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Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1976 15 Cents Per Copy First Break In Vandalism Case The Gulf County Sheriff's Depart- ment received its first real break in the case of vandalism destruction at Port St. Joe High School Thanksgiving day. A considerable amount of property stolen from the school in the break-in was recovered last Thursday. by the Gulf County Sheriff's Department. Rex Strickland, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Strickland found the stolen articles while hunting in an area south of Holly Hill Cemetery. Rex went home after finding the items and reported to his mother who called the authorities. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence noted that it appeared as if the items had been dumped, or thrown from a vehicle. The recovered property in- cluded the laboratory- balance, film strip projectors, numerous tools and school supplies. They are all being processed for fingerprints and other physical evidence. The Sheriff commended young Strickland for his help in locating the property and promptly reporting it to the Sheriff's Department. Vandals broke into the local high school during the week end of the Thanksgiving holidays and caused considerable damage to the building, equipment and supplies, as well as removed several items, including the recovered cache, from the building. Sheriff's Department and Port St. Joe City Police officers have been inves- tigating the case searching for proof to tie in suspects ever since the-:: incident occurred. A $600.00 reward for information leading to apprehension and convic-; tion of the guilty parties has been put-' . up by a group of local citizens. : Funds Will Finance Water Improvements FHA Loan Approved The City of Port St. Joe had a Farmer's Home Adminis- tration loan approved on Wed- nesday of last week for $1.4 million. The notification was. sent to the City Wednesday' afternoon of last week by the office of Congressman Bob Sikes. the loan was applied for early last year to finance extensive work and improve- ments in the city's water department. Work to be accomplished includes considerable rehabil- itation of the water treatment plant. The plant capacity will also be doubled under the Rex Strickland points out to Sheriff Raymond Lawrence the location where the property stolen from the high school was found in the woods near Holly Hill Cemetery. City Will Request Hospital Mila plan. A new 500,000 gallon water storage tank will be erected in the vicinity of the Port St. Joe High School and the oldest tank at Long and Tenth will be taken down. The old tank is in bad shape from age and needs replacing. The city will also drill three water wells to increase the water supply. The city's supply from the St. Joe Paper Company' canal is limited and summer usage now goes over the limits. The water supply from the canal is limited by the size of the siphon pipe under the Intracoastal Canal at White City and increased needs of the Paper Company and the city has taxed this source of supply. The funds will also finance installation of a 10-inch main to the new storage tank near the High School. Smith and Gillespie Engin- eers, of Jacksonville are' al- ready at work designing the projects and work will prob- ably get underway the latter part of the year. Four Juveniles Arrested for School Bomb Threat Port St. Joe High School had its first bomb threat in its history last week, when three threats were phoned in during the day Wednesday. Four threats were phoned in to the Gulf County Sheriff's office, starting around 8:30 A.M. The Sheriff's office manag- ed to get a trace on the calls and arrested four juveniles in connection with the felony, turning them over to the Division of Youth Services. Two of the juveniles were still in custody at the Youth Deten- tion Center in Panama City at press time yesterday, await- ing a hearing. The other two have been released.' , According to information from the Gulf County Sheriff's office, the State's Attorney will prefer charges for -the action, which is both a .state and federal felony. The City Commission agreed Tuesday night to re- quest the County Commission. to levy a county-wide tax to help support the Municipal Hospital during times of fi- nancial crisis for the hospital. .The Commissioners will ask the County to approve a levy of up to one-half mill per year, ear-marked for the hospital. While the hospital pays its way most years, there are times when it runs in the red and puts a strain on the city's treasury to pay the bills. It is the opinion of the .Commission that the tax should be levied county-wide since the facili- ties are used by people.from all over the county. A census count shows that about 30 In a time of uncertainty throughout the nation, the financial institutions of Port St. Joe reported a good year last year, with their financial base growing. During a time when housing starts are depressed through- out the nation, Citizens' Fed- eral reported they let out $850,000 for new housing starts in their operational area. "It was a good year for loans", manager Charles Stevens said. Citizens' Federal also re- ported increases in money placed with them on savings. The institution reported a gain of $756,000 in new savings. The firm paid out $423,166 in interest on savings during the year and increased their re- serves and surplus by $82,576. percent of the patients in the hospital live outside the city limits of Port St. Joe. A half-mill levy would pro- vide about $50,000 for the hospital and would be levied only when needed. UNION VOTE The City faces the prospect of having its, staff of employ- ees go union on February 4, according to announcement from the Public Employees Relations Act (PERC) receiv- ed last week. Employees of the city will vote on Wednes- day, February 4 on whether or not to accept the services of a union as their bargaining agent. Involved in the election will be all city employees with the' The Florida First National Bank also reported a good financial year, with president Ted Cannon saying, "We had a 24 percent increase in deposits for the year". Cannon reported their indi- vidual checking and saving accotfnts had increased by 6.18 percent, reflecting a healthy growth. "Loans were down a frac- tion", Cannon said, "But our total assets were up $3 million over the previous year, re- flecting a healthy growth for us". Looking at the reports of the two financial institutions, it looks as if the people of the Port St. Jpe area are saving their money while others are investing theirs in homes. January 19-25 Designated National Jaycee Week The Port St. Joe Jaycees, along with National and State organizations have set aside the week of January 19 25, to observe the founding of the Jaycees and to commemorate such founding by the selection of the Outstanding Young Man in the community as the reci- pient of the Distinguished Award. This award winner is chosen by judges who base their decision on nominations given them by the people of the community. Ballot boxes have been placed in the Post Office and the Florida' First National Bank. Everyone is *urged to cast a ballot for the young man between 18 and 35 years old, who they think has contri- buted the most to their com- munity. exception of Municipal, Hospi- tal and Police Department employees. The election will be held in two sessions, morning and afternoon, in order to allow all employees to cast their ballot. Legal activities leading up to the election have been going - on for the past year, with city and PERC attorneys setting the stage for the election. The city employees peti- tioned for the election, with 30 percent of the employees sign- ing a petition asking for the vote. OTHER ACTION In other action, the Com- mission: -Agreed to call for bids to re-build the City Pier, des- troyed by, Hurricane Eloise. -Approved an annual con- tribution of $300 to the Cham- (Continued on Page 3) Voter Books Open County voter registration books are currently open for registration at the office of the Supervisor of Elections, Mrs. Dessie Lee Parker, in the Courthouse. Mrs. Parker said voters have until Saturday to register in order to cast their votes in the Presidential Preference Primary on March 9. "The books will be closed after Saturday", Mrs. Parker said. The registration call is only for those who have moved to the county since the last election, or otherwise become eligible to cast their vote since the 1974 elections. Those desir- ing to change their party affiliations may do so while the registration books are open. Mrs. Parker said her rcfice would be open all day Satur- day from nine to five to accommodate any last minute registrations. Mrs. Parker has also named two deputy Supervisors to register voters throughout the county. Cantey T. Jones has been appointed Deputy Direc- tor in the North Port St. Joe area and Mrs. C. W. Norton at Lakeside Florist in Wewa- hitchka. New officers and directors for 1976 for the Chamber of Commerce are: left Brown, Wendell Whitaker-and Mrs. Jean Atchison. Star Photo to right: John L. Miller, Higdon Swatts, Dickie Brown, David Roche, Wanda Pretty, Red-Headed Woman Will Head Chamber of Commerce Port St. Joe's Chamber of Commerce set two records 'at their installation banquet Monday night at the Centen- nial Building. For the first time in history, the Chamber installed a red-head as presi- dent and for the first time in history the Chamber installed a woman as president. Mrs. Wanda Brown, opera- tor of a bookkeeping and tax business here in Port St. Joe was installed as president by George Y. Core. Core also installed David Roche as vice- president; Higdon Swatts, treasurer and John Miller, Wendell Whitaker, Mrs. Jean Atchison and Dickie Brown as new directors. In stepping down from the presidency, L. L. Copenhaver said the Chamber had exper- ienced a good and a busy year. "We had an increase in mem- bership and a working group of Directors", Copenhaver told the 125 people who turned out in the cold night for the affair. Copenhaver's report was ultra condensed in 'deference to the program which was prepared for the night. He said later that the Chamber had several inquiries during the year. "We were very active in trying to attract new business here and made several con- tacts", the past president said. Copenhaver was espe- cially proud of the new cus- tomer relations program set up to try to solve grievances of customers and local mer- chants during the year. "We feel this will serve to improve the report between custom- ers and merchants", Copen- haver said. The Chamber answered 446 inquiries during the year. "That's nearly a record", Copenhaver said. "We have been very active in 1975 and feel we accomplished a lot for our city and county", he concluded. . Incoming president, Wanda Brown congratulated Copen- haver and vice-president, Bob Moss for. their active year. "We need more of this type during the coming year", she said, "in order to become even more active and progressive". SPEAKER Guest speaker for the eve- ning was A. P. Rollins, with the Department of the Inter- ior. Rollins told the audience and showed slides of the Alaska pipeline project. "The $9 billion project is being financed entirely by private industry", Rollins said. The project is being financed and accomplished by a group of American oil firms to move the crude oil from Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean to Valdez, Alaska, where it will be transported by tanker to the American main- land for distribution. Rollins said there are 20,000 men involved in the project which will start 1.2 million barrels of crude per,day on its way to the mainland by the middle of 1977. He said the pipeline itself was about half completed, with pumping sta- tions and support facilities to be completed during the com- ing year. The pipeline construction crews have built eight self- supporting communities along the line as operational bases. The first phase of the line will have eight pumping stations to move the 1.2 million barrels a. day and work will start im- mediately on the installation of four more pump stations to increase the flow to 2 million barrels a day. Rollins said the Prudhoe Bay will produce as much oil as the states of Texas, Okla- homa and Louisiana combin- ed. It will replace one in eight barrels of oil now being im- ported. It will require 430,000 horse- power per day to operate the line. Outgoing President of the Port St. Joe Gulf County Chamber of Commerce, L. L. Copenhaver, presents the gavel to Mrs. Wanda Brown, the incoming president for the 1976 year. Star Photo THIRTY-NINTH YEAR, NUMBER 21 Financial Houses Show Growth ".% up. .. PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1976 THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Willians Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida By The Star Publishing Company 3 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Wesley R. Ramsey ............................................. Editor and Publisher William H..Ramsey ..........:...................................... Production Supt. Frqnchle L Ramsey ................................................ Office Manager g Shirley K. Ramsey...................................... Typesetter, Subscriptioos 4 POSTOFFICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 $ SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY--NE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY-One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, $7.00 TO. AVERKTIERtS-n case of error or omissions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word Is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. EDITORIALS. . Would Put Employees at Disadvantage For almost a year now, the City St. Joe, almost all employees can procedures under the state's new employees are concerned, such di- Public Employees Relations Act rect access would seem to be more (PERC). The proceedings have been favorable than to. hire someone to leading toward an election in which talk for him, who is unknown to the most city employees will have the Mayor and Commissioners. opportunity to decide whether or not Secondly, underEthe state law they want to hire the Laborers' governing public employees (includ- Local Union, No. 1306, located in ing city employees) 'striking or thattahoochee to bargain for them threats of strikes are illegal. The law with the city. This election has provides very harsh penalties finally been scheduled, tentatively, against unions and individual mem- por February 4. bers in the event any strikes occur. : Unions have long been a part of Employees can lose their jobs, be the local scene, representing em- fined and the union can be heavily :ployees working in industry. In fined and even lose its right to private industry, unions have often represent employees under the .been helpful to employees in two PERC law. Ways. First, where an employee is In sum, if the city employees working for a big company like St. vote to hire the union, the union jloe Paper Company, where most would have no power to pressure the ..employees do not have an opportunJ .',city,,:','any :way:-. The-'state law ;ity to talk to top management on a provides that the City Commission 'laily basis, the unions have provid- would make the final decision in all ed a means whereby employees can contract disputes. The union has no have their problems and desires recourse if it does not like the presented to top management. decision. Even here, it would be better for Employees would no longer be the employee if he could talk in allowed to take their problems person to the management, but due direct to the department head or to "to the large number of people the individual Commissioners. involved, it is difficult. Thereby, they would lose a valuable : The second way in which unions right and gain nothing in return. In are beneficial to employees is where addition, of course, the employees unions can exert economic pres- would have dues ,taken out of their 'sures on employees by threatened or paycheck to pay.the union and the actual strikes. While striking em- city would have money taken out of ployees sometimes lose their jobs, its budget to pay high-priced law- ;and at other times strikes result in yers-money that could be given to tess than the desired benefits; at employees. times strikers get what they want. If the union is hired, then, both It's a gamble. the city and city employees will lose. As far as the employees of the The only ones who would gain would [city are concerned, however, neither be the union business agent and the .of these benefits will result by lawyers. We urge the employees to having the union. In the City of Port reject the union in February. We 're Growing The Department of Administra- tion says Gulf County is growing at a rate not seen here since the paper company came to town with its influx of people. Normally, the census taken by 'the government at the beginning of -every decade shows Gulf County has grown by a few people. Rarely is the :rate of growth more,than 10 percent ifor the entire decade. The last census indicated a growth of around -90 people over a 10-year period. : According to the Department of 'Administration, we have had a :tremendous growth during the past -'five years. Their figures show we have increased our population by -nine percent in the five years-a irate more than twice our best performance in the past. The department's figures show we now have a population of 10,920. In 1970, the U.S.. census showed a population of 10,096 for Gulf. If these figures are true, and we have no indication that they aren't, then Gulf seems to be finally on the way to a slow steady growth. This growth 'indication should pacify the County Commission who thought all those zoning and plan- ning documents they were required to come up with was time wasted. It seems as if we will be needing these plans in the very near future. As our population grows, so will our problems. With planning, the problems can be reduced. Attending Presidential Classroom Have you ever watches one of those news conferences on television. and wished that you could be there to ask the question nobody else dared to ask? Regina Ellis and Cheryl Hatcher. students at Port St. Joe High School in Port St. Joe. will have that opportunity February 14-21. They have been selected to go to Wash- ington, D.C.. joining other high school students from all parts of the country, to attend the week-long Class Five of A Presidential Classroom for Young Americans. Regina is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ellis of 1008 Woodward Avenue and Cheryl is the daughter of Staff Ser- geant and Mrs. Cyrus Riley, 149 Avenue C, both of Port St. Joe. Since its inception in 1968, the non-profit, non-partisan Reagan Speaking In P.C. Presidential candidate Ron- ald Reagan will address a full house Monday evening during Gulf Coast Community Col- lege's George Tapper Gov- ernmental Seminar at the Panama City Municipal Au-. ditorium. According to Dr. Larry Ty- ree, GCCC executive vice president, only a few tickets remain for the evening session and ticket holders are encour- ged to arrive well in advance of the 7:30 EST starting time. "Our College Singers will entertain the audience before Mr. Reagan's address and we would like everyone to be in their seats well ahead of his scheduled appearance," Dr. Tyree said. GCCC's three-part govern- mental seminar, named for former Florida Senator, George G. Tapper, chairman of the College's District Board of Trustees, is based on the theme, "Presidential politics '76." Another publicfsession, fea,- - turing University of West Florida Professor Donald Freeman, is scheduled for 2 p.m., Monday in the GCCC Fine Arts Auditoruim. "No tickets are required for this session which is also being offered as a free educational service to all interested per- sons in our community," Dr. Tyree noted. standing of the Federal government through personal contact with its institutions and leaders. Students live in a Washington-area hotel, and S, attend seminars and discus- S sion groups led by key Wash- ington officials. Past speakers S, have included Senators, Con- gressmen, Supreme Court '.. Justices. Cabinet Secretaries, .members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, White House staff mem- bers, foreign ambassadors, members of the news media, and representatives from S- many different Federal agen- cies. Regina and Cheryl will have the opportunity to study all Regina L. Ellis three branches of Federal Presidential Classroom has government, in depth, and to hosted over 11,000 students in gain an increased understand- the nation's capital. The ing of the issues and personali- Classroom program is design- ties. which directly influence ed to promote a greater under- the conduct of political affairs Cheryl A. Hatcher on the national level. But, says Presidential Classroom Executive Director Angie Whitaker, that's not all: "The meetings with promi- nent people in the Washington community are only part of the Classroom experience. Ac- cording to the students them- selves, equally important is the opportunity to exchange ideas and points of view with their peers form distant areas of the country." Ms. Whitaker also stresses that a student's participation will often involve not only the student and his school, but the entire community as well. Upon their return home, many students are asked to be guest speakers before local com- munity organizations, and share their Washington exper- ience with others. A signifi- cant percentage of Classrqom students are' sponsored by local citizens' groups, such as the Rotary Club, Lions, Ki- wanis and Civitan. ETAOIN SHRDLU By WESLEY R. RAMSEY - - The Handy "Tuit" TUIT This information has been gathered for you at considerable expense and effort by our staff here at The Star. It concerns the phenomenal Tuit and its many applications and usefulness: especially the round Tuit. The Tuit comes in a myriad of sizes. Some Tuits are almost microscopic in size. Some folks say the average size Tuit fits nicely in a bread box and others claim to have seen individual Sikes Arranges Meeting with Federal Officials ; Congressman -Bob Sikes has announced. ,,for meeting for county leaders with Federalffial als in th< Courthouse at Bonifay, 10 a.m., on Friday, January 23. Representing the Federal Government will be officials from the Farmers Home Administration, Small Business Admini- stration, Department of Housing and Urban Development and others who may be able to assist in plans for local development. The meeting will be open to the public but Sikes has urged that county commissioners, city councilmen, Chamber of Commerce officials and others directly interested in local. development be present. Beauty: Deep and Pure Desire By CHARLIE WEBB The hay rides of the Yellow River Valley of long ago were enjoyed by most all young people. We had all kind of rides, one-and-two-mile rides, even an ox cart hay ride pulled by a slow but sure-footed ox: The one ride enjoyed the most was the annual hayride donated by the turpentine still owners in a long, high-railed wagon' pulled by four fat mules. The polished brass trim on the wide. leather mule harni'ss. glistening in the moonlight, added beauty and glamor to the ride in the excitement of our young minds. There was always an indivi- dual on the ride who was full of fun and mischief. When the wagon was going down hill through a kind of scary and shaded spot under large trees overhanging the wagon route. the mischevious one would run his hand under the hay and pinch some beautiful young lady. The young lady pinched would let out a scream that Economy Should Expand Florida's economy should make great 'strides toward recovering next year but it would recover a lot more if something could be done about inflation and increased gov- ernmental regulations, the Florida Chamber of Com- merce reported recently. In releasing the Florida Chamber's annual Economic Profile of Florida Counties, Ronald S. Spencer, Jr., exe- cutive vice president of the Florida Chamber, said infla- tion and constantly expanding governmental regulations are causing the cost of doing busi- ness to rise faster than some companies are able to keep up with it. "Inflation is causing pro- blems for the individual con- sumer but it is a tremendous problem for business as well. The 30 percent increase in postal rates will affect every business in Florida and even- would frighten the mules pull- ing the wagon load of happy young people sitting on top of the soft and sweet-smelling hay. They would break into a fast trot down the road to the chinquapin roast and picnic. The beautiful young lady's scream was loud but contain- ed no retalliation. because-she knew that she was beautiful and that someone, sooner or later, would pinch her. tually all consumers will have to pay through higher prices which will be necessary to compensate for the increased mailing cost," Spencer noted. Spencer said a recent sur- vey of about 600 business peo- ple around the state indicated most feel the worst of our economic times are behind us but more than 50 percent said inflation and governmental encroachment are the biggest obstacles to full economic re- covery. Spencer. in releasing the Economic Profile publication, said final statewide totals for 1975 are not in yet but figures for 1974 provide a good back- drop for this year's economic recession. For instance, the Economic Profile reported single and multi-family residential build- ing permits in Florida totaled 114,823 in 1974, a 60 percent drop from the 1973 figure of 289,480 and a good indication of the reasons behind high un- It seems that the desire to be beautiful and the desire to touch the beautiful is impor- tant during youth. Also, to always remain beautiful and to touch the beautiful, not only in the physical.but also in the beauty of thoughts and actions remains vital during the won- derful sunset years of life. Perhaps the desire to be beautiful and to touch beauty could be a deep and pure desire. employment in the construc- tion field in 1975. While the total annual pay- roll increased from $19,353,957 in 1973 to $23,535,594 in the state during 1974, the numbers of employees dropped in con- struction and manufacturing. At the same time, the number of employees in federal gov- ernment employment more than doubled, going from 73,672 two years ago to 463,- 192 in 1974. Spencer said the bright star in the state's economic sky is the agricultural industry which ranks 14th nationally in cash receipts for farm com- modities. Also, Florida topped all other states in receipts from the sale of oranges $433 million and grapefruit with $120 million. The state was second in the nation in sales of greenhouse and nursery pro- ducts at $156 million and second in sales of tomatoes at $126 million in 1974. ~MC_Cllh~YY-MT-~hWIlrChSIWlhChCMF~c V ~.~-AVAI-AI Mt_~,CC_ -w- - Tuits that require at least a hundred acres to store. Size not withstanding, a Tuit is a Tuit. The size of a Tuit has no bearing on its utility. It is the shape of certain Tuits that determine their value. There are square Tuits, rectangular Tuits, pentagonal Tuits, and others too numerous to list but it's the round Tuit which seems to be the most helpful to mankind, even though it is seldom sought with much enthusiasm. Experts have shown statistically that if the 95 percent of the population who are not even aware of the round Tuit were educated to its existence and its possible application for the betterment of society, it might well become one Sof the most, ~ynvesilgy distributed and highly. prized personal possessions. It is this evidence which prompts us to present the story of the Tuits. some typical Tuits are shown in the illustration at the head of this blurb. Ignore all except the round one. Take a pair of scissors and cut out the round Tuit along the dotted lines. Now you have a round Tuit. How will it help you? There are hundreds of things that you have promised yourself that you would do when youth got a round Tuit. Now that you have gotten a round Tuit you can; repair that leak in the roof, write that letter to your congressman, tell your wife (or husband) that you love him or her, go to church, pay your paper bill, and ... you name it. Now that the round Tuit has become available to the citizenry of Gulf County, it is probable that we will shortly have the most energetic and vibrantly alive community in ,the world. I ought to save this little item until the month of March; but, if I know me, I would forget it. I was reading the other day and picked up a Readers Digest for the month of March, 1975 (that shows you how far I am behind with my Readers Digest). An article on the index caught my eye; "March: Who Needs It?" Turning to the article, I saw one of my favorite months described in all sorts of unkind ways. March was accused of having a split personality just because of its habits of alternately roaring and baaing. That is the nature of the month, for heaven's sake! The author, Melvin Maddocks, said Febru- ary can make a sunny day white and dazzling and April promises green. But March? March is mostly bare trees, cloudy skies and the ground all mud-brown and tattletale gray. March was described as one you wouldn't hire for a job worth having if she were a person, because she was so emotionally unstable. The poor month was labeled as "the blank space in nature... a time when the winds blow in all directions and nothing seems to happen. It is one of those slightly vexing transition periods that everybody wishes would hurry up and pass." That's some pretty nasty things to say about one of our months. They may not be much sometimes, but they are all we have. We have to make the best of them. I particularly think we should keep our snide remarks away from the month of March. If it wasn't for March, I wouldn't be here. March is OK as far as I'm concerned, since that's the month in which I was born. (Continued from Page 1) Hutto Men's Day Speaker Sponsoring age w/1111r, Gulf County Ladies' League On lanes one and two, C & G took four games from Play- er's. Lou Mork had a 181 high game and Cathy Blackburn had a 458 high series for C & G. Shirley Hicks had, a 170 game and 454 series for Player's. Lanes three and four had St. Joe Furniture taking four games from the Kats. Faye Pope had a 169 game and Brenda Mathes had a .492 series for St. Joe Furniture. Marian Deeson had a 189 game and Norma Hobbs had a 445 series for the Kats. On lanes five and six Pepsi Cola took three games from the Playgirls. Kay K. had a 151 game and 414 series to lead Pepsi Cola.' Pat Hutchinson had a 147 game and 383 series for the Playgirls. On lanes seven and eight, Pate's also took three games from the Bank. Ruby Lucas had a 165 game and 462 series for Pate's. Christine Lightfoot led the Bank with a 166 game and 443 series. Standings: W L Pi4yert -" I5 ;T Sr.-- urntire,.o, 24 Kats 39'/2 242 C&G 37 27 Pate's 33 31 Playgirls 27/ 361/2 Bank 25 39 Pepsi Cola 9 55 Gulf Co. Men's League Monday night on lanes one and two, Player's Si ket took all four poi Butler's Restaurant. Yeager's 569 series game led Player's. G Neel added a 503. Butler's was Bill Bes 509 and Harry Lowry Lanes three and Stems and Seeds tak from Campbell's Dru man Hodges topped S Seeds with a 508. Bo B had a 536 for Campi On lanes five and s Carr's Auto Sales t four points from Lounge. Swamprat h for Carr's. Al Scheffe good effort by coming a 412. For 10-Pin, it w Johns with 537. Lanes seven and e King's Gulf Service and Trophy splitting taking two points. R Peters led King's w Red Todd was top Shirt and Trophy wi Standings: Player's S'market Campbell's Drugs .Shirt & Trophy Buile'sRe'st. ' King's Gulf Stems & Seeds Carr's Auto Sales 10-Pin Lounge Say You Saw I In The Star b-bw &mo &"apvf I * --.-V C- _0) i- I.,= 0 U %11 %11 O - 0._ U | -= o . < The Long Avenue Baptist Church will observe Baptist Men's Day on Sunday, Jan- uary 25. The speaker for the morning worship service at 11:00 A.M. will be Earl Hutto of Panama City. Mr. Hutto is a deacon and active member of his church. He serves as Representative for the Eighth District of Florida in the State Legisla- ture. His business background has been in education and television. He is currently in the advertising business. Rev. J. C. Odum, pastor, extends an invitation to every- one to cdme and hear Mr. Hutto. The church choir will sing and also the men's quar- tet of the church. Willie Ram- sey is Brotherhood Director of the local church. . k7.-----A-- Singing The Wewahitchka Rotary Club is sponsoring their sec- ond annual Charity Gospel Singspiration Friday night in the Wewahitchka High School. The program will begin at 6:30 p.m., CST. The featured singing group will be the nationally famous Telestials from Nashville, Tennessee. They have record- ed several albums and have appeared on TV and radio. Several local and area groups will also be featured including: The Bryan Family from West Bay, the Gay Children from Quitman, Ga.; the Gospel Joybells from Blountstown; the Jackson Trio from Springfield; Sam Spence and the Spentations from Panama City and the Truth Couriers from Grace- ville. Advance tickets will be on sale by members of the Rot- ary .Club or they can be obtained from several Wewa- hitchka merchants. THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1976 PAGE THREE -mmm ber of Commerce. -Were notified of a meeting on February 10 with National Flood Insurance representa- tives to review the flood insurance rate for Port St. Joe. -Accepted a bid of $59.76 per ton for lime from St. Joe Hardware Company. -Agreed to re-advertise for bids on construction of a chain fence link fence around an emergency generator behind the City Hall and installation of a well and sprinkler system at the old St. Joseph Ceme- tery. Need Pipe The 'Port St. Joe Elemen- tary School physical education department is in need of iron pipe-any size from 3/4" dia- meter to two inch diameter., This pipe.will be used to con- struct playground equipment. Anyone having pipe to don- ate, please contact Cary, Floore or Harry Herrjngton at the elementary school. Continues By Popular Demand .. -..... . . . ..............,.... . *.**.**.**.**.**.* . ~ ;. ....... . r mimmmmnl m- I Bowhg S.News New Comfort j Durab Her Vinyl CHOICE C * Limit * Limit WHY NOT RELAX IN COMFORT WITH THIS HIGH BACK SOFA AND CHAIR WITH FULL 5" CUSHIONS. IDEAL FOR ALL PURPOSE LIVING ROOM OR DEN. AVAIL, ABLE IN WIPE CLEAN VINYL OR HERCULON COVER. WoTq ana , Swivel Rocker SEALY REST GUARD SPE( ST .ull Your choice of sizes at Reduced Prices! Size F v Hurry whie Set Kin Hurry while quantities last! e- .. ._W. ,, .. ,,.,---- -- .. .. .. ..K. ., ,v.: o----;---- o -,,--- - I --mE Lupermar- nts from Warren and 224 ;arry Mc- High for sore with with 507. four had ing three ugs. Nor- items and 3ouington bell's. six it was making all 10-Pin iad a 457 -r made a g up with was Gene eight had and Shirt ng, each Raymond with 470. man for th 499. W L 16 4 13 7. 1":i3" 7 ,i -r 11,U 9 1 7 13 7 13 7 13 6 14 t X S .: X - X. American Clc 5-Drawer Chest O qpg You get so much for such a modest price with this charming suite. It has all the enduring characteristics that make it a fine investment. Strong, classic styling, richly grained oak finish and matching plas- tic tops that stay beautiful with just wipe-clean care. All cabinets feature dove-tailed and center-guided drawers. Visit us soon. see for yourself just how beautiful and easily affordable this suite is! -,o . .o. O o o . Handsome, Heartwarming Hand-hewn Oak Finish Silty culon Dr Cover A )F COLORS ed Quantity| ed Time ' 2991, IAL ueen $219000 Size g Size $279o0 a -. ... I.I let I ..... .. ... ... .... ..... .... .:.. :;.:;:: . [DEPARTMENT STORE AVA Tom m I AWN I ! All Sale'ltems tagged with red, white and blue sale tags! Red tagged 0/ and Items Reduced 50 /O more Blue Tags 20% to 33 /3 % off White tags 10% to 20% off Register for your choice of red, white FREE or blue Ladies' Shoes Centennial Belt Buckles for Men No Purchase Necessary to Register PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1976 Miss MaryAnne Henderson and William Scott Snyder HII Wed Miss Mary Anne Henderson of Tallahassee, became the bride of William Scott Snyder II in a ceremony December 19, at 7:00 p.m. Scene of the wedding was the bridegroom's parents home in Blountstown. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Louis F. Ken- nedy of Atlanta, Ga., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Synder of Blountstown. The double-ring ceremony was performed by Dr. Louis Kennedy, the bride's father, who is a Baptist minister. Nuptial music' was provided by Billy Rich, pianist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a champagne-colored gown in a soft knit with long sleeves. Ruffles accented a deep V neckline, both in the front and back. The gown featured an empire waistline, with a slim skirt, accented by a tie sash in the back. She carried a single lotig-stemmed red rosebud. The bride's only attendant was Mrs. Ted Burns of Talla.- hassee,. the groom's sister, who served as matron of honor. , Best man was Dr. Grayson Synder, the groom's father. RECEPTION A reception followed the ceremony at the Snyder's home, hosted by both the' families of the bride and groom. "Mrs. Myra Cleo Duncal, the groom's aunt, greeted the guests. Mrs. Ted Burns and Miss Wanda Smith, the groom's step-sister, kept the bridal registry table. 'Mrs. W. J. Hutchinson of Tallahassee presided at the panch bowl and Mrs. Ella Mae McClellan presided at the bride's cake. 'Out-of-town guests were: William Scott Snyder, groom's paternal grandfather, of Cres- cent City, Mrs. Myra Cleo Duncal, groom's aunt, of Eyerett, Penn., John Duncan 6f Everett, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burns, Trey Carr and Robert Snyder, all of Talla- lhassee, Billy Rich of Port St. Joe, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Hutch- iason, Mrs. Bob Moody and Mrs. Eddie Williams, all of Tallahassee and Merrill Tray- lor of Milton. The bridal couple visited Orlando and Disneyworld on their wedding trip. They are now at home at Beacon Hill. The bride graduated from Thomasville, Ga. High School, attended the Georgia Baptist Hospital School of Nursing in Atlanta, Ga. and Abraham Baldwin Nursing School in Tifton, Ga., receiving her R.N. degree. She has been asso- ciated with Georgia Garden Clubs and the Junior Service League. The groom graduated from S) O- 00 o "- *- the members of the Church of Christ invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study ... 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship....... 11:00 Sunday Night .................. 6:00 Wednesday Night ............. 7:00 Corner 20th St. & Marvin James Brantley, Minister Phone 229-8153 Mrs. William Scott Snyder II Blountstown High School, Chipola Junior College with 'an A.A. degree, from F.S.U. with a B.S. degree, and is presently a pharmacy intern at Florida A. & M. University. He is president of the National Asso- ciation of Retail Druggists, student branch at FAMU and is on the Student Conduct Committee. He is employed at Campbell's Drug Store. Mission Group H Met with Mrs. George Adkins Mission Group II of the First United Methodist Church met. in the home of Mrs. George Adkins on Monday, .Jan.. 19, withT 1,i'embers and two visitors attending. The Chairman, Mrs. Alfred Joines, called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with prayer. Reports were given and the Chairman' re- minded the members that February was the group's activities month. Mrs. George Suber was in charge of the program and presented "A Greek Drama- Creation and Choice". Taking part in the drama were Mrs. Suber, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Joines, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. P Port St. Joe High School Lunch Room Menus Monday, Jan. 26 Tuna salad, hamburger with bun, French fries, lettuce, tomato, pickles, strawberry shortcake, crackers, milk. Tuesday, Jan. 27 Battered fried fish, tartar sauce, hamburger with bun, potato chips, English peas, tomato, lettuce, pickles, pine- apple upside down cake, bread. Wednesday, Jan. 28 Hamburger with bun, ham and cheese sandwich, French fries, cabbage, carrot and rai- sin slaw, lettuce, tomato, pic- kles, apple crisp, milk. Thursday, Jan. 29 Barbecue chicken, mashed potatoes, string beans, bread, rolls, peach with cookie, milk. Friday, Jan. 30 Sloppy Joes, pork chops, rice with gravy, turnips, tomato slice, coconut cake, bread, rolls, milk. Methodist Women Met Tuesday Mission Group I of the First United Methodist Church met n the home of Mrs. W. L. Altstaetter on January 20, at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments were served to the 13 members and one visitor present. The meeting was opened with a "Thought for the Day" from the Upper Room by Mrs. Johnie McCurdy, chairperson. A short business meeting was held and coming events were discussed. The program was presented by Mrs. Altstaetter from the book, "In Search of a Crown". ScE.ipture was read from Proverbs 31, followed by prayer. The meeting was closed with the benediction. Stone,' Mrs. Brinson and Mrs. Mosely. IJI .A The February meeting will W WV be in the home of Miss Ger- trude Boyer. ......e.. . Vicki McArthur fOrestS On Dean's List t, burn Approximately 3,046 stu- burn. dents at Florida State Univer- sity made the Dean's List for the fall quarter. The Dean's List is an honor roll of students . whose grade averages are "B" or "A" for all courses taken during the quarter. Vicki E. McArthur of P. 0. Box 266, Port St. Joe, attained the Dean's List for the fall quarter. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue Rev. George Gay, Interim Pastor Sunday School .... ................. 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service ............. 11:00 A.M. Church Training ...................... 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service .... ..... 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) ................ 7:00 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" COMPLETE Machine Shop Now Operating In Port St. Joe Machine Repairs Fabricating Welding All Types EMORY STEPHENS ST. JOE Machine Company 506 First St. Phone 229-680.1 Think about it. Next time you burn anything. ----A-------W UoMMS WMJoe 'ort St. Joe School TNUS Elementary Schools Monday, Jan. 26 Tuna salad. French fries, English peao, strawberry shortcake, crackers, milk. Tuesday, Jan. 27 Battered fried fish on bun, tartar sauce, grits, baked beans, cherry pie. Wednesday, Jan. 28 Ham and cheese sandwich, potato chips, cabbage, carrot and raisin slaw, fruit cocktail. Thursday, Jan.29 Barbecue -chicken, mashed ptoatoes, string beans, bread, rolls, peach with cookie, milk. Friday, Jan. 30 Pork chops, rice with gravy, turnips, tomato slice, corn- bread, peanut butter delights. Bible Club Activity Begins Next -The Senior High.Bible Club of Joy Clubs, Inc. will begin Tuesday, January 27, at the Dick Lamberson home, 143 Westcott Circle. Mrs. Benny Roberts will also be working with these young people each week. This Club, now 'in its fifth year, is for teenagers in Julie Holland Tuesday grades nine through 12, and will meet on alternate Monday and Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. Many activities, and a Bible study geared for this age group, will be offered, with awards for memory work at the end of the year. All teens are invited to attend. Square Dancers On Dean's List MeetingTuesday Miss Julie Holland has been named to the Dean's List for the fall quarter at Auburn University, Auburn, Ala. In order to be placed on the Dean's List a student must place in the upper five percent of the School of Education. Julie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Holland Sr. of Mexico Beach, and is a senior, majoring in Elemen- tary Education. The Sunshiners Square Dance Club of Port St. Joe is square dancing every Tues- day night at 8:00 in the Stac House. Anyone interested in learning to square dance.may do so by coming to the Stac House any Tuesday night from 8:00 until 10:Q0. New officers in the club are: President, Mike Roche; Vice President, Wesley Grace; Treasurer, Mary Baxley and Secretary, Anita Register. Large Selection of Cards & Gifts N ew Bridal Selections Merchandise of Has Arrived from Miss Anita the Atlanta Market Raffield Watch for Grand Opening of Our Fresh Flower Department Sugar Plum Tree Gift Shoppe Phone 229-6010 Billy Rich, Owner 319 Reid Ave. ValueDays********* Full Service for Every Appliance We Sell We Finance Our Own Accounts Up to 24 Months Make your payments conveniently in our store ROCHE 209 Reid Ave. Furniture and Appliance Co. Phone 227-5271 U I I 'NB TE S Joy Clubs Beginning 10th Year Melody Rebekah Lodge 22 held their installation services at the Union Hall on January 17. The hall was decorated in the-a variety of flowers. Mrs. Margaret Shirah, out- going Noble Grand, presided at the opening of the installa- tion and gave a message of what 1975 meant to her. She then turned the installation over to the District Deputy President of District Two, Grace Tucker. Installing officers were: De- puty President, Grace Tucker, Deputy Marshall, Juanita Mc- Neil; Deputy Warden, Ora Dean; Deputy Sec., Gladys Jones; Dep. Financial Sec- k Joy Clubs will begin its tenth year in the Port St. Joe area There will be a "Jesus Ral- ly" in the Commons Area of the high school this Friday night, Jan. 23, at 7:00. There will be local talent represent- ed, among them will be "Jubi- lation" from the Long Avenue Baptist Church. (PSAT-NMSQT) taken in 1974 while a student Special guests will be a at Taylor County High School in Perry. gospel group from Quincy, Steve is thekson of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy and sharing a message of love Pierce of St. Joe Beach. He entered Port St. and concern will be Rev. Joe Jr.-Sr. High School in September, 1975 as David Fernandez, pastor, Oak a member of the Junior Class. He is active in Grove Assembly of God school activities, -being a member of the Church. Outreach Club, Key Club, and plays bass Everyone is invited to at- clarinet in the band. tend. Admission is free. retary, Countess Harwell; Delp. Treasurer, Marjorie Strickland; Dep. Chaplain, Doris Smith; Dep. Inside Guardian, Nellie Woolslare arid Deputy Outside Guardian, Estella Parramore. The officers elected for the ensuing year of 1976 were: Noble Grand, Shirley Webb; Vice Grand, Elizabeth Jones; Recording Secretary, Elaine Handley; Financial Secre- tary, Aliene Hightower; Trea- surer, Onnie Herring. Appointed officers are: Warden, Ann Sims; Conduc- tor, Margaret Maige; Music- ian, Lois Daniell; Chaplain, Merle Weeks; Inside Guard- ian, HIazel Sims; Outside Guardian, Fannie McMillan. After the installation, re- freshments were served to.the assembled guests. Members from'other lodges were: Pan- ama City 15, Friendship 25, Lynn Haven 35 and Wewa- hitchka 6L The incoming Noble Grand, Shirley Webb, extended thanks, and pledged to pro- moted friendship and har- mony, and to work diligently. for the order during her term. Vice Grand, Elizabeth Jones, also extended appreciation to the members for her election, and introduced her guests to the club. McCurdy Selects Workers -'Rev. Johnie McCurdy, chairman of the Port St. Joe unit of the American Cancer Society has made several appointments for the 1976 fund campaign. Serving in various capaci- ties will be, Mrs. Paul Fen- som, secretary; Mrs. Jean Atchison, treasurer; Sara Maddox, professional educa- tion chairman; Mrs. Polly Sowers, service chairman; Mrs. Sara Fite, public educa- tion chairman; Mrs. Frenchie Ramsey, public information chairman; Joe St.Clair, cru- sade chairman; Mrs. Von Bouington, Mrs. Bobby Halli- nan, Mrs. Hubert Thomas and Mrs. Gillie McNair, house-to- house canvass co-chairmen. This group will be attending meetings and making plans as they aim to challenge each person in this area to partici- pate in some type of life-sav- ,ing program being offered by the American Cancer Society. CANCER MOBILE VAN Mrs. Sally Bond, unit direc- tor of the ACS, Panama City, has said the mobile testing van will be in Port St. Joe one day during the month of May to give free examinations for ,the early detection of breast cancer and free Pap smears. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers will be needed for the April residential cru- sade of the Cancer Society. Persons interested in assisting the Crusade may contact Rev. tJohnie McCurdy for informa- tion. For Ambulance Cal 227-2311 Memorial contributions to the ACS help in many ways. They support cancer research and public education as well as other programs. Memorial gifts may be sent to your local office of the American Cancer Society. Contributions should be accompanied by the full name of the deceased, the name and address of the family member to whom a memorial card should be sent and the donor's own full name and address. Mail your memorial contri- butions to Mrs. Jean Atchison, Treasurer, American Cancer Society, Box 275, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. Rev. Johnle McCurdy Manry Takes On More Duties with Banks John H. Manry, Jr., Presi- dent and Chief Executive Offi- cer of Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc., was elected January 15 to the additional post of Chairman of the Board of Florida First National Bank of Jacksonville. The Board elected John P. Helmick, Jr., Vice President General Man- ager of Claude Nolan, Inc., as a Director. In other action the Board elected Edwin M. Clay as Vice President. Mr. Clay is a resident of Jacksonville, who formerly represented Asso- ciates Capital Company, Inc., of Atlanta. He has had exten- sive .experience in commer- cial lending. Promotions within the bank which the Board approved are as follows: Dean J. Madsen, to Vice President and Robert J. Dahl, to Assistant Vice Presi- Auto Parts For All Make Cars Monroe Shocks . Borg-Warner Rebuilt Parts | Walker Exhausts I Blackhawk Tools RENFRO AUTO PARTS 401 Williams Ave. 229-6013 N dent. Newly elected Assistant Cashiers are R. Allen Bellamy and Linda Cleghorne. People believe that if your right hand itches you will receive money in it: if the left itches, a letter. Warning to Armed Robbers Deputy Raymond Watson and Gulf County Sheriff Raymond Lawrence hold a poster being'-plackt- inilbhsinesses around Judge Taunton Wants Court Chi County judge David Taun- ton spoke to the Rotary Club last Thursday, telling the club members of some of the changes made in the court system during recent years. Taunton said that prior to 1972, there were 14 various court systems in Florida for conducting trials. After court revision, passed by the Legis- lature, there are now only two trial court systems in the state-County and Circuit courts. Here in Port St. Joe, the city still maintains a *city court, but this will be phased out at the end of the current year, under mandate of, the new state law. At the beginning If last year, there were changes in the laws governing traffic violations. "Many of the traffic violations were de-criminalized", Taun- ton said. "Many traffic viola- tions are now punishable by fines, stated for e Taunton said dar year 1975, Judge's Court h cases. "The cou ed $700 in local the operation of the Judge said. Taunton said h personal conce court system. He concerned that resident prose must rely on pros other counties a unhandy", he s expressed conc massive problem alcoholism. He a a desire to remo judgement" froi court. "We want applied to every the County Judg Guests of the i Rick Morley of and Wheelettes B and Tammy Lew town, warning would-be criminals of the penalties, involved in armed robbery. i--/..s >. i .. ..... ;, .. .. l.m.i..,Star;Photo.. Methodists Sell Spaghetti A Spaghetti Supper will be range held at the First United Meth- odist Church Fellowship Hall each ottense". Friday evening, Jan. 23, from that in calen- six to eight. The supper is, the County sponsored by the Methodist handled 1,038 Men's Club. Tickets are on nty contribut- sale by members of the men's tax money to club. Tickets also may be pur- f the office", chased at the door. Price is adults, $1.50, children under ie had several 12, $1.00. rns for the Proceeds will be used to e said he was purchase cushions for the there was no church pews. The St. Joe foot- cutor. "We ball team will be special sectors from guests. The public is cordially and makes it invited, announced Rev. Joh- aid. He also ern for the ms related to lso expressed ie "selective m the county the law to be man alike", ;e concluded. club were Dr. Beacon Hill Branda Young wis. nie McCurdy, pastor. work. Its purpose is to reach grow into mature Christians. boys and girls for Christ and This year there will be three to teach these young people Joy Clubs at central locations God's Word so that they might for ages Kindergarten through eighth grades. In Highland View, the club will meet in the school at 2:30 p.m. on Tues- days. Mrs. Rudy Richards will Mrs. Helen Ramsey Will Chair Mother's March The Mothers March against birth defects takes place on January 29-30 to benefit March of Dimes programs of research, medical service, and professional and public health education. All are directed at overcom- ing the nation's most severe child health problem. Mrs. Helen Ramsey, chairman of the drive, says the Mothers March this year will stress the theme, "Happy Birth Day, Amer- ica". "We are opening 1976 with a declaration of revolutionary war against infant disease and infant mortality," she reports. "Physical and mental birth defects strike more than 200,000 infants every year; low birthweight, strongly associated with increased risk of brain damage and death, affects another 200,000 babies. Our infant death rate is higher than that of 17 other countries. "Only through more research into the causes of high-risk pregnancies and improv-. ed prenatal care of mothers and infants can these figures come down. With your help, the March of Dimes can make progress in this area." If you are interested in participating in the Mothers March, Mrs. Ramsey asks that you call her home, 229-6962. Circle Three 'Meets with M Mrs. Taylor S Circle Number Three of the United Methodist Women met Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. Roy Taylor, with Mrs. j Paul Edwin Ramsey, presid- ing. Mrs. Ramsey opened the meeting with prayer and con- ducted a short business ses- sion. Mrs. Sidney Anchors pre- sented the program entitled, "Keep it going", by Dr. Nor- ,.* man Vincent Peale, with S, guidelines for Christian living '. and new resolutions for 1976. Following the program, Mrs. Taylor served refresh- ^, ments to one visitor and 14 members present. be the teacher, and the co- workers are Mrs. Walter Rob- erson and Mrs. William Dee-: son. In North Port St. Joe, Mrs. Oscar Jones will teach a club at the Zion Fair Baptist Church. She will be assisted by Mrs. Ernest Jones, Mrs. Thaddeus Russ and Mrs. Will Bess. This club will meet on: Thursday at 4:30 p.m The third Joy Club will meet at the Union Hall on Sixth St. in Port St. Joe, Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. Teaching this club will be Mrs. Dick Lamberson, Mrs. Billy Johnson, Mrs. Os- car Bateman and Mrs. Ed- ward Wood. Bringing the chil- dren from their respective neighborhoods will be Mrs. William Tom Davidson, Mrs. Mike Groos, Mrs. Cliff San- born, Mrs. Tom Ford, Mrs. Rick Lamberson, Mrs. Ray Walding, Mrs. Billy Quarles, Mrs. James C. Cox and Mrs. Patrick McFarland. These ladies will listen to the verses: of the children in their groups. and will see that the boys and girls in, their care get home. safely. All children in these areas are invited to attend the Joy Clubs and if a ride is need-' ed, please call one of the ladies listed above. The Joy Club lessons will be a series on the "Life of Christ", and the clubs will continue until the week after Easter. In addition to the. Bible lessons and longtime, scripture verses can be memorized. Those children learning 100 verses will be. awarded with a free week at: Camp Victory. The Joy Club Directors.,; Floyd Roberts, Henry Camp- bell, Emory Stephens and. Dick Lamberson, also invite young and old to listen to th'eO Children's Bible Hour opi WJOE each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. First United Methodist Church Constitution and Monument Port St. Joe, Fla. JOHNIE W. McCURDY, Minister CHURCH SCHOOL ..................... 9:45A.M. PREACHING SERVICE ......... 11 A.M. &7:00 P.M. METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP .... 6:30 P.M. CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.M. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend. LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAYSCHOOL ..................... 9:45A.M. MORNING WORSHIP .................11:00 A.M. CHURCH TRAINING ................. 6:15P.M. EVENING WORSHIP ................. 7:30P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:15 P.M. Jerome Cartier, Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor Minister of Musie , Commended Student Steve Pierce has been named a Com- mended Student by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Steve earned this honor by his excellent performance on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test -. National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Mrs. Shirley Webb Seated to Top Rebekah Office We are proud to announce the addition of a new funeral coach to our fleet. Comforter Funeral Home has, and will continue to strive for the best in facilities, equipment and service. Pete, Hortense & Rocky Comforter Funeral Home Ph. 227-3511 601 Long Ave. I I THURDAY JA. 22 196 PAGE FIVE THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. PAGE SIX TflE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1976 Pulp and Paper Industry Major Part of Economy Last Rites Today for Mrs. Vandevender Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:00 P.M., from the Pentecostal Holiness Church for Mrs. Em- ily Claudine Vandevender, age 61. Mrs. Vandevender died Tuesday night. Rev. James Gosnell will officiate at the services. Burial will be in Holly Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Vandevender was a native of Indiana, and had been a resident of Port St. Joe for the past 12 years. She was a member of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. She is survived by her husband, J. R. Vandevender of Port St. Joe, and two step-children, Mrs. Patricia Ruth Kent of Valdosta, Ga., and James David Vandeven- der of Fort Worth, Texas; one sister, Mrs. Marie Clopton of Los Angeles, California and one brother, Jack Long of Elkhart, Indiana. St. Clair Funeral home of Port St. Joe, is in charge of arrangements. Campbell Dies from Accident Oliver W. (Doug) Campbell, age 54, died Tuesday night, following an accident at his home. He was a veteran of - WWII and a painter by trade. Mr. Campbell is survived by his sister, Mrs. Louise Beckun of Flint, Michigan. Funeral services were in- complete at press time, but will be announced later by Comforter Funeral Home of Port St. Joe. Help Wanted TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs mature person M-F for short trips surrounding Port St. Joe. Contact customers. We train. Write T. W. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petro- leum, Ft. Worth, Tx. E.O.E. ATLANTA, GA.-A major new economic survey, just released by the Southern For- est Institute, shows the pulp and paper industry pumped more than $3 billion into the South's economy in 1974. "The South's pulp and paper industry's payroll alone total- ed $1 billion, 474 million," according to SFI executive Vice President Benton H. Box. "Another $1.48 billion went for the purchase of pulpwood in the 13 Southern states". Box added, "The significance of the amount spent on pulpwood is that most of the money went to small wood dealers and to private landowners who own approximately 74 percent of the forest lands in the South". Payments for other goods and services would raise the econ- omic impact still higher. The last "Economic Analy- sis of the Pulp and Paper Industry" was published by SFI in 1972. In the interim, five new mills were built in the South, bringing the 1974 total to 117 mills. Those mills, and associated operations, employ over 128,000 workers. The, mills have a pulp and paper manufacturing capacity of more than 96,000 tons a day. Dr. Box added, "Our two- year survey also shows indus- try's concern for the forest resource. More than 2,000 foresters are on industry pay- rolls to help manage some 32-million acres of industry lands and work on smaller, non-industry timberlands." "In 1974, the number of seedlings planted by industry increased 138-million, or 47 percent". Box went on, "In- dustry increased expenditures for improving their forests. They spent 57-million more . dollars in 1974 than two years prior.' That's a 99 percent jump." The forestry institute points out that intensive forest man- agement can help assure enough wood fiber to meet future consumfier demands. With such management our nation need not/worry about running out of'wood because, unlike coal, iron, aluminum, and other materials, trees are renewable. "Our forests also provide other benefits besides fiber for products", Box said. "The new survey shows over 24-mil- lion acres of industry lands open for public hunting, hik- ing. fishing and other forms of recreation. There are a total of 247 areas designated as recreation sites". Box added, "Another three-and-a-half- million acres of industry for- est lands are being managed in cooperation with various state wildlife agencies as wild- life management areas". The veteran forester con- cluded. "This survey and pre- vious analyses show the econ- omic impact the forest pro- ducts industry has on the South. As the jobs, payrolls, and other benefits continue on the upswing in the Southern region, all forest land owners, private, industrial and >gov- ernmental, will benefit from practicing intensive forest management". 'Box conclud- ed, "It's an industry that is Vets Corner ST. PETERSBURG All veterans who have not al- ready done so, should take advantage of the free service which enables them to have their military discharge pa- pers put on record at the County Court House. Ac- cording toW. B. Mackall, Di- rector of the State of Flori- da's Division of Veterans Af- fairs under the Department of Community Affairs, many veterans have already re- corded their discharges, and thus are able to quickly ob- tain a certified copy in the event it is needed. There are many occasions when a veteran is called upon to provide proof of his military service. Many em- ployers require proof of ser- vice in personnel files, and the veteran must produce an honorable discharge in order to obtain admission to a Vet- erans Administration hospi- tal. When faced with a medi- cal emergency, it is most im- portant that hospital admis- sion be accomplished with- out any unnecessary delays. It appears that many Viet- nam. veterans have not re- corded their discharges or' DD Forms 214. Every, veter- an is advised to immediately take his discharge to the Court House for free record- ing, as such action now may save him untold hours or days of anguish later when he is badly in need of proof Help Wanted Regional Agency has open- ing for a qualified Planner II .to -be headquartered in Pan- ama City, Florida. Masters Degree in Urban Regional Planning, under-graduate degree in Economics and three to five years Planning Experience desired. All replies must be in this office by January 23, 1976. Send resumes, employment availability, and reference information to Box Holder, P. 0. Drawer 71, Panama City, Florida 32401. We are an equal opportunity employer. here to stay. It's been predict- ed that by the year 2000, the South will be. called on to supply 50 percent of the na- tion's wood needs. Today it is producing about one-third." The Southern Forest Insti- tute, a division of American Forest Institute, is supported by America's forest industries to conduct public information and education programs on matters concerning the na- tion's forest resources and to encourage the wise use and management of these re- sources. TO BUY? TO SELL? Hamilton 992B railroad watch. Call 229-5136. tfc 1-22 19' Nomad travel trailer, self-contained, sleeps four. Canopy, tow-bar and hitch included. Like new, $1,995.00. Call Bill Brown 227-8581. 2tp 1-22 GARAGE SALE Friday and Saturday, clothes and miscellaneous items. 120 Third St., Highland View. No. 1 Drive-In Theater Apalachicola, Fla. Friday & Saturday January 23 & 24 2 Big Shows! GUN GIRLS, western, and WOMEN IN CELL BLOCK 7 Next Week! The Cheerleaders For Sale: Dinette suite with four chairs. Call 229-6506. tfc 1-8 WALLPAPER Just arrived to help with all your wallpapering needs. Prepasted, Texturall, vinyl coated, and plastic bonded. If you need to purchase or have wallpaper hung, see our sam- ples. Call Alford Ramsey at 229-6506. DRY cleaning carpets is easier, faster, and safer with. HOST. Rent our machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Sewing machines repaired regardless of make or age. Over 25 years experience. Parts, supplies for all makes. 'Free estimate, guaranteed satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Singer Zig Zag sewing machine, take up 12 pmts. $8.50 monthly. Makes button- holes, monograms, hems, sews on buttons, guarantee. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Phone 229-6253 for MARY KAY COSMETICS tfc 7-3 10 speed bikes in stock," men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. Western Auto, Port St. Joe. I tfc 6-15 Honda 550 motorcycle, good condition, beautiful bike. If interested call 229-6060. tfc 12-25 BID NO. 197 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, Invites bids on the following described pipe: 1,000'--" cast Iron 'soil pipe, 10' lengths, extra heavy duty, sin- gle hub. 50-cast Iron cleanouts, 4". Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. 197". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in ,item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the city's needs. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's office, P.O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.S.T., February 3, 1976. Bid opening will beheld at the Regular City Commis- sion Meeting February 3, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T.,. in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. -s- C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 1-22 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES TAX BUREAU Plaintiff vs. EUGENE ABRAMS & BLAKELY THOMASON, d.b-a DIXIE SEAFOOD MARKET & ST. JOE ICE COMPANY 401 Garrison Ave. Port St. Joe, Florida Defendant NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE Is hereby given that 1, Ray- mond Lawrence, Sheriff of Gulf County, Florida, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above en- titled cause, having levied upon the following personal property, situate, lying and being In Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: One (1) 1972 Ford Station Wagon, Lic. No. 66W1816, Id. No. 2E76N- 173808, Title No. 5071918 and that upon the 13th day of February, A.D. 1976, during the legal hour of sale, namely, 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on said day, at the front door of the Courthouse in Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest, bidder for cash, in hand, the above described property, as the proper. ty of said Defendants, to satisfy said execution. Said property to be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens. s. Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff Gulf County 4t 1.22 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf Coun. ty, Florida, will receive applications for a County Service Officer and Civil Defense Director. Applications should be filed with the Clerk's office at Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Flor. ida, prior to Tuesday, January 27, 1976, at 7:30 P.M., E.S.T. The person selected must be an honorably discharged wartime veteran with a two-year degree from an accredit. ed university, college or community college, or a high school graduate or equivalent with four years of admini- strative experience. The Board reserves the right to select the person who, in its opinion, is most qualified and to reject any or all appli. cants. Board of County Commissioners GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Eldridge Money, Chairman Attest: George Y. Core, Clerk It 1-22 NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given, that pur- suant to Chapter 102.012, Florida Sta- tutes 1971, the Board of County Commis- sioners of Gulf County, Florida appoints the following Election Boards to conduct the Presidential Preference Primary election to be held on March 9, 1976, to-wit: PRECINCT NO. 1-Whiffield; City Hall, Wewahitchka; Clerk, Eunice Ar. helger; Inspectors: Fredna Price, Ruby W. Gay, Janice Forehand and Alice Chason. PRECINCT NO. 2-Davis; White Building, Wewahitchka; Clerk, Dorothy E. Strength; Inspectors: Bessie M. Nun- nery, Johnnie May Johnson, Laura Wynn Hinton and Ola Harden. PRECINCT NO. 3-Whitfield; Crutch. field.Bldg., Honeyville; Clerk, Carmle B. Crutchfield; Inspectors: Stella Till- man, Bessie Smith and JoAnn Forehand. PRECINCT NO. 4-Player; Over- street, Community Bldg.; Clerk, Mrs. Annie M. Cook; Inspectors: Mary F. Hanlon, Minnie E. Herring and Jimmie M. Hardy. PRECINCT NO. 5-Player; Highland View; Clerk, Mae P. Creamer; inspec- tors: Pearl Whitfield, Lorene Richards and Mrs. Helen Miles. PRECINCT NO. 6-Player; Fire sta- tion, White City; Clerk: Mrs. Aliene S. Hightower; Inspectors: Eloise Harper, Lois Peterson and Eunice Daniels. PRECINCT NO. 7-Player; the Beaches; Clerk, Nadine B. Robertson; Inspectors: Barbara Creel, Joyce Young and Lou Mork. PRECINCT NO. 8--Owens; City Hall, Port St. Joe; Clerk, Zola M. Maddox; In- spectors: J. A. Garrett, Mary F. B--ant; Addle Goodson, Lucille Sheiield, Nadine Lowery and Geraldine Wilson. PRECINCT NO. 9-Owens; Stac House, Port St. Joe; Clerk, Elsie Griffin; Inspectors: Virginia Smith, Lois Tharpe, May Pierson, Beulah K. Hat- field and Betty J. Cloud. PRECINCT NO. 10-Money; Scout House, Port St. Joe; Clerk, Mrs. Ralph Macomber; Inspectors: Mrs. 0. M. Tay- lor, Mrs. E. C. Cason, Margaret H. Nichols, Hazel Blackburn and Gertrude Boyer. PRECINCT NO. 11-.Money; Centen- nial Bldg., Port St. Joe; Clerk, Caterine Kennedy; Inspectors: Mrs. Willie Key, Mrs. N. G. Martin, Dorothy M. Hamm, Opal Howard and Brenda Mathes. Sharks Bumped by Bay Port St. Joe's Sharls lost their only game this week against the Bay High Tor- nadoes, 61-51, in Tuesday night's action. The Sharks were only be- hind by two points at the end of the first quarter, 14-12, and outscored the Tornadoes dur- ing the second quarter 17-14, to lead at the end of half-time, 29-28. The Tornadoes were unable to hit a free throw in the first half of the game. St. Joe Singers 'On TV Sunday The St. Joe Singers of Port St. Joe Jr.-Sr. High School will be appearing on the March of Dimes Telethon Sunday, Jan. 25, on Channbl 13, between the hours of 12 noon and one p.m., EST. Members of the group are: Roxanne Lee, Mary Dell Adki- son, Paula Tankersley, Marian Murdock, Kenneth Turner, Scottie Bryant and William Whittington. The group is under the direction of Miss Ann Aldridge, choral 15 acres on Wetappo Creek between Overstreet and Wewahitchka. Call 229-5136 or 229-3107. tfc 1-22 Like new, 12 x 60 furnished mobile home, complete with carpet, 10 x 10 utility bldg, approximately 1 acre (5 lots) of partially landscaped land. 229-5692. tfc 1-22 3 BR house, partially car- peted. Has spacious den, in- side laundry and utility room. Large back yard located on a quiet residential circle. Call 229-6918 for appointment. 2tc 1-22 Large 3 BR home with huge den, living room with fire- place, 2 baths. 229-6147. tfc 1-15 Two-story home, 1902 Monu- ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath. Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474. tfc 8-21 Nice house on corner lot, with chain link fence. 711 Long Ave. 229-6153. tfc 10-23 3 BR house and two-story apartment building. Call 229- 6538. tfc 12-11 3 BR masonry house with den on 1/2 lot with chainlink fence, only $22,000.00. 2 BR masonry house on 7th St., $11,250.00. 4 BR frame dwelling on. 1.2 acres of land at Dal- keith. Nice lawn, fruit trees and outbuilding. Excellent buy at $12,900. 3 BR frame house on 3 lots on Madison St., Oak Grove. To sell for only $9,000.00. Two lots in first block off Hwy. 98 at St. Joe Beach, a bargain at $5,000.00. 3 BR masonary dwell- ing on 75 x 175' lot. A good buy at only $15,000.00. FRANK HANNON Reg. Real Estate Broker 221 Reid Ave. 227-3491 Port St. Joe. Fla. 3tc 1-22 HOU.E-UN 3 BR furnished house at St. Furnished apartment for Joe Beach. Phone 648-4259 or rent, 4 rooms; bath, 1 BR, 648-7586. tfc 11-27 lower apt., adult. 510 8th St. -- . Call 648-5340 evening. Furnished 3 BR house, cen- tfc 1-22 tral heat, washing machine, 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 1-i Adults only. LR, BR, break- fast nook, kitchen and bath. 229-1352. tfc 1-22 Furnished two and three BR houses, at Beacon Hill, by week. Bill Carr or call 229- 6474. tfc 3-13 Furnished cottages at St. Joe Beach, reasonable month- ly rates. Hannon Insurance Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc 5-8 LUZIER COSMETICS (Div. of Clairol) needs representa- tives to sell its prestious line. For immediate training of black or white ladies call Jeanie 904-653-8794. 2tp 1-22 Help Wanted: Waitress at Motel St. Joe. No phone calls. tfc 1-15 Afternoon director. Prayer Meeting At First Born A prayer meeting is being conducted each evening at 6:30, at the First Born Church of the Living God, by District Mother A. Garland. The Lord is blessing greatly through these prayer sessions. Everyone is cordially in- vited to attend. Unfurnished large 2 B: house, auto. heat, scree porch, car port, laundry an storage room. 229-6777 after p.m. tfc 1- AT RUSTIC SAND CAME GROUND, 15th ST., MEXIC BEACH, PATIO, BEAUT FUL REC HALL PRIV LEGES, 1/4 MILE FRO] BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5 Port St. Joe- still led the scoring at the end of the third quarter, 42-39. However, the big quarter for the Tornadoes and the let-down of the Sharks came in the final period as Bay High outscored the Sharks 22-9, to end the game at 61-51. Robert Thomas and Preston Gant led the Shark offense with 16 and 14 points, respec- tively. Bay High was led by the scoring ability of Randall Lewis who tossed in 22 points for the visiting team. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe 12 17 13 9-51 Bay High 14 15 11 22-61 PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins, 3-2-6; C. Daniels, 1-1-3; Gant 6-2-14; Larry 1-1-3; Thomas 6- 4-16; Davis 3-1-7. BAY HIGH-Hanson 4-1-9; Lewis 9-4-22; Covington 4-0-8, Nichols 2-1-5; McIntyre 1-3-5; Holsombake 6-0-12. Bay High defeated the Sharks jayvee team, 43-38, 4i' the strength of a 16-4 fourth quarter. Basketball action for the upcoming week will have Ric- kards here tonight, Jan. 22, and the team will travel to Apalachicola Monday night, with game time at 6:00. THANKS TO MERCHANTS The St. Joe Merchants Bowl- ing Team would like to thank all of the following merchants for their support toward the. team's trip to Tallahassee to bowl in the Mixed Bowling Tournament. The merchants are: St. Joe Furniture Cr., Jake's Restaurant, Mrs. E. L. Gray, Jimmy's Restaurant, Hedy's Florist, Mo-Jo Service Station, Piggly Wiggly, Pate's Shell Station, 13-Mile Oyster Co., Superette Market, Pol- lock's Cleaners, Rich's IGA, Renfro Auto Parts and High- land View Motors. y R CARPET cleaning with R.A.M.-Regular convaca-: m HOST couldn't be easier. Just tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. d brush and vacuum for clean, 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon- 5 dry carpets. Rent our HOST days, 8 p.m. All visiting -1 machine. St. Joe Furniture, companions welcome. 229-1251. tfc 10-23 J. L. SIMS, H.P. p- E. William McFarland, Sec.i ,r I- I- M -8 NO need for wet carpets. Dry clean them with HOST. Use rooms right away. Rent machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Public address system. Owned by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. A new system operable on either battery or current. Call Ken Herring, 227-5281 for rental. tfc For Rent: 3 BR unfurnished house,' choice neighborhood, large yard, laundry, carport, storage. Available January 1. 229-6777 after five p.m.tfc 12-25 -- o-o- 1971 LTD Ford, good cond., low mileage, 229-6291 or 227- 7011. tfc 12-18 1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back, 4 in floor, radio, heater, floor mount tape player and speak- ers, chrome luggage carrier, good tires, 21,000 miles. $1,995.00. Call David May 227- 3881 or 227-2281. tfc 9-11 Free adorable puppies, call 229-6631. ltc 1-22 *1E' FORD I- MARINE REPAIR CENTER Expert repairs of Outboard, Stern Drives, Fiberglass. All work guaranteed. Operated by Jimmy Wilder, school trained mechanic. 4tp 12-4 Phone 227-5062 Hwy. 30A-3 Miles E. of PSJ Roofing & Repairing Work Call 229-6462 4tp 1-8, For TV repairs and Zenith sales, see K&D TV and Sound at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071. tfc 6-2 Septic Tanks Pumped Out Carefoot Septic Tank 229-8227, 229-2351, and 229-6694 All types carpet an flooring installed. 10 experience. For free m( ment and estimate, ca ald Ross, 229-6822. tf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Tues. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Social Hall tfc 4-24 Visit or call the Alcohol Counseling Information Center of the Panhandle Al- coholism Council, Inc, 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe. Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30 House need repairs? Are you renovating or adding on? For quality work, call Jack Hall, 229-6321. tfc 12-18 Family of problem drinkers can find help in Alanon and Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948 or 229-3392. 13t 1-1 tfc 8-21 LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING d vinyl All Types vears 229-6482 or 229-6447 years tfc 9-20 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call ifc 62' 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 ....- Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. BINGO Every Thursday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. American Legion Hall Sponsored by American Legion Post 116 tfc 10-9 There will be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. F. E.BROGDON Everett McFarland, Sec. 4 There will be a VFW meet- ing the third Tuesday of each month in the American Legion Hall. tfc 6-la Dressmaking, alterations, all types of women's and chil- dren's clothes. Call Dianne Kienlen. 648-5458. tfc 1-15 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work Welding 506 First Street Phone 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every day Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC WELCOME SERVICE Call 227-2501 or go by the Chamber office, Municipal Building, 5th St., Monday thru Friday, 9-12 EST. tfc 5-1 Smitty's Heating, Cooling & Electric Service Commercial or Residential Installation & Service . 648-4976 Port St. Joe Owned & Operated by Edward & Tommy Smith. tfcS.-tt easure- II Ron- fc 12-11 Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or 227-7586. tfc 11-14 ' Need help with your DECORATING IDEAS? If So Call 229-6506 tfc 3:. - - -- _ I Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe EARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida Legal Advertising "Ithink it was something I te." kill bugs for up to six months, and saves you about S 100 year in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue s Port St Joe. Florida '- ----------- '*wnw vrr~ur~ --- r MINUTES of the Gulf County Commission. j L -dMI'w 01 ow agmp oww-amw 01m- mm -gow The Board of County Com- missioners of Gulf County met on January 13, in regular ses- sion with the following mem- bers present: Eldridge Money, Chairman; Everett Owens, Jr.; Otis Davis, Jr.; T. D. (Doc) Whitfield and S. C. Player. Others present were: George Y. Core, Clerk; Jerry Gates, Financial Officer; C. E. Daniell, Mosquito Control Supervisor; Lloyd Whitfield, Road Superintendent; Ric- hard Lancaster, Civil Defense Director; Albert Thames, County Service Officer and Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff. The meeting came to order at 9:00 a.m. The Clerk opened the meeting with prayer fol- lowed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of December 9, 1975, were read, approved and adopted. Frank Graddy presented the fleet policy for the Board of County Commission covering all county vehicles in the amount of $11,300.00. Mr. Graddy stated that the policy covered 69 vehicles, less the two fire trucks in Highland View and White City. The Board agreed to accept the policy and requested the two .fire trucks to be added. Fi- nance Officer Jerry Gates then reported that this policy was double the amount paid last year and was more than budgeted. Mr. Graddy stated that there had been an in- crease due to the accidents the road department were in- volved in and the fact that all companies had increased- their premiums. In. addition, Mr. Gates^presented a bill for an additional $7,796.00 pre- mium on the workmen's com- pensation policy which brought the total cost to $41,433.00, $11,433.00 more than was budgeted for work- men's compensation. Comm. Player moved the Board pay- the additional premium as the Board was required by law to furnish workmen's compen- sation. Comm. Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Walter Wilder, County Re- creation Director, presented a report on the activities of that program. The County Com- mission thanked Mr. Wilder and commended him on the excellent job he is doing as Director of the program. E. F. Gunn, County Building Inspector, appeared before the board for a discussion of his authority and duties and a request for travel pay. After discussion, Comm. Whitfield moved the Board allow Mr. Gunn travel pay in the amount of 14 cents per mile, and that Mr. Gunn use his own judg- ment in inspecting according to the ordinance adopted by the Board. Comm. Player seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Gunn then told the Board, as president of the St. Joseph Bay Country Club, that he felt there was a lack of communication concerning the Club's request for tax relief. He stated that the club was not asking to be exempted from property taxes but only that the land be put on an acreage basis as has been done under the Florida Sta- tutes in other counties throughout Florida. He said this would not affect the taxa- tion status of the buildings or golf carts. He asked the Board to reconsider this matter in view of the misunderstanding about what the Country Club was actually asking for. Mrs. Jean Arnold presented a subdivision plat of Wetappo Creek Estates for approval by the Board. After discussion, Comm. Whitfield moved the Board tentatively accept the plat. Comm. Player seconded the motion and it passed un- animously. Mrs. Betty McNeill present- ed a report covering the acti- vities of the library commit- tee. Dave Maddox appeared be- fore the Board to ask for support in requesting the Coast Guard to place passing lights in the main commercial Shipping channel in the bay to improve boating safety. Comm. Player moved the Board write the Coast Guard requesting these lights be in- stalled. Comm. Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence presented an application for Law Enforcement Assistance Administrative Funds to pur- chase telecommunications equipment, i.e. personal port- able radios in the amount of $4,448.00. He explained that Gulf County would be required to supply only $223.00 to obtain this grant. After discussion, Comm. Whitfield moved the Board adopt Resolution 76-1, and support the grant applica- tion in the amount of $223.00. Comm. Player seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously. Copy of the resolution is on file in the Clerk's office. Calhoun County Commis- sioner Gene Bailey and George Atkins of Blountstowh addressed the Board repre- senting the people of Calhoun County in opposition to a dam on the Apalachicola River. After discussion, the Chair- man noted that this Board had previously went on record as being opposed to the dam. The Commission stated that their present position was still one of opposition. In conjunction with this matter the Board, upon motion by Comm. Davis, second by Comm. Whitfield, and unanimous vote decided to no longer pay dues in he amount of $201.92 to the Tri- Rivers Waterway Develop- ment Association, an organi- zation supporting the dam on the Apalachicola River. Board Attorney William J. Rish asked Comm. Bailey's help in obtaining support from the Calhoun County Commis- sion on the repaving of High- way 71 from Marianna to Port St. Joe. Mr. Bailey said he and his Commission would support any action taken to have this road repaved. Mr. Bailey said he would also like to have the Gulf County Commission support efforts to, have the fifth and sixth cent gasoline tax return- ed to the counties. The Board agreed to support these ef- forts . Ed Bandjough reported that the City of Wewahitchka soon will be forthcoming with a .hold harmless clause protect- ing the Board from any liabil- * ity for work done on city streets. He requested the Board continue city projects as soon as this letter is re- ceived. Leo Kennedy reported there were several people in the audience interested in the re- ported consolidation of the Veterans Service Office and the Civil Defense Office. Comm. Davis then moved that the Board consolidate the two offices and make it effective within two weeks. Comm. Owens seconded the motion. After a long discussion on both sides of the issue Comm. Davis asked that the minutes of Dec. 9, 1975, be corrected to show that several people were interested in the job, provided the two offices were consoli- dated, not one as might be interpreted by the minutes. Comm. Owens stated that he is a veteran and has had com- plaints about the service re- ceived in the veterans office. He said he had received no complaints about the Civil De- fense office. He said the Board must look at both offices to- ward providing better service at a lower cost. He said neither director or secretary is overworked and one full- time director and one full-time secretary can do the job and provide better service. Civil Defense Director Richard Lancaster said, "That for the record if Civil Defense can't stand on its own feet, then I say close it down." Chairman Money said he would like to see the matter studied further as he hadn't had time to in- vestigate it fully. The Chair- man then called for a vote on the motion. The motion passed as Commissioners Owens, Davis and Whitfield voted Aye. Commissioners Money and Player voted Nay. Comm. Player said that he has studied the matter and the most that could be saved is $3,000.00. He said everyone is doing a good job and he didn't want to cut down on the ser- vice. Civil Defense Director Lancaster asked the Board to direct him as to what to do. Comm. Owens said that he would like to offer the full time job to Mr. Thames or Mr. Lancaster according to senior- ity. The Chairman requested the Board take four weeks to make the change, not two as made in the motion. The Board agreed that the present operations should continue un- til February 10. Upon the request of Mos- quito Control Supervisor Em- mette Daniell, Comm. Davis moved the Board advertise for bids for repairs to the L578 LinkBelt dragline; bids to be opened January 27. Comm. Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Daniell reported that he also received notification of cancellation of the insurance on the Mosquito Control Build- ing. Insurance agent Mark Tomblinson said that the in- surance would be placed with another company. Mr. Daniell reported that he had passed the state examina- tion for Mosquito Control Directors as required by the new state law. Upon motion by Comm. Davis, second by Comm. Whit- field and unanimous vote, the Board voted to accept a ditch, cleaning easement from Jim- mie L. Sellers, Thomas G. Sellers, Dora B. Sellers and Fannie E. Sellers in Sec. 23, T4S, R10W, as recorded on Official Records Book 64, page 152. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence asked the Board the status of his request for an office in the old county courthouse in Wewahitchka. Comm. Davis reported the only available space would be the food stamp office which is now used only once or twice a week. The Sheriff said he was not sure it would work as he would like to have a permanent base but he would try the arrangement. Comm. Davis reported that Leroy Stevens wants to pur- chase the junk iron at the John Land pit. The Board agreed to sell it after the Road Superin- tendent salvages all useable material. Attorney William J. Rish presented a check for $4,538.00 for state aid grant for public library. Comm. Davis reported that Fred Greer would like the Board to cover a ditch running by his home. The Board agreed to cover the ditch pro- vided Mr. Greer purchases the pipe. Comm. Davis reported that the Herbert Whitfield ditch needs maintenance. Comm. Player reported that the Board needs to discuss its paid holiday policy as the Road Department is now working 10 hour days and the holiday pay was set up on an eight-hour day. Comm. Davis added that the Board needed a work session to revise the em- ployee handbook. The Chair- man set January 19, at 5:00 p.m. as the date for the work session. The Board received notifica- tion that the Department of 'Administration had received the Board's community block grant application. Emmette Daniell, Mosquito Control Supervisor, was in- structed by the Board to con- tinue running the dragline five days a week in a manner that would best suit the overall program. The Board also in- formed Mr. Daniell that they would stand by him in any dispute with an employee as he was the Supervisor and had the power to replace any em- ployee who was not satisfac- tory. The Board agreed to advertise for a public hearing on Feb- ruary 10, to consider the ad- visability of closing, vacating, and abandoning any interest the County might have in and to a road immediately west of the Post Office of Overstreet, in the vicinity of Highway 386. Legal description of the road is on file in the Clerk's office. Upon motion by Comm. Owens, second by Comm. Player, and unanimous vote the Board agreed to nominate Douglas C. Birmingham, Wewahitchka, to serve as an agency representative on the District Advisory Board to the State Manpower Council. Mrs. Dessie Lee Parker, Supervisor of Elections, 'noti- fied the Board that she had appointed Canty T. Jones, 209 Avenue B as a deputy registrar for North Port St. Joe for the year 1976. The Clerk informed the Board that the Department of Transportation is willing to pave the Roberts Cemetery Road, the Kemp Cemetery Road and Cypress Avenue in Port St. Joe under the Off- System, Federal Aid Highway Program, provided the Board will prepare the roads for paving. Upon motion by Comm. Player, second by Comm. Davis, and unanimous vote, the Board agreed to prepare the Roberts and Kemp. Cemetery Roads for paving and request the City of Port St. Joe to prepare Cy- press Avenue. The Board received a letter from Walter M. Kitchens op- posing the combination of the veterans office and the Civil Defense office. Charles Dunn, Department of Transportation, informed the Board of the status of the five-year secondary road pro- gram and informed the Board he would meet with them on February 10, to discuss this matter. The status of Gulf County's Secondary Highway Program projects is as follows: 1. Mitchell Road plans complete. To be let in Jan- uary, 1976. 2. Chipola Ave., East 4th to East 7th-plans complete. Right of way clear. To be let in June, 1976. 3. SR 22A-Plans complete. To be let in June, 1976. 4. Niles Road-Plans to be drawn in 1976-77. Scheduled for letting around August, 1977. 5. Streets in St. Joe Beach (priorities 5-8)-plans to be drawn in 1976-77. Scheduled for letting around August, 1977. The Board received notifica- tion that M. K. Ranches would spread any dirt removed from SR 387 in a workmanlike man- ner .from the edge of the ditch to the edge of the pavement. The Board received the fol- lowing employment applica- tions: Debra Ann Jones, Hen- ry G. Oldenbrook, Carolyn Doris Petty, Billy Eugene Traylor, Sara Elizabeth Pres- ton, Larry Barnes, and Jimmy Carl Nunnery. The Board received notifica- tion by phone that the price of Standard Oil was seven cents lower, effective December 9, 1975. Upon Inotion by Comm. Player, second by "Comm. Davis and unanimous vote, the Board approved a correc- tion in the tax roll for R.E. parcel 3705 for Gene C. and M. R. Degler. Upon motion by Comm. Player, second by Comm. Whitfield and unanimous vote, the Board executed the fol- lowing contract with Gulf Oil Corporation, effective Janu- ary 1, 1976, through December 31, 1976. Gulfcrest gasoline, 32,650 gals., TW $.3803 per gal. effective Dec. 17, 1975. No Nox gasoline, included in above, TW $.3653 per gal. eff. December 17., 1975. The Board received monthly reports from the County Agent and the Road Department, on file in the Clerk's office. The Board tabled discussion of an invoice from the City of Wewahitchka for rent charged for housing the county am- bulance in the city fire station. The Board tabled discussion on a request by the ambulance volunteer EMTs for dues to be paid to the Florida Association of EMTs. The Board request- ed time to see if there was money in the budget for this item. Upon motion by Comm. Player, second by Comm. Whitfield, and unanimous vote, the Board agreed to pay C. A. Floyd, Chatom, Ala- bama, $115.00 for two time clocks as ordered installed by Sheriff Raymond Lawrence. The Board requested the Chairman write the Sheriff a letter requesting prior ap- proval from the Board before any changes or additions are made to the jail building which would require payment by the Board. The Board agreed not to make payment for nursing home and medicaid payments THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. in the amount of $1,728.51 for N, vember, 1975 and $1,716.31 for nursing home and medi- caid for December, 1975. The Board received a letter from Mrs. Edna Rowell con- cerning a ditch at Howard Creek. The Board directed the Road Superintendent to check into this matter. The Clerk filed a report on the activities of his office for the year ending December 31, 1975, showing a continued in- crease in the volume of work. There were 2,706 deeds, mort- gages, etc. recorded in the Public Records. In the Circuit Court there were 201 Civil, 145 criminal, 34 probate and 34 juvenile cases filed. In the County Court there were 371 misdemeanor, 407 traffic and 359 summary claim cases filed. In addition 166 marriage licenses issued, 73 divorces granted, and 1,945 alimony and support payments were processed. Also, 34 building permits were issued. Monies paid into the ac- counts of the Clerk's office were as follows: Alimony support pay- ments, $11,687.22; sale of doc- umentary stamps, $46,500.15; class "C" intangible tax, $12,- 835.78; interest earned, $56,-. 660.30; recording & -copies, $17,360.75; circuit court filing fees, $6,673.00; county court filing fees, $3,358.00; fines and restitution, $43,364.66; .jury and witness fees, $11,500.00; miscellaneous fees and com- missions, $3,117.12; Dead Lakes permits, $11,380.97; county receipts from all sources, $1,855,579.65; for a total of $2,180,017.60. On behalf of- the County Commissioners, the office mailed out 4,311 county checks in the total amount of $1,547,- 678.12. Of particular interest is the earning of $56,660.30 by investing all funds on. a month to month competitive basis. 223-225 Monument Ave. THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1976 He said that the financial position of. the county has declined since January, 1975. This weakened position is pri- marily caused by the general fund obligations being $185,- 460.61 more than the receipts in that fund. The road and bridge fund used $54,864.34, from its reserve for contin- gencies, which would have been carried forward had these funds not been needed. He reminded the Commission- ers that the State Department of Revenue has announced that state revenue sharing funds will be less in 1976 than that received in 1975. All operating budgets for the year 1975-76 were reduced by 10 percent to compensate for these losses. The county's remaining long term obligations are the court- house bonds and interest in the amount of $2,143,113.50. Also there is $42,275.00 remaining to be paid for the Highland View and White City Fire Department buildings. Upon motion by Comm. Player, second by Comm. Whitfield, and unanimous vote, the Board adopted an electrical ordinance, which is on file in the Clerk's office in the Ordinance Book, an offi- cial record. The Board approved pay- ment to J & S Communica- tions for work completed on Comm. Davis' radio. The Board approved an in- crease from'.$50.00 to $75.00 in the cost of publishing the minutes. Upon motion by Comm. Owens, second by Comm. Whitfield, and unanimous vote, the Board'authorized the down payment on the backhoe in the amount of $26,152.00, to be paid from Federal Revenue Sharing, upon delivery from Burford Equipment. PAGE SEVEN Anita Bryant Singer Launches Wagons Anita Bryant will be 'mis- tress of ceremonies when the Bicentennial Wagon Train Pilgrimage to Pennsylvania is launched from Polk City Saturday, January 31. Destined for Valley Forge, Florida's "prairie schooner" will join a train of horse drawn wagons crossing the country as part of the nation- al Bicentennial celebration. The wagon, an authentic hand-inade replica of those which carried settlers west is a gift to Floridians from the state of Pennsylvania. Celebrities will join state and local officials to inaugu- rate this historic journey along America's pioneer trails. Ceremonies are sche- duled for 1 p.m. at the Star- ling Ranch on State Road 33 1 mile north of Interstate 4C The Wagon Train will tra- vel north through Florida, joining the Alabama train March 5 to reach Valley Forge by July 4. Riders on horseback may join the train for a day, a weekend, or the entire trip. Phone 229-1291 FRANK PATE wants you to... JZoihnJ iiLL "I have become an avid Michelin fan now; already I have changed the minds of two of my friends when they had to buy tires. Keep up the good work!" MARK P. RICE, DENVER, COLORADO ..... * PRECISE HANDLING FUEL ECONOMY * STEERING CONTROL LONG TREAD MILEAGE MICHELIN FIRST 'We don't make a second best' Pates Shell Service Center DEPEND ON St. Joe Auto Parts Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years FOR QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE PARTS EXPERT MACHINE SHOP SERVICE WE'RE HEAD- o HUNTERS SPECIALISTS IN CYLINDER HEAD RECONDITIONING ENGINE BLOCK RECONDITIONING CYLINDER HEAD CRACK REPAIRS BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum) and QUALITY PARTS "Press Work" Phone 227-2141 201 Long Ave. I I I'- EAlISIAL iao IGrLEen CORt NATI'O1NAI, IIl Al) RIBLETS CORN 3 12 OZ. Cans $ RICH'S SUPER MARKET Van Camp Chili Beans Van Camp N. 0. Style Beans IGA Instant Dry Milk IGA Potted Meat IGA Vienna Sausage is Oi. Can 33 15 Oz. Can 31 8Qt.Pkg. 1 .o. Can 139 4 Oz. Can 39. Breeze DETERGENT Limit 1 with $10 Order 38 Oz. Pkg. Glad GARBAGE BAGS 15-Pkg. Port St. Joe Florida The" HPPYWWUTO Shp! Del Monte JAarO Tc owe Tablerite CHUCKl ROAST lb Lykes Budget Sliced Bacon Center Cut Slab Bacon. Centeri-Cut --. Salt Pork Calf Liver Our Best Tenderized Shank Portion HAM LB. Whole or Half CURED HAM HAM STEAK L. 69; LB. 99' L. 999 LB. 69' 99; lb. $1.09 lb. $1.39 Georgia Premium Grade Cut-Up Whole Fryers Split Lb. Whole Fryers Chicken Wings & Backs TABLERITE CHOICE BEEF Tablerite Chuck Steak Tablerite Shoulder Roast Tablerite Best Cube Steak Meaty Rib Stew Beef Tablerite Extra Lean Boneless Stew Sunnyland Goodtimer Franks 3 Lb. Box Bacon Ends. Apalachicola with $10 order Oysters Pint Frozen Clark Chopped Beef Patties LB. 98; SLB. LB. $119 69 LB. 88 LB. $1 29 12 Oz. Pak 3/ 179 $1.88 .59 Pkg. $1.59 FS Beach Cliff W-Green Chilis Sardines Beach Cliff All Varieties Fish Steaks La Choy Chow Mein Noodles Kraft W-Meat Sauce Spaghetti Nabisco Chips Ahoy Cookies Morton Lite Salt 1/4 Can 33 /4 fCn 33. 5Oz.Pkg. 55 191/2 Oz.Pkg. 91 14'/2Oz.Pkg. 89 11 Oz.Box 27' IGA Sno-Kreem SHORTENING Limit I with 510 Order 3 Lb. Ca ns sum*" Krlspy Crackers 1 Lb. Pkg. 6 Ilhury cxtra Lius Pancake Mix 2 LI. Pka. Liquid 32 02. DOVE: 1/2 Gallon Bottle RC Cola 79 1$1 8 lb. Bag Oranges Bag of 30 Tangerines 00 Bell Pepper and Cucumbers Sunkist-Bag of 1 Dozen Lemons Red Delicious Large Apples 59C Seed Potatoes and Guano 8for 1 00 Fresh Florida Corn 5 ears69C Radishes Carrots Now In Stock Bag 19 Limit CATSUP Ir I - THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1976 ,Alcohol Questions Dear Mr. Norwood, You have written a lot about drinking problems. I know a lot of people who drink and don't have problems. Where does social drinking end and problem drinking begin Sincerely, Social Drinker J. N. Dear J. N. I agree with your statement that a lot of people do drink and don't have any problem with alcohol. What does hap- pen though, is that if we look At the picture in that way, we blind ourselves to the fact that there are an awful lot of people who do have problems with alcohol. There is no simple answer to the question of where social drinking ends and problem drinking begins, but here is a ,pretty good definition that you mav hoave heard hfnre: "If you need social, that's no ing." a drink to be ot social drink- Sincerely, Dex Dear Mr. Norwood, After New Year's Eve, I had a hangover. I put my pillow over my head and had my feet on top of a blanket so they would be higher than my head. It seemed to work and my hangover went away. A friend told me that it really doesn't work and that he had a better cure. Is it true that one cure is better than another? Sincerely, Hungover, T.I. Dear T.I., It is true that no one cure is better than another. There are almost as many hangover "cures" as there are hang- Legal Advertising INTENTION TO REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 865.09 FF the undersigned oersonlsl .nienling to regster wiln the ClErk a lie Gulf Coun,'. Flor.aa C.rcuit Court the fictiious t rade name unoer which they will be engaged in business .and in which said business to be carried lon, to-wit: Name of Business: SAVEWAY FOOD STORE Location of Business: 510 5th Street, Port St. Joe, Florida Owner (s): George W. Duren -s- GEORGE W. DUREN 4t1-15s REGISTRATION OF FICTIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the ames of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under Sthe name of ECONOMY MOTORS & GARDEN CENTER at Hwy. 98 & 3rd St., Highland View, Florida, 32456 and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Thomas A. Mangum, 100 per cent. .s. Thomas A. Mangum 4t 1-15 INTENTION TO REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 865.09 FF the undersigned per- son (s) intending to register with the Clerk of the Gulf County Florida Circuit Court the fictitious trade name under' which they will be engaged in business and in which said business to be carried on, to-wit': Name of Business: FLORIDA BOY SEAFOOD Location of Business: 2007 Long Avenue Owner (s): B. A. COLLIER .s- B. A. COLLIER 4t 1.-15 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUN- TY. CASE NO. 75-199 TN RE: The Marriage of JAMES G. LEDBETTER, Husband, Respondent, and VERBIE L. LEDBETTER, Wife, Petitioner. NOTICE OF ACTION -*TO: James G. Ledbetter, Respondent, Whose Residence and P. O. Address is: B. R 2, Box 270. Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 -YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a petition for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Hon. Cecil G. Costin, Jr., plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 221 Reid Ave., Port St. Joe, Fla., 32456, on or beforee January 30th, 1976, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter; other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on December 26, 1975. -s- George Y. Core, Clerkof Circuit Court 4t 1-1 SECTION 18-44 and 18-47 CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO WATER AND SEWER SERVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE; PROVIDING FOR DELINQUENCY CHARGES; PROVIDING FOR RECON- NECT FEES; REPEALING SECTION 18-47 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. /f INTRODUCED in the regular meeting of the City Commission on the 16th day of December, 1975, and ADOPTED and passed by the City Commission on the 16th day of December, 1975. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE i By: Frank Pate, %ayor-Commissioner Attest: Charles W. Brock, Clerk overs. But nothing cures a hangover except time. You can do all the other things that you want to make yourself comfortable, but only "time" will get rid of the hangover. There is one way to avoid getting a hangover, though. Preventive medicine: if you don't drink too much, you won't get a hangover. Sincerely, Dex Dear Mr. Norwood, My boyfriend drinks a lot. Everytime I try to talk to him about his drinking, he just says, "All the guys drink so why not me?" It seems like an endless bat- tle with all his friends doing the same thing. It'seems like I am fighting not only him but all of his friends as well, when I ask him about his drinking. Frustrated, B. K. Dear B. K. I understand your problem. Men and'adolescent boys in America often have the head that it's very manly and cool to drink a lot. Somehow the idea that "the more you can drink, the more of a man you are" became part of our folk- lore. It's nonsense, yet this feeling has caused a lot of foolish behavior, a lot of drink- ing problems, and a lot of deaths on our highways. It is no more masculine to drink a lot than it is to eat a lot, smoke a lot, or take an overdose of any other drug.. Besides, a real man doesn't have to keep trying to prove his masculinity. Sincerely, Dex Any questions' concerning alcoholism, submit to De Norwood, Panhandle A REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, do hereby di that the names of all persons inter in the business or profession carri under the name of LILI US JEWEL 228 Reid Avenue. Port St. Joe, F 32456 and the extent of the inter each, is as follows: Anais J. Lilius, Sole Owner. -s- Anais J. Lilius NOTICE Notice is hereby given the Board of County Corn sioners at their regular n ing on February 10, 1976 9:00 A.M., E.S.T., at County Commissioners 1V ing Room in the Gulf Co Courthouse, will consider advisability of closing, va ing and abandoning any terest the County might 1 in and to the following cribed road: Begin at the Southwe corner of Section Township 5 South, Ran 11 West, for point of. I ginning; thence run Sou 21'3"; thence turn rig 91 degrees and run 24( thence turn North 33 c grees, 15 minutes and ri 35'; thence turn 91 degre 45 minutes right and ri 246'; thence turn Sou 13'9" to point of begi ning; the above road beii in the vicinity of HighwE 386 immediately west the Post Office at Ove street, Florida. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLORID -s- Eldridge Money, Chairman GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk 2t 1- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCA IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, F IDA. IN PROS -CASE NC IN RE: The Estate of I. C. NEDLEY, Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION All persons interested in the EST OF I. C. NEDLEY who died on De her 20, 1975, while a resident of County, Florida, are notified that a tion has been filed in the Circuit COi Gulf County, Florida, Gulf Co Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Florida requesting that ROBERT EARL LEY, whose address is P. 0. Box Port St. Joe, Florida, be appointed Personal Representative of the Este I. C. NEDLEY; that an Order has entered appointing ROBERT E NEDLEY as Personal Representati the Estate of I. C. NEDLEY; ROBERT EARL NEDLEY, as Per! Representative, as designated FRE WITTEN, .303 Fourth Street, Por Joe, Florida 32456 as his attorney; with the first publication of this No publication of notice as required Florida law has begun; that all inte ed persons are required to file witi Court within four (4) months of the publication of this Notice all cl against the Estate, all challenges t validity of the instrument present the Court as the Last Will and Testae of I. C. NEDLEY., all challenges tc qualifications of the Personal Re tentative, all challenges to the ven the Court, and all challenges 'to jurisdiction of the Court. DATEDthis 13thdayof January, -s- ROBERT EARL NEDLEY, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE First publication on January 15, 2 ( holism Council, 321 Reid Ave., Port St. Joe. The phone nurnm- ber is 229-3515. ?-0 V-l in Brothers Take Marine Training I Bowling PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. -- Joe, graduated as Marines on Two. brothers from Port St. Dec. 16 with Platoon 2006, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion at * *fe' ^^i [ epothe Marine Corps Recruit WliDepot here. m wI William W and Robert L mmmmm. mm MOCK COMBAT-Private William (left) and Robert McKiernan participate in mock combat exercises during the Individual Combat Training phase at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S. C. Training with Platoon 2006, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, the brothers graduated Dec. 16. They are the sons of Mr.. and Mrs. Robert L. McKier- nan of Port St. Joe. Interior Dancing Decorating Classes Offered exter A course in Interior Decor- Alco- ating for homemakers is being offered in Port St. Joe by Gulf Coast Community College. The course will cover the basic principles and elements rested of interior design and their ied on practical application to to- ERida day's home. est of Jeanne McDermott,, Gulf Coast College instructor and 4t 1- Decorating Consultant will ta each the six week, non-credit i iurse at St. Joseph's Parish that Hall on 20th St. Classes will mis- meet from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 neet- a.m. on Thursdays, beginning atJan. 29. Fee for the class is ,athe $12.50. [ethe Further information can be unty obtained by calling Mrs. Mc- the Dermott .at 229-5991 or the acat- Continuing Education Divi- c in- sion at Gulf Coast at 769-1551. have des- est Oc 32, ge U- ~ a) eli C~ hf 0 a. o - CM) * - Classes in Middle Eastern dance (belly dancing) will begin Monday, Jan. 26 at the Centennial Building, from seven to nine p.m. The classes will last for six weeks, and will be offered in two classes, be- ginners and advanced. Fee for the course is $8.00, and you may register by calling 229-6119, or contacting the Gulf County Recreation Department. Workshop for Belly Dancing Ladies, a Mid-Winter Work- shop for Eastern Dancing (Belly Dancing) will be held Saturday, Feb. 7, nine a.m. to five p.m., CST, in Pensacola. Interested ladies in this area may get information and tic- kets by calling Theba Gibson at 648-5335. m0. m 4 ^a 0' I- c~. mm - Co I cc 0) Eu E c) -q McKiernan, Jr. entered the Marine Corps last August on the buddy system and arrived on Parris Island for training. Both are four-year enlistees and William is guaranteed as- signment to the mechanical- electrical field; Robert will be assigned to aviation techno- logy and hopes for electrical work. Pride was the motivation for both McKiernans to join the Corps. Robert says, "Boot camp has built up a lot of pride in me," and William added, "That's what I joined for- the pride Marines have." Eighteen-year-old William is a 1975 graduate of Port St. Joe High School. Robert grad- uated from there in 1972 and went on to attend Gulf Coast Community College in Pan- ama City, before working as a construction electrician. Earlier in training the Mc- Kiernans fired marksmen's scores on the rifle range with the M-16 service rifle. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McKiernan of Port St. Joe. Winter Mixed League The Winter Mixed League met on January 13 at St. Joe Bowling Lanes. On lanes one and two, Varnes Seafood took three games from Fiesta Food Store. David Seymour, substi- tute bowler, bowled a 192 high game and 460 series, for Varnes. Lou McDonnell had a 136 high game and L. P. West' had a 357 high series for Fiesta. Lanes three and four'had Sylvachem winning four games from No Names. Bill Whitfield bowled a 191 high game and 521 high series for Sylvachem. David Howell had a 146 high game and Robert Montgomery (sub) had a 427 high series for No Names. On lanes five and six, Ten Pin Lounge won four games from Kennedy & Wombles, Inc. James Hicks led Ten Pin with a 214 game and 554 series.. Steve Wombles had a 188 high game and 456 high series (or K & W. On lanes seven and eight, Rotagilla and Carr's split games, each taking two. Jo O'Barr and Donnie Maddox each had a 163 high game and Jo bowled a 437 high series for Rotagilla. Chuck Guilford had a 212 high game and 579 series for Carr's. Standings: W L Rotagilla 48 16 Carr's 44 20 Sylvachem 44 20 10-Pin Lounge 40 24 No Names 30 34 Varnes Seafood 24 40 Fiesta Food Store 13'2 5012 K & W,.Inc. 12'2 51's Thursday Nite Ladies' League On January 15, the Thurs- day Nite Ladies' League met at St. Joe Bowling Lanes. On lanes one and two, Ward's Fishery won three games from Surfers. Trudy Pate and Toby Gray each bowled a 150 high game, and Toby Gray had a 390 high series for Ward's. Betty Har- din led the Surfers with a 130 game and 363 series. On lanes three and four, Hi-View Motors won four games from the Swingers. Sandra Brock had a 146 high game and Sue Parrish had a 385 high series for Hi-View. Kim Ernest bowled a 109 I HtPO I OF CONDITION Consolidating domestic subsidiaries of the Florida First National Bank Name of Bank of Port St. Joe Inthestateof Florida at the close of business on December 31, 1975 published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Thousands of dollars THOUSANDS Hnds. Cis Cash and due from banks (including! None lxxx xxi unposted debits) .................. 3154, XXX XX U.S. Treasury securities .. .......................................................1 402, XXX XX Obligations of other U.S. Govt. agencies and corps............................................. .No e XXX XX Obligations of States and political subdivisions .............................................. 2, 45, XXX XX Other securities (including I 32, 000 XXX I XX corporate stock) .......................... 177 XXX XX -. Trading account securities .............. ................. ...... ............... None XXX xx LU Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell......................... 1,500. XXX XX U) Loans... ........................ ........................................... 5,504 XXX XX <. Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises ................. 385, XXX XX Real estate owned other than bank premises ................................. .............. 9, XXX XX Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and "associated companies" ........... ...........None XXX XX Customer's liability to this bank on acceptance outstanding ...................................... None XXX XX Other assets (including | NONE |XXX XXJ direct lease financing) ........................ 137, XXX XX TOTAL ASSETS ........... ........................... .. ..................... 14 513 XXX XX Demand deposits of individuals, prtnshps., and corps....................... ................ 6,565, XXX XX Time and savings deposits of individuals, prtnshps., and corps....................... ............ 2 ,297 XXX XX Deposits of U.S. Govt .................. .............................. .......... ... 27, Xxx xx Deposits of States and political subdivisions ........................... ................. 3,610, XXX XX Deposits of foreign govts. and official institutions ................. ....................... None XX XX Deposits of commercial banks ....... ... .. ......................... ...... None XXX XX W Certified and officers' checks, etc. ................... ......................................60, XXX XX W TOTAL DEPOSITS ........................................ 12,559, IXXX XX 3 (a) Total demand deposits .............. ... ................. 7,042, XXX XX ra (b) Total time and savings deposits:............................. 5,517, XXX Xxl < Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase .................... 50, XXX XX -I Liabilities for borrowed money..................... ............................................ None XXX XX Mortgage indebtedness ...................... ....... .............. ............ None XXX XX Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding ............................ None XXX XX Other liabilities........................ ............. ............... ........... 304, XXX XX TOTAL LIABILITIES .............................................. ........................... 12,913,. XXX XX MINORITY INTEREST IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES.................................... None XXX XX .j Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) ................. ........... 112 XXX XX m= Other reserves on loans .................. ........................................ None XXX XX Eu M Reserves on securities ....................................................... ............ None XXX XX =g TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES ........................................... 112, XXX XX Capital notes and debentures ......................... ........ ................................ None XXX XX 0 EQUITY CAPITAL, total .. .. ................................................ 1,488, xxx xx Z Preferred stock, total par value .............................................................. None xxx XX D (No. shares outstanding None ) o Common stock, total par value ........... ..................................... ... 400, Ixxxxx o (No. shares authorized 16,000 ) (No. shares outstanding 16,000 ) S Surplus ......................................................................L 650, XXX XX -J Undivided profits ............................. ................... ........ 256, XXX XX I.. Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves ............................................ 182, XXX XX TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ............ ................................................... 88, XXX XX TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ................................................................ 14,513, lxxx Ixxi Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with the call date ......................... 4 29, XXX X Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date ............................ 9, / b XXX XX L Interest collected not earned on installment loans included in 3 total capital accounts ............................. ................... None XXX XX = Standby letters of credit ............................ ... ......................... .. None IXXX IXX J. T. Cannon Name President Title of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature January 15, 1976 oate We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition. We declare that it has been examined by us, to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct, and that it has been or will be published in the manner prescribed by Title 12, U.S.C. 161, within twenty days from the date of the call for report of condition, or as otherwise prescribed by the Comptroller of the Currency. Directors ^^^-^^< . PAGE NINE > * l high game and Marion Mur- dock had a 290 high series for the Swingers. Lanes five and six had Ralph and Henry's winning three games form Bowen's Cowgirls One. Susan Bigelow had a 166 high game and Anna Smith had a 370 high series for Ralph & Henry's. Pat Hutchin- son led the Cowgirls with a 143 game and 366 series. On lanes seven and eight, Renfro won three games from Bowen's Cowgirls Two. Cathy . Blackburn rolled a 160 game and 430 series to lead Renfro. Brenda Guilford (sub) bowled a 160 high game and 427 high series for Cowgirls Two. Standings: W L Renfro 51 13 Ralph & Henry's 46 18 Hi-View Motors 42 22 Cowgirls One 41 23 Swingers 25 11 Cowgirls Two 21 43 Ward's Fishery 7 41 Surfers 7 57 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank each and everyone for their help, food, love, kindness, sympathy and phone calls during the loss of our loved one, Charles Wat- kins. May God bless each and everyone. Esther Pettis and Famify CARD OF THANKS We are deeply grateful to all our friends who shared our grief with us during the recent death of our loved one. The flowers, food, calls, cards, and prayers are appreciated for the comfort they brought. Erma Creel % ~E-d |