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Established 1881 SUMMER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 14 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ............11 Church ............. .6 Obituaries ........... .7 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits ............. .17 THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 20051 It's Relay for Life weekend This is the weekend! The weekend for fun and laughs - for entertainment and honor- ing survivors. It's the weekend for Sumter County's annual Relay for Life- slated to take place at the Sumterville campus at Lake Sumter Community College. The 18-hour campout is Jam-packed with things to do and people to see. The event Wildwood creates police user fees AMANDA MIMs Staff Writer .Wildwood residents may pay an additional $5 a month for police protection when 1hey pay their utility bills. Recently, the Wildwood City commission unanimously approved a new ordinance to charge a user fee for police services. The fee will be used to pay for three new police officers, estimated to cost about $150,000. The proposed $5 fee will be tacked on to the monthly util- ity bills of Wildwood resi- dents. City Council members agreed to the levy because current property tax assess- ments only provide $600,000 in revenue for the city while the budgeted amount for law enforcement is more than $1 million. Wildwood Police Chief Don Clark said the potential posi- tions the additional revenue will provide will greatly bene- fit the police department. "This will give us extra cov- erage on patrol, more man- power on the st reets," he said. "We actually lost one man last year when a grant ran out. He was a school resource officer, but we used him on the road too." All i3 law enforcement offi- pcers, including the police chief and investigator, work road patrol. :Clark also said that during the last year, citizens have become more active in report- ing crime and suspicious activity in their areas, and the department has provided the extra coverage they request "But when we obligate a cer- tain area for more officers, we're lacking in other areas of the city." He said through the last several years, the police department received 1,000. Please see FEES, Page 2 is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. If you don't plan to camp out and haven't taken part in a team, that doesn't mean a thing! You can still come out on Friday and Saturday for the fun. This year's event chair is Gidget Gibson, of the Sumter County Clerk's Office. She's leading the pack with event co-chair Julie Pacheco. What exactly does that mean for A residents who'd like to drop by for R some of the fun? This year it means 34 teams putting' on the fun - from an evening talent show to chal- lenging each other in contests. The evening begins with a survivor's reception, where more than 4 100 cancer sur- vivors will be hon- ELAY ored as the event R LIFE kicks off. Registration for survivors is at 4:30 p.m. Campsite set-up is 3 p.m. and open- ing ceremonies are slated for 6 p.m. The Reels are on at 7 p.m., donating their musical talents to the annual event. Their appearance has become tradi- tion at the Sumter relay. She said they have 'A great night of fun and activities planned for all ages." A talent show will showcase a variety of talents from all the teams and then.from midnight- to 9 a.m. games are slated for every hour, Gibson said. The game fun ranges from THE HUNT IS ON Photos by Brenda Locklear Easter eggs, Easter eggs everywhere! There were plenty of goodies to be found at Magnolia Woods Assisted Living when pre- kindergarteners from Webster Elementary School dropped by for an Easter egg hunt on Wednesday, March 23. The race was on as pre- kindergarteners from Webster Elementary scooped down for an Easter egg search. Three classes filled with students jumped from the porch at Magnolia Woods Assisted Living and headed across the lawn In search of Easter eggs. Doug and Julie Summerlin hosted the event with their four daughters. Magnolia Woods can provide assisted living for up to six residents. Hospice dedicates future facility SAMANDA MIMS wonderful thing for them to butterfly encounter and fa( Staff Writer name it after my dad. It makes painting, and lots of opport it that much more special." nity for socializing and rela There were plenty of people ing. But that didn't prever S... April 2 was a happy day for there to celebrate, in the very the staff from continuing wit ce Lu- x- ant th "good old fashioned musical chairs" to Hula-hoop chal- lenge, "Name that Tune" and more. There'll be a Dress-Up game, where teams will be given a bag of items, which they must use to dress up one team member for show. There'll even be a wet T- Please see RELAY Page 2 Dark tint leads to drug charges AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer A Lakeland man was arrest- ed Sunday in Wildwood on drug trafficking charges after more than 34 grams of cocaine and 20 grams of mari- juana were discovered in his vehicle. Wildwood Police Officer Cliff Adams stopped a driver, Mathis Leroy Walker, 26, because of the dark tint on the windows of his vehicle, said Wildwood Police Captain Eddie Reeser. Upon approaching the vehicle, Adams detected the scent of burnt marijuana, Reeser said. Adams got permission from the suspect to search the vehi- cle and offered to help the handicapped Walker by retrieving his wheelchair from the back of the vehicle, Reeser said. Adams then noticed a bulge in the man's right front pocket, the shape of which was consistent with that of a pocketknife. When Adams asked about Please see ARREST, Page 2 Times wins 8 editorial awards It's been a winning week for the Sumter County Times edi- torial staff. On Monday, the Times was informed that the newspaper won six awards in the Florida Press Association 2004 Better Weekly Newspaper Contest The competition includes entries from newspapers throughout the state. The Times will receive the awards during the Florida Press Association Annual Convention held in June in Key West The newspaper won awards for general excel- lence and front-page makeup. Editor Bob Reichman won an award for humorous column and shared an award with Times Correspondent Martin Steele for community service. Please see AWARDS, Page 2 Photo by Amanda MIms Relgan Robinson, 20 months, gets a boost from family and friends while she looks around at the hospice dedication but- terfly encounter. the people of Hospice of Lake and Sumter both because of' the celebration of their future Sumterville building and, because of the dedication of it to a well-liked and respected figure in the community. "We are very proud to be able to dedicate this house to Lane Pu'rcell," Hospice Chief Executive Officer Pat Lehotsky told the crowd of several hundred people. Purcell, who was the owner of Purcell Funeral Home, died early this year in a vehi- cle accident His son, Justin Purcell was honored by the dedication. "He was always a big fan of Hospice," he said earlier in the day. "It's just a place the new 8-room facility "We are very proud to be able to dedicate this house to Lane Purcell," Hospice Chief Executive Officer Pat Lehotsky told the crowd of several hundred people. will be built; on two acres off U.S. 301 in Sumterville. There was food, music by the Hospice choir, children's entertainment that included a serious work during the event One major goal that day was to spread information about two bills in the house and sen- ate that would allow for-profit hospices. "In this particular instance, not-for-profit is the way to go," said Community Relations Manager Julia Allen. 'A not-for-profit can provide such comprehensive services the for-profit can't provide." She said because of the nature of the business, a for-profit would be limited to providing services covered by insurance whereas places like Hospice of Lake and Sumter provide services based on Please see HOSPICE, Page 2 PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 AWARDS continued from Page 1 Staff Writer Brenda Locklear won an award for news writ- ing. Times Cartoonist Michael Osbun won an award for orig- inal local editorial cartoon. Late last week, two editorial awards were presented to the A crowd of several hundred people turned out Saturday- for the- -dedication of the proposed A crowd of several hundred people turned out Saturday for the dedication of the proposed ARREST continued from Page 1 the object, the suspect attempt- ed to conceal it by placing his hand in his pocket, Reeser said. He said Adams removed from the suspect's pocket a clear plas- tic bag containing about 20 grams of a green leafy sub- stance, which was later con- firmed to be marijuana. Walker was then taken into custody for possession of marijuana. Reeser said the vehicle was searched and officers discov- PhotoslAmanda Mims Abby was one of several therapy dogs present at the Lane Purcell Hospice House dedication event on April 2. Her owner, Corliss Elmore of Webster, is a Sumter County Humane Society volunteer and hopes to start bringing Abby to see hospice patients in the near future. Barbara Daulton, a Hospice nurse, gets a butterfly painted on her face by "'Stardust," who is also known as Helen Starost of the Villages. Starost can often be seen in costume entertaining residents at Hospice. HOSPICE continued from Page 1 need, not ability to pay. "'Every dime we get we roll back into the community for patient care." They managed to distribute information about the bills and surveys to about'one hun- dred people on Saturday., . Overall, though, the mood of the occasion seemed to be one of satisfaction and accom- plishment Executive Director Ted Williams said they've raised close to $500,000 for the build- ing so far, and only $1.5 mil- lion more needs to be raised. "Through the philanthropy in this community we can do this in the next couple of months," he said. Among. others who spoke there was Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite, who used her short time on stage to express gratitude to the peo- ple of Hospice. "These are the most com- passionate people in the whole wide world," Brown- Waite told the audience. For more photos of the Lane Purcell Hospice House see Page 11 RELAY continued from Page 1 shirt contest, but Gibson's quick to point out, it's family oriented - teams will have to race to move a wet T-shirt from the front of the team to the back over their heads. In the early morning get ready to strut it's time for a good old Rooster crowing contest and bad hair day challenge! Gibson said they'll have a scavenger hunt, a dance medley and a disc jockey Stereo Steve on all night with music and fun. Like the Reels, Stereo Steve is donating his time for the event You can "Twist," "Chicken Dance" and more! "We're very excited about the youth participation this year," she said, pointing out that they have 11 teams. Each of the two high schools have three teams, Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School has two teams, South Sumter Middle School has two teams and Webster Elementary School has one team. The luminaria ceremony is just at dark and more than 350 loved ones who have passed on will honored with the candle walk. : If you're hungry, there's plen- ty to choose from. FEES continued from Page 1 calls in an average month, but that number has since gone up by 50 percent and appears to be increasing, every month. "They're stretched pretty thin right now," he said. Wildwood city commissioners and Mayor Ed Wolf also saw the need to generate money for city law enforcement "Even though we're a town with less than four thousand people, we're. responsible for every car passing through the city," Wolf said, including traffic generated by the nearby Villages. . "I think this would hurt the residents less this way than any other Way we could address the problem," he said. "The only other method of doing it would be with ad valorem taxes. We could double them and not gen- erate enough money." Wolf explained when the idea was discussed at budget ses- sions last summer, the commis- sion talked about a five-dollar monthly fee, but the actual amount would have to be passed by a resolution made by the commission. "That 40 or 50 percent of folks Gibson said they've got sever-, al "diners" open and the treats available will range from cheese fries and root beer floats to bar- becue ribs, chicken and chili. -. In the morning, teams will have breakfast specials avail-. able, with grits and bacon and egg sandwiches. Aside from food, some, campers will have cookbooks, purple hope bracelets and other items for sale. One team is even working on a dance and karaoke. Gibson used to work for Leesburg Regional' Medical Center and originally got involved through the hospital.. But since then, it's become, more personal for her. "I lost both my father and my. grandfather to cancer and I have an aunt and a grandmother who. are both survivors of cancer,"-' she said. Money raised from the event' and from items sold at the event~' is passed on to the American Cancer Society. The agency uses the funds to provide assistance to cancer victims. That means providing everything from infor- mation and transportation to wigs and prosthesis. Some of the funds are also used for research in battling the disease. Each of the 34 teams gathers . $1.000 to donate, along with any special effort they make to add to their total. who aren't paying anything in taxes toward police services...are basically getting a free ride," he said. 4 Wolf said there hasn't been any resistance from .residents, and he didn't expect any. "When you consider five dol- I lars to hire three additional peo-. ple to make the city a safer . place, it's not that much money,"' he said. "I don't think five dol- lars will hurt anybody. I think, we're being very fair." Wolf explained that this. will affect about 2,300 'people who have utility accounts for city water, sewer, and trash services' but not those who are served outside the city. It's estimated" that user fees will bring ii'- $12,000 per month. "I don't know when the corn-' mission will decide to impose this," he said, but when they do "we could improve law enforce- ment in the city. We could spend more time in those areas of con- cern." Wolf said the ordinance requires that this revenue be used solely for new positions, so it could not be tised to supple- ment existing ones or for any purpose other than law enforce- ment - "We may be on the cutting edge of this," he said. "I don't know of anybody that has structured it exactly like we:' have." Lane Purcell Hospice House. avow Sumter County Times in the , Landmark Community- Newspapers 2004 editorial awards contest. The Times' parent company presented the awards in Lexington, Ky. : Reichman won a first-place ; award for excellence in edito- rial writing. Reichman and Times Correspondent Martin Steele shared a second-place award for community service writing. ered a bag containing 22 grams of cocaine and 12 small bags containing a total of 12.5 grams* of crack cocaine. Twenty-nine small empty plastic bags were also found in the vehicle, Reeser said, along with cash totaling $292, which police confiscated. "Those amounts (of drugs) are not common during a traffic stop," Reeser said. Walker was taken to the Sumter County Detention Center on charges of trafficking cocaine more than 28 grams and possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $52,000. SUMTER CouIlTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 3 - Poli Wednesday, March 30 Jacob Cardona, 28, Bushnell, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended or revoked. Bond was set at $500. Raymond Hampton, 20, Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended and failure to appear. Bond was set at $3,500. ,Matthew Strickland, 22, Oxford, was arrested for domestic 'battery. No bond was set 'Eugene Lowe, 28, Oxford, was arrested for possession of paraphernalia. Bond was s&t at $500. Thursday, March 31 'Andrew Pegg, 43, Webster, was arrested for driving while license suspended or revoked, possession of mari- jitana and possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $1,500. Arturo Alvarado, 34, Bushnell, was arrested for possession of methampheta- mine, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of short barrel shotgun and vio- lation of probation for bat- tery. Bond was set at $15,500. I Friday, April 1 Jody Norris, 35, Webster, was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon and driv- ing while license suspended. Bond was set at $11,000. 'Tareese Harris, 22, Wildwood, was arrested for fraud. Bond was set at $500. Jose Medellin, 37, Webster, was arrested on a Lake County warrant for violation of probation. Bond was set at $10,000. Jeanette Reyes, 34, Wildwood. was arrested on a Lake County warrant for attached tag not assigned. Bond was set at $2,000. Saturday, April 2 Jeffrey Burns, 21, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $2,500. Sunday, April 3 Norman Queen, 25, Webster, was arrested for trespassing: Bond was set at $500. Christian Morales, 32, Bushnell, was arrested for no driver's license and violation of probation. Bond was set at $500. Felix. Franqui, 25, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set Monday, April 4 Jeffrey Goodson, 39, Bushnell, was arrested for absent from house arrest on a Lake County warrant Bond was set at $10,000. Jacob Taylor, 23, Bushnell, was arrested on a Sumter County warrant for trespass- ing. Bond was set at $500. Emiliano Perez, 29, Webster, was arrested for vio-' lation of probation for bat- tery and obstruction. No bond was set Lloyd McAllister, 64, Wildwood, was arrested for driving under the influence and violation of probation for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. No bond was set. Paul Branic, 27, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for possession of a prescrip- tion and retail petit theft on a Marion County warrant. Bond was set at $750. Glen Riley, 48, Wildwood, was arrested for burglary and petit theft Bond was set at $5,500. JUST HORSIN' AROUND yi d . 464 4j *M t. C 4 2.~ A~ ~* 4' tn-tb'. ~4 ~ 3... vi .:~9ty.; ~ $..f,?tj'~4:7:z.t-~ '.:-:.-* - ~ 2. - r ' Diane Long of Wildwood has taught her miniature horse Sunny 70 tricks including "golfing:' Local horse appears on Today Show Photo/Amanda Mims Charles Smith of Bushnell (front) and Bob Van Horn of Brooksville return to festivities in front of the Sumter County Courthouse after completing the course for the Blue Heron Pilot Club Biker Brain Bash poker run. Bikers ride for good cause AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer -On Hondas .and Harleys, bikers rode out on April 2 to the Blue Heron Pilot Club poker run to have a good time apd support people with brgin-related disorders and injuries., "'It was really good. We enjoyed it," said Bushnell res- ident and motorcycle enthusi- ast Zehda Slone as she relaxed on, a bale of hay in frpnt of the courthouse with several other bikers. -She said she and her hus- band Bill often ride on the weekends, 'and thought this would be a way to support a good cause and have fun in the process. They, like several others on Saturday, had never participated in a poker run before, but said they would definitely do it again, ,The ride started out at the Sbmter County Courthouse in Bfishnell and went through Webster, then to Hernando aRd Citrus counties, and even- tdally back to Bushnell. The rile took about two hours to complete, with five stops along the way where partici- |pnts would pick up cards until the end when they'd col- lected enough to have a poker hand. There were prizes, for the people with the best and worst hands, as well as draw- ings for 90 other prizes, including restaurant gift cer- tificates, free oil changes, and motorcycle care kits. - Christina Thibodeau, pilot club committee chairperson, said she wanted to try to raise money this way because she and her husband Chris are motorcycle enthusiasts and thought this would be' a good way to 'incorporate the two interests and raise money. Although the turnout wasn't quite what Pilot 'Club mem- bers would've liked, they did manage to raise a little money and didn't seem to be discour- aged. "We'd like to make this an annual event and bring more .people into the area," Thibodeau said. The Blue Heron Pilot Club supports local people with brain-related injuries. They have donated to Lifestream Behavioral Center, intro- duced residents at Osprey Point Nursing Home to email and computers, and even donated American flags to the City of Bushnell. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Wildwood residents Diane and Tommy Long never expected that their 16-year-old miniature horse would. be nationally recognized as one of America's most talented,pets. Sunny, who stands just 31 /2 .inches tall, was a big star on March 25 when he came out ahead of four of five .other finalists in the America's Most Talented Pets competition on the NBC-TV "Today" program. He wowed the audience and the judges by taking a letter out of a mailbox and hitting a plastic golf ball using a.small child's golf club he swung from his mouth. "He's a little ham," Tommy said. "The more they clap, the better he'll' perform." And he had more applause than ever outside the New York studio where the show was filmed, as hundreds of people watched him do his favorite tricks. It was only a week earlier when the Longs saw the con- test advertised on television. "We saw a horse with a paintbrush in its mouth (on the commercial) and we thought our miniature horse could do a lot better," Tommy said. Three days after they sent their video of the talented equine, they got a call from the show's produc- ers inviting them to appear "When we got the call, we were on cloud nine," Diane said. The following day, they set out for New York City. In the end, Sunny came in second out of a total of over 200 entries. The overall win- ner was a dog that did an acro- batic routine with its owner. Even though they didn't win, the Longs said they were happy to be on the show and that their horse was recog- nized. "It was very, very exciting and interesting. It was quite an experience," Diane said. "He's like a little person," Diane said. "We've worked with 20 minis and he's the smartest." In nine years of ownership, Diane has taught Sunny over 70 tricks, from "bowling" to : i '. ..- ;:,. .. .:_,e .. -.:. ... .. photos by Amanda Mims Sunny, who stands just 31 V. inches tall, was a big star on March 25 when he came out ahead of four of five other finalists in the America's Most Talented Pets competition on the NBC-TV "Today" program. He wowed the audience and the judges by taking a letter out of a mailbox and hitting a plastic golf ball using a small child's golf club he swung from his mouth. rearing up on his hind legs, to opening his own stall door. The Longs, who own and -race Standardbred horses for a living, also put on shows with their three miniature horses, many for kids and the elderly in nursing homes. They've been horse enthusi- asts during their entire 36- Haven to honor survivors of sexuv April 7 will be a big day for survivors of sexual.violence. Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Inc. will honor these heroes at .Venetian Gardens in Leesburg at- 11' a.m. Haven of Lake and Sumter counties, Inc. in association with, the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence along with 25 rape crisis pro- grams throughout the state of Florida will recognize April as Sexual Assault Awareness month. This year's Lake and Sumter event will feature Sgt Jay Mathews with the Sumter County Sheriff's Department. She has worked with children as a school resource officer, and with many rape survivors. Also on the program will be a rape survivor, Leesburg Mayor John Christian; bob Whitworth, victim's advocate with Lake County Sheriff's Department and our own Sheriff Bill Farmer. The Sexual Assault Awareness Day event will begin at 11 a.m. at the year marriage, and they hope to work exclusively with minis -in the future, doing parties, shows, and parades. al violence Leesburg Community Center in Venetian Gardens. Around' 1 p.m. a native butterfly release is scheduled. Everyone is invited to come and learn how each of us can become more involved in helping persons after a sexual assault For more information please call Haven at 787-5889. . . S . Imide S U I W, FM R-- PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 SUMTLK COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper -4 Editor ...................... Bob Reichman Publisher .............. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell,FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our Relay for Life is for everyone! 4b dumsm "Copyrighted Material 4Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" .film Your don't think the Relay for Life T |isn't for you, just because : you didn't join a team or sit on a committee this year. There's plenty of some- thing for everyone." . ! You can help support tie fundraiser by pur- chasing items that night - campers will be selling | .everything from yummy | Ifoods to fun items. And there's more than |r ,enough to watch, from | the Celtic-themed music pf The Reels to local BRe ,Talent Show. LocA Come out .and get a taste see if it's some- thing you want to take part in next year. , You can watch no strings Attached. Or see if it's something you'd just like to come back and watch again next year. It's fun for the entire family. You can even feed the clan din- El ner, because many of the campers are offering foods. Chances are you know someone who's been affected by ...... cancer. For survivors, it's a 6 place where they can sign in Friday afternoon and take part in the reception for them. S For those Who have a lost a loved one to the disease, they can take part in the luminary service they light a NA candle and make a dona- ILEAR tion that will help fund - the battle. It's a place where you'll find a tear or two, but it's most certainly a place where you'll find a smile and a hearty laugh. It's a place where you and every survivor you know can see the love the real power behind the war against cancer. iSenior Advocat Events lead to Vioxx's readmission 1 | his past Feb. 15, Lester Crawford its Drug Safety and Risk Managemen S| was nominated to become director Advisory Committee, issued its report o J. of the Federal Food and Drug the safety, or lack, of Cox-2 Inhibitoi administration (FDA). Crawford has The panel overseen by Crawford, chaired been acting director for more by Alastair Wood, came to son than a year. During the year of startling conclusions -fi his acting tenure, he has contin- instance, Wood stated C-2-Is a; ued the apparent policy that "extremely complicated." TI seemingly indicates that the 32-member panel, some doze .FDA is a sub-agency or subordi- of whom have or had ties to ti iate of the pharmaceutical pharmaceutical industry, vote industry, and not that of 'the a unanimous manner that C-2- executive branch of govern- : do significantly increase tl hient / risk of heart attacks ai This past Feb. 18, the "Class strokes, but, basically, the go( action Fairness Act of 2005" outweighed the bad, ai (CAFA) was signed into law. Daniel approved the continued usaj tAFA. a complicated and an Rohan of C-2-Is. apparently ineffective law, will Folks, hold on to your sea' ,mend federal procedures that By a vote of 17 to 15, this augu apply to interstate class-action lawsuits, panel allowed the readmission to ti though not medical malpractice suits., market of Merck & Company's Vioxx. Its primary purpose, that is. if one One month later, March 18, some 2: "buys into" CAFA. is to assure fairer out- attorneys congregated in the Ne comes for class members (plaintiffs) and Orleans courtroom of Federal Distri defendants. as well as other purposes. Court Judge Eldon Fallon filing some 1 The primary purpose of CAFA is not a suits. against Merck and its produ secret, it is to provide federal jurisdic- Vioxx. Some additional 500 cases will fi tion over class-action lawsuits that low. exceed $5 million. The FDA has ruled that Vioxx m Proponents of CAFA indicate that fed- reenter the market How can we litiga Oral judges have lifetime tenure, where' against a product that soon may be so state judges are usually elected; hence, a once again, with FDA sanction? federal judge will not bear the burden of Remember, according to the FDA tl favoritismm" Again, proponents of CAFA benefits outweighs the risk have made a case stating ,that if a class Something stinks here. I don't like th action suit is filed and tried in New York time frame, and, incidentally, it was by a state judge, who will be up for re- time frame, 16 that Judge allon announced y, it was election, and the tort is filed against a Feb. 16 that Judge Fallon announced Nevada 'corporation, the New York date of these initial hearings. judge's opinion may be swayed. Note: Judge Fallon is not, nor shou Remember, all judges can decrease or he be considered in my indictment of th increase the amount of a jury's verdict protection of Merck & Company. I prefer to believe that all judges, Within a four-day period in Februa Whether elected or appointed, are honor- we received a hearing date for Merck pble men and women. nomination of another seemingly pi r Opponents, more than 90 consumer pharmaceutical FDA director and a ne groups, believe that CAFA will hinder tort law that will be used for the first tir proper verdicts for individuals. Aversion with an FDA-sanctioned drug. pf CAFA was stalled in the Senate last And who said bureaucracy moves slo year; however, it was overwhelmingly ly? passed in both houses this year. Keep my green tea warm, and I wv As for attorneys, good ones will always talk to you next week #nake a living, and CAFA will not burden Send questions and comments them.' "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowcr This past Feb. 19, the FDAs Arthritis Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e-mai: advisory Committee, in conjunction with danrohan@atlantic.net nt on Ws. ed ie or re he en he ed Is he id od nd ge its. ist he 25 ew ict 50 act ol- ay ite ld he lhe on lie lld ihe ry, , a 0o- ew.- me w- ill to est l: Foul Foul... the polka dot liberal judi- ciary interfered with human digni- ty with the passage and upholding of Roe vs. Wade. Now comes full-blown ritualistic euthanasia. All handicap; all elder- ly are vulnerable. President Bush and Governor Bush are right ... human life is pre- It's been said what we do for oth- ers is what remains' after death - and what becomes immortal. I believe that's true in the case of Terri Schiavo. This young woman - described by friends as shy and quiet, and as someone who shunned the spotlight educated an entire nation, much of the world in fact Regardless of our views on the ethical, legal and constitutional issues surrounding her case, we all can agree that more people than ever know the importance of hav- ing end-of-life discussions with their family, doctor, clergy or attor- ney. This is why in the Senate I'm sup- porting two different bills aimed at further increasing people's aware- ness of living wills and making it easier to fill them out One of these bills would cover a doctor's office visit for all Medicare patients to discuss end-of-life med- cious. Nothing legally could stop the roller coaster inhumane mistreat- ment of handicap Terfi Schiavo. It was not that long ago women were routinely abused by their spouses!, many lost their lives. Husband Michael Schiavo stood guard that not a drop of water touch Terri Schiavo's lips as her lips cracked ical choices, and fund a public edu- cation campaign to inform Americans of all ages about the importance of filling out living wills. The other would ,require state driver license agencies to pro- vide interested persons 'with easy access to information on living wills similar to the way people are informed about organ donation. I.believe Congress is now in a position to help spare other fami- lies the kind of suffering experi- enced by Terri's relatives by enact- ing this living-wills legislation. Certainly the last few weeks have been difficult for all involved. Even the actions of Congress raised questions over whether federal lawmakers overstepped their bounds. N As you may know, I did not sup- port the first version of the so- called Terri Schiavo law, because I felt it could have undermined the medical privacy of every single and blood came from her tongue. Legislation must be enacted to protect the handicapped. The mockery of filibustering well-quali- fied judicial candidates must cease. The USA needs a balanced judi- ciary and hope for the handicap. Ruthie Kelly The Villages NEWS OF RECORD Marriage Licenses: Jonathon Collum Stewart, 33, of Lady Lake and Heather Marie Anthony, 23, of Illinois. Stephen Lamar Woodard, 34, of Webster and Patricia Ann Koch, 24, of Webster. Rufus Lee Sesler, 32, of Wildwood. and Amy Kay Kasem, 23, of Wildwood. Michael Daniel Cline, 22, of Lady Lake and Christine Lee Davis, 25, of Lady Lake. Michael James Olszewski, 29, of Michigan and Natalie Gail Lafleur, 20, of Michigan. James David Phillips,, 54, of Beverly Hills and Lidia Petrovna Jirka, 54, of Beverly Hills. David Orion Bennett, 23, of North Carolina and Kristin Diane Boyatte, 22, of North Carolina. Michael Lee Zapata, 21, of Mascotte and Kimberly Diane Boyatt, 22, of Mascotte. Joel Thomas Bell, 71, df Lady Lake and Vada Lee Davis, 71, of SLady Lake. I Carols Israel Cosme Rivera, 44, of Tampa and Amparo Dejesus Aristizabal, 45, of Tampa. Property Transfers: Transouth Mortgage Corporation to Banica Gheorghe, property in Olive Palm for $8,500. Homes in Partnership, Inc. to Kemberly W Newsome, property in Wildwood Park, for $12,000. Jason D. and Maranda A. Foster to Robert A- Ryan, property in S30, T19S, R23E for $62,000. Thomas S. Fluharty to William R. and Joann Stevens, property in Thunderbird Mobile Home Estates for $60,000. Walter E. Thrasher and April L. Brunck to William Watson, prop- erty in Panacoochee Retreats for $2,000' William E. and Donna Jo Hart to Orazio and Theresa Sciavillo, property in Villages Unit 2 for $157,000. ' SFlorence J. Bumpus to John R.' Loiacona, property in Hialeah Villas Retreat for $113,000. Claude 'V Morin and Charlene A. Meeker-Morin to Arleen H. Mulree, property in Villa San Miguel, for $165,000. James F and Frances R. Drury to James G. and Lydia S. Freeman, Trs. of James G. and Lydia S. Freeman Revocable Living Trust, property, in Villa Natchez, for $100. Bobby E. and Carolyn P Hunt to Grace Tabernacle and Worship, Inc. property in S26, T19S, R23E for $100. James C. and Deborah Michelle Myles. to Lawrence R. Johnson, property in Sumter Gardens Plat 2 for $27,428. Marie C. Brown to David J. Mitchell, property in Moreland Park Subdivision, for $6,000. Linda A Maier to Sandra M. Lenoir, property in Meadouvista Sub. For $60,000. Carl and Carol Register -to Ernest E. Register and Mary Ann Register Trs. of the Ernest E. Register and Mary Ann Register Trust, property in S31, T19S, R22E for $27,000. Land Associates to Dolphy and Marjorie Cross, property in' Wildwood Country Estates for $64,500. Charles Dale Croft and James H. Huett Lindsey C. Croft Estate to-William T. and Betty C. Huett, property in S21, T21s, R23E for $100. Charles Dale Croft and James H. Huett Lindsey C. Croft Estate to James H.- and Joyce W. Huett,, property in S21, T21s, R23E for $100. , Clinton and Marion M. Rule to Patricia and Stewart Dailey, prop- erty for $100. Lavina McCormick to Graco Holding Company, property in Briarwood Subdivision for $100. Kenroy A. Mate to Theresa A Marchbanks, property in S9, T19S, R22E for $500. Pasqualina T' and Gordon J. Weiss to Elsie and -Karen Oxendine, property in S31, T21S, R22E for $12,300. Westerhaus to Michael J. East and Kenneth Hemmeke, property in S9, T21S, R22E for $22,000. John Victor Cummins to Stephen W Ross, property in S22, 19S, R23E for $70,000. Jeanne Cregan to Jerald W Woodward and Diane R. Donohue property in S18, T21S, R21E for $167,000. Patrick L. and Ingrid B. Doyle, Ind. & AIF to Ingrid B. Doyle, property in Herr Haven Original for $100. Ingrid B. Doyle to Allen and Rose Proctor, property in Herr Haven Original, $50,000. American. I also disagreed with a second version, partly because it would -have given Terri's parents another long year to file an appeal. The third version to give the par-, ents one final judicial review in a reasonable time frame one month, instead of a year was one I felt I, could support In my view, that nar- rowly worded bill covering only Terri's case presented a way to finally settle the family's unending dispute. And that's what I as a par- ent would have wanted one last say on behalf of my child. Terri's life tragically was cut: short, but her legacy will be far- reaching, especially if Congress passes living-wills legislation in the wake of her passing. Bill Nelson Bill Nelson is the senior U.S. sen- ator from Florida, who serves on the Senate Special Committee on Aging. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300, words. SAnother'Voice L g wills: TerniSchiavo's legacy I Your VO | C.E -m-A PVMW SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 5 LENDING A HELPING HAND Karen Parker, Shelly Hunt (back row, left to right) and Joann Pitts (seated) are shown with goodies for the Sumter County Association of Retarded Citizens group homes. The items were donated to help SCARC and the group home residents as their seasonal effort. The items were gathered by the Community Angels. Photos by Brenda Locklear The Community Angels county employees, did their annual spring presentation and donated some goodies to help out around the house for Sumter County Association of Retarded Citizens group residents. The angels do a seasonal collection, providing needed items for groups around the community. Those collections benefit everyone various agencies residents to the local soup kitchen. GET IT DONE. INSTANTLY. 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SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 -Chch CALENDAR -+ '..':--=--? Nobleton Church annualpicnic Come one, come all to Nobleton Church. Join us on Thursday, April 7, for our annual church picnic. Bring a covered dish and come to Lake Townsend Park, Pavilion 2. Don't forget to bring an item for the "White Elephant" sale. Ladies salad luncheon The First Baptist Church, Bushnell, will celebrate the IAnnie Armstrong Mission Emphasis with a Ladies Salad Luncheon on April 9 at noon. Lilla Holt will be the guest speaker SThe luncheon will be held at the church, located at 125 W Anderson, Bushnell. All ladies are invited to attend. Admission is a dish filled withi your favorite salad. RSVP 793-4612. Hang 10... in Paradise An exciting Spring Event, I Hang 10...in Paradise, will be - held Sunday, April 10, from 4 i to 7 p.m., with food and fun for everyone. There will be a luau, moonwalk, games, wind- surfing, music, movies. Come to the First Baptist Church of Bushnell, 125 W Anderson Avenue, for this event. For more information, call 352-793-4612. Gospel music concert A Gospel Music Concert will be held Sunday, April 17, at 3 p.m. at the New Life Center Ministries, 9707 C.R. 229, Wildwood, sponsored by Bishop Pickett. The concert will feature Gayla James, soloist, Fort Myers; singing trumpets, Jacksonville; Florida Gospel travelers, Jacksonville; the Freeman' Sisters, Coleman; the Spiritual Voices of Fort Myers, Fort Myers. For information, call 352- 7514141. Alzheimer Care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church wi hosting an Alzhei Caregiver support grou RC ELL FUNERAL HOM Family Owned J. Lane Purcell John D. Pur uwner - 793-4531 under Trn out our NEW COFFEEHOUSE WORSH SATURDAYS AT 5 PM Message Series: Searching for Happiness This week: "Help for the Driven" '...- l.-. . BW City Ministries ' 1301 High Street Wildwood, FL34785 352-330-1633 *352-330-0621 Pastor Tony Jones Sr. Slelconmes To The Commuinity SPraise In The Park" Sat Martin Luther King, Jr. Park /1 formerly know as Seaboard Park in Wildwood, Flori April 9, 2005 10:00am to 6!00pm This event is geared toward our youth and to inspire our ad and parents as we come together to be a positive model i lives of our children and the children of the community. To encourage our parents and young adults for a better tomo and a promising future. Come join us for a spirit-filled day o entertainment, food, fun, praise and worship from profession artists and area churches. We will be distributing a truckloa nonperishable foods, household supplies, etc.. at this semiannual event. Free to the public! "How do I decide which funeral ,home to call when the time comes. Aside from the requirement that all funeral homes licensed by the state, some basic questions you might when selecting a funeral home include: Are they flexi enough to handle your specific needs? Are decisions m, locally or from an out-of-town corporate office? Are t full service? Do they sub-contract services such cremation or do they provide these options on-site? Everyone has different priorities and questions abi funeral pre-planning. We invite your. questions and 'will respect your priorities. Please call us for a no'cost, obligation, no pressure appointment to get the facts how you can benefit from funeral pre-planning. Plan today for peace ofmind tomorrow! ---UNERAL HOME Deyers, and CREMATORY SSeving Central Florida since 192t Liceised Funeial Direckin L.al) Owned rd Opiare 1123 West Main Street Leesburg, Florida Sumter County Tollfree: 1-800-501-4343 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438. Healing team at American Legion National Evangelist Jami Moore and healing team will be holding miracle-healing services every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Hwy 44 in Wildwood. Everyone is wel- come to attend these services. This is a non-denominational ministry. Come receive the miracle God has for you! "This is your .appointed, time!" For more info please call 352-748-4976. Wednesday night dinners return Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church is pleased to announce the return of our Wednesday night dinners starting at 4p.m. Join us for some good food and great fel- lowship. All are welcome to attend. ill be f imer's II p at 1 1960 C E I cell 1 li w n the )f unal id of IP be ask bleO Sthe als ,out we no on A L d < OlUt Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438, or visit our web page at: www.gbgm-umc.org/lakepana- umc. Hot meal served St. Francis Episcopal Church at 313 N. Grace St Bushnell, is serving a free hot meal to those who are in need every Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Family caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Newspaper recycling bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W. Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recycled newspapers to fund global ministries opportunities. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Ih ank you to the Sumter County Community for your support d during our foss. , from the Everett Family, Cynthia, '. Lucious, Marty, ,Rhonda and the Freeman Family. l ^^^ ^^.^^ Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice I I ( First Church of God T .Aff4riltahn .nt'ron I ' 793-3455 l i'I5 : r!A.-' [r0'1 A -.. 11* [',J-i hid FL Y .1I 1ii -ii t i rii. i. M mn .g Ip 4i5air. Evening WIurAp I l p rn Wednesday berungt 7:1ji p a , Randall Belcher FPaIor "' -3534 ) 4 //Are WlVelcome At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Siu, aWo.i.rip 8 0i A 1 0 30 AM O0 uPM Sunday School 9:30 A M. Wed Di-cipleship NighI 7.00 PM. 1451 West C.R. 476. Bushnell 793-2240L, (St. Francis Episcopal Church 313 N GraceStreet At US 301l PO Box 56,6, (352i 7N3-3187 Wdine-dav Bible 'rud 7 p m Holy Eucharist 10 a m Sundas. Sunday School10 ta m AA meets Thursdasat pm j (THE BUSHNELL PRESBYTERIAN> CHURCH USA 1.2:'N BROAED iComero VW.Pri& iN Broadi Church School: 9.15 am Public WorshJp- 10 30 A..M. MONDAY AA .\ Group Meeting -. S00 OUi SlIv NlSDA\ Bible Stud\ -10 01 Al I) 352-793-4202 First Baptist Church of Bushnell 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 'Snanng tIe Good Ne.:; of Life Through aith In Cnn.r :.ur,,o e'lIue i.u',d Q1, m- r. surna3 w rr.l. 1030 ra . rand 0C) I: r Wedredaoy B1ie i~suy '7 i: r.1r SFirst United Methodist Church" 221 W. Noble Ave. OrT..-i,r.,...r.. ... r. Faith, Hope & Love Sunday School 9:.0 a.m. Worship 10 50a.m. CLEL. in'tnir n..iri a urma, n iy bib' kt p.m. Disciples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. Ch:.,r Prince.Thur b 3u p ma B Bear Fun m.unGvlnumicS Tue-da)i 33i, 4:3u. U.50pm. Cla44E4 CubScoutI lues. 6 30 p.m. Da,-, Troop, TIhumr. d:30 p.m. .-Andin, F Frida u fl p.m. S H A RE.. lh Sal., 10 I )a m Rev. Larr) Armnbrust, Pator <( 793-3221 j 1BI,.NEmLL C(LrPCH Or CHu IiT 310 W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a m Sunday Worship Serice II a m. Evening Worship 6 p m _ Wednesday Bible Study 7 p m j Indian 'iiBapist Churcdi i.119 r J''" .' "."tr :u Sunday School .. ... ..... 9:45 am Moning Worshp .. ............ 11:00 am Evening Worship .. .. ..... ..7.00 pm QWednesday Prayer Servic.........7 00 pm r Pleasant Hill Baptist Churdch CR-316A, BushneU Sunday School................9:45 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship.....6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service..7:00 P.M. 793-5083 Pastor Alike King !Olve BUSHNELL (BUSHNELL SEVENTH DAxv ADVENTIST CHURCH Conmer of Seminiole A& Fkonda Mi ,\orship Hour, 9 30 Pi Sabbath School 10 45 M. Sat. Wed Praer Meeung 7:30 K .All Welcome 2 I CENTER HITJ. I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CENTER HILL 175 S.Virginia Ave. Center Hill, FL 33513 352-793-2119 Sunday School................ ..... 9:45 AM Morning Worship................11:00 AM Sunday Nighl Service...........6:00 PM Mid-Week Prayer Service - Wednesday 7:00 PM SLADYLAKE " Hope Lutheran Church " 250 Avenida Los Angelos corner ol G R 466 & Morse Bivad. Thil Vili.a Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM. 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For more ,rlforimadon. call 352 750-2321 or our SWeb Sile: www nopeltiheranintrievillages org 2 ILAKE PANASOFFKEEI SLAKE PANASOFFKEE - UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Wcr-ni,p 8 30 & 11AM 1 Sunday Sc:riool 9 45 Children', Cnurcr. 11 AM vu,7-rw, Prol,'ea Pastor Williston Brewer L1 47.L1 Pao,, fi4eTh-3i46 HW04 rFirst Baptist Church" of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8 30 & 10.50 a.m. Sunday School...............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening ............ 6:00 pm. Wedrieiday N4igni Piayer Meeling .7 p.m y Pastor Jon Kinq 2 '-t )adis of Giace M.linisies Pa-lor Fre a & Panr H.x,oien T',. ". i,-, ' Morning Worship----- 1030 ci. lii... Sunday Evening- 6 00 1 Wednesday Nighl----- 7 00 .i.i..l- 793-1600 F .101 CR 527 Lao'e Pana.,nrk.e Ie l5ome I T.EESRURG I GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Educallon: 9:15 a.m. L .ih l i I ur, L ",',r c I..,' i O C : :h ILo r...un:.l y 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 ( ST. MARK EVANGELICAL - LUTHERAUN CHI RCH IWELS) Pastor N. Kuske .202 .S i. H., 2 .,s.uir L t,ui 35. -3.16-3.111I iPNi rnlg Ih ir.p l.d .n enrori l c[ 'iiid:. ..i ri .o-rrjp S,.r-.ie Q l. i ? Bi l, C i.... .5 a 5 " SUMI'ERVILLE I WAHOO w 'aAd & SgIteat edsA c (Discover the Difference!) B||, Redy 1I ,1: 1 Uli : 1 7f I. 7" :.r. H" 48 *.'l: '- Sunday: birle ,lu.34 ." M C l .:I'. h,: r, : ,.r.: e 11.-,4 M Wednesday Evening, Si"L u.T.,jr. C 3f.i 6 00 pFI'rM r T,.ur..iV Wo,')nrp.,Lr-ritud n] Al i.'.i i0 PM r.A ri.:r,,..,:r.u.'ir, ~..r 352 793-6015.) WEBS [ER r Webster United > Methodist Church Invites You To Attend orship Service 11:00 s m. Church Scriool 9.45 a m. 3 S E 3rd: S WeDser,. FL 33597 13521 793-373. yi .4 pra1ingi church First Baptist Church of Webster 1/4 mile east of 471 on SE 1st Ave. S u r ,,3 S ..rir.u.l 3 M .1 M.,j ir,,r. Wor:r,., I '. 1.1 Eeran,'. SrvCe 6 O0( Pi1 Weori'ay Prayvr r1lMl.ir. 7. O(i FM S'^ WLLDWOOD i e P a ...a R r m.S An ...- 6:SP sS oS- -~ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD *Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Baruick Si.. Wildood, FL 34785 (352) 748-2530 j SU`NSET PARK t- ~JCHURCH OF GODQ 2012 Pine Sueet 748-1318 %y WELCONIE.ALL!!!!!!2 | Sumterville United Methodist Church I OVER 150 YEABS OF PRAYER" 565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 intes you toattend Sunday worsnip nerie 930a m Pastor Chartns Tomberlin All childrenare united. P E A C E 1 0 P E BUSHNELL I Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further infor- mation please call 352-793- 7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. I I I I m 10 m I h m I m 0 m U m I m "3 0 m U I 0 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 7 Sumnter OBnJA ..-- = ..... =:' = :_ --'l Joe Boyer, 79 Joe Boyer, 79, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Thursday, March 31, 2005, in Lake Panasoffkee. A native of Marion County, WVa., he was a 13-year resident us Sumter County, formerly of Louisville, Ky. Mr Boyer was a warehouse worker in the :grocery industry. He was life- time member and past Post 'Commander of the VFW of ,Lake Panasoffkee, a member of the Lake Panasoffkee Moose Lodge, and a lifetime member of the American ,Legion, Louisville, Ky. He :was a Navy veteran serving during WW II. Survivors include his wife, , Joyce Bruce; son, Danny W :' Boyer of Lake Panasoffkee; grandson, Scotty Boyer of New Bern, N.C.; granddaugh- ter, Dr. Sara Boyer-Jackson of Havelock N.C.; and three great-grandsons. Services were held April 5 at the ,.Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, with Military Honors rendered by the Sumter County Honor Guard. Purcell Funeral Home, 'Bushnell, handled the 'arrangements. Minnie M. Brown, '95, teacher Minnie M. Brown, 95, long time Bushnell resident, died Sunday, March 27, 2005, in Kissimmee. She was born in Marshallville, Ga. Mrs. Brown was a retired English .teacher and a homemaker. -She was a member of -Bushnell Presbyterian Church where she was very active and received recogni- ,tion from the Presbytery for service to the church. She was also a member of the Order of Eastern Star. Survivors include a son, .Robert Russell Carothers of St. Cloud; granddaughter, Beth Helser; great-grandsons Josh Iriving, Timmy Helser, Christopher Helser and Bradly Weber, all of St. Cloud; and grand-nephew, Bill Massee of Marshallville, Ga. Services will be held on Saturday, at 11 am., April 9, at the Bushnell Presbyterian Church with. Rev. Wayne Hood officiating. : ' In lieu of flowers, contribu- tions may .be made to the Bushnell Presbyterian Church, 315 N. Broad Street, Bushnell, FL 33513-5422. Earl Caldwell Jr., 66, mechanic Earl Caldwell Jr., 66, of Webster, died Monday, April 4, 2005, in Leesburg. A native of Orlando, he has been a res- ident of Sumter County since 1980, formerly of Orlando. Mr. Caldwell was a diesel mechanic and a member of St. Lawrence Catholic Church. He was preceded in death by sons, Edward Caldwell' in 1984 and Tim Caldwell in 1997. Survivors include his wife, Helen; two sisters, Barbara Jean Bowman and Betty Catherine Mitchell, both of Orlando; several nieces and nephews. Services will be held Thursday, April 7, at 10:30 'a.m., at St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Bushnell with Father Peter Sagorski officiating. Interment at Linden Cemetery, Linden. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Shirley Lee Coffey, 64, bookkeeper Shirley Lee Coffey, 64, of Bushnell, died Wednesday, March 30, 2005, in Bushnell. She was born in Bushnell. Mrs. Coffey was a bookkeep- er and a member of Bushnell Full Gospel Assembly of God. 'Survivors include two daughters, Cheryl (Robert) Holcomb of Bushnell and Dina (Kenny) Burns of Bushnell; four grandchil- dren; and a brother, Arthur Hayes of Bushnell. Services were held April 4 at Bushnell Assembly of God with Pastor Clarence Crane officiating. Interment was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Orville W. Davis, 60, veteran Orville Wayne Davis, 60, of Ocala, died Tuesiay, March 29, 2005, in Gainesville. A native of Clarkville, Ga., he was a former resident of 'Wildwood.: Mr Davis was an, Army veteran serving during 'the Vietnam Era. He was a member of the VFW Post 10084 and of the Baptist faith. He was preceded in death by a brother, Buddy David in 1975 and sister, Patty Harvley in 1998. Survivors include a broth- er, Bobby Davis of Plant City; sister, Julie Davis of Largo; and six nieces. Services were held April 1 at the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, with Pastor Casey Ferguson offici- ating. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Paul W. Maier, 89, railroad clerk Paul William Maier, 89, of Wildwood, died Saturday, April 2, 2005. He was born in Belleview, Fla., and moved to Wildwood in 1922 from there.' Mr. Maier retired in 1977 as a railroad clerk/yardmaster from the Seaboard Coastline Railroad and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Wildwood. He was preceded in death by a son, Eugene. Survivors include his wife, Daisy; three sons, Lewis (Linda) of Wildwood, Larry (Louise) of Sumterville, and Terry (Virginia) of Tallahassee; daughter, Kay (James) Wall of Webster; daughter-in-law, Joyce Maier of Jacksonville; 11 grandchil- dren; 11 great-grandchil- dren; three nieces and one nephew. , Funeral services were held April 5 at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood with Rev. Craig Attaway and Rev. Claud McAdams officiating: Interment followed the serv- ice in the Greenwood Cemetery, Wildwood. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, is in charge of the arrangements. Michael L. Pitts, 32, mason Michael Lee Pitts, 32, of Center Hill, died Saturday, March 26, 2005, in Center Hill. A native of Wurzburg, Germany, he spent the major- ity of his life in the Istachatta/Nobleton area, moving here at the age of 5 with his family. Mr. Pitts was a 1991 graduate of Hernando High School. He was a mason in the construction business and a member of Church of Christ He was preceded in death by his sister, Sharon Pitts, Nov. 15, 1985, and father, David Pitts, Dec. 6, 1994. Survivors include Melissa Smith and his daughter, Chloe Marie Pitts of Center Hill; mother, Mary Moessinger of Bushnell; Uncle Ralph (Violet) Krepps and nephew, James Krepps of Tampa; cousin, Stefanie Pitts of Inverness, and William "Billy" Pitts of Vero Beach; and well as numerous friends. Services were held April 1 at the Istachatta Church of Christ, Istachatta, with Pastor Ray Jones officiating. He was laid to rest beside his sister and father in New Hope Cemetery in Istachatta. He will be greatly missed by everyone. In lieu of flowers, anyone wishing to can make a dona- tion to Chloe's savings account. Please make checks payable to Chloe Pitts/SunTrust Bank Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Frank Risteyn Sr., 76 Frank Risteyn Sr., 76, of Wildwood, died Sunday, March 27, 2005. He was born in Manhattan, N.Y., and moved to Wildwood in 1984. Mr. Risteyn retired from House of Threads in Tampa. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Wildwood.. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army serving during the Korean War. He graduated from Hollywood High School in California and attended. the Los Angeles City College. He was a member of the Wildwood Masonic Lodge #92, serving as the secretary and a Past Master, member of the Order of the Eastern Star Wildwood Chapter #24, life member of DAV of Lake Panasoffkee, Scottish Rite Bodies of Tampa, Egypt Shrine Temple of Tampa, past president of purchasing managers association, secre- tary of the Continental Country club Veterans Association and volunteer for the SHARE Program. Survivors include his wife, Faye Rice-Risteyn; sons, Frank. Jr. and Richard Risteyn, both of St. Petersburg; and two grand- daughters, Morgan and Carrie Risteyn. Funeral service with the Order of the Eastern Star and Masonic Rites was held on March 31 at the First United Methodist Wildwood Holloman followed National Bushnell. Church of with Harry Officiating. Burial at the Florida Cemetery in In lieu of flowers, dona- tions may be made to the First United Methodist Church of Wildwood or to Hospice of Lake/Sumter counties. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, handled the arrangements. Rodney Tupper, 93, shirt cutter Rodney Tupper, 93, of Bushnell, died Thursday, March 31, 2005, in Dade City. He was born in Norridgewock, Maine. Mr. Tupper was a shirt cutter in the textile industry. Survivors include a daugh- ter, Patricia T Kindschi of Bushnell; son, Robert R. Tupper of Elsinore, Calif.; one stepson, Leon Dubay of Melbourne; two stepdaugh- ters, Donna Caracus of Leland, N.C., and Pamela Dubay of Melbourne; and several cousins and nephews. Interment at Sunset View Cemetery, Norridgewock, Maine. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Ethel 0. Wasson, 69, laborer Ethel 0. Wasson, 69, of Wildwood, died Friday, April 1, 2005. A native of Tennessee, she moved here in 1984 from Bridgman, Mich. Mrs. Wasson was a retired laborer. She was very versatile in her abilities. She loved sewing and caring for her grandchildren. She also made jewelry Survivors include five daughters, Gail Smith of Michigan, Deborah Gluskoter of California, Maria Poiles of Florida,Toni Schedler of Michigan and Cosmelia (Mia) Wasson of Florida; two sons, Wade of Mississippi and Jimmy of Michigan; her mother, Pauline Millilken of Arizona, 21 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Banks/Page-Theur Funeral Home, Wildwood, handled the arrangements. Gerald D. White, 86, civil servant Gerald Dee White, 86, of Bushnell, died Friday, April 1, 2005, at Citrus Memorial Hospice, Inverness. A native of Pike County, Ala., he moved here in 1989 from Hume, Virginia. Mr. White was employed as a Civil Servant with the Department of the Navy as a Transportation Specialist He was a Navy veteran of WW II in the Seabees battal- ion, and a member of 1st Baptist Church, Lake Panasoffkee. He was preceded in death by his wife, Alice June White in April of 2000. Survivors include two sons, Daniel (Joyce) White of Bushnell, and Richard (Naina) White, of Thaxton, Va.;. two daughters, Patricia Whitt of Petaluna, Calif., and Millie (Bill) Jessup of Wilmington, N.C.; 10 grand- children and two great- grandchildren. Funeral services were held April 5 at the First Baptist Church in Bushnell with Pastors Casey Ferguson, Jon King and Bill Hinton officiat- ing. Interment was in the Florida National Cemetery with military honors under the auspices of Marine Corps League #708, Spring Hill. In lieu of flowers, the fami- ly suggests memorial contri- butions to Hospice of Lake and Sumter County. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Announcing an outpatient facility so comfortable, you'll be tempted to stay overnight. The new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center-convenient and safe, with the quality of a five-star hospital. You and your health deserve the highest-quality care-whether you're in the hospital for a few days or in an outpatient facility fo[ an hour. Ar Munroe Regional, our new, state-of-the-art Outpatient Center offers you one location for lab and imaging services, quick registration, convenient parking and a highly trained sraff that's dedicated to providing only outpatient services. Add the resources and safety of a major medical center that's been recognized for nursing excellence, c:irdiac services quality and more, and your choice for quality outpatient care is clear. To find our more about the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center; talk to your doctor, call us at 352-867-8181, 8-30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or visit us at www.MunroeRegionaLcomn today. 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At credit unions, profits go right back to members in the torm of lower rates on loans, higher earnings on depots and free and low-fee services. #@ Consider what ,ou can get at Suncoast: Free checking with no minimum balance or monthly\ tee. You also 1 get free access to %our account at branches, ATMNs. by phone and the internet. We even provide free bill pa.. You'll also find friendly, experienced advisors %who are committed to treating you the was they like to be treated. That includes taking the time to explain things, with straight answers. And you just can't put a price on that. (4 You may be eligible to become a member of Suncoast. Just call 800-999-5887 or visit joinsunconst.org to learn more. 217 WEST BELT AVENUE (SR 48) IN BUSHNELL Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.j oinsuncoast.o0rg NeUA ---- ---- -- --- ........ ---------- ---- -- - PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 Grace NOES The gospel of Charlie Afew weeks ago, I visited with my friend Joan. She's the one who con- viniced me to go with her to do laundry for hurri- cane relief work- ers after Hurricane Charley destroyed central Florida last year. I had gone just that one time, but Joan went back , repeatedly. Joan ,;i4 has one of those kind hearts that I only dream of hav- NAM ing. I'm hoping if I ENN spend more time K with her that some of her kindheart- edness will rub off on me. Joan has never met an ugly dog. There's no such thing as a stray as long as she has four walls and a roof. She likes people, too she adopts those as well. II ME During one of her laundry trips last fall, Joan wandered over to the makeshift animal shelter and put her name on about a dozen or so dogs to take home in case their owners didn't claim them. She ended up with Charlie, named after the hurricane that left him homeless. Charlie is a brown and white cocker spaniel; only when Joan first saw him, he was mostly a ball of matted fur and cY flea bites. ELY If you, could choose any dog in the world, Charlie would probably not be your first choice. He might not even be your last choice. You might've said, "Put that dog out of its misery." But Joan doesn't think any dog is too far gone to love. For Band performs for cancer benefit For the fourth year in a row, and helplessness. "Cancer kept Steve Reel and The Reels will me from ever really knowing be donating fheir performance the woman who gave me life. I at the Relay for Life held in don't want any more children Sumter County on Friday, April to have to experience that kind 8. of loss." They will be doing their The Reels have two albums unique mixture of Motown, Old currently released internation- Time Rock and their signature ally and have been performing Celtic music for those folks par- in the Lake and Sumter County ticipating in the relay held at area fbr a number of years now. the Sumter County Community The band. donates their per- -College. formance each year as a way to "Each year, people volunteer give back to the community and to raise money for cancer show support for those tryingto research by participating in- make a difference. "The real this wonderful event," says heroes here are the folks who. Cathie Reel of The Reels. work so hard to make this event "E\eryone of us has someone a big success every year. We we love or know who has been encourage everyone to come affected by this disease. It out to walk, run or just support leaves you feeling so helpless.. this great cause," says Reel. By working to raise money for Relays for Life are held all research, we all feel like we overthe countryeachyearwith can finally do something to thousands of participants help- help find a cure." Cathie, who's ing the cause. 9WIyn motherdied,of,cancerjust For information ,on the after. Cathie w\as',bor knows. .-Sumter Relay fporLife.contact first' hand the feelings of loss '(352) 793-2854. the past four years she's cared for a Down syndrome dog with no skull that was only expect- ed to live for a few weeks when she got him from the vet. The dog looks odd, but it wags its tail when it walks. Charlie does, too. After being adopted by Joan, after having its matted coat shaved bare, after being de-wormed and de-everythinged, after being loved and fed and loved some more, Charlie has turned into a brand new dog. He was recently certified as a service dog, a dog with a pur- pose. I was thinking about Charlie and about another brand-new (human) friend while watch- ing a video clip at church last week, a scene from "The Passion of the Christ." Carrying his cross to Golgotha, Jesus tells his mother that he is making "all things new." Although the gospels don't record Jesus saying that before his death, he does say it after his Resurrection. In Revelation 21:5 John the apos- tle sees Christ upon his throne saying, "Behold, I make all things new." Some people think the world is hopelessly winding down, that. it's progressively getting worse, "going to hell in a hand basket" as some say. Some think Jesus will return to claim his own any minute now, so why bother trying to make things better? Why not sit back, hunker down and wait for Armageddon? Other folks, however, think that while we're waiting for Jesus to return, we should work to restore, refresh and renew. To rule and subdue and to advance God's kingdom on the earth. They believe that he is all about making things new now, as well as later. That's what I tend to think That in the middle of incredi- ble disaster and destruction and the terribleness of life, lives are being changed and made new. Just like Joan taking a lost and near-hopeless dog, left homeless in a storm, adopting it and giving it a.new name and a new purpose, so God is taking lost and near-hopeless lives and doing the same. No, God does greater things he gives those he rescues his own Spirit and begins to conform them into his own likeness. Last week was Easter, bilt the message of new life doeS. n't end with the turning ofaP calendar page. God came to-da broken earth to seek and said the lost and restore them It new life. To give them a future and a hope. He still comes, hed still makes all things new. You might even say h4 makes tails wag and heart rejoice again. ;1 Nancy Kennedy is th, author of "Move OvdvE Victoria I Know the Rep Secret," "When Perfect I Enough" and her latest boo, "Between Two Loves" ad' "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 1-352-563-5660, Monday through Thursday, or via ep mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. .2 625-0407 SCT Lake Panasoffkee Water Association 2004 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report PWS ID 660-0990 * We're very pleased to provide you with this year's Annual Water Quality Report. We want to keep you informed about the. excellent water and services we have delivered to you over the past year. Our goal is and always has been, to provide to you a: dependable supply of drinking water. Our water source is ground water from two wells. The wells draw from the Floridian Aquifer and are chlorinated for disinfection purposes. * This report shows our water quality results and what they mean. If you have any questions about this report or concerning your water utility, please contact Larry Grace 352-793-4236. We encourage our valued customers to be informed about their water utility. If you want to learn more, please contact our office during 0 normal business hours (M-F 9am -4pm) Lake Panasoffkee Water Association routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water according to Federal and Stated laws, rules, and regulations. Except where indicated otherwise, this report is based on the results of our monitoring for the period oI-< January 1 to December 31, 2004. In the table below, you may find unfamiliar terms and abbreviations. To help you better understand these terms we've provided the' following definitions: Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close tdo the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG): The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health., MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. . Action Level (AL): The concentration of a contaminant that, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements that a water system must follow. Picocurie per liter (pCi/L): Measure of the radioactivity in water. Parts per million (ppm) or Milligrams per liter (mg/1): One part by weight of analyte to 1 million parts by weight of the water sample. Parts per billion (ppb) or Micrograms per liter (pg/I): One part by weight of analyte to 1 billion parts by weight of the water sample. "ND" means not detected and indicates that the substance was not found by laboratory analysis. " Results in the Level Delected column for radiological contaminants, inorgan;c contaminants, synthetic organic contaminants including pesticTdes and herDicides. and vOlatile' ' organic contaminants are the n.gnest average at any of Ine sampling points or Ire highest detected level at any sampling point, depending on the sampling frequency. Radiological Contaminants Contaminant and Unit of Dates of sampling MCL Violation Y/N Level Range of MCLG MCL Likely Source-of ...- Measurement (moJyr.) Detected Results Contamination .o Alpha emitters (pCi/1) 9/04 N 3.5 NA 0 15 Erosion of natural deposits. 4 ., 4 Inorganic Contaminants Contaminant and Unit of Dates of sampling MCL Violation Y/N Level Range of MCLG MCL Likely Source of Measurement (moJyr.) Detected Results Contamination Fluoride (ppm) 11,02 N 0.130 Na 4 4 Erosion of natural deposits; water additive which promotes strong leelh: discharge Irom lerliizer , ana aluminum factories 0 Nitrale (as Nitrogen) (ppmi 7/04 N 1.27 0.822-1.27 10 10 Runoff Irom fertilizer use: leaching Irom seplic tanKs. sewage; erosion ol natural deposits Nilrie (as Nitrogen) Ippm) 7/04 N 0.018 ND-0.018 1 1 Runotl hrom fertilizer use: leaching from seplic tanks, sewage: erosion ol natural deposits TTHMs and Stage 1 Disinfectant/Disinfectlon By-Product (D/DBP) Parameters * For the following parameters monitored under Slage 1 DiDBP regulations, Ine level detected is the highest annual average of the quarterly averages: Bromate. Chioramines, ' Chlorine, Haloacetic Acids, and-or TTHM IMCL 80 ppO). Range of Results is the range of results owes to nignesit at the individual sampling smiles. - Place a classitied ad in over 160 Florida newspapers and reach o\ er 5 Million readers for just $450. Place a display' 2x2 or 2\4 in I13 Florida newspapers and reach over 4 Million readers. ,' 'i www.norida-classiieds.com Earn your degree from a highly respected academic program that prepares you for a successful career. Saint Leo University understands and respects your life's daemands-balancing family and work- while earning your degree. Saint Leo University has been providing affordable, accessible, quality education since 1889. Four convenient area locations Marion, Citrus, Lake and Sumter Counties iE YEning & weekend cases ^ j F 4 | a I a eLam andstudy.fmrn home Affobrdable t* a variety od options j jjF j 11-Small classes & fexible sdwedules Containment and Unit of Measurement Dates of sampling (moJyr.) MCL Violation Y/N Level Detected Range MCLG or Range of Results MCLG or MRDLG MCL or MRDL Chlorine Ippmi 1-12 / 2004 N 1.2 0.68-1.2 MRDLG = 4 MRDL = 4.0 Water additive used to control microbes , TTHM [Total U' trinalomethanes] ippD) 07/04 N 9.1 7.1-9.1 NA MCL = 80 By-product of drinking water disinfecion ' Contaminant and Unit Dates of AL 90th No. of MCLG AL Likely Source of Contamination of Measurement sampling Violation Percentile sampling (Action (moJyr.) Y/N Result sites Level) exceeding , the AL Lead and Copper (Tap Water) Copper (tap water) (ppm) 9/02 N 0.63 0 1.3 1.3 Corrosion of household plumbing systems: erosion of natural deposits; leaching from 1 wood preservatives Nitrates: As a precaution we always notify physicians and health care providers in this area if there is ever a higher than normal level of nitrates' in the water supply. The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. : As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, - radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. ' Contaminants that\may be present in source water include: (A)' Microbial contAminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural v livestock operations, and wildlife. (B) Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring or result from urban stortmwater runoff, R industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or.farming. . \(C) Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses., (D) Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems. (E) Radioactive contarpinants, which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the EPA prescribes regulations, which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public'water systems. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water, which mus provide the same protection for public health. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminant& does not necessarily indicate that the water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and : potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection' Agency's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426- 4791. . Thank you for allowing us t continue providing your family with clean, quality water this year. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing'chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or , other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice , about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbiological contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). ,* A We at Lake Panasoffkee Water Association would like you to understand the efforts we make to continually improve the water treatment,> process and protect our watbr resources. We are committed to insuring the quality of your water. If you have any questions or concerns about the information provided, please feel free to call any of the numbers listed. -.- .... . Likely Source of Contamination SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 9 o_ Bargains bloom at spring book sale b s Photo by Leslie Fraze From left, Book House volunteers Betty Smyth, Julie Asbury, Mary Ochs and Helen Brophy, dis- play books and a puzzle to be offered at the Friends of the Citrus County Library System's Spring Book Sale. The sale will be held April 8-12 at the Citrus County Auditorium on U.S. 41 S in Inverness. There are more than 50,000 books, audio and videotapes, CDs, DVDs, records and puzzles to choose from. The sale features signed-by-author books including "Wish You Well," by David Baldocci; "The First Law," by John Lescroart; "The Arrangement," by Steve Martini; and "Naked Prey," by John Sanford. Book sale hours are: 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, April 8 (with $5 dona- tion opening night only); 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 9; 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 10; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, April 11 (half-price day) and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 12 ($3 a bag). Proceeds benefit the Citrus County Library System. For book sale information call 746-1334 or 527-8405. The Friends of the Citrus County Library System's fourth annual Spring Book Sale will be blooming with bargains. A virtual "garden of reading," the sale will be held from Friday, April 8, through Tuesday, April 12, at the Citrus County Auditorium at 3610 S. Florida Ave. (U.S. 41 S), in Inverness. More than 50,000 good qual- ity books, audio and video- tapes, CDs, DVDs, records, magazines and puzzles have been donated for the sale. More than 100 tables will dis- play 40 categories of fiction and non-fiction including mystery-thrillers, Westerns, biographies, large print, com- puters, cooking, religion, chil- dren's, travel and foreign lan- guage books. There are hard- cover and paperback books from current bestsellers to golden oldies, and most prices range from 75 cents to $3. The sale features special sections for collectibles, Florida, and Civil War books. There are lovely coffee table books and signed-by-author books including "Wish You Well," by David Baldocci; "The First Law," by John Lescroart; "The Arrangement," by Steve Martini; and "Naked Prey," by John Sanford. Signed-by- author biographies include "My Journey," by Rev. Robert H. Schuller, and "I Lived To Tell It All," by country singer George Jones. Public and home school- teachers looking for supple- mental materials will find a wealth of science, literature, reference, and textbooks. Classics include Mark Twain's 'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings' "Cross Creek," and a large selection from Heritage Press in slip- cases. Other great buys include how-to books such as "The Illustrated Guide To Basic Home Building," "Holiday Touches For The Country Home," the 25-volume Singer Sewing Reference Library, "The Art of Weaving," and "Quilting As A Hobby" Record enthusiasts won't want to miss albums featuring John Coltrane, Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and classical music such as the Beethoven symphonies on the Deutsche Gramophone label. Book sale hours are: 5 to 8 p.m., Friday, April 8 (with $5 donation opening night only); 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, April 9; 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, April 10; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday, April 11 (half-price day) and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, April 12 ($3 a bag). Friends partners from Lakes Region, Central Ridge and Coastal Region libraries work year-round at the Book House at the Historic Hernando School in Hernando to prepare for their semi-annual sales. For book sale information, call 746-1334 or 527-8405. Books at the Sumter Campus Library The Sumter Campus Library is located just east of the Langley Medical Center in Sumterville. The library is open to the public, and resi- dents of Sumter County may, apply for a borrower's card at any of the county libraries. Below are some of our new titles to be enjoyed. A Woman's Guide to Bikes and Biking by Julie Harrell Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos; simple games to promote early brain develop- ment by Jackie Silberg Dale Earnhardt; star race car driver by Paul Steenkamer Dirt Track Racing by Ed Youngblood The Field and Stream Shooting Sports Handbook; Gun and Gear Guide by Thomas McIntyre A Golfer's Life by Arnold Palmer with James Dodson The Hole Truth; Inside the Ropes of the PGA Tour by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo with George White It's Your Lead; How to Play Bridge by Brian Senior Men Are From Locker Rooms Women Are From Luxury Boxes; A woman's sur- vival guide to understanding spectator sports by Laurie Selwitz From left, volunteers Joyce Kirschner, JoAn Gosenheimer, Kay Balfour, Jackie Dean, Peggy Stillman, Barbara Wilbur, Nancy Mirgon and Julie Asbury make light work sorting Spring Book Sale donations at the Book House at the Historic Hernando School. / Recovery groups are part of the problem. / Quit on your own, and make it stick! Rational Recovery% shows you exactly how. | Visit us at: wwW.rational.org YIA'L*e'd LI vA :AV 1 -* I I-] .1 l I l:' M -I Y :V el* -O t]1 MASSEY FERGUSON 15% Down Payment Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipmen with Approved Credt $14;950+tax $17,595+ tax MF-1428:28HP, 4WD Tractor, ". MF. I. .I 9HP WAD TLactor, Power Steering, Live PTO, R4 8'8 PFwr hunle T, PS Ind. BarTires, Loader PTO Ba- r er'E Loaoer with with 54 inch Bucket, 5 ft. Box E) .-.;r. u.:,l 5 h ri-ii ar Cutter, Scraper. n Siper Bl ,je NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Finance rates (- Phone: (352) 796-5171 Sat 8am-12pm Term-Mos. Fax: (352) 796-6683 Rate *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will'qualify for low A.P.R. Financing 'ATILGIV'1 il:IAI V -T-A:1 ~k.]U~ YT 1X~(1 tfpyMRtFiacan gaed) 24 36 48 60 0% .9% f2.9% 3.9% Effeciv-e Date Until 4/30/05 Lifestyle 11 Perfect Posture Ultima Camelot Jumbo PillowTop PillowTop Pillow Top $299 $399 $499 $599 Queen Set Queen Set Queen Set Queen Set I Twin Set ....... 1159 Twin Set ....... 1269 Twin Set ....... 1319 Twin Set ....... 1399 Full Set ......... 1199 Full Set ......... 1339 Full Set ......... 1399 Full Set ......... 1499 King Set ....... 1399, King Set ....... s499 King Set I ....... 1699 King Set ....... 17991 PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 Student registration starts Crciterv d 'm April 11 for LSCC classes New students will have the opportunity to register online for Lake-Sumter Community College's. sum- mer term starting Monday, April 11. Students can choose classes from three semesters and several mini-mesters. Two start on May 5, so new students need to start the application process now. They can do so at any of LSCCs three campuses, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Students can take classes from one or more of the semesters and can register for all three at the same time by logging on to: www.lscc.edu. Semester A Extended, runs May 5 through Aug. 11; Semester A, May 5 through June 23; and Semester B, June 27 through Aug. 15. New this term is an eight-week mini-mester which runs from May 31 through July 27, providing the perfect opportunity for 2005 high school graduates to get a jump on their college career. There are also other mini-mesters that will be offered on all three campus- es, as well as online classes. Curriculum at each campus does vary, so pick up a' Summer Schedule at any LSCC campus, Winn Dixie store, or city library and chamber of commerce; or view it online. Lake-Sumter Community College offers a variety of educational programs. Its Associate in Arts degree pro- vides the first two years toward a four-year degree and guarantees acceptance into a state university? This is a valuable benefit, consid- ering, the limits schools are putting on freshmen enroll- ments. Tuition is also much lower than that of state uni- versities. Add to this the fact that LSCC has also earned a reputation for producing out- standing students. Each year, LSCC Associate in Arts degree graduates have' among the highest GPAs of all students graduating from four-year universities, con- sistently placing in the top ten percent or higher. LSCC also has two-year Associate in Science and Applied Science degrees which offer career training in many pop- ular fields, as do the certifi- cate and diploma programs. Now is the time to get "A Great Education Close to Home." For more informa- tion and 'assistance call 568- 0001. LSCC students showcase their artistic creations Illustrations, photography and computer graphics create an eclectic display during Lake-Sumter Community College" 14th Annual Student Art Exhibit. The show can be seen week- days, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., through April 21, in the Leesburg Campus Everett A. Kelly Convocation Center Gallery. "This year's exhibit features work by three talented graphic art students," says LSCC Art Instructor Kelly Cornell. "Michelle Moyerman displays her spectacular black and while photos, along with a vari- ety of color works. Utilizing his computer software skills, James Mark showcases his strong eye for choosing, alter- ing and creating images, while John A. McIntire displays a wide range of techniques which illustrate his exception- al drawing and rendering abil- ities." The public is cordially invit- ed to view this exhibit at no charge. For more information call 352-323-3653. Eclipse needs a good home Eclipse has been with the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County since he was a kitten. He is now 1-1/2-years old, and he is still dreaming of the day he goes to a home where he can be loved and pampered. Eclipse is a handsome long- haired cat with a loving person-' ality. Would you like to adopt a rescued kitty? If so, e-mail the Humane Society/SPCA 'at humane@sum.net or mail in your request to: PO. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. Visit our web site at www.humanesocietyspcaof- sumtercounty.com to see our other adorable animals. Why are so many beautiful cats like Eclipse homeless? This typical scenario explains the problem. A stray cat comes into your yard. You are not a bad person. You can't stand to see the cat go hungry. So you feed her. And everyday the cat comes back to your yard, and everyday you put food out for her, because you feel sorry for the cat. Eventually the cat doesn't wan- der off far from your yard. Why should she? She has found a food source. No, you are not a bad person. You are feeding a cat in need. But one day, you hear the tiny cries of baby kittens. What will you do now? Keep on feeding the cat. Then the kittens grow up and you are feeding them. As the kittens grow up, some get pregnant. You are becoming overwhelmed with kittens. Your friends and neighbors do' not want them, and the local J ,- Eclipse has been with the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County since he was a kitten. shelter is filled to the max with animals. Some people bring them to Animal Control where they most likely will be eutha- nized. Others drown the kit- tens, a horrible way to get rid of them. And once again, you continue to feed the cat. And once again, another litter is born,.and once again, the babies, are destroyed. When will this terrible cycle end? When will people learn? If you feed a stray cat, that cat becomes your responsibili- ty. You can call Animal Control at 793-1470 or the Humane Society/SPCA at 793-9117' to borrow a humane trap. Once trapped, you can then bring the cat to a Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic, such as the Care's Center in Lake Panasoffkee or s Pet Luv in Brooksville. Once altered, the cat can be released"& back into your yard and. you> can continue feeding her. And - No kittens will be born only to; , be killed. The cost to spay and neuter a cat is very inexpensive. It cost less to have the 'stray visitor altered than to have to feed all of its off springs. This is the time of year when litters of unwanted kittens are born. And most of the kittens will be killed. Please spay and neuter the stray you are feed- ing .and stop this cycle of killing. Sumter Coui ide to... In I- - 311 N.I Bushnell (352) 5 Open Mon( CloS , 7:00 . Market St., ,FL 33513 568-7667 day thru Saturday sed Sunday M.- 8:00 P.M. : .... " pe,".1 E,, ,.lem',ori trru 4 17 Sahara, Fever Pitch S .e.:=I Enggerr.,nt ir,,u I IC, Beauty Shop Sahara PG13 Fever Pitch PG13 Fr.-Sa t. 1:40 4.35. 7:2510:15 Fri-Sat 1:25, 4:25 7.00, 9 40 Sun 7:25 Sun. 1.25. 4.25. 7.00 Mor-Thurs 1:45 4.50. 7:35 Mon-Thurs 1.35.4:35 7 15 Sin City R Upside of Anger R Fr,-Sai 1.10, 4:00 7-05, 9:50 Fr.-Sar 1 30.4 15 7-15, 9 55 Sun. 1 10.4:00.705 Sun 1 30.4.15. 7.15 Mon-Thurs 1 30.4.30, 7:40 Mon-Thurs 150 4 40.7.30 Beauty Shop PG13 Guess Who PG13 Fr.-Sai 1.05. 4:10 7.20. 9-45 FriSar. 1 35. 445. 740. 10.05 Sun. 1.05, 4.10. 7.20 Sun: 1:35, 445, 7.40 Mon-Triurs. 2.55. 5 20, 7 45 Mon-Thurs: 2-45, 5.10, 8 00 Miss Congeniality 2 PG13 The Ring 2 PG13 Fri-Sat. 1 45. 4.40 7-30. 10 00 Fri-Sal 1 20, 4:05 7 35. 10:10 . Sun: 1 45., 4.40 7-30 Sun: 1.20. 4:05. 7.35 Mon-Thurs 1 40 4.45, 20 Mon-Thurs 2 40. 5.15, 8 10 Robots PG Ice Princess G Fri-Sat 1 00 3 15 5.25. 7 55. 1005 Fr.-Sar 1:55, 4-50 Sun 1-00 3 15. 5:25. 7 55 Sun 1 55. 4:50 Mon.Thurs-2.50, 500.805 Mon-Thurs 1.55 4 25 Hostage R The Pacifier PG Fri-Sar' 745. 10.15 Fri-Sal 1.15 4 20. 750, 10 10 Sun. 7 45 Sun 1.15. 4.20. 7:50 Mon-Thurs 7.25 Mon-Thurs 2 35. 4.55. 7"55 1 1 Buccy'5 Tavern Full Liquor/Cold Beer PRESENTS Bill .Box Formerly with the Bill monroe Show April 8th nO EOUER EHARrE Music Wednesday & Friday Night Karaoke Saturday 5894 N. US 301 Located on Rte 301 1/2 mile N. of Bushnell, Fl for info (352) 793-3749 Hidden Rivers Resort & The Dam Pub -- .S Jimmy D coming April 911 7-11 M April LIVE I BELLY DANCING CLASSES THURSDAYS 10-11 3D3Ai y zc-]J Coming Soon* Full Liquor Bar 'D < 69-9306 Rotating Bands Outside "Pickin" 4666 CR 300 (ALL MUSICIANS WELCOME) 11AM 4PM Lake Panasoffkee 4- out -e ayseed Cafe In Webster 1 599 N Market Blvd. r ------------ Family Restaurant o 4 i M, Thi at 7m tr nm oivin. Iurs. p OdL I dl I I I Fri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in qr w Good Service...Great Pot Un Daily H S Fr (35 Mon-Sat 7am-8pm Sunday 7am-2pm 616 VW SS oI FLEA IDARKETI Sat-Sun earn-noon Central Florida & . Much More" BREAFAST DAIY LUCH DrlIJE I Ii BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER ; SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 i t Food...Super People .4 goJack's ato Shack I nder New Ownership - Homemade Specials Rib Nights riday & Saturday 2)793-1002 Kings Hwy Center Hill, FL : 33514 FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 4/8-14 FRI. SAT. SUN. WED THURS. PG13 MNG TWO 8:5 10:20 TWICE EACH NIGHT Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: MISS CONGENIALITY 2 FEVER PITCH ouestions? R Pleasecall Harold Spears 863-602-2979 or Jody Crews 861-967-0842 ,., .. - Rosey and Dave's country Cafe (Formerlv Cafe 476) New Name New Location SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 11 Swnter CA'FNDAR Thursday, April 7 The Sumter County D.E.C. (Democrat Executive Committee) will meet at 6:30 p'm. in the conference room (enter through side door) of the Government Annex in the old Wildwood Shopping Center on Highway 301 in downtown Wildwood. * If interested, please attend or call Gloria Lewis at 568- 1660. Refreshments will be served. Friday, April 8 :,The 2005 "Relay For Life" is% the largest fundraising wl1k in the nation. It is an all night event that will take place on April 8 and 9 at the LIake/Sumter Community College in Sumterville. For more information, call the local American Cancer Society office at 352-326-9599, ext. 115: For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS- 2345, available 24/7, or visit www.cancer.org. Saturday, April 9 The American Association, of University Women will have their annual meeting on from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Camp Geneva in Fruitland Park The luncheon cost is $12. Make out your check 'to Lake/Sumter AAUW, and send it to Barbara Hall, 1641 Staunton St., The Villages, FL 32159, phone 259-9768. The deadline for reserva- tions is Monday, April 4. Anna Cowin, superintendent of Lake County schools will be the speaker. The topic will be the program for education, "No child left behind." The public is welcome to attend. Tuesday, April 12 Childbirth classes starting April 12, 11 a.m., at the Sumter County Health Department, Bushnell loca- tion. Classes taught by Healthy Start Program; class- es are free for Healthy Start Participants, $20 for non-par- ticipants. Call 352-569-2990 for details and to pre-register. Thursday, April 14 If you are a.widowed per- son, find support and make new friends at the LIFE Luncheon (formerly L.I.ET), which will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the Leesburg Community Center, 109 E. Dixie Ave. in Leesburg. Join us as we celebrate our 8th Anniversary and share in the great entertainment pro- vided by the New Dawn Singers. The Lunch buffet is $8. Please RSVP to 787-5421. The monthly meeting of the Sumter County Democrat Club will be held on at 7 p.m. in Sumterville at the Lake/Sumter Community College in the portable classroom. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. The Withlacoochee Long- Term Care Ombudsman Council will hold its April 2005 monthly meeting at Lake-Sumter Community College, 1405 C.R. 526A, Sumterville. The meeting will com- mence with an open session at 12:30 p.m. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Saturday, April 16 The Nature Coast Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority will meet at noon at the home of Nancy Fenwick in Spring Hill. All active or alumnae members of the sorority living or visit- ing in the area are invited to attend. For directions or more information, call Shirley Hartley at 352-637- 1319. Saturday, April 23 Looking for a way to help honor Mrs. Edwards the South Sumter Middle School teacher who died in recent weeks? Staff at the middle school has organized a reverse raf- fle to raise funds for a schol- arship in her name. The drawing is slated for 6 p.m. at the Sumter County Farmer's Market. Tickets are $100 each and can be purchased by contact- ing the middle school at 793- 2232 or Community National Bank at 568-2272. HOSPICE HOUSE -'- 4- .p^^SE B. - The Villages Cloggers entertained the crowd at the Lane Purcell Hospice House dedication on April 2. Also at the dedication were music, food, games, and information about hospice programs. ~ *.-. ,, :....:t :..... =.,. . . . . . . . . . . Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite spoke to a crowd of over 200 people at the dedication event for the Lane Purcell Hospice House, which will be built in Sumterville later this year and open in February 2006. .. -'1 *. 4 T SATURDAY, APRIL MODFIEDai SPORTSMEN, MINI STOCK, HOBBY STOCK, THUNDER STOCK, 4 CYLINDER, FIGURE 8 i ,*# 4. | County Commissioner Jim Roberts speaks with Julia Allen, Hospice community relations man- ager (left) and D.J. Hamilton, hospice information technology manager, about two new bills they're opposing that would take away hospice's non-profit status. Your ad could be here! Sumter County Times get results. * and Increase Your Income IUilh l )-i'hle l . inmunicipad lx ii(lk. Call or stop by today for more information. Joseph Capporelli 110 W. BeltAvenue Bushnell, FL 33513 '352-568-0406 I k' .1, . EdwardJones S-ning Inhudhii liun lu "lor- "iirh, l I (LElO 4Iii'L ' * Purchase Refinance * Construction Lot Acreage Call Today For Low Fixed Rates 1*800*713*7550 2301 Thonolosassa Rd. Plant City Lake umter co v MiOLLE0E . 2005 High School Grads... W Get A Jump On Your College Careerl College Students... Pick Up Some Extra Credits or Register Online Complete that Required Coursel Three Convenient Semesters Open Registration Semester A Ext....May 5-August 11 for ALL terms Semester A...May 5-June 23 starts April 11. Semester B...June 27-August 15 R sisterr Early! INTRODUCING an 8-week Mini-mester New students need to apply at May 31 -July 27 least 48 hours prior to registering. LSCC...A 4reat EdUcation Close To Home Leesburg 323-3665 South Lake 243-5722 Sumter 568-0001 md in; ';Airf fLP, Hs)4) A4, .12M '03 FORD EXPEDITION XLT '03 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER 3 '03 FORD EXPLORER 4 DOOR '04 FORD EXPLORER XLT '04 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER LUXURY; .... 21 L ,rl AT ......ll: F ... . .W RE AFAFFA I.) iERE, ALL, WHEEL'L A HIITELTRLT El AEATAiA.1R Et7 ri lri EP T lll.i:Rtt L uI i0 F r.' r lp l' AAAA I T v i Ai .Ec FATA l l lAl E Si .i ,'l.: LL A.A.I: Lt.1lI Tll TH r IAL rp AA'M A M L ;L L LLt. . RAtiALi fACI.ArAAH Tl illA NEWM I H.' E III ATIA 1 ,1 T ,LE i .I l E-IT-. L.:W UI,|.E': IR.t l~tiI:EI F-,X.8 Err'R,,MER.I. 1m ,:ERIItE, iF-mn, 1 9,875 121,995 118,818 6,600 MILES 8,800 MILES .. .. .... ... .. . .. .. ..-- : i ir L L.... I I. U I LA .AW.-M J E1 L.g. IIE .uI*II ul. ar. 'i.m..k A pp Lia ll '... 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'04FORD CROWN VICTORIA LX '04 FORD CROWN VICTORIA LX A GREAI SELECTION OF LOADED LnMODEL PN PT, f H iN S.I ONE ICEBUJE B L uC VITH LIGHT fLINT LOATHE R [UAL PWA IS PRAJCEGAEAAWIThrFLuNTLEATHER OCNLY I 6 0)MiLE EAi AiNTI LOUf RAAEf AMIFt4jfilERE') RELiuNL'AN'T LEATHER KEiLESSiREMO1E ENTRY REDUNDANT OjNTROLI I COTNTRomLA.rC'IAiEEAiANLWHEEL At.I.IMPNUMWHEEliU fA vi.A SrHETEERING WHEEL FX286, EUTRI ArouMER:UCuArtifIEE,'TliF,2uPt $ 16,964 A17,777 01 LINCOLN TONC '02 COLN TOWNCAR ONLY i35 W LOWMILES ON THIS LINCOLNA CERPFiED ONL P Ii LOWMILES ON TiL Evn SMAi BEAuT, lOWN SEDAN VipRANTWHITEWITHLIGCKTGRAPHITElOuAL PAR TOPLINE LuuRI CHR'ME WnEELS RIH:MLICHi PAA:HMENT LEATHEREEATS AM/FMCASS-rTEREOWITH&EDISCID DuAL F OEARSEATS E RivERE1 lEMFiD :t PROFiLEirSTEM CHANGER BIGWARiAANTi )767A UNCOULNPREMIEAi.ERTFiED P-2;64 18,9 95 CARTIER i II .. ... ..... ...... .- '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 03 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS NhL P piP ) MILE Or N THIS MERP ,U iCE TI, IE ,L':AVCV.P LO' MILE OldpI i I J A EI : E P ft r ': AR TAl:,E.IrJ BEAUT r WELL IEulUIPPE ITH a FOMi EA -ITJ f EAI m I ME .AEIp fI:E i l.Ip ENj I AtL.l.O HE'LU I.IR AL.M JIEEITIE:pI. :UlT TODA .'17A Trni C.':Vii bA't- HN IE AEAur, A'Va.4A 13,333 s18,500 '02 LINCOLN TOWNCAR SIGNATURE Jui ruLND IN NINONEOr i0 LNC LF r. TONE WHITE ANL SILVER POWERMOOORF FORMALCOACHC-.f AL.PIrlE AUDIO WITHftDiSCCuDt(a,:GER iflWFLAhE WHEELS ilOi" IMPACT AIR AG LINC:OLNCEATlFlEDL .8)A PRESIDENTIAL '02 LINCOLN LS '04 LINCOLN LS SEDAN LOCAL O'E 'i ''VjwrLE M CLPMl ,i REPl'i GNELY IRmrH IlAt. E'TRH '.,HAA Piftn .'r '.' LM'C MIEl t rLE Li f r pBeAS'ipnIAi RlWRf'AR B.HFlENl L.f. ArHE. AT; AM,FM K-'iIl: INr 'A'; H PsAl.n:rtUEN^'T Wl l Ir l:,An: rl taT l', L ; O R L EATIER il L:,ALI:P.EL i AlITHCfTi':i,:i LIiNO TIrFREMEKRE: IFIiEAL tTH f uT A, UFLIC:' AIEREF' !E'LE ':hEM'h TEENTIHl LII:COLN p Ar'7'.'u MLE FA,: TR, LfiTF WARRANT. PA.A. R;MIER iERTIFPEL' f lry 13,000 MILES -24,926 '03 LINCOLN TOWNCAR SIGNATURE '04 LINCOLN TOWNCAR SIGNATURE '04 LINCOLN TOWNCAR ULTIMATE LOW MILE'T AriI.rli:CLtrl Ai Er.LER.lEflAhFElO MINERAL 'itEl. ATFl ufCIr ElJ' fEAf R PAFIlr A: T BALUT-IIULLIK TilJrJANAMElIAILI: WITHLI,"HTfAARI:HM It TiATOi:irELE rHE AAN!Cr.AT,:HinCIT' .riEFULLFOMULL FCMLp TOP E,.'REM.iEiEiEIAETR, rA HiTtWAHI. MTIfHELiNP:, :I LEATHEAL ITERIjAN LINO':IJ 'BRAS HArpCi.'MPAN CA THE P'AM,'RXiE:TJAi EM,,R:' [IAFRIER ,Ep'T a: R iFmJijt COuLSE ITLLi l:tIL PREMIEi:ERkFIFIEDL'ITHtiR',r' MILL ULILTIMArE i' L':ALp'DfE ITH THE MCI`'TLLUiUlAi',OUIIUOLh CIEULOUE AtL' 'MifCH 'IE F. M U FAi':' WARRANT F" FEATiEA MEJ. COANEATEiSEAT >;Bi ': 16,600 MILES 5,200 MILES 1,400 MILES I'. iICOLN L.V8 ,i -,-, ,L IN C 0 L N 'REMIIER .CERTIFIED PREOWNEoD I. .- - S6-year/75,000 Mile comprehensive Lincoln Premier Limited Warranty' *Whichever comes first > 24-hour Roadside Assistance > 141-point vehicle Inspection > $500 Trip Interruption Service > Full Fuel Tank > Complimentary First Oil & Filter Change '01 HYUNDAI XG300 '04 CHEVY CAVALIER LS SPORT ONLY I 000 LOuWMILESANP S .i EA llA I1 Eft' lE'J GREAT AUPhH FA AUEA AiPCAE I, l TA 1iL; NE HfUiClLPhT VP AIi MI:TAlLIC r AUTO A R PWR: ':'.1',: A I.LL,) W NELS II. ER EOAN. LEATHER ANILOA L'iL Oh' t .iAI. I' 'D I.MILE MIJTi A:,TFM1":[C .E: E t ''i.l P LF ET A l ,i M IALA ,I"l ARIVE 3 A IMI .'.. $9,995 $11,987 '02 HONDA ACCORD EX V6 '02 MERCURY COUGAR V6 SPORT SNOVVW WMIIEW IT ANLLAAIIII TEIPA L E P'AL MODEL ITH E pN mvErA';TfHA ALAvE AA. lT r D 'i:Cf POWERFUL V ENGINE, ALITOAAI APJ f LOAlI. 1EErITH IEH ') Ifl ALUMINUMnLIMV ELL LIINTl 'N'HJUP i WIMtEL I'.(. FEATURES pPAA MOONAROO ANDM'2AE I,''A,'"A BUAeET 1 L,1.Er 1 POILEA ":,X4LAMp A: PwA:,P'r,pnSATJ[,M':,RE '16,962 $12,875 FINANCING AS LOW AS 4.5% APR '04 FORD MUSTANG CONRTIBLE 'ft f"71, A IIl MERCURY CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED BENEFITS INCLUDE: > 6-year/75,ooo00 Mile Mercury Limited Warranty* *Whichever comes first > 11S-point Vehicle Inspection 24-hr Roadside Assistance > Oil & Filter Change (Completed prior to delivery) > Full Fuel Tank OCALA 407 S. MAGNOLIA AVE. OCALA VIEW OUR INVENTORY ON THE WEB SAE 0HUS MONFRISa .- 11p SA~TURDAYV92Mh-1ihi I LSEDSUDA 732-2866 WWW.OCALALINCOLNMERCURY.COM o',,W.A' P EBRS/PRICES PLUS PRE-DELIVERY PACKAGE OF *289, TAX, TAG, AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FEES. OFFERS GOOD DAY OF PUBLICATION ONLY. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. DUE TO PUBLICATION DEADLINES, SOME UNITS MAY BE SOLD. PRIOR SALES EXCLUDED. SELECT CERTIFIED VEHICLES, REQUIRES FORD CREDIT CONTRACT, NOT ALL APPLICANTS MAY QUALIFY. PAGE 12, SUMTBR COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 127,500 JINCOLN MERCER I I m II' pl I I I I mi SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 13 Try it, YOU'LL LIKE IT Simply Swe ~I~Y~W& 7 - / . & a n a. ga 0 on thm e ::: *M 1C w -* . .. .... a** .,0/ a :..::. :, lw .. ..,1-a11 Copyrighted Material -".. Syndicated Content - Available from Commercial.News Providers" ... ........ .. .... WN. l ea A -fl - S .. ...........uUm a NO umf-a -MWkW.. *- 0 *AM M wo o * .,aelll H- -so '-"a 1a=1- 40am o uaw-W eIth 4A 0 a mgge n a NNNlll k-.ii~l Ws **o : RW *I kF~ .. IF..:::: .**ii M--a r a ..a m.- ...a ... . - ka ma aN ow. -ko *a qw-- mask ..m .... u. *Mk& W iu: .,,,, ag, ,- auew^ B ..... mm .. p gf - -MHA. = ac.=. .ggggg. -nuH- --- ..gg == A"- =----- -p .... .. e p --- a p -mm a. 5 -B, qbhn> ammma Now agn anmm apb mod ,,t M ,W mmmI a om- .00 a e dA*SA -ma- a- 'a- eo a 40OOWAP400 M- w a-4: ',,,a - a lNa. e --.....a am -.- .'- -- h -Spf X1 =--"a - ... .. -. .. .a....I . .- Hila.= .x: .: :...: ::. .: .* :,NlH W *iif .:* S-- F 4 .1~ 4 I;ep*oo ) tCf PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 Webster first-graders take electronic company by storm Want to know about tomor- row's technology and who's responsible for it? You'll find super technology in the making on display at Webster Elementary School. It's in the first-grade class of teacher Lynn Thomas, but the copyright for it now belongs to the Toshiba electronic company.. Thomas and four of her first graders stormed their competi- tion in the Regional challenge in the Toshiba ExploraVision Contest with an awesome cre- ation of their own. The team included Erin Tuten, Matthew Garrepy, Micah Lanham, and Dylan Brannen. These dedicated, high-tech inventors put in 60-plus hours of research after school to come up with an original, futuristic invention called the SMART DESK The students are still in the running for the national title. For the contest, .teams used futuristic technology to invent something that could benefit society. The team mailed off. their entry on Jan. 26, according to teacher Lynn Thomas. They were competing with thousands of teams throughout the United States -and Canada, but were notified on Feb. 28th that they are one of only six (K-3) division regional teams going forward in the competition. ' The team members learned how to use, their imaginations and technology to solve real world problems. They conduct- ed a school survey then identi- fied all the things they wanted to change about the student desk, Thomas notes. They got started by identifying the problem teachers and stu- lents surveyed agreed their stu- lent desks are uncomfortable, ugly, outdated and don't meet the technology needs' of today's student They came up with a solution - their SMART DESK. Each desk has a personal arti- ficial intelligence tutor called "COACH" who will stay with its student all through school. The SMART DESK uses virtual real- ity to teach for example, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington seem to come to life to teach kids about their time in history and their lives. Holograms serve as rewards and a hover board base allows kids to relocate with ease and with- out the scraping of current desks -1 something inventor Lanham says hurts his ears. SMART DESK has a flat. touch-screen computer built into the desktop and uses wire- less Internet with server access. It uses biometric security, air pressure, electronic paper, light signals,' retractable blinders, and dispensers for sharpened pencils and water. It has a paper-return tube system and components for physical, hear- ing, sight' and language impair- ments. The team researched their technology in the past, present, and future then submitted an 11- page report and five' mock web pages detailing the SMART DESK Winning the regional competi- tion also means that Toshiba now has the rights to the kids' creation. About the team The team has discussed their project through e-mail with Dr. H. Jeong who received a medal from the American Association of Physics Teachers for his work in holography and is the founder of Integraf. (holokits 1) Dr. TJ. Jeong, (known as TJ.) together with Dr. Hans Bjelkhagen discovered true- color holograms. TJ. also discov- ered cylindrical holograms - images people, could walk around. In 1973, he helped develop 3-D moving holograms. Dr. Jeong told us how to make simple holograms in our SMART DESK, notes Thomas. Dr. Jack Mostow wrote to the team in an e-mail- "What a cool idea your desk is! It reminds me of some of my favorite books when I was a Kid. The author was Louis Slobodkin." He went on to tell students that the part that reminds him of their desk comes in Slobodkin's later books. "He imagined a machine and wrote about what it would be like." Mostow's project 'LISTEN (Reading Tutor). is an actual computer program that helps children learn to read. Our team agrees with Ron Brachman. He said "You don't just put these technologies in a pot and stir and hope that it all adds up." He will rely on. research. "The challenge we have asked people to look at is how do we put all of these pieces together?" Brachman is leading the "Perceptive Assistant That Learns Program." "This is the kind of "putting the pieces together" research that will make our COACH a reality some day. "This SMART DESK incorpo- rates some of the leading tech- nology teachers are pursuing." Thomas points out.-: ;. The team agreed fixing the student desk would help kids learn better and help society. Our survey needs directed our research. We went to a hands-on museum to find technologies that would improve the student desk. Webster Elementary Principal Helen.Johnson said, "The SMART DESK would help prepare students for the high- I -m Paul Frost of Toshiba is shown with winning designers Erin Tuten, Micah Lanham, Dylan Brannen and Matthew Garrepy (left to right). The students' creation now belongs to Toshiba and the kids will be featured in USA Today, along with other creative kids around the nation. tech world we are living in. I would expect to see better atten- dance and more time on task because children would be anx- ious to come to school and learn. "The COACH could give. teachers valuable infonnationto guide instruction and help chil- dren reach their full potential. "The SMART DESK would be an important link between the classroom, home, and the world we live in. The school would save money on textbooks, work- books., and paper. "I was pleased to see that the SMART DESK offers a variety of ways to meet the needs or chil- dren with disabilities. It's not too hard to imagine that a "stu- dent desk" could revolutionize education!" Thomas said, "Our. team fol-' lows Microsoft (SPOT) Small, Personal Objects Technology. thinking. "We took the everyday desk and made it smarter, more per-. sonalized and more useful. through the use of technology.: The student desk already haswa' primary function people find' valuable. ; "Our goal is to make students lives more productive and' enjoyable with the SMART DESK "These kids are a riot to work with. They had so many ideas IP See STUDENTS, Page 15. Aseccn onf". TV The Smart Desk has a number of additions.to make a student more successful in their academic years. Those features include a "COACH" that stays with them throughout their aca- demic years, holograms for rewards and virtual reality charac- ters from history for learning, a hover board to keep it from scraping when it's moved and a paper-return tube to get school work to teachers. ' F ,. ?, ." , (800) 794.7310 J.' W o-ithn ns CASN - Se ShruciiAMed So effsmW I o)0 *R Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM 4 * I LASER SURGERY BOARDING .* S,;-1 *I HEALTH CARE C j& 6 7if PET SUPPLIES j It's Just A FOOt.. ...until It Starts TO Hurt! That's When We Can Help. CENTRAL FLORIDA 1f'4. FOOT CARE, PA. Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 | Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com MASSEY FERGUSON ...... .. Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment 1455 Compact 4-WD #1455 4' *55.3HP *16x16 Pow -_ Seated Wet Disc Brak Independent P.T.O. Til Folding Rops, Flat De SR-4 Tire B Front Loadc o 6 IH. Box Blade S0 2,& I. 0oo *6 ft. Rotary Mower WD ier Steering S es S t Steering ck Platform er Bucket 60" U. #1429 28.4 Gross HP 3 cyl Diesel 8x8 Synchro Shuttle Independent P.T.O. Power Steering * Wet Disc Brakes * Turf Tires r * Front Loader * 5 ft. Rotary Mower ORL582'2 3 733 B,784 -O PA ED T Livestock and Grain Market New Bartow, FL - David R Ward phone: 863-519-8477 t www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ORLS765. I :'* =-- -------- :-" - -L -- Author4ze Dealer of I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 15 STUDENTS continued from Page 14. thought their little heads Would pop off. They have the most incredible imaginations and it was so much fun to ivatch them think critically, $olve problems, and draw con- clusions. I am extremely proud of them they inspire me to think out of the box. , "They share a sharp sense pf humor and kept me laugh- ing. Each one brought some- fiing special to the project arid became the research expert on that technology. Garrepy brought in the idea of virtual reality and an air pressure paper return tube. ;"Matthew is our energy source! He is always bubbling with awesome ideas," Thomas said of Garrepy , Dylan is our Hologram and Biometric security expert," she notes, pointing out that he created the hologram rewards. ; "Dylan. is creative and enthusiastic. He is fun to work with and is a great team play- S"Erin did the survey for us and kept us focused on what kids want." She also made iure the desk met the needs of Scientific girls. "She is our expert on Artificial Intelligence and the desk ivarning light system. Erin is bur perfectionist.. Everyone had to give his or her very best effort" "Erin showed great leader- ship qualities and thinks like a scientist. She has a colorful imagination and is a joy to Watch!" "Micah is our expert on the hover board arnd flat screen computer and server. "Micah did a lot of research for us. He thinks critically and Was a great encourage! Micah. lights up when he brings a new idea to the table. He: is very imaginative and full of life." He also loves to draw with detail. "Our team would have made a hilarious, reality show. This team can get it. done if you put all their energy and ideas in a box, there would be enough energy to light up the moon," said Thomas. Regional teapi schools were awarded a school laptop com- puter in order to create their real web pages for the finals. Each team member won a DVD player. The team must post their real web pages and pictures of their prototype by April 12. First and second place winners will be notified in May and their families will be flown to Washington, D.C. for awards. Each of the winners will receive a 10,000 savings bond (at maturity) Second place team members will receive a 5,000 savings bond each (at maturity). Thomas and parents agreed that this was a win and a win- ning learning experience. About the Coach- Lynn Thomas Past Teacher of the Year, Thomas. is married to Pastor Ron Thomas and the couple resides in Bushnell. They have two sons Dan,' 25, who is a network adminis- tratorand Joe, 23, a broker for Smith Barney He is married and his wife Chrissie works for West Palm Beach maga- zine. Awards and Honors Teacher of the year (school) 00-01, 04-05 Honored by Southwest Water Management with an award ban- quet and plaque for my 03-04 "Water World" water conserva- tion grant. : Honorable Mention Award- Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision 2001 Disney's American Teacher Award-Certificate of Nomination for Creativity and Inspiration. Written and awarded 19 grants totaling approximately $14,713.00. "My philosophy of education is that learning can be an excit- ing adventure. My classroom must be rich with literature, math, science, reading, lan- guage, music, critical thinking and writing. I 'use science themes to moti- vate children to read, think, pre- dict, and write. She has written for ag, sci- ence, cooking, and drama and developed an outdoor math activity curriculum to help build a framework for understanding difficult math concepts. Dylan At seven, Dylan would like to be in the United States Army when he grows up. His hobbies include riding his dirt bike, jumping on the trampo- line and playing soccer and baseball. Dylan collects Yu-Gi- Oh cards and his favorite tele- vision show is "X-Men". His other favorites include the color red, football, McDonald's Chicken Nuggets and carrots. Dylan's school favorites are Super Science and PE. Dylan is very good at doing tricks on the trampoline. He has one sister named Megan and a dog named Hunter. He is a creative, inquisitive, bright, student. He is helpful, kind and always tries his best. We are very proud of Dylan. He loves science and this has been a great way for him to learn by doing some- thing he loves. This is an expe- rience he will never forget," said Dylan's mom Kristi Brannen. Erin At age six, Erin enjoys rid- ing a four- wheeler and col- lecting Bratz dolls. She is thinking ,about becoming a teacher when she grows up. Her favorite things include' the color blue, playing with animals, having sleepovers, watching movies and eating fruits like apples and pears. Her favorite television show is "Fairly Odd Parents" and her favorite sport is soccer Erin is very good at helping Mrs. Thomas and being a leader Erin often thinks about Jesus and she loves learning at school. She likes Super Science, PE, cooking and music. Erin has a two-year-old brother named Tate and lots of pets. She has a dog- Sissy, Kitty the cat, Sara the iguana, two turtles and two frogs. "ExploraVision has been so much fun for Erin. Mrs. Thomas has worked hard to teachthe t eam members to be thinkers. They've learned to think critically to solve prob- lems. Erin's self. confidence has increased!" said Erin's mom Christine Tuten. Matthew Matthew is six. A resident of Bushnell, he is the son of Kevin and Christy Garrepy and has a sister named Kate. He has two dogs Buster and Kisses, and two cats Izzy and Cuddles. Matthew has absolutely loved elephants since he was about six months old and has a large collection of them. As he's gotten older his interests have grown. Now he collects Pokemon. His favorite color is blue, his favorite food is chicken nuggets and his favorite subject in school is the computer lab: He plays soccer and base- ball and loves.to create things. He has loved to draw since he was old enough to hold a pencil. By the time he was in kindergarten he was drawing colorful and detailed pictures. He also likes to make things from trash. He has taken an empty tissue box, toilet paper tubes, straw, rubber band and a piece of cardboard and turned it into an airplane. ExploraVision has given Matthew the opportunity to see that his creations can become reality. "I think ExploraVision has been a wonderful experience for the team. It brings out their creativity and enthusiasm for the world around them. They see how teams work together to solve problems, learn skills, communicate complex ideas, and meet goals. It helps them discover that their thoughts and drawings are important. ExploraVision allows chil- dren to use their best qualities to make real things from their imagination," said Matthew's dad and the team mentor Kevin Garrepy.', "I think ExploraVision has been a wonderful opportunity for Matthew. It has filled in some of the gaps that are left open by public education. It has allowed him to use his tal- ents, drawing and creating, in a fun and useful way. It has also taught him how to work as a team with a group of people. I think ExploraVision has been great for him. It has shown that his dreams can come true." Said Matthew's mom Christy Garrepy. Micah Micah is the son of Dan and Darlene Lanham. He has one sister named Erica and three brothers Adam, Matthew and Cody He has two minia- ture pinchers named Pepper and Angel and two aquari- ums with fish. Abounding with so much curiosity and energy makes it hard to visualize that he is a four-year cancer survivor who. won the battle with Burkitt's Lymphoma. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor. He loves to bounce on the trampoline, ride his go-cart, play baseball, soccer and spend time with his friend Dylan. Watching his brother Cody spend a lot of time drawing sparked his own interest in art. Thomas inspired him to: put his talent to work He entered the 2005 Florida State Fair writing and illus- trating contest and won third place in the state for his age category. His favorite subject is sci- ence. He loves to do experi- ments and around home he is always searching for odds and ends to build or create objects, which he pictures in his imagination. "The Toshiba ExploraVision competition has been the most challeng- ing and rewarding experi-, ence for Micah. It has been a true learning experience, " said Micah's mom. Team expressed their thanks to the parents who supported them Clyde Irby, Joan Brown,. Dan Thomas and most of all Jimmy, Greene who gave up his time to help us with technical sup- port. The team is grateful to Circuit City for sponsoring the team's research by pro- viding funds for the team to build a prototype. '-mm ~ ~eoe;;~ -'. -r~.. ~~-rz-- ( If . (800) 79417310 J.G W twth rr s 0CA$ NOW fo' Str vd Siod S Ite-sinNit - -.~A iw~,Aw~. ~ oi TAV, 690-0407-SCT Sumter County NOTICE OF SECOND PUBLIC HEARING Sumter County is applying to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for a grant under the Housing Category. The grant application requests $750,000 from the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. For each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds must benefit low to moderate-income (LIMI) persons. In addition, 100% of the households that receive CDBG housing assistance must have LMI incomes as defined by, guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The activities, dollar amount and estimated percentage benefit to low and moderate-income persons for which the County is applying are: Housing Rehabilitation GRANT FUNDED ACTIVITIES Housing Rehabilitation & Demolition/Replacement Temporary Relocation Administration Budget TApproximate) (Approximate) (Approximate) $628,000 . $10,000, $112.000 LMI% 100% 100% 1,+ . TOTAL BUDGET Lube, Oil & Filter 'Every 3.750 Miles! .Gnanrge oiI lup 1o 5 qun- u c S A . ritLer. LubricJi c .-a.i, Crna b edll. I i.E, 4,re pre.oure and a a11 d ud I levels; Inspect CV joints, air cleaner I *eme, is. Extended Expiration til 716/05 l3 GOOd w r hCtn '- V=idi*ir' up .," ii n ,,ui- ,ri rn,.1 r:, i i, ,nr ,, siotheroffr, U? -- --.- --.-.- -.. - Cooling System Service I INCLUDES: I Pressure test cooling system and cap; Inspect drive belt(s), hoses & freeze plugs; Evacuate system and I. refill with 50/50 mix of Coolant and water ' $494.95 I extended Expiration til7/6/05 M GOOdwmnch.Ii w0 .o. b r I .r- r I Balance Wheels Automatic S& Inspect Brakes Transmission Service' IICLUDES: Every 30,000 Miles!' I Free lie roaion Cornputer aln. I Remove pan and drain fluid; I 'heeil:;lrnpe.:tlrot-ar ,ea a Inspctforexcssive ar;Install $ 1, n m I3rd generation fluid; Check linkage and mounts; Check for leaks; Test I extended Expiration til 7/6/05 G i extended Expiration tll 7/6/05 vI.-' 1 ir d .:.ul. p:,o,. e ~I ,,e:,r,.:',iluunTfi .i lI.:, 't11, ii, 3 .:r1,,,. .:.e. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. F, :rL .:r.:iCM ir i ,:a.,i r ..,r,..:ir. .r.] "rT i. n o n Most GM cars. Similar saving 'on other vehicles. Plus'tax. 1 Service Wild Card Fuel System Service 1 (every 30,000 miles) ,Discount On Parts 1 IN CLUES & Labor on a O INCLUDES: Repair over $300. Power flush fuel Injectors; Cleanintake ,x.Expiration til 7/6/05 O F 8r9 ,9101 :Etn* Eii lExtended Expiration 11 7/6/05EGoodwachlt 0 Valid with coupon. Please present upbn arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. I. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival: Not Valid with any other offer. WMost GM cars, Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. i",' r 'p., .:jr, .o, r,,,, Ii. Location: The CDBG funded housing improvements will be located in scattered locations throughout the County. The County has adopted an anti-displacement and relocation plan. The County will assist displaced persons with grant funds, as indicated in the budget and policy. A Public Hearing to provide citizens an opportunity to comment on the application will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 5:01 p.m. at the Sumter County Courthouse, Room 222, located at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. For more information concerning this meeting, contact Donna Brown, Denna Lafferty, or Kathy Young at (352) 793-0272. A copy of the draft application will be available for review at the Sumter County Housing Services office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon after April 5, 2005. A copy of the draft application will also be available upon request. The application will be submitted to the State on or before May 19, 2005. To obtain additional information concerning the application and the Public Hearing, or to schedule a time to review the draft application, contact Donna Brown, Denna Lafferty, or Kathy Young at (352) 793- 0272. The public hearing is being conducted in a "handicapped accessible location. Any handicapped person requiring an interpreter for the hearing impaired or the visually impaired should contact Donna Brown, Denna Lafferty, or Kathy Young at the phone number listed above to arrange for an interpreter. Any non-English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should also contact Donna Brown, Denna Lafferty, or Kathy Young. To. access a Telecommunication Device for Deaf Persons (TDD) please call (1-800-955-8771). Pursuant to Section 102 of the HUD Reform Act of 1989, the following disclosures will be submitted to DCA with the application. The. County and DCA will make these disclosures available for public inspection upon request for a minimum period of five years. 1. Other Government (federal, state, and local) assistance to the project in the form of a gift, grant, loan, guarantee, insurance payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax benefit, or any other form'of direct or indirect benefit by source and amount; 2. The identities and pecuniary interests of all developers, contractors, or consultants involved in the application for assistance or in the planning or development of the project or activity; 3. The identities and pecuniary interests of any other persons with a pecuniary interest in the project that can reasonably be expected to exceed $50,000 or 10% of the grant request (whichever is lower); 4. For those developers, contractors, consultants, property owners, or others listed in two (2) or three (3) above which are corporations, or other entities, the identification and pecuniary interests by corporation or entity of each officer, director, principal stockholders, or other official of the entity; 5. The expected sources of all funds to be provided to the project by each of the providers of those funds and the amount provided; and 6. The expected uses of all funds by activity and amount. SUMTER COUNTY IS A FAIR HOUSING/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/HANDICAP ACCESS JURISDICTION $750,000 Service done right. And done by p'ros. I Sit. fit PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY.(FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 ** S0 EDUCATION HaKJI TIo c IcTw . O . 4bqm dmw49"b_ VMP- 4010410 fmia-4w opf 4 4 righted Material f ,l -wIa, ft m - Iof 'Oft Aof A ^7 tmtA A ft& loynuicateud C.onieni, - JAvailable from Commercial News Providers" 0 w.- I^% I.* MW # 0- --f afte-a ~ me a d a-ta-d - upow% -o s a -af moh o No ag ,w'I "ft amm * 411 "Wow cooor '411% Wafth" SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 17,. Suntr TIDBITS 2005 'Relay For Life' The 2005 "Relay For Life" will take place on April 8 and 9 at the Lake/Sumter Community College in Sumterville. 'For more information, call the local American Cancer Society office at 352-326-9599, dxt 115. Sumter Christian School registration Sumter Christian Scholl (non-denominational) is now accepting applications for 4- year-olds through 12th grade. Class sizes are usually less than 15. Scholarships are available to eligible students. : The school is located at 2210 O.R. 528, Sumterville (behind Itangley Medical Center). For applications or additional information, call 793-2358. Volunteers needed e The Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network is looking for volun- teer drivers to transport veter- ans to the Gainesville VA Medical Center. Must have valid driver's license and insurance card, and be able to pass a VA phys- ical. For more information, con- tact Joe Flynn Jr. at 352-793- 5023, or Bob Klien at 352-793- 5a129. You do not have to be a veteran to drive. History of Linden books for sale The Linden Cemetery Association reminds every- one of our most recent books, .Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. This is a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History. of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232- page, indexed, hardbound edition that features approxi- mately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more, than 500 total photo- graphs. Ties That Bind II sells for a donation of $25 and inay be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County 1Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop. Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe,, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or cpicerned that you might be" in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support g.oup from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library: AARP TAX-AIDE Volunteers Volunteers; are needed to, provide free tax assistance to low and middle income resi- dents of Sumter County dur- iig the upcoming tax season. 'This is an extremely rewarding experience and volunteers will receive free ,Internal Revenue tax train- i There are also opportuni- ties,for volunteers as client coordinators and support personnel. AARP TAX-AIDE is administered by the AARP Foundation and the IRS. For more information on how to join the Sumter County TAX-AIDE team, con- tact Terry Allison at 352-746- 9985, or tallisol@tampabay.rr.com. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith .at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County extension agent for residential horti- culture, with selected guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room.' Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering effi- ciently; mulching; compost- ing; fertilizing appropriately; managing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, hummingbirds and butterflies; protecting the waterfront All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Blue Heron Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club ,of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month, at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411.. North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee, Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, 2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. WALKING IS A COMPLETE EXERCISE CYCLE... involving nearly every muscle and bone in the body. SLIM j 4' O e NALIM 6.12 "':' :"I4 I Time Out' Free Time NAW 6-12 for men for women MEDIUM 4 12 ^IDE 0 15WIDE 5-12 . W.WDE 6-15 WAVIDE 5-12 True whole and half sizes. Some colors do not come in all widths. -- ---- ,, L..- -------- ------... Lake Square Mall 10401 136 S, Hwy. 441 S' Leesburg, FL 34788 g i Next to Sears) 352-326-2641 TOLL FREE 1-866-746-3240 ON THE HUNT* S: T Photo by Brenda Locklear Austin Hurtt was checking out his find at the Magnolia Woods Assisted Living Easter egg hunt held on Wednesday, March 23. Pre-kindergarteners at Webster Elementary School arrived by bus at the house to hunt for goodies on the lawn and snack on goodies inside, all to the pleasure of the four ladies in residence at the facility. The hunt was hosted by Julie and Doug Summerlin and their four girls, who own and operate Magnolia Woods. The facility can provide assisted living for up to six resi- dents. Mrs. Summerlin was up all night the night before, preparing cakes, eggs and other goodies for the kids. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Country and gospel music Come and listen to country and gospel music at the' Lake, Panasoffkee Community Building at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Musiciaid by' invitations only. For more information, call AJ. at 748-2628. Lions Club Bingo Sumter 44 Lions Club bingo is held every Friday and Saturday, 818 N. Old Wire Road, Wildwood, starting at noon; $50 games and three $250 jackpots. Call 748-3990 if additional information is needed. Support group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples aie still wel- come. ' Sumter Christian School If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule . The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. ,Transportation.i: provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery -in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more information call Secretary Mark Raciappa, 793-4911. Artist! Do You Paint? The Sumter County Arts Guild would like to invite you to come join us in our weekly meetings. This is a place to get togeth- er with other artist, to paint ,and compare notes, to have other artist critique (your work, to exchange ideas, to help and to be helped when you encounter a problem. You may be a beginner still struggling, and intermediate that has progressed in his or her work but still needs the eyes of other artist, or you may be a professional. Oils, watercolor, acrylics, Now Enrolling For 05/06 4 yr. old-12th We Are: * Committed to developing academically sound students in a non-denominational Christian environment. We Offer: Curriculums such as Alpha Omega, A-Becka & Bob Jones from K-12th grade. Grades 4-12 are an interactive computer based curriculum. Class sizes are usually less than 15 * Physical education & personal fitness classes are also offered. * Some scholarships are available to eligible students. [Located In Simterville L (Behind Langley Medical Center) J Call 793-2358 SCS admits students of any race, color or origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded to students of the school, SCS does not discriminate on te basis of race, coror or origin In Its educational policies, admissions, scholarships and loan programs and athletic and other school programs. pastels, colored pencils, drawing and or pen and ink or whatever style you work in doesn't matter. We will be offering differ- ent types of classes all along. We have had watercolor classes and acrylic. classes and will be offering other classes in the future. Please come join us. We meet every Wednesday at 1 p.m., at the Sumterville Community Center on Highway 301 just north of Bushnell. For more information, please contact Pat Oelslager, 352-568-2908, e-mail: roelslager@cfl.rr.com. Sumter Cruisers The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in or owning classic cars to Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee every second Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night. Bring your old cars. For more information call 793-3006 or e-mail: jessiewoodard57@hotmail.co m Need food help? Food is given away and emergency bills will be paid on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave. in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respec- tively Breast Feeding Support Group The Breast Feeding Support Group meets the sec- ond Wednesday or every month at 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bushnell Public Library. For more information call 793-5900, extension 2928 or extension 2959. AI-Anon Group The Al-Anon Group, Joy in Freedom, 'meets at 8 p.m. every Friday- at the First United Methodist Church of Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave. Parking on N. Hopkins St Contacts are Judy 352-793- 5738; Linda, 352-583-3075; Jeanette, 352-568-0612. Why pay full price for your prescriptions? You can save upto 00%with ShopCanadaRX. Save up to 80% www.ShopCanadaRX.com I Cal s o ay -8 6 65 -46 Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience iv ~ wm m wa,: 7 -A r -z- : w V, -W 149 Vwj.r Wa nh,gh 4AOC" PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 First equine West Nile case reported Bushnell teen paralyzed in fight, Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson says this year's first case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis has been reported in Union County and he is urging horse own- ers to have their animals vac- cinated against mosquito- borne illnesses. The three-year-old horse was seen by a local veterinar- ian who suspected Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE). On March 22, lab testing confirmed the diagnosis of EEE. The testing also revealed an exposure to the West Nile Virus (WNV), which may have complicated the horse's condition. "Horse owners have done a good job in getting their ani- mals properly vaccinated over the past few years and we have seen a significant drop in the number of equine WNV cases," Bronson said. "But it is critical that we don't become complacent Mosquito season is upon us and the chances of contract- ing these diseases have, of course, increased. Horse owners are remind- ed that their animals' vacci- nations must be up to date, including the necessary booster shots." In 2004, there were 48 reported cases of EEE in horses and six confirmed equine WNV cases. That compares with nearly 500 reported WNV cases in 2002. A vaccination against WNV became available in the summer of 2001 and EEE vaccinations have been around for years. Bronson is also urging Florida residents and visi- tors to take precautions against mosquito bites to reduce the chance of con- tracting mosquito-borne ill- nesses. People are urged to avoid being outdoors at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active and, if they must be outside at those times, to wear loose-fitting, long- sleeve shirts and pants. People are also urged to use mosquito repellent con- taining DEET. Residents should take steps to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds on their property by removing stand- ing water from birdbaths, kiddie pools, old tires and other items where water can accumulate. police trying to locate two men A fight late last month in Webster had tragic results when a teenager was left par- alyzed after being thrown to the ground, according to Webster Police Chief Dennis Johnson. Ishmael McCook, 19, of Bushnell, was approached on the afternoon of March 25 by two other men for unknown reasons and a fight ensued, Johnson said. When police arrived on the scene, "he appeared to be paralyzed from the chest down," Johnson said. The fight happened on Northwest Fourth Street, and probably only lasted a very short time, he said. Johnson said police are: looking for two Sumter; County men in connection with the beating. McCook was transported to Orlando Regional Medicalr Center, where he remains in stable condition. Flag retirement ceremony set There. will be a. Flag Retirement Ceremony on Sunday April 17, at 12:30 p.m. at the DAV Chapter 96 Building (C.R. 489 off Highway 470 1/ mile west of I-75). All Veterans organizations and auxiliaries, other organi- zations and individuals who wish to retire their torn, faded and unserviceable flags with dignity, are encouraged to par- ticipate in this program by col- lecting flags to be retired. Flags may be taken to DAV CH 96, VFW 10084, AMVETS 793,' American Legion 101 or brought with you to the cere- mony. Donors will be regis- tered and acknowledged. This is an opportunity to honorably retire these flags with the dignity they eared and. deserve.. Call 352-793-1286 or 352-793- 3577 for more information. Florida Friendly landscaping series set Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County Extension Agent for Residential Horticulture, with selected guest speakers,, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard., The next class is- Wednesday, April 13, at 3:30 p.m. Other dates for 2005 (2nd Wednesday of the month): May 11, June 8, July' 13, Aug. 10, Sept 14, Oct 12, Nov. 9 and Dec. 14. The class meets at West Wing Meeting Room, Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, 1582 C.R. 459, across from Lake Panasoffkee Library, C.R. 459 off of Highway 470. Overview of the nine Florida Friendly Landscape Principles Other topics that will be offered at future sessions, but not limited to: RightPlant, Right Place Watering efficiently Mulching Composting Fertilizing Appropriately Managing Yard Pests Rain Barrels, Storm Water Runoff Wildlife, Hummingbirds and Butterflies Protecting the Waterfront All materials are included. This series is free to the pub- lic. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office today to reg- ister at (352) 793-2728. Scout-O-Rama set "A scout fair (Scout-O- Rama) will be held April 16, at the Lecanto Campus of Central Florida Community, College, off S.R. 491 in Citrus County, between the hours of 9 .m.,and 3,p.m.;, ...- '. t s, .fee and open to the p blic and will consist. of approximately 700 Cub. Boy, Venturing and Explorer' Scouts from the three, sur- rounding counties of Citrus, Hernando and Sumter. These scouts will be demon- strating numerous scouting skills, along with other dis- plays by community services such as the Florida's State Parki Service, U.S., Army, Citrus County Cruisers, etc. Concessions'will alsobe.avhil- able. If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail me or contact me at (352) 795-1247 (home at 5 p.m.), southstr@a'atlantic.neL Read Together, florida March April 2005 Essay Contest for Middle School ?1 www.VolunteerFloridaFoundation.org I -.-- -'--1: sponsoredby VW W ashington M utual F.ptonuheld SM US CAL (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ....................... 352.793.2161 Circulation ............................... 1.888-852-2340 Retail Advertising ....................... 352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ................ 352-793.2161 Fax .............................................. 352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Periodical Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES Call Today 352-793-2161 E Bquine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research Specialists. Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR1t16 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist taxi service pet grooming S RflDY'I S0GRO0minG , DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and small, We \\ill bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOUR pet today! For Fido's next appointment please call Sandy at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 information bail bonds JARRETT PARISH 1452 W. HWY 48 ". BUSHNELL, FL 33513 OFFICE: (352)793-8861 I (352) -0000 FeBackontheStreeCELL: (352) 303.0000 TIlI Put Your Feet Back on the Street" build' 609 N. Old Wire Rd. Wildwood,FL 34785 OFFICE: (352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 www.dibarco.com Dibarco Bt Corporal Diana B. Couillard NMIE Fully Licensed & Insured Full Service Cc interne T 3 1-888- Net-Nerd 1-888- 638-6373 mobile auto er State Certfi-d I.. . ill[di n tion ' President contractors Owner t/isp t Access detailing Joe Bullock's Detailing T Adve here Mobile Car Detailing VTo Adt erMlse here, I will come to your workplace, your business or your home Please Call for Appointment and Prices. Call (3512) 793*26l Licensed and Insured L.(352) 793-2665 3-- 630-0428 SCT PUBUC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IHE FIFl- JUDICIAL CiR- S. Ccull IN AND FOR SuMlEP COUNT.,' FLORIDA .; rvMiL, LAW DIvriC.ON SC"SE 1O 200 5-DR-DOYj2'3 DI.'ISION CIR IN RE THE ADOPTION OF A MINOR: JORDAN BROOK STEPHENS DENNIS D/O/B 05-17-96 NOTICE OF ACTION AND NOTICE OF PETITION FOR RELATIVE ADOPTION TO: MARGARET ANN MCCORD DOB: 04/06/1976 Caucasian. Female Blue eyes, brown hair., small build. 5 lool 1 Inch tall, approximately 117 Ibs. Residence: UNKNOWN YOP ARE NOTIFIED thaI an action foi. ermlnatior. of Pa- rental Righis PuIsuant to an Adoption has peen tila, and you are ieQuled ro serve a ODpy of your written response if any to it on Mar, L Greenr.woca. Esq 619 E Lumseen Rd Branoon Florida 33511 Pemtlonei at'. romney within 30 days after the date of first publication of this notice ou rr.u i file your original re.pc,-,ose ..Minh ti'e Clerk of tr.is coun at tre oaarc s ro-, enr.er oi,- fore .sr..Ie on Peltioner z artorr..,e tr immelaTalel, thereaoter omenrwic d efoaull will Do er,lileai against ouu T r Ihe reliler aeronaea in Ime Petitnorn Cler of Tr. Court 225 E I.l.:C.:riumrr. .er.ue Burlreil Fiorlaa 335J3 NOTICE OF PETITION AND NOTICE OF HEARING A Verified Peftiion for Termination of Parental Rights has been filed. There will be a hearing on this petition whichh r,,iii take place May '17, 2005, at 9:00 A.M., In riori of tr.e I-orciaDi William H. H aiiT.or. III Circuit .ludge or ir1e i jin.rer County Coulr.cu:e 225 E. McCollum A. enue 6r-.r,rell FIilo 3354J' inc Court has set aslde iireer. 15 i, ir.uie; or ir.,I r, nringr UNDER SECTION 63.089, FLORIDA STATUTES, FAILURE TO FILE A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE WITH THE COURT OR TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING CONSTITUTES GROUNDS UPON WHICH THE COURT SHALL END ANY PIENTAL RIGHTS VOU M1. H14AVE rEGARDirIG THE MI- NOR CHILD PARA TRADUCCION DE ESTE FORMULARICOAL ESPANOL 'LLAME A LA OFICINA DE INTERPRETES DE LA CORTE, AL 352-793-0211 DE LUNES A VIERNES DE 3:00 P.M. Y 5:00 PM. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation In order to participate In this proceed- ir.g ', u arc erriiiead ai r..:. C.:.t ,ou ir tra rr.o)vi- :in,:. Cef orain a.:;it3r,:ce la.e coriocit r.t Cile,- of C i,.:,ln Court, Crir.:uii Ci.i Di.l:.r. 2 5, E r.cC.:ollum v- ar.u-u Bur.rr.i .oIao 3:53 ielepr.aon No. 352-793-0211, within 2 workings days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. DATED this 30th day of sM'hrch, 2005. (Circuit Court Seal) GLORIA HAYWARD 'CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT -s- Margaret Tarver Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, April 7, 14,21, and 28, 2005. 692-0407 SCT Notice of Sale Wells Fargo Bank, NA, etc. vs. Kenneth E. Thomas, et al PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2005-CA-78 DIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, NA SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff, vs. KENNETH E. THOMAS, et al., , Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure dated March 15, 2005, and enter- ed In Case No. 2005-CA-78 of the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial Circuit in and for SUMTER County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, NA SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., Is - the Plaintiff and KENNETH E. THOMAS; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF KENNETH E. THOMAS N/WK/A AMBER THOM- AS; are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at WEST FRONT DOOR OF SUMTER COUNTY COURTHOUSE at 11:00AM, on the 12th day of April, 2005, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment: LOT 93, JERRY TAYLOR LANDING, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 34 AND 34-B, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. A/K/A 8479 CR 640, BUSHNELL, FL 33513 .WITNESS'MY HAND and the seal of this Court on March 18, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March , 31, and April 7, 2005. F04015917 -N .. ....... . . MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO TAMPA For as low as For as low as $35.00 $45.00 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 19 Fun and GAMES = -- (jumoo * p0a '46 p.* N 8AAN L&of_ vw - ap a p a I S. *4~a 4 T a S a * 0 0 * ft^ 0 wT - * *0 ^ e o^ o e 4 J " *P ! so* "Copyrighted A. Syndicated'Content . Available fromrCommercial News F -fo - - - 4WDGO 0 badwamm 4mm 4w4 -m ap G-UIm-m- mm & b w eaw a0411100"ANO COM- mm, 0 a0 GO -Gin ca- mm -a Ob a*AWS amo ai* Sdo OO1 MONW -i 404mmesw omom olo ala ow amml. orem m " a -a, Mom w-4Df lpmeO 000- a. -M mm 'a a __ a ___ QMMI -'t mid teG ftmmaowaw 4 qw softzu 1MV MMP p impmww of w wo amwaft0wm*g ap- swnw mmes w W an -"Now ama t am sm-o Ma GN "ON 01. ftw homaf-owm- *w hm b- ob ol0 G-*ft Gom 400 AO bo 0404bo~mslaa mm * S * 0 * 0 * LL of m = 4..r-ft iw, ~m- 'p D, I d- *- * 0 0 '74 S AS 0 0 C e P 1?"^9 C a I S a a S a * a U C I adommm does I . 6TI PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 '~ t- 17 "1-1 w rrw Er Sun J7z te r SP' ki vr-. Dixie League announces its recent game scores Webster Friday, April 1 West Pasco-16 vs. Knights Nursery-3 Millennium Park - Monday, April 4 T-Ball Osteen-21 vs. Munhs-15 Wildwood Tire-27 vs. Metal's USA-9 Mini Minors S&T Masonry-6 Pike's Electric-5 Softball .. ... .. Knight's Nursery-6 vs. Bill "" .... -... Gregory Excavating-3' "". Seco-18 vs. Edward Jones Investments-8 Edward Jones Investments vs. West Pasco on Friday night. Key Training Center presents Citrus County Big Bass event The Key Training Center, a non-profit organization that provides year-round services to mentally challenged adults, proudly presents the Citrus County Big Bass Challenge on Saturday, April 16, on Lake Henderson on the TsalaApopka' Chain at Wallace Brooks/Liberty Park located in Inverness. A professional tournament promoter and weighmaster, Pat Malone of Headturners3.com, will run the tournament. Anglers will enjoy a guaranteed payout of more than $7,500 in cash and prizes. Top 10 payout based on 100 boats with Big Bass awards guaranteed. Entry fee is $135 per two-man 'team, big bass included. "We are excited about the upcoming tournament that will provide an opportunity for bass anglers throughout Central Florida to revisit the Tsala Apopka Chain of lakes," said Matt Beck, tournament director. "The Tsala Apopka pools are on the rebound of being once again a premier destination for anglers." At 19,000 acres, the Tsala Apopka Chain is one of the largest and picturesque chains of natural lakes sur- rounded by cypress trees. There are more than 30 square miles of open fishing water with the average depth being 12 to 15 feet deep, with a few holes up to 25 feet deep. With February through April being the top time for the chain's bigmouths, the tournament will offer great fish- ing. The tournament promises some special promotions for both anglers and spectators. A Casting Kids contest is in the works with fun activities planned for the whole family including live" entertainment, boat/water show, extreme inflat- ables, and Beef O'Brady's food. So mark your calendars for April 16, to be fishing in Citrus County. Early registration is encouraged with flight times based on order of registration. Proceeds to benefit the Key Training Center to ensure men- tally challenged adults and their families have the opportu- nity to choose from a wide range of services including education, day training, vocational train- ing, residential and community living support. For more infor- mation on registration or spon- sorship opportunities, contact 352-527-8228. 200 BseallSotbll chdueg Date Day Opponent Place Time 4,12. FTH MO South Sumter Varsity Softball Ap7 4,8 Apr 11 Ap14 Apr15 rl T Thr HCAV Ohly Fri Nature Cast Mon Pasco* VAR Thr Tavares- VAR Fri Mt. ora1 VAR Awy i0 Home 6.:00 Awa 7:00 Away 6:00 NoMe 6:00 Wildwood Varsity Softball. Mon Tavares Home 5:00 Golf with the stars in Kiwanis tourney . The Bushnell Kiwanis Club will host their second annual "Golf with the Stars" night golf tournament on April 15. The night golf tournament will be held on the back nine at Shady Brook Golf Course in Sumterville. There will be a pre-event meeting to explain the rules and instructions on how to illuminate the golf balls to be held at 7:30 p.m. The tournament used to raise funds for the Bushnell Kiwanis Scholarship Fund will have an entry fee of $30 per person or $100 per team. The price includes an illumi- nated golf ball and finger foods. For more information or to register for the event, call 468- 2244 or 793-4776. Peanuts are often thought of as high-fat foods, but party goers can feel a little better about reaching for the roasted nuts at holiday gatherings this season. Not only do peanuts contain the so-called "good" kind of fat, but University of Florida researchers have 'found they also are high in a wide variety of helpful antioxidants, rivaling the fruits often sought out by health-conscious consumers. "When it comes to antioxidant content, peanuts are right up there with strawberries." said Steve Talcott, an assistant pro- fessor of food science and human nutrition at UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. "We expected a fairly high antioxi- dant content in peanuts, but we were a bit shocked to find that they're as rich in antioxidants as many kinds of fruit." Talcott and other UF researchers tested the antioxi- dant content of a dozen different peanut varieties in a study pub-. lished recently in an issue ofthe. journal Food Chemistry dated May 2005. Antioxidants are chemicals that block the aging effects of free radicals unstable mole- cules naturally occurring in the human body that damage living cells. The damage caused by free radicals has been linked to heart disease, stroke, certain cancers and macular degenera- tion of the eye. The growing reputation of antioxidants has led an increas- ing number of people to include more fruits in their diets, partic- ularly those that are orange or red in color, because such foods have been found to be rich in the health-promoting chemicals. Vitamins A. C, and E are recog- nized! as antioxidants, and polyphenols a family of chemi- cals commonly found in foods - also have strong antioxidant properties. Peanuts are a good source of Vitamin E, but in the past they typically have not been considered an 'antioxidant-rich food, largely because of a lack of data on their polyphenol con- tent Now UF researchers have, found that peanuts contain high concentrations of polyphenols - chiefly a compound called p- coumaric acid. And they found that roasting can increase the' level of p-coumaric acid in peanuts, boosting their overall antioxidant content by as much as 22 percent "If you compare them, (peanuts) to other foods people think of as rich in antioxidants - mostly fruits and berries - peanuts come out somewhere in the middle," Talcott said. "They're no match for the foods at the top of the scale, such as pomegranate, but they do rival other foods that people eat just for their antioxidant content." Talcott said roasted peanuts are about as rich in antioxidants as blackberries or strawberries, and are far richer in the chemi- cals than fruits such as apples, carrots or beets. ' The findings add to the grow- ing reputation peanuts are get- ting for their healthy benefits. "We already know from previ- ous studies that including peanuts and peanut butter in a healthful diet can lower choles- terol, help people lose weight and prevent type 2 diabetes,"' said Kristen Ciuba, a nutrition- ist for the Peanut Institute, a nonprofit organization in Albany, Ga., funded by the' peanut industry. The UF researchers' findings were. part of a broader study designed to measure the nutri- tional differences between tra- ditional peanut breeds and the growing number of high oleic peanuts now available to peanut growers. , Oleic acid is a monounsaturat- ed fat, part of a family of chemi- cals sometimes referred to as "good" fat A diet rich in oleic acid is believed to lower choles- terol levels and reduce the chance of heart disease. In recent years, UF and a handful of other universities have bred new peanut varieties that have higher-than-average levels of oleic acid. High-oleic peanuts also have a far longer shelf life than other peanuts, largely because oleic acid doesn't oxidize as rapidly as other kinds of fat. Talcott and his fellow researchers thought that the peanuts' high antioxidant content might be responsible for that effect, but their tests showed no significant differ- ences in antioxidant content between high-oleic and tradi- tional peanuts. Agronomy professor Dan Gorbet, who heads UF's peanut- breeding program, said it should be possible to breed the nuts with high antioxidant levels in mind. "It's certainly worth look- ing into further," said Gorbet, a co-author of the study. "The big question is not whether it can be done the question is whether the demand is there. So far, peo- ple haven't been seeking out peanuts for their antioxidant content, but maybe in the future they will be." District to treat water hyacinth anid water lettuce The Southwest Florida Water Management District will be treating water hyacinth and water lettuce on the shoreline and canals of Lake Panasoffkee April 11 to 14. Treatment involves using the aquatic herbicide Reward. . Treatment areas will be posted with warning signs displaying treatment dates and applicable water use restrictions. a Restrictions on Reward include no livestock watering for one day, no irrigation of turf or ornamental plants for one day or crops for five days and treated river Water, should not be used for drink- ing for two days. This does not apply to tap or well water Water hyacinth is a trou- blesome aquatic plant form South America that was brought to Florida in the late 1800s. It is a Fast-groxing plant. that expands quickly Water lettuce is ,- rduble- some floating aquatic plant form South America that was first discovered in Florida in 1765. ,It is considered one of the worst weeds in the subtropi- cal and tropical regions of the world and can double its population in less than three weeks. ; For more information, please call the district at 352- 796-7211 or 1-800-423-1476. Ronald Morris Tadlock, II and Colleen Heather wel- comed a brand new family member 'with the birth of their seven-pound, six-ounce son Ryan William Tadlock. Born at 2:12 p.m. on Friday, March 18, he was 20 % inches long. He joins his older sisters - Brianna and twins, Ashley and Alecia. His maternal grandmother is Brenda Burns of Rockland, Maine. His maternal great- grandparents are Velzora and the late William Robbins of Lisbon Falls, Maine. His paternal grandparents are Ron and Patricia Tadlock of Bushnell and his paternal great-grandparents are George and Alberta Fletcher of Plant City. SOWE&TR couvry. PRAPWEZ N APPROVE THIS MESSAGE! LET OUR - J DRIVER SWING ": ONBY SAND TAKE YOU ROUND TO YOUR ILA*,DESTINATION! a~' .g.Jj 'ii' ~~JL~* 'J.~ F~VN-4 LOCATION TIMES New Library (Transfer Station) 10:50 1:10 2:55 Southern Trace Plaza/Publix 9:00 10:55 1:15 3:00 Saddlebrook Club 9:05 11:00 1:20 3:05 Savannah Center 9:10 11:05 1:25 3:10 Albertson's/Walgreen's 9:25 11:20 1:40 3:25 Lowe's/Beall's 9:30 11:25 1:45 3:30 Walmart Supercenter 9:35 11:30 1:50 3:35 Spruce Creek Plaza 9:40 11:35 1:55 3:40 Oakland Hills Medical Center 9:45 11:40 2:00 3:45 Villages Regional Medical Center 9:50 11:45 2:05 3:50 Village of Spanish Springs 9:55 11:50 2:10 3:55 Government Annex 10:20 12:15 2:35 4:20 Lake Sumter Landing 10:25 12:20 2:40 4:25 Arnold Palmer Country Club 10:30 12:25 2:45 4:30 Laurel Manor Plaza 10:35 12:30 2:50 4:35 SUMTER COUNTY TRANSIT SOS-MOVE (86683 A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ISouth Sumter Varsity Baseball F8: F# Hernando Away 7:00 12 Te NatureCoast Home 7:00 ,15 Fr Wildwood Away 7:0 Wildwood Varsity Baseball AWq 7:.0 Home 7:0 Peanuts rival fruit as source of antioxidants, researchers say Tadlocks welcome new family member with Ryan William Travel from Stop to Stop is FREE on the new Fixed Routes SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 21 FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the' goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as ,well as around the world. All our classifieds including yours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIES ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes.com -or Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 900-950 THE HOME STORE "a Habitat for Humanity of Citrus Couur, C'uirec,3. r Is seeing Donaions aof usae- able building materials, home re mo'3 lI.: ar.n decrorairng iiern' furniture, and Appliances. No clothing please, Vlunleersa reaneeded h the Home Store on Monday & Thursday, Store hours are: 9am-5pm Man-Sat. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness (352)341-1800 for further information. ' HUNT iLK, RED STAG Whileroal Bunralu- Ou .ea"son siori ept I 2005. Guaranteed Hunting ilcer,, or,., 35. We rave NO Gamei NO p', poll.:..,, C' ll , Days (314) 20C-. ,1:) Eves: (314) 894-3776 FCAN To place your Legal Advertising In the TIMES. call 793-2161 HELP WANTED SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS/ SALE PETS MOBILE HOME RENT/SALE RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION 1 CALL STANDS BErWEEN YOUR BUSINESS and millions of potential customers. Place your a3,3 Ir. rr FL CI,3 I30icd 6vcenelr.gljer.Aorc.' f:or $450 your ad will be placed In 150 papers. Check out our 2x2 and 2x4 display network tool Call Heather Mola, FL' Statewide Advertising Network Director at rirrn oIa''llpre.L,,. :'r. for more Information. (Out of State Placement Is also avail- able.) Visit us on-line at w'w.v florid.3- ' .:I.- ril3d: .-.,r. FCAN INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT NEED A LAWYER? All accident & Injury claims *automobile, Dn'e' .-al.,A'Du, "ornr.31 ire.II :'rl. r: ,.-or . pF r,., 3ll.rr. .oranglul ,'3),lri 'nu,.'lr'.:I-.-r irn ' 11111 -7 ,n.-.rne / Pere,riai "er'.ice A88P)' 733-5342 24 hours, 7 days a week FCAN NEED AN ATTORNEY, ARRESTED? Criminal Defense 'State 'Federal 'Felonies "Misdemeanors 'DUI *Ucense Suspension *Parole *Probation *Domestic violence "C'rug: "frcrtc ,cw *Ighl A-A Al rrney Referral Service (800) 733-5342 24 houts 7 days a week FCAN -U =eat IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (81Ti 8'2-0'22 or send .9 Ic, Doreilc,: 3C102 N. Habana Ave,, Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN HYGIENIST Bushnell full-time for quality-oriented, high-technology family and 'cosmet- ic practice. Positive attitude. Call 1-352-263-9009 or fax resume 1-352-592-4451 .. _, ., To place your Legal Advertising in the SUMMER COUNTY call 793-2161 B I', L-S '! National Certification - Financial Assistance -Jbb Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services' www.atsn-schools.co m Owner/operator looking for dependable drivers. Clean MVR. $600-$800 week. Home every night. 352-457-6289 STUCCO PLASTERERS, LABORERS & APPRENTICES To start work Immedlatelyl (352) 748-1078 the Centers is seeking for the following medical positions: ON-SITE SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Seeking a bachelor level, experienced substance abuse counselor to work on-site In local middle and high school alternative school providing Individual and group therapy. Salary range $26,000- $30,000 annually. MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST Seeking an experienced, master's level mental health therapist to provide services to children, adults and families who present for ,services. In Citrus County. $30,000 annually. SCHOOL ON-SITE THERAPISTS Seeking master level mental health therapists to provide on-slte services to SED children both In school and In the home. Full time and contract positions available, $30,000 annually full time + benefits, $25.00 per hr contract/no benefits. Vac/sick/holiday/ med benefits/401K. Background check required. To apply for these positions, fax or e-mail resume to: HR, the Centers, Inc. (352) 291-5580, hr@lhecenters.us or come by 5664 SW 60th Ave., Bldg. #1 for an on-the-spot interview. DFWP/EOE ASSISTANT MANAGER Immediate opening for Wildwood fruit and gift store. Call Mark 352-209-6144 Country Cafe 311' N. Market St. P.M. Cook. Full-time, two positions. 352-568-7667 CARPENTERS & HELPERS MuSt have tools & transportation (352)793-6832 call between 3pm & 6pm Drug Free Work Place CITY OF BUSHNELL APPRENTICE LINEWORKER The City of Bushnell is currently accepting applications for the position of APPRENTICE LINEWORKER. Applicants must meet the following requirements: Physical strength and agility to climb poles. and perform heavy manual work under Inclement weather conditions. Demonstrated ability to learn skills and Knowledge requirements of a Journeyman Line: Worker, Including routine construction. Tnailr.t.irr.ce ord repair a.t .:tri overhead and underground electric distribution systems, High School graduate or GED. Class B commercial drivers license, Ability to operate heavy equipment desirable. This position also provides support to Water and-Wastewater Utilities, Any Interested party should inquire at and submit an employment application to, Bushnell City Hall, located at 219 N Market Street, Bushnell, Florida; telephone 352-793-2591. The position is open until filled. EOE/ADA Heavy Equipment Operator TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT r..c Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators. Next Class:Feb. 14th $25K (407) 322-4242 after 2pm FCAN $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS ***-20051 Never repayl For personal bills,. school, new business.' $49 billion left unclaimed from 2004, Uve Operatorsl (800) 606-6081 Ext. #75. FCAN LOANS BY PHONE Up to $1,000 In 24 hrs. No credit check Bank Account Req. (888) 350-3722 www. paychecktoday.com FCAN Dental Assistant Bushnell full-time for quality-oriented, high-technology family and cosmet- ic practice. Experi- ence desired but will train the right person with posi- tlve attitude. Hiring Bonus offered. CaI 1-352-263-9009 or fax resume 1-352-592-4451 DRIVERS NEEDED Full or Part Time CDL Class A Dedicated Florida To Michigan Weekly Auto Transport. Health, Vacation, 401 K American Transport 1-877-869-7364 Full Time Employment. Lawn Crew Train- er-Supervisor/Van Driv- er. $7.75/hr. Start/$8 af- ter 6 mos. Mon.-Fri. 40 hours wk. High school diploma or GED. Background screening. Good driv- ing record. EOE. Drug Free. Apply at SCARC, Inc. 213 West McCollum Ave. Bushnell. 352-793-5156. Website for application:www. SumterCountyARC.co m Immediate openings F/T or P/T group home staff; 12-hr. shifts, 3 days on,, 3 off. High School diploma or GED. $7.75 hr. start/$8 hr, after 6 mos, Background screening. Good driv- Ing record. EOE. Drug Free. Apply at: SCARC, Inc. 213 W McCollum Ave. Bushnell 352-793-5156. Website for application: www.SumterCounty ARC.com Looking for equipment and field operations personnel. Must have valid DL Site located half-mile south of Coleman on US 301. Junction City Mining. 352-748-2562 Ro-Mac Lumber In *Wlldwood has Immediate openln - GARAGE DOOR SERVICE TECH Experienced or willing to learn Mechanical ability Good driving record required Competitive pay and benefits Applicants apply: Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply 5975 Signature Drive Wildwood, FL 34785 EOE/DFWP ROOFERS/ SHINGLERS Exp Only. Paid Vacations, Benefits. 352-347-8530 LARGE GREETING CARD COMPANY Is seeking Merchandl'er for. local Bu.hneli area. ' 10-15 daytime hours per week, $7.00hr please visit: www.hlringedge.com use job code 111275. DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/O, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer, S(888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN DRIVER- OWNER/ OPERATORS * *Competitive rates *Paid fuel taxes & tolls *Air freight runs *Lots of miles. Call Phil, M-F, 8-4 @ (800) 899-3059; .(765) 315-9118 FCAN\ DRIVERS/OTR- Tanker' looking for professional drivers NEW'2005 equipment, Top Pay, Bonuses, Prepass & EZ Pass, Rider Program & much morel North American Tank Lines -(866) 748-6285 FCAN KNIGHTS MARINE Now Hiring all Shipyard Craftsmen. East, West and Gulf Coast Projects, Excellent pay and benefits, Toll free ' (877) 603-7635 FCAN #1 CASH cow 90 vending machine .* Hd. You approve locations, $10,670 (800) 836-3464 #B02428 FCAN .N ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machlnes,,free candy. All for $9,995. ' (800) 814-6323. B02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN EXCEPTIONAL ONLINE RETAIL BUISNESS FOR SALE. Gross $90K. Expandable. Upmarket Home/Garden decorative accessories. some antique glass, 5-ft. India lamp old. 4/8 through 4/14/05. SW 73rd Lane off W 476 - Bushnell, turn at 1-75 overpass on CR 614. Follow signs. YARD SALE SEMI-TRAILER FULL! Saturday morning 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Corner of U.S. 301 and C.R. 575 Lacoochee FREE 4-ROOM DIRECTV SYSTEM includes standard Installation 2 months free 50+ Premium Channels. Access to over 225 Channels ULimited time offer, S&H Restrictions Apply. (866) 500-4056 FCAN ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Licensed & Insured "No Job To Big or Small!" *Free Estimates' Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovettff (352)303-3878 B.J Beckelheimer I TREE I SERVICE I BUCKET TRUCK I STUMP GRINDING LANDSCAP- ING I 793-5949 I Top Shape Beautify Your Trees HURRICANE DAMAGE? Also Home Repairs & Additions, Deck Designs/Screened Rooms Let Ralph design tIlLicensed & Bonded. Call Ralph: (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Serving Croom, Bushnell Lake Panasoffkee, Ridge Manor HURRICANE ROOF DAMAGE? Also Home Repairs & Additions " Licensed & Bonded Call Ralph: (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Serving Croom, Bushnell Lake Panasoffkee, Ridge Manor SPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300. Sacrifice $1425. (352) 346-1711 -U 1---- + ESTATE T MERCHANDISE AUCTION iTHURS. APRIL 7" 4000 S. Fla. Ave. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: 4PM AUCTION: 5 PM Household Items, furn., unpacking trucks, and finding surprises. See www. dudleysauction.co DUDLEY'S AUCTION (352) 637-9588 AB1667 AU2246 12% Buyers Premium I 2%disc. cosh/check ' METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn * around Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN STEEL BUILDING SALE 20x30; 25x30, 30x40, ,40x60, 50x100. Brand new, free delivery if ordered'by 4/9/05 Call Charlie (800) 896-1082 FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Deals Save $$$ 40x60' to ,100x200' Example: 50x100x12' Is $3.60/sqft (800) 658-2885 www.rigldbuilding. com FCAN BRAND NEW COMPUT- ER Bad Credit? No Problems You're approved. Guaranteed. No Credit Check, Checking account required. (800) 507-4855 Blue Hippo Funding; Call now for free bonus. FCAN Giant Indoor G g Sarage Sale This rday, 4/8 and Oxford Assembly of God U.S. 301 Many items .25 cents Huge selection Lunch Available Free Parking LAKE PANASOFF- ' KEE River's Edge Mobile Home Park annual yard Sales. April 9 8am until. CR 470 MOVING SALE! Furniture, pictures, knickknacks, clothes, Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m SCUBA equipment for sale Sherwood tanks, BCD, regulators, etc. CAll after 5 p.m. 793-1792 SPAI Overstockedl New 7 person spa, loaded Includes cover, delivery & warranty, $2,999. Was $5,999. (888) 397-3529 FCAN GUN SHOW April 9 & 10 9-4 Steinbrenner's Yankee Ramada Inn 1-75, Exit 354, Ocala (904)461-0273 -4 Want to Buy Small or Medium Size lot w/ no structure. Call (727) 734-8550 Catahoula Cross pup - 3 mos., wormed, vacci- nated. Free to good home. 793-5068 Over 3,000 home and property listings at WWW. ncchomes.com Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m . 5 Acre Mini-Farm. Lg 4/2, Lots of scrubs. Won't last long! Call (352) 795-6085 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 hothe and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m 3/2 on '- Wooded Ac on Paved Rd, $2,500 dr 5 .'62;' motl.r,l i Call (352) 795-2377 4/2 on '4 Acre on Paved Rd. Fireplace, Galley Kitchen.$2,500 dn. $568 monthly. Call (352) 795-1272 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 baths on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway, $2,000 down $575.68/mo W.A.C. 352-621-0119 Beautiful 3/2 on 3 Acre. Frnt. porch. Huge eat-in kitchen. $1,500 dn. $675. Monthly. Call 352-795-8822 LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 OWNER MUST SELL! I acre land/home package. 3/2 with full * appliance package, under warranty. Beautiful property nice, & quiet, decks, driveway. Must seel $5,000 down, $586.40/mo. P & I W.A.C. Call to view 352-621-9183 Over 3,000 home and property listIngs at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listIngs at www.ncchomes.com Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m Retired Couple + one adult want to rent fully furnished home Jan,, Feb., Mar. 2006. E-mall pictures, details, your requirements and ph# to dihltchman@ twcny.rr.com PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes it Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status in- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In violation of the law, Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Over 3000 home and properly listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m ACROPOLIS MORT- GAGE #Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. Over 3,000 home and property www.ncchomes.co mr Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m -U'd Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn ;, Over 3,000 home :drd' property * ,: listings at: www.ncohpmes.co) m Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co Sm BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL, PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments, Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokee mountainrealty.com Call for Free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN VACANT LAND WILDWOOD BEAUTIFUL EQUINE ACRES 10 or 20 acre homesites priced at $24,500 per acre, OBO. Right Off Villages Expansion, New 1-75 Interchange. Call Marc 1-561-945-9036 DIR:Take CR 475 to NW 102nd BLVD To Entrance to Equine Acres Announces Their New Factory Outlet. In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment - mEMOSVI01A- LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat sllpl High elevation beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000 AC recreational lake in TN! Paved roads, u/g utils,, central water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 608. Sunsel Bay, LLC FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there Is cool Mountain air, views & streams, homes, cabins & acreage. Call for Free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333, Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC 28906 www. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m. ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots in the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20% redevelopment discounts and 90% financing. NO PAY- MENTS for 1 years, Call now for best'selectlon. www.nclake frontpropertles.com (800)'709-LAKE FCAN GUADALUPE RIVERFRONT!. Spectacular wide riverfronts on "Prime' Texas Hill country locations. 10-32 acres w/lots of water frontage, huge trees, panoramic views. From S300O's to $400's. UImited number available. Call now before they're gone. (800) 609-7042, ext. 110 FCAN SERENE MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITE $230 mo, Upscale golf community set amid Dye designed 18 hole course In Carolina Mountains. Breathtaking views. Near Asheville, NC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Teaching Facilityl Call toll-free (866) 334-3253 ext 832 www.cherokeevalley sc.com Price: $59,900 1 %dpwn;, balance finance 12 mc,,onths atl .. I .J'" h, -,r.- year . Dol,'oOn. OA.C. FCAN 5 LOTS ONTHE WITHLACOOCHEE RIVER Approximately 2 acres, $300,000 for all firm. 813-918-8652 GIANT RV BUYERS BLITZ April 8th, 9th, 10th. Giant Recreation SWorid. Florida's Motorhome- Towable headquarters "Melboumrne- (800) 700-1021 "Ormond Beach- (800) 893-2552 *Winter Garden- (800) 654-8475. www.grwrv.c6m FCAN PACE ARROW MOTOR HOME 1986, Class A, 34' Long. Fully Equipped. $15,000. (352)489-7366 TIMES THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels,co m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheelsco m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at wwwnccwheels.co Sm Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at- www.nccwheels,com Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at .\ t, r..:.: .. b.el. .:.:.rrn Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at .w'w ncc heels c o. m 619-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice ol Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED fr3918 rjor.ci .s r.eere b, y ...er. Ial CAROLYN PALMER ir., r.c.,er .i ir.e ioll,,rla g 6ceani. are ra,; led :l: d 0 cernT. C le lu E a r-> Oaed I.:, 1. a i:" . u 3 u r.irreon Tre ,:eni,. C:le r.uTbeia ,id year ol ,:* suance, the description: of the property, and the:name in which it was assessed are as fcll.:.,- Cen.:r...e ri.o 782 Year of Issuance 1997 Description of Property- LOT 43 BLK A WITHLA- COOCHEE HEIGHTS ALSO AN UNDIVIDED INT IN FOL LOT 70 BLK'A N' 150FTOFE200FTBLK'H LOT 19 BLK E OR 132 PG 151 Parcel Number L136043 SECt? TVIP21 RrIGZO Name in which assessed- HORACE MELVIN & SHAIRL OWENS Sld i0jEcreriTv t-ing r, ih Count .r.I Suumrier S-are ,-a Floir.. u.ire-s s;u.:r. cenili- cai-i sr.all be redeAmel a : cordin 10 Iaw me pr'pcnf ea 'Cribej .r. ucmn ceri,.tanl6 or1ail e, s.oi.l a0 ire n.grnBcs bldde' l ire Coun H:.ue d:,-, O,' Monday, May 16, 2005. at 11:00 AM. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high bidder rlaii panl ir lr, e clerk a r..ar, rlunrud Cle .:asn deposit ,c, i200'.0) sr Ir time of the isale. I0 c ap- plied l i' sa letie preie 31 ise I.Tm .1 lull p yrienri 2005. Glan, R Haeai.d Cie,'k. ci Ihe irculi Court Sui-nsir Ccu"r, Fior.sa iCiRCLuiT COURT SE>L| 6, s: Ben, H ead Depury Cierk Pul/'r ed lour i4i irr. e- Inn lhe Suri-r Counry T.errs . '.larcr 31j Aonril 7., 14 an, 21 2005 640-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice Is hereby given Ihat ire fi :,il.:..lr.q e Ia ic.. Te.,r .~.111 ci, -CoI, a. ic.. a.3eci C, .ic.ila iraotul "I l' s I.. .atli. .ilc.:ki r 5. i-.:.gse cn-',3ge1 in. :uec'a i II li r,.I r .:-airie. .-, irr iigr.nul C,..n er arT. . J11 Inr. .,ti1iier .virrir, fiT. leen ,i".aa,; .,llr.in cm rr.e .dore :.i pFj.l:.ii'an.-.r. Tr.i rosncc ..'r.e 1989 HONDA fe rlo l tli ' iHGCA5633KA030973 Color: UNK . Uer, J.:. i. ,:20 i'i CIr, c:'. Err ,are L.'rPii',a Pro.i.i:.ul, regiaicrea Ic THOMAS VINCENT WAT- SON Uen -.i.Soi 1 ':lE 4 Sale DaO- .l 9, 2005' at 10:00 A.M. Location: J C Wrecuer sIr.l.: ' C.:.unr, h 2.',3 4 , C-.f1 L FL 3.48J ' Pubill;ri .r ore 'i t(.r.e ir, -re urrTler Cc.ur.r, iiie:; A ,il 21- .CI Notice to Creditors Estate of Wilbur Lewis Reed PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005CP-000072 IN RE: ESTATE OF WILBUR LEWIS REED, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of WILBUR LEWIS REED, deceased, File Num- ber 2005CP-000072, Is pending in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and ad- dresses of the personal rep- resentatives and the per- sonal representatives' attor- ney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no-. tice is served must file their claims with this court WITH- IN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims' or demands against the decedent's es- tate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN- THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED -TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is March 31, 2005. Personal Representative: CATHY PETERSON 1705 CR 26 Steubenville, OH 43950 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N.THORNTON Post Office Box 58 , Lake Pahasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Florida Bar No.: 176505 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. 617-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3916 Notice is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the, rTlIiiiun. .,anlii, Car r.a h3 r .ao, cenar,i'l- Icr a lau deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number.and year 'of issuance,; the de- scription of the property, and the name in which it was assessed are as fol- lows: Certificate No. 519 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: LOTS 8 9 10 BLK C POIN- SETTA PARK PB2 PAGE 33 FaieI lriumibei' I02'SLO' .EC 5 TWP I 1- RrG23 Name In which assessed: ERROL & VIOLA THOMAS Sa3, propenrc uing in ir a Cour.ry c.t SuMTle, Slale cI ric..oa Ur.les suc.:h cenill- ,are riaill n, reade.T.d ac- cor.ng ro law ine properly cicnoea in'a.j.:Ch cartltiale ir .i -l .O1 lr, eI r, l gr .g ; c--s-i-,-' l r, e CLuI, Ho:u ., door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00 A.M.. , Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high b-.a.,r 'rsail poi' with the clerk a nonrefundable cash dEp .,it ofi 200 00 at re 1i -e .I l he ale 10 te ap pi. i. 1i3 I ae, ale pcnie a 1 Irne tim.-i lull payrriear, Witness- my hand and offi- cial seal on this March 28,. 2005. . Glorid HalCar.d Clerk l 0 roe C.r-:uill C..in Sumwir Caunr. Fir.nda, (CIRCUIT COLI.RT SEALI By:-s. Becky HC.eard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County-Times, March 31, April 7 i-i, and 21, 2005. 633-0414 SCT force to CreolOsr PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Ill AiND FOR ulr..TER COuliT, FLORIDA ,CASE NO. 2005CP000071 ill RE ESTATE OF VESELINA G. HRISTOVA, De.: ea i:e-i NOTICE TO CREDITORS The amrni.i lirai.C.r .o Ihe Eraile ol Veselina G. Hrlstova, a scceaca wr,.:.s-, da:le ol Oealn was lMay i30 20041 and wroe Sosial Se- Cunry Number i-: 633i."'6 315 iS pansig Inr Ins, Cir. Cu'r 0:un c-r 'Srnier C,:un- ry Ficrioa" Pr-5bal Di.,irua Ine a lareis,.i : 'l r.icr. I Clerk of Circuit Court, 225 Easi M.cCollurr, Are BuS-.- nell FL 33513i Tre nramres and ad're-siest o Ine Per.- ional Represer.,lra..e a ,nd Ir.a Perso'.al Reprresenia- II.e Anc.nsy a6 rer lnhrr, ll ,:radllliS 5 .r ire orcce- Inst] cl:hTiT erus ,serranr agairn.l dJcedonl'E crslis, On wnO-m a C-ps c-I he rec- I:e i" reulretd lO b, is er.e-s Tu,-I lire heirer claIm wirn me Clerk, Co Coun WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MOfTHS AF- TER THE TIME OCF THE FIRST PUBLICATIOII OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DA',S AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COP i' OF THIS IiOTICE OCI THEM All other creoIlocS of rie lace-eril an aLrar pe ,'-sor hiasng claims or demand aga..iI':-l dece n.ri e..lale mus ri I rleh r clairr,.: in irli Coun WITHIN S MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB LOCATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED., Dal ol t fii'l puir.iarliion .of miis nOSicte iS April 21'105 Pcis:onal RepreisiLaEll -.- Vladimir Hrislov 7.25 CR 48 Weil Busrneli. FL 33J513 An..rie) lfo' Perso-al ReprAeseniali/e .- Felix M. Adams Florida Bar NJo 39582 138 Busrnelil Pia-Sie 201 Bushnell Floricd 3.'513 : 1352)17'3 6900 Publirnes two i 2linmes in fre Surrilar COunry Times, April 7, and 14 2005 1 618-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE . Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3917 Notice is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issuance, the de- scription -of the property, and the name In which It was assessed are as fol- lows: Certificate No. 546 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: COMM AT NW COR OF S 1/2 OF NW 1/4 DEG 59 MIN 41 SEC E 16.59 FT TO S 89 DEG 59 MIN 41 SEC E 667 FT 01 MIN 13 SEC W 1326.62 FT N 89 MIN 21 SEC W 666.99 FT N 00 DEG 12 SEC E 1326.56 FT TO POB LESS ACROSS THE S SIDE THEREOF Parcel Nuriber G06-187 SEC 6 TWP19 RNG23 Name In which assessed: ABUBAKAR A. MENSAH Said property being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such certifi- cate shall be redeemed ac- cordingto law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high bidder shall post. with 'the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be ap- plied to the sale price at the time of full payment. I Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this March 28, , 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, March 31, April 7, 14, and 21,2005. 636-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that the -following equip- ment will be sold as pro- vided by Florida Statute ,713.78, to satisfy. wrecker! & storage charges In- curred, If it Is not claimed by the rightful owner and all liens satisfied within fif- teen (15) days within from the date of publication of this notice: One: 1.984 HONDA Serial No.: ' .1HGAD7436EA102251 Color: GRY Lien No.; 02/25/05 City: WILDWOOD State: FLORIDA Previously registered to: DONNA MAURICE ROBIDOUX Il-ie H...1-1 I i lC ItE :S.1 C.. r r.l- 2005' at 10:0 A.M. Location: J.C. Wrecker Service - County Road 204 Oxford, FL 34484 Published one (1) time In the'Sumter County Times, April 7, 2005. 637-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that the following equip- ment ..iii c.- ,':.i, as pro- vided b, Fi.:.I.s-s Statute 713.78, to satisfy wrecker & storage charges In- curred, If It Is not claimed c., ir.- ii.5nrrruji u r.lr ar..J3 .'11 IIrcr: .-nsf:e- A irrIr. Si. ren i'.15 ,3,- ,: irlr,r. n-.:irT, Tr, -.a .,- .:,1 ourjlican r, .:.r rril: r ..rl,.-" -C -," 1997 STRN Serial'No.: 1G8ZK5275VZ119314 Color: GRtN U e n N.:. i2,:r;,1l. City: A ILL.':.-:1..L State: FLORIDA Previously registered toi TIFFANY NICOLE JOHN- STON Uen Holder: NONE Sale Date: MAY 9, 2005 at. 10:30A.M. Location: J.C. Wrecker Service ,..'ijr.r, -,:3. 1 l -,' -.r.3 F L : 1 .1 "' fjci.rea ,:,,-,c I lime in rr. s ur-r.,' Cc..,J,-,r, Times, S.699-0407 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Amy Mae Turks PUBLIC NOTICE Ili THE CIRCUIT COuRT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, 'FLORIDA File io :-0Ci CP-OC'00067 ilJ RE THE ESTATE 'F : AMY MAE TURKS, Dawea-e,1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tre ad.rri.ri|ration of the aimf1e ca AMY MAE TURKS, deceased, whose date of death was March 31, 2003, and whc e.Sd6 ial Se- Currt J rnit'r is 332-3- -241T6. 1I persdiw ir.i i. Cl,'. cull Counrt Ic.i SJiTiie. C J - ry Fioriia Prosai ) Dilislln inlarn FIorldla Sireli Bunri nell, Florida 3351.' The Samac and adaa.uses or Inc personal reprei.rariei1.e erd Ire palsonal repres.enls- li-'e's aliOrne, are sel forth belouA 411 credilli :1 f re, sece- aeni and oIlner Persons na- Ilg claimed or aemdre.a aair.i :nide ced laesa ice is require td l be -res mIull hlir Ireisr cllamr., din Ini Coun WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FiST PFUBS LICATIONI OF THIS lCO- TICE OR THiRTI DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COP' OF THIS. NOTICE Ol THEM All :miner Credllrol oI Irn d.cedani arid slher ps'ec.ru,. rnaang cl.TS is.r a-i ran.lds again-I decndna i a -iale mur ii ir-, re., clai.,i .Ann In,, courn WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PU-u LiCATIONI OF THIS 10- TICE ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The aaie oi ice liiri pubih caron of iri Il-lih'Ce i: March 31, 2005. , Paeisora Represenialise -. MAXSERLENA PRESLEY 1612 WCR 17tC. Wildwood,, Florida '34785 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- JOSEPH INDELICATO, ESQ., for the firm JOSEPH INDELICATO, P.A. 202A Scurih A ops.a Auvc Ir,erneass. Flowua 3-145 Telerhone 352 344-1443 FIolica Bar 1No 0716870 F'u-lis.nes mo (2) limes in the Sumter County Times March 31, and April 7, 2005. 607-0407 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of James E. Miley PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2005-CP-000059 IN RE: ESTATE OF JAMES E. MILEY, a/k/a JAMES EDGAR MILEY, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of JAMES E. MILEY, deceased, File Number 2005-CP-000059, Is pend- ing in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513. The decedent's So- cial Security Number is 262-13-7912 and date of death is February 4, 2005. The names and addresses of the personal represent- ative and the personal rep- resentative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons, having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice is served must file their claim with this Court WITH- IN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF, THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons who have claims or de- mands against the dece' dent's estate, Including un- matured, contingent or un- liquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. IThe date of the first publl- cation of this Notice Is March 31, 2005. Personal Representative; Renay R. Anderson 11305 CR 475 Oxford, FL 34484. Attorney for Personal Representative: Richard H. Langley, Esq. Fla. Bar No. 45327 P.O. Box 120188 Clermont, FL 34712-0188 TEL: (352) 394-4025 FAX: (352) 394-1604 Published two (2) times In' the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. 608-0407 SCT Disposal of Stored Goods of Keith Lombard PUBLIC NOTICE Disposal of'stored goods and property pursuant to State Statute #83.806.. Notice is hereby given that LDL Enterprises, Inc., lo- cated at 420 E. Belt Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513 intends to dispose of personal prop- erty stored In Unit B-16 by Keith Lombard whose last known mailing address was 160 SW 59th Lane, Bush- nell, FL 33513, for the pur- pose of satisfying delinquent rents and related. collection' costs accruing since March 5, 2005. Tenant stored goods, itf saleable, will be sold on site after this public notice has been published two times In accordance with Florida Statutes #83.806. The sale of stored goods, If not redeemed by payment in full of all delin- quent rents and related cait rrs a e sold 1s days' 1rorri. ie Our.illCatn or ine 'irsi norice In 5,.:.:oraoace, with Florida Statutes. -as- Lance Lowery President/Owner Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005 698-0407 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Carl E. Vause, Sr. PUBLIC NOTICE IN1 THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTs' FLORIDA CASE jO "'005CP.000068 rJ RE ESTATE OF CARL E. VAUSE. SR., NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tre aadnninlkra,on of r el i iarle .:1i CARL E. VAUSE, SR.,daceaes Fial Numibear 2ir CP 000068 'i rending in inc Cnrcui1 Coun lor Sum- ler Cc.ur.r Florida Pr.3sarl D-.sars irue address' '.I cruir. i: 209 N FIoriai Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representa- .tives and the personal rep- ral.r, iiiu s anoruna are er Io-nrn nelow All editoror cdof Ire d-:.- -cnsi ano c-iner pers-ons nav-. ingr climrra .or derranad gaisr. Ldec ederl.'- e1 : inr.:ludi ilr unl un'sreau, cralin- gaul or jniiquidaied clairra,, .3r riorrm a copy ir ini -Noa ice:A is ar-reid muI fle hir.r crlal i, inS in i al. .un WITH ill THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 'DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COP"' OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons hav- ing clTaim ;or demands against the decedest's es- tate, Including unmatured, cor~tlr,.anI or unllquldaie,: clmsrrl rlul -ja e l it cir claimS dinr, Insi court WITHIr THREE RMORITHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PuBLICATIOrI OF THIS tIOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.- -, NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Tne oale ol inc liri pjc.II.I- caollr, el i l I ,slice iS. Marcn 31 2005 Co-personal Repreasenlaruves CRYSTALINE V. DEKLE 1425 Barren Sruarsl Rd AIr,en, GA 30605 ara CARL E. VAUSE, JR. 250 Pop Amn Court Longwoed FL 327"'79 Altornay iOT Co-personal Repr.6ena11ives RANDALL N. THORNTON FL Bar rIo 176505 PC Beo 56 Lake ParasoilfkNei Florida 33538 (352i1 ;93-4040 Publshc,a r1c ii limes in Ina S-umler Ccuurnty Time March 31 rand Apill 7.2005 635-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Florida -,Stat- utes 235.211, :-a01ea ca.s will be recelk i rrc., Sumter County School boar- faciIIiles Depart- mer.l 301 w McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Florida 33513, until 2:00 p.m., on r , PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (.I M MH^ ^I- NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOp SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED.. The date of first publication of this notice is April 7, 2005 Personal Repre.ersuillve JEFFERY SHERMAN PO 8 '870 Girddood Alaska 9958, Aetomey for Per-onal Rep.'aesentalie -*- LAUREN E. MERRIAM. III. ESQ. r. Blancr.ara. Mersiam. ,'. Aael & K.rnlleud PA. Posr Ofltce BoA 186 ' Ocala, Florida, 34478 Telephone (352)'732-7218 Published two (2) times in' the Sumter County Times,' April 7, and 14, 2005. April 18, 2005, at which time all bids will be pub- S I c ly opened for the r e m o v a I of 4 foot fence and the supply and Installation of 6 foot chain link fencing at Lake Panasoffkee Ele- mentary School. Specifi- cations may be o b t a I n e d from the Sumter County School, Board Facilities D e apartment, phone (352) 793-1281. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, April 7, 2005. - 609-0407 SCT Disposal of Stored Goods of James Gill PUBLIC NOTICE Disposal of stored goods and property pursuant to State Statute #83.806. Notice is hereby given that LDL Enterprises, Inc., lo- cated at 420 E. Belt Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513 intends to dispose of personal prop- erty stored in Unit B-25 by James Gill, whose last known mailing address was P.O. Box 432, Oxford, FL 34484, for the purpose of satisfying delinquent rents and related collection costs accruing since March 5, 2005. Tenant stored goods, If saleable, will be sold on site after this public notice .has been published two times In accordance with Florida Statutes #83.806. The sale of stored goods, if not redeemed by payment in full of all delinquent rents .and related costs, may be sold 15 days from the publi- cation of the first notice In accordance with Florida Statutes. -s- Lance Lowery President/Owner Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005., 610-0407 SCT Disposal of Stored Goods of Edwardo Ibarra PUBLIC NOTICE Disposal of stored goods and property pursuant to State Statute #83.806. Notice Is hereby given that LDL Enterprises, Inc., lo- cated at 420 E. Belt Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513 Intends to dispose of personal prop- erty stored In Unit B-06 by Edwardo Ibarra, whose last known mairing a ijadr S Ea P.O. B.' 215, Surriler.ille FL 33585, for the purpose of satisfying delinquent rents and related collection costs accruing since March 5, 2005. Tenant stored goods, if saleable, will-be sold on site after this public notice has been published two times In accordance with Florida Statutes #83.806. The 'sale of stored goods, if not redeemed by payment in full of all delinquent rents and related costs, may be sold 15 days from the publi- cation of the first notice In accordance with Florida Statutes. -s- Lance Lowery President/Owner. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. 641-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice Is hereby given that the following equip- ment will be sold as pro-, vided by Florida Statute '713.78, to satisfy wrecker & storage charges .In- curred, If It Is not claimed i, ir.e grrriji .:..%rir air. . 3IJ lier.: i]j.nj 1 ... irrIr. ri. irr i -. aa, a .: nnir, h.:.r ir.- as'ae i p'-a ii, ,:o'lc-i ':, this notice: One: 2003 TOYT Serial No.: .5TBRT34153S388047 Color: SIL , Uen No.: 03/17/05 City: WILDWOOD State: FLORIDA Previously registered to: TERESA RENEE LONG OR WILLIAM CARLHIERI LONG Llan H l.:.ia r []. ril ' ,-l e r .1 :, 200.:. Lcr...t.:r, J iC Wri: le'r _r: . -.-jr, C. ..:.s.s '.1 l. :'r..5 fL Is.lJ P'u .i:r. ,' l ,r I I i n.T.o I., rr- u iT.lcr C-, .,r.r, TIr.' 00,1 Ili' 632-0414 SCT Notice to Creditor Estate of Henry X. Sherman PUBLICONOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTIr FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISiOCI FILE NO. 2005-CP-000043 IN RE' ESTATE OF HENRY K. SHERMAN. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tre a laiTiInill ai..r, 'l I Ire eslrai 0o HENRY K. SHER- MAN. deceased ivroreE dale =:,f dailn ath FePDruery 6 20:5 and wroe Soc.e i Sec. iuriry rumDn.o 200-03' 1521, is pending r inse Cir- ouit Court for Sumter Coun- ty, Florida, Probate Division, tre aareass ol r ri.:n Is 209 ri Floride Srreal Buasnnel Florioda 33513 The names arda naarasss of Ihe Per- S.:,.nal Reprre6 ..,niihe and the Personal Repa.esenla tieS anorney are sei lonr below Anll creadiors c. Inse deca- d ,'l n, Diner per.ors na- in. ci erns or ,smands agalr, aoc:eaeri e latea .Sh er,,.jT, a tup', cl Irul no- lh:e is required 10 I ser ned mu/I Irle Insar claims airs irs co,:un WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. AlL olr.er credicrors o Irs decedent and other persons having claims or demands aga;rii dcederri'' estate mui ile Ineir claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BEFOREVER BARRED. By: -s- Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, April 7, 14, and 21 ?005 ' 638-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBUC SALE Notice is hereby given Itrar r.e i.iolu.ing equlp- iT.1ni ..Ill be sicd a3i pro- .j-lea d., Fi.:.na tratute 13 '8 10 :r.:Tit, crecker /:&>. storage .charges In- curred, if it is not claimed by the rightful owner and ,all liens satisfied within fif- teen (15) days within from the date of publication of 642-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that the following equip- ment will be sold as pro- vlded by Florida Statute 713.78, to satisfy wrecker & storage charges In- curred, If it Is not claimed by the rightful owner and all liens satisfied within fif- teen (15) days within from the date of publication of this notice: One: 1990 CHEVY - Serial No.: 1GCCS14E8L2131673 Color: MAR Uen No.: 02/18/05 City: LADY LAKE State: FLORIDA Previously registered to: MATTHEW TERRANCE AD- AMS Uen Holder: NONE Sale Date: MAY 9, 2005 at 9:30 A.M. Location: J.C. Wrecker Service County Road 204 Oxford, FL 34484 Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, April 7, 2005. 616-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3915 - Notice' is hereby given that, ARCHIE L. COLLUM TRUST, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to bEaissued thereon. The certificate number and year of Issuance, the de- scription of the property, and the name In which It was assessed are as fol- lows: Certificate No. 488 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: THAT PART OF LOT 1 LY- ING W OF FWN R/W AND THAT PART OF N 1/2 LOT 5 LYING W OF FWN R/W IN RUTLAND ADD TO COLEMAN OR140 PG 507 Parcel Number F35D002 , SEC35 TWP19 RNG22 Name in which assessed: JAMES A, NELSON Said property being in the County of Sumter, State of Florida. Unless such certifi- cate shall be redeemed ac- cording to-law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bi. re, a ire Court House du',' or, Monday, May 16, 2005, al 11:00 A M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- Lue 197.542 (2): The high L,,,ter shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit, of $200.00 at the time of the sale; to be ap- plied to the sale price at'the" time of full payment. Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this March 28, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Becky Howard Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, April 7, 14, and 21, 2005. . 611-0407 SCT Disposal of Stored Goods of George Fletcher PUBLIC NOTICE Disposal of stored goods and property pursuant to State Statute #83.806. Notice is hereby given that LDL Enterpises, Inn., lo- cated at 420 E. Belt Avenue, Bushnell, FL33513 intends to dispose of personal prop- erty stored in Unit C-15 by George Fletcher, whose last known mailing address was 10451 Forest Line Rd., Invemess, FL 34452, for the purpose of satisfying delin- quent rents and related col- lection costs accruing since March 5, 2005. Tenant stored goods, if saleable, will e soa :. :-. i i aner thi , pulic nollce r.ai been pub- lished two times in accord- a-ce amir. Frc.nda Srtaiues 63 806 The sale ol il.:-..e gOOaads I riar redeemed rDy pamecnir n lull ol all cleir,. queriir renu a nd riared c.-\,f mayorr, 06 .o1 Il days ir.rr Irne' p Ibl.:ali' .ril ire I.rl *r,:.,h e In, a,:.:- ais rsce cir, Flonsda Sralure- Lance LowIer Pres.qe'rTwner PuOliare. tA3 I1 hIrri i-ri l Inp Surrierr COurnr, Tirme M.arcr, 31 ano April 7. 2005. 615-0421 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Tax Deed TAX DEED #3914 rollGe is rre'ne y i'i Iroar ARCHIE L COLLUM TRUST. ir, holder al inr. ri,11olegnn Crnll.:6l6 nas liled said ,cenilllcs ic Icr 3 Isv dea-d i- be ,iJ'jed inrec.r, Tne cenrilhc.l r. numbe-r .and yeaSr ol :'usr,n:ce r i e- cripilor, C1 Iric prp'.en/, and ihe Inam is, ri.:r it wa: .ie. Cd are a l.:.- Oenalicaae N.:. ".36 Year of Issuance 2002 Description of Property: BEG AT SW COR OF SE 1t4 OF SE 1/4 RUN S 89 DEGREE 59 MIN E 731.02 FT TO POB RUN S 89 DE- GREE 59 MINE 210 FT N 0O DEGREE 04 MIN W 210 FT N b9 DEGREE 59 MIN W 210 FT S 0 DEGREE 04 MIN E 210 FT TO POB LESS W 1/2 OF ABOVE DESC PARCEL Parcel Ilumiber GO-.'".9 SEC 6 TWP19 R{lG ;. Name In which assaesaed: LEROY WILLIAMSI '.ald property berina in ir.he Courry .-s Sumnier. laic 01 Fl nda Unle.'. ru,:h cani.h- cale haill bea r6.earmed aC- cording ro .li Inrs pim-peny dacribed Ir. .uCn iceniical l narill be s id la, irnc ilgrne=i bidder ar Irls Coun HrjIu e door on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 11:00 A.M. Pursuant to Florida Stat- ute 197.542 (2): The high btilder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash deposit of $200.00 at the time of the sale, to be ap- plies 1- ra i ale pnae ap Iri., ume ol lull, pa5T.e.r Witness my hand and offi- cial seal on this March 28, 2005, Gloria R..Hayward Clers or Ihe Circuit Courn Sumter County, Florida (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) this notice: One: 1997 STRN Serial No.: 1GSZK5275VZ119314 Color: GRN Lien No.: 12/09/04 City: PALATKA State: FLORIDA Previously registered to: EMMA BRYANT BANKS Uen Holder: NONE Sale Date: MAY 9, 2005 at 11:00 A.M. Location: J.C. Wrecker Service County Road 204 Oxford, FL 34484 Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, April 7, 2005. To place your Legal Advertising In the call 793-2161 631-0428 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIR- CUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA FAMILY LAW DIVISION CASE NO.: 2005-DR-000273 DIVISION: CIR IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF A MINOR: JORDAN BROOK STEPHENS DENNIS D/O/B 05-17-96 NOTICE OF ACTION AND NOTICE OF PETITION FOR RELATIVE ADOPTION TO: PAUL BRYAN STEPHENS JR. DOB: 07/31/1969 Caucasian, Male Blue eyes, bond hair, medium build, 6 feet tall, approximately 210 Ibs. Last Known Address: 1325 Wllklnion Drive, Plant City, Florida Residence: UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Termination of Pa- rental Rights Pursuant to an Adoption has been filed, and you are required to serve a copy of your written response, If any, to It on Mary L. Greenwood, Esq., 619 E. Lumsden Rd,, Brandon, Florida 33511, Petitioner's at- torney, within 30 days after the date of first publication of this-notice. You must file your original response with the Clerk of. this court, at the address below, either be- fore service on Petitioner's attorney, or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the Petition. Clerk of The Court 225 E. McCollum Avenue Bushnell, Florida 33543 NOTICE OF PETITION AND NOTICE OF HEARING A Verified Petition for Termination of Parental Rights has been filed. There will be a hearing on this petition which will take place May 17, 2005, at 9:00 A.M., in front :. ir. H:,-,.:.r i William H. Hallman III Circuit Judge or rri,e jr. -r ..:.- tr, C: jrir,: .', e 225 E. McCollum Avenue, Bu:rs. :ii .inia S-11 Tr..r. Court has set aside fifteen (15) minutes for this hearing: -i -l' r ;,,.J ,,I .:. L. I I: lii. E IE; LI.I> Ei r . Ili.Et o'-inI 1rl ir ':E :.' ii.:E T- ii-ii J:,ifl,..E .v i-i THE C i- .'1- T-r .-- I: I. r IHl!' HE:-I ,.: ,1 i rurE. GROUNDS UPON'WHICH THE COURT SHALL END ANY : ]"ri "l1-L I H 'i ,H I 1.1-. H: ,E- I. 1 I;lc'I' ;- iHE ,1. r~. CHILD PARA TRADUCC|ON DE ESTE FORMULARIO AL ESPANOL LLAME A LA OFICINA DE INTERPRETES DE LA CORTE, AL 352-793-0211 DE LUNES A VIERNES DE 3:00 P.M.,Y 5:00 SRM. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodatlon in order to participate In this proceed- ing, you're entitled, at no dost to you, to the provi- slons of certain assista-, e P a:- ". tact fte Clerk- of. - Circuit Court, Circuit C i 1 Cii.I,:r. 2 -. ia .-.:',hji -.. enue, Bushnell, Flcoda : :35-3 iiepr.l..-:., I 352-793-0211, within 2 workings days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. DATED this 30th day of March, 2005,, : S GLORIA HAYWARD' CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT (Circuit Court Seal) -s- Margaret Tarver Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, April 7:; 14, 21, and 28, 2005. , 672-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE ii THE CIACUiT .OuRT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT iNf ANjD FOR SUMTER COUNT'. FLORIDa CASE r10 2004-DP-36 S THE irjTEREST OF M.J.. DOB: 02/02/04. Minor Child , SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING' FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PLACEMENT FOR ADOPTION THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: RUDENA YOUNG MOTHER OF MINOR CHILD, M.J. WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN You are hereby notified that a petition under oath has been iled in the above styled Court for the termination of your pa- rerii al fili4s 10 i a male .:ri;i.j borr, n irn e s rd Diaj of hFesruar, 2Z 004 Lai 6 Counr/ orenaa Iu, B.r:llcer.na tnl cr,.i irmr. irne Fio.na Deparenirt ol Chidirern and Farn lies i.r -ubosaquerI 4a0plr. tOu ARE HEREBY COM- MANDED to be and appear before the Honorable Judge William H. Hallman, IlI, Judge of the Circuit Court,-or anoth- er judge assigned to hear the above cause, at the TERMI- NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING at 10:00 A.M. on April 25, 2005, at the Sumter County Court- house, 225 East McCollum Avenue; Bushnell, Florida 33513, in Courtroom A. You mustfappear on the date and time specified.' FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISO- RY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMI- NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECI- FIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE' CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. .YOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRES- ENT TO REPRESENT YOU IN THIS MATTER. IF YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY, BUT ARE UNABLE TO'AFFORD ONE, YOU MUST NOTIFY THE COURT, AND THE COURT WILL APPOINT AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU IN THIS MATTER. Trnl. rr.crc snail be rpublsnae orce a week ior four consec uli weeks; In rIhe Surniler County Tine: Cls sar'ei Secwo Witness my hand as the Clerk of said Court and the Seal thereof, this 14th day of March, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Winona Mitchell Deputy Clerk -s- Chouhg Mi Akehurst, FBN: 0525227 Richard D.'Gish, FBN: 754994 Child Welfare Legal.Services Department of Children and Families 1601 W. Gulf Atlantic Highway. Wildwood;,FL: 34785 - (352) 330-2177 Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, March 17, 24, 31, and April 7, 2005. 676-0414 SCT Notice of Action Green Tree Servicing, LLC vs. Lucille J. Oliver, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE ',r. Ir THE CiRCuIT COURTOF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY CIVIL ACTION SCASE NO. 2005-CA-000041 GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC., P plaintiff, LUCILLE J OLIVER CHARLESF.GOODE; JOHN QOE and JANE DOE LlneriAn Treanris DeTendaer, .l NOTICE OF ACTION To: Charles F. Goode P.O. Box 492804 Leesburg, FL 34749 639-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice Is hereby given that the following equip- ment will be sold as pro- vided by Florida Statute 713.78, to satisfy wrecker & storage charges In- curred, if It Is not claimed by the rightful owner and all liens satisfied within fif- teen (15) days within from the date of publication of this notice: One: 1989 MERC Serial No.: 2MEBM78F9KX689652 Color: WHI Uen No.: 02/08/05 City: WILDWOOD State: FLORIDA Previously registered to: MARY.L. FRAHER Uen Holder: NONE Sale Date: MAY 9, 2005 at 11:30 A.M. Location: J.C. Wrecker Service County Road 204 Oxford, FL 34484 Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, April 7, 2005. THE WEST 236 FEET OF THE NORTH 260 FEET OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTH- WEST 1/4; ANDTHE EAST.80 FEET OFTHE NORTH 260 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA TOGETHER WITH the Mobile Home situated on the above property (Year: 1973, Make: AMERI, Identification number: F3701219) Dated this 18th day of March, 2005. Honorable Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Replevin Complaint has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to: Joseph C. Russo, Esq. 3708 W. Euclid Avenue Tampa, FL 33629 on or before 30 days from first date of publication and file the original with the Clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff'(s) attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. The personal property proceeded against is described as follows: 1996, Fleetwood/Chadwick Manufactured Home with Serial Number FLFLT70A24240SK21 & FLFLT70B24240SK21, Stove, Refrigerator, A/C WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on March 16, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, 31, April 7, and 14, 2005. 691-0421 SCT Notice of Action Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, etc. vs. Jessica Gregory, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY . CASE NO. 2005-CA-261 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF ARGENT SECURITIES, INC., ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-W5 UNDER THE POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2003, WITHOUT RECOURSE, Plaintiff, vs. JESSICA GREGORY, et al., Defendants.. NOTICE OF ACTION TO:' JESSICA GREGORY and UNKNOWN SPOUSE , OF JESSICA GREGORY Last known address: 1484 SW 69TH ROAD, BUSHNELL, FL 33513 If alive, and if dead, all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against JESSICA GREGORY and UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF JESSICA GREGORY, and all parties having or claiming to.have any right, title or interest in the property described herein.. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 5, BUSHNELL PARK PLAT NO. 28,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORD- ED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 131, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Lisa M. Rog- ers, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address Is 951 N.E. 167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 either (choose one) _-(a) within 30 days after the first publication of this notice, or (b) on or before April 31, 2005. and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiffs attomey or immediately thereafter; oth- erwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint. WITNESS mr,.3 anal 3Ir. ie 31a? ihr. C"-.un in,.-41 n -3lay o tl r.:r. 200, GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar: As Deputy Clerk in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable accommodation-to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, contact the' Clerk of the Courts disability coordinator at 352-568-6628 209 N FLORIDA STREET BUSHNELL FL, 3513 If hearing impaired, contact (TDD) via Florida Relay System. Futri,:r.,-.j ur 141 nie" s ru.e Sumer County Times, March 31 Apr. I. 14 sr,a 21 2005 .. . 696-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A Public Hearing before the Local Planning Agency/Zoning and Adjustment Board of Sumter County, Florida will be held on Monday, April 18,2005 at 6:30 P.M. in Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida to consider the following application for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Sumter County Future Land Use Map. CASE NO.: SS2005-0006 APPLICANT: Anderson Columbia Co., Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: Coleman area: North on US 301. West on CR 525E. South a on CR 525. Property will be on the west side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 35, Twp. 19S, Rng. 22E: Comm at SW car of SW 1/ of SE Y4 run N 273.49' E 195.45' to W/ly R/W line of CR 525 S 22 deg 11' 21" W along said R/W 295.78'W 83.34' to POB PRESENT AND REQUESTED LAND USE CLASSIFICA- TIONS: Agriculture to Industrial on one acre MOL. The recommendations of the Local Planning Agency/Zoning and Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of County'Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be.held on Tuesday, April 26,2005 at 6:00 P.M. in Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida. This application may be inspected at the Division of Plan- ning & Development office, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida SL, Room 324, Bushnell, FL on Mondays through Friday, from 7:30 A.M. until 5:00 pM. An, person .r.. ;rHes anen, ir.ee i.eetilrig., and re- cures a,.-iarauCe na call 352-793-02L00 APPEAL: NECESSITY OF RECORD: .', order 1o p-eal Ir- B.,r. i .5.,.'jE ?. ir, r, i masr er a uert.,ris,, rn-md ol the ir.- ?eesin,: ,r required The Boars SuTeS no reop.rsiblOlr/' lor lurr.r h~r.Q S I, e .rcord Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. 695-0407 SCT Notice of Sale Pursuant to Ch.45 , Amsouth Bank, etc.v. Gary John Lovett, etal. . PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVILACTION Case No. 2004 CA 001178 AMSOUTH BANK, an Alabama banking corporation, Plaintiff, v. ' GARY JOHN LOVETT, KELLY C. LOVETT, FRANK HILDRETH and JOHN/JANE DOE, fictitious names representing unknown tenants in possession, Defendants. NOTICF OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 Notice is given that pursuantto a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 16, 2005, entered In Case No. 2004-CA-001178 of the Circuit Court of the Judicial Circuit in and for Sumter County, Florida, in which AMSOUTH BANK, an Alabama banking corporation, Is the Plaintiff and GARY JOHN LOVETT, et al., are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder at the West Front Door of the Sumter County Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bush- nell, FL 33513, at 11:00 a.m. on the 14th day of April, 2005, the following-described property set forth in said Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure: - - 697-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING ' The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30 PM, Monday, April 18, 2005 In Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider requests for comprehensive plan amendments, rezonings, special use permits, and tem- porary use permits. All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate In any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours in ad- vance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, If a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record may in- clude the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0030 Sumter County Commercial Center, LLC GENERAL LOCATION;, Oxford/Lady Lake area: North on US 301. East on C-466. Property on southwest comer of C-466 and CR 100. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: NE Y4 OF NE Y4 LYING S OF SR 466 LESS S 596.65' & LESS E 25' & LESS THAT DEEDED IN OR 446 PG 353 & LESS THAT DEEDED IN OR 65 PG 333 & S 596.65' OF NE % OF NE 1A LESS S 220' OF E 220' & LESS RD R/W & COMM ATE COR OF SEC RUN S 304.43' TO A PT ON S R/W LINE OF SR 466 W 64.2' ALONG THE S R/W LINE NW/LY ALONG CURVE CONCAVE TO N WITH A RADIUS OF 1960' DELTA ANGLE 8 DEG 46' 11" AN ARC LENGTH 300' ALONG S R/W OF SR TO POB NWILY ALONG THE SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO N WITH RADIUS OF 1960' DELTAANGLE 13 DEG 09' 17" AN ARC LENGTH OF450' ALONG THE S R /W OF SR 466 S 560.82' E 433' N 441.98' TO POB LESS R/W CR 100. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 30 acres MOL from A-5 & RPUD to CR CASE NO.: R2005-O0038 SR 44,LC GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on 1-75. Exit west on SR 44. Prop- erty on the northeast corner of SR 44 and CR 231. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 33, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: E % of NE % & all that part of E % of SE Y4 lying N of SR 44 R/W less CR 231 R/W across the west side REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 109 acres MOL from A-5 and C-2 to CP CASE NO.: R2005-0039 Roseanne Risner GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on C-466. South on NE 36th Street. Follow fence line to the property. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 18, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: Comm at NW cor of SW Y4 of NE 4 run E 767.56' S 152.95' W 135.35'S 572.97' for POB; S 330.10' W 203.56' N 330.10' E 203.56'to POB REQUESTED ACTION: P.-y"Ine 1 *.-1 a.:res MOL rrom A 5 13 ARIC C r.,",g pc'-pery I>.k '.Or,,llar,.:-. vir. ir, FLLUM CASE NO.: R2005-0040 .Thomas L & Sherry L. Tritt GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on us 301. West on CR 216. Property is on the northeast comer of CR 216 and CR 209. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 19, Twp. Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: W 675' of S 645.34' of W ofNW lesss rd R/W for CR216 & CR 209 TO BE REZONED: N 335'of W 675'of S 645.34' of W % of NW 14 less W 25' for R/W CR 209 containing five acres MOL to RR5C balance to RR1. trom HH-1 ana A-b to HM-1. CASE NO.: R2005-0041 Henry & Rose Bolduc GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: South on US 301. West on CR 650. Prop- erty approximately mile on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 20, Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: Lots 1 & 2, Whispering Oaks S/D REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone two 1-acre lots from R-1-M to RR-1 to bring Into compliance with the FLUM. CASE NO.: R2005-0042 Anderson Columbia Co., Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: Coleman area: North on US 301. West on CR 525E. South on CR 525. Property will be on the west side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 35, Twp. 19S, Rng. 22E: Comm at SW cor of SW 1 of SE 1/4 run N 273.49' E 195.45' to W/ly R/W line of CR 525 S 22 deg 11' 21" W along said R/W 295.78' W 83.34' to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 1 acre MOL from RR1C to ID The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commis- sioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 6:00 PM in Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. CASE NO.: T2005-0015 Richard A. & Danielle Dinkins GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: West on C-476. North on C-575. West on CR 622. Follow to 9275 CR 622. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: - Sec. 13, Twp. 21S, Rng. 20E: Lots 8, 9 & 10, Block E, Withlacoochee Heights REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow an RV on the property for one year while replacing damaged home. CASE NO.: T2005-0016 Clinton Tlner GENERAL LOCATION: Adamsville area: North on US 301. East on C-468. North on CR 511. Follow road to the end and turn east on ease- ment to property. . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 29, Twp. 19S, Rng; 23E: E 364.9' of Lot 1, Block B, Wildwood Ranch REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow a mobile home on the prop- erty for three years for a care-giver's residence. CASE NO.:. T2005-0018 Roxanne S. & Gerard P. McKeough GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 301. East on C-466A. North * on CR 462. Property on northwest comer of C-462 and CR 134. ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 32, TWp. 18S, Rng. 23E: -Lot 1, Piedmont Point S/D REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow a 5th wheel as a residence for one year while residence is under construction. As time allows, the Zoning & Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, may hold a workshop dealing . with revisions to zoning regulations and related matters. Information regarding these cases is on'tile with the Sumter County Division of Planning & Development, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N, Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These fties may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. 634-0407 SCT SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT TO PUBLIC LAW 120 THE SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUESTS PUB- LIC INPUT REGARDING THE PROPOSED SCHOOL IM- PROVEMENT PLANS FOR EACH SCHOOL. . SUMMARY: PUBLIC INPUT REGARDING SCHOOL IM- PROVEMENT PLANS SPECIFIC: LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.42(16), 1008.345. and 1001.452, F.S. ECONOMIC IMPACT: NONE AVAILABILITY TO PLANS: A copy of the .proposed School Improvement Plan for the schools will be re- viewed In public meetings at the various school sites according to the following schedule: Wednesday / April 20 at 2:00 pm / West Street School Thursday /,April 21 at 3:30 pm / Adult Ed Monday / April 25 at 3:00 pm / Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School Tuesday / April 26 at 3:30 pm / South Sumter High School Wednesday / April 27 at 3:00 pm / Webster Elementary School Thursday / April 28 at 3:30 pm / South Sumter Middle School Monday / May 2 at 3:30 pm / Bushnell Elementary School Wednesday / May 4 at 3:30 pm / Wildwood Middle School Wednesday / May 4 at 5:00 pm / North Sumter Intermediate School Thursday / May 5 at 3:30 pm / North Sumter Primary School Thursday / May 5 at 5:00 pm / Wildwood High School /s/Richard A, Shirley Superintendent of Schools Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, April 7, 2005, 656-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held In the County Commissioners' Meeting Room at the Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnell, Florida, at 5:01 o'clock p.m. on the 12th day of April, 2005, by the Board of Sumter County, Florida, to determine the advisability of closing and vacating that portion of the road, rights-of-way or easements described as follows: All of WIldwood Blvd. lying West of Primrose Blvd.; all of Alder Ave. lying West of Primrose Blvd.; all of Willow Avenue lying West of Primrose Blvd.; the North 60.00 feet of Primrose Blvd. lying between Lot 1, Block 7, and Lot 9, Block 8; all of Lilly Place lying North of Foxwood Ave.; that portion of Evergreen Blvd. lying West of the Southerly projection of the West right-of-way line of Westwood Blvd.; that portion of Westwood Blvd. lying North of the Westerly projection of the North right-of-way line of Basswood Drive, all being part of WILDWOOD COUNTRY ESTATES, PHASE 1, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 4 Page 48 Public Recordsof Sum- ter County, Florida. renouncing and disclaiming any right of Sumter County, Florida and the public in and to the land, or interest therein, as to the above described property. All interested persons may appear and be heard at said time and place.. riorlce Igl:,ir. 1 .ary percrn a-,rre to arpee l iar aclic.n taken rVy Ine Board at tre a .,,e neanng. a vuersarii recora ' me pr.i',-eeelng s ma, C-3 re,:e ..,' 3,'C la r,.3 l prepare,3 or lurr.ihed Cry in., B.ar, Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 p.m. is through the East door. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting and hearings.or to be heard at;the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any special arrange- ments. Interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the Petition. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Joey A. Chandler, Chairman Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and April 7, 2005.- 629-0414 SCT Notice of Sale Cendant Mortgage Corporation, etc, vs. Rodney RatclIff. etal. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY. FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2004-CA-170 CENDANT MORTGAGE CORPORATION D/B/A PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES, Plaintiff, vs. RODNEY RATCUFF; SUNTRUST BANK; JANE DOE: JOHN DOE; PAMELA RATCUFF A/K/A PAMELA S. RATCLIFF; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS) IN POSSESSION OF S THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Motion and Or- der Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 24th day. of March, 2005, and entered In Case No. 2004-CA-170, of the Circuit Court of the 5TH Judicial Circuit In and for Sumter County, Florida, wherein CENDANT MORTGAGE CORPORATION D/B/A PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES Is the Plaintiff and RODNEY RATCUFF; SUNTRUST BANK ; PAMELA RATCUFF A/K/A PAMELA S. RATCUFF; JOHN RODNEY RATCUFF; SUNTRUST BANK; JANE DOE; JOHN DOE; PAMELA RATCUFF A/K/A PAMELA S. RATCUFF; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the WEST FRONT DOOR OF COURTHOUSE ON FRIDAY at the 'Sumter County Court- house, In BUSHNELL Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 22nd day of April, 2005, the following described property as set forth In said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 8, OLIVE PALM SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORI- DA. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled persons who, because of their disabilities need special accommodation to participate In this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinator at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513 or Telephone Volce/TDD (904) 793-0215 prior to such proceeding. Dated this 29th day of March, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Wanda Murray Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, April 7, and 14, 2005. 693-0407 SCT' Amended Notice of Sale United States of America, etc. vs. Deborah M. Patterson PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CIVILACTION CASE NO. 2001-CA-112 . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting through the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, f/k/a Farmers Home Administration, Plaintiff, DEBORAH'M. PATTERSON, a single person, Defendant. AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered on May 30, 2001, and this Court's Order Setting Foreclosure Sale entered on March 18, 2005, by the abpve entitled Court in the above styled cause, the undersigned Clerk of Court or any of his duly au- thorized deputies, will sell the property situated in Sumter County, Florida, described as: The East 1/2 of Lot 5 and the East 1/2 of Lot 6, Block H, MEADOWLAWN SUBDIVISION as per plat recorded in Plat Book 2, pages 3 and 4, public records of Sumter County, Florida, at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash on WES THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005, PAGE 23 April 19, 2005, at 11:00 A.M., at the West door of the Sum- ter County Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida, subject to all ad valorem taxes and assessments for the real property described above. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISA- BILITIES ACT, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 209 N. FLORIDA STREET, BUSHNELL, FLORIDA 33513, TELEPHONE (352) 793- 0215, WITHIN TWO (2) WORKING DAYS OF YOUR RE- CEIPT OF THIS NOTICE. IF HEARING IMPAIRED, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, OR VOICE (V) 1-800- 955-8770, VIA FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE. DATED on March 21, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of Circuit Court 209 North Florida Street Bushnell, FL 33513 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stoller 'Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. 694-0407 SCT Notice of Foreclosure Sale CitiMortgage, Inc., etc. vs. Brian L. Gibson, etal. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 2004-CA-000786 CITIMORTGAGE, INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO FIRST NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF vs. BRIAN L. GIBSON, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST BRIAN L. GIBSON; HEATHER N. GIBSON; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION, DEFENDANTS. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated March 17, 2005, entered In Civil Case No. 2004-CA-000786 of the Cir- cuit Court of the 5TH Judicial Circuit in and for SUMTER .County, Bushnell, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at The West Front Door at the SUMTER County Courthouse located at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, at 11:00 a.m. on the 21st day of April, 2005, the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to wit: BEGIN AT THE NE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST; THENCE RUN WEST 1253.3 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE WEST 261.3 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 501 FEET; THENCE RUN EAST 261.3 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 501 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPT BEGIN AT NE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST; THENCE RUN WEST 1253.3 FEET. FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE WEST 130 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 501 FEET; THENCE RUN EAST 130 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 501 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LYING AND BEING SITUATE IN SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH A 2002 MERIT FOREST MANOR DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME VIN #: FLHMLCF163924957A AND FLHML- CF163924957B Dated this 21st day of March, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 31, and April 7, 2005. 04-29365(FNM). NOW *21,559* mvuM n ri- MA WAS s27,193 '48 month lease, .20 a mile over 48,000 miles NOW 20,775 $4867 Due at start. Lease end value $27,116.00 N $2, 7 I..- I *mM'A7AMEWAN H. ERniLE iT ap 'ih ,; Z t. *Tax tag, & title not included in above sales price.' Genuine People. Ge-enuine CheOlwet Rates & rebates subject to change. 847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com kGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 Prww NE W Automatic, Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, AM/FM Stereo CD, Cruise Control & Much More! BRAN RECEIVE A BRAMD ME 4 unn MINI VACATION I DAY S ienna Power Seats ,owsr Windows *' --- Power Brke Isr Power Steering AM/FM ereo CD. Power Brakes ABS Whedil.; Running Conditioning 7 Bqa &More WIT.' UR.A..0FVANY NEWPassengerMore OR PRE-OWNED VEHICLE FROM INVENTORY, 'X0 0lTHIS WEEKEND! Whllle Supplils Last siiii .mer Bil lfRights *Y0plu'lk him bi Prot kni 'a VehcleMustHavA!l ce'Re paipersfPero qdAt o oLuca yoti.c *@ hielth orit pmpepndrelibinforrmdtnfknrioma l/dlelimconpntd 'ahie o ouha*eterightr0 iI antaionadcopksofaldouments, Mu" aI nFollw o F ,~O Service Sih.idol., ou health ght agptdnde leandse ev gen in con foriyar mt *YouIe Inha~e kh righe usqidoaeq durprom fl e IOO S SR CN REGISTER FOR VEHICLES 3 'S'MYINREE27"ATE V AVAILABIEEI a IATo hOGien Aayl OvER OO PR.W-ONw VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM! HURRY IAFOR AEST SELECTION! The Best New Cars ,6Yr. /100,000 Mile Limited Power Train Warranty t 6 Yr./Unlimited Mileage Roadside Assistance Lw t From the original date of first se when sold as a new vehicle. Make The Best Used Cars! A1, #eToll-Free Call For Service 24 Hours A Day B'160 Point Quality Assurance Inspection w mmm AISUCB PC COm.. AbAiD Pro. W" WAS 102 HONDA A Lx O AR"WCD F.0 P-i, P-a.5 5,. AMMF5CFlA.. I- p- I- .. Q gC...S. SnBargEI A 5CS Si' BAAA , Bp-gwSOAAa ~,.. '141 s.-5. 'u9 14= Ar U 'Ong "OYOTA A~lO dnmpj0mme"03IhmA,. WltAS OYME. RMEI SWEI W" Is9166 MfIAC.C FAB,,CIAAL 03 .AJL,..Bial lS isU ..r.FP WAR-ST tor~iua '2f.3% inCH '00 'OOMC JIMMY SLT O3wrULIummAUT WASWAWS -7'0YOTOACMUOLLAW 0%2'A TRIP VS OIYTS!ML WAS WAS WAS %04 T0TTATA 1'03 TCARLE Ak *.MB, .1-. B. ~ 2A &FIAA~t Br, "i WAS is ii S WAS WAS 0*30OYOTA 1 '0'3T-OM I' A~qA.,,CBA~i. A A.Ifl A sflCAU, PAIAN 0.6S 919, 2800t.s 179g V1 TOYOTA 1'JEA 0 I 040TOY0 ACCSCA A.la*,S l. AM'FMC-SICD Pr.11PA0A mK.j'.n. Sbf*E0963A --I!.- '05 7TOVOTAIM X R WAS "TOYOTA MAKES THE CAR ...DELUCA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" T O YO T A LOCATION:1 1/2 MILE EAST OF PADDOCK MALL 1719 sW college Rd. Ocala 732-0770 or ALLOF ERiOr 4ELECT7f il-LEP FLUS3 TAX T ri f DLE R i 9JDDLb 'FEE, WirHFApP C,-EurCf I Pli rijrh ; AEt u I ION OLFLAE IALE tTftS *? lu. AA EiratA );con *?:' LRE4 r .i; u u i :i1'ii ^ E QRE DulEG P. LMilE PER tEPR 1J7O T AG AF ipRE O riun At 7w ODMif FEE 7*ALL Ft RP.Ei 5 :C l G iyi1OCa;O r :A ADEE I r E-Fre E: P .I: -C'DI HONAL ,LaTC OE *.E .i-E TEL uri r g TINPa FFER.P,- 1Ar 0l BBE.HE rD CO irtC-'01 i rn,'iIr A f C-T |E: A l-.lFFEh E L.E E AIrF : ALL E :,i a iE BA CIv'" i',Vuf tJKiL : C.I-lrlrEE MI.,T BE E ll:dra UF \E , GCLL IfErJui'PED jEMICLE E RIESEAE iBERh lrH T' Ri;'.RCrph E ilI T i T'ICL E It. 1 I < T V iC A Lt 0IE P MA":E I w wSdluatoo 6 ^ +i I |