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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 8 35 CENTS INSIDE Calendar ............ 13 Church ............. 11 Obituaries ............ 6 Police Report ......... .3 Tidbits ............. 21 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 20051 Landfill options concern workers MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent Sumter County Commis- sioners have set a March 17 workshop to consider propos- als for solid waste disposal. Commissioners announced the meeting shortly after approving County Attorney Randall Thornton's recom- mendation to extend an ongo- ing study on solid waste to get information about "flow con- trol," possibly including garbage assessments. The commission actions were apparently being closely watched by an audience packed with concerned courn- ty solid waste workers. According to some of the comments during the meeting, the group was worried that commission adoption of one of the proposals could result in the closing of the county's composting and recycling cen- ter at Lake Panasoffkee. Commissioners also lis- tened as county residents expressed their concerns about the composting plant and touted it as an environ- mentally responsible way to dispose of the county's garbage. Early last fall, the commis- sion -with three former board members talked about flow control after they were told by consultant Mitch Kessler that it would enable them to more effectively manage solid waste disposal. At the time, he explained that the ordinances, assess- ments or other measures were needed to insure that a county facility would have a suffi- cient voluine of solid waste to warrant the investment need- ed to make it cost effective. But, that board wasn't ready to embrace those options. . Tuesday, some board mem- bers were at least willing to raise the possibility. "You were told that you need flow control to get the best deal," Thornton told the board, noting that it might have had something to do with the board only getting propos- als from private solid waste companies. "Without flow control, there is little incentive for the pri- Please see LANDFILL, Page 2 Humane Society seeks help finding dog torturer The remains of the animal were discovered last week in Webster County Commissioner Randy Mask, assisted by inmate Edric Jones, helped out on Saturday at the CATS cleanup in Webster. Volunteers stayed busy as many people took advantage of the opportunity to get rid of scrap metal, unwanted con- struction materials, tires, and other large items. More volunteers are needed for the cleanup next month in Sumterville. - F'" ....... "" f- ..... BOB REICHMAN Editor The Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County is offering a reward in connection with the torture and destruction of a dog in Webster. The remains of the animal were discovered last week on the side of County Road 729, according to Sheri Evans, cru- elty investigator for the Humane Society. Evans was traveling with an animal control officer when she noticed something beside the road. "I was hoping that it wasn't what I thought it-was," Evans said. "It was awful. It was one of the worst and most blatant acts of cruelty I've ever seen." Evans said the dog had apparently been tied with its legs above its head and then set on fire. A bullet hole was evident above the animal's eye. Because the animal'was so badly burned, it's difficult to determine exactly what type of dog it is, Evans said. It appears to be about medi- um size, about 30 pounds, with orange and white markings on its face. "This was no accident," Please see DOG Page 2 CLEANING UP IN WEBSTER (Shown from front to back) inmate Edric Jones, volun- teers Carol Combs and Liv Ruzzo dispose of tires brought to them at a CATS (Citizens Against Trashy Sumter) cleanup on Saturday in Webster. Cleanups give residents a chance to get rid of unwant- ed materials free of charge. The next CATS cleanup will be held on Saturday. March 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Sumterville. For more information, call Dixie Ruzzo at 352-748-0632. Principal's suicide shocks many in community BRENDA'i LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Two hours before Wildwood Principal Timn White conmmit- ted suicide, he was in a meet- ing with Sumter School Supt. Rick Shirley and learned a local television news anchor- man was waiting to see him. Shirley said he noticed an immediate change in White - that he became more agitated. By mid-afternoon. White had gone to his Bushnell home where he apparently commit- ted suicide. At the time of his death, White was at the center of an investigation involving a stu- dent at the school, according to WVildwood police Capt. E.W. Reeser The report involved "uncomfortable and possibly inappropriate touching," of the student, according to Reeser. Some who knew White are steadfast in their support of him denying any possibility that the negative accusations could be true. Sumier School Supt. Rick Shirley said the last time he talked to investigators they were still indicating that no criminal wrongdoing had been identified at the time. It's been more than a week since his death, and students. co-workers and families sup- porters of White, are still try- ing to cope with it. While law Please see SUICIDE, Page 2 Tim White Deputy's son killed in motorcycle crash BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Staff and administrators at the Sumter County Sheriff's Office dealt with their own tragedy this week when the 17-year-old son of veteran Deputy Tim Nordle was killed in a motorcycle crash. Timothy Nordle Jr., died instantly when a car struck his 2004 Honda motorcycle on U.S. 441 in Leesburg late Saturday, according to Sumter sheriff's Lt Bobby Caruthers. According to a Leesburg Police report, Nordle was westbound on U.S. 441 in the left lane. He was approaching y the intersection of C.R. 449 when Joseph Menento, driv- ing a 2005 GMC Envoy, was headed eastbound and entered the turn lane for C.R. 449. Menento turned left into the Nordle's path. A release from Leesburg police Capt Steve Rockefeller notes that witnesses indicate Nordle was traveling at exces- sive speeds and may have been performing a wheelie at or near the time of the crash. The collision is still under investigation and the report notes it's too early to deter- ; mine exactly what happened. Timothy Nordle Jr. Nordle was set to graduate from Wildwood High School this year The senior Nordle said his son was doing what he loved most when he died riding a motorcycle. "He loved motorcycles," Caruthers said, adding the younger Nordle raced dirt bikes and worked at Champions Honda of Leesburg. "He was very good on a motorcycle," and got his love of the bikes from his family, according to Caruthers. "We saw Timothy grow up with us. We're a close family here at Please see CRASH, Page 2 Family of plane crash victim in need of assistance AIMANDA MIMS tally hit fence, said Sgt. Frazier, 25, were airlifted to Since that day, their lives w Staff Writer Christie Mysinger of the Lake Orlando Regional Medical have changed considerably . County Sheriffs Department. Center. Frazier has since been She spends her time, when Both 41-year-old Bryan Uridel released. she's not working, staying at , S It's been over a week now and Paul Sauder, 25, died at For the McClellan family, the hospital with her husband since Jeanie McClellan the scene. Uridel was mostly this has been a tryingtime not and taking care of their two 3 ' ".' learned her husband was likely the pilot. Mysinger said. only emotionally and physi- children, 11-year-old Austin - involved in a plane crash an but it hasn't been confirmed call. but also financially, and 5-year-old Coby ,, accident that claimed the because the aircraft, a single- On Monday. Feb. 14, Jeanie "He's progressing. He's talk- fivP. CZULLI UUL IE EEh vr.nni ULirLp IIUC rlA k, -A- i\-es o t\' U ULeIIIli men ouLtIsUe of Leesburg and injured another, The plane was coming in for landing at Flying Baron Airport, but stopped short of the runway on a grassy area, which probably caused the aircraft to flip over and even- engine a1959 Beech v-tail Bonanza, could be flown from either of the front seats. FAA and NTSB investigations are being conducted. Wildwood resident 32-year- old Marty McClellan was among the two men injured in the crash. He and Eric McClellan got a aL'l at work from a sheriff's department chaplain saying her husband had been injured and was being taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center for treatment. He immediately underwent surgery for a frac- tured neck. ing now, she said, out added he does not have full feeling in his arms and it's unclear at this time if he will completely recover. He also suffered head trauma and spinal cord injury Please see VICTIM, Page 2 Marty McClellan I-: -I 4.Am' 4' 0.~ 4' 44 MISSION;, 11 I PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 SMaserGARu mmI Things to do in March for Sumter gardeners Lawns, this is the month when one should fertilize the lawn. For best results, apply 61bs. of 16-4-8 slow release fertilizer per 1000 square feet. This should be repeated in September. If lawn is not up to par by the end of May, give it a dose of sewage sludge, such as Milorganite (16 pounds per 1000 square feet). All annuals, perennials, shrubs, and young trees should have plant food now. A balanced fertilizer like 6-6- 6 or 8-8-8 can be used. Azaleas, camellias, garde- nias or other acid loving plants need an Azalea Special. Annuals, (hopefully this was the last frost that we have to endure. The last frost recorded in Sumter County was March 15) for spring and summer blooming should be planted now, so that they have time to develop a good root system before the sum- mer heat hits us. Citrus trees can be planted' now. Call or visit the Master Gardeners office for the best varieties to suit your needs. Vegetables, all warm sea- son crops should be planted or seeded now. Fertilize with a good quality 6-6-6 as need- ed. Mulches are beneficial to all landscape plants except Citrus trees and Hibiscus. Mulches conserve water, cool the soil for the roots, sup- press weeds, and keep the DOG continued from Page 1 Evans said. "This was torture, and this person's still out in this community. I don't care what this dog did, there's no excuse for this." Evans said she believes the animal was tortured at a dif- ferent location and thenits carcass was discarded along VICTIM continued from Page 1 as a result of fractured verte- brae. Jeanie McClellan said Uridel, who was flying the plane, and her husband, were good friends. She said she doesn't know many details about the crash only that Uridel had been flying since he was a teenager and was a "well-known, excellent pilot" To make matters, worse,. four days 'before the crash. McClellan lost his job as a- warehouse supervisor. Now his wife is trying to find out whether or not he has health insurance and how much of the medical expenses, if any. will be covered. She also worries about their regular bills, since her job at a CRASH continued from Page 1 the sheriff's office and we're all saddened." Nordle is survived by his parents Tim and Lisa L. (Phelps) Nordle, his two brothers Dylan C. and lan A. and his sister Lacey L., all of string trimmers away from. the stems of plants. Oak leaves and pine straw make excellent mulch, especially for azaleas and camellias. Don't waste them. Pruning and cleaning the yard must be done now. Prune all broad-leaved ever- green shrubs for size and shape. Leave the spring flow- ering plants alone till they have finished flowering. Don't forget to prune off all winter damage. Poinsettias should be planted outside now and cut back to about four inches. The. cuttings can be used to propagate new plants. Light maintenance pruning may be done, any time of the year to keep plants at desired heights and shape. Plant clinics are held at the extension office in Sumter County 793-2728 on Thursday, Marion County 620-34440, and Lake County 343-4110; as well as 1 to 4pm on the first Monday of every month at the Sumter County Annex on, County Road 466; and a Florida Friendly Landscape Series is held from 330-5pm on second Wednesday of every month at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, located at 1852 County Road 457. Martin Grum is a Sumter County Master Gardener, for help with any garden or land- scape advice call the Sumter County Extension office at 352-793-2728. C.R. 729. "Someone has to know who did this," she said. Persons with information about the incident are asked to call the Humane Society at 793-9117 or the Sumter County sheriff's- department at 793-0222. The Humane Society is offering a reward in connec- tion with information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible,-Evans said. medical office will be the fam- ily's only source of income. "I'm going to eventually get behind," she said. Staying overnight in Orlando to be near her husband is also a financial hardship on the fam- ily. McClellan is in stable condi- tion but will be in the hospital at least another month, Jeanie. said. To help the McClellan Family, a fund has been estab- lished at First Citizens Bank in Leesburg. Donations can be made to the James (Marty) McClellan Contribution Fund at any of their locations,, of which there is one in Leesburg and six in the Villages. Contributions can also be mailed to; Citizens First Bank, 1341 Griffin Road, Leesburg, Fl 34748. For more information about the fund call Lee Ann Gilson at (352) 259-3200. Wildwood; his maternal grandmother Beverly G. Squires (Ruben) of Wildwood; several aunts, uncles and cousins and mentor John W North II of Lake Panasoffkee. Funeral services are slated for 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 24. at the First Baptist Church of Wildwood. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, is in charge of arrangements. K.-a.l.W h1 d ISMI T sur TER COUNTY TIMES (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department .................352-793-2161 Circulation ...... ..........1.888.852-2340 Retail Advertising ......... ...,..1.352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ........... .352-793-2161 Fax .......................... .352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumrter County by: Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Second Class Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MIXER Sumter County Chamber of Commerce had its first "after hours" gathering of the year on Feb. 17, hosted by the Morley Law Office at Bushnell Plaza. Around 130 representatives of business- es around the county attended. SUICIDE continued from Page 1 enforcement studies the death of White and looks for answers to the questions that were posed in the days before his reported suicide, former students and co-workers are eager to talk about all the good things that White did during his time in the Sumter County School system. One former student has written a eulogy in White's honor that he hopes to share with the public..Another was sad to learn that his funeral had already taken place and there was no local service for friends and former students. The services were held last Friday in Volusia County where his father resides. While there is a memorial service planned at North Sumter Intermediate School, it's not open to the public. As for replacing White, Shirley said that wasn't hap- LANDFILL continued from Page 1 vate sector to invest," he said. The additional bit of study is needed to accurately pro- vide the board with the fig- ures, financial information and other facts needed to make a decision about the county recycling facility, Thornton said. But, with other projects, the consultant would not be able to get information back to the board until at least March 13. Some of the commissioners offered support for the con- cept. "If we have no control, we're dead in the water," opening yet. "They'll do a memorial serv- ice' sometime this week Until that's done, I do not even want to comment on that," he said, pointing out that there's a need for a waiting or healing time. Typically teachers or administrators under investi- gation may be relocated to the district office while the inves- tigation takes place, but Shirley said that "depends on the circumstance or situa- tion." In White's case, Shirley said the first they knew of any issue was late in the week They met with FDLE on Thursday and Friday and that's also the same time investigators reported there was no indication of any ille- gal behavior. On Monday, Shirley met with White who v0ould have been moved to the district office. The FDLE planned to question people at the school. The planned move was "not because there was any indica- tion of any wrongdoing," but Commission Chairman Joey Chandler said. "It controls everything to do now and in the future." Commissioner Jim Roberts acknowledged that the assess- ments might be needed, but, stressed that residents must see some return for the fees. -There has to be a trade-off in reduced rates," he said. "There is also a trade-off in not having to bury garbage in anyone's back yard,"' Commissioner Randy Mask said. He also commented that all of the neighboring counties have some form of solid waste assessment. The vote to extend the study was approved unanimously. Throughout the discussions and public comments, rather, "as a matter of protec- tion for him. He did not want it to appear in any way that there was any witness tamper- ing," Shirley said. "And to this day there's not been any indication of any wrongdoing." As for the investigation, Shirley said, "We've got to pro- tect kids that's our goal." More than a goal, he said, "Our highest priority is to pro- tect children and always will be. But again, we have an obli- gation to staff too, if they are abused by the system." He pointed out the need for the investigation, "But there's a delicate balance between what is just innuendo and shadow and what is truth and fact. "If there's something wrong, we need to know that and if there's not, we need to know that, and his family and school need to know that," Shirley said. "And if indeed we find that there were lies told, we'll cer- tainly do whatever we can legally, as well. Chandler said that the board does not have an answer for now on the future of the recy- cling facility, that the board was going to have to wait on the additional information and a formal presentation of the consultant's and solid Waste committee's recommen- dations. In other business: Commissioners decided that they would proceed with moving their meeting place to the historic second-floor courtroom. The idea was suggested sev- eral weeks ago and was con-. sidered Tuesday when County Administrator Bernard Dew presented the board with a favorable report from the state Board of Historical Preservation. TI 78 73 82 i 784 l 730 828 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% Wt Range AvgWt Price Range 905-1090 975 52.00-57.00 925-1090 1034 59.00-63.00 1105-1180 11.46 53.00-59.00 1105-1240 1172 59.00-61.00 1305-1455 1380 57.00-59.00 1330-1375 1348 59.00-63.00 1365-1795 1601 53.00-58.00 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% Wt Range AvgWt Price Range 720-895 819 47.00-51.00 700-840 764 35.00-45.00 . 900-940 922 47.00-52.00 1160-1255 1198 47.00-52.00 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1 Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range 1365-1470 1424 51.00-62.00 1595-2095 1845 63.00-66.00 1945 1945 72.00 1670-1675 1672 59.00-60.50 Slaughter cows and bulls: Sready Feeder steers and heifers: Steady. Supply was light and demand Was moderate Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 lbs 72 percent (37 percent steers, 35 percent heifers); over 600 Ibs 1 percent (0 percent steers, 1 percent heifers) Slaughter cows and bulls: 21 percent Replacement cows: 6 percent Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 Avg Price Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 55.20 185-195 190 180.00-190.00 184.91 60.44 High Dressing 200-245 232 175.00-195.00 182.11 55.73 250-275 262 165.00-185.00 175.84 60.04 High Dressing 300-330 319 146.00-166.00 155.56 58.05 350-393 372 130.00-136.00132.64 61.00 High Dressing 400-445 432 124,00-138.00 133.17 56.09 Holstein 455-490 476 120.00-131.00 123.35 508-525 515 114.00-123.00 119.19 565-575 2 570 100.00-115.00 107.43 Avg Price 48.55 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 2-3 41.81 Low Dressing Wt Range Avg WI Price Range Avg Price 49.53 215-225 222 150.00-165.00158.31 49.66 265-293 283 130.00-150.00 139.41 310-345 330 128.00-140.00134.32 385-390 386 122.00-130.00 124.79 Avg Price 405-430 418 118.00-120.00119.03 58.15 Low Dressing 450-495 478 106.00-110.00 107.25 64.30 500-540 515 100.00-107.00 104.44 72.00 High Dressing 565-590 579 92.00-95.00 93.76 59.75 Low Dressing Feeder Steers and Bull3 Small 1.-2 S' a.-lr A i i Ill.:e H ,l.. ', 1 : . ;,ij,' ; 5 4 ,. : 1 ,, ,', ii ,.':h' ,": ,, i S Feeaer Helers Medium and Large I-2 we, Aarci.' a p i, aa 1 .q .-.:A A. .- t 1 7b 0 .1 Lietokad ..inM retNws atoF 255-275 305-345 354-395 405-420 455-490 500-540 550-595 643 668 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 Wt Range AvgWt PriceRange AvgPrice 200-245 221 135.00-150.00142.70 250-295 277 120.00-136.00 129.72 310-345 328 118.00-123.00 120.30 360-395 384 108.00-121.00114.91 415-445 428 104.00-110.00105.48 555-590 574 82.00-94.00 88.21 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price 200-215 208 100.00-120,00 109.84 ?85-295 290 94 00-95 00 94.49 Brea CoA MediuM nd Large 1-2n'u1-, Vl R g- 4 ,5 1-14.:-, A r- iA .?, ..'t v . :i j.Ii ,', {,u 6JI'"), w "ta64 C c6 v COwCuall Pairts Meolum s ana Large t 2 9,ou',g V i I'' Fl,,, A. rII. i.lZ 8t, a so." - .i '' I.." i- I 'I " 150.00-170.00 157.61 122.00-132.00128.33 120.00-132.00 125.57 112.00-128.00 119.92 102.00-111.00107.22 100.00-108.00103.58 98.00-104.00 100.39 86.00 86.00 86.00 86.00 TOOFAR plans general meeting The next general meeting of TOOFAR, Inc. will be Thursday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m., at the East Citrus Community Center, located on Hwy. 44, approximately four miles east of Inverness. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Our speaker this month will be Joyce Valentino, recently elected County Commissioner and long-time water rights advocate. There will also be discus- sion of other water-related issues in this area, as well as information available about the ongoing boat trips spon- sored by TOOFAR on local waterways. For more information, call TOOFAR at 352-726-5004. Sen. Nelson visits Sumter On Thursday, Feb. 24, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson is having a Town Hall Meeting from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Sumter County Historic Courthouse County Commission Chambers, 209 North Florida St. This event is open to the public. For more information call 813-255-7040 or 888-671- ,4091. "It's not an easy task at all.", According to Shirley, the investigation continues and answers are still being sought and need to be sought, but "Kids have come back that he taught in high school." They come back "With admiration and love and praise for him, not criticizing him," he said. He also pointed out the opinion of many in the school district. Shirley said that White bought jackets for kids who were cold and even wrote checks to help put food on the table for those in need. "Teaching kids is hard and every parent's worse night- mare is something bad is going to happen to their kid. And I .understand why they feel that way. But at the same time, it's a matter.of sticking with the facts, bad or good," he said. "You can't make 'em look better than they are and you can't make 'em look worse, You just have to look at the facts." The county received more, than $200,000 in historic. preservation grants a few; years ago to restore much of- the courthouse, including th&; classically designed court-, room. The cost of several hundred: dollars to move the sound sys- tem and the cost of a custom, built oak table to match the, period courtroo'n fixtures. would be cheaper than' remodeling the third floor of; the courthouse, Commissioner Dick Hoffmani said. "Based on the crowd here. tonight, we certainly need more room," Commissioner' Michael Francis said. He! moved for making the change and Mask provided the sec-\ ond. * Friendly Folks Fair Prices Fresh Feed Your Quality HAY Specialists Now in the Barn: * Western T&A Western Alfalfa Coastal SEMINOLE "WORLD'S BEST FEED" #1 Sumter County Dealer All Purpose & Leisure 10% *5.25 12% *5.40 New & Used Saddles & Tack Convenient E-Z Access for loading! Uushnel 568008 u I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 3 Group forms to fight drug and alcohol abuse County fair SA - BOB REICHMAN Editor Next month, a new organi- zation, Sumter PRIDE (Partnering Resources for Interactive Drug Education) is hoping to attract new mem- bers to help fight drug and alcohol abuse locally Sumter PRIDE has sched- uled a community meeting for 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, at the Bushnell Community Center William 'and Marjorie Sanders are heading the orga- nizational efforts. "Basically, we decided to start this because there's a lack of this type of program in Sumter County," Sanders said. "We felt that there's a need in Sumter County for an anti- drug and alcohol group.' PRIDE's goal is to reduce drug and alcohol abuse in For additional information about PRIDE or to RSVP for the meeting, call 874-4822. Sumter County and to educate children of the dangers of drug and alcohol use, accord- ing to Sanders. '"At Sumter PRIDE, we are a community working together," Sanders said. "We are working on creating a partnership with many of the area organiza- tions and agencies trying to establish a network of servic- es that can be more readily available and support existing groups, organizations and agencies." The March meeting has been set as an informal, pre- liminary meeting. Its aim is to provide more information about PRIDE and to encourage people to become involved. Senta Goudy, of the gover- nor's office of drug control, is - expected to attend. For additional information about PRIDE or to RSVP for the meeting, call 874-4822. updates The Sumter Fair Association would like to invite all past Sumter Fair Association directors to join us at our opening ceremony on March 14 at 5 p.m. We would like you to help us cel- ebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sumter Fair. Please call Barbara at the fairgrounds at 793-2750 if you have any questions. Wednesday, Feb. 16 Joshua Snyder, 23, Webster, was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $5,500. Adrian Brown, 22, Wildwood, was arrested for driving while license sus- pended or revoked with knowledge. Bond was set at $500. Santos Albarran, 29, Center Hill, was arrested on Lake County warrants. No bond was set. Pamela Cottle, 35, Wildwood, was arrested for failure to have child in school. Bond was set at $1,000. Thursday, Feb. 17 Richard Merritt, 35, Bushnell, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. Xavier Greene, 22, Coleman, was arrested for violation of probation. No bond was set. John Pacheco, 25, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of parapher- nalia. Bond was set at $1,000. Freida Parker, 53, Webster, was arrested for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $500. Friday, Feb. 18 Dean Broderick, 37, Oxford, was arrested for cul- tivation of marijuana. Bond was set at $5,000. Saturday, Feb. 19 Bob Turner, 20, Wildwood, was arrested for domestic battery. No bond was set. Belinda Nash, 35, Bushnell, was arrested on a warrant, for violation of pro- bation. No bond was set. Jeffery Franklin, 46, Webster, was arrested for driving under the influence and driving while license suspended. Bond was set at $5,500. Bridget Desantis, 31, Wildwood, was arrested for aggravated assault and domestic battery. No bond was set. William Mask, 63, Bushnell, was arrested for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $500. Chuck Bailey, 20, Wildwood, was arrested on a warrant for domestic vio- lence and battery No bond was set. Misty Ratchford, 26, Lake Panasoffkee, was arrested on a Lake County warrant for violation of probation. Bond was set at $765. Monday, Feb. 21 John Clark, 18, Bushnell, was arrested for trespassing on public school ground., Bond was set at $5,000. Lisa Sparrow, 18, Bushnell, was arrested for disorderly conduct. She was released on her own recognizance. Judith McGavin, 65, The Villages, was arrested for retail theft and violation of probation. Bond was set at $500. :.~ -.', 1';^ ',^ ,^_. .. a Pa.geant. ... .. ..Pageant applications S.. Pageant, Teen Pageant, Miss -J Sumter County Pageant and r iBaby Pageant (due Feb. 26) W ^ -I are available. You can get one den. .* Th at the fairgrounds office. Sh For more information, call Cindy White at 748-1687 or the fairground office at 793-2750. Wanted _..-Allpast Miss Sumter County Pageant winners! Please come join us to cele- --brate our 50th anniversary &. and join 1975 Miss Sumter Photo by Brenda Locklear Cac kie Joes 19 Mis County Commissioner Jim Roberts noted the participation of South Sumter High School stu- Sumter County Joy Smith, dents from the band and chorus to the NJROTC, who provided posting of the colors. The now Joy Coleman; 2002 Miss Summer County Honor Guard offered the 21-gun salute and played "Taps." The band is shown Sumter County, Mandi Cole. playing here, during the dedication. For more details, contact Cindy White at 352-748-1687. Crowd gathers for dedication Ladies Aide meets BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer More than 100 people gath- ered Monday for the dedica- tion of a new veteran's memo- rial in Bushnell as South Sumter High School's band and chorus played and county officials led the ceremony. County Commissioners Joey Chandler, Jim Roberts, Randy Mask and Dick Hoffman were on hand for the event. Chandler opened the service with an invocation and Roberts joined Veteran's Services Officer Dan Baker, Everett Kelly and Community Services Director Jim Sparks in leading the ceremony. Mask led the group in closing the service, with prayer. During his time at the micro-. phone, Roberts said he noticed a skateboarder paused and kneeling at the site on Sunday. A South Sumter High School teacher, he said one' of his stu- dents asked about the bricks. "I'm going in the Marines, can I have a brick?" Roberts also noted the par- ticipation of South Sumter High School students from the band and chorus to the NJROTC, who provided post- ing of the colors. The Sumter County Honor Guard offered the 21-gun salute and played "Taps." Kelly, a former state repre- sentative, talked about his part in obtaining a memorial wall of honor in Tallahassee. He urged listeners to say thanks, next time they see a veteran and said he believes a veteran's, image should be carved in the side of Mt. Rushmore, along with the faces of the four presidents current- ly there. ' He said he had been a hospi- tal corpsman, but never saw battle and asked the crowd to contemplate their response if they were asked to go and let someone take their life. And to those vets, Kelly said, "Thank you very much for my freedom today." Promoted by veterans like Jack Bratton, the memorial is made up of dedicated bricks and is a way for family and friends to insure their loved ones can be honored or remembered for their dedica- tion and sacrifice. Anyone interested in pur- chasing a brick, either in honor of a veteran living, or in memo- ry of one who has passed on, can contact the Sumter County Veteran's Service Office at 793-0235. The Ladies Aide of Nobleton Community Church will have the next meeting at the Community Center in Nobleton on March 3, 1 p.m.,. at the Center, corner of Edgewater Ave. and Sentinal St. Hostesses will be Edna Nelson and Nancy Bagley. Devotions by Lois Hugbey Following the refresh- ments, President Nancyk Bagley will hold the business meeting. Plans are made to hold a soup and sandwich luncheon on March 12. at the: Community Center. Several kinds of homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and cof- fee will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., for a donation. to help others. r For more information, call 796-5988 or 793-6064. Sumter County Youth Center gets $150,000 donation AMANDA MIvMS Staff Writer The Sumter County Youth Center is making plans for a brand new 7,500-square-foot building for their Wildwood location, thanks to a hefty sum left to them by the late Robert Cardosi of Lake Panasoffkee. "It was a very pleasant sur- prise," Executive Director Billy Ray said. Ray said he had only met Cardosi a few times and never expected part of his estate would-be left to the youth cen- ter. "He wanted to be able to leave it to a good cause," Ray said: The youth center is a non- profit organization and home to after-school and summer programs for many Sumter children. The centers in Bushnell and Wildwood provide a safe, fun environment for children when school's out and parents are working. For the last few years, Ray and others have been trying to obtain a permanent building in Wildwood to house the youth center. Currently, the center in Wildwood consists of used portable buildings that were donated by the School Board, which they've been using for three years now. Finding reasonably priced land and money to build was- n't easy and was taking longer than originally planned. Then, about six months ago, Ray was informed of the dona-' tion. Now the youth center has to obtain a 25-year lease with the city, which they're in the process of doing. They also must raise more money. "It'll take every bit of that, plus some," he said but added it's a lot easier to raise money once a project is already started-and they're off to a great start. Besides the youth center donation, Cardosi left por- tions of his estate to Sumter County Association for Retarded Citizens, the Rotary Club of Wildwood, Lee County Hospice, and the American Cancer Society. "He's always been very gen- erous," his attorney, Randall Thornton said. "The bulk of his estate went to charity." The Sumter County Youth Center is making plans for a brand ne w 7,500-square-foot building for their Wildwood location 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 (Next to Dollar General) Z 569-0171m * Fireman's Chili Cook Off Midway Rides * Clowns Draft Horse Pulls * Gospel Music Evening Demolition Derby * Livestock Competitions Craft Shows, *Talent Shows Contests - * Beauty Pageants COME JOIN THE FUN Visit Out Website For Schedule Of Events www.sumterfair.net , mPolice R PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 ob b oe SUMMER COUNTY THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper SEditor ......................Bob Reichman Publisher . .. . Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell,FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association OurVOCE Hoffman: Some deserved praise and some criticism ou know, there's an old Tommy Hurst said the fairgrounds Yt expression that nothing's needed some additional work I ever black or done in preparation for White. the county fair. That certainly seems While money seemed io be true with County to be available for the' Commissioner Richard minor project, Hoffman Hoffman. said he wanted to know Hoffman deserves 4 ," where it's coming from qome kudos. But at the for that project and oth- game time, he. also ers. deserves some criticism. Hoffman gets points First the good things. for that. Hoffman's made two But, where he loses requests from county BOB ground is his remark- administration that are REICHMAN during last week's meet- iight on track "" ing implying that some Several weeks ago, county employees may Hoffman said he'd like to see a lose their jobs when changes are County Commission agenda that made at the county landfill. Provides a better guide to the These employees are already weekly County Commission meet- nervous enough about what will Wings. happen as the county considers | Hoffman got his wish. While it options for solid waste disposal niay cost the county a bit more in without Hoffman indicating that Paper, the new agenda informia- some of them may lose their jobs. tion provided for the meetings is It would be like someone from easier to understand. It gives a some state department walking Inuch clearer picture of what into a commission meeting imply- issues will be considered and it ing that county commissioners yill be easier for the public to fol- may no longer be necessary. oMw. 'No, actually it's worse than that For that, he scores some points, because some commissioners Hoffman also scores some have other sources of income. points for requesting that county Most county employees do not administration provide a break- Hoffman needs to realize that, down of where some of the sur- for some, people, his statement plus money is coming from that jeopardizes their futures and only $eems to appear for certain proj- fans the flames of their concerns. cts. He should have reserved com- Last week, Hoffman said he ment. wanted some sort of accounting of Nothing should have been said this money that isn't clearly before the county has figured out reflected in county budget cate- a plan for solid waste and how' to gories. deal with loyal employees who The issue was brought up after perhaps can be placed in other County Public Works Director positions if it even comes to that ! Photo by Brenda Locklear rhe Sumter County Clerk of the Court's staffers are hard at work again, trying tp raise money for the Sumter County American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Employees Alan Daugherty and Larry Wilkinson (left to right) were rolling the dessert cart last week. The guys went from office to office and business to business In downtown Bushnell, taking donations for some desserts. They had everything on the cart from cookies to cupcakes. "Copyrighted Material I +I Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" -' *,ia.l Your VOICE Dixie Youth Season is off to a great start. Once again we have out done it, we have had to add two new teams this year. We are very excited about our growth, and hope that it contin- ues. We have set our dates for kick off this year and they are Saturday, March 5 for minors and majors, and Saturday, March 12 for T-ball and Mini Minors. Both kick offs will be held at the Kenny Dixon Sports Complex. Each Saturday. will start off with assigned teams taking pic- tures starting at 9 a. m., with open- ing ceremonies and games starting at 10 a. m. We will also be selling chicken and rice dinners for $6.00. If your not busy, bring your lawn chair, grab a bite and have fun watching a game or two., It certain- ly will bring a smile to your face. Our regular season games will be played as follows: T-ball will play on Monday at Lake Panasoffkee Rec. Park, Tuesday at Kenny Dixon Sports Complex or Friday night at the Bushnell Community Center. Mini Minor and Minor games are Monday. and Friday at Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Park and Kenny Dixon Sports Complex. Major games are on Tuesday at Kenny Dixon Sports Complex and Friday night at both Lake Panasoffkee Rec. Park and Kenny Dixon. All games start a 6:30 p.m. This years team sponsors for T- ball are Florida Crushed Stone, M. Hunter Construction, Warren Septic, Jerod Davis Plumbing, Claybrooke A/C, Big Gator Sports, Community National Bank, and Orange Auto. Mini Minor the sponsors are Roy's Wrecker Service, Montgomery/Patco, Hall's Fertilizer Sales, SECO, "TNT" Patrick T. Grady and company Minor sponsors are First Federal Savings Bank, Markland Chiropractic, Cindy Chevrolet, S.C.I., Sonny's Bar-b-que.. Major sponsors are Porters Jewelers, John Babiarz State Farm, SECO, The Bargain Warehouse, Sumter Realty. This year we started a league sponsorship, and we would Wildwood competes LifeSmarts, a program that teaches consumer rights and responsibilities, health, and personal financial manage- ment, had its annual state competition at the Florida State Fair on Feb. 19. Wildwood High School was , one of 17 schools that quali- fied for the competition out of 30 in the state. Qualification is based on scores from Internet tests taken between October and January. Wildwood High School contestants (shown from left to right) are: front row: Quenisha Sesler, and Ashmeire Brooks. Back row: Lakiesha Sallie, Gene Marsh, and Karisma Mosley. Not shown are Oprah Agnew, Joseph Allen, Roy Cruce, Starlene Fleurosier, Sharde Floyd, Ryan Harrison, Rony Hodges, Bicana Johnson, and Adam Welch. like to thank LDL Enterprises, Inc and Coca- Cola for their support of our league. Also, we would like to thank Abundant Life Ministries for their donation. If you would like information on becoming a league sponsor, sponsoring a business sign advertisement, or simply make as donation, please call Shannon Woodard at 352-793-6518. Dixie Youth Baseball Bushnell Supporting county landfill facility Closure ... of the Sumter County Solid Waste, Composting & Recycling Facility? Look on your milk cartons, milk jugs, laundry detergent boxes, soda bottles and other commonly used everyday household items. "Recycle." We teach our children to recycle to preserve our earth and natural resources, for ourselves and future generations. Sumter County, a great place to live, work and play. Many genera- tions of families have called Sumter County home for years dat- ing back to the late 1800s. There is a way of life and an environment here worth preserving and main- taining. We are not in the "horse and buggy" era, quite the opposite; Sumter County operates an out- standing, state-of-the-art facility that draws not only national, but worldwide recognition. The Sumter.County Solid Waste Facility has encountered many visitors from all over the world with the common interest of recycling in hopes of reservations for our county, our planet and our world. The Solid Waste Facility is on the leading edge of technology, winning awards such as "Outstanding County or City Program Award" presented by Recycle Florida Today in 2004. The prestigious "Eweson Award" was also recently presented during a roundtable forum proving Sumter County as the best operated facility repre- sented in the United States and Canada. The staff of the Solid Waste Facility works tirelessly to over- come the trials and tribulations of operating such a facility, overcom- ing some hurdles and expounding upon the knowledge they are gain- ing daily in the hands-on effort to persevere and generate an envi- ronmentally safe product, compost The compost generated at the Solid Waste Facility is beneficial to the agri-business industry. Agriculture has long been the leading industry for Sumter County. Sumter County has the highest recycling diversion rate in the state of Florida by 70 percent. It is the only facility of its kind nationwide; due to the fact that it is a municipal solid waste (MSW) composting facility with an up-front recycling building. Impacted by the fastest growing Community in the state of Florida, and the second in the United States, the Sumter County Solid Waste Facility is struggling to stay ahead. Some individuals do not see; importance in our recycling efforts, but rather the dollars generated% from developers who will soon come and go, leaving behind tons upon tons of generated garbage in Sumter County. Some individuals would rather bring in landfills giving way to future problems associated with leakage and pollution to our water table, our most precious resource. These same individuals are also promoting transfer stations gener- ating the added burden of vehicles to provide transport of hundreds of tons of garbage throughout Sumter County to our road system. This also creates the way for spills requiring extensive cost for clean up. Just a few short months ago, the leading dilemma facing Sumter County commissioners was how much of the county's money should be spent maintaining special "grasses" to maintain the "look" throughout The Villages. This is your tax dollars working, make your elected officials make your voice heard. Joan Merritt Bushnell The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Times, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. L I E I Ifth. IWqw - m a PVvo VJP"P qq Mlm qql. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 5$ le ;'A' Man arrested for prowling, other charges filed BOB REICHMAN Editor A prowler on Terry Street in Wildwood early Saturday was finally subdued by law enforcement officers but not until the man had been stunned several times with a taser gun. Jerrell Leonard Luther, 26, of Wildwood, was arrested on numerous charges after attempting to flee from offi- cers, according to a Wildwood police report. Luther was charged with possession of cocaine, attempted battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest with violence, resisting arrest without vio- lence, two counts of giving a false name, loitering and sev- eral arrest warrants from Citrus County. Luther was placed in the Sumter County Detention 'Center with bond set at $7,500. The incident began about 4:30 a.m. when Wildwood Police Officers C. Adams and D. Brooks went to a home at 430 Terry Street to investigate a prowler complaint, accord- ing to the report. Adams chased a suspect, later identified as Luther, who fled from the area, the report states. Adams used his taser to stun the man when he refused to stop running. When the offi- cer attempted to arrest him, Luther continued to fight and was again subdued by the taser, the report states. The officers then secured Luther with handcuffs.. "Luther was placed' in the back of a patrol car and start- ed hitting his head against the rear side window," according to the report. When Luther refused to stop, Brooks opened the back door of the patrol car and Luther tried to kick him. "Brooks deployed and utilized his taser on Luther," the report states. "Luther was then secured to the point that he could not inflict any injuries to himself or to oth- ers." During the time Luther was at the Wildwood Police Department, he gave officers two false names and attempt- ed to elude the discovery of outstanding warrants, accord- ing to the report. Officers also found a ciga- rette package in Luther's pos- session that contained cocaine, the report states. Commercial vehicle driving course offered , The Withlacoochee Technical Institute is now accepting applications for the Commercial Vehicle. Driving Program. Applications can be picked up in Student Services. Class will meet Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., for nine weel Students will have six weeks of classroom training, range, city and highway driving, this portion of training. The next class is scheduled to start on April 5. I ~,2 Webster Elementary students were given a motivating talk by one of the schools more famous former students. Clinton Hart once walked the halls at WES, now he can be found in NFL stadi- ums as a player with the San Diego Chargers. In his talk, Hart cited the examples of leadership - and discipline that he learned from his former teachers, several who were in attendance and are, still on staff at WES. Hart encouraged the students to work hard, listen to their teachers and prepare for their future. He graciously answered questions from the students and signed hun- dreds of autographs. Pictured below is Clinton Hart (center) with former teachers: Coach LeCroy, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Ballard and Mr. Vorobok. Power phones starting at LIMITED TIME ONLY. YelowSoxSale Dependable i205 UNLIMITED POWER Unlimited nights and weekends Unlimited walkie-talkie minutes in your home area Ask about our Power Plans ACT NOW. Add unlimited Nationwide Direct Connect5" walkie-talkie access to any rate plan for only $10 per month AND GET one month FREE and 60 bonus anytime cellular minutes per month for one year. NEXTEL7 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Waki-talki S*1.1erpon Rugqqed i530 TE N I C S, , Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free **Nextel also imposes a Federal Programs Cost Recovery (FPCR) fee of $1.55 or $2.83. The FPCR is not a tax or government required charge. The fee is charged for one or more of the following: E911, number pooling and wireless number portability. *Built-in speakerphone is standard on all phone models except i205. i205 is speakerphone-capable.Offers expire February.28, 2005. i205 Phone Offer: While supplies last. Final price of $0.99 is based on Point-of-Sale savings of $49 off the national promotional price of $49.99. Requires two-year service agreement, new activation and credit approval. $200 early termination fee applies, after 15-day trial period (30 days in CA). $35 per phone setup fee, up to $70 max per account (some markets a max of $80/account per order). Add-On Offer: Receive 60 bonus cellular minutes per month for 12 months with new subscription and while subscribed to Nationwide Direct Connect walkie- talkie buy-up option. Unused minutes do not accumulate to the next billing cycle and do not share. Rate plan must have cellular minutes to receive bonus minutes. May take up to five days to activate and will not be charged for the first 30 days after activation. Other restrictions apply. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available in all markets. Other conditions may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communications, Inc. NEXTEL, NEXTEL. DONE., NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and the Driver Safety logo are service marks, trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Carol Ann Kern, 58, teacher's aide Carol Ann Kern, 58, of Sumterville, died Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005, in Sumterville. She was born in Wildwood, N.J. Ms. Kern was a teacher" aide in a pre-school. She was preceded in death by her father, Raymond Newell in 1990, son, Peter "Scott" Kern in 1998, and husband, Wilbur "Pete" Kern in 2002. Survivors include a son, David Kern of Sumterville; mother, Jean Newell of Sumterville. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Keith R. Dye, 35, truck driver Keith Ronald Dye, 35, of Leesburg, died Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005, at his home. A native of Orlando, he was born Dec. 25, 1969 to Ronald N. and Jerry Lee (Boyd) Dye, and moved to the Lake County area in 1972. Mr. Dye was a truck driver and of the Baptist faith. His enjoyment in life included hunting, fishing and air boating. Survivors include one daughter, Brooke Danielle Dye of Lady Lake; father and stepmother, Ronald and Suzanne Dye of Webster; mother, Jerry Dye of Leesburg; his paternal grandparents, Ned and Effie Dye of Crystal River. , Memorial services will be conducted on Sunday, Feb. 27, at 3 p.m., from the Ronald Dye residence, 968 C.R. 478- A, Webster. Friends are cor- dially invited to attend. Private cremation arrange- ments are planned. Chas E. Davis Funeral Home with Crematory, Inverness. Ernest E. Webb, 67, business owner Ernest Elbert "Bud" Webb, 67, of Bushnell, died Friday, Feb. 18,2005, in Leesburg. He was born in Glasgow, Ky. Mr. Webb was the owner/opera- tor of Bushnell Computer and Wildwood Computer Survivors include his wife, Phyllis J. Webb of Bushnell; four sons, David Webb of Apopka, Rick Webb of Windermere, Fla., Robert Webb of Bushnell, and Mark Webb of Ramstein, Germany; sister, Helen Compton of Danville, Ill., 14 grandchil- dren and 13 great-grandchil- dren. Services were held Feb. 21 at Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell, with Pastor Fred Hooten officiat- ing. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Lillie Mae Lancaster, 77, homemaker Lillie Mae Lancaster, 77, of Webster, died Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005, in Leesburg. She was born in Holcomb, Miss. Mrs. Lancaster was a homemaker. Survivors include two sons, Jerry Lancaster of Center Hill and Walter Lancaster of Bushnell; seven daughters, Pat Butler of Perry, Fla., Dessie Flores, Joyce Flores, both of Bushnell, Brenda McFall of South Haven, Mich., Dorothy Tula of Croom, Shirley Fernandez of Fort Pierce, Fla., and Tammy Lancaster of Webster; three brothers, Richard Hitchcock of Germany, Danny Hitchcock of Groveland, Fla., and J.C. Hitchcock of Hawaii; sister, Nancy Hitchcock; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held Feb. 19 at Center Hill Cemetery, Center Hill, with Minister Bobby Simmons officiating. Purcell Funeral Jiome, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Angela N. Lake, 24, clerk Angela Nichole Lake, 24, of Bushnell, died Monday, Feb. 7, 2005, in Sumterville. She was a lifelong resident of the area. Mrs. Lake was a receiv- ing clerk in the retail indus- try. Survivors include her hus- band, Derek E. Lake of Bushnell; son, Logan of Bushnell; daughter, Jordan of Bushnell; step-sons, Jarrod and Zackary Lake of Bushnell; parents, Roger and Jeanette Cowart of Bushnell; brothers, Roger D. Cowart Jr., of Tarrytown, Fla., and Travis M. Cowart of Lake Panasoffkee; paternal grand- parents, Vernia and Thomas Phillips of Mascotte, Fla.; maternal grandparents, Travis and Marie Sapp of Webster; maternal great- grandparents, Noel and Paula Warren of Bushnell. Services were held Feb. 11 at Purcell Funeral Home in Bushnell with Pastor Lee Burnham officiating. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery in Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Sumnter OBOTJAWIES Photo by Brenda Locklear Models for the Christian Women's Club Enduring Rose fashion event show off some of the clothes they found at bargain prices in the secondhand shop. The outfits ranged in cost from $4 for casual wear to $22 for a formal sage green Mother-of- the-Bride dress, but the average cost of a two-piece outfit, like these shown, was $5. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Watson of Wildwood happily announce the engagement of their daughter Laura Elise to Bradley Charles Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Todd of Webster. Laura is currently employed as a nurse at Leesburg Regional Medical Center. Brad is employed at .' pthe Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell. The couple has planned an evening wedding with'friends and family for 1, ,\ -_.4___,I, ** I u ci N rCL(Of _ i'e 1-80-51-443 Oned . 11 "1 Sm ,, Se mt~l wS."c: 1960 PURCELL FUNERAL HOME Family Owned J. Lane Purcell John D. Purcell Owner F 793-4531 LJ w 0 I @ (U) w i LU u 0 I under MULBIRRY GROVE PLAZA HWY 42 I & :, IN I Free IN HE VL- A -Hearing Aid Repairs 259-5790 all makes and models SOIIIIEEN TRACE PLAZA I*--------MY FREE NO HWY 466 Battery Sale OBULIGATION OXFORD 29 HEARING $71-5712 I $ 1 WALKING IS A COMPLETE EXERCISE CYCLE... involving nearly every muscle and bone in the body. MT 8 SLIM 6-12 NARROW 7-15 Time Out Free Time NARROW 6-12 MEDIUM 6-15 for men for women MEDIUM 4-12 W-IDE 6-15 WIDE 5-12 True whole and half sizes. Some colors do not come in all widths. --------- ------ L-- -- ------- --------- -w-- -- -- -- --- m^ mm ^ mmme Lake Square Mall Sh 4 S 10401 -136S. Hwy. 441 Leesburg, FL 34788 'Next to Sears) S352-326-2641 TOLL FREE 1-866-746-3240 Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice m BUSHNELL (First Church ofGod ' Ar~ii.iti. 'ii Pii~ "r ? 793-3455 ,t'r '.R,j.rI'A il 1.". r V0 0-11uj' Hr LF 11-:0. Iv'-n lr ;IV ,,'4a' E .ru I~ II IF' fl 411All rae IVe'lco~nit.-It BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD suraH io,, Mc.'rrpvit .1 r :o a ~ Sunday Schoci 9 30 A 1.1 K We-jd.:rCipir-hip Night 7 00 PIA 11451 West CRP. 476, Bushneil 793-22340), ('St. Francis Episcopal Church-) f dr, ( r d B0 ; ,, V '1" .;p1r1 1-10i, Euchariur III M :Urrd-J AA mct1 I h iia;d~-h":1 I ' ITTHE BLUSH-NELL PRESBW~ERIA&'> Cl-URCH LISA N ROcAL iu-irrr~r cd I W lade As N Firadi C h a i rch ;, 10C. 15 amr NiN 10 -%tA. Croup.ruI.hIt Eng iF r'Ii IW ~l'4E"'E),Ai tibk lk-od 'v i 35-1-79I3-4202 First Baptist Church of Bushnell 125 W. Anoeison Ave. 793-A612 Snorivg iec Ckoo eN o..,or ue TflrouqflFornI., tir' :.u.':l, tite 'jdj 01) 1:i1 221 W. Noble Ave. Sunday School 9:311 ai~m. Worlhip 10.50) amm C ELL Ch, i,. ;riEdivan rrriA,u &A,v L~t5 11 pin.m Disciples' Dialogue. Wed. 6:30 p.m. C7h-r rPr- -,3rr .Thrara i6.31,iiF, i Byar Fun C.%.mnEr4rnc 4 C-rr~d.% J3. 1.1u. P In m p a cat~. r0- i:4lm 1. Pnirn. Ep-yir. r,rrp. Thr4 Iu pin ,j.,yoyj Frida. pry' ptrP. SHA,.R.E InnS5.t aurn Rc, Larr% lurmli~ra.t. I'..ron ,( 793-3221 WlI..NELLU1 C. O 'FiCi'- .310\vW Dade Ave 793-8428 Sunday Bible Stud'y 1:1 a m Sundair W\,r'.hip S:r'rI:e 11 .i m Everitng Wurr hip 6 p in , Wrdne-dav Bible Study p m j r Indian -lIlTLapti tChurch d 7 -319 ,' D "Bu. n ell U Sunday Sc ro:orI. .. 9 .15 am Morning Wor'Ihrp 11 00 nam Evening Worship .. 7 00 pm OtearBesd33y Prayer Seri.:e 7. F , r Pleasant Hll Baptist Churclh CR-316A, Eushne[l Sunday School..................9:45 A.M. W orship ......................11:00 A.r,. Sunday Evening Worship. ...6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service. 7:00 .M.. v 793-5083 Ptowr A lif IllK I I BUSHNELL I IBUSHNELL SEVENTH DAYi ADVENTIST CHURCH C.:rrn i ..:f Snl n.lI, A Flre-ia \.. ' \\orshJp Hours 9 30? .r Sabbath School 10 45 1 Sal \Ved Prancr Nli.eiin 30 S MAll lWelcome J | CENTER HIjT. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CENTER HILL 175 S.Virginia Ave. Center Hill FL 33513 352-793-2119 Sunday School..... ............ 9:45 AM Morning Worsnip.................11:00 AM Sunday Night Service...........6:00 PM Mid-Week Prayer Service - Wednesday 7:00 PM (CHRISTIA.LV ORSHIP CE,\TER ,i'. r ,, .. I,, I i: fr. L ,A.D.. u i: PA,,iir Jii r lllr LADYLAKE S Hope Lutheran Church 250 Asenida Los Angelo, i:,',rat -i C R F.E.S M r : 081 .d0 Th.- \ihII'Jc, Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM. 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM Fji rmore ,ir orir Iur, r aii:dl .'c.:-0 or :u Si PE, lE ork hir, ,luirerar.Hii riih'l 'r . LAKE PANASOFFKEEl r LAKE PANASOFFKEE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Surnlay W,-rsn.,p a 3' & I 1 AM CrIhljrer, :. CirurCr 11 AM r,'ur.-O,'i pri:., ,o'- Pastor Wllllston Brewer H J" 7vu-. Li Paioniri3 id I N N rFirst Baptist Church- of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunclay Services 8 30 & 10 50 a.m. Sunday, Scric .l ........ .9:45 a m Sunday/ Evening......... .6.00 p rn W,.drEi'r.lay 111. J fri rtr M e.ler,,j 7 Fr rr, y Pastor Jon Kinq J t )atls otf Grace Mnilistrne- S an e' .:irrr i ', g . P,'a.'r F.,5,3 l Pan1 h Oi.--lr, / .' { .- Momring Worsnip-- 1030 ,r.. ,,.a. Sunday Evening-- 6.00 ,._. , Wednesday Nigni-- 7 O0 il- .i 1'" 793-1600 1F" 7 T.EESBURG | GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 ) ( ST. MARK EVANGELICAL T LUiTHERAN CHURCH (WEILSi Pabior N. Kiukt : ;:. i.l r Hr ., H '' S inr, 1.., ri.i, 352-32- 211 ii i"i.rCIr, :, tr ir ir.pirr'ld .r' i ,'%:,\'k' .,-,Jil C-. t i i',:,-. ',[, Sll-.,,.,: 'I .'l Ii K r ,. : CI ,r I n J l i oirve F'E^ACEI WAHOO | (Discover the Differencel) Bil,, RB.--y 1 M : 1 ;|j .:,r i ,I H ,,-, !, :, I :, Sunday: brt. -, :h.,,], '. 1., ..1 Wedne.ayr EvEn.ng r l ...T T r, r: I" p r 1 S: l,,,- ,1 P :| r.l L 0 1. l a |T '- <;.....ir..:..:..:ru,:r,.,,' a.52 793-6015) WEBSIER 'r Webster United methodist Church Invites You To Attend Wc.rrh.p Servy. 11:C"0 3a.m Cr.urcr. School 9:-5 a.m I: SE 3rJ ,1 WI .Ir FL 33Y'9 S1352n1 793.373.- -4 pra g ill church First Baptist Church of Webster 1/4 mil. easil 1471 on SE isi Ave l'J.:J,'-. .,3K Fh'=,, r r.I |.-r,-.. r:,1:r r l r | WILDWOOD | FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH- 402 Oxford Street 748-1822 *Ull~A i'-CHCI-CL o0,ae *41. AM WrrH'%.HIf' ,, ie i AP I I N) AM & .1 I PM wEUrJEuDr,, PRAitE MEETINi e rd Ii Pl UrlNDi, EvE irIIJ'3 .Iir".'E rii) j M PASTOR: REV. CRAIGATTAWAY /,Wildwood United Methodist- H 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8-30 am & 11:00 am Nursery Provided K, 748-1275 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD eWorship 11:00 a.m. 2W3 Baruick SI. \\ IId,%,:,,:d. FL 347%5 k (352) 748-2530 <+ SUNSET PARK 1 CHURCH OF GODJ 202 Pine Sue 748-1318 E i ,ir A I i !t! ;-i \,Ji..idi Sit i.,I 1 AM i.1 'nt .hrbt ai .Li,-. r I l l i M'-mlr]: moii,,.hp 11 .11 ItI V"td Mkr u.duh ----..i I" y WELCOME ALL!!!!!! J HCE0 F' EL I I 0 m .gf m t'3 m I I 0 m I, m .3 "@ I 0 Wilbur L. Reed, 78 Wilbur L. "Shorty" Reed, 78, of Okahumpka, died Sunday,' Feb. 6, 2005, in Bushnell. 2 He was formerly of Steubenville, Ohio, son of the, late Cameron Reed and' Catherine Wylie Reed. Mr. Reed was an employee: of Weirton Steel in Weirton,, WVa., until his retirement in, 1972. He was a member of the7 VFW in Lake Panasoffkee and' the American Legion Post #33: in Steubenville, Ohio. He was a Navy veteran during World- War II. He was Methodist Survivors include a daugh-. ter, Cathy Peterson (Brad, Jenkins, fiance) of Steubenville, Ohio; two sons," Larry (Marge) Reed of Mason,, Ohio, and David (Rita) Reed of Quarryville, Pa.; eight grand- children and three great- grandchildren. A Memorial Service will be! held Friday, March 4, 2005, at, 11 a.m. at Florida National, Cemetery in Bushnell with' Military Honors rendered by. the Marine Corps League' #708. Purcell Funeral Home,: Bushnell, handled the. arrangements. J I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 7 ._ S Li Newsletter for Sumter County Chamber of Commerce and Sumter County Economic Development Council N r Il E a. io. **- Message fro (Taken from the speech delivered at the recent Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting) It was, my pleasure to address the various businesses represented at the recent 60th Annual Meeting of the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have served as your President over the past year and to continue these duties in 2005. Initially when I agreed to serve in this capacity, I had reservations. However, I soon became very excited about my new Chamber role and the opportunity to work with a great group of people. As:I assumed my responsibilities as President, the year was off to a good start but as I began soliciting new memberships I was faced with a common question; what's in it for me? I pondered this in my mind and then decided to inquire among our members as to why they belonged to the Chamber. The answers I got were as varied as the businesses themselves. Some said it was the right thing to do; others advised that they wanted to be good corporate citizens; others named specific perks, such as our Newsletter, the Directory, access to dis- counted services, networking opportunities, referrals, education of legislative and workplace issues and of course there were many, many other reasons. : fI thought about the answers I'd received and decided they were all valid reasons. I also decided that those members who were not active- ly participating in Chamber events were riot realizing many of the benefits. Therefore. I challenge .each of you to get involved with YOUR Chamber. We have a mountain of opportunity with us here as % e are located in one of the fasted growing counties in the state. If you don't believe me just get into your car and take a drive. Ev en w here Nou look there are signs of growth; construction is every- w wherc and the most common roadside sign contains the word "SOLD." Those of you in real estate can relate to that!. W \We had e the continued grow th of our good neighbor The Villages and the businesses that are a spin off of that development. We* have the new Ag Center and the fish hatchery expansion; we're home tc one of the largest flea markets in the southeast and we have numerous parks and trails for the adventurer and those who enjoy getting back to nature. Our county is diverse and offers something for everyone And, we continue to grow! aSpeaking of growth. your Chamber has experienced another great year. Our membership role is now over 200 and we are seeing 'more and more member attendance at our monthly meetings aind Business After Hours events. We also continue to create our monthly P the President SUMMER CHAMBER'S 60THANNIVERSARY A IT ITTTTAT ilrlrrTITP newsletter insert for publication in the Sumter County Times because it is important to us to educate the community on Chamber projects/events. With that in mind, I encourage each of Nou. as members, to use this valuable tool to promote your business at e% e- ry opportunity. f In addition to the newsletter, your Chamber hosted their first Annual Casino night this past year. We learned a lot and dijscol eied many of our directors, Bob Hunt, Diana Coulliard. and Ale< Ogilvie, just to name a few, had hidden talents. These folks could probably launch a successful career in Vegas as chip counters, deal - ers and pit bosses. I personally learned you can't play cards \\ ith Dennis Rogers and win. Anyway, the feedback from the e\ent was good and those in attendance said they're looking forward to the next Casino Night. On another note, your Chamber along with the Sumter Countr Economic Development Council once again co-hosted the Business and Industry Appreciation Gala. It was great to see that one of our own member-businesses, Joe Capporelli, Edws ard Jones Investments, was chosen as Business of the Year: Se\eril other f Chamber businesses were nominated for awards as well. Besides the Casino Night and the Business & Industry Gala. your Chamber continued to promote and participate in Business After Hours.Mixers. These events provide another opporntui)s forr our Chamber family to get to know one another better. This is so important as statistics show that people are more apt t0 do business with those they have developed a relationship with than with someone who can offer them service or goods at a lower price. So, f if you want your business to grow, plan now to attend the next net- working event. Your Chamber also continues to be a good steward of the envi- I ronment. We have an ongoing ink cartridge and newspaper-recN - cling project So next time you're tempted to throw one of those s items awaN. don't! Instead bring them to our next meeting ort drop them by the Chamber office. , 'This past year we also upgraded our time and temperature. You s can now obtain the latest weather forecast when calling in. You also will get to hear some of our local celebrities advertise their bust- ness; by the way, there is still space available to do this and the tal- ent search is on. r, Last but certainly not least, your Chamber is currently without an Executive Director, however several extremely qualified applic- ants have applied for the position and we are working to fill the S acancN. Without a doubt, it is going to. be another great year Therefore. I encourage each of you to get involved and get the most out of your Chamber. Quincy Jones said, "Imagine what a harmoni- ous world it could be if every single person, both young and old, share a little of what he is good at doing". With that in mind, each and every one of you has special talents and together we can do awesome things for the benefit of all who live, work and play in our County. Barbara Shaw iaLenEaro0en Sumter County Chamber of Commerce and Sumter County Economic Development Council AND ANNUAL MLLIINU Soozie Marsh, WW Mike Winter (Community 90 Thomas Skidmore; Alex Country Resort National Bank) Melissa Petrie; Ogilvie, Julie Pacheco. Thomas Mr & dad, Mr. Sandy Howell Sumter Board of Langley Medical Ctr lar Blum County Commission- Mike Howell, Nat'l Property Inspections Diana Couillard Dibarco I Building Sylvie Larry Marchbanks; Jim Frank and Karen Lord Zimmerman First Federal Couillard Dibarco Building Sumter Christian School with Saving Wildwood, Sumter Country Commissioner Randy Mask Tammie Martin. First Federal Savings Bushnell Connie Mahan. Micki Blackburn Realty. Cindy Duran. Blueberry Hill RV Barbara & John Shaw Park; Sonna Walker. Greg Franklin provided Kiwanis Club the evening's music .Kate Joe S.As Couples Danced Santoro to the Beat The 2005 Chamber of Commerce Officers and Board of Directors :'Alex Ogilvie III, udge Thomas Skidmore Eleine Chin-Shue. Diana Couillard. Barbara installs Officers and Shaw, Joe Capporelli, Robert Van looijdonk, Board of Directors Marilyn Connell, Julie Pacheto. Connie Ma.han. Bill Farmer, Cindy Duran The auditorium was packed full of Chamber members and guests listened to Sandy Howellof the Sumter Board of County Commission talk about the recently passed Tourism Development Tax during the Sumter Chamber luncheon meeting last February 10. February 26 2005 5CARC. Inc Duffers Delight Benefit Golf Tournament Shadv Brook Golf Course, shotgun sart 8:30 am For more intormanon call 352-793-5156 March 1,8,15,22,29 Toddir Time 9:30 a m and 11:00 a.m at the Bushnell Public Librar', 409 Flonda St., Bushnell Conlait Tina Andes, 352-793-8274 March 1 Syiedal Afa ir Heanng. 4:00 p.m; Ctt' Hall Commksion chamber; Wildwood CrA Hall, 100 N. Afain ji., Wdildood For more information call 352-330-1330 Planning & Zoning Heanng 6:00 p m.: Cire Hall Commission Chamber: Wildwood City Halg, 100 N Main St., Wildwood For more intormarion call 152.-30-1330 March 2,9, 16, 23, 30 A4RP Free a6N Preparation and i-Filing .sistanc 1to EFV RYi'ONE, 9'00 a.m to2.00 p.m at the Bushntll Public Libraro, 409 Florida St., Bushnell Conacit Tina Andes. 352. 793-8274. March 2 Family Caregiver Support Group, 1.00p m., Lake Panasaotkee niled Methodist Church, 589 CR 4 70, ala Panasolflxe For more intormarion call iandi: 352- 793- 3438 Wildiwood Dinie southh Board M eering, 7 00 p.m., incoln Room, Wildwood Communitr Cinter; 6500 CR I 9, lhildiwood For mort informaonn call 3523 30-11-30 March 3, 10,17,24,31 Women's Domenc I'iolnce Support Group Mecting 6:00 p m to 8.00p m. at the Bushnell Public library 400 Florida St., BushnekComtac rinaAndes, 352-793.8274 March 5 Horse Pulling [vent, 10:00 a.m, Yoder' form on State Road 44. Contact Ten' loder. 352-748.-|II first United Aethodist Church Annual Spnn Ba:oar 221 It' Noble Ave., Bushnell, flea market, plant and bake sal and other great bargains, featunng Pancak e& Sausoge Brtakltat. 7:30 a.m. 0:30 a.m; Lunch Cae iilh BB6 Pork and Holdogi, 11.00 a.m to 00 p.m. For more information call 352-793-3221 March 7 SieNel Opening Ceremomes, 10:00 a.m., Millennium Part. CR 139 Wildwood. in ftoni of Communin' Center For more informanon call 352-330-1330 March 8 Horse Pulling Event, 6:00 pm.. Ocala Equetrian Complet, Ocala Ccntact ferry loder 352-748-2111 Center Hill City Councl Meeing., 7.30 p m., Center Hill Ciry Hall 945 S rginia Ate., Center Hill Conlact 352.-73.443i March 10 Sunite Chamber ,Unthli' Luncheon, 11:30a.m. at the C chamber offtic Pliasie SUP 352-793-3099 family Carcgitr Support Program training Caoring for Ihe Curegiver"; II Ol ia -2' 00p m. lakeiSumler Community Colltee. 1405 CR 5264, Rm. 4107, Sum rville ormore information. cull Aami, I 800-717-3277 March 11-19 Sumicr ount, fairat the Sumter Counrt fair Grounds 7684 R 4.71, Buahnell For detaiis call Borbara, 352-793-2.750 March 12 Horse Pulling Event, l0.Otl m., umltr Count' fair Grounds, hiistar Conloiac erny Ybdcr, 352-.48-2111 Annual Lincoln Day Dinner ipornored b the' umt r Counrv Republican f[eturite oiimmirfet, 6:00 p m. Savannah Cenler, The illaogt tce article Contaa Richard Cole. 352..-7-20,55 March 13 Horse Pullinq rEent National Championship, 1.00 p m, Polo hhl The illago Contactl Trrv loder, 352-748.2111 March 14 'ilds'ood Cite Commision ectieny, 00p.m., ite Hall Commission thambtr. Wildwood iit Hall, 100 N. Aain SI, Vildwood for more inmt-aton tall 352.330.13J30 Coleman Cirr Council MAfcting, 7 00p m Coleman (Cirv Hall 3502 f Warm Spnng:. Ave, Coltman Confact 52-748-1017 March 16 Family Caregiver Support Group, 1:00p.m. Lake Panasofee United Methodist Church, 589 CR. 470, Lake Panasofilee For more information call Sandy, 352-739- 143.8 Friends of the Wildwood Library Meeting, 1:00 p.m. City Hall Conference Room #124, WildwoodCity Hall, 100 N. Main St., Wildwood For more information call 352-330- 1330 March 17 and 18 Book Sale and Flea Market, 9:00 a.m to 12:00 Noon, Lake Panasoffee Library, 1500 CR 459,Lake Panasofee. Accepting donations of clean and usable clothes and books. For details, call 352-793-8608 March 17 Webster City Council Meeting. 6:00 p.m., Webster City Hall, 49 SE 1st St., Webster Contact 352-793-2073 March 28 ildid Gt'oo r Commission Meeting, 7:00 p.m., City Hall Commission Chamber, WildwoodCiy Hal, 0 N. Main St., Wildwood For more information call 352-330-1330 April 2 Lane Purcell Hospice House Dedication Day, 11:00 a.m., Adjacent to the Lake-Sumter Community College entrance road off CR 301, Sumterville; presentations by area dignitaries, barbecue and live country music, plus children's games and activities For information call Ted Williams at 352.742-6800 or toll-free 888-728-6234 Tume 568-TEMP (8367) NOW FAiURESWEATHER FORECASTd SUMMER ENOm DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Phone: (352) 793-3003 fax: (352) 793-2339 225 South US 301 PO Box 70, Sumterville FL 33585 www.GoSumter.com e-mail: scedc@sum.net # r.~i ~,- '5, SUMn CoT CO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone: (352) 793-3099 fax: (352) 793-2120 225 South US 301 (old SECO Buildingi P.O. Box 100, Sumterville, FL 33585 www.unexpectedflorido.com www.gosumter.com Ogilvie PAGE 8, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 SUMTERBIZ CONNECTION .AKE-SUMTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR HONORED Julia Sweitzer LEESBURG Lake- Sumter Community College's faculty is well known for their innova- tive teaching styles and utilization of state-of the art technology. Sumter Campus Business and Computer Instructor and Bushnell resident Julia Sweitzer has been formally recognized for both of these qualities. The International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (EISTA), which met in Orlando last summer, is an annual affair, attended by over 60 nations. ' Its main objective is to provide a forum for the presentation of both problems and solutions in the applications of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in education and training. The organization invited authors from corporations, organizations, schools and universities to submit original works on various topics in the field of ICT. Educators were encouraged to submit ideas and designs for developing informa- tion systems for the classroom. Ms. Sweitzer submitted a paper titled "Proper Support Improves Online Student Success." She was recently honored when she received an email announcing that her presentation was acknowledged as the "Best Paper" presented during the Application of Education Technologies I session. "The quality of papers like Ms. Sweitzer gave the conference prestige, wrote EISTA 2004 General Chair Fre Malpica. "It.was highly appreciated an helped make our conference a great success." Ms. Sweitzer also presented a paper titled "Supporting the Student in th Online Classroom," at the Society o Applied Learning Technology Conferenc held last August in Virginia. The Societ is an organization for professionals whose work requires knowledge and common cation in the field of instruction technology. In November, she presented a round able discussion on "Proper Suppo: Improves Online Student Success," during the League for Innovation in th Community College Conference i Tampa. The League is an internationE consortium dedicated to catalyzing th community college movement. In addition to her technical notoriet Ms. Sweitzer was nominated by hi LSCC peers as a Florida Associauon Community Colleges "Profes-or of th Year" candidate and was one of eigl finalist for the state-wide honor. Ms. Sweitzer making her presen- tation THE PHOTOGRAPHER IS HOME Patti Scott of Photography by Patricia has been involved in photography for the past 20 years and specializes in creative wedding photography and portraiture., Patricia is a member of the Florida Professional Photographers, and strives to con- tinually learn new aspects of photography by attending seminars and workshops all over the state. Patti grew up in Sumter County and gradu- ated from the South Sumter High School. In the years since graduation she has lived in other loca- tions including North Carolina and Tallahassee, Florida, but Sumter County has always been home to her. Patti appreciates the opportunity to relocate back to Sumter County. . For those precious moments, contact Patti at .. 352-793-3848.- -d id at er ie of ;e ty se i- al ------ ----" x-,,^i ^ ^ ^I. HO:- House is a warmI inviting residence for ".. -it ho are unable to remain in their own homes,"-the S. price o or ane' urc E cotjnued. "It offers private bedrooms, each with its P' dr":.-: a'-.Str' o'' ;" ho e 'aa fro' ,, .for -own bath; pleasant surroundings. freshly prepared meals, and Plans facing y kind of life-limiting illness ae nearing a many other amenities. All medical, nursing and other servic- patients facingany kind of life-lmbgin. Officials with Hospice of es are provided by the Hospice staff working directly with the Lake and Sumter are beginning a capital campaign to create patent's own doctor." the new facility. The eight-bedroom home will be built on a "Our goal is the same as for the patients and loved ones two-acre site adjacent to the Lake-Sumter Community we provide service to in family homes," said Lehoisky. "In College entrance road off CR 301 in Sumierville. every way, we want to make this time of their life as comfort- The new Hospice House %will be named in memorN of ng and fulfilling as possible for them." Sumter business and community leader Lane Purcell. who Wade. a longtime Sumter carte rancher, said he, Manning died recently) in an auto accident. and Dr. Clark donated the two-acre land tract to help Hospice Longtime Sumter County residents Glenn Wade. Dr. Lowell Clark. and Jon Manning donated land for the project. --a frln q. '; m lin i ,,d J i mieteH .no directly and to en courage others t assis in the. idmg p iS rcob -more needs to be done." he noted "A total o $ 1., mlhon is nee ie to maT ie l t eospi[ Tg t eo sellm a hH p t- House a rea said Hospice Foundaion Eeuu To get that effort started. Williams said the Hospice t Hod readli said Hospice Foundatio300n Ee e Dit Foundauou of Lake & Sumter will hold a Lane Purcell rt Ted Wdliams. "Slight more than 300,000 of thaHospice House Dedication Day on the site on Saturday, April Shas been raised so far," e further stated. 2. The event will et under way at 11:00 a.m. % rth a barbe- in Hospice CEO Pat Lehotsks said this would be Hospice of cue and live country music. There will be presentations by al Lake and Sumter's third such facility. The .first was built area dignitaries plus children's games and activities. The adjacent to Hospice's administrative center south, of Tavares. highlght will be the dedication of the facility-to-be in memo- More recently, one was opened in The Vjllages. "'While both "x' of Lane Purcell. Rurcell s widow,, children an d 'fA " of'them serve everyone, ,the new Purcell Hopice House will. m be.onhand ..' . o be. mor cnvenient lr .nt ,t .. ; -..she . ht ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND GRANT WRITING SEMINAR The Leesburg First Baptist Church, in. association with the and tips for networking effectively with funders and other North American Mission Board and Strong Foundations will resource opportunities. Participants will also be given a quick hold and Organizational and Grant Writing Seminar on Saturday, overview of the process of organizational de% eklpment and grant April 23, 2005, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Leesburg First writing. Baptist Church, 220 North 13th Street, Leesburg, Florida. Workshop leaders are Dr. Catherine Miller and'Dr. L. Jean The key to writing winning grant proposals lies in giving fun- White ders the information they need. In this seminar, participants will Dr. Catherine Miller learn what items are most often required in a grant and how to Dr Miler has been helping faith-based minis- organize so they can quickly put together a successful grant pro- r l posal. This session will also show how to develop an evaluation tries to reach their full potential for twenty process that will document the results achieved through the fund- years. She provides training for ministry staff ed projectss. in relationship skills, staff recruitment and Successful non-profit organizations must network with a varie- retention, prayer and spiritual development, ty of enutties. There \% ill be a discussion on where to look for net- needs assessment, strategic planning, mentoring netn working and work opportunities. how to identifN already existing networks. grant writing. HORSE PULLING EVENT For all Horse Puling Enthusiasts: TerrN Yoder of T & D Concrete Inc. and president of The Southern Draft Horse Association. Inc.,. would like to let ever one interested in Horse pulling events in Sumter County know that four (41 pulls are scheduled in March: Saturday, March 5. 10.00 a m. at the Yoder's Farm on State Road 44; Tuesday, March 8, 6:00 p.m. at the Ocala Equestrian Complex in Ocala; Saturda.. March 12, 10:00 a.m. at Sumter County Fair Grounds in Webster; .and Sunday, March 13, 1:00 p.m. at the National Championship at the Polo Fields at The Villages. For more information, contact Terry Yoder, 352-748-2111 Dr. L. Jean White Dr. White has been involved in ministry for ' more than 25 years. She is current. on the c'taff of the Ministry Evangelism Team of the North American Mission Board where she helps churches to reach their communities for Christ through . developing ministries that meet needs. She provides support through strategy planning, resource development, and networking. For More Information, contact Judy Blanchard at the Leesburg First Baptist Church, 220 North 13th Street, Leesburg, FL 34748, tel. (352) 787-1005, or e-mail judyblanchard@fbsleesburg.org GOVERNOR BUSH PROPOSES INCREASED SUPPORT FOR RURAL COMMUNITIES Fifty-two percent increase over fiscal year 2002-2003 JASPER Gqvernor Jeb Bush and Lt. Governor Toni Jennings today announced a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing the commitment to Florida's economically distressed rural counties and communities While other counties budgets are experiencing rapid increases as pro- perty values rise. rural counties, which are limited in their-growth potential, often have difficulty simply meet- ing basic needs. As part of their policy and budget rec- ommendations, the Governor and Lt. Governor are pro- posing $301 million for small rural communities. "Prosperity and opportunity are the hallmark of our state and it is our responsibility to ensure they are a reality for all Floridians," said Go\ ernor Bush. "Many rural coun- ties in Flonda are not experiencing the same robust eco- nomic grow th as the rest of the state, which is why we must pros ide the assistance necessary for essential ser- vices and future growth. I am committed to our rural counties as they strive to meet the needs of their citizens." "The proposed $301 million will assist fiscally con- strained'rural communities meet critical needs for their residents, hike building additional schools, infrastructure and health needs." Li. Governor Jennings said. "Gover- nor Bush and I recognize the many challenges our small rural counties face and are committed to providing sig- nificant support." The Governor and Lt. Governor outlined their initiatives today at Jasper in Hamilton County which is one of the 14 rural counties in the third designated Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern. The'Governor indicated that his initiatives would provide additional targeted and flexible funding assistance to those rural counties and communities i need throughout the State. Joining the Governor and Lt. Governor at the event were Senator Carey Baker Representative Joe Pickens and Representative Will Kendnck. The proposal includes: >- $15 million in new recurring funds that would be distributed to fiscally constrained counties on a formula basis to be used by the counties to meet their greatest needs.- >- $9'million in additional funds in recognition of the ,relatively higher operating cost of smaller school districts due to sparse student population. This brings total funding for educanon sparsir, to $40 million, a 29 percent increase oser current year Rural counties can use this funding for any education operating need. > $55 million for construction of schools: > $46 million in grants to rural counties and small communities for infrastructure needs such as transportation, wastewater treatment and rural infrastructure grants S ) $25 million for Small County Road Assistance Program i SCRAP $5.3 million for Small County Outreach Program (SCOP) )D $13 million for Small Community Wastewater Treatment Grants, an increase of $9.5 million or 271 percent O $2.7 million for Rural Infrastructure Grants, a $550,000 increase > $145 million for community assets, including: 0 $1 million for a new rural health development initiative that would award grants to fund capital improvements for rural hospitals. county health departments, Federally Qualified Rural Health Centers, and other safety net providers grants. O $119.7 million for new prison facilitiesin three rural counties IWakulla, Su%%annee, and Columbia) 0 $5 million to defer juvenile detention cost shift impacts in fiscally constrained counties 0 $19.3 million for rural community development. library, recycling, and environmental grants $10 million for statewide restoration projects, a 39 percent increase from Fiscal Year 20014-05 $6.5 million to continue Fiscal Year 2004-05 funding of Solid Waste Management Grants (Recycling Grants to Small Counties $1.3 million to continue Fiscal Year 2004-05 funding of the Rural Community Development Grants Program *$ 100,000 to continue Fiscal Year 2004-05 funding of the Community Libraries in Caring Program $1 million to continue development of the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail $350,000 to continue funding the Small County Technical Assistance Program m the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Since 1999, rural counties have experienced a substan- tial increase in the number of economic development projects facilitated with state assistance. Under the lea- dership of Governor Bush, the state has provided over $62.6 million in economic development assistance and related programs to rural communities-supporting more than 91 projects in 27 rural counties and communities, creating 8.930 jobs, and infusing approximately $894 million in new capital investment. Comparatively, from 1995 to 1999, only 12 projects in 8 rural counties were supported by the state resulting in only 718 jobs and $53.6 million of capital investment. SUmtor County Chamber of Commerce, Ic. Officers President Barbara Shaw Vice President - Diana CouiUard Secretary Eleine Clin-Shue Treasjer', - - Robert Van Hooijdonk Directors Alex Ogilvie III Bill Farmer Bob Hunt Cindy Duran Connie Mahan Joe Capporelli Joe Santoro John Johnso . Julie Pacheco Marilyn Connell ,) . Z.--- Visrr BECOME SUPPORT YOUR SUMMER COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OXFORD SELF STORAGE AFFORDABLE & EASY RENTAL OPTIONS Air Conditioned Units S' A \ \i\ S Available \* Vehicle, Boat, RV Parking 1 Free Pest Control Packing & Moving Supplies Available Insurance Available S11203 N. US 301 Oxford, FL 34484 352430.2330 ... ., L C.NT.ER 1425 US Hwy 301 Sumlerville (352) 793-5900 Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Urgent Care Lab Radiology Dental Behavioral Health LICENSED MORTGAGE LENDER ELAINE PEEBLES PINNACLE Office (352) 394-8534 FlnanCIaI Corpo rianl 295 East State Road 51) 24- Hr Answering Service Suite 1 Fa.x (352.1 34-1066 Clermont, FL 34711 Toll Free 1-888-570-5626 E-mail: elainep@pinnaclefinancial.com Mobile (352) 242-7358 website: mortgagewithelaine.com 352-787-2431 INSURANCE 352-787-9922 Fax 900 N 14th St. Leesburg, FL 34748 PO Box 491636, Leesburg, FL 34749-1636 BBLeesburg@bbemail.com 'U' -I *1 i .,.., SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 9 SUMTERBIZCONNECTION WELL-WORTH THE WAIT, Judging by the crowd (and boy, what l ,, P 0 a crowd!) that showed up, the good food M ORIY LAW OFFICE P.&A. on the table catered- by Speckled uN,,I, ,ou..',"ATIO Butterbean, and the sound of conversa- 0 N-'Aw-,.4. 'a,1 tions that floated all around, the much- awaited Chamber Business After-Hours SUSINESS AFTER HOURS mixer sponsored by the MORLEY LAW ...... ..-.--. OFFICE turned out to be a huge suc- cess. The event, which was originally planned for September last year was thwarted by the successive hurricanes that devastated much of Florida. Every room in the office was packed; everyone had a fantastic time. . Ms. Michelle Morley, who was very pleased with the turnout, said, "I think our mixer was a success because of all the support we got from the Chamber." She further stated, We are grateful to all who came and we hope that they were able to make some new acquaintenances and get some good networking support. We did it!" Kudos to Michelle Morley and her staff, Kallyn Harmon, and Kourtni Strickland great job, ladies! It was an eveit that was well worth the wait. Tammie Martin, First Federal Savings Jeannie and Dan Lowery, (Bushnell), Robert Van Hooijdonk, Sheila Zuk (Lowery SunTrust Bank (Wildwood); Sylvie Appraisal Service) Zimmerman, First Federal Savings I (Wildwood) Connie Mahan, Micki Blackburn Realty; Julie Pacheco, Thomas Langley MedicalCenter; Elaind Schaff, Critters & Co. Kourtni Strickland and Tasha Scoff Kallyn Harmon, Linda & Morley Law Office; Dennis Rogers, First Federal SChff Bill urtis McClung and Savings (The Villages);, Elaine Farmer Lisa Yates, American Schaaf, Critters& Company, Land Title Tammie Martin, First Federal Savings (Bushnell); Mike Howell,- National Property Inspections, Betty Redecki, Morley Law Office Tavares ' Sheriff'sCoffice;;d . L Harkins,Circuit Court Judge Lavon Harkins, Bud Hallman; Public Habitat For Defender Hugh Lee Sumter County; Joe Capporelli, Edward Jones Mr. Harkins Investments; Marjorie Wells, ERA-Barnes Realt ; Bill Martinez, Jerry SLoop Bill Stewart, Salvation Arm Dennis Rogers (cen- Alex Ogilvie ll S ter), First Federal Stuart D. Force Sad Savings-The Villages; Banks-Page-Theus Linda Thigpen, Sandy Karen (left) and Funeral Homes; Patrick, Lori Maddox (Linda Richard Leveritt Angie Hunt, Hunt's Thigpen, P.A.), Michelle (right), Leveritt & Surveying & Morley (Morley Law Office) Associates P.A. Mapping , Inspirational Education at South Sumter Middle School, SSMS Brain Bowl "A Nestled among the peaceful lanes of Webster and the rolling, oak. strewn pastures of Sumter County is an oasis of family oriented education. Welcome to the halls of South Sumter Middle School (aka Raider Countr)y i We've got a motto here that reaches far deeper than the simplicity of it's words- "We're all in thus together!" It's a phrase that conveys a fanuliarity among the teach- ers, students, parents, administrators, and support staff who contribute to preparing the next genera- tion. When law makers decided to make "No Child Left Behind" a standard of educational philosophy) for a new rrallenrnium. South Sumter Middle School was already \%ell acquainted with the spirit of the legisl4aon. Our curriculum is rooted in solid academic full\ celebrated .t the same nine, first'year principles and includes numerous extra-:urricular teachers are accepted. nurtured and encouraged to activities such as competitive team sports student e'cel Retiring employees are respected and council, social and civic clubs, Future Farmers of appreciated for their many years of service, bring- America, theater, survival camp, music, art, holi- ing to light a perspecti'.e all too often lacking in day dances, and after-school tutoring. The Parent- many corporate environments today. Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings are grand, The standards at South Sumter Middle are high and usually result in standing-room-only events. for both students and educators because the expec- SSMS is a hub of goals and a celebration of station is to exceed goals, rather than just meet achievement. A student's successes, joys, and tHem. Our formula for success is simple. even burdens are shared in this family. They are It blends an unwavering enthusiasm to educate praised for their aihievenients in all aspects of v. ith the deep-rooted desire to inspire both stud- their academic careers Well-earned awards for ents and itaff And that formula ha-s pro\en to be reading. science fair. "Brain Bio'I" competition. highly effecti'.e in this little part ot South Sumter art contess.,and FCAT score Jd ancement arc .Io- Count ' -ILL A Alm-'-i Brett Lee 1st Place FCC Coleman Native American Art Contest GOVERNOR BUSH ANNOUNCES LAUNCH OF' SECOND ANNUAL READ TOGETHER, FLORIDA -Governor Bush launches statewide middle school writing contest- MIAMI Governor Jeb Bush today encouraged Floridians to participate in Florida's second state ide read- ing project. Read Together. Florida. The book selected this year is Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. Read Together, Florida is a month long celebration combining the joy of reading with the value of reading. As part of this year's program, the Governor also announced a statewide writing con- test for all Florida middle school. students. "Carl Hiaasen's book Hoot is a wonderful way to educate Florida students about the importance of protecting the environment and highlights the important role our south pla) in creating change by standing up for what they believe," said Governor Bush. "I encourage Florida educators,. students and their families to enjoy this story which invites readers to take part in inter- esting discussions abourhe impor- tance of preserving Florida's natural resources." Hoot tells the fictional story of young Floridians who choose to take a Stand 'when environmental and grow th issues collide in their small town. Read Together Florida kicks off March 1 and ends April 30., Community activities tied to the book will take place across the state for readers of all ages. New to the Read Together, Florida project this %ear is the w.rit7 ing contest for middle school stud- ents. The contest encourages stud- ents to x\ rite an alternative ending for Hoot and compete for recogni- tion. Deadline for entry of the writ- ing contest is April 8 A first, second and third place inner will be selected by a panel of educators, business and literacy leaders across Florida. The first-place % inner \\ill visit Governor Bush in Tallahassee in May and his, or her winning entry \.ill be published in Beginnings, a journal for first-time \writers that is published by the Florida Center for the Literary Arts at Miami Dade' College. The journal dill be distrib- uted to schools state. ide. Winning entries \ ill also be posted on partici- pating w.ebsltes. World Reading Day at SSMS SCommunity Coordinated Care for Children, Inc.' Central Florida's Family and Children's Resource Now proudly serving Sutarei Counrt' In partnership with the Citrui-Sumter School Readiness Coalition, Community Coordinated Care foi Cluldren. Inc. 14Ci would like to inv- ite you to learn more about the many resources available to ivorking parents. As employers, it is important to help create child care solutions that support your business object \es a;s well as \oui employee's needs. Research shows that employers who invest in programs that assist individuals in balancing the iesponsibilites of v ork and taruml life have: Improved recruitment and retenuon. Enjo\ decreased turnover; t Reduced abseceisin and, Increased producuvitty One innorati'e strategy The Child Care Executise Partnership Program helps employers meet the needs of this growing segment of theu workforce by expanding child care subsidies foi working families. Money contributed to the program is matched dollar-for-dollar by the state Employers can designate that contributions to be used for their own employee or for those families on the local child care %waiting liBt. *.. If 'you are interested in learning more about 4C or the Child Care Executive. Partnership. Program, please contact. Mar,, Leone at (-352). ,74 8-4005. ; ,- - NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE AWARDS 2004 RONALD REAGAN REPUBLICAN GOLD 'MEDALS Washington, D.C. Hose, Majority Leader Tonim DeLa (R- TX), NRCC Chairman Tom, Reynolds (R-NY), and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) announced today. that Ms. Anjanette Broadhurst has been chosen as 200-1 Ronald Reagan Republican Gold Medal Award winner. Ms Broadhurst was selected based on unyielding support of the Republican Party, outstanding lea- dership in business and for display- ing a commitment to President Ronald Reagan's vision for an entrepreneurial America. . Only an elite group of busifiess and professional people were nomi- nated to receive the award before the awards selection committee reached a final decision. Commenting on the selection, Congressman Tom Reynolds, Chairman of the NRCC. said. "Ms. Broadhuri has served an Honorary Chairman of the Business Advisory Council and has provided much needed support. This award could; not have gone to a more deserving candidate." 2005 Board of Directo0 Sumter County Economic Development Council Jon Simpson.........President James Duncan......Vice President Jane Burnette.....Secretary Kay McCoy.....Treasurer Dennis Rogers.....Past President Ken Brown a Joe Caporelli Diana Couillard Terry Crenshaw Everett Kelly Dave Moffitt Dr. Charles Mojock Alex Ogilvie oe Stiicklond Jim Thigpen * James Robert Vince Ruano James Steven ANNUAL LINCOLN DAY DINNER The Sumter County Republican Executive Committee is sponsoring the Annual Lincoln Day Dinner on March 12, 2005 at the Savannah Center in The Villages. U. S. Representative Mark Foley will be the guest speaker. Cocktails will be served at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 7:15 p.m. There will also be a silent auction and cash bar. Tickets are available at $40.00. For more information, con- tact Richard Cole, 352-753-2055. SCARC HOLDS BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENT The 2005 SCARC, Inc. Duffer's Delight Benefit Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, February 26, 2005 at the Shady Brook Golf Course; shotgun start is at 8:30 a.m. T.ouniament-fee is $45.00 per person. Walk-ins will be wel- come on the da\ of the tournament. To reaoh SCARC's goal of $10,000, sponsorships are encouraged, ftr up 10 $100 the sponsor's name will be posted at the clubhouse, and for over $100 the sponsor's name will be posted on one of the 18 holes. For ,more information. k\its or. call SCARC at 213 W. McCollum Ave., Bushnrell, FL 33513, 352-793-5156. UNITED COUNTRY-FIRST REALTY OF SUMTER HOLDS THE NO. 1 STATEWIDE RANKING FOR 2004 James Guy Shimmons January 21 2005-KANSAS CITY, NMO- Lou Francis, United Country Real Estate president recently announced that First Realty of Sumter in Bushnell, has earned the No. 1 ranking in Florida for 2004. The .,office .alpo holds the No. 8 ranking in I the cor.pan\'s Eastern Division and the No. 25 posmion among United Country offices coast-to- coast., ' First Reali of Sumter, owned and operated by James Guy Simmoris. also achieved a 2004 sales volume increase of more than 190 percent over 2003, earning United Country's most prestigious award, the Summit Club Silver. Carl Hopkins, CFO for United Countrs. announced a com- .pany-wide sales volume increase of 39 percent o)er 2003. In 2004, the company also added 91 new franchise offices, bringing the company's total to 445, an'increase of 13 per- cent over 2003. United Country is the only national real estate franchise system specializing in residential, farm and ranch, commer- cial and recreational properties in rural America. Founded in 1925 and headquartered in Kansas City, MO, the company has more than 445 franchises in 34 states and a national database of properties it '.'v. unitedcountri.com. SSCORE -NEW LOCATION Counselors To America's Business SCORE's base of operations has cerIentl% moved from the Leesburg campus of the Lake-Sumter Community College to the Lake Technical Center located at 2001 Kurt Street. Eustis, Florida 32726. For office and counseling aipp:nLtments, call 352-589-2250 X 149 E-Mail: Bustnesso utreac h4 score41. --org Web site: \\x n score-4l14.org SUNTRUST BANK JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Part-Time Teller is needed for the SunTrust Bank (Bushnell Branch) (24 hours per week: Monday 7:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Tuesday 9:30 a.m.-4:15. p.m., Wednesday 10:00 a.m.-4:15 p.m., Thursday off, Friday 12:15 p.m. -6:15 p.m.) Interested? Visit www.suntrustjobs.com to take the Teller Assessment, which is'the I first step in the process for a teller position WILDWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY 310 S. Palmer Drive, Wildwood (across from Wildwood High School) Tel. No. 352-748-1158 Open Monday and Wedne sda. 10 (0) a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10:001 am to 2:00 p.m. Ongoing: FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday Now Available: Federal Tax forms FLORIDA MINIMUM WAGE BEGINNING DATE ANNOUNCED TALLAHASSEE-IThe Agenct for Workorce Innovation today announced that the beginning date for Flonda' nes ly-enacted rn-uri- mum wage will be May 2, 2005. Florida's minimum wage was created in a constitutional amendment approved by voters on November 2, 2004, and covers all employees in the state covered by the federal minimum wage. The state minimum wage will start at $6.15 per hour or all hours worked in Florida and thereafter be indexed to inflation each year. For tipped employees meeting eligibility requirements for the tip credit under the Fair Labor Standards Act, employers may count tips actually received as: .aes towards ,atisfacrion of the minimum wage but the employer may not pay less than $2.13 per hour in direct wages. Employees who are not paid the minimum wage after May 2, 2005 may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the employer or any person violating Florida's minimum wage law. The state Attorney General or other official designated by the state legislature may also bring a civil action to enforce this amendment. As stated in Flonda's Constitution, the case law, admin- istrative interpretations, and other guiding standards under the Fair Labor Standards Act should be the guide regarding the construction of Florida's constitutional amendment creating the minimum wage. Fair Labor Standards Act information and compliance assistance can be found at http://www.dol.gov/dol/compliance/comip-flsa.htm. *... .-;. .,,*., ....,. :.. .-..y y, .- .. , EDC M Cale 4 Governor's Business Diversiicatioti Awafs' allahasee . Edward Jones Breakfast 9 a.m. 11 a.m. American Legion Hall 8 Florida Legislative Sessions Begin Tallahassee Bevilles Corners "Just For Fun Art Show & Tell 14-16 Intematioaal Economic Development Council, Economic De elopment Summit Washmigton. DC 17 EDC LuncheonibMeeting 11 30 AM 22 Flonda Tounsm Day Tillahassee 30 Florida League of Cities Legislative Action Day'-Tallahassee h, T.'lSCG'Fouidation 20thO inuuilau-td ori i ho '-,, ." '" ",, WIia f"",." HAMPTON INN & SUITES SOON TO OPEN The Hampton Inn & Suites will soon open in Sumter Count) \ ith 82 beau- tilil guest rooms and studio suites, meeting rooms for seating up to 50 people. exercise room. sparkling outdoor pool. Hampton Suite Shop. among others. Complimentary breakfast featuring hot items will be a% ailable to hotel guests .The hotel is overlooking the polo field of The Villages, and is convenientl. located near the intersection of Countr Road 466 and Buena Vista Bl\d. just minutes away from the Lake Sumter Landing's Market Square. the Sa',annah Center, and fine dining and shopping in Southern Trace Plaza. To open their doors \with a bang, Ms. Sheila Rodnguez. Hampton Inn & Suites Manager. announced their Sumter County Chamber members' special during the recent Chamber luncheon a complimentary 1/2 day use of their meeting room. So. for those Chamber members \\ho aie holding a sales or training seminar, introducing a new product or service, having an awards cere- mony, this is a perfect opportuni ! Call the Hampton Inn & Suites at 352-259-82-16 or ISO0-HAMPTON. or e- mail them at hamptoninn@steinmetzgrp.com - -------- --- - I PAGE 10, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 0 m -mm UU0-mmUU- -m 0 U mm U U m mm- mm *1* -~ K ~ ~ "~ ~'.~*1 ii '~ ~t.t k~ -I 1 ____ ~i Support these Chamber businesses: It's the dealership that makes the difference. Our electric cooperative is founded and run on one premise: everything is done for the members the owners. Period. And because it was created not to make profits but simply to deliver reliable electricity, the members know they can trust our co-op. Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. A Tiouchit:ne Energy* Cooper.nre -'l 7 t' p .. L \i. i Genuine People. Genuine Chevrolet. CHEVR@LOL.ET 847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Florida 34785 (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 Cindybrookerchevrolet.com E-MAIL Cindybchev 1aol com rf." M II WE WOULD LIKE TO VISIT WITH YOU. 0 JLIDL Ulu0-y \J 0 WTi 1 E; T f v i t w ^ fM, w IIli 171 1 1 S ~ r I^r III \\ r 7 I -= 1{ W III, I Iit , #CyjI.l I Ol~l} 'lQ. A ~l -,;!~ l If!.3'.~Lii ]lj'- '-t WE CAN OFFER TO: 1. Register persons to vote 2. Demonstrate the iVotronic Touchscreen voting machines 3. Hand out educational registration and election materials 4. Accept changes such as new address, name change, party change or signature update. 5. Hold a Question and Answer session WE CAN BE REACHED AT: 220 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-0230 office 352-793-0231 fax kkrauss@sumterelections.org e-mail www.suimterelections.org web site L Karen S. Krauss Supervisor of Elections Sumter County What Can You Do... TO MAKE YOUR HOME SAFER ' Peep your residence secured (even when you are home) Install a secondary lock on door', and windows Keep shrubbery cut low this will make it harder for perpetrators to hide behind and eosier for homeowners to look out windows Take advantage of motion detector lights and alarm system.n TO MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY SAFER '*Be Alert * Know your neighbors and watch out for each other Peport suspicious acti/rtles and crimes to the Sumter County Sheriff s Office or your local police department WHAT KIND OF ACTIVITIES YOU SHOULD BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR * Someone looking In windows of houses or parked cars Property being taken out ,:.f houses where no one is home Vehicles moving .lowly with no apparent destination or without lights Sheriff Farmer Wants Everyone To Be Safe LET'S KEEP OUR NEIGHBORHOODS SAFE HOW YOU SHOULD REPORT THESE INCIDENTS * Call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number * Give your name and address * Explain what happened * Briefly describe the suspect: sex and race, age, height, weight, clothing, and distinctive characteristics such as beard, scars, tattoos or accent * Describe the vehicle if one was involved: color, make, model, year, license plate number and special features such as stickers or vehicle damage. I HOPE THE ABOVE TIPS ARE USEFUL. LET'S ALL WORK TOGETHER TO KEEP SUMTER COUNTY A SAFE PLACE TO LIVE AND RAISE OUR FAMILIES. SHERIFF WILLIAM 0. FARMER I " SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 11 Chah CALENDAR Special study for Lenten season First United Methodist Church, 221 W Noble Avenue, will provide a special study opportunity for the communi- ty during the Lenten season. Each week from Feb. 6 through March 13, Pastor Larry Armbrust will deliver sermons based on Rick Warren's #1 bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life. Then, in partnership with Pastor Armbrust home groups will meet utilizing the book" study guide, 40 Days of Purpose. Testimonials from many other churches indicate that this study results in a spiritual journey that will change the lives of those participating, not to mention enhancing relationships with God and each other. The book may be purchased through the church office at a cost of $10.99. Anyone wishing more information about the book or study guide, or desir- irng to participate in the study can call the church office at 793-3221 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until noon. Concert at First Baptist The Blackwood Brother's Quartet will be in concert at First Baptist Church, 125 W Anderson Avenue, Bushnell, on Thursday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. An offering will be taken dur- ing the concert. The public is invited to attend. Call the church office at 793-4612 for information. Scholarship fundraiser For the second consecutive year, First United Methodist Church, 221 W Noble Avenue, will sponsor a South Sumter High School Scholarship Fundraiser on Feb. 25, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall. The fundraiser a Spaghetti Dinner will include spaghet- ti, salad, bread, beverage and dessert at a cost of $5 for adults and $2.50 for children 10 and under. Carryouts are also available. Sim --_. Pastor Wayne Foster, Pastor Jon King, Steve Rooney, Leslie Rogers and Sarah Register of the First Baptist Church of Lake Panasoffkee are shown in front of the skeleton of the future family life enrichment center. All members of the group are members of the church, but Rooney is also the contractor on the project. . Ru ou d tt:ie 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement liso available Regions: North. South. Central T il Ctr,"'i'l'tin tMilli'on Last year, Pastor Larry Armbrust awarded one $500 scholarship in behalf of First United Methodist Church to a deserving South Sumter High School graduate, and the church's Education Committee hopes to add an additional scholarship this year Fdr more information or directions, please call the church office from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday. Gospel concert March 12 Sumterville United Methodist Church is present- ing An Evening of Songs of Faith, Gospel Concert, with Fred Poust and special guest Bill Farmer and others. Join us .on March 12, at 7 p.m., at the Sumterville United ,Methodist Church, 2565 C.R. 522, one block east of Hwy 301, Sumterville. United Methodist hosting fish dinner Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a fish dinner the first Friday each month from 4:30 to 6:30Qp.rm.- fried or baked fish with all the fixings. Good food, good fellowship. For more information, call 352-793-3438 or visit our web' site at www.gbgm- umc.org/lakepana-umc. Church hosting pancake breakfasts Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North. South, Central Criilartion: 2.2 Millon &wf6I ~*p A Reac ov r4M linRed r yc l ing lor i~ida ressericiIWeW '-4( 7 Off ice H iCdThrift Tues 1 0:3 0 Please Spay or Neuter your pet! WE'LL PAY FORYOUR SUMTER COUNTY PET LICENSE must meet requirements Surgery Day: Tuesday & Friday 8-30-5 PM (By Appoinlmenti Shot Clinic: Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 PM , CARES CENTER Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic , 735 E. C 470, Lk. Panasoffkee (352) 568-9994 i 1-.' ---.'....- - SScholarship Spaghetti Dinner n| ai Friday, Feb. 25th, 4-7 PM [ $5 adults/$2.50 child 10/under I Good Food...Great Cause! S100o of proceeds awarded to deserving Wildwood High School Seniors Ti Wildwood United Methodist Church | IIl 300 Mason Street,Wildwood 748-1275 -, a ....- ~ I- .. -- ""..I- -'""_ aI _TRA OS T J wr PORAMYSEZ; Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment fr 20" n$18,545ta.x .o 0 .MF-1533 33HP, '4WD Tiactor, -.:8X8 Syncro Shuttle Trans, PS ..:A"Ind PTO, R4 Bar Tires, Loader j fwitn 60in. Bucket, 5ft. Rotary -7. 7oCutter 61t, Scraper Blade. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE John Mason Tractor, Inc. Hours: 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Mon-Fri.8am-5pm Phone: (352) 796-5171 Sat 8am-12pm ,Fax: (352) 796-6683 *With 15%.Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for IowA.P.R. I $14,950+t. MF-1428: 28HP, 4WD Tractor, Power Steering, Live PTO, R-4 Bar Tires, Loader with 54" Bucket, 5'Cutter, 5'Box Scraper. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE the third Saturday each month from 7:30 to 10 a.m. for the cost of $3.50. Please join us for this fund- raising activity. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the local Salvation Army Chapter. There will be no pancake breakfast in February. For more information, call 352-793-3438 or visit our web site at www.gbgm- umc.org/lakepana-umc: Family caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call :the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Pahasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438. Wednesday night night dinners return Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church is pleased -'WE----- I 15% Down Payment | with Approved Credit E $13,1i 95+tax Gc6230023 HP, Diesel Tractor, . WD, Hydrostatic Transmission, Poei Steering, Ind. PTO, Turf Tires, 60" Belly Mower, Front Loader with 48" Bucket and 48" Box NE C.:raper. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE Finance rates (W.-4 _4 cs4 )a mwqaom4 Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9%o 3.9% Effective Date Until 2/28/05 IL b -5 *1 I APPROVE T THIS MESSAGE! Sumter County Transit is your award winning public transportation system. Transit has received the "Rural Transit Agency of the Year" for 1998, 2003, and 2004. That record is unmatched by any other transportation system. Sumter Transit has only been in operation for 11 years. E STARS ARE COMING OUT S'A. A --A EVERYDAY MONDAY-FRIDAY TO TAKE YOU TO YOUR DESTINY CALL 568-MOVE SUMTIER COUNTY TRANSIT SOS-MOVE (6683) A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS It's Just A Foot... ...until It Starts T Hurt! That's When we Can Help. CENTRAL FLORIDA FOOT CARE, P.A. Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Wounds/Ulcers General Foot Problems Bunions/Hammertoes Leesburg/Bushnell 569-1360 Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM or visit us at www.FloridaFoot.com IT!kIe[w il v a! i l 1 l k b wEe ~ g i qyw d-. ix"1 to (] . RIDE THE TRANSIT AND HAVE A... MO VE ING EXPERIENCE to announce the return of our Wednesday night dinners starting at 4 p.m. Join us for some good food and great fel- lowship. All are welcome to attend. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438, or visit our web page at www.gbgm- umc.org/lakepana-umc. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Weekly prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For further infor- mation please call 352-793- 7720 or 352-569-0183. There will ,be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. New Grace Day! New Grace Day is slated to take place weekly. Groceries will be distrib- uted every Thursday from 1Q a.m. to noon and available on a first come first served basis. One visit per family each month. Any questions please, call the church office at 352- 793-1600 and ask for Ron. - N~ - --- - .--- -- --- -- --m x s< - i I *^^B il.,R wv-omokolo PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 County looks for solid waste solutions AMANDA MIMS Staff Writer Some of Sumter's solid waste employees are worried now that they may not have jobs when county commission- ers make a decision regarding the county's ongoing solid waste problem. As instructed by the board, the Solid Waste RFP (Request for Proposals) Committee was formed and has been meeting since September 2004, researching options for the county and forming recom- mendations for commission- ers based, on economic, envi- ronmental, and philosophical considerations. The committee is made up of County Administrator Bernard Dew, Assistant County Administrator Sandra Howell, Planning and Development Director Robbie Rogers, Public Works Director Tommy Hurst, Sumter County Solid Waste Consultant Mitch Kessler, and County Finance Officer Gary Reynolds. On Feb. 17, they met to discuss proposals. They considered the possi- bilities of a landfill, making necessary improvements to the current facility for it to run efficiently enough to meet the county's need, and changing the current facility into a transfer station to bring waste to a landfill outside the county. However, none of the possi- ble solutions are without drawbacks and the problem doesn't get smaller in the meantime. "The garbage numbers are not going down," Hurst said. Howell said there are 28 employees at the dump now. If it were changed into a transfer station, there would be a sig- nificant loss of jobs. "I would hope that they would try to...help maintain those posi- tions," she said. According to Kessler, bring- ing the current facility up to speed is the. most expensive option and would require an estimated 3.2 to 3.5 million. "It's never had a fair chance," Rogers said. "It's been worse than under fund- ed." A landfill would be the most economical solution, though many residents are opposed to the idea. Howell pointed out that it doesn't make sense for people to oppose a landfill but support transferring waste to a landfill elsewhere. Kessler said regardless of what the committee decides, the county must have control over solid waste. "This commission is ready to make a decision," Kessler said. "The, good news, I think,' is that finally something's going to happen." The committee will make recommendations to the com-' mission at the ndxt board, meeting and will request to schedule a workshop on the issue for March 1, Dew said. Daughters of the Confederacy group set AT ANIMAL CONTROL There is a chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in the area.. Named the Marion Dragoons by charter member, Edna Yongue Boyer, who through research discovered that her grandfather, Alexander Henry Yongue, was a soldier in this unit. The unit was the first cav- alry company to be organized in Marion County at the out- set of the War Between the States in May 1861. This unit was 2nd Florida Cavalry, Company C. Members from the Tri- County Area meet the third Tuesday of the month, September through May, at the Silver Springs Shores Elks Lodge on Hwy. C-25, 1- 1/2 miles east of Belleview. Beginning at 11 a.m., a meet- ing is conducted, followed by a lunch served by Chef Carter and his staff, and a program by the chapter histo-. rian. ' For more information, call Jane Stone at 753-7163 or Flo Walter at 307-3617. Josh Wilson, Becky Akins, John Hezlep and Carol Treftz (standing, left to right), along with Frank Taberner and Eva Coffell (seated) make up the staff at Sumter County Animal Control. Their names incorrectly appeared under a photo caption in last week's Sumter County Times. Gloria Ellis, Dolores Vaughn, Mollie Wiegand, Janet Luther,, Helen Mc Hugh and Janie Kern (left to right) are shown serv- ing up lunch. Members of St. Lawrence Catholic Church, the ladies were on hand to serve soup, sandwiches and dessert to the public last week, raising money for their St. Lawrence Catholic Ladies Guild. aBO 0* all *a *f. * Dr. A. Leigh McBride, DVM IV LASER SURGERY BOARDING a* 1 HEALTH CARE Ol 0 *PET SUPPLIES Q- V 650-0224-SCT FAIR HOUSING WORKSHOP The City of Bushnell is a fair housing advocate. The City is holding a workshop to explain the Fair Housing Ordinance for all of the protected classes (race, color, familial status, handicap, national origin, religion and sex). The public is invited to attend. The workshop is scheduled for Monday, March 7, 720p05, at 6:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible in the City of Bushnell City Hall Council Chambers, 219 North.Market Street. Any handicapped, visually or hearing impaired person or non-English speaking person needing special assistance at the meeting should contact Mr. Vince Ruano, City Manager, at 352-793-2591 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting and assistance will be provided.' 610-0224-SCT PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following parcel, located in side of the city limits of Bushnell, is scheduled to come before the City of Bushnell Board of Adjustment & Code Enforcement at 5:30 pm, Tuesday, March 8, 2005 in the Council Chambers located at 219 N. Market Street, Bushnell, FL for the following requested changes: Parcel # N16A293 Land Use change from RL to RH Zoning change from Rl to R2 All interested parties are invited to attend. Questions should-be directed to Denise Lee, Code Compliance Officer, Monday thru Friday, 8am-5pm at (352) 793-2591. CI l Is R2 " C1 R1 P CCO R2 ,,'2 RI R1 MUMIRI Co I R2 RI ' 6 C Bw' R1 RI1 V CENTRALAVE. R1 R1 R1 R1 i _JSm RI R1 a m m te /R1 RI PARCEL NO. N16A293 REQUEST FOR LANDUSE CHANGE FROM RL TO RH REQUEST FOR ZONING CHANGE FROM R1 TO R2 611-0224-SCT PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following parcel, located in side of the city limits of Bushnell, is scheduled to come before the City of Bushnell Board of Adjustment & Code Enforcement at 5:30 pm, Tuesday, March 8, .2005 in the Council Chambers located at 219 N. Market Street, Bushnell, FL for the following requested changes: Parcel # N16N028 Land Use change from RL to C Zoning change from R1 to CO All interested parties are invited to attend. Questions should be directed to Denise Lee, Code Compliance Officer, Monday thru Friday, 8am-5pm at (352) 793-2591. CENTRAL AVE. R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R HIMARL1 NO.6MB 1 NI6R1 R1 R1 MU012 mm R' R1 Ni R1 R1 0 R 0 R1 P J i | U E LANDUSE RLTOC CR JLA. R1 ZONING R1 TO CO RI R1 CO R1 WHOM PARKHILL AVE. PARCEL NO. N16N028 REQUEST FOR LANDUSE CHANGE FROM RL TO C REQUESTFOR ZONING CHANGE FROM RI TO CO a < [ SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 13 A. ... .. .Photos by Brenda Locklear So r' % Webelos in pack 313 earned CALENDAR bg. ^^ honors and awards that were Thursday, Feb. 24 for professionals. A gospel sing has been The topics will consist of scheduled to benefit Relay for Alzheimer's Disease with Life. Research Updates, , The event begins at 7 p.m. at Alzheimer's Disease What to Catfish Johnny's in Lake do When Logic Doesn't Work, Panasoffkee. Alzheimer's Disease Risk The event features Catfish Management: Wandering, Johnny, The Owens Family, Driving, Behaviors and Legal Duane Caruthers, 4 His Glory. Issues When Dealing with Tickets are $5 and can be Alzheimer's Disease. purchased at Catfish You must register for this Johnny's. event. Call toll free at 888-496- All proceeds benefit the 8004 or 727-848-8888. American Cancer Society. Saturday, Feb. 26 * The Interagency of 0 The Fifth Annual Black Lake/Sumter County will be History Awareness having their monthly meeting Celebration is set for the at 11:30 a.m. at Catfish Bushnell Community Center Johnny's in Lake Panasoffkee. starting at 3 p.m. This month's speaker will be The public is invited to Berni Hebrock, Coordinator attend and be a part of our Cooperative Education, Lake Fifth Annual Black History Sumter Community College. Awareness Celebration, given Her topics of interest will be by the Parsons Circle the Career Center and Woman's Auxiliary. Women's Program. Everyone Our, youth will be hosting is welcome to attend, have this special event, so please lunch, and join our profes- come out and make this a sional networking group. great day for our youth, their Friday, Feb. 25 friends, community and their : Lake Panasoffee families. Elementary School is holding For more information its third annual Fish Fry please contact Mildred Fundraiser "Fishing for Milligan at 352-568-0934 or Technology," at the school 352-457-6991. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 0 The Villages Democrats of Tickets must be purchased Sumter County will host a in advance. The cost is $5 and Belgian Waffle Breakfast at the meal includes fried fish, 9:30 a.m. at La Hacienda baked. beans, coleslaw, roll Center. Following the break- and cake. Deliveries can be fast will be a presentation by made to businesses. Sumter County This event is sponsored by Commissioner, Jim Roberts. Florida Rock Industries, Tickets for the breakfast are industrial Electric Division $5 each, or two for $8. Phone Lake Panaosffkee 352-750-4517 or 352-259-1426 Elementary's Business for reservations. Partner in Education. 0 Used Book Sale "Oldies Over $2,200.has been raised But Goodies." Buy them by the by the event over the past two bag full. Historical Church years. As in the past, all pro- Barwick Street, 8 a.m. to 3 ceeds go toward the purchase p.m. Sponsored by the Friends of technology to be used in the of the Wildwood Library. classroom. 0 There will be a Craft Sale For more information or to from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the purchase tickets, call the Oaks Campground, S.R. 48, school at 793-1093. Bushnell. The public is wel- Alzheimer's Family come. Breakfast and lunch Organization is presenting an available. Tables for rent. Alzheimer's Disease Seminar For more information, call for Caregivers and 352-793-7117. Professionals attheWildwood Monday, Feb. 28 Community Center, 6500 C.R. Thomas E. Langley 139, Wildwood, from 8:30 a.m.,. Medical Center presents to 3:30 p.m. Lunch & Learn "Balance for The price is $20 and $25 for Better Health" at noon at the caregivers and $50 and $55 for Dogwood Mobile Home Park professionals. This event Community Building in includes a Continental break- Bushnell. Lunch will be pro- fast, lunch, refreshments and vided. certificate of attendance, six This event is sponsored by Educational Contact Hours Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation Services, Inc., a Select Medical Company. For more information and reservations, call 569-2920. Reservations must be made by Feb. 25 to reserve your place. Webster Elementary School Advisory Council * meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the media center. Parents and community mem- bers are invited to attend. Thursday, March 3 The Sumter County D.E.C. (Democrat Executive Committee) will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room (enter through side door) of the Government Annex in the old Wildwood Shopping Center on Highway 301 in downtown Wildwood. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Gloria Lewis at 568- 1660. Sumter County Retired Educators will meet at Catfish Johnny's in Lake Panasoffkee, at 11 a.m. Andra Benda of Langley Medical Center, will be the guest speaker. All retired educators are invited and bring a guest to the Dutch treat lunch. For more information, call 793-8083. Tuesday, March 8 The Sumter County Health Department, through a grant from the Susan G. Komen Foundation, will be offering free educational workshops to all interested residents of Sumter County. The work- shops will teach participants how to perform breast self- examinations and it identify the physical signs that should be reviewed by a physician or qualified health care worker. A workshop is planned for March 8, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Sumter County Health Department in Bushnell. Please call Sheri Bedgood at 352-793-2701 to enroll in this important and informa- tive workshop. Thursday, March 10 The monthly meeting of the Sumter County Democrat Club will be held at 7 p.m. in Sumterville at the Lake/Sumter Community College in the portable class- room. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Charlotte Poss at 750- 5640. Troop holds banquet Pack 313 held their annual Blue and Gold Banquet last week, with a potluck dinner and plenty of awards. Pack leaders opted to invite scout families and church members to dinner on. Scout Sunday Scout Sunday is a special day designated for scouts and their families to attend the worship service at their spon- soring church. Pack 313 is sponsored by the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church, so Annika Wallace and other leaders opted to invite church mem- bers to take part in the potluck and support the scouts. r~ ~ a.-A "' ', 9WI= VAR ELE" Tigers from pack 313, who received awards during their annual Blue and Gold Banquet are shown here with pack leader Mike Wallace and leader Kenny Williams (back, left to right). The Tigers are (front left to right): Thomas Williams, P.J. Cline and Devin Meyer. :, -M V. , Photo by Brenda Locklear Pictured from left to right are Wolves: Cameron Johnston, Aaron Jones, Trenton Bush, Thomas Wallace and Jamie Welton, with leaders Mike Wallace and Tom Murdaugh. -----.---- ~.......... I :. ....* .i.. - p a ,- : *. ., ,ae f .' ..,- ; . ,r?.,: - *it' .. -: - , -.,:. :, -. '';. ; .. ..' Every 3,750 Miles! Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tirer pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CV j )...r air cleaner elements. 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Plus tax. 13 . 1 Extended Expiration til 3/2/05 GOOc iArefC Extended Expiration til 3/2/05 Io Your business running shorthanded? Call WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, the area's largest permanent placement agency. We'll help you locate, interview and keep employees through continued training and development. Last year, we helped area companies locate over 43,000 job seekers, all at no cost. Call 800.7574598 or visit WorkforceCentralFlorida.com today to find out how we can lend your business a hand. Service do' ne. right. And done by pros.. PAGE 14, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Snr SCHOOLS THIS IS JEOPARDY! South Sumter Middle lists honor roll Photos by Amanda MIms A very crowded Bushnell Elementary Cafeteria could have almost been mistaken for a game show studio when three students played Jeopardy for cash prizes on Feb. 22. Fourth grader Nicholas Bilotta hosts Bushnell Elementary's Jeopardy game on Feb. 22. Contestants (from left to right) fifth grader Miranda Craig, fourth grader DeMarques Bellamy, and fifth grader Stephanie Draher played a close game, but Craig came out on top and won first prize of $50. Draher came in second ($25), and Bellamy in third ($10). LSCC to host Sweet Adelines Lake-Sumter Community College's chapter of the Florida Association of Community Colleges will be presenting the Sound of, Sunshine, Sweet Adeline International Chorus. The Sweet Adelines repre- sent the best in female bar- bershop-style singing This chorus has qualified to com- pete at the Sweet Adelines International competition five times. FACC invites you to experi- ence the beautiful costumes, creative choreography and great music that showcase barbershop harmony. The performance will be FEB 26 SATURDAY 100-LAPS PROMOM ED SPORTSMAN O MINI STOCKS E HOBBY STOCKS THUNDER STOCKS N 4 CYLINDER BOMBERS N FIGURE 8 As important as it is to put your money to work, when you do it can really matter. The sooner you visit Edward Jones to open or fund your IRA, the more time your money has for potential growth. By contributing the full amount now ($3,000 for 2004 and $4,000 for 2005), your money has the opportunity to grow even faster for retirement. You may even be eligible to make catch-up contributions. But there's no time. to waste. To see why it makes sense to save for retirement with Edward Jones before April 15th, call today. Joseph Capporelli Investment Representative 110W. Belt Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 Phone 352-568-0406 www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC held Sunday, Feb. 27 at 3 p.m. at the Paul P Williams Auditorium at the Leesburg campus of Lake-Sumter Community College located at 9501 US Hwy 441 Leesburg. Tickets are $12. Call (352) 365-3539 to reserve your tick- ets or for more information. South Sumter Middle School names its 2nd nine weeks honor roll: Team I Sting Raiders of Excellence 6th Grade "A" Honor Roll Kaitly Dario, Sarah Durham, Kyle Follansbee, Maria Guillen, Victoria Haines, Vida Harp, Kaley H o Howard, Trenton I 1 Howard, Carrie Johnson, Ashley Lovett, Chloe Morey, Terrence Neal, Deep Patel, Taylor Prevatt, Dustin Rooney, Conner Schofill, Cory Wells. A-B Honor Roll Rachel Allen, Rohni Beck, Dylan Creasman, Delilah Deleon, Ellen Drawdy, Lynisha Duboise, Nathan Evans, Melanie Gosha, Leah Haefner, Jack Harp, Reymundo King, Ashley Lankist, Alyse Lawler, Steven Lozano, Destiny Marshall, Brandon Matthews, Ian McClanahan, Brianna McKinney, Dustin Newby, Brittany Northington, James Sorensen, Aaron Troller, Kerri Unclebach, Madison Velazquez, Nicole Wallace, Cody Watkins, Cody Watson, Jessica Williams, Chris Wilson, Mallory Wynns. Team II Raiders of Excellence 6th Grade A Honor Roll Paul Chavez, Dwight Deweese, Lauren Fussell, Robbie Hall, Logan Lovett, Evan Merritt, Levi Sausaman, Alissa Schrenker, Breahna Schuman, Heather Smith, Will Smith, Heather Speer, Brandy Steele, Brooke Weber. A-B Honor Roll Tom Andes, Skyler Burgess, Kadara Croney, Christina Garcia,. Olivia Halby, Kymber Harris, Brandon Howard, Jordan Ivey, Karissa Lee, Alyssa Maddox, David McCann, Desiree Mitchell, Kaili Nowicki, Michael Ornelas, Jacob Oudshoff, Lauren Ray, Kristen Rhodes, Daniel- Rollins, Natalie Story, Victoria Thompson, Michael. ,Todd, Tessa Townsend, Kristen Vent, Quality healthcare for your family Family Practice Internal Medicine ANI Pediatrics Urgent Care .. Behavioral Health ft iDiagnostic Imaging I!Pharmacy Laboratory Acupuncture Participating With Most Major Insurance Plans ..'-" .Sliding Fee Aailoble For All Who Qualify 1 ., ;.U4, Joi"t commission Open Saturdays 8:AM-2:OOPM 1425 S US Hwy. 301, Sumterville (352) 793-5900 www.langleymedicalcenter.com Sumter County Adult/ Community Education Center .... 1425 CR 526A Sumterville, FL 33585 (352)793-5719 GED Class Schedule Sumterville Center rMd.:.r&v & Fridayv 8 1 00 .a.'1 Trur.day A Fri,,ay Morrirng. ...... S 11 00 ' Trhur ay Arnerr, on 12 .'00 P..r rMonday Ejer.ing ... ............ Pu 1 30. F' Tue',ia,. E'.ervregn ..g 6 u0 ,.0' P.r0 . Wedre.da E.ve-rirng ........... 0 8 30 F r. Tutoring. Literacy & ESOL Trur:day E,.enir,; ..... .. .. ..5 30 9 30 P .1 Head Start Center Wildwood onlcrav & Tnursa,' Aherrnoonrs .s. 3 30 6 30 P . Villages Charter High School G E D Prep & Adull Bas: Educr.aori Tuesday & Wednesday E'.eningsr 6.00 8 0 r.1. Other Adult/Community Education Center Class Offerings DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE : i.rn :. -, 1s1 & 3rd Monda, or eacr, monir, 5.30 9.30 P r. Pre.Regislraior, require.'3 $35 00 D.A.T.E. DRUG ALCOHOL TRAFFIC EDUCATION (t1equlea to receive Fiorlaa over license) 2nd Monday of each Month 5:30 9:30 P.M. Pre-reglstration required $30.00 CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT PROGRAM Pre-registration only COMPUTER CLASSES * Beginning Intermediate Advanced Internet E-mail * B. .S.S. (Secretarial skills) GRATIS CLASSES DE SINGLES Clases De Espanol/Ingles Los Martes De Las 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. I Maestro es BI-Ligual Centro De Educaclon Para Adultos, Sumtervllle, FL S,7. 2 -971 0 Tiffany Vos, Aaron Wallace, Travis Winchel. Team III Raiders of Excellence 7th Grade A Honor Roll Caitlin Bailey, Zeltzin Barbiere, Nicole Beissel, Buffy Branch, Brian Crosby, Tiffany Enssle, Jaleesa Ford, Nichole La ng ford, Donald Layne, Juventina Ochoa, Hannah Perkins, Jenifer Sapp, Jeffrey Scarpelli, Kassandra Sorokach, Quintin Story, Kristin Whittle. A-B Honor Roll Lesley Cardoza, Amber Casey, Savannah Cook, Ishmar Cruz, Alia Elnaji, Jessica Galloway, Brian Griffis, Brandon Hall, Jennifer Hendricks, Cecilia Jeronimo, Nicholas Martinez, McKinzy Mask, Bobby Mason, Audra Mazak, Michael McCrimon, Amber Perry, Kaitlin Russell, Heather Segebart, Cody Simmons, Justin Tyree, Megan Venable. Team IV Star Raiders of Excellence 7th Grade A Honor Roll Samantha Andre, Laurie Craddock, Samantha Cypret, Kellie Powell, Andrew Todd. A-B Honor Roll Hannah Adams, Lile Attridge, David Brindac, Joey Cole, Bradley Connolly, Rebecca Day, Janay Douglas, Tiffany Fortsch, Nattelfe Garcia, Kelly Gardner, Kelley Gideons, Amber Green,. Sterling Greene, Brandi Griffith, Deanna Jarvis, Cinthia Lanza, Reba Love, Kayla McIntosh, Angela Newhouse, Josh Newhouse, Mollie Parrish, John Reuter, Marisela Robles, Rachel Savage Brandon Zarlenga. Team V Space Raiders of Excellence 8th Grade A Honor Roll Eleanora Croney, Nick DeMatteo, Skylar Harris, Heather Loran, Zachary Reynolds, Misti Stevens, Ashley Velten. A-B Honor Roll Ana Andrade, Kristen Bass,, Cory Carroll, Jessica Caruthers, Michael Crandall, Patricia Ellingsworth,, Jennifer Gill, Segree Isom, Naida Lindberg, Sarah Markunas, Charese Mitchell, Katherine Nicholson, Ashley Postell, Tiffany Pugh. Team VI Lightning Raiders of Excellence 8th Grade A Honor roll Rebecca Chisenhall, Julie Earles, Rosa Finnell, Jacob Hitchcox, Brittni Holcomb, Heather Pack, Spencer, Rutter, Amanda Vaughn, Cindy Young. A-B Honor Roll Calla Ausley, Mercedes Beckwith, Michael Bellamy, Dalton Buxton, Cody Chandler, Linette Coleman,. Sabrina Cordeiro, Amber, Enssle, Victoria Greene, Brandy Mowrer, Max Oliver,. Nicole Palmer, Melissa, Parker, Austin Perkins, Miguel Posada, Jessica Rice, Gabrielle Ryan, Christy Spaude. Team VII Excel-Riaders of Merit A-B Honor Roll Staci ,Clark, Alex Deleon, Brook Taylor. CASH NOW FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 . J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW ,l for Structured Settlements! - 622-0224 SCT NOTICE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SUMTER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County proposes to adopt the follow- ing by ordinance: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 13 OF THE SUMTER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, TO PROVIDE FOR ZONING REGULA- TIONS FOR ADULT USES, TO PRO- VIDE FOR DEFINITIONS FOR ADULT USES, TO PROVIDE FOR ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS ALLOWING ADULT USES AS PERMITTED USES, PROVID- ING STANDARDS AND LIMITATIONS FOR ADULT USES; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEV- ERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The first of two public hearings is scheduled as follows: Board: Zoning and Adjustment Board Date: March 7, 2005 Time: 6:30 P.M. Place: Board Hearing Room Third Floor, Room 327 Sumter County Courthouse Bushnell, Florida 33513 Notice is given if any person desires to ap- peal any action taken by the Board at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings may be necessary and is not pre- *pared or furnished by the Board. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Dated this 24th day of February, 2005. Gloria Hayward Clerk of Circuit Court By: Deputy Clerk m )r Ic 11,dwa rd Jones MAKING SI NSI. 01: INVI S I IN6 I I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 15 ooCroom volunteer firefighters: Real American heroes Croom volunteer firefighters: Real American heroes Couple of Saturdays ago, the small commu- nity of Croom located in the southwest portion of Sumter County had their annual yard sale. Folks, this is a big yard sale where . nearly every one in SE the community joins in to make a day of - festivities, fellow- ship and fun. Right here and now, I have got to let you all know that I have some deep per- sonal and good feel- ings for the commu- JAMIE nity of Croom. Back Outdo in the summer of - 1980, when I was try- ing to get elected to position of Sumter County sheriff, the community of Croom was one of the very first places that really came to the front and helped me out big time in my quest. . One day that summer, while making my rounds in the county trying to garner every possible vote I could, I met a bunch of the Croom volunteer firefighters when I happened to stop by the Croom Fire Station namely Frank Wheeler, the chief back then, Tommy Messer, the present chief; Wiley Foster, Deputy Sheriff Mickey Poole and a bunch more dedicated fire- fighters whose names now escape my memory but I do remember that the head of their auxiliary, Ed Sease who is now 92 and still going strong, was most definitely there. Good friends, those were the days when most of our local fire departments were self-supporting and manned entirely by volunteer help all donated by some of the finest folks that lived in Sumter. County. Today, there still is a bunch of great volunteer fire depart- ments in Sumter County but ( Croom and Center Hill department stick out most fondly in my mind because I personally knew most of their firefighters and I had and still have some mighty - fine friends who have always given so freely of their time to protect us 24 hours a days every day of the S year. Anyhow, back to the time when I was trying des- perately to per- suade the good ADAMS folks in Sumter or Writer, County to elect a "young game war- den with not a bit of experience as to how to run a sheriff's department .as their new sheriff. I was hunting a vote big time anywhere and anyplace I could find one. Well, shortly after I met the firefighters at the Croom Fire Department, I found out somehow or anoth- er that they were going to be having a great big celebration on Labor Day and was going to be trying to raise money to help their fire department While I did not have any experience in being an elect- ed sheriff but as a game war- den I had helped put on plen- ty of country barbecues and a heap of fish frys so I offered my help in assisting with the Croom Fire Departments big barbecue on Labor Day. I don't remember exactly just where, but somehow I got a hold of and donated a giant sized hog for the cookout. Folks, this was a sure nuff big. hog and as Chief's Frank Wheeler and Tommy Messer and I were reminiscing the other day, that monster hog had to weight more than 500 pounds. Well,. we got the giant hog ready for the barbecue and all got together the night before the Labor Day celebra- Small business books at Sumter Campus Library tion and cooked that hog all night long. The next day, the barbecue pork dinners were all sold raising quite a bit of needed money for the Croom Fire Department and I had made some fine lifelong friends to boot The Croom Fire depart- ment has been around a long- time and from the git-go the volunteers raised money any- way they could and slowly turned it into one of the finest small fire departments to be found anywhere. The men and women of the Croom Fire Department had to struggle many times and . there were even times when they dug into their own per- sonal pockets to put gas in their fire trucks. These days times are differ- ent for the rural volunteer fire departments in that Sumter County has a head fire chief with a lot of fancy ideas that he bought to Sumter County from a big city somewhere. Big city ideas are fine at times but these small volun- teer community fire depart- ments are still made up of the men and women who give of their time 24 hours a day and each and every one of them deserve to be treated with the utmost, and highest respect and not like exiles. Much too often when high priced fancy leaders are brought in from outside a county they bring ridiculous big city unnecessarily expen- sive bureaucratic rules wrapped in miles of red tape along fancy rules that don't necessary set well with the real backbones of small com- munity oriented fire depart- ments or any other volunteer agency for'that matter, not to mention the taxpayers who are paying the bills. Much too often our smaller community voluntary fire departments are pushed back into a corner and the bigger departments get the best from our tax dollars, especially when it comes to getting new equipment and the upkeep of the equipment they do have. Anyway, we all owe a great deal of appreciation and grat- itude to small volunteer fire departments like Croom and Center Hill. I especially want to person- ally thank men like Frank Wheeler, Tommy Messer, David Hanson who has passed away, and- Steve Madere and all the Craig boys from Center Hill along with a bunch more fine folks from all over the county. I especially want to pay a special tribute to two fine young volunteers who gave their lives in the performance of their duties: firemen Wayne Fort and PJ. Reed. To my knowledge these two young men who were in the very prime of life are the only two fire fighters who have lost their lives while keeping us safe here in Sumter County. Small rural community vol- unteer fire department are as American as it can get and I hope they will always be around to serve us when we. need them the most. My hat is off to them as well as my prayers for their safety. The Sumter Campus Library is located just east of the Langley Medical Center in Sumterville. The library is open to the public, and you may apply for a borrower's card at any of the county libraries. Below are some of our new small business titles. Advertising' Manager's Handbook by Robert W Bly The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Management Course by Lester R. Bittel Getting Employees to Fall in Love With your Company by Jim Harris, Ph.D. Millionaire Women: Success Secrets of Sixteen Who Made it from Home by Jeanne Torrence Hauer CEO Logic: How to Think and Act Like a Chief Executive by C. Ray Johnson The- Imperatives of Marketing: Lessons from the World's Best Companies by Allan J. Magrath Dressing Smart for Women: 101 Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make ... and How to Avoid Them by JoAnna Nicholson Dressing Smart for Men: 101 Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make ... and How to Avoid Them by JoAnna Nicholson Business Valuation Bluebook: How .Successful Entrepreneurs Price, Buy, Sell and Trade Businesses by Chad Simmons RETAIL SUCCESS! Increase Sales, Maximize Profits, and Wow Your Customers in the. Most Competitive Marketplace in History! By George Whalin 651-0224-SCT FIRST PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The City of Bushnell is considering applying to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) of up to Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($650,000.00). These funds must be used for one of the following purposes: 1. To benefit low and moderate income persons; or 2. To aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or 3. To meet other community development needs of recent origin having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community and where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. The categories of activities for which these funds may be used are in the areas of housing, neighborhood revitalization, commercial revitalization, or economic development and include such improvement activities as acquisition of real property, loans to private-for-profit business, purchase of machinery and equipment construction of infrastructure, rehabilitation of houses and commercial buildings, and energy conservation. Additional information regarding the range of activities that may be undertaken will be provided at the public hearing. For each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds must benefit low and moderate income persons. In developing an application for submission to DCA, the City of Bushnell, must plan to minimize displacement of persons as a result of planned CDBG activities. In addition, the City of Bushnell is required to develop a plan to assist displaced persons. The public hearing to receive citizen views concerning the community's economic and community development needs will be held at the Bushnell City Hall Council Chambers, 219 North Market Street, Monday, March 7, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. For information concerning the public hearing contact Mr. Vince Ruano at the City of Bushnell, telephone 352-793-2591. The public hearing is being conducted in a handicapped accessible location. Any handicapped person requiring an interpreter for the hearing impaired or the visually impaired should contact Mr. Ruano at least five calendar days prior to the meeting and an interpreter will be provided. Any non-English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact Mr. Ruano at least five calendar days prior to the meeting and a language interpreter will be provided. .To access a Telecommunications Device for Deaf Persons (TDD) please call (352) 793-2591. Any handicapped person requiring special accommodation at this meeting should contact Mr. Ruano at least five calendar days prior to the meeting. The new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center-convenient and safe, with the quality of a five-star hospital. \bou and your health deserve the highest-qualirt care-whether you re in the hospital foi a few days or in .11 outpatient tacilirv ti'r an hour. At Munroe Regional, our new, state-o-the-.irt Outpatient Center ofttlrs you one location t'nr lab and imaging. services, quick registlarion, convenient parking and a highly trained srtaf thatr' dedicated to providing only Loutpatient services. Add the re.sources and Feriv of a major medical center rhai's been recognized for nursing excellence. c.irdiac services quality and more, and your choice for qualirv ourpatient iarc is clear. To find out more about the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, talk to your doctor, call us at 352-867-8181. 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Nionday-Friday, r visit u- at www.MunroeRegional.com roday. VETERINARY TRAUMA CENTER W- GROVELAND Across From Hardee'c DAY OR NIGHT ORTHOPEDICS CANCER THERAPY 1 GENERAL SURGERY ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS p.o* CARDIAC CARE INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICAL REHAB 2ND OPINIONS URGENT CARE 352. 429 7707 ls O ~ ^~ ^B -IM^9j y^^ B Announcing an outpatient facility so comfortable, you'll be tempted to stay overnight. STATE-OF-THE-ART CARE * 'dri ,,i ,i:." p*. ''* * Dl etii,',ritd ;,', f ./,, ,.'. .'.,_ cad, p,,cI',,, H I .A L T H G I' ALI FIVE-STAR QUALITY .-A t ,' ; ,' i'r, I g:ol,l (): !'rt!r. ,.. f.i'. rIh // /I'.1e c/a e .[', -',.-;,,, I' r.i ..,m i 7 /r .( y a.*. / .'-Plo r. From left to right Walt Andes far left, Donnie Foster, Ed Sease, Chief Tommy Messer and Frank Wheeler. PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 r~'r - Try i YOU'LL UKE NF I - p ni..tt. y n s -Ammm *i -An I "Copyrighted Material Sync cated Content Available from Commercial News. Providers %MERmOme e mm s a so ..:::::: ... omeo e -0 *a a ma - lo ._. ::...::::Su ..p W oigD4llm PqFsl Se 0 *~"fl -e *'* S -K.. *,aS a *.. , WAPeb-k "--W -00so shas. -m At. m-. .heA. ab( chit as=u a .- a - -- w. -1 .o. *fI S. -Jik-- a ,n n, ~e~.. bMWr 0 o i -*lim s. a W- .- .a---- a:: a a a - -a - n-wi. a. a- a 5" -e - 3abwlhb - -a o -a- m -M apl :: .Sf P. .. 4 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 17 Sunter SPORTS v OCW 4 m South Sumter begins baseball season Place Time South Sumter Varsity Baseball Away TBA Away 7:00 South Sumter JV Baseball Away 6:00 Away 6:00 Away 6:00 Home 6:00 Wildwood Varsity Baseball Feb 21-25 M-F Tom Varn Invitational Mar I Tue St John's Lutheran South Sumter Varsity' Feb 25 Fri Hernando TBA TBA Disney Mar 1 Tue Wildwood Mar 3 Thr Mt. Dora Bible TBA TBA Home 6:30 5:00/7:00 TBA 5:00 .5:00/7:00 Wildwood Varsity Softball Feb 25 Fri Pasco Mar I Tue South Sumter(DH) The Wild Stallions ' We are looking for players 18 years and older to build a new semi-pro football team here in Sumter County. We are looking for serious and dedicated players who are willing to make The Wild Stallions their team from the beginning to the end. The first round of tryouts will take place on Feb. 26, at 2 p.m. at the Bushnell Sports Complex off S.R. 48, between Wal-Mart and the CVS Pharmacy/Drug Store. The tryout fee is $25. Please contact Coach Sapp at 352457-6859 or Coach Bailey at 407-3594031 Charity Basketball. Bushnell Elementary School will be hosting its third annual charity basketball game. Faculty and friends will be taking on the XL106.7 Cheapshot-s. Away Away Tickets are on sale at B.E.S. Adults, $4; students, $2. Come watch us defend our title. This event will be held at the South Sumter High School gym on Friday, Marchl 4. Game starts at 7:30 p.m. Special guests will be Clint' Hart and friends. For more information, call Tandy Eveleth at 793-3501. Sumter Dixie Youth Sports League We are in need of a few more kids (girls especially), 9 to 18 years old, who want to have a great time playing, baseball or fast-pitch softball, learning new skills and mak- ing new friends. Call Gary Starling at 793- 1106 or Joe Capporelli at 568- 0406. Season starts soon! ROBiN EDDINS Times Correspondent On Tuesday, Feb. 15, South Sumter Raiders Varsity Baseball Team played the Oak Ridge Pioneers in the Classic hosted by East Ridge High School and took the win, 12-2. Oak Ridge scored two runs in the top of the first, the only two they would score the rest of the game. Two RBIs and two players walking because of wild pitch- es gave South Sumter the lead, bringing the score to 4-2 at the end of the first inning. In the second inning, the first three Pioneers were struck out and the Raiders scored another run. A hit to center field in the bottom of the third by Raider Wes Gill brought in two more runs followed by a three-run homer by Tyler Starnes bring- ing the score up to 10-2. Raiders scored two more runs in the bottom of the fourth to give them the 12-2 lead. That ended scoring by the Pioneers and game finally ended with a congratulatory handshake. Coach Brian Simmons said, "The was good for the kids. They have done pretty well. Though not as strong, they played decent and I am look- ing forward to a long season." South Sumter Girls softball begins season ROBIN EDDINS .. . Times Correspondent Last Saturday, the South Sumter Girls Softball began a their season after a special opening ceremony. This year, there are 15 teams. They are sponsored by Coca-Cola, Country Roads Real Estate, Evans Ace Hardware, First Federal, Jumper Creek Veterinary, Pike's Electric, SECO, A Cut Above, Century 21, Michael's Floor Covering, Sumter County Farmer's Market, Magnolia Woods, Warren Septic joined in the festivi- ties. "The 2005 softball season is upon us, bringing another year of excitement and com- petition," said Roy Boyatt, president of the board of directors. "Give our girls all the encouragement and ' cheers possible. "Let everyone combine in a positive attitude and good sportsmanship. This allows for great competition and excitement: win or lose!" said Boyatt. Games are scheduled for Tuesday and Friday nights at '' the Kenny Dixon Sports Last Saturday, the South Sumter Girls Softball began their sea- Complex in Bushnell. son after a special opening ceremony. Zachary Varnum, 3, son of Cut Above team Coach Kevin Varnum, warms up after opening cere- monies. His father says he's getting ready for T-ball next year. For more information about the tournament, regis- tration or sponsor forms, call SCARC, Inc. at 352/793-5156. Photos from the 2004 tour- nament, information about services provided by SCARC, Inc. and golf registration forms are available at the new website at: www.SumterCountyARC.com. 1' 05BsbI/otalShdl On Tuesday, Feb. 15, South Sumter Raiders Varsity Baseball Tedm played the Oak Ridge Pioneers in the Classic hosted by East Ridge High School and took the win, 12-2. Date Day Opponent Feb 21-25 M-F Tom Varn Invitational id Hernando High Marl Tue Forest Feb 24 Thr North Marion Feb 25 Fri Villages Feb 28 Mon Belleview Mar 3 Thr North Marion Softball Home Away Home Home WAINIMMOMMEMERNMOM SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 17 Outstanding football players at South Sumter Last month, awards were given to South Sumter High's outstanding football players. From left to right: Fabian Wilson, Player of the Year; Joey Martinez, Rookie of the Year; Pedro Jasso, Defensive Player of the Year; Travis Hutcheson, Special Teams Player of the Year; and Carlos Everett, Offensive Player of the Year. Golf tourney helps SCARC Golfers are needed for the 2005 SCARC, Inc. Benefit Golf Tournament scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 26 at the Shady Brook Golf Club. The golfer's registration fee is $45. It includes cart, greens fee, prizes and catered lunch- eon. The tournament is a team scramble with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. There will be a longest drive and closest to the pin contest for men and women. Registration forms are available at Shady Brook. Walk-ins will be accepted until 8 a.m. on tournament day. The tournament is an annu- al fundraiser for the SCARC, Inc. The goal is $10,000. To date sponsors total $4,950. Last year's tournament cleared $6,000. All the proceeds remain in the county to benefit the pro- gram. SCARC, Inc. is a pri- vate, non-profit, charitable corporation and donations are income tax deductible. For 31 years SCARC, Inc. has been providing services in Sumter County to people with developmental disabili- ties. Currently 44 people attend the year around training pro- gram that teaches work skills, independent living skills, and basic academics to adults who are developmentally dis- abled. The goal is to help each person function as independ- ently as possible whether that means bathing properly or functioning on a competitive job. The emphasis is on the individual and helping that individual reach his/her max- imum potential. In July 2000, SCARC, Inc. opened its first group home. It was built by donations of the people of Sumter County and provides a home for four people; three are non-ambu- latory and need total care. In June 2002, SCARC, Inc. opened a second home to serve, four people who have both a developmental disabil- ity and a mental illness. Participation as either a sponsor, golfer or both will help SCARC, Inc. maintain services to the 44 people with developmental disabilities who participate in the train- ing program daily, to the 8 people who live in SCARC, Inc.'s group homes and to the 10 people in the Supported Independent Living PrGgram. PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Many people watch the pop- ular TV series on Animal Planet, "-Animal Cop Heroes." Cities from New York to Miami to Dallas have law enforce- ment personnel dedicated specificallI to handle animal complaints and abuse. But ani- rmal abuse isn't just a series oni TV It is ri"ht here in Sumter County. Hideous crimes of tor- ture. the filth and disease of puppy mills, the cruel blood sport of dog and cock fighting, and endless animal suffering from neglect and abuse. Yes it is all here in Sumter County. and it is flourishing Animal abuse can be a pre- dictor for domestic violence and future violent behavior toward both animals and humans. Over the past 10 to 20 years, many studies have focused on the link between animal abuse and domestic violence. The abuser wvill direct his anger at the most -vul- nerable in the family: women, children and animals. Ifa child abuses animals, it can be an indicator of more violent acts to follow in the future. Serial killers such as Ted Bundy and Jeflery Dahmer tortured ani- mals as well as children This awareness of the violent behavior of animal abusers has been the incentive to strength- en animal cruelty laws. But Cnito-CHAWILK WMM Carol Combs of Friendship Quilters and John Brink, president of the Nobleton Men's Club, pick the winner of this years hand- made quilt at the club's annual pancake breakfast. Serving it upmin NYobleton Nobleton Men's Club member Sam Reyka dishes up the sausage at the club's annual pancake breakfast. Nobleton Men's Club cooks The Nobleton Men's Club held its annual pancake break- fast on Saturday, Feb. 12, at the Nobleton Community Center to raise money for local chil- dren's groups in Bushnell and for the enjoyment of the com- munity spanning'the three- county area along County Road 476 and the Withlacoochee River. More than 75 people, mostly from Bushnell, Istachatta and Nobleton, attended the break- fast; according to Ray McGee, who collected voluntary contri- butions from the breakfast guests. "The Nobleton Men's Club uses the funds we earn from events like the pancake break- fast to help out the Boys and Girls Club of Bushnell and to provide toys at Christmas for children in the Nobleton and Istachatta area," explains John Brink, a founding member of the club and its current presi- dent Among the highlights of the event was a drawing for a quilt and two quilted jackets hand- made by the Friendship Quilters, who meet weekly at the Nobleton Community Center The quilters use money from the raffle to purchase supplies for making lap robes, which are then donated to peo- ple in nursing homes. Recently, the group sent six lap robs to the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. They also sent six packages containing foods, toi- letries and two-hour telephone cards to U. S soldiers in Iraq. Carol Merchant, wife of club member Dick Merchant. enter- tained attendees by playing the piano for a sing-along featur- ing old-time favorites. Attendee Geoff Marty. a new member of the tri-county com- munity and a volunteer fire- man at Sumter County Fire- Rescue Station 29 on Country Road 476 in Bushnell, said that he had heard about the pan- cake breakfast at the fire sta- tion. "I came right over," he said. Breakfast guest Maxine Milliken, long-time organist at the Nobleton Conimunity Church, has attended the Men's Club pancake breakfast for 12 consecutive years. She commented. "This may be a small town, but we have a lot of fun." MATCH PLAY : for new members S" Expires 3-10-05 Dr Waldemar Torres treats patients ..W r with didbetlc eye disease, macular _ degeneration, epirental membrane and all forms of retinal & vitreous disorders. Dr. Torres Is an exceptionally qualified and experienced retina-vitreous surgeon Ask Us About Glaucoma Treatment, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Eye Care, Laser Treatment and Eye Examinations Just Specs Optical 1 On-Site Pharmacy i FLORIDA EYE CARE LASER,& CATARACT CENTERS Illlt" Experience, caring and 1814 W. CR 48 excellence since 1981. Bushnell ,; II5 - SUMTER COUNTY'S Going Out BoJack's Potato Shack Under New Ownership Daily Homemade Specials Rib Nights Sun. Thur. Friday & Saturday 7AM -8PM (352)793-1002 Fri. & Sat. Center Hill, FL 7AM 9PM 616 W Kings Hwy Cen14, FL ..- 33514 The ayseed Cafe In Webster 599 N Market Blvd. I .352-568-8008 . L. -- ----- . I I aI - Drive In- FLEA IVIARKET Sat-Sun Barn-naoon FRIDAY ThRU THURSDAY 2/25 3/3 '\ SFRI. SAT -SUN. WED.- THURS.\' PG13 BOOGEYMAN 7:30 PLUS ARE WE PG I RE YET? 9:g5 Closed Monday & Tuesday COMING SOON: HITCH SON OF THE MASK MAN OF THE HOUSE CURSED Questions? Please call Harold Spears 863-602-2979 or Judy Crews 863-967-0842 VA r pe-:il Ei'.:. lrr,r, irru ? 2 Constanllne, Because of Winn Dixie., Son ol the Mask pcia1 E,,,-a..n'.e-ri| trru 3 6 Man Of The House. Cuisea, Diary 01 A Mald BlacK Woman Man Of The House PG-13 Cursed PG-13 Fr.-Sai 1 00 4.00 700 1000 Fri-Sat 1 50. 4 15.7.359 940 Sun 1u0 400,7 U0 Sun 1-50 4 15,7 35 Mc,.n-Weia 135 4 10.720 Mon-Wed 2.50 5500.750 Thur: 1:35 4 10.720 Thur 250 5.00 750 Diary Of A Mad Black Woman PG-13 Constantine R Fr,-Sal 115.4 25 7.05 945 Fri-Sal. 1 10 4 10, 7 15 10 10 Sun 1.15 425.705 Sun 1:10. 4 10. 7 15 Mon.Wea 1:20. 4 35, 7:35 Mon-Wed 2 35 5 20. 8-00 Thur 1:20 4 35. 7.35 Thur. 2-35. 5 20. 8.00 Because Of Winn Dixie PG Son Of The Mask PG Fr.Sal 1:25, 4 30. 7.45 Fn-Sal 1 30, 455 7 40 1005 Sun- 1 25 4 30 Sun 1 30. 45. 7:40 Mor-Wed. i.25 4 20 Mc.n-Wed 2 40, 505 7.55 Thur 1.25, 4 20 Thur 2 40, 5.05, 7 55 Hitch PG-13 Are We There Yet? PG-13 Fr,-Sal I 35 4.20 7 20.9 55 Fr.-Sa. 155 4.50. 7 30.9-40 Sun 1 35. 4 20. 7:20 Sun 1 55. 41 50. 7 30 MonWead 1 55.4 30.7:30 Mon-Wed. 2 45.5:15. 8:15 Tnur 1.55.430. 7:30 Thur 245.5-15.8 15 Meet The Fockers PG-13 The Aviator PG-13 Fn-Sai: I 20 4:40. 7 25 9:55 Fri-Sal 7 50 Sun 1.20. 4 40. 7 25 Sun 7.50 Mon-Wea 2 30. 5 10 8.05 Mon-Wed 1.15.700 Tnur 2 30.5 10, 8.05 Tnur 1 15.7 00 The Wedding Date PG-13 Million Dollar Baby PGa-3 Fr-Sal. 1.45. 4 45 Fn-Sal: 7 1005- Sun" 1 45 4 45 Sun: 710 Mon.Wed. 445 Mon-Wed 1-45.7 10 Thur-4 45 Thur 145, 7.10 Racing Stripes PG Pooh's Heffalump Movie G Fr,.al 1 05 4 35 Fn-Sal 1 40.4".05S Sun 1 05 435 Sun 1 40. 4 05 Mon-Wed. 4-40 Mon-Wed 2.55. 4.55 Thur. 4,40 Tnur 2 55, 4 55 Boogeyman PG-13 FrS.al 930 Sun- 7 55 Mon-Wed 8 10 Tnur 8:10 s m U I L . Hide and Seek R Frn-Sa 10 15 Sun 7:45 Mon.Wed 7.40 Tniur NOT Hi-IOWiNG Ge Yu Day Of To 25201 US Hwy. 27 (352) 326-9001 Open for Lunch & Dinner Sunday & Monday from 11am to 3pm, and Tuesday Saturday from 11am to 8pm. tLUBTARA RE S TA UL RANT At The Plantation FREE BEVERAGE* I rIIITH THIS COUPONIJI I I 'Non-Alcoholic Expre 3-02-05 SHwv 301N Bushnell 352-793-3570 Ladies Night Saturdays Ladies Free Admission Z Price Drinks 4 Week WVet T-Shirt Contest $100 First Prize $50 Second Prize Nlarch 5- Grand Prize Contest Winner $300 V. 4w, Family Restaurant Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm Fri. 7am to 9pm Sun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in S Central Florida &t 792 Much More" BREAKFAST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER Bushnll, SPECIAL SPECIALS S$1.99 $5.99 Good Service...Great Food...Super People Hidden Rivers Resort TLw I1 "On& ;W.--L & I ne uam r LIVE MUSIC FEB. 26* 7-11 MARCH 6h 11AM-2PM SUNDOWN BAND featuring Sundown Band iALL MUSICIANS WELCOMtE1 1 1AM 4PI.1 GUIDE TO D o o r P r- BELLY DANCING CLASSES THURSDAY 10-11 Coming Soon Full Liquor Bar 569-9306 4666 CR 300 Lake Panasoffkee tougher laws alone will not stop the cruelty. The laws must be enforced Law enforcement officers should not allow deplorable conditions or obvi- ous animal suffering to contin- ue. Gone are the days of "It's only an animal The good citi- zens or Sun iter County will not stand for it Cases of animal cruelty must be documented and prosecuted. Our local state attorney's office and local judges need to take a serious stand against violent crimes toward animals. If not. the offenders will con- tinue to repeat their patterns of violence Recently, there have been two horrible crimes of torture in our county One to a cat and one to a dog. Both were I hideous beyond imagination:"' The Humane Society/SPCA' investigator has seen these first hand. The Humane', Society/SPCA investigator is a trained professional, a certi- fied animal control officer, trained- in animal cruelty investigations and equine ani- mal cruelty. She has attended the HSUS First Strike course, Animal & Domestic Violence, and Animal Fighting courses. And she has assisted other Sheriff's offices throughout the state of Florida. What she has seen recently in Sumter County is worse than anything she has ever witnessed over her past 20 years of being an investigator. The cycle of violence must be stopped now, or we will all pay the price. SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 19 .1) '(%" .f e '0* F.Dr v/ (. T v1 ti I 9." '6 444 . Jig ~1 ill' I d e I; ID I 'p I I II 1141 SCopyl, ig -oeGORaEN-,imal "Copyrig hted.MaterrialI I. rAvailaIblefrom Commearci~alNews Providers" 8-b a 40 aimas Af a-0 00--qa .*:1 MAN ONO a 4w aa* a . W- 4b w 40 4 ___ a a a-- W.0 N 44 r 4w 00. *- * % a. 4D -4w do& 40 5w- - -4w4b- 4D~ -- w --0*w -4b cow 0-. 4D a aI 4m Sotaa a a. . 0 * a-do -a 0a -" .- o - aI -g -0 - 0 S a- o * a o 0 mo- .4 4M 0 4 a a o -. 4* 4w gd w* 40 I * U q q O a d 4p e o a O 40ol 1 o ddl . 4J W4 PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 II~ rj~ o9 AN AMERICAN RE-VOUTION I B e/ OT GHEVHU5' 0 HAV H 1 S ISjN ORDIARY ALE..1OU T"ima q Nn ruminh STK# 25194 STK# 24142XX Al V AH I A I d IiI~ ,-fk11 i, "V III :O STK# 25241 S~ r I I STK# 2513T L. I~ ~ m~ 1~ a STK# 25207 ~*III MI): STK# 24476 rriiii 'Ifn P*w PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, INCENTIVES AND MAY INCLUDE GM LOYALTY REBATE. *0% FOR 72 MONTHS AVAILABLE ON ALL NEW IN STOCK 2004 CHEVROLETS WITH APPROVED CREDIT THROUGH GMAC. ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES ASSIGNED TO DEALER. OFFERS CANNOT BE COMBINED. PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE AND $299.50 ADMIN FEE. PAYMENTS I ON AVEO BASED ON 72 MONTH PURCHASE AT 4.9% APR. CAVALIER BASED ON 72 MONTH PURCHASE AT 6.75% APR. LEASE PAYMENTS BASED ON 48 MONTHS WITH APPROVED CREDIT. VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. OFFERS EXPIRE 72 HOURS AFTER DATE OF PUBLICATION. ~ Fqr~r'prdl 0_1i CBYSTAIL R CHE VBI ET CRHYSTAL CHEVBDIET 1035 S. SUNCOAST BLVD. 2209 HWY 44 WEST M- -,. ..-" AuH'~ '.1* -~ I, . .1* -~ --~~ .- V 7 ~ 4'~ PCEE ,'II 'All bqa ^ p "k^ Aak N ;, PEN 61'ex ww )ftql all 1 , Oil 07 0 40 A*40 1 #6, 1 -, 1, 1 1ol I ! iT 41 am I kk SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 214' 2005 'Relay For Life' The 2005 "Relay For Life" will take place on April 8 and 9 at the Lake/Sumter Community College in Sumterville. For more information, call the local American Cancer Society office at 352-326-9599, ext. 115. History of Linden books for sale The Linden Cemetery Association reminds every- one of our most recent books, Ties That Bind II, More About the Linden Cemetery and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. This is a companion to our first book, Ties That Bind, a History of Linden and the Linden Cemetery Picnic. Ties That Bind II is a 232-page, indexed, hardbound edition that features approximately 500 obituaries of those buried at Linden with more than 500 total photographs. Ties That Bind II sells for a donation of $25 and may be purchased at the following locations: Sumter County Times Office, Bushnell; Sumter County Farm Bureau Insurance Office, Beville's Corner; Warneta's Beauty Shop, Terrytown; E.C. Rowell Public Library, Hayseed Cafe, Speckled Butterbean Restaurant and Webster Beauty Salon, all of Webster. Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that. meets at Bushnell Library Pageant applications Applications for the Little Miss/Princess/Junior Miss Pageant, Teen Pageant, Miss Sumter County Pageant (due Jan. 8,2005) and Baby Pageant, (due Feb. 26) are available. You can get one at the fair- erounds office. For more intbnration, call Cindy White at 748-1687 ori the fairground office at 793-2750. AARP TAX-AIDE volunteers_ Volunteers are needed to provide free tax assistance to low and middle income resi- dents of Sumter County dur- ing the upcoming tax season. This is an extremely reward- ing experience and volun- teers will receive free Internal Revenue tax train- ing. There are also opportuni- ties for volunteers as client coordinators and support per- sonnel. AA.-RP TAX-AIDE is administered by the A.-RP Founmlation and lthe IRS. For more information on how to join the Sumter County TA.-\-AIDE team, contact Terry Al .isrin at 352-746-9985, or tallisl t.'-tainpabay.riycom. Sumter Super Seniors Meets e\eiy second Friday froni October t-: March from 10 a.m. until noon at Trinity -aptist Chii ch. 3305 East C.R. .468 i comn-i of 301 and 468 nwa. Colemanli. Kof C bingo The Kjlights of Columbus has bingo everyv Thursday at the corner of Dade and U.S. 301 in Bushnell. Doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo starts at 6. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall on Hwy. 44, Wi Idwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell. is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay: drop off school supplies today. Bluegrass gospel music Beginning Aug. 13. there will be Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel music at Lake Panasoftkee Conmminiiity Building, across from Spirit Truck Stop. Sessions will be 6 to 10 p.m. and second, fomith and fifth Friday evenings. For more information, call Jim at 352-793-8353. Pilot Club meets 2nd Tuesdays The Blue Heron Pilot Club of Sumter County meets every second Tuesday of the month at Chuck's Odd Couiples Restaurant on 48 in Bushnell. For more information, con- tact President Anne Batchelder at 568-8411. North Lake Detachment 662 The North Lake Detachment 662 Marine Corps League meets the sec- ond Thursday of each month at7 p.m. at C.R. 468 (Red road). Leesburg. For more information, call 326-2158. Kiwanis of Wildwood meets weekly The Kiwanis of Wildwood meets weekly at the Old Coffee House in Wildwood at 7 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. They invite anyone to attend and are looking for new members. Call 748-5228 for more infor- mation. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470. one block east of 1-75, 1', block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. Live music by George Britt. For more information, call 352-583-3740. Central Florida Dance Club The Central Florida Dance Club has a new Web site name: dancefla.com. Admission is still $5 and sin - gles and couples are still wel- come. If there are any questions. call Belva Maier at 352-383- 0209. Bushnell Kiwanis Club The club meets on Tuesday mornings at Herb and Peg's Bakery in Bushnell Plaza. Bushnell. For more information call Secretary Mark. Raciappa. 793-4911. Need food help? Food is given away and emergency bills will be paid on second and fourth Fridays at 320 E. Dade Ave. in Bushnell from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by Faith Based Food and the Salvation Army, respec- tively ROPMNE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL TANK SETS - ^ 6OGALLON $ 00 SET & FILL P ices good 100 GALLON $ AA00 h 3 3 5 SET & FILL W09 PAR-GAS, INC. Your Hometown Propane Company Family Owned & Operated A352-793-1211 TODAYl FAX 352-793-1918 Call Today 352-7935-2161 medical clothing PRS MEDICAL SUPPLIES Medicare Accepted Complete line of. Walkers, Custom Braces Crutches, Canes Bathroom Aids Female Fitter Custom Prosthetics on Staff Breast Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Specialist, Inc. 720 E. Southland Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restoration Full Fabrication Services 352-793-4477 LADIES Plus Size Clothes $5.00 Each Dresses & Slacks $1 & More Store Webster So. of the Hayseed Cafe 352-793-4906 equine service Fax: 352-793-1448 taxi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ORLANDO For as low as $35.00 TAMPA For as low as $45.00 internet/isp equine orthotics EQUINE Orthotics and Prosthetics -, By iProsthetics Research ; Specialists, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell, FL 33513 352-793-4477 Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0, LPO#POR116 Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist roofing FERNANDEZ ROOFING Sf ae&ieig ia ShzyCqe R'e-CRoi9n METAL ROOFS FLATS LEAK REPAIR SKY LIGHTS 352-568-9991 License 9CBC057859 information Sv ** To Advertise oere Call i t(35s) *3-161 SS- 2) ,. 32: - -- - bail bonds JARRET PARISH 1452 W. HWY 48 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 . OFFICE: (352) 793.8861 CELL: t y (352) 303-0000 (I'llPut Your Feet Back on the Street) p-t groom .n,. A4GROOminG DOGS WANTED: All Breeds great and mallI, \e ill bathe and groom them all' Pamper YOUR pet today! For Fido's nei appointment please call Sandx at Sandv's Grooming (352) 568-1882 builder 609 N. Old Wire Rd. B 5Stai.eCetrn-f d Wildwood, FL 34785 .- -, OFFICE- (352) 748-5228 FAX: (352) 748-4854 www.dibarco.com S S '.Dibarco 'Build Binq - Diana B. Coullard lBE C,:h'Ju.ier President FuIIl LicensdS insued ull Service ConLractors Owner b real estate 8i Professional Home Buyers prohomebuyers@yahoo.com hair-nails.tanning -- -Coupon" :200 oO F: I Any Service I . Full service salon -Tanning Beds Hair Airbrush tanning I | Sculptured Acrylic Nails Infrared bodywrap , Salon Central * 206 S. Florida St.. Bushnell 352-793-7474 = =m m Coupon m -= m I Sumter TiDBiTS i~F~94 --- -- -- - PAGE 22, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Fun and GAMES D_ S" 1 WIP I Lo w 40tp S N - b, U-'~ Ka 0 qbm lva f I "q50'4 MAP. p 0 * WI. a... -p. * ~9. S 0 I. * we em F I S 0 * w - . 0 0 * S am 4 0 494 14E S I, - -U w owwr' r -. o ii ft. -llmtl I * Q ~ 0 mc.- 5~I; 0u'*~ I aB "D40 IPr F -.r - AWvw4 ,S EIP "Copyrighted Material.. ." -Syndicated Content >---- lAvailable from Commercial News Providers"- "b, 0* 'p 00z" SlAq 14NR d ** S *,~~1Lev ~- b~p.. 9 40 ilb - do IND 0 *~ - *- ____ a -Mn 41. .4-1W .011w omAN. .- M 0'~o Mow ASP fto -41110-0, 41b 4, AD MM Am ON lb W ~- Ml mwm- b Ap 0 4 dab- do1 .~ C. op *4 -ii - 0t 0 & "-40MM- b 'V , a W, m M C - 0 ,pr Ifto or= m IN THE NEWSPAPER 1 ftr m w FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times; not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, 1-Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world.. All our classified including yours now online!! SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT r sumtercountytimes.com , -9.- r o Place your ad under one of these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 HELP WANTED 200- 300 SERVICES 300-400 MISCELLAN EOUS, SALE 400-500 PETS 500-600 MOBILE HOME RENT/SALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION THE HOME STORE a Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County Outreach, is seelkng Donations of use- able building materials, home remodeling and -decorating items, furniture, and Appliances. No clothing please. Volunteers ae needed h 1he- Home Store on Mondays& Thursday. Store hours are: 9am-5pm Mon-Sat. Call The Home Store 3685 Forest Drive Inverness (352)341-1800 for further information. ACCIDENT VICTIM Injured, hurt, disabled? We are here to'help any accidents Involving Injury or loss of Jife. AAA Attorney referral service (800) 733-5342 Call 24 hrs. Protect Your Rights, S. FCAN ARGENTINA WINGSHOOTING' and Big Game Hunting: The Best Bang for the $ anywhere In the world. Winter season: April- August, 2005. Weekdays: (314) 209-9800; Evenings (314) 894-3776 FCAN 1 CALL STANDS BETWEEN YOUR BUSINESS and millions of potential customers. Place your ad In the FL Classified Advertising Network. For $450 your ad will be placed in 150 papers. Check out our 2x2 and 2x4 display network tool Call Heather Mola, FL ,Statewide Advertlsing 1t/;..:_ Dire.: tor .71 (866) 742-1373. opeemall hmola@flpress.com for more information, (Out of State . Placement is also avail- able.) Visit us on-line at www.florida- classifieds.com FCAN CENTRAL FLORIDA'S BEAD, JEWELRY AND ART EXTRAVAGANZA Find beads, jewelry, art and classes March 5th and 6th. Volusia County Fairgrounds, Exit 114 off 1-4. www.beadsl .com/ deland or call (866) 667-3232 also see us In Ft. Lauderdale Marriott Hotel North Andrews Avenue on March 11th 12th and .13th. $4 ($1 off'with ad) FCAN DIVORCES .$175-$275 *Covers children, etc. Only one signature required *Excludes govt. fees Call (800) 462-2000 ext. 600 (8am-7pm) Divorce Tech. Established 1977 FCAN HUNT ELK, WILD BOAR, Red Stag and Buffalo In Missouri until 3/31/05. Guaranteed. Hunting. license, only $5. Our. polc,, I,:. -- T, I .' pay, :.- ,rn., l t : Call (314) 293-0610 FCAN Relocating Maintenance Couple for Apartments, MH Parks, Farms. References, living quarters. 352-793-3533 LET US WORK FOR YOUI, SUMMER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS. CALL 793-2161 CLERK Computer literate with Excel and Word experience Ability to adapt to com- pany software and to multi-task. Construction Environment, good benefits, pay negolia- ble. Located In Wild- wood area. Fax resume to 352-748-4101. F-E Adult Case Manager the Centers Is seeking an Adult Case Manager for Citrus County to advocate for, & link clients to needed services in the community. BA in the Human Services field & relevant exp reqd. Salary $10.89-$12.26/hr Comprehensive benefits pkg. DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email resume to;: HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters.us (352) 291-5580 Independent Contractors - Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling the Centers Is seeking Independent Contractors for Adolescent SA Counseling to provide individual, family & group SA treatment to children referred by the community. BA Degree In Human Service field with min 1 yr SA related exp reqd, $25.00/hr DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email to: . HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters.us (352) 291-5580 Medication Clinic Coordinator -LPN -the Centers. Is seeking a Med SClinic Coordinator responsible for oversight of the medication clinic in our Citrus County/ Lecanto Office. Duties Include medication administration, storage, ordering & logging of medications, update treatment plans, provide clinic visit Information & conduct pain mgmt assessments. Graduate from a .,iaie .,:. r,ilied ..:r..:..::i o r p 1.: i l nursing and 2 yrs psych nursing exp: preferred. Salary $10.89-$12.26/hr Comprehensive benefits pkg. DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email resume to: HR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters:us (352) 291-5580 Needed Immediately! RN's up to $42 hr LPN's up to $25 hr. CNA's up to $15 hr. Hospital & Nursing Centers 1-800-704-4784 Apply online at www.amsisthebest.co m Substance Abuse/Outpatient Counselor the Centers Is seeking a. Chlld/Adolescent Substance Abuse/Outpatient Counselor for our Lecanto campus, This position assists the Citrus County Director In carrying out the substance abuse program & provides services to adult &. children substance abusers & their families. Must demonstrate group, Individual & case management skills. Provide treatment plans, assessments & resources to best serve the population. Some evening work required: Salary. $12.74-$14.35/hr Comprehensive benefits pkg. DFWP/EOE, send, fax, or email resume to: SHR, 5664 SW 60th Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters.us (352) 291-5580 11 PM 7AM Night Audit Part-time retirees wel- come. Apply at Best Western, Bushnell 352-793-5010 ASSISTANT MANAGER Immediate opening for Wildwood fruit and gift store. Call Mark 352-209-6144 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 23 ASSISTANT TO OWNER Some exp, In Bartending, Serving, Cooking. Call for appt. 352-447-5572/447-447 0 HMS HOST COME JOIN OUR TEAM!! HMS Host is the leading provider of food, bever- age and retail conces- slons at nearly 200 air- ports and travel toll road locations. We are presently look- Ing to fill the following positions at the Turkey Lake Travel Plaza Florida's Turnpike) shift Supervisor Associate Lead Sales Associate, Cashier/Station Attendant Utility/Restroom At- tendant ,C V o Please apply in person or contact Mildred Milligan at 352-748-5100 Benefits include: Health & Dental Tuition Reimbursement Competitive Starting Wage Flexible Schedule Full or Part Time Hours Available Great Advancement Opportunity Paid Vacation 401 (k) Profit Sharing Clean, Safe work environment. HMS Host is proud to be an EOE M/F/D/V Experienced Plasterers and stucco laborers. Must have transporta- tion. 352-793-3895 FOR CLASS B DRI- VERS ROOF LOADING EXPERIENCE, PHYSICAL LABOR. INCLUDED ... Excellent Pay And Benefits. Bradco Supply 1-800-829-7663 DFWP HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT tc BulkdzerBackhoes, Loawies, Dump Trucks. Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class Jan. 3rd. National Certification FnancddAsance Job Place- ment In Your Area 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services 5177 Homosassa Trail Lecanto, FL 34461 , Two Carpenters, two helpers call 793-4737 or call after 5 p.m. or cell 352-303-3861. Cleaners needed' Full-time/part-time Bushnell, Wlldwood, the Villages. Excellent pay. 1-800-438-7432 Floor Cleaners needed, Full-time/part-time Bushnell, Wildwood, the Villages. Excellent pay. 1-800-438-7432 Hoping to hook the right employee? Advertise jh the' Times! In-county and online!l classified@ sctnews.com or 793-2161 .-. HOUSEKEEPER LAUNDRY Part-time po- sition. Apply Osprey. Point Nursing Center. 1104 North Main Street, Bushnell - 352-568-8777 Office Fumrniture Assembler/ Deliverer Professional appearance, Class D required. Great bene- fits. Inquire at 1-800-457-2745. ROOFERS/ SHINGLERS Exp Only. Paid Vacations, Benefits. 352-347-8530 IN SEARCH OF NEWSPAPER CARRIERS CRYSTAL RIVER DUNNELLON BEVERLY HILLS Citrus County's fastest growing newspaper I is looking for you! Fill out a carrier information form at the Chronicle office in Crystal River or Inverness Or call 563-3282 Now hiring for the following positions for our Pilot Travel Center at 493 E State Route 44 In Wlldwood, FLI *Shift Supervisors* Cashiers* Join Pilot and receive: Competitive Pay Life and Medical Insurance Paid Vacation Advancement Opportunities 401k Must be flexible in schedule. For Immedi- ate consideration, call 352-748-4486 between 9 am 9 pm and ask for the Manager on dutyl EOE PILOT... A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! MULTI-TASKS Self motivated, pride In workmanship, drug free workplace. Call UDLIVIK IKAVEL TRAILERS FOR PAY! Thousands of 30 ft travel trailers originating from -Florida cities. We need pickup truck owners to deliver, www.horizon transport.com FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly, Equal opportunity employer. (888) MORE PAY, (888-667-3729) FCANi DRIVERS- OWNER OPS & CO. DRIVERS NEEDED NOWi Run SE Only or SE, \Mid-Atl., MW Regional, 0/0's. No forced dispatch, good pay plus fuel (866) 250-4292 FCAN FLORIDA LICENSED PHYSICAL THERAPIST AND PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT wanted In rural hospital In North Florida Call (850) 973-2271 or fax resume to . (850) 973-8158 FCAN FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT .SYSTEM Includes standard installation 2 months free HBO & CInemaxi Access to over 225 channels Limited time offer. S&H Restrictions Apply. (866) 500-4056 FCAN START NOWI Paid training $12.50/hr + bonus $25-$4 1k yrl Portrait Fund-raising for Volunteer Emergency Services. Mgt Opt.I Local Areal Auto required (200) 644-2822 Ext. 137 FCAN #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine ' Hd. You approve locations, $10,670 (800) 836-3464 #802428 FCAN , 20 VENDING MACHINES with custom locations $2,995. Call toll free (800) 261-9001 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn '$800 a day? 30 machlnes,,free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 814-6323. BO02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY. FREE 20 minute evaluation www.startuppower.com Save time and money- Visit Todayl FCAN ARE YOU DISSATISFIED with your present Job and Income? Do you want to have more freedom, time and' money? Success Is Just a click away. www. startuppower.com FCAN FUNDS FOR YOU www.cwfundlng services.com Cash advance for pending lawsuits, structured payments, seller held mortgage notes, we purchase receivables. More on website or call Cindy (813) 885-1501 FCAN THOUSANDS OF BUSINESSES for sale by owners nationwide. Preview Business for freel Interested in buying or selling a business call GW Merger (877) 217-8231 or visit www. gwmerger.com FCAN rm--i F-"----1 B.J Beckelheim er TREE SERVICE BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRIND- ING + LANDSCAP- I ING 793-5949 I Top Shape Beautify YourTrees . HURRICANE ROOF DAMAGE? Also Home Repairs & Additions Licensed & Bonded Call Ralph: (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Serving Croom, Bushnell Lake Panasoffkee, Ridge Manor PARTICIPANTS WANTED FOR All American Flea Mkt at the Beverly Hills International Festival Sat. Feb. 26th Rain date Sun. Feb. 27th 10-4pm Lakeside Park $10. a space paid in advance. Call The Visitorat 352-746-4292 for de- tails spaces limited SPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. Warranty. Retail $4300. Sacrifice $1425. (352) 372-5287 17 CABINS NEAR ... PIGEON FORGE, TN Selling at Auction March 12,10:30 am Guarantee financing available with 25% down. Furrow Auction Co. (800) 4FURROW; www.furrow.com TN Lic. #62 FCAN ABSOLUTE AUCTION! Lakefront Real Estate' 237 NE Lakeview Dr., Sebring, FL 11 am. Sat. March 12. 2 spacious homes 2 lakefront, homesites directly on Lake Jackson. Call for details: (800) 257-4161 HIggenbotham Auctioneers www.higgenbotham.co m ME HIggenbotham CAI FFLUc #AU305/AB158 FCAN 4 ESTATE -4 MERCHANDISE AUCTION I *THURS. FEB. 24 * 4000 S. Fla. Ave. I Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: 4 PM AUCTION: 5 PM Side by side refrig., itfurn., house hold Items, tools, Nascar SS Shrimp Trawls. ++ ALSO I I *ON-SITE* I AUCTION -*FRI. FEB. 25 PREVIEW: 8 AM AUCTION: 9 REAL ESTATE: 10 AM I We are selling the Real Estate plus entire contents of this artist's home. Pottery, painting, Irg. kin, furn., '83 Uncoln, Scamp tIr. Inverness,' SS.Apopka to rt, on College, For into on I Real Estate visit www.tranzon.com Visit the web www. I dudleysauction.co m AB1667 AU2246 12% Buyers Premium S cash/check --iiiii J BUILDING SALE! "Rock Bottom Pricesl" Final Clearance. Beat next price Increase. Go direct/save. 20x26; 25x30; 30x40; 35x50; 40x60; 45x90; 50x100; 60x180. Others. Pioneer (800) 668-5422. FCAN METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn around Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Deals Save $$$ 40x60' to 100x200' Example: 50x100x12' Is $3.60/sq.ft (800) 658-2885 www.rlgldbuildlng, cam FCAN * 14 N7O -.U YARD SALE KITS! $15.00 AV Mourd Classified! 6 Neon Signs! Price Stickers & Rain Insurance lif you get rained out, the insurance coupon lets you place your ad ad later for half price!) Get your kit at the: . Sumter County Times where we put the word out in-county and online! For more info. classified@ sctnews.com or call 793-2161 f .. CHURCH FURNITURE. Does your church need pews, pulpit set, baptistry, steeple, windows, carpet? Big sale on new cushioned pews & cushions for hard pews (800) 231-8360 FCAN Large New Gas Grill -$175 568-7597 Refrigerator or Freezer 7'x3' 3 glass door with new compressor. Val- ued over $5,000, will take $1,800. Breezy Oaks RV Park in Bush- Free Kittens! 3 months old. 569-0245 BUSHNELL SW on 1-Acre.. 2 Bed/1 Bath Central Heat/Air $550 mo (352)544-0223 $500.00 DOWN - FHA Financing 1st time buyer, poor credit,recent bankruptcy, we have financing available. New 3 & 4 bedroom homes up to S2300 sq.ft. with land now available. Call (352) 621-9183 Over ,3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m 5 Acre Mini-Farm, Lg 4/2, Lots of scrubs. Won't last long! Call (352) 795-6085 3/2 on '/ Wooded Ac. on Paved Rd. $2,500 dn. $625 monthly. Call (352) 795-2377 4/2 on 1A Acre on Paved Rd. Fireplace, Galley Kitchen.$2,500 dn. $568 monthly. Call (352) 795-1272 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 2 baths on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best'construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway, $2,000 down $575.68/mo W.A.C. CALL 352-621-9182 Beautiful 3/2 on A Acre. Frnt. porch. Huge eat-in kitchen. $1,500 dn. $675. Monthly. Call 352-795-8822 LAND & HOME 1/2 acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New Home with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliances pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 P ---i oru Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m TAKE ADVANTAGE! TAYLOR MADE HOMES will match your tax " return if used as a down payment on a purchase of a new home. We have 25 models on display or order your custom built Jacobsen. offer good thru 04/15/05. Call for more details 352-621-0119 HI-Ez111011 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m 900 sq. ft. office 507 N. Market St. Bushnell Remodeling in progress., Available March 793-3300 Over 3,000 home and property -. listings ct_ .. . www.ncchomes.co m 70 ACRES MUST SELL Located Near 1-75 $10,000 per acre , (727)786-6563 USA REALTY GROUP PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- flon." Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. SUMTER COUNTY! Oak Hill. New I to 21-acres. Pasture and wooded. Financing. Bro- ker/Owner. 1-352-330-0022 ACROPOLIS MORT- GAGE *Good Credit +Bad Credit/No Credit *Lower Rates *Purchase/ Refinance *Fast Closings Free Call 888-443-4733 Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m "- Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m -E*^ Over 3,000 home and property listings at www.ncchomes.co m BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS: Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Really GMAC Real Estate, Murphy cherokeemountain realty.com Call for Free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN GOLF VIEW HOME $249,900. Spectacular new Carolina-mountain home at 18 hole course near Ashville, NC. Enjoy mild climate, great golf, low taxes, low cost of living Call toll-free (866) 334-3253 ext. 790 www.cherokee valley.com FCAN N.C: MOUNTAINS 2.3 acres with new log cabin shell In secluded setting $89,900. Acreage available with stunning mountain . views Free Info available (828) 247-0081 FCAN NEW LOG HOME SHELL $99,900. Beautiful log home shell nestled on private wooded lot off Parkway north of Boone, Won't last 1st time offered. (800) 455-1981, x125 FCAN WE DO RENTALS! Southern Vermont's rental center. Mount Snow, West Dover, Vermont. By week/ weekend/ month or season Includes recreational/cultural activities. We offer .. Hillside Condos, Town houses. Chalets, (large/ small homes) Mountain Resort Rentals, PO Box 1804, West Dover, Vermont 05356. www.mountain resortrentals.com email: rentverm@sover.net (888) 336-1445 (802) 464-1445 FCAN- Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment PAGE 24, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 WESTERN NC 618-0224 SCT MOUNTAINS Summer County North Carolina where School Board there Is: Cool Mountain Closed Session 3/1/05 Air, Views & Stream, PUBLIC NOTICE Homes, Cabins & The Sumtr County School mes. Board will meet in closed Acreage. Call for free session for the purpose of brochure of Mountain. considering student expul- Property Sales sons on Tuesday, March 1, (800) 642-5333. 2005, at 3:00 p.m. In the Realty of Murphy Sumter County School 317 Peachtree St. Board Meeting Room on Murphy, NC 28906. 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, www. realtyofmurphy. Florida. comr FCAN Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, February 24, 2005. 619-0224 SCT Sumter County School Board HERNANDO/APACHI Regular Session 3/1/05 SHORES, 2 Bedrm hand- PUBLIC NOTICE yman Mobile w/shed, The Sumter County School cottage, & seawall. Board will meet in regular 3511 Flying ArrowDr session on Tuesday, March $89K, Fly Arrw- r 1, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the $89K. (813) 931-4084 Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. ." ,, Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, Over 3,000 home February 24, 2005. and property listings at 613-0303 SCT listig Notice to Creditors www.ncchomes.co Estate of m Earl Rothwell Bundy PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT gFOR SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No: 2005-CP-000032 IN RE: ESTATE OF EARL ASHEVILLE, NC AREA ROTHWELL BUNDY, Spectacular mountain Deceased. view & River lots. Paved NOTICE TO CREDITORS roads, clubhouse & (Formal Administration) more. New Releasel The administration of the Homesltes from $49,900 estate of EARL ROTH. Bear River Community WELL BUNDY, deceased, Call (866) 411-5263 File Number 2005-CP- FCAN 000032, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Di- KENTUCKY 50-1000 vision, the address of which ACRES Incredible is 209 North Florida Street, trophy deer & turkey Bushnell, Florida 33513. hunting. Some w/lakes, The names and addresses creeks, rivers, ponds & of the personal pepresent- timber. Great retreat/ active and the personal rep- investment. New survey, resentative's attorney are starting $795 per acre. set forth below. Owner will finance, All creditors of the dece- (270) 791-2538 www, dent and other persons hav- actlonoufflttercom ing claims or demands FCAN against decedent's estate, FCAN Including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, LAKE VIEW BARGAIN on whom a copy of this no- $29,900, Free boat sllpl twice is served must file their High elevation claims with this Court WITH- beautifully wooded IN THE LATER OF THREE parcel, Across from (3) MONTHS AFTER THE national forest on DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- 35.000 acre TICE OR THIRTY (30) recreational lake In TN. DAYS AFTER THE DATE Paved roads, u/g utils., OF SERVICE OF A COPY central water, sewer, OF THIS NOTICE ON more. Excellent THEM. financing. Call now All other creditors of the (800) 704-3154 ext. 608. decedent and persons hav- Sunset Bay, LLC FCAN Ing claims or demands against decedent's estate N.C. WATERFRONT must file their claims with N39C9 WT E O N o this Court WITHIN THREE $39,900 Coming soon .(3) MONTHS AFTER THE on All-sports Lake, Boat, DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- fish & swim, Will sell fast LICATION OF THIS NO- Call MLC to get on the TICE. priority list today ALL CLAIMS NOT SO (866) 920-5263 FCAN FILED WILL BE FOREVER -BARRED. oThe date of the first publi- -cation of this Notice is Feb- ruary 23, 2005. Personal Representative: DOROTHY E. BUNDY 17424 S.E. 72nd Deer Run 5 LOTS ON THE Aoe. WITHLACOOCHEE Tre V'nlge, FL RIVER 36i6.5 43 p, prhimai1.l, 2 .,r -. tnA .-.rrev ic,r Pe,- r, G .,ng S .Oij Di i' :r o illlrirrre rv :813-918-8652 SREGORY S. FLArIAGAN. 4ti E. r ca. I. 35' fh Wheel'.- Tetepri,wne 13' 3i 32-.7 3 3n ni o .,ah- Floec Bar lr. 3 599 -' and nicqestorage'shed P.r,,:,hr,eo tw. r2 i ImTe ,'l in Webper RV Parkt ,e S urrm.e C:.-unr, Tim-,,, Needs to be moved. -February 24, and March 3, $2,500. Call 2005. 1,-802-289-1221 614-0303 SCT ,GIANT RV- SELLOFF Notice ofAdministration I .lllr,, F'- t Estate of William S. Smith .emairina (200J PUBLIC NOTICE mo..3l1,I L.: ..lc-ilin IN THE CIRCUIT COURT prices, Florida's FOR SUMTER COUNTY, Motorhome. Towable FLORIDA. ,4,.,aunr:r ':-'lrlar. PROBATE DiviSiOn Pec.riatn.-.r, World F;ie rJ O2005 CP 0''03.i l1.1. r1,:,urr,.d IH RE ESTATE OF (800) 700-1021 Daytona WILLIAMS. SMITH, (800) 893-2552. Orlando NOTICE OF (800) 654-8475 FCAN ADMINISTRATION The administration of the estate of WILLIAM S. SMITH, deceased, File No. 2005 CP 000038, is pending L nin the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Probate, Travel Trailer Division, the address of which Is 225 East McCollum 40' self-contained Street, Bushnell, FL 33513. Tri-axle, 3 slides, wash- The names and addresses er/dryer, central air of the personal represent- LOADED! active and the personal rep- Blueberry Hill RV Park resentative's attorney are Bushnell 717-304-3748 set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS ARE NOTIFIED [THAT:, All persons on whom this notice is served who have objections that challenge the validity of the will, the quall. Search 100's of ficatlons of personal repre- Citrus County sentatlve, venue, or Juns- ^ sed AUTO diction of this Court are re- Sd CA Aquis ea i' i Inr.I .:..|eciir, Sonline at wilr. ir.l Coun, wi-THilJ T-HE www.nccwheels.co LATER OF THREE m MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- *i LOCATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF S SERVICE OF A COPY OF 'THIS NOTICE ON THEM. S All creditors of the dece- Search 100's of dent and other persons hav- Citrus County ing claims, or demands de- US COUnty cedent's estate on whom a Used Autos copy of this notice is served Online at within three months after the www.nccwheels,,o date of the first publication S m of this notice must file their claims with this Court WITH- IJt THE LATER OF THREE MMONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB. LICATiOrl OF THIS IJO. TICE OR THIRTi' DA.S AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF Search 100's of THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Citrus County All other creditors of the Used AutOS decedent and persons hav- Online at Ing claims or demands www.nccwheels.co against the decedent's es- m tale must file thelr claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS' NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR. Search 100's of EVER BARRED. Citrus County The date of the first publi- Used Autos cation of this Notice is Feb- online at ruary 24,2005. www,nccwheels.co Personal Representative: wwwnccwheelsco -DEBORAH L. m CARLISLE Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- JULIAN E. HARRISON Attorney at Law Florida Bar No. 147199 JULIAN E HARRISONr PA. 138 Busnrnll Piaza Suite 301 Search 100's of Bushnell, Florida 33513 CItrus COUnty (352) 793-5566 Used AutOS Published Iwo (2) times In online at the Sumter County Times, wwwnccwheels,co February 24, and March 3, m 2005. 689-0224 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. 69 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 1514 Hwy. 48, Bushnell, Sumter County, FL will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Date of Sa: 3/3/2005 Time ofSale: 10:30 A.M. Name of Tenant: RON O'CONNOR Address: Box 333 E. Central, Webster, FL 33597 Unit fNo.: 69 Desc of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 620-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SUMTER COUNTY SOLID WASTE REGULATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Solid Waste Regulation Advisory Committee will hold its fourth meeting to begin consideration of regulations concerning Class I landfills in Sumter County. The meeting will be held on Thursday, February 24, 2005, at 5:00 p.m., in Room 327, Third Floor of the Sumter Coun- ty Historic Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting. or to be heard at the meeting should call 352-793-0270 to make any special arrangements. Notice is given if any person desires to appeal any action taken by the Committee at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not pre- pared or furnished by the Committee. The public Is Invited and encouraged to attend. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, Febru- ary 24, 2005. 612-0303 SCT Amended Notice of Sale United States of America vs. Elizabeth A. Tanner PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2002-CA-000466 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting through the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, f/k/a Farmers Home Administration, Plaintiff, vs. ELIZABETH A. TANNER, a single person Defendant. AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered on November 13, 2003, and this Court's Order Setting Foreclosure Sale entered on Feb- ruary 11, 2005, by the above entitled Court in the above styled cause, the undersigned Clerk of Court or any of his duly authorized deputies, will sell the property situated in Sumter County, Florida, described as: Lot 23, MOGGS ADDITION TO WILDWOOD as per plat recorded In Plat Book 3, page 4, public records of Sum- ter County, Florida, at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash on March 11, 2005, at 11:00 A.M., at the West door of the Sumter County Courthouse, 209 North Florida Street, Bush- nell, Florida, subject to all ad valorem taxes and assess- ments for the real property described above. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISA- BILITIES ACT, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASPECIALACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACTTHE OFFICE OF THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 209 NORTH FLORIDA STREET, BUSHNELL, FLORIDA 33513, TELEPHONE (352) 793-0215, WITHIN TWO (2) WORKING DAYS OF YOUR RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE. IF HEARING IMPAIR- ED, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, OR VOICE (V) 1-800- 955-8770, VIA FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE. DATED on February 14, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD Clerk of Circuit Court 209 North Florida Street Bushnell, FL 33513 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) By: -s- Susan'A. Stoller Deputy Clerk Ll.Ir.A d anl I i r ma' in iIre ,uTi.ui C.:ur/r r T.m.es Fecr.u- f ry 24 ano Marcn3 -0305 iNOTIqEOF E / I REAL PR6PERTY'BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY. FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Com- missioners of Sumter Counity has the following real property for sale and must sell it to the highest .and best bidder pur- suant to Fla. Stat. Sec. 125.35, to wit: Tax Parcel #F01-042 Begin 139 yards West and 70 yards North of the South- east comer of Section 1, Township 19 South, Range 22 East, Sumter County, Florida, run North 35 yards, East 35 yards, South 35 yards, West 35 yards to Point of Be- ginning; The bid must be a cash bid with the bid amount due and payable in cashtwithin 24 hours after the acceptance of the bid. The property described above. Is being sold in "as Is" "where is", there is no survey and no representation as to quantity of land, access or condition of land, nor is title insurance being provided. C .,.'.A'.nr..:e :roa1i crs t, c.:r uri deed. Bidders may inspect the property prior to submitting the bid. The property is vacant and is located north of CR 238 near Wildwood, Florida. B I. mul lc. reI,': esi d c, irM e E.:,ar a i 1. rit Fl.:.rhia St Bu:r,r,mii FL 3:i313 nr1 laer trhan 5"00p.m. on Match 15. 2005 rr.Tad i saed i.c i Tax Parcel FOI-042 Real Proq.- e- 8 8, 1 .11 r,& per.eod Ir. puOlic Wre i. :.'n .:r, a r,'r. ri 2005. The Board reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive formalities. The public is invited and encouraged to bid. Dated this February 15, 2005. Board of County Commissioners Sumter County, Florida By: -s- Joey Chandler, Chair Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, Febru- ary 24, and March 3, 2005. S< 672-0224SCT Re-Notice of Foreclosure Sale '" Tr,. 5,j-i, ,;.r ran tJ e ic : irr; rfT, F'iu.: t i .31 PUBLIC NOTICE INTHE ,:i l.,I.:j.iM i: 'F iHE 5il-i JiIl":ii .1 C': iii itt 111 i: .Li EF C:'i.ir I L:T, C. G C E tl,,' 2,,,2 ,- 0,U1001 THE BANK OF NEW YORK, ACTING SOLELY IN ITS CAPACITY AS TRUSTEE FOR EQCC '' TRUST 2001-1F, - Plaintiff, vs. IRMA FRUCl; PAUL FRUCI; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; Defendants, RE- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant -:. a1 t 1.:..:.r-. a-..3 Cr der Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date, dated the 8th day of January, 2003, and entered In Case No. 2002 CA-001001, of the Circuit Court-of t'e 5TH Judicial Cir- cujit i,, anrd f..r SJ.Tr, C.:.'r.r, Fi.:.ida ..,r,,,ei-i, T-HE B ri E ._-F fEa 1:. 'it.r:- u.,.'iE t.' ill ,. i,: -Cir,' /,, [ ,ii, E F:.'l" FIt., rr :.T +:. i i F 'J rr,. Hi.ji-,nn .3-.d '.i l'rI.' :l r IL lr'.ICI J,:"H1 r : Cr E t 0:4 t L: 1.11' -JijC' r'/J riElJ- liT,'.., il i I:' It.':1'. Cfi i-i ':iu ,J ': i n- .:+r,r ac .3'.1i.r'.r ,inar I .Iil 1 7.li i rr,~ r.igr,. 1 .3,r..1 en cI..,dIer r:,r co.rI, .a rre WET 1,:IT ]7.':r CC., Cf ..11 I. is CC'.iIIir. ',:'. iPiH..LtI in -IIt'HI JILL F.:,rl.lJa 'at 1 n 3: am .:.r. Ire 9th day of March. 2005 rre riol.:..,.Irng t 6 ric-i F i- -e rt j ; e r r or t l ', lr ,3 H i h ,- 1 .I 'j .a a i e r i i r.. -, .lt THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT,8, COLMAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 45, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. LOCATED IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST, LESS THE NORTH 80.00 FEET THEREOF. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled persons who, because of their disabilities neecdspeclal accommodation to participate In this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinator at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, or Tele- phone Volce/TDD (904) 793-0215, prior to such pro- ceeding.,, Dated this 7th day of February, 2005. Gloria R. Hayward Clerk of the Circuit Courtf (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) ' By: -s- Susan A, Stollar .Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 626-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR SERVICES The Board of Sumter County Commissioners is accepting submittals of qualifications and Interest In providing the fol- lowing professional services: ARCHITECT/ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Submittals of qualifications and interest must be received in the County Administrator's Office, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, (352-793-0200) not later than I.30 p.m. on March 3. 2005. Submittals must be delivered in a sealed envelope marked "Qualification and letter of Inter- est Architect/Engineering Services" and are to Include: Qualifications and Interest Submittal Standard Form (SF) 254 Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire Proof of: Worker's Compensation Insurance Automobile Public Liability Insurance Property Damage Insurance Professional Liability Insurance The agency's professional negotiation committee will follow the competitive selection procedures to negotiate a contract for the agency with the firm considered to be the most quali- fied. Upon completion of the negotiation process a contract will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissions for the service. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, Febru-. ary 24, 2005. 685-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A Public Hearing before the Local Planning Agen- cy/Zoning and Adjustment Board of Sumter County, Florida will be held on Monday, March 7, 2005, at 6:30 P.M. In Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida to consider the following application for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Sumter County Future Land Use Map: CASE NO.: SS2005-0003 APPLICANT: Brady & Christi Ann Sellars GENERAL LOCATION: Wlldwood area: North on US 301, East on SR 44. Prop- erty approximately 5 miles on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 19S, Rng. 23E: BEG AT PT 500' N & 1860' E OF SW COR OF NWI/4 SAID PT BEING 85' FROM CENTER OF SAL RR MEASURED AT R/A WITH SAID RR IN A SW/LY DIRECTION RUN SE/LY PARALLEL WITH RR 150' THENCE SW/LY AT R/A WITH RR 265' THENCE NW/LY PARALLEL WITH RR 150' THENCE NE/LY 265' TO POB LESS R/W FOR ST RD44. . PRESENT AND REQUESTED LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS: Agriculture to Commercial on .8 acres MOL. The recommendations of the Local Planning Agen- cy/Zoning and Adjustment Board will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday. March 15, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. In Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse, Bushnell, Flori- da. This application may be Inspected at the Division of Planning & Development office, Sumter County Court- house, 209 N. Florida St.. Room 324, Bushnell, FL on Monday through Fridays, from 7:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Any person who wishes to attend these meetings and requires assistance may call 352-793-0200. AEAL: NECESSITY OF RECORD: In order to appeal the Board's decision In this matter, a verbatim record of the proceedings is required. The Board assumes no re- sponsibility for furnishing said record. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 653-0224 SCT Notice of Action for Dissolution of Marriage Mudr E. Burkhart and Jane E. Burkhart PUBLIC NOTICE ill iHt ,:1;. ujIi -.-O i ,.,F im: HI F IH IIIC ':. -lI ':UIT riiJ tl L i 'it .- ,1 r & r-r,---er --" - ]r,,T *' J5JlEL3L'r s'i k I JAIJ E 11.t 'i-r r-:P,.,:.r,.-'.nl ' NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: JANE E. BURKHART Lost Known Address UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action -has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your'written defenses, If any/to It on MURL BUR- KHART'whdse address-I 10737 SW 46th Terrace, Web- ster, FL 33597, on or before March 7, 2005, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513, before service on Petitioner or Immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded In the petition. Copies of all court documents In this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office no- tified on your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address; Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers In this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and Information. Failure to comply can result In sanctions, Including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: January 28, 2005. GLORIA R. HAYWARD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: -s- Marsha Tripp Deputy Clerk Published four (4) times In the Sumter County Times, February 3, 10, 17, and 24, 2005. 686-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning and Adjustment Board and Sumter Board of CouhWCotimlssioners will consider an application for an Operating Permit to allow the use of the property located generally as Indicated In this notice for the purpose of a UImerock'MIne. Applicant: Ocala Bed.ock, Inc Operator. Bedrock Resources Application: OP2005-0001 REQUEST: Renewal of an Operating Permit for the op- eration of a Iimerock mine. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 17, Twp. 20S, Rng., 23E: Par- ent Parcel: SE A of NW & SW of NE & NE of SW /A & NW A of SE 'A & NW y of NE & NE 'A of NW A. To Be Utilized: COMM. AT THE NW COR OF NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 RUN E 100' TO POB N 525.01' E 2472.69' S 1757.74' W 1234.16' W 1245.40' N 1233.20' TO POB. GENERAL LOCATION: Sumterville area: North on US 301,. io.r .:,nr, -J.-.a,.r.:,. 1 b miles to the properly on the Two public meeting will be held at the Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell Floridac as follows: Zoning arid Adjustment Board Monday March 7. 2005 or 6:30 P M. S Third floor Room 327 SBoard of County Commissioners Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 6 00 P.M Second floor Room 222 Information regarding thls application Is on file with the Sumter County Division of Planning and Development, Sumter County Historic Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, Room 324, Bushnell, Florida. These flies may be reviewed between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to particl- ,,te Ir or,, c.f ih.c.e procee.i-dlr.. -h.: uld c.:.rla.: I It- ,:iuT,.ir CdinJr/ Ar/illsiftoTdr., O. : ., .352: .',3-i,),: SJi r,.:.u,S ir,n oa.or.ce .r ir.e :creoi-ja iT elanr.g Pujaor.r,1 r.:.rr.e.pr.. j.:r3.: rf rapier : ". Foiia.3 aa. ule .-,.:rlo:r, .8 ii0 II a pE' sr. a.i-es ,o appeal or., ae:lic.r. mraaoe ar. ,,-, naorrea BOnaro ..irr, reae,.:r 1, .r mn.aTreir c:r.:Ialre ,3urhg aor., mei.-enng ,:f iuCrl, oar-. -e rC, r h-e 'Will ,'ea a ,'ecora o fri'e prc- cealoga .aro trn-T or :.ucr. purr-e:.;s hre or re nrr-,, r.eea o10 eio.ue nr.ala .etnrr, record er me procce a. ir.g; I morae ai'..:nr, rec-..rd na, iniicuae ftr-. tT ci.r, and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 623-0317 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Writ of Exe- cution issued in the Circuit Court of Volusia County, Florida, on the 31 st day of May, 1989, in the cause wherein FLORI- DA.NATIONAL BANK, was plaintiff and CAULEY JONES, JR., was defendant, being Case No. 88-5614-CA-01 in said court. I, William 0. Farmer, Jr., as Sheriff of Sumter County, Flori- da, have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the de- fendant Cauley Jones, Jr., in and to the following described property, to-wit: 1996 RED CHEVROLET CAMARO IROC Z28 VIN /2G1FP22P6T2164828 and - 1997 SILVER CHEVROLET CAMARO IROC Z28 VIN / 2G1FP22P4V2156701 and on the 29th day of March, 2005, at the north door of the Sumter County Judicial Building, in the City of Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., I will offer for sale all of the said defendant Cauley Jones, Jr.'s, right, title and interest in aforesaid property at public outcry and 'will sell the same, subject to all prior liens, encumbrances and judgments, if any, to the highest and best bidder or bid- ders for cash, the proceeds to be applied as far as may be to the payment of costs and satisfaction of the above-de- scribed execution. William 0. Farmer, Jr., Sheriff of Sumter County, Florida By: -s- Sgt. Roger Hayes Published four (4) times in the Sumter County Times, Febru- ary 24, March 3, 10, and,17, 2005. 684-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING The Sumter County Zoning & Adjustment Board will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30 PM, Monday, March 7, 2005, In Room 327, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida St., Bushnell, Florida to consider requests for rezonlngs, special use permits, and temporary use permits.' All Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to partici- pate In any of these proceedings should contact the Sumter County Administration Office at (352) 793-0200, 48 hours In.advance of the scheduled meeting. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Stat- utes, Section 286,0105, If a person decides to appeal any decision made by an above named Board with respect to any matter considered during any meeting of such Board, he or she will need a record of the pro- ceedings and that, for such purposes, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed: Wings Is made, which record may Include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. CASE NO.: R2005-0016 Brady & Christi Ann Sellars GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 301. East on SR 44. Prop- erty approximately 5 miles on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 24, Twp. 19S, Rng. 23E: BEG AT PT 500' N & 1860' E ofSWCOR OF NW 14 SAID POINT BEING 85' FROM CEN- TERLINE SAL RR MEASURED AT R/A WITH SAID RR IN A SW/LY DIRECTION RUN SE/LY PARALLEL WITH RR 150' THENCE SW/LY AT R/A WITH RR 265' THENCE NW/LY PAR- ALLEL WITH RR 150' THENCE NE/LY 265' TO POB LESS R/W FOR ST RD. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone .8 acres MOL from RR to CL. CASE NO.: R2005-0015 River Run Investments LLC GENERAL LOCATION: Lake Panasoffkee area: North on C-475. NW/ly on C-470. SW/ly on CR 307. NE/ly on CR 300. Property on east side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 23, Twp. 19S, Rng. 21E: LOT 33 BLOCK A SUNSET SHORES UNIT 1.. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone .41 acres MOL from R1 to RR1C. CASE NO.: R2005-0017 Thomas Michael Cueto GENERAL LOCATION: 6u.r,r,.i .:s.3 ',,,: :i.n C-476. South on C-476B. Prop- F err, a. ,3p .Ti, 1, *i Tii .:i r,. I.e east side of the - 'r : .j . LEGAL DESCRIPIIOl Sec 27. Twp 21S. Rng 21E 'W300 OF NWI/4 Of Swl/4 LESS RD R/W LESS S 582' OFW 300 OF NW114t OF SW I/4 AND W 20' OF 11 20' OF S 582 OF NW 1/4 OF SW14. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 5 acres MOL from A5 & non-vested C2 to RR5C. CASE NO.: *R2005-0018 Janicbe Thomas GENERAL LOCATION: Webster area: East on C-48. South on SR 471. East on .1. .. .:.- fr,e '.:-.3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION' Sec. 3, Twp. 22S, Rng. 23E: N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 LESS N 208;71' OF S 350' OF W 208.71' OF N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4& LESS N 210' OF E 210' OF N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 18 acres MOL from A5 & RR1 toRR1. CASE NO.: R2005-0019 Thomas E. & Angela J. Stokes ,," GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford.area:NorthonUS30i .,-..1 ..-. JJ ir:.rrc,-, C-475N. North on CP245E,V,' r : -.' r .1'i] :r, :., CR 245W. West on CR 245N. South on CR 245W. West on CR 245C. Property on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 7, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: N1/3 OF FOLLOWING DE- SCRIBED: BEG SE COR OF NE1/4 RUN W 1154.19' N 1050' FOR POB. N 1050' E 778.51' S 1050' W 775.26' TO POB LESS THE E & S 25' THEREOF REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 6,1 acres MOL from A5 to RR1C for a lineal transfer. CASE NO.: R2005-0020 Jeffrey Lovett GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: West on C-48. North on CR 321. Property approximately 100 yards on, the north 1:1- ,:i' "|- road, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 32, Twp. 20S, Rng. 21E: Parent Parcel: COMM AT NW COR OF NE1/4 RUN E 525' TO POB CONT E 600' S 350' W 1075' TO A PT ON THE E R/W LINE OF CR 321 RUN N 30' E 475' N 320' TO POB. To be rezonea COMM AT NW COR OF NE 14 OF SEC RUN E 525' TO POB COriT E 409' S 320' W 409' N 320' TO POB. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 3 acres MOL from A5 to RR1C. CASE NO.: R2005-0021 Patrick & Patricia Rice GENERAL LOCATION: Bushnell area: West on C-476. South on C-476B. East on SW 95th Avenue. Property Is approximately 7/10 mile on the north side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 34, Twp. 21S, Rng. 21E: Parent Parcel: S 1333.47' OF E 653.25' OF W3/4 OF N1/2. To be rezoned: S 180' OF W 490' OF E 653.25' OF W3/4 OF N1/2. REQUESTED ACTION: F -.:.r.- .:. '. .r..i T I,:1.:. RR1 for a lineal transfer. CASE NO.: R2005-0022 Jamie John & Janet Zito, Etal GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on C-466. Proceed to sweeping curve property Is on the south slde of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 16, Twp. 186, Rng. 22E BEGIN AT SW CORNER OF THE W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE E ALONG S LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID NE 1/4 662.43' TO E LINE OF W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SAID NE 1/4; THENCE N 1275.89' TO A POINT ON S/LY R/W LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 466 (100' WIDE), SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE NE/LY HAVING A CENTRAL AN- GLE OF 18 35'59" AND A RADIUS OF 623.69'; THENCE NW/LY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID S/LY R/W LINEI202.47' (CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N72'04'33"W,,201.58'); THENCE DEPARTING SAID S/LY R/W LINEt,3 ,39'00'\\' 38.35'; THENCE S38'51'10"W, 26.53'; jNCES 04 31'17" W 26.47'; THENCE. S79 17'47" W 105.0'; THENCE N 87 46'05" W 41.02';THENCE S15 43'10" W'347.90'; THENCE S 88 40'16" W 87.97'; THENCE S 43.53'; THENCE S 86 35'36" W 201.48'; THENCE N 58 46'27" W 188.39'; THENCE S 83 02'28" W 757.70' TO A POINT ON W UNE OF EAST 3/4 OF SW 1/4 OF AFOREMENTIONED NE 1/4; THENCE S ALONG SAID W UNE 852.94' TO A POINT ON THE AFOREMENTIONED S LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OP THE NE 1/4; THENCE E ALONG SAID S LINE 1001.31' TO THE POB, CONTAINING 37.585 ACRES MORE OR LESS. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 38 acres MOLfromrn A5, A, RR, & A10 to RPUD and approval of a master plan. CASE NO.: R2005-0023 John W. & Merle Peterson GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford/Villages area: North on US 301. 5ast on C-466. North on CR 101. Property is on the west side of the road approximately 1.4 miles. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parent parcel: SEC. 8, TWP. 18S, RNG. 23E: N 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LESS R/W CR & S 1/2 OF N1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NEI/4 & SI/2 OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 SEC. 9, TWP. 18S, RNG. 23E: N1/2 OF N1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 LESS R/W CR & SI/2 OFSW1/4 OF NWI/4 LESS RD R/W. To be rezoned: SEC. 9, TWP. 18S, RNG. 23E TO R4C: N 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 AND SEC. 8 TWP. 18 S RNG. 23 E: N 3/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4. TO R6C: SEC. 9 TWP. 18 S RNG. 23 E: S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NWI/4 & SEC. 8 TWP.19S RNG.23E S 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 40 acres from A5 to R4C & to R6C on 20 acres MOL CASE NO.: R2005-0024 Don M Buckner, Etal GENERAL LOCATION: Webster area: East on C-48, South on SR 471. East on C-478. Proceed approximately 2 miles to property on the North side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sac. 32, Twp. 21S, Rng. 23E: E1/2 OF NE1/4 & NW1/4 OF NEI/4 & EI/2 OF E1/2 OF SWI/4 OF NE1/4 & 25 A ON E. SIDE OF NE1/4 OF SEI/4 & SEI/4 OF SEI/4 & Sec. 29, Twp. 21S, Rng. 23E: ALL S OF RR REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 250 acres MOL from A5 to RVPUD and approval of the master plan. CASE NO.: R2005-0025 Lake Andrew Preserve, LLC, Etal GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on C-466. Proceed approximately /2 mile to the property on the north side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 7, Twp. 18S., Rng. 23E: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTH- WEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE S 0 0 2 6 1 5 W , ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 18 A DISTANCE OF 113.73 FEET; THENCE DE- PARTING SAID WEST LINE, N65'46'10"E, 272.15 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; T H E N C E CONTINUE N65'46'10"E, 884.41 FEET; THENCE N 0 0 2 6 3 4 E , 305.88 FEET; THENCE S89'31'51"E, 1,120.78 FEET; THENCE N20'28'44"W, 151.68 FEET; THENCE N83'17'12"W, 127.77' FEET; THENCE N51'17'33"W, 113.46 FEET; THENCE N13'15'42"E, 187.26 FEET; THENCE N65'02'39"E, 555.89 FEET; THENCE S89'29'19"E, 201.47 FEET TO THE NORTH- W E S T CORNER OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF T H E SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE S 0 0 2 6 5 9 W , ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 1 3 2 2 3 9 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE N89'31'46"W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 7 A DISTANCE OF 2,399.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING. THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 23 E A S T SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST, SUMTER COUN- T Y FLORIDA, LYING EAST OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY . OF COUNTY ROAD 209 AND LYING NORTH OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COUNTY ROAD 466 LESS: THAT POPIiOtI OF TIE tEAe1 50 FEET OF THE SAID NORTH 1/2O: inE [NORihWEST 1,4 L.itNG SOUTH OF I-E SOuIlH- LINE OF THE NORTH 956.50 FEET OF THE SAID NORTH- W E S . 1/4. AND LESS: ANr' PORTlOT IHEREOf LYING WIHirl rHE FOLLOWlIiG DESCRIBED PARCEL BEGIN At IHE riF'IpHutlI COPIEPF OF SAID-iLtTLt* ., , THENCE 500!26'15E W tOtHG iHI WEAi rLIN4E IE T NORTHWEST 1/4 Of SAID SECilOlt 18 A DM Mf',i OF 113.73 FEET; HENCE DEPe1RiatG SAID WESI LINE It N65'46'10"E :72 15 FEET RTO POrtl O THO E tlORIH// LINE 1 - OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 I.IENCE It.' 31 f. W- " ALONG - SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE Of .' sI FEET TO IlH / POINT OF BEGINNING. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone 133.67 acres MOL from A5 & RR5 to RPUD and approval of the master plan, CASE NO.: R2005-0026 Power Corporation GENERAL LOCATION: Wildwood area: North on US 301, East on C-472 ap- proximately 11/ mile to the property on the south side of the road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 21 I.o 185 ng 23E GOvTlOI 31,iSSE t110 DS 8 NWI1/ OF 5WI/. OF SW1/4 & S1,'2 OF SWi.-1 Of SW1/4 & IE/4 OF WOF f SIj4 OF SWI/4 REQUESTED ACilOl ri :-, : y,-. r I L ,, - 1', .l:, I1 i" I :, : I. -I i 1 'T i:r r . County Commissioners at a Public Hearing' o be held on Tues- day, March 15, 2005 at 6:00 PM in Room 222, Sumter County Courthouse. 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. CASE NO.: S2005-0001 Debble A Smith GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. East on C-466, North on CR 103. Property on the east side of the road, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 8, To 18S Trg 23E Paretri paicP SI 2 CF SE I'. LESS S 106t80' Of E3,'J Of SEI'd o. be re:i.ned S 38381 OF SW I/.40F SEli/4 LESSS i0,60'OFSE I4OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1.4 LESS R/W FOR CR 103 REQUESTED ACTION i._.. i r" P,',i..,r r,. .:. .1 1.... theran Church on ",1: :,e. i r,-,. CASE NO.: T2005-0010 John C. Kuhns ' GENERAL LOCATION: Oxford area: North on US 301. West on CR 204. Property on the SE corner of CR 204 & CR 223. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 12, Twp. 18S, Rng. 22E: BEG 924' N OF SW COR OF -NW1/4 OF SW1/4 RUN N 396' E 825.25' S 396' W 825.25' TO POB REQUESTED ACTION: 'Renewal of Temporary Use Permit to allow mobile hpme for disabled son. CASE NO.: T2005-0011 Melvin J. & Unda D Ethridge GENERAL LOCATION: ' Bushnell area: East on C -.i' : r i-.n on SR 471. weston CR 546. North on CR ,46N. Property will be the. first on Sthe north side of 'r, :.,,' -I ier i .:jr LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 36, Twp. 20S, Rng 22E THAT PORTION OF THE S W '1 / 4 OF SE1/4 LYING S OF THE CENTERLINE OF JUMPER CREEK CANAL LESS THE W 368.50' THEREOF LESS S 25' REQUESTED ACTION: Renewal'of Temporary Use Permit to allow an RV on the property while new residence Is under construction. As time allows, the Zoning & Adjustment Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, may hold a workshop dealing with revisions to zoning regulations and relat- e d matters. Information regarding these cases Is on file with the Sumter County Division ofPlanning & Development, Sumter County Courthouse, 209 N. Florida Street, R o o m 324, Bushnell, Florida. These flaes may be reviewed be- tween the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24. 2005. 615-0303 SCT NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The administration of the Estate of Shirlle W. Beebe, deceased, File Number 2005CP000021, is pending In the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Clerk of Circuit Court, 225 McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses, of the Personal Repregenta-' tive and the Personal Rep- resentative's Attorney are set forth below. All interested persons are required to file with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF'THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE: (1) all claims against the Estate nnd (2) any objection by an interested person to whom this Notice was mailed that challenges the validity of the Will, the qualifications of the Personal Representative, venue, or jurisdiction of the Court. ALL CLAIMS AND OB- JECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Date of the first publication of this Notice of Adminis- tration is February 24, 2005. -s- Gretchen S. Farragut 222 Morris Road Ambler, PA 19002 -s- Felix M. Adams Florida Bar No. 358282 138 Bushnell Plaza-Ste. 201 Bushnell, Florida 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, February 24, and March 3, 2005. 690-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE UNCLAIMED VEHICLE SALE The following vehicle will be sold on March 3, 2005, at 8:00 AM: 1998 DODGE 4-DOOR VIN 2B3HD46R7WH222299 Address where vehicle Is stored and will be sold: 11499 CR 675 W Webster, FL 33597 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 621-0303 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Fortunata J. Ford PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 2005-CP-000009 IN RE: ESTATE OF FORTUNATE J. FORD, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of FORTUNATE J. FORD, deceased, File Num- ber 2005-CP-000009, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representative's at- torney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against acUouuBu iestatel on whom a copy of this no- tice is served must file their claims with this court WITH- IN THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of the de- cedent must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. . ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is Feb- ruary 24, 2005. Petitioner: -s- Kenneth E. Ford 8387 Caloosa Road Fort Myers, Florida 33912 Attorney for Petitioner: -s- Mary P. Hatcher, Esquire Florida Bar No. 792926 MARY HATCHER, P.A. 222 South Florida Street Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 793-5600 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 24, and March 3, 2005. sz4-U3Us us I Notice to Creditors Estate of Emil Torres Marre, Jr. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 2004-CP-000189 IN RE: ESTATE OF EMIL TORRES MARRE, JR., A/K/A EMIL TORRES, JR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO ALL PERSONS HAV- ING CLAIMS OR DE- MANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified that the estate of EMIL TORRES MARRE, JR., A/K/A EMIL TORRES, JR., deceased, Case Number 2004-CP-000189, is pend- ing in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is: Sumter County Courthouse Pro- bate, 225 East McCollum Avenue, Bushnell, Florida 33513, The names and ad- dresses of the Personal Representative and the Per- sonal Representative's at- torney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims against the de- cedent's estate, Including un-matured, contingent or un-liquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claims with. this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the estate of the de- cedent, including un-ma- tured, contingent or un-liqui- dated claims, must file their claims or demands in dupli- cate in accordance with Florida Probate Rules with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is Feb- ruary 24, 2005. Personal Representative: -s- JUDITH TORRES 6905 C.R. 625 Bushnell, FL 33513 Attorney for Personal Representative: -s- R. SETH MANN, ESQ. 38109 Pasco Avenue Dade City, FL 33525 (352) 567-5010 Florida Bar No. 0990434 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, February 24, and March 3, 2005. 675-0224 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Sally Ann Lansing PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No: 2005-CP-000024 IN RE: ESTATE OF SALLY ANN LANSING, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of SALLY ANN LAN- SING, deceased, whose date of death was Janu- ary 22, 2005 and whose Social Security Number Is 261-68-7053, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sum- ter County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which Is 209 North Flori- da Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth be- low, All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons, who have claims or de- mands against dece-- dent's estate on whom a copy of this notice Is re- quired to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice Is February 17, 2005. Personal Representative: -s- Randall W. Pfettscher 4678 CR 311 Bushnell, Florida 33513 Attorney for Personal Representative: Lawrence J. Marchbanks, Esquire Lawrence J. Marchbanks, P.A. Florida Bar No, 156960 110 Cleveland Avenue Wildwood, Florida 34785 Telephone: (352) 748-5888 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 676-0224 SCT NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The administration of the Estate of Paul, David Hedrfck, deceased, File Number 2005CP000025, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Clerk of Circuit Court, 225 McColilum Ave., Bushnell, Florida 33513. The names and addresses of the Per- sonal Representative and the Personal Representa- tive's Attorney are set forth below. All interested persons are required to file with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE: (1) all claims against the Estate and (2) any objec- tion by an interested per- son to whom this Notice was mailed that chal- lenges the validity of the Will, the qualifications of the Personal Representa- tive, venue, or jurisdiction of the Court. ALL CLAIMS AND OBJEC- TIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Date of the first publica- tion of this Notice of Ad- ministration is February 17, 2005. -s- Laura L. Hedrick 187 NE 1st St. Webster, FL 33597 -s- Felix M. Adams Florida Bar No. 358282 138 Bushnell Plaza-Ste. 201 Bushnell, Florida 33513 (352) 793-6900 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005.. 677-0224 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Bertha B. Moot PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY CASE NO, 2005CP000027 IN RE: ESTATE OF BERTHA B. MONAT a/k/a BERTHA MONAT, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BERTHA B. MON- AT a/k/a BERTHA MONAT, deceased, File Number 2005CP000027, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 209 N. Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth be- low, All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice Is February 17, 2005. Personal Representative: DONALD E. MONAT 145 Rainbow Dr,, #4599 Livingston, TX 77399 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON FL Bar No. 176505 P.O. Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 .(352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 688-0224 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. B-40 of Burns Self Storage, a -self-storage facility, located at 9511 C.R. 733, Webster, Sumter County, FL will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Date of Sale: 3/3/2005 TIme oSale: 11:00 A.M. Name of Tenant: STEVEN WILLIAMS Address: 1777 CR 428, Lake Panasoffkee, FL.33538 Unit No.: B-40 F Desc of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice Is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof. Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 24, 2005. 617-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Com- missioners of Sumter County, Florida, at a meeting held at the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell, Florida, on the 15th day of February, 2005, adopted a Resolution closing and vacating the following described roads, rights-of-way or easements: Those portions of all roads, streets and alleys and areas of HOLLY HILL as per plat recorded in Plat Boqk 2 Page 76 Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, lying with- in the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 23 East; AND within the South 101.92 feet of the West 213.71 feet of the North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 23 East, renouncing, disclaiming and closing and vacating any right of Sumter County, Florida and the public in and to any land THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 25 or interest therein as to the above described property. This'action shall not be final until 30 days from the date of this publication. Any interested party shall have the right to request a re-hearing by the Board during the 30 day period. Upon submission of proof of misrepresentation or mistake of substantial fact or other error, the Board may reverse the decision to close the road and dismiss the petition. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Jay A. Chandler, Chairman Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, Febru- ary 24, 2005. 625-0224 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR SERVICES The Board of Sumter County Commissioners is accepting submittals of qualifications and interest in providing the fol- lowing professional services: CIVIL ENGINEERING AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL SERVICES Submittals of qualifications and interest must be received in the County Administrator's Office, 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513, (352-793-0200) not later than 1:30 p.m. on March 3, 2005. Submittals must be delivered in a sealed envelope marked "Civil Engineering and Hydroge- ological Services" and are to include six (6) copies typed and bound, and include the following: 1. Name of firm and proof of authorization to transact busi- ness in the State of Florida issued by the Florida Secretary of State, as required. 2. Identify professionals who will provide the services re- quested and submit copy of current certificates of authoriza- tion to offer professional services issued by the Florida De- partment of Professional Regulation or other licensing divi- sion of the State. 3. Submit organizational profile with work history and each professional's area of responsible charge. include any ad- ditional staffing end experience. 4. Submit current Standard Form (SF) 254 showing firm's data for the past five (5) years. 5. Submit list of client references (names, addresses and phone numbers). 6. Past or present work in Sumter County. 7. Location of firm's office that would provide the services rendered. 8. Submit status of current insurance coverages. Minimum requirements for this contract will be: a: General Liability Occurrence $1,000,000.00 each $1,000,000.00 aggregate b. Automobile Liability $1,000,000.00 c. Workman's Compensation $1,000,000.00 each accident d. Professional Liability $250,000.00 The agency's professional negotiation committee will follow the competitive selection procedures to negotiate a contract for the agency with the firm considered to be the most quali- fied. Upon completion of the negotiation process a contract will be presented to the Board of Sumter County Commissions for the service. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, Febru- ary 24, 2005. 687-0224 SCT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION BURNS SELF STORAGE hereby gives notice that the en- tire contents of Unit No. B-1 of Burns Self Storage, a self-storage facility, located at 9511 C.R. 733, Webster, Sumter County, FL 'will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Date of Sale: 3/3/2005 Time of Sle: 11:00 A.M. Name of Tenant: MARVIN CATO Address: 16901 SE 301 Unit 35, Summerfleld, FL 34491 UnIt No.: B-1 Desc. of Property: Misc. Household Goods This Notice is given pursuant to Section 83.806, FL Stat- utes, to satisfy the Self-service Facility Owner's lien of the contents thereof, Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, February 17, and 2L, 2005. SILVERADO EXT. CAB *V-8 SWAS I13,065 NOW $10,960* 2005 VENTURE LS MP3, DRIVER INFO CENTER, LOADED MSRP $29,955 SCBC Disc -2,147 Rebate -3,500 Bonus Cash -1,000 STK#50009 NOW $23,308* 2005 SUBURBAN LS FULL PWR., ON-STAR MSRP $41,135 CBC Disc -4,061 Rebate -3,000 Bonus Cash -1,000 STK#50404 NOW $33.074* 2005 MALIBU AUTO, CD MSRP CBC Disc Rebate Bonus Cash $19,790 -1,046 -2,000 -500 STK#50327 NOW $16,244* 2005 TAHOE LS FULL PWR., ON-STAR MSRP $36,120 CBC Disc -4,011 Rebate -3,000 Bonus Cash -1,000 K#50202 NOW 28109* 847 S. Main Street J AN CAN Wildwood, Florida (352) 748-1122 1-800-824-4386 SHEVROLET ) I E-Mail: cindychevrolet@aol.com i, *Web: www.CindyChevrolet.com Gen uine People. .Genuine Chevrolet. *tax, tag, & title not included in above sales price J = PAGE 26, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 FBIA WINNERS Photos by Brenda Locklear Crystal Lancaster second place and Angel Gonzalez first place in Principles and Procedures and Marissa Benavides first in International Business (back row, left to right); Ryan Hileman first in Business Procedures, Brandi Wilkinson first in Banking and Financial Systems and Cara Cline third in Economics (front row, left to right) were among the top rank- ing students at the District X Future Business Leaders of America competition. Students who earned top rankings, but weren't available for photos were: Craig Lackay first and Joshua Claytor second in Computer Concepts; Veronica Rodriguez and Desided Pimentel third in Desktop Publishing team; Kellie Warren second and Tori Summerlin third in Introduction to Business Communications, Jarred Chandler, Rebecca Mazak, Sean McLeod and Brady Revels all members of the first place Parliamentary Procedures team. TRUCK CENTER ra 1P- 4, V ...,: .- A I-l... . YOUR HIOMWE TOWWN nr x.LR- 1AD CDI 10 0%GUARAM ID HPOS 00%UAAID VOCE 100% GUARA ID LAPAY 100% GUAM ID BANKRUPTCY 100 UARA D FOCLSUR O%0UARAID I ~ ,, i~NX / OA~jIA Some of the South Sumter High School students who brought home top awards in the District X Future Business Leaders of America are shown with their teacher, Linda Mims (front row, center). The students shown are: Eva Mason first in team Parliamentary Procedures, Kyle Dubbs elected District X vice-president for 2005-2006 (shown, left to right); Christina Caudill - third in Business Math, Mims, Andrew Moffitt second in Bankding and Financial Systems (front row, left to right). Mason also had the highest score by underclassmen on Parliamentary Procedure and will be the District X Parliamentarian for 2005-2006. Some of the South Sumter High School students who brought home top awards in the District X Future Business Leaders of America were: Nicole Yates first in Introduction to Parliamentary Procedures, Quentin Latimer first in Networking Concepts, Robert Young sec- ond in Impromptu Speaking, Anita Hawkins first in Entrepeneurship team (shown, back row, left to right) Cecily Craig first and Kellie Warren second in Introduction to Business, James Shuyler and Heather Varnum first in Entrepreneurship team (front row, left to right). Free parenting workshop being offered to parents - ;gg *, IF R f.1- 4 Community Coordinated Care for Children (4C) will offer fun workshops designed for parents of 3-, 4- and 5-year- old children. The first workshop entitled "Wise Words on Discipline" will be offered on Thursday, March 3, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Uptown Family Child Care, 1020 S. Main Street, Wildwood. This workshop will also be offered on Thursday, April 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at A Kid's Place, 43 C.R. 489B, Lake Panasoffkee, and Thursday, May 5, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Marilyn McCray Child Care Facility, 4323 Lime St., Coleman. If you have any questions, contact the 4C Sumter office at 352-748-4005. Workshops' are funded by the Agency for Workforce Innovation and the Early Learning Coalition of Citrus and Sumter Counties. N ALL 140046401325 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005, PAGE 27 :v MONTH LEASE 'ON EUAfZC-r..LIBIEHWh 'iRJD OHFRPjKEE F1 CkUICiEA SCEBAII: ,PA.Cifi A, ir~i, LA':E A CUoJI AAkrj MVTH AFFAl'-ii.'Ri' :H1:'IALL FAi(c irjid ij[rhli*HivEA IFFE FLIJ, TVTA- 4.TiFLf '(CEALIER FEE Arli il f-- IJAL ELULI FiLL LILLBEA, 1 I*HL -:171UREUOF IN, 11_1F AI.IU L FiEBATIt' LEASE ANiD C,*IvRLiE'jA LCATvREBATES HE E 'ALEAFR Ci FAIii 8'dju CM H ULI: T BE FilfiurjI i-uID1H 1.11 H uF, VEHIN Lfc F-I LuAE5 ARE RAILLtU WRATIA PUAFC,4ES l'rd!L,*"'IN SELEL C T y!L.tu i DA F,,Ri~kIi 'F-IFR'rri- i Lf!T BE firy I 4: II lfi AI.I@ 18.il 111L::II w91, 9 FAa Ap CRVSTAL HRYSLERfODGEAJEE CRYSTAL CHRYSLERDODGE JEEP BROOKSVILLE O1/1"1 r norl'l I"l"" CRYSTAL CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HOMOSASSA 1005 S. SUNCOAST BLVD. INVERNESS 2077 HWY 44 WEST I 5-L ., -- .' A PAGE 28, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 m i I ,00 YEAR END CORPORATE MARKDOWN 2004 NISSAN SENTRA AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AIR CONDITIONING CD PLAYER POWER WINDOWS POWER LOCKS LOADED ORIGINAL MSRP CORPORATE MARK DOWN $15,678 $6,790 $ 0 PAY $9 ONLY F 2005 N ISSAN ALTIMA 5.:-.-- e---- z AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING CD PLAYER POWER WINDOWS POWER LOCKS TILT STEERING LOADED ORIGINAL $20 280 MSRP 6 CORPORATE MARK DOWN CORPORATE $ 2 MARK DOWN y 7, $9,999 04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER CORPORATE $ MARK DOWN 0 V Wi: 017,999 04 PONTIAC GRAND AM CORPORATE $ A A MARK DOWN $8W o10,999 04 LINCOLN TOWN CAR %OKPOKATE $3 90 MARK DOWN I jIIW 23.,999 05 TOYOTA CAMRY /,Q2^ ,OKNPUKATE MARK DOWN *12. 6,879 999 i.UKoOKATE $ MARK DOWN i i l $18, 999 .UKOKATE $ A MARK DOWN V W *16 999 05 GMC YUKON COK-OKATE$S( E$ MARK DOWN I10,350 *26,999 NINISSANSSA 2200 SR- 200. OCALA ALL INVENTORY SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE, ALL INVENTORY RETITLED, PLUS TAX, TAG, AND DEALER FEE. PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. *FINANCE OPTION 72 MONTHS @6.0 APR WAC -- ALL INVENTORY SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE, ALL INVENTORY PRETITLED, PLUS TAX, TAG, AND DEALER FEE. PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. *FINANCEIOPTION 72 MONTHS @6.0 APR WAC I5, 281 YOU PAY ONLY |