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Established 1881 SUMTER COUNTY VOLUME 121 NUMBER 2 INSIDE Calendar ............ 15 Church ............. .7 Obituaries ............6 Police Report .......... 20 Tidbits .............16 THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 20051 Villages gets funding for interchanges MARTIN STEELE Times Correspondent The Villages will be getting transportation impact fees and credits for building two new highway interchanges in a deal approved Tuesday by the Sumter County Commission. The agreement with the developer is the culmination of months of debate and nego- tiations between representa- *tives of the Villages and coun- ty officials. It basically will allow the developer to estab- lish impact fee "credits" and reimbursements to compen- sate for money spent "up front" on two major projects. Although there was consid- erable debate last year about the appropriateness of using the funds for the particular type of project, this agreement will provide at least partial reimbursement for construc- tion of an interchange at the intersection of 1-75 with County Roads 466 and 475 west of Oxford and an inter- change at the intersection of C.R. 468 and the Florida Turnpike, northeast of Coleman. County Attorney Randall Thornton listed three items that were changed to help resolve county concerns about obligating all of the fees in that impact fee district for an extensive time span. The first item consisted of a contractual change that would limit reimbursements to the Villages to a maximum of 50 percent of the fe s collected from construction in District 1 for construction outside of the Villages. The second change described by J Thornton reduces the timf span for Villages access to the fees from 15 years to 10 years. A third item |allows the county to give any other devel- oper in the distri|;t up to 100 percent credit on impact fees for road improve ents in that district in conjunction with other projects. County Commissioner Jim Roberts, who has generally been critical of credits for the interchanges from the initial pi ,posal, still had some reser- vations on Tuesday. "I still think 10 years is a long time we're not likely to even be here in 10 years," Roberts said, referring the board. Commissioner Mike Francis argued that it was a reason- able span. "We have to give him some time to get back for the investment he's made up front," Francis said, noting that the developer was not likely to recoup all of his investment in the projects. Commissioner Richard Hoffman moved to approve the contract with Francis pro- viding the second. Even after the unanimous approval of the contract there were still some questions remaining about allocation of the funds and potential expense for billboard removal Please see VILLAGES, Page 2 CELEBRATING IN MUSICAL STYLE Pickin ', playing at Breezy Oaks BRENOA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer It's been a year now and residents of Breezy Oaks RV Park were ready to celebrate last week, when park owners hosted an anniversary party. From hot dogs to country music, residents were out in force and settled in for fun as local talent took to the stage to celebrate new park owners first year with the business. Roland Broeman and his family, new owners, even brought in Marty the Magician from the Magic Shop ii Tampa. Dozens of residents were sitting around the main office, kicked back in lounge chairs, enjoying the mild weather. Broeman said they were looking to create a "quaint country place" with a Cracker Barrel feel. They've even come up with their slogan, "The cool place to be." Broeman's son Chris said the family combined the anniversary celebration with a birthday celebration for his dad. Please see BREEZY, Page 2 Buster Whitmore appeared more than happy to accommodate the crowd with his music on the fiddle. LENDING A HELPING HAND Wildwood's The Royal Library Association is the fund-rais- ing arm of the A.A. Young Sr. T Vk-,_^^ -VrD-1- .-- Sirary oi Royal. Residents of Royal have The day begins at 10 a.r planned a march on Monday, with the march. The rou Jan. 17, in honor of Dr. Martin starts at the Royal Communi Luther King, Jr Center on County Road 23 The Royal Library Marchers will travel south Association is sponsoring the County Road 462 then trav event Called the Dr. Martin east to County Road 235 Luther King, Jr. March, then north to County RoE 'Munchies and More activi- ties will center around the iRoyal Community Center. Please see ROYAL, Page :Remembering the King legacy On Friday, Jan. 14, the eLeesburg Community Center will be abuzz with the united Voices of students, teachers, community leaders, religious leaders and patrons, city and county officials, politicians, school administrators, busi- laess leaders from Lake and Sumter counties. ' The words buzzing will be to remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the kickoff for four days of Weekend commemoration events. 0: The Dr. Martin Luther King, r. Commemoration Committee, in collaboration with Lake-Sumter Community College, and a host of local m. ate ity 35. to 'el A, ad 2 sponsors, have planned a weekend of events to cele- brate, recognize, and award local individuals for outstand- ing works within Lake and Sumter communities. At 7:30 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 14, activities begin with a CommUNITY Breakfast, at the -Leesburg Community Center, corner of Dixie Avenue and Canal streets. Keynote speaker will be Dr. Charles Mojock, president of Lake-Sumter Community College and supported by per- formances of the Leesburg High School Madrigal Chorus under the direction of Karyl Please see KING, Page 9 South Sumter Middle School FCCLA members prepared Fruit Baskets for the Elderly and needy In the community. Left to right are: Chrissy Lord, T.J. Larris, Brianna Jimenez, A.J. Spiegel, Dakota Sizemore, Kellie Powell, Brittany Steele, Sarah Durham, Alyssa Lacey and Victory Elliston. Mrs. Doris Jacobs considers this one of the most spirit lifting things the students can do for those less fortunate. She receives phone calls and letters on what a difference this proj- ect has made over the holidays. new official AMANDA MIMS Times Correspondent On Monday evening at the, Wildwood City Commission's first meeting of the year, re-: elected com- missioner Ronald Allen and newly elected com- missioner Robbi e Strickland took the oath of Strickland office. Strickland, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, Please see OFFICIAL, Page 2 N Bi P fi r 'r ,- ,.. -,- *, ,- .. *' ... ...-... , Honoring King at Royal march BOB REICHMAN Editor 3`5 CENTSs I PAGE 2, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 England coming to Sumter VILLAGES Country popular is heading to Sumter County and Jimmy's Country Place on Saturday, Jan. 22. Nashville superstar and for- mer Garth Brooks guitarist Ty England will be onstage and in Bushnell for the 2005 event , Some of England's top hits include "Travelin' Soldier," "Shoulda Asked Her Faster;" and "The Cowboy." "We're very excited about bringing (the concert) to the community," said Jimmy's Country Place owner Carol Cliff Perry played the dulcimer. BREEZY continued from Page I -i Don Shuckhart, park manag- er, gathered his friends to put together the music, while Don Schmidt and others manned the grill. : Since the Broemans pur- qhased the park, they've added Thursday night music jams and t heated swimming pool. I The 100-site park keeps a slate of events. On Monday, it's game night, vith karaoke on Tuesday and erafts and bingo on Wednesday. . On Saturday morning it's cof- fee and doughnuts and on Sunday afternoon, there's a gospel sing. . Special events include a yard sale slated for this Friday. Jan. 14. ' The park is located at 9683 C.R. 671, south of Bushnell. For more information call the park Hutto. England played guitar for country superstar Garth Brooks for several years and Brooks produced England's last album "Highways and Dance Halls." In the mid 1990s, England put out two records "Ty England" and "Two Ways to Fall." "I feel very honored he's coming to Sumter County," she said. She hopes for a good turnout so they can continue to offer concerts and bring artists into Sumter. Hutto's also decided to turn the event into a benefit she plans to donate 10 percent of the profits to victims of the tsunami. Tickets for the Bushnell concert are $15 in advance or $20 the day of the show and available at Jimmy's or through Jimmy's is located at 5260 U.S. 301. Doors open at 7 p.m: For more information, call Jimmy's at 793-3570. Photos and story by Brenda Locklear Marty the Magician followed all the local musicians and even brought along a friend of his. Marty Capitano is based at The Magic Shop in Tampa. continued from Page 1 in the interchange areas. Commission Chairman Joey Chandler said that with this arrangement, the board would at least be banking some portion of the fees for any future road projects it OFFICIAL continued from Page 1 said after the meeting that "it feels a lot different sitting up here." He said he doesn't believe it will be difficult learning all he needs to know as a commissioner. "The hardest thing is finding the time to talk to as many peo- ple as I need to," he said. Among the issues dis- cussed at the meeting were new policies for police offi- cers and the presence of Homes in Partnership in the area. The new police policy would provide guidelines for the use of force, and specifi- cally the use of tasers. Although the police depart- ment already has policies in place, tasers are not men- tioned and those at the police ROYAL continued from Page 1 222, west to County Road 235 and ending at the Community Center The munchies will be a vari- ety of all-you-can-eat foods for wanted to pursue. In a somewhat related mat- ter: County Public Works Director Tommy Hurst told commissioners that there might not be enough money for some road projects later this year due to an shortfall in funds collected in impact fee District 3 which is mostly the southern and western por- tions of the county. department do not wish to begin training with those weapons until the new guide- lines are in place. "This is something we've got to have," said Mayor Ed Wolf. City Attorney Jerri Blair stated that in other areas where these kinds of policies are in place, statisti- cally injuries to arrestees have gone down, as well as injuries to officers. A deci- sion was made to accept the new policies. Commissioners discussed providing office space to Homes in Partnership, a non- profit organization that helps citizens build homes. HIP had requested the use of the old Health Department Building, but Wolf disagreed. "We need to use (that build- ing) for records storage," he said. He said that the city has an obligation to keep records in a safe, secure area. "If we $3: The meal is a fundraiser to help provide supplies for the library. Other activities for the day will include, but not limited to, Juanita Jones, author and retired Sumter County school administrator. She will give a motivational speech and read from her book Rivers of Living Water. "It' not as much as we had hoped to get," Hurst said. There is currently $6,739 in that account, he said. In the meantime, the county will have to look to its road and bridge fund for pay the cost of a current project involving improvements to C.R. 48 in the commercial area just west of 1-75. That project 's final cost will be approximately $1.8 million. don't, we're going to be in a situation where they're going to come down on us." Commissioner John Johnson also had reserva- tions because about what it would cost the city to repair the roof of the building: Commissioners Pamela Harrison-Bivins and Ronald Allen both agreed that the presence of this group would be a good thing for Wildwood& "I would like to see us work with them," Bivins said. Allen said that liked what he had seen the group accom- plish in Apopka and Leesburg. Homes in Partnership "would be a friend to the community and the City of Wildwood," according to Allen. All agreed that they need-, ed to discuss the issue fur- ther with HIP and they decided to add it to the next scheduled meeting. Additionally, the Library Association is seeking people who would like to come and volunteer to read to children, during the activities. For more information about participating call the library at 330-1969 or go by the library Monday through Friday fronm 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. to select a book Softball Registration The South Sumter Girls Softball League (SSGS) is happy to announce it is that time of the year again! Registration for the 2005 year will be held at the Kenny Dixon Sports Complex in Bushnell. Saturday, January 15, and 22 from 10:00 2:00 Girls ages 6-18 (Age 6 if 7th birthday is by June 1). w-: PORKYSEZ. I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE! Monday Friday 'during our regular hours of service 8:30 am 3:00 pm CALL 568-MOVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS OR FOR INFORMATION RIPE THE TRA IT AND HAVE A ... MOVE M ING EXPERIENCE A fnlm a al lP.EIIu.. tMairn Luther King Jr. Day J ) ~ The SSGS Board of Directors would like to invite all girls from all of the communities in the county. FREE CLINIC TO ALL -..... REGISTERED GIRLS January 22nd, 9am-3pm. Bring glove and cleats. Please contact league President Ron Boyatt @ 568-1172, If you have any questions. In observance of MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY January 17, 2005 Sumter County Transit will be closed Call Friday, Jan. 14th before 2:00 pm for your transportation on Jan. 18th T ANSIT WILL GET YOU THERE! SUNTER COUNTY TRANSIT 56S-MOVE (66S3) A SERVICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 121 Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 j- (Next to Dollar General) ISA690.017 C5 45 I&Irk %1: 11 %Nl SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 3i Guardrails Family, pastor remember drummer Wildwood men arrested under construction Croom-A-Coochee resident Gregory Brown is among the list of people killed in crossover crashes, according to Lt Pat Santangelo of the Florida Highway Patrol. He said that out of the 91 people killed last year in crashes on the Florida Turnpike, 54 were killed in crossover crashes. ' The crashes occur when vehicles crossover the medi- an between the north and southbound lanes, and move into oncoming traffic. * But the "guardrail is only part of the solution," said Chris Deason, public informa- tion officer for the Florida Department of Transportation. That's because some of those fatalities are caused by people ejected from their vehicles because they aren't wearing seatbelts, she said. "Everybody needs to do .their part." Part of a five-year work plan, the $54 million project was kicked off the day before Thanksgiving 2003 and is slat- ed for completion in July of this year. More than 100 miles of the 400-plus mile system already include guardrails with the current work adding another 206 miles of guardrail, according to Deason. : Sumter's included in the stretch under construction. Work here just started, she said. The process takes time because there's a tremendous amount of engineering work involved. BRENDA LOCKLEAR Staff Writer Gregory Brown always had a smile and a chuckle and a hug, said Fred Hooten, pastor of Paths of Grace Ministries. "He was one of those gen- uinely nice guys." Brown, 20, was killed on Sunday, Jan. 2, while traveling on the Florida Turnpike in Ft. Pierce. Hooten said he was taking a friend home and had left early to get the friend home and return to his home in Croom-A- Coochee. A 2003 graduate of South Sumter High School, he was a member of the Paths of Grace ministry, serving as church drummer. "He's been one of the most faithful members of our church since I've been here," Hooten said. He had even been active in their youth group until he became too old for the group. Brown was a member of the South Sumter High School NJROTC and employed drilling wells and servicing pumps, by Bill Nelson in Leesburg. "I just want people to remember Greg the way Greg was. He was just carefree and happy. He just loved everybody - he didn't have any enemies," his dad Ron said. He was traveling northbound when a vehicle in the south- bound lane crossed over the median colliding with a car in front of Brown and Brown's truck, according to Hooten. He said there were a number of critical injuries, but Brown was the only fatality. "It's going to be hard. Greg was a kid that anybody would want," his dad said, adding, CASH NOW FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW , for Structured Settlements! "He had so many friends and they've all come together. He was never any problem, other than the normal things boys do." While he said Greg was a lazy student, he said he was a good student "He was smart as a whip," and especially when it came to mechanical things, he said. "He didn't do drugs, he was a Christian, he was a super per- son." Gregory Brown The life of the party, wherev- er he went, he was someone who loved life, living it to the fullest, his dad said. "He would do anything for anybody. He went out of his way to help people." "We kind of butted heads sometimes because we were so much alike," he said, pointing out that he hadn't even real- ized it until his son's death. "I'm finding now in his death that he was a lot like me." Brown said many of Greg's friends had come forward, say- ing how much of an affect he had on their lives. Some even saying they wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Greg. He got into music around 2002, learning drums from the previous pastor of their church. "Greg was good at whatever he wanted to do," he said, adding that he had already put in application to serve as a vol- unteer firefighter. His parents, Ron and Linda Brown of Croom-A-Coochee; two brothers Anthony Scott of Webster, currently serving in the National Coast Guard, and Charles M. Brown of New Port Richey; one sister, Suzanne Carter of Jacksonville; pater- nal grandmother, Ottie Brown of Auburndale; and maternal grandmother, Ruby Lisle of Winter Haven survive him. Services were held at 1 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 7 at the Paths of Grace, with Hooten officiating. According to the Florida Highway Patrol report, it was 2:25 p.m. when Dorothy Theogene, 21, of Miramar, was northbound on the Florida Turnpike in a silver Toyota RAV 4. She lost control of the vehicle, which began to roll across the median and into the southbound lane. The Toyota rolled over a 1994 Toyota Camry, driven by Thomas Frank Harrison, 24 of Miami and then into the path of Brown's 1997 Nissan. Brown was killed on the scene. Theogene was flown to St. Mary's Hospital in West Palm Beach. Harrison and passengers in the other two cars were trans- ported to nearby hospitals. Brown is one of several vic- tims killed in a "crossover crash." Lt. Pat Santangelo said that out of the 91 people killed last year in accidents on the Florida Turnpike, 54 were killed in crossover crashes. CENTRAL FLORIDA I HEAR CAR Advanced Hearing Aid Centers Marc. R. Trychel, Au.D., Doctor of Audiology www.doctorhearwell.com 1108 W. Dixie Avenue 1008 East Avenue (between LRMC & US 27) (behind Cumberland Farms US 50) LEESBURG, FL. 34748 CLERMONT, FL. 34711 1326-5253 241-0909 We Take The "Mumble" Away And Make Speech/Conversation Clear Again! BOB REICHMAN Editor Two Wildwood men were arrested last week and a third suspect is being sought in con- nection with a Christmas Eve robbery and carjacking in Royal. Benzi Harris, 26, and Emerson Turks, 18, were both arrested for armed carjack- ing, armed robbery, grand theft and aggravated battery. Bonds were set at $107,000 each. The carjacking happened about 11 p.m. on Dec. 24 when three males in a tan-colored Chevrolet Impala pulled into the parking lot of the Royal Community Center, on County Road 235, and approached an occupied vehicle waiting for someone, according to sher- iff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers. "The three males had their faces partially covered when' they got out of their vehicle and they were armed with handguns," he said. The men forced the twoc' occupants of the other vehicle" (an unidentified 20-year-old' man and a 16-year-old girl) out of their car at gunpoint,' Caruthers said. The man was sprayed with pepper spray and robbed of about $625 in cash, according' to Caruthers. Two of the sus-' pects then got into the victim's car and fled while the other drove away in the Impala. - The victims were able to: identify Harris and Turks: from a line-up, Caruthers, said. Both men were arrested on'. Wednesday, Jan. 5. Investigators are still attempt' ing to identify the third sus- pect. Hodges seeks SECO seat* W.L. "Bud" Hodges has As a SECO board candidate, announced his candidacy to run Hodges brings over 47 years. for SECO director from District 2. experience and expertise to the Bud was defeated by The SECO board. Villages' opponent last year in Hodges served 23 years District 3. employment with the coopera-j Since that time, the SECO tive and 24 years as a board mem-j board has redrawn the district ber. lines to include just The Villages The District 2 meeting will be into District 3. They then put held on Feb. 3 at the Schoo Oxford, Wildwood, Lake Board Office on Highway 4762 Panasoffkee, Bushnell and west in Bushnell. Registration Webster all in District 2, which and voting begins at 4:30 p.m.- puts Hodges in District 2. and closes at 6:30 p.m. CENTRAL FLORIDA ARMS SHOW the Original Lakeland Gun Show January 15th & 16th The Lake Miona Charity Golf Tournament held recently to benefit Hospice of Lake and Sumter raised more than $11,000 for Hospice Lake & Sumter Patient Care. We are extremely grateful to everyone who helped to make this event a success! Diamond Sponsors St. Timothy's Catholic Church Eleanor Dougherty in memory of her sister, Gladys Platinum Sponsor First Federal Savings Bank Gold Sponsor Tom Grizzard, Realtor Silver Sponsors Lynn Lewis in loving memory of her father, Robert Blickenstaff Bronze Sponsors DiBarco Builders Corp., Wildwood Tarkenton Financial Austin Carriage Museum Robert Smith in memory of a gracious lady Austin Horse Park Ace Hardware, Wildwood Loretta Robinson and Donna J. Gracey Bob and Ginny Reardon Patricia and Larry Kaddatz in loving memory of mother Miriam Joyce Lindeque Project Health, Inc. dba Thomas E. Langley Medical Center Ducks Dam Diner Margaret (Peg) Kelley Dick Batts, Realtor, ERA Tom Grizzard, Inc. Banks/Page Theus Funeral Home, Leesburg Phillips Buick Pontiac GMC, Inc., Leesburg Mid-Florida Golf, The Villages Special Thanks Also To: Ginny Reardon Wildwood City Commissioners for use of the Community Center Holiday Marine Vic's Embers Clark Smith, owner, Miona Lake Golf Club Frank Tucker, Event Chairman Randy Van Alstine --3 S- Julia Allen .:. 'ice iumter 4 ki All of the event Volunteers sIU ,L I of Lake 0 Sumt in Royal carjacking Over 500 Tables! Saturday & Sunday Gun Show Admission $7 City Parking $5 THE LAKELAND CENTER Sporting, Antique and Military Firearms Sponsored by LAKELAND RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB, INC. 2000 Lasso Lane, Lakeland, Florida 33801, Phone (863) 665-0092 0 00*90 000*0 4 H; a -7 La i~ \ .. low: PAGE 4, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 SUMMER COUNTY : THE VOICE OF SUMTER COUNTY SINCE 1881 The editorial opinion expressed in the Sumter County Times is the opinion of the news staff of this newspaper Editor ...................... Bob Reichman Publisher .................. Gerry Mulligan General Manager/Sales Manager... Alan Place 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell,FL 33513 Member Florida Press Association AnotherVOICE Rembering parents killed in car crash J ennie, Rick and their son Levi vacation in Florida over the hol- idays almost every year," wrote Joe Sefton of his family. The family lived in Indianapolis, Ind. iThey were avid Colt and Pacer f4ns, as well as fans of their sports enthusiast, their 12-year-old son Lpvi. ;But most importantly, "They were dedicated to being together as a family" :About two weeks ago, as the Crawfords were traveling south on their Florida vacation, they were in sifngle-car crash near Bushnell on I- 75. It was a collision that took the life of 36-year-old Jennie and 52- year-old Rick. iWhile the family deals with the loss of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, they Were fortunate in the life of Levi he survived the crash. According to the Florida Highway Phtrol, it was about 8:25 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 18, and Mrs. Ctawford was driving the 1992 TOyota 4 Runner. She was traveling onC the outside, southbound lane wien the vehicle drifted across the center of the two southbound lanes a4d then back to the outside lane. Tie vehicle then swerved back to tlK inside lane, which caused it to ldve the roadway onto the center glIss median and rotate counter- clockwise, overturning two and a hqf times. The SUV came to rest on its roof on the median, facing north- east, ejecting Mr. and Mrs. Crawford who were in the driver and front passenger seats. According to Sefton, Crawford 'Attended every game, function, fund raising event never missing anything that involved Levi." Crawford also enjoyed playing poker, fishing and hunting. As for Sefton's sister Jennie, she "was the kind of person who always had a smile and a kind word to give to anyone. She was willing to help anyone with anything, even if it meant putting something she had going, on the back burner." Mr. Crawford was born and raised in the Indianapolis area and was working as a concrete truck driver for Irving Materials. "Rick also had two sons from a previous marriage Rick Jr. and Jason." Along with his sons, the Crawfords are survived by his parents his par- ents Buel and Gela Crawford, Helen and the late Homer Wilburn; his brother Randy and three sisters - Linda, Benetta and Wendy, as well as his grandchildren Morgan and Gavin; her parents Maurice and Amanda, her brother Joe and her sisters Becky and Sarah. Mrs. Crawford was born in Missouri and raised in Ill., moving to Indianapolis her freshman year in high school. She was working for Sunshine Pediatrics. Sefton expressed his gratitude to all the people who helped Levi while he was waiting on family to come get him. That thanks includes law enforcement, the hospital staff and administration. Sefton said he's especially grate- ful to the chaplain who spent time with Levi and "kept our family informed of everything that was happening. God bless all of you." "Copyrighted Material I Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" ek Your VOICE Bring it on? A while back, President Bush told the terrorists to "Bring It On." Do you think he's had enough or does he want more? Richard Sutherland Bushnell Nothing beats Nepotism In addition to all the Pardon appointments of the Republican darlings, there are some additional appointments of interest. Your kids have to slog it out at Wal-Mart while Bush administra- tion kids get hundred grand a year jobs! Nothing beats nepotism unless it's more nepotism! Here's a few: Michael Powell (son of Secretary of State Colin Powell) as FCC Chairman. J. Storm Thurman (son of deceased Senator Thurman) as South Carolina's U.S. Attorney. Eugene Scalia (Supreme Court Justice Atonin Scallia's son) as Solicitor for the Labor Department Janet Rehnquist (Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist's daughter) as Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. She was later fired over firearm charges. Elizabeth Cheney (Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter) appointed to be Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near-East Affairs. Now that all the good jobs are taken, your kids can get out there and compete with the illegal aliens for some of those low-paying serv- ice sector jobs. That's capitalism in action. Nothing like competition in the workplace. Robert Ellis Wildwood Consider coming to Cornerstone If you are without a church, and you want to get connected with a fun loving, on fire, caring core of fellow believers planting a church for Jesus, please give us a visit at Cornerstone Community Church. Our motto is "It's not about me and it's not about now!" "It's all about Jesus, and it's all about Eternity.." We love our members, our com- munity, and our pastor! We have a casual dress coffeehouse style wor- ship service:We have a time of food and fellowship from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Our Worship Service and Children's Church Connection is from 10 to 11:15 a.m. Our parents don't have to get the kids all dressed up, or try to get a tie on Dad. Mom doesn't have to make breakfast, and grandma can bring her lawn chair. You don't have to wonder if you'd be wel- come. We want to be a church where any age, or nationality is cherished. You can sit around round tables and sip OJ or coffee and eat a donut while you meditate on the sermon. Pastor Ron preaches straight from God's Word connecting it with the issues that face us in today's times. The offering baskets are available but are not passed so that our guests do not feel pressured to give. Our teenage guys are ushers and our teen girls help with the Praise Team and Nursery ministries. Our business meetings are joyful and a Godly spirit of cooperation is evident Elementary School children enjoy an hour of the Children's Church Connection! They hear Bible stories, learn memory verses, and enjoy drama, music, and Bible games from teachers who really care! We have spectacular Youth and Children's programs which meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. We believe people need to get connected through small groups so we -are -offering- several varied types, with flexible days and times. Cornerstone is a Southern Baptist Church. We currently own 10 acres next to the Sumter County Youth Center on 48 and hope to put our first multi- purpose building up soon. Until then, we are renting space in the 7th Day Adventist Church Building located at 202 E. Seminole Ave. Bushnell. If you have any questions, please call Pastor Ron Thomas at 569- 0183. "Cornerstone Cares!" Cornerstone Community Church STUDENTS HONORED S me of Lake Panasoffkee Elementary Schools Students of the Month for December are shown here. They are: Morgan Feldt, Austin Bishop, Brittany Blly, Donovan Daughtry (back row, left to right); Katelyn Haynes, Courtney Cjsel, Lauren Tidwell, Lucas Vann, Chellcy King, Pedro Cruz (second row, left tcr'ight); Carly Markland, Kristin Ray, Max Johnson (front row, left to right). Marriage Licenses Charles Douglas Wright of Kissimmee and Mary Jane Potter of Oxford Dale Dwight Savage of Lady Lake and Gina Renee Rusu of Lady Lake David Jacobowitz of Wildwood and Lorraine Marion Walker of Wildwood Joseph Edward Finchum of Wildwood and Danielle Deanne Pittman of Wildwood Dissolution of Marriage Danny Wayne Kornegay and Jacqueline L Komrnegay Agnes Annette Peters and Ricky John Peters Property Transfers Atha Trust to Dalvin and Joyce Murray, $170,000; Villages Unit 19 Rodney and Robin Jolley to Venoy and Laura E Jolley, $18,500; River Retreats Isaias Benavidez to James R Morgan, $7,500; Property in Sumter County Bonard F Pitts Family Trust to Willie and Audrey Sermon, $12,500; Property in Sumter County Joseph W and Tracey G Horton to Brady Sellars, $45,000; Property in Sumter County Judy Ann Larkin to Fred and Woodene Kuhnen, $40,000; Sumter Gardens Kevin and Lori Baker to Richard E Wilber, $300,000; Property in Sumter County Robert Williams to Michael V and Marilyn C Page, $60,000; Flying K Ranch Arnetta P and Duane Muecke to Bellville Corner Group, LLC, $89,000; Property in Sumter County Fred Shafer Custom Homes, Inc to Valmore K and Madelene S Langelier, SR, $15,000; Royal Crest Estates Jesse Shand and Amber Strickland,SR to Jesse Shand and Ruth Strickland, JR, $40,000; Gray Porter Jimmy C and Annie Roberts to Charles E and Lolita K Taylor, JR, $225,000; Oakdale Subdivision Marriage Licenses Issued Fairless Lane Rushing of Bushnell and Debra Shree Johnson of Bushnell Wesley Houston Jennings of Bushnell and Melisa Sue Wilson of Bushnell Dissolution of Marriage Brandi M Long and Jeremy R Long Gilberto Ruiz and Rosario Ruiz James M McBee and Julia Ann McBee Stanton Starnes and Susan Starnes Loretta K Austin and Daniel S Austin, II Christine Renee Edwards and James Robert Edwards Joi E Gallagher and Thomas P Gallagher Tammy Tren Shaul and Kenneth Wayne Shaul Lillian Napolitano and Robert Napolitano Property Transfers Delbert E and Vicki S Moore to Douglas and Barbara Heistand, $42,500; Squirrel Haven Olive J Kitchens to Fred D Schiess, $80,000; Herrs Haven 1st Addition Jeffrey J and Anne E Hill to Robert H and Frances M Wemple, $45,000; Leisure Time Mobilehome Estates Viro Inc to Wallace E Venrick, $1,446,400; Property in Sumter County Transouth Mortgage Corp to Gheorghe Banica, $8,500; Olivepalm 1st Addition Homes in Partnership, Inc to Kenberley W Newsome, $12,000; Wildwood Park Thomas S Fluharty to William R and Joann Stevens, $60,000; Thunderbird Mobile Home Estates Walter E Thrasher & April L Brunick to William Watson, $20,000; Panacoochee Retreats Marie C Brown to David J Mitchell, $6,000; Moreland Park Subdivision Linda A Maier to Sandra M Lenoir, $60,000; Meadouvista Subdivision Ingrid B Doyle to Allen and Rose Proctor, $50,000; Herr Haven Original John R and Ramona H Currie to Duane A and Sharon J Desnoyers, $63,500; Timberwood Estates Maurice M and Sherry A Polly to Richard C and Terry R Johnson, $57,000; Continental Country Club Resort Albert Wayne and Judy Ann Spiegel to Mario Quiroz, $139,000; Bushnell Highland Robert A and Karen Elliott to Paul D and Darla R Hans, $125,00; Property in Sumter County Laura Renee Sorrentino to Robert J and Gerald R Eulett, $170,000; Willow Creek Charles and Sue Rogers to John and Susan Coleman, $154,900; Willow Creek Caroline T McKee to Gurvis Scranton, $48,000; Property in Sumter County Lila Michelle Dale McDaniel to Harold Gregory and Paula Dale, $18,000; River Retreats Kelly D Dale to Harold Gregory and Paula Dale, $18,000; River Retreats The opinion page of the Sumter County Times is provided for readers and columnists to express their views and may cover any topic. Opinions on local issues are typically given priority. The views in the letters to the editor or those presented by our columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. We invite all opinions, but we reserve the right to edit all submissions or refuse any letter not considered in good taste or of inappropriate length. There may be a delay in printing a letter due to space limitations or research requirements. The writer's name, phone number and address must be included with a submitted letter, although phone numbers and addresses will not be printed. Send your letters to: The Sumter County Tunimes, 204 E. McCollum Ave., Bushnell, Fla., 33513. Please limit letters to 300 words. News of RECORD' . 7 SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE .5,.', Dixie Youth in need of sponsors Special videoconference for forest landowners Th 4 hn ionnA z4-n-n Pnop Prnm C~'ni nAQ -i- th will Tf ii~n 1- ill th iii AMANDA MIMS Times Correspondent While baseball season has- n't started just yet, board members were busy on Saturday trying to raise money and gain support for the Dixie Youth Baseball League. The smell of pan- cakes and sound of frying bacon filled the kitchen of the First Baptist Church of Webster where the group was selling breakfast plates. The turnout wasn't what they had hoped, but it wasn't for a lack of good food. "Everybody I talked to com- plimented (the food)," said Chip Ray of Webster, who was helping out that day. They charged $4 for an adult plate and $2 for chil- dren. Altogether, they sold about 30 plates which helped raise a little money, but 'they're a long way off from where they need to be. "We needed a little more advertis- ing," said Board Member Horace Peacock "We're try- ing to come up with ways to The CARES Center low-cost spay and neuter clinic is offer- ing gift certificates. The public can now give a present to a friend or family member that will provide for a dog or cat spay-neuter and/or vaccinations at the clinic. The certificates can be picked up at CARES, located at 735 E. C.R. 4707, Lake Panasoffkee. Surgery days are Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. by appointment. Regular 2x2 Rates Statewide $1200 Regional or national Placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Tnt,9l Cir itnli --. ? MNiin .L ULU2 hurricane seasontCdUL was one of the worst in recent memory, affecting the lives of a majority of Florida's residents, as well as thousands of acres of Florida's natural resources. Forest landowners were hit P/qnt inIv ll h d tpi t d enlce trom Ulai nesTeViC LILat Will provide information to help deal with storm recovery efforts. This program will address the timber tax and for- est health issues that thou- sands of private timberland ownpr nrinnnurfnpnrn iJeuuniakl springs, uiamesv i l, Lake Alfred, Live Oak, Madison, Milton, Panama City, Plant City and Quincy. Please contact Chris Demers at 352- 846-2375 or cdemers@ifas.ufl.edu to regis- for fhr n- nffhocp lf th finnc e pse ia y nara an es llma IL owners arIie now lcinsg asd terd Uor one o U LU eseitocations. 1 2.3 million acres of forests have result of these storms. For information contact your b een destroyed or severely Post-Storm Timber Tax and local County Forester, Ray damaged. Forest Health Issues is sched- Adams, 793-2431, or visit IFAS's The Florida Division of uled for Jan. 21, from 4:30 p.m. Florida Forestry Information Forestry, in cooperation with to 6:45 p.m. Eastern Standard web site at 5 the University of Florida's Time. Interested landowners http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/Extensi "' Institute of Food and may attend the workshop at on/ffws/ffwshome.htm, under Agricultural Sciences, will be any one of the following loca- the Forest Stewardship i broadcasting a videoconfer- tions across Florida: Apopka, Program schedule. Tim Knight of Webster serves up some pancakes, sausage, Oxford schedules health and bacon at the Dixie Youth Baseball League Breakfast on _ Saturday. All proceeds went to the League, but the group still. needs to raise more money and obtain sponsors. raise money." Tim Knight of Webster, a member who has no children in the league, gave up his Saturday morning to cook the breakfast. He said that despite the low number, of sign-ups that day and turnout, it was a success. "It's all about the kids, he said. "We do it for the kids." The league is in great need of sponsors for this year; they office hours on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday are 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. In its ongoing effort to reduce the sad overpopulation of unwanted dogs and cats in the county, CARES also offers certificates to needy families for a spay or neuter at no cost. Additionally, CARES will pay for .the Sumter County pet license for spayed/neutered animals when your pet receives its rabies shot and 6- 1/4-1 booster; or rabies shot 2x4 Rates Statewide $2400 Regional placement also available Regions: North, South, Central Cirnflnt1n+-;? 0 ? Vii nn II.IIIJtal t-ns..I COMR1 .0) VJLLLJA UH 6 --LLM.L..LVLILTL L ~ac oe 4MilonRedrsbycalngFlrdaPrs Srvc (8 J8 )4-17 only have a few at the present time. They're planning to hold sign-ups on the next two Saturday (Jan. 15 and Jan. 22) at the ball field in Webster for boys from 4-12 and girls' soft- ball ages 7-18. The cost for reg- istration is $35 and the cost of a team shirt for parents is $15, all due at the time of registra- tion. For information, call Tim Knight at (352) 303-4190. and spay/neuter at the clinic. No limit. The CARES Center is a non- profit 501(c)(3) organization, For information, appoint- ments, call CARES Center at 568-9994. CARES is closed on Monday. W. * 3 S Dr.MA.I log H5 *040 00000000 4 HENRY POATES Times Correspondent The Oxford Assembly of God Church, located at 12114 North Highway 301, Oxford, is holding the Oxford Health Fair on Saturday, Jan. 22. The fair will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The church has organized the fair with help from the Suwannee River Area Health Education Center. The fair is being offered as a public service to all area residents. The focus is not only on children and fami- lies, but the growing population of seniors in Sumter and the sur- rounding counties. The fair is not just for the residents of Oxford; it is for all that are inter- ested. Local health-care providers and other area businesses will be on hand to provide health screenings and tips. Other ven- 10Y ** 0 0 $ .04 I 04 Leigh McBride, DVM . SURGERY BOARDING *6W HEALTH CARE a * PET SUPPLIES CJ 0* 0' asas4a ** 00 0 00 000 I 04 04.4. 00 04 04 dors and participants with health related and informational services are also scheduled. Information on programs and services, that many may not be aware, will be provided. The Bloodmobile will be on hand for those who would like to contribute. Bloodmobile person- nel will offer some free screen- ings to contributors. Entertainment for young and old alike is planned. For the youngsters, Clowns will be on hand to offer balloons and face painting. For the more mature folks, local area entertainers will be on hand to perform. Scheduled entertainers include janice StoKes, Sarah Tyler, Joanna Banana (LeBeau), Young Performing Artists, Norman Lee, and Wynne Green. Food and refreshments will be available at a nominal price. Door prizes, contributed by many local area businesses, will. be drawn every 15 minutes. Winners do not have to be pres- ent, but must register at the door. Free shuttle bus transporta- tion will be available from and to. the Wildwood Shopping Center. The shuttle service will start at 8:30 a.m. from the shopping cen- ter and run hourly. The last shut- tle will leave the fair at 1 p.m. returning to the shopping center. LuhL d I .uI SUMTERt COUNTY, (USPS #535-880) GIVE US A CALL News Department ......352-793-2161 Circulation ....................1-888-852-2340 Retail Advertising ..............352-793-2161 Classified Advertising ........... 352-793-2161 Fax ........................352-793-1486 The Sumter County Times is published Thursdays, 52 times a year for a subscription price of $18.00 per year in Sumter County by: : Sumter County Times 204 E. McCollum Ave. Bushnell, Florida 33513 Second Class Postage paid at Bushnell, Florida POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SUMTER COUNTY TIMES 607-0113-SCT AMENDED NOTICE OF TAX FOR SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY The School Board of Sumter County will soon consider a measure to amend the use. of property tax for the Capital Outlay projects previously advertised for the 2004 to 2005 school year. New Projects to be funded: CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School - Classroom Building All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing to be held on January 18, 2005 at 6:00 p.m., in the School Board meeting room, 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. A DECISION on the proposed amendment to the projects funded from CAPITAL OUTLAY TAXES will be made at this meeting. Every 3,750 Miles! INCLUDES: Change oil (up to 5 quarts of oil) & filter; Pressure test cooling system and cap; - Lubricate chassis; Check belts, hoses, tire Inspect drive belt(s), hoses & freeze plugs; -' pressure, and all fluid levels; Inspect CV joints, Evacuate system and refill with 50/50 mix oft' air cleaner elements. I DEXCOOL or GM Coolant and water: .Al Lube, OiI& Filter 19.95 .oolingstem 95 Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Not Valid wilh any other offer. Mosl GM cats. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. I __ Extended Expiration til 2/2/05 G OOdWmuT Ch i Extended Expiration til 2/2105 GOOdlw r LCh1 -- ---- -IU-EE-e0-0----- -M -le FRemove pan and drain fluid; Inspect for Free tire rotation; Computer balance 4 excessive wear; Install new filter; Replace wheels; Inspect front and rear brakes. pan gasket; Install 3rd generation fluid; Check linkage ar: rri,:,ur'i Chc [,,r levaS Test on-road pedoriaricr.., L Balance Wheels $ & Inspect Brakes Valid with coupon: Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other oiler. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. U Extended Expiration til 2/2/05 29. 95: Automatic 79 S29,95 Transmission : $9 1i service I Valid with coupon Please presentupon amsl. R 13 1 *Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax. E G6opodria h i Extended Expiration tH 2/2105 GoodwraxhT Discount on rts & INCLUDES: Discount on Parts &. Power flush fuel injectors; Clean intake valves, Labor on a Repair over I Clean combustion chambers. V $300. Proaiotes smoother running ...----.M,.and better gas mileage Serc 10% OFF ":'.'"" m'89 95 Serice 1 Service WildCard 1 o(every 30,000 miles) Valid withcoupon. Please presentupon arrival. Valid with coupon. Please present upon arrival. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Not Valid with any other offer. Most GM cars. Similar saving on other vehicles Plus tax. Similar saving on other vehicles. Plus tax.a I Exteflded Expiration til 12/2/05 GOOdACIC Ch 8 Extended Expiration til 212105o GOOdm ref Chl CARES offers special gift certificates I Run Your Ad StatewideI Service-done right, And done by pros. I PAGE 6, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 Sumter OBIUARIS Sharon A. Gaskill, 86, homemaker Sharon Avanell Gaskill, 86, of Wildwood, died Friday, Jan. 7, 2005, in Leesburg. A native of Manchester, Tenn., she .moved here about 30 years 'ago from Homestead. Mrs. 'askill was a homemaker and a Baptist. Survivors include a sister-in-law, Ann Coursey of hattanooga, Tenn.; nieces and nephews, Ava Connelly of thattanooga, Steve Coursey of Whitewell, Tenn., Herb Course of Chattanooga, Jerry Stripling of Moultrie, Ga., -Veda Stripling of Moultrie, Ga.; great niece, Paige Connelly of Chattanooga and a great nephew, Billy Ray Coursey of Chattanooga. _,neral Services were held SJan. 11 in the Banks/Page- heus Funeral Home. terment followed in the greenwood Cemetery, !ildwood. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home. Wildwood, handled the ,arrangements. Hazel Hayes, 74, technician Hazel Hayes, 74, of -pushnell. died Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2005, in Bushnell. She was born in Marietta, N.S. Mrs. Hayes worked as a dietary technician for Citrus Memorial Hospital, retiring in 1987. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Wahoo. Survivors include her husband, Clifford L.; five sons, Lenard Wayne Lancaster, Homer B. Lancaster, David Lancaster, Tommy Floyd Lancaster, all of Bushnell, and W.C. "Dubby" Lancaster of Wildwood; two daughters, Kathy Honaker of Bushnell and Sandra Proctor of Pedro, Fla.; 21 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sons, William Lancaster in 1946 and Larry Lancaster in 1954. A funeral service was held on Jan. 8 at Wahoo Baptist Church, Bushnell, with Reverend Billy Ready and Dr. Michael Hunkus offi- PURCELL FUNER Famr ' J. Lane Purcell Owner L 7933 citing. Interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Billie M. R. Lynch, 80, real estate agent Billie Marie Ragan Lynch, 80, of Pompano Beach, died Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2005, at Pompano Beach. A native of Cave-in-Rock, Ill., she lived in Pompano Beach since August 2004 and was a longtime resi- dent of Sumter County. Mrs. lynch was a sales agent in the real estate industry. She was Baptist. Survivors include three sons, Billy (Terry) Ragan of Lake Panasoffkee, Merle (Sandra) Ragan of Greenville, S.C., and Ronnie (Vickie) Ragan of Bushnell; daughter, Charlotte (David) Ledford of Pompano Beach; 15 grand- children; 14 great-grandchil- dren; three sisters, Pauline Ramsey and Sylvia Malcolm, both of Rosiclare, Ill, and Myrtle Webb of Marion, Ill. She was preceded in death by her son, Lamar Ragan. A serv- ice was held on Jan. 9 at the Purcell Funeral Home Chapel, Bushnell, with Rev. Ronnie Hunt officiating. Interment was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Bushnell. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Robert C. Salzman, 57, electrician Robert Charles Salzman, 57, of Webster, died Monday, Jan. 3, 2005, in Webster. A native or Columbia, Pa., he moved here in 1997 from Tampa. Mir. Salzman was an electrician. He was a U.S. Army veteran serving during the Vietnam era. Survivors include his wife, Donna; daughter. Stephanie Buchanan or Sern Lk Conie Iovr' 0 yar.. FU1 hastting ie'M &c,'.O, Smotc, S'rYec /960 tAL HOME ily Owned John D. Purcell F -4531 under Oxford Health Fair Oxford Assembly of God Church 12114 North Highway 301, Oxford, Fl January 22, 2005-from 9 am to 1 Health Screenings and Tips Door Prizes Displays Bloodmobile Refreshments Local Entertainers Free Shuttle Bus from & to the Wildwood Shopping Center. Runs on the hour starting at 8:30 am Inverness, FL 34450 Mon.-Sat. 10am Midnight Sun Noon-Midnight 352-344-1870 S- ,- coUPoN -)" $ 5OO I I I MATCH PLAY: for new members . E.xp.roes 1-28-05 Coatesville, Pa.; son, Steve Salzman of Goodville, Pa.; stepson, Virgil Jenkins of Marion County; step-daughter, Kristen Audit of Marion County; two brothers, Fred Salzman of Wrightsville, Pa., and Richard Snell of Crestview, Fla.; sister, Lynette Mackley of Wrightsville, Pa.; mother, Harriet Snell of Hallam, Pa.; and eight grand- children. He was preceded in death by his father, stepfather' and brother. Services were held on Jan. 10 at the Purcell Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Casey Ferguson offici- ating. Interment was at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell with Military Honors rendered by the Marine Corps League 708. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Henry Slapkowski, 55, salesman Henry William Slapkowski, 55, of Lake Panasoffkee, died U < w 0. 0! w 0 I U 4 w 0. (SB w 0. 0 I U < w U0J ' First Church of God .A linin 'i, .Aider .:.i 17 793-3455 l ,I i r, i .I t 1 ..Il~ l,+,..I J i L i'l I ':.ur',.d '.,,,.I ill .i i M Ifi," 1 w 'rh,'p (i) 4' i n, E .rr? Oi V,:,i lpr.llll F:' il i'.d', -., j Ei_ runr, i.ii p l S Raldi Belchier F'toir "?-.5-1 41 All ArIe VWelcome At N BUSHNELL ASSEMBLY OF GOD ui"-3 'iW,:., rl, o. : ,Ax i rw m lo ,,j ,A : M ? P Sunday Sc:hocol 9.30 A M VWed Diciplasnip Night 7 00 PM I 451 West C R. 476, Bushnell 793-2240./ (St. Francis Episcopal Church) 31? N Gr.cE S ete- iAt Li'_- .ei ,lll tW edneidv Bibl Stud y7 p m Hi.,h Eu.:hari.It li am Sunday Sunday 'JicoI 1iI a m'I- k AA me'ti_,h,'sdj' at I p m [ -THE BUSHNELL PRESBITERIANJ\ CHURCH LISA .2 r RO,ii Ci- crr-t.i [',V D .d,& Br4 i di Church SJ-cool 9 1 am Pubhc Vorh!up. 10 3" ..) ICOND 'i ,A 'Croup M tirig- 001: .1 K VEDNESDAi' Bible Stud\ 10 1111.. 1) \352-793-4202 First Baptist Church of Bushnell 125 W. Anderson Ave. 793-4612 'Snoring mein GoaI N ,i of lfe Thiougn Faith in Cnnrw 'urdaciOy elle sT. 3 i av I, r t u'jri.', W .:.-'riap 10 'i. r Or.. :. ij f r I ,ani..,3,ig 1 ell:C.. :.,.u'i ? 7 1) 1.1 SFirst United Methodist Church-) 221 W. Noble Ave. |T ,- ,...,,...,r, Faith. Hope & Love Sunday School 9:. a.m. Worship Il:5U a.m. C.E.L L. Cn.rrt E .ii, L.,, n 0 1 5-UO p m. Disciples' Dialogue. Wed: 6:30 p.m. Chb r Pra rtir, rTh-r 6 ,i"i p m J B-in Fumn G.nmaoanc- T uedad :ji,.., l.15. .1ii p m. Claie. Cub Scouia TuA 0 '0. p.m. Doii) Troop, Thars 06" p mn. SAj.,lnon. rrid 6.1"N p m. SS.H RE. Rl h S.I, 1"l, a m itc1. Lar rrn. brum Pa4tor 793-3221 2 Br iH CELL CHi.[',t HoF Chu!iT 310 W Dade Ave 793-8428 Sunday Bible Study 10 a m SLIndav W',r-hip Ser"i',e 11 a m EU'mrug Worship 6 pm. WVdnesday Bible Study 7 p m y Local Evaiaebslit Greg H1armn j F Indian qil 'Baptit C(hurch .'l";'1 'L !.63 u.; I"u' Sunday Scrool. ..... 9.45 am Morning Worship. .. ... 11 00 am Evening W.:'rsnip ..... .. 700 pm k.Wenriesday Prayer Service..... 7 00 p.m r Pleasant Hill Baptist Church CR-316A, uIushnel Sunday School................9:45 A.rM. Worship.... .. .............. 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship.... 6:00 P 1.1. Wednesday Prayer Service .7-00 P.M. 793-5083 Pastor Alike Kins _ Bringing Church and Flock Together Your Sumter County Church Directory B0(i g Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2005, in Lake Panasoffkee. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Slapkowski was a salesman in the appliance industry and a member of the Coleman First Assembly of God. He was a U.S. Army veteran serving during the Vietnam era. Survivors include' his wife, Doreen E.; two sons, Henry Slapkowski Jr. and Michael Joseph Slapkowski, both of Lake Panasoffkee; and an aunt, Laura Derescavage of Philadelphia, Pa. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Paul E. Torrey, 88, business owner Paul Edmond Torrey, 88, of Tampa, died Saturday, Jan. 1, 2005, in Tampa. A native of McGraw, N.Y, he moved to Bushnell from Largo in 1980, moving to Tampa in 2001. Mr. Torrey was the owner/opera- tor of a lounge. He was a Navy veteran serving during WW II and a Pearl Harbor survivor. Survivors include his wife, Hope V; three sons, Paul E.' Torrey, II and Brian D. Torrey, both of Bradenton, and Kevin P Torrey of Tampa; four grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. A funeral serv- ice was held on Jan. 6 at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell with military honors rendered by the Sumter County Honor Guard. Purcell Funeral Home, Bushnell, handled the arrangements. Lester R. Wilderman, 83, salesman Lester R. Wilderman, 83, of Wildwood, died Friday, Dec. 31, 2004. A native of Duquesne, Pa., he came here in 1986 from White Oak, Pa. Mr. Wilderman was.a retired salesman from U.S. Steel in Pittsburg, Pa. He was Protestant and an avid bridge player and golfer. He was a veteran of the Army Air Corps, serving during WW II. Survivors include his wife, Barbara; son, James of Allison Park, Pa.; daughters, Leslie Hartos of Duquesne, Pa., and Dr. Jane Wilderman- Payne of Peninsula, Ohio; stepchildren, Richard Quay of Jacksonville, Elizabeth Quay-Pugh of Lutz, Robert Quay of Tampa; brother, C.E. Wilderman of Mission Viejo, Calif., and 13 grandchildren. Memorial services were held on Jan. 8 at Banks/Page- Theus Funeral Home. Inurnment was at the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell with military honors provid- ed by the American Legion Post 51. Memorial contribu- tions may be made to Hospice of Lake and Sumter Counties, 12300 Lane Park Road, Tavares, FL 32778; American Heart Association, PO. Box 21475, St. Petersburg, FL 33742, or the charity of your choice. Banks/Page-Theus Funeral Home, Wildwood, handled the arrangements. Worship This Week at the Church of Your Choice I IBUSHNELL (BUSHNELL SEVENTH DA\I' ADVENTIST CHURCH Corner :e. Semnim.Ic & Flo.nJ .iAe \\orstup Hours Q 30 .% ?I Sabbath School 10 I4i ri .1 Sat W\ed Pra.er Neeun 30 K .Il ltelcome J I CENTER HHT. | (CHRISTI.N WORSHIP CENTER F .. _. u .-.. L I S SS urj i JJE io,: 1.ll1 p rT S ,i, ev Pi.-lC r lim Milr i.r,], hdl FL 5-Sh,-iii , LADY LAKE I Hope Lutheran Church 250 Avenida Los Angelos kiinpr r.I C R 4.,E & M:,rs Blid I Th Vill- - Services are Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM and 11:15 AM F o ,' v i'.r :,r 'lu ,rm i i, r, ,: 3ll 3 5 2 -. '50 -2 3 2 o r o u r Wei SilB E 'r a ntf elutn,-1ran1r, 31 ,l ,)p-. ','rg.. 2 I|AKE PANASOFFKEEI r LAKE PANASOFFKEE - UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SSur.-day Worship 8 10 A 11 AM Surilday S.:r,.0 9 1 5 C rill.rerens Crur.:n 11i AM '.ur.ir P.C. e. a,-j Pastor WIlliston Brewer HiL 470.Lh Pd Lb Ai0Aj v.:i 21.WN "First Baptist Church- of Lake Panasoffkee Hwy. 470, Lake Panasoffkee 793-5510 Sunday Services 8.30 & 10:50 a m. Sunday School..............9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening............. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Nf1i3ri Prayer Meeting 7 p.mr, y. Pastor Jon Kinq 'tadIs ot GrIace iNi istILieS Pa,.lr, Fr.,3 Poa H.:..,)Iln Morning Worsnip-- 10 30 *-'.L, Sunday Evening- 6 00 .. Welnesday lignt-- 7 0 1. I .'...iui. 793-1600 Ete. On1 i0OI1 CR i52 Lake, Pari.i3oni,-. e ilcc-mo I T.ESRURG I GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH LCA Pastor: Thomas S. Church Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Christian Education: 9:15 a.m. -: r ....: n l ] .1 n k'3 .. :,- ' y 130 S. Lone Oak Drive 787-3223 2 ( ST. MARK EVANGELICAL > LUTHERAN CHURCH iWELSi Pa.ior N. Ku.kE S''. S I.S H", ;'. S,,ulr, L,..,tiu-( 35?2.;.11 .Pr, h .;l, p .L r t ,I ,.,d C.,: iaI, lie I i I 11 SSUMFERVILLE | Sumterville United Methodist Church "OVER 150 YEARS OF PRAYER' 2565 CR 522 I BLOCK EAST OF HWY 301 inoites you to at end Sdnd wronhip wnike 9 30 3 m Pastor COares Toimberlln Ainlldrenareinalitd 2 I WAHOO (Discover Ihe Difference!) B, .-aa, Sunday: -i. 3l.-, C- 1 JiA Weaneiday Eveninq rjA; '.:.,TmT ,rl i'..i i, ''' T 'i : 1. Ln 1 .1 n, ii, r,,,r, .:.. 352 793-60151 | WEBSIER F Webster United ' Methodist Church 4 Invites You To Attend Wors'hp Service 11:00 a.m. Crurch Scr.c.,'I 9:4 5 a.m. l73 SE 3rd SI We.iler FL 33.59 135 -' 793-3734 K .4 ptai\in, chidrcl i First Baptist Church of'Webster 1/4 mile easl of 471 orn SE 1st Avei r.4l.,rniryi I.:.: r,., r I C', ,., E ,,.. r....: e. :t'. F;. WV .n..a.,a Fi',',e.' r.M oelrl.; -" : 0,:Pr, I WILDWOOD I "FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 402 Oxford Street 748-1822 iNlJAi SCHOOL lt 0-e '4c .AM WORSHIP ,8\' l 8 :i) AM I1 I 4 6M i. f)" PM *EDrJESDA, PRA, ER MEETIlGH 6'. FPM LLINDA, EvErllN .EFiviCE 6 0u PM i PASTOR: REV. CRAIG ATTAWAY j (Wildwood United MethodistN 300 Mason Street Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am Nursery Provided K 748-1275 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WILDWOOD *Worship 11:00 a.m. 203 Barvick St Wildicood. FL 3471`5 (352) 748-2530 2 4(. SUNSET PARK .+t CHURCH OF GODV 202 Pine SUeel 748-1318 k ^ WELCOME ALL!!!!!! P E EA C E iWnMIni@B1" C P E R BUSHNELL ,* MMMMMIMI" sPAGE6 UTRCONY(L IES HRDY ANAY1,20 1 I Penny Nicke ~lr ~--r~ae~ --rl m . kR I ,Z 0 "o m 0 "0 m I 0 m I 0 SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 7 Chtch CALENDAR What kind of Shoe are you? Bushnell Assembly of God's Helping Hands Prayer Ministry presents What Kind of Shoe are You? on Jan. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Bushnell Assembly of God. The Helping Hands Prayer Ministry would like to invite you to come and worship with us in this Outreach Service. Come and hear these dynamic speakers and find out whether you need to take off, or put on another shoe, in your spiritual life. Sis. Lyons is asking all to wear the type of shoes you think your life portrays and a special offering will be lifted to help our building fund New Horizon. Please contact Mother Hazel Lyons at 793-8183 or Missionary Rose Haywood at 793-7204 if you can or cannot come. Play set for Jan. 16 The play "Choose Ye This Day" is set for 6 p.m. on Jan. 16, at the House of Prayer (Pastor is Eld. M. Glover) located on C.R. 213, Wildwood; phone 352-748- 4055. It is produced and spon- sored by Pastor McKinley Baker and House of Prayer of Ocala. Guest speaker at First Baptist On Jan. 23, the First Baptist Church of Bushnell will be having Mike Haley, from Focus on the Family, as our guest speaker. We will be hav- ing a Question and Answer session at 9:15 a.m. and he will be speaking at 10:30 a.m. Mike Haley is one of the nation's leading speakers on gender issues and has capti- vated and inspired thousands with his testimony of how he walked away from homosexu- ality. The First Baptist Church of Bushnell is located at 125 W. Anderson Avenue, Bushnell. For more information, call 352-793-4612. Yard, craft and bakesale Webster United Church, 173 S.E. Third St, Webster, will be holding a Yard, sCraft, and. Bake Sale on Jan. 29. from 8 a.m. until 1. Lunch will also be available, serving homemade soup and hot dogs. 40 days of Purpose Have you ever wondered, "What on earth am I here for?" Do you think you may have missed God's will for your life? Join with us for the 40 Days of Purpose Campaign to learn God's five purposes for your life, then put the pur- poses into practice through the personal disciplines, group connections, and church-wide events that will take place during the six weeks of the campaign. Imagine the impact on our community if all of us at Cornerstone Baptist, our friends, our neighbors and all who choose to visit with us were committed to living out God's purposes for our lives. Join with us as we all learn how to start living "A Purpose Driven Life." Our church meets at the Seventh Day Adventist Church of Bushnell. Please call 569-0183 or 793- 8928 or 352-603-1373 for more information or driving direc- tions. Join us for fellowship at 9:30 a.m. to 10 and services at 10 to 11 a.m. Helping Hands Prayer Ministry The .Helping Hands Prayer Ministry of Bushnell Assembly of God will have prayer at the church. Missionary Hazel Lyons is extending a special invitation to all prayer warriors who would love to come and join in with us in praying for our nation. You are welcome to come and bring your Bibles each week We have a world speaker. Come and be blessed every Thursday at noon. United Methodist hosting fish dinner Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a fish dinner the first Friday each month from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.- fried or baked fish with all the fixings. Good food, good fellowship. For more information, call 352-793-3438 or visit our web site at:' www.gbgm-umc.org/lakepana- umc. Singles Bible Study Group The Singles Bible Study Group will hold meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Lake Panasoffkee on Hwy. 470. Church hosts pancake breakfasts Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast the third Saturday each month from 7:30 to 10 a.m. for the cost of $3.50. Please join us for this fund- raising activity. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the local Salvation Army Chapter. For more information, call 352-793-3438 or visit our web site at www.gbgm- umc.org/lakepana-umc. Weekly Prayer and Bible study A weekly prayer time and Bible study will be held every Wednesday, from noon until 1 p.m., at 7122 C.R. 609A, Bushnell. For -further information please call 352-793-7720 or 352-569-0183. There will be refreshments and drinks or bring a sack lunch. Please come and bring a friend. Family Caregiving On the first and third Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist -Church will be hosting a Family Caregiver Support Group at 1 p.m. All are invited. For more information, call the church office at 352-793- 3438. Alzheimer Care On the fourth Wednesday each month the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church will be hosting an Alzheimer's Caregiver support group atl p.m. All are welcome. Please call the church office for more information at 352- 793-3438. Wednesday night dinners return Lake Panasoffkee Unit'd Methodist Church is pleasepi to announce the return of our Wednesday night dinners starting at 4 p.m. Join us for some good food and great fel- lowship. All are welcome to attend. I Please call the church office for more information at 35.- 793-3438, or visit our web page at: www.gbgm-umc.org/lakepana- umc. Quality healthcare for your family Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Urgent Care Behavioral Health Diagnostic Imaging Dental Pharmacy t-i Laboratory .: Acupuncture Participating With Most Major Insurance Plans Sliding Fee Available For All Who Qualify 1V 4 tlCENTERE ...Join Commission 1425 S US Hwy. 301, Sumterville (352) 793-5900 www.langleymedicalcenter.com Your business running shorthaiided? Call WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA, ile area's largest permanent placement agency. 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Contact Sprint for percentage savings details. 2004 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint, the diamond logo design and Sprint PCS are registered trademarks of Sprint Communications L.P. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners, 2004 EchoStar Satellite LLC. All rights reseilved.. SPR-329403 ;v- ZZ CELEBREX, VIOXX, BEXTRA or HORMONE THERAPY If you or a loved one has taken CELEBREX, VIOXX or BEXTRA and suffered death, a heart attack, a stroke, blood clots or other serious injuries or have taken Hormone Therapy drugs such as PREMNPRO, PREMARIN. or PREMPHASE or PROVERA and developed breast cancer, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the La%% Offices of Nikki NM. Kavouklis for a free consultation. kk LI K A V 0 U K L I S ^ //ikk ^^ ^^ ^ |f-7l L\%i O(1 i K Ls'0 NIKId K i\ 0'KuN. P.A. CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 1-(877)944-LAWS(5297) Ser- ing: Tarpon Springs, Ne\v Port Richey, I Spring Hill. Brooks\ ille. and Tampa i I ,I1 THE HIRING OF A LAWYER IS AN IMPORTANT DECISION THAT SHOULD NOT BE BASED SOLELY UPON ADVERTISEMENTS. BEFORE YOU DECIDE, ASK THE LAWYER TO SEND FREE WRITTEN INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR OLI IFIICATION- ANO EXPERIENCE ~""~3"x~~ !Ic-* ' it i . I PAGE 8, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 dilb f 1I* br a a% go no L" I EDEJCArflEW' L mmA . m _mno_-ftm --do.40. o m- % *4 6 S / 1 .* o9 1 "mp ow 40 ~ *age g ~0 ofoGas=* 0 OBWpw 0pp as 0_4mo__ Ww"db wu,&g but o Ae&w-Owv fm s wa s- gh I "a a 4 sbo M0 b t O 40 mm GIM "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial NewsProviders" 40_ __*a-- ,c-** . At I ft s m h @ o e. m. - C - C ~ mm' &aa w p.Otw ob b 060 4w -o "_le dft__ ew___ 00 a. 4 wo qwm o 0- 1% mmm em-o - 40--me0b * so p = a 4010" 4 ~a.? *A Jo M tNs1%4.11 OF SlAPD M I %crim' AT owg o Da s w v w % W NW C P.b-d& - "Ms'dbr~h no s wft4 MA I .IA won '%. -4 .* .0--ow o -upotoPnw 40 __ __- avo________MM, d, 0- a 4 G 1 FlorP 46 ob dohmm. doo.0 41b - mom 4aft Ob ---wp qm 4ft - O O o O 401wwft a 6m PWO SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 9i i iii i- 1 .. --.. ... ,- ,. ., i -,,' .,'a I. r47J .','t. fn' itzt j." -t -e .A ..' w S -Th 'W2PA ..~.-. -. Cornerstone Community Church members started with a "40 Laps of Prayer Walk" on Jan. 9, ending on Sunday Jan. 16. At least 23 people were doing laps on Sunday. Cornerstone makes 40 laps Cornerstone Community is pulling together to do big things for God! Many members of the church recently read The Purpose Driven Life devotional book by Rick Warren. Members attended small dis- cussion groups during the 40 days of the reading. During this time period, Pastor Ron Thomas completed a series of sermons on the five purposes God has for each of our lives. Cornerstone members are seeing lives changed in dramat- ic ways as they begin fulfilling God's purposes for their lives. -Cornerstone members and friends have committed to living a purpose filled life. To begin the New Year, members have some exciting purpose filled acts they plan on accomplishing. |KIN Ecumenical Services, designed to foster community-wide K IN G Christian unity, will be held,. at The Father's House, 2301 South continued from Page 1 Street, Leesburg, where the Rev. Terry Mayhan is pastor. The Elton and Silent' Praise Group, keynote speaker will be Rev. Federal Correctional Complex, Leroy Lee, Sanford. The event Coleman. will also highlight other local Activities continue on. church talents such \as the Saturday, Jan. 15, at Lake- Voices of a Million Angels Choir, Sumter Community College, Church of the Living God, Leesburg Campus Gymnasium Leesburg and Sounds of the with the inaugural Dr. Martin Anointed, Federal Correctional Luther King, Jr. 5K Run/Walk for Complex, Coleman. Your Dream and Health, Fan A Special presentation about and Family Fitness Day. The 'Justice Sunday" will be deliv- run/ walk will begin at 7:30 a.m., ered by Warden Carlyle Holder, with registration at 7 a.m. Call Federal Correctional Complex, Debra Dabney at 323-3641 for Coleman. At, 11 a.m., Warden more information. Holder will deliver the complete A half-mile Kiddie Run, 'Justice Sunday" presentation at around the parking lot, is sched- Citadel of Hope, Leesburg, uled to begin at 8:30 a.m. The Bishop Danny Williams, pastor. Health, Faui and Family activi- On Monday, Jan. 17, (the ties will begin at 9 a.m. until nationally recognizeQ holiday), noon. The Health Fair will fobus from 10 a.m. until noon at the on testing for high blood pres-. Lake-Sumter .Community sure, information on HT,.AIDS, College, Leesburg Campus cancer, blood donations at the Gymnasium, the Annual Dr. blood mobile, chronic diseases Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards such as high blood pressure, dia- Ceremony will take place featur- betes, cholesterol screening, ing a student literacy compo- senior services, community nent Politicians, school admin- services, etc. Activities will istrators, business and commu- include: face painting, big toys, nity leaders, parents, and teach- extreme sports demonstrations ers will observe students from and exhibitors focusing on Lake and Sumter school dis- affordable health, investments, tricts as they compete in the 2nd Social Security and Medicare, Annual Essay, Oratorical, Art. Hospice services. Works and Skit/Theatrical Free snacks will complete the Performance contests. There fun.On Sunday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m., will be special performances by the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. contest winners and other local Members believe that. if they unite collectively, God can accomplish big things through them. Church members started with a "40 Laps of Prayer Walk" on Jan. 9, ending on Sunday, Jan. 16. Members have committed to do their prayer laps by foot or wheelchair from the youngest to the oldest At least 23 were out making laps Sunday. talents. Plus, Inaugural Pioneers and Patriots Recognition Ceremony will recognize the many local pioneers and patriots in honor of their leadership, tenacity, per- severance and courage to forge ahead on an unknown tract to change the local landscape for all who would embrace diversi- ty, inclusiveness and acceptance into the mainstream of America. The committee will pay tribute to the pioneers and patriots, chosen this year, for their contri- bution of quietly but effectively implementing the mandate, to move from segregation to de- segregation to integration, par- ticularly in the areas of religion, education, business, public serv- ice and politics. All activities are free because of support from the following sponsors to date: Lake-Sumter Community College Equity and -Diversity Committee. Lake Sumter ..Community College Foundation, Inc., The Father's House, The City of Tavares, The City of Leesburg, First Federal Bank, CDC, Inc., McLin and Burnsed, PA., RO-MAC Lumber, Inc., Lake County Sheriff Department, Albert L. Brown Foundation, Inc., SAM'S Club of Sanford, Lake-Sumter Community College: Student Government Association, Wellness Center, Athletic and Nursing departments, Mark & Jennifer Hill, Northeast Black History Committee, Mt Dora, Inc and L6ckette and Blair, PA.. * ,r.. CAf:.2 t.. 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I liked her a lot Even though her Eastern way of thinking and believing collid- ed with my Western Christian beliefs, God used her to speak to me. Go figure. Let me back up a minute. As I've mentioned before, for the past several years I've had a scripture for the year, one verse that I don't choose but rather it chooses me and stays in the fore- front of my thinking throughout theyear. . So far these scriptures have been "nice" ones. Warm and fuzzy, powerful and positive. "God is able to do immeasurably more," "With God, nothing is impossible" and last year's about the holy wind of God blow- ing mightily. But this year's.... I don't like it I don't want it I'm afraid of it "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). I've been resisting m this scripture for a few months now, as if refusing to listen to it will make it go away. I told a friend about it and she offered her condolences. "I'm 'afraid that if I'm not still on my own, God will make me still - paralyze me from the neck down so I'll NCY have to be still," she NEDY, said. Yes! That's what '"f"tii [ think too, I told her. So I've been trying to do anything and everything to get out of allowing this scripture to be mine to chew on and learn and to let become a part of my very being like the other "nicer" scriptures. Enter the Buddhist nun. I walked into her house and into stillness. No TV, no radio. No commotion. She spoke so very quietly, slowly, deliberately. Gently, softly. It drove me crazy. "Come on, honey, pick up the pace," I wanted to say. Then after a while, I began to slow down. I heard goats outside and a cat's paws treading on her tile floor. It was so quiet that I heard a cat's paws! Like I said, even though our core beliefs about the nature of God collide, she had a stillness about her, and I found myself telling her about my struggle with the "Be still" scripture. She smiled and told me it was good, that stillness is good and that it would be OK That I would be OK In that stillness, I sensed a voice from heaven saying, "See, I told you so." She pointed out Jesus, whom she considers to be a teacher to learn from and whom I know as the very God who loves me dear- ly, and reminded me of some of his words. I thought about it all the way home. I also thought about a song I had learned as a new Christian: "Be still and know that I am God; come unto me for my bur- den is easy and light." That sec- ond part is taken from an invita- tion that Jesus extends to weary and burdened folks to come to him and learn from him, to cast their cares upon him, for he is "gentle and humble in heart" and offers rest (Matthew 11:30). As I sang it to myself, I consid- ered that maybe being still and knowing that God is God isn't so terrible, and that maybe God's not out to flatten me, but to give me peace in my unpeaceful soul, quietness in my restless heart - and I do so need it Maybe my scripture for the year is a two-in-one, the psalm and the gospel, the command and the invitation. Maybe it's good. Maybe I really will be OK I learned this from a Buddhist nun. Go figure. Nancy Kennedy is the author of "Move Over, Victoria I Know the Real Secret," "When Perfect Isn't Enough," and her latest books, "Between Two Loves" and "Praying With Women of the Bible." She can be reached at 352-564-2927, Monday through Thursday, or via e-mail at nkennedy@sct- news.com. EDITA 2A AN NG FIN L. iW LU rROVED, C"I'll"'ILINE"MLL, 1080., 964 gm "a Amin m I kA at PAGE 10, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 ~~mE~MEN__wI r4 L~iTYf Oudoos t ADAMS Antler art, it's right here in Sumter County while back, I was up in Georgia deer hunting when one of our mem- bers', daughter, Bethany Strickland, shot at a big buck. '___ Bethany was pret- ty sure she had hit the buck and in fact her father, who was g not too far off, said it : Sure sounded to him ' like the bullet had L hit the deer from the smacking sound he had heard right after she shot. Bethany is a good JAMIE shot as well as a Outdoo good hunter and had killed a doe the pre- vious afternoon so we all put a lot of credence in the probabil- ity that she had hit the buck It was not too long before dark when she made the shot but after an initial search we were unable to find the buck or ,any blood so we decided to fin- ish our search the following morning when we had some daylight Sure enough, the next morn- ing we were able to find where the buck was .standing and where it had taken off when Bethany took her shot but other thqn the tracks leaving ,the area we did not locate the :buck. After a couple of hours of The new Mun Center-conv quality of a f your health de care-whether a few days or i SA or um diligent searching we pretty much determined that she had probably missed the deer which is good because there is nothing worse for an ethical hunter to have happen than to hit and cripple a deer where it just runs off and suffers a slow death. While we were making the search for the deer, I found one side of a set of antlers that a buck had shed the previ- ADAMS ous year so I gave r Writer the antlers to Bethany. Hunters from the south call deer antlers horns while Yankees from up north refer to them as antlers. The horns are also called a rack but in either case deer shed their antlers each year and a new rack set will grow back before the next hunting season. Whitetail and mule deer as well as all other species of deer all shed their antlers. Elk and moose also shed their antlers annually. It is really amazing how fast a deer or elk can re- grow their antlers each year and as a rule the new set of antlers will be bigger with each new ensuing year of age. Deer, as a rule, normally live about seven years or maybe Tony Willis at work in his shop creating an antler chandelier. even nine before they start regressing and the biggest racks they will have during their lifetime will occur when they are six to seven years of age assuming they make it that long. One of my favorite pastimes is to get out into the woods after the end of hunting season and look for the antlers that the bucks have shed. Generally here in the south the shed antlers will not last very long left exposed to the weather. However what really gets them are rodents such as mice and squirrels. These critters will eat them for the calcium the shed antlers provide. Mice or possibly squirrels had chewed on the rack I recently found and gave to Bethany. Anyway, I want to tell you folks about some good friends of mine who are in the busi- ness of making beautiful objects of art from the antlers of deer, elk, moose and any other species that grow antlers. .Sandra Willis lost her mom several years ago and while suffering from her mom pass- ing away she decided to try and relieve her pain by making some gift candleholders from parts of deer antlers. Her proj- ect turned out so successful that now her family is in the business full time of crafting all kinds of beautiful things from antlers. Her husband John and son Tony do most of the manual work nowadays as Sandra has developed a serious allergy resulting from the dust coming off the antlers as they are being worked. But she still has a big hand in designing the unique pieces of art that John and Tony create. Recently, I visited the Willis shop and watched as John and Tony went. about creating a beautiful chandelier. The chandelier was made from sev- eral huge sets of deer antlers and will eventually grace someone's home or place of business. All of the numerous antlers the Willis use in their artwork derive from legal sources and most are pur- chased from legitimate dealers from the far western part of the country who are the business so comfortable, you'll be tempted to stay overnight. iroe Regional Outpatient STATE-OF-THE-ART lenient and safe, with the CARE ve-star hospital. You and FI l b, and imaging .ericUrs serve the highest-quali, RBoard-crrufied phl,sicia fo ,* Dedicaed ftaf specializing in yr you're in the hospital for ea/h pr'cadure n an outpatient facility for All testing i; done in one location an hour. At Munroe Regional, our new, stare-of-the-art Outpatient Center offers you one location for lab and imaging services, quick registration, convenient parking and a highly trained staff that's dedicated to providing only outpatient services. Add the resources and safety of a major medical center that's been recognized for nursing excellence, cardiac services quality and more, and your choice for quality outpatient care is clear. To find out more about the new Munroe Regional Outpatient Center, talk to your doctor, call us at 352-867-8181, 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or visit us at www.MunroeRegional.com today. VLHRD~ FIVE-SUIR QUALITY Atdy nhew ie llituroc Regnidmi Outpatient Center, you/I1 hae etie qiialit-A rcsoura-.s avid sa ti,' uf filve-star ,ufpital rcrco,wizcedfi~r mining excellence. caerduz'. ervicei qeuality fand1 ?more. -- V .a~ .aa-fl...,,M John and his wife Sandra with finished antler chand of trading in all type of antlers. John and Tony have just fin- ished a major project where they decorated a restaurant in Dade City with all kinds of antler artwork The restaurant name is Kokepeli and from what I understand serves up some fine meals. It is on my list to check out in the near future. If you should be interested in getting a piece of the antler art- work made by John and Tony as a gift or perhaps to use as a decoration in your home or business you can contact them by phone at their place of busi- ness Antlers and Horseshoe Art. Their phone numbers are (352) 303-1735-(352) 303-4785 They have a web site at where you can check out their creations and find out how to purchase their artwork or even have them create some- thing special and original out of your antlers. .PvROPANE SPECIAL RESIDEmIAL TANK SETS - 0 Q GALLON $ 00 SIF SET& RLL $79 1 00 GALL ON $ A o00 Prices good SET &FILL W thru 3/31/04 PAR GAS, NC. DBA First in Serviop sne Your Hometown Propone Company Family Owned & Operated a. 352-793-1211 TODAY! FAX 352-793.9572 The Speckled Butterbean Inside the Webster Flea Market 352-569-5333 NEW WINTER HOURS & SPECIALS MONDAY-SATURDAY 6:OOAM-9:OOPM CLOSED SUNDAY FRIDAY SEAFOOD BUFFET Hand breaded shrimp, frog legs, clam strips, all you can eat crab legs, plus many other varieties to choose from. Early Bird .................................................................$15.95 4:00PM-5:30PM Buffet ......................................................................... $16.95 5:30PM-9:00PM Everyday Breakfast Buffet 6AM-10:30AM incl. coffee or tea Everyday Dinner Buffet.............................................$6.95 10:30AM-4:00PM Early Bird Supper Buffet .......................................... $6.95 4:00PM-5:30PM Except Fridays Supper Buffet ..............................................................$8.95 5:30PM-9:00PM Except Fridays Full Menu Available Featuring Black Angus Beef INSIDE THE WEBSTER FLEA MARKET 352-569-5333 Announcing an outpatient facility rrr~snaaj~nr~srrt,, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 11 C / C) FIIF -a"..J....J. jr4 e A-W] 1rj^- Vie ......$21,525 ........$1,200 .......$25,200 ........$2,200 200 GRAND. ................1,000 $1,000 ,930 ..........$500 ......$1,000 HOURS: 8:30am FJral;mIiLt .j.AIItJiLIC r-al'luiE JL': WRTING :ROM .i r~ ii r- U ~ ~~ig 2005~ 11URY I 'RCU.RY lQUIS LS PLAZA 2005 20055 RCURY NER PAGE 12, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES; THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 k' Try A YOU'LL UKE T . -::.- .- .-.--- Life Is Better Copyrig hltedIMateal SSyndicated Content rAvailable fromiCommercial News Providers' ob ob m low- - ___ gbw .odra 4w -4= 1 0-40 4 o-~ qu~gm- 4o -mm- q so00- m woom VAN 40- -* -00 - mi - 4m a f V '001 a - 0 * = 4w ~t~i~i~ .m ow 4 -.am di. .4w 40 allb. 4w-..Nm SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 13 New Year Off Rigt I - C ~ STK#25122X All New 2005 MALIBU $229PerMo PRiCS irjc o.U' f HtAAiE iNi lliTvi". ANr(' MAr i LuDE GM LOYALTY REBATE. *0% FOR 72 MONTHS AVAILABLE ON ALL NEW IN STOCK 2004 CHEVROLETS WITH APPROVED CREDIT THROUGH GMAC. ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES ASSIGNED TO DEALER. OFFERS CANNOT BE COMBINED. PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE AND $299.50 ADMIN FEE. PAYMENTS ON AvY bA II UN M .I2 rjiH H.1iKi:HAt Atr 4.9% APR. CAVALIER BASED ON 72 MONTH PURCHASE AT 6.75% APR. LEASE PAYMENTS BASED ON 48 MONTHS WITH APPROVED CREDIT. VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. PICTURES ARE-FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. OFFERS EXPIRE 72 HOURS AFTER DATE OF PUBLICATION. OPEm 24/7 @ WWW.CRVSTALAUTOS.eCOt.I CRYSTAm CHEVROLET a\ CRYSTAL CJIEVROLr as 35. suncoamst RI uomosassa 1 a- Iw. a Wes v u ss We've St Thie westt Prices Guaranteet... W e P e AMRIA iR=EVIOLIJTION 4; PAGE 14, SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 'i- --C--- r It 11 -~ * I -, 1 'I Si'tti-, K I I- T A L at L t - ,z.. A fU NW&ES MB-a-W I I I NII p i AI MOVE MIEPAI I J"I ONLY IN A ZERO PLUS ...V t.,J. .4 ZEROt oVm so MEONSIN k illSm.M 11l111l TO- 'IT" TDD #I#] i!Ily ItI 91A'hd :1: 11I I I I II ;too) lj ,, I f l.li . I .11. 0 ''I- i', L" U. 8 '&MWI f -4A F, , 39MJPiH LEASE ON DURANGO UBERTi GRANiD CtROOiE FT CUIER SEBRiNG FACICA 36 MONT.L EASE ON GRAND CARAVAN C iH APPROVEDCRECT ALL PAIHE i IANL UDE DELIVER LE EL. tEE PLUS TAG TA., TITLE ULdr 4 0EALt EAFEE AND OKTIut4L EQUIP t AC EACO *IE t I 11 HiHLH iC LUl ALL REBATES. LEASE. AND OWNER LOfALr REBATES EE DEALER FOR DETAILS BONUS CA.H JMUT BE FiNAICtU THROUGH H tH. VEHLL IICTLIR H AE FOR ILLU' RAT VEPU T-'O,.Es OrJLR 'u Stir P T rMltL, OrL F AlVERrILED OuffER CAfT ut UtO CMBlE OPEN 24/7 @ WWIW.CRYSTA LAUTOS.CO-IW csrsr......U flS@fll .3.S iC.OT BM..S. 1 0S0 SUFMCOsST BSLWD. O _n WVM ,. WM ST flTOLL .fff--IW f1C7J6Yt / C / fTLM... TOL. FRoES 1-S ,-M V CfytSTS_ I ImC"a SAll tii'I'p~TaUw;~'#'9'9";(~ '1g~f'~ ?'~,5d~1WIPth'VtY~F;rS~ '-4'~ Wi '4' rwaIH'JHkII+'$K~w'1'T7 W2 ~ww ecu Ig'j'p <2J I. ...":;: : - .--:,. * ,I". "sI -. Year .LI Al I -M6 '4 im A i i A 1)11 1. I I tit I SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 15 - Snumr CALENDAR Thursday, Jan. 13 The PanasoiKkee Com- munity Library is having a book sale from 9 to noon on Jan. 13 and 14. The monthly meeting of the Sumter County Democrat Club will be held at 7 p.m. in Sumterville at the Lake/Sumter Community College in the portable class- room. Refreshments will be served. If interested, please attend or call Charlotte Poss at 750-5640. Friday, Jan. 14 0 Sumter Super Seniors monthly meeting will meet at 10 a.m., Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 (corner of Hwy 301 and C.R. 468 hear Coleman). It is a fun place to meet other seniors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyor e is encour- aged to attend, br ng a friend, and enjoy lunch. The Villages 4 of Marion Democrats Club *ill meet at 10 a.m. at the Ma on County Sheriff's Officer in The Villages at C.R. 42 and Mulberry Grove. This month's meeting will be special: Bylaws ratifica- tion, nomination and election of officers and member renewal (please bring voter registration). For more information, con- tact Dave Schutte at 259-7471. The January meeting of the National Association of Social Workers will meet at Garfield's Caf6. The discus- sion, "Suicide: The Final Choice," will be presented by Neil Christie, LCSW, who cur- rently works at Hospice of Lake & Sumter Garfield's Cafe is located in the Leesburg Mall on the north side of U.S. 041, south of Leesburg. More information may be found in the NASW web site at: www.geocities.codinasw_lake sumter. , Saturday, Jan. 15 The Lake Panasoffkee Water Association will hold its annual meeting at 9 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Department, C.R. 459, Lake Panasoffkee. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the business of the association and election of directors from candidates previously nominal. Please plan to attend. w i' , Semi-Pro Football League tryouts will be h4ld on Jan. 15 and 22, at 11 a.m.. at the Belleview Sports Complex on Robinson Road off of Highway 441 and 27 in Belleview. We are looking for players 18 years of age and older, with dedication and commitment to make this your team. All positions are open if you have game. You can contact coach at 352-457-6859 or 407-415-0084 anytime after 9 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 16 A Tribal meeting is slated for the Sumter Native American Family Tribe on Saturday, Jan. 16, at noon, at the Sumterville Community Building. It is open to the public and is a business meeting to dis- cuss upcoming events. For more information, call 793-5154. Thursday, Jan. 20 The next social meeting of The Villages Deutscher Club Inc. will be held on at 6:30 p.m., at the Churchill Street Recreation Center at. 2375 Churchill Downs. Doors will open at 6 p.m. Villages residents of German heritage, German speaking, and spouse of same are welcome to join. Membership dues are $10 per person per year. Dues for 2005 are due now. After a short business meet- ing, Evie Hanson, a travel con- sultant, will be giving a pres- entation on trips to Europe. Lightf refreshments will be served. Anyone is welcome to BYOB. For more information con- tact Ted Seybold at 352-259- 6073, or Martin Grum at 352- 259-9432. The Sumter County Brain. Injury Support Group will meet from 2 to 4 p.m. at LSCC/Sumter Campus. There are no dues and is open to brain injury survivors and their caregivers. Whether your injury was due to accident, surgery, stroke or abuse, you will find a friendly group awaiting your participation. Light refresh- ments are provided. For information, call Margie Sovercool at 352-793- 7841. Leave a message and I will call you back. Friday, Jan. 21 Arbor Day celebrations, begun in 1872, emphasize that tree planting is a personal demonstration of steward- ship. National Arbor Day is the last Friday in April in many states, but in Florida, it is celebrated on Jan. 21: This is because growing trees in Florida is much different than growing trees in north- ern states. On Jan. 21, there will be a pinp.trge give-away at both .the -Mart store, in tish'iieil ai-d at the Sumter County Extension Office. The address of the Sumter County Extension Office is 62 C.R. 538. Bushnell. Free longleaf pine, improved slash pine and sand pine seedlings will be offered from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. (or until all seedlings are given away). There is a limit of nine trees per person. This event is sponsored by the Sumter County Master Gardeners. If you have ques- tions, call 352-793-2728 and ask to speak with Wendel. I 1Tuesday292 Jan.,998 201000F Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80% WtRange Avg WI Price Range 1110.1205 1142 46.00,53.00 Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85% SWl Range Avg Wl Price Range 765-85 84 910-1060 965 49.00-54.00 1020 1020 56.00-59.00 1110.1280 1199 49.00-56,00 1255.1295 1275' 57.0061,00 1460-1745 1631 Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% Wrt ange AgWl Price Range 725.865 797 35.00t 4.00 900-1080 990 45.00-50.00 900-1045 956 35.00-4.00 1105-1170 1138 47.0049.00 Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1 Wlonge Avg WI Price Range 1155.1i480 1358 Slaughter cows and bulls: steady Feeder steers and heifers: mostly steady. Supply and demand were moderate Feeder steers and heifers: under 600 Ibs 68 percent (53 percent steers, 47 percent heifers); over 600 lbs 4 percent Slaughter cows and bulls: 22 percent Replacement cows: 6 percent Avg Price 50.21 Avg Price 50.95 51.67 57.50 High Dressing 52.22 5903 53.49 ,, Avg Price 40.30 Low Dresing 47.84 39,75 Low aDrssing 47,97 Avg Price 60.27 1262 55.00-56.00 55.78 Lo S: 1778 59.005.00 62.26 1700 68.50 68.50 1630-1940 1829 60.0068.50 65.11 1615.2360 1988 55.00-56.00 55.41 Lo eeder Steers and Bulls Medium and Large 1-2 WIRwnge AvgWI Pre Range Avg Price 60. 80 73 73.85 10- 28 19 5.00-185.00 72.41 '55. 98 74 500-180.00 70.83 05. 25 I15 2.00-152.00 49.16 50- 99 78 6.00-134.00 28.00 ,1I0-25 22 8.00129.00 21.46 50-&85 c76 1.00119.00 13.52 .00 40 .21 .2.00-107.00 04.27 .55. 70 63 .00105,00 01.64 ,55.95 ,75 5.14 Feeder Steers and Bulls Medium-and Large 2-3 WI Range AvgWl Price Range Avg Price 255.295 280 130.00-152,00 141.40 320-345 332 122.00-138.00 130.08 360-395 379 109.00-124.00 119.12 An.n 1 0 A 106 00.l 1 A 1 1 0 n ? recdsl Stei, and B.ull, Small 1-2 w Dressing w Dressin ~i1 _________________ ca~.c,. rI'rICc real slOe,.. II,.,.. S 6 ,g Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2 Wl Range Avg Wl Pr c Range Avg Price S 165.190 184 160.81 205.-245 234 1 156.01 . 26.276 273 1 133.90 S305.349 327 1 118.60 350.365 358 1 119.67 400443 419 ,4.00.I112.00 109.27 453 453 1( B.00 108.00 505.540 517 1(' 104.00 555,575 567 9 .50-98.00 96.15 eeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3 WtIRange AvgWl Price Range 220-248 244 120.00-13.00 255.295 276 r' .1 320-340 333 108.00-114.00 .-: 355.395 378 100.00.110,00 n .- 410448 438 93.57 455480 474 96,00.102.00 98.15 625-645 635 8000.082.00 80.98 Feeder Heifers Small 1-2 WtRange AvWI Price Range Ag Price ?I1. 1 1 II'I..LIII',, II 6 M ,1 . Bred Coe, Med ui and La,. 1.2 Young I +,: .. -. I.. : Coe. aClPa, Mcl.,um and Large 1.2 Yorung Il nst m I $3 -.5 .l~.c,. i- -. I. - L- .I 1 k .rI c Citrru P Coeu dty ir -Assocatio,. ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULL SAVE ON ADVANCE TICKET SALES One Da) Adull $S 00; Children 6.11: $5.00 Two Days: Adult: $15.00; Children 6-11: $7.00 *Three Days: Adult: $23.00; Children 6-11: $10.00 "Available at all 'NEW! Ch Available at all OfAdvance Regletratlon Accepted Chamber of Commerce Offices SAVETIME the Fair office Proceed DirectlyTo Scale Global Radito in lnwerness 6'1l H,.4 4 a r n and in Crystal RI-r- 1,NE h I I,..,,:,. :,T, I Citrus County Fair Association 3600 South Florida Avenue Inverness, Florida 34450 Phone: 352-726-2993/ Fax: 352-726-3121 www citruscountyfair.com cclair@lalkz.com MOST FOOT PROBLEMS CAN BE CORRECTED! CENTRAL FLORDA FOOT CARE, PA Now in Bushnell at 212 S. Florida St. 569-1360 Bunions/Hammertoes Ulcers/Wound Care Heel Spurs Foot Surgery Diabetic Foot Care Ingrown Nails Board Certified - American Board of Podiatric Surgery Dr. Nick Przystawski, DPM www.FloridaFoot.com INSTANT CONNECT 500 PLAN Unlimited Direct Connect walkie-talkie minutes in home area 500 anytime cellular minutes Unlimited nights and weekends $39.99 Per month. Other mon charges apply. See Bell thly ow** ,1 '.n Preferred Partner TM lllA NEXTEL TEChNICS, / AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Wireless Consultants 352-568-1967 Local 888-568-1967 Toll Free **Nextel also imposes a Federal Programs Cost-Recovery (FPCR) fee of $1.55 or $2.83. The FPCR is not a tax or government required charge. The fee is charged for one or more of the following: E911, number pooling and wireless number portability. Offer expires February 28, 2005. Local Instant Connect Plan: Requires one- or two-year service agreement and credit approval. $200 early termination fee applies, after 15-day trial period (30 days in CA),.conditlons apply.Setup fee of $35 per phone, up to $70 max per account (some markets a max of $80/account per order) applies. Cellular: Overage is $0.40/mn. Cellular calls round to the next full minute. Domestic Long Distance Is $0.20/min. Nights are 9:00pm to 7:00am. Weekends begin Fri. at 9:00pm and end Mon. at 7:00am. Walkie-Talkie Charges are multiplied by the number of participants on the call and charged to the call initiator. Unlimited Direct Connect minutes are included In your home calling area only. Nationwide Direct Connect calls use the Direct Connect minutes in your plan and incur an additional access charge of $0.10/min. Mobile to Mobile package includes unlimited cellular calls to or from Nextel customers on Nextel's Nationwide Network. Text: Up to $0.15 per sent or received text message depending on message type. Additional charges: state and federal taxes, a Universal Service Assessment of either 1343% or 1.5%, In some states a Gross Receipt Recovery Fee or other taxes, fees or assessments, a TRS charge of approx..07%, and a state-required E911 fee. Other Terms: Nextel reserves the right to modify or terminate these offers at any time. Offers may not be available In all markets. Other conditions may apply. Read service agreement for details. Nextel's Nationwide Network serves 297 of the top 300 markets. 2005 Nextel Communictions Inc. NEXTEL, DIRECT CONNECT, NATIONWIDE DIRECT CONNECT and other marks are servIce marks and trademarks of Nextel Communications, Inc. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered In the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All third party product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Now in the Barn: 2 Eastern T&A Western T&A. Western Alfalfa \ Perennial Peanut Coastal a II SV' I '- Q FR IDA OPEN AT 4:00 PULL AT 6:00 SATURDAY OPEN AT 10:00 PULL AT 11 AM SUNDAY OPEN AT 11:00 PULL AT NO 1 28,d I ' ' lits PAGE 16, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 Domestic violence support group meets Curious about what may constitute domestic abuse or concerned that you might be in a domestic violence rela- tionship? There's a women's support group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday nights that meets at Bushnell Library, Pageant applications Applications for the Little Miss/Princess/Junior Miss Pageant, Teen Pageant, Miss Sumter County Pageant (due Jan. 8,2005) and Baby Pageant (due Feb. 26) are available. You can get one at the fair- igrounds office. For more information, call Cindy White at 748-1687 or the fairground office at 793-2750. K of C Bingo The Knights of Columbus has bingo every Thursday at the corner of Dade and U.S. 301 in Bushnell. Doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo starts at 6. AARP TAX-AIDE volunteers Volunteers are needed to provide free tax assistance to low and middle income resi- dents of Sumter County dur- ing the upcoming tax season. This is an extremely reward- ing experience and volun- teers will receive free Internal Revenue tax training. There are also opportunities for volunteers as client coor- dinators and support person- nel. AARP TAX-AIDE is administered by the AARP ARROW 7 15_ Time Out MEDIUM 6_- 1 for men WIDE 6-15 ' 5 w mmmmmwm m ---w Foundation and the IRS. For more information on how to join the Sumter County TAX-AIDE team, contact Terry Allison at 352-746-9985, or tallisol@tampabayrr.com. Sumter Super Seniors Meets every second Friday from October to March from 10 a.m. until noon at Trinity Baptist Church, 3305 East C.R. 468 (corner of 301 and 468 near Coleman). Fun place to meet other sen- iors, sing and hear a devotion. Everyone is encouraged to attend, bring a friend, and enjoy lunch. Bluegrass, Gospel Music Beginning Aug. 13, there will be Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel music at Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, across from Spirit Truck Stop. Sessions will be 6 to 10 p.m. and second, fourth and fifth Friday evenings. There will be one session only in December, on the 10th. Regular schedule will resume in January. For more information, call Jim at 352-793-8353. Florida Friendly Landscaping Series Wendel Martinkovic, Sumter County extension, agent for residential horticul- ture, with selected guest speakers, is presenting a monthly landscaping series that will encompass every- thing you need to know to have the ideal Florida yard. The meetings are the sec- ond Wednesday of each month WALKING IS A COMPLETE EXERCISE CYCLE... involving nearly every muscle and bone in the body. L0 Free Time for women - .. Tr te whole and half sizes. Some colors do not come in all widths. ---------- -------------- e0 Lake Square Mall I R 10401 136 S Hwy. 44 Leesburg, FL 34788 SS352-326-2641 TOLL FREE 1-866-746-3240 JIMMY'S COUNTRY PLACE PROUDLY PRESENTS NASHVILLE SUPERSTAR TY ENGLAND S. _ 18 AND UP! SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 2005 I 41' at 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Recreation Center, West Wing meeting room. Topics to be covered, but not limited to: right plant, right place; watering efficiently; mulching; composting; fertil- izing appropriately; managing yard pests; rain barrels, storm water runoff; wildlife, hum- mingbirds and butterflies; protecting the waterfront. All materials and light refreshments included. Free to the public. Phone the Sumter County Extension Office to register at 352-793-2728. Pilot Club meets The Pilot Club of Sumter County meets the first Thursday of the month at the CwmtprTIRFF mmtflwmflp American Legion Hall on Hwy 44, Wildwood. Contact Maxine Cox at 748- 0111 or Gwen Smith at 748- 0074. Artist! Do You Paint? The Sumter County Arts Guild would like to invite you to come join us in our weekly meetings. This is a place to get togeth- er with other artist, to paint and compare notes, to have other artist critique your work, to exchange ideas, to help and to be helped when you encounter a problem. You may be a beginner still struggling, and intermediate that has progressed in his or her work but still needs the. eyes of other artist, or you may be a professional., Oils, watercolor, acrylics, pastels, colored pencils, draw- ing and or pen and ink or - SUMMER COUNTY'S GUIDE TO In ; BoJack's Potato Shack Under New Ownership Daily Homemade Specials Rib Nights Sun. Thur. Friday & Saturday 7AM-2PM (352)793-1002 Fri. & Sat. Center Hill, FL 7AM 9PM 616W Kings Hwy 335CenH14i, FL4 Rosey and Dave's country Cafe (Formerly Cafe 476) New Name New Location 311 N. Market St., Bushnell, FL 33513 (352) 568-7667 Open Monday thru Saturday Closed Sundav S 7:00 A.4.M.- 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY 1/14 1/20 /' FRi -SAT.-SUN -WED -THURS5 PG NATIONAL TREASURE II . FLEA VIARKET Sat-Sun Sam-noon r Coach Carter PG-13 fn. 3.)0, 6.45, 9 645. 31l l:..5.', -4i 9 44.. Sun & Moi 12:15,3 20, 6:45 TuTs. Wrd & Thrum: 2.00.4:55, 8 10 7:30 PLUS R LIFAQUATIC 9:50 Closed Mon. & Tues. COMING- LADDER 49 FAT ALBERT Questions? S Please c31ll H3rold Spean 863-602-2979 or Juav Crews 863.967-0842 Elektra PG13 Fr- 220 J-, 7J 1 I40 1100 ,) .I 4 '1 :, I ") Suns Monn. It 50220 4 i) ;4 5 Tue., W n Thr,, ) I, 3n 7 7 Racing Stripes PG In Good Company P-13o fn' :' h* In 1 7 -"' '- 1 1 4I) I K : t" i */' F1 : :i *.ij1: 'l i 1 1 11: ; i 'l ':.4iJ 3 I' 31 : , S.j i j .r, I 1 11) 4 .'" 44 4 "' j : 4- j White Noise PG-13 The Aviator PG-13 k u l ?.i 0 9 a "'oso n ,'95 A ;Qi li i ;S i: i S, ';& 5 Fn ^3 ,,j,'nw ,, --3 "., SS t,r 11'55 ." 4, 7 5 TuA : V ,4, rru,-. i I, 4 -, A Is T" j; ,-i ', ., Ij .''. Fat Albert PG-13 Meet the Fockers PG-3IS ."r I' j J i Tj,' ,,1 ', 1 I, 7 :NW. Spanglish PG-13 Fr,. i Sun.l& Moc.- I 12, 10 7 15 TJe- .c2' Lemony Snickets PG Fi cx' 3 u3': I *' '. 4 11 -i' '..' :,'. s ,; ", Tu. u d r .ll 1"rrJu, L : 'c, '5 :, 'il uu tic J.), I' *.. - ut 4Y D r VALET7NE9 .DYPAT LIVE MUSIC JAN. 22ND JIMMY D "LIVE" 7 TO 11 Coming Soon Full Liquor Bar 569-9306 4666 CR 300 Lake Panasoffkee I ,' Mon. Thurs. & Sat 7am to 8pm .L I jFri. 7am to 9pm oSun. 8am to 3pm "Best Burgers in Central Florida & Much More" BREAKFAST DAILI' LUrJCH & DINNrER Bushn'l, FrL SPEC AL S PECI ALS SuSm r Bes B$1.99 $5.99 Good Service...Great Food... Super People I I *S V 25201 US Hwy. 27 (352) 326-9001 Open for Lunch & Dinner Sunday & Monday from 11am to 3pm. and Tuesday Saturday from 11am to 8pm. RLUB TARA RESTAURANT .At Thet Plmatation I FREE BEVERAGE* I WITH THIS COUPON I I .' *.-Non-lolhohc Epires 202L) The ayseed Cafe In Webster 599 N Market Blvd. -- -352-568-8008 - --n -l-l -----m ilil~ Ii Hidden Rivers Resort -U_ iR & ne uam i LIVE MUSIC PACIFIC WIND4 SAT., JAN. ISTH BENEFIT POKER RUN FOR TONY FEB. 15TH STARTS AT IIAM Sunday Skool Open Jamboree featuring Sundown Band (ALL MUSICIANS WELCOME) 11AM 4PM BUY NOW SAVE $5.00 $15 ADVANCE & $20 DAY OF SHOW TICKETS AT JIMMY'S OR THRU www.ticketweb.com 5260 HWY 301 BUSHNELL 352-793-3570 whatever style you work in doesn't matter. We will be offering different types of classes all along. We have had watercolor classes and acrylic classes and will be offering other classes in the future. Please come join us. We meet every Wednesday at 1 p.m., at the Sumterville Community Center on Highway 301 just north of Bushnell. For more information please contact Pat Oelslager, 352-568-2908, e-mail roel- slager@cfl.rr.com. Support Group A support group for widows, widowers and divorcees is held every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee United Methodist Church. * If you are grieving, hurting, join us. AmSouth Bank collection site AmSouth Bank, 802 N. Main Street in Bushnell, is a proud collection site for school sup- plies for Sumter County kids. Please do not delay; drop off school supplies today. Mixer Dance at Lake Panasoffkee Mixer dance every first and third Friday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Lake Panasoffkee Community Building, located on C.R. 470, one block east of 1-75, / block north of the blinker light across from the truck stop. The dance is open to cou- ples and singles. Finger foods appreciated. Sponsored by Sumter Singles. Live music by George Britt. For more information, call 352-583-3740. I ~i~J!I~~~ -----, YIl SUMMER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 17 Consider tang h e Consider taking home Splash Splash is an adorable long- hair domestic black and white kitten. Splash is five months old and full of fun. Splash 'loves -jumping and playing, and then loves to stretch out in your arms. Wouldn't you live to give Splash a home? E-mail ,the Humane Society/SPCA of .Sumter County at *humane@sum.net or mail in your request to PO. Box 253, Bushnell, FL 33513. Visit our web site to see all of our ani- mals at www.humanesoci- etyspcaofsumtercounty.com. Many of us remember the '60s musical group Paul Revere and The Raiders. We danced to their hit songs like "Step-in Out," "Hungry," "Just Like Me," "Good Thing," and "Kicks." And then there is the bluesy sounds of Big Al Downing. And right from Nashville is Grey Daniels. What does good ole time Rock & Roll music have to do with the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County? These great performers are coming to Sumter County to put on a benefit for the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County and South Sumter Middle School Band. SCome to the Speckled Butterbean Rib Fest on Saturday, Jan. 29, at the Farmers Market in Webster starting at 9 a.m. Entertainment by Paul Revere and the Raiders, Big Al Downing, and Grey Daniels 'starts at 1 p.m. There will be a classic car show for all you car ,buffs, and of course delicious smoked BBQ and all the fix- Please Spay or Neuter your pet! Pie@SO I'. Surgery Day: Tuesday & Friday 8.30-5 PM 1(B' Appoiritint-nl Shot Clinic: Tuesday 8 Friday 1:00 PM-3:00 PM . CARES CENTER -. Low Cost Spay-Neuter Clinic 735 E. C 470, Lk. Panasoffkee (352) 568-9994 RYWANT ALVAREZ J O NE S RUSSO & GUYTON C1ERTW1ED The P~oida Ba 'tln TIiRwIA. Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free information about our qualifications and experience Sumter County Adult/ .;:, Community Education Center. / 1425 CR 526A Sumterville, FL 33585 J; (352)793-5719 GED Class Schedule Surnterville Center Monday & Friday ........ ..... 8 1 '00 r. i Thursday & Friday T.lorning. .. 8 11 00 .u Thursday Aheiroor.................. 12 3 u0 0 c r Monday Evening ......... 6.30 9 30 P.. Ir Tuesday Evening .... ... .... 6.0. 3.uu P 1.1. Wednesday Even.,r,.... ...... 530 8 30) r. Tutoring. Literacy & ESOL | Thursday Evening... .......5:30 9 30 r. . Head Start Center Wildwood : Monday & Thy & Anrrooris...3 30 6 " Villages Charter High School il G.E.D Prep &. Adjul Basic Educaiion Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings 6-00 8 00 F r. Other Adult/Commuinity Education Center Class Offerings DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE c ,"; eauc.; :-' ,-.-, Isr & 3rd Monday ol each monir, 5:30 9 :30 r.1 Pre-Regislralion required 35.00 D.A.T.E. DRUG ALCOHOL TRAFFIC EDUCATION lRe ., ,' ieo ro &-,F..- r a r-ir.0 ,, .: i 2nd Monday ol each Mor,ih 5:30 9 30 v r.i. Pre-registraiion required 130.00 CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT PROGRAM .CPR/Fir -Pre-registration only COMPUTER CLASSES requied.00 * Beginning Intermediate Advanced Internet E-mail * B.O.S.S. (Secretarial skills). ~1- -Q1 GRATIS CLASSES DE INGLES Clases De Espanol/Ingles Los Martes De Las 6:00 P.r.. B:00 P.r.1. D Maestro es Bi-Ligual Centre De Educacion Para Adultos, Sumierville, FL Telefono: 793-5719 MASSEY FERGUSON Tractors Loaders Backhoes Equipment S ,; ..<. *.. ,,,: .is, .. :, Splash ings prepared by the Speckled Butterbean. The event is festi- val style, so bring your lawn chairs and enjoy a fun day. Advanced ticket prices are $10 (age 10 and under is free), and tickets at the gate are $12. Call 352-793-7323 for tickets. This event is made possible by The Sumter County Farmers Market, the Speckled Butterbean Restaurant, and Leber Coach Manufacturing. Bowlers are invited to par- ticipate in the "Scotch Doubles Bowling Tournament," that will benefit the Humane Society/SPCA of Sumter County, scheduled for Jan. 29 and Jan. 30 at the Fiesta Bowl in The Villages. Call Animalist Pet Store at 352-259-1783 for more infor- mation. The success of these fundraisers helps us to save more animals like Splash. So come on out and join in on the fun. We look forward to meet- ing you all. S- . .. .. Call1I interne Local Internet 1-888- Net-Nerd .d 1-888- 638-6373 pet groc InflD.V DOGS I'ANTi .MI Breeds great and small. We \\ l ba Pamper YOUR per Fo F[ide'. nert'appomt entet pl Sandy's Groon (352) 568-18 finance Joseph Capporelli 110 W. Belt Avenue Bushnell, FL 33513 352-568-0406 www.edwardjones.com member SIPC EdwardJones Sereing Individual Inestors Since 1871 "di 1 -5 Do-wn Payment with Approved Credit V V1 ,$18,545.,iaix 0 $14,950 +tax .... $13,195.tax I 8MF-1533: 33HP, 4WD Tr., 11- MFi.4'-8:28HP,4WDTractor .....0. 2H Di sio, ,8.. ,ncro Shuttle Trans P; C P.er Steering, Live PTO F Power Steering, Ind. PTO, Turf ...In, PTO,R4BarTires,Lo, er B .Tires,.Loader-with54" Tires, 60" Belly Mower, Front Oir r.in. Bucket, 5ft. R .iry Bjuce 5'Cutter, 5'Box .- -. Loader with 48" Bucket and 48" Box CuII r tSt, Scraper Blade. 'cr.iper. Scraper. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE n,.. - SVU' APR John Mason Tractor, Inc. Onopt 1588 E. Jefferson Street, Brooksville Hours: Phone: (352) 796-5171 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Fax: (352) 796-6683 Sat 8am-12pm *With 15% Down Payment. Not all customers will qualify for low A.P.R. F Finance rates (wn,4 a an e 1eed86 Term-Mos. 24 36 48 60 Rate 0% .9% 2.9% 3.9% Financing Effective Date Until 1/31/05 TATLOi'd W Z1 :ITAII Oil k h'K01,1 I A I ;F1T (b to] ial WE'LL PAY FOR YOUR SUMTER COUNTY PET LICENSE must meet requirements timing In mED: athe and ,room them all' toda, v ease call Sand, iat ning 82 U U taxi service MID-STATE TAXI AND LIMO 748-2222 Transportation to and from the airport AMTRAK CRUISE SHIPS GROUP RATES ( ORLANDO TAMPA For as low as For as low as $35.00 $45.00 bush hogging/fencing Richard Strong's Fence & Mowing Acreage Our Specialty * FF1.ogin Ranch F7F T~ U ence' information To Advertise here, Call (352) 793-2161 1452 W. HWY 48 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 , OFFICE: (352) 793.8861 CELL: (352) 303-0000 (7 1' Put Your Feet Back on the Street)4 1. equine orthotics. EQUINE Orthotics ! and Prosthetics By Prosthetics Research 2 Specialisis, Inc. 720 East Southland Ave. Bushnell. FL 33513 - __..7 352-793-4477 : Ronnie N. Graves RTP, BOC 0. LPO#POR1 16 - Florida Licensed Prosthetist and Orthotist : equine service MARSHA PIDHERNEY, DVM 352/303-6296 VETERINARIAN builder 609 N.Old Wire Rd. : '.S._ Wildwood FL 3-4785 "*'' OFFICE (352) 748-5228 'r FAX: (352) 748-4854 www.dibarco.com S _)Dilbarco Bruildinq Diana B. Couillard riet CRC044'773 President |Ful Lcenseida nsured Full Service Contractors Owner medical PRS MEDIA( SUPPLIES Medicare Accepted Complete line of: Walkers, Custom Braces Crutches, Canes Bathroom Aids Custom Prosthetics Breast Prosthetics Prosthetics Research Speci 720 E. Southland Aver Bushnell, FL 33513 Custom Cosmetics Restc Full Fabrication Servi 352-793-4477 Fax: 352- DAL -S Female Fitter on Staff alist, Inc. nue :ration ces 793-1448, roday 352-793-2161 t/isp bail bonds -I v i i I m Il.? - E Off ice H Thrift0. Tues 0:30. I itualFundsI IRL i IL, --- -- -- - _e"-- ~88~1~111111~--'-- --I F Accg;s M W- PAGE 18, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 Fun and GAMES 9" - (it-u ** 41 ap. A,. TV- orut Lb 1 %o ___ S * so LW A. * S p S U p 4LSI 'Vb r 1- *^ ral. 1 -40 .4 o-_ l * 0 p .0 ,*Jp I' p f 'At *I!,' a, I 9 I$ . *1 WE mr AI 6 0 ~ (wq~qum] "Copy.righted Material _ Syndicated Cnenit - Available from Commercial News Provide S. .0 --I= -.- . - rs 4m0 404 mQmm do dl P Gw-.41" 41-0 .df..mq-o mn 0~. 41111b, - 491. -dw -b 0 MW 0 -40. -.OdomOb - 0. MO. a ___ -1 - do 1 tm &-m qwm. - oa .. J * q- Mqpmb-_ a dMWqwd 4mmm- -m 0" : w-%ow -*0 . 41. -o dow mq .o di- 4 41% M S-P00 -w qo 0 M Gap0 d- m- . agob a-w'.-.Mm %- tW -40 d-40f-0- -o 00 4 ___ do dw ~- w- 4 4 '46 wM -a ab fSow - - IN% 4% ql tm 4l- .pp.- * - w- 0 N- * ~-now* 400 .d * l dif sub~ la r. .11 4b 40 -~ I 0 ~- em -. .0 ~;y 4 WhI A Di ~ - w I pU go o O -S ~. - .~ ~um S - S I -~ U d ______ .0 - ~-. - - - *1 0 %.GNNMOda 00. 00 SIO *h Alm. p 0 'm- I pa & 4. i * 4C~ r. to /4 I - r " ii p 016 IP dab dob pmm aid" a "qt 4 m I P aw SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, S.1Ill1 FROM AROUND SUMTER, LAKE, CITRUS, MARION & LEVY COUNTIES- PUT YOUR AD IN THE SUMTER COUNTY TIMES!!! With an ad in the Times, not only do you get the goods out to our readers, your ad hits the internet and you get the thousands of customers who peruse our Citrus Publishing pages online! That's right, placing your ad in the Times now guarantees you a spot online and access to customers in Citrus, Lake and Marion counties, as well as around the world. All our classifies including I yours now online!! EE OUR CLASSIFIED ONLINE AT sumtercountytimes.com I Place your ad under one of 4 these classifications 000-100 SPECIAL NOTICES 100-160 HELP WANTEDD 200-300 SERVICES 300-400 MISCELLANEOUS / SALE 400-500 PETS 500-600 MOBILE HOME RENT/SALE 600-700 RENTALS 700-800 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900-950 TRANSPORTATION THE HOME STORE a Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County Outreach, is'seeking Donations of useable building materials, home remodeling and decorating Items, furniture, and SAppliances, No Clothing please. Volunteers are needed In the Home Store on Monday & i Thursdays. Store hours are: S 9am-5pm Mon-Sat. Call The Home Store (352)341-1800 for further. Information. Setter Type Dog 1 Young Female Oxford Area Call to Identity (352)748-2717 AUTO ACCIDENT. NEED A LAWYER? ; All accident & Injury claims, automobilee bike/ 0at/, bus "animal bites workers compensa- tions "wrongful death A*Nursing home Injuries 4A-A Attorney Referral service (800) 733-5342 I 24 hours, 7 days a ; week. FCAN 1 CALL STANDS BETWEEN YOUR BUSINESS and millions of potential customers, Place your ad In the FL Classified Advertising Network. For $450 your ad will be placed In 150 papers. Check out our 2x2 and 2x4 display network tool Call Heather Mola, FL Statewide Advertising Network Director at (866) 742-1373 or emall hmola@flpress.com for more Information. (Out of State Placement Is also avail- able.) Visit us on-line at www.florlda- classifieds.com FCAN DIVORCE $175-$275 *Covers children, etc. Only one signature requlredl *Excludes govt. fees Call (800) 462-2000 ext. 600 (8om-7pm) Divorce Tech. Established 1977 FCAN EARN YOUR DEGREE Online from home, Business, Paralegal, Computers, Networking and more. Financial Aid available, Job place- ment assistance & computers provided. Call (866) 858-2121 FCAN HUNT ELK, WILD BOAR and Buffalo In Missouri until 3/15/05. Guaranteed, Hunting license, only $5. Our policy NO Game NO pay, reasonable rates, Call (314) 894-3776 FCAN IS STRESS RUINING YOUR LIFE? READ DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813) 872-0722 or send $7.99 to DIanetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa, FL 33607 FCAN Looking for Bonnie or Marvin Harvey Related to the Thompson's Please contact me I have something belonging to you. (352)245-1864 CHURCH SECRETARY Wahoo Baptist Church Is seeking a Part Time Secretary (25hrs per wk) Requires experience In providing essential secretarial and computer support services. Must be proficient In word processing and desktop publishing. Call (352)793-6015 for more Information. LET US WORK FOR YOUI SUMTER COUNTY TIMES CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS CALL 793-2161 ruiiilly 'uul Manager Supervisor ** the Centers Is seeking a Family Care Manager Supervisor with current PDC and QCM/SET Certifica- tions for Marion & Citrus Counties to work with community based care Initiative In collaboration with Kids Central Inc. Extensive experience in providing supervision to direct service workers In related field required. This is highly responsible work supervising, directing and managing a Family Care Team Unit. Provides oversight for care management, risk mgmt, financial mgmt & clinical direction of unit. Master's degree In Human Services related discipline with a min of 5 yrs exp or Bachelor's degree In the Human Services field with a mln 7 yrs of relevant social services exp working with children & families required, Salary range Is $48,960 to $51,000 annually, Comprehensive benefits package. DFWP/EOE or send, fax, or email resume to: HR, 5664 SW 601h Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 hr@thecenters.us (352) 291-5580 HOME HEALTH RN'S Needed For admissions and visits In Sumter and Lake Counties. Excellent Benefits, Flexible Schedules Per Diem \ Full Time. Please Call (352)568-8200 or Fax Resume to (352)568-8202 -E- EXTREMELY BUSY High income potential Ma & Pa 40's Maltshop *SERVERS *COOKS +FOUNTAIN Fast Pace & FunI Apply In person 976 Old Mill Run, Newtown Square, The Villages 1 mi.S of 466 on Moorse (352) 751-5553 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Two reliable, efficient, well-mannered BARTENDERS Irr,- ed! Apply In person Monday, Tabsday, Thursday 2pm-7pm Saturday After 3pm V.F.W. Post 10137 Hwy 476B Bushnell SPECKLED BUTTERBEAN Now accepting applications for all positions. Apply In person @ Webster Flea Market FRUIT BAGGERS Immediate openings for Wildwood fruit and gift stores. Apply at: King Orange 1230 S Main St Wildwood (352)748-2152 CABINET MAKER/ WOODWORKER Custom Residential & Commercial Manufacture Manufacturer Is seeking experienced person In all phases of cabinet construction and Instillation, Must have experi- ence with wood and laminate cabinetry. Also a stable work history. Full time position (352)728-5904 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT Loaders,. Dump Trucks Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next Class Jan. 3rd. National Certification Finanhcl Assistance Job ment In Your Area 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services 5177 Homosassa Trail Lecanto, FL 34461 LOADER OPERATOR ROBBINS MANUFACTURING Position requires one year experience with grapple / bucket loaders. Must have a valid Drivers License. Knowledge of traffic laws, ordinances, and rules Involved In heavy equipment operation required, M F, 7 am 3:30 pm. Apply at 13904 SR471 Webster, FL 33597 or fax resume to (813)972-3980 Attn; HR or e-mall resume to openlngs@robbins lumber.comn Can't get enough of sports? Have youngsters Involved In local sports? You may be just what we're looking forl The Sumter County Times Is seeking freelance writers with photography ability to head out to the fields to cover local sporting events. You don't have to be an experienced Journalist; you just have to have the Interest and reliability. For more Information call Bob at the Sumter County Times (352)793-2161 HANDY MAN Full Time 40 hrs week Must be able to drive tractor, build fences, do general repairs. Valid Florida Drivers -License Required Health Insurance Available Apply at Prosthetic Research .Specialist, Inc 720 Southland Ave Bushnell, FL IMMEDIATE OPENING Part Time 11-7 Front Desk Night Audit Best Western Bushnell (352)793-5010 MERCHANDISER NEEDED in Bushnell Grocery Store, Part Time, Flexible Call J R Merchandising 1-800-204-3366 Now hiring for the following positions for our Pilot Travel Center at 493 E State Route 44 In Wildwood, FL Shift * *Supervisors*. & Cashiers * Join Pilot and receive: * Competitive Pay * Ufe and Medical Insurance * Paid Vacation * Advancement Opportunities * 401k Must be flexible in schedule. For Immedi- ate consideration, call 352-748-4486 between 9 am 9 pm and ask for the Manager on dutyl EOE PILOT... A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! P/T Church Custodian 8 hrs/wk Salary neg. Call (352)793-3221 PRODUCT DEMONSTRATORS NEEDED For Grocery Stores & Super Centers. Card Table Needed Call Kathy Toll Free ,877-302-0279 Ext 6120 ROOFERS/ SHINGLERS Exp Only. Paid Vacations, Benefits. 352-347-8530 SHIPPING & RECEIVING No experience necessary Monday Friday 8:30am 5pm $6.00 hr & Health Insurance Apply at Prosthetic Research Specialists, Inc 720 Southland Ave Bushnell, FL ARTS INSTRUCTOR Youth serving non-profit seeks creative Arts Instructor for after school Enrichment Program. Experience w/youth In the Arts a must. Salary range $8 -$10 per hour. 18 -20 hrs per week, Fax resume to: . (352)787-5258 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Youth serving non-profit seeks Athletic Director for after school Enrichment Program. Experience In youth athletics a must. Salary range $9 -$10 per hour. 18 20 hrs. per week. Fax resume to: (352)787-5258 PCA/Companion Part Time Set Own Hours High School diploma or GED Background screening $7.75 hr start $8 hr after 6 mos Clear driving record EOE / DFWP Apply at SCARC, Inc 213 W McCollum Ave Bushnell (352)793-5156 Webslte for application www.sumtercounty. com/scarc SCHOOL OUTREACH STAFF Youth serving non-profit seeking School Outreach Staff to Implement a Goals/Career Program after school In Leesburg Area Elementary Schools. Certified teacher preferred. 10- 15 hrs perweek. Salary range $10 -$12 per hour. Fax resume to: (352)787-5258 ADVANCE YOUR DRIVING CAREER Increase In pay pack- age. Contractors & Company needed. Flatbed, refrigerated, tanker. Over-the-road. Some regional. Com- mercial driver's license training. (800) 771-6318, www.prlmelnc.com FCAN DETENTION OFFICER Phoenix, Arizona, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. $14.99 per hour. Excellent benefits. No experience necessary. Contact (602) 307-5245, (877) 352-6276 or www.mcso.org 1,000+ vacancies, Including civilian. FCAN DRIVER- COVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent pay & benefits for experienced drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer, (888) MORE PAY (888-667-3729) FCAN FREE 4-ROOM DIRECT SYSTEM Includes standard Installation 2 months free HBO & Cinemaxl Access to over 225 channelsI Limited time offer. S&H Restrictions Apply. (866) 500-4056 FCAN #1 CASH COW 90 vending machine Hd. You approve locations, $9,995 (800) 836-3464 #B02428 FCAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 a day? 30 machines, free candy. All for $9,995. (800) 814-6323. B02000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold FCAN AS SEEN ON TV $ All your cash now $ ProgramFL Company offers best cash now options. Have money due from settlements, annuities, or lotteries? Call (800) 774-3113 www.ppicash.com FCAN MORTGAGES, REFINANCE OR PURCHASE. No Money Down. No Income All credit considered. (Higher rates may apply) No mobile homes. (888) 874-4829 or www.AccentCapital .com, ULicensed Correspondent Lender FCAN ARBOR CARE TREESERVIC-E Licensed & Insured "No Job To Big or Small!" *Free Estimates* Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming & Removal Bert Lovett (352)303-3878 Beckelheimer TREE SERVICE I BUCKET TRUCK STUMP GRIND- ING I LANDSCAPING 793-5949 Top Shape Beautify Your Trees CLEANING SERVICE Residential Commercial Competitive RatesI Experlencedl Ask for Ken (352) 603-0066 i. *1111 .II HURRICANE ROOF DAMAGE? Also Home Repairs & Additions Licensed & Bonded Call Ralph: (352)568-8689 Free Estimates Serving Croom, Bushnell Lake Panasoffkee, Ridge Manor WANTED ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE DEALERS Antique & Collectible Show Sat. Jan.29 9am-4pm Citrus Springs Community Center $50. Booth Space. Deadline for entry Monday Jan. 24th. Sponsored by The bvisor,weekly Newsppe for the Central Ridge Region. For In formalon contact Barbcsa Hartley at (352)746-4292 3603 N. Lecanto Hwy. Winn Dixie Beverly Hills. vale dkivdudswlh artlques and collectibles Welcome. SPA, 5 PERSON, Never used. WVmy. Red $4300. Sacrifice $1425. (352) 372-5287 SPA, HOTTUB, 5-PERSON 24 jets, redwood cabinet. Warranty, must move, $1495. 352-286-9662 SPA/HOT TUB Brand Newl 7ft. therapy spa, 20 Jets 5 HP, paid $3,295. sell $1,350. (352) 302-5640 ANTIQUE AUCTION Monday January 17 6 pm Sumter County Fair Grounds Hwy 471 Webster, FL Furniture, Glassware, Pottery & More 10% BP AB2140 AU2888 Toll Free 877-742-1989 www.yosties.com 4 ESTATE + MERCHANDISE AUCTION *THURS. JAN. 13* 4000 S. Fla. Ave. Hwy. 41-S, Inverness PREVIEW: 4 pm AUCTION: 5 pm Contents of 2 homes Lots of tools, furn., antiques, Old RV, dbl axl trailer, etc Visit the web www. dudleysauction.com DUDLEY'S AUCTION (352) 637-9588 AB1667 AU2246 I 12% Buyers Premium 2% disc. cash/check BUILDING SALE! "Rock Bottom PricesI" Final Clearance. Beat next price Increase. Go direct/save. 20x26; 25x30; 30x40; 35x50; 40x60; 45x90; 50x100; 60x180. Others. Pioneer (800) 668-5422 S FCAN METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with all accessories. Quick turn around Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335 FCAN STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS! Genuine SteelMaster' Buildings, factory direct at HUGE Savings! 20x24, 30x60, 35x50. Perfect Garage/workshop/ barn. Call (800) 341-7007. www. SteelMasterUSA.com FCAN STEEL BUILDINGS EZ BUILD YOUR OWN AISC Certification Office/Warehouse, Shop/Garage. Arena/Barn, Hangers, A plant near youl Spec. to spec. will beat any price or $205. (800) 993-4660. www. unlversalsteel.com .FCAN -, BUSHNELL HUGE YARD SALE Jan. 15 & Jan. 17 8 a.m. -2 p.m. 309 Center Street (Corner of Hwy. 476 & Hwy. 48) MOVING SALE Starting Saturday Until-? 8am Furniture, tools, household items CR 532C. Bushnell Across from Cent FLU Graphics -Sweeping Curve- YARD SALE Hwy 301 CR 543B Sumterville Sunday & Monday 9am 3pm 1ml South of Langley Medical Center Everything must gol Most offers will not be refused Section of collectibles separate but still reasonable. (352)793-2438 Best time to call 6am 8am BUSINESS FOR SALE RV Dealership 5 major lines represented. Large RV, parts & service departments. 9 Acre campground with 65 campsites In beautiful Western North Carolina. Living quarters on properly. Long-term lease available. Owner willing to train. Serious Inquiries only, call (828) 231-8849 FCAN CHURCH FURNITURE. Does your church need pews, pulpit set, baptistry, steeple, windows, carpet? Big sale on new cushioned pews & cushions for hard pews (800)231-8360 FCAN $500.00 DOWN - FHA Financing 1st time buyer, poor credit,recent bankruptcy, we have financing available. New 3 & 4 bedroom homes up to 2300 sq.ft. with land now available. Call (352) 621-9183 5 Acre Mini-Farm. Lg 4/2, Lots of scrubs. Won't last long! Call (352) 795-6085 3/2 on V2 Wooded Ac. on Paved Rd. $2,500 dn. $625 monthly. Call (352) 795-2377 4/2 on % Acre on Paved Rd. Fireplace, Galley Kitchen.$2,500 dn. $568 monthly. Call (352) 795-1272 A MUST SEE! New 3 bedroom, 3 baths on 1/2 acre. Great warranty, the best construction, quiet, nice lot, great location, deck & driveway, $2,000 down $575.68/mo W.A.C. CALL 352-621-9182 Beautiful 3/2 on /4 Acre. Fmt. porch. Huge eat-In kitchen. $1,500 dn. $675. Monthly. Call 352-795-8822 LAND & HOME I acre homesite country setting. 3 bedroom, 2 bath new Homes of Merit with warranty. Driveway, deck, stainless steel appliances pkg. Must see, only $518.45/mo WAC. CALL 352-621-9181 OWNER MUST SELL! Land & Home- 1,920 sq ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, stone fireplace, full appliance pkg. Quiet lot with nice oak trees. 5 yr. warranty. Call for more details 352-621-0119 Owner will assist with down payment DUPLEX FOR RENT Sumterville. Lovely 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Central H&A, fully car- peted, Includes washer &dryer. $500 monthly, 1st last, $400 security No Pets (352)793-2568 or (352)303-3553 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Fair Housing Act which makes It Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an Intention, to make such preference, limi- tation or discrimina- tion." Familial status In- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law, Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing Impaired Is 1-800-927-9275. SUMTER COUNTY! OAK HILL New one acre wooded Financing. , Broker / Owner. 1-352-330-0022 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, cabins, acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy cherokeemountain realty.com Call for Free brochure (800) 841-5868 FCAN COSA RICA, 1 acre parcels can be subdivided Into 4 1/4 acre lots. Beautiful Central Pacific views. Roads, water, elec. $19,500 acre. (800) 861-5677 FCAN MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITESI! Prestigious community weaving throughout Dye designed 18 hole championship course In breathtaking Blue Ridge Mtns of South Carolina. Call for pkg (866) 334-3253, X759 FCAN WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina where there Is: Cool Mountain Air, Views & Stream, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. Call for free brochure of Mountain Property Sales (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, NC 28906. realtyofmurphy.com FCAN SUMTER OR MARION COUNTY Minister In need of 5 to 10 acres property. Only private owners call pleasel (714) 658-9983 WE BUY HOUSES Ca$h........Fast I 352-637-2973 1 homesold.com ASHEVILLE, NC AREA Spectacular mountain view & River lots. Paved roads, clubhouse & more. New Releasel Possible $5K Discountl Bear River Community Call (866) 411-5263 FCAN LOTS STARTING @ $39,000 with deeded boat slip In exclusive waterfront community on South Carolina Lake. Featuring clubhouse, pool, tennis, marina, nature trails, putting green. Great financing. Harbour Watch. (800) 805-9997. www. lakemurraylivlng.com FCAN CHEVROLET 1984 Monte Carlo 140,400 miles Good Condition $3000 OBO (352)568-0324 HAVE TITLES 92' Sunbird, 88' & 85' Tempos $100ea (352)793-4352 FORD 2000 Windstar Van 30,600 plus miles, Uke new. Take over payments, Balance $15,900. (352)793-1793 After 5pm 603-0113 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County Quali- ty Assurance Committee, representing the Citrus/ Sumter County School Readiness Coalition will be conducting monthly meetings to discuss the Quality Initiatives for the Sumter County Readiness Providers. These meetings will be held the third Wednesday of each month at the Govern- ment Annex Building lo- cated at 362 Shopping Center Drive, Wildwood, Florida. The scheduled time will be 11:00o.m. - 1:00p.m. Please contact Ingrid Ellis, Contract Coor- dinator, at the Citrus- Sumter County School Readiness Coalition at 352-563-9939, extension 228 if you have any ques- tions. Scheduled Datos for Ihe Frst Hall of 2005 * February 16th *, March 16th * April 20th * May 18th * June 15 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, January 6, and 13, 2005. 614-0113 SCT Sumter County School Board Closed Session 01/18/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School Board will meet in closed session for the purpose of considering student ex- pulsions on Tuesday, Jan- uary 18, 2005, at 5:00 p.m. in the Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell, Florida. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, January 13, 2005. 615-0113 SCT Sumter County School Board Regular Session 01/18/05 PUBLIC NOTICE The Sumter County School Board will meet In regular session on Tuesday, Janu- ary 18, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the Sumter County School Board Meeting Room on 2680 WC 476, Bushnell. Florida. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, January 13, 2005. 616-0113 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE The Citrus /Sumter County School Readiness Coali- tion Merger Committee and the DIxle/Gllcrist/ Levy County School Readiness Coalitions (DGL) will be conducting a Joint Workgroup Com- mitlee Meeting on Janu- ary 18, 2005, beginning at 10:00A.M. to review the proposed Merger Agree- ment between the Coali- tions. If you have any questions, please call the Citrus County School Readiness Coalition at 352-563-9939. The meet- ing will be held at the Child Care Resource Of- fice located at 212 N. Main Street. Chlefland, FL. Published one (1) time in the Sumter County Times, January 13, 2005. 601-0113 SCT Notice to Creditors (Summary Administratfon) Estate of Virgil Hutchinson PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No: 2004-CP-000318 IN RE: ESTATE OF VIRGIL HUTCHINSON, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE. You are hereby notified that on Order of Summary Administration has been entered In the estate of VIRGIL HUTCHINSON, de- ceased, File Number 2004-CP-000318, by the Circuit Court for SUMTER County, Florida, Probate Division: the address of which is 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513; 4 tha the decedent's date of death was August 16, 2004; that the total value of the estate is $28,140.97 and that the names and addresses of those to whom It has been assign- ed by such order ore: Susan Lee Hooper, Indi- vidually and as Successor Trustee of the Virgil Hutch- Inson Family Trust dated 5/4/01 60 King Street, #3 Eustis, FL 32726 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and per- sons having claims or de- mands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom pro- vision for full payment was made In the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED .TWQO (2) YEAS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEbENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is January 6, 2005. Person Giving Notice: Susan Lee Hooper 60 King Street, #3 Eustis, Florida 32726 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: -s- William H. Cauthen, Esquire Florida Bar No. 133488 CAUTHEN & FELDMAN, PA. 215 N. Joanna Avenue Tavares, Florida 32778 (352) 343-2225 Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, January 6, and 13, 2005. 608-0113 SCT Tip Top Storage Sale of Contents-Unit 59 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Florida Statute 83.806 Notice Is hereby given that on January 29, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. at TiP TOP STORAGE, INC.. 7693 State Road 471, Bushnell, Florida 33513, the entire contents of your storage unit shall be sold for cash: Unit #59, Christopher A. Costanza; P.O. Box 1067, Lake Panasaoffkee, FL 33538. All proceeds shall be used to pay post due rent and other charges. Dated this 5th day of Jan- uary, 2005. TIP TOP STORAGE INC. 7693 STATE ROAD 471 BUSHNELL FL 33513 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, January 6, and 13, 2005. d4^^^^^^^ Call Toni today at SUMTER COUNTY TIMES 793-2161 GET RESULTS IN THE TIMES Announces Their New Factory Outlet In Brooksville Florida Visit us on Cortez Blvd. (RT 50) Brooksville, FL Call for an appointment I PAGE 20, SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005 Young Artists join hands Cindy and Dana Spell would like to announce the upcom- ing marriage of their daughter Robyn Destin to David Vandewater. David is the son of Mary and Howard Vandewater of Tavares. The couple will be married March 19 at First Baptist Church of Wahoo. deli d. .. --J U Mrs. Hitchcox's class delivered their letters to the North Pole mailbox at Webster United State Post Office before the end of the year. Not only did they send their mail out, they even got a let- ter back. Ahshaud Torrence, Owen McGuire, and Patrick Hubbard are shown at the mailbox. Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc.) joins Hands On Network in 'Re-Igniting the Dream' for MLK Day of Service Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc. will engage more than 10 community volun- teers in one service projects throughout the Community of Royal area as part a nationwide mobilization of volunteers during Hands On Network's service tribute honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 17. With funding from Hands On Network made possible through a generous grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service, Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc. and 24 other network organizations are joining nonprofits from coast to coast for a variety of service and educational activities with the theme "Re-Igniting the Dream." "We are honored that Hands On Network chose to award this grant to Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc.," said Beverly Steele, Founder. "As Dr. King so often said, 'Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.' We look at this as an opportunity to help trans- form people from all walks of life as we honor Dr. King and remember his legacy through service." As Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc. incollabo- ration with the Royal Library Association, A.A.Young, Sr. Library of Royal and the Sumter County Library System prepares to "Re- Ignite the Dream," highlights for the A.A. Young, Sr. Library of Royal Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. March, Munchies and More Celebration, Monday, January 17, 2005 at the Royal Community Center. The march will begin at 10 a.m. starting at the center on C.R. 235, marching South to C.R. 462, marching East to C.R. 235A, marching North to C.R. 222, marching West to C.R. 235 and marching South back to the center/ library. The specific service project will be "the more" with Ms. Juanita Jones,- Retired Educator and Author of "Rivers of Living Water" and Zee Wilson, Living Word Poet play acting poems and noted African Americans Lives and reading to the participants who are mostly children and senior citizens. Plus, eight more volunteers will read to the participants. The focus is to encourage community citizens to volun- teer at the library, to increase literacy activities offered via the library, engage communi- ty residents to read more and to increase library usage. The Royal library is the smallest and newest library in the county system and is fulfilling the community need of library services with- out traveling 5 miles to the nearest library. The community residents are mostly African American and a large portion of the population is young families' with school-aged children. This project will help address the community need of providing efficient library services to help curtail illit- eracy and increase literacy. This project fits into the Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc. "Creative Solutions to Youth Development" Component If you would like to volunteer to read during this event, please call Sandra at the library, 352-330-1929 to pick a book and register. Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc. and grantees across the nation will trans- form their communities through innovative service projects involving volunteers of all ages, religions and cul- tural backgrounds. Corporate, faith-based and community groups, families and individuals will all join forces to make a difference during this inspiring holiday. "Support from the Corporation through the MLK Day grant is providing us with numerous opportuni- ties to affect positive change," noted Michelle. Nunn, Hands On Network president and CEO. "The Corporation's grant allowed us provide our affili- ates and other deserving organizations with additional funding to make MLK Day truly a day on... not a day off. Also helping make the national event possible is Delta Airlines, to whom we are greatly appreciative for their long-term partnership with our network and their strong culture of service." AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service and responsibility in America. Inmate stabbed at SCI Policei R BOB RERICHMAN because an investigation is we don't have any specific StephFriday, Janie Brown, 20 Lake Editor being conducted, according to information yet," Ivey said. Stephanasoffkie Brown, was20, Laarrestedfor Sterling Ivey, spokesman for Once the state Inspector domestic battery. No bond the state Department of General's Office has complet- wadomestc battery No bond :A 22-year-old inmate at Corrections in Tallahassee. ed an investigation, their find- Cowasen Lawson, 40, S tear-or tionm ale The fight between the two ings will be turned over to the olen Lawson , Sumter Correctional men started about 6:37 p.m., State Attorney's Office to Wildwood, was arrested for Institution, west of Bushnell, vley said. determine if charges will be battery and obstruction of jus- vwas injured Sunday night dur- The victim was injured filed, Ivey said. twice. Bond was set at $500. ing a fight with another when an inmate reportedly The victim was transported. Saturday, Jan. 8 in'iate in a housing dormito- stabbed him in the lower back to Tampa General Hospital Shayla Sampson, 21, ry. with some type of sharp for treatment Wildwood, was arrested for :The men involved in the instrument No additional information driving while license sus- fight are not being named "It was a type of shank but was available. pended with knowledge. Bond was set at $500. Sunday, Jan. 9 Eric Watson, 20, was arrest- ed for violation of probation for possession of marijuana and violation of probation for driving under the influence. No bond was set Monday, Jan. 10 Wesley.s.. Wall, 25, Sumterville. was arrested for driving while license sus- pended or revoked and expired driver's license. Bond was set at $1,uuo. Michael Hicks, 18, Wildwood, was arrested for aggravated battery. Bond was set at $10,000. Robert Gosham, 29, Bushnell, was arrested for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $500. .-Christopher Mertz, '- 27. WidWodw\vas arrested, for violation of probation foribur- glary of a dwelling. No bond was set 611-0120 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Zeida Pauline Wlese PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY .CASE NO. 2004-CP-000333 IN.RE: ESTATE OF ZELDA PAULINE WIESE, 'Deceased. *'NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of ZELDA PAULINE WJESE, deceased, File No. 2Q04-CP-000333, is pend- ing in the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Prdbate Division, the ad- dress of which Is 209 N. Floi1da Street, Bushnell, Flbrlda. The names and ddldresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons heaving claims or de- rmbnds against dece- dbnt's estate, Including urmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tise Is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE Oy= SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Al other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or urllquldated claims, must filb their claims with this cMurt WITHIN THREE MpNTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AtTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice is January 13, 2005,. Personal Representative: PAUL A. WIESE 4115 Okara Rd. Tampa, FL 33617 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON FL, Bar No. 176505 P.O. Box 58 Lqke Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 PLblished two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, January 13, and 20, 2005. 609-0113 SCT Tip Top Storage Sale of Contents-Unit 76 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Florida Statute 83.806 Notice is hereby given that on January 29, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. at TIP TOP, STORAGE, INC,, 7693 State Road 471, Bushnell, Florida 33513, the entire contents of your storage unit shall be sold for cash: Unlit #76, Lonnle L. Head; P.O. Box 1457, Lake Pqnasoffkee, FL 33538. A proceeds shall be used to, pay past due rent and other charges, Dated this 5th day'of Jan- uary, 2005. TIP TOP STORAGE INC. 7693 STATE ROAD 471 BUSHNELL, FL 33513 , Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, January 6, and 13, 2005, 612-0120 SCT Notice to Creditors Estate of Elsie B. Wysong PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMTER COUNTY CASE NO. 2004-CP-000332 IN RE: ESTATE OF ELSIE B. WYSONG, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of ELSIE B. WYSONG, deceased, File No. 2004-CP-000332, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Sumter County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which Is 209 N. Florida Street, Bush- nell, Florida. The names and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal representa- tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or de- mands against dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no- tice Is served must, file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands 'against the dece- dent's estate, Including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE ,DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED . WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this Notice Is January 13,2005. Personal Representative: CHESTER R. BAYLOR P.O. Box 787 Milan, Indiana 47031 Attorney for Personal Representative: RANDALL N. THORNTON FL Bar No. 176505 P.O. Box 58 Lake Panasoffkee, Florida 33538 (352) 793-4040 Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, January 13, and 20, 2005. To place your Legal Adverlsing In the .irn r QIrluitt call 793-2161 610-0113 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Mortgage Credit Certificate Program The Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) an- nounces It Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. Sec- tion 25 of the Internal Revenue Code authorizes "issuers' to Issue Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCC) In lieu of qualified mortgage bonds. An MCC entitles ell- gible Individuals to a tax credit against the Individual's Federal tax liability. The tax credit amount Is deter- mined by multiplying the certificate's tax credit rate by the taxpayer's Interest paid on the mortgage loan dur- Ing that year. In order for an Individual to claim the credit provided by Section 25(a), the MCC must be a "qualified mortgage credit certificate" issued pursuant a "qualified mortgage credit certificate program",. The following criteria/requirements mustbe met: Principal Residence Requirement The homebuyer must :..:'p, irn, r.,;3-r,,. e as their Principal Residence within .i.t, .: .: la, an-ir rr,r MCC Is Issued. The homeowc.-.r .,ill r..:.iif ii,e Issuer Immedi- ately If the residence ca,.' Ic. c e ir., Pricilpal Resi- dence. The MCC is only valid during the time the homeowner occupies the property. New Mortgage Requirement An MCC cannot be Issued In conjunction with the acquisition, replacement refinancing of an existing mortgage. However, a certificate can be used in con- junction with the replacement of construction period loans, bridge loans, or other temporary Initial financing with a term of twenty-four (24) months or less, Three-Year No Prior Homeownership Requirement The homebuyer cannot have had any present own- ership Interest In a Principal Residence at any time dur- ing the preceding three (3) years ending on the date the MCC Is Issued. This three-year, first time homebuyer requirement does not have to be. met If the residence ,for which a mortgage loan application Is being made Is located In a designated Targeted Area. A listing of Targeted Areas may be obtained by visiting www floridahousing org. Purchase Price Requirement. There are maximum allowable purchase prices which vary based upon location and whether the home Is In a Targeted Area. The maximum purchase prices are as follows: COUNTY Baker Broward Clay, Collier Duval Manatee Miami-Dade Monroe Nassau Palm Beach St. Johns Sarasota All Other Counties LIMIT $189,682 $280,463 $247,500 $254,250 $247,500 $226,350 $280,463 $332,466 $247,500 $280,463 $247,500 $226,350 $189,682 Homebuyer Income Umits The homebuyer must have family Income at or be- low the program's Income limits for the county In which the residence being purchased Is located, considering family size and whether the home Is located In a Tar- geted Area. The Income limits are as follows: COUNTY Alachua Brevard Broward Clay Collier Duval Gadsden Indian River Lake Lee Leon Manatee Monroe Nassau Okaloosa Orange Osceola, Palm Beach St. Johns Sarasota Seminole 1 or2 $52,200 $54,700 $57,700 $56,600 $63,300 $56,600 $56,500 $52,400 ,$54,700 $54,100 $56,500 $54,300 $57,200 $56,600 $54,700 $54,700 $54,700 $62,100 $56,600 $54,300 $64,700 3 or more $60,030 $62,905 $66,355 $65.090 $72,795 $65,090 $64,975 $60,260 $62,905 $62,215 $64,975 $62,445 $65,780 $65,090 $62,905 $62,905 $62,905 $71,415 $65,090 $62A45 $62,905 All Other Counties $51,900 $59,685 Methods by Which Certificates Are Issued . FHFC may begin accepting applications on March 21, 2005 In order to comply with federal requirements. Mortgage Credit Certificates may not be Issued prior to April 14,2005. For further Information, contact Walllsa Cobb, Single Family Bonds Program Administrator, 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329, (850) 488-4197. , FHFC will offer the MCC Program via participating lenders throughout the state of Florida who have agreed to adhere to all of the program guidelines. Once the program has commenced, a list of partici- pating lenders will be posted to the webslte at www florldahousing org. Once a lender Is authorized to participate, they will be trained and granted access to all MCC program mate- rials. Upon successful completion of the appropriate documentation and closing of the mortgage loan, an MCC will be Issued to the homebuyer, which will allow the homebuyer to claim the tax credit when federal 'taxes are filed. Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, Jan- uary 13, 2005. 613-0113 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE SUMTER COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS) IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO. 04-2-NOI-6001-(A)-(I) The Department gives notice of Its Intent to find the Amendments) to the Comprehensive Plan for Sumter County, adopted by. Ordinance No(s). 2004-45, 2004-46, 2004-47 and 2004-48 on November 23,. 2004, IN COMPLIANCE, pursuant to Sections 163.3184, 163.3187, 163.3189, and 380.05, F.S. The adopted Sumter County Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s) and the Deportment's Objections, Rec- ommendations and Comments Report (if any), are available for public Inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal business hours, at the Building and Zoning Department, 209 North Flori- da Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Any affected person, as defined In Section 163.3184, F.S., has a right to petition for an administrative hearing to challenge the proposed agency determination that ' the Amendment(s) to the Sumter County Comprehen- sive Plan are In Compliance, as defined In Subsection 163.3184(1), F.S. The petition must be filed within twen- ty-one (21) days after publication of this notice, and must Include all of the information and contents de- scribed In Uniform Rule 28-106.201, F.A.C. The petition must be filed with the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tal- lahassee, Florida 32399-2100, and a copy mailed or de- livered to the local government. Failure to timely file a petition shall constitute a waiver of any right to request an administrative proceeding as a petitioner under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S, If a petition Is filed, the purpose of the administrative hearing will be to present evidence and testimony and forward a rec- ommended order to the Department. If no petition Is filed, this Notice of Intent shall become final agency action. If a petition Is filed, other affected persons may petition for leave to Intervene In the proceeding. A petition for Intervention must be filed at least twenty (20) days be- fore the final hearing and must Include all of the Infor- mation and contents described In Uniform Rule 28-106.205, F.A.C. A petition for leave to Intervene shall be filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Department of Management Services, 1230 Apala- chee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060. Failure to petition to Intervene within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such a person has to request a hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to participate In the administrative hearing, After an administrative hearing petition Is timely filed, mediation Is available pursuant to Subsection 163.3189(3)(a), F.S., to any affected person who Is made a party to the proceeding by filing that request with the administrative law Judge assigned by the Divl- slon of Administrative Hearings. The choice of media- tion shall not affect a party's right to on administrative hearing. -s- Charles Gauthler, AICP Chief of Comprehensive Planning Division of Community Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee. Florida 32399-2100 Published one (1) time In the Sumter County Times, Jan- uary 13, 2005. 602-0113 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SUMTER COUNTY SOLID WASTE REGULATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sumter County Solid Waste Regulation Advisory Committee will hold Its sec- ond meeting to begin consideration of regulations concerning Class I landfills In Sumter County. The meeting will be held dn Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 5:00 pm In Room 327, Third Floor of the Sumter Coun- ty Historic Courthouse, Bushnell, Florida 33513. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting or to be heard at the meeting should call 352-793-0270 to make any special arrangements. Notice is given if any person desires to appeal any ac- tion taken by the Committee at the above hearings, a verbatim record of the proceedings may be necessary and Is not prepared or furnished by the Committee. The public Is Invited, and encouraged to attend. Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, January 6, and 13,2005. 600-0113 SCT Notice of Action Bank of America, N.A. vs. Michael s. MacKay, et al. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION , CASE NO.: 2004-CA-001293 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL S. MACKAY, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MICHAEL S. MACKAY AND UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MICHAEL S. MACKAY 630 COUNTY RD 535 SUMTERVILLE, FL 33585 (LAST KNOWN ADDRESS) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mortgage on the following described property: BLOCK 11, TOWN OF SUMTERVLLE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 20, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address Is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUD- ERDALE FL 33309, on or before February 7, 2005, a date which Is within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in the SUMTER COUNTY TIMES, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter; other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled persons who, because of their disabilities need special accommodation to participate In this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinator at 209 North Florida Street, Bushnell, FL 33513 or Telephone Volce/TDD (904) 793-0215 prior to such proceeding, WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 28th day of December, 2004. (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Gloria R. Hayward As Clerk of the Court By: -s- Grace Krause As Deputy Clerk Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, January 6, and 13, 2005. 617-0210 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held In the County Commissioners' Meeting Room at the Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnell, orida, at 5:01 o'clock p.m. on the 15th day of February, 2005, by the Board of Sumter County, Florida, to determine the advisability of closing and vacating that portion of the road, right-of-way or easement described as follows: Those portions of all roads, streets and alleys and areas of HOLLY HILL as per plat recorded In Plat Book 2 Page 76 Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, lying with- in the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 23 East; AND within the South 101.92 feet of the West 213.71 feet of the North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 23 East. renouncing and disclaiming any right of Sumter Coun- ty, Florida and the public In and to the land, or Interest therein, as to the above described property. All Inter- ested persons may appear and be heard at said time and place. Notice Is given If any person desires to appeal any ac- tion taken by the Board at the above hearings, a ver- batim record of the proceedings may be necessary and is not prepared or furnished by the Board. Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 p.m. is through the East door, Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting and hearings or to be heard at the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any spe- cial arrangements. Interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the Petition. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMMER COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Joey A. Chandler, Chairman Published two (2) times in the Sumter County Times, January 13, and February 10, 2005. 696-0113 SCT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held In the County Commissioners' Meeting Room at the Sumter County Courthouse In Bushnel, Florida, at 5:01 o'clock p.m. on the 18th day of January, 2005. by the Board of Sumter County, Florida, to determine the advisability of closing and vacating that portion of the road, right-of-way or easement described as follows: All roads, streets and alleys and areas designed as "Park" lying within the North 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Section 35, Township 21 South, Range 22 East, Sumter County, ALSO KNOWN as the North 1/2 of JEFFERSON PARK as per plat recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 36, Public Records of Sumter County, Florida, this specifi- cally to apply to those portions of the following named rocds or streets within said area: Woodland Avenue, Highland Avenue, Getzen Avenue, Park area lying within Getzen Avenue and the unnamed areas which appear to be road ways or alleys lying along the north- erly and westerly boundaries of said plat. renouncing and disclaiming any right of Sumter. Coun- ty, Florida and the public In and to the land, or Interest therein, as to the above described property. All Inter- ested persons may appear and be heard at said time and place. Notice Is given if any person desires to appeal any ac- tion taken by the Bead at the above hearing, a verba- tim record of the proceedings may be necessary and Is not prepared or furnished by the Board. Entry to the courthouse after 5:00 p.m. Is through the East door. Persons needing special assistance gaining access to the meeting and hearing or to be heard at the hearing should call 352-793-0207 to make any spe- cial arrangements. Interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the -Petition, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMTER COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Joey A. Chandler, Chairman Published two (2) times In the Sumter County Times, De- cember 16, 2004 and January 13,.2005. -4 d-i nfti SUMTER COUNTY (FL) TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005, PAGE 21 - 71. 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