking to Larry Triana and Richie Smith. From the sound of it he had a good time talking racing with some of the locals. I can still remember the days of Scott Roush's Mini Stock racecar parked in front of Checker's on race day, and a line of racecars at the Key Training Center's annual Run for the Money event. It has been some time since local businesses took such a first-hand interest in our local racetrack and it's good to see this type of event mak- ing a comeback. Official Hobby Stock finish After lengthy discussions, the official finish for the Hobby Stock feature was Curtis Flanagan with the win, Tony Trancucci second, Bill Ryan, third, Johnny Zuidema fourth, Tim Whitehead fifth, David Chastain sixth, Bobby Becker seventh, Mike Wedlick eighth, George Webb ninth, and Artie Hewitt tenth. Herb Hoefler was listed in 12th, Corky Miley's disqualifica- tion stood. .Other race finishes Billy Bechtelheimer won the Modified feature over Tommy Schnader, Harold Cannon, Jimmy Wagner, Mason Love, Robert Ray, Doug Cleckner, Ralph Bowman, Kyle Bookmiller and Mike Hinegardner, respectively. Steven Stinedurf took his first trip to victory lane in Thunderstock action. Glen Collier followed in second, D.J. Macklin third, Gary Johnson fourth, and Wayne Heater fifth. Rounding out the top ten were Victor Shahid, Fred Henick, Kyle Dubbs, Mike Dubbs and Jason VanOchten. Saturday night will see the Gulfcoast Modifieds back for their second appearance of the season. Joining them will be Figure 8's, the Sportsmen, Mini Stocks, Hobby Stocks, Thunder Stocks and 4 Cylinder Bombers. Kim Bollinger is the Chronicle's racing corre- spondent. She can be reached at 563- 3241 or email: kbollinger@chronicleon- line.com. Racing resumed at Citrus Under cloudy skies, and a few brief rain showers, racing resumed at Citrus County Speedway. The 4-cylinder Bomber fea- ture saw Justin Durbin in a late-race move to the low groove for the win over Marlon Durbin, James Pate, Roger Blevins and Harold Barup, respectively. The field, 12 cars strong, was the biggest in recent weeks and included drivers from area race- tracks.R Mike Veltman took the Sportsman feature win over Rick Case, Kyle Maynard, Robbie Cooper, and Bob Mascarelli. Mini Stock action saw Robbie Yoakam in the win- ner's circle with last year's champion Jim Curry second, Ronnie Larson third, George Neumann fourth, and Justin Lawson fifth. Twenty-eight cars started the Hobby Stock field, and when it was over Curtis Flanagan was in victory lane. Alvin Williamson came off the pole to lead the way with Don Teague and Tony Trancucci in hot pursuit. In a, matter of laps Williamson and Teague were door-to-door in a heated battle that ended two laps later with Williamson in the pits and Trancucci with the lead. Teague powered back to battle with Trancucci but was challenged by Flanagan. On .lap eight, Flanagan took the second position and then pow- ered around Trancucci. Flanagan pulled away from the field and take the win. A seven car run for second developed with the most of the divisions heavy-hitters in the hunt including Herb Hoefler, Bill Ryan and Corky Miley. As the field took the white flag, it was a heated Hoefler- Miley race for second through the first set of turns and ended with Hoefler sideways down the backstretch. Miley went on to finish the event in second, Trancucci third. Miley headed into tech was quickly stopped by Hoefler's race machine. Where to pay Hoefler, who didn't complete the last lap? -Miley was disqualified and the field was paid with 24 of the 25 laps counting Hoefler in the bullpen with an official second place finish. The offi- cial finish was not determined by press time. -- SpnSPOTS Barber summer youth football camp This summer boys ages 7- 18 will have a rare opportu- nity to join Ronde Barber of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to learn football from some of the very best players and coaches in the NFL. Ronde will be joined by 10 to 15 of his Tampa Bay Buccaneer teammates for this outstand- ing program. The summer camp will be held at Eckerd College, in St. Petersburg on June 15-19. Enrollment is limited. For more information, go to www.footballcamps.com or . 0- call toll free 1-800-555-0801. Like football? Want to play semi-pro? Then check out the newest league in county the International League! If you're 18 or older, sign-up is slated for Saturday, June 25, and Sunday, July 3, from 6 p.m. until dark at the Kenny Dixon Sports Complex in Bushnell. The league is countywide and teams will be vying against competition from as far away as Miami and Fort Lauderdale. For more information, call Mack Sapp at 352-457-6859. - In aiVICE Robert H. Osborne Air Force Airman Robeit H. Osborne has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base. San Antonio, Texas. During the six weeks of training, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organi- zation, and military customs and courtesies; performed drill and ceremony marches, and received physical train- ing, rifle inarksimanship. field training exercises, and spe- cial training in human rela- tions. In addition, airmen who, complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of Tina Osborne of Bushnell. Osborine is a 2004 graduate of S6uth Sumter High School. Bushnell. Matt A. Savage MattA. Savage has received an Air Force ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Coips) col- lege scholarship offer to attend an elected college or university. The cadet was selected to receive the scholarship cer- tificate on the basis of com- prehensive tests, high school scholastic achievement, and extra-curricular activities. The majority of Air Force ROTC scholarships cover full college/university tuition, pro-, vide textbook allowance, and pays most laboratory or inci- dental fees. Ini addition, at least a $200 tax-free monthly allowance is paid to recipi- ernts during- the academic year. The .estimated value of the scholarship depends on the student's choice of school and type of `scholarship offered. : ' Upon graduation from col- lege and completion of the ROTC program, the cadet will. be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force. He is the son of Leslie B. Savage of Meadow Green Trail. Lake Worth, and Mark A. Savage of E. County Road 462. Wildiwood. The cadet is a 2005 graduate of Lake Woblth High School. - SUMTER COUNTY' Going( !' . --- ----------- .. SThe ayseed Cafe In Webster 599 N Market Blvd. I352-568-8008 \WK^^: -* .- .- -.^ SSi FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 60 1723 FRI- SAT -SUN.- WED.-THURS PO KICKING & SCREAMING 8:45 Theatre P13THE LONGEST 10:35 Closed Monday & Tuesday FLEAI MARKET (c Sat-Sen Gam-noon & '4. K 41 a' 5' I,' 11 Firs im-ffrnga Pbi I ~~AUCIN . TN License# 221 P.O. Box 729;,Mt. Airy; NC Sat., July 9, Noon 200 Acres Will Sell in 5 Acre Tracts Sales Manager is B. Mark Rogers For Terms & Listing Contact www.rogersrealty.com or Call 336-789-2926 I COMING 6/24: HERE FULLY LOADED ouettons' pie .e c311 Harold Spe3rs 863-602-2979 S or Judy Crew- 865-967-0842 m NEW! Websice ioylandrivein coml }) .& B Family Restaurant Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm (fit i Fri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in Central Florida & 79 88 Much More" BREAKFAST DAILV LUICH & DI tER SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 Good Service...Great Food...Super People I I I I I I I I I ,gp. 3 Continental Country Club Restaurant Now Managed by Little Bear. Formerly of Little Bear of The Guesthouse Inn. NEW LUNCH MENU FEATURING Corned Beef & Pastrami Brisket From Brooklyn South Philly Cheesesteak On An Amorosa Roll Dining Menu Featuring Gourmet 4-Star Food at 2-Star Prices! Catering Available Full Menu Available Reservations Greatly Appreciated ~- 352-748-0050 g Tues., Wed. 8 Fri. II AMN 9 PM KARAOKE H Thurs. 8 Sat. I1 AM 10 PM Th'n. Sat. 7 -10 PM GUIDE TO ut Hidden Rivers Resort & The Dam Pub LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Every Saturday Night 7 PM "til" Pot Luck Every Last Sunday June 26"H I-j!j q! d Coming Soon* Full Liquor Bar 'p*^.D.i- .r i' L 569-9306 New House Band, "Southern Comfort" 4666 CR 300 ALL MUSICIANS WELCOME 12PM 10 4P.1 Lake Panasoffkee .. ________i__ _-.__iT____rW rl.M__r.Sh HTm .,..,',i E,'.-)a.3n. r n,.n r .iu 1? Star Wars III. Mr & Mrs. Smith, Honeimooners. Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl Special Engagement thru 6/26: Batman Begins,The Perfect Man Batman Begins PG-13 Fri-Sat: 11:45,12:30, 3:00, 3:45, 6:15,7:00, 9:30, 10:15 Sun: 11:45, 12:30, 3:00, 3:45, 6:15, 7:00, 9:30, 10:15 Mon-Tues:11:45, 12:30, 3:00, 3:45, 6:15, 7:00, 9:30, 10:15 The Perfect Man PG Fri-Sat: 12:00,2:20,4:40,7:100:00 Herbie Fully Loaded G Sun: 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 10:00 Sunday: 2:30 Sneak Preview Mon-Tues: 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 10:00 Mr. & Mrs. Smith PG-13 The Honeymooners PG-13 Fri-Sat: 12:45, 4:15, 7:30, 10:10 Fri-Sat: 12:25, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05, 9:25 Sun: 12:45, 4:15, 7:30, 10:05 Sun: 12:25, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05 Mon-Tues: 12:45, 4:15, 7:30, 10:10 Mon-Tues: 12:25, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05 The Adventures of ih T n in R Shark Boy & Lava Girl PG High Tension R FriSark 121 30 445 r 70 940 PG Fri-Sat: 12:20, 2:25, 4:35, 7:25, 9:45 Fri-Sat: 12:10, 2:30, 4:45,7:20,9:40 Sun: 11:20, 2:25, 4:35, 7:25 MonTues: 12:10, 2:30 445 720 Mon-Tues: 11:20, 2:25, 4:35, 7:25 Mon-Tues: 12:10; 2:30, 4:45, 7:20 Cinderella Man PG-13 Sisterhood of the Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3:25,6:45,9:50 Traveling PantS PG Sun: 12:15, 3:25, 6:45, 9:50 Fri-Sat: 12:40, 4:30 Mon-Tues: 12:15, 3:25, 6:45 Sun: 12:40,4:30 "Mon-Tues: 12:40, 4:30 The Longest Yard PG-13 Madagascar PG Fri-Sat: 12:50, 4:00, 7:35, 10:10 Fri-Sat: 12:05, 2:15, 4:25, 7:15, 9:35 Sun: 12:50, 4:00, 7:35 Sun: 12:05, 2:15, 4:25, 7:15 Mon-Tues: 12:50, 4:00, 7:35, 10:05 Mon-Tues: 12:05, 2:15, 4:25, 7:15 Star Wars Episode III PG-13 Fri-Sat: 12:35, 3:40, 6:50, 9:55 , Sun: 12:35, 3:40, 6:50, 9:55 Mon-Tues: 12:35, 3:40, 6:50, 9:55 i 1-i B | is Monster-In-Law PG-13 Fri-Sat: 7:40, 10:05 Sun; 7:40 MnnTus, ,4 COMING SOON SUNDAY BRUNCH! "LI e rg I I I I I __m ., 1 .'" ". -, .: ; .'2 ..-" .' .,. ": -. .., -? .., "...- . SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 18 PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 Fun and GAMES 4f 04 ILS w w,- U 7.'. TA~ - iu so us * w S Q S S S a-m BM o OP w' sY~ S., * I; S I S e IL 'Ip FI A.L Lrt &I= IF low Ino~~ ! LAW ow0 r *0 * * * 0 * 0 4 * 4 opyrighted Material 16- 0 of a&.%ofW atedTC nmrercial one o a do 4wendow lfm -4 alo Agowu wD 40 .twomm ft w0 f wwft mtm4 p 6 f- f bOffw _____ -00"- O"U .0- oftU aa 0 ao ft 400.0 -M_ o a 4 0 M- 4 M 0 f & so fft no t o Omd~ We OOM SOM so 46 ON aw WM -on __ aft MNO MO- Mn.Owwof- -=m ra4r-a &- "f- 40teW ft- a 01- am O""W 0 a nw b- 6--f MOWO amS 400~- am -4e 4 Lup 4*r:w~ dommmw, -a0 m M lw q an l 0 0 0 * 0 * * * * 0 0 0* .Syndic t- Available from Con b %owa & n&U ' *1I- -. It& - 0 0 G 691mommom" dMO SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 19 Dr. Pepper party scheduled for Darby Oaks Stables in Bushnell Sumter Dixie Youth T-Ball Allstars took fourth place in the district tournament held in Brooksville. The team included: Lane Connell, Oscar Elizalde, Deigo Arrendondo, Eliazar Rodriguez, Blake Hall, Matthew Williams (shown front row, left to right): Willie Sanders, Derrick Dixon, Alan Greene, Sarah Grindrod, Lexi Hall, Derek Peacock and Malik Bell (shown middle row, left to right) and Coaches Gabriel Rodriguez, Ben Ruiz, Joe Bedgood and Dennie Hall (shown, back row, left to right). Pop Warner football comes to Bushnell ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Raider is no longer alone in Bushnell. The Wolf Pack is the newest team to Sumter County and the Pop Warner League.' The Bushnell area team has already signed up more than 90 players and 20 cheerlead- ers for the new season that begins on Aug. 1. Many of the children had formerly played, with the Villages team but with so much local interest it was decided to add the additional team for the convenience and enjoyment of the community. The new team will be join- ing more than 40 other teams in the Southeastern Region and approximately 11 in the Timucua Conference. "We've had phenomenal community support," said spokesperson Terry Sullivan. "We are all so grateful to the local businesses and individu- als that have made donations for us to bring this team to Bushnell." Children from ages 7-13 are eligible and although most of the teams are full there are still some slots available for players and cheerleaders alike. Those considering enrollment may contact either Terry Sullivan at 352-568-7332 or Joan Jessmer at 352-603- 4321. Anyone interested in assist- ing or making a donation to help the new league with items, equipment or volun- teering may also contact the above numbers. That's right, Dr. Pepper and Darby Oaks are hosting a Pepper party and a Gaited Horse Open House on Sunday, July 2. Set from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., everyone's invited. Walking horses, gaited mules and gaited Jacks are welcome. Lunch will be served and there'll be exhibitions with Dr. Pepper Florida's first Gaited Breeding Jack There'll even be a Trade Day where participants can bring any type of horse-relat- ed items to trade, sell, bar- gain, etc., with others and door prizes. There's something for the kids too, with special activi- ties, Dr.Pepper Floats and Dr. Pepper soda. Attendees are asked to bring their own chairs and are welcome to stay for the day. An RSVP is requested, so if you plan on coming, e-mail: TLPinson@aol.com or call 352-568-2001. Darby Oaks Stables is located just off S.R. 48 between Bushnell and Beville's Corner (three miles west of S.R. 471). The Tennessee walking horse is the product Thoroughbred, Standard bred, Morgan and American Saddle bred bloodlines. Over a century of careful breeding was committed to the devel- opment of what is known as thie world's greatest show and pleasure horse. Developed by farmers in the state of Tennessee through the selective mating of trotters and pacers, a sad- dle horse evolved that was both an effective utility horse and an easy gaited mount. Calm, docile temperament, combined with easy gaits and immense versatility has insured the Tennessee walk- ing horse's role in the equine world. For years, high quality gait- ed mules have been much sought after in the United States. Until recently, however, gaited mules have been rela- tively unmarketed in the Gaited Horse community. Gaited mares produce won- derful nules with a smooth, ground covering, easy to ride gait and a remarkably docile nature. Crossing gaited mares with a gaited Jack increases the likelihood of a gaited mule offspring. A mule is a cross resulting Goat judging is scheduled The Florida Dairy Goat and Florida Meat Goat Associations will host the 27th annual Goat Production Conference on June 11 and 12, at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, Gainesville. Keynote speaker will be, Carla Emery, famous author of several books and publica- tions about, homesteading. Other speakers will include specialists on goat nutrition, cheese making, practical goat care and more. Saturday's events will be topped off with a wine and cheese social., Sunday's events will include hands-on demonstra- tions of practical goat raising. There will be a chevon cook- off, too. For further information please contact Jan Brewer, president. FDGA at 386-496- 3111 or Richard Essex. presi- dent. FMGA at 386-9354-720. Band car wash rescheduled The South Sumter High School Band Car Wash that was scheduled for June 11 was cancelled due to weather conditions. The car wash has been rescheduled and will be held June 25 at at the Winm-Dixie in Bushnell from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. All pre-sold tickets from the previous June 11 carwash will be honored at the upcom- You're invited to join us at our TRACTOR, TRUCK PULL 2. & GARDEN TRACTORS I, ;oat. Junee18,20oo5 . Time: Weigh in is at-1 0 0 Pul illstartlat;t:oo :to1iao p C 0twsvCourf asGrounda,. .Cast; Oe10pir ii Wto hogk//ri( P r''lzre -:3,.stsPj~a^ wi fl iieeiv.9 trophy,,' 1 io r, an) qu 4.lionZ )ocu nnracr uz.at. AA e-"- --- (352) 726-2483 S (352) 302-0573 (352) 302-0006 . SPONSORED BY: SMG. RG Printing. A-Ace Septic. Bondea Septic, Cltrus Land & Tile Certifleo . S Const FitzpatricK Ins Vanness Aulopanrs. Neat & Tioy, Cront Consi StumpknocKers I Armanles. Kennein Charles Jewelers. Builders Surplus, Carlers Recycling. Entergard FC I Alrboats. ICC, Gional Radio. Ace Hardware. Coaches Pub. Crystal Cnesy. Green Acres Tractor, John Mason Tractor. Lanamark Realty. Vandervalk Sumter Dixie yot Ldeague GOLF SCRAMBLE( *Registration Form" SATURDAY. JUNE 18, 2005 PLACE: Shady Brook Golf Club, 178 N. U.S. Hwy. 301, Sumterville, FL TIME: Shotgun Start 9:00 a.m. PRICE: $40 PER GOLFER Included green fees. cart, lunch and prizes Lunch will be Bar-B-Oue Chicken. Baked Beans and Potato Salad PRIZES: 1st Three Places and 50/50 Drawing (1/2 of cash) CONTESTS: Longest Drive (Men & Women) I Closest to the Pin For Information: Contact Pro Shop at Shady Brook, 568-2244 or Horace Peacock at 303-6592 * SPONSOR DEADLINE * Friday, June 3, 2005 Sign at lee Afoo* a recognition Name adspayed ar a registration deskI Amount Enclosed $ 100.00 Makes cnecKs payable to: Sumter Dixie Youth League 1 P.O. Box 646 Webster, FL ''*'^'"^ySfe^^ te.34305097,.if ing wash. Any questions regarding the car wash please call 352-793- 8253. from a Donkey Jack (stud) and a horse mare. Because mules are a cross between two different species, they are sterile, meaning they cannot repro- duce. A Gaited Mule looks some- what like both its parents. The head resembles both, with the ears shaped like the horses but much longer. The eyes are more almond shaped. The neck is straight with little arch, even from crosses with horses known for an upright neck and arch. Contrary to popular belief, mules are not stubborn unless they are ill-treated. They can seem lazy because they will not put themselves in danger. A horse can be worked until it drops, but not so with a mule. The stubborn streak is the mule's w ay of telling humans that things are not right. They naturally have an attachment to people and are very smart. They are extremely hardy animals that are not very sus- ceptible to disease. They can take a much larg- er workload than horses and are not as likely to suffer from being overworked. They have short manes and small feet like donkeys, but like horses, they are large with well-shaped, muscular bodies. They make a sound that is half whinny and half the bray like donkeys. MASSEY FERGUSON q ^Tractors Loa MASSEY FERGUSON Just Arrived!!! The All New Model MODEL #1528 28.4 Gross H.P. 3 Cyl Diesel, 9x3 Transmissions, Live PTO, R-4 Tire, Front Loader, 54" Bucket, 5FP Rotary Motor, 5FT Box Blade All Terrain MOrAl Trar*nra flnmnnn8@ ,r.~.-,..,,,r. I All "errain 31800 Progress Rd., Leesburg, FL, 34748 125-.Af1- I1OR ders Backhoes Equipment . J596523 i .. r, 3.- u ,r,,r r.,:..-,.ir, o ot. tir,. 7 ..,,. Visit the newest member of the .AGCO ST 5 er1.A SMasseSyergoson. 0 o0I 0.9% 2.9% 3.9%, 4.49%, o r MASSEY FERGUSON TEAM 1I]t1 S ieS.,. n O 990 n 991 3924 Slaughter Cois Boner 80-8i% rMlH.qrAn Aq i]WI P.r..e A i 740-890 839 t. 6i1-.1l ( 920-1075 993 r,, .,:. i(A 1100-1295 1190 60.00-65.00 1400-1710 1500 58.00-63.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% M Range AvgWt PriceRange 740-895 822 52.0059.00 730-870 812 47.00-51.00 1004 56.00-59.00 0 li. 944 46.0052.00 1140-1170 1155 53.00-55.00 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. I WtRange AvgW :ti. v,' 1000-1305 1164 0- t;. - 1000-1410 1211 60.0067.00 1540-2350 1746 72.00-77.00 1515-1695 1620 82.00-85.00 1700 1700 63.00 Slaughter cows and bulls: Were 1.00 to 2.00 higher. Feeder steers and heifers: Unevenly steady. Supply was light demand was moderate. Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 71 percent, (43 percent steers, 28 percent heifers). Over 600 Ibs 2 percent, (1 percent steers, 1 percent heifers) Slaughter cows and bulls: 21 percent Replacement cows: 8 percent. Avg Price 62.24 63.76 62.93 59.77 Holstein AvgPrice 56.47 49.33 Low Dressing 58.08 49.45 Low Dressing 54.01 Hoteuin Avg Price 73239 64.70 Low Dressing 75.06 8327 High Dressing 63.00 Low Dressing Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 WtRange AvgWI PriceBange AvgPrice 160-195 171 180.00-210.00 201.04 210-245 233 188.00-204.00 198.54 310-325 323 151.00-154.00 151.62 350-385 363 141.00-148.00 145.18 400449 433 128.00-139.00 133.15 450485 461 120.00-134.00 124.67 500515 507 109.00-119.00 117.18 565-590 578 104.00-114.00 107.40 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium anrdLarge 2-3 WIRange AvgWt PriceRange AvgPrice 250-295 279 148.00-168.00 156.38 313-340 323 136.00-148.00 144.44 355-385 372 135.00-146.00 138.77 400-445 423 110.00-123F00 11725 450495 479 114.00-122.00 116.61 540-543 542 100.00-102.00 100.50 Feeder Steers and Bulls Small 1-2 WtRange AvgWt PriceRange AvgPrice 230 230 136.00-162.00 149.00 275-285 280 124.00-144.00 138.09 Feeser heitfrs Medium ana Large I.. ianAn a- i rl Pr ar .0u A,. 25&275 Y 10 l 4, .',' (.' r, 52;, 540K-71 : 'I 11 p. I ni S i'.' . 4 2 1i-4 1e ii -._i 1, ) l i9r1 468-x- i'B (I.'I-I p)i~ 1,23 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 WIRange AvgWt PriceRange AvgPrice 240-245 242 150.00-168.00 158.91 255-275 268 132.00-156.00 148.22 3320335 334 128.00-133.00 130.75 370-390 382 116,00-126.00 119.36 450495 478 100.00-108.00 10423 550-590 570 100.00 100.00 625-640 632 94.00-100.00 97.04 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2 Young WItRange AvgWt Price Range AvgPrice 770-885 835 64.00-74.00 71.69 4-6mos bred 905-1085 973 69.85 4-6mosbred Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2Young WtRange AvgWI PriceRange AvgPrice 840-845 842 750.004800.00 775.07 900-1090 997 690.00-940.00 808.00 IruRi fly rutis nir ries5 gren Ir a Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: SWestern T&A Western Alfalfa SCoastal SEMINOLU "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% 5.65 12% $5.85 New & Used Saddles &Tack En,.anlane E.7 A.Aacc fo Inarlinnl I NewTractors:C s- I PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, I'HURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 2005 CHE per month _._, Residual $7,478.90 Lease Is for 48 months. Selling Price is $16,701.95. $980 due at signing which Includes FL fees, 1st payment, security deposit & deals fee (299.50). S.12,000 mlles free pei'year. 15p per mile over. Sales tax . ,nqOt ~ lcude:;.Atrpbates, dealer Incentives & lease loyalty S.............. ...... p W C. . 2005 CHEVY MALIBU per month Residual $9,3,17 ?,Lease is for 48 months. Selling Prios S 27 02 165dhlw h Includes ( A__2 '00.5 CHEfVY-I' -y"' S2005 CHEVY SiLVERADO he., 04 CHEVY 02 CHEVY 1500 04 CHEVY 2500 05 CHEVY 1500 SILVERADO 1500 EXT CAB 4X4 HD 4X4 Z71 EXT CAB Auto, factory warranty. #8115T Clean, low miles. #N5309A Clean, affordable. #N4333B Like New, $AVE. A lot of extras. #8033P *16,7831 519,896t $20,491 33,291t tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299.50 ).and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET 1, 1866.434.30651 S2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness Looking For Gift Ideas? OPEN FATHER'S DAY! $ . Residual $8,661.00 Lease is for 39 months. Selllng.Price is $20,550. $189 down (cash/trade equity) $1,263,85 due at . signing which Includes FL fees, 1st --i payen, -ec --t O HOLA A1 aeiete 2005 DODGE RAM Smooth EE F. payment, security deposil a dealer Tee i, .f . '.(299:50), 12,000 miles free pbr year. 20e per mile over. Sales tax not included. All ' Sreatees, dealer Incentives & lease loyalty S J _. Inc!i ed in payment. W,A.C.. S J6 2 2005 CHRYSLER PACIFICA sper month Residual $12.019.00 Lease is for 39 months. Selling W Price is $24,600. $239 down (cash/trade equity) $1,20Q9.57 due at signing which includes FL fees, 1st payment, security deposit & dealer fee (299.501. 12,000 miles free per year. 20c per mile over. Sales tax not included. All rebates, dealer Incentives & Stk J050656 lease loyalty included In payment. W.A.C. 2005 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER CONVERTIBLE month Resdual $12,982.00 Lease Is for 39 months. Selling $1,379.95 due at signing which includes FL lees, 1st payment, security deposit & dealer fee (299.50)1. ,12,000.mlles free peryear. 20@ per mile over. Sales i' hot.In16luded. AII.rebates, dealgrt incentives & 2005 DODGE CARAVAN SXT per I month '^^"*'**^2 S9S^^^^^i^HlHVj^v** Residual $12.611.00 Lease Is for 39 months. Selling Price is $25,925. $289 down (cash/trade'equity) $.1,396.o00 due at signing which Includes FLI. fees, 1st Aphyment securnntydeposit dealer fee (299.50). .Itr,00, -,ml0eo0thi ree 0 pry e illeave/ale"s... SPECIAL PURCHASE 99 DODGE CARAVANS 01 DODGE 01 FORD 98 DODGE RAM CARAVAN WINDSTAR QUAD CAB SLT Loaded. #8170T Leather, loaded. #D60002A #8106P *7,888t $O,488' 510,988t 98 DODGE RAM 05 DODGE 04 DODGE 05 DODGE QUAD CAB SLT RAM DURANGO RAM Loaded, SLT. #8186T Quad cab. #8275T SLT, 4x4. #8257T Total conv. #D50328A $20,888' $20,988' $21,888 $28,988t tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. *Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.A.C. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 27 1.866 435.4549 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness 1 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005, PAGE 21 Looking For Gift Ideas? OPEN FATHER'S DAY! SPECIAL PURCHASE I'6. n 99 Dodge Caravans S Low Miles ON 9,988 Looking For Gift Ideas? OPEN FATHER'S DAY! Itf mI .. SPECIAL PURCHASE . 99 Dodge Caravans k Low Miles ONLY 9 88 ^*-k ^iik if liM'^^iM-h~~~~~~- '.""J jINh.liljl ^K^S~ S~ 04 CHEVY AVEO Auto, A/C, economy, factory warranty. #N5205A l9, 875 99 DODGE CARAVAN Low miles, only 12k. #81525 02 CHEVROLET MALIBU #8072P 8,988, 03 CHEVROLET CAVALIER #8138T 9,488', 03 CHEVROLET CAVALIER #7908T s9,9s88 OO0 BUICK LESABRE Clean, luxury. #8144A 02 BUICK CUSTOM #B50783 '9,988* 02 CHEVY IMPALA LS Loadd, affordable #N5212A *14,253 Wy^SSI 04 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX p,:.rry wva lot :.if space #8143T1 24,796 As 6", 04 FORD RANGI XLT EXT CAB V6, auto. #N5305A 02 FORD WINDSTAR #J050607A 1]3,888t 05 CHEVY 05 CHEVY IMPALA VENTURE #8220L #8235L 15,888' 16,488' Jr 04 CHEVY 02 CHEVY 1500 04 CHEVY 2500 05 CHEVY 1500 SILVERADO 1500 EXT CAB 4X4 HD 4X4 Z71 EXT CAB Auto. tactorv warranty 8115T CleasrI low rrles a i J53O S A i.i,, Hlrdarbl J.tii? LiB-ertJw I.AE Ai.:..;'1 r #86 .P' *6,783' 19,896 20,491 % *33,291W TPrices anrd 5vmernrc ev'clule CHEVROLET S1, 866-434.3065 2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness 03 DODGE NEON 4 DR Great on gas. #8022T 02 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY All the power. #8113P $11 f ftftt 01 DODGE CARAVAN Loaded. #8170T -7,888' U02 CHKTrLK TOWN & COUNTRY LTD, loaded, Ithr. #D50428A $ L2,888s 02 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LTD, loaded. #J050647A 1 46 yv UUiEum Kun QUAD CAB SLT #8106P '$0,988' 04KIA SEDONA Ready for family. #D50697A 15,988' dk- A -. 02 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 4X4. #8168P s17,488' 04 JEEP 05 CHRYSLER LIBERTY PACIFICA LTD. #B50857A 7 passenger. #8185T 7,988t *19,488t 04 DODGE DURANGO 04 CHEVY 03 JEEP 05 DODGE GRAND 02 DODGE VENTURE LS, WRANGLER CARAVAN RAM 1500 n J050612A ii8064P 7967T eJ050556A 26,888 17,488' 17,488' *38,988 tPrices and payments exclude tax, rag, ilie and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer tor Details. Photos lor llusiration purposes only. CHEVROLET 1.866.446.7152 1035 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa 00 CHRYSLER CONCORDE #8231P I .. Iml goI ry TAURUi '. #8053T .1huJ-I -a 05 DODGE RAM" Quad cab. #8275T $20,988t OS DODGE RAM Total conv. #D50328A tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealerfee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. HRYSLER DODGE JEEPi S1-.866-435.4549 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness 03 FORD EXPLORER #8145T 04 DODGE RAM 4X4 #7894P $23,888' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP ,'*.* 1-866.440-5849 ]1005 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa SI #25231 A ,S""" ----------- ft 4w i III lima-, PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 Ouso s d ADMu Lots of rain, golf courses and thinking about the hurricane season For the past few days it has been pouring down rain everywhere I have been. I was recently down at Ft Myers and the first small distur- bance relating to the new 2005 hurri- cane season came through and it flooded mightily V for all three days I was down there. P The hard rains even followed me home and then on up to Mayo, where this past weekend I JAMIEA helped put on a Outdoc wild game barbe- cue and cookout for some of my long time hunting friends who live up that way. Now, good friends, we for sure are in need of rainand lots of it here in Florida because even with the sever- al hurricanes we have endured over the past year, our lakes and rivers are not near up to the normal stages where they should be. Sure they get full for a little while behind. a few heavy rain storms we receive every now and again but they sure don't seem to stay that way for very long. From what I have been able to garner Now, goodfr from read- ing some sure are in n of the sci- and lots of entific Florida bec data avail- able, con- with the sev cerning canes we ha the under- overthepasi ground -. aquifer lakes and ni* and our near up to i precious stages where life-giving reserves of be fresh water they also are not anywhere up to the natu- ral levels where they should be. With all the constant use and never ending, growing demands for more and more urban sprawl that is being quickly thrown up, along with the thousands and thou- sands of wasted acres being swallowed up for golf cours- es, along with the unaccount- ed billions of gallons of our fresh drinking water needed to keep those legions of golf courses glowing a brilliant money-colored green, it is very possible our under- ground fi-esh water resources will never even get back to near normal. As far as golf courses are concerned we need at least half dozen or so scattered all about the state. Actually, fora short period of my life, when m porary setback because a phone call to the good folks down in Ft. Lauderdale who sell the famous wet cell Odyssey batteries can cure my buggy's battery problem once and for all. In fact I really needed a new and stronger battery for my hunting buggy, as it now is equipped with all kinds of electric equipment such as radios, driving lights and even a small heater. If you read this column from time to time you know I am forever harping on the condition that our state is oozing into with the ever increasing destruction of our natural resources and -noth- ing is being ruined and used up any faster that our fresh water. Our wetlands are being bulldozed at a shameful pace and the natural vegetation that grows there is being' piled and burned at a dis- graceful rate. This fragile and unique state of ours can only take so much more abuse in regards to ripping it up before we and our future generation are going to eventually pay a ter- rible price. I am not just talking about the cost of drinking water either which by the way, in my opinion, has already reached a point that is. absolutely ridiculous. A six-pack of drinking water now cost more than a six-pack of beer or Cokes. Folks, what message is there in that until recently we had hundreds of natural flowing fresh water springs all over the state and now, just a few short years later, they've dried completely up or stopped flowing all togeth- er. Anyway we had all better wake up and get into this fight if we want to leave any- thing for our grandkids. Take a ride around your county and look at the huge ancient live oak trees that are being bulldozed daily. I unY u Ad Sat wie 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Total Circulation: 2.2 Million 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North. South, Central Circulation: 2.2 Million "Rahoe ilo Raesb aln loiaPesStvc That's all it takes to complete that required course or pick up some college credits. June 27-August 15 Three-credit courses in: algebra, anatomy, art history, biology, business, cinema, composition, economics, education, humanities, literature, medical office management, microcomputer applications, music, physics, psychology speech, world religions & more. L5CC...A ksreal Education Close Tn Ho4me Sumter 568-0001 -Leesburg 352-323-3665 -South Lake 352-243-5722 I o I n f, IV e1 ,1 I had absolutely nothing else to do, I used to knock around a few golf balls and in fact I have just recently got shed of four complete sets of golf clubs one complete, set was pings or dings or something like that I literally had to talk the good folks at the local "Worn Out and Un- Wanted Stuff Charity Store" to take them because ADAMS as they stated they r Writer were way over- loaded with golfing tools and really did not want them. However, after making a sizable cash donation and hard promising I would not bring anymore junk to them I left my daunted golfing equipment behind, including at least half a barrel of new and slightly used golf balls and tees as well as five or six pairs of golfing shoes and their matching belts. Anyway for my part if I need to go the hardware store or anywhere else in my neighborhood, I got a real set of wheels to ride in, namely a great big four-wheel drive diesel p owe'r e d pick-up ends, we for truck and besides I eed ofrain ain't really it"here in got nothing ause even again ns t Doing a little eral huium- walking ve endured from time to ur time. If I do t year, our so ese- some seri- 'ers are not ous walking he normal I like to feel the real they should earth under my feet and not some asphalt smelling path that the scent of the petunias cannot conceal or cover up. My old golfcart is painted a dull but imaginative camou- flage color and it is jacked up high to where it will easily traverse some pretty. deep mud and water, not to men- tion some high palmettos. It has great big mud bogger tires and I also removed the fancy chrome golf bag carry- ing rack on the tail end and replaced it with a rack large enough to carry at least two full-sized deer or a couple of wild hogs. In the front I have a gun rack that will hold two rifles or shotguns. The only problem is as of today the battery spooks have once more hit around my house and my hunting buggy has a battery dead as a wedge. Well that's only atem- Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, JUNE 16, 2005 23 , piN IJfILI111 1-ROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. ASEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT SumterCountytimes.com AA Place your ad under one of All ourthes classified including yours now online!! 200-300EE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT C sumtercount timesAL co Place your ad under one of ___ these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 HELP WANTED 200-300 SERVICES 300-400 MISCELLANEOUS/'SALE 400-500 PETS 500-600 MOBILE HOME RENTISALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION ^ J THE HOME STORE 0 HO3C11al I.-r ..Humanity of Citrus Count, -u`ir-3,-:r. ilTec .rri.n rcmr, rsrnc.:nrq3 .3r,.3 / ruir.ljre anr.. C.plior.,_e ,:',r LI,.Inr.,,3 pleIa i '. e -re..r. r ee-xe r.rtr H:,rrme r,tore Slore r,.:.urh a1r 9am-Spmn SMon-Sat, Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive 'Inverness (352)341-1800 for further information. To place your Legal Advarllalng In 1.he 793-21 61 ^-EI DIVORCE $275-$350 *Covers children, etc. Only one signature requl ,-i "Evcluae. go.1 ee l Call ,Beei.a,, 80.) Jo2-;*iw~.' e 1 ,,j.1_ ker.m-'pm) Di..,ic Tech. Established 1977 FCAN FREE LESSON Saturday 0/25 E,perlerce irr poIwerl Die:el :emins nea '.q-ulprnenl i Ernployer.s c.ronsite Ifre hotdogs, furn for all, National Truck & Heavy ' ,3ulpren! Oper.hl,:r Ech-oil .800:. J. -' '"c.J r Fr-"ar E^E- RUN YOUR AD STATEWIDE!!! F.:.r .:.r,, $450 you can place you- ,2 .,-r,3 .:.i'3:.ie.- ,3,31 O r i. .,5 ire 1.3lat re,3.:rirg .. S.llLLICri r- .er ,. C a ll ,,J rwli.,g I I,.,.'- '. IJ I.Ir . i_ .rIlr. o r ... .... I lr i31.3.31 clai'.l eac,-3 c C'Iplo,, ads also available. FCAN AFFORDABLE HEALTH BENEFITS rr.)r, -..o o'3.n rinr.,lr er i- r,. ran il, Hr '.pllul3 r 'l.l.:,. I':, ' Ar,i,..re acceprl.l Coll .. I .11 reei 2 J rn-..rui ,,8c.o),-', '. -~ o 1:,.-.4 1 IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Co 3 $799 to Dianetics, . 310?1 HIabono a. PERSONAL ASSISTANT Knowledge of Computer, Internet reoeach anrd goiod.. prcnr isl Fo,3- c.r or email resume or Information sheet to 352-746-9186 or Srecoverv.com SIGN ON BONUS the Center's Is seeking Family : ai r n. l J rll ;t'elr,3r. ',, ,. -r .r,,:, can start to work- Immediately In Marion County. P.,:l.'. r ..I .: .. . i -..p,air.i ,.:r, nr01 1r, : l', .:.r .nr ,. Ir.'; ir.r.:.u3 r, .:.3,' ,a r ro..3t r rI -i ,J -e.ei:.plnr,:s Accessing & linking resources In the community to needs cor ire cr-l.1 .. iille .3,:.e.-uTierrirg progress. BA degree. Ir, r.ld :,f Huj.ror, :.tr. i'. : ...., ir, !ririr. i r 1 r l .r,3 r ,t i r:1 '.-r-, i 'e e. OC' r-lI.3 Professional Certification Required, Salary .'range Is $33,500.-$38,500. Vac/slck/holiday/ medbenefits/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or 'e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 601h Ave., Bldg. #1, Ocala, FL 34474 and fill out an application. Adult Case Manager the Centers Is seeking an Adult Case Manager for Citrus County to advocate for & link clients to needed services In the community. BA In the HumanSerylces field & relevant exp. reqd. Salary $10.89-$12.26/hr. Comprehensive benefits pkg. Vac/slck/holiday/ med benefits/401K DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email resume to: HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@lhecenters.us (352) 291-5580 Children's Case Managers the Center's Is seeking Children's Case Managers for Citrus County to advocate for, and link clients to needed services In the community. Bachelor's degree In human services with 1 yr. exp, working with SED children required, Background check reqd. $10.89 -$12,26 I per hr. Vac/slck/hollday/ med beneflts/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume to HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecentersus (352) 291-5480 Community Based Care Director the Centers Is seeking a CBC Director for our Marl6n County Service Center to' pry.ide adminltra oversight for rrili ...tll.are r.I.':. 1r,lk p,'.:lll.:,, |,r':, l,3~g'. .u ,,,,r I,.' lI:.3n ll, '._ r- larla. noreFC! 1 ri'. ,,,l *3r ,.3 assures the safetyof tr. l3re Ir. .:are. I.1.I.-r L' I',eres ir, 11r. li61,:i. r Human Services with ar,l..e .l erienr,. Ir,. ,j.per.IJ.:'.r, 3.an -_i.ie C-riii,.,31i-.rn ,.aeJr, I.=.-ijir me rn t Vac/sick/hollday/ med beneflts/401K DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email resume to: HR. 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@theenters.us (352) 291-5580 Drivers wanted! Lease operator looking for dependable, moh- vated drivers Pays 27 percent of truck gross Averages $700 $900 week. $150 sign-on bonus, paid vacation. 352-457-6289 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT rX .1 Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers. Excavators. Next Class: June 20th -National Cenii cari.:.n Financial ':I:tanie 800-383-7364 L *,.:. ,31-,3 "ir, r.ir,.3 www, atsn-schools.com INSTALLATION MANAGER FOR SIDING Immediate opening for a Department Manager for Installed vinyl siding and soffit, The successful candidate must have a proven track record In vinvl or aluminum siding r,.t,3iiol,:.r. and must have the ability to rIori.a' Ir,..I.riorg [ C lrar a, ,nlr-.me rii ..3.r Ir.3 i': r .e. company will offer unlimited opportunities. Very competitive salary, excellent benefits, and a great working environment, are available. Please mall resume to or apply with Ro-Mac Lumber & SSupply Inc. Attn: Laura Bowen 700 E Main Street Leesburg. 352-787-4545 EOE/Drug Free MAINTENANCE WORKER .lorulT.3c ijrlrg company Is looking' for a person with 3 plu: ,--r e-,erience. Irn Inr3u-, Ilai Maintenance, Welding/ Fabrication Sand 3 phase electrical experience required. HS dipl. or equiv. Exc. pay and benefits. Advance- ment potential, Call! tora reume 10 ,.lark 352-330-2213. F.3. 352-330-2214 Custodial positions available. One 8-hour and one 7-hour outside positions, some heavy , lifting. Full-time with benefits. Apply at South Summer High School or call Larry Jewell 793-3131. "SALES REPS" SALES MANAGERS $7,000 per week is what * our Top Sales people earn Highly successful national Co, expand- ing. Will train, Call Jay (800)685-8004 FCAN AUTO TRANSPORT The Waggoners Trucking: Hiring Exp & Non-eiperienced drivers for auto transport In South East Regions. Must have valid Class A CDL and verifiable 2 yrs OR 200K miles OTR. Need stable work history and clean MVR. High Earning Potential. Great Benefits and matching 401K Contact Susan at (866)413-3074 EOE FCAN CFI HIRING RECENT STUDENT GRADS! Sta ri.3 ':. : Ir.:creases to : Ir. I e,3r Class A CDL required, Local FCAN 'COURT RECORDS CONTRACTOR: Nationwide company seeks experienced lri.Je...r,de,-r.t c .:.r,Tr3.:r I .:.' I.:. .:. l T and research public. records In Florida courts./Laptop pre- lI.rre.3 1F., E.M : h .ri :..,3uiC li.:,r, hA re. i'Ln to Kassie (866)322-8246 or e-mail: KassleMiller@ choicepolnt.com FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent p3, eri-D rl: l,:r e o..-rien,,;a 3r.,i : O/O, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity Semrployer. . (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN EARN DEGREE online 1r':.m r.:.rl'r, ",usLr,,- , *C r I .rr '. .3:. placerrnr.c o -sa-,.~ -" Cc mpurr 6 nFri,3n.:,31a o r Ir rluae llr, 1,311 *iu31r, ,DrlrIVE- .: .C,| I:ENAN HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE STUDENTS arriving August need Host families. Has own Insurance spendingng T.:.re, Fr.:.r rs l '.:.rld F'Pe,': -mI ric'ar. Intercultural Student E. *. rIrge I00 : LI r- MOVIE EXTRAS" '.rii T ,' 'rpi e r. rH '3,3: I, :. 401Kil Sru,:e r-eIr, come rcials film, print Call toll free 7 dayslr. (800, .'-'0 : ',ET ,13 ,FCl .-1 L' T/T Drivers. H,:,re. .,. '.1 ends. Mileage payL:. benefits, 401 K.i.-rair, : welcome. Miami area, Exp, req, 2n1 mir. Oa /Ci a SS CL C ,pre ..Tru.. Llri' . C "e c j5 I- iCf-'N SENIORS NEED TRAINING JOBS -MONEY If you are 55 and older, ..irih ilmiied Inj.lr..e ...e In',, ha.. inr,e lr.3ir,ir, .3 ar,,3 .n'.plr.,i.rril it opportunities that are just right for you. Call Experience Works, Inc Judy YorlIous LaIe,.,.ium.er COre Stop ,.i52',12J2J Fuasa C., FL Departmentof Elder Affairs SPORTSMANS PARADISE Yearly Memberships. Hunting, fishing, lodging and meals conven- e,-,li, iciead In White splr.g Flori.3.3. Sign up before rates Increase,. For Information call: (800)655-6661 FCAN #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine units/You OK Locations, Entire business $10,670 Hurryl (800) 836-3464 #802428 FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS*" 20051 Never repayl For personal bills, school, new business $49 Billion left Unclaimed from 2004. Live Operatorsi (800)856-9591 Ext #113 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (888) 629-9968. BO02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN AUTHENTIC $150K-$200K 1st yr potential 24/7 Msg. (888)783-7182 Or www.freedomroad.blz "Only Serious Inquires Only." FCAN PROFESSIONAL VENDING ROUTE and equipment, Brand name products, all sizes. Financing available w/$7,500 down (877) 843-8726, (B02002-37) FCAN PROFITABLE ONLINE BUSINESS FOR SALE Home-based. Family owned 6 years online, Complete Internet marketing & site training Included $48K Call-Richard after 2pm (407) 322-4242 FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS"** 20051 Never repayl For personal bills, school, new business $49 billion left unclaimed from 2004. Live operators, 1(800)785-6360 Ext #75 FCAN IMMEDIATE CASH Scen, .'. r Inurer ts r, i.:-.r I.3. iT,.:rI. a FREE, no obligation estimate. www. ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Licensed & Insured "No Job Too Big or Small!" *Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trlmmlng,& Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 "B . Beckelheimer TREE SERVICE *BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRIND- ING I L4fiDSC-P/fNG 793-5949 Top Shape B-eunlr,, Your Trees -gS SPA, 5 PERSON, NeveT used, Warranty. (352)346-1711 [-----U S Asuctionso n I MERCHANDISE I AUCTION *THURS. June 16. 4000 S. Fla. Ave. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: Noon I AUCTION: 5 PM 3 households of furn, tools, misc. 'jrpl: :lll j riij I.: li.03:k .No '.Ew29. I dudleysauction.com DUDLEY'S AUCTION I (352) 637-9588 | SAB1667 AU2246 12% Buyers Premium I 2% disc, cash/check ; "BUILDING SALEI S/,.:k 8Drnc.m PIc.r 20x30 Now $2,900, 30x40 $5,170. 40x50 -$8,380. X,.IC ,, ru r50x100SI.f 2cJ *CIrer. Ends/Accessories .,pii:,roai "Priced to .:rIII Pioneer (800) 668-5422 FCAN METAL. ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 " accessories, Quick turn around Delivery available. Toll free (MS 193O.-nf335 FCAN STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS Genuine SteelMaster (R) Buildings, factory direct at HUGE Savingsi 20x24, 30x60, 35x50. Perfect Garage/ workshop/born. Call (800) 341-7007. www. SteelMosterUSA.com FCAN Bushnell Bike Shop All equipment included, 17-year good following of customers and bike franchises exclusive to shop. Bushnell needs a bike shop! 352-793-1188 7-YEAR OLD FLASHY PONY MARE Kid safe, $1200 or best offer. (352)793-3141 SENIOR SPECIAL 55-PLUS WATERFRONT Live on the beautiful Withlacoochee River Some of the many amenities Include: a boat/ fishing dock, boat ramp, clubhouse and shufflebaord The BEST waterfront deal In Florida from from $295 call 1-352-793-5179 for an appointment LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? We have 8 l-''""'a; e ,I p Oand, '.,3,3, [.:,r h]nrinme,3lT / .,xCuponr.:, ,ie- from $69,900 to $109,900. All homes are up to $20,000 under appraised value, Must s=e .L- f-r ,.,j bu, r., .. rerE- 1 - Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 REPOS AVAILABLE in your area. Call-..jo, r.-cJ, .:,o 352-795-2618 Beautiful 3/2 on i 2 .,:,>e In, ,.r-at q..: n,,:,l l; "l,: ?2 ,0o na .o .o cr,.:. (352) 795-6085 Great Country Sethng I lini 1:3rrrv- t':j 1,, Qualify, J 0r0 i .:.. r, or,3 '..:.' r : (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for, New 0 ; .:.r :. ,.: re: ,.:. r e a *"', : r,.:r jllur. H,:, ;e . I'.--..r:". O r T.:. (352) 795-8822 New Land Home Packages Available. Many to Chose from. Call today for approval, Low down and low monthly payments. 1-877-578-5729 OWNER MUST SELL! New 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway $2,000 down $579.68/mo. W.A.C. 352-621-0119. VALUE INN HERNANDO Totally Renovated, Efficiencies, Heated Pool & Hot tub, Jacuzzi, SC/A starting at $39. dally, $240. wkly. Short stay $27, (352) 726-4744 2 BD, 1.5 bath two, years old. Bushnell $800. Must have good credit. (352)793-7414, 793-1027 or (3521804-5146 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes It Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18, This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is in violation of the law, Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis, To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275. ACROPOLIS MORTGAGE *Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates- *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of Western NC mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www. cherokeemountain realty.com Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN .BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Mut i tre .. .-authul peaceful mountains of Western NC mountains. Homes,, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www. cherokeemountain realty.com Call for n J .r.:. 8 F..: . IRS AUCIIOIN :,31 .-.r prim, e .,rl3r.3,. Dra rea r ..:._-, " *y rl 3; ":--). A ., 'iJ r.1,irlrorn W:..... 1'.3 L.ngwood, F ,'.C' -a1 i, AM Visit www.ustreas.gov/ auctions/Irs or call Gary ,* 3 0 ,, ;'. -. '"':' -..^ o r.,' Ir :. FC, l MONTANA RIVER FRONTAGE Log home, guest house, horse barn, +/- 4941 acres. Witt & Associates Realty, Box 1273, Bozeman, MT, Russell Pederson, Agent (406)485-2399 www.MontanaLand Auctions.com FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there Is cool Mountain 'air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free- brochure of Mountain SProperty Sales (800) 642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there Is cool Mountain air, views &,stream, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free Brochure of Mountain Property Sales call (800) 642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN WATERFRONT Million dollar view waterfront stilt home, decks, boat lift, minutes from Homosassa River & Gulf of Mexica, $495,000. 352-621-0119 INVESTORS/BUILDERS 70 Vacant Citrus Springs Res. Lots for Sale, $34,900 each, Package Deal Avail. (954) 728-9381 EAST ALABAMA MOUNTAIN PROPERTY FOR SALE One hour west of Atlanta In Pied- mont, AL Great for en- joyment or investment 15-acres $54,250 512-acres $1,485,000. More information call Gary McCurdy (256) 239-8001 FCAN GRAND OPENING Lakefront acreage from $69,900. Spectacular new waterfront community on one of the largest & cleanest mountain lakes in America! Large, estate-size parcels, gentle slope to water, gorgeous woods, panoramic views. Paved roads, county Sweater, utilities, Low- financing, Call now (800)564-5092 ext. 198 FCAN LAKEFRONT BARGAINS Starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacular views. Across from: national forest on 35,000 acre recreational lake in East Tenn. Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer, Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3145 ext 617, Sunset Bay, LLC. FCAN LAND AUCTION: Calhoun County, SC. June 23, 6pm 960+/- acres offered In 14 tracts. Located near 1-26 between Columbia and Charleston, near Lake Marion, Timberland, Cropland, Hunting, Homesites. Previews: June 18 & 22 from 11 am-2pm Call (800)551-3588 for more Information or visit www.woltz.com Waltz & Associates, Inc., Brokers & Auctioneers (SC#3663R) FCAN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS! Spring is blooming & is beautiful A wonderful time to look for real estate, See Photos: www.North CarollnaMountain Realty.com or call (800) 293-1998. Free Brochure. FCAN TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY from $24,900. 6-1/2 Acre Lot $59,900. 27 Acre Lake Estate $124,900. Lake parcel and Cabin package available $64,900 (866) 770-5263 ext. 8 Sfor details. FCAN 14' Jan Boat Gal. Trailer, 16HP Go Devil, low hrs. $2,500. (352) 344-3918 DODGE 1999 Ram 4x4. Excellent condition. 352-303-8430 CHEVY 1996 Suburban, V-8, fully loaded, 4x4. Excellent condition, $8000 obo (352)303-0253 675-0616 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE The Finance Committee of the Early Learning Coa- tliton'of Citrus and uii Counties will be ,r,.-,, on, June 21, 2005, begin- ning at 8:30 a.m. The meeting will be held at the coalition: office, lo- .cated at 1564 Mead- owcrest Blvd., Crystal Riv- er. FL 34429. Please con- tact the Coalition Staff at 877-336-KIDS (5437) if you have any questions. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, June 16, ,2005. 666-0616 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given to: Registered Owner: Terryca Christine Ponder 4401 Lurline Circle Tampa. FL 33610-0000 and lien holder: Suncoast School Federal Credit Union P.O. Box 11904 Tampa, FL 33680-0000 and all other parties that on June 30, 2005, at 9:00 A.M., a public sale under statute 713.78 will be con- ducted at Lynch Recy- clers, Inc., 1616 W.C. 48, Bushnell, FL 33513 of a 1996 Nissan VIN # -I-- JN1CA21D2TT749234 For: Recovery of towing and storage accrued. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid less than the amount representing such towing, storage, publication and any other costs addendum to the conduct of sale. Seller re- serves the right to bid. -s- Lols R. Lynch. President Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, June 16. 2005. 672-0623 SCT Notice to Creditors PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005CP0001 16 IN RE: ESTATE OF JAMES THOMAS HOLMES, A/K/A . J. THOMAS HOLMES, De- ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of James Thomas Holmes, a/k/a J. Thomas Holmes, deceased, whose date of death was - May 1, 2005, and whose. Social Security Number Is " 091-20-8376, Is pending in the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County. Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which Is Clerk of Circuit Court, 225 East McCollum -- Ave.. Bushnell, FL 33513. -, The names and addresses of the Personal Repre- sentative and the Person- al Representative's Attor- ney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- . dent and other persons having claims and de- mands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of the notice is re- quired to be served must file their claim with the Clerk 'of Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER ' THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUB- .. LOCATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE ' DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All otheficreditors of the decedent -and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE.. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Date of first publication of this notice is June 16, . 2005, Personal Representative: -s- John B. Holmes P.O. Box 152 Purchase,.NY 10577 . Attorney for Personal Fe, M Aaam,; 138 Bushnell Plaza-Ste. 201 ' Bushnell, Florida 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) times In the* Sumter County Times. June 16 and 23; 2005. . 673-0623 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of ,, Norma Jean Oxendlne PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, SFLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No: 2005 CP 000126 IN RE: ESTATE OF " NORMA JEAN OXENDINE, - Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of NORMA J. c . OXENDINE, deceased, File Number 2005 CP 000126 is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter County ... Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses ;- of the personal epresent- - ative and the personal Tepresentatlve's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- -r dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquldated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER , THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERV- ICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Including " unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court 'WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBUCATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice Is June 16, 2005. .Personal Representative: STEPHANIE W. LaGRASSE 3 Gould Drive .; LakeGrove NY 11755 ' Attorney for Person Giving. Notice: f GREGORY S. FLANAGAN, n ESQ. GREGORY S. FLANAGAN, PA. 2701 SE Maricamp Rood Suite 104 Ocalo, Florida 34471 Telephone (352) 732-2773 Florida Bar No. 371599 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, June16 and 23 2005. Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment M&H-kel~m. el Cen.tra Flori n .24 Sumter County (FL) Times Thi 679-0714 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be * held In the County Commissioners' Meeting Room at Sthe Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnell, Florida, at 5:01 o'clock p.m., on the 19th day of July, 2005, by the Board of Sumter County, Florida, to determine the ad- visability of closing and vacating that portion of the road, right-of-way or easements described as follows: That portion of Old Istachatta Street lying between Lot 78 and Lot 53 and a portion of Lot 52 to a point where the Northerly extension of the West boundary of Mag- nolla Drive would Intersect with the Southern boundary of said Lot 52 as per.plat of RIVER RETREATS, recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 42, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida. renouncing and disclalming any right of Sumter Coun- ty, Florida and the public In and to the land, or Interest therein, as to'the above described property. All Inter- ested persons may appear and be heard at said time and place. APPEAL' NECESSITY OF RECORD In order to appeal the Board's decision in this matter, a verbatim record of the proceedings Is required. The Board assumes no respon- sibililty for furnishing said record. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SIJMTEe COunar,. FLORIDA -s- J"C, A Chnanler Chairman Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, June 16, and July 14, 2005. 670-0623 SCT NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 5, 2005, at 6:30 P.M,, In Room 327, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider requests for comprehensive plan amendments, rezonlngs, special use permits, and temporary use permits. All InIerie'.tea citizen oare welcor'-ie I:. attend Persons .*.un .,oiiarimei neaoing a:sisfance to partlcl- pate In ar., of1 ir,.ee Rc.,:e-eaingi should'contact the Sumter Cournt, amriniiaTI.aor Orfice at (352) 793-0200, J.6 i-rourns in a.,nca .n .o .-cneauled' me-et.ing. Pursuant to thrs prc..loh...: Chapter 286, Florida Stat- utes, Section 26o00105 i a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of u.i-r Board, he or she will need a record of the pro-, .:e,.nir.-q: and that for such purposes, he or she may need -c cr.ure itrat a verbatim record of the proceed- ings Is made,, which record may include the testimony orn n.iaor..:e ur, n ,.r.i.:r. tr.c appcei I: 1: Ice ',a" A CASE NO.: R2005-0061 Raymond Phllbropk Et al GENERAL LOCATION t1-3.- P'ar.aonik'e nire.i. : .n i-,r ,r. i.i 1 .u W'en *:r ' JJ C ei n or. C I.:uir, r. '.Ia c'.-oa da lrppo.ini-i l, r . 'ill .E.': ,r c Ji 2:"J- B .:,jrCr. e; F:rc.n.a '"iJie' r.lar, *n.e er, T 3 I.it -C' .;.:I C-nr a 1I1.ili F."ifoi:.i.. e.n:c-i er,r op- pr.:. ITmai.n '. T il .1 Ir.-s c...: r.ir, .:,r, lirn .s-,:1 C .ia ,e LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Sec. 6 Twp 19S, Rng 22E Lot 233 Leisure Time Home- sites . REQUESTED ACTION. S jr- .,e 3.:-: .1'L from A-5 to R2C on vested lot In arecbrfdedsubdivlsion. .. CASE NO.: r. r It, F C.,n', " GENERAL LOCATION .. I.:.a nen1 l .ii r n ...r. ,.1 E .i 'A : ...- ': 1 202 Follow i:. ir n *3r, .:.:,rira.4c .. .I .:.r. jliE iCr -'.e Property p r.:..iT. l, A l, I nlle :' ,c-urr :ia. r ii-,F w r.:. .n LEGAL DESCRiPTION: Sec 11, Twp 185. Rng. 22E N '.' of W of NW '4 of NW .' less N 361.5' ol W 361.5' REQUESTED ACTION- rc.:.r.- '" .:,i-.. r.10L r.:.T, 4-5 to RRIC for a lineal trans- fer. CASE NO.: R2005-0064 Bu:r.-nii A Li, r':"3 C- r nucr GENERAL LOCATION. uj'r.,nilli al 3 ;.-.ui r,An i.iu n'i w ,l or. C-J" ic, I. ,Tr, ,apr.Ci,:.ni.3e ic, rne iTle or, i-r c. ouir. iian :.r Tr,.i r LEGAL DESCRIPTION- Sec. 17 Twp. 21S. Rng. 22E Lots 1-22 inclusive Block 1 & Lots 7-12 Inclusive, Block 3. Bushnell Pars, Plat 28 REQUESTED ACTION: ::,'c r, .nc I.:1. 1J. -c.,e'i n,:,T. ,..1 n- rI ari l n .I to r It'. c-rir,. lIg n Ci .:r rt,. nli.-I :,.'it, milrn.:e ir. Ir Fu- r.ji' Lnr,,n ij-o T.13 CASE NO.. i';:,5."i-Lif . H --,- II ",:,: ..Ir .Ir ' GENERAL LOCATiON: Lie P.nr.a:c.rfri.ee ,rea [ ic-nr. Cn r, .J' W'eT-i, .2,r, C 'JII e' t ': ":1. '.t ,:,urr ':,r JCA, ','e 4.l c:.n'l I .r J n :-r-r.ir t rhe pr.:c.peT, appriciT.airi', i')j ,:. r.r, -uir. j :1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sec. 32, Twp. 195, Rng 22E: EV336.70' of W 768.93 of NW '. oltSW'. less 550' REQUESTED ACTION , :.:,-. .ic i'acre:; Ir.1 L rr:.m C aor.' l' i i,:,- : 1o br- i.,a pi:pert, Into compliance ,.in tr.., F.rure Lar.d Use .tn, q. N * TrI rr.:.:.m'rrr.er. l.:.nri .:.n [ Ire -,riing -alu:liTer, I B-,. : n C. ic ie.'ier.'le iC. r.c. ioi ra .:.r s..jr.ire Co.unr, C,-',Tr i.:.r.er.: al 3 FPu lcll H rir.g I:, r i-ial or. Tiu a3n, Jul, 12 2X 05 .:'II. P ,1 i- r. :..:.-r, 22'2 ',u'r,i.r c'.,jnr, Hil 'I:.rl.: .-:jnloij:a 'r 1 Ii Fi.olla Si Bu i,rnell SFi..-,ii .3 CASE NO. CAlC S-C -n.-, = I J IB';r.n.-ii ei: ., o G n- ':r.ur.:r, GENERAL LOCATION. Eu:r.-eoin area i,:.-.r. a'. uS 3'01 West on C-476. -.,:,. .rr, .appcr.-.. n,3le.., ,c.r,. 'rlle .:on the ,.:iin side C.i Tr.A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sec. 17, Twp 21S. Rng. 22E. Lots 1-22 Inclusive Block 1 & Lots 7-12 Inclusive Block 3, Bushnell Park Plat 28 , REQUESTED ACTION. : , IMlin.:.r '1re ,ini ulIe PeirTI.i i;.'r additional pr.:r.Crt, i:,ii. * ,cr~o:"3 ],',' ,3 i:r iu,'.: r * CASE NO.. I?.3,iTO',rn. rr.:.rri.:.r. , GENERAL LOCATION. 6ij.rrcli .n1c.3 'A'c.i c..rn C.J'.an b,.onn ;.i-n CS'"S Pr:.r.er- r, .3n .pr..iT,.resi, i 'riIle .:.n In n. 3:l I,] :.r Inr r'., LEGAL DESCRIPTION . Sec. 7. Twp. 21S. Rng 21E: NE '. of NW '4 REQUESTED ACTION ' .,ir..:r Tr.ciol I.ie Permit for land application of ..page . SCASE NO.: '' .. i :,,' ... :i 01 Lu:,a rer.r.ooa nirj'.ie- GENERAL LOCATION: A.3nT;.iTll, ac.a lorri'r. r. 11- iul Each 1: c- C'6 I i.:.inr n Cl I.. I E. o:1 r. I 503 Fr.:.rerr, an rc.r i. ,T.r31e1, 2'00 ,:,r. in. ;o:urr. :.t3a LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sec. 29. Twp. 195. Rng. 23E" Lot 41. Block B. Wlldwood Ranch S/D less S 75' REQUESTED ACTION: I-n-r.i.'a of a -riporar, use Permi rI.-r tIree earr, Io a3 icA a 31.4l Cailer aT 0 z rnC pi g."r reCloa.en.e , CASE NO.: i;.2]-C0029 rinra & Jerr., erry GENERAL LOCATION Cr.omac.:,3c:r.ee area Sculr rn US 301 West con CR 656 rNorth on CR 083 Honrr. on CIR 683B Propert "at ena of paed 0oa00 or, The easr side LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 11, Twp. 22S. Rng. 21E: W .i of N '/ of E % of S 'A of NW'A ofSW 14 of NE 1/4 REQUESTED ACTION: Terrporar Use Permir for three ',ears to allo, mobile home foi a care receiver s residence As time allows the Zoning & .Alusrrmenrt Board sitting as mre Local Planning .Agency ma hold a ..orksinop dealing war. re.isioris 1o zoning regulations and reloatea matters information regarding tnese cases is on file with ne Sumrer Countr Division of Planning & Develoopment Surrier Count, Courtrhouse 209 rl FIoriao Streer Room 324 Buhneill Fioriaa These files ma, be reviewed be- twaeen the ours of 30 AF.' and 5 00 PM Mor.ano) Imioug Friday PuOiishea r, (221 rimes ir, nme Sumter Counrt June 16 ana 23 2006, ujrsday, JUNE 16, 2005 - 668-0623 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. 169 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 1514 Hwy. 48, Bushnell, Sumter County, FL will be sold at PUBULIC AUCTION. Date of Sal: 7/6/2005 Time o Sale: 10:30 A.M. Name of Tenant: DANA HOWARD Address: P.O. Box 2219, Bushnell, FL 33513 Unit No.: 169 Dese. of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursudnt to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, June 16, and 23, 2005., 669-0623 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the ern- tire'icontents of Unit No. 5-6 of Burns Self Stbrage, a self-storage facility, located at 9511 C R '33 Webser, Sumter County, FL; will be sold at P.JBLIC Ar C TIOr i DatgofSalg: 7/6/2005 fl Tme of Sale: 11:00 A.M. Name of Tenant: TERESA ABERCROMBIE Addrel: 107 9th St., NE, Webster, FL 33597 Unit No.: B-6I Deic. of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice is given pursuant to Section 83,806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof, Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, June 16, and 23, 2005. 665-0623 SCT Notice of Sale Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., etc, vs. Dalsha Halnes, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CA-000339 UCN: 602005CA000339XXXXXX MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC, REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR DECISION ONE MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC MIN NO. 10007791000694923, Plaintiff, vs. DAISHA HAINES, et al,, Defendants; NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 liC.iiCE li HEPEB. ,zl.'Erl pji.suar.i 1) a on rer or Su,-T- r.aor, Final JudL grmenri :.I loeci.une daie3 Jun.e 6 0 or er3 Anii" in aC i f-J21-o 2 .105C-0100339 UiCli .t0,200-'CA00033;'- CIr,--jior I Cnc C ir.:uli Ir, ar, .:.r .urnler :.-..jrn Fclio .. r,ireir r.1:.rngage Elc: ii.Di.: r.'egi'rsra ic.r, 5,i rT Ir : i, a ril.AT:ris .:.r C'eil. hr, Orne, M.1o ,ngagp ,c '.r- .par., LL ":' r.,lll iO I0 ,00 '' I ,:,r] ,.,-o240 i iPr'.iniri ana CAIEHL HAi E-I[E THE LIJiDL AL'.'XCIC C",i Niri ur C I.-l.ACiiil.,J ,T A'.'ILD.' .'C'C' irC. Jij .'rJ .,.,,w ij iiL r i rJ .-, I .I I IJI i ,vrI l TE -rir i l,', 2 .j,,3 -LL Uii.II '- W'ii PAl.iIE 2L-ir.ii, 2.- ii liErrEl is l., iHi,'ijU-H H ul i *::I -: iJi i iI fuIELE CEFEr,-I L J i HIu i ACilC J CI H-..ir-, or ,CL. Il,'; iC'.' H .E. 11., I;I,'HI TII.E : llirlI'E i in IHE FtCFEI'r, HEIIEIII LE'CriIEED L) a Dn C re,.n r. I .-i l m:.. e hin .ne.I r .ar.a la,-: i3,.r i.: a: n r. h a1 ir., v Fj t n' i Fr C':r. :, r or ir.E ui-'r. lr C:.ur.jr C.,un.ln j.u c 2i r 1 1 ,.i.3 TSrceT Bu r.n',ii FIL I' I. 'l IuT'r,lr C.:.ujrr, Fl.crlan. 11.00 a.m. on the 7th day of July. 2005 inre C. oii ..Ir.3g ,C ...:riC .: pr _p-,c rt, '3. l rtr hl I-. .a. .': i 'Cr I Irnil Jua,'i. ni I.: -. 'I UNIT NO 202 IN BUILDING NO. 21, IN SANDALWOOD CONDOMINIUM. ACCORDING TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM THEREOF RECORDED IN OFFICIAL REC- ORDS BOOK 220 PAGE 184, ET SEQ OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY FLORIDA' TOGETHER WITH ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. INCLUDING AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE-COMMON ELEMENTS OF SAID CONDO- MINIUM AS SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION S,:*u r 3r p3 r-:.Cr. ..i-. A.3 ,3 a iilr, i. r,-ne.. 3: Ar., 3.:.' .,:..T.T,.,,]..n.:.r, .1- .:.r. to i,:, 1a rri.l: ,a .- Ir ]r. : p. ','.; -.3- Ir.n, j ar-e er.ir,r.3 a'or '. :T T :. ,j I, r .r.:..i:.:., -;r :en.3ir.n ::1.irn: ,le.n.,e. ;,Ar.o.i Irh C'unr .A31 '.-".3-lJ,'iE -I Ti- r....:. ,; ... i..:.rl, : n 3 : 0' .:iur ri . .:-irI .:. Ir i: [|:ri.-c II u A. ar rn ,rinr. 0, .'I: InT.Ciir en '311 FlFI 'hI3 ,, rei1 nc'. : te ih ln3 l 'r :. '-" '"I"' DATED at Bushnell, Florida, on June'6, 2005. S; r '..-GLO i,", r &'-,', rE. ''ie .:1 ire iCo.jn (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s-Susan A. Stolldr A Deputy Clerk F.j- tii ',.- r.. -. .'2i H et l, r the i,.I1- r c.ji,'nt, Tirr,.. .'r,, .:. I r. "3 1,00 637-0616 SCT 3r.:r:e 01 :A':rll r,i-,' 'i I.4 .-.IUTI.:,'. 01 n.l.aq r llhr.rt unr PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE Ci,.-'i.li 0 .:-E.' t ",f 'iHf FI1-1|- .iU-'ChiCi1 L CiL l:',. i .1 ,' C'- E ,' L ;CE-'r I- 2 L.-J i -J- : . BE EC'L. IEI '. C LII CHI.Ki.1 r.nd r r...-.rEilT .ET iFt Lri.:HLri.i i, . NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: ROBERT EVERETT FLINCHUM, JR 23133 Jerome Rd.. Lana O'Lakes FL 34639 I. 'I ". IJ'Tll iE Tr.jai ar. .3:;-.h no.; teer., rnil A a i : .:1 ,).u ann rnai .:.j ie qe ,jIn-a I:, .n.e a o , 0i1 ,o ji .,'hlit n ', ,3 r~r,.; i ,'Ar,. I.' o i i i-ti L i.- L , Fi FirJCHULI. ..r,." .1 ar -" ,:: I' : W -r.:c er FL b."t" on or before June 27 2005 ,nr.o ,e ire criginai .virr. rrn e mlsi ..I iri-i: 'C.t:. ,jr .'.0*m IJ FloriJ a i't BIju.rr ill FL 5.1 2 r.: ,r,- : tr.i.: ,r- -,' Pe nnori -r r T. ,T'I a lmil Tir,-ran-.r If you fall to do so, a delault may be enter- ed against you for the relief demanded in me petition. Copies of aol court documents In rhis case including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court s office You may review these documents upon request You must keep the Clerk of me Circuit Court s office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address. Florlaa Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the aadress on record at tne clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12 285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure. requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Fallure to comply can result In sanctions. Including dismissal or striking of pleadings DATED: .May 17, 2005 ' ,.:-L,.:.'lAlA IA P Mi 'wm r-c, l. CLERK OF THE Cm.IIl2h C 12'.il i S i" CiwR ijii c.'.ij mu'I i'A.,. * By: -s- Grace Krause CepiJr, Cieri Fi.:nu a lo Ciur (4) times in the uiier Cdounty Times, 1.la, 2.' Junr- .;. 9, ahd 16, 2005. .' . 657-0630 SCT ti.:.".:- Ol r.lion c .- '.: E .:.r ii 'n C ria-.bi... l am PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE Cil,.i.iii ,'..-Li :i r2F -IHE FFIu-- IULCiCiAL Cn, Cull, i C.F FLCIC".: I iiAl FC.n. ri1.riE r' COI.r1 ,i C J IC IL C', VIl, I S' ,. Ca' lit. JIn,0 .-, -COi5,-* 'iS2. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3c ring ir.rri.nr. Rural Developmentr . ': ( i.-e Formel H.t'i1 e l ,Cn.rrrit n .n IH U ric.llr, Cll i .i c SONJA R. CHAMBLISS, ; ;.! * Dln.3r .t:l , NOTICE OF ACTION TI:C' SONJA R CHAMBLISS c.l:,o:e la.i .r,,r, a, are:: i: 600 West Cla,'.e lteitc Wiia.vojca Fiorlia 3J'65 'O, U 0lE IJC'ifiEC' Irn r *Ar. .r 3:11n i .: .:. cI ...e. 'r irln An'ne on rr.- rorl:...irIg deIcrniba prr:.perT, ir; i.te.' ' C :,jrr, F ,io 'a ... . Frnat pan ao BIicI C ,0 M.1E DCOW LAWIl DDICoirOri a Ie.:c,0arja Irn Plti Book. 2 Pageo 3 & 1 FFubil,. eco:ra; ,or ijnumrer C'ur.r, Florida E,.unrea nJ a 'eicrlbed a t101i. Io.s Begin ao rne FE .:orner 1 Al.ia Block C or Mea1Ca O. LaW.n Addltlon an.a rur Soutrh 00 Degrees 03002 We:1 along ine Eaol line of ,.113 Block C o a'ii ance O 1lO, reel tnernce mNorr. 89 Degreei 40 36" Weaui 700 6eel hence nortn ,ii, Degrees 0302" East 14096 feet Sa cr,.-r.r on irle Nornm irne, of iola Block C Inence Souin 89 Degrees 42 43- EoiT along trnae ortr. line of .aIa Block C o aitaonce of 700 feetar to trme Point of Be- ginning rnoa been flea against ou ana ou are lequlrea to serve a copy of your wrinen defenses 11 any to It on rEAL E YOUNG Plaintifft ar orney. whose oaaress is 300 Tnrro Streer NW. Winter Hoven Florind 33881 on or Before July 11, 2005. ana file rne anginal witn the Clerk of the Court either oetore ser.ice on Plainriff 3 atlorries or immrredloial,' rnereafter otherwise a detour will be entered against you for the relief demanaea in me Complalnr ., . WITNESS m ', n onand -rne seal of this Court on June 2, 2006 GLORIA R HANWARD Clerk of he Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURi SEAL) By: -s- Susan A, Stollar Deputy Clerk ubliiihed four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, June 9, 16, 23, ra 30 2005 674-0616 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 4hat the Sumter County Tourist Development Council will hold a meeting In the 2nd Historic Courtroom, Room #204, Sumter County Court- house, on June 21, 2005, at 2:30 p.m. Notice Is given If any person desires to appeal any ac- tion taken by the Board at' the above hearings, ver- batim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not prepared or furnished by the Board. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting or to be heard at the meeting should call 352-793-0200 to make any special arrangements - The public Is Invited and encouraged to attend. Board of Sumter County Commissioners Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, June 16, 2005.. 671-0616SCT PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE SUMTER COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS) IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO. 05-1-NOI-6001-(A)-(1) The Department gives notice of Its Intent to find the Amendments) to the Comprehensive Plan for Sumter County, adopted by Ordinance No(s), 2005-10, 2005-11, 2005-12 and 2005-13 on April 19, 2005, IN COMPLIANCE, pursuant to Sections 163,3184, 163.3187 and 163.3189, F.S. The adopted Sumter County Comprehensive Plan Amendments) and the Department's Objections, Rec- ommendations and Comrpents Report (if any), are available t.r Cul, c ii- Irsipec iorn .or.a, through Friday, except for legal r.nidaa,'s during n.oniial business hours, at the Sirrler Cournr, Fia-r,.Irg ,Department 209 North Florida Street, Buir,r,eii Fic.-rio 335 13 ar,, arte-te:ie pier;:.i a. deflirnc-1 n Sectorn, 1,i 18.4 F i'as a gr.igr m1. .eriflc.r, cr on aorinairll.l.nl.n nearing .: challenge inse ,Ip.,:,rAi:: genc, aeri-r'i-.larlcr, lin Ine rAeranrenl'iir ic Ir, e urre.i Courn, Cori-irer, r,. :i.e Plan or Ir. Crnnplian.e a: aelirnAa in i,jueacllc.n i iI316J.,51, FS re ri etll.:.r, muil 0e rila ..irrir, r;.er,n r, on i; 2 ; oo0,i ole pupill, nl.r, .:.r Ir rrI:.le or, i'rJ incl n, clu 1,e O'1 re iio -rIall.r, ara cc.riCinr,i de :.:r"O In, Linllormr. ;ul6 2 106"201 Fp- C Tr, pellicri nmu.jl filed .,,lrn inr. ger,.:, Creri DeparlerIrir.T ,: C.:'r, urir. 'nairslir 255. ,r.uT,.n o ''n1 b"ulii.ara i31ia rna::ie Fl-ria r*23.I0 on ra3 cn,, mr.il.3 :- r a-c Ilveredtp the i,:,3n1 g'A er'.mTir.rI aiiuir t.:. iiT,., nice a petition shall cc.rniut ite ..aI.I c on rigriz. re.qu;lI ar, ,' Tiri.iraii.e .rc.: dlr.in : a 3 ilr.-.rii r ujnd r I.:llr.., i 2 i:. ,Jrd '1:,205' F I pe.iii.t:.r I ril en Ti- pup:.'; I rne .a iTirili.n 3T arin g a .ll b.iii re piz ,-e r, SI r.,eA .canr.- i tilm..rn, n3r, Ir..-aI r .:....TiT.. r,'3Tr.,,3 :,r e r rC i- :cr..C'rlTn:r,. I nr.: p.rlorr.i, I: rle1 iri.r rj,.:.. tic ,:i Ir icrI .nraii i.:-,.r. n i 3 rlr.n 1 er,. .3, licnr, II a pceI .:.r .i: ile a :.r.r ."ni.:liA p: r,:.- r a, cerinn-rn ':.r le3 a t, lrit.r.er.r in ir tr. rc.:eedirn pe.tit.ion i:.r iier., er,,Ar, rTuij1 cb r4ile 31 lea'3 rp..e.r,r, ; ', o1.3a,: :,. i-r rr- r.-. fiAr rearing ar. r,, rJTu u onl or, I me Irnror. ,To l.-:.r, nir, :.:rtir, : a Lic-:i,.iC eI3 i n I.ri lf.rr. ul "'" Ui,:. u I"' F C peililirr, r'.:.r le,: .cI I.: r. r :r, nal:r.311 C'I lle .: I rr- 'l .i:lrn .:.r[ 3A rrii..ra .e He-aOir.a D e p.arin,T rt -, r .. .l-an .,rrmi-rt :r. ic : i23'0 -p-3in.:r.c f.3rk..nl, i.'lli.r..:.e6 Fl.:.rn.r 3'2 3' 0.; 0 Fallue I.:. p - rni r tr Ic. inl r.- r i; 1rli- .3i ,3 re ai.. iArnm rirTe. : TI. ruijl .3 o ,"l.er :- i on,r rigrI :.j:r, c r',r., r. 3: it:. requji. a heorimg ur.Ser C.cior.: I n I .:. and 12 I 0 F :. P..rtlllare lirrI ire omrtini[arrS..- rearing. n-r .nr. ..,nirilrltrarTI.- i-.er.nnrg pa-hTi :.r., I riTi,' 1 rile.3 T, 3aih.',:' I. O.,a11a le cu,.u r.r i .T :jLe6.e :r:.r, i.:33 ": i : a ; To T c .3 3n :I." ,3 ,cic:,r .,.r... ri -Tia.:0 *n rr, ic. ire1 r..:,e tr.. r,. iiinr. tir.il ,anj .i r.i- tI.re .3.TIrl:TrtI. ie 1. I'j.gIj ,ao in..re.: CI rr. C I.i :l,-, r .:.i rir.irT ,:Ti.3 H-.Arri.n The crin.:..e- .r M-r,.,li . n:r, .r.naii rC n f i .3 i: A rt, I rla,Ir I : ,nr .: .Am ir- i:l]'i .. r.-a 'rinc -. r.lii.e f.l,: iril ,n.i:i nr s ia rl C'l. .l,.1 :.I C.:.rriTlurlIr. Pil.n'-, ,Ir..3 L" erprT'e.e.-l ..t CciT.rr.urilr, -n.air, : .' ": '',s6 r,, n, ,- ,,i EC ulu .ar3 i iaill.3:-..:c lild. n1 23'-2'.2iUO.I Published one (1) tlme in the .'jT.re,' Counr, Times, June i i, 20,0. 658-0616 SCT 1 ': l ri.:.n.: o :A.3e .' C'eur cr. B.orr. e6i.: .: .A-.r .- Tj-gor, etal. T PUBUC NOTICE iI ri: CT1F Liii %:.L l iC'- l:0 "1'F IHE Fi TH jJJ.i ', I L ',:'i:., ir f .-:ic'- ii l I ilFO r' :ui rfr.TE 01.: i OEi,.iiCHE 6.,ir' ri-j ic."r- Lrurii, :.r. 1P ,rJ, S illi.,iEEF lF -,:EGit ,'ij'i iiE Il7 ET. ILC ELP'I l s-iH',L-'LI'i3H ;Ei;ii:'iAIlE ':EPiE: 1 ir3 .W Ui CDER TiE PCC'il.l SErei.'. Cil - AriEEi.EIT C0rED l. Of,: ::,CTEEi', I I:, 1 %v i- i H l- irA I . JESI.C -rEGC.:-.. ETAL. Lcicer.anil: NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE SnC.'TiE I HEI'f i 6 -IEI pur,.uar.j I.:. a Fnrai .lu'agnTr.ii oI Fc.r:.-ir':ur ,3a3r1 [.Ia,, 20 2:i' nr,3 nlere i-, :a: II:. I 2005-C'A- .:2 r rre ,h.: i Court .i rr, e Ferr, JualC Ii Clrur U11 ir aran rc.:.r :,uiTlaer : ur.r, Hll i.n.n .-.rei c.in DEi.ITCHE BLii ]iiiC.r--Lii? Li CC".LIFAIJ, *. iiiusiEE CO .'rS.141 r ECU iiEn I JC '-`:Ei B' l:ED PI',.IHi i.'LSH CEi'IFIC~IES ,EI'IE 2i13.W1 uriCili') IHE P O. fi.J- l. Fr ,E .i j; .r-PEEr.IE1 IT CATEC, ,'-F :.i' BEI i 200 'Al-iH.:iui I. ECO,.idE 14 Pia.iriirt .3n .,e'sC A: r .;r .E r, Jfr I 'i h f I :PC'.'iu E OF .IE :iC- i;i:E.3C:rt, .ijPlrlC.w l i i l-ii iJurliElr.' ou iJr, B.:. E [. F c.,C t.i.lEiC'rlEPt A.le Icr DI elr.a.,-.ra I X .11 i-il Io Inte nigrei. n. bn cii io.-aer T.nr coa.n .31 EAi El. T-I-CE ,OF Wu liE' Ccurr, cOr...ur.IHCi.'E :,0 0 i FLOICD-'C Sh:EET BLIHPJELL FL ? .1 aI 11-00 AM or. June 23, 2005 re Iollio.nirg Oa-;:iC.:A r.r.:.er, .3: IA r.:.nrr Ir, ial. Final Ju3iiT.enir I.:.- ..Ii LOTS 13 AND 14. BLOCK 5,. BUSHNELL PARK PLAT NO. 28. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK I. PAGE 131. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA C IED .la, 2 2005 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) P.ri.rn R H-,W I.c'l By: u'nn P iinii.3. e rL,,ur, 'Ciers it. oc:coroancr: llr. i, e Amerincar: ith Disabilities Act, pei..ion r. elinr.g .3 re..ornare16 accomm.odation to artwi-aice Iir. lr pir.ce air.i3 inoui'j c... I,1i 1 it-iAn I : .. - .3I ,': i rOT .:.:r.::nicr he CliIs :.i In C.iourt 11o. ciar, :.3:5.orainnor .r i. 2 t., A,. A 20r rl FLOr'IDA, :r.EiTLi BUU:HrELL FL 23513 Ii ne.-ing Impaired, con- inc-t L :1 I .II FlaIco iPea, I, ;lei- Furii., rj r.. i''i i.'nes In'the r u C':,:.ujr, Chronicle, . .jr n r,,' i. 2 .60z r " 664-0623 SCT S Notice of Sale '" A rt,: u orn BonI.! Sonrit.:,: A )lo.nrr, J r e 1ai PUBLIC NOTICE nII iHE CilACuil ,COi.-1i FOrt iUr.iSER C- urour, FLORID' C.i C Ir I C.',iSE rijD ; S'AJX2 5' AMSOUTH BANK. Plainrin.- v.y r, i ' SANTOS ALBARRAN. JR.taL, 't Delernanr NOTICE OFSALE - liolice Is nereao gi..',er., nt puruanr ro ta 0ut-mar, Juagnrrir enrierea ir. th'e ooce.stiea cauie in mthe Circuit Court of Sumier Counry Fionaa me Cleark o Summer Countr wii sell s me prDertv sirtuaed Irn Sumter County Fionaoa escriced a DelcnDolon of Mortgaged and Personal ProDertvy Lot 20, Old Plat of Center Hill. as per plat In Plat Book 1 of Page 48, a/k/a Lot 287, New Plat of Center HIll, as per plot recorded In Plat Book I at Page 78 of thne Pub. IIc Records of Sumter County. Florida, LESS the South 113 feet, more or le thereof. The street address of which Is 57 W. Jefferson Street, Center Hill, Florida 33614 at a Public Sale to rie hignesr Doader for cash at the Sumter County Courthouse, West Door 209 Norm Fion- da Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, on July 5, 2005, at 11:00 a.m. Dated: May 18, 2005. , (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Publisned two (2) tllr June 16 aona23 2005 Gloria R Haywara Clerk of rte Circuit Court S. Sumrrer County. Fionao By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk nes In the Sumter. County Times, 678-0707 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. pursuant to a Writ of Exe- cution issued In the Circuit Court of Sumter County, Florida, on the 16th'day of May, 2005, in the cause wherein The State of Florida, was plaintiff and John Thompson, was defendant, being Case No, 2004CF60 In said court. I. William 0. Farmer, Jr., as Sheriff .of Sumter County, Florida, have levied upon all the right,, title and interest of the defendant Joon Thompson In and to the follow- ing described property, to-wit: MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. INVENTORIED & PHOTOGRAPHED and 3.-, r,e A18tn day of JULY 2005 .a Oxfora Self Star- age, 11203 r L'i 33 r0ic.:..3en ir, '..:,. n Sumter County, Florida, at the hour of 1:p0 PM, I 'will .offer for *.nsie 3l :i Ir.e :ai.3 .deir,dar.i John Thompson's, right, ti- ne anda irrie ,.l ir. aI.:ir:oia property at public outcry., ard ...iii :eii ine iaTe .u.Be:Ct to all prior aliens, encum- rian.ea' or.a juagrI.er.i: it ar,, 'to the highest and best oiaaer ,r cle6ri tfar C-'EH ire r..,.oc.edS to be op- ,lieod : tar a' ma ,e t Irc -C.-r.i-nti of costs and sat- Ifao tlic.r. : Tr. A: r :.e .C e:Crir c3 ecurillo. , The above-described property may be viewed at the .storage facility starting at 12:00 PM on the 18th day of Jui, 2005 CI ,'*' r' J.'' l" I ..irol n ,r farmer, Jr, Sheriff S, : r County, Florida By: --:Sgt. Roger Hayes, Deputy Sheriff Pucil.-nea r:i. ,jr Tirri-l: in ir, e Sumter County Times, June it. ;2: 1 oa'n .iu, '" , 667-0623 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE r,,=re g1 .i r,,:,nie that the en- irec -.: niaer,. :,i .riri: ,:. J. .r. 3 i03 Cr Burns Self Star- age a3 :eirt.;:'r.age ifo-ir, i.:..:aria 31 I514 Hwy. 48, Bur-nriei ijrr,r. C :jr FL ..111C c, :13 airPUBLIC AUC- Date of Sgle: 7/6/2005 Time of Sl: 10-30 A M Name of Tenant: KEITH AND TAMARA JUDGE Aadres : 802 C R. 478-A. Webster. FL 33597 Unit Nos. 45, 103 Desc. of Property Misc. Household Goods irn |oli.h:A i : gl .er, c.uu :A3ri r.:. i .:.r.-. .n' ,: Fu -I.,i . i ole: 10 ra lir, The 'iSeir.. r.ice Fa'illr, '.:. rr : i .r n c .r Ir.e .cc.rIr.ni irinere[- FuC.iline. a t,...'.. I.' : ir, Ir.I n .i .Cini r .:.njrr TiT,-. Jurne 1,:. A3 1 : 20,:, 676-0616 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE The Early Learning Coali- tion of Citrus and Sumter Counties Contract Moni- toring Committee Meet- ing will be held on Friday, June 24, 2005, at 8:30a.m.. to discuss the Community Coordinated Child Care Program Contract In' Sum- ter County. The meeting will be held at the Coall- tion office located at 1564 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River, FL 34429. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, June 16, 2005 677-0616 StT PUBLIC NOTICE , The DIxc Gi.:rn;r Levy School i",i. lr.i' Coall- tion will hold the'. last offl- clal meeting at' 10:00 AM, on Monday, June 20, 2005. The meeting will be located at the Dixie' County School Board. meeting room, on Hwy 349 In Old Town. Please Contact Execu- tive Director, Susie Lloyd. at 352-493-7408 If you have any questions. Published one (1) time In the u'r|-.I C.:,Jr, Times, June l. 20*'. 659-0616 SCT I ':i.a -.hTniir,r. i-i'n .:l t 'Air -r ,-, L' I-.jr.r, PUBLIC NOTICE ll THE irI'C ill C ,Ci. I IT F' , SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PropI -TE I,.'ii I in1 [J "',,,. I: ,'-,.l,,,, n i IN RE: EiI CE: F KATHRYN D. DUNN ece-a:6C3 n OTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ir-.i, j.3j TIril.,li', 1.:r .'.r ii-, ' ;Il3l- .t KATHRYN D. DUINN 3e-:3 lca, r. p_ r,.31,,g r. i r., :r C hi.uJll : .,jrt r.:.r : ir liH' *.:-.jrr Florida. Probate Divisior the address of which 209 N. FLORIDA STREEt BUSHNELL. FLORIDA 53513. The estate Is testate andl the date of the dece- dent's Will and any CodI- cils are MAY 27. 1997. Th* names and addresess cf the personal representd- tive and the personal repr resentative's attorney arf set forth below. . - Any Interested person ot whom a copy of the n- tice of administration t served must object to th4 validity of the will (or anj codicil. Qu,.Allfl ..r.i a: the :-'e:i.or, r. r -A :.r,nt. .tie, .er.u j :r iJ,jr:acT:. of the .court, by filing $ rerlinti or c.rr.er Di-aai.-., rei.qj ring ,i'lleT in ..3, cordance with the Florldi Probate Rules,, WITHIN MONTHS AFTER THE DAT OF SERVICE OF A COP' OF THE NOTICE ON THN OBJECTING PERSON, o0 THOSE 'OBJECTIONS ARO FOREVER BARRED., Any person entitled t@p exempt property Is re- quired to file a petition fdt determination of exempt property WITHIN THE TIM PROVIDED BY 'LAW OR THI RIGHT TO EXEMPT PROPER TY .IS DEEMED. WAIVE- -Any person entitled ti elective share Is required to file an electlqri-to take elective share- WITHIN TH( TIME PROVIDED BY LAW OR THE RIGHT TO CLAIM AN ELECTIVE' SHARE IS DEEMED WAIVED. i Personal Representativd ANGELA G. DUNI i "'> *. I W 5rr, ( PL-illTi-I.:rl FI. 'i51 A r:.r-e, r.:.r PFec.r.oal , Icr .ie .:,_..n'n c e LAWRENCE D FIELDER Fi:,l'-: i Ar I1,, 2C0144"-. e- ,L E lr e -.E F L.,L. 'CE I LE FL 3 2, .:' T lc.r .r. r,n ',:--I. ?2J.68ir 1 fijl:.i-cda r.:...., n.-ITe: I Ir- .,jir.rier ,Co' rir, t i i-Tc J,,,-. ': 3r.. n .: j '00'. E urage your kittens to read a newvpr every day! Would you humans like to knw how I have achieved my superior intelligence? Reading, of course! I read the newspaper every day to exercise my brain and you should, too. *: Mr Tinkles Sumter County Times St all starts with newspapers. 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