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Established 1881 SUMMER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 11 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ......... ..12 Church ..............7 Obituaries ............ .6 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits ............. 14 THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 20051 Adult business files complaint BOB REICHMAN Editor The owners of X-Mart, a sex- ually-oriented business near Wildwood, are firing back against State Attorney Brad King and Sumter Sheriff Bill Farmer for pending court action based on last year's seizure of videos from the store alleged to be obscene and the arrest of the business operator on obscenity charges.- Late in February, X-Mart The complaint claims that. ."the prosecution and arrest of Plaintiff Evgueni Souliaguine is being brought with bad faith motivation as its goal is not only to eliminate Plaintiffs store 'X-Mart' but to send a chilling message to others who wish to engage in First Amendment freedoms and rights in Sumter County that they also will be subjected to prosecution..." and its director Evgueni Souliaguine filed a complaint with the federal court in Ocala claiming that both King and Farmer are denying rights provided under the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution because the business sells and distrib- utes "...constitutionally pro- tectdd sexually oriented mate- rials films, DVDs, literature and products..." The complaint requests the court to prevent King and Farmer from taking legal actions ". ..that are or will cause irreparable injuries to Plaintiffs' Federal and State ConstitutiOnal rights." A hearing has been sched- uled for Friday, March 25, in the U.S. Courthouse in Ocala. Currently, X-Mart is facing court action following an October 2004 investigation by the Sumter County Sheriff's Office that resulted in the seizure of several videos believed to be obscene and Souilaguine's arrest. Over several weeks, Sumter deputies entered the store, purchasing four DVDs and videos that were then taken to Circuit Court Judge Hale Stancil who ruled that the material was obscene. On Oct. 13, 2004, King filed one count of sale of obscene material against Souliaguine for sale of one of the items, Please see X-MART, Page 2 Green to be sentenced Tuesday Guilty of attempted murder BoB REICHMAN Editor Four days of testimony ended last week with a 6- member jury finding a self- :employed tree trimmer from Lakeland guilty of attempt- ing to murder a Sumter County sheriff's deputy in 2003.. It took the jury about rolur hours to find Rian Green, 35,f guilty of attempted first-degree ILmurder of a I a w e n force - u nment offi- cer: resist- RianGreen ing a law enforce- ment offi-r cer with violence and felony fleeing or attempting to elude a law enforcement offi- cer. Green was found not guilty to two other charges: aggra- vated assault with a firearm and carjacking while armed. Green is scheduled to be sentenced at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, before Circuit Court Judge William Hallman. He faces a possible life imprisonment sentence. Last Thursday afternoon, a four-day trial end for Green, accused of the October 2003 shooting of Sumter County Deputy Edward Fritz. Fritz was shot two times in the upper body during a con- frontation with Green. After the trial, Fritz said he was glad that Green "is off the streets. "I felt that justice was served," Fritz said. At the time of the shooting, Fritz was a rookie deputy. He had been with the Sumter County Sheriff's Office about seven months when the shooting happened. It was his first job in law enforce- ment The shooting happened on the evening of Oct 9 when lie stopped a car on county Road 656, in Croom-a- Coochee. Fritz attempted to stop Green for not ,having a license tag, according to police reports. A chase ensued with Green finally crashing his vehicle into woods on 115th Lane. As Fritz was attempting to handcuff Green, he was shot with a small caliber hand- gun. Green then fled on foot and stopped a, couple as they were driving along the road, according to reports. Green forced the couple from their vehicle and then took off only to abandon their car a short time later at a dead-end road. Green then fled into w oods where a nightlong manhunt began. In the meantime, Fritz managed to walk to a nearby home and 911 was called to assist the officer. A major manhunt was con- ducted to locate Green but law enforcement officers were unsuccessful in appre- hending him. Green was arrested on Oct. 30,2003 in Texas by members .of the U.S. Marshal Service's Fugitive Task Force. Photos by Amanda Mims The contestants at the March 11 Miss Sumter County and Miss Teen Sumter County Pageants entertained an audience that filled the Cow Palace with a dance routine before com- peting for the 2005 titles. Crownin touch AMANDA MIOMS Staff Writer Twelve of Sumnter's loveli- est young ladies gave it their best go on stage to be the next Miss Teen and Miss Sumter County on Friday, March 11. Judged by such qualities as poise, beauty, and talent, Kourtni Strickland was named Miss Sumter County and Chelsea Bacon was crowned Miss Teen Sumter County'. Strickland, a 17-year-old w *sosf senior at South Sumter High School. said, "I'mr ecstatic. This is my last year in high school, so I'm really looking forward this next year." LiUp against stiff competition that included pageant veterans. she said, "I didn't allow myself to think I was going to win. so I wouldn't be disap- pointed." Bacon, who placed in the pageant for the last three years, is a 16-year-old high school sophomore. "I'm Please see PAGEANT, Page 2 Newly-crowned Miss Sumter County Kourtni Strickland (left) and Miss Teen Sumter County Chelsea Bacon embrace and congratulate each other after the pageant. - Woman dies in Interstate 75 crash BOB REICHMAN .. Editor U; An Ocala woman died Friday in a two-vehicle colli- sion on Interstate 75 about three miles north of County Road 470 near Lake WIT Panasoffkee. ----Kimberly L. Jones, 48, of 1 I 1." Emerald Drive, was ejected '6 -,from her vehicle, when she b i lost control of her 2000 Ford ML. Upickup early Friday after- noon and collided with anoth- er vehicle in the southbound lane of the interstate, accord- l 'ing to the Florida Highway Patrol report. The accident happened about 12:40 p.m. on March 11. Photos by Henry Poates Jones was traveling south Photos by Henry Poates This 1993 Chevrolet minivan was destroyed in the collision. Driver Christina Meyers, of Hudson, was transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center for treatment. Please see CRASH, Page 2 To submit your community news to the Sumter County Times, E-mail us at news@sctnews.com -4j- i 15 ii VAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 Wildwood industrial park gains businesses, land prices go up Kimberly Jones, 48, of Ocala, the driver of this 2000 Ford pickup truck, died when her vehicle swerved into another vehicle about 12:40 p.m. last Friday afternoon on Interstate 75 near Bushnell. Jones was thrown from the vehicle following the impact. CRASH continued from Page 1 in the inside lane when for an unknown reason, she entered the grass median, according to the report. She overcorrected. causing her vehicle to rotate in a clock- wise direction and it reen- tered the southbound lane. The right rear portion of her vehicle struck a 1993 Chevrolet minivan driven by Christina Meyers, 30, of Hudson, according to the report. The impact forced both vehicles to rotate in a clock- wise direction as they entered the west shoulder of the road, the report states. Both vehicles began to over- turn with Jones thrown from her vehicle. Both vehicles were destroyed. Jones' vehicle came to a final rest, facing a westerly direction on its left side against a small grouping of trees.. Meyers' vehicle came to a final rest facing a wester- ly direction on its roof, the report states. Meyers was transported by helicopter to Orlando Regional Medical Center. Jones- was not wearing a seatbelt, according to the report. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Two business owners, one in Wildwood and one from Tavares, have made plans to take their operations to the Willard Peebles Industrial Park in Wildwood. Their plans were brought before the Wildwood City Commission during a regular meeting on March 14. The city-owned property has gotten considerable atten- tion lately, so Wildwood City Commissioners agreed it's a good time to increase the land prices there. After some deliberation, they decided to increase the current price of $40,000 per acre by 20 percent to $48,000 and review the issue once a month at regular meetings. Considering the value of comparable properties near- by, Manny Pesco said, "as far as improved property is con- cerned, it's a deal." When asked by the commission, he cited prices of similar proper- ties nearby, which have sold or have been listed for more than twice the amount per acre he will pay. Pesco plans to purchase one parcel and construct an 8,000-square-foot auction house. His business, Wildwood Antique Mall and Auction, is currently located on Main Street in a, 3,000- square-foot building. The other business, AACC, Inc., provides commercial concrete services like laser grading, foundations, and flat- work AACC President Butch Kendall said he will be bring- ing about 40 skilled employ- ees with his business into Wildwood. Commissioners said the city created the industrial park around 30 years ago to bring jobs to Wildwood, but according to City Manager Jim Stevens, there wasn't always this much interest in it. "It moved slow for a long time, but it's picked up in the last three years." Commissioners seemed to believe these two businesses will benefit the area. Pesco, like Kendall, is planning to bring'jobs into the city. He expects his current staff of five to grow to 12 after the move. Stevens said altogether the industrial park is made up of about one hundred acres and there are currently 11 busi- nesses. Only ten acres com- prising three parcels are left, and of that Stevens said the city may have to use some or all of one unsold parcel 'for storm water retention. About 500 spectators watched dozens of draft horse teams, all Belgians, pull heavy equipment and compete for fastest times and longest pulls at the Southern Draft Horse Association-sponsored show in Lake Panasoffkee on Saturday, March 5. Firte rescue gets prevention funds Sumter County sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers is shown putting a wristband Care Tracker on Sumter resident Carolyn Young, as Sumter County Pilot Club members Maxine Cox (center) and Jean Wright (far right) stand in the background. The Care Tracker is specially designed for Alzheimer's patients and the purchase is coordinated by the Pilot Club. The residents con- tact the sheriff's office and they, in turn, contact the club. AMANDA MaMS Staff Writer Fire Chief Bill Gulbrandsen. announced at Tuesday night's County commission meeting lis department has been awarded $90,825 for fire pre- jention from FEMA. I "These are funds most fire departments dream of get- .ing," Gulbrandsen said. "It -uts us in the forefront of things. . He said this is one of the largest awards for this type of -unding in the state. He also PAGEANT continued from Page 1 excited and shocked, and real- y happy. I didn't know what to expect because everybody did an awesome job this year," she said. i Indeed, the competition Included some well-rehearsed ind talented girls who all had their sights set on the same browns. I Before an audience that crowded the fairgrounds Cow ?alace, contestants sang, glanced, and twirled batons in the spotlight. They also had to said the fire department has received $1.2 in federal fund- ing, not including what was distributed as a result of hur- ricanes last year, since incor- porating. "The purpose (of the grant) is to bring programs into Sumter County for fire pre- vention we haven't been able to fund," Gulbrandsen told the board. With this aid, he said, the fire department will be able to purchase a limited number of smoke detectors for the hear- ing impaired, which are "a lit- tle bit on the costly side to answer some questions about themselves and show direction and compassion in their lives by expressing their future plans and tell about charity work they've done. When the three-hour pag- eant came to an end, the results came in, but not before the 2004 Miss Teen and Miss Sumter took their final walk Miss Sumter County Nicole Rodges and Miss Teen Sumter County Calah Carmichael gave their thanks to all who were' involved in the pageants over the past year, as well as to their family and friends. Rodges even gave the winners a few words of encouragement. "I hope you have as much fun as I buy," according to Gulbrandsen. The grant also provides for up to 25,000 regular smoke detectors to be distributed to residents in the Sumter County Fire District. Additionally, the department will be able to bring fire edu- cation to specific populations, such as those 65 and older, and hopefully prevent fires and related deaths. The grant requires the county to pay 10 percent of the full amount of the award, equal to $9,082, which com- missioners approved. did. Good luck with every- thing," she said. For Miss Sumter County, the winners were: Kourtni Strickland, Miss Sumter County; first runner-up, Laci Wells; second runner-up Jennifer Collins; third runner- up Carolyn Chandler; fourth runner-up, Erin Jones; and Miss Congeniality, Jennifer Collins. For Miss Teen Sumter County, the results were: Miss Teen Sumter County, Chelsea Bacon; first runner-up, Breonna Mertz; second runner- up Jelissa Garcia; third run- ner-up Amber Caruthers; and Miss Congeniality Amanda Vaughn. i-I L-..=J-^.%. \ 1'/LJ ,U VI.I I' L' l* l %J\_"J INC. * Carpet Ceramic Tile Laminate Wood Vinyl Quality you can depend on. 6 from our S familyto . yours. 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 (Next to Dollar General) S569-0171w _ X-MART continued from Page 1 according to the complaint A plea agreement was offered to Souliaguine by the state attorney's office with the condition that he "forfeit busi- ness license," the complaint states. The complaint claims that even if he desired to accept the plea offer, Souliaguine does not hold the business license. "Defendant King's office requirement of 'forfeit busi- ness license' shows that this prosecution is brought not for the purpose of prosecuting obscenity but rather, as indi- cated by (Farmer and King's) own statements, for the pur- pose of closure of (X-Mart)," according to the complaint. When X-Mart opened for business last summer, it was met with strong opposition from local leaders. Concern about the business was so strong that a special meeting was held in July 2004 at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood with local leaders to discuss potential problems with X-Mart. Both Farmer and King attended the meeting. "...The investigation into (X- Mart) was instituted because of complaints by citizens who were upset that the store was in existence, rather than them having actually viewed any matter in the store that they believed to be obscene," the complaint states. The complaint claims that..."the prosecution and arrest of Plaintiff Evgueni Souliaguine is being brought with bad faith motivation as ' its goal is not only to eliminate Plaintiff's store 'X-Mart' but to send a chilling message to others who wish to engage in First Amendment freedoms and rights in Sumter County that they also will be subject- ed to prosecution..." The complaint maintains that unless the court takes action, "Plaintiffs are in fear that...Defendants will contin- ue to proceed with their unlawful actions, including additional arrests, searches and seizures and interruption of Plaintiffs' legitimate busi- ness activities that will cause Plaintiffs' loss profits, further expenses to defend against pending and future criminal prosecutions and institute appropriate and necessary appellate proceedings, a sus- pension or revocation of license to operate and other monetary damages..." The complaint also seeks an undetermined amount of financial compensation for the costs associated with the pending court action. PERMANENT MAKE-UP (www.wake-up-with-make-up.com) at Salon Central (a full service salon) 352-793-7474 206 S. Fla. Ave., Bushnell SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 3 Plenty of fair left for fun! oice BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Talk about local talent and knowing folks at the fair - local school bands and stu- dent musicians lead the way on Thursday night at the annual Sumter County Fair. Gates open at 5 p.m. and the Wildwood Middle School Guitar Group and the South Sumter High Raider Jazz Band are on. The midway's filled with fun rides everything from kiddy rides to spinning, rac- ing, heart-pounding thrill rides. There's fried green toma- toes and giant fried onions, pizza and homemade roasts Rosie and Michelle enter- tained the crowd at the Sumter County Fair on Friday night with a variety of country songs. and coconut cake. There's strawberry shortcake, funnel cakes, popcorn and plenty more. Inside the business build- ing, booths are filled with information and ideas and chances to win prizes every- thing from a television to a smoker grill. There are plants from the Master Gardeners competi- tion and art on display and entertainers on stage. And that's just the last three days of the annual fair. Kids! This is it! Friday is your day the fair's yours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. that means free gate admission for kids, with clowns and puppets and even a special puppet show presented by "Born in a Barn Street Ministry." The puppets will be per- forming throughout the day, from 10:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. And Kid's Day may be over at 4 p.m., but the fun sure isn't. The Buster Family's performance is just begin- ning and lasts until 6 p.m. Their performance is fol- lowed by Sumter's perform- ance as folks of all ages, kid to senior, ,step on stage and share their talent. The Talent Show starts at 6 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. Jay Horak takes to the stage, followed by Al Downing at 7:45 p.m. and Dietra Green closes out the entertainment portion of the night. Green has been in karaoke competitions around the state, taking.her talent on the road to fairs and festivals. Last year, she added to her talents and now even writes some of her own music. The first two songs she wrote took first place in the .songwriting competition at the state level for Florida State CMA. It's Saturday and the last Young Larry Norman, 6, bravely waits for a spray-on tattoo at a booth at the fair. He is the son of Larry Norman Sr. of Bushnell. day of the fair, but the agenda is jam-packed. The Goat show and the Dairy Show are slated for Saturday goats at 10 a.m. and dairy at 1 p.m. Things will heat up through the day with the Fireman's Chili Cook-off. That's slated for 1 p.m. Firefighters around the county will vie for that one. And how about that hot dog eating contest? Wal-Mart's sponsoring the fun, which is set for 3 p.m. At 6 p.m., the Sumter Sweethearts take to stage before Dietra Green's back on stage, starting at 9 p.m. And if crash bang is some- thing that really catches your attention, the demolition derby starts at7 p.m. Local entertainer John Steed sang to the audience Saturday at the Sumter County Fair. Wednesday, March 9 Roy Sprouse, 23, Bushnell, was arrested for battery. No bond was set. Bobby Snodgrass, 54, Bushnell, was arrested for obtaining property by means of worthless check Bond was set at $5,000. Brad Keen, 24, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation for driving while license suspended. No bond was set. Tony Solomon, 32, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation for sec- ond-degree murder. No bond was set. Thursday, March 10 Jacob Cardona, 28, Bushnell, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended. Bond was set at $500. Anthony Luther, 36, Wildwood, was arrested for child support. Bond was set at $702. Lee Patterson, 18, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Bond was set at $10,000. Tyrone Ward, 33, Lake Pahasoffkee, was arrested for non-valid driver's license. No bond was set. Cynthia Wolfe, 46, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation for sale of methamphetamines. No bond was set; Manuel Martinez, 39, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for violation of.probation for driving while license sus- pended. No bond was set Daniel Roagers, 30, was arrested for child support. Bond was set at $520. Rose Burgas, 35, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation for failure to require child to attend school. No bond was set. Carlin Williams, 20, Coleman, was arrested on a 'warrant for petit theft and resisting without violence. Bond was set at $1,000. Friday, March 11 Lawrence Stephens, 23, Wildwood, was arrested for aggravated assault and bat- tery. No bond was set Donald Carr, 22, Webster, was arrested for possession of methamphetamines, pos- session of drug parapherna- -lia and violation of proba- tion. Bond was set at $2,500. Matthew Sloan 22i! Bushnell, was arrested for possession of methampheta- mine, possession of drug: paraphernalia. Bond was set at $2,500. Saturday, March 12 Patrick Driggers, 25,; 'Wildwood, was arrested for; false imprisonment and bat-, tery. No bond was set. Kelly Blaylock, 27;. Bushnell, was, arrested for,: driving under the influence*. Bond was set at $500. Eloise Frederick, 43,. Wildwood, was arrested for, trespassing. Bond was set at< $500. Ricardo Verdeja, 29r Bushnell, was arrested fopr violation of probation for bat, tery. No bond was set. Shannon Mercado, 33i, Webster, was arrested omn warrants for uttering a. forged check Bond was set aft* $5,000. George Odom, 20, Webster,! was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia. Bond was, set at $1,000. Sunday, March 13 Amanda Cruzado, 28,, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $500. Cecil Blalock, 484 Wildwood, was arrested for possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $500. Nicholas Molina, 30, Bushnell, was arrested for trespassing. Bond was set at $1,500. Sherman Griffs, 28, Lake" Panasoffkee, was arrested* for driving while license sus-r pended or revoked. Bond:: was set at $500. Monday, March 14 Herman Blair, 47, Wildwood, was arrested for,' driving while license sus- pended. Bond was set at, $1,000. Tammy Hayward, 27", Wildwood, was arrested fort violation of probation. No.: bond was set Matthew ,Sloan, 22,. Webster, was arrested for vio- lation of probation. No bond" was set Elizabeth Franz, 6, gets up close and personal with a young calf at the fair petting zoo, Old MacDonald's Farm. Elizabeth Franz, 6, gets up close and personal with a young calf at the fair petting zoo, Old MacDonald's Farm. Models needed for I c Permanent Make Up 5 Procedures- must be available Sat., Sun. and Mon. Apply at L T U-U Salon 352-529-0211 T ask for Joyce I 444 N.W. Main St. a Williston' a lw W 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 a wui$T0R00N7i) PORKW SEZ: Don't stay cooped up in the , house... PUT Get out and N enjoy life! iME "Dance as if no one's watching, sing as if no one's listening, and live everyday, as if it were your last." Iris Saying from www.irishcullureandcustoms.com Bring the whole FAMILY Oi _a 1 -Ir O p iay.ilS Fridy! ILaKO cGas 4707 C0f4IIW.. d6 E THE TRANSIT AND HA A... 0 vFEm ING EXPERIENCE T A 3 voolif 1 7UR LIFE - ME TRANSIT .40 SUMMER COUNTY TIMES (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ............,...352-793-2161 Circulation ................ ..1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertising................352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ............352-793-2161 Fax ......... ............. ... .352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Second Class Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES Office Hours 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Make your reservations anytime prior to 2:00 PM on the day before you want to travel. Call Today! 56-MOVE SUMTER ChOUNTYTRANSIT S5S-MOVE (6683). ' A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 SUMPIER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the. news staff of this newspaper Editor ......................Bob Reichman Publisher .................Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E.McCollumAve. SBushnell,FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our VOICE ,Come on out and have some fair fun SHY ave some friends that love neighborhood, to folks you attend t to paint or take pictures? church with or play baseball with. | How about sew? Are you It's comforting to see projects with ,teaching your kids the value of fair ribbons on display and realize agriculture? Do you believe in you really do know some of those family fun? Then plan on people. taking the family to the ____, As a matter of fact, Sumter County Fair. someone may have even There's still a couple of shared the story behind ,days left and there's their favorite picture, or Plenty to do! best recipe. There's band music, ., It's a little bit of every- :kid's day, a slate full of thing, from out-of-town entertainment and even entertainment to the a demolition derby. comfort of knowing SThere's a community- you're right here at Exhibit building where home. you're bound to find a And then, there are creation from one of BRENDA And then, there are your friends and there LOCKLEAR your friends ey re are familiar faces. in ----- right there on the mid- some of the concession way and there's one over ,stands. there at the concession stand. : This is the real thing your Some are watching the great "home-community, gives-you-the- entertainment or checking on iwarm-fuzzies" county fair. their livestock 9 It's the place where everybody Don't leave 'em guessing... don't Knows your name... well not every- make 'em ask, when it comes to :body, but you see plenty of folks wondering where you are... just ,y6u know from the. kids in the come on out and have some fun. i Youri VOC i~ ~ ~ f . ,Sumter County ,Solid Waste Facility . Several years now, I have lain, "awake nights and spent weekends, wondering and worrying how we would get our workload done. It is my Ojob and responsibility to see that the "operations of the Solid Waste Facility jare productive. It is damn near impos- ,sible to complete a job when your ,department has to borrow equipment 'from another department because ours is worn out and continuously ,under repair. Our buildings are too ,small, they were never built the size they were recommended to sustain ,the growth that Sumter County is undergoing. This practice has been "going on since my employment began with Sumter County in the Solid SWaste department q The Solid Waste department has been given equipment previously "worn out by other departments, leav- .ing us with two options. Costly repair aor an incomplete job. Every piece of 'equipment at the Solid Waste Facility .runs steady during operating hours, "when it is already worn out to begin 'with, you're already backing up, wast- "ing time and money. The Solid Waste Facility is operated ya great staff. Every employee is "dedicated and willing to step up when needed and work until the job is done. "They are good men and women work- Sing hard for Sumter County. They should be praised for their work "instead of told how inefficiently the 'facility is run on their behalf. This has been an ongoing struggle as long as I havee been employed here. The build- Sings are too small, the equipment is ,worn out, we are understaffed. This ,county is growing at an enormous :pace; yet this facility is expected to :keep up' and operate at an already ,overburdened capacity. No one seems kto be listening, we continue to be put ito the back and left out : Currently in the news, at least two 0of the commissioners representing rhe Villages want to shut the Solid "Waste Facility down. This is a world "renowned, award-winning facility; ,something Sumter County can take Great pride in their efforts to recycle mand preserve our community and world. Instead, for the last 10 years this facility has been put on the back burner at budget time. The new. equipment that we request in the budget never shows up to our depart- ment or ends up in another depart- ment working on a pet project some- where else. Again, Sumter County has repeatedly approved this rapid growth to developers; in order to keep up with this pace, departments such as Solid Waste must expand to incor- porate this growth as well. For many years, the county pay scale has been below average. We are currently very comparable to our sur- rounding counties. , Mr. Hoffman, a new commissioner representative from The Villages, has voiced that he would like to see a 25 percent decrease in County employee wages and a freeze on any upcoming raises. I would like to know what he made an hour before he decided to move to Florida and start messing around with Sumter County. I love this county and its people. I have spent my entire life here, but I do not like what has become of this county. You are beginning to get a taste of what is yet to come; before long this entire county will be run totally by The Villages. The citizens of Sumter County will have to answer to The Villages. Mr. Hoffman can show up with his figures on paper, but I don't believe he knows or cares just how long it took for the Solid Waste Facility to get to this point I don't feel this department has ever been important to anyone because it is "just a dump." That is wrong! The Sumter County Solid Waste, Composting and Recycling Facility is high-tech operation with dedicated county employees working hard for you. If you are reading this letter, I am in hopes that you have faith in your county employees and make an effort to see that this facility stays opera- tional and attain the much needed equipment to continue our efforts to keep this environmentally safe facili- ty going strong. Lonnie Cash Assistant Solid Waste Superintendent Lake Panasoffkee lb dbw e "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Your VOICE Mental Retardation Awareness Month March is national "Mental Retardation Awareness Month." Unaware to most, there are approximately 170 million people with intellectual disabilities worldwide, and more than 7 mil- lion in the United States, many in our own communities. Through Special Olympics, we serve over one million athletes with intellectual disabilities in more than 160 countries providing year-round sports training and competition in 26 Olympic-type summer and winter sports. Yet to reach the millions who could ben- efit from this program, we need the help.of many more volunteers and contributors. We see the abilities not the limi- tations of people with intellectu- al disabilities. This month, Special Olympics Florida athletes traveled to Nagano, Japan for the 2005 World Winter Games. The motto of the Games was "Let's Celebrate Together," words that Floridians seem to have already embraced. Citizens every- where showed their support of these extraordinary athletes by joining forces with Publix Supermarkets to raise over $1.1 million dollars 'for Special Olympics Florida in the month of January. Marriages: Willie James Haugabrook, 29, of Wildwood and Melani Latisha Williams, 25, of Wildwood. Robert Samuel Street, II, 29, of Wildwood and Candace Aline Franz, 27, of Wildwood Robert James O'Toole, 73, of the Villages and Joyce Marie Gayle, 69, of The Villages. Sherman Lee Mullens, 58, of Tenn. and Frances Portokalis Miller, 42, of Ocala. Jeffery Merle Chaddick, 43, of Wildwpod and. Bobbie Ellen Cochran, 40, of Wildwood. Gerald Dean Foran, 59, of Lady Lake and Audrey Alexandria Zink, 51, of Lady Lake. Jo Franklin Duke, 61, of Webster and Anita Lee Hawkins, 58, of Webster. Edward Joseph Blair, Jr., 67, of Lady Lake and Eileen Rita Lorentson, 63, of Lady Lake. Michael Sam Whitehurst, 38, of Summerfield and Marina Theresa Blessington, 38, of Summerfield. Joe Louis Walker, 67, of Sumterville' and Mary Lee Autry, 63, of Sumterville. Michael Eugene Finkley, 49, 'of Bushnell and Sharon Denise Johnson, 46, of Bushnell. Kevin Tod Brandt, 40, of Mo. and Amy Colleen Swenson, 40, of Mo. Bernholdt Robert Nystrom, 73, of Maine and Cecile Rugth This support helps make Special Olympics a reality for more people than ever before. While everyone can benefit from sports, for our athletes there are also clinical benefits like health and fitness and self-esteem and greater social adjustment. But at the end of the day, Special Olympics is an environment where people with intellectual disabilities can be successful and where parents can be proud of their children. That's no small feat given the amount of prejudice and discrim- ination that most of our athletes face on a day-to-day basis. By participating in Special Olympics, people with intellectu- al disabilities have gained the self-confidence and social skills to succeed both on and off the play- ing field: individuals once thought burdens to society are proving themselves productive citizens.. During "Mental Retardation Awareness Month," if you would like to support a movement that celebrates differences and embraces acceptance and under- standing, call Special Olympics Florida at 1-800-322-HERO (4376) or visit us on the web at www.sofl.org and volunteer today. In addition, April is "National Volunteerism Month," so get involved! Because with your help, everyone wins. Stefanski, 65, of Maine. James Matthew Wasilewski, 37, of Va. and Catherine Elizabeth Allan, 39, of London. Patrick Delano Morey Jr., 24, of Webster and Jessica Rae Russell, 21, of Webster. Garrett Dean Woodard, 23, of Bushnell and Deborah Marie Bunn, 22, of Webster. Benjamin Franklin Smart, III, 22, of Coleman and Jena Marie Lawson, 18, of Coleman. Dissolutions: Jesus and Hortencia J. Valdez. Ted Robert and Sherri Ann Chawcey. Philip W. and Sharon N. Sommers. Property Transactions: Robert F and Terry C. Ferara to Robert F Ferara, Jr. property in Section 21, Township 22S and Range 22E for $100; Phyllis J. Jacobs to Phyllis J. and Glenn C. Jacobs, property in Croomacoochee Estates Unit 3, for $100; John William and Karen Lee Croy, Trs. Fields Family Trust to John and Karen Lee Croy, proper- ty in Crestview Unit 2 for $100; Juanita Richards to Kenneth' Keefe, property in Villa De Leon for $113,500; Villages of Lake and Sumter, Inc. to Matthew A and Charlene B. Nichols, property in Monty Castevens President/CEO Special Olympics Florida Help keep children safe spread the word Ever notice a yellow and black "Safe Place" sign in a store win- dow or public building? It means that children seeking help can get it there. Employees at these sites are trained to quickly connect the youth with the nearest Florida Network youth crisis center. No matter what the child's circum- stance, help arrives in minutegi From there, safe shelter, counsel! ing or other needed services are provided. Last year Youth and Family Alternatives and other Florida Network agencies told 734,378 school children what the Safe Place signs mean. But that's only 20 percent of Florida's children under age 18. Do the children in your house and neighborhood know what the yellow and black signs mean? This week would be a good time to tell them. March 13-19 is National Safe Place Week. Spread the word! MaryD. Richter, Executive Director Florida Network of Youth & Family Services Villages Unit 92 for $256,500; to Charles E. Bryan property in Villages Unit 91, for $305,900; to Charles. G. and Annamarie R.Meissler, property in Villages Unit 70 for $179,800; to Ronald L. and Nancy A. Chretien property in Jasper Villas, for $219,900; to Edward P Price, property in Villages Unit 85, for $147,400; to Peggy A. Douglas, property in Viallges Unit 89, for $130,800; Larry Daniel and Lois Reynolds Allen to Larry D. and Lois I. Allen Living Trust, Larry Daniel and Lois Reynolds Allen, Trs. Property Sumter Gardens for $0; Constance 'M. and Nicholas W Konatsotis to Nicholas W and Constance M. Konatsotis, property in Villages Unit 27 for $100; Dawne D. Short and James Kiker to Credit Greenport LLC and Barnett Credit Corporation, property in Oakland Hills for $100; Everett L and Ruthann H. Lamson to Merrill L. and Eileen D. Williams, Trs. Williams Family Trust property in Holly Hill Farms for $40,900; John A Kirkham, III and Wanda C. Kirkham, Ind..& Trs. of John A Kirkham III and Wanda C. Kirkham Revocable Trust Agreement to Myrtle M. Andrus, property in the Villages Unit 27, for $285,000. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste ' or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. I' News 6fRECORD M-A SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 5 Bushnell couple has Habitat to 1 Barbara and John Whitman stand in front of their new Bushnell home Sumter County Habitat for Humanity helped them to acquire at a dedication ceremony on Saturday, March 12, just days before moving In. AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Since John and Barbara Whitman's mobile home burned down almost two years ago, they've been living in a 10- by 6-foot camper they borrowed from a relative. The Whitmans,haven't had many of the amenities most are accustomed to. As of Saturday, March 12, the contents of their home consisted of a bed, a small television, a microwave, and not much else. Now, thanks to Sumter County Habitat for Humanity, the couple will enjoy a newly built 1,008-square-foot home, something they've been work- ing toward for the past two years. "We can't wait to cook a real meal," Mrs. Whitman said as she stood in her new kitchen at the home dedication on Saturday, adding that "having a real kitchen and bath" is what she's missed the most during this time. She said during 24 years of marriage, she and her hus- band acquired many things, which were all lost in the fire. "You never really know what you had until you lose it all," she said. "We lost a lot of stuff, but we gained a lot too." The lifelong Bushnell residents said their family helped them to get through this difficult time. Their mothers both live nearby as do their children, Justin, 22, and Amanda, 24. At the dedication were some of the Whitmans' family members, as well as friends and Habitat board members and employees. "It is a joyous occasion indeed," said Executive Director Lavon Harkins. "This was my very first build, so it was a Wlarning experi- ence for me too," she said. She led the group of about a dozen people in prayer and song, Bless this House, and present- ed the Whitmans with a bible and a hug. Since the tragedy that led them to this event, the Whitmans were in constant contact with Harkins. They spoke almost daily, sometimes several times in one day. The Whitmans said they had no insurance on their mobile home, and soon after the fire, they contacted Harkins. "Ms. Harkins started thank: immediately trying to help us," Barbara said. However, getting a homo built is not an easy task Tho Whitmans had to put huir- dreds of hours of labor into their house, as well as a small down payment on the 20-yeat, interest-free mortgage. They had to go through a application process, permit- ting, and finding a home- builder. The waiting, work, and hardship endured by the Whitmans seemed well wortli- while to them as they gazed ah their new home during Saturday's dedication. "This has been a miracle," Mrs. Whitman said. "This is whern we'll be the rest of our lives."' According to Harkins, thiA was the thirteenth Habitat home built in Sumter, and two applications have been approved recently. Applicants must have inadequate hous- ing, the ability to pay for the mortgage, and are required to put their own labor into build- ing the home. Sumter County Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that is funded through donations and a Wildwood thrift store. CHANGE. 7 i205 Built-in walkie-talkie GPS-enabled Wireless Web access Excluding taxes and shipping fees* Theres never been a better time to get the power of Nextel. NEXTELI AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER 99c LIMITED TIME ONLY CEllulARr((((Co TEC NICS,,m Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free Offers expire March 31, 2005. i205 Phone Offer: While supplies last. Final price of $0.99 is based on Point-of-Sale savings of $49 off the national promotional price of $49.99. Requires two-year service agreement, new activation and credit approval. $200 early termination fee applies, after 15-day trial period (30 days in CA). $35 per phone setup fee, up to $70 max per account (some markets a max of $80/account per order). Additional charges: state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1.343% or 1.5%, in some states a Gross Receipt Recovery Fee or other taxes, fees or assessments, a TRS charge of approx. .07%, and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available in all markets. Other conditions.may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are.service marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. lm CIUIMTED rCOnrv (FI. TIMFs. THTTRSnAY MARCH 17. 2005 Oaks j AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer SBeyond seemingly endless ws of colorful quilts of vari- us shapes and sizes, a group f tables at the Oaks campground recreation building contained small quilts depicting cartoon char- acters, teddy bears, toys, ani- nals, and angels. I The Oaks Quilters, of the (Oaks Campground in Vushnell, have worked for the lpst three years to create these children'ss quilts, and have Iteen presenting them to fining Hands, Inc. annually t the Oaks Annual Quilt Show. SBarbara Lightner, Joining #ands founder, received 36 ouilts on behalf of her organi- z.tion Saturday, March 12, to .ive to terminally ill children laying in hospitals, where she says being comfortable is important. "The kids get attached to these," Lightner sid, explaining that on each c uilt there is a removable I watch for displaying the ciild's name so it, won't get lost in moving around at hos- pitals. i Sometimes, Lightner said, tae quilts are one of the few things these children can lAeep with them during treat- ient and hospital stays and the purpose is to bring some Doris L. Brown, 79, secretary Doris L. Brown, 79, of Bushnell, died Tuesday, 1iarch 8, 2005, in Bushnell. &he was born in Piney Creek, If.C. Mrs. Brown was a secre- tary for the U.S. government She was a member of Mt Zion Methodist Church, Piney dreek, N.C. Survivors include son, Dennis L. Brown of winter Garden; daughter, inda Brown Hanson of Ilowling Green, Ky., four andchildren and four great- Sandchildren. Interment was MLC'Zibn United Methodist Church Cemetery, Piney Creek. North Carolina. Rhjrcell Funeral Home, 4ishnell, handled the apangements. Fjnda N. Covington, 67, waitress ,tinda N. Covington, 67, of LIke Panasoffkee, died Ilesday, March 8, 2005, in IWverness. She was born in Jndy Hook, Ky. Mrs. vington was a waitress in restaurant industry and s of the Baptist faith. Survivors include two daugh- t s, Carmen Covington of ike Panasoffkee and I*borah Ann Covington of IDjbary, Fla.; two sisters, Alice C(ick and Brenda Gossard, hbth of Lake Panasoffkee; and a" granddaughter, Chelsea Q vington of Lake l4nasoffkee. ":Purcell Funeral Home, Ipshnell, handled the arrangements. , FRances L. Mervin, 4, homemaker .Frances Lucille Mervin, 84, - SBushnell, died Monday, ]Vrreh 7, 2005, in Inverness. e was born in Circleville, Id. Mrs. Mervin was a home- aker. She was preceded in Swath by her husband, nmuel Mervin, who passed aay Jan. 5, 1995. Survivors include two daughters, I~verly Pitcher and Barbara +han; four grandchildren, 1nica McGuire, Kimberly ntley, Bobbie Givens and ,i1. Mahan; and five great- gandchildren, Christopher, Abandon, April, Evan and Zoe. Services were held March 10 a the Florida National dmetery in Bushnell with Rev. Ron Thomas officiating. l&rcell Funeral Home, Bashnell, handled the arrangements. LIllian R. Roberts, 78, homemaker Slilliah R. Roberts, 78, of rew Port Richey, died 'Tursday, March 10, 2005, in b1w 4l1 IRCELL quilters show, donate Photos by Amanda Mims Oaks Quilters presented Barbara Lightner, founder of Helping Hands, with 36 baby quilts for terminally ill children at their Annual Quilt Show held on Saturday, March 12. Shown from left to right are: Connie Stein, Juanita Makila, Shirley Brenner, Barbara Lightner, and Gerry Green. comfort and happiness into their lives. The children who benefit from Lightner's program have been primarily Lake County residents, but she's expanding her efforts into Sumter. Joining Hands started after Lightner befriended a cancer- stricken child when she her- self was being treated for can- cer. The quilts, which go to children at Shands and Arnold Palmer Hospitals, are just one way the organization helps sick children. Additionally, Joining Hands Leesburg. She was born in Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Roberts was a homemaker and a member of the St Lawrence Catholic Church. Survivors include four sons, Jim (Mary Ellen) Roberts of Bushnell, Patrick (Kathy) Roberts of Tarpon Lake, Fla., Joseph (Barbara) Roberts of Barrington, Ill., and Dean (Susan) Roberts of Villa Park, Ill.; nine grandchildren, Jim Roberts, Sandra Coll, Sara Roberts, Lisa Clements, Daniel Roberts, Bradley Roberts, Aaron Roberts, Jodi Roberts and Melissa Roberts. Services were held on March 14 at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Bushnell, Interment was at the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, with Father Peter Sagorski officiating. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Barbara G. Smith, 76, teacher Barbara Gene Smith, 76, of Bushnell, formerly of Middle lle, Mich., died Sunday, Feb. 27, 2005. She was born in Portland, Mich., in 1928. Barbara married Richard E. Smith in 1950. They resided in Middleville, Mich., and owned Smith Pharmacy for over 30 years. Barbara graduated from Western Michigan University with Bachelor and Master's degrees in Education. She retired from Thornapple Kellogg Elementary School in Middleville, Mich., in 1988. Upon retiring, Barbara and Dick became full-time RVers until Dick's passing in 1991. After Richard's death, Barbara continued their dream of travel throughout North America and Mexico in an RV For the past 10 years she has resided in Bushnell. Survivors include her three children and two granddaughters. Kevin Smith and Amy Smith, both of Fort Lauderdale, and Craig Smith of Jacksonville, and Craig's daughters Cassie and Courtney. A memorial service was held March 13 at the Florida Memorial Gardens in Rockledge, Fla. Beach Funeral Home in Rockledge, Fla., provided the informa- tion. Conie 1'oes8 eas. . fe1ev4~ec~at ee,- Ace,1960 FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell L Owner John D. Purcell Founder provides necessary medical equipment to children in need. "She has a wonderful cause, which she feels very strongly ( UJ Oh 0 I 0 .^* ,-;.. ^--v U u 4 U ch *>1 Ul 0 S411 I I UJ l. Oh ul 0 I UJ u UJ 1,l^4. COUPLE WEDS pants displayed their work throughout the building, and had the opportunity to vote for their favorite quilts in ten dif- ferent categories. They were awarded ribbons near the end of the show, and had drawings for door prizes throughout the day. Also, throughout the show, quilting demonstrations were being conducted. The Oaks Quilters meet once a week on Wednesdays to discuss ideas, trade tips and designs, and of course, quilt Besides working on their own personal quilts, the women are also making a relay for life quilt and have made several pink quilts for breast cancer awareness. They've even been quilting for some of the local pre-k children. Helping Hands, Inc. is seek- ing more children in need. For more information or to donate, call Barbara Lightner at (352) 728-1815 or write to: Joining Hands, Inc., PO. Box 493055, Leesburg, FL 34749- 3055. about," said Connie Stein, Quilters treasurer. As for the rest of the show, -the Quilters had a busy day. Beginning at 10 a.m., partici- Worship This Week at I I BUSHNELL (BUSHNELL SEVENTH D.E\N - ADVENTIST CHURCH CL..rm' ScMri.noFi & i l..n-I i-. W or.rp Hour. o R. 11 -. I Sjabbath School 10 45 r. .1 Sat \Ved Pra'er lceuirig 30 .4Al Ielcome LADYLAKE | ( Hope Lutheran Church > 250 Alenida Los Angelos ':,rner f. C J ,-66 M r,:r ld I Th\ V\llcliC, Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM F .- r r ,:r Irl ,i r ri:311 a ll 75') vi21 ir O.-ur W t, i ,te ww rh.:.pcelin, err,,nre...,ll3, .:.r , Bringing Church and Flock Together Your Sumter County Church Directory LAKE PANASOFFKEEI 4 LAKE PANASOFFKEE ' UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SunJay .:c.r rp 8 3) 11AM u,,13u 5.:ri.:. 9 4 Chi,'jr nCnur:r. 11 AM Pastor Williston Brewer S H.y k P,.0-Lb liu .kil, .fji h t 4 -vJ 2,' rFirst Baptist Church" of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday, Services 8 30i & 10.50 a m Sunday Scr-c,, ... 9.45 .a m Sunday Evening. l"-,ii. p.mr, Wed,-. ay ri.h] Praver Meel.ri ; I rM y Pastor Jon Kinq 2 'fDaths ol G i ace ihnlso les Il .CI Ill H .l.i.. I i. n P):. ,-. r P all. H Q.:. 1 . Mornng(tormnlp-----l- ) '3',0 '*.. Sriay Evening-- 6 00 Weaneiday Nigni- 7 00 ..,1. 793-1600 l1,77"7r! i'. 1 n LM l -L ar.3 1:.t.1 Ll., I COiMr | LEESBURG f GLORIA DEI - LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a m. L 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2 SUMrERVIL LE United Methodist Church "OVER 150YEARS OF PRAYER' 2565 CR522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 Ir.illtEsyodI indeJSundiv rilirhlp.terild e3 2r m Pan.m Chrieiombim-i SAll children. n n. invited I. ~ F * ~ ~:- 1' ~V~ii~ BUSHNELL First Church of God A "I lillt 'i .il :, :,'l.' 1Ii 793-3455 'S M,,1 i ''.,-i.l',,,,, 'll .i 4i L, 'rr,; W ,.,r h. Ill H [, l' E, h ,ri f I ll l ir, S fiiandaU Bij.r F'a.nr '-q. :' ) SAll Are I'elcome A.t1 BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD l,,r l IA., ,"a"-l' l ,Q, r 4: M f l I P 1.1: Sunday Schoo,., 9 30 A r.1 Wed Diciple.i.rp Nighi 7 00 PM I 1451 Wesi C.R 476. Bushnell 793-22400/ 'St. Francis Episcopal Church) 3li N e r. e, i.At Li' i:i, - r0O Eo\ 5,. i,:. 1",?y !5- IV.'rie-da.v iBble 'rud\ p m Hol\ Eiud-iart 10 a m Sunda\ i -,iday Jiio.:! 1'i a m AA rnttc r-hurdai\ at S p m /THE BUSHNELL PRESBYTERIAN\ CHURCH LISA ;i Br Public iWor-Vup- 10 3"0 i MOND-A', AA Crouup kMetn?. ii , V i LP'T['$ V, Bible .tudv 1'' i" i 352-793-4202 First Boptist Church of Bushl-nell 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 '$naig me Gsoa Ne.of e iiO .nterniou aiin Cnr.c;" :.r l.j3 I lud, *:' I r ':,jr,.J., W .'.P i rIl II j 'i- I .' jnji,,Vt.:.. rr, ,.1 We dare :.3.a, blle- ;ruIa,. i,:; f 1 "First United Methodist Churchb 221 W. Noble Ave. S...,: -... raith. Hnpe & Lo.e Sunday Schvol ,I) iia.m I'unrIhp 10:5 on.m CEL L.O, Ii ir, Edu. n-,'i,,r i L ii,-n "if'5l p ni Diweiple&' Dialogue, VWed. i:311 p.m. .'-i,.,r Pi .r. uI 1.,rbi 6 jbll) p m c uscaun p ) ::. i, mil p l. l-( Dui.] in- ...p. r i -'j p n A-AnouIn, Fridti, m i.1 p Rn H "A.R. llh Sul illi. i m R Larrn Armbrui-i,P ilt.r 793-3221 j millFiL (.Jil n Or C'H 1i.T .310 W. Dad Ave 793-8428 Sunday Bible Stuy 10 a m Sunday Worship Senice I a m Eitninrg Wor.rhip p E i wednesday Bible Study 7 p m 2 Indian .'tlI'Baptitt Church I .'i i Ii. " Sunday SchoI.,I .945 ar. Molirlng W rhip ... 1c Ou r Ev ningr Woraship .. 7:) pm Weivrinelday Praver Service .7 0,00 prr r Pleasant Hill Baptist Church- CR-316A, 13ushnell Sunday School... ........ 9:45 A.M. W orship. ............ .... 11:00 a.ru. Sunday Evening Worship .. 6.00 P u. Wednesday Prayer Service .7:00 r.i 1 793-5083 P,7tor A ike Kil ) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Casteel announced the marriage of their daughter, Lisa Jeanine to Curtis Andrew Peacock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Peacock. They were married at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 26 at the Oxford Assembly of God. A reception followed the ceremony. t the Church of Your Choice WAHOO | (Discover the Difference!) 6111, Reaa, Sunaao Wednesday Evening tl-n ':,:5: r,,T.ur ,] i: 1. r. ", l t,, S r:,,:, ur. ,:.r 352 793-6015) | WEBSIER | r Webster United - Methodist Church Invites You To Attend worship Service 11 00 a.m Church Sch.:,l 9:45 a.m 1-3 S E 3rd Si Wceier., FL 335E.97 13521 793.3734 .4 pratiIng cthirch First Baptist Church of Webster /4 mile east 0of471 on SE 1st Ave. l.l'.'- i-,. rp I.,I I :I ".er,,'..-, -..: e .f ,:,,) Pr, WILDWOOD | (FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH"- 402 Oxford Street 748-1822 SUNDA iJi' HOCOL ,ote q 4 AM WO .HIP .0 e i ) AM 11 iX AM S ,ii(, PM WEDf:IE."A I: RA, ER MEEtiiG 6 I I 'M SLINDAi EVErilNl SEHviCE i6 : I'PM I PASTOR: REV. CRAIG ATTAWAY ) /Wildwood United Methodisit 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11-00 am Nursery Provided K^ 748-1275 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Bar% ick St.. Wilddsood. FL 34785 6, (352) 748-2530 2 S SUNSET PARK CHURCH OF GOD 2iJ Pine Street 748-1318 (t ai,-, .,N A. I l,!r, S Tddj i.'d lE ---'-'1 W II! Nii l,,h K[Mrll: W WELCOME ALL!!!!!! J oicr P E ^C E J@Y -IFELLM 0 m I 0 m m 0 I 0 m I, 0 m Uo I 0 793-4531 rlAUE 0, DUMItR k-,UUI41Y krJi,) 111'1r I nu"Al I i a I I I -.1 I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 7 Unlike some churches, mine is not a dancing sort. During worship we may be rocking on the inside, but for the most part we're not dancing in the aisles. That's just our style. The funny thing is, in the past few years some of the people throughout my denomination have been talking and writing a lot about dancing. My pastor .. talks a lot about dancing, '. too. Not dancing in church, . but dancing with God. You might not know this NA' about me, but I'm a dancer KaEl - in my dreams. At 3 a.m. when I'm sound asleep I'm also gliding across a polished wood- en dance floor in three-quarter, time. I'm agile and easy, my move- ments flowing and fluid. I'm lithe and nimble, graceful as a gazelle. Eat your heart out, Ginger Rogers. In my dreams, anyway In real life, I trip over my feet more often than not, even while standing still. The one saving grace to never hav- ing been invited to a high school prom is that I never had to subject myself or my prom date to my lethal two left feet. A few years ago I wrote a story about being left-handed. During my research I discovered there may be a physiological reason for my klutziness on the dance floor. It seems ballroom dancing was designed for a right-handed man leading and a right-handed woman following. Because I'm on the "extreme left" end of the left-hand- ed scale (according to a test I took), and because it's a brain, not a feet, thing, I have a medical excuse for stepping on toes. Maybe I'll ask my doctor for a note: "To whom it may concern: Nancy Kennedy is exempt from all dance-related activity, including, LN "ss but not limited to, the waltz, fox trot, tango and jitterbug. And please, whatever you do, don't let her near the electric slide! It could be haz- ardous to everyone's --- health." That might get me out of future proms; but it won't change my wanting to be a graceful- dancer. Oh, to be a dancer, full of grace! Inside, not just in my dreams, but in my soul, I already am a dancer. I Atwl move and stretch and do- Icy si-do with ease as the IEDY music flows through every "" fiber of my being. Despite my natural lack of grace, I know I was made to dance. I remember as a little girl, danc- ing with my dad. He would pick me Easter Sunday is approach- ing. The music will be play- ing because Jesus is risen from the dead. He'll hold out his hand and ask, "May I have this dance?" .up and twirl me around the living room. Then I would stand on top of his feet as he moved to the music. "Look at me I'm dancing!" I'd shout to no one in particular. It did- n't matter if no one was watching; I was dancing with my daddy who loved me like I was a princess. More than 40 years later, I still long to dance. There's something inside of me that stirs whenever I hear the music beckon. Not just any music, but the music of the gospel. The music of grace. It makes me want to run into my Father's arms, take his lead and fol- low, or maybe stand on his feet while he does the dancing. I'll just go along for the ride and shout to no one in particular, "Look at me - I'm dancing!" , I had said my church is not a dancing church, but that's not exactly true. We have a beautiful blonde woman and several other equally beautiful young girls who sometimes do a worshipful ballet during a Sunday service. When they dance, I watch in awe at their grace. That's when I remind myself that God has given me grace, too. Saving grace, sufficient grace. Sanctifying grace that changes me from the inside out. Grace that comes through faith in Christ and draws me to the Cross again, and again and again. Grace that bids me to dance with the Father. "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him," wrote the apostle John. That all the whosoevers who would believe in him would not perish, but dance with him forever. Easter Sunday is approaching. The music will be playing because Jesus is risen from the dead. He'll hold out his hand and ask, "May I have this dance?" And even if I stay planted firmly in my seat, in my heart I'll be danc- ing. Hallelujah! Amen. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough," and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 352-564- 2927, Monday through Thursday, or, via e-mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. Hoidy Season An Easter dance Date Time 3/29/05 6:15pm Place Board Hearing Room Second Floor Sumter County Courthouse Bushnell, Florida 33513 Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 pm is through the * East door. Persons needing special assistance,' gaining access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any special arrangements. Notice is given if any person desires to appeal any action.taken by the Board at the above hearings, a .verbatim record of the proceedings may be "f necessary and is not prepared or furnished by the ; Board. Interested parties may appear at the meeting and, be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. , A copy of the proposed ordinance is available by contacting 352-793-0200 and is available in the',,' County Commission Office located in Room 206 " Sumter County Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. ', Dated this 3/15/05 Gloria Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court , By: -s- Jan Kirkpatrick Deputy Clerk (1eJ Selr.kel Orr'P"'" In Japan. folding paper into animals, plants. A" and objects is an art called origami. Try ,*, the art of paper folding. Cut oun the square. then follo %% the directions, starting % ith ,-Y step 1. to make the origami bunn . ^^-- ----- I \ ", .. ',,.2 -00" I I . L -------------- ------------------------ Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow multiple step written directions. _p "-C'. o0o @@^) Buzz and Beeper Bunn\ are back %%ith all kinds of Easter mun. If the acti\ ities on thi_ page seem hard, find some bunnN to help lou If t1 looks easy. help some bunn. lounger than \oul1 NNY HUN Y B U N N N N B Y N N Li N B U U Y B Li N B U N N B U N B N Ll N'Y B Y N N U Y N N Y N N Li Y Y N U B N U B U Y B Y N N Y N N U N N Y N N U N N U B N Li B A LT N N U B How many times can you find the word BUNNY in this puzzle? HINT: The word BUNNY is peeleded for,'iard. baN.ckard. ap. do,,. n. and iagonall,. You moa' usee he same lender more thbn once SSCOR 0 ING I 3 = Good Start 4 6 = V\'ery Good 6 10 = Excellent I + = Awesome! itflnO.T Irai.lj.Ij l a1 lo anrd l r3-ar 64-page book from Scholastic. Great for teachers! To order, visit: www.kidscoop.com Help Buzz and Beeper deliver the baskets. There's a basket for each of the animals in I the zoo. Draw a line from each animal to its basket. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow multiple step written directions. -, /- WhaT kind of FacTIs Opinions I ]ST oies do bunnes Look through the TorI-0r ad ne,,spapet for The secret code to crack Like beST? advertisements Beeper's riddle is hidden' with an Easter in the egg rows. theme. Circle the is the letter A.The egg to the right of it is B. A i The next is C, and so on. The alphabet follows in order from left to right, top -- - to bottom. Each egg stands for one letter of the alphabet. W . Standards Links: Decoding: Recognize letters of the alphabet. Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. facts in yello". Circle the opinions in green. Slnds1ds Link: Reading Comprerarnislon Distingui'h btiween adc ar, opinion In .apJIo r leeX IN 60 8ecold,8find a mny marhmnalloi chickies on Thre page a? y. ciThenh-o e a oend? Try. Who fo more? ORIGAMI JAPAN ALPHABET BASKET BEEPER, BUNNY OPINIONS AWESOME DELIVERY SILLY GREEN EASTER PAPER EGG MAKE Find the words in the puzzle, then in this week's Kid Scoop stories and activities. 2 HOGRET SAEY APR PKNYR.TR Y I E I AAEEEE LNEAMP B P K V L INS TAGA S I I OEUH J G PAL S NRPBAE I B E L S LB EE P ERD LAWE SOME O SStandards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognizing Identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Trust qQpa Who do you trust? Do you know why? Can you find a picture in the newspaper of someone you trust? Can you find a picture of -someone you would not trust? Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information; Health: Recognize qualities that build strong character. Easter Bunny Spotted! The Easter Bunny has been spotted and you're the reporter covering the story. Be sure to tell who, what, when, where, why and how. Proof itM Are you an eagle-eyed reader? Circle the errors in the article below. Origami has become a popular art knot just in Japan but throughout the world. It can be used four e rything from from party decorations to puzzles to jewelry. The word origami comes froia the Japanese language. "Ori" means folded, and "kami means paper. Experimenting with different ways of flooding paper can lead two exciting knew designs. Il'l iTH 'F1 TT M hM ... leaving a nice note telling a family member how much you love them. This week's word SURREPTITIOUS The word surreptitious means acting in a sneaky or secret way. The cat walked along the fence in a surreptitious way, hoping to avoid the dog. Use the word surreptitious in a sentence today when talking with your friends, parents or teachers. m 2005byvs.krWhting ES or m 676-0317-SCT NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS The Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County proposes to adopt the following by ordinance: : AN ORDINANCE OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, MAKING FINDINGS CONCERNING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS,' DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN SUCH DEVELOPMENTS THAT ARE SOLELY FOR TEMPORARY STAYS WITH LOT RENTALS AND THOSE WITH LOTS FOR SALE,, PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR REVIEW, REGULATING TYPES OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND SIZE OF LOTS IN DEVELOPMENTS WITH LOTS FOR SALE, REQUIRING ALL LOTS WITHIN A DEVELOPMENT, WITH LOTS FOR SALE TO BE SUBJECT TO ALL IMPACT FEES AND COUNTY ASSESSMENTS,, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION AND FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS,, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Public hearing is scheduled as follows: - I a PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 -AG Friday Night at the Movies Free? Free! Looking for a fun family night, that anyone can afford? Gather up the kids and head for the movies! This month's movie is slated for Friday, March 18, and the fun's at the Lake Panasofflkee United Methodist Church. There's absolutely no admis- sion for the movie and if you're looking for a snack, you can find a great bargain on everything in the snack bar, from hot dogs and popcorn to candy and beefjerky So plan to come spend Friday Night at the Movies for fun, family and films. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult For more information about movie night or the movie title for February, call the church at 793-3438. The church is located at 589 CR 470, Lake Panasoffkee. Church scholarship barbeque Bushnell 6 First United Methodist Church, 221 W. Noble Avenue, invites the pub- lic to their Scholarship Barbeque on Saturday, March 19. Carry out meals at a cost of $5 each will be sold on the church lawn from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., and tickets can be purchased in advance at the Church Office. Each meal will include bar- bequed chicken prepared by Don Linger, baked beans, coleslaw, and a roll. Homemade deserts and bever- ages will be available for pur- chase separately. All proceeds will go to the First United Methodist Church Scholarship which will be awarded to a South Sumter High School student For more information please call the Church Office at 793- 3221. Flea market and bake sale Thd will be a' Flea Market and Bake Sale on Saturday, March 19, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., on the St. Lawrence Catholic Church grounds. $5 per space. For reserva- tions, call Mrs. Jean Petty at 793-7773. Anyone wishing to donate good used items may do so by dropping / them offat the church. ///, Sponsored by the '//// Women's Guild of St. '//" / Lawrence Catholic Church. / / / Concert at /// First Baptist // Kayla Powell will be in concert at the First Baptist Church of / / Bushnell, 125 W. / / Anderson Avenue, on Sunday, March 20 at 6 / / p.m./ Kayla is 16 years old from Fort Myers. Kayla recently sang at the Gaither Homecoming Concert and has also / opened for Avalon, / Steve Green and Toby Mac. She has brought the love of Jesus in song to audiences large and small from children to senior adults, and we are excited to have her / come to sing at FBC Bushnell. Kayla's website is www.kaylapowell.com. A love offering will be taken during the con- cert. The public is invited to attend. Call the church office at 793-4612 for information. Good Friday service First United Methodist Church, 221 W Noble Avenue, invites the public to attend their annual Good Friday service on March 25, from noon until 1 p.m., in the Church Sanctuary. The service will feature, .pecjial musicc and, reflection! . 'p~n t.r crucifdlion o6fChrisLt Their Easter Celebration Service will be held at 10:50 a.m. on Easter Sunday. Pastor Larry Armbrust will be sharing a Resurrection message, and the service will be filled.with music by the Worship team, Celebration Chorus and Sanctuary Choir. All faiths are invited to attend both services. For more information per- taining to their Easter service schedule, please call the Church Office at 793-3221. Spring Fling for children First Baptist Church of Webster will host a Spring Fling for children ages 2 through 10 on Saturday, :March 26, from 11 a.m. until 1. p. n. Biggest Over 0 Easter .1soo Egg Hunt 'g In Sumter County 4- Ducks, Chicks & Bunnies to Pet <|ej ,t t Puppet Show 0 Brought to our community by g SBUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD 4 1451 W. CR476 Bushnell A '- m^,w^ ry" ^^" ',,:"'" There will be games, prizes and an Easter Egg Hunt- food and fun for all. The church is located at 173 S.E. 1st Avenue and all chil- dren between the stated ages are invited to join in the event Easter musical 'One Holy Lamb' The Worship Choir of the First Baptist Church of Bushnell, 125 W Anderson Avenue, will present the Easter musical entitled, "One Holy Lamb" on Easter Sunday, March 27, during the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. The public is welcome to jpin us as we celebrate the glorious resurrection oflour Lord & Savior Jesus Christ this Easter. Hot meal served St. Francis Episcopal Church at 313 N. Grace St Bushnell, is serving a free hot meal to those who are in need every Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 1 ,\, p.m. Family \ \\ caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each S month the Lake - Panasoffkee United \ Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are \ \ invited. For more informa- tion, call the church office at 352-793-3438. Alzheimer care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the rc h office for more information at 352- 793-3438. . Newspaper Recycling Bin First United Methodist Church, located at 221 W Noble Avenue in Bushnell, has installed a newspaper recycling bin. The church will use proceeds from recycled newspapers to fund global ministries opportu- nities. The bin is for newspapers only. For more information, call the church office at 793-3221. Wednesday night dinners return Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church is pleased to announce the return of our Wednesday night dinners. starting at 4 p.m. Join us for some good food and great fel- lowship. All are welcome to attend. Please call the church office for more information at 352-793-3438, or visit our web page at: www.gbgm-umc.org/lakepana- umc. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Mission House open to public Greater Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of 4319 Lime Street, Coleman, Mission House will be open to the public every Monday and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. providing cloth- ing and food. For information, call 352/748-4990 (office). Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further information please call 352-793-7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to take place weekly. Groceries will be distrib- uted every Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon and available on a first come first served basis. One visit per family each month. Any questions please call the -church office: jas 3- 1600 and ask for RlQ, SN'OW SH*OWINC SATURDAY MARCH 26 7:00PM PASSION OF THE CHRIST I fll, Food will be served from 6:00PM to 7:00PM followed by the showing and the movie and snacks are free. Passion of the Christ will also be shown Easter morning at 10AM no Sunday School. BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1451 W. CR476 Bushnell For more information, call the church at 793-2240. ,~'1 ~'.1 1~.~~*~~ JAJA*1 L4-' SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 9 Local groups recognized for community service Certificates of appreciation were awarded to several local groups including "Al's Pals," Community National Bank, Daily Commercial, Kiwanis Club of Bushnell, Kiwanis Club of Wildwood, Lake Sentinel, McDonald's, South Sumter High School NJROTC, Sumter Sun, SunTrust Bank, "The Escapees", Wal-Mart, the Sumter County Times, and the Sumter Shopper. The certificates were presented by The Salvation Army - Sumter Service Center in appreciation of the groups' sup- port during the recent holiday season. The groups are. among those who helped with the Angel Tree, the Red Kettle Campaign and Community Awareness. They, along with many others will also be honored at the upcoming recogni- tion event "The Anchor Holds" in Leesburg. During the holiday season, volunteers and supporters made it possible for The Salvation Anmy to assist, 1,074 peo- ple. "There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available right now", said Eleanor Stewart, Director of Volunteers. "We need help with taking social service interviews and assisting people with immediate assistance with utility bills, rent and food", she added. Volunteers will also be needed to plan this coming year's holiday assistance programs and the Red Kettle Campaign and other community activities. If you are interested in The Salvation Army programs, how to make a donation, or how to become a volunteer, please call The Salvation Army Sumter County Service Center at 352-568-2284. The Salvation Army is a Participating Agency with United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties, and the Human Care Network. Mid-Week Lenten Services WEDNESDAYS at 4:00 p.m. Good Friday Worship Service Service 1:00 p.m. Sri .MAUNk m Service 7:00 p.m. ^^BtyO~t4By^ ^0 SriFg Fling First Baptist Church of Webster 173 S.E. First Ave. Saturday. March 26, 2005 11:00 am to 1 pm HOLY MONDAY HOLY TUESDAY HOLY WEDNESDAY HOLY THURSDAY GOOD RIDAY HOLY SATURDAY EA TER SUNDAY 7.00 pm Walking Rosary in the Garden iBilingtal) 7:00 pm Evening Prayer (Bilingual 7.00 pm Drama of the Lord's Supper Spanish 7:00 pm Mass of the Lord's Supper (Bilingutal Washing of the Feet/ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament unal 10:00 PM 3;00 pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion 6:00 pm Live Stadons of the Cross starting at the Red Social Hall 7:30 pm Celebraton of the Lord's Passion Spanish 7:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass (Bilinguat) 8:00 am & 10:00 am Mass in English 12:30 pm Mass in Spanish ST VINCENT de PAUL MISSION 5195 E. C-462 WILDWOOD, (352) 330-0220 FAr Peter A. Sagorski Pastor Fr. Pedro Zapata Pastoral Vicar 2005 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE tioLy THRusDaY GGOOD FRIDAY "HOLY SATURDAY 00ASTER SUNDAY~ 4:00 pm Mass of the Lord's Supper Washing of the Feet Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 7:00 pm 3!00 pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion 7:30 prn Easter Vigil Mass 7:30 am, 9;00 am 10!30 am & 5:45 pm Mass ATTEND CHURCH WITH YOUR FAMILY .kND FRIENDS PALM SUNDAY MARCH 20TH 10:50 A.M. PARADE OF PA LMS GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE, MARCH 25TH NOON TO 1:00 P.M. Special Music, The Oaks Double Quartet Good Friday Meditation, Pastor Armbrust ., EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 27TH 10:50 A.Mi, "" Special Music, Sanctuary Choir Easter Message, Pastor Armbrust First United Methodist Church 221 W. Noble, Bushnell For more information call 793-3221 Easter Sunday Sunrise Service \followed by free breakfast Regular Service ; 9:30 a.m. 589 CR 470 793-3438 , Note Sunrise and 9:30 a.m. service only on Easter Easter Egg Hunt 11a.m. Maundy Thursday Sat. March 2 7 p.m. TheRebel! WANTED A comedy musical presentation of "The Prodigal Son" Sat. Dinner 5 p.m.- $10 Sun. Matinee 3 p.m.- $3 , April & 10 Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church 589 CR 470 Community National Bank was honored for supporting the Salvation Army. EASTER SUNDAY "SUNRISE SERVICE" 7:00 a.m. Follow ed by Continenr:tl Breakfast "AT THE CROSS" Canlata 11:00 a.m. SunTrust Bank was honored for supporting the Salvation Army. _ -- M..iiw-i-iH~u..* -,- .......gr ........a.a. gB. aaB..g..g.. ag. g^w r St. Francis Episcopal ChurchI IN Gu eS I i.h r 31 bu, hrieI. FL Palm -Sunda sHol) Eucharki i Iii'I" A Malund) I1hur,;da) Benring Sur'ikv iiPM Eaitur Sundo Ctlehrarion Chr,,i~w-f, l,,,: HolyEutharim i lIIl, ii -~ ~~i~ F ha, 1 .... " COME JUST As You ARE" What does a leper, prostitute, the sick, the poor, the hungry, an adulterer, widows outsiders, & thieves all have in common? Jesus' Love! How Could He Love Someone Like That? Come and hear HOW Easter Sunday and every Sunday after! 5TAGECOACH JUNCTION FILLOW5MIP Meeting at the Tampa Equestrian Center // | Sunrise Service @ 7 f ll Cowboy Breakfast @ 8 Info/Directions: (866) 753-5753 or www.stagecoachjunction.org HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH SGOOD FRIDAY March 25th 7:30 PM Tenebrae Service "Voices of Hope" EASTER WORSHIP SERVICES SATURDAY March Z6th 4:00 PM Holy Communion SUNDAY March 27th 6:15 AM Community Easter Sunrise Service at the Villages Polo Field The Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, The Rev. Dr. Barry Black EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP with Holy Communion * 8:00 AM 9:40 AM 1 I:15 AM EASTER WORSHIP AT CHURCH on the'square 12:00 NOON Pastor Barry Hunteman, Preaching 250 AVENIDA LOS ANGELS CORNER MORSE BLVD & RT. 466 ' www.hopelurheraninthevlllages.org Faith Easter Sunday Easter Egg Hunt 10 am to II am and Fellowship 1st Corinthians 15:12-20 King James Version Holy Bible 12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen; . 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15 wit ha' raise not not 16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ. we are of all men Yea, and we are found false most miserable. nesses of God, because we 20 But now is Christ risen ve testified of God that he from the dead, and become the sed up Christ; whom he raised first-fruits of them that slept. t up, if so be that the dead rise 2 Miles North of Webster CR 471 793-3418 tItl-t Sunday) School 10:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt, fo352 r 732 (*nmes, and Prizes (3 admission Food & Fun price Ages 2 thru 10. t aE This Yua.Mosi MeaningfuiEalter Season Ever Sumterville | United Methodist Church Join us for a Community Easter Program & Easter Egg Hunt ,- Easter Sunday Afternoon ,,r I 2-4 p.m. '-.. Prizes! Refreshments! A Surprise in Every Egg! 2565 CR 522 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 t Sumterville FL 33585 ST&. ILA K UE, 320 E. DADE AVENUE BUSHNELL 4352) 793-7788 Fr. Peter A. Sagorski Pastor Fr. Pedro Zapata Pastoral Wcar 2005 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Church NA PAGE 10. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 Try YOU'LL LUKE rF C-U - * -- - 4D - O4WDa 4 w- o. -Wa 4 EM4p -.d d- dI 4 4- -4w o - ~ -. w '~ ~ - ~. .~ - I -: ~- w - -~.- - .. --~ ~ - - ~ m - - ~ ~- 0 ~ 04m - m olp -la e- -40 _ onrig ted Material -- t~~ "-" - .mmqw 0-ft 0 S n icated Content -- Availablfrom Comm-ercial News Providers". GF.0.10 d qmtmw W 0 --O -. 0 ---da -ob .11. 40 -=W. 0.0 0 -do dmliluo 40 fm -mpM 4 am opw w w -.=-am W 4f .-ow -4 -ow- " 00-ow~- 0*~- 1 -4 uoO- 0-d 401- 4w-* - 40 "" 40 4D- O-GAN '" 4 1mo -d am 4 4O 4-- b-0.9 40 0 .40-440 -- 01- - * .f"I b% -q w w -00a - 0-00 wM%- .- ..- om 4- 000-bw 4mmm W amume 4" 4000P --ds 04 Qm 90 *o 04101 0- omow d Aw -4 41E m t - 0al- 0 m-4mb- amo qd -vm- d 1M4 00 40-- 4000..0 -W 4w 4w -0Q e fw m9 milling IT q SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 11 FFA has land judging competition oTeam mtesn AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Students of Wildwood and South Sumter high schools and middle schools made their way down about a mile of lime rock road to the Lake Panasoffkee Wildlife Management Area on Friday, March 11, to determine the land quality there. The Future Farmers of America members were given an opportunity to do what is normally done by soil scientists. The Sumter County Public Works Department came out the day before the event to dig four holes measuring three feet by six feet and 60 inches deep, which is not required for soil study, but was done for the students' benefit in gaining visual perspective. USDA Soil Scientist Richard Ford, USDA District Conservationist Calvin Hubbard and Soil and Water Conservation District Chairman Donald Todd were there to help guide the stu- dents and judge the results. Chris Linhart of Southwest Florida Water Management District was also there, as well as agriculture instruc- tors Larry Shuyler, Susan Swartzfager, Patty Wells, and Joel camp. At each of the four stations, students concentrated on what they'd been taught about soil makeup and wrote down their findings. "They're mixing water with the soil to see if- it sticks," Todd said as he watched some of the students pouring water out of a bottle onto the soil and feeling its texture. "If it doesn't have clay in it, it falls apart. Clay content is nutritionally advantageous," he said. Overall, they spent about two hours looking at the qual- ity of the soil, roots, and thinking about recorded lev- els of such elements as cop- per, boron, iron, and phos- phorous. It's an activity that involves using all of the senses, according to 14-year-old Jade STipton, a, freshman 1 at ,Wildwood .High School. "It's important. It's very interest- ing," she said. "It's not some- thing many people know much about." Tipton said she's considering a career in real estate, for which knowl- edge of land quality is essen- tial. "This may come in handy The Wildwood FFA members took most of the awards during Sumter's annual land judging. Shown from left to right (front row, Wildwood Middle): Travis Childs, Justin Gaskins, Staci Childs, Jenna Truss, Sierra Jones. Second row (Wildwood High): Teri Watson, Lindsey Tillman, Kylie Ondriezek, Jade Tipton, Shelby Carpenter, Kaitlyn Boran, Crystal Swartzfager, and Rusty Swartzfager. Back row (Wildwood High) Jesse LeNoir and David Swartzfager. A l FFA members looked at soil quality during their yearly land-judging event. South Sumter High School students (except where otherwise specified) from left to right are (front row): Quentin Reid, Victoria Summerlin, Lily McNeal (SSMS), and Quintin Story (SSMS). Back row: Walter Cook, Justin Story, Robert Johnson, Kaitlyn Dietz, and Kaitlin Reid. ine day?' she said. When it was all over, both Wildwood Middle School and Wildwood High School came out ahead of South Sumter in the school divisions. Individual first-, second-, and third-place winners.were chosen from the middle O ROPNE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - O*60GALLON $7900 SET & FILL Prices good 100GALLON $ 1 09 0 thru 4/6/05 SET & FILL W7 PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated C 352-793-1211 TODAYi FAX 352-793-1918 WALKING IS A COMPLETE EXERCISE CYCLE... involving nearly every muscle and bone in the body.I SLIM 6.1z Free Time NARROW 6-12 for women M;EU 4442 WIDE 52 I ,-l 5-1 E 5 1 Z STrue whole and half sizes. Some colors do not come in all widths. ------------------- L----------------------- Lake Square Mail 10401 136 S. Hwy.441 SLeesburg, FL 34788 tNext to Sears) 352-326-2641 TOLL FREE 1-866-746-3240 Time Out for men school and high school divi- sions. For high school, first place went to Lindsey Tillman, second to Rusty Swartzfager, and third to David Swartzfager, all of Wildwood High School. For the middle school division first place went to Travis Childs of Wildwood Middle. second to Quint in Story of South Sumter Middle, and third to Sierra Jones of Wildwood Middle. There were $25, $20, and $15 cash prizes for first-, second-, and third- place winners. sheriff's office A team of assessors from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) will arrive April 5 to examine all aspects of the Sumter County Sheriff's office policies and procedures, man- agement, operations, and sup- port services, Sheriff William 0. Farmer Jr. announced recently. The Sumter County Sheriff's Office has to comply with approximately 272 stari- dards in order to receive accredited status, As part of the on-site assess- ment, agency members and the general public are invited to offer comments to the assesS- ment team. The public may call (352) 568-6617 on April 6, between the hours of 8 a.nj. and 5 p.m. Telephone coii- ments are limited to 10 mir- utes and must address th, agency's ability to comply wit] CFA standards. For more information regarding CFA or for person wishing to offer written coqn ments about the Sumte r County Sheriff's Office's abili - ty to meet the standards of accreditation, please write: CFA, 3504 Lake Lynda Drive, Suite 380, Orlando, FL 32817. The Accreditation Prograri Manager for Sumter County iA Deputy Brent Evans. He sail the assessment team is cor- posed of law enforcement practitioners from similar agencies. The assessors wi1 review written materials; interview individuals; anI visit offices and other place, w .:ere compliance can be wi- nessed. I Once the Commission'd assessors complete their * review of the agency, the'/ report back to the ful Commission, which will the, decide if the agency is to receive re-accredited status. Sumter County's accreditatio$ is for three years. Verification by the team that the Sumtet County Sheriff's Office meet, the Commission's standards i, part of a voluntary process tt gain or maintain accreditation - a highly prized recognition of law enforcement professions al excellence, Sheriff Williar 0. Farmer Jr. said. -1 -7 .tljucairt J K.u:"Trn,:-i r the r oF '"t e-p. -ririceri cataract iurgeo.n rir. Eait P Cj i or ij I J Hiili.Oouach Ccurintie He 'hah 2 .4 ,eor. e."p-riernc e in cataract surgery and has SJ performed over 13,000 Insta-Sight MlDietr Cataract Surgeries and 21,000 Cataract Surgeries. Dr. Kaufman was the first physician to use the foldable implant since FDA's approval in Hillsborough and. Pasco Counties. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at USF's College of Medicine. Ask Us About Glaucoma Treatment, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Eye Care, Laser Treatment and Eye Examinations Just Specs Optical Boutique ,On-Site Pharmacy o u FLORIDA EYE CARE LASER ,& CATARACT CENTERS As t roess ' Experience, caring and excellence Since 1981. Unique Well Water Systeml Re moves ron & Sulfur (Rust Stains -Taste and Rotten Egg Odor) NoLChNoiSall NO Chemicals No Messy Potassium Permanganale 11.o CIlornne No Electricity No Electrical Parts to Repair or Replace No Customer Adjustments No Operating Expense Slop Spending Hundreds of Dollars a Year Fully Automatic Treaing',ourWaer S or treeI ft n ler i ir n n orF Ic' Iu I uimhlon... Phone ... -Citrus Water Conditioning NO SALT KIKINETICO ' [hi I rg l /ll it i j t 1 1 d( i.\ 'l t llr. 'C--'.TT S> S "Over 42 Years Experience" T Serving Citrus County 24 Years jj4 SUMTER COUNTY 793-7115 i. 1 1814 W-CR48 Bushnell It's Just A Foot... ...until It Starts To Hurt! That's When we Can Help. CENTRAL FLORIDA FOOT CARE, P.A. Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com tBCOwrr.Ki ^gif ^Jyl~wr0TBafl.f flw E afir-Mfli Bm =- nM ~i"BS n. flU. h.~ .1t.U' MODIFIED, SPORTSMEN, MINI STOCK, HOBBY STOCK, THUNDER STOCK, 4 CYLINDER i I PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 Summer CALENDAR Thursday, March 17 St. Patrick's Day Dinner consisting of corned beef and cabbage with veggies, bread and dessert, will be held from 11 a.m. to ?. There is a $5.50 donation. This event will be held at the VFW Post 10137, C.R. 476-B. For information, call the Post at 793-8511. Flea Market and Book Sale, March 17 and 18, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Panasoffkee Community Library, 1500 C.R. 459. Clean and useable items - needed. Saturday, March 19 Sumterville Cleanup CATS (Citizens Against Trashy Sumter) is holding a cleanup in Sumterville from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sumterville Park. If you've been to a CATS Cleanup, you know what you can or cannot bring. If you're not familiar with us, or you have any questions, call Paul or Al at 793-0230, Sandy at 793- 8599, or Diana at 748-6391. It's free. Wildwood AARP Chapter #4839 will have a Bake and Craft Sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Bealls store in the Wildwood Shopping Center. The Lady Lake Democrats Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Julio Iglesias room at La Hacienda Center in The Villages. Coffee fellow- ship at 9:30 a.m.; program at 10 a.m. All Lake, Marion and Sumter County Democrats and independent voters are encouraged to attend this meeting. 2005 dues are due. For more information, con- tact Bill Calhoun, president, at 750-6430. The Tri-County Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will host a Spaghetti Luncheon from 11 to 1:30 at Fire Station 29, Nobleton (nine miles west of Bushnell on Rt 476). Enjoy spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and cof- fee/tea for a donation of $4.50. Then visit our Bake Sale for a home baked dessert or for an entire treat for later. Thursday, March 24 The Sumter County Interagency group will be hav- ing their monthly meeting at. 11:30 a.m. at Catfish Johnny's in Lake Panasoffkee. This month's speaker will be Pamela Barron, Administrative Assistant, for Life Stream Behavioral Center. Everyone is welcome to attend, have lunch, and join our professional networking group. Saturday, March 26 LifeSouth Community Blood Center-Hernando Region Bloodmobile schedule for Sumter County. All drives are open to the public. All donors receive a recog- nition T-shirt and a choles- terol screening. Donors must be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and show a valid I.D. LifeSouth is a community blood center that supplies 39 medical facil- ities in a 17-county area of North Central Florida, includ- ing Shands at UF, Veterans Affairs Memorial Hospital, Shands at AGH, North Florida Regional Medical Center, Citrus Memorial Hospital, Seven Rivers Community Hospital, Brooksville Regional Hospital and Spring Regional Hospital. LifeSouth is a non-profit, charitable organization that supplies blood and blood com- ponents to more than 110 medical facilities in Florida, Alabama and Georgia. For more information, call 352- 596-2002 or www.lifesouth.org. The police department plans a full day of valuable information and assisting the citizens with our Vial of Life Program (free kits as long as they last). Gun Lock Safety (Project Child Safety). (Free locks available as long as they last.) Bicycle registration. This event will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 501 N. Market Street, Bushnell (Bushnell Police Department). For more information, call Joyce Bullock at the Bushnell Police Department, 352-793- 6810, or cell phone at 303- 4720. 0 The team from Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School will be having a yard sale, bake sale and car wash, from 8 a.m, to 4 p.m., to raise funds for the Relay for Life. All proceeds will stay in the Sumter County area. This event will take place at 502 N. Market St., Bushnell (Bushnell Police Department). Anyone having donations for the yard sale would be greatly appreciated. Pick up available if necessary. Please call any of the three following persons for more information: Joy Burdeshaw, 352-303-3027, (work 352-793-2241); Tania Scherer, 352-303-1860; Joyce Bullock, 352-303-4720 (work 352-793-6810). 0 The Villages Democrats will meet at 9:30 a.m. at La Hacienda Center. The meeting will open at 9:30 with a Bagel Buffet ($4) featuring lox and bagels and other pastries and toppings. The program at 10 a.m. is based on the New York Times' best-selling book, "Don't Think of an Elephant", the definitive handbook on what happened in the 2004 elec- tions., The author, George Lakoff, describes how conser- vatives think, and how to counter their arguments All Villagers are invited to attend both the buffet and the program. Please call Eleanor Strickland (750-2311) for buf- fet reservations. Wed., March 30 A free lecture on Managing your Diabetes will be present- ed at noon at the Bushnell Family Practice Center, 117 W. Belt Avenue, Suite A., Bushnell. A free lunch will be provided. To register, call 352-568- 1988. Thursday, March 31 The Lake-Sumter Unit of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) will celebrate its 50th anniversary at LRMC North, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. A Continental will be hosted by Hospice of Lake and Sumter. Dr. Mary Van Hook will present "Family Interventions and Resiliency Theory" from 9:30 to 12:30. Three free CEUs will be offered. From 12:30 to 1:30 a free lunch will be served and social workers will be hon- ored. RSVP to Stephanie Saylor at 352-323-5507. Please leave a message about the number planning to attend both break- fast and lunch. If Stephanie is not available, please leave a message. More information is avail- able on the Web at www.geoci- ties.com/nasw lakesumter. Friday, April 1 Sumter Super Seniors monthly meeting will meet at 10 a.m. at Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 (corner of Hwy 301 and C.R. 468 near Coleman). It is a fun place to meet other seniors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyone is encouraged to attend, bring a friend, and enjoy lunch Saturday, April 2 Rabies and Vaccination Clinic Low-cost vaccinations at the Animal Care Center of Wildwood, in the Wildwood Shopping Center. Proceeds benefit the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. Time is 8:45 a.m. to noon. Rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats only $6. For dogs, dis- temper/parvo (DHLPP) vacci- nations are $9 and bordetella vaccinations are only $9. For cats, feline distemper vaccina- tions are $9 and feline leukemia vaccinations are $11. No office visit charge. Also, Sumter County Pet licenses will be sold by Sumter County Animal Control Officers at the clinic. $5 for altered pets, $10 for unaltered pets. You must have a current rabies certificate issued by a veterinarian and proof that your pet is spayed or neutered. The first annual Blue Heron Pilot Club Biker Brain Bash Poker Run is set. The ride begins/ends at the Sumter County Courthouse, located at 209 N. Florida Street in Bushnell. Sign-in starts at 8 a.m. Last bike out at 11 a.m. Entry fee is $10 single rider; $15 double. Fee includes one hand, extra hands optional. Lunch provid- ed for all participants. Win prizes, enter the 50/50 drawing. Inquiries or RSVPs to biker- brainbash_2005@yahoo.com All donations raised to bene- fit the projects and operating costs of the Blue Heron Pilot Club, Inc., focusing on assisting people with brain-related injuries and disorders in our local community. 0 The Veterans Administration is celebrating the grand opening of the Community Based Outpatient Clinic located at Laurel Professional Center, 1950 Laurel Manor Drive #24, The, Villages, with a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony at 10 a.m. Please come and be a part of this special event. If you have any questions, contact the Veteran Services Office at 352-793-0235. Photo by Brenda Locklear County Administrator Bernard Dew displayed a great sense of humor, when his staff wanted to celebrate his birthday with a few laughs. Dew (center) is shown laughing as staff members show off the various things they think he'll be needing now that he's turned 60. Those things include an age eraser and constant monitoring. Staffers dressed in medical smocks and cov- ered Dew's office in banners and other items that make reference to aging. Shown surrounding Dew, (left to right) are: Tracy Kelley, Jessica Clark, Kitty Fields, Amanda Taylor, Shelly Hunt, Chris Morrison. Sumter Transit announces bus routes Sumter County Transit, always an innovative leader in the public transportation industry, began new and improved fixed bus routes on March 15, 2005. Transit, a department of the Board of Sumter County Commissioners, has been in existence since October 1993, and has run a deviated fixed route since April of 1996. A fixed route is a transit service where vehicles run on regular, pre-designated, pre- scheduled routes, with no deviation. Typically, fixed- route service is characterized by printed schedules or timetables, designated- bus stops where passengers boar and alight, and the use of larg- er transit vehicles. A deviated fixed route means the bus can deviate a little bit off the route. This type of transit is a hybrid of fixed-route and demand- response services. While a bus passes along fixed stops and keeps to a timetable, the bus can vary its course between two stops to go to a specific location on demand. Transit is going from run- ning three routes to now run- ning five routes. One of the new routes is a circulator route in The Villages. It will include many shopping opportunities, as well as med- ical facilities. With the new changes and additions to the routes, Transit is traveling to additional Sumter County communities. They are Royal, Continental Country Club, Adamsville, and Croom-a- Coochee. Whether these extra loca- tions. will remain on the routes will depend on the rid- ership from these area. Fares to ride the deviated fixed routes are being waived for an introductory period as an enticement to promote riding the routes. Deviations will still have a 50-cent charge. For more information, con- tact Pam Taylor. at Sumter County Transit at 568-6683. Langley awarded Florida's VitaGrant Thomas E. Langley Medical Center has recently been accepted as a site for the VitaGrant program. Jointly sponsored by the Florida Department of Health and the March of Dimes, VitaGrant's goal is to promote the use of folic acid in women of repro- ductive age to reduce the risk of certain birth defects and increase awareness of the important of good health both before and during pregnancy. A key component of the Florida VitaGrant program is distributing multivitamins containing the recommended daily allowance of folic acid. At least 450,000 bottles of mul- tivitamins will be distributed free to non-pregnant women of childbearing age across the state through a number of dis- tribution sites. Any non-pregnant woman between 14 and 44 is eligible for a free bottle of multivita- mins. They can request them during their visit with their doctor at Thomas E. Langley Medical Center. Currently, adult medicine providers, Healthy Start and Behavioral Health providers are distrib- uting the vitamins. Vitamin distribution will continue for the next three years or until all of the vitamins have been distributed. For more information regarding the VitaGrant. pro-,., .gram contact Andrea. BReda,1, Behavioral Health Clinical" Manager at (352) 569-2903. I u Y u Ad ttwd 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Total Circulation: 1.9 Million 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Circulation: 1.9 Million (8 67 2-3 3. ... Your business running shorthanded? Call WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, the area's largest permanent placement agency, We'll help you locate, interview and keep employees through continued training and development. Last year, we helped area companies locate over 43,000 job seekers, all at no cost. Call 800.757.4598 or visit WorkforceCentralFlorida.com today to find out how we can lend your business a hand. WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA WC P3PQW k QMa II~?IMIV tYM[AIRNTod$AS. sm 8AUI ton M l WOO i w Ials O km'W wo&M~bro 'mIy a INVERNESS MEDICAL CENTER 931 South U.S. Hwy. 41 Inverness, FL 34450 352.726.1886 The clinic is staffed by Dr. Ken and Linda Halinski, PhD ARNP. Services include superior primary whole person health care for all ages, acupuncture and massage therapy. HOURS: MON. 9AM-8PM;TUES. 7AM-4PM;WED. 9AM-4PM; THURS. 9AM-8PM; FRI. 7AM-4PM; SAT. 9AM-I PM Meeting All Your Health Care Needs SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 13 A learning experience at turkey seminars at the Bass Pro Shops During the past month, I have been spending quite a bit of. time in both the Ft. Lauderdale and Orlando Bass Pro Shops. Each year in the early spring, Don Parker from Ft. White, my fellow Primos Hunting Calls Pro-Staff mem- ber here in Florida visit the Bass Pro Shops in Florida and conduct seminars on how to hunt wild turkey during the gobbler season and especially how to successfully go after the famous and coveted species of Wild Turkey known as the Osceola of which we are so fortunate to have in abun- dance in the central and southern portions of our state. Without question, the, Osceola Wild Turkey is the hardest and most difficult to hunt and have long been the early morning elusive frustra- tion and disappointment to many hunters who go in hot pursuit after them each spring yet for those of us avid Florida Cracker gobbler hunters who love springtime gobbler hunting the Osceola is our way of life. There is absolutely no doubt and without question the mag- nificent and noble Osceola Wild Turkey Gobblers are very cunning as they well have to be because of the type of rough habitat and terrene in which they spend their entire lives in. Here in Central Florida, we have vast wet swamps loaded down with towering hard- wood hammocks teeming with hoards of blood sucking mos- quitoes and ticks along with countless acres of rattlesnake infested dense palmetto flats and scrubs where the Osceola yet thrives and frankly it is not every gobbler hunter that has the grit, determination, perse- verance and sheer fortitude to go after a long bearded Osceola Gobblers in his on ter- ritory and his own terms. This is the major reason the native wild turkey we have in central and south Florida is properly named "Osceola" in honor of the great and noble Seminole Indian war -chief that was never defeated in battle as he made the rigorous unforgiving Florida swamps his place of solitude. Sadly, the only way the great Indian Chief Osceola was eventually captured was by deception and the many lies of our forked tongued so- called great leaders in Washington during that shameful period of our histo- ry. Today, many of our Osceola Gobblers are still shamefully killed by using bait and other illegal methods instead of "going after them in a fair chase manner but I reckon those so called mighty gobbler hunters can be proud of their unlawful method of hunting and hopefully they will either be caught and arrested even- tually and until that time take a deal of pride in their illu- sions of being a mighty and self pro-claimed great turkey hunter. The Great Chief Osceola lived on some the very same islands located deep in the mighty Wahoo swamp border- ing the Withlacoochee River where each spring a few seri- ous and efficient hunters still go after the native Flofida wild turkey. These are the same places that the namesake of Chief Osceola none other than the Florida Wild Turkey thrived back then living right adjacent with the mighty Seminole Chief his family and his small band of fearless warriors where the Florida wild turkey now properly named the Osceola still makes his home until this very day. Both Chief Osceola and the native Florida swamp turkey were extremely efficient in eluding their enemies and both were more than capable of escap- ing those pursuing them. The Osceola wild turkey is not nearly as vocal with his gobbling as his cousins of the north and west and in fact with the exception of gobbling on the roost around the break of day many Osceola gobblers. have learned to keep their mouth shut tight during the day light hours. This is a major reason that Primos Pro staff member Don Parker demonstrating turkey call at the Orlando Pass Pro Shop. an Osceola gobbler is so diffi- cult to hunt by gobbler hunters from other state. Most of the Eastern Gobbler and especially the ones out west gobble their fool heads off all day long and well-trained monkey could hunt and kill most of those gobblers. When you go after an Osceola in the deep wet swamps of Florida you had better be well prepared and ready to take then on in their own terms and in their territo- ry. All of the fancy turkey call- ing to them will gain very little if the hunter is not in the right place and well prepared to sit for hours waiting for the long bearded and sharp spurred Osceola to show up. Oh yes, the gobbler has heard the fancy calling and knows just exactly where the hunter is but the hunter is still going to have to convince the wary gobbler he is the real thing and not a concealed enemy waiting in ambush. This is where absolute patience and more patience pays off as well as being able to ignore the droves of mos- quitoes buzzing around and the thoughts of a multitude of ticks slowing making their way over your body. Most of the hunters from out of state might be pretty good hunters in the open hard- woods of the north but here in the swamps and scrubs the majority of turkey hunter can- not adapt to the mandatory methods necessary to get after and finally out smart a long bearded Osceola Gobbler. Folks, I recently had the wonderful opportunity to attend a large gathering of Christian men at the Green Pond Baptist Church near Polk City. This was a fantastic fun filled day where a bunch of fine Christian men got together for a day of fellow- ship and a wild game dinner. I was invited to the gather- ing to demonstrate some .of the "Primos Game Calls" and I am here to tell you all I had a natural ball putting on my show. I met many old friends some of whom I had not seen since back during the days I use to be a Game Warden and worked that part of the state. I also made a heap of new ones to boot. Folks, I am here to tell you.; all that it gave' me a mighty fine feeling seeing a bunch of loving Dads and Grand Daddy's spending a day with - their kids at this wholesome and worth while event. One of , the pick up trucks at the gath- ering had a bumper sticker that read, "Take your ,kids hunting today and you want have hunt them tomorrow." - Folks, you can't say it no bet- ter than that March 19-20, 2005 Ocala, Florida Central Florida Community College "Gymnasium" 3001 College Road (Hwy. 200) Exit 350 off 1-75 Saturday: 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. 5 p.m. A quality selection of fine Antiques for the collector. Sterling Silver Coins Paper Weights Sewing Items Pickard China R.S. Prussia Royal Bonn Pattern Glass Steiff Animals Costume Jewelry Art Glass Furniture Limoges Royal Copenhagen Knives Bronzes Antique Jewelry and Watches 750 Hummel & Goebel Figurines Linens Antique Toys, Country Items Signed Cut Glass .Hand Painted China Perfume Bottles I Clocks Music Boxes French Automata Venetian Glass Haviland China Royal Doulton Open Salt Dishes Netsukes Antique Boxes American Art pottery Roseville, Rookwood & Weller Orientals, Rose Medallion, Cloisonne A Quality Antique Show with something for everyone. Dealers are also interested in purchasing your Antiques. To Benefit the Historic Ocala Preservation Society Information during show. 1-727-692-8715 Presented by: Weather Vane Antique Shows 727-692-8715 Weekend Admission $5.00 $1.00 off with this Ad Good for both days! FREE Parking Lunch Served I I I I I II Sumter County Public Household/Business Electronics & Works Hazardous ~mQn 1~ 0 anD to I3 [pom. at the South Sumter High School pak06 N in Street, Bushnell 706 N. Main Street, Bushnell What to bring What not to bring Automotive fluids *[ Biological/Infectious waste ,* Automotive batteries *Explosive Cleaners Radioactive waste Fertilizers Smoke detectors * Fluorescent lamps and mercury-containing devices * Fungicides * Wood preservative * Herbicides * Household batteries * Household electronics (TVs, VCRs, computers, etc.) * Latex & oil based paints * Paint removers * Paint thinners * Pesticides * Pool chemicals * Solvents * Propane tanks (251bs) Empty paint cans (1) Do NOT mix chemicals together. (2) Keep products in original labeled containers if possible. (3) Place containers into cardboard boxes to prevent breakage. (4) Place leaky container in clear plastic bag and transport in box with newspaper. (5) Put boxes in trunk or in back of vehicle away from passengers. ..' For more information on this and other mobile collections, "A .om contact Sumter county Public Works at 352-793-0240 @ @ PAGE 14, S.UMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 r..Sumtzer TlDBITS - Horticulture Show The Horticulture Show at the Sumter County Fair will be held March 11 to March 19, sponsored by Master Gardeners of Sumter County, in conjunction with the Sumter County Fair Board. All possible precautions to protect your plant will be taken. The Fair Board and the Master Gardeners cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged plants. Plant check-in times: Wednesday, March 9, and Thursday, March 10, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Plant pick-up is Sunday, March 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. AAA Auto Club south The AAA Auto Club South is proud to be an exhibitor at the 2005 Sumter County Fair. To celebrate, we're hosting three prize drawings. All you have to do is stop by our booth and register to win. Our third prize: a great new roadside emergency kit filled with loads of "goodies." If you don't win third prize, how about moving up to sec- ond prize? Four tickets to Arabian Nights Dinner Theatre in Orlando. And if those don't tickle your fancy, our first prize is a two-night, three-day stay at- fabulous Perry's Ocean-Edge Resort in beautiful Daytona Beach. All you have to do is visit the AAA booth and enter. We'll be at the fair from the opening, on March 11, through the closing, on March 19. 2005 'Relay For Life' The 2005 "Relay For Life" will take place on April 8 and 9 at the Lake/Sumter Community College in Sumterville. For more information, call the local American Cancer Society office at 352-326-9599, ext. 115. History of Linden books for sale The Linden Cemetery Association reminds every- One of our most recent books, 'Ties That Bind II, More SAbout the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery :Picnic. This is. a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232-page, indexed, hard- bound edition that features approximately 500 obituaries 'of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total pho- tographs. 0 Ties That Bind II sells for a ,donation of $25 and may be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group - meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. AARP TAX-AIDE volunteers Volunteers are needed to provide free tax assistance to low and middle income resi- dents of Sumter County dur- ing the upcoming tax season. This is an extremely reward- ing experience and volun- teers will receive free Internal Revenue tax train- ing. There are also opportuni- ties for volunteers as client coordinators and support per- sonnel. AARP TAX-AIDE is administered by the AARP Foundation and the IRS. For more information on how to join the Sumter County TAX-AIDE team, contact Terry Allison at 352-746-9985, or tallisol@tampabay.rr.com. Sumter Super Seniors Meets every second Friday from October to March from 10 a.m. until noon at Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 (corner of 301 and 468 near Coleman). Fun place to meet other sen- iors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyone is encouraged to attend, bring a friend, and enjoy lunch. Kof C Bingo The Knights of Columbus has bingo every Thursday at the corner of Dade and U.S. 301 in Bushnell. Doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo starts at 6. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County extension agent for residential horticul- ture, with selected guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering effi- ciently; mulching; compost- ing; fertilizing appropriately; managing yard pests; rain bar- rels, storm water runoff; wildlife, hummingbirds and butterflies; protecting the waterfront. All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Blue Heron Club meets 2ndTuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- one interested in becoming a member. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the sec- ond Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of I- 75, 2 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to couples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. Live music by George Britt For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Florida Division Yankee Air Force, Inc. presents the 5th Annual Freedom Flys with Collings Foundation March 18, 19 & 20, 2005 $400 donation-Reserve a ride on a "::" vintage bomber 0I $8 donation tour bombers -, Donations gratefully accepted at gate to benefit Fl. Div.-YAF and ,'117 museum (separate donation) Dunnellon Airport CR. 484 (X35) Skydivers Fly-in Planes Kettle Korn ice cream peanuts .. F4U Corsai Dog tags vendors food drinks . Pancake breakfast, Sat and Sun-8 to 11 a.m. Wl^ l I Restored Military Ve Classic Cars Gates open 8:30 a.m. to 5 B-24 For information call (352) 489-3120 or (352) 465-0727 ILDonations accepted at gate-Proceeds to benefit Fl. Div.Yankee Air Force ir hicles 5:30 p.m. I. Plenty of personality . Laddie is a handsome five- year-old Collie. His wonderful personality is just what you would expect from the breed. As in the classic TV show, "Lassie," Laddie is loved by everyone who meets him. Loyal and brave, Collies make wonderful pets. They are good natured with strangers and affectionate and gentle with their families. The breed is intelligent and learns quick- ly They thrive on new chal- lenges and diversified training sessions. Because of the Collie's thick coat, a dedication to keeping him groomed is essential. An added bonus to grooming your dog is that it will build a bond of love and trust between you and your furry companion. In the summer months, Collies would be much more comfort- able in an air-conditioned envi- ronment. If you don't mind some hair in your house, or a little extra vacuuming, the reward of sharing your life with one of these beautiful dogs is well worth the little extra effort. Laddie is neutered and cur- rent on his vaccinations. Laddie is also heartworm posi- tive, and currently on Heartgard medication. Heartworm disease is a seri- ous health problem that can lead to heart failure and death. There are two paths of treat- ment you can choose. The stan- dard treatment of Immiticide must be administered by your veterinarian,. and will kill heartworms in approximately three months The dog must be kept crated and calm through a period of the treatments. A less costly treatment is the use of Heartgard medication. Dr. Mounger of Bushnell Animal Clinic has been suc- cessful in treating dogs 5 years of age or under with the month- ly heartworm preventative. The Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County recommends you always consult your veteri- narian. Learn all you can about heartworm disease, under- stand the options and risks. How big is your heart? Would you like to adopt our handsome boy and give him the loving home he is waiting for? Laddie has so much love that he wants to share. He just needs a responsible family who will continue to give him Heartgard now and as a preventative throughout his life. E-mail the Humane Society/SPCA at: humane@sum.net or mail in your request to: PO. Box 67, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538. Local authors to sign books March 19 Local authors April Hamilton and Seeth Miko Trimpert' will sign copies of their collective works on March 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Bookworm on Main Street in The Villages. Ms. Hamilton, a native of England and author of A Baby Boomer's Journey and the popular chil- dren's book, Mystery on Citrus Island, lives and works from her home in Citrus Hills. Ms. Hamilton is a member of the National League of American Pen Women, and writes', both fiction and non-fiction. Ms. Trimpert writes women's fiction. Her first book, Bear Crossing, is set on the banks of the Withlacoochee River. Her second, The Monastery, gar- nered 1st Place honors in The National League of American Pen Women, Florida State Association 2003 Unpublished Novel Category before its publication, and offers a romantic adventure, time travel with a twist THE LUCK OF THE IRISH COMES TO SCSUMTER COUNTY SUBSCRIBE FOR ONLY 495 per year (reg $18.99 In County Only) CALL TODAY AND SAVE! 352-793-2161 SUMMER COUNTY Already a subscriber? No problem! Add on to your current subscription. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH -17, 2005, PAGE 15 & hoot NEWS Adding it up at North Sumter Primary Sc'fMl/l NES ===m'^ CELEBRATING DR. SEUSS Editor's note: The following article was submitted by North Sumter Primary School. Learning, friendship, and caring are just a few ingredi- ents that make up North Sumter Primary .School. North Sumter Primary is a small. school, which serves children in grades Pre-K through third. The school lies in the middle of a great com- munity, which has been around for the past 30 years, and many of the students who, in the past attended this school, now have children of their own who are carrying on the tradition. North Sumter Primary School is a place where the children feel accepted and safe. They are encouraged to do their best to excel in learn- ing and life. The faculty and staff show concern for one another, and the students per- ceive this respect. In fact, the school resembles a very large family all caring and helping Mrs. Goble's PreK class at Webster elementary School celebrates Dr. Seuss' birthday with green eggs and ham. Pictured are Skyler Kornegay and Diego Arrendondo. Webster Elementary's first grade classes were treated to a spe- cial event from the Black Stallion Literacy. Project. The program introduces children to' literature and instills a- love of reading by combining a live horse experience with the series of books by Walter Farley concern-, ing the Black Stallion. Pictured is Luz Madrigal. Books at the Sumter Campus Library The Sumter Campus Library is located just east of. the Langley Medical Center in Sumterville. The library is open to the public, and resi- dents of Sumter County may apply for a borrower's card at any of the county libraries. Below are some of our new titles to be enjoyed: By Order of the President by WE.B. Griffin. Coming to America; A History of Immigration and Pictured are Jasmine Grover and Alfredo Arredondo. Ethnicity in American Life by Roger Daniels. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant; a novel by Anne Tyler. A Good Start in Life; Understanding Your Child's Brain and Behavior by Norbert Herschkowitz, M.D. and Elinor Chapman. Herschkowitz. A Jew in America; My Life and a People's Struggle for Identity by Arthur Hertzberg. Lost Prophet; the Life and Times of Bayard Rustin by John D'Emilio. Love; a novel by Toni Morrison. Maximizing Intelligence by David J. Armor with the assis- tance of Susan L. Aud. Six Days of War; June 1967 and the Making of Modern Middle East by Michael B: Oren. Why Orwell Matters- by Christopher Hitchens. A BRIEF LESS N ABOUT Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. (And why "free checking" really means free, checking.) r1% -- - V ( When it coi':'ine to looked out fou i four moni-v, a lot cl banks ju'it aRen't irimaking the g'r.ide. (Or perhap.. *',ot'de done the mdtrh on \OI-u "free, chcclk. . account and del erermined tha' $5 99 per 111onth if 'ou don't maintain a minimum balance doe. Iot equr.l tree.) That beini the- c se, there no betrel" time to become enlightened about. joining a credit inion. $ See. lanks exis for one reason: to return profit! to shareholder,. At credit cnion%. profits goo righr back tor members in th.I Iormn ot lower rates on loanri, lighlei earnings on deposits and free and low-fee service, *R Conii der what .o cu can ret at Suncoas: Free checking withn ) no minimum balance or monthly tee. \oo al.o get tree access to your account at branches, ATIMs, by phone and the internet. \,Ve even provide free bill iou'l also find riencik.. experienced adoisnls who are committed to tre,'ting you the ,,\as they like to be treated. That includes taking the time to explami ihing;. with straight an.s.'ers. And )0ou just can't put a price on that. 8 You ,na, be eligible to become a member of Suncoast. Just call 800-999-5887 0o visit joinLuncosiIt.org to learn more. 't-7 '.VET BLLT ALENUE K. 486, IN B "USHNELL Every 3,750 Miles! Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tire pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CVj-,,ri,.i air cleaner elements. INCLUDES.: Pressure test cooling system and cap; Inspect drive belt(s), hoses & freeze plugs; Evacuate system and refill with 50/50 mix of DEXCOOL or GM Coolant and water. I Lube, Oil & R .ker 9.95Cooling System9 LueOi &F~te $9*951Servuce $49'M95 Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival, I Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. I Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. I Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 ) 'I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival, Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. .E GoodWrerChl Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 GOOdw tICh . -- ,, -,----------- -- ---------- 'I ESEvery 30000 Miles! Remove pan and drain fluid; Inspect for F eetr o ation;Computerbalance4 e access ve wea nert I filt ter; Replace wheels; Inspect front and rear brakes, pan gasket; Install 3rd generation fluid; Check linkage and mounts; Check for leaks; Test on-road performance. BaaceWels5 Automatic lnc ec els29.951 Transmission 79.95 & Inspect BrakesIService Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. 3 Not Varid .with any other offer. Most GM cars. . Similar saving oan other vehicles. Plus lax. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus lax. I Extended Expiration t11 4/6/05 GOOdwr-odC 113 Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 r ~~~~~~~------ -- ---- -- --- ---------------- Discount on Parts & I Power flush fuel injectors; Clean intake Valve Labor on a Repair over I Clean combustion chambers. $300. I Promotes smoother running g10% OFF'"'.1: .m89.95 Service Fuel System Wild Card Service Valid with coupon. Please present uponarrival. I Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Not Valid with any other offer, Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax.i. .. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax, I Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 GOOdC Extended Expiration 4/6/05 I .1 'F Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIHES, THURSDAY, MARCH "17, 2005, PAGE 15 Service done right., And done by pros. 4-4:'m s each other. They strive to become the best students and teachers they can be. Being the new kid in a school is never easy, but at North Sumter Primary the children feel accepted the moment they walk into the office. The first smiling face a child meets is Mrs. Daves and she knows the children and their parents by name. The office is warm and has a fami- ly atmosphere of acceptance. The teacher and other staff members escort the child to the new classroom where he/she is warmly welcomed. Our children are accepted for who they are at their learning level, and they are taught to strive to their fullest poten- tial. There are many hands-on experiences for the children to learn from in all subject areas. By using math manipu- lative, planting seeds, predict- ing the flight pattern of a school made airplane, and reading letter cards, students are able to see, touch, and Learn. The students also enjoy field trips to Uncle Donald's Farm, The Black Stallion, community businesses, and available experiences found in and around our community. At North Sumter Primary, the children are able to attend computer labs to help prepare them for the various standard- ize tests. The children begin in Pre-K and Kindergarten with the Breakthrough to Literacy program, which rein- forces letter recognition, sounds, vocabulary, and read- ing. First through third grades are busy working on programs to reinforce reading compre- hension, vocabulary, and other reading skills that help prepare them for success. The children are very fortu- nate at North Sumter Primary to have the teachers who are dedicated and experienced. These teachers are commit- ted to teaching each individ- -ual child on their level with the ultimate goal, success for all students. PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 Apply now for LSCC's summer classes Man arrested for Lake-Sumter Community College's summer term offers 2005 high school graduates a great opportunity to get a jump on their college career or for college students to earn some extra credit hours. Three semesters and several mini-mesters over a variety of options. Semester AE, runs May 5 through Aug. 11; Semester A, May 5 through June 23; and Semester B, June 27 through Aug. 15. A new eight-week mini-mester will be begin May 31 and continue through June 27, perfect for recent high school grads and dual-enrollment students. New students can register online for any of the three terms starting April 11. Classes fill up early, so it is very important that new stu- dents visit any of the three LSCC campuses to start the application process as soon as possible. In addition to apply- ing, completing orientation and meeting with an academ- ic advisor, many new students will need to take placement tests. This process must be completed at least 48 prior to registering. Current students with 45+ credit hours can reg- ister online starting March 28, while those with zero to 44 credit hours can enroll stating April 4. The Summer Schedule, as well as registration instruc- tions are available online at: www.lscc.edu. Though regis- tration can be completed online, staff-assisted registra- tion is also available at the Admissions offices of the Leesburg, South Lake and Sumter campuses. For more information and assistance call 568-0001. Members of the Kiwanis Club of Wildwood were recently honored by the Salvation Army for their support during the past year. The club was presented with a certificate of honor. threatening police officer, woman BOB REICHMAN Editor A Wildwood man was arrested last week after he threatened a woman and a law enforcement officer. Gary Sesler, 38, Wildwood, was arrested Tuesday, March 8, for battery on a law enforcement officer, assault with intent to do violence, resisting an officer with vio- Sesler beg lence and pos- aggressive session of a wm controlled sub- woman ai stance. Adkinson S e s 1 e r to push showed up at accord an abandoned accord residence deputy' while a woman who had been living at the residence for two months with Sesler was removing belongings from the home 'with assistance from Deputy Jason Adkinson, according to sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. Sesler began yelling aggressively at the woman and grabbed Adkinson and 7n( I i s tried to push him aside as the woman was leaving the resi- dence, Caruthers said. Sesler ran up to the woman and said he would "knock her out," according to Caruthers. Adkinson then ordered Sesler to place his hands behind his back, he said. Sesler became aggressive and Adkinson sprayed Sesler with pepper an yelling spray to sub- ely at the due him, d grabbed Carthers said. Sesler started and tried pulling away im aside, and swinging ng to a as Adkinson attempted to report. handcuff him. Sesler was finally placed in a patrol car, Caruthers said. While he was at the Sumter County Detention Center, officers found several pieces of crack cocaine in his pos- session, according to Caruthers. Sesler was placed in the county jail with bond was set at $14,000. VFW Post 10084 Lake Panasoffkee Activities for this week: SWednesday Luncheon bingo, 1 to 3 p.m. :Thursday Pool Tournament, 7 p.m. Friday Open Face Roast Beef Dinner, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.; $5 donation. Music "Just Plain Country" (Don and Karen) from 6 p.m. Saturday Karaoke by Don and Karen, 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday Nascar Party, 1 p.m.; $1 Bloodys/$1 Mimosas. Happy Hour all day. Monday Karaoke by Eric, 4 to 8 p.m. sd nas un opus Il iht8CW1 018 n are ve sup( cry curious. Remember to keep constant. ervision on them at all times especially outdoors near water. On mnory of (le ollA Il1 I I I '" . We lore ana miss you very mucii Karen, James, Rick & Phillip r CASH NOW. FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW.. for Structured Settlements! Business Owners: Reduce Your Taxes Your business retirement plan contribution can mean a healthy tax deduction and the opportunity for retirement savings. Call or stop by my office < ", today for details. Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 EdwardJones Serv.ng Individual Inveslors Since 1871 as aso s* *s4 * aa Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM O * LASER SURGERY BOARDING * . 1 HEALTH CARE .S **"r H # PET SUPPLIES '% ,*s .* 4 4o* 46* 4* Quality healthcare for your family Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Urgent Care S.Behavioral Health Diagnostic Imaging .. Dental S. Pharmacy Laboratory Acupuncture Participating With Most Major Insurance Plans Sliding Fee Available For All Who Qualify N O ., 11;111.kIjI ';A "J:-".A.-.- .. !Joint Commission Open Salurdlays 8.00 AP.I. 2 10 PM 1425 S US Hwy. 301,Sumterville (352) 793-5900 www.langleymedicalcenter.com - - 664-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE This ad Is to serve as a legal notice that two or more mem- bers of the District Five Medical Examiner Advisory Commit- tee will meet on Thursday, March 24, 2005, at 1:00 P.M. It will take place at the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners 209 North Florida Street Commission Chambers SBushnell, Florida 33513 All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Any person wirn ai .i aniiiIr, r i.e hai3 l l.: iran.:e ri. parli~paie ir, an, ji tfie pr,.;.: 3r.g- "ri.jaJll c:n.i ',:l La e LCo-u Iu o1, E r, l 1I ':.untr, C..)rn il .:.neri al 2 I 1 341 3.8ri .l l reour ', ,.- . ance ol ir. tr .cauie'l meilrn.- Pursjarm 1.:, in, i :..:....:.r.: GI i ,e.:,i o .'A 6 ir 00, Fli .:,ria .ialules il a perz on o.,:ies lc appeal ar., .es:lioor.iade t,) .o31- alI.:. r.i-rr.i. c.:. .n-,T r ne .:.r si- e |ilh nal f :, 3 '..ld of the proceedings'and that, for such purposes, a record of the proceedings will be made available. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 17, 2005. 662-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Tourist Development Council will hold a meeting In the 3rd floor meeting room, room #327, Sumter County Courthouse on March 29, 2005, at 3:30 p.m. Notice is given if any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Board at the above hearings, verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not prepared or furnished by the Board. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting or to be heard at the meeting should call 352-793-0200 to make any special arrangements The public is Invited and encouraged to attend. Board of Sumter County Commissioners. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, March 17,2005. 673-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 11, 2005, at the.Coleman City Hall, 3502 E. Warm Springs Avenue, Coleman, FL 33521 or P. 0. Box 456, Coleman, FL 33521-0456 for the following vehicles: Vehicle 1: Description: Maker: -Year: Minimum Bid: Caprice Chevrolet 1991 $3,500.00 Vehicle 2: Description: Crown Victoria Maker: Ford Year: 1995 Minimum Bid: $2,500.00 For further Information, contact City Hall at (352) 748-1017. Bids will be opened at the Regular Council Meeting on April 11, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. Each bid must be in a sealed enve- lope and plainly marked "Bid for 1991 Chevrolet" or "Bid for 1995 Ford". Bid forms are available at the City Hall. Both vehicles to be sold AS IS with no guarantees. The City of Coleman reserves the right to waive any techni- calities or irregularities to reject any or all bids and/or ac- cept that bid deemed to be in the best Interest of the City. L. Clay Godwin, City Clerk Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 17, 2005. 675-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER COUNTY ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Com- missioners of Sumter County will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance on the following subject: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 20-82 OF THE SUMTER COUNTY CODE TO AMEND THE CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE OF UN- PAVED, UNMAINTAINED ROADS INTO THE COUNTY SYSTEM, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERA- BILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMTER COUNTY CODE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Public hearing Is scheduled as follows: Date: March 29, 2005 Time: 5:01 p.m. Place: Board Hearing Room Second Floor Sumter County Courthouse Bushnell, Florida 33513 Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 p.m. is through the East door. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any special arrange- ments. Notice is given If any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Board at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and Is not prepared or furnished by the Board. Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. A copy of the proposed ordinance is available by contacting 352-793-0200 and is available in the County Commission office located in Room 206, Sumter County Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Dated this March 15, 2005. Gloria Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Jan Kirkpatrick Deputy Clerk Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 17, 2005. 642-0317 SCT Notice of Sale GreenPoint Credit, LLC vs. Tharman L. McMiller, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2004-CA-001172 GreenPoint Credit, LLC, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Tharman L. McMiller, Cassandra F. McMiller, IF LIVING, AND IF DECEASED, THEIR UNKNOWN SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, CREDITORS, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THEM; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE AND ANY OTHER PERSON (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY WHOSE REAL NAMES ARE UNCERTAIN, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an order or a final judgment of foreclosure entered in the above-captioned ac- tion, I will sell the property situated in SUMTER County, Florida, described as: Lot 10: Commence at the Southeast corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 31, Township 21 South, Range 23 East, run thence S 89059'50" W along the South line of said SW 1/4 of SE 1/4, 310 feet, thence N 019'34" W parallel to the East line of said SW 1/4 of SE 1/4, 520 feet, thence S 8959'50" W 190.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue S 89'59'50" W, 100.0 feet, thence N 0*19'34" W, 222.43 feet, thence N 89*59'50" E 100.0 feet, thence S 019'34" E, 222.43 feet to the Point of Beginning, all lying and being In Sumter County, Florida. INCLUDING the following Manufactured Home: 1999 FLEETWOOD CARRIEAGE MANOR, 28 X 80, Serial Num- bers: GAFLW7SA69146CD21 & GAFLW7SB69146CD21. at public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the front entrance of the SUMTER County Courthouse, Bush- nell, Florida at 11:00 a.m., on March 24, 2005. DATED this 25th day. of February, 2005. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Gloria Hayward CLERK OF THE COURT By: -s- Susan A. Stoller Deputy Clerk AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) NOTICE Individuals with disabilities needing a reasonable accom- modation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator's office, as soon as possible. If hearing impaired, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD); or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Service. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17, 2005. 658-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Sumter County of Commissioners, in compliance with Chapter 287.055 (Consultant's Competitive Negotiations Act), requests proposals to provide professional consulting services to Board of County Commissioners to perform the following service: STORMWATER UTILITY STUDY. Submittals of qualifications and interest must be received in the County Administrator's Office, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, (352-793-0200) not later than 5:00 p.m. on March 24, 2005. Submittals must be delivered in a sealed envelope marked "Request for Proposals and Statements of Qualifications Sumter County Stormwater Utility Study." Statement of Qualifications are available upon request by calling (352) 793-0200, by coming to the County Commis- sioners Office, Room 206, Second Floor, Courthouse, Bush- nell, Florida, or by contacting Demand Star at 1-800-711- 1712 or www DemandStar com. The agency's professional negotiation conmittee will follow the competitive selection procedures to negotiate a contract for the agency with the firm considered to be the most quali- fied. Upon completion of the negotiation process a contract will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissioners for the service. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17.,2005. To place your Legal Advertising in the SUMMER COUNTY call 793-2161 lilI r Al VeteranEVETS T, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 17. AT THE SUMMER FAIR ii: ;" .9. * ?" ^' 1~ ~. L.- The Crespo family of Wildwood enjoys a ride together during the first weekend of the 50th year of the Sumter County Fair. I Si,' .. ,tB ~i~4k~ Vl 2005 pageant winners pose for pictures after the Miss Sumter and Miss Teen Sumter competitions. Shown from left to right are (back row) Miss Teen Sumter County Chelsea Bacon, Miss Sumter County Kourtni Strickland, (front row) Miss Sumter County Princess Brianne Noell, and Little Miss Sumter County Sydney Parish. Not pictured is Junior Miss Sumter County Samantha Cypret. On everything from the Ferris wheel to bumper cars, children get a different view of the fair when they whirl, spin, and slide on the rides. r T 1 1. Conrad (front), 11, and Jared Burns, 14, set their sights on mini bikes and try their hands at a ring toss game at the fair. Photos by Amanda Mims Shelby Leffel (left), 10, and Samantha Leffel, 6, interact with turkeys, calves, chickens, geese, and other farm animals at the Fair on Saturday, March 11. ** .-llf 0 At! PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 You Must Know What Your Trade Is Worth Before You Shop For A New Car. If sel thai your you I or tyoL Scar are going trade, it's i know the ', truck, va to buy, critical 'value of n or SUV. Our expert appraisers can give you a value within minutes, and it's... Ocala Nissan Mitsubishi 11 rjI r S 7=1 M VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTSTM 02 SATURN 02 CHEVROLET 01 CHEVROLET 02 PONTIAC SLI S-10 BLAZER FIREBIRD #7766P #7755P #7886P #B50311C $8,488t '1,888t 12,888t '14,488t 04 JEEP 04 CHEVROLET 03 CHEVY 1500 02 FORD F-350 UNLIMFED 4X4 AVALANCHE HD SILVERADO XLT DIESEL #7458A #7554P #7809P #76821.: ; ! $24,488t $25,488 *27888t $30,488' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET 352*795 1515 1035 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 19 100 DAY/3,000 MILE WARRANTY I I IV I It~~ Kelley Blue Book Report 04 CHEVY MALIBU Fact. Warranty. #7745T &Amlas r~ W 04 DODGE STRATUS Fact. Warranty. #7752T $2203"'.o. 01 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN Clean. #25166A 1229"'.o. 02 CHEVY 01 CHEVY MONTE CAVALIER CARLO Low Miles. #N5198A PW, PL, 1st on Race Day. #N5119A $*7985 $11,795' 02 MITSUBISHI 04. CHEVROLET 03 FORD 03 HONDA CIVIC ECLIPSE IMPALA EXPLORER XLT Loaded, Ground Affect, Alfordable. Reliable #N5093A Loaded, Factory Warr. #25274A Low Miles, Clean, Sporty. #786TP Auto. #N5239A $13,785t *16,295' *16,796' *16,983 tPrlces and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory Incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. *Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.AC. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET 352'637.5050 S2209 Hwy., 44 West, Inverness 04 NISSAN SENTRA #25210B *11,488' 01 DODGE 05 DODGE CONVERSION VAN GRAND CARAVAN #N5121A #7688L $14,888' 18,488' I l- II ll 03 CHEVROLET 03 DODGE RAM 05 CHRYSLER 04 DODGE RAM SILVERADO LS 2500 DIESEL CROSSFIRE 3500 LARAMIE 1500 HD. #25258A #B50083A #J050192A With Nav. #7689P $21,488. 2.1,888t 28,588 '38,888' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE *JEEP .01 o.STA 352 563-2277 005 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa SAM. 04 JEEP 99 FORD 04 CHRYSLER 03 FORD 2500 LIBERTY F350 PACIFICA X-CAB XLT 4x4, All Power. #7780P Crew Cab, 4x4. #D50578A Family Rated. #7880L Ready for 5th Wheel. *17,888t$19,888 19,888 19,988 $24,988t tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag; title and dealer fee of 299.50 and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER DODGE *JEEP FIVE STAR 0 o 0o 352*726.1238 2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness ,- -:o.. 02 DODGE INTREPID #7533P $ 0,488' PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 200 2005 DODGE RAM M event IEVY SILVERADO SLease nr 7 for $%."--- Der You Pay,$ 4, Only residual $8,311.80. Lease is for 48 months. Selling Price Is $18,369. $1,280.22 due at signing wnich includes FL fees, lst payment, security deposit & dealer fee (299.50). 12,000miles.re. per year. 20p per mile over Sales tax not included. Allreiba ." . Stk#.N5249 .. dealer IIcentives & lease loyally included in payment;Wi.VV 2005 CHEVROLET CAVALIER ,a - CHEVROLET COLORADN509 2005 CHEVROLET COLORADO choose From 2005 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB HEMI _/ "'B.__.k^BM~ T -CRYSTALAUTOS.COM Uil JSM VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTSTM o02 I UTA COROLLA Great on Gas. #D50448A '8,988' 02 CHEVY VENTURE All the Power. #D40594A $ 3,788& 02 FORD, WINDSTAR LTD. #B50651 A $15,9 88 04 JEEP 99 FORD LIBERTY F350 4x4, All Power. #7780P Crew Cab, 4x4. #D50578A $*37888' 19,888' 01 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LTD, Leather. #B50256A $15,488t 04 CHRYSLER PACIFICA Family Rated. #7880L .*19,988' tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer. loyalty. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHRYSLER* DODGE* JEEP 1i, W- 352*7264 238 S2077 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness 2005 CHEVROLET Lease i1M9 for per -a month You Pay Only G9ie Residual $10,982.40 Lease is for 48 months. Selling Price Is $20,488. $1.080.12 dUe at signing which includes FL fees, 1st payment, seoLrity deposit & dealer fee (299.50). 12,000 tihes firei'per.'ar. 6?. per mile over. Sales tax not I.fnduded.'A, reetes,a dealer In drWves & -lease loyalty. ilnduded it payr n W A -_'.'; '.: . You Pay V * SOnly 1A : Residual $5.505.50 Lease is for 48 months. Selling.Pric $15,074. $1,953 due at,signing which includes FL.eqs1; 'ayment security desit e.dealei0 m. es free per year. 2tper.mlie.overt.f $. 6t;_ Bnolucded. Al raeaids, dealer in( niv . included in paymenL t. A.A*. '> BLAZER 2 DOOR AT CRYSTALAUTOS.COM ---- '"IE HZJ47--=TV-A 01 CHEVY MONTE CARLO PW, PL, 1st on Race Day. #N5119A $ 11,795t 02 MITSUBISHI 04 CHEVROLET 03 FORD 03 HONDA CIVIC ECLIPSE IMPALA EXPLORER XLT Loaded, Ground Affect, Affordable, Reliable. #N5093A Loaded, Factory Warr. #25274A Low Miles, Clean, Sporty. #786TP Auto. #N5239A Sp3,7845 0 16,295 $ *16,796' 6 $,983t tPrices and payments exclude tax, tag, title and dealer fee of 299.50and includes all factory incentives, rebates and customer loyalty. *Payments based on 72 months @ 9% W.A.C. See Dealer for Details. Photos for illustration purposes only. CHEVROLET 352*637.5050 2209 Hwy. 44 West, Inverness SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 21E Sai 7ill RealSource names officers for 2005 Oxford Broker Reggie Caruthers chosen as Vice Chairman RealSource Group, an alliance of commercial real estate firms representing mar- kets across the Southeast, has chosen officers for 2005. They have named Reggie Caruthers, ALC, and owner/broker of. Oxford Land Company as the organization's incoming vice chairman. A for- mer two-term president of the Florida Chapter of the Realtor" Land Institute, Caruthers is also a member of the Ocala-Marion County Association of Realtors. Oxford Land Company serves Sumter County and spe- cializes in commercial, agricul- tural, industrial and residen- tial brokerage. Caruthers' fam- ily founded the company in 1996 and it is located on the for- mer site of the packinghouse for the family-owned produce business. The land was origi- nally acquired by Caruthers' grandfather in 1913 and the family's history with the Oxford area dates back to the 1840s. Deeply rooted in the community, the Oxford Land Company provides their clients with service in all aspects of real estate brokerage. Landscaping rules, for the lazy gardener Photo by Amanda MIms Patricia Stokes, a paraprofessional who works in a North Sumter Primary School ESE class, is shown reading with 3-year-old Chandler Kelly and 5-year-old Logan Bacon on a typical after- noon. Stokes was named School-Related Employee of the Year by the Sumter County School Board this week. Stokes: School-Related Employee of the Year AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer The Sumter School Board paid tribute to some of the sys- tem's support personnel this week at a ceremony on March 15. It was an opportunity for the board to give credit to teacher aids, secretaries, bus drivers, food service person- nel, custodians, resource offi- cers, and maintenance work- ers for their role in supporting the education of Sumter chil- dren. Patricia Stokes, a North Sumter Primary School para- professional, was recognized as the School-Related Employee of the Year -at Tuesday's meeting. She works in Wildwood in an ESE class- room with children from three to seven years old. The four- year employee "goes above and-bevoncLthe. call of dut to cotc\'y a sense of pride i Jr school," stated an mnmounce- ment distributed by the school board. Tammy Raya, a substitute teacher who works in the classroom with Stokes, said, "She's got an excellent person- ality." "She's just so wonderful. She does so much," Raya said. Sometimes, this even includes purchasing crafts on her own for the students to use and bringing in food and snacks for them. "She treats the kids like they're her own," Raya said. Stokes spent 17 years as a certified nurse's assistant, which she said helps her tremendously in her job, a position that entails caring for special needs children as young as three. The 39-year- old has spent more than 20 years bringing up her own two children, Rodney, Jr., 13, and Rothesia, 22. Highly regarded by col- leagues, Stokes still found it hard to believe she would receive such an award. "I love my job and to know what (school employees) feel about me, I think it's a great honor," Stokes said. "I was kind of happy and kind of bewildered at the same time," she said of the day she learned she was selected. Stokes plans to broaden her . kno_ le.dge ti'rtJer .. b.\ , enrolling iln computer courses later this year. Stokes will go on to a region-, al competition for School- Related Employee of the Year, and froni those' finalists, one will be chosen to represent the state. Award recipients from other schools, and departments included: Houston S. (Stan) Burke of the maintenance department, Leon Richardson of the transportation depart- ment, Allen Sigler from ,North Sumter Intermediate School, I- 4 Attention Members 4: You are invited to attend uumter R Electric Cooperative's 65th Annual! Meeting on Saturday, March 19, 2005. Registration from 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.n. Register to win one $1,000, three $500 cash p izes Ond additional prizes will be given I away after the business meeting.* Featuring the Rosie O'Grady Jazz Band Refreshments provided and FREE gift for all registered members. RT 470 Parking 1N Access - - \ Sumter Electric _--z-,"- 1-75 T Cooperative If you are... RT 301 \ Annual ,. Meeting A traveling north on S7 Route 301 turn right RT 470 S /m c on CR 520. S. A traveling east on CR 520 \ Route 470 from 1-75 - .. turn right on Route 301 y j then left on CR 520. iA traveling south on Route 301 from Leesburg & Wlldwood turn left on Route 471 to the pavilion entrance. g Donna Barnes from Wildwood Middle School, Antoinette Corbin from Wildwood High School, Shirley Hurst from Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School, Rebecca Shaw from Bushnell Elementary School, Margaret Kendrick for Webster Elementary School, Tyrone Wheeler from South Sumter Middle School, Joyce Yakes from South Sumter High School, and Annette Sowell from West Street School. If you sincerely want to enjoy the lifestyle of a lazy gardener, then you must memorize and follow the golden rule of lazy gardening: Don't fight Mother Nature. There are some dedicated and detail- oriented gardeners ; who spent a lifetime ' defying this rule. Perhaps they like the challenge, the con- stant battle, or maybe ?J they just march to the ' beat of a rebellious - drummer. These are M O the folks with plenty of free time to spent on a pic- ture perfect garden. Then there are the rest of us. Weekend gardeners, or even monthly gardeners, who are short on time and energy but long on vision and ideas. Homeowners who want a great looking yard 6 even a beautiful, flower-filled land- scape, without the hours of daily maintenance required to care for it. $20,545.+tax 5 IMF-1540: 40HP, 4WD Tracier 8X8 S;v/noro Shuttle T-ars. PS i -ind. PTO R4 Bar Tires, Loader EW..,-6,ri. BucketE 5A luar, r rCu i paper BRla'e _ NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Phone: (352) 796-5171 Sat 8arn-12pm Fax: (352) 796-6683 *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for low A.P.R. I Joining the ranks of the lazy gardeners doesn't allow you an unmown lawn or knee- high weeds. Start with a land- scape design for more free time. One way to work with Mother Nature is to include native plants in your land- scape based on the principle of putting the right plant in the right place. Native plants have adopted over many cen- turies to nature's harshest conditions. Now get ready to adjust your attitude. Lazy gardeners simply work smarter instead of harder. They get the maxi- mum return on a minimum of energy investment. Less work and more to show for it. The secret is to hire Mother Nature to work your garden on the days when you are just' too busy, too forgetful or just too relaxed. For plant clinics in Marion County call 352-620-3440. In Lake County call 352-343- S 4110. In Sumter S County call 352-793- 2728. At the Sumter County annex on C.R. -466 on the first Monday of the month from 1 to 4 p.m. A Florida Friendly Landscape Series i held at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, 1852 C.R. 457 in Lake Panasoffkee from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. Martin Grum is a Sumtep County Master Gardener, for help with any garden or land- scape advice call the Sumtepk County Extension office at 352-793-2728. ATILO 1 : FA'ATIVII -:1 Oil k, U I ~o* 7~.~(] 15% Down Payment with Approved Credit $14,950.tax $13,195.tax MF-1428:28HP, 4WD Tractcr, .A. :. r,, .:T,, Power Steering, Live PTO, R-4 2- o PT' Turf Bar Tires. Loader with 54" P Mr Fr:nt Bucket 5 Cuner,, 5'Box. L.ider vin 8P P CuK: a G,, 48ic. : .. Scraper. : l p- NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE 0 *~ S S Finance rates (2a jeAd4* m. a. ud) 48) Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9% Effective Date Until 3/31/05 =MWIO/ ~:IA!-I Oil :VL kb 'Ee] BU ILWtTA Ig-AQ to.": I SMASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment MASSEY FERGUSON Visit the newest member of the 1 MASSEY FERGUSON TEAM RUSON MODEL #GC2300 23 HP Diesel, 4 WD, Hydrostatic Transmission, Power Steering, Independent PTO, 48" Rotary Mower, Front End Loader with 48" .. .... Bucket and 4 ft. Box Blade $11,9 9 5 S iF.' T,:,:.RS: COMPACTS (Monthly Payments) 12 Months 24Months 3Months 48Months 60 Months 72 Months A ....isonr14/1500Series 0% 0% 0.9% 2.9% .3.9% 4.49% All Terrain Lawn & Tractor See Us For All Your Tractor Needs 7-5M-F.8-12SAT 31800 Progress Rd., Leesburg, FL, 34748 352-360-1398 aL. lV Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80% Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range 1540-1595 1568 47.00-49.00 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range 735-885 832 52.00-54.50 900-1090 989 52.00-57.00 1045-1075 1062 61.00-63.00 1140-1295 1218 52.00-58.00 1430-1600 1515 56.00-57.00 1475 1475 60.00-64.00 1435-1500 1468 56.00-57.50 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-80% 'Wt Range AvgWt Price Range 745-875 821 45.00-51.00 705-895 776 40.00-45.00 900-1075 978 46.00-49.50 1180-1235 1215 46.00-49.50 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. I Wt Range Avg Wl Price Range A 1100-1405 1307 66.00-69.00 1035-1365 1183 56.00-63.00 500-1870 1664 66.00-69.50 lAhw S813 690 625- Nor trends due to no market coverage last week. Feeder steers and heifers: Supply was light and demand was moderate Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 lbs 68 percent (35s percentsteers, 33 percent heifers); Slaughter cows and bulls: 22 percent Replacement cows: 10 percent Avg Price 48.02 Avg Price 53.34 S55.17 62.32 High Dressing 55.67 56.47 62.00 High Dressing 56.84 Holstein Avg Price 48.70 42.61 Low Dressing 47.47 47.34 Avg Price 67:44 59.98 Low Dressing 67.60 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 Wt Range Avg WI Price Range Avg Price 150-195 176 190.00-210.00 203.18 200-245 228 170.00-190.00 180.09 250-280 265 160.00-180.00 170.56 300-332 321 142.00-156.00 150.51 352-390 364 140.00-146.00 144.31 415-435 426 127.00-138.00 132.00 465-480 472 122.00-124.00 122.98 550-580 565 113.00-121.00 116.89 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range AvgWt PriceRange Avg Price 210-245 222 144.00-160.00 151.71 250-296 283 148.00-158.00 150.98, 305-340 319 132.00-148.00 139.12 350-395 376 122.00-138.00 129.13 405-425 416 116.00-124.00 121.02 450-460 455 114.00-120.00 116.97 Feeder Steers and Bulls Small 1-2 Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 205-245 236 128.00-142.00 132.78 260-295 279 12800-14200 13495 i 'j I ".,:,:M., I t. Feeder Mcir5rs Messunl ana Lirge 1-2 I'll H i, )., 1,.j ,,,., H ,.j-,,,, :, 4i l,.4. 1- 18 1 4"ii ii I I .. >. : I'4 6 1 1 : Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 200-245 231 138.00-150.00 143.63 250-290 269 128.00-144.00 136.30 310-340 322 118.00-132.00 123.70 365-397 385 108.00-120.00 115.14 400-425 409 100.00-110.00 106.91 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 230-245 239 126.00-136.00 130.50 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2 Young Wt Range Avg WI Price Range Avg Price - 755-895 820 52.00-89.00 71.85 4-6 mosn bred 920-1025 954 56.00-96.00 74.37 4-6mos bred Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2Young Wt Range AvgWt PriceRange AvgPrice 615-850 737 500.00-760.00 634.64 655-1090 981 600.00-910.00 764.31 1245 1245 91000-930.00 920.00 Friendly Folks 'Fair Prices Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: * Western T&A Western Alfalfa Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% $5.25 12% $5.40 New & Used Saddles &Tack ^Mmn;int F-=_7 Actse fnr I7arlinnl Reggie Caruthers * MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment *Only SECO Members may register. Must be present to win. I , I m 1. Livestock and Grin Market, News, Bartow, FL www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ORLS765.txt I . PAGE 22, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 Anyone with unwanted .household electronics, propane tanks, paint removers and thinners, and similar items, can soon be rid of them. Sumter County Public Works is holding a mobile - collection this Saturday, March 19, at the South Sumter High School parking lot, 706 North Main Street in Bushnell, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Sumter citizens will have 'the opportunity to safely and economically dispose of cer- tain hazardous items. The following items will be accepted: fertilizers, fungi- cides, herbicides, pesticides, cleaners, pool chemicals, sol- vents, automotive fluids, latex and oil-based paints, paint removers and thinners, fluorescent lamps and mer- cury-containing devices, wood preservatives, house- hold batteries, household electronics, automotive bat- teries, and propane tanks (25 pounds). Participants are asked not to mix chemicals together, and to keep products in orig- inal labeled containers whenever possible. Also participants should place leaky containers in clear plastic bags and trans- port them in boxes with newspaper. Items not accepted include: radioactive waste, smoke detectors, empty paint cans, explosive material, and biological and infectious waste. For more information, call Sumter County Public Works at 352-793-0240. Webster Elementary School students of the month are: PreK Nayelli Garcia, Jimmy Waldie, , Austin Hurtt; Kindergarten Alexia Ramirez, Bryan Weller, Robert Weller, Christina Sword, Kathy Ruiz; 1st grade Guillermo Romero, Josie Shepherd, Maria Macarena, Micah Lanham, Ashley Nichols, Sonny Vera; 2nd grade Chase Lovett, Morgan Unclebach, Gloria Ornelas, Breana Oceugera; 3rd grade Samantha Adkinsoh, Joseph Montero, Brianna Peterson, April Moctezuma, Kylie Lovett; 4th grade Celeste Rodriguez, Brisa Manriquez, Tommy McGuire, William Oxener, Daniel Pierson; 5th grade Jamie Jimenez, Alexis Milorin and Austin Harris. Senior ADVOCATE Part B of Medicare is voluntary, so just go ahead and volunteer Recently, I wrote a col- umn explaining the ins and outs of Part B and Part D of Medicare. I have received much e-mail, most of which requested additional informa- - tion concerning Part B and coinsur- ance. Part B is volun- tary for all; simply meaning that one may refuse to par- ticipate. I also wrote that if one has a long-term care insurance poli- cy, with a 30-day DAN F elimination period, and has a degree of m.. affluence, they might not need to coinsure Medicare. So, what did I mean? First, allow me to make this abundantly clear; everyone should subscribe to Part B of Medicare! Remember,, Part A of Medicare, referred to as "hos- pital insurance," is a portion of Social Security taxes that funds hospital insurance. fHence, there is no cost to you for Part A. Part B of Medicare, referred to as "medical insurance," is your premiums and the gener- al revenues of the government funded medical insurance. The 2005 annual cost of Part B is $938. This total cost of Medicare, Parts A and B, excludes deductibles and coinsurance amounts.- Do not confuse subscription to Part B and coinsuring Medicare. They are entirely separate. The explanation applies to a small percentage of Medicare beneficiaries. Also, this is a theory that is mine, and one should not make this decision without profession- al assistance; that is, the assistance of an experienced elder law attorney or a credentialed financial planner. Also, they must be aware of my theory. / Each person's sit- uation differs, so some basic thoughts about my theory tOHAN and explanations are in order. .It is my theory that if one has a rea- sonable amount of wealth, the cost of home health and nurs- ing home care will empty your pockets faster than the coin- surance and deductibles of Medicare. When one reaches the age of 65 and is in relative good health, in most cases, he or she will have minimal med- ical expenses for the next 10 years. In addition, once you are a Medicare beneficiary, your medical costs are encased in granite by the government. So forget the horror stories of a $70,000 hospital bill; it simply will not happen. However, depending on your geographi- cal area a $70,000 annual nurs- ing home bill is not at all unusual. Some facts: The cost to you to enter a hospital (24-hour period or longer) is $912; this will cover you for up to 60 days. This is known as "Diagnostic Related Group Perspective Payment System." By entering this diagnostic code in the hos- pital's computer, they immedi- ately know how much Medicare will pay them. The chance that you will stay in a hospital for more than 60 days is slim; you will be discharged or sent to a nursing facility. Part B pays your physician's fees, and other charges. These costs are locked in by the government, called a "lim-. ited charging system." This means that for each and every procedure, surgery, etc., the government allows a certain amount. If a physician partici- pates in Medicare, he or she must abide by this figure as his or her full charge. Medicare pays 80 percent of this amount, and you are responsible for the remainder. The remainder: Usually 20 percent if the provider of the service, not the hospital, accepts Medicare assignment - that is, accepts Medicare's allowed amount as the full charge. Across this great nation, I would guess that 95 percent of medical providers, including physicians, accept assignment. If not, they may charge an additional 15 percent, again of the same Medicare allowed amount. Always ask if one accepts assignment! Only you know what wealth means, and the lack of second- ary insurance is for a select few. Hope I have helped. Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week Send questions and com- ments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e- mail danrohan@atlantic.net. -Read o ehe loi.....d.. -. . .. '^ Read logeTher, Florida Purchase Refinance Construction Lot Acreage O Call Today For Low F.xed Rates 1"800*713*7550 '"EN-' 2301 Thonotosassa Rd. Plant City Duane A. Mathis Mortgage Loan Originator 43396 5 *. * March April 2005 Essay Contest for Middle School www.VolunteerFloridaFoundation.org , SH 0 0 T sponsored b., 8L Washington Mutual -. ; -.... RYWANT T ALVA RE JONES RUSSO CIRTIFIl) 1 si F k-' .--i.! Iku' GUYTON Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience Call Today 352-793-2161 pet grooming bail bonds 4! * NO SUBJECT FEES OR ADDIItONAL CHARGES $5 78 pookage pioo poad a pfntogrophy. Pose for od sedif pokoge ou, Wleoition, .mil ono advefised pockoge por family, please. Up o lio oddiionol poses l o tkeon .or custom colleclion wih no obligation lo purchase. All oges welcome [m nos under 18 mus e aecompneod b y a parent). Sizes o ppoxi' imale. g cr ounds and props may vawy by location Your ci o cof o olable backgrounds; some group limltations apply. I -MI ..,0 ..W . SSAnDYS ' I GROOMInG ; DOGS WAI4NTED: All Breeds great and small. We \ ill bathe and groom them all' Pamper YOUR pet today 8 For Fido's next appointment please call Sands at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 taxi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO TAMPA For as low as For as low as $35.00 $45.00 equine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By 7Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0. LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist :6 InT internet/isp builder 609 N Old Wire Rd. Siaie Ce ncfed Wildwood,FL 34785 OFFICE-(352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 www.dibarco.com Cqporwtionl Diana B. Couillard MBE n.ruriden Full Service Contractors wner FutlYcend.sInsur a Full Service Contractors Owner Public Works Department has mobile collection Saturday SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 23 , 7 IU?'0.7 o -F IO.j, rFo J C.) 0 -M.0 call M0~ C, 5 E 0 at 0 z z z =0 a 00 (D 0 0 E0 mU U) 050 ca CD* C~ cc (n i -4:- 0 IL '. ~C 0 .J.JI.- 0 h c 1 0 w go*iMOM 30 V ca .Cd I * .0a -Co 0~ ~CL o 5 Cd 02 4CD 0) 0 oC:i 0cu'd u(aCL 0, 0 CD - 0 LO 0 0c M w0 o o= co1 z 0 CL 0, 0 op o 1600 a 00 SL) Zcm) (L) CO C) 0 Z I0 '(n EE cn~u crCL~ C R c C 0 0. O .E- S cc CL CL 4c ca Ix (0 10 0.3 0) d0 w .0 0) a- a. 4 0. C- -I U's vi^ z a 2 I 0) - 0 0 -U m U" D 3 z 0 I 'I 0 a. 40 x 0 0 0 0 0 S (U 3: 0 0 -E ui cc. 0 a JU LLJ CD in cD L'i cn z <,o C", Zo z L" > E Z 0! 0 u U w 0 LU CD & 0 (D 0 ca Lu CD CC) -T 0 CRI U) cn C 0 J3 LU .2)a LU ID 0 Q. m 2 CC cts ctj 0 CL PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 m it ro 0 5 0- a M, 2 E m 0 65 0 w MAR I o (D or a0 1I6 *mw Il o 0 c- of s 0 D 0:3 0.0 P2L (D 0 CD 0CDC> 0 00 C* .X (D 0 C :3 CL CL 00 CD (D CL C Z C n CDDCD 0 0n In~ co C4 3 o 0 Co, CD 000 m z =U- Mq m n al ci U)m I92 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 25 -A' AT THE PIYNEWOOD DERBY Ryan Bressette took first place for the Tiger Cubs. Pack 439 runs their derby Bushnell Cub Scout Pack 439 Pinewood Derby was held Feb. 15 at the First United Methodist Church on Noble Avenue. Pack 439 is a new pack and just started this year. We had 10 cars race in our Pinewood Derby. Our track was made by one of our Den leaders Mike Bressette. The boys had a great time racing their cars and were ready to oatch them at the finish Cody Nix is a Tiger Cub and won second place. - SUMTER COUNTY' c7oinla Tyler Sowell is a Webelo and won third place. S GUIDE TO ut BoJack's SPotato Shack Under New Ownership Daily Homemade Specials Rib Nights Friday & Saturday n- o ^-- "i<(352)793-1002 Sun.-Mn.W Kings Hwy Center Hill FL 7AM 8PM 616 W Kings Hwy Cen33 FL Middle School season under way The Wildwood Middle School Fastpitch Softball team is 2 and 1, as they lost their first game to West Hernando (11-4) on March 7, but then beat Fox Chappel (12-0) on March 8 and the Charter Middle School (19- 9) on March 11. Wildwood has a great team this year, coached by Dave White. The school has not had a team for two years, but they sure have one now. This team hopes to stick together and totally dominate next year and when they move up to Wildwood High. There is a lot of talent on this team and most are trying to be all that they can in hopes of earning a scholarship one day. The team will travel back to The Villages to day and try for another victory. (2 p.m. game time. 677-0317-SCT NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR ALL TYPES OF SEXUALLY ORIENTED ADULT BUSINESSES The Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County proposes to adopt the following by ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA, MAKING FINDINGS CONCERNING SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES AND THEIR IMPACTS, PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, PROVIDING CERTAIN DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN USES, AMENDING THE INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY OF LAND USE TO ALLOW CERTAIN RETAIL SALES, -ADDING SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES TO THE TABLE OF'USES, PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR MASSAGE THERAPY USES, PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR MOTION PICTURE ARCADE BOOTHS EXISTING AS OF MAY 1, 2005 AND INCLUDING A PROHIBITION ON NEW MOTION PICTURE ARCADE BOOTHS AFTER MAY 1, 2005, PROVIDING ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS ON SUCH BOOTHS AFTER AUGUST 1, 2005, AND AFTER MAY 1, 2006, ,PROVIDING FOR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS WITH LIMITED QUANTITIES OF SEXUALLY ORIENTED MEDIA, PROVIDING ADDITIONAL LOCATION AND SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES, PROVIDING REGULATIONS AS TO SEXUALLY ORIENTED CABARETS INCLUDING DESIGN STANDARDS, PROVIDING REGULATIONS AS TO SEXUALLY ORIENTED MOTION PICTURE THEATERS INCLUDING DESIGN STANDARDS, AMENDING THE EXISTING REGULATIONS TO INCLUDE MASSAGE PARLORS AND ESTABLISHMENTS BY A PERSON NOT LICENSED BY. THE STATE AND PROHIBITING MOTION PICTURE ARCADES OR ARCADE BOOTHS,. PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION AND FOR SCRIVENER'S ,ERRORS, AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. The Public hearing is scheduled as follows: Date Time 3/29/05 6:30pm Place Board Hearing Room Second Floor I Sumter County Courthouse Bushnell, Florida 33513 Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 pm is through the East door. Persons needing special assistance :gaining access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any special arrangements. Notice is given if any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Board at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not prepared or furnished by the Board. Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. A copy of the proposed ordinance is available by contacting 352-793-0200 and is available in the County Commission Office located in Room 206 Sumter County-Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Dated this 3/15/05 Gloria Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Jan Kirkpatrick Deputy Clerk - f Family Restaurant ' jj Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm r .1 Fri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm __ "Best Burgers in I Central Florida & = K~mT Much More" A Loaed n w. 7 BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCHi & DINNER SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 This BisaPseyUM^ rm Good Service... Great Food... Super People >I/ v>>y Ay I"^ 7 $q>> Jq DrveIn SatSLr The-ratre FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 3/11 -17 / FRI SAT SUN.- WED. THURS. Pn3 BE COOL 7:30 PLUS P13 HITCH 9:45 Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: THE PACIFIER RING 2 ROBOTS Questions? 1 Please call Harold Spears 863-602-2979 S or Judy Crews 863-967-084M2 25201 US Hwy. 27 (352) 326-9001 Open for Lunch & Dinner Sunday & Monday from 11am lo 3pm, and Tuesday Saturday from 11am to 8pm. .;4 Free Beverage with this coupon E\p -4,605 CTO -:,1 JLUB 1ARA RESTAURANT .At The Plantation Hidden Rivers Resort & The Dam Pub LIVE MUp.. JI M 0 mar.ig 711 P featuring Sundown Band iALL MUSICIArNS WELCOME I AM 4FM.1 BELLY DANCING S CLASSES THURSDAY 10-11 Coming Soon Full Liquor Bar 569-9306 4666 CR 300 Lake Panasoffkee F --- -- -- -- -- q1 The ayseed Cafe ^In Webster 599 N Market Blvd. 352-568-8008 L -s-- a-- - mmm 88 PAGE 26, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 I{14UH1 FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. All our classified including yours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes.com (7 e I i - 99dline Noon ,ti Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 HELP XVANTED 200- 300 SERVICES 300-400 MISCELLANEOUSS' SALE 400-500 PETS 500-600 MOBILE HOC)IE RENT.' SALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION J THE HOME STORE a Habitat. for Humanity of Citrus County Outreach, Is seekhg Donations of use- able building materials, home remodeling and decorating Items, furniture, and Appliances. No clothing please. Vounteers're needed h the Home Store on Monday & Thursday. Store hours are: 9dm-5pm Mon-Sat. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness (352)341-1800 for further Information. DIVORCES $175-$275 *Covers children, etc. Only one signature requlredl *Excludes govt. fees Call (800) 462-2000 ext, 600 (8am-7pm) Divorce Tech, Established 1977 FCAN LET US WORK FOR YOUI SUM-TER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS CALL 793-2161 1 CALL STANDS BETWEEN YOUR BUSINESS and millions of potential customers. Place your ad In the FL Classified Advertising Network. For $450 your ad will be placed In 150 papers, Check out our 2x2 and 2x4 display network tool Call Heather Mola, FL Statewide Advertising Network Director at (866) 742-1373 or emall hmola@flpress.com for more Information, (Out of State Placement Is also avail- able.) Visit us on-line at www.florida- classifledscom FCAN IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS'by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813) 872-0722 or send $7.99 to DIanetics, 3102 N, Habana Ave., Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN GET RESULTS IN THE SUMTER TIMES. Experienced Educators/PT,OT, ST Early Intervention Edu- cator Home Visits for children.ages 0 to 3 Therapist Home Visits for ages 0 and up 863-427-0672 or fax 1-800-701-0401 Mental Health Therapist the Centers Lecanto satellite office Is seeking an experienced, mas- ter's level mental health therapy to provide serv- bes to , chldrer adults and famles who present for services h CitrusCounty, DFWP/EOE $30,000. annually. Fax or e-mal reume to HR,Ihe Cens Insc., (352) 291-5580, hr@thecenters.us C4 Grag Dispatcher Leading transporta- tion Co. Is seeking a dis- patcher at their Brooksville, Fl. termi- nal. If you are a self starter, excellent communicator, have good computer skills and the ability to mul- fitask in a fast-paced environment. Call to- day for an interview appointment. 1-800-342-4019 EXPERIENCED TREE CLIMBER Top Pay! 352-303-7245 HELP WANTED No Exp Necessary, Travel The Country, Drivers License a plus Gd. Pay.(352)303-1053 Hoping to hook the right employee? Advertise in the Times! In-county and onlinel classified@ sctnews.com or 793-2161 HOUSEKEEPER LAUNDRY positions open at Osprey Point Nursing Center. Full and Part-time positions, day and evening varying hours. Apply In person 1104 North Main Street, Bushnell - 352-568-8777 DFWP, EOE IN SEARCH OF NEWSPAPER CARRIERS CRYSTAL RIVER DUNNELLON BEVERLY HILLS INGLIS/ YANKEETOWN- Citrus County's fastest growing newspaper is looking for youl Fill out a carrier information form at the Chronicle office in Crystal River or Inverness Or call 563-3282 Now hiring for the following positions for our Pilot Travel Center at 493 E State Route '44 In Wildwood, FLI *Shift Supervisors* Cashiers* Join Pilot and receive: Competitive Pay Life and Medical Insurance Paid Vacation Advancement Opportunities *401"k" Must be flexible in schedule. For immediate consideration, call 352-748-4486 between 9 am 9 pm and ask for the Manager on duty EOE PILOT... A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! ROOFERS/ SHINGLERS Exp Only. Paid Vacations, Benefits. 352-347-8530 SALES & SECRETARY Ability to speak English, Warehouse workers, appointment Interview 1-800-917-0001 or espanol 1-800-972-0001 $$$ WEEKLY Use eBay to get paid. Get $250 In FREE products to start. No Inventory required. No experience required. Call OnllneSuppller (800) 940-4948 Ext. 5314 FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer,. (888) MORE PAY ; (888-667-3729) FCAN DRIVERS- OWNER OPS & CO. DRIVERS NEEDED NOW! Run SE Only or SE, MId-Atl., MW Regional, 0/0's. No forced dispatch, good pay plus fuel (866) 250-4292 FCAN EARN DEGREE online from home *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid If qualify. (866) 858-2121 wwwtldewatertech ohllne.com FCAN FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT SYSTEM Includes standard Installation 2 months free 50+ Premium Channels, Access to over 225 channelsI Limited time offer. S&H Restrictions Apply. (866) 500-4056 FCAN #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine Hd. You approve locations, $10,670 (800) 836-3464 #B02428 FCAN $ CASH ADVANCES $ Personal injury lawsuits, structured settlements, annuities, pensions, inheritances, lottery, prize winnings. We buy Mortgage, Real Estate, Business notes, Se Habla Espanol. Jerry (866) 767-2270 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 814-6323, BO02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN INCREDIBLE , OPPORTUNITYI! Looking for a few exceptional people to make an above average Income. Call (800) 489-8930 FCAN LOANS BY PHONE Up to $1,000 In 24 hrs. No credit check Bank Account Req. (888) 350-3722 www. paychecktoday.com FCAN ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Licensed & insured "No Job To Big or Small!" *Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bern Lovett (352)303-3878 Beckelheim er TREE SERVICE I BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRIND-1 ING LANDSCAP- I ING 793-5949 Top. ChGF Your Trees SPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300. Sacrifice $1425. (352) 346-1711 LAND & GROVE AUCTION! Lake Placid, FL 11 am, Sat. March 26, 443.9+/- Total Acres 3 Tracts offered in 16 parcels. Preview: 1-5pm Sat. March 19. Call for details (800) 257-4161 HIggenbotham Auctioneers www. I. r I METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn around Delivery available. Toir free (888) 393-0335 FCAN. PIONEER BUILDING SALEI "Rock Bottom PricesI" Beat next price Increase, Go direct/ save. 20x26, 25x30, 30x40, 30x44, 35x50, 40x60, 45x90, 50x100, 60x180. Others. Pioneer (800) 668-5422 FCAN STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS! Genuine SteelMaster (R) Buildings, factory direct at HUGE Savingsi 20x24, 30x60, 35x50, Perfect Garage/ Work- shop/barn, Call (800) 341-7007. www. SteelMasterUSA.com FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS EZ BUILD AISC Certification Office/ Warehouse, Shop/ Garage, Arena/Barn, Hangers. A plant near youl Will beat any price or $205. (800) 993-4660. www, universal steel.com FCAN Saturday 311 N. Market Street Bushnell 7-family yard sale starts at 8 a.m. YARD SALE KITS! $15.00 A 0-Word Classified! 6 Neon Signs! Price Stickers & Rain Insurance (if you get rained out, the insurance coupon lets you place your ad ad later for half price!) Get your kit at the: Sumter County Times where we put the word out in-county and online! For more info. classified@ sctnews.com or call 793-2161 1/2K Marque Diamond, 14K gold setting, size 6.5, $500. (352) 748-0319 Four-foot bush hog mower $250.00 793-5949 In-Home Care for a loved one three to four morning hours.. CPR certified. Good ref- erence. Sumter County 569-1145. SPA! Overstockedl New. 7 person spa, loaded Includes cover, delivery & warranty. $2,999. Was $5,999. (888) 397-3529 FCAN Gun Show March 19th & 20th Ocala City Aud. N.E. 9th St. & N.E. San Chez, Con. weapon permit class (863) 712-1007 Want to Buy Small or Medium Size lot w/ no structure. Call (727) 734-8550 Wanted to Buy: Electric Trains. Call 568-8118 after 6 p.m. LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? We have 8 homes set up and ready forjmmedlate occupancy. Prices from $49,900 to $89,900. All homes are up to $20,000 under appraised value, Must see before you buy anywhere else. Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 t ; , Over 3,000 home and property listings at www. Sncchomes.com 5 Acre Mini-Farm. Lg 4/2, Lots of scrubs. Won't last long! Call (352) 795-6085 3/2 on '/ Wooded Ac, on Paved Rd. $2,500 dn. $625 monthly, Call (352) 795-2377 Call (352) 795-.1272 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 baths on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway, $2,000 down $575.68/mo W.A.C. 352-621-0119 Beautiful 3/2 on 1/4 Acre. Frnt. porch. Huge eat-in kitchen. $1,500 dn. $675. Monthly. Call 352-795-8822 LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn 1 acre land/home package. 3/2 with full appliance package, under warranty. Beautiful property nice & quiet, decks, driveway. Must seel $5,000 down, $586.40/mo. P & I W.A.C. 352-621-9183 -E Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn -U Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Sea Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes It Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, Ilml- tation or discrimina- tion," Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of Discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777, The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275, MOUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY BETTER THAN 100% OWNER FINANCING OR LEASE/PUR- CHASE! If you have a 560 credit score, good rental history and- have either made on time auto payments for the last 24 months .or have 3 accounts paid on time, and family Income of $3000 or more per rr,.:.,i-Ir, we will -.any home you choose with $0 DOWN. ir ,:,j cr a,3r.-,,;, "i-p --... " slons or bankruptcy, ririnutes and start looking for your no-money-down dream home, Call tor l free 1-877-522-0003 today SUMTER COUNTY! Oak Hill. New i to 21-acres. Pasture and wooded. Financing. Bro- ker/Owner. 1-352-330-0022 ACROPOLIS MORT- GAGE * *Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn and Satis 8 58 Sincears - Sine 919 Wfi- i' Vt^ Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. comr . Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn ---. Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERNNC MOUNTAINS. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokee mountalnrealty.com Call for Free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN COASTAL GEORGIA Gated community. Large wooded water access and marshfront homesites. Ancient live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. Water access. From $64,900. Pre-construc- tion discounts, www. cooperspolnt.com (877) 266-7376 FCAN COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA. Phase I sold out. Now offering new homesites In Phase II at Shine Landing, a gated waterfront community. Be a proud owner In this upscale community with boating access to the Neuse River, Pamlico Sound and Atlantic Ocean, plus clubhouse, fitness center, tennis, swimming pool and private marina. Home- sites as low as $29,900. Financing available, Coastal Marketing & Development Company, New Bern, NC (800) 566-5263, www.shlnelandlng.com FCAN LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slipl High elevation beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000 AC recreational lake In TN. Paved roads, u/g utlls., central water,. sewer, more.- Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 609. Sunsel'Bay, LLC FCAN LAKE VIEW BARGAIN 2 Acres $19,900. New waterfront community on one of largest, cleanest, mountain lakes In Americal Hard- woods, views, common area w/beachl Country road, water, utilities, Low financing. Lake- front available. Call (800) 564-5092 ext. 96 FCAN NORTH CAROLINA LAKEFRONT ONLY $39,900. Great All Sports lake to fish, boat, swim or just relax. Call for details. MLC (866) 920-5263 FCAN Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn 40 AC w/creek near Peace River. 1/2 pasture; 1/2 pines. Street ends at preserve. Power, well; 3400 sq.ft. house foundation and kit house, ready to go. $485,000 (239) 340-0501 FCAN ATTENTION INVESTORS Waterfront lots In the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20% redevelopment discounts and 90% flnancng. NO PAYMENTS for 1 year, Call now for best selection, www.nclake frontpropertles.com (800) 709-LAKE FCAN ELLIJAY, GA, 80ml, N of Atlanta, 1,5 - 3ac. Mountain view & trout stream, will finance. Starting at $24,000 (706) 636-2040 FREE LAND LIST NC Mourtalns. Custom built log homes, river frontage and beautiful secluded land off Blue Ridge Parkway. Call - now. (800) 455-1981, ext. 133 FCAN GRAND OPENING LAND SALE! So. Florida 10+ ac- res only $294,900. Huge savings on big ranch acreage In South Floridal Gorgeous mix of mature oaks, palms & pasture. Miles of bridle paths.Near Lake Okeechobee. Quiet,- seclqded, yet close to 1-95 & coast. Also, 5 acres $174,900. Great financing, little down. Call now (866) 352-2249 ext, 379 FCAN LAND WANTED Land Investment company seeks large acreage in Florida and Georgia. Interested In waterfront, timber and agricultural lands. Must have road frontage or good access. Cash buyer with quick closings. Call (877) 426-2636 or email: landyetlveg@aol.com SERENE MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITE $208.03 mo. Upscale golf community set amid Dye designed 18 hole course In Carolina Mountains. Breathtaking views. Near Ashevllle, NC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Teaching Facliltyl Call toll-free (866) 334-3253 ext 832 www.cherokeevalley sc.com Price: $59,900 10% down, balance finance 12 months at 4.24% fixed, one year balloon, OAC. FCAN JET SKI, 1997, KawaskI 900ZXI, w/ trailer, exc. cond,-about 35hrs, $2900 (352) 748-0319 ST. PATTY'S RV SALE! March 17th-20th. Nation's #1 selling RV'sl Low Sale PricesI Giant Recreation World *Melbourne- (800) 700-1021 *Orlando- (800) 654-8475 *Daytona- (800) 893-2552 www.grwrv.com FCAN Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co m 1958 FORD pick-up 302 automatic Good condition $5,000 OBO 352-330-4338 Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co .m i i'!^.IU.L 9,, - 7 OD BEAUTIFUL EQUINE ACRES 10 or 20 acre homesites priced at $24,500 per acre, OBO. Right Off Villages Expansion, New 1-75 Interchange. Call Marc 1-561-945-9036 DIR:Take CR 475 to NW 102nd BLVD To Entrance to Equine Acres Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment 00*-S11-4604 -M4., AI-MA go,-if I.t 24 Hour Automated ME' OA EASY CREDIT! Pre-Approval Line diaw, IMTOLL FREE 1488439442( PONTIAC MONTANA 2004 low miles, clean $14,500. 568-7829 after 6 p.m. Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.co m Search 100's of Citrus County Used Autos online at www.nccwheels.com ( .... 666-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NOTICE WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA (WCF) Is current- ly soliciting statements of qualification from qualified marketing, public relations, and advertising firms in the Central Florida region. The scope of services may in- clude continuation of the WCF employer campaign; creation of job seeker cam- paign; provide general pub- lic relations advertisement and strategy; provide gener- al graphic design; provide other media buying servic- es; provide direction and as- sistance on special events. Additional details are pro- vided in the REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) package which Is available in both electronic and paper format. Interested parties can obtain a copy of the RFQ by sending a letter of request to Lindsey Weaver at WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, at 1097 Sand Pond Rd., Suite 1009, Lake Mary, FL 32746, (407)'531- 1222, Ext. 2080, or e-mail Lweaver@wcfla corn Completed proposals must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon, EST, Wednes- day, April 18, 2005. Re- sponses received after this date and time will not be considered. Published one (1) time in, the Sumter County Times, March 17, 2005. / 667-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NOTICE WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA (WCF), which serves a region consisting of Orange, Osceola, Lake and Sumter counties, is cur- rently soliciting proposals from agencies/organizations with expertise to design, ad- minister and deliver effec- tive year-long out-of-school programs for youth who are not currently enrolled in school and are unemployed/ underemployed between the ages of 18 to 21 years of age. The scope of services in- clude outreach and recruit- ment; assessment; develop- ment of an Individual career plan for each youth; basic skill remediation; GED prep- aration; employability skills training; and, placement in one of the following perma- nent full-time employment, military service, advance training, post-secondary training or apprenticeship program. A bidder conference will be held on March 24, 2005, and completed proposal must be submitted to WCF not later than noon on Fri- day, April 22, 2005. Further details are provided in the Request for Proposal (RFP) packages which will be available after 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 17, 2005. Interested parties can obtain a copy of the RFP by send- ing or hand carrying a letter of request to Lindsey Weav- er requesting the at WORK- FORCE'CENTRAL FLORI- DA at 1097 Sand Pond Rd., Suite 1009, Lake Mary, FL 32746, (407) 531-1222 or e-mail Lweaver@wcfla corn Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 17, 2005. 669-0324 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Unclaimed Vehicle Sale The following Vehicle will be sold on April 1, 2005, at 8:00 AM: 1998 DODGE INTREPID 4.DOOR VIN 2B3HD46R7WH222299 Owner: Romeo Gonzalez, 1104 CR 476, Bushnell, FL 33513 Address where vehicle Is stored and will be sold: 11499 CR 675 W Webster, FL 33597 Interested parties contact 352-217-0345. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 17, and 24, 2005. .670-0317 SCT Sumter County School Board SClosed Session 3/22/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School Board will meet In closed session for the purpose of considering student expul- sions on Tuesday, March 22, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one (1) time In the Susiter County Times, March 17, 2005. 650-0317 SCT Notice to Creditors (Summary Administration) Estate of Joseph Rotella PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 2004-CP-0330 IN RE: ESTATE OF JOSEPH ROTELLA, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAV- ING CLAIMS OR DE- MANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been en- tered in the estate of JO- SEPH ROTELLA, deceased, File Number 2004-CP-0330; by the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Probate Division, -the address of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513; that the decedent's date of death was Novem- ber 19, 2004; that the total value of the estate is $5,000.00 and that the names and address of those to whom it has been assign- ed by such order are: Mable LeBlanc 1006 Woodside Drive Wildwood, Florida 34785 ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the de- cedent other than those for whom provision for full pay- ment was made In the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF.THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) OR MORE YEARS AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED., The date of first publication of this Notice is March 10, 2005. Person Giving Notice: -s- Mable LeBlanc Petitioner 1006 Woodside Drive Wildwood, Florida 34785 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: -s- Lawrence J.' Marchbanks, Esquire LAWRENCE J.- MARCHBANKS, P.A. 110 Cleveland Avenue- Wildwood, Florida 34785. Telephone: (352) 748-5888 Facsimile: (352) 748-1416 Florida Bar No. 156960 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17,2005. 649-0317 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Fredrick Harold Sherk, Sr. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.' 2005-CP-000049 IN RE: ESTATE OF FREDRICK HAROLD SHERK, SR. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of FREDRICK HAR- OLD SHERK, SR., de- ceased, File Number 2005-CP-000049, is pend- Ing In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and ad- dresses of the personal r e p - resentatlve and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons h a v '- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this court W I T H - IN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST P U B L I C A - TION OF THIS NOTICE O R -30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the decedent's'es- tate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claimS, must file their c I a I m s with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE'FOREV- E R BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING T H E TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice Is Mar- ch 10, 2005. Personal Representative: FREDRICK H SHERK, JR. 644 Tallwood Trail Cleveland, TN 37312 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON FL Bar No. 176505 P.O. Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17, 2005. 648-0317 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Gertie Proctor PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CP-000050 IN RE: ESTATE OF GERTIE PROCTOR Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of GERTIE PROC- TOR, deceased, File Num- ber 2005-CP-000050, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and ad- dresses of the personal r e p - resentative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons h a v - ing claims or demands against decedent's estate, Including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this court W I T H - IN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST P U B L I C A - TION OF THIS NOTICE O R 30 DAYS' AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the decedent's es- tate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their c I a .i m s with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREV- E R BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING T H E TIME -PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is Mar- ch 10, 2005. Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON P.O. Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON FL Bar No. 176505 P.O. Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17, 2005.. 668-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Fictitious Name NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN, that the .Undersigned, Mark F..Gallagher, Jr., do- ing business as: Mark's Landscaping and Equip- ment Rental, at 9370 E. Waller Lane, Floral City, FL 34436, with a mailing ad- dress of 9370 E. Waller Lane, Floral City, FL 34436, desiring to engage in business under a fictitious name intends to register said name with Florida De- partment of State, Division of Corporations, Tallahas- see, Florida. DATED: March 14,, 2005 -s- Mark F. Gallagher, Jr., Owner' Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 17, 2005. 647-0317 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Theodore Stanley Gordon PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CP-000030 IN RE: ESTATE OF THEODORE STANLEY GORDON, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of THEODORE STANLEY GORDON, de- ceased, whose date of death was December 1, 2004; File Number 2005- CP-000030, is pending in .the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Di- vision, the address of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate, on whom a copy of this no- tice has been served, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE' DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 -DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent's es- tate must file' their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF-THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED., NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is Mar- ch 10, 2005. Personal Representative: -s- JANET LOU GORDON .14931 Park Lake Dr., #211 Ft. Myers, FL 33919 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- Lowell S. Schoenfeld Florida Bar No. 980099 GREEN SCHOENFELD & KYLE LLP 1520 Royal Palm Square 0:.'ul... al :.uiit J20 .- r.1, .r. Fio.,,,, 33919 Telephone: (239) 936-7200 Published two (2) times in .the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17, 2005. 671-0317 SCT . PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION Sumter Electric Coopera- tive, Inc., is a recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Rural Utilities Serv- ice, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and is subject to the provi- sions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitat 1973, as amend Discrimination A as amended, th regulations of th apartment of which provide th son in the Unite basis of race, co a origin, age or s h a be excluded front tion in, admission to, denied the I 0 otherwise be si discrimination u this organizat g r a or activities. T r e sponsible for c this organization crimination com forts is the Dire man Resources vidual, or speci individuals, who this, organization jected them to dis may obtain fur nation about th and regulation a b o from, and/or file complaint with th tion; or the Sec Department of Washington, D. o the Administra U t I itles Service, V D.C., 20250. 0 must be filed days after the a crimination. Co will be maintain e x tent possible. SECO Powered by Published one the Sumter Coi March 17, 2005 665-0317 PUBLIC Ni There will be s service equipment cessories from Service Departmr through the bid fered by the Sur School Board, 476, Bushnell, I bids will be open 8, 2005 at 11:01 surplus items m prior to the bid the Sumter Cou Warehouse local West McCollur Bushnell, Florida may be seen Ap 8, from 9:00 a.m A copy of the bi be obtained at house and must ted on or befo 2005 at 11:00 a submit the bid s Warehouse ort County School E further informal Mike Losse at 7 Leroy Smith at ext. 227. Published one the Sumter Coui March 17, 2005. 663-0317 PUBLIC Ni The Early Lear tion of Citrus a Counties' Contr SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, PAGE 27 ion Act of Services Committee Meet- 672-0407 SCT ed, the Age ing will be held on PUBLIC NOTICE .ct of 1975, W e d' n e s - e rules and day, March 23, 2005, at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ie U.S. De- 10:00 a.m. The Committee FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Agriculture will be Evaluating the RFPs IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA hat no per- that have been submitted CASE NO. 2004-DP-36 d States on b Y IN THE INTEREST OF: olor, nation- Central Agencies to man- M.J., DOB: 02/02/04, I a g e Minor Child handicap the School Readiness Pro- I I gram in Sumter County for SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING m participa- FY2005-2006. The meeting FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS n or access will be held at the Coalition AND PLACEMENT FOR ADOPTION benefits of, office located at 1564 N. r Meadowcrest Blvd., Crystal THE STATE OF FLORIDA objected to River, FL 34429. under any of TO: RUDENA YOUNG ion's pro- Published one (1) time in MOTHER OF MINOR CHILD, M.J. m s the Sumter County Times, WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN The person March 17, 2005. You are hereby notified that a petition under oath has been coordinating filed in the above styled Court for the termination of your pa- n's non-dis- rental rights to M.J., a male child born on the 2nd day of ipliance ef- February, 2004, in Lake County, Florida, for placement of actor of Hu- w l the child with the Florida Department of Children and Fami- . Any indi- M ND lies for subsequent adoption. YOU ARE HEREBY COM- fic class of i MANDED to be and appear before the Honorable Judge feels, that William H. Hallman, Ill, Judge of the Circuit Court, or anoth- n has sub- n er judge assigned to hear the above cause, at the TERMI- scrimlination NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING at rather infor- 10:00 A.M. on April 25, 2005, at the Sumter County Court- he statutes, house, 225 East McCollum Avenue, Bushnell, Florida nes listed 33513, in Courtroom A. You must appear on the date and v e time specified. e a written ,. is organiza- .... FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISO- retary, U.S. ,' RY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMI- Agriculture, .- NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. IF C., 20250; ,i YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECI- r FIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE ator, Rural -. CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS I NOTICE. Washington, Complaints YOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRES- Within 180 ENT TO REPRESENT YOU IN THIS MATTER. IF YOU alleged dis- WANT AN ATTORNEY, BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD nfidentiality A A ONE, YOU.MUST NOTIFY THE COURT, AND THE ned to the IplIc COURT WILL APPOINT AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT SYOU IN THIS MATTER. This notice shall be published once a week for four consec- O U utive weeks in the Sumter County Times Classified People Vyour Section. (1) time in Witness my hand as the Clerk of said Court and the Seal unty Times, I I thereof, this 14th day of March, 2005. SCT NOTICE urplus food ent and ac- the Food nent for sale process of- mter County 2680 W C Florida. The ned on April 3 a.m. The ay be seen opening at nty.Schools ated at 301 nm Avenue, i. The items ril 6, 7, and .-11:00 a.m. d sheet can the Ware- I be submit- ire April 8, .m. Please sheet to the the Sumter Board. For ion contact 93-7906, or t 793-2315 (1) time in unty Times, SCT DTICE ning Coali- and Sumter rating For Legai Adverising in the call 79302161 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF COURT By: -s- Winona Mitchell Deputy Clerk -s- Choung Mi Akehurst, FBN: 0525227 Richard D. Gjsh, FBN: 754994 Child Welfare Legal Services Department of Children and Families ,1601 W. Gulf Atlantic Highway Wildwood, FL 34785 (352) 330-2177 Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 17, 24, 31, and April 7, 2005. 674-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SUMTER COUNTY SOLID WASTE REGULATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Solid Waste Regulation Advisory Committee will hold its fifth meeting to begin consideration of regulations concerning Class I landfills in Sumter County. The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 24,2005, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 327, Third Floor of the Sumter County Historic Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting or to be heard at the meeting should call 352-793-0270 to make any special arrangements. Notice is given if any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Committee at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not pre- pared or furnished by the Committee. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, March 24, 2005. RA *OCALA SALES VENT LINCOLN MERCURY H IT S NEVER BEEN EASIER TO SAVE & BUY A NEW LINCOLN/MERCURY DURING THIS LIMITED TIME EVENT PROMO PRICED AT... PROMO PRICED AT... PROMO PRICED AT... 291,987 DEALER LIST . PROMO PRICED AT... DEALER LIST . $23,020 W fam.-Mm~f~iicx^5 PROMO PRICED AT... DEALERAT LIST S33.110 I 'I ~ TOTAL SAVING N ANY NEW 2005 LINCOLN OR OVER O CHOOSE ( xcludes: Montego & Mariner, they do not qualify) OCA A LINCOLN. MERCURY 407 MAGNOLIAAVE, OCALA E V TEW V ,R V oYO THE W. ,732-2866 ALL OFFERS,'PRICES PLUS PREDELIVERY PACKAGE OF '2A9 TA TAG ANtDOT -,ER GOVERPIIIENTAL FEES OFFERS GOODDA O F PUBLI CATI,'l OILNL. OT A-rj zu Cj.-1iLE ,FOR TYPOGRAPHICA L ERRORS PICTURES ARE USED FOR ILLUSTR-TIOr PuRFO'SES OrLY DUE TO PUBLICATION DEA LINES SCA.iE U iETS .1 r, O F E 5CLO PRCOFR S.,LES E,LUi EOD MUT T, KE DELIVERY FROM DEALER STOCK "ALL SAVINC.,'PRICES ARE FROM.1D0ELER SuGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ALL RE6ATe.firjCEnCTiVE,:. 'C-.IGrJEC TO DEALER rjD f.1' * INCLUDE FMICC CONTRACT.OWNER LOYALTY'CONQUEST NJOT ALL PURCHASERS MAY UALIPFY SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS FRO DEALER V- PAGE 28, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005 660-3224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30 PM, Monday, April 4, 2005, In Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bush- nell, Florida to consider requests for rezonings, special use permits, and temporary use permits. All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In ad- vance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, If a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by an above named Board with respect to any .matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record may In- clude the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0031 GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on C-466. North on CR 223. Property approximately one mile on the east side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 12, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: W % of W % of NW of NW 1% lesseroad RIW & less N 15' & W 15' REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 9 acres MOL from A-1 & R1MR to RR5C, CASE NO.: R2005-0032 Lois A. Decker GENERAL LOCATION: Croomacoochee area: South on US 301. Property is on the southwest comer of US 301 and CR 675. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 7,I Tp. 22S, Rng. 22E: ParentParcel: N % of NW V of SW % less W 880' & less Hwy 301 R/W& less S 165' & that part of NW % of NE % of SW % lying W of Hwy 301 To be rezoned: Comm at NW cor of SW 14 run E 880' for POB: cont E 220' S 123.87' E 45' S 247.50' W 45' S 123.83' W 220' N 495' to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 2.74 acres from RR to RR1C and balance from a vested C-3 to CH to correct the name. CASE NO.: R2005-0034 Community Bank of Marion County GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. East on C-466. Property approximately 1 miles on south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 16, Twp. 18S, Rng. 23E: Beg at pt where E line of W % of SW of NE Inter S line of SR 466 run W 70 yds S 70 yds E 70 yds N 70 yds to POB REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone one acre MOLfrom CH to CL. CASE NO.: R2005-0035 Barbara Johnson GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on SR 44. North on CR 229. Property approximately 1 % mile on the west side of the road.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 27, TWp. 18S, Rng. 22E: S 1 of NE Y ofNE of NE less CR 229 R/W across E side REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 4.8 acres MOL from A-5 to RR1C to bring property Into compliance with the FLUM. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commis- sioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 6:00 PM In Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. CASE NO.: S2005-0005 Theodore H. & Melissa H. Smith GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on C-466. North on CR 223. Property approximately one mile on the east side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 12, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: arent Parcel: W of.W of NW V4 of NW 4 less N 16' & W 15' Property to be uti- lizd: S 660'of W of W of NW V of NW / less N 15' & W 15' REQUESTED ACTION: Special Use Permit to allow a com- merclal kennel. CASE NO,: S2005-0006 Robert M. & Robin D, Gold GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: South on US 301. West on C-476. Property approximately three miles on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 18, TWp. 21S, Rng. 22E: Tracts 2 & 3, Plat 1, Sumter Farms REQUESTED ACTION: Special Use Permit for a welding shop. CASE NO.: T2005-0014 Ethan L. & J.L. Fort GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford Area: North on US 301. Weston CR 202. When CR 202 turns north, property will be on the left. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 2, Twp. 18S, Rng, 22E: E 538.72' of S 466.7' of SW 1/4 of SW 1/ less S & E 30' & less that portion deeded to county REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow.a mobile home on the property for a caregiver's residence for three years. As time allows, the Zoning & Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, may hold a workshop dealing with revisions to zoning regulations and related matters. Information regarding these cases Is on file with the Sumter' County Division of Planning & Development, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These files may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 17, and 24, 2005. 629-0324 SCT Notice of Action Estate of Jasmin Misir PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.: 2005-CP-000045 IN RE: ESTATE OF JASMIN MISIR, Deceased. - NOTICE OF ACTION TO: The heirs of the deceased, JASMIN MISIR, who died on September 12, 2004. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that the Petition for Administration has been filed In the Court. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on Petitioner's attorney, whose name and address are: Nicholas P. Evangelo, Esquire Thompson & Associates, P.A. 2605 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite E Maitland, Florida 32751 On or before April 4, 2005, and to file the original of the written defenses with the Clerk of this Court either before service or immediately thereafter. Failure to serve and file written defenses required may result In a judgment or or- der for the relief demanded, without further notice. DATED this 24th day of February, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD As Clerk of Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Winona Mitchell As Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3,10, 17, and 24, 2005. - - 646-0331 SCT Notice of Action-Disso. of Marriage Chloe R. Kolcon and Robert A. Kolcon PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO. 2005 DR 000244 IN RE: The Marriage of CHLOE R. KOLCON Wife, and ROBERT A. KOLCON,, Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MAR- RIAGE TO: ROBERTA KOLCC'riJ 1T,72" Cri2 pp.ie Corr .:I.:r.:.al Fa.:ll, 4.,6,'l w r1 80 Klncheloe, MI 49784 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve-a copy of your writ- ten defenses, If any, to It on CHLOE R. KOLCON, whose address Is 11588 CR 682, Webster, Florida 33597, on or before April 11, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, be- fore service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- ture papers In this lawsuit will be malted to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can re- sult in sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: March 2, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2005. 623-0317 SCT - PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Writ of Exe-. cution issued in the Circuit Court of Volusia County, Florida, on the 31st day of May, 1989, in the cause wherein FLORI- DA NATIONAL BANK, was plaintiff and CAULEY JONES, JR., was defendant, being Case No. 88-5614-CA-01 in said court I 4 .'1IaI' IO. 0 Ti i- .-' a" ?ri r,. ,l .:,l uT,lii.,' C.u,',rT, HI ,,'. ca rna-e 1vi-a u i.:.r, ..ll ire H.. 1-. if,. at) -r.iv l- 01 \r. d-C , far,,ai'il C auli i.',-;: Jr ,r, ari1 s. Ir,- I.:,n.,rt,...i a ,,L"'i3 property, to-wit: 1996 RED CHEVROLET CAMARO IROC Z28 VIN / 2G1 FP22P6T2164828 and - 1997 SILVER CHEVROLET CAMARO IROC Z28 VIN/'2G1 FP22P4V2156701 and on the 29th day of March, 2005, at the north door of the Sumter County Judicial Building, in the City of Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., I will offer for sale all of the said defendant Cauley Jones, Jr.'s, right, title and Interest In aforesaid property at public outcry and will sell the same, subject to all prior liens, encumbrances and judgments, if any, to the highest and best bidder or bid- ders for cash, the proceeds to be applied as far as may be to the payment of costs and satisfaction of the above-de- scribed execution. William 0. Farmer, Jr., Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida By: -s- Sgt. Roger Hayes Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, Febru- ary 24, March 3,10, and 17, 2005. 632-0324 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2005 DR 000114 LISA A. SHEETZ, Petitioner, and GREGORY J. SHEETZ, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MAR- RIAGE TO: GREGORY J. SHEETZ, Last Known Address - 6746 C.R. 619, Bushnell, FL 33513 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your writ- ten defenses, If any, to it on LISA-A. SHEETZ, whose ad- dress Is 6746 C.R. 619, Bushnell, FL 33513, on or before April 4, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or Immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the re- lief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Fam- ily Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to comply can re- sult In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: February 25, 2005. CLERK-OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3, 10,17, and 24, 2005. ,c 644-0317 SCT S" :l, .-: : '.u. Ear,, Forfeiture Action PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CA-000238 AGENCY REPORT NO. 2005-01-0255 IN RE: THE FORFEITURE OF Seized Property: One thousand three hundred dollars and no/100 ($1,300.00), U.S. Currency Claimant: Lorri Denise Wells 1427 CR 753 Webster, FL 33597 NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE ACTION 'COMES NOW Complainant William 0. "Bill" Farmer, Jr., Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida, for the use or benefit of the Sumter County Sheriff's Office, by and through his un- dersigned attomev, and files this Complaint of Forfeiture .r.,a .3 i ut,,.:.n tro.-i. l A.ul.] srhou ja l $ i.j u , 1. That one or more Sumter County Deputy Sheriffs did, on or about January. 19th,.2005, seize U. S. Currency in the amount of one thousand three hundred dollars and no/100 ($1,300.00), at the area of 1427 County Road 753, Web- star, Sumter County, Florida, for violation of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. 2. The seized U. S. Currency is being held by the Sumter County Sheriff's Office, located at 225 East McCollum Ave- nue, Bushnell, Florida, with Its mailing address at P.O. Box 188, Bushnell, FL 33513. A Forfeiture Action Is pending. Dated this 29th day of February, 2005. -s- W.J. Jordan, Florida Bar #0507725 Attorney for William 0. "Bill" Farmer, Jr., As Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida Sumter County Courthouse 225 East McCollum Avenue Bushnell, Florida 33513 s te (352) 793-0222 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17, 2005. - M m 643-0317 SCT Amended Notice of Sale Credit Based Asset Servicing and Securitization LLC vs. Walter B. Taylor, etal. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2003-CA-000849 CREDIT BASED ASSET SERVICING AND SECURITIZATION LLC, Plaintiff, vs. WALTER B. TAYLOR; NORMA J. FRANQUIST, and any unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, and other unknown persons or unknown spouses claiming by, through and under any of the above-named Defendants, Defendants. AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Clerk of the Circuit Court ofSumter County, Florida, will on the 29th day of March, 2005, at 11:00 o'clock A.M., at the West door, 209 North Florida Street, Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the follow- ing-described property situate in Sumter County, Florida: The South 337.83 feet of the West 660.00 feet to the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 21 South, Range 21 East, Sumter County, Florida. Subject to an easement for Ingress and egress over and across the South 25.00 feet of the East 206.59 feet of the West 660.00 feet of said South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 together with an easement for Ingress and egress over and across the West 25 feet of the following described parcel of land: The North 212.81 feet of the East 875.41 feet of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 21 South, Range 21 East, Sumter County, Florida, also known as Lot 6, VANN'S UNPLATTED SUBDIVISION. pursuant to the Amended Final Judgment entered In a case pending in said Court, the style of which is indicated above. WITNESS my hand and official seal of said Court this 3rd day of March, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommoda- tion to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration at 209 North Florida Street, Bush- nell, Florida 33513, telephone (352) 793-0215, not later than seven (7) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955- 8770, via Florida Relay Service. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17, 2005. 661-0324 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Com- missioners of Sumter County, Florida, at a meeting held at the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell, Florida, on the 8th day of March, 2005, adopted a Resolution closing and vacating the following described road, right-of-way or ease- ment: That portion of Lake Shore Drive lying north of Teagle Canal and lying between lots 7 and 8 and lot 9, ROLL- ING HILLS MANOR, an unrecorded subdivision lying in section 28, township 18 south, range 23 east, Sumter County, Florida renouncing, disclaiming and closing and vacating any right of Sumter County, Florida and the public In and to any land or interest therein as to the above described property. This action shall not be final until 30 days from the date of this publication. Any interested party shall have the right to request a re-hearing by the Board during the 30 day period. Upon submission of proof of misrepresentation or mistake of substantial fact or other error, the Board may reverse the decision to close the road and dismiss the petition. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA -a- Jay A. Chandler, Chairman Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 17,2005. SPRING SALE I Big Deals during The 05 SUBURB` LB o w FULL PWR ., "T - --- --- r- *.r-, STK# 50404 NOW *33,873* NEW 2004 SILVERADO EXT. CAB * V-8 * AUTO *CD STK# 40462 NOW *21,058* WAS *28,089 STK# 50270 $ *MONTH $499 +TAX '48 month lease, .20c a mile over 48,000 miles $4867 Due at start, Lease end value $27,116.00 event Big Dance. 2005 TAHOE LS FULL PWR., ON-STAR MSRP $a6,120 CBC Disc 3,211 Rebate -3,000 S....... .Bonus Cash 4,000 STK# 50202 NOW $27,909.. 2005 VENTURE LS MP3, DRIVER INFO CENTER, LOADED MSRP $29,955 CBC Disc -1,448 Rebate -3,500 Bonus Cash -2,000 STK# 500( all , W $23,007* I 230# K 2TS NOW $15,644. LZzYANM ERM I847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 SV UIJ N 1-800-824-4386 IVROLET E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com *Tax, tag, & title not included in above sales price. Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com Gnuine Peole. Genuine Chevrolet Rates & rebates subject to change. 2005 MALIBU AUTO, CD MSRP $19,790 CBC Dis -646 Rebate -2,000 ..... r Bonus Cash -1,500 M 0-ril |