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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 19 35 'CENTS INSIDE Calendar ............ 10 Church ...............6 Obituaries ............6 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits .............. 11 THURSDAY, MAY 12, 20051 County agrees to garbage levy for residents MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County Commis- sioners appeared to have been setting a course of action late last month that would soon lead to county property owners paying an annual fee for disposal of their garbage or solid waste. But, the board on Tuesday was again considering one of its decisions at the request of County Attorney Randall Thornton. This time the commission- ers approved a "commitment" to establishing solid waste assessments. It was approved unanimously. "I thought it was a momen- tous night" with the series of actions approved by the board at its last meeting, Thornton said. But, it appeared that there was not a clear decision for the county to move toward "flow control" for solid waste. That was one of the steps recommended on April 26 by Thornton with the apparent strong support of the county's solid waste consultant, Mitch Kessler. He also asked the board to authorize him and Kessler to prepare a "bid package" that will be used to get private ven- dors to compete for hauling away the solid waste that remains after the county's recycling effort. Thornton said some might view the stand on assessment to be "putting the cart before the horse," but argued that it's not the case. For the county's legal con- sultants to prepare the assess- ment there has to be some measure to insure that the vol- ume of garbage will be coming in to warrant the investment in facilities, according to -nton and Kessler. :hout flow control, there is no solution to our problem," Thornton said. Thornton also explained Celebrating Earth Week .. with a special garden BRENDA LOCKLEAR Carrie Ray leading the %way. a garden tor Lake -" Staff Writer Dozens of students took Panasoffkee Elementary and part, wielding shovels to soft- maybe even one for our own en and level earth and scoop- school." A- South Sumter Middle's ing out holes to make way for Tucker said she believes. Team 6 teamed up to move the new plants. "All the kids enjoyed getting some dirt and draw some but- Tucker had the students on out and many really got into terflies last week. campus early, because that's digging in the dirt." The work was part of a team when plants transplant best. Theresa Burr, owner of project to celebrate Earth The students put together an Scherer's Plant Farm, donat- Week, learn more about the area about 12 foot by 12 foot, ed the flowers for their proj- environment, provide some filling it with butterfly ect, while the School Board community service by putting favorites like: red and blue supplied the shovels. Tucker together a butterfly garden for salvia, lady-in-red, dahlberg said. -.-" Bushnell Elementary School daisies, and verbena, The team, along with other "' and remember beloved marigolds, portulaca and pro- eighth graders have a busy ,'4 teacherTeasha Edwards, who fusion zinnias, month. They headed to Sea died earlier this year. Someone from the elemen- World last Friday, where they Edwards was team leader for tary school also donated had their own 2005 Grad Nite, Team 6. plumbago and lantana, which while their end-of-the-year The team began their work was added to the garden, dance is slated for Friday, Students from Team 6 at South Sumter IM at elementary schools last Tucker said. May 13. The theme this year is part in creating a butterfly garden for stu year. with teachers Toni They kicked off last year at Caribbean Holiday. Elementary School. The garden is in the Tucker. Luke Bennett, Valerie Webster Elementary School. Their graduation ceremo- yard-like area at the school. The older sti Aquilar. Inara Oxendine and "Next year we hope to plant ny will be May 24. Friday morning at the elementary school ., --40A . .. ,,.." ' Samantha Goodman (front) and Desi Hilton were hard at work pu that the board's commitment decision was needed, because it seems that what the board was approving last month was for the consultants to do a study to see if an assessment is needed. What those specialist need to be doing is preparing an analysis to be used for the assessment, according to Thornton. The county is nearing com- pletion of a consent order with the Florida Department - . of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to correct some defi- ciencies with the Sumter solid waste facility, Kessler said. At the end of that process, the FDEP is going what the county is going to do with its facility, he said. "You have .to manage the garbage," Kessler said. "To manage the garbage without flow control is unwise." And, according to Please see LEVY Page 2 Residents pay more Sfor police AMANDA Mmff - Staff Writer middle School took dents at Bushnell middle of a court- udents spent last tting in flowers for the butterfly garden at Bushnell Elementary School. Severe weather hits Panasoffkee Photo by Amanda Mims The carport of this home on County Road 434 in Lake Panasoffkee was blown off during a storm that damaged several homes and knocked down trees and power lines on Thursday, May 5. AMANDA MIMS AND BOB REICHMAN It was a typical rainy after- noon last Thursday and Lake Panasoffkee residents were expecting showers, thunder- storms. and possible hail as a cold front made its way through the county. But some residents got a big scare about 12:30 p.m. when they reported a tornado touched down on County Roads 426B and 434. "All you heard was wind, a whistle, and then all of a sud- den, it dropped," said Melissa McComiskey, who lives on C.R. 434. She said as she sat on her porch and watched for herself the twister approach- ing. McComiskey. who had damage to her vehicle from limbs falling, was luckier than some of her neighbors. While residents of about a half-mile radius in Panasoffkee thought a torna- do had hit. the fierce weather they experienced was actual- ly a downdraft of rain and wind from two weather sys- Please see WEATHER, Page 2 Wildwood City Commission on Monday set an amount res- idents will have to pay every month for police protection. Starting next month, city utility customers will be see- ing an extra, police services fee of five dollars added to their regular city bills. The commission approved the fee in order to fund, at least two new patrol officer positions in the city of Wildwood. Council members agreed to: the levy because current property tax assessments only provide $600,000 in revenue for the city while the budget- ed amount for law enforce- ment is more than $1 million. Currently, all 13 law enforcement officers, includ- ingthe police chiefand inves- tigator, work road patrol. Don Clark, Wildwood police chief. has said the number of calls to the department has been steadily increasing. He has also said that during Please see PAY Page 2 Concrete plant proposed BOB REICHMAN Editor With a surging demand for concrete in Sumter County and throughout the state, a local concrete manufacturer wants to build a concrete block manufacturing plant east of Bushnell. Rinker Materials Corpora- tion is requesting a special use permit from the county to build a 23,175-square-foot concrete plant on 19 acres of land at the southwest corner of State Road 48E and County Road 745. The proposed plant would be located on a site that cur- rently contains a ready-mix concrete plant and ancillary structures. The County Planning and Please see PLANT, Page 2 t. I = g >- c" fiIJ I - r. ~5Ptit I - PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 ,Jackson to face additional charge Governor Bush coming to Bushnell[ AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Although the man charged with the 2002 deaths of two good Samaritans and injuries to others was found not guilty after a trial that lasted five days last week, he was arrest- ed immediately afterward for perjury in an official proceed- ,ing. Robert Lee Jackson, Jr. reportedly confessed to being the driver of a tractor-trailer truck that struck and killed Oviedo firefighter Shane Kelly, 26, and a Winter Park obstetrician, 35-year-old N. Donald Diebel, Jr., when they stopped to help two people trapped in a vehicle that over- turned on the Florida turn- ,, pike near Wildwood. 'PLANT 'continued from Page .1 ,, Adjustment Board will con- : sider the permit request on ,- Monday, May 16. The meeting ,. begins at 6:30 p.m. in Room 327 on the third floor of the courthouse. The proposed development will include a concrete block manufacturing plant, block storage yard, concrete recy- WEATHER continued from Page 1 teams colliding, according to sheriff's Lt Bobby Caruthers. According to the National Weather Service in Ruskin, no tornadoes touched ground in Sumter County during the severe weather event The community was hit by a weather system called a LEVY * continued from Page 1 Commission Chairman Joey Chandler, there is only one option: '"Assessment is the only flow control we can have at this point." Commissioners had questions' about the "trade off" for the " county's taxpayers. "The county has been assess- ing the ad-valorem taxpayers for y' ears." Thornton said. With Kelly and Diebel were pro- nounced dead at the scene of the accident, and others injured in the accident were transported to hospitals for treatment Jackson had been charged with two counts of manslaughter with culpable negligence and six counts of culpable negligence. Jackson took the witness stand last Thursday, saying he lied about being the driver for insurance purposes, and was found not guilty after a jury deliberated for about seven hours. Now state prosecutors allege that there have been inconsistencies in Jackson's sworn statements, and plan to go over "each statement with a fine tooth-comb," which will possibly lead to more perjury charges, said Assistant State Attorney Michael Lamberti. cler and a fuel island, accord- ing to information filed with the county. "Given the recent hurricane activity in the state,-short- term demand is high for con- crete block production," according to the company's application request "Future demand will continue to be high given the growth throughout the state in gener- al, and especially, in Sumter and surrounding counties." The block plant facility is proposed to operate 24 hours The perjury charge is a third degree felony, punishable with up to five years in prison. Another man was arrested after the accident but was released after Jackson con- fessed to being the driver, according to police records. Assistant State Attorney Conrad Juergensmeyer said it has not yet been decided if the state will place charges on the man who was originally arrested, Mack Foster Gardner. He said they are going back over the case to decide what the next move will be, if any. "It was a very emotional trial," he said. "We certainly want the responsi- ble (party) to be punished." Jackson, who is wanted on theft charges out of state, will likely be arraigned on the per- jury charge next month. a day while the ready-mix facility will operate about 11 hours a day, the application states. After the Planning and Adjustment Board considers the request, the board will make a recommendation to the County Commission. The County Commission is scheduled to consider the issue at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 24, in County Commission chambers on the second floor of the court- house. microburst, Caruthers said. The law, who is currently residing in storm only lasted 'about half an an assisted living facility. Along hour but damaged three homes with trees and limbs, pieces of and trees in the community. that doublewide mobile home's One neighbor, Fred D'Amico carport littered neighbors' yards, was also home at the time the and the street carport and a portion of the roof "This is the first time I've seen of the house in front of his blew something like this," D'Amico off. "The whole house shook and said ... the lights went out," he said. "It D'Amico and ,McComiskey felt like the whole house was said the tornado passed within going to come up." twenty seconds, but in that time The house directly in front of power lines and trees were him that lost pieces of its roof knocked down, roofs were belongs to D'Amico's mother-in- destroyed, and property was assessments, garbage services dizing the operation, Thornton should only be charging for the said. hauling Commissioner Richard Individuals hauling their own Hoffman asked for the same trash should not have to pay to confirmation. When he was bring their waste to the county assured that was the plan, he facility, he said. noted that the board should be Commissioner Michael able to reduce property taxes. Francis asked for Thornton to "If I vote for this, we will roll clarify, his statements, noting back taxes that previously paid that it was the first he had heard for this program," Hoffman said. .,of .assessments.. leading to no In other business: "tipping" or disposal fees. Commissioners decided that There could be a tipping fee if they would meet earlier at 3:30 commissioners believe that p.m. on Tuesday, June 21, for a assessments would be too costly workshop to plan for construc- without some tax money subsi- tion of more county office space. E.,L blhJd 1l981 T SUMTER COUNTY. US CALL (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ....................... 352-793-2161 Circulation ............................ 1.888.852-2340 Retail Advertising ....................... 352-793-2161 4 Classified Advertising .........,,..... 352-793-2161 Fax ........................................... 352.793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by:. Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES .Sumter County citizens and surrounding communities invited Governor Jeb Bush and Lt. Governor Toni Jennings will hold Citizen Hours on Friday, May 13 in Bushnell. This event will give area residents. an opportunity to inform the Governor and Lt Governor of concerns and issues important to them. Governor Bush and Lt. Governor Jennings periodical- PAY continued from Page 1 the last year, citizens. have become more active in report- ing crime and suspicious activity in their areas, and the department has Previo provided the sale or p extra coverage of alcoh they request with- have be out an increase in between law enforcement on Satur personnel. 7 ax Wildwood Mondab Mayor Ed Wolf M a said he doesn't - knlow of any citi- zens reacting negatively to the user fees. By next month, the police department plans to begin damaged throughout the neigh- borhood. A downed tree caused exten- sive damage to, another home about two-tenths of a mile away on C.R. 426B when it crashed through the upper portion of the home. Sumter County Fire Rescue was there shortly after the' twister was reported, and they delivered tarpaulins and other hurricane supplies to help those affected by the storm. . Between 15 to 29 homes in the County Clerk of Circuit Court Gloria' Heyward asked for the workshop as the representative of the commission's building committee. While some options have been considered by the committee - including a new, three-story building or a number of smaller buildings, Hayward did not pres- ent any plans. She asked the board to sched- ule the workshop so the commit- tee and constitutional officers can justify the projected space needs to the board. , Both Hayward and Fifth & ly hold Citizen Hours around the state to ensure all Floridians have access to lead- ers in state government and to give them an opportunity to voice their concerns to the Governor's office. Registration for residents interested in a one-on-one, five-minute meet- ing with Governor Bush or Lt Governor Jennings begins at 7 a.m. at the Historic Courthouse, located at 209 North Florida Street in u I C 7 e y interviewing for new officers. Another change to city ordinances read at Monday's meeting involves the sale of alcohol on Sundays. Previously, the sale or pur- chase of alcohol would have been illegal between mid- night on Saturday and 7 a.m. on Mondays sly, the in the city. The purchase new ordinance )l would provides lenien- n illegal cy for alcohol midnight sale on the week- days and ends, an effort to i. on make the city of IS in the Wildwood more ly enticing to prospective businesses. "Hopefully it will enable us to attract some new restau- rants," said Mayor Ed Wolf. community lost electricity dur- ing the storm but Sumter Electric Cooperative workers were expected to restore power within hours, Caruthers said. No one was injured during the storm, he said. "We were very fortunate," Caruthers said. "The damage could have been more extensive. "We did have a spotting of a funnel on State Road 44 between Rutland and the truck- stop area but it never did touch- down," he said. Judicial Circuit State Attorney Brad King described a critical need for space for their respec- tive operations. Sheriff Bill Farmer, whose office along with Hayward's is now in the county judicial build- ing, said that the court system wants to use the entire judicial building.' "We want to make sure we're on the right track." Hayward said. She noted that space deficien- cies for her and other constitu- tional officers are not five to ten years out they are here now. Bushnell. The meetings will be set up on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a brief media availability follow- ing the Citizen Hours. Staff members of the Governor's Citizens Services office will also be available to offer additional assistance. The Governor and. Lt. Governor's Citizen Hours will take place at: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday, May 13, at the court- house. Mining group seeks delay in expansion request BOB REICHMAN Editor Florida Crushed Stone has submitted a letter to the coun- ty asking that .its request to expand its lime rock mining operations near Center Hill be tabled until June. The company requested a conditional use permit that would allow expansion of mining operations on about 395 acres just west of the Center Hill city limits. Florida Crushed Stone is seeking the delay so addition- al information can be collect- ed for county staff. The permit request was scheduled to be considered by the county Zoning and Adjustment Board at its meet- ing on Monday, May 16. The board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third floor of the Sumter County Courthouse. Instead, the board will be considering Florida Crushed Stone's request to table the issue until the board meets again in June. That meeting would be held on Monday, June 20. Is the Spice of Life I It's also a good idea with your Certificates of Deposit, If recent bank mergers and acquisitions have been creating concerns about your ability to maintain total FDIC insurance coverage, Edward Jones has the solution. Why take unnecessary risks? We offer the FDIC insured CDs of well capitalized banks throughout the country. And, we handle your transactions face-to-face, in strict confidentiality. Call today for current bank names and CD rates. Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 EdwardJones -- THIS AD PAID FOR BY BUDDY'S TAVERN help Support Our Troops WE NEED YOUR HELP TO SUPPORT OUR TROOPS IN IRAQ. Proceeds from every "Support Our Troops" magnetic ribbon sold goes to send care packages to our men and women in uniform. We are also seeking donations of supplies,DVD's, CD's, toiletries, etc. to send them. For more information please contact John Waters at 352-793-1764 7 :-.;. 'Al K ? THE " __Fellow Americans i .Stand Up And Sc o Be Counted i".- Help send care packages to the troops. y uy r.UIo. w- 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 (Next to Dollar General) VSA 569-0171 A Varieti SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 3 Inside SUMi t44 Man arrested for drug smuggling BOB REICHMAN Editor A Palmetto man ended up with more than just a visit to prison Saturday while he was visiting an inmate at Sumter Correctional Institution near Bushnell. Ryan Smith, 23, ended up being arrested on drug charges during his.visit. Smith was arrested for . smuggling marijuana into a prison. He was placed in the Sumter County Detention Center with bond set at $5,000. Smith was, visiting inside the prison Saturday morning when an officer conducted a security check in the north parking lot of the facility, according to sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. The officer noticed that a side door on Smith's vehicle was unsecured, Caruthers said. "When she opened it to secure the door, she could smell what she believed could be marijuana." The officer notified her supervisor and then the sher- iff's department was called, Caruthers said. A drug-detecting canine and its handler were then called to go over the vehicle, he said. "The dog did alert to the presence of illegal narcotics and a search was per- formed," Caruthers said. Two cigarettes, which later tested positive for marijua- na, were, discovered inside the vehicle, he said.. Because Smith had the illegal substance on state property, he was arrested on the smuggling charge, Caruthers said. Friday, May 6 Taninja Knight, 23, Wildwood, was arrested for child neglect. Bond was set at $5,000. Jason Brown, 33, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation for altered bank note, check or draft. No bond was set.- Rhonda Grover, 24, Bushnell, was arrested for violationn of repeat violence injunction. No bond was set. Lawrence Armbrust, 60, Bushnell, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Saturday, May 7, Augustin Ybarra, 53, Bushnell, was arrested for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $500. Jason -Crogsley, 25, Lake Panasoffkee, Was arrested for disorderly intoxication. Bond was seti at$150. Eric Cowles, 26, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation for domestic violence and disor- derly intoxication. No bond was set. Donald Simmons, 37, Webster, was arrested for child abuse. Bond was set at $5,000., Sunday, May 8 John Papagno, 43, Bushnell, was arrested for driving under the influence and attached tag not assigned. Bond was set at $650. Monday, May 9 Jeremy Owens, 30, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for no motorcycle endorse- ment. Bond was set at $250. Carlos Edwards, 24, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of cocaine, pos- session of paraphernalia and driving while license sus- pended with knowledge. Bond was set at $6,000. Eric Mobley, 33, Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license suspended with knowledge. Bond was set at $2,000. Derrick West, 26, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation for principal to grand theft No bond was set South Sumter FFA holds yearly awards banquet AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer 'About 250 members, par- enits, friends, and teachers gathered at South Sumter High School on Thursday,, May 5 to honor outstanding members of the South Sumter. chapters of the Future Farmers of America. The banquet is not only an opportunity to honor FFA members, but serves as an event' to wind up the year's activities, and a time for alumni to meet. Although there were many awards and achievements' recognized, two SSHS Seniors stood out enough to be rewarded with scholar- ships. Brittany Wade received the A.W. and Nellie Lee Scholarship, worth $750. for her achievements in FFA. A member since the Seventh grade. Wade also took the Star in Agribusiness Award. She said she plans to major in Equine Science and. minor in accounting, hoping to eventu- ally become a professional horse judge. Brady Revels, who said he plans on going to law school after' earning a bachelors degree : in Agriculture Communications at the University of Florida, went home with the $750 John L. Stephens Scholarship. Revels will. spend the next-year as either Florida FFA President or Secretary. He said he plans on coming back to Sumter County specializing in agri- culture and land rights. Revels not only .received the John L. Stephens Scholarship, but also received the Star Chapter Farmer, Top. Scholar, and Leadership Awards. The following awards were also given out on Thursday evening: Robbie Hall, Outstanding Sixth-grader; Quintin Story, Outstanding Seventh-grader; Colt Wells, Outstanding Eighth-grader; John Barich, Livestock Award; Kaitlyn Dietz, Outstanding Sophomore; Stephen Tyson, Citizenship Award; Gary Lamb, Ray Green Award; Kaitlin _Reid, Outstanding Junior; Brady Jackson, Most Improved Member; Tiffany Maddox, Star Greenhand. Besides individual awards for the chapters, winners of FFA events throughout the year were recognized. During the banquet, the FFA managed to earn over $700 with the "edible auc- tion," a silent auction with everything from restaurant gift certificates to brownies and cakes were sold. Photos by Amanda Mims At the yearly FFA Awards Banquet, South Sumter High School Seniors Brittany Wade and Brady Revels each took home scholarships worth $750 to help them go from their FFA careers to professionals in agriculture. About 250 members, parents, and guests filled seats at the South Sumter High School gymnasium on Thursday, May 5 during the awards banquet. ---- ----------- lam Police F3EPOFff PAGE 4, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 SUMMER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor......................Bob Reichman Publisher ................ Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager .. Alan Place "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our VOICE Background checks needed for all workers at schools Background screenings are required by law for regular employees of public schools in Florida but not all of those working on school property fit into that category. There are innumerable other workers inischools in the county and around the state who slip through the ' cracks in our laws because they are not employed by the School Board and are ,j not required to be screened. The Sumter County School Board is consider- ing making background Alu checks mandatory for con- MI tiact workers, those not - employed by the School Board but work on school property. This includes construction. workers and others, who should not have con- tact with children. But that fact and the fencing that divides construction areas from children would not do rnuch to stop someone intent on hurt- itg a child. 1Currently, there is construction gbing on two schools in this district, at Lake Panasoffkee and Bushnell Elementary, and about 60 employees total work on school property for each of the construction projects. At a&given point in the construction of a new building, there could be ten, twenty, thirty workers on each site. In light of recent child abductions and murders in the state, and the sex offender recently caught attempting to report to work on a construction site at Bushnell Elementary, the School Board might consider making background checks mandatory for anyone working on school grounds. ,This is simply using common sense. Since individual School Boards make their own rules, there is nothing preventing ours from start-. ing right now, except being hassled' with yet more background checks, .the possibility of offending someone who doesn't wish to be screened, and A i the extra cost involved. One might also argue that workers are constant- ly supervised and the chances of one coming in contact with a student are unlikely. , In dealing with this sub- _ ject, we're reminded of 0 John Evander Couey, who reportedly confessed to the murder of Jessica Lunsford, a Homosassa 9- year-old. It was reported in the news that at differ- en t times he worked at a construction site at her elementary school and another Florida school. ANDA Couey was also her neigh- IMS bor, so it's hard to say if his -- working at the school had anything to do with her kidnap and murder. Possibly it's just a coincidence, but it's never a coinci- dence when child molesters choose to work in places where there are children. If there had been a back- ground check performed, maybe he could have been arrested for not reg- istering as a sex offender where he was living. and he could have been sent to prison. If even the remotest chance exists that, in working on school property, a sex offender could gain access to a child; there are no legitimate reasons for not looking into the histories of these people.. Our School Board's job is to edu- cate children in the safest environ- ment possible, and if adults working on school property are not thorough- ly screened, the job isn't getting done. Our district must to do everything possible to protect Sumter's chil- dren, and it is our opinion this ven- ture is one worth pursuing without hesitation. It has now been almost four weeks .since the sex offender was caught en route to Bushnell Elementary, and we still don't know the histories of other workers continuing to 'occupy school grounds nearly every day. What are we waiting for? Photo by Brenda Locklear JessieWoodard shows off. a homegrown 20-pound cabbage, he grew to donate to the youth of the First Baptist Church of Lake Panasoffkee. Woodard said he uses Miracle Gro on his vegetables. Even his "smaller" cabbages were twice the size of the cabbages usually found In the produce section. Woodard said the youth at the church will auction the cabbage off. Last season's cabbage earned the teens $56 on the auction block. YourI Displeased with Center Hill stories I am writing you in response to your column "Center Hill website may be good idea," and to Ms. Mims and -her column, "Center Hill tour doesn't look good." I am, and, have been a comfortable and happy, resident of Center Hill for approximately three years now. I feel that the "exception" to your own set of rules to not publish or promote anything that is provided by an anonymous source was a mistake, and reflects poor judg- ment in regards to this topic. It saddens me that a group of "concerned".citizens feel that they cannot put their names on any- thing. I do understand anonymity, however, how can someone who decides to remain anonymous even attempt to resolve any issues) that they may have with city officials? It seems as if this group would rather tongue lash city officials via placing unsigned flyers throughout the town than stand up and voice their concerns in person during an appropriate meeting. It also saddens me that this group obviously has some type of financial assistance, as one week- end professionally printed signs were scattered through the city and various areas of the county. Is this financial backing being put to the best use? This group is quick to say that they are the victims of city retaliation because their signs are being taken down. However,- their rights are not being violated, as it is they who are actually in violation. In Chapter 14 of the Center Hill Code, "Sign Regulations:" it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, or con- vert any sign in the City, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a Sign Permit for each such sign from the City Clerk as required by this Chapter. The Code continues, Application for a permit shall be made to the City Clerk's office upon a form provided by that office and shall be accompanied by such information as may be required to assure compliance with all appropriate laws and reg- ulations of the City including: 1) Name and address of the owner of the sign and owner of the premis- es where the sign is located." I, for one. question the motives of a group who fight to remain anonymous. Whose concerns are they really representing?, As far as the "controversial" tour of the cement plant in Suwannee County, what really is the underlying problem? Even if there are no concrete plans for the cement plant, is it wrong for city officials to better educate them- selves on a topic which could affect the city they are elected to be concerned about? As Ms. Mims grudgingly admits, "officials else- where take tours of different things all the time." Perhaps a member or members of the Concerned Citizens of Center Hill should have also attended the tour, which was open to the public and discussed at an advertised, open town meeting. Growth is coming closer and closer to our City everyday whether we want it to or not When did positive pre-planning become a bad thing? Just in case you are interested, those bright orange signs attached to fence posts heading out of Center Hill' toward Beville's Corner indicate the desire to re- zone that area for commercial use. Perhaps individuals should be paying as close attention to pro- posed zoning changes as they do to educational trips of council mem- bers. Ms. Minis ought to research her topic more thoroughly before she writes a one-sided inflamma- tory article. I am thankful that Center Hill has council members who are dedicated to researching impor- tant issues, and who keep the bet- terment of Center Hill in their hearts and minds. Thank you for allowing me to express my opin- ion. !H Tuxbury Center Hill Resident SeniorADVOCATh e SUVs fit through the loopholes S sometime in January 2004, a reader wanted to know why, as I advocate for the aging and elderly, that I have never writ- ten about the exact fig- ures of the Medicare prescription plan. In fact, he had recently read about the benefits,. deductibles, co-insur- ance and gaps in a col- umn written by Jack Anderson. I n.c i d e nta lly, Anderson, a fine writer and columnist, is no longer publishing a col- "I umn, but what a great DA career. Roi I remember Anderson when he was writing most of Drew Pearson's columns, and later shared a byline with Pearson, and the rest is histo- ry.. Anyway, I checked my archives and found out that I had written such a column in the first week of July 2003, about one week after both houses passed the first 'Medicare law, including the pre- scription drug facts and figures. I informed the reader. Case closed. The only reason that I write about this at this time is because this column has given more ink to this law than any other column that I am aware .of. You could drive SUVs through the holes and loopholes of this law. I don't like this law. It was hasti- ly written. Its five months of nego- tiations and subsequent 'November 2003 vote did not signif- I ( icantly change the law or its inten- tions the beginning of a govern- ment-subsidized, private-indus- try-run health-care delivery sys- tem. Already, without any major laws, Health and Human Services (HHS) A Director Michael 0. Leavitt and a number of states intend to pass the S^ Medicaid program along to the private sector, .. notably health mainte- nance organizations (HMOs). The Medicare. PN Privatization, IAN Improvement and Prescription Drug Act of 2003-(MMA) is, Public Law 108-173, if you choose to read it And if you do, you will be one up on 60 percent of the members of the United States Congress, who (my belief) never read it MMA is also formulated to drive some of the 88 percent of Medicare beneficiaries into these same privately held, for-profit insurers. MMA allowed its new plan "Me'dicare Advantage," or Part C of Medicare to be marketed in late 2004 and 2005; it has at this very early point proven to cost more than traditional Medicare. The entire MMA law was to cost $395 billion. This includes an initial, two- year increase to physicians - agreeably slight, but still a cost factor, an increase in payment for hospitals, subsidies to corporate America that continue to provide prescriptions to their retirees, subsidies to HMOs and other types of insurance plans, hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing. and more, and, yes, let us not for- get the "sizzle" of the entire law, prescription drug benefits. However, it is now admitted by the administration that during the next 10 years just the prescription benefit will cost $730 billion. And I don't buy this figure either. The point of my column is sim- ple. If you can't read it weekly, this is understandable. But get your questions and con- cerns together, and get in touch with me. I have said it before, and I shall say it again: This is the worst social domestic law of my lifetime. Don't write to me in February 2007, and ask, "Dan, why didn't you tell us?" Also, I am so tired of members of Congress, who previously sat in various state senates, who repre- sent good, hard-working folks now in need, especially for Medicaid, and neither the member nor his or her staff assist those folks. Cut the nonsense. You truly don't know anyone in the state, so it is only about self-aggrandize- ment If the shoe fits, throw it out and leave office. Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week Send questions and comments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mail: danrohan@atlantic.net The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. ~~;-~ U _____ m. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 5 Citizens bring concerns to Center Hill AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Citizens attending a recent Center Hill City Council meeting questioned council members about a controversial trip two of the board members took to a cement plant in Suwannee County. People from both inside and out- side the city limits filled the meet- ing room on Tuesday, May 3, to dis- cuss recent behavior of city offi- cials in an area that seems to be increasingly desirable to develop- ers and businesses. Several of those at the meeting said they felt they weren't given ample information about the tour or about the reasons why two coun- cil members attended, which made some uneasy. The city says the com- pany has not made any proposals to the city and does not plan to come into the city limits. "I am in no way going to promote this business one way or another until it's brought to the council," said Elsie Ramsey, one of the two council members who went on the tour. She told those at the meeting that she hasn't discussed it with Councilman Jimmy Smith, who also attended, or anyone else. Smith said proposals by the con- crete company have gone to the county, and the property of interest is on County Road 469 in Center Hill outside the city limits. "It'll be very little impact if any- thing," he said. He said he believes the company was trying to get a sense of how the community would react to such a business coming in. "I can't talk for everybody," he said. But the council's explanation of the tour was met with more ques- tions. Although council members said the tour was open to the public and made known by the city, Paul Mazak disagreed. "I didn't know it was happening to be able to go," he said. "I'd have loved to go on the tour. I have a mining business just like (the one in) Center Hill." Mazak, owner of Florida Mining Corporation, said his concern is that he wants everyone in the coun- ty to be treated fairly He told the council he believed the company is trying to get around county restric- tions by annexing into the city. Others chimed in citing similar instances with a proposed RV park and housing development. To that, City Attorney Larry Taylor asked, "Wouldn't you go somewhere where you could do what you wanted to do?" But what mattered to residents was not the welfare of incoming businesses and developments, but rather whether city officials are acting according to the wishes of the people. "People are coming to you with unwanted projects," said Ron Slay, who owns Florida Fish Farms,' located just outside the city limits. He said the council's stance has been less than firm in regards to projects coming into the city. "That really bothers me," he said. "I'd like you guys, with all do respect, to be leaders, not followers with some of these people." Smith said the council has been looking at what these projects could mean in monetary gains in order to improve the city. "The bottom line, people, is we're trying to do what's in the best interest to the people of our com- munity," Smith said. "We're going to do whatever's necessary to make life good for the people of Center Hill." Medical center prepares for new facility Thomas Langley Medical Center has scheduled a ground- breaking ceremony to launch construction of a new 40,000- square-foot medical facility near the current center in Sumterville. The event is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 12. "We want everyone to help break the ground," said Julie Pacheco, Langley's director of operations. "It's, a community health center and it's for every- one in all the communities." The $6-million facility will eventually replaced the exist- ing medical center on U.S. 301. "This new state-of-the-art building will,be a step in the right direction to help meet the needs of the community," Pacheco said. "It will give us the room to bring on new medical and den- tal staff," she said. "Right now, we don't have anywhere to put them." The proposed facility has been in the works for the past four years, she said. Construction is scheduled to begin shortly after the ground- breaking ceremony and is expected to be completed in about 14 to 16 months. Sumter sex offender found in Lake County AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer A convicted sex offender who absconded from registration with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement was recently found To acc in Lake County, database according to Lt. Bobby Caruthers www.fdl of the Sumter u County 'Sheriff's - Office. Donald Autry, 43, was thought to have been living in Wildwood, until law enforce- ment officers discovered other- wise during an April 12 visit to the residence on County Road 141 where, he was last regis- tered, Caruthers said. . Prior to moving to Wildwood, Autry resided and was regis- tered in Lake County, Caruthers said.' "According to the property owner, he hadn't lived there for several months," he said. The Sumter Sheriff's Department obtained a warrant for Autry's arrest, and notified authorities in Lake County, where he was arrested. Convicted sex offenders who fail to register are ess the guilty of a third- eS v degree felony and se, visit can face up to.five e.state.fl. years in prison, he said. S .According to the FDLE sexual offenders/sexual predators data- base, there are 79 combined offenders and predators in the county, including one other man who has absconded from regis- tration. His last reported address is in Webster. To access the database, visit www.fdle.state.fl.us, click on "sexual predators/offenders," then "search." A printed copy of the records may also be obtained at the Sumter County Sheriff's Office. WHEN B TAKE USINES THE S CALLS, CALL. FASTFREE. ONLY FROM NEXTEL. Fast. Free Unlimited local walkie-talkie All incoming calls are free Connections in under a second Landline or wireless Plus: Cellular long distance included Unlimited nights and weekends ,300 anytime cellular minutes Messaging Express access FREE INCOMING PLAN 4"o Preferred Partner . 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Walkie-Talkie: Nationwide walkie-talkie ($0.10/min.) times # of participants. Additional charges: charges may apply and may vary by market, including state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1.364% or 1.50%, in some states a Gross Receipt Recovery fee of 1.4% to 5%, a TRS charge of approx. .07%, and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available in all markets. Other conditions may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are service marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. leI ts te PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 k Sumwnter OBUAES Claude B. Blakley, Lake Baptist Church, Gant Texas; nine grandchildren, was a member of the Trinity Lake. Interment at Florida Amanda, Justin, Rachael, Baptist Church and was a vet- 67, mail handler National Cemetery, Bushnell Caroline, Susanna, eran of the U.S. Army serving Claude Bradley Blakley, 67, with military honors ren- Alexander, Miski, Kaleb and during WWII. of Bushnell, died Monday, dered, Reverend Ed Button Jessie. Survivors include his wife May 2, 2005 in Brooksville. officiating. She is preceded in death by Amanda; son, Danny Charles Mr. Blakley was a native of Arrangements provided by her father and a brother Collins of Tuscon, Ariz.; Harland County, KY. Purcell Funeral Home. Ricky. daughter, Barbara Gail He was a mail handler. Mr. Carol Ann Caulk, 60 Graveside services, and Collins of Wildwood; brother, Blakley was a U.S. Army vet- buria,l were held Tuesday, A.B. Collins of Summerfield; eran. He was a member of retired May 10, in Adamsville sister, Della May Collins of Gant Lake Baptist Church. Carol Ann Caulk, 60, of Cemetery with Reverend Salyersville, Ky.; grandchil- Survivors include his wife Leesburg, died Saturday, May Luke Gardner officiating., dren, Lynn Melissa Collins, Nancy; daughters, Deb (Neal) 7, 2005. Born in Wildwood to The family requests memo- Yvonne Olivia Collins, Aaron Ferguson of St Petersburg, Robert "Shotgun" and Dovie rials are directed to Hospice Levi Collins, Sheila Renay Delia (Steven) Parker of Rock (Mae) Remington, -she was a of Lake and Sumter, 12300 Johnson and great-grandson, Hill, S.C.; sons, .Bobby lifelong resident of Sumter Lane Park Road, Tavares, FL JohnRoccoIV. (Tammy) Hoskins of County 32778. Funeral service was held' Pineville, Ky., Billy Hoskins She was a member of First Page-Theus Funeral Home. on Friday, May 6, 2005 at of Pineville, Ky.;. grandchil- Baptist Church of Leesburg. Leesburg. provided informa- Banks/Page-Theus Funeral dren, Jay Bolton; Tiffiny Mrs. Caulk was retired from tion. Home Chapel with Dr. John Skipper, Cody Hoskins, Citizens Bank in Leesburg Granis Collins, 79, Reichard officiating. Bobby Hoskins, Colt Parker, where she served as a \ice Arrangements were pro- Kellie Neal, Amanda and president. retired vided by Banks/Page-Theus Jacob Ferguson; great-grand- Survivors include her hus- Granis Collins, 79, of Fumeral Home, Wildwood. child, Lynn Bolton; mofther-, band Bill; mother, Dovie Wildwood, died&,,on' May 3,, in-law, Anna England; sisters Remington of Coleman; three 2005. He was born in Nina Kate Spurlock, Rose (Joe) Taylor and daughters, Stephanie (Steve) Lambric, Ky.. and moved to 83, Civil servant Darlene Brock McCoy of Leesburg, Lisa (Al) .Wildwood in 1974 from Nina Kate Spurlock, 83, of Services were held. on Perry of Dallas, Texas, Lynn LaPorte, Indiana. Valdosta died Saturday, April Friday. May 6. 2005 at Gant (John) Hollis of Jewett, 'He retired froin Goodyear. 30, 2005 at Smith Northview Hospital after a lengthy ill- ness. She was born on July 10, 1921 in Center Hill to the late Albert and Modie Murrhee Kirkland and had lived in this area most of her life. She was retired from civil service at Moody Air Force Base and a member of the Porterfiled United Methodist Church in Albany. Mrs. Spurlock was a former member of the First United Methodist church in Valdosta and a member of the 55 and Alive club. She was a mem- ber of the BPW and the Literary Guild. Survivors include a daugh- ter, Norma Jean Hall of Valdosta; three grandsons and a granddaughter-in-law, Jody and Jennifer Hall, Jamey Hallall0of Morven and Jonathan Hawkins of Albany; one great grandson, Gavin Hall of Adel; son-in-law, Fred Hawkins of Albany; one sis- ter, Sallie Hamilton of Bushnell; brother-in-law, Julian Spurlock of Alapaha; sisters-in-law, Ruth Brogdon of Thomasville, Ester Mims of Bradenton and Johnnie Spurlock Garner of Ray City; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carl Julian "beck" Spurlock and a daughter, Judi Hawkins. , Funeral services were held Monday, May 2, 2005 in the chapel of Martin/McLane Funeral Home with Dr. Charles Adams officiating. -,- Burial followed in the Withlacoochee Cemetery. Mrs. Spurlock's nephews served as pallbearers. Condolences to the family may be conveyed online at: www.mclanefuneralser- vices.com. Martin/McLane Funeral Home of Hahira provided information. To place an ad in the Sumter County Times call 793-2161. M GChunhCALENDAR M Bob and Jeanne Johnson Bob and Jeanne Johnson will be in concert on May 27 at 7 p.m. at The Assembly of God Church in Wildwood. The church is located on C.R. 466A (Fruitland Park Road) and for more informa- tion please call pastor Bill at 748-1022. Admission is free but a "Love Offering" will be taken. They will also be minister- ing in the morning-service at The Assembly at 10:45 a.m. on May 29. If your do not have a home church please feel free to join us. Vacation Bible School Family Vacation Bible School with a theme of Going Global with Jesus will be May 31 to June 2 at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist church, 133 N.W. 10th Avenue, 'Webster, from 6 to 9 p.m. :! Meals will be served each ,evening from 6 to 6:45 p.m. Bible School .classes will begin promptly at 7 p.m., each evening. .' ,,.. For,,informptioi call. the church .at 568-1807.. Vacation Bible School '. It's almost time for Vacation Bible School at Bushnell Assembly of God! This year's theme is "Water!" Fun-filled classes with water Bible sto- ries, crafts, snacks and music will be Tuesday. May 31 through Friday, June 3, from 6, until 8 p.m. each nighL In addition, Water Game Day is Friday, June 3,-- from 10 am. until 2 p.m. Bushnell Assembly of God is located on West Highway 476. Bushnell. There is no cost for VBS. Children from age three to six are encouraged to come and bririg a friend! Call the church for more information 793- 2240. Two-year celebration in Jubilee! The Helping Hands Prayer Ministry invites you to come and help us rejoice and cele- brate two years as a Ministry in Christ Jesus. 'On June 10, at 7 p.m., we will be having the 'Jubilee and Praise" Night. Our guest speaker is Min., Amoud. Jenkins from Refuge Church, Webster. And' then on June 111. at 1 p.m., we will be having the Seven Levels of Praise Conference with three anointed .. speakers: Evangelist Ray Wiley, Bushnell Assembly of God; Elder James Hall, pastor of Refuge Church of Our Lord, Webster; and Elder Michael Glover, pastor of the House of Prayer, Wildwood. For more information, con- tact Missionary Hazel Lyons at 793-3183, Missionary Rose Haywood at 352-303-6744, or Bushnell Assembly of God's Church office at 793-2240. Healing team at American Legion National Evangelist Jami Moore and healing team will be holding miracle-healing services every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Hwy 44 in Wildwood. Everyone is wel- come to attend these servic- es. This is a non-denomina- tional ministry. Come receive the miracle God has for you! "This is your," appointed time!" For more info please call 352-7484976. Family Caregiving, On the- first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited.' .' For more information, call the church office at 352-793-i 3438. Alzheimer Care On the foIrth Wednesday each 0 on the Lake Panasqifkee' ...Unite Methodist Church' will be hosting, an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793-3438. Newspaper Recycling Bin First-United Methodist .Churqh, located at 221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use pro- ceeds from recycled newspa- pers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held'every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A. Bushnell. For further information please call 352-793-7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. Serv Lak Su )11 vr8 er ,J. Lane Purcell L Owner John D. Purcell Founder w Oh 0 I 'U" U. uJ l ' 0 " , ,,., Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice 0 mf I BUSHNELL ( First Church of God ) ,A flhalii .olArdertin IN 793-3455 lI` E L rH- A t 'i O B.. i, ,5 1biirli FL 339, SUndI4y .rSi 'iill u.'Mrrnf Wer-114 lu53 11 ELerng We r-.,p A .i p ri . Wldnedav- Eierang 7i i p t.L S Randal.U Belcher Pasror 79?-354 $ All Are Welcome At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday Wortnip 8 00 AM 10 30 A M & 6 00 PM Sunday School 9:30 A.M. We. Discipleship Night 7.00 P.M. 451 Wesi C.R. 476. Bushnell 793-22401/ (St. Francis Episcopal Church- 313 N GraceStreetl AtU i 3111i PO Box 56t, (352)1793-217 Wednesday Bible Stud) pm Holy Eucharist 10a m Sunday S.rda, School I0 a m I AAmeetsThursdas-at8pm j rTHE BUSHNELL PRESBYTERIANM> CHURCH USA 323 N BROAD ICmer of W Dade & N Broadl Church School: 9:15 am Pubbh Worship. 10.30 .M.. MONDAY. AA Group Meeting 8-00 F P I S.EDNESDA3 Bible Study -10U) A.M \^ 352-793-4202 J First Baptist Church of Bushnell 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 *Snaring the Gooo Nhe*s of 1le Through Faoth in Cnnst .,jnrO y Bi.le .t1ja .. .... 9.15 A suraoy Wor .rip 10. -30 S... ara 6-00 Weaire',coy Biole Study 7.00 .vr SFirst' United Methodist Church- 221 W. Noble Ave. O ,... ...-..- Fut. aith. Hope & Love Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:50 a.m. C.LL r1 iAnrum d arr, b'arr, rig L, 5:00p m. Disciple.' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. Choa Prari,., rhbi 6 l, p I Idesday J-30. 1 nu, 5.3) p m C lae- Cub ScouLtTue 6-J30p.m. Dai(i Iroop, Thur. 6-3u p m. AI-Anon. Frda3 ow p.m. S H A.RE.. 4Lh Sn., i:i00) a m Rte. Larry Armbruit,. Pamlor 793-3221 2 biSllMEL CLHI.(' Or CHi,,Or 310 W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a m. Sunday Worship Serice 11 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m y Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm j Ir ndian ~''Baptist Church :819 .e633 'Buc.hn'ti 1-t J".-er..a :- c- ' Sunday Scnool .... ............ 9:45 am Morning Worship................ ...... ..11:00 am Evening Worship .................. .. .7 00 pm L Wednesday Prayer Service ..7.00 pmj Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, ffushneU Sunday School...................9:45 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worsnip.....6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service..7:00 P.M. 793-5083 Pastor Ahke King j w (BUSHNELL SEVENTH DAY' ADVENTIST CIRURCH Corner of Seminole A Ronda Ae Worship Hours 9:30 A.M. Sabbath School 10:45 A M Sat S-. Wed. Prayer Meeting 7.30 SAll Welcome S FPEACEI I I LADYLAKE ( Hope Lutheran Church 250 Avenida Los Angelos corner ol C R 466 & Morse Blvd.) The Villages Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For more rrilormaIon call 352-750-2321.or Our A Web Sire. Aww nopeliuteran;rireviiages.org 2 LAKE PANASOFFKEEI LAKE PANASOFFKEE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 589 CR 470, 1 mile W of 1-75 Sunday Worsinip Service 9 30 AM Houpislity rTie a 10 45 AM Suril,1y School Gairenng: 11.00 AM *Sunday School at 11-15AM t .o I. u i. a . rFirst Baptist Church"' of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School...............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening............ 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Ngrti Prayer Meeiing....7 p.m y. Pastor Jon Kinq 2 --Oadits of Grace Ministries Pa.iors. Fed & Par,. HOolen Morning Worship-- 1030 C, r'.-i.-, Sunday Eening- 6 00 Wednesday NRghl 7 00 .i. ulcm. 793-1600 1o1 CR 527 Lake Pana-onkee T. E.SRURG r GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. Cnu,- ,1h..l I `; 1. A.'IOi o .'.C:', 44 l ct .. r. L .' U l' Al I ': I :u.. 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 J SUMTERVILLE 1 | Sumterville United Methodist Church S "OVER 150YEARS OFPRAYER" 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 Inite yo n ato anend Sunday Vworship uernce 930 a m. Pastor Chales Tomberlln SAllkhlldrenarelnited 2 | WAHOO (Discover the Differencel) Bily Reaty .. 3 M.ie5 We or I- 75. n H. y 8 s .'.no. Pi:, BMoe Siud Sunda9 30A M Celarraior, Serv-ie 1 0 45 A 1 Weu nesdav Evening: \\en Con',,ur,,ry CL 0li OM 6ae C.ommurinrf Wo. -n'iu.2erdi Achil.e. o W PM Asvnciate Pai.cr Mant Blac'mOr ,n *waahnaC.:.:ihurcn org 352 793-6015) .-' I WEBSIER r Webster United " Methodist Church Invites You To Attend orship Service 11:00 a m. Church School 9:45 a.m. 73 S.E. 3rd SI. Webster. FL 33597 1352) 793-3734 k A prn ine church First Baptist Church of Webster 1/4 mile east of 471 on SE ist Ave. Suroi. 'F- cr -45 AM r.l.rrn..-..3W :.r .np I 1 1 AM .E.r.r'a Ser.r. 6 ,00 PM ,_We. ne;., Praver Meehrn 0: Pfd. | WILDWOOD I 2 C' r, mT -cc N .1-A (X L j4' -i, I fi74$418&2 . p.e......e.._ -A" -. & 6M16 PM iSmhuday EP aMf:-..-......6.. '15 PM : S.. E.P4 Wildwood United Methodist> 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worsnip 8:30 am & 11:00 am Nursery Provided K 748-1275 2 r FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Barwick St Wild wood, FL 34785 ^ (352) 748-2530 - ( SUNSET PARK - CmHRCH OF GOD d 202 Pine Street 748-1318 Mirund ft p r ..I i l., .jialtSid .l_ .iiiP'M V WELCOME ALL!!!!!! J 1~ IRCELL 1960 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned 7~93L %. H- C 3 P E 9 ZEMUA I I .J. I R I 0 "o m m > U 'ffl I 0 m m 0 I 0 SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 7 )FORD OF OCALA 6&P BELLEVIEW J Smr ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM THE VILLAGES 888-255-1599 Mi ignIIj OBUI EGAL G li R, MluT R2414A Power Windows & Seats, 4 Air Conditioning, Leather, Power I V6, Moon of, Extra Clean Inside & Mu 551662A 2,000 Miles, AutomatIca 1 'sir Condtioning, Power Windows SPower Doors and Locks, Power Seat, CD Sound stem U -"'-M ,r. , 551701A 4x4, Power Windows & Seats, Ice Cold Air I Conditlonjig, One Owner, Like New Trac p FINANCING AVAILABLE! WE CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR CREDIT CHALLENiES' US S ALL APPLCAlONS WiCOMEDI .. 0 O. Am F550774B - Power Windows, Automatic, kAir Conditioning, CD Sound System, Locks, 48,000 Miles i P2032 Equipped with V6, j > Automatic, Power Windows & Locks, Air Conditionin *Factor Warranty included r; .^ i ++f S_ , CENTU w',. 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FO -:AL;,,.- * ' .4 WF 0 1 'WI LL* PAGE 8, .$UMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 Paths of Grace Ministries appoints new music pastors Pastors Fred and Patti Hooten, and the entire church family at Paths of Grace Ministries in Lake Panasoffkee, are pleased to announce the appointment of Revs. Frank and Angela Simmons as new music pas- tors. Originally from Savannah, Georgia, Frank and Angela attended the same high school and were members of the same church family. After high school, they began to date and were married. They have now been married for 21 years. Since that time, the Simmons' have been a true ministry team. They pio- neered Liberty Deliverance Center in Oak Harbor, Washington where they pas- tored together for 7 years. Since leaving Washington they have served with many ministries across the United States. They were the organiz- ers and leaders of the Bethesda Home for Boys, Choir, youth pastors at The Sanctuary of Savannah, and worship pastors at Living Water Ministries in Kansas City, Missouri. They have 2 CDs; the first, "He's Sweet" was released in 2001 and "Still in Love" came out in 2002. In addition to appearing on Atlanta and Seattle broad- casts of TBN's "Praise the Lord," the Simmons' hosted a weekly broadcast on Savannah's Cable 19. According to Pastor Fred Hooten, "This family has been blessed with a great anointing for ministry and a great testi- mony to the life changing power of relationship with Christ Jesus. Their personal lives are a testimony and their family is a testimony. Frank and Angela were told by doc- tor after doctor that they' would never have children. A miracle took place during prayer while Angela was attending a women's confer- ence in Seattle, Washington. They now have 3 daughters and a son as well as 1 grand- child." Kaitlyn HIartsock chosen as Miss Junior Bushnell Kaitlyn Hartsock, 16-year- old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Scott Hartsock, recently won the title of Miss Junior Bushnell and will be compet- Kaitlyn Hartsock ing for the title of Miss Junior Florida on June 11. The win- ner of the state title will travel to New Jersey in July to com- pete for the national title of Miss Junior America. Kaitlyn' attends South Sumter High School and she is also active in soccer, dance, softball,- horse judging, National honor Society, FFA, and equestrian events. Sponsoring Kaitlyn in the state pageant is her family and Besame's Beauty Salon in Long Island, N.Y. The Miss Junior America Pageant has been in existence for over 20 years and offers its contestants an experience of a lifetime with opportunities unlike any other pageant today. Many previous pageant winners have been discov- ered in the Miss Junior America Pageant by well- respected agents, managers and casting directors who judge the competitions. For more information on the Miss Junior, America Pageant, please call (800) 783-1115. Grace NOTES Some Mother's Day musings I became a mother by sur- prise. Actually, by the time my husband and I had decided it was time to think about start- ing a family, Alison - Kathleen Kennedy had already begun sprouting. Although I was thrilled at the idea of being pregnant and buying baby .a clothes and deco- rating a nursery, I 4' A hadn't fully . thought the whole - motherhood thing NAi through. My KEN thoughts stopped just before the giv- ing birth part of the process. The truth is, I had never really wanted to be a mother. I've always liked kids, but from a distance. When I gave birth to Alison and the nurse gave her to me to take home and keep, I panicked. I could- n't nurse her because I didn't know how, and didn't think to ask anybody to teach me. I could dress her only because I'd Th had Barbie dolls and liked to go shopping. w But one time I took al her outside in winter - in northern Maine - without putting a hat on her and someone yelled at me. And then a month later, when we took her to California to visit my family, I put a hat on her. However, it was 90 degrees out, and another person yelled at me because Alison was sweaty. I didn't know what I was" doing then, and after 28-1/2 years, I still don't know. Basically, my theory of moth- erhood has been to wing it,' pray real hard and hope my daughters will one day for- give me. Last week, I asked a few friends about their Mother's Day thoughts. Carol Satterly's reply touched me. She said she knew at a young age that God had made her to be a mother. "Part of that desire must have been an iN outflow of being loved so well by my own mother who showed patience and mercy to me beyond measure," she said. - Carol didn't have her first child until she was in her 30s. "I think the waiting helped me appreci- ate being a mother even more," she said. "Maggie was born on a Thursday in early May, but j^ j her second birth- Sday was the sweet- ICY est celebration I IEDY can remember. I was expecting our second child, enthralled with our first, and sharing it all with my mother, who was also there. "There was a glow to my mom that was different that day ... I think she was enjoy- ing seeing me, her daughter, as a mother. The gifts that day were from God for e'truth is, I had never rea wanted to be a mother. I'v Ways liked kids, butfrom distance. granting the multi-genera- tional celebration of mother- hood. My mom died two years ago, so today I appreciate this memory even more." Carol said she hopes her own children will say of her that she loved them well and that her daughters would want to be mothers, too. "Someday they will see my failures," she said, "but know that I admitted them and trusted God for my strength." When I think of my own two daughters, I thank God for his mercy in their lives. I remember well yelling at them to leave me alone as I sat writing a book on mother- hood. I served them tater tots and grated cheese and called it "dinner." I taught them that shop- ping is a recreational sport I passed on my control, freakish tendencies and my propensity to "expect the worst and you'll never be dis- appointed." But (I hope) I've also passed on to them my rock- solid belief that God's grace is sufficient for every trial, and that difficulties are opportunities to emerge stronger on the other side. From me they've learned to enjoy life's absurdities and to think of minor irritations - throwing your keys in the trash or running out of gas in a cauliflower field as "faith adventures." They've seen me laugh until I cry and cry until I. laugh. They've seen me shake my fist toward heaven and they've seen me on my knees in prayer. Some say daughters eventually turn into their mothers. I don't ily know if that's true or not e Some also say there's a no more complicated relationship than the one between a mother and daughter. That, I agree with. All in all, I wouldn't trade any of the worry and frustration, the sorrow and the unbridled joy I've experi- enced these past 28-1/2 years. So, thank you Alison and Laura for making my life sur- prisingly rich. Now for old times' sake: Go clean your rooms. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough," and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can'be reached at 1- 352-564-2927, Monday through Thursday, or via e- mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. Planning a i kiAei ii~ iii LIII UI month Sumter County Health Department is recognizing May as National Blood Pressure Education Month, with two free blood pressure screenings and diabetes and cholesterol activities. Blood pressure screenings will be at the St. Lawrence Catholic Church Food Bank on the fol- lowing dates: Friday, May 13 - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Friday, May 27 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Groups throughout the coun- try are joining together to encourage all Americans to prevent and control high-blood pressure, which affects more than 65 million Americans and leads to more than 1 million heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure cases in the U.S. each year. According to Dr. Giri Padmanabh, Director of the Sumter County Health Department, "High blood pres- sure is a significant and grow- ing public health problem among our community, and National High Blood Pressure Education Month provides a special opportunity to increase awareness of the bur- den it places on all of us. We have learned a -great deal about the effects of blood pres- sure abnormalities on health. It has been called the silent killer because it often gives no clue that it is causing major health problems." Its economic cost to the Nation exceeds $100 billion each year. According to the lat- est County Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 33.1 percent of the adult Sumter County popula- tion has been told by a health professional that they are at risk of or have high blood pres- sure. National High Blood Pressure Education Month is an annual event coordinated by the National High Blood Pressure Program at the National Heart,. Lung and Blood Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health. If you have any questions or would like more information about this program, please contact Tom O'Brien at the Sumter County Health Department, 352-793-2701 ext. 3017." ".. .. .' . !Wondering what todo with your money? Consider the Enhancer. o. idmen's' Modified Endowment Universal Life Insurance cenificate, the Enhancer, may help you, protect your assess as well as your family's security. Your cash value may accumulate faster than in a CD S. 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After,12months,standardmnonthlyratewill apply. $49.99 activation fee will apply. Monthlyratevaries byarea. Taxes and surchargesareadditionalandarebased on standard monthly rate. Sprint high-speed Internet Afee of $99 will be charged forearlytermination. Actual performance mayvary due to conditionsoutsideof Sprints network control. These conditions mayinclude variablessuchascustomerlocation,physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router.speeds of Web sites accessed, inside wiring ortelephone conditions. Additional restrictions may apply. Unlimited Calling Plan: Eligible residential customers only. Prices exclude taxes and surcharges (including a carrier universal service charge of 11.1%, which may vary by month, carrier-cost-recovery surcharge of $0.99 and certain in-state surcharges). Surcharges are not taxes or govemment-required charges. Calling Plan: Offer.available to subscribers of Sprint PCS, Sprint high-speed Intemet (256 Kbps or higher) or DISH Network* Satellite TV. For residential voice service usage only. State-to-state and international long-distance services are governed by Sprint Terms & Conditions of Service. Local and in-state long-distance (including local toll) services are govemed by the applicable state tariffs and/or state terms and conditions of service. Monthly fee does not include usage for Directory Assistance, Sprint foncard" service or operator services. Service not intended for commercial use, Internet, data or facsimile service. If Sprint determines that usage is not consistent with residential voice conversation, the service may be suspended or disconnected. US residents only Dial-1 service only. Calls to 900, 986,555 and 700 NPAs are not considered unlimited interstate and intrastate Dial-1 calling. Monthly fee includes one phone line. Customer's first invoice will include a partial monthly fee and the first month billed in advance. Intemational rates vary, and surcharges may apply, including surcharges on residential calls made to foreign mobile phones. Call 1-888-255-2099 for international rates. Operator-assisted calls and toll-free/calling card calls made from payphones in the. US will be assessed a surcharge. All rates subject to change. Additional requirements and restrictions may apply. Sdme services included in previous calling plans may not be included when converting to new unlimited long-distance plan. Offer subject to change and cancel without notice. Contact Sprint for details. @2005 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite LL.C. All rights reserved. lfiLt:tllt:L UIIIIIIIILWU LUq;dl VIIIIIIIILCU IMCILIUIIVVIUC LVIIq m m m m SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 9 mNewusofR Marriages: Gregory John Laufersky, 34, of Lady Lake and Amanda Diane Morrison, 26, of Summerfield. Justin Graves Davis, 24, of Wildwood and Scotti Neal Carter, 20, of Wildwood. John Durwin Dyess, 43, of Wildwood and Dorothy Ruth Schaub, 36, of Lady Lake. Robert Edward Makas, 61, of Lady Lake and Michelle Janet Mindak, 46, of Lady Lake. James Mason Jacobs, 31, of Bushnell and Tammi Lou Wagner, 36, of Bushnell. Alfred Hanry Corbin, 27, of Wildwood and Katoria Moneice Hannah, 22, of Wildwood. Michael Gardner Adams, 29, of Lake Panasoffkee and Kelly Marie Kinard, 22, of Lake Panasoffkee. Kris Emanuel Heubach, 33, of Bushnell and Carrie Martin Duval, 23, of Bushnell. Property Transactions: Albert Richardson to Daniel C. and Noella L. McCormic property in Sunset Shores for $375,000. Michael E. Whidden to Michael A. and Carrie Norman-Tadlock, property in Galloways Addition for $93,000. Linda Fair to Bridget M. Benoit, property in Section 14, Township 19S, Range 21E for $148,100. Sandra L. Gross to Ronald and Paula Cline, property in Ri La Ca Mobile Manor for $48,000. Paula Sue Warren Ind. & Trs. and Paula Sue and Noel A.Warran to Mister Project Services, Inc. property in Idlewild Park for $100.00. Otto e. Beyer Enterprises, Inc. to Susan Marie and Ken Carmack, property. in Pleasantdale Subdivision for $72,000. Karen and Robert A. Elliott to Armando Warrents and Andrea Corvea, property in S 29, T 20S, R 23E for $135,000. Barbara Arnold to Michael P and Mona Wojick, property in Sandalwood for $56,000 Robert L. Oliver a Barbara Oliver to Manuel Muro, Sr. and Josephi Muro, property in Viallg Unit 67 for $152,500. William and Doreen Rid to Paul Sweetland Parr Sweetland Luz Milagr property in Villages Unit for $254,900. Colonial Bank to Willi. L. Granger, property in S T21S, R21E for $125,000.- Thomas C. Stockberger Curtis and Melissa Patters( property in S14, T21S, R2 for $17,000., Joyce Higganbotham Jessica R. Simpson and Be S. Brown, property Bushnell Park Plat $69,000. Moses' and Rebec Mohammed to Michael Ke and Jenny Belle Hill to S T20S, R22E, property $95,000. Joel A. Merritt to Lauren D. and Sherry M. Gra property in Olivepa Community for $30,000. Rondal J. and Janice Sizemore to Wendell L. a Judith Gill, property Webster Town, for $100. Leroy James and Patri Schiko Calhau, Trs. Pamela Robb, property in T18S, R22E for $1,000. David A. and Nore Rodriguez Fyfe to Linda Fyfe, property Thunderbird Mobile Hon Estates for $100. Villages of Lake Sumter Thomas and Joyce Valan property in Southern C Villas for $117,700; to Ii Marie Miller, property Villages Unit 77 for $250,4( Christopher A. and Ali Marazzo to Christopher a Alicia Marazzo Trs.' Marazzo Family .Revocal Trust property in Villas Unit 79, for $100. Robert G. and Elsie Biddinger to James J. a Camille E. Mayotte, prope in Villages Unit 26, $375,000. Leslie V Johonson Leslie V Johnson, Trs. Leslie V Johnson Revoca Living Trust Agreement. * South Sumter Middle names math winners South Sumter Middle nd School is proud to announce R. its winners in the Annual ine Sumter School District Math ges Field Day Team Competition. 1. Two teams from each grade ' Ige level were created from ris- teacher recommendation, os, attendance at an after-school . 22, practice program, and the '--- results of a school-level math am competition. All students com- El + 24, peted in four events: combo, -- 2E South Sumter Middle School Math Department r to received $250 for having the .au overall highest middle school; '. t . in achievement at the event. 4 for. Sixth grade Team: SSMS' ..... high score A.J. Troller, . cca combo winner- Lauren -8 I, ith Fussell. Seventh grade: SSMS "" 16, team high individual score : in Buffy Branch; second high - individual score Dylan ice Carroll and combo winner - ce, Kassandra Sorokach-Hazen. lm Eighth grade: SSMS team - high individual score -Zach South Sumter Middle School Math Department received $250 for having the overall highest m K. Reynolds. die school achievement at the event. nd in' Sumter students honored at May 9 reception cia to S6, *en I. in nes rto ite, )ak nez in 00. cia ind of ble ges J. and 'rty for to of ble Andrew D. Arnstein, Jr. accepts a placque and medal- lion at the Honor Grad Reception. RoBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Parents, friends, students, faculty and others crammed into the Lake Panasoffkee. Elementary School auditori- um Monday, May 9, for the Sumter County Honor Grad Reception. .Surrounded by patriotic decorations School Superintendent Richard Shirley welcomed one and all to the occasion. "These are not Wildwood High and South Sumter High Schools students but Sumter County students and we are all very proud of you," said Shirley. Dr. Charles Mojock, presi- dent of Lake-Sumter Community College praised the young men and women on their accomplishments. "It's been a pleasure getting to know some of you that were in the dual enrollment program and we look for- ward to continuing to chal- lenge and nurture you and help you follow your dreams." He continued on stating whether they stayed on at Lake-Sumter Community College or attended another school or entered into mili- lid- tary service he wished them well in their endeavors. Taking her turn at the lectern Assistant School Superintendent Hannah Foster addressed the stu- dents. "We've been waiting for you for 13 years. I remem- ber some of you since you were born." Principals Dr. Preston Morgan and Richard Hampton introduced each student who in turn, intro- duced their friends and fam- ily attending the reception and then each honoree was given a medallion and plaque commemorating their accomplishments. Sumter County 4-H Day Camp planned for June 20 All About Animals day Camp will be presented by Sumter County 4-H on June 20 through 24, from 9 to 4 p.m. The event is for all children ages 8 to 18. Bring a bag lunch, snacks and drinks will be pro- vided. Sanitation stations are available. No need to own an animal or belong to 4-H just come and learn how to care for, ani- mal breeds, animal parts, proper housing, different species, etc. the first lesson to be taught will be how to prop- erly sanitize your hands after handling animals. We will have hands-on learning expe- riences with several animal species, horse. cow. goat. pig. chicken, rabbit, etc. For, more information call 352-793-2728. --- -- -- -- - - ? M... -." t f , 7 SR t"'$J+L. ., f ,t rC, I. (800) 794.731 J, Wotwtih (vmas CsASS NOWI for Struchkned Setternt 1) "OLE STYLE PLANTATION" I SUMITER UUTYv GA MAY 14TH 10:15A.M. SHARP VIRGIN TIMBER HARDWOODS IRRIGATED CROPLAND WILDLIFE WILDLIFE WILDLIFE HEAVILY STOCKED PONDS TIMBER CRUISE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FLORIDA FOLK FESTIVAL Celebranng Florida's Diverse Heritage at the Stephen Foster Folk Cidnire Center State Park in \\White Springs, FL MUSIC. HERITAGE. LEGEND. MAY 27-29, 2005 * Experience oldmlashioned Florida stortellinmg.crafts and culkure, plus, Enm% lou Harrms and over 3011 performers. Visit FloridaFolkFestval.com today, or ca 1-8"'.-6FL-FOLK Sponsored In Part By Florida Humanite s Council Conuast Spolhight fumalt Hotels i b Coice Hotels Cone DIstribuhng Inc. GOLD.- s6osairts., Inc. E., [ir:..c i', l 1 r, I.r ;hI llD.. r-e r.-l .1 t -I .ifiJ-T .n L=l T 'r- -..-'.-'. .i- I tn" .-i ^ir ' SNOW'S FUNERAL MINISTRY & CREMATION SERVICES 352-438-0007 S With this S ad take additional $500 off full - jS traditional Bro. Felix M.Snow, LFD. Best Services Best Prices Funeral Service is not our Business; it's our Ministry Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment ppr _6 0 5 G O5+ tax oN $14,995 +tax $16,50 $1,545 MF-431: 52P Tractor, Aux GC-2310: 23HP, 4WD MF-1533:33HP, 4WD Tractor, Hydraulc Pump for Loadert ,t ractor, Hydrostatic 8x8 Syncro Shuttle trans, PS,w Power Steering Live PTO, transmission, Power Id. PTO, R4 BarTires, Loader Bar Tires 5' iotary Cutter, 6' Steering, Ind PTO, Front End Loader with 48" Bucket, with 60" Bucket, 5' Rotary Box. Scraper, rear 3pt Crane. Back Hoe with 12" Bucket, 48" Box Scraper. Cutter, 6'Scraper Blade. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE "America's Auction Marketing Group" WPe hState ( AUCTION GROUP GAL a2550 Lance D. Kearce, CAI, Auctioneer Albany, Georgia Toll-Free 1-866-300-SOLD (7653) E-mail: Info@land2auctlon.comn For More Information On This And Other Upcoming Auctions Visit Us On-line @ www.land2auctlon corn 10%. BUYERS PREMIUM r .I / ." 1 1 . John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Phone: (352)796-5171 Sat 8am-12pm Fax: (352) 796-6683 *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for low A.P.RR. I Finance rates (W4.ra( w ;f8.4,4 Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9% Effective Date Until 5/31/05 PORmKY SEZ. CALL 560-M SVE CAtL ANYTIME MOMa yV-FIyDV FROM :OO-2:.0 PMA 7TO ARR,4N TRANSPORT, TION FOR T 1E NEXT FY'. New Fixed Bus Routes Available In Your Area Now! A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S I I -.1 Oil 24 k WALODRIMMAN -Tilo to] ^ ^ A I A I PAGE 10, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 SmvatD'CALENDAR. Thursday, May 12 The monthly meeting of the Sumter County Democrat Club will be held at 7 p.m. in Sumterville at the Lake/Sumter Community College Library in room 4113. Refreshments will be served. Tickets for the May 16 Sterling Casino Cruise are still available. If interested, please attend or call Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. . The Withlacoochee Long-Term Care Ombudsman councill will hold its May meeting at 12:30 p.m. at Lake- Sumter Community College Conference Room, 1405 County Road 526A, Sumterville. Friday, May 13 The meeting of the Lake/Sumter Unit of the National Association of Social, Workers will be held from 11 a.m. to. 1 p.n. at the ALF Alterra at 701 S. Lake Street Duncan Hodges will discuss his experience coun- seling families and individu- als who suffered a loss in New York on 9/11. 'One free CEU will be pro- vided. It is not necessary to be a member of the National Association of Social Workers to attend. 'More information is avail- able on the Web at. Tri-County Volunteer Fire Department, Sumter County Fire rescue Station 29 will hold a yard sale from 4 to 6 p.m. and Saturday, May 14, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. A wide assortment of clothes, kitchen utensils, glassware, plates, records, books and "stuff" is available. Check us Party planned to honor special graduate - The family of Deborah Sells Barnes is happy to announce her graduation from University of Central Florida on May 7,2005. She is a long-time Sumter County resident known and loved by many. Deborah is the daugh- ter of Don and Helen Sells of Inverness. Married in 1970 to Franklin (Bubba) Barnes vho passed away in 2001, Deborah's life has been devoted to her family includ- ing four children David Barnes of Ocala, Michael Barnes of Wildwood, Gina Ingram of Wildwood, and Robert Barnes of Wildwood. She has 7 grandchildren who were all present at her grad- uation. In 2001, Deborah decided at 50 years old to fulfill her dream and go to college. She graduated with a 3.7 GPA and will be employed in the Sumter County School System. There will be a party host- ed byJ.C. and Donna Barnes at Rutland Baptist Church on May 14, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. All family and friends are invited to attend. Webster Elementary School's Good Citizen of the Month. PreK Ruben Romero, Justus Lovett, Whitney McKinney; Kindergarten- Sergio Sanchez, Annie Rutter, Thomas Henderson, Lizandra Perez, Alex Nelson; first grade Johnathan Scheiterle, Augustine Serna, Shay Anderson, Isabelle Zapata, Paxtine Cline; second grade Luis Vasquez, Kayla Morgan, Jasilin Albarran, Damien Serna; third grade Eron Jimenez, Kassidy McKinnis, Leticia Mederos, Blake James, Matthew Gideons; fourth grade Shawn Taylor, Keyanna Edwards. Sumonia Avant, Joe Vega; fifth grade Maria Hernandez, John Daniel, Mariano Navarro and Brett Dobson. N* Sericedon riht. Lube, Oil & Filter Every 3,750 Miles! Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tire pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CV joints, air cleaner 1190951 INCLI Press cap; In freeze refill w Cooling System Service JDES: ure test cooling system and inspect drive belt(s), hoses & e plugs; Evacuate system and nith 50/50 mix of Coolant and m\ I inemeliis. I water. Extended Expiration til 7/6/05 M GOO dwm Ch extended Expiration til 7/6/05 'GOOd WI'C nCh Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any otheroffer. I Most GM cars. Similar saving another v-r,,..r. fi ,, _- Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. Balance Wheels Automatic & Inspect Brakes Transmission Service INCLUDES: I Every 30,000 Miles! I Freetirerotation; Computer balance 4 95 Removepan and drain fluid; wheels; Inspectfrontandrearbrakes. Inspect for excessive wear; Install I new filter; Reuse pan gasket Install 1 9 3rd generation fluid; Check linkage $ and mounts; Check for leaks; Test Extended Expiration tll7/6/05 .G Oo&dw ncs h enade a til716105- Good wwmh I I 1 1J lr, u l Ir r 1 .:u i. r, i r a ji. .' a I .' i r i r. :.ir,, r ... rti, Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Service Wild Card : Fuel System Service I (every 30,000 miles) Discount on Parts 0 Repair over $300. I Power flush fuel injectors; Clean intake 1 O valves; CleanIcombusion chambers aeI Promotes smoother running and better gas mileage Extended Expiration til 7/6/05 E GOOdwiCren h I Extended Expirationtil 7/6/05 GOOdw' nch Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival Not Valid with another offer. I i1 .io .r, -r..i, ni ..: r:, r, 3N,a .:. V ,l ..i,,,r, Ir,ri.,.-, .r cJ f HI - A Special Offer for Women Age 40.64! Health Maintenance 1 100 * Screening for cervical cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, obesity, and osteoporosis* Screening Mammogram 150 Physician's order required * Osteoporosis screening if indicated joint commission 00 Acuffifd#M(ON HORItharw OrgankiNM* Limited Availability Prices quoted are based on cash paid at the time of service. I I 7 out! Our prices can't be beat Station 29 is located eight miles west of Bushnell on Route 476. Saturday, May 14 The American Association of University Women will meet on from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Vic's Embers, Leesburg. Installation of the new offi- cers will be held. The lunch- eon cost is $16. Make out your check to Lake/Sumter AAUW, and send it to Elizabeth Morris, 1640 Staunton Street, The Villages, Ft 32162, phone, 753-2442. The dead- line for reservations is Monday, May 9. The public is welcome to attend. The South Sumter High School Class of 2008 will be holding a car wash in the parking lot of the high school from 9 a.m. to noon. Come get your car washed, and sup- port the Class of 2008! Tuesday, May 17 Relay for Life will be hav- ing its wrap up party for the relay at the Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School Cafeteria beginning at 5:30 p.m. All teams, spon- sors, survivors are invited to attend. We will be awarding prizes 'for both teams and individuals, recognition of our sponsors and selecting the theme for next year. We have reached and exceeded our goal of $60,500; we currently are at $70,000. Thursday, May 19 The Republican Club of Sumter County will meet at Lake-Sumter Community College at 7 p. m. Our speak- er will be Rhyan Metzler from the Republican Party of Florida. Mr. Metzler is the field director for Central Florida. All registered Republicans and Independents are welcome. Refreshments will be served. For more information call Richard Huff, President at 330-4012. Monday, May 23 Complementary bone den- sity screenings will be avail- able to area seniors at the Bushnell Public Library. The library is located at 402 Florida Street in Bushnell. Screening time will be from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This service is provided by the Center for Osteoporosis in cooperation with the Department of Elder Affairs, Suwannee River Area Health Education Center. and the Bushnell Public Library. A simple five-minute screening, followed by a brief educational program will answer your questions about osteoporosis and how to maintain your skeletal health. For more information, you may contact Tina Andees at 352-793-8274. Friday, May 27 Entertainment Designers' Network presents Comedy, Country and Celebrities, fea- turing comedian Homer Noodleman, CMA award win- ner, Eddy Rivers, and Sally Langwah with her Celebrity Buddies, 7 p.m. at Recreation Plantation Resort, 609 Hwy. 466, Lady Lake. Tickets $7 at the door. Call 352-568-0102 for more information. Webster Elementary School's Good Citizen of the Month. PreK John Lancaster, Ricky Tenorio, Beauty Espejel; Kindergarten -Tyler Yates, Tyana Ramirez, Omar Madrigal, Mackenzie McNeal, Michele Robison; first grade Samantha Howard, Jacinto Arredondo, Amanda Murphy, Dylan Brannen, Mikayla Allison, Cameron Covil; second grade Celina Contreras, McKenzie Cramer, Sonia Maya, Victoria Medina; third grade Jessica Gill, Perla Padilla, Koryen Burgohy, Sean Shepherd, Amber Varnum; fourth grade Megan Brown, Savannah Grimes, Jessica Sutton, Juan Jaimes; fifth grade Inez Jeronimo, Jean Paul Negron, Keltce Harrell and Flerida Coronado. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 11 SumnerT Volunteers needed The American Cancer socie- ty is seeking volunteers throughout Lake and Sumter *counties to drive cancer :patients to and from their treatment appointments. The Road to Recovery program provides transportation for .cancer patients, free of charge. You can drive once a :month, once a week or every day! To register to attend the ,next training session on May 25, at Florida Hospital Waterman or to get more information, please call Jennifer Wolowitz at 407-843- 8680, extension 542. Realty welcomes Marjorie Wells Marjorie Wells has joined Down Home Realty. Maijorie is very knowledgeable of all areas of real estate including acreage, homes, commercial and many more. Marjorie has lived in Sumter County all of her life and is well acquainted with the entire area and with many of the residents. She is active in the Sumter County Retired Educators Association, as well As church and other organizations in and around our community. She received her bachelors and masters degree from the University of South Florida in Tampa. She worked part time selling real estate while she taught school for 25 years. She retired from teaching school eight years ago and now works full time selling real estate. Since she went full time she has made the "Multi-Million Dollar Club" several years. She received her salesperson training from Bert Rogers Real Estate School and then continued on to get her Brokers license also from Bert .Rogers School out of Tampa. Join Gene T. Elliott and ;agents Virginia Elliott. Terry Schram, Wilbur D. Wells and Ann Berkey in welcoming Marjorie Wells to the staff. Summer reading program The Panasoffkee communi- ty Library will be having a Summer Reading Program. This program will be geared for children, kindergarten through third grade. It will be held Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 10:30 a.m. You need to pre-register at the library, 1500 C.R. 459, or by calling 793-8608. AARP Driver Safety Class AARP Driver Safety Class will be held Tuesday, May 17, and Wednesday, May 18, from 1 to 5 p.m., at the First United Methodist Church, 221' W. Noble Ave., Bushnell. There is a $10 tuition fee. Call Phyllis Clark at 568- 1708 to register. Senior drivers may be eligible for auto insur- ance discount New 4-year-old Kindergarten Sumter Christian School will be starting a 4-year-old Kindergartefi for the 2005-06 school year. Enrollment is now being taken. The school is located in Sumterville, behind Thomas Langley Medical Center. Call 793-2358 for information. Public libraries Outreach Stations Sumter County Veterans Service Office will be setting up "Outreach Stations" in the public libraries through out the county. Beginning on June 7, at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month a Veteran Services Officer will, be at Lake Panasoffkee Library. The second Tuesday of each month we will be at Coleman Library. The third,Tuesday of each month we will be at Clark Maxwell Library in Sumterville. The fourth Tuesday of each month we will be Wildwood Library, and the last Friday of each month we will be at the E.C. Rowell Library in Webster. . If you have any further questions please contact Sumter County Veterans Service Office at (352) 793- 0235. Volunteers needed The Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for volun- teer drivers to transport veter- ans to the Gainesville VA Medical Center. Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and be able to pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5129. You do not have to be a veteran to drive. History of Linden books for 'sale The Linden Cemetery Association reminds everyone of our most recent books, Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. This is a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic; Ties That Bind II is a 232-page, indexed, hardbound edition that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total photographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a donation of $25 and may be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on. Hwy, 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County extension agent for res- idential horticulture, with selected guest speakers, is pre- senting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass everything you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering efficiently; mulching; composting; fertiliz- ing appropriately; managing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, hum- mingbirds and butterflies; pro- tecting the waterfront All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples. Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us.. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. Artist! Do you paint? The Sumter County Arts Guild would like to invite you to come join us in our weekly meetings. This is a place to get togeth- er with other artist, to paint and compare notes, to have other artist critique your work, to exchange ideas, to help and to be helped when you encounter a problem. You may be a beginner still struggling, and intermediate that has progressed in his or her work but still needs the eyes of other artist, or you may be a professional: Oils, watercolor, acrylics, pastels, colored pencils, draw- ing and or pen and ink or whatever style you work in' doesn't matter. We will be offering differently types of classes all along. We' have had watercolor classes' and acrylic classes and will bd offering other classes in the future. Please come join us. We meet every Wednesday' at 1 p.m., at the Sumterville. Community Center ort Highway 301 just north of Bushnell. For more information, please contact Pat Oelslagewr 352-568-2908, e-mail roel- slager@cfl.rr.com. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza- Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark, Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and' emergency bills will be paid, on second and fourth Fridays; at 320 E. Dade Ave. in, Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m,- by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respectively. Al-Anon Group The Al-Anon Group, Joy im Freedom, meets at 8 p.m. every Friday at the Firsf United Methodist Church of Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave.I Parking on N. Hopkins St - Contacts are Judy 352-793- 5738; Linda, 352-583-3075; Jeanette, 352-568-0612. Sumter Cruisers The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in orn owning classic cars to: Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee. every second Friday of each, month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise, night Bring your old cars. , For more information call, 793-3006 or e-mail: jessiewoodard57@hotmail.co. m. * 5. A B RIEF LESSON ABOUT Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. (And why "free checking" really means free checking.) JPI When it comes to looking out for your money, a lot of banks just aren't making the grade. (Or perhaps you've done the math on your "free checking" account and determined that a service charge here and a service charge there does not equal free.) That being the case, there's no better time to become enlightened about joining a credit union. '% See,'banks exist for one reason:. to return profits to shareholders. At credit unions, profits go right back to members in the form of lower rates on loans, higher earnings on deposits and free and low-fee services. iW2 Consider what you can get at Suncoast: Free checking with no minimum balance or monthly fee. You also get free access to your account at branches. ATMs, bv phone and the internet. We even provide free bill pay. And you'll find friendly, experienced advisors who are committed to treating you the way they like to be treated. 'That includes taking the time to explain things, with straight answers. And you just can't put a price on that. 8 You may be eligible to become a member of , Suncoast. Just call 800-999-5887 or visit joinsuncoast.org to learn more. 695-0512 SCT Notice of a Finding of No Significant Impact . The USDA, Rural Utilities Service has received an application for financial assistance from the City of Bushnell. The proposed project consists of construction of both water and wastewater infrastructure within the Sumterville Urban Development Area. Specifically, the wastewater project would require construction of approximately 16,500 L.F. of 2", 4", and 6" sanitary sewer force mains with valves, directional drilling, low pressure pump stations and grinder pump stations. All the force mains will be constructed within the public right-of-ways along U.S. 301, C.R. 528, and C.R. 526A in Sumterville. The water,project scope would include construction of two wells, two well pumps, a generator, storage, treatment, and distribution system. The distribution system would consist of approx. 11,100 L.F. of 6", 8", and 10" water main with valves, fire hydrants, directional drillings and fittings. All the water mains will be constructed within the public right-of-ways along'U.S. 301, C.R. 528, C.R. 526Aand C.R. 526 in Sumterville. As required by the National Environmental Policy Act, the Rural Utilities Service has assessed the potential environmental effects of the proposed project and has determined that the proposal will not have a significant effect on the human environment and for which an Environment Impact Statement will not be prepared. The basis of this determination is as follows: 1. The infrastructure will primarily be located on existing public right-of-ways. 2. No important farmlands, formally classified lands, floodplains, wetlands, or -coastal areas are affected. 3. No significant impact on wildlife or vegetation exists. 4. The project does not create adverse consequences related to socio-economics, environmental justice, air quality, transportation or noise. 5. No impacts were identified related to cultural issues. Copies of the Environmental Assessment can be reviewed or obtained at the following location: USDA Rural Development 1729 David Walker Drive, Tavares, FL 32778 Telephone: 352-742-7005 For further information contact Ms. Angela Prioleau, USDA Rural1 352-742-7005. A general location map of the proposed project is shown below. Development at .,217 WEST BELT AVENUE (SR 48) IN BUSHNELL Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org el .L .,,.z jai PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 S* I City of Bushnell receives safety award Photo by Bessie Webb Leesburg Rebekah Lodge #52 donated $135 to the Disaster Team of the Salvation Army. Bill Stewart, administrator of the Bushnell office and his wife, Eleanore, accepted the check from Alda Borowicz, treasurer, Virginia Elliott, Nobel Grand. Group receives award The Rebekah Assembly of Florida was chosen as one of five recipients of $1,000 from the Schuyler Colfax Museum Humanitarian Award. The money was divided among the nine districts then to each lodge in their district. Each lodge was to design ways to make their money grow. The Leesburg Lodge #52 chose to raffle tickets for a "cuddly blan- ket" which was, made by Sue Apple, Betty Hale's daughter. The tickets were sold over the past two months by all the mem- bers with a drawing being held on April 9, at the Rebekah Yard Sale at the Lodge. The winner of the "cuddly blanket" was Jim and Kelly Kertz of Lady Lake. The Executive Board of the State Rebekah Assembly had decided that each lodge should donate the monies to a disaster organization that helped out with the hurricane victims. Rebekah Lodge #52, located at 2401 Virginia Drive, Leesburg, chose the Salvation Army Disaster Program to receive the monies .made by their raffle. They continue to help victims of the hurricanes that hit our area this past year. Anyone interested in joining the Rebekah's can contact Virginia Elliott at. 568-0061, Bessie Webb, or Alda Borowicz at 728-1749. 00 I',Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM * LASER SURGERY BOARDING *.1* .*,, HEALTH CARE a s .g.r PET SUPPLIES '_.BI,, Ru Yu Ad Satwd 2x2 Rates , Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement also available. Regions: North. South, Central Total Circulation: 2.2 Million 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North. South. Central Circulation: 2.2 Million Reah v r4 MiII 0 Raes ycli ngFoidPrsSevc (8 6)4 -1 73. A ... . BV~LEEIUarremamwwgi IKUflIRR1EfhU 0,60 GALLON SET & FILL The City of Bushnell was recently awarded a Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) Safety Award for its continued com- mitment to safety and low incident rate during the past year. For the past 19 years, FMEA has recognized the efforts of Florida's municipally owned utilities to stress worker safe- ty as the No. 1 priority. Utilities are placed into cate- gories according to their total man-hours worked, and rewarded for the most inci- dent-free records. The inci- dence rate used to judge utili- ties is based on the number of work-related reportable injuries or illnesses com- pared to the total number of worker-hours during 2004, as defined by OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The City of Bushnell was recognized for a perfect record with no reported.acci- dents on the job in category A, which is comprised of utilities with up to 24,999 man hours worked. This recognition reflects the City of Bushnell's commitment to protecting workers' safety, while also ensuring reliable electric service to the customers. In an industry where serious injuries and fatalities are inherent, safety training is the best line of defense in pre- venting accidents and saving lives. Awards were presented on April 2 at the FMEA Annual Safety and Florida Lineman's Competition Awards banquet in Tallahassee. The banquet was the culmination of two days of safety workshops and technical field training on var-. ious safety and training issues facing the utility industry. City of Bushnell electric employees receive safety award. Call Today 352-793-2161 pet grooming SnDY'S n GROOfmlnIG DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and small. \Ve ill bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOUR pet today' For Fidb's ne\i appointment please call Sandy at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 internet/isp Local Internet Access Sme 199 2 . SPECAL 1-888- Net-Nerd 1-888- 638-6373 TANK SETS-- $79001 l"og9oor, PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company. Family Owned & Operated cAm 352-793- 1211 TODAY FAX 352-793-198 equine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research Specialists. Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist builder 609 N.Old Wire Rd. Siate s Cer tied Wildwood, FL 34785 '' '' OFFICE: (352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 I ' www.dibarco.com a- TDibarco Building Coorporation 2i! Diana B. Couillard MBE .ctCO4.7.-3 President 0 Fully Licensed & Insured Full Service Contractors Owner bail bonds JARRE1 B I :* . PARISH insurance/mo Woodmen of the World Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society "iwo'- Derek K Field Reprec P.O. Box 218 Florida St. Bushnell, Fl S.QR. i www.wood 352-793-1304 S352-303-3323 e taxi servii MID-STATE TAXI ANC 748-2222 Transportation to and from the AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROIN ORLANDO TA For as low as For a, $35.00 $4 medical PRS MEDI1 SUPPLIES Medicare Accepted Complete line of: Walkers, Custom Braces Crutches, Canes Bathroom Aids Custom Prosthetics Breast Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Speci 720 E. Southland Aver Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restc Full Fabrication Servi !-793-4477 Fax: 352- information Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience 1452 W. HWY 48 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 OFFICE: (352) 793-8861 CELL: (352) 303-0000 | To Advertise here, 512oeer Call (352) 793-2161 'l',PutYour Feet Back on theStreet" C \, S- 1 V J . -Y> tgage ODMEN \GE SERVICES, INC. . Black sentative 851 , Suite# A2 L 33513 men.com De )LIMO airport UP RATES ,MPA s low as M5.00 CAL :S Female Fitter on Staff alist, Inc. nue oration ces -793-1448 . ww t 4A tthe Speedway Giving back to the community rThe racing community as tremendous power in making things hap- pen. Throughout the years, fans, drivers and track officials -- at Citrus County Speedway have been there for those in need. They've raised .: money, collected donations, and helped out where they were needed i from house fires, automobile acci- K dents to illnesses BOLL and acts of nature. And on Saturday, May 14, they're going to have another opportunity to give back to the community. Thanks to Aaron's Sales and Lease Ownership, an auto- graphed Michael Waltrip hel- met and a pit crew jersey will be raffled during intermission with proceeds benefiting the Sheriff's Youth Ranch. Spirit sticks will also be handed out at the racetrack prior to the night's race program. Tickets will be available May 14 at the racetrack Items are on dis- play at the Inverness Aaron's location. On a larger scale, local fans and those across the county have contributed to charities through NASCAR Day. NASCAR Day is an annual celebration of the spirit, power and passion NASCAR fans have for the sport and for giving back to the community. This year's celebration is Friday, May 20. NASCAR fans, corporations, schools and organizations across the coun- try are encouraged to wear their NASCAR apparel to work that day. And for a $5 donation to the 2005 NASCAR Day Designated Charities, you can :I receive a collectible 2005 NASCAR Day lapel pin. For details, log onto www.nascar.com. The proceeds benefit three chari- ties: Speedway m Chi 1 dren s JNGER Charities, Victory Junction Gang Camp, and Speediatrics. Collectively, these pro- grams meet the direct needs of NASCAR children annual celeb with med- ical, educa- spirit, power tional' or NASCAR fi social chal- lenges, chil- the sport ar dren with back to the chronic or life-threat- ening ill- nesses, chil- dren in the Make-A-Wish Foundation and hundreds of other charities that meet the direct needs of children,, as well as provide for a pediatric unit at Halifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach and Homestead Hospital in Miami. Both programs, locally and nationally, are great ways to support and give back to the community. b One .more word on the power to make things happen ... In the 18 years I have been out at Citrus County Speedway I cannot remember a time where there was a power out- age like there was Saturday night. Unfortunately, there was nothing anyone could do about it Track officials did the right thing by red-flagging the race and rescheduling the remain- ing 19 laps of the Late Model feature for the next scheduled Late Model program. Only 11 laps were complete in the race with Herb Neumann Jr. leading the way, but with a 18-car field, and less than half the race in the record books, it was the only fair thing they could Day is an do h e n )ration of the Late Models and passion return on ins have for May 14, the field will d forgiving resume in community. the same running order and complete the 30-lap event They will also run their already-scheduled 30-lap race later in the night's program. Last week's missed Thunder Stock feature will be added to this Saturday's program. Kim Bollinger, Chronicle race correspondent, can be reached at 563-6363, ext. 1241 or at kbollinger@chronicleon- line.com. 607-0512-SCT PUBLIC NOTICE FOR TENANT-BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE The Sumter County Housing Department has received a $50,000 grant from the Florida H.ousing Finance Corporation to assist extremely-1ow, very-low and low income households with temporary rental assistance payments.' Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Extremely Low Income 30', $9.200 $10,500 $11.850 $13,150 $14.200 $15.250 $16,300 $17,350 Very Low Income 50", $15.350 $17,500 $19,700 $21.900 $23,650 $25,400 $27,150 $28.900 Low Income 80 $524.550 $28,050 $31,550 $35,050 $37,850 $40,650 $43,450 $46.250 Households who have been displaced due to natural disaster (hurricanes, tornados, etc.) will be given priority. Applicants currently on the Section 8 waiting list may apply for these funds and remain on the list for Section ,8 rental assistance. The funds will pay security deposits, utility deposits, and a portion of the monthly rent payment for one year only to eligible applicants. Eligible households may pick up an application at our office 115A North Florida Street, Bushnell beginning Monday, May 23, 2005 for a period of sixty days. Applicants will be placed in order of priority after the application period ends. You may contact our office at 352-793-0272 for more information. SUMTER COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, CREED, COLOR, RELIGION, AGE, SEX, FAMILIAL STATUS, NATIONAL ORIGIN, OR HANDICAP Attention parents o 2005 Graduates SCongratulate your son or daughter y advertising your message to them in the 2005 Graduate Tab coming May 26th T SUMMER COUNTY TIMES (32 "<3-216 iA'J ^-f ii SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 13 Speedway churns up excitement D.J. Macklin found victory would stay." Stock makeup feature. lane Saturday night at Citrus With four laps to go and the The event, originally schec County Speedway. And by his lead in hand, Macklin drove uled for last Saturday night, wa own admission, it wasn't an easy away from the field and on to postponed due to the power ou win. victory lane ahead of Mike age that affected the racetrac "(Megan Spicer) put up a good Loudy, Andy Taylor and Ted last week fight," said D.J. Macklin after Taylor, respectively. Taylor took the lead of th taking the checkered flag. "It It was his second win of the first of two Thunder Stock fee wasn't easy." season, and a special Mother's tures, but had his hands full a Running the outside lane, Day present for his mother Mike Loudy had blasted through Macklin struggled with Megan Linda. the field and up to Taylor's rea Spicer and Gary Johnson "This was her second trip (to bumper with five laps to go. throughout the first half of the Citrus County Speedway), but Able to handle the press 20-lap Thunder Stock feature. the first where I won," he said. despite a late race caution th "Center out the car was terri- Immediately following, the clodespite a late firae Taylutionr w ble on the outside," Macklin racetrack officials handed out closed up the field, Taylor w said. two penalties that changed the able to outlast Loudy to the fi Lap after lap, Macklin worked makeup of the official top -five ish. Jason Holbrook, Glen Coly the lane trying to-maintain a top- finish. andStevenStieduf round three run. One lap he was sec- Spicer was disqualified from outthe top five. ond, the next third, the next sec- the event for an illegal carbure- James Pate beat Donald Gt ond as he battled with Johnson. tor found during the post-race to the finish of the 4-cylinde After constant attempts to technical inspection. Fourth- Bomber feature for his second keep Johnson at bay as the pair place finisher Andy Taylor was straight win in the division: followed Spicer's lead, and then penalized for jumping on the Kevin Stone was third, Wi dealing with lapped traffic, last restart of the event Curry fourth, Rusty Adams fift. Macklin found his way to the low The penalties changed the Don Faunce :beat Mik groove where he picked off both official finish to Macklin, Loudy, Lawhorn to the finish of th first and second place as he Ted Taylor, Johnson and Andy Mini Stock feature by a hal went down the backstretch. Taylor. car length. George Neuman: "When I knew I could go to the Earlier in the evening, Ted Chris Hooker and Ja inside I did," he said. "I had to Taylor powered to his third win McKenzie rounded out the tc stick the car there to see if it of the season in the Thunder five. Bushnell to receive grant funding U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-5) today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Office of Rural Development has approved $1,454,200 in a combi- nation of grants and loans for the City of Bushnell's water and sewage treatment systems. The City will receive a loan of $1,030,000 and a grant of $424,200 for the project. "The City of Bushnell has waited a long time and spent thousands of dollars to guaran- tee that residents of Sumterville receive the infrastructure improvements, including water and waste disposal, that they- need. This USDA loan and grant will bring much needed relief to our already, overburdened tax- payers and let local residents receive a first-rate water quality and sewage treatment system." USDA loans and grants are very important to Florida's rural towns and villages. Many of the homeowners in these areas rely solely on well water, which is usually not of sufficient quanti- ties and is often contaminated. You and your health deserve the highest-quality care-whether you're in the hospital for a few days or in an outpatient facility for an hour. At the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, you'll have one location for lab and imaging services, quick registration, convenient close-by parking and a highly trained staff that's dedicated to providing only outpatient services. Add the resources and safety of a major medical center recognized for nursing excellence, patient satisfaction, quality and more, and your choice for quality outpatient care is 100% clear. To find out more about the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, talk to your doctor, call us at 352-867-8181, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday- Friday, or visit www.MunroeRegional.com today. d- as t- ;k ie a- is ;h ar re at as er ed er nd n. Ill h. ke he df- n, ay op This assistance will reduce the heavy financial burden on tax- payers and will provide safe drinking water. The USDA loan will be for $1,030,000 and will be over 40 years at a 4.25 percent rate. The $424,200 remainder will be pro- vided to the City of Bushnell in the form of a grant These funds will be used to provide central water and sewer systems to the Sumterville community by extending existing sewer collec- tion and constructing a new water distribution system. HEALTH GRADES At the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, you'll have the quality, resources and safety ofa five-star hospital recognized for nursing excellence, cardiac services quality and more. VETERINARY TRAUMA CENTER OF GROVELAND The Veterinary Trauma Center of Groveland is a new, high-tech facility designed for sick or injured dogs and cats: Located in Groveland across from Hardees' restaurant, the center offers pet surgery, medical services, critical care, radiographic. and laboratory, diagnostics. Orthopedics, reconstructive, general and electrosurgery are routinely provided, as are contrast radiography, ulhrasolnography, and endoscopy. Internal medical services include GI, cardiac, renal and cancer care. 24 hour patient monitoring is also available. In order to focus on the task at hand, wellness care, routine checkups, boarding or grooming are riot offered. Many in the community thought the practice would just be a night-only emergency clinic, but ii is actually a daytime practice for small animal surgical and medical care. The emergency aspect of the practice is an additional benefit available after hours and weekends as a doctor-on-call service. For info call 352-429-7707. PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, iVIAY 12, 2005, PAGE 13 PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 Outdoors uA ADAMS Going to a turkey shoot and remembering If I had to bet, I would ven- ture that turkey shoots have been around just about as long as there have been shotguns here in this land we now S_"" proudly call the r USA. I don't reo remember the first E turkey shoot I ever C went to but it has p been quite some time ago. Anyway, I had the pleasure to attend a traditional turkey shoot sponsored by the folk's who put JAMu on the youth base- ball games in Webster this past Saturday. As with any other youth organization that is not financed by some form of gov- ernment, the games are financed by local businesses and by the dedicated volun- teers who help and keep these much needed programs for our youngsters going by rais- ing money by one unique method or another Tim Knight heads up the" Webster league and good folks like Tim deserve a lot of cred- it because it is no small under- taking to be in charge of any league baseball program. It takes a lot of personal dedica- tion not the mention the' untold hours of volunteered hard work that is necessary to keep these programs running., A week or two back a long- time friend, Horace Peacock, of Linden, who is also very active with league baseball in Webster, came by my house and asked if I would help get the word out about an upcom- ing turkey shoot-they were going to be putting on and also to extend a personal invita- tion for me to come and take part Now folks, it is no deep and dark secret amongst the hunters in Central .Florida that I like to shoot in turkey shoots every chance I get so I made some definite plans to be there. Turkey shoots bring out all kinds of good folks who for the most part have in their posses- sion at least one highly treas- ured shot gun that is really good for this kind of shooting competition and I =""""""" have to admit that I y I firmly fit into this category. I have my on special shotgun that I like to shoot in competition with' the other shotguns that will invariably show up with the proud owners at a turkey shoot., Most of the turkey ADAmS shoots nowadays SWriter give a gift certifi- cate to each rounds winner to redeem a turkey at some local food store and the fine folks at the Winn- Dixie store in Bushnell were the gracious donors of the gift certificates at this shoot and Webster businessman and well-respected farmer John Graham who has the Webster Farm Supply store donated all of the necessary shot shells needed for the competition.. In the old days, actual live turkey were used for the shoots and the trick was to get the turkey to somehow or another get its self into a posi- tion for a decent shot and if then you managed to hit the turkey you won the turkey. If you recall the classic Oscar winning black and white movie Sergeant York starring. Gary Cooper there was a special scene where he was using his muzzle loading rifle in a local turkey shoot and when the gobbler would not stick his head up for a shot Sgt York gobbled at it causing the Wily gobbler to lift its head and Sgt York then shot and won the turkey. ,, Nowadays,-a paper target is used and the rules vary from contest to contest At the shoot that was held in Webster ten targets were set, up down range at about 35 yards. An entrance fee was paid by each contestant and there were ten shooters for each ten-round competition. The trick was to try and come as close as you could to a small X in the cen- AA . -, L i ds .o h i t -eyso i.'- V,., I .. .- -. -.. L! ! ..e .- ' Loca kids who sho in. th ese iteLegebsbl udrasn ukysot ter of the target and whoever ,came the closest to the X was judged to be the round winner. This is fair, way of shooting because it gives everyone a chance no matter what kind of shotgun they might be using. Which by the way the legal shotguns are any 12 gauge shot gun on down to the small 410 gauge shotgun that kids like to shoot? All contestants must use the same type shot shells, which is normally low brass number 8 shot load fur- nished for the shooter. After each round of shoot- ing the targets are pulled and whoever has a hit closest to the X is the winner. There is some luck involved wit h this type of shooting but it does take a special shotgun shoot- ing a good pattern and a lot of skill to consistently keep the load of shot in the center of the target. Several years ago,. the Center Hill Fire Department was famous for putting on one of the finest- turkey shoots in the country. Folks from all over the state would .bring their trusty shotguns to this annual shoot and try to gain some bragging rights. Most of the time the Center Hill boys. had real frozen turkey to award the winners and several times back when I was a game warden I got my Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey after winning a couple of rounds. One time they even had a whole beef loin for the grand prize and I managed to win that fine piece of needed meat with Lenard Mealer's shotgun if memory serves me right. Steve Madere, Dave.Hanson and Lenard Mealer are a few of the best shooters from the Center Hill area that come to mind and some of these old boys had shotguns that are still legendary in this part of the, state. In fact, Lenard's boy Jamie won a bunch of turkeys at the Webster shoot with his on spe- cial shotgun and-yes his daddy still has his treasured turkey shoot shotguns. The turkey shoot raised some much-needed money and there was fun and good food to be had by everyone there. There were even spe- cial rounds for the kids and the women had their chance some shooting glory to boot. I hope this Webster turkey shoot becomes an annual event and I would hope more turkey shoots are conducted around the stated. It is a fine time for good folks to get together and a great time to do a little fancy shooting with your favorite shotgun not to mention bring- ing home a turkey or two if you are lucky. ,. The City of Leesburg's Housing Services Presents: Raising the Standard Housing & Economic E.npoweiment Rally 2005 May 21,2005 10:00am 3:00pm Leesburg Community Building FREE Credit Analysis Home Buying Education Pre-Qualifications on the Spot Pre-Approvals for Down Payment Assistance Investment Advice & Employment Opportunities Break-Out Session: Free Food & Games for Kids! Preparation for Homeownership SPONSORED BY: Presenter: Washington Mutual City of Leesburg Daily Commer:cial I Washington Mutual, Harbor Federal Guest Speaker: CDC ofLeesburg & Vicinity,ln.,AmSouth Bank, The Elaine Peebles Team of"Plnhacle Finance"& Cora Fulmore, Mortgage & Habitat for Humanity Credit Center, Orlando, FL For More Information, Please Contact: j- Yolanda Presley, Housing Manager LEESBURG -352.728.9798 i The Lakefront City . Unique Well Water System! Removes (rop & Sulfur (Rust Stains Taste and Rotten Egg Odor) .Noo Salt NO ChemiCalS No Messy Potassium Permanganate S No Chlorine o Electricity No Timers to Reset No Electricity No Electrical Pas :to Repair or Replace No Customer Adjustments No Operating Expense slopdSpending Hundreds of Dollars a Year Fully Automatic Treating Your Water MULBERRY GROVE PLAZA HWY 42 Free IN THE VILLAGES F e aa na Hearing Aid Repairs 259-5790 al makes and models E MO HWY 4E6 A Battery Sale OBUGAON OXFORD $Y L2 HEARING Yt1.EYI@ I $ Sne S/inW/in i... --L|l.TaPl "Your Mortgage ' Can Make You a Millionaire" o www.gersonfunding.com/ad/FL MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment red!!! The All New Model 528 28.4 Gross H. P3 CvI Diesel, ro C U = a r 0 arT TLE 6AP- ii~B~~fi rO C K R EBP OIM ^***R^ R TiSi~ 5. '%F NEEm IS -W" LS V S. - 1073 Slaughter cc Feeder steer I Feeder steer over 600 lIbs 2 I SUM 29 Slaughter cc Replacemen Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 905-1075 987 55.00-62.00 58.05 Wi'. i 1 1075 1 i .,n ,., "-i Holstein lI l n I 1219 ,.. ,, .. , 1185-1350 1223 63,00-67.50 63,82 High Dressing 1350-2075 1576 57.73 Holstein Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% WtRange. AvgWt f'... H.i,i ..,F,i,, 700-880 780 r .. l' itii0 700.-00 754 ":.,', 41.86 Low Dressing 900-995 942 4A ,,) 5 i:i: 52.37 Slaughter Bulls Y.G.1 Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 1185-1470 1349 64.00-71.00 .s,' 1310-1455 '1382 64.00 .' "i, Low Dressing 1635-1840 1720 65.00-72.00 i8A 1525-1725 1642 73.00-74.00 73.35 High Dressing Feeder Steer Medumi and Large 1-2 WI Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 155-195 178'0 180.00-230.00 206.02 ,. ,- -W1081 A iws and bulls: Steady to 1.00 higher. rs and heifers: Mostly steady. Supply and demand were moderate. rs, and heifers: under 600 Ibs 71 percent, (45 percent steers, 26 percent heife percent (2 percent steers, 0 percent heifers); >ws and bulls: 19 percent. t COWS' 8 percent. 204-245 225 172,00-194.00 183.65 250-295 266 160.00-180.00 169.36 300-348 325 146.00-160.00 152.12 350-380 369 135.001148.00 141.81 405-446 426 126.00-140.00 131.76 451-455 452 120.00-126.00 124.79 530-538 537 112.00-114.00 112.20 550-565 554 110.00-120.00 115,60 685-695 686 98.00-100.00 99.71 Feeder Steer Medium and Large 2-3 WtRange AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 200-245 217 152.00-175.00 164.53 270-295 287' 146.00-164.00 153.40 305-345 323 128,00-145.00 138.19 354-399 377 132.00-139.00 136.16 400-445 425 114.00-126.00 119.36 450475 457 110,00-116.00 111.39 -6500-540 518 105.00-110.00 107.93 Feeder Steer Small 1-2 WIRange AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 220-245 234 128.00-148.00 138.21 265-275 270 120.00-140.00 130.19 F 'e j r Hie Ir Mediumu ral1 I o , Ac i i,'.-,: AO,-Veer 3,', i- ,',: S.,.,,'..4 i I 'r' : i '111 61.ii j:,nll'l l ) 1 i I" : yn I1. ,311 il'Al 4i, 1 ': Y l''l, iii A ll il i I 500-545 519 104.00-110,00 107.15 550-585 560 102.00-106.00 104.03 Feeder Hellfers Medium and Large 2-3 Wl Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 205-240 226 144.00-160.00 153.37 250-295 276 134.00-145.00 139.60 310:335 -329 120.00-130.00 126.84 355-390 374 114.007120.00 118.16 425-435 430 110.00 110.00 Feeder Helfers Small 1-2 WtRange AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 205-245 225 112.00-130.00 120.20 250-295 276 104.00-130.00 123.52 310-330 320 116.00-118.00 117.03 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2Young WtRange AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 700-890 627 81.02 715-885 805 70.00-96.00 79.00 900-1060 975 64.00-96.00 71.74 Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2Young WI Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 665-.40 773 640.00-800.00 717.14 l l lj. l :l~i 1 1 J ^ l~ll'llll .Ii'Iik~irr.l, 1 Livetoc andGran MaketNew Friendly Folks 'Fair Prices Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists 991 Now in the Barn: Western T&A Western Alfalfa rs), Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% '5.65 12% '5.85 4 -6 mos bred 7-9mosbred New & Used Saddles & Tack 4 6 mos bred Convenient E-Z Access for loading! 8470 S. U S y31(ui 1:AS f46 'm 4 S, ."'E-I : A" ',- ror free waier ies1 or o e uiloriIuntiio... f Phone... '4 Citrus Water Conditioning NO SALT KINETICOE i RinventingWater '- "Over 42 Years Experience" W_' Serving Citrus County 24 Years SUMTER COUNTY 793-7115 I ISBN: im is . I -- - 0 mm- I I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 15 ................................................................................................- , " a -qw SCo pyrighteid Material Syndicated Content Available from.Commercial Nevw~ Providers" ., - ~ .' - . '11- 0 - - qw a W a- dw-4 a- a - a- a ~ - - a- -a -a-- * a a a- - a a-a - a --a - - a a- a a a- a.. - - 'a -a ~ a - a- -a -~ a-. 0-a - -a a a a- -~ 0 a a- a a - -~ a a - a - - a- ~ - -- - -a - a -~ e aO - -~ - .. a - - -~ w - 0 aa - __ -a a a a- a - a- a a ---a a- a-- a a- - a a --a - a- a a -a a a- -a a- - a -a a-- a- - a - -Q -a ~a - 0 a- a a- ~ a - a- - a- a a * a- a - a-- a a- a a - a *-aM.-. a _ 4m 49 m 4w ONIMNEW t 4D- -M * a ., - o -W m- aw a--NN -- A.w 4 - 4m dmo--% quo.- 'W- 4 - a--a 0 a-f v-ft *-0 -now w .0 %=N .- aaa*a a--a 4wa 40pl aQ a - 0 4b~ a- a -a q mma 4000M a ME 4w4 * a- a -a- a a a- 0.* a- - C 0 - a 'a a * - a- a- a a * 0 C a- - -a - ~0 -- a a- - o C - 0 - "Uh-Om W m.-ow S - a - a- - - a - C aowe, o o ,=D - D Try YOUPIlm UKE ff MISS V-6, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, DUAL AIR CONDITIONING, POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS, DVD ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM, CD PLAYER, CRUISE 'I 2005 NISSAN SENTRA m, d- & * AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING CRUISE 4498 MARI N COU N 2002 .... NISSAN ALTIMA....... 11999 S DOWN S219 PER PAYMENT l MONTH SATURN SC2............08,999 4t)S DOWN' $169 PER PAYMENT 1 MONTH ACURA TL 3.2........16,999 DOWN 639 PER 4 V PAYMENT 329 MONTH HONDA ACCORD....... 12999 D DOWN 239 PER '. PAYMENT 239 MONTH LEXUS GS300........... 26,999 DOWN f PER PAYMENT 529 MONTH MITSUBISHI LANCER .. r51999 'O 119 MONTH TOYOTA CAMRY......., .121999 '-0 249 H:- MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE... .12,999, S$ E 249 .1: LINCOLN CONTINENTAL.. 14,999 so ':":'" o289 PER p0 r iT 89 MONTH HYUNDAI SONATA...... .5,999 DOWN PER 0 PAYMENT 119 MONTH PRICES GOOD DATE OF PUBLIC( TY'S $18 PE /MOI! N E 19 :R FIVE CRASH R.AT ING 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING P/W P/L CRUISE $249 PER ., MONTHS; . .-.. ., +W'l -"i .. .. - U BEST INVENTORY OF NEW CAR TRADE INS 2001 HONDA CIVIC.......... '$7,999 PA0 YMENT 149 I:,. NISSAN MAXIMA.....6 .14,999 '0 DOWN P289 PER PAYMENT 289 MONTH FORD MUSTANG...... .. .8,999 0 DOWN 169 PER 0 PAYMENT 169 MONTH NISSAN ALTIMA........011,999 $O DOWN 229 PER PAYMENT 229 MONTH NISSAN SENTRA........ 60,999 PAYMENT : 139 MONTH DODGE INTREPID........ 7,799 '0 PAYMENT 1409 MO. ,.. MAZDA 626.. ..........6.,999 $0 DOWN F Q A PAYMENT 139 ,..... OLDSMOBILE AURORA. ..11,999 '., 0 OWN '229 ', ':' PAYMENT < .',rll n ,F ', ** ; TOYOTA CAMRY.........9,99 . DOWN S199 PER PAYMENT MONTH HYUNDAI ACCENT...... .4,999 PAYMENT 9 MONTH 0 NI 2000O LINCOLN TOWNCAR.......013,999 S OPMEIT s ` 269MONT, :H MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS. 10,999 +0 DOWN f219 PER PAYMENT 219 MONTH TOYOTA COROLLA,.........,999 *0 DOWN NT 149 PER PAYMENT MONTH DODGE CARAVAN..........5,999 inDOWN si19PER 0 PAYMENT MONTH PLYMOUTH VOYAGER...... .6,999, 0 PAYMENT. 129 . HONDA ACCORD .... ... ..10,999 L s 'ENr 9 MONTH NISSAN ALTIMA...... .7,999 SDOWNL' PER S PAYMENT '149 MONTH HONDA CIVIC. ........... 999 v s l4AYMEr9 MOJlr .. FORD TAURUS.... .. .....4,999 0 DOWN $99PER PAYMENT 99MONTH MITSUBISHI GALANT. ...... 6,999 0 I 1T29 MONTH 1999 NISSAN MAXIMA............9,999 S*$ 199TH VW NEW BEETLE..........7,999 $0ODOWN $19PER PAYMENT MON59 TH DODGE STRATUS.......... .3,999 $0 DOWN PER 0 PAYMENT MONTH MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE........ 4,999 $0 DOWN $99oPER 0 PAYMENT MONTH MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS.. .6,999 PAYMENT 139 MONTH NISSAN PICKUP.........5,999 "0DOWN $ 1 PER PAYMENT 9 MONTH DODGE CARAVAN ...........a3,999 D0 DOWN 4119 PER PAYMENT 119 MONTH FORD F150...............m. 9,999 PAYMENT 199MOTH CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE... 13,999 $O DOWN 2 PER PAYMENT $ 79 MONTH HONDA CIVIC................ ,999 $0 DOWN *119 PER PAYMENT MONTH 622- I 4111 CATION. INVENTORY SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. ALL INVENTORY PRE OWNED. *72 MO @ 6.9 APR. '66 MO. @ 7.9% APR WAC. ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, *195 DEALER FEE. U U PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 2005 FIVE STAR CRASH RATING 1989 GALA SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 17 Having a blast for Dixie Youth League Davy Adams, coach for Jackie's Market T-Ball teams assists 7-year-old Blake Melton aim at the target in his first shoot. "~ ,~, .',' ~ Y AM. S.. r7"".! ,.,.....,..... r' , A crowd gathers to watch the judges compare targets to select a winner. Raising funds to support youth league Area shooters wait their turns at a target in support of the Sumter County Dixie League Baseball on Saturday, May 7. Golfing tournament fundraiser to benefit crash victim AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer The family of a Wildwood man injured in a plane crash earlier this year is planning a golf scramble fundraiser to 'raise money for mounting medical bills that have been accumulating since February. Marty McClellan, 33, had injuries to his spinal cord and a, fractured neck from the crash that injured anoth- er passenger and killed two others when the single engine plane they were in came in for landing at Flying Baron Airport in Leesburg. While he is making progress, his wife Jeanie says it hasn't been an easy three months for them and their sons, Coby, 5, and Austin, 11. To top it all off, the McClellans owe $15,000 of the $200,000 in medical bills, and that number is still increasing. Though Marty McClellan was released from the hospital about four weeks after the crash, he still has therapy sessions three times a week and takes medication for nerve damage. Unable to work, he has to pay $850 every month to keep his med- ical insurance policy. Jeanie said things aren't going as well as everyone would like, but it's getting better. "Physically and emo- tionally he's still upset, but church has helped us," she said. Through it all, Jeanie McClellan has remained a full-time employee at a med- ical office in Leesburg. She said she hopes the scramble will recover at least some of their expenses, but doesn't know what to expect Either way, she said, the McClellans won't be doing any more fundraising activities because of the time involved, but the James (Marty) McClellan Contribution fund will remain open. In the last two months, she said they've received $1,500 in contribu- tions to the fund.. The scramble will be held at the Miona Lake Golf Club on Saturday, May 21, and the deadline to enter is May 19. You can make your own four- some or sign up as a single player Tee times are from 8 a.m. to noon and the cost is $40 per person. Entries can be mailed to Miona Lake Golf Club, 5473 County Road 122, Wildwood, Fla. 34785. Entrants are asked to list the name, telephone number, and handicap of each player and the preferred tee time, or call (352) 748-4200. Monetary contributions can still be made to the James (Marty) McClellan Contribution Fund at any of the First Citizens Bank loca- tions, of which there is one in Leesburg and six in the Villages. Contributions can also be mailed to: Citizens First Bank, 1341 Griffin Road, Leesburg, Fla. 34748. For more information about the fund call Lee Ann Gilson at (352) 259-3200. Buying the best was on the agenda for Bushnell Elementary School students as they lined up to purchase their book fair finds. The school held its annual book fair last month. All ,; e:4 PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 S 'V 4 a. Em Af- EDUCA TION .Nw w- m- qm-m-.N 4 - _- -- 4 q 10 qm4- -4b t o -now .0 4m 0 s 4w .1mo -. in l - 0o am =0me 0* M -. .- ~ 4p Go 4w .0 400- Qml -___ -.4 w 0. - -10 am qws-.- - - MUNMI --40egb-- -4 o -m -m 400 "Cp* r* Mtr l "Copyrighted Matierial Syndicated -c ontentS- Available from Commercia I News roviders I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 19 Citter CHAPTER Jessie needs a good home The Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County He is handsome, mature, and won't stray. He enjoys friendly conversa- tion, and relaxing at home. Sounds like the perfect guy! He is Jesse is an eight-year-old gentleman who needs your companionship. Jesse once had a home, but sometimes life throws you a lemon, so here he is, homeless and residing with the Humane Society/SPCA until we can help turn his lemons into lemonade. Jesse needs a loving home. Can you give this purrfect guy the stability he craves? Email the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County at: humane@sum.net or mail in your request to: PO. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, Fl 33538. You can visit us on line at: www. humanesocietvspcaof- sumtercountycom. So many animals need our help. So many are homeless. Many walk the streets in search of food. They may be ill or injured. And too many are unaltered. And so the popula- tion of unwanted cats and dogs grow. And with the growing population of homeless ani- mals, so is the number growing of animals being euthanized at animal, control facilities around the state and country. . Many progressive cities and states have started aggressive spay and neuter programs, along with adoption efforts to reduce the number of animals that are killed in their facili- ties. They have educated their citizens in the importance of responsible pet owner ship, spay and neuter, and vaccinat-. ing their pets. With a concen- trated effort by governmental agencies, rescue groups, and Jesse is an eight-year-old gentleman the public, these cities and states have greatly reduced the number of animals killed in their areas. They have become the roll models for the rest of the country. One of our biggest problems in this county is "puppy mill." Tucked away in backyards, ani- mals are kept in tiny cages and filthy conditions. They are con- tinually bred and the puppies or kittens are sold for a profit The animals are usually not vaccinated and are given no veterinarian care. Money only drives these people, with no regard for the pain and suffer- ing of the animals in their pos- session. They do not care who buys the animals, or whether they will be cared for properly. They just want to be paid. When our county and state starts to take these problems seriously, then we can begin to reduce the numbers of a nim a Is that are being euthanized in our animal control facilities around the state. If we all start to work toward a common goal, to educate the public, and take a tough stand against the "puppy mill" breeders, we can someday become a roll model too. SOCIAL STUDIES WINNERS. South Sumter Middle School is proud to announce the Social Studies Fair Award Winners for 2005. They are in order from left to right: Drew Wills Best 6th grade; p. Marissa Carnevale Most Representative of an Historical Era; Wade Wilson - Best 8th grade; Sabrina Cordeiro Mrs. Edwards's Superb Performance Award; Lauren Fussell Best of Fair; Michael Millett Most Creative. SUMTER COUNTY Inc 'S GUIDE TO - Dut WESH announces scholarships For the 11th year, WESH-TV is recognizing the outstanding volunteer efforts and academ- ic achievements of high school seniors. Each of the nine students will receive a $1,000 scholarship to the col- lege orutiversity of h is or her choice. The 2005 "Salute to High School Seniors" scholarship recipients are: Al Roche of Olympia High School in' Orange County, Katherine Caulfield of Lake Howell High School in Seminole County, Amanda Myers of Teco-Paths High School in Osceola County, Margaret Franqois of Mt. Dora High School in Lake County, Harry Holloman of Wildwood High School in Sumter County. David Panrdich of 'Flagler Palm Coast High School in Flagler County, Amite Patel of Astronaut High School in Brevard County, Edward Tabasky of Mainland High School in Volusia County, and Jodi Mader of Belleview High School in Marion County. Family Restaurant Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm Fri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in , Central Florida & 7388Much More" Locte on H 7 5 BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER BusIhn llSPECIAL SPECIALS Sout S e $1.99 $5.99 Good Service...Great Food... Super People and FIGURE 8 SUPER STOCK, MINI STOCK, HOBBY STOCK, THUNDER STOCK 'ru,(,unlyjpeo wavca E r r ., iru Kingdom of Heaven., House ol- Wa o,, oosoou ed a om Race Action E ,. u 2. Kcklngand Screaming, Monster-In-Law njoy the ride.nib tu 0 starts ata hi It'S JuSt A FOOt... ...until It Starts To Hurt! That's When We Can Help. CENTRAL FLORIDA FOOT CARE, P'A. Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com Kicking & Screaming PG Monster-in-Law PG-13 Fr,.Sal- 12:50. 3:05. 5 25. 7.45. 10:15 Fri-Sat: 12:35, 2:55, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50 Sun: 12.50, 3:05. 5:25, 7:45 Sun: 12:35. 2:55. 5.10. 7 30 Mon-Weds: 1:55, 4:45. 7:10 Mon-Weds: 1:45. 5:00. 7:30 Unleashed R XXX: State Of The Union PG.13 Fri-SaT 1.15.4 10.7 05 9:35 Fir-Sal: 12:45. 4-55. 7:40. 10:05 Sun 1.15. 4 10, 7.05 Sun: 12:45, 4:55. 7:40 Mon-Weds 3 00. 5-30 8 05 Mon-Weds: 2:40. 5:05. 7.40 Crash R Kingdom of Heaven R Fri-Sal 12.40 4 05. 7 20.9 40 Fr-Sal 12 30 300 3.10 201) 7 00,9 3, 10 t) Sun. 12 40. 4 05, 7 20 Surr" 12 30. 3 00 3410,6 21 7 00 MonmWeds 2.35. 5 10 7 55 Mo,-Wea. 1 30 315 31 ,6 55 7 15 House of Wax R Hitchhikers Guide PG F,-. s 1-'. 251 10 15 4 1 I 27 2. 1i'.'U U.10 Fri-Sal. 12.55. 5 00 7.35 9 55 :.u,. '21 l i 1. 4 1i. 7 '., 1 ; Sun. 12 55. 5.00. 7 35 M.:r. We1. 2 I ) 10 l 4 1 3, 72 1 8 'ir Mon-Weds. 2 50, 5.20 7 40 The Interpreter PG-13 Sahara PG-13 Fri-Sai 1.00,400 7 10. 1005 Fri-Sat. 1.05, 4 20.7 15 10 15 Sun 1 00. 4:00 7 10 Sun. 1:05.4:20. 7 15 Mon-Weds 1.40.430 725 Mon-Weds 1-35.4.20 705 ri I id!ic le in Sat-Sun arn-noon -I FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY ( FRI. SAT. SUN. WED. THURS. PG HI'CHHICKER'S 8:30 GUIDE TO THE GALAXY PLUS S HOUSE OF 10:30 WAX Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: 5/27 MADAGASCAR OQuestions? I Please call Harold spears 863-602-2979 or Judy Crews 863-967-08.2 I.J. Dilly I !1 IM1 1 Contests, Lots of Fun Fun Strsa :0pm Hidden Rivers Resort & The Dam Pub PPPV eum Pacific Wind May 14TH 7-11 PM LIVE ^kcomngens 5> MAY 21" Single Shot I Pot Luck Every Last Sunday of the Month '1Wi)' ,]) a L, '] Coming Soon Full Liquor Bar j.sa ,jjJL:a 569-9306 New House Band, "Southern Comfort" 4666 CR 300 IALL MUSICIANS WELCOr.1E 11 AM 4Pr.1 Lake Panasoffkee BThe ayseed Cafe , In Webster 599 N Market Blvd. 352-568-8008 L --- -- --.. -~ PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTl (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAXES TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING TANGIBLE PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2004 BECAME DELINQUENT ON APRIL 1ST, 2005 AND THAT THE SAME ARE NOW DRAWING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF EIGHTEEN (18) PERCENT PER YEAR AND THAT UNLESS SUCH DELIN- QUENT TAXES ARE PAID, WARRANTS WILL BE ISSUED THEREON PURSUANT TO F.S. 197.413 AND THE TAX COLLECTOR WILL APPLYTO THE CIR- CUIT COURT FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING LEVY UPON AND SEIZURE OF THE PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE TAXPAYER FOR THE UNPAID TAXES. THE NAMES BELOW, ARE DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS AND THE AMOUNT INCLUDES THE COST OF ADVERTISING, 3% PENALTY AND COLLECTION FEES. THE AMOUNTS LISTED WILL INCREASE MONTHLY AFTER MAY 31, 2005. TOM SWAIN SUMTER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 1 XRR2286 16.31 THE CONCRETE COMPANY 2 XRR2287 17.72 THE CONCRETE COMPANY 3 XRR2288 159.54 THE CONCRETE COMPANY 1 CLPCDC1001 224.42 SG ONLINE ENT SYS INC 2 CLPCDC2002-02 102.23 SG ONLINE ENT SYS INC 3 CLPCDC3003-02 16.89 SG ONLINE ENT SYS INC i 4 CLPCDC6006-02 125.21 SG ONLINE ENT SYS INC S5 CLPCDC7007-02 25.71 SSG ONLINE ENT SYS INC 6 CLPCSL1001-04 2,489.38 COURT SQUARE LEASING 7 CLPGEC1001-00 28.00 GOLDEN EAGLE LEASING INC 8 CLPICC1001-03 222.83 INTERCHANGE CAPITAL CO LLC, 9 CLPPCL1001-04 2,086.08 PATRIOT COMMERCIAL LEASING INC 10 CPC34-009-00 1,534.16 SUNOCO, INC 11 CPC34-011-99 31.51 A CUT ABOVE POLISH 12 CPC34-012C-04 2,070.83 FIRST PERSONAL BANK S1 .CPC34-0-27 69.30. S13 CPC34-027 69.30 INTERSTATE ELECTRONICS 14 CPC34-030 1,856.09 BURGER KING #3702 15 CPC34A040-99 : 2,13386 RREMC LLC 16 CPD01A009A-94 88.18 PIZZAZZ HAIR & NAIL STUDIO 17 CPD01A035B-02 424.54 [ANTHONY TORRI PLUMBING INC S18 CPD01H800A-01 225.61 EMERALD WATERS DAY SPA 19 CPD01J700B-00 3,928.82 RREMC LLC . 20 CPD20-050- 02"" 7.62 RESOURCE RECLAMATIOM 21 CPF02-022. 88.18 POPE TRUCK SERVICES 22 CPF03-005A 750.57 INTERSTATE MOBIL 23 CPF12-032G 1,922.87 MORRIS WELDING INC 24 CPF25B010 31.51 BOBBYS CARS :; 25 CPF32-007 326.12 STUMPJUMPER AIRBOAT SERVICE 26 CPF32-049L-04 32.22 HARSHADDI ENTERPRISES INC 27 CPF32K032B-99 67.35 JOANN'S BIG CHEESE 7 - -- _-- -- - - - - -- 28 CPG06-061A 110.97 THE DRIVE THRU 29 CPG06-063J-04 62.75 ROBIDOUX LIGHTHOUSE BAKERY 30 CPG06-0630 86.57 VICKI MORRIS' BARBER SHOP 31 CPG06-079D 134.21, COUNTRY LANE FLORIST 32 CPG06E010 320.98 THE OLD COFFEE HOUSE 33 CPi06EO39A-,01 38.91 DA CUTTING EDGE 34 CPG06L143A-99 433.34 REBEL REFINISHING 35 CPG06L152A 300.97 PAGE'S POWER FITNESS 36 CPG07-057D-02 1,015.66 ,RAINBARREL WASH INC 37 CPG07-057E-03 181.86 FAMILY CUTTERY 38 CPG07-057H-04 360.52 DOLLARS R US INC 39 CPG07-076 360.52 WILDWOOD RADIATOR SERVICE 40 CPG07D072' 32.95 THE SKUNK'S NEST 41 CPG07W013-99 37,067.74 GLOBAL TIRE RECYCLING OF 42 CPG08-085-01 374.39 G & A LAWN LANDSCAPING INC 43 CPG22-014- 81.39 WILDCAT POWER EQUIPMENT 44 CPG24-024-04 50.41 LAKE SUMTER AUTO-TIRE SERVICE 45 CPG30-005 192.06 WATTS DALE P 46 CPG30-011H-04 ,, 38.91 KEEN CERAMIC TILE & FLOORING 47 CPJ05-093A-01 270.64 NEELKANTH ENTERPRISES INC 48 CPJ05-093C-02 100.29 PREFERRED CAPITAL INC 49 CPJ05C021-98 135.39 PIT STOP 50 CPJ09B009-04 15.52 BARB'S CLASSY HEAD TO TOES 51 PPJ15-011-98 78.72 AMERICAN A & M INC 52 CPJ15-013 4,210.70 E-Z SERVE CONVENIENCE STORES 53 CPJ15-024 532.08 CENTRAL FLORIDA PETROLEUM INC 54 CPJ15-028-04 50.41 SWEET JIMMY'S SOUTHERN GOURMET 55 CPJ16AO99B 50.41 BASSWATER FISH CAMP 56 CPJ24A003B-95 386.95 SCOTT MANN CUSTOM HOMES 57 CPL24-019 78.72 DUVAL'S CAMP & TRAILER PARK 58 CPM25-001-99 15.26 WYNSUM DAIRY INC 59 CPM34-003-04 97.62 BREEZY OAKS RV PARK 60 CPMED1001-00 116.89 20-20 MEDIA HOLDINGS INC 61 CPN08-070-96 12.62 GLENN'S GROOMING 62 CPN09-057S-04 61.99 LEAH'S UPTOWN NAILS 63 CPN09A121D, 811.09 STRICKLAND ELECTRIC INC 64 CPN09A183-04 50.41 J & B AUTO REPAIR. 65 CPN09SB5.19A 326.06 ROACH ENTERPRISES INC 66 CPN 16A005-00 38.46 CINDY'S BARBER SHOP 67 CPN16AO11C-02 66.11 SHIRLEY'S BARBER & BEAUTY 68 CPN16A013-04 38.46 MAIN STREET STATION 69 CPN16A019-04 61.99 ALL AMERICAN MILITARY SURPLUS 70 CPN16AO59A-97 32.58 LOVE'S CREATIONS 71 CPN16A153B-04 26.04 TANGLES 72 CPN16A155 1,399.58 A J PETROLEUM GROUP LLC #4451 ,73 CPN16A159-03 73.47 GOQD & PLENTY THRIFT STORE 74 CPN16A288 367.42 CHIROPRACTIC LIFE CENTER 75 CPN16C010-00 339.88 VIDEO BUFFS INC 76 CPN16G007T-04 38.46 ANNIE'S TANNING PARADISE . 77 CPN16GO14D-01 109.03 COMPUTER EMPORIUM 78 CPN17-049-96 12.62 G & W MOBILE HOME PARK 79 CPN1.9-007-99 40.94 EVANS BROS LANDSCAPING 80 CPN22-003-96 148.63 LORD KAREN DC PA 81 CPN31-016-96 738.59 'RANDY JOHNSON LOGGING 82 CPN36B152 8.85 BLUE MOON 83 CPO21-003-95 490.92 BOJACK'S POTATO SHACK 84 CP022A058-04 55.56 LA ESQUINA MEXICAN STORE 85 CPQ23-004-97 317.41 SUMTER ADULT CARE INC 86 CPQ31D006-99 86.21 CHARLES WHITMAN ENTERPRISES 87 CPS01-042 573.81 WEBSTER MOBILE HOME & 88 CPS02-043-02 64.52 ANTONIO'S TILE INC 89 CPT07-013 69.30 CARROLL'S AUTO & 90 CSTGA1001-03 2,269.87 THOMAS GUNTER DBA 91 CSTSS1001 21.31 TRI-STATE OUTDOOR MEDIA 92 CUTGNI1001-00 1,102.93 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS INC 93 CUTGNI2002-01 115.12 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS INC 94 CUTGNI8008-01 38.26 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS INC 95 P01025 167.03 BROWN LARRY R 96 P01124 362.73 HURST J M & PATRICIA 97 P01168 252.21 LEATHERMAN BOYD 98 P01195 338.50 CRENSHAW C WAYNE & JUNE 99 P01352 9.84 THALGOTT JAMES A 100 P01389 8.70 WOOD CHARLES E JR 101 P02238 57.49 DRIGGERS R H & VICTORIA 102 P02368 35.90 HANDKE LAURA R 103 P02692 63:62' SANDERS WILLIAM 104 P02750-03 16.77 STEELE SUSIE A 105 P03001 12.32 ALLEN HERBERT L & CAROL 106 P03133 200.36 WADE R M 107 P04065 573.80 TAQUERAL CORP 108 P06448 33.70 HIGGINBOTHAM D E 109 P06519 32.41 JONES JENNIFER 110 P06562 69.30 LORD FRANKIE & KAREN 111 P06858 145.88 SKIPPER H L 112 P06875 29.04, STUCKEY JAMES CARLISLE 113 P07187 203.20 LUPIEN RAYMOND 114 P07230-02 1,048.86 PROMISE RANCH INC 115 P08488 306.15 PARKER MARVIN L & SHIRLEY 116 XF35-001B 52.91 LANKIST BARBARA 117 XG06-009 64.37 CUMMINS LEROY 118 XG06B247 72.86 DIXON TYRONE 119 ZC05-022 36.72 SMITH PAUL W 120 ZE09-011-068 18.30 CANTRELL RAY 121 ZE09-011-069 22.21 LONDER GLENN 122 ZE09-011-076 19.07 GARROD GREG 123 ZF30-016-015E 14.05 HOOKS KEVIN > 124 ZF30-016-21D 17.15 EDGE SHARON 125 ZF32-004-008 24.58 MARTIN W 126 ZF32-004-0313 16.70 ISHAEFER DORIS . 127 ZG06P042 14.22 ROBERTS VICTORIA 128 ZG07-072-036 13.35 POST BOB 129 ZG07-072-053 25.96 FETTER MICHAEL 130 ZG07-072-078 16.32 WEBER ANITA .131 ZG07-072-086 25.47 SEALY ALICE 176 ZG23-026-17 ST. CLAIR DONALD 177 ZG23-026-26 22.00 WENRICH WILLIAM 178 ZH30-012-103 13.38 FISHER GARY & LORI 179 ZH30-012-110 23.36 STONE JACK 180 ZH30-012-125 44.93 WESTCOAT GREGG 181 ZH30-012-137 22.44 STEVENS ART & SUE 182 ZJ05-038-006 50.90 HARVEY BERNADINE 183 ZJ05-038-021 48.28 THORNTON RAY 184 ZJ05-038-029 20.94 NILES GLENN & HILDA 185 ZJ09-009-049 14.17 GARRISON GORDON & PATRICA 186 ZJ09-009-053 20.77 BRADLEY MICHAEL 187 ZJ09-009-055 19.49 ROY BRENT S188 ZJ09-009-095 17.24 NOE JAMES 189 ZJ13-012-068 33.24 FLANERY JACK R & GERRY J 190 ZL24-019-009 13.87 CASTILLEGA STACY 191 ZL24-019-012 16.44 ANDERSON CELIA 192 ZL24-019-013 11.86 GARREN BLAINE AND DIANA 193 ZL24-019-020 17.33 HANCOCK DAN 194 ZL24-019-041 26.15 STANLEY CARMEN 195 ZL24-019-045 17.60 CROFT ALLEN 196 ZL24-019-049 31.89 GALUSHA RAY, 197 ZL24-019-058 24.38 DUVAL MH PARK 198 ZL24-019-064 10.47 DUVAL M.H.P T;132 ZG07-072-121 22.51 I ULLOCK BILLY & SHARON 133 ZG07-100-017 58.08 DAVIS LINDA L 134 ZG07-100-049 61.94 BYRD FREDDY & SHIRLEY 135 ZG07-100-089 25.11 ADKINS GARY S,'136 ZG07-101-002 38.50 'WATSON RONDAL & SUSAN 137 ZG07-101-009 24.56 'SHIELDS VERLA A 138 ZG07-101-019 18.44 DROSSART DOROTHY 139 ZGN7-101-02S 16.25 WATSON RANDALL 140 ZG07-101-49B 36.65 MITCHELL RONALD PHILIPS & 141 ZG07-104-034 24.55 DOTSON THOMAS 142 ZG07-104-037 39.40 DUTCHER ROBERT T 143 ZGQ7-104-046 35.98 STAHLHOOD HAROLD & DOROTHY 144 ZG07-104-054 24.72 STEINBERG MICHAEL 145 ZG07-104-057 26.35 RICHARDSON LORETTA 146 ZG07-104-164 44.62 BULMER ROBERT J OR RYDA 147 ZG07-104-16 30.53 DAVIS JUANITA 148 ZG07-104-175 37.76 MCMAHAN JOHN 149 ZG07-104-176 41.87 ROTELLA JOSEPH 150 ZG07-104-189 36.40 GOECKS VIRGINIA 151 ZG07-104-200 20.52 KOVACS JOHN 152 ZG07-111-004 15.92 TYNER MARIAM. 153 ZG07-111-009 24.89 SCHROOK R 154 ZG07-111-046 33.00 LOCKE. COY A III 155 ZG07-111-069 19.14 THIS CAROL ANN 156 ZGO7B002-004 24.15 HANLON FRANCIS 157 ZG07B002-025 20.89 MCCONNELL JERRY 158 ZG07B002-034 13.72 BUVEL MARY T 159 ZG07B002-052. 33.25 SKINNER JOHN & KATHERINE 160 ZG07B002-063 18.47 COX RENEE 161 ZG07B002-107 31.22 MACCURDY JOHN 162 ZG07B002-122 28.12 CLAUSEN HENRIETTA 163 ZG07B002-150 17.10 ALLEN KENDLE 164 ZG07G050-C05 46.59 LAHNE RON & JOYCE 165 ZG18-017-071 25.26 VERITA FOX. 166 ZG22AQ016 20.17 CARR GERALDINE 167 ZG23-005-035 29.15 TUBBS 168 ZG23-019-006 26.55 BAKER CHARLES H & ANNE L. 169 ZG23-019-012 31.02 HOLTMAN EDWIN D 170 ZG23-019-028 28.51 KELLY MARY 171 ZG23-019-083 25.26, OSBORN FLOYD 172 ZG23-019-085 37.58 BIRKENSTOCK DAN 173 ZG23-026-05 24.67 MOORE ROBIN. 174 ZG23-026-08 49.84 GEODDY JAMES 175 ZG23-026-11 25.47 HOUGHTON ROBERT For additional information please contact the Sumter County Tax Collector's Office at 352-793-0260 199 ZL24-019-076 20.59 STEWART DEBRA 200 ZL24-019-440 25.26 KILGORE JOHN MD 201 ZN04-032-1,06 17.10 SCHOTTA JENI 202 ZN07-016-304 28.42 CURTIS JEANNIE 203 ZNO7-016-343 36.33 BAKER FRANK 204 ZN07-016-665 30.80 GARDNER TIMOTHY 205 ZN08-075-001 43.71 WILLIAMS KATHRYN R 206 ZN08-075-017 24.71 GIANDOMENICO NORMA 207 ZN08-076-095 25.90 ARRANDS DOUG & DONNA 208 ZNO8-076-105 8.97 ANICICH MICHAEL 209 ZN16A133-031 29.29 DIETA JOHN & REBA SINGLETON 210 ZN17-001-065 28.65 CORNELL AL & SYLVIA 211 ZN17-001-080 35,44 RUNYON DAVID &.NANCY 212 ZN17-001-088 ; 26.13 STEELE MARY 213 ZN17-001-093 36.63 LAMP ROBERT 214 ZN17-001-097 52.71 FROST JACK 215 ZN17-001-184 27.94 LEONARD, EARNEST & SANDRA 216 ZS01-042-103 26.57 DAUPHINEE ROGER & SHIELA 217 ZS01-061-031S 25.26 FAULKNER TOM I 36.95 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 21 Graduates' academic accomplishments are highlight of LSCC commencement Two hundred and seventy- five graduates are now mem- bers of Lake-Sumter Community College's Class of 2005. Hundreds of families, friends and LSCC personnel attended the 42nd Annual Commencement Ceremony, on Friday, May 6, to acknowl- edge and celebrate the many accomplishments of these LSCC students. Prior to being awarded her degree in nursing, Student Commencement Speaker Delrose Tobie (photo below) spoke to the assembly on the importance of getting an edu- cation. Inspired by her Jamaican parents, both advo- cates of learning, the 44-year- old LSCC alumna plans to continue her studies and work toward a four-year degree. Lake-Sumter Community College's graduates ate con- sistently in the top-ten per- cent of the most academically- successful students graduat- ing from four-year universi- ties. The Class of 2005 will cer- tainly validate this state-wide reputation. Eight graduates were recognized for earning perfect 4.0 grade point aver- ages. For this accomplishment Mel Blakeslee, Lorrie Chappell, Lyndajoy Griffin, Candice McRoy, Robert Regenhardt, Brent Stephens, Kevin Vickers and Michelle Williams were presented Academic Excellence Awards. Eighty-one students garnered Summa Cum Laude honors (3.804.0 GPA), 45 graduated Magna Cum Laude (3.60-3.79 GPA), and sixty graduates earned Cum Laude (3.4-3.59 GPA) degrees. Another prestigious award is the President's Award, given to one student each year for lead- ership, service and scholar- ship. "It is by far one of the toughest decisions I make," said Dr. Charles Mojock. "There are always so many deserving students." This year's impressive nominees were: Lorrie Anne Chappel, Anne Gercken, Kathy Montaudo, Diana Robinson, Angela Roof and Kaitlyn Wagner. Graduate Joel Hughes (photo below) was selected to receive the 2005 honor. An LSCC Ambassador, Joel partic- ipated in the Student Government Association, served as an assistant theatre director, represented the stu- dent body on the College's Planning Council and served as a College Diplomat. In addi- tion to the President's Award, Joel earned membership in the community college academic honorary Phi Theta Kappa, a position on the All-USA/All- Florida Academic Teams, and first-place awards for his entries in LSCCs literary maga- zine Odyssey. He was also selected as one of only 20 col- lege/university students to be featured in Florida Leader magazine's "Florida College Student of the Year Award" issue. Vian k. 7- 1Win D.J. Wells was researching his own subject during Bushnell Elementary School's Earth Day celebration. He and his class- mates were busy chasing grasshoppers. I Models needed for E Permanent Make Up 5 r Procedures- must be I available Sat., Sun. and Mon. - = Apply at L,' W u-, S& o E 352-529-0211 E 4 ask for Joyce E 444 N.W. Main St. Williston a la EL {^ i 0 l E i rEi r0J I aU[aai 1w11 0 r0w wW& 'D. tS i ri ft r Photos by Brenda Locklear Students (kneeling and seated) from Bushnell Elementary School are shown with Principal Patsy Morgan, teacher Heather Micklos, Sumter Gardens Tree Nursery owner Scott Ahrens, who donated the trees and teacher David Wyckoff (all standing), who coordinated the event. I WE'LLPAYFORYOUR SUMTER COUNTY Please PET LICENSE Spay or Neuter your pet! must meet requirements f Surgery Day Tuesday & Friday 8:30-5 PM iBy Appointment) Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 PM ., c.4. CARES CENTER Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic . 735 E.8C470, Lk. Panasoffkee9 (352) 568-9994 at, 4;. * Knowledgeable solutions for your client's mold & air contamination problems * Identifies profitable sanitization & remediation project leads * Certification classes in your area * Support Support Support Classes in your area are filling up fastl NORMI-;- S800-419-0539 SUMMER COUNTy (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 21 PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 [IX 22,S M R N )I T MINI VANS A oNW, '9,988' Find Out - M 3 = 'I! t NOW THROUGH R UNTIL THE 5 PM SATURDAY LAST ONE GOES 01 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN Clean. #25166A 03 CHEVY IMPAIALS Loaded and Affordable. #N5155A M2,982' 03 GMC SAFARI Loaded, Affordable. #7915P SL6,493t CAVALIER 4-DR Affordable, Reliable, Auto. #N5146A *7783' 03 CHEVY TRACKER Auto, V6, All Power. #24482A $*15,93t 03 FORD EXPLORER XLT Low Miles, Clean, Sporty. #786TP $ 6,796t 04 CHEVY AVEO Auto, A/C, economy, factory warranty. #N5205A 59,875+ 02 FORD EXPLORER XS Loaded, affordable, reliable. #N5181C $&5,796" 04 SUZUKI Loaded, $AVE N5256B Z17,982t 02 BUICK CENTURY All pwr, reliable, economical. #8107P s11,193' 04 ISUZU RODEO Loaded. #25075A $35,993t 00 DODGE RAM VAN CONVERSION. #7741T '8,988' 04 DODGE NEON #7923T $9,988t 04 CHEVROLET MAUBU #7849T '9,988k 04 CHEVY 2500 HD 4X4 Clean, affordable. #N4333B 20,491t #7997L 04 SUZUKI VITARA 4X4 #7957P $ 17888k 05 CHEVY 1500L Z71 EXT CAB Lii. Neo SAVE Alotof extras.#803P $ ~n ' TPrices ana payments exclude tax. iag. bile and dealer fee or 299.50 and includess all factory incentives. rebates and customer loyalty *Payments based on 72 months @ 9. W.A C. See Dealer for Delails Photos for illustration purposes only. S EVROLET -" ' ___.__',,_,L -' ., 44 West, Inverness 04 CHEVY 03 DODGE RAM 03 CHEVY 05 FORD F-250 TRAILBLAZER 1500 HEMI AVALANCHE Z66 LARIAT 4X4 #7857P #7778P #7927P Diesel #7 4 21,488' $22,888t 23,488 4 ';488, TPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET E 352o795..1515.. i-A 3S Si Sunc as B l vd,.H........ :'!: -4 ..... S. ncoast Blvd., Homoscissc 03 DODGE NEON 4 DR Great oh gas. #8022T '$,488 8 ta mmar-~t~c~!* 02 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER All power. #8034T 9,688t 00 DODGE DAKOTA Club Cab. #J050427A S10,488', S05 CHEVY CAVALIER Great on. gas. #8042T 0W,988t 02 FORD SPORIRAC XLT. #8035T $11,988 ^9M~ 02 CHEVY SILVERADO Ready for work. #8037T 03 FORD TAURUS I #8010T 02 DODGE INTREPID #7533P. 02 CHRYSLER 02 GMC VOYAGER LX SAFARI Full Power. #8038T 7 Pass, loaded. #8040T 2,888't S2,988t 01 CHRYSLER SEBRING Convertible, all pwr. #8108P $ 13,888t 04 CHRYSLER SEBRING LTD Leather, loaded. #8047T 13,888S 05 GMC 03 CHEVY 05 DODGE RAM 03 FORD SIERRA TRAILBLAZER QUAD CAB F150 4X4 Ready for the job. #D50514A Priced to Seill #D50558A Conv. Hot Rod. #D50328A X Cab, XLT. #D50424A 17,888 *S,488' *29,488t SOLD tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates customer loyalty. See Dealer for Detairs. Photos for illustration purposes only. YSLER DODGE S352*44 West, Inve T ""wy. 44 West, Inverness" s and 02 JEEP U#BERJY5 #JO50382A 02 C TOWN 04 DODGE DAKOTA #7918P 03 GMC SIERRA #25329A $ 18,888 04 DODGE RAM 04 DODGE RAM 04 DODGE 04 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT 1500 QUAD CAB DURANGO SIT 4X4 #JO50595A #J050397A #7960P #7894P *8,888 12,488t 23,488' 23,988' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. ICHRYSLER DODGE JEEP TA 352.563.227, i 1005S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa 03 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4A Loaded. #N5223A 1,986' 01KIA SPORTAGE I #25316A #7937P I """a j, GO TOS -_' AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION . 0'- -4 Find Out 005 CHEVROLET COLORADO rl- -^AA, A- AM SSt#' Residual $5,505.50 Lease is for 48 months. Selling Price is t15,074. $1,953 due at signing which includes N0fl.faXXV FLfees, let payment, security deposit & dealer fee (299.50). 12.000 miles, free per year. 200 per mile over. .... .. .. SaleS ltax not included. All rebates, dealer Iroentives & lease loyalty Included Ihpayment. W.A.C. , 2004 SHERROD HI TOP VAN CONVERSION SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 23 FIVE STAR a* * AT CRYSTALAmS.COM 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING CPE ,.: MSRP ...................... 24,870 Rebate & Discount.. $6,497 Your Price 2004 DODGE NEON SXT iF L MSRP .............. Rebate & Disco Your F '.I2,' 2004 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE _ 2004 CHEVY AVALANCHE MIDWEST CONVERSION i ". ';.'- ." .t . 2004 SOUTHERN COMFORT HI TOP VAN CONVERSION SPECIAL PURCHASE "W,,ML_ mom&. BUY Mi#Conodn nEvr Cyta uaife PeOwe VhclC 03 CHEVY 03 CHEVY 02 FORD IMPALA LS TRACKER EXPLORER XLS Loaded and Affordable. #N5155A Auto, V6, All Power. #24482A Loaded, affordable, reliable. #N51810 *2,982t *15,793 os1S,796, 03 GMC 03 FORD 04 SUZUKI 04 CHEVY 2500 SAFARI EXPLORER XLT XLL7 HD 4X4 Loaded, Affordable. #7915P Low Miles; Clean, Sporty. #786TP Loaded, $AVE. #N5256B Clear, affordable #IJ43338 *6,493 16,796' *7,982t 20,491t 03 DODGE 1500 04 TOYOTA TACOMA 05 CHEVY 05 CHEVY 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4A PRE RUNNER TRAIL BLAZER Z71 EXT CAB Loaded. #N5223A Factory warranty, clean. #N5179A Loaded, $AVE. #7958P Uke New, S$AVE. A lot of extras. #8033P $21,986t 22,993t '26,382' *33,291t IP nc h6 a nd epa eyi r ni lc.x ciuo a. I aa il t e1 ,a l I r d in. i u a l i"c g rii ,es roaien a nra ,, u T,:I T i i': D 11o U0ai r i ',Cmanm ,es u i 1. , change .ae Oa.icr tor DFlalli F"iu ic, r iiu:'iralcnrj pu ,o.:;.3: ,3'i"y C-M H.:.I uton i3,romll; or, IG, 3 i1 i" O Ui'iii,1 Slai-" "rn' ir,,^ Dlir,- ,:,1 Columbia ho Bra at lea r 16 y or ae ler a nd ria. avr e a n aiid na i' E pilOyc V ana airii .iri G M Dealer, a ;T( arad a enrn r. aera pronoiIon agency's are rnot eligible Oirly Cr' play per peraron 5 oealicr ti c,.rii pies deoaie i ICHEVROL" k 352*637,&B5 44 West, Inverness MSRP..................... 35,755 Rebate & Discount.. $8,504 Your Price .. -9: ....... 18,720 )unt..$6,412 Price Stk# JO40501' GE 05 DODM MAGNUM RT MSRP, ...................t35,565 Rebate & Discount..$2,163 Your Price , NOW THROUGH 0 UNTIL THE 5 PM SATURDAY LAST ONE GOES i~ifw J1 ^L .. .mH' a-j.m-vs 03 DODGE 02 DODGE 02 CHRYSLER NEON 4 DR INTREPID PT CRUISER Great on gas. #8022T Full size. #8039T All power. #8034T '$8,488' 8,888t $9,688' KU - 00 DODGE DAKOTA Club Cab. #J050427A $10,488t 02 CHEVY SILVERADO Ready for work. #8037T 12A.488t 05 GMC 03 CHEVY 05 DODGE RAM 03 FORD SIERRA TRAILBLAZER QUAD CAB FZSO 4X4 Ready for the job. #D50514A Priced to Sell! #D50558A Cony. Hot Rod. #D50328A X Cab, XLT. #D50424A *$7,888 .*7,488' .29,488t SOLD tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. *Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.A.C. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP : 352*7264238 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness I PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 s l' Nillan ma s ,.MSA WA Ww." .W,' .'.N as.,." 2004 CHEVY 1500 CREW CAB Wa.. 24,. Nmow $22.6 2002 DODGE DAKOTA EXT. CAB w.as 16.999 N .w 3,888 2004 PONTIAC Was $14,777 Ml STAND AM ,.t meW l CHEVY 1500 CREW CAB ,.333 Now 2.999 2001 MAZDA B3000 CAB PLUS w_. 4i AAA IMMaw s$11. 0 Was 21,555 TOYOTA C c l~l ] , 2002 CHEVY TAHOE LT Was $24,922 NOW 2 2002 CHEVY W..e SIO .5 510 4x4 CREW CAI I....u Sl Sial 2005 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN Was $20.333 Now .18.988 2001 FORD MUSTANG Was $11,555 Now '10,3SS 0 110 e 109 E NOBLE AVE. BUSHNELL, FL 352-568-0000 *Plus tax & tag down BAD CREDIT 100% GUARANTEED DIVORCE. .. 100% GUARANTEED REPOS 100% GUARANTEED LATE PAY 100% GUARANTEED DREfLASIURE -lAOo/A. GUARANTEED F, 4. *0 * 2003 Was S23 MRY Was I 4x4 ,$s j CAB L* :1 * J. . ,:-- AIM. - _LS, Fi IIAL's FAArW A LIN SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, PAGE 25 Fun and GAMES S p 4 j a 0 qsmlPA, %h 41J floe~ __IJoe(pm wad AO "I, -4- V 4 a4d OMMMON- 0 44D , 0~~ U! U I.' I a e 0 ax & -w 4. 3g* 3 I. art, Ia w~ a )F- * I e ft * . * . I' S 0 S *0~ - su~& J a' *-4 f db a -w4- - 4=011.dim w mo so- aw "b 40 *. (6 41 4 a ~ ro. -W amp m W, ,riihted Materia *Cocntents %W ~.W -~0. - - .. 0..q *.-.0 ~ e ,MW"J .. ... . ...W. ... .. ...7 -.-.. ..- --- - Available from Commercial 'NewsProviders' i "-. -_,- .. .- 41 7 I : -W4 mom "i 'Os e ~ h 9 0 -~ ~0 *0 -~ -~ a 4 o e - * 0. a 0. 0. - 0- 0 ~ -.~ 0. ~- - - 0 - .0 a. *- .- S~. 0 ~ 0. 0. a.. 0. - ~-. ~- ~a. - ~ - _ - - a - * 0 - a0. a 'a a 0 - ~0 - 0. -0 o 0 - 614. 4 no do~ ,Ftj I A41 a- S... 0. 0 0-. S.- a I 4 0 ~ a __ --- -~ a - 0 - *0 -~ - - a. * o a 0 ~ -a 0. 0- a qob 4b.-z 4b 4b ~-4b 4.0-W V, 9 am- .. -a AV . w4 * ~, - *1 - ~ b~ ~~1 r - 4 0 0 0 mm -4m bone 0 4WD 0 *~ *4m .h, 0 & I 9 0 *~ & MMUMA * / -.dmmmmmmo 0 do" op 0 f v O."V WW 1410 F- Lw. I - P4100 emomilb --i--~^-- -i9r^^^^^^U Medical Records O Specialist the Centers . IN THE NEWSPAPER hnfor rc:r"/ .l IN THE NSR ** ^*^*^ ^*Records Specialist for ErnEEra *JB ,. j ----" ~ our Lecanto campus, i.ilK .. This position Iso r responsible for releases of maintaining master patient Index file, -CYT LRE creating new records, N filing Into records, retrieval to and from IN ID the Ocala office as S S Swell as performing basic clerical duties such as typing gtt in e correspondence, S e - f axing, etc. Expl t of the working In med C plrn yonl ffi records dept/room required. Hourly rate sOr oca l 563-32 cs-- t is $7,12-$8.01. HS -- diploma-or equiv. .. with acceptable driving record. CEM T LANT Vaclsick/holiday/ ENT pL a DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mail resume CEMEX, Inc. Is taking to HR, the Centers, applications for Inc., (352) 291-5580, Laborers for its facility hr@thecenters.us In Brooksville, FL. or come by 5664 SW Requirements 60th Ave., Bldg. #1, Include: ability to ,- Ocala and fill out an perform labor work i ll application. Including ability to Ilft and climb: 2-3 years experience In farm- Psychiatric Ing, mining, Industrial, ARNP or construction work; willingness to work the Centers any shift and In Ocala Is seeking a overtime; good In Ocala Is seeking a mechanical aptitude; provide services to a proven worklty to Fwork In an adult accept directions psychiatric Inpatient and work welwith facility Part time, othersbe at least 18. U STES ofull time, or f contract, rs el Please submit salary years ofS n age Requirements. $10,50/hr. FROM AROUND SUMMER, LAKE, DFWP/EOE Fax or Benefits Include, ,e-mail resume to pension plan, health/ CITRUS, ARION LEVY COUNTIES- HR, heCenters, nc., dentallifensurance (352) 291-5580, coverage, 401 (k), PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTERor come by5664 SW paid acatons and 60th Ave., Bldg. #1, Apply In person at COUNTY T MES Oclaandfill outan the CEMEX Brooksville S- application. Cement Plant With an ad in the Times, not only do you get thee are Lookn' 16301Leon goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet for youIII Blvd, Tuesday thru and you get the thousands of customers CNA*LPN*CNA Thursday between and you get the thousands of customers who, TOP $$$ the hours of 9 a.m. perUSe our Citrus Publishing pages online! Lots of WORKI! and 3:30 pm. In the per Cali 866-431-8700 Sales and Operations office located on the That's right, placing your ad in the Times now second floor. guarantees you a spot online and-access to customers in.Citrus, Lake and Marion .counties, as well as around the world. ,AUTO SALES Now 8rilg for the Unbelievable our Pilot Travel Center opportunity Are you at.493 E State Route C ALL T PL- A CEAYORtI Referrl Iunderpaid In your 44 In Wildwood, FLI current job? Would you like to earn $40,000 to $60,000 next year? This *Shifft Is your chance if you're Supervisors* the right man or S woman- great hours, Cashiers* $4,000,000 Inventory. Paid vacations. Family Join Pilot and receive: owned since 1969. Competitive Pay .rExperience a plus but Ufe and Medical not required. Don't miss Insurance. foron lync8.4this rare opportunity. Paid V cation Call (352) 568-0000, Advancement Kent or Tim to arrange Opportunities a confidential 401 (K) E 2 .30 all AIIntervIew. EE Must be flexible In schedule. S. For immediate la consideration, call All our classifieds Includng 352-748-4486 s between 9 am 9 pm S DRIVERS NEEDED Manager on dutyl rROOF LOADING EOE SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT PHYSICAL LABOR PILOT... INCLUDED sumtercountytimes.com *HELPERSUNEEDED ALSO PLACE TO Excellent Pay And WORK! Benefits. Bradco Supply D d n 1 a T e a1-800-829-7663 DFWP DRIVERS Plant 'Airport Limo Taxi Serv. Operations Dependable, able to Place your ad under one of Goodwerkdxible hours UdrivingperVisor yo must, 352-748-2222 the Centers these classifications ELECTRICIAN .Supervisor WhotIs NEEDED responsible for 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES maintaining the Interior/exterior of the 100-160 HELP %VANTED E.-rl..le.. Center's Marion & ir. r,'i.enlnai .-., rig. Citrus County 200-300 SERVICES Bonus after 30 days. structures, vehicle 300-400 N IISCELLANEOUS / SALE I Top Pay maintenance repairs, (352) 622-6060 Supervision of the 400-500 PETS Plant Ops Techs and 500-600 NIOBILE HONIE HEAVY holds emergency RENT /SALE EQUIPMENT on-call, status, Exten: sIve experience In 600-700 RENTALS OPERATOR plumbing, basic car- TRAINING FOR pentry, electrical & 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT HVAC preferred. Sal- 900-950 T TRANSPORTATION ary range Is -I ,.based on experience. HS diploma or equlv. .. "r with acceptable driv- Bulldozers, Backhoes, DFWP/EOE Fax or FOUND HORSE NEED A LAWYER Loaders, Dump e-mail resume to HR. In -rville ea. Criminal Defense *State SIGN ON Scrapers, h(352) 29,1-5580, JACK RUSSELL found 4 *Misdemeanors *DUI BONUS Next Class: May 31st come by 5664 SW wks, ago. Pennbrook/ *Auto Accident -National Certlflcatlon 60th. AVe., Bldg. #1, Continental area near *Personal Injury the Center's Financial Assistance Ocala and fill out an Wlldwood. Call to *Domestic Violence is seeking Family Care -Job Placement application.. Indentlfy 352-742-1458 *Wrongful Death Managers, State 800-383-7364 "Protect Your Rights" Certified Chlid Assoclated Tralning Service (800) 733-5342 can start to work www. 24 hours 7 days a week Immediately in atsn-schools.com DIVORCE & INCORP FCAN Marion County, RANCH HAND $99-$199 Plus paternity RUN YOUR AD c ,,T,'jrlr, C.O.d HEAVY must have reliable & other family law STATEWIDE!!! For only care Initiative in EQUIPMENT transportation.2 f.-.r.'n. Ei3 r.tl.2C.I .* $450 you can place :,..iir.-. :.r.iir.urt, 3-2-7r3-2303l .a.:,:url-e ,Call your 25 word classified or .:,re "rr.. r ,-,,1 ,: OPERATOR (888):Speed-44 or .' ad In over 150 permanent TRAINING FOR (888) 773-3344. Legal newspapers throughout placement for EMPLOYMENT, ,,,, _ Expedla Inc., 8am-6pm the state reaching over children through care weekdays. FCAN 5 MILLION readers. management model DIVORCES $275-$350 Call Advertising that Includes "E 'Covers children, etc. Networks of Florida at. developing, expand- Only one signature (866) 742-1373. Visit us ing, accessing & requlredl *Excludes online at www.fiorlda- linking resources In ,, ', I. I _. aovt. feesI classlfleds.com. Display the community to I Call weekdays ads also available, needs of the child, ". (800) 462-2000 ext. 600 FCAN while documenting Bulldozers, Backhoes, (8am-7pm) Divorce progress. BA degree Loaders, Dump , Tech. Established 1977 TRADE INDUSTRIES In field of Human Trucks, Graders, '. "i FCAN interested In additional Services with mln 1 yr Scrapers, NEED A LAWYER training? Indoor Air relevant social Excavators. ARRESTED? A LAWYINJURED? Quality/Mold Inspector services exp working Next Class: May 31st criminal Defense *State Certification and with children & -National Certification Federal *Felonies Environmental families required. Financial Assistance *Misdemeanors*DUI Evaluator Classes. Current (PDC) Child -Job Placement ar,".:. .1r,1r Fastest growing Industry Protection Profession- 800-383-7364 CAIe7n ..:,I,-n America. Class al Certification. Associated Training r..Ir, Includes: training Required, Services "r.r.ru l&er.. materials, website Salary range Is wI ww, '' SProle.: iour It-',' listing, on-line $.32 000-$38,000. atsn-schools.com ' A, n.:,rt, .,serI2 'continuing education & Vaclslck/hollday/ er.Ie '8 i more, (800) 419-0539 medbenefits/401K r il 1' 24 FCAN L DFWP/EOE -'h '*G ene ra.lr1 Hours IFax or e-mail resume 'j ,. i .' FCPff -- Ito HR, the Centers, L HelpW1 \l .... LET US WORK Inc., (352) 291-5580, FOR YOUI .5 5* hr@thecenters.us GO SFORYOor come by 564 SW DRIVERS NEEDED t i 'SU M T B -R 601h Ave., Bldg. #1, Gbl' COUNTY IS STRESS RUINING Ocala and fill out an Full or Part Time YOUR LIFE? READ application. CDL Class A . TIMES DIANETICS by Ron L. Dedicated Florida To CLASSIFIEDS Hubbard Call Michigan Weekly (813) 872-0722 or send Auto Transport, GET RESULTS $7,99 to Dlanetics, GET RESULTS IN Health, Vacation, 401K CALL 793-2161 3102 N. Habana Ave., THE TIMES American Transport Tampa; FL 33607 FCAN 1-877-869-7364 SPORTS Go to the games and get paid! The Sumter County Times is seeking a freelance sports correspondent to write stories and take photos at a variety of local, sporting events throughout the county. You must be able to work nights and week- ends. For more information call Bob 793-2161. A COOL TRAVEL JOB Now hiring (18-24 positions) Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA, Paid training, transportation, lodging furnished, Call today, start today (877) 646-5050 FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer. (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN DRIVER- GREAT & PLENTY! Teams start up to .47 cents. Company Singles, .39 cents. Students, .31 cents. owner Operators $1.05 loaded mile. KLLM- CDL-A (866) 357-7351 EOE, FCAN EARN DEGREE online from home *Buslness, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid If qualify. (866) 858-2121 www.tidewatertech online.com FCAN NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY looking for sales representative in Florida. Willing to travel Monday- Friday. Commission position. Company average pays $720/week. Call (800) 225-6368 ext. 333 FCAN NOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no Hazmat. No pumps. Great benefits, . competitive pay and new equipment. Need 2 years OTR experience. Call Bynum Transportf' for your opportunity today; (800) 741-7950 FCAN S/E & 3-STATE RUN: T/T Drivers. Home week- ends. Mileage pay, benefits, 401K. Trainees welcome. Miami area. Exp. req. 23 min. age/Class A CDL Cypress Truck Lines (800) 545-1351 FCAN THE LOWEST PRESCRIPTION PRICES less than Canada, Global medicines, Arizona Physician owned. (866) 634-0720 www.globalmedlclnes. net FCAN B-4 Non Profit Organization FISCAL ANALYST POSITION The Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast, serving Citrus/ Dixle/ Gilchrist/ Levy and Sumter, counties Is accepting resumes for a Fiscal Analyst position. Applicants must, have a Bachelor's degree plus two years experience In office and fiscal manage- ment and/ or five years experience. In addition,, applicants must have knowledge of state ..and federal requirements related to non-profit organizations. Salary range: $33,000-$45,000. Pleae send resume to sbosanko@elcnature coast.or or fax Information to Attn: Sonya Bosanko @ 352-563-5933. For EEO Employer Questions please call 352-563-9939 -ice Yeeu- fflnv,,1947 ",;l Oi Visit us M.f9 a - 1--L I #1 CASH COW STEEL BUILDINGS 90 vending machine Factory Deals Save units/You OK Locations. $$$ 40x60' to 100x200' Entire business $10,670 Example: 50x100x12' Hurryl (800) 836-3464 Is $3.60/sq.ff #B02428 FCAN (800) 658-2885 ALL CASH CANDY www.rigldbullding. ROUTE Do you earn com FCAN $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 814-6323. BO02000033 CALL US: We will not be Broyhill sectional sofa. undersold FCAN four-piece, light beige, overall length 11 feet. One end reclines. Asking $300; -30-inch electric range, Magic Chef $50; $50,000 FREE CASH Chandelier brass, GRANTS ***-20051 Never five-light, glass globes repayl For personal bills, $25. 793-3427 school, new business. $49 billion left . unclaimed from 2004. [J Live Operators! G al (800) 785-6360 Ext. #75. FCAN DIRECT SYSTEM LOANS BY PHONE From Expert Satellite Up to $1,000 In 24 hrs. FREE Installation No credit check Bank CALL TODAY & ask Account Req. about FREE GIFT (888) 350-3722 www. (800) 672-1519 FCAN paychecktoday.com ENGAGEMENT RING FCAN 1/5 Diamond, Marquis - Setting Valve $525 1_b_7_ Sell $150. Firm (352)551-1550 FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT Experienced SYSTEM Including caregiver for compan- standard Installation. careion, light housekeer for compan- 140+ channels ion, light housekeeping, $29/79/mo. for 3 errands. 352-330-0933. months. Access to overfor 3 225 channels Limited tlme. S&H Restrictions Apply. (866) 500-4056 SFCAN WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Savel S, :-. Full Body units from $22 a monthly FREE Color. ARBOR CARE Catalog. CALLTODAYI (800) 842-1305 www. TREE SERVICE np.etstan.com FCAN Licensed & Insured . "No Job To Big or Small!" 'Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding I Trimming & Removal CONSIGNMENT BertLovett SPECIALIST (352)303-3878 Turn your unwanted r 1- 1 1 organ/!piano/or B J "Xeyboard into cash. I Beckelheimer I Guaranted red cal Mark I TREE I 352-361-5603 SERVICE I - SBUCKET TRUCK I + STUMP GRIND- : ING I LANDSCAPING I Gun Show 79-59 H May 14 & 15th 793-5949 | Ocala City Aud, Top Shape I N.E. 9th St. & .Beauti N.E, San Chez, Con, Beautify r weapon Your Trees permit class U 1 1 1(863) 712-1007 BUSH HOGGING JACK RUSSELL PUPS! & Boxblading work. QuIet St. S PKC/CKC Call 303-5765 Quiet sweet UKC/CKC short, smooth, raised In home. Micro-chipped. 2 liters, (352) 793-3366 SSPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300. Sacrifice $1425. (352) 346-1711 LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite SPA. MUST SELL country setting. 7 person 'Deluxe 3 bedroom, 2 bath Never used, Includes New Home with cover. Will deliver. Full warranty. Driveway, warranty. Can finance deck, stainless steel W.A.C. Payments under appliance pkg. $100 per month. Must see, only In a hurry. Call $518.45/mo WAC. (800) 980-7727 FCAN CALL 352-621-9181 C4 LOOKING FOR A NEW as LHOME? We have 8 Cn fio ~homes set up and ready for Immediate r u- occupancy. Prices *1 ESTATE 4 from $69,900 to MERCHANDISE $109,900. All homes are up to $20,000 under AUCTION I appraised value. Must' *THURS. May 12 .I see before you buy S 4000 S. Fla. Ave. I anywhere else. I H 41 ,InvereMss Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 AUCTION: 5 PM LOOKING Household turn,, LOOKING FOR A NEW .clown collection, | HOME? We have 8 tools, mounted homes set Op and heads morei www. | ready for immediate dtudleysauction.com occupancy. Prices I DUDLEY'S AUCTION I from $69,900 to S 352) 637-9588 $109,900. All homes are A81667 AU2246 I up to $20,000 under 12% Buyers Premium 1 appraised value, Must. 2% disc. cash/check see before you buy L 1.1 anywhere-else. .Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 REPOS AVAILABLE in your area. BUILDING SALE! Call today. Ready to "Rock Bottom Pricesi" move into. Example 30x40 now 352-795-2618 $5,170. Ends optional, Beat next price increase. Go direct. 25x30; 30x44; 35x50; 40x60; 50x100. Others. L Ploneer.,(800) 668-5422 Beautiul 3/2 on 1/2'acre in greatJ, METAL ROOFING SAVE school district. $$$ Buy Direct from $2,000 and $650 mo. manufacturer,. 20 (352) 795-6085 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn Grea countrysetting around Delivery Grea ontryaSe I t neg available. Toll free' 32 on 2 acres In the (888) 393-0335 FCAN Mini Farms. Easy to (888)393-0335 FCAN Qualify. $4,000 down STEEL BUILDINGS- and $560 mo. EZ BUILD AISC (352) 795-1272 Certification, Office/Warehouse, y' Shnop/Garage, Arena/ been look ing for New Barn, Hangers. A plant 4/2 o 5 acres. Zoned near o 05tany or agriculture Horses pe 99o4r6n www$0. Welcome. $6,000 (800) 993-4660 www, Down $750 ma. unlversalsteel.com 52 7958822 FCAN 35 7-8 V.1ji 2. In I on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment *a A *mll New Land Home Packages Available. Many to Chose from. Call today for approval. Low down and low monthly payments. 1-877-578-5729 OWNER MUST SELL! New 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice ' lot, great location, deck & driveway $2,000 down $579.68/mo. W.A.C. 352-621-0119 2 BD, 1.5 bath two years old. Bushnell $800. Must have good credit. (352)793-7414 or (407)489-1411 NC Mountain Retreat. Rafting & waterfalls grannysquirrel.com $650 wk; (352) 726-3258 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes it Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation ,or discrimination based'on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status in- cludes children under Sthe age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will hot knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In vlolatIon of the law. Our readers are b i. ,*, -:rr.I'. ir. I advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. ACROPOLIS MORTGAGE +Good'Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates . -j :r.o:e ernr...- *Pf,3. ': ,:.:irg Free Call 888-443-4733 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of 'Western NC mountains, Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Reaf Estate, Murphy www... cherokeemountdin realty.cor Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN NO CAROLINA MTN PROP One of a kind log cabin on creek. High elev. 2/1, fireplace. Porch, mountain view on 5.3 acres, Good rent history, $189,500. Ralph L. Crisp RIty Co., Andrews, NC (800) 438-8621 FCAN VIEWS VIEWS VIEWS Helena Montana, 4.7 acres $79,900. Ride out your back door to millions of acres of national forest Awesome lake & mountain views, close to Canyon Ferry Lake, minutes to Helena. Soils" tested, utilities,, ready to build on. Call owner (888) 770-2240 FCAN 10 AC, DEED RESTRICT CR317 to SW 47, $19,000 per acre. (850) 897-0233 5 MINUTES TO GREENBRIER RESORT MTN Land Bargains 20 acres & up www.llveinwv.corn - FCAN ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots In the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20% . redevelopment discounts and 90%' financing. NO PAY- MENTS for 1 years. Call now for best selection. www.nclake frontpropertles.com (800) 709-LAKE FCAN GOLF VIEW BARGAIN! $198/mo. Nicely wooded homesites I* n upscale golf community in the Carolina mountains between Ashvllle, NC and Greenville, SC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Teaching Facility Call toll-free (866) 334-3253 ext. 863. www.cherokeevalleysc. cam Price: $49,900. 10% down, baltfin 12 mo. @ 4.49% fixed, one yr. Balloon, OAC FCAN GOLF VIEW BARGAIN! $198/mo. Nicely wooded homesites .in upscale golf community close In the Carolina mountains between Ashville, NC and Greenville, SC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Teaching Facility Call toll-free (866) 334-3253 ext. 863. www.cherokeevalleysc. com Price: $49,900, 10% down, bal fin 12 mo. @ 4.49% fixed, one yr. balloon, OAC FCAN GRAND OPENING . Ocala/Galnesville area. 20 acres from $195,000. 100 acres from $450,000. New- semi-private gated community featuring parcels wlfrontage on the Wacassassa River. Gorgeous woodlands 'teeming w/deer & turkey. SAVE $10,000. Plus get up to $10,000 toward closing costs Great financing. Little down. Call toll-free (866) 352-2249, ext. 436 or www.fllandbargalns. com FCAN GUADALUPE RIVERFRONT! Spectacular wide riverfronts on "Prime' Texas Hill country locations. 10-32 acres w/lots of water frontage, huge trees, panoramic views. From 300's to $400's Uimited number available. Call now before they're gone. (800) 609-7042, ext, 110 Brokers & Agents welcome. FCAN LAKEFRONT BARGAINS Starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine shoreline,. spectacular views, Across from national forest on 35,000 acre recreational lake In East Tenn. Paved roads, underground utilities, . central water, sewer, Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3145 ext '617, Sunset Bay, LLC. FCAN LAND WANTED - Land Investment company seeks large acreage In Florida and Georgia. Interested In waterfront, timber and agricultural lands. Must have road frontage or good access. Cash buyer with quick closings, Call. (877) 426-2636 or email: landyetlveg@aol.com '..I I VACANT LAND WILDWOOD BEAUTIFUL EQUINE ACRES 10 or 20 acre homesites priced at $24,500 per acre, OBO. Right Off Villages Expansion, New 1-75 Interchange. Call. Marc 1-561-945-9036 DIR:Take CR 475 to NW 102nd BLVD To Entrance to Equine Acres Their New Factory Outlet Brooksville Florida i LOOKING FOR MOUNTAIN PROPERTY? Gated Community near Hot Springs, NC. Spectacular view & river homesites, Clubhouse, paved roads & Morel Call (866) 411-5263 Bear River Lodge. FCAN NC MOUNTAINS Panoramic views and mountain streams In high elevation between Boone and Ashevllle. Tracts range 1-5 acres with access and utilities from $49,900 (800) 455-1981, ext. 148 FCAN NEW MEXICO 20 acres $29,900. Scenic region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100% financing. Call , (877) 822-LANDI FCAN TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY SALE! Parcels from $24,900. 6-1/2 Acre Lot $59,900. 27 Acre Lake Estate $124,900. Cabins available. Call toll-free (866) 770-5263 ext. 8 for details. FCAN GIANT RV SUPER SALE May 11th-14th. Old Wal-Mart, 11640 US. Hwy. 1, Sebastlan. Free Admission. Free parking. Nation's #1 selling brands. Low Supersale Prices FCAN A CLASSIC CAR WANTED Will travel, Cash waiting' (407) 957-6957 613-0512 SCT Sumter County School Board Closed Sessign 5/17/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School Board, will meet in closed session, for the purpose of considering student expul- sions on Tuesday, May 17, 2005, at 4:00 ,p.m. in the Sumter County Board Meeting Rooir, .:, 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, May 12, 2005. 614-0512 SCT Sumter County. School Board Regular Session 5/17/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School Board will, meet in regular session or. Tuesday. May 17, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, ,Florida. . Published one (1) time in' the Sumter County Times, May 12, 2005. 600-0512 SCT Sale 5/20/05 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice Is hereby given '.11,3 :ir.:.r3-,l, .rr,ll A', i,' .:u.r, 11 II i. .. : .r .l 1Jl- .3 t., ,tr :. ,rig a -r 3,r r..3: E.. rr,. r ior,rr.,I : ..r,-' r ,3r,r. .311 II r,' "'3l.1lel ,.nrir nr. leer. il3 .'1, 3 ,: ..rrlrh rr :,,h r e ..31,- ..i nr. rr,': : :.r,. 1995 GMC TRUCK VIN No.: 1GTEK14KSSZ550407 U' e-,- :e I., THE I ". - Color: Dk. Blue City and State: Wildwood,FL' Regi.ife..d 1.: I"1.1-r L"- s.,j3.:r- r I i Uenholder: I J'r' Notice Is' r.re., al.er.' that this quip, r, .i I. stored aor a-,'.. -." 111 :i. 3 by B.&S :-ui :. j.3. 3637 N 1 .. 11: I cii. wood, FL ',J *:.r. May 20, 2005. ai 9:00 A M. ic.. cash to 'r.-e rnipr. .r .i . der, The ':-_iAr r e.,. : rr., right to bid. RKc.ir., v n, 0. .3. ,'3 n r- A ui.J, .,1.3g Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1150 . Published'two (2) times In the Sumrhter County Times, May 5, and 12, 2005. 605-0512 SCT rj ,,tis a r 1 ,, -, nlr.r " Eir .'r iIn.: rni vtla 1\r5 ; r PUBLIC NOTICE IN THECIPCULIT C..i hC, r.riI Er 'C, S.II r , PROBATE DIVISION file I[ .,00 -." I-:,)00* , lrIE EniaE F': WHITE, TIMOTHY RAY Deceased. , NOTICF TO CREDITORS A.3,Tdir, ioT, ,rl. .:.r rr.e -A. i.Dae .,I Timothy Ray While d .:-,3ea .\r,,:,.- ,3.1re *.-, a..e ir, r ..3, fierru r, j1 OC i r ilel nr m.r.e,.i i'N - >:P.0iUhL ;i I: pr-rr lr.: Ir,. ir.e Circur C.:-u r., ':'i t i-r C:,ur.r,, FI.:.r .3, l.-1al- c O J I. I r i..,i n h r., rr,e r,aiTse .3r,. .3.31i;r:.'. arI ir ~ c i, c.rnai Scl r -,r9 .',l. aii.e ana Irie rc.er,.,-ra relre: eral.nii or.:'.',e, are :el [ ir rari .el... A ll r,,: i.i.:,. c-.r rr.-e ac- ,-clnl aor-i orreli Cr,:,r.. having :IOIT,. or .le. mands against dece- dent's estateofn whom a copy c.r rii r,.:.rI.:e nO,.. .been Ler, e i-m ull nil ir.,ir calms ..iir. ir,.i: .-.uln WITHIN THE L'-iEi Of: ' r.IC', iH'3 -Fiil. IHE I:-TI OF C+ HE Fii,!, lUIBLhI.I .'II'T C f11 I I; TI,: Et ,.1' :'ij D ,. -flEr i E i- .ll E ,-,OF "SERVICE OF '';, ,',F T rHi riCiiE C, THEI.i i .:.ir.n i .: eail, c.'l tri - deceteri. ara ,-tr.er per- ir,', naior.g alairr ,: rar.,: agair. ;i l . aeri .; earate IT-u.T Tile theli' cl'3im 1 .ilr, Ire ':co.un WITHIN 3 *..riClii-iH -TE THE 'DATE OF IHE Finsi TPUBUCATION CF iHIS iLrC.. TICE '. L r . ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Inae l I. c i lii.t pu coi.: nor, .o irif r,notce is .i 3, , 2005 Personal Rer-re iceni.e i. Jennller Dean Wirier H.-.,C-, 3 j '1 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- R. Dale Albright II, Esq. Fla. Bar No. 0085881 2265 Lee Road, Suite 100 Winter Park, FL 32792 (407) 681-2700 Telephone (407) 681-2710 Facsimile Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, May 5, and 12, 2005. E c ti t( b 2 d F F Sc tl ti f( c h n c u u v ti ti v N c c I s cT s n c LL f F 612-0519 SCT Notice to Creditors, Estate of Jasmin Mislr PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No.: 2005-CP-000045 IN RE: ESTATE OF JASMIN MISIR, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of JASMIN MISIR, Deceased, is pending In the Circuit Court 6f Sum- ter County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, Case No, 2005-CP-000045, the ad-* dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the Per- sonal Representative and the Personal .Representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their ,claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS ,AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's 'estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated, claims, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first pub- lication of this Notice is May 12,2005. Personal Representative: -s- MEGRAJ NORONHA 4750 Cypress Creek Ranch Road' St. Cloud, Florida 34771 -n;.i,.-'-, I.:.; ,' r.:.r..l -s- Nicholas P. Evangelo, Esquire Thompson, & Associates, P , ,. Maitland Center 1 3, s.,,.3, ',Jllh,- E I li.311,-,3 I.:.rl.1 32751 . (407) 875-5757 Published two (2) times. in the Sumter' County Times, May 12, and 19, 2005. 616-0519 SCT Notice to Creditors PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL .CIRCUIT, IN AND '-.b:,,- ;l i l.l.::OUNTY, CASE NO. 2005CP000098 IN RE: ESTATE OF EDGAR GLENN INGRAHAM, JR., - De, :~. a NOTICE TO CREDITORS .ir .1,Tiri".Tha'ii cr .-. rr, , Estate of Edgar Glenn, Ingraham, Jr., deceased, whose date of death was July 10, 2004, and whose Social Security Number Is 433-05-4841, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County,. Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address S 1: ii Clerk of Circuit .: :'n : :: :1 Ii.::ciium Ave., E-j'r,r.,ll FL 3:'. 51: The names and addresses of the Personal Repre- sentative and the Per- sonal Pet.'.-Eriar.l. e- At- torney re 'i i:-rlr. be- low. ao :.;-'eai.:.r .-:.r me dece- .-ri o 3r. ,.ir.-,' persons r.q.3.ir I ci.lT,: ,ond de- iTar.l: ,a'rr'i dece- dent's estate on whom a .copy of ir.- r,.:.ll: s re- quired tc re :er.c. must i,' heir claim with the -::l. : ,.r : ljn V/.1'i11 iHI: LATER OF : r ,:.liH -'H: iEr iTi ir iI" ':'- THE IIIP T i.'t LI.. .r ':, f iHI:. I I. ilC E OR .30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEr.r -11 -irier creditors of, the decedent, and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE. FIRST.' PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SEI FORTH ABOVE. ANY CLAIM FILED rWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER rHE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Date of first publication of this notice Is May 12, 2005. P r.-.:.r.jl ire .r.i- -r.I.lti. ; Marion T. Ingraham 11455 SW 50th Dr S Webster, FL 3359" rro'ir,-, icr P. il:.-r..i r:. Felix M. Adams I:.,1in 3 -.31 I I;. y.i's - I Xi E.j.r, -i..i r'i .:a ': 1 "'l luj:r,r,eii .:.r.3.r 3 i. 1I ' Inr 'ij,T-jT ,er *,.:..,jrr, ITTi.-: r.la 12 .. 1 : ;-i:a i' GET RESULTS IN THE TIMES 697-0512 SCT Notice of Sale GC- re-r fr-, ssrIi-ir,.n LLC 61.: : .1amle Verdeja, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE II I THE "lIIl: 1.11.I i ,' l. Cf e -E i -Ii-IH JIC.ILCILL C.ii.'UIJ -,.1 IHE i-Ti f fL .:' 1 : '- ill l Ari :.f ..',III Jr.rE,. t :-.C .ir.IlJr CQ I .IL iL1I I :.Ih71 CASE NO; 2005-CA-000195 GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC F/K/A CONSECO inr -[,:E *i:l i n :-CORP., , Pl.-irlrr i . VS.. JAMIE VERDEJA A/K/A JAIME E: VERDEJA THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JAMIE VERDEJA A/K/A JAIME E. VERDEJA; IF LIVING, INCLUDING ANY - UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF fEr 1 : ;. I 1 I F i DECIDE :-E. THE iE :.PECTFi/E 1[,1 Li I L IJ Htir': CI E liF G. r LiEE E S Il i; : 1,. EI iIC'; L~i I R' r AllIC IIR IrEES, L [ ID LL C-TrHEI" FEl. I: l i.: lr.ll.ili' 6. Hi- l:,;r.ll:-- I.i r JEc'I; 'I "' '-. i J'Li THIE rj -I.1iE., ' I':Eficl 'I,-r I. i. TIni, iImTEi l IT 0 i 1.11 riJoW N i ilr -i f Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to a Final Sum- mary Judament of Foreclosure entered in the or.. -...r,i.-d cause, In the Circuit Court of ~ulmter County, Florida, I, will sell the property situate In Sumter County, Florida, described as: LOT, 1, BLOCK N, WITHLACOOCHEE HEIGHTS SUBDIVI- SION, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK D. WITHLACOOCHEE HEIGHTS. ACCORDING TO, THE PLAI THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3. PAGE 43 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORI- DA; RUN THENCE SOUIH 00 21' WEST 151.72 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 82"20' WEST. 6000 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 00-21' WEST, 117.41 FEET: THENCE NORTH 8220' EAST 6000 FEET. THENCE NORTH 00-21' EAST. 117 41 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AND LOT 2, BLOCK N, WITHLACOOCHEE HEIGHTS SUBDI- VISION, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK D, WITHLACOOCHEE 'HEIGHTS,' ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3. PAGE 43 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY. FLORI- DA RUN THENCE SOUTH 00'21' WEST. 151.72 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 82-20' WEST. 60.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 82 20' WEST, 60.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 00 21' WEST, 117.41 FEET. THENCE NORTH 82 20 EAST. 6000 FEET THENCE NORTH 00'21' EAST, 117 41 FEET 10 THE POINT OF BEGINNING. To include a 1997 KINGHAM MOBILE HOME. VIN N87765A and TITLE #" 71661645 1997 KINGHAM MOBILE HOME; VIN N87765B and TITLE a 71681646 A/K/A - - 615-0519 SCT NOTICE OF SALE Polln vs. Sore IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005CA000197 CHAD POLIN and CHRISTINA POLIN, his wife Plaintiffs, vs. RICHARD E. SARE and MARGIE A. SARE, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF'SALE Notice Is given that In accordance with the Final Judg- ment entered on May 4, 2005, In Civil Action No. 2005CA000197 of the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, In which Chad Polln and Christina Polin, his wife, are the Plaintiffs, and Richard'E. Sare and Margie A. Sore, his wife,,the Defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the West door of the Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnell, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on June 2, 2005, the following real property: Lots 6 and 8, Block 3, Pana-Coo-Chee Retreats, Unit 1, as recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 13, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, and the right of Ingress and egress over Begin South 05*09'45" East 70.41 feet from the Northwest comer of Lot 8, Block B, Magnolia Shores; thence North 5700'45" East to the shore of Lake Panasoffkee, this line being the North boundary of a 25 foot easement running from the County Road to the shores of Lake Panasoffkee, County of Sumter, State of Florida. Dated: May 4, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward -'Clerk of Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL), By: -..=..>',:, ,,3u.e r-.pur, ..- 1i, Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, May 12, and 19, 2005. 608-0602 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACTION, BEFORE THE BOARD OF NURSING IN RE: The license to practice'nursing of Kristin N. Durden, C.N.A. 3119 CR 431 South Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538-4665 CASE NO.: 2003-29550 LICENSE NO.: 9***3830 The Department of Health has filed an Administrative Complaint against you, a copy of which may be ob- tained by contacting, Julie K. Meadows, Assistant Gen- eral Counsel, Prosecution Services Unit, 4052 Bald Cy- press Way, Bin #C65, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265, (850) 414-8126. If no contact has been made by you concerning the above by June 16, 2005, the matter of the Administra- tive Complaint will be presented at an ensuing meet- ing of the Board of Nursing In an Informal proceeding. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to particl- pate In this proceeding should contact the individual, or agency sending this notice not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address given on the notice. Telephone: (850) 414-8126, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay Service. Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, May 1Z 19, 26, and June 2, 2005. 611-0512 SCT . PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO RESTRICT WEIGHT LIMITS ON RAINEY TRAIL IJ.'TI,,:i: 'i HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County -,',.ir.i :.-...e,. of Sumter County will consider the adoption of a Resolution pursuant to .:-, '- .:. 1rr.. i, ii i '. -. a ir, .:..> -i.: r .. .:.u ld .: :.r .i[ .n Jr 'V: ) i r 3 1 ,-... ,.-'r,Ir h-, ,- -' ,:'r ",*Ui'oJ :"';,,', ri.-iT, ,J-iri, r -i i TI- -IL ...r,i:r, r:3 ,j .r,. ,- I off CM472 In Section "1 T.:..,-,:r,l| i ',.'uir I" a,,.e t o' a,.i, The Public hearing is scheduled as follows:, Date: May 17, 2005 Time: 5:01 p.m. Place: Board Hearing Room Second Floor Sumter County Courthouse Bushnell, Florida 33513 t]:.n-. I: gi. ir, ir ,or., .pecr:: ', s:.e i.:. -,p,-al any ac- r. .r, 1 e-r, t r., i ,, t ,: Ir ao ..,. o reonngs, a ver- r,.lhTT, .:.r. .:.1 rr.- r.:.:-,lir.g: ,r,3r Do necessary or..j i. r.:.i rc.r-1.'r rurr.i;r,.. c., rr, .,I- o.: . ir,- uejrl i i:n.i.ii- l ] r :.3 j I.:, a1 r -lr, - Gloria'Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Jan Kirkpaotrck Deputy Clerk Pi:.it'l,. .:,r-.-e (1)'time In the Sumter County Times, May li ;a -,' 617-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners hereby seeks competitive bids for Water Distribution System for Magnolia Manor, All bids subriited must be In a sealed envelope mark- ed 'Sealed Bid for Water Distribution System for Magno- ia Manor,' and must be received by the Sumter Coun- ty Board of County Commissioners at the Sumter Coun- ty Administration Office, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, prior to 3:00 p.m. on June 6, 2005. Any bids not received and clocked In by Sumter County pri- or to said time will not be opened or considered. Bids will be opened at the i.,:nri,: Courtroom (204) Im- mediately thereafter. Bids will be .presented to the County Commission for award during the County Administrator's .agenda at the County Commission Meeting on June 14, 2005. All bidders must be licensed contractors capable of performing the scope of work necessary to satisfactori- ly complete the'project. -Plans and specifications will be available on May 20, 2005, and may be examined at the following locations: Sumter County Construction Manager's Office, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513 Springstead Engineering, Inc., 727 S. 14th St., Lees- burg, Florida 34748 Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS may be obtained at the office of Springstead Engi- neering, Inc., located at the above address upon pay- ment of $25.00 for each set. Since the procurement of plans and specifications and related documents Is considered a purchase, there will be no refund. There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting for this proJ- ect on-sflt at 10:00 a.m. on May 26, 2005. The OWNER reserves the right to accept any bid whether It be-the lowest bid or not, or to reject all bids and call for new bids. DATED this 10th day of May, 2005. SUMTER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -s- Richard Mason, Construction Manager Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, . May .2, and 19, 2005. 658-0512 SCT Notice of Action for Paternity Donald C: Hickey vs. Sandra Zwahlen PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT \IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004 DR 970 DONALD C. HICKEY, Plaintiff vs. SANDRA ZWAHLEN, Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR PATERNITY TO: SANDRA L. ZWAHLEN 135 SUMMER STREET BATTLE CREEK, MI 49015 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that or, a.:t.:.., ,: beer. filed against you and that you are re[uir's o ro .e. '. i copy of your written defenses, if crn,, i, 10i C''1ILL C,' HICKEY, whose address Is 231J SW 10? PL Web:ter FL TT.30" on or before May 23, 2005. oar.:a Si ir.., .:.nrgir..3i ..nr. Ire ,Clerk of this Court ato F.in 11:..a, ieer Bu.r.r,.i H..:.II. do 33513 before :sr..il .: :r, E:nn.:.rer .:or hIT.T,e-.:Clali, rne,eeher If you fail to do so, a default may be enter- ed against you for the relief demanded In the perllton. Copies of all court documents in this case including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court s office. You may review these documents upon request You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- fifted of yodr current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- ture papers.in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address, on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: April 18; 2005 S GLORIAA R. HAYWARD S CLEI- .CF ilH-E CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in.the, .Sumter County Times, April 21, and 28, May 5, and 12, 2005. 696-0512 SCT Noti:e of F.:'recic:urae .ale ACongage tleaenonic ,Pegi:rraric.r, t'i erem: Inc., etc, t &loble -&nn Sl eaile e.r oi PUBLIC NOTICE' THE CiR'Cuit CC'ulr-i F TIHE fiFTH JIJL'I, ILL CIRCUIT in 4IL, ,'_fC',F ill E:'.'":,: ,lrr ri- 11:.I' .:1.1. -CTION S' CASE NO. 2005-CA-136 DIVISION r. OiGC-* GE ELECiiP-or IC i'f.isrr1,:T,:.ri l' ,iE. irJ,. F i I jOr.ril IF Ci"' '.'r-i rCi. ':i r r imii.i-'r. e Ar L F Plaintiff, : vs. 6128 CR 622A BUSHNELL, FL 33573 at public sale, at 11:00 o'clock, A.M., or as soon there- after as same can be done, to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash, on the West front steps of the Sumter County Courthouse 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL, on the 24th day of May, 2005. DATED THIS 20TH DAY OF APRIL 2005, Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, May 5, and 12, 2005. 699-0512 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY BUDGET 2005-2006 NOTICE is hereby given, that the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County Commissioners is pre- pared to begin the budgetary process for the fiscal year 2005-2006, All persons of entities, groups or associ- ations, which have any Interest in obtaining funding from the County Commission for any purposes, should 'ile a request for such funding not later than June 1, 2005. These requests, must be in writing and must set forth the the name of the party requesting funding, the purpose of the funding and the amount requested. Please note that the Board of County Commissioners cannot grant approval to every request made of It. Re- quests not filed in writing by June 1, 2005, will not be considered further during the budgetary process, which will conclude with adoption of the budget on or before October 1, 2005, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMMER COUNTY, Florida By /s/ Bernard Dew County Administrator/Budget Officer Published two (2) times In the Summer County Times, May 5 and 12, 2005, 618-0519 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners hereby 'seeks competitive - 'bids for County Road 109. All bids submitted must be In a sealed envelope marked "Sealed Bid for County Road 169," and must be received by the Sumter Coup- ty Board of County Commissioners at the Sumter Coun- ty Public Works Department, 319 E. Anderson Avenue, Bushnell, Florida prior to 3:00 p.m. on June-2, 2005., Bids will be opened at the Public Works Office, at 3:05 p.m. on June 2, 2005. The bids will be reviewed by staff for completeness and compliance with bid Instructions on June 6. 2005, at 10:00 a.m. at'the Public Works office, Bids will be presented to the County Commission for a D,'I3,i-,.j I, 1:_c' .: works, agenda at the County C :" TT..,,:,,r. I l e'] n,- : ,..j,'.e 14, 2005, Any bids not received and clocked In by Sumter Coun- ty Public Works prior to said time will not be opened or considered. Al bidders must be licensed contractors capable of performing the cope of work necessary to satisfactorily " complete the project. Plans and specifications will be available on May 16, 2005, and may be examinlned at the following locations: Sumter County Public Works, 319 East Anderson Ave- nue; Bushnell, Florida 33513 Sprur. 'ei F.d Eirr. -rirg Inc., 727 S. 14th St., Lees- burg, :,-'. i. a .I J Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS may be obtained at the office of Springstead Engi- nee,,,Ir-,: .:,,oi.3r .1 irie above address upon pay- r,Ar. r ':ri : h r.'. ,- :r. : . Since the procurement of plans and specifications and related documents is considered a purchase, there will be no refund, There will be a mandatory pire-bd meeting for this proj- ect on site at 10:00 a.m. on May 23, 2005. The OWNER reserves the right to accept any bid whether It be the lowest bid or not, or to reject all bids and call for new bids. DATED this10 th day of May, 2005. -S- T. ', H.jr.i L.,t I.r .:.1 Icua.I ,r .:4 Publishea r...: i rr.-.: I'. the Sumter. County Times; May 12, ..1: i 698-0512 SCT Clay Newcomb vs. Fabian T. Lawrence PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR SUMTER C j'I r. L,,If IL.', : ,,. Ii.: .:' 5-CA-396 CLAY NEWCOMB, Plaintiff, vs. ' FABIA' i L-. l l .... , NOTICE OF ACTION TO: FABIAN LAWRENCE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint for Fore- closure has been filed against you In the Circuit Cour In and for Sumter County, Florida. -,The real property that Is sought to be foreclosed upon. Is .more fully de- scribed as follows: Tract 14: The North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the East 1/2'of the Northwest'./4 of Section 5, Town- ship 22 South, Range 22 East, Sumter County, Florida SUBJECT TO an easement for Ingress-egress and utilities, over ana across the East 60 00 feet thereof TOGETHER WITH an easement for Ingress and egress and utilhes oer and across the following describe land, The South 30.00 feet of the South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4, LESS AND EXCEPT the East 25.00 feel thereof for road right-of-way AND over and across the North 39.00 feet of the North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4, LESS AND EXCEPT the East 25.00 feet thereof for road right of way AND over and across the East 60.00 feet of the South 30.00 feet of the South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4, all in Section 5, Township 22 South, Range 22 East, Sumter County, Florida.' You are required to file a copy of your written de- fenses,.If any, with the clerk of the court and to serve a copy of said written defenses on Plair.rr 3n :n,-, whose name and address Is: Mark E. Ci.rri,r,ir - 310 East Main: Street, Lakeland, Florida .. 6 i *inin thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice Failure' to file and serve written defenses as require may result in a judgment or order for the relief de- manded without further notice. Dated on this April 25, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARDE. Clerk of Coun (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: Susan A. Stollc. As Deputy Cler- Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Time!. May 5, and 12, 2005. 610-0519 SCT Notice of Sale Krsfl K. Boyle ,r.,: ': Ers.:.i Tr,:T,., etal. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR .SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2005CA000044 KRISTI K. BOYLE, as Personal Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, MAY 12, 2004 27. BOBBIE ANN WEDDLE, et al. Defendantss. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure dated April 18, 2005 and en- tered In Case NO. 2005-CA-136 of the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial Circuit in and for SUMTER County, Flor- ida wherein MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR WASHINGTON-MUTUAL BANK, F.A., Is the Plaintiff and BOBBIE ANN WEDDLE; DORIS ANN WEDDLE A/K/A DORTHIE LEE WEDDLE; are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at WEST FRONT DOOR OF SUMTER COUNTY COURTHOUSE at 11:00 AM, on the 18th day of May, 2005, the following described property as set forth In said Final Judgment: BEGIN 973.50 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAR- TER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST, SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN THENCE EAST 1320.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 165.00 FEET; RUN THENCE WEST 1320.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 165.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO A PERPETUAL EASEMENT OVER ACROSS AND THROUGH THE NORTH 50 FEET OF THE EAST 165 FEET. TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME LOCATED THEREON AS A PERMANENT FIXTURE 'AND APPURTENANCE THERETO DESCRIBED AS A 2001 DOUBLEWIDE WITH ID NUMBERS GAGMTD07318A AND GAGMTD07318B AND TITLE NUM- BERS 88825957 AND 88825393 AND RP NUMBERS 12144011 AND 12144012. A/K/A 4568 CR 683, Bushnell, FL 33513 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of this Court on April 19,,2005. i Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the.Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stoller Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, May 5, and 12, 2005, F05001462 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Published two (2) times May 12, and 19, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk in the Sumter County Times, 606-05] 2 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE FOUND- LAPTOP COMPUTER A laptop computer was found in Coleman on W. Warm Springs Ave. The City of Coleman Police Department, pursuant to 705.103 F.S., Intends to retain the property should it remain unclairred. The owner can identify and claim the laptop computer at Coleman RD., 709 Florida Ave., 748-3000, or at City Hall, 3502 E. Warm Springs Ave., 748-1017. L. Clay Godwin City Clerk -Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, May 5, and; 12, 2005. 683-0519 SCT Notice of Action Unda L. Smith vs. Will Gains, et al, PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-000518 UNDA L. SMITH, I Plaintiff,' vs. WILL GOINS a/k/a WILL GOINGS; WILLIE JAMES GOINS; WILLIA D. GOINS MORRIS, their heirs, successors, or assigns and all other persons or entities, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: -WILL GOINS a/k/a WILL GOINGS; WILUE JAMES GOINS; WILLIA D. GOINS MORRIS their heirs, successors, or assigns and all other persons or entities. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to quiet the title on the following described real property In Sumter County-Florida: The North one-half (1/2) of the following descnoed property, to wit: Parcel 1. The West 147.10' of the W 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 'of the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 23 East. SUBJECT to right of way for C.R. 721 across the West side thereof and subject to an easement across the North 25' thereof AND The North one-half (1/2) of the following described property, to wit: Parcel 2. The East 131.90' of the West 279.00' of the West 1/2 of .the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Sec- tion 17, Township 22 South, Range 23 East, SUBJECT to an easement across the North 25' thereof. has been' filed against you.and you are required to serve a copy of -jrr ...ritt.ie, t.fr.:., .;1r,, I.:. It .*:r W ::,,n r i ioir.. a ,rart : )nr .rr,.e r. :.- 1 a .'i ':. i rJ 1c i ,',n'r :. 6,:, *U" ,':,..h"3r,.i : Fnr.a3 :1'-'. on or before 30 days from first date of publication .ar. ..-:. rile ir, orig in a l w ith th e .':i1- :. ri r r. ,:.:..j ,t -.ir,,-, c .-r.:. ;- r :.' 5 ,on Plaintiff's attorney :., iT....j-i.3 l, H'ere.-fl,-.' .:.rr..r. wise 'a Default will be ..rr.rrea og.jir. i :..J i.:.r me relief demanded In the complaint. DATED this 22nd day of April, 2005. GLORIA HAYWARD Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: Susan A. Stellar As Deputy Clerk :u-.tr.r,j four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, rni ifr1.1a, 5 12, and 19,2005. f. / / Putting you in touch with the Nature Coast Our family of newspapers reaches more than 1,70,000 readers in Citrus, Marion, Sumter, Levy, Dixie and Gilchrest counties. * Citrus County Chronicle * Homosassa Beacon * Crystal River Current * Williston Pioneer Sun-News * Riverland News * Chlefland Citizen * The Visitor * Invemrness Pioneer * Sumter County Times * South Marion Citizen * Riverland Shopper * Tri-County Bulletin . The best way to reach the growing Nature Coast market is through our award-winning, growing newspapers. 1624 North Meadowcrest Boulevard Crystal River, FL 34429 (352) 563-6363 www.chronicleonline.corn To place your Legal Advertising in the S SUMMER COUNTY call 793-2161 _____________ - IT( II . -A Representative of the Estate of RONALD E. OWENS, Plaintiff, vs. ERROL THOMAS and VIOLA THOMAS, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is given that pursuant to a Final Judgment dat- ed May 5, 2005, In Case Number 2005CA000044 of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit In and for Sum- ter County, Florida, In which KRISTI K. BOYLE, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Ronald E. Owens, Is the Plaintiff and ERROL THOMAS and VIOLA THOMAS are' the defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the West door of the Sumter County Court- house In Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on May 31, 2005, the following described property set forth In order of Final Judgment: Tax Parcel #GO5L028 Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block C, POINSETTA PARK, according to ,the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 2, Page 33, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida. Dated May 5, 2005. I PAGE 28, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 ~rnlI AdA'! APAPASA. 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