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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 22 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ..............18 Church ............... 8 Obituaries ............ 6 Police Report .......... .3 Tidbits ............ 15 THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 20051 Wildwood prepares for hurricane forum BOB REICHMAN Editor Just about any questions you may have about the hurri- cane season can probably be answered next week On Tuesday, June 14, Sumter County Fire Rescue Battalion 3 along with the City of Wildwood will be host- ing a special community gath- ering to help people prepare for this year's hurricane sea- son. The Hurricane Preparedness Community Gathering is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., at the Wildwood Community Center on County Road 139. The event includes a sub-, stantial number of. speakers from various agencies and businesses that quickly come to mind during hurricanes. Some of the speakers' include representatives of the Sumter County. Sheriff's Office, city utilities, fire departments, emergency .medical services, electricity, companies, emergency man- agement and insurance com- panies. "Our objective is to make all residents ofSumter County aware of hurricanes and how to prepare for one," said Brian Gibson, a firefighter and emergency medical technician for Battalion 3. Speakers will be given five to 10 minutes each to speak on key points involving the hurricane season and the role that their respective agencies play during the storms. "Our objective is to make all residents of Sumter County aware of hurricanes and how to prepare for one," said Brian Gibson, a firefight- er and emergency medical technician for Battalion 3. Gibson said the idea for the event was coordinated by the Wildwood fire department and Wildwood City Hall. "We decided it was impor- tant due to the severity that we had when we got with last year's storms," Gibson said. "It's important to prepare for the season and the communi- ty needs a heads up on how to prepare. "Last year proved that even though we're inland, we can get hit and we need to get ready now,' he said. Following the speakers, audience members will have an opportunity, to get their questions answered concern- ing hurricane preparedness. Questionnaires will be dis- tributed to, the audience will speakers responding to the questions. After that, the group will break and audience members will have an opportunity to speak one-on-one with the different speakers, Gibson said. The event is open to all res- idents, he said. "It's an oppor- tunity to provide information that needs to get out to every- body" For more information about the gathering, contact Gibson at 303-6599 or call Wildwood City Hall at 330- 1330. M Wei -W-A Q. r--..994 1 s Pastor Craig Attaway presents plaques to Wildwood and Sumter County safety and emergency personnel in appreciation for all they community. Young ai BRENMc LOC.aLEAR Staff Writer What better sayv to cele- brate young authors than to bring a couple of story- telling emcees for the main event. That's exactly what Webster Elementary School's Young Author's Conference coordinator and teacher Donna Williams did this year: Along with goodies and great stories by local ele- Smentairy-aged authors, the I fun included tales by story- I tellers Don Leonard and SJeremy Evans of Marion County. Evans is an award- winning writer. Williams hosted the event for students in kindergarten tIu'ough fifth grade, winding up the school year. An esti- mated 80 students, parents and friends gathered to hear the tales of Leonard and Evans and share in stu- dent books. [ More AUTHORS, Page 2 authors end year with meeting ". oP- ,,. -- -, ', Connie Davis and Mathew Garrepy were dressed and ready when it came time for reading, writing, learning and sharing at the fiesta-themed Young Author's Conference. Honors given to local : helpers An Awesome Spring celebra- tion was held May 28 at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood. Games for all ages were pro- vided to all who came. Fruit 4 Bingo for the adults and clowns for the kids was also amongst, the entertainment that day. The 14 clowns came from the -,. Villages and spent time enter- taining the attendees with J .antics, face painting and bal- S loon animals. To top off the celebi-ation, the .members and staff ofthe church honored and thanked Wildwood and Sumter County emergency personnel and their families for all that they do for the commu- Pastor Attaway said, "We just want to give more to our com- munity We live here they take care of us and we all appreciate them." The church is also holding Story and photos by Robbin Eddins Vacation Bible School this week and their families do for the from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. through Friday. Board denies cement plant proposal, 7-2 Boa REICHMAN Editor Monday. evening, the Planning and Adjustment Board denied a proposal by Mazak Mine to construct a cement manu- facturing plant The onl in Mabel. eon The board board decided.:in a 7- voting in to2-vote, to deny fth' the request. The of the p board's decision, were F however. is only Toppir a recommnienda- tion. That rec- Richar commendation will be submit- ted to the County. Commission for consideration on Tuesday, June 14. The meeting begins at 5 p.m. in County Commission Chambers onthe second floor of the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell. Mine owner Paul Mazak submitted a requestto modify his existing conditional use permit to allow a cement man- ufacturing plant on the prop- erty. The mining operation is located east of State Road 471 off State Road 50. The only zoning board members voting in support of the proposal were Frank Topping and Richard Cole. Other mem- zoning bers denied the embers. request follow- ing concerns support from some resi- roposal dents who attended the Prank meeting and ig and requests for d Cole. additional infor- mation about the proposal. Several zoning board members said they wanted to look at existing cement plants to get a better understanding of the Please see CEMENT, Page 2 Mine expansion a AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Rinker Materials has again postponed its application with the county for a conditional use permit to expand by about 400 acres at its existing Florida Crushed Stone lime rock mine in Center Hill. The company has requested that the Sumter County Zoning, and Adjustment Board review% the application on July 5 and for the Board of County- Commissioners to! review it onh July 12, After Zoning and Adjustment reviews the application and, makes a recommendation, it will be presented to the County cation delayed Commission for a decision. the approval of the proposed Opponents of the mine expansion. expansion have organized and-' However, Matt Mouncey,, plan to address the regional environmental manag- Commission when the time er for the company, said they comes for a decision to be are aware of the opposition. made .. ad are willing to be "flexible CORE (Citizens Opposed to on the mine plan." Rinker's Expansion) has been "We're certainly concerned busy during recent weeks try- about the citizens' concerns," ing to gain support to prevent he said He said while the mine will continue to work with the coun- ty for permitting requests, measures will be taken to reduce potential problems wor- risome to residents, such as contributing factors to noise, dust, and adverse effects to well water. Please see MINE, Page 2 rv. .c -. : ~ i~~1 ,-. -s y or F( PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 AUTHORS continued from Page 1 Williams created a fiesta theme wit sombreros, bright colors and plenty of fun. . She said two years ago, she opted for a luau theme. She called in the story- telling duo to add to the fun. Leonard, a former teacher, said he could always get his students attention with a tale. He recalled one specific time when he was trying to encourage his class to com- plete their long division problems and quoted himself from that day, "Did I ever tell you about the time when I blew up that gas station." Once he said that to stu- dents, he then offered to tell it when they completed their work The list of tales that can be worked include nostalgic, folk, humorous, scary, holi- days and animals, audience participation, draw and tell and children's. A.J. Cedillo, storyteller Don Leonard, Tyler Upshaw, Brandon Anderson, storyteller Jeremy Evans, Adrienna Almond, Becky Franke, Rhianna Stevens (back) and her mom Heather Davis posed for a picture during the school's Young Author's Conference. MINE continued from Page 1 " Many of the participants in CORE have said they have already experienced nega- tive effects from the mining, from water problems to structural damage to build- ings. They worry about prop- erty values, sinkholes, and further damage from blasting fnd mining as the operation I1- ..1 K iii-' :zA they say attempts to move closer to homes. Mouncey said representa- tives from the mine have met with John Megan, who heads up CORE, and have planned to meet with residents to dis- cuss the mine. The meeting is set for Tuesday, June 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Bushnell Community Center, where Mouncey said mine representatives will be there to answer questions cit- izens may have. He said they want to make Marissa Lutters-Sanborn, Zandria Sparks, Janet Lazaro. and Megan Ryan (left to right) - fifth graders at Bushnell Elementary School - are happy about being recognized for work- ing hard on FCAT. Marissa was recognized for having the top math score on the 5th grade FCAT, Zandria was recognized for hav- ing the most improvement in reading from fourth to fifth grade, Janet was recognized for having the most improvement in math Irom fourth to fifth grade, and Megan was recognizedd for having the top reading score n the 5th grade FCAT. citizens "part of the planning process" as they move for- ward with efforts to expand. The Zoning and Adjustment Board will meet on Tuesday, July 5, at 6:30 p.m. on the third floor of the courthouse in Bushnell in Room 327. The board will present its recommendation to the County Commission at a reg- ular meeting on Tuesday, July 12, which begins at 5 p.m. in Commission Chambers. Justyn Mitchell (left), Travis Wells (middle), and Christina Lazaro (right), fourth graders at Bushnell Elementary School, are pictured with prizes that they earned as a result of hard work on the fourth grade FCAT. Justyn was recognized for having the top reading score on the 4th grade FCAT, Christina was recognized for having the most improvement in reading from third to fourth grade, and Travis was recognized for having the top math score on the 4th grade FCAT and hav- ing the most improvement in math from third to fourth grade. Reading is important for success in life Just ask these students at Bushnell Elementary School. These students were recognized in May for earning Accelerated Readers points as part of a school wide incentive. Pictured in the back row from left to right is Erin Lyda, Elijah English, Alexander Jacobik, and Breanne Williams. Pictured in the front row from left to right is Demarques Bellamy, Devin Beverage, Ryan Bressette, and Bailey Hutchinson. Photos by Brenda Locklear lan Plunkett is shown with his mom Toni Plunkett as they participate in the Webster Elementary School Young Author's Conference. Along with stories written by the students, a chat with two professional storytellers from Marion County was on the agenda. Local Special Olympics athlete attends Global Athlete A Bushnell woman is among only about 70 others chosen from around the world to participate in an international assembly for Special Olympics being held in Panama this week Mary Ann Gonzalez, 40, has gone to the Special Olympics Global Athlete Congress to participate in discussions about such issues as competi- tion management and fu nd raising. "I think this is a great opportunity," Gonzalez said of her trip to Panama. Gonzalez, who started out as a Special Olympics athlete when she was a child, was chosen to be one of only two Special Olympics athletes from Florida. She serves in a volunteer position as the county's Special Olympics coordinator because she loves spoils, and likes to see fellow athletes have a chance to compete. "I do it for the athletes." she said. I like to see them com- pete and achieve. It makes you feel good as a person." Gonzalez works as a clerk typist at SCARC, Inc. (Sumter County Association for Retarded Citizens), in Bushnell, but has had an interest in sports since she started competing in Special Olynpics as a ten-year-old. She has been county coordi- nator for Special Olympics for the past three years. Gonzalez was selected from hundreds of applicants from around the world. She was scheduled to be joined fellow Special Olympics Florida ath- lete Sam Finely, of Stuart, and accompanying Gonzalez and Finely will be Nancy Sawyer, Senior Vice President. Special Olympics Florida. "This is a tremendous honor for Mary Ann Special Olympics athlete Mary Ann Gonzalez was one of only about 70 worldwide chosen to attend the second Special Olympics Global Athlete Congress in Panama City, Panama this week. (Gonzalez)," said Sawyer. "She is a perfect choice for this Global Congress as she is the county coordinator for, Special Olympics Sumter and to our knowledge, she is the Woodmen of the World Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society only athlete who has assumed this volunteer role within Special Olympics." Sawyer added, "she is an extraordinary role model for other athletes; they've seen her not just as a competitor, but as a leader, representing her fellow athletes' concerns and opinions and that inspires other athletes to take a leadership role in the Special Olympics move- ment." In addition to overseeing the Special Olympics Sumter program, Gonzalez also serves on the Special Olympics United States Leadership Council as an ath- lete representative and she has been inducted into the Special' Olympics Florida Hall of Fame. The athletes, ranging in age from 16 to 50, represent all seven of the Special Olympics global regions and are serv- ing on the second Global Congress in Special Olympics history, creating a stronger voice for people with intellec- tual disabilities off the play- ing field and in a governmen- tal setting. The Congress will be opened by President of Panama Lic. Martin Torrijos Espino and First Lady of Panama Vivian Ferndndez de, Torrijos. Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver was also scheduled to be in attendance. JLWOODMEN V MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. I Run YurnmAuu StatewmidAe I 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central T-,all r';r.c lahon.- 2 M million . elie Hodges, a third grader it Bushnell Elementary school, is proud of getting' qwo prizes for her efforts on the'third grade FCAT. She earned the top school in math and reading out of the entire hird grade at BES. CEMENT continued from Page 1 Project In particular, they Wanted more information #bout plans for 300-foot-tall torage tanks that would be sed. j Several audience mem- ers alsosought additional information about how the Plant would affect air quality, what buffering would be ised between the plant and neighboring land and site- Aetbacks., A 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North. South. Central Cr-.Ilation" 7 ". M illionn SSUMTER COUNTY TIMES (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL (usPs ssseo) News Department ...................... 352.793-2161 Circulation ............................. 1.888.852-2340 Retail Advertising ....................... 352.793.2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352-793-2161 Fax ........................................ 352-793.1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave, Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES DO MORE. WITH MORE. Only Nextel has the tools you need to get more done. Instantly. Coast-to-coast walkie-talkie Connect in under a second. Free incoming calling plans Receive calls for free. Voice-guided, turn-by-turn directions At the push of a button. Wireless web access* Always-on access to email, websites and more to stay connected. For instant solutions to all your wireless needs, visit a Nextel Authorized Representative listed below. CEllulAR j((0( TECHNICS, INC Wireless Conisultants = Preferred Partner I" 352-568-1967 Local NEXTEL I 888-568-1967 Toll Free AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2004 Nextel Communications, Inc. NEXTEL is a service mark, trademark, and/or registered trademark of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 3 InsideSUMTIER - Polce OR - Photos by Brenda Locklear Jan Kirkpatrick (seated, second from left) visits with Mary Virga (left), Sandy Dixon and Kirkpatrick's daughter. Kirkpatrick is retiring now. Virga retired from the Sumter County Sheriff's Office in recent years and Howell still works for the county. Clerk retires after 28 years BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer "Everyone that ever worked with her will really miss her." That's what County Administrator Bernard Dew thinks of the deputy clerk who's served with him since 1977. After nearly 30 years keep- ing records of County Commission board meetings, Jan Kirkpatrick is retiring. "She's always been very helpful," and evidently quite interested in sharing a laugh. or playing an occasional joke. De"w said he aud the other directors wanted to get some- thing to show their apprecia- tion for how helpful she had been to them. But Dew has his own times of sha ring with Kirkpatrick and. said, "When if think of Jan, I think of her great sense of humor. She's just a really pleasant person to work w ith." Kirkpatrick originally went to work for Burtori Marsh in the finance department of the Sumter County Clerk of the Court's Office. Not long after she got her job, her co-worker, Sandy Howell,, got pregnant. "They needed somebody to fill in for her and they 'said, 'Okay Jan, you're going to do_ that'" "I do the clerk's work for the board or the board's work for the clerk," she said. At the time, county commis- sioners met in what's now the tag office at the Sumter County Courthouse. 'The administration office was housed behind that room. "It was truly cramped - there were a lot of people crammed down there." At the time, the 'entire staff could pretty much see each other clearly and it was common practice for them to play prac- tical jokes on each other. Thursday,.June 2 Darla Williams, 23, Bushnell, was arrested for battery. No bond was set Tristan Gavin, 19, Webster, was arrested for burglary to a structure and grand theft. Bond was set at $7,000. Eric Encarnacion, 19, Coleman, was arrested for failure to appear for attaching tag not assigned. Bond was set , at $1,000. Friday, June 3 Jaqueline Stokes, 41, Coleman, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Steve McCart, 50, Webster, was arrested for domestic bat- tery. No bond was set. Saturday, June 4 Lakiera Ford, 21, Webster, was arrested for possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $500. LaToya McNeal, 25, Bushnell, was arrested for possession of marijuana with intent to sell, possession of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $4,500., Jaime Mackey, 21, Bushnell, was arrested for possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $500. Michael Williams, 32, Wildwood, was arrested for grand theft auto and resisting an officer without violence. Bond was set at $2,500. Jack Wheatley, 44, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation for driv- ing while license suspended and a Lake County warrant for failure to appear. Bond was set at $2,000. Elisabeth Mayol, 34, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested on two counts of fraud, two counts of forgery and nonmov- ing traffic violation. Bond was set at $10,000. Sunday, June 5 Robert Griffis, 44, Wildwood, was arrested for driving under the influence, fifth offense. Bond was set at $15,000., Brian Webb, 39, Webster, was arrested for child abuse. No bond was set. Nicole Lyn Farr, 22, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for possession of methampheta- mines, possession of marijua- na and possession of para- phernalia. Bond was set at $6,000. Richard Crown, 29, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for possession of methampheta- mines and possession of mari- juana. Bond was set at $5,500: Emiliano Perez Jr., 29L Webster, was arrested for false identification and two counts of forgery. Bond was set at $7,000. Bruce DeLong, 44, Webste) was arrested for aggravated3 assault with'a deadly weapon. No bond was set Monday, June 6 Cherry Stevens, 29,, Bushnell, was arrested for, violation of probation. No bond was set Bret Franz, 19, Sumterville, was arrested for attached tag, not assigned. Bond was set at $250. Lary Jenkins, 31, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for driving while license revoked- with knowledge. Bond was set at $2,000. JoAnne Baker, 38, Bushnell, was arrested for uttering ' forged instrument and grand theft Bond was set at $3,000. Terry Mills, 35, Wildwood,. was arrested for failure to appear for possession of cocaine and driving while .license suspended. No bond. was set. .f Democrats hold special breakfast Sandy Howell. assistant administrator, is shown securing a string of black pearls for retiring deputy clerk Jan Kirkpatrick while Jim Sparks looks on. County administration members County Administrator Bernard Dew. Robbie Rogers, Howell, and Sparks and Public Works Director Tommy Hurst joined the funds to purchase the pearls for Kirkpatrick and present them to her at her retirement party last week. Eventually the offices were mo\"ed to their location on the second floorr at the courthouse and separated. Kirkpatrick was working for the clerk's office,, while Howell and County Administrator Bernard Dew were assigned directly to the county commis- sioners. They may have changed locations but the practical jokes lived on. Even during, Kirkpatrick's retirement party, laughs were a big part of the event especially 'when she was with Dew and Howell. 'As the county grew so did all our jobs," she said. "More paperwork. More, people :coming in seeking information." And she's had some memo- rable experiences, especially one particular budget work- shop. "Several of the commission- ers were deadlocked on some- thing I don't even remember what and we stayed all night I think they sent me home around two or three o'clock in the morning and I was back at eight in the morning. That was a one time thing," she said, recalling some of the commis- sioners on the board at that time Harry Lovett, Bill Wing and WB. Jones. RYWANT ALVAREZ JO N E S R US SO & CERTIFIED US O & The Iforida Bar G U Y TON IVITRIAL Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should riot be based solely.upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience "That %was an all-nighter" The job has meant dealing with a group',of five people who sit on the board from different places and all w ithl different ideas of how things need to be done, she said, adding that it's a completely different atmosphere these days. "It's been a good experi- ence." "I've been through quite a few commissioners," she said with a laugh. "Everybody has a different idea of how things should be," explaining that the board of five is five people with five ideas. "It can be interesting. Being a commissioner is not an easy job and every commissioner has to learn. "And they're very wise to sit back and see what is really going on before they try to make changes. "It behooves them to just learn," she said. "In a lot of cases change can be good if it has a good pur- pose; it's good. Change just for change is not" As for herself, Kirkpatrick said she's grown too. Please see RETIRES, Page 5 ROBIN EDDINS Times correspondent Saturday, May 28, marked the second annual Jefferson Jackson Breakfast for Sumter County Democrats. The more than 150 people came to listen to Merlene Frank, a college instructor: who spoke on issues sur- routinding President Bush's proposed changes in Social Security. They also came to hear newly elected Florida State Democratic Chairwoman Karen Thurman. Thurman did not show. "The following Tuesday: Ms. Thunnmah called various members of the Sumter County DECto apologize pro- fusely for the mi scom munti- cation from her office explainiing that she was unaware of the meeting., said Democratic Executive Corn mitteewoman Terry Gilbert. Gilbert said that she was told that Thurnman plans to make it up to Democrats in Sumter: County and The Villages. Merlene Frank brought her information on the Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare issues to the atten- dees telling. them that the president had referred to non-working mothers as 'freeloaders' and that under Bush's plan divorced hus- bands could see to it -that none of their funds would go to an ex-wife in the event of his death. Under the current plan, if a woman had been married at least 10 years she would be able to collect benefits to supplement her income. ; Amidst entertainment pro- vided by Cindy Cooper including a parody song about Republicans the audi- ence was introduced to can- didates for the next election. ,\ CD ^* a maturing? Call today to find out more about a competitive alternative to other savings plans a fixed annuity from Woodmen: Competitive interest rates Earnings compound tax deferred No taxes until withdrawal ^*^ Derek K. Black Field Representative P.O. 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Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com Democratic Executive Committee Chairman and Chairwoman a Terry Gilbert and Tom Poss take a moment during the second .' PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 SUMMER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ...................... Bob Reichman Publisher .................. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollumAve. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our VOICE Hurricane gathering is a good idea A s the temperature rises and That's why the upcoming humidity returns to the Hurricane Preparedness state, just about all of us Community Gathering seems like wonder what this hurri- such a good idea. cane season will bring. The gathering is Our memories are still scheduled for. 7 p.m. quite clear of last year's Tuesday, June 14, at the pounding storms that Wildwood Community damaged our homes and Center. A story appears left most of us Without in this week's edition electricity for at least a with more information few days. It was a hurri- about the gathering. cane season that taught What's particularly us to be prepared as best nice about this event is we could. BOB that a variety of speakers It probably also taught REICHMAN will be presenting infor- us that getting through mation about preparing the storms wasn't the for the season. Their top- only problem we, had to contend ,ics var' from information about with. Once the storms were over. what to do with your pets to where there were insurance companies to go for shelter if you must evacu- to, contact, unforeseen difficulties ate your home. :and problems. There will also be a forum' During and after the storms, where audience members can ask people flocked to grocery stores specific questions about issues for food supplies. Often times specae .. a i shelves were empty, gasoline was they have scarce and trying to find a tree This is a new concept for trimming company to remove Sumter County It's the first gath- damaged and fallen trees was just ering of its type and it should about impossible, prove to be worth your time. This year's hurricane season is Last year taught us all a valu- actually very different for years able season about how important past. We're a bit more nervous and it is to be prepared. It probably a bit more concerned. We're now also taught most of us that we still all too aware of the devastation could have used more information that hurricanes can bring the about dealing with hurricanes. hardships that can come from suf- This forum should be a good fering through not one. but three opportunity to get that informa- different storms, tion and more. Another VOICE Law signed today provides new protections for homeowners Thser's60da sesion cetd This year's 60-day session, created, tougher laws for child sex offenders, across-the-board tax relief. and reforms to the state's Medicaid program and growth-management laws. Equally important were insurance measures approved by state lawmakers. With the start of what is expected to be another active hurricane season, 'Governor Jeb Bush signed into law on June 1 a measure that provides several new protections to Florida homeown- ers. ... First, the law prohibits insurance companies from "non-renewing" or can- celing policies of hurricane victims until 90 days after the completion of storm repairs. This effectively eliminates the practice of companies canceling their policyholders and leaving them at risk of being uninsurable. Another provision requires insurance companies to pay replacement costs up front without making homeowners jump through additional hoops to get the money owed to them for repairs. These two provisions were the source of much frustration among homeowners I spoke with at town hall meetings around the. state. But last year's storms also prompted a clear demand from storm victims for .simpler, easy-to-understand insurance policies. The new law now requires insurance companies to offer a checklist that insur- ers must fill out so policyholders can see what is and what is not covered, along with a simple outline of their coverage. It also requires insurers to offer a range of hurricane deductibles and to disclose the cost that could result from each choice, including impact on premi- ums and out-of-pocket expenses. The law also expedites the claims process by requiring an insurance company to noti- fy the insured of the progress of the claim within 14 days. These changes will help homeowners better navigate complicated insurance policies and put homeowners on a more equal footing with their insurer Under the new law, Floridians will also have the opportunity to purchase up to 50 percent in "law and ordinance" coverage to help rebuild their storm- damaged homes to meet new and more. stringent building codes. Other important changes in the new, Jaw include requiring a public hearing for any rate requests that exceed 15 per- cent: establishing a low-interest loan program to help homeowners retrofit their homes and reduce hurricane loss- es; and charging the Auditor General: with conducting an operational audit of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, the state's insurer of last resort. Certainly, the unprecedented storm season of 2004 may reveal more changes are necessary to help Floridians weath- er future storms. This new law is anoth-. er step in the right direction and will position Floridians to be better protect- ed and prepared for future hurricane seasons. Editor's Note: Tom Gallagher serves as Florida's Chief Financial Officer and oversees the Department of Financial Services. Tom Gallagher lbMW a q Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 0", sonI Your VOICE Thank you The City of Webster Police Department would like to offer our gratitude to the following sponsors and volun- teers: Jackie's Market, .Diane Sommers. William Sanders, Shop and Go, Curtis Barnes. Super Test Oil, Bob Woodard. The Hayseed Cafe. Sara Snider. The Speckled Butter Bean, Councilman Mike Alderman. Charlie Loveday. Councilman Jeremy McKinney. WildFire Wholesale. Officer M. Sanders, The Rocking Chair; Officer G. Thayer, Kenny Tillman, Officer A. Fernandez, The Merry Go Round Daycare, Code 3 Racing, David Navarro ,.Wholesale, Sumter PRIDE, Shanachie, Inc., Jeff and Brenda Forte, KT Enterprises. William and Melanie Cornelle. Angela's Imports, Clara Mineer Maria and Suzanne Monterao. Jackie Boone, Wendell and Leigh Gill, Fred and Ann Darnell. Congratulations! You are a great community neighbor. Our city is proud to have residents and busi- ness owners like you by our side. We appreciate your dedication to the to the community and your support. We are thankful for your generosity and contribution to the "Cops and Kids" Community Day. Your participation in this event has helped make it successful. We appreciate everything you've done! A Special thanks to Chief Dennis Johnson and Mayor Steve Croft for giving the opportunity to make this event happen! Officers A Sanders Hoffman's plan loses good workers Commissioner Dick Hoffman (representing The Villages) is at the chopping block again. For years Sumter County has been struggling to bring its county employees up to a salary compa- rable to surrounding counties. Having finally, accomplished that and maintaining a staff of dedicat-' ed men and women who make it their job to serve county residents and take care of problems throughout the county to the best of their ability: Mr. Hoffman wants- it to stop. These public servants. your county employees have families and bills too; including the 50 per- cent of employees that were just cut at the Solid Waste Facility. They are not retired, and do not have a job such as showing up on approximately 39 Tuesday nights a year that pays a whopping $37.500. Sure the commissioners have to listen to complaints, ifthey can be found or reached for com- ment. Seems to me that's a pretty good salary for showing up on Tuesday nights. Looks like Mr. Hoffman and his fellow commissioners are even up for another nice increase in their salary this year. Seems a bit unfair to me: especially when we have men and women that have been in the county system for years and still aren't making $25,000 a year. Enough Mr: Hoffman, Sumter County and its people are deserv- ing of these fine men anid women who make public service their job. whatever the job description may be. We need these folks, all of them: we don't need to lose them to other counties who are willing to step up to the plate for them and provide a competitive salary package: We need our own Suitmter County people right here in Sumter County. We don't want things&run the way they are where- you came from. If the Board of Commissioners start cutting salaries like you're suggesting, we will be losing a lot of these folks to other counties. I for one do not want to see that happen. That said, maybe The Villages does, so They can continue their take-over 'of Sumter County. Lonnie Cash Oxford Moving away from Republicans After working so hard since 1979- to get the Republican Party up and running in Sumter County,.I am now ready to resign and switch to the Libertarian party. Why? You may ask. Now that the Republicans have a majority for the first time. Simply because the RNC is now controlled by former Democrats calling themselves Republicans to get elected. I refer to folks like Mr. Martinez, Lindsay Graham etc., who call themselves "centrist" but cave in to the Democrats, when they have victory i n their grasp if they would go by what the founders of the republic wrote in the Constitution. These true Democrats say that the Constitution is a rolling docu- ment that is meant to be changed when a majority wishes to change it e What they ignore is the way the constitution spells put ways to make such changes. Changes should be made by amendments that. are ratified by the states. What we have otherwise is a democracy, and ,the founders meant for this to be a "democratic republic. A democracy amounts to mob rule, as presented by the Democrats. According t the Constitution there is no way that a minority should be allowed to hold up pres- idential appointments by use of the filibuster. Now since the Republicans have control, but lack the back- bone to use it, I will look for a j party that will play by the rules. I believe the Libertarian party will do thatL SR.EWeir Bushnell What a great job they've done Other than telling us how to live. think, marry, pray, vote, invest, educate our children, and now die, I think the Republicans have done a fine job of getting govern-. ment out of our personal lives. Richard Sutherland Bushnell ANei of RECORD - Donald E. Brown to Manny N. and Lynn M. Pesco property, Sumterville $69.500. Richard H. and Virginia M. Kenyon to Albert and Deborah Baker, property in Tracy's Point for $19.000. Theresa Montagi no, Ind. & Trs. Theresa Montagino Revocable Living Trust to Francis J. and Gertrude R. Ritger, property in Villages Unit 9 for $245,900. Robing and Caroline Lewis to Richard and Ulla Knutson, prop- erty in Villages Unit 13 A SFor $475,000. Patricia and Clifford Dunlap to Patricia and Clifford Dunlap prop- erty in S26, T18S, R22E. Patricia and Clifford Dunlap to Patricia and Clifford Dunlap prop- erty in S26, T18S, R22E. Patricia and Clifford Dunlap to Patricia and Clifford Dunlap prop- erty in S26, T18S, R22E. Patricia and Clifford Dunlap to Patricia and Clifford Dunlap prop- erty in S26, T18S, R22E. Robert Lee Dixon, Dalrene F. Dixon and Warren R. Dixon to A & J. Properties, property in Panacoochee Retreats, Inc. for $100. Robert Lee Dixori, Dalrene F Dixon and Warren R. Dixon to A & J. Properties, property in Panacoochee Retreats, Inc. for $45,000. Richard K Walsh and Michele M. Walsh to Joseph L. and Valarie D. Mack, property in Rolling Hills Unit 1. Ronald Walsh to Joseph L. and Valarie D. Mack property in Rolling Hills Unit 1. Deloriss Fort to L. Norman Adams Home Builders Inc. prop- erty in Sumterville for $45,000. Lee Frances Behnke to Lori Coon, property in Panasoffkee' Estates Amended for $100. Theodore Neuburg to Lori Coon, property in Panasoffkee Estates Amended for $100. Theodore Neuburg to Lori Coon, property in Panasoffkee Estates Amended for $100. Villages of Lake Sumter Inc. to Edward A. Schmitt and Esther R. Schmitt, Trs. Edward A. Schmitt Declaration of Trust and Esther R. Scmitt Declaration of Trust prop- erty in the Villages Unit 80 $329,200;. to James E. and Carole N. Morris, property in Villages in Unit 95 for $331,900; to Everett 0. and Linda A. Haeuser and Lillian D. Lutsey property in Villages Unit 81 for $341,100; to Frances R. and Donna N. Herlihey, property in Villages Unit 79 for $277,700; to Peter H. and Rose M. Smith prop- erty in Villages Unit 93 for $169,400; to Donald G. and Kathleen Maehlenbrock, property in Villages Unit 89 for $157,500; to Richard S. and Harriet Bender, property in Villages Unite 70 for $225,000. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 5 VETERAN GROUPS PROVIDE SUPPORT 162 teenagers receive sports physical Members of the VFW Post 10137 and Auxiliary, American Legion Post 101 and Auxiliary, American Legion Post 101 Sons of the American Legion, Amets 793, American Legion Post 10 40&8 and Lake Panasoffkee VFW Post 10084 and Auxiliary joined together to donate an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to South Sumter High School. Representatives from the organizations are shown here on the day the defibrillator was donated. The device is portable and analyzes the heart's rhythm. If needed, rescuers can use the device to deliver an electric shock to a victim of sudden cardiac arrest, which may put the heart back in normal rhythm. Veteran organization representatives watched as an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) was demonstrated. The defibrillator can be used in case of emergency and may make a difference in getting a person the emergency medical assistance they need. The AED is portable and ana- lyzes the heart's rhythm and, if needed, delivers an electric shock to a victim of sudden cardiac arrest. The idea is to halt the rapid or chaotic heart activity in a case of cardiac arrest and help the heart get back to a normal rhythm. The AED is similar in size to a laptop computer. Tracy W. Johns named warden Tracy Johns was selected as the warden at the Federal Correctional Complex (FCC), Coleman. He reported to. the FCC Coleman effective May 1. Warden Johns began his career in 1984 as a correction- al officer at the United States Penitentiary, Marion. 11l. He has held positions of increasing responsibility at USP Marion; USP Leavenworth, Kansas; FCI Tucson, Arizona; FPC Eglin, Florida; FCI Jesup, Georgia; and the North Central Regional Office, Kafisas City, ,Kansas, before being named as associate warden at USP Lewisbuirg, Penn. Johns has also served as the Correctional Services admin- istrator in, the Bureau of Prisons' Central Office in Washington, D.C. Prior to his assignment to Coleman, he served as warden at FCI Loretto. Johns is a native of Illinois. He and his wife, Jan, have two teenage sons, Matthew and Casey On Saturday, May 21, 162 South Sumter Middle and High School students lined up for their sports physical. The teenagers had the opportunity to receive free physical in advance of the upcoming school sports year. South Sumter High School Coach Sherman stated that this opportunity has been available to parents and students at least as far back at 1984, when he began coaching. However, in past years, stu- RETIRES continued from Page-3 The job remained a learn- ing experience. "Because the laws change. Things you've been doing for a long time can change overnight." The job has also kept her on top of things in her home county that's something else she's going to miss. "When you're here, you do know (what's really going on) and I think that's one of the things that average person on the street doesn't know," - unless they attend the Commission meetings, she said, adding that she wished more people would attend regularly. "Unless it affects them, they don't bother to come to meet- ings or become involved and that's too bad that's really too bad." Some of the issues that have drawn crowds over the years have included the effort of two men who worked to open a gay-oriented bed and break- fast in Wahoo, the debate over dents have always had to be bused to Lake County for a joint Lake-Sumter venture. This is the first year that South Sumter has attempted to "stand on its own" and Coach Sherman thinks it was a great success. The event was organized by a dual effort between Sherman, athletic director at South Sumter High School and John Kinley, athletic director at South Sumter Middle School. They also had assistance from bringing a landfill to Center Hill and the creation of the state's Comprehensive Plan for Sumter County, which she said included long meetings and workshops. And while those issues drew crowds, there were some important issues that didn't, including redistricting. People "evidently didn't realize that it was an impor- tant issue," she said. "One Sumter was the same way." She's seen tremendous change during her nearly three decades on staff, but said, "It's still great place to live. ' "The people are wonderful and there are still old timers around, like my family." As for the strengths she's had in her job, she said she's "Just a plain ole' country girl doing the best that I can with what I have." Dew, Howell and other county directors Tommy Hurst, Jim Sparks and Robbie Rogers, chipped in to give her an unexpected retirement gift - a string of black pearls. They presented them dur- ing her bon voyage party at the courthouse last week. Athletic Trainer Kim Cross. The exams were done not only to give parents a financial break and an early start on the coming school year, but also to help accommodate parents who would otherwise have to take time off from their normal workweek. The physical were done in the South Sumter High School gym. Stations were set up for visual exams, height and weight, plod pressure and pulse. "I didn't expect any gift. I knew about the party and that we were going to have food, but I wasn't expecting any gift," she said, adding that Dew had taken her and sever- al co-workers out for a retire- ment dinner already .She'll miss the interaction with people. "Especially the people I work with," she said, adding that they're wonderful. "When you work that long with people it's like family." That means you know their ups and downs and what they're going through. She'll also miss all the "old- timers," she said. And while she'll miss her co-workers her second fami- ly, she'll spend time with her first -her grandkids. One is her daughter Terry's son Rudy and the other, her daughter Kim's daughter Tymber. She plans to "do what I feel like doing. No clocks, no schedules." She said for once in 28 years she's going to do nothing. "Which will be a complete change not having to get up and keep to a timetable." Your business running shorthanded? With programs from WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, we'll help you locate, interview and keep qualified professionals through continued training and development All at no cost to you. So what do you have to lose? Call 800.757.4598 or visit WorkforceCentralFlorida.com today. W I f iill ,F i .,I l .1 ui,.ii, .i, I ..ll ,I l I. I 1 II I,, I. .....i A i. i i.. ,1 ,i ii, '1 lu I,,,ll III ,| i ll ir , WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA TimberRidge: Full-service emergency care. Munroe Regional excellence. When time matters most, TimberRidge is there-with the same high-quality emergencycare you receive at Munroe Regional. This fuill-service, free-standing, emergency center is staffed by a team of board-certified emergency medical specialists, available every day, around the clock. And because of our convenient location, there is almost no wait time for treatment. To learn more about TimberRidge emergency care, plus our lab, radiology, pre-admission testing and imaging center services, visit us at www.MunroeRegional.com or call (352) 351-7500. Across from Wal-Mart on Hwy. 200, near the intersection of Hwy. 484 VETERINARY TRAUMA CENTER GROVELAND Across From Hardee's DAY OR NIGHT I ORTHOPEDICS CANCER THERAPY sS GENERAL SURGERY ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS CARDIAC CARE INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICAL REHAB 2ND OPINIONS URGENT CARE . 352.429.7707 I PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Margaret Mae Frost, 76 Margaret Mae Frost, 76, of Bushnell, died Thursday, June 2, 2005, in Wildwood. A native of Allendale, Mich., she moved here 11 years ago from Plainwell, Mich. Mrs. Frost was a department manager in the retail clothing industry. She was Christian Reform. Survivors include her hus- band, Jack N. Frost of Bushnell; son, Charles Frost of Omaha, Neb.; daughters, Deborah Grinage of Plainwell, Mich., Karen Nykamp of Umatilla, Fla., Pamela Winn of Bushnell, Janet Rutherford of Plainwell, Mich., Jeanine Frost of Plainwell, Mich., Christine Taft of Phoenix, Ariz.; broth- ers, Lawrence Oetman of Wayland, Mich., and David Oetman of Cutlerville, Mich.; sisters, Avis Jones of Ashland, Mass., Florence Meidma of Wayland, Mich.; 23 grandchil- dren and 10 great-grandchil- dren. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Judy E. Stetkar, 58, cashier Judy Elaine Stetkar, 58, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Thursday, June 2, 2005, in Leesburg. She was a native of Port Clinton, Ohio. Mrs. Stetkar was a cashier in the grocery industry and a member of the Moose and Eagles. Survivors Thomas E. Langley Medical Center wishes to advise the com- munity that they have pur- chased the medical records from the former Lake Panasoffkee practice of David GloriusMD. Patients who wish to obtain a Copy of their medical records ,may do so by calling the Medical lRecords Department of the 'Center at (352) 569-2949. Patients who may have been a patient of Patricia Cheston, PA- C may schedule an appointment with her at the Langley Center by calling (352) 793-5900. In addi- IRCELL include her husband, Gary; sons, Roy Colver of Oak Harbor, Ohio, and Michael Colver of Port Clinton, Ohio; brother, Roger Eberly of Ranville, Ohio, sister, Tanya Kozlok of Port Clinton, Ohio; and eight grandchildren. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrange- ments. Rita E. Westphal, 87, RN Rita E. Westphal, 87, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Friday, June 3, 2005, in The Villages. She was born in Central Islip, N.Y. Mrs. Westphal was a registered nurse and of the Catholic faith. Survivors include her hus- band, Charles B.; son, Charles Westphal of Lake Panasoffkee; sister, Dorothy Dwyer of St. Petersburg; and a brother, Arthur Simms of New York Interment at St. John of God Cemetery, Central Islip, N.Y. Purcell Funeral Home, 'Bishnell, handled the arrangements. Helen Strickland, 84, homemaker Helen Strickland, 84, of Wildwood, died Monday, May 23, 2005. She was born in Ocala and moved to Wildwood in 1941 from East.Lake Weir. Mrs. Strickland was a homemaker and a mem- ber of the Ocklawaha Methodist Church. She was also a member of the Kate Barlow Circle at Wildwood Methodist Church, tion to Ms. Cheston, Thomas E. Langley Medical Center has ten other medical providers who are accepting new patients and returning ol1d friends. The physicians of the Center are Board Certified in a variety of areas including Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Geriatrics. The Center provides a multi- tude of quality health care serv-, ices, including laboratory, phar- macy,. radiology, behavioral health and dental and a sliding fee is available for those who qualify. SPF,I~g4i t. c ,ree 1960 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell k Owner John D. Purcell Founder Order of the Eastern Star of Wildwood Chapter #24, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Florida Division, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, and Sumter County Historical Society. Survivors include her husband of 64 years, Frank Jr.; sons, Frank Cellon Strickland, III (Brenda) of Ocala,, David J. Strickland (Kyong) of Soul, Lorea, Tim J. Strickland (Barbara) of Springfield, Ga., Mark Douglas Strickland of Mt. Dora; sister, Mary Bea Blair of Ocala; sister-in-laws, Mina Sue Strickland-Merrick of, Clarksville, Ga., Garnet Knoblock of Longwood; brother- in-law, Joe R: Strickland of Wildwood; five grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held May 27 at Wildwood Methodist Church with Rev. Harry Holloman offici- ating. Memorial donations may be made to the Wildwood United Methodist Church, 300 Mason Street, Wildwood, FL 34785.' Burial followed at Barnes Cemetery, Ocala. Banks/Page- w 0. 0 I LU 0 I i- IJ Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, handled the arrange- ments. Marilyn Webb, 72, designer Marilyn Webb, 76, of Ocala, died June 1, 2005, in Ocala. A native of Leesburg, she had been a resident of Ocala for 1-1/2 years, formerly of Bushnell. Mrs. Webb was a designer in the home interior field. She was Methodist. Survivors include her husband, Wallace; sons, Marc Randall Hermann of Dunedin, Fla., Jeffrey Alexander Hermann of Tampa; daughters, Traci Lorraine Parks of Tampa, Heather Bocci of Kingsland, Texas; stepson, Kevin Eugene Webb of Lady Lake; stepdaughters, Vicki Lynn Wynns and Wendi Jill Robison, both of Bushnell; brother, Wayne Smith ofWinterville, Ga.; sisters, Pat Rawls of Tallahassee, Jeanine Brown of Winterville, Ga.; numerous grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Services were held June 4 at the Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell, with Rev. Larry Armbrust officiating. Interment at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. James M. Warren, 56, welder James Michael Warren, 56, of Jacksonville, died Thursday, May 26, 2005, in St Petersburg. He was born in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Warren was a welder for airline equipment manufac- turing. He was an Army veteran serving during the Vietnam era. He was a member of Garden. City Methodist Church, Jacksonville. Survivors include a sister, Debra W Powell of Florence, S.C.; several uncles, aunts and cousins. Services were held June 3 at the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, with military honors rendered by the Marine Corps League #708., Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrange- ments. S OBITUARIES Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice 0 BUSHNELL / First Church of God " Affiliation: Anderson, IN 793-3455 105E. CentralAve.P.O. Box 1128, Bushnell, FL33513 Sunday hrnnl9In aim Mnrnin Wnrhipi fl45 am E, rri -. itjrF, Fill F' iC. i l l '. _': r E "rlfiF iU "F i 1.i i p i , S R.jrida.ll PtIdr, Pm.,h F : 'P-.:,4 2 ( All Are I\Vclcome At A BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sur.ny,, r : fi : r1 M 1. F 1:1 M r.. 6 :101 P1U Sundjsa.,' Scroc.l 9 30 A LI I Wed. C opile -r, ligr.i 7 I(,' PMl 1.151 WesI C.R. 476. Bushnell 793-2240 ,/ (St. Francis Episcopal Church- 31? N G[:,, r ree. -t i.-F i .'-: , F0 B.. .' '? ? - Wicdin'sdaV Bibl Sit'ud\ ni HokI Eulldans rill n, unda Surlj da. Sh,o'iol 11.1a mF _ Arr, mst ThLu'sjavisajt $pm , (THE BLISHNELL PRESBNTERIAN\ CHURCH LISA ."2:' N r CRiADF C,,rricr .,t iV [IJ.I1 5: N hr.,i.i, ChurchShoo'l 'I?1 ar_, PubLc Wor-hip. i- 3.0 1.1 rION'TIA'i A Croup rl Mtir, 1111 iF1, Ki\TDNT-SD..'i B1tlc1tud 1" -111i) 352-793-4202 First Boptist Church of Bushnell 125 W Anderson Ave 793-4612 S"Shoiag ,F Good Ala-, Of Liae sio.gn Floin n Cof', :'Jr,,.f O -,le ':.1u'3, '' I r ':jr,.j,3 W :.r,r.ip. IN 3130 wxe r.ri...3 ?i1- rru. <:: 1. K 2 First United Methodist Church ' ... c -. --,.- Faith, Hope & Lose Sunday S'&h. .l :h n a.m. Worship 10-15,1 im. Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. Cu ''?b S.L t'iut v V"31.1[ -pm 'D.Isv Tr..,p, Thai t. .31.1 p aj Ai-Awrr,.ri Fn i. ipnI S H A RE 4th Sat. l, n an 793-3221 Ki21 W.Noble Ae Rt, L ArrvArmfual Pa i.r ELLH.,HLL CHi r&ii ..i., 310 W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunda.i Bibl, Study 10 a nm Sunday \\orshipp Senice Il a m Earning VW-rsr'tp b p m. SW\cn.'iday Bibl. Study 7 p m 2 lndiain 'i Bapwt WChurchl K uLr '3 -bian-u.'u ,Sunday Sch'.i ...9 a M:rnrig Woriirp ..... ......1I00 am Evening Wor-rFip....... 700 prrm Wedrnesdav Prayor Service .. 7"00 rr r Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, ushnell Sunday School....... ..........9:45 A.M Worship .. .. ....... .... 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship. ..6:00 =.M. Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 P.M. S793-5083 PaWr Ali Kmei I I LADYLAKE Hope Lutheran Church ' 250 Avenida Los Angelos (corner of C.R. 466 & Morse Blvd.) The Villages Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM. 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM F. r r w Ir ,,:i ul,'u r3,', ir.lr ,,al F:.. ',J LAKE PANASOFFKEE| LAKE PANASOFFKEE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH E triA.IsvJi- lecl- cglg= M: i 589 CR 470. I mile W of 1-75 '-u lj | :r,,:,,:., G ,ii r, ,'r,,) ] f ` 4. 11) 1 .1 ur,,1jy "j.,),-,lI.:.l II \\ A, AM rFirst Baptist Church" of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday SEr i.ces 6 30 .& 10 a.m Sunday Sc:ricl .94-5 a.m. Sunday Evrirg ... 6 00 p rn Wedr. 1..liry ,i,.r, Frax .'.r l h, Fr rr, -- aths of Grace Mihnis, tieist, S,: F ,,, .. ... ,.. LEESRURG GLORIA DEl LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. .. .:H .:: ., 1! | .. ,. S130S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 LLUTHERAN CHURCH WELSI Pasto r N. Church ISunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. ISUMIERVILLE ChrUnited Methodist Church OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER SST. MRBLOCK EVANGELISTALOFHWY 301 Pastor N. KukiTo I ..i'.nn.h in... r, fn r.. h,1 .C I., : : .,", "r,1 -,' ,J (Dicover the Dfferencel)thodist Churcha S OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER e1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 Ib ,esyOu tO ) nJSundae:AP.1prv(90m P-a ,1 .h', 0Tom rlli Wednesday Evenir g I,.. :,u.,Fn n 'n r F .I, ll- Fr.'" WEBS1ER Webster United " Methodist Church Invites You To Attend worship Service 11:00 a.m. church School 9'45 a m 3 E 3r,3 S. W :i, l-r. FL. 3397 . r 3 ,. ,j3e -cl/ First Baptist Church of Webster 114 mile ea0 of 47.1 on SE ist Ave _:u.-.la, .:r,:,:,, 9 r.1 ..'.%',:,1",: :,' Frirr i.i.=,,r,, 1:,1:, pr.1l WILDWOOD I -: ...., 748- 1822,..'. 5, Sunday% Scllbt.,u:..,;..-;2. :. .F .NT w \.,rship ..-. .,.:t.:. ..l;0:30A.M& i6:00PM S edn edu PraTy*tticM edng...............6:15 PM imSunJai E InengS4rk'is.-..._5U0PM (Wildwood United Methodist'\ 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11.00 am Nursery Provided k,,,, 748-1275 ,) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN - CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Barv'. i Si. \\Idwo.:.d. FL 347S5 K (352) 748-2530 2 0 SlUNSET PA.P RK CHURCH OF GODW 2io; Pine SiTeel 748-1318 ,i 'l In\ ,' n hIIi 'Vl,, NMo...q.w i%,,j. ii,. ,, ,.F 1 i, l.Shll .. 1 FIF.1 S ELCOi. lrE ALL!!!!!! . k \VELCOMEALL!!!!!! j < .^: .: ,..., a2793-6015) I ADVENTIST CHURCH Co-er of Sermin:-,l e &. Finda. A. S w\orstip Hours 9 30, A . Sabbath School 10 -5 %M Sat '-, v Wed Prawer Meeimng 7:30 W' ., l.41/ Welcome . O FE A C E H OPE LE I I ! Connunity notice 1 793-4531 "How do I decide which funeral home to call when the time comes?" Aside from the requirement that all funeral homes be licensed by the state, some basic questions you might ask when selecting a funeral home include: Are they flexible enough to handle your specific needs? Are decisions made locally or from an out-of-town corporate office? Are they, full service? Do they sub-contract services such as cremation or do they provide these options on-site? Everyone has different priorities and questions about funeral pre-planning. We invite your questions and we will respect your priorities. Please call us for a no cost, no obligation, no pressure appointment to get the facts on how you can benefit from funeral pre-planning. , Plan today for peace of mind tomorrow! FUNERAL HOME Beyers and CREMATORY Serving Central Florida since 1920 Licensed Funeral Directors Locally Owned and Operated 1123 West Main Street Leesburg, Florida Sumter County Tollfree: 1-800-501-4343 PAGE 6, SUMTER'COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Weatherization program set Mid Florida Community Services, Inc., has received state funds to operate a Weatherization Program. This program provides repairs and measures designed to assist low-income home ownership by reducing home energy costs and making minor repairs to eliminate air filtration in the home. The Weatherization Program service areas are Hernando, Sumter, Citrus, Pasco and Volusia Counties. This service is free to low income qualifying families. Qualified licensed contrac- tors are needed to participate in the program to perform the energy related retrofit meas- ures required. The requirements needed for the contractors are copies of a license, certificate of liability insurance, and their Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Interested contrac- tors can .call 1-352-796-1425. extension 20. I -N I I \ I I 0 I I 0 m '3: m 4< SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 7 The Sumter Special Olympics Delegation represented by 27 athletes and 10 volunteer coaches and chaperones paused for a group photo before the start of the Opening Ceremonies for the 2005 Special Olympics Florida State Summer Games at USF in Tampa. The Opening Ceremonies included the presentation of the Special Olympics flame by law enforcement officers from around the state. After a month-long journey throughout the state, covering over 1,600 miles, the 2005 Florida Law Enforcement Torch Run for SOFL culminated in Tampa at the University of South Florida on April 29 at the Opening Ceremony of the 2005 State Summer Games. The "Flame of Hope" was ushered in by the "Final Leg Team" law enforcement representatives from agencies throughout the state chosen to be the final Guardians of the Flame. Preceded by an impressive processional of patrol cars, motorcycles and bicycles, with lights and sirens, the Final Leg team ran the Flame of Hope into the packed stadium of over 3,500 spectators. Amid thundering applause from the crowd, Florida Highway Patrol Director, Colonel Christopher Knight, Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee and Tampa Police Department Chief Steve Hogue lead a pack of runners around the track. The torch was then passed to the final bearers, Special Olympics athlete William O'Connor of Polk County and then finally, to Jessica Waller of Hillsborough County, who had the honor of lighting the cauldron, signifying the. games officially open. Statewide LETR Director, Major Gene Stokes of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office remarked that it was one of the most impressive Torch Run Final Leg entrances in recent memory. Special thanks to all of the law enforcement representatives who traveled to Tampa to take part in the Final Leg! Summer ighthaks win gold medals at Special Olympics State Games The Sumter Lightning Volleyball Team coached by Larry Good (far right) won bronze medals at the 2005 Special Olympics Florida State Summer Games held at USF in Tampa. Team Members (left to right): Rondia Mitchell. Robert Lucas. Bo Frazier, Danny Farmer. Willie Williams, Theresa Sesler, Todd Emholtz, Julie Wood. Jessie Williams, Mary Morris and Russell Douglas. Special Olympics Sumter athletes display medals won at the 2005 Special Olympics Florida State Summer Games held recently at USF in Tampa. Gerquon Thomas (left with a gold and silver medal) and Raymond Jackson (right with two gold medals) competed in the 100 Meter Dash and Running Long Jump. Candis Mack (second from left) won double gold medals with her performance in the 50-meter and 100-meter walking events. Grant Grogan (center front) won a gold medal for his performance in the 25-meter Wheelchair Obstacle Course and a silver medal in the 50 meter Wheelchair Slalom. David Morehouse (center back) and Jerry VanLoozen (second from right) volunteered as chaperones for the event. The Sumter Knighthawks volleyball team brought home a gold medal from the 2005 Special Olympics State Games held recently at USF. Tampa. The Knighthawks defeated the Palm Beach Dream Team to win the championship. Left to right: Volleyball Official Jack Maurice, Coach Deborah Lord. Kenneth Bostic. William Henry. Willie Mills. Candace Lord, Torey Henderson, Mary Ann Gonzalez, Robert Hunter, Antwan Johnson, Jimmie Edwards and Team Mom Jackie Bostic. Special Olympics Sumter Bocce Players Teresa Maddox (center) and Jessica Kirby (right) display gold medals won for Bocce singles and doubles at the 2005 Special Olympics Florida State Summer Games held recently at USF in Tampa. Sheryl Maddox (left) volunteered her time as coach and chaperone. PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Churh CALENDAR Benefit Program There will be a benefit pro- gram for 19-year-old Ismil McCook who was severely injured. He is paralyzed from the neck down and he will require constant medical attention for the rest of his life. Please come out and sup- port this program at the Christian Love Center on Friday, June 10, at 7:30 p.m. Contact Sis Audrey Gavin at 793-8816 if you have any questions. If you can't attend, please send a donation. Study and Worship Times to change First United., Methodist Church announces-a change in their study and worship times for the months of June through August of 2005. Beginning June 5, the Sunday school will begin at 9 a.m. Morning worship will follow at 10 a.m. The Cub Scouts will contin- ue to meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. and the Wednesday evening Disciples' Dialogue will maintain its 6:30 p.m. program. If you have questions or need directions, please call the church office Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. until noon at 352-793-3221. 113th Homecoming at Indian Hill Baptist A 113th Homecoming for Indian Hill Baptist Church will be: held June 12. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m. Irvin Mizell,. pastor, and Dr. Charles Hayes will be guest speakers. Please come and enjoy a great day of fellowship. Bring a covered dish and join us for dinner on the grounds, and stay to enjoy the New Glory Bound Singers in the afternoon. No evening service. Quartet To perform The Florida Diplomat Quartet will perform on Sunday, June 12, at 6 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Linden. Vacation Bible School Wildwood United Methodist Church will have a Vacation Bible School from June 13 through 17, for children kindergarten through fifth grade. The theme this year is Smokey Mountain Jamboree. Call the church at 748-1275 for more information Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group' will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Two-year celebration in Jubilee! The Helping Hands Prayer Ministry invites you to come and help us rejoice and cele- brate two years as a Ministry in Christ Jesus. On June 10, at 7 p.m., we will be having the 'Jubilee and Praise" Night Our guest speaker is Min. Amoud Jenkins from Refuge Church, Webster. And then on June 11, at 1 p.m., we will be having the Seven Levels of Praise- Conference with three anointed speakers: Evangelist Ray Wiley, Bushnell Assembly of God; Elder James Hall, pastor of Refuge Church of Our Lord, Webster; and Elder Michael Glover, pastor of the House of Prayer, Wildwood. For more information, con- tact Missionary Hazel Lyons at 793-3183, Missionary Rose Haywood at 352-303-6744, or Bushnell Assembly of God's Church office at 793-2240. Family Caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438.. Alzheimer Care On the fourth Wednesday' each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be, hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793-3438. Newspaper Recycling Bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use pro- ceeds from recycled newspa- pers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is .for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further infor- mation please call 352-793- 7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to take place weekly. Groceries will be distrib- uted every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon and available on a first come first served basis., One visit per family each month. . Any questions please call the church office at 352-793- 1600 and ask for Ron. Mr. And Mrs. Daniel Story and Reverend and Mrs. Edwin Button announce the engage- ment and upcoming marriage of their children, Amy Story of Webster and Jason Button of Bushnell. They will be married on the 25th of June at the SFirst Baptist Church of Bushnell at 2:30 p.m., Nobleton. A reception will fol- low at the Leesburg Opera House. Please RSVP by call- ing 568-0516. The Salvation Annrmy seeks help for hurricane season "We are heading into this year's hurricane season and we want to 'be prepared for meal service to those who may serve in the Sumter County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as well as workers and others who are impacted by the storms," said Bill Stewart, administrator for The Salvation Army Sumter County Service Center. "We are hopeful that churches and other groups, who have facili- ties and would be available to prepare meals, will let us know of their interest. Last year there were several churches that stepped for-\ ward and we hope that they and others will be available, should the need arise again," he added. Last year 20 to 40 meals were provided, three times a day, to workers at the Sumter County Emergency Operations Center as well as some of the fire stations' and to people at a community shelter. Meals that are not provided by others are pre- pared by The Salvation Army at the EOC. Preparation space and equipment is limited and assistance by others is appre- ciated. "We were very blessed by those that assisted with meals during the storms in 2004 and we are hopeful that they and others will be available again this year. Of course we hope that this year's weather will be milder and that all our preparations will not need to be called into action," said Stewart ; During emergencies and disasters The Salvation Army provides food service and other support services to the EOC. Meals and other sup- plies are also provided in the 'field via the mobile canteens. For more information -regarding disaster services and the local efforts of The Salvation Army, please call Bill Stewart at 352-568-2284. PThe Salvation Army is a Participating Agency with United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties, and the Humtan Care Network. Martin and Gill to wed on June 11 The marriage of Maranda Martin, daughter of Kenny and Lisa Kripinski and the late Robby Martin and Wesley Gill, son of Elizabeth and the late Mark Gill, will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2005 at 7 p.m., at the Croom-a-Coochee Baptist Church, 10926 S. Highway'301. Everyone is invited. Reception immediately following. " PROAMNE SPECIAL COl' RESIDENiMAL TANK SETs - 0 i60 GALLON $ 00 SSET & FILL 7 Prics good 100GALLON $AA00 thru 7/6/05 SET & FILL 9 - PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated CALL 352-793-1982 1TODAY FAX 352-793-1918 800-363-4851,7 www.carshelpingpeople.org , Voluntee ",: of America. - There are no limits to co.ring.4 . --- ----------------------------------- - WE'LL PAY FOR YOUR |E5 BSUMTER COUNTY Pl as PET LICENSE Spay or Neuter your pet! r me ,uEwrements Surgery Day: Tuesday & Friday 8:30-5 PM (By Appoi ent) Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM--3:00 P CARES CENTER`- f Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic * 735 E. C 470, Lk. Panasoffkee (352) 568-9994 Another fun-packed Vacation Bible School is in store for| your kids!'This construction project is following God's i blueprint for our lives. Through hands-on activities kids will be challenged to be HUMBLE, OBEDIENT, FAITHFUL, CARING, and FORGIVING.' 1 First Baptist Church Lake Panasoffkee 802 CR 470, Lake Panasoffkee June 13-17 6:30-9:00PM P IL 'FOR KIDS AGE 3 THROUGH GRADE 6 1 FOR MORE INFO, CALL Leslie 793-5510 1 ~lviviee =1 A :IYMk'I :1 :M k'bk WALCI LILAVY&* :.XeA G . 'rMASSEY FERG Tractors Loaders Backhoc $149995+ax 1 Bar Tires, 5' rotary Cutter, 6' Steering, Ind PTO, Front End Load Box Scraper, rear 3pt Crane. Back Hoe with 12" Bucket, 48" Box SJohn Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Phone: (352)796-5171 Sat 8am-12pm = Fax: (352) 796-6683 " i *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for 'low A.P.R. I USON es Equipment 6,500+ 310 23HP, 4WD r. Hydrostatic mission, Power der with 48" Bucket; Scraper. $18,545.tax MF-1533: 33HP, 4WD Tractor, 8-x8 Syncro Shuttle trans, PS, Ind. PTO, R4 Bar Tires, Loader with 60" Bucket, 5' Rotary Cutter, 6'Scraper Blade. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE * F in a n ce ra tes ( e a c ', 'o ao Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9%' Effective Date Until 6/30/05 a'L'Iei'd ~i :A'i'I~ :1 :L~b ~'Eeh'~U ~ I~'iY* i:7A~ IS] :I~ b a. A- ft TRAo* IF YOU ARE ON THE M-O-V-E SAUM TER COUNTY TRANSIT CAN GET YOU THERE! FOR INFORM TION OR RESER VA TIONS CALL 568 MOVE (568-6683) BU FLAG DAY Flag Day was established to celebrate the adoption of the stars . and stripes. It is believed to have started in 1885. I COSlrN A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I U ff ice Hours & Thrift Shop Tues-Sat V-T,4011 : : I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 9 SPECIAL HONORS FROM SCHOOL DISTRICT Schools award Sumter Realty for Outstanding Service to Schools Richard Shirley, Superintendent of Sumter County Schools presented the "District Outstanding Service to Schools Award" to Sumter Really Sumter Realty has two offices, one in Bushnell, oper- ated by Billy Merritt and his son Evan Merritt, and one in Lake Panasoffkee, operated by Billy's other son, Joel Merritt Evan Merritt serves on the steering committee for the Sumter Schools Enhancement Foundation. Historically, the foundation has been unable to award scholarships to many of the qualified students due to the lack of funding. Realizing this, Sumter Realty graciously donated $5,000 to the founda- tion. Sumter Realty was started in 1959 and the office is a land- mark in the city of Bushnell. The business primarily serves Sumter County but expands its' listing outside the county in special cases. The Merritt fam- ily are lifelong residents of Sumter County are icons of the community. Joel, Evan, and their sister Connie attended school in Sumter County and all graduated from South Sumter High School in the 1970's. Billy is married to a for- mer teacher, Dot Merritt, who worked at Bushnell Elementary for many years. Evan' is married to Tonya Merritt, a 1st grade teacher at Lake Panasoffkee Elementary. Joel is married to Gina Merritt, a Reading Coach at South Sumter Middle School. Pictured are Andy Clouse, owner of Webster Travel Park and Richard Shirley, superintendent of Sumnter County Schools. Webster Mobile Home and Travel Park Receives Outstanding Service to Schools Award Pictured from left to right: Evan Merritt, Richard Shirley, Billy Merritt, and Joel Merritt. Richard Shirley, superin- tendent of Sumter County Schools, presented the "Outstanding Service to Schools Award" to Andy Clouse on behalf of the Webster Mobile Home and Travel Park. The Park is a proud sponsor of the Webster Elementary School Pre-Kindergarten Program. The residents and park owner, Andy Clouse have hosted Christmas Parties and "eggs'travagant" Easter egg hunts for the children for the past several years. Their gen- erous events have become tra- emergency services and sup- dition at Webster Elementary. plies for local families in They have also provided need. Solving your financial healthcare puzzle The Services to Solutions Forum, Solving Your Financial Healthcare Puzzle. will be held Saturday, July 30, from 1 to 5. p.m. at the National Training Center adjacent to South Lake Hospital in Clermont. Registration starts at 12:30 p.m. ' A panel of experts will address a variety of topics concerning. available resources that inany need now or c-b6id need in the fore- seeable future. Also included in the activities for the after- noon will be a fun icebreaker exercise, door prizes and refreshments provided by Therapeutic Specialty Services. .Although the fQrum is free, reservations are required since seating is limited. Please call South Lake Hospital at 352-241-7109 to reserve today. Family caregivers, baby boomers., and seniors will find this forum extremely helpful. but everyone is invited. An innovative format allows each specialist to give a general overview to the entire audi- ence. Following the opening presentations, each attendee will be afforded the oppoitu-, nity to address any one or all specialists, time permitting, to ask more personal questions in a smaller group setting. Among the topics that will be covered are elder law,. Medicare. Medicaid and who qualifies, insurance issues, VA benefits, long-term finan- cial planning, legal guardian- ships, hospice, the state's nursing home diversion pro- gram, and other community- based programs, The Services to Solutions SForum, Solving bYour Financial Healthcare Puzzle. is in response to community requests for pertinent infor- mation about services and financial support programs that are available to an aging population. In Lake County alone, there are 81.000 people aged 60 or older, approximate- ly 8,600 cases of probable Alzheimer's disease, nearly 11,000 people aged 65 or older with two or more disabilities. and almost 20,000 caregivers aged 60 or older. These num- bers are impressive -, and LSCC term starts Math, history, science, liter- ature. music and computers are just some of the subjects covered during Lake-Sumter Community College's Summer B Term which starts June 27. In just seven weeks (through Aug. 15), students can pick up that required course, earn some extra cred- its or get an early start their college career. Register online now at www.lscc.edu. For more information call 568-0001. each :number represents a person doing the best he/she can to manage the situation, often doing it alone and with- out financial assistance. The forum is a collaborative effort sponsored by South Lake Hospital. South Lake Home Health, Family* Caregiver Support Program; Superior Residences, Hospice of Lake and Sumter, and Visiting Angels. Lube, Oil & Filter Every 3,750 Miles! Cearige cI ul up 1o5 ,qudan ofo'l& c lier Lubri.:aie chais. Crhe.' bell rr,.os.es. urre r a.lvr aria 1u, l 9I 5 level Iripe ,V,.5.rl .ai eiear r I i DrA.k - I : LASER 1 'a a* *so *a Leigh McBride, DVM * SURGERY BOARDING '** HEALTH CARE *PET SUPPLIES ,6 (3542)474845454 Cooling System Service INCLUDES: Piessure lecl :iOhln, g ysle *r,nia :ap. Inipeel orI'e elil.~s. ruise Ireeze plugs E3va:uale vllm nrd refill with 50/50 mix of Coolant and wdr $49.95 * em s. I w , Extended Expiration til 716/05' GOOdWrnCh extended Expiration til 76105 1 GOOdAiCth I .- '. i1 :.u[:' Ir :1, :' ri.:.i i r. :i a. .. .... -! ,I-.,i ,, r. l,,3,, i, l j .1 Al.. I,', ,. ..| l L, r a. ,: IIl. I ll 1 I I 4 ,ii l T r i i l l i,. Balance Wheels Automatic & Inspect Brakes Transmission Service INCLUDES: I Every 30,000 Miles! Free re rotation; Coputer balance 4 Reovepan and drainfluid; I wheels; Inspect front adrear brakes I &r ie eu. pn ,asI 7 95 2 1 9 "3 re^1^ d .rerdaion iuuid Che:k Uina e 7 . I n,1 .n'rr uri, rCh 1.:e Teir 1 Tes 1 on-roadtperformiance. 7605 m I Extended Expiration til 7/6i05 0 GOOd~lWrtnh Extended Expiration tl7/65 .OOd ih .', r,l,.,:Tr, :i, 1,,i,, 1 :a...u.-.,-ir,,. .rnl,:l,: : lui. I ,;iGM. i,: '-,,,T,. I lr,,):,,.:.,l ,: FIu:r _ : .rmauISiHI:... .....Ii_ -. a-:I.Fuel,_ S seumI I Service,..V." Service Wild Card Fuel System Service ir o (every 30,000 miles) Discount on Parts 0 8 9 & Labor on a /0 I INCLUDES: Cleintake Repair over $300. Power flush fuel injectors; Clean take e r tY4,l Cleir, ,:crrullr 0"arr, ber& , I "ndtd jnj ilcw, iltr d hd ,, Extended Expiration til 7/6/05 .GOod rench I Extended Expiration til 7/6/05 f GoodVwrench i'i .1 'i.lrl .*.,up[ i' I .- *.I 1 ,I '6 :r"1. l',l', ul ].:.1 l r le, .111 1 i 1, ,, ,,,,. .... ,. ''a l 0, :, .i, 1,' ,_ . Late Online Registration...June 22-26 New students need to apply in person at least 48 hrs. prior to registering. LSCC...A 4reat Edcwation Close To Home Sumter 568-0001 Leesburg 323-3665 South Lake 243-5722 FRERVE Do you have the right invest- ments in place to meet the financial challenges ahead? At Edward Jones, our busi- ness is to help people find solutions for their long-term financial security. If you would like a free review of your retirement plan or any of your other investments to see if they are appropriate for your long-term goals, please call or stop by today. Joe Capporelli 110 W. Belt Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC Edward Jones ranked "Highest in Investor Satisfaction With Full Service Brokerage Firms" J.D. Power and Associates 2005 Full Service Investor Satisfaction Study. Study based on responses from 6,637 investors who used one of the-20 firms profiled in the study, www.jdpower.com Edward^one MAKING SNSE OF NVESTIN 7 A.M. 7 P.M. Closed Monday U-PICK BLU E BERRIE S ., MISTY MEADOWS BLUEBERRY FARMS Off Turner Camp Rd. (581N I mm Service done right. And done by pros. PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL). TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 0 mIUI ill I : fillI D I :flJiJ : . ' 1 1 ~51 WI ` :4- BRAND NEW a4 -.3 Per '111 MO. Lease or ENW FOR 9' BRAND NEW T y 1f7. BRAND NE 44 O 5 ma. 1 o o 20so RLVaFO BRAND 7 LE AVAILABLE .- '** , a meW N owo Automatic Air fj S- 1 J - Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes Power Windows, Power Door Locks, AM 'FM W_ ____ Stereo CD, Cruise Control & Much More! 98161 %.TOYOTA A valon JUST ARRIVED! The All New 00S AVALON! In Stock Now! Luxury of Mystic Propoa tions! MNI VACATION 5 DAYS 2 NIGHTS WITH PURCHASE OF ANY NEW OR PRE-OWNED VEHICLE FROM INVENTORY THIS WEEKEND! While Supplies Last Ijolm .coe ola -Air Conditioning, Power -- Steering, Power Brakes, .. 1 AM/FM Stereo CD, mI" Power Outside Mirror, l 1.8 Liter 60/40 Split Rear SSeats & More! or BUY FOR 13U5 8 Air Corcimolnlng ~.LAPo*,e Steering Power aBf-dl- 'A' AM FM Ster. CID F Oi Szv Towing CapO rV 0 2.7 L Engine. v SrvieSt~eel Wnee.iiano se Lease..$f6, 991 !2 6 or BUlY FORW- BRAND Auiormaic Air Conoltioning Power Windows Power Sree nr, Power Brake'; ABS, linl, CD, Rear 'Air Condittoning 7 Paienger & More over MO. 2 A9 9 Vehicle Must Have All Service & Repairs Performed At DeLuca Toyota. Must Follow Factory Required Service Schedule 114 171, 11 1I19 The Best New Cars AI S 6Yr. /100,000 Mile Limited Power Train Warranty t i ,/ 6 Yr./Unlimited Mileage Roadside Assistance t t From the original date of first se when sold as a new vehicle. 9 A 626 ES I TOYOTA AVALONXLI '9 CHEVROLET CEYENNE 970 i IT 1500 SI 0 1 TOTOTA TtCOHASRiXCAB C,, uI,, l, -,. u,, :l. A ,- ,.... C.,. .o., A.i,> FM5,0 ,.,A rConi Air C r. iu .t A., .F.. g. A FUJC -.. r..., Ai.r WAS WA is WWwASWA7 WAS IIs V9951 ** aU MOn oG0o 99 90L47 '02TOYOTA CAMRY LE '0 PCOA X 02 VOLKSWAGON BUG OLS '02 SUZU RODEO LS IRPEL 4 .. I -In'iAI s-"E "I16I s *hau. AA,11 ., MAOSs? "^ |A~ L5L*^-,.AA '.- B et. .~t.A"r..AOAO A****s a ^ B A-s ;^ ^ BRAND NEW 2005 3iK C SCION'S "PURE PRICE" PURCHASE MEANS NO HAGGLE. NO HASSLE.Vehicle starts well equipped. You can accessorize (or not) Simple, straight forward menu pricing. SCION XA C Powe... S...r.q& SCION XB AC. Power Sleer.. & SCION TC icHore lP...or Windows, BS V6 Speaker Winrdow, ABS V6. Speaker "oy Wheels. Pioneer AMjFM/CD Pionear AM/FiMCD Sunrool, Me.ory Seal From _From _-_ _From ~$f3,l5 ~S,4,4J~hS7199 INTERNET PRICING 24 HOURS/7 DAYS 'UP WWW.DELUCATOYOTA.COM TO 352-732-0770 -1 04 MY AM-' t15....... WAS "m AkA "he Best Used Cars! VToll-Free Call For Service 24 Hours A Day V(160 Point Quality Assurance Inspection oUNDAI ELANTRA 01 OMTi 3 ROLT 150 S I 03 TOYOTA COROLLA CE1 '0TOYOTACM YLE M c AF. ftJ..,lM l:[ l > .ii P... AMIFM P A .- r U U. .. '.. -qLFcRP ESCAPE1XL ,:A L it A5'00 WAS N ICIOUNRT wwr .-M, I. C' ,04 NASSMu ALTIMA 215 AWMa DFAiO riP-o C''oAia S 5(.a10A 0'24(67I)1.. ,02 TOYOTA SIENNA LIE AA~tc-ta, AC A C. W~AS~~t1I. ~ A IL5AS AtACtOVis50 MAKES 0 Y 0 DIFFERENCES T A LOCATION:1 1/2 MILE EAST OF PADDOCK MALL 1719 SW College Rd. Ocala 72-0770 -so ALL *'lio.4tM :f L T NiCI.25 Pn T 1, 5 Trtu TiTLE SS a AC'rl FEE WITH AFFA.-:. D *:AE1-iT Fl-77 AnnjAE! u TiL n : r ;t "AEE R fat M Ltsf.L *F Ae n ILI1 5 HE E =. w I I I " A1~D1ID~1 - I T MnMor, bi 0 43 D1011,11 I [I -^- DI I kff;F SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 11 Dixie Youth League ends season ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent On Sunday, June 5, the Bushnell Dixie Youth League presented awards to the young- sters who participated this past season. A large crowd of friends and family attended in addition to the 23 teams comprised of approximately 300 boys and girls with a meal of hot dogs, hamburgers and plenty of mac- aroni and cheese and all the fixings to go along with them. With cameras flashing, one by one, team by tam by team the chil- dren were called up to the stage to receive their trophies each one beaming with pride as they walked back to their parents. Chris Herrod a South Sumter High graduate, was presented with a scholarship from the Dixie Youth League. The hard working young man was the only recipient of the award in the entire state of Florida. Herrod told the crowd of young ballplayers, "It's never too early to plan ahead. Stick to your goals and you can make your plan work" Taking time from cooking the burgers anddogs, Coach Ron Terryl Mitchell proudly shows his trophy and medallion earned during this past season with the Bushnell dixie Youth League Baseball. Pitts said that his team Florida Crushed Stone had made it to the play offs. "We're proud of all the kids, each and every one of them. They worked hard and 'they deserve the appreciation." The Bushnell League will be hosting, the Major League Tournament this coming 4th of July weekend at the Kenny Dixon Complex. Republican Club supports Wildwood ! High group The Republican Club of Sumter County recently donated $250 to the newly chartered Teenage Republican Club (TARs) at Wildwood High School. TARs President Travis Collier and Vice-President Matthew Livingston will, be attending the Teenage Republican Leadership Conference in Arlington in July. . The attendees at the Leadership Conference will discuss our nation's future with top Republican and state officials, tour our nation's Capitol and meet with GOP senators and coln- gressmen. This is an opportunity for these young people to .meet other. TAR leaders from across the country and exchange ideas. They will participate in the awards banquet featuring National TARs Awards and attend the farewell dance. The Republican Club of Sumter County officers are: Richard Huff, president; Howard Renner, first vice president; Barbara Huff, secretary; and June Wilson, treasurer. Daria Huddleston, second vice president not pictured. 1-4 INTERCHANGE PROPERTY 3 StrimAArnsmneilopminmeiTniwtOffkmAintI PYan Excellent Vsiulbityl 117* ac uplands, 236 ac wetland - SFiorniages. 3,300'tornA 14, 1,05' tan the .4 Intercange a n3.W r onQ 57 aTrmtnmtes to aUfCoannif FlasMan Snt.fus wtmi eas Ul frtquaJlai.ftapfr ,..' ON SITE PREVIEW 1AM.-2PM Sat, June 11 CR 557 (Old Grade Rd) 8 14, Lake Ared, FL AliTIO'I IAM SaAI t ,r J, 1i.-A r ntn f ilIMt 1 00B i 1 al ymMu RwIr SF .PAk Cf FL so Sumter County's Guide to... Out "Best Burgers in Central Florida & 73l Much More" Locate ionHwy.4 BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER BuhnllL SPECIAL SPECIALS S uh u tr lz $1.99 $5.99 VISA- T_ ,, *Ti-uiesMd osbeB rn rmGd - w~ith9meal! I ADVERTISE HERE CALL 352-793-2161 Continental Country Club Restaurant Now AManaged by Linle Bear. Formerly of Little Bear of The Guesthouse Inn. SEAFOOD FEST Saturday June 11th $15.91 4:00-until 32 Item Menu Crab Legs Prime Rib Shrimp Oysters Clam Strips Frog Legs Polock Salad Desserts & More NEW LUNCH MENU FEATURING Corned Beef & Pastrami Brisket From Brooklyn South Philly Cheesesteak On An Amorosa Roll Dining Menu Featuring Gourmnet 4-Star Food at 2-Star Prices! Catering Available 3I Full Menu Available Resernaions Greatly Appreciated 325-748-0050 I Tues., Wed. Fi. 11 AM 9 PM ur. sa. 7-10 M ia Thurs. 8 Sat. 11 AM 10 PM Pefonning Karaoke COMING SOON SUNDAY BRUNCH! BoJack's Potato Shack Under New Ownership Daily Homemade Specials U Rib Nights - Friday& Saturday "r H Mon-Sat 7am- (352)793-1002 ;-S ** 61 .w, Kins IwW Center Hi FL. L, Chinese Restauran Fri & sat JKALL YOU CAN EAT LEGS ALL DAY BUFFET e".ro,.i Across from Wal-Mart Super Center 2082 W. CR 48, Bushnell, FL 33513 Serving Beer or Wine 352-568-7888 Helen's Sports Bar OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Open 7 Days 4PM to 12AM f.on-Tnur: i lam-rm PoolTable,TVs Fri & ioT I aorr-10Dpm DRAFT BEER S1.50 Sun 11 30arr-9pm LADIES NIGHT WED. No Personal Checks KARAOKE, 2 FOR z DRINKS Karaoke Every Fri. & Sat. VISA 7:30pm 'til midnight BUCKETS OF BEER s FOR $10, -HJ&IPDIPDV *mum 4-6 Mcpn -Pri Free Ormnkl; on the Hour Wcl*cft 4mue pqmr Surwiwar w4mielcanel S&UUUS* 27*ft rWelcom:eT]o mr 0 F boom -...j PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 I Wild hog hunting Cracker style of the Bass Ranch A's a boy growing up in Taylor County, I was L around wild hogs all the time. Most of our neighbors had a few wild hogs ranging free in the vast San Pedro Bay swamp where the hogs for- w..q" aged off the land g until the early fall = and then they were either trapped or caught with dogs. - Cattle were also allowed to range on the open land and both the hogs and cows ears were marked to show JAMIE' ownership of the Outdoo valuable livestock """""- and the marks and cattle brands were registered in the local courthouse. This practice of free ranging livestock was followed all over Florida up until sometime in the 1940s when in most coun- ties livestock was required to be fenced up. With the population in the state exploding and new high- ways being built fromone end of the state to the other, it made good sense to either fence the free ranging cattle and hogs up or get out of the business. With this in mind, most folks who did not out- right own enough of their own land or could not lease land at a price low enough to justify staying in the hog and cattle business, sold off their stock and got out of the business altogether. Those folks who had enough land and could afford to fence it up kept their hogs and cat- tle. The cattle were the main- stay of the ranchers but the hogs now had to be kept under some kind of rigid control because a bunch of hogs can devastate a pasture in no time. . Good friends, it is no easy undertaking to rid a place of wild hogs or to keep their r c) r' numbers under control if the ranch or piece of property has any rough woods on it Wild hogs have adapted very well in the more than 400 years they have been run- ning free in the "" state. I have heard it said on several occasions that hogs were first brought Sto Florida by the early Spanish explorers but I .don't really know for sure if that is a fact or not. I do ADAMS know that they are Writer talked about a lot in the historical books written about Florida. Anyway, I had the good for- tune to be invited down to Elwin and Pat's ranch near the Kissimmee River Valley this past week end to join them on, a sure nuff Cracker hog hunt I have hunted hogs all over the state many times but I had not ever had the opportunity' to hunt hogs the way Mr Elwin gets it done. Not long after first daylight we were wakened to the won- derful smell of Mrs. Pat cook- ing breakfast. In my opinion, bacon and sausage frying in the pan along with the strong aroma of real coffee perking is a little bit of heaven on earth and sure brings back a heap of old and fond memories. Right after breakfast, Chipper Abbe from Citrus County, his nephew Cody Johnston and Major Bellamy III and I joined Mr. Elwin at the horse lot and after sad- dling up the horses took off in search of some wild hogs that had been rooting up Mr. Elwin's pasture big time. Mr. Elwin's wife, Pat, after feeding us all a mighty fine log rolling country breakfast joined us for the days hunt and with a bunch of trail and Elwin Bass (rear), far side Chipper Abbe, near side Cody Johnston loading a wild hog caught on the Bass Ranch in South Florida near the Kissimmee Valley north of Lake Okechobee. catch dogs leading the way we headed out for Ash Slough and Walker Hammock to try and rid their ranch of a few hogs. We had hardly gone any dis- tance at all before the dogs winded a hog in a patch of rough palmettos and the first race was on. After only a short chase, the dogs had the first hog of the day bayed up and caught. The hog, which had only one ear, was quickly tied up and put in a box and we were off to catch another. The hogs down at the Bass Ranch can be mean and over the years a lot of good dogs, have been cut up bad and some even killed .outright by big boar hogs sporting long sharp tusks:. On this day, how- ever, the dogs all managed to get the job done \ without being cut buLt they sure were worn out and sore footed after cov- ering the miles of rough woods following the horses and catching a bunch of hogs. Hog hunters like Chipper and his buddies really enjoy' hunting with their dogs and many of the hog dogs ancestry can be traced back for many ,generations. This is always a major topic of sometime heat- ed but mostly friendly discus- sion anytime a group of seri- ous hog hunters get together and talk about bad hogs and Incidentally, Mrs. Pat is the the good dogs that caught state treasurer of the Florida them. Cracker Cattle Association Mr. Elwin and Mrs. Pat take arid is a past president of the great pride in their ranch and Florida Cattlewomen's well they should as it is one Association. beautiful place and is as We all had a fine time chas- 'native Florida as it gets. 'The ing and catching hogs but-the Bass families down around best part of the trip was the the Lake Okeechobee are heartfelt fellowship and some of the original Florida friendship that was extended pioneers and ranchers and to Chipper and the rest of us are highly respected within from Mr. Elwin and Mrs. Pat. the Florida cattle industry. Folks, it could not have been Along with their regular any better. I am really looking herd of beef cattle, they also forward to going back down to have a line bunch of original the Bass Ranch before too Florida Cracker cattle and long and I am sure there will some sure-footed Florida still be plenty of wild hogs to Cracker horses as well. get after. Sposs os Deadline nearing to apply for 2005-06 hunts OEa Mea Girls Softball League The South Sumter Girls Softball League will be host- ing an all-star tournament this Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, at the Kenny Dixon Sports Complex. The first games will begin at 8:30 a.m. There will be teams from Bushnell, Wildwood, Belleview, Brooksville and' Spring Hill competing. League President Ron Boyatt is hopeful this will be the beginning of an annual summer all-star tournament hosted by the League. Boyatt encourages every-, one to come and support the gifts. Like football? Want to play semi-pro? Then check out the newest league in county the International League! If you're 18 or older, sign- up is slated 'for, Saturday. June 25. and Sunday, July 3. from 6 p.m. until dark at the Kenny Dixon Sports Complex in Bushnell. The league is countrywide and teams will be vying against competition from as far away as Miami and Fort Lauderdale. For more information, call Mack Sapp at 352-457-6859. The deadline to apply for 2005-06 special-opportiunity hunts offered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is June 15. Special-opportunity hunts offer hunters vast areas,, abundant game, low hunter quotas and excellent chances to bag quality deer, hogs. and released quail on select wildlife management areas throughout Florida. To apply for these permits, visit any license agent or tax, collector's office or submit an application online at MyFWC.com. Demand for these hunts is typically greater than the number of available slots, so a random drawing is con- ducted to select hunters. Hunters can improve their chances of being selected by submitting as many non- IHW997 |:M33 602 A1173 COMAR -ietokan.ranMakt.es Barto,.FL refundable $5 applications as they want. The cost of the hunts for selected applicants Iranges from $50 to $175. Visit MyFWC.comnhunting for more information on how to apply for special-opportu- nity hunt permits. U nqu.e Wel!,Woater s stem! . '.,(Rust Stains -dsteai'notqe :Egg OdOr) N Chemicalsn Mlssy Potassium Periarngah'ate -. -~ '. :-" NoChlorine . Nof Electricity No Timers to Reset '. '. ,"a .IIU, lCU L y No ElectricalParts to Repair or. Replace '- No Customer Adjustments . No Operating Expense- 'M.ng S, Htindreds of Dollars' a Year Fully Automatic Treating. YouWater. Citrus Water Conditioning NO SALT KIKINETICO RinventinArater "Over 42 Years Experience" Serving Cilrus County 24 Years SUMTER COUNTY n 793-7115 1=-- r Author'zad-De of ] SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 13 - EDUCATION M'S A Af 40 T ow 4WD % 1 b 0, a a 40 qo& w- - -wm f dm4D 4 Ga a~~b 40 m~ 4& *4 0 b 4 4W qloqw 4- 40. f ft 4 4 a"dmft- 4 900aw 4W AM-0- - q -.0 0 ob-.4"W * - ajj -1W -Mdqm- _______- a 4ba -W -mo am ap b am m 0 -m 00 aom a.M b4 -'Now o a a a 4b__41.____.ft 4momo " A op a 00wgnw- q a a4 d mallw 4 4b 9* f of 4D "a a 4 40 b 00 01 o - 040-ft aw 4=P- uo 40.4b f- rn -.0 fqw4ae w a 4b ab.OMP *v-mw 04amo - a 4w41p- W-O ftw 4 o m f o 4ba o qu& a m Cm 0m aw 4 Mm-- ob m a bm4poft- fta a qom --m 4up 0. - doa qp 0 4m 4 0 a 1mm- qm w 0mlf a as 4b no f- 4bqw *ow aNW poo 4w 4000 quo 4 E a 1. a 4D mum 400 400-ow ft 4011W m 4w oo a ba 0ow* mp0 4 a .41 4 m ag m b ma 04 faim m M4 s 4MM ba 041 -4M a 40M&-* MNA op w 4M Ma 4- P q p INNP- 4W 4b a ap a a-4 410 = .10@0- 0 4 4100 0- o a m -a 04 41 q m wm w o aef 4 - 401a0 a 4 amp4 nwop 4D 4bqa -w __ -.4msoo m a4bm a4 m dm QwN N'winaIbv / - 1 &wn ) ft f 4 wm * w 0 mfpNom &qqp 4 oaomwo 0 W GPI It m o* 0% 0 omm- ____ mmdWAi- -s 6 ofpaqw DS fs -mm .~ - ."o aoe m m ab qw- wa ft- 0 shwo 40 f q.- 0 b4M-M a a 4D 4.- -EB 4ms-f ----Ono 40.ob a m-w.dm. --.O ,Ov a 0 41cm PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 W-,,m I 4 a ozm mom 0 4m -- do 4, . -00 4m 4b4 S 4m 40 ~ qw. -Go t-W 4w 04AP -1 -Av 4m --N I-rn4 4 O-qw ftow q "Iia&~ a i I 40 0 M 40 M *.-I m40.0- -4 * Em~-m em. fali-mm MU a - 'em.---- a * - a.. S &~Y.:u. % f "a "Copyrigted Material x Sy nijcated Content -- - Iab lefrom Commercial News Providers", -- 1m ad a 0 . Q e0mm 0 4b %W~l-s weposr %w% W"-o d ep4mo 40- m EM - as 4b- -0 - 0 qb. 0 . 000 0 o 0 q- qS -am qaw ap --_m-Mb o b ftm w m - go A-o --m-4m 0 . - 0q o 0 -f rn- 0 0 0 w w. p am w - ft 0. am* w am m 4 4-* oa ohm ft eON- . .3 do - --100-0 0. - - 0 - I I -I -OO Gm -o 4 a - 0.*- 0 -- q * S - a. - em - GET IT DONE. INSTANTLY. Only Nextel has the tools you need to get more done. * Free Incoming Calling Plans * GPS Solutions. * Coast-to-Coast Walkie-Talkie * Wireless Web Access For all your wireless needs, visit us at: a < Preferred Partner rrr arCElllAR I(( Wireless Consultants IEL I 352-568-1967 Local AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TEC NICS,c 888-568-1967 Tol Free Free Incoming applies to calls received in the U.S. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. @2005 Nextel Communications, Inc. NEXTEL is a registered trademark owned by Nextel .860 Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and stylized M Logo are registered in the U S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved " I. o D I ow SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 15 Sumter School of Ballet summer session Davonne's School of Ballet iSummer Session will begin June 9 through July 7 (five ' weeks). Call now to register at 352- 303-0505. Respite Assistance Program : Alzheimer's Family : Organization is offering mone- tary reimbursement for respite costs through our Respite Assistance Program. Respite is essential for the caregivers of a dementia or Alzheimer's disease sufferer to help refresh and revive. The Alzheimer's Family Organization will also provide' other national respite resources that can reimburse costs to caregivers. This free program is avail- able to all residents of Hernando, Citrus, Sumter and Lake counties caring for an individual with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Contact the Alzheimer's Family Organization main office for full details at 727-848-8988 or toll free at 888-496-8004. Haven of Lake & Sumter Counties Haven is a non-profit organ- ization dedicated to serving victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Due to our non-profit status, we are entirely supported grants, and more importantly, the community. Currently, Haven is in need of volunteers at our administration building and at our shelters. Those that selflessly give of them- selves and their time are what makes our work possible. For information call (352) 787-5889. Public libraries Outreach Stations- Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries through out the county. Beginning on Ju6ne 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each ,month a Veteran Services Officer will be at Lake Panasoffkee Library. The second Tuesday of each month we will be at. Coleman Library. The third Tuesday or each month we will be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be'at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. If you have any further questions please contact Sumter County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Summer reading program The Panasoffkee communi- ty Library will be having a Summer Reading Program. This program will be geared for children, kindergarten through third grade. It will 'be held Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 10:30 a.m. You need to pre-register at the library, 1500 C.R. 459, or by calling 793-8608. New 4-year-old Kindergarten Sumter Christian School will be starting a 4-year-old Kindergarten for the 2005-06 school year. Enrollment is now being taken. The school is located in Sumterville, behind Thomas Langley Medical Center. Call 793-2358 for information. Volunteers needed The Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for voluhn- teer drivers to transport veter- ans to the Gainesville VA Medical Center. Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and be able to pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5129. You do not have to be a veteran to drive. History of Linden books for sale 'The Linden Cemetery Association reminds everyone of our most recent books, Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden, Cemetery and the, Linden Cemetery Picnic. This 'is a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232-page, indexed, hardbound edition that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total photographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a donation of $25 and may be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Cancer support group Meetings are on the second Monday of every month at Chuck's Odd cup'les Cafe on West C-48 in Bushnell at 7 p.m. Refreshments are provided. For information, contact Lee Krauss, (352) 793-7704. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County extension agent for residential horticul- ture, with selected guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering efficiently; mulching; composting; fertil- izing appropriately; managing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, hum- mingbirds and butterflies; protecting the waterfront All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Pilot club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion, Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith', at 7,48- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Blue Heron meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. $9 Part-Time Jobs $10 after 3 months at Key-Copying Kiosks inside Home Depot 4 5 days per week, Wed Sun. 5 6 hours per day Contact Dixie Staffing Services to apply (813)663-0394 (863)686-5356 Hiring for the following cities: Bradenton. Brandon. Clearwater. Crystal River, Holiday, Lakeland, Lake Wales, Largo, Pinellas ParK. Port Richey, Riverview, Ruskin. Sarasota, Sebring. Seminole, St. Pete, Spring Hill, Sun City Center, Tampa, Winter Haven & Zephyrhills Seniors Encouraged to Apply! Home Depol will not respond to inquiries North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the second, Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake PanasofIkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, V2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to couples and singles. Finger foods appre- ciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Sumter Cruisers The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in or owning classic cars to Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee every second Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night. Bring your old cars. For more information call 793- 3006 or e-mail: jessiewoodard57@hotmail.co m. Support group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383-0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation pro- vided. Bushnell takes in sur- . rounding areas. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark' Raciappa, 793-4911. and OPEN WHEEL LITES MINI STOCKS, HOBBY STOCKS, THUNDER STOCKS, 4 CYLINDER BOMBERS PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 \ FAMILY * *i'^B 'V ii *'* >1 'IS-^ -xl ~144~+L FOOD Come see the "Best of the Best" Trucks from all over the country! WTRS 102.3 Chad Brock signing autographs Chad Brock Acoustic Concert FRIDAY< K-Country 93.7 Live DI & Big Truck Light Show ALL-DAY: TONIGHT: TRUCK June 9th, 10th & lLth, 2005 Registration starts Thursday, June 9th. FREE ENTRY ALL DAY: TONIGHT: SATURDAY- Trophies & Prizes Awarded ', TONIGHT: Live Music rn I I '-'ft I Sy WILDWOOD, FL For Information Call (352) 748-0330 or fax (352) 748-6283 .......... * ^ 329) & 1-75 THURS CO.NTESr SR 44 (Exit SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 17 Fun and GAMES 0 .4 fE ~, 'I .6 4 -(jmmtw~d IL ~I. 4. 0D etmomp MP- 4 a So n w -mm do bob 0 w A - * * p I * Sb * - S * * I * 0 * S. :~' 9 9 9 ^f 9 r -.. * S* * Y* I E0 0 0 * S a 0 * S . w S 1: :3 U q a ~- 3 'V S I 5- m w - 0 * 0 * - r. .3. O O = WE a t C' 0 - - 'a -'- 0 li S"Copyrighted Materi w TSyndicated rQn t Available from Commercial News I a 4A. U, w S- amp -M a dbo m% tw am4 m4 m .womm- 0.40 4 am- a-40 .om sow4- 0 41 q 119og ea a0 plo 4l owmm .d& 00-lo. m - - a -a ____ a 9dwftmb a e SON t- t""- 4 40 mm* 0. m b 1 wa 0a-amqo- Em a on -WOwdm 0 au-o -=1 a-di abm Mo ft0 *Ob cm ft 4 42mm tiloma eoado emW 4-w- -.4 -m 0o I 0 401- -dam aft msm -o F'roviders"V W~ An" MOW~ % am 4o mo -ow nwfp - 0ow a qvio 'sEN *- =a-om ;w -W-0 m~fo L 14111 am~ mE~ -- 0 ~ ~ w Anw. aa- OW ~ fp - 40 410 -am 410 2* Sw e t r'mm 7m dw6w i go qmlbp 2r tho or 0 WIND ON==" Ar. % -9 dab 0 a qwl ft RP 0 0 Iqlw- OVOF r I ^ 1 a V VII Alo PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Crter CHAPTER - Sumter CALENDAR Hiking With The Hounds Everyone enjoys going on vacation. I particularly like hiking in the Smokies and Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina. The air is cool and the scenery is breathtaking. And the best part of all is that we can go hiking with our hounds! We met my nephew Jason, his wife Renee, and their dog Cosmo in Franklin, N.C. this past week One of our first hikes was in the Nantahala National Forest, through a beautiful area famous for it's many waterfalls. I had the three Beagles, Rosie, Daisy and Joshua (our fourth Beagle, Honey, prefers to stay at home and be a couch pota- to). Off we went down the trail to see Dry Falls. Why they call it Dry Falls, I don't know, but it is spectacular. Especially where you can walk behind the falls, and hear the roar of the water and feel the mist of the falls. But if you think it was excit- ing for us humans, you should have seen the hounds! Their noses were sniffing in high gear, and their tails never stopped wagging. People stopped along the trail to pet them,, but they never lifted their noses from the floor of the forest That evening, it was chilly enough for us to start a fire in the fireplace. We toasted marshmallows and the dogs got their first taste of the gooey treats. Everyone' laughed as the hounds tried to .eat the gooey insides of the marshmallows. Another day we went just over the North Carolina line to Black Rock State Park in Georgia. Once again the hounds accompanied us. We stood on top of the mountain and enjoyed beautiful views of mountain ranges as far as the eye can see. We took pic- tures of the Beagles and their cousin, Cosmo in the pictur- esque surroundings, and chil- dren came over to pet the dogs ,~ .--'WI 1'. ~2 Linda Graves stands with her dogs, her nephew Jason, his wife Renee and their dog Cosmo, in Franklin N.C. and give them hugs. Later we 'all went to an outside caf6 with the hounds and had ice cream. Of course the dogs got a treat too. Taking your pet on vaca- tion, or including them in faim- ily activities is not only fun for your pet, but you will enjoy the experience in a whole new way. I can't tell you how many people stopped to pet our dogs, and then told us how much they missed their pet that ,they left at home. Pets should be a partil of your fami- ly, so do fun things with them. take them to fun places, and give your fuirry companion a fun time he can bark home about. Thursday, June 9 The Withlacoochee Long- Term Care Ombudsman Council will have an open session meet- ing at 12:30 p.m. at the Lake Sumter Community College, 1405 C.R. 26A, Sumterville. Interested parties may con- tact the Dept of Elder Affairs at 1-888-831-0404. Friday, June 10 Second time around for the Wildwood Masonic Lodge yearly yard sale to be held 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be held on Saturday, June 11 also, same time. Everything must go; 103 Georgia Street, Wildwood, next door to Farm Bureau Insurance. For more information call 748-4515. Monday, June 13 All Master Masons who are members of Lodges recognized by the Grand Lodge of Florida are invited to attend the Stated Communication of Villages Lodge #394 to be held on June 13, at the Wildwood Lodge on Georgia Street in Wildwood. This change is due to the replac- ing of carpeting ini our regular meeting room. It is NOT avail- able for our use! The meeting will open at 2:30 p.m. You are encouraged to arrive at least 25 minutes prior to the opening of the meeting. The Master Mason degree will be conferred on June 16 at the Wildwood Lodge at 2 p.m. Please attend and support the officers in this endeavor. The monthly dinner social will be held at Orange Blossom Hills, contact Bro. Harry Bazen at 750-2561 to make. reserva- tions. For further details contact Paul Davidson at 259-7544. The District 13 Family Care Council will meet from 10 a.m. to noon at the Wildwood DCF office, 1601 W Gulf Atlantic Hwy., (S.R. 44). All persons inter- ested in issues of those with Developmental Disabilities and their families are invited to attend. For more information call Susan Clark- Long at (352) 330- 2177 ext 6291. and (352) 753- 1163. Sumter County Commissioner Jim Roberts will be holding a 3-part Town Hall Meeting for Village area resi- dents at the Government Annex on County Road 466 in The Villages. Starting at 10 a.m., there will be a showing of the movie about our aquifer, "Water's Journey, The Hidden Rivers of Florida" by Wes Skiles with discussion afterwards. From 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., there will be a "One On One" session with Commissioner Roberts to answer questions by individual residents. From 1 to 4 p.m., there will be a Town Hall Meeting with group discussion on county concerns such -as solid waste assessments, roads and taxes. Complementary glucose testing and diabetes education will be available to area seniors at the Bushnell Public Library. Screening time will begin at 10 a.m. Participants are asked not to eat or drink two hours prior to their glucose testing. A simple screening, followed by a brief educational program will answer questions about dia- betes and maintaining health. This service is provided by . the Department of Elder Affairs, Suwannee River Area Health Education Center and the Bushnell Public Library. The library is located at 402 Florida Street in Bushnell. For more information, contact Tina Andees at 352-793-8274. Thursday, June 16 The Sumter County D.E.C. (Democrat Executive Committee) will meet at 7 p.m. in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Gloria Lewis at 568-1660. The Republican Club of Sumter County will meet at Sumter Christian School at 7 p.m. The address is 2210 C.R. 528 in Sumterville. The speaker will be Supervisor of Elections. Karen Krauss. For more information, call Richard Huff president, at 330- 4012. The Sumter County Republican Executive Committee now has a web site. For information on the Republican Party and upcoming events, go to: wwivw.gopsumnter.org. We can put you in a new 3 bedroom home with 0 down & I payments with land & homes for $700 to 750 * per month total! Call Today or Come In. * 100% Financing Available * Land Home Packages * Weak Or Slow Credit We Can Do * Retirement Communities * Subdivisions * Open Land We Have It All! * ERH.A. V.A. Biweekly Conventional Fannie Mae * Home Only... Your Land Or Ours * Ask About Our 7- 10 Year "Full'Warranty Program" Magnificent r 3 bedroomn- 3 bath " S1590 Sq. ft. home. Your land or ours. Buy Today and Save THOUSANDS Driving .Directions: 441 . North, or South to SHwy 19 S. towards ,U"yeY'rin the Hills. ,.,.'.... ,' a 2~0 .2 38R. 2 AT 0 67C30(4) c.,O ,JMoCta WR OC'Oe / ALSO AVMLLAU W 2 W WC ; A m t o t m 2., " Includes delivery, tie 99 5 down & anchor, steps to code, A/C & heat installation LOADED Prestige Home Centers, Inc. (800)335-4395 343-224 1 .- ':575nN. -Duncan-ii-^^; 17.are P, M- - .., ... .. ... Y.. ... .. . 1. . . i . -_I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 19 AWARDS AT WEBSTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Webster Elementary School's honor students were treated to a special awards breakfast on Friday, May 12. Some of the students and their parents are shown here.Tyler Rhodes, Luis Romero, Alejandra Romero, Andrew Gonzalez, Taff Grice, Joseph Bachand are shown (left to right, front row) with Rhodes's dad and Romero's mom; Rebeca Franke, Felicia Overton, Michael Mower are shown with Franke's mom and Ovbrton's dad on the second row along with Grice's parents; Noah Ornelas, Davey Vera and Mariano Navarro are shown with Davey's par- ents and Mower's mom. Overton and Alejandra Romero earned the Special Recognition Award. To place a classified ad in the Sumter County Times call 793-2161. Students Shantayata Baker, Stephanie Henderson, Deisy Cardoza, Alexis Milorin (back); Cardoza's parents, Jaime Jimenez and his parents (front) after the annual Webster Elementary School Honors Breakfast. Milorin earned the 2005 Citizenship Award and an honors award, along with Henderson, Cardoza. Baker earned the President's Award for Excellence and Jimenez earned the Special Recognition Award. -4uI M .,& Joseph Bachand is shown with his mom. He earned the President's Award for Excellence at Webster Elementary School and was honored during a special breakfast with sev- eral other students. Other Webster students who earned the president's award were Rebeca Franke, Shantayata Baker and Taff Grice. Jose Hernandez and- Noah Ornelas earned honors awards and several other students earned various awards for recognition. Panasoffkee Elementary lists honor roll students 4th Quarter Honor Roll Third Grade Honor Roll All A's Nicholas Canale, Garrett Cave, Travis Cundiff, Brooke Leffel, Caitlyn Oates. Sydney Dunlap, IKellen Cook, Kaylin Paul, Jonathan Scott Saunders. Marcus Sausaman. Savannah Estevez, Brittani Grady, Savanna 'Kiefer, Sydney Man n, Marwa Rammuni, Thalia Resinos. A's and B's Corey Carroll, Brittany Claveau, Omar Elnaji, Kala Skipper. Kali Skipper, Lucas Vann, Melanie Butler, Chelsea Covington, Amanda Jones, Blayze Young, Michelle Beisell, Jacob Brown, Braden Carnley, Teresa Owsley, Abby Reeves, Jesse Williams, Dustin Andrews, Kaeli Jones, Cheyenne Moore, Wyatt Saunders. Fourth Grade Honor Roll AllA's Khandoker Ahmed, Austin Bishop, Kayley Ellis, Megan Gajewski, Labria Mobley, Jazmine Nateal, Matthew Taylor, Randy Carrillo, Trevor Cypret. Joana Goff, Alyssa Ibarra, Kelyn Merritt, Taylour Hall. A's and B's Destiny Enriquez, Taylor Mahon. Kristian McCoy, Dakota Treiffesen, David Fortsch, Courtney Franklin. Tiffany Franklin. Travis Theige, Erin Hill, Makayla Johns. Lindsey Kallal, Carlie Nelson, Amanda Sausaman, Emily.Scherer,David Wallace, Katelyn Watson, Kayla Creach, Dylan Dale, Nathan Phelps, Dakota Sorter, Caitlyn Suggs, Heather Surratt. Fifth Grade Honor Roll AllA's Melanie Barr, Victoria Burke, Nicole Lawler, Andrea Roberts, Stevie Collins, Chase Commander, Garrett Young, Dewayne Arnold, Samantha Churchill, Jamie Collins. Max Johnson, Haley Neese, Christ Robinson, Victoria Vann, Justin Wagoner, Skyler Dunham, Chase Kiefer, Joey Longo, Kirsfi Merritt, lan Papenheim, Radwan Rammuni, Rachel Schram, Audrey Vann. A's and B's Brandon Garland, Kim Parish, Trenton Potter, Kayla Sigler, Brooke Walker, Alan Brackett, Giovanni Lopes, Jodi Schleman, Austin Craig, Rosaura Cruz, Pedro Cruz, Rebecca Dixon, Tiffany Saunders, Autum Flowers, Mikelia Wallace. Local Internet Access 1-888- 638-6373 equine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist taxi service pet grooming ROOmlfIflG ' DOGS I\ANTED: All Breeds great and sniaJl. We v. ill bathe and groom them all' Pamper YOUR pet toda.! For Fido's ne\t appointment please call Sands at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 bail bonds MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO JARRET PARISH 748-2222 ..I Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES 1452 W. HWY 48 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 ORLANDO TAMPA 1 OFFICE: For as low as For as low as (352)793-8861 $35.00 $45.00 CELL: (352)303-0000 (""l1 Put Your Feet Back on the Street" -,.. .... .....:.'-..... .... .. .. 20 Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, JUNE 9, 2005 1-ROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your. ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. All our classified including yours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes.coIm r o Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 100-160 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 900-950 THE HOME STORE a Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County Outreach, Is seelkng Donations of use- dabe building - materials, home reimooallr.r3 an 5c-jrain1 IreiT. asrc.,:roll","elT(-M: rurirure or.a pplilarce. I :. ciorinr.g .lei5e- \'J f:,- *-ye r -j. er. r t r,-i Home Store. Store hours are: 9am-5pm Mon-Sat. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness, .(352)341-1800 for further information. THE HOME STORE a Habitat for Humrlbr, 0f:.1 CIIruS Counr', Ouir-act, s se-eerI C0LraIk:- *,1 -. ble . building materials, home remodeling and decorating Items, iurrniur- and. :,ppiancer. iJo' ciornlrn ple. 3 %tWjlIrPS re-.OR-a r irt. , Horm Store Store hours are:k 9am-5pm Mon-Sat. -Call The Home Store ,3685 Forest Drive - Inverness (352)341-1800 for further Information. SPECIAL NOTICES HELP WANTED SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS/ SALE PETS MOBILE HOME RENT/SALE RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION BANKRUPTCY DEBT PROBLEMS? Laws changing soon file now. Money problems? Liens, SLevies, Foreclosures, . Repos, Medical Bills, Juddements, Lawsuits & Divorce -"- "L norr, , Referral Service , (800) '-532 -2Jn rc.urs 7 da,3 a ,eek FC AIL DIVORCE $275-$350 .'Co.'-ers crillarer l. , Ori-, ,:.nie ignrirur lequlrydl 'E"Clu,.s govt. fees Call weekdays (800) 462-2000 ext. 600 (orrm- 'pm) DiC.-:rce Tecri Esr..i:rea3 '13' FCAN FREE LESSON . 0oi 6/25 E, perir.ce Ire ofle Diesel semis ne- ., equlpmrner Ernpl, aii or.ille iree uracraoa rurn .:r aill Equipment C'perair ,-n,:,o .100') J; 3--,J NEED A LAWYER ARRESTED? INJURED? Criminal 'Ceen.ie "-Siale *Feaeral "Felzr'nle .11.; d e m e .,r,3 o ri "*ICll Curo,:. c:lIder. "Per[oral Irlur, D,,me SIlc violence 'Wr.:rngruil DOeir Piolecr iOur lTgnts A" -"- :.rorne ReRerroal Service (8&0) 33-53J2 24 hours 7 days a week FCAN To place your Legal Acdvartl,.'g In tUm-e SU is iER , COUjNTTV, TIMESS cOll T . c --II . -- 7g3-2i e1' -- RUN YOUR AD STATEWIDEIII For cml, out' 2c ,:%r.v claisirved S c00 In ..r -r I 'i nr, .4l.-.,er Inro.ughoui the state reaching over - 5 MILLION readers. , i Call Advertising Networks of Florida at (866) 742-1373. Visit us onllne at www.florlda- ,:a';.ilrie S C .:.|T, C'lao 'I ,0.I0 o.Oa.l,.e FC-.1J AFFORDABLE HEALTH BENEFITS rrom S89 95r1 monih famnil,.I Hosplta1 D.:clor 011 aorI: mrc.rel Dental Incluaed Ireel T'h:. es.cluSi-DI CPi'l0 Errrlirie r 1c. Ire pu l', , en., FrnaI-a,'1 '69,.: 6"-3-29 FC "[i IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANEIICS by Ron L. SHubbard Call 81i3 82-.072 ,io.r sei'd 99 c.Dioanerll: 3102 N, Habana Ave., Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN -5.. ' r I I I1 Leesburg or call 352-787-5889 r-WANTED " QUALIFIED GAS TECHNICIAN MusT nave 4 yrs e'p. nr Dorh LP and N au- ral gas ana have references. Top pay and benefits, (352) 237-1358 Drug Free Work Place LABORERS Mobile Home Set-Up for MH Servlces (352) 628-5641 7075 WHormosaa Trl $2000.00 SIGN ON BONUS the Center's Is seeking Family Care Managers, State Certified Child Welfare Workers who can start to work Immediately in Marion County. Position works with community based care Initiative In providing continuity of care, with goal of permanent place- ment for children through care management model that Includes developing, expanding, accessing & linking resources In the community to needs of the child, while documenting progress. BA degree In field of Human Services with mrin 1 yr relevant social services exp working with children & families required. Current (PDC) Child Protection Professional Certification Required. Salary range Is $32,000.-$38,000. Vac/slck/hollday/ medbeneflts/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 60th Ave., Bldg. #1, Ocala and fil out an application. CBC Transporters the Center's Is seeking Community Based SCare Transporters for our Marion Service Center. Duties include coordinating & providing the necessary transportation for children & families. HS diploma or GED equiv. & related exp. working children & families preferred but not required. Must h i- a r.l r arlnlrug record & criminal background history. Salary range $8.00- $10,00/hr, Vac/slck/hollday/ med benefts/401K DFWP/EOE Fax resume to HRi-the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580 or come by 5664 SW 60th Ave., Bldg. #1, Ocala and fill out an application. Community Based Care Director the Centers is seekingg a CK'C Director for our Marion County. Service Center to p ro ,- .i e .3d m iri:.lr .i- IIe CllrC ria u..,e- lgrir orr :r11munit ro -or .:.hil c -,.elr,: ier.'ice. rris pic. I,:nr province' t.uplC, rl I.:. Fa.'T'll, Cre ManagerrF,:-C1.1 Super .0er ar1. 1.1,,tLer .5* Deree in Ir-e ilela Or Human eler,.i.e eperlrnce In :,j:.,r,lWl.r.'r a 3a Chiia Weifgre S'Seri.:e-, requirj'e .rate Cernifica'icor. prererrea Salary an.g .J5 Cio0 C.)- .', 00Cc Vac/slck/hollday/ med benefs/4 01K DFWP/EOE,.send, fax, or email resume to: HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hrfthecenter.us (352) 291-5580 BOOKKEEPER Local Branch of major distributor located in Dunnellon seeks reliable A/R BKPR. This detail oriented Individual should be experienced In depoli; cash, Sapplicaiorr; and acc.:.unl .reconclllation on computerized system. Duriel .3re varied and Kro,.icedge or A/P Is 0 plus ' Send Resume with Salary requirements to: Bradco Supply Corp 18940 CR 328 Dunnellon, FI 34432 Or Fax To: 352-465-0990 Haven of Lake and SSumter is looking to fill the following po- sition: Sumter County Case Man- ager. Requires an associates degree, experience pre- ferred. Accepting applications at 2600 South Street, HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators. Next Class: June 20th -National Certification Financial Assistance -Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www, atsn-schools.com INSTALLATION MANAGER FOR SIDING Immediate opening for a Department Manager for Installed vinyl siding and soffit, The successful candidate must have a proven track record in vinyl or aluminum siding Installation, and must have the ability to mdnage Inventory, hire Installers, and coordinate shipments and Jobs. This new venture by the ..omipan A III orier unlimirnle'a o.poriunities Very competitive salary, excellent benefits, and d great working environment are available. Please mall resume to or apply with Ro-Mac Lumber & ISupply Inc. Attn: Laura Bowen 700 E Main Street Leesburg 352-787-4545 EOE/Drug Free MAINTENANCE PERSON Assigned to the Streets Department, City of Wildwood. The successful candidate shall pz, -3ss at minl'imurri a ',113I Ci s: B Fi.:.rli.3, t.'er'.; uc err- Aiu . prior- perli n.c e IFr street and general maintenance, Entry level pay, $8.65 per hour, Applications available. Human Resource Office 100 N. Main Street. 352-330-1330 Ask for Maiena Open Until Filled EOE/AA/M/F/VP/HD Drug Free Workplace PIKE'S ELECTRIC ei'Iarr.rliai & f .'r.: -i i, ltl. , C'.:r.-. rrli* In,'- rC.$Rl-, SIGN ON BONUS MAY AP- PLY FOR RESIDENAL TROUGH LEADS & RESIDENTIAL TRIM LEADS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED i.Top #.'oa-.ana - e"celier.l e pnirrl. ;ncludirig rieairn s Compran, -ru-: ars a.,.31Diio le ror required Hrilpr a -IIac.Is "DFW, EOE pp,, r,,a. nil quic.iy 352-748-6251 Custodial positions . available. One B-hour and on9 7-hour outside 18th, 10 am Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800) 323-8388 www. rowellauctlons.com 10% buyer's premium GAL AU-C002594 FCAN 4- ESTATE 4 MERCHANDISE I AUCTION *THURS. June 9* 4000S. Fla. Ave. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: 4 PM AUCTION: 5 PM 16FT Wells Cargo. trailer Riding mower & trailer, Complete households & shop. 30 sets of golf clubs. Too much to Ilstl Join the funil www. dudleysauction.com DUDLEY'S AUCTION I 352)637-9588 AB167 AU2246 12% Buyers Premium 2% disc. cash/check L mmmm- mi NOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no Hazmat. No pumps. Great benefits, competitive pay and new equipment. Need 2 years OTR experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today; (800) 741-7950 . FCAN S/E & 3-STATE RUN: T/T Drivers. Home week- ends. Mileage pay, benefits, 401K. Trainees welcome. Miami area. Exp. req. 21mln. age/Class A CDL Cypress Truck Lines (800) 545-1351 FCAN SENIORS NEED TRAINING JOBS MONEY If you are 55 and older, with limited Income, we may have the training and employment opportunities that are just right for you. Call Experience Works, Inc. Judy Yorkllous Lake/Sumter One Stop (352)748-2424 Funded by FL Department of Elder Affairs THE LOWEST PRESCRIPTION PRICES less than Canada. Global medicines, Arizona Physician owned. (866) 634-0720 www.globalmedlolnes. net FCAN #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine units/you OK locations, Entire business $10,670 (800) 836-3464 #802428 FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS ***-20051 Never repayl For personal bills, school, new business. $49 billion left , unclaimed from 2004; ULive Operatorsi (800) 856-9591 Ext. #105 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn machines, free candy. All for $9,995, (888) 629-9968. B02000033 CALL US: We wlllnot be Sundersold FCAN PROFESSIONAL VENDING ROUTE and equipment. Brand name products; all $ sizes. Financing available w/$7,500 do.,.-..r'8 ,? 3.8'26 (8 2,,2.-) FC" PROFITABLE ONLINE BUSINESS FOR SALE Home-based. Family owned 6 years onllne. Complete Internet marketing & site, training Included $48K Call Richard after 2pm '4J7, 322.-1J2 FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS *'"-2001.r I le.er repa, I :.r ,ser: cr.roal .il "- : .iIli.:.r. lenr Li Fo*6 IpOuril ir,,l .Tin ,n'. i .'l d " ,'81)35)78t-63, 8E, .1R ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Ll,:c r ,;- S, i. h-., jure .3 . "No Job Too Big or Small!" SFree Estimates* Bucket Truck Slump rinrairig irimmir .& l Pemo.ol Bed Lovefftt (352)303-3878 "---- q TREE I SERVICE BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRIND- ING , I LANDSCAPING 793-5949 I STo p.Shape ' S Beautify ' Your Trees CNA-Avallable to help you meet your needs. Days nights weekends. Experienced from er- rands, helping with Stroke & aizhelmers *. survivors. References, ''reasonable rates. (352) 568-1139/603-1049 SPA, 5 PERSON, Never ue5'31 Worran y. ierali ,.J3 Sacriice Si225 (352) 346-1711 AUCTION Partnership, Investment & Capital ReallocatIon. 1488 +/- acres offered divided. TImberiand, hunting, ecreatiotlral homesites. Lunrlro & Wilkes Counrle GA. June Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway $2,000 down $579.68/mo. W.A.C. 5 2-10119n 1 -I METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn around Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Deals Save $$$ 40x60' to 100x200' Example: 50x100x12' = $3.60/sq.ft (800) 658-2885 www.rlgldbullding. com FCAN A NEW COMPUTER- but no cash? You're approved- Guaranteed *No Credit Check- Bad Credit Bankruptcy OK (800) 319-8860 8A-10P EST Mon-Fri Sat. 11A-6P *Checking acct req'd www.pcs4all.com FCAN 900 Sq.Ft. Pergo flooring, maple color. Make offer. 352-568-8624. PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT Save trees/landfills. Canvas grocery bags. Eight bag set, $35. Bring your own bags to grocery, Be a bag ladylwww. motherearthbags.com FCAN CONSIGNMENT SPECIALIST Turn your unwanted organ/ piano/or Keyboard Into cash. Guaranteed resulscal Mak at .352-361-5603 -g $$ PAYING TOP $$ 4 Old US Paper Money, Coins, Silver, Old Paint- ings, Military Items & " Jewelry. Call Skip or Deb at 727-786-9230. (Collect Calls OK) 150-300 lb. Calves 793-2048 PIT BULL PUPPIES 00o "'.41 lue iTm'T, ,-y id ,'..se ,or. prenie-'., $200-$250. 1st shots & hlth cert 352-212-7708 SENIOR SPECIAL 55-PLUS WATERFRONT Llie n the- beutifulf W llrdil '.: .:.:ri'-.- I. E r Some of the man',' -rn -r.linrle: i.:I ij -i .3 C.:"31. ri .riri, .3 , boal romp clubhouse and - shufflebaord Th. BEST ..l.-Irfrc-rni oJ ,]I in, F ,ir,"j Ir,-DiTr rr,:,rr S '",'S coil 1-352-793-5179 ror .3r. oppr-.nlririeni LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesile country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Dnveway, deck, stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? We noa.e 8 homes set up and Ready for Immediate &-: upar..: 1 Prices- I'r.-.iTa '' ;Ln:i r.:. n ji i' i c 11 rc-rr.. orP . u Ir.:.- '2,j'i 0 ur.aerr * opprol',ea ,.,lue r.lu:tl see before you buy or., .%r.ere eie. Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 REPOS AVAILABLE In your area. CoIn lo'a >' I;'eo,, K., m.o.eI no 352-795-2618 Beautiful 3/2 on i'2 acre in grear rch.z,,:.l aistircr $2,000 ar7 -_. in':,, ' (352) 795-60B5 Great Country Setting i2' .nr 2 acre Ir, Ine I rlrl.1 Farms Ea.:,. 10 ,uaglr/ 2.l.ry.iu.3c.r. anr. 55cO mo. (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for ri-.', .1/2 on S a.:resi Zoraed lor ogrlcullure. HOrue: Welcome. $6,000 D,:c,. n S .'. mo (352) 795-8822 New Land Home Packages Available. Many ro Chose from. Call today for approval. Low down and low monthly payments, 1-877-578-5729 OWNER MUST SELL! New 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1/2 acre. 2 BD, 1.5 bath two years old. Bushnell $800. Must have good credit. (352)793-7414, 793-1027 or (352)804-5146 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes It Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, hand- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion," Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of, discrimination call- HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275,. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ACROPOLIS MORTGAGE *Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance, *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 2/1 OWNER FINANCING with $5,000 to move in 2/1 with 1,200 SF on 1/4 acre landscaped lot near Bushnell.'Many trees with professional landscaping. New A/C completely furnished. Decks, gazebo, privacy fence, utility Bldg. near state forest and river on hard rock road. Must see to appreciate. Im- maculate condition. A buy at $119,000. You will LOVE IT! $777.53 + T&I per mon- th. 352-793-7223. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA mllu.r ee ire coeurlful peaceful mrunlai.r, of. Wcslerr, NC :rT.urlalris. HIcmet cabins, acreage & Investments, Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www. cherokeemountaln realty.com Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN FINCASTLE, VIRGINIA 75 acre estate featuring 3760 sq.ft. manor home w/dramatic views of Blue Ridge. Guest cabin, barns, garages, streams and pond 15 minutes from Inter- S state 81 $1,250,000 Bill Gearhart, Annie Lee Stevens. Coldwell Banker Townslde (540)989-3311 FCAN VIEWS VIEWS VIEWS' Helena Montana,,4.7 acres $79,900. Ride out your back doorto Millions of acres of national forest Awesome lake & mountain views, close to Canyon Ferry Lake, minutes to Helena. Soils' tested, utilities, ready to build on. Call owner S(888) 770-2240 FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS ' North Carolina Where there Is cool Mountain air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage, Call for Free brochure of Mountain SProperty Sales (800)642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN PINE RIDGE Desirable 2.75 acres near new shopping center, ready for your new home. Asking $240,000. Ocala's Choice Realty 352-307-4097 640 ACRES Tallahassee, Florida. Abundant wildlife surrounded by National Forest. Beautiful Creek. Excellent ranch sites. $3.9m (850) 576-5271 or (850) 566-4325 cell Owner financing available. FCAN ATTENTION INVESTORS Waterfront lots In the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20% redevelopment discounts and 90% financing. NO PAYMENTS for 1 year. Call now for best selection, www.nclake frontpropertlies.com (800) 709-LAKE FCAN COASTAL GEORGIA Water access, marshfront homesites. Gated community, tennis, golf, kayaking & canoeing. Precon- structlon discounts, limited time. From mid-70's (877) 266-7376 www.cooperspoint. com FCAN EAST ALABAMA MOUNTAIN PROPERTY FOR SALE One hour west of Atlanta In Pied- mont, AL Great for en- joyment or Investment 15-acres $54,250 512-acres $1,485,000. More Information call Gary McCurdy (526) 239-8001 FCAN GRAND OPENING Lakefront acreage from $69,900. Spectacular new waterfront community on one of the largest & cleanest mountain lakes in Americal Large, estate-size parcels, gentle slope to water, gorgeous woods, panoramic views. Paved roads, county water, utilities. Low-financing. Call now (800) 564-5092 ext. 198 FCAN LAKEFRONT BARGAINS Starting at $89,900, Gorgeous lakefront parcels, Gently sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacular views. Across from national, forest on 35,000 acre recreational lake In East Tenn. Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer, Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3145 ext 617, Sunset Bay, LLC. FCAN TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY from $24,900. 6-1/2 Acre Lot $59,900. 27 Acre Lake Estate $124,900. Lake parcel and Cabin package a. ailabie '6J 900 ,'86c0,0 0-.52&63 eo ior oe.loii FCa4i JI M0 660-0609 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL AGENCY ACTION BY THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Notice Is given that the District's Final Agency Action Is approved of the ERP General Construction on 3 acres to serve Road Project known as CR 622F & 622G. The project Is located, In Sumter County, Section(s) -13 Township 21 South, Rqnge 20 East. The permit appll- cant Is Sumter County Board of County Commissioners whose address Is 319 E. Anderson Ave, Bushnell, FL 33513. The permit number Is 44027680.000. The flle(s) pertaining to the project referred to above is available for Inspection Monday through Friday except for legal holidays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the South- west Florida Water Management-District (DIstrict) 2379 E.:,3..1 ;.ser BE.:.,:,'..il FL '4604-6899. NOTICE OF RIGHTS - Any person whose substantial interests are affected bv the District's action regarding this permit -r.-i, ,qu.1:i an administrative hearing In accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chap- ters 28-106, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), of the Uniform Rules of Procedure. A request for hearing must (1) explain how the substantial Interests of each person requesting the hearing will be affected by the Distlct's action, or final action: (2) state all material facts dsput- ed by each person requesting the hearing or state that there are no disputed facts: and (3) otherwise comply with Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. A request for hearing must be filed with and received by the Agency Clerk of the District at the District's Brooksville address, 2379 Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34604-6899 within 21 days of publi- cation of this notice (or within 14 days for ahn Environ- mental Resource .Permit application with Proprietary Authorization tfor the use of Sovereign Submerged Lands). Failure to file a request for hearing Within'this' time period shall constitute a waiver of any right such person may have to request a hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. Because the administrative hearing process Is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of'a petition means that, the District's. final action may be different from the positiflon-taken by it .In this notice of final agen- cy action. Persons whose substantial Interests will be affected by any such final decision of the District on the application have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, In accordance with the re- quirements set forth above, Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., to settle an administrative dispute regarding the District's final ac- tion In this matter Is not.available prior to the filing of a request for hearing.. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, June 9, 2005. Bushnell 2/2, garage no pets, 1 year lease. 4650 month, $650 security. 352-793-6887/ 303-5112. VALUE INN HERNANDO Totally Renovated, . Efficlen6les, Heated Pool & Hot tub, Jacuzzi, C/A starting at $39. dally, $240. wkly. Short stay $27. (352) 726-4744 659-0616 SCT Notice of Admin. Estate of Kathryn D. Dunn PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005CP000088 IN RE: ESTATE OF KATHRYN D. DUNN, Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION (Testate) The administration of the estate of KATHRYN D. DUNN, deceased, Is pending 'In the Circuit Court for SUMTER County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is 209 N. FLORIDA STREET. BUSHNELL. FLORIDA 53513. The estate Is testate and the date of the dece- dent's Will and any Codi- cils are MAY 27, 1997. The names and addresses of the personal representa- tive and the personal rep- resentative's attorney are set forth below. Any interested person on whom a copy of the no- tice of administration is served must object to the validity of the will (or any codicil), 'qualifications of the personal representa- ftive, venue, or jurisdiction of the court, by filing a petition or other pleading requesting relief In ac- cordance with the Florida Probate Rules, WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER .THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF ,THE NOTICE ON THE OBJECTING PERSON, OR THOSE OBJECTIONS ARE FOREVER.BARRED. Any person entitled to exempt property Is re- quired to file a petition for determination of exempt property WITHIN THE TIME . PROVIDED BY LAW OR THE RIGHT TO EXEMPT PROPER- TY IS DEEMED WAIVED. Any person entitled to elective share Is required to file an election to take elective share WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW. OR THE RIGHT TO CLAIM AN ELECTIVE -SHARE IS DEEMED WAIVED. Personal Representative: ANGELA G. DUNN 13275 N.W. 5th ST. PLANTATION, FL 65517 Attorney for Personal Representative: LAWRENCE D. FIELDER Florida Bar No. 204498 1840 S.E. 1st AVE. FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33316 Telephone: 954-524-8808 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, June 9, and 16, 2005. To place your 1 Legal Advertising in the 793-2161 Jacobsen Homes oflPlerit Fleeluyood 5 ' positions, some heavy lifting. Full-time with benefits. Apply at South Sumter High School or call Larry Jewell 793-3131. DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent .pay & benefits for,' experienced drn ers. 0/0 olo0 Teams & Gra,3ujate Srudenar. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opporurilty employer (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN EARN DEGREE online from home *Business, 'Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial .Aid If qualify. (866) 858-2121 www.tldewatertech online.com FCAN 60-0609 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing before the Local Planning Agen- cy/Zoning and Adjustment Board of Sumter County, Florida will be held on Monday, June 20, 2005 at 6:30 P.M., In Room 327, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida to consider the following application for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Sumter County Future Land Use Map: CASE NO.: SS2005-m011 Power Corporation GENERAL LOCATION: Wlldwood area: North on US 301. East on C-72. Prop- erty begins one mile on the south side of the road, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 21, Twp, 18S, Rng. 23E: A portion of parcel num- bers D21=007, D21=042, D21=043, D21=015, & D21=--031 described as follows: Comm at SW cor of NW V4 of SW Y4 run E 382.35' to POB: N 272.09' E 632.34' N 557.50' E 316.55' S 830.34' W 949.54' to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Land use change on 9.9 acres MOL from agricultural to mixed use. The recommendations of the Local Planning Agen- cy/Zoning and Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board, of Sumter County Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, June 20, 2005 at 6:00 P.M., In Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, Bushnell, 'Florida. This application may be Inspected at the Planning and Development Office, Sumter County Historic Court- house, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida on Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Persons with disabilities needing assistance who wish to - attend this meeting should contact the Sumter County Administration office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours in ad- vance of the scheduled meeting. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County June 2, and 9, 2005. 637-0616 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Flinchum PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-DR-000456 BEVERLY REIDY FLINCHUM," Petitioner and ROBERT EVERETT FUNCHUM, JR., Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: ROBERT EVERETT FLINCHUM, JR. '23133 Jerome Rd., Land O'Lakes, FL 34639 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to It on BEVERLY FUNCHUM, whose address is 4547. C.R. 692, Webster, FL 33597, on or before June 27, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be enter- ed against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court aocumenrs in this case, Including orders, are available of the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- fifed on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme' Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the oaadress on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285. Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires cerlaInraulomarlc oDsclosure of docu- ments and information Failure to comply can result In sanctions. Including dismissal or stiking of pleadings DATED r.1o, I- I,. ,I.Cri: r I-I.lrEV'D r -- I:THE i.:lia r*.: )I (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) ' I:uC.i:r.ea r:.j: (4) iT,.e: i ,- t, 'TuT,. -.,:.ur.r, Tir, : S .A Al-"Ali _- - 657-0630 SCT Notice of Action USA. etc. v. Sonja R. Chamblss, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA. IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION Case No. 2005-CA-000-528 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," acting through Rural Development, formerly Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Plaintiff, vs. SONJA R. CHAMBUSS, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: SONJA R. CHAMBLISS, whose last known address Is 600 West Clarke Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to -foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property In Sumter County, Florida: That part of Block C of MEADOW LAWN ADDITION as recorded in Plat Book 2. Pages 3 & 4, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida bounded and described as fol- lows: Begin at the NE corner of said Block C of Mead- ow Lawn Additipn and run South 00 Degrees 03'02" West alohg the East line of said Block r,.-..- .:. 150.0 feet; thence North 89 Degrees ,-:., r-.i. feet; thence North 00 Degrees 03'02'" East 149.96 feet to a point on the North line of said Block C; thence South 89 Degrees 42'43" East along the North line of said Block C a distance of 70.0 feet to the' Point of Be- ginning. , has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on NEAL E. YOUNG, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 300 Third Street, NW, Winter Haven, Florida 33881, on or before July 11, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of the Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on June 2, 2005. ' GLORIAA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) B y : i.,: ,r l :- .n , O,'p.- j ,i., Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, June 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2005. 647-0609 SCT Notice of Action Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., et al. vs. Mary A. Lutze, et a, PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT'COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2005-CA-544 1.11O ':- ; f. L i.t '~ -'i ~- ..: IEl-" r' iIr -Ti,."-I J l . ,' iEr.lS 11IC -*; n':,. f F I"o,. ,I: r COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS. INC. F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE FUNDING CORPORATION D/B/A AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER, Plaintiff r i-e -1 L-.I'TE -'i r -l r .ir: . Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION TO: VICKI KIBLER L/K/A 11898 SW 36TH WAY, WEBSTER, FL 33597 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF VICKI KIBLER 11898 SW 36TH WAY. WEBSTER FL 33597 MARY A. LUIZE A/K/A MARYANN LU1ZE: L, V 11898 SW 36TH WAY, WEBSTER, FL 33597 ' iifl i,'A'l : OF MARY Lu.F : ', MARY /1111 Ll.E . I. 11898 SW 361H WAY, WEBSTER, FL 33597 J-lH-IN DOE H II.iV-IOW/N Ell-I li .'I) IN POSSES- 0' l .-.,F T-E Si.iE ,: -i "":,pFp lr, r. L,' ,L 11898 SW 361H WAY WEBSTER, FL 33597 JANE DOE .- t LuI ,,r .l l TEI ]r- IT 'I 111 FOSSFESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY L/K/A 11898 SW 36TH WAY, WEBSTER, FL 33597 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mortgage.on the following described property: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, PA., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address Is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUD- ERDALE FL 33309, on or before July 5, 2005, a date which Is within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice In the THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. disabled persons who. because of their disabilities need special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinator at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513 or Telephone Voice/TDD (904) 793-0215 prior to such proceeding. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 25th day of May, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Gloria R. Hayward As Clerk of the Court By: -s- Susan A, Stollar As Deputy Clerk LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT A LOT 32, UNIT 8, CROOM-A-COOCHEE ESTATES, OTHER- WISE KNOWN AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NW CORNER OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE EAST 3/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST AND RUN THENCE S 89 DEGREES 14'36" E., A DISTANCE OF 166.50 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN S 89 DEGREES 14'36" E. A DISTANCE OF 166.50 FEET; THENCE RUN S 00 DEGREES 03'04" W., A DISTANCE OF 110.57 FEET; THENCE RUN 89 DEGREES 14'59" W, A DISTANCE OF 165.52 FEET; THENCE RUN N 00 DEGREES 03'35" E, A DISTANCE OF 110.59 FEET TO THE POINT. OF BEGINNING. THE EASTERLY 25.00 FEET THEREOF SUBJECT TO EASEMENT FOR ROW FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. ALL LYING AND BE- ING WITHIN SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO RE- STRICTIONS AS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 124, PAGE 414, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH A 1996 JACO DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME, VIN #JACFL17562A AND JACFL17562B, TITLE #71102914 AND 71102913 AND RP # 12024285 AND 12024286. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, June 2, and 9, 2005. 649-0609 SCT . NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumtei' *-'.:urr, -.:.rr.. ijustment Board will hold a Public I3rg.. :, Monaay, June 20, 2005 at 6:30 P.M., in .Room 327, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider requests for comprehensive plan amendments, rezonings, spe- cial use permits, and temporary use permits, All interested citizens are welcome to attend. .Persons with disabilities needing assistance to paricl- :,t-. i or., i.f these proceedings should contact the Ij,T,r.r '...,-jrr n'rriri.rntr ,-,I|rr- or ,ir '.:." 793-0200, ',i-- l- : ir, ... .: ;r ii .. --.,n ,j1. i- ,. h- . Pursuant to the provisions of'Chapter 286, Florida Stat- utes, Section 286.0105, If a-person decides to appeal any decision made by ath above named Board with i'.p.::r i.:. r o r, T,.3n.' ;.:.r.'i o -, :l ..jnng any meeting :r :.j:r, .:..o. r, :. r,- ..111 -.i 1-,z ] -.. cord of the pro- -+-:.3iri. ], jr.i.3 I.:. ,j.:r, puip':.e: he or she may r.- ,_ 1 i .l ,-,-. -, tr.,or ..-,i..a,n .' : .-i .:.f ir.e i.:.:.ir ed- In-.. 1: rrI a, ...ri.:r, :, :.r.:I r 1 hr,,-l .- i r.n i .iT.ony .- :*- j :.- ..', r.:r, irr, ,pp.-.i i. I.:. C.- C. 3:- . CASE O 10 Steinmetz Hospitality Group GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford/Via ia .. ..- i i.,r. :.r, I. : :)ii East on C-466. Property a :E 2:..iT-.i.', ,*, il. I :.r., Ir. north side of the road. , LEGAL DESCRiPTION: Sec.15 rwp 18S Rng 23E. Beg 1142.39' E of NW Cor of Sec run E 1442.24' S 45 Deg 03' 32" E 49.56' S 14.99' E 1499 5 45 Deg 03' 32' E 14 16' S 1271.93 W 661.67' N -M- 217.19' W 402.54' S 94.06' W 160' N 94.06'W 281.08' N 1116.66' to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 42.13 Acres MOL from AS to RPUD. CASE NO,: R2005-0057 Power Corporation GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 301. East on C-472. Prop- erty begins approximately one mile on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 21, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: A portion of parcel num- bers D21=007, D21=042, D21=043, D21=015 & D21=031 described as follows: Comm at SW car of NW /A of SW VA run E 382.35' to POB; N 272.09' E 632.34' N 557.50' E 316.55' S 830.34' W 949.54' to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 9.9 acres MOL from A-5 and RR to RPUD. CASE NO.: R2005-0058 Merrlyn 0. Akins GENERAL LOCATION: Tarrytown area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. East on SR 50. Go approximately 2 miles to easement on north side of road. Property approximately 250' on west side easement. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 20, Twp. 22S, Rng. 23E: E 154.71' of N 281.8'of W 284.16' of W of NE VA of NE A4 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 1 acre MOL from A5 to RR1C. CASE NO.: R2005-0059 Edd C. & Dorothy S. Turner GENERAL LOCATION: Webster area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. West on CR 478A. South on CR 743. Property on southeast cor- ner of CR 743 and CR 753.- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 1, Twp. 22S, Rng. 22E: E 308.62' of W 358.62' of N 383.70' of NW 1/4 6of SW /A of SW 1/4 less R/W for CR 753 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 2.7 acres MOL from A5 to RRIC to bring prop- erty Into compliance with the Future Land Use Map. CASE NO.: R2005-0060 Walter & Wanda LIrndsey GENERAL LOCATION: .,. 'r.-eii oi.a: West on C-476. North on C-575. East on ,/. .:.i'r. r .., Property on north side of road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 18, Twp. 21S, Rng. 21E: E 377.15' of N 1155' of NW A aof NE A/ TO BE REZONED: S 231' to RR1 and balance to RR5 REQUESTED ACTION:. Rezone 2 ac ,.- c' i .:.'r. "- I.: RR-1 for lineal transfer & balance oT I O.:. A. I 1 ,- I :. rf CASE NO.: S2005-0008 Tina Woods Bowers, Trustee & Jay Frizzell Jr. . GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 301. East on SR 44. Prop- erty approximately 4 miles on, the north side of the road. . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: . Sec. 15, Twp. 19S, Rng. 23E: Lot 14, Lake Deaton Shores, IST Addition REQUESTED ACTION: r.ol'.r -..-..i1 .1..- fI.'-ii, r.:. 31i.:.. electrical substation .'. r-, i,,,', :.', ;'0 j.:,-. .I.:1,-,L" r I " The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board wil~'e presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissioners at 6 Public Hearing to be held on Tues- day, June 28, 2005 at 6:00 P.M., in Room' 222, Sumter County Historic C .:.jnrr..:.. :i,9 N. Florida Street, Bush- nell, Florida, CASE NO.: . T2005-0026 -"*:r, rl ; l:..:.rn-,,. E,:. ; r, . GENERAL LOCATION ,c,.irET ars a:r on C-48. South on SR 471. West on ,'.4.,' :r.:.c..Tr, in southeast corner of CR 743 & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, JUNE 9, 2005 21 Sec. 1, Twp. 22S, Rng. 22E: W V2 of NW V4 of NW 'A of SW '/4 less Rd R/W's REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow mobile home for a care receiver's residence. As time allows, the Zoning .& Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, may hold a workshop dealing with revisions to zoning regulations and related matters. Information regarding these cases is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning & Development, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324. Bushnell, Florida. These files may be reviewed be- tween the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday ' through Friday. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County, June 2. and 9, 2005. 658-0616 SCT Notice of Sale Deutsche Bank, etc. vs. Jessica Gregory, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CASE NO. 2005-CA-261 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF ARGENT SECURITIES, INC.. ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-W5 UNDER THE POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2003, WITHOUT RECOURSE, Plaintiff, vs. JESSICA GREGORY, ET, AL Defendants, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated May 20, 2005, and entered In Case No, 2005-CA-261, of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit In and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF ARGENT SECURITIES, INC., ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-W5 UNDER THE POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2003, WITHOUT RECOURSE, Is a Plaintiff and JESSICA GREGORY; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JESSICA GREGORY: UNKNOWN TENANT; SUMTER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS are the Defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at EAST EN- TRANCE OF SUMMER COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 209 N. FLORIDA STREET, BUSHNELL, FL 33513, at 11:00 AM on June 23, 2005, the following described property as set forth In said Final Judgment, to wit: LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 5, BUSHNELL PARK PLAT NO. 28, ACCORDING JO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 131, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. DATED: May 23, 2005. -LI~A 1D1. AYAI,5LS (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of the Court By: -s- Susan A. Stollar As Deputy Clerk IMPORT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act persons needing a reasonable accommodation to participate In this proceeding should, no later than sev- en (7) days prior, contact the Clerk of the Court's disa- r.ir, coordinator at 352-568-6628, 209 N. FLORIDA r'I,-tT BUSHNELL FL 33513. If hearing Impaired, con- tact (TDD) via Florida Relay System. Published two (2) times In the Citrus County Chronicle, June 9, and 16, 2005. 662-0609 SCT L.l.-.I I. ,01i I. "X'..' PUBLIC NOTICE -*.-, vI' r.1 4 .l", ':' i j "'.:.. '" r,, t.:r., r,c.ris.e,3 rar.v I will offer for sale and sell at public sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, ir, .:.n; .. i, :.i:. ,i I.ci. :r i, ....u-,', i','i on May I. i'"I ..r "O h II '*:.1 : 'J w t ,'1 I.:'l,-rl.30 ONE II) POLLED BLACK BRANGUS : WITH THE LETTER "S" O14 ITS SIDE ,i rr. '.umtt, ,- .u'i r, i- r ,iT r r l.-, l.:--o ed on i SR J'l i-. 't..-', fil"..,3 .:,ro. Wednesday, June 15, 2005, at 1000 am. i.:. :OaTl a .:Ia.', i:.r Ir.- -.oenses for' Olr,.. J', D.:ae' .O 'J0 C.:.,' Ir,.l ,r-.:.4 a 'lliSTr, "J '.o. arT, j,' r ' ri.nrTr .:.r ....T..er C.:.urr, Fn.:,na 6, *,..: p l i i:ro.1: i.,',T,.- CII epa.Tmrii r, Pj.l:r,, ,:.-.e i' time in the Sumter County Times, TRUCK CENTER-gi 1BUSHNELL, FL 352-568-0000 A.P "Family Owned & Operated Since 1969" S 21MaFORDEXPIWHSPOI| 20 FORb ILl g SUPERt WAS $13,500 NOW r'R. 1995 CHEVY 3/4 TN DIESEL 2002 BUICK I WAS $10,366 NOW $8,988 ,te ati";^A.- =....=,;;:- ;@ '""- -- XLT WAS $24,488 NOW $22,777 LYE BANmNw WAS $17,888 NOW $15,888 TO% MONEY DOWW Financing as Low as 4.9% APR , J Ur - 100%FINANCINGON OVER 25VEHICLS AS LW AS $10.99 ... CALL 568-0000 US 301 -WY 48 / BUSHNELL ORANGE S' AUTO DAD C / SALES DADE CITY N 'I? = I oil i 22 Sumter County (FL) Times Thi 661-0609 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE TITLE V AIR OPERATION PERMIT REVISION Florida Department of Environmental Protection Southwest District DRAFT Title V Operation Permit Revision No: 1190007-004-AV Sumter County The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Permitting Authority) gives notice of its Intent to Issue a Title V Air Operation Permit Revision to Metal Industries, Inc., (J.T. Walker Industries, Inc., parent company) for the operation of 2 paint lines with paint spray booths and dryers located at 400 West Walker Avenue, Bush- nell, Sumter County., This Is a revision to Title V Air Oper- ation .Permit No. 1190007-003-AV. The applicant's name and address are: Metal Industries, Inc., (J.T. Walker Industries, Inc., parent company), P.O. Box 4490, Clearwater, FL 33758-4490, to the attention of Mr. Jay Poppleton, President. The purpose of the permit revision (re-opening) per Ti- tie 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 70.7(0(3), Is to Incorporate the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) requirements of 40 CFR 63, Subpart MMMM National Emission Standards for Haz- ardous Air Pollutants for Surface Coating of Miscellane- ous Metal Parts, and Products along with various admin- istrative changes. The Permitting Authority will Issue the PROPOSED Per- mit, and subsequent FINAL Permit, In accordance with the conditions of the DRAFT Permit unless a response received in accordance with the following procedures results in a different decision or significant change of terms or conditions. The Permitting Authority will accept written comments concerning the proposed DRAFT Permit for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of "PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE TITLE V AIR OPERATION PER- MIT REVISION." Written comments must be post-mark- ed and all facsimile comments must be received by . the close of business (5:00 p.m.), on or before the end of this 30-day period, by the Permitting Authority's of- fice at the address or facsimile as shown below. As part of his or her comments, any person may also re- quest that the Permitting Authority hold a public meet- ing on this permitting action. If the Permitting Authority determines there Is sufficient Interest for a.public meet- ing, It will publish notice of th time, date, and location on the Department's official web site for notices, at http'//tihora6 dep.state.fl us/onw and In a newspaper of general circulation In the area affected by the per- mittirig action. For additional Information, contact the Permitting Authority at the address or phone number as shown below. If written comments or comments re- ceived at a public meeting result In a significant change to the DRAFT Permit the Permitting Authority shall Issue a Revised DRAFT Permit and require, If appli- cable, another Public Notice. All comments filed Will be made available for public Inspection. A person whose substantial Interests are affected by the proposed permitting decision may petition for an administrative hearing In accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes (F.S.). The petition, must contain the Information set,forth below and must be filed (received)' In the Office of the Gen- eral Counsel of the Department of Environmental Pro- tection, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mall Station #35, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000, Telephone: 850/245- 2242 Fax: 850/245-2303. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under Sec- tion 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within fourteen days of publication of the public notice or within fourteen: days of receipt of the notice of Intent; whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who asked the perm'tt.s .,jirri.:.rit, for notice of agen- cy action may file a ;rirr.-.r. ,.irr.ir. fourteen days of re- ceipt, of that notice, regardless of the date of publlca- n.:.r, C.er-t.:.rn -r,.i3i .T,..s 3 C.2 ,, :.i irn rn-, r i i.,. 'r.- ,3,:ll.:,3 1,r 31 Ire,- ,3dte..:: irdl.:l 31i 3 ,':.- 31 Ir.. r,,TB .:.r rlnlh,] irl', I.llh .1- ..' a i-i, p,.~,. :.i- I., rn-l .3 p .,rln.;.. - i.rir,. ir.-, Ir .3 i:,t l, ri r. c' r .:. o :roaiil r.:.rinru. .3 .. i -, :l rra. 3 p.,i:.;-r, ii. r [;. r.,u',.Ir ., '3 1.3 ..IT h.I.rr-3 II.A- '.3 -rrrar,.311ir, ir..--a r..: i unr.3 r ; .:rl.:.r.: i ,') ' *3r..3 i F :.,i i : rr. r .-. -r-, Ir, I: iCr.:': .,3 r.- -,3 C.-3n.:p.3'. .31 : .3 3 C3T, I.:. II .-i., .jc.e..j.'rl ir.-ir.aer. n i,r. .,,,I c.- .:..i.1, 31 ir, 3c.pr.: ..3i : irn..v E.i .l iri.3 .:.rf.: r I l :.ir. ii., :r i~r~ :rl .3.3 rr 3iTi',I. ri 1..r* 3 if , r I, riTl,:. .i .3I r.ijie..i .rr... r,. i.. i.3 ro :cr, .r,.:r ir,. .','i-,iIlr., a,jir.-:.iir, o: ,-h: r. i C-.'' J iT i ., .:i.ni Dir. '.3, r, r,,r..- .3,',.3 ..3.3i4 *' i .:: -. cr. .3e1-,c .3ne."Ie.3 3,-,.3 .-.*,-r, .3.3.,-,. : ?if3.4.:, I.'i. 11: 1l':.r. i-r.jiT.c.- i' ir ,'.. rnr,. fl 3iT5. i,30,e:: 31-(.3 Iev'.r.r.n r.uiT.r,4 ,:.i ir, Ir i ,rs.i.-e.r r r .4pr r..i." 11.e Ii .3r., .,n-1 r,.311 c,:, irn- a.,. r-:' I,_, .- .-.I'. A pjrc ..: .: .3]iIrO nW.v r :,.'jr:,- :T I '..vo airh, .,3' ,'h l.3 ,r.i i-3r1.nr, .. r,.-.. e-rli,:-,. S: .ur. 'ii .3i ri r.rt, .. iii L ..n, .:r .3 rE, ir, ,3,o r,., *3 i re, rTIr, j-T., r, I,: .'l.31A TI-,,r :.r r.7,. .3,.3 .rei r. ir..- c, ril'.r.ri.;r r . :,.1 ,-,- ,,-,:,; ,2,1 1-,1 :r'- "*"i: ll' :.r ",r r ,n :":"".. ,-3 :i IO :], i,.,zT,,-ri .1 311 ,31 c,,J.re i :'u .' :.r Ti.3i'r .31 i 1.3"1 ursday, JUNE 9, 2005 If there are none, the petition must so state; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which entitle petitioner to relief; (0f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes the pe- titioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and, (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the agen- cy to take with respect to the agency's proposed ac- tion. A petition that does not dispute the material facts upon which the Permitting Authority's action Is based shall state that no such facts are In dispute and other- wise shall contain the same Information as set forth above, as required by Rule 28-106.301, F.A.C. Because the administrative hearing process Is de- signed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the Permitting Authority's final ac- tion may be different from the position taken by It In this notice bf Intent. Persons whose substantial Interests will be affected by any such final decision of the Per- miffing Authority on the application have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding. In ac- cordance with the requirements set forth above. Mediation is not available for this proceeding. In addition to the above, pursuant to 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 7661d(b)(2), any person may pe- tition the Administrator of the EPA within 60 (sixty) days of the expiration of the Administrator's 45 (forty-five) day review period as established at 42 U.S.C. Section 7661d(b)(1), to object to Issuance of any permit revi- sion. Any petition shall be based only on objections to the permit revision that were raised with reasonable specificity during the 30 thirtyy), day public comment period provided in this notice, unless the petitioner demonstrates to the Administrator of the EPA that it was Impracticable to raise such objections within the comment period or unless the grounds for such objec- tion arose after the comment period. Filing of a peti- tion with the Administrator of the EPA.does not stay the effective date of any permit properly Issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 62-213, F.A.C. Petitions filed with the Administrator of EPA must meet the re- quirements of 42 U.S.C, Section ,7661d(b)(2)" and must be filed with the Administrator of the EPA at: U.S. EPA, 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460. A complete project file Is available for public Inspec- tion during normal, business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at: Permitting Authority' Florida Department of Environmental Protection 8407 Laurel Fair Circle, STE 214 Tampa, FL 33610 a Telephone: 813/744-6100 Fax: 813/744-6458 The complete project file Includes the DRAFT Permit, the application, and the Information submitted by the responsible official, exclusive of confidential records under Section 403.111, F.S. Interested persons may contact Mr. Jason Waters, P.E, at the above" address, or call Mr. Jim McDonald. at 813/744-6100. ext. 106, for additional Information. Published one (1), time In the Sumter County Times, June 9, 2005. 648-0609 SCT Notice of Sale Gladys M. Knapp vs. BambI Johnson, etal, PUBLIC NOTICE 11I il-iI" C ull .- *TU:' S.i r.i : i i 'r:. I ,I;. f 1 . *:3.^ r i.:. JiuC ii :'- *:L-L.',1 eli.-FF IPl.3lr.lIrl 1p.lbiI i.:'- l t I',I'I[ LEE: BLiI?,S IE':-I,[J L C .Ii l'"l'E 1. ,EtleI- iCl, sirE '.I FI.C',rlIC'l C. 'Aitl,*ir.IEI[i ,C.,l: ICE II ILIE L irEc '. iE ,,: r 11C 11,C , T-L 'I Ii: e'l e I3,'.,3 F l.l, -- i,'- rF.l slj ;,.-,u I.I ,'-,.[ 1; l ,'-; NOTICE OF SAtE .-. I. ell. r,l ir..31 i ,jruor.I I.: a fir,-3 Ju.3,, Ti.,r.il 3.31. 3 1.103, r I'.;' 2 C I 'W '3. I iuiT..,,r :cjcw :'Ac.':l ;l 'J C.1 Prr, .'ir ',.ur .3ri r Fi rrnr, .lu ic lOl C'r,',.'s P .1 3 O i "1. i1-, i'l-i1ilrt .3,-.3-1 a r i .,H_1, LClH i, r.a c.r .ei' 01 ore c 3-3,.,,3r.I: I ..II :li I.:. Ir.e rigr.e:! 31r,.3 C- .i C.1 0 1.:,r ..'3..r, '31 rr--. ie' a..e,:.r .:.1 rr,e 'jT.II' ,' ,-c.u -irr >::.:,,jr. r.'j:, in u:r uTI..' ;u Ti :..jrr, Finsa at 11.00 am. on June 21. 2005 tre r:..r:,.lrg .342.:41b3 r:.'-crr,, .er I..'r I.-, .ji.3.r ..1 inr,.i .hj3: gT.TAri -WI- Tax Parcel #J09B007 Lot 7 and the North 1/2 of Lot 8,.Block A, In MAGNOLIA MANOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 46, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida. Dated May 19, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times; June 2, and 9, 2005. To place-your Legal Advertising in the S SUMMER COUNTY TllVIES call 793-2161 655-0609 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Phyllis N. Benedict PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005CP000108 IN RE: ESTATE OF PHYLLIS N. BENEDICT, Deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of PHYLLIS N. BENE- DICT, deceased, w-..:.* date of death was -.i, 14, 2005; File 'Nurr.i,-.' 2005CP000108, is pen.air,. In the Circuit Court :.I Sumter County, Floa ..3. Probate Division, the .33 dress of which Is 20: I Florida Street, Bush.r.-e Florida 33513. The norr. and addresses of the ri,. sonal representative al-., the personal represec-s. r tive's attorney are .+ forth below. All creditors of the de:e. dOent and other pel..: r. having claims or - mands against' d..:. dent's estate, on' whom 3 copy of this notice r..3, been served, must 11e their claims with this C.:.,u, WITHIN THE LATER *,,: THREE MONTHS AFTER Hn- DATE OF THE FIRST P.'Li- CATION OF THIS NCTiC.E OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER fHE TIME OF SERVICE Of COPY. OF THIS NOTICE .i THEM. A ll oth e, : .-'3 r.:.r .:. Irn . deceder rJr3 i :...' having :Im3iTr,: :r i3e. mands against the d-,:e dent's estate must rule their claims with this C :.un WITHIN THREE MONTHS F. TER THE DATE OF THE '4::i FueLt. -I'.-r:I OF -THIS I-. ALL CLAIMS. DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SEI FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Trit .331- *y ra.il |..jL:,I.:. rl.:.,, .: 4 rri l .'.n. i. .h j,',e el: :.ri.31ol'i z -rr .-,r.r tl i WILLIAM H BENEDICT, SR. r-'1- ,111.3.3-', Fl:,i,133 3.i3.,. i4 :ri-o r,-.r s :.r .1-a MICHAEL D MILIHORN - rn..ir.-, S: ,I.- .3 .-r 3 I.:3 I i I "; itHE I i1LLHL,'NI L'V iFl'r.1 I ?" 1N I. H1..r ,.1 JJI L,0 i.3P :1. I.3.3 1 I. i, .i "-*: '9'.r 3 FC.i' r.e n r,.c. i. I 1i'r,.: ih' irin '",jiTl' r :'.'._jrr, hIn'..' .ij,-,- 2 .3,',.'3 ; ":,:,i M847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 ?IWtW@ LTEMi:1-800-824-4386 LIr E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com *Tax, tag, & title not included in above sales price. Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com Gejsals &, i.C ome 2 C* eVkL Rates & rebates subject to change. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005, PAGE 23 ' ORD OF O CA .f. BELLEVIEW ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM THE VILLAGES JEEP TY 888-255-1599 ReFed Alloy Wheels, c R2415 6 Cylinder, Stt Only 3,800 Miles,it, Automatic, P wer Windows, Air -"P!,., R24-a15 fr mJ 6 CylwoDmr~niiinder 0551901A Only 12,000 Miles, Conditioning, CD Sound System,O Warat, ,"-Owner, Factory Warranty One Owner Trade, ,1A the Luxuries @ upper Lo iles, Loade I AI8 O EXrPEflONLT #55576B :...ow nd;ws:Cruise, i, Low 2002 FORDEXPLORER SPORT TRAC #550774B..,..OneOwier, Power Windows es Rear Ai, l Sound Systeu ... $22;7 and ocksC Sound System;Immaculat e. ,:.......1 .4.FOiD lREE STAR VAN #R2341O. eO iut c, AiCndition, 200 FORDCRO VICTORIA LX#P2089,....11 Mies, et ult I rtii-,Powerndow ad ind.(ocks C Shd ` em:,Rear Air ,,,.....$13,940 quipped, FctryV~ r nty..:......................,... .;,$16,843 01FORDMUSTANG CONVERTIBLET#550524B..oadealth the 2004 FORDF-1 4X4SUPER CAB #551553B-..Loaded, 27K Miles, One s 32w Mus.$17,744 cto....................................... .. ... $2 ,243 PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 05 PACIFICA 717,999 SAVE $8,500> 05 QUEST S20,999 ,SAVE $7,000 S42,999 SAVE $10,500 05 OPTIMA *11,999 /'05 GRAND AM 12,999 05 TAURUS $12.999 05 GRAND MARQUIS $18,999 $ yDown 19 onh ODwn $2 19 QPer $ Down $P 2 9 Per1 Down $29Q Per 05 MAGNUM $19,999 05 GRAND CARAVAN 05 LINCOLN LS $21,999 05 DURANGO 05 RAV 4 *18,999 05 EXPEDITION 05 TRAILBLAZER $20,999 05 YUKON TRADE IS WORTH OVER THE PHONE INSTANT APPRAISAL LINE W.Ak W&WA: 716 $ Down ,'l1 Perb Payment -.. ..-,M th" HONDAACCOR .,, ,. . PONT IAC BONNEVI..L E TOYOTA CAMRY. g... I99 HYUNDAI .ACENT ..... 99 o'- :- `, i- '--- . , ,j L ^ o -.- rt, SO Down Per Payment 1 W,,Month' SATURN SC.....-........, .7.99 FORD MUSTANGC-.' .. .. JEEP WRANGLER.W.. .... ... 99 A vTfl fl-T My R.* Y- 14H9 'IN JNTRY-HO 'm;;.a _: , ;1999 N&I !C R CURSION .".. .. . :BIHI '-,CLIPS .. .. .'499 1,999 MERCURYCOUAR.......,999 999, HONDA CIVC.. .. ..:....,.6,999 Per $',f l '.Down 'A, Q Per Month Payment Month' S' NCOLN TOWNCAR .. 12,999 -~.1 "p ,t...t *'A- F; ')~~J. ~j? 0 C A L A NISSAN PRE-OWNED SUPER CENTER 2200 SR 200 * OCALA ALL INVENTORY SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. PLUS TAX, TAG S195 DEALER FEE 72 MONTHS @ 7/6% APR t 66 MONTHS @ 7.5 APR W.A.C. |