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w U U, 1 THIRTY-NINJTHYEARP.NUMBER 26 Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1976 a a 15 Cents Per Copy Oak Grove Water, Sewer Farmers Home Administration Offers Money for Construction CLIFFORD ABBOT LT. COL. J. B. OVERTON ...Preacher .. Singer Lead Methodist Revival Services Hold the phone! Don't take down that tree, Christmas isn't over yet! Ernest Pittman and Chester Smith proved it Tuesday night, when they showed up at the County Commission meeting bearing a document which stated the Farmer's Home Administration would finance the long-pro- posed Oak Grove water and sewer system. Pittman, who acted as spokesman for the government agency men, said the FHA would provide a grant of $123,000 (."grant" is government-ese for "gift") and a 40-year loan of $136,300 to finance construction of the system. In the past, the district has sought gov- ernment grant money to finance the sys- tem to no avail. The project has been suf- fering set-back after set-back because the area didn't have the required population thought necessary to pay back the money necessary to construct the services. At Tuesday night's meeting, Pittman and Smith offered tlge financing plan, provided the County would exercise the option of whether or not to accept almost immediately.. "We must have th6 application in process by March 12", Pittman said, which didn't leave much time for' making up minds. Pittman said 'it was FHA's calculations that potential customers would have to put up $20.00 deposits 'which would be put into an operation and maintenance fund for the first year of operation. Water and sewer bills would be charged at the rate of $5.80 a month for a flat sewer service charge and water on a sliding scale. The first 2,000 gallons of water would cost $4 50, the next 3,000 gallons would be $1.00 per thousand and the cost would reduce with the increased use. The minimum bill, according to Pittman would be $10.30. Pittman said FHA suggested the county contract with the City of Port St. Joe to furnish treated water, collect the sewage for its disposal plant and do all maintenance and billing. "This will insure the system will be well maintained and bills collected", Pittman said. He pointed out this was necessary for the system to pay off its bonded indebtedness. ,Pittman said a minimum of 170 customers would be needed to make the suggested rates reasonable. "If you have less customers, the rate would have to be increased slightly and if the county puts in some money, the rate can be reduced, slightly", Pittman said. Jesse Hallman, a resident of Oak Grove was present at the meeting and said he felt the people of the community would accept the system at a fair price. Pittman pointed out that the offer was the best available. "There are hundreds of areas waiting for this money if you don't take it. It wasn't easy to get. It's a matter of building now or waiting a year or two and having pollution control people say you have to establish a tax district and put in the system anyway". Commissioner Everette Owens made the motion that the County give Pittman a letter of intent to proceed with the project and get the application moving while the Commis- sioners spend the next 10 days to two weeks polling citizens in the Oak Grove area. "We want to tell them the story", Owens said, "and get their reaction." The Board unani- mously agreed to Owens' motion, which, for the first time in five years of planning, put the actual project into motion. A five-day revival emphasis will be held at the First Unitec Methodist Church, starting Sunday, according to the pas tor, Rev. Johnie McCurdy. The special emphasis wil begin with a dinner in Fellow ship Hall at 6:00 P.M., Sunday and the first preaching service at the Sunday night service at 7:00 P.M. Services will be helc each day through Thursday of next week at 7:15 A.M., ir Fellowship Hall and 7:30 each evening in the church sanctu- ary. The visiting revival team is Clifford Abbott, now pastor o: the First United Methodist Church of Enterprise, Ala bama, who will be doing the preaching. and Lt. Col. James B. Overton who will lead the 'singing. Mrs- George Duren ol Port St. Joe will be the musician for each of the services. Rev. Abbot is much ir demand for revival services throughout the conference. He has pastored at Marianna Tallahassee, Fairhope, Toul minville, Montgomery and other south Alabama chur ches. Lt. Col. Overton is from Fort Walton Beach qnd has spent much time in revival crusades since his retirement from the military in 1970. He was the soloist for Dr. Billy Graham's Christmas visit to Korea in 1968. He was a command pilot in the Air Force for 28 years. The church congregation extends a cordial invitation to everyone to attend their spe- cial services. County Accepts Insurance Plan for Courthouse Frank Graddy, Gulf Coun- s ty's insurance comptroller, f gave the Board a plan which t would reduce their projected insurance premiums Tuesday e night on coverage *for the s courthouse and Jail with con- e tents. Graddy hasn't come up Sharks Hosting District Tourney e Port St. Joe will be host to the Class 2A, District 3 Bas- _ ketball Tournament starting 1 Friday night. Teams seeking - advancement in the state play-off system will be Blountstown, Chattahoochee, t Carter-Parramore and Port t St. Joe. S In the opening round at 7:30 p.m., Blountstown and Chat- tahoochee will be vying for a place in the championship game Saturday night. Carter- Parramore and Port St. Joe will play at nine p.m. Friday night. Winners of the- two games will meet to decide the number one team at eight p.m. Saturday night. Two were hurt when this car and another vehicle collided at the intersection of Fifth Street and Long Avenue. Two Injured In 2-Car Accident Two women were injured in a two car collision last Thurs- day night, according to Port St. Joe Police Department. Miss Dee Dee Gainous re- ceived cuts about the face and Eugenia Watts Thomas was treated for leg injuries as a result of the accident. The mishap.occurred when a sedan, driven by Janet Ann Gautreaux, with Miss Gainous as a passenger crossed the intersection at Long. and Fifth Street into the path of the second car, driven- by Mrs. Thomas, who was travelling west on Fifth Street. The Thomas .car struck the Gautreax machine in the pas- senger 'side, injuring Miss Gainous. Both injured ladies were taken to Municipal Hos- pital by Gulf County Volunteer Ambulance Service.. The accident was investi- gated by City Patrolmen Bob Lightfoot and Oscar Jones. with a plan as yet to reduce the big items of workman's compensation and vehicle in- surance, which really digs into the county pocket. Graddy suggested the coun- ty increase the insured value of the Courthouse from $650,- 000 to $812,500. an increase of 25 percent, and assume 20 percent of' the insurance, while purchasing coverage of 80'percent of the value. "This will increase your premium but make it something you can live with", he 'said. Graddy suggested three premium plans-one with a $100.00 de- ductible; another with a $1,000 deductible and a third with a $5,000 deductible. Premiums on the $100.00 deductible would run $2,582 a year for a three year period. The $1,000 deductible would cost the county $2,169 and the $5,000 deductible, $2,066. Jail coverage would cost $775, $651 and $620 for the three deductibles, based on a value of $320,000 for the jail and its contents. The big item in each policy was the extended coverage item which took well over half of the premium. The Board decided to take the $1,000 deductible policies on. both the Courthouse and Jail which still increases their insurance premium $700.00 over the previous year, with less protection. The thinking of the County Board was that they could take care of small claims themselves but would be ade- quately covered in case of a large loss or claim. Still to be decided is what plan to follow to reduce the remainder of the county's gargantuan insurance bill which is expected to run in the neighborhood of $100,000. INVESTIGATION The Board was also in receipt of another letter 'call- ing for an investigation on actions of some five years past. A letter from J. A. Mulren- nan, director of the state's mosquito control program, and co-director with the coun- ty over the county operation said he would be in town in the near future to examine the results of an investigation which had been brought to his attention by County Judge David Taunton. , Mulrennan's letter and C. E. Daniell, Gulf's Mosquito Con- trol supervisor, said Judge Taunton was investigating some work performed by the Department for the St. Jos- eph's Bay Country Club about five years ago. Daniell said the department had sought permission to build a ditch on the property to drain a swam- py area. Daniell said his state supervisors would not approve the project as a drainage operation and the county, in- structed him to dig the ditch anyway at their expense. "There was nothing wrong with the project or the way it &was done Dani'ell said. "The whole problem is that it couldn't be done on the budget of our department since it is partially financed by the state and each project needs state approval. We can rent our men and equipment for county projects, but the county must pay for it. The whole question is whether or not the county ever paid the Mosquito Con- trol Department for the work". The biggest question the Board had was why Judge Taunton was investigating the matter in the first place. ' THREATENED The County Commission re- ceived a threat from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tuesday night by letter. The threat was instigated when the county and MK Ranches filled (Continued on Page 8) Port St. Joe will have its Bicentennial batteries charg- ed Monday night by a per- formance by the official U.S. Navy Band and choral group in the High School Coliseum. The performance" has been arranged for by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club, who have been working on the project for about six months. The band and choral group -will present a two hour con- cert Monday' afternoon and another performance at night during their visit here. The afternoon performance will be aimed mostly at students of the area schools and the night performance will be favorite' niusical numbers for adults. Bands from area high schools will converge on Port St. Joe Monday afternoon for the performance. Some local and area band members will be playing with the Navy band. Admission to the perform- ances are $1.00 for students and $2.00 for adults in ad- vance. Door,sales of tickets will be 50c more each. ALQ4a Burr-Heads Their daddy had said a hundred times, "When are you going to get that long, stringy hair cut", to no avail. Their sixth grade teacher, Bill Barlow just kept on getting his cut to the crew-cut style (one of about six men in town who do) and his stubbornness of sticking to his style paid off. About a week ago, Frankie Williams, right, said, "Mr. Barlow, I'm going to get my hair cut like yours". Bill Barlow (the oldest kid in the picture) said he didn't believe Frankie would do it. The next day, Frankie came to school with his butch cut and during the following week, Kenny Hutchinson, Danny McDermott, Joey Hewett and Patrick May turned up with the short style hair cut, emulating their teacher. Patrick May said, "Everyone can tell who is our home room teacher how." Which all goes to show that example can speak louder than harsh words in this the day of the long hair. In the meantime, the boys are enjoying the attention they are getting as the only short hairs in school. Star photo To promote the program and spur advance ticket sales, the Kiwanis will be going door to door with their ticket sales and set up a booth at the corner of Reid Avenue and Third Street in downtown Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, manned from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., by Kiwanians and Key Clubbers. The Navy Band is touring the nation in celebration of the Bicentennial year and is mak- ing select stops in smaller communities. The perform- ance here in Port St. Joe will be their only stop in Northwest Florida. Concert times are 1:00 P.M., Monday afternoon and 7:$0 P.M., for the evening show. In High School Coliseum Navy Band Performing Here Monday I KI IM TC KIFWFO M . '-"'' a ~CC~r* PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1976 -THE STAR- - Published Every Thursday at 306 Willla$hs Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida 4 By The Star Publishing Company 44 Second-.Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Wesley R. Ramsey ........................... ................. Editor and Publisher William H. Ramsey .............................................. Production Supt. Frenchie L. Ramsey ................................................ Office Manager Shirley K. Ramsey........................................ Typesetter, Subscriptions ' POSTOFFICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., i3.00 THREE MOS., $027.50 OUT OF COUNTY-One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.--One Year, 57.0 , TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions In advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely , asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Editorials. . Flood Insurance Regulations Stupid Regulations as set out by the federal government regarding flood insurance here in Port St. Joe seem to us to be in a word, stupid. The City has been told they can counter the requirements only with facts and statistics, while the regu- lations were not drawn by the same facts and statistics. They were arrived at from theory. According to the representatives of the insurance program which visited Port St. Joe recently, they said, the' off-shore water depth, the continental shelf and the average path of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico makes floods of 12 feet possible. Then they go on to say they are basing their building requirements on the 100 year exper- ience from flooding. The fact is that Port St. Joe has not had flooding of 12 feet in the past 140 yeajps..rhis is fact based on the testimony of people who have lived here over the years and not based on some theory. The flood insurance people counter this fact by stating that we are due a flood if we have not -had one in 100 years. The fact is that we had our 100 year flood this past year when the ::tides came in at about eight feet above normal and caused some flooding in about three homes. All three homes suffered damages but not to the extent to justify building them 12 feet in the air just so they could be insured. It's possible we could have a 12 foot tide, but based on history, just as all insurance rates are based, the possibilities are very remote. In fact, based on experience, Port St. Joe should be a pretty good flood insurance risk; better than Panama City Beach, which was given a building elevation of 10 feet. It would seem that based on the same theory used by government flood control people, private insur- ance companies would require us to have fire-proof homes in order to get fire insurance; or burglar-proof buildings in order to get burglar insurance. We would need crash- proof cars to get automobile insur- ance and a guarantee of eternal life in order to get life insurance. Insurance is purchased to pro-o tect the property owner from un- usual circumstances. If people in Port St. Joe are eventually required to build to the requirements of the flood insurance people, we won't need the flood insurance: we'll be protected by our building practices from unusual flood conditions. Requirements from the flood insurance people is only another in the long list of evidence that the government doesn't belong in the areas of private business. Some of the most bloody wars fought in the old West were over water rights. A land owner with a creek running through his property at times thought he had the right to dam up the creek and preserve all ;the water for himself. Of course, the man who owned property down- stream had a difference of opinion ,and the range war was the result. We have such a war going on right here over the Apalachicola :River. Industrial interests in Geor- gia and Alabama want to control the Apalachicola River for shipping. :Fldrida interests want to leave it like it is. A member of the Florida 'Cabinet went so far as to publicly state, "It isn't your river, it's ours." Now river control advocates of the water supply upstream are saying, "It isn't your water, it's ours". The most recent event in the river wrangle is that the people of Georgia and Alabama are threaten- ing to drink the water of the Flint and Chattahoochee before they get to Florida to form the mighty Apalachicola. They say they are thirsty up there and getting more thirsty as each year passes by. There may not be any six-guns drawn over the matter, but the range war over the Apalachicola could get bloody and nasty before a truce is called. Stt s, to the Editor )ear Mr. Ramsey: charge. SOf the many cogs in the h b wheel that keeps us turning it You have been a true pro- GARC M t :will not be an overstatement mother of the Association and to say that you are a very much of our success is mainly On March 4 special cog in the GARC's due to your dedication to your i h ee Gprofession and to the people of wheel. Port St. Joe. The Gulf County Association : Your perserverance and for Retarded Citizens (GARC) continuous efforts in helping We will always remember will hold its monthly meeting :as in our endeavor to become you for your willingness to next Thursday night, March 4, known is to be considered as serve your community, you at seven p.m. The meeting will - hat of one who is truly dedi- are always there when pic- be held in the GARC Activity cated to the betterment of our tures are to be taken. And it is Center, located next door to :society. a wonderful feeling to know the American Legion on Main " that we have a person such as Of the many news items and yourself pulling for us. St. in North Port St. Joe. either publications we have brought to you, you have, The GARC salutes you and For fever failed to print them with would like to thank you. Aa 4:zesty flavor that was most Sincerely, Ambulance Appealing and always brought Gulf County Association for Call 227-23 11 positive results, and without Retarded Citizens C Pollution Control Working This aerial photograph, made by a Star photographer recently, would indicate that St. Joe Paper Company's pollution Billy Joe Is Going to Talk It has been announced that Billy Joe Rish, local area re- presentative to the Florida State Legislature is to speak to a gathering of all Fourth Masonic District Masons; their wives and families on Saturday evening, Feb. 28. Mr. Rish will speak on the subject of Americanism and will be joining with the local Masonic Lodge in celebrating a portion of the Bicentennial year. Members of Masonic Lodges, F & AM in Gulf, Cal- houn and Bay counties are urged to join with Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111 in the enjoy-- ment of a covered-dish sup- per, and to hear Rep. Rish. The meeting will take place at the local Masonic Lodge buildingat 7:00l.r-i control devices are working. In the past, the smoke from the mill would stretch out half-way to Wewahitchka, but now it just blossoms up into the air and condenses into the air, since the emission is mostly steam. The local mill has set the pattern for other paper mills in the South for ridding the air of pullutants. ETAOIN SHRDLU By WESLEY R. RAMSEY I received a mail-out from Senator Richard -Stone the other day, in which he was pleading our cause (yours and mine) against the bureaucracy which makes us do things we don't particularly want to do and all with the immunity of not having to face the voter for approval on occasion. One of the biggest gripes of the American people today is the bale of regulations which seem to come out daily from Washington or Tallahassee, saying we have to do this or that in a certain way to comply with government regulations. Most of these regulations seem asinine to most of us. The flood insurance regulations are a good case in point. Senator Stone said, "An army of 100,000 federal regulators is now patrolling our free- enrerprise economy' and it's time Congress River Town Boys Dream: Green-Visored Cap By CHARLIE WEBB . The railroad depot and the green visor-wearing depot agent were popular in our river town. Most entertain- ment was held on the loading platform, while the audience sat on the cross ties parallel to the platform. If you have never sat on the end of a railroad cross tie and ; : : : IKiller ONCE UPON A TIME Episode One About 55 years ago it got so cold in. Alligator Harbor the, speckled trout froze. The way we found out was the pelicans were diving at the fish. Me and Fergie and Jimmie and Charley McKissack were on a camp supervised by H. V. Campbell's daddy, Mr. John Henry. (Not the one who had the hammer in his hand). We built a big lighterd knot fire on the beach and arming ourselves with sharpened cab- bage palm limbs, waded through a thin skim of ice and on out to knee deep and waist deep. Each one strung his limb full and drug it back toward the fire (pronounced for). There was some confu- sion around the for-some shovin' and pushin' and turn- ing around but we eventuallyy had to quit as the sun came out and the fish thawed. (Continued Next Week) FRIEND Smiley Anchors was his name. He slid into the Halls of Fame. Although a lie he'd never tell, Welknopw,e.ill not go to H111. But if he changes all his ways He may live out his elder days. E. A. Poe Killer K. enjoyed a one man ventrilo- quist from a depot, while help- ing your sweetheart remove a train cinder from her high top shoe, the experience could be a long time in coming around again. We were not hostile people, but often two peppery men in a flare up of some kind, after exhausting other means of communications, such as naked words and bare fists, would then reach up and per- manently part each other's hair with a few strokes of a slick peavy handle. No damage was ever done to the handles, which was a good thing, because as a sawmill town, a hickory peavy handle was the pride and joy of our river-logging survival. As boys we loved to wear long bibbed caps to school and would keep the cap in a back hip pocket during the day, hoping to be the first boy out of school with a cap on. The boyish dream was to own a green-visored cap just like the depot agent's. A teacher realized this and car- ried us to the depot to see the cap and hear the thumping of a telegraph machine under a Prince Albert tobacco can. Each boy tried on the cap, then looked up at the sun through its green shade. One weak-eyed member of the group later on made discov- eries within the solar system that benefited all humanity. It is difficult to say what youth will see when youth looks toward the sun. The sun's brilliance and power, when observed by the brilliance and power of youth, could be a true factor within the beauty of today and could help create the wholesome dreams of tomorrow. ' I SEEDS FROM THE SOWER By Michael A. Guido, Metter, Georgia We are men and women with an emptiness that noth- ing here can fill. There is something that is in us that the world never satisfies. It is a built-in thirst which the Creator planned with a purpose. It is a longing for Himself and only He can fill it. But the mass of men and women do not understand it. They just know that life is empty and meaningless. They have a feeling that there is something more to life. So 'they search for it. When a person begins that search, it grows in him. He gets hungrier and thirstier for the real thing. Then he real- izes at last that he is really thirsting for the living God. Listen to how a king des- cribed it in Psalm 143:6, "I stretch forth my hands unto Thee: my soul thirsteth after Thee, as a thirsty land." And that thirst does not go unrewarded. God has prom- ised in His Word, "When you seek Me, you shall find Me, if you search with all your heart." Many centuries ago a man prayed, "Thou hast made us for Thyself, and.-our heairs are restless, 'till they rest in Thee." He satisfies. Why not try Christ now! policed their excesses". Stone went on to say, ".. last year business and industry was swamped with 5,146 different forms that took over 100 million man-hours to fill out". Talk about wasting energy! Senator Stone is in the place one has to be in order to curb these excesses. I will watch the papers daily for his positive action in this matter. A sociologist in West Palm Beach is now conducting a course in Palm Beach Junior College on how to handle space beings. Dr. Richard E. Yinger is teaching earthlings how to handle meetings with life from outer space. He says the first thing to learn is not to panic. With that insight to Dr. Yinger's course, it would ar as if one would handle space Beings about as&he would earth beings.. 'p'' If I should meet a person from outer space, I will try not to panic as I put as much distance between it or him and me as quickly as possible. I wonder where Dr. Yinger received his instruction to teach a course? Is he qualified? Who set the 'qualification standards? Who checked the standards and Dr. Yinger out as to the authenticity of their knowledge? Luckily Dr. Yinger is teaching the course free of charge. I would hate to think the state was paying him to teach such subjects. The Harvard "Lampoon", a publication at the famous university has celebrated its 100th anniversary by seceding from the union and applying to the United Nations for admission as "The People's Newly Emerging Nation and Republic, of Lampoon". The application says, "We are the only potential member nation that has not violated any resolutions of the U.N. Universal Declara- tion of Human Rights of 1948. Furthermore, our. gross national product exceeds that of both Comoros and the Maldive Islands, member nations that have yet to be found on any map." If the nation of Lampoon is accepted, that ought to qualify them for foreign aid. That's a sneaky way of getting aid to education at a church-supported school. The three former General Electric nuclear. power employees are making headlines in the news these days claiming they quit their jobs because G.E.'s nuclear power program has moved too far, too fast and has become so dangerous that it now threatens the very existence of life on this planet. The three were referring to the manufacture of nuclear power plant facilities. Life on this planet has always been threatened: first by the sword, then gunpowder and now atomic power. As we see it, life on earth is also threatened by a lack of power production. If the three engineers have the answer, they would have performed a far better service to stay on the job and help correct the mistakes they think they have discovered. Marion Clay Daniels, a former resident of Port St. Joe has also been making the headlines during the past week with his suit against the state for $75,000 in damages for being kept in the state's Sunland centers for eight years, when he didn't belong there. Daniels attorney, Jon Caminez of Tallahas- see made a statement about Daniels the other day about his mental condition when he referred to his client's status as a student at Florida State University at the present time. Caminez remarked, "It would be a sad commentary to think FSU has retarded students". You can write your own editorial comment to that statement. Could Get Nasty Take Double-Header from Florida High TA-I STR, ort t. oeFla.THUSDA, FE. 2, 176 PGE HRE Hatcher, Sanborn, Pettis Hurl Sharks Season Openers The Sharks opened their 1976 season with a double- header sweep over district foe Florida High. In the opener Port St. Joe downed the Demons 8-0 behind The Republican Party of. Florida meeting of the State Executive Committee in Or- lando last week end was cer- May On Dean's List Bruce May, son of Mr. and Mrs. David B. May of this city has been named to the Dean's List at the University of North Carolina at Chappel Hill, ac- cording to the university ad- ministration. . A student must maintain a 3.0 grade average to qualify for the Dean's List. May is a first year student at the University. Smokey Says: apme =w,- do f0d the three-hit pitching perform- ance of Ricky Hatcher. Hat- cher fanned 10 Demons while giving up two base on balls. All Florida High hits were singles as they never threat- tainly a huge success if at- tendance and enthusiasm are a criteria. Over 300 current members and candidates for election made up a noisy and happy group who cheered on Mary Louise Smith, the Chairman of the National Republican Par- ty who flew down from Wash- ington to address the group. There was jubilation when Mary Louise announced that for the first time in the history of Florida there are over a million registered Republi- cans. This means that one third of the voters in Florida are now Republicans. Five years ago only one out of five voters were Republicans,. Mrs. Smith also stressed that the Republican Party firmly believes the smaller the federal government, the better, and that the people and their local governments know best what their own problems are and the federal govern- ment should stay out of pro- blems that can best be solved at the local level. Stiles Brown, who attended the meeting as a representa- tive of Gulf County Republi- cans, announces that he now has available for any regis- tered Republican who wishes to attend the National Con- vention as a delegate or an al- ternate, all of the forms nec- * 12 It 0 L.. Lc -40 ~mo co 0 *:rn a %low 0 40 aw aim .Q a QB- - am ftD -- 4w40 m mm- -m ft go NO -m -- ows 4wmo -. 1Umft0 - so fm NVP a am m ft &.0mm-a m < - - a. S OW- ened. IHatcher led the Sharks at the plate with two singles and two RBI's. John Owens, Eddie Creamer and Keef Pettis were credited with one hit each. essary for filing for election. The forms must be in the state office in Tallahassee before March 15: The election of delegates from the fii'st con- In the second game the Sharks fell behind 3-0, but fought back for a 4-3 win. Sandy Sanborn started on the mound but needed relief help by Keef Pettis in the fifth inning. Pettis pitched three innings of no-run, no-hit ball. Sanborn and Tim Hatcher led the hitting with two hits each. DROP TWO TO DELAND The Sharks travelled to De- gressional district will be held- gates and three alternates. in Fort Walton Beach on, Mr. Brown stresses that any March 20. registered Republican in the The first congressional dis- first congressional district trict is entitled to three dele:- may run for any of the six land and had very little to cheer about as the Sharks lost ' 8-2 and 3-1. The Saturday night game was rained out. The Sharks loaded the bases with back-to-back hits by Bill positions. Mr. Brown can be reached for further information at his residence at 1505 Monument Ave. in Port St. Joe. Norton and Wade Stoutamire and a walk to Rick Hatcher when the rain came. Sandy Sanborn pitched for the Sharks, giving up nine hits and two bases on balls, while striking out three De- land batters. Costly Shark er- rors and a strong hitting at- tack by Deland kept the Sharks in trouble. Sanborn collected two hits, Pettis got a bunt single and Tim Hatcher had the only other hit, as the Sharks were held to only four hits. In the second game the Sharks fell behind 1-0 in the first inning, but came back in the second inning to tie the score when Harlen Haddock walked and Bill Norton doub- led to left field scoring Had- dock. The Deland Bulldogs pushed across two runs in the fifth on two errors and a base on balls. Ricky Hatcher pitched his second strong game as he al- lowed Deland two hits while striking out five. The three runs were all unearned. The Sharks were held to three hits. HOME THIS WEEKEND The Sharks play at home Friday at 3:00 against Apa- lachicola and entertain Monti- cello Saturday in a double- header beginning at 1:00 p.m. 1976 Marking Number 53 with a DANLEY'S toreWide Sale We've been in Port St. Joe for 37 Years Danley established their first store in 1923, with a strong tradition of customer service and guaranteed satisfaction. 3 r |Since then, we've blossomed into oneof the leading furniture retailers in the industry. A pioneer in the furniture-showcase ANNIVERSARY concept. A concept that enables the customer to see \/ completed rooms (over 300) of furniture -in the stores. Featuring nationally known brands at tremendous savings and free immediate delivery.from readily available in-stock inventory. Danley is your assurance of lower prices due to hOR T40 vast volume buying. .and better quality for less! SUNSET OAK From the manor in the mountains to the town- house by the bay, SUNSET OAK adds a feeling of warmth and permanence to any home. Exe- cuted in a combination of solid oak, oak veneers and other cabinet hardwoods (both solids and veneers), this sturdy masculine design .adds new dimensions of beauty and .comfort to casual living. Selected pieces are handsomely accented with simulated slate, simulated leather and decorative fabrics. ... Double Bed -~,$119.00;. Chest $199.00.; Dresser $189.00; Mirror $88.00; Night Stand - $75.00. Chest $169.00; Desk $139.00; Chair $44.00; Hutch $95.00; Door Chest $94.00; Corner Desk $110.00; B. Chest $94.00; Hutch $85.00; Trundle Bed $179.00; Mirror $44.00; Dresser - $149.00. E N S T 0 C K Let Us Assist You in Planning Your Room SEALY SLEEP GUARD LUXURY Stiles Brown Has the Forms Want to Attend Republican Convention? TnIE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THU'RSDAY, FEB. 26, 1976 PAGE THREE -.PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1976 Thanks Marching Mothers A belated by very sincere .tank you to approximately 55 eogople who collected $1,048.88 :i6m Port St. Joe, Highland View, Oak Grove, North Port 9t. Joe and St. Joe Beach for the Mother's March of Dimes. Thie following seven people -The Mexico Beach Baptist churchh is being reopened, wIith the Rev. William C. Gil- bert, formerly of Liberty, South Carolina, as pastor. Rev. Gilbert is married and has six children. He formerly conducted a radio ministry over station WKKR in Pic- kens, South Carolina. SThe church will be an inde- -pendent Baptist church, the ,.same as formerly, and will ;commence having Sunday :morning and evening worship :services along with Sunday were area chairpersons: Gladys Brown; Pat Costin, Peggy Whitfield, Dorothy Jones, Shirley Williams, Mad- eline Swatts and Joyce Sweazy. Walking with these chair- persons in a door-to-door ef- School this Sunday, Feb. 29. Sunday School will begin at 9:45 a.m., with worship ser- vices following at 11:00. Sun- day evening services will be at 6:00 p.m. Prayer meeting will be on Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. All times are Central times. A nursery will be avail- able for small children during services. The church is located on the north side of U. S. Highway 98 at 35th St. in Mexico Beach. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. fort were: Loraine Carter, Clara Evans, Dorothy Thomas, Phyllis Willis, Rosa Anthony, Mary Sims, Marilyn Batson, Mary Lee Pittman, Mrs. Frank Barnes, Carolyn White, Ruth Lucas, Lou Mork, Sandra Raffield, Miriam Dee- son, Irene Burkett, Martha Roberts, Phalere Ramcey, Nora Gibbs, Mrs. Wallace Guillot, Bobbie Rhames, Olga Choranel, Linda Pursnell. Also: Mindy Roberts, Trina Roberts, Margaret Benson, Catherine Minger, Betty Wal- ton, Wynell Burke, Stella Far- ris, Margie Miller, Mrs. Charles Cloud, Dorothy Gross- man, Virginia Smith, Betty Herring, Bill Summers, Pam Parker, Mary Dell Pettis, Debbie Tankersley, Mrs. Ran- dall McClain, Ida Copenhaver, Sylvia Costin, Mary Knox, Greta Freeman, Phyllis Alt- staetter, Franki6 Taylor, Mary Levins and Marie Davis. Helen Ramsey, Chairperson Mother's March of Dimes . - t. ,, ; y, 4 ? -,.* c.. t- r t. r : : ._ : -, : - .- .. .... _- '. .. ... .... ......... Sharron Hallman, seated at right pre- hostesses, from left to right, Mrs. Audrey pares to open one of her gifts received at a Anderson, Mrs. Marjorie Boswell, Mrs. Joy shower Friday night. With her is her mother, Richards, Mrs. Erma Kennedy and Mrs. Mrs. Jesse Hallman. Standing are the Vivian Little. Star photo Bridal Shower Honors Miss Sharron IHallman, March Bride-Elect . Miss Sharron Hallman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DAR, CHARTER N#EMIBEjI Mrs. George Core, Mrs. Roy.Smitlu, Mrs. i., sdM,*rs. J es.-fberts pose, with speaker, Charles Smith, center. Mrs' OwensIs wearing Charles B. Smith, guest speaker for the History Month meeting of St. Joseph Bay Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution on Feb. :18 was introduced by Mrs. Tom Owens, program chair- man, as "Mr. History of Port St. Joe". His lifelong interest in history, particularly of this area, has earned him this title. His timely subject, "Events Leading to the American Re- volution", emphasized hap- penings during the 12 years prior to the outbreak of the war and taxes without repre- sentation levied against the- colonists. He stated that a compara- tively small percentage of colonists were really dedi- cated to the cause of Inde- pendence. Had all had equal zeal, the war could have been won in three instead of the eight years it lasted. George Washington was singled out by Mr. Smith because of his unique qualities of leadership and greatness. He concluded by saying that (1) 0 0 n -oM *.I 00 the Bicentennial costume which she will wear to represent the local chaptr'ate' the slate DA "6'odfer 'fed-tn' Daytona 'Beach on March 1-3. Star photo events in the world today could require dedication equal to that of revolutionary pat- riots before this century is ended. ' Mr. Smith displayed a com- memorative coin given him by his grandfather struck in 1783 in honor of George Washing- ton. Mrs. Nobie Stone reporting as National Defense Chair- man spoke of taxation without representation in the country today. The unbelievable de- ficit spending is a tax burden to generations yet unborn, taxation in a chronological sense rather than geographi- cal, as in 1776. Presiding at the meeting, Mrs. Paul S. Fensom, Regent, welcomed Fran Hannon Smith, (Mrs. Roy) as a chap- ter charter member. She was admitted at the National Board meeting in Washington, Jan. 30. .The Regent announced that Mrs. W. S. Quarles, Jr. is DAR Schools Chairman and Miss Margaret Howell, Press Book Chairman for the Chapter. A seventh freedom flag, the Bennington, has been added to the collection already given the chapter. All are gifts of William B. Simmons. Guests of members attend- ing were Mrs. Paul Johnsen; Mrs. Barbara Watts, Mrs. Joseph Salter (nee Ann Belin), of Montgomery, Ala. and Mrs. L. L. Copenhaver, Sr. of Nash- ville, Tenn. The luncheon meeting was held at the Garden Center. Mrs. George Suber, Chaplain, conducted the opening ritual, Mrs. J. I. Melvin led ip the pledge of allegiance to the flag and American's creed. Garden Club members serv- ed a delicious luncheon to the 27 members, prospective members and guests present. Flower arrangements of red, white and blue carried out the patriotic theme. In addition to those named, Comforter Funeral Home Gulf County's First Beginning 30 Years of Continuous Service Pete, Hortense & Rocky Comforter I Telephone 227-3511 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH' Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue Rev. George. Gay, Interim Pastor Sunday hool ....... .... ......... 9:45A.M. Morning Worship Service ... ........ 11:00 A.M. Church Training ..................... 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service ............ 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) ................ 7:00 P.M. "Come and Worship God with Us" ------ --- ^ ^ ws--------^te.w- CARD OF THANKS Our mother, Mrs. Delie Hat- cher, went to meet the Lord on Feb. 13, 1976, carrying with her the assurance of the love and concern of many dear friends and neighbors who tried in every way humanly possible to make her last days easier. We who are left behind are deeply appreciative of all the ways that love and compas- sion were exhibited in her be- half and ours. We realize that many of you expect no "thanks" for what. you did because she was your "Ma," but we must use this means to express our deep gratitude to all who had a part in sharing life's greatest treasure, love. 1 Corinthians 13. E. L. Antley & Family Earl Hatcher Jack Hatcher & Family attending were Mesdames Charles Brown, Herb Brouil- lette, Gannon Buzzett, Ronald Childers, L. L. Copenhaver, Jr., George Core, Herman Dean, Richard Porter, James B. Roberts, Ralph Swatts, Mark Tomlinson, S. H. Wea- thington, Eloise Cain of Pan- ama City and John Howard of Apalachicola. Jesse Hallman of Oak Grove, was honored with a Bridal Shower last Friday night, at the Highland View Baptist Church. The room was beautifully decorated with Sharron's chosen colors of yellow and green. Sharron and her mother were presented lovely cor- sages. The honoree received many beautiful gifts and fond wishes. Hostesses for this event were Mrs. Erma Kennedy, Mrs. Audrey Anderson, Mrs. Marjorie Boswell, Mrs. Wayra Peterson, Mrs. .Vivian Little and M: Miss ried or Teagu tist Ch ahasse All f the coi tend at They p in Tall rs. Joy Richards. Hallman is to be mar- a March 20, to John J. e, Jr. in the First Bap- iurch Chapel in Talla- e at three p.m. friends and relatives of uple are invited to at- ind witness the nuptials. lan to make their home ahassee. CARD OF THANKS The family of Arnett Gipson wishes to express their thanks for gifts of food, flowers and cards at the time of their bereavement. Your thought- fulness is deeply appreciated. Christine, Lorraine & Earl You Are Cordially Invited to Attend LONG AVENUE Baptist Church Corner Long Ave. and 16th St. SUNDAY SCHOOL ................ MORNING WORSHIP................. CHURCH TRAINING .................. EVENING WORSHIP ................ PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:15 P.M. Jerome Cartier, Minister of Music ANSWERING SERVICE When you're out of the office the prob- lems multiply. Your work's unattended. Customers and associates wait for answers. Your business may suffer, but there's no need for this-espe- clally when It costs so little to stay In contact with our Personal Paging Service. How does it work? No matter where you are in the city, your clients and your office can reach you. We provide you with your own personal pager. When you leave the office you simply 1.qtuck It Into your pocket. If you have an urgent message your secretary dials your pager number. You hear an alerting tone ... only your pager re- ceilves It. And you hear only the calls meant for you. At your earliest conven- ience you call your secretary and re- ceive the message. It's quite a service. You're always available when peo- ple need you as long as you're In the city. So, you're more productive and your day runs smoother. For more facts, call us today. St. Joseph Tel. & Tel. Co. 229-7222 Would money change the way you live? Why not see us about a home improvement loan today? If you're thinking of changing the way you live by remodeling, building or adding a room, you're also probably thinking about the money it will take. " That's where we come in. See us today about a low-interest bank home improvement loan tailored to meet your plans and budget requirements. We'd like to loan you the money to change the way you live. Florida First National Bank at Port St. Joe ...C.. FD- G Mexico Beach Baptist Church Being Re-opened Charles SmithIs Guest Speaker forDAR's Hisotry Month Program Mission Group Met Feb. 16 Mission Group II of the First United Methodist Church met in the home of Miss Gertrude Boyer February 16th, with 14 members present. The Chairman, Mrs. Alfred Joines, presided over the busi- ness meeting and reminded the members that February was Activities Month and also of the workshop to be held in Marianna. Mrs. Edith Stone presented the program: "Are you Boxed In or Boxed Up?" The scrip- ture reading was Isaiah 56:6-8 and Romans 12:1-5. The meeting was dismissed with the benediction. Square Dancing The Gulf Copunty Recreation Department is considering the possibility of offering square dance lessons. Anyone inter- ested in taking lessons should call the Recreation office at 2?9-6119. Gives Students Variety of Experiences THE I ST.\, Port St. Joe. Fla. TIlURSDAY. FEB. 26, 1976 Youth Work Program Gives Practical Exposure Next time you report a forest fire, don't be surprised if a polite, young voice ans- wers "White City Fire Tower" instead of the deeper voices of veteran forest rangers John Redmon or Tom Blackwell. If you are interested in the Mun- icipal Hospital, you'll be glad to know that the Medical Re- cords Office now has some extra help in updating their records of past years. These workers are just a few of the almost 60 persons enrolled in the Work Experi- ence Training and Education. Program in Gulf County. Ann Sherry Herring, Gulf County's Field Supervisor, reports that there 'are actually four differ- ent programs making -up the Work Experience Program. These programs are: Youth Work Experience, Adult Work Experience, Older Workers Work Experience and Class- room Training. The Work Experience Training and Education Pro- gram is directed by A. G. Standland and is just one of the many different programs under the Department of Com- munity Affairs. The intent of the program is to help disadvantaged persons help themselves, either through actual work experi- ence and training or class- room training in a vocational school. In order to be eligible for the services of the pro- gram, the applicant must meet the economic guidelines set up by the U. S. Department of Labor. Youth enrollees must be 14-18 (or 21 if. still in high school), Adult and Classroom Training enrollees must be at least 18,-and the Older Work- ers Program is for persons over 55 years of age. All clients receive at least the minimum wage. Youth en- rollees work 10 hours per week, while the other clients work and-or attend school up to 40 hours per week. The clients are not the sole recipients of the advantages of these programs. The entire . ,community is helped by the 'services these people per- form. In addition to the two worksites already mentioned (White City Fire Tower and Municipal Hospital), enrollees work at Port St. Joe Jr.-Sr. iHigh School, Port St. Joe Ele- mnentary School, Highland View Elementary, Wewa- -hitchka Jr.-Sr. High School, Wewahitchka Elementary School. Gulf County Recrea- tion Department, Wetapo Fire Tower and St. Joe Public Library. Most of the persons working at the schools serve as teacher aides or clerical aides. The workers at the Re- creation Department do any- has been the incentive that has thing from lining baseball' kept some students from drop- fields to helping a youngster ping out of school. learn how to do a forward roll. The Classroom Training Fire Tower workers' duties Program is new to Gulf Coun- include manning the tower, ty this year. This program en- issuing burning permits, and ables a person' to attend a maintaining the grounds vocational school and learn a around the site. trade or skill which will enable him to earn a good salary As one can see. the Work after completion of the course. Experience clients perform a At the present time, clients .wide variety of services for are attending classes at Gulf the community, while at the Coast Community College and same time, they are learning Haney Vocational Technical valuable skills and improving Center in Panama City. their own families' economic Ms. Herring attributes the situation. In more than one success of the program to the incident in the past. the oppor- cooperation she has received tunity to work 10 hours a week throughout the community. --- "Everyone has always been more than willing to help, es- pecially the School Board", A_ &M_ _. she said. "Superintendent Bid- well and Ms. Laura Geddie, Director of Instruction, are especially cooperative and helpful. Without the coopera- tion of the schools and other agencies, we couldn't have a program. We have some ex- cellent worksites and worksite supervisors who are devoted to helping the enrollees any way they can." Any non-profit, public or- ganization or agency who would like to take part in helping a deserving person better his economic plight should contact Ms. Herring at the Staff Development Center, Gulf County Courthouse (229- 6124). "We are-always striving to improve our program", stated Ms. Herring, "and we need the help of the entire community in order to do so." Dr. Richard E. Hosea and Dr. Daniel M. Rosof Optometrists announce their association in the Practice of OPTOMETRY at their new location at: Suite 14, Panama City Marina Panama City, Florida Ph. 763-6681 Auto Parts For All Make Cars Monroe Shocks f ( Borg-Warner Rebuilt Parts Walker Exhausts Blackhawk Tools , RENFRO AUTO PARTS I 401 Williams Ave. 229-6013 " 'I T. lWidg's said he'wtuli have grown a big mustard leaf or two if he could have just found some good seed. As' it was, he had to settle for these specimens which he grew in his back yard at 509 Eighth Street. Though lh was complaining about the size, there is enoughlthere in each leaf to take the edge off a person's hunger for mustard. Star photo Cintele Rudd is one of the many youths employed under the Youth Work Experience Program. o She workss as a 'first grade teacher...aide at Highland View Elementary. Here she is placing a pupil's test paper on the bulletin board. .*.*..*.*..*.**..*..*.. . N Yc yc gz h< Everything you need from planting to harves C:i MA Fa La MODEL C 26" TIL S3 HP. B Esy-spir Safety rc Remote Heavy-di Deluxe K Drag bar 10" Stee Drive be 0 Removal Rugged Chain di SShip Wt. MODELS 4H.P.C Kohler e ShipWt MODEL S5 H.P. H Tecumsi SShip Wt E SPho *............ ULF V UFA CTUR ING PORTION rm, Garden and wn Care Machines Sales and Service the JACKASS A MODERN MULE TO PLOW CULTIVATE AND TURN FURROWS SINGLE WHEEL AND LOW CENTER OF GRAVITY PROVIDE EASV HANDLING AND CLOSE PLOWING CONTROL LOTS OF QUALITY FEATURES, , Comp JAZ: Di Be ff GudOrga ... Orgar GT3B LING WIDTH riggs & Stratton engine n recoil starter rmote clutch control throttle control uty tubular steel handles handle plate and attachment assembly el wheels Itguard able outer tines foi narrow fiulrv.ltii angle iron fame ive oil both tranimissitf1o -112Lbs, GT4K asiton engine .-135 Lhs GTST I -i-Torque eh engine -- 115 Ltb., GR( Kerr-I 10-1 FERIA SEED Vegetz Hangin ***- Fertilizer Spreaders and Tillers For Rent or S economyy ne 229-6001 Motors 4 Garden 301 Hwy. 98- ow... au can buy all our farm and gardening needs ere at savings! ting x )lete Line of Z FEEDS nic Fertilizer )-TONE McGee,, 8-8-8, 0-10, 5-10-15 rILIZERS )S- PLANTS able & Flower Plants g Baskets, Pots Stands ale- and Center -Highland View PAGE FIVE .~ ~ .. . . -- ------ -- --- ---- -- ----- ,..., DRINKS Coke Sprite Tab Hawaiian Punch Armour Corned (All Flavors) 46 OZ Cans Beef Peanut Butter Sunshine Cheese Its Kraft Noodles & Cheese Nabisco Saltines Jumbo Pies All Flavors 12,z. $125 oCans Jars 97 Pkg. 59 Pkg. 35. P59g: - Pkg of 12 73 IGA Fruit Cocktail 12 Oz. Cans COKE $ 99 CASE Ga. Best Premium Fresh Hens .59' Tablerite Choice Round Steak Lb. $ 29 Tablerite Choice Blade Chuck Roast Lb. 75' Tablerite Choice No. 7 Ga. Premium Best Gr. & Quality Chuck Steak Whole Fryers Slab Bacon Lb. Lb. Lb. Tablerite Choice 5 Pounds or More Best Quality Streak-0-Lean Ground Beef Salt Pork Shoulder Lb. L. Roast Lb59 Lb. Lb. 99 Tablerite Choice Tray Pack Sirloin Tip ...................... Lb. $1.49 Smoked Picnics .................... Lb.79 Tablerite Choice Top Round Steak..........Lb $1.39 Meaty Loin Ribs .............. Lb.$1.09 Tablerite Choice Bottom Round Roast ...... Lb $1.29 All Meat Stew .................Lb.$1.09 Tablerite Choice Eye 0 Round...................Lb. $1.59 Brisket Stew ..................... Lb. 39 Tablerite Choice Rump Roast .........................Lb. $1.29 Meaty Rib Stew ................. Lb.69 Sunnyland Lunch Meats-75c Value Pickel & Pimento Loaf Souse Loaf Cheese Loaf sak~aoreiedf aso McCormick Black Pepper Orano Aerosol 20-Mule Team Bathroom Cleaner Pine-Sol Cleaner Vine Ripened Small Tomatoes 29c Fresh Pole Beans Fresh Yellow Corn ........... 5/59' Red or Golden Delicious Apples ......... Single Bananas .......... Firm Celery ............. : Lb. Bag 69' Ib. 15C Stalk 29C No. 1 Irish Potatoes 99 Now In Stock Garden Seed, Fertilizer, Vegetable & Flower Plants Hanging Flower Baskets Potting Soil ___________ ____- ----- Blue Plate C. Mayonnaise Jars S Tea Bags Pkg. of 24 Can 89 SO.$179 17z. $105 Bti. 28z. $14 Btl. SPillsbury BET 7 Flour tntdefff Limit 1 LN-Food Order 5 Lb. Bag " Ga. Premium Best Grade & Quality Fryer Parts Quartered Breast .................. Lb.55 Quartered Thighs ................. Lb. 45 Split & Country Style Cut Whole Fryers ......................... Lb.48 Livers & Gizzards.................. Lb. 69' Now Available Citrus Fruit Trees Scuppernong Vines 1. : I --~ - I HAVE Al c~nr~r~m~n~ r mumumosom b. 39c; THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY. FEB. 26, 1976 School Board Borrows Money for Stadium Repair ATTEND WORKSHOP- Left. to right, Mrs. Harry Hallinan, Mrs. Hubert Thomas, Mrs. Von Bouington and Mrs. Gillie McNair. According to Superintendent Bidwell, the Gulf County School Board has secured a $20,000.00 loan approved by the Florida Department of Education for the alteration of the Port St. Joe baseball com- plex. This loan has been approved for the complete re- novation of the baseball com- plex, to install seats and roof, and to replace the fence and lighting. This complex was acquired from the City of Port St. Joe by the School Board in a trade for the Washington School site which is now being developed by the City of Port St. Joe. This property is a valuable asset to the schools and for providing community services to Port St. Joe. In regards to this project, Superintendent Bidwell stated: "The Gulf County School Board is proud of this Star photo facility which we are able to provide for our school and community. The alterations were necessary for the safety of the spectators and partici- pants in events at the com- plex. The coordination and labor provided by the Quarter- back Club is certainly indica- tive of the cooperative nature we are attempting to develop between the community and the school. We are all appre- ciative of the accomplish- ments of this organization. Through projects such as this, we always strengthen our total educational opportuni- ties for the entire commun- ity." Much has already been ac- complished toward complet- ing this project. Still to be completed are the metal roof for the bleacher section and the installation of lights. The School Board has just award- ed the contract for the lighting which will be installed during the next month. An invitation is extended to all people to visit the complex. The next home baseball game will be on February 27th when the Port St. Joe Sharks will entertain Apalachicola. The game starts at 3:00 p.m. McSpadden Recalls 60's for Rotary Thursday Bob McSpadden, Dean of Continuing Education at Gulf Coast Community College, reminded the Rotary Club of the turbulent '60's at their meeting Thursday, by show- ing a film which was compos- ed of scenes from the decade and the main events which made the news. The film clip contained scenes of the Kennedy era, the Nixon-Kennedy debate, the Cuban crisis, Berlin wall, Selma, Alabama march, Viet- nam and student riots. In short, the film made the Rotarians sit in awe that such scenes could take place in the United States of America and the nation remain intact be- cause of them After the film was finished, McSpadden remarked how strong the U.S. system must be to withstand such an on- slaught and come out of it even stronger. Guests of. the club were visiting Rotarians Doug Brog- don of Gulf Breeze and Max Kilbourn of Wewahitchka and Wheelettes Dorothy Boykins and Vanessa Willis. Workers Attend Training Session Co-chairmen for the 1976 House to House Cancer Cru- sade Fund Drive, are shown ,-" ,'* -after attending a training session for workers held last Thursday evening at the First United Methodist Church. Mrs. Sally Bond, district director for the American K . -C-.' Cancer Society, instructed the' volunteers present for the session, on ways to educate the public using the educa- tional materials to be given . out during the house to house and business crusade. The crusade will be conducted April 11 through 14. When ACS volunteers go door to door in April, everyone is encouraged to give gener- ous donations to be used in cancer education, patient ser- vices and medical research. COFFEE DAY Tuesday, March 2, Coffee Day will be observed at Pau- line's Restaurant. Proceeds from coffee sales on the day will go to the cancer 'fund. Man Arrested Sheriff Raymond Lawrence announced this wdek the ar- rest of harvey M. Swain, of Mexico Beach, on charges of maliciously killing an animal of another. Swain' allegedly shot and killed a cow in a pasture on M K Ranches in the Willis Land- ing area. 0. R. Stockman, ranch manager, valued the cow at $350.00. Mr. Swain was released from the Gulf County Jail after posting $750.00 bond. Haney Vocational center in Panama City last week. Making V is t H aney School the trip were: front row, left to right, Mike Knox, Mike Etheridge and Ricky Summers. Back tow, Donnie Mathes, Several students from Port St. Joe High School Dee Harper, Katie Mock, Chuck Tharpe, Buddy Hamm, Vocational Educational classes made a field trip to Tom P. Debbie Kearns and faculty advisor, Woody Busby. Star photo In State Meet Carl Beard of Port St. Joe High School's wrestling team has qualified for the State finals to be held in Winter Park this Friday and Saturday. Carl defeated first-ranked Bowling News Gulf Co. Men's League Monday night onh lanes one and two, Player's Supermar- ket took three from Carr's Auto Sales in an unusual way. The teams tied both the first and second games giving each team one point each. Player's won the third game giving them that game and total pins for the three points. Garry McNeel led Player's with 497 while Carr s top man was Randy Weston with 512. Lanes three and four had Shirt & Trophy and Stems and Seeds each taking two points. Robert Montgomery led Shirt and Trophy with 490, while Norman Hodges had a 616 series and 247 game for Stems & Seeds. On lanes five and six, it was Butler's Restaurant taking all four from Ten-Pin Lounge. Butler's had a good night with Bill Besore's 599, Bill Parker's 549 and Harry Lowry's 526. For 10-Pin it was James Hicks 560 and Gene Johns 537. Campbell's Drugs had a good night on lanes seven and eight taking four from King's Gulf Service. Bo Bouington led Campbell's with 542 and Ralph Ward had a 516. Standings: W L Butler's Rest. 28 12 Player's S'market 25 15 Campbell's Drugs 24 16 Shirt & Trophy 21 19 10-Pin Lounge 17 23 Carr's Auto Sales 16 24 King's Gulf Ser. 15 25 Stems & Seeds 14 26 Thurs. Nite Ladies' League On lanes one and two, Ralph and Henry's won four games Henry Peterson of Mosley High in District competition to take first place in that com- petition. Carl had been seeded before the match as. second favorite. In regional com- petition held recently in Longwood, he placed fourth, and qualified for the state finals. Star Photo Blackburn had 182 games and Cathy had a 470 series for Rotagilla. No Names and 10-Pin Lounge split two games each. Johnny Linton bowled a 202 high game and 497 series for No Names. James Hicks had a 169 game and 490 series for 10-Pin Lounge. On lanes five and six, Ken- nedy & Wombles, Inc. won three games from Fiesta Food Store. Steve Wombles bowled a 225 high game and 524 series for K & W. Billy McDonnell had a 128 game and, Rosalie West and Billy each had a 355 series for Fiesta,. On lanes seven and eight, Carr's won three games from Sylvachem. Chuck 'Guilford had a 183 high game and 493 high series for Carr's. Bobby Hicks had a 179 game and 490 series for Sylvachem. On Friday, Carr's and No Names made up their post- poned match on lanes five and six, with Carr's winning three games from No Names. Chuck Guilford had a 489 series and Dot Guilford bowled a 174 game for Carr's. Johnny Lin- ton bowled a 215 game and 517 series for No Names. from Highland View Motors in action last Thursday in the Thursday Nite Ladies' Lea- gue. Sheila Stoutamire had a 158 game and 373 series for Ralph and Henry's. Gloria McMulon had a 129 game and Sue Parrish had a 332 series for Hi-View Motors. Renfro Auto Parts won four games from Ward's Fishery oh lanes three and four. Cathy Blackburn had a 150 game and 415 series for Renfro. Karen Rayburn had a 162 game and 424 series for Ward's. On lanes five and six, Bowen's Cowgirls One won three games from Surfers. Rosalie West bowled a 158 game and 384 series for Bowen's One. Betty Hardin had a 164 game and 446 series for Surfers. Bowen's Cowgirls Two won four games from Swingers on lanes seven and eight. Hanna Justice had a 124 game and 365 series for Bowen's. Marion Murdock had a 130 game and Kim Ernest had a 320 series for Swingers. Standings: W L Ralph & Henry's 141 11/2 Renfro Auto Parts 12 4 Bowen's Two 11 5 Bowen's One 10 6 Ward's Fishery 7%/2. 81/2 Surfers 7 9 Hi-View Motors 2 14 Swingers 0 16 Winter Mixed League On lanes one and two, Var- nes Seafood won four games, from Rotagilla. Danny Tal- bert had a 169 game and 472 series for Varnes. Robert Montgomery (sub) and Cathy Standings: Rotagilla Carr's Sylvachem 10-Pin Lounge No Names Varnes Seafood Fiesta Food K&W,Inc. W L 6112 2212 58 26 56 28 44 40 39 45 34 50 22/2 61,'2 21 63 Dance Saturday The "Sunshine Band" will be playing at a dance Satur- day night at the Dico Tex Lounge. The dance will start at 10:00 P.M. Admission will be $1.25. Classes Open In Hiland View , - * f The Gulf County Recreation Department has available for residents of Highland View a ceramics, arts and crafts ,class each Tuesday and Thursday night, which will be held at the Highland View Fire Station. The class will last from seven till nine p.m. Call 'V -d 4. .~"- l~ Two participants in the Special Olympics strain for the finish line in the 50-yard dash. Star photo Thirty Participate In Special Olympics The Third Annual Special Olympics was held last Friday at the football stadium. The Olympic games are sponsored by the Gulf County Associa- tion for Retarded Citizens. The photo shows some of the children who participated in the various events, such as 100-yard dash, 50-yard dash and softball throws. Winners in the various events will be announced after the bowling competition which will be held tomorrow night, at St. Joe Bowling Lanes. Eight events were in the competition last Friday, with 30 young people participating. Many merchants donated food and drinks to be sold at the concession stand Friday, with proceeds going to the Gulf County Association for Retarded Citizens. These mer- chants are to be commended for their involvement in mak- ing the Special Olympics a success. Citizens of Port St. Joe are really proving they care, by donating their time and efforts to help in all phases of. the GARC's work in aiding Gulf County's retarded citizens. the Recreation Department at 229-6119 or register at the fire station on same evenings. The class is' open to adults and young adults, with a mini- mum age of 12. The Ceramics and arts class formerly held on Tuesday and Thursday nights at Port St. Joe High School have been re- scheduled for Monday and. Tuesday nights, six to nine p.m. Curtis Harper, Former Resident, Died Recently In California Curtis Harper, a former resident of Port St. Joe, died January 26 in Long Beach, California. Mr. Harper was the brother of Mrs. Virginia Graves, Mrs. Betty Collins- worth and Dee Harper of Port St. Joe. Luyban Family Mortuary was in charge of the funeral services. The family wishes to ex- press their appreciation to the -churches and to their friends and neighbors for all the expressions of kindness and concern shown them. First United Methodist Church Constitution and Monument Port St. Joe, Fla. JOHNIE W. McCURDY, Minister CHURCH SCHOOL ..................... 9:45 A.M. PREACHING SERVICE ......... 11 A.M. &87:00 P.M. METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP .... 6:30 P.M. CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.M. '. ..- - the members of the Church of Christ? invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study .......... 10:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Worship .............. 11:00 A.M. Sunday Night ....................... 6:00 P.M . Wednesday Night ................... 7:00 P.M. Corner 20th St. & Marvin James Brantley, Minister Phone 229-8153 & -.- By Joe St. Clair The story is told of the great Dutch artist who was commissioned to paint the portrait of a famous man of his coun- try. After -weeks of work, the artist completed the painting. It was beauti- fully executed. Wonderful in detail-vibrant in color. In the foreground of the picture the artist had painted some tulips. The 'flowers were so beautiful and colorful that those who viewed the painting never saw the portrait of the subject-they could not take their eyes beyond the tulips. Sometimes we all tend to major in minors. In doing so we place impor- tance on trivial matters and fail to see the entire picture. It is difficult in many instances to see beyond the "tulips." OUR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: Those who look beyond small things see more of the world. St. Clair Funeral Home 507 10th St. 227-2671 I_.. -1, ------------- ~1 I~G IGTTUSDY EB 6 97 H SAPrtS.Jo.Fa A pharmacist daily assists the sick and injured by dispensing to them the most advanced medicine in the world. Through his product, he eases the pain of tragedy, pro- tects the health of our community and helps make life longer and more comfortable. If you're unde- cided about your future, consider a career in Pharmacy. It's a field -of importance, responsibility, and challenge...overflowingwith grati- fying personal rewards. BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-3371 317 Williams Convenient Drive-ln Window Plenty of Free Parking Negro History Program Sat. :A Bicentennial program in conjunction with Negro His; tory Month will be presented at New Bethel A.M.E. Church Sunday, Feb. 29, at three p.m. This program will feature some of the contributions that have been made by black men and women in helping Amer- ica to grow. Special presentations will be given by Cheryl Hatcher, Port St. Joe's reigning Junior Miss, and Phyllis Mathis, first run- hner-up in the Miss Black Pan- .ama City pageant. Everyone is invited to come. Softball Leagues Are Organizing . There will be organizational meetings next week for both men's softball open league ,and Port St. Joe women's .softball league. The men's "league will be organizing Tuesday, March 2 at five p.m. in the Gulf County Recreation office. The organizational meeting for the women's league will be held on'Wednesday, March s, at six p.m., also in the Gulf County Recreation office. The office is located upstairs in the City Hall. Insurance (Continued from Page 1) in a small slough during the heavy rains of last July through September in the Sauls Creek area. Heavy floods threatened to wash out a 40-foot bridge over Brown's Creek and in the. process, would have washed away about a mile of road. The county and MK Ranches filled in the creek at the bridge. crossing with dirt to prevent the washout and the dirt is still there. The Corps of Engineers says to move it and replace the bridge, which Road Superin- tendent Lloyd Whitfield esti- mates would cost around $100,000. Whitfield told the Board the fill is near the end of Brown's .Creek. "You can see the beginning of the creek from i the road", Whitfield said and " it is dry in this area except in times of high water or heavy rains." Attorney William J. Righ suggested the Board answer the letter imniediately and try to get the Corps of Engineers to come back and survey the -area before coming out with an edict of what the county must do. It seems the Corps of Engin- eers made an inspection of the -area in secret and didn't consult with any county offi- cial or employee when they examined the area prior to writing their letter. The Commission agreed to contact the Corps and set up a meeting with them on Mon- day, March 8 at 4:00 P.M. OTHER ACTION , Other actions of the Board included: -Granting Florida Power 'Corporation a permit to put a transmission line across How- ard Creek Road. The line will be 37.5 feet in the air. -Refused to allow payroll deductions for a cancer insur- ance policy sold individually to county employees by Amer- ican Family Life Insurance Company. -Agreed to pave the road into the state park north of Wewahitchka as soon as pos- sible this year. Director Jim- Hagan said it was needed to allow compers to come into the area and increase use of the park on the Dead Lakes. St. Joe & Wewa Firemen Having Dance March 6 Volunteer firemen of We- Port St. Joe from 9 P.M. to 1 i.vwahitchka and Port St. Joe A.M., with music by' the ,-are joining their, efforts to "Sweet Rock". Produce a dance Saturday, to the ball will be -March 6 in the Centennial Admission to the ball will be ,Building. $6.00 per couple. Tickets are : The dance will be held in the on sale by members of both :Centennial Building here in fire departments. Sharks End Regular Season with 12-10 Record The. Port St. Joe Sharks ended their cage season Mon- day night, with an easy 88-71 win over Apalachicola, ending their season with 12 wins and 10- losses. In other action during the past week, the Sharks lost to Rickards, 69-56 Friday night of last week and won over Liberty County, 67-42 last Thursday night. In the Bristol game, both teams started off slow, with only 16 points scored in the first period. The Sharks jump- ed on the Bulldogs for 17 points in the second period to take a 26-13 halftime lead and domi- nated the game the rest of the Cub Scouts Visit Museum Recently, Den Two and Three of the Cub' Scouts traveled to Panama City to tour the Jr. Museum, with its current Bicentennial theme. Exhibited were items from the first printing press to the modern day voting machine. Each boy had a chance to cast his vote on the machine. .Highlight of the day was the boys acting out a script to a trial in a courtroom setting. Those attending were: Brad Pridgoen, Tim McFarland, Cecil Lyons, Kyle Grossman, David.Pridgeon, Keith Pres- nell, Tommy Williams, Jamie Lester, Mike Huggins and leaders Mrs. Perry McFar- land and Mrs. Cecil Lyons, Jr. Do It Your- Self with materials & tools from Earley Hardware Stanley tools Lumber Plywood Paneling Paint Hardware Custom Cut Lumber Early Hdwe. & Supply Phone 229-2763 Hwy 98 Hiland View ?gal Advertising Le, NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF : ABANDONED PROPERTY ..-Pursuant to Section 13 of Chapter 717, :-Florida Statutes, entitled "Florida Dis- :position of Unclaimed Property Act", -notice is hereby given that the persons -listed below appear to be the owners of u'nclalmed personal or intangible pro- .perty presumed abandoned. THIS DOES 'NOT INVOLVE REAL ESTATE. '-Account Number: F119'1-0002, Apparent :Owner, Ashley, Mrs. Wayne, 1401 Consti- tution Dr., Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456; -.F.1191-0001, Ashley Wayne, 1401 Consti.- 'tutlon Dr., Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456; SF.1191.0003, Belin, Jake C., 1601 Garri- -son Ave., Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456; F-1191- 0004, Belin, Myrle F., 1601 Garrison Ave., Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456; F.1191- -0006, Cooper, George W. or Wilma Frances, P. 0. Box 726, Port St. Joe, Fla. '4256; F.1191-0009, Hodrick, Susie, Ave. -D, Box 262, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456; F-.1191-0010, I L A Local 1713, James -Wise,Treas.; F-1191-0011, Lister, Claude -E., Wewahitchka, Fla. 32465; F.1191- ,0012, Mitchell, Thomas J.; F-0135-0004, Stikes Jr., Henry A. or Mrs. H. A. or Henry P., 101 Allen Memorial Way, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456. Information concerning the amount or description of the Property and 4he names and address of the holder may be obtained by any person possessing an interest in the property by addressing an Inquiry to GERALD A. LEWIS, State Comptroller, Abandoned Property Sec- tion, Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32304. Be sure to mention account number, name and address, as published in this notice. Unless proof of ownership is pre- sented to the holder by May 7, 1976, the -property will be delivered to the Com- ptroller of Florida. Thereafter, all further claims must be directed to the Comptroller of Florida. GERALD A. LEWIS COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA 2t12-26 BID NO. 199 'The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described corrugated galvanized steel culvert pipe: . .440' of 30" Asphalt coated (triple dip) 16 gauge corrugated galvanized steel culvert pipe in 20' lengths; .160' of 30" Asphalt coated (triple dip) 12 gauge corrugated galvanized steel culvert pipe in 20' lengths; .300' of 48" Asphalt coated (triple dip) 12 gauge corrugated galvanized steel culvert pipe In 20' lengths ; 34-30" Bands, asphalt coated; 18-48" Bands, asphalt coated Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. 199". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities, and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Bids must be submitted -to the City Clerk's Office, P. O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.S.T., March 9, 1976. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting 'March 9, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. -s- C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 2-26 BIDNO. WWP94 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described equipment: 1-150 B Del-Monox Single Cartridge Unit. For Compressed Air Breathing to- meet OSHA Standards. Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP94". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities, and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P. O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.S.T., March 9, 1976. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting March 9, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. -s- C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 2.26 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. IN RE: The Marriage of DANIEL GRAHAM BRINSON, JR., Husband, Respondent, And ROSE ELIZABETH LAYFIELD BRIN- SON, Wife, Petitioner. NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Daniel Graham Brinson, Jr. c-o Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Graham Brinson, Sr. Box 213 Pollocksville, North Carolina 28573 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed and you are required to serve a copy of your Answer or other response to the Petition on Petitioner's Attorney: ROBERT M. MOORE, Esq. P. O. Box 248 Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 and file the original thereof in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office, Gulf County Court- house, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before the 26th day of March, 1976. If you fail to do so, a Final Judgment for the relief sought may be granted by Default. DATED this the 20th day of February, 1976. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Margaret S. Core, Deputy Clerk 4t2-26 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE 'OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. Case No. 76-30 IN RE: The Matter of the Adoption of BARBARA SUE BISHOP and LISA MAE BISHOP. AMENDED NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Monroe Alvin Marshall South Lizella Road Lizella, Ga. 31052 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Petition for Adop- tion has been filed and you are required to serve a copy of your Answer or other response to the Petition on Petitioner's Attorney: ROBERT M. MOORE, Esq. P. O. Box 248 Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 and file the original thereof in the Circuit Court 'Clerk's Of- fice, Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before the 26th day of March, 1976. If you fail to do so, a Final Judgment for the relief sought may be granted by De- fault. DATED this the 25th day of February, 1976. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk of Circuit Court By: -s- Margaret S. Core, Deputy Clerk 4t 2-26 evening. Johnny Jenkins led the Sharks' scoring with 18 points followed by Ward and Davis with 10 each. Read led the Bulldogs with 13 points. Scoie by quarters: Port St. Joe 9 17 17 24-67 Liberty Co. 7 6 13 16-42 PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins, 8-2-18; C. Daniels, 2-0-4; Gant, 1-1-3; Larry, 4-0-8; L. Daniels, 1-0-2; Ward, 5-0-10; R. Dan- iels, 4-0-8; Davis, 5-0-10; Wat- son, 2-0-4. LIBERTY-Moran, 4-4-12; Reddick, 2-0-4; Read. 6-1-13; Baby bed, car seat, bouncer walker, stroller and play pen, all in excel. condition. (Rea- sonably priced) Call 229-4193 or come by 203 13th St. for more information. 2tp 2-26. 13'4" Boston Whaler with 50 h.p. Mercury and 16' heavy duty galvanized trailer with 12" tires. $1,900.00. Call Wewa after 4:00 p.m: 639-5678. 4tp 2-26. Rummage Sale: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, across from Highland View Super- ette, nine a.m. to five p.m. No. 1 Drive-In Theater Apalachicola, Fla. Saturday Only! Feb. 28 Held Over by Popular Demand AGAINST A CROOKED SKY Come early and get a good place on our ramps. 1976 Trojan Express Crui- ser, all fiberglass, 25.5' length, beam 10.5", top cond., com- pletely equipped. $8,500. Call Apalachicola, 653-8139.. tfc 2-12 1970 20' Aristrocrat travel trailer, fully self-contained with air cond. Also Reese hitch and equalizer, $2,250.00. 229-6797. tfc 1-29 DRY_. cleaning carpets is easier, faster, and safer with HOST. Rent our machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Sewing machines repaired regardless of make or age. Over 25 years experience." Parts, supplies for all makes. Free estimate, guaranteed satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Singer Zig Zag sewing machine, take up 12 pmts. $8.50 monthly. Makes button- holes, monograms, hems, sews on buttons, guarantee. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Phone 229-6253 for MARY KAY COSMETICS tfc 7-3 10 speed bikes in stock; men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. Western Auto, Port St. Joe. tfc 6-151, Two lots with extras in Lester Subdivision. Call after five pnm. 229-3941 It 2-26 3 BR house, 1 bath link fence, 3 lots, 50' x Located at Land's L area, phone 639-2217. For Sale by Owner Two lots with highway front- age, located in Ward Ridge. City water and sewage avail- able. Call after 5:00 p.m., 229-5296.. tfc 1-29 3 BR house and two-story apartment building. Call 229- 6538. tfc 12-11 2 BR furnished house and two unit furnished apartment building, only $29,500 at 1505 Monument Ave. By owner.' tfc 1-29 Like new, 12 x 60 furnished mobile home, complete with carpet, 10 x 10 utility bldg, approximately 1 acre (5 lots) of partially landscaped land. 229-5692. tfc 1-22 Two-story home, 1902 Monu- 'ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath. Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474. tfc 8-21 Flowers, 0-3-3; Rudd, 3-2-8; . Brown, 1-0-2; Nobles, 0-0-0. Friday night, the Sharks couldn't put it together in the first half and lost to Rickards of Tallahassee, 69-56. The Redskins scored more points in the second, period alone, than the Sharks scored in the entire first half before the local's big guns could get loaded. Rickards had 36 points in the first half, with 26 of them scored in the second period. The Sharks had 24 points for the half. The Sharks bounced back in the second half but couldn't bounce high enough. Preston Gant had himself a' night against the Redskins leading the Sharks with 24 points and 21 rebounds. Sermon led the Redskins with 29 points. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe 12 12 11 21-56 Rickards, 10 26 12 21-69 PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins, 3-3-9; Larry, 1-3-5; DaVis, 1-0-2; L. Daniels, 2-0-4; Ward, 1-1-3; Gant, 9-6-24; Watson, 0-0-0; R. Daniels, 0-1-1; C. Daniels, 4-0-8. RICKARDS-T. Sermon, 13- 3-29; Tookes, 1-0-2; Dockery, 0-2-2; Dyreson, 6-0-12; R. Ser- mon, 7-3-17; Dukes, 0-0-0; Williams, 1-1-3; Mitchell, 2- 0-4. Monday night, the Sharks ended their regular season with an easy win over Apala- chicola. The Sharks bounded off to a 31-14 margin in the first period and coasted to their twelfth win of the season. Four Sharks scored in the double figures with Johnny Jenkins leading the way with 23. Carey Daniels had 19 NOTICE There will be a regular 15 acres on Wetappo Creek As of this date, February 12, communication of Port St. Joe between Overstreet and 1976, I will not be responsible Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., Wewahitchka. Call 229-5136 or for bills made by anyone other every first and third Thursday 229-3107. 4---22 than myself. at 8:00 p.m. 3 BR masonry house -s- Earl Major F. E. BROGDON 3 BR masonry house -s arl Major. Everett McFarland, Sec. with denn on 1/2 lot with chainlink fence. Priced for quick sale at $22,000. 3 BR frame house on 3 lots on Madison St., Oak Grove. To sell for only $9,000. FRANK HANNON Reg. Real Estate Broker 221 Reid Ave. 227-3491 Port St. Joe, Fla. 2 Bedroom furnished apart- ment, 522V2 Third St., 229-3011. tfc 2-26 2 Bedroom apartment fur- nished, corner of 14th & Palm Blvd. 227-4311. tfc 2-26 Furnished: apartment for rent, 4 rooms, bath, 1 BR, lower apt., adults. 510 8th St. Call 229-6394. tfc 2-12 1 BR furnished apartment, 1506 Long Ave. 229-6688. tfc 2-5 Furnished two and three BR houses, at Beacon Hill, by week. Bill Carr or call 229- 6474. tfc 3-13 Unfurnished house, 2 BR, at Overstreet, newly decorated, 648-5124. ltp 2-26 3 BR furnished mobile home at Overstreet. Call 648-7581. tfc 2-19 Trailer for rent: 3 BR, bath, central air & heat. Contact Nell Smith after 6:00 p.m. at 511 Woodward Ave. or 229- 6501. tfc 2-19 For Rent: 2 BR mobile home at St. Joe Beach. Phone 648-4976. tfc 1-29 CARPET- cleaning with HOST couldn't be easier. Just brush and vacuum for clean, dry'carpets. Rent our HOST machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 AT RUSTIC SAND CAMP- , chain GROUND, 15th ST., MEXICO 175' ea. BEACH, PATIO, BEAUTI- .anding FUL REC HALL PRIVI- LEGES, V MILE FROM tfc 2-19 BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8 NO need for wet carpets. Dry clean them with HOST. Use rooms right away. Rent machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Public address system. Owned by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. A new system operable on either battery or current. Call Ken Herring, 227-5281 for rental. tfc Needed: Carrier for the Panama City News-Herald for the areas of Garrison & 16th St. to 20th St., and from 16th St. & Palm Blvd. to Monument and Consti- tution Dr. Contact Joyce Clayton at 227-7081. It 1 4Ep t-1 R.A.M.-Regular convaca- tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon- days, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. J. L. SIMS, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec. BINGO Every Thursday & Saturday 7:30p.m. American Legion Hall Sponsored by American Legion Post 116 tfc 10-9 Complete Wood Shop Custom Cut Lumber Want to Do It Yourself? Then come see us for Stan- ley tools, hardware, paneling, , paint, lumber. Earley's Hardware & Building Supply Hwy. 98 W. 229-2763 Lawn & Gardening Needs Feed Small Engine Repairs Economy Motors & Garden Center 301 Hwy. 98, H.V. 229-6001 tfc 2-12 Painting-Interior or Exterior By the Hour or Job .v- Call Ronald Ross 229-6822. tfc 2-5 Isn't it time you improved the value of your home? A fresh coat of paint will do it. For low off-season rates, call 229-6394.* Make your home a Bicentennial Beauty. Guaran- teed lowest rate going. tfc 2-5 Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC WELCOME SERVICE Call 227-2501 or go by the Chamber office, Municipal Building, 5th St., Monday thru Friday, 9-12 EST. tfc 5-1 Septic Tanks Pumped Out Carefoot Septic Tank 229-8227, 22.9-2351, and 229-6694 tfc 8-21 All types carpet and vinyl flooring installed. 10 years experience. For free measure- ment and estimate, call Ron- ald Ross, 229-6822. tfc 2-5 Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or 227-7586. tfc 11-14 Need help with your DECORATING IDEAS? If So Call 229-6506 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe FARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida There will be a VFW meet- ing the third Tuesday of each month in the American Legion Hall. *tfe 6-19 Beach cottage for rent. In- quire at Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 2-12 Furnished 3 BR house, auto. heat, washing machine. 229- 6777 after 6 p.m. tfc 2-26 LINDSEY & CAPPS Dirt Hauling & Land Clearing 1905 Long Avenue 229-6565 2tc 2-19 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Fri. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m. St. James Episcopal Church Parish House tfc 4-24 Saw Filing-handsaws, skillsaws and table saws. Call Bert Hall 229-6185 or come to White City, first white house. on left behind Gulf Station. tfc 2-5 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work Welding 506 First Street Phone 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every day LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING All Types 99Q-A9 n or 2299-6447 Visit or call the Counseling Infor Center of the Panhan coholism Council, In Reid Avenue, Port S .Phone 229-3515. Complete Commerical or Residential STEAM or SHAMPOO Offered for Carpets Wax for Floors Also plumber available for routine repairs. Call GLAS-GLO 229-6596 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call ttfc6-2 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 Going Fishing. Stop here first for a complete line of Fishing Tackle Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. points, Preston Gant, 15 and Kim Davis 10. R. Joseph led the Oyster- men with 16 points. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe 31 18 18 21---88 Apalachicola 14 20 15'22-71 PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins, 10-3-23; C. Daniels, 7-5-19; Gant, 7-1-15; Larry, 1-2-4; L. Daniels, 0-0-0; Roy, 4-1-9; R. Daniels, 3-0-6; Davis, 4-2-10; Watson, 1-0-2. APALACHICOLA- Evans, 5-1-11; R. Joseph, 7-2-16; Mil- linder, 2-2-6; M. Joseph, 6-2- 14; Lane, 2-0-4; Clay, 2-0-4; Brown, 5-4-14; Myers, 0-2-2. Furnished 2 BR house, auto. heat, washer & dryer, 229-6777c after six p.m. tfc 2-26 1968 VW, looks sharp, fair, tires; 8' x 40' house trailer, ideal for camp. Phone 648-i 5441. ltc 2-26: 1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back,- 4 in floor, radio, heater, floor mount tape player and speak-i ers, chrome luggage carrier,. good tires, 21,000 miles. $1,995.00. Call David May 227- 3881 or 227-2281. tfc 9-11 For TV repairs and Zenith sales, see K&D TV and Sound at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071. tfc 6-2 Wouldn't You Really Rather Have Caboe TV? For Cable TV Installation In Port St. Joe S.1th aW Fint MIMrIl Phone 229-7232- Or Visit the Telephone Company Business Office Nothing is Better for Your Carpets - than Steam Cleaning Call GLAS-GLO 229-6596 Window Cleaning Jani- torial Carpet Experts 3tc2-19 I E tfc 9-20 General Contracting, resi- dential, add-ons, repairs, re- Alcohol novations. No jobs too small, - all work guaranteed. Call mdle Al- Jack Hall. 229-6321. 0 1 tfc 1-29 1c. 321 3t. Joe. tfc 1-30 Family of problem drinkers can find help in Alanon and Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948 or 229-3392. 13t 1-1 Smitty's Heating, Cooling & Electric Service Commercial or Residential Installation & Service 648-4976 Port St. Joe Owned & Operated by Edward & Tommy Smith ; fc 8l-14 kills bugs for up to six months, and saves you about $ 100 yearly in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue MiHE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. / 9AGE IGHTTHURSDAY, FEB. 26, 19766 ft Choice Quality 510 FIFTH ST Bone In PORT ST. JOi FLORID Round |STEAK Choice Quality Boneless AROUND STEAK Lb. $139 I L Lb. PRICES GOOD FEBRUARY l_ 25 thru 28 AE Choice Quality STANDING ib Roast LARGE END __ !^W Small End HormelBulk $149 STANDING $129 LITTLE LINK SAUSAGE Lb RIB ROAST Lb. 7RIB ROAST SAVE MORE IN EVERY WAYAT SAVEWAY WALDORF. BATHROOM TISSUE c LISTERINE MOUTHWASH 14 OZ. INTENSIVE CARE LOTION 6 OZ. 91c FINE FARE PURE Y rat SHIORTENING-- PAMPERS DAYTIME 15 CT. $109 FINE FARE VEGETABLE SHORTENING C 1 WITH $7.50 LUX LIQUID 13' OFF (SG9C0 PFIEFFER'S FRENCH & ITALIAN DRESSING 8 OZ. 3/ $ 00 ARMOUR Vienna Sausage 5 OZ. 46 OZ. CAN HAWAIIAN PUNCH 49C DEL MONTE PEACHES 303 CAN SLICED & HALVES CHECK THESE PRICES and SAVE Kraft 64 Oz. ORANGE JUICE Fine Fare Qt. MAYONNAISE Maxwell House 12 Oz. Instant COFFEE Our Value 26 Oz. SALT 3 Oz. Pkg. JELL-O Fine Fare Pink 22 Oz. Dish Liquid Delmonte 38 Oz. CATSUP 790 990 $258 170 25 Chef Boy Ar Dee 12 Oz. Cheese, Sausage, PIZZAS Pepperoni Fine Fare 303 Can SWEET PEAS Gerber Strained' BABY FOOD Bath Size DIAL SOAP Fine Fare 1 Lb. OLEO 5 c Betty Crocker 55 Hburg Helper 74 990 Bic Panty Hose 990 We Cash Most Payroll Checks WE ACCEPT USDA FOOD STAMPS We Save You Money CUDAHY'S 12 Oz. Pkg. THRIFTY SLICED BACON 79" 370 15C 350 35 9C rwA~ '. i, PAGE TEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1976 r1 MINUTES of the Gulf County Commission The Board of County Com- missioners of Gulf County, met on January 27, in regular session with the following members present: Eldridge Money, Chairman; T. D. (Doc) Whitfield; S. C. Player; Everett Owens, Jr. and Otis Davis, Jr. Others present were: George Y. Core, Clerk; Jerry Gates, Finance .Officer; William J. Rish, Attorney; Lloyd Whitfield, Road Super- intendent; C. E. Daniell, Mos- quito Control Supervisor; Ric- hard Lancaster, Civil Defense Director; and Jimmy Wil- liams, Deputy Sheriff. The meeting came to order at 7:30 p.m. The Attorney opened the meeting with pray- er and led in the pledge to the flag. Because of the number of citizens present, the meeting was moved to the court room. Pursuant to notice to re-' ceive bids to sell the Mosquito Control Department parts for' Legal Advertising IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. LBis Traylor SR. 1, Box 72 Wewahitchka, Fla. : Plaintiff vs. Gtover "Buddy" McLemore &,or Latrell McLemore Rt. 1, Dalkeith WLwahitchka, Fla. SDefendant. D- NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given that I, Ray. mond Lawrence, Sheriff of Gulf County, Flbrida, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, having levied upon the following personal property, situate,. lying and being in ,Gulf County, Florida, to.wit: S1971 Chevrolet Truck, Id. no. C5141360. 3107, Title no. 10339927, Tag no, 66-GH- 254, 6 cyl., f : and 1970 Plymouth, Id. no. PM41GOD- 228908, Decal no. 7090738, tag no. 66-W- 2201 and that upon the 12th day of March, A.D. 1976, during the legal hour of sale, namely, 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on said day, at the front door of the Court House In Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, the above described property, as the pro- perty of said defendants, to satisfy said, execution. Said property to be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens. -s- Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff Gulf County Sheriff Department 4t 2-19 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. DeWayne Manuel d.b.a- Western Auto Store P. 0. Box 711 Wewahitchka, Fla. Plaintiff vs. David E. Abrahamson & or wife Betty Abrahamson Rt. 1, Box 57 Wewahitchka, Fla. Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given that I, Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff of Gulf County, Florida, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, having levied upon the following personal property, situate, lying and being in Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: 0 1967 Pont. 2 dr. Id no. .237077P225219, Title no. 2423682; Tag no. 66.001285 and that upon the'12th day of March, A.D. 1976, during the legal hour of sale, namely, 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on said day, at the front door of the Courthouse in ,Port St. Jye, Gulf County, Fla., I will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, the above described property, as the pro- perty of said Defendants, to satisfy said execution. Said property to be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens. -s- RaymoAd Lawrence, Sheriff Gulf County Sheriff Department 4t 2-19 IN THE COUNTY COURFt OF, THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. DeWayne Manuel d-b-a Western Auto Store P. 0. Box 711 Wewahitchka, Fla. Plaintiff vs. George Sheresh Rt. 3, Box 46 Wewahitchka, Fla. Defendant. S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given that I, Ray. mohd Lawrence, Sheriff of Gulf County, Florida, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, having levied upon the following personal property, situate, lyirg and being in Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: :Lots 7 & 8 of Gulf County Land Co. subdivision and that upon the 5th day of March, A.D. 1976, during the legal hour of sale, namely, 2:00 o'clock in the after- noon, on said day, at the front door of the Courthouse in Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, I will offer for sale and sell to thelhighest bidder for cash, in hand, the aboie described property, as the pro- perly of said Defendants, to satisfy said execution. Said property to be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens. .-s Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff Gulf.County 4t 2-12 the repair of LS78 Link Belt Dragline, the following bids were received: 1. Ring Power (Jacksonville), $1,400.92; 2. Ring Power Corp. (Tallahas- see), $1,422.56; and 3) Equip- ment Service Co., Inc., $1,422.55. Whereupon, there was a motion by Comm. Player, seconded by Comm. Whitfield, and unanimously carried, that the bid of Ring Power Corp. of Jacksonville, be accepted and the Supervisor .is hereby authorized to place a purchase order for the advertised prices. Pursuant to notice to receive bids to construct an ambu- lance building, the following bidds were received: 1) Kol- metz Construction, $41,000.00; 2) Griffin, $38,000.00; and 3) J. B. Jinks, $47,363.00. Whereupon, there was a Motion by Comm. Owens, seconded by Comm. Whitfield, and unanimously carried, that IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATEOF FLORIDA. IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY IN RE: The Marriage of R.C. BURFORD, Husband, and EDITH CALVIN THOMERSON, a-k.a EDITH CALVIN BURFORD, Wife. Case NO. 76 NOTICE OF ACTION To: EDITH CALVIN THOMERSON, a-k-a EDITH CALVIN BURFORD Greenville, South Carolina SYOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your answer or pleading to the Petition on Petition. er's Attorney, RAYMOND L. SY- FRETT, 0. 0. Box 1186, 311 Magnolia Avenue, Panama City, Florida, and file the original answer or pleading in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court on or before the 15th day of March, 1976. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. This notice shall be published once each week for four consecutive weeks In The Star, a newspaper printed in Port St. Joe, Florida. DONE AND ORDERED this 5th day of February, 1976. GEORGE Y.-CORE, Clerk.of the Circuit Court By: Margaret S. Core As Deputy Clerk 4t-2-12-76 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- S- TENTH JUDICOAL.CI.ORiUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, .IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF WILLIE G. ROBBINS, Husband, and SHIR- LEY K. ROBBINS, Wife. CASE NO. 76 NOTICE TO: SHIRLEY K. ROBBINS c-o Lavon Confehr 3048 N. 85th Street Scottsdale, Arizona YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on William E. Harris, Attorney for Petitioner, whose address is 406 Magnolia Avenue, Panama City, Florida, 32401, and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court on or before the 15th day of March, 1976, otherwise a judgement may be entered against you for the relief demandeU In said Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal this 4th day of February, 1976. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk of Circuit Court By: Margaret S. Core, Deputy Clerk 4t-2-12-76 WWP95 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described equipment: . 1-Y.S.I. Self Stirring B.O.D. Probe, Model no. 5720 2-Y.S.I. Cable Adaptor, model no. 5735 1-Y.S.I. Field Oxygen Probe, Model no. 5739 1-Y.S.I. Detachable Cable 50 ft., Model no. 5740.50 . 1-Y.S.I. Dissolved Oxygen Meter, model no. 57 Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP95". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities, and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P. 0. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.S.T., March 9, 1976. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission meeting March 9, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. -s- C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 2-19 NOTICE TO RECEIVE BIDS The Gulf County School Board will receive bids until 9:00 A.M., EST, March 2, 1976 in the office of the Superintendent of Schools on one 1967 Ford F600 Dump Truck No. F61CCAS7921. Minimum bid of S300.00. This vehicle may be seen at the Port St. Joe High School Auto Mechanics Shop. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. INTENTION TO REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAME Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 865.09 FF the undersigned per- son '(s) intending to register with the Clerk of the Gulf County Florida Circuit Court the fictitious trade name under which they will be engaged In business and in which said business to be carried on, to-wit: Name of Business: ST. JOE MACHINE COMPANY Location of Business: 506 First Street Owner (s): EMORY L. STEPHENS -s- Emory L. Stephens 4t 2-12 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons Interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of THE DECORATING PLACE at 210 16th St., Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 and th.e extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Laura F. Ramsey, Owner. -s- Laura F. Ramsey all bids be held for up to 30 days to allow the architect to study and make his recom- mendation as to the lowest and best bid. Pursuant to notice to receive applications from all persons interested in the position of County Service Officer and Civil Defense Director, the following -applications were received: Norman Franklin Hodges; Gerald Dexter Norwood; Les- lie Junior Nichols; George Al- frod Glaze and Albert Trenton Thames, Whereupon, there was a motion by Comm. Player, seconded by Comm. Davis, and unanimously carried, that all applications be held for study. J. C. Gissendaner appeared before the Board and discuss- ed the proposed dam on the Apalachicola River near Blou stown. He said the Apa-, lachiiola River is a great source of income and could become a greater income pro- ducing resource if this pro- posed'dam is constructed. He told of the growth, economy, advantage of water-borne freight, as to oyster produc- tion a~n additional payrolls. After discussing this matter for 45 minutes, he presented brochures on the subject mat- ter ad:fliscussed. Wayne Childers questioned some of the information as being a documented fact. Mr. Gissendaner left the meeting at this point. Robert Livingston, PhD, a marine scientist, appeared be- fore the Board in opposition to the proposed dam. He said he is employed by the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County in making a long-term study of the Apa- lachicola Bay. He told the Commission that Mr. Gissen- daner's presentation contain- ed many half-truths designed "to sh6w' hig ptirpose only HBe then said, "I deal only in scientific facts which cannot be disputed;" that his work is not to favor or to oppose any idea as to the river and bay, but only. to determine scien- tific truth. He said the project is designed to draw industry to be located on the river, which in turn draws people; that both offer poisonous pollution that will find its way to the river and will then flow to the bay where it will infect all marine life. He said he regret- ted that Mr. Gissendaner saw fit to leave the meeting while the subject he introduced was still at issue. George Atkins, Dr. Finlay Corbin and Donnell Whitfield, County Commissioners of Cal- houn County, each spoke in opposition to the dam. They presented a copy of. a resolu- tion adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Cal- houn County opposing the dam. Michael Dorsey, Presi- dent, 4Wewahitchka Jaycees, read a letter from his or- ganization in opposition to the da:m. The~ Chairman announced that tlis Board has heretofore unanimously gone on record oppos&ig the dam and con- tinues0to oppose it at the pre- sent time. Dick Lamberson, Chairman of the 911 Emergency Com- munication System Commit- tee filed a written report showing the provisions of the law and how it affects Gulf County. He said that the County must provide for the 911 Emergency System, thd cost to be paid from local funds. He then presented a proposal from St. Joseph Tele- phone and Telegraph Com- pany wherein the following two systems can be provided, to-wit: 1. A call relay system at $229.50 per month plus $42.50 installation fee) 2. Automatic call transfer system at $438.91 per month (plus $50.25 installation fee). After discussing both sys- tems, Mr. Lamberson.recom- mended the call relay system because it would cost much less than the automatic call system. The Chairman said the Board will not take action on this matter at this meeting. The Board having hereto- fore requested Mr. Lamber- son to pursue the matter of ob- taining a state grant for a county-wide emergency medi- cal services communications system; that he filed the nec- essary application, which has resulted in the approval of a $17,200.00 grant. He then pre- sented the contract to be exe- cuted by the Board. He in- formed the Board that the required equipment can, be purchased under the state contract price of $34,374.85 from the General Electric Company; it will take six to nine months for delivery after the order is placed which would make the payment come due after the next bud- get is adopted. He recom- mended that the Board place an order at this time because the state contract price will soon expire and the next con- tract price will be about 22 percent higher. The Board tabled this matter for study. Bob Smith, Civil Defense Coordinator for the Northwest Florida area, appeared before the Board and discussed the .Civil Defense program. He told the Board that Gulf Coun- ty was one of the smallest counties, yet had one of the best programs in the state. He used a slide prevention to in- form the Board as to its obliga- tions in the matter of Civil De-, fense. After a question and' answer period, he said he has been informed the Board was considering combining the Civil Defense and Veterans 'Office. He recommended a full-time Civil Defense Direc- tor, but if the two offices are combined, he will work with the director to see that a good Civil Defense program is maintained. He said the Coun- ty would continue to receive matching funds on a 50-50 basis for all Civil Defense expenditures. He said if a new director is employed, he would. be required to take a one-week training course the first year, which would be paid for by the state. B. M. Janowski asked the Board to reverse its decision to combine the Civil Defense and Veterans Office. Leo Kennedy presented a petition containing 934 names, requesting the Board to re- view and reconsider the mer- ger of the Veterans and Civil Defense Office. He also pre- ented a copy of a resolution adopted jointly by the Ameri- can Legion Post 116, Ameri- can Legion Post 211, and Vet- erans of Foreign. Wars Post 10,0692 Said resolution oppos- ing legislation (HB 4120) that: would place the County Ser- vice Officers under the juris- diction of the State of Florida. The Chairman thanked Mr. Kennedy and assured him the Board was also opposing HB 4120 and that the request in the petition for the Board to re- view and reconsider its action taken on January 13, 1976, to combine the Civil Defense and Veterans Office will be grant- ed. The Chairman then called for the Board members to re- view and reconsider its action to combine the two offices. He said that before he calls for a vote on the question, that everyone present is invited to speak on the subject. George A. Glaze announced that he was an applicant for the combined position, that at the present time a citizen cannot find the Veterans Offi- cer or the Civil Defense Direc- tor when they go to these offices because they are each only part-time employees and They both have a. regular job elsewhere, but a full-time director will be on the job all day. W. C. Robinson said he dis- agreed with Mr. Glaze if he, was insinuating that the Civil Defense director was not per- forming his duties because'he knows that he does more than other directors. He recom- mended that the two offices continue as separate opera- tions. George L. Cooper observed that because of what Bob, Smith said, the Board ought not to combine the offices. Asa B. Pratt informed the Commission it should refrain from combining the two jobs because all of the C.D. volun teers have resigned in the face of the action already taken. Mrs. Judith Harvey said that in the interest of all veterans, the county should have a full-time officer and this has not been the case in the past. He said, "Just ask any veteran who has helped them." Leo Kennedy told the Board of the growth of the Veterans office over the past 15 years and of the great increase in the dollar recovery during that period. After lengthy discussion, Comm. Player stated that he cannot see how the combined offices will work and it is his belief that they should be kept separate. He then made a motion that the action by this Board on January 13, 1976, to combine the Civil Defense and Veterans 'Office be rescinded and continue the two- offices as they now are until the next budget and at that time let the people decide by placing the question on a referendum bal- lot. At this point in the meeting, the Chairman gave his seat as presiding officer to the vice chairman, Comm. Owens, at which time,- Comm. Money seconded the motion. The fol- lowing voted Aye: Player and Money. Nay: Whitfield, Owens and Davis. Comm. Owens assured those present that his action in this matter was for no other purpose except to provide better service in each of the areas involved; that there was nothing personal involved in his decision and that he was certain that both the Veterans Officer and the Civil Defense Director were doing an out- standing job as part-time offi- cers. He then said that several of those present requested that the people of the county be given an opportunity to vote on this question in the general election, therefore, he made a motion that the fol- lowing question be placed on a referendum ballot in the 1976 general election, to-wit: 1. Combine the C.D. and Veterans Office with one full- time director and one full-time secretary. 2. Separate the C.D. and Veterans Office with two part- time directors and two full- time secretaries. Motion seconded by Comm. Davis, and upon vote all members voted in favor of the motion. The Chairman asked if .the Board wanted to make a deci- sion as to the employment of a director for this combined position. After discussion, there was a motion by Comm. Owens,' seconded by Comm. Player to employ Albert Thames, the present Service Officer at a salary of $8,200.00 per annum, beginning Febr- uary 2, 1976. The following voted Aye: Owens, Player, Whitfield and the Chairman. Nay: Davis. Richard Lancaster told the Board that from the first day he took over the Civil Defense Department, with no salary, his, only purpose was to..pro- vide the best Civil Defense services possible; that the change cannot be to save money as indicated because there is not that much money involved. He then discussed the costs of operating the Civil Defense and the amount that would be saved would be less' than $3,000.00. He said he be- lieves combining the two of- fices cannot work for the best interest of the people. Mrs. Lancaster said that she knew her husband's thinking about this matter .and she assured the Board that he only wanted the very best service possible for the Civil Defense program and one of his fears was that in a combined office, too much time would be spent on veterans business, but that he was certainly not against the veterans in any way. The Gulf County Recrea- tional Department requested Now Is the Perfect Time to Plant Trees By Ralph J. Edenfield County Forester The present snappy weather is the perfect time for planting trees. Although many trees may be planted year-round, parti- cularly those grown in con- tainers, survival with minimal care is invariably better if the winter planting period is ob- served, says the Division of Forestry, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. When the weather cools, tree growth slows down and in many species, ceases. Fores- ters refer to this condition as "winter dormancy". While seedlings are dor- mant, they are much less like- ly to, be affected by shock of transplanting and tend to re- quire much less water than when actively growing. This trait allows the seedling to es- tablish its feeder root system before heavy growth demands are plAced on it. It is not enough, however, simply to dig a hole and throw the seedling into it. Many fac- tors must be considered in the planting of shade and orna- mental trees. First, one must consider the desired results. What do you want the tree to produce? Shade? Flowers? Accent for the home? A border for your lot? Screen for your yard? Or something else entirely? To make this decision, learn what payment in the amount of $6,000.00 as the counties' con- tribution for the 1976 program. Upon motion by Comm. Play- er, seconded by Comm. Owens, and unanimously car- ried, the Clerk was directed to make this payment from Fed- eral Revenue sharing. The Big Bend Health Plan- nirig Council requested pay- ment of $1,400.00, as hereto- fore approved by this Board. Upon motion by Comm. Davis, seconded by Comm. Owens, and unanimously carried, that said bill be paid from the General Fund and the Finance Officer make the necessary budget transfer from the re- serves for conuingenies into the proper account number for this purpose. The following applications for employment were re- ceived: Johnnie 'Marrie Vathis, Dorothy Yvonne Wil- liams, Ronnie Keith Davis and Earl W. Blakenship. The Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers advised the Board as to its study being made on the Chip- ola River Cut-off as to stream- bank erosion that is endan- gering SR-22A. The most eco- nomical solution appears to be the relocation of a portion of said highway that is endan- gered. This is not a final con- clusion. The Chairman ordered this meeting recessed until Jan- uary 28, 1976, at 5:00 p.m. Eldridge Money, Chairman ATTEST: George Y. Core, Clerk species may be appropriate for the use you have in mind. You may want to consult an expert, such as a forester or nurseryman. Second, one should.take into account the site, or location available. What kind of soil is present? Is the site well-drain- ed, or does water stand on ii for long periods?'How large is the area? Will it accommodate the selected species when the tree is full-grown? Third, you should be aware of any potential disadvantages of the species you have ten- tatively selected. Will the roots interfere with your spe- tic tank or sewer lines? Will it withstand high winds when planted on the site? Is its fruit poisonous to children that might be tempted to taste? Fourth, you should consider the care the tree will require. Does it require frequent fer- tilization or pruning? Is it sus- ceptible to common insects and diseases? Is it cold toler- ant? If you live near the beach, is it salt tolerant? State Rules Now Govern Water Wells TALLAHASSEE-Implementation of water well construction regulations began January 1, 1976. This rule of the Northwest Florida Water Management District, Chapter 16G-3, Florida Administrative Code, also requires permitting of all wells over two inches inside diameter. Properly constructed wells are essential to the protection of the ground water resources. Improperly constructed wells may permit direct flow of contam- inated surface water into the well or provide free lines of communication between aquifers of different quality and pressure. This interchange of water can result in irreversible damage to the underground water system. Construction of any well disrupts the geologic integrity of an area. As the population of north Floida grows, the number of wells will also increase. The importance of assuring that these wells are properly constructed is becoming more important than ever. The permitting system involves a request for .permit to drill a well over two inches inside diameter. A small fee schedule based on the size of the well is established. A notification of intent is required to drill a well with an inside diameter of two inches or less. It is essential that the District have prior notice of a well being drilled, as there is no effective means of checking for proper well construction after a Well is completed. "The permitting process is an initial and important step toward protecting the ground water resources in the panhandle," said Calvin Winter, Executive Director of the District. "Ground water is the most dependable source of drinking water for the citizens of northwest Florida and it must be protected from waste and contamination." Though the well owner is responsible for.acquiring eoapirp&mit4d drai awell,,the inostexpedientiprocedure is .'; through the licensed well 'driller. Any water well contractor who operates in Florida is required to have a license. This license is issued after the contractor has passed tests and is bonded. This license number is to be prominently displayed on his drilling rig. Not only is the licensed well contractor operating within the laws of the state of Florida, he is more likely to construct a well that will prevent contamination. A local well contractor will also be familiar with the geologic structure of the area in which you wish to have a well drilled. Another reason for the permitting procedure of the District's rule is there is a shortage of reliable data on the ground wat&r acquifers of northwest Florida. The permits are often issued with certain restrictions which will assist in the data collection effort. With the expected growth of north Florida, and the increase in private homeowners who will construct wells, it is important to assure compliance with all state regulations governing these wells. Names of licensed water well contractors are available for your area from your local authorities as well as from the Department of Environmental Regulation and the Northwest Florida Water Management District. m. ________ THE STAR, Port St. Joe,Fia. THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1976 PAGE ELEVEN | f] Port St. Joe | School Port St. Joe High School Thursday, March 4 Lunchroom Menus Dry lima beans with ham, hamburger with bun, potato Monday, March I chips, cabbage slaw, pineap- Pizza, luncheon meat sand- ple upside down cake, corn- wich, buttered potatoes, cab- bpa bage, carrot & raisin slaw, Friday March 5 peanut butter cake, bread, Tuna salad, grilled cheese milk. sandwich, French fries, Eng- Tuesday, March 2 lish peas, lettuce, tomato, pic- Hamburger with bun, kles, jello with topping, milk. French fries, green salad, whole kernel corn, peach with Elementary Schools cookie, rolls, crackers. ,Lunchroom Menus Wednesday, March 3 Monday, March 1 Oven fried chicken, rice Pizza, buttered potatoes, with gravy, green beans, cabbage, carrot and raisin tomato slice, applesauce, slaw, peanut butter cake, bread, milk. milk. Tuesday, March 2 Hamburger with bun, French fries, baked beans, tomato, lettuce, pickles, onions, apple crisp, milk. Wednesday, March 3 Fried chicken, rice and gravy, green beans, tomato slice, fruit cocktail, rolls, bread, milk. Thursday, March 4 Lima beans with ham, cab- bage slaw, whole kernel corn, peach half with cookie, corn- bread, milk. Friday, March 5 Tuna salad on lettuce, French fries, green limas, brownie, crackers, milk. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Gant wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone for the many acts of 'kindness shown to their family following the loss of their home by fire. We appreciate and will never for- get those who were so thought- ful. PEIRCE will update area nautical charts NOAA to Survey Accuracy of Gulf Navigation Charts Intensive on-the-spot inves- tigations designed to update five nautical charts of the Florida coastal areas between Pensacola and Port St. Joe will be conducted from Feb- ruary 22 through April 10 by the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration. The investigations are a part of the NOAA's National Ocean Survey program to evaluate its marine surveys and charts, and will be carried out by the Norfolk, Va.-based NOAA Ship PEIRCE. The PEIRCE, which is a 163-foot, 760-ton ship with a complement of 39 officers and crew, will work out of Pensa- cola from February 22 to March 19 and from Panama City from March 20 to April 10, The ship will evaluate the adequacy on existing charts of sounding data depicting water depths, and conduct a 'user analysis' of the National Ocean Survey's products. Where important discrepan- cies are discovered in nautical charting data, the PEIRCE will conduct on-the-spot hy- drographic surveys. Captain Robert Munson, As- sociate Director of the NOS Office of Marine Surveys and Maps, said changing times and conditions require a bet- ter and more swift response to consumer needs. "The increase in the size of ' commercial vessels, espe- cially oil tankers, in water- front construction and in the use of pleasure craft and the greater emphasis on ecology and pollution control, require better chart coverage of an area and more immediate response to these needs," he declared. "In order to better direct our limited resources, our task will be to determine exactly where inadequacies exist so that .priority may be given to solving them. The new program is designed to accomplish this." The PEIRCE's operations will cover five charts on the Gulf Coast of Florida: St. Andrews Bay (Chart Number 11391); Pensacola Bay (Chart Number 11383),; St. Joseph and St. Andrews Bay (Chart Number 11389); Choctaw- hatchee Bay (Chart Number 11388); and Pensacola Bay anc Approaches (Chart Num- ber 11382). MOAA Corps officer Cdr. Joseph W. Dropp of Walton, N. Y., is the PEIRCE's com- manding officer. While in Pensacola, the ship will be berthed at the Naval Air Station. An open house is tentatively scheduled for the week end of March 13 at the Municipal Pier. A second open house is tentatively scheduled for the week end of April 3 at the Panama City Marina. Twenty-one Cub Scouts of Pack 47 went.on their first hike of the year, Saturday, Feb. 14. The Cub Scouts and five adult leaders journeyed to the group primitive area of St. , Joseph Peninsula State Park on two pick-up trucks,, a. station wagon .and a car.. Needless to say, the ride in the" back of a pick-up was worth the trip. Some of the more interest- ing items found along the hike included different kinds of shells on the Bay and Gulf beaches, animal tracks found and identified, and thbe way birds open different shells by dropping them from high in the air onto the beach. Sand -castles had to be built by most everyone, which included get- ting a.few wet feet in spite of repeated warnings by the leaders. Bag lunches were hard to stay away from by 11:30, so after a campfire was built, the always hungry boys inhaled their favorite sandwiches and soft drinks at tables provided by the Park Service. The op- portunity of rolling and tumb- ling down the sand hills was impossible to resist after a satisfying lunch. By 3:00 p.m. the pack had made it back to St. Joe. Adult leaders accompanying the Scouts included Jewelene Far- .mer, Den Mother for Den ,Four ;Il-Bonnie BellWWebloes -Leadet for Den Four; Diann McFarland, asst. Den Mother for. Den Three; Perry J. McFarland, Cubmaster and Ed "Jiggs" Pridgeon, em- ployee of the State Park Ser- vice. All of the Cub Scouts are looking forward to their next hike and field trip, which will i beto 'the Marianna Caterns SState Park in the very near future. Lila Gunter Initiated Into Phi Mu Sorority Initiated into Phi Mu Soro- rity at the University of Florida recently was Lila Gunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gunter of Port St. Joe. Organized in 1851-52 at Wes- leyan College in Macon, Ga. shortly after the 75th anniver- sary of the founding of our country, Phi Mu's 125th birth- day celebration is being ob- served concurrently with the United States Bicentennial. Phi Mu is not only one of the oldest college organiza- tions for women in the coun- try, but also one of the five largest national sororities in number of collegiate chapters. Miss Gunter is a freshman in the University College at the University of Florida. ^Tfi? *- '-* W ,, Twi y--- ^f A pair of spools tacked close together on the wall will make a broom or tennis rack- et holder. J!ThIu I YOU CAN AFFORD TO JOIN THE MICHELIN MOVEMENT ... CHECK URPRICES!. 165-13 $x94 1 95-W14 $5 8 97 xTWW $449 xTWW1 205-15xTWW $6888 MICHEJN FIRST, AWe dcont mate a second best1 PATE'S SHELL SERVICE 223-225 Monument Ave. * Big-job power. 5 forward speeds & reverse. With proper attachments Snapper solves many yard care problems. Free demon- stration on your own lawn. All Snapper mowers meet A.N.S.I. safety specifications. - 1I S - Snapper Tillers are tough and rugged. Instant ,r depth adjustment. Proper balance. Fingertip controls. Sealed chain drive transmission. All Snapper mowers meet A.N.S.I. safety specifications. All Snapper mowers meet A N S I safety specificattons. ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phon 22-81 20 eiveu 21 Cub Scouts Enjoy First Hike of Year On Peninsula Phone 229-1291 I - I I II fi^^ ^^^iriru^3i A ll ^. .r 1i i 203 Reid Avenue Phone 227-81 11 Blue Ribbon Beef Shoulder ROAST 4 Lbs. or More GROUND CHUCK Blue Ribbon Beef RUMP ROAST Fresh Sliced BEEF LIVER Blue Ribbon Beef CUBE STEAK Lb. $129 Lb. 99 Lb. $129 Lb 79c Lb. $169 BlueRfibbon Beef T-BONE STEAK lb. Blue Ribbon Beef b. 4$ PORTERHOUSE STEAK I" Cudahy All Beef WIENERS Fryer BREASTS Fryer THIGHS 12 oz.690 pkg. lb. C lb. 9qC Sliced Slab *1I"" -- I * BACON lb. J ApalachiclaYSTERS FRESH OYSTERS. PiN Crystal White Liquid DETERGENT Ga. Grade "A" Large EGGS 2 Doz.3 S6oz. cans Piggly Wiggly 6 pak 11 Frozen 100% Pure Fla. ORANGE JUICE Fox Deluxe FROZEN 13.Soz.size , PIZZA Pepperoni, Sausage or Hamburger 7 9 Frozen Origitnl 1oz | WAFFLES pk g 5 SAunt Jeima Morton Frozen i Frozen 9oz. pkg C r r0II DTS 12oz 7C SFRENCH TOAb J lenonoorchocolateiced . ... .......... .. ............. .... -.* .-.*.*.*.*.;-*.*.* -.. ........- -v..... ... ..... o. . Country::Style Country Style Pattie OLED I Ga. Grade "A" SMALL EGGS Hungry Jack Buttermilk BISCUITS 'Oct 6$ 08oz. | patties 2Doz. $119 Miracle Whip Stick 5c. MARGARINE 9.9 Kraft 100% Pure Fla. half gal. 9 C ORANGE JUICE 07 * ~1 7*-,.-. . Piggly Wiggly WHOLE TOMATOES SunsetGold ICE MILK half gal.. in ice cream case Rainbow GREEN BEANS Del Monte TOMATO CATSUP 14 oz. btle. 39* Minnesota Valley SWEET PEAS Piggly Wiggly Garden Green LIMA 303 BEANS Piggly Wiggly Pork & 303 BeansCan WK CORN :~- X.X ::00 X.X |