The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/02097
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: January 15, 1976
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:02097

Full Text


Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida

Commission Moves to "Improve Services"

Defense,Veterans Offices Combined
Chaire s maMoewocsa'ny

Just as they promised back in
December, the County Commission gave
a decision on whether or not to combine
their Civil Defense and Veterans' Service
offices. at their meeting Tuesday mor-
ning. The decision, on a split decision,
was to combine the offices under a
full-time director, in spite of the lengthy
verbal opposition of about a half dozen
people in the audience.
In the December 9 meeting, Commis-
sioner Otis Davis, Jr., suggested that the
Board consider employment of one man
and one secretary full time to take care
of the duties of both offices and offer a
full-time service. In the past, the County
has staffed both offices with a full time
secretary and operated with part-time
Davis made the motion Tuesday to

go to the full-time operation with one
man in charge of both operations.
Everett Owens, Jr., seconded the motion
and on a vote, Commissioners Davis,
Owens and T. D. Whitfield voted in favor.
Commissioner Silas Player and Chari-
man Eldridge Money voted against.

But in between the making of the
motion and the vote, there was about an
hour of at times heated controversy over
whether the countyshould do this thing
or not. Chief spokesmen for the opposi-
tion were former County Commissioner
Leo Kennedy, William Hall and Earl
Burrows. Kennedy and Burrows seemed
to be concerned that the county was
eroding the Veterans' Service Office
service and Hall was concerned that the
Civil Defense department would fade
away into nothing and would penalize the

County in federal matching funds. Ken-
nedy seemed to fear loss of federal funds
also and exclaimed at one point that the'
County would lose $50,000 in matching
Both Davis and Owens tried to ex-
plain that the county was hot doing away
with any service, but was in fact, improv-
ing it by giving full time counseling for
veterans with problems and also for Civil
Defense purposes. Owens explained,
"We will lose only $7,000 in matching
money we receive to pay part of the
.salaries of the director and secretary".
He went on to explain that the proposed
move would save about as many Gulf
County tax dollars as the county would
lose in matching money.
One citizen in the audience, Myrus
Boring of Wewahitchka said he felt

veterans would be better served with the
change. "I am a veteran", he explained.
"I have just-retired and moved to
Wewahitchka and have found it next to
impossible to see the Veterans Service
officer at my convenience. If he were in
the Courthouse at regular business
hours, I feel I and others could have our
needs met better".
Present Civil Defense Richard Lan-
caster then got into the conversation and
asked what "the real reason was" for
this maneuver. "If you shut down the
Civil Defense office completely, .you
would save only $7,316.00 in ad valorem
taxes", Lancaster said. "If this is a
personal thing, I'd die before I would
quit. If you're unhappy with my service,
I'll be glad to step aside".
Commissioner Owens then assured
Lancaster the Commission was perfectly

satisfied with Lancaster's service but felt
the County could be better served, more
economically under the new plan.- "It's
merely a matter of better service as well
as the secondary plus of saving a few
dollars", Owens stated.
Davis said it was his thoughts the
County could hire a full-time man for
what is presently being paid the two
part-time men, along with a full-time
secretary would, give the people better
service at less cost. "Service is the
thing", Davis said.
Herbert Burge asked what prompted
the suggestion in the first place and
asked if the Commission shouldn't give
the matter some more consideration
before making their move. "If an
examination shows it's the best thing to
do, then do it. If not, then we should keep
the two men we have".

Chairman Money, who cast a 'nay'
vote, said, "I didn't look into the situation
because I didn't believe the same service
could be given at less' cost". Owens and
Davis said they had studied the matter
thoroughly, already.
After the Commission cast their
votes in favor of the change in opera-
tions, Lancaster then said, "I didn't say
this earlier because I didn't want it to
sound like a threat, but I feel your actions
will cause about half of the Civil Defense
volunteers to quit"'.
Nevertheless, the Commission ma-
jority stood by their decision and, as of
now, are looking for a man to fill the
In the meantime, both Lancaster and
VA officer, Albert Thames agreed to stay
on their jobs until the new director is
* hired.

Doctor Couple Coming July 1

A husband and wife team,
both of whom are doctors will
be moving to Port St. Joe on
July 1 of this year, as the
result of efforts of the Port St.
Joe City Commission it was
learned early this week.
Dr. Parmanand Vijay Poo-
nai and his wife, Dr. Anila
Poonai will be setting up a
practice here in Port St. Joe to

fill a need for medical services
left by the departure of Dr. J.
V. Philpot who moved to Lake
City recently.
Dr. Poonai is 40 years of age
and is a physician and surgeon
with most of his training in
surgery. He received his MD
degree in Bombay, India and
studied, taught and trained in
surgery in London, England

and Edinburgh, Scotland for
nine years. He was a lecturer
in surgery and chief of sur-
gery at the University of .the
West Indies in Kingston, Ja-
maica for three years and is
*presently chief general surgi-
cal resident at St. Alexis
Hospital, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Dr. Poonai's surgical ex-
perience is extensive covering

fields in orthopedics and car-
dio-vascular as well as gener-
al surgery.
Mrs. Poonai has majored in
obstetrics and gynecology and
studied in Bombay and Lon-
don also. At present, she is
house physician in obstetrics
and gynecology at St. Alexis
Hospital in Cleveland.
The City Commission is
offering the wing in the Muni-
cipal Hospital for the Poonai's
to begin practice in. The wing
will be completely refurbished
to provide modern office facil-
ities for the new doctors.
The.Doctors Poonai were in
Port St. Joe Sunday morning,
looking over the hospital and
*meeting with members of the
City Commission prior to'
making their decision to come
Dr. Poonai said he liked
what he saw and expressed his
intention to come here just as
soon as he qualifies for ac-
ceptance in the American
College of Surgeons. He is
already a member of the
Royal College of Surgeons in
Great Britian, but U.S. law
requires him to serve two
years of residency in the
United States before he can be
accepted for membership

here. The two years will be
completed in June of this year.




The Port St. Joe Chamber of
Commerce will meet Monday,
January 19 in the Centennial
Building for its annual instal-
lation banquet. The meeting
will begin ,at 8:00 P.M.
Installed at the meeting will
be newly elected directors,
John Miller, David Roche,
Wendell Whitaker, Mrs. Jean
Atchison and Dick Brown.
Directors continuing to
serve on the Board include
George Y. Core, L. L. Copen-
haver, Wanda Brown, Robert
Fox and Higdon Swatts.
Out-going president, L. L.
Copenhaver has secured A. P.
Rollins, with the .U.S. De-
partment of the Interior to be
guest speaker for the evening.
Rollins is currently working
with the Alaska pipeline pro-
ject and will tell of some of the
problems and accomplish-
ments in construction of this
giant project.

Brings Money

Representative William J; Rish handed
County Commission chairman Eldridge Mon-
ey a check from the State of Florida in the

amount of $4,538.00 Tuesday morning at the
County Commission meeting. The ,check
represented state matching money for the
County's participation in the Northwest
Regional Library System. The money goes
for the operation of the system along with
county funds. Star photo

County Commission Reaffirms

Opposition to Apalachicola Dam
tae rm dvlprMs

Damaged pick-up, owned by Robert following Friday night crash. Star Photo
Creamer, is towed from accident site

Two Vehicles Involved

In Friday Accident
ober ~hT L. Cra er 53,ofMuicpa Hsita Vernight

Robert L. Creamer, 53, of Municipal Hospital overnight
Indian Pass was kept in the Friday night, for observation

Death Takes J. Earl

Creel Sunday Morning

J. Earl Creel, 61, a resident
of 122 Hunter Circle, died
early Sunday morning at his
residence following a lengthy
illness. Mr. Creel was born in
Apalachicola and had resided
in Port St. Joe since 1955. He
was a retired master of Apa-
lachicola Northern Railroad
Co. and a World War II veter-
Survivors include his wife,
Mrs. Erma Creel of Port St.
Joe; his mother, Mrs. Agnes
Creel of Lake City, S. C.; a
brother, George Creel of Lake
City, S.C.; two sisters, Mrs.
Ola Bazen of Pamyslice, S.C.
and Mrs. Mary' Heffron of
Charleston, S.C.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. at the
First Baptist Church with the

Rev. George H. Gay, pastor,
officiating, assisted by the
Rev. J. C. Odum, pastor of the
Long Avenue Baptist Church.
Interment followed in the
family plot of Magnolia Ceme-
tery of Apalachicola.
Active pallbearers were:
John Lee, Troy Parrish, Fred
Perry, W. E. Schoelles, W. H.
Scott and Troy McMillan.
Honorary pallbearers were:
Roy Gibson, Jr., B. A. Prid-
geon, Jr., Wesley Grace, S. C.
Pridgeon, R. H. Brinson,
George Suber, H. L. Ford, B.
A. Pridgeon,'Sr., Paul Blount,
Frank Sisk, J. 0. Lucas, Bill
Hammock, Frank McDonald,
George Cooper, Cecil Hewett,
W. C. Roche, George Core,
and operators of St. Joseph
Telephone Co.

as the result of a collision
between his pick-up truck and
a sedan parked beside High-
way 98. The accident occurred
near the bridge over Patton's
Bayou about 9:30 P.M., Fri-
day night.

According to Port St. Joe
Police Patrolman B. G. Light-
foot, Creamer was travelling
south on 98, when he left the
shoulder of the road on the
right side and crashed into the
.rear of the sedan, which was
parked beside the road unoc-
cupied. The sedan was owned
by James Robert Dykes of 402
Iola Street.
Creamer had to be pried
from the cab of his pick-up and
was then taken to Municipal
Hospital for treatment by Gulf
County Volunteer Ambulance.

Patrolman Lightfoot said
charges in the accident are
pending further investigation.

Damages to both vehicles
were estimated at $1,800.

Whether or not to dam the
Apalachicola River caused
some emotional rhetoric at the
County Commission meeting
Tuesday, with Calhoun County
Commissioner Gene Bailey
and George Adkins of Blounts-
town asking the Board to
stand firm in their opposition
to any more dams on the
The Corps of Engineers are
now in the process of trying to
seek approval for a low-level
run-of-the-river dam just be-
low Blountstown to maintain a
nine foot shipping channel for
barge traffic.
Bailey said the people of
Calhoun County are opposed
to the dam. "We feel the dam
would be detrimental to the
environment of our county",
he said. He felt such a dam
would lower the water level in
the lower river and would
adversely affect the sports
fishing and could affect the
fresh water supply to Port St.
Adkins likened himself to
Paul in the Bible. "Before he
was Paul he was Saul", Adkins
said. "And like Saul I did
what I thought was right years
ago when I worked actively
for the River channel, the dam
at Chattahoochee and even the
dam at the end of the Dead
Lakes. I worked diligently for
them. But like Paul, I have
come to see the error of my

ways and now will spend the
rest of my life doing pennance
by striving to see that no more
dams are placed on the Riv-
Adkins said, that in his
opinion, both the dams at
Chattahoochee and on the
Dead Lakes had damaged,
rather than helped the areas,
especially for sports fishing.
He urged the Commission
study what affects further
dams would have.
The Calhoun duo could have
saved their breath, since the
Gulf County Commission gave
them assurances that they
stood strong against any more
dams on the Apalachicola
Adkins said he and Bailey
had come before the Commis-
sion since it was their infor-
rnation the Tri-Rivers Author-
ity would be at Tuesday's
meeting to try and sell the
Chairman Money said the
delegation was scheduled to
be there, but had postponed
their appearance until the
January 20 meeting.
The Country Club and its tax
status came to the attention of
the Commission again.
E. F. Gunn said there was a
lack of communication about
what the Country Club wanted
and deserved. "In the first
place", Gunn said, "It isn't a

country club. It's a coopera-
tive of Gulf County citizens
who are paying their share of
supporting an outdoor recrea-
tional complex and anyone
who is willing to pay their fair
share are welcome to become
members and use it."
Gunn went on to explain that
the Club was eligible for
Green Belt assessment of its
property under a state law
which provides for this as-
sessment for areas used as
outdoor recreation. "We don't
expect to be free of paying
taxes. Under the green belt
classification the acreage
values would be reduced on
the tax rolls but would still pay
some taxes. Also, the build-
ings and machinery would still
be subject to taxes.
Gunn explained the Club
was being operated more
economically than any coun-
try club but needed every'bit
of help which it could receive.
Gunn asked the Commission
to think about what he had
said, research the law and
reconsider at a future date
placing the Club property
under the green belt law.
"This will save us from $600 to
$800 a year and, although this
isn't much money, it will
mean a lot to us".
The Board agreed to recon-
sider the matter.
In other actions, the Board:

-Heard a report from Rec-
reation Director Walter Wil-
der that his department had
provided supervised recrea-
tion to over 2,000 participants
during the past year at a cost
of $30,315.59 during the past
year. Tax money made up
$26,000 of this budget and was
contributed by the County,
School Board and the cities of
Port St. Joe and Wewahitch-
-Instructed building in-
spector E. F. Gunn to check
contractors and sub-contrac-
tors for licenses and permits.
-Tentatively accepted a'
plat for Wetappo Creek Es-

Roy Preston Holliday, 61, a
resident of Simmons Bayou,
died last Thursday night at
Municipal Hospital following a
length illness. He was a native
of Florida, a long-time resi-
dent of Gulf County, and was a
heavy equipment operator for
a construction company.
Survivors include: a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Mary Louise tucker,,
a son, Harvey Preston Holli-
day; two grandchildren,
Shaun and Michael Ducker,
all of Dothan, Ala.; his
mother, Mrs. Ethel 0. Holli-
day of Simmons Bayou; a

states from developer Mrs.
Jean Arnold.
-Heard a progress report
from Mrs. James T. McNeill
on progress made in selecting
a new library site in Port St.
-Agreed to write the U.S.
Coast Guard asking them to
install safety lights on naviga-
tional aids in St. Joseph Bay.
The request for the action was
made by David B. Maddox.
'-Agreed to apply. to. the
federal government for
matching funds to purchase
walkie-talkie radios fr ..the

sister, Mrs. Jeanette Presnell
of Simmons Bayou; and two
stepchildren, Donald Schott- Of
St. Joe Beach, and Mrs. Elie
Evans of Orlando.
Funeral services were held
at 2:00 p.m. Saturday at the
First Baptist Church, conduct-
ed by the Rev. George H. Gay,
pastor. Interment followed-in
the family plot of Holly Hill
Cemetery. Deacons of the
First Baptist Church served
as pallbearers.
All services were under the
direction of Comforter Fun-
eral Home of Port St. Joe.

15 Cents Per Copy

Roy Preston Holliday

Dies from Long Illness

_ _______~ ~ _. .. ___


Published Every Thursday at 306 Willlarhs Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida
By The Star Publishing Company
Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456
Wesley R. Ramsey .... .... ............................. Editor and Publisher
William H. Ramsey ...................... ................... Production Supt.
Frenchie L. Ramsey ............................ ............... Office Manager
Shirley K. Ramsey........................................ Typesetter, Subscriptions


IN COUNTY--ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., S127.50
OUT OF COUNTY-One Year, $6.00 OUT F u.s.--one Year, $7.00
I -
TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions In advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable
' for damage further than amount received for such advertisement.

r *;- The-spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely
Sase4ts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost,' the printed word remains.


American Navy Now

N Have you ever watched one
of those news conferences on
television, and wished that you
Should be there to ask the ques-
tion nobody else dared to ask?
Bill Norton and Philip Davis,
students at Port St. Joe High
School, will have that oppor-
tunity next week. They have,
been selected to go to Wash-
ington, D.C., joining other
high school students from all
parts of the country, to attend
the week-long Class One of A
Presidential Classroom for
Young Americans.
Bill and Philip will attend
classes Jan. 17 through 24 in
Washington. Bill is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norton
of Port-St. Joe, and Philip isg
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Olin
Davis of Mexico Beach.
Since its inception in 1968,
e-' the non-profit, non-partisan
Presidential Classroom has'



In P.C.

ing Presidential Classroom

BIM Norton
hosted over 11,000 students in
the nation's capital. The
Classroom program is design-
ed to promote a greater under-
standing of the Federal

government through personal
contact with its institutions
and leaders. Students live in a
Washington-area hotel, and
attend seminars and discus%
sion groups led by key Wash-
ington officials. Past speakers
have included Senators, Con-
gressmen, Supreme Court
Justices, Cabinet Secretaries,
members of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, White House staff mem-
bers, foreign ambassadors,
members of the news media,
and representatives from
many different Federal agen-
Bill and Philip will have the
opportunity to study all three
branches of the Federal gov-
ernment, in depth, and to gain
an increased understanding of
the issues and personalities
which directly influence the
conduct of political affairs on

Philfp Davis
the national level.
But, says Presidential
Classroom Executive Director
Angie Whitaker, that's not all:
"The meetings with promi-

nent people in the Washington
community are only part of
the Classroom experience. Ac-
cording to the students them-
selves, equally important is
the opportunity to exchange
ideas and points of view with
their peers form distant areas
of the country."

Ms. Whitaker also stresses
that a student's participation
will often involve not only the
student and his school, but the
entire community as well.
Upon their return home, many
students are asked to be guest
speakers before local com-
munity organizations, and
share their Washington exper-
ience with others. A signifi-
cant percentage of Classroom
students are sponsored by
local citizens' groups, such as
the Rotary Club, Lions, Ki-
wanis and Civitan.

Rated S

Remember back when Great
*Britain was the "Queen of the
Seas"? Remember what happened
when the nation lost this status? She
Started downhill in world import-
"ance, power and influence.
Even during World War II,
Great Britain was a small nation;
'but she had a huge navy and wielded
tremendous influence around the
world. These factors helped her to
survive the great war reasonably
;.. Since World War II, the United
'States has held the title of "Queen of
the Seas". Just recently, news
reports would have us to understand
that we no longer occupy this
position. According to the naval
INference book, "Janes Fighting
Ships", Russia has "the most potent
navy ever".
The book says the Soviet Union
haa- a much larger navy than they
need. to. protect -thbeir homeland,.
.which would lead us to believe the
remainder is for harrassing other

Ronald Reagan, candidate
for the Republican nomination
oeco n d for President, has accepted an
invitation to appear in Pan-
ama City, as the keynote
homelands-among them, ours. speaker for a special Bicen-
It has been the trend of the tennial governmental aware-
United States to allow its navy to ness program to be sponsored
deplete in size and, quality. New by Gulf Coast Community
ships haven't been built at the rate Collresidential Politics '7626.
they have been ,in- the past. The is the theme of the program
United States has also relied to a which will consist of three
great extent on the shipping lines of separate seminars named in.
other nations for its water trans- honor of former Florida Sena-
portation rather thansupport a fleet or George G. Tapper, chair-
rman of the College's District
of our own. Board of Trustees.
This seems dangerous to us. The At two p.m. on Jan. 26 Dr.
only way you can get "there" from Donald Freeman, chairman of
"here" with sizeable loads of sup- the faculty of political
plies, cargo and men is by water. sciences at the University of
West Florida in Pensacola,
The only way you.can go by water is will address the topic "Presi-
by ship. You can't go by ship unless dential Campaign Techni-
you have some. ques."
We hate to see the nation let its Dr. Freeman's presentation
guard down in any area. We think it will be held in the GCCC Fine
Arts Auditorium at two p.m.
especially dangerous to let our navy Reagan's address will be
deteriorate. Not only is it to be used held in the Panama City
to transport and -protect transport Municipal Auditorium begin-
overseas, i is also-to-beiused toJkeep. ....-ning..,at.7:3Q. p,m,,,Admnission
other transport away from our will be by ticket only.
shores. Let's keeplit large enough to -
do the job. (

Deserved A Veto

We think President Gerald Ford
did the proper thing when he vetoed
the bill which would have expanded
'Oicketing rights for construction
unions. The President said the bill
" ould create "greater, not lesser
conflicts in the construction indus-
The bill would allow for shutting
down an entire job due to what could
be a minor dispute between a
sub-contractor and his employees,
who might number only one of a
force of thousands working on a
Admittedly we haven't examin-
ed this portion of the bill closely but
we feel the bill could adversely
affect us here in Port St. Joe, too,
with our unionized industries.
There has hardly been a time in
the past 10 to 15 years when some
firm or other hasn't been working at
either St. Joe Paper, Sylvachem or

Basic. In most instances they are
union. And just as sure'as the sun
comes up in the'6"morning, the
contractors, performing repairs or
installing work at one or the other
industries, will suffer a strike before
their job is over. It's conceivable,
under the bill vetoed by Ford, that
any of these three local industries
could be shut dowh by a strike from
construction laborers. '
Many gave Ford some verbal
action for his signing the veto but,
according to the news accounts of
the action, Mr. Ford had great input
from the everyday citizen to oppose
the bill. If we can believe what we
say, such attention to the average
citizen and his wishes is what we
have been callingdor on the part of
our government for many years
Striking is the leverage of labor,
but putting people out of work not
involved in a dispute is unnecessary.

Dwindling British Treasury

Sparked American Revolution

Ironically, it was money
problems in Great Britain
which led to the American
solutionn in 1776, Charles
Slith, local historian, told the
Rotary Club last Thursday.
= Back in the late 1760's and
iarly 1770's, England was just
getting over the Seven Years'
w*Ar on the continent and
England was broke. The na-
tion tried to recoup parts of its
.finances with oppressive taxes
. : their colonies here in
oN with excessive taxes
levied against molasses, tea,
navigation and most all im-
ports as well as a ruling
handed down that the colonies
:2lJd not import goods from
'ifny nation except England,

the Revolutionary War
seeds were sown.
Also, money problems caus-
ed King George to cut his
armed forces in the colonies
down to only 6,000 men, in an
effort to save money at home.
These oppressive taxes
along with the Boston Massa-
.cre in which English soldiers
killed rioting colonists who
were protesting the excessive
taxes and the war was on its
Smith said George Washing-
ton was chosen to lead the
colonial army because he was
an experienced military man,
he was rich and he was a
moderate. The colonial lead-
ers felt the selection of Wash-
ington would attract more

colonists to the cause since
they would have a leader who
was not a hot-head. Many of
the colonists were still loyal to
the King, despite the oppres-
sive taxes.
Of the 2.5 million people who
lived in the colonies at the
beginning:of the revolution, at
least 40 percent were c insid-
ered still loyal to the Crown, 25
percent were lukewarm to the
idea of a'revolution and the
remainder were staunch sup-
porters of succeeding from the
"It wasn't much to start a
revolution with", Smith ob-
Guests of the club were
Wheelettes Pam Smith and
Sandra Varnum and Bill Gib-
son of Huntsville, Ala.

Most pioneers had a deep
sense of humor and could find
laughter in simple things. A
grown man being chased up a
low-limbed persimmon tree
by a small but fast biting dog,

I don't know what I'm going to do with my
For a little over seven years, now, Frenchie
has been a grandmother. It hasn't affected her
very much, noticeably. About the only change I
have discerned is that when we go somewhere
we have to look for something to bring back to
the grandchildren. Too, on occasion, we have the
little darlings cast on our doorstep by their
parents, after which they run like mad to get
away before we see them. In this manner, we
become grandchildren sitters.
But back to Frenchie.
She has borne up under the burden of being a
grandmother remarkably well; until lately, that
Lately, I have noticed she sits in her chair at
night and goes to sleep. Almost every night this
happens. She'll clear the supper table and sit
down and glance through the afternoon paper.
Then she gets interested in what's on the tube -
for about five minutes. Then it's off to
This wasn't too bad. I just.sitand watcher
.and see. how long shed isi -going-, -to'-"sl"e
*s m *w w a a w w w ~ m *** ---1* ,

working on the tree-climbing
man's legs up above the boot
tops, was good for a laugh.
A balky mule was common
sight on Main. Street, especi-
ally on Saturdays. No one.

Want A State

Job? Help for

You On the Way
A representative of a new State Government will be in
program to help residents of Port St. Joe on Thursday, Jan.
rural areas to find jobs in 22, and Friday, January 23 to
take applications. Ann Esner,
S eedling a Rural Employment Special-
k. ist for the Florida Department
P a k of Commerces Rural Equal
Sac et Opportunity (REO) pro-
grams, will be at the Port St.
Sale Joe office of the Florida State
Employment Service on
The Division of Forestry is Thursday from .11 a.m. to
celebrating Arbor Day' this three p.m., and Friday from
Friday, Jan. 16, as they have 10 a.m. til noon to answer
done in the past, with a seed- questions and take applica-
ling packet sale. The Division tions for state employment.
of Forestry of the Panama REO, a program funded
District serves five counties, under the Comprehensive
Gulf, Bay, Calhoun, Liberty Education and Training Act
and Franklin. (CETA), was established to
Cost of the packets will be insure that job applicants
$1.00, with two trees each of from rural counties receive
dogwood, live oak, red cedar equal treatment in state hiring
and sycamore species, with urban applicants. The
Sites of sales in the county program operates in 12 North
will be: in Port St. Joe, in the Florida counties, including
vacant lot between Reid Ave- Gulf, Franklin, Wakulla,
nue and Highway 71, across Liberty, Jackson, Calhoun,
from the Motel St. Joe. Trees Holmes, Walton, Gadsden,
will be sold in Wewahitchka at Jefferson and Madison.
Wewahitchka State Bank. "We can't guarantee anyone
There will be a limit of 2 a job," says Program Direc-
packages per customer. Any tor Wayne Malaney, "but we
packets not sold this week will can guarantee that applica-
be sold the following week. tions will receive equal con-
The sale will allow the sideration with those from
public to_meet the forestry urban areas."
personnel, and to get other The State of Florida is an
information and assistance. equal opportunity employer.

seemed to know what made a
mule balk, nor a sure method
of getting a balky mule in
motion again.
One of the most stubborn
balking mule incidents occur-
red when a man from the river
area came driving into town
with a small Georgia mule
hitched to a new green and red
The man was going to do a
little grocery shopping after
hitching his mule. Also, he
would go by the courthouse to
pay poll tax, then stop by the
dirt-floored pool hall for a
game of eight-ball. He said
that he was not looking for our
one-armed distributor of pint-
bottled moonshine from a corn
sack, as he had his own dis-
tillation layout within the
river swamp.
The stores were built around
the railroad depot and the
hitching post was behind the
depot, so the mules would not
see the steam escaping from
the train engines. The sight
would excite some mules into
a runaway and, when located
by the owner, about all that
was left of the once proud
transportation was a harness
stripped mule and a wagon
busted down to the axle hubs.
Before reaching the hitching
post the Georgia mule balked.
Coaxing and force would not
budge the animal. Finally, a
fire was built under the mule,
the mule moved two steps and
balked again, causing the
wagon to catch fire.
Sad was the wagon loss, but
laughable was the mule out-
witting his tormentors and re-
maining a balked mule.
It seems to take so little for
a laugh. Yet it seems one
cannot laugh against his or
her will to laugh.
The will to laugh could be
one of the most invisible and
refreshing of human attri:

Occasionally, she'll jerk up and watch or read
for another minute or so, then, it's back to sleep
again. It gets right comical. Occasionally she
will wake up and look at me and ask; "What did
you say?" "I didn't say anything", I answer, "I
was just sitting here watching you sleep." "I
wasn't asleep", she counters, "You said some-
thing and I didn't hear it".
Even this wasn't too bad. It gets right
entertaining, at times, figuring just how far she
will lean over in the chair before she wakes up.
The thing that bothers me is, the other night
she stirred in her chair and said, "Plug up my
heating pad for me".
That begins to sound to me like she is
wearing out. What do I do, buy her some Geritol
or trade her in on a new one?

A dress designer out in California by the
name of "Mr. Blackwell" has come out with his
annual list of the 10 worst dressed women of the
year this past week. According to "Mr.
Blackwell", Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of
the late President, has gained the number one
spot onfhis parade oMtoe worst dressed.Caroline,
.he says, looks like a shaggy dogin panis
"Mr. Blackwell" adds Nancy Kissinger and
Britain's Princess Anne to his list.
But get this at the tail end of his list of
"worst dressed women" is the entertainer (to
use the word loosely) Elton John! I always
thought old Elton was a man, though you can
hardly tell from seeing him on television.
Let me know something: is Elton John really
a woman or is "Mr. Blackwell" using poetic
license in his list of the worst dressed?

I read in the papers the other day where the
president (a lady) of a nudist society out in
Oregon is allergic to the sun. She can't
participate in the nudist version of fraternization
because the sun makes her sick.
And you thought you had troubles!'
I guess the only thing worse than a nudist
who can't nude in the sun is a non-nudist who
found out later that he (or she) had an audience
when they sneaked an all-together sun bath in
I can't see what makes a person become a
nudist in the first place. Personally, I'm going to
keep right on keeping my clothes on to cover up
all my attributes or short-comings. That way,
those around me will never know just what
mysteries they are missing. And, I'm sure not
going to show!

I got my annual Christmas letter from my
little niece, Brigid Francour, up in St. Paul,
Minnesota last week. She was telling me about
the 12 degree below temperature in St. Paul. I
couldn't feel too sorry for her, though, since the
letter arrived on the day we had temperatures
only 30 degrees warmer here in Florida. And the
next day, there was ice everywhere there was a
water puddle from the rains the day before.

So far, I like what I see of the Bicentennial
Year. People everywhere are high on America;
and that's good!
Television, radio and newspapers.are all full
of good things about our nation and seem
actually proud of our heritage.
That's a refreshing change after a steady
diet of what's wrong with our nation and it's
system. True, it isn't perfect. In our opinion it is
so far above what is next that what is next isn't.;
even in the running.
We'll take America above everything else in
spite of the CIA, the national debt, the FBI,
Eldridge Cleaver, George McGovern and Jane
Fonda. America with these is so much better
than Russia, even if they had Nureyev back, or
China if Chou En Lai was still alive.
What gives us a thrill about the Bicentennial
is that Americans are now talking more about
America than Texans do Texas and that's
quite an accomplishment.



l Just for Laughs

* Was This Mule



THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. '-r~RgS]AY, JAN. 15, 1976


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1976

Coatney Family Meets

and Eats In Port St. Joe

Coatney clan gathers for dinner. Star Photo

Core Reports to Commissioners

George Y, Core, Clerk of the
Circuit court, reported to the
County Commission at Tues-
day's meeting. that his office
records show' a, continued
increase in the volume of work

that flows through his office.
Core reported there were
2,706 deeds, mortgages, etc.,
recorded in the Public Re-
cords. In the Circuit Court
there were 201 civil, 145 crimi-

Elementary school students Allen Arm-
strong, Annette Minger, Curtis Ray and

Port St. Joe Elementary
School is holding a Book Fair
the week of January 19 to
January 23. in the school
parking lot behind the gym.

nal, 34 probate and 34 juvenile
cases filed. In the County
Court there were 371 misde-
meanor, 407 traffic and 359
summary claim cases filed. In
addition, 166 marriage lic-

Alecia Burke hold a poster advertising their
Mobile Book Fair coming January 19-23.

The fair will be open each day
from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Only the best, educator-
approved books are displayed,
ranging in price from 25 cents

to $7.95, with most of the books
priced under $1.00.
Everyone in the community
is invited to attend the Book

enses issued, 73 divorces
granted and 1,945 alimony and
support payments were pro-
cessed. Also, 34 building per-
mits were issued.
Monies paid into the ac-
counts of the office included:
Alimony-support payments,
$111,687.22; Sale of Documen-
tary Stamps, $46,500.15; Class
C Intangible Tax, $12,835.78;
Interest earned, $56,660.30;
Recording and copies, $17,-
360.65; ,Circuit Court filing
fees, $6,673.00; County Court
filing fees, $3,358.00; Fines
and restitution, $43,364.66;
Jury and witness fees, $11,-
500; Miscellaneous fees and
commissions, $3,117.12; Dead
Lakes permits, $11,380.97;
County receipts from all sour-
,ces, $1,855,579.65. for a total
receipts of $2,180,017.60.
On behalf of the County
Commissioners, the office
railed out 4,311 county checks
in the amount of $1,547,678.12.
Of particular interest is the
earning of $56,660.30 by invest-
ing all funds on a month to
month competitive bid basis.
Core stated that the finan-
cial position of the county has
declined since January, 1975.
This weakened position is
primarily ctiisef it y the gen-
eral fund obligations being
$185,460.61 more than the re-
ceipts in. that fund. The road
and bridge fund used $54,-
864.34 from its reserve for
contingencies, which would
have been carried forward
had these funds not been
needed. He reminded the
Commissioners that the State
Department of Revenue has
announced that state revenue
sharing funds will be less in
1976 than that received in 1975.
All operating budgets for the
year 1975-76 were reduced by.
10 percent to compensate for

these losses,
Core said the remaining
long term obligations are the
courthouse bonds and interest
in the amount of $2,143,113.50.
Also there is $42,275.00 re-
maining to be paid for the
Highland View and White City
Fire Department buildings.

Tax Forms

Return forms for filing State
Intangible taxes are available
in the office of Clerk of the
Circuit Court, George Y. Core,
Clerk Core announced this
"Our office is not responsi-
.ble for collecting this tax",
Core said, "But we are offer-
ing a service to those in Gulf
County by making the return
forms available in our office".
Core said the Association of
County Clerks voted in August
to provide the service as a
public service for intangible
property owners. Intangibles
taxed by the state include
investments and bonds held by

As a result of the untimely
death on July 1, 1974, of
Adron- E. Coatney, 29, of
Panama City, the family
and friends have established
the Adron E. Coatney Scho-
larship Fund.
this scholarship, insti-
tuted July 4. 1974. at the.
Annual Coatney Family Re-
union held at the Wayside
Park in Vernon. will be
given each year. in memory
of Mr. Coatney. to two de-
serving graduates of Vernon
High School. Mr. 'Coatney
was very active in his
school, excelling as an out-
standing athlete in football.
He. was graduated, from
Vernon High in the class of
1963 and attended Gulf Coast
Community College from
1963 through 1965. He was
the owner of City Steel
Construction and did much
construction work in the
Port St. Joe area.
He is survived by one
daughter. Angela Coatney of
Panama City. His, brothers
include Frank Coatney, Sr.
and Randall Coatney, Jr.,
both of Panama City; and
Bernice Coatney and Shel-
ton Coatney, both. of'Vernon.
Sisters include Mrs. J. W.
(Corene) Sellars of:Panama
City, MWs. Paul (Cathryn)
Powell of Port St..Joe; and
Mrs. Leon (Geraldine) Bur-
deshaw of Niceville. He was
the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Randall L .Coatney,
Sr. of Vernon.
At present, it is tentative-
ly planned that a dinner will
be held approximately
every three months, as the
last one was held in October
_ at Leslie Porter Park in
Lynn Haven. The next din-
ner is planned for April 4,
1976 at Lions Park in Nice-
The Union Hall was se-
cured by Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Powell, sister and brother-

in-law of Mr. Coatney for
this dinner. The affair was
attended by Representative
Billy Joe Rish and several
other dignitaries of the area.
Rep. Rish said the grace
before lunch began.
Approximately 50 friends
and family members at-
tended the event and enjoy-
ed viewing an album that is
being assembled consisting

of clippings, pictures and
other rnomentos from the
Coatney family.
The fund has been set up
at First Federal Savings
and Loan Association, 144
Harrison Avenue, Panama
City, or Post Office Box 670,
Panama City. Anyone wish-
ing to make a donation may
do so at any time during the

For All Mae ar~si::

Monroe Shocks.


401 Williams Ave. 229-6013 J

See these new .
at :

Early's Hardware:
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Hwy. 98 West Port St. Je
Authorized .
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Braided nylon ( :
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Your choice of sizes at reduced prices! Formerly much

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Danley offers this best-seller so you get a great
opportunity to save money--especially in the big new
modern sizes. Superb comfort from the puffy deep-
quilting. Famous Sealy firmness from hundreds of coils.
Don't miss out on this great sale.



,UEEN SIZE -60 80"

KING SIZE 76 x 80"
Sales27900 3-pc.

FULL SIZE 54 x 75"


Sponsoring Book Fair

You Are Cordially Invited to Attend

Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street

SUNDAY SCHOOL. i ............. ..... 9:45 A.M.
MORNING WORSHIP................. 11:00 A.M.
CHURCH TRAINING ................. 6:15 P.M.
EVENING WORSHIP ................. 7:30P.M.
PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:15 P.M.
Jerome Cartier,
Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor Minister of Music


ii .

a: -WA--

I ~ I





PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1976

Brenda Ann Guilford and Louis S.

Livings Are United In Marriage

The double-ring marriage
vows of Brenda Ann Guilford
and Louis S. Livings were
spoken Friday, Dec. 5, in the
First Methodist Church of
Mexico Beach. The Rev.,Wil-
liam Smith officiated at the
Nuptial music for the 6:00
p m. candlelight ceremony
*as presented by Miss Julie
- Collinsworth, pianist, 'and
Miss Janet Murphy as vocal
sblist singing "More" and "I
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Guil-
ford of Mexico Beach and
granddaughter of Mrs. Millie
Manasco and the late T. G.
Manasco of Jacksonville, and
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guil-
ford of Overstreet.
The bridegroom is the son of
Mrs. Virginia Livings and the
late W. L. Livigs of Quincy;
and the grandson of Mrs.
Bernice Franklin and the late
Luther Franklin of Perry, and
the late Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
Livings of Andalusia, Ala.
:':The'bride, given, in mar-
riage by. her father, wore a
traditional white wedding
gown of nylon over taffeta.
T'e dress featured an empire
Waistline and long fitted
sleeves, of Cluny lace. The
bodice had a set-in yoke of
Cluny lace enhanced with tiny
seed -pearls and forming a
high neckline. Floral appli-
-ques centered with pearls en-
ihanced the A-line skirt. The
,.deep flounce ruffle of Notting- -
:h1am lace at the hemline swept
:into a cathedral length train.
:Her waist length veil of tulle
:was etched with Cluny lace
:-and flowed from a cap of lace
iand pearls.
:' Mrs. Paulette Moore of Grif-
fin, Ga. served as matron of
*honor She wore a baby blue
.:formal length gown of nylon
Over satin.The high neckline,
..uffs and waist were etched in
.white lace embroidered with
ftiny blue roses. The softly
'flowing skirt was terminated
:in matching lace. She carried
:a bouquet of white bridal roses
:,and accented with baby blue
'pom poms.
William H. Carr, Jr. served
the groom as best man. Philip
:Davis and Stewart Guilford,

cousin of the bride, served as
ushers. Standing in as father
of the groom was William H.
Carr, Sr.
Mrs. Guilford chose for her
daughter's wedding a mint
green floor length gown fea-
turing a bodice softly gathered
to a roll collar. The high
waisted dress was accented
with full lace sleeves gathered
into buttoned cuffs.
Mrs. Virginia Livings, the
bridegroom's mother, chose a
three piece knit suit of navy
blue trimmed in white. Both
mothers wore white rosebud
The wedding was under the
direction of Mrs. C. M. Parker
of Mexico Beach.
A reception given by the
bride's parents was held in the
home of the bride. Assisting in
serving were Mrs. Terri
Lyles, Miss Jo Holland, Miss
Dawn Evans and Miss Yvonne
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Guilford hosted a party after
the wedding rehearsal for the
bridal party at their home at
Overstreet on the evening
prior to the wedding.
Brenda and Lou honey-
mooned in South Florida. The
newly-weds will be at home to
friends at. 1315 Long Avenue,
in Port St. Joe.

Christian Schools

Faith Christian Schools will Faith Bible C
begin a combined four and Marvin and
five jyear-old kindergarten
class, January 19, under the .f
direction of Mrs. Bill Graham.
The class will meet from dine FIRS1
a.m. until noon, Monday FIR
through Friday.
The children will be taught c
to recognize and correctly
form the letters of the alpha- Rev.
bet and numbers, 0-100. The
sounds of the consonants and Sunday
vowels are to be learned, then Mori'iing
combined to form blends and Church
words. Music, art, recreation EVening
and a daily Bible story are .Prayer I
also part of the curriculum.
Registration will be Janu-
ary 15, Thursday afternoon,
from three until five p.m. at -,,.%,

Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Livings

Begin Classes

Church, corner of further information, please
20th Streets. For call 229-6707.

corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue

George Gay, Interim Pastor

School ...................... 9:45 A.M.
g Worship Service ............. 11:00 A.M.
Training .................... 6:30 P.M .
g Worship Service .......... 7:30 P.M.
Meeting (Wed.) ............... 7:00 P6 M. '
"Come and Worship God With Us"
'^^^%>w^ftrVA~r>^-*^.*^"^a~ 'I^^.^

Film at


"Survival", a new color
film, will be shown at the
Mexico Beach First Methodist
Church on Sunday, January 25
at six p.m., CST.
"Survival" has been pro-
duced and is being released by
Mark IV Pictures, Inc., of Des
Moines, Iowa. This company
specializes in making feature-
length Christian films. Their
two previous productions are
"Blood on the Mountain"' and
"A Thief in the Night."
Their third picture, "Sur-
vival", was filmed in the Coco-
nino National Forest in Ari,
zona. It is the story of two
menacing situations which en-
gulf the Ryan family. Their
small aircraft makes an emer-
gency landing in the high
desert country. Physical sur-
vival becomes their primary
In an effort to get hedp, 12-
year old Mike Ryan takes his
"survival manual" and sets
out alone across the beautiful,
but potentially dangerous,
Arizona countryside. The
perils of the desert-hunger,
heat, rattlesnakes-oppose his
efforts and threaten his life.
Everyone involved in this
life-changing, desert saga has
the same goal. .. survival!

In a list of names of honor
roll students for Port St. Joe
High School, published recent-
ly in The Star, the name of
Rex Strickland was omitted
from the list.
Rex is in the ninth grade and
made the "A and B" honor


The engagement and ap-
proaching marriage of Miss
Anita Kay Raffield and Ric-
hard Lamar Hamm has been
happily announced by their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Raffield and Mr. and Mrs.
Benton Hamm.
Anita is a 1973 graduate of
Port St. Joe High School, and a
1974 graduate of the Patricia
Stevens Career College and
Finishing School of Seattle,
Washington. She is presently
employed at the Florida First
National Bank at Port St. Joe.
Ricky is a 1974 graduate of
Port St. Joe High School, and a
December, 1975 graduate of
Chipola Jr. College, where he
earned his AA degree in Busi-
ness. He is presently employ-
ed with the State of Florida
Personnel Division, in Talla-
The wedding will be an
event of Saturday, February
14, at seven o'clock in the
evening, at the Oak Grove
Assembly of God Church, with
the Reverend David Fernan-
dez officiating.
No invitations will be sent
locally, however all friends
and relatives of the couple are
invited to attend.

Prayer Group

The First Born Church of
the Living God, located on
Avenue E, is currently con-
ducting a city-wide prayer
group each afternoon at 6:30.
Everyone is invited to parti-
cipate. A. Garland is conduct-
ing the meeting.
Bishop R. B. Thompson is
pastor of the local church, and
Mary L. Freeman is report-



Anita Kay Raffield



Mortgage Loans and Other Liens on Real Estate .... ..............
All Other Loans ............................................ ........ .
Real Estate Owned and in Judgment................................
Loans and Contracts Made to Facilitate Sale of Real Estate ..........
Cash on Hand and in Banks ............................. ......... .....
Investments and Securities ........................................
Fixed Assets less Depreciation......................................
Deferred Charges and Other Assets ...............................
TOTAL ASSETS ........... .......................................


Liabilities and Net Worth
Savings Accounts ..............................................$7,406,849.21
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank ........................... None
Other Borrowed Money .... ...................................... None
Loans in Process............... ................................. None
Other Liabilities ................................................... 29,609.60
Specific Reserves .................................................. None
General Reserves ............. .................................... 416,837.16
Surplus ............ ..................................... 350,229.17
TOTAL LIABILITIES and NET WORTH ............................ $8,203,525.14


C. G. COSTIN, SR., President; CECIL G. COSTIN, JR., Executive Vice-
President and Attorney; FRANK HANNON, Vice-President; CHARLES J.
STEVENS, JR., Secretary-Treasurer; ELOYCE PRATT, Asst. Secretary-
Treasurer and Bookkeeper.



DOROTHY WIMBERLY .. Asst. Bookkeeper and Head Teller
MARION P. WILLIAMS.......................... Teller
CAROLYN M. YOUNG ............................. Teller


nkTO Savings and Loan Association
of Port t$40,00. Joe
I rC of Port St. Joe

Phone 227-4646

401 Fifth Street

Richard Lamar Hamm

First United
Methodist Church
Constitution and Monument
Port St. Joe, Fla.

CHURCH SCHOOL-..................... 9:45 A.M.
PREACHING SERVICE ......... 11 A.M. &7:00 P.M.
CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.M.


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1976 PAGE FIVE

Information Available for

Students Making Plans

Officials Welcome Exhibit
Bob Ellzey, Bicentennial Committeeman,
greets John Fuller, representative of Congress-
man Bob Sikes, Representative William J. Rish
and Tom S. Coldewey, Mayor Pro-Tem. The

officials welcomed the Armed Forces Bicenten-
nial Caravan to Port St. Joe Saturday afternoon
and gave short addresses to the assembled
crowd. A large number of people visited the
exhibit vans during the two afternoons of
showing. Star Photo

Arbor Day Started 104

Years Ago In Nebraska

By Mrs. Sarah A. Riley
Guidance Counselor
Port St. Joe Jr.-Sr. High
If you are a senior parent
and your child plans to enroll
at a post high school institu-
tion, this article is designed
for your use. First of all,
congratulations to you as a
senior parent and here is a list
of senior-year "reminders."
Whether your child is plan-
ning attending a four year
college or university, public or
private junior college, trade
or vocational institution, the
Guidance Office at Port St.
Joe Jr.-Sr. High School is
there to offer service to you
and your child.
The guidance office infor-
mation service consists of
numerous college catalogs
and other educational mat-
erials to aid students in the
search for post high school
All seniors have already re-
ceived copies of guidelines for
post-high planning from the
guidance office. Such guide-
lines. were prepared by the
guidance office and list steps
to follow in requesting and
completing admission and fi-
nancial aid applications.
Seniors who are interested
in post high school work
should become acquainted
with numerous college, uni-

versity, and vocational school
programs as well as the many
available financial opportuni-
ties that exist at such institu-
The following will describe
just a few of the many types of
financial aid:
to students who have demon-
strated academic ability.
These programs provide part-
time employment while at-
tending college and are usu-
ally based on financial need.
GRANTS: Grants are gift
awards made on the basis of
financial need. .
AGE: A student may be offer-
ed a package consisting of a
combination of scholarship or
grant; loan and work study.
GRAMS: Students who. have
demonstrated academic abi-
lity and a need may apply for
the loan program. Student
loans are loans that must be
ROTC Scholarships, and
Academy Information: Infor-
mation regarding Reserved
Officer Training Corps and
Academy applications is
available and the application
process should begi#r.:during
the junior year of high school.
These are only just a few of

the many types of financial
programs that are available to
Parents are urged to have
their seniors to share the
guidelines previously received
during the guidance office.
-Do not delay making plans
now. February 1, 1976 is the
deadline for admission and
financial aid at many institu-
tions. Remember, the first
step to applying for financial
aid is the completion of a
"Parent Confidential State-
ment" (PCS) or "Family Fi-

nancial Statement" (FFS) or
the "Basic Education Oppor-
tunity Grant" or a combina-
tion of these three.
Forms are available in the
guidance office for the PCS;
FFS, and applications for the
Florida Student Assistance
Grant. The Florida Assistance
Grant program is sponsored
by the Florida State Depart-
ment of Education. March 1,
1976 is the deadline for such
Whatever your child is plan-
ning, remind him to start now.

In Appreciation

Words can never express
the gratitude in our hearts for
the many words of sympathy
and acts of kindness shown us
during the loss qf our husband
and father. Our thanks to the
many friends and neighbors
who brought food and flowers,
both to the hospital during
Jack's stay there and to our
home at the time of his death;
to the staff of the cafeteria and
housekeeping departments of
the Municipal Hospital and to
the nurses and orderlies for
their extra acts of kindness
that made Jack's long stay
there as comfortable as possi-

A special thanks to Slim
Antley, Murdic Harcus, Bill
Harper, James Horton and
Roy Harper who stayed with
him during the last nights; to
the choir of the White City
Baptist Church who sang his
favorite song, and to Myra and
Archie Weimorts for keeping
Steve in their home during the
three months Jack was in the
hospital. These people will
always be a part of our
memories of him.
May God bless each one
of you in His special way. -
Martha, Tony & Steve Craft

By Dr. Robert Black
Ext. Urban Horticulturist
One hundred and four years
ago, in Nebraska, Arbor Day
had its beginning. On January
4, 1872, J. Sterling Morton, a
member of the State Board of
Agriculture, and later Gover-
nor, introduced and secured
the adoption of the following
resolution:. .. "that Wednes-
day, the tenth day of April,
:1872, be especially set apart
and consecrated to tree plant-
ing in the state of Nebraska
and the State Board of Agri-
.culture hereby name it 'Arbor
'Day' "
Statewide publicity was
iven the occasion, and more
han a million trees were
planted on the first Arbor Day.
Thereafter, the Arbor Day
tradition spread until approxi-
mately two-thirds of the states
have passed laws or resolu-
tions providing for the obser-
_vance of Arbor Day. The citi-
zens of Florida had their first
Arbor Day celebration in 1886.
In 1945, the Florida Legisla-
ture adopted the third Friday
-in January as Florida's offi-
cial Arbor Day. On January
16, why don't you join the 90th
Arbor Day celebration by
planting a tree.
Trees, not buildings, are the
best measure of a civilized
landscape. A sense of time,
history and continuity are
demonstrated in a community
in which trees survive and
more are regularly planted.
Those sections of our com-
munities where old trees do
survive-the better residen-
tial districts, parks and cam-
puses-are the pride of our
towns and cities. These are the
areas we quickly point out to
visitors and tourists: Cities
that are rich in trees have a
character all their own of
which the citizens may be
justly proud.
Most structures can become
visually acceptable in the
landscape with the proper use
of trees to frame and balance
them. It is rare to. find a
structure that is self-sufficient
without the proper use of
natural vegetation. An envi-
.ronment that is good for trees
may also be said to be good for
In addition to these esthetic
reasons for having trees there
are also some very practical
ones. Trees may be referred to
as nature's air conditioners.
They moderate the climate by
protecting areas from ex-
tremes of wind, heat, cold,
glare and drought.
Trees also purify the air.
While humans and animals
consume oxygen and emit car-
bon dioxide, growing trees
:convert carbon dioxide into
food and give off oxygen.
Trees also cool and humid-
:ify the air through trans-
piration, the .process of re-
leasing moisture through
leaves and needles into sur-
rounding air. On a hot day a
young tree can transpire sev-
eral tons of water. That eva-
poration can produce the
same cooling effect as 10 air
conditioners running 20 hours,

causing the air to be as much plant good trees is to increase
as 20 degrees cooler under the the value and sales appeal of
trees. our homes.
Trees purify water, protect The landscape architect is
watersheds, -control erosion the professional whose job it is
and conserve soil. Three- to best select, and place trees
fourths of the nation's water in our environment. Trees
comes from the forested third should be a part of an overall
of the country. Trees, cus- landscape plan. Whether a
hioning the impact of rainfall professional landscape archi-
on forest floors, regulate tect, nurseryman, or home-
water flow, so provide a vital owner places the tree, it is
link in the earth's water sys- best to plan the overall deve-
tem. lopment, first, so as to avoid
costly moving and other mis-
Trees reduce highway nois, takes. We should remember
Solid belts ,of trees, with that trees are a living invest-
shrub row plantings, may re- that tre increase in value
duce noise tip to 50 percent continually if properly placed
along highways and in res- and cared for. Why don't you
dental areas. j add to the beauty ofyour com-
Real estate people tell us. T mini 'y planting ri See.i:s
that one of the best reasons to year.

Mrs. Swatts New

Society Pres.

In the January meeting of
the St. Joseph Historical Soc-
iety, held Saturday afternoon,
January 10, in the new fire
station, emphasis was on the
election of officers for the new
year and planning for the
annual dinner, meeting.
Jesse Stone, president, was
in the chair, and the meeting
opened with prayer by Mrs.
Ralph Swatts, Sr. Others in
attendance at this time were:
Mrs. Herman Dean, Miss Net-
ta Niblack, Mrs. R. H. Brin-
sonr, Mrs. Nobie Stone, Mrs.
Charles Brown. Wayne Chil-
ders, Charles Smith, Mrs.
Paul Fensom and Mrs. James
McNeill, who was welcomed
-as a new member.
Officers elected at this time
were as follows: President,
Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Sr.; vice-
president, Wayne Childers:
recording secretary, Mrs.
Charles Brown: correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs. Paul Fen-
som; treasurer, Mrs. Herman
Dean: and old cemetery pro-
ject chairman. Mrs. R. H.
Brinson. These officers will be
installed at the annual meet-
The Society and the City of
Port St. Joe are working to-
gether on plans for the in-
stallation of a deep well and an
underground sprinkler system
in the old cemetery. This has
been a long-time project and
seems to be nearing fruition.
The society is contributing
$2,800.00 to the project. The
cemetery committee includes
Mrs. Brinson, Mrs. Dean and
Mrs. Horace Soule. The
society has expressed appre-
ciation to the City for coopera-
tion in this project, with
special thanks going to Comm.
Benny Roberts who has work-
ed closely with this group.
Society members are happy
with the prospect of a "new
home" in the Municipal Build-
ing. Until these rooms are
ready for use, meetings will be
held in the new fire station the
first Saturday of each month
at 3;00 p.m.

According to dinner chair-
man, Wayne Childers, a -roast
beef dinner will be served by
the Port St. Joe Garden Club,
Friday evening, Feb. 6. Reser-
vations should be made by
February 1 by calling Wayne
Childers, 648-4412 after 8:00
p.m. or call during the day,
Mrs. Nobie Stone 227-4661 or
Mrs. George Suber, 227-3431.

Tom A. Moon
Taken by

Death Monday
Thomas A. Moon, 86, long-
time resident of Port St. Joe,
died Monday morning in Pan-
ama City. He was an Episco-
palian and a veteran.
He is survived by a sister,
Vella B. Moon of Mobile, Ala.
Funeral services were held
at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 7,
at Comforter Funeral Home
Chapel with the Rev. Sidney
Ellis conducting.
Vestrymen of St. James
Episcopal Church served as
pallbearers. Burial followed in
the family plot at Holly Hill
Comforter Funeral Home of
Port St. Joe was in charge of
all arrangements.

May I take this opportunity
to thank each and everyone
for the flowers, food. prayers
and numerous other acts of
kindness show to us during
C. W.'s tragic death. It has
helped so much to know 'hat
others care.
We deeply appreciate the
kind words and the moment of
silent prayer at the football
game on the saddest Friday
night bf our lives. There are no
words sufficient to express
how much it would have
meant to C. W. May God bless
you all.
Betty and George,
Chuck and Myers Ann
Allie Roberts

.....'......v.......... ....



Stock no.
tires, delu

power bral


Stock no. F
front & rea
trans.. Gas


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b brakes, au


1975 Granada 4-

F-27. 250 CID 6 cylinder engine, a
xe bumper group.

Special Price

-door Sedan

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1975 Gran Torino 2-Door

Stock no. F-23. 351 V-8 engine, air conditioner, power steering,
ikes, radio, left hand remote mirror, wsw tires.

SAVE $870.00


nto MPG

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r bumper guards, 4-speed
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1975 Mercury Cougar XR7
rdtop. Stock no. F-9, 351 CID V-8 engine, wsw tires, air
r, am-fm stereo radio, appearance protection group. Left hand
rror, protective body side moulding, power steering, power
automatic transmission.

SAVE $1089.00



311 Monument Ave.

'75 Fords and

Mercurys at

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1975 Gran Tori,no 4-Dr. Sedan
Stock no. F-10. 351 V-8 engine, air conditioner, power steering, power
brakes, radio. Left hand remote mirror, wsw tires, wheel covers.

SAVE $917.00

1975 Maverick 4-Dr. Sedan
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inted glass.
Compare with $3791.17
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tA06 '75 Pinto

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c tu .. U'U:. Stock no. F-14. 2,800 V-6 eng., auto.
Squire trans., convenience group, power
steering, power brakes, front & rear
age rack, deluxe cargo
agee rack, dluxaro bumper guards, air cond., radio,
stereo radio, landau
, tinted glass, power wsw tires.
r locks. Stock no. F-67. V-6 Power

discountt For A $41 0947

1975 Mercury Comet 4-Dr.
Stock no. F-30. 250 CID 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, wsw
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See this Unit for $4003.76
A Great Savings


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PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1976. THE STAR, Port St. Joe, FIn.

A pharmacist daily assists the sick
and Injured by dispensingto them
the most advanced medicine in
the world. Through his product,
he eases the pain of tragedy, pro-
tects the health of our community
and helps make life longer apd
-more comfortable. If you're unde-
cided about your future, consider
a career in Pharmacy. It's a field
of importance, responsibility, and
challenge...overflowingwith grati-
fying personal rewards.


Ph. 227-3371r 317 Williams
Conwenient Drive-in Window
Plenty of Free Parking

In Memory of
Myrtice Coody Smith
It is with saddened hearts
we record that- another link
was severed from our Golden
Chain on December 22, 1975.
Our Heavenly Father in his
infinite wisdom called to her
eternal rest our beloved Sister
Myrtice Coody Smith.
WHEREAS: We the mem-
bers of Gulf Chapter No. 191
recognize the guiding hand of
our Heavenly Father and
mourn her passing, Sister
Myrtice became a member of
Gulf Chapter, Order of East-
ern Star on May 25, 1937 and
served as Worthy Matron in
WHEREAS: Sister Myrtice
'was a member of the First
)Baptist Church.
'mere words of ours can ease
-the heartaches caused by the
loss of a loved one but we
members extend heartfelt
sympathy to her family, and
pray our Heavenfily Father will
comfort them, we drape our
Charter in her memory.
SOLVED: That a copy of these
resolutions, be sent to the
family, a copy Ispread upon
the .minutes of Gulf Chapter
191 and a copy forwarded to
The Star for publication.,
"She slipped away to follow
the Star
In a land beyond our sight
We know that she journeys
there as here
In the beautiful' Eastern
Loving and Fraternally sub-
Aliene S. Hightower,
Past Matron
Eula Dickey,
Past Matron
Charles R. Jolley,
Past Patron




All parents of seniors en-
rolled at Port St. Joe Jr.-Sr.
High School are urged to
remind your child to return
parent verification forms to
the Guidance office as soon as
possible for the following in-
1. Graduation credits;
2. Florida 12th grade test re-
sults; and 3. Guidelines for
post-high school planning.
Such information was dis-
tributed to seniors recently.
Parents, please have the veri-
fication forms returned to
guidance immediately. This
way, the guidance office can
be assured of your 'viewing
such information.

Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Pate of
Port St. Joe announce the
birth of a son, Craig Andrew,
'December 24, at Bay Memor-
ial Hospital. He weighed, six
pounds, one ounce. Materal
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Campbell of Port St.
Joe; paternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pate,
Sr. of Brooklyi, Ala.




The Apostolic Pentecostal
Church of Wewahitchka will
be host to the third Friday
night fellowship meeting,
which will be Friday, Jan. 16,
at -7:30 p.m.
Featured speaker will be
Rev. James J. Hill from Cleve-
land, Ga., former pastor of the
Highland View Pentecostal
Church. The Acts Trio, from
Rev. Hill's Cleveland church
will also perform.
Rev. Gordon Adams, pastor,
extends a cordial invitation to
everyone to worship with
them. Refreshments will be
served after the rally.

Revival At

Oak Grove

The Oak Grove Assembly of
God will be conducting a
"Weekend Revival" this
weekend, Jan. 17-18. The
church will have as its guests
the Coleman family. This
evangelistic group will pre-
sent the gospel in song and in
the ministry of the word.
Saturday night services will
begin at 7:15. Sunday's ser-
vices will be held at 11:00 a.m.
and 6:15 p.m.

Sharks Win Two Out of Three

Port St. Joe's Sharks had-a
productive week in the basket-
ball wars, earning a 2-1 record
in three tough games.
The Sharks romped to a
lop-sided 72-45 victory over the
Chattahoochee Yellow Jack-
ets'here last Friday night.
The Sharks were behind
16-14 at the end of the first
period, but jumped to a 38-28
half time bulge and pulled
farther ahead of the Jackets in
each of the succeeding two

Aaron Ward and Kim Davis
led the Shark offense with 12
points each. Carey Daniels
added 10 points to the winning
effort. Billy Hosey led the
Jackets with 15 points.
Score by quarters:
Port St. Joe 14 24 12 22-72
Chattahoochee 16 12 6 21-45
PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins,
3-0-6; C. Daniels, 5-0-10; Gant,
2-0-4; Larry, 3-0-6; L. Daniels,
1-0-2; Thomas, 3-0-6; Ward,
6-0-12; R. Daniels, 3-2-8; Dav-
is, 6-0-12; Watson, 3-0-6.

Rev. McCurdy Is

Cancer Chrmn.

Ms. Sally Bond, Unit Direc-
tor for the American Cancer
Society from Panama City
met Thursday, January 8 for
installation of officers, discus-
sion of responsibilities and to
set goals for the Port St. Joe
Rev. Johnie McCurdy was
installed as president for th
the Gulf County Unit with Joe
St. Clair assuming responsi-

bilites as the Crusade chair-
A goal of $2,356.00 was set
for the business and house to
houe crusades.
Workers plan to meet again
February 12 at Jimmie's Rest-
aurant at noon. Any persons
interested in the work of the
Cancer Society are invited to

son, 3-1-7; Hosey, 5-5-15; Ma-
bardy, 2-1-5; Boykins, 4-1-9;
Arno, 0-0-0; Richardson, 2-2-6;
Shephard, 0-0-0; Allen, 1-1-3.

Port St. Joe's Sharks de-
feated the Rutherford Rams
here Monday night, 57-35 for
their fifth win of the season.
The Sharks and Rams
fought to a 20-20 tie at half-
time, but the Sharks roared
back with 14 points in the third
period while holding the Rams
to only three. A 23-point burst
in the final stanza gave the
Sharks the win.
Preston Gant paced the
Sharks with 16 points. Carey
Daniels and Terry Larry each
added 12. William Culver had
eight points to pace the Rams.
Score by quarters:
Port St. Joe 8 12 14 23-57
Rutherford 8 12 3 12-35
PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins,
20-04; C. Daniels, 4-4-12; Gant,
.8-0-16; Larry, 5-2-12; L. Dan-
iels, 0-0-0; Thomas, 0-0-0-;
Ward, 2-3-7; R. Daniels, 2-0-4;
Davis, 1-0-2; Watson, 0-0-0.
0-4; Jones, 4-0-8; Culver, 2-5-9;
Long,. 0-1-1; Johnson, 2-0-4;
Gray, 1-2-4; Jones, 2-1-5.

Tuesday night, the Mosley
Dolphins slowed down the
Sharks' "gun-and-run" attack
and earned a 38-29 win over
the local squad.
The Sharks gained a two
point edge over the Dolphins,
4-2, in the first period and lost
it in the second period. The
store at half-time was 10-10.
The score stayed tied through
the third period, when the
Dolphins began to pull away,
aut-scoring the Sharks, 20-11
in the final period.
Terry Larry was the only
Shark scoring in the double
figures with 10 points. Fergu-
son paced the Dolphins with
Foul shooting spelled the

difference in the game. The.
Dolphins made 12 free tossed
while the Sharks sank only
Score by quarters:
Port St. Joe 4 6 8 11-29
Mosley 2 8 8 20-29
PORT ST. JOE-Larry, 5-0-
10; C. Daniels, 3-0-6; Gant,
2-0-4; Jenkins, 1-1-3; Ward,
1-0-2; L. Daniels, 1-0-2; Davis,
MOSLEY-Ferguson, 4-5-
13; Lee, 3-4-10; Blue, 5-0-10;
Marhis, 1-1-3; Kirkland, 0-2-2.

During the coming week,
the Sharks will meet Bay High
in the Coliseum next Tuesday
night for the only game sche-
duled for the coming week.

Protect yourself with these safeguards against CANCER

BREAST Monthly Self-Exam
UTERUS Pap Test Once a Year
LUNG Don't Smoke Cigarettes
SKIN Avoid Excess Sun
RECTUM Procto Annually Especially
After 40
MOUTH Exams Regularly
0%0%x0m eg,
weamwmamwwnwwwwwavAVAS1- VD~tdP .

Bowling Rules for


Gulf Co. Men's League
Lanes one and two had
Stems and Seeds taking four
from Carr's Auto Sales. Nor-
man Hodges led the Stems &
Seeds with 489. Bub Maguder
led Carr's with 473.
On lanes three and four it
was Player's Supermarket
taking three from Shirt &
,Trophy. Warren Yeager led
' Player'swith a 536, Garry Mc-
Neel added a 532. Jim Mash-
burn was tops for Shirt &
Trophy with 522. -
Lanes five and six had But-
ler's Restaurant taking all
four from King's Gulf Service.
For Butler's, it was Bill Be-
sore 571, Billy Parker 546, and
Harry Lowry 518. David Lewis
led King's with 463.
On lanes seven and eight it
was Campbell's Drugs taking
four from 10-Pin Lounge.
Leading Campbell's was Bo
Bouington with 551. Gene
Johns led 10-Pin with a 597
series and 223 game.
Standings: W L
Player's S'market 12 4
Campbell's Drugs 12 4
Shirt & Trophy 11 5
Butler's Rest. 11 5
10-Pin Lounge 6 10
King's Gulf 5 11
Stems & Seeds 4 12
Carr's Auto 3 13



The Florida Highway Patrol,
this week reminded parents
and riders of Christmas mini-
bikes and go-carts that these
vehicles are regulated the
same as any other motor
Colonel Eldrige Beach, dir-
ector of the Patrol urged
parents to, "Impress upon
young mini-bike and go-cart
operators of the dangers of
improper maneuvers, such as
turning without signalling,
-driving without lights or fail-
ing to stop for stop signs."
Operators of any motor
driven vehicle must be at least
15 years of age and have a
license. Until. the operator
becomes 16 years of age, he
will have a restricted license
requiring daylight operation
and he may not ride a motor
driven bike rated more than
five brake horsepower.
In order to operate on public
roadways, these vehicles must'
be equipped with headlights, a
tail light, tag light, stop light,
horn, rear view mirror and
adequate brakes. As with all
other motor vehicles, they
must have a current motor
vehicle inspection sticker and
license tag.

gaal Advertising


Notice is hereby given that
'the Board of County Commis-
sioners at their regular meet-
cing on February 10, 1976, at
9:00 A.M., E.S.T., at the
County Commissioners Meet-
ing Room in the Gulf County
Courthouse, will consider the
advisability of closing, vacat-
ing and abandoning any in-
terest the County might have
-in and to the following des-
cribed road:
Begin at the Southwest
corner of Section 32,
Township 5 South, Range
11 West, for point of be-
ginning; thence run South
21'3"; thence turn right.
91 degrees and run 246';
thence turn North 33 de-
grees, 15 minutes and run
35'; thence turn 91 degrees
45 minutes right and run
246'; thence turn South
13'9" to point of begin-
ning; the above road being
in the vicinity of Highway
386 immediately west of
the Post Office at Over-
street, Florida.
-s- Eldridge Money,
Clerk 2t 1-15

Pursuant to Public Law 92-500, Section
401 (a) (1), Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (1972 Amendments), this
agency has received an application fori
certification that the following pro-
ject (s) wilt comply with the applicable
water quality standards of the State of
Florida as prescribed in 'Chapter 17-3,
Florida Administrative Code.
-Project No.: 23-21-3502
Applicant: Amerada Hess Corpora-

Description: To maintenance dredge a
channel 100 feet wide by 900 feet long to
minus 35 feet mean low water by
removing approximately 10,000 cubic
yards of material. Section 2, Township 8
South, Range 11 West, St. Joseph Bay in
Gulf County, City of Port St. Joe.
All interested persons are hereby
informed that this agency is considering
the issuance of a certification to' the
Interested persons are hereby notified
that objections may be filed within 20
days from date of this publication.
Objections must be submitted In writing
to the below address and must be
supported by evidence which would
indicate that the subject project (s)
would have an adverse effect on water
quality standards of the above described
Details of the locations and plans for
the above project (s) and other relevant
information may be examined at this
office between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
Bureau of Permit Evaluation
State of Florida Department of Environ-
mental Regulation
2562 Executive Center Circle East
Montgomery Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
PERM 16-8B It 1-15


CASE NO. 76-2

IN RE: The Estate of
All persons Interested in the ESTATE
OF 1. C. NEDLEY who died on Decem-
ber 20, 1975, while a resident of Gulf
County, Florida, are notified that a Peti-
tion has been filed in the Circuit Court of
Gulf County, Florida, Gulf County
Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456,
requesting that ROBERT EARL NED-
LEY, whose address is P. 0. Box 905,
Port St. Joe, Florida, be appointed as
Personal Representative of the Estate of
I. C. NEDLEY; that an Order has been
entered appointing ROBERT EARL
NEDLEY as Personal Representative of
the Estate of I. C. NEDLEY; that
Representative, as designated FRED N.
WITTEN, 303 Fourth Street, Port St.
Joe, Florida 32456 as his attorney; that
with the first publication of this Notice,
publication of notice as required by
Florida law has begun; that all interest-
ed persons are required to file with the

Court within four (4) months of the first
publication of this Notice all claims
against the Estate, all challenges to the
validity of the instrument presented to
the Court as the Last Will and Testament
of I. C. NEDLEY, all challenges to the
qualifications of the Personal Repre.
sentative, all challenges to the venue of
the Court, and all challenges to the
jurisdiction of the Court.
DATED this 13th day of January, 1976.
First publication on January 15, 1976.
2t 1-15

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to
Chapter 865.09 FF the undersigned
person (s) Intenting to register with the
Clerk of the Gulf County, Florida Circuit
Court the fictitious trade name under
which they will be engaged in business
and in which said business to be carried
on, to.wit:
Name of Business: SAVEWAY FOOD
Location of Business: 510 5th Street,
Port St. Joe, Florida
Owner (s): George W. Duren
"4t 1-15

We the undersigned, being duly sworn,
Jo hereby declare under oath that the
lames of all persons interested in the
oustness or profession carried on under
the name of ECONOMY MOTORS &
GARDEN CENTER at Hwy. 98 & 3rd St.,
Highland View, Florida, 32456 and the
extent of the interest of each, is as
follows .
Thomas A. Mangum, 100 per cent.
-s- Thomas A. Mangum
..t ,-15
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to
Chapter 865.09 FF the undersigned per-
son (s) intending to register with the
Clerk of the Gulf County Florida Circuit
Court the fictitious trade name under
which they will be engaged in business
and in which said business to be carried
on, to-wit:
Name of Business: FLORIDA BOY
Location of Business: 2007 Long Avenue
Owner (s): B. A. COLLIER

14' Huntcraft fiberglass boat
and 45 h.p. Mercury, trailer, 2
18 ft. shrimp nets, 1 set
boards, 200 ft. nylon tow line,
$700.00 for all or sell by piece.
Call 229-6264. tfc 1-15

Hoover upright vacuum
cleaner. Good condition, call
229-6773. Also 5-piece dinette
suite. ltp

For Sale: Dinette suite with
four chairs. Call 229-6506.
tfc 1-9

Just arrived to help with all
your wallpapering needs,
Prepasted, Texturall, vinyl
coated, and plastic bonded. If
you need to purchase or have
wallpaper hung, see our sam-
ples. Call Alford Ramsey at

DRY cleaning carpets is
easier, faster, and safer with
HOST. Rent our machine. St.
Joe Furniture, 229-1251.
tfc 10-23
Sewing machines repaired
regardless of make or age.
Over 25 years experience..
Parts, supplies for all makes.
Free estimate, guaranteed
satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30

Singer Zig Zag sewing

machine, take up 12 pmts.-
$8.50 monthly. Makes button-
holes, monograms, hems,
sews on buttons, guarantee.
229-6782. tfc 1-30

Phone 229-6253 for
tfc 7-3
10 speed bikes in stock,
men's, women's. Racing style.
Touring style. Credit terms
available. Western Auto, Port
St. Joe.
tfc 6-15

Honda 550 motorcycle, good
condition, beautiful bike. If
interested call 229-6060.
tfc 12-25

Large 3 BR home with huge
den, living room with fire-
place, 2 baths. 229-6147.
tfc 1-15

Lets Make A Deal! 2 BR
house on an acre with lots of
extras. 2 lots from canal, at
$12,500. Won't last long. Call
and be the winner.
Strout Realty
Hwy 98 & 30th St.
Mexico Beach
648-5134 or 648-5351
2tc 1-8
Two-story home, 1902 Monu-
ment Ave., 3' BR, 3 bath.
Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474.
tfc 8-21

Nice house on corner lot,
with chain link fence. 711 Long
Ave. 229-6153. tfc 10-23

3 BR house and two-story
apartment building. Call 229-
6538. tfc 12-11

Unfurnished large 2 BR
house, auto. heat, screen
porch, car port, laundry and
storage room. 229-6777 after 5.
p.m. tfc 1-1

BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8

NO need for wet carpets.
Dry clean them with HOST.
Use rooms right away. Rent
machine. St. Joe Furniture,
229-1251. tfc 10-23

Public address system.
Owned by the Port St. Joe
Kiwanis Club. A new system
operable on either battery or
current. Call Ken Herring,
227-5281 for rental, tfc

CARPET cleaning with
HOST couldn't be easier. Just
brush and vacuum for clean,
dry carpets. Rent our HOST
machine. St. Joe Furniture,
229-1251. tfc 10-23

For Rent: 3 BR unfurnished
house, choice neighborhood,
large yard, laundry, carport,
storage. Available January 1.
229-6777 after five p.m.tfc 12-25

Furnished 3 BR house, cen-
tral heat, washing machine,
229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 1-1

3 BR furnished house at St.
Joe Beach. Phone 648-4259 or
648-7586. tfc 11-27

One bedroom furnished
house at St. Joe Beach. In-
quire at Smith's Pharmacy.
tfc 8-7

Furnished two and three BR
houses, at Beacon Hill, by
week. Bill Carr or call 229-
6474. tfc 3-13

Furnished cottages at St.
Joe Beach, reasonable month-
ly rates. Hannon Insurance
Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641.
tfc 5-8

There will be a regular
communication of Port St. ,Joe
Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M.,
every first and third Thursday
at 8:00 p.m.
Everett McFarland, Sec.

R.A.M:-Regular convaca-
tion on St. Joseph Chapter No.
56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon-
days, 8 p.m. All visiting
companions welcome.
J. L. SIMS, H.P.
E. William McFarland, Sec.

Every Thursday & Saturday
7:30 p.m.
American Legion Hall
Sponsored by American
Legion Post 116
tfc 10-9

Roofing & Repairing
Call 229-6462
4tp 1-8

For TV repairs and Zenith
sales, see K&D TV and Sound
at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071.
tfc 6-2

Septic Tanks Pumped Out
Carefoot Septic Tank
229-8227, 229-2351,
and 229-6694
tfc 8-21

All types carpet and vinyl
flooring installed. 10 years
experience. For free measure-
ment and estimate, call Ron-
ald Ross, 229-6822. tfc 12-11
Tues. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Social Hall
tfc 4-24

Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC
Call 227-2501 or go by the
Chamber office, Municipal
Building, 5th St., Monday thru
Friday, 9-12 EST. tfc 5-1
Professional help with emo-
tional problems and-or con-
cerns. Gulf County Guidance
Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or
227-7586. tfc 11-14

Furnished apt. for rent, uti-
lities furnished. 229-6132 days,
229-6149 evenings tfc 8-14

Help Wanted: Waitress at
Motel St. Joe. No phone calls.
tfc 1-15


Wanted: Job for first class
welder. Call 229-6478 or 229-
8199.. 1tp 1-15

There will be a VFW meet-
ing the third Tuesday of each
month in the American Legion
Hall. tfc 6-19


For Sale or Trade: 1975
Pontiac Safari wagon, low
mileage, solid white with blue
interior, with all the extras,
including power windows and
power seat. Call Ken at 229-

1971 LTD Ford, good cond.,
low mileage, 229-6291 or 227-
7011. tfc 12-18

Expert repairs of Outboard,
Stern Drives, Fiberglass. All
work guaranteed.'Operated by
Jimmy Wilder, school trained
mechanic. 4tp 12-4
Phone 227-5062
Hwy. 30A-3 Miles E. of PSJ

Visit or call the Alcohol
Counseling Information
Center of the Panhandle Al-
coholism Council, Inc. 321
Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe.
Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30

House need repairs? Are
you renovating or adding on?
For quality work, call Jack
Hall, 229-6321. tfc 12-18

Family of problem drinkers
can find help in Alanon and
Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948
or 229-3392. 13t 1-1

All Types
229-6482 or 229-6447
tfc 9-20

,A New Service At

For Information, Come by
or Call tfc 6-2
107 Second Street
Phone 227-4401
/ -

Hurlbut Supply
306 Reid Ave.
I0 I

For Sale: Looking for a.'
clean, used car in Port St..
Joe? Call 229-6483 or see Ken-
on the lot at Lloyd Pontiac &
Cadillac in Panama City.
Itc 1-15i

1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back;
4 in floor, radio, heater, flooi
mount tape player and speak-
ers, chrome luggage carrier,
good tires, 21,000 miles.
$1,995.00. Call David May 227-
3881 or 227-2281. tfc 9-11

1969 Longwheel base pick-
up truck, V8, automatic, $900.
229-1511 or 227-4171. tfc 12-4


Call 227-2311

Dressmaking, alterations,
all types of women's and chil-
dren's clothes. Call Diann%
Kienlen. 648-5458. tfc 1-15

Machine Work Welding
506 First Street
Phone 229-6803
Machinist on duty all day
Every day

Opening Jan. 2, 1976
Located on Fourth St.
(Next to Johnie's Trim Shop)
Fresh and Salt Water
Bait & Tackle
Live and Artificial
4tp 12-25


Heating, Cooling & j
Electric Service

Commercial or Residential
Installation & Service


Port St. Joe
Owned & Operated by
Edward & Tommy Smith
tfc 8i4

"I think it was something I ate.

kills bugs for
up to six months,.
and saves you about S100 yearly
in costly pest control services.
Use of Sprayer free with
purchase of Rid-A-Bug
306 Reid Avenue
Port. St Joe. Florida


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla.


THURSDAY, JAN. 15,19716.


SCanty Jones Graduates from A&M

The Gulf County School
Board met in regular session
on December 2, with the fol-
lowing members present:
Herman Ard, Chairman; Wal-
lace Guillot; Fred Greer; J.
K. Whitfield and Gene Raf-
field. The Superintendent,
Director of Administration
and Direction of Instruction
were: present.
The meeting was opened
with the invocation by Guillot,
and followed by the pledge of
On motion by Greer, second-
ed by Guillot, the minutes of
November 4, Nov. 18, Nov. 25
and Nov. 26 were unanimously
Charles Norton, represent-
ing the Quarterback Club met
with the Board relative to a
special meeting requested
with the Board. The Board set
the date of December 16, at
4:00 p.m. for this meeting.
The Superintendent present-
ed correspondence received
during November. No action
was required.
On motion by Guillot,
seconded by Greer, the Board
unanimously accepted the let-
ter of retirement of William
Linton, Director of Adminis-
tration, effective January 31,
Personal leave of absence
was granted unanimously to
Cathy Colbert on motion by
Greer and seconded by Guil-
On motion by Raffield,
seconded by Whitfield, all
voted Yes to appoint Sharon
Bass as substitute bus driver.
The Superintendent present-
ed a list of School Board sup-
plies which Thuro-Clean Sys-
tems had used, plus the
amount due for tractor-trailer
The Board Attorney recom-
mended that the Board check
with Thuro-Clean Systems on
any equipment that belongs .to
the Board, and check the
condition of the equipment.
The Attorney -recomjended
that this equipment .be re-
covered, and Thuro-Clean
Systems be required to place
the equipment back in opera-
ting condition. On motion by
Greer, seconded by Guillot, all
voted Yes to approve these
On recommendation by the
Superintendent that Angelo
Fichera and. Willie Glaze be
appointed as Directors of the
custodial work for the Board,
'all voted Yes on motion by
Whitfield, and seconded by
On motion by Whitfield,
seconded by Greer, all voted
Yes to accept the lowest and,
best bids of Tallahassee Gro-
cery, McCallum Food Service,
Daffin Mercantile, William
Greene, Phillips Meats, Swift
Co., Shepard Mill, P.R. Har-
rell, Amway Co., John Sexton,
and Selig Chemical Co.
On motion by Whitfield,
seconded by Greer, the Board
voted unanimously to set the
date of December 16, to
approve the bids on reroofing
the Port St. Joe Elementary
The Board unanimously ap-
proved the request for a
237.161 loan to purchase a new
school bus on motion by Whit-
field and seconded by Raf-
Copies of all bids are on file
in the Superintendent's office.
The Board received a letter
ef suspension from Edwin
Williams, Assistant Principal,
Port St. Joe High School, for
infraction of the rules by a
student. On motion by Guillot,
seconded by Greer, all voted
The Superintendent present-
ed an agreement with the Bay
County School Board regard-
ing the transportation of stu-
dents attending the Gulf Coun-
ty schools and residing at
Mexico Beach. On motion by
Whitfield, seconded by Greer,
all voted Yes to approve this
agreement with reimburse-
ment to the Board at the rate
of $100.00 per student.
A program for Exceptional
Children was reviewed by the
Board for approval, as ap-
proved by the State Depart-
ment of Education. On motion
by Raffield, seconded by Whit-
field, all voted Yes to approve

mendation was unanimously
approved on motion by Raf-
field, and seconded by Whit-
Each Board member was
presented job descriptions for
review. These job descriptions
will be discussed at the Board
meeting January 6, 1976.
The Board Architect pre-
sented the Board with the final
architect plans for the gym-
nasium for the Wewahitchka
High School. On. motion by
Whitfield, seconded by Greer,
the Board unanimously voted
to approve these plans for
transmittal to the State De-
partment of Education for
Payment of bills to be
placed in official minutes.

The, Gulf County School
Board met in special session
on December 16, 1975 with the
following members present:
Herman Ard, Chairman;
Gene Raffield; Fred Greer;
Wallace Guillot and J. K.
Whitfield. The Superinten-
dent, Attorney and Director of
Administration were present.
A group of citizens met with
the Board to discuss the pos-
sibility of renovating the Port
St. Jde baseball field. Spokes-
man Robert Moore, attorney,
outlined the needs for this
renovation with regard to the
safety of spectators, etc. A
report on the costs involved
were presented by ,the com-
Bids were received from
Panama City Sheet Metal,
Tropical Roofing Co., Panama
City Roofing Co., Mitchell.
Brothers, Mayo Roofing Co.,
Hutto Roofing, Doyles Roofing
Co., C & H Roofing Co. and
Rodney Hall Roofing Co. on.
re-roofing the Port St. Joe
Elementary School. The
Board requested the Director
of Administration to review
these bids with regard to
materials and warranties and
report to the Board at the next
meeting. ......... .
A group of citizens repre-
senting the D.C.T. Program
met with the Board to discuss
the D.C.T. program. The
Superintendent presented the
budgetary problems now
existing in the Gulf County
Schools as it regards the
D.C.T. program. This group
will meet with the Board at the
special meeting of December
There being no further busi-
ness, the Board adjourned to
meet again in special session
December 18, at 4:00 p.m.

The Gulf County School
Board met in special session
on December 18, 1975 with the
following members present:
Herman Ard, Chairman; Fred
Greer, Gene Raffield and
Wallace Guillot. Board mem-
ber Whitfield was absent. The


of the

Gulf County School Board
bmessme amma 4, asseswsst^i^^ wwwwwwmawwmaww

Superintendent, Director of
Administration, Director of
Instruction and Board Attor-
ney were present.
The meeting was opened
with the invocation by Ard,
and followed by the pledge of
A group of citizens met with
the Board to discuss the
D.C.T. program and request-
ed the Board to continue the
program in order that the stu-
dents not loose credits. The.
Superintendent explained the
reasons for the curtailment of
this program.
Motion was made by Raf-
field, seconded by Greer, that
the program be continued for
the 1975-76 school year. All
..vted Yes.
Walter Wilder, Director of
the Gulf County Community
Services Program and mem-
ber of the committee on
renovation of the Port St. Joe
High School baseball complex,
presented a cost breakdown
covering the items necessary
to place the field in a safe and
acceptable condition.
Recommendation was made
to the Superintendent that he
investigate possible means for
financing this renovation.
A student incident had come
to an impasse, so it was
brought to the attention of the
Board. On recommendation of
the Superintendent concern-
ing a solution; it was agree-
able to all.
There being no further busi-
ness, the Board adjourned to
meet again in regular session
January 6, 1976 at 9:00 a.m
J; David Bidwell, Supt.
Herman Ard, Chairman

We are deeply grateful for
the expressions of sympathy
shownus during the recent
death of our loved one. The
flowres, food, calls, cards and
prayers were most appre-
The Harrell Family
Hazel, Johnny Mack, Ter-
ry, Sue & Stony Peacock

this program.
On recommendation of the
Superintendent that a petty
cash fund of $300.00 be set up
in the Gulf County Community
Services Program, the recom-

employee, the Wheelers "fell
in love" with the Panhandle
while on vacation here and
immediately set forth to re-
Wheeler was employed by

Serving Bay and Gulf coun-
ties since 1974 in the Division
of Forestry, is forest ranger
Jerry Wheeler. A native of
Roswell, New Mexico, and'a
one time U. S. Forest Service

We are proud to announce the addition
coach to our fleet.

Canty Jones, a former Port
St. Joe police patrolman, has
recently graduated with
honors from Florida A&M
University. He did an intern-
ship at Port St. Joe Elemen-
tary School during the fall
quarter and compiled a 4.00
grade average.

the Panama District-Division
of Forestry and assigned as
forest ranger at the Wetappo
Fire Center where he cur-
rently resides with his wife
Debbie and two children,
Ralphie and Marc. The family
are regular members of the
Assembly of God Church at

Corps Issues Work Permits

The .Army. Corps of Engi- and Rehabilitative Services has been permitted to perform
neers district headquarters at has been issued a permit to maintenance dredging, con-
Mobile has announced that a construct a concrete swim struct boat slips and do addi-
total of 54 permits for work in ramp on St. Joseph Peninsula tional improvements to the
navigable waters were issued in St. Joseph Bay. marina, in the canal at Mexico
in December. Hide-A-Way Harbor Marina Beach.
Permit actions in this area
The Division of Retardation
of the Department of Health r; W h rm ip an unil irnn

Mr. Jones came here from
Panama City in August, 1972,
where he also served as a
police patrolman. He is cur-
rently an instructor for the
Gulf County Adult Institute in
Basic Education, and is very
active in many other com-
munity affairs.

Revival Set at

H.V. Church

The Highland View Church
of God will hold Revival Ser-
vices Thursday through Sat-
urday, Jan. 15-17. Services
will begin nightly at seven
Rev. Eddie Nichols, pastor
of Springfield Church of God
will be the evangelist. Rev. G.
H. Goins, pastor, extends an
invitation to everyone to at-

of a new funeral

Comforter Funeral Home has, and will continue to strive
for the best in facilities, equipment and service.

Pete, Hortense & Rocky


Funeral Home

601 Long Ave.

Ph. 227-3511

Plus $1.74 F.E.T. and old tire.
Firestone quality at really low
prices! This strong smooth-
riding tire has a wide, aggres-
sive tread for the traction you
Blackwall F.E.T.
Size price (each)
B78-13 $19.95 Sl.84
C78-14 20.95 2.04
D78-14 21.95 2.12
E78-14 22.95 2.25
F78-14 24.95 2.39
G78-14 25.95 2.55
H78-14 27.95 2.75
G78-15 26.95 2.58
H78-15 28.95 2.80
L78-15 30.95 3.08
All prices plus tax and old tire
Whitewalls add 53.

AS $95
AS B78-13
AS SBlackwall
Plus S1.82 F.E.T arid old tire.
A real deal on the tire designed with
long mileage in mind! Double fiber-
glass belt and polyester cord body.
Size Dec. Price NOW F.E.T.
B78-13 s30.40 s23.95 $1.82
C78-13 31.00 24.95 2.01
C78-14 32.10 25.95 2.05
E78-14 33.40 26.95 2.27
F78-14 35.75 28.95 2.43
G78-14 37.30 29.95 2.60
H78-14 40.10 31.95 2.83
G78-15 38.25 30.95 2.65
H78-15 41.05 32.95 2.87

All prices plus tax and old tire.
Add $3 for whitewall.
Sizes F78-15, J78-15 and L78-15 available
in whitewall only at comparable low prices.


r,*estone CHAMPION'


Fits many...

Vegas. Pintos.
Datsuns. Toyotas.

S6 50-13

5 60.15

Darts. Vahants.

VWs. Saabs

Blackwall F.E.T.

s14.95 s148

15.95 S172

19.95 S1.67

All prices plus tax and old tire.


560 12
5 20-13
6 15/155-13

5 60-15

645 14
6 00 15L
6 85S 15

Plus S2.03 F.E.T. and old tire.
Our 30,000 mile tire! Combines
all mileage and handling advan-
tages of radial at surprisingly
low prices. Two fiberglass belts
on polyester cord body.

Whitewall F.E.T.
Size price (each)
BR78-13 s32.95 s2.03
ER78-14 39.95 2.45
FR78-14 41.95 2.63
GR78-14 45.95 2.80
HR78-14 49.95 2.99
GR78-15 46.95 2.88
HR78-15 50.95 3.07
JR78-15 53.95 3.19
LR78-15 55.95 3.34
All prices plus tax and old tire.

Forestry Is Family Affair


St. Joe Auto Parts
Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years




BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum)
"Press Work"

Phone 227-2141

201 Long Ave.

the members of the

Church ofChrist

invite you to meet with them:

Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00
Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11:00
Sunday Night .................. 6:00
Wednesday Night.............. 7:00

Corner 20th St. & Marvin

James Brantley, Minister
Phone 229-8153

v*restone MINI-SPORT'

Fits many..

Audis. Datsuns. Fiats. $ 23.95
Hondas. Mazdas, MG's.,
Opels, Renaults. Simcas.
Toyotas. Triumphs. VWs

Audis. Colts. Datsuns,
Fiats. Gremhns. MG's,
Opels. Pintos, Saabs

Fiats. Gremlins.
Jaguars. Mazdas.
Toyotas. VWs

S OPEN AN WE ALSO BankAmericard Master Charge
CHARGE EM ACCOUNT HONOR: American Express *Diners club

Priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced wherever Firestone tires are sold.

Pate's Shell Service Center

223-225 Monument Ave. Phone 229-1291

I- -

I - -


-- --




THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1976



IGA Family Loaf
White Bread

20 Oz. Loaves 9
IGA Pkg. of 24
Petite Rolls 49'


Sliced Beets


Chunk Tuna
IGA (All Flavors)

IGA (All Flavors)


Cat Food
9-Lives Dry

16 Oz. Can 33

No. '/2 Can 71I

3 Oz. Pkg. 23

3'/Oz. Pkg. 25

20 O. 49

220 z. Pkg. 53

Mixed Vegetables

The' HPPWWnrUTo Shop!

Bama Grape Jam or
Grape Jelly

160Oz. Can

I Jar 73*

Bags 10 Ct. Pkg.

Fresh Green


Bag I N
.. l

Bag of
1 Doz.




Red Delicious Large

8 Lb. Bag

3 Doz. in Bag

8 for

Fresh Florida

Vine Ripened




Seed Potatoes and
Guano Now In Stock
Turnips, Mustard, Collards


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, FIn. THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1976 PAGE NINE

- Legal Advertising

Case No. 75-188
AT PORT' ST. JOE, a banking corpora-
tion organized under the laws of the
United States of America,
ABRAMS, Individually and Partners,
ABRAMS, their respective wives;
a Florida corporation; THE BAY
PANY, a national banking association;
ROY F. IRWIN and wife, ETHEL S.
INC., a corporation; FOX SEAFOODS,
FORNIA, a corporation; HALES &
- corporation; and TURNER'S SEA-
FOOD, INC., a Florida corporation,
INC., a corporation, whose Post Office
address is P. 0. Drawer 38, Harvey,
Louisiana, 70058, FOX SEAFOODS,
INC., a corporation, whose Post Office
address is Pointe-A-La-HACHE, Loui-
siana, 70082, and HALES & HARRIS
SEAFOOD, INC., a Maryland corpora-
tion, whose Post Office address is Gra-
sonville, Maryland.
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
to foreclose a mortgage on the following
property located In Gulf County, Flor-
Lots 32, 34, and 36, Block 28, City of
Port St. Joe, Florida, according to
the official map thereof on file in the
Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court,
Gulf County, Florida.
Outside crusher, Motor No.
182FC3-3; Outside crusher, motor
no. 1207-M; Outside crusher,
2688854; 9x9 Amonia' Compressor
26811; 71/V2 x 7'/V2 Amonia compressor
27820; 50 hp motor GE 66190119XB;
50 hp motor 151-3958A; 10 hp
Agitator, motor 158-879; Blover
motor 241007; cone pump motor
224TA35; water pump motor 5402293;
Scoring machine motor 162-818;
Brine pump motor 1725-1435; ice
crane puller motor 8380; and Ice
crusher on canal (large) 379-4.1 1964
Ford Truck. I D F60MH508353, 1 1961
GMC Truck, ID BA5505N3389G; 1 1961
Ford Truck, ID F75WU372257; and 1
1957 Refrigerated Trailer with Ther-
mahig Unit No. 128762; 1 ice
machine (Scotsman made); 3 freez-
ers (2 chest, 1 up-right); 1 speaking
machine; 2 electric fish scalers; 2
platform scales; 1 computing scale;
1 cash register (Smith-Corona); 2
show cases; 1 shrimp conveyor; 1
refrigerator (household); 1 gas
stove; 1 gas hotwater stove; 1 100
gal. gas tank; 1 fish vat and all fish
tubs in place of business; 1 cracker
machine; 1 Coca Cola box; 1 deep
well pump and tank; 1 Marine radio
receiver; and any and all equipment
and paraphernalia ,located on the
above described property except
personal tools, TV set, 1 upright
freezer, 1 couch, 2 chairs, coffee
table and 1 small table in kitchen.
has been filed against you and you are
required to serve a copy of your written
defenses, if any, to it on Hon. Cecil G.
Costin, Jr., plaintiffs' attorney, whose
aoaares is 221 Re;id ".,a Port St. Joe,
F1o r. a, on or oelore Febr'3ary 2, 1976,-
and file the original with the Clerk of this
Court either before service on plaintiff's
attorney or' immediately thereafter;
otherwise a default will be entered
against you for the relief demanded in
the complaint or petition.
WITNESS and in my hand and the seal
of this Court on December 29, 1975.
-s- George Y. Core,
Clerk, Circuit Court,
Gulf County, Florida 4t 1-1

BID NO. 195
The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
invites bids on the following described
60 If-8' fabric (9 ga.)
64 If-1%" top rail-tubing
4 ea.-2" x 11' line post tubing
8 ea.-2'/v" x 11' terminal gate post-
'4 ea.-2" x 1" barb wire arm
8 ea.-2'/2" post cap-aluminum
12 ea.-8' tension bars
72 ea.-2'/2" brace bands
12 ea.-1-" rail ends cups
188 If-barb wire 15'/2 ga., 4 pt.
2 ea.-10' double-drive gates-1%"
tubing frame
2 ea.-1%" drop rod assemblies
2 bags-Tie wire
4 pr.-212" x 1%" hinges nuts & bolts
412 pcs.-Panelweave-Yellow sub.-
Sandlewood 1 in 6 pattern
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and
plainly marked "Bid No. 195". All bids
must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida,
and approximate delivery date shown.
Bidders are requested to submit bids in
item sequence and totaled. The City of
Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all bids, waive any
formalities and to choose the bid deemed
best to meet the City's needs. Bids must
be good for 30 days after opening.
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's Office, P. 0. Box A, Port St. Joe,
Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.S.T., January 20, 1976. Bid opening
will beheld at the Regular City Commis-
sion Meeting January 20, 1976, at 8:00
P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal Building,
Port St. Joe, Florida.' -
-s- C. W. BROCK,
City Auditor and Clerk 2t 1-8

We the undersigned, do hereby declare
that the names of all persons interested
in the business or profession carried on
underthenameof LILIUS JEWELER at
228 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida
32456 and the extent of the interest of
each, is as follows:
Anais J. Lilius, Sole Owner.
-s-AnaisJ.Lilius 4t 1.-8

The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
invites bids on the following described
20 tons-Hydrated Lime to conform
to AWWA specifications No. B
202-54, to be palletized and delivered
by truck F.O.B. Port St. Joe, Fla.
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and
plainly marked "Bid No. WWP93". The
City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids, waive
any formalities and to choose the bid

deemed best to meet the City's needs.
Bids must be good for 30 days.
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's Office, P. O. Box A, Port St. Joe,
Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.S.T., January 20, 1976. Bid opening
will be held at the Regular City Commis-
sion Meeting January 20, 1976, at 8:00
P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal Building,
Port St. Jog, Florida.
-s- C. W. BROCK,
City Auditor and Clerk 2t 1-8

Say You Saw It
In The Star

CASE NO. 75-31
the administration of the estate of
Corinne C. Gibson, 4 deceased, Case
Number 75-31, is pending in the Circuit
Court for Gulf County, Florida, Probate
Division, Gulf County Courthouse, Port
St. Joe, Florida 3245. The personal
representative of this estate is Thomas
S. Gibson, whose address Is 1303 Consti-
tution Drive, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456.
The name and address of the attorney
for the personal representative are set
forth below.
All persons having claims or demands
against the estate are required, WITHIN
THIS NOTICE, to file with the clerk of
the court a written statement of any
claim or dergand they may have.
Each claim must be in writing and must
indicate the basis for the claim, the
name and address of the creditor or his
agent or attorney, and the amount
claimed. If the claim is not yet due, the
date when it will become due shall be
stated. If the claim is contingent or
unliquidated, the nature of the uncer-
tainty shall be stated. If the claim is
secured, the security shall be described.
The claimant shall deliver sufficient
copies of the claim to the clerk to enable
the clerk to mail one copy to each
personal representative.
As Personal Represenative of the
Estate of
Corinne C. Gibson, Deceased
221 Reid Avenue
Port St. Joe, Florida 32456

BID NO. 196
The City of Port St. Joe,
Florida will receive bids for
installation of a water well
and pump.
The work to be done in-
cludes the furnishing of all
labor, material, transporta-
tion, tools, supplies, pump,
pump house, wiring, equip-
ment, and apparatus unless
specifically excepted neces-
sary for the complete and
satisfactory construction, dis-
infection and testing of the
proposed water supply well.
Specifications, require-
ments and plans for the pro-
posed well may be secured
from the office of the City
Auditor and Clerk in the City
Bids shall be sealed in an
envelope and plainly marked
"Bid No. 196". All bids must
be FOB, Port St. Joe, Florida,
and approximate, delivery
date: shown. Bidders are re-
quested to submit bids in item
sequence and totaled. Bids
must be good for 30 days after
Bids must be submitted to
the City Clerk's office, P.O.
Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida
32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
EST, January 20, 1976. Bid
opening will be held at the
regular City Commission
meeting January 20, 1976, at
8:00 P.M., EST, in tjie Munici-
pal Building, Port St. Joe,
City Auditor & Clerk

BID NO. 194
The City of Port St. Joe, F
'invites bids on the following des
Install underground, autorr
sprinkler system. The system t
programmed by installer for
precipitation per week; coverac
be 100 percent with 80 percent o
lap. Materials to be used: all
200 PSI, sprinklers, pedestal m
controller installed and equil
with pump starter, steel lock
case. Sprinklers will be approx
below grade. Cemetery trench
to be done by hand and sod repla
Trench to be approximately
deep. All labor and materials
carry a 24 months warranty. P
and specifications must be subr
ed with bid.
Bids shall be sealed in an envelol
plainly marked "Bid No. 194". A
r.-must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Fl
and approximate delivery date s
Bidders are requested to submit I
item sequence and totaled. The (
Port St. Joe reserves the right to
or reject any or all bids, waiv
formalities and to choose the bid di
best to meet the City's needs. Bid!
be good for 30 days after opening
Bids must be submitted to th
Clerk's Office, P. 0. Box A, Port S
Florida 32456, on or before 5:00
E.S.T., January 20. 1976. Bid ol
will be held at the Regular City Co
sion Meeting January 20, 1976,
P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal Bu
Port St. Joe, Florida.
City Auditor and Clerk
IN RE: The Marriage of
TO: James G. Ledbetter, Respon
Whose Residence and P.O. Addr
B. R 2, Box 270,
Wetumpka, Alabama 36092-
for dissolution of marriage has
filed against you and you are requi
serve a copy of your written defen
any, to it on Hon. Cecil G. Costit
plaintiff's attorney, whose address
Reid Ave., Port St. Joe, Fla., 32456.
before January 30th, 1976, and fi
original with the clerk of this
either before service on plaintiff's
ney or immediately thereafter;
wise a default will be entered a
you for the relief demanded i
WITNESS my hand and the seal
Court on December 26, 1975.
-s- George Y. Core,
Clerk of Circuit Court




City workers were busy last
week taking down decorations, offi-
cially marking the end of the Christ-
mas season. The decorations give a
festive mood to the City each year as
they serve to remind us of the
Christmas season. City employees
put the ornaments up right after
Thanksgiving,, and taking them.
down after the first of the year.
The Christmas lights in the past
couple of years "have only burned for
a few hours each night, as part of the
City's attempt to conserve energy.

fPort St. Joe



Port St. Joe High School cabbage slaw,-tomato, lettuce,
Monday, Jan. 19 pickles, peanut butter chews.
Hot dog with bun, hambur-
ger with bun, French fries, Elementary Schools
English peas, lettuce, tomato, Lunch Room Menus
pickles, fruit cup and milk. Monday, Jan. 19
Tuesday, Jan.20 Hot dog with bun, potato
Barbecue beef on bun, ham- salad, English peas, fruit cup
burger with bun, potato chips, and milk.
whole kernel corn, lettuce, Tuesday, Jan. 20
tomato, pickles, brownie and Barbecue beef with bun,
milk. whole kernel corn, cole slaw,
Wednesday, Jan. 21 brownies and milk.
Macaroni and cheese, ham- Wednesday, Jan. 21
burger with Ifun, French fries, Hamburger with bun,
lettuce, tomato, pickles, Eng- French fries, English peas,
lish peas, jello with topping lettuce, tomato, pickles, jello
and milk. with topping.
Thursday, Jan. 22
Thursday, Jan. 21 Oven fried chicken, rice
Oven fried chicken, rice with gravy, string beans,
with gravy, green beans, tom- tomato slice, applesauce with
ato slice, applesauce with cookie, bread, rolls and milk.
cookie. Friday, Jan. 23 .
Friday, Jan. 23 Pizzaburger with bun,
Hamburger with bun, pizza- French fries, cabbage slaw,
burger with bun, French fries, peach with cookie, milk.

Info Is Needed

r- m ---mmm --m- umm mmm

Bowling *I

I News-
immmmmmmmm iml ImJ

Winter Mixed League
The Winter Mixed League
met at St. Joe Bowling Alley
on January 6. On lanes one
and two, Rotagilla won four
games from No Names. Jo
O'Barr had a 166 high game
and 457 series for Rotagilla.
Johnny Linton had a 210 game
and 492 series for No Names.
On lanes three and four, Ten
Pin Lounge won three games
from Varnes Seafood. James
Hicks led Tin Pin with a 171
game and 474 series. Danny
Talbert had a 119 high game-
and Lonnie Gray had a 351
high series for Varnes Sea-
Lanes five and six had
Fiesta Food Store winning
three games from Carr's.
Billy McDonnell was tops for
Fiesta with a 150 game and 385
-series. Chuck Guilford was
high bowler for Carr's with a
,172 game and 456 series.
Lanes seven and eight saw

Sylvachem win four games
from Kennedy & Wombles,
Inc. Shirley Hicks had a 174
game and 473 series for Sylva-
chem. Steve Wombles had a
162 game and 438 series for
Kennedy & Wombles, Inc.

Carr's Auto
10-Pin Lounge
No Names
Varnes Seafood
K & W, Inc.
Fiesta Food


Thursday Nite Ladies' League
On January 8, the Thursday
Nite Ladies' League met at St.
Joe Bowling I~nes.
On lanes one and two,
Bowen's Cow Girls One, won
three games from Renfro. Ed-
wina Bowen bowled a 129 high
game and 349 series for
Bowen's One. Edwina picked

i A A. a Mexico Beach Chamber

ith Applicationto InstallOfficers Jan. 19

People who plan to apply for
lorida, supplemental security income
cribed payments can save time by
natic first getting together some in-
o be formation about themselves,
6e to according to David Robinson,
ver- Social Security Representa-
pipe tive for Gulf County.
pped The supplemental security
and income program makes
c. 2"
thing monthly payments to people
ced. with little or no income and
14" limited resources who are 65
lans or over or blind or disabled.
mitt- People can get information
pe and about applying for the pay-
II bids ments by calling or writing
shown. any social security office.
bids in "When applying," Robinson
accept said, "it's a good idea to have
e any with you as many of the fol-
eemed lowing as possible: a check-
s must
mt. book, if you have one, to show
e city how much you have in the
t. Joe, bank, any savings account
opening books, stocks and bonds, life
mmis- insurance policies, automobile
at 8:00
ilding, registration cards, latest real
estate tax statements if you
own a home or any land, last
2t1-8 year's income tax return, W-2
'OUR- forms, and evidence of all
T OF other income."
:OUN- It may save time, too,
75-199 according to Robinson, if peo-
nd, ple applying for supplemental
security income payments
know how much cash they

dent SECTION 18'44 and 18-47
Ile the INTRODUCED in the regular meeting
court of the City Commission on the 16th day of
or. December, 1975, and ADOPTED and
other- passed by the City Commission on the
of this By: Frank Pate,
4t 1-1 Charles W. Brock, Clerk

have on hand and know the
value of their car, if they own
"You should also have your
social security card," he said.
"Disabled or blind students 18
to 22 should have a school
identification card, tuition re-
ceipts, or similar evidence of
school attendance."
The supplemental security
income program is admini-
stered by the Social Security
Administration, an agency of
the U. S. Department of
Health, Education and Wel-
fare. The Panama City Social
Security office is at 1316
Harrison Ave. The phone
number is 769-4871,

The Mexico Beach Chamber
of Commerce will hold its first
annual banquet for the install-
atioh of officers on Monday,
Jan. 19, at seven p.m., C.S.T.

W. 0. (Bubba) Cathey, Jr.,
outgoing president, has an-
nounced that William J. Rish,
State Representative, will be
the guest speaker. The cham-
ber has made considerable
progress in 1975, mainly the
purchase of a building and the
offering of it for a community
building for civic affairs or
local activities. The member-
ship grew from 28 members to
108 for the year. Harry Cook

will be the incoming president
for 1976.

We wish to thank our many
friends for their kindness,
food, flowers and money dur-
ing the death of our son and
The Louie Stewart family
& Audie Lynn

Greene On GCCC List

Jimmy Greene, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bennie Green of St.
Joe Beach, has been notified
that he attained the Presi-
dent's honor list, with a 4.0
average, at Gulf Coast Com-
munity College for the fall
semester. He has been at-
tending Gulf Coast under the
Presidential Scholarship,

up two splits, 5-7 and 5-10.
Cathy Blackburn led Renfro
with a 166 game and 395 series.
Lanes three and four had
Ralph and Henry's winning
four games from Bowen's
Cowgirls Two. Sheila Stouta-
mire rolled a 128 high game
and 362 high series for Ralph &
Henry's. Avril McKenzie was
tops for Bowen's Two with a
121 game and 319 series.
On lanes five and six, Swing-
ers won four games from
Ward's Fishery. Teresa Gran-
ger led Swingers with a 164
game and 391 series. Trudy
Pate bowled a 140 high game
and 405 high series for Ward's.
Lanes seven and eight saw,
the Surfers and Highland View
Motors split two games each.
Betty Hardin bowled a 154
high game and 386 high series
for Surfers. Sue Parrish bowl-
ed a 141 high game and 339
high series for Highland View
Standings: W L
Renfro 48 12
Ralph & Henry's 43 17
Bowen's One 40 20
Hi-View Motors 38 22
Swingers 25 7
Bowen's Two 20 40
Surfers 6 54
Ward's 4 .40

Gulf Co. Ladies' League
On lanes one and two, Pate's
took three games from the
Kats. Mabel had a 149 game
and 416 series for Pate's. Lou
McDonnell had a 152 game
and a 358 series for the Kats.
Lanes three and four had C&
G taking three from Pepsi
Cola. Pat Hanna had a high
game of 149 and Lou Mork had
a 389 series for C&G. Bea had
a 160 game for Pepsi. Cola,
with Bea and Kay both having
a 395 series.
Lanes five and six also had
Player's taking three games
from the Bank. Shirley Hicks
had a high game of 165 and a
big 445 series for Player's.
Verna Burch had a 150 game.
and a 430 series for the Bank.
On lanes seven and eight,
the ice was finally broken with

Manners: A hardened form of morality.

which is awarded on the basis
of academic achievement.
Jimmy attended Panama
Christian School, and entered
Gulf Coast under the early
admissions policy, when he
was in the 11th grade. He is
currently being considered for
the Gulf Coast Foundation

St. Joe Furniture taking four
big ones from Playgirls. Bren-
da Mathes had a 165 game and
436 series for St. Joe Furni-
ture. Sidney had a 153 game
and 361 series for the Play-
Standings: W L
Player's 45 15
Kats 391/2 201/
St. Joe Furniture 36 24
C&G Sporting 33 27
Pate's Shell 30 30
Playgirls 261/2 331/2
Bank 24 36
Pepsi Cola 6 54

By Joe St. Clair
There is an *old proverb
that has been in existence
for centuries. It goes this
way-"For a swift arrow
pull hard on the string."
Actually there is no other
way to shoot a swift
There are few things of
real importance in life
that are not accomplished
without the "hard pull."
The geologist will tell
you that it takes a million
years to make a ruby.
Imagine-a million years
this beautiful gem is in
the formative stage.
If a ruby could be made
overnight it would have
little value. So it is true
with most everything we
do. The real and sincere
efforts of people are most
always recognized. The
"hard pull" of accom-
plishments is what makes
them important!
REMEMBER: Our great-
est rewards come from
the difficult tasks we ac-

St. Clair

Funeral Homei

507 10th St. 227-2671

- -meow _= Mo. NM- =W -GEN. oo- Mo nw m .N--SM -0 00_"I'o,

Notice of Annual Meeting
of Members of

Citizen's Federal

Savings and Loan Association

I of Port St. Joe

The annual meeting of members of Citizen's Federal ~r ~. 7
Savings and Loan Association of Port St. Joe will be held
on Wednesday, January 21, 1976, at 2 o'clock p.m., EST, i
in the office of the association at 401 Fifth Street, Port St.
Joe, Florida, for the purpose of electing directors for the
ensuing term, and to transact any other business which
may legally come before said meeting.



Citizens Federal will close for business at 12 o'clock noon n B&.At #'
on Wednesday, January 21, 1976 in order to hold the ,. w ,,
annual meeting of members.- -'- '

I ------ -

The pictured
white male was
last seen in the
Port St. Joe
area on the
evening of Sept.
17, 1974. If you-
have seen this
person, ht. 6'1",
wt. 195 pounds,
light brown
hair, please call
James J. Giles,
Private Investi-
gator, Panama
City, Fla. col-
lect 904-763-3311
or 904-785-7338.,

I -

THESTA, ortSt.Jo, Fa.THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1976


Double Double Lucki *tha-White

Ar Prices Guaranteed '
January 14 Thru

*liA < p ORB R iFresh Lean Assorted h ol i" itn m

Slimit I with $b. I more

Bu RbLF res h Le an Be

CTS T E A K "E T-b
32 oz nia B Fresh Lean Rbo f Fresh 1 Lb
b ag BEEF HAM Lb Io

.Shoulder ROAST dI packed
SBlue Ribbon Beef i S9 to bag ,=

S' Blue Ribbon Beef
"f' RUP ROAST '- 1 Ru Top
0iOrder ,B .^ FreshSicediE R A S 88 ^^I' Lean
bond RS bUCK ROAST p dLb.

a Piggly Wiggly Selected
FlueDeluxon Bee Piggly f.ak 7 9 LE S 5.ze 5 9 *

FOPIZAS p 1 BISCUITS ,,,,,gy i,. s,,wl 9r LEMONS h |e
I -- oz 5 WHrPr PED'. U c FES E FRst;.g UIT S

CGood Value ALI FORNIA3' i
S--,- Gold Cream OMATOES ouMcanS o QUICK GRITS Purex |1
SGood Value or Charmin WNteor Assorted Bathroom
i aRainbow BraondTSs a
2WE/2 C1/2 C a ns COFFEE- MATE 89= l c
SRagu Plain, Meet, or Mushroom
Good Value eSPAGHETrI SAUCE Goz.
SSWEET Lboz. $129 P
R 14MS/2 or. M irronrmo