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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 19 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar............ .10 Church ...............7 Obituaries ......... .. .6 Police Report ....... .13 Tidbits ............. 13 THURSDAY, MAY 19, 20051 Villages balks at garbage assessments Developers of The Villages have decided that they will study private disposal options MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County Commis- sioners may soon get their solid waste assessments, but it appears they won't be get- ting the Village's garbage. In a move that could have a major impact as the county forges plans for solid waste disposal, developers of the Villages have decided that they will study private dispos- al options for their vast devel- opment Gary Moyer, vice president of development for the Villages, on Tuesday announced the develop- ment's decision to the board during the public forum sec- tion of the meeting. That information comes to the commission just days after the board had decided on some preliminary steps to deal with its solid waste prob- lems. Among those was the board decision last week to commit to solid waste dispos- al assessments for Sumter property owners. Commissioners authorized In a move that could have a major impact as the county forges plans for solid waste disposal, developers of the Villages have decided that they will study private disposal options for their vast development. County Attorney Randall Thornton and its waste con- sultant to negotiate with a Tallahassee firm to develop the assessments. Moyer said that the devel- oper was "caught by surprise" by that action and had been" weighing what would be in the best interest of our resi- dents." He noted that the board was given two options: run the solid waste operation as a business with flow controls or get out of the garbage. busi- ness. "We've determined that the Villages will not be bringing trash to, Sumter County," Moyer said. "We feel it would be irresponsible for us not to advise you of that." He suggested that the coun- ty cooperate with the Villages in a study to determine how the county could get out of the solid waste business. Currently, the Villages oper- ates it's own garbage collec- tion system and disposes the solid waste at the county recy- cling center at Lake Panasoffkee. The Villages should com- plete it's own study and report back to the county's solid waste committee by about mid June, according to Moyer. * "You're talking about a pri- vate system for the Villages," Commissioner Richard Hoffman asked Moyer. "I think that is the way the coun- ty should go." He also asked if the service would be only for the Villages.. Moyer's response was 'no'. "We believe the residents of the county would benefit from this," Moyer said. The commissioners' con- sultant advised them in recent months that they need- ed to insure a volume of solid waste to be able to plan and invest for handling it "We'll just have to wait and see," Commissioner Jim Roberts said after the meet- ing when asked about the impact on the county's plan. Some time ago, a split vote of the board on a developer's agreement granted the Villages the option of dispos- ing of solid waste other than through the county. But, the Villages decision to take its garbage elsewhere does not preclude assess- ments on properties in the Villages, Roberts said. Man arrested for ... stabbing brother Photo by Amanda Mims Christopher Wall, 28, of Sumterville, was transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center on Tuesday, May 17, after he was allegedly stabbed by his brother at their Sumterville residence. AMAwDA MIMS Staff Writer A Sumterville man w\as arrested for domestic bat- tery with a deadly weapon on Tuesday after he alleged- ly stabbed his brother with a i i fe. Wesley Lee Wall, 26. was taken into custody after police responded to a call in reference to a domestic dis- turbance. said Lt. Bobby Caruthers of the Sumter Sheriff's Offnce. Caruthers said the victim. Wall's 29-year-old brother, Christopher Wall, stated the conflict between the two started during an argument between Wesley and their mother. Caruthers said Christopher came to her defense, and Wesley began throwing knives at Christopher cutting his left hand and stabbing him in his left thigh. When law enforcement officers arrived. they discov- ered that Wesley had left the scene, but was soon found and arrested about three- quarters of a mile away from their home. "He had left on foot but was found by Sergeant Jon Galvin. on County Road 522 just north of 301 in the same area." Caruthers said. "He was brought back to the crime scene and we did get a statement from the vic- tim." Caruthers said He said Christopher remained conscious throughout the ordeal, and was airlifted to Orlando Regional Medical Center: Caruthers said Wesley has outstanding arrest warrants for violation of probation and driving while license suspended both in Sumter and Osceola Counties. Christopher Wall was released from ORMC Tuesday. Wesley Wall is being held at the Sumter County Detention Center without bond. Mixed messages on landOxford teen Mixed messages on land issue arrestedmin BOB RocCHMAMN Editor Whether or not a zoning vio- lation exists on about 100 acres ofland west ofBushnell, near Withlacoochee Heights, depends on whom you ask According to Roberta Rogers, county director of development, there is no vio- lation. But that's not what the county's Code Complianc e Department says. They recently At issue sent a notice of 100 acre violation to the offcooli property owner. off Co At issue is 5Z about 100 acres of . land off County Road 575. Some residents of Withlacoochee Heights have voiced growing concerns about some activity on the nearby acreage that they sus- pect involves development. They've noticed what appears to be roads cut in between trees and dirt being moved on property that is closed off from the highway with a metal gate and barbed wire. Their concerns reached the county, Code. Compliance Department. Four complaints were filed recently concern- ing the property and the activ- ity that's happening there. Last week, Paul Jochum, county code compliance man- ager, met with about, a dozen residents of the community concerned about the agricul- turally zoned land. Residents voiced concerns that the land is being devel- oped although no approval has been granted by the cou n- ty. They voiced concerns about the impact develop- ment of the land would have on the aquifer and the natural wildlife habitat. But mostly, they wanted to know how land was being moved around without county authorization. Following his meeting with the group, Jochum is about toured the prop- s of land erty. itRoad After his tour. Ity he informed a 75 Times reporter - that any informa- tion or comment about the resi- dents' complaints would have to be provided by his supervi- sor, Roberta Rogers, county development director. Rogers told the Times last Friday that based on the inspection, no code violations were found on the property An old construction trailer on the property is being used for storage, but no improper activities are happening on the land, she said. Any activi- ties begin conducted on the property are within the appropriate requirements for agriculturally zoned land. Rogers said the owners have been cautioned to be sensitive to the concerns of their neighbors. Please see LAND, Page 5 car deaths BOB REICHMAN Editor An Oxford teenager was arrested Friday in connection with a December 2004 acci- dent in Citrps County that claimed the lives of two peo- ple. The 17-year-old boy was arrested for two counts of vehicular homicide and two counts of driving without a valid driver's license causing death, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report The collision happened at 11:41 p.m. on Dec. 28, 2004, when the teenager traveled through a stop sign at State Road 44 and S. Bauer Road in Please see ARREST, Page 5 '.0 ~ Irn~N It t.F .~ ~' Paul Jochum, county code compliance manager, meets with residents of Withlacoochee Heights to review their concerns about a nearby land issue. PNO W-Mr. >. . I I 7 PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 KID'S PAGE Keep the kids reading and grab some sqpifummer fun for the entire family! The Times is publishing a weekly summer fun page just for kids every Thursday beginning in June! * A serial story with weekly chapters and learning ideas! Craft ideas for the family! A monthly calender with reading and learning ideas! Activities on page for fun'! ISubsci ___ Sigi -___subsc Other things will include Name: reading lists for simmer camp Mailing Add fun and a food page with great I I things for Mom, Dad and the Telephone: kids to cook up in the kitchen.! L l._3___. Or call (35 ----------------------------- ribe now and get a bonus! n-up for the $18 (in-county, prepaid) ription and $5 of your payment will go to the school of your choice! I Iress: I School Choice: 2) 793 2161 or e-mail blocklear@sctnews.com 2) 793 2161 or email blocklear@sctnews.com :" '* .... -2005 )599 CRUISE, CD, ADJ. PEDALS STK# 50372 1,200 MSRP $20,660 1,782 iDisc -1,014 1,000 Rebate -1,500 ,O000 Hot Button -1,000 NOW :'17,14 S 2005 SUBURBAN LS ON STAR HOMELINK STK# 50404 MSRP $41,135 CChevDisc -3,861 Rebate -3,500 Bonus Cash-1,00 - 2005 MONTE CARLO LS CD, CASSETTE, POWER SEAT STK# 50483 MSRP $24,630 Disc -1,221 Rebate -3,000 Hot Button -1,000A m-hotbutton NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Void in Puerto Rico and where prohibited. Game ends 5/31/05. Must be 18 with a valid driver's license. GM employees, dealers and dealership employees not eligible. Subject to complete rules available at this dealership or at gm.com/hotbutton. 2005 GM Corp. All rights reserved. The marks of General Motors and its divisions are registered trademarks of General Motors. 847 S. Main Street J Wildwood, Florida ______l__.OEV LJTO E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com Ine Gru mn h *Tax, tag, & title not included in above sales price. Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com GemiO People. GmWine Chevrolet. Rates & rebates subject to change. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 3 InsideSUMW Sumte AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer For half the day on Friday, May 13, Governor Jeb Bush and Lt. Governor Toni Jennings participated in nearly 60 one-on-one five- minute sessions with indi- viduals and groups at the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell. Starting around 7 a.m., cit- izens registered to take advantage of a rare opportu- nity, a chance to bring con- cerns directly to the gover- nor in their own county. Among those who met with the governor and staff were city and county gov- ernment officials, as well as citizens and even some from outside the county. r gets County Commissione Randy Mask spoke wit Jennings about $500,00 requested for storm water drainage in his district an funds for restoring th Center Hill communil building to be used i emergencies as a hurr cane shelter. Bushnell resident Jac Bratton voiced his coi cerns to the governor regarding his concern ove the waste management issues that the county ha been struggling with. Although issues brougl to Bush and Jennings at th courthouse seemed to be a varied as the people wh came, one group the pa: visited was content just t sit with them and tal - --- - A, visit from governor Er about schoolwork After the visit to BES, the The reorganization of m th After leaving the court- governor and his staff were itary bases throughout tl )0 house, they went to off to Orlando. United States will be affer ar Bushnell Elementary But earlier in the day, ed by the chang .d School where third-graders Bush gave his comments on announced on Friday b e warmly received them, then BRAC (Base Realignment announced on Friday, b ty sat and spoke with the gov- and Closures) during a con- Bush said he was "elate( n ernor about what they were ference call that was held in with the news that the i- learning, between citizens' sessions, were no closures in Florid il- he ct- es ut d" re la. 1- ;k n- Ir er it as ht le as 10 ir to lk ....- -*' L ' Photos by Amanda MIms Governor Jeb Bush stopped in Lynn Crawford's third-grade class at Bushnell Elementary School to visit with students after personally speaking with residents'at the courthouse on Friday, May 13. He is pictured here with Katie Nobles, 9, discussing a science assignment she and her classmates were completing. _LIW -" -------- -- Lt.. Governor Toni Jennings, Sumter resident and World War II veteran Jack Bratton, and Governor Jeb Bush stand at the - : vta r'ni.morial ij kront of the.courthousp in Bui.shnell ushnqlLPolice Chief Joyce Wells was one of the about 60 people who met with Governor :- -,', T; ..during Bush's visit to the Sumter County Courthouse last week. L cal pastor arrested for battery on 8-y BoB REICHMAN Editor A Bushnell pastor was arrested for domestic battery on Friday. May 6, for allegedly hitting an 8-year-old boy. Lawrence Armbrust, 60, pastor of First United Methodist Church of Bushnell, was arrested after he struck the child in the right. eye with a closed fist, accord- ing to a Bushnell Police Department report. A school official contacted authori- ties after noticing that the child had a a bnrised eye accord- ing to the report. ' The incident, hap- pened on Monday, May 2, when the - child began acting up at Armbrust's Lawrence home and began hit- ting a table and slamming chairs, according to the report. While he was trying to discipline the boy, Armbrust lost his tempter and hit him in the eye, the child's mother reported. The boy's moth-- i er told police Armbrust began. Armbrust crying and left the room. : Following the incident, while the mother was putting an ice bag on her child's eye to Armbrust is scheduled to appear at an arraign- ment hearing at 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 25, before County Court Judge Tom Skidmore. keep swelling down, Armbrust re-entered the room and asked the boy for his forgive- ness, the report states. Armbrust was released from the Sumter County Detention Center on Saturday, May 7, following his first court appearance. He was released after posting a $50 cash bond, according to court records. Armbrust is scheduled to appear at an arraignment hearing at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Digging in for Langley ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent On Thursday, May 12, the site of the future Thomas E. Langley Medical Center in Sumterville was abuzz with people. People and shovels shovels of all shapes, sizes and colors. With musical entertain- ment by Tommy Treadwell in the background the crowd grew. At 6 p.m. under the direction of Everett Kelly,' CEO of Langley Medical Center, the ceremony began. Kelly introduced a wide variety of legislators, physicians, county employ- ees, and employees of the medical center who all played a part of had an interest in seeing the new complex come to fruition. Family Practitioner Frank Pellegrino was excited. "It will have more room, we'll be able to serve more people. The clinic does a great job in provid- ing excellent care. Sumter County is very fortunate to get the new building." Sen. Carey Baker More LANGLEY, Page 5 Julie Cumbie, pediatric program manager, and Betsy Wilkinson, nursing coordinator, hold up signs showing their support of the new complex just over a year away from completion. Standoff ends with sex offender arrested Henry was wanted for failing to register as a sex offender BOB REICHMAN Editor After more than two hours of negotiations, a standoff in Linden ended Friday after- noon between about two dozen law enforcement offi- cers and a convicted sex offender. Earlier that day, Sumter County law enforcement offi- cers joined Orange County law enforcement officers and Federal Department of Law Enforcement authorities to converge on a home at 13106 County Road 721 where they believed convicted sex. offender Charles Edward Henry, 28, last known address was in Apopka, was staying with his brother. Henry. was wanted by .Orange County authorities for failing to register as a sex offender following his April release from prison, accord- ing to Sumter. sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. Henry had served. 17 months in prison after being charged as a principal in an attempted lewd and .lascivi- ous act on a child under 16. Convicted sexual offenders are required to regis- ter with. several agencies within 48 hours of their release, Caruthers said. When officers arrived at Henry's brother's home about 2 p.m. Friday, it appeared that no Charles one was home, Caruthers said. However, while officers were staking out the home, waiting for the suspect, Henry and his brother came out of the residence about 4:30 p.m., he said. When officers approached Henry, he ran into the house, locked the door behind him and refused to come out, Caruthers said. His brother remained outside. A crisis negotiation team was then called in to try and persuade Henry to come out of the house. Officers unsuccessfully" tried to contact Henry using a public address system and a bullhorn, Caruthers said. In the meantime, the: sheriff's Special Weapons and Tacticse Team, a sheriff's hel-. icopter and a K-9 unit were also called to the scene. Officers attempted to contact Henry by, telephone but real-:, ized that ..Henry's, brother had dropped,' the cordless phone outside when the two Henrry men initially came out ofthe house. About 5:50 p.m., officers threw the phone through a window into the residence, Caruthers said At that point, Henry. opened a rear door yelling that he was coming out, according to Caruthers. He was then taken into cus- tody and transported to the; Sumter County Detention Center to await extradition to Orange County. Henry was arrested for fail- ure to register as a sexual, offender. .4 Man arrested for rape and armed robbery Gordon Winslow as apprehended by police after a girl alleged he robbed and raped her AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer A Wildwood man was arrest- ed for the armed robbery and rape of a 17-year-old female on Friday, May 13. Gordon Winslow, 19, was apprehended by police at his home three days after a girl alleged he robbed her at gunpoint and raped her, said Wi Id-wood Police Captain E.W Reeser. Winslow and the victim were Winslow acquaintances, and she told police she picked him up from his house late in the evening on Monday, May 9, Reeser said. Reeser said at one point dur- ing the early morning hours on Tuesday, the two were stopped at Clark Park at 601 Wilson Street in Wildwood. "In the early morning, he pulled out a firearm demand- ing money. trying to rob her," Reeser said. The victim said Winslow demanded money from her at gunpoint, and she gave him $20, Reeser said. He said according to the vic- tim's statement. Winslow told her he wanted more -money, and when she said she didn't have any, he forced her out of her vehicle and raped her at gunpoint. Reeser said the two had engaged in consensual sexual activity earlier on Monday, night. For the armed robbery charge, Gordon would face a 10-year prison sentence if con- S-victed.-Reeser said. Winslow was placed at the Sumter County Detention' Center with a bond of $80,000. ear old May 25, before County. Court Judge Tom Skidmore. Armibrust told the Times on Thursday that he was informed by his' attorney, Felix Adams, not to comment!, about the case. He did say he is hopeful that' the. issue will be resolved with' pre-trial intervention. Armbrust said he ,plans to, make a public apology before his church congregation. Adams could not be reached' -for comment I ; PAGE 4, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 188i The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ...................... Bob Reichman Publisher .................. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association OurVOICE Teens stepping out, it's graduation time "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" - -ww .u-- - Your P ride for Sumter moms and dads and teens, that's the key word this week as the Class of 2005 takes the walk and puts a firm hold on the more than 300 diplomas that have been worked for over the last dozen years. There are 4.0 students with plans to go into the medical field and with their hearts set on research. There are students with plans for the military and plans to help couples start families. There are students with plans to keep everything running from engines to corporations and there are stu- dents who plan to become para- medics and journalists and dancers and homemakers and dads and wives. There are future teachers and aeronautics design- Ors and business leaders. And with a current war, there are future sol- diers. And it's not so just because it's an expectation from every class - it's so because this class says it will be so. They have plans and they plan to join us in society. : Both Wildwood and South Sumter will host their graduation ceremonies on Friday, May 20. The Wildwood High School ceremony is slated for 8 p.m. doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for ticket holders. Graduation at South Sumter High School starts at 5:30 p.m. gates open at 4:15 p.m. for those with reserved tickets. There are about 220 are graduat- ing from South Sumter High School and about 90 from Wildwood's class of 2005. Hal Holloman is Wildwood's valedictorian this year, and the salutatorian is Emily Ferrell. At the top of South Sumter's graduating class is Katheryn Moore. Jacqueline Judge is saluta- torian at SSHS. After the ceremonies, graduates reap the benefits of fundraising' efforts made during their school days at Project Graduation, where they'll play games, win prizes, and celebrate their accomplishments. SSo whether you're a family mem- ber or a close friend and you'll be attending, or just a Sumter resi- dent proud of the students in your community, remember these all- Americans, the Class of 2005 as they step away from their, youth and step up to adulthood. Thank you for generous donations This is a letter of thanks to the many businesses of Wildwood who generously donated to make this year's Wildwood High School prom such a success. Because of your support, our stu- dents were blessed with an amaz- ing celebration that they will remember for a lifetime. As a mother of two adult children and a high school educator for the past 13 years, I know how impor- tant this event is in the life of a teenager. That is why, as this year's prom sponsor, I wanted to make this gala, riot only memorable and exciting, but also as safe and as close to home as possible. Thanks to the support of our com- munity, I was able to accomplish these goals. The City of Wildwood recognized the importance of the safety and security of our students and gener- ously donated the use of the new community center. We all breathed a sigh of relief knowing that our kids would not. have to drive a great distance on such an important night. This sig- nificant conhibution was greatly' appreciated. Beef O'Brady's in the Villages was also very generous with their support. They supplied a very gen- erous amount of delicious wing platters, which I can assure you that we all greatly enjoyed. I would also like to thank the fol- lowing businesses for their contri- butions: Publix in the Villages, CVS pharmacy, Subway, Angeloti's and Winn Dixie of Wildwood. Veliah L Diaz, Prom Sponsor for .Wildwood High School Concerns grow about Center Hill Please accept my thanks for fol- lowing the developments in the continuing saga of Center Hill. Center Hill has grown by leaps and bounds iby annexing 1,100 acres southwest of town near C.R. 478E. The furthest reaches of this proper- ty is one mile from Webster and three miles from Center Hill The Center Hill political leaders have given a green light to a devel- oper to bring in an RV park with gates and security guards. Along with this high-class development, we will also get a sewage treatment plant with a sewage spray field across the road from my family's home. Why not spray their sewage in the landowners' front yard or the Center Hill elected officials yards? If it were planned as close to their homes as it is to my home, they might take a different view and "just say no." Once again, I state for the record, "this is a classic case of spot zoning. at its .worst." This area is zoned agricultural only. There are only agricultural operations, no com- mercial property, in this area. Center Hill and the landowner hatched this sweetheart deal. Everyone knows the south end of the county will grow but it is dis- couraging that .every elected offi- cial we have talked to said, "It's inevitable, it's coming, we can't stop it" and all the while they continue to vote "yes" on all kinds of excep- tions to the Comprehensive Plan. With this unplanned, accepting all offers development, there \will be traffic problems, environmental destruction, loss of agricultural: enterprises and the loss of our nat- ural beauty that attracts folks to. Sumter county. The winners of this RV park will notbe the local citizens. .. Right now citizens of Sumter County have an opportunity; to speak up but time is ruming our quickly. Daniel G. Croft Webster Dissolutions: Katrina Ann Parish and Justin Corey Parish Mary G. Knapp and Russell J. Knapp Brenda Rogers 'and Brian Rogers, Sr Property transactions: Joseph K. and Elizabeth Dawn Hofecker David and Damaisy Diaz, property in S33, T21S, R22E for $125,000. Roger A. Gobeil, Roager J. Gobeil and Beth A Gobeil to May Supply, property in Villages Unit 14 for $230,000. J.D. Cosson, Jr. to Jay D. Cosson, III ,and J.D. Cosson, Jr. and Natalie Cosson, property in Wildwood Ranch for $100. George C. and Barbara Carey to George C. and Barbara Carey, Trs. of Carey, Family Trust, property in Villages Unit 91 for $100. Robert J. and Mary C. Hotopp to Frank E. and Jacquelyn Estes proper- ty in Villa Natchez. Dorothea L. Wood to Lynn A and Charlotte E.- Martin. property in S5, T18S, R23E for $40.000. R.H. Kight and Barbara Kight to Barbara Kight, property in S18, T21S, R21E, f6r$100. Shirley M. Taylor, Trs. of Shirley M. Taylor Revocable Trust, property in Villages Unit 34, for $615,000.e Kenneth E. Squires, Kenneth Earl Squires and Erin E. Squires to Kenneth E. and Erin E. Squires, prop- erty in Sumter Gardens, Bushnell, for $100. William Carl Giddens, Jr. and Debra G. Giddens to Gary and Tina Brothers, property in Panasoffkee Retreats for $100. Christina and Bryan Adkins to Patrick and Karen L. Henry, property in Holiday Heights, for $144,900., Russell M. Broderick Jr. mId. & Trs. and Ruth M. Broderick, Ind. & Trs. Broderick Family Trust to Russell Broderick, Jr. and Ruth Broderick, property in Villages Unit 19 for $100. Jeffrey Alan and Sock Eng Horn to Sock Eng Horn Trs. and Jeffrey Alan Horn Trs. Sock Eng Horn Living Trust, property in Villages Unit 20, for $100. Wilbur F and Maureen M. Tryon to Wilbur F. and Maureen M. Tryon Revocable Living Trust, property in S24, T20S, R 22E.. Ronald H. Hinson and Winifred J. Kaczynski to Robert and Kathleen D. Hillen, property in villa Alexandria, for $141,000. Phyllis G. Laudermilk Ind. & Per. Rep. and Peggy G. Reigner, Ind. & Per. Rep. Mary Katherine Grimm Estate to Barbara G. Lyons, property in Tracy's Point for $85,000. Noel A and Barbara A. Jett to Melvin and Amy Kuepfer, property in S4, T22S, R21E, for $25,000. James Waltmar Douglas to.Mahabir Kishum, property in S16, T21S, R22E, for $140,000. David C. Wilson to Timothy T. Lance, property in S23, T20S, R22E, for $72,500. Villages of Lake Sumter to Philip Edgington, property in Southern Oak Villas, for $125,600. Frederick W and Amelia P Wilson to Edward R, and Sandra M. Richesson. property in Villages Unit 34, frio $227,500. Irene Faurot, Ind. & Trs. and Joan Elias, Ind. & Trs. John Prucha and Esther Prucha Trust to Brent G. and Marilyn Allison, property in Continental Country Club for $105,500. Villages of Lake Sumter to Edward N. and Sharlene L. Owen, property in Villages Unit 82, for $189,400; to Ruthann Thompson, property in Southern Oak Villas for $124,300; to Marshall A and Elaine A. Ellinwood, property in Lime Grove Villas for $205,500; to James A and Barbara A Loose, property in Villages Unit 89 for $171,600; to Lawrence A Lark and Barbara D. Lark, property, in Mount Pleasant Villas, for $191,800; to Susan Duell, property in Southern Oak Villas, for $118,000; to Lynn w. and Linda M. Whitfield, property in Villages Unit 94 for $466,400; to- Barbara Silver, property in Mount Pleasant Villas for $143,000. -S SeniorAdVOCAT Never mind medical need do you have capacity? F first, a note about Dan's . -mailbag: I don't personally know where you live, nor am I aware of the names of your Congress person and state senators. But each week I receive e-mail and letter after letter indicating that my read- ers do not receive responses to their prob- -%" lems. This column has become their court of iA* last resort. If you're an "elected protector," help those who believed in you and D i put you where you are, Roi or leave! More to follow, I promise. Next, Dan's believe it or not: 'As a follow-up to my recent col- umn concerning thie Medicare hot line, and its staff's lack ofability to answer the questions of Medicare beneficiaries correctly, let us speak of "outsourcing." The Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) pays lit- tle attention to the accuracy of those customer service represen- tatives (CSRs) and their ability to understand the program. Instead, the vendor that admin- istrates the program, a wholly owned subsidiary of a British company, monitors the accuracy check Holy Cow! I guess that congres- sionally powerful private insur- ance companies did not see enough money within this pro- gram., Here is an example of just one call made to the CMS, and moni- tored by the General Accounting Office (GAO). A caller was attempting to find out information as to whether Medicare would pay for an elec- tric wheelchair. A wheelchair is consider iP. AN NAN "MMMMO. red Durable Medical Equipment, and Part B of Medicare may cover it However, like many DME items, Medicare has strict criteria for covered items. Wheelchair coverage, especially of the elec- tric kind, is based upon what is referred to as trunk (torso) strength. Trunk strength is the strength in your upper body. Medicare assumes that if one needs the use of a wheelchair, the beneficiary does not have lower body strength, and, indeed, this would have to be verified and proven. So, let us con- sider that one may need a wheel- chair, but this individual .does have significant upper body strength. In this case, this individ- ual may qualify for the "rolling" type of chair. However, if it can be verified and proven that an individual does not have upper or lower body strength, then he qr she may qual- ify for the electric type of chair Is this simple enough for anyone to understand? I hope so, because as a former state and private pro- fessional trainer, I could have charged the CMS 10 grand for this one.. Heck, writers can always use a few bucks, to support their com- pulsion writing. The CMS could be a one-week gig for me, and I could stop applying for grants and clerical positions, and support my compulsion for a couple of years. Now let us return to our benefi- ciary and Medicare hot line CSR. Again, this actually happened and was monitored by the. GAO. I do not have an actual tran- script of the conversation, but it is factually correct The caller asked the question about qualification for an electric wheelchair. The Medicare CSR went to a flip chart for wheelchairs and qualifi- cations, and the determiner, "trunk strength," appeared. I assume the CSR'thought: "I wonder *what trunk strength means." No problem! Within several minutes, the caller had the answer to the question. Trunk let me think the backed of a car, where items can be stored. That fast and concise, the ques- tion was clearly understood by the CSR, who fearlessly solved anoth- er question. And that was' the end of the problem of another satisfied, but confused Medicare beneficiary. Oh! I almost forgot the answer. Well, on that given day, to that given Medicare CSR, and that given Medicare beneficiary, des- perately seeking assistance to a troubling question, the answer is as follows. Medicare would pay for an elec- tric wheelchair, only if the caller's automobile trunk is large enough to properly, and I assume safely, fit the wheelchair. Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week. Send questions and comments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mail: danrohan@atlantic.net The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. a & do as hows.- -71 r mlmw News,, of R CO' R D: I I v -m-A SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 5 Proposal for county buildings to go to County Commission AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Por about five years, a build- ing committee, which is now comprised of all constitutional officers in the county, has been discussing space problems of county offices and searching for possible solutions. County Commissioner Jim Roberts, who has been on the committee for about five months, said more space is needed in county offices everywhere and the problem is only going to get worse as time goes by "When population grows as ours has grown, you have a space problem," he said. Although the group has rejected several ideas for new construction '.possibilities, they may have one e ver y- y The new faci body can agree on, located nea a n d courthouse should be presented to the , County Commission for con- sideration within the next five weeks. The committee has been considering data collected from space studies, as well as opinions and suggestions from consultants. They're now con- sidering building two new structures,' one three-story building for offices and one for a new jail, and updating the historic courthouse and adja- cent judicial building. "We're getting close to cross- ii ing fed- eral ities would be g u id e - lines at the existing the jail," in Bushnell. Roberts said. "In ev ery phase of government, we've got a prob- lem." The new three-story office building they're considering would contain the State Attorney's Office and the Board of County Commission- ers offices. The office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, which is now located in the judicial build- ing, would occupy the first and second floors of the historic courthouse and Planning and Development would remain on the third floor of that build- ing. "The bottom floor of the judicial building will be remodeled for an additional two courtrooms," Roberts said. The new facilities would be located near the existing courthouse in Bushnell. The committee does not have an estimate of the cost of this construction at this time, but other plans rejected by them were estimated to cost over $80 million. Roberts said the commit- tee's considerations are based on "needs, not wants." "We don't want a Taj Mahal," he said. "We want space to provide necessary services." LAND continued from Page 1 But while Rogers main- tains that no violations were noted, the Times has learned that a notice of violation has been sent to the property owner from the county's Code Compliance Department According to a Thursday, May 12, letter from Jochum, "...You have pulled in a trail- er, placed a power service, surveyed an entrance, and posted a physical address all without county permit (s), approval, and required developmental use permit- ting. "Cease and desist all activ- ities, remove address, remove trailer, remove power pole and obtain all required permits and approvals, prior to any and all further development of this property." Initially, the letter was addressed to Frederick Johnston. However, accord- ing to county property deedsj the land was sold in February to MTV Developers in Plantation.' When informed by the' Times of the land transac-. tion, Code Compliance' Department representatives said a.new letter would be drafted for the new owners. When contacted Monday, MTV Developers manager; Richard Vitta said he had' heard about the complaints and discussed them with, Rogers. "I talkedd to Robbie; (Roberta Rogers) and we've: straightened everything out," he said. "We're really not: doing anything wrong," he said. "We just put a trailer on the property for storage and, we're trimming and planting some trees. "Robbie told us it was fine' if that trailer was just for', storage." Vitta said no development is happening on the property,' "we're keeping everything on the up and up." Thomas E. Langley Medical Center Dental Staff prepared their shovels for the special occasion. WHEN BUSINESS CALLS, LANGLEY continued from Page 3 informed the crowd of how legislators helped to restore some budget cuts to further assist the medical needs of the community as Langley is often the'bnly place that some local Floridians can be helped. Citing pilot projects around the state, Baker said, "Langley Medical Center is better prepared to take the state where it needs to go." Speaking about the new building, Mrs. Thomas ,Langley said, "You are fulfill- ing Tommy's dream. He was quite ,a humanitarian- this keeps his dream alive." When Julie Pacheco, direc- tor of operations, spoke, she not only thanked the public for their support but the staff ARREST continued from Page 1 Inverness and was struck by a 2000 Chevrolet Blazer driv- en by Brandon -Mushlit, 25, of Crystal River Mushlit's vehicle partially overturned on its right side throwing both Muslit and his as well. As an indication of some of the difficulties in cop- ing with the current building, she spoke of doctors giving dictation with the sound of water hitting a pail in the background and said with a smile, "I applaud each and everyone of you who would occasionally get caught in your office ,without an umbrella." Addressing the crowd, Rep. Hugh Gibson said that it was good -to .keep the local providers involved in the project. "Everytimie I see it, it gets bigger, it gets better" SThe whole crowd formed a circle and all dug a ceremoni- al hole to break the ground for the new building. The site had been prepared for the ground breaking but actual work was scheduled to begin on May 16. Approximately 14 months from now, a grand opening is anticipated. passenger out of the vehicle, according to the report. The crash resulted in Mushlit's death and the death of his passenger, Sara Jo Williams, 23, also of Crystal River. They were pronounced dead at the scene. The teenager was placed in the Sumter County Detention Center and then transported to an Ocala juvenile facility. SNOW'S FUNERAL MINISTRY & CREMATION SERVICES 352-438-0007 S With this ad take additional $500 off full Stranditinnalt ":' ^A^ F 7 service Bro. Felix M. Snow, L.F.D. Best Services Best Prices Funeral Service is not our Business; it's our Ministry CL,, FASTFREE. ONLY FROM NEXTEL. Fast Free Unlimited local walkie-talkie .All incoming calls are free Connections in under a second Landline or wireless Plus: Cellular long distance included Unlimited nights and weekends 300 anytime cellular minutes Messaging Express access FREE INCOMING PLAN $499 per month. Other monthly 4 9o9 ,charges apply. See below.** SUMTER COUNTY ,GIVE US A CALL (USPS #635-880) News Department ....................... 352.793.2161 Circulation .................. .......... 1.888.852.2340 Retail Advertising ....................... 352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352.793-2161 Fax ...................................... 352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES 4 > Preferred Partner NIE XTEL AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TM CEllulAR ((V((' TECINICS, INc Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free **Nextel also imposes a Federal Programs Cost Recovery (FPCR) fee of $155 or $2.83, The FPCR is not a tax or government required charge, Offer expires May 31, 2005., National Free Incoming Plans: Onewyear contract required, Additional fees: $200 early termination aid $35 setup fee per phone.Monthly bills include fees to cover our costs of complying with fedem programs: up to 1.5% per bill & $2,83 per phone. Fees for state & local programs may apply (vary by area), plus government taxes/fees, Cellular. free Incoming applies to calls received in the U.S, Nationwide Long Distance includes domestic long distance only Overage ($0:40/min). Partial minutes charged as full minutes., Nights (9pm to 7am), ekends (Fri, 9pm to Mon. am) WalkieTalkie: Nationwide walkie-talkie ($0.10/min.)times t of participants. 'Additional charges: charges may apply and may vaq by market, including state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1.364% or 1.50%, in some states a Gross Receipt Recovery fee of 1.4% to 5%, a TRS charge of approx ,07%, and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time, Offers may not be available in all markets., Other conditions may apply, Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are service marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S, Patent & Tradimark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved, Let Nextel help your business get things done. k fi THE TAKE, PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 W-i. - Smntr OBITUARIES Elizabeth Eason, 84, retired Elizabeth Eason, 84, died Wednesday, May 11, 2005, at her home in Brooksville. A native of Bessemer, Michigan, she came to Sumter County in 1967. Mrs. Eason was a charter member of Brooksville Golf and Country Club. She owned and operated the old 41 Drive-In in Brooksville before moving to Sumter County where she owned and operated the Sumter Drive- In Theatre and Flea Market for many years before her retirement Grandson, Steven Muecke, predeceased her. Survivors include her two sons, Ben Muecke and his wife Carla of Brooksville, Duane Muecke and his wife. Arnetta of Bushnell; daugh- ter, Suzann and her husband Mike Coburn of Brooksville; two sisters, Ann Brewer of Olympia, Wash., and Margaret Armony of Beaverton, Ore.; seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Services were held at Brewer, and Sons Funeral Home, Brooksville Chapel, with Chaplin Roland Nelson, Hernando Pasco Hospice officiating. Interment fol- lowed in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Leesburg. In lieu of flowers the family request donations be sent to Alzheimer's Association, 919 N. Michigan Avenue, Ste. 1100, Chicago, IL 60611-1676, 1-800-621-0379, and Hernando Pasco Hospice, 12260 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville, FL 34613. Brewer and Sons Funeral Home and Cremations Services, Brooksville Chapel, provided information. Marjorie S. Hamel, 87 Marjorie S. Hamel, 87, of Wildwood, died on Thursday, May 12, 2005. A native of Altoona, Pa., she was the only daughter -of the Reverend Norman and Mable Slagel. She was an active member of the Wildwood Methodist Church for over 20 years. She taught German in Pinellas County, where she was also a First Federal Savings Bank presented a check for $16,410 to the March -of Dimes on Friday, April 29. That total' was: raised through various efforts throughout the cam- paign, including a yard sale, bake sales, magnet sales, Beanie Babies sales, "Guess the Baby Picture" contest, and Blue Jeans for Babies. At 'an awards ceremony held after the March of Dimes WalkAmerica in Wooten Park, Tavares on April 30, First Federal was recognized for being Most Improved for rais- CELL U founding member of the Aldersgate Methodist Church. Mrs. Hamel was a devoted wife and mother. Survivors include her hus- band of 59 years, Arthur (Bud); sons and daughter-in- laws, Will and Sandra of Parkland, David and Lynn of Sarasota, Christopher and Kathy of Summerfield; five grandchildren, twins, Helen and Kaycie Hamel, Samantha Hamel, Maxfield Hamel and Alexandra Cox. She was preceded in death by her son Douglas. Services were held on Monday, May 16, 2006 at Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home Chapel. Family request in lieu of flowers that donations be made in her name to Alzheimers Research, 1400 North Samoran, Suite A, Orlando, FL 32807. Arrangements provided by Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood. Myra L. Hughes, 79, cashier Myra Lee Hughes, 79, of Bushnell, died Sunday, May 8, 2005. Born in Mulberry, Mrs. Hughes has been a resident of Sumter County since 1968, moving here from Manatee County. She was a cashier.. Survivors include two sons, John E. Hughes of Inverness and timothy L. Hughes of Lake Panasoffkee; two daugh- ters,. Betty E. Davis of Jacksonville .and Virginia H. Adams of Bushnell; 14 grand- children and 21 great grand- children. Purcell Funeral Home of Bushnell provided informa- tion. Philip E. Law, 88, retired. Philip Edward Law, 88, of Wildwood, died on, Monday, May 16, 2005. A native of Anthony, Kansas, he moved here in 1985 from Ocala. He retired from Motorola Inc, as the director of manufacturing involving two-way radios. After retiring he assisted his children in business and returned to his farming her- itage. He was a Methodist. Survivors include his sons, Richard of Orange park, ing $10,000 more than the pre- vious year, as well as receiv- ing a Golden Boot award for raising over $15,000 total. "All the hard work paid off in the end when we more than doubled last year's total," said Leslie Rocha, who spearhead- ed the fundraising efforts for First Federal this year. First Federal Savings Bank was established in 1934, cur- rently conducts business in Lake, Sumter, Citrus and Marion Counties, Florida through a network of 16 branch offices. cSe%vre41,f~amsrt~fl~rcc 1960, SFamily Ownecd J. Lane Purcell John SOwner F 793-4531 D. Purcell under "How do I decide which funeral home to call when the time comes?" Aside from the requirement that all funeral homes be licensed by the state, some basic questions you might ask when selecting a funeral home include: Are they flexible enough to handle your specific. needs? Are decisions made locally or from an out-of-town corporate office? Are they full service? Do they sub-contract services such as cremation or do they provide these options on-site? Everyone has different priorities and questions about funeral pre-planning. We invite your questions and we will respect your priorities. Please call us for a no cost, no obligation, no pressure appointment, to get the facts on how you can benefit from funeral pre-planning.: Plan today for peace of mind tomorrow! --FUNERAL HOME Beyers and CREMATORY Serving CentralFlorida since 1920 Licensed Funeral Directors Locally Owned and Operated 1123 West Main Street Leesburg, Florida. Sumter County Tollfree: 1-800-501-4343 William and Keith, both of Oxford; daughters, Pamela Law and Connie (Doran) White, both of Wildwood; 12 grandchildren and 10 great- grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, May 19,2005 at Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home. Burial will be at 1 p.m. at Forest Lawn Memory Gardens, Ocala. For those who wish to make a memorial donation to Hospice of Lake/Sumter counties in lieu of flowers the address is 12300 Lane Park Road, Tavares, FL 32778. Arrangements provid- ed by Bqnks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood. Leslie S. Phinney, 77, radio dispatcher Leslie "Les" S. Phinney, 77, of Wildwood, died Friday, May 13, 2005. A native of Upper Sackville, Canada, he moved here in 1962 from St Petersburg. He was a radio dispatcher retiring from i 1 w 0 I I w UJ < "4 w 0 I I I w U *4 w Oh II UJ 0 I I (U *4 UJ SECO in 1986. He was a Korean War Veteran serving in the U.S. Coast Guard. Mr. Phinney was a member of the Adamsville Baptist Church and he attended the Shady Brook Freewill Baptist Church. He was also a mem- ber of the Loyal Order of the Moose in Leesburg since 1975 and a lifetime member of the Florida Sheriff's Boys Ranch. He loved flowers and gardening. Survivors include his wife, Bernice; sons, Douglas Friesorger of Bay City, Mi., and Leon Friesorger of Pinconning, Mi.; daughters, Edith Hurst and Shirley Williams, both of Wildwood and Jacqueline Mimbs of New Bern, N.C.; sisters, Laura Field of Moncton, Canada and Lillian Pratt of Gardener, Mass.; 10 grand- children and 15 great grand- children. Services were held Tuesday, May 17, 2005 in Banks/Page-Theus Funeral chapel with the Rev. Mike Carter and the Rev. Gerry Martin officiating. Interment followed in the Adamsville Cemetery. For those who wish, memorial contribu- tions may be made to Hospice of Lake and Sumter, Inc., 12300 Lane Park Road, Tavares, FL 32778-9972. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home provided information. Earl W. Morris, 75, carpet installer Earl Wilson Morris, 75, of Bushnell, died Tuesday, May 10, 2005 in Bushnell. He was born in Lucerne Park. Mr. Morris was a former member of the Lions Club of Auburndale, former owner of' Earl Morris Carpets, Auburndale and Earl's Upholstery, Winter Haven. Survivors include his wife Sara D; two daughters, Shawn Dowdy of Ashburn, Ga., and Missy Tipper of Bushnell; son, Scott Morris of Ripley, Tenn.; half-sister, Elizabeth Day of Raleigh, N.C.; eight grandchil- dren and two great grandchil- dren. Purcell Funeral Home pro- vided information. Ricky M. Price, 35 Ricky Martin Price, 35, of Haleyville, Ala., died Wednesday, May 11, 2005. Mr. Price was a native of Florida but had been living in Haleyville, Ala., for the past four years. He attended Moss Bluff Baptist Church. Mr. Price was preceded in death by his son, Johnny Price. Survivors include his wife, Deborah; mother, Terry Elliott of Wildwood; father, Clyde Price of Floral City; children, Patricia, Shiloh Lynn and Ricky Sterling Price, all of Haleyville, Ala.; brother, Aaron Ojeda of Wildwood. Pinkard Funeral Home, Haleyville, Ala., provided information. Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice 0 I BUSHNELL First Church of God " .ffihlon.. Andcr-,v IN 793-3455 1rl',.E 'sh,,I.'. il 1i1' 11 Vl kri.ii FL h .1 ''. i, , ir-lyj ,vsl 4 afi. M N tii1 ;iV.. P )jp 1 4 ,1r Es'.n1ng lI'..uhp r u i' inp . ivdnr cJv Es eriing' "liii p K, Rridall Bel-hter Pa[,:,.r 791-135.- 1 All Are WVelcome At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD url WuV-tr,.p 8 00 A M 10 0 iA M 6 00 PM Sunday School 9:30 A M. Wed. Disciplesn.p Nignt 7 00 P.M J 1451 West C.R. 476, Bushnell 793-2240.1 0St. Francis Episcopal Church" 313 N Gr.,ce 'trect i At LiU 3011 PC) Box ;n.1.352i 1 7i3-31s7' WVedresd.ay Bible study 7 p m Holy EucharLt I0a m Sunda\ Sunday School 0 a mi K A -AimeeskThursda t.aSpm 2 (lTHE BUSHNELL PRESBYTERIAN-\ CHURCH USA 323 N BRCODiC.m-erlt W Dade & N BiadI Church School q.15 amn Pubhc VWors.up. 10 A.r.0 NIONDAN AA Group Meentny S 00 r-.u. SWVE DNETDA1 Bible Stud ,' 10.1ii0.- r. L 352-793-4202 ( First Baptist Church of Bushnell 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 'Snorng mes God Ne*s oraiie Througn Farn in Cnisff" 'un.alOy Bll. sTudy. 0. i. .1 uriaavy W:.rr.lp. lu "0 n'- .. aria ,.lIJ W 'er,i- a,3y blue S'.ij, ?.i j)j : M rFirst United Methodist Church- 221 W. Noble Ave. OiTs,.... .t ....-..... Faith, Hope & Lose Sunday School 9-31 a.mr. Worship 10:50 a.m. CEILL. IChrvtuir Eduitwi,rb Lirrurig lablh5.Op m. Disciplen' Dialogue. Wed. 6:30 p.m. Chbu Practinr ThOrs '631 p m ITue daI 3Ji., 1-J., 5:J0 p.im.Cla rc4 SCub cojaU Tuea 631, p m. Dais) Troop. Thdr.. 6J11 p.m. U.Ann.on, Fnday 80" p m. S.HALR r, Ith Sat., li )a.m. li I. Larri ) nrmbruAL. Phsinr K 1 793-3221 j 5B-@NELL L L ii-CH Or Cm-M51 310 V Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Studv 10 a m Sunday Worship Serice I I a m Evening Worship 6 p m y Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m 2 r Indian .fll'Baptist Church .19OLK6i 33 Bu.hnitl 11 iirnts-, i I .- P ':" Sunday School............ .. 9-45 am Morning Worsn.p. ........ .11:00 am Evening Worship ......... .. 7:00 pm ,Wednesday Prayer Service ..........7:00 pm) PleasantHillBaptistChurch CR-316A, Ifushnel Sunday School................9:45 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship.....6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service..7-00 P.M. 793-5083 Pastor Alike King2 (BUSHNELL SEVENTH DA.1 ADVENTIST CHURCH Corner of Seminole & londs Ae Wotihip Hours 9 30 A M Sabbath School 10 45 .A.M. Sat Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 LADYLAKE | ( Hope Lutheran Church > 250 Avenida Los Angelos corner Ot C R 4r,6 & Morze Blvd I Th V111.3y& Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM. 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For more iriforalion, call i 2-;50-23r21 or our SWerb Sil t.r pelul tlran her villagjsc org J LAKE PANASOFFKEEI '_ LAKE PANASOFFKEE ' UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 589 CR 470, I mile W of 1-75 Sunday WorShrip Service 9 30 AMl H:sM s ('ily Ti. e al: IU w 5, AM S.juri.ay ,:t,:.i Gaiti ir, 1 1 0) AM K Suriday crii .i al11:15 AM rFirst Baptist Church- of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School...............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening.............6:00 p.m. Wednesday Ni,,i Prayer Meehlig 7 p rri. y Pastor Jon Kinq 2 t adtlis of GIdace Milist leS 1,,.,.h,: ,:, .. P' l,':,r Fredi] Psin, HGO:,le MorningWorship-- 10 3( f -,ai Sunday Eening-- 600 , Wednesday Nignil- 7 00 1. ,.i1- 793-1600 01U1 CR54 7 La 6F'ar.a:,-',h.e | I EESRURG r GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. l r :1 n :,ir. L ",', i i ,l, 1 5-, Ihi Ld: :L 'J: 7li 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 J SUMItfERVILLE SSumterville , United Methodist Church II| 'OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER' ^1 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 invifei youlO atoa endSand3j worship eril( 303 M. Palor Charlies IopMbiln All children ire ilitd | WAHOO (Discover the Differencel) Bn, R.eao, 4 3 Males Ve2 ol li ,'', Ho, 13 ;-l-.lu. n B.C.e Siuy Sunday9: WA , Cil.u raw i',r. Snr,:c., 11 A PM Weapesdav Evening- rje Cc-rrimuniey L .fe. i 3. O) F'M rie Cc, n u'..ry Wr h,,'ud.-ri AcrJr-. U- v PMI A cwc ielPal.ior Ma Biar01on , .oar-,oirr.u..:h ora 352793-6015) I WEBSIER r Webster United SMethodist Church Invites You To Attend r Worsiip Service 11:00 a.m. & Church School 9:45 a.m. 1 3 S E.3rd S .WeDiier FL 33597 1 t352il793-.3734 .4 prang chuiirch First Baptist Church of Webster 114 mile east of 471 on SE 1st Ave. Surna Scfic,.i I 1a5 ,I rlrrn,,rq rc.yr,,:,I 1 00 r1.1 E n-.i. Sr,- r Si...i S, 1 M rW. ,'an i' t F'.'rcr r.'eirr.,r ,, Pr I WILDWOOD Sunday S oioo t 9:L5 am ', W rsrhip..-... ..... -... Le 'A, L & (6m' PM edneayiay Pyaj .IWiin ---...--.-6.15 PM * Suudj ErveatigSferv ..........-..6.h:d PM | (Wildwood United MethodistN 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am Nursery Provided K 748-1275 2 r FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 11:00 a.m. 2 .0 Barn ick StI. Wildssood. FL 34785 K. (352) 748-2530 2 (FJ SUNSET PARK CHURCH OF GOD- 22 Pmne Street 748-1318 Pi-,i.r .- i"I I l' rl Wrnil,,t,,,iuil ..fi, Iw'Al tRed' Ball, ij-- iInIII S WELCOME ALL!!!!!! ) tL ^E A- CER CIHIOPEa IW First Federal raises money for March of Dimes' FUNERAL HOME -MM-to II-TWER .... ...... I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 7 Grace NOTES The price of peace The other day, I went looking for purple che- nille and found a cross of mercy instead. I'd gone on a bender; I do that occasionally. Not a drinking ben- der, although I'm beginning to under- stand what it must be like for an alco- holic to make vows and promises before God to stop drinking and then not be able to do it It must be like shopping. Like passing your NA favorite discount KEN store and telling yourself, "Don't go in," but you go in anyway. Telling yourself, "Look but don't touch," then you touch. "Touch but don't buy," but you buy anyway. You buy stuff you know you don't need and don't really want, but at the moment you think no, you know that you can't possibly live without it Not only that, you can't imagine how you've managed to survive this long without it You plunk your money on the counter and drink down whatever it is that you hold in your hand and you'breathe deeply and savor each flicker of brain energy or whatever it is that happens up there that makes you happy, or at least numb, at that instant. Ahhhhh. But then later you throw up or yell at your kid or do some- thing you're ashamed of. Outwardly you blame the booze or you blame your spouse or your boss, but inwardly, in rare moments when you can't escape your real self, you blame yourself for being such a loser and fail- ing to keep your promise yet again. So I went on a bender. I'd been trying to find serenity and tranquility. The Solder I get, the more my insides scream out for peace. I've started with my house, clearing' counters of clutter and strip- ping walls and shelves of stuff. I've decided to fill the empty spaces with simplicity and col- ICY ors that are sooth- !EDY ing on the eye - sand, taupe, egg- plant, goldenrod, sage, wheat Clear glass and woven textures. I've become almost furious in my attempt to fill my house with peace. A whirling dervish for tranquili- ty. I went shopping for serenity. In a Seinfeld episode, George Costanza's father, Frank, the most un-serene person on the planet, is squished in the backseat of a car, hollering at his wife to slide her seat forward. He yells, "Like an animal - because of her, I have to sit here like an animal! Serenity now! Serenity now!" Then he explains that a doc- tor had given him a relaxation tape that instructs him to chant, "Serenity now," when- ever his blood pressure gets too high. George asks, "Are you sup- posed to yell it?" "The man on the tape wasn't specific," Frank says. Racing through the mall, I felt like Frank Costanza, shop- ping for things that would bring me peace and tranquili- ty. No one could hear me shouting, "Serenity now!" but shouting I was. The last item on my list was a purple chenille throw blan- ket for the chair in my bed- room, as if purple chenille would finally quiet my rest- lessness. I have a friend with cancer, a few other friends with fami- ly strife. My husband works out of town and I miss him; my kids are grown and gone. I want to write another book, but I'm struck with a fear I have nothing worth saying. Serenity now! I eventually found the pur- ple chenille blanket, but before I did I found a stone cross on a clearance table, with the word MERCY engraved on it. Mercy carved in stone for $2.49. It was simple, rugged and rustic and fit my decor. I clung to this cross of mercy, looking at it for the longest time, drinking in its message. How like God to enter into our fren- zied search for whatever it is we think we need and to show us his mercy. To give us his peace in our un-peace when we least deserve it and most need it And just for a moment my soul quieted. It, was just for a 'moment, but it was good. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria - I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough" and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 1-352-563-5660, Monday through Thursday, or via e- mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. Books in the Sumter Campus The Sumter Campus Library is located on the Lake-Sumte- Community .College campus behind the Thomas Langley Medical "Center in Sumterville. The library is open to all residents of Sumter County. iThe summer hours of the library are Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Selected books guaranteed to be enjoyed are: Bone Walker: An Anasazi Mystery by Kathleeen O'Neal Gear and W Michael Gear Constantine The Great: The Man and His times by Michael Grant Firebreak: A Parker Novel by Richard Stark An Execution in the Family: One Son's Journey by Robert Meeropol Four Spirits: A Novel by Sena Jeter Naslund Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 by Edwin g. Burrows aiid Mike Wallace Legacy: A Biography of Moses and Walter Annenberg by Christopher Ogden . Metro Girl. by Janet Evanovich Storm of the century by Stephen King Unforgettable Women of the Century by People Weekly. Ladies Night Out Nancy Kennedy will be the featured speaker at the annu- al spring "Ladies Night Out" dinner held by First Baptist Church of Webster, 173 S.E. 1st Avenue. The event entitled All things Bright and Beautiful, will be held Saturday, May 21, at 5:30 p.m. tickets are $7 per person and all ladies in the community are invited to come and bring a friend. For reservations, please call Nell Todd at 793-3928. Gideon Day is set Gideon Day is set for May 22, at 10:30 a.m. at First Baptist Bushnell. Sheriff Bill Farmer will be speaking dur- ing the morning worship serv- ice on behalf of Gideons International. Gideons sole purpose is to win men, women, boys and girls to a sav- ing knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through personal testimony and Bible distribu- tion. Everyone is invited. The coordinator is Brother Rickey Taylor. For more information contact the church office at 793-4612. First Baptist to host ESCAPE First Baptist Churdh of Webster will host ESCAPE, a country-gospel music trio on Saturday, May 28, at 6 p.m. This is a community-wide event replacing their regular 5th Sunday Night Sing so that those from other churches will be free to participate. The church is located at 173 S.E. 1st Avenue, near the fire department and everyone is encouraged to invite a friend and attend this special evening of gospel music. Bob and Jeanne Johnson Bob and Jeanne Johnson will be in concert on May 27 at 7 p.m. at The Assembly of God Church in Wildwood. The church is located on C.R. 466A (Fruitland Park. Road) and for more informa- tion please call pastor Bill at 748-1022. Admission is free but a "Love Offering" will be taken. They will also be minister- ing in the morning service, at The Assembly at 10:45 a.m. on May 29. If your do not have a home church please feel free to join us. Vacation Bible School Family, Vacation Bible School with a theme of Going Global with Jesus will be May 31 .to June 2 at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist church, 133 N.W 10th Avenue, Webster, from 6 to 9 p.m. Meals will be served each evening from 6 to 6:45 p.m. Bible School classes will begin promptly at 7 p.m., each evening. For information call the church at 568-1807. Vacation Bible School It's almost time for Vacation Bible School at Bushnell Assembly of God! This year's theme is "Water!" Fun-filled classes with water Bible sto- ries, crafts, snacks and music will be Tuesday, May 31 through Friday, June 3, from 6 until 8 p.m. each night. In addition, Water Game Day is Friday, June 3, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Bushnell Assembly of God is located on West Highway 476, Bushnell. There is no cost for VBS. Children from age three years to sixth grade are encouraged to come and bring a friend! Call the church for more information 793-2240. First Baptist road trip On Monday, June 6 through Friday, June 10, First Baptist Church of Webster will have a Vacation Bible School Road Trip, from 9 a.m. to noon, for children kindergarten through fifth grade. Jump in the RV and join us as we cruise across the USA for an adventure-filled getaway. We'll be visiting Washington, D.C.; Chicago, Illinois; Lebanon, Kansas; Yellowstone National Park; and Knott's Berry Farm as we cruise to our final destination - a relationship with Jesus. On this exciting road trip, you will experience thrilling Biblestories, awesome crafts, music for the road, energizing snacks and fun recreation. For more information 'call the church office Wednesday or Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 793-3738 or e-mail. fbew@atlantic.net. Vacation Bible School Wildwood United Methodist Church will have a Vacation Bible School from June 13 through 17, for children kindergarten through fifth grade. The theme this year is Smokey Mountain Jamboree. Call the church at 748-1275 for more information Two-year celebration in Jubilee! The Helping Hands Prayer Ministry invites you to come and help us rejoice and cele- brate two years as a Ministry in Christ Jesus. On June 10, at 7 p.m., we will be having the "Jubilee and Praise" Night. Our guest speaker is Min. Amoud Jenkins from Refuge Church, Webster. And then on June 11, at 1 p.m., we will be having the Seven Levels of Praise Conference with three anoint- ed speakers: Evangelist Ray Wiley, Bushnell Assembly of God; Elder James Hall, pastor of Refuge Church of Our Lord, Webster; and Elder Michael Glover, pastor of the House of Prayer, Wildwood. For more information, con- tact Missionary Hazel Lyons at 793-3183, Missionary Rose Haywood at 352-303-6744, or Bushnell Assembly of God's Church office at 793-2240. Healing team at American Legion National Evangelist Jami Moore and healing team will be holding miracle-healing services every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Hwy 44 in Wildwood. Everyone is wel- come to attend these services. This is a non-denominational ministry. Come receive the' miracle God has for you! "This is your appointed time!" For more info please call 352-7484976. Family caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438. Newspaper recycling bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recycled newspapers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. IlE r 1Fr 1 IFJ I I I I IFIJFFI?] IB 13 fJ 11J 1. m IFJ 1 '1 1rr1 1 1 I IJ 131 IF I J 5r 1 E Models needed for fBROW i e Permanent Make Up -L E Procedures- must be available Sat., Sun. and Mon. ' S Apply at L WT u-U Salon E 352-529-0211 444 Nask for Joyce illiston E 444 N.W. Main St. Williston Ia LUULL rULLUljLUULL r-jiiLUlL i L L tlrl.I] r ~ I GROVE PRAZA HWY 42 I I Rai IN THE VILLAGES I ree: 25 a-5 0 Hearing Aid Repairs 25 5790 I all makes and models soum7RN TCACXH AE PAZ M NO HWY466 Battery Sale OLIGAON OXFO HEARING lRnL :-- Ii TOT i9 f s |_L, -- Lril2pa,:S As F ., .- .1 E1. i.. '. ... . A T:A (800) 7"4,7310 J'a Want rtnIars CAiS H "m A brShr tvdomm t I ~ cVjIATER caovr7y asf,-MoVE PORK SEZ: I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE Monday Friday during our regular hours of service 8:30 AM 3:00 PM. CALL 568-MOVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS OR FOR INFORMATION IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE! BUT OUR DRIVERS KNOW THE WAY AND WILL MOVE YOU THERE... SAFELY, COMFORTABLY, EFFICIENTLY, AND ON TIME! SUMTER COUNTY TRANSIT 568-MOVlE (66S3) A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - -- ------ ----- ----- N IN DAR PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 North Sumter Intermediate School students teach how to save water BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer What better way to learn than to teach? And teachers at North Sumter Intermediate School have joined efforts with Southwest Florida Water Management District and the entire third grade to put together a special lesson on the environment for water awareness. It's a lesson that the third graders are teaching other grades. Using cotton balls and drawings, puppets and glue, third graders are teaching other students about the water cycle and needs of the environment. The creation in the class- rooms was funded by grant money from the state agency, according to teacher Benachoice Caruthers. While they used Swiftmud curriculum called Sprinkles, her students wrote and per- formed their own skits for the program. One of the skits included a tale about Riverta, Blackberry and Hoppit a river otter, a bear and a frog. The forest creatures share. words of wisdom in how to save water. One of the key points they make is to keep it clean don't throw trash in and if you see it there, take it out Hoppit also suggested turn- ing off the shower as you lath- er up, Blackberry urged lis- teners to shut off the outside hose and never waste water when you pour a full cup. Arlene Post's third graders sketched out giant clouds on blue paper for sky and then helped younger students glue cotton balls in place, to repre- sent various cloud types. The students learned which clouds bring in storms and drop rain and which are great for an afternoon of cloud watching. The state agency provided more than $1,200 in grant money for the curriculum, which included the purchase of puppets for the skits and a trip to Homosassa Springs. Mrs. Post tried to help stu- dents understand the impact of new homes and the amount of water every household uses. The other class read "The Magic Potion." Students in the classes of Sally Kaminski, Sabrina Baker, Keree Bower, Karen Smith, Christine Stallings. Berenise Mosquea, Brianne Noell and Taylor Rimes were puppeteers during the Water Awareness learning day at North Sumter Primary. The third graders took part in writing their own water awareness skits and them performing them to teach younger students about pre- serving water. Clint Walker, Budi Scott, Alexis Weese and Brittany Goodwin hold up.their cumulus cloud for younger students, as they taught the various types of clouds and which ones bring rain. Students in Arlene Post's third-grade class taught younger students which clouds brought rain by gluing cotton balls in specific patterns on paper and then searching the sky for similar sightings. LSCC awards 112 scholarships to students The Lake-Sumter Community College Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Committee awarded 112 scholarships totaling $59,300 to students attending LSCC for the summer semester. Scholarships available for the Fall semester will be post- ed the month of June. The deadline to turn in an application will be June 30. Applications will be avail- able at each of the three cam- puses and on the LSCC web- site, www.lscc.edu. Lake-Sumter Community College Foundation is a non- profit 501 c 3 organization that administers private gifts, bequests and donations to benefit LSCC students. Gifts may be made awarded for specific purposes or given Without restrictions to the general scholarship fund. The scholarships may be named for the donor or in honor of someone. Rosanne Brandeburg, Executive Director says, "I welcome the opportunity to talk about how charitable giv- To place a classified ad in the Sumter County Times call 793-2161. 628-0519-SCT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC KICK-OFF MEETING The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has scheduled a Public Kick-off Meeting for the SR 48 (Belt Avenue) Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study. The meeting will be held on May 24, 2005 at the Bushnell Community Center, 407 E. Belt Avenue, Bushnell, Florida (see Project Location Map). Participants are encouraged to come anytime between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. FDOT representatives will be available to discuss the project and to answer any questions. The intent of this public meeting is to introduce the PD&E Study for SR 48 (Belt Avenue), and to receive input from local elected and appointed officials, property owners/tenants, business owners/operators, and other interested parties concerning the types of transportation improvements being considered along this segment of SR 48. The PD&E Study ,is being conducted to evaluate transportation solutions and to provide documented information necessary for the FDOT to reach a decision on the type, design and location of improvements for the segment of SR 48 from the west ramps of 1-75 to CR 475 in Sumter County. This public meeting is being conducted to afford persons the opportunity to express their views on the project. Comments may be made orally or in writing. Written comments may be submitted at the meeting or mailed to M.r. Ralph Bove, Dyer Riddle Mills & Precourt, Inc., 1505 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32803, by June 7, 2005. Maps, drawings, and other pertinent information developed by the FDOT will be available for public inspection at the 'meeting. Anyone needing special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact Mr. Bove at least seven days prior to the meeting, by telephone at (407) 896-0594, or by writing to him at the above address. ing to the LSCC Foundation can help make a positive dif- ference for our students and the community.", For more information about applying for a scholarship or scholarship donations, please call (352) 365-3518. * 4 * I * 4 I u or dSae 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national, Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Total Circulation: 2.2 Million 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Circulation: 2.2 Million Rechoer4MilonRadr b clin loia rssSrvc we* hnd( 6 )4 -1 7 ii *R IF YOU have a problem with the sink, ..YOU DON'T tear down the entire house. Let's not turn Social Security il into Social Insecurity. ' Please join us at a community forum "J to discuss what many of the proposed changes in Social Security might mean i,|1 ~ for your future retirement security. l, , S 'Ii I ' SWednesday, May 25, 2005 11:OO a.m. -12:30 p.m. , Hawthorne Clubhouse Ilit i 100 Hawthorne Blvd. i Leesburg, FL 'i 4'. (Entrance is three miles south of Leesburg at Rte. 27.) '' To RSVP please call toll-free. .Ii; ,! |,,,i. -877-926-83oo. , ".1 i1!, Light refreshments will be served., i I I : l .. ! IA4RPFlorida | ,i e Th power to make t better H" |.|[ www.aarp.org/fl I .... _.K. "'-, r ,- ,- ,-, ," 1 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 9 CiAterCHAu ik From coins to Winn Dixie "Coins for kitties and canines" was a project pre- sented to local schools by the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. Kids were encouraged to read the book "because of Winn Dixie," and collect coins to help home- less-animals. The book is on the Accelerator Reading list, and recently was made into a movie. The classes that raised the most money got to meet the star of the movie, Winn Dixie himself. And the winning schools received an auto- graphed copy of the book, a paw print stamped on the inside cover. Not only kids, but teachers and administrators were caught up' in the excitement of the movie star coming to their school. Many brought their cam- eras and had their own per- sonal photos taken with Winn Dixie. Prizes were given out by the Humane Society/SPCA to the winning classes and a fun time was had by all. The part of Winn Dixie is played by Jack, a Picardi Shepherd, a rare breed from France. Jack's trainer, Jennifer Hodge graciously offered her time and Jack's to raise money for homeless animals in Sumter County. Many animals that have worked in movies have come Winn Dixie with Mrs. Watson's class at North Sumter Intermediate School. / Winn Dixie autographing his book. Winn Dixie autographing his book. from shelters. Shelter ani- mals make great pets, they just need love and some training. Ms. Hodge has res- cued several' dogs from Sumter County that have appeared in commercials and movies. The two-week fundraiser was made successful by so many Sumter kinds who brought their coins in to class. Over $2,600 was raised to help give medical care to the animals fostered by the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. The winning classes are Mrs. Cloud's class in South Sumter. High School; Mrs. Bishop's class in Lake Panasoffkee, and Mrs. Watson's class in North Sumter Intermediate School. Winn Dixie with Mrs. Bishop's class in Lake Panasoffkee. Winn Dixie and Mrs. Cloud's class at South Sumter High School s*PROPANE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - 60 GALLON $ 0OO SET & FILL 900 Prices good 100 GALLON $ 1A 0OO thru 6/1/05 SET & FILL W 7 PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated 352-793-1982 TODAY! FAX 352-793-1918 Please us in , welcoming. arjoriew. ~eiIs to our office at Down Home Realty It is an honor to have her join our team of professionals.'Marjorie is very knowledgeable of all areas of real estate including acreage, homes, commercial and many more. Marjorie has lived in Sumter County all of her life and is well acquainted with the entire area and with many of the residents. Marjorie has a personality that turns most strangers into friends. She is active in the Sumter County Retired Educators Association, as well as church and other organizations in and around our community. She received her Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of South Florida in Tampa. She worked part time selling real estate while she taught school for twenty-five years. She retired from teaching school eight years ago and now works full time selling real estate.#Since she went full time she has made the "Multi-Million Dollar Club" several years. She received her' salesperson training from Bert Rogers Real Estate School and then continued on to get her Brokers license also from Bert Rogers School out of Tampa. Marjorie is a very honest and professional salesperson, so whether you are selling or buying a home, I know ybu will be very satisfied with the professional service you will receive. So call her for all of your real estate needs. Once again, please join myself, Gene T. Elliot and my agents Virginia Elliot, Terry Schram, Wilbur D. Wells, & Ann Berkey in welcoming Marjorie Wells to our staff of professionals. Wondering what to do with v your money? ,Consider the Enhancer. Sum r Summer Swimming Lessons County Ages 4-10 Adult Month of June @SCSB Ed ati District Office Education (4) sessions @ $40.00 per 793-5719 session Call for more information or to sign uplfor classes. Camp Summer Resident Camp WildwoodJ : Girls ages 6-18 WII wowod, Fees $175-$405 re = Non-Girl Scout $25 additional Cindy Sessions 5-11 days long Swimming l~l~l Arts & Crafts W 9Nature Programs e* Horseback riding Dilrdcor Ropes course 7 A I I _* Biking & Archery S748.2825 Call for more additional information or log on@ www.hfgsc.org It's Just A Foot... ...until It Starts To Hurt! That's When We Can Help., CENTRAL FLORIDA FOOT CARE, P.A. Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com I Woodmen's Modified Endowment Universal Life Insurance certificate, the Enhancer, may help you protect your assets as well as your family's security. Your. cash value may accumulate faster than in a CD Your gain is tax-deferred until received The death benefit paid to your beneficiary avoids probate and is federal income tax-free Derek K. Black Field Representative P.O. Box 851 S 218 Florida St., Suite# A2 Bushnell, FL 33513 www.woodmen.com DKBlack@woodmen.com 352-793-1304 352-303-3323 cell 'WOODMEN -with you through LIFE Woodmen of the World/Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society Home Office,- Omaha, Nebraska Successful Retirement Ploanning and Money Management Seminar Presented by: Neal Smalboch, CFP with GunnAIlen Financial Topics SGrO.trn anra feo Income rnestments Altemonate irinestnents5 & fo/ Free income SFinancial Planning Itock and Bond reading IRA ond Rolloter Rules Wednesday, May 18 @ 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 24 @ 11:30 a.m. Tuesday June 7 @ 4:00 p.m. Thursday, June 16 @ 4:00 p.m. Citrus Hills Country Club (Formerly Andre's) 505 East Hartford Street Hernondo, FL 34442 Tuesday. June 21 @ 11:30 a.m. Friday, June 29 @' 4:00 p.m. Complimentart meal % Ill be sert ed Sealing is ilmlrea so please make vour rese'vations nonw ov calling tolifree (877)NEALCFP (632-5237) JFinancial - ---- ------ Aw PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 TALENT SHOW BY SOUTH SUMTER MIDDLE m fCA ENDAR Jesse Rosko does a dance and baton routine at the South Sumter Middle School's Evening of Talent. There were about 20 individual and group acts that evening, including music from the SSMS march- ing and jazz bands. =. photos by Amanda Mims Desiree Hilton (right) sings while Marli Belanger plays flute to Someone to Watch S Over Me at the South Sumter Middle School's Evening of Talent on Thursday, May 12, at a the Sumter County Fairgrounds. Thursday, May 19 The Republican Club of Sumter County will meet at Lake-Sumter Community College at 7 p. m. Our speaker will be Rhyan Metzler from the Republican Party of Florida. Mr. Metzler is the field director for Central Florida. All registered Republicans and Independents are wel- come. Refreshments will be served. For more information call Richard Huff, President at 3304012. The Sumter County D.E.C. (Democrat Executive Committee) will meet at 7 p.m. in the Sumterville Community Center off Highway 301 in Sumterville. Refreshments will be served. Tickets will be available for the "Second Annual J.J. Breakfast" on Saturday, May 28 at 9:30 in the Wildwood Community Center. If interested, please attend or call Gloria Lewis at 568- 1660, Charlotte Poss at 750- 5640 or Terri Gilbert at 330- 2440. Saturday, May 21 Davonne's School of Ballet presents Cinderella at 7 p.m. in the Wildwood High Gym. Tickets will be $5 for adults and $3 for children at the door. For more information call 303-0505. I The Lady Lake Democrats Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Julio Iglesias room at La Hacienda Center in The Villages. Coffee fellowship at 9:30 a.m., program at 10 a.m. The program is an open forum on the importance of congressional redistricting and an update on the reorga- nization of Social Security. All Lake, Marion and Sumter County Democrats and independent voters are encouraged to attend the meeting. Questions? Contact Bill Calhoun, president at 750- 6430. Monday, May 23 Complementary bone den- sity screenings will be avail- able to area seniors at the Bushnell Public Library. The library is located at 402 Florida Street in Bushnell. Screening time will be from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This service is provided by the Center for Osteoporosis in cooperation with the Department of Elder Affairs, Suwannee River Area Health Education Center, and the Bushnell Public Library. A simple five-minute screening,. followed by a brief educational program will answer your questions about osteoporosis and how to main- tain your skeletal health. For more information, you may contact Tina Andees at 352-793-8274. Friday, May 27 Entertainment Designers' Network presents Comedy, Country and Celebrities, fea- turing comedian Homer Noodleman, CMA award win- ner, Eddy Rivers, and Sally Langwah with her Celebrity Buddies, 7 p.m. at Recreation Plantation Resort, 609 Hwy. 466, Lady Lake. Tickets $7 at the door. Call 352-568-0102 or log onto for more information. Saturday, May 28. The Oak Grove Cemetery, west of Wildwood will have a workday. There will be a basket lunch. Your support will be appre- ciated I The Villages Democrats Club of Sumter County will join the Sumter Democratic Club and the Sumter County FLORIDA FOLK FESTIVAL MLuIC. HERITAGE. LEGEND. Experience old-fashioned Flond plus Emmri lou Harrns ar Visit FloridaFolkFestival.comh Spvonor.'d Florida Humanlthss Counacl Conc.l-st 5i Con, Di, rsbtang I" nc ^ ^ ri:-~u~ !>i -u'..U10 r--J.P p .z-i. 'i-1-: Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) in sponsor- ing the annual fundraising Jefferson-Jackson Breakfast It will be held on at 9:30 a.m. at the Wildwood Community Center, 6500 County Road 139. Please note change of loca- tion for this month's meeting. The main speaker will be a representative from the National Committee to Save Social Security and Medicare. The topic will be "Medicare and Medicaid: (The Real Problem). Tickets are $10 for a full breakfast, musical entertain- ment by Cindy Cooper, and the speaker This event will raise funds for the Sumter County Democratic Executive Com- mittee (DEC). All money raised, up to $2000, will be matched by the Florida Democratic Party and will be used in next year's Senatorial and Gubernatorial campaigns. Call Eleanor Strickland for tickets and directions at 352- 750-2311. Thursday, June 2 A Fun With Herbs Workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Sumter County Extension Office. Registration fee is $5. Pre- registration deadline is May 27. You will have fun learning about how to use different herbs. There will be hands on activities to learn about mak- ing herbal blends, salt-free substitutes, and many other herbal gift ideas. For more information call 793-2728. Celebitring Florida's Diverse f Hertage at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Cent-r State Park in \\White Springs, FL MAY 27-29, 2005 * la storfnellng. crafts and culture, id over 300 performers n today, or call I-8"'-6FL-FOLK In Part Bi potlght Qualit-, Hotels bi Choice Hotels GOLDw&..lssoate In.. A BRIEF LESSON ABOUT Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. (And why we can offer you better rates.) .-., --..- q So mabe monev's not everyone'_ f'ao.,ritc subject. But paying attention now ma\ well keep ou. from ha ing to pai de.irl, later. Let's begin v.ith the concept of being a member of a. credit union ,0iest_, being a customer at a bank. See, a bank'- main goal is to ofl'er stockholders v.a\s to make money. Whereas, a credit union's main goal is to offer members ,wa s to save money. 'Vj You'll find evidence of this at Suncoa-,. Jusr a,k about our car loans with rates as low at 5.0% APR' Or our certificate- accounts paving earnings as high as 4-.9'.' APY- Then there's free checking, free ATM access, free on-line banking and bill pay. and free adisce from financial experts. These are just a fev. reasons Suncu.ist his grown to become the largest credit union in Florida, and the seventh largest in the country 3 All of this newfound knowledge kind of makes you wonder wh\ you didn't look into becoming a member .ooner. Let's just consider it a lesson learned. i To find out more. call 800-999-5887 or %isit joinsuncoast.org. 217 WEST BELT .~\ENUE (SR 48.' IN BUSHNELL Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org Be Prepared!! Don't Wait Until The Last Minute! T E e E *EarlyDelivry .. Call Travis At - 793-3184 GENERATORS ON SALEVe YOUR CHOICE Propane Gasoline Diesel ALL SIZE C F R XE I[- -'- I : J, 2, -. : .,1,1 .'. B.-I I .!c, ""' """;, -, i, H I ;.ue 1, a Ec A, -01- mz.j- a-raa ni OL, Ll.li ".Pr SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 11 Student stock is rising in Sumter school system BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Taking Stock in Children is happening around the state and right here in Sumter County. South Sumter High School boasts four brand new students to the program, which provides college scholarship funding for students. Among the South Sumter stu- dents are Natarsha Pope, Marcellus Hart and Ricky Velasquez, all 15, and Tim Smith, 17. Pope, a Bushnell resident, plans to become a gynecologist She is multi-talented, with var- ied interests and takes part in sports, Talent Search, singing and church. She plans to become a doctor and said it's a recent decision, because she wants to learn more about diseases and how to cure them.. "I first started thinking about it when I was in eighth grade and they gave us a presenta- tion." She credits the work of cur- rent physicians and the Sumter school system for her career choice. "For telling us about diseases and how to stay safe." But she gives special credit to her guidance counselor, her sis- ter and her mom. As for her future and the effort she plans to make, "I expect to come on top and to be the best" She hopes through her career choices she will continue to grow intellectually and notes that she has been dedicated in her efforts to insure her future success. Some of her most memorable experiences include some of the special awards she's earned. She knows the effort she's making is important for her life and her success. Her strengths are in math and reading. "I like interesting books and I love a challenge." As a matter of fact, it's when there is no challenge that she finds her weakness. Originally from. Dade City, Pope lives with her mom and three sisters. , What she's learned over the years, that has been a surprise to her is, "Success is not easy to come by." Hart takes pride in the four- year scholarship he's earned. Pope Involved in sports and Talent Search, Hart notes that he's always been eager to learn and pursuing good grades. He credits guidance coun- selor Jackie Jones for helping him pursue the scholarship and gives recognition to his parents. He gives special recognition to his grandfather Sidney Hart. "He always told me to do my best and not let the negative thins in life hold me down." As for himself, the younger Hart said he plans to excel and accomplish everything he sets out to do. He hopes his plans and work take him far in life and said he's worked hard and been dedicat- ed to try to insure his success. As he prepares for a career in sports medicine, law or as a con- struction owner, Hart notes that one of his most memorable experiences was his first work experience. While he said his weakness is probably math, he knows his strengths are reading, language arts and sports. "I live with my grandparents who want me to, succeed in everything I do." He has the support of his mom, younger brother and two cousins, who look up to him. He said he's learned that "Hard work will pay off." Velasquez plays varsity foot- ball for the Raiders; helps out around his church and takes pride in the scholarship. He credits his mom with his success, for "Keeping me right," and his dad because he taught. him to "Be a man and do some- thing better with my life." Velasquez plans to be a histo- ry teacher and said he began heading in that direction in jun- ior high school. nanr "When my sixth grade teacher, Mr. T (Tomberlin) showed me that teaching can be fun." "I want to be like that" From himself, Velasquez said he expects to always do his best and from his efforts, he's looking for a good life. He works hard and stays out of trouble, which have made him a' success. Some of his most memorable moments have included football - one of.the top being when he first played varsity as a ninth grader. And why does he see his future plans as a teacher as important? "So I can help students have a better life." While he admits he may play around too much, he knows his strengths "I think out what I need to do to be a good person." He said. he has an extremely fun family. They always joke around and have a great time just hanging out together. Originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Velasquez plans to teach and coach football. Smith is ready for a career in herpetology. "I intend to get a degree in herpetology, get a job at a wildlife park and possibly open a reptile breeding facility on our property outside Bushnell," he said. Smith said he's always loved the field so much, "I'd do it for free." Born in Portland, Maine, he has two teenage brothers and said his mom "Does her best to put up with three teenage boys." But he adds she does get help from her boyfriend when it comes to dealing with them. Even his- home plays to his career desires. "I live in the country, outside of Bushnell, on C.R. 575, close to the Withlacoochee River with plenty of woods to walk in," which he notes, is the perfect place to look for animals. He said he expects to be happy and give his all to his efforts. He's worked hard toward his goal, doing his best in school and reading books on reptiles and amphibians. Smith-said some of his most memorable experiences have been waking up with a garter snake hanging in his face and being called home to remove a scarlet king snake. He said what he's doing is important, because it's what he loves. He-said for those who haven't chosen a career yet, they should pick something they would love, even if they weren't being paid. "I've been catching snakes since I was four." Aside from his love for rep- tiles, Smith said his strengths are in problem solving and rea- soning, outdoors and survival skills. As for his weaknesses "Math, I thought, 'til I got a 97, the high- est grade in my class." As for unexpected things he's learned, Smith said it's that "That Bill Clinton was a good president, the best we've had in a long time. I learned that he brought us out of debt, brought us into surplus for the first time in over 20 years." He doesn't care for the job Bush has done, especially in the financial realm. As for the scholarship, Smith said, "I was (am) very excited to only be in the 10th grade and already have a scholarship. It makes me feel like I'm on top of my education." Working toward his career, he regularly searches out new species. "I used to catch reptiles and amphibians for money, as that was how I paid for my new school clothes." As for who he credits with his success, he notes,. "Only my mother for supporting me and allowing me to keep my pets, even though she doesn't like Tnose MIT e=Mwl eev hewahoAo.Fn outwhotheBES T s, n o t-vi-isM R .N Sevie on rgh. TimberRidge: Full-service emergency care. Munroe Regional excellence. .. When time matters most, TimberRidge is there-with the same high-quality emergency care dLW you receive at Munroe Regional, ... -.... .----- -This full-service, free-standing, emergency center is staffed by a team of board-certified emergency medical specialists, available every day, around the clock. And because of our convenient location, there is almost no wait time for treatment. To learn more about TimberRidge emergency care, plus our lab, radiology, pre-admission testing and imaging center services, visit us at www.MunroeRegional.com or call (352).351-7500. 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L valves; Clean combustion chambers. m 18 9 09 5 I Promotes smoother running and better gas mileage Extended Expiration til7/6/05 Extended Expiration til7/6/05 M CienCh I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. 1_ Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. U Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles.Plus tax. Smith Velasquez snakes that much. He also credits Tommy Arnold "For taking me frog hunting all these years and taking me to reptile shows to sell them." Students who earn the Take Stock in Children scholarships must be between grades six and nine and be selected by a com- mittee of teachers and commu- nity leaders, they must sign a contract agreeing to stay drug and crime free and maintain sat- isfactory grades, have good behavior, have a financial need and be determined to succeed. They are also looking for good mentors, so if you're interested, give them a call. Each student earns a four- year degree, purchased through the Florida Pre-Paid Tuition program. Is'the Spice of Life It's also a good idea with your Certificates of Deposit. If recent bank mergers and acquisitions have been creating concerns about your ability to maintain total FDIC insurance coverage, Edward Jones has the solution. Why take unnecessary risks? We offer the FDIC insured CDs of well capitalized banks throughout the country. And, we handle your transactions face-to-face, in strict confidentiality. Call today for current bank names and CD rates. Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 EdwardJones Serving Individual Investors Since I PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 Landowners join in opposition to mine expansion proposal AMANDA MIMS ing. Some even say they have Staff Writer seen the beginnings of what appear to be sinkholes form- ing on their land as a result of As residents learn of the the mining operation. application for expansion of They say it's a quality of life Florida Crushed Stone in issue for them and their fam- Center Hill, more are joining ilies, and worry additionally the ranks of a group of con- about the value of thejr prop- cerned homeowners. erties decreasing. In only two weeks from the While there isn't much that time they learned of the FCS can be done about areas the application with the county, company has already mined, homeowners have banded those who met talked about together and are working on what can be done about what they'll be presenting to extensive expansion. the County Commission when Local beef packing plant the expansion issue comes owner Dick Green said he before the board on Tuesday, doesn't oppose growth, but June 28. Before it goes to the opposes the expansion of commission for considera- Florida Crushed Stone's min- tion, the Sumter County ing operation. Zoning and Adjustment "Central Beef is for city and Board is scheduled to review county expansion, but not it on Monday, June 20, at 6:30 this kind," Green said. He p.m. said he worries about the The group met for the first amount of dust the rock time at the Potato Shack trucks bring in, and about the restaurant on West C-48 in well water he uses at the Center Hill last Thursday, plant. "Nobody knows what and those in attendance the (damages) would be from expressed opposition to the the blasting, and how it would mine expansion west of the affect our aquifer," he said. city limits on 395 acres. Others at the meeting Many who want to stop the included long-time residents, mine cite problems they've .local business owners, and already experienced from local government officials, blasting and drilling, from including Center Hill City damage to the structures of Councilwoman Elsie Ramsey their homes to wells going and County Commissioner dry and water quality degrad- Randy Mask. Mask asked the con- stituents before him what their goal was concerning the mining operation, and sever- al responded to him by saying they want to stop expansion of the mine altogether. While he didn't give any definitive answers to their problem that evening, he did offer words of encourage- ment "I'm mean to serve this county, he said.."I mean to do what's right here." It was evident at Thursday's meeting at least some homeowners have thought further than this application, and voiced their resolve not to let the issue go and not to think they've won if the company withdraws its application. The group plans to contin- ue meeting to decide how to persuade the County Commission to at least recon- sider what it's been allowing for mining operations over the last several years. At the first meeting, about 30 people showed up to dis- cuss the mine, but that num- ber may change this week as more people become aware of plans for expansion. The next meeting is sched- uled for today, Thursday, May 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the Potato Shack in Center Hill. Free workshop at Bushnell Library A Spanish Language Outreach Program workshop has been scheduled for Bushnell on Friday, June 3, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The session is for public library staff and others in the community interested in partnering with the library to better serve Spanish speak- ers. The State .Library and Archives of Florida is offer- ing this workshop in partner- ship with the Sumter County Library System through the host library, Bushnell Public Library. The primary purpose of this workshop is to help par- ticipants better understand the culture of their Spanish speaking residents. It will provide the contest to help libraries expand services to the Spanish speaking com- munity including meeting the technology needs of Spanish speakers. Florida is one of Four states participating in WebJunction's Spanish Language Outreach Program, and this is one of several workshops being piloted in Florida., Workshop participants will learn how to provide better outreach to Spanish speak- ers in their local community, facilitate partnerships with local agencies, and will begin to develop an action plan for providing computer training programs to Spanish-speak- ing .customers in their libraries. For more information con- tact Sandra Newell at 850- 245-6624 or. For directions or local information call Tina Franzen at the Bushnell Public Library at 352-793- 8274. The Bushnell Community Center is located at 407 E. Belt Avenue. To register: e-mail you name, address, -agency, phone, fax and email address to Put "Spanish Outreach, Bushnell" in the subject heading. Attention fParents of 2005 Graduates * ., '~ . Congratulate your son or daughter by advertising your message ^ to them in the Sumter County Times May 26th 621-0526-SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning and Adjustment Board and Board of Sumter County Commissioners will consider modification to Conditional Use Permit 98-1 to allow the use of the property located generally as indicated in this notice for the purpose of a cement manufacturing plant. Owner: Paul M., II, & Reba Y. Mazak Applicant: Jim Bassett Application: C2005-0002 REQUEST: Modification to CUP 98-1 to allow a cement manufacturing plant. Sections 2, 3, 10, 11 and 34 Twp. 22S, Rng. 23E: The N 2084.09' of the SW 1/4 of Section 2, Township 22S, Range 23E, Sumter County, Florida, lying East of the East ROW of S.A.L. Railroad. And The N 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 2, Township 22S, Range 23E, less the North 779' of the E 1/4 thereof and less the North 200' of the West 3/4 thereof And That part of the SW 1/4 lying West of the Railroad in Section 3 Township 22S, Range 23E, and the SE 1/4 of SE 1/4; and the East 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, less the Railroad ROW; and the E 1/2 of he NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, all in Section 3, Township 22S, Range 23E, LESS The North 330 feet of the East 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, less the Railroad right-of-way, all in Section 3, Township 22 South, Range 23 East. And Commence at the SE comer of the N 3/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 10, Township 22S, Range 23E; thence N 0231'38"W along the E line of Said Section 10 for 1100.65' to the Point of Beginning; thence S 8919'47"W for 146.94'; thence S83020'34"W for 87.58'; thence S 6710'13"W for 111.76'; thence S 5431'09"W for 126.25'; thence N 7519'43"W for 153.48'; thence N 7517'00"W for 113.87'; thence S 8710'36"W for 271.17'; thence N 5016'07"W for 29.07'; thence S 85024'47"W for 141.70'; thence S 8138'32"W for 168.50'; thence N 8712'30"W for 229.33'; thence N 0402'12" W for 253.94'; thence N 05039'12"E for 18.89'; thence N 5059'44"E for 178.41'; thence N 2309'23"E for 71.06'; thence S 89009'16"E for 20.19'; to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the W, having a radius of 69.71', a delta angle of 175022'35", and a chord of N 03o48'37"E 139.31'; thence easterly, northerly and westerly along the arc of said curve for 213.36'; thence. N 1804'31" W for 37.18'; thence N 49058'02" E for 46.44'; thence N 71o55'42" E for 158.67'; thence N 4942'08"E for 39.60'; thence N 60002'46"W for 115.13'; thence S 72040'25"W for 60.70'; thence N 8812'01'' W for 81.70'; thence N 3204'29" W for 46.43'; thence N 05038'05"W for 77.75'; thence N 2335'58"E for- 32.92' to an intersection with the north line of Said Section 10; thence N 88004'30"E along the N line of said Section 10 for 1365.70' to the NE comer of Section 10; thence S 02031'38"E along the east line of said Section 10 for 883.91' to POB. And The NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of/ the NW 1/4 of Section 11, Township 22S, Range 23E lying west of the Railroad. Sec. 35, Twp. 21S, Rng. 23E: Comm. at NE cor of SE 1/4 & run W 660' S 1980' W 706.21' for POB Cont. W 597.77' to E R/W of CR 736 Run N 90' E 597.77' S 90' to POB & Comm. at NE cor of SE 1/4 Run W 660 S 1980' to POB; thence W 706.21' N 90' E 62.44' N 24.40' N 88(13'02" E 644.14' S 139.67' to POB & From SW cor of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Run E 182.19' to POB From said POB Run N 611.96' E.30' S 611.97' S 1340.72' W 30' N 1340.73' to POB & W 211' of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 less E 30' of S 611.96'& From NE corof SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Run W 450.73' to POB Run W 211' S 50' E 211' N 50'.to POB & SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 & Beg. at SE cor of SE .1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Run W 449.77' N 662.38' E 450.73' S to POB & E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 & W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4. Less The East 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of thb SE 1/4, all in Section 35, Township 21 South, Range 23 East, Sumter County, Florida. Sec. 2, Twp. 22S, Rng. 23E: Beg. at SE cor of SW 1/4 for POBRun N 570.79' W 30' S 570.79' E 30' to POB & E 1/4 of N 1/2 of NW 1/4 & S 1/2 of NW 1/4 & NE 1/4 less S 165'. ' Sec. 11, Twp. 22S, Rng. 23E: NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 less E 535' of S 575' of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & S 1/2 of NW 1/4 less all that property lying E of RR R/W & less W 168.72' of S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 & SE 1/4 less those portions lying E of RR R/W & SW 1/4 less that property lying E of RR R/W & less Beg at NW cor of W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Run S 2640' MOL E 110' MOL N/ly to N line of SW 1/4 .W 168.72' to POB & N 60.21' of E 30' of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4. GENERAL LOCATION: Mabel area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. East on SR 50. Go approximately four miles and turn north on easement to the property. C-478 E (I Two public meeting will be held at the Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida, as follows: Zoning and Adjustment Board Monday, June 6,2005 at 6:30 P.M. Third floor: Room 327 Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 6:00 P.M Second floor: Room 222 Information regarding this application is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning and Development, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These files may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office 793-0200, 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. of these at (352) T if SUMMER COUNTY TIMES lir"I AV"| 0 41 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record may include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. . . .,,:- SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 13 Sunter V1DBiIS Math Field Day at NSIS North Sumter Intermediate School recently participated in the 8th annual countywide math field day. Fourth and fifth graders participated and the 2nd place 4th grade cate- gory went to Danielle Cole. Danielle is the daughter of Virgil and Angie Cole, grand- daughter of Carl and Linda Cole, and Jo Hatcher, all of Wildwood. Volunteers needed The American Cancer socie- ty is seeking volunteers throughout Lake and Sumter counties to drive cancer patients to and from their treatment appointments. The Road to Recovery program provides transportation for cancer patients, free of charge. You can drive once a month, once a week or every day! To register to attend the next training session on May 25 at Florida Hospital Waterman or to get more information, please call Jennifer Wolowitz at 407-843- 8680, extension 542. Summer reading Program The Panasoffkee communi- ty Library will be having a Summer Reading Program. This program will be geared for children, kindergarten through third grade. It will be held Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 10:30 a.m. You need to pre-register at- the library, 1500 C.R. 459, or by calling 793-8608. AARP Driver Safety Class, AARP Driver Safety Class will be held Tuesday, May 17, and Wednesday, May 18, from' 1 to 5 p.m., at the First United Methodist Church, 221 W Noble Ave., Bushnell. There is a $10 tuition fee. Call Phyllis Clark at 568- 1708 to register Senior drivers ' The Villages Shrine Club held their meeting Tuesday, May 10, under their provi- sional Charter. There were 29 Nobles present. All reports were made. Seven, new Nobles were voted on and admitted into the Club. Gene Wilson is the new 2- year director' Discussions were had about Shirts (samples are "Americn's Auction I ^, M1ark .r..g Gr..,up, l'eo hState GAL .26o0 AIuio Lance D Kearce. CAl. Auctioneer may be eligible for auto insur- ance discount New 4-year-old Kindergarten Sumter Christian School will be starting a 4-year-old Kindergarten for the 2005-06 school year. Enrollment is now being taken. The school is located in Sumterville, behind Thomas Langley Medical Center. Call 793-2358 for information. Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries through out the county. Beginning on June 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will be at Lake Panasoffkee Library The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third Tuesday of each month we will be, at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. If you have any further questions please contact Sumter County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. History of Linden books for sale The Linden Cemetery Association reminds every- one of our most recent books,' Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. This is a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232-page, indexed, hard- bound edition that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total pho- tographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a coming) dinners, (sometime 'around June), dance (in the fiutu re), news bulletin. , The Villages Shrine Club meets the second Tuesday of the month at the American Legion Hall in Lady Lake. All Nobles are invited to attend. For further information about the Villages Shrine Club please call; Jack McCleve at 7502085. , Albany, Georgia Toll-Free 1-806-300-SOLD (7653) E-mail: info@land2auction.com For More Infoimation On This And Other Upcoming Auctions Visit Us On-line @ www land2auction.com 10% BUYERS PREMIUM donation of $25 and may be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster Volunteers needed The, Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for volun- teer drivers to transport veter- ans to the Gainesville VA Medical Center Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and be able to pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5129. You do not have to be a Veteran to drive. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.nf. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club .of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter CountyL extension agent for residential horti- culture, with selected guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to Police Friday, May 13 SRandall ,Seitz, 33, r of Surnterville,was arrested for vio- lation of a court order. No bond wasse : Eddie Irving. 40, Webster: was, arrested on two counts of posses- sion of cocaine with intent to sell within 1,000 feet of a place of worship, two counts of sale of cocaine within 1,000 feet of a place of worship, possession with intent to distribute cocaine with- have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering effi- ciently; mulching; compost- ing; fertilizing appropriately; . managing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, hummingbirds and butterflies; protecting the waterfront. All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Blue Heron Pilot Club The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders, and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance' Club has a new Web site Report in 1,000 feet of a church and resistance without violence. Bond was set at $$150,500. Henry Davis, 52, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of pro- bation for sale of cocaine and possession of cocaine within 1,000 feet of a church. No bond was set Greg Merrifield, 41, Wildwood', was arrested on Lake County warrants. No bond was set. name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. Bushnell Kiwaiis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and emergency bills will be paid on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave, in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respectively Sumter Cruisers The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in or owning classic cars to Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee every second Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night. Bring your old cars. For more information call 793- 3006 or e-mail: jessiewoodard57@hotmail.co m. Artist! Do you paint? The, Sumter County Arts Guild would like to invite you to come join us in our weekly meetings. This is a place to get togeth- er with other artists to paint and compare notes, to have Sunday, May 15 James Chase, 18, Webster, was arrested on two counts of domestic assault, domestic bat- tery, child abuse and resisting without violence. No bond was set. Monday, May 16 Trinkia Pew, 20, Wildwood, was arrested on a warrant for violation of probation. No bond was set. Christopher Finkle.v, 24, Webster, was arrested for sale of cocaine within 1,000 feet of a place of worship, possession of other artist critique your work, to exchange ideas, to help and to be helped when you encounter a problem. You may be a beginner still struggling, and intermediate that has progressed in his or her work but still needs the eyes of other artist, or you may be a professional. Oils, watercolor, acrylics, pastels,, colored pencils, drawing and or pen and ink or what ever style you work in doesn't matter We will be offering differ- ent types of classes all along. We have had watercolor and acrylic classes and will be offering other classes in the future. Please come join us. We meet every Wednesday, 1 p.m., at the Sumterville Community Center on Hwy. 301 just north of Bushnell. For more information please contact Pat Oelslager at 352-568-2908; e-mail sumterctyartsguild@cfl.rr.co m Lions Club Bingo Sumter 44 Lions Club bingo is held every Friday and Saturday, 818 N. Old Wire Road, Wildwood, starting at noon; $50 games and three $250 jackpots. Call 748-3990 if additional information is needed. Breast Feeding Support Group The Breast Feeding Support Group meets the sec- ond Wednesday of every month at 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bushnell Public Library. For more information call 793-5900, extension 2928 or extension 2959. Graduation section in next week The Sumter County Times will publish its annual gradu- ation section for South Sumter and Wildwood high schools. cocaine within 1,000 feet of a place of worship, possession of marijuana within 1,000 feet of a place of worship with intent to, sell and resisting an officer without violence. Bond was set at $70,500. Howard Delaine, 22, Bushnell. was arrested for pos- session of marijuana under 20 grams. Bond was set at $500.' Lee Ann Monagham, 46, Lady Lake, was arrested for violation of probation for driv- ing while license suspended. No bond was set. The City of Leesburg's Housing Services Presents: Raising the Standard Housing Economic Empowermenti Rally 2005 May 21,2005 10:00am 3:00pm Leesburg Community Building FREE Credit Analysis Home Buying Education Pre-Qualifications on the Spot Pre-Approvals for Down Payment Assistance *Investment Advice & Employment Opportunities Break-Out Session: Free Food & Games for Kids! Preparation for Homeownership, SPONSORED BY: Presenter: Washington Mutual Cty of Leesburg, Daily commercial Washington Mutual, Harbor Federal Guest Speaker: CDCofLeesbur &Vicinitylnc.,AmSouth Bank, The Elaine PeeblesTeam of'Pinnacle Finance"&. Cora Fulmore, Mortgage & T Habitat for, Humanity e* Credit Center, Orlando, FL C nFor More Information, Please Contact: j Yolanda Presley, Housing Manager LEESBURG 352.728.9798 The Lakefront City I 876 M y 1073 o851 -SL Slaughter cows and bulls: steady to 1.00 higher. Feeder steers and heifers: Mostly steady. Supply was light, demand were moderate. Feeder Steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 68 percent, (39 percent steers, 29 percent heifers), over 600 lbs 2 percent (1 percent steers, 1 percent heifers). Slaughter cows and bulls: 22 percent. Replacement cows: 8 percent. Fedr pterMedu and. Lag,-21 1 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 850-895 875 60.0063.00 i1.60 915-1095 999 59.97 945-1075 1023 63.00-64.50 63.58 High Dressing 1160-1280 1208 58.50-61.00 59.64 ' 1105-1290 1195 64.00-66.00 65.02 High Dressing 1355-1590 1497 58.0042.00 60.24 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% WtRange AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 705-880 781 47.00-54.00 51.32 770-855 804 40.00-45.00 42.19 Low Dressing 940-1090 1001 46.50-56.00 53.75 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1 Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 1075-1495 1288 64.00-6.00 65.88 1470 1470 73.50 73.50 High Dressing 1075-1275 1175 61.10 Low Dressing 1525-1815 1672 67.00-72.00 69.16 1855 1855 75.00 75.00 High Dressing ",' nF DRm w m l)r( Bl-ullU Feeder Steer Medium and Large 1-2 Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 170-190 181 205.00-250.00 229.64 205-240 225 180.00-220.00 196.51 250-285 268 165,00-186.00 175.08 300-345 322 146.00-164.00 151.99 350-395 371 134.00-147.00 138.78 400445 426 128.00-138.00 131.02 450-490 468 119.00-129.00 123.80 502-518 511 110.00-117.00 114.69 565-580 575 110.00114.00 .112.62 638 638 109.00 109.00 Feeder Steer Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range AvgWt Price Range AvgPrice 200-240 225 150.00-178.00 162.55 250-295 276 146.00-166.00 156.58 300-345 321 136.00-150.00 141.33 355-390 374 118.00-136.00 ,12921 405445 426 114.00-128.00 122.13 450465 458 110.00-116.00 113.37 585-590 588 93.00-97.00 94.99 Feeder Steer Small 1-2 Feeaer Hllers Meou". and Large 1-2 Wl'ra-,'ei AWl i:,').f. rh %l< I:, 22u '2 i 4 1i ria ;i&243 2-:r 1 iiP2 1.0) ) l U1 :Ni' 3 ii if :'. 4 ) 1 lS rj 400-445' 426 118.00-134.00 460-496 480 110.00-124.00 555-590 581 105.00-106.00 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 WI Range AvgWt Price Range 208-240 216. 134.00-158.00 250-295 279 126.00-154.00 315-345 328 116.00-130.00 360-395 378 114.00-126.00 400440 422 105.00-118.00 555-580 570 90.00-96.00 610-625 618 90.00-94.00 FeederHelfersa Small 1-2 W Range AvgWt PriceRange 260-290 279 120.00-130.00 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2Young Wt Range AvgWt Price Range 730-855 792 55.00-70.00 710-885 807 905-1075 985 61.00-70.00 1120-1140 1127 60.00-70.00 Cow-Calf Palm Medium and Large 1-2Young ,4V.I 5 1 19 '(, C ., ) 1 II.IT. I, O)W( 9 W'MW Irn: (4w"64,.KM 122.11 11628 105.76 Avg Price 142.56 143.48 126.77 118.69 112.77 93.98 92.02 Avg Price 122.84 Avg Price 61.91 4-6mrosbred 72.40 7-9mosbred 64.32 4- 6 mos bred 63.99 4-6mosbred A., FI,':- ;"ll a--' 311b Liesok ndGaiU M retNes Ba.tw, F The Villages Shrine Club admits new members JOHNSONI COUNTY. GA SATU"U ID"BAY MAY 21ST 10:15A.M. SHARP GENTLY ROLLING FARMLAND AND TIMBER PARCELS FOUR HOMES IN QUIET COUNTRY SETTING HOME & MINI-FARM SITES OFFERED IN PARCELS AND IN IT'S ENTIRETY MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment MASSEY- FERGUSON A . * Friendly Folks 'Fair Prices Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: Western T&A Western Alfalfa SCoastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% 5.65 12% /5.85 New & Used Saddles &Tack Convenient E-Z Access for loading! Bs hnl 568-008 ,PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 County launches mosquito control spraying on May 23 Sumter' County Mosquito Control will begin Adulticiding (night spraying) the week of May 23. Mosquito season is underway with sum- mer time temperatures and recent rains. The County is broken into five different dis- tricts and every district is sprayed weekly. Adulticiding is the spray application of a chemical pesticide (Permethrin) used to kill adult mosquitoes. The past several month's steps have been taken to help control the mos- quito population by Larvaciding wet areas in the County. While every acre of water can't be covered a large portion of the county is treat- ed. Larvaciding is a type of source reduction, treating the mosquitoes while they are still in the juvenile life stage, before they emerge as adult mosquitoes. Ways to protect against mos- quitoes: When possible stay indoors during active times dusk to dawn; Protect yourself with long pants, long sleeves, shoes and sock; Protect yourself through the use of products containing at least 20% to 30% of Diethly Toluamide (DEET) following the directions carefully do not over apply (Product not rec- ommended for children under 5 years old); Don't let buckets, contain- ers, tires or anything that will hold water buildup around your home. If you have any concerns, questions or requests please contact Sumter County Mosquito Control at (352) 793- 0240. Bayne Rounds, president of the Wildwood Rotary Club presented Ted Williams, Hospice Foundation execu- tive director with a check for $15,000. The funds will be used for the Family Room at the Lane Purcell Hospice House. Mr. Williams expressed gratitude on behalf of the Hospice Foundation of Lake and Sumter and added his hope that this would encourage other civic clubs to support the hospice. "We saw this as a wonderful opportunity to honor the memory of Lane Purcell and the many charitable acts that he and his family have done for our community." said Bayne Rounds. "Some of our' members were close personal friends of Lane. and they believe that the hospice is a project that would have been close to his heart," Rounds added. Community fundraisers have enabled the Wildwood Rotary Club to make this con- tribution to this community- centered program. "We are grateful to our many commu- nity friends, supporters and donors who made this project possible," said Bayne Rounds, ,club president. Persons wanting more information, about the hos- pice, may contact Ted Williams with the Hospice Foundation of Lake and Sumrter, at 352-742-6800. If you would like informa- tion regarding the WildIwood Rotary Club and their activi- ties, please contact Stuart Force, club secretary at 352- 748-1000. A look at Webster Elementary School Editor's note: the following article was submitted by the Sumter County School District Webster Elementary School is a community school. Children attend Webster Elementary live in Webster, Linden, Gant Lake, Mabel, Tarrytown, Beville's Corner, Center Hill, Cedar Hammock and Tuscanooga area. The school sits on 17 acres and has a capacity to accommodate 620 students. The current enrollment is 603 students in grades pre-K through fifth. The school is located on S.R. 471 just south of the Webster Flea Market. Students in the late 1800s and early 1900s attended Webster High School, a 2-story building just eat of our present school site. In 1911, the new Webster High School opened a 2-story building, which was located on our present cam- pus. As the Webster area grew, there was a need for more space. In 1925, .the current Webster Elementary School adminis- tration building was complet- ed and became the home of Webster High School students. The 2-story building just behind it was reserved for ele- mentary school students. As school Webster E enrollment Schoo increased, a School ( cafeteria was serves a d added followed ulation o by a gymnasium, and in early 1940s a primary building was erected. Mrs. Flossie Shanks was the teach- ing principal. In 1959, the last senior class graduated from Webster High School. At that time the Webster and Bushnell High Schools consol- idated. This school then came to be known as Webster Junior High and later became Webster Elementary School. *Webster Elementary School currently serves a diverse population of students. We strive to meet the many social and academic needs of students. Students at Webster li f Elementary School partici- pate in curriculum enhancing Successmaker Computer Lab and a daily Sunshine State Standards skill program. Other opportunities for stu- dents include student council membership, safety patrol membership, chorus, the accelerated reader program, the Break Through To Literacy Program, school- wide Olympics the curriculum and county.fairs, physical edu- cation classes and extended day program. This year WES implement- ed the CHILD program. The staff and students at elementary We b s t e r eetr Elementary currently School partici- verse pop- pate in motiva- studnts. tion activities such as Pajama Day, Tacky Day, Crazy Sock Day, and Inside Out day. We have an active parent teacher organization that sponsors fundraising activities such as the PTO paper sales and the WES fall festival. -At Webster Elementary School our mission is that teachers, staff, students, par- ents, and the community will work as an educational team to help all children learn and reach their potential. We provide experiences that will maximize growth of both children and staff fostering the continued success of all. Our motto is Webster Elementary School, Where Everyone Shines. Webster Elementary School Veteran bricks still available Sumter County Veterans Service Office is reminding everyone of the Veterans Memorial in front of the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell. - We ard-only a few orders -'_ ,'- -,- away from ordering the next 100 bricks. If you are interest- ed in purchasing a brick. please stop by our office for an application, or you may contact the office at (352) 793- 0235. , . Ca;l Tday 352-7-2161 call Today 352-793-2161 taxi service k ', -- ,. MID-STAl IAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO TAMPA For as low as For as low as $35.00 $45.00 builder AD M PAT RADY Office 352.726-5855 E.1 315 REALTOR0 Cell 352-220-4270 Toll Free 800-476-2590 M EEMail plrady 'yahri:iO.CCirr S" A" ERA American Realty & Investments J i 117 S. Hwy 41 Inverness, FI 34450 LOCATION, LOCATION. LOCATION This 3 BR12 BA 1997 built home is a stone's throw from 1-75 and quick access to Tampa. Orlando and Ocala. Situated on 6.39 pristine acres in Lake Panasoffkee, tils home lealures fenced pasture, a separate garage/workshop plus large equipment barn for $389,900. You can enjoy the beauty of nature and slili be close Io everything. Call Pat tor a chat about PR0065. CATARACTS? Would you like to try to eliminate glasses after surgery? Patients on Medicare and most insurances with cataracts are now eligible for CRYSTALENS' which can eliminate glasses for near, intermediate and distance after surgery. Attend Breakfast Seminar for CRYSTALENSTM Tuesday, May 24 7:45 AM Sun City Center 4002 Sun City Center Blvd. (813) 634-9289 Thursday, May 26 7:45 AM Zephyrhills 6329 US 301 (Gall Blvd.) (813) 788-7616 Friday, May 27 7:45 AM Bushnell 1814 CR 48 (352) 568-0600 Dr. Kaufman was the first surgeon in Hillsborough and Pasco counties to perform CRYSTALENS surgery. Call to schedule a consult TODAY! ||||1" I F FLORIDA EYE CARE 111 LASER.& CATARACT CENTERS III' 609 N. Old Wire Rd. St._ ig-C r.,o Wildwood, FL 34785 OFFICE: (352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 ''J www.dibarco.com 'i'Dibarco Buildi'tiq C C porapo tion Diana B. Couillard MrtE qCRC044,' & President Full Liclnsed& insured Full Service Contrac0ors Owner I bail bonds BAILBOND internet/isp equine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist pet grooming Local Internet Acc s i -GRoOminG DOGS WANTED: A M Breeds great and small. We \will bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOURpet today! Net-Nerd For Fido'_ next appointment please call SandN at 1-888- Net-Nerd Sandy's Grooming 1-888- 638-6373 ,.. (352) 568-1882 Wildwood Rotary contributes .$15,000 for Hospice House insurance/mortgage SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 15 YOU'LL LIKE IT A of iii i/i '. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from mmercial NewsProvid ~- J -- ^^ ^ ^ ^ a0 ^ Sophisticated Aging Coffee Tasting ;Ril~ q 4 emw,, Try it, 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 2002 CHEVY S-10 PICK-UP #P1943B.....Auto, V6, Like New, 33,000 Miles, Factory warranty t......... ............... .. ....................................... ....... $11,956 2004 FORD FREE STAR VAN #R2341.....One Owner, Automatic, Air Condition, Cruise, Power Windows and Locks, CD Sound System, Rear Air .......a$16,854 2003 FORD F-150 LARIAT CREW CAB 4X4 #550391A....Leather, CD Sound, 30,400 Miles, Power Seats, FX4, Running Boards, Factory Warranty..$26,549 2004 FORD TAURUS SE #R241b5....Automnatic, Air'Conditioning, Sound System, Power Windows, Power Doors and Locks, ONLY 4,000 Miles............. 13,947 2003 FORD EXPEDITION XLT #551695A.....One Owner, Factory Warranty, Only 27,000 Miles, Leather, Adjustable Peddles, Loaded.............$... 23,588 2004 SUZUKI FORENZA #551639A.....Auto, One Owner, New Car Trade, Air Conditioning, Factory Warranty, Only 7,000 Miles ...................... ......9,8 FORD OF OCALA BELLEVIEW LOCATION SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 17 Some special times fishing in the Florida Keys Folks it had been several years since I had last been fishing down in the Keys so when I got an invi- tation here awhile back from a good friend of mine, Wayne Spath, to come. down and spend a couple of I= days fishing for dol- phin and grouper " with him I quickly 0 jumped at the - chance. As it turned Wayne another of my long time friends Bryan Tunnell and one of JAMIE, Wayne's business Outdoo associates was also ......" free for the week- end and he and his charming wife Tammy were also coming down to join us for the week- end. Wayne then mentioned that there was room for still one more on the boat and at the cabin and if I wanted to invite another guest to come along to feel free to do. With this thought in mind I immediately called Sheriff Farmer and passed an invita- tion on to him. Now folks you all best believe that if there is one other person in this world who loves to fish anymore than I do it has to be the "Sheriff." As, it turned out Sheriff Farmer's calendar was clean for the weekend of the planned fishing trip so he and his charming wife Linda were able to make the trip, Wayne and his gracious wife Molly, of more than thirty- five years, have an absolutely beautiful place on Big Pine key that they designed and had built themselves and their waterfront home is over flow- ing with love and friendship. Their home has a gorgeous view of the gulf and is just about as close to heaven here on earth as you can possibly get and is just minutes from 'the ocean where some of the finest fishing in the world can be found. Wayne told me bring a big ice cooler and plan to take home plenty of fish and he was right as Sheriff Farmer, Bryan and myself had a sure nuff ball catching some big grouper and a b bunch of fine eating . dolphin. When we arrived at Wayne's house he and Bryan were excited about our fishing trip and Were raring to go. Wayne had his boat ,' l ready and right off the bat we went out to check the fish ADAMS traps he had set out Writer, earlier for live bait .......S and low and behold someone had stole his trap. What folks do down there who fish often is to put out a small fish trap to catch pinfish and other small fish. They leave a buoy attached to the trap so they can easily find and retrieve the trap when they need fresh bait. Much to Wayne's dismay someone had made off with his trap and the bait but he was not to be deterred and we were able to catch enough live bait on hand lines to get the job done. Folks beside some of the best fishing in the world the keys undoubtedly have some of the finest sea foods restau- rants in the world and Wayne and Molly having spent many wonderful and fun filled years down there know where they are and folks we indulged in some fantastic dining each night we were down there. Actually I am a little ahead of myself but on our last night Wayne and Molly suggested we take part of out catch of dolphin and have it prepared at a small restaurant close to where their house was. I want you all to know right now that dolphin also known as mahi mahi is mighty fine eating and especially when it has only been out of the water a few hours. Anyway back to the fishing trip. On our first day out we Bryan Tunnell, Sheriff Bill Farmer, with dolphin, and Wayne Spath fishing off Big Pine Key. got up to discover that the wind had really picked up during the night and was blowing a near gale. Wayne's boat is 32 feet long and he said that it might be a little rough riding but we were still going. Sheriff Farmer's wife Linda and Shug were going to go with us but with the strong possibility that it might be a little rough they wisely decid- ed to stay ashore and do a lit- tle sight seeing with Molly and Bryans' charming wife Tammy. It was a good thing they did because it did get a little on the rough side. The waves were four to six feet high at times but even with the rough seas Wayne was able to put us on some good places and Sheriff Farmer, Bryan and I caught some big grouper. It was just way to rough to try and do any trolling for dolphin that first day but Wayne had a couple of friends who operates a larger boat for charter fishing so' when we got back into shore With our days catch of grouper he contacted them and made arrangement, for us go out with them the following day for dolphin as the weather was predicted to be even worse. As it turned out the wind was even blowing harder but with the bigger boat we were able to get out to where the dolphin were and with the skill of the Captain and his mate we were soon on dol- phin, and talk about excite- ment while fishing, this is where it's at. I have done all kinds of fishing but dolphin fishing is as good as it gets. Not only are dolphin fun to catch but they are mighty fine table fare to boot The Sheriff, -Bryan and I caught dolphin that weighed' well over twenty pounds and for mine and the Sheriffs part were far and away some of the biggest fish we had ever caught., , By the way folks there are two kinds of dolphin. The kind we were catching were not the species you see on TV all the time swimming around peo- ple and made famous in the TV show called Flipper. Those are actually mammals and are in the porpoise family The type dolphin we caught are great fighting game fish and are very abundant in the deep water of the Atlantic Ocean. In fact the dolphin we caught were in water more than six hundred feet deep. The Sheriff, Bryan and I ,along with our wives all enjoyed a fantastic weekend fishing with Wayne and Molly was a most gracious and won- derful hostess. Folks it takes a special kind of caring person to put up with a bunch of excit- ed and smelly fishermen after a long day of being out on the water and you can bet Molly is that kind of very special lady. * A ~. - * 100% Financing Av( * Land Home Packages * Weak Or Slow Credit * Retirement Communit * Subdivisions Driving Directions: 441 North or South to Hwy 19 S. towards / Howey in the Hills. One & a half Sbcks to Prestige - -Homes. Look for, ,4 e 1Mlg log ho0e: , . ...-..'.. .. .. .-. ..- .. . We can put you in a new 3 bedroom home with 0 down & S payments with land & homes for *700 to $750 - per month total! Call Today or Come In. ailable Open Land We Have It All! F.H.A. VA. Biweekly Conventional Fannie Mae We Can Do Home Only... Your Land Or Ours ies Ask About Our 7 10 Year "Full Warranty Program" 0~I~II~I W 4~~4 .- S ^ ..^e ,JS' SONNY &CHRR 022w 222' 200-..CC L.Lt / r" Includes delivery, tie &NLAM&D 9 5 down & anchor, steps to 4 code, A /C & heat installation LOADED Prestige Home Centers, Inc. (800)335-4395 (352)343-2241 57N. Duncan Drive, Tavares Magnificent 3 bedroom 3 bath 1590 Sq. ft. home. Your land or ours. I Buy Today and Save THOUSANDS or mm PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 410- -'a - m - - ~ - doom -40- * - JiA * ~ - * * va doo * e *q~b z7 zoo'i 4m - %aopsk Ae "Copyrig hteiMateria Sy nd icatedontent lable from 'Cmmercial News Pr obC u nl - . oviders" 0 qb 41 emGN p m- wo sm m 4bm 4b m EEI *0a f mf GMMMan0f %w-wo Sm m -e -wn m 40 "a m- %- -slow 4WD -ammm 6W 40 *.0 - -m 49 uw4 w 40-mom a mm. z 4%0mw so--wopoo a - ob 4b -m SP S p tmC. O an- o -awe0 4m Gm 40~ 4-. .o 40 S4 4*6 4m .% dam If t 0- 0 am mw - 4 -moo b qw -4 & w so GNPboa om .. mm- am o 4bqw t w- 4 -m w- ft-0 am r 4o. -4up AM p- --Mo p-As -W 4b* 4-ob a4o a 4mb- -w4& 4b wp - ~ ~*sow* -w C ~ 0 ft-NNW an 0 - 10 -lom ow qw -- ft "..40 4wa - p am m. ~ - m - -- C -e * *0 - a - - 0 0 C * - C 0 . m m 0 .THE FASTEST WAY TO DONE. Only Nextel has the tools you need to get more done. * Free Incoming Calling Plans * GPS Solutions, * Coast-to-Coast Walkie-Talkie * Wireless Web Access For all your wireless needs, visit us at: 4WPreferred Partner in' NEX TEL I CElAR (((tC Wireless Consultants NE TE I | ECINC 352-568-1967 Local AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE T o I C. 888-568-1967 Toll Free i860 Free Incoming applies to calls received in the U.S. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets:@2005 Nextel Communications, Inc. NEXTEL is a registered trademark owned by Nextel , Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent'& Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SABO- - . m WD SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 19 Wildwood High School seniors challenge faculty in softball Class of '05 watches the softball action from their dugout. Seamless summer feedmg program set Sumter County Schools is sponsoring a Summer Feeding Program at selected school sites from June 6 through July 22. Located at schools, the pro- gram is similar to the National School Lunch Program. It provides nutri- tionally balanced meals or snacks to needy children dur- ing summer vacation when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. All children 18 years old and younger, both enrolled and non-enrolled, are eligible for meals and snacks at no charge. The selected sites for this year are: Webster Elementary, South Sumter Middle, Bushnell elementary, Lake Panasoffkee Elementary, North Sumter Primary, and Villages Charter Intermediate Schools. The dates, days and types of meals served are site specific. For more information call Luanne Moon at 352-793-2135 extension 238. A host of interesting things to see and do will highlight the ,Eustis Sunlove Festival Sunday, May 29. Art displays, American Indian dancing and a variety of live music will be just some of the attractions at the community event in Ferran Park. There will also be demon- strations of Tai Chi self- defense and meditation, an array of tasty foods, relaxing massages, games and much more, said Am ber Johnson. The festival gets under way at ,the downtown Eustis Waterfront Park at 10 a.m. and runs until 4 p.m. Admission is free: a dona- tion is asked. ; Johnson, a local resident,, said she-wanted to dosome- thing to help the community. She sai, she got the idea of organizing a fund-raising event to assist both Hospice of Lake and Sumter and the Leesburg Humane Society. Money raised by the festival will be divided equally between the two not-for-prof- it organizations, she said. According to Johnson, the Mount Dora Center for the. Arts will have both a display and its elaborately decorated "art car" on hand for view- ing. The Flying Fish Gallery of Eustis and artists Jeff Riggan and Christina Smith will also display artwork. The Intertribal Cultural Art Society will offer displays of American Indian heritage and Indian dancing exhibi- * tions. Various-vendors will be accepting donations for gift certificates good for mas- sages, facials, and other servy- ices. For more information call Johnson at 255-1969 or Sandy DiBona at Hospice of Lake and Sumter at 742-6807. ROBIN EDDINS Times correspondent Sixteen faculty members and 18 Wildwood High School seniors donned spe- cial T-shirts last week. The faculty wore blue, the students wore white but all the shirts were commemorat- ing the first Senior/Faculty Softball game. The idea for the special softball game was credited to GUIDE TO ut The ayseed Cafe BoJac's Sae Potato Sha SWebster Under New Ownersh 599 N Market Blvd. Daily Homemade Specia S' Y Rib Nights Friday & Saturday with meal!*Mon-Sat 7am-8pm (352)793. S---352-56S8-OO8 j Sunday 7am-2pm 616 W Kings HwyC FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 520-26 sPI qAT -sqiki- Wme THURS I, ' FLEA VIARKET Sat-Sun Tam-noon MINI STOCK. HOBBY STOCK, THUNDER STOCK, 4 CYL BOMBER, SPORTSMAN RYWANT ALVAREZ .J 0 N E S RUSSO,& & GUYTON CERTIFIED iFks Flonida Bi .. ....... .. ... Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience MISS p CONGENIAL Y 2 10:55 Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: 5/27 MADAGASCAR, KICKING & SCREAMING Ouedrions' I Please call Harold Spears 863-602-2979 or Judy Crews 863-967-0813 S Family Restaurant Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm Fri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in Central Florida & 79-858Much More" BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCHl& W DINNER SPECIAL SPECIAL Sot utr P- $1.99 $5.99 Good Service...Great Food...Super People both Principal Richard Hampton and Senior Ryan Harrison with substantial support from both the staff and the students. Both teams gave their all and sometimes good spirited friction would mount. At one point, the seniors started chanting, "We need and ump, we need an ump." One young lady donned a referee shirt and jokingly pretended to deal with the issues on the ball field. U Rivers Resort Germaine Harris, planning to play basketball in college said, "It was fun, plenty of fun.", Principal Hampton said, "The game was a chance to spend time together. It was an enjoyable afternoon." The winning score left the faculty team with a win, but not by much. At the end of the game, the score was Faculty 13 Seniors 11 but the Wildcat showed in the seniors and they requested an additional two innings to try and even the score. The seniors managed to score one more run. Richard Graybill who has also participated in the Senior Games in the Villages said, "It's a good way to have fun. I enjoy working with the kids." The DCT/OJT teacher will be retiring this year. I ''oLid 0:1'-Aff: l 1 -.1 -O il 0 k ] 0,T d -IN"VA "(: 0N Eo] --W MASSEY FERGUSON 15% Down Payment Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment with Approved Credt $14,995+tax $16,500tax MF-43t 52HP Tractor, Aux c. G C-2310: 23HP,4WD Hydraulic Pump for Loader, I ,^' 1 tractor, Hydrostatic Power Steering, Live PTO, transmission, Power Bar Tiles 5' rotary Cutter, 6' 'Steering, Ind PTO, Front End Loader with 48" Bucket, Bo-. Scraper rear 3pt Crane. Back Hoe with 12" Bucket, 48" Box Scraper. John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Phone: (352) 796-5171 Sat 8am-12pm Fax: (352) 796-6683 *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for low A.P.R. F $18,545+tax MF-1533: 33HP, 4WD Tractor, 8x8 Syncro Shuttle trans, PS, Ind. PTO, R4 Bar Tires, Loader with 60" Bucket, 5' Rotary Cutter, 6' Scraper Blade. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE Finance rates (I/t.t4twpame4a weme.4aed) Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9% Financing Effebtive Date Until 5/31/05 r .......... ............ Sunlove Festival to benefit Hospice, Humane Society I~vol' i lIh -ITIflA II ~b~a~I 0 01W O I 9kY* I ;A. O 10 - SUMTER COUNTY'S in m. am. >un. ^. in n. i * **^ ^ f". SAT A SW Hidden Rivers Resort P 3SAHAA & 8: PLUS &The Dam Pub Single Shot coming May 21" 7-11 M MAY 28th LIVE Pim Pot Luck Every Last Sunday May 29"' J31-.J 1i "&,L] Coming Soon* Full Liquor Bar j W ;ib D569-9306 New House Band, "Southern Comfort" 4666 CR 300 iALL MUSICIANS WELCOME: 11AM 4PM Lake Panasoffkee . .......... 11 f PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 Fun and GAMES (_onsupm" a 'eva ~ she, * o I IA 1111 1 1 1 1 1 ; , - ompw . jI - ~ - a -f 4e o d-mb w.c 0f h it, ~ Sb 401L i rp ~u. NI' * w ft 4b 4msom 0 Oft44P - S pow 4b 0 a a 40 s,*. burn FIru o pyrig hted Materia SSyndicated Citent 'Availablefrom Commercial News I I m~'S. S. '* - C a1 AI .0 % A so.l *41 AMPdaft-40 do 4 0 0-- A *. - *.db 411W ** Ob -- 640_ WAD,- Map 4b - "41111111b 41 lummlowa 4hip quo ot04o 4- m *ff,. -. -MNMON- -AD- -q* p0 0: *own_00 14w- p .dlp a "Im 48--dm.4D-V .. 6 foh %"" -l p .. .** dom-d Nalb. d -mm am.-.0 -- - mp. Wagow41 FProviders" -: --W AIM -4 m -ai -mmaw-0 W t .40 0 0040= -a qm ft- - 4w. -N.e - saw 0- 4w - 0t - wleo -- w 000 -ANOW v .mmmb,--=Odom-go qb. own Qe 0a 4 am ~ ' - 4. 4 0 mob 0. 410. 4D -dw= -I p V. p eL p ~If8 A: m . .1 ~s. S "U- * * II, .4 * - -i I. 9 5; u,~mp ~rh~ * - a e * ~ I. .fr w * III ME ft MW 06w * l .- 4&W d1l. ^ we OF- ab I p "I 2'. op 0- m 11 0 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 21 EDUCATi7ON -I am l4 0 WNW 0 E G t 0 m b - ~ s 4WD 4 dooms_ _ 4b S e 41-MS0 . 14 L do- "NOM 0 - - ~ * -I S . "0.- * 4 4 .4D "0 1 v & '.CCopyrighted:Material Syndicated Contentm Available from Commercial News. Prov - - Fi e1 iders" -;- ;- op* S ame *1 It MIM AmS qw o S oM DS 4 MA =0 40 O- mm- we 4C s e mm ad 40- 40 -dmm wpwGmo-Ommodbm 4b 9 40 0 m 4004m* 4b MMMM N- 4 4%ammI -ag4be -dl 4t o*p o bWA*amod qmmo -Wmpsmpo d ibO SM so COMI-w 4b OM qep40 6momm giwasvi -40M 0 am- a damu sno a odo 40 mo _n ____M W "MNO soda____ mmm G WW - Q --Mmmim 4 t mw ani -00 on 4 4bON o b aoi- SV~eO4 - o40bmm,411-%410 0 - S-.doo -valom -IP bm MM C qp 0a edos0 _____ -am60004 -im polow W Cilb 0WNSl - A Stoo4 MWsallow - A ____ OOD_ pp 0 db Uamio* 11 4bOS m-0 SdftM. 60 On*-- W Wi__ 4gpd .- 4b jo. rmwidi 6 -mom OMM eb bom, ." 4I -MP &edo dSe Now 4 0 p - 4b -lum* wo am o 40* 0 ob * o* u mua 4b ON d No- t S of Ssol I am 04004wiiw-J mow ONP "M qjp. . a Aqubkhh, PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 2004 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN Including DVD System MSRP................ 42,070 Your Price m - A -I 2004 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE Southern Comfort Conversion Original Selling Price.... 54,154 Your Price vy ,hotbutten I Stop By TODAY and Push the OnStar Button to See if You've Won a Brand New Chevrolet 2005 CHEVROLET TAHOE LS Sper W35' month Residual $18,910 Lease is for 48 months. Selling Price Is $33,1!19. $2,019 due at signing which includes FL lees. 1st payment, security deposq er fee (299 2,000 miles free per year. 20 per mile nover. i clud -Alrebates, dealer incentives & lease am,5 CHEVROLET BLAZER 2 DOOR month You Pay |Only IN Residual $10,982.40 Lease is loi 48 months. Selling Price is $20,488 $1,080.12 due at signing hlcch includes FL fees, 1st payienm, security deposit & dealer fee (299.p0). 12,000 miles free per year. 20c per rhile Over. Sales tax not Included. 0tk#' '24.. t All rebates, dalnerincelves & leaa loyltylluded in paymenlW A.C. , SPECIAL PURCHASE in,- MINI VANS ONLY 9,988 04 CHEVY 05 CHEVY 04 SUZUKI SILVERADO 1500 VENTURE XLL7 - Auto, factory warranty. #8115T Like new. #8144T Loaded, $AVE, #N5256B * ,783 t $7,284t 17,982t 04 CHEVY 2500 HD 4X4 Clean, affordable. #N4333B '20,491 04 CHEVY SILVERADO 04 TOYOTA TACOMA 05 CHEVY 05 CHEVY 1500 STEPSIDE PRE RUNNER TRAIL BLAZER Z71 EXT CAB V8, sporty, all power. #24599A Factory warranty, clean. #N5179A Loaded, $AVE. #7958P Like New, $AVE. A lot of extras. #8033P $20,493' 22,993' 26,382t $33,291t tPrlces and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee (299.50 )and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty Dealer incentives subject to change See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. GM Hot button promotion; legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are at least 18 years of age or older and have a valid driver's license. Employees and family members of GM, GM Dealers, affiliated companies and advertising and promotion agencies are not eligible. Only one play per person. See dealer for complete details. SCHEVROLET 352*637.5050 2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inveress AT CRYSTALAUTOS.COM 2005 PT CRUISER GT CONVERTIBLE MSRP..................... 29,495 Rebate & Discount.. $7,031 Your Price I2 .4 t 05 JEEP LIBERTY LIMITED}Z3 SMSRP .....................26,530 Rebate & Discount..$3,347 Your Price 2004 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE MSRP..................... 35,755 Rebate & Discount.. $8,504 Your Price 27As t 05 DODGE.. MAGNUM ?.; .' MSRP ..................... 35,565 Rebate & Discount .. $2,163 -Your Price - Stk# J050309X NOW THROUGH LO UNTIL THE 5 PM SATURDAY LAST ONE GOES ?-nmi =--- M- 1 - 00 DODGE DAKOTA Club Cab. #J050427A 20,488' I I, 05 CHEVY CAVALIER Great on gas. #8042T '10,988" ls-im.......-- 02 FORD 02 CHEVY SPORTRAC SILVERADO XLT. #8035T Ready for work. #8037T $11,988t $12,488' 02 MERCURY SABLE All pwr w/leather. #D50412A $11,488' 02 CHRYSLER VOYAGER LX Full Power. #8038T $12,888' 02 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER All power. #8034T' $9,688+ 98 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB SLT #8106P A1,688' 04 CHRYSLER SEBRING LTD Leather, loaded. #8047T *13,8881 05 CHRYSLER 05 GMC 03 CHEVY 05 DODGE RAM PT CRUISER SIERRA TRAILBLAZER QUAD CAB Loaded. #7990L Ready for the job. #D50514A Priced to Sell! #D50558A Cony. Hot Rod. #D50328A 13,888" '17,888 $s17,488t $29,488' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. *Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.A.C. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER* DODGE* JEEP 3-" 20. Wh 4Wet352*7261 238 S 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness Find Out SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 23 AT ; __ SPECIAL PURCHASE SE MINI VANS c9988 ONELY 9,988 99 OLDS INTRIGUE Affordable. #8135P $8,993t 04 CHEVY AVEO Auto, A/C, economy, factory warranty. #N5205A $9,875 02 BUICK CENTURY All pwr, reliable, economical. #8107P Find Out NOW THROUGH UNTIL THE 5 PM SATURDAY LAST ONE GOES ... I .. .. I I d 19 :I m m *' J I l ,1 98 CHEVY S-10 #25363A '7,888 01 CHEVROLET MAUBU #N5169A. '8,988' 03 CHEVY 02 FORD TRACKER EXPLORER XLS Auto, V6, All Power. #24482A Loaded, affordable, reliable. #N51810 15,793T' 15,796' 04 CHEVY SILVERADO 04 TOYOTA TACOMA 05 CHEVY 05 CHEVY 1500 STEPSIDE PRE RUNNER TRAIL BLAZER Z71 EXT CAB V8, sporty, all power A24599A Fri.:.ry warrarty ,lea r, t579A Loaded, $AVE. ."7958P LiaP ew 'l.AvE A li c.l erai; #8033jP *20,493 .*22,993W -26,382t 33,291 tPrices andgpayments exclude da. Iag 1ie and dealer lee uol 29.50 and iriludes all laaciry incEriliven ?b31 Is ar cuilomer u Iya1ry S* Payments based On 72 r, r .Or S, 9 W A C Se- Dealer ior Delail F'nlos S lor jllui.iraori pujpoC orilryP rHEVROLET 0 3524637.5050 2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness 05 CHRYSLER 02 JEEP GRAND 05 DODGE GRAND 05 FORD F.250 PT CRUISER CHEROKEE 4X4 CARAVAN LARIAT 4X4 #7997L #850773B #1967T Diesel. #7954P *14,988t $6,488 17,488t' 41,488t TPrices and payments exclude lax. tag, title and dealer lee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and ' customer loyairy. See Dealer for Details. Photos ior illustration purposes only. . CHEVROLET SS352'79S545ss 1035 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa 02 FORD SPORTRAC XLT. #8035T *11,988t 02 CHEVY SILVERADO Ready for work. #8037T $ 12,488' 02 CHRYSLER 02 JEEP 03 FORD TOWN N COUNTRY LIBERTY EXPLORER #B50750A #J050382A #8145T '14,488 '14,488' $15,488' 03 GMC SIERRA #25329A $17,888t 05 CHRYSLER 05O MC 03 CHEVY 05 DODGE RAM 04 DODGE RAM 04 DODGE RAM 04 DODGE 04 DODGE RAM PT CRUISER SIERRA TRAILBLAZER QUAD CAB 1500 SIT 1500 QUAD CAB DURANGO SLY 4X4 Loaded. #7990L Ready for the job. #D50514A Priced to Selll #D50558A Conv. Hot Rod. #D50328A #J050595A #J050397A #7960P #7894P 513,888t '17888t '17,488' *29,488 $18,888 *20,988' $21,488t 23,988' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE JEEPCHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RVE STAR 3 FIVE STAR a. 352'726 12385 o0 352*563 2277 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness 1005 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa 02 CHEVY 04 PONTIAC TRACKER GRAND PRIX Auto, clean, reliable. #8120P Sporty w/a let of space. #8143T $1,762' t $4,796' I i + I :_ I 1 PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 Mill [ ] 9 9** 9 BRAND NE ' AVAILABLE Solara AT" S]' '-, Automatic Air -~-... _1, ,-. Condiioning. Power Lockc & Elk _, -1: -, =Much More RECEIVE A M INI VACAOTIOW. 5 DAYS 2 NIGHTS WITH PURCHASE OF ANY NEW OR PRE-OWNED VEHICLE FROM INVENTORY THIS WEEKEND! While Supplies Last Vehicle Must Have All Service & Repairs Performed At DeLuca Toyota. Must Follow Factory Required Service Schedule BRAND NEW 2005 ..33@.. . SCION'S "PURE PRICE" PURCHASE MEANS NO HAGGLE. NO HASSLE.Vehicle starts well equipped. You can accessorize (or not) Simple, straight forward menu pricing. A&&CoHr sPower. SCION3XA AW.no P. :SV6, Seak SCION XEB AC owP. S..e.. & SCION TC 1l '1e., P ..., P.onaer AMUFMICD O Pi:,r..e AM-M uCD .Ad SU-1-1, Mn l From F om -,9 From ^ HW 13288 AI!1n1VL. 17Wl 107lffS AVAILABLE! 1. WHAT'SMY PRICE 2.WHTS Y AMET INTERNET PRICING 24 HOURS/ 7 DAYS WWW.DELUCATOYOTA.COM &352-732-0770J rjg ~~ ~iii~ u&z~ieii~iw .if; L~ji.3 A I #Ian f The Best New Cars 6Yr. /100,000 Mile Limited Power Train Warranty 6 Yr./Unlimited Mileage Roadside Assistance t t From the original date of first Use when sold as a new vehicle Make The N 3 Best Used Cars! V Toll-Free Call For Service 24 Hours A Day /160 Point Quality Assurance Inspection 198 VAONfl NBCHEVROLET CIIEVENNE %.0'51.5 04H l ELAA 4"34WI"10no C E '01 TOYOTA CAMRY LE &CIF~l S a *r,' AIAI.FMICa,. LlAu l A.A .i.i,.i ,I Ai.M fl A A U H R AMIP .A lHl tr 0l A'A~~I f' AMIU .: 5"A 'AA ,MI,.L A A IAW sAi Is Is 'As Is A Is WAS Is isWA WAS994 WAS WAS 1,70 WASa WWAS 4WAS61,WAS WAS 3998 0,49 259,3'~~'O4T uz 191 Z"E2919 .1 ~2991q.9KJ'14,398492,99L a~s59~ ~!.9 59 V-,9099e I.r28 A r..AM-8S..99A'I!1,98V 9AS 18,38LA~A ~ a 1. dw A .- plA k *A~~ s~' sAN lI~is is is IS IS WSWSWAS WAASAS WAS WAS WAS ~ ~uss9999 ~ia~s'2 33j~~:29,'1,S1 4.9E'2uU 7.! 9"2,9 8,ag'44S ~~s'49 7,9924,995 18,9987,9 "TOYOTA MAKES THE CAR ...DELUCA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" T 0 Y 0 T A LOCATION:1 1/2 MILE EAST OF PADDOCK MALL 1719 SW College Rd. Ocala 732-0770 or LL E I PLUS TAX, AG TITLE & $294 ADMIN FEE WITH APPROVED CREDIT. PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY." SEEDEALER FORETAILS.ALL PAMENTBASED 48 MOS. .' wr!N.. CON SCORE REQU RED. 12K MILES PER YEAR AND TAX. TAG & REGISTRATION. PRICES PLUS ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER SELECTED OPTIONS. OFFERS CAN NOT BE USED IN C .. : Tr H .E FFERI ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES RETAINED BY DEALER. 7 DAY ASSURANCE GUARANTEE: MUST BE SAME IDENTICALLY EQUIPPED VEHICLE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO 1 EL ,r ACK O OUATA LSSR RIE."DSCUNS AKE RO S .ALL A DVRI SED NEWA VEHAI CAL ES INCWSIA AF $204 ADVMINFE 0- IAli, I-ROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online!, That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. All our class ifieds including 1 yours now online!! " SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes.com r ' t ol f Place your ad under one of these classifications CITY OF BUSHNELL LABORER FULLTIME TEMPORARY POSITION The City of Bushnell Is currently taking applications for a Jaborer for the Public Works Department, This Is a temporary' fulltime position. Salary will $8.50 per r.,u, applicants must ,i. :: a valid Florida Cl,-i License and be I years or older. Applications are Sa.olabl- 3 lhe B.jri ':c ir, H.311 located at 219 N Market Street. Deadline for application is May 31, 2005. Questions. concerning this position may be directed to Kelly Marcoux, 352-793-2591. The City of Bushnell Is or. .quoir :r.-pp, i-.in ir, .err.plo, er *CLASS A DRIVERS NEEDED Cr~.,~:F LC''-, r. ,, er'tIll., PH. ;.: -L LL -6 'P :~I ril F.3, " Bradco Supply 1-800-829-7663 DFWP Commercial Janitorial Company F ,1_'F. I r r. ,:le ,3r,- r ll,:,,:,r t-.:r, F i 'I' l.:.r .u, iT cr,. jur.r, c., l i. ,, I.J 0. .:'2 DRIVERS Airport Limo Taxi Serv. Dependable, able to work flexible hours. Good driving record a must, 352-748-2222 ELECTRICIAN NEEDED Experienced In residential wiring. Bonus after 30 days,. Top Pay (352) 622-6060 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators. Next Class: May 31st -National Certification Financial Assistance -Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www. atsn-schools.com SERVICE PLUMBER NEEDED Must have at least 2 yrs. exp. w/gas knowledge preferred. Share 24 hr. emergen- cy calls and rotating weekends. Competitive Pay and Health Benefits available (352) 237-1358 Drug Free Work Place Ce ntaf5H777, .remiere Manlufactured Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 25 Since 1917 000-100 100-160 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 900-950 Found 4 weeks ago, Jack Russell Pennbrook/Contlnental area near Wildwood. Call to Identify. 352-742-1458. THE HOME STORE a Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County Outreach, isseekihg Donaionsofuse- able building materials, home remodeling and decorating Items, furniture, and Appliances. No clothing please,' bVolunteers oe needed.h the Home Store, Store hours are: 9am-5pm Mon-Sat,. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness (352)341-1800 for further. information. DIVORCE $275-$350 'C.o.'er.C riliarer, e. c I Orn, one igonaoure requireill "E -:iluae go. I.I reeI Call ,esEkaa, (800)462.2C(00 e.& 600o (Barm-7rpm) Dior.:e l e c h E s t -'1 b I ,h e 1 ,3 - DIVORCE & INCORP $99-$199, Plus paternity & other family law forms, Fast, reliable & accurate. Call (888),Speed-44 or (888)773-3344. Legal Expedia Inc., 8am-6pm weekdays, FCAN SPECIAL NOTICES HELP VVANTED SERVICES MISCELLANEOUSS/ SALE PETS MOBILE HOME RENT/SALE RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION RUN YOUR AD STATEWIDE! For only $450 you can place your 25 word classified ad in over 150 the state reaching over 5 MILLION readers, Call Advertising Srl .-r,..,:,r .:.-i :, rii.a3 at i 1, ,ni -j:.- i -- Ill us online at www.fiorlda- ".l- .:lll.3. : c',errr. I-iCl, / .'3c .:, a .,311,3 1,i DISCOUNT DENTAL PLANS from DentalPlans.com Save 60% on Dental Care. 32 42' ? .', ., '' i ,:.n with coupon Code; Paper 10 FCAN Employment Wanted In Sumter Co., Clerical, dispatching, driving .. exp,. Class B CDL, tmail :urriliero:.ujir,li'3 ', or ,.:, cor" PT/PTA Florida License, experience for outpatient physical therapy clinic, excellent benefits,' competetlve salary. Call 352-527-8489 or fax 352-527-2087. $2000.00 SIGN ON BONUS the Center's is seeking Family Care Managers, State Certified Child Welfare Workers who can start to work .immediately In Marion County. Position works with community based care Initiative In providing continuity of care, with goal of permanent placement for children through care management model that Includes developing, expanding, accessing & linking resources in, the community to needs of the child, while documenting progress. BA degree In field of Human, Services with mirn' yr relevant social services exp working with children '& families required. Current (PDC) Child Protection Professional Certification Required. Salary range Is $32,000.-$38,000. Vac/slck/hollday/. med beneflits/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 60th Ave., Bidg. #1, Ocala and fill out an application. Psychiatric ARNP the Centers In Ocala Is seeking a Psychiatric ARNP to provide services to work In an adult psychiatric Inpatient facility. Part time, full time, or contract. Please submit salary requirements, DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 60thAve., Bldg. n1, Ocala and fill out an application. RN/LPN/CNA WANTED Experienced RN/ LPN/ CNA to care for Special kids In a new and dynam- Ic environment. Daytime only. NO holidays or week- endsi Flexible hours. DISCOVER THE PPEC DIFFERENCEIl Call 352-360-0137 for further Information or fax resurne to 352-360-1082 Substance Abuse Counselors the Centers Is seeking Substance Abuse Counselors for our Lecanto Campus and on-site at an alternative school, This position Is responsible for providing individual & group therapy to children & adults, BA Degree In the field of Human Svcs reqd with a min of 1 yr related exp. Salary range is $26,000.-$29,800. Vac/sick/hollday/ med beneflts/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or e-malt resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us "IBTrade E4fiaSlh 352-787-19 352-87-329 80-78-090 PIKE'S ELECTRIC Bonded Licensed Residential & Commercial Lake Sumter Polk Don't miss the opporuriyto work for the fastest, growing electdrical con- business h Centrd lolda. Many posilos may be avoid at our Groveland/ Wlldwood branches, SIGN ON BONUS MAY AP- PLY FOR RESIDENTIAL ROUGH LEADS & RESIDENTIAL TRIM LEADS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Top wages and excellent benefits, Including health &. dental401Kplan, Company trucks are available for some - positions, Valid DL required. Helper positions also available. DFW, EOE Apply today. Openings will fill quickly 352-748-6251 *i SEARH OFB- NEWSPAPER' CARRl~lI : ERS EanExt~a$$$$$T CEMENT PLANT LABORERS CEMEX, Inc. Is taking applications for, Laborers for its facility in Brooksville, FL. Requirements Include: ability to perform labor work Including ability to lift and climb; 2-3 years experience In farm- Ing, mining, Industrial, or construction work; willingness to work any shift and overtitne; good mechani.-'al 'tltiude; ,' -,:.e. l. :,'L r accept directions and work well with others; be at least 18 years of age. Starting rate $10.50/hr. Benefits Include, pension plan, health/ dental/life Insurance coverage, 401(k), paid vacations and rIn,,:,3,.3 rpP i, mr, p) i.,:.r] '3 the :Er.lE br.:.:, .lll Cement Plant located at 16301 Ponce DeLeon Blvd,. Tuesday thru Thursday between the hours of 9 a.m. ' and 3:30 p.m. In the Sales and Operations ,:.nli, e i: ,.: ia =. ,".r ico , DRIVERS WANTED 2 'r' .s .-. cp.prefered. (352)793-5819 RANCH HAND needed. Bushnell area, must have reliable transportation. 352-793-2303. Are you31 Iokin' I Now hiring for the following positions for our Pilot Travel Center at 493 E State Route 44 In Wildwood, FLI *Shift Supervisors* Cashiers* Join Pilot and receive: * Competitive Pay * Ufe and Medical Insurance Paid Vacation Advancement Opportunities 401(K) Must be flexible in schedule. For Immediate consideration, call 352-748-4486 between 9 am 9 pm and ask for the Manager on duty! EOE PILOT... A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! SPORTS Go to the games and get paid! The Sumter County Times is seeking a freelance sports correspondent to write stories and take photos at a variety of local sporting events throughout the county. You must be able to work nights and week- ends. For more information call Bob 793-2161. -"Epo3 t ,-DRIVER- GREAT & PLENTY! Teams start up to .47 cents, Company Singles, .39 cents. Students, .31 cents. owner Operators $1.05 loaded mile. KLLM- CDL-A (866) 323-2181 EOE. FCAN DRIVER-COVENANT TRANSPORT.Excellent Pay & Benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. SEqual Opportunity Employer. (888) MORE PAY (888) 667-3729 FCAN EARN DEGREE online. from home *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid If qualify. ' (866) 858-2121 www.tldewatertech online.com FCAN NOW HIRING QUALIFIED' DRIVERS for OTR positions. Food grade, tanker, no Hazmat. No pumps, Great benefits, competitive pay and new equipment. Need .31l B' urr, T' ..: , for ''our .: ,..:,p:.'. rii, SS/E & 3-STATE RUN: T/T Drivers, Home week- ends, Mileage-pay, benefits, 401 K. Trainees welcome. Miami area. Exp. req. 23 mln. age/Class A CDL Cypress Truck'Llnes SUIICO CARRIERS- $1,000 SIGN-ON BONUS! *Owner Operator *Run Instate Florida SE Regional *Home Week- , ly *Hlgh Percentage Pay *Refrigerated runs * No HazMat * Dedicated. Dispatcher * Own lightweight late-model tractor. Call Cammy @ (800) 237-8288. FCAN #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine units/you OK locations, Entire business $10,670 (800) 836-3464 #B02428 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 814-6323. BO02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN THOUSANDS OF BUSINESSES FOR SALE By owners Nationwide. Preview Business for free Interested In buy- Ing or selling a business call: GW Merger, (877) 217-8231 or visit www.gwmerger.com FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS *"-20051 Never repayl For personal bills, school, new business. $49 billion left unclaimed from 2004. Live OperatorsI (800)785-6360 Ext. #75. FCAN IMMEDIATE CASH US Pension funding pays cash now for 8 years of your future . pension payments. Call (800) 586-1325 for a FREE, no obligation estimate. www, uspenslonfunding.com FCAN LOANS BY PHONE Up to $1,000 in 24 hrs. No credit check Bank Account Req. (888) 350-3722 www. paychecktoday.com FCAN r .- 5 ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Licensed & Insured "No Job To Big or Small!" *Free Estimates* Bucket Truck ;Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 Beckelheimer I TREE SERVICE + BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRIND- ING LANDSCAPING 793-5949 Top Shape Beautify S Your Trees, I-mmmmm mI BUSH HOGGING & Boxblading work. Call 303-5765 -S SPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300, Sacrifice $1425. (352) 346-1711 PUBLIC AUCTION COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE WILDWOOD 10 AM SAT. JUNE 4 101 South Main St. Hwy 301 Open House . TH-June 2nd & FR-3rd 10AM -4PM Great Retail location, Minutes to The Villages il, I !:, ITH f.1o -, 'i 10 ir.n TH r T r ir, i- ~'J ':, : -: lr.:,r I .r , :''- "f 'rn.:':e Innmo%'AIrDEP""t ..1, ,--.I: :::e, Manny Pesco -Auctioneer AU2959 AB2164 (352) 748-0788 for full Terms & Conditions Packet www. pescoauctlons.com SMOKY MOUNTAINS/ GATLINBURG Foreclosure Auction, 4 chalets, '2 mountain lots, 1 office building, June 3. 12 Noon Furrow Auction Company (800) 4FURROW. www. furrow.com TN Lic. #62 S FCAN BUILDING SALE ."Rock Bottom Pricesl" 20x30 Now $2,900. 30x40 $5,170. 40x50 $8,380. 40x60 $10,700. 50x100 $15,244. Others. Ends/Accessories, optional, "Priced to selill" Pioneer (800) 668-5422 FCAN METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with all accessories. Quick turn around Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Deals Save ' $$$ 40x60' to 100x200' Example: 50x100x12' = $3.60/sq.ft (800) 658-2885 www.rlgidbullding. corn FCAN C Cmuter A NEW COMPUTER- but no cash? You're approved- Guaranteed *No Credit Check- Bad Credit Ok-Bankruptcy OK (800) 319-8860 10A-9P EST Mon-Fri *Checking acct req'd www.pcs4all.com FCAN Broyhill sectional sofa. four-piece, light beige, overall length 11 feet. One end reclines. Asking $300; 30-inch electric range, Magic Chef $50; Chandelier brass, five-light, glass globes $25. 793-3427 FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT SYSTEM Including standard Installation. 140+ channels, $29.99/mo. for 3 months. Access to over 225 channelsil Umited time. S&H Restrictions Apply, (866) 500-4056 FCAN SPA MUST SELL 7 person Deluxe. Never used. Includes cover. Will deliver. Full Warranty. Can finance W.A.C. Payments under $100 per month. In a Hurry, Call (800) 980-7727 FCAN CONSIGNMENT SPECIALIST Turn your unwanted- organ/ piano/or Keyboard into cash. Guacrteed results ca Malk at 352-361-5603 LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck,;stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? We have 8 homes set up and ready for immediate occupancy. Prices from $69,900 to $109,900. All homes are up to $20,000 under appraised value. Must see before you buy Anywhere else. Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? We have.8 homes set up and ready for immediate occupancy. Prices from $69,900 to $109,900. All homes are up i.:, '20 00n ,jr',d .-r apprOl: ,::l ., iu l.luit se- L-_l.:.r- ,'..u ,Lu, Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 REPOS AVAILABLE in your area. Call today. Ready to move into. 352-795-2618 Beautiful 3/2 on 1/2 acre In great school district. $2,000 and $650 mo. (352) 795-6085 Great Country Setting S3/2 on 2 acres In the Mini Farms. Easy to Qualify. $4,000 down and $560 mo. (352) 795-1272 Just what you've been looking for. New 4/2 on 5 acres. Zoned for agriculture. Horses Welcome. $6,000 Down $750 mo. (352) 795-8822 New Land Home Packages Available. Many to Chose from. Call today for . approval. Low down and low monthly payments. 1-877-578-5729 OWNER MUST SELL! New 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway $2,000 down $579.68/mo. W.A.C. 352-621-0119 2 BD, 1.5 bath two 'years old. Bushnell $800. Must have good credit. (352)793-7414 or (407)489-1411 C=-URalEtt PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes it Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised in this. newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275, ACROPOLIS MORTGAGE *Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates . *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 Over 3,000 home and property .listings at www.ncchomes.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of Western NC mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www. cherokeemountain realty.com Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN VIEWS VIEWS VIEWS i.-. ," .", -,i Tr .' y I ,... : I.,,, to Canyon Ferry Lake, minutes to Helena. Soils tested, utilities, ready to build on. Call owner (888) 770-2240 FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there Is cool I 1,:,juntr'ir, air, views & streams, homes, cabins &. acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN 10 AC, DEED RESTRICT CR317 to SW47, $19,000 per acre. (850) 897-0233 5 MINUTES TO GREENBRIER RESORT MTN Land Bargains 20 acres & up www.livelnwv.com FCAN "MAKE THIS SUMMER THE BEST" E Tennessee's Norris Lake & Golf properties will make every year special. Starting at $24,900. Call Lakeside Realty (423) 626-5820 www. lakeslderealty-tn.com FCAN ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots In the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20% redevelopment discounts and 90% financing. NO PAY- MENTS for 1 years. Call now for best selection. www.nclake frontpropertles.com (800) 709-LAKE FCAN COASTAL GEORGIA Water access, marshfront homesites. Gated community, tennis, golf, kayaking & canoeing. Precon- struction discounts, limited time. From mid-70's (877) 266-7376 www.cooperspolnt. corn FCAN GRAND OPENING May 21 & 22 Ocala/ Gaines- vllle area. 20 acres from $195,000. 100 acres from $450,000. New semi-private gated community featuring parcels w/frontage on the Wacassassa River. Gorgeous woodlands teeming w/deer & turkey. SAVE $10,000. Plus get up to $10,000 toward closing costs Great financing, Little down. Call toll-free (866) 352-2249, ext. 436 or www.fllandbargalns. corn FCAN GUADALUPE RIVERFRONT! Spectacular fiverfronts in "Prime" Texas Hill country locations. 10-32 acres long water frontage, huge trees, panoramic views. From $300's to $400's. Call (800) 609-7042, ext. 122 Brokers & Agents welcome FCAN LAKEFRONT BARGAINS Starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacular views. Across from national forest on 35,000 acre recreational lake In East Tenn, Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer, Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3145 ext S617, Sunset Bay, LLC. FCAN NC MOUNTAINS- Panoramic views and mountain streams In high elevation between Boone and,- re.ii Tracts range i.5 acre with access and utilities from ;J': '1i (800) 455-1' i. 1. 148 NEW MEXICO -i,,.r r,,: r, :ar., r Fnes, rolling nr /.iia.-r. Enjoy . rur.iirn ilr lrg, horses, grat .:Irm,3o. Power, great access. 100% irian.: in.g Caii '.."" ., .29 2-L-fll i fC -r NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS! s.prin,,g lI:...:.mirlg ,. I, Deoaulrull A wonderful time ti- : IX,, I:,.lr I a C.>. 9 t.ee r- ,:,),. .W..l cnr. CJrc.inraMourntair. f-eair, c::.m or c.al (.80r) 2':". I098 Free ero.rJue FC r. TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY SALE! oarc E : rr.2.ni : 'J 9'l c- i !'' Acre Lot $59,900. 27 Acre Lake Estate * $124,900. Cabins available, Call toll-free (866) 770-5263 ext. 8 for details. FCAN DONATE YOUR CAR, FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE TODAY Help eliminate poverty,.housing and homelessness. FREE Towing. Tax Deductible, Ufe Council Inc. www.llfecouncill.org (877) 734-LIFE or (877) 734-5433 FCAN VACANT LAND WILDWOOD BEAUTIFUL EQUINE ACRES 10 or 20 acre homesites priced at $24,500 per acre, QBO. Right Off Villages Expansion, New 1-75 Interchange. Call Marc 1-561-945-9036 DIR: Take CR 475 to NW 102nd BLVD To Entrance to Equine Acres L ' Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an ap ointment 9 0 ~ J A m C)*Ou ogTwn^ Fleetwood 40 AM ScotBilt 26 Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 631-0526 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. B-79 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 9511 C.R. 733, Webser, Sumter County, FL will be sold at PUBUC AUCTION. Date of Sale: 6/2/2005 Time of Sale: 11:00 A.M. Name of Tenant: ROBERT ADAIR Address: 1940 E. Campbell Ave.., Phoenix, AZ 85016 Unit No,: B-79 Desc of Prooerty: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, May 19, and 26, 2005. 636-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Sumter County School Board, Facilities Department 301 W. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513; prior to Bid date until 2:00 PM (prevailing time) on June 3, 2005, at which time all bids will be publicly opened for chillers at Wildwood High School and South Sumter, High School, Bushnell. Specifications may be obtained at the School Board Facilities office. The Board expressly reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive .Informalities therein and to use sufficient time to Investigate the bid'and the qualifica- tions of the bidders. If you have any questions, contact Mr.. Jim Allen, Sumter County School Board, (352) 793-1281. Proposals shall be sealed and plainly marked "BID" with the name of the Project, Time and Date Due. All bids shall be finding for a period of 30 days or until School Board approval of the bid, whichever occurs first. , Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, May 19,2005. 610-0519 SCT Notice of Sale Krisl K. Boyle. etc. vs. Errol Thomas, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2005CA000044 KRISTI K. BOYLE, as Personal Representative of the Estate of RONALD E. OWENS, Plaintiff, vs. ERROL THOMAS and VIOLA THOMAS, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ,.Notice is given that pursuant to a Final Judgment dat- ed May 5, 2005; In Case Number 2005CA000044 of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit In and for Sum- ter County, Florida, In which KRISTI K. BOYLE, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Ronald E. Owens, is the Plaintiff and ERROL THOMAS and VIOLA THOMAS are the defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the West door of the Sumter County Court- house In Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on May 31, 2005, the following described property set forth In order of Final Judgmeht: Tax Parcel #GOSL028 Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block C, POINSETIA PARK, according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 2, Page 33, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida. Dated May 5, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of Circuit Court. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) ; . By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, May 12, and 19, 2005. - 617-0519 SCT. PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners hereby seeks competitive bids for Water Distribution System for Magnolia Manor. -itl Lii: "U -.i.i:i rr.jil .A I r, It 01iC .3 o 6ri l.:.p. i .)1 'i ie.&5,.e c r.r ,t5..7rC i lttC'urilor, .'ri.Tpm rc.rt Ma r,. i3o MInrc .-' ira o -,.u't Ie r,: nl.3I i It,. ir e ri. -r C, ur. r, r.:.idor.C.:.,r.r, r c..r.l.:..ic.r.er..i1r Ir-, urrier Cour.. r, I.3irirr.i .rr.3Ti.:.r. C'm.:e 2r Ii Fl.:..r3.3 :Treer Bu Tr,',l i.:.rl.30 :'3i:' pi,.:.r ic 300 pm on June 6, 2005 *,,- "d. ..i- cr. c i.e .3'r.3d .:l.-i..d, ir. by Sumter County pri- :.' Ic. .i. iiT.e ...iil or..:. ,I p ,,.a o:.r considered. Bil: .*.11 C,'1.pre,-i at the Historic Courtroom (204) Im- rT.e.i. 3, i. I'Cr,erarine Ela. .ill c-,e L i-e: r,r.3 .:. ir.n C :-urr,. .:.rr,.iTIl.:ln I.:,. a.'* 'ijrir.ma ir. r C..:. r, '.iTrhir.iiT.3i.:.r a.i er.a.- ,-1 -nr (c.ujrir, C .:~riTi.ll.r. 1.-A nr.g .:-r. Jijr.. 14. 2"0)u'. ,All i-.,'1-,r: JTujl re i.Ce.ri.oa ti.3..:.. .: 3jp:r.,l ,:.i pC r.:.iT,,ir..I rr, .: :.pe :1 .:-.,,:1 n-o ce, .;e,.3'o i,: :",'li.3.: i .lri. I, ,:.:.T,3.prI rr.es p.:.aJn: I, Plan' and :peciflcatlonm: n..'ilI be av.'allable on Mov 20, 2005 i-i cr..i De C OTi'r ia air ire i,.rii.:..hiri i.:.:ai1C.r.: ., Siu,,ie, Cur.r, C.:.r..s.rruc in.r, f.3,3r. i.a e Crf,.:-, ~0 N. Fl:o.na i'er.-- bjr.rin'ir F c.riO.3 3 i'. Springstead E'"air,eerir.g in.; "i~ c ili r i Lees- burg, Florida 34748 ' Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS may be obtained at the office of Springstead Engi- ieenrerg In.: i.-:,3o,3 ,1 rn-. a.eL,. aaare:; upon pay- -,er.I .:.I :. c-r e cr. I Since the procurement of plqns and specifications and related documents Is considered a purchase, there will be no refund. There will be a mandatory pie-bid meeting for this proj- ect on-slte at 10:00 a.m. on May 26, 2005. The OWNER reserves the right to accept any bid whether It be the lowest bid or not, or to reject all bids and call for new bids. DATED this 10th day of May, 2005. SUMTER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -s- Richard Mason, Construction Manager Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, May 12, and 19, 2005, 624-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL AGENCY ACTION BY THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Notice is given that the District's Final Agency Action Is approval of the ERP General Construction on 2,50 ac- res to serve Road Project known .as CR 109. The project Li 1i.,a: ca ir. 'uirmtei Cour.r, .ecric.r,'i) I T.:wnshlp 18 ,Wjrr. i'or.e bt r a 3 Tre. p.,rmnI o.ppl.,ar.i i. Board of funiT-I r C :.ur.r, C:.rri.r,..i.c.nrer: .r.o;.n aire';., Is 319 E Ar.a [rs.:.r n.., Bu.r.r.ell FL 3 513 ir.. p L-r.Tnl] riiT .l-,[lr ..u I.2;T8"* ),f ' rrn file:'. p.erir.,ir.g r,:. ir, pOh e.:,r referred to o0 .:..e i,: ,a,1 Coi[.1 r:i p. nc.r. ...r, rr Lu -r. IT ,a. n T, I rC outr,. .i.r Fl.:.riai3 wa.'ei f.1arnag mT.,-r., DC'Ilrl.:T .EDI:TI,:t' -: "3 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Any pe.c.r, ..,oc.., *ut..I.arlal Ii:r, t-i oi, are. r:i -..1 c., 51-6e Cir:'ri.: i .3Cli.:.r. reg.i3r.iir.g i. O hT.11 iTiO, iC uC I -in aarTilrl.-:riTl.e r,.onir.]3 Ir, ,acc:riornce lI... le, :'.r: . 120.,I.9 or-i1 C F;. i, -.3rlio, i":, ; ,'F's,. o,',o Criap. tsr: 28 6. Fi l,:.r.na "-minirrroari. Ci3e if& C' .1 Ir.re Liriic.rm iul.'.: .r PI: .rclure A request for hearing must (1) explain how the substantial interests of each person requesting the heating will be affected by the District's acfton, or final action: (2) state all material facts disput- ed by each person requesting the hearing or state that there are no disputed facts: and (3) otherwise comply with Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. r.que:i ic. r.reoir.g iT,'i, be filed with-and received by the Agency Clerk of'the District at the District: Brook:.slie o1i1re'.: 2.379.,Broad Street. Brooksville, FL 3.1.:.0..-.6v inir.nrh 2i a3,i of publi- cation of this notice (or within 14 days for an Environ- .T.eniaii re.:.urrce P,.Tiir application with Proprietary ,uirri:.riii.:.ri r.-:r ire uwe of Sovereign Submerged Lands). Failure to file a request, for 'hearing within this irr.e -,eric -i ir.a.31 cCc.ririle a waiver of any right such p:er:so.n- ma, rhi.e IC r-quI, .i r.Anearig ur.aer Sections ;120.569and1;0 5' FS Because the administrative hearing process Is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the Dlstrict's final action may be different from *ne po.Ic.,icn a cen 0, In in TrI,.: .ri..:c c.r r-ial agen- cy qc ior. Per.;or,.: %.nc.e & uw ,air.nai iriite-,rs .Ii be affected 0,, r-.u,i:r. fnraol eol.A.r, .i rr.,e C'i siric on the a;.ppicl.:.rin r.a.e tre rigr.i i:, petntion I, become a pdrty to the proceeding, In accordance with the re- quirements set forth above. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., to' settle an oamir,isrriati.ve o.puie regarding -tre District's final ac- nion in rris manager i r..3r a.aiict-ie prior to the filing of a -eavue i for lea.ing . Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, May 19; 2005. 608-0602 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACTION BEFORE THE BOARD OF NURSING IN RE: The license to practice nursing of Kristin N. Durden, C.N.A. 3119 CR 431 South Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538-4665 CASE NO.: 2003-29550 LICENSE NO.: 9"*3830 The Department of Health has filed an Administrative Complaint agalr.i' ,.,u a .::.., *:f .r.nicr,. -, De ob- talned by contc ,: rig, J uI r.i. o :.a ,: A ,1:ti t rI G en- eral Counsel, Pr: u:j .- :.. i. r., .ir i.10,2 old Cy- press Way, Bin #C65, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265, (850) 414-8126. If no contact has been made by y:u *.:.-.r:N-.ir,.: Ir-,. above by June 16, 2005, the matter .:r ir. i. ,i,-.irs,.3.- tive Complaint will Ibe ,-:eri.-d r at ,o-., -r..ir.o ,T.R, i. Ing of re Bo, 3,, :' f i :f I, Ir, ,. ir. i :.n,,.-i c.i.:..-3eelr., In accordance with Iir. ,-i T.ei.:3,. ..irr,. cl:rIlliie: -.:1 persons needing a special accommodation to partici- pate In this proceeding, should, contact the Individual or agency sending this notice not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address given on the notice. Telephone: (850) 414-8126, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay Service. Published four (4) times In the Sumter County.Times, May 12, 19, 26, and June 2, 2005. 683-051.9 SCT Notice of Action Unda L Smith vs, Will Goins, et al, PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-000518 LINDA L, SMITH, Plaintiff, vs. WILL GOINS a/k/a WILL GOINGS; WILUE JAMES GOINS; WILLIA D. GOINS MORRIS, their heirs, successors, or assigns and all other persons or entitles, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: WILL GOINS a/k/a WILL GOINGS; WILLIE JAMES GOINS: WILLIA D. GOINS MORRIS their heirs, successors, or assigns and all other persons or entitles. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to quiet the title on the-following described real property In Sumter County, Florida: The North one-half (1/2) of the following described property, to wit: Parcel 1. The West 147.10' of the W 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 23 East. SUBJECT to right of way for C.R. 721 across the West side thereof and subject to an easement across the North 25' thereof AND The North one-half (1/2) of the following described property, to wit: Parcel 2. The East 131.90' of the West 279.00' of the West 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Sec- tion 17, Township 22 South, Range 23 East, SUBJECT to an easement across the North 25' thereof. has been file aaoir.-,-i ,.:.u ard ,- .u are required to serve a copy :.i ,:jir .*.nnr, i ,r,-'...: If any, to it on W. Scott.Wynn, Plaintiff's attorrn., ..r.::e ,~aOe i. Post Office Box 447, Groveland, .. :,- > J- V. on or before 30 days from first date of publIcation and to file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter; other- wise a Default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. DATED this 22nd day of April, 2005, GLORIA HAYWARD Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: Susan A. Stellar As Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, . April 28 May 5, 12, arid 1" 200, " 627-0526 SCf NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING :,jric Haring tr:..-e ir.e Local :'lar.inlr3 Agen- :,,:r.ig ,3, 1 -ailu .T.e.ri ,u.d of Sumter County, :Ica10 .. ii L reA .:.r, Monaay, June 6, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. ir. I',.,:.|,r, :;' '-jrr.r C.-.jnrty Courthouse, 209 N. -..-.0. la i bu.r.r. Fl,:.ria,3 i.: conslder'the following application for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Sumter County Future Land Use Map: CASE NO.: . SS2005-0010 Veronica Munz GENERAL LOCATION: C...T.:ihj ,ii .3 rlij ,. ,:.r,. iJ' "ii i l. li.r i ,r:,.imOi.r .l, T rrile r.:.rin ,l Inr ir ri,' ., ',c r.:,'- 1.1:- "I aria ,'S .J'2 .r. rre, .A.:;1 .aoe : o rr..s-, i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 19; Twp, 18S, Rng. 23E: N Y of S 'Aof NE 4Y of NE % less Hwy 301 R/W REQUESTED ACTION: Land use change on 9.5 acres MOL from agricultural to commercial. The recommendations of the Local Planning Agen- ,-,' .,r, ]3 ,1"13i -ai'.J:i,T,er,i b.r, i ..,111 ,- presented -to rr, B,.,or, :i Cc.urr, u ::, ,: i.i.:.rI.: r; r o public Hearing ireo :, r.ela .:.r-. iu...:a, Ji.i'- 14 2 :1'. at 6:00 PM In Room 222, Sumter Cqunty Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida This application may be Inspected at the Planning and Development office, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Room 324, Bushnell, Florida on Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Persons with disabilities needing assistance who wish to attend this meeting should contact the Sumter County Administration office at ,(352) 793-0200, 48 hours In ad- vance of the scheduled meeting Published two (2) times In the Sumter County May 19, and 26, 2005. 625-0519 SCT . PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL AGENCY ACTION BY , THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Notice Is given that the District's Final Agency Action is approval of the ERP General Constructlon ,on .66 acres to *:er.e 1gl.iujiru3al Iric.r. a HO,30..,3, ,Bi -oble Car-a 'l ipe rel.ior i':.r rr, pron.. r1 l.. -.:a-l ir. 'u;iT.Ce, C .urr, r' ': ;l.:ni's) II i,.:.~nrlip 21 i:.urr. I.'ar.qe )'i Eaor rr, p.eTil accllaora i., *,jTie' c,.:.ujrr, B:,o.aa cr C.:ujrt, Co'uTmI.'iar, /.r..oie 3o.3r:1 : I: 31i" E .-,er.,r, /." Bu:r,r,.ll L 3"513 "rn, .ernTll rnjrr .e r I. LIi2 2.1 I Cls) "re nis.:'l. pen xir.lrsg 1:, rr. :,r.:.j,:i ifeerr, I.:. al"'.. I. 0.,il.3l, iC.r Iir.ps .-ri..:,r. l.10.n.3a,, rr,'ugr FinI E..:e:.l Ie.: .-..5 ,I3 r ,ollo,.3 A UU') am ic I h.1 p r 'ne :.uir.t .*.e:l Fli-ijo Wjole r or iq.1 srs rr COl-li l.: 1 i nrri.:rs I'. 3 6r.:.3.3l lr i..:-.:h ..lll c. L ",.iJ.=1 .^'15 ' NOTICE OF RIGHTS , ur., i.., ..... ri...r se ij a'l lar i',,lre.-i. re ,c r .flCiie. 0, Irei. Ciiil.': a:o .:':.r, regao3lr'Ir, I ri e 'lei ll isa, reo u.l o3r'. ,3. i-.lr,l1..3]l',i.-. l.,orirc3 ir. .:] ,r.,:lOr,:c .iltr. *:,S ll:.'r : 12Cii,:,'? ,ra ;I ~ I H..:.rlaa 'i." ulh A: i',fi i or,, ,"r1r a , ters 28-106, Fl n ,.a1J ,iTirilrrao n. e C ,.. ,, F C i .:.ri r., UhNlfoiri iuiei o1f lPr.:c'oiure A request tor hearing must (I) explain how the substantial Interests of each person requesting the hearing will be affected by the District's action, or final action. (2) stale all material facts disput- ed by each person requesting the hearing or state that there are no disputed facts: and (3) otherwise comply with Chapter 28-106. F.A.C. A request for hearing must C.e slea 1 .iltr. ar1.3 r.:cIl..,- c., -rr, .,gene C.ler.' of the ;District at the Distr.;: : Br.:....ill aaares: 2 Broad' ,Street, Brooksville, FL 3i4.0.t-u,8 ,.irr,hr, 1 0o,3 .:.f publi- cation of this notice (or winir, -.i aa, i.:r ar. Er,r.:.., mental Resource Permit appIn.lli.r.n .,.ir, Prc.prieror, Authorization for the use of Sovereign Submerged Lands). Failure to fie a reque:i r'.:.. r.eoirlEg ..irlr,. rr.i; time period s-aii c:.r,ritiruie- .3 ,aier cl ar., ngr. .u:r, person may ha-O ric. reque.1 a hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. Because the aj,Tir.ijiraii.e eri3r.ng icroce.:-e> Is designed to formulate fi-oin agen.:/ acicr rr., ig of a petition means that the District's final action may be different from'the position taken by It In this notice of final agen- cy action. Persons whose substantial Interests will be affected by any such final decision of the District on the application have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, In accordance with the re- quirements set forth above. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., to settle an administrative dispute regarding the District's final ac- tion In this matter Is not available prior to the filing of a request for hearing, Puoii;r.ea .:.ne (i) rime In the Sumter County Times, May -" 2i05 - - 632-0526 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. B-62 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 9511 C.R. 733, Webser, Sumter County; FL will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, Date of Sale: 6/2/2005 Time of Sale: 11:00 A.M. Name of Tenant: LARRY RORICK Address: 1198 W. C.R. 478, Webster, FL 33597 Unit No.: B-62 Desc of Prooertv: Misc. Household Goods This Notice is given pursuant to Section 83,806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, May 19. and 26, 2005. 622-0526 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30 PM, Monday, June 6, 2005, In Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida 1 Bu.ni.r,-,i 1.:ii.. 3 i, : ::.r,:I.a -l .auj-.ts for compre- r-.'- I..e pi.3r. .3i.T.r,.3.iT,.,i. r-:-.-ir,.. :peclal use per- m its, "r.. Tr n l- _:r,3'r, u:' .- nT t All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to partici- pate in any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Stat- utes, Section 286.0105, If a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the' pro- ceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of, the proceed- ings is made, which record may include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0053 L. Norman Adams Homebullders, Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: Sumterville area: North on US 301. East on CR 526. Property approximately 2/10 mile on the north side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 13, Twp. 20S, Rng. 22E: Blocks 89 & 90, Sumtervllle & S 's of Guava St. lying N of & adjacent to Blocks 89 & 90 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone two 1+ acre lots from RR to R2C to bring the property Into compliance with the' Future Land Use Map. CASE NO.: R2005-0054 Morris & Deborah Likens GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on SR 44. North ,,,-, ,..-. WV.i .:.r. CRP 46S, Follow to end, South ap- pro.hT.ir.3', '. i.-. ': rile. Follow to the east. Property on south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 17, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: E Y ofS V of SW 'A ofSW 'A REQUESTED ACTION: , Al OC to RR5C on ten acres for lineal transfer. CASE NO.: R 2005-0055 Veronica Munz GENERAL LOCATION ',". .:.. -,i]r.-3 i-.:.nr .:-,' .':. 30ii ,Pc.oerty approximately ', rris- r,.':.r .:.ri tr, i rcr--.:r...i- i .1 3 301 and C-472 on i-,, 1,, -1 :, .:.,I rr..- ,.013 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 19. Twp. 18S Rng. 23E: N V2 of S of NE I4 of NE Vs less hwy 301 R/W REQUESTED ACTION: , Rezone 9.5 acre: ir :, rr.:.r, i t.':.. I .: CH The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment i.:,,3ia ..111 ,- .e-,e-r.i-a i.:. rr.e E:'aa, :.1 Sumter County C.:r.r.,i:..:.r.er: 1i 3 I Pu' l:'ie H anrir.. :. .ce r ei3 ":.r., ,ie, 'ai, Jur, e .1 ij. n or0 1 :. I Ci FIr.1 'I : .i:.rir 2 :iJriT'Ie C(..:.'u r, .r ,:..nr.rr.:.,j.e ', I r Fi.:,ii3.3 i.e r Bushnell, Flori- al. CASE NO.: .l.:r,,r F.OM r.3 Cjr GENERAL LOCATION: :.iiri '. 3 ricir..'- 3r jT, r. I:. i. i i East on CR r, ,Cr "-,: orrl.: '- iTm rll, mrl-I ,. ,, or e"rt, :.r. ir.e :.: jir. 1.- :,r r.e rc, a - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 5,. Twp. 22S, Rng. 22E: E 330' of W 990' of N 'h of E .of NW'. . REQUESTED ACTION: i ,TL,,-i 1.1: ,T: I',Tii I.:, i11:.. r, I r. -, Ir., property v:- .i-, iear r.rill. .l,3"i''J. i,. ,jrae :..':".rri.n:r' CASE NO.: T2005-0024 r'.3i i', .5 l.leii.... i.ir,.3,T, GENERAL LOCATION: Oyford area' northh on 1.1 .,i:1 we:i enr C, -s.:,. North .:.r [J r. rin'e-r FPr:oerr, ,.3 ,rLL .irr.ialel, I'Ci mile on V.-lT .Ile .1.3 l rie n:,,3,3 " LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 16, Twp. 185, Rng 22E E 205 5' of N 212' of S Vs of NE of NEsof NE , REQUESTED ACTION: TrTlp.L,'ar, i.i:. P:e Fe-ril i.:. .311i.., .3 T i.:.tii- r...re or, ihe r:. -. r", l.:. rre i ir" : 'r '3ir .:el.ei' rei.ie..: e CASE NO.: T20015.40025 ,'uar@, Jon,',:,:,r, -r GENERAL LOCATION: Royal area: North on US 301. West on C-462E. Proper- r, aiI.pr:-..iir.3.i, 3 miles on the .north' side of the LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 27, Twp. 18S. Rng. 22E S 245' of W 238 24' of E '. of SW V of NE V.. REQUESTED ACTION: T-.rTp.:.ror, ij:-e errrii i.:- air,:..c, a ,T.c.Ole home on the , :-:.,,;'i. rr, ir ir&e- .ce3r. r .-3 care, gi.er's residence. As time allows,, the Zoning & Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local Plannlhg Agency, may hold a workshop dealing with revlslons to zoning regulations and related matters. Information regarding these cases Is pn file with the Sumter County Division of Planning & Develdpment, Sui.u, C.:.urnt, C.:.urthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 32J Bju.r.r.cll FoH.a irre:e file rn,, ce reviewed be-.. -.,.-'er, rri, r..:.u. ,:, '30 1r.1 ara i50, PM, Monday through Friday. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County May 19, and 26; 2005. 633-0526 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE r.erer., gi.e: ,-,n:. tar ileo ar,- ] ,- c.:.r-- r.i: .:, Unlt No. 187 .r Burr.i r'ir- r.:rag A 3 ii.;t,.:r,.3 ,- i,3,:ir, i.-,:.,3ji '3 ar I5.J -i,'I i- Bu r,r.-Bii juminl-r .c.'.unr, FL .Mll .e :.-13 1i FI JBLLC 1iCil J E.31A.7. is.' 6/2/2005 f i I. *r ,iaL. 10-30 A.M. I liTi :.iernri BRANDY THOMAS .a .31'o.. L t.: .jiiariri 3 ll',,1'iir.e,- r ';'i,4 L ri rrI ,: I J ':c *:. F rr: MI.:,- I:u. ir,.:.i,3a 'C -..:,a'. fr.i. rJ n.:- i 9i.eor., .u'.'ai,'.i i : ,:ri.:.r, .: M,.-, FL Stat- uj.. I.:. :3ri:r, rr.e :seii:er.i.,e FaIlrtr, 3,s.r, r s lien of r.e ," -.r-l rr. rr..r-i.:. L-.I'll.IJ,'re r...: I,; TiMe: i., the Sumter County Times, 1.1.3, 1. ana 2:. 0.I . To place your Legal Advertising in the ^NERI CO 630-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE The.Early Learning Coali- tion of the Nature Coast Administrative Commit- tee, representing Citrus, Dixie, Gllchrlst, Levy and Sumter Counties, are scheduled to meet on Thursday, May 26, 2005 for a Budget Workshop. The WorkshoD Hours' 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Location: Inglis Community Center (Behind Inglis Town Hall) 135 W. Highway 40 Inglls, FL 34449 Please contact the Coali- tion Staff at 877-336-KIDS (5437) If you have any questions. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, May 19, 2005. 635-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Notice I hereby given to Registered Owner. Chrlstofer J. Brittlngham 11865 SW 47th Drive Webster.FL 33597 and lien holder: None and all other parties that on June 3, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. a public sale under statute 713.78 will be con- ducted at Lynch Recy- clers, Inc.; 1616 W.C. 48, Bushnell, FL 33513 of a 1994 Oldsmoblle VIN # 1GHDVO6LIRT318416 For: Recovery of towing and storage accrued. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid less than the amount representing such towing, storage, publication and any other costs addendum to the conduct of sale. Seller re- serves the right to bid. -s- Lols R. Lynch, President Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, May 19, 2005. 629-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE " The Finance Committee of the Early Learning Coa- lition of Citrus and Sumter Counties will be meeting on May 23, 2005, begin- ning at 09:00 a.m. The meeting will be held at the coalition office, locat- ed at 1564 Meadowcrest Blvd, Crystal River, FL 34429. Please contact the Coalition Staff at 877-336-KIDS (5437) If you have any questions. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, May 19, 2005. 623-0526 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Michael Lee Pitts PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005-CP-000111 IN RE: ESTATE OF MICHAEL LEE PITTS,. Deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of MICHAEL LEE PITTS, deceased, File No. 2005-CP-000111, Is pend- ing in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which Is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 618-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Board- of County Commissioners hereby seeks competitive bids for County Road 109. All bids submitted must be In a sealed envelope marked "Sealed Bid for County Road 109,' and must be received by the Sumter Coun- ty Board of County Commissioners at the Sumter Coun- ty Public h:.r., Department 319 E. Anderson Avenue, Bushrel t.:.ria] prior to 3:00 p.m. on June 2, 2005. Bids will be opened at the, Public Works Office, at 3:05 p.m. on June 2, 2005. The bids will be reviewed by staff for. completeness and compliance with bid Instructions on June 6, 2005; at 10:00 a.m. at the Public Works office. Bids will be presented to the County Commission for 3i,..i.3 .ijrir,. irr-..- Iull: works agenda at the County C.onrTi'l,-,r. r.erh.l ,g .-. r ure 14, 2005. Any bids not received and clocked In by Sumter Coun- ty Public Works prior to said time will not be opened or considered. At bidders must be licensed contractors capable'of Ierr.:,rrir, rI ,:-:,:-, of work necessary to satisfactorily ccnpi LleTe rre i,.:,- :. I . Plans and specifications will be'available on May 16, 2005, 3 cr..J .a : eamT ,ir,. .-r ire r.:.ii; ..Ir., : i.: 3 1n:.r,:: Sumter County Public.Works, 319 East Anderson Ave- nue, Bushnell, Florida 33513 Springstead Engineering, Inc., 727 S. 14th St.,. Lees- b u r g 4 : 1' 4. .J '. Copies, of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS may be obtained at the office of Springsfead Engl- neering, Inc., located at the above address upon pay- ment of 100.00 for.each set. Since the procurement of plans and specifications and -l* :.j :i, iT,': I: i:.:.r,'l.3.r.iA a purchase, there will i. r,: r'. r lr..J ri -i ..I a mandatory pre-bid meeting i:.r Ir. I:.lI r: r .:,r, .11 ri 10 00 a m on May 23. 2005. The OWNER reserves the right to accept any bid '.ri-, i-.er it i b-' r-. i.:..ve:r I:1 .i .Ir or :r :i reject, all bids 3:r,1 .:.3I11 r r,e.. .t 11. . 'DATED this 10th day of May, 2005. SUMTER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -s- Tommy Hurst, Director of Public Works Fut.ii.r.e. two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, I..1.3, 12 and 19, 2005. MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE: ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publica- tion of this Notice Is May 19, 2005. Personal Representative: -s- MARY L. MOESSINGER 8235 County Road 620, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Attorney for Personal . Representative: -s- Richard S. FItzpatrick FITZPATRICK &, FITZPATRICK, P.A. 213 North Apopka Ave, Inverness, FL 34450-4239 (352) 726-1821 'i.:.,I. Bar ij :. 1.i.41 uC,.'i.r.,-. r... :. -.1,, times In the Sumter County Times, May 19. and 26, 2005. 612-0519 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Jasmin MisIr PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY. FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No.: 2005-CP-000045 IN RE: ESTATE OF JASMIN MISIR, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of JASMIN MISIR, Deceased, Is pending in the Circuit Court of Sum- ter County, Florida, 'Pro- bate Division, Case No. 2005-CP-000045, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. ,:. 35r 3 Street, Bushn'ell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the Per- sonal Representative 'and the Personal Representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE *--*r sC DAYS AFTER THE E,-if .:.F SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's -:r. Including unmatured, contingent or ijrilajl ..31, .3 :1i31hT, ITj"- ir- ri l' ai11 T,: ..itr. ir,.i ,, 'II' ,,rilH-s i LI.',?I ]IH AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF !Hi ' NOTICE, ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED i r, 3 r ri I :,Ii :. . I.', 1; 200.= " MEGRAJ NORONHA "f..'I E T, .. C r-3 l' .-n.:.,r-e, i.:., Ier.- r.3l r.-: -rr i.31i ; Nicrolas P. ETaongelo, Esquire r,: Tr '.:r, :,' .13 . (407)875-5757 " Published two (2) times In' the Sumter County Times, May 12, and 19, 2005. 634-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given to Registered Owner: Christofer Lee Henry 13106 CR721 Webster, FL 33597 and lien holder: None and all other parties that on June 3, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. a public sale under statute 713.78 will be con- ducted at Lynch Recy- clers, Inc., 1616 W.C. 48, Bushnell, FL 33513 of a 1994 FORD VIN # 1FMCU14T3LUA35491 For: Recovery of towing and storage accrued. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid less than the amount representing such towing, storage, . publication, and any other costs addendum to the conduct of sale. Seller re- serves the right to bid. -s- Lois R, Lynch, President Published one (1) time In the -u-.mri County Times, May `9 r'. :'. 616-0519 SCT Notice to Creditors PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005CP000098 IN RE: ESTATE OF ED.GAR GLENN INGRAHAM, JR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Edgar Glenn Ingraham, Jr., deceased, whose date of death was July 10, 2Q04, and whose. Social Security Number Is 433-05-4841, is pending In the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Pro- bate. Division, the address -.f ',hlh I-; Clerk of Circuit S>j ." East McCollum Ave., Bushnell, FL 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal Repre- sentative and the Per- sonal Representative's At- torney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons, having claims and de- mands' against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of the notice is, re- quired to be served must- file their claim with the Clerk of Court WITHIN THE" LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NOTICE . OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE. DnTE OF SERVICE. OF A ,-:P. OF THIS NOTICE ON TEM. All other .: ra i.. r .:.r rr.- decedent 3ir,. .,ir., r. "O sons having -: ,lrri : ,D i.-. . mands against dece- i.-r.; -estate must file , ir,-i, ,lalms withthis Court, WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER,. THE DATE OF THE FIPI?T FI:rI-JCATION OF Ti-ir I1,.-. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE9 TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED .1 : -r .i l ,,J ,ll: 3TIr ."r. .:.r i ri noll. r r 1- 3. 7'efMlarpon T Ingrdhom i rJ55 5'.,, t:.'.nr, L'i .'. ',. r Fl. :' r-r:."-:-r. .3l i.- : Felix M.-Adams 'j l'.r r ..- .S (r SIrr. : ir, rr.," -uTr.Ie C., i er, Times, , r.1.3 i r_ ,- I':.'- 1, I.3 ' .. ...... Go OGRE the top... encourage your children to read a newspaper every day! Mirror, mirror, on the wall,.who's the smartest green OGRE of them all? SHREK! SHREK reads.the newspaper with his best friend, DONKEY, every morning. DON'T BE GREEN WITH ENVYW...YOU.CAN READ-A NEWSPAPER TOO! Sumter County Tiimes It all starts with newspapers. www.newspapedlinks.com THIS MESSAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION OF AMERiCA,, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, PAGE 27 '01 LINCOLN TOWNCAR '00 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS '00 NISSAN MAXIMA ONLY 38.000 LOW MILES ON THIS LINCOLN A GREAT PRICE ON A NICE NEW CAF PREMIER CERTIFIED TOWN SEDAN. VIBRANT JUST 51.500 GOOD MILES AND EXTRA WHITE WITH LIGHT GRAPHITE DUAL POWER SHARP BALANCE OF 6 YR.' 75,000 MILE TRADE-IN. GOLD COLORS. 6 CYLINDER LEATHER SEATS AM FM .,CASSETTE STEREO WITH FACTORY LMTD WARRANTY. NICE ONE'! AUTOMATIC. POWER OPTIONS AND MORE 6 DISC CD CNGE BI AN !3767A 3673A MUST SEEPI3784B2 S9,998 '-^i aB~ ^ ^.. .--risB~tt B^^ '- ^ I41 '01 LINCOLN LS LOCAL ONE-OWNER WITH JUST 13,000 EXTRA LOW MILES. CYPRESS GREEN LEATHER INTERIOR. SPOKE WHEELS. MORE. LINCOLN PREMIER CERTIFIED. PX2809A 17,850 '01 MERCURY SABLE LS A GREAT SUPER SAVER PRICE ON THIS EXTRA NICE LS PREMIUM. 24 VALVE V6. LEATHER. POWER FEATURES AND MORE. SPRUCE GREEN. 3837A '01 LINCOLN TOWNCAR SIGNATURE BEAUTIFUL PEARL BLUE WITH PARCHMENT LEATHER. LINCOLN PREMIER CERTIFIED WITH 6 YR / 75 000.MILE FACTORY LMTD WARRANTY. SNOWFLAKE' WHEELS. KEYLESS ENTRY. DRIVER SIDE MEMORY, SEAT AND MORE PX2827A i17,500 '98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 DON'T WAIT OR YOU WILL BE TOO LATE. MUST SEE AND DRIVE TO APPRECIATE. BLACK EXTERIOR WITH PARCHMENT LEATHER. DUAL AIR, THIRD SEAT, MORE. '01 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL GORGEOUS IVORY PEARLESANT PAINT WITH IVORY LEATHER. DUAL POWER BUCKET SEATS WITH CONSOLE. DRIVER SELECT SYSTEM. ALUMINUM WHEELS. BALANCE 6YR.'7K fQR ESP. P2824A '03 FORD EXPLORER 4 DOOR ONLY 25,450 LOW MILES AND IT LOOKS GREAT!! POWER FEATURES AND MORE. HAS REAR SEAT AIR CONTROLS BEHIND CONSOLE. WHITE LETTERED RADIALS. PX2866 $17,775 '01 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS JUST 29,200 EXTRA LOW MILES ON THIS VIBRANT WHITE BEAUTY. LEATHER DUAL POWER SEATS. KEYLESS ENTRY AND MUCH MORE. 3634A p12,865 '03 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS ONLY 25.200 LOW MILES AND GORGEOUS. VIBRANT WHITE EXTERIOR. DUAL POWER LEATHER SEATS. KEYLESS ENTRY AUTO-LAMP, MORE. 3544A %w wvw '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS STERLING SILVER FROST EXTERIOR WITH LIGHT GRAPHITE INTERIOR. THIS ONE IS WELL EQUIPPED TOO AND IS AN EXCELLENT VALUE!! 3719A doS 33 d '03 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER NEW AVIATOR TRADE-IN. LOCAL ONE OWNER 20.600 LOW MILES. 4.6L V8 ENGINE. LEATHER TRIM. 2-TONE PAINT & MORE. CERTIFIED. 3721A '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS ONLY 23 700 LOW MILES, POPULAR SPRUCE GREEN COLOR COMBO. KEYLESS ENTRY. AUTO-LAMP. POWER FEATURES AND MUCH MORE. 3517A : S 13,845 '03 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 JUST TRADED IN ON rNEW 05 NAVIGATOR ULTIMATE PACKAGE MOONROOF POWER DEPLOYABLE RUNNING BOARDS POWER LiFTCATE CHROME WHEELS AND MUCH MORE. A SUPER BUY orl THIS LOADED BLACK BEAUTY 3929A ^Ann=- $191-998 '04 DODGE INTREPID SE JUST TURNED 20,000 LOW MILES. POWER SEAT, WINDOWS. LOCKS AND MORE. BALANCE OF FACTORY WARRANTY TOO!l 3823A $12,850 '04 FORD F150 XLT SUPERCREW FOUR DOOR VERSATILITY, 4.6L V8 ENGINE. AUTOMATIC, AIR, POWER FEATURES AND MORE. JUST SERVICED. NEW BRAKES, ETC. NEW LINCOLN MARK LT TRADE-IN. 3904A '04 MERCURY MONTEREY 14,200 MILES AND VERY SHARP. DUAL SLIDING SIDE DOORS. LEATHER INTERIOR. POWER SEAT. DUAL AIR, FRONT.'REAR PARK ASSIST AND MUCH MORE. SPRUCE. PX2841 $19_,995 '04 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER LOCAL ONE-OWNER, NEW LINCOLN TRADE-IN. THIS V6 MODEL IS LOADED. LEATHER. CD. ALLOY WHEELS AND MUCH MORE. 3784A1 .-2m - i& OVER 40 LINCOLN PREMIER & MERCURY CERTIFIED PREOWNED VEHICLES! LINCOLN PREMIER CERTIFIED PRE OWNED '04 FORD TAURUS SEL ONLY 16 500 GOOD MILES AND SHARP. SILVER FROST COLORS. 24 V6 LEATHER AND LOADED. AFFORDABLE...LET'S TRADE. PX2834 $14 v988' 407 S MAGNOLIAAVE., OCALA VIEW OUR INVENTORY ON THE WEB! MST ,7286 WWW.OCALALINCOlNMERCURY.COM COEONSDA ALL OFFERS PLUS PRE DELIVERY PACKAGE OF $289 PLUS TAX. TAG. TITLE AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FEES OFFERS GOOD DAY OF PUBLICATION ONL AND MAY BE WITHDRAWN WITHOUT NOTICE PRIOR SALES DO NOT QUALIFY. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS MUST TAKE DELIVERY FROM DEALER STOCK "THE FACTORY INVOICE MAY NOT REPRESENT THE ACTUAL FINAL COST TO THE DEALER DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS ARE EXTRA "SELECT CERTIFIED VEHICLES FOR 60 MONTHS NOT ALL APPLICANTS MAY QUALIFY SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS EXTRA ALVE 'ERY E: V vi . PAGE 28, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 I 2005 NISSAN QUEST . V-6, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, DUAL AIR CONDITIONING, POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS, DVD ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM, CD PLAYER, CRUISE FIVE STAR- I DAGH FIVE STAR CRASH RATING RATING S2005 NISSAN SENTRA 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA * AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING CRUISE $189 11O698 PER 111698 MONTH AUTOMATIC, - $249* PER MONTH AIR CONDITIONING P/W P/L CRUISE' ,909 MARION COUNTY'S BEST INVENTORY OF NEW CAR TRADE INS 2002 2001 2000t 1999' NISSAN ALTIMA........911,999 *0 ,. M219MONTH SATURN SC2. ...........8,999 PAYMENT 169 MONTH ' ACURA TL 3.2...........16,999 L 3 rj-" 29 MT" HONDA ACCORDE....... 12,999 $0 DOWN MONTR PAYMENT 239 ON LEXUS GS300.........2 6,999 $0 0' 529 EMONTH MITSUBISHI LANCER.... ..,999 $ P. r .1 9 MONTH TOYOTA CAMRY ...... .r12,999 10 *249 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE... .12,999 $0 O.0v ,249- I PER s s.T S249 MONTH LINCOLN CONTINENTAL...14,999 S 0 289 MONTH HYUNDAI SONATA.......5,999 S Y DOWN *119 PER PAYMENT MONTH HONDA CIVIC 7...........999 LINCOLN TOWNCAR...... .13,999 NISSAN MAXIMA.......... .'9,999 *: < DOWN rA PE PAYMENT MONTH NISSAN MAXIMA..... ...14999 r DOWN fER PAYMENT '289 - FORD MUSTANG..... ....8,999 S69 MONTH NISSAN ALTIMA........11,999 $() DOWN 229 PER *0 PAYMENT 22 MONTH NISSAN SENTRA........ .a,999 C. $Ar "139 PER 0 tierT MONTH DODGE INTREPID ........7,799, 0 *149 MONTH MAZDA 626............6,999 $0 DOWN $1 PER P0 PAYMENT MONTH OLDSMOBILE AURORA.. .11,999 0 PAYMENT 229 "H TOYOTA CAMRY.........:9,999 so 1,"' $199 PER 0 e 199 MONTH HYUNDAI ACCENT."... .4999 DOWN 99 PAYMENT ... 'MONTH $ s DOWN FER "I PAYMENT $269 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS. 10,999 $0 DOWN 2 PER PAYMENT M219NTH TOYOTA COROLLA......... 97,999 O DOWN &149 PER $ PAYMENT $149 MONTH DODGE CARAVAN...........5,99 0 DOWN $119 PER PAYMENT 119MONTH PLYMOUTH VOYAGER........ 6,999 '' '. 129 MONTH HONDA ACCORD...........10,999 $0'DOWN PER 0 PAYMENT 219 MONTH NISSAN ALTIMA............999 $ 0 DOWN PER PAYMENT $149 MONTH HONDA CIVIC..............a7,999 DOWN PER *, PAYMENT $149 MONTH FORD TAURUS.............4,999 0 DOWN $9PER 0 PAYMENT 99MONTH MITSUBISHI GALANT........'6,999 '$0 PAYMENT" $1 9 . $0 DOWN 199 PER PAYMENT $199MONTH VW NEW BEETLE.......... .7,999 $0 DOWN NPER 0 PAYMENT 159 MONTH DODGE STRATUS...........,999 0 DON. 89 ETH MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE....... .4,999 PAYMENT 9 MONTH MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS.. ..6,999 0 13 PER 'I, rS ,,T 1 9 MONTH NISSAN PICKUP............5,999 $0 1OWN $119 PEH PAYMENT 119MONTH DODGE CARAVAN......... ..5,999 O DOWN 119 PER PAYMENT MONTH FORD F150................9,999 $0 ONT $ 199 MPE PAYMENT MONTH CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE.. .13,999 PA0 YMENT 279 MONTH HONDA CIVIC ............ 999 PAYMENT '119 MONTH 0 C AL A NI-SSAN 622- 4111 PRICES GOOD DATE OF PUBLICATIOr INvENTORY SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. ALL INVENTORY PRE OWNED. *72 MO @ 6.9 APR. 66 MO. @ 7.9% APR WAC. ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG,'195 DEALER FEE. |