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Iv 35 CENTS SUMTER COUNTY INSIDE Calendar ............ 15 Church ...............8 Obituaries ....... .6 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits ............. 21 THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 20051 Green gets life for shooting deputy AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Rian Green On March 22, Sumter Sheriff's Deputy Edward Fritz took the oppor- ,tnity to address Circuit Judge -illiam Hallman regarding the sen- Sumter T( tencing of Lakeland man Rian Green, who was later sentenced to life in prison for shooting Eritz in, October 2003 when he was attempt- ing to handcuff him. "He should receive the maximum sentence possible for what he did," Fritz said. "He obviously has no respect for the law." Fritz's mother, Carol Fritz, also spoke. Through tears, she said she didn't want any other parent, spouse, or family member to endure what her family has. "I would like to see Mr Green receive the maxinium sen- tence...his next encounter with the law may be a fatal one," she said. teacher "He should receive the maximum sentence possible for what he did," Fritz said. "He obviously has no respect for *' the law." Fritz encountered Green on the evening of October 9, 2003 when he attempted to pull him over in Croom- a-Coochee for not having a vehicle tag. Green fled, and a chase fol- lowed. Green then crashed into woods, where Fritz tried to appre- hend him, but was shot with a small- caliber handgun. Green then escaped and hijacked a vehicle, abandoned it, and fled into woods, where police searched for him unsuccessfully He was finally arrested ini Texas on October 30, 2003 by members of the U.S. Marshal Service's Fugitive Task Force. * Although Fritz was able to return to work a few months after the inci- dent, it was apparent he perceived Green as a threat to society. Fritz was joined in court by family, friends, and law enforcement personnel. Despite attempts by the defense to argue Fritz's injuries were not severe and the maximum penalty should 'be reserved for worse injuries, Green received. the maxi- mum -ientence for attempted first- degree murder of a law enforcement officer He was also convicted and sen- tenced to 30 years, twice the normal sentence because he is a repeat offender, for resisting a law enforce- ment officer with violence and received the maximum penalty of five years in prison for his third offense, felony fleeing or attempting to elude a law enforcement officer Nearly two weeks ago, Green's trial ended and he was found guilty of those three charges. He was found not guilty of aggravated assault with a firearm or carjacking while armed. Green's criminal career goes back to1989, and this will be 35-year-old's fourth prison sentence. AT THE COUNTY FAIR of Year dies BOB REICHMAN "When she regained con- Editor sciousness, she got herself and the children to the house and called for help." eha Edwards had such a Neither of her children was e teaching style that she injured in the accident, recently selected as Caruthers said. r's Teacher of the Year Mrs. Edwards was taken to weekend the 31-year-old East Pasco Medical Center in Sumter Middle School Zephyrhills and then moved ir died in a freak acci- to a Tampa hospital because vhile she was-riding a of the combination of injuries wheeler with her two from the accident and her heart condition, he said. Mrs. Edwards died shortly after midnight on Monday. March 21. School Supt. Rick Shirley said later that day that her death is "a-.a rible loss to both the family and the sdeiol district. Mrs. Edwards was selected as Sumter's Teacher of the .Year on March 1. '"She was just a great person and a quality educator" he said. "'She will be sorely missed by all. It's a terrible Teasha Edwards tragedy...it's unbelievable." Students and facility menm- en less than a month bers were informed Monday he received the school morning of Edwards' demise. honor South Sumter Middle accident happened School Principal Christina 5 p.m. Sunday, March McKinney said Monday after- ar her Linden home, off noon that the day was difficult v. Road for both students and teach- ,719, according to a Sumter County sher- ys. Ed iff's Lt Bobby M's. Edu Caruthers. selected as "M r s Teacher o Edwards was riding the four- On IMV wheeler with her two-year- old twins when she started feeling ill and felt like she was going to pass out, Caruthers said. Mrs. Edwards had a heart condition that at times caused her to lose con- sciousness, he said. "She was trying to return to the house and at some point she passed out and struck a 'steel grate cattle, gap," Caruthers said. "The impact threw the children off the four-wheeler and threw her into the handlebars." She was struck, in the abdominal region and lost consciousness, he said. yards wa s Sumtei f the Ye( arch 1. ers. "We had a very rough day S today because -'S she was very well loved by teachers and students." Mrs. McKinney said. "Teachers and students leaned on each other to get through it. "She was an excellent teacher and we've been com- forting students both here and from the high school," she said. "She had a wonderful rapport with the kids and we'll be doing some things . here at the school to try and getsome closure to this." Students were provided with a letter to give to their parents explaining the situa- tion. Please see TEACHER, Page 2 Terry Yoder (shown above and at left) puckers up as 4-H and FFA members, along with hundreds of others witness a Sumter County tradition. Yoder was the winner of this year's Kiss a Pig contest at the Sumter County Fair. Yoder received the biggest amount of contributions as a candi- date to give the pig a smooch. The event is a fundraiser for Sumter County 4-H programs. The event was held last Wednesday. Pucker up for porker AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer It was the moment of truth for Terry lbder as he stared at the fair's grand champion pig. McGraw. before hundreds of onlook- ers. Surrounded by FFA members, fair workers, and fellow county residents, he kissed the pig. At the March 16 event, Yoder was participating in an activity that has become a Sumter County tradition, the Kiss a Pig Contest. Before an audience at the Cow Palace, Sheriff Bill Farmer announced the results of this year's con- test Terry Yodei; of Lake Panasoffkee, raised $5,058.65 of the $7,361.83 collected altogether Upon hearing the news, Yoder didn't seem disappointed. He didn't even seem deterred when he was pre- sented with an empty small animal crate, which usually contains the pig the winner has to kiss. It was announced that this year"a new tradition" has started, in which the pig is actually the massive grand champi- on pig. "It's usually a forty of fifty-pound pig." Yoder said. "This morning they pulled a fast one on us." and told of the slight change in plans. Yoder said he was happy that he won, and that he took part in something to benefit Sumter County's youth. Proceeds go toward 4-H awards, student schol- arships, educational pro- grams, and youth tours "It made me feel good, because the people of ___________'.. :_"'-__ _.__.. _Please see PUCKER, Page 2 CATS clean-up Dixie Ruzzo of CATS (Citizens Against Trashy Sumter) gets some help from inmates from the Sumter Correctional Boot Camp program accepting trash from Randy Redden of Lake Panasoffkee. Ruzzo said this, their third cleanup this year, was the busiest, and CATS is considering another cleanup. The March 19 cleanup was to be the last of three, but they're trying to raise enough money to schedule one more. -p '.0 -p ~-,-t -p (W'~ 3 ~ ~ I U .& >~4 Established 1881 VOLUME 121 NUMBER 12 ;~Teas] > ique ~asr ~lmtex last w( 'Southl teachei dent w fon r-wi child after s district The about 20, nea County Li f I PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 FHP issues telephone scam alert The Florida Highway Patrol is issuing an alert to citizens regarding a phone scam that is spreading throughout Florida. Callers (con artists) who are imper- sonating Florida Highway Patrol Troopers, as well as other law enforcement offi- cers, have been contacting cit- izens by telephone at random advising them that a family member has been involved in a traffic crash. The con artist urges the phone owner to dial either *72 or 72# in order to- speak with a doctor. By doing this, the phone owner will unknowingly permit. the caller on the other end to use their phone line for making local or long distance tele-' phone calls which will ulti- mately be billed to the phone owner's account. Citizens who suspect that they may have fallen victim to a con artist phone scam must con- tact their local phone compa- ny to ascertain how to remove call forwarding from their telephone forwarding system. Most of these phone calls have originated from pay phones located within correc- tional facilities. Some correc- tional facilities have started playing a recording on all col- lect calls dialed from pay phones within the facility in which the receiver of the call is advised that, they are receiving a collect call from a correctional facility. Many of the calls have originated from a correctional facility in Miami-Dade. Please note that if your phone is equipped with caller ID, these calls begin with (305) 459 xxxx and the ID name will be TCG pat- phones. Be cautioned that the Miami-Dade Correctional Facility is not the only facility from which these calls can originate and the above listed number is for informational purposes only. Victims or potential victims should immediately contact the law enforcement agency the caller claimed to repre- sent. Anyone receiving a sus- picious call is asked to make notations about the caller's voice, request a call back number, and take advantage of the caller ID feature if they have the equipment installed on their phone. The Florida Highway Patrol does not noti- fy family members of crash victims via collect calls from pay phones, nor would we request anyone to dial a *72 or 72# number. Anyone who suspects that they might have been victimized by an individ- ual who identified himself/herself as a member of the Florida Highway Patrol is asked to contact their local Florida Highway Patrol sta- tion. Having a water-wise landscape If you had to choose, which would you rather be able to do: Take a shower or water the lawn? With an ever-increasing population, water restric- tions are here to stay. But as homeowners, we can do a lot to preserve water. Today, any- where from 30 to 70 percent of urban water goes to irri- gating lawns, depending on where you live and what time of year it. is. Changing the way we landscape can dra- matically reduce this water use. Many of us have heard about xeriscaping, an approach to landscaping that emphasizes careful planning and plant selection, efficient irrigation systems, and liber- al use of mulches to reduce water needs. Mother Nature already provided us with a great model for plant selection: native plants. Native plants are those, which have been growing in Florida for thousands of years without our help. Native plants have naturally adapted to sand, muck, intense heat, dry winters, wet summers, downpours, cold snaps, salty air, wildfires, and tropical storms. A key point for water-wise landscapes: native plants drive on avail- able rainfall. If they didn't,, they wouldn't still be here. Take a walk in the woods and admire the variety of plants growing, even in time of drought, with not a sprin- kler system in sight. "But," you think, "I can't use those plants in my landscape." Why not? In colonial times, the royal families of England, France and Spain hired botanists to come here, dig up our wild plants, and take them back for planting in the royal gardens. Our native plants were exotic to them, beautiful, unusual, and used for landscaping the most exclusive European homes. Evidently it's human nature to be attracted most to the unusual. As a result, we tend to overlook the, beauti- ful and truly extraordinary "ordinary" plants around us. Consider the saw palmetto, a plant that requires no water- ing once established, suffers no pests, provides an excel- lent sound and privacy barri- er, thrives in full sun and sandy soil, provides food and shelter for wildlife (including the Florida panther, black bear, and more than five dozen of bird species), and is now used to produce dietary supplements for prevention of prostate problems in older men. For thousands of years, Wildlife and people have been using native plants. As you learn about this rich nat- ural history, you recognize that native plants have a beauty that extends far beyond the color of flower or shape of a leaf. Your AFNN (Association of Florida Native Nurseries) native nursery can guide you in selecting and planting natives so .that once estab- lished, your landscape, can thrive on available'rainfall. And you can save your water for the swimming pool, the fruit trees, your vegetable or herb garden, and a birdbath or two. Parts for this article was taken from a publication by the AFNN. Martin Grum is a Sumter County Master Gardener, for help with any garden or land- scape advice call the Sumter County Extension office at 352-793-2728. PUCKER continued from Page 1 Sumter County helped me," he said. Yoder also explained that through his business he found many people willing ,to donate to the cause, in addi- tion to friends and folks out- side of work. "I didn't raise this money," Yoder said. "The people of this county raise this money." Back row: Travis Albright, Rebecca Raciappa, Lacey Ritchie, Lavonia Uribe, Anita Hawkins, :D Clinton Hart, Jesse Kruck, Felix Ortiz, Sara Klems, and Keith Johnson; Front row: Heather Varnum, Crystal Rice, Jeremy Linderman, Christina Reid, Amanda N. Scott, and Jessica Cason. A visit from Clinton Hart Coming back to his home- town is one thing Clinton "Boo" Hart cherishes most. He returns home from the big cities to little Sumter County once again to speak to the students in Mrs. Cloud's psychology class at South Sumter High. Boo enjoys com- ing back year after year to speak to the students on follow- ing their dreams and never giv- ing up on the things they want to accomplish. Mrs. Cloud stated that she doesn't ask Clinton to come back every year because he's an NFL football player, but because of the trials he went through to get where he is TEACHER continued from Page 1 "...All of us are grieving, this tragic loss as Mrs. Edwards touched many liVes in a spe- cial way," Mrs. McKinney's let- ter states. "Mrs. Edwards con- sidered South Sumter Middle School a -part of her family. She attended South Sumter Middle School as a child and from the past ten years taught eighth grade and social stud- ies here." "...Mrs. Edwards was loved and respected," Mrs. McKinney's letter states. "She, will be missed by all of us." The letter also informs par- ents that a special support team is serving the school to provide individual and group] counseling services. Shirley spent Monday today. He didn't play college football, he just went straight into the big games of NFL. Boo grew up in Webster and gradu- ated from SSHS in 1995 and has made it a yearly tradition to visit the classroom. The stu- dents take the trials he experi- enced into consideration and realized that it's not easy to make something of yourself; it's something that you have to work hard for. You must work hard for what you wish to accomplish if you intend on being successful. Clinton said the most impor- tant thing to. remember is "Where you come from! Don't ever forget where home is and morning at the school meeting witlh teachers. Mrs. Edwards began her teaching career in 1995 at South Sumter Middle School. "It's the only place she's ever taught," Shirley said. The loss is difficult because some of the teachers at the school also taught Mrs. Edwards when she was a youngster. "It's a terrible, terrible tragedy, the kids are obviously upset." Shirley said news of Mrs. Edwards' death was also pro-, vided to students at South Sumter High School because many of her former students now attend the school. Purcell Funeral Home in Bushnell is in charge of funer- al arrangements. A visitation is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Marc h 24,; at ie Pircelf Fulneral Home Chapel. Funeral services will be at 11 always remember what got you where you are today." He also; told the students that wheit they do decide to go off and try; new things, getting into college etc.,,to just realize that you DQ, belongwhereveryou'are; if you didn't, you wouldn't be there, Go and do what you are there for; don't feel as if you don't fit in because you're there for a, reason; be there for that reason and you will belong." Boo's one piece of advice that he left to the students was, Humble is the way, Step by,- Step; Day by Day! Live life to, the fullest because you aren't' always going to get a second chance." , a.m. Friday, March 25, at First Baptist Church of Bushnell with Pastor Casey Ferguson officiating. Interment is a Linden Cemetery. Mrs. Edwards is survived by her husband Frank, son anc. daughter Colby and Tayloi' parents Preston and Diane' Childs, of Linden; brother, Rodney Childs, ofAdamsville' paternal grandfather Hortoi, Childs, of Webster, and mate r- nal grandparents Troy andt Betty McLean, of Leesburg. In lieu of flowers, a savings account has been established- for the care of the Edwarde? children; Colby and TayloiO4 Edwards. Anyone wishing tS' make a donation should maiT' their checks to Frank Edwards' employer, Eagle Fire Protection Inc., '1205 Crown Park Circle, Winter Garden, Fl.. 34787. Please make checks payable to Frank. Edwards/SunTrust Bank. p y row V BB. 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 (Next to Dollar General) VIS 569-0371. [U * .- ^{?.'. Did you know that the City Council of Center Hill recently voted to annex 1150 acres of vacant farmland? Do you realize that any further zoning changes on the annexed property is at the sole discretion of the City Council? Are you aware of a proposal before the Sumter County Commission to amend the Comprehensive Plan to allow the construction of a 499-unit recreational vehicle park between Webster and Center Hill? As taxpayers, how do you feel about a government grant to build a 12- inch water pipeline whose purpose is to serve the proposed RV park? Have you heard about plans to develop a 460-acre parcel of farmland for both residential housing and commercial uses? If these issues trouble you, please plan to attend the following meetings: Sumter County Board of County Commissioners March 29th at 6:15 PM City of Center Hill Council Workshop March 29'h at 7:30 PM The latter meeting is a workshop only. No public input is allowed. If you require any further information, PLEASE contact your City and County officials. PERMANENT MAKE-UP (www.wake-up-with-make-up.com) at Salon Central (a full service salon) 352-793-7474 206 S. Fla. Ave., Bushnell 0 IVFTI.ZANTI.()N. RESIDENTS OF THEA ,.CIATE'R HILIAVEMSTE'R AREJA ^.tt ik SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 3 Financial support needed for local Hospice House BOB REICHMAN Editor . Hospice of Lake and Summer recently announced plans to build the Lane Nrcell Hospice House in $umterville. But bringing the 4use to fruition requires sub- stantial financial support from the local community. The home will be located on two acres of land on U.S. 301, adjacent to the Sumterville campus of Lake Sumter Community College. While the land for the proposed facility was donated to Hospice, mak- ing the home a reality will require raising at least $1.5 million in contributions, according to Hospice repre- sentatives. ."Philanthropy is so critical in this community," said Ted Williams, Hospice Foundation executive director. While Hospice receives reimbursement at 80 percent from Medicare and Medicaid for medical services, a sub- stantial amount of the special' programs offered by Hospice aren't reimbursed with state or federal funds. "It costs $1.2 million each year to run our programs," Williams said. "And that's paid strictly by philanthropy" Williams said response from the community for the Lane.Purcell Hospice House has been strong. "We've been blessed by peo- ple stepping up to the plate," he said. "We look at Sumter County like a big family and they're there when we need them." Next month, Hospice is planning a groundbreaking ceremony at the Sumterville site. Construction is expected to begin in the summer. The home will provide a comprehensive-care program for patients who are facing end-of-life care and service. The proposed facility will contain eight furnished patient rooms with lanais, kitchen, cafe, chapel, family room, outdoor family area and memorial garden. A home-like atmosphere is provided and family members and friends are encouraged to visit frequently with no visit- ing hour restrictions. The house will be staffed by a medical director, nurses, nursing assistants, social workers, chaplains and trained volunteers. Hospice offers a variety of means to financially assist with the home construction. Here are a few of the deferred or planned-giving options for" the project: Wills and bequests, living trusts, charitable gift annu- ities, charitable lead uni- trusts, charitable remainder unitrusts, insurance polices, stocks and bonds, real estate and personal property. Contributors can also honor a loved one by having an area in the home named in their memory. Naming opportunities include patient rooms, memo- rial garden, fountain, outdoor family area and chapel - among others.- For more information about contributing to the building effort, contact Williams at 742- 6800. Police f Wednesday, March 16 '.Jacqueline Myles, 38, Bushnell, Was arrested for first-degree petit theft. Bond was set at $500. "Leslie Lemons, 25, Wildwood, was arrested for child abuse. Bond was set at $5,000. 'Wendi Watson, 32, Bushnell, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended. Bond was set at $500. Thursday, March 17 Anthony Christian, 47, Webster, was arrested for possession of marijuana and CLEAN-UP doug Green (left) andDanny Qodd accept electronic and hazardous waste from people around the county and the Summer County Public Works Mobile Collection at South Sumter High School on March 26. Green and Dodd work for Rerma-Fix Environmental Services in Gainesville. About 1'50 people dropped off every- thing from empty paint cans tp pesticides at the annual collection. possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $1,000. Kevin Albert Bechard, 33, Lady Lake, was arrested for violation of probation for driving while license sus- pended or revoked. No bond was set Friday, March 18 Chris Walters, 44, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended or revoked. Bond was set at $500. Ernest Pegg, 47, Webster, was arrested on a Brevard County warrant for grand theft. Bond was set at $2,000. Saturday, March 19 , John Gilbert, 34, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of probation for petit theft. No bond was set. Jeffie Avant, 45, Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license suspended. Bond was set at $500. Sunday, March 20 Robert Levesque, 48, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, possession of marijuana and posses- sion of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $11,000. Melissa Benavides, 26, Webster, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended and failure to regis- ter vehicle. Bond was set at $1,000. Dana White, 26, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation for retail theft. No bond was set. Jacoba James, 24, Wildwood, was arrested for failure to appear. Bond was set at $1,500. Gerald Leamon, 37, Webster, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Monday, March 21 Walter Galbraith, 57, Sumterville, was arrested for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Bond was set at $10,000. Christopher Spearman, 21, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $1,000. Jeremy Owens, 30, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for possession of marijuana with intent to sell, possession of marijuana and sale of mari- juana. Bond was set at $15,000. Agustin Lopez, 22, Center Hill, was arrested for no valid driver's license and violation of probation for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $500. Dana Howard, 37, Bushnell, was arrested for possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $500. Robert Manzoni, 56, The Villages, was arrested for two counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. No bond was set. (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ..............352-793-2161 Circulation ....................1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertising .............. .352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ............352-793-2161 Fax ....... ............... 352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Second Class Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 SUMTER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ...................... Bob Reichman Publisher . . . Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our Solid waste: county takes a daring step 4b do a f^JMO ,. N "Copyrighted.Material Syndicated Contents Available from Commercial News Providers" &Yu .me.0 Your Something happened along the way with Sumter County's plan to recycle household garbage into compost. What began as an innovative idea has somehow led the county down a path ""- of financial hardship ., resulting in expendi- tures of millions of dol- lars that finally lead county commissioners to scramble for ways to resolve their monu- mental solid waste 'o debt. In the mid 1980s, B Sumter County was a RE(C spotlight throughout i the nation for its unique approach to recycling. Plans to recycle household waste, into a usable and salable com- post product were watched intently around the country. But somewhere along the line, things started going wrong and what was expected to produce revenue for the county, through the sale of compost, became a money loser with substantial costs going to repairing and pur- chasing equipment used in the recy- cling process. Added to the Last Thursd problem was a special strong reliance on Commissic former Public commission Works Director to 2 to end c Garry Breeden to of hiring a c come up with all haul Sumt0 the solutions. out of state Because Breeden agreed to cc was in charge of composting the landfill (along considerate with a multitude of landfill for r other responsibili- cannot be ties), county com- missioners, in the past, tended to let him deal with the problems. It has only been within the past several years that county com- missioners have begun to get involved in landfill problems. With Breeden's retirement, escalating landfill costs and the threat of a proposed landfill near Center Hill, county commis- sioners were forced to become more involved in solid waste issues than ever before, That has been a good thing for Sumter County. Not only are county commissioners more aware of the problems and potentials for solid waste, so are many of Sumter's residents. Recent consideration of pro- posals to begin sending Sumter County's refuse out of state to help solve the- financial burden resulted in substantial concerns by more than 20 landfill employ- ees that their jobs could end and an admission that Sumter's attempt to become leaders and innovators in solving solid waste issues were unsuccessful. Last Thursday, during a special County Commission meeting, commissioners voted 3 to 2 to end consideration of hiring a company to haul Sumter's . ( o 0 11 garbage out of state and instead agreed to continue with com- posting efforts and consideration of a new landfill for material that cannot be composted. Commissioners Joey Chandler, Jim Roberts and Randy Mask sup- ported the idea with commissioners Mike Francis and Dick Hoffman casting strong votes of opposition. It wasn't a simple decision, and Chandler, Roberts and Mask are b to be commended for IMAN taking what many will a.... see as an illogical step. All three commission- ers (Mask was not a commission- er at the time but ran on a plat- form that strongly opposed the Center Hill site) were adamant in their opposition last year to plans to open a landfill near Center Hill. But, that decision was primarily based on the pro- posed location of the landfill. It was viewed to be an inappropri- ate location that could be envi- ronmentally damaging. C o u n t y Commissioner Jim Roberts has said qy, during a he believes Sumter County County should be ers meevotedng responsible for r dsideration solving its landfill ompanysto issues within r's garbage Sumter County. ind instead Chandl er, n4inueo imth Roberts and Mask efforts and took a bold step on of a new last Thursday. material that They are support- composted. ing plans to contin- ue with landfill operations that in the past have proven to be losers. But, there is one major differ- ence now. County commissioners and the general public have a much better understanding of the issues that face the Sumterville facility and the tools that will be needed to correct past problems. Instead of relying on one man (Breeden), commissioners and the public are now aware that solving the landfill problems will require constant attention, imag- ination and fortitude and money. For their decision to result in a winner, the landfill will have to be run more as a business than a governmental service. The bottom line will be to somehow turnaround the opera- tion, taking it from a loser to at least a break-even position. These commissioners believe this can happen, and if they carry through, they will most likely be right. This could be a new era for solid waste operations in Sumter County, one that once again has the entire country viewing Sumter as a leader in solid waste disposal but this time, with a successful outcome. Haven participates in special month April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, and Haven of Lake and Sumter County has chosen April 7 to kick off an awareness campaign designed by the Florida Department of Health. The project titled "Rape, talks about it, prevents it," is targeted toward, a youthful audience and fea- tures posters and video messages about the new image, "I became a better man when I realized I had the power to control myself." Groups are also asked to watch out for friends, and girls are encouraged to show guys they appreciate men who use self-control. Sexual violence is a major problem in Florida. Statistics currently avail- able for Florida are the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's totals gathered by law enforcement agencies throughout the state. In Florida, in the year 2003, the number of forcible rapes reported to police was 6,724, attempted rapes, 401, forcible sodomy, 1,596 and forcible fondling was 4,436, which total 12,756 sexual offenses reported to law enforcement agencies. Lake County reported 183 forcible sex offenses in the 2000 Uniform Crime Report Sumter reported 28. cases for the same year. If these are on the 37 percent estimated by the FBI, the number of sexual assaults would be much greater. The FBI estimates that only 37 per- cent of all rapes are reported to the police. More than one half of all rape cases (61 percent). occurred before the victim reached the age of 18; 29 percent of all rapes occurred when . the victim was less than 11 years old; while another 32 percent occurred between the ages of 11 and 17, according to Rape in America, A Report to the Nation, 1992. Of female graduate students polled by the American Psychological Association, 12.7 percent reported having, been sexually harassed, 21 percent have avoided classes for fear of being sexually harassed, 11 per- cent had tried to report an incident of sexual harassment, and 3 percent, had dropped a course because of sex- ual harassment. This according to the National Council for Research on Women. Yet surprisingly in a survey by Hopper, Sexual Abuse of Males: Prevalence and lasting Effects. and Resourced 1997, over 50 percent of high school boys and 42 percent of high school girls believe that there are times when it is "acceptable for a male to hold a female down and phys- ically force her to engage in inter- course." These statistics and surveys of modem attitudes certainly indicate that there is much that needs to be done. First we need to make sure that our family and friends don't have the attitude that it is ever acceptable for a person to force any other person to have sex against their will. No person ever asks to be raped! And Rape is always a crime. Children deserve protection from adults and not abuse! We can help shape attitudes in our homes, schools, churches, clubs, and any place we congregate. We each need to encourage and stand as role models for all children that it is a "BETTER" man that is in control of himself at all times. We can explain the danger of being out alone, of look-' ing out for friends when they go places together, of caring enough to confront any person whose attitudes are counter and lead to sexual harassment or even sexual violence. Another opportunity is to volun- teer at a sexual assault or domestic violence center and help families heal from the abuse of assault and a life lived with violence. Commit to change and follow through with at least one action will change the world for the better. If you would like to help change attitudes about sexual assault, sexual harassment or sexual abuse please call to volunteer. It only takes as much time as you are inter- ested in investing. If you would like to volunteer, get more information, or just learn how you can help please call Haven at 787-5889. Haven of Lake and Sumter Sumter can take care of problem I have been a resident of the state of Florida since 1980. It has been my pleasure to live in Sumter County for the past few years. In addition to representing my hus- band and me, it is my privilege to rep- resent the Democrat Club of Sumter County. The Democrat Club is chartered by the Sumter County Democrat Executive Committee as well as the Florida Democratic Party. In our humble opinion, Sumter County is ,as close to Heaven as we mere mortals get during our life here on earth. I would be surprised if this attitude is not shared by most of our county residents. We consider our stewardship of the environment as our sacred duty. It is our goal to leave our children and grandchildren an ecologically healthy environment for them to enjoy all the days of their lives. We were taken by surprise in the last few weeks to learn of the possi- bility of closing or privatizing Sumter County's Solid Waste Recycling and Composting Facility. But in retrospect, we accept the, blame for not knowing what was hap- pening. Last October when you, the Board of Commissioners, were solic- iting alternative proposals for pro- viding solid waste services, our atten- tion was diverted to the national, state, and local political campaigns. AWe had thought that everything was going well in Paradise, as we locals like to call the county waste facility. It is with pride that we point to the $3.5million grant from the State of Florida to our county for "advancing composting to the next level by incorporating the latest tech- nological advances'. The information available on the web is that our part- ner in this is the University of Florida. Honestly, we thought it was only a matter of time before we, the resi- dents of this county could line up to purchase a quality compost product produced right here. We next envi- sioned "pie in the sky" plans of sell- ing it to the world and enriching the coffers of Sumter County. As one who has spent a large por- tion of my disposable income on mak- ing my yard bloom with flowers and vegetables in the past year, I know there is a readily available market for high quality compost I am not alone in this passion to have a lush yard without causing more damage to our eco system. We live in a county that has thrived on the horticultural industries. The RFP you published last fall states that after receiving proposals the Board may enter into agreement with one or more proposers, or with no proposers. I am here to respectfully ask you to not enter into an agreement with an outside source at this time. Please; give the community time to respond and give you input. We, the Democrat Club believe that the purpose of government is to accomplish that which we can not do on an individual basis. While we can all be environmentally responsible, we need to act as a group to have a meaningful lasting positive impact on our environment. Government is the form that group must take in this critical stewardship role. The possibility of sending our trash to another location to be buried, even if that location is in another state or costs less, seems morally irresponsi- ble to us. We realize this is not a black and white, easily decided issue. We must find a way to remove the small amount of glass that remains in the compost to produce a viable com- mercial product Would the problem vanish if we asked county residents to remove all glass products from their trash before pick-up? Is another expensive piece. of equipment needed to remove the glass? Do we need a reasonable county assessment to pay for the cost over runs on the present system? According to an IFAS website, FORCE is Florida's organic recycling effort involving the Florida Department of Protection, the University of Florida and Sumter County. It was to be fully operational November 2001. Help us to understand. Is this when the 5-year grant period started or ended? Some big questions we continue to ask are: 1. What happened to the agree- ment with the University of Florida? 2. And what happens to the $3.5mil- lion grant if we stop making com- post? Please, to repeat, we ask you not enter into any outsourcing agree- ment at this time. Please, ask for citizen input We offer the energy and resources of our Democrat Club to help you in any way. Marge Lowery Thanks for fair help Well, the Fair is over for this year. Our hopes are that everyone had a good time, I know I did. We're looking forward to an even bigger and better Fair next year. Sometimes we don't realize the effort it takes into the daily running of the Fair for those nine days. Thousands of those folks came through the gates this year. Along with all those folks comes a lot of cleanup. I .cannot begin to comple- ment the Sumter Sheriff's Department, Tom Moffitt and Sergeant Day. Each day we were pro- vided with three trustees from the sheriff's jail. They were hard work- ers, extremely polite, and by far some of the nicest young men we have met I don't think we could have done it without them. It shows that the sys- tem can work. It was good for them, as well as good for us. These men showed up every day. They worked long hours, never once a complaint I know that they had to be as tired as we were. Again, thanks Sheriff Farmer, Captain Moffitt and Sergeant Day and those three young men, Mark, Ray and Jr. Barbara Kane Sumter Fair Administrative Assistant The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse aniy letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not bo printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. I I nflil~kuG(Ef 1 ? SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 5 Lake restoration trying to catch AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Some Lake Panasoffkee resi- dents are disappointed with what they perceive as the qual- ity of the cleanup that has been going on in their area. "It doesn't look much better than when they came," said Janice Cato, who lives on County Road 484. "They're not doing what they're supposed to be. doing," she said. Cato said the dredging closest to her home of four years has stopped Brown-Waite Representatives for Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-5) will con- tinue the practice of hosting regular Constituent Outreach Meetings throughout the Fifth District in the coming weeks. Staff members from Brown- Waite's office will explain how to get in touch with the Congresswoman to remedy a problem, offer general assis- tance and information, and outline what services are and moved onward in the lake. But Mike Holtkamp, of the Southwest Florida Water Management District, said although behind schedule, the dredging being done is quality work, and that the contractors are doing what they've been asked to do. "I'm confident they're doing that," he said. The specifications for the project are clear; they must dredge to an elevation of 34 feet, which is about five and three-quarters feet deep con- sidering the current water level. Holtkamp, a project man- sets meetings available through the office. Representatives from Brown-Waite's office will be in Sumter County on Thursday, April 7th at the fol- lowing locations: Bushnell 8:30 to 9 a.m. - Sumter County Law Library, Judicial Building, 2nd Floor, 225 East McCollum St., Bushnell. The Villages 10 to 11 a.m. - The Villages Government Annex, 8033 East County Road 466. ager who works in Tampa, said he gets daily reports on the pro- ject's progress, and an inspec- tor is on location five days a week He said he goes there about every week to ten days, but he visits as often as neces- sary. He explained the matter res- idents are seeing on the surface after dredging is.most likely windblown debris from other areas. Holtkamp said the plan is to go back to those areas later, and move the debris into an area still to be dredged. In November, the first dredge Natalie Simmons served as a representative for the Florida Agriculture in the Classroom program. Simmons and oth- ers in the state of Florida, headed to elementary school classrooms on Thursday, March 17, to read "How Groundhog's Garden Grew." The effort Is to help educate teachers and children future leaders on the significance of agriculture and Florida's food and fiber system. Simmons Is shown here with students from Bushnell Elementary School. on the project broke down. Plans were already in motion for a new dredge, which they planned to get a few weeks from then, Holtkamp said. But after various instances of equipment difficulties, it took about ten weeks for dredging to resume. The dredging is going on now 24 hours a day, six days a week to catch up for lost time. The contractor, who is paid monthly according to acres completed, only receives 90 percent of the regular rate until the project gets back on schedule. Holtkamp said this could take six to eight months. Once the dredging is completed through Idlewild Fish Camp on the western shore, they will move to the eastern shore where docks won't slow down the process, the hope being that the dredging will progress from one acre a day to three. They are currently working near Tracy's Point on the west The project, which started in 1998, .is in the second of three phases. According to the project plan, it will continue through 2007. The restoration plan was up developed and implemented with the goal of improving fish habitat, restoration of the shoreline, and improving navi- gation through the lake. According to the water manage- ment district, almost 800 acres, or 22 percent of the lakes open water area have been lost due to sedimentation and the growth of unwanted vegetation found on the surface of the lake. Holtkamp urges those with questions or concerns about the restoration to contact him at (800) 836-0797, ext. 2212. i205 Built-in walkie-talkie GPS-enabled Wireless Web access Excluding taxes and shipping fees* There's never been a better time to get the power of Nextel. NEXTEL AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER, CHANGE. 99C LIMITED TIME ONLY ,CtllulAR (((C TEC NICS, INC Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free Offers expire March 31, 2005. i205 Phone Offer: While supplies last. Final price of $0.99 is based on Point-of-Sale savings of $49 off the national promotional price of $49.99. Requires two-year service agreement, new activation and credit approval. $200 early termination fee applies, after 15-day trial period (30 days in CA). $35 per phone setup fee, up to $70 max per account (some markets a max of $80/account per order). Additional charges: state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1.343% or 1.5%, in sbme states a Gross Receipt Recovery Fee or other taxes, fees or assessments, a TRS charge of approx. .07%, and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available in all markets. Other conditions may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are service marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S..Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. LI' ~ ~ .~ lro.FZI PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 Sumnter OrUMARES / -... ~ Phyllis L. Beserock, '76, homemaker ; Phyllis L. Beserock, 76, of 'Wildwood, died Wednesday, :March 16, 2005. She was born in Ipswitch, .S.D., and moved to Wildwood !in 1961 from Leesburg. Mrs. :Beserock was a homemaker :and a Christian. Survivors include her sons, IMichael and Gregory Beserock, both of Lady Lake; daughters, Carla Pharris of ;Center Hill, Gail Searson of Lakeland, Billie Lynn Arnold of Otto, N.C., Tammie Russell ;of Ga., Mimi Nichols ;Beserock of Ohio; brother, SHarold Lorenz of Cutbankn, ;Mt; 11 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. For those who wish to make memorial contribu- tions, please make them to :Hospice of Lake/Sumter 'Counties, 12300 Lane Park ,Road, Tavares, FL 32778 in ier honor. " Banks/Page-Theus Funeral ;Home, Wildwood, handled the arrangements. Teasha C. Edwards, ,31, teacher Teasha Childs Edwards, 31, ',)f Linden, died Monday, 'March 21, 2005, in Tampa. A native of West Palm :Beach, she has been a resi- ,dent of Sumter County since 1981. Mrs. Edwards was a :teacher for the Sumter SCounty School System. She ;was a member of: First SBaptist Church of Bushnell. Survivors include her hus- ,band, Frank E.; son and daughterr Colby and Taylor :Edwards of Linden; parents, ,Preston and Diane Childs of ,Linden; brother,. Rodney fhilds of Adamsville; pater- nal grandfather, Horton TChilds of Webster; maternal 'grandparents, Troy and Betty 'McLean of Leesburg. , Visitation will be held :Thursday, March 24, from 6 to ,8 p.m. at the Purcell Funeral ,Home Chapel in Bushnell. ;Services will be held Friday, J. Lane Purcell March 25, at 11 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Bushnell with Pastor Casey Ferguson officiating. Interment will be at the Linden Cemetery, Linden. A savings account has been established for the care of Teasha and Frank's children, Taylor and Colby. In lieu of flowers, anyone wishing to make a donation should mail their checks to Frank Edwards' employer, Eagle' Fire Protection Inc., 1205 Crown Park Circle, Winter Garden, FL 34787. Please make checks payable to Frank Edwards/SunTrust- Bank Clyde E. Endicott Sr., 68, engineer Clyde Eugene Endicott Sr., 68, of Center Hill, died Thursday, March 10, 2005, in Wildwood. A native of Crawfordsville. Ind., lie was a resident of Sumter County since 2002, formerly of Crawfordsville, Ind. Mr. Endicott was a mem- ber of the Moose and Eagles. He was an engineer. Survivors include four daughters, Deborah Newell, Roseanna Endicott, both of Center Hill, Robin Rowlett of Leesburg, and Michelle Endicott of Crawfordsville, Ind.;. three sons, Clyde Endicott Jr. of Lake Panasoffkee, Troy Endicott of Tampa, and Todd Endicott of New Market, Ind.; 13 grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Garnet W. Reynard, 94, postmistress Garnet Weatherson Reynard, 94, of Wester-ille. Ohio, died Wednesday, March 16,2005, in Westerville, Ohio. She was born to Wallace and Myrtle Woods Weatherson in Westerville, Ohio. Mrs. Reynard graduat- ed from Mt Pleasant High School, attended Kent State University and taught school insmommVeteran'VE.'tr Easter Egg 'Hunt The American Legion Post ,l01, Bevilles Corer, will have their annual Easter Egg Hunt 'from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, ,March 26, for children up to 10 years old. '' For more information, call %568-0201. ,Liver and Onion Dinner I The American Legion ;Auxiliary Unit 101, Bevilles ICorner, will have liver and onion dinner, also. baked ,chicken with all the trim- minings, on April 2, from 4 to B p.m. ' For more information, CELL call 568-0201. VFW Post 10084 Lake Panasoffkee Activities for this week: Wednesday Luncheon bingo, 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday Pool Tournament, 7 p.m. Friday Open Face Roast Beef Dinner, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.; $5 donation. Music 'Just Plain Country" (Don and Karen) from 6 p.m. Saturday Karaoke by Don and Karen, 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday -. Nascar Party, 1 p.m.; $1 Bloodys/$1 Mimosas. Happy Hour all day. Monday Karaoke by Eric, 4 to 8 p.m. ,feie'a,4t 'af t'eav' &flfce 960 John Owner F( 793-4531 D. Purcell under "How do I decide which funeral home to call when the time comes?" Aside from the requirement that all funeral homes be licensed by the state, some basic questions you might ask when selecting a funeral home include: Are they flexible enough to handle your specific needs? Are decisions made locally or from an out-of-town corporate office? Are they full service? Do they sub-contract services such as cremation or do they provide these options on-site? Z Everyone has different priorities and questions about funeral pre-planning. We invite youv questions and we will respect your priorities. Please call us foqr a no cost,; no obligation, no pressure appointment to get the facts on how you can benefit from funeral pre-planning. Plan today for peace of mind tomorrow! Bee FUNERALHOME LBeyers and CREMATORY Serving Central Florida since 1920 Licensed Funeral Directors Locally Owned and Operated 1123 West Main Street Leesburg, Florida Sumter County Tollfree: 1-800-501-4343 at Newton, Ohiop. She was the'postmaster at Mt. Pleasant for 16 years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Lake': Panasoffkee and volunteered in the church's bookstore. She belonged to the Young at Hearts Group, Azalea Garden Club, Homemakers Club and Recreation Center. She enjoyed many hobbies and loved animals. Survivors include a sister, Grace Yost of Westerville, Ohio; nephew and wife, Wallace and Sue Yost of Westerville, Oh io: two grand- nieces, Beth and Laura Yost of Westerville. Ohio: niece. Deborah Yost VanDervort. of Elkview. W.Va.: grand- nephew. Robert Woods VanDervort of Elkview. W.Va. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold Reynard: a brother, Warrick Weatherson,. and a sister, Carrie Weatherson. 0 I -i < 0. '[li w 0. 0 I Ca LU 4 < 0, 91 a. *:. 0 I w^ f(a) 4| ,w Services were held on March 19 at the Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell, with Pastor R. Jon King officiating. Interment was at Sumterville Cemetery, Sumterville. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Opal Mealer, 80, homenlaker Opal Mealer, 80, of Center Hill, died Monday, March 21, 2005, in Clermont A native of Copperhille, Tenn., she was a 42-year resi- dent of Sumter County, for- merly of Williston. Mrs. Mealer was a homemaker and enjoyed sewing, cooking and gardening. She was a member of First Assembly of God, Center Hill. Survivors include a daugh- ter. Shirley (Terrill) Davis of Center Hill; son, Leonard (Alice) Mealer of Center Hill; five grandchildren. Lynn 'a -a.i Worship This Week at BUSHNELL ( First Church of God ' .-I ril,i i., 1 r 'lii i ! 793-3455 l':. [ ,l~..iFln 1, *iV' .' l,. I1 w if. l. l t Fi, I i: ur,,.r,' 'ix' J. Ii 1 l l. ,I J L'ru I, 0 1..r Iup III j i, Estru jiitVtrAiup hbiII. fTit It',jr '.nJri ,"1.ii1 p i I, n l R Jd "0 ,-h: IJ',. F i .4r "'.' . All Are Wlelcomie At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD C .jua v.i ,:.er,".p 3 -6 I- A ) A .1 r 00 P . Sunrda/ Scaocl 9 i30 A.rMi. K We D]-.:,ple-r.ip r-Jghni 7 0 PlM. j ,1451 West C R 476. Bushnell 793-2240/ 0 St. Francis Episcopal Church> 17. N Gracea treti iAi LLis ?11,i rF0 Bu.. '-:., 1-' 21 ',93-31SK7 .. IVdrie.dav Bible Sitdvy p m, ' Holt EuchdrL.it 1Ua.m Sunday 'Sundvay SchloJ0a.m i AAmeet Thur4d.6,vat Spm /THE BUSHNELL PRESBPTERIARN CHURCH USA Y32: BROA.DICormer '4 \v D.,ad N Broadi Churc-h 'chol 9-15 Va, rubhli VWor-hip I10 30 i MOND.\' AA roiupM .ergi .i.ii MI CWEDNED,~Ai 00,tudi -:10 00 .--. 52-793-4-0 First Boplist Church of Bushnell 125 W. Andeison Ave. 793-4612 "'roinlno ihaGood ie. of life rrrr,ougn Foa m I., Cn :'jrd,'), lI'IElIe 'l. '.' r, or ,. i. ij, 0 I- r i r First United Methodist Church 221 W. Noble Ave. :n ,.. .,,r -,,,-.F.,. raith. Hope & Loe Sunday S&hool 9-.1 a.m. Worship l:.51 aL.m. CELL. ,.'lan n i Edil, i.nr L,,irruri' ih i 5i00p.m. Disciples' Dialogue. Wed. 6:30 p.m. Bctary NuN G}mna..ta. e ll a i ill, 4 1". 5 'i0 p Pli. Cia'- - h 'ab rt: C UIit ul4. .6iri p.m Sii) Imap. rihui i '!, p In .El .,Ion.1n. rnd. Il' pmn. SII .ftE, ith B.i1I,lu innm RNi Larn Aribri.-r, Pi a,,r S793-3221 1k3,HUrj[LL ,ChII!:',7H OF Cnliri,:i" 310 W. Dade Av. 793-8428 Sunday Bibl,: Study 10 .j m. Sunday worship p Semice 11 a m Ei ening Worship t. p m. WtIdnedaVy Bible Study 7 pm lididan A "R ''_Baptit church Sunday S:ncol .. .9 45 am Morning W.orsnip ... ... 11 00 am Es,.ranag Worihip .. .7 0C pm iWedane-ida Prayer Service 7 0, pm r Pleasant Hill Baptist Church> CR-316A, B'ushnell Sunday School. .. .. .......9:45 A M. W orsnip.............. ............11:00 A.rM. Sunday Evening Worsnip.....6-00 P Wednesday Prayer Service. 7.00 P.m K 793-5083 Pastor Alike Kini (Darren) Thornton, Lori (Michael) Farfaglia, Bryan Mealer, James Mealer and Joan Price; three great- grandchildren, Shayna and Sophie Thornton and Ainsley Farfaglia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ramsey Mealer, in 1999. Services will be held Thursday, March 24, at 11 a.m., at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell, with Pastor John Weller and Pastor Don Shelp officiating. Interment at Center Hill Cemetery, Center Hill. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Tensley D. Williams, 65, operator Tensley "Tennie" Dre\v WVilliatms. 65, of Sumterville. died Saturday. March 19, 2005, in Sumterville. A native of Leesburg. he was an 18-year resident of ORNMRIMEMMEMM : r the Church of Your Choice 0 I I BUSHNELL I (BUSHNELL SEVENTH DAV" ADVENTIST CHURCH Cora.r r i S.. ruri,.l A,: -.ariaj A',:, Worstup Hour T 9 H0 i.r Sabbath School 10 45 i *!I Sat Wed Praer MNeimg 7 301 A ll Welcome . I LADYLAKE f Hope Lutheran Church > 250 Avenida Los Angelos .l:oreritr cal C R 4 i M t- Elvya.I The Vilb,, Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For more aiormat.osn..: ll .52-750-2j321 or our i,.vWet Sie: ww.C oi6S hrlerarIer ,g. org 2 |LAKEPANASOFFKEE LAKE PANASOFFKEE _" UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SSunday Wrnfip. 8 30 6 11AM S:url i'v S roi, .4hi CrulareiasChurCh 11 AM Pastor Williston Brewer :3 ,.,,r. .. -, ,7 !,'1l. 1 1 t'. ,,t, urn Q T,:,5 : ', .".. K H.,A0 iiDPa.ii.nin 3fiti"-34oi(7) 2 f First Baptist Church" of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday Sclnoot. ... ...9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening ............6:00 p.m. WE "-iLay ,iqrighl Prayer Melei,.. .7 p m y Pastor Jon Kinq J thJs of Gace Mliistries Pa=.l,:al Fia d & IP.11 h.::.l.:-r, o10mingWorship----- l 30 1.. Sunday EvenIng- 6 00 Wuanesday lIght-,- 00 .i".,,. 793-1600 l- II C S: L'- L aK i P .n 5 .:ri .. |ti', c j I TF.FSRURG ( GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor. Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 ( ST. MARK EVANGELICAL " LUTHERAN CHURCH lWELSl Pasior N. Nuike 2a''al i.iSH.. S,,uir, Lst't..,f 5 352-32:-.'21 'hPi\ ).:hmili i.: I .i-.,ra .l .,' ia',a1 ...J .' l (...Ji [|:. 1.:1 h aI ; | SUMTERVILLE | -United Methodist Church S OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 Ir.alles di o0 JIiaAd Sundin hi.rhp iErte9 30 3 n SSlor Chalrds'Tambirln K. AI eAilndrinahrelraIt.. 2 WAHOO (Discover the Difference!) 1siij Ready Fq-i 1w, Sunda y:A . '~r.r., r..-I ~A rU Wednesday Evsning reA* C: .,,T C i i'a,,, : .,0 NO1. WIEBSIER S Webster United Invites You To Attend Orhrap Service -11:00 3.m. nur-n Scr~~oI 9:45 a~m. S.E 3ro Si Websier, FL 3359' 0517.3.3734 K A ipra~ me churcha ~First Baptist Church~ of Webster 114 mile easi ot 471 on SE 1 st Ave E.-r E, J00 P1. ~ .,Pr:,= j-,a ? T-~rs 00 P1,1a WLLDWOOD PJi.a f F.. Cr,,,. I nniex~~L-% "4 35',748-1822 3Le',hp .-..... t)i'AI S, 6.bi PM %idyEei ~rk.-.-- 6-&1d & FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD *Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Bais ick Sti. Wildwood. FL 34785 K, (352) 748-2530 2 + SUNSET PARK CHURCH OF GODJ 212 Pine Sueei 748-1318 ELCO ALL:!!!!., SinldM.a i ..t .. .I a ii ,i apli N.titl.ru ilp-- i- il K WELCOME ALL!!!!! 2 ofiir 13 'I- ? 3 im 6 S d qK ta PIE AXC:E'W,.--sm JH W)ORE 1 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned +m Sumter County, formerly Lady Lake. Mr. Williams wa a public works operator 1 ii Lake County. He was a men ber of the Eagles 399 Inverness. He was a member of th Church of God. He loved Goc family, fishing and karaoke. Survivors include his wife Judith Hall of Sumterville+ son, Michael Williams d Ocala; sister, Evelyn Elliot c Crystal River; brother, Clyde Williams of Wildwooc and James Williams Dallas, Texas; and one grand-: son. A Memorial Service wilt be held on Friday, March 2. 2005 at 11 a.m. at the Purcerl Funeral Home. Btishnel with Pastor R. Jon King off citing, . In lieu of flowers, donal tions may be made to thi. Humane Society. Purcell Funeral Home. Buishnell, liandled the arrangements. I J SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 7 S U TE C Furniture Ga ler ies, LLC WIN* * f .' fuJI~ l@U~i~P4b 114(99" 3 Piece Wall Unit In Oak or Cherry. Wing Chairs Carry Out or Special Order, Same Low Price! Feet available in Cherry, Whitewash or Oak, Many New Colors S". *" New AY Select I Twin Sets a. Piece ~JEST IG-x wr o ..fh.' In Home Set Up Pefc Postu r Pilw o $399jB E U *g Pillw To $499 Quee Set Twn e .....39 Ful et...... s9 FREE Removal of Old Bedding nert i. Memory Foam Courtney Visco $999 Queen Set Twin Set ....... s699 FullSet ......... 1799 King Se ..... 11199 FREE Bed Frame with Set Purchase of $799 or more Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC 1715 Citrus Blvd. * Leesburg 352-323-1736 OPEN: MON.-SAT. I OAM-7PM; SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Broyhill .BERKLINE Broyhill Ifanyone deserves it, you do. KR 7( Furniture Galleries, LLC Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Lecanto 352-726-8282 Bassett Sims Furniture, LLC Ocala* 352-401-0477 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Hudson 727-861-2589 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Ocala 352-291-2563, Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Leesburg 352-323-1736 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Brooksville 352-796-5450 Bassett Sims Furniture, LLC Lakeland 863-815-4400 Sims Furniture Galleries, LLC Clermont 352-242-6350 1Tc~ J S1099S Top Grain Leather Rocker Recliner $4995 1 Ti -1 Rough Rider Leather Swivel Rocker Recliner @home with Bassett "a " I .. - -I --- WAM :4:411:401011:- *.:PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 Easter Sunrise Service The Bushnell Kiwanis Club 'will sponsor an Easter Sunrise -,Service at the Kenny Dixon Park 'adjacent to S.R. 48 (Belt Avenue) 'at 6:30 a.m. on Easter Sunday, March 27. There will be special music and sermon. Donuts and coffee ,will be provided. Bleacher seat- 'ing will be provided, or you may bring a lawn chair. Hot Meal served St. Francis Episcopal Church at 313 N. Grace St Bushnell, is serving a free hot meal to those who are in need 'every Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Good Friday -service First United Methodist Church, 221 W Noble Avenue,. _ Invites the public to attend their "`annual Good Friday service on March 25, from noon until 1 p.m., in the Church Sanctuary. The, service will feature special music and reflection upon the crucifixion of Christ Their Easter Celebration Service will be held at 10:50 a.m. on Easter Sunday Pastor Larry Armbrust will be sharing a Resurrection message, and the service will be filled with music by the Worship team, Celebration Chorus and Sanctuary Choir All faiths are invited to attend both services. For more infor- mation pertaining to their Easter service schedule, please call the Church Office at 793- 3221. Spring Fling for children First Baptist .Church of Webster will host a Spring Fling for children ages 2 through 10 on Saturday, March 26, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. There will be games, UCwhumhALEMN!LM m prizes and an Easter Egg Hunt - food and fun for all. The church is located at 173 S.E. 1st Avenue and all chil- dren between the stated ages are invited to join in the event Showing of The Passion -of the Christ Wahoo Baptist Church will have a showing of "The Passion of the Christ the Movie" on Friday, March 25, at 6 p.mr. Food and fellowship will begin at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall with the movie beginning at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. Discretion is advised for small children. Childcare will be provided as needed. Pastor Bill Ready extends a warm welcome to anyone wishing to attend this event. Easter musical-..- 'One Holy Lamb' The Worship Choir of the First Baptist Church of Bushnell, 125 W Anderson Avenue, will pres- ent the Easter musical entitled, "One Holy Lamb" on Easter Sunday, March 27, during the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. The public is welcome to join us as we celebrate the glorious resur- rection of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ this Easter Return of Wednesday dinners Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church is pleased to announce the return of our Wednesday night dinners starting at 4 p.m. Join us for some good food and great fel- lowship. All are, .welcome to attend. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793-3438, or visit our web page at: www.gbgmumc.org/lakepana- umc. Family Caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All' are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer Care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793- 3438. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Newspaper Recycling Bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W ERA ERA ERA qBARNES REALTY A, AIIAII BARNES, REALTY (352) 793.1151 www.erabarnes.com info@erabarnes.com Always There For You. 5CAPITALChoice Financial Services Life insurance Annuities Mutual Funds IRA 401K Disability LTC W.T. Sembower Regional Marketing Director 880 N. Main St., Bushnell FL, 33513 Tel: 352-793-1679 Fax: 352-793-3977 Registered Representative Securities offered through The Leaders Group, Inc., member NASD and SIPC 300 West Jackson St., Suite A.Thomasville, Georgia 31792 912-228-1802 CAPITAL Choice Financial Services is a network of Independent business men and women. Representing various life and health Insurance companies. to benefit the Thomas E. Langley Medical Center Saturday, APRIL 30th, 200 6 10pm Wildwood Communiti Center 6500 CR 1390 *LIVE AUCI Wildwood, FL 34785 IlON *Mule Drop BINGO *Jailk *Cracker Cow Hunter Demos *Mechanical Bull Ridin' *Line & Square Dai Catered by IOIIT!Sea CoA TERI $ 6 5 meac Florida Photo Archives MUSIC by DIIEMASTERS Florida cow hunter on open range, 1910 MC VAss *Includes steak, chicken AND shrimp, PLUS dessert & 2 adult beverages CCEPT SILUCIENT TOP HOSPITALS 1997 2003 C\r PASCO REGIONAL M, ME DICAL CENTER i _, y~l^ neq/^ Summer Elect takes pride ie Thomas. Buildir Community involvemratv a high priority. It's e vha it can be a pow'iM Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recy- cled newspapers to fund global ministries opportuni- ties. The bin is for newspa- pers only I For more information, ca 1 the church office at 793-322-. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Stucy Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church ia Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time arid Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until i1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further informa- tion please call 352-793-7720 cr 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. ffravq'wHB wilt 6-044, 100 Fort King Roa Dade 0 R .33525 352-521 .1100 wwwpascoregionalmc-com rp m 00000 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 9 iRoy 'Bug' Story remembered with park ;Robin Cox, James Sutton, Donna Williams, Comm. Joey Chandler, Comm. Jim Roberts and Comm. Randy Mask here in photo from L to R as commemorative declaration is presented to Roy Story's daughter, Donna Williams. ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Gant Lake Canal Access Park was officially commem- orated in the memory of Roy "Bug" Story on Friday, March 11, with a large crowd in attendance. "He was a community-ori- ented, loving, and caring individual who devoted his life to Sumter County," said Lita Hart, director of Sumter County Parks and Recreation Department Several community lead- ers and former leaders all spoke out on how fond and appreciative they were of Story's contributions to Sumter County. "I've known him my whole adult life," said Sheriff Bill Farmer. "He is missed. He would tell you exactly what he thought and didn't pull any punches. I cherished his opinion. He was indeed the 'mayor' of Gant Lake." County Commissioner Randy Mask called him a "modern day cowboy" Former County Commis- sioner Robin Cox said he could talk about him all day and still not cover all there was to say about Roy Story. "I had a lot of respect for him and it was a privilege to name this park for him. Now every time you pass by you can remember him and what he has done for the commu- nity." A commemorative declara-' tion was present to- Story's daughter Donna Williams that contained the following statement: "Whereas, he had lived in Gant Lake area for most of his life and was con- sidered, by many, as the "Mayor" of Gant Lake...." Born February 9, 1926, Story made his mark on Sumter County from being on the Board of Directors of the Sumter County Market to his involvement with the Gant Lake Baptist Church. He was given the nickname "Bug" by his grandmother who had often witnessed Story as a boy spending hours playing with doodle bugs and rollie pollies, build- ing fences and roads. The nickname stuck and he was proud of it and proud of his family. * IM I mi deid ri ,e Wildly Fun People Wildy _P. and SPONSORS to auppor h knee l Reserve Sponsorship 0 -C otact. Kaatt,One oronecraftykal .....-' ~*_ ..... -AR ,-L.. ,. , . opportunities donations ftylKat (352)408-0849 t@aol.com : - *REWARD* .. !,:L. For Their Ability To Enhance The Quality Of Lift For Those In The Community The Daily Commercial Nm & IMPRnVDn New Design 'e-. aw-i , For Information & Subscriptions Call (352) 365-8200 c:reative Jul The Daily Commercial 2.1 2 E. Main St Leesburg, FL 34748 e Cooperative apporting the SLangley Project amething SECO views as Aiks good neighbors and md positive force. A Touchstone Energvy Cooperative _. The l h . Complete line of: Walkers* Custom Braces* Crutches* Canes Bathroom Aids* Custom Prosthetics* Breast Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Specialist, Inc. a' Ni, I Y 13 4 It J I ..... wil Real &Wfj PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 Spring gobbler season is finally here Spring gobbler season is finally here olks, springtime thank- fully has finally rolled F around. For my part, it ,seemed like winter was never going to get gone, it just Seemed to drag on ;and on and on. Just about every Time we would %finally get a few 'welcome days of warm weather and ta little sunshine a - 'new cold front would move in and subsequently everything in nature's realm would return to a JAMIE standstill mode Outdoo and. spring time would be put off for: a few more days. Now, however, from all indications and signs I have seen in just the past few days, I do believe spring is finally here to stay and I for.one am kind of glad. I have a hard time deciding ,as to whether I like spring- time or the fall season the 'best. SBoth seasons are very spe- cial to me and I really enjoy 'beingout ;in the ,w o o d s ,getting Springtime is i ,close to and special Sfla t u r e u during when all of G Sh e s e and critters st6 timeove life cycles. Al to hunt begin putting w i 1 d growth, wildfl turk e y bloom and c gobblers and the wildlife begins "hunting preparations t s e as o n life cycle into for them is in the spring -and I also like to bow hunt ,bull elk out in high moun- tains of the far west during early fall so I reckon it would be a hard decision for me as to which season I like the Best Springtime is that wonder- fill and special time of year when all of Gods creations and critters start brand new life cycles. All of the trees begin putting on fresh new growth, wildflowers start to bloom and all species of wildlife begins their annual preparations to bring a new life cycle into the woods. j, This is the time of the year when wild turkey gob- blers begin their annual cycle of mating. This is the time ADA is of year I enjoy not r Writer -.only hunting wary and wise old long bearded gobblers 'but I also love watching and, listening to them as they go about their fantastic and beautiful mating rituals. Weeks before the spring gobbler season starts I spend many mornings in blinds photographing wild turkey as they go about their daily rou- tines during the short period of time the hens and gobblers start to hang out together. Wi I'd turkey will not *hat wonderful any type time of year o ) f ods creations molesta- tion or art brand new distur- 1l of the trees b a n c e on fresh new whatso- ever of owners start to their ill species of daily rit- 3 their annual uals and it is o bring a new extreme- o the woods. ly impor- tant on my part not to do anything to disturb them as they get ready for the approaching mating season and then most especially while the mating it is in progress. By the way by the time the hunting season for gobblers opens the mating ritual is. over and most of the hens are Osceola gobblers in full strut in spring. on or else very close to going on the nest and laying their clutch of eggs. I have several specially made hunting blinds that allow- me to get very close to wild turkey completely con- cealing my presence and thus allowing me to take pho- tographs and in some cases as close as five feet to the turkey. In fact I have taken many photographs of wild turkey that were so close I could not focus the camera I was using. I also have had the phenome- non of red eye occurring in turkey's eyes when using a flash while taking photo- graphs. Wild turkeys are creatures of habit as long as they are not disturbed but the moment something different happens in their daily rou- tine they often will leave and completely abandon an area quick When I am in the process of, taking my photographs I make it a point to get to and in my blind way before day- light breaks and remain secluded in the blind until the turkeys have come and gone. Spring gobbler hunting season is scheduled to open this coming weekend and I have some friends coming in from, Illinois who. are avid bow and arrow hunters. I plan on trying to help them get their first long bearded Osceola gobbler if nothing happens. . Hunting gobblers is hard enough when using a shotgun but it is very difficult to be successful while hunting with a bow. I have all my trusty and proven "Primos" turkey hunting calls tuned and ready that I will need to try and call a long bearded tro- phy gobbler into shooting range for my nimrod Yankee friends but as I told them in no uncertain terms that there was no guarantee in them killing an Osceola gobbler as the Osceola wild turkey gob- bler is far and away the hard- est of all gobblers to hunt and kill. Many things can and often go wrong while gobbler-hunt- ing ranging from a severe weather change to the wild turkeys you hope to hunt hav- ing being spooked off from a multitude of both natural and manmade reasons. Anyway I look forward to being in the woods hunting wild turkey gobblers in the spring and in my opinion, experiencing the first crack of dawn on a clear warm spring morning as a new day arrives is one of Gods' great-- est blessing. It is very hard not be hum-i ble and mighty thankful as you live and fully relish this experience. It is a wonderful feeling toI be alive, healthy and free and, while listening to a bunch of, gobblers greet the morning, with their thundering voices: echoing through the woods. Ask Us About Glaucoma Treatment, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Eye Care, Laser Treatment and Eye Examinations FLORIDA EYE CARE 1 LASER,& CATARACT CENTERS INFO Experience, caring and excellence since 1981 - 1814W.CR 48 Bushell Business Owners: Reduce Your Taxes Your business retirement plan contribution can mean a healthy tax deduction and the opportunity for retirement savings. Call or stop by my office \ today for details. Joseph Capporelli 41 ., 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 .-. 352-568-0406 Member SIPC EdwardJones Serving Individual Investors Since 1871 INVERNESS MEDICAL CENTER 931 South U.S. Hwy. 41 inverness, FL 34450 352.726.1886 The clinic is staffed by Dr. Ken and Linda Halinski, PhD ARNP. Services include superior primary whole person health care for all ages, acupuncture and massage / therapy. HOURS: MON. 9AM-8PM;TUES.7AM-4PM;WED. 9AM-4PM; THURS. 9AM-8PM; FRI. 7AM-4PM;SAT. 9AM-I PM Meeting All Your Health Care Needs WALKING IS COMPLETE EXERCISE CYCLE... involving nearly every muscle and bone in the body. , if.7 SLIM 6-12 ,i,0w Time Out Free Time NARRO% 6-12 .EDJUM 6-15,for men forwomen ME WIDE WIDE 5-12 True whole and half sizes. So me colors do not come in all widths. ----- ------- ----- .I 1 I L - - --------------.-i S" Lake Square Mall 10401 136 S. Hwy. 441 SLeesburg, FL 34788 ,Nexf to Sears) kS i 352-326-2641 TOLL FREE 1-866-746-3240 RYWANT *ALVAREZ J O N E S . 1R US S 0 & CGCERTIIEDL RUSThe FIx*laBar GUY TON . Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience It's Just A Foot... ...until It Starts To Hurt! That's When We Can Help. CENTRAL FLORIDA FOOT CARE, P.A. * Foot Surgery * Diabetic Foot Care * Wounds/Ulcers * General Foot Problems * Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com V SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 11 Remember to bring your appetiteE Remember to bring your appetite I year or so ago, /\ ANewsweek surveyed . Several thousand peo- ble asking, "What is the one thing you would 'ike somebody to ay to you?" Of the top three answers, the first as "I love you." fhe second was "I forgive you" and bhe third was f'Come and eat!" SDon't you love that? r- I love you.:I for- give you. Come and NAN heat! .KENN IAt my church, we eet every Vaundy Thursday for a com- nunion service. It's general- y quite solemn and sober |Yet j'oyoNs) as we meditate Dn the final words and actions of Jesus the night before his death. Years ago, the seniors of our congregation would meet -efore the service began for a 5ot luck dinner. One year I convinced my a friend that it was an all-con- gregation dinner and that we should go and get a free din- ner. We were both short on cash and I was hungry and knew there would, be more than enough food for us. Besides, I also knew that (a) we were loved and (b) even if it turned out that we were committing a heinous sin by not bringing i bowl of potato salad or a pecan pie, we were forgiven. Not that. we would be forgiven, but that we already were. As it turned out, even though we were obviously not seniors, we were welcomed, loved and forgiven. And well-fed. Although I only did that once - crashing a party to get a free dinner - --L I think about that qcY night every year as EDY holy week *Ma- s approaches. I think about coming to the table, loved and forgiv- en. That's what Maundy Thursday is about. The gospels record Jesus hosting a meal for his dearest friends. It was Passover and the last Passover meal they would share together on. earth. The following day Jesus would die, after having been betrayed by one of his friends. In the middle of the meal, -Christ, the King, gets down on his knees and, one by one, washes his friends', dirty, dusty, stinky feet. He lets them know he loves them, knowing they would all, one way or another, abandon him. After he's done he tells them that they are to wash one another's feet, to love each other sacrificially and uncomfortably, with no thought to status or even lov- ableness. Then Jesus holds up a a piece of unleavened bread, breaks it and says, "This is my body, broken for you." He lifts up a cup of wine and tells them, "This is my blood, shed for you." He urges them to eat, drink and to remember him as often as they do. Next, they sing hymns and go to a garden to pray. That's where the festivities end and the nightmare that is Christ's passion his arrest, trial and crucifixion begins. Sometimes in our Easter preparations, between Palm Sunday and the ham and the jelly bean and the Marshmallow Peeps buying and the shouting of "He is risen!" on Resurrection morn i ng. sometimes Maundy Thursday gets lost. Sometimes churches skip over it. For many years I skipped over it. But I don't want to do that any more. It's part of the story, the whole Easter experience. The repenting as well as the rejoicing, the remember- ing as well as the glad hal- lelujahs. The blessed Last Supper was also the first holy communion. It's our visual, sensory reminder that he was and is and is to come again and that, in the mean- time, we're to love, forgive and feed one another. It was his "mandatum," his "maun- dy" or command. This year at my church we're trying something new for Maundy Thursday. Similar to walking the sta- tions of the cross as they do in liturgical churches, we're going to journey in our wor- ship as pilgrims at various stations around the church. To pray, to 'sing, to listen to the scriptures being read and, explained, to meditate, to confess. We're going to end up at the Lord's table, to eat and drink and remember that he was broken and that he bled for those he calls his own. When we're through we will have heard the top three things people most want to hear: "I love you," I forgive you," "Come and eat!" Party crashers who have tasted forgiveness are most welcome. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough" and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 1-352-563-5660, Monday through Thursday, or via e-mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. .Youngsters climb to new heights at the Sumter County Fair last week. Scaling this mount was just one of the activities kids tried out during the 9-day fair. 687-0324-SCT CITY OF WILDWOOD OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2005 IN OBSERVANCE OF GOOD FRIDAY REFUSE PICK UP IS CHANGED TO THE FOLLOWING: Refuse Schedule: Thursday, March 24, 2005 . Friday, March 25, 2005 Have a Safe Holiday You and your health deserve the highest-quality care-whether you're in the hospital for a few days or in an outpatient facility for an hour. At the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, you'll have one location for lab and imaging services, quick registration, convenient close-by parking and a highly trained staff that's dedicated to providing only outpatient services. Add the resources and safety of a major medical center recognized for nursing excellence, patient satisfaction, quality and more, and your choice for quality outpatient care is 100% clear. To find out more about the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, talk to your doctor, call us at 352-867-8181, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday- Friday, or visit www.MunroeRegional.com today. CHANGED TO: *Wednesday, March 23, 2005 Thursday, March 24, 2005 VETERINARY TRAUMA CENTER GROVELAND Across From Hardee's DAY OR NIGHT ORTHOPEDICS CANCER THERAPY S* GENERAL SURGERY ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS S.CARDIAC CARE INTERNAL MEDICINE / PHYSICAL REHAB 2ND OPINIONS URGENT CARE 352.429.7707 - HEALTH GRADES" At the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, you'll have the quality, resources and safety of a five-star hospital recognized for nursing excellence, cardiac services quality and more. Your business running shorthanded? With programs from WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, we'll help you locate, interview and keep qualified professionals through continued training and'development All at no cost to you. So what do you have to lose? Call 800.757.4598 or visit WorkforceCentralFlorida.com today. WGF nffem ndo qlapportun~itypronanm ~Ataoduy aids oandsnnndan annldsloupon ranaoet to incnndoalans Wth (WTrta. Menrtnr Enspay Fl~ard WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA v w m PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 ^,.^" -:. .. ".'2; ":".. ; Marriage Licenses: Patrick Dale Butler, 39. Bushnell and Pamela Ainn Bryner 4-6.offTn Kenneth Michael Collins. 40, of Summerfield and Tammy May Magnuson, 39, of Summerfield. Richard Lee Helms, 34, of Bushnell and Kelly Ann Hawkins, 31, of Bushnell. Curtis Andrew Peacock, 33, of Webster and Lisa Jeanine Casteel, 30, of Bushnell. James Walker Keen, Jr., 47, of Bushnell and Lori Jo Turner, 36, of Bushnell. Dissolutions: Jesus and Hortencia J. Valdez Ted Robert and Sherri Ann On Friday, March 11, Chelsey Diane Vaughn of Bushnell ' was crowned Little Miss . Sunburst Leesburg. She will compete in the Sunburst USA ... . State Beauty Pageant in' '. Orlando on May 27-29. Chelsey is the 9-year-old daughter of Darrin and Becky .-, Segrest of Bushnell and Troy - and Jennifer Vaughn of Ocala. 0 n+ '. - She is a 3rd grade student at & ,' Bushnell Elementary School. " Fundraiser set for Stallions , Wild Stallions will be hold- Sing a fundraiser for donations . at the Wal-Mart in Bushnell .tr ' on March 27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you could I would appreciate you announcing this message so that Sumter - County can meet and greet the Wild Stallions. NAILS "Prom Secial" NAI S April 11th-16th ESaoCetl Chalwcey Philip W\V and Sharon N. Sonmiieris h ori Stoke.. Ji: and \elnta -V Stokes Lincoln O'Neal and Phyllis K Watson James C. and Sunhui Burdeshaw Samuel Aaron and Rhiannon Yvonne Fratzke Property Transfers: Joseph R. and Jutta M. Zankl to Edd C. and Dorothy S. Turner, property in S1, T22S, R22E for 27,000; Village Community Develop District 4 to Carol M. and Philip s. Anderson, property in Villages Unit 92 for 172,500; 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Total Circulation: 1.9 Million , Villages of Lake Suiter Inc. to Pasquale and Marie Biondolillo. properly inn Villages Unit 95 for 191,700: to Lynda M1 Pailik. pIropei tin Villages Unit 71, for 100.00; to Margaret A. Wolak, property in Southern Oak Villas, for 123,700; to Vincent A. and Inez A- Caputo, property in Southern Oak Villas, for 123,700; to Russell A. Schulte, property in Villages Unit 93 for 241,700; Roxann M. and J. Michael Murray, property in Villages Unit 87, for 158,100; to John R. Campbell, proper- ty in Villages Unit 93 for 252,300; to Gary and Arlene A.' Haverdink, property in Villages Unit 100 for 514,500; to Richard 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Circulation: 1.9 Million Rec ve ilinRaer yclln*lriaPes evc (86)4 -17 A BRIEF LESSON ABOUT Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. (And why you don't have to be a teacher to join.) lWE LC 01VE M 84 Buying a car. Saving, for a home. Planning retirement. These are the tests in life everyone needs to be ready for. So allow us to tell you a few things that they just don't teach you in school, starting with the difference between banks and credit unions. If your money's in a bank, the profits on that money go to stockholders. At a credit union, profits are returned to members. This explains why members of Suncoast can get a new or used car loan for as low as 4.75% APR1. It's why our high-yield certificate accounts earn up to 4.70% APY2 and only require a balance of $I,0.00. And why "free checking" is really free checking. ~V4 In 1934, teachers chartered our credit union with the philosophy of helping one another. Since then, we've expanded the criteria for membership beyond school employees. Now, employees of many local businesses, hospitals, cities and counties, and people 55 or older can join. Immediate family members are eligible as well. So it's possible you could become a member too. Call 800-999-5887 or visit joinsuncoast.org to find out more. After all, there's no telling what you could learn. 217 WEST BELT AVENUE ISR 4thl IN BI.'SHNELL Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org L and Juidy, A. Shirley. property in Villaies- Unit 87, for 176.211i. to, Jane Valtk, propel'vy in \illaee- Unit 89 for 159.1111.. t,.. Pearl .olton. property, in Villages Unit 87 for 147,500; to Gary and Kathleen Gilstorf, property in Villages Unit 100 for 216,400; to Tony D. and Carolyn D. Clymer and Dolores M. Lopresti, property Belmont Villas, for 212,200. Judith A. Walker Trust - Millhorn Law Firm to Sylvia Wall and Noreen Murphy, prop- erty in Villages Unit 9 for $120,000; Villages Urology Property Partnership LLP to Villages of Lake Sumter, property in S15, T18s, R23E, for 100.00. Photo by Amanda Mims Mike Fillion, a professional percussionist, was invited by Band Director Rick Harris to Wildwood High School on March 22 to help the jazz band polish up on its skills. Billion, of Orlando, has played in 22 countries and 46 states throughout his 40-year career with artists like Barbara Mandrell, Roy Clark, and Red Skelton. He is shown here with WHS jazz band members (from left to right): Lendell Warthen, 17, Mike Fillion, Chad Edwards, 17, Kenyetta Reaves, 16, and Andrew Willis, 15. . Morey Russell The family of the groom would like to announce the - wedding of Patrick Delano ' Morey Jr. to Jessica Ray ' Russell on March 19, at 2 p.m., at the Croom-a-Cooch|e Baptist Church. Reception fal- lowed the ceremony at the Bushnell Community Hall. ! Couple to we( on March 26 5 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cast l issue an invitation to ald announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter Lisa Jeanine to Curfis Andrew Peacock, the son f Mr. and Mrs. Morris Peacock They will exchange mar- riage vows on Saturday, March 26, at 5:30 p.m. at the Oxford Assembly of Godc - 12114 N US 301, Oxford. A reception will follow the cer- emony. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE! INFORMATION PACKAGE. j YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, EXCEPT SAYING "WHAT?" (352) 326-5253 * Every 3,750 Miles! Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tir- pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CV .,:,, iar cleaner elements. INCLUDES: Pressure test cooling system and cap; ' .Inspect drive belt(s), hoses & freeze plugs; Evacuate system and refill with 50/50 mix of DEXCOOL or GM Coolant and water. Lube, Oil & filter $1995 Col$tem$49.95t Valid with coupon. Please preseup arrival. 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Neu5 of RE SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 13 Villages VA clinic set to open April 4 Photos by Brenda Locklear Cameron Hudson, Kaylee Terry and Isaac Fields were hard at play last week in Mrs. Fox's class- room at Bushnell Elementary School. The play corner was filled with super heroes and other children with unique "careers." Rep. Brown-Waite to join VA officials at grand opening April 2 U.S. Representative Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-5) today announced that the much- anticipated VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic will open in The Villages the first week of April. A dedication ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, April 2, at 10 a.m. at 1950 Laurel Manor Drive, Building 240, The Villages. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite will participate in the dedication ceremony as. the keynote speaker. "The VA Grand Opening is great news for the veterans who live in The Villages and surrounding areas," said Rep. Brown-Waite. "Area veterans will now have the greater access to care and resources that they deserve. I would also like to especially thank The The Villages Shrine Club held election of officers with the following results: President Jack McCleave; 1st Vice President Bob Lococo; 2nd Vice President - Karl King; Secretary Dale Langdon; Treasurer Bob Cook; 1 year directors - Gowin Schummacker and Ken Hamilton; 2 year directors - Merv Harris and Richard Tubby; 3 year directors Dana Bishop and Bill Aultman. Villages for their financial and physical commitment to the clinic's progress, includ- ing their generous land dona- tion and their investment in the veteran community. Without their support this grand opening would not be taking place." Mr. George Gray, Jr., the VA network director, along with representatives from the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System and. various veterans' service organizations will also con- tribute to the program. "Congresswoman Brown- Waite was instrumental in facilitating this public-private partnership between the VA and .the Villages and is a strong advocate for preserv- ing veterans' healthcare and benefits," said Fred L, Malphurs, Director of the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System. The new VA clinic will pro- vide primary care to eligible veterans from Sumter and surrounding counties. "We will initially schedule appointments for new enrollees, those who currently do not receive care at one of our existing VA facilities," said Dr. James Borland, Associate Chief of Staff for Outpatient Clinics. The Villages VA Clinic has been established as an inter- im clinic and will provide pri- mary care to area veterans until the South Marion County multi-specialty clinic is con- structed. Clinic staff will begin seeing patients on Monday, April 4. "We look for-. ward to providing quality care to the veterans' of Sumter and neighboring counties at this new facility," said Director Malphurs. .tt a iii .~. - Abigail Pearson and Jadah Taylor were playing house on a - rainy afternoon, last Thursday, in Mrs. Fox's classroom at .,Bushnell Elementary School. Association needs umpires 1 The Suncoast Umpires .Association (SUA) is recruiting umpires for its 11 different -organizations in Sumter and I' Hernando County. SUA is currently being used S.by Sumter Dixie Youth S'Baseball, Sumter Dixie Boys, South Sumter Girls Softball, 5-. S. ~ma am Webster Dixie Youth Baseball, Webster Dixie Girls Softball, Ridge Manor Dixie Youth 'Baseball.. For information, contact Donnie Simpson (home) 352- 344-2054, (work) 352-569-6120r, or Jerry. Theilen (home) 352- 688-0582, (work) 352-569-6115. so- -G-As- Aa- ma- -Ga- Am -i w aw w w W W w a 0 bI p~ ,Dr.A., le 0LASER! kle A ), O 1e* 0Q r.. AY*tB'd: :F'--IVl, :l:-l h A I MylN l 1"-VA" 6] *1:"M I15% Down Payment | MASSEY RGUSON A wme Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment with Approved Credit $20,545+tax $14,950 +tax $13,195t ) -4H 4WD Tractor MF-1428: 28HP, 4WD Tractor, Gc2:;0, 23 HP, Dieseltor, MF- t40 4OHP424WDWDracor4 WD, Hydrostatic Transmission,PT --X8 Syn cro Shuttle Trans PS Power Steering, Live PTO R Power Steering, Ind. PTO, Turf - t IrS d PTO, R4 Bar Tires, oader BarTires, Loaderwith 54" Tires, 60" Belly Mower, Front S.,lh 60in. Bucket, 5ft. Rotary Bucket, 5'Cutter, 5'Box .Loader with 48" Bucket and 48" Box - .9 ., -- Cuner 6ft, Scraper Blade. Scraper. ,' ': : Scraper. - NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE - John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Phone: (352) 796-5171 Sat 8am-12pm Fax: (352) 796-6683 *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for low A.P.R. I Finance rates (Wstr faema a'e e d) Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9% Financing Effective .Date Until 3/31/05 I:TOAW-1I I'hIA V- : 1 : k A b V I A'I Y* :1! si as Leigh McBride, DVM SURGERY BOARDING ** HEALTH CARE b 4 * PET SUPPLIES 3 * Sumter County Adult/ immunity Education Cen 1425 CR 526A Sumterville, FL 33585 (352)793-5719 GED Class Schedule Sumtervllle Center Monday & Friday 8 -11:00 A.M. k . Thursday & Friday Morning.........8.....- 11:00 A.M. Thursday Afternoon 12- 3:00 P.M. Monday Evening 6:30 9:30 P.M. I Tuesday Evening 6:00 9:00 P.M. Wednesday Evening ...................5:30- 8:30 P.M. Tutoring. Literacy & ESOL Thursday Evenings.....................5:30 -9:30 P.M. Head Start Center Wildwood Monday & Thursday Afternoons.....3:30 6:30 P.M. ^ r lj, Villages Charter High School SG.E.D. Prep & Adult Basic Education Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings...6:00 8:00 P.M. Other Adult/Community Education Center Class Offerings r DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE (Points reduction c o i Ij 1st & 3rd Monday of each month 5:30 9:30 P.M. s, Pre-Registration required $35.00 Z D.A.T.E. DRUG ALCOHOL TRAFFIC EDUCATION (Required to receive Florida drivers license) 7." 2nd Monday of each Month 5:30 9:30 P.M. . Pre-registration required $30.00 . SCERTIED NURSING ASSISTANT PROGRAM Pro registration only COMPUTER CLASSES Beginning Intermediale Advanced Inlernel E-mal B.O.S.S. .-',','.,i i I,, GRATIS CASES DE INGLES SClases De Espanol/lngles Los Martes De Las 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. SlMaestro es Bi-Ligual 1Centroe De Educacion Para Adultos, Sumilerville, FL D- Telefono 793-5719 ~z. ~I - Combine services and save. High-speed Internet, local and long distance. Get Sprint high-speed Internet for S. a month when you combine with the Sprint Solutions'" Standard plan. 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The students are shown here: Lacy Hall, Alishia Farfaglia, teacher Ken Roop, Bianca Lindberg, Ashley Keenum, Kaitlin Red (front, left to right) Chelsea Bacon, Billie Taylor, Matt Carlson. Students from Sumter, Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties were in some steep competition earlier this year, as they took part in the annual Envirothon. But it was the Sumter team, led by teacher Ken Roop that took top honors. ~Jir 1F3 IF r3 r ara ra IF IFIF F IF IrarF rar a F rara3 rFr raa m F ]r r3 S Models needed for o Permanent Make Up - E Procedures- must be IF available Sat., Sun. and Mon. T - Apply at j -t7- SalonL 0 352-529-0211 S .ask for Joyce R : 444 N.W. Main St. Williston iL i0u ri iJ i rdiJ rii r0 i i i rI r!J cU c r r i r di rJ J i r i dc. rdffl The teams analyzed and evaluated an abundance of information to compete. Sumter Envirothon takes top billing Hernando, Pasco and Citrus earned the highest among Envirothons takes high around the state. The topics:. counties were in the running, teams from around the region. school students outside. Not may range from or include,, but it was the Sumter team The February event was just outside, but outdoors to everything from air and' that brought home the win at hosted at Dade Park and "It's really look at the land to forestry to water and plants.' the Envirothon. level. usually one of the largest explore habitats and their The students learn natural Led by teacher Ken Roop, regional envirothons in the surroundings. It's an event resource conservation, build& South Sumter High School state," said one of the event that helps hone student their teamwork and problem" students Alishia Farfaglia, coordinators, Gary Maidhal. awareness of environmental solving skills. The event ist Kaitlin Reid, Lacy Hall, The event is based on stu- issues and how people and designed to build a student's- Bianca Lindberg, Ashley dents learning very detailed society impact that environ- interest in natural resources Keenum, Chelsea Bacon, Matt information and the basics of ment, and their environment and toi' Carlson and Billie Taylor, sustainability Envirothons are held actually get out and explore it Please Spay or Neuter your pet! Office Hour! T s S Thrift Sho W10 0 1 . ffic our Tues-Sat 'ift 10:30 31:3t WE'LL PAY FOR YOUR SUMTER COUNTY PET LICENSE must meet requirements Surgery Day Tuesday & Friday 8.30-5 PM iBy Appointmentj Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 PM CARES CENTER . I Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic P 735 E. C 470, LK. Panasoffkee k (352) 568-9994 The 3-Pay Option "The Mortgage of Choices" Refinance, Purchase, No Documentation Available t' ions-e Call Today for your Options each Monthly Savings I OO% / month! * 1-Minimu ^ay1-888-254-4123 1 Minimum Payment (based on i %) 2 Interest Only Payment 3 Full Principal and Interest Payment / g m I . eiMort age4.onPe based on 40 years! Ln i co-an Interest rates subject to change FL Lic# CL0501607 Announcing an outpatient facility so comfortable, you'll be tempted to stay overnight. LOOK WHO'S HOPPING INTO TOWN WITH GOOD NEWS! The new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center-convenient and safe, with the quality of a five-star hospital. \tii and 'our health Je'erv c chc hiighest-qualiry care-wherhber you're in the hospital for a fev.' days or in an outpacienrt L1ili,,. for an hour. At Munroe Regional, our new, state-of-the-art Outpatient Center offers you one location For lab and imaging services, quick registration, convenicni parldng and a highly trained staffT chair' didjat.ed to providing only ouitptient ,;rvicL-s. Add [th r'.-ources and sai-erv of a major medical center that's been recognized for nursing excellence, cardiac services qualit-y and more, and your choice for qualirv outpatient care is clear. To trnd out more abour the ne%% A unroe Regional Outpatienc Center, calk [o your doctor, call us az 352-867-8181, 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or visit us at www.MunroeRegional.com today. STATE-OF-THE-ART CARE e, w l, l',' ir.t,"i T ,* 10/!i ',''v : -IL In 'n o * ." h,' ri..' d. ,...,, 'r , Ht I i IPCA L'k'.; FIVE-STAR QUALITY A r /rhe -Jb ;t o c I t O. jno ",, l jv -u 7,'hat v tie THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES IS ON SALE NOW!! CALL TODAY AND SAVE $$$ 352-793-2161 4 -! SUMMER COUNTY VI Already a subscriber? No problem! Add on to your current subscription & save! I 1 14 per yedr *In County Only SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 15 a Stoner C.-AL NDAR I SECO MEETING Thursday, March 24 The Sumter County Interagency group will be hav- ing their monthly meeting -at I1:30 a.m. at Catfish Johnny's in Iake Panasoffkee. This month's weaker will be Pamela Barron, Administra-tive Assistant, for Iife Stream Behavioral Center. Everyone is welcome to attend, have lunch, and join our profes- sonal networking group. * Want to see an original 48- r flag? Have students that would ben'- Ofit from knowing a bit about its history? Then plan on being at the Sumterville Community (enter at 7 p.m. An authentic 48-star flag is - being donated to Sumter County Historical Society by the Sumter countyy Explorers, under the leadership ofChief Chris Weiss, according to Sumter County Historical Society President *lancy Miller I Sumter County Commis-sion- qr Jim Roberts is expected to be on hand and the public is invit- ed, so plan to attend. Saturday, March 26 LifeSouth Community Blood Center-Hernando Region Bloodmobile schedule for Sumter County. All drives are open to the public. All donors receive a recogni- tion T-shirt and a cholesterol screening. Donors must be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and show a valid I.D. LifeSouth is a com- munity blood center that sup- plies 39 medical facilities in a 17-county area of North Central Florida, including Shands at UF, Veterans Affairs Memorial Hospital, Shands at AGH, North Florida Regional Medical Center, Citrus Memorial Hospital, Seven Rivers Community Hospital, Brooksville Regional Hospital and Spring Regional Hospital. LifeSouth is a non-profit, charitable organization that supplies blood and blood com-' ponents to more than 110 med- ical facilities in Florida, Alabama and Georgia; For more information, call 352-596- 2002 or www.lifesouth.6rg. S* The police department plans a full day of valuable information and assisting the citizens with our Vial of Life Program (free kits as long as they last). ' . Gun Lock Safety (Project Child,Safety). (Free locks avail- ableas-long as they last.) | Bicycle registration. 'This event will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 501 N. Market Street, Bushnell (Bushnell Police Department)., -'2 For more information, call Joyce Bullock at the Bushnell Police Department, 352-793- 6810, or cell phone at 3034720. The team from Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School will be having a yard sale, bake sale and car wash, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., to raise funds for the Relay for Life. All proceeds will stay in the Sumter County area. This event will take place at 502 N. Market St, Bushnell (Bushnell Police Department). Anyone having donations for the yard sale would be greatly appreciated. Pick up available if necessary. Please call any of the three following persons for more information: Joy Burdeshaw, 352-303-3027, (work 352-793-2241); Tania Scherer, 352-303-1860; Joyce Bullock, 352-303-4720 (work 352-793-6810). 0 The Villages Democrats will meet at 9:30 a.m. at La Hacienda Center The meeting will open at 9:30 with a Bagel Buffet ($4) featuring lox and bagels, and other pastries and toppings. The program at 10, a.m. is based on the New York Times' best-selling book, "Don't Think of an Elephant", the definitive handbook on what happened in the 2004 elections. The author, George Lakoff, describes how conservatives think, and how to counter their arguments All Villagers are invited to attend both the buffet and the program. Please, call Eleanor Strickland (750-2311) for buffet reservations. Monday, March 28 Sumter County District 4 Commissioner Jim Roberts will be available to speak to Village area residents who would like to have their ques- tions answered on county issues. Commissioner Roberts will be in the Board of County Commissioners Office at the Villages Sheriffs. Annex on County Road 466 from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information please call the Village Annex B.O.C.C. Office at 753-3696 Wed., March 30 A free lecture on Managing your Diabetes will be present- ed at noon at the Bushnell Family Practice Center, 117 W Belt Avenue, Suite A., Bushnell. A free lunch will be provided. To register, call 352-568-. 1988. : Thursday, March 31 The Lake-Sumter Unit of the National: Association of Social Workers (NASW) will celebrate its 50th anniversary at LRMC North, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. A Continental will be hosted by Hospice of Lake and Sumter Dr Mary Van Hook will present "Family Interventions and Resiliency Theory" from 9:30 to 12:30. Three free CEUs will be offered. From 12:30 to 1:30 a free " lunch will be served and social workers will be hon- ored. RSVP to Stephanie Saylor at 352-323-5507. Please leave a message about the number planning to attend both break- fast and lunch. If Stephanie is not available, please leave a message. More information is avail- able on the Web at www.geoci- ties.com/naswlakesumter. - Friday, April 1 Sumter Super Seniors monthly meeting will meet at 10 am. at Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 p (comer of Hwy 301 and C.R. 468 near Coleman). It is a fun place to meet other seniors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyone is encouraged to attend, bring a friend, and enjoy lunch Saturday, April 2 Rabies and Vaccination Clinic Low-cost vaccinations at the Animal Care Center of Wildwood, in the Wildwood Shopping Center. Proceeds benefit the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. Time is 8:45 a.m. to noon. Rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats only $6. For dogs, distemper/parvo (DHLPP) vaccinations are $9 - and bordetella vaccinations are only $9. For cats,- feline distemper vaccinations are $9 and feline leukemia vaccina- tions are $11. No office visit charge. Also, Sumter County Pet - licenses will be sold by Sumter County Animal ' Control Officers at the clinic. ' $5 for altered pets, $10 for unaltered pets. You must have a current rabies certificate issued by a veterinarian and .proof that Between 4,000 and 4,500 peop your pet is spayed or They crowded the Sumterville neutered, sides. ,P Dond I nfl or rlnridni S S T \UU lUg;:lll;l, I IUIIUU . March April 2005 Essay Contest for Middle School I ,, www.VolunteerFloridaFoundation.org H 0 0 T sponsored by W Washington Mutual - le attended the Sumter Electric annual meeting on March 19. pavilion and sat in lawn chairs outside the building onthree -i. W ^ MULBERRY f ' GROVE PLAZA HWY 42 & IN THE VILLAGES F 1 |. 2595790 all makes and models SOUTHERN TRACE PLAZA FREE NO HWTY 466 Battery Sale OBUGAIION OXFORD HEARING Il T 29 TESR 7 -7- -I $ --9 L. . < The first annual B _....... _ CoEuntry Mo- flgesid. rUs.i'iid n..c.iicllUc Construction Lot Acreage Call Today For Low Fixed Rates Cal 1*800.71 3*7550 ;ss. 2301 Thonotosassa Rd. Plant City Duane A. Mathis Mortgage Loan Originator 433960 COMMUNITY PHYSICIAN LECTURE SERIES, Muhammad A. Jawad, MD Medical Director Board Certified General Surgery Vascular Surgery Bariatrics "Surgical Weight Loss Options" Date: April 61h Time: 7:00 pm Location: Embassy Suites Hotel Orlando North 225 E. Altamonte Dr., Altamonte Springs Please RSVP for this FREE lecture by April 4th Toll Free 877-291-3010 THE BAR ATRIC CENTER OCALA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Ocala, FL MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment Visit the newest member of the 1P MASSEY FERGUSON TEAM #461 4WD * 64 HP STD 8X8 * Shuttle 2-Spool * Aux Valve R-1 * Tires 6 ft. Rotary * 6 ft. Box Blade * Front Loader 72" * Bucket Quick Attach #461 2WD 461 2-WD S64 HP STD 8X8 .- * Shuttle 2-Spool * Aux Valve R-1 g * Tires 6 ft. Rotary * 6 ft. Box Blade .- ------I * Front Loader * Quick Attach $24J 93 OO 72" Bucket New Tractors: Utility, Specialty, Mid-Range (onthy Pen 31800 Progress Rd.,Leesburg,FL,34748 Come See Us At 12aMonths 24 Months 36 Months Month 60Months 72 Months9 A ll TIrrmin _..sseyon_4, 0% 0% ,0%F 19% 2.9%, 3%,352-360- 1398 i S WL960 8-13 B976 COPAEDT Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Wt Range. Avg WI Price Range 830-895 861 52.00-58.00 925-1080 992 54.00-60.00 1105-1205 1146 56.00-61.50 1100-1290 1196 63.00-68.00 1300-1725 1478 57.00-63.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range 700-880 793 49.00-52.00 720-885 776 36.00-46,00 940-1085 1009 49.00-53.00 905-1095 1000 41.00-46.00 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1 Wt Range Avg Wt Pdce Range 1085-1355 1228 65.00-70.50 .1175-1455 1264 60.00-65.00 1500-1850 1641 66.00-72.00 1630 1630 74.00 1505 1505 61.00 Feeder steers and heifers: Steady. Supply was light,.demand was moderate Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 lbs 68 percent, (35 percent steers, 33 percent heifers), over 600 Ibs 3 percent (3 percent steers, percent heifers), Slaughter cows and bulls: Steady to 1.00 higher, 21 percent ' Replacement cows: 8 percent. Avg Price 54.81 57,54 58.81 64,88 High Dressing 59.96 Holstein Avg Price 50.27 42.59 Low Dressing 51.32 4.74 Low Dressing Avg Price , 68.85 . 62.67 Low Dressing 68.64 74.00 High Dressing 61.00 Low Dressing Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 WI Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 150-198 162 190.00-238.00 222.08 205-240 228 170.00-190.00 179.85 250-285 265 160.00-180.00 171.42 300-345 336 144,00-160,00 149.28 355-390 374 136.00-148.00 141.62 400-438 419 127.00-140.00 134.71 455-485 470 120.00-136.00 127.74 500-510 505 118,00-124.00 121.03 560-570 565 117.00-118.00 117.50 620-645 639 105.00-110.00 106.21 660-685 670 94.00-101.00 97.95 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 Wl Range AvgWt Prlce Range Avg Price 250-295 274 142.00-158.00 151.41 300-340 1 324 124.00-140,00 133.54 350-390 376 120.00-132.00 125.68 415-445 425 120.00-126.00 123.35 470-483 477 110.00-119,00 116,02 505-545 518 102.00-114,00 106.65 'n iqnn ; On11 nnn 1 i?1 Feedr 4lrs araBulw i lnI 1-2 I l\ Hi,',, 4 4 ,, 1 ';1 di.,' H H ,j h:,l. J',V i k i, Il'l I I I, ' Feeet Helle.-a Medium ac, d Large I-: ,To..,riad. gap] o~fnso,lss5 305-346 326 134.00-148.00 138,86 350-380 368 124.00-138.00 133.34 403-435 408 116.00-130.00 122.39 460-483 475 110.00-122.00 113.40 520-535 528 102.00-113.00 107.42 560-595 572 102.00-108.00 104.46 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range Avg W1 Price Range Avg Price 205-245 228 130.00-142,00 137.04 265-290 276 128.00-148.00 134.71 320-335 330 110.00-125.00 118.31 360-393 378 114.00-125.00 121.06 405-424 420 109.00-115.00 110.57 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 Wt Range AvgWt Pdce Range Avg Price 260-295 288 106.00-124.00 115.96 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2Yaoung Wl Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Pdce 720-835 778 60.00-84.00 68.82 4-6 mos bred 650-875 773 70.00-88.00 75.97 7 9 mos bred I.I. i ill .,,. 1.11.14 "' II, ,1 11 ., :, Cr-. LC W1 ulr MeuW ]r.,- Lea I I vu.'. 41 114 I ,'.- 4. J "',., . LiIs 44.UGin hhretNw,44 Ba ,, o". 4 wwwamsusd.,nrep~~r''s/R-S. 6.x ' Friendly Folks 'Fair Prices Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: Western T&A Western Alfalfa Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% $5.25 12% 5.40 New & Used Saddles & Tack r^a..muan* -'7 A,.nof (fn Inarlnnl r /x~,' / 0 .-. ' mue PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 ..... ... II11/ CA LINCOLN MERCURY SALE S EVENT IT S NEVER BEEN EASIER TO SAVE & BUY A NEW LINCOLN OR MERCURY MW ALE I ST I P% O5U20%%p DEALER LIST 525,020 PROMO PRICED AT.* $14,992 DEALER LIST $29,695 PROMO PRICED AT... AT.HAM $.20,990 WK'1s.iI %I N[.1.].... F0 1 0 '^*^^^^- m U i r- U V DEALER LIST $25,095 PROMO PRICED AT... s15,995 DEALER LIST $33,110 PROMO PRICED AT... 981* 1Iw DEALER LIST $44,135 PROMO PRICED AT... 3.1,500 ^w-wRM K < -' $8,000 TOTAL SAVINGS ON Y NEW 2005 11N OR T IN STOCK OVE MRIMB4X O CHOOSE FROM (Excludes: Montego & Mariner, they do not qualify) ALL OFFERS PRICES F' Ue PRE.DELiv'ERW PACKAGE OF $289. T AG, AN-Ch OTHER GOC.VERIJMETJTAL FEES OFFERS GOOD Di, OF PUBLIC ,TIOjr OIJL'L ICOT REEPOIISIBLE FOR TP'POCRAPHICAL ERROR PICTURES 4RE USED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY DUE TO PLUBUCATION DEADLINES SOME1E UNITS tr.Af BE OLD. PRIOfi S ALE EXCLIJUDED MUST TAKE DELI, ERr FROM DEALER STOCK "ALL A'I.,ltGS PRICES ,ARE FfOM DEALER SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE 4LL REBATESrCErTIt'ES ASSGI-JED TO DEALER ArD MA rJiNCLUDE FMCC COrTRACT.OWrJER LOYALTe'CONO.QuEET NOT ALL PLiRCHASERS FI,. QUALIFY. BENEFITS INCLUDE: BENEFITS INCLUDE: > 6-year/75,000 Mile > 6-year/75,000 Mile Comprehensive Lincoln Premier Mercury Limited Warranty" Limited Warranty* "Whichever comes first "Whichever comes first I I point Vehicle Inspection > 24-hr Roadside Assistance > 115-pointVehicle inspection S I > 141-point Vehicle Inspection > 24-hrRoadside Assistance SN L N > Full Fuel Tank R Y > Oil& Filter Change > Complimentary First Oil (Completed prior to delivery) PREMIER CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED\ & Filter Change CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED > Full Fuel Tank .\.. ..... SALEHURS MON.- FI. AM 6:0I P -ROAD SHOW] I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 17 _District holds Pinewood Derby :From left to right: Justin Bures Pack 442 Scout Theme Design -Cub Division, Alex Heffner Pack 303 Animal Design Tiger ..-.., Scout Division, Thomas Wallace Pack 313 Animal Design Cub Scout Division. Every year, scout troops from the district and surrounding counties get together to fellow- ship and compete in their annu- al Pinewood Derby. This year, the fun and chal- lenge took place at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church where hundreds of peo- ple from Sumter, Citrus and Hernando counties were gath- ered. Scouts get their derby kits, cut out and paint their cars, placing their wheels on for speed racing. Weight ranges are limited and the car acceleration is deter- mined by its gravity speed as it slides down the track and moves toward the finish line. The kits are wood blocks and wheels. Scouts have to shape and design their cars. The winners from each pack then move on to compete at the district level. The district run was held Saturday, March 5 and coordi- nated by Annika and Mike Wallace, pack leaders for Pack 313 coordinated the event Part of the Gulf Ridge Council, the district challenge included three complete tracks for racing, as bears, wolves, tigers and webelos met for the contest The Webelos Division race winners are Brian Germani Pack 442 1st Place, Chase Kiefer Pack 313 2nd Place, Kyle Eppley Pack 71 3rd Place, and Samual Zafrani 4th place. - SUMMER COUNTY'S Goinc GUIDE TO - Out The 3 remaining design cars are David Wallace Webelos Division Scout theme Car, Robert Joey Millaway Cub Scout Division Nascar Theme, and Michael Best Tiger Scout Division Classic Car Theme. i WORK DAIM .. Wcbstcr Ccmctery Association For Garden of Memorics Stcwart Chapel Interested Parties Meet at Garden of Memories. April 2 @8:00 AM 1$100 $1,000* in your checking account overnight V / Unexpected Bills? / Car Trouble? / Need Cash Fast? / We Offer Quick Cash For Your Immediate Needs Some simpl mq rulreIet# arem nece sy More i s gian In rhi form a a rebate Visit us online at: www.eadvancecash.net Earn your degree from a highly respected academic program that prepares you for a successful career. Saint Leo University undersaltds and respects your life's demands-balancing family and work- while earning your degree. Saint Leo University halis been providing affordable, accessible, quality r education since 188g. Four convienieat area locations Marion, Citrus, Lake and Sumter Counties Evening & weekend dasss Taflnred to ree youi busy schedule a) OnIhia doomses auableJ Lesm and s!udy fmmi hmem The ayseed Cafe In Webster 599 N Market Blvd. L 352-568-8008 -m -m -m -E st- -in -l -m m 4 Family Restaurant Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm _-= nFri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in Central Florida & 7 Much More" L e 4 BREAKFAST DAILy LUNCH & OINER A SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 & Frrr.C,: P Good Service...Great Food...Super People '^y'y'kf~'^*'*1f> 'y>^y'^^^y''^^ Rosey and Dave's Country Cafe (Formerly Cafe 476) New Name New Location 311 N. Market St., Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 568-7667 Open Monday thru Saturday Closed Sunday 7.:00 A.M.- 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 3/25 31 / FRI SAT. SUN. WED THURS. POOH'S G HEFFALUMP 7:30 MOVIE PLUS PG PACIFIER 8:55 Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: ROBOTS RING 2 iOQuestions? Please call Hairold Sears 863-602-2979 I s I.. Dive. In FLEA EIlARKET ASat-Sun am-no-ron ,, lso Mon &T.- BoJack's Potato Shack Under New Ownership Daily Homemade Specials Rib Nights Friday & Saturday on(352)793-o1002 - 8PM 616 W Kings Hwy Center Hill, FL 8PM 33514 BELLY DANCING CLASSES TUI IBfllDA/v I 14~f Hidden Rivers Resort S& The Dam Pub Saturday, March 26th DOOR PRIZES' 50-.50 DRAWING DIME RAFFLE POT LUCK OPEN GRILLi J JELLO SHOTS BONFIRE & MORE -/I l b , Zr7!J.LJIJJ '.~i~~6J 0 -11 =;J 1 J.J, L@' b featuring Sundown Band i A lLr.NIJ :1-:l.1 '-_ W .I_-L,." l.fIE, i ir-M pr3 569-9306 4666 CR 300 Lake Panasoffkee AM SP -I ., .i Inr v: .7 Ice Princess and The Ring 2 Sp-.cia. E), rrr ,nri ir.ru-14 3 iMiss Congeniality 2, Guess Who Siar.s ii Er.jaqm.eni ir.ru J 11:0 Beauty Shop Beauty Shop PG13 Guess Who P013 Frr-al1 No. Show Fri-Sat 1 35 -4 35 ) 9a 45. Sun.Mon No Srow Sun-.N.:.r. 35 4 3s 7 20 Tues No SnoAv Tues 2 05 5 05 40 Wed-Thur 1 55, 4 25, 7 15 Wed-Tra.r 2 05 5 05 7 40 Miss Congeniality 2 PG13 The Ring 2 PG13 Fri.Sai 1 '20 4 20 7 00. 9.35 Fr :a l 1 l i 0 i 4 1, 4 :. .i 1 : ) qi0 i:i l'I.Cn: Sun.-Mfon 1 201 4 20 7 00 1.,, .i.1 0 l 1.' 4. I -ii 4 c i .3 Tu Bs 1 45.4 20 725 Tue -uj 4_'J 4 ', -2 : I VVW d.T rur 1 45 4 :'0 7 "'5 w ,u i r,1 T r., 411' I '" 1 .7" : I1 Robots PG Ice Princess G Fr.Sai 1 00. 15 5" 25 7 45.955 FrI.SaI I 10 4.10. 7 15.9 30 Sun.IU,.n I 00 3 15, 525 7 45 Sun.Mr.i 1 1. 4 10 1.' Tues 1 40 4 05, 7 35 Tues 1 30 4 00 7 15 Wer.Tr,-ur 1 40 4 0, 7 3=, Wed.Thur 1 30, 4 00 745 Hostage R Million Dollar Baby PG13 Fn-Sal 1 40.4 55 7 35. 10 10 Fr -Sal 7 10 1005 Sun-Mor. 1 40 4 55 7 35 Sun I..r.n 7 10 TueS 1 35 4 10. 720 Tues 7 15 Wed-Thur 1 3"5 4 10 7-0 'Ned-Thur No: Showr Because of Winn Dixie PC The Pacifier PG Fr Sat 1 .30. 4 25 Fr,.Sa 14 45.4 40 7 40 9 45 SunMaor, 1 30. 4 25 Sn. r.::.n 1 45 4 4. 7 40 Tues 1 55 4.25 Tues- 2 20. 4 45. 755 Wed Tiur No Showlt-' WedTnur 2 20 4 4., 7 55 Hitch PG13 Diarof a Mad Black Woman pG13 Fri.Sal 1 5O 405 735 10 10 FriSSaT l 1; 1 4 30 705 940 Sur.Mor, I 50. 4 05 ,735 Sun.Mor, 1 ,51 4 -F "05 Tues 1 50 4 30 7 50 Tues L2 1 4 55. 8 05 Wea-Thur 1 50 4 30, 750 Wed-Thui' 1.5 4 iA 05 ajIj Y.11 Ij ;I t m m PAGE 18, SUMTrER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 i': There were at least 300 people on hand for the annual District Pinewood Derby competition, held at Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church, earlier this month. From left to right top: Steven Elliott 3rd Place Tiger Scout Division, Jeremiah Lovestrand Pack 415 4th Place Tiger Scout Division, Andrew Miralles Pack 406 1st Place Tiger Scout Division. Bottom Rowleft to right: Jason Doerr Pack442 2nd Place Tiger Scout Division, Austin Tincher Pack 71 Honorable Mention Tiger Scout Division. I ~i Some of the top models for design were on display during the event. From left to right on top: Chance Breeding Pack 71 4th Place Cub Scout Division, Mike Palmer Pack 406 3rd Place Cub Scout Division, Josh Howse Pack 415 1st Place Cub Scout Division, Grant Shoemaker Pack 415 2nd Place Cub Scout Coordinators and parents discussed the races and rules during the annual District Pinewood Derby oure ae! fr~ I ~ Hospice of Lake and Sumter cordially invites you and your family to join us for the dedication of the Lane Purcell Hospice House Saturday, April 2 11 a.m. -3 p.m. Entertainment will include live music, a butterfly encounter, and other exciting family fun. There will also be a petting zoo and a bounce house for the kids. It's all free, including a barbecue lunch. ,-of Lake Sumter /-"-' < 352-343-1341 or toll-free 888-728-6234 A not-for-profit, community healthcare agency. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 19 EI1 '('A TION A 2 ~- - Olppag 0 a f-mw d p Ow bd %- v *** pq s-"a eeft a-oft1 "o fr ow 4b wom bdmmo ft w -qw qqomgbw-%-a meabo o -vf-'- peato,, ft do Oo w w 0 B S a 6 ldw s. ap f 4D4bddb= Qp. q- 4 A 40 4- i o o 419homp lommemaNdalbb dop-glab 4ftw abommodwe 4umift 420W 40M 404040-00 0 anw .b &0 ~~ a &o 0 & 0doqk w . go dbo W f- O -- . "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from.Commercial News Providers" ov b Habiat qwp--qopmmpr lqwp--- 1 ALA---& wqp-% WT so q*0000- %mmo %ddbmw okkkw nor -40 4wo- - opp-ow low amov do OR Igor% oulow &a 16 Pip *we I VAwm Do I Low# t v 4w 6 % PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 C CHATTER FWC asking anglers, 'How's the fishing?' The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC's) recent- ly restructured Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management is opening com- munication lines with anglers. The agency wants to learn more about what it would take to improve fishing opportuni- ties here. "We're trying to evaluate the performance of the previ- ous fisheries division over the past five years and find ways to improve it," said Darrell Scovell, who heads the new division. "We hope to measure our progress, identify areas that need attention and work with communities to make things better." Scovell said the FWC is committed to conservation programs that are based on scientific research and pro- duce the kinds of results anglers want to see. As a first step in this process, the FWC is asking anglers to take part in a sur- vey it has posted online at http://www.surveyroom.com/F isheriesInput/. Most people are able to complete the ques- tionnaire in about 15 minutes. Responses and comments are confidential. Later, the FWC will publish a summary of what anglers say about the state of freshwater fishing here in the Fishing Capital of the World and what the agency needs to do to make it better. In a second step, the FWC will host a series of public meetings to discuss survey results and develop plans and priorities for the future. Survey participants will be asked about their willingness to participate in a future plan- ning meeting and about when and where such meetings should take place. I Deadline for completing the survey is May 1. Call Today 352-793-2161 equine services Belle is a standard bred cross broodmare. Helping animals, big and small he Humiane Society- been successful in putting SPCA of Sumter weight back on Belle. She has County's animal cruelty had all her vaccinations and investigator not only is certi- coggins tested. Belle is look- tied to help dogs and cats. but ing very beautilful these days. horses and livestock as \well. And after a recent visit from When an animal is the horsey dentist impounded and then t: and the terrier, she released into the care 4 .'. is the Belle of the of the Humane ball! Society/SPCA. the Belle has been Society must pay the through a rough medical expenses to time. but her life has bringthe animal back changed for the best to health. 4 since she has been Medical expenses rescued from her for dogs and cats can former life. Now be expensive, but that she is feeling horses that are in a better, Belle is ready deteriorated state can Linda Graves to be adopted. Belle be d'ai'ing o0 th 'i11 be '~ L society's' finances. companion horse. as a: . Nevertheless, these beautiful good temperament and is very ,animals need our help. willing. Adoption fees for Belle came from an animal horses start at $400 and go up. -cruelty case. She was approx- The Humane Society/SPCA imately 15 pounds under- of Sumter County has several .Weight. There was nothing for other horses to adopt to loving her to eat. Her owner was homes also. Would you like to unable to afford food or care give one of these beautiful i'or her. animals a second chance at a ' Belle is a standard bred happy life? If so, e-mail the cross broodmare. She is Humane Society/SPCA at: approximately 20 years old. humane'asum.net or mail in After several months, the your request to: PO. Box 67, ,Humane Society/SPCA has Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. GET 'OUR FAVORITE SATURDAY, APR 2 DRIVIRI'SAUtO MODIFIED, SPORTSMEN, MINI STOCK, .HOBBY STOCK, THUNDER STOCK, 4 CYLINDER builder 609 N. Old Wire Rd. _I.M akce_ _Crhil Wildwood,FL 34785 " equine orthotics *.EqA(WU E.@rtho's and Prosthetics By SProsthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP. BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist taxi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO TAMPA For as low as For as low as $35.00 $45.00 fence & mowing_ Richard Strong's Fence & Mowing Acreage Our Specialty * BDependable FREE Estimates Lic,'ns 40 yrs. Exp .E.. ... 35240247753 pet grooming DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and small. \Ve % ill bathe and groom them all! Pamper YOUR pet today ! For Fido's next appointment please call Sand\ at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 Participating With Most Major Insurance Plans SSliding Fee Available For All Who Qualify CENTER joint commision Open Saturdays 8:00AM 2:00PM 1425 S US Hwy. 301, Sumterville (352) 793-5900 www.langleymedicalcenter.com medical PRS MEDICAL SUPPLIES Complete line of:. 3.f Walkers, Custom Braces Crutches. Canes Bathroom Aids Female Fitter Custom Prosthetics on Staff Breast Prosthetics Medicare Accepted Prosthetics Research Specialist, Inc. 720 E. Southland Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restoration Full Fabrication Services 352-793-4477 Fax: 352-793-1448 real estate PH. Professional Home Buyers prohomebuyers@yahoo.com bail bonds JARRET PARISH 1452 W. HWY 48 .. BUSHNELL, FL 33513 OFFICE: (352) 793-8861 CELL: t (352) 303-0000 *'i/Put Your Feet Back on the Street" intemet/isp Local Internet Acces Since 1996 1-888- Net-Nerd 1-888- 638-6373 roofing FERNANDEZ ROOFING Specale: ing in Shinme Re-Roo".g METAL ROOFS FLATS LEAK REPAIR SKY LIGHTS 352-568-9991 License rCBC057859 Deadline for completing the survey is May 1 To Advertise here, Call (352) 793-2161 , PAGE 20, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 21 "2005 Relay for Life The 2005 "Relay For Life" will take place on April 8 and 9 at the Lake/Sumter 'Community College in Sumterville. For more information, call ,the local American Cancer Society office at 352-326-9599, ext. 115. 'History of Linden books for sale I The Linden Cemetery Association reminds everyone of our most recent books, Ties That -Bind II, More About the Linden 'Cemetery and the Linden ;Cemetery Picnic. This is a com- spanion to our first book, Ties TThat Bind, a History of Linden (and, the Linden Cemetery iPicnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232- Ipage, indexed, hardbound edi- tion that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total 'photographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a ,donation of $25 and may be pur- Ichased at the following loca- ;tions: Sumter County Times :Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, .Beville's Corner; Warneta's ,Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. ,Rowell Public Library, Hayseed ICafM, Speckled Butterbean 'Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may ,constitute domestic abuse or Concerned that you might Ie Sin a domestic violence rela- jtionship? There's a women's Support group from 6 p.m. to 8 ,p.m. on Thursday nights that :meets at Bushnell Library. [AARP TAX-AIDE, ,volunteers Volunteers are needed to |provide free tax assistance to low and middle income resi- |dents of Sumter County dur- ing the upcoming tax season. iThis is-an extremely reward- jing experience and volun- teers will receive free jInternal Revenue tax training. -There are also opportunities for volunteers as client coor- dinators and support person- nel. AARP TAX-AIDE is administered by the AARP Foundation and the IRS. For more information on how to join the Sumter County TAX-AIDE team, contact Terry Allison at 352-746-9985, or tallisol@tampabay.rr.com. Sumter Super Seniors Meets every second Friday from October to March from 10 a.m. until noon at Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 (corner of 301 and 468 near Coleman). Fun place to meet other sen- iors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyone is encouraged to attend, bring a friend, and enjoy lunch. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County extension agent for residential horticul- ture, with selected guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to. have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering efficient- ly; mulching; composting; fer- utilizing appropriately; manag- ing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, hummingbirds and butter- flies; protecting the water- front. All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Pilot club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee, Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, V2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. Live music by George Britt For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, W!I~ '~ ' join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza, Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark Raciappa; 7934911. Need food help? Food is given away and emergency bills will be paid on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave. in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respectively. Al-Anon Group The Al-Anon Group, Joy in Freedom, meets at 8 p.m. every Friday at the First * United Methodist Church of Bushnell, 221 W Noble Ave. Parking on N. Hopkins St. Contacts are Judy 352-793- 5738; Linda, 352-583-3075; Jeanette, 352-568-0612. Sumter Cruisers The Sumter Cruisers invite all persons interested in or owning classic cars to, Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee every second Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night Bring your old cars. For more information call 793- 3006 or e-mail jessiewoodard57@hotmail.co m. Lions Club Bingo Sumter 44 Lions Club bingo is held every Friday and Saturday, 818 N. Old Wire Road, Wildwood, starting at noon; $50 games and three $250 jackpots. Call 748-3990 if additional information is needed. Breast Feeding Support Group The Breast Feeding Support Group meets the sec- ond Wednesday of every month at 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bushnell Public Library. For more information call 793- 5900, extension 2928 or exten- sion 2959. Artist! Do You Paint? The Sumter County Arts Guild would like to invite you to come join us in our weekly meetings. This is a place to get together with other artist, to paint and compare notes, to have other artist critique your work, to exchange ideas, to help and to be helped when you encounter a problem. You may be a beginner still struggling, and intermediate that has progressed in his or her work but still needs the eyes of other artist, or you may be a professional. Oils, watercolor, acrylics,- pastels, colored pencils, draw- ing and or pen and ink or what- ever style you work in doesn't matter. We will be offering different types of classes all along. We have had watercolor classes and acrylic classes and will be offering other classes in the future. : Please come join us. We meet every Wednesday at 1 p.m., at the Sumterville Community Center on Highway 301 just north of Bushnell. For more information, please contact Pat Oelslager, 352-568-2908, e-mail roel- slager@cfl.rrcom. Sumnter TIDBS Sumter Adult Education Center plans courses The Sumter Adult Education Center will be offer- ing the following computer classes. Advanced Computer - begins April 4. held on Monday (and Wednesday evenings from '6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Beginner's Computer - Ibegins May 23, on Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 to ill:30, until May 31. : Intermediate Computer - begins June 1. on Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 to 11:30. until June 23. The Sumter Adult Education Center is offering a Certified Nursing Assistant Class beginning April 6. The class will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please call 793-5719 or come to the Sumter Center for more information. f ROVANE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL TANK SE7S - .E60F $ALLON $ SET & FILL 79 Prces good thru 4/6/05 100 GALLON $ oo SET & FILL PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated 0 352-793-1211 TODAYI FAX 352-793-1918 VR State Plan Public Meetings Come share your thoughts on the proposed draft 2006 Federal State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation services. March 22, 2005 4 6PM (CST) Student Union East SUE 232 (Conference Center) Gulf Coast Community College 5230 West Highway 98 Panama City, Florida March 31, 2005 . 4 6PM (EST) , Crowne Plaza,Tampa.East 10221 Princesa1. Tampa, aFl If lvu would IMe to send us )your comment \rplan@rr d(t, ,ftie fis or cal I Pluaic rnw ohd l ie roll.,-nit n i.q .iinilr.lii%1., mll hr-"'''.lde. 1 % E i I L a .p P' ri jm L ,A.i r r l U fd i 1 n 1& tl "a" n l " Diversity: various forms, qualities Lake-Sumter Community College continues its equity initiatives while demonstrat- ing the various forms- and qualities in people through the efforts of the LSCC Equity and Diversity Committee. For the last five years, this com- mittee has collaborated with community groups such as the Dr .Martin Luther King, Jr Commemoration Committee and the Cinco De Mayo Planning Committee and sponsored such Multi- Cultural activities as the SunriseArc Art Exhibit, Agape Grupo Theatrical Program and Multi-Cultural Dance Festivals. These activi- ties are designed to reach into the community and to cele- brate diversity and our com- mon heritage. This Saturday, March 26; Paul P Williams Fine Art Center at the Leesburg Campus, 10 AM Noon, the LSCC Equity & Diversity Committee will sponsor the Inaugural African American Heritage Program. For 2005, during this event; the committee will recognize and honor Mrs. Margaret C. Ward for her contributions to the local communities, thd tremendous contributions she made in the local public schools and to Lake-Sumter Community College. Levi Solomon, President Lake & Sumter FAMU Alumni Chapter will be Master of Ceremonies, Ms. Carolyn Samuels, Lake County Schools will render selected African American hymns, Ms. Betty Coney Stevens, Published Author, will bestow honors on Mrs. Ward, Mr Scott Pennington, LSCC Student Advisor will give recognition and awards to local participants and Little Ms. Marissa Pfouts, Carver Middle School and Ms. Calah Carmichael, South Sumter High School will ren- der a duet of "HERO".The program is free and all are welcome. For more information con- tact Chris Hamilton, 352-365- 3592. ,PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 Try YOU'LL UKE WF ( 14. e65'= :.9 a-MWNN 4-::-: S *a a:.,* v "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content ..... Available from Commercial News Providers" tlt. d .wiuM f |.. I a . ....w .. 4 a--- Sii... t-.lll al ...... .. '-5- a ....a- S5 ''I -I 0- il. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE '23 Fun and GAMES - o.I eli .... ... ........... * ~ mu S 91 4' sr: o - a.,i 1 r ale - p. ~ .9. I 4. I ~Z5 a -W ma o doN, l., 1 WV. V'. or uw pr r -aa Syndicated Contei * Available from Commercial New ej j S 6 4b "V I pe a .9 ~- -~ "D 4 &V 'pppp 400 - a- a -dp q 4 0 40 as. -am- -- S --a .0w - loo- the --Am.- - a - a. - 's Providers"~ af4 --slow sem 48 a .0h. a - ~ all jew- 41 ..o aft. 4w. ry~'1r I a % Q -4 -Z -a lob wo .40a a ab - ** a - - *~ ~ a a-~ as ,.- a. a.. ~ bern *~. ~ a es. A 10- -a a- mi -ap &- o * 9.. 4 wool=* .~ .-- a L'. 4* i, wo m * * %=nw qw - 7~8 a. 'a U L I 40 op * . p -mmm---o . 0 w OWN irr.elm 040 -- opyrighted Maten LC-6 I& PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT F/T Must have computer knowledge. Responsible for ST NEWA E scheduling appts., IN THE NEWSPA-P handling money & communicate well. Organizational skills screened & have I background check completed. $9/hr to i start. Fax resume to R .. (352) 341-4055 FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. All our classified including yours now online.! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes.com 9OU C O -IS^^^ Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 HELP WANTED 200-300 SERVICES 300-400 MISCELLANEOUS/SALE 400-500 PETS 500-600 NIOBILE HOlME RENT / SALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION THE HOME STORE a Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County Outreach, Is seeking Donaonsofuse- Sable building materials, home remodeling and decorating Items, furniture, and SAppliances. No clothing please. Volunteis ore needed h the Home Store on, Monday & Thursday. Store hours are: 9am-5pm Mon-Sat. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness (352)341-1800 for further information. To place your Legal Advertising In the call 793-2161 ARGENTINA, Goose, Duck, Dove, Perdiz, Pigeon, Big Game, Trout fishing. Bolivia, Uruguay, Dove, Pigeon, Fishing. Best bang for the $ In the world. Season April-August 2005, Weekdays (314) 209-9800; Evenings: (314) 293-0610 FCAN 1 CALL STANDS BETWEEN YOUR BUSINESS dnd millions of potential customers. Place your ad In the' FL Classified Advertising Network. For $450 your ad will be placed In over 150 papers. Check out our 2x2 and 2x4 display network tool Call Heather Mola, FL Statewide Advertising Network Dlrector at (866) 742-1373 or e-mail hmola@flpress.com for more Information. (Out of State Placement Is also avail- able.) Visit us on-line at www.florida- classlfleds.com FCAN DIVORCES $175-$275 *Covers children, etc. Only one signature required *Excludes govt. fees Call (800) 462-2000 ext. 600 (8am-7pm) Divorce Tech. Established 1977 FCAN HUNT ELK, RET STAG, Whitetail; Buffalo. Our season starts ,,September 1, 2005. GUARANTEED HUNTING LICENSE, $5, We have NO Game, NO pay policy. Call days: (314) 209-9800, evenings (314) 894-3776 FCAN NEED AN ATTORNEY ARRESTED? Criminal Defense *State *Federal *Felonies *Misdemeanors *DUII *Ucense Suspension *Parole *Probation *Domestic violence *Drugs *Protect your rights A-A-A Attorney,' Referral Service' (800) 733-5342 24 hours 7 days a week FCAN IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813) 872-0722 or send $7.99 to DIanetlcs, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN Experienced Educators/PT,OT, ST Early intervention Edu- cator Home Visits for children ages 0 to 3 Therapist Home Visits for ages 0 and up 863-427-0672 or fax 1-800-701-0401 LET US W\A/RK FO1R YVOU I -T J L JL J _-u. .- CLASS I F I E DS s GET RESULTS CALL 793-2 14S1 the Centers Is seeking for the following medical positions: CBC TRANSPORTERS Seeking Transporters for the Marion and Citrus Community Based Care Service Centers,.. Salary range: $8.00 - $10.00. HS Diploma or GED equiv required. Must have clean driving record/MVR. OFFICE MANAGERS Seeking Office Managers for the Marion and Citrus Service Centers. This position will act as liaison for the Centers. 'Attention to detail, self starter and multi-tasked candidates desired. Duties Include weekly and monthly reports and coordinating needs of the service center. Salary range: $20,000 $25,000. HS Diploma or GED equiv required with a min of 1 yr exp in related field. Type mln45wpm. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Seeking an Executive Assistant for the Citrus Service Center. Ideal candidate will have excellent written and verbal .communication skills, ability to work Independently, confidential, ability to coordinate, organize and prioritize all assignments, high level of professionalism. Salary range: $25,000 $30,000. HS Diploma or GED equiv required with a min of 3 yrs exp in related field. Type min 45wpm. DFWP/EOE fax or e-mail resume to: HR, the Centers, Inc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us the Centers 4 r .. lrriQ i.:.i Ir, ?" ,,:,:i l,:. ,- '. COMMUNITY BASED CARE DIRECTOR 'Seeking a Director : .- p ..ld,- *J.',3 T, Irl .,II..1. .IIre,:I.r an.3 .:..- r. .I.j l-d r.z.r : ,,rf.f.r jr r . based care child ;,jpp -,p r tt.:, *. rr.II, Care managers and Supervisors and assures the safety of children In care. Master's degree In -jr,,r. ': r.i .: ..iih in supervision and child welfare services, State Certification preferred. Salary range: $45,000.00 - .,$55,000.00. $2,000.00 SIGN ON BONUS ,'.-nml.ta ,.P.DC, ,:r.sd welfare workers &' up r. :.r s .r.. can start to work immediately In Marion and/or Citrus SCounties. Salary Range: $32,000. - $51,000. annually. ON-SITE SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Seeking a bachelor level, expprlenced substance abuse counselor to work on-site In local middle .anrid high school alternative school pro I, d 1 g h ir,.-i. ,i ,i r.-3j gr,:,ijr p trerop, Salary range $26,000 $30,000 annually. MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST Seeking an experienced, master's level mental health therapist to provide services to children, adults and families who present for services In Citrus County, $30,000. annually. SCHOOL ON-SITE THERAPISTS Seeking master level mental health therapists to provide on-site services to SED children both In school and In the home. Full time and contract positions available. $30,000. annually full time + benefits, $25.00 per hr contract/no benefits, Vac/ sick/ holiday/ med beneflts/401K. Background check required. To apply for 'these positions, fax or e-mail resume to: HR, the Centers, Inc. (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us or come by 5664 SW60th Ave., Bldg. #1 for an on-the-spot IntervIew. DFWP/EOE 'Water/Wastewater Project Engineer Small consulting engi- neering firm In Central Florida seeking a water/wastewater project engineer with 10 years design experience as a Florida Professional Engineer fo[ water/wastewater utility and treatment plant de- sign, FDE permitting. Auto- CAD drawings, specifica- tions and construction ex- perience. E-mall your resume to: HBConsulting@cfl.rr.com "'A Trades HOME EVERYDAY! SNEW PAY PACKAGE! Good Benefltsl I Competitive Pay, Paid Vacation and Holldaysl CDL A & Flatbed experience required, EXPERIENCED TREE CLIMBER Top Pay! 352-303-7245 PIKE'S ELECTRIC Bonded Licensed Residential & Commercial Lake Sumter Polk Don't miss the opportunity to work for the fastest, growing electrical Contracting business In Central Florida. Many positions may be available at our Groyeland/ Wlldwood branches. 1,000 SIGN ON BONUS FOR RESIDENTIAL ROUGH LEADS '& RESIDENTIAL TRIM LEADS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Top wages and excellent benefits, Including health & dental, 401K plan. Company trucks are available for some o positions, Valid DL required, Helper positions also available. DFW,' EOE ,, -. Ciper.lh-,, : ,. l . SURVEYING O !, Experienced,., personnel only Cad tech, party chief, instrument man, rod man. Fax resume, to: 352-793-2301", CEMENT PLANT LABORERS CEMEX, Inc. Is taking applications for Laborers for is facility In Brooksvllle, FL Requirements Include: ability to perform labor work Including ability to lift and climb; 2-3 years experience in farm- ri. nlr.Irinq lrilu.hi,3l willingness to work any shift and overtime; goqd mechanical aptitude; a proven work record; ability to accept directions f ar,: .,..-r. w1 ...irr, ,-o r ..t *.j Laorers or,,ts ,acl 18 S loanlng rate $10,50/hr, Benefits Include, pension plan, health/ dental/life Insurance coverage, 401(k), paid vacations and a holidays, "'1.,.I, Ir, p:..e._..1-1 .31 Ire CE.lE 8ror',.nill Cement Plant located at 16301 Ponce DeLeon Blvd. Tuesday thru Thursday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. In the Sales and Operations office located on the second floor, Driver needed for growing Lake County business. Class D li- cense and good driving record. Delivery area is Central Florida no overnight - please call 352-429-8599 HELP WANTED No Exp Necessary, Travel The Country, Drivers License a plus Gd. Pay.(352)303-1053 I Hoping to hook the right employee? Advertise in the Times! Incounty and onllnel classified@ sctnews.com or 793-2161 LOOKING for plumber techs or' anyone interested In learning a career. Great benefits Lots of hours Call 748-9111 IN SEARCH OF NEWSPAPER CARRIERS CRYSTAL RIVER DUNNELLON BEVERLY HILLS INGLIS/ YANKEETOWN Citrus County's fastest growing newspaper is looking for youl Fill out a carrier Information form at the Chronicle office in Crystal River or Inverness Or call 563-3282 ROOFERS/ SHINGLERS Exp Only. Paid Vacations, Benefits. 352-347-8530 The City of Wildwood is accepting applications for the following summer day camp counselor positions. Must be available for pre-planning prior to camp and from June 6 through July 15, 2005, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. These are contract positions with no bene- fits and are for summer employment only. Applications may be picked up at City Hall at 100 N. Main Street, Wildwood, Florida. Drug free workplace/EEO. Camp Director $12.50/hr. for six weeks of day camps (ages 6-12)s pre-plannlkng (320-hrs. total Work as a team player with oth- er counselors to to plan & schedule age appro- priate camp activities, responsible for adminis- trative functions, work as a camp counselor, and Interact with other counselors, campers and parents. Must have experience work- ing with children and be able to pass back- ground check and drug screen. Certifica- tion In first aid and CPR a plus. Assistant Camp Director $11.00/hr. for six weeks of day camps (ages 6-12) plus pre-planning (320-hrs, totaO Work as a team player with other counselors to plan & schedule age appropriate camp activities, assist director with administrative functions, work as a camp counselor, and Interact with other counselors, campers and parents. Must have experience work- Irn ..nir .. lr u .: l r,c,3 ,e . .e a el -,: p3, ,,3,:n - .ar.:.uir,3, ,' .,:k .r.,] ,*r';J ,3 .,:f i ,:: c a-lll,:.- '* .i-4-1r" I .I' ol, ar,,- Camp Counselor '.O r.r .'' ad .-.T ' plus pre-planning (320-hrs. total) Work a. a team player with Ichoo In Lee.uirg 'J ,3ppr:. prl,31 ,lO : , activities, assist director and assistant director with administrative functions, work as a camp counselor and Interact with other counselors, campers and parents. Will also be responsible for food and snack purchases and supplies. Must have experience work- ing with children and be able to pass back- ground check and drug screen. Certifi- cation In first aid and CPR a plus. SCHOOL OUTREACH STAFF couth serving n,.,r-proflt seek ng Scriool Outreach Staff to Implement aGoals/Career Pro ram after school In Leesburg Area Elementary schools. Certified teacher preferred, 10-15 hours cer week. alla oryge i ,rom /10-$l2 per hour. FAX resume to: 352-787-5258 ATHLETIC DIREC- TOR Youth serving non-profltseeks Athletic Director for after school enrich- ment program, Ex- perience in youth athletics a must1 hours per week,. Fax resume to: 352-787-5258. ART INSTRUCTOR Youth serving non-profit seeks creative arts In- structor for after-school enrichment program. Experience with youth In the arts a must. Sala- ry range $8- $10 per hour. Fax resume to: 352-787-5258. / DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & SGraduate-Students. SBonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer. (888) MORE PAY . ,88-A'o6-.3" 2 FCAN DRIVERS/OTR- Tanker looking for professional Sdriversi NEW 2005 equipment, Top Pay, Bonuses, Prepass & EZ, Pass, Rider Program & much morel North American Tank Unes (866) 748-6285 FCAN DRIVERS- EAGLE TRANSPORT, the leader In petroleum transport, can keep you home every day. Florida drivers earn $38-$52K/ year- LEGALLY. We offer paid holidays/ sick days, vacation and night and weekend incentives. Full Med/ Dent, paid training. Req: 2 years verifiable T- exp., Class A CDL, X clean MVR, stable work history, reliable, professional attitude. Call (800) 767-9757 for West Coast & Central Flrolda positions. Call (800) 776-9454 for Northeast Coast positions. Call (800) 776-9788 for Southeast Coast positions: www.eagle transportcorp. com EOE FCAN EARN DEGREE online from home *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid If qualify. (866) 858-2121 www.tldewatertech online.com FCAN FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT SYSTEM Includes standard Installation 2 months free 50+ Premium Channels. Access to over 225 channels Limited time offer. S&H Restrictions Apply, (866) 500-4056 FCAN SALES REPRESENTATIVES to sell children's books to schools and libraries, Explore our webslte for Spring openings www. childrensplusinc.com or contact scottw@ childrensplusinc.com FCAN #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine Hd. You approve locations, $10,670 (800) 836-3464 #B02428 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 814-6323. BO02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN BORED? TIRED? Getting nowhere? Getting ahead means you need an education. Education doesn't mean four years, Visit- www.Search4edu.com and get trained quickly for a bright future FCAN "$$ FREE CASH GRANTSF~?J"' I/P rl..er r'.. ', LI e cp .Jr',r l ,-.it ,i ar.nr :r...:c. i .0. F,-;qi ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Ucensed & Insured "No Job To Big or Small" 'Free Estimates' Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Ber Lovett (352)303-3878 BJ Beckelheim er TREE SERVICE I BUCKET I TRUCK , SSTUMP GRIND- ING LANDSCAP- I ING I 793-5949 Top Shape Beautify Your Trees HURRICANE DAMAGE? Also Home Repairs &'Additions, Deck D e- ; g ,r :/ s :. 'ee r .e 3 rFt:,m, Let Ialpr. d-.:gr. IIiLicer':r e. B:,ride,: CoIll Ralpr. (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Ser.Ina Cr.om, Buir.r.nell Lake 'ar,o.:.fl Ce 'Ricge r.l.r.c.r HURRICANE ROOF DAMAGE? Also Home Repairs & Additions Ucensed & Bonded Call Ralph: (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Serving Croom, Bushnell Lake Panasoffkee, Ridge .Manor SPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300. Sacrifice $1425. (352) 346-1711 -U MAINLY ANTIQUES LIQUIDATION *FRI. MARCH 25* 1259 S. Elmwood Hwy. 44-E PREVIEW: 8 AM AUCTION: 9 AM REAL ESTATE: 10AM Entire contents. Furn, I Jewelry, china +++ -REAL ESTATE* 5400 sq.ft. w/5 apts Waterfront, Hwy. frontage & more For R.E. Info: www.tranzon.com Visit the web www. dudleysauction.co m DUDLEY'S AUCTION (352) 637-9588 AB1667 AU2246 12% Buyers Premium Q2% disc. L cash/check METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn around Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN NEW 6 ff. Thermo-pane sliding glass pocket door, $225 OBO; Dyco exterior paint 2 5gal, grey-taupe, $50. (352) 527-2924 STEEL BUILDINGS Factory deals *Save $$$ 40x60' to 100x200' Example: 50x100x12' = $3.60/sq.ft. (800) 658-2885 www. rigldbulldlng.com FCAN START OWN BUSINESS John Deere mow- ing tractor. Hand rotary mower, str- ing trimmer, w/excellent trailer. $2,000. OBO 352-303-9739 MOVING SALE Miscellaneous and king-size bed with bookcase headboard and two leather chairs, rattan sofa and loveseat, quilt rack, Hoover vacuum, exer- cise bike, treadmill, large dining roomtable with chairs, tall chest of drawers. Please call for directions Lake Panasoffkee. SECONDHAND ROSE FUN Center Mini Mall Bushnell. New and used mer- chandise, 60-piece China setting, lamps, end tables, etc. 352-793-4760 1 YARD SALE KITS! $15.00 gets ou: 20 A-Word Classified! 6 Neon Signs! Price Stickers & Rain Insurance jif you get rained-out, the insurance coupon lets you place your ad ad later for half price!) Get your kit at the: Sumter County Times where we put the word out in-county and online! For more info. classified@ sctnews.com or call 793-2161 fa^{. Four-TooT ousn ho mower $250.00 793-5949 NEW RADAR/LASER Detector/ Scrambler $120 1 year warranty, 1 year Ticket Rebate. Cordless Keyboard/ Optical mouse $40 (813) 943-1544 gdplessent@ tampabay.com FREE SHIPPING FCAN Want to Buy Small or Medium Size lot w/ no structure. Call (727) 734-8550 Wanted to Buy: Electric Trains. Call 568-8118 after 6 p.m. PUPPY FOR SALE Peek-a-poo, male, black and white, 8 weeks old, very cute! $375. 352-408-4758 or 352-461-6251 LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? We have 8 homes set up. and ready for Immediate occupancy. Prices from $49,900 to $89,900. All homes are up to $20,000 under appraised value. Must see before you buy anywhere else. Taylor Made Homes ;,52-621-9182 Over 3,000 home and property listings at WWW. ncchomes.com 5 Acre Mini-Farm. Lg 4/2, Lots of scrubs. Won't last long! Call (352) 795-6085 3/2 on 1/ Wooded Ac. on Paved Rd. $2,500 dn. $625 monthly. Call (352) 795-2377 4/2 on /4 Acre on Paved Rd. Fireplace, Galley Kitchen.$2,500 dn. $568 monthly. Call (352) 795-1272 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 baths on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway, $2,000 down $575.68/mo W.A.C. 352-621-0119 Beautiful 3/2 on %1 Acre. Frnt. porch. Huge eat-in kitchen. $1,500 dn. $675. .. Monthly. Call 352-795-8822 LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 -.... .Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn OWNER MUST SELL! I acre land/home package. 3/2 with full appliance package, under warranty. Beautiful property nice & quiet, decks, driveway. Must seel $5,000 down, $586.40/mo. P & 1 W.A.C. 352-621-9183 * Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn OAK HILL 3/2 on one acre. Large detached garage w/storage, + extra storage unit. Fenced backyard. $1000 mo. (407)247-8329 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. com PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Act which'makes it Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- ltion." Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with.parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal ,:, ,:,. u rll ,. I. H ll. 1 11 rr ,. : '1I I -. .'. -,:, r, toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275. OPPORTUNITY Beautiful, lot in Jerry Taylor Landing - fruit trees, camellias, azaleas and magnolias. Fenced on three sides. Electric and septic sys- tems in place. Deeded access to Withlacoochee River. / Next to state park. $24,000. Call 352-793-4122 SUMTER COUNTY! Oak Hill. New 1 to 21 -acres. Pasture and Financing. Bro- 'ker/Owner. 1-352-330-0022 ACROPOLIS MOlT- GAGE *Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit +Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 Want to work for a truly world- class company known for rewarding its employees? If you're truly outstanding, here's your chance to stand out! With more than 100 years in the business, HMSHost is still increasing in status as one of the most popular providers of name brands for travel and entertainment venues around the globe. Our Okahumpka Travel Plaza (Mile Marker 299 on the Florida Turnpike) location is now hiring for full-time, day and night shifts: SHIFT SUPERVISOR FAST FOOD ATTENDANT/ CASHIER SEASONING PERSON ASSOCIATE LEADER CREW MEMBERS DUNKD BAKER Candidates may apply in person at: Okahumpka Travel Plaza (Mile Marker 299 on the Florida Turnpike). Tel: 352-748-5100 |l, ^gM EOE M/F/DN/A Drug-Free Environment with Pre-employment Screening. Criminal background G/ checks required. Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Ove 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn a Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. comr Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment MQ *5Jaobse Hoesof.D i lDil Fletoo. r Id ."eansd tI t . Since 1947ars Since 1947 A Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn ." -.1q",I.. .. r W 'N Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokee mountalnrealty.com Call for Free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN GATED MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY NEAR ASHEVILLE, NC Spectacular wooded lots, great views! Paved roads, clubhouse, world-class trout fishing, hiking trails & morel Bear River Community. (866) 411-5263 FCAN LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slipl High elevation beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000 AC recreational lake In TN. Paved roads, u/g utils., central water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 609. Sunsel Bay, LLC FCAN NORTH CAROLINA LAKEFRONT ONLY $39,900. Great All Sports lake to fish, boat, swim or just relax. Call for details. MLC (866) 920-5263 FCAN WE DO RENTALS! Southern Vermont's rental center. Mount Snow, West Dover, Vermont. By week/ weekend/ month or season Includes recreational/cultural activities. We offer Hillside Condos, Town houses, Chalets, (large/ small homes) Mountain Resort Rentals, PO Box 1804, West Dover, Vermont 05356. www.mountain resortrentals.com email: rentverm@sover.net (888) 336-1445 (802) 464-1445 FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina where there Is: Cool Mountain Air, Views & Stream, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. Call for free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, NC 28906. www. realtyofmurphy,, cam FCAN Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn VACANT LAND WILDWOOD BEAUTIFUL EQUINE ACRES 10 or 20 acre homesites priced at $24,500 per acre, OBO. Right Off Villages Expansion, New 1-75 Interchange. Call Marc 1-561-945-9036 DIR: Take CR 475 to NW 102nd BLVD To Entrance to Equine Acres ATrN: Builders/Investors 6 lots FSBO In Homosassa, V2 Ac. ea. $75K total (813) 453-3621 1- 114 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THU ---B' Allegra 33' 1987 Class A Sleeps 7, basement model. LOADEDI Excel- lent CondiflonI Bushnell 6A nnn nn0 ATTENTION INVESTORS Waterfront lots In the Search 100's of Foothills of NC. Deep Citrus County water lake with 90 miles Used Autos of shoreline. 20% online at redevelopment www.nccwheels.co discounts and 90% m financing. NO (:ih -. (i - PAYMENTS for 1 year. r ,- Call now for best selection. www.nclake frontpropertles.com (800) 709-LAKE FCAN ELLIJAY, GA, 3+ acre wooded home- Search 100's of sites, In small rustic cornm- CitrusCounty munity. Beautiful Citrus County mountain views & trout Used Autos stream. 80ml, N of oriline at Atlanta, near national www.nccwheels.co forest, owner financing m available. Starting at ('i 'lm .,. $45,000 (706) 636-2040 GRAND OPENING LAND SALE! Florida 10+ acres only $294,900. Huge savings on big ranch acreage In South Florldal Gorgeous mix Search 100's of of mature oaks, palms Citrus County & pasture with miles of Used Autos bridle paths, Near Lake online at Okeechobee. Quiet, www.nccwheels.co secluded, yet close to m 1-95 and coast. Also, 5 I ,. acres $174,900. Great 0 lAH C financing, little down. Call now (866) 352-2249, LAND WANTED Land Investment Search 100's of company seeks large Citrus County acreage In Florida and Used Autos Georgia. Interested In online at waterfront, timber and www.nccwheels.co agricultural lands. Must m have road frontage or good access. Cash (,: a)\< iJ,,,, buyer with quick closings. Call (877) 426-2636 or email: landyetfveg@aol.com FCAN NEW MEXICO Search 100's of' 20 acres $24,900. Citrus County Scenic region, views, Used Autos canyons, trees, rolling online at hills, wildlife. Enjoy www.nccwheels.com hunting, hiking, horses, i great climate. Power, 1 ^ great access. 100% financing. Call (877) 822-LANDI FCAN SERENE MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITE $208.03 mo. Upscale 686-0324 SCT golf community set PUBLIC NOTICE amid Dye designed The Finance Committee 18 hole course in representing the Early Carolina Mountains. Learning Coalition of' Citrus Breathtaking views, and Sumter Countries will Near Ashevllle, NC. A be meeting on March 30, sanctioned Golf Digest 2005. beginning at 09:00 Teaching Faclltyl a.m. The meeting will be Call toll-free held at the Coalition office, (866) 334-3253 ext 832 located at 1564 Mead- www.cherokeevalley owcrest Blvd., Crystal River, sc.com Price: $59,900 FL 34429. 10% down, balance finance 12 months at Published one (1) time in 4.24% fixed, one year the Sumter County Times, balloon, OAC. FCAN March 24, 2005. 685-0331 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Bruce E. Boeker PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2004-CP-000-061 IN RE: ESTATE OF BRUCE E. BOEKER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BRUCE E. BOEKER, deceased, whose date of death was June 21, 2004; File Number 2004- CP-000-061, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Di- vision, the address of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the Personal Representa- tive and the Personal Rep- resentative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the Dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against Decedent's estate on whom a copy of this no- tice has been served, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the Decedent's es- tate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR- EVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS- BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is March 24, 2005. Personal Representative: LOIS B. KARPINSKI 5 Steeple Chase Drive Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 17815 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- KEVIN A. SENTNER Florida Bar No. 304034 KEVIN A. SENTNER, P.A. c/o The Millhorn Law Firm, LLC 13710 U.S. Highway 441 Suite 100 . Lady Lake, Florida '32159 Telephone: (352) 753-9333 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, and 31, 2005. LET US WORK FOR YOU! SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED GET.RESULTS CALL 793-2161 RSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 25 629-0324 SCT Notice of Action Estate of Jasmin Misir PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.: 2005-CP-000045 IN RE: ESTATE OF JASMIN MISIR, Deceased. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: The heirs of the deceased, JASMIN MISIR, who died on September 12, 2004. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that the Petition for Administration has been tiled in the Court. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on Petitioner's attorney, whose name and address are: Nicholas P. Evangelo, Esquire,., Thompson & Associates, P.A. 2605 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite E Maitland, Florida 32751 On or before April 4, 2005, and to file the original of the written defenses with the Clerk of this Court either before service or immediately thereafter. Failure to serve and file written defenses as required may result in a judgment or or- der for the relief demanded, without further notice. DATED this 24th day of February, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Winona Mitchell As Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3,.10, 17, and 24, 2005. 676-0414 SCT Notice of Action Green Tree Servicing, LLC vs. Lucille J. Oliver, et at. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2005-CA-000041 GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC., Plaintiff, vs. LUCILLE J. OLIVER, CHARLES F. GOODE; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, Unknown Tenant(s). Defendant(s) NOTICE OF ACTION To: Charles F. Goode P.O. Box 492804 Leesburg, FL 34749 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Replevin Complaint has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to: Joseph C. Russo, Esq. 3708 W. Euclid Avenue Tampa, FL 33629 on or before 30 days from first date of publication and file the original with the Clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff'(s) -attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against,you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. The personal property proceeded against is described as follows: 1996, Fleetwood/Chadwick Manufactured Home with Serial Number FLFLT70A24240SK21 & FLFLT70B24240SK21, Stove, Refrigerator, A/C WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on March 16, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, 31, April 7, and 14, 2005. . -4, SPRING SALE Big Deals during W05 SUBURB A . FULL PWR., F, N4 MSRP.-.-,- MSRCBC $41,135 2005 CBC -3,262 2005 Rebae, -3,000 LOADED- 390 Bonus Cash -1,000 TK# 50404 ,dU kNS U M -N- - NOW *33,873 NEW 2004 SILVERADO EXT. CAB F AUTO *CD STK# 40462 NOW *21,058* WAS *28,089 The SSR HP 6 SPEED Big Dance.0 2005 TAHOE LS FULL PWR., ON-STAR MSRP $36,120 CBC Disc -3,211 Rebate --3,000 Bonus Cash -2,000 STK# 50202 NOW $27,909 2005 VENTURE LS MP3, DRIVER INFO CENTER, LOADED MSRP $29,955 CBC Disc -1,448 Rebate C -3,500 Bonus Cash -2,000 STK# 500C NiOft STK# 50327 NOW *15,644* SA M 847 S. Main Street M -I N Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1 i 1-800-824-4386 CIVROL3T N E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.cpm ................ .......... *Tax, tag, & title not included in above sales price. W eb: www.CindyChevrolet.com I IL5L-, A Irphntp ,UIJ~., I LJ-,i j i~Artt hnip e :w w C n y h v oe ~ c~enume treouuie. enturnt Ljwvroier.. S. U STK# 50270 4 9 *MONTH 4999 +TAX "48 month lease, .20c a mile over 48,000 miles $4867 Due at start. Lease end value $27,116.00 2005 MALIBU AUTO, CD MSRP $19,790 CBC Disc -646 Rebate -2,000 ..Bonus Cash -1,500 09 W $23,007 FIdLt:b Ot [UL)dLUb bUL)jt:L;L LU U ld[IYV,. PAGE 26, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 9 ~ h., ~ VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTST U 04 JEEP 04 CHEVROLET 02 FORD F-350 02 CHEVY UNLIMITED 4X4 AVALANCHE XLT DIESEL CORVETTE CONV. #7458A #7554P #7682P #7792P s24,488' $25,488' t 30,488t 38,488' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET 352*795.1515 1035 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa 04 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE Loaded, Fact. Warranty. #7811 P '25 O. 02 CHEVY CAVALIER Low Miles. #N5198A $7,985' 01 CHEVY MONIE CARLO PW, PL, 1st on Race Day. #N5119A $ F1,795' U-******- 02 MITSUBISHI 04 CHEVROLET 03 FORD 03 HONDA CMC ECUPSE IMPALA EXPLORER XLT Loaded, Ground Affect, Affordable, Reliable. #N5093A Loaded, Factory Warr. #25274A Low Miles, Clean, Sporty. #786TP Auto. #N5239A * 3,785' t ,295' ,ty 6't 6,983' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. *Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.A.C. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET 35262209 Hwy 375050West, Inverness 2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness AT AO !P1 A r A W r^^L COM 02 DODGE CONVERSION VAN #7724P $13,888t 05 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN #7691L, 18,488W ', i 03 CHEVROLET 03 DODGE RAM 05 CHRYSLER 04 DODGE RAM SILVERADO LS 2500 DIESEL CROSSFIRE 3500 LARAMIE 1500 HD. #25258A #B50083A #J050192A With Nay. #7689P $21,4881 21,888' *28,588' $38,888' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos ior illustration purposes only. 02 DODGE DURANGO SLT & LTH. #J050216A $14,888 02 FORD 02 CHRYSLER 04 JEEP 04 CHRYSLER WINDSTAR TOWN & COUNTRY ULIBERY PACIFICA LTD. #B50651 A LTD, All Power. #D50453A 4x4, All Power. #7780P Family Rated. #7880L $a5,988' 416,888' $17,888' $19,988t tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP I CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP FIVE STAR 325 .2 SS Suncoast Blvd352*., H563omosas277 1005 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa FIVE STAR 352.726.1238 00000. 352*726238 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness minm PAGE 26, SUMMER COUNT (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 Kelley Blue Book Report 660-0324 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30 PM, Monday, April 4,2005, in Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bush- nell, Florida to consider requests for rezonings, special use permits, and temporary use permits. All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate In any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In ad- vance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record may In- clude the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0031 GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on C-466. North on CR 223. Property approximately one mile on the east side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 12, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: W1% of W 1h of NW V4 of NW /4 less road R/W & less N 15' & W 15' REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 9 acres MOL from A-1 & R1 MR to RR5C. CASE NO.: R2005-0032 Lois A. Decker GENERAL LOCATION: Croomacoochee area: South on US 301. Property is on the southwest comer of US 301 and CR 675. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 7,Twp.22S, Rng.22E: Parent Parcel: N% ofNW of SW Y4 less W 880' & less Hwy 301 R/W & less S 165' & that part of NW Y4 of NE Y4 of SW Y4 lying W of Hwy 301 To be rezoned: Comm at NW cor of SW '/4 run E 880' for POB: cont E 220' S 123.87' E 45' S 247.50' W 45' S 123.83'W 220'N 495' to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 2.74 acres from RR to RR1 C and balance from a vested C-3 to CH to correct the ' name. CASE NO.: R2005-0034 ,Community Bank of Marion County GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. East on C-466. Property approximately 11 miles on south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:. Sec. 16, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: Beg at pt where E line of W % of SW Y4 of NE Y4 Inter S line of SR 466 run W 70 yds S 70 yds E 70 yds N 70 yds to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone one acre MOLfrom CH to CL CASE NO.: R2005-0035 Barbara Johnson GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. Weston SR 44. North on 'CR 229. Property approximately 1 % mile on the west side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 27, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: S of NE1 of NE% of NE Y4 less CR 229 R/W across E side REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 4.8 acres MOL from A-5 to RR1C to bring property into compliance with the FLUM. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commis- sioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 6:00 PM in Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. CASE NO.: S2005-0005 Theodore H. & Melissa H. Smith GENERAL LOCATION: 'Oxford area: North on US 301. West on C-466. North on CR 223. Property approximately one mile on the east side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 12,Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: Parent Parcel: W 14 of W 14 of NW % of NW 14 less N 15' & W 15' Property to be utl- zed: S 660'of W4Q of W ofNWY4 ofNW/4 less N 15' &.W 15' REQUESTED ACTION: S3t.:.a Li ', Pmrr. iso a,,.: a comn. mr'iC 1.WIi -r,''I CASE NO.: S2005-0006 Robert M. & Robin D. Gold GENERAL LOCATION: BurAn-'ll ar"a. S-ln o.. US 3'1 Wet .:.n. C-"6. Property aprpei.l'.nra l inc. 'e mIsI ,.r, Ir, o.uiri 5.'1s o :.f the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 18, Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: Tracts 2 & 3, Plat 1, Sumter Farms REQUESTED ACTION: S.cisi U- F-Prmil Io.' a ei.n,.' shop. CASE NO.:, T2005-0014 Ethan L. & J.L. Fort GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford Area: North on US 301. West on CR 202. When CR 202 tums north, property will be on the left. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:, Sec. 2, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: E 538.72' of S 466.7 of SW .i of SW ', less S & E 30' & less that portion deeded to county REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow a mobile home on the property for a caregiver's residence for three years. As time allows, the Zoning & Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, may hold a workshop dealing with revisions to zoning regulations and related matters. Information regarding these cases is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning & Development, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These flies may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, March 17, and 24, 2005. 646-0331 SCT Notice of Action-Disso. of Marriage Chloe R. Kolcon and RobertA. Kolcon PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO. 2005 DR 000244 IN RE: The Marriage of CHLOE R. KOLCON Wife, and ROBERTA. KOLCON, Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MAR- RIAGE TO: ROBERTA. KOLCON #115727 , Chippewa Correctional Facility 4269 W; M-80 Kincheloe, MI 49784. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your writ- ten defenses, if any, to It on CHLOE R. KOLCON, whose address Is 11588 CR 682, Webster, Florida 33597, on or before April 11,2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, be- fore service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- ture papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to comply can re- suit In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATEDi .March 2, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, March 10, 17,24, and 31,2005. 683-0324 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE A Public Hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. before the City of Wlldwood Planning & Zoning/Board of Adjustment/Special Master. This Hearing will be held at the City Hall, 100 North Main Street, Wild- wood, Florida to consider the following case. SITE PLAN REVIEW CASE NO.: SP 05-04-01 Towing World GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel Number: NE Comer of G05=113 THE SOUTH 273.15 FEET OF LOT 6 OF THE PLAT 'WILLARD PEEBLES INDUSTRIAL PARK" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 89 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTIC- ULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE NORTH 8956'24" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 6, 239.26 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 0010'59" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 6 273.15 FEET;.THENCE SOUTH 89056'24" EAST, 239.16 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE SOUTH 0009'49" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 273.15 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF WILDWOOD, SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDAAND CONTAINS 1.500 AC- RES, MORE OR LESS. GENERAL LOCATION: West side of Walker Road and south of Industrial Drive in the Willard Peebles Industrial Park REQUESTED ACTION: Applicant is seeking site plan ap- proval for a proposed 6,540 square foot building in an area that is currently zoned Industrial (1). SITE PLAN REVIEW CASE NO.: SP 05-04-02 Huddle House Restaurant GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel Number: NW Corner of G07=057 A parcel of land being a portion of that certain property as described in Official Records Book 390, Page 656 of the public records of Sumter County, Florida. Lying within the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4"of Section 7, Township 19 S, Range 23 E, Sumter County, Florida. Being more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commence at the SE boundary corner of the SW 1/4 of Section 7, Township 19 S, Range 23 E, Sumter County, Florida; Thence N 89050'00" W along the S boundary line of said SW 1/4 of Section 7, (being the basis of bearings for this legal description). For 83.93 feet to the Point of Inter- section with the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road 35 (US 301) according to Florida State Road Department right-of-way map, State Road 35 (US 301) Section 18010-2502; thence the following four (4) courses along said Westerly right-of-way line of State Road 35 (US 301); (1) thence leaving said S boundary line of the SW 1/4 of Section 7, N 00009'30" E along.a line. 90.00 feet W of and parallel,with the centerline of survey of said right-of-way map, State Road 35 (US 301), for 530.08 feet; (2) Thence S 89'50'30" E for 32.61 feet; (3) Thence N 00'01'00" E along a line 50.00 feet W of and parallel with the E boundary line of aforesaid SW 1/4 of Section 7, for 638.32 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve, concave southwesterly; (4) Thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle of 64*42'24", an arc length of 112.93 feet, and a chord bearing N 3220'12" W for 107.03 feet to the Point of Intersection with the S right-of-way line of State Road 44, according to Florida State Road Department right-of-way map, State Road 44, Section 18070-2517, same also being the Point of Intersection with a nontangent line; Thence S 8928'C5" W along said S right-of-way line of State Road 44, same also being a line 60.00 feet S of and parallel with the centerline of survey of said Stafe Road 44, for 720.21 feet to the Point of Beginning. Same also being the Point of Intersection with' a non-tangent curve concave Southwesterly; Thence leav- ing said S right-of-way line of State Road 44, Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, with a radial bearing S 25*18'36" W, having a radius of 51.76 feet, a central angle of 4333'02", an arc length of 39.34 feet, and a chord bear- ing S 21*46'22" E for 38.40 feet; thence S 0000'00" E for 170.75 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve, concave Northeasterly; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 95.18 feet, a central angle of 50*26'57", an arc length of 83.80 feet, and a chord bearing S 25'37'21" E for 81.12 feet, to a Point of Intersection with a non-tangent curve; thence S 89*28'05" W for 119.59 feet to the Point of Intersection with a non-tangent curve, concave Southwesterly; thence Northwestedy along the arc of said curve, with a radial bearing N 72052'07"W, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a central angle of 7001'52", an arc length of 49.59 feet and a chord bearing N 1823'040 W for 46.47 feet to the Point of reverse curvature with a curve, concave Northeasterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 98.00 feet, a central angle of 53054'00", an arc length of 92.19 feet, and a chord bearing N 2657'00" W for 88.83 feet to the Point of Tangency; tr,.3r,,:a J u0 0c00X W Oi I.r vv l. I..1:. itrs Ponlt or Iri ,' : rl.:I.; ,i' .1 ,,n M .' ,o" r,gr ...I a ir -,'c .: a i R.:,ad 4,.1i thence N89'28'05" E along said S right-of-way lins of taT te -Oade -.U jmai ol.o:. .. ng L a.',. : 3S 'd IrU cW u U l's-ai 5 c., 'r.'s :,r i1 si wir, Ire c nrl-.'ri,,', OI uravs o fI alie Roa6 d 4-1. or 12.. 19 i1 i iv.1 ir.-I Po,'ri of Beg'...r.',g.q REQUESTED ACTION: Appi,,cami1'i se's .3rg it :iplanr, r p:.r,:.i31 .,r a pr:,:-p 3 065 s quarr, I,:.il re-iu.arri ,r anr. ar,5a ir. l ,m .:u. ',ErTily Z-.r.' L C .T,r, .i'-E ral IL .I GENERAL LOCATION: Northwest comer of Sumter Cross- ing Shopping Center near the railroad tracks All oral and written communications concerning the case, between board members/Special Master on the one hand, and the applicant or the public on the other hand are prohib- ited: by Florida law, unless made at the. hearing on the case. Tr.A ; sp'.n .:.n ir a .i e :r.a.r te l eri i'. me rosi -bM. ' 'rers.' Sr. :,1i M i-0a, s.- C v, aaairli's h.:. ir,.- r rail Lurlc al l-.i:l ,.*-." 151. 1 i.; T,:. Im a r. ,arr,'.a on ir.,m C. :'6 Anyone other than the applicant, the staff andthose who. are entitled to receive written notice of the case gnder appli-. cable law, who wish to present testimony at the hearing or cross examine other witnesses, must file a Notice of Ap- pearance which must be in the hands of staff not later than five (5) days prior to the hearing. The Notice of Appearance should include the name and address of the party seeking to appear. Any person or by way of a lawyer or other appro- priate representative, whether or not any representative is mentioned in the Notice. Those filing Notice of Appearance shall be considered participants in the hearing, subject to a determination of standing if challenged on that point, The. Chairman of the Board/Special Master may allow participa- tion In the hearing by persons filing a Notice of Appearance after the five (5) day deadline, upon a showing of excusable neglect by that person, but if such a late appearance is al- lowed the Applicant shall have right too an automatic contin- uance of the case, at its option and without cost. Persons who do not file a Notice of Appearance or who file late and do not, In the, opinion of the'Chairman/Special Master, dem- onstrate excusable neglect, are not entitled to seek any de- lay. in the proceedings. Anyone who does not file a Notice of Appearance may sign up at the beginning of the hearing to speak, and those who do so will be called as witnesses by the Staff during its presentation, whether they support or oppose the Staff position, subject however to the rights of participants In the hearing to object to the testimony and to cross-examine these witnesses. No one who does not file a Notice of Appearance may cross-examine any witness. APPEAL: NECESSITY OF RECORD in order to appeal the Board/Special Master's decision on this matter a verba- tir record of the proceedings Is required. The Board/Special Master assumes no responsibility for furnish- ing said record. -s- Don Dixon, CBO/Community Development Director City of Wlldwood, Florida Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 24, 2005. S 684-0331 SCT ',: PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENDED DISPOSITION.OF PROPERTY TO ALL PERSONS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY Pursuant to Florida Statute 705.103, the Slate of Florida, Florida Highway Patrol, hereby gives notice of it's intent to dispose of the following property: wallets, purses, key rings with keys, keys, cellular phones,, pagers, unspecified *amount of currency, money clip, clothing, shoes, sleeping bag, social security cards, children's toys, boots, belt buck- le, suitcase, bibles, back pack, various.types of jewelry, sun. glasses, eye glasses, books, birth certificates, cassette tap- es, North American arms box, voters cards, ID cards, fish- Ing ... license, resident alien card, money order, American Express gift card, medicine, various credit cards, including, AT&T card, Cigna card, Citibank card, GNC card, Master card, Republic Security. Bank card, Home Depot card, JCPenney card, Visa card, Zales card, Fingerhut credit card, Postal District card, McDIII Credit Union card, Wachovia Bank check card, Subway sub card, Publix check cashing card, Harley owners card, Goodyear Pinnacle, Blockbuster card, Hotel card, AAA card, AARP card, Health insurance.card, State Farm Insurance card, American Horizon Contact card, TGI Fridays card, GTE Credit Union card, Kash n' Karry card, Winn Dixie card, Marks and Morgan card, Community National Bank card. Gateway card, address books, PNC bank card, Flying J calling card, MCI card, Benefit Security card, APS prescription card, credit union card, value pawn card, HEI Hotels card, Costco card, Sams Club card, and personal checks. These items came into the custody of the Florida Highway Patrol from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 2004. The Florida Highway Patrol Is the law enforcement agency controlling the property. Please contact Lieutenant Frank A. Troffo, Evidence/Property custodian at 113,19 Ponce DeLeon Boulevard, Brooksville, FL 34601, 1-800-500-1240. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, March 24, and 31, 2005. NTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 27 632-0324 SCT 'Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2005 DR 000114 LISA A. SHEETZ, Petitioner, and GREGORY J. SHEETZ, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MAR- RIAGE TO: GREGORY J. SHEETZ, Last Known Address - 6746 C.R. 619, Bushnell, FL 33513 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your.writ- ten defenses, if any, to it on LISA A. SHEETZ, whose ad- dress is 6746 C.R. 619, Bushnell, FL 33513, on or before April 4, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the re- lief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Fam- ily Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to comply can re- sult In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: February 25, 2005. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, March 3,10, 17, and 24, 2005. 672-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CASE NO. 2004-DP-36 IN THE INTEREST OF: M.J., DOB: 02/02/04, Minor Child SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PLACEMENT FOR ADOPTION THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: RUDENA YOUNG MOTHER OF MINOR CHILD, M.J. WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN You are hereby notified that a petition under oath has been filed In the above styled Court for the termination of your pa- rental rights to M.J., a male child born on the 2nd day of February, 2004, in Lake County, Florida, for placement of the child with the Florida Department of Children and Fami- lies for subsequent adoption. YOU ARE HEREBY COM- MANDED to be and appear before the Honorable Judge William H. Hallman, III, Judge of the Circuit Court, or anoth- er judge assigned to hear the above cause, at the TERMI- NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING at 10:00 A.M. on April 25, 2005, at the Sumter County Court- house, 225 East McCollum Avenue, Bushnell; Florida 33513, in Courtroom A. You must appear on the date and time specified. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISO- RY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMI- NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECI- FIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. SYOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVEAN ATTORNEY PRES- ENT TO REPRESENT YOU IN THIS MATTER. IF YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY, BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE, YOU MUST NOTIFY THE COURT, AND THE COURT WILL APPOINT AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT, YOU IN THIS MATTER. This notice shall be published once a wiek for four consec- utive weeks in the' Sumter County Times Classified Section.: -.. V,.-i ; .,.T,j r, uia .as ir,- Ci'. i 1 ..I : v Court and the Seal irer., e .of 6t0h t fla5 M ir.:r. 20.5 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF COURT By:.-s- Winona Mitchell Deputy Clerk -s- Choung Mi Akehurst, FBN: 0525227 Richard D. Gish, FBN: 754994 Child Welfare Legal Services Department of Children and Families 1601 W. Gulf Atlantic Highway, Wildwood, FL 34785 (352) 330-2177 Sujl',I.sr. iji & J. 1T,,T.'e ,r, Fr in- oiTir ",i', U'lr, Times, March 1" 2J.3 1 '..3 ,[rI 7 200S . 677-0331 SCT rtji;,c cl 'al c,.. r,) T i'.: i, .JJ A Bu.T..-r. a PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2004-CA-000020 DOROTHY T. WOOD, Plaintiff, v. TODD A. BUXTON and MELANIE A. BUXTON, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that, pursuant to a Summary Fi- nal Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Case No. 2004-CA-000020 in the Circuit Court in and for Sumter County, Florida, I will sell the property situated in Sumter County, Florida, described as: The NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2, Township 22 South, Range 21 East. The Westerly 26 feet subject to easement for Ingress and egress for adjacent property owners. Also known as Lot 40, Unit 3 ROYAL OAKS RETREATS, LESS: Com- mence at the NE corner of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of. Section 2, Township 22 South, Range 21 East, Sumter County, Florida; Thence run South 00 degrees 00 min- utes 48 seconds, along said SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4,659.74 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue South 00 degrees 00 minutes 48 seconds East, 329.87 feet; thence South 89 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds West, 130.00 feet, thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 48 sec- onds West, 230.00 feet, thence South 89 degrees 41 minutes 31 seconds West, 202.96 feet, thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 55 seconds West, 100.00 feet, thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 51 seconds East, 332.96 feet to the Point of Beginning. SUBJECT TO an easement for Ingress and egress over and across the westerly 25 feet thereof. at public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the Sumter County Courthouse, West Door, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, at 11:00 a.m. on the 7th day of April, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, and 31, 2005. 680-0331 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. 33 of Bums Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 1514 Hwy. 48, Bushnell, Sumter County, FL, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Date of Sale: 4/7/2005 Time of Sale: 10:30 A.M. Name of Tenant: RHONDA TRUSTY Address: 6416 24th Ave., Bradenton, FL 34208 Unit No.: 33 Desc. of Proer: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof, Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, and 31, 2005. ' For information and reservations call (352) 726-0315. "Stations: USGS DEP SWFWMD FFWCC Lakewatch TOO FAR, Inc. * Red Eagle Lodge Citrus County Master Gardeners Division of Waste Management Citrus County Parks & Recreation Old Courthouse Museum * Audubon American Groundwater Trust Forestry and many more. Key Training Center $7,500 PAYBACK 4 SLake Henderon .on...T Apopka Ch.ai City of Inverness' Wallace Brooks/liberty Park I 1 .. BIG. BASS $1,000 S .... yC- ,t.1 C-- + ,.- D.-.,n..J.. nBIG BASS $500 s po...o-.,S &-y Sv N C... Saturday, April 16, 2005 Entry Fee $135 per two person team For more. nfo: 352.527.8228- S www.keytrainingcenter.conm MIIIwgmmuII~qA~1IuilIRaY~uImINIh]b~q it.ts.nsn S,,.... r..0......... 1555 11 ............... S M 2-P. s,.......... 1,500 S ~ o Boo/W.- rSp-r,,500. X--- .oF...lob1, GYRtO- B ......5,-00Sn-a B..r '0' Brody'. F.,d as.-.-N- 5N- ^ .7- 71.m ( **R.m./ ., ^Y ^- -,- 0 viskjltrus o m J. - r TO place your Legal Advertising SSUMTER call y ,793-2161 ! 679-0331 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE h',,-t .t,;.. r,o:r. e i, at the w, tire contents oi Unit No B-61 io burn; s,.ii Si.'a,. a self-storage facility,, oc a iv I : 95 i: R W-:ir. Sumter County, FL, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Date of Sale: 4/7/2005 'Time of Sale: 11:00'A.M. Name of Tenant: ,ROBIN AND ANGELA COX Address: 9933 CR 738, Webster, FL 33597 Unit No.: B-61 Daesc. of Proerty: Misc. Household Goods This Notice is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, and 31, 2005. 682-0324 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR;.PROPOSAL NOTICE WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA (WCF) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP)'to solicit organizations who are already delivering successful out-of-school youth programs in our Central Florida'Community with the intent to fund an expansion of these already established programs to serve additional out-of-school youth. It Is the intent of WCF to fund Innovative programs that help youth who are facing serious barriers to future employment and show a close connection. to local employer needs. .These programs are to be delivered to eligible individuals residing in at least one of the following counties: Lake, Or- ange, Osceola, Seminole and Sumter. Programs funded as a result of this RFP must have as their main objective the placement of the youth Into jobs. Other positive outcomes 'for some youth, such as ent-ii.r,er.i in, poitI' ec.:.rdai' training program or entering trh rrnIIiisr, ,T.,S to Ir..:ij,.' d on a limited basis. The organization selected will design, manage and deliver a youth program to out-of-school youth 19 to 21 years of age who are low income, unemployed and have barriers to em- ployment, such as pregnant or parenting, basic skills defi- cient, school dropout, etc. The required scope of services include eligibility determination and documentation, assess- ment, counseling, case management, development of indi- vidual career plans, work readiness training and certification using WCF's model, job placement, and followalong after job placement to ensure retention in employment. Additional services that must also be made available to all youth are included in the RFP package. A mandatory bidder's conference will be held on Wednes- day, March 30, 2005, at 9:00 AM EST. Completed oropos- al must be submitted to WCF no.later than 12:00 PM EST on Thursday, April 28, 2005. Additional details are provid- ed in the Request for Proposal (RFP) package which will be available after 12:00 PM EST on Thursday, March 17, 2005. Interested parties can obtain a copy of the RFP by sending a letter of request to Lindsey Weaver at WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, 1097 Sand Pond Road, Suite 1009, Lake Mary, Florida 32746, (407) 531-1222 or you may re- quest a copy by e-mailing LWeaver@wcfla corn. In crder to .receive the RFP package, your request must Include an mail address and contact name. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 24, 2005. L-EsT L-J--3WAoI<>I !p7WT FESJLT 669-0324 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Unclaimed Vehicle Sale The following vehicle will be sold on April 1, 2005, at 8:00 AM: 1998 DODGE INTREPID 4-DOOR VIN 2B3HD46R7WH222299 Owner: Romeo Gonzalez, 1104 CR 476, Bushnell, FL 33513 Address where vehicle is stored and will be sold: 11499 CR 675 W Webster, FL 33597 , Interested parties contact 352-217-0345. . Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 17, and24, 2005. LET US WORK FOR YOU) cL- Jlrr-. r CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS CALL 793-2161 678-0331 SCT Tip Top Storage Sale of Contents-nits 9&10 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Florida Statute 83.806 Notice is hereby giv- en that on April 9, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. at TIP TOP STORAGE, INC., 7693 State Road 471, Bushnell, FL 33513, the entire con- tents of your storage units shall be sold for cash: Units #9 & #10 George W. Fisel III and Dierdre F. Wheatley P.O. Box 460 Sumter, FL 33585 All proceeds shall be used to pay past due rent and other charges.. Dated this 21st day of March,.2005. TIP TOP STORAGE INC. 7693 STATE ROAD 471 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 24, and 31, 2005. 681-0324 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE , Notice is hereby given that the City of Wildwood, Florida, will hold a Public Hearing on the second final reading of Or- dinance No. 426, during the 7:00 p.m. Commission Meeting of March 28,2005, in the City Hall Commission Chamber, at 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida. Ordinance No. 426: An Ordinance Of The City Of Wild- wood, Florida, Providing For A Police Services User Fee; Providing For An Effective Date. Ordinance No. 426 Is available at City Hall for Public In- spection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Comments may be voiced at the above mentioned meeting or in writing, addressed to the City Clerk, 100 N Main Street, Wildwood, Florida 34785. Be advised that any person wishing to appeal any decision made by the Commission on any matter considered during the meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which in- cludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. -s- Joseph Jacobs City Clerk Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 24, 2005. 41 V :flll*X N #AGE 28, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 ': Iu. II% 'I.r .. vama- II = I I '=I miA ,t- I k I, 1 1U WI - 4 4, N- --~ YAMW '04 Chevrolet Blazer S TK. #05739A \ '02 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab/ 16,995.25 \'04 Ford F150 4 Dr. Extended Cab 24,8886/ '00 Ford Ranger Super Cab/ 10995074 Z- Z I I.f -STK f,.5o7J,4 '02 Ford F150 Extended Cab 1 5,995/ S TK. 4052-46A '. zf-n.- v" "ltz~ ':- V,: S-AM '04 Dodge Ram ST Longbed / -AJI.&az9 STK. #05646A '05 Dodge Grand Caravan SE $18,995. S'TK. 05613A '04 Chrysler Sebring / ohrysler Town & Country Limited _13,995/ 89995 STK.K,005186A STK. #05271A Mt-41 W-EF To. Ocala -I 3 I N| NII 4b ^ NORTH BLVD. 441 n BILL BRYAN ~cK~L4t:. K~i .4 . Z/1 11 7i N ppi pe-t t ;. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, PAGE 29 FIVE STAR 00000 @OO1 2 SLER MSR ............... 21,405 You SV S Pay TOTAL SAVINGS! L4A17' Stk# J05056 3 YOU PAY Stk# B50410 2005 JEEP LIBERTY YOU PAY ONLY t fy $9EA,Puss o IoIMON.A.W 17N mFurw O. NM- - 'St~5Ozk 2005 DODGE DAKOTA CLUB CA YOU PA ONLY - Stk# JO504;e'+ VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTSTM COW LuA Great on Gas. #D50448A $8,988' 02 CHEVY 02 DODGE 01 CHRYSLER VENTURE DURANGO TOWN & COUNTRY All the Power. #D40594A SLT & LTH. #J050216A LTD, Leather. #B50256A 13,788 $ *$4,888t *1Z5,488 05 DODGE. CARAVAN Power, 7 Pass. #7826P $* 5988k' 02 FORD 02 CHRYSLER 04 JEEP 04 CHRYSLER WINDSTAR TOWN & COUNTRY LIBERTY PACIFICA LTD. #B50651 A LTD, All Power. #D50453A 4x4, All Power. #7780P Family Rated.; #7880L *15,988' *6,888' $17,888' $19,988' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 2 co. 4 We, 352*726,1238 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness ^P -ANVBG Smo R-w UTMKN RkEVuuu i mii You Pay ................. J 0.0' : S S Per Month Payment excludes tax, tag, title and dealer fees (299.50) 72 months @ 5.9% APR. All rebates, customer loyalty & dealer Incentives Included. WA.C. Stk# N4213 2005 CHEVROLET IMPALA month Residual $12,377 Lease Is for 48 months. Selling! Price is $22,800. $876 due at signing which Includes FL fees, 1st payment, security deposit & dealer fee (299.50). 12,000 miles free per year. 200 per mile over. Sales tax not Included. All rebates, dealer incentives & lease loyalty Stk# 25081X incitdedin payment. W.A.C. @^ n2005 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER LS Lease y for Only permo month You $ Pay Only S Residual 9 317.72-Lea4e is fo48 ths.i'llilg Pric Is $1,8750 Si du t sign n glhipl FIL feps, let payment .scurltydps 'a ry 90) t. s ; foeer SesO~tetx p.. ..:. -., ... 6- .o. , 100 DAY/3,000 MILE WARRANTY .- --- -i- -- -V.KS,y3h^- Lease for Only per "9 month Residual i15,236.22 Lease is for 48 months. Selling Price is $26,750. $1,236 due at signing which includes FL fees, S1 st payment, security deposit & dealer fee (299.50). 12 )00n miles-free per year. -0 per mile over. Sales tax notjnCbuded. All bates, dealer incentives & lease loyalty i ... iuded In paymerf.W.A.C. CHEVROLET MALIBU Kelley Blue Book Report 02 CHEVY 04 CHEVY MALIBU LS MALIBU Affordable. #7722T Fact. Warranty. #7745T * 196"' '28 e.0.. 04 DODGE STATUS Fact. Warranty. #7752T $22003*. 02 CHEVY SILVERADO EXT CAB V8, Clean. #N4348 05 FORD MUSTANG New Body. $AVEI #N5217A $386"*'.. 04-PONTIAC GRAND AM SE Loaded, Fact. Warranty. #7811P $se1 a O R*- 02 CHEVY CAVAUER Low Miles. #N5198A 04 FORD TAURUS SES Fact. Warranty. #7727P 2584 m . 01 CHEVY MONTE CARLO PW, PL, 1ston Race Day.#N5119A $11 YOMt 02 MITSUBISHI 04 CHEVROLET 03 FORD 03 HONDA OVIC ; ECLIPSE IMPALA EXPLORER XLT Loaded, Ground Affect, * Affordable, Reliable. #N5093A Loaded, Factory Warr. #25274A Low Miles, Clean, Sporty. #786TP Auto. #N5239A $13,785t '16,295t' *6,796' $16,983' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer' loyalty. *Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.A.C. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET 2~2.627AO' w m w w w W w 2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness kwood 13 A immlmimlmmm iM ivl ; --II - Ol 'WRI A4 AVEO ,A L,-I- Z ML A- , v .0701 PAGE 30, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005 SPRING INVENTORY REDUCTION! OUR. REDUCTION IS YOUR INVITATION TO SAVE. OVER 600 CERTIFIED UNITS TO CHOOSE FROM. 2004 SENTRA 2005 ALTIMA 2005 MAXIMA AUTOMATIC AIR AUTOMATIC AIR 3.5 LITER V6 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CONDITIONING TRANSMISSION CONDITIONING KEYLESS ENTRY POWER WINDOWS POWER WINDOWS POWER LOCKS KEYLESS ENTRY POWER WINDOWS SKY VIEW CD PLAYER CD PLAYER SPORT WHEELS CD PLAYER CRUISE CONTROL DOWNN $7 PER $.DOWN 9PER. SAVE *7,443 PAYMENT X MONTH V PAYMENT V MONTH UNDER 10,000 UNDER 15,000 UNDER 20,000 2001 TOYOTA CAMRY.,9............. 9,999 2004 TOYOTA MATRIX......11*.....I*.. .14,999 2004 MITSUBISHI ENDEAVOR .............16,999 ONLY *159 PER MONTH* ONLY $249 PER MONTH* ONLY $289 PER MONTH* 2000 NISSAN MAXIMA .......i,...aI ....I 8,999 2005 FORD TAURUS........ I.......I..1 12,999 2001 BMWZo3 .........I. ....'.' ..iI 19,999 ONLY $149 PER MONTH* ONLY $219 PER MONTH* ONLY *329 PER MONTH* 2002 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY..,,,,, 9,999 2002 BUICK LESABRE................ 14,999 2005 FORD MUSTANG .I..........I... *..19,999 ONLY $159 PER MONTH* ONLY *249 PER MONTH* ONLY *329 PER MONTH* 2001 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER,. .....$,,.. 6,999 2002 CHRYSLER SEBRING ................14,999 2003 TOYOTA TACOMA ......... .15,999 ONLY $129 PER MONTH* ONLY 1249 PER MONTH* ONLY *289 PER MONTH* 2001 HONDA CIVIC .... ............ %9,999 2003 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE ,........... .*13,999 2003 INFINITI 1*35 ..... ... ..... 17,999 ONLY $159 PER MONTH* ONLY *234 PER MONTH* ONLY $319 PER MONTH* 2002 HYUNDAI ELANTRA.... ..I.I..I....I 5,999 2004 MITSUBISHI GALANT ...............*12,999 2004 NISSAN QUEST........*.......18,999 ONLY *129 PER MONTH* ONLY $219 PER MONTH* ONLY $329 PER MONTH* 1998 HONDA ACCORD....,8...1.1..1.,,8,999 2002 FORD EXPLORER. ........... *13,999 2003 NISSAN MAXIMA...I..I.. *...... sa 15,999 ONLY *149 PER MONTH* ONLY p239 PER MONTH* .. ONLY p289 PER MONTH* 2001 HYUNDAI ACCENT 1 ..........".. *$5,999 2004 PONTIACGRAND AM ..E ...,.E ..11,999 2001 NISSAN PATHFINDER ........E..... 15,999 ONLY p129 PER MONTH* ,ONLY *219 PER MONTH* ONLY *289 PER MONTH* 1999 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS..........7,999 1999 DODGE RAM 2500 ......1..*.1...12,999 2004 GMC ENVOY 1*.........1.1...... .19,999 ONLY *149 PER MONTH* ONLY p249 PER MONTH* ONLY *329 PER MONTH* 2001 DODGE INTREPID.......*......1 *.6,999 2003 NISSAN XTERRA 1*,............,14,999 2004 MITSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT..,....15,999 ONLY p139 PER MONTH* ONLY p249 PER MONTH* ONLY p289 PER MONTH* 2001 OLDSMOBILE AL.ERO,.............6,999 2002 DODGE RAM ....,................ *11,999 2004 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE....IEII. ..15,999 ONLY *139 PER MONTH* ONLY ^229 PER MONTH* ONLY *289 PER MONTH* 2001 TOYOTA COROLLA...................7,499 2003 MITSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT.......11,999 2001 FORD F250 SUPER DUTY.............. 16,999 ONLY *139 PER MONTH* ONLY *229 PER MONTH* ONLY *319 PER MONTH* 2200 SR 200 OPENOCTIL 10 PMa as1 r b 80 5 -5 AN A -SO-0 All prices plus tax, tag and '195 dealer fee. Prices good day of publication only, all Inventory pretitled. '2,000 cash or trade equity for 66 months, W.A.C. |