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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ............ 17 Church ...............6 Obituaries ............7 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits ............. 29 THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 20051 Mining operation draws criticism MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County Commis- sioners on Tuesday put off approval for a new operating permit for a Sumterville lime- rock mine, but instead gave it a three-month extension of its current permit. Commissioners decided that Ocala Bedrock, Inc., must return to the commission at the end of that period with proposals for an acceleration lane on County Road 470 at the mine entrance, some noise elimination and address neighbors well problems. The board has also asked the own- ers and county staff for pro- posals on limiting hours of, operation. The mine is currently oper- ating on a permit extension, issued last year. It was granted after commissioners decided that they did not want to issue a permit until the mine opera- tors cleared up some regulato- ry issues with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Steps to deal with those problems, mostly involving drainage from the Big Prairie 'Canal, have been set by a con- sent order from that agency. While the permit applica- tion came to the board with approvals of the county's Zoning and Adjustment Board and Development Review Committee, some of the mine's neighbors were against a new permit. Linda Wood, who resides just south of the quarry, said it's been a problem for a num- ber' ofr the homes in her area, She showed commissioners a darkened filter cartridge, from her home water supply. "We didn't need this before Bedrock."she said. While the well is probably 80 years old, the water quality w\as good before Bedrock, Wood said. , Homes have been damaged and the mine operators have replaced some wells, she said. The board needs to consid- er hours of operation, Wood said. "They operate in the middle of the night." While looking after live- stock recently, she said the noise in her pasture was "deafening" at 3 a.m. Now, there are sinkholes appearing in ne%\ pasture her family recently purchased in the same area, she said., John and Diana Goff are *also County Road 526 resi- dents. He said his concerns were much the same as Wood's. While trying to build onto their home, Goff said he could not get a contractor to guaran- tee concrete block walls. "I understand that they have to make a living," Goff said. "But, the noise levels are high." He suggested that the oper- ations be limited from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m., FAIR STARTS FRIDAYi AMANDA NIMdMS Staff Writer It's that time of year again. While we're looking forward to warmer weather, we can also look forward to cotton candy, elephant ears, carnival games and rides on the Ferris wheel. The Sumter County Fair is something dif- fereat to everyone. but most can agree it's about the kids. from toddlers to teenagers. They look forward all winter to a 'fair day' when they go to the fair instead of school, and of all the rides, the shows, food, and the friends they'll see. For 50 years people have been making memories at the Sumter County fair. This year, the fair starts on Friday. March 11. and continues through Saturday. March 19, at the fairgrounds north of Webster. Plenty of work goes in to putting this all together, which most people probably don't think about when they go to enjoy all the fair has to offer. "People don't understand it takes a lot to put the fair together," said fair spokesperson Barbara Kane, and she's strived to make this year better than ever: "It's our 50th anniversary: so we want to make that shine," Kane said. There will be more entertainment than usual, and a big addition to setting up was their website. which they've never had before. It gives information about the day-to-day schedule. which Kane said has been a great help to those who've already inquired. Also new this year, the Speckled Butterbean restaurant in Webster will be manning the kitchen. Instead of the usual hamburgers and hot dogs there, folks can opt for a sit-down type of meal and will be able to choose from menu items like grouper: catfish, and Cuban sand iches. There will be lots to do and enjoy for the coming week, but don't miss this Friday night when the fair kicks off with the Miss Teen Sumter and Miss Sumter Pageants at 7 p.m. Reigning Miss Teen Sumter Calah Carmichael will hand over her crown to one Please see FAIR, Page 2 Photo by Amanda Mims The food stands have been brought in and rides Have been erected at the Sumter County fairgrounds, where only a few finishing touches will be needed to be ready for the thousands who are expected to attend and take in all the fair has to offer on its 50th year. Air ambulance base moves north hnoto oy Amanaa Mims Tom Zuber, a Life Net pilot who works out of Augusta, Ga., flies a single-engine EC130 helicop-, ter over Wildwood on Monday, March 7. The helicopter, which was flown in from Georgia this week for demonstration purposes, will be permanently housed at Life Net Florida's new air ambulance base in.Wildwood within the next four to six weeks. AMANOA MiMS Staff Writer A few months ago, Life Net air ambulance base moved from its southern Sumter, County location in Bushnell to a new facility in Wildwood. On Monday, March 7, Life Net held a fornmal ribbon-cut- ting ceremony for the new office building, at 6450 County Road 139, in Wildwood, and used the opportunity not only to let the community know they're here but also to show .off their 'newest piece of equipment, an EC-130 heli- copter The new aircraft is lighter than thi ,current one and roomier. "eire is a one-per- son street 6er inside which slides easily' for quick evacua- tion and enough room for a four-member crew. Besides serving Sumter County, Wildwood's Life Net base also covers Lake and parts :f Marion County and assists in Citrus and Pasco, which makes base location important Dr. William Sheen, aviation base manager, said the deci- sion to move operations to Wildwood was primarily made because of the large concentration of people in the north end of the county. He said the response time to the north end wasn't what they wanted it to be and "there wasn't as great a need in the south end." He said the response time to The Villages, as well as to Please see MOVE, Page 2 Residents' complaints cen- tered on blasting in the mine as well as the noise. One neighbor to the mine property, Micky Harris, said that a consultant for the mine. had left a seismograph at her house for about a month. While the device was sup- posed to record loud noises or the shock from blasting, it showed nothing even during a hurricane. Bedrock officer Darryl Lanker said his company has made it a policy to investigate' Please see MINING, Page 2 Rape suspect threatens suicide BoB REICHMAN Editor A Wildwood man was; arrested Thursday after he' reportedly held a woman cap - tive, raped and then beat heri before threatening to take his, own life as law enforcement officers attempted to arrest' him. D avid Phillips, 29, was arrested for sexual assault and battery, bat- tery causing bodily harm, false impris- onment and i violation of David Phillips probation on. . a battery warrant from Citrus County. Phillips was placed in the Sumter County Detention Please see RAPE,. Democrats tackle landfill issues BoB REICHMAN Editor While the County Commission ponders the fate of the Sumter County landfill, local Democrats are trying to gather more information about the issue. The Sumter County. Democratic Club has sched- uled a meeting tonight (Thursday) to discuss options for the county landfill. The issue has been gaining local attention as county com- missioners wrangle with Please see LANDFILL, Page 2 Support training The Florida Association of Community Health Centers'- recently sponsored Basic, Disaster Life Support,. Training in Orlando.' Designed for Community Health Centers. Please see TRAINING, Page "40- - t at. ** "s E jyj2- ?f'i \c - I VOLUME 121 NUMBER 10 PAGE A2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Local artists gather for Show and Tell MOVE Artists gather to share their work AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Something a bit out of the ordinary was going on at American Legion Post 101 in Bevilles Corner on Friday, March 4. Joe Capporelli, of Edward Jones Investments, was hosting an Art Show and Tell in which local., artists showcased their work includ- ing stained glass, needlepoint, woodworks, oil and acrylic painting, and pen and ink works. "I had a lot of artists in my midst and didn't even know it," said .Capporelli. He said the idea for this get-together sprung from his monthly cof- fee club, where he meets with various people, mostly clients, from around the area. "This month we joined forces with the Art Guild," he said, adding many of his clients are artists. He found there is a lot of local interest in for art and incorporated it with one of his monthly meet- ings. About 50 people attended on Friday, and there were 40 art displays where artists got Artists who participated in the Show and Tell on Friday, March 4 included (from left to right) Pat Oeslanger, president of Sumter County Art Guild, Robert Ruth, Sr., Theresa Nitz, and Marilyn Dunn (front). to introduce themselves and talk about their work Artists enjoyed the event, as evident by their expressions of thanks and smiles on their faces as they were leaving late that morning. Many were introduced for the first time to other artists in their own neighborhoods. Pat Oelslager, president of Sumter County Art Guild, said the group gained several new members as a result of the show. Childhood education class set LANDFILL The Withlacoochee Technical Institute is accept- ing applications for the Early Childhood Education Class. Interested applicants must attend Pre-Enrollment Orientation on Thursday, FAIR continued from Page 1 of these seven contestants: Amber Caruthers, 15, of Lake Panasoffkee, Jelissa Garcia, 15, of Bushnell, Zandria Robison, 14, of Bushnell, Brebbnna Mertz, 15, of Coleman, Chelsea Bacon, 16, of Webster, Amanda Vaughn, 14,' of Bushnell, or Dina Clayton, 16, of Center Hill. TRAINING continued from Page 1 The training program teaches the core concepts of disaster management includ- ing mass triage and emer- gency response, natural disas- ters, traumatic and explosive events, chemical events, bio- logical events, nuclear and radiological events, personal protective equipment, and decontamination. Maria Bello, MD MPH, and Patricia Cheston, PA-C, repre- RAPE continued from Page 1 Center without bond. Wildwood officers were notified about 11:52 p.m. by 911 that the woman, an acquaintance of Phillips', has been locked in a bedroom where she was raped and then beaten, according to Wildwood Police Capt. Eddie Reeser. Following the attack, the woman had fled to a neighbor's for help, he said. During an investigation of the incident, officers located Phillips as he ran from his car into his apartment on .Huey Street, Reeser said. He locked April 21, at 7 p.m., Room 217 (Building 200). Class will begin on Aug. 10. Part-time enrollment is also available. To register for ori- entation, call 352-726-2430, ext. 262. There are five contenders for the Miss Sumter crown this year: Kourtni Strickland, 17, of Bushnell, Jennifer Collins, 18, of Webster, Erin Jones, 24, of Bushnell, Carolyn Chandler, 18, of Lake Panasoffkee, and Laci Wells, 19, of Lake Panasoffkee. Last year's Miss Sumter is Nicole Rodgers of Bushnell. For all the fair activities, see the special fair section included in this week's edi- tion of the Sumter County Times. sented Thomas E. Langley Medical Center at the event Dr. Bello is a Board Certified Family Practice and Geriatric Physician and is also the Medical Director at Langley. Patricia Cheston is certified Physician Assistant and is a vital member of the Urgent Care team. Both providers will be shar- ing their experience with the rest of the medical staff at Langley. For more informa- tion regarding the medical staff and Langley's commit- ment to the community, con- tact the Center at 352-793- 5900. the door and refused to let officers inside, . "At that time, he got a large butcher knife and threatened to kill himself if officers entered,", Reeser said. "He held it to his stomach threat- ening to stab himself and then held it to his throat "At one point, he threatened to come outside and make officers shoot him," according .to Reeser. Reeser, who responded to the incident, said he spoke with the man for about 40 minutes before finally talking him in to surrendering.: Phillips was initially taken to Lifestream *Behavioral Center for evaluation and later transferred to the county jail, Reeser said. continued from Page 1 ways to deal with the ever-. growing deficit created by, landfill expenses. The county faces a multi- tude of concerns involving the' landfill and its recycling operation meant to convert household garbage into a usable compost product.. As commissioners discuss options, landfill employees are growing anxious about the future of their jobs. More than 20 people work at the landfill. Marge Lowery, an officer in the club, said the Thursday night meeting is open to the public and discussion about, the landfill will,be in a non- partisan format. "If enough information is "It worked out well it worked out very well," Capporelli said. "We have great customers, you know. As a result, it makes this job fun," he said. presented we may try to take position," Lowery said. Leading the discussion is Chester Bradshaw, a local environmentalist Bradshaw said he expects other concerned local leaders will also provide information related to landfill activities. Bradshaw said he is hope- ful that a way can be found to promote the recycling process at the landfill. Topics will include: ways to remove glass from compost material and ways to sell compost. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. March 10 in the extension building at Lake Sumter Community College's Sumterville cam- pus. "The community is wel- comed to attend this meet- ing," Lowery said. "This aspect of the ,m'eting will be nonpartisan discussion." Call Today For Low Fixed Rates 1 1.800.71 3.7550 Duane A. Mathis 1 e8U*1 3ob.5 Mortgage Loan LED i 2301 Thonotosassa Rd. Plant City Originator 433960 S. T SUMTER COUNTY IMEs (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL, News Department................352-793-2161 Circulation ................ .1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertisinrg .... .......... .352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ............352-793-2161 Fax ....................... .352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year fora subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Second Class Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES continued from Page 1 Lake Panasoffkee, is about three minutes now and their air ambulance can get any- where in the county within ten minutes. Life Net administrators expressed their happiness with the move, as a crowd of about 45 EMS personnel, police and others listened quietly. "My heart feels good today to see this come to comple- tion," said Life Net Regional Director Ken Grimes. "Our dream is that the helicopters MINING continued from Page 1 neighbors' well complaints when complaints are made. The company has replaced a couple of wells, but they were both very old and might not have actually been harmed by mining operations. He also told commissioners that the backup warning beepers on loaders at the mine would be switched to strobe-type warning lights for nighttime operations. Commissioners assured Lanker that the company would not have to go back through the other boards prior to the next permit renewal hearing on June 14. They also assured him that the hearing would only deal with those issues raised this week and no new issues. In other business: Commissioners and county officials are apparently about to run short on time to get new county land use regulations approved before their mora- torium on new "adult" busi- nesses expires. $Please Spay or Neuter your pet! 7 Office H Thrift K, Tues. -30 10:370 - K.;i - in the communities are where the patients are," he said, adding that it's come a long way since air ambulances were stationed at hospitals. Wildwood Mayor Ed Wolf also had a few words to say about the new base. "I just look forward to a long relationship with Life Net," Wolf said. "I couldn't think of a better place than Wildwood (for the air ambulance base)." The base has four pilots, who work in 12-hour shifts, and 14 medical employees. A Life Net crew consists of a pilot, a paramedic, and a flight nurse. Life Net provides service 24 hours a day, seven days a week But, to get those ordinances in place, the commission has authorized County Attorney Randall Thornton to proceed with the hearing notices to extend the moratorium for 10 more days. That was Thornton's sugges- tion to make sure the county does not leave a window of a couple of days in which a business could become estab- lished., The gist of the problem is that both a moratorium exten- sion and the land use regula- tions require two hearing processes with at least 10 days between each hearing. County Commissioners got the draft of the proposed ordi- nances Tuesday night. Their consultant in the matter would not be available until March 29. But, the current moratorium extension ends April 10. So, the board will need to consider the moratorium later this month and appar- ently will need to have a spe- cial meeting for that on April 5, according to Thornton. Then, the commission can consider the actual regula- tions on March 29 and at a second hearing on April 12. WE'LL PAY FOR YOUR SUMTER COUNTY PET LICENSE must meet requirements Surgery Day: Tuesday & Friday 8:30-5 PM (By Appointmenl Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 PM CARES CENTER 14 Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic . . 735 E. C 470, Lk. Panasoffkee S(352) 568-9994 Sumter County Adult/ Community Education Center . 1425 CR 526A Sumterville, FL 33585 (352)793-5719 GED Class Schedule Sumterville Center S cheu e IvMonday & Friday 6. .. -1 00C-r i Triursday & Friday Morning 8 11 00 a 0 Triursday Anernoon 12- 300M Monday Evening 6 30 9 30 . Tuesday Evening. 6 00 9:00 P r. Wednesday Evering .5.30 8-30 r, P1 Tutoring. Literacy & ESOL - TnurEdav Eenings 5.30 9.30 i Head Start Center Wildwood Monday & Thurs.iay Anernoons 3 30 6 30 PM Villages Charter High School G E D Prep & Adult Basic Educalorn Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings 6 00 8 00 P P Other Adult/Community Education Center Class Offerings DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE ,F.,n," &aur.ca ;e* E 1sl & 3ra Monday ol each monih 5 30 9 30 P M Pre-Regisirahon required $35.00 D.A.T.E. DRUG ALCOHOL TRAFFIC EDUCATION Pre-registration required $30.00 CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT PROGRAM Pre-registration only COMPUTER CLASSES Beginning Intermediate Advanced Internet E-mail *B.O.S.S. (Secretarial skills) GRATIS CLASSES DE INGLES Clases De Espanol/Ingles Los Martes De Las 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. Maestro es Bi-Ligual Centro De Educacion Para Adultos, Sumterville, FL Telefono: 793-5719 ADVERTISEMENT New Mini-Mall Opens in Bushnell Looking for that something special? Fishing items, home decor, collectibles? Then check out the new S ROE =AZA HW 42 I Free N aI Hearing Aid Repairs 259-5790 all makes and models mAN 'NO w I Battery Sale MllUAIIWN oxOD 29 AING 751-57 16$2 2 1CCr I W /H A ._, ILirrn[l2DdC.^I mini mall and consignment shop at the Sumter Fun Center in the old Wal-Mart building in Bushnell! The shop offers new and used items and some of the things available include fish rugs and windsocks, western and sunflower decor, glass- ware and more. They open Friday, March 11. The items range from the collectibles and antiques to gift items and miscellaneous! The mall is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday. The kids coming along, but you want shop time and they want fun time?. Then come on out the fun center's open on the weekends and that means that parents can browse while the kids bowl or skate. Lanes and rink open Friday and Saturdays, from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. There's even a chance to tan and get fit during shop- ping day Bodyworks Fitness Center is open from 6 a.m. to. 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. 11 vendors have already set up shop in the mall and if you're looking to own your own business, you might open up shop in a booth - there are still spaces available. Covered spaces for yard sales will also be available. The mini mall is located at 1010 N. Main Street for more information call them at 793-4760. IL 0 .-i- Ar 4w B - I PLUS w*-- will incAud'o a FREE $30.00 Gift Ca Master Card k-- SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE A3 Edwards named Sumter teacher of the year AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer While the name Bebop ,Brown may not mean much to some, for students in Teasha Edwards' eighth grade American History class he may have meant the differ- ence between fumbling through the course uninter- ested and actually enjoying and benefiting from it. Edwards' unique teaching methods are one reason why fellow teachers nominated her for South Sumter Middle School Teacher of the Year, and the school board later chose her at the district level from winners at the other schools. "Basically Bebop Brown is a neutral character," she said, explaining that through his narrative students learn about both sides of conflicts and events in American history, Teasha Edwards' unique teaching methods are one reason why fellow teachers nominated her for Teacher of the Year while speaking in what Edwards calls "student lingo." Of course he doesn't actually speak, and he's not a cartoon character-it's just a way for Edwards to teach, and give assignments while piquingthe students' interest. "That's their number one question. What's Bebop doing today?" she said. When Edwards invented the character several years ago, she didn't know it would help her to earn such a high honor. "I was in shock, definitely in awe that I won it," the 31-year- old said. "The other two (final- ists) are outstanding people." SSMS Principal Christina McKinney was understand- ably proud of her former stu- dent, fellow teacher, and cur- rent member of staff. *"Everybody (at the school) felt like Teasha deserved it and would represent the school very well," she said. "She's a very positive force school- wide." A graduate ofthe University of Central Florida, Edwards came back to Sumter schools, where she was a student from fourth to twelfth grade. She's spent her entire 10 years of teaching at SSMS, where she's been praised for her leader- ship roles and help in the after school program. It's not for recognition or praise, though, that Edwards does what she does. She said if she weren't teaching, she doesn't know what she would want to do. "I love my job," she said. Edwards also said all of the school employees deserve credit for educating Sumter's students. "It's not just me, it's every- body-we're all a team and we work together," she said. Edwards, as well as finalists Chris McKinney from Bushnell Elementary and Lynn Thomas from Webster Elementary, were all honored at a ceremony at the March 1 school board meeting. Also recognized were teach- ers of the year from the other schools: Benachoice Caruthers, Karen VandeMark, Danielle Sanders, Steve Doggett, Molly Everett, Jane Hunter, and Mike Callaway. In the coming months, Edwards will be in contention for Florida Teacher of the Year award. fi Photo by Amanda Mims Sumter District Teacher of the Year Teasha Edwards helps American History student Jacob Holloway, 14, translate histori- cal American documents into eighth-grader language, a tool she believes helps her students to better understand the mate- rial and makes the subject more enjoyable. Sumter man arrested for felony, littering 1,269 pounds of tires 28 tires from automobiles, semi-tractor trailers and tractors were recovered More than 1,200 pounds of discarded tires landed a Wildwood man in jail facing felony-littering charges. Martin Wilbert, 40, Wildwood, was arrested last Wednesday for littering tires. He was placed in the Sumter County Detention Wilber Center with bond waes set at $2,000. "Was Wilbert was them I arrested after a where motorist called the sheriff's office them f on his cellular years phone Wednesday saying he saw Wilbert dump the tires in woods off State Road 44 near County Road 229, according to sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. The motorist followed Wilbert through Wildwood into Lake County, providing his location by phone to the sheriff's department until a deputy arrived; Caruthers said. t t b r When sheriff's Environ- mental Officer Brian Tucker confronted Wilbert about the tires, Wilbert said he "was tak- ing them back to where he got them from two years ago," Caruthers said. The tires were collected by the county's Public Works Department and taken to the Sumter County landfill where- they .,ge said he weighed, accordT- ing to Caruthers. making All told, 28 tires 'ack to from automobiles, hegO 6t semi-tractor trail- ers. and tractors m two were recovered ago." from the dump- site, he said." The' ties weighed 1,269 pounds. i-' Because the tires weighed more than 500 pounds, the weight limit for misdemeanor littering, Wilbert was charged with a felony offense, Caruthers said. If convicted, Wilbert faces a third-degree felony punish- able by a maximum of five years imprisonment and a $5,000 fine. Brown-Waite announces $20 million in transportation funds U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-5) announced that $20 mil- lion in federal funding for local 5th District highway upgrades and expansions was included in the House version of the six- year highway-funding bill. H.R. 3, the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (TEA- LU) passed the House Transportation Committee by voice vote. "Twenty million in federal funds for Florida's 5th District will not only improve our trans- portation infrastructure, but will create high-paying and quality jobs for hundreds of area residents," said Rep. Brown-Waite. "These six proj- ects will improve.access to the most populated and rapidly expanding counties in my dis- trict. From the contractors and engineers who draw road plans, to the truckers and con- struction workers who carry and lay the asphalt local workers in my district will win as a result of these highway projects." One unresolved issue that will be dealt with during House floor debate is the improve- ment of Florida's rate of return on its contribution to the high- way trust fund. Under current law, all donor states are guar- anteed 90.5 cents returned for every dollar sent to the high-, way trust fund, covering 95% of the fund. House Transportation Committee Chairman Don Young (R-AK) has pledged to work with House Democrats and Republican leadership to .come to a resolution guaran- teeing Florida a better rate of return before H.R. 3 comes up for a vote. "I look forward to the bill coming to the floor of the House next week," continued Rep. Brown-Waite. "Florida's Congressional delegation will be working hard to ensure that Florida receives its fair share of the Highway Trust Fund and a better rate of return. Once the final details are ironed out, I anticipate a speedy resolu- tion in the House and over- whelming support on final pas- sage." The $20 million in federal funds will be allocated to five major highway projects and one bus project in Hernando, Lake, Levy, Marion, Pasco and Sumter Counties. List of 5th District Projects included in the House Transportation Committee passed legislation: Lake County, $7,000,000 will be. used to upgrade S.R. 50 from U.S. 27 in Clermont to the Orange County line. S.R. 50 services many Lake County constituents who commute to the Orlando area. Sumter County $2,000,000 -will be used to upgrade U.S. 301, the major highway parallel to 1-75. The road will be expanded to four lanes between C.R. 475 and Jarrell, Avenue in Sumter County. Police - SUPPORTING RELAY FOR LIFE Thursday, March 3 Arthur Sneed, 28, Wildwood, was arrested for trespassing. Bond was set at $500. Jermall Sallie, 20, Center Hill, was arrested on a war- irant for non-valid driver's license. Bond was set at ,$10,000. , William Sayre, 29, Webster, )was arrested on a Hernando County warrant for grand theft, possession of metham- phetamines, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia, possession of cocaine and driving while license suspended. Bond was set at $100,213. i Redmond Jack Lowe, 33, Coleman, was arrested for battery No bond was set Friday, March 4 Taninja Knight, 23, vildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- )ended. Bond was set at $500. Juan Orengo, 40, Wildwood, vas arrested for battery and resisting an officer without violence. Bond was set at $1,000. Javier Villegas, 30, Center Hill, was arrested for non- valid driver's license. Bond was set at $500. Andre Majors, 43, Wildwood, was arrested for defrauding an innkeeper and trespassing after warning. Bond was set at $750. Casey Fort, 27, Webster, was arrested for failure to appear for no fishing license. Bond was set at $1,500. Saturday, March 5 Willie Woods, 57, Wildwood, was arrested for domestic bat- tery. No bond was set. , Ralph Kennedy, 23, Coleman, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended with knowledge. Bond was set at $500. Chenoni Solomon, 30, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of cocaine. Bond was set at $5,000. Vaughn Decker, 37, Webster, was arrested for aggravated assault. No bond was set Sunday, March 6 Winslow Gordon, 18, Wildwood, was arrested for possession of crack cocaine, possession of marijuana and two county of possession of paraphernalia. Bond was set at $6,500. Lennie Bowman, 47, Wildwood, was arrested for violation of probation for a driving under the influence warrant. Bond was set at $750. Monday, March 7 Nathan Sessum, 49, Wildwood, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set Ladavick Gibson, 29, Webster, was arrested for driv- ing while license suspended or revoked. Bond was set at $500. Harley Rose, 23, Webster, was arrested for attached tag not assigned and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $1,000. Linda Grayson, Eric Higginbotham, Tammy Slack and Wade Wilson were working the day away at Crossroads Connection yard sale and car wash last week. They were among the church members washing cars to raise funds for the American Cancer Society and the Sumter County Relay for Life. They managed to raise $1,200 between the two events. BOB REiCHMAN Editor By Brenda Locklear Scott Tillman stands near Bushnell City Hall with a 12-foot wooden horse to defend "8 is Enough:' Tillman is part of the "Don't Touch Term Limits!" group and is making the rounds through Florida to, "Alert Floridians about coming attacks against term lim- its in the legislative session:' Don't Touch Term Limits! state chairman George Blumel indicates that the horse stands for mil- lions of Florida voters who have already voted for term limits. "We are leading the charge against any attempt by politicians and lobbyists to weaken our 'Eight is Enough' law." Blumel notes that "In 1992 Florida voters overwhelmingly approved term limits with a 77 percent vote:' PAGE A4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 ,SUMTPEK COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor...................... BobReichman Publisher .................. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place, 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association Our: CE The fun starts Friday at the county fair W aPC ob- pt' ~' fa Copy ri ghted MaterialI WSyndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" YourVOICE B beginning Friday, March 11, the Sumter County Fair opens its gates to nine days of entertainment, activi- ties and adventures. The fair starts at 5 p.m. on Friday and continues through Saturday, March 19. It's nine days packed full of fun and entertain- ment. Sumter's youngsters really are what the fair's P .* all about Sure there are plenty of activities for v- adults, but the kids are B the ones 'that are the REI focus of fair organizers. s The annual fair pro- vides a real opportunity for stu- dents involved in both 4-H and FFA to compete in livestock com- petitions. With a variety of live- stock shows and sales planned at the fair, patrons get to see the results of the youngsters' hard work during the past year to pre- pare their animals for show and for sale. This year's fair is also packed full of entertainment. There are singers, dancers, pageants and plenty of amusement rides and a midway full of games and a variety of food to keep the whole family busy. Azaleas in Florida bloom from late February to early April. Many culti- vars grow well in North. and Central Florida, but only a few are recom- mended for South Florida. Central Florida is that area from Leesburg south to Punta Gorda and Fort Pierce. North Florida is from Pensacola to Jacksonville and south to Ocala. If you have culti- vars from a state further north it may give a spo- radic flowering if it grows at all. Our warm winter temperatures my " not give enough chilling for northern er hybrids. With '* over 800 selections one may choose from, about one fourth of these are best for Florida. Azaleas belong to the genus Rhododendron. Flowers start to bloom with spring growth. The flower buds develop in late summer and fall, so pruning should be done shortly after flower- ing. The bud dormancy is usually bro- ken by exposures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit for 4 to 8 weeks followed by warm temperatures. Sporadic flowering is more common in Central Florida due to greater temperature fluctuation. Exposure to early morn- ing sun after a 4ard freeze will make those plants susceptible to cold injury. The rapid thawing and freez- ing'of twigs and branches my result in bark splitting. The death of these branches my not occur until weeks after the injury. Azaleas like filtered sunlight, such as that found in partial shade under pine trees or spaced between hard- For.thrill seekers, there are two nights of fast-paced demolition derby events and some amazing feats as draft horses line up to entertain the crowds. Whatever your inter- est, the fair has some- thing to keep you enter- tained. But more importantly, S"" it's a great opportunity to mingle with friends and get to know Sumter County a little bit better. oB A special Sumter HMAN County Fair section is -- included in this week's issue of the Sumter County Times. It is a guide to fair events and activities. We hope you enjoy the section and more importantly, the fair. Also, look for our special section after the fair featuring the win- ners from various pageants and events during fair week The sec- tion will'be included in the April 7 edition of the Times. In the meantime, get out to the fair and let the Sumter County Fair Board know that you appreci- ate their efforts to bring Sumter County a fun and enjoyable coun- ty fair. wood trees. Azaleas are very shallow rooted shrubs. The soil should be well drained, with a pH of 4.5 to 5.5. Watering of new plants is necessary during extended dry periods, but when established, watering can be done every 7 to 10 days. Wet the soil to a depth of 14 to 18 inches. Use a light application of a .... good b quality t Azalea fertilizer right after bloom- ing has stopped, (usually April), in' June, and in September Apply a double. handful or approximately pound to a mature size plant A Bloom-buster fertilizer applied at the first sight of flowering will benefit the quality and size of flowers. The worst enemy of the Azaleas is the Azalea Lace Bug. It lives on the underside of the leaves and can be controlled with the proper insecticide spray. Plant clinics are held at the exten- sion office in Sumter County 793-2728 on Thursdays' Marion County 620- 34440,. and Lake County 3434110;. as well as 1Ito 4pm.on the first Monday of every month at the Sumter County Annex on County Road 466; and a Florida Friendly Landscape Series is held from 3:30 to 5 p.m., on second Wednesday of every month at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, located at 1852 C.R. 457. Martin Grum is a Sumter County Master Gardener, for help with any garden or landscape advice call the Sumter County Extension office at 352-793-2728. Kennedy had it correct President Kennedy had it correct. A missile launched from Cuba would be construed to be an act against the U.S. President Bush would be well advised to say the same to Mr. Putin, of Russia, and add, any missile or atom- ic attack by Iran, North Korea, or any one else, for that matter, would be considered an attack on the U.S. and would result in retaliation. J.P. Bratton Bushnell Beware of fraudulent e-mail Citizens may receive a fraudulent e- mail from service@southtrustson- linebanking.com. The e-mail states that they suspect that your account has been accessed by an unauthorized third party. The e-mail requests that you click on a web-link that is provid- ed in the e-mail. Clicking this link may provide the originators of the fraudu- lent e-mail all of your banking infor- mation. Do not open this e-mail, and if you do, do not click the link Delete the e- mail immediately. If you have clicked the link, you need to call South Trust Security at 1- 800-582-1137 and press Option 1. South Trust is aware of this e-mail and is in the process of investigating.' We suggest that if you experience any suspected fraudulent activity involv- ing your account that you contact your banking company immediately and report it If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 352-330-1355. Captain E.W. Reeser Wildwood Police Department Purcell's memory- lives in Hospice House A light has gone out in the south end, of Sumter County. A freak accident took the life of a vital young man on Dec. 30 of last year. As the ones 16ft behind struggle to continue the tradition begun by John Purcell and kept going by love, there will be a new candle lit Justin will Principal names honc Preston Morgan, principal of South Sumter High School, announces the honor roll for the second nine weeks of the 2004-2005 school year: 9th Grade A Honor Roll Isaura Carrillo, Brian Claypool, Krystal Coleman, Luke Crane, Kayla Fitts, Thomas Gates, Lacey Hall, Jeffrey Holloway, Sarah Isaccs, Samantha- Krieck, Tyler Latham, Kimberly Long, Rachel Martin, Brittany McCann, Ja Mobley, Sam Morrill, Samantha Orem, Matthew Porter, Quentin Reid, Justin Shaffer, Chad Stanley, Kyle Starnes, Bryan Stevens, Kyle Story, Samantha Stump, Rashad Thomas, Dustin Upshaw, Stacey Warden, Amanda Yates. A/B Honor Roll Jennifer Achtung, Morgan Alderman, Peter Alfonzo, Rikke Anderson, Adriana Barbiere, Jerrod Baxter, Brandon Bertram, Matthew Boys, Daryl Capodanno, Tim Clark, Courtney Clayton, Kyle Cole, Leon Cook, Heaven Dailey, Audrey Davidson, Brian Davis, Cynthia Dunn, Kristine Dunn, Ashley Ellis, Dorothy Ellis, Rose Gideons, James Goble, Laci Heur, Stephen Hyde, Kaylah Johnson, Axl Jones, Robert Kennedy, Mario Kurtz, Justin Lickman, Tiffany Maddox, Jarrod Marshall, Olivia Martinez, Amanda McDerrott, Crystal Mendez, Richard Miller, Ivonnie Moctwzuma, Bridgett Noell, Victor Orona, Chelsey Payne, Kayla Pelkey, Justin Ragan, Brittany Railing, Reason Rinker, Cameron Rooney, Shanna Rosner, Philip Scarpelli, Gloria Serrano, Amy Smith, Cassandra Smith, Nicole Smith, Cody Sowell, Bailey Squire, Travis Strickland, Amber Taylor, Elizabeth Tyree, Tiffany Vann, Ricky Valezques, Santana Ward, Jamie West, Jason Wilkinson, Nicole Williams, Jessie Woodard, Kristen Younger 10th Grade A Honor Roll Kirstie Calhoun, Alyssa Caruthers, Tiffanie Dean, Alisha Farfaglia, Reba Finnell, Kaitlyn Hartsock, Carmel Henry, Ryan Hileman, Scarlett Hofecker, Alecia Jacobs, Pamela Jenkins, Amanda Johnson, Amanda Keenum, Bianca Lindberg, Stephanie O'Neal, Kelly Smith, Tim Smith, Kayleen Young, Larissa Young. A/B Honor Roll Erin Alderman, Justin Andrews, Autumn Androska, Courtney Ausley, Chelsea Bacon, Michelle Barlow, Paulica Brown, Alyssa Brzoska, Mike Burdeshaw, Christina Caudill, Jarred Chandler, John Coronado, Kaitlyn Dietz, Josh Edwards, Rose Elliston, Sarah Fleming, Tyler Foster, Marcellus Hart, Heather Hayes, Levi Head, Jessica Howell, Felicia Huggins, Travis Hutcheson, Bridgette Johnson, Richard Kelly, Kyle King, Casey Kowalski, Craig Lackay, Crystal Lancaster, Thomas Lewis, Bethany Lewis, Kayla Lively, Samantha Maddox, Dryden Mann, Jessica Martin, Eva Mason, Brittany Mattos, Rebecca Mazak, Sean Mcleod, Ashton Mitchell, Shabonna Mitchell, Tiffany Mitchell, Courtney Pinion, Alex Reid, Alesha Richards, Brittany Ritchey, Zach Robison, Ismael Rodriguez, Kelly Rogers, Chantal Rollisono, Maria Romero, Allen Shultz, Katie Simmons, Cynthia Soto, Kallie Starling, Terrence Stephens, Billy Taylor, Rachael Thies, Justin Thomas, Erin Tucker, Joshua Vazquez, Toni Vega, Michelle Weddle, Austin Wicker, Courtney Wise, Brandon Woodard, Michelle Youngblood. 11th Grade A Honor Roll Kenny Adams, Joshua Bray, Charles Breen, Chad Cochran, Lance Carey, Christina Chandler, Maxin Chenega, Patricia Collins, Samantha Cook, Mario Elder, Amanda Fields, Sara Franz, Tia Harrison, Kelsie Hooten, Brady Jackson, Christina Jewel, Melissa Johns, Jarell Johnson, Terry Leach, Amy Parrish, Chris Pilcher, Veronica Prevatt, Kaitlyn Reed, Cory Ruiz, Jessica Russeu, Brandi Wilkinson, Stephanie Wills, James Winningham, Stephanie Yates. A/B Honor Roll Jennifer Baker, Brittany Branch, Krista Brown, Daniel Button, Tracy Cavanaugh, Dandi Chamness, Brittany Clark, Dina Clayton, Abril Covarrubias, Alex Cripe, Mike Dikerson, Joshua Dorsey, Kyle Dubbs, Patrecia Dubbs, Deryl Duggan, Mario Elder, Amanda Ferguson, Jarrod Fleming, Paul Gannon, Joseph Gwyn, Kaylyn Harrel, Tia Harrison, Alischa Head, James Howard, Gary James, Kayla-Ann Johnson, Robert Johnson, Todd Johnston, Lindsey Jordan, Scott surely follow in his father's path and through the efforts of Cheryl, his mother, and Brooke, his sister, and his Aunt Lita, the flame will glow again. Other family will add their support The Sumter County community will also support them. One such tribute is to name the new Hospice House in Sumterville after Lane. I believe he would be so proud. A father leaves a great legacy to his children. Lane took that legacy and ran with it Surely Justin will, too. The Hospice House is very much needed in Sumterville. Through a gra- cious donation of land from three business leaders the dream is under- way. Now we all have an opportunity to participate on Dedication Day, April 2, the first Saturday in April. The Hospice program in Lake and Sumter is under the able leadership of Executive Director Ted Williams It is now one of the largest in the state. This is just one more fine endeavor in South Sumter County. The dream goes on. |i Hilda Amrold )r students Jordan, Ashley Lancaster, Casey Lewis, Michelle Long, Nathan Macinnes, Jeff McClure, Adam Mitchell, Michelle Osborne, Michael Parrish, Victoria Peralta, Leroy Pierce, Chad Potter; Clayton Ready, Kaitlyn Reed, Amber Rhodes, Caleb Ross, Mark Sahee, Grey Salerno, Deanna Scott, Jessie Simmons, C.J. Smith, Dominick Smith, Nicholas Southall, Jonathan Strong, Garrett Struck, Alan Terry, Landi Tyson, Kyle Vorobok, Adam Wayte. 12th Grade A Honor Roll Amy Bedgood, Marissa Benavidies, Jessica Cason, Carolyn Chandler, Justin Cochran, Clay Crane, Jessica Ellis-Adams, John Farfaglia, Stacy Fillmon, Shakedra Grant, Jade Greene, Julie Harrison, Rebecca k Harrison, Sarah Hatcher, Anita Hawkins, Rebekah Isaccs, Ashton Jordan, Jacqueline Judge, Laura Kinniard, Stephanie Lister, Kim McCullough, Thi Nguyen, Nicole Phillips, Chris Pilcher, Maggie: Reganhardt, Brady Revels, Veronica; Rodriguez, Domino Sapp, Nicole Sargent, Tasha Scaff, Lindsay Smith. Billie Taylor, Rhonda Taylor, Sam; Thigpen, Amanda Tuberville, Amy Tyson, Heather Varnum, Smith' Velazquez, Brittany Wade, Katrina Webb, Robert Young. A/B Honor Roll Michael Adams, Travis Albright, Matt Bailey, Corina Bedgood, Kristan Chancey, Kari Chandler, Kara Cline Frederick Coleman, Steven Cooperi Amanda Cunningham, Candic. Davidson, Smithie Dobson, Ebony Elder, Chris Harrod, Brand,; Hendricks, Amanda Herby, Jondr Jackson, Andrea Johnson, Keitd Johnson, Jesse Kruck, Williarn Linderman, Odin Martinez, Sylvanuw McCook, Sarah McKenzie, Ashlej McMickle, Earl Mick, Josh Millei Veronica Mitchell, Justin Morgan Mario Ornelas, Magan Oswald, NicolF Payne, Desidad Pimental, Adrian' Ramirez, Christina Reid, Whitne Reznicek, Audrey Rhodes, Crysti Rice, Cindi Rogers, Amanda Scot James Shuyler, Michael Smiti Kourtni Strickland, Natasl Townsand, Joni Wallace, Kayl Wallace, Chara Wells, Cierra William Courtny Worrell, Nicole Young, Nat Youngblood. The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. Master azaleas in lorida Growing azaleas in Florida I 4 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE A5 New anti-drug group holds meeting AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Some Sumter residents are getting tired of drug activity in their area. Such residents include Marjorie Sanders and her husband, Bill Sanders. Marjorie Sanders, a patrol officer with the Webster Police Department, said she got tired of seeing and hearing about so much illegal drug activity in the area. They started a group they're calling Sumter PRIDE (Partnering Resources for Interactive Drug Education), and their goal is to reduce drug and alcohol abuse in the community. "I feel there is a need for a more active pre- vention program," she said. The first PRIDE meeting was held on Wednesday, March 2, a meeting they felt would help them judge how much interest and involve- ment there would be in the county. While only about a dozen people showed up at the Bushnell Community Center that afternoon, Bill Sanders said he felt encour- aged. He said they're planning a kickoff meeting for some- time near the end of April. Representatives from the Sumter Sheriff's Department, Bushnell Police, faith-based groups, and former educators were among those who came to the meeting. Senta Goudy, the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association's prevention director, told those at the meeting she was glad to know about this new program start- on her own because she saw ing up in Sumter County, the announcement in the because Sumter had been the newspaper and wanted to get only county in Florida without involved in an anti-drug pro- an anti-drug coalition, gram. "You can set standards. You "I'd like to work with the can help make a change," she kids," she said adding she'd said. She also encouraged the like to be able to go into the group by reminding them schools and be able to talk to about funding available in the the students herself. state for programs like this. "It's a matter of getting peo- While some who came to ple together," Mrs. Sanders the meeting were specifically said. "Hopefully we can help." invited, Bushnell resident With the first meeting out of Erin Hofmann said she came the way, the group can look forward to getting out and spreading information at the Sumter County Fair, where they'll set up a booth, and set a schedule for regular meet- ings. Mrs. Sanders also said the group is available to dissemi- nate information at events such as church gatherings and school functions. Membership to PRIDE is free. For more information, call (352) 874- 4822 or go to www.sumter- pride.com. Finance rates (Mtof an s aa e 'aefwsed) Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9% Marjorie (right) and Bill Sanders (left) were joined by Senta, Goudy, director of Prevention at Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, Inc. on March 2 at their first PRIDE (Partnering Resources for Interactive Drug Education) meeting at the Bushnell Community Center. i205 Built-in walkie-talkie E c GPS-enabled Wireless Web access j,'; Excluding taxes and shipping fees* There's never been a better time L to get the power of Nextel. NEXTEL AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER CHANGE. TEL n 9/15 3 Mesq 9 99C. LIMITED TIME ONLY CEllulAR /' TEChNICS, c. Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free Offers expire March 31, 2005. i205 Phone Offer: While supplies last. Final price of $0.99 is based on Point-of-Sale savings of $49 off the national promotional price of $49.99. Requires two-year service agreement, new activation and credit approval. $200 early termination fee applies, after 15-day trial period (30 days in CA). $35 per phone setup fee, up to $70 max per account (some markets a max of $80/account per order). Additional charges: state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1.343% or 1.5%, in some states a Gross Receipt Recovery Fee or other taxes, fees or assessments, a TRS charge of approx. .07%,,and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available in all markets. Other conditions may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. @2005 Nextel Communications Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are service marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. F)O I IPZ \, PAGE A6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 m Chunh CALENDAR Piano Concert First United Methodist Church, 221 W Noble Avenue, invites the public to a special Piano Concert on Friday, March 11, at 2 p.m. The con- cert, which is sponsored by the church's music depart- ment, will be held in the sanc- tuary and will feature Ladyfingers, a talented piano quartet featuring Diane Cross, Lydia Alfrey, Ellen Drachenberg and Margie Parrish.. There is no admission charge for the concert, but Pastor Larry Armbrust indi- cated that a free-will offering is to be taken with proceeds 'going to Tsunami Relief through UMCOR. For more information and/or directions to the church, call the church office -, Monday through Friday, from , 9 a.m. until noon, at 352-793- 3221. Spring Bazaar 3 St. Catherine United Methodist Church will have a Spring Bazaar on Saturday, , March 12, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (rain date Saturday, March '19). Proceeds will be used to [replace electrical wiring in our 95-year old church. The "event will be held at the church, which is located about five miles south of Bushnell on U.S. Hwy 301. ., Watch for signs. For informa- tion, please call 793-2664. RCELL FUNEFR Fami J. Lane Purcell Owner 793' Ladies Aide A Soup and Sandwich lunch, served with dessert and coffee, will be held on March 12, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Nobleton Community Center. For more information, call 352-796-5988 or 352-793-6064. Women gathering If a nice Saturday morning out with the girls sounds like fun, give the Lake Panasoffkee Christian Women's Club a call. This Saturday, their feature speaker is Marge Silverio, from Clermont and her focus is "Mirrors Don't Lie" Special fun feature for the day will be mini-hat decorat- ing with the solo sounds of local singer Janice Stokes. The monthly gathering includes snack foods from fresh veggies and deviled eggs and to this months' rum cake. The cost is $5 per person and childcare is available with reservations. The gathering is held at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center. Reservations are required so please call Pat at 330-4151 or e-mail jpoates@cfl.rr.com or bren@sum.net Rutland Baptist The Heirborne Drama Team will present is newest program, "Last Chance," at 11 a.m. Sunday at First Baptist Church of Rutland on State Road 44, east of Inverness.- For more information'about Sunday's presentation, call SHOMtee Sivce f960 LAL HOME ily Owned John D. Purcell Founder -4531 -1 "How do I decide which funeral home to call when the time comes?" Aside from the requirement that all funeral homes be licensed by the state, some basic questions you might ask when selecting a funeral home include: Are they flexible enough to handle your specific needs? Are decisions made locally or from an out-of-town corporate office? Are they full service? Do they sub-contract services such as cremation or do they provide these options on-site? Everyone has different priorities and questions about funeral pre-planning. We, invite your questions and we will respect your priorities. Please call us for a no cost, no obligation, no pressure appointment to get the facts on how you can benefit from funeral pre-planning. Plan today for peace of mind tomorrow! Bey FUNERAL HOME eersand CREMATORY Serving Central Florida since 1920 Licensed Funeral Directors Locally Owned and Operated 1123 West Main Street Leesburg, Florida Sumnter County Tollfree: 1-800-501-4343 REVIVAL, REVIVAL, REVIVAL "'Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:),for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and is righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:31-33 Evangelist: Rev. William "Billy" Hawkins President of the Bethel Baptist Congress of Christian Education, Treasurer of the Florida General Baptist Convention, Inc. & Pastor of the Gethsemane Baptist Church, Eustis, Florida You don't want to miss this Pastor, Preacher, Teacher, and Envangelist as he instructs and teaches us in the Word of God. We extend to you this invitation to come and share with us in this Revival. Surely, you will not want to miss out on this glorious, life changing Stewardship Revival. Theme: "God First" When: March 9-11, 2005,7:30 p.m. nightly Workshop beginning nightly @ 6:30 p.m. V Where: St. James Baptist Church 421 S. Lincoln Ave. Bushnell, Florida Rev. Danny McKenzie, Sr. Pastor A First Baptist Church of Rutland at (352) 748-5300. The public is invited. First Baptist First Baptist Church of Coleman invites everyone to come to a revival at our church. Our special guest will be Dr. Rodney Keith of Jacksonville. If you would like a blessing, please come and hear Dr. Keith at the following- dates and times: Sunday morning, March 13, 10:50 a.m.; Monday evening, March 14, 6 p.m.; Tuesday evening, March 15, 6 p.m.; and Wednesday evening, March 16, 6 p.m. Gospel Concert Sumterville United Methodist Church is present- ing An Evening of Songs of Faith, Gospel Concert, with Fred Poust and special guest Bill Farmer and others. Join us on March 12, at 7 p.m., at the Sumterville United Methodist Church, 2565 C.R. 522, one block east of Hwy 301, Sumterville. Free movies Looking for a fun family night, that anyone can afford? Gather up the kids and head w LU E. uJ 0 I am A CL X U w u < 0. I ffii U w N 0 I El''^*;T- BUSHNELL ( First Church of God Afr.il'airln .-li. r ni [iJ 793-3455 l':. ,jlr.d A, .: i .[,,ll: r Fr.l. ,, U L ':, i.,,l J .,j.,,,,l .'4, ,, i i irru i,| W 'r Ihi. ll ,'i, Eltn. ll.,rig ,i V .' "[III, l F P r 'J,,ne'-,d ii E rogI-ll 1; uI, [, II y rid.Al BeleiJir FPlur "'3534 J / All Atrc lVelcome At BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD su,',a W.:.r;.ri, .p 81:110 a M 10 0 A 0 e&C i.," PM Sunrjdy School 9.30 A M , VNed Di.,:iplenrp I'igril 7 00 P.M 1451 West C R 476. Bushnell 793 2240") rSt. Francis Episcopal Church-) 3.13 N (Grat e _tree r it.-t Li 301II P0 Boi C'-,.. i 2l 7-mi'i- ?,1.7 lViidriEda, Bible' rud, "pm Hokl Eucl-arbit 10 I i S'uridalv 'Snrdaji cb ool 110 a mn lA rnmte. Thurd. -a at p m m T/THE BUSHNELL PRESB)TERIAN\ CHURCH USA 3:'\'J B C"A[iC,,rri:r tI V D.3J. & N Bi..dl Church S:hool 15 am Public .rvr-l'p 10.1? 1 r.1 MON'UD i A Cro.:up Mkctui r 00 r I1 I V N'EED.V Bible Shtud 1 .) :.' I 352-793-4202 ./ First Baptist Church of Bushnell 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 'nang hinm Geoo Ne.of c Lite Througn ain In Cnnr' .urd.o I l tul 'I .1 . ;.ur.a ', W ..r'.r.lp, Il *iI. r P on. 1X n W ,-3 .E ,.3 II.. ':1 1 ,' j'I :' 1 .1 ( First United Methodist Church> 221 W. Noble Ave. T. .. .-c .r., Faith. Hope & Lote Sunday Slihol 9:301 a.m. Wunrhip 10:50 a.m C..LL it'r. ir i dibni r i. ,Jirn.rii LAiil 5. p.m. Diseiples' Dialogue, Wed. 6:30 p.m. Bearn Fun (umnawi i IJ ed.la 3 33 4l,:3.",: Il p.m Cla -.. C- ub Scrut- Tue'6-30 p m. Duiri. Troo.p. Thur. i ]1, p in. I-An.,.n rridav' v.1 p.m S IL H uLR.,il Sl.hL, III aM n. Rv\ Lais Ar,mbrai Panlior 793-3221 j iiiiiNjLL Criii'c: Or ClQi, " 310 W. Dade Ave. 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a m Sunday Wcrship Servie lII a m Evriir, Worship 6 p im AWedn'sdav Bible Study 7 pI'm j S ,Indian :1il'Baptit t'liurli .-519 ?c'-D *Bu.hn, ./ Sunday School .. .... ... 945am Morning Worsrip .. 11 00 am Evernng Wc.rsirp .. .. .. 7 00 pm WedJnes.day Prayer Servce 7 00 pm, r Pleasant Hill Baptist Church a CR-316A, B'ushnell Sunday School................9:45 a.r.1. W orship...................... 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship....6-00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service. 7:00 P.M. , 793-5083 P,7tr tlIke Kingj for the movies! This month's movie is slated for Friday, March 18, and the fun's at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. There's absolutely no admis- sion for the movie and if you're looking for asnack, you can find a great bargain on everything in the snack bar, from hot dogs and popcorn to candy and beef jerky. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult For more information about movie night or the movie title for February, call the church at 793- 3438. Flea Market There will be a Flea Market and Bake Sale on Saturday, March 29, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., on the St Lawrence Catholic Church grounds. $5 per space. For reserva- tions, call Mrs. Jean Petty at 793- 7773. Sponsored by the Women's Guild of St Lawrence Catholic Church. Hot Meal served St Francis Episcopal Church at 313 N. Grace St Bushnell, is serving a free hot meal to those who are in need every Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. .tn 0ob ~ RAW to be out and about? Come to our prage sale... "You never know what treasures you'll fN" Saturday March 12 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. I I BUSHNELL (BUSHNELL SEVENTH D. ,> AD% DENTIST CHURCH Crrper rf Sentraniile &. Fil,.nd-a A. W\V.r~i[p Hour 9 30 M, S:ibbath School 1045 r, Sa \ed Pra.er Necling .30 11 All welcome CENTER HmJ. I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CENTER HILL 175 S.Virginia Ave. Center Hill. FL 33513 352-793-2119 Sunday Scnool........... .. ......9:45 AM Morning Worship .......... 11:00 AM Sunday Nigl Service ...........6:00 PM Mid-Week Prayer Service - Wednesday 7:00 PM '(,CHRisrt nN WORSHIP CENTER" \ E:r,:._:' E ,,, ?ri 11 p . S .*r, Pa[ .or Jim sll i r m.e:,- 11 H. FL -5".69-il / LADY LAKE Hope Lutheran Church " 250 Avenida Los Angelo% hcorri.r Ol C R Ar.6 .i Mirce 6ld I Th \illh- Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM For more inrfrmt aorm CijiI 3.2.75 .232 1 or Our SW-t ,ile W n hpeAlulheiarnirevilla.ges org. LAKE PANASOFFKEEI LAKE PANASOFFKEE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship 8 30 11 IAM a Suriday Scrc-,,I 45 Cr.illri s Criurih 11 AM Pastor Wllllston Brewer 0 h5.,47).-Lk Pan 3, 4" 3i. iij ;S2.T .i. 2 rFirst Baptist Church" of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School... ...........9:45 a.m. Sunday Even.ng............. 6:00 p.m. wejn ,Jan I rE Prayer Meiing 7 p rr S Pastor Jon Kinq athsof Giace ( linistriees Pa:l.:.ra Frea i& Parn, Ha-1 Ien I ; -.A MorningEWorSip-- 10 3u 1.I..-,J., Sunday Evening -- 6 0 0 ,,,-, Wednesday Night-- 7 00 .ii .L !,IV 793-1600 i01 CR 5-" La ie Pr..-.,ni-e el c.nJ STJF.SRURG | S GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. L ,: .1,1 L :.- '. r I 1.. , 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2 6 ST. MARK EVANGELICAL - LUTHERAN CHURCH iWELSI Pa.lor N. ikuik I'i.'l u, SH _' ,',ul. i, u. 352-32. -3211. iF- ,. i. In I. l: n i.. .,',i ,:'.'. : .... i i .. - S WAHOO | wasdea o do I- (Discover the Difference!) Bri l .ii.ay Sur. day: E.,r:l--", ,3l 'J 3 Mn Wednesday Evening rJ,.: ,:.,T,,Tjr,, '. ." ., 1 : ,r.l1 r,,,, ,a:,:. .: ,-.,. 352 793-6015. WEBSIER Webster United " Methodist Church SInvites You To Attend c a I ,sriip Service 11.00 a ri-. , S Chur.cri S.ncrioI 9 45 a m 1733 E 3rd Si Wet',-r. FL 33597 S 34.2i 794.-37334 k .4 piripins 1113church First Baptist Church of Webster 1/4 mile easl o1471 on SE 1 isAve. :'uri3d .:r..w i J a f 3 el r. ,,- ,,j. ,,,P- 1: '1 .1 e r 3 ,P erte,', e r fl I WILDWOOD FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH- 402 Oxford Street 748-1822 WIWi Ai '.:.,:H L AOtMe 9 4',AM WrmIF.HI S AN\ se ) ;: 111 'i AM I I A ) PM WEDIJESOA, PRAi ER MEETING I'. ,PM I0iDI4r EVEPji1l SERvICE i. JiPM PASTOR: REV. CRAIG ATTAWAY 2 (Wildwood United Methodisit 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am Nursery Provided 748-1275 2 r FIRST PRESBYTERIAN T CHURCH OF WILDWOOD Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Bar'ick Si. \itldwood. FL 347S5 ^ (352) 748-2530 2 * SUNSET PARK CHliRCH OF GODJ 2102 Pine Sneel 748-1318 a ,, i i ..i. nh ,, W, l C" I 0nl L!,!!!!il... .r.i WELCOME ALL!!!!!! J P E A C E WE1- 0M H C E ) m 0 St. Francis Episcopal Church Bushnell, FL 313 N. Grace Street (301 at the curve) Worship This Week at t the Church of Your Choice 0 v I % I M m I 0 m y" ON m I I 0 olve SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE A7 Sumter OBrUJUAi.ES Billy Gene Fee, 74, manager Billy Gene Fee, 74, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Wednesday, March 2, 2005, in Tavares. He was born in Harlan County, Ky., and moved here in 1972 from Ohio. Mr. Fee received a Master's Degree from the University of Chicago. He was a district manager of Terminal Transport/Consolidated Freight in Tampa and retired in 1985. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marines, serving dur- ing the Korean War. He was a member of Moose Lodge and VFW, both of Lake Panasoffkee. Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Emily L.; sons, Robert Fee of Tampa, Donald W Fee of Blythewood, S.C., Ronald W. Fee of Birmingham, Ala.; daughters, Linda Fee-Hensley of Cincinnati, Ohio, Patricia Fee- Hamilton of Old Town, Fla., Peggy Fee-Speece of Tampa; 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood. Darlene V. Griffith, 64, clerk Darlene Violet Griffith, 64, of Lake Panasoffkee, died Friday, Feb. 25, 2005, in Lake Panasoffkee. She was born in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Griffith was a clerk in the retail indus- try. Survivors include her hus- band, Leo;-son, Hugh Allen ,Hock of Floral City; daughter, Anna Marie Raper of North Carolina; stepson, Raymond Anthony Griffith of Lake Worth; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a brother, Kenneth George Daniels of Port St. Lucie. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Lillian R. Mandel, 81, homemaker Lillian R. Mandel, 81, of Wildwood, died Monday, Feb. 28, 2005, in Leesburg. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and moved here in 1985 from there. Mrs. Mandel was a homemaker and a member of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Wildwood. She loved gardening and raising her family. Survivors include her hus- band, John; three daughters, Audrey (Launce) Myers of Cleveland, Ohio, Joanne (Bob) Sellers o Robinsville, N.C., and Connie (Ray) Sternot of Cleveland, Ohio; sister, Dorothy Peterson of Madison, Ohio, along with eight grand- children and 12 great-grand- children. Graveside funeral services were held March 4 at the Florida National Cemetery with Father Peter Sagoriski officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Building Fun, 5195 E. C.R. 462, Wildwood, FL 34785. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood. Helen L. Marriage, 77, waitress Helen Louise Mariage, 77, of Bushnell, died Thursday, Feb. 24,2005, in Brooksville. A native of Hegeler, Ill., she has been a resident of Sumter County since 1983, formerly of Tilton, Ill. Mrs. Marriage was a waitress and an avid bingo player She was Catholic. Survivors include three sons, Robert M. Marriage of Robertsdale, Ala., Michael S. Marriage of Fairmount, Ill., and John J. Marriage of Bushnell; two daughters, Michele Volz of Clarkston, Ga., Julia M. Bacon of Lexington, S.C.; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Interment at Florida National Cemetery. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Randy Pruett Jr., 65, minister Randy Pruett Jr., 65, of Palm Bay, Fla., died Sunday, March 6, 2005. He was born in Orlando on April 4, 1939, to Amos Randall Pruett Sr. and Hilda Jansen, and moved to Melbourne in 1984 from Tampa. He was a Baptist minister serving Orange Home Mission, Minneola, Lake Ola, Osteen, Emmanuel, ,New Horizons Community Church and Central Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by a grandson, Jacob. Survivors include his wife, Bettie D.; two daughters, Angela Pruett and Laurene Pruett; son, Stephen (Laura) Pruett; grandson, Nicholas Lee Pruett; sister and broth- ers-in-law, nieces, nephews and cousins. Brownlie- Maxwell Funeral Home, Melbourne, provided the information. Martha A. Merritt, 87, homemaker Martha Adele Merritt, 87, of Webster, died Saturday, Feb. 26,2005, at Cocoa Beach. She was born in Webster. Mrs. Merritt was a homemaker and of the Methodist faith. . Survivors include two daughters, Jo Ann Fischer of Houston, Texas, and Sonja Buckley of Merritt Island, Fla.; son, Joe Merritt of Webster; five grandchildren and eight great-grandchil- dren. Services were held Feb. 28 at the Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell, with Rev. Daniel Robinson of Riverside Presbyterian Church officiating. Interment was at the Linden Cemetery in Linden. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Edward E. Osborne, 77, service manager Edward E. Osborne, 77, of Wildwood, died Saturday, March 5,2005. He was born in Elmira, N.Y, and moved to Wildwood in 1975 from Arcade, N.Y. Mr. Osborne was a retired service manager of an auto dealership. He was Catholic. He was a veteran of the Navy serving during WW II. He was a member of Glenn Pratt, Jr. American Legion of Machias, N.Y. Survivors include his wife, Betty of Wildwood; sons, grandchildren and great- grandsons of Arcade, N.Y. and surrounding area. Inurnment was in the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell. Memorial dona- tions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, handled the arrangements. Charles L. Russell, 70, operator Charles L. Russell, 70, of Webster, died Saturday, Feb. 26, 2005, in Webster. He was born Nov. 17, 1934 in Hattiesburg, Miss., to Frank and Louise Russell, and came here from Hattiesburg 63 years ago. Mr. Russell was a heavy equipment operator in the rock mining industry, worked locally for Dixie Lime and Stone. He loved bass fishing and coin collect- ing. He attended Faith Baptist Church in Webster. He was preceded in death by a son, Harry Russell. Survivors include his wife of 34 years, Thelma L.; two sons, Charles F Russell of Webster, and Danny Russell of Orlando; three daughters, Kattie Cappy of Myrtle Beach, S.C., Rose Marie Johnson of Hattiesburg, Miss., Debbie Delviva of New Albany, Miss.; brother, John Russell of Gulfport, Miss.; two sisters, Betty Davis and Linda Ellis, both of Corpus Christi, Texas; 15 grandchil- dren and nine great-grand- children. Hooper Funeral Homes, Inverness Chapel. Martha J. Skinner, 74, homemaker Martha Jean Skinner, 74, of Bushnell, died Saturday, March 3, 2005, in Inverness. She was born in Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Skinner was a home- maker and a member of First Baptist Church of Wahoo. Survivors include her hus- band, Cole; and a son, Cole Skinner Jr. of Bushnell. Services were held on March 8 at Wahoo Baptist Church, Bushnell, with Pastor Billy Ready officiat- ing. Interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Descendants of Beville Pack 439 has hold local reunion Descendants and relatives of Sumter County pioneer, Granville Beville, held their annual, reunion at the Bushnell First Baptist Church on Saturday, March 5. The Granville Beville Chapter 2234 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy sponsored the event. Former resident of Center Hill. D.C. Beville traveled from Selma, Ala.. to attend his first reunion. Everyone enjoyed his stories of yester-. year. Another newcomer to the reunion was David H. Sellers who was accompa- dnied by his wife. Jannet, and mother. Betty Ann Perry Sellers. , Also attending were Annette Moore, Ira McCollum, Gwenda Lamb, Curtis Beville Jr., Danny and Katie Cowart, Duane and Donna Goodwin and their sons Garrett and Grant, John Goodwin, Jim Scruggs, Sandi Johnson and friend, Brenda and Herbert O'Quinn, Mary Greer and Liz Sumner. D.C. Beville introduces him-" self to the group. food drive I Pack 439 had their Annual Scouting for food drive. The boys dropped off bags on Feb. 12 and collected them on Feb. 19. They expressed their immense gratitude to all who donated food. Pack leader Marsha Bressette said, "We really appreciate it and thank-you to the boys who walked around . and collected all the bags. You { did a great job." The boys who participated y were Melvin Brinson, Matthew "Miller, Ryan Bressette and Kory Heubach. '"We collected 306k items," she said. CASH NOW.. FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMEINTV , ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUT (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOWM for Structured Settlements! tIr Florida Division Yankee Air Force, Inc. presents the 5th Annual Freedom Fys with Collings Foundation March 18, 19 & 20, 2005 H, ,.. ?, $400 donation-Reserve a ride on a vintage bomber $8 donation tour bombers Donations gratefully accepted at gate to benefit Fl. Div.-YAF and museum (separate donation) Dunnellon Airport C.R. 484 (x35) Skydivers ly-in Planes Kettle Korn ice cream peanuts * Dog tags vendors food drinks Pancake breakfast Sat and Sun-8 to 11 a.m. B-24 % For information or (3. .1lDonations accepted at gate-Proceed, F4U Corsair Restored Military Vehicles Classic Cars Gates open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on call (352) 489-3120 52) 465-0727 Ci' Ni E s to benefit Fl. Div.Yankee Air Force 11 , F121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 S (Next to Dollar General) 569-0171 [ f A BRIE F LESS N ABOUT Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. (And why we can offer you better rates.) S So mia be mo:nev's noi evei-one's faorztne su l.F-c[. But paying attention now ma, well keep \ou froin having to p.a deal\ later Let's begin wiih the concept of being a member of a credit union %ersu-L being ra customer at j bank. See. a bank's majn goal is to :.fferf st.,ckholders ,as to make monev. Where ., a credit union's main goal is I,0 otter m embers% wa%4 to sae morie' J \You'll find evidence ot this at Suncoast. tust a-k -ibout our car loans iith rates as lo\, as 4..50o". .APR'. O(r our certificate accounts pa ing eaininrgs as high as 4.-C'".. AP\Y. Then there's frec checking, free ATM access, free on-line banking and bill pay and free advice from financial experts. The'e are ust a Ife, reasons Suncoast ha, grow, n to become the largest credit union in Florida. and the se'.enth largest in the country Ail of this ne found knowledge kind of makes you wonder why\ ou didn't look into becoming a member -ooner. Let's .ust consider ir a le:on learned. To find out more. call 800-099-58087 or .isit joinsunoast.org. 217 *' EST LLT AVCNu C (Sk 481 IN8 BiI.1 HNELL Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union WHERE SMART PEOPLE KEEP THEIR MONEY. www.joinsuncoast.org NCiUA -~t.- -I -IIII,,..mr I u. i .-I-i.H ,d.... .It 1 PAGE A8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 GETTING READY FOR RELAY SECO sets annual meeting S".4 --------------- .." f. .,'.'^:.... . .A script signed by the cast of "Guiding Light" will be on the auction block for Wildwood Station 31's silent auction. The group will host the silent auction during the entire week of the Sumter County Fair. Folks are invited to drop by and write down their silent bid. Winning bidders will be phoned at the end of the event and can purchase their favorite item. Sumter Electric Cooperative (SECO) announces that is annual meeting will be held on Saturday, March 19. The meet- ing will take place on the *. .. grounds of the Co-op's head- quarters compound in .. ....." *Sumterville. "Our annual meeting is always a great event and enjoyed by SECO members -"* and their families. This year will be no exception and we are looking forward to renew- ing old acquaintances and meeting new friends," said SECO CEO Jim Duncan. :* At this year's Saturday morning meeting, those attending will be entertained by the Rosie O'Grady Good Time Jazz Band and the coun- try music stylings of Todd Brown. Refreshments will be served and members will be able to see a wide variety of very interesting displays in the technology tent Every registered member received a free gift and is eli- gible for the big raffle at the end of the business meeting. Top prizes include one $1,000 and three $500 cash awards. There are also a host of other major prizes that will be given away during the prize draw- ing. Gates open at 8 a.m. and registration begins at 8:30 a.m., on Saturday morning, and continues until the busi- ness meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. Couple announces upcoming marriage A special edition CD, signed by singer Terrin Clark is also on the auction block for Wildwood Station 31's silent auction. The group will host the silent auction during the entire week of the Sumter County Fair. Folks are invited to drop by and write down their silent bid. Winning bidders will be phoned at the end of the event and can purchase their favorite item. Movie stars, signed scripts BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Who's your favorite movie star? What's your favorite soap opera? Who's your favorite singer? If you said John Travolta, Guiding Light, Passions and Terry Clark, Sumter County Fire Services Station 31, Wildwood, has an auction planned that'll knock your socks off. The auction will be held dur- ing the week of the Sumter County Fair at the station booth. .. Drop by. leave your bid and go foryour prize! Even if nothing interests you, chances are somebody you know might be a fan of one of the 15 different donors who gave items to Heather Gibson for the auction the money will be used for the American Cancer Society. Gibson's mom Gidget is serv- ing as this year's Sumter County Relay for Life commit- tee chairperson. Her mom is also working for her relay team at the Sumter County Clerk of the Court's office. Gibson's brother Brian is involved with the fire station team and has participated in the.relay since it first came to Sumter nearly four years ago. Gibson contacted stars and asked if they would support the effort and the gifts are the response she received. The collection includes a script from "Guiding Light" that's been signed by cast mem- bers, as well as a special edi- tion CD by singer Terri Clark She also received items from shows "\hat I Like About You," and '"According to Jim," said Mrs. Gibson. Gibson said they will call the winners and plan to pass those names on to the Sumter County Times to be published. As for how they're doing with their teams, she said so far the - Hills that is much water in as possible. This year's relay will include 29 teams and so far they've reached all their goals, accord- ing to Gibson. That includes finding $7,500 in sponsor money they reached $8,000 this weekend, she said. "One of the things we're doing this year is a survivor quilt. We have all the survivors sign a piece of the quilt and the Quilt Club and the Oaks Campground is putting it together," she said. They hope to constructia sur- irvors" quilt to display each year. ,. Some of the games planned include musical chairs to "Name that Tune" and "Wheel of Foitune." clerk's office team has raised more than $5,000, while the Wildwood station has pulled more than $2,000 after their Saturday golf tournament. The Relay for Life is an 18- hour fundraiser to help the American Cancer Society pro- vide everything from trans- portation and wigs for cancer survivors to research in the sci- ence lab in the war against the disease. The relay includes a special event honoring cancer sur- vivors and hours of entertain- ment and fun. There's an annual talent show that brings rounds of laughs and something special scheduled round the clock - everything from a wet T-shirt contest to the talent show. She said the T-shirt contest certainly catches attention - this contest will. include four or five members of a team pass- ing a wet T-shirt over their heads and squeezing it out into a bucket The idea is to keep as The families of Jeremy Cole and Kiley Fairbrother are pleased to announce their upcoming marriage. Jeremy is the son of Bubba and Cheryl Cole of Wildwood; Kiley is the daughter of Charles and Julie Fairbrother ofAmericus, Ga. Jeremy is a graduate of South Sumter High School, attended Lake Sumter Community College and Georgia Southwestern State University on a baseball scholarship as a left-handed pitcher. Kiley graduated from Southland Academy and attended Georgia Southwest- ern State University obtaining her Bachelors in Business Management. Jeremy is employed with Kosmos Electric of Leesburg as an electrician. Kiley is employed at the Spanish Springs branch of Citizens First Bank as a branch man- ager trainee. Kiley is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fairbrother of Lake Blackshear, Ga., and the late Fairbrother, Cole Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Dew of Americus, Ga., and the late Mr. Avis Perry of Americus, Ga. Jeremy is the grandson of Carl and Linda Cole of Wildwood, Keith and Patricia Evans of Coleman, Ed Alford of Lake City and the late Mr. Horace Brown of Groveland. The wedding will take place Saturday, April 30, at 6 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Americus, Ga. A reception will follow at the Lakeshore Marina on Lake Blackshear. All friends and family of the couple are invit- ed to attend. save time and money... : 0. 1o800-489-8930 . ...call today. ... i .....;' 641-0310 SCT FIRST PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SUMTER COUNTY Sumter County (The Board of County Commissioners) is considering applying to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) of up to $750,000. These funds must be used for one of the following purposes: 1. To benefit very low, low and moderate,income person; 2. To aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or 3. To meet other community development needs of recent origin having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community and where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. The categories of activities for which these funds may be used are in the areas of housing, neighborhood revitalization, commercial revitalization, or economic development and include such improvement activities as acquisition of real property, loans to private-for- profit business, purchase of machinery and equipment, construction of infrastructure, rehabilitation of houses and commercial buildings, and energy conservation. Additional information regarding the range of activities that may be undertaken will, be provided at the public hearing. For each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds must benefit low and moderate income persons. In developing an application for submission to DCA, Sumter County must plan to minimize displacement of persons as a result of planned CDBG activities. In addition, Sumter County is required to develop a plan to assist displaced persons. A public hearing to receive citizen views concerning the community's economic and community development needs will be held on March 22,2005 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 222 of the Sumter County Courthouse located at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. For more information concerning this meeting, contact Ms. Kathy Young, Housing Manager at (352) 793-0272 The public hearing is being conducted in a handicapped accessible location. Any handicapped person requiring an interpreter for the hearing impaired or the visually impaired or requiring any other special accommodation, should contact Mr. Bernard Dew, County Administrator at (352) 793-0200 at least five calendar days prior to the meeting so that arrangements can be made for an interpreter or other special, accommodation. Any non-English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact Mr. Bernard Dew, County Administrator at (352) 793-0200 so that arrangements for a language interpreter can be made. To access a Telecommunication Device for Deaf Persons (TDD) please call (1-800-955-8771). SUMTER COUNTY IS A FAIR HOUSING/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/HANDICAP ACCESS JURISDICTION You have a choice in hospitals, and ratings like these can help you and your doctor decide which hospital is best for you. At Munroe Regional, our ratings help us continue to improve the quality of the care and services we provide. To learn more, visit www.MunroeRegional.com for our free brochure about healthcare ratings or call us at 352-867-8181, Monday Munroe Regional 3 through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Medical Center who needs Beverly SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE A9 $500 reward offered Florida Rock employees are shown frying up fish for the annu- al Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School fish fry. The event is funded by Florida Rock the company helps the school with various needs throughout the year. Their efforts include the fish fry, for which they donate the food and the staff to cook it. Florida Rock helps school add $2,000 for technology There were plenty of hands in the batter, or at least on the lunch line in recent weeks, as staff members took part in their annual school fish fry at Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School. "We delivered 221 dinners and had 177 pickups here at the school. We sold 392 dinners for a total of $1,960, plus donations to equal $2,020," notes teacher Paula House. She coordinates the event, which is sponsored by her hus- band Ken"s employer Florida Rock Industries, Industrial Electric Division. The company is the business partner sponsor for the school, On the dean's list Webster resident Andre' D. Sesler made the dean's list at the University of South Florida. Sesler, 19, is a 2004 graduate of Wildwood High School and the son of Regina Duggs, of Webster. He resides on campus, plays for the school team and is involved with a group that works to feed the homeless. assisting throughout the year with projects and monetary needs. Florida Rock provided all the funding for the meal and over 100 work hours for cook- ing, serving and delivering din- ners. "We also had custodians, lunchroom workers, and Mr. Donahue on the serving line," House points out. Several of the teachers spent Thursday afternoon in the cafeteria making baked beans, thawing fish and coordinating other projects to insure they were ready for Friday. The money will be used to enhance school technology. To assure your furry friend stays healthy, it is important to keep your pet's vaccinations up to date. Florida state law requires that domestic animals have a current rabies vaccination by a licensed veterinarian. To help you keep your pet healthy, Dr. Porter of the Animal Care Center of Wildwood (located in the Wildwood Shopping Center), will offer a "Rabies and Low Cost Vaccination Clinic" on April 2, from 8:45 a.m. to noon. Rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats are only $6. For dogs, distemper/parvo vaccinations are $9 and bordetella vaccina- tions are $9. For cats, feline distemper vaccinations are $9 and feline leukemia vaccina- tions are $11. There is no office visit charge. Proceeds benefit the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. The benefit to pet owners is a huge savings. Your animals depend on you to care for them. Their health and well being are your responsibility. At these affordable prices, no dog or cat should have to suf- fer from preventable dis- eases. Mark the date on your calendar and keep your pet healthy The Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County is offering a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and con- viction of the person or per- sons responsible for torturing a dog found on C.R. 729 in Webster. The body of the tortured dog appeared to be bound, hung, burned with an acceler- ant, and shot. The partial remains of the dog had medi- um length hair, orange and white in color. Call the Sheriff's Department at 793-2621, or Crime line 1-800-423-TIPS, or the Humane Society of Sumter County at 793-9117,, ext You may remain anony- mous and still be eligible for the reward. stiOU Combine services and save. High-speed Internet, local and long distance. Get Sprint high-speed Internet for $ 90 a month when you combine with the Sprint Solutionss" Standard plan. One-year term agreement required. 4-Sprinto RYWANT ALVAREZ JONES RUSSO & GUYTON I h I-kwirLi l',ir OVAt.-TRIAA Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based. solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience StjfITR county PORAY SEZ:. I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE Monday Friday during our regular hours of service 8:30 AM 3:00 PM. CALL 568-MOVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS OR FOR INFORMATION Sprint high-speed Internet with EarthLink brings you always-on access at speeds much faster than dial-up, with free tools like spamBlocker, Virus Blocker and Pop-up BlockerW' Plus, you can talk on the phone and surf the Web at the same time. Purchase Sprint high-speed Internet together with the Sprint Solutions" Standard plan and save on both. Talk all you want, surf all you want. All from the provider you can trust. Call 1-877-Sprint-2 or visit sprint.com/Iocal. SService available in select areas. Offer good for residential customers only who sign up for High-speed Internet and Sprint Solutions Standard plan. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Sprint Solutions: Services not available in all areas. Lifeline customers may purchase vertical features-by certifying they have a legitimate medical or safety need forthe features) requested. All rates subject to change. Restrictions applly see rates, terms and conditions at www.sprint.com. Monthly Fee: Promotional monthly rate will apply for 12 months as long as customer subscribes to both Sprint Solutions Standard plan and Sprint high-speed Internet. After 12 months, standard fee will apply. Rate applies to 1.5 Mbps speed, which is not available in all areas. $49.99 activation fee will apply. Taxes and surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate. Sprint high-speed Internet: A fee of $99 will be charged for early termination. Actual performance may vary due to conditions outside of Sprints network control. These conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of Web sites accessed, inside wiring or telephone conditions. Minimum level of speed is 384 Kbps. Additional restrictions may apply. Long-Distance Plans: State-to-state, international, in-state long-distance (including local toll) services are governed by the applicable state tariffs and/or state terms and conditions of service. U.S. residents only. Dial one service. Additional restrictions may apply 2005 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint, the diamond logo design, Sprint Privacy ID and Sprint Solutions are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. EarthLink is a registered trademark of EarthLink, Inc. IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE! BUT OUR DRIVERS KNOW THE WAY AND WILL MOVE YOU THERE... ** ' .. ..... - SUMTER COUNTY TRANSIT PHONE 568-MOVE i ~g u 0.: .. ,. ,,.,, f. .. -1,37 L. SAFELY, COMFORTABLY, EFFICIENTLY, AND ON TIME! SUMTER COUNTY TRANSIT A SERVICE OF THE B-MOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WALKING IS A COMPLETE EXERCISE CYCLE... involving nearly every muscle and bone in the body. ILsui 8-15 SLIM 6.12 M'RRIW 6 Time Out Free Time INARRO 6-12 WIDE 6-15 former forwomen WIDE 5-12 V.WIDE 6-15 1 VW 1DE 5-12 6 True whole and half sizes. Some colors do not come in all widths. HI L--- ----------- --- ---- SLake Square Mall 10401 136 S. Hwy. 441 S, Leesburg, FL 34788 N 'ext toSears) 352-326-2641 TOLL FREE 1-866-746-3240 LI wmmom -- -m-mm Mlwl PAGE A10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Grace NOTES Everyone's related to someone Here's how I'm related to Johnny Ramone, the late lead guitarist for the punk rock group The Ramones. My father-in-law's cousin Frank was Johnny Ramone's father. Their moth- ers were sisters. If I calculate that cor- rectly, that makes Ramone and my father-in-law sec- ond cousins and him and my hus- band third cousins. I'm Ramone's third cousin by marriage. . My kids are Ramone's fourth . cousins. We didn't know NAI that until recently KENI when my husband took his Aunt Pat - who's really another of his dad's cousins, although we call her '"Aunt" down to south Florida to visit with Aunt Kathy, who was married to Eddie (Pat's brother), who was also Ramone's cousin. Ramone was not Johnny's birth name; it was John Cummings. Pat, Eddie, Jimmy, Frank and Patrick were all Cummings. Some of the Cummings got together at Aunt Kathy's house, and as families often do when they get together, they talked about family stuff. - Aunt Kathy had a newspa- per article cut out about Johnny Ramone's death last Sept 15, which my husband thought odd. Aunt Kathy's not .our typical punk rock fan. , So, Barry asked about it. that's how he found out about he family connection and the season no one ever knew about it. It seems some of the family didn't approve of punk inusic and so no one talked Bout the family punk ) I'm not now and never have lbeen a punk music fan, but my pungest daughter is, and When she learned that she's a N N distant Ramone, she thought it was the coolest news she had heard in a long time. She said she was going to go out and get a Ramones' T-shirt. She said she couldn't wait to tell all her friends. As for me and my husband, we sat up late the other night surfing the Internet, reading all about our famous relative. We now know that, as a kid, he played in a ~ : band called the Tangerine Puppets. He was a Three sAh Stooges and a New York Yankees fan. IcY He acted in the E EDY movie "Rock and Roll High School" and was in an episode of "The Simpsons." Before we knew we were all cousins, we didn't particularly care. Johnny Ramone? Who's he (ho-hum)? But now, we want to know more. After all, he was part of our family. It's funny how that works. It's like how it is with knowing God. One day you're thinking, "Yeah, yeah. God, Jesus, church, blah, blah, blah. What's for lunch?" And the next you find yourself being drawn by his Spirit, wanting to know. But more than want- ing to know "information about," you want to know him. You want to know by experi- ence. It's one of those holy mys- teries, a "how-can-this-be?" You can't explain how or why God chooses to move in a per- son's life, how or why he awakens a person's desire to know him. You want to know a famous rock star relative because you think that makes you cool. But wanting to know God? You can't even see him. He's never been inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Tony Campolo, an earthy, edgy preacher and university professor, says when he was a tough teenager he hated Sunday evening church because when the pastor would ask if anyone had a favorite hymn, Mrs. Kilpatrick always called out, "Page 111 in the Tabernacle Hymn book!" Page 111 was "In the Garden," and at 16, Campolo didn't want to be singing about how "He (Jesus) speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet ...." But now that he's part of God's family, he loves "Page 111." He loves getting to know God through the pages of the Bible. "It's an incredible book," he says. "When you read it, you - not only read words, you meet theauthor ... God himself." If you ever hear Tony Campolo speak about God and see his eyes well up with tears when he does, you know that he knows God. He speaks with passion about the one he calls Father. You do that with fami- ly members you know and love. I never met Johnny Ramone, so I never knew him (and if you ever catch me say-' ing I did you'll know I would be lying). But I do know God. Better than that, he knows me. And because he does I want to know him more. I want to know him by experience, to recognize his voice, his foot- steps, the sound of his heart- beat. I want to know, truly know. After all, we're family Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough" and her latest, books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 1-352-563-5660, Monday through Thursday, or via e- mail at: nkennedy@sctnews.com. , Duncan elected CFC president James P Duncan, CEO and General Manager of Sumter Electric Cooperative (SECO), has a few more duties, in addi- tion to leading one of the nation's most progressive co- ops. Duncan was just elected president of the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC). The vote took place March 1 at the organizational meeting of CFC's Board of Directors fol- lowing CFC's 36th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. Duncan represents District 2 on CFC's Board.. He has repre- sented District 2 as a director on the CFC Board for the past five years. Last year he served as vice president and as secre- tary-treasurer in 2003. District 2 encompasses South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Atlantic territories. Duncan is also the vice pres- ident of the Sumter County Economic Development Council and is a director on the Nature Coast Division Board of the SunTrust Bank Additionally, he is past presi- dent of Florida Electric Cooperatives Association. CFC offers full-service financing, investment, and related services to its mem- bers. CFC strives to insure that its lending and investment pro- grams as well as all related financial and business man- agement services deliver high quality at a reasonable cost. CFC serves more than 1,000 electric, cooperative owners across the United States, which in turn serves more than 37 million end-users of electricity. CFC's cooperative owners are the distribution systems, gen- eration and transmission (G&T) systems, statewide elec- tric cooperative organizations, and service organizations that, together with their national organizations, comprise the electric cooperative network CFC is a not-for-profit finance cooperative that serves the nation's more than 1,000 electric cooperatives and their subsidiaries. With more than $21 billion in assets, CFC pro- vides its member-owners with an assured source of low-cost capital and state-of-the-art. financial products and servic- es. Further information regard- ing CFC may be obtained at www.nrucfc.coop. 639-031 OSCT NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LAND USE AND OF PUBLIC HEARING SUMTER COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Sumter County, Florida, by and through its Board of County Commissioners, proposes to change the text of the Comprehensive Plan, and to change the use of land within the unincorporated area of Sumter County, as generally shown in the map in this advertisement and transmit to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) amendments to the Sumter County Comprehensive Plan, for its objections, recommendations and comments, pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Prior to its transmittal to DCA for review, two (2) public hearings on the proposed amendment will be held at the Sumter County Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida, as follows: Local Planning Agency Room 327 6:30 P.M. March 21, 2005 Board of County Commissioners Room 222 6:05 P.M., April 12, 2005 Books at th( i The Sumter Campus Library, located just east of 1he Langley Medical Center in Sumterville, is open to the public, and I :' you may apply for a borrower's ,^r j card at any S of the county libraries. Below are l some of our new titles. T h. e Brothers Karamazov by ..Dostoyevsky The Devils by Fyodor Dostoyevsky The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets 1987-1848 by Niall Ferguson House of Sand and Fog byAndre Dubus III The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Lost Boy: A foster child's search for the love of a family by Dave Pelzer SNo Second Chance by Harlan Coben Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-63 by Taylor Branch -A Public Betrayed: An inside look at Japanese media atrocities and their warnings to the West by Adam Gamble and Takesato Watanabe SRetreat, Hell! by W.E.B. Griffin Seeing Voices: A journey into the world of the deaf by Sumter Campus Library Oliver Sacks marine rescue by PeterjMaaa,.i: A Sense of Self: Thie work of We Are Everywvhere: The affirmation by Thomas J. irresistible rise ofglobal afitff Cottle capitalism The. Terrible Hours: The Wish you Well by David man behind the greatest sub- Baldacci. Ask Us About Glaucoma Treatment, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Eye Care, Laser Treatment and Eye Examinations FLORIDA EYE CARE LASER,& CATARACT CENTERS 'illlNIP Experience, caring and ecicellence since 1981 1814W.CR48 Bushell w wfoiaeyea re-.com 32-5680.00 640-0310 SCT Sumter County Board of County Commissioners FAIR HOUSING PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING The Sumter County Board of County Commissioners will conduct a fair, housing meeting in Room 222 of the Sumter County Courthouse located at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513 on March 22, 2005 at 5:10 p.m. The meeting is intended to provide the public and elected officials with information concerning fair housing requirements. Anyone interested in understanding the importance of fair housing should attend. For more information concerning this meeting, contact Donna Brown, Denna Lafferty or Kathy Young at (352) 793-0272. Any handicapped, visually or hearing impaired person, or non-English speaking person needing special assistance at the meeting should contact Donna Brown, Denna Lafferty or Kathy Yourg at (352) 793-0272 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting and assistance will be provided. Also, persons seeking additional information about fair housing issues may contact the following toll free hotlines 1-802-342-8170 ( Florida, Commission of Human Relations) or 1-800-669-9777 (HUD Washington, D.C.) A FAIR HOUSING/EQUAL/OPPORTUNITY/ HANDICAP ACCESS JURISDICTION ilv,' Pvt Five of the seven proposed amendments pertain to changes to the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan, and propose to change uses and densities to property as follows: 1) CP-A2005-1: Applicant: 2 Bud Ranch, LLC; Change of land use from Agricultural to Rural Residential and inclusion in Urban Development Area on 80 acres MOL. 2) CP-A2005-2: Applicant: Phillip & Joy Fore; Change of land use from Agricultural to Mixed Use and inclusion in Urban Development Area on 207 acres MOL. 3) CP-A2005-4: Applicant: Sumpter Ventures, LLC; Change of land use from Agricultural to Mixed Use and inclusion in Urban Development Area on 48 acres MOL. 4) CP-A2005-5: Applicant: Sumter County: Changes to the Future Land Use Element to reflect lands annexed into the municipal areas within the county. The following amendments pertain to changes in the text of the Comprehensive Plan or to changes in the Traffic Circulation Maps as follows: 5) CP-A2005-5: Applicant: Jeffrey Tuchband et al; An amendment to the text of the Future Land Use Element proposes to add policies which would implement a bonus density increase for use of specified development standards. 6) CP-A2005-6: Applicant: Sumter County; Amendments the Traffic Element and to the Capital Improvements Element, including Traffic Circulation Maps reflecting road improvement projects adopted by the Board of County Commissioners The proposed changes may be inspected by the public at the Planning and Zoning Department, Room 324, Sumter County Courthouse, between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. weekdays. Interested parties are encouraged to appear at these hearings and provide comments regarding the proposed amendments. Those requiring assistance may call 352-793-0200. APPEAL: NECESSITY OF RECORD Notice is given that if any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Board at the above hearing, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary. The Board assumes no responsibility for furnishing said record, however, the hearings will be audio recorded by the Board for public use. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE All' Horticulture Show The Horticulture Show at the Sumter County Fair will be held March 11 to March 19, sponsored by Master Gardeners of Sumter County, in conjunction with the Sumter County Fair Board. All possible precautions to protect your plant will be taken. The Fair Board and the Master Gardeners cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged plants. Plant check-in times: Wednesday, March 9, and Thursday, March 10,10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Plant pick-up is Sunday, March 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. AAA Auto Club south The AAA Auto Club South is proud to be an exhibitor at the 2005 Sumter County Fair. To celebrate, we're hosting three prize drawings. All you have to do is stop by our booth and register to win. Our third prize: a great new roadside emergency kit filled .with loads of "goodies." If you don't win third prize, how about moving up to second prize? Four tickets to Arabian Nights Dinner Theatre in Orlando. And if those don't tickle your fancy, our first prize is a two- night, three-day stay at fabulous Perry's Ocean-Edge Resort in beautiful Daytona Beach. All you have to do is visit the AAA booth and enter. We'll be at the fair from the opening, on March 11, through the closing, on March 19. Community Holiday Baskets Applications for the commu- nity Holiday Food Baskets pro- gram for Sumter County resi- dents will be taken Friday, March 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Monday through Thursday, March 14 through March 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the meeting room of the Government Complex in the Wildwood Shopping Center Qualifying applicants are required to bring a copy of Social Security Cards for all family members. There will be a limited amount of bas- kets to be given out this year, so it is on a first come first serve basis. For more information or to donate to this worthy cause please call, Hazel Register at 748-2213, Karen Judd at 603-3919 or Darlene Jackson at 748-2475. 2005 'Relay For Life' The 2005 "Relay For Life" will take place on April 8 and 9 at the Lake/Sumter Community College in Sumterville. For more information, call the local American Cancer Society office at 352-326-9599, ext. 115. History of Linden books for sale The Linden Cemetery Association reminds everyone of our most recent books, Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. This is a com- panion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232- page, indexed, hardbound edi- tion that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total photographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a donation of $25 and may be pur- chased at the following loca- tions: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's. Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- Lpu Yu Ad taeid* 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Total Circulation: 1.9 Million 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Circulation: 1.9 Million ci MI I VETERINARY TRAUMA CENTER C GROVELAND Across From Hardee's DAY OR NIGHT: PET SURGERY, CHRONIC OR MAJOR ILLNESS, 2ND OPINIONS OR SMALL ANIMAL EMERGENCIES * ORTHOPEDICS * GENERAL SURGERY * CARDIAC CARE * PHYSICAL REHAB * CANCER THERAPY * ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS * INTERNAL MEDICINE * URGENT CARE CALL FOR INFO: 352.429.7707 D r Is AloallAUl 1A. Business Owners: Reduce Your Taxes Your business retirement plan contribution can mean a healthy tax deduction and the opportunity for retirement savings. Call or stop by my office today for details. Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC mm Stanter IlDbi TS om Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80% Wt Range Avg WI Price Range 1250-1290 1270 55,00-56.00 .1350-1655' 1489 48.00-57.00 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% WtI Rage Avg Wt Price Range 835-885 853 54.00-58.00 905-1095 1002 53.00-59.00 1100-1265 1172 53.00-60.00 1330-1815 1544 54.00-60.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range 740-845 1 799 46.00-49.00 730-885 796 36.00-45.50 910-1030 964 48.00-53.00 1130-1200 1162 49.00-52.00 Slaughter Bulls Y.G, 1I Wt Range AvgWt Price Range 1300 1300 64.00 1120-1485 1336 52.00-62.00 1675-2045 1793 62.00-71.00 1860 1860 75.00 EdwardJones Serving Individual Investors Since 1871 tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library. AARP TAX-AIDE volunteers Volunteers are needed to provide free tax assistance to low and middle income resi- dents of Sumter County dur- ing the upcoming tax season. This is an extremely reward- ing experience and volun- teers will receive free Internal Revenue tax training. There are also opportunities for volunteers as client coor- dinators and- support person- nel. AARP TAX-AIDE is administered by the AARP Foundation and the IRS. For more information on how to join the Sumter County TAX-AIDE team, contact Terry Allison at 352-746-9985, or tallisol@tampabay.rr.com. Sumter Super Seniors Meets every second Friday from October to March from 10 a.m. until noon at Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 (comer of 301 and 468 near Coleman). Fun place to meet other sen- iors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyone is encouraged to attend, bring a friend, and enjoy lunch. Kof C Bingo The Knights of Columbus has bingo every Thursday at the corner of Dade and U.S. 301 in Bushnell. Doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo starts at 6. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month, at the American Legion Hall on Quality healthcare for your family Family Practice Internal Medicine '.,.. Pediatrics . S "' Urgent Care Behavioral Health Diagnostic Imaging Dental* f Pharmacy ' I Laboratory Acupuncture i Participating With Most Major Insurance Plans Sliding Fee Available For All Who Qualify '. AL ENTER .. b9,, o ,on OPEN SATURDAYS 8:OOAM 2:00PM 1425 S US Hwy. 301, Sumterville (352) 793-5900 www.langleymedicalcenter.com Hwy. 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel- Martinkovic, Sumter County extension agent for resi- dential horticulture, with select- ed guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass everything you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering efficiently; mulching; composting; fertiliz- ing appropriately; managing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, humming- birds and butterflies; protecting the waterfront All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Blue Heron Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. The Pilot Club is a service club supporting brain-related disorders and welcomes any- Slaughter cows and bulls: Steady Feeder steers and heifers: mostly Steady. Supply was light and demand was moderate Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 70 percent (34 percent steers, 36 percent heifers); over 600 lbs 4 percent (4 percent steers, 0 percent heifers) Slaughter cows and bulls: 21 percent Replacement cows: 5 percent Feeder Steers and Bulles Medium and Large 1-2 Avg Price Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range, Avg Price 55.49 170-195 182 165.00-200.00 182.20 53.77 200-245 225 170.00-185.00 173.67 250-285 273 160.00-180.00 165.02 Avg Price 300-330 312 140.00-155.00 150.19 55.71 360-370 363 140.00-154.00 145.83 55.70 410-445 421 124.00-136.00 129.75 56.31 460-495 478 120.00-123.00 121.89 57.51 500-520 509 116.00-120.00 118.02 570-575 572 104.00 104.00 600-628 621 93.00-100.00 95.76 Avg Price 693 693 90.00 90.00 A7.53 755 755 80.00-82.00 81.00 41.07 Low Dressing 855-880 868 70.00-79.00 73.78 50.56 50.64 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 WtRange AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 200-235 .223 130.00-150.00 134.61 AvgPrie 265-295 279 138.00-155.00 146.57 64.0 305-345 328 128.00-138.00 131.62 58.23 Low Dressing 350-385 369 120.00-136.00 126.91 67,84 400-435 '420 108.00-117.00 113.27 75,00 High Dressing 460-495 *477 102.00-110.00 107.62 ,* .- -% ,:'- .5 1 0 5 4 5 2 1 6 0 0-l 1 ( .) I'O .6 , e.: Feeder Sleerm an Bulls Small 1-2 I .hiW .0.,- y e 1 vr-I ',,, I . .120-3,0 'J 106 ,0 "1.) I F-I I L. )8ClO-3,X' W" wl )o 11 (, v one interested in becoming a member. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Redroad), Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, V1 block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to couples and singles. Finger foods appre- ciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles.. Live music by George Britt. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. If you are grieving, hurting, join us. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin- gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions, call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. -PROPANE SPECIAL o RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - S GALLONN $GL00 : SET & FILL 790 Prices good 100 GALLON $ A 00 thru 4/6/05 SET & FILL . PAR-.tAS, INC Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated =, 352-793-1211 rOlM" FAX 352-793-1918 ' Friendly Folks "Fair Prices Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: Western T&A Western Alfalfa Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% *5.25 12% *5.40 New & Used Saddles & Tack Feeder Helfers Medium and Large 1-2 Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 190-195 192 165.00-170.00 167.47 220-240 228 160.00-175.00 164.95 250-295 280 140.00-155.00 146.96 300-345 323 126.00-140.00 133.17 350-390 362 124.00-133.00 128.96 400-447 420 116.00-128.00 123.96 485 485 106.00-115.00 112.00 510-515 512 100.00-112.00 106.03 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range Avg WI Price Range Avg Price 200-245 221 130.00-144.00 137.07 250-290 267 123.00-140.00 130.04 305-345 327 118.00-130.00 125.02 360-385 7 369 112.00-122.00 116,01 400-445 419 100.00-112.00 108.51 465-495 480 98.00-102.00 100.06 510-525 518 95.00-97.00 96.01 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 220-230 227 110.00-120.00 115.07 280-290 287 104.00-120.00 114.12 300-340 326 100.00-112.00 103.26 350-370 357 96.00-110,00 101.69 Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2Young WtRange AvgWt PriceRange Avg Price 735-845 791 45.00-78.00 61.68 4-6 mos br 900-1000 942 73,00-94,00 85.21 4-6mosbra Cow-Calf Pailms Medium and Large 1-2 Young Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 790-855 820 580.00-750.00 676.31 945-1060 998 621000-710.00 655.48 1325 1325 780.00 780.00 6TH90 784 B 849 VIP Support Group Schedule The VIP Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, 615 Broad Street, Bushnell. Transportation provided. Bushnell takes in surrounding areas. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's' Bakery in Bushnell Plaza,' Bushnell. For more informa- tion call Secretary Mark Raciappa, 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and- emergency bills will be paid' on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave. iht Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.- by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respectively. - Al-Anon Group The Al-Anon Group, Joy in' Freedom, meets at 8 p.m.- every Friday at. the First United Methodist Church of Bushnell, 221 W Noble Avee. Parking on N. Hopkins St. Contacts are Judy 352-793- 5738; Linda, 352-583-3075,' Jeanette, 352-568-0612. Sumter Cruisers , The Sumter Cruisers invite) all persons interested in or. owning classic cars .to. Hardees in Lake Panasoffkee* every second Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for a cruise night Bring your old cars. For more information call 793- 3006 or e-mail: jessiewoodard57@hotmail.conm PAGE A12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Try it, YOU'LL LKE IT 'ic TOLi fl Twf, Uiibii ...Sii ... liid (ranberm : irk,::::EEEE ~~cq~*** - ,...t'.. Ho- gm -.- S.. mmp ft .N o pyrig hted Material Syndicated C content Available from Commercial News Providers" aLI -FU --- a0mm -Nl. a a S& .0 o- Jk dh MM ****** a** SSS~t * ... -e. .. .: -.. : ..... ...- . ::* .._. .... .M=. :***H ,ts. :....= .. ==...:4 * .*I- *- .-a ... *....*. . , ,:..-M I.. S: **.: a ..:.... : , Developing - leadership, - cooperation and me citizenship for tomorrow's agriculturists this is the main goal of the National FFA organzattoi.-. TO LIVE, WORK, DREAM, SUCCEED. We produce the energy that lights the cities we serve. But we also generate the kind of energy that provides support to our communities. The kind needed to help this area grow and thrive.And to help make possible programs and events that enrich ourlives. PROGRESS ENERGY IS PROUD TO SUPPORT THE SUMMER COUNTY FAIR 0VO4 eflUion kIniuI Iii; ENERGY ., Progress Energy progress-energy.com J j,; t .! .." "., -AdO PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 i205 Built-in walkie-talkie GPS-enabled Wireless Web access Excluding taxes and shipping fees* There's never been a better time to get the power of Nextel. ** /' ''.' .I NEXDIEL AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER 11:05am 9115 Contcs 3 Mesffq. Mi LIMITED TIME ONLY C lluldAR I,< * TEc NIcs Wireless Consultants 352.568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free Offers expire March 31, 2005. i205 Phone Offer: While supplies last. Final price of $0.99 is based on Point-of-Sale savings of $49 off the national promotional price of $49.99, Requires two-year service agreement, new activation and credit approval. $200 early termination fee applies, after 15-day trial period (30 days in CA). $35 per phone setup fee, up to $70 max per account (some markets a max of $80 /account per order). Additional charges: state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1.343% or 1.5%, in some states a Gross Receipt Recovery Fee or other taxes, fees or assessments, a TRS charge of approx. .07%, and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available in all markets. Other conditions may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are service marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE 3 2005 Sumter County ir Steer Exhibitors ' - h ff .4J , BritanlyMad, wih Blndi A ~ ALL STUDENTS- GET 10%DISCOUNT 0 A FOR FAIR ATTIRE! PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 a 2005 Sumter County Fair Steer Exhibitors y.2 1 CAm :'"* 1 ? !! *' JS Dan aieJoh *nB ith x I5*905A jF54K5W455'~ .5 ,t .flr4nn W~1~ ~tjjt.. .x> .5~.,.5 .545 ~ .54 ~ ~,.5.44 -osha.M 5*5.rsAs% AS ,A.ha4k -. 4. ,; .....,..... . . . .. ....- *." .. .." .. .... ,. 5454 .. 4sM.. .. .. s ,- . .- .'.". "" :,f -,- -. ^ . 5. .. .4 .. -. 55 .4 . ~~~~ .. .' ..:. .. .7, :ti WHOLESALE *RETAIL *DIESEL *KEROSENE 4 S4S[RS.; ~ ~ ~A'SQ~M4'~!42,5%5 ~v .!~. \QY \~ e tt ~ < 4 (f~t i SM.,~5. s 5k I 3. R5.5~5 & ,4.~~s s~hsssssMIMI;. . SELLING THESE AND OTHER FINE PRODUCTS @.ia Egen FINAL Mobil 1 V54. TEXACO TEXACO SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE 5 # 2005 S ;umter County Fair Steer Exhibitors IA ~& zA, ,~ I - ~ A44 MarieRolad it Sadow V I .............. ' [ . 4..c IT ''. i''; ". -PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 COMMUNITY NATIONAL BANK BUSHNELL 114 W. Belt Ave. (Hwy. 48) Bushnell, Fi 33513 (352) 568-2272 Eacn depositor insured o :$ 100.000 FEDERAL DEPOSIT IN~SU'RA.NCEF C( RPC)R,.-d)N WILDWOOD 1017 South Main St. Wildwood, Fl 34785 (352) 748-0999 ~b *~ur 4 i~7~'. &~ WC' --- .... 1 F ". * ':, ** ..., : | '- ~ mr ~j -: .. B E "' ', E' . r ... -:^ ^t=== U 1. 1 I. Mhe he Ipf ut place. Hardware Hours: *'^ 'v S ^ ;.,.'; :.' . 1,* '*'.S X ..- .... ,., .: Y ,,* .No r, . ;,,- :* .:* :.. .' , .': ." ,* ,,*;-,* : !^ Mon 8am -Sat - 5:30 pm R ewa cindii Loyalt Closed Sunday 300 Shopping Center Dr. Wildwood EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 1110 Hel. ful Paint Place SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE 7 2005 Sumter County Fair Swine Exhibitors "*f ^ LDL ENTERPRISES, I C.R I Featuring -, Pre-Manufactured Aluminum Buildings RE Carports, Trailers, Steel Enclosed Buildings I, ,' : d. __ . ., i ~, h N. Come See Our Full Line of LDL ENTERPRISES, INC. 1825 W CR-48, Bushnell 352-793-9083 fax 352-793-7609 cell 352-303-1969 Buildings, Carports & Mini-storage also available. Many sizes to choose from, climate and non- climate control. - WUF~ szXL , Trailers SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10 2005, PAGE 7 Emily Jones, mr. Parker PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 AuTo & TRUCK SALES YOUR FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE "1969" THE FAIR N " IL MaM-ANN ^t- 100% FINANCIN I .--' 2 U 0l. 568.0000 C1 68.0000 ^ -... .= E EIIU 1WAnDI -1~ L --- ' I Ali~ CA.L 568.0000 5:MON.FRI9 to 6;*SAT9 to4 STRUCK CENTER Sc BUSHNELLFL.33513352-56876666 S 109 East Noble, Bushnell. Noble Avenue AUTO & TRUCK SALES 1^ et r ^ II I i A fI II E f lll n i lllr'l I ......................... . . . . . MOLL -a- -..Mmlm IN& NEW lqqlw New AW in m 1 11 I F tA r I jqT7P, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE 9 2005 Sumter County Fair Swine Exhibitors S 0iCw\: A J&L~ ~j*j.A~ ) Maisn e6 it Hm Ala er it hro Meaweal ihSaan 884- - U8 *Is w PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 * Sumter Teen County Court Gloria R. Hayward Be a Teen Court Volunteer 352, 793-0215 Please come visit us at the fair! (booth #2 in commercial building) Goocl LUC k Exhibitors "^O ~ " aX V 11 ItTSl^(T^ lob /.A- - 4!fc'" * I A % I k. ~ t 4' All , "KA Cle'r'k, of CxrcuiLtl Court SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE 11 da 2005 Sumter County Fair Swine Exhibitors _ REALTORMLS, -691 Each office is independently owned and operated 1034 W. C-48 Bushnell, FL 33513 primeproperty21 @earthlink.net www.primeproper tyc21 .com '8 Dave Wilson Sales Manager/Realtor Karen Hogans REALTOR Robert Southern REALTOR Kindra Evans/Mclean REALTOR N.E U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U. U Jerry Rice Broker/Owner Pam Rice .Broker/Owner Kelly Rice Broker/Owner llHlhlllllllEEhlhhhllllEhhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll CONGRA ,TULAONS Small FA & 4H Members, From all of us at CENTURY 21 Prime Property Resources, Inc. f:,' I "SERVICE IS OUR SPECIALTY"! g~ga gag gaga gag aug agem nag agg gagg mag mana aga gag gagg gag gan ua Lori Roscoe Office Manager/Realtor Les Davenport REALTOR Charlene Cason REALTOR Bill Davis REALTOR PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 0 2005 Sumter County Fair Swine Exhibitors '3 .~ . .... .yBLM' RE ^&A naaffl ^tijir \' k-*' 110 Bushnell Plaza Bushnell, FL 33513 A "lS Directly Across from SunTrust Bank I United, Office 1-352-568-1111 ur Toll Free- 1-866-912-SOLD C ou ntry Fax 1-352-568-1146 First Realty Of Sumter, Inc. LET US BE YOUR REALTOR --- ----- '.~ ~ ~~ *.-*= i- : -, 4 .-,.." .. .. ..... $ ...... ..... .. .. .. ... . ^.'- f r MJ M Sf -n..a ,a |Bet~S*.^. ~.. <^:.&.^.. : ? ":' -' I "'"'; ....... .. *._-! ; :I' ,'"SI ^ ^ & ^ 1 a? '' ^*'""'-? ^ :'*'* 'f :"r'^ ..~fr ," .", 5 : .- .... ; .. .. .- .- *- .... :..8 ..... ..."1 '^ ^ ...^ :.... .;i '^IJ U I l y l ', ..,.,.,, ,..,. .,, ,,IK.H = ,,: .,' .:.. ,. ,,,mm- ., ... -,,,. ..................... Jx-p T, ......: " Web Site: www.unitedcountry.com www.1 strealtyofsumter.com Most offices Independently Owned & Operated OF CHOICE! u vi' 4 * *$*'.$.. ~' 4 ~5 I *545 * United Country-First Realty of Sumter, Inc. holds the #1 ranking for United Country agencies in Florida and #8 in the Eastern Division. The ranking earned First Realty of Sumter, Inc. the most prestigious award, the Summit Club Silver. The award was presented to James Guy Simmons, Broker-Owner, at United Country's annual convention held in Clearwater Beach, FL in February. LET OUR AGENTS WORK FOR YOU WHEN LISTING OR SELLING! SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE 13 dA 2005 Sumter County Fair Swine Exhibitors I- .4bo~r 1q Lr I ~t.-~" Sam' a S.,'aes:wt.hei ..- .-/ -- . we're"up"on The Farm National 4-H Week March 11-19, 2005 '.7 PAP KlhCl. flo :1 p~. ...... ri 0 ey ml f I Julia Rinher's Truffles I ,' "-. OR PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Announcing the NewestMember of the Massey Ferguson Team, Come See Gerald At All Terrain Lawn And Tractor. AGCO Corporation is pleased to announce ALL Terrain Lawn &Tractor has joined the. MASSEY FERGUSON team. The people at AllTerrain Lawn & Tractor will be more than happy to show you what's new in the MASSEY FERGUSON equipment line, plus provide you with top-notch parts and service. Give them a call or stop by. ALL Terrain Lawn & Tractor 31800 Progress Road Leetburg, FL 34748 Ph. 352/360-1 398 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE A13 Lake Panasoffkee Pack 313 holds Pinewood Derby The 2005 Pack 313 Pinewood Derby wa-. held Feb. 12. Thank you to our judges Carl and Joyce Gordon, Steve Rooney, and Merry Anne Melin who judged the cars for best design in 5 categories, to Troop 313 for their help with setup, registration, and refreshments and to Zack Leady br starting thie cars. Pack leader An inika Wallace expressed special thanks to MrA and Mrs. Stiickland for their l help in calling the fin- Bear Andrew McCubbin, is shown with his winning derby car from Pack 313. Jesse Vanderbok took second in the Tiger division for the 313 derby. Webelo Brennan Mobley took fourth place in the Pack 313 derby. There were 19 cars entered. Scouts who entered were: Tigers PJ line and Jesse Vander BoK; Bears -Tyler Wallace, Michael Stimpson, Travis Cundiff, and Andrew McCubbin; Wolves Jamie Welton, Mark Patterson, Cameron Johnston, Thomas Wallace, Aaron Jones, and Trenton Bush; WEBELOS Sean Ware, David Wallace, Chase Kiefer, Michael Comstock, Brennan Mobley, Branden Jones, and Ralph Wolff. Chase Kiefer took second for the Webelos in the 313 derby. Bear Tyler Wallace shows off his derby winner for the Pack 313 challenge. PAGE A14, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 4/ 3Ai. I Ed EDUCATION i,4 A A 40"0%OW -4 - Q otw =o 600o %o o, wed a ,90ddmhf am to n&0so M d v- RMfta a / I -,4tm &ad &W 40 a uwktpe oov 16 %PW %vm anmmft do e w e O- mmm m S-do'Copyrighted Material- SyS * Syndicated Content Available from'Commercial News Providers" Btt~~~~ T^~W^-A^:5:.r m IMF SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE A15 SwnterSPORTS .. ...::.- ... :. .. ; ':.... .,, -, ., '. .; Bushnell Elementary hoops fundraiser successful ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent Last Friday night the stars were out, not just in the sky but also on the South Sumter High basketball court. At its 3rd annual event, the Bushnell Elementary team played against the XL106.7 "Cheapshots" basketball team to raise funds for the school. Cheapshots coach, Johnny Magic a DJ for the radio sta- tion, scours local courts for players to help in fundraising around the state. Flanked by other DJs "Farmer" Bill and Alex Diez Magic and his team arrived in a 15- passenger stretch H2 Hummer to play the Bushnell team. "We've helped raise over $170,000 for area charities," said Magic. "I really enjoy getting out there and helping out the team members, I like helping others." Prior to the game, the Bushnell Elementary Chorus entertained the crowd with several songs. During half time the Raider Cheerleader Clinic graduates wowed the onlookers with a cheer rou- tine that they learned while attending the clinic. Coach Tina Pitts said the girls, aged 3-10, attended the clinic that was a fundraiser to help the Bushnell Youth League season opens ROBIN EDDINS Times Correspondent March 5 marked the open- ing day ceremonies at the Kenny Dixon Sports Complex for the Bushnell Dixie Youth League Major and Minor teams. Rev. Jerry Alexander said the opening prayer and the National Anthem was lead by Board Member and Sonny's minor team coach Todd Brown. "The Bushnell League has grown so much we've had to break it down to two days to accommodate all of the teams," said League President Ron Pitts. "We have 5 Major and 5 Minor teams now. Next week we'll have the ceremonies for the T-ball and Mini Minor teams." There are 8 T-ball and 5 Mini Minor League teams. "The total of 23 teams gives a large amount of local youth a chance to play ball." said Bushnell League Commis- sioner Conrad Porter. Game nights will be Monday and Fridays with some teams also playing on Tuesday to service all of the teams. f11 M14 Ma1 cheerleaders help purchase uniforms. Also during halftime the XL106.7 team tossed souvenir gifts into the audience. Bushnell team members were Clint "Boo" Hart, Earl Everett, Stevie Waters, Brett Sherman, Pop Everett, Jim Farmer, Leshay Williams, David McKay, Carlin Williams, Ron Vann, Rich Stephens, and Coach Fred Williams. The referees were Date Day opponent Leonard Mitchell, and Greg McMullen. The announcer was Chris Swain. Clint Hart a 1995 South Sumter High graduate, when asked why he participates in events such as this said, "Look around." As he pointed to some local youth he was giving basketball pointers to and the crowd gathering to watch the game. "I come to town every chance I get and help out Place Time South Sumter Varsity Baseball Mar 10 Mar11 MarW5 Thr CrystalRiverf Fi Wildwood iTue North Marion Away 700 Home 7:00 Home 7:00 South Sumter JV Baseball Tk Cystalfiver f Wildwood fMor Bef00w fTi e m Wildwood Va Mar11 Fri So i Sumter Mar 15 Ts ature Coast Home 6200 Away 6:00 Home 6'00 Home 4:00 rsity Baseball Away 771 Home 1:0 South Sumter Varsity Softball Mar11 Fri HCAJV Only Villages Varsif Only Home 5'30 Home 5.10 Heine0 72g Wildwood Varsity Softball Mar11 Fri Pascote Home 6:00 IF~m ou n-upr orta whenever I can, which isn't easy living in California," stated the San Diego Chargers football player. While the final score of the game was 54-46 in favor of the "Cheapshots" team, Bushnell Elementary students are the real winners. Spokesperson Tandy Eveleth said the fundraiser brought in around $1,200 for the school. Wildwood Dixie League has opening day RoBiN EDDiNS Times Correspondent, Last Saturday the Wildwood Dixie Youth League held its opening day ceremonies at Millennium Park with the aroma of popcorn in the air. League President Bob Bernstein introduced the cur- rent board members and Commissioner John Johnson recited the opening prayer and also threw the opening pitch. Savannah Shaw, 12, sang the National Anthem. Last year's All-Star girls team was' introduced to the crowd and honored for their achievement. This year's season is dedi- cated to the memory of Wildwood City Council mem- ber Virgil- Hutchinson whose community efforts for the local youth were well known and greatly appreciated. As the parents and support- ers looked on, each team and members were introduced with applause before the first games of the season began. "It's going to be a great sea- son," said Bernstein, "The coaches, board members and the kids are all working hard to have a good season and a good time." Wildwood Wildcats Team Skills Basketball Team placed 2nd at the 2005 South West Sectional Basketball Tournament held February 18 and 19 at Tampa. Front Row, Left to Right:'Amaridai Perras, Jennifer Mathurin and Megan McCutcheon. Back Row, Left to Right: Michael Schaefer, Patrick Berkhimer and Candis Mack. The team is coached by Velia Diaz. THE LUCK OF THE IRISH COMES TO SUMTER COUNTY SUBSCRIBE FOR ONLY 914 1. Sl495per year 4 (reg $18.99 In County Only) CALL TODAY AND SAVE! 352-793-2161 S4- SUMMER COUNTY Already a subscriber? No problem! Add on to your current subscription. Every 3,750 Miles! . Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tire ] pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CV jrn. . air cleaner elements. INCLUDES: Pressure test cooling system and cap; Inspect drive belt(s), hoses & freeze plugs; Evacuate system and refill with 50/50 mix of DEXCOOL or GM Coolant and water. Lube, Oil & Filter 19.95Se Syste9.95 Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. . Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 GOOdv [Wr ..gChb Extended Expiration til 4/6105 GooclWrenCh --------------- -- -- -- - - - ICCLUDES: I. Every 30,000 Miles! FrIr,,- r, t C,,rrlpurerr,~, batne 4 IRemove pan and drain fluid: Inspect for .CM".'C4, v a v ) .,ir,4.luI r,asv f Irie Replace wrel.; Ir,,ep rtorrI rd ai b 'n5 1.. n g ,tei mtIru311t 3rd n ev'prerat,,r, ilad; CbeEt., lni. age anr, m ur,i C r,ie,: t,:,r leaks; rest .'ort'aa periormur-:e Balance Wheels 2 995 & Inspect Brakes ,., Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. . I Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 GOOdAIwCht r~~ ~ ~------------ ----- Discount on Parts & I Labor on a Repair over I $300. Automatic Transmission Service Valid with coupon. Please present upon ai Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM c Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus ta 1 Extended Expiration til Ovial. cars. 4/6/05 IIJCLUI Ct' 3r, 'SI e 1Fuel System ,Service 0% FF " Wild Card I (every 30,000 miles) Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid wilh.any other offer, Most GM cars. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles Plus tax. Similar saving on othervehicles.Plus tax. ^' Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 GOOdw r ICh ,U Extended Expiration til 4/6/05 $79.95; UDES: r Iu:r, tfu i ,r '..r Clean intake valves; I n0rr ,uSli',r n ir, ,oci rs i Pr ',, in ,. ?'i, r running nt1' i., r 95. mileage 189.95 [ 2005 Baseball/Softball Schedule I Servi ce done right. And.done by pros. PAGE A16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 Sumter Magic Team Skills Basketball Team placed 3rd at the 2005 South West Sectional Basketball Tournament held Feb. 18 and 19 at Tampa. Left to Right: Larry Good, Coach, Desi Badanish, Todd Emholtz, Teresa Maddox, Bo Frazier, Mary Morris, Rondia Mitchell, Theresa Sesler and Robert Lucas. Sumter Shooting Stars Unified Division 2 Basketball Team placed 2nd at the 2005'South West Sectional Basketball Tournament held Feb 18 and 19 at Tampa. Left to Right: Tim Facer, Antwan Johnson, Urbano Jasso, Paul Pearson, Willie Mills, Raymond Jackson, Anthony Mobley, Richard , Fain, Torey Henderson and Coach Mary Ann Gonzalez. SPECIAL OLYMPICS TEAMS COMPETE Call Today 352-793-2161 equine services medical The Sumter Hot Shots 3-on-3 Basketball Team will compete at the 2005 Special Olympics Florida State Basketball Tournament on March 11 and 12 at Orlando.The team won the invitation to the championship tournament by winning their division at the 2005 South West Sectional Basketball Tournament held February 18 and 19 at Tampa. Front Row, Left to Right: Julie Snyder and Jessica Kirby. Back Row, Left to Right: Stephen Perkins, Coach, Robert Hunter and Kenneth Bostic. Sumter athletes competed in Individual Basketball Skills at the 2005 South West Sectional Basketball Tournament. held February 18 and 19 at Tampa. Left to Right: Sarah McNabb, 2nd Place, Russell Douglas, 1st Place and County Coordinator Mary Ann Gonzalez. Russell Douglas will compete at the State Basketball Tournament at Orlando March 11 and 12. mIF IFlloIFIIFIIF 1Fo3 nFlrIF]r F] IF IF]IFm F]IF]IF]n IFIF IFfIF] IF] IFo j1 Models needed for e Permanent Make Up r Procedures- must be I available Sat., Sun. and Mon. C Apply at L W9&-W Salon' 352-529-0211 S4ask for Joyce 5s E 444 N.W. Main St. yc Williston j *4 *1 .4 .4i I- af- * .~ . Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM * LASER SURGERY BOARDING .* 1 HEALTH CARE PET SUPPLIES- 5,* .s. builder 609 N. Old Wire Rd. 5u ' Wildwood, FL 34785 OFFICE: (352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 www.dibarco.com rn 3 .Dilbarco 'Buildiftg SCorporahtion hi(I I Diana B. Couillard MOE CRCOn7473 President FulvLicensed & Insured Full Service ContracLors Owner I equine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist taxi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES SORLANDO TAMPA For as low as For as low as $35.00 $45.00 pet grooming SIfAnDY' I '-GROOMInG DOGS IIANTED: All Breeds great and small. We %%ill bathe and gioom them all' Pamper YOUR pet today' For Fido's next appointment please call Sands at Sandy's Grooming (352) 568-1882 PR, S Medicare Accepted Prosthe 72 Cust F7 352-793 5 MEDI1 UPPLIE Complete line of: Walkers. Custom Braces Crutches, Canes Bathroom Aids Custom Prosthetics Breast Prosthetics 'tics Research Speci 20 E. Southland Aver Bushnell, FL 33513 om Cosmetics Restc ull Fabrication Servi 3-4477 Fax: 352- DAL "S s Female Fitter on Staff alist, Inc. iue )ration ces 793-1448 roofing FERNANDEZ ROOFING Spee-iatliemi m 54negte e--ooi9gde METAL ROOFS FLATS LEAK REPAIR SKY LIGHTS 352-568-9991 License #CBC057859 bail bonds JARRE T PARISH BUSHNELL, FL 33513 OFFICE: (352) 793-8861 CELL: (352) 303-0000 1'1 Put Your Feet Back on the Street' internet/isp Local Internet Acc ss 1-888- Net-Nerd 1-888- 638-6373 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005, PAGE A17 Thursday, March 10 The monthly meeting of the Sumter County Democrat Club will,,be held at 7 p.m. in Sumterville at the Lake/Sumter Community College in the portable classroom. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. 0 If you are a widowed per- son, find support and make new friends at the LIFE Luncheon (formerly LI.ET) on Thursday, March 10, at 11:30 a.m. in the Leesburg Community Center, 109 E. Dixie Avenue in Leesburg. Hear Bryan Golden who is a highly rated adjunct professor, motivational speaker, author, and syndicated columnist His column, Dare to Live Without Limits, is read by a nationwide audience. Lunch buffet is $8. Please, RSVP to 787-5421. Friday, March 11 Sumter Super Seniors' month- ly meeting will meet at 10 a.m. at Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 (corner of Hwy 301 and C.R. 468 near Coleman). It's a fun place to meet other sen- iors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyone is encouraged .to attend, bring a friend, and enjoy lunch. A ceremony to rename "Gant Lake Canal Access Park"' to "Roy 'Bug' Story Park" to pay tribute to a dedicated lifelong resident of Sumter County and the Gant Lake Community will be held at 3:30 p.m. at 1225 C- 478A, Webster (south of Webster off 471 and west on C-478 approximately three miles to the park). This ceremony is being presented by the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners The public is welcome to attend and provide comments to pay tribute to Roy '"Bug" Story and his devotion to Sumter County. Refreshments will be available. For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Office at (352) 793- 362. Saturday, March 12 The Oaks Quilters present their annual Quilt Show starting at 10 a.m. The Quilt auction will be at 2 p.m. Boots Hall at The Oaks Campground off Route 48, Y mile east of 1-75, Exit 314, 5551 S.W 18th Terrace, Bushlell. Quilts and related items, sale table. Silent Auction and demos. Fbr information, call Connie at 352-568-2492. 0 The Sumter ..County Republican Executive Committee will be holding their annual Lincoln Day Dinner at the Savannah Center. Invitations have been sent out to several county, state and federal elected officials. The guest speaker will be U.S. Representative MarkFoley from Florida's 16th Congressional District He is on the powerful House Ways and .Means Committee and also serves as member of the House Leadership as a Deputy Majority Whip. He is also co- chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus. Cocktail hour is'6 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:15 p.m. Tickets are $40 and may be purchased by calling Richard Cole at 753-2055. For more information, contact Judy Garner at 352-259-4954. Wednesday, Mar. 16 All students who attended Bushnell High School are invited to a reunion on March 16 at the Lake Panasofikee Recreation Center, 1582 C.R. 459, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring a covered dish and drink. Call Gayle Hunt at 793-3079 for more information. Thursday, March 17 St. Patrick's Day Dinner consisting of corned beef and cabbage with veggies, bread and dessert, will be held from 11 a.m. to ?. There is a $5.50 donation. This event will be held at the VFW Post 10137, C.R. 476-B. For information, call the Post at 793-8511. Flea Market and Book Sale, March 17 and 18, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Panasoffkee Community Library, 1500 C.R. 459. Clean and useable items needed. Saturday, March 19 , Sumterville Cleanup CATS (Citizens Against Trashy Sumter) is holding a cleanup in Sumterville from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sumterville Park If you've been to a CATS Cleanup, you know what you can or cannot bring. If you're not familiar with us, or you have any questions, call Paul orAl at 793-0230, Sandy at 793- 8599, or Diana at 748-6391. It's free. Wildwood AARP Chapter #4839 will have a Bake and Craft Sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Bealls store in the Wildwood Shopping Center. Thursday, March. 24 The Sumter County Interagency group will be hav- ing their monthly meeting at 11:30 a.m. at Catfish Johnny's in Lake Panasoffkee. This month's speaker will be Pamela Barron, Administrative Assistant, for Life Stream Behavioral Center Everyone is welcome to attend, have lunch, and join our professional networking group. Saturday, March 26 LifeSouth Community Blood Center-Hernando Region Bloodmobile schedule for Sumter County. All drives are open to the public. All donors received recogni- tion T-shirt and a cholesterol screening. Donors must be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and show a valid I:D. LifeSouth is a com- munity blood center that sup- plies 39 medical facilities in a 17-county area of North Central Florida, including Shands at UF, Veterans Affairs Memorial Hospital, Shands at AGH, North Florida Regional Medical Center, Citrus Memorial Hospital, Seven Rivers Community Hospital, Brooksville Regional Hospital and Spring Regional Hospital. LifeSouth is a non-profit, charitable organization that supplies blood and blood com- ponents to more than 110 med- ical facilities in Florida, Alabama and Georgia. For more information, call 352-596- 2002 or www.lifesouth.org. The police department plans a full day of valuable information and assisting the citizens with opur Vial of Life Program (free kits as long as they last), Gun Lock Safety (Project Child Safety). (Free locks avail- able as long as they last) Bicycle registration. This event will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 501 N. It's Just A Foot... ...until It Starts To Hurt! That's When We Can Help. CENTRAL FLORIDA FOOT CARE, P.A. * Foot Surgery * Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com Market Street, Bushnell (Bushnell Police Department). For more information, call Joyce Bullock at the Bushnell Police Department, 352-793- 6810, or cell phone at 303-4720. Sunday, March 27 The team from Lake Panasoflkee Elementary School will be having a yard sale, bake sale and car wash, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., to raise funds for the iRelay for Life. All proceeds will stay in the Sumter County area. This event will take place at 502 N. Market St, 'Bushnell (Bushnell Police Department). Anyone having donations for the yard sale would be greatly appreciated. Pick up available if necessary. Please call any of the three following persons for more information: Joy Burdeshaw, 352-303-3027, (work 352-793- 2241); Tania Scherer, 352-303- 1860; Joyce Bullock, 352-303- 4720 (work 352-793-6810). Saturday, April 2 Rabies and Vaccination Clinic Low-cost vaccinations at the Animal Care Center of Wildwood, in the Wildwood Shopping Center. Proceeds benefit the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County. Time is 8:45 a.m. to noon. Rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats only $6. For dogs, dis- temper/parvo (DHLPP) vacci- nations are $9 and bordetella vaccinations are only $9. For cats, feline distemper vaccina- tions are $9 and feline leukemia vaccinations are $11: No office visit charge. Also, Sumter County Pet licenses will be sold by Sumter County Animal Control Officers at the clinic. $5 for altered pets, $10 for unaltered pets. You must have a current rabies certificate issued by a veterinarian and proof that your pet is spayed or neutered. The first annual Blue Heron Pilot Club Biker Brain Bash Poker Run is set. The ride begins/ends at the Sumter County Courthouse, located at 209 N. Florida Street in Bushnell. Sign-in starts at 8 a.m. Last bike out at 11 a.m. Entry fee is $10 single rider; $15 double. Fee includes one hand, extra hands optional. Lunch provided for all participants. Win prizes, drawing. - SUMTER COUNTY'S i I BoJack's Potato Shack Under New Ownership SW Daily Homemade Specials Rib Nights Friday & Saturday SMi (352)793-1002 7AM 8PM 616 W Kings Hwy Center Hill, FL -8 33514 -mg %'..kly 64E-n. - 793-8582 Located on HwY. 475 Bushnell, FL South Sumter Plaza :79 *This Business Made Possi 811-OURION MR restaurant Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm i to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in Central Florida & Much More" BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH d DINNER j SPECIAL SPECIALS $1.99 $5.99 Egg; Ton I l iir, r r` J n n*i-'l t. F Con.'I e it inri qi janr Pannlt- '.AtUU tA t...fiV *tU. ...'. .. lt4-CL I FU j".U.. L4J. O P I i I UJ Robots PG FriSat 1 00 1 55 3 15 4:30 525.7.00 7 45 9 15.955 Sunr-Mon 1.00. 1 55 315 4.30 525.700 745 ues-Tnur 1 30 2 15 4.15.500 7.00. 745 Passion Recut R HostageR Fri-Sat 1.20,4.20,.720 10.00 FriSal 1.20 420.7.20. 1000 Sun.Mon 1 20, 4.20. 7 20 Sun-Mon 1.20 4 20. 7:20 Tues-Thur 1 40 4 25 7.15 Tues-Tnur.2 05. 4.35. 7 25 Million Dollar Baby PG -13 Because Of Winn Dixie PG Fri-SaI 1 15 4 15. 7 10000 Fr.-Sal 1 30 5.20 7.50 Sun.Mon 1 15 4 15. 7 10 Sur-Mon. 1 30 5.20 Tue -Thur 1 50. 4 45.7 40 Tue.-Tnur 2 00. 4.55 Cursed PG-13 Diary Of A Mad Black Woman PG-13 Fr.,Sal 1005 Fr,.Sai 145. 425 705 9"45 Sun-Mon 7-50 Sun-Mon 1 Tues.-Tur 7 3c Tues.Trur 2 35 520 7-50 Be Cool PG-13 The Pacifier PG Fnr-Sal 1 35 4 40 7 25. 10 10 Fn-Sal 1 10 5 10 7-40 950 Sun-Mon 1.35 4 40 7 25 Sun-Mon 1 10.5 10.7.40 TuesTnur. 240 5 25 800 Tues-Thur. 2.55. 5 05.8 15 Hitch PG-13 The Jacket R Fn-Sal: 1-50 4-45 7:30, 10:15 Fn-Sat 7:55, 10 15 Sun-Mon. 1.50, 4 45.7 30 Sun-Mon 7-55 Tues-Thur 2 45. 5 30, 8.05 Tues-Tnur 8 10 Man Of The House PG-13 Constantine R Fr.-Sai 1 25 4 55 Fn-Sat 1-05. 4 35 7 15. 10 10 Sun-Mor. 1.25. 4 55 Sun-Mon 1 05. 4 35 7 15 Tues-TThur. 2:50 5 10 Tues-Tnur 230.5 15 755 . f 'r- f Sat The a t-r el FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 3/11 17 ( FRI SAT SUN. WED. THURS P13 BE COOL 7:30 PLUS P833 HITCH :95 Closed Monday 8 Tuesday COMING SOON THE PACIFIER RING 2 ROBOTS Questions? Please call Harold Spears 863-602-2979 or Judy Crews 863-967-0842 enter the 50/50 Inquiries or RSVPs to biker- brainbash_2005@yahoo.com All donations raised to bene- fit the projects and operating costs of the Blue Heron Pilot Club, Inc., focusing on assist- ing people with brain-related injuries and disorders in our local community. The Veterans Administration is celebrating the grand opening of the Community Based Outpatient Clinic located at Laurel Professional Center, 1950 Laurel Manor Drive #24, The Villages, with a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony at 10 a.m. Please come and be a part of this special event. If you have any questions, contact the Veteran Services Office at 352-793-0235. GUIDE TO ut Rosey and Dave's country Cafe (Fornnerl Care 476) New Name New Location 311 N. Ma Bushnell, F (352) 568 Open Monday t Closed S ":00 \.M.-- 25201 US Hwy 27 (3521) 326-9001 Open for Lunch & Dinner Sunday & Monday from 11am o1 3pm and Tuesday Saturday from 11am to 8pm. rket St., L 33513 4-7667 ,hru- Satulrda uiidav 8:00 P.M. o '. "-L 4 t LUBTARA RE S TAURAN T .At The Plantation I FREE BEVERAGE* I I WIrTH TH-IS COUPONS SNon-Alcoholic Expires 4-6-05 I Hidde Rivrs I Hidden Rivers A &a The Dam P LIVE MUSIC -J-KL .JU resort ub i I A 50 5 MARCH 132" 7-11 Pm BELLY DANCING - j",\i_ J L CLASSES \ THURSDAYS JIMMY D Coming Soon ,J,:iiJi-W FuF Liquor Bar *uin Sundow 569-9306 featuring Sundown Band 4666 CR 300 'ALL MUSICIANS WELCOME 11AM 4PM Lake Panasoffkee The seed Cafe II Webster I 1 599 N Market Blvd. l 1 ^^352-568-8008 L - - - 4al Swnt4er CAJ-ENDAR I 1 11 1 Nm.x. - PAGE A18, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 ___________________ ~ 11) 'I I 9 w Fun and GAMES 4 , I S *4' I ;(<9 rawqi -lo jw b-K < ffc -- , Af^a - m 040 0 m * 9.- a S ~ - - .4 ~q -. I pSt * 9 p 0 S. 'I U do ,, m -,ad * e I 6 ,eI~ * 0U * S S 0 0 0 PWW. 4 .L. It a PS I- 9..- a * _ rW S. w - 4 Available from Commercial News zoom r_:_w AP I S Poo it IN i em 400. S0 4 m 41 4o- w- __ 00 dd .. p aw.-400 a w m .1W. am. *a. I *m-No S 44 -G dW -n = -no boom- q Alb 411. am *40 4D q- U -a. - - .am -tw -~ .40 -..-. . *am- -W t* W 0w~ - mm ft.M______ ___ el -ftoafww - --& - ftb 0. * U ~ a-am U IM M JE -L *w 0 4040 di 4U..' I - - * _medw 40 410 Iowa ~. -40 4m - *e. lighted Material cated Content % 14 -Ndm==-o 0 dmd% IN ~A4~1IJPI FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online!, That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. AD RIS All our classifieds including' Sours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT, sumtercountytimes.com r Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 HELP WANTED 200-300 SERVICES 300-400 MISCELLANEOUS / SALE 400-500 PETS 500-600 MOBILE HOME RENT/SALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION IS STRESS RUINING I CALLSTANDS BETWEEN DR. KEN YOUR UFE? READ YOUR BUSINESS and RUNCIMAN DIANETICSby Ron L.' millions of potential "Dr. Ken" Is back ahd Hubbard Call customers. Place your welcoming new (813) 872-0722 or send ad in the FL Classified patients and old $7.99 to DOanetics, Advertising Network For friends to: 3102 N. Habana Ave., $450 your ad will be Inverness Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN placed In 150 papers. Medical Check out our 2x2 and Center 2x4 displaynetwork tool 931 S. US Hwy. 41 Call Heather Mola, FL Inverness, FL 34450 Statewide Advertising 352-726-1886 Network Director at The clinic is staffed by 17 ffl (866) 742-1373 or email Dr. Ken and Undoa hmola@fipress.com Hallinski ARNP Sfor more Informaton. and mental health (Out of State counselor. Services Mental Placement Is also avai- include superior M n able.) Visit us on-line at primary whole person Health www.fforida- health care for all" Therapist classifieds.com ages, acupuncture TherapiS 'FCAN and ARGENTINA, Goose massage therapy the Centers Duck, Dove, Perd, Tues 7-3 Lecanto satellite Pegeon, Big Game, Wed 9-4 office Is seeking an Trout fishing. Bolivia, Thurs 9-8 experienced, Uruguay, Dove, Pigeon, Fri 7-3 master's level Fishing. Best bang for Sat 9-1 mental health the $ In the world. Meeting all your Iheristoprovide v- Season April-August health care needs loeto 2005. Weekdays c adfs and (314) 209-9800; NEED AN AITORNEY f'tareas Evenings: ARRESTED? Criminal iames (314) 293-0610 FCAN Defense *State who present for *Federal *Felonies slices hirus DIVORCES $175-$275 *Misdemeanors *DUI Counly *Covers children, etc. *License Suspension DFWP/EOE $30,000. Only one signature *Parole *Probation annually., required *Excludes *Domestic violence Faxore-maileurne govt. fees Call *Drugs *Protect your to: HRte (800) 462-2000 ext. 600 rights A-A-A Attorney CenrftesInc. (52)M (8am-7pm) Divorce Referral Service 291-5580, Tech. Established 1977 (800) 733-5342 24 hours hr@thecenters.us FCAN 7 days a week FCAN L->T-- US W RK i 0- CALL 793--2 -6 the Centers is seek- ing for the following medical positions: ON-SITE SUB- STANCE ABUSE COUN- SELOR the Centers Lecanto satellite office Is seeking a BA level, experiencedsubstance douse counselor to work on-site hInlocrridteandhigh school alternative school providing hcMdud and group therapy. Salary range $26,000 $30,000 annually. SCHOOL ON-SITE THERAPISTS the Centers Lecanto satellite office Is seeking MA level mental health ther- apists to provide on-site serv- ices to SED children both hin school and h the home. Full time and contract posrions avci- able. $30,000 annually full time + benefits, $25.00 per hr contract/no benefits. Vac/sick/holiday/m ed benef/401Kl Bockground check mqued.To pplyfor these positions, fax or e-mail ' resume t: HR, Hte Cernlei Inc. (352) 291-5580, hrahecenleisjjsor comeby 5664 SW 60th Ave., Bldg. #1 foranonine-xlomer- view. DFWP/EOE Experienced Plasterers and stucco laborers. Must have transporta- tion. 352-793-7895 EXPERIENCED TREE CLIMBER Top Pay! , 352-303-7245 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT Bulldozer, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks Graders, Scrapers, S- Excavators- Next Class Jan. 3rd. .National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement In Your Area 800-383-7364 Associated Training -Services 5177 Homosassa Trail Lecanto, FL 34461 PLUMBERS & PLUMBERS HELPERS Experienced only. Must haveat least two years documented experience h ough, top out and trim plumbing. Competitive Pay and Health Benefits available (352) 237-1358 Drug Free Work Place Earn $10-$14 per hour delivering lo- cal telephone directo- ries in your aread. Must be able to read a map, have' reliable transpor- tation, picture ID and proof of insurance. Please call toll free 1-888-285-5861. HELP WANTED No Exp Necessary, * Travel The Country, Drivers License a plus Gd. Pay.(352)303-1053 Hoping to hook the right employee? Advertise in the Times! In-county and online! classified@ sctnews.com or 793-2161 IN SEARCH OF NEWSPAPER CARRIERS CRYSTAL RIVER DUNNELLON BEVERLY HILLS Citrus County's fastest growing newspaper Is looking for youl Fill out a carrier Information form at the Chronicle office in Crystal River or Inverness Or call 563-3282 Immediate openings F/T or P/T group home staff, 12-hr Shifts, 3 days on, 3 days off High School Diploma or GED required $7.75hr start $8 after 6mos Background Screening, Clear Driving Record EOE/DFWP Apply at: SCARC, Inc. 213 W McCollum Ave Bushnell (352)793-5156 Website for applica- tion: sumtercou ntyARC.co m Now hiring for the following positions for our Pilot Travel Center at 493 E State Route 44 In Wildwood, FLI *Shift Supervisors* Cashiers* Join Pilot and receive: Competitive Pay Life and Medical Insurance Paid Vacation Advancement Opportunities *401"k" Must be flexible in schedule. For immediate consideration, call 352-748-4486 between 9 am 9 pm and ask for the Manager on duty! EOE PILOT... A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! Ro-Mac Lumber in Wildwood has Immediate openings GARAGE DOOR SERVICE TECH Experienced or willing to learn Mechanical ability Good driving record required Competitive pay and benefits Applicants apply: Ro-Mac Lumber & Supply 5975 Signature Drive Wildwood, FL 34785 EOE/DFWP ROOFERS/ SHINGLERS Exp Only. Paid Vacations, Benefits. 352-347-8530 SALES & SECRETARY Ability to speak English, Warehouse workers, appointment interview 1-800-917-0001 or espanol 1-800-972-0001 COOL TRAVE!. JOB!! One month paid tralningi $500 sign on bonus. Must be free to travel & start today (800) 735-7462 FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT 'TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer. (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN DRIVERS- OWNER OPS & CO. DRIVERS NEEDED NOW. Run SE Only or SE MId-Atl., MW Regl6nal, 0/0's. No forced dispatch, good pay plus fuel (866) 250-4292 EARN DEGREE online from home *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job . placement assistance. Computer & Financial Aid If quality. (866)858-2121 www.tidewatertech online.com' FCAN FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT SYSTEM Includes standard Installation Access to over 225 channels! Umtted time offer. S&H Restrictions Apply. (866) 500-4056 FCAN #1 CASH COW! 90 Vending Machines Hd. You approve Loc's- $10,670800-836-3464 #B02428 FCAN $$$$ WEEKLY Use eBay to get paid. Get $250 in FREE products to Start No Inventory Required No experience required. Call Online Supplier for more Info (800) 940-4948 Ext. 5314 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 814-6323. B02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold' FCAN MORTGAGES, REFINANCE OR PURCHASE. No Money Down. No Income low rates. All credit considered. (Higher rates may apply) No mobile homes. (888) 874-4829 or www.AccentCapital .com, Ucensed Correspondent Lender FCAN. ARBOR CARE TREE SERVICE Ucensed & Insured "No Job To Big or Small!" *Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Ber Lovett (352)303-3878 J-J,-- 1 B.J Beckelheim er TREE SERVICE , BUCKET S TRUCK + STUMP GRIND-1 ING LANDSCAP- I ING I I 793-5949 I I Top Shape I Beautify Your Trees - .== == =. = =11 SPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300. Sacrifice $1425. (352) 346-1711 L-U E--- - 4 ESTATE 4 MERCHANDISE AUCTION *THURS. MARCH 10- 4000S.FIa.FAve. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: 4 PM AUCTION: 5 PM 3 house full, like new furn., incredible I selection & value Ofc. & outdoor um. household items, etc. www. dudleysauction.co m DUDLEY'S AUCTION (352) 637-9588 AB1667 AU2246 12% Buyers Premium I 2% disc. cash/check L .-- .. .. .=. .m I GOVERNMENT AUC- TION 520 acres in Columbia, SC area- Horse training facility and other acre- age. Date: March 24, 2005. Visit: www.ustreas. gov/auctions/irs for further details. FCAN LAND & GROVE AUCTION! Lake Placid, FL 11 am, Sat. March 26. 443.9+/- Total Acres 3 Tracts offered In 16 parcels. Preview: 1-5pm Sat. March 19. Call for details (800) 257-4161 Higgenbotham Auctioneers www. higgenbotham.com ME Higgenbotham, CAl FL Lic #AU305/AB158 FCAN -U METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Deals *Save $$$ 40x60' to 100x200' Example: 50x100x12' = $3.60/sq.ff. (800) 658-2885 www. rigidbullding.com FCAN BUSHNELL 1272 Cty. Rd.542E Large Yard Sale, Furn. Tools, odds & ends. Mar. .11 & 12 8a-3p Want to be out and about? Come to our Garage Sale... You never know what treasures you'll find. Saturday, March 12 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. St. Francis Episcopal Church 313 N. Grace Street Bushnell SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS CALL 7932161 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH i0, 2005, PAGE 19 -U YARD SALE KITS! $15.00 A 20-Word Classified! 6 Neon Signs! Price Stickers & Rain Insurance (if you get rained out, the insurance coupon lets you place your ad ad later for half price!) Get your kit at the: Sumter County Times where we put the word out in-county and online! For more info. classified@ sctnews.com or call 793-2161 4803 US 301 Bushnell Friday, Saturday and Monday 9-4 Antique dealer going out of business. Liquidating all from home! Thousands of items - display cases, shelving, furniture, armoirs, cup- boards, counters, glass- ware, art, jewelry, china and pottery, etc. 457-9596 Four-foot bush hog mower $250.00 793-5949 GE STOVE and dishwasher for sale. Stove has self-cleaning oven With warming drawer. $350 for stove and $150 for dishwasher. Used 2 months. 352-751-5806 GRAND OPENING! P.J.'s Gifts The place: Family Fun Center Mini Mall (located in the old Wal-Mart) Days: Friday & Satur- day, Monday and Tues- day. For information call:: 793-4760 Come Look! In-Home Care for a loved one three to four morning hours. CPR certified. Good ref- erence. Sumter County 569-1145. BOWFLEX BN $1200/obo 352-465-1105 -s Want to BuySmall or Medium Size lot w/ no structure. Call (727) 734-8550 Wanted to Buy: Electric Trains. Call 568-8118& after 6 p.m. LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? We have 8 homes set up and ready for immediate occupancy. Prices from $49,900 to $89,900. All homes are up to $20,000 under appraised value. Must see before you buy anywhere else, Taylor Made Homes 352-621-9182 Over 3,000 home and property listings at ncchomes.com 5 Acre Mini-Farm. Lg 4/2, Lots of scrubs. Won't last long! Call (352) 795-6085 3/2 on '/ Wooded Ac. on Paved Rd. $2,500 dn. $625 monthly. Call (352) 795-2377 4/2 on % Acre on Paved Rd. Replace, Galley Kitchen.$2,500 dn. $568 monthly. Call (352) 795-1272 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 baths on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway, $2,000 down $575.68/mo W.A.C. 352-621-0119 Beautiful 3/2 on %/ LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliance pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. -. , Over 3,000 home and property listingsat www.ncchomes. coam OWNER MUST SELL! I acre land/home package. 3/2 with full appliance package, under warranty. Beautiful property nice & quiet, decks, driveway. Must see! $5,000 down, $586.40/mo. P & I W.A.C. 352-621-9183 Over 3, 0b oe Wandpoerty, Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise 'any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status in- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. SUMMER COUNTY! Oak Hill. New I to 21 -acres. Pasture and wooded. Financing. Bro- ker/Owner. 1-352-330-0022 Beautiful lot in Jerry Taylor Landing - fruit trees, camellias, azaleas and magnolias. Fenced on three sides. Electric and septic sys- tems in place. Deeded access to Withlacoochee River. Next to state park. $24,000. Call 352-793-4122 ACROPOLIS MORT- GAGE *Good Credit *Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. com Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn P mai Iassa W-1-- fli Over 3,000 home and properly listings at www.ncchomes. com Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn -I- .:. ;i l.lN Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. corn BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROUNA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, cabins, acreage & investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokee mountainrealty.com Call for Free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA. Phase I sold out. Now offering new homesites in Phase II at Shine Landing, a gated waterfront community. Be a proud owner in this upscale community with boating access to the Neuse River, Pamrico Sound and Atlantic Ocean, plus clubhouse, fitness center, tennis, swimming pool and private marina. Home- sites as low as $29,900. Financing available. Coastal Marketing & Development Company, New'Bern, NC (800) 566-5263, www.shinelanding.com FCAN LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slipl High elevation beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000 AC recreational lake in TN. Paved roads, u/g utils., central water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 609. Sunsel Bay, LLC FCAN NORTH CAROLINA LAKEFRONT ONLY $39,900. Great All Sports lake to fish, boat, swim or just relax. Call for details. MLC (866) 920-5263 FCAN WE DO RENTALS! Southern Vermont's rental center. Mount Snow, West Dover, Vermont. By week/ weekend/ month or season! Includes recreational/cultural activities. We offer Hillside Condos, Town houses, Chalets, (large/ small homes) Mountain Resort i Rentals, PO Box 1804, West Dover, Vermont' 05356. www.mountain resortrentals.com email: rentverm@sover.net (888) 336-1445 (802)464-1445 FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina where there is: Cool Mountain Air, Views & Stream, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. Call for free brochure of Mountaln Property Sales (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, NC 28906. www. realtyofmurphy. coam FCAN Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes. Scorn Sumter County Investor sseeks 500 to 800 acres in Sumter County. Must have quick access to 75 or turnpike. Call Dee Dee 813-267-8839. ATTENTION INVESTORS Waterfront lots In the Foothills of NC. Deep water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20% redevelopment discounts and 90% financing. NO PAYMENTS for 1 year. Call now for best selection. www.nclake frontpropertiescom (800) 709-LAKE FCAN ELUJAY, GA, 80mi. N of Atlanta, 1.5 - 3ac. Mountain view & trout stream, will finance. Starting at $24,000 (706) 636-2040 VACANT LAND WILDWOOD BEAUTIFUL EQUINE ACRES 10 or 20 acre homesites priced at $24,500 per acre, OBO. Right Off Villages Expansion, New 1-75 Interchange. Call Marc 1-561-945-9036 DIR:Take CR 475 to NW 10nd BLVD To Entrance to Equine Acres E Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment ILI f PAGE 20, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 NC Mountains Custom 30 DAYS AFTER THE 651-0310 SCT 623-0317 SCT SSearch 100's of DATE OF SERVICE OF A PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE built log homes, river Citrus County COPY OF THIS NOTICE frontage and beautiful Used Autos ON THEM. The Early Leamrning Coali- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE secluDed land off Blue online at All other creditors of the tion Of Citrus and Sumter Ridge Parkway. Callwww. decedent and other per- Counties' Merger Committee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Writ of Exe- now. (800) 455-1981, nccwheelscom s o n s and the Dixie/Gilcrist/Levy cution issued in the Circuit Court of Volusia County, Florida, exi, 133 FCAN having claims or demands County School Readiness. on the 31st day of May, 1989, inthe cause wherein FLORI- GRAND OPENING LAND against the decedent's es- Coalitions (DGL) will be DA NATIONAL BANK, was plaintiff and CAULEY JONES, SAE! Florida 10+ acres Ftale must file their claims conducting a Joint Merger JR., was defendant, being Case No. 88-5614-CA-01 in said only $294,900. Huge with this court WITHIN 3 Workgroup Meeting on Fri- court. savings on big ranch DATEMONTHS AFTER THE day, March 11, 2005 be- ng onDATE OF THE FIRST ginning at 10:00 A.M. The I, William 0. Farmer, Jr., as Sheriff of Sumter County, Flori- acreage In South P U B meeting will be held at the da, have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the de- of mature oas, pgeoualms Search 100's of UCATION OF THIS NO- Early Learning Coalition Of fendant Cauley Jones, Jr., in and to the following described f mature oaks, palmles of Citus County TICE CLAIMS NOT Citrus and Sumter Counties property, to-wit: & pasture with miles of i t ALL CLAIMS NOT SO office, 1564 N. Meadow- bridle paths. Located Used AutoS FILED WILL BE FOREV- crest Blvd., Crystal River, 1996 RED CHEVROLET CAMARO IROC Z28 on Martin County/ online at WWW. E R FL 34429. If you have any VIN /2G1FP22P6T2164828 Okeechobee line. nccwheels.com BARRED. questions, please call 352- and- Quiet, secluded, yet C k ,. NOTWITHSTANDING 563-9939. 1997 SILVER CHEVROLET CAMARO IROC 228 close to 1-95 and coast. U T H E VIN f2G1FP22P4V2156701 Also, 5 acres $174,900. TIME PERIOD SET Workgroup Tasks Great financing, ittl e F O R T H Board Membership and on the 29th day of March, 2005, at the north door of down. Call now ABOVE, ANY CLAIM Officer Responsibilities and the Sumter County Judicial Building, in the City of Bushnell, (866) 352-2249, F I L E D Qualifications Sumter County, Florida, at the hour of10:00.am., I will offer ext. 379 FCAN MLeUI.l H TWO (2) YEARS OR Slate of Officers for sale all of the said defendant Cauley Jones, Jr.'s, right, ex R E Revised Executive Commit- title and interest in aforesaid property at public outcry and LAND WANTED 650-0317 SCT AFTER THE DECE- tee Responsibilities and will sell the same, subject to all prior liens, encumbrances Land Investment Notice to Creditors D E N T S Member Qualifications and judgments, if any, to the highest and best bidder or bid- company seeks large (Summary Administration) DATE OF DEATH IS Executive Committee ders for cash, the proceeds to be applied as far as maybe acreage in Florida and Estate of Joseph Rotella BARRED. Membership to the payment of costs and satisfaction of the above-de- Georgia. Interested In PUBLIC NOTICE The dat of the first publi- Revised Administrative scribed execution. waterfront, timber and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT cation of this Notice is Mar- Committee agricultural lands. Must FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL ch 10, 2005. Responsibilities William 0. Farmer, Jr., Sheriff of have road frontage or CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR Personal Representative: and Member Qualifications Sumter County, Florida ood frontage or ss. CSUMTER COUNTY, -s- JANET LOU GORDON Administrative Committee By: -s- Sgt. Roger Hayes goo access s FLORIDA 14931 Park Lake Dr., #211 Membership buyer with quick PROBATE DIVISION Ft. Myerse, FL 33919 Revised Advisory Council Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, Febru- closings. Call FILE NO.: 2004-CP-0330 Attorney for Personal Responsibilities and ary 24, March 3, 10, and 17,2005. (877) 426-2636 or IN RE: ESTATE OF Representative: Member Qualifications e-mail: JOSEPH ROTELLA, -s- Lowell S. Schoenfeld Advisory Council landyetiveg@aol.com DECEASED. Florida Bar No. 980099 Membership 658-0317 SCT NEW MEXICO NOTICE TO CREDITORS GREEN SCHOENFELD & FY2005-2006 Budget PUBLIC NOTICE 20 acres $24,900 (Summary Administration) KYLE LLP Workshop Scenic region, views, TO ALL PERSONS HAV- 1520 Royal Palm Square REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS canyonsic reesgion, rolingeWS ING CLAIMS OR DE- Boulevard, Suite 320 Published one (1) fime in canyons,tiees, ollin g MANDS AGAINST THE Fort Myers, Florida 33919 the Sumter County Times, The Sumter County of Commissioners, in compliance with hills, wildlife. Enjoy ABOVE ESTATE: Telephone: (239) 936-7200 March 10, 2005. Chapter 287.055 (Consultant's Competitive Negotiations hunyinh, hiking, horses, You are hereby notified Published two (2) times in Act), requests proposals to provide professional consulting great climate. Power, that an Order of Summary the Sumter County Times, services to Board of County Commissioners to perform the great access. 100% Administration has been en- March 10, and 17,2005. following service: financing. Call tered in the estate of JO- (877) 822-LAND! FCAN SEPH ROTELLA, deceased, STORMWATER UTILITY STUDY. SAVOR BREATHTAfKING File Number 20104-CP-0330; Mountain Views & Golf bythe Circuit CourtforSum- 648-0317 SCT Submittals of qualifications and interest must be received in tving at Cherokee ar County, Florida, Probate Notice to Creditors the County Administrator's Office, 209 North Florida Street, SLiving at Cherokee Division, the address of Estate of Ge*ie Proctor Bushnell, Florida 33513, (352-793-0200) not later than 5M Valley, a premier which is 209 N. Florida PUBLIC NOTICE p.m on March 24.2005 Submittals must be delivered in a mountain golf Street, Bushnell, Florida IN THE CIRCUIT COURT sealed envelope marked "Request for Proposals and community set amid PB 33513; that the decedent's 649-0317 SCT FOR SUMTER COUNTY. Statements of Qualifications Sumter County Dyedesigned 18 hole date of death was Novem- Notice to Creditors FLORIDA N Stormwater Utility Study." course.in Carolina Mitns. bar 19, 2004; that the total Estate of CASE NO. A sanctioned Golf value of the estate is Fredrck Harod Shark, Sr, N .2005-CP-000050 Statement of Qualifications are available upon request by Digest Teaching Facility $5,000.00 and that the PUBLICNOTICE IN RE ESTATE OF calling (352) 793-0200, by coming to the County Commis- tool Impeccable mtn names and address of those IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GERTIE PROCTOR sioners Office, Room 206, Second Floor, Courthouse, Bush- view ftomesites front to whom it has been assign- FOR SUMTER COUNTY, Deceased. nell, Florida, or by contacting Demand Star at 1-800-711- $59.900. Financing. Call d bysuchorder are: FLORIDCASE NO TICE TO CRdministon of the 1712 or wwwDemandStar.com, (866) 334-3253 ext, 822 Mable LeBlanc CASE NO. The administration of the wwwcherokee 1006 Woodside Drive 2005-CP-000049 estate of GERTIlePROC- The agency's professional negotiation committee will follow wwa cerocc Wildwood, Florida 34785 IN RE: ESTATE OF TOR, deceased, File Num- -the competitive selection procedures to negotiate a contract valleysc.com ALL INTERESTED PER- FREDRICK HAROLD ber 2005-CP-000050, is for the agency with thelfirm consideredto be the most quali- FCAN SONS ARE NOTIFIED SHERK, SR. pending in the Circuit Court fied. THAT- Deceased, for Sumter County, Florida, I All creditors of the estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate Division, the ad- Upon completion of the negotiation process a contract will of the decedent and persons The administration of the dress of which is 209 N. bepresentedtotheBoardofSumterCountyCommissioners L having claims or demands estate of FREDRICK HAR- Florida Street, Bushnell, for the service. against the estate of the de- OLD SHERK, SR., de- Florida. The names and ad- 5 LOIS ON THE cedent other than those for ceased, File Number dresses of the personal rep- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WITHLACOOCHEE whom provision for full pay- 2005-CP-000049, is pend- resentative and the personal SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA RIVER mentwas made in the Order ing in the Circuit Court for representative's attorney are Approximately 2 acres, of Summary Administration Sumter County, Florida, set forth below. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March $300,000 for all firm. must file their claims with Probate Division, the ad- All creditors of the dece- 10, and 17, 2005. 813-918-8652 this Court WITHIN THREE dress of which is 209 N. dent and other persons hav- S(3) MONTHS AFTER THE Florida Street, Bushnell, ing claims or demands DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- Florida. The names and ad- against decedent's estate, LICATION OF THIS NO- dresses of the personal rep- including unmatured, contin- 657-0310 SCT TICE resentative and the personal gent or unliquidated claims, PUBLIC NOTICE ALL CLAIMS AND DE- representative's attorney are on whom a copy of this no- NAIlON'S#1 SEUNGRV MANDS NOT SO FILED set forth below. tice is served must file their NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BRANDS Florida's WILL BE FOREVER All creditors of the dece- claims with this court WITH- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MotorHome &Towable BARRED. dent and other persons hay- IN THE LATER OF THREE SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Headquarters. Great NOTWlTHSTANDINGTHE ing claims or demands MONTHS AFTER THE Service,-FairPrices. TIME PERIOD SET FORTH against decedents estate, DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthatitheBoard of County Conm- GiantRecreation ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED including unmatured, contin TION OFTHIS NOTICE OR missionersofSumterCountywillholdaSPECIALMEETING World. Melbourne TWO(2)ORMOREYEARS gent or unliquidated claims, 30 DAYS AFTER THE the purpose of which is to discuss and consider SOLID (8World I Mebourne AFTER THE DECEDENT'S on whom a copy of this no- DATE OF SERVICE OF A WASTE DISPOSAL PROPOSALS AND SOLID WASTE (8aO)70-0l n DATE OF DEATH IS tice is served must file their COPY OF THIS NOTICE ISSUES IN GENERAL, which will include a presentation on Onlanoo (800),1 4 -67 T BARRED claims with this court WITH- ON THEM. the existing solid waste disposal system. Diwlona (80t0) 8o-2,5 I ne care of first publication IN THE LATER OF THREE All other creditors of the www.grwrv.corr, tr.: Notice is March 10 MONTHS, AFTER THE decedent afidgpersons hav- The meeting is scheduled as follows: FCAl 00oo DATE OF FIRST PUBUCA- ing claims or demands Person Giving Notice: TION OF THIS NOTICE OR against the decedents es- Date: March 17,2005 S.3-Mable LeBlanc 30 DAYS AFTER THE tate, including unmatured, Time: 5:00 pm Petitioner DATE OF SERVICE OF A contingent or unliquidated Place: Sumter County Courthouse 1006 Woodside Drive COPY OF THIS NOTICE claims, mustfiletheir claims Board Hearing Room Wildwood, Florida 34785 ON THEM. with this court WITHIN Second Floor Attorney for Person Giving All other creditors of the THREE MONTHS AFTER Bushnell, Florida 33513 Notice: decedent and persons hav- THE DATE OF THE FIRST -s--Lawrence J. ing claims or demands PUBLICATION OF THIS Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 pm is through the East M archbanks, Esquire against the decedent's as- NOTICE. door. Persons needing special assistance gaining access AWRENCEJ tate, including unmatured, ALL CLAIMS NOT SO o the meeting and hearings orto be heard atthehearing Travel Trailers, MARCHBANKSPA. contingent or unliquidated FILED WILL BE FOREVER should call 352-793-0207 to make any special arrange- 1t > e 10 Cleveland Avenue claims, must file their claims BARRED. ments. thWheels Wildwood, Florida 34785 with this court WITHIN NOTWITHSTANDING THE ... Telephone: (352) 748-5888 THREE MONTHS AFTER TIME PERIODS SET Persons attending meetings of the Board;aasadvised that if (15)3 2 77 Facsimile: (352) 748-1416 THE DATE OF THE FIRST FORTH 'ABOVE, ANY they decide to appeal any decision made by the Board with Florida BarNo. 156960 PUBLICATION OF THIS CLAIM FILED TWO (2) respect to any matterconsiadered at any meeting, heorshe Published two (2) times in NOTICE. YEARS OR MORE AFTER may need a verbatim record. Anrrangements for such verba- hIne Surmer Codriy Time.; ALL CLAIMS NOT SO THE DECEDENTS DATE ftimrecordmustbe madebythat personas a verbatimrec- March 1l0 and 17 2006, FILED WILLBE FOREVER OF DEATH IS BARRED. ord is not provided by the Board. [rjl BARRED. The date of the first publi- NOTWITHSTANDING THE cation of this Notice is Mar- The public is invited and encouraged to attend all meetings Searia 1 'sof 6 0TIME PERIODS SET ch 10,2005. of the Board. Citrus N n Ot647-0317 SCT FORTH ABOVE, ANY Personal Representative: Cit nus County Nofice to Creditors CLA0N FILED TWO (2) RANDALL N. THORNTON Board of County Commissioners Used Auos Estate of YEARS OR MORE AFTER P.O. Box 58 Sumter County, Florida online atO heodore Stanley Gordon THE DECEDENTS DATE Lake Panasoffkee, FL www.nccwreelB PUBLIC NOTICE OF DEATH IS BARRED. 33538 Published one (1) time in the Sumter CountyTimes, March corri IN THE CIRCUIT COURT The date of the first publi- Attorney for Personal 10,2005. FOR SUMTER COUNTY, cation of this Notice is Mar- Representative: FLORIDA ch 10, 2005. RANDALL N. THORNTON CASE NO. Personal Representative: FL Bar No. 176505 629-0324 SCT 2005-CP-000030 FREDRICK H. SHERK, P.O. Box 58 Notice of Action- Estate of Jasmin Misir IN RE: ESTATE OF JF.. Lake Panasoflkee, Florida PUBLIC NOTICE THEODORE STANLEY 644 Tallwood Trail 33538 Search 100's of GORDON, Cleveland, TN 37312 (352) 793-4040 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Citr s Cunt Deceased. Attorney for Personal Published two (2) times in FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND Used Autos NOTICE TO CREDITORS Representative: the Sumter County Times, FOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA Auts The administration of the RANDALL N. THORNTON March 10, and 17, 2005. PROBATE DIVISION Onlne at estate of THEODORE FL Bat No. 176505 CASE NO.: 2005-CP-000045 WWWV STANLEY GORDON, de- P.O. Box 58 nccwheels.com ceased, whose date of Lake Panasoffkee, Florida IN RE: ESTATE OF death was December 1, 33538 JASMIN MISIR, 2004; File Number 2005- (352) 793-4040 Deceased. N CP-000030, is pending in Published two (2) times in NOTICE OF ACTION the Circuit Court for Sumter 'he Sumter County Times, County, Florida, Probate Di- March 10, and 17, 2005. TO: The heirs of the deceased, JASMIN MISIR, who vision, the address of which 310 S died ptember12, 200. is 209 N. Florida Street,310 SC n September 12, 2004. Search 100's of Bushnell, FL 3351. The 652-0310 SCT ScnoorBoro YOU ARE NOTIFIED that the Petition forAdministration has Clesus o tyd dresses of thd PUBLIC NOTICE CtloeaSessor, 3 I50d been filed in the Court. You are required to serve a copy of UsedAutos the personal r presenta-_e a r PUBUC NOTICE yourwnritten defenses, if any, on Petitioner's attorney, whose GeE arn represn- dy Learning C tli- tre Sumter Count School name and address are: online a five's attorney areIset forth ion of Citrus and Sumter' Board wili maec ir. clioee WTHTH. below. LATER Counties' Contract Monito- eor the osce or ommed Nicholas P. Evang lureto serve and file nccwheels.om All ed, oi Pre d us e ring Committee will() tbe he P published one (1) time in Te r e res dompso n & Associates, P.A. TN OF THIS, NOTICE OR n Tuesday, March 15, sMone onh ueay, M DATED this 24th day of Febru Pary, 2005.Suite ET se,,, r vedtn, must 1 an offie located at Board Meeting Floors on On or before Apri 4, 2005, end to file the original of the aEU Th a ih i Crystaliter, FL 34429. Florida. service aNoUce of Forecr. Failsurse e and file Cinai DATE OF alRST PUBLICA- t Sumter County mes, the Sumter County TMg. Co., Inc., etc. vs. James R. Sanders, times, iONOFTHIS NOTICE OR Mah 10, 2005. March 10,2005. DATED this 24thday of February, 2005. THE CIRCU IT COURT SEAL)OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CR- F R C O PER IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA 3 0 1 d CIV0LACTION5 SCatkh the Ft CooprN ota Par ForecsE -C71 a3100 S Old Floral City Road Inverness CeCIAL.MORTGAGECOMPANYsINC. SUCCESSOR IN INTERESTTO ASSOCIATES HOME EQUITY SERVICES, INC., Hosted by The Friends of Fort Cooper aint Adm sio: JAMES R. SANDERS, et al, Come and enjoy: Defendant(s). i[ltsd$ $5~00 Second Seminole War reenacrmenLs(twice NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED FORECLOSURE SALE uidru 6)I) D daily Ill aIm. and 2:00 p.m NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Re- oder 6) FlHEE schedutingForeclosure Sale dated February 22,2005, and We recommend you amve an hour pnor 10 entered in Case No. 02-CA-718 of the Circuit Court of the FIFTH Judicial Circuit in and for SUMTER County, Florida she aboe show times wherein CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. SUCCESSOR IN INTERESTTOASSOCIATES HOME EQ- S VSit 1836 Penod Mitar~ and Seminole urITYSEVICES,.INC., is the Plaintiff and JAMES R. SAN- n /\ \DERS; DENISE C. SANDERS; FORD MOTOR CREDIT \ campmlenls COMPANY; arethe Defendants, I wil sell tothe highest and VModernrand period arts &craL best bidderfor cash at WEST FRONT DOOR OF SUMTER COUNTY COURTHOUSE at 11:00AM, on the 22nd day of Eleamnment March, 2005, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment: Greal food and refireshmenLb THE NORTHEAST1/4 OF THESOUTHWEST 1/4OFTHE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST. For more information please call R S\ ESSANDEXCEPTTHATPORTION CONVEYED TODA- (352) 72 315 VID MATTHEWSAND CHARLENEH.ATHEWS, IN Q a E ( 2 THAT CERTAIN CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED RE- CORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 885 AT PAGE 556, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH 175.00 FEET OF THE WEST 175.00 OF THE NORTHEAST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST, TOGETHER WITH AN EASE- MENT OVER AND ACROSS THE WEST 30 FEET OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SEC- TION 32, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST; LESS THE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FOR STATE ROAD. 462; AND LESS THE SOUTH 175.00 FEET OF THE WEST ,175.00 FEET. AND LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR STATE ROAD NO. 462. AND ALSO, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PERPET- UAL EASEMENT WHICH WAS CONVEYED TO SUMTER ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE IN THAT CERTAIN PERPETU- AL RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT AS RECORDED IN OFFI- CIAL RECORDS BOOK 903 AT PAGE 465, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE WEST 30 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST, LESS THE RIGHT OF WAY OF STATE ROAD NO. 462. A/K/A 4707 East County Road 4, Wildwood, FL 34785 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of this Court on February 23, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stoller Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3, and 10, 2005. F02009300 632-0324 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2005 DR 000114 LISA A. SHEETZ, Petitioner, and GREGORY J. SHEETZ, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MAR- RIAGE TO: GREGORY J. SHEETZ, Last Known Address - 6746 C.R. 619, Bushnell, FL 33513 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against -you and that you are required to serve a copy of your writ- ten defenses, if any, to it on LISA A. SHEETZ, whose ad- dress is 6746 C.R. 619, Bushnell, FL 33513, on or before April 4, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the re- lief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tfied on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Fam- ily Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can re- sult in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: February 25,2005. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3,10,17, and 24, 2005. 656-0407 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE -IT U0 NOTICE OFROAD'CLOSING HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held in the County Commissioners' Meeting Room at the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell, Florida, at 5:01 o'clock p.m. on the 12th day of April, 2005, by the Board of Sumter County, Florida, to determine the advisability of closing and vacating that portion of the road, rights-of-way or easements described as follows: All of Wildwood Blvd. lying West of Primrose Blvd.; all of AlderAve. lying West of Primrose Blvd.; all of Willow Avenue lying West of Primrose Blvd.; the North 60.00 feet of Primrose Blvd. lying between Lot 1, Block 7, and Lot 9, Block 8; all of Lilly Place lying North of Foxwood Ave.; that portion of Evergreen Blvd. lying West of the Southerly projection of the West right-of-way line of Westwood Blvd.; that portion of Westwood Blvd. lying North of the Westerly projection of the North right-of-way line of Basswood Drive, all being part of WILDWOOD COUNTRY ESTATES, PHASE 1, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 4 Page 48 Public Records of Sum- ter County, Florida. renouncing and disclaiming any right of Sumter County. Florida and the public in and to the land. or interest therein, as to the above described property. All interested persons may appear and be heard at said time and place. Notice is given it any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Board at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not prepared or fumished by the Board. Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 p.m. is through the East door. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any special arrange- ments. Interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the Petition. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Joey A. Chandler, Chairman Published two (2),times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and April 7, 2005. 634-0310 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A Public Hearing before the Local Planning Agency/Zoning and Adjustment Board of Sumter County, Florida will' be held on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. in Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida to consider the following applications for Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the Sum- ter County Future Land Use Map: CASE NO.: SS2005-0005 APPLICANT: Eugene & Genevieve Bays GENERAL LOCATION: Webster area: East on C-48. The property is on the south side of the road approximately 1 mile west of SR 471. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: Parent Parcel: W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 AND SE1/4 OFSW1/4 OF NEI/4 AND NW1/4 OF SE1/4 LESS E 420 FT OF S 600 FT AND E1/2 OF SW1/4 AND LESS ROAD R/W & LESS THE SEl/4 OFSW1/4 AND LESS THE N 720 FT OF W 910.98 FT OF NE 114 OF SW 1/4 AND LESS BEG AT NE COR OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 RUN W 660.73 FT N 612.73 FT TO S/LY R/W OF CR 48 W 685.37 FT S 229 7.15 FT E 927.95 FT N 292.97 FT E 420 FT N728.08 FT N 664.55 FT TO POB. TO BE UTILIZED: Sec.24, Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: W 300' of E % of SE of NW less R/W for E C-48 across N side thereof. PRESENT AND REQUESTED LAND USE CLASSIFICA- TIONS: Agriculture to Low Density Residential 8.8 acres MOL. The recommendations of the Local Planning Agency/Zoning and Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, March 29,2005 at 6:00 P.M. in Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida. This application may be inspected at the Division of Plan- ning & Development office, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St, Room 324, Bushnell, FL on Mondays through Friday, from 7:30 A.M. until 5:00 PM. Any person who wishes to attend these meetings and re- quires assistance may call 352-793-0200. APPEAL: NECESSITY OF RECORD: In orderto appeal the Board's decision in this matter, a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is required. The Board assumes no responsibility for furnishing said record. Published two (2) times in the.Sumtdr County Times. March 3, and 10, 2005. 642-0317 SCT Notice of Sale GreenPoint Credit, LLC vs Tharman L. McMiller, etal. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2004-CA-001172 GreenPoint Credit, LLC, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Tharman L. McMiller, Cassandra F. McMiller, IF LIVING, AND IF DECEASED, THEIR UNKNOWN SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, CREDITORS, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THEM; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE AND ANY OTHER PERSON (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY WHOSE REAL NAMES ARE UNCERTAIN, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an order or a final judgment of foreclosure entered in the above-captioned ac- tion, I will sell the property situated in SUMTER County, Florida, described as: Lot 10: Commence at the Southeast comer of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 31, Township 21 South, Range 23 East, run thence S 8959'50" W along the South line of said SW 1/4 of SE 1/4,310 feet, thence N 019'34" W parallel to the East line of said SW 114 of SE 114, 520 feet, thence S 8959'50" W 190.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue S 8959'50" W, 100.0 feet, thence N 019'34" W, 222.43 feet, thence N 8959'50" E 100.0 feet, thence S 019'34" E, 222.43 feet to the Point of Beginning, all lying and being in Sumter County, Florida. INCLUDING the following Manufactured Home: 1999 FLEETWOOD CARRIEAGE MANOR, 28 X 80, Serial Num- bers: GAFLW7SA69146CD21 & GAFLW7SB69146CD21. at public sale, to the highest and bestbidder for cash, at the front entrance of the SUMTER County Courthouse, Bush- nell, Florida'at 11:00 a.m., on March 24,2005. DATED this 25th day of February, 2005. Gloria Hayward CLERK OF THE COURT , (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan A. Stoller Deputy Clerk AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) NOTICE individuals with disabilities needing a reasonable accom- modation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator's office, as soon as possible. If hearing impaired, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD); or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Service. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March - 10, and 17, 2005. 644-0317 SCT Notice of Seizure and Forfeiture Action I PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CA-000238 AGENCY REPORT NO. 2005-01-0255 IN RE: THE FORFEITURE OF Seized Property: One thousand three hundred dollars and no/100 ($1,300.00), U.S. Currency Claimant: Lorri Denise Wells 1427 CR 753 Webster, FL 33597 NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE ACTION COMES NOW Complainant William 0. "Bill" Farmer, Jr., Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida, for the use or benefit of the Sumter County Sheriff's Office, by and through his un- dersigned attorney, and files this Complaint of Forfeiture and in support thereof would show as follows: 1. That one or more Sumter County Deputy Sheriffs did, on or about January 19th, 2005, seize U. S. Currency in the amount of one thousand three hundred dollars and no/100 ($1,300.00), at the area of 1427 County Road 753, Web- ster, Sumter County, Florida, for violation of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. 2. The seized U. S. Currency is being held bythe Sumter County Sheriff's Office, located at 225 East McCollum Ave- nue, Bushnell, Florida, with its mailing address at P.O. Box 188, Bushnell, FL 33513. A Forfeiture Action is pending, Dated this 29th day of February, 2005. -s- W.J. Jordan, Florida Bar #0507725 1 -". C.''.-', 0 W EliaT, 0 Eii- Fa ,rrEr j, L, *rim :.r 'UT, ir ,u, r Flonr a a Sumter County Courthouse 225:East McCollum Avenue ; Bushnell, Florida 33513 (352)793-0222 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and. 17, 2005. 645-0310 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its intentto issue Permit No. FLA358134to Orange Blossom Utilities, Inc., the facility is located at County Road 466, Lady Lake, FL 32162, for the construction and operation of a .099 MGD 3-Month Average Daily Flow (3MADF), Type Ill, activated sludge, secondary treatment Waste Water Treat- ment Plant. The facility will direct the effluent to a two-cell Rapid Rate Infiltration System (R-001) for disposal. The permitted has established a ground water monitoring plan for the reuse system, in accordance with Chapter 62-522, F.A.C. The Department will issue the permit with the attached con- ditions unless a timely petition for an administrative hearing is filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57, of the Florida Statutes before the deadline for filing a petition. The proce- dures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below, A person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed permitting decision may petition for an administra- tive proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Depart- ment at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-3000. Petitions by the applicant or any of the parties listed below must be filed within fourteen days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than those enti- tled to written notice under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes must be filed within fourteen days of publication of this notice or within fourteen days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may tile a petition within fourteen days of re- ceipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the appli- cant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition within the appro- priate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's ' right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. Any subsequent intervention (in a proceeding initiated by another party) wil be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the De- partment's action is based must contain the following infor- mation: (a) The name, address, and telephone number of the peti- tioner, the Department permit identification number and the county in which the subject matter or activity is located; (b) Astatement of how and when each petitioner received notice of the Department action; (c) A statement of how each petitioner's substantial inter- ests are affected by the Department action; (d) A statement of the material facts disputed by the peti- tion, if any; (e) A statement of facts that the petitioner contends war- rant reversal or modification of the Department action; (f) A statement of which rules or statutes the petition con- tends require reversal or modification of the Department ac- tion; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stat- ing precisely the action that the petitioner wants the Depart- ment to take. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same in- formation as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. Persons whose substan- tial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the Department have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. Mediation under section 120.573 of the Florida Statutes is not available for this proceeding. The application is available for public inspection during nor- mal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at Southwest District Office, 3804 Coconut Palm Drive. Tampa, FL 33619. Published one (1) time in tne Sumter County Times. March 10. 200L. i 628-0310 SUT Tip Top Storage Sale of Contents-Unit 85 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Florida Statute 83.806 Notice Is hereby giv- en that on March 19, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. at TIP TOP STORAGE, INC., 7693 State Road 471, Bushnell, FL 33513, the entire con- tents of your storage unit shall be sold for cash: Unit #85 Derek Phillips, 1731 CR 609-C, Bushnell, FL 33513 All proceeds shall be used to pay past due rent and other charges. Dated this 28th day of Feb- ruary, 2005. TIP TOP STORAGE INC. 7693 STATE ROAD 471 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3, and 10, 2005. 636-0310 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Mary Katherine Grimm PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY CASE NO. 2005CP-000041 IN RE: ESTATE OF MARY KATHERINE GRIMM Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of MARY KATHER- INE GRIMM, deceased, File Number 2005CP-000041, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and ad- dresses of the personal rep- resentatives and the per- sonal representatives' at- tomey are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice is served must file their claims with this court WITH- IN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the decedent's es- tate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT, SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publica- tion of this Notice is March 3, 2005. Co-Personal Representatives: Phyllis G. Laudermllk 526 Chris Circle Lawrenceville, GA 30044 and Peggy G. Reigner 5310 Starboard Court Conyers, GA 30094 Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives: RANDALL N. THORNTON FL Bar No. 176505 P.O. Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3, and 10, 2005.- 635-0310 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Phillip G Horton PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY,, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 2005-CP-000034 IN RE: ESTATE OF PHILLIP G. HORTON, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of PHILLIP G. HORTON, deceased, whose date of death was August 9, 2004, is pending in the-Cir- cuit Court of Sumter County, Florida, Probate- Division, File No. 2005-CP-000034, the address of which is: Sumter County Courthodse 209 North Florida Street Bushnell, Florida 33513 The names and addresses of the Personal Repre- sentative and the Personal Representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent, and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, Including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims on whom a copy of this No- tice is served, must file their claims with this Court WITH- IN THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF 'THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent, and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against decedent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court WITH- IN THREE (3) MONTHSAF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NbT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is Mar- ch 3, 2005. Personal Representative: -s- CAROLYN V. HORTON 3160 Maywood Court The Villages, FL 32162 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- SUSAN SULLIVAN, ESQ. SUSAN SULLIVAN, PA. Florida Bar No: 0013293 13469 N. U.S. Highway 441 The Villages, FL 32159 (352) 751-6623 (352) 751-6624 FAX Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3, and 10, 2005. 654-0310 SCT Sumter County School Board Regular Session 3/15/05 PUBLIC NOTICE - The Sumter County School Board will meet in regular session on Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 10, 2005. MM 659-0310 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BIDS CLASS A COMPOST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sumter County offers for sale CLASS A COMPOST which has been produced at the Sumter County Solid Waste Recycling Facility located on C-470 between Sumterville and Lake Panasoffkee. Sumter County will accept sealed bids to purchase the com- post in large loads measured by cubic yards, F.O.B. Sum- ter County Recycling Facility. The minimum load shall be 5 cubic yards. The compost is offered "as is." The county will load the compost into proper vehicles and trailers. The county determination of number of cubic yards loaded shall be final. Load limits are the responsibility of the hauler. The county will determine loading times and loca- tion. Once the compost is loaded, title shall transfer to the owner. There shall be no returns of any compost loaded. There is no guarantee or warranty as to the condition, use or make up of the compost other than it is Class A compost under state law. Sumter County will not be liable for any damages that may result or occur from the use of said com- post. The bid must be a cash bid setting forth the number of cubic yards to be purchased and the cash price per cubic yard. The cash price for all cubic yards to be purchased must be deposited with Sumter County in advance. Load tickets will be generated upon loading each vehicle to be credited .against cash on hand. When the cash on hand reaches less than the average cost of two loads,.no additional loads shall be made unless the bidder desires to cashout at that point. If the bidder desires additional cubic yards, he shall .notify the county of the number of cubic yards desired and shall deposit the amount of cash required to cover that num- ber of cubic yards. The county reserves the right to refuse the sale of any compost after the initial bid amount Is pur- chased. The highest bid per cubic yard received will establish the base price for all compost to be sold. The highest bidder shall have first refusal on the compost available for sale. If the highest bidder does not desire to purchase all available compost, other bidders shall have first refusal on the re- maining compost to be sold. Non bidders shall have first re- fusal at the same rate per yard for any unsold compost thereafter. The compost may be inspected prior to submitting the bid at the location set forth above. Bids must be received by the Board at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, not later than 5:00 p.m. on Mar- ch 22, 2005, marked sealed bid "Compost Bid". Bids will be opened in public session on March 22, 2005. The Board re- serves the right to reject all bids and to waive formalities. The public is invited and encouraged to bid. Board of County Commissioners Sumter County, Florida Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, March 10,2005. S633-0310 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30 PM, Monday, March 21, 2005 in Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider requests for rezonings, special use permits, and temporary use permits. All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact Ihe Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours in ad- vance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record may in- clude the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0028 Eugene & Genevieve Bays GENERAL LOCATION: Webster area: East on C-48. The property is on the south side of the road approximately 'k mile west of SR 471. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 21S, Rng. 22E: Parent Parcel: W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SE114 OF NW1/4 AND SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF NE1/4 AND NW1/4 OF SE1/4 LESS E 420 FT OF S 600 FT AND E1/2 OF SW1/4 AND LESS ROAD R/W & LESS THE SEI/4 OF SW1/4 AND LESS THE N 720 FT OF W 910.98 FT OF NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 AND LESS BEG AT NE COR OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 RUN W 660.73 FT N 612.73 FT TO S/LY R/W OF CR 48 W 685.37 FT S 229 7.15 FT E 927.95 FT N 292.97 FT E 420 FT N 728.08 FT N 664.55 FT TO POB. To be rezoned: W 300' of E % of SE '/ of NW % less R/W for E C-48 across the N side thereof. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 8.8 acres MOLfrom A5 to R2C. CASE NO.: R2005-0029 Robert F. Ferara Jr. GENERAL LOCATION: Gant Lake area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. West on SR 50. NW/ly on C-478A. West on SW 132nd Road. The property is 3/10 mile on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 21, Twp. 22S, Rng. 22E: ParentParcel: BEG 105 FT E OF NW COR OF S1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 RUN E 210 FT S 420 FT W 210 FT N 210 FT TO THE POB. T.o bej: zoned: BEG 35 YARDS E OF NW COR OF S % OF SE OF NE 1/4 RUN N 210' E 210' S 420' W 210' N 210' TO POB. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 2 acres MOL from RR5 & RR1 to RR1. CASE NO.: S2005-0004 Grace Tabernacle of Worship, Inc. GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 301. East on C-468. The prop- erty is on the southeast side of the road before Continental Country Club. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 26, Twp. 19S, Rng. 23E: BEGIN AT SE COR OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SEC RUN W 436' N 924.72' N 63 DEG 08'41" E PARALLEL W/ SE/LY R/W LINE OF C-468 225.30' N 157.30' TO PT ON SE/LY R/W LINE OF C-468 THENCE N 63 DEG 08'41" E ALONG SE/LY R/W 265' TO PT ON E LINE OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SEC S 1304.22' TO POB. REQUESTED ACTION: Major Special Use to allow a church on 11.22 acres MOL. The recommendations of the Zoning & Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commis- sioners at a Public Hearing to bq held on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 6:00 PM In Room 222, Sumter County Court- house, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. CASE NO.: S2005-0003 Janet Con[ey GENERAL LOCATION: Adamsville area: North on US 301. East on C-468E. North on CR 513. The property Is approximately 2 mile on the west side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 29, Twp. 19S, Rng. 23E: N 1/2 Lot8 Block E Wild- wood Ranch Subd Plat Book 3 Page 29-29E REQUESTED ACT(ON: Special Use Permit to allow an au- tomobile window tinting & graphics shop as a home occupa- tion. CASE NO.: T2005-0013 David & Cynthia KIngry GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on CR 222. The prop- erty Is approximately 1 % mile on the north side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: Lot 4 Oxford Acres Plat Bk 5 Pg 45-45B REQUESTED ACTION: Temporary Use Permit to allow an RV'on the property for 1 year while new residence is being constructed. As time allows, the Zoning & Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, may hold a workshop dealing with revisions to zoning regulations and related matters. Information regarding these cases is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning & Development, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These files may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, March 3, and 10, 2005. 643-0317 SCT Amended Notice of Sale Credit Based Asset Servicing and Securitization LLC vs. Walter B. Taylor, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2003-CA-000849 CREDIT BASED ASSET SERVICING AND SECURITIZATION LLC, Plaintiff, vs. WALTER B. TAYLOR; NORMA J. FRANQUIST, and any unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, and other unknown persons or unknown spouses claiming by, through and under any of the above-named Defendants, Defendants. AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Clerk of the Circuit Court ofSumter County, Florida, will on the 29th day of March, 2005, at 11:00 o'clock A.M., at the West door, 209 North Florida Street, Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the follow- ing-described property situate in Sumter County, Florida: The South 337.83,feet of the West 660.00 feet to the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 21 South, Range 21 East, Sumter County, Florida. Subject to an easement for ingress and egress over and across the South 25.00 feet of the East 206.59 feet of the West 660.00 feet of said South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 together with an easement for Ingress and egress over and across the West 25 feet of the following described parcel of land: The North 212.81 feet of the East 875.41 feet of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 21 South, Range 21 East, Sumter County, Florida, also known'as Lot 6, VANN'S UNPLATTED SUBDIVISION. pursuant to the Amended Final Judgment entered In a case pending In said Court, the style of which is Indicated above. WITNESS my hand and official seal of said Court this 3rd day of March, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL)., By: -s- Susan A. Stollar Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accpmmoda- tion to participate In this proceeding should contact Court Administration at 209 North Florida Street, Bush- nell, Florida 33513, telephone (352) 793-0215, not later than seven (7) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955- 8770, via Florida Relay Service. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 10, and 17, 2005. 631-0310 SCT Notice of Sale Bank of America, N.A. vs. Michael S. MacKay, metal. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2004-CA-001293 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL S. MACKAY, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 15th day of February, 2005, and ,entered in Case No. 2004-CA-001293, of the Circuit Court of the 5TH Judicial Circuit In and for Sumter County, Flori- da, wherein BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the Plaintiff and MICHAEL S. MACKAY; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MICHAEL S. MACKAY; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TEN- ANT(S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the WEST FRONT DOOR OF COURTHOUSE ON THURSDAY at the Sumter County Courthouse, in BUSH- NELL, Florida, 11:00 a.m. on the 17th day of March, 2005, the following described property as set-forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: BLOCK 11, TOWN OF SUMTERVLLE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 20, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA., In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, disa- bled persons who, because of their disabilitiesrbeed special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should con- tact the ADA Coordinator at 209 North Florida Street, Bush- nell, FL 33513 or Telephone Voice/TDD (904) 793-0215 pri- or to such proceeding. Dated this 16th day of February, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of the Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Sharon A. Stollar Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, March 3, and 10, 2005. 646-0331 SCT Notice of Action-Disso. of Marriage Chloe R. Kolcon and Robert A. Kolcon PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO. 2005 DR 000244 IN RE: The Marriage of CHLOE R. KOLCON Wife, and ROBERTA. IOLCON, Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MAR- RIAGE TO: ROBERTA. KOLCON #115727 Chippewa Correctional Facility 4269 W. M-80 Kincheloe, MI 49784 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your writ- ten defenses, If any, to it on CHLOE R. KOLCON; whose address Is 11588 CR 682, Webster, Florida 33597, on or , before April 11,2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, be- fore service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all-court documents In this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- ture papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to comply can re- sult In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: March 2, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, March 10,17, 24, and 31, 2005. To place your Legal Advertising in the \ SUMTER!, COUNTY TIMES call 793-2161 PAin A7 SrTMTrn ICOnITNTV (FI' TIMES. THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 2005 Sumter first-grader ranks top in state Florida Writes! evidently has nothing on seven-year-old Micah Lanham. After all, the first grader took third place in the WEDU and Florida Lottery spon- sored "Eat Up the Fun" com- petition. He's in Lynn Thomas' first grade class at Webster Elementary School. "His teacher inspired him to participate in the contest," wrote his mom Darlene, who notes his story was titled "Pepper Goes to the Fair." "Micah has been in my first grade class all year. He is inquisitive and has a wild imagination. He is extremely verbal and loves to tell stories. I got a notice in my mailbox about the contest and told the children in my class about it," said teacher Lynn Thomas. Slated for the Florida State Fair, the contest was called "Eat up the Fun!" To build some background knowledge for the kids, Thomas asked second-grade teacher Nicole Turner to share some digital pictures.' Turner's family owns a carni- val. The kids looked at her pic- tures of rides and food ven- dors, sampled some cotton candy and then played some carnival learning games. "I wanted Micah to be able to participate because I enjoy his writing so much. Micah stayed in from physical educa- tion to work on his story and illustrations a great sacrifice for a first grader," Thomas notes. "The idea came quick for Micah. He wanted to go to the fair in his story. I asked whom he would like to take to the fair with him. He knew right away...Pepper his dog. The family has two minia- ture Doberman pincers. She told him that dogs aren't allowed at' the fair, but without hesitation, Micah had a solution. He said, "they are if they're invisible!" which sent Thomas into a fit of laughter. "Instead of taking my advice and leaving the dog at home, he made this little dog the main character! Micah knows how to be an overcome!" The work and challenges continued during brain- storming sessions at the school, Micah learned that it helps direct the story if the character has a problem to solve. "In Micah's story, Pepper gets away from him and gets into all kind of trouble at the fair. Micah finally finds him at the hot dog stand, when he sees hot dogs disappearing and the hot dog man jumping up and down hopping mad! The story is fun and creative." Thomas said she laughed through the whole thing. I can't wait to read what Pepper the invisible dog will get into next!" He used my electronic the- saurus to look up what we call sparkle words! Those fancy fun adjectives that helped his story come alive." "He imagined it was really happening," Thomas pointed out. "It's too bad Pepper couldn't go with Micah to the fair to accept his award! Micah is one of those students who make teaching such a joy. He is enthusiastic and his eyes light up like little sparklers when he has an idea to share. You'll be hearing great things about this young man for years to come!" "I've been following Mica's progress since he was a little boy. I was hoping to be fortu- nate enough to teach him in first grade. He has such a sharp sense of humor, which is usually not so well devel- oped until an older age. "Micah used magic markers and crayons for his original illustrations. He took notes and made sketches of the pho- tographs from Mrs. Turner's carnival pictures and used them for illustration ideas in his story." He even learned how .to make the book cover with the binding machine in the school library. The 2005 writing and illus- tration contest included com- petition for various ages, up to fifth grade, but Micah took on other kids from kindergarten to second grade and brought home the third place honor. The contest was open to all Micah Lanham is an award-winning writer. His story "Pepper Goes to the Fair," took third place at the state level. He attends Webster Elementary School, where his mom Darlene is a teacher. children in grades kinder- garten through fifth, whether they were public, private or home-schooled students. Out of the many entries for the kindergarten through sec- ond grade category, Micah was chosen as one of the five final- ists. He and the other children were honored during a Feb. 19 awards ceremony at Chevrolet Family Theatre, at the Florida State Fairgrounds. He took third place in his age category and won a $1,000 savings bond. rn Never mind your politics: MMA drug law is bad As both primary political parties head to the road to propose and expose the benefits of Social Security reform, the cost of the new Medicare Modernization, Improve-ment and Prescription Drug Act of 2003 (MMA) spirals to incredible amounts. In the summer -of 2003, I wrote that if approved as indi- cated after the June congres- sional votes, MMA would exceed more than $1 trillion during a 10-year period. The proposal, after six months of great, actually little, compro- mise, was passed in November and signed into law in December of that year. It was a 10-year $395 billion law. Two months after the bill was signed into law, its cost jumped some $150 billion. Depending upon whose fig- ures you believe, and the method of calculation, the cost of MMA is approaching $1.5 tril- lion. The administration sets the most recent projected cost at $725 billion. Kindly note, the keyword is "projected." This bill barely passed the lower chamber of Congress, and then only after much arm twist- ing, many promises to house members and far too much wheeling and dealing. The pas- sage and the spiraling cost is the blame of all: Republicans, Democrats, AARP and any other individual or entity that believed this prescription bill was even near being actuarially correct. This legislation would never have passed had members of either party truly realized its cost It was Republican legisla- tion, with a "New ,, Deal" flavor, and I can tell you that at least 30 members of that party would not have voted yea. I find it difficult to Daniel believe that any Rohan' responsible fiscal con- servative would have given their OK, if it had been presented as a 10-year $500 bil- lion legislation. As far as AAR P and its director, Mr. Novelli, the legislation had not even been written when Novelli gave his I approval. And, for the most part, those members of both houses who gave their vote in favor of this legislation either knew little about pri- vate insurance or they i. .. had a different agen- da, Also, the very S strange part of this law is that after 15 months Ig of its becoming law, it is still being written! So, what is going on? The first and the major problem with projected cost were easy to spot. The legis- lation was based on a 10-year period that began in the year 2004. Yet, the prescription drug portion of the law did not begin until 2006! How can one actuarially cal- culate a cost when the major cost was of no consideration in the years 2004 and 2005? And here lies the rub. Let us not permit our "elected protec- tors" from approving any other legislation that is based on incorrect time frames, and especially allow legislation that self-executes a work in progress, that is presented as "complete" legislation. The second obvious problem with MMA is that no one knows what the private sector will charge you for your "benefit." MMA prohibits Congress from any negotiation directly or otherwise with price controls of drug manufacturers or private insurers that will benefit most from this law. How or even why would Congress cede such power to the private sector? The higher projected costs are predicated upon the gov- ernment's movement of the time frame to the true one, a 10- year frame that begins in the year 2006, when the costly bene- fit actually begins. The differences of the fluctu- ating cost are based upon a number of factors, the primary one being the reduced expendi- ture of dual beneficiaries (those who have both Medicare and Medicaid, about some 7 million beneficiaries) and the premium cost to you. Folks, I care not about your personal political beliefs: This is a bad and costly law for all aging Americans! Keep my green tea warm, and I will talk to you next week. Send questions and com- ments to "Senior Advocate," 1624 N. Meadowceret Blvd., Crystal River FL 34429 or e- mail: danrohan@atlantie:net-' Rebate -3:OOC Bonmvik:Cash. ,0X STK# 50404 NOW $33,074" NEW 2004 SILVERADO EXT. 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