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w 4 THIRTY-NINTH YEAR, NUMBER 28 4d Industry Deep Water Port Fine People- Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1976 Wallace, Reagan, Carry Gulf County State Preferred Ford and Carter There's no doubt about it. This is Wallace Country. With George Corley Wal- lace, Governor of Alabama, coming in second state-wide in the Presidential Preference Primary, former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, who carried the state in the Dem- ocratic contest, wasn't even close enough to be called second in the contest here in Gulf County. Wallace gleaned 1,368 of the 2,059 Democratic votes cast, to completely out-class all his opposition. Carter came in a far, far distant second with only 320 votes. It was a light vote which was cast Tuesday, with only 36 percent of the 5,709 registered Democrats bothering to cast their ballots for the covey of 12 candidates listed on the voting machine. The only precinct carried by Carter was Precinct Eight here in Port St. Jo'e, and even there, Wallace was breathing on Carter's coattails as Carter collected 70 ballots and Wal- lace 59. Wallace carried every other precinct in the County by huge majorities. REPUBLICANS Republicans in the county were better stewards of their voting privilege, with 71 of the 115 registered Republicans go- ing to the polls and voting at a 61 percent rate. . The Gulf County Republi- cans, like the Democrats, didn't see eye to eye with the rest of the state. While the State of Florida was giving a majority to President Gerald Ford, Gulf County Republi- cans were expressing their desire to see Ronald Reagan as their next president. Rea- gan carried the county han- dily, 55 to 16. AMENDMENT Gulf Countians continued to remain a suspicious lot when it comes to voting Constitu- tional Amendments upon themselves. They.have a rec- ord of turning down amend- ments and they did it again Tuesday. The water tax Constitutional Amendment failed here in Gulf County, 1,337 to 374, but managed to squeak by with approval over the state when the populous south Florida counties reported in. 'These counties were already paying The City of Port St. Joe received its first request for a meeting to begin negotiations with the State Employees Union Local 1306 Tuesday night. The union wanted to meet with the Board to begin negotiations on March 22, but the Commission has asked for the tax and evidently wished the remainder of the state to join them in their revelry. While a small minority of the registered voters went to another date. City employees recently voted by a slim majority to become affiliated with the union under the new state Public Employees Relations Act. Every city employee with the exception of hospital and police department employees the polls here in Gulf County, there is little doubt but what they expressed the opinions of the majority, in the way they voted. This is how Gulf voted by Precincts PRECINCTS DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Burch Bayh ................... 0. 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Arthur O. Blessitt .............. 5 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 Robert C. Byrd .................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Jimmy Carter .................. 42 24 3 2 8 8 27 70 Frank Churc' ................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Fred R. Harris .................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Scoop Jackson .................. 18 12 9 6 7 9 23 69 Elen McCormack................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Milton J. Shapp ................. 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 ,.Sargent Shriver .................. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 Morris K. Udall ................. 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 George C. Wallace .............. 220 122 81 37 143 83 86 59 No Preference ................. 8 2 6 1 0 0 1 4 REPUBLICAN NOMINATION Gerald Ford .................... 3 2 0 Ronald Reagan ................. 5 2 1 WATER AMENDMENT Y es ......... ................ 42 22 18 N o .... . . . . . 158 119 64 3 0 5 1 9 10 11-Tot. 1 0 2- 7 4 4 4- 25 0 1 3- 7 25 52 59- 320 9 0 1- 12 9 0 0- 10 22 34 25- 234 2 2 2-- 7. 0 0 0- 5 0 0 0- 7 3 3 1- 12 35 189 213-1368 9 6 8- 45 1 3 1 2- 16' 2 3 6 14- 55 7 15 11 26 30 22 139 42- 374 45 122 68 101 96 141 206 216-1337 Voters sign in to cast their ballot in Tuesday's Precinct Eight in the Fire Station. Star photo Presidential Preferential Primaries. This scene was taken at Board Investigating Investigation The Gulf County Commis- sion looked further, Tuesday, into the matter of an investi- gation being conducted by . County Judge David Taunton into some ditch digging which was done in the St. Joseph Bay Country Club area prior to the construction of the golf course. The Commission wants to know why the investigation is going on because they feel everything which was done, was done on a legal basis, they have been audited many times since the work was done and have not been criticized by the state auditors. Chairman Money sent to the Judge's office to have him come and explain his investi- gation and explain just what he was looking for. Judge Taunton said he would not come to the Cbmmission chambers at this time but may appear before them in a future meeting. The Commission then de- cided they would go see the Judge and question his actions and motives. In the judge's chambers, Taunton explained he was looking for nothing in particu- lar. He said he just wanted to find out what was going on and he was exercising his right as a private citizen to search the public records. He said when his investigation was com- pleted he would approach the Commission with what he had found. Taunton was then asked if. he was making the investiga- tion as a private citizen or under his official title of Judge of the county. Taunton studied the question a moment then replied it was a matter of interpretation as to which capacity he was operating under. When that question was disposed of, Chairman Money hit him with several long distance telephone bills char- ged to the Judge's office which evidently were made in con- nection with the investigation. "Should the county pay these (Continued on Page 3) Paper Mill Going Down St. Joe Paper Company will cease operations on Saturday, March 13 for a two to three week period, according to Tom S. Coldewey, vice-presi- dent in charge of operations. Coldewey said the mill would be down for at least two weeks and possibly three as the firm adjusts its inventory on hand. O'street Offfice Faces Extinction Overstreet's'Fourth Class Post Office fi the only installation in Northwest Florida which f, aces the danger of being closed down under the Pos 't Office Department's newest attempt to cut their opE 'rations cost. Overstreet is one of 12 Fourth Class off. ices in the Panhandle and serves some'42 families. The office has been operated for many neai"s 'by Mrs. Roland Hardy, Postmistress. She nov faces the mandatory retirement age of 70 and the Departmer. 'tii considering closing down the office rather I than fine >a new Postmaster. A petition is presently in WVashingtc In trying to maintain the office. The Post Office has three alternatives: shut the office down, continue the service on a contract basis or continue under the manner it is operated now. At Overstreet, the postal service operates for four hours a day, six days a week. The Postmaster salary for the office is $8,000 a year and rent on the building an additional $1,200. Other similar areas have contracted the service for around $3,000 a year. While the Postal Service makes up its mind as to the fate of the Overstreet service, Mrs. Hardy is continuing to operate the facility on a month to month basis. will be affected by the negotia- tion session. The City Commission didn't specify what date they wished to.meet, but asked the unions to name another date. Several months ago, the Commission was asked to replace the bleachers on the old city baseball stadium on Avenue A. Residents of North Port St. Joe who use the facilities almost exclusively said the bleachers are in dangerous condition and need replacing. An attempt was made to (Continued on Page 3) Bottom photo shows TV antenna tower of Harry Hallinan blown down. In the center photo at right, the remains of a utility shed is perched atop the home of Joel Gainous on Cypress Avenue and at right, the roof of a carport at the Daryl Strickland home in Ward Ridge was blown off, landing on his car. Star photos Heavy Rains, Winds, Bring Damage Heavy rains lashed the Port St. Joe area Monday night and early Tuesday morning, bringing with it hail and a small tornado which inflicted considerable damage in the southern portion of the city and Ward Ridge. According to "unofficial official" wea- therman Bill Simmons of St. Joe Paper Company, the area received 4.8 inches of rain during the night. The heavy rains caused some flooding which quickly ran off. The tornado roared in from the bay about 5:00 A.M. Tuesday morning and seemed to have a special taste for TV antennas. The twister, which brought the hail with it, touched down in the Cypress Avenue area, twisting TV antennas and laying them down and picked up a small utility shed from the back yard of Joel Gainous and placed it on top of his home. The contents of the shed were still in place, just as they had been placed in the shelter. Several pine trees in the area had been broken or twisted off and limbs were strewn over the area. In Ward Ridge, the TV antennas were again the chiof victim of the twister, but a green house and car port roof also resisted the twisting winds to no avail. A tall TV tower at the home of Harry Hallinan was blown to the ground, a green house at the home of John Rich was blown into the street and the roof from the carport of Daryl Strickland was picked up and laid in the driveway at the home. Power was out in the entire southern section of the city but was quickly restored by Florida Power. Lack of power hampered the opening of schools Tuesday morning. Power was restored to the schools just before classes were to begin. In dollar value, the Port St. Joe High School probably suffered the most intense damage. The twister blew the roof off one of the classroom-pods, causing intensive flood- ing inside the building. Roof damage was also reported to the new vocational education building at the rear of the high school complex. In checking on the rainfall with Simmons, he said the deluge was the sixth largest in volume over a period of time in the 12 years he has been keeping up with rain measure- ments. 15 Cents Per Copy PERC Union Calls for Meeting 0 r THE STAR, Port St. J oe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1976 THE Sl' AR - Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenu e, Port St. Joe, Florida By The Star Publishing Comp, any Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe Florida 32456 Wesley R. Ramsey ...... .............................. Editor and Publisher William H. Ramsey ................................................. Production Supt. Frenchie L. Ramsey .............. ............................ Office Manager Shirley K. Ramsey...................................... Typesetter, Subscriptions POSTOFFICE BOX 308 P1I ONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, F -LORIDA 32456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID / T PORT ST. IOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIt .BLY PAYABLI- IN! ADVANCE IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., 13.00 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY-one Year, S6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, S7.T0 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in advertisements the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for suc h advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; t he printed word is 'thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely S asserts; the printed word thoroughly convince' s. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. s*n..## -n.. -. -. -. ~ -n Editorials. . Reagan Has Some ( ood Ideas Whether or not R onald Reagan wins the Republica .n nomination and-or election as p resident of the United States, every tone must agree that he has hit u pon some valid points in his car npaign which it would seem all leaders of our country should c' consider. Reagan has hit hard at Ameri- ca's foreign po] .icy which seems to be that we have assumed the position of is( (lationists and could care less what ; happens in the rest of the world. RE Jagan didn't say this in so^many wor Ads, but he said it in his allegations that the United States ha placed too much faith in the so-called detente agreement with the Russi ans. :Dete' ate, along with our folding up: our t ent and coming home from Virtnar a seems to have given the Rtissia ns an engraved invitation to walk into any small undeveloped natio' i in the world they wish with no threr. 't from the United States. Our failure to mount an offen- siv' e in Vietnam, even our gathering up. our toys and coming home gave tl- 'iat unfortunate nation to the Com-. munists, backed principally by the Russians. Earlier this year, we handed the Russians and their poor cousins, the Cubans, the unfortunate nation of Angola and its wealth of natural resources. Early this month, the Russian- backed mini-nation of Mozambique gathered its army on the borders of Rhodesia and now threatens to overrun that small nation with a standing army of 10,000. Already our vital chromium ore supply comes from Rhodesia, after being bought by Russia and a "reasonable profit" added thereto. If a Russian-backed nation takes over Rhodesia, there will be no reason for the Russians to sell us the .chromium ore since we couldn't then .; buy it directly from. Rhodesia Ronald Reagan rnmay not be elected: he may not even make it all the way through the primaries, since he has yet to win one (unless he won Florida Tuesday), but what he says makes sense and should be taken into consideration in our future plans. After nearly three months of inactivity, we see where our com- mittee here in Port St. Joe is getting back to work on a new library for the city. Port St. Joe has had a donor pledge a substantial sum of money for the building of the library if the county will come up with the other arrangements. A committee was named to work out the details and they got. right to work. With the holidays, their work was halted and they are now getting back to work. We hesitate to rush someone who is donating their time and effort ih such public endeavors. Those who will do such work are so few and hard to find. We do sincerely hope the committee makes such headway in the next few weeks that visible work may soon get started on a new library. By visible work, we mean things like plans being drawn, property prepared, bids let, etc. We think it would be a fine gesture in this Bicentennial year if our community could at least break ground on a new library building on July 4, our nation's birthday. What better way could we celebrate the birthday of our nation than providing a center to perpetu- ate one of its basic freedoms? I Letters. to the Editor Dear Mr. Ramsey, 1I would like to thank the citizens of Port St. Joe for so generously supporting the 1976 Girl Scout Cookie Sale. Every person who bought a box of cookies was expressing his be- lief in the value of the Girl Scout program as well as in- dulging his sweet tooth. : Girl Scouts around the Apa- lachcee Bend Council sold sme 100,000 boxes of cookies this'year. Many girls who sold 200 or more boxes of cookies are entitled to a week of sum- mer camp, fee paid. All girls wlio sold at least 36 boxes of cookies will receive a cookie palch. Profits earned by the Coun- ciI will go directly toward out- door program. A Camp For All Seasons on Lake Talquin and Camp Eleanor on St. An- drews Bay are maintained with cookie money. The camp- ing equipment the girls use for their troop camping is paid for with cookie money. Cookies do mean camping for the 4,500 girls in the Council. Again, may I express my heartfelt thanks for all the support people who bought Girl Scout cookies this year. Our girls will benefit immea- surably from the funds gene- rated by this sale. Sincerely. Mrs. Willia~p C. Smith, President. The Girl Scout Council of The Apalachee Bend Select Proper Time to Burn With thousands of acres of Florida's forests and grass- lands now facing wildfire threats, residents should use caution in'outdoor burning. A cold winter with heavy frosts has left grasses and underbrush tinderbox dry- and ripe for wildfires which often spark major forest fires. What can be done to reduce the dangers of fire? The Flor- ida Division of Forestry, De- partment of Agriculture and Consumer Services, points out the first and most important thing is to be careful in burn- ing. -Don't leave a brush pile to burn unattended. -Put cigarettes out, don't just throw them away. -Landowners should consi- der in burning their woodland to reduce the fire hazard. If controlled burning must be done, landowners should be sure to have enough men and equipment on hand to keep the fire under control and on their own property. Florida law requires neigh- boring landowners must be notified on burning one to 10 days ahead of time. In addi- tion, landowners must obtain permission from the local of- fice of the Division of Forestry before burning. The Division has prepared a pamphlet, "Using Fire Wise- ly", which is available to the landowner outlining how safe, effective controlled burning can be used to improve forest resources. Landowners can contact their local forestry unit for additional advice on pres- cribed burning and how it best can be used to suit their parti- cular woodland needs. Remember only a few days in each year are just right for prescribed burning and land- owners are advised to wait until the best conditions possi- ble before attempting a burn. For example, one require- ment is a steady five to 10 miles an hour wind just strong enough to sway the tree tops. A stronger breeze may whip the flames out of control while a weaker one might let the fire scorch the tree crowns. . The ideal burning day will have a cold steady wind from the north-usually after a winter rain-and fuel will be moist enough to keep the fire's heat down. The colder the day, the less fire damage and don't burn unless there is a steady wind. The occupation of a detec- tive is honorable and a detec- tive should have deep percep- tion and a good reading abili- ty. Why a group of young men in a pioneer town decided to take a three-months corre- spondence course on how to become a detective is difficult to resolve by logic. The detective advertise- ment read: "Get out of your: overalls, use your perception and reading ability 'to catch, the really big crooks." The business of getting out of your, overalls we understood and could unfasten the galluses without help, but the depth of our perception was shallow and our reading ability was slow and difficult. Our perception: on a cloudy day a few drops of rain in, the face allowed us to perceive that it was going to rain, but we were never sure. Our read- ing ability depended upon many things. One member of Reports Available People can get a report on the earnings credited to their social security record free of charge by calling or writing any social security office, ac- cording to David P. Robinson, Social Security Field Repre- sentative for'Gulf County. "You don't need to pay anyone to help you get a statement of your earnings," Robinson said. "Just ask any social security office for a 'Request for statement of earnings' post card. Fill in your name, address, date of birth, and social security num- ber. Sign, stamp and mail the card. Social security will send you a statement of earnings credited to your record free of charge." Earnings credited to the worker's social security num- ber build retirement, disabili- ty, survivors, and Medicare protection for workers and their families. The amount of monthly social security pay- ments is based on the worker's average earnings over a period of years. The Social Security Admini- stration is an agency of the U. S Department of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare. The Pan- ama City social security office is located at 1316 Harrison Avenue. The phone number is 769-4871. ,l. .5 It's interesting to read some of the comments by the Presidential. hopefuls which cover the face of our land like the crab grass these days. I was reading some of the statements of Georgian Jimmy Carter the other day where he was commenting on his failure to best Scoop Jackson in the Massachusetts primaries. Carter made a statement to the effect that he thought Jackson made such a good showing because he was more cognizant of just how important the bussing issue was to the people of Massachu- setts. Carter said he wasn't aware they felt so strongly about the matter. If Jimmy Carter is to stand a chance of becoming the first true southerner to sit in the White House, it would seem'rto me that he had- better cock at least one of his ears to what the people are saying. They're displeased about a lot of things: bussing is just one of them. Carter has been catching it from the national TV networks. They picture him as a dictator sort who does what he wants regardless of what his the class said that he could red enough to tell the time of day, if the face of the clock was large and marked with plain American numbers, instead of Roman numerals. He also claimed that it helped if he was allowed to point one finger at the clock's hour hand, while he figured where the minute hand pointed. After finishing the last in- stallment of the course, which was a lesson on, "How to pre- sent your detective creden- tials to anyone of the land," a letter was received stating that the school had a few pewter and a limited number of silver detective badges for sale, with a quote that the silver ones were best, because a sophisticated international crook would thumb his nose at anything less than a silver badge in a leather case. The pretty little detective diploma arrived and was fold- ed neatly into our empty poc- ketbooks to become the first physical token of many more frustrated dreams down the wondrous ego journey side of life-the impossible egos that seem to give beauty and light within the often recurring darkness of life's reality. To Help Residents Find State Positions A representative of a new program to aid residents of rural areas find jobs in State Government will be in Port St. Joe on March 10 and 11 to take applications. Ann Esner, a rural equal opportunity specialist for the Florida Department of Com- merce's Rural Equal Oppor- tunity Program, will be at the Employment Service office on Long Avenue. The Employ- ment Service office is located in the mobile home next to the Gulf County Health Clinic on Long Avenue. Ms. Esner will be at the office March 10 from 10 a.m. to two p.m., and March 11, from 9:30 a.m. till one p.m. to answer questions and take ap- plications for State employ- ment. REL, a program funded under the Comprehensive Ed- ucation and Training Act (CETA) was established to ensure that job applicants from rural counties receive equal treatment in State hir- ing with urban applicants. The program is set up in 12 North Florida counties, including Gulf, Franklin, Wakulla, Liberty, Jackson, Calhoun, Holmes, Walton, Gadsden, Jefferson, Madison and Wash- ington. "We can't guarantee anyone a job," says Program Direc- tor Wayne R. Malaney. "We can guarantee that applicants will receive equal considera- tion with those 'from other areas. The State of Florida is an equal opportunity employ- er." constituents wish. They also show him as saying one thing in one state and changing his mind or saying the opposite in another. I don't know whether Carter is this type of man or not. I do know the networks are good at this sort of tactic. One hardly ever hears of a case of smallpox, diptheria, polio, scarlet fever or any of the other dreaded diseases of the past any more. History is full of the feared epidemics of the plague and other killers of thousands of people. Here in Port St. Joe, we have two epidemics raging at this time, which science has not seemed to be able to curb. The flu has hit a large portion of our people and the kids are currently going through a rage of chicken pox. Hardly a family has escaped the flu these past few weeks and the chicken pox is running through the children like a dose of castor oil. Both are more or less "nuisance" diseases, but they account for a lot of lost days about this. time of the year. I had never been to south Florida during "the season" before. Last week end, I took a trip to Tampa, via one of those National Airlines 727 taxis for a couple of days at the Florida League of Cities meeting and found out what they mean by "seasonal" prices. We were there with Mayor Frank Pate and Clerk Charkes Brock, but didn't stay long. None of us were that flush. A hotel room was $30.00 a day and up and a steak in the restaurant didn't leave much out of a $10.00 bill. Even the hamburger we had for lunch Monday was $2.75. That's a little too rich for my blood. Even so, the place was crowded with tourists. I don't see how they afford it. I know I'm not going to work hard all year for what little bit of money I make and take it down there and give it away like that unless it's a matter of necessity. We all left Tuesday morning just as soon as we could get away. We received quite a bit of comment about our picture and article on the "Burr-heads" a couple of weeks ago. The word I get now is that there are about 50 boys in the Elementary School with the butch haircuts. When we printed the article, our information was that Frankie Williams Was the first brave soul to flaunt tradition and get a short haircut. Since that time, more accurate information has been furnished us that the first to get sheared of his long locks was Danny McDermott. The way things have been going since Danny followed the example of his sixth grade teacher, Bill Barlow, I'm predicting that the boys in the sixth grade are setting a new nation-wide hair style trend. Just you wait: about six to 12 months from now, when all the boys are wearing their hair cut short, all over the nation, you can proudly say, it started in Port St. Joe. Short hair will be our claim to fame. A letter from Senator Dick Stone's office this week had a short paragraph about Daylight Saving Time. Stone's letter said Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday morning at 2:00 A.M. Get ready to turn those clocks ahead one hour and go fo bed early Saturday night, or you will be sleepy all day Sunday. Moving Again Detectives: A Silver Badge and A Leather Case By CHARLIE WEBB - - -- -- -- -- ----- ------~ ---.--U.LLL.rrCCrU.rrrr~U-CLCICCCI M~MMT --~~-U~ -~LLLCL"LL~CCLL'- U- -.--U-LLLTrU PAGE TWO I:~ AD1 County Cage Tourney Winners Golf Team THE TAR Pot S. Je, la.TIIUSDA, MRCH11,197 PAE TREam Continued from Page 1) Wins SThe Port St. Joe High School golf team won their first home match this past Friday. Schools participating in addi- tion to St. Joe were Marianna, Quincy Monroe and Chatta- hoochee. St. Joe's golf team took the match with a low- score of 159; followed by Quincy and Marianna with 163 each and Chattahoochee with 176. Steve LaFrance of Port St. Joe was low medalist with 36. Other low scorers for St. Joe were Tim Etheridge, Danny DeWitt and Jay Fleming, each with 41. Competition consisted of a nine-hole match. Church League Is Forming The first organizational meeting for churches interest- ed in sponsoring a team in the Port St. Joe Men's Church Softball League will he held COUNTY CHAMPIONS--For the second year in a row, Hall, Leon Leslie, Thomas Sims, Wayie Russ and NM Zion Fair Baptist Church captured the county-wide Daniels. Back row, I to r: Nett Fenn, coach, John I basketball championship. Both first and second place honors Adrian Gant, Brat Lowery, Jeff Dixon and Coach J were won by Port St. Joe teams. Front row, I to r, are: Leslie Thomas. today at five p.m., March 11. lichael The meeting.will be held in the Briggs, Gulf County Recreation Office Johnny located upstairs in the Port St. Joe City Hall. All churches interested in participating should plan to have a representative at this meeting. Organizing Softball League An organizational meeting 4 of the Men's Open Softball League will be held tonight, March 11, at seven p.m. The meeting will be held in the Gulf County Recreation office located upstairs in the Port St. Joe City Hall. Investigating Investigation bills?" Money asked. Judge Taunton said after the investigation is complete and his position clarified, he will reimburse the county for the phone bills if he is ruled to have been acting in a private capacity. The Judge turned down any offer of help or information by members of the Commission at the meeting stating he was getting along very well by himself. He never said what he was looking for.and even refused to say definitely what he sus- pected. Appearances are that he is investigating digging of a ditch by the Mosquito Control Department which had been turned down as a drainage project by the State Pest Control Department head, J. A. Mulrennan. The County, at the time, hired the Mosquito Control equipment and men to do the job at county expense, which was perfectly legal. The whole problem seems to be that the county may not have paid the Mosquito Con- trol some $1,600 for the work. County finance Officer said the question was moot since the Mosquito Control returned $5,000 in un-used county funds that year. "It's just a matter of whether they returned $5,- 000 or $6,600", Gates said. That little problem contin- ues to be with us until Judge Taunton decides his "inves- tigation" is complete. OTHER BUSINESS In other business, the Com- mission: -Was notified by C. E. Daniell that the Mosquito Control budget was getting short due to extra work put on his department. He asked for and received permission to reduce digging on the Wash- ington Branch drainage pro- ject from five to four days a week to conserve money. -Discussed increasing poll holders salaries which now stand at $2.00 per hour. While they were sympathetic with the request, the money wasn't in the budget this year and Clerk George Core said it was too tight to get the money from' other sources. -Paid their annual dues of $1,167.67 to Northwest Florida Planning and Development Council. -Instructed supervisors not to order supplies with billing to be done in the following year. Union Calls Meeting repair the bleachers but City Street Superintendent Dorton Hadden reported the structure was beyond repair. Tuesday night, the Commis- sion decided to install a steel frame bleacher section at the ball park with a steel shed overhead. The bleachers would have wooden seats in- stalled. The cost of the project is expected to run $16,315.00. Some good news was on tap for the Commission. Clerk Charles Brock said the City had been refunded $13,652.00 on its Fire and Extended Coverage insurance premium paid recently. The City had paid an estimated premium of $20,884.00 and the premium has since been established at $7,232.00. This was a welcome surprise in an era of sky- rocketing insurance costs. OTHER ITEMS Other of items of business before the Board included: -Receipt of a letter from the U.S. Environmental Pro- tection Agency giving its ap- proval to the city's water supply. -Agreed to allow the high school to use the tennis courts for practice and play between the hours of 3:00 to 6:00 P.M,:-- five days a week through April 14. -Received word from the Department of Transportation - that the traffic count at the intersection of Garrison Ave- nue and Fifth Street didn't warrant installation of a traf- fic light. -Approved the cost free use of the Centennial Building by the Cancer Society to give a dance to raise funds for the organization. Beach Chamber Plans Supper The Mexico Beach Chamber'i of Commerce will be sponsor" ing a chicken supper Saturday' *; evening at the Chamber :of Commerce building. The festivities will begin.at 6:00 P.M., with admission being $2.00 for adults and $1.25 for children. - SECOND PLACE COUNTY BASKETBALL CHAM- PIONS-Long Avenue Baptist Church took second place honors n the County Basketball Tournament held this past week-end in Wewahitchka. Front row, left to right, are: Martin Adkison, Fred Witten, Clay Thomason, Willie Ramsey and Jim Mashburn. Back row, I to. r: Joel Adams, Joel Brown, Joe Griffin, Coach Milo Smith, Rev. J. C. Odum and Wendell Whitaker. Star Photo SRecreation Director Walter Wilder presents Most Valu- able Player trophy for the tournament to Leslie Hall of ^, ,Zion Fair Baptist Church. Star Photo Walter Wilder, Gulf County Recreation Director, at left, presents the 1975 Interleague Softball Championship trophy to Eddie Jones, representing M & K Ranches. Star Photo 4-PLY POLYESTER CORD FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION AS $ 3LACKWALLS USize Price Size Price LOW u B78-13 s21.95 G78-14 $27.95 AS Blackwall C78-14 22.95 H78-14 29.95 A78-13 iPlus D78-14 23.95 G78-15 28.95 5-ribdesin i s1.74F.E.T. E78-14 24.95 H78-15 30.95 and old tire F78-14 26.95 L78-15 32.95 A I prices plus sl.84 to s3.08 F.E.T. and old tire. b hi Whitewalls add $3. S Super Deal! FREE 4L MOUNTING * O1020 to 55OFF our February prices on blackwalls and whitewalls * DOUBLE BELTED * FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION AS LOW AS Size BLACKWALLS Feb. price NOW B78-14 $37.80 S27.25 C78-14 38.45 28.25 E78-14 40.00 29.25 F78-14 44.10 32.25 G78-14 45.95 33.25 H78-14 49.50 36.25 *r * A78-13 Blackwall. Plus s 1.75 F.E.T. and old tire. Double fiber- glass belt for long mileage, polyester cord body for strength. F78-15 45.30 33.25 BUY G78-15 47.10 34.25Op H78-15 50.70 37.25 NOW Open J78-15 52.50 38.25 account L78-15 54.90 40.25 at All prices plus s1.98 to s3 14 F.E.T. and old tire. ' Whitewall add S3.25 to$4.25. AWe also honor: We also onoor: SBankAmericard Master Charge Diners Club *American Express Pate's Shell Service 223-225 Monument Ave. Phone 229-1291 " --- I ~u --_=_-I- -----e~n --I THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1976 PAGE THREE E. J. Daniels Preaching In Tent Cathedral at Apalachicola Airport The Northwest Florida Bi- centennial Crusade, being conducted nightly at Apalachi- cola's airport, is attracting large crowds from a radius of 3..miles. According to Rev. ,hur Edwards, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Apa- KtWhicola, and general chair- ?ian of the crusade, "All sur- rounding towns have been well ;presented in the services." ,,Conducted by the E. J. .Yaniels Evangelistic Team of rlando, the crusade is "for #yerybody, regardless of Cwrch preference or denomi- fiAtion"; according to Rev. djwards. ..Special youth services will be held Friday night, with a special pre-crusade pizza "$rty for all teens will be held ift 6:30. There will be a message for E. J. Daniels adults only at the crusade Saturday night, when Dr. Daniels will speak on "How to be Happy 'Though' Married." After the musical program, children through age 12 will be transferred to a separate aud- itorium for their own program of movies and music, while Dr. Daniels speaks to the older youth and adults. The final service of the cru- sade will be conducted Sunday night, and will feature Dr. Daniels' famous sermon on "Gambling with Destiny." This message has been preached by Dr. Daniels over 500 times around the world, and has resulted in literally tens of thousands of decisions for Christ. An overflow crowd is expected for the closing ser- vice. A free nursery for children through age three is provided nightly at the Apalachicola First Baptist Church. L Leif Erickson Appearing Jn Wewa Cancer Show .Big plans are underway for uti's year's Cancer Crusade in Wgwahitchka. The campaign W. eme this year is "Living is ..autiful! Giving is Beauti- ful!" The highlight of the drive will be an evening fas- hion show, Thursday. March '^ from seven to nine p.m. CST. The show will feature fas- hions of men, women and chil- 'dren and will be modeled by professionals and local talent. ')Master of ceremonies will ' Leif Erickson, who has 0,1yed feature roles in many -mtion pictures, stage plays and top TV shows. Many will remember him from recent years in "High Chaparrel". You won't want to miss this chance to meet Leif who is to be commended for donating his time to such a worthy cause as the Cancer Crusade. Tickets may be ordered by writing Max Kilbourn at the Wewahitchka State Bank. Three kind of tickets can be purchased: a single ticket- $10.00, couple's ticket, $15.00; and patron couple's ticket, $25.00. Those purchasing a patron ticket will also be invited to attend a free recep- tion after the fashion show at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garden Club Meeting Today at Garden Center The Port St. Joe Garden Mrs. Winston Ielis" ays Club will meet today, March and Means Chairman, asks 1, at three p.m. in the Garden members to bring donations renter on Eighth St. for the second annual Trash Mrs. Lila Brouillette will and Treasures and Spring Discuss "Color in Flower Ar- Plant sale to be held March 20. hanging" Port St. Joe Fire This big sale will be from nine chief Hamm, schedule per- a.m. to four p.m. at the Gar- pitting, will give fire safety den Center. $ps. Mrs. Ralph Nance will The hostesses are Mrs. comment on the all-green ar- Ethel Bridge4 and Mrs. H. W. Eangements each member is Griffin. Interested ladies are isked to bring, invited to join the meeting. I. % %W 04 o VC CL 0- w Larry White, which Mr. Erick- son will also attend. Each tic- ket purchased is a donation to the American Cancer Society. Dress "or the occasion will be semi-formal. Hinting Materials The GARC has opened its Activity Center for Retarded Adults, which is located in North'Port St. Joe on Main Street, next door to the Ameri- can Legion Hall. They are in great need of_ many things. Please check to see if you have items that you could donate. All items donated are tax deductible. The following are some sug- gested .,ite-ms: .pots, pans, mixe:., towels, .spoons;: forks, large mixing spoons and bowls, scrap materials, vacuum cleaners, TV, radio, chairs, tables, rugs, sewing machines, end tables, coffee tables: Donations need not be new. Anything you feel you would like to give will be ac- cepted. Items may be delivered to the Center or will be picked up. Call 229-6327 between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00 p.m. if you wish someone to pick up the items. WEIGHTS WATCHERS. CAN DO PORT ST. JOE-St. James Episcopal Church Tuesday. 7:30 PM 1-800-432-2041 No Charge to Calling Party Historical Society Now Planning Activities for Bicentennial Year Celebration The St. Joseph Historical Society was off to a good start in its first meeting of the new year, held March 6, in the City's new fire station, where future meetings will be held until the society can make ar- rangements for a permanent home. In the chair was the new president, Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Sr., and others in attendance were Wayne Childers, Mrs. Charles Browne, Mrs. Ber- nard Pridgeon, Sr., Mrs. James McNeill. Mrs. R. H. Brinson. Mrs. Nobie Stone, Mrs. George Suber, Mrs. John Robert Smith, Miss Netta Ni- black and Jesse Stone. junior past president. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Pridgeon and was followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag, led by Mrs. McNeill, who will also be supplying "bits of history" at each meeting throughout the year. The society will be in- volved in Bicentennial pro- jects during the year, under the leadership of Mrs. Mc- Neill. Mrs. Swatts presented to the society an original cover of a copy of the earliest edition of "The Great Tide", a gift of Mrs. Walter Cassel of St. George's Island. The cover was from Mrs. Cassel's per- sonal copy of the book. Each member was given a copy of -"The Romance is Legend", a story of Torreya State Park written by George Atkins of Blountstown, and an early map of Calhoun County, list- ing families who were promi- nent in the history of the county. These materials were used by Mr. Atkins at the annual dinner meeting in Feb- ruary when he was guest speaker. Members also received copies of the original by-laws of the society, courtesy of Mrs. Brinson. Revision of the by- laws is one of the early pro- jects for the new year. Mrs.. Nobie Stone is heading this project. The society will try to locate all missing minutes and make copies of the original minutes of the early years for perma- nent filing, and is asking that anyone, past secretary, past president, or member (past or present) having any of these minutes to turn them in to Mrs. Charles Browne or to Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Sr. The society will be most grateful. The society will display the painting, "The Old Salt- works", by Jonnia Sykes, in' the lobby of Florida First National Bank. The display case, donated by Mrs. H. S. Lilius, will be placed in the City Hall, so that the public might enjoy them. Possible projects for 1976 in- clude: Locating and listing all the old cemeteries in Gulf and Calhoun counties and listing all the tombstones for perma- nent record; placing markers at the sites of the other old cemeteries in the Port St. Joe area; restoration of the old- saltworks; securing lola land for a park project. The group may also revive the diving project, which had been well under way, but had to be dropped because of the direc- tor's health. Another effort will be made to secure the original copy of the first state Constitution for the local museum. Comforter Funeral Home Gulf County's First Beginning 30 Years of Continuous Service SPete, Hortense & Rocky Comfori Telephone 227-3511 '. ..* ,er FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue Rev. George- Gay, Interim Pastor Sunday School ................... ..9:45 A.M. - Morning Worship Service .............. 11:00 A.M. Church Training ..................... 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service ............ 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) ................ 7:00 P.M. "Come and Worship God with Us" Most of your attention this month, at least in the begin- ning, should be directed to- wards your lawn says Florida Nurserymen and Growers As- sociation (FNGA). Lawn grasses are slowly awakening from their long winter sleep and cold weather. In order to prepare them for the rigorous summer climate they need a certain amount of care almost immediately. Bahia, regardless of whet- Miss Teresa Noel Bishop Celebrates Birthday Mis Teresa Noel Bishop', dfigh't& of "Mr: and Mrs. Wayne Bishop of Beacon Hill, celebrated her first birthday, March 3 at home with her family and friends. Those attending were Nor- ma, James and Rhonda Mur- ray, Lorene and Newton Bis- hop, Jean, Charlene and Ir- ving Murray and Josh Hanna. her it is in the north, central or south will need power raking. This process requires spec- ialized equipment. It also re- quires a lot of work. After the lawn has been power raked do not let the garbage man haul off the material removed. Use it to your advantage and make a compost pile. In most areas of Florida the compost will be most welcomed when planting trees, shrubs or flowers. After power raking most lawn specialists will apply an application of a pre-emer- gence herbicide. This will pre- vent summer weeds from tak- ing over since the lawn will be a little thin. You will need to give the established grass all of the advantages avail- able. Power raking Bahia stimu- lates growth. Once the grass begins to grow you may want to apply an application of fer- tilizer. St. Augustine will resume growth more quickly than the Bahia. This is not the time to remove excessive thatch. Wait until the grass begins to grow vigorously. A big problem that you may encounter on all types of grasses at this time is heavy infections of fungus. The warm days and the cool nights with heavy dew are ideal for fungus invasion. The most common disease encountered, particularly in St. Augustine; is brown patch. Learn to re- cognize this disease immedi- ately says FNGA before it completely engulfs the lawn. Brown patch is indigenous to most of the soils in Florida. It begins feeding on the lower part of the grass blade pro- You Are Cordially Invited to Attend LONG AVENUE Baptist Church Corner Long Ave. and 16th St. SUNDAY SCHOOL .................... 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP.... ...... 11:00 A.M. CHURCHTRAINING ................. 6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP ............... 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:15 P.M. Rev. J. C. Odum, Jerome Cartier, Pastor Minister of Music SHighlight your hair for SPRING j Our staff is trained to Scatter your face Cloteal Burke, Gladys Brown, Debbie Parker, Carolyn Young Now added to our staff CAROLYN JONES Master Cosmetologist Trained and worked as stylist in Birmingham, Ala. and Panama City. I ALE. Lipsticks, Nail Polish o u' Eye Make-Up & Many More Items Buy One-Get One Free Susan Blackmon Is now trained to be your full-time beauty advisor. Come in for free make-up lessons. ALINE ABRAMS,OWNER OPERATOR BEAUTY ADVISOR S Aline's Coiffures Merle Norman Cosmetics Williams Ave. ... Phone 227-7616 dressing to a slick, slimy stage and complete deterioration of the leaf. The disease generally works in a circle. At first, brownpatch is difficult to re- cognize. Once the circle ap- pears then the disease is well on its way. There may be some green grass within the area of the circle. The outside circle will be a cocoa-brown color and this is the area of greatest activity. Use one of the recommended fungicides according to directions for best control. Repeat the appli- cation, if necessary. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends and loved ones for their kindness and love shown to me while I was in the hospi- tal. All of the cards and flowers were deeply appre- ciated. I would also like to say thank you to Rev. and Sister Dave Fernandez as well as all the other praying people that were.praying for me. May God bless you. Inell Stutzman *1IIV Y 1D Lawn Needs Attention Now for Growth Season BOSTON IS WON FOR THE COLONIES March 17, 1776... The important harbor city of Boston, held by British troops under Gen. Howe, was put to siege with heavy cannonade fire from Gen. Henry Knox's 2,000 man artillery force. Heavy rains and continuing fierce attack forced Howe to gather his men and evacuate Boston, a decisive victory for the colonists. Sponsored by: St. Joseph Telephone U. andd Telegraph Company ""'~' OAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY. MARCH 11, 1976i wQ K-..... THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1976 PAGE FIVE r 1 County Spelling MINUTES Bee March 26 of the Ie u1n t I Gulf County is conducting pionship in Washington, SulJ county commission A The Board of County Com- missioners met on January 28 in regular session as a contin- uation of the meeting of January 27, which was re- cessed until 5:00 p.m. Jan. 28. The following members were present: Chairman Eldridge Money; Otis Davis, Jr.; Ever- ett Owens, Jr. and Silas Player. Also present were Clerk George Y. Core, Fi- nance Officer Jerry Gates, Deputy Sheriff Jimmy Wil- liams, Attorney Fred Witten, and Mosquito Control Super- visor Emmette Daniell. Comm. Davis opened the meeting with prayer and led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Troy Gay appeared before the Board to request the Board change. its alcoholic beverage ordinance regulating package sales of beer. He said that the 1,000 feet limitation from a church or school would not allow anyone in Highland. View to get a license and he wishes to sell package beer at the Temko Station. Comm. Owens moved the Board table the discussion until Feb. 10. Comm. Davis seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously. Jimmy Burke appeared be- fore the Board to discuss drainage problems near his property. The Board agreed to have Emmette Daniell shoot the grade to see how much the drainage pipes could be lower- oed. ' The Road Superintendent reported that Willie F. Bass would like clarification on the Board's vacation policy. The Board replied that he would qualify for one week's vaca- lion after one year of continu- ous employment. The Clerk presented the changes made in the employee handbook at the work session. After discussion and correc- tion, Comm. Owens moved the handbook be amended to in- clude the following. Comm. Davis seconded the motion q#4tpanssed-uranimously --i R The additions, corrections and deletions made in the handbook are on file in Clerk's office. The Board received a letter from the Department of transportation concerning wayside parks at West Arm Creek and White City. The Board agreed to study this patter further. Comm. Player reported that he and the Clerk had attended a meeting of federal officials in Bonifay on January 23. He said that HUD officials had reported no money for new construction which could hin- der the application made through HUD for Oak Grove Water and Sewer. He said the FHA reported that the option for the Oak Grove water and sewer was still available pro- vided the residents could af- ford the user fees. Comm. Money reported that Mr. Bar- rett, Department of Commun- ity Affairs, had reported to him that the Oak Grove-HUD application looked real good, but they needed more infor- mation concerning the econo- mic status and minority hous- ing in Oak Grove. Upon motion by Comm. Player, second by Comm. Davis, and unanimous vote, the Board approved payment of dues in the Florida Asso- ciation of Emergency Medical Technicians, Inc. for 12 EMTs in Port St. Joe and 18 EMTs in Wewahitchka. Dick Lamberson reported that the consensus of the 911 Communicatoins Committee had been to use the call relay system as it would be the most economical. He requested that the Board write Allen A. Eh- lert, Dept. of General Ser- vices, of this decision so that the Board might be included in the state plan for 911. The Board discussed this matter and informed Mr. Lamberson that they would rather be left out of this plan as Gulf County just did not have the money nor the need for this plan and would notify Mr. Ehlert of this matter. Mr. Lamberson agreed and told the Board his Committee had acted in the face of state law and persis- tent phone calls from Mr. Ehlert. Mr. Lamberson then requested the Board notify Mr. Ehlert that he was no longer chairman of the 911 Committee, that the commit- tee had been disbanded and .any other.correspondence cons-. cerning this matter should be directed to the Board. In line with this matter, Comm. Play- er moved Resolution 76-2 be adopted. Comm. Davis seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Resolution requested that State government assist local governments in imple- menting the 911 Emergency Telephone systems, since the state had mandated its im- plementation. but not pro- vided for its funding. Copy of said resolution is on file in the Clerk's office. Comm. Owens asked Mr. Lamberson the status of the new ambulance. Mr. Lamber- son replied that the Board should receive a check shortly for the state's share of the cost of the ambulance and that he 4mY1' mO Ecu 7 - ~cu . I, ~- - is presently able to hold the successful bidder to the bid price, pending arrival of this check. Mr. Lamberson then pre- sented a contract for a county- wide emergency medical ser- vices communications system grant in the amount of $17,200. to be used to purchase equip- ment costing $34,374,85. Upon motion by Comm. Owens. second by Comm. Davis, and unanimous vote, the Board executed this contract. After discussion of the bids on the proposed ambulance building the Board deleted al- ternate two, alternate six, and added alternate five to the bid of Griffin Construction Co. Comm. Player then moved the Board execute the contract with Griffin Construction Company, Box 442, Blounts- town, to construct the ambu- lance building at the following cost. Base bid, $37,800.00; alter- nate two, deduct $600.00; al- ternate six, deduct $1,300.00; alternate five, add $208.00; total amount of contract, $36,108.00. Comm. Owens seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously. The Chairman announced he had asked Albert Thames to be present at this meeting to discuss the Board's offer of the job as director of the Veteran's Civil Defense of- fice. Comm. Owens said he thanked Mr. Thames for tak- ing the job and knew he would do a good job. He said the Board expected Mr. Thames to be at the courthouse from nine to five to serve the people and work for the betterment of both offices. Comm. Money stated that although he voted against the combination he would stand behind the Board's majority and he re- quested Mr. Thames to apply an equal amount of time to keeping the Veterans office and Civil Defense office. Comm: Davis stated that the -Board, "would" ba. k Mr,.. Thames in any manner and he felt any member of this Board would furnish any veteran with transportation if it was needed. Mr. Thames thanked the Board for offering him the job and he asked the Board about the Civil Defense station wagon. The Chairman replied that the vehicle was for the director to drive back and forth to work from his home so that he would have it with him in case of an emergency. Chairman Money reminded the Board that they need to look at the roof in Wewahitch- ka to decide what kind of roof repair is' needed. Comm. Davis told the Board that the Stone Mill Creek bridge needs repair before a serious accident occurs. After discussion. Comm. Davis be Vm By Joe St. Clair What is the price of vic- tory? Now, there is an age-old question for us to ponder. It is said that Robert Louis Stevenson became a master of Ehglish by writing some of his pieces nine times over. The man- uscript pages of Tenny- son's poems sometimes have 50 corrections on a single sheet. Goethe took a lifetime to write "Faust" and half a life- time to write Wilhelm Meister. To be aware of the ef- forts of these men in achieving their greatness teaches us one thing- everything has a price on it, Without patience-it can't be accomplished. The life that spurns effort is without results and ac- complishments. In other words-if you will pay the price you may have it. The skillful surgeon be- came so because he paid the price of preparation. The artist paints because he painfully learned draftmanship .. .on and on we could go-they all :paid the price. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: "Victory is never won by the slug- gard." St. Clair Funeral Home 227-2671 its Second Annual Spelling Bee in the upcoming weeks. Grade and school champion- ships for schools within Gulf County's system will be held on March 26. Students parti- cipating are in the fifth through eighth grades. All students in grades five through eight compete at their own grade level, within their own school. Grade level cham- pions then compete to deter- mine each school's champion speller. County competition for school champions will be held April 9 at Wewahitchka High School. The county champion will be Gulf Coun- ty's representative for the Regional spell-down May 1 in Jacksonville, to decide who will attend the national cham- D.C. June 7-12. Interested students may ob- tain the booklet, "Words of the Champs", from which contest words are taken, by writing to Florida Times Union, Box 1949, Jacksonville, 32201. They should send 25 cents and a self-addressed stamped legal sized envelope. Over 500 word changes have been made from last year's booklet. Each school champion will receive a lapel medallion and an award certificate. The county champion will receive a plaque and can compete for prizes offered in the Regional championship. Regional prizes include TV sets, sets of encyclopedias, dictionaries and trophies. Outlines New Tag Laws Tax Collector Harland Pridgeon told the Rotary Club Thursday that important changes have been made in the license tag laws which become effective this year. One of the most important changes is that all boats require registration now, re- gardless of the size motor used for power. "If it is propelled by machinery it must be registered", Pridgeon said. Another important change is that beginning this year, the state is initiating a new pro- gram for tag purchases. Now, license tags, like drivers' li- censes, will be issued in the owner's birth month. This first year will be a little confusing in that some people will be required to buy 18 month tags, while others will be able to purchase six month tags. It all depends upon what month a person's birth falls in. The new tags will be sold in moved the Board hire extra help in the Road Department for 30 days to fix the bridge using approved Federal funds received as a result of .the July floods. Comm. Owens second- ed the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Money told the Board that the Mayor of Wewahitchka has completed the necessary work to present the streets in Red Bull Island to the Board. He also remind- ed the Board to be ready to discuss the five-year second- ary road program at the meeting of February 10. Comm. Davis requested the Mosquito Control Superinten- dent run a cost factor on con- tracting the ditch work at But- ler Bay. Comm. Davis said the Board had several projects that needed to be completed as soon as possible before rainy weather set in. The Board directed Emmette Daniell to run this cost analy- sis. Comm. Davis said the old WPA ditches on the Kemp Cemetery Road need cleaning before the road is paved. Comm. Davis said a culvert on the Rowell Fish camp road is stopped up and David Gas- kin is willing to allow the Board to drain across his pro- perty into a pond to alleviate the problem. July. Thus, if a person is born in October, he must purchase a 16 month tag. Pridgeonsaid the Associa- tion of County Tax Collectors are now making an effort to simplify the tag classifica- tions. "We now have 56 differ- ent series of tags", he said, "and we believe it would be much simpler to have only four classifications." Another new requirement for automobile ownership is that the owner must have the license tag registration slip in the vehicle at all times. "Don't put your title in the car", Pridgeon cautioned. "You need only a copy of your tag registration". While he was talking about licensing, Pridgeon threw in a, tidbit of information, saying his office had sold 18,005 hunting and fishing licenses and 329 business licenses dur- ing the past year. This proves Gulf Countians had rather fish and hunt than conduct busi- ness. Guests of the club were Chuck Peacore of Columbus, Ga., Rev. Johnny McCurdy and Jim Overton and Wheel- ettes Karen Gosnell and Kar- en Young. TOURED FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Gus Creech toured Florida last week, visiting relatives and seeing sights. Cities visited included: Jacksonville, Neptune Beach, Marineland, St. Augustine, Miami, Coral Gables, Mara- thon, Florida Keys, Key West, Ft. Meyers, Sarasota, Bra- denton. BOY: "A noise with dirt on it." Anon. Mrs. Opal Howard. Mrs. Eleanor Wil- liams and Norma Hobbs hold an afghan given away recently by the Ladies Bowling League. Bowling Association Kicks Off Annual City Tournament The Port St. Joe bowling Association kicked off their Annual City Tournament this past weekend. Team events were held Saturday and Sun- day, March 6 and 7. Doubles and singles will be bowled this Saturday and Sun- day, March 13 and 14. The Association also held a drawing for a hand-made af- ghan and $25.00 Savings Bond. Saturday. Sid Brown was the winner of the afghan, donated Bowling News Gulf Co. Men's League Monday night on lanes one and two, Carr's Auto Sales dropped three to Ten Pin Lounge. James Hicks had a good night for 10-Pin with his 252 game and 585 series. Bub Maguder led Carr's with a 204 game and 472 series. On lanes three and four it was Shirt and Trophy taking all four from King's Gulf Ser- vice. For Shirt & Trophy, Jim Mashburn and David Roche each had a 539. David Lewis led King's with 472. Lanes five and six had Campbell's Drugs taking all four from Stems and Seeds. Bo Bouington led Campbell's with a 528. For Stems & Seeds Yank Lyle and Donnie Maddox shared the lead with 431 each. On lanes seven and eight it was Butler's Restaurant tak- ing all four from Player's Supermarket. Butler's had Harry Lowry high with a 581. Warren Yeager led Player's with 462. Protect yourself with thief uShfgrds against CANCER BREAST Monthly Self-Exam UTERUS Pap Test Once a Year LUNG Don't Smoke Cigarettes SKIN Avoid Excess Sun COLON RECTUM Procto Annually Especially After 40 MOUTH Exams Regularly m amwwww wm Ap m l &*4p-s Dr. Richard E. Hosea and Dr. Daniel M. Rosof Optometrists announce their association in the Practice of OPTOMETRY at their new location at: Suite 14, Panama City Marina Panama City, Florida Ph. 763-6681 Bro. Wiley Hopps, Pastor Invites you to The Official Opening of Jesus House of Prayer Church Sunday, March 14, 1976 3:00 P.M. WE ARE EXPECTING A GLORIOUS TIME IN THE LORD. COME OUT. SEE AND HEAR WHAT THE LORD HAS TO SAY THROUGH HIS ANNOINTED. We Warmly Welcome You All Located At 522 KENNY STREET Across from Washington High Playground Standings: Butler's Rest. Campbell's Drugs Player's S'market Shirt & Trophy 10-Pin Lounge Stems & Seeds Carr's Auto Sales King's Gulf Ser. W L 36 12 29 19 28 20 26 22 23 25 18 30 17 31 15 33 Shop the Classifieds for Quick Bargains by Mrs. Anna Smith. The $25.00 Savings Bond, donated by Florida First National Bank, was won by Opa) Howard. Mayor Frank Pate drew the lucky tickets. Speaker Stresses Employment Herbert Jamison, an em- ployment specialist, gave 6 presentation recently to the Port St. Joe High School Senior Exceptional Education Class. The consultant's pre- sentation was centered on em- ployment and its relationship to social problems. The students learned that unemployment creates many social problems. Some com- mon problems listed were poverty, crime, loss of self- respect, alcoholism and fam- ily deterioration. Dr. Elliot F. Monroe, MD. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF OFFICES FOR THE PRACTICE OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS AT HIS NEW LOCATION Panama City 705 East 6th St. 769-2496 the members of the Church of Christ invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study ........... 1000 A.M. Sunday Morning Worship .............. 11:00 A.M. Sunday Night ......................... 6:00 P.M . Wednesday Night ..................... 7:00 P.M. . Corner 20th St. & Marvin James Brantley, Minister Phone 229-8153 SPhon229815 Full Service Florist Gifts, Party Goods, China Silver Watch for Our S Anniversary Sale -' 7Coming Soon I The Sugar Plum Tree GIFT SHOPPE 319 Reid Ave. FLORIST Phone 229-6010 amomow CIIMh-~ChLVCjVE~VE~4h~eh- ~CISh~5CIMh-~EC4rC-hrC~MRLYIY* 641w~UMCp4^o vwp----o-lI L U-%_oh CCwM C .0~C THE STAR. Port St. Joe. Fla. . I -n *1' ore Margaret Holmes White Acre Peas IGA Tomato Sauce IGA Tomato Juice Grape Orin. . Weichade Steak Sauce , A-1 Kraft Italian Dressing i HUNT'S 13C13 T;he HlppjhiJ-A TO RICH'S 17 Oz Cans 43 1soz. Cans - Cans 6 I . n61 , Cans A at. 5 7 Btis. 57 57* Ketchup risco IGA PAPER Towels Big Rolls Su per Market 205 Third Street Phone 229-4562 PICNICS ' : . Smoked Lb. Budget Sliced BACON Ga. Premium Best FRYERS 09Lb. Baby Beef Tender Tasty Boneless Rib Eye STEAK Baby Beef Tender Tasty T-Bone STEAK Lb. $109 Tablerite Choice Loin Center SIRLOIN STEAK ....... LB. $ 9 PORK CHOPS ........ LB. $149 Tablerite Choice Meaty Loin CHUCK STEAK ........ LB 88. SPARE RIBS ............ LB. 99C Tablerite Choice Cured Lean SHOULDER ROAST LB. 99C SLAB BACON ................ 79 Tablerite Choice Streak-0-Learr CUBE STEAK ............... LB SALT PORK .............. LB. 79 Tablerite Choice Meaty ALL MEAT STEW .... LB. 99 HAM HOCKS ............. LB. 79' Ga. Premium Best Grade Fryer Parts Qtrd. Breast & Thighs A Split Whole Fryer Whole Fryers cut Country Chicken Wings & Backs I, -~ Ga. Grade Premium Best Fryer Breast Choice Cut Fryer Thighs Choice Cut Drumsticks Chicken Livers & Gizzards Coffee Limit 1 W.Food Order 1 Lb. Cans Sessions Peanut Pink Beauty Salmon Tet ley Tea Bags Nestle Oil 84 Oz. $339 Jars 0. $189 Can* 8 4"Qt. 83 06 Oz. $ Pkq. Strawberry Quik Sunshine Graham Crackers Pringle Potato Chips Gulf Charcoal Lighter ILb. Pkg. 125 1 9..0 $105 Pkg. Cans 65 IGA Mayonnaise Ot. Jars SMOKEY BEAR Charcoal 20 Lb. . - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .* Bv ."-*- - DETERGENT All 49 Oz. Box 89 Cello Bags CARROTS RADISHES 2/29c Oranges Grapefruit Apples 00 Large Bag U. S. No. 1 Potatoes 10 Lb. 99c Hanging Baskets for Planters Limit 5 99c Each CITRUS TREES Orange, Grapefruit Lemon Kumquat Now Available Fertilizer, Seeds, Plants 46. D DETERGENT Dove 22 Oz. Btis. I Il~psl b ~, p 1~1~ I- - 8~ 'I ~IQIB~Pl~blS A lk 9 Bidwell Appointed to SACS Program Committee Biddy Ball's Best The Biddy League Basketball program most valuable player trophies were presented last week by Recreation Director Walter 7th and 8th Winners Seventh and Eighth grade trophy winners in the basketball program were, Jeff Hinote, left, Sportsmanship award and Fred Smith, Wilder. Shown above with their trophies are Marty Russ, left, MVP and Tommy King, right, sportsmanship award. Bill Wood, who supervises the program is behind the two boys. Star photo right, most valuable player. Bill Woods, center, is the director of the program. It was recently announced by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools that David Bidwell, Superinten- dent of Gulf County Schools, has been appointed to the Pro- gram Committee, Elementary and Secondary Commission. The major responsibilities of this committee are to evaluate the 1975 conference, and to recommend plans for the 1976 meetings, including topics and speakers. At the annual meeting of S.A.C.S., all levels of educa- tors from 11 Southern states, spanning from the Atlantic Ocean westward to T6xas, are in attendance. The initial meeting for the planning com- mittee was held in Atlanta, Georgia on March 8. The com- mittee will recommend that the annual conference be held in Atlanta, on December 12 through 15, 1976, with a theme "Past is Prologue; Sponsoring Hobby Displays The Port St. Joe Jr.-Sr. High School Library is in the pro- cess of sponsoring hobby dis- plays and talks in various fields of interest. The hobby sessions are designed to offer the students help and infor- mation on starting a hobby as well as fun and relaxation. The first of the hobby series featured a display of Primi- tive American antiques. Woody Busby, Career Educa- tion Instructor for Gulf County was the featured speaker for the day. Clarence Monette, lib- rarian, asks that any member of the community that has a hobby and would like to share with others please contact him at the high school media center or call 229-6314. These hobbies may include any sort of collections or do-it-yourself hobbies and handicrafts. The library is also in need of a locking display case to show small or valuable items. Any- one wishing to donate such an item should also call the above number. Future is Promise". Concerning Bidwell's appointment, Felix Robb, Director of S.A.C.S, stated "We are indeed pleased to have educators from the local level such as Mr. Bidwell to give a viable voice in the edu- cational situation as it is and the needs which should be considered by the Southern Association of Colleges and. Schools. Assistance by Super- intendent Bidwell and others will be invaluable, and we thank him for giving his time for this worthwhile endeavor to improve the educational opportunity for all youth in the South". Mrs. Cathryn Davidson Taken by Death Sunday Mrs. Cathryn Coatney Davidson, 36, died Sunday night at her home at 302 16th St. Survivors include her hus- band, James Paul Davidson; two sons, Keith and Paul Jr.; all of Port St. Joe; four bro- thers, Frank Coatney and R. L. Coatney, Jr., both of Pan- ama City; Bernice Coatney and Shelton Coatney, both of Vernon; and two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Sellars of Cedar Grove and Mrs. Leon Burdeshaw of Niceville. Funeral arrangements were incomplete at press time. Peel Funeral Home of Bonifay will be in charge of arrangements. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 197; - I h It's Only Your MONEY 1 "Tax Facts" By GERALD A. LEWIS Comptroller of Florida It is some consolation to know what your taxes are all: about. For that very reason, the Comptroller's Office publishes an: annual "Taxpayer's Almanac," a 10-page brochure which: explains each of the 21 taxes levied by the State of Florida.; It's a particularly handy reference for new residents of the. state. The "Almanac" explains, the rates levied as well as the: history and purpose of each tax. This includes such items as state sales tax, tobacco and alcoholic beverage taxes, cor- porate income taxes, auto license fees and more than a dozen other taxes which you might not even know you are paying.: The "Almanac" is recommended reading for all Floridians and for banks and financial institutions who frequently deal: with new residents who have questions about the tax: structure of their new home state. Twenty copies or less are available free of charge upon: request. There is a charge of six cents per copy for orders in excess of 20 to cover the cost of preparing and printing the- Almanac. (AFNS) New Marine Service to the Big Region on the Gulf 9 AM to Saturday, March 20 5 PM Manufactured Boats To suit the taste of the sportsman to the most rugged fisherman, of great interest to all. Do-it-Yourself Hull For the handy man who can complete it himself. Marine Supplies For the Most Sports-minded Individual or Rugged Seaman who gathers the fruits of the sea. If you furnish the Container. Fiberglass Resin $7.70 gal. Excer Fiberglass Matting $1.20 yd. Va Come FERRELL Enterprises, Inc. optional lues Bottom Paint 30 to 50% off Anchor lines, Tie Ropes, etc. One, Come All. See Wakulla County's newest industry & participate Highway 319 11/2 Miles N. of Crawfordville Some baseball players believe that if they wear a piece of chewing gum on the top of their caps they will get a hit! COMPLETE Machine Shop Now Operating In Port St. Joe Machine Repairs Fabricating Welding All Types EMORY STEPHENS ST. JOE Machine Company 506 First St. Phone 229-6803 I PARCEL POST. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1976 Proleclion For over 5,000 years, RX has sym- bolized man's weapons against disease. The ancient Egyptians used the magic eye of Horus, God of Day, as a charm to guard them against ills and suffering. Centuries later, the eye reap- peared in a form similar to our "4" and evolved gradually into its present RX. But your doctor doesn't depend on Horus or Jupiter... he relies on your Rexall Pharmacist and the improved drug products your pharmacist stocks. You, too, can rely on Rexall brand products. YOUR lima PHARMACY BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-8371 317 Williams Convenaidt Drive-In Window Plenty of Free Parking Tapper Resigns Bank Position It was learned at press time yesterday that George G. Tapper of Port St. Joe has resigned as chairman of the board of the Wewahitchka State Bank. Tapper was named chair- man of the board of the bank about a year ago. No further details were available. GARC Selling Fish Dinners The Gulf County Association for Retarded Citizens will be selling fish dinners on Friday, March 12. The plates will be $1.50 each and will consist of fish, cole slaw, baked beans and bread. Anyone wishing to order may call 229-6327, 8:00 to 4:00 p.m. Dinners may be picked up at 113 Main Street, next to the American Legion Hall in North Port St. Joe. Ladies Slow Pitch Tourney There will be a Ladies' Slow- Pitch Softball Tournament in Port St. Joe on Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3. All teams interested in entering the competition may contact David Player at 227-3636 after five p.m. This will be a 12-team tour- nament, for the first 12 teams entering. Society Cooks Jambalaya The Altar Society of St. Joseph's Catholic Church will be serving seafood jambalaya Friday, March 26 between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the St. Joseph's Parish House. Tickets are $1.75 and may be purchased from members of the society or at the door. Meeting the morning after a five inch rain in the county, the county Commission had their share of people com- plaining about their drainage problems Tuesday morning. At least five direct complaints and several indirect took up much of the meeting time of the board. Mrs. Winston Wells was there to complain about what she described as a long stand- ing problem on Americus Avenue in St. Joe beach. James Little of Fifth Street in Highland View said water was backing up in his yard for the first time since he moved there 14 years ago. Preston Simpson of Dalkeith A Red Cross standard first aid course will be held begin- ning Monday, March 15. The Students Attend Contest Several members of the Di- versified Cooperative Train- ing (DCT) class of Port St. Joe . High recently attended the Cooperative Education Dis- trict contest, which was held at Chipola Jr. College in Mar- ianna on Feb. 25. Of the five students com- peting from Port St. Joe there were three with first place honors and one with second. They were: Tammy Norwood, first place, spelling; Tammy Rushing, first place, extem- poraneous speaking; Pam Collier, first place, recruiting poster; and Scotty White, second place, sales demon- stration. The three first place win- ners will be competing for top honors at the state contest to be held at Miami Beach, March 18-20. Ladies Ball League Is Forming There will be a meeting for anyone interested in women's softball in the Gulf County Recreation office at City Hall on March 15 at 5:00 p.m. Walter Wilder, Recreation Director, urges anyone wish- ing to enter a women's team into the league to please have a representative present at the meeting. For further infor- mation contact Mr. Wilder at 229-6119 or Dereama Kent at 229-6918. Legal Advertising BID NO. 199A The City of Port St. Joe. Florida, invites bids on the following described item: 1-New or Used Motor Grader with the follow- ing specifications: Length-Approx. 17' Blade-Approx. 10 Engine-40 hp engine, 4 cyl. gas Tire size-7:50 x 20 10 ply Six Wheel No Cab Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. 199A." All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Flor- ida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are re- quested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P. 0. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.S.T., March 16, 1976. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting March 16, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Muni- cipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. -s- C. W. BROCK. City Auditor and Clerk It 3-11 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of G & F COMMUNICATIONS. 106 Monument Ave. at Port St. Joe, Fla. and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Larry Clayton. 50 percent. R. L. Killingsworth, 50 per- cent. -s- Larry Clayton -s- R. L. Killingsworth 4t 3-11 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath the names of all persons interested in the busi- ness or profession carried on under the name of ST. JOE COMPONENTS, INC. at P. O. Box 927, Fifth St., .Highland View, Port St. Joe, Fla., and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Joel D. Adams, 100 percent. -s- Joel D. Adams 4t3-11 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. complained about water prob- lems in the vicinity of his home and the Dalkeith Baptist Church. Simpson lives near what is described as the Butler Bay area, which has been a problem of the Board for years. That was the way it went. Too much water in too short a time with nothing but a flat table for it to lie .on spells problems. In each case, the County Board said they would do what they could to alleviate the problem. In fact, their Road Superintendent, Lloyd Whitfield was not at the meeting Tuesday horning; he was out working on water problems. course, sponsored by the Gulf, County Volunteer Ambulance Squad, is designed to train anyone in the emergency treatment of accident victims in the home, on the job, or at play. You do not have to be a member of the ambulance squad, or any other organi- zation, to take the course. The only criteria is the minimum age of 18, and members of civic clubs, church groups, and individuals are urged to take part. The course will last 15 hours and will be given three hours a night for five nights. It will be followed at a later date with one in cardiopulmonary re- sucitation, known as'CPR. Anyone interested in taking the first aid course should contact Dick Lamberson at 227-2141 or Bob Rogers at 227-2311 or 229-8160. GARC Issues Invitation It has been discovered that many citizens are not aware of the existence of the Gulf Association for Retarded Citi- zens (GARC) and the Activity Center for retarded citizens. Neither do some understand what the organization and center is all about or the main cause for which it is in opera- tion. Therefore, the GARC and the staff of the Activity Center extends an invitation to all the citizens of Port St. Joe to attend its next meeting so that they can become more in- formed about the plight of the GARC. The next GARC meeting will be held April 1, at 7:00 p.m. at the Activity Center in North Port St. Joe. 113 Main St., next door to the American Legion Hall. "FREE" Professional r^Sprayer x=^ ipt. Ku Makes 1 /2 ....Gals. Mixed .. i. with Water Early Hdwe. & Supply Phone 229-2763 Hwy 98 Hiland View Start Your Own home busi- ness. $200.00 weekly possible stuffing envelopes. Start im- mediately! Details $1.00 re- fundable. Everett Chase. P. 0. Box 308. Pawling. NY 12564. 4tc 3-11 TEXAS CHEMICAL CO. needs dependable person. Contact Port St. Joe area cus- tomers. Be your own boss. We train. Write W. C. Crawford. Pres.. PANC(). Box 52. Fort Worth. Tex. 76101. up OAK GROVE W & S After completing the discus- sion of their water run-off problem, the Board got right on to another water problem: water and sewer for Oak SWUAnT... TO BUY? TO SELL? RESULTS? 100 gal. gas tank, $200.00. 648-4935. 2tc 3-11 Frigidaire side-by-side freezer-refrigerator with auto. ice maker. Excellent cond., $225 firm. 648-5385. tfc 3-11 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Call Betty Gilbert 648-7534 tfc 3-11 24' x 54' mobile home with washer & dryer. Will trade for single wide trailer or small equity and take up payments. 229-6739, 203 Madison St., Oak Grove. ltp 3-11 Western Auto's new FREE 275 page Spring and Summer Catalog is in. If you did not receive one at home, please drop by and pick one up. WESTERN AUTO 219 Reid Ave. 227-2281 Western Auto has skate- boards, Skateboards, Skate- boards, $24.95 $27.95. Free pack bandaids with each one. WESTERN AUTO 219 Reid 227-2281 Tomato plants, pepper, egg pant, sage. Rogers Nursery, Wewahitchka. 3tc 3-4 Golf clubs, 2 woods, 5 irons, putter, bag and cart, $25. CB radio, 123A Johnson Messen- ger, like new, $85. Call 229-4193 or see at 203 13th St. 2tp 4-3 CB Radios, Johnson, Craig, Surveyor, antennas, base sta- tions, terms available. West- ern Auto. tfc 3-4 Wizard garden tillers, hand plows, lawn mowers, all gar- den needs. Western Auto. tfc 3-4 1974 23' tandem travel trail- er. electric brakes & Reeves hitch, complete bath, electric- gas refrigerator, forced air furnace, like new cond., $2.850.00. St. George Island, 670-6367. 2tc 3-4 13'4" Boston Whaler with 50 h.p. Mercury and 16' heavy duty galvanized trailer with 12" tires. $1,900.00. Call W6wa after 4:00 p.m. 639-5678. 4tp 2-26 1970 20' Aristrocrat travel trailer, fully self-contained with air cond. Also Reese hitch and equalizer, $2,250.00. 229-6797. tfc 1-29 DRY cleaning carpets is easier, faster, and safer with HOST. Rent our machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Sewing machines repaired regardless of make or age. Over 25 years experience. Parts, supplies for all makes. Free estimate, guaranteed satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Singer Zig Zag sewing machine, take up 12 pmts. $8.50 monthly. Makes button- holes, monograms, hems, sews on buttons, guarantee. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Phone 229-6253 for MARY KAY COSMETICS tfc 7-3 Garage and rummage sale. Saturday. March 13. 9 a.m. American Legion Hall. corner of Williams and Third St. -I... 1974 V6 Capri, $2.700.00. 648- 5289. 2tp 3-11 66 VW van. needs minor body work. $595.00. Come by 203 13th St or call 229-4193. 2tp 3-4 Grove. Commissioner Silas Player said he had completed a survey of part of Oak Grove and Chairman Eldridge Mon- ey said he had practically PAGE EIGHT completed his section and the two reported the people of Oak Grove are almost unanimous in their approval of a financ- ing program offered by Far- mer's Home Administration two weeks ago for financing installation of a water and sewer system in the commun- ity. Oak Grove has wanted a' system for some time, but population in the area has made it too expensive. FHA came up two weeks ago. offering a grant and loan to finance the project which brings it into the reach of the potential customers. Even before making their poll, the County Commission- ers applied for the grant and loan to tie the money down, with the provision they could cancel the application if the Oak Grove people turned the deal down. At their meeting Tuesday, the Commission said all indi- cations that they would give their final approval .of the project tomorrow, which is the deadline set by FHA for filing the application. 'I I I EEIE*T* FOR YOU! F U-LI Two lots at St. Joe Beach, one corner lot and adjoining lot. Call 648-7569 after six p.m tfc 3-11 3 Bedroom house on two lots, oak floors, aluminum sid- ing, full length screens, priced to sell. 229-5533. 2tp 3-4 3 Bedroom house, living room and den, spacious yard, priced to sell, 229-6918. tfc 3-4 Two story house at 708 Long Ave., inquire at address.tfc 4-1 3 BR house, 1 bath, chain link fence, 3 lots, 50' x 175' ea. Located at Land's Landing area, phone 639-2217. tfc 2-19 For Sale by Owner Two lots with highway front- age, located in Ward Ridge. City water and sewage avail- able. Call after 5:00 p.m., 229-5296. tfc 1-29 2 BR furnished house and two unit furnished apartment building, only .$29,500 at 1505 Monument Ave. By owner. Financing available. tfc 1-29 Like new. 12 x 60 furnished mobile home. complete with carpet, 10 x 10 utility bldg, approximately 1 acre (5 lots) of partially landscaped land. 229-5692. tfc 1-22 Two-story home, 1902 Monu- ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath. Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474. tfc 8-21 2 BR unfurnished house, 401- Woodward Ave. Call 227-4671. ltp 3-11 COUNTRY LIVING Ski Meadows Trailer Park Campsites on Gulf in shaded woods. Phone 229-6622 Hwy. 30S, Port St. Joe 3 BR furnished mobile home at Overstreet. Call 648-7581. tfc 2-19 Trailer for rent: 3 BR, bath, central air & heat. Contact Nell Smith after 6:00 p.m. at 511 Woodward Ave. or 229- 6501. tfc 2-19 For Rent: 2 BR mobile home at St. Joe Beach. Phone 648-4976. tfc 3-4 CARPET cleaning with HOST couldn't be easier. Just brush and vacuum for clean, dry carpets. Rent our HOST machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 AT RUSTIC SAND CAMP- GROUND, 15th ST., MEXICO BEACH, PATIO, BEAUTI- FUL REC HALL PRIVI- LEGES. '4 MILE FROM BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8 NO need for wet carpets. Dry clean them with HOST. Use rooms right away. Rent machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Public address system. Owned by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. A new system operable on either battery or current. Call Ken Herring, 227-5281 for rental. tfc There will be a VFW meet- ing the third Tuesday of each month in the American Legion Hall. tfc 6-19 R.A.M.-Regular convaca- tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon- days, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. JL.L. SIMS, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec BINGO Every Thursday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. American Legion Hall Sponsored by American Legion Post 116 There will be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. F, E. BROGDON Everett McFarland, Sec. HELPW STOPCRIME@ Governor's Crime Prevention Committee Tallahassee. Florida t:;. ;:;:;:; 55 Complete Wood Shop Custom Cut Lumber Want to Do It Yourself? Then come see us for Stan- ley tools, hardware, paneling, paint, lumber. Earley's Hardware & Building Supply Hwy. 98 W. 229-2763 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work Welding 506 First Street Phone 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every day For TV repairs and Zenith sales, see K&D TV and Sound at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071. tfc 6-2 Family of problem drinkers can find help in Alanon and Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948 or 229-3392. 13t 1-1 Saw Filing-handsaws, skillsaws and table saws. Call Bert Hall 229-6185 or come to White City, first white house on left behind Gulf Station. (fc 2-5 Painting--Interior or Exterior By the Hour or Job ('all Ronald Ross 229-6822. tfc 2-5 Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC WELCOME SERVICE Call 227-2501 or go by the Chamber office, Municipal Building, 5th St., Monday thru Friday, 9-12 EST. tfc 5-1 Septic Tanks Pumped Out Carefoot Septic Tank 229-8227, 229-2351, and 229-6694 tfc 8-21 All types carpet and vinyl flooring installed. 10 years experience. For free measure- ment and estimate, call Ron- ald Ross, 229-6822. tfc 2-5 ' Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or 227-7586. tfc 11-14 Need help with your DECORATING IDEAS? If So Call 229-6506 'tfc 3-6 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe. Florida 2 BR furnished house, Canal St.. first block from Hwy. 98, St. Joe Beach. Owner will be there Sunday, nine a.m. to three p.m. Call 482-3354 or 482- 3884. 3tc 3-11 Two one-bedroom furnished houses for rent in town. In- quire at Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 3-4 Furnished 2 BR house, auto. heat, washer & dryer, 229-6777 after six p.m. tfc 2-26 Beach cottage for rent. In- quire at Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 2-12 Furnished 3 BR house, auto. heat, washing machine. 229- 6777 after 6 p.m. tfc 2-26 Tires Now Installed FREE In Our Own Auto Service Center Western Auto Assoc. Store 227-2281 tfc 3-4 General Contracting dential, add-ons, repair novations. No jobs too all work guaranteed Jack Hall. 229-6321. Visit or call the A Counseling Information Center of the Panhandle Al- coholism Council, Inc. 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe. Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30 SCHROCK UPHOLSTERY Recovering, Upholstering High Grade Work, Reasonable Large selection of vinyls and Fabrics Free Estimates Pick-up & delivery service 12 years experience :156 Gaskin St. Blountstown, Fla. Phone 674-5207 4tp 3-4 Complete Commerical or Residential STEAM or SHAMPOO Offered for Carpets Wax for Floors. Also plumber available for routine repairs. Call GLAS-GLO 229-6596 .A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call tfc 6-2 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 - il Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. Nice furnished apartment, call 229-4836. 2tp 3-11 2 Bedroom furnished apart- ment, 522'2 Third St., 229-3011. tfc 2F26 Furnished apartment for :rent, 4 rooms, bath, 1 BR, lower apt., adults. 510 8th St. Call 229-6394. tfc 2-12 1 BR furnished apartment, 1506 Long Ave. 229-6688. tfc 2-5 Furnished two and three BR houses, at Beacon Hill, by -week. Bill Carr or call 229- 6474. tfc 3-13 Lawn & Gardening Needs Feed Small Engine Repairs Economy Motors & Garden Center 301 Hwy. 98, H.V. 229-6001 tfc 2-12 g, resi- is res" Isn't it time you improve(l lrs, re- the value of your home? A small, fresh coat of paint will do it. 1. CallFor low off-season rates, call 229-6394. Make your home a tic 1-29 Bicentennial Beauty. Guaran-5 teed lowest rate going. tfc 2-5 Alcohol 'I LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING All Types 229-6482 or 229-6447 tfc 9-20 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Fri. at 8 p.m., Sun. at4 p.m. St. James Episcopal Church Parish House tfc 4-24 Wouldn't You Really Rather Have Cable TV? For Cable TV Installation In Port St. Joe Phone 229-7232 Or Visit the Telephone Company Business Office Smitty's Heating, Cooling & Electric Service Commercial or Residential Installation & Service 648-4976 Port St. Joe Owned & Operated by - Edward & Tommy Smith tfc 8-14 "Ithink it was something I ate." kills bugs for up to six months, and saves you about $100 yearly in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe. Florida This means it will be only a matter of months before Oak Grove will have water and sewer service. - In the meantime, much work has to be done. FHA wants the City of Port St. Joe to service, bill, maintain and provide treated water and collect sewage from the sys- tem. This agreement still has to be worked out. The City has already taken steps to put service mains to the edge of the City Limits where Oak Grove can tie on at some time in the future. Torrential Rains Monday Night Pour Water Problems On Board First Aid Class Starts Monday n I Old Fashioned BEEF DOLLAR DAYS 4.-LE * We Accept USDA Food Stamps SWe Cash Most Payroll Checks * We Save You Money 4. BLADE CUT -, '' CHUCK R ROAST LB. Choice Quality Choice Quality Choice Quality 7-Bone Cut Shoulder Cut CHCHUCKHUCK ARM ROAST STEAK ROAST L79 Lb. 89 b. 09 Lean Boneless Cubed Chuck STEAK LB $139 Prices Good March 11 thru 17 FOOD PORT Fresh Lean GROUND BEEF LB 79 LOIN LB. $109 f l W ~~~-i l~ razaaaj.L~1LLP 1.'~ Elcc~Ysuaxa Sr ---~-rrrla..,c~-- Bar S 1? Or. Pkg Skillet Sliced BACON LB. $119 Bar S CANNED HAM 3 Lb. Can $499 Govt Inmpected i j RK E Ifo 12 18 L b ChiEQ aik. ki ~ Lu6 -..ca ,xnc-n -sm ~~-r r-.r-wsr-rn-wflflC .-~L- B~~LErzV 'mfl s~-a r LINKl L12 02 Pkqg Our Budgel SLICED BACON Kool- Ade 18 Oz. Jars Apple! Aipple-Grape Apple-St'berry BAMA Jellies 8 Oz. Chicken, Turkey or Beef MORTON POT PIES 4/$1 17 OZ. CAN FINE FARE CUT BEANS DOLLAR DAYS Su 0WAGN T 1 FRESH PRODUCE CABBAGE Ib. 8C LETTUCE Lbo 8-8-8 50 Lb. Fertilizer US No. 1 IRISH with s7.50 Order SWEET POT- I3 $3.25 lb. 7C FIELD TRIAL DOG 0O0 W~ 4541.4.4 SLS411-2S1fl.. 510 FIFTH STREET ST. JOE, FLORIDA KAhS LAR6 C HOME OF CHOICE QUALITY HEAVY IOWA GRAIN FED 6-8 LB. AVERAGE SMOKED PICNICS ~~~-~OR- - FOY-YID~~N~~ ~BB~B(~B~Qe _,~~ ~I---~U~~CI~S~k ----- ------~~un~~nr~C~y - Il ~~IY~PES0 5~~ Il;rc~. 89" 50 lbsim 1549 Adah, sPECIALSMI PAGE TEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1976 Alcohol Topics.... Dear Mr. Norwood, My father and I make wine at home for our own family use, I was told by my father that tne alcohol is good for our blood and it also helps my uncle who has diabetes. in school the other day, I was told that alcohol is not good for the blood and that alcohol could. hurt someone with diabetes. Is this true? Sincerely, A. F., Jr. Leg IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. DeWayne Manuel db-a Western Auto Store P. 0. Box 711 Wewahltchka, Fla. Plaintiff vs. Daniel W. Jones Rt. 1, Box 105 Bristol, Fla. Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given that I, Ray- mond Lawrence, Sheriff of Gulf County, Florida, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above, entitled cause, having levied upon the following personal property, situate, lying and being In Gulf County, Florida, to.wit: 1972 Datsun Truck, Id. no. PL620083214 Title no. 5474986, tag no. 67-GH.000109, decal no. 7096185 and that upon the 26th day of March, A.D. 1976, during the legal hour of sale, namely, 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on said day, at lthe front door of the Court house in Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, the above described property, as the pro. perty of said defendants, to satisfy said execution. Said property to be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens. as. Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff Gulf County Sheriff Department 4t 3-4 NOTICE TO ACCEPT APPLICATIONS At a special meeting of the Gulf County School Board on February 20, 1976, it was approved to advertise for two positions for grounds maintenance persons. Applications are now being accepted in the Gulf County School Board office or the school center offices until March 12, 1976, at 12:00 noon. The grounds maintenance person will assume responsibility for keeping the school grounds through the provision of useful, attractive and safe means. The grounds maintenance person will work with the principal to develop an overall plan to make the necessary provisions The specific duties as outlined in the job description include: 1. Tooperateand maintainequipment to be utilized In ground mainte. nance ; 2. Clean yards; 3. Plant shrubbery; 4. Plant grass; 5. Water plants and grass as needed; 6. Mow lawns, ball fields and other areas; 7. Level grounds where necessary, taK'ig care or erosion problems as they occur; 8. Prepare grounds in accordance with schools' landscape plan; 9. Fertilize plants and grass as need. ed. 10. Build or work with maintenance personnel to build any enclosures, fences, etc. that relate to school grounds and beautification; and 11. Other pertinent tasks as assigned by the school center principal. The salary for this position will be paid at the rate of $3.00per hour. The grounds maintenance person will be directly responsible to the school principal. 2t3-4 BID NO. 195 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described items: CHAIN LINK FENCE 76 If-6' fabric (9 ga.) 8 ea.-22'/" x 8' terminal-gate posts, standard pipe 4ea.-2" x 8' line posts, standard pipe 76 If-1%" top rail, .065 wall thickness 2 ea.-6' x 12' drive gates with 1%" standard pipe frame All posts to be set in 30" cement Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. 195". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities, and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Bids must be_ submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P. 6. Box A, Port St. Joe, FIroida 32456, :n or before 5:00 P.M., E.S.T., March 16, 1976. Bid opening will be held at the regular City Commission Meeting March 16, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., In the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 3-4 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned,being duly sworn, 1o hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of ST. JOE OUTBOARD REPAIR SHOP at 309 Monument Ave., Port St. Joe, Fla. and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Lloyd R. Etheridge, 100 percent. s -Lloyd R. Etheridge 4t 3-4 BID NO. 198 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described item: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MANUAL PARKING METERS Design Principle Design principle must have been use tested under all climatic conditions. Coin gauging mechanism features cam-lever action to multiply coin diameter differ- entials up to a minimum ratio of 3 to 1,. affording positive and accurate engage- ment of time pick-up with broad opera.- ting tolerances. Modular type design to permit easy on-street removal of all as- semblies for easy trash and slug removal. Anti-backup lever easily ac- cessible for service disengagement when required. NO adjustrments required on standard mechanism. Operation When the proper coin is inserted in appropriate coin slot, an operating handle is turned to actuate the meter. The time indicator is to remain at zero and the violation flag shall be in effect while the meter handle is being turned. When the handle has been cycled cornm.- Dear A. F., What you heard in school is correct. There is no scientific evidence that alcohol is help- ful for your blood. Alcohol may make you feel like it is doing you good, but in reality, it isn't. The use of alcohol by a dia- betic is dangerous. A diabetic needs insulin to keep their blood sugar down. The use of alcohol can interfere with the insulin doing its job and that person can go into a diabetic coma. Alcohol is a drug that can be used as a sedative, but there are other alternatives to alco- hol which do not interfere with body functions. Most doctors who are up-to-date about the dangers of alcohol, will tell you that the use of alcohol for medical reasons is not a good idea. Sincerely, Mr. Norwood 'al Advertising pletely, the predetermined time value for the coin inserted is then indicated on the dial. An anti-backup pawl prevents rotation cycle is completed. Instruction plate is located directly above operating handle and provides simple instructions, graphically 'displayed, detailing the steps required to operate the meter. Operates in all climatic conditions ranging from sub-zero to tropical tem- peratures. Coin Entrance Coin entrance easy to see and provides highly visible identification using white numbers on dark gray background for each coin slot. Built-in safety zone traps most foreign objects, bent coins, etc., before they enter coin handling mech- anism. Coin entrance made of perma- nent dark gray material whichl will never corrode. Stainless steel coin en- trance shutter blocks coin slots when. ever operating handle Is rotated from home position, thus preventing addition- al insertion of coins into mechanism before handle cycle is completed. Coin entrance positioned to allow easy inser- tion of coins. Coin entrance available with one, two, or three coin slots depending on coin combination required. Coin Combination Operates with pennies, nickels and dimes,or oany one or more of these combinations. Coin handling mechanism may be converted to a wide variety of different coin combinations depending upon requirements. Rate Setting Any period of time for a particular coin, or combination of coins up to a maxi- mum of 24, available within the time limit of a given meter. Special rate settings using up to 36 coins available depending upon rate-time combination. Time Limit Overall time limits available for 6 minutes to 24 hours. The meter is designed for ease of conversion to one- half movement time limit using full scale dial with the only part change being the new dial. The meter is to be adjustable to allow for a grace period of up to 5 minutes, with no special Parts needed. Construction The meter and parts must be strong and durable. The handle shaft must be at least .370 inches In diameter and operates in a permanently lubricated bearing. Dial Dial to be made of heavy gauge alumi- num with baked-on white enamel back. ground. Time scale silk screened in permanent baked-on black enamel for long life and high contrast. Time limit identification on the dial is minimum size of '/2 inch number (s). Signal Windows Large front and back windows for easy enforcement and public view. Made Of Lexan Polycarbonate material which is break-resistant. Both windows contain recessed o-ring seals to protect against dust, moisture, etc. with separate, in- dividually replaceable windows. Rate and Enforcement Inserts Separate rate and enforcement inserts are displayed at approximately forty. five (45) degree angle for easy reading on the front 'Tde of the meter. Inserts are removable for easy change. Eash insert made of aluminum with baked-on white enamel background with legend print in permanent black ink. Fully enclosed to protect against dust, dirt and moisture. Signal Flags Red expiration and violation flags are minimum of three square inches in area. The red "Expired" flag shall be visible from both sides of the meter. Flag shall appear whenever allowed time has expired. Large yellow "Violation" flag visible from both sides of meter. Flag appears whenever the operating handle is rotated from home position. Both flags made of aluminum with baked-on fade- resistantenamel with legend silkscreen- ed in white on each flag. Materials Used All gears,pinions, levers and bearings in the coin handling mechanism are made of the best grade stainless steel or clock brass; precision involute type gears are used throughout the meter. Stainless steel handle shaft operates in a perma. nently lubricated bearing. Coin carrier and coin cams are made of die cast zamac. Timer Movements available for time limits ranging from 6 minutes to 32 hours. Movement runoff accuracy is to be 60 to 63 minutes per hour, always slow. Escapement is self-starting at all tem- peratures from -25 to +150 degrees to insure correct operation under all reasonable weather conditions. Mat- erials and workmanship must be of good quality. All shafts and fixed pinions must be made of stainless steel. Gears, bearings, and plates may be made of clock brass, tool grade aluminum, or delrin no. 500 as most suitable for the individual part. Clutch is self-adjusting to prevent slipping off or high handle torque of the meter. The movement beat is audible through the meter case. The complete movement is easily removable for conversion or maintenance. The movement has a rigid die cast aluminum dust cover sealed with a recessed O-ring to protect it from dust and damage in handling. Time Wipe-Off Means of wiping off time from the meter without the use of tools provided to give easy coin checking of the meter. Ac- cessory lock available to provide time wipe-off with special key without open- ing the meter case. Case Construction Standard case made of high grade die cast aluminum and treated for corrosion resistance and painted with two coats of scratch-resistance acrylic paint on a well primed base. Mechanism Door Mechanism door opens to horizontal position providing convenient work shelf for maintenance. Pressure type mech- anism door lock with O-ring gasket for proper sealing when door is closed. Door easily removed without tools by disen- gaging two lock pins. Hinge pin com- pletely concealed. Coin Door Coin door equipped with suitable lock available to match existing series. Opens from the front side. Provides access to coin chute, completely sep- arated from mechanism section. Number Plates Recessed number plates for attachment to mechanism door and allow numbering of up to four digits. Collection System Standard case equipped with dump chute. Post Attachment Meter case attaches to pipe standard with self-adjusting, three piece wedge assembly. Access available only when locked coin door is open. Permits meter to be positioned at any angle on the post. Bid will be for one hundred fifty (150) meters, giving credit for one hundred fifth (150) old "dual" meters. Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. 198". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any for- malities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's office, P. O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., .E.S.T., March 16, 1976. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting March 16, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 3-4 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of ST. JOE COMPONENTS at Fifth St. and Third Ave., Highland View, P. O. Box 927, Port St. Joe, Florida, and the extent of the interest of each, is ias follows: Joel D. Adams, Sole Owner. Joel D. Adams 4t3-4 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned,being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of R & T COMMUNICATIONS at 109 Bellamy Circle, Port St. Joe, Fla., and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Kenneth F. Ritch, 50 percent; Sheri- don L. Turner, 50 percent. Kenneth F. Ritch Sheridon Turner 4t 3-4 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. Lois Traylor Rt. 1, Box 72 Wewahitchka, Fla. Plaintiff vs. Grover "Buddy" McLemore & or Latrell McLemore Rt. 1, Dalkeith Wewahitchka, Fla. Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given that I, Ray- mond Lawrence, Sheriff of Gulf County, Florida, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, having levied upon the following personal property, situate,. lying and being in Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: 1971 Chevrolet Truck, Id. no. CS141360- 3107, Title no. 10339927, Tag no. 66-GH- 254, 6 cyl. and 1970 Plymouth, Id. no. PM41GOD- 228908, Decal no. 7090738, tag no. 66-W- 2201 and that upon the 12th day of March, A.D. 1976, during the legal hour of sale, namely, 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on said day, at the front door of the Court House in Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, I will offer for' sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, the above described property, as the pro- perty of said defendants, to satisfy said. execution. Said property to be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens. -s- Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff Gulf County Sheriff Department 4t 2-19 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of THE DECORATING PLACE at 210 16th St., Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 and th'e extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Laura F. Ramsey, Owner. .s- Laura F. Ramsey t412-19 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. IN RE: The Marriage of DANIEL GRAHAM BRINSON, JR., Husband, Respondent, And ROSE ELIZABETH LAYFIELD BRIN- SON, Wife, Petitioner. NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Daniel Graham Brinson, Jr. c-o Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Graham Brinson, Sr. Box 213 Pollocksville, North Carolina 28573 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed and you are required to serve a copy of your Answer or other response to the Petition on Petitioner's Attorney: ROBERT M. MOORE, Esq. P.O. Box 248 Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 and file the original thereof in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office, Gulf County Court. house. Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before the 26th day of March, 1976. If you fail to do so, a Final Judgment for the relief sought may be granted by Default. DATED this the 20th day of February, 1976. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Margaret S. Core, Deputy Clerk 4t 2-26 extension are required to file a Florida tentative tax return and pay 100 percent of the tentative tax due on or before the original due date of the re- turn. A Florida tentative tax return is required even though the taxpayer has received an extension from the Federal Internal Revenue Service. For Ambulance Call 227-2311 Lawrence Tyree Named President of Gulf Coast Dear Mr. Norwood, I'm not sure, but I think that my parents are alcoholics. They party all week-end and during the week when my father comes home from work, the first thing he does is have a drink. My mom works part-time and she always hps a drink or two in the after- noon. They don't fight too much when they are drunk but they usually drink until they pass out and I have to take care of my little brother. Do you think it would be okay for me to say something to them? I worry in case something might go wrong while they're passed out. Sincerely, C. W. Dear C. W., Let me state that an alco- holic is a person who, when using alcohol, lets that use interfere with his family, eco- nomic, and-or physical well- being. Also, if a person loses control over the use of alcohol, he is considered to be an al- coholic. It seems to me that your parent's drinking is interfer- ing with your family and phy- sical well-being. I know that it would be difficult for you to tell them directly that they have a problem, but what you could do is get help from other parenA that you know. Maybe with their help yob can con- front your parents. Also, it would be helpful to have the phone number of a friend you can call who would be helpful when your parents drink too much. Don't try to solve the problem all alone. I strongly suggest that you give the Alcohol Counseling and Information Center in your area a call. They are there to help and they won't give out your name if you are afraid of getting into trouble. Reach out for help, people do care and would like to help. Sincerely, Mr. Norwood If you have any questions concerning alcoholism, con- tact Dexter Norwood at 321 Reid Ave., Port St. Joe, phone 229-3515. Toll-free Legislative Number The Joint Legislative Management Committee announced the toll-free legislative number for the 1976 session of the Florida Legislature will be 1-800- 342-1827, the same as last session. It will be opera- tive from March 29 thru June 18. The line is available to all citizens throughout the state and the widespread interest in legislative act- ivities, as shown through this service, has been gratifying. It was initi- ated, on a trial basis, during the 1972 session when over 4,000 calls were received. There were close to 8,000 calls on the one line during the 1975 session. The WATS line is oper- ated by staff in the Legis- lative Information Divi- sion whose primary func- tion is to record, through a computer, actions on all bills, as they occur on the floor of the House and Senate. The on-line sys- tem is current at all times, and the WATS operator has a video ter- minal for inquiry on her desk. A recording device is utilized after hours to record requests. Corporate Tax Returns Due 1975 Florida Corporate In- come Tax returns for calendar year taxpayers will be due on April 1. The Florida Code imposes penalties for failure to file on time whether or not any tax is due. Corporations desiring an Port St. Joe l "School MENUS w. MAA WM Port St. Joe High School Lunchroom Menus Monday, March 15 Luncheon meat and cheese, sandwiches, hamburger with bun, French fries, field peas, tomato, lettuce, pickles, fruit cup, milk. Tuesday, March 16 Lasagna, barbecue beef on bun, whole kernel corn, potato chips, brownies, rolls, bread. Wednesday, March 17 Cheeseburger with bun, bat- tered fried fish with bun,, tar- tar sauce, baked beans, let- tuce, tomato, pickles, peanut butter cake with icing, milk. Thursday, March 18 Fried chicken, mashed pota- toes with gravy, string beans, tomato slice, peaches with topping, milk. Friday, March 19 NO SCHOOL Common Inservice Day Elementary Schools Lunchroom Menu Monday, March 15 Luncheon meat and cheese sandwich, French fries, field peas, tomato slice, fruit cup, milk. Tuesday, March 16 Barbecue beef on bun, pot- ato chips, whole kernel corn, brownies, milk. Wednesday, March 17 Battered fried fish with bun, tartar sauce, baked beans, cabbage slaw, peanut butter cake with icing, milk. Thursday, March 18 Fried chicken, mashed pota- toes with gravy, string beans, tomato slice, peaches with topping, bread, rolls. Friday, March 19 NO SCHOOL Common Inservice Day DR. LAWRENCE W. TYREE Tyree has served as execu- tive vice-president of Gulf Coast Community College since July 1, 1975, and was previously dean of the West Campus of Pasco-Hernando Community College in New Port Richey. Prior to that he served as an assistant professor of psy- chology and an administrator at Albany Junior College in Georgia and as an administra- tor -at Indiana University while a doctoral student there. Dr. Tyree attended Samford University in Birmingham, Pensacola Junior College, and received his bachelors and Dr. Lawrence W. Tyree has been named president of Gulf Coast Community College ef- fective July 1 of this year. Dr. Richard Morley will remain with Gulf Coast for one year as a special consultant having been named "presi- dent emeritus" by the Gulf Coast Community College Dis- trict Board of Trustees at their regular meeting last week. Dr. Bill Carter, vice chair- man of the board of trustees,. in making the announcement said, "I must praise the dedication and tremendous accomplishments of this insti- at Port St. Joe FDI First United Methodist Church Constitution and Monument Port St. Joe, Fla. JOHNIE W. McCURDY, Minister CHURCH SCHOOL ..................... 9:45 A.M. PREACHING SERVICE ......... 11 A.M. &7:00 P.M. METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP .... 6:30 P.M. CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.M. WE'D LIKE TO FINANCE YOUR NEWCAR... Everyone is thinking about economy these days, so if you're in. the market for a new car, you're prob- ably wise to shop around a bit, looking for the best deal you can get. And if you're going to finance your new car purchase, you'll probably choose low-cost bank financing. So shop around, find the new car you want to buy, then talk with our loan experts about our easy budget terms and low interest rates. You'll be glad you did. Florida First National Bank tution under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Morley." Carter continued saying, "Dr. Larry Tyree is a man that is most capable of continuing the ideals, goals and aspirations of this college." Morley also praised Tyree saying, "He was chosen over a year ago by a special commit- tee and for a year now has grown close to our students and the faculty as well as to our community. Dr. Tyree is indeed an able individual, a man in whom I have every possible confidence," Morley said. masters degrees from the University of Florida. He earned his doctors degree from Indiana University. Tyree was active in civic and community affairs in New Port Richey, serving as presi- dent-elect and on the board of directors of his Rotary Club, as well as on the boards of directors of several organiza- tions dealing with mental health, drug awareness and prevention, alcohol rehabilita- tion, and Police Explorer Scouts. He also served as a member of the Sixth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commis- sion and was active with the Chamber of Commerce. Tyree is presently serving on the board of directors of the United Way of Bay County, as co-chairperson of the 1976 Easter Seal Drive and as a member of the Panama City Rotary Club. Dr. Tyree is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Esker W. Tyree of Pensacola and is married to the former Ann Kirkham, also a graduate of the University of Florida and a former junior high school English teacher. They are the parents of identi- cal twin daughters, Kimberly and Tracy, age 9 and a son, Kirk, age 3. The family re- sides at 2228 Pretty Bayou Island Drive in Panama City, and the Tyrees are very active members of the First Metho- dist Church of Panama City. I I ~I I - Al THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1976 State Draft Board Offices C se Hand-Made Quilt Marks Bicentennial These three young ladies are shown working on a Bicentennial quilt which their Girl Scout Troop 76 is currently working on. The quilt will be on display in the Girl Scouts parade in Panama City this Saturday, March 13. The industrious young ladies, left to right, Jacquelyne Wilson, Marchell Sims and Ju- Vanna Williams, are handsewing the red, white and blue stars onto the background material of the quilt. Star Photo \ \ ANNIVERSARY! / Danley established their first store in 1923, with a strong t customer service and guaranteed satisfaction. Since thl blossomed into one of the leading furniture retailers in the i pioneer in the furniture-showcase concept. A concept that e customer to see completed rooms (over 300) of furniture in Featuring nationally known brands at tremendous saving immediate delivery from readily available in-stock invento is your assurance of lower prices due to vast volume buying better quality for less! Westinghouse Colonel Peter P. Pierce, Jr., the State Director of Selective Service for Florida has an- nounced the closing of all draft board offices at the end of February, 1976. Colonel Pierce said this is a result of a drastically reduced budget recommendation for the Selective Service System, and will cause what the National Director, Byron V. Pepitone, recently termed "a dramatically altered struc- ture" of the agency. In Florida, 52 employees were terminated on February 28, and another 3 will be termi- nated on May 8. Throughout the entire Selective Service System, 1,400 employees will leave the agency in February and another 200 in May. By the end of fiscal year 1977, the entire agency will employ only approximately 100 people. This reduction in the work force of the draft agency made necessary the termination of all registrant processing on January 27. State Director Pierce said: "This means Apply Now for GCCC En I Bowling . ...News L-WS- Thursday Nite Ladies' League The Thursday Nite Ladies' League met in action on March 4, with Ralph and Henry's winning four games from Bowen's Cowgirls ONe on lanes one and two. Brenda Livings (sub) had a 162 high game and 425 high. series for Ralph &.Henry's. Jo O'Barr (sub) led Bowen's with a 162 game and 462 series. On lanes three and four, Renfro Auto won three games from Bowen's Cowgirls Two. Cathy Blackburn bowled a 254 high game and 548 high series for Renfro. Sandy Wood had a 180 game and 517 high series for Bowen's. Surfers won three games from Ward's Fishery on lanes five and six. Betty Hardin had a 165 game and 424 series for Surfers. Karen Rayburn had a 142 high game and Trudy Pate had a 370 high series for Ward's. On lanes seven and eight, Highland View Motors won three games from Swingers. Sue Parrish had a 140 game and 378 series for Hi-View. Kim Ernest led Swingers with a 155 game and 363 series. Standings: W L Ralph & Henry's 20'2 3' Renfro Auto 17 7 Bowen's Two 14 10 Bowen's One 12 12 Ward's Fishery 11'2 12'2 Surfers 11 13 Hi-View Motors 8 16 Swingers 2 22 Winter Mixed League On March 2, the Winter Mixed League met in action, with Kennedy & Wombles Winning four games from Ten Pin Lounge on lanes one and two. Steve Wombles led K & W with a 220 game and 570 series. Bertha Clayton was tops for Ten Pin with a 186 game and 515 series. On* lanes three and four, ' Carr's and Rotagilla each split two games. David Roche (sub) had a 195 high game and 549 series for Carr's. Red Todd (sub) led Rotagilla with a 198 : game and 525 series. Sylvachem won three games from No Names on lanes five and six. Bill Whit- field had a 192 game and 485 high series for Sylvachem. David Howell led No Names with a 183 game and 503 series. On lanes seven and eight, Varnes Seafood won four games from Fiesta Food Store. Danny Talbert led Varnes with a 222 game and 534 series. Billy McDonnell had a 140 high game and L. P. West had a 350 high series for Fiesta. Standings: Rotagilla Carr's Auto Sylvachem 10-Pin Lounge No Names W L 6412 2712, 61 31 61 31 47 45 43 49 Varnes Seafood K & W, Inc. Fiesta Food im at Local high school seniors I planning to enter Gulf Coast Community College this fall are being encourage to com- 0plete application procedures now, according to College offi- Scials. GCCC student counselors will visit the schools through- out March to administer placement and career gui- I dance tests, assign advisors, set up appointments to plan 39 53 fall schedules and to provide 27 65 information regarding finan- 2512 66"2 cial aid, extra-curricular acti- vities and the like. "Although Gulf Coast does not anticipate having to limit enrollment in any way, we do intend to 'protect' local high school students and others in our service area by encourag- ing any who are even remotely considering entering this col- lege to complete these steps by April 30," commented Mrs. Pam Hooper, director of test- ing. "As a College that practices an active equal access-equal opportunity policy, we are there will be no registration or lottery drawings in the fore- seeable future, no classifica- tion actions, and young men will no longer have any re- quirement to report changes of address or anything else to their local boards." For many years, all men were required to have their "draft" card in their personal possession at all times, but this is no longer required. If a Selective Service Status Card is lost or stolen, there is no need to ask for a replacement card. "In fact", said Colonel Pierce, "replacement cards will no longer be issued." After the local draft board offices closed in February, all Selective Service records were transferred to appro- priate Federal Records Cen- ters. The State Director said the only Selective Service contact in Florida will be his office. He may be reached at: Florida State Headquarters, Selective Service System, Southgate Plaza Office Park, try committed to assisting all stu- dents throughout every phase of their college careers and this is certainly a vital first step," Mrs. Hooper added. Mrs. Hooper warned that students who delay might find themselves caught in long waiting lines at registration time. Those students who might have missed previous pre- enrollment counselling ses- sions may go directly to the College where testing is being conducted at eight a.m. and one p.m. CST daily. U. S. 1 South (P. 0. Box 1988), St. Augustine, Fla. 32084., Any perons participating in President's Ford's Clemency Program who wishes to enroll with Selective Service to per- form his alternate service ob- ligation must contact the State Director in person, by phone or by mail after the end of February. Colonel Pierce added that the termination of all regis- trant processing makes it im- possible for any new informa- tion to be added to a regis- trant's file. Selective Service registrants with any valid questions about their status may contact him at the above address. With the exception of a few registrants who may be viola- tors of the Military Selective Service Act, all registrants are now considered to be clas- sified i tive of cation1 that tho lill \ vor i : ' vice ,s 1-H, irrespec- Irevious classifi- 1-H indicates *;trant is not cur- *t to processing or alternate ser- CATCH BU65 , NAPPING! -/' TO PREVENT DAMAGE FROM OVER- -1 7 . WINTERING INSECTS, . APPLY A PORMANT'i SPRAY TO TREE AND WOODY PLANTS IN LATE WINTER N t.T -"g ; OR EARL! .SPRING ./' BEFORE BUPS OPEN. U'l AIR FILTER REE! with purchase complete tune-. " iane Early American ... to Warm Your Home AGELESS SIMPLICITY AND CHARM Colorful stripe Herculon that match from the top of the stately highback sofa and chair right down to the tailored box skirt. Make this the problem solver for your living room or den. Sofa and Swivel Rocker radiation of ien, we've industry. A -nables the the stores. s and free ry. Danley g and h S o -A! wf ca SPEED QUEEN. CHEST FREEZERS NATIONWIDE FREE PARTS AND LABOR FOR ONE YEAR be Westinghouse 40" Electric sRange $359 Model KF341P ii Infinite heat controls E Full-width storage drawer [ Automatic timing center El Oven and surface unit signal lights. THIS SPEED QI10-.: OMATIC WASHER has aLj(. 'cles ... normal and durao e s plus a pre-wash soak cyr-f.. farm and cold wash water tenor .re selec- tion large fan'I! city . 3-way lint and qeo; removal system gleammo( *e por - lain enamel top f id switch plus many othe i o'e ures. MAode . STORE-WIDE SALE - I I I I ~ I L~ b -~B~E~-B~i. I- I I 'I 9 ~b~glP4~41~i~i'cn Store Hours: 8 am to 6 pm, Mon. thru Sat_:',.- ST. JOE AUTO PART,, P. 201 Long Ave. 4NAP0 we help keep Ame'ri PAGE ELEVEN SH KI G p 10 0 6I 1OD ^1 '. ^ rjm- f wss PRICES GUARANTEED MARCH 10 THRU 16,1976. Port St. Joe, Florida O ver $25 ,'0 has been wLV, Over $125,0oi" to be won $100 Cash King Winners: Lee Hatcher Inez Rhees, left and Isadora Blackshire, right, presented checks for $100 by Mrs. Maurice Hildbold Inez RheE Coretha Turner Isadora Blackshire -- CHART Odd., -iy dpnding on number of game pieces you obtain Th. mo, pi.cio1 yu c tllict the baotor your chances of win ODDS CHART EFFECTIVE MARCH 10. 1976. ODDS FOR 16 GAME : PIECES S OR ODDS FOR PLUS TEN M .M GAME ilI0)SAVER s .i PIECES DISCS 1000 I 36 1 in 126,610 1 n"15,827 1 in 4,870 S100 32 1 in 11,628 1 in 1,454 1 in 448 10 51 n 8,125 1 n 1,016 1 in 313 5 972 1 in 4,690 1 in 587 1 in 181 2 2,204 1 in 2,068 1 in 259 1 in 80 i 35,377 1 129 1 in 16 1 in 5 P'1' 39,542 1 in 116 1 in 14.5 1 in 4.5 This Game being played in 70 participating Piggly Wiggly storms located in Alabnm3a (34) Mississippi 114). Georgia (7) and Florida 1151 SchnelulJ oioin iiaiion date of this Promotio is April 28, 1978 PLEASE READ! These odds ar it eHeft for one month afte start After on mndth updalted odds will be posted in all participating stores and in Newspaper ads STANDARD I GRADE FRY E S Fresh Whole packed 2 to bag B0e Lb. I ROAS' Shoulder ROAST Lb. 98C Lb. 99c Lb. '189 Lb. 39 Lb. 279 79' 69C I Lb. Blue Ribbon Rib STEAKS Cudahy All Beef WIENERS Cudahy-12 Oz. BACON Blue Ribbon Rump ROAST Blur Ribbon Round STEAK PUNCH DETERGENT with $10 or more additional purchase Merico Texas Style f BUTTERMILK 12oz. BISCUITS cans 99 e ~6 Count Can Pillsbury B'Milk or Country Style c FT SEE BISCUITS 4.5oz I1 Kraft Singles 16 Slices 12ozS1 19 Kraft Parkay Whipped 8 oz. 6 CHEESE I OLEO 2tubesinpkg. pkgs 7 Lb. $139 Pkg. 69 99c Lb. 29 Lb.14 PigyWglySr~ e Piggly Wiggly Selected Crisp LETTUC Washington State Red DELICIOUS APPLES 72ct. Fresh POLE BEANS hb#,h Canadian RUTABAGAS i1s head bs. 100 Florida White 32 ct. 0 GRAPEFRUIT L or Crisp RADISHES 29c 2 6oz cello L 2 bags25 J T0- &ARAINOT AIN ARLADA Good Value Early June SWEET PEAS Good Value Yellow Cling Halved or Sliced PEACHES Rainbow Yellow Cling PEACHES Rainbow TOMATOES Rainbow Short Cut GREEN BEANS Good Value Whole Kernel or Cream Style GOLDEN CORN Good Value Mixed; VEGETABLES 4 880 S cans 15.5 oz. $100 cans 4. oz. 88 S cans Good Value California TOMATOES Good Value Cut GREEN BEANS Rainbow SPINACH Good Value Whole or Sliced IRISH POTATOES Rainbow BARTLETT PEARS Good Value TOMATO CATSUP Good Value TOMATO CATSUP m 100 a5 o100 29 oz,$100 3 btles. 26 oz. btle. D Fresh Leanl GROUND BEEF Ib. 5 Ibs. or more Blue Ribbon Beef CHUCK -ml nranrrrr^-lrr7S:. _ ____-- -~ --- -.~9b - ------- a-~-i~~=slC~4~B~--~-~lrraa raaa~rmon~-vanr~~r7~-l~cr~arr~aa~lrl mmmwmm II. _~ajhaauaarprrra |