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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 15 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ............ 14 Church ...............7 Obituaries ............6 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits ............. 16 THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005] Controversial land-use change goes to state MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County commission- ers haggled with each other and a property owner's engi- neer Tuesday before finally agreeing to send a controver- sial housing development pro- posal out for state review. It was one of a handful of proposed land use amend- ments that the. commission was considering for transmit- tal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The board's action only approves the transmittal of the document with the actual vote on the land use change and related zoning coming months later. The subject tract is about 80 acres in the southwest corner of County Road 416 and 479. Currently it is agriculturally zone d land with about half of it wooded and the rest in improved pasture. The property owners, 2 Bud Ranch, LLC, sought to change the property to a residential designation with a maximum density of one dwelling per acre. But, after numerous objec- tions to the proposed housing density and considerable dis- cussion, the owners were agreeable to reducing the density to one dwelling per two acres. The owner's representative, engineer Barry Ginn, said that traffic studies and environ- mental assessments showed there would be no adverse impacts on the community. A number of residents of that area disagreed and Lake Panasoffkee resident David Starnes led off with the protests against the proposal. He expressed concerns about changing the land use and that impact in the future. "History has shown that despite flowery promises these things don't always turn out that way," Starnes said. "We have seen the impacts when we were told that there would be none." He said that there were potential problems with the Lake Panasoffkee public water system having the reserves for the added homes and the impact of more septic tanks on the area. The board should not ,approve the project without requiring the public water and sewage infrastructure as well an environmental study done by someone working for the board. Wendell Martin Kovic, a res- ident of CR 416, presented the board with a petition signed by 133 residents. Along with citing Comprehensive Plan lan- guage about preserving agri- RALLYING FOR RELAY FOR LIFE BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer "Everything went really well," said event chairperson Gidget Gibson of the fourth annual Relay for Life. The American Cancer Society event is a massive fundraiser for the organiza- tion. Drawing teams of 10 people, with each team rais- ing $1.000, team members take turns walking the track for the duration of the 18- hour event. They set up campsites for rest locations, fellowship and fundraiser ideas and just pretty much have a blast. "We ended up with a total of 35 teams," Gibson said, noting that the weather was "beautiful not too cold. "I think it was a very suc- cessful event. I think the committee did a wonderful job of pulling everything together to get things to work," she said. The Sumter County relay was held at the Sumterville campus of Lake Sumter Community College last Friday and Saturday. . Along with her praise for the event, Gibson raved about the community. saying that whether it was the team members or the supporters, ready with donations and ready to give. "It was just unreal." "We're just really amazed and excited over how well we feel everythingwent." On Monday, they were just $2,000 away from their goal, but money was still'coming in, Gibson said. Their goal for this year was $60,500. Gibson. said while she couldn't give a specific count on the number of people, they had a great turnout. She was certain there were more than 100 survivors and their families on hand, aside from the teams and their families and friends. During the survivors' reception dinner the Sumter County Queen's Court 2005 entertained. Each of the ladies sang a song and then got together to perform as a group. The survivors took their victory lap, posed for a group picture and were served din- Please see RELAY, Page 2 Photo by Henry Poates The eerie glow of luminaries surrounded the track at the Relay. These are but a few of the approximately 800 luminar- ies that ringed the track. The names Inscribed on the lumi- naries were In honor of those that purchased the luminaries and also family members and survivors of the disease. Others were In memory pf someone who had lost their fight. * r""--- Photo by Henry Poates Many participants volunteered for the "Wigs for Kids Haircuts." Professional stylists were on hand to do the haircuts. : Employees arrested for' selling alcohol to minors Bushnell Police Sgt. Det. Sean Watson and Officer Josh Sermons arrest Gidah Almasri, owner. of the Bushnell Citgo, following a sting operation at the facility that lead to the arrest of Almasri 'and clerk Raina Abunasar for selling alcoholic beverages to minors. BOB REICHMAN Editor The owner and a clerk of a Bushnell gasoline station were arrested Thursday for allegedly selling alcohol to minors. SGidah Almasri, owner of the Citgo gasoline station on W. County Road 48, and clerk Raina Abunasar, were each charged with selling alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years old. Almasri, 36, Bushnell and Abunasar, 26, Bushnell, were both placed in the Sumter County Detention Center with bond set at $500 each. The arrests were made fol- lowing an investigation by the Bushnell Police Department "We received complaints from several parents that alcoholic beverages were being sold to minors at the store," said Bushnell Police Chief Joyce Wells. "We've checked the store sporadical- ly before the arrests were made." About 3:48 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, Bushnell Police Sgt Det Sean Watson and agents of the Gainesville Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco con- Please see ARREST, Page 2 The property owners, 2 Bud Ranch, LLC, sought to change the property to a residential designation with a maximum density of one dwelling per acre. -, 4 A'- A-., - Pt- - p ~42~ ~:: --------- an -'l, cultural lands and outstand- ing waters, Kovic raised con- cerns about the Jumper Creek Wildlife management area about a quarter mile to the west of the subject tract The narrow roads are not compatible with denser land use, he said. Bill Mizell said he retired from law enforcement in a large city and came back to live on family land on CR 416. When he wanted on two occasions to build residences for family members, he was told his requests were not allowed because of the com- Please see LAND, Page 2 Police chief resigns AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer It's been over a month since Center Hill Mayor Ralph Barry suspended the city's chief of police. Even though city council members over- turned the suspension less than a week later, Chief Steve Dixon resigned the following day. The city is now making plans to replace Dixon, and council members voted at their April 5 meeting to accept applications for his successor until May 16. At the meeting, Dixon gave his last report to the city as chief. Barry said that "a multi- tude of problems" in the department led up to the sus- pension, which had been coming up for about a year. Please see RESIGNS, Page 2 Worker dies in accident BOB REmCHMAN Editor A Bushnell woman died last Thursday morning in a freak accident at a manufacturing plant in the city. Tam Do Nguyen, 55, died when she was struck in the head by a steel workbench being transported past her work area at Metal Industries, on Walker Road, according to Bushnell Police Chief Joyce Wells. The accident happened about 8:58 a.m. while Mrs. Nguyen was at her worksta- tion where she runs a miter: saw, Wells said. "A forklift, went by her carrying a heavy steel workbench, about 6 foot Please see WORKER, Page 2 -,AGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 1Tim Knight ,of Knight's Nursery, fires up the grill and gets ready to serve up barbecue chicken ,and ribs for Relay for Life at Lake-Sumter Community College's Sumterville Campus. , .' / ' Photo by Henry Poati Left to right: Terri Watson, Drew Arnstein, Jessica Crenshaw and Amy Fontenot staff the First Baptist Church of Wildwood's food concession "Disco Saints" on the infield of the walking track. RELAY continued from Page 1 ner by the Sumter County 4-H county council officers. During the night, the agenda included an agenda filled with games, from "Name that Tune," fo a hula-hoop contest "We had great participation in all the games," she said. ' "Ashley Wheeler and Vicki Ebert of Hot Topics came to do Locks of Love." Four volunteers donated their locks. Through JLocks of Love, their hair can be lade into wigs for cancer patients. This year, they, had a new addition to the event with a i .f7!l lighted board made by Lester and Mary Sumner and Lester's brother Ron. The trio backlit the board and place colored glass pebbles in strategic spots-to spell Hope. Gibson said the closer a person gets to the board, the more col- orful it becomes. Crossroads Connection took some top honors over the week- end. They combined, efforts for a patriotic and '50s tributes in song. But they added to their music, with a little drama. Performing songs like, "Where the Boys Are," and "My Boyfriend's Back," they took the crowd a little story, with their music. Crossroads also took the top honor in the campsite competi-, tion. A.- .--,- "'' Tanya Mikaels, of SECO and entertainment chair for the Lake- lumter region American Cancer Society, poses on Friday afternoon in her poodle skirt next to SECO's refreshment -and. Their team had a fifties style complete with.an antique golf cart. "We had four diners, a MASH unit and a disco-themed camp- site," Gibson said. Stereo Steve placed dance medleys through the night and the crowd did the Electric Slide and the Hokey Pokey, with plenty of rounds of the turns on the floor for the Chicken Dance. Their was even a limbo con- test and team members had to get up on the stage and dance to earn their tokens., "We had people there from the age of four to people in their late 80's and I don't' care -what age you looked at they all were having fun," Gibson said. Gibson also mentioned Bushnell resident Jim Blount She said he's a team of one who gets other folks to sponsor him as he walks, He did a total of at least 36 miles, by himself, raising more than $500. Sumter County Clerk's office employee Becky Howard raised more than $2,000 by herself and Sumter County Clerk of the Courts Gloria Hayward raised $1,800. They were the star support- ers, Gibson said. The clerk's office team as a whole raised $10,000, which is an individual team total at the local relay. After the all-nighter, care- givers were honored, with cer- tificates and pins and the Lake Panasoffkee VFW came out to retire the colors and make the final lap. Things were wrapped up around 10 a.m. Gibson said she didn't get a chance to speak to everyone, but of the teams she spoke to 95 percent of them said they'd def- initely be back next year. Gibson will take on the task again next year and she said teams will be receiving their invitations for the 2005 Victory. Party soon, The party is slated for May 17. This year's luminaria chair for the Lake County Relay, Barbara Cox, will be going out of state for medical reasons.: Their committee was on hand to; help Sumter and in 'turn, Sumter chair Mary Sumner will work on the Lake team this year, to help in Cox's absence. LAND continued from Page 1 prehensive plan. "The county did not devi- ate for me when I wanted housing for my mother and my nephew when there would have been little impact," Mizell said. "I don't think the county should devi- ate when there would tremendous impact" Ginn responded to com- ments about the potential traffic by stating that he did not say there would be no impacts, but that there would be no adverse impacts. The service level of the roads would be maintained. Commissioners agreed somewhat with the criticism. "I feel the county needs the housing this is not the place for it," Commissioner Randy * Mask said. Noting that he wouldn't argue with the traf- fic study, driving those roads and common sense would RESIGNS continued from Page 1 But his focal complaint seemed to be that with only two other full-time officers, Center Hill needs a chief who will work as other policeman in addition to per- forming administrative es duties. "It's a small department and we rely on the chief to be a working chief," he said. show that there would be problem. Ginn had asked earlier that commissioners tell him their reasons if they were not in favor. "There is no way I could explain why I would approve it," Mask said. Commissioner Richard Hoffman noted that the board had approved a densi- ty of slightly more than five homes per acre on a similar sized property just a couple of months ago. The particular tract is on County Road 101, just to the west of residential areas of the Villages develop- ment , "I don't see how we can say no to this approving that," Hoffman said. Commissioner Jim Roberts said it is simply a matter of "location, location, location" - inadequate roads, lack of sufficient infrastructure, urban sprawl, potential impact on the aquifer flowing' toward the lake, and overbur- dening already crowded schools. Commission Chairman "We don't have the budget for a larger department." He said he didn't want to get involved with the way the department was run, but he felt it needed to be dealt with. "I'm not a hard person to get along with. It's just some- thing that had to be taken care of," he said. "It's not a personal vendetta... it's not true, even though a lot of peo- ple think that." City Council Member Elsie Ramsey said she and other members supported Dixon WORKER ARREST continued from Page 1 by 2 foot The item shifted on the forklift and struck her in the head." Mrs. Nguyen fell to the ground where attempts were made to revive heri using car- dio-pulmonary resuscitation, Wells said. She was pronounced dead at the scene, according to Wells. The medical examin- er's officer has ruled the inci- dent an accident Mrs. Nguyen's husband, Thai, also works at Metal Industries and witnessed the accident, Wells said. continued from Page 1 ducted a sting operation in which 16- and 17-year-old minors went into the store and purchased alcoholic bev- erages without being carded or asked their age, according to a police department report. The store was closed follow- ing the arrests. "The Bushnell Police Joey Chandler flatly asked Ginn if the owners would agree to a lighter density. "I'm looking at the neigh- boring property, this should be one home per two acres or one per three acres," Chandler said. "I hate to loose a project, we need the homes." The board agreed to tem- porarily table the issue and consider some other land use proposals to give time for Ginn to consult with his clients. When they resumed the debate, Ginn proposed the one house/two acre den- sity. But, that wasn't enough to please Roberts. "I don't think that changes my objections," he said, noting that there is plenty of land for develop- ment within the existing "urban development area." Chandler moved to trans- mit the proposal and Commissioner Michael Francis provided the second. Roberts cast the only vote against the proposal. and he was well liked by citi- zens. "I think he was a good police chief. I think he did his job well," she said. "I think it's a sad thing," she said. "This is not saying anything against our mayor," she said. "He was doing what he thought was best for the city too." "I've heard both sides of the story...I just wish some- thing could've been worked out." Department takes a zero tol- erance on underage drinking and wants to see our children growing up to be healthy and productive adults not scarred by events that may occur from under-age drinking," Wells said. "I like the fact that parents called us about this," she said, adding that members of the community should feel com- fortable to call the police department if they suspect criminal activity. 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 (Next to Dollar General) IS 569-0171 You and your health deserve the highest-quality care-whether you're in the hospital for a few days or in an outpatient facility for an hour. At the new Munroe. Regional Outpatient Center, you'll have one location for lab and imaging services, quick registration, convenient close-by parking and a highly trained staff that's dedicated to providing only outpatient services. Add the resources and safety of a major medical center recognized for nursing excellence, patient satisfaction, quality and more, and your choice for quality outpatient care is 100% clear. To find out.more about the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, tallk to your doctor, call us at 352-867-8181, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday- Friday, or visit www.MunroeRegional.com today. At the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, you'll have the quality, resources and safety ofa five-star hospital recognized for nursing excellence, cardiac services quality and more. Send your community news to news@sctnews.com. 0 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE '3 Calling all Raiders then and now BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer. Did you graduate from South Sumter High School? Still a Raider at heart? Want an invite to the first home game tailgate party for the season,and a free Raider wolf T-shirt? Then getting your alumni membership is a must. For $25, Raider alumni get an annual membership, which entitles them to join other Raiders for that first home game and tailgate party and the T-shirt. And -not only will alumni reap the benefits, the school will finally get a new sound system. Teacher Karen Cloud came with an.idea for a continued improvement plan for the school. She hopes to resell the memberships every year, pro- viding funds to enhance the campus. In her plea, she notes there are hundreds of projects that remain unfunded at the school. This year the focus is on the sound system, according to Cloud, who indicated how dif- ficult it was to hear speakers during last year's graduation ceremony. They're working to pur- chase a $20,000 system in the next three weeks. Cloud said Principal Preston Morgan has already confirmed $10,000 in grant money that can be used for the first half of the system - they just need the other half to make it happen. Looking to offer some extra support and see your name in gym lights? There are options for patron and contributors as well. . Raider Patrons are at the $100-$249 level, while Bronze contributors take the $250- $499 level. Silver is $500 to $999 and the Gold contribu- tors are $1,000 or more. Cloud said those contribu- tors will be 'named on a plaque that's placed in the gym lobby. Didn't graduate South Sumter, but have relatives that did or will? That's okay, you're welcome to buy a mem- bership too. The official name of the organization is the South Sumter High School Alumni and Support Association. In future years, they hope to purchase large television monitors for use in the gym. The screens would allow parents and guests to see their grad cross the stage during the annual packed-house cer- emonies. To get your membership, they ask for you name, alumni year or to note if you're a sup- porter, your shirt size small to 3X. They also ask for a mailing address, phone number, email address. Extra shirts can be ordered for .the entire family at $10 each. Members can pick up their shirts between May 12 and May 19. For more information call the school at 793-3131. Free Raider T-shirts, an invite and pass to an annual home game tailgate party alumni and . sponsors, South Sumter High has something for you and they need help! They've only got three weeks to make it happen! South Sumter High School teacher Karen Cloud is promoting alumni, memberships for former grads of South Sumter and friends or relatives'of grads who would like to help support the school. The most current need is for a sound system in the school gym,- which will allow everyone who attends graduation to hear student speeches. The system costs ' $20,000 and Preston Morgan has already passed along a grant for $10,000, but they still need to' earn the other half to make it happen. Veterans Services receives flag from Iraq AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer American troops overseas lack a lot of things people tend to take for granted. Soap, toothbrushes, candy, shaving cream, and music are all wel- come sights to those far away from home and often without a way of buying the things for themselves. ' Sumter County Veterans Service Department has addressed this need during the past two years, sending everyth i ng from shaving cream to music CDs to Operatic Afghanistan was creat and Iraq. In return, office to h last week a station w o: m a n Afghani enlisted in the U.S. Na\y Ir sent them an Iraqi flag signed by hundreds of troops stationed There. "They sent us this flag in appreciation for what we've done for them in Operation Ziploc." -.said Dan Baker,: - Veterans Services Office man- ager. Operation Ziploc was creat- ed by his office to help those stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition to the flag, they've received over a dozen thank you letters and two cer- tificates of appreciation since they've been sending pack- ages. Supplies are put in clear plastic bags for security rea- sons and are then placed in boxes to mail. Last Friday, they were sur- prised, when the office received a package of its own. 'The flag was embroidered with the words "Thank you for your support and prayers," and came with a letter and certificate of appreciation. The flag was signed by the commanding. officers on down," Baker said. "We want to put it in a frame and display it in the office. I'm really excit- ed about it" Others in his office were glad to receive the flag, Baker said, adding that they spend their own time putting the packages together on the weekends. "Everything was brighter thanks to the wonderful let- ters and packages you sent us," read part of the letter they' received with the flag. Baker said besides receiv- ing needed supplies, it's nice just to, get something from home, 9n Ziploc and anything from the U.S. ted by his is from home. telp those "I've been ined in there. I know Sn what it's like," stan and Baker said. aq. "When I was - in Vietnam, we got care packages and letters from families and chil-, dren. It makes you feel really good., "We'll continue it until the war ends," he said. "When the War, on Terror ends and our troops are back home in the U.S., we'll stop." The Veterans Service Office is in need of more names and addresses of troops overseas. Packages sent to entire units are not allowed, so they must have names of individu- als. They often get one name from a unit and that person sends the names of others. The office is also low on donated items. Accepted for care packages are personal hygiene items for men and women, books, music CDs, prepaid phone cards, beef jerky, and hard candy (no chocolate). Anyone who knows of troops in need of supplies and those interested in donating should call the Sumter County Veterans Service Office at.793- 0235. Photo by Amanda Mims Dan Baker (left), veterans service manager, and Carolyn Allfrey, counselor, hold the flag sent by American Troops in Iraq In appreciation for care packages sent to them by the Veterans Service Office. Not shown from the Bushnell office is Office Assistant Stacy Vice, who has helped send the packages. Wednesday, March 6 Lawrence Stephens, 23, Wildwood, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle without a valid license. Bond was set. at $500. Jacob Roberts, 27, Wildwood, was arrested on a Lake County warrant for fail- ure to appear. Bond was set at $10,000. Thursday, March 7 John Knighten, 36, Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended. Bond was set at $500. Amanda Cruzado,.. 28, Wildwood, was arrested for trespassing after warning. Bond was set at $500. Johnny Davis, 35, Webster, was arrested for sale of .methamphetamines, posses- sion of methamphetamines with intent to sell and viola- tion of probation for driving while license suspended. Bond was sett $80,000. Johnathan Brown, 34, Bushnell, was arrested for vio- lation of probation for battery No bond was set Harold Owens, 21, Wildwood, was arrest for driv- ing while license suspended with knowledge and violation of probation, for sale of cocaine. No bond was set. Friday, March 8 Christopher Barnes, 27,, Bushnell, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended with knowledge. Bond was set at $500. Carl Wilson, 28, Wildwood, was, arrested on a warrant for stalking. Bond was set at $5,000. Dean Dehmlow, 46, Wildwood, was arrested for failure to 'register as a sex offender. No bond was set Jeanett Clark, 34, Webster, was arrested for child neglect Bond was set at $5,000. Saturday, March 9 David Graham, 38, Bushnell, was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Bonid was set at $5,000. Richard Vance, 47, Webster, was arrested for possession of marijuana and driving under the influence. Bond was set at $1,000. Barney Gentry, 36, Webster, was arrested for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $500. Sunday, March 10 Gregory Sheetz, 19, Bushnell, was arrested for domestic battery, cultivation of marijuana and felony domestic battery. No bond was set Monday, March 11 Albert Gordy, 27, Wildwood, was arrested for child abuse. Bond was set at $2,000. Michael Green, 23, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set Virgil Runyon, 40, Bushnell, was arrested on a warrant for aggravated assault Bond was set at $10,000. Daniel Woods, 47, Wildwood, was arrested for battery. No bond was set Webster manfo arrested on drug charges. BOB REICHMAN :- Editor ', A Webster man was arrest- ed on drug charges last wee4 following an undercover investigation by the sheriff', office special investigations unit. Johnny Davis, 35, Webster was arrest on Wednesday April 6, for sale of metham- phetamines, possession of methamphetamines wit- intent to sell and.violation oT probation- for felony driving while license suspended.- Davis was arrested at hj home after he met with an undercover agent, arid an agreement was made to bu.L methamphetamines for $250j according, to sheriff's LtJ Bobby Caruthers said. The agent stayed in Davis' yard while Davis went tj retrieve the purchased Caruthers said. After the transaction, thei material tested positive fo6i methamphetamines, accord ing to Caruthers. .i Another specialunit then returned to Davis' home and! arrested him on the d rut charges. "I He was placed in the coun. ty jail with bond was set al $80,000 on the drug charges. No bond was set for violation of probation. "I Man arrested for having sex with 12-year old BOB REICHMAN Editor Bushnell man was arrested last week for having sex with a 12-year-old girl. Jerry Fort,, 19, Bushnell, was arrested on Wednesday, April 6, for sexual battery an8 violation of probation for bur- glary to an unoccupied struc- ture. He was placed in thl Sumter County Detentio4i Center with bond set at $20,000 for the sexual offense. Fort was arrested after the girl told investigators that Fort visited her several times in March at her home b climbing in through her bed, room window while her parj ents were asleep, according to sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. The girl told investigators that on one of the occasions, Fort had sexual intercourse with her, according to Caruthers. Fort told investigators tha he did go to her residence o0 two different occasions but h1 denied having sex with thi girl, Caruthers said. Fort had recently been released from the county jail on Feb. 14 for the burglary charge, he said. t -' Police m moommommommusamomm pill < PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 SUMMER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor .................... Bob Reichman Publisher . . . . Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association OurVOICE New growth brings new challenges It wasn't all that long ago that development, it becomes increas- some Sumter County develop- ingly important that city and county ment-prone types were doing leaders become more adept at see- just about anything possi- ing the impact of growth. ble to attract new growth It would be a prudent to the county. move to see local govern- SSigns on the interstate ments joining together to heralded Sumter County consider the impact that as a development-friendly growth has on the county county with incentives to .| beyond city and county those looking to bring new ", jurisdictional lines. jobs and new housing to Government leaders the area. Industry leaders -'', throughout Sumter were courted as they con- ia County need to look sidered potential develop- beyond the impact that a ment in this once sleepy new development would county. BoB have on their respective Very often, Sumter REICHMAN communities. They will i County was passed over as need to see the county as a an area that didn't provide whole and consider pro- enough infrastructures for potential posed development not as only ben- growth. eficial to their city or community. Times have changed. Development needs to be consid- L While The Villages has been ered for more things than just the looked at as the monumental leader creation of jobs, new housing or the, di ne.w growth. other areas of the means of attracting new revenue ,county are also beginning to sources for water systems. explode with development requests, With so' much interest now being ,rezoning plans and even changes to found in Sumter County, govern- .the county's Comprehensive Plan ment officials making decisions on -that would pave the way for more growth issues must act as prudent -ro\lth. planners and guardians of county From Center Hill to Oxford, lands. du inter County has been discovered They must ensure, that growth qnd developers are making their does not overwhelm the county. -ioves. They must ensure that water sup- County governments seeing more plies are not compromised;. that and more rezoning requests, more roadways do not become snarled development plans and new modifi- traffic jams; that the bucolic nature cations to existing zoning .aws. of Sumter County is not lqst forever. Cities throughout the county are We just hope they are up to the job experiencing the same thing, and 'that the public joins in the. Sumter County is sleepy no more.; process to keep Sumter County from With all this new and proposed losing its natural beauty. K~ MMfl3 4b sumah "Copyrighted MaterialJ f Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers M I ll WL la - w0 YourVOIC Two sides to Schiavo story There are two sides in the starva- tion death of Terri Schiavo. The law in Florida needs to be changed to include a consensus from the whole family, not just what the husband wants for his wife! Another change should be that food and water or a feeding tube should not be considered "life support" since all of us need nourishment in order to live! The other side is Pro-Life, believ- ing that life is precious and should be protected. Terri Schiavo's par- ents, the Schindlers including her grown brother and sister, and many, many more people wanted Terri to live and continue to be fed with a feeding tube because they loved Terri. Terri Schiavo was not in a coma,. she was not brain-dead, she was not on "life-support machines," she was NOT in a Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), she was not terminally ill. Th is was determined by special- ists whoexamined her. Judge George Greer should be. impeached! Mrs. Betty Sikes Bushnell Kiwanis Club expresses thanks The Kiwanis Club of Wildwood thanks all who gave and supported our 15th annual Easter Shoot-Out Saturday, March 26, at Mioina Lake Golf Course. Even though rain and lightning washed out the golf after just a few holes, everyone was a winner for supporting the event All the money raised stays in the community and goes back to the kids of Wildwood through the many projects of the Kiwanis Club. Our appreciation goes out to the Miona Lake Golf Course owners and staff for doing a fine job hosting the event To Cindy's Chevrolet for sponsor- ing hole in one opportunities.. To Sumter Electric for providing funds for the food for the luncheon. To Rodney Rocker for cooking the best barbecue chicken to be enjoyed anywhere. To Wildwood mayor, Ed Wolf, for all his efforts as chairman of the outing. To the following corporate spon- sors: First Federal Bank, Express materials-LLC, Citizens First Bank, Roaming Road, Romac Lumber,' LPI, S&T Masonry, Munz Design, Dibarco Building Corp., and T&D Concrete. To Hole Sponsors: Wildwood Ace Hardware, Hillcrest Insurance. Frank Slaughter Insurance, Ole Coffee House, Dick Hoffman- County Commissioner District 1, Bushnell Truss' Inc., Larry Marchbanks PA., Expression of Fashions, CMD Industries, United Southern Bank, Oxford Land Co., Therm Nichols-Herbalife, Sumter Tire, Barnes, Ferland & Assoc., Properties of The Villages-Dexter and Sharon Mayworm, Fred O'Brien-Newman & Associates, Jerri A. Blair, Wildwood Tire, Land Title Services, TBT Enterprises, Lake Sumter Community College Foundation, Tile Contractors Supply, B/S Plumbing, Randall Thornton PA., H&B Consulting Engineers, and State Farm Insurance, Thomas and Babiarz Agency. To the Wildwood High School Kiwanis Key Club members for their help. To past and. present Kiwanis club members for their help in organizing and. running the event, And, to the golfers who came out to participate and support the out- ing. Without golfers, the Easter Shoot-Out would not be success it has been for 15 years. Again, thanks to all. Therm Nichols, President : Wildwood Kiwanis Club Replenishing SS and Medicare funds When a product is imported into the U.S. market, which said prod- uct has been out sourced from the U.S. initially, the imported product should have added to its retail price level structure an amount equal to whatever, SS and Medicare payments were lostwhen the companies outsourced American jobs to other countries. These employees, either are now, or will be in the future, recipients of SS and Medicare assistance that, without monies from their former employment source will be endan- gered due to the outsourcing of theirjobs. This is so simple, and may not provide any support for lobbyist, lawyers, politicians, and other hanger-on's, that it probably will go nowhere. J. P. Bratton Bushnell Getting hurr It's been more than six months since le last hurricane ravaged our state, yet many as 140,000 Floridians still have unsettled claims on severely damaged oomes or worse some Floridians have,, Iwo homes and are trying to start over. Insurance companies have provided 4lfata showing about 93 percent of hurri- cane claims have been settled. Although .I'm pleased for the 93 percent who have, 'been taken care of, as Florida's Chief : Financial Officer I'm focused on getting 'the remaining seven percent of the ;claims resolved before the next hurri- ,cane season starts on June 1st. I've been holding town hall meetings in i each of the areas affected by Jast year's ,storms, including Pensacola, Punta .Gorda, Sebastian, Ft. Pierce and Orlando. We've brought consumer serv- ice teams along with insurance company Representatives to.each of these meetings so that frustrated policyholders could speak with someone face-to-face. In the five. meetings held so far, I have listened to and talked with more than 2,500 home- owners. In many cases, we have been able to move these victims' claims for- ward by helping homeowners cut through months of corporate red tape in a matter of hours. While pleased by our progress, I know more could be done. That's why I pro-' posed an emergency rule to expedite the resolution of open insurance claims. This rule, approved by the governor and the Cabinet, grew from much of the testimo- !ny heard during my town hall meetings and the more than 350,000 calls fielded by our department Under the emergency Srule, insurers must settle and pay all out- Senior Advocate icane claims Tools needed for health care standing claims resulting from last year's storms by April 18, 2005, or provide .a detailed and compelling explanation as, to why they could not. This rule will help bring closure to storm victims and provide them with the resources they need to rebuild their lives. The timing of this rule will also ensure that the residents who live, in the areas hardest hit have ample time to use insurance settlements to prepare their property for the upcoming hurricane sea- son. In order to protect their lives and prop- erty, and avoid some of the horror stories I have witnessed, I am encouraging all, Floridians to prepare for this year's storms now. This includes reviewing your insurance policies and verifying the up- to-date value of your property; consider- ing flood insurance if your area has been known to flood or if you are vulnerable to a hurricane storm surge; considering "law and ordinance" coverage if your house does not meet present building codes; and reviewing the actual amount of your hurricane deductible. Your insur- er should be able to help you with these matters. There is also a wealth of infor- mation available on our department's website at www.fldfs.com While I continue our work to bring a resolution to last year's hurricane sea- son, I urge all Floridians to take advan- tage of these final months of preparation before hurricane season. The more time spent planning and preparing now, the greater the chances of avoiding the heartbreak I have seen in the eyes of fel- low Floridians. Tom Gallagher S ome months ago, I had the pleasure of having breakfast with a reader' The issue was a local one, and I did my best to prep the reader with viable information, hopefully assisting him with his county problem. At one point, this gentleman asked me: "Dan, why don't others care and become active?" Unfortunately, it was a question that I could not - answer; although I often .' -. think about it Actually, I do think that I. others care. However, I don't believe that they Dne have a grasp of the situa- Danel tion. In fact, let us take it Rohan a step further: I don't believe that the government or the media throw the people a lifeline - a lifeline of information that one 'would be able to grasp, and perhaps understand; hence, giving them some of the tools to become active. n Social Security and Medicare: It seems that few are buying into the administration's plan of privatizing Social Security, both older and younger Americans. At this time, the entire plan has been a miserable failure, with one exception. And that exception is that the administration and the media have nearly discon- tinued a dialog on the -issues of' Medicare. Those with the knowl- edge know that Medicare is the enti- tlement program that is in a state of exhaustion. However, if we maintain a Social Security ruse, the coming albatross known to us as the pre- scription drug law will chew the income of Social Security benefits faster than Nathan's annual hot dog eating contest Let us keep talking about the, problems of Social Security. Yet, allow us to ignore the 2006 Medicare, Part B premium that will increase by at least 15 per- cent Recently, the proposed increase shot up some 2 per- S. cent in just two days. These r-:" excessive double-digit, Part B premium increases are just beginning it will be 35 per- cent in just two years. And if you worked hard and were blessed, wait until 2007, when these premiums will increase an additional 100 to 300 percent based upon your income.. Who cared that the EEOC was going to allow age discrimination- with your health benefits? I did, AARP did, U.S. District Court Judge Anita Brody did. However, not a mention from your Congress, not a mention on the big three television networks, and, of course, nothing from the tabloid pabulum-feeding cable stations. '0 The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) what's up here? Are these people taking some of the drugs that they are supposed to oversee? Two weeks ago, Bextra and Vioxx were A-OK, this week they are blacklisted. What in the world ever happened to this agency? Is there anyone at the helm? However, don't worry, as we are in want and desperately need a domes- tic health care policy. Heck turn on the television, pick up a magazine at grocery store and keep up with the Michael Jackson trial Who needs 'health care anyway? 0 Dan's Book Club: I. will soon start a paragraph or two concerning books that may be of significant help' to you, your family, wealth, health and the process of health.care. I will not refer you to books that have a political slant; rather, books that are helpful, but readable, con- cise and accurate. Scholars, health care professionals, credentialed financial experts, attorneys and any- one else who has the ability to pro- vide us with unbiased and focused points of views will be considered. , Allow me to make two points: First, I shall not profit in any form or matter Second, hey, if Oprah could do it, so can we. But, then again, as long as we have Oprah, Bill, Sean, GCeraldo, Greta, Anderson, Dan, Larry. et al., who needs to read? Keep my greentea warm, and I will talk to you next week Send questions and comments to "Senior Advocate," 1624. N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mail danrohan@atlantic.net The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate'length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. Another Voic mi SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 5 Stringent controls set for adult 'MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County Commis- sioners on Tuesday finished their work on land .use regu- lations to provide some strin- gent control over sexually oriented businesses. The board finally voted for approval of the new rules fol- lowing the last in a series of meetings, workshops and public hearings on the ordi- nance to restrict businesses catering to sexually explicit videos, books, toys, novelties and some forms of sexually- themed performances. In simple terms, the ordi- nance establishes strict loca- tion criteria for the business- es, even totally banning some forms of adult businesses such as video arcade booths. 'The location rules restrict the "adult" businesses to industrially zoned property. The rules also establish what have been described as some of the toughest separation requirements for the busi- ness's proximity to churches, schools, playgrounds, lib- raries and residential areas. While recent commission discussions about the busi- nesses have generally focused on the technical aspects, this final hearing drew numerous comments from Sumter communities. Sumter County Sheriff's Cpt. Garry Brannen answered commission ques- tions about arrests that had come about since one of the adult businesses opened last summer near Wildwood. After hearing complaints about the business, the sher- iff's department sent under- cover officers into the store to investigate, Brannen said. "A very handsome deputy was solicited within seven minutes of entering." Investigations resulted in two cases for solicitation of a lewd act and two case of bat- tery, Brannen said. In one of the latter cases, an officer was "groped" prior to being solicited, physical contact before there was even a sin- gle comment. ' County Land Use Attorney Terry Neal asked that Brannen clarify that none of' the arrests he described were cases involving sale of actual materials. Until the store in question. opened, such arrests were almost non-existent accord- ing to Brannen. On occasion, there were arrests for solicitation in the truck stop areas, but it had been two to three years since any of those cases, he said. The commission room was packed with supporters of the ordinance and several addressed the board. Ed Button, pastor of the Gant Lake Baptist Church, expressed the apparent sen- timents of most that group. "We are doing our best to raise our young people with high. morals," Button said, noting that the county should guard against those who are trying to "introduce negative things to our young people." The commission's action will "hopefully help keep us 20 to 30 years behind other counties," he said. People choose this county because it is not here. Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Pastor .Mike King told the board that the addic- tion to pornography is second only to food. He referred to the serial killer Ted Bundy's blaming pornography for the begin- ning of his life of violent crime and to the recent mur- der of Citrus County child by a convicted sexual offender. "People cannot believe the strings that are attached to this," King said. While the board's consult- ant for this said that th4 tough as hE mend with nances, it wa enough Commission During a last week, ME support to Attorney Ra research an: restrictions could use, b comments by That issue gated, Tho Tuesday. But, Mask tinue the ci um on appr( adult busine toughen the "I'm not fo best," Mask not the tougl to keep a bus ing in." Thornton not recomm businesses' project recently the moratorium, that th e rules were as board should go ahead wit e could recom- this ordinance and consider" n zoning ordi- amending it later if desired. is apparently not "I wouldn't put if off anothj- to satisfy er day," Thornton said. I er Randy Mask When county, state and cit special meeting officials met with citizens sk sought board and community leaders il have County Wildwood last summer, indall Thornton wood summer, y other possible made a commitment to do the that the county very best we could,' lased on earlier Commissioner Jim. Roberts r the consultant said. is being investi- "I think we did the best we rnton said on can," he said. Whateve hurdles you erect, someone wanted to con- will try to hurdle them.", current moratori- Roberts moved for oval of any new approval of the ordinance sses and try to regulations. and Commissioner Richaryl 3r taking second Hoffman provided the sec- said. "If this is ond. 1 chest, then what's Mask apparently wanted siness from com- the,initial effort to be even tougher - said he would He cast the sole dissenting iend continuing vote. Villages Shrine Club Federal Consumer Protection has confirmed the fuel saving described in this advertisement. Device may increase gas mileage by 22% Boston National Fuelsaver Corp. has developed a low cost automotive accessory called the Platinum Gas Saver which is guaranteed to increase gas mileage by 22% while meeting all emission standards. With a simple connection to a vacuum line, the Gas Saver adds microscopic amounts of platinum to the air and fuel entering the engine. Since platinum allows non-burning fuel to burn, the Gas Saver's platinum increases the percentage of fuel burning inside the engine from 68% of each gallon to 90% of each' gallon, a 22% increase. Since unburnt fuel leaving an engine is pollution, this 22% of each gallon normally burns when it reaches the platinum of the catalytic converter. However, the converter's platinum burns this fuel in the tail-pipe, where the heat and energy produced from this fuel cannot be harnessed to drive your vehicle. But when the Gas Saver allows the air-fuel mixture to carry the platinum into the engine, 22% more of each gallon bums inside the engine so that 22% fewer gallons are required to drive the- same distance. After a five year study, the government concluded: "Independent testing shows greater fuel savings with the Gas Saver than the 22% claimed by the developer." In addition to the fuel savings, the Gas Saver has received patents for cleaning out carbon and raising octane, making higher grades. of fuel unnecessary for' most vehicles. i Joe Robinson, the developer, was quite surprised at thda market research: "We hav, sold a half million Gasi Savers. To our surprise, asL many people buy the Gas Saver because it extends engine life by cleaning, out the abrasive carbon as-, buy it to increase gas mileage or to raise octane.'~ For further information call*3 1-800-LESS-GAS 3 1-800-537-7427 Paid Advertisement The Villages Shrine Club members, their ladies and guests with the Potentate of Bahia Shrine in Orlando Gary Bergenske. On Thursday, The Villages Shrine Club Members, their Ladies and guests traveled to Orlando Bahia Shrine to accept a tem- porary Charter for the ensuing year. The Charter will be made permanent after one year.AII Shriners in this area are invited to attend the Villages Shrine Club meeting the second Tuesday of the month at the American Legion Post in Lady Lake, at 7 p.m. For further information please contact Jack McCleve at 750 2085 Sumter County Fair Association WISHES A TO DIBARCO BUILDING CORP. For their support and participation in this year's livestock auctions. SSUMTER COUNTY (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ....................... 352-793-2161 Circulation .............................. 1.888-852-2340 Retail Advertising ...................... 352.793-2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352.793.2161 Fax .............................................. 352.793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES I _. ". w- SATURDAY, APRIL 1 SM ODIFIE. LATE MODEL, MINI CUP, SUPER STOCK, MINI STOCK,.- HOBBY STOCK, THUNDER STOCK, 4 CYLINDER L- l 'ruscountlyipeedwa' coan Race Action Enjoy the ride. rt at 2 nuide,!~a & t Idr~i onIn'S .I 1EE P r-E -A I M--m I -.,&= 8 ... L ___ RAr Sunter County Veterans Memorial Park Dedicated to Veterans- Past, Present and Future 7, 669-MoVE I' The purpose of the Sumter County Veteran's Memorial Park is to pay tribute to the men and women who have served our country and provided us with the most precious gift of all, our freedom. The Board of Sumter County Commissionaers is proud to provide our community with the opportunity to purchase a paving brick engraved with a tribute to your loved ones who served in the United States Armed Forces. What better way to pay tribute to our loved ones than by furthering an. endeavor that will have an impact today, and in the lives of future generations? .' *: *For additional information, or order forms, please call SUMMER COUNTY VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE (352) 793-0235 Sumter County Veterans Memorial Park Order Form Order Placed By (Please Print): First Name Last Name Address City I Phone Date of Order I 1 CERTIFY THE INFORMATION BELOW IS TO APPEAR ON THE BRICK AS PRINTED AND IS CORRECT I** State Zip (Please Initial) i' ^*^^^CS ... -: PRINT NAME TO BE ENGRAVED ON BRICK .. CHOOSE ON (M) OR (H) In Memory of (H) In Honor of I RANK BRANCH YEARS OF SERVICE (EXAMPLE: 1940-1948): AMOUNT PAID $50.00 PLEASE PAY BY CHECK ONLY PAYABLE TO: SUMTER COUNTY VETERANS SERVICES 416 N. Lawrence St., Bushnell, FL 33513 - SUSMTER COUNTY TRANSIT 8 6S -M OV E ta k *OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 SunmeOBFIO'AME Paul W. Barnhill, 48, construction Paul W. Barnhill, 48, of Trenton, Fla., formerly of Fort Pierce, died Friday, April 8, 2005. Born in Fort Pierce, the son of Lloyd J. and Nell (Rowe) Barnhill, he married Emma J. (Spencer). He has lived in Trenton for the past year, and Gainesville for a year prior and 46 years prior to that in Fort Pierce. Mr. Barnhill was a crew leader for Watson's Construction Company. Survivors include his wife, Emma J.; mother, Nell Woods of Coleman; two stepdaughters, Vicki Lacey and Michelle Rideout of Gainesville; three brothers, Lloyd Barnhill of Fort Pierce, Timothy W. Barnhill and Randy Martinsen, both of Coleman. Funeral services were held at the Page-Theus Funeral Home Chapel, Leesburg, with Pastor Gary Blanchard officiating. - Burial followed in Lone Oak Cemetery, Leesburg. Page- Theus Funeral Home, Leesburg, provided the infor- mation. James E. Bosworth, 77, mechanic James Elwood Bosworth, 77, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Wednesday, April 6, in Ocala. A native of Ripley, WVa., he came here in 1970 from Gallipolis, Ohio. Mr. Bosworth w1as a mechanic, employed by the RV industry. He was a life- time member of VFW Post 4464 in Gallipolis, Ohio; National Rifle Association; Sumter County Sheriff's Association; Moose Lodge in Brandon; and a U.S. Armyvet- eran serving during WW II. e was .a Baptist In lieu of oers, send donations to. the erican Kidney Foundation.: Survivors include his wife, Helen; son, Jim Bosworth of Ocala; four daughters, Wilma Joyce Vlooney of Waycross, Ga., virginia Kay Neuhaus and Sanet Ruth "Moser, both of (4cala, and Martha Lee Allan Af Lake Panasoffkee; three brothers, Ed Bosworth of *cklawaha, Fla., Francis tosworth and Raymus Vosworth, both of Lancaster, hio; two sisters, Elva lankenship of Lancaster. hio, and Erma Ackermnnan of olombus, Ohio; 13 grandchil- ren and two great-grandchil- dren. Roberts Funeral Home, Downtown Chapel, provided Ve information. Tam Thi Do, 54, assembly worker * Tam Thi Do, 54, of Bushnell, Idied Thursday, April 7, 2005, in Bushnell. A native of Thai Binh, Vietnam, she moved to Sumter bounty in 1993 from Vietnam. She was an assembly line worker, Survivors include er husband, Thai Nguyen of iushnell; two sons, Thong Suoc Hguyen and Thi Quec Nguyen; and several brothers anid sisters. SPurcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Cruz G. Guerrero, 56, self-employed SCruz G. Guerrero, 56, of Capeville. Va., for the past 10 .gears, formerly of Sumter Servn Lak .. S t un t. r County, died Tuesday, April 5, 2005. He was born in Raymondsville, Texas. Mr. Guerrero was self-employed. Survivors include three sons, Joseph of Bushnell, Benjamin with the U.S. Army in Ft. Hood, Texas, and Cruz Jr. of Oxford; two daughters, Christina Zapata of Bushnell, pnd Graciela Rose of Lake Panasoffkee; three brothers, Oscar, of Cape Charles, Va., Freddie and Jessie of Sanford; three sisters, Josephina of Garza, Texas, Santos Moreno of Texas, Olga Guerrero of Sanford; seven grandchildren. Interment in Center Grove Cemetery.- Page-Theus Funeral Home, Leesburg, provided the infor- mation. Dewey D. Fussell, 79, auditor Dewey D. Fussell, 79, of Bushnell, died Friday, April 8, 2005, in Bushnell. A native of St. Catherine, Fla., he was a resident of Bushnell since 1967, formerly of Apalachicola. Mr. Fussell was an auditor for the State "of Florida. He was a Navy veter- an serving during WW II. Survivors include two sons, James William Fussell of Webster and Stephen. Elroy Fussell of Lady Lake; two daughters, Connie Madray of Valona, Ga., and Bobbie Thompson of Boulder, Colo.; nine grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Services were held April 13 at Evergreen Cemetery, Bushnell, with Pastor R. Jon King officiating. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, han- dled the arrangements. Linda Sue Gill, 49, homemaker Linda Sue Gill, 49, of Bushnell, died Sunday, April 10, 2005, in Bushnell. She was born in Leesburg. Mrs. Gill was a homemaker. Survivors include daughters, Melissa, Jennifer and Donna; sons, Larry Jr. and Michael; grand- and Increase Your Income wih tax-free municipal bonds. Call or stop by today for more information. Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 .i ...IlL I l ..i Ill Member 1PC Edward Jones Se rvng Individual Inestors Sinc 187. RCELL FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell John D. Purcel Owner Founder 793-4531 Try out our NEW COFFEEHOUSE WORSHIP SATURDAYS AT 5 PM Message Series: Searching for Happiness This week: "Damaged But Deliverable" children, Austin, Dalton, James, Dawson and Christopher, Kaylie, unborn Joseph, Sherrie, Jared, Lil Michael; mother, Myrtle York; sisters, Evelyn Vivian,. Mary Jane and Juanita; brothers, Daniel, David, Joe, Michael, Matthew and Stanley. She was preceded in death by a son, William and a grandson, Robert. Services will be held on Thursday, April 14, at 11:30 a.m. at Linden Cemetery, Linden, with Rev. Emery. King officiating. Interment at Linden Cemetery Purcell 'Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. James ,E. Hooten, 68, mechanic James "Mickey" Edward Hooten, 68, of Alabama, died April 1, 2005, in Alabama. He was born in Sumter County on March 7, 1936 and had lived in Alabama for the past few years. Mr. Hooten was an auto mechanic. Survivors include w S.4 0 I m El&Z w u 0.! 4 A'-.. *; w 0 I A Sqs n U" IuJ w 0. 0 Z^ flI I6' y?'i| two sons, Lamar Hooten of Bushnell, and Kenny Hooten of Lake Butler, Fla.; daughter, Carolyn Ferguson of Alabama; four grandchildren, Tara Hooten, Vannette Hooten, Emily Hooten and Kailee Hooten; brother, Roy Hooten of Texas and sister, Cheryl of Alabama. Interment was at Linden Cemetery, Linden. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, provided the infor- mation. Louise S. Milton, 79, financial officer Louise Smithwick Milton, 79, of Wildwood, died Thursday, April 7, 2005, in The Villages. A native of Webster, she was a lifelong resident of Sumter County. Mrs. Milton was a financial officer for the Sumter County Sheriff's Department. She was a mem- ber of the Wildwood Women's Club, Pilot Club, Sumter County Cattlewomen and an honorary member of the Florida Sheriff's Association. She was a member of the Baptist Church of Wild Survivors include her be husband of 55 years, R( two daughters, Babs (i McCarty of Jupiter, and Milton of Tallahassee; an grandchildren, Jonathai Alicia McCarty. Services held April 9 at Pi Funeral Home Cl Bushnell, with Pastoi Hubbard, Rev. i McAdams and Rev. Attaway officiating. Interment at Ma Cemetery, Webster. P Funeral Home, Bushnel dled the arrangements. Lauriette T. Pierce 86, sales . Lauriette T Pierce, Webster, died Tuesday, A 2005, in Clermont. She born in Key West. Mrs. P worked for Sears & Ro for 25 years in sales. She member of First B Church of Linden. Sur include her husband, Le (CHRIS TIA, WORSHIP CE VTER) -. ., '. .-, .. I. I q. . j .. ,,11 .. ...; ,,,,, ,,,, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CENTER HILL 175 S.Virgiriia A.e. Cenier Hill, FL 33513 352-793-2119 Sunday Schoo:,l.......... 9:45 AM Morning Worhipr. ....... ..11:00 AM Sunday Niqgni Service ............6:00 PM Miid.l*eeKi Prayer Service - Wedn-iday.... .... .. ... .... ..7:00 PM I LADYLIKE ( Hope Lutheran Church 250 Asenida Los Angelos I R.I ,-I't 4BI. [ .-,r 61.,3 I Th. .. l I ,:, Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For T ANASiF iiluirrnaun.' .:ll j,-i', .E :.r .:.r L w r.ale wAn r,01:,luihi'ar,,r, lr, E Ell.ii- .:ry g . LAKE PANASOFFKEE ( First Church of God " 793-3455 '.lm fi :. h A,,,, '. j r l,,, ; a.. l 1 4 ., 'l-,, .'i - Vrj i, FI." I .- 11, r -, nIII 111 ,J 11j dF,i.. r h r,-.,:, q [, , ./" Al.l re1A \\I'co, At \ BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD ",uri ,3,i i'.. p 3 I'I r,,',A 1.1 '1 : .1 ) 'm ,:,: . Sunrda' S.:ro.:.i 30 A 1.1 K We .d :,'pie.:h lp r.QI i0i F1.1 I 1451 Wesi C.R. 476. Buslinell 793 2240./ /St. Francis Episcopal Church- 1 % r, C r:,c ; .trc.;r ,.'.t LI'a ?0i i'ard.Jai, Bile Srud\ 7 p n, Hol\ Eu. ari.t lla.i n, Suid.:, aur ad .:l.:'>:, l': l i n, ,._, r.. T hur-d ', ', n, p /T"HE BUSHNELL PRESB)TERIAN\ CHURCH LISA :'R'I. BROADiGn:.,rr :, .T L .. N r Br,',jd Church School l5 am PubhcliL Vorhip 11: 3.1 .1 .ON', V, A--\ C-roul. M ai-.i ,. ii -. ION,-'hA r t S_352-793-4_202 First Baoplist Church f u Phrinell 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 'Snating In Goo l rfie,,: of LIft? TIIIun Fro un in Ch ,";r :.ur.a .3, C.I. I- 1n ', l II I'.1- .3,1. r I We. r, ',3,3, bitI.- .Tu.', . rFirst United Methodist Churchb 221 W. Noble Ave. .|.. .... ..., Faith, Hope & Loie .Snday St hol -:30p.nm. iorNhip lil:.51)a.m CE L.L iihr 1kn fnila i.. i ..i l.ir ,iii Ll i 5.llip.m. Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:3:U p.m. J B,:ar Fur, Gtmrn,,r;t-, SuE .di i I il ', i .$ p.in h l-.- 1 .C b 1 r.* p i bllt I ., l l p IT! nPa ,l Tr....p, l T uij i iJ p in ,U ,J.r n :. r, F i id i .j .r 1111 pi .m S H A.iR E, lIth al Il. itiln ail. R:,.. LLrn ,Armibn.ri. Pasit.r S793-3221 j ,,IHIJLrLL CHiiil Or -., 310 W DadrAve. 793-8428 'Sun.ay biblk Study 10 i m Sunhd,. \,:r-.hip Srili,:- 11 .1 m E\'ruri\ W:rsuhp 6 p I'| K Werne-da BibI Study 7 p nm - Sumterville - United Methodist Church OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EASTOF HWf 301 i .. t oi. you lat nind Sundjy,v.rhlp rrl(eI 9 j 0 iT0 PaSIGI Chjrle [Irnhirlin Allhilldrir, i 1rt ir. 2d m --- .. --AK- 79W- _2w --------- - li66huwh Oiwtrzow; ,o ThisWeek.;t the Church of Your Choice I..., ", Ii" Worsthip This Week at the Chlurch of You r Choice BUSHNELL LAKE PANASOFFKEE > UNITED METHODIST CHURCH S* urm.,w, :r,ip r a iA : r1) 11 I .:,,jr,].aIy .:l 1.,.,i ', L ,,I, r.lri, riuI :r, I i . Pastor Williston Brewer M "" y 4'U.Lh Pj,',l..:'.*.. i J. iI '.,. .:iyl 2 rFirst Baptist Church-" of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sujnd, Senrces 8s-30 & 10 3 ri, Sunrasi, S :hoo0.. 9.-F'3 a..T Sunday Evern,,nQ ......... 6 0) p rn nWl,-.3 ,.d33 ll,.rnl F ri.,* r rl1., ,,, 7 ,mT K Pastor Jon Kinq 2 I|iathit lor, ki ace N I i3t h le, - .h.n,.. 1. 1 h ., ..f Motr w,- ri-p----- .30 ,. ...... Sunday Ev,?ir-rg----- -- "- ' .ejn-.;o. ,, I M ..-. : 1.11: I. ,1.1 , 793-1600 l " T.EESRURG GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2 r. ST. NLARKI EVANGELICAL ' LUTHERAN CHURCH I%\'ELSI SI. ,1 )r N i 1ll...I , .. .. .. .. ... .... - tilt, IL Sur'.-4v SChCC-l l~lsriring WCjr.1nip E% -ronq ftort,ip 9 45 am I1 00 am . 700 pm 7 O0 pmj Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, Eushnell Sunday School .. ........ 9.45 .r.i. Worship............... .. .. 11:00 -.M Sunday Evening Worship.....6:00 F 1.1. Wednesday Prayer Service..7.00 P..1.. 793-5083 Piastor ,itN King BUSHNELL rBUISHINELL SEVENTH DAsl-" ADVENTIST CHURCH Cornerof & F~n.lor Fidi, WIr-hp Hou~r, 9 30)~.I Sa-bbadih Sche'oI 16 45 i riSai %%ed Praocr Mleeting 7.311 All Welcome 2 WAHOO (Discover the DiHerence!) .,, p.: ., Sunday: TT.. A. I .,a ... .. *ir,,:,,:,l-,,:r, ,:,, t' 793-60152 SWEBSI'ER Webster United - ,lethodist Church Invites You To Atlend ur oWr~rnp ^^[r'l,@ I 1.00 a n' |^ C'rjui'.Tr, '_=,,,r.. -l5 rrn 1 3 E ?rd il W t.-r FL '3,'-5 1 5. ') 7.9 ') 7;24 First Baptist Church of Webster 1'4 mile e'jl .1471 -i rl SE 1si Ave "u r,,l ':.:r,.:.: l JI .r. S,' r 1 1 WILDWOOD I'. ...S 748-1822 IW.o..4jp .. 1& :5 li.s 61(1PM Wm~dPi.IISI hMetV.da........6:15 PIM sLundal I 1.515 g rSL ee. -._.A-Il1CPhU /"Wildwood United Methodisti 300 Mason Streel Sunday School 9 45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am Nursery Provided 748-1275 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD *Worship 11:00 a.m. 2,? ; B i LILSi, I \ id. i..d. FL 3:4-S5 (352) 748-2530 ,(f SUNSET PARK + JCHUiRCH OF GOD', Piii' e Si 1 748-1318 ,ii.Jl ih,,,,I ', nil .[1 > yli. i';,J i1 Fdlai". [, .r.l, i I nni' ,,i p11E Ll E) I M i Jt .... I'iLL '1 y WELCOME ALL!!!!!! J P EAC:E H ClOP EV~~/ I I CENTER HTTIF I . ,.:: . Li 0 m r- "0 m I1 ]: 0 m > 0 m I, 0 mi &1, h .5 i 0 I I SUMI'ERVILE son, John, B. (Joyce) Pierce of Webster; daughter, Joan C. (John L.) Swafford of Webster; four grandchildren and two First great-grandchildren. Services wood. were held April 8 at Purcell 'loved Funeral Home Chapel, land; Bushnell, with Pastor Daniel Chris) Ishee officiating. Interment at I Lisa Linden Cemetery, Linden. id two Purcell Funeral Home, n and Bushnell, handled the were arrangements. urcell Annette Wohlfahrt, chapel, Jim 68, clerk Claud Annette Wohlfahrt, 68, of Craig Lake Panasoffkee, died Sunday, April 10,2005, in Lake tchett Panasoffkee. A native of urcell Rader, Ind., she moved to , han- Sumter County in 1985 from Gate City, Va: Mrs. Wohlfahrt was a clerk for the USDA. She e, was a member of the Lake Panasoffkee Moose Lodge and 86, of was of the Methodist faith. .pril5, Survivors include her hus- e was band, Thomas; two sons, John Pierce Bush of Kingsport, Tenn., and ebuck Michael Bush of Goldsboro, was a N.C.; and two grandchildren. aptist Purcell Funeral Home, vivors Bushnell, handled the eo M.; arrangements. --y I I .1 9 ^ 11 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 7- Ch.rh CALENDAR Gospel Music Concert A Gospel Music Concert will be held Sunday, April 17, at 3 p.m. at the New Life Center Ministries, 9707 C.R. 229, Wildwood, sponsored by Bishop Pickett. The concert will feature Gayla James, soloist, Fort Myers; singing trumpets, Jacksonville; Florida Gospel travelers, Jacksonville; the Freeman Sisters, Coleman; the Spiritual Voices of Fort Myers, Fort Myers. For information, call 352- 751-4141. Homecoming Celebration First United Methodist Church invites the communi- ty to share in their annual Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, April 17. The Homecoming Theme for 2005 is "Share the Joy." Rev. Ron Sumpter, pastor at First United Methodist Church from 1997-2001, and his wife Gloria have been invited to be special guests on that day. Rev. Sumpter will speak in the 10:50 a.m. serv- ice. Harlous Wilson, who served as Minister of Music during Sumpter's pastorate, and his wife Joyce will pro- vide special music during the worship hour. The day will be gin with coffee and donuts in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m., and a covered dish luncheon will be served in the same location following the morn- ing worship service. The pub- lic is cordially invited to attend. For more information or for directiorfs, call the church office at 793-3221. Attention to all youth There will be a Birthday Party for David Spillman and Brother Chris Baker on April 23 at the Lincoln Community Park in Bushnell. Cikc time will be 11 a.m. Following the park will be a youth conference speaker from various churches. All are Welcome. Plenty of food. Sponsored by the Helping Hand Ministries. Yard Sale Everything half price at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church Yard Sale, C.R. 4707, Lake Panasoflkee, on Friday, April 15, and Saturday, April 16, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch will consist of soup and sandwiches in the Church Fellowship Hall, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All churches and communities On May 7, at 6 p.m., there will be a benefit service held at the Church of God, 303 Church Street, Bushnell, for Pastor Bishop Benjamin Williams. Please let us all come together as a body and unite together and show our love to this great man of God. Healing team at Legion Hall National Evangelist Jami Moore and healing team will be holding miracle-healing services every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Hwy 44,in - Wildwood. Everyone is welcome to attend these services. This is a non-denominational min- istry. Come receive the miracle God has for you! "This is your appointed time!" For more info please call 352-748-4976. * Family Caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer Care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793-3438. Return of Wednesday dinners Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church is pleased to announce the return of our Wednesday night dinners starting at 4 p.m. Join us for some good food and great fel- lowship. All are welcome to attend. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793-3438. or-visit bur web page at www.gbgm- umc.org/lakepana-umc. Newspaper Recycling Bin First United Methodist Church, located at '221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recy- cled newspapers to fund global ministries opportuni- ties. The bin is for newspa- pers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. -A Singles Bible Study Group 7 The Singles Bible Studyi; Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the'& United Methodist Church in', Lake Panasoffkee on Hwyi 470. Cr Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E:. Church of 4319 Lime Street', Coleman, Mission House will" be open to the public every< Monday and Tuesday from 11t a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth ing and food. '- For information,, call) 352/748-4990 (office). ? Weekly Prayer and Bible study. A weekly prayer ,time andt Bible study will be held ever Wednesday, from noon until 11 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A'-t Bushnell. For further informatioWn please call.. 352-793-7720 oi 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments:t and drinks or bring a sackl lunch. Please come and bring, a friend. New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to- take place weekly. Groceries will be distrib-, uted every Thursday from i10: a.m. to noon and available o4n7- a first come first served basis. One visit per family eacl4, month. I. Any questions please cal.U the church office at 352-7937i 1600 and ask for Ron. - Pictured left to right: WB Selwyn Boatman, WM Dana Bishop, Bro. Lee McNutt. The Villages Masonic Lodge #394 held a spe- cial communication at the Wildwood Lodge on April 11, 2005. Among the attending were eight visitors, one PDDGM, 13 Past Masters, three 33rd degree Masons, one KYCH, one 66 year Mason, three 50 year masons, 11 40 year Masons. The alter was draped for Bros. James Holmberg and Marshall Wyman. A 50-year award was presented to WB Selwyn Boatman and a 40- year award to Bro. Lee McNutt The Villages Masonic Lodge #394 meets the first Monday of the month at La Hacienda at. 2:30 PM. For further information on Masonry please call Dana Bishop WM at 753 7816. 651-0414SCT PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF BUSHNELL Public Hearing The Bushnell City Council has called a Public Hearing to be held Monday, April 25, 2005 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers located at 219 N. Market Street. The topic of discussion will be the Proposed Sumterville Water and Wastewater Project. All interested parties are invited to attend. DAY OR NIGHT: PET SURGERY, CHRONIC OR MAJOR ILLNESS, 2ND OPINIONS OR _SMALL ANIMAL EMERGENCIES ORTHOPEDICS CANCER.THERAPY GENERAL SURGERY ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS CARDIAC CARE INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICAL REHAB URGENT CARE CALL FOR INFO: 352.429.7707 *e S S S A gB CERTIFIED' Ttwr Fk.Airki 1G OWLTA, Al Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience 653-0414-SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Wildwood will hold a Special Called Meeting/Workshop on April 18th, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. in the Commission Chamber, City Hall, 100 North Main Street, Wildwood. Florida. Items for discussion include but not limited to: 1. Approval of requested water and wastewater ERU's and Developer's Agreements from three developers; Lake Andrew Preserve, Amprop, Inc., and Lake Villas. 2. Consideration of changes and commercial zoning regulations to allow living arrangements. 3..Discussion on personnel policies reference: S a. Sick Leave b. Annual Leave c. Drug Policy d. Dual Employment with Sumter County Fire Department The public is invited to attend Note: Any person who may feel the need to appeal a Commission decision is hereby notified that it will be necessary for you to provide your own verbatim recording of the Commission Meeting or any portion thereof. ' Joseph Jacobs City Clerk 'actors: Compacts (Monthly Payments). f 2 Months 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 60 Months 72 Months Visit the newest member of the 0% 0% 0.9% 2.9% 3.9% 4.49% / MASSEY FERGUSON TEAM Slaughter Cows Boner 80.85% . Wl Range Avg Wt Price Range 855-885 870 55.00-57.00 910-1085 1019 .52.00-57,00 1135-1280 1207 53.00-60.00 1300-1355 1322 52.00-57.00 1335-1585 1479 52.00-53.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% WtRange A,.jiI Price Range 720-895 6oi 775-880 828 40.00-44.00 920-1035, 970 47.00-52.60 940-1030 985 '44.00-46.00 1100-1230 1150 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1 Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range 1010-1285 1114 64.00-67,00 1080-1460 1246 55,00.64.00 1920 1920 68A00 1565-2155 1860 70,00-73.00 1545-1615 1580 59,00-61.00 ...... . _Y 40-4 I=- 41 =If -A ESTTOOC K RELO *741 822 Slaughter cows and bulls: Steady to 1.00 lower. Feeder steers and heifers: Steady to 1.00 higher. Supply was light, demand was mod. Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 68 percent, (34 percent steers, 34 percent h over 600 lbs 2 percent percentt steers, 0 percent heifers). Slaughter cows and bulls: 23 percent, replacement cows 7 percent. Replacement cows: 7 percent. Avg Price 55,98 54.57 56.29 54.04 52.36 Holstein Avg Price '48.63 42.42 Low Dressing 49.67 45.05 Low Dressing 50.19 Avg Price 1 65.22 59.52 Low Dressing 68.00 71.26 High Dressing 60.02 Low Dressing -..-.. .. Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 Wt Range AvgWI Price Range Avg Price 205-240 222 174.00-195.00 183.67 253-295 276 163.00-174.00 169.25 300-345 324 150.00-168.00 160.43 365-395 387 146.00-156.00 149.06 405-430 417 136.00-143.00 139.07 450495 470 116.00-120.00 117.94 500-520 506 114.00-121.00 116.75 600445 630 108.00-112.00 109.61 650-695 670 100.00-110.00 104.56 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 241-245 242 140.00-164.00 159.94 250-295 279 152,00-168.00 161.72 305-335 323 130.00-144.00 137.37 350-395 372 128.00-136.00 131.36 400-435 409 122.00-128.00 125.02 500-515 511 105.00-107.00 106.51 560-595 578 108.00110.00 108.97 Feeder Steers and Bulls Small 1-2 WtRange AvgWt Price Range Avg Price ; ;I 1 ""'. Ii I '..;:. I" j I Mi Feeder Hellers Medium and Large 1-2 WI.' J A .W .,i .iH.,e .jPn.:. iU&'. : r: '-, .1.iri. I2'i880 ti.1.ie~ -Ws- 141.1 ".51':6 60 WIRange AvgWI PriceRange 408-437 425 121.00-132.00 450.495 478 111.00-121.00 500-525 512 .110.00-112.00 560 560 101.00-105.00 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 Wl Range AvgWt Price Range 200-240 226 134.00-158.00 255-295 279 134.00-144.00 305-330 318 360-390 372 100.00-123.00 420.445 430 100.00-118.00 450-490 472 100.00-107.00 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2Young WtRange AvgWt Price Range 740-895 831 53.00-1.00 925-1010 970 58.00-66.00 Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2 Young Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range 725-810 778 500.00-760.00 955-1080 1024 610.00-890.00 630-1235 1055 520.00-910.00 I I 8 f, i,, I Ba-to,. F Davd RWad pon: 83-19-47 S Friendly Folks 'Fair Prices' Fresh Feed 100*2 Your Quality HAY Specialists *10 ~Now in the Barn: erate. Western T&A Western Alfalfa refers),* Coastal Avg Price 126.03 115.52 111.02 103.00 Avg Pric EMINOLE 143.29 137.96 "WORLD'S BEST FEED' 121.14 113.97 #1 Sumter County Dealer 102.31 All Purpose & Leisure Avg Pdrice g58.42 4 -6mosbred 10% 5.25, 112% 5.40 62.27 4-6 mos bred Avg P New & Used Saddjes & Tack 617.33 733.32 821.21 IConvennient E-Z Access for loadlnal 840 SUS w 30 JtIVM f46 Bushnel 568-0084:Li M 9005:0Sa9- R Y WANT ALVAREZ RUSSO & GUYTON -7 W., ___ PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 I- I, -4 LONG & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERSIARCHITECTS, INC. AAC00162 ER 1828 4525 S. MANHATTAN AVE TAMPA FLORIDA 33611 (813)839-0506 FAX (813)839-4616 BUILDING YOUR VISION? Satu y, APRIL 30th, 20C 6 10pm Wildwood Community Center r-wa For Thir Aility To shaen. e The Quality OfLife Fon Those In Te Community New Design Call (352) 365-8200 0500 CR 139 Wi!dIPo dFL 34785 *Jailh 0, .-r J | *Jih StSephen Monroe "A Forida Cowboy poet" A a *Mule Drop BINGO *LIVEIA Cracker Cow Hunter Demos Bull Ridin' Catered by *Line Squa: Hkapho i MUSIC by DIXIEMASTERS Florida cow huneon open rage1910 Price includes steak, chicken AND shrimp PLUS 2 adult beverages STickets ^ $65 each' r 2 for $ 1 SVP by 41 Sumter Electric Cooperative takes pride in supporting the Thomas E. Langley Building Project Community involvement is something SECO views as I' a high priority. It's what makes good neighbors and it can be a powerful and positive force. A Touchstone Energy' Cooperanve init V-11MEM11 Com-men.. DA For Even Faster Service Call (352) 787-0600 1 or Toll Free 877-702-0600 1 jr 41 L^". ana cs" -** .- 4*-1 Bls SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 9 Walkers* Custom Braces* Crutches* Canes' Bathroom Aids* Custom Prosthetics* Breast Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Specialist, Inc. 720 E. Southland Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restoration Full Fabrication Services , -+ .-- ..... i, ,- * * *REWARD* *REWARD* Wildly Fun ,People ito IortI thi Ei nl' l beo pi.' .good III Reserved Seating Only! sop~nuii iflf sifjff gvfly1 Please aRSVP b"y Ap 1ril 2J Contact Kat Hiatt,One Crafty Kat (352) 4080849 or onecraftykat@aol.com I Tickets Available at " Community National Bank 114 W. Belt Avenue Call Marilyn Connell (352) 568 2272 Lst yISA SRC PROSTHETICS RESEARCH O _ I | :SP A I LONG& ..I I 1 .'. ',, ,' ASSOCIATES , fCmICTCI C EINEERS 720 So.thland Avenue t *M C ofFlorida Community National Bank Lifestream Bushnel 335 Pasco Regonal Medical Center* FtstPedera Savings Bank* 352,793-4477 *Mi Blackburn Realty Capitl Choice Finanat*Lake Medical Imaging 35-79314448.(fa4 1" C Pams Agen'cy*SMumtrC amoem Maket* Tanknport* I,.: Roy Dow*.s ProtJectE n gneet' yAdvanced HealthcnrePof nals, S.^ + ^_- -- __..-_._ "..... ^-,, +,-=--- TWCAPITALChoice Financial Services Life Insurance Annuities Mutual Funds IRA 401K Disability LTC W.T. Sembower Regional Marketing Director 880 N. Main St., Bushnell FL, 33513 Tel: 352-793-1679 Fax: 352-793-3977 entered Repreaenlatllv eourltten offered through aThe Lnaders Goeup, ie,, member NASD and 61P 000LWeso Joas n St.,, SBult A,Thomallle, s Goll f 17?2 SOhItA11400m CAPITAL Chase Plsancal Seviose Ig a netweorKof flnependeni buInfl esI me and women, Representing various life and health Insurance eampanlis, Buying? Selling. Or just thinking about investing in Real Estate? If You Are Looking For "Real Expert Guidance" To Find The Most For Your Money -You Will Find All Your Real Estate Needs At Micki Blackburn Realty Office on market Blvd. In Webster, Just 1 block south of the flea market. .SOLUCIENT TOP HOSPITALS 1997 2003 PASCO) REGIONAL ME D ICA L CENTER Nt-u' (Kg B.e fl I il it- I m 13 100 Fort King Road i Dade City, FL 33525 s 352-521 .1100 # wwwpascoreg'onalmuo I I I PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 Class of '52 reunites ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent LOn Saturday, April 9, the Wildwood High School class of '5V held its 53rd reunion with 18 6f the original 36 members in aftendance. The last time any of them had gotten together was October 12, 1!96 when there was a reunion held for all classes between 1P50 and 1960 and before that was back in the '70s. 'Class of '52 was responsible for the first West. Coast Championship in 1950, said Vernon Crawford. .The school colors of the time iere orange and black and the fO'rmer high school stood where Wildwood Middle School now sands. ,Recognition was made to Jphnny Jenkins for traveling the furthest coming from Cosby, Tenn. and Bobby Carruthers for traveling the least. It was also rgted that Grady Potter and ILouise (McElrath) Goodwin were the least changed in the last 53 years. -IHarold Floyd for Most Challenging Adventure and Billie Marie (Mizell) and Lonnie Winkles for being Married the Longest. AFormer teachers and Lake P~anasoffkee residents since 1959, Ed (Ag) and Rosa Lee (PE) Tomberlin were seated at the head table. fdBillie Marie Winkles spoke in loving memory of the 10 class- mnates that have passed away. bft will always be remembered ' fondly by their fellow students. eThe Coleman Community GQnter was decorated with gteen balloons and green and white streamers and a table A driving purpose in living -. 2! 2: - -. sst,, ,;,-.--- ,? Class of '52 memorabilia was on display. covered in high school memo- ries, was placed near the door by the reunion committee with efforts by Vernon Crawford, Billie Marie (Mizell) Winkles and Quay Lott. Copies of the high school newspaper the "Wildcat Growl" were available and one made mention of Vernon Crawford who, in a total of 9 games, made All Conference for scoring 123 pts in the fall of '51. Graduation was held on May 28, 1952. Class motto: Good Followers Today, Better Leaders Tomorrow. Class colors: Green and White. Class 'Flower: Pink Carnation. Class Officers: President: Janette Hill Vice President: Bobby Caruthers Secretary: Joanne Dudley Treasurer: Patsy Jones Reporter: Jan Rector FRiEE QDrg' Whyl Todayanfuhehi ping isForyuREE!ipio Why pay full price for-your prescriptions? You can save up to 80% with ShopCanadaRX. Save up to 80% www.ShopCanadaRX.com Calu Tgoday 1-66-5046 Sumter Christian School Now Enrolling For 05/06 4 yr. old 12th ^ ,8 A m I the only person in North America who hasn't read Rick Warren's "The Purpose- Driven Life?" Just asking. Actually, I discovered my purpose in life about 20 years ago: I was created to drive girls. However, now that my two girls are grown and gone and driving them- selves, I may need to find a new pur- pose. A few weeks ago, . the mother of my daughter's child- NA! hood best. friend, KEN called to thank me for what I had done for her daughter. At first I thought she meant how I had read something I had written at Kelly's funeral, but I realize now that she had meant something else, which brings me back to my driving- purposed life. Basically, it was simple. Years before I had prayed that God would give me a grand purpose in life, and he answered by giving me two daughters and a set of car keys., "Drive," he said., So, drive I did. To the mall IN and to volleyball practice. To softball games and the mall. To the mall and youth group at church. To the beach. To Taco Bell. To school. To the mall. It was either I drive or risk having them find rides with some- S one's sister's boyfriend appro- priately named "Crash." As long as they and their myr- iad of close, per- sonal friends were, in the back seat of my car with me at i the wheel, I would know where they ICY were. EDY I became known among the other moms as Transportation Central and Taxi Queen. I also loved every minute of it. It actually proved to be quite education- al I learned that I could be invisible. , The girls would all pile into my car and start talking about stuff girls talk about, which means boys and other girls. As if I wasn't even in the car hence the invisibility fac- tor they would start dish- ing the 'dirt. You can learn a lot by being invisible and as I listened to their conversations, you PULLEDE RTj'. You're invited to join us at our TRACTOR, TRUCK PULL & GARDEN TRACTORS Dale: prI 1E6 1'1) i5 Cost, 11 ,. .- rvi Time We.Rn trIn .15 al 10 00 1.:1 0'-' rnead P ill wl l li. rl 31a 1 0o ,L t .,- 1 : .. j,_ ,, I'. n ,, Location: rn,C ,.,,v ,-, i. ,,. : Prize'- iV ,T P l e Ia ill r-.- e a lr ,rr:p rr, .in.l 3rd PiacL., ,-,Il Ci 'dt-,,:, . If youhave any questions you can contactus at (352) 726-2483 A(352) 302-0573 (352) 302-0006 | SPONSORED BY: SMG, RG Printing, A-Ace Septic, Bonded Septic, Citrus Land & Tile, Certified Const., FItzpatrick Ins.,Vanness Autoparts, Neat &Tidy, Croft Const., Batson Chiro, Stumpknockers, Armantes, Kenneth Charles l Jewelers, Builders Surplus, Carters Recycling, Entergard, FC Airboats, ICC, Global Radio, Ace Hardware, Coaches j Pub, Crystal Chevy, Green AcresTractor, John Mason Tractor, Realty World, Vandervalk. can bet I prayed as I drove! During the years of my driv- ing girls, my car was used as a cafeteria, a beauty parlor and a dressing room. A last- minute study hall, a laundry hamper and a place to take a nap. It was also at times a con- fessional and a sanctuary Something amazing hap- pened when my little red Tempo with its 189,000 miles on it filled with girls. God entered. Sometimes I wonder if those girls in the back seat ever realized his presence. I think maybe they did, because every once in a while, over the din of their chatter mixed with Pearl Jam in the tape player, one of them would ask, "Mrs. Kennedy, why do you have an 'Enjoying God' bumper stick- ,er on your car?" or "How do you know which church teaches the right things?" or. "Why do you think Ouija boards are so bad?" We discussed Buddhism and paganism, levitating and bulimia, sex, lies and Marilyn Manson. Sometimes I was able to pray out loud for them. Sometimes they even asked me about my life. It was all so very natural, yet not. It was mundane and ordinary, yet incredibly holy k Dr. A. LASERS 533 I At one time I had wanted to be somebody important, to do great and grand things. I ended up driving girls. It was- n't what I had envisioned, but for a good portion of my life it was what I had been created to do. Years ago, someone asked me what I wanted written on my tombstone and I flippant- ly said, "She drove girls." But after talking to Kelly's mom and remembering that Kelly was one of the girls I not, only drove places, but lis- tened to, prayed for and loved and that God had used me to share Christ with Kelly and that she died loving Jesus I know now that for all those years behind the wheel of my car I had no greater purpose. Driving girls all over cen- tral Florida wasn't lofty, but it was heavenly It wasn't what I would've chosen, but it turned out to be what I will always cherish. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough," and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at (352) 564-2927, Monday through Thursday, or via e-mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. Leigh McBride, DVM . SURGERY BOARDING HEALTH CARE LS * PET SUPPLIES ^-Ao .t.. 1 .tt.4.tt..t.S. We Are: * Committed to developing academically sound students in a non-denominational Christian environment. 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Citrus Water Conditioning NO SALT K KINETIC' S I I 'e'r ,Solutions,,. fo, ,, d lf,,,,, ,,,a1'01 dI -- "Over 42 Years Experience" P' Serving Citrus County 24 Years SUMMER COUNTY 793-7115 MOMISFAMINNIMM mossloommom *fI smtat.wvn ma tnoixst *SO :.. , . .', , .'-'t. "' I., J? Grace NCnIES SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 11 GCir CHATI Haven has program* She's the all-American mixed breed he all-American mix member of the Humane breed is adorable Society/SPCA of Sumter Mogli. She weights 40 County has challenged me. pounds and is approximately I don't know what it is 1-1/2 years old. Mogli has the about a challenge. Even sweetest personal- though I do not ity and beautiful have a competitive soulful eyes. "''- nature, suddenly She loves peo- ', the adrenaline ple, playing with starts pumping, and toys, and especial- I want to win! I am ly belly rubs. If I usually a fair play- you would like to ` er, but I feel the give Mogli a loving need to use every home, e-mail the available avenue to H um a n e win! Like this col- Society/SPCA at .- umn., Ok Trish, let or mail in your the games begin! request to: PO. LINDA. The challenge is Box 67, Lake GRAVES who can raise the Panasoffkee, FL 8 most money in our 33538. Visit our "Fence Us In" race. website at to see our other I have accepted the chal- adorable animals. lenge to raise money for a I have been challenged! fence for the five acres Trish Cheston, a long-time owned by the Humane Society/SPCA in Lake Panasoffkee. Would you like to see me win? As phase I of the animal shelter nears completion, funds have been. depleted. We need fencing to keep animals safe. Will you help me win? I need to raise more money than Trish. Please mail in your donation, any amount will do, to the Humane Society/SPCA, attention: Linda Graves, PO. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. You can attach this article with your donation. No, I am not competitive by nature, except when I feel the chal- lenge is for a worthwhile cause. And the best part of this challenge is that the winner 'is not me or Trish, but the homeless animals who need our help. I I 1 4- I If you would like to give Mogli a loving home, e-mail the Humane Society/SPCA at or mail in your request to: P.O. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. The challenge is who can raise, the most money in our "Fence Us In" race. I have accepted the challenge to raise money for a fence for the five acres owned by the Humane Society/SPCA in Lake Panasoffkee. Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Inc. joined more than 25 rape crisis programs in Florida to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Day, Thursday, April 7 at Venetian Gardens in Leesburg. Leesburg City Mayor John Christian read and signed a proclamation declaring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Christian related that adult business had tried to open in Leesburg and that he feels that they don't belong in Leesburg. He affirmed that he would do all he can to keep those businesses out of his city. Guest speaker Sgt. Jaye Mathews spoke about the power of victims and their families. The 21-year veteran law enforcement officer relat- ed a case in which a 33-year- old victim had kept her secret for 15 years. After divulging the rape other victims came forth. At court the various vic- tims' families joined hands and confronted the perpetra- tor and a plea was struck that day. "The power of victims and their families is great. They can make a criminal realize that what he did was wrong, even if he refuses to admit to it under interrogation." The main focus of the past school resource officer was to help the community to become more aware of boys and men's attitudes to "consensual sex." "If you don't know if your partner wants to go that far, ask We need to teach our boys that asking before sex is. the manly thing to do." She relat- ed that often boys don't realize the effect of assuming that a girl is willing. Education is the key to changing the attitudes and stopping the awful hurt that can ruin a life or several lives Mathews said. Two survivors spoke of the consequences of childhood sexual assault. They both reported the life altering. effect of a family torn by. incest. Both ladies spoke about the need for services and how they felt that without counseling their lives might, have ended. In very different ways each related how they had come to find the services' of Haven, and how those serv- ices had made a difference in their lives. Executive Director Ruth Harvey Gilligan introduced Sumter County Sheriff Bill Farmer and both traced the history of the work done by, Haven since its inception in 1977. The caring counselors, personal advocacy, and legal' advocacy were all cited as services needed by victims in Sumter and Lake Counties. Sheriff Bill Farmer applauded the services ren-' dered by Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Inc. and' remembered that little help' was available before this sex- ual assault center was avail- able. Now men, women, and, children can get the help they- need from trained profession-"- al counselors. He dedicated is musical tribute to the "Angels of Haven, Ruth Harvey. ' Gilligan and her staff." Aldene Thomas, senior sex- ual assault counselor gave an impassioned plea that' each person in the audience make, a commitment to take one- opportunity to make the lives of victims better. She asks that everyone would call Haven in order tp learn how he or she could. help victims become sue- vivors. Surgery Day: Tuesday & Friday 8 30-5 PM IBy Appointmenit Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 PM i CARES CENTER Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic 735 E. C 470, LK. 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Let's just consider it a lesson learned. e To find out more. call 800-999-5887 or visit joinsuncoast.org. ;17 WEST BELT AVENUE iS 4) IN BUSHNELL Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org Please Spay or Neuter your petl! WE'LL PAY FOR YOUR SUMTER COUNTY PET LICENSE must meet requirements Duane A. Mathis . Mortgage Loan Originator 433960ee INSIMEMOMMEM MENNIMMEMEMEM e oun OfficeT Thrift Shol 10 0 1 . ffic our' Tues-Sat jr : 0 m 1:3 rift ol 10.3 3t i i 4- FffT, F k.ATI $1 4! ,-PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 Center Hill deliberates | I i . grant application . ^--yA J .-'.*" 's^^Hs^^^K ^'^^^^9 *'^^ ^^ -^^B ^' : .... ..,' '. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Center .Hill city officials and residents discussed the 'city's application for a grant that would provide for the extension of water lines to two properties, the site of the proposed Florida Grande :Motorcoach Resort and Central Packing. The park would be located off of County Road 478 between Center Hill and .Webster and would span 255 acres, just beyond more than 1,100 acres recently annexed into the city. The developer, ARoute 470 Holdings, Inc. of -Zephyrhills, proposes two units per acre and recently applied for annexation into 'the city. ', The goal of the application is to get a $600,000 economic development grant for the city, and in return, the busi- .nesses involved would have "to bring a specific number of "jobs into the area. :. While the grant money ,,would benefit the businesses ,and potentially the city, con- 4erns about accepting the .grant were brought to the :surface at a public hearing during the April 5 city coun- cil meeting. se "We can see five (new) jobs, probably eight. We cannot guarantee any more than lqhat," said Dick Green of XCentral Packing. "We could tUse the city water We need it :for fire protection and in the -plant. But Green said there would come "a day of reckon- ing," and didn't want to be %held responsible for more jobs than what they would create. "I'm not going to do, that," he said. t Some council members 44lso expressed concern over who would be responsible it, Once the grant was used, the businesses did not meet their end of the deal. Andy Easton, grant writer for the project, said the city would need to create an .agreement with the business- es, otherwise the city could be liable for $35,000 for every job less than what had been arranged. An agreement would make the business. owner responsible for repay- ing the grant money if neces- sary. In addition to the possible eight positions at Central Packing, the RV resort would bring in 18 jobs, Easton said. Easton said the jobs created would be "a great economic benefit to the city." Apart from liability, anoth- er concern was brought up by farmer Ron Slay, who lives just outside Center Hill city, limits. He supported using the grant to benefit Central Packing, but not the RV park, saying that the packing plant is an established, "viable business," but asked why the developer couldn't pay for the park's water lines. Easton said both businesses would be needed to get the full $600,000. After the meeting, Slay said he feels the park will put an undue burden on city streets, and development will "ruin the rural charac- ter" of the city. "I want to farm. I don't want to make it like Fort Knox," he said. 'All of my neighbors feel the same way.", No official decisions about the grant were made at the meeting. The city has also held a workshop'recently to discuss the future of over 400 acres of the newly annexed property. City Clerk Diane Lamb said the city -council told Bay Pointe Homes they would consider allowing the con- struction of between two and three homes per acre.. Lamb said the developer also men- tioned a school and EMS sta- tion in the city, but no official action has been taken. A cement company inter- ested in building there has also approached the city, and council members are sched- uled to take a tour of the com- pany's plant in Suwannee County on Saturday, April 16. ...... Read together, florida I I March April 2005 S; : Essay Contest for Middle School S: ;:;; www.VolunteerFloridaFoundation.org sponw oed by WU Washington Mutual CENTRAL FLORIDA ARMS SHOW the Original Lakeland Gun Show April 16th & 17t Over 500 Tables! BIG REr, 'Saturday & Sunday Gun Show Admission $7 City Parking $5 * ,N THE LAKELAND CENTER Sporting, Antique and Military Firearms Sponsored by LAKELAND RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB, INC. 2000 Lasso Lane, Lakeland, Florida 33801, Phone (863) 665-0092 It's Just A Foot.... ...until It Starts To Hurt! That's When we Can Help. CENTRAL FLORIDA ' FOOT CARE, P.A. ,, -,0, .,t. Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems BuniOns/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com Sumter County Adult Education's Certified Nursing Assistant graduating class March 10 members are, front row, left to right: Chasity Elliott, Jalana Burks, Taninja Knight, Serena Greene, Karonda Holmes, Trinika Pew; back row: Dolores Bal, Patience Lowery, Josiah Rodriguez, Gladys Gomani, Marshalyne Sesler. Not pictured: Brittany Williams. p.- Call Today 352-793-2161 pet grooming - SGROOminfG - DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and small. We \ ill bathe and groom them all' Pamper YOUR pet todaN ! For Fido's next appointment please call Sand. at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 internet/isp Local Internet Access osac Im% 4f 1-8- Net-Nerd, 1-888- 638-6373 equine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist builder 609 N.Old Wire Rd. sujjj_ Wildwood, FL 34785 -' -.-- ,- OFFICE: (352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 ,J www.dibarco.com "jA, DT ibar o 'Building S corporationn Diana B. Couillard MBE President1\ Fully LKense, insured Full Service Cortracors Owner bail bonds JARRETT PARISH 1452 W. HWY 48 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 OFFICE: (352) 793-8861 CELL: (352) 303-0000 ('I'l Put Your Feet Back on the Street" fencing Chainlink Field Fence F Barbed Wire Vinyl Fencin Board Fence FENCING For All Your Sumter County Fencing Needs Citrus Countt 352303-3023 Licensed and Insured 352341-1811 mobile auto detailing 1^ i ..- --... :.. .. -.-.*. -... .. -.. ..... ....... ....... ..... .. .- ..- .--- .-...- .-- -- -- .- ..-.----- ..... ........... .. = -., tJoe Bullock's Detailing Mobile Car Detailing I will come to your workplace, your business or your home. Please Call for Appointment and Prices. Licensed and Insured (352) 793-2665 taxi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO For as low as $35.00 TAMPA For as low as $45.00 medical PRS MEDICAL SUPPLIES Medicare Accepted Complete line of: Walkers, Custom Braces Crutches, Canes Bathroom Aids Female Fitter Custom Prosthetics on Staff Breast Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Specialist, Inc. 720 E. Southland Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restoration Full Fabrication Services 352-793-4477 Fax: 352-793-1448 -Iq --- -- - / SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 13 Swnter SPRTS Dobson ball scholarship comes from generations of ball BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer South Sumter High School's Smithie "Kay-Kay" Dobson signed to play softball with Lake Sumter Community College last week. Dobson, of Webster, has a' .395 batting average, with 15 hits, 19 RBI and 38 at bats for 'the 2005 season. S The daughter of Bruce and Sheila Dobson, the 18-year- old has been a starter on the Raiders varsity team for the past three years. Head Coach Jeff Renihan said, "We're just really really pleased that she's taken the next step and going to col-, lege." "We're just very pleased that she's going to move on and represent the program." "She's a great player and missed only one game in three years." That was for an injury and Renihan said he had to "Basically wrestle her out of the line-up," on that game. "She's a great kid with a big heart and I think she'll do well at the next level." Coach Nicey Cilenti said, ''As far as softball is con- cerned, she's a 'very strong player. She's a good leader and she takes charge. "She has a really good atti- tude a winning attitude.". That includes working to keep the other girls on the team up. "She's been a starter on the varsity for three years and for all three years she's shown that she's a leader," Cilenti said she doesn't see Dobson around campus out- side of sports, but knows she's very involved and always aware of the other people on her team. She's considerate of them and concerned with helping them. "She's an all around good girl," Cilenti said. Dobson comes by her soft- ball abilities naturally it's something that's been a part of her family for at least three generations now. Her grandparents, Harold and Pat Dobson, worked with Sumter Dixie Youth League for years. "My mom and dad ran it," said Dobson's dad Bruce. When his mom died, his dad passed the torch on to him. As a matter of fact, he was on the phone coordinating this year's league while he was sharing his thoughts on his daughter and his parents. He takes tremendous pride that she's earned a scholar- ship in the sport her family has been so involved in. "We're tickled to death - proud of her," he said. Kay-Kay played all four years on Dixie Youth, but that was baseball. ,She had to play softball when she played for school. Dobson said he's tried to role model for her, teaching her the game. He said they took her to a college tryout, where they spent three hours and toured the campus. When they were done, the coach sat Kay-Kay down and told her what they could offer her. She took a little time and opted to go with Lake Sumter. Dobson earned a spot on the 2004 All Area Team, the Ocala Lightening Baseball Team - 2004, is a silver medal winner, lettered in volleyball, weightlifting, basketball and softball. Kay-Kay plans to go into physical education and sports medicine and hopes to coach ball. Kay-Kay Dobson (seated, center) is shown with her parents Sheila and Bruce, flanking her and coaches (back row, left to right) South Sumter High School coaches Nicey Cilenti, Gary Russo, Jeff Renihan, Inman Sherman and Lake Sumter Community College Coach Jennifer Russell. Photos by Brenda Locklear South Sumter High School's Kay-Kay Dobson (seated) is shown with Lake Sumter Community College Coach Jennifer Russell, as she prepares to sign for a sports scholarship at the college. Dobson is the daughter of Bruce and Sheila Dobson of Webster. SMU Fr ee .: GROVE PLAZA HWY 42 I F & IN THE VBJIAGES Free I Hearing Aid Repairs 259-5790 all makes and models SOUTHERN TRACE PLAZA F NO Mwr 46 Battery Sale OBLIGATION OXFORD $ I L9 HEARING 751-5712 I $ 29 INVERNESS MEDICAL CENTER 931 South U.S. Hwy. 41 Inverness, FL 34450 352.726.1886 The clinic is staffed by Dr. Ken and Linda Halinski, PhD ARNP. Services include superior primary whole person health care for all ages, acupuncture and massage therapy. HOURS: MON. 9AM-8PM;TUES. 7AM-4PM;WED. 9AM-4PM; THURS.'9AM-8PM; FRI. 7AM-4PM; SAT. 9AM- I PM MeetingAll Your Health Care Needs Time ffer! PlPadle Not Per 7 P*arson. NlPr N ght **4 STAR ** Resort Aamenities To place a classified. ad call 793-2161 3 Days! 2 Nights! Plus (21 Adult Tickets to your choice of any magical Disney Theme Park' Orlando "Addtional Nignis Available at Discounled Rates -FLORIDA GETAWAY VACATIONS- 954.252.8968 or 1.800.254.4006 Visit us online WWW freeeltaway vacationrs corr a. i' ,.. .. r 51 .'ir TI..I ..- f I a.v ,.. .:I -I .-1 .. L.. .. ,c f .- .- -. .- .- -.- -.- -. -. 1WSW1AMEIF~J .15 OFF WI H TH S A -oIai itAn 1e opn. Eprs400 APRIL 2005 HAS BEEN DECLARED "BUSHNELL CLEAN UP MONTH" FOR CITY OF BUSHNELL SANITATION . CUSTOMERS During the month of April 2005, residential trash such as limbs, leaves, and household items, will beO picked up at no charge. Any materials placed out prior to March will require a charge to pick up. The bagging of leaves will still be required during April Commercial. haulers are not eligible for free pickup. for any contracted job materials. Refuse created by someone performing contractual labor at your residence shall be the responsibility of the contractor to dispose of this material. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE PICKED UP Bushnell Clean Up Month encourages City residents to take advantage of the free trash pickups and HELP KEEP BUSHNELL CLEAN! Earn your degree from a highly respected academic 'program that prepares you for a successful career. Saint Leo University understands and respects your life's demands-balancing family and work- while earning your degree. Saint Leo University has been providing affordable, accessible, quality eauceon I nc--- tel Z educatin sinc 1 -80 Four co veniedt arealocatins Waron, Cftru like and Sumter Counties Evening A weekend daises $16. Tolied o -M wbtsy sciedtd Learn and sttay from homp ~Jte ~ -Affordable ir'ith a vanety of oriors Finance rates (Want4 eaget meWyed) Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9% m I PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 Summer CAL NDAR Thursday, April 14 If you are a widowed per- :son, find support and make ,new friends at the LIFE :Luncheon (formerly L.I.ET), which will be held at 11:30 :a.m. in the Leesburg ,Community Center, 109 E. :Dixie Ave. in Leesburg. : Join us as we celebrate our '8th Anniversary and share in 'the great entertainment pro- :vided by the New Dawn Singers. : The Lunch buffet is $8. :Please RSVP to 787-5421. The monthly meeting of Ithe Sumter County Democrat ,Club will be held on at 7 p.m. ;in Sumterville at the ,Lake/Sumter Community iCollege in the portable class- room. Refreshments will be :served. If interested, please ,attend or call Charlotte Poss 'at 750-5640. :* The Withlacoochee Long- Term Care Ombudsman 'Council will hold its April :2005 monthly meeting at Lake- :Sumter Community College, :1405 C.R. 526A, Sumterville. The meeting will commence with an open session at 12:30 p.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Saturday, April 16 The Nature Coast Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority will meet at noon at the home of Nancy Fenwick in Spring Hill. All active or alumnae members of the sorority living or visiting in the area are invited to attend.. For directions or more information, call Shirley Hartley at 352-637-1319. The Lady Lake Democrats Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Julio Iglesias room at La Hacienda Center in The Villages. Coffee fellow- ship at 9:30 a.m.; program at 10 a.m. The program will be Lt. Col. Dallace Meehan, USAF (Ret) to speak on "Current National and World Affairs." Thursday, April 21 The Sumter County Brain Injury Support Group will meet from 2 to 4 p.m. at LSCC/Sumter Campus in Sumterville. The speaker will be from the Sumter County Emergency Management Services. The group offers friendship, encouragement and resource information. For information, you may phone 352-793-7841. Saturday, April 23 Looking for a way to help honor Mrs. Edwards the South Sumter Middle School teacher who died in recent weeks? Couple announces wedding .W Mon-Sat 7am-8p Sunday 7am-2p ---- - I The I . I .\ k , Staff at the middle school has organized a reverse raffle to raise funds for a scholar- ship in her name. The drawing is slated for 6 p.m. at the Sumter County Farmer's Market. Tickets are $100 each and can be purchased by contact- ing the middle school at 793- 2232 or Community national Bank at 568-2272. Thursday, April 21 The next membership meet- ing of The Vjllages Deutscher Club Inc. will be held 6:30 p.m. 777 .7 at the Churchill Street Recreation Center at 2375 Churchill Downs. Doors open at 6 p.m. Villages residents of German heritage, German speaking, and spouse of same are welcome to join. Guests are always welcome, but are limited to two meetings. Membership dues are $10 per person per year. At the April 21 meeting there will be a short business statement from the president, then a potluck will follow. Bring the dish of your choice - SUMTER COUNTY'S GUIDE TO Going Out BoJack's Potato Shack Under New Ownership Daily Homemade Specials Rib Nights Friday & Saturday (.352)793-1. 02 E-Centr Hill FIi m 616 W Kings Hwy 33 ' 335,gsw Listen to your favorite tunes y ------------ D.J. "Bill The Kid aySeed Cafe Contests, Lots of Fun In WI e FREE BEER FRIDAY In Webster 599N Market Blvd.C i v 352-568-8oo8 I Cory McNeal, of Bushnell, and Rhonda Brogan, of'Bushnell, ,announce their upcoming marriage. The couple will be wed on Saturday, April 30, at the Christian Fellowship Church of God :in Largo. The reception will be held at Countryside Country Club and Golf Course in Clearwater. McNeal is the son of Sarah Elsey and Ronnie McNeal. Miss Brogan is the daughter ,of Mr. And Mrs. Roger Brogan. Place a classified ad in over 160 Florida newspapers and reach over 5 Million readers ior just $450. Place a display 2x2 or 2x4 in 113 Florida newr.-apnr, aIld r"~.ach over 4 Million readers. www.florida-classifieds.coin Sumter County Adult/ Community EducationCenter 1425 CR 526A Sumterville, FL33585 (352)793-5719 GED Class Schedule Sumterville Center Monday & Friday 8-11:00 A.M. Thursday & Friday Morning...............8-11:00 A.W. Thursday Afternoon -12- 3:00 P.iv t Monday Evening 6:30 9:30 P.M Tuesday Evening 6:00- 9:00 P.. Wednesday Evening..................5:30 8:30 P ' Tutoring. Literacy & ESOL I Thursday Evernngs...... .... .... ....5.30 9 30 F.r.I, ii L Head Start Center Wildwood Monday & Truisday Ahernoons.... 3:30 6:30 P.m Villages Charter High School - G.E.D. Prep & Adult Basic Education I Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings...6:00 8:00 P.M. Other Adult/Community Education Center Class Offerings DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE (Points reductio,,,-ii , 1st & 3rd Monday of each month 5:30 9:30 P.M. Pre-Registration required $35.00 D.A.T.E. DRUG ALCOHOL TRAFFIC EDUCATION (Required to receive Florida drivers license) 2nd Monday of each Month 5:30 9:30 P.M. Pre-registration required $30.00 CERTIFIED NURSINGASSISTANT PROGRAM Pre-registration only COMPUTER CLASSES rqird$0 * Beginning Intermediate.* Advanced Internet E-mae * B.O.S.S. (Secretarial skills) GRATIS CLASSES DE SINGLES Clases De Espanol/Ingles L. Los Martes De Las 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. r Maestro es Bi-Ligual Centro De Educacion Para Adultos, Sumterville, FL S Telefono: 793-5719 P?-, ..._"""" -- -- I-- - joyfan DieIn FLEA VIARKET Sat-Sun Bam-neon FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 4/8-14 "\ FRI SAT.- SUN.- WED.- THURS.-\ AMIlYVILLE HORROR R 8:15 1MTHE CURSED P013 9:55 Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: SIN CITY FEVER PITCH Ouertions? l Please call HarolD Soears 863-602-2979 ) or Jody Crews 863-967-0842 -: raIl Er ,.jage arT,i T r, Iru Sahara, Fever Pitch Srecli Ern.ag.err.,rn irru 4 2-4 Amilyille Hoiror Amityville Horror R Sahara PG13 Fri-Sat" 2 25.4 -10. 7 00.9 20 Fri-Sar 1-30. 4 25, 720. 10 00 Sun 225.440 700 Sun 1 30. 4 25 7 20 MonThnurs. 1.45, 4.40, 7.00 MovS.n.Thurs 1 3, 425 7.20 Fever Pitch PG13 Sin City R Fr,-Sal 1 40, 4 15. 705. 9 40 Fr.-Sal: 1.35 -1 20 7 25. 10 15 Sun' 1 40 4.15 7.05 Sun: 1 35 -1 20. 7 25 Mor.Thurs 1410. 4.15 705 Mon-Truirs 1 35. 4 20 7.25 Upside of Anger R Beauty Shop PG13 Fri-Sat: 2:05, 4:45. 7:25, 10:00 Fr,-Salt 155. 5:05. 735 9'55 SSun'205,445, 7.25 Sun 1.55 505, 735 Mon.-Tnurs: 1.50 4 45, 7'30 Mon-Trurs 2 55, 5-20 7.45 Guess Who PG13 Miss Congeniality 2 PG13 Fn-Sal: 2 20, 4.55. 7:50 10.10 Fri-Sat 2-00 5 00, 7 40. 10 15 Sun: 2 20, 4 55., 7.50 Sun 2 00.5 00, 7 40 Mon-Thurs: 2.45. 5 15.750 Mon.Thurs 1 55, 435 740 The Ring 2 PG13 Robots PG Fr.-Sal 7 10, 9 50 Fri-Sat 2 15 4.30 7 15. 9 K*' Sun 7-10 Sun-2:15 4 30. 7 15 Mon-Thurs 7 10 Mon-Thurs 250.500 7.15 Ice Princess G The Pacifier PG Fr-Sal 1 50.4.10 Fri-Sait2.10 4 35.7 45. 10 10 Sun. 1 50.4 10 Sun 2 10,435.745 Morn-Tnurs 2 40 4 55 Mon-Thurs 2 35. 4-45 7 35 4r Mr. Goodnbtiget s r 4 Family Restaurant" . Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm Fri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm. "Best Burgers in Central Florida & 793-8582 Much More" 4f Loae n w .45 BREAKFAST DAILY LIJUlCHI & DINNER uJ. eI. llJ II. -SPECIAL SPECIALS Sout Su-m,,r$1.99 $5.99 .... .. . Good Service...Great Food...Super People Hidden Rivers Resort & The Dam Pub Jeff & Pam conmn April 16th 7-11 PM Apri1 2 LIVE * BELLY DANCING CLASSES THURSDAYS 10-11 :JTrI .j Coming Soon* Full Liquor Bar ," 569-9306 Rotating Bands Outside "Pickin" 4666 CR 300 ALL MUSiciAiS WVELCOMiE i 1 iAM 4Pr.1 Lake Panasoffkee Chinese Restaurant X ALL YOU CAN EAT X ALL DAY BUFFET Hwy Exit 314 S ~Acroms from Wol-Mort Super Center 2082 W. CR 48. Bushnell, FL 33513 Serving Beer or Wine 352-568-7888 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK r l.- r ,-T j r; 1 r r ,- ='p - Frin 11 omr',-lrr, Sun ii uoarr.-Oprr No Personal Checks SVISA Helen's Sports Bar Open 7 Days 4PM to 12AM . Pool Table, TVs \ LADIES NIGHT WED. KARAOKE, 2 FOR 1 BEERS Karaoke Every Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm till midnight BUCKETS OF BEER 5 FOR Sio for 8. Call Gisela 750-0684 for coordination. Everyone is welcome to BYOB. On April 16 we play Bocce at Paradise Center from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.; bring your own pic- nic. For information call Ted 352-259-6073. Pool party June 5 at Laurel Manor. Call Karl 352-259-1706. For more information con- tact Ted Seybold at 352-259- 6073, or Martin Grum at 352- 259-9432. Hitch PG13 Fii-Sai 145.4,50 7.30 10:05 1 45. 4.50. 7:30 Mor. -Thurs 2 30 5 10. 7 55 Lake Square 12 352 787-2807 Lake Square Mail LL Leesburg SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 15 Try it, YOU'LL LIKE IT S rC (FL) TIxE- TUfl, 1D5, -A40 A i .zin ,rrr r ^- IM *' ,,iafc _- ace op q NO NUTm$J t 4"w "Copyrighted Material tSyndicateCdConteht AL I am %Now a 0 S S r Available ab4fl W eoa1n * e~4 *4b *4*m qum a* -* ---o- a-e an a a - S1u aMM 0 -4scow 0 -**C o eo 0O a, e, o a a eamam a oea e S ap a e eo u a0 m qw o o 4D N 400mvr ,,m o4 a m *m a a nO e e ean- C.e S, am -. a** a O n 400 aI 0 0s S e0.. o a e r a n. o a a. 0 0 - aOn 0 a* efl e we-.e E- a-a4 o e es * S * 00 e *~4 __ p __ oWD0 4w a e a a4 4 aE flm40- 400 -qm a a 0 dopow0e4a4mamm 40ea 0 eb b 41 a *b 0e 04w 0 4smnom- SO Oe du- 4DaftO4w 4- ~a-40 o wwe dbo commercial News Providers'. F I/* "* = -- 0 O dw*0 a 0 *4w .-"M o - 41M- _ _- .-a mea - S.. .- a e - r.. *-: ** - * n -. as * ae .- eP a a - we ema eon aen - 0 0 4w -MW4 r Da a *40 4w no 0 * a a a S * Sa g a - - a- - n - -- 0- 0 e a wfl a ae e1 V :. PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 -j~ 1 ur------------ Stwnter TIDBITS -AIJIUL.. -- -~ -~----~ - New 4-year-old Kindergarten Sumter Christian School will be starting a 4-year-old Kindergarten for the 2005-06 school year. Enrollment is now being taken. The school is located in Sumterville, behind Thomas Langley Medical Center. Call 793-2358 for information. Volunteers needed The Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for volun- teer drivers to transport veter-, ans to the Gainesville VA Medical Center Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and be able to pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5129. You do not have to be a veteran to drive. History of Linden books for sale The Linden Cemetery Association reminds everyone of our most recent books, Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. This, is a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232-page, indexed, hardbound edition that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total photographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a donation of $25 and may be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville' Corner; Warneta's Beaut Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowel Public Library, Hayseed Caf Speckled Butterbea Restaurant and Webste Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what ma constitute domestic abuse o concerned that you might b in a domestic violence relay tionship? There's a women support group from 6 p.m. to p.m. on Thursday nights tha meets at Bushnell Library. AARP TAX-AIDE volunteers Volunteers are needed t provide fre6 tax assistance t low and middle income res: dents of Sumter County dui ing the upcoming tax season This is an extremely reward ing experience and volun teers will, receive fre Internal Revenue tax training There are also opportunities for volunteers as client coor dinators and support person nel. AARP TAX-AIDE i administered by the AARJ Foundation and the IRS. For more information on how to join the Sumter Count TAX-AIDE team, contact Terry Allison at 352-746-9985 or tallisol@tampabay.rrcom. Pilot club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Clul of Sumter County meets ever second Tuesday of the mont] at Chuck's Odd Couple Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-relate( disorders and welcomes any one interested in becoming , member. For more information, con 's y 11 n ir y er e a- 's tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank North Lake Detachment 662 The North .: Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance ati Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and 8 collection site third Friday night from 8 p.m. at AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main to 11 p.m. at the Lake Street in Bushnell, is a proud Panasoffkee Community collection site for school sup- Building, located on C.R. 470, plies for Sumter County kids. one block east of 1-75, 1/2 block Please do not delay; drop off north of the. blinker light o school supplies today. across from the truck stop. o Florida Friendly The dance is open to cou- -enly ples and singles. Finger foods r- Landscaping Series appreciated. Sponsored by a. Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter Singles. I- Sumter County extension For more information, call I- agent for residential horticul- 352-583-3740. e ture, with selected guest Support g. speakers, is presenting a s monthly landscaping series Group - that will encompass every- A support group for widows, a- thing you need to know to widowers and divorcees is s have the ideal Florida yard. held every Wednesday at 9:30 p The meetings are the sec- a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee ond Wednesday of each month United Methodist Church. n at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake If you are grieving, hurting, y Panasoffkee Recreation join us. :t Center, West Wing meeting Central Florida 5, room. Topics to be covered, but not Dance Club limited to: right plant, right *The Central Florida Dance place; watering efficiently; Club has a new Web site mulching; composting; fertil- name: dancefla.com. b izing appropriately; managing Admission is still $5 and sin- y yard pests: rain barrels, storm gles and couples are still wel- h water runoff; wildlife, hum- come. s mingbirds and butterflies; If there are any questions. . protecting the waterfront. call Belva Maier at 352-383- e All materials and light 0209.. d refreshments included. Free VIP Support - to the public. , a Phone the Sumter County Group Schedule Extension Office to. register at The VIP Support Group - 352-793-2728. meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and emergency bills will be paid on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave. in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respectively. AI-Anon Group The Al-Anon Group, Joy in Freedom, meets at 8 p.m. every Friday at the First United Methodist Church of Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave. Parking on N. Hopkins St. Contacts are Judy 352-793- 5738; Linda, 352-583-3075; Jeanette, 352-568-0612. Artist! Do you paint? The Sumter County Arts Guild would like to invite you to come join us in our weekly meetings. This is a place to get togeth- er with other artist, to paint and compare notes, to have other artist critique your work, to exchange ideas, to help and to be helped when you encounter a problem. You may be a beginner still struggling, and intermediate' that has progressed in his or her work but still needs the eyes of other artist, or you may be a professional. Oils, watercolor, acrylics, pastels, colored pencils, draw- ing and or pen and ink or whatever style you work in doesn't matter. We meet every Wednesday at 1 p.m., at the Sumterville Community Center' on Highway 301 just north of Bushnell. For more information, please contact Pat Oelslager, 352-568-2908, e-mail roel- slager@cfl.rr.com. Sumter Cruisers The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in or owning classic cars to Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee every second Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night. Bring your old cars. For more information call 793- 3006 or e-mail: jessiewoodard57@hotmail.co m. Lions Club bingo Sumter 44 Lions Club, bingo is held every Friday and Saturday, 818 N. Old Wire Road, Wildwood, starting at noon; $50 games and three $250 jackpots. Call 748-3990 if additional information is needed. Breast Feeding Support Group The Breast Feeding Support Group meets the sec- ond Wednesday of every month at 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bushnell Public Library. For more information call 793-5900, extension 2928 or extension 2959. Books available at the Sumter Campus Library in Sumterville The Sumter Campus Below are some of our new The Politics of Mass Century by Paul Krugman agement work by Robert Wealth and Democracy; A Library is located just east of titles to be enjoyed. Consumption in Postwar The Heart of Change;-Real- Heller Editor-in-chief political history of the the Langley Medical Center The Chastening; Inside the America by Lizabeth Cohen Life Stories of How People Leadership by Rudolph W. American rich by Kevin in Sumterville. The library is Crisis That Rocked the Five Past Midnight in Change Their Organizations Guiliani Phillips open to the public and you Global Financial System and BHOPAL by Dominique by John P Kotter may apply for a borrower's Humbled the IMF by Paul Lapierre Javier Moro Manager's Handbook; Naked Economics; Wealth in America; Trends card at any of the county Blustein The Great Unraveling; Everything you need to know Undressing the dismal sci- in Wealth Inequality by Lisa libraries. A Consumers' Republic; Losing Our Way in the New about how business and man- ence by Charles Wheelan A. Keister SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 17 / REMAfiON R .15TIM -'.! '-in d '0. 2004 CHEVY AVEO MSRP...................................... 10,393 Crystal Savings........................ $2,409 2005 CHEVROLET COBALT 2005 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2005 CHEVROLET COLORADO Lease $ n Dr i *ffor Y1nEr FEI OiE OLW.St OR J Bs i. T S.l * *VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTST iM.,j**m*.i ,^2*, 04 PON1AC 04 FORD 05 FORD 01 CHEVY GRAND AM SE TAURUS SES MUSTANG CAVALIER 4-DR Loaded. Fact. Wananty. #7811P Fact. Warranty. #7727P New Body. $AVEI #N5217A Affordable. Reliable Auto #N5146A *255'.,.. *'258.,m. *386 .. *7,783t I OPH* FIVE STAR 2005AT CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY Lease for Only Resldufl $8,776.0 Lease Is for _Is hS h. e00lDngODPGERMii 500l50,$1 R44E AB ......,.....1... .. ..63,. in-.... -.-...... ...... .--.. .......-_-.$ 2005 DODGE RAM 1500 ST RNG CAB 2005 TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING Bu Wt ;"ff okeCn e0W- e eii- 04 FORD 01 DODGE 04 CHRYSLER FOCUS CARGO VAN PT CRUISER Great on gass. #B50477A Ready to Haul. #7962T Aulo, A/C. #D50540A 111,,8881 &1,988 *13,488 99 CHEVY 03 CHEVY S-10 03 CHEVY 02 FORD BLAZER LT V6. Look only 7725 rniles Auto. TRACKER EXPORER XLS Loaded, Reliable, Affordable. #N5227A #r15256A Auto V6 All Power #2t-4482A L.aded, ati-rdabile reirabile #5e 1 iC 8,876 3,768' 15,793' $15,796 04 CHEVY IMPALA Full size luxury. #D50602A 114,4881 *ir;1 '.^-""^l 02 DODGE 04 CHEVROLET DURANGO VENTURE LS SLT & LTH. #J050216A All Power. #J050563A 14,888' '15,988t 02 JEEP WRANGLER Ready for summer. #7939P hI,888 ;u r1).k d^ 03 GMC 03 FORD 03 DODGE 1500 05 CHEVY SAFARI EXPLORER XLT QUAD CAB 4X4A TRAIL BLAZER Loaded, Affordable. #7915P Low Miles, Clean, Sporty 4786TP Loaded. #N5223A Loaded. $AVE #7958P SN,493 a 16,796 =21,986t $26,382+ tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Phiotos for illustration purposes. only. 7 fM omi . 03 FORD 04 CHRYSLER 05 DODGE 05 CHRYSLER SPORTRAC PACIFICA RAM 300C All Power. 47881P Family Rated. *7880L Rumble Bee. #D50612F "HEMI"I #7930P Z7,988 *19,988t *21,888 MUST SEEl tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50and Includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.A.C.'Dealer incentives subject to change. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. U * DODGE JEEP S352726.1238 oR uma m m I238. 44 West, Inverness NMA4 ,V25"'4 PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 RBIES CLINIC" In accordance with Florida state law, dogs and cats must be vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian. These pups showed up in style for their shots. Photos by Brenda Locklear Crash dummies were unbelted inside this simulator car to show students in Sumter County's Teen Court exactly what happens during a vehicle rollover. Some of the students on hand for the lesson were (left to right) Caylan Chancellor, Megan and Meredith Hayward, Jonathon Aguirre and Robert Tame. Teen Court offers a lesson in seatbelts BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer There's more to Teen Court than determining the fate of your peers. Last Tuesday, teens from Sumter County met up with coordinator Erin Munz, out- side the courtroom. That's where Florida State. Trooper E.B. Edwards gave the kids...a. lesson that sent some'of them home with a lit- tle different perspective to think about in the car, on the way home. Edwards set up in front of the Sumter County Courthouse, using a specially designed car chassis attached to a generator. He flipped a switch and.the chassis began a slow-speed rollover with four crash dummies belted inside. While the loose objects became missiles,, the dum- mies remained in place. Edwards explained to teens that it's impossible to control your body and keep it in place in a crash. On the second run, the two passenger-side dummies were unbelted, and both were tossed around the car and even tossed out the car win- dow. Again the rollover was at a very slow speed. ' Munz said when they returned to the courtroom, kids shared that they didn't realize how they could be thrown from the car. She said they were also talk- ing about all the items lying around the inside of their vehicles. Edwards shared some sta- tistical information with the Florida State Trooper E.B. Edwards gave the kids a lesson that sent some of them home with a little different perspective to think about in the car, on the way home. teens, as well as some law facts. The seatbelt itself, if not properly secured, can act as a razor blade and sever an arm, he said. He said he's investigated various cases, including one in which the car was traveling only five miles per hour and the woman lost her life. In a case where a driver or passenger is not belted in, it's like being involved in three car crashes, Edwards said. The first is the actual crash itself; the second is the crash the body experiences with everything loose in the car. "Everything in that car trav- els at the speed," he said of the speed the car was moving when the crash occurs. He explained that the body also travels to the point of impact at the same rate of speed the car was moving. The third crash is the killer, he said. That occurs when the car stops. The inside oftthe body is also mov- ing at that rate and it's the last thing to stop. Edwards said the internal organs weren't made to move" at that rate and then be slammed to a stop. Citing seatbelt use, he said 71 percent of people in crash- es, wearing seatbelts survive without a trip to the hospital. Edwards also talked about kids about the legal ramifica- tions of not belting up and not insuring that others are belt- ed. He talked about habitual offenders and driver's actual- ly losing their driver's license permanently. For example, he said if an infant dies in a crash and investigators learn the child wasn't secured correctly, they could bring manslaughter charges against the driver. ^^ aafK"'~f The Animal Care Center of Wildwood held its yearly rabies clinic April 2. A huge turnout of pet owners came to take advantage of low cost vaccinations. Proceeds benefited the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. Last Tuesday, members of Sumter County's Teen Court learned the importance of wearing seat- belts, even when a vehicle is moving at a slow rate of speed. They got a short, compact lesson from Florida Highway Patrol Officer R.B. Edwards. That lesson included seeing the results of a vehicle rollover, through unbelted crash dummies. Developments equal big money for city systems People and pooches turned out for the rabies clinic in Wildwood. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer City Manager Jim Stevens said Wildwood is lucky to have three large develop- ments coming into the city. This is because of the rev- enue the city will gain for water and wastewater con- nection and Transmission Infrastructure Extension (TIE) fees, the fees develop- ers will for extending servic- es from the city's systems. Because of the develop- ments, the city is looking at gaining $2.6 million up front in fees and $1.3 million later either upon receipt of build- ing permits or at occupancy. At the April 11, city com- mission meeting, commis- sioners reviewed developer's agreements from Amprop, Inc., Lake Andrew Preserve, and Lake Villas. In TIE fees alone, the developers will pay a com- bined $1.2 million up front if the commission approves the agreements. "With those three big developments, we're going to have the revenue to put those big lines in. We're extremely fortu- nate," Stevens said. "We've got to fund future expansions early on. The hard part is getting the money to do the initial con- struction." He also said the water would need to be available in the next six months. "These people have the money. They're ready to cut the checks," he said. The commission will hold a workshop at 6 p.m. on Monday, April 18 at Wildwood City Hall to dis- cuss the agreements with developers. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 19 I L M Jl- -'.I -m m -c rI rn1 r R SRI LE .J LIS La LJ PO VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTS'TP 01 CHEVROLET CAVALIER '#J050387B $7,888t 03 CHEVROLET S-10 #25231 A $12,488' 04 DODGE RAM 03 DODGE RAM 02 CHEVY 05 FORD F-25C 1500 QUAD CAB 1500 HEMI CORVETTE CONV. LARIAT 4X4 #D50454A #7778P #7792P Diesel -#7954P s19,98W 22,888t 3a8,488 41,4888 tPrices and payments exclude tax. lag. Ille and dealer let of 299.50 and includes all tac-ory incentives, rebates at :customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET "'; 352s7954515 1035 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa I gy it Cnfdece n vey9ysa1QuaifedPmOwedVeicl / 02 CHEVY 04 CHEVY 04 DODGE 01 DODGE GRAND MALIBU LS MALIBU STRATUS CARAVAN a' Affordable. #7722T Fact. Warranty. #7745T Fact. Warranty. #7752T Clean. #25166A am9p~ *. 218 OW.. 220 ... 229", . 04 PONTIAC 04 FORD 05 FORD 01 CHEVY GRAND AM SE TAURUS SES MUSTANG CAVALIER 4-DR Loaded Fact Warrarrnty. 78ilP Fact. Warranty. #7727P New Body. SAVE' NS52i7A Alforiabe Reliable.Aulo #f5146A s255 ,.. 258".... .386." ... *7,783. 99 CHEVY 03 CHEVY S-10 03 CHEVY 02 FORD a BLAZER LT V6, Loo only 7725 mile, Auio TRACKER EXPORER XLS . Loaded, Reliable, Affordable. #N5227A J5256A Aui:. V6 All P er. #24482A LodMd anr.:.rait.i reiiat. e.m 8aiC . '8876,t .3,768" 5,7'93t 15.796' 03 GMC 03 FORD 03 DODGE 1500 05 CHEVY . SAFARI EXPLORER XLT QUAD CAB 4X4A TRAIL BLAZER - Loaded Affordable #7':15P' LOu Miles Clear, Spotty #786TP Loaded. #N5223A Loaded. SAVE. #7958P 6,493 s,16.796~ .1,986' $26,382" tPnces and payments exclude la, lag dle l and dealer lee oi 299 50 and mnrludes all faacory incentives. rebate and customer loyalty. *Pymrrents basel on 72 monins 9 W.A C. See Dealer lor Dela-.I Ptotoi lor ilu tlfr,Or purpo seei only ;i CHEVROLET 352s,637.5050es - 2209Hwy. 44 West, Inverness 04 FORD 01 DODGE FOCUS CARGO VAN Great on gass. #B50477A Ready to Haul. #7962T 11,888t 11,988t L - 02 DODGE 04 CHEVROLET 02 JEEP DURANGO VEINURE LS WRANGLER SLT & LTH. #J050216A All Power. #J050563A Ready for summer. #7939P 4,888" 15,988" .6,888t 03 DODGE RAM 04 DODGE 04 DODGE RAM 05 CHRYSLER 03 FORD 2500 DIESEL DURANGO SLT 4X4 CROSSFIRE SPORTRAC #B50083A #7960P #7894P #J050192A All Power. #7881 P 421,888', 123,4881 $23,988' $28,588 *17,988t tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and tPrices and payments exclu customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. customer CHRYSLER DODGE RYS $^fk*** 352'563*22 05 $ Uncoast Blvd., Homsss -J A' 04 CHRYSLER OS DODGE 05 CHRYSLER PACIFICA RAM 300C Family Rated. #7880L Rumble Bee. #D50612F "HEMI"I #7930P *19,988' 21,888' MUST SEE! Jde tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives; rebates and ' r loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustratin purposes only. LER DODGE JEEPa *, 352*7264238 ' Hw-. 44 West, Inveress 04 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER : Auto, A/C. #D50540A S13,488t I L2 '- '4: PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 SALA LINCOLN MERCIUIL 1. ---..... T KYOU FOR A GREAT MARCH LMEMONTH TiO DEALER LIST $25,290 PROMO PRICED AT... MItMto nt ir AWoNd M.limi 20 IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM &gSK:g 16,995.' Y"V h8 o NO No YES Nw &-lIpnaAulumgi~r Tnd~m4bw Vas785 No NO mmI~aI NO N C5 .0 i~l. M Anfo NO No 1NO NO LFI)TA1N011* -, ,'W5 '-Iw NO NO INo) NO Gql amt 55tp tem, 75 No NO N14 NO NO IOultnmrwv0Ilmm(CC, IV 12113 Illb 1167 1194 W-2 112.6 T0U4 0120SPacIKI(C. IVi 211 161 %. 15A& 154 16 i2s11" ivng olwug I ci hipi s ul.e1 'ov 03 1064 964. Rw Loum 10.145 376 A6.8 368 2 0l OCALA LINCOLN MERCURY 2 DISCOUNT... 000 FACTORY PURCHASE INCENTIVE... $1 DEALER LIST '23,020 PROMO PRICED AT... DEALER LIST '44,135 PROMO PRICED AT... I 100A PACKAGE INCLUDES: W w W * AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING FOG LAMPS ALUMINUM WHEELS * AM/FMJCD POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS PROMO PRICED AT... 1 8,991 8,000 TOTAL SAVIN J-,NEW 2005 I .1NICOINl OR M i!CUiJR IN W ... $W.. OR ,(Excludes Montego& Mariner... These Models Do Not Qualify.) .iOVER TO CHOOSE FROM!: .. l et............ .. .... .. ....'. EW- 2 0 0 5 i .. ... .. .". ..".- ... HER GOVERNMENT S ONLY DUE TO PI I DEALER SUGGEST IS GOOD DAY OF LINES. SOME LU E.. ALL REBATES' SPRING SAVIN S SALE '02 MERCURY COUGAR V6 SPORT STERLING SILVER 35TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. 6-DISO CD STEREO. 17- ALUMINUM WHEELS, LIGHT GROUP. 4 WHEEL DISC BRAKES, DECK SPOILER. FOG LAMPS. PWR OPTIONS AND MORE -MERCURY CERTIFIED. 3627A $12,950 '04 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER LOCAL ONE-OWNER,/NEW LINGOLN TRADE-'~1ITFIlS V6 MODEL IS LOADED. LEATHER CD OALLOY'WHEELS. AND MUCH MORE. 3784A1 S -,.'04 FORD FREESTAR VAN J SPECIAL TWO-TONE CHAMPAGNE AND GOLD. BEIGE LEATHER INTERIOR. QUAD CAPTAIN CHAIRS, FOLD FLAT IN FLOOR 3RD ROW SEAT. DUALA'C. DUAL PWR SLIDE SIDE DOOR1IANDUMORE.. MERCURY CERTIFIED.,12.500 MILES. PX2854 "LIMITED '04 LINCOLN LS V8 LOCAL ONlE-OWNER 9375 LOW MILES EXTRA SHARP AND CLEAN. V8 ENGINE, DUAL POWER LEATHER SEATS. AM/FM/6 DISC CD. SPORT EQUIPMENT.:"SELECT-SHIFT AUTO TRANS KEYLESS ENTRY. HEATED & COOLED FRONT SEATS. LINCOLN CERTIFIED, 3S99A $27,5OOn '03 LINCOLN TOWNCAR SIGNATURE TWO-TONE PEARL WHITE AND PARCHMENT. LEATHER DUAL POWER SEATS WITH DRIVER SIDE MEMORY. AM'FM.'CD STEREO. MICHELIN" WHITEWALLS. NEW LINCOLN TRADE-IN AT OCALA LINGOLN.MERCURY. PRICED RIGHTII 3742A $19 950 '03 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER THE RIGHT ONE1! 4.6L V8 ENGINE. LEATHER, 3RD ROW SEAT COLOR-KEYED RUNNING BOARDS AUXILIARY AIR REAR. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER. AM FM CD, MERCURY CERTIFIED. NEW MERCURY TRADE-IN AT OLM 3629A .,19,950 ,,,.^IAi" felol ^*.A^04 '-^A"^^ '04 FORD TAURES SEL STERLING SILVER WITH LIGHT GRAPHITE LEATHER 6 DISC:CD CHANGER. 24 .VALVE V6, PWR SEAT WINDOWS & LOCKS. REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY ALLOY WHEELS, MERCURYtERT1FIED 6YR. 75K MI FACTORY LMTD WARRANTY. PX2834' $14.950i OGALA LINCOLN MERCURY 407 S. MAGNOLIA AVE., OCALA S, HO URS viewout INVENTORY ON THE WeoiS,- CO, 7 3 2 -2 8 6 6 WWWOCALALINtOLNIW9RCURYJCOM *LL OPFBPS PRICES PLUS PRE-IELIVVRY PACKAGE OP'289, TAX TATAQ, AD OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FEE9. OFFERS GOOD DAY OF PUBLICATION ONLY. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS DUE TO PUBLICATION DEADLINES, SOME UNITS MAY BE SOLD. PRIOR SALES, EXCLUDED. SEE DEALER FOR DEALERS OF CERTIFIED WARRANTY. V -JU .'"-4. $ 2005 MERCURY MARINER .4,A140 14allai P.Ap .11, YU. Uldly MIT Arj jol.,4 ou." h, I 1I tho.op BfDea 1, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005, PAGE 21 I, a 4 a *1 Edo m Am EDIJCA TWN -- X - -. ~ 4 -;P %.0 =% - *0 ~- . * ~ ow -mn 4 *~m -now,- pQ a& m-oaw a - -,4p -w 4 -40 41 do ~ * 4D a ~' w -we h- lka-70= a op-W No = oiCopyrihtedMateria'.- n -- ' - Syndicated Cote-- - o___ sAvailable from Commercial,News Providers PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 _____-_-_---- ------- Fun and GAMES ~AiE ~tm' E~4k A 9 ~ w t w 9,. ~9 AN ___(3it s ~ 1 .9 9 S S -1 LW U.- QM~ A .f4 I r K - Iur 9-3 4D -b 40 SFIN p 'I 0 0 ' U so %..w omma m Imm s m on - "Copyrighted Materie n ~ ._ 1_ _ -ro, oynaicatead content Available from Commercial News P -.. -.W ---* I. s ~1 -ME-4b 4.-. ND.1do - am-o RP db- 0.- -m o 4m ft *UN*mb 41b -_Gbm- -d OF0M t0 *w .p lo -1f a0 b .b -..a %qom t - 4m-f. m 4 * U.b- 0 ~4. - GAMIN. -.Elm 41M40 .w - - w-ofew-- In. -40.-.0- 0 w -NW U W ~ ~ 40 . -I - ow-ow ob 0 how411 me ** - 4w 4_0 - 0 al lso- . mob w o a- -WW 'I -41W U 5-- U = - to va. OM S S,,,N ^2 On 0 qmpmb v qmm 4m I ------- - ---- 'ROW db- --dlMlw-qb ago% 411% V I* qllr lt)4 ^v Iea Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, APRIL 14, 2005 23 RTIAI9U'1 FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad .in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and-you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad' in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to c customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. ADVR TISEM. gT INT All our classified including yours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes. corn Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 HELP WANTED 200-300 SERVICES 300-400 MISCELLANEOUS/ SALE 400-500 PETS 500-600 MOBILE HOME RENT/SALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION ^ J THE HOME STORE a Habitat for Humanity of Citrus - County Outreach, Is seeking Donations of usedble building tr. mrtirialoe h.:.n-r : remo.-j.ellrng oar decorating Items, furniture, and Appliances. No clothing please. Volunteers are needed i :In the Home Store on Monday & Thursday, Store hours are: 9am-5prh Mon-Sat. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness (352)341-1800 S for further. information. FOUND ,lan Mills family portrait and trophy Webster 'area. 352-569-0080 ' DIVORCES $275-$350 'o'Covers children, etc, Only one signature requlredl *Excludes govt. fees S Call weei.:da',,. (. SaiT 'pm', DI force . lecr, E-itacire-a 10'7 S FCAN 1 CALL STANDS BETWEEN YOUR BUSINESS and millions of potential customers. Place your ad In the FL Classified ro.inr:inr3 t jir,...:.[l.' F.:,r J4Ki ,: ur a3 .,.ill e pla.:3 I, I50 pap-.rs Check out our 2x2.and 2x4idlsplay network tool Call Heather Mola, FL Statewide Advertising S Network Director at (866) 742-1373 or'email hmola@flpress.com for more Information, (Out of State Placement Is also avail- able.) Visit us on-line at www.florlda- classifleds.cam' FCAN IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813) ?-2.022 onr send E 9 I.:- Diareti,:. 3102 N. Habana Ave.,, Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN NEW MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIRS- Scooter type, and diabetic supplies at no cost If. eligible. Free dellveryl Medicare or private lr ,i'aric. ,e3C.:,pied We CoriT. I.:, iCJI iLC Mei.11cal 5upplie (888)601-0641 FCAN LET US WORK FOR YOUI SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS CALL 793-2161 , HYGIENIST Bushnell full-time for quality-oriented,, .high-technology family and cosmet- ic practice. Positive attitude. Call 1-352-263-9009 or fax resume 1-352-592-4451 Substance Abuse, Counselors the Centers : ..w.ICounselors f.r Abuse Counselors for our Lecanto Campus and on-site at an alternative school, This position Is responsible for providing Individual & group therapy to children & adults. BA Degree In the field: of Human Svcs reqd with a mln of 1 yr related exp, Salary range is $26,000.-$29,800. Vac/slck/hollday/ med beneflts/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or e-mall resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us -=SaleHis ASSISTANT MANAGERS SImmediate openings for Wlldwood and Belleview frulft and gift stores, CAllI Mark at 209-6144 CASHIERS AND FRUIT BAGGERS Immediate openings for Wlldwood and Belleview fruit and gift stores, CAll Mark at 209-6144 Bucket Loader Operator - ROBBINS MANUFACTURING Position requires one year experience with bucket loaders. Must have a valid Drivers Li- cense. Knowledge of traffic laws, ordinances, and rules Involved In heavy equipment operation required. M F, 7am 3:30 pm. To apply, visit our loca- tion at 13904 SR 471 Webster, FL 33597 and fill out an appilcation, fax resume to (813) 972-3980 Attn: HR or e-mail resume to openlngs@robblns lumber.com CARPENTERS & HELPERS Must have tools & transportation (352)793-6832 call between 3pm & 6pm Drug Free Work Place CITY OF BUSHNELL APPRENTICE LINEWORKER The City of Bushnell Is currently accepting applications for the S position of APPRENTICE LINEWORKER, Applicants must meet the following requirements:; Physical strength and agility to climb poles and perform heavy manual work under Inclement weather conditions. Demonstrated ability to learn skills and knowledge requlrenments of a Journeyman Line, Worker, Including routine construction, maintenance and repair of both overhead and underground electric distribution systems. High School graduate orGED. Class B commercial drivers license, Ability to operate heavy equipment desirable. This position also provides support to SWater and Wastewater Utilities. Any Interested party should Inquire at and submit an employment application to, Bushnell City Hall, located at 219-N Market Street, Bushnell,. Florida; telephone 352-793-2591. The position is open until filled. EOE/ADA Concrete pumpers and laborers.. No experience needed 568-2749 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, NExcavators.. Next Class: May 9th -National Certifica- tion Financial Assistance -Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Trainlng Services www. atsn-schools.com Owner/operator looking for dependable drivers. Clean MVR. $600-$800 week. Home every night. 352-457-6289 Plant Operations Tech the Centers Is seeking a Plant Operations Tech for our Lecanto Campus to assist In maintaining the Interior/exterior of the Center's structures & vehicle maintenance repairs. Knowledge of basic carpentry, plumbing, electrical, & use of power tools. $809 to $9.11/hr. Vac/slck/holiday/ med benefits/401K DFWP/EOE Fax or .e-mail resume to HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us LET US WORK FOR YOUI SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS CALL 793-2161 Rinker Materials FCS St. Catherine Quar- ry, a division of Rinker Materials Corporation, is currently seeking the following personnel immediately. Equipment operator. Must have good com- munication and writing skills. Must be willing to, work overtime and some weekends. Expe- rience is not required but preferred. Laborer to assist in plant clean-up and other various job duties. Must be willing to work over- time and some week- ends. We offer excellent pay and health benefits in- cluding Health, Dental, Life & Disability Insur- anceK,401K, Profit Shar- ing, Bonus Plan & Tuition reimbursement. Appli- cants should apply at FCS Quarry Office at 3919 CR 673 Bushnell, Fl. 33513 EOE/DFWP CUSTODIANS wanted South Sumter High. 40-hour outside posi- tion, 35 -hour inside po- sition. $8.37 hour. Plus benefits. Call Larry Jew- ell 793-3131 Dental Assistant Bushnell full-time for quality-oriented, high-technology family and cosmet- ic practice. Experi- ence desired but will train the right person with posi- tive attitude.. Hiring Bonus offered. Cal 1-352-263-9009 or fax resume 1-352-592-4451 DRIVfRS NEEDED Full or Part Time CDL Class A Dedicated Florida To Michigan Weekly Auto Transport. Health, Vacation, 401 K American Transport 1-877-869-7364 MAINTENANCE PERSON for buildings & grounds Bushnell Call 8-5 (352)793-5718 Now hiring for the following positions for our Pilot Travel Cehter at 493 E State Route 44 In Wlldwood, FLI *Shift Supervisors* *Cashiers* Join Pilot and receive: Competitive Pay Life and Medical Insurance Opportunities *401(K) Must be flexible in schedule. For immediate consideration, call 352-748-4486 between 9 am 9 pm and ask for the Manager on dutyl EOE PILOT... A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! ROOFERS/ SHINGLERS Exp Only. Paid Vacations, Benefits, 352-347-8530 A COOL TRAVEL JOB NoW hiring (18-24 p.,.:.lior) Gu, .Ga; 10 ., P.ilo a nd Ii.3,,i erilire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging furnished, Call today, start today (877).646-5050 ,FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT E .elletrr pay & benefits for experienced drivers, O/O, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer. (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN EARN DEGREE online from home *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid If qualify. (866) 858-2121 www.tldewatertech online.com FCAN FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT SYSTEM includes standard installation 3 months free50+ Premium Channels, Access to over 225 channels Limited time offer, S&H Restrictions Apply. (866) 500-4056 FCAN 0/0 DRIVER- FFE The F/S Is higher herel $1.02 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600.referral bonus, Base plate provided. No truck no problem, low cost lease purchase, (800) 569-9298 FCAN S/E & 3-STATE RUN: T/T Drivers. Home week- ends. Mileage pay, benefits, 401 K. Trainees welcome. Miami area. Exp, req. 23 min. age/Class A CDL Cypress Truck Lines (800) 545-1351 FCAN, #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine Hd. You approve locations, $10,670 (800) 836-3464 #B02428 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995, (800) 814-6323. B02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS ***-20051 Never repay For personal bills, school, new business, $49 billion left unclaimed fr6m 2004. Live Operators! (800) ,606-6081 Ext. #75. FCAN LOANS BY PHONE Up to $1,000 In 24 hrs, No credit check Bank I Account Req. (888) 350-3722 www. paychecktoday.com FCAN MORTGAGES, REFINANCE OR PURCHASE. No Money Down. No Income, low rates. All credit considered. (Higher rates may apply) No mobile homes. (888) 874-4829 or, www.AccentCapital .com, Ucensed Correspondent Lender C/'AMl ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE ULicensed & Insured "No Job To Big or Small!" "Free I tir .i,r : ' E'u- ive iruyc Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 r*-----i Beckelheimer I TREE I I SERVICE I '* BUCKET TRUCK I STUMP GRINDING I LANDSCAPING I 793-5949 I Top Shape Beautify YOur Trees --- ---m I R We=IN.1I HURRICANE DAMAGE? Also Home Repalrs & Additions, Deck Designs/Screened Rooms Let Ralph design ItlUcensed & Bonded. Call Ralph: (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Serving Croom, Bushnell Lake Panasoffkee, Ridge Manor HURRICANE ROOF DAMAGE? Also Home Repairs & Additions Licensed & Bonded Call Ralph: (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Serving Croom,1Bushnell Lake Panasoffkee, Ridge Manor SPA, 5 PERSON,. Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300, Sacrlflce $1425. (352) 346-1711 SPA. MUST SELL 7 person Deluxe. Never used, Includes cover, Will deliver. Full warranty. Can finance W.A.C. Payments under $100 per month. In a hurry, Call (800) 980-7727 FCAN ESTATE" MERCHANDISE AUCTION *THURS. APRIL 14* 4000 S. Fla. Ave. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: 4 PM AUCTION: 5 PM 1983 Lincoln Cont, 78K ml."Campy mo- I tor home" Contents from 3 homes, plenty of tools, See www. dudleysauction.com DUDLEY'S AUCTION (352) 637-9588 AB1667 AU2246 I 12% Buyers Premium 2% disc. cash/check BUILDING SALE "Built to Last/Priced to sell" Economical all steel arch style. Best for wind/snow. Many sizes/ 'shapes, Pioneer (800) 668-W22 Since 1980 www.ploneersteel., com FCAN METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer, 20, colors In stock with all accessories, Quick turn around Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS- EZ BUILD AISC Certification, Office/Warehouse, Shop/Garage, Arena/ Barn, Hangers, A plant nearyou! Will beat any price or $205. (800) 993-4660 www. unlversalsteel.com FCAN . STEEL BUILDINGS- Factory Deals Save $$$ 40x60' to 100x200' Example; 50x100x12' Is $3.60/sq.ft f (800) 658-2885 www.rigidbuildlng. coam FCAN -U BRAND NEW COMPUTER Bad Credit? No ProblemI You're approved. Guaranteed. No Credit Check. Checking account required. (800) 507-4855 Blue Hippo Funding, Call now for free bonus, FCAN YARD SALE ' April 15th and 16th 211 N. West'Street. Bushnell YARD SALE Friday and Saturday. Household items and clothing. CR 319 off W-C 48 four miles west of Sonny's " WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save] Full Body units from $22 a month FREE Color Catalog. CALL TODAY (800) 842-1305 www. np.etstan.com FCAN Wood lathe and accessories $125; 6-inch delta joiner vari- able speed $90; miter saw with extension ta- ble $125; air compres- sor $75; 3-wheel bike $50. 352-793-6299 Want to Buy Small or Medium Size lot w/ Sno structure. Call (727) 734-8550 1983 Two-horse steel trailer. Solid, partly refurbished $1,250. S352-793-3824. Over 3,000 home and property listings at WWw. ncchomes.com oai RIP ,-U. Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com 5 Acre Mini-Farm. Lg 4/2, Lots of scrubs. Won't last long! Call (352) 795-6085 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. cam Over 3,000 home and property ' listings at www.ncchomes.com 3/2 on 1/2 Wooded Ac. on Paved Rd. $2,500 dn, $625 monthly. Call (352) 795-2377 4/2 on 114 Acre on' Paved Rd. Fireplace, Galley Kitchen.$2,500 dn. $568 monthly. Call (352) 795-1272 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 baths on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway, $2,000 down $575.68/mo W.A.C. 352-621-0119 Beautiful 3/2 on % Acre. Frnt. porch. Huge eat-in kitchen. $1,500 dn. $675. Monthly. Call 352-795-8822, LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 OWNER MUST SELL! 1 acre land/home package. 3/2 with full appliance package, under warranty. Beautiful property nice & quiet, decks, driveway. Must seel $5,000 down, $586.40/mo. P & I .W.A.C. Call to view 352-621-9183 - 54' 5" e..e- Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. comr . Over 3,000 home and property listings at "- k Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. 'corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes It illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference,, limi- tation or discrimina- tion," Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing. custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination-call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired Is 1-800-927-9275. eCUA' HOUS!t;il OPPORTUNITY SUMTER COUNTY! Oak Hill. New 1 to 21-acres. Pasture and wooded. Financing. Bro- ker/Owner.' 1-352-330-0022 Over 3,000 home and p -)perty listin s at www.nc somes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com ACROPOLIS MORTGAGE *Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 -g Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.nCchomes. comr Over 3,000 home and property listings at ' www.ncchomes.com Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes: corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com -I. Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. coam Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of Western NC mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www. cherokeemountain realty.comCall for free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slipl High elevation beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000 AC recreational lake In TN. Paved roads,. u/g utils., central water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 608. Sunsel Bay, LLC FCAN Over 3,000 home Over 3,000 home and property and property listings at listings at www.ncchomes. www.ncchomes.com cam Over 3,000 home Over 3,000 home and property and property listings at listings at www.ncchomes.com www.ncchomes.com VACANT LAND WILDWOOD BEAUTIFUL EQUINE ACRES 10 or 20 acre homesites priced at $24,500 per acre, OBO. Right Off Villages Expansion, New.1-75 Interchange. Call Marc 1-561-945-9036 DIR: Take CR 475 to NW 102nd BLVD To Entrance to Equine Acres k t Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida aU4itL A Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment 352-787-1988 352-787-3029 6 00 7787 09!0,4 19"" -09 , [3475 US Hwy "I F ruitland lark Across frem Wal-Mart Sine 94 Central Florida's Premiere Matt riftictured Home Sales Center 24 Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, APRIL 14, 2005 F- r f re[- T COASTAL GEORGIA . Water access, marshfront homesites. Gated ommunlty, tennis, golf, kayaking & canoeing. Preconstruc- tlon discounts, limited time. From Id-70's (877) 266-7376 www, cooperspolnt.com FCAN LAND WANTED Land Investment company seeks large acreage In Florida and Georgia. Interested In waterfront, timber and agricultural lands. Must have road frontage or good access, Cash buyer with quick closings. Call (877) 426-2636 or email: landyetlveg@aol.com SERENE MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITE $230 mo. Upscale golf community set amid Dye designed 18 hole course in' Carolina Mountains. Breathtaking views. Near Asheville, NC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Teaching Facilltyl Call toll-free (866) 334-3253 ext 832 www.cherokeevalley sc.com Price: $59,900 10% down, balance finance 12 months at 4.49% fixed, one year balloon, OAC. FCAN 5 LOTS ON THE WITHLACOOCHEE RIVER Approximately 2 acres, $300,000 for all firm. 813-918-8652 -U Mix Match 30-foot aluminum quickload Float-on triple axle trailer. 22-foot Stamos Cuttly Cabin hull. Both $2,200. 352-793-3824. 1990 ChrisCraft Seahawk 120 HPJohnson, trailer. Nice package $4,500 735293-3824 633-0414 SCT Notice to Creditors PUBLIC NOTICE. IN-THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005CP000071 IN RE: ESTATE OF VESELINA G. HRISTOVA, Deceased.- rNOTICE TO CREDITORS TrE ,. lTl i,' : I1"., E .' l :.I eveseiina G Hrlstova, deceased, whose date of death was May 30, 2004, and whose Social Se- curitv Numbr is 6.3?-76- : i c 1- in., -:.r .: un,. C .' .i r, r IB'-^.. :.l jl. , "TER F.' MOtHS -. , ,,-l tf I :l 11-' .V ', r ,N LATER OF ,ONrTHS F TER THE TIr.E OF THE FIAkT PUBLrGATirli OF THI: jOTiCE :AR l:l V DAI' EF.;ICllE OF A .:.O#, CF THI-. riC ,CE i Ora T- HEr..I decedent arnd other persons having claims or a demands against decedent's estate 'must' file their claims with this Court WITHIN* 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. : ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE' AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Date df first publication of this notice is April 7, 2005. Personal Representative: -s- VladImir Hrlstov 7725 CR 48 West Bushnell, FL 33513, Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- Felix M. Adams Florida Bar No. 358282 138 Bushnell Plaza-Ste. 201 Bushnell, Florida 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) t;.MRe ' the Sumter Countyt Time April 7, and 14,'2005. 649-0414 SCTea : Sumter County.. School Board Closed Session 4/19/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School Board will meet in closed sAssion for the purpose of considering student expul- sions on Tuesday April 19, 2005, at 4:00 p.m. in the FSumter County School2 Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. i 35 Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, April 14, 2005. 616-0421 SCT . PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application Sfor Tax.Deed TAX DEED #3915 Notice is -hereby given that,; ARCHIE L. COLLUM, TRUST, the holder of toe following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate number and .year of Issuance, the de- scription, of the property, and the name in which it was assessed are as fol- lows: Certificate No. 488 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: THAT PART OF LOT 1 LY- ING W OF FWN R/W AND THAT PART OF N 1/2 LOT 5 LYING W OF FWN R/W IN RUTLAND ADD TO COLEMAN OR140 PG 507 Parcel Number F35D002 SEC 35 TWP 19 RNG 22 Name In which assessed: -JAMES A. NELSON Said property being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida., Unless such certili- cate shall be redeemed ac- cording to law the. property described In such certificate shall be sold to-the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be ap- plied to the sale price at the time of full payment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this March 28, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times 'in the Sumter County Times, March .31, April 7, 14, and 21, 2005. 647-0421 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Billy L. Ball PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 2005CP-000080 IN RE: ESTATE OF BILLY 1,. BALL, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of. BILLY L. BALL, deceased, File Number 2005CP-000080, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representa- tive and the personal repre- sentative's attorney are set forth below. - All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice is served must file their claims with this court WITH- IN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the decedent's es- tate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is April 14,2005. Personal Representative: CHRISTOPHER W. BALL 3510 E. Foxwood Ct. Inverness, FL 34452 Attorney for Personal - Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON Florida Bar No.: 176505 Post Office Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, S ril l l r-1 .'l n OO' 1 .,, 650-0"414'SCT '-. BC,',a rr. nh ii ir i -.julr , ;.;,, ,,- *r,. Tuesday, April 19 ,2005. at 6:00 pm. ,r- : 18I C' : -'"r, -, '.rlBii - tB',h r, i,: r-,,, -Ih, l r.IT| Arl.rl 14 iIu" 632-0414 SCT Er3-s: .,'l Hi,-', F n S,'lT r.mr PUBLIC NOTICE t] THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIF'-H JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IrI AtlIFOk EUMTER C-OUNIT, FLORIOA . PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 2005-CP-000043 IN RE: ESTATE OF , HENRY K. SHERMAN, - Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Tr.e a5,T.,r.ilralj.-,n of-the -.iali- Al HENRY K SHER- MAN, ..:ea-sed, whose date of death was February 6, 2005, and whose Social Security Number is 200-03- 1521, is pending in the Cir- cuit Court for Sumter Coun- ty, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 209 N. Florida Street,. Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the Per- sonal Representative and the Personal Representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands' against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this no- tice is required to be served must file their claims with this 'court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE- OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM.' All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. " ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 7, 2005. , Personal Representative: JEFFERY SHERMAN P.O. Box 870 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- LAUREN E. MERRIAM, III, ESQ. Blanchard, Merriam, Adel & Kirkland, P.A. Post Office Box 1869 Ocala, Florida 34478 . Telephone: (352) 732-7218 Published two (2) times In the' Sumter County Times, April 7, and 14, 2005. To place your Legal Advertising in the Numwh3ilEnf call 793-2161 619-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3918 Notice is hereby given that, CAROLYN PALMER, the holder of the following certif- icate has filed said certifi- cate for a tax deed to be is- sued thereon. The certifi- cate number and year of Is- suance, the description of the property, and the name in which It was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 782 Year of Issuance 1997 Description of Property: LOT 43 BLK A WITHLA- COOCHEE HEIGHTS ALSO AN UNDIVIDED INT IN FOL LOT 70 BLK A N 150 FT OF E 200 PT BLK H LOT 19 BLK E OR 132 PG 151 Parcel Number L13B043 SEC 13 TWP 21 RNG 20 Name In which assessed:., HORACE MELVIN & SHAIRL OWENS Said property being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such certifi- cate shall be redeemed ac- cording to law the property described in such -certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be ap- plied to the sale price at the time of full payment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this March 28, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Bec) Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, March 31, April 7, 14, and 21, 2005. 617-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed .TAX DEED #3916 Notice is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. I COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year* of issuance, the de- scription of the property, and the name in which it was assessed are as fol- lows: Certificate No. 519 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: LOTS 8 9 10 BLK C POIN- SErTTA PARK PB 2 PAGE 33 Parcel Number G05L028 SEC 5 TWP 19 RNG23 Name In which assessed: ERROL & VIOLA THOMAS Said 'property being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such certifi- cate shall be redeemed ac- cording to law the property described in such certificate .shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be ap- plied to the sale price at the time of full payment. Witness my hand and off!- i ';l ,Wlorit.UR 1Hs. llar i b ..B^ lfa.r-.Ho,-ra CepljT,0 Cler. ir,6 .url r C.:'.u,'l,, "TTf.r r1 r.:n 31 AprI 1J ,rp 643-0421 SCT E't3f t,",' Aft r, j :,'ra PUBLIC NOTICE li THE CIRCUIT COuJRT FOR SU.L1.TE C LOujIT, FLORIDA FiROBATE DiviSiOli FILE NO. 2005CP000058 ifj RE ESTATE -CF MARY J POLAND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Trim aOITlll'll rl ri r 0t ther n estate of Mary J. Poland, deceased, whose date of death was \ December 20, 2004, and whose Social Se- curity Number is 006-24-. 7883, is pending in the Cir- .cuit Court for Sumter Coun- ty, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513.. The names and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representative's at- tomey are set forth below.' All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims 'or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of .this no- tice Is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERI- ODS SET FORTH IN SEC- TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 14, 2005. Personal Representative: CORILEE DEMERS 269 Cross Town Road Embden, Maine 04958 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- L. LISA BATTS, ESQ. Florida Bar No. 751881 L. Lisa Batts, P.A. 55 East Osceola Street Suite 100 Stuart, Florida 34994 Telephone: (772) 287-1883 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, April 14, and 21, 2005. 615-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3914 Notice is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM, TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be Issued thereon. The certificate'number and year of Issuance, the de- scription of the property, and the name in which it was assessed are as fol- lows: Certificate No. 536 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: BEG AT SW'COR OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 RUN S 89 DEGREE 59 MIN E 731.02 FT- TO POB RUN S 89 DE- GREE 59 MIN E 210 FT N 0 DEGREE 04 MIN W 210 FT N 89 DEGREE 59 MIN W 210 FT S 0 DEGREE 04 MIN E 210 FT TO POB LESS W 1/2 OF ABOVE DESC PARCEL Parcel Number G06-096 SEC 6 TWP19 RNG23 Name In which assessed:, LEROY WILLIAMSI Said property being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such certifi- cate shall' be redeemed ac- cording to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be ap- plied to the sale price at the time of full payment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this March 28, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in. the Sumter County Times, March 31, April 7, 14, and 21, 2005, 618-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE rNolice of Applicanon for Tax Deed TAX DEED /r3917 DJuescriponl o Pro irt i ARCHIE L- COLLUM TRUST ir. r. .i, 1 in. r Sl,C. lW Cj ..n,II:i |- t rT 1 81V s''d ,:vnlllC ,lv I':'l I,' deed i,:. |j i;j T, v rv.-r, arI ,:,, T,,i -:,1 I r, , a r, 'i i 3, r ,, vn :r, i WT TO POB.LESS Descrlpllon of Property" COMM AT NJW COR OF S 112 OF NW 1/4 S 89 DEG 59 MiN 41 SEC E 16.59 FT TO S 89 DEC 59 MIN 41 SEC E 667 FT 01 MIN 13 SEC W 1326.62 FT N 89 MIN 21 SEC W 66699 FT N 00 DEC 12 SEC E 1326.56 FT TO POB LESS ACROSS THE S SIDE THEREOF Parcel Number G06-187 SEC 6 TWP19 RNG23 Name In which assessed: ABUBAKAR A. MENSAH Said property being In the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such certifi- cate shall be redeemed ac- cording to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00,A.M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the 'time of the sale, to be ap- plied to .the sale price at the time of full payment. Witness my'hand and offl- cial seal on this March 28, 2005. " Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) tlmes In the Sumter County Times, March 31, April 7, 14, and 21,2005. against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint. This Notice shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the SUMTER COUNTY TIMES. WITNESS my hand and official seal of this Court on this 8th day of April. 2005. GLORIA HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar As Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, April 14, and 21, 2005. 656-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BIDS SURPLUS DIRT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sumter County offers for sale SURPLUS DIRT which has resulted from the re-construction of C-468 located between US 301 and SR 44 In the Adamsvllle area. The dirt is located at ap- proximately six locations In piles within county right of way on the north side of CR 468, Sumter County will accept sealed bids to purchase the entire quantity of surplus dirt on the ground, which Is es- timated at 7500 cubic yards. The dirt Is offered "as is." There Is no guarantee or war- ranty as to the condition, use or make up of the dirt. Sumter County will not be liable for any damages that may result or occur from the use of sold dirt. The bid must be a lump sum cash bid. The successful bidder shall pay the full bid amount In advance. All of the dirt shall be removed within 6 months of the award of the bid. Access to the dirt shall be by paved driveways from CR 468 to the right of way and along the right of way to each pile of dirt. As each pile Is loaded and removed, the bidder shall grade the area and grade any ruts caused by the removal process, Any sod along the paved driveways or CR 468 damaged or destroyed shall be replaced by the bidder. The dirt may be Inspected prior to submitting the bid at. the locations set forth above. Bids must be received by the Board at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, not later than 5:00 p.m. on April 26, 2005, marked sealed bid "Surplus Dirt Bid". Bids will be opened In public session on April 26, 2005. The Board reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive formalities. The public Is invited and encouraged to bid. Dated this April 12, 2005. Board of County Commissioners Sumter County, Florida Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, April 14, and 21. 2005. 646-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A Public Hearing before the Local Planning Agency/Zoning and Adjustment Board of Sumter County, Florida will be held on Monday, May 2, 2005, at 6:30 P.M. in Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell,. Florida to consider the following applications for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Sumter County Future Land Use Map. CASE NO.: SS2005-0008 APPLICANT: Marvin George Dumeny GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 30.1. East on SR 44. Proper- ty is on the south side of the road approximately 150 yards west of the Sumter/Lake County line. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 19S, Rng. 23E: Beg 573.74' N OF SE COR, OF NE 1/4 OF SE.1/4 RUN S 89 DEG 27' 13" W 976.03' N 0 DEG 4' 9" SEC E 640' M/L TO SW/LY R/W ST RD 44 S 75 DEG 45' 46" E TO A POINT THAT IS 208.08' W OF SEC LINE RUN S PARALLEL WITH SEC LINE 208.08' E PARALLEL WITH R/W SR 44 208.08' TO SEC LINE S 180' MOL TO POB LESS BEG 577.61' N AND 976.03' W AND 315' N OF SE COR OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 RUN N 306.82' MOL TO SW/LY R/W OF SR 44 SE/LY ALONG R/W 215.25' S 251.89' W 208.71' TO POB LESS HWY 44 R/W. PRESENT AND REQUESTED LAND USE CLASSIFICA-' TION: .? ..,:miulu'a il :..::.T.T 5I .:n.r. a.:r. : r.1 ,L CASE NO.: SS2005- 0009 APPLICANT: Roe Properties, Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell/Beville's Corner area: East on C-48. Property ap- proximately 1/4 mile west of SR 471 on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 less R/W. PRESENT AND REQUESTED LAND USE CLASSIFICA- TION: Agricultural to Rural Residential on 9.29 acres. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commis- sioners at-a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 6:00 PM in Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. These applications may be inspected at the Division of Planning & Development office, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Room 324, Bushnell, FL on Mondays through Fridays, from 7:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Any person who wishes to attend these meetings and re- quires assistance may call 352-793-0200. APPEAL: NECESSITY OF RECORD: In order to appeal the Board's decision in this matter, a verbatim record, of the pro- ceedings is required, The Board assumes no responsibility for furnishing said record? / Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, April 14, and 21, 2005. 648-0414 SCT SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT TO PUBLIC LAW 120 THE SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSES TO ADOPT REVISED SCHOOL BOARD RULE: SUMMARY: STUDENT PROGRESSION PLAN REVISION SPECIFIC: LEGAL AUTHORITY 1008.25 ECONOMIC IMPACT: NONE AVAILABILITY OF RULE DRAFT: A COPY OF THE RULE REVISION MAY BE REVIEWED IN THE SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE DUR- ING NORMAL WORKING HOURS FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. A COPY OF THIS RULE MAY BE OBTAINED FOR THE COST OF PRINTING. IF REQUESTED, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON MAY 17, 2005 AT 6:00 PM. IN THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE, 2680 WC 476, BUSHNELL FLORIDA. /s/ Richard A. Shirley Superintendent of Schools Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, April 14, 2005. 630-0428 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY FLORIDA FAMILY LAW DIVISION CASE NO.: 2005-DR-000273 DIVISION: CIR IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF A MINOR: JORDAN BROOK STEPHENS DENNIS D/O/B 05-17-96 NOTICE OF ACTION AND NOTICE OF PETITION FOR RELATIVE ADOPTION TO: MARGARET ANN MCCORD DOB: 04/06/1975 Caucasian, Female Blue eyes, brown hair, small build, 5 foot I Inch tall, approximately 117 Ibs. Residence: UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Termination of. Pa- rental Rights Pursuant to an Adoption has been filed, and you are required to serve a ,copy of your written response, if any, to It on Mary L. Greenwood, Esq., 619 E. Lumsden Rd.,.Brandon, Florida 33511, Petitioner's at- torney, within 30 days after the date of first publication of ths- notice. You must file your original response with the Clerk of this court, at the address below, either be- fore service on Petitioner's attorney, or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the Petition. Clerk of The Court I j.l-.rr.-Ill .:1.3 J.. i NOTICE OF PETITION AND NOTICE OF HEARING A Verified Petition for Termination of Parental Rights has,! been filed. There will be a hearing on this petition which will take place May 17, 2005, at 9:00 A.M., in front-of the Honorable William H. Hallman III, Circuit Judge, at the Sumter County Courthouse, 225 E. McCollum Avenue, Bushnell, Florida 33543. The Court has set aside fifteen (15) minutes for this hearing. UNDER SECTION 63.089, FLORIDA STATUTES, FAILURE TO FILE A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE WITH THE ; COURT OR TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING CONSTITUTES-, GROUNDS UPON WHICH THE COURT SHALL END ANY,, PARENTAL RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING THE MI- NOR CHILD. PARA TRADUCCION DE ESTE FORMULARIO AL ESPANOL'. LLAME A LA OFICINA DE INTERPRETES DE LA CORTE, AL . 352-793-0211 DE LUNES A VIERNES DE 3:00 P.M. Y 5:00,, P.M. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation In order to participate in this proceed- ing, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provi- sions of certain assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, 225 E. McCollum Av- enue, Bushnell, Florida 33543, Telephone No. 352-793-0211, within 2 workings days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice Impaired,,, call 1-800-955-8771. DATED this 30th day of March, 2005. GLORIA HAYWARD', CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT , (Circuit Court Seal) -s- Margaret Tarver, Deputy Clerk,, Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times,-, April 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2005. 676-0414 SCT Notice of Action Green Tree Servicing, LLC vs. Lucille J. Oliver, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2005-CA-000041; GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC., Plaintiff, vs. LUCILLE J. OLIVER, CHARLES F. GOODE; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, Unknown Tenant(s). Defendants) NOTICE OF ACTION To: Charles F. Goode RP.O. Box 492804 Leesburg, FL 34749 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Replevin Complaint has been' filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to: Joseph C. Russo, Esq. 3708 W. Euclid Avenue ., Tampa, FL 33629 on or before 30 days from first date of publication and file the original with the Clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff'(s) attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. The personal property proceeded against is described as.- follows: 1996, Fleetwood/Chadwick Manufactured Home with Serial Number FLFLT70A24240SK21 & ' FLFLT7OB24240SK21, Stove, Refrigerator, A/C WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on March 16, 2005.1Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Sto By: -s- Susan A. Stellar Deputy Clerk.) Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, 31, April 7, and 14, 2005. 631-0428 ST -' PUBLIC NOTICE -' IN THE Cir. li.iiT ,-.. .i r -F..r THE FIFTH 10C.rI -L. CIRCUIT z .- x i -I F i:. 'i,. r l -i :.'. N f t, -L :_ .l,- . FAMILY LAW DIVISION CASE NO.: 2005-DR-000273 DIVISION: CIR il IE THE ADOPTIONOF A MINOR: JORDAN BROOK STEPHENS DENNIS ? _- j 651-0421 SCT Notice of Action .-,U i.- ',r F'ir. -,i.: ,II:' I'Tt.: 'r I -r: l. ulI. hL O T' IE.- .t l PUBLIC NOTICE -.':i J -r r iL.f i CEIJFP L ..IIjrIlT iCTI'r I DI' liiClr I ,- -:I: i.I f :I:" :i. Iu ll 1 i) HOUSEHOLD FINANCE C.-.rI:'i -i :.Ir i il 3 CD l- l'.J.. l- -:..rJ lll.:.r.-l .:.rl l l irlld r vs. LOUIS W.'KEEDY, et., al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE TO: LOUIS W. KEEDY, LAST KNOWN RESIDENCE 1346 COUNTY ROAD 443, LAKE-PANASOFFEE, FLORIDA 33538, CURRENT PEIDEtlCE UNKNOWN, AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES ,H-,. 1.1-. CLAIM AS HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EE"? :GriEE.- CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, SUCCESSORS IN lfI:'ll--f ; .:-iHEr I: IlIES CLAIMING'AN INTEREST IN 1-E *I .'uJE-.:-i rr:r., BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST SUCH PERSONS) AND ALL HAVING OR CLAIM- ING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROP- ERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on action h'a ce-r. commenced to foreclose a Mortgage on the rn.:. ir.g real property, lying and being situated In Sumter Coun- ty, Florida, more particularly described as follows: LOT 12, BLOCK 0, TRAC(Y'S POINT, 6TH ADDiTIOr, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD THEREOF AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 9 OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. This action has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defense, If any, to It to Carl M, Sugarman, PA, whose address Is 9700 South Dixie HIghwqy, Suite 550, Miaml,. FL 33156, on or before thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice of Action and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either on orbefore Mdy 16, 2005, or Immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered D/O/B 05-17-96 NOTICE OF ACTION AND NOTICE OF PETITION FOR RELATIVE ADOPTION TO: PAUL BRYAN STEPHENS JR. DOB: 07/31/1969 Caucasian, Male Blue eyes, bonds hair, medium build, 6 feet tall, approxImately 210 Ibs. Last Known Address: 1325 Wilkinson Drive, Plant City, Florida Residence: UNKNOWN ,YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Termination of Pa- rental Rights Pursuant to an Adoption has been filed, and you are required to serve a copy of your written response, If any, to It on Mary L. Greenwood, Esq .619 E. Lumsden Rd,, Brandon, Florida 3351.1, Petitioner's at- torney, within 30 days after the date of first publication of this notice. You must file your original response with the Clerk of this court, at the address below, either be- fore service on Petitioner's attorney, or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default ,will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the Petition, Clerk of The Court 225 E. McCollum Avenue Bushnell Florida 33543 NOTICE OF PETITION AND NOTICE OF HEARING A Verified Petition for Termination of Parental Rights has been filed. There will be a hearing on this petition which will take place May 17, 2005, at 9:00 A.M., In front of the Honorable William H. Hallman 111, Circuit Judge, at the Sumter County Courthouse, 225 E. McCollum Avenue, Bushnell, Florida 33543. The Court has set aside fifteen (15) minutes for this hearing. ,UNDER SECTION 63.089. FLORIDA STATUTES, FAILURE TO FILE A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE WITH THE COURT OR TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING CONSTITUTES GROUNDS UPON WHICH THE COURT SHALL END ANY PARENTAL RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING THE MI- NOR CHILD. PARA TRADUCCIbN DE ESTE FORMULARIO AL ESPANOL LLAME A LA OFICINA DE INTERPRETES DE LA CORTE, AL 352-793-0211 DE LUNES A VIERNES DE 3:00 P.M. Y 5:00 P.M. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodotior I-. :.rds I.,:. participate in this proceed- ing, you are -r.rme,r- ai r,.-:. cost to you, to the provi- sions of certain assistance, Please contact the Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit CI. 11-i i.i :r. 2-5 E. McCollum Av- enue, Bushnell, Fcriic .:'.- : Telephone No, '35I?-2.'ai.n2 .vlthin 2 workings days of your:recelpt of -r.I: J.:,,urr.er.i If you are hearing or volce Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. DATED this 30th day of March, 2005.. GLORIA HAYWARD C LE I' .I f CirFuJli CC il-DUP (Circuit Court Seal) , -s- Margaret Tarver UDeur, Ci, 1. Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, April 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2005 . 691-0421 SOT Notice of Action Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, etc. vs. Jessica Gregory, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IrJ THE CIRCUIT COURT i.F THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA iJ ArtD FOR SuMTER COURT. T, CASE NO 200.OCA.261 DEUTSCHE BAirK rIATOIJAL TRUST COMPUtY' AS TRUSTEE OF AR"GEET SECURITIES ItiC ASSET BACKED PASS-TH-OUCH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2003Wj5 UNDER THE POCSL0I,2G S SERVICING AGREEMEliT uiTED AS OF OCTOBER i 100': WITHOUT RECOuASE vs. SJESSIC4GREGOima e i .,... D-lend ar," I NOTICE OF, ACTION TO JESSICA GREGOR'"' anrd uNrKJC.Wf SPOUSE OF JESSICGREGOR, LS Irnown .aos~su 1.484 S. W 69TH ROAD BUSHIELL FL 3 3i3 SIft alive, and if dead all parse: clamirwn ineri.rer be Ir.rc.ugn under or against JESSICA GRECGO%' ari ____ UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF .ESSiCA GREGORY .'nd all pani5e1 hdr.ing or caiirr.;,i, ri,.a..- .,n r n igri a ,i .Ci erCsT r. n Ir, proF.eTy ,eCsLnDear.rr, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: - LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 5, BUSHNELL PARK PLAT NO. 28, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORD- ED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 131, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. .has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Lisa M. Rog- ers, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 951 N.E. '167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 either (choose one) _ (a) within 30 days after the first publication of this notice, or (b) on or before April 31, 2005. and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; oth- erwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 24th day_ of March, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar As Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, contact the Clerk of the Court's disability coordinator at 352-568-6628 209 N FLORIDA STREET, BUSHNELL FL 33513. If hearing impaired, contact (TDD) via Florida Relay System. Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, April7, 14, and 21, 2005. 652-0414 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SUMTER COUNTY SOLID WASTE REGULATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Solid Waste Regulation Advisory Committee will hold its fifth meeting to begin consideration of regulations concerning Class I landfills In Sumter County. - The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. In Room. 327, Third Floor of the Sumter County Historic Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting or to be heard at the meeting should call 352-793-0270 to make any special arrangements. Notice is given If any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Committee at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not pre- pared or furnished by the Committee, The public Is invited and encouraged to attend. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, April 14, 2005. 655-0414 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER COUNTY ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that.the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County will consider the en-, actment of a County Ordinance on the following sub- ject: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17 SUMTER COUNTY CODE, SECTION 17-1, TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS, PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR THE COUNTY TO PROHIBIT HEAVY TRUCK TRAFFIC ON COUNT/ ROADS;: PROVIDING FOR SIGNAGE: PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY AND EXEMP- TIONS: PROVIDING FOP SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING OF ANlY CODE PROVISION OR ORDINANCE 11N4 CONFLICt WITH IHiS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND SqRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE.' ..... The Public hearing Is scheduled as follows: .Date: April 26,2005 Time: 5:01 p.m. Place: Board Hearing Room Second Floor Sumter County Courthouse Bushnell, Florida 33513 Entry to the courthouse offer 5:00 p.m. Is through the - - East door. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any spe- cial arrangements, Notice Is given if any person desires to appeal any ac- tion taken by the Board at the above hearings, a ver- batim record of the proceedings may be necessary and Is not prepared or furnished by the Board. ' Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. A copy of the proposed ordinance Is available by con- tacting 352-793-0200 and Is available in the County Commission office located in Room 206, Sumter Coun- ty Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Dated this April 12, 2005. Gloria Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Jan Kirkpatrick Deputy Clerk Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times,; April 14, 2005, 654-0414 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County, Florida, at a meeting held at the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell, Flori- da, on the 12th day of April, 2005, adopted a Resolu- tion closing and vacating the following described road, right-of-way or easement: All of Wildwood Blvd. lying West of Primrose Blvd.; all of Alder Ave. lying West of Primrose Blvd.; all of Willow Av- enue lying West of Primrose Blvd.; the North 60.00 feet of Primrose Blvd. lying between Lot 1, Block 7, and Lot 9, Block B; all of Lilly Place lying North of Foxwood Ave.; that portion of Evergreen Blvd. lying West of the South- erly projection of the West right-of-way line of West- wood Blvd.; that portion of Westwood Blvd. lying North of the Westerly projection of the North right-of-way line of Basswood Drive, all being part of WILDWOOD COUN- TRY ESTATES, PHASE 1, as per plat recorded In Plat Book 4 Page 48 Public Records of Sumter County, Florida., renouncing, disclaiming and closing and vacating any right of Sumter County, Florida, and the public In and to any land or Interest, therein as to the above de- scribed property. , This action shall not be final until 30 days from the date of this publication. Any interested party shall have the right to request a re-hearing by the Board during the 30 day period. Upon submission of proof of misrepresenta- tion or mistake of substantial, fact or other error, the Board may reverse the decision to close the. road and dismiss the petition,, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 'i. ir li r 1'-U IT. F, .: ic-, : -S-J-, : "- r':i, ',31. r,ejl T,.i,-, Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, April 14, 2005. 629-0414 SCI .- l : .r , C.-rr.3yr t l. it ace r. ..r cvrJ.:.r. etc. '. :"..'... c,, .r' -ii ci_ i PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE .,. I .ii5 ., *:. I iHI : H.1i JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, I -1 i r, i: iE.'.:.:.rifri. FLORIDA S. CI 'IL Dr '1cIrl CASE NC .1,0 i. -- , H I -I i I l.:.i". :- -:-E ..:,r- f. |O N 0 6 IHH r.1'-',l-i._;^,-i ;:-. ,':.l:-. (. 1 '*l 1.3r. i rr vs. i . r.',*E .- F F. 1E -1r1-1 ,_ u r ,E -- .it _- -iC..lf, I H il ": .i, il' "Er IHI: .i.ir i, l:o l-Eri Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Motion and Or- der Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 24th day of March, 2005, and er,-t+,j in Case No. 200J C- 1 0- of the Circuit C.:.urn cr 1I.- 5TH Judicial. Clii.,ul ir., nd. for EurT,. r .r : rr.jr Fl.:.,i.33 ..r.,-r.hi , CENDANT MORTGAGE ,-,.i:il:'-ii',lJ I:' HH M O RTGAG E i1:1 i,- i: i. Ir y.- Iair.'IIr a ,.a .:,CC ,IE. RATCLIFF;. A ilif'U'i -[ u Ii F.I1-EL h.-ilLIFF ': L PAMELA S. RATCLIFF; JO'-HI i ;- ',riE. --TCLIff :i.- 1 ii .i.i. BANK; JANE DOE; JO i-n I:" I r. L .I : I ,.Lf:F -&',' PAMELA S. RATCLIFF; 1.'_,HI I L:I,-- i,:riE : .C:."I "- II. KNOWN TENANTS) III f ,:'l I :.' TH- :i. -I'I Sumter County (FL) Times Thursday, APRIL 14, 2005 25 K- - PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the WEST FRONT DOOR, OF COURTHOUSE ON FRIDAY at the Sumter County Court- house, In BUSHNELL Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 22nd day of April, 2005, the following described property as set forth In said Final Judgment, to wit; LOT 8, OLIVE PALM SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled persons who, because of their disabilities need special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinator at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513 or Telephone Voice/TDD (904) 793-0215 prior to such proceeding. Dated this 29th day of March, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Wanda Mdrray Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times-in the Sumter County Times, April 7 ,and 14, 2005. 644-0421 SCT It.: ri,: :, Action Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., etc. vs. Dalsha Haines, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CA-000339 UCN: 602005CA000339XXXXXX MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR DECISION ONE MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC MIN NO, 10007791000694923, Plaintiff, vs. DAISHAHAINES, et al,, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO : I : H 1[I E , -.3'1 t r : .. ,-i 3 Wildwood, FL 34785 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that. an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following' described property in Sumter County, Florida: . UNIT NO. 202 IN BUILDING 110O 21 IN, SANDALWOOD' CONDOMINIUM ACCORDING TO IHE DECLARATION OF, CONDOMINIUM THEREOF RECORDED IN OFFICIAL REC- ORDS BOOK 220 PAGE 184, El SEQ. OF iME PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTEP COUNTY, FLORIDA' TOGETHER WITH ALL APPURTEINANYCES THERETO. INCLUDING All UINDIVID. ED INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS OF SAID CON-. DOMINIUM AS SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATIONt has been filed ..,ir '.1 ,.: 3r.I3: ,:j 3- r- J...-.3 1i. serve a copy cT :u. ,.rr I-, ..,r Ir, i r:. 11 . SMITH; HIATT & Ii-_ ,'rrin .n:,-, hose ad- dress Is 2691 Ear ,:'. :i.,,3 Fi -, .':,j- 313 Suite 303, Fort Lauderdale ui.:..ii3 :':':i. r. 33 from'first .1 :.I .r..rI.: :.-, 11 i. r nr.e- : 3_ri inr, the Clerk :.- ]r,r ..,:,j,1 _n ,- i ".-i.:r ,"i I:- .:.r, i h-r.iin attorneys or immediately -r. n -, ,:r, rr, i .3 a -i..-3Jilt will be -ri.-, .j3 irr :..j for the relief demanded' In the. :,:,lTip ,31 ,- ,i'.; n i:. r.lr :,1, i . DATED on April 5, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of the'Court' (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s-Susan A. Stollar .As Deputy Clerk Ir, ..: .. 3.3r- ,. i- tr,- -,r,.- ..: ,-,. .ir, 1 l..31 :.ila,l Yct I L: .-. r 3 .. D-:31 0i :. Ti. :..3la, :i:r.. to C~ail.. ip.is r r. I. -: : 311 r, .._, *:. i rr. erk r : .j. i r..i i r.3,, r .3 E,. ,, ., .3 i .:.' to I, i,- _- ,. ,:' :.3i-. .i 3 r ni- iJiT -.r-i :.uj-,r, :, :,J r,:1. .Tel=- Published : '. tines in the Sumter County Times, April 14, 3r.a : ... . 645-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING Te Sjumri.r C.:.,u.rr Zoning &. u ir:l r,ri E.:..rd ..i rio.i a Put.i..: H .ainrg ai 6:30 PM, Monday, May,2, 2005., ....:.,, 3-'- Suier Cu.'.,, Curir..:ui. -. ni Florida St.,. Bush- r ell o Fir i..a i.:.: .:.,r .ar i' -,u:U 1*i : .' comprehensivee plan ,marrier,. T i vri, .' uonnr.g iTi,.:.rir, usm pirr nI .', r.. . All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours in ad- vance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286:0105, if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record may in- clude the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. . CASE NO.: R2005-0046 Marvin George Dumeny GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 301. East on SR 44. Proper- ty is on the south side of the road approximately 150 yards west of the Sumter/Lake County line. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sep. 24, Twp. 19S, Rng. 23E: Beg 573.74' N OF SE COR OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 RUN S 89 DEG 27' 13" W 976.03' N 0 DEG 4' 9" SEC E 640' M/L TO SW/LY R/W ST RD 44 S 75 DEG 45' 46" E TO A POINT THAT IS 208.08' W OF SEC LINE RUN S PARALLEL WITH SEC LINE 208.08' E PARALLEL WITH R/W SR 44 208.08' TO SEC LINE S 180' MOL TO POB LESS BEG 577.61' N AND 976.03' W AND 315' N OF SE COR OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 RUN N 306.82' MOL TO SW/LY R/W OF SR 44 SE/LY ALONG R/W 215.25'S 251.89' W 208.71' TO POB LESS HWY 44 R/W. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 7.9 acres MOL from C-3 to CH. CASE NO.: R2005-0047 Roe Properties, Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell/Beville's Corner area: East on C-48. Property ap- proximately 1/4 mile west of SR 471 on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 24. Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: NE 1/4 of SW,1/4 of NE 1/4 less R/W. REQUESTED ACTION ;:.r, r '- ..,.:.' r.I.:.L i'.:.r, ':2 to RR1C. The recommendations, of, the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commis- ;,:,e. ai Pu.blic Hearing to be held on Tuesday, May 10, ".r'i: Si 6 01.1 r, in Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. CASE NO.: T2005-0019 Garry L.& Karen L. Hinton GENERAL LOCATION. ,r a r W,,:-. C.Jr Property approximately two T.,le. .'."- irn. :|1- ,,:,, t l, Ir,.. : ,3 ,LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 18, Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: iComm at SE cor of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 run N 53.10' to N R/W line of CR 476 for POB; N 150 W 60 S 150' E 60' to POB & N 150'of S 230.10' of W 20 ol NW 1A4 o1 SE 1/4. REQUESTED ACTION: TT..>:, r, i.i;. P.-..I. i'...r irree years to allow a 5th wheel I.:.. a .: n. ,,:-,.-. .';e..er,,:- r CASE NO. The Villages of Lake-Sumter, Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: VILLAGES: North on US 301. East on C-466. South on BUena Vista Blvd. West on Bailey Trail. Follow to St. Charles Place and turn east. South on Southfield Drive. ,,-r,I :...-, r, i.. j,-r,-e r,. Property at the end of street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lol 258. Un.i 99. Tne Villages of Sumter, PB 7, PG 14-14C REQUESTED ACTION: Variance to allow for a 19' setback vs. a 20' setback. As time allows, the Zoning & Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local .Planning Agency, may hold a workshop dealing vm ir, r ,. !,..,:-. i :. ,r r, ..g uilih.:ir, 5rnd ..i lal. mTan. ,: Ir]. hr,il.:.,-, i .i' r.1.r., Tls- .::.,w ,E ':.r ." w.rh, ir..- Sum ter C ~ ."''r, .sOi ~. i : .* P r :m...r.;i .5.L-.elupm-i. S ',l.i- CC U<.r, i: -.11nr.,:u. jm II n.:.n.3a :1.-^I Fliom 31:4 bu:Nrll. , l. 5.3 Ths- r..,' : F.I ., :-m r -l .J t'.r r.1 -" Ie nours of ,.bI..j two 2P1 t e i t S t .:.rC'.r. rr.:'j Fri 11a, Pujt.l;hdJ two (2) times in the Sumter C.:,ur.r, p.rI i r,,m 7-1 Push the Blue .. Star Button '"-., *: -* ,, ".W l t. * PAGE 26, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2005 RECEIVE A MINI VACATION 5 DAYS 2 NIGHTS WITH PURCHASE- OF ANY --NEW OR PnRE-QWNED VBE ICLiE FRiOM INVENTORY THIS WEEKEND! While Supplies Last X0JL%&J %'1lk Automatic Air ~Condlitioning .. Sienna^ Rear Air COnOaltloning 7 Passenger A More ^ e ^SK a-L e h_ F e aketerighttohtread ity,,i lt, ,@Youlyaire fO hitearitofafairandcomp'l, pri, forsalaandser.i , ,Li ihI jt Y '*ou haetheghtheseiprodaudserviesnhoutfeelingptear a'ler*therordommuntadcon. , ehlele Must HaeAll Service & Repairs Perfbe& d At Deluca oyot uhave the rh 1 Pompliete fil eformahu0ftl knimledgedle, *ompaent and cooper ativeasaff ae the righ/to' rtrfei n n and p f Must Follow Factory Requred.Service Schedule. Fou have theighta prompt and efientales and se eiene Rhgenui e cnernforyouri. Jhave the rightoedusto keqpour pro OVER 650 -VEHICLES AVAILABLE! 1. WHAT'SMY PRICE 2.WA'SM AYET REGISTER FOR To Be Given Away! OVER 200 PRE-OWNED VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM! HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION! Tlhe Best New Cars Make The Best Used Cars! 6Yr. /100,000 Mile Limited Power Train Warranty' Toll-Free Call For Service 24 Hours A Day ,96 Yr./Unlimited Mileage Roadside Assistance /160 Point Quality Assurance Inspection t From the original date of first .se when sold as a new vehicle. J J W!! 0 o e~t GO '00 GMC JIMMY SLT '$3 MfIUMSNMW BI AMfII,7, AC.I'si rm,FW -cn~o ,iFur AIVFN,arsl.s, F Sud-I.,.P .7IN Cocu. i-..s WAS ,*6I-P alE I0.IluIs WSWAS WAS WAS WAS WAS .8,090 VUS3* '."' 1029 ggg 9109 V3..225'1,39V 'i_2,99pi3.4[2,89 9j 43,4 99 'O2HJIDA LX '2~ '3 0 O~ Y WAS WAS WAS i WAS I WAS I WAS I WAS 1 WAS,4WAS 11su'Ii X'0L um '1314mw.21f- :su'hA3uis'2 9 AS2gp 14MF I ,'bl A MIT R 6-ri. Cnj.a ., P.-ra iu S (, .. l -Srtag WAS Is WAS WAS okaw -,m 1.ff p'5 '14,472o w~.A64O'4,501 '3 'r O Y T A C '0 3 T Y -- .I O YO. -D R' T WWS '0--OOAljR~O 4OO MOY1A PM V8uu~ .,pMPm u.,ua WASw ~~ As oai-o'1446980 WAS 40,6 899 I LOCATION:1 1/2 MILE EAST OF PADDOCK MALL 1719 SW College Rd. Ocala oosf-2sso ALLu.0 E 3'HP ELECT IEHICiLE F-Su TA4r f A-'. llf tITLE6$9%0EALR ;EE WITH AFrf RO.Eu CAEfijr FI`,TUJE' ARE FORuILL i tiiI ONi, f "5-EE DEALER uRG LE FAILS *A aup PAMENTA; &AN.E-:,'Iad d6 05 LEASE WI; 10001,'Or- ') BEAX-N K C*:REA E.uiAEC i;A MIL3ES ER fEPR AtD T% TG d-RE GIT AAp Ali 0r:-M'U.I s WO urANFtEE; ALL PAICEL BAcED j fd -%* "A _&Irju-: ,, %Yu-:-Ar: A PRi.E;. 9 LE PL .u5 4A Tiu'ia.Cu'suMEn :IELE-II[EDDY-1l0?riSC VR CANftR3Cn Er j Ei IENura CO'dr..70cfFI AvinirM a/ T HER tEFI DE4 .6 Tair I.EtAAEt- -1163ill.AEa TECA--A m 64C- 7 DA6 "k-ArPICE-L-AA.ANitt Mu" irE E AME C.lf.IT CUL l;CQ.IPPE OJEHMICLE %ER AE R.EP l TE FiGHTO PuRij mPM E TH AIT b-l.:| ,:ELL ir6-' K, i:C.l AT ALEt ;HAR PI;'CE I delcatoyta*co BRMD NEW- |