The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/02093
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: December 18, 1975
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:02093

Full Text




Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida

15 Cents Per Copy

Board Promises

to Repair Baseball

and Football Stadiums

Bob Moore outlines stadium

needs to School Board.

"Plush" Is the Only ord

Commission Approves

Cemetery In provements

The City Commission may
not make much money ($25.00
a month) but they sure do
have a nice place in which to
meet. The Commission occu-
_pied. its newly refurbished
meeting rooms Tuesday night
for the first time.
The meeting room has had a
new podium installed for the
Commission to preside from.
Carpet has been placed on the
floor, new furniture installed
and the room completely re-
novated and redecorated.
The redecorating was done
by Bob Simon, superintendent
of the Wastewater Treatment
Plant and the work was done
by his crew of craftsmen.
The first action by the Board
in their new quarters was to
agree to cooperate with the St.
Joseph Historical Society to
install a sprinkler system at

County Accepts Tractor Bid of

$72,644 from Burford Company'

The Gulf County Commis-
sion voted Tuesday afternoon
to pay Burford Tractor Com-


Fishermen to

Talk with Rish
Gulf County's commercial
fishermen will be meeting
with Representative William
J. Rish Monday night in the
Highland View Elementary
The fishermen will discuss
needed legislation with Rish to
be considered in the coming
session of the Legislature.
The meeting will begin at
7:00 p.m., in the school cafe-

pany of Marianna, $72,644.00
for a track mounted back-hoe.
Burford was one of 10 con-
cerns entering bids on the
machine last week, but the
Commission had turned the
bids over to Road Superinten-
dent Lloyd Whitfield to ascer-
tain which bids met the speci-
fications called for.
Whitfield reported at the
meeting Tuesday that, in his
opinion, the Burford bid on a
Caterpillar machine was the
best bid offered.
Al Gunter, a representative
of Bear Equipment Company
of Panama City pointed out his
bid on a John Deere machine
was $19,644 less than the
Burford bid, but the Commis-
sion disallowed his bid be-
cause the machine was con-

siderably smaller than the one
called for in the bids.
Whitfield also recommend-
ed the county keep their
old drag-line which is being
replaced. "The trade-in price
is not enough", Whitfield said.
"We can still use the machine
for light work and it will be
worth more to us than we are
being offered in trade."
While Tuesday's session
was a recess of last Tuesday's
bid for the purpose of consi-
dering the bid, the Board was
also confronted with a group
of about 15 people who wanted
to protest a suggestion that the
Veterans' Service officer and
the Civil Defense offices be
combined with one full time
man to administer both.
The Commission made no
definite decision on the mat-

ter, since they had said they
would make up their minds at
their first meeting in January.

County Gets

$20,000 In

Disaster Aid
Gulf County has received a
check for $20,000 in disaster
funds from the Department of
Community Affairs to repair
county roads damaged by
Hurricane Eloise.
The check was sent to the
County by the state agency
after application had been
made for payment by Gulf
County Civil Defense at the
direction of the County Com-

the Old St. Joseph Cemetery.
The Historical Society
agreed to put up $1,800 in cash
toward the job immediately
and agreed to share the other
expense involved on a dollar
for dollar basis.
Wayne Childers acted as
spokesman for the Historical
Society and outlined the pro-
ject. He said the Society
wished to see an underground
sprinkler system installed,
with a deep well dug to
provide necessary water to
operate the system.
The Society presented the
Commission with a set of
plans for the project.
Estimated cost for the over-
all job is expected to run about
The Commission agreed to
accept the Historical Society's
offer if a reasonable price
could be obtained to do the
work. The Commission agreed
to call for bids on the project
to get a definite cost before
giving their final approval of
the request,
At their last meeting, the
Board considered Commis-
sioner Roberts' suggestion for
a more realistic charge for*
delinquent water customers
and arrive at-a definite policy
for curtailing water service to
those who do not pay their bills
on time.
An ordinance was intro-
duced Tuesday night which
would make all bills delin-
quent and subject to a $1.00
late charge after the 10th of
the month. If the bill was still
unpaid by the 20th the service
would be cut off and a $5.00
charge levied for turning the
water back on.
The new ordinance will go
into effect with the February
1976 billing.
Roberts said the new plan
would cut down on the chronic
large number of late bills the
City office must handle each
(Continued on Page 8)

The Port St. Joe Quarter-
back Club cornered the Gulf
County School Board Tuesday
evening and brought to their
attention the deplorable atten-
tion of the baseball stadium
and needs for maintenance at
the football stadium.
After an on-sight inspection
of the facilities, Bob Moore,
acting as spokesman for the
Quarterback Club outlined the
club members' feelings on the
.Moore said, "You have to
admit, the facilities are in
poor shape. There are4eaks in
the gyms, problems at the
football stadium and playing
field. The worst example is the
baseball stadium. It is an
eyesore and potential liabil-
ity to the school board."
Moore said the Quarterback
Club was recommending the
baseball field have a new roof
put on the bleacher section
with repairs made to the
seating, fencing and lighting.
He estimated the repairs
would cost in the neighbor-
hood of $14,000.
Moore went on to explain
that the advantages which
would result would naturally
be a better baseball program,
allow more support of the
team by the community by
allowing night games to be
played, thus increasing the.
income from the sport. "It
would also make the facility
available for year-round use',,
Moore said.
School Board member Fred
Greer asked for priorities on
the work requested as the
School Board did not have the
money to make the requested
repairs at this time.
Moore replied that of course
safety measures had priority
but that all requests were just
as important as the other.
Board member Gene Raf-
field said he favored placing
the baseball stadium in first-
class condition and also mak-
ing necessary repairs to the
rest rooms at the football
stadium. He went on to say he
favored borrowing the money
to pay for the work and repay
it over a period of time. "This
will enable us to get the
facilities usable and allow us

to enjoy the games while
providing our children a safe
and adequate place for year-
round recreation.
Quarterback Club president
Raymond Lawrence said he
felt it wasn't the responsibility

of the club to maintain the
facilities. "The club has built
the field, lighted it and con-
structed the teachers. "Our
purpose has been to purchase
those items the School Board
(Continued on Page 8)

Early Star Will Print

Letters to Santa Claus

The Star will be printed
early next week, in order to
go through the mails prior
to the Christmas holidays.
The Star will go to press
Tuesday and will be, re-
ceived by our subscribers
through the mails on Wed-
nesday, Christmas Eve.
In next week's issue,
letters to Santa Claus will
be featured, along with
holiday greetings from
many firms in the Port St.
Joe area.
Those children who have
not written their letters to
Santa Claus to be printed in
next week's issue should
get the job done today. In
order to assure the letters
will be in the holiday issue,
they should be in our office
no later than tomorrow.
The annual Letters to
Santa Claus issue is a
popular one with The Star's

readers and offers the kids
a chance to get their wants
and wishes known to Santa
before the big day.
Write your letters
today, kids, and get them in
the mail or bring them by
The Star office. They will
be forwarded on to Santa.

Carter Ward, Veteran of

School Board, Dies at 96

Carter' Brown' Ward, 96, a
resident of 1521 North Baylen
St., Pensacola, died Saturday
night in a Pensacola nursing
home. He was a native of
Bruce, but had resided in Pen-
sacola for the past four years,
moving there from Port St.
Mr. Ward was a long-time
resident of Gulf County, had
served on the Gulf County
School Board for 28 years, was
a retired employee of St. Joe
Lumber and Export and a
member of the Bruce Metho-
dist Church.

Survivors include three
daughters, Mrs. Anita Bran-
don and Mrs. Della Spotts,
both of Pensacola, and Mrs.
Hazel Stafford of White City;
two sisters, Mrs. Laura Mc-
Cook of Bruce and Mrs. Ola
Karmondyl of Freeport; six
grandchildren, four great-
Funeral services were held
at 3:00 p.m. Monday at the
Bruce Methodist Church with
the Rev. Billy Ray Alexander
officiating. Interment follow-
ed in the Miller Cemetery near

Entire County Sclhool System VNow Meets Criteria

Accreditation Approved for All Gulf County Elementary Schools

The Gulf County School
Board has received official
notification that the three ele-
mentary schools, Port St. Joe
Elementary School, Highland
View Elementary, and Wewa-
hitchka Elementary School,
are now fully accredited with
the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools. This is a

regional educational agency
which accredits public and
private schools in 11 southern

The attainment of accredi-
tation status certifies that the
institution has met the policies
and standards established by
the Commission of Elemen-

tary Schools of the Associa-
The official action concern-
ing the Gulf County schools
was taken during the 80th
annual meeting of the Asso-
ciation during the week of
December 7, in Atlanta, Ga.
The Gulf County schools

were further recognized by a
request from the Association
to make available their writ-
ten program as models to be
used throughout the area as
they were one of the first sys-
tems to use the new criteria
now the official standards for
the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools. This

written program was a result
of a two-year study by the
schools' administration, facul-
ty, students and parents with
an outline of the present
program and a plan for an
improved school.

In receiving this informa-

tion, Superintendent Bidwell
stated, "This is one of the long
range goals as defined in the
school l board policy that we
have been striving for in Gulf
County. We believe this pro-
gram will provide improved
educational programs for all
our youth. This is the first

time all schools in Gulf County
have been completely ac-
credited by a nationally
recognized educational agen-
cy. I know the people join the
school board in being proud to
say that all of Gulf County
schools have been fully ac-


Commissioners' new desk and plush chairs.

Visitors see this view of refurnished chambers..

I rlIK I T-91111 I FV I laffl "WivI-m -w

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THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1975

Published Every Thursday at 306 Williarms Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida
By The Star Publishing Company
Second.Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456
Wesley R. Ramsey ................... ............... Editor and Publisher
William H. Ramsey .............................................. Production Supt. %
Frenchie L. Ramsey .............................................. Office Manager ^
Shirley K. Ramsey......................................... Typesetter, Subscriptioos


SIN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., S127.50
OUT OF COUNTY-One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, $7.00

TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable
for damage further than amount received for such advertisement.

The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely
asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains.


The.Sharks Are

."State Champs" To Us

The season ended abruptly here
Friday night, after a prolonged stay
in. the minds and hopes of our citi-
zens. The abrupt ending meant the
Sharks would not go to the state
play-off finals this year.
We can't be too disappointed
over the fact. The Sharks had a fine
Season, bringing the fans some of the
better football games they have ever
-witnessed with a Port St. Joe team.
The Blountstown game, both Chipley
Games, the Monticello, DeFuniak
Springs and Santa Fe games were as
.gdod as any the Sharks have ever
The team went farther and had a
bIetter season than most of their
,loyal fans thought they would. They
Sdid it by sheer determination, which
,.is- one of the valuable lessons a
.inwg man learns playing football.,
We're proud of the Sharks. They.
:climbed from the unranked the last
quarter of the season to the third
'best football team in the state-so
sfar as the records go.
.. Unofficially, and in our opi-
nion, the Sharks deserve to be
the state champions, based on
their ability to use their talents
-and play together as a team.

With no stars on the team, save
possibly Robert Farmer and his
running, the Sharks definitely
were the best team in the semi-
finals here Friday night. They
were just banged up too bad
from the regular season to com-
pete with a team which had
In our opinion the Sharks show-
ed their championship caliber by
putting up the fight they did Friday
night. They were hurt. Farmer
couldn't run even as much as he did
in Chipley; Etheridge couldn't block
for him; Owens was in pain; Daniels
was hurting bad by the middle of the
third quarter. That's the ball movers
out of action. But they didn't quit.
They didn't go sit down and beg off.
They still tridd as hard as they
could. -
It isn't everybody, these days,
who will go ahead and shoulder their
responsibility when they don't par-
ticularly feel like it. The thing to do
these days is to go plead "sick" and
take advantage of your benefits.
We congratulate the Sharks ,on
learning to keep on trying even after
others would .quit. That's the sign of
a champion.

Doctors Deserve Thanks
I p

The people of Port St. Joe and
Gulf County owe our local doctors a
vote of appreciation.
: The county faced the loss of
emergency room service at the
IMunicipal Hospital, but the doctors
figured out a plan where the service
can still be offered to treat emer-
gencies here at home.
All of you have read of the
.unrealistic charges being made for
malpractice insurance these days.
In: the case of how it would affect '
Port St. Joe citizens, the emergency
room situation was a prime exam-
ple. The City was being faced with
hiring doctors to staff the emergen-
cy:room at a minimum of $40,000 per
year for each doctor, and furnish
them malpractice insurance, or
ejose down the emergency room.
: In the past, local physicians
have staffed the emergency room,
but their new malpractice insurance
rates make it mandatory that they
quit, since the portion of their policy
ivtiich covered them in offering
emergency room treatment was just
riore than they could stand finan-
The problem is that there is not
enough emergency room business to

FHP Estimat<

ift is estimated that 31 per- crease in traffic
so~s will die in Florida traffic served during
accidents during the 102-hour months of this
Ch.istmas holiday period said The official
thd Florida Highway Patrol gins at 6:00 P.MI
t h is w e e k .D e m b r 2 a
this estimate is based on December 24
facility experience during the night, sunday,
pl.st three Christmas holidays "Drivers facE
al6ng with an 11 percent de- gers of vehicle

pay the doctor for his exhorbitant
insurance premiums or recoup even
a small amount of what the City
might have to lay out for hiring
emergency room doctors.
Faced with this problem, the
local doctors got their heads toge-
ther and arranged a schedule where
they could have their emergency
room duties classified as a part time
service and drastically reduce their
malpractice insurance rate (even
though it is still a considerable
After months of corresponding
with insurance companies and num-
erous conferences, the doctors have
been able to come up with their plan
which will allow emergency room
service to continue.
We feel the periodic need of the
emergency room by local citizens
prompted the doctors to go to
extreme lengths to ,provide it. They
felt it was their civic duty to try to
arrange this coverage for the pro-
tection of our citizens.
We feel they are due a vote of
thanks from John Q. Public for their


Contact With The

Outside World


Whether farmers or not, al-
most everyone in town sub-
scribed to a farm paper that
was called the Southern
Ruralist. The paper was one of
our few contacts with the out-
side world in purchasing
things that we thought would
make our lives better.
Coon and fox hunters would
order new breeds of dogs. One
fellow, in a kind of status sym-
bol act, ordered a monkey.
(The date of the monkey's ar-
rival was a big day in town
and we all went down to the
express office to meet the
monkey, but on arrival it was
dead.) We could always- tell
from the" peppermint aoiors
around the express office in
the railroad depot when some-

one had ordered a sack of
herbs and roots to brew teas
and make poultices in the
everlasting pursuit of curing
Subscriptions to the paper
were sold by a man wearing a
silk striped shirt with the shirt
pocket jammed with penny
pencils. Just standing on Main
Street, he was able to contact
everyone in town because we
all had pride in our town and
loved to walk and visit around
with each other on the street
and in the stores on Saturdays.
The storekeepers were good
to us and always had a little
surprise gift to perk -up our
trading ego In retui" f6r the
favors from the merchants we
would give them later on,

brown speckled yard eggs
neatly rounded up in a bucket
of cotton seed hulls and wood
dasher churned buttermilk in
quart fruit jars. We all seemed
to be happy and proud to just
be alive.
The salesman's successful
pitch in selling subscriptions
to the paper was, "if you have
pride you need the Southern
Perhaps pride is deeper
than the elements of arro-
gance and vanity. Maybe it is
part of the beautiful glow of
humility within the heart that
often seemss to .say, "it's
great to hbathuman individual
within the wonders and beauty
of creation."

Florida Opposition

to River Dam Is

Diluted by Jackson

The Jackson County Com-
missioners last Tuesday en-
dorsed a proposed navigation
dam on the Apalachicola
The endorsement came
after announcement that the
new Florida West Port at
Sneads had reached tentative
agreement with a major ferti-
lizer manufacturer for con-
struction of a million dollar
distribution facility at the
Commission Chairman Nor-
wood Jackson of Cottondale
said the agreement was a big
boost for the county and for
area farmers who are being
called on to provide food and
fiber for more and more
Jackson said the only way
the port can handle the ferti-
lizer efficiently is to have a
dependable navigation chan-
nel from Sneads to the Gulf of
The Corps of Engineers,
charged with the responsibil-
ity of providing the shipping
channel authorized by Con-
gress, has. offered several
proposals for solving low-
water problems in the river,
the latest of which calls for a
small dam flooding 604 acres
between Bristol and Blounts-

Of six Florida counties bor-
dering the river, two others,
Libery and Gadsden, also
have approved the single-dam
The Jackson County en-
dorsement came on a motion
by Fred Williams of Grand
Ridge, seconded by M. A.
Schack of Greenwood. It was
passed unanimously, with
Chairman Jackson and Com-
missioners Elton Andreasen
of Marianna and Clarence
Price of Graceville also voting

in favor of the'resolution.
J. C. Gissendaner, Chatta-
hoochee businessman, spoke
to the Board in behalf of the
resolution. He was joined by
Homer Hirt, Jr., director of
the Florida-West port.
Hirt said construction would
begin soon on the 25,000 ton
fertilizer storage facility. He
said a 20-year lease would pay
for the facility and that fees
for unloading materials
should be sufficient to meet
semi-annual bond payments of
$60,000 on the port itself.


es 31 Highway Deaths

c fatalities ob-
the first 11
countdown be-
I., Wednesday,
and ends mid-
December 28.
e greater dan-
accidents dur-

ing the month of December
than any other month of the
year," advised Colonel El-
drige Beach, director of the
The Patrol commander said
a maximum number of troop-
ers will be patrolling the high-
ways and the FHP airplanes
will be used extensively dur-

ing the holiday period.
"Enjoy the yuletide season,
but when you are in your auto-
mobile, take every precau-
tion. Leave early, avoid heavy
traffic whenever possible,
keep a watchful eye for pede-
strians and above all, if you
drink, don't drive," concluded
Colonel Beach.

Safety is a family affair.
Florida Departm. nt of Adrr.nt,,tr.aton


S Shrdlu


A Ford In Our Future?
I see by the papers where former California
Governor and movie actor Ronald Reagan is off
and running for the Republican nomination for
the presidency.
Reagan seems to be getting plenty of
encouragement to try his hand at earning the
seat in the White House. He appeals to a lot of
people with his conservative views. -1 think Mr.
Reagan will fall just a mite short of his goal, if
President Gerald Ford continues to come up with
a timely veto of the babblings of Congress every
once in a while.
The Democratic controlled Congress seems
to have gone wild in their obsession at unseating
the Republican occupant of the White House.
The papers are full of investigation after
investigation, aimed primarily at embarrassing
the Republican head of state more so than trying
to reach any truth or change which might make
right any. wrong which might have been
It's no secret that any government agency
with the power of the FBI or the CIA usurps their
power once in a while. A prime example is the
Internal Revenue Service which exercises
powers at time comparable with those found only
in a police state. Let the IRS suspect you are
guilty of income tax infractions and you must
prove. you are innocent, rather than the IRS
having to prove you are guilty.
It is prudent that we point out here that
most of the Florida delegation to Congress has
backed the Republican president's position
in demanding spending cuts commensurate
with any tax cuts which might be offered to
the people next year. Congressmen Bafalis,
Bennett, Chappell, Frey, Fuqua, Gibbons, Ha-
ley, Kelly, Rogers, Sikes and Young back the
President in his contention that a spending
ceiling should be placed on next year's bud-
get. Congressmen Fascell, Lehman and Pep-
per feel no budget ceiling is necessary.
Personally, I feel the Democratic Congress
is demanding an open-ended budget simply
'because a Republican president wants to impose
a ceiling. If the Republican president wanted an
open-end budget, I feel the Democratic Congress
would demand a ceiling.

We had a straw ballot of presidential
preference at the Rotary Club meeting last
Thursday. Program chairman George Tapper
posed the question: "If the presidential election
were to be held tomorrow, who would you vote

Tapper gave each member present an
opportunity to answer and all but one gave him
an answer.
It was interesting to note that every member
of the club preferred a Republican candidate.
There was only one registered Republican in the
meeting that day. The remainder were register-
ed Democrats.
Of the votes cast, 10 voted for President Ford
and eight cast their votes for Ronald Reagan.,
Tapper conducted a similar poll some eight
months ago, and the majority cast their
preference for Governor George Wallace of
Alabama. Thursday, even though Wallace is one
of the myriad of Democratic candidates, he did
not gain one vote of preference.

To be sure, the members of the Rotary club
do not represent the majority of voting Gulf
County. Based on the manner in which national
polls are conducted, however, the sampling of
preferences by Tapper gives as good an
indication as the national polls. As a matter of
fact, the percentage of those asked as against the
total population of the county was not as low in
Tapper's poll as it is in the national polls.

If more local organizations would make
similar polls from the man in the street, the
small businessman, the blue collar worker, the
tax payer; and the results made public; I feel we
could make some changes in the Democratic
If the people who are in power under the
Democratic flag could see they no longer have'
the confidence of the person who places the
ballot in the box, we may see some changes
made in our nation for the better.
Who knows, we may even see a cap placed on
the national budget, or, more remotely, we may
even see a balanced national budget.
One of the things we would surely see is the
public's chagrin at the hypocritic actions of
Congress in demanding that the City of New
York put it's financial house in order and all the
while plunging the nation along the same path as
that followed by New York.

IIV_- ~lhMeLFIIIY--~CIZrY- 4~CINrr5v ~CII'ClrCrEl~nm;CCCrCMA




Winter Mixed League
The Winter Mixed League
met on December 9 at St. Joe
Bowling Lanes. On lanes one
and two, Varnes Seafood won
four games from Kennedy and
Wombles, Inc. Danny Talbert
was tops for Varnes with a 141
game and 381 series. Steve
Wombles bowled a 160 high
game and 465 high series for
Kennedy and Wombles, Inc.
On lanes three and four, No
Names won three games from
Carr's. Johnny Linton was top
bowler with a 183 game and
527 series for No Names. Dot
Guilford had a 164 game and
Chuck Guilford had a 468 high
series for Carr's.
Lanes five and six saw Ten
Pin Lounge take four games
from Fiesta Food Store.
Robert Montgomery led Ten
Pin with a 168 game and 486
series. Lou McDonnell was
high bowler with a 146 game

and 391 series for Fiesta Food
Lanes seven and eight had
Rotagilla winning three
games from Sylvachem. Carl
O'Barr was top bowler with a
191 game, and Carl and Jo
O'Barr tied for high series
with 453 for Rotagilla. Bill
Whitfield led Sylvachem with
a 179 game and 484 series.
Standings: W L "
Carr's 38 14
Rotagilla 38 14
Sylvachem 35 17
No Names 30 22
10-Pin Lounge 29 23
Varnes Seafood 20 32
K & W, Inc. 12% 391/2
Fiesta Food 51/2 46%'

Thursday Ladies' League
On December 11, the Thurs-
day night ladies' league met in
action at St. Joe Bowling
Lanes. On lanes one and two,
Renfro Auto Parts won four

Deck The Halls With Popcorn

Pop some corn and deco-
rate...make garlands for the
tree and a special Christmas ..
tree grove for mantle or 1 2 3
table. No need to over-
spend, popcorn is an inex-
pensive treat. Everybody
can join in...each child can
have his own small tree for
eating and decorating. "
Popcorn Christmas Tree Pow to make the tree:
p a g'J f P .,op 1. Roll foil into cone .hape;
SpackageJiffy Pop I"1"/1 ",2. 'Slip one completely
Popcorn over pot. Secure bottom;
1 cup sugar 3. Shape popcorn mixture
1/2 cup corn syrup around cone-decorate.
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup butter Pour over popcorn and mix
1/2 package ice cream thoroughly with a wooden
sugar cones spoon. For a large tree, use
Prepare popcorn accord- small plastic flower pot as
ing to package directions. base. Roll heavy aluminum
Pour into large pot or ket- foil into cone; place and
tle. Heat sugar, corn syrup secure on bottom of flower
and water in small saucepan pot to form tree shape. Use
to 2500-2660F. or until a sugar cones for smaller tree
drop of syrup in cold water forms. Shape popcorn mix-
forms a hard ball. Remove ture with buttered hands
from heat and stir in butter, around form.

games from Ralph and Hen-
ry's. Vickie McNeil was top
bowler for Renfro with a 169
game and Cathy Blackburn
bowled a 436 high series.
Susan Bigelow had a 141 high
game and Anna Smith had a
359 high series for Ralph and
Lanes three and four saw
Highland View Motors win
four games from Team 7. Sue
Parrish bowled a 156 high
game and 413 series for High-
land View. Trudy Pate had a
118 high game and 332 high
series for Team 7.
On lanes five and six,
Swingers won four games
from the Surfers. Kim Ernest
had a 142 high game and
Marion Murdock had a 372
high series for the Swingers.
Faye Pope led the Surfers
with a 161 game and 357 series.
Lanes seven and eight had
Bowen's Cowgirls One win-
ning four games from Cow-
girls Two. Pat Hutchinson led
the One team with a 143 game
and 392 series. Avriel McKen-
zie had a 113 high game and
Rhonda Gainous had a 330
high series for Bowen's Two.
Standings: W L
Renfro Auto Parts 43 9
Ralph & Henry's 36 16
H'land View Motors 35 17
Cowgirls One 33 19
Cowgirls Two 20 32
Swingers 17 7
Team 7 4 32
Surfers 4 48

Gulf Co. Men's League
Monday night began the
second half of the bowling
season and the bowling went
as follows:
Lanes one and two saw Shirt
and Trophy take three from
Butler's Restaurant. David
Roche led Shirt and Trophy
with a 525, aided by Tal Pres-
ton's 502. Harry Lowry had a
series of 578 and games of 200
and 222 for Butler's.
On lanes three and four it
was Campbell's Drugs taking
three from Carr's Auto Sales.
Will Stafford was top gun for
Campbell's with a 547 series
and 209 game. Carr's had a
man known only as Swamprot
high with 49i.
Lanes five and six saw
King's Gulf Service take all
four from Stems and Seeds.
David Lewis led King's with
487. Norman Hodges had a 448
for Stems and Seeds.
On lanes seven and eight it
was Player's Supermarket
tak'iig' three from 10-Pin
Lounge. Larry McNeel was
high for Player's with a 490,
while 10-Pin Lounge had Tim
Taylor high with 476.
Standings: W L
King's Gulf 4 0
Campbell's Drugs 3 1
Shirt & Trophy 3 1
Player's S'market 3 1
Butler's Rest. 1 3
10-Pin Lounge 1 3
Carr's Auto Sales 1 3
Stems & Seeds 0 4

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1975


Slightly wilted parsley leaves
can be freshened by trimming
off the ends of the stems and
placing them in cold water.

Herring Attends Class Reunion

L. J. Herring of Port St.
Joe was one of 11 members of
the Class of 1934 of Geneva,
Alabama, which returned
home for Homecoming activi-
ties recently. Pictured from
left to right are: Vonzell Row-
den of Ft. Walton; Evelyn
Tarrant of Waycross, Ga.;
Inez Phillips of Lakeland;
Emma Galloway of Mobile,
Ala.; Nell Love of Panama
City; Mary Martin of Dothan,
Ala.; Hubert Clemmons of
Geneva; Martha Walls of New
Brockton; L. J. Herring of
Port St. Joe; Hazel Allen of
Newton, Ala. and Leigh Pea-
cock of Dothan.



Xmas Ball
The annual Christmas Ball,
sponsored by the Student
Council of Port St. Joe High
School, will be held Monday,
December 22. The Ball will be
in the Commons Area, from
eight to 12 p.m., with music
provided by "Sweet Rock".
Dress will be semi-formal,
with admission at $4.00 per
couple, or $2.50 single. The
ball is open to students in
grades 10 through 12, and their


Living & Dining Suits

Barcalounger Recliners

Simmons Bedding

SSt. Joe Furniture |

S205-207 Reid Ave. Ph. 229-1251
- 0 0



PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1975

Xmas Program

at Overstreet
The Overstreet Bible
Church will present their
Christmas program and film-
srip on Sunday at 7:00 p.m.
(~$T) December 21. Billy Joe.
Richards will be narrating the
filmstrip, entitled "And on
Earth Peace."
others participating in the
choir and program are: Mary-
lan, Sherron and Wanda At-
kins, Rev. Bill Graham, Leslie
ag!d Mary Graham, Rolan
Hardy, Buth, John, Robin and
Rosemary'Leckie, Archie and
Faye Marshall, Dashean,
-.Ilis and Eugene Powell, and
.d-enda, Jeff and Howard
A special "Christmas Wel-
come" is given to all to attend.

'Yule Service at
,:Highland View
.The Highland View Metho-
,dist Church will be having
f=oeir annual Christmas pro-
-gram Monday, December 22
E47:00 p.m. in the church
-^Rev. James Morris, pastor,
^abd the congregation extends
EA, invitation to everyone to
tendd and enjoy the program
-th them.

"B" Shift Honors J. T.

Campbell at Dinner
Mr. andMrs. J. T. Campbell sented Mr. Campbell with a
are shown at a retirement gift of fishing equipment.
party honoring him last Fri-
day night at the local Union Mr?. Campbell started work
Hall. The "B" shift workers of with St. Joe Paper Company
the pulp mill operators were on October 15, 1946, and work-
present for the party and pre- ed fot.,the mill for 26 years.


Hostess to

Group I
Mission Group I of the First
United Methodist Church met
on December 16 at 9:30 in the
morning in the home of Mrs.
Ed Ramsey. Delicious re-
freshments were served to 12
members and three visitors.
The meeting was opened
by the singing of Christmas
carols. A short business ses-
sion was conducted by Mrs. W.
L. Altstaetter, chairwoman. A
report was given on completed
projects during the past year.
Mrs. Ralph Swatts presided
over the installation of officers
The meeting was adjourned
with prayer by Rev. McCurdy.

Shealy -

Copeland Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Shealy,
Sr. announce the marriage of
their daughter, Janie Lynn, to
Carl Edwin Copeland. The
wedding was held at the First
United Methodist Church of
Port St. Joe, December 6, with
Rev. Johaie McCurdy offi-
The groom is employed by
St. Joe Paper Company. They
will make their home at St. oe

School Choral Group


Tonite at 7:30

The Choral Department of last Thursday afternoon.
Port St. Joe Jr.-Sr. High Members of the group are:
School will present their an- left to right: Roxanne Lee,
nual Christmas concert to- Mary Dell Adkison, William
night at 7:30 in the Commons Whittington, Kenneth Turner,
Area of Port St. Joe High Scottie Bryant, Marian Mur-
School. dock and Paula Tankersley.
Pictured is one of the groups If you want to hear some top
which will perform. "The notch entertainment, plan to
Singing Sharks" recently attend the Choral Depart-
made their debut entertaining ment's Christmas concert. It
members of the Garden Club will be an evening well spent.

Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue

Rev. George Gay, Interim Pastor

Sunday School .................... 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship Service ............. 11:00 A.M.
Church Training .................... 6:30 P.M.
Evening Worship Service .............. 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting (Wed.) ................ 7:00 P.M.
"Come and Worship God With Us"

--, -

:- Sherry



Sherri McNeel, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Garry McNeel of
Jones Homestead, celebrated
her sixth birthday Tuesday,
December 16, with a party at
her home.
Friends who joined with
Sherri for this festive occasion

were: Shannon Pate, Teresa
Jones, Pam Wood, Leslie-Un-
derwood, Jacque Hayes. Ter-
esa Cannon, Greg and Sean
Davis, Vicki Kelley, Donna
and Michael Powell, Donna
Sue Waters, Carrie Moore,
Donna Baker and Jason Tay-



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Small Screen Price DIAGONAL
Energy Saving Chassis with Power
Sentry Brilliant Color Picture
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AM/FM/Stereo FM Tuner/Amp
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3-Speed Record Changer
W f S Simulated Walnut Finish
Allegro 1000 Speakers

screen size portable
with energy saving.
Chassis with Power
Sentry System.
Simulated Walnut
finis' $179.00

Lay It

Away Now


301 Reid Ave. Port St. Joe


FN ro

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1975 PAGE FIVE

'Tis the Season to be Stealing.

0 0

"I. only did it because the
other kids dared me to."
"The store can afford it."
"Nobody told me it .was
against the law."
These were the excuses
given last year by more than
35,000 criminals (Florida De-
partment of Criminal Law
Enforcement 1974 Annual Re-
port) when asked why they
had broken the law. They were
not the hardened crime prone
hoodlums so common to tele-
vision shows, but they now
Have a criminal record.
These criminals were usu-
ally teenage girls, housewives
who were stretching the bud-
get and elderly people strug-
gling to make a living on a
fixed income. Most had spot-
less criminal records but they
made the mistake of stealing
from a retail establishment
and now they will always be
known as ... .a shoplifter.
With the Christmas buying
season in full swing, the pro-
blem becomes all too apparent
to merchants. Florida Retail
Federation estimates that 65.
percent of a merchant's year-
ly theft losses will occur be-
tween October 1 and January
1. Although violent crime gets
the headlines, retail theft is
more costly to merchants and
consumers. In 1974 all crimes
against business, including
armed robber and business
burglary, accounted for only
148 million dollars worth of
losses, compared to retail
theft losses of 253 million dol-
Law enforcement officials
discount the old heart rending
theory that Christmas brings
shoplifters into stores to steal
presents they cannot afford.
Most shoplifters steal during
Christmas because of the
large crowds, inexperienced
part-time Christmas em-
ployees and the large volume
of goods flowing onto the
shelves. The average theft is
worth 28 dollars and most
shoplifters have more than
enough money to pay for the
stolen items.

Arrest figures show the
average offender in Florida is
white and young. Fifty-three
(53) percent of those arrested
are under 18 years of age.
Most are female from middle
class families. Housewives ac-
count for the second largest
arrested group and the elderly
are rapidly becoming a major
third class.
While the professional shop-
lifter is a problem, it is esti-
mated that he only makes up
10 percent of all shoplifters.
The professionals concentrate
on items they can quickly re-
sell such as televisions and
appliances, while the amateur
frequently steals items for his
own personal use such as
records, food, watches, etc.
Although merchants spent
over four billion dollars
nationwide last year on secur-
ity measures such as concave
mirrors, cameras, plain-
clothes detectives, the most
effective crime deterrent re-
mains stringent enforcement
of the law and prosecution of
shoplifters. Once "the word"
circulates that a store is hard
line on thieves, shoplifters
tend to stay away rather than
risk apprehension.
The Governor's Crime Pre-
vention Committee (Help Stop
Crime!) is helping the state's
police and sheriff depart-
ments combat the problem by
distributing shoplifting films,
a merchant's guide to shop-
lifting techniques using a slide
show, placards proclaiming
arrest for stealing and a series
of print ads to newspapers
that urge merchants to prose-
cute. A contest has also been
established with the Florida
Retail Federation that urges
audio and visual media to
submit scripts for the most
creative message against
Florida's shoplifting sta-
tute, 811.022, was recently
amended to give merchants
more legal rights in stopping
suspected thieves. The law al-
lows a merchant to detain
either on or off the premises
without a warrant any person
that he has "reasonable
cause" to believe is stealing.
"Probable cause" is the most
important element of a court
case, because it protects the
merchant from false arrest
and is the motivation for ar-
rest within the store.
If a merchant notices that
an item is missing from a
display immediately after a
customer left that area, he
may detain the customer even
though he may not actually
witness the theft. However, a
merchant cannot take the
word of a customer that some-
one stole something, as this
would be "hearsay evidence"
and is not admissible in court.
A customer may warn a clerk
and the clerk can then observe
the suspected shoplifter and
look for any movements or
evidence of stealing.
Merchants who observe a
shoplifter and successfully de-
tain him, should follow several
procedures. First of all, get
the suspect to a private part of
the store with another clerk as
witness (if the shoplifter is
female, be sure the clerk is
female). This will eliminate
any later charges by the
suspect that, you subjected
him to "public embarrass-
Call the police immediately.
Write down a report of the in-
cident. Include every detail
you can think of, including
time, description of the sus-
pect, items taken, etc. Give a
copy to the police officer and
make several copies for all
witnesses. This report should
be reviewed several times
before the case comes to trial

because missed details in chant's attempt to detain him, ployees also saves money for Putting merchandise under be devised. Each. employee pass on their retail losses to
court have been known to de- the sentence can be a year in the small merchant who can- glass or behind clerk tended should freely circulate in his the consumer in the form of
feat "air tight" cases. jail. not afford security personnel counters can cut down the -assigned area while helping -higher prices. Last year the 20
SOME JUDGES TOUGH Even with the marvelous or sophisticated equipment, temptation to steal, customers and keeping his billion dollar nationwide loss
This year some judges have security devices available on The easiest way for a mer- Clothes can be protected by eyes on them. A pre-arranged accounted for increased
returned to a hardline stance the market, there is no sub- chant to protect. his merchan- alternating hangers to foil the signal such as a bell could prices of more than $150 for
and are sentencing shoplifters stitue for an alert sales staff. dise is by making it difficult to "grab and run" shoplifter and alert employees to a suspected every U. S. consumer over the
to the full penalties. Shoplift- A watchful clerk who greets pocket. Shoplifters take small by checking garments a cus- shoplifter and he could be age of 16.
ing under 100 dollars is consi- each customer with "May I items that can be easily slip- tomer is allowed to take into a watched more closely. This year merchants are
dered petty theft and can help you?" discourages shop- ped into bulky clothing, folded fitting room. The old adage that "Stealing saying that they are "crack-
carry a 60 day sentence to lifters who want to keep away newspapers, unfurled um- To protect items that must from a store is alright because ing down" on shoplifters, even
the county jail. If a convicted from everyone's attention. A brellas or other convenient be openly displayed, an em- they will never miss it" is just if it means sending people to
shoplifter resists the mer- well-trained greup of em- and unobtrusive hiding places. ployee security system should not true. Merchants simply jail.

By Joe St. Clair
We read a bit of good,
sound logic the other day.
Someone had simply writ-
ten these words: "A
smooth sea never makes
a skillful mariner."'
There is much truth in
this statement. A sailor
becomes skilled only as
he guides his ship through
raging seas and stormy
voyages. Anyone can plot
a course through a calm-
but only the best can face
a storm, weather it-and
bring the ship safely to
It is through the storms
of experience that the
mariner becomes skillful.
Isn't that true with life?
The hard and difficult
days tend to make each of
us a better person-better
fitted for life.
Everyone's life will be
filled with many calm
voyages, but there are
sure to be storms and
gales, because they are
part of life, too.
REMEMBER: Life is a
sea--both calm and

St. Clair

Funeral Home
507 10th St. 227-2671

the members of the

Church of Christ

invite you to meet with them:

Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00
SuLnday Morning Worship ...... 11:00
Sunday Night .................. 6:00
Wednesday Night .............. 7:00

Corner 20th St. & Marvin
James Brantley, Minister
Phone 229-8153

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1975

Class Hunting Members

Shark Cagers Bop

Bay High, 77-64

:-:The Port St. Joe Shark period but the Tornadoes scorched the nets for2
agerss bombed the Bay High came back to knot the score, in the final period.
$nrnadoes in Panama City 34-34 at half time. Johnny Jenkins and
tuesday night, 77-64. The Sharks jumped right Gant, just reporting f
The Sharks jumped off. to a back in the third period scor- football team, led the
3vo point lead in the first ing 19 points to 12 for Bay and in scoring and rebi
Jenkins had 18 points

i Infant Mellisa Neel

IIs Taken by Death
'Infant- Mellisa Jane Neel, Neel. and Richar
ge five months, a resident of: Neel, :all of Por
, Joe 13each, died unexpect- paternal grandpa
,ly at her home Friday and Mrs. Wade B.I
morning. St. '.Joe; matern
S:Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Cled
0, rents, Mr. and Mrs: George ker of Bristol.
Vteel of St. Joe Beach; six Funeral service
asters, Debra Ann Neel, at 2:30 Saturday s
xenda Sue Neel, Charlotte the Oak Grove A
Varied Neel; Mrs. Carol Jean God Church, condu
Wood, Mrs. Sherry Ann Todd Rev. David A.
Ad Mrs. Wianda Lee Todd; pastor. Interment
*o brothers, George Randal the family plot oi

Be Careful

With Guns

Sheriff Raymond. Lawrence
h'as asked that all hunters be
'iareful about firing guns on or
near any public road and
,round occupied *buildings.
severall incidents have been
Reported recently where buck- .
,shot has fallen around oc-
c:.upied homes from nearby
,bird hunters. This is a dan-.
tgerous situation and someone
wouldd easily be hurt.
SState law. provides that
discharge of firearms in any.
=public place, or on or over any
.public road, highway, street
-or any occupied premises is
prohibited," stated the Sher-
iff. This includes the shoulders
and ditches beside the road.
'^The Sheriff noted that many
people, especially youngsters,
yill be receiving new guns for
:hristmas. If you are one of
,these, or a parent please, be
carefull where you go out to try
ut your new gun. It would
thke all the joy out of the
.-liday season if you hurt
c someone, or damaged proper-
with your Christmas pre-
V t. You could also be liable
F.r a fine or jail sentence, so
lease be careful and obey the.


, local Man

On Board
Fred Witten, a Port St. Joe
attorney and Baptist layman,
ias just recently completed a
hree-year term as Trusteeof
eie Baptist Bible Institute.
'The Institute is located in
.:raceville, 'and is instrumen-
;3eal in training religious lead-
,rs of this area.
f-: Mr. Witten has been re-
placed with another attorney,
;wAvho is a former Port St. Joe
-citizen. His replacement is
Wayne Braxton, who is now
'practicing law in Graceville.
-Mri Braxton, along with Dr.
:.Richard Morley will serve a
Athree-year term for the Grace-.
ville Baptist Institution.

.Chorus Sings

-to Kiwanis.
The fifth and sixth grade
c:ehorus of the :Port St. Joe
CElementary School entertain-
r'ed the Kiwanis Club with a
C'fristmas music program
Tuesday at their regular lunch
.heon meeting at the Motel St.
:The chorus, directed by
beffrs. James Harrison and
jIrs. Barbara Shirley, pre-
ented a selection of several
}horal numbers which told of
e joys of Christmas.

pl. W. J. Myers
reports to Duty
Marine Lance Corporal Wil-
S J. Myers whose wife,
landra, is the daughter of
| ts. Willie Tiller of 305 Ave-
tue D, Port St. Joe, has
reported for duty with Third
[arine Division, Okinawa.
jA 1974 graduate of Wewa-
Litchka High School, he joined
SMarine Corps in April,

All services wer
direction of Com
eral Home.

d Kenneth
t.- St. Joe;
rents, Mr.
Neel of Port
nal 'grand-
la Dell Tuc-
s were held
afternoon at
assembly of
icted by the
followed in
f Holly Hill
re under the
forter Fun-

A r '


24 points
rom the
s and 16

rebounds anda ant scored 16
points with 15 rebounds.
Terry Larry added 14 and
Carey Daniels 12 to the Sharks
winning effort.
The Sharks will travel to
Bristol tonight before folding
it up for the holidays. The
Bristol game will be played at
6:30 p.m.
Score by quarters:
Port St. Joe 15 19 19 24-77
Bay High 13 21 12 18-64
PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins
9-0-181 C. Daniels 5-2-12;
Thomas, 2-0-4; Davis, 1-0-2;
Larry, 5-4-14; L. Daniels, 3-1-
7; Ward, 0-0-0; Gant, 7-2-16;
Watson, 2-0-4.
BAY-Nichols, 7-2-16; Lew-
is, 6-0-12; Holsombake, 4-2-10;
Covington, 3-2-8; Works, 2-0-4;
Peacock, 0-0-0; Hanson, 7-0-
14; Hamm, 0-0-0.

Joyce Williams First Woman to

Qualify as Certified Florida Evaluator

Joyce Williams is shown Florida Evaluator by Sammy
being presented a Certificate Patrick, Gulf County Asses-
recognizing her as a Certified sor. I

Legal Advertisng

Recipient's Account Number 10 2 023 001
Certified Public Accountants
Seaboard Coast Line Building
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
October 17; 1975
The City Commission of the City of Port St. Joe,
Port St. Joe, Florida
Dear Sirs:
We have examined the Revende Sharing Funds State-
ment of Revenue, Expenditures and Balance and the
Statement of Expenditures Incurred of the City of Port St.
Joe, Florida (City) for the year ended September 30, 1975 and
have compared the financial data for theyear ended Septem-
ber 30, 1972, as reported to the Bureau of Census, with audited
records of the City (Schedule A). Our examination was made
in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards
and the Audit Guide and Standards for the Audit of Revenue
Sharing Recipients (Guide) issued by the Office of Revenue
Sharing, U. S. Department of the Treasury and, accordingly,
included such tests of the accounting. records and such other
auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the
circumstances. .
-in our opinion, the accompanying Statement of Revenue,'
Expenditures and Balance and the Statement of Expendi-
tures Incurred present fairly the revenue, expenditures, and
status of revenue sharing funds of the City for the year ended
September 30, 1975, in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that
of the preceding year. Further, except as shown in Schedule
A, and the possible effect of these differences on the en-
titlements received; financial data as reported to the Bureau
of Census for the year ended September 30, 1972 are in
agreement with audited records of the' City.
As part of our examination, we made a study of
compliance matters as prescribed in Section V. D. of the
'Guide for the year ended September 30, 1975. Our study of
compliance disclosed no conditions which we consider
matters of non-compliance.
Yours truly,
Haskins & Sells
Available Funds, Sept. 30, 1974 Unappropriated.... $112,092
Add Revenue:
Entitlement payments ........................ 108,827
Interest (Note 2) .............................. 10,489
Total available funds .................... 231,408
Less Expenditures ............................. 135,962
Available Funds, September 30, 1975 ............. $ 95,446
1. No separate Revenue Sharing Fund has been established
by the City; however, a separate bank account is main-
tained, and all entitlement funds and interest earned
thereon are deposited to the account.
.2. The Revenue Sharing accounts are maintained on the cash
basis with interest recorded when received.
Operating Maintenance Expenditures:
Financial Administration ................... $ 490

Capital Expenditures:
Public Safety ..... ................. ........... 26,982
Environmental protection (Note 1) ........... 99,382
Recreation ............ ........ 9,108
T otal ..................................... 135,472
Total expenditures .................... $135,962

1. .This expenditure represents a transfer to the City's Water
and Sewer Fund for rehabilitation of the City's sewer

First United

Methodist Church
Monument and Constition
Port St. Joe, Fla.
CHURCH SCHOOL .................... 9:45 A.M.
PREACHING SERVICE........ 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M.
CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday)...... 7:30 P.M.


September 30,1972
Reported Audit
to Census Adjustments Adjusted

PART I. Taxes:
Property taxes........ $230,640 $(10,120) (a) $220,520

Local sales taxes:
Cigarette and
Tobacco taxes ....
Public utilities tax ..
Other ...............
Licenses, permits, and
other taxes:
Franchise taxes on
public utilities ...
'License fees .:''. :r
State contribution -to
police retirement fund
Other ........ .........
Total ...........


(11,955) (b)


11,955 (b). 11,955
12,151 .. 12,151
2,356 227, (c) 2,583
5,662 (4,517) (d) 1,145

359,004 (14,410)

PART II. Taxes Levied Exclusively
For School Purposes: (e) NONE
PART III. General Fund
Transactions: (f) ..... NONE
PART IV. Calculation of
Adjusted Taxes: (f).
PART V. Intergovernmental
From state:
State revenue sharing
(Gasoline and ciga-
rette taxes) ....... 34,777
From other local govern-
St. Joseph Fire Con-
trol District tax ..... 2,100
Total .......... :.. 36,877
Total ............ $395,881 $(14,410)





(a) Adjustment to eliminate discounts allowed.
(b) Adjustment to reclassify revenues; the reclassification
does not affect any total.
(c) Adjustment.to include state tax collection credited to
municipal police officers' retirement fund.
(d) Adjustment to include miscellaneous other tax collec-
tions or eliminate non-tax items.
(e) The City does not levy taxes exclusively for school
(f) The City does not appropriate or expend funds for school

Comforter Funeral

Gulf County's First
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Pete, Hortense & Rocky Comforter

iii Telephone 227-3511

Auto Parts
For All Make Cars

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Rebuilt Parts
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401 Williams Ave. 229-6013
41-1 _'i, ------- .__^1^ ^^ -^ l^^^ t^ J^1^

She is the first woman in
Gulf County to receive this
certification, with only two
certified people in Gulf Count-
She has attended schools in
Daytona Beach and Tampa in
taking courses for certifica-
tion. It has taken two years to
complete the courses with the
International Association of
Assessing Officers of Chicago,
She is a member of the
Assessors Association of Flor-
ida, International Association
of Assessing Officers and the
American Society of Photo-
gramentry. She is employed
with the Gulf County Property
Appraisers office.

Call 227-2311




a All

a W

i A

219 Rei
a ..c

eba, Cora Lee Johnson, Elisa
Molina, Jason Jacob Nichols."
and Dalten Tull. A
Please contact Linda Gra-
ham Wood at 227-5843 or Helen
Peak Armstrong at 227-7186, if
you have any information
concerning these people.

Made only by Wianae

-rowave Oven

e enrg an

ke the grats

--in iscvr

Available at

western Auto

associate Store

d Ave.

Phone 227-2271



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Think r-aia6.and

Look to the



Michelin radials

smooth out all

the bumps.

165x13 $44.89 39.88 1.81

175x14 2.1 44.95 2.10

195x14 650.95
205x14 6 ,9 56.95 2.89
2 14 64.95 3.1
1 5x15 55 95 2.68
205x15 722 60.9"-5

225x15 1 .47 69.95 3.
230x15 92.33 76.95

These tires are not blemished or seconds!


Pate'sShell Service

Phone 229-1291

223-225 Monument Ave.


~;~a;~s;a~r;aaaaaaaaaaaa 1

~ ---C i,



The Class of 1966 of Port St.
Joe High School is planning a
reunion. Help .is needed in
locating the following mem-
bers of the class:
Robert Bramton, Linda
Delores Carter, Dennis Ray
Dawson, Diane Irene Huck-

THESTA, Prt t.Joe Fl. TURDAY DE. 1, 975 PAG SEEI

Sharks Bounced Out of Play-offs

A football season which
started with expectations of
having a fair or good record
ended here Friday night, with
the Sharks making an unex-
pected serious run at the state
2A crown..
A proud Shark team limped
onto the field Friday in the
state semi-finals, then limped
off again after 48 minutes of
play ,with their dreams of
glory smashed, 20-0 by a
Hamilton County team which
-.he Sharks could have beaten
on any day of its regular
season. The Sharks were still
a proud team.
The Sharks started the sea-
tson with no depth at all and in.

the end, it was the lack of
depth which kept them home
this week end. Injuries, which
started with John Owens in-
jury in the DeFuniak game
kept plaguing the Sharks until
the last half of the game here
Friday night, when the Sharks
ran out of running backs and
couldn't move. "You just don't
pick up anyone and send them
in to run in a championship
football game", Coach Wayne
Taylor said. "There is more to
running the football than
meets the eye."
Crippled and hurting with
many of the team's members
barely over a week's bout with
the flu and running back


Greg Abrams (22) is tackled immediately by a Trojan
after catching a pass, but holds on to the ball.

Bill Norton (20) breaks upa pass to Trojan receiver (10).
Star Photos

Pauline s

SChristmas Party

Saturday, Dec. 20

Centennial Building
|8:30 P.M. til ?

i Music by2

i Janet Murphy

i1 $6.00 per couple

A. Ice Furnished, No Set-Ups

'i ..-^'a j.A< 'A i i ^ i ca C> >.i

Robert Farmer out of the
line-up with a bad ankle and
fullback Mike Etheridge side-
lined with a broken collar
bone, the Sharks just couldn't
put their offensive punch to-
gether. The punch has been
considerable during their
games this year.
The Sharks gave up the only
three turn-overs in the game
and Hamilton County scored
on all three. An intercepted
pass, a bad snap of the ball
from center on a punt and a
fumble all resulted in Trojan
touchdowns. A fan said the
Sharks beat themselves, but
any team which beat the
Sharks this year could say
they had a hand in it.
Another fan saw the bright
side by remarking, "I'm not
disappointed. This team has
played exciting football this
year and went farther than I,
thought they would."
The Trojans scored more
points on the Sharks than any
other team has this year in a-
single game. As a matter of
fact, the Sharks gave up only
39 points during the entire
regular season and 22 in the
play-off games prior to Fri-
day. It was only the second
game this year in which the
Sharks failed to score. In the
other game, against Monti-
cello, the Sharks won 1-0 in
While' the Sharks has fea-
tured the finest, defensive
outfit in this part of the
country this season, it was,
ironically, another team's de-
fense which defeated them,
Friday night.
For the first half, 11 minutes
and 35 seconds of the third
quarter, it looked as if Fri-
day's semi-final game would
go the overtime route.
Then the roof fell in.
Quarterback John Owens
was hit as he passed on first
down from his own 31 yard line
with 25 seconds left in the third
period. Stan McLeod inter-
cepted the floundering pass at
his shoe tops and scored for
the Trojans. Quarterback Ken
Anderson passed to'McClddd
in the right corner of the end
zone for the two extra points.
Three plays into the last
period, the Sharks were hav-
ing to punt from deep in their
own territory on their own 27
yard line. The snap from
center .sailed over punter
Rick Hatcher's head and bob-
bled into the end zone where it

was covered by the Trojan's
Leroy Raiford for the touch-
down. The extra point kick
was no good and the Sharks
were behind, 14-0.
In the last third of the final
period, the Sharks began put-
ting together a shaky drive,
sparked by a 28 yard pass
from Steve Owens to Sandy
Sanborn, then suddenly the
ball squirted loose from Ow-
ens on the hand-off and Calvin
Paul scooped it up and ran for
a third Trojan TD. The extra
point kick was no good.
The Sharks had their oppor-
tunity back in the second
period, when a bad punt from -
the Trojans put the Sharks in
possession of the ball on the
Trojan 23. Ronald Daniels was
still able to run at this time
and moved the ball to the
Trojan six yard line, where on
second and five, the Sharks
drew a delay of game penalty
and that was it. On second and
ten, Sanborn was thrown for a
two yard loss. On third and 13,
Daniells ran for four. On the
final down, Fred Claridy in-
tercepted Sanborn's pass on
the four yard line.
If this scoring opportunity
had materialized, there is a
good chance the score would
have ended up 7-0 in favor of
the Sharks.
Ronald Daniels, the Sharks
spot break-away runner,
wasn't accustomed to the
carrying every play role he
had to assume Friday night.
By the middle of the third
period he had gone about as
. far as he could go and farther
than most would be expected
to go. By half time he had
gained 94 yards, but in the
second half he could limp for
only 20 more.
The stout Shark defense
held Hamilton to only 93 yards
gained for the game in one of
their more stellar perform-
ances. The stout defense was
led by Marcus Manning with
six tackles and three assists,
Chester Fennell with five tack-
les and four assists, Steve
Cloud and Ray Lawrence with
four and four each and Pres-
ton Gant with three tackles
and one assist.
Hamilton PSJ
First Downs 4 8
Rushing Yardage 93 116
Passing Yardage 0 67
Passes 0-3 4-16
Intercepted by 2 0
Punts 9-29 5-33
Penalties 63 60

St. Joe Motor Co.

will be Closed

Christmas Eve & Day

Dec. 24 & 25

For Emergency Call

229-6836 or 648-7693

This Christmas

give sports
equipment- $

We have a r -
Ilarge line of

SSporting .J

& Apparel s

STheAthletic Housel

^[ 3

^Your customers and Associates

are important. Don't forget

them this holiday season.

S. .

A Christmas Greeting



Gets the Jpb Done Better

This year's annual Christmas Greeting Edition will be
4 published Tuesday, December 23. The special holiday
edition will be filled with holiday features, traditional
stories and Christmas messages. Special feature will
be "Letters to Santa Claus."


in The Star t
Call 2 2|7-3 1 6 1 & someone from our staff will
Call 227-3161 show you our line of greetings.
4 g


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla.


For over 5,000 years, RX has sym-
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Centuries later, the eye reap-
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Jupiter... he relies on your Rexall
Pharmacist and the improved
drug products your pharmacist
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Rexall brand products.



Ph. 227-3371 317 Willams
Convleent Drive-ln Window
Plenty of Free Parking
ppm i

St. Vincent National Wildlife
'Manager Charles Noble pre-
"sented a check for $18,504.92 to
Cecil Varnes,chairman of the
*Board of County Commiss-
sioners of Franklin County at
the County Commissioners
ineeting n Apalachicola re-
*cently. An annual revenue
sharing check is made to
::Franklin County as a result of
the 1968 acquisition of St. Vin-
cent Island for inclusion in the
National Wildlife Refuge Sys-
tem. St. Vincent Island is
located in Franklin County.
:,The source of funds shared
with counties is not from ap-
*propriated funds.These funds
'are obtained through sale of
refuge products or resources
on any of the 300 wildlife re-
'fuges n the National Wildlife
Refuge System. The receipts
are 'pooled' to provide the
fund from which counties con-
taining refuges over the entire
nation receive an annual
share of wildlife refuge reve-

Offers Gift
Wrap Service
The Missionettes of Oak
Grove Assembly of God will be
gift wrapping at the old thea-
tre building Friday, Decem-
ber 19 through Wednesday,
:-December 24. All proceeds
Will go to the different bene-
iVolences the Assembly of God
helps to support..

Sybil Jaggears
Earns Degree
Among those receiving de-
-grees at fall commencement
.exercises at Florida State
University was Sybil Pitzl
Jaggears. She was awarded a
BS degree in social work. Mrs.
:Jaggears is a former resident
.of Port-St. Joe.



Game and Fresh Water Fish
Commission officials this
week reminded Florida

Legal Ad
Notice is hereby given that
the .City Commission of the
City of Port St. Joe, Florida, at
its regular meeting on Janu-
ary 6, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., in the
City Commission meeting
room will receive bids on the
following projects:
1 Installation of a sewer
collection and water distribu-
tion system on Cypress and
Juniper Avenues.
2 Installation of a water
distribution system on Broad,
Bay, Harbor and Royal
Streets in the Millview Addi-
tion, No. 3.
.Plans and specifications for
the above jobs are on file in
the Clerk's office and may be
purchased or inspected by
prospective bidders. All bids
shall be accompanied by a
check or bond in the amount of
5 percent of the bid.
The City reserves the right
to reject any and all bids. All
bids may be held for 30 days.
City Auditor & Clerk

MK Ranch Told to Change Drainage

M & K Ranches will have to
revise its application for a
permit to discharge treated
process water and contami-
nated rain water run-off from
cattle raising and cash crops
in to the Apalachicola River
system, said Paul J. Traina,
chairman of the U. S. Environ-
mental, Protection Agency
Traina took that stand fol-
lowing a public hearing last
Wednesday. Public interest

was sparked from 100 people
from.Gulf, Wakulla, Franklin
and Leon counties.
Numerous objections were
raised to the issuance of the
permit to the M &'K Ranches
32,500-acre operation before
the state purchased part of the
land, on the upper Apalachi-
cola River.
The ranch converts, wet-
lands by diking, dredging, and
filling. into usable land for

(Continued from Page 1)

Board Promises

has not been able to do. We
feel the School Board should
assume the responsibility of
keeping it in good condition".

School Board members Wal-
lace Guillot, Kenneth Whit-
field and chairman Herman
Ard echoes Raffield's senti-
ments and chairman Ard ask-
ed Superintendent David Bid-
well if the Board could legally
borrow the money for the
needed repairs.
Bidwell said it may not be
necessary to borrow. "We
have some capital outlay mo-
ney from the state which may
be left over from the Wewa-
hitchka gymnasium and Port
St. Joe vocation additions."
Raffield interrupted him "to
say, "Let's not kid ourselves.
The Wewa gym will cost
around $500,000 and the voca-
tional classrooms will cost
around $181,000. We won't
have any money left."
Bidwell insisted the bids
may be less than this and
some money may be left.
"However", he said, "In view
of the fact that these repairs
need to be made now, we could
request permission to borrow
and repay it with capital
outlay money if there is any
The Board then instructed
Bidwell to contact the State
Department of Education for
permission to borrow money
for the repairs and use capital
outlay money to repay the
loan. Bidwell said he .would
take care of the matter the
next day.I
In the meantime, a commit-
tee composed of School Board
members Wallace Guillot and
Fred Greer along with Quar-
terback Club members Walter
Wilder, Cliff Sanborn, Ollie
Stutzman, David Stoutamire
and Paul Ramsey will conduct
a survey' and arrive at an
estimated cost for the repairs
which need to be done.

Tapper Seminar

At Gulf Coast
The George Tapper Govern-
mental Seminar, honoring
George G. Tapper of Port St.
Joe, will be held at Gulf Coast
Community College all day,
Monday, January 26.
Theme for the seminar is
Presidential Politics '76. De-
tails for the seminar will be
published at a later date.

raising cattle and crops.
The various agencies that
advised the EPA and favored
issuing the permit suggested
that the permit would be a
means of regulating the dis-
charge. None of them agreed
that the discharge was harm-
Thomas S. Talley stated on
behalf of Regional Director
Kenneth E. Black of the U. S.
Fish and Wildlife Service,
"Clearing and draining
swamps and marshes has
eliminated significant areas of
valuable habitat. High vol-
ume, turbid discharges from
drainage pumps have caused
siltation and erosion resulting
in significant degration of
aquatic resources in receiv-
ing waters. Discharged con-
taminants from agricultural

operations jeopardize aquatic
resources of receiving waters,
and especially threaten the
economically valuable popu-
lations of Apalachicola Bay.
We believe that issuance of
the discharge permit could
facilitate the conservation of
the area's resources and
should therefore be issued by
the Environmental Protection
Agency provided that the
drainage of ecologically val-
uable wetlands which were
historically inundated on a
regular basis by riverine
water are excluded from the
project plans and the dis-
charges are carefully regu-
lated to maintain acceptable
levels of suspended solids,
coliform bacteria, nutrient
loads, pesticides and flow

The service believes that, inr
addition to issuance of the
permit, all Federal and State
agencies should make a re-
newed concerted effort to re-
solve remaining legal ques-
tions where valuable wetlands
may be involved.
Jerry Gerde, a Panama City
attorney, personally speaking
and representing Bay County
Save Our Shores, stated his
objection to the issuance of the
permit. To grant this permit
would reward misconduct. "In
short, to grant this application
would be an invitation to every
developer and every land
speculator to dike and drain
the wetlands of America until
caught, and then to apply to
E.P.A. for a permit."
Gerde stressed the vital
dependence of the seafood in-


1 set maple twin beds, can
be stacked for bunk beds,
excellent cond. Also, Kenmore
dryer, good cond., phone 229-
6773. ltp 12-18

Camper shell for compact
truck. Call 227-5476 after 3:30
p.m. 4tc 12-18

Mini-bike, trail horse 200,
in real good shape, used very
little, $60. Call 227-8803. Itp

Yard sale on Hwy. 98 at St.
Joe Beach on Wednesday and
Thursday. Florence Boyette
and Edith Harvey. ltc

Dixie gas stove 36", $80;
Dearborn gas heater, 950
BTU, $25. Both in excellent
cond. 510 8th St., apt. 2, or call
229-6435. 2tc 12-11

SL 70 Honda trail bike, top
condition. 648-4431. 2tp 12-11

Fight Cholesterol build-up
with Lecithin-Kelp Combina-
tion. Get Norwalk Leci-Kelp
caps. at Campbell's Drug.
3t 12-4
27" 10-speed bike, in good
cond., $50. 229-6730. tfc 12-4

Phone 229-6253 for
tfc 7-3

The City's insurance prem-
iums keep going up with each
premium billing.
In order to save on insur-
ance premiums, the Commis-
sion decided Tuesday night to
employ an independent insur-
ance man who would not bid
on the City's business, to
survey the needs for adequate
coverage and draw up a
specific coverage bid so bids
could be received on specific
The Commission also plans
to utilize larger deductibles in
their premiums to reduce
premiums and also consider
areas in which it can be self
insured, rather than pay
premiums for low-risk cover-
The City has money avail-
able from federal funds to
pave streets in the Millville
Addition, Unit 3, in North,Port
St. Joe. There is a need for
considerable preparation be-
fore the paving can be done.
At the suggestion of Clerk
Brock, the Commission
agreed to use all City trucks
on a crash program to fill in
.where necessary on the
streets to be paved. The
program will be carried on a
one day a week basis until the
necessary fill is hauled in.
In other business, the Com-
-Allowed a one foot vari-
ance to Raymond Lawrence to
construct a home on Long
-Agreed to call for bids for
installation of water and sew-
age service on Cypress and
Juniper Avenues and water
service in the Millview Addi-
tion, Unit 3.
--Called for bids for new fire
hose for the fire ,department.

Singer Zig Zag sewing
machine, take up 12 pmts.
$8.50 monthly. Makes button-
holes, monograms, hems,
sews on buttons, guarantee.
229-6782. tfc 1-30

Quail and pheasant, live or
dressed. 1316 TMcClellan Ave.
227-3786. tfc 7-24

10 speed bikes in
men's, women's. Racin
Touring style. Credit
available. Western Aut
St. Joe.

Transferring, must sell new
18' 112" shrimp net, complete
with new doors, chain and new
nylon ropes. Cost $225.00, will
sell for $200.00. Call 229-2121
between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30
a.m. or all day on Fridays.
tfc 10-2

2 BR furnished apartment
for rent, 509 10th St. 229-6688.
tfc 12-11

Furnished apt. for rent, uti-
lities furnished. 229-6132 days,
229-6149 evenings, tfc 8-14

3 BR house and two-story
apartment building. Call 229-
6538. tfc 12-11

3 BR concrete block
dwelling on 75' x 175' lot at
1314 Marvin Ave. Only

Large frame house on 3
lots on Madison St., Oak
Grove. Price right at

Nice 3 BR house with
den on 1V2 lots at 616 Gar-
rison. Many. nice fea-
tures. $25,000.

Large 4 BR house with
two baths, den with fire-
place on 1% acres of land
near Dalkeith. $25,500.
4 BR house with large
family room on 1.2 acres
of land at Dalkeith. Price
to sell for only $12,900. I
doubt you could get a
shell built this size on
your land for this price.
This is a complete house.

Small 2 BR house on 6
lots on Dead Lakes, just
north of Wewahitchka.
Only $7,000. Lots are 50' x
175' each.

Two lots in first block
off Highway 98 at St. Joe
Beach to sell for only
$2,500 each.

Reg. Real Estate Broker
221 Reid Ave. Ph. 227-3491
2tc 12-11

3 BR house on McClellan
Ave., $12,000. 648-6260. ,
4tc 12-4

3 BR house priced for quick
sale. 881 Hayes Ave., Highland
View, chain, link fence. 229-
6240. tfc 12-4.

Two-story home, 1902 Monu-
ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath.
Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474.
tfe 8-21
Nice house on corner lot,
with chain link fence. 711 Long
Ave. 229-6153. tfc 10-23


stock, BINGO
.g style. BINGO
terms Every Thursday & Saturday
:to, Port 7:-.30p.m.
American Legion Hall
tfc 6-15 Sponsored by American
Legion Post 116

tfc 10-9

R.A.M.-Regular convaca-
tron on St. Joseph Chapter No.
56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon-
days, 8 p.m. All visiting
companions welcome.
J. L. SIMS, H.P.
E. William McFarland, Sec.

There will be a VFW meet-
ing the third Tuesday of each
month in the American Legion
Hall. tfc 6-19

There will be a regular
communication of Port St. Joe
Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M.,
every first and third Thurrs-
day at 8:00 p.m.
J. L. Sims,
Herbert L. Burge, Sec.

3 BR furnished house at St.
Joe Beach. Phone 648-4259 or
648-7586. tfc 11-27

One bedroom furnished
house at St. Joe Beach. In-
quire at Smith's Pharmacy.
tfc 8-7

Furnished two and three BR
houses, at Beacon Hill, by
week. Bill Carr or call 229-
6474. tfc 3-13

Furnished cottages at St.
Joe Beach, reasonable month-
ly rates. Hannon Insurance
Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641.
tfc 5-8
Furnished 2 BR house, auto
heat, washer & dryer, phone
229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 10-23'

For Rent or Sale: House
trailer, call after five p.m.,
648-5190. 2tc 12-18

NO need for wet carpets.
Dry clean them with HOST.
Use rooms right away. Rent
machine. St. Joe Furniture,
229-1251. tfc 10-23

House need repairs? Are
you renovating or adding on?
For quality work, call Jack
Hall, 229-6321. tfc 12-18

For TV repairs and Zenith
sales, see K&D TV and Sound
at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071.
tfe 6-2
Septic Tanks Pumped Out
Carefoot Septic Tank
229-8227, 229-2351,
and 229-6694
All types carpet and vinyl
flooring installed. 10 years
experience. For free measure-
ment and estimate, call Ron-
ald Ross, 229-6822. tfc 12-18

Machine Work Welding
506 First Street
Phone 229-6803
Machinist on duty all day
Every day

ti'^^^^fWl^ ^w^t^

Need help with your
If So Call

dustry on Apalachicola Bay
and its annual income of
$4,349,266 for fishermen and
the supporting labor on the
Steve Stedman of the Audu-
bon Society charged that the
Fedeal agencies keep passing
the buck on jurisdiction over
low-lying wetlands. They have
failed to properly regulate
these lands.
The EPA stated they have
no jurisdiction over the dred-
ging, filling or diking opera-
tion of the Ranch. They are
only authorized to issue per-
mits for discharges. The
Mobile District Army Corp of
Engineers is responsible for
regulating this type of opera-
Dr. Livingston, Florida
State University professor of

Public address system.
Owned by the Port St. Joe
Kiwanis Club. A new system
operable on either battery or
current. Call Ken Herring,.
227-5281 for rental. tfc
BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8

CARPET cleaning with
HOST couldn't be easier. Just
brush and vacuum for clean,
dry carpets. Rent our HOST
machine. St. Joe Furniture,
229-1251. tfc 10-23

1965. Plymouth Valiant,
radio, heater, and automatic
trans., new paint and seat
covers, exc. cond. Call 229-
3822. ltp

1971 LTD Ford, good cond.,
low mileage, 229-6291 or 227-
7011. tfc 12-18

Family of problem drinkers
can find help in Alanon and
Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948
or 229-3392. 13t 10-30

Roofing & Repairing
Call 229-6462
4tp 11-27
All Types
229-6482 or 229-6447
tfc 9-20

Professional help with emo-
tional problems and-or con-
cerns. Gulf County Guidance
Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or
227-7586. tfc 11-14

Tues. at 8 p.m., Sun. at4 p.m.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Social Hall
tfc 4-24

A New Service At
For Information, Come by
or Call tfc 6-2
107 Second Street
Phone 227-4401

Hurlbut Supply
306 Reid Ave.

bilogy, objected to the M & K
Ranch operations. Not only
does cattle raising produce a
strain on the area but also
detrimental effect comes from
chlorine in the treated water.
Dr. Livingston, who, with a
crew of 25 persons, has been
conducting a river study since
1972, said he has investigated
the M & K Ranches and has-
visited it many times. He has
documented dredging, diking,
and diking across rivers, and
other physical damage.
David Gaskin, a Wewahitcv-
ka attorney who spoke on be-
half of M & K Ranches,
pointed to the-economic bene-
fits of the operation, including
its ability to raise cash crops
pasture grass, soy, wheat,
rye, oats and sorghum on what
had once been swamp land.

1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back,
4 in floor, radio, heater, floor
mount tape player and speak-.
ers, chrome luggage carrier,
good tires, 21,000 miles.
$1,995.00. Call David May 227-
3881 or 227-2281. tfc 9-11

1970 Yellow Opal GT, new
paint job, in good cond., 229-
5511. tfc 10-16

1969 Longwheel base pick-
up truck, V8, automatic, $900.
229-1511 or 227-4171. tfc 12-4

Ex-life Insurance Man...
Turn your license into dollars!
Tel. 904-785-6444 or write P. 0.
Box 758, Panama City, Fla.
32401. 4tc 12-18

Classified Ads J
Get Results
Try Them!

Expert repairs of Outboard,
Stern Drives, Fiberglass. All
work guaranteed. Operated by ,
.Jimmy Wilder, school trained
Phone 227-5062
Hwy. 30A-3 Miles E. of PSJ
4tp 12-4

Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC
Call 227-2501 or go by the
Chamber office, Municipal
Building, 5th St., Monday thru
Friday, 9-12 EDT. tfc 5-1

Visit or call the Alcohol
Counseling Information
Center of the Panhandle Al-
coholism Council, Inc. 321
Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe.
Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30


Heating, Cooling &
Electric Service

Commercial or Residential
Installation & Service

Port St. Joe
Owned & Operated by
Edward & Tommy Smith
tfc 8-14

PAINT,Dealer in
Port St. Joe

306 Reid Avenue |
Port St Joe, lorida

Just arrived to help with all
your wallpapering needs.
Prepasted, Texturall, vinyl
coated, and plastic bonded. If
you need to purchase or have
wallpaper hung, see our sam-
ples. Call Alford Ramsey at

DRY cleaning carpets is
easier, faster, and safer with
HOST. Rent our machine. St.
Joe Furniture, 229-1251.
tfe 10-23
Sewing machines repaired
regardless of make or age.
Over 25 years experience.
Parts, supplies for all makes.
Free estimate, guaranteed
satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30

Phase of Bird

s Now Open

sportsmen that the second
phase of two migratory bird
seasons re-open this week.
Duck season will re-open at
noon, ,Wednesday, December
17. The third and final phase of
dove season will commence at
noon Saturday, Dec. 20.
Major T. L. Garrison, Re-
gional Manager for the Com-
mission cautioned sportsmen
to be careful of the legal
shooting hours. "For exam-
ple," he said, "normal duck
shooting hours are from one-
half hour before sunrise to
sunset. In dove shooting, the
legal shooting hours are from
noon to sunset daily.
The dove season will be open
until it closes statewide at
sunset on January 12. Duck
and coot season will close at

sunset on Jan. 20.
Daily harvest limits of dove
are 12 with a possession limit
of 24 birds. The possession
limit of ducks and mergansers
is two legal daily bag limits,
except that the daily and pos-
session limit of canvasback
and redhead is one. Coots have
no assigned point value but
have a daily limit of 15 and a
possession limit of 30.
Garrison pointed out that for
the first time in some years,
sportsmen may harvest red-
head and canvasback ducks.
These are limited to specific
areas, however. The, two
species may be taken along
the Gulf Coast and in those
bays and rivermouths sea-
ward of Highway 98 bridges.

Ernest Thursbay

Is now a member of the Sales Staff of

Tommy Thomas Chevrolet
705 W. 15th St. Panama City
Phones 785-5221 Panama City
648-7900 Mexico each
Call Ernest for all your new
or used car needs

(Continued from Page 1)
St. Vincent
*Plush" Is,

to Franklin the Word

kills bugs for
up to six months,
and saves you obout $100 yearly
in costly pest control services.
Use of Sprayer tree with
purchase of Rid-A-Bug
306 Reid Avenue
Port St. Joe. Florida


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla.

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1975 PAGE NINE

Proper Care A Can Make Christmas Plants

A Thing of Beauty for Months In Future

By: Dr. Robert Black
Ext. Urban Horticulturist
Christmas is just a few days
away and this is the time for
giving and receiving flowering
potted plants. A bright, color-
ful azalea, Christmas begonia,
chrysanthemum or. a gaily
decorated poinsettia, cycla-
men or Christmas pepper
added to the other decorations
in the home give the holiday
season a festive air.
These Christmps plants can
'be enjoyed not only during the
holidays but will remain at-
tractive far into January and
even February if properly
cared for. Care of Christmas
plants, whether a colorful cy-
clamen, a long-lasting kalan-
choe or a cheerful Christmas
begonia, is easy. Faithful at-
tention will add days and even
weeks of life to any of these
popular Christmas plants.
Temperature has an impor-
tant influence on the length of
time a flowering house plant
will remain attractive. The

Girl Scout Troop 247 of Port
St. Joe spent the past weekend
camping at "A Camp for All
Seasons", area camp for the
Apalachee Bend-.
The girls participated in
numerous activities and
learned to pitch tents, make
pot hangers, and learned
many new songs, games and
dances. They went on several

Gardens Southern belle Kathy Crowell enjoys
the beautiful azaleas. These magnificent
flowers are just coming into bloom at Cypress
Gardens and will be injfull glory during the
next two months.

Robin Heacock, Robin Leckie,
Valeria Renfro, Martha
Smith, Karen Griffin, Marcia
Stoutamire, Pam Sanborn,
Donna Jones, Becky Moore
and Rene Turner. Accom-
panying the Scouts were Mrs.
Treva Bergeron, Mrs. Danna
Angerer and Mrs. Mary Ellen
Levins. The Scouts extend
their thanks to all the parents
who furnished transportation.

hikes and participated in a
scavenger hunt. All of the
young Scouts were amazed at
the beauty of the camp, in a
woodland setting.
Participating in the camp-
ing expedition were: Sonja
Levins,. Monica Bergeron,
Staci Angerer, Sherry Cooley,
Trish Tapper, Vicki Barlow,
Sonia Boswell, Tina Sisk,


December 1775: A Bitter Loss
In one of the first disastrous defeats suffered
by the newly formed colonists' forces, the
combined strategies of Gen. Montgomery
and Col. Benedict Arnold failed to subdue the
British at Quebec. A harsh winter and the
ultimate death of Gen. Montgomery in battle,
forced the retreat of the remaining American
forces. Out of this defeat, Canada remained
in British control for the duration of the war.

This Bicentennial Message Sponsored by

St. Joseph Tel. & Tel. Co.

poinsettia is especially sensi-
tive to chilling, and a pro-
longed chill will cause it to
lose its leaves. The plant
should be placed in the coolest
part of the room, but not in a
cold draft. This means away
from radiators and other
sources of heat. A temper-
ature of 65 degrees at night is
satisfactory but 60 degrees is
still better for most of the
flowering potted plants. In
fact, cyclamen like a 50-
degree night temperature.
The method of watering
many times determines the
life of a plant. Many people
drown their plants by water-
ing at regular intervals, not
considering whether the plant
needs it. Plant roots need air
as well as water, and exces-
sive amounts of water do not
allow a place for air in the soil.
Overwatering literally
smothers the plant roots. Pro-
per watering calls for a little
thoughtfulness and often the
exercise of restraint. Water

should be applied in sufficient
quantities to thoroughly soak
the soil in the pot and no more
given until the soil approaches
dryness again. Plants should
be checked for dryness daily
but not watered if the soil is
still moist.
Remember that most holi-
day plants have been out of a
greenhouse a short period.
The difference between a
greenhouse environment and
a typical indoor room is
usually considerable. In the
home provide as much natural
light as possible. A dark bed-
room, hall, entrance foyer on
living room does not have op-
timum growing conditions.
Place your plants where they
receive the morning sun. Poor
light will cause leaf drop.
Although the humidity in a
house is not easily altered,
plants will do best in an area
of the house where the humid-
ity is the greatest. This is
usually in the cooking area. It
often helps if plants are set on

pebble-filled saucers with
water maintained at a level
just below the base of the pot
so that it does not touch the
By giving your Christmas
pot plants the best environ-
mental conditions of proper
temperature, adequate water,
and good light, they will fur-
nish an attractive display for a

longer time.

W don't



- -;7!--.-.d.-15 CWAS, S SW SW SW, SW, ,

9an ey

Our store is loaded with Christmas goodies .

,, Recliners =

Sizes and styles for
anyone or any decor.
Available in vinyl,
SHerculon or velvet.

Giant Size



Model DE

The love chest. It's the most personal, cherished piece of furniture she'll

GUN CABINETS 1 A9 ever own. A gift steeped in centuries of romance and legend, a tradition thai
S1 grows in its charm every year. We have an impressive assortment of
Accommodates 6 Guns beautiful styles, each finished in fine cabinetwoods and lined with fragrant
10- ,iin r Chin+ AvailaIhp red cedar. Can you think of a more imaginative way to say "I love you?"

You Are Cordially Invited to Attend

Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street

SUNDAY SCHOOL .................... 9:45A.M.
MORNING WORSHIP ................. 11:00 A.M.
CHURCH TRAINING ................. 6:15 P.M.
EVENING WORSHIP ................. 7:30P.M.
PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:15 P.M.
Jerome Cartier,
Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor Minister of Music

Azaleas Just

Coming Into Bloom

Girl Scouts Visit Area Camp

~~~dA ~-- aa C- Icr rr, u C~ Icr 1 ra -I --I ~-- -- ---- -- -


----- ---------~--------


"b& '%& "%t "%L -M& IM dLD WAk BEL MMIL-illkn&

oa'%L- omp,'%L- sk'%L eamIhL sb'%L aaL ft- -


F" "I ---, --- -, *law emm -'RY 'iY


IV uu i ILIltlll

'96. -- 4%& %A mj NIL dka 'bL


"DL- o Ft).AV%- A.&Rb olll
--omw -, ILO

~~.1 A~o




Sugary Sam Yellow Label Cut
Sweet Potatoes
Hydrox Cookies


No. 21/2 Can 51

15 Oz. Pkg. 79

101r2 Oz. Pkg.* A
Kraft Marshmallows 47


2 Oz. Btl.



All Filled
Brach's 16 Oz. Pk
Assortment 89t
Brach's 16 Oz. Pkg.
Drips 89'

The "HTPP Uj "T Shop!

Brazil 14 Oz. P .
Nuts 49t
Medi m I Lb. Pkg.
Walnuts 69


h $10 Or More
Food Order)



Mahatma Rice

Betty Crocker
Cake Mixes

2 Lb. Pkg. 77

182 O. Pkg. 61

Semi Sweet
Nestles Morsels O. Pkg. 29
Dinner Napkins Pkg.of 50 47
Maxwell House(Limit 1 With $10 Or MIe
Food Order)

I Lb.






IGA Tiny Green


Ca ns a d




IGA Yellow Cling


29 Oz.


DI-GE t i
Anhl 0 ru

205 Third St.



Port St. Joe, Fla.

Specials Good December 18-27 Closed Christmas Quantity Rights Reserved

- I


-J* A





1 0.


Legal Ads

notice is hereby given that on Decem-
ber 18, 1975, the City Of Port St. Joe, will
submit to the U. S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development a
request and certification for the release*
of funds. The request and certification
relate to the application Of the City of
Port St. Joe for a grant of funds under
Title I of the Housing and Community
Development Actof 1974for the purpose
of undertaking the projects hereinafter
described: Location North Port St. Joe
Project 1: Neighborhood recreational
facility le. children's playground
(with equipment), field play areas
for young, children, older children,
adult field sports activities-tennis
courts, basketball courts, other
court sports; o
Project 11: Renovate existing gym Into
a neighborhood community center,
Indoor recreation center and social
Project III: Pave 5 streets in newly
constructed residential area.
The City of Port St. Joe has prepared
an environmental review record res-
pecting the above described projects for
which the release of funds is being
sought. The environmental review re-
cord is available at the City Hall, Port
Pt. Joe, Florida, between the hours of
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru
Friday, where the same may be exa-
mined by the public and copies thereof
The applicant requesting release of
funds for the above described projects Is
the City Of Port St. Joe, PO Box A, Port
St. Joe, Florida 32456. The applicant's
chief executive officer Is Frank Pate,
Jr., Mayor, PO Box A, Port St. Joe,
Florida 32456.
The City of Port St. Joe will undertake
vhe projects described above with Block
grant funds from the U. S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD), under Title I Of the Housing and
Community Development Act Of 1974.
The City of Port St. Joe is certifying to
HUD that the City of Port St. Joe and
Frank Pate, Jr., in his official capacity
as Mayor,consent to accept the jurisdic-
tionrof the Federal Courts if an action is
brought to enforce responsibilities In
relation to environmental reviews,deci-
sion-making, and action; and that these
responsibilities have been satisfied. The
legal effect Of the certification Is that
upon Its approval, the City of Port St. Joe
may use, the Block Grant funds, and
HUD will have satisfied its responsibil-
ities under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969. HUD will accept an
objection toits approval Of the release of
funds and acceptance of the certification
only if it is on one of the following basis:
(a) that the certification was not In fact
executed by the chief executive officer of
the applicant; or (b) that applicant's
environmental review record for the
project indicates omission of a required
decision, finding, or step applicable to
the project in the environmental review
process. Objections must be prepared
and submitted in accordance with the
required procedure (24 CFR Part 58),
and may be addressed to HUD Area
Office at 661 Riverside Avenue, Jack-
sonville, Florida 32204. Objections to
the release of funds on basis other than
those stated above will not be considered
by HUD. No objection received after
January 20, 1976, will be considered by
December 18, 1975
s- Frank Pate, Jr., Mayor

Notice is hereby given that the City of
Port St. Joe, Florida, is considering an
application to the Department of Hous-
ihg and Urban Development for a
Community Development Block Grant
Final Application.
The Projects being considered are as
(1) Day Care Center in North Port St.
(2) Install heat, lights and plumbing
" r in North Port St. Joe Recreation
(3) Install 'Storm Drainage in North
Port St. Joe
(4) Install Storm Drainage in Mill-
view Addition Unit III
(5) Teen Center and Arts & Crafts
S Center in North Port St. Joe
(6) Install new lighting and rebuilt
grandstand at Baseball Park in
North Port St. Joe
A hearing concerning these projects
will be held by the City of Port St. Joe
City Commission on January 6, 1976, and
January 7, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in
the City Hall of Port St. Joe.
Further information pertaining to this
application may be obtained from the
City Clerk.
.s. C. W. BROCK,
City Auditor and Clerk 5t 12-4

We the undersigned, being
Sduly sworn, do hereby declare
under oath that the names of
all persons interested in the
business or profession carried
on under the name of WOOD-
COMPANY at Hwy. 98, St. Joe
Beach, Port St. Joe, Florida
32456 and the extent of the
interest of each, is as follows:
Charles H. Harvell, 30 per
James A. Cox, Jr., 30 per
Allen L. Harvell, 40 per
. cent.
-s- Charles H. Harvell
-s- Allen L. Harvell
4t 11-27

We the undersigned, being
duly sworn, do hereby declare
under oath that the names of
all persons interested in the
business or profession carried
on under the name of WHIT-
Port St. Joe, Florida, and the
extent of the interest of each,
is as follows:
Larry Ray Whitfield, 50 per

Dennis W. Whitfield, 50 per
-s- Larry Ray Whitfield
-s- Dennis W. Whitfield
4tp 11-27

Case No. 75-178
SIN RE: The Matter Of the Adoption of
TO: James Bailey
Address Unknown

an Amended Petition for Adoption has
been filed and you are required to serve
a copy of your Answer or other response
to the Petition on Petitioner's Attorney:
P.O. Box 248
Port St. Joe, FL 32456
and file the original thereof In the Circuit
Court Clerk's Office, Gulf County Court-
house, Port St. Joe, Florida on or before
the 16th day of January, 1976. If you fall
todoso, a Final Judgment for the relief
sought may be granted by Default.
DATED this the 12thday of December,
Clerk of Circuit Court
By: --. Maurell Cumble,
Deputy Clerk 4t 12-18

BID NO. 191
The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
invites bids on the following described
1-(Vertical) (Horizontal) Adamson
Company or equal 123 lb. W.P. No. H-72
hot water heater to be Dura-Flex lined
and fitted with Adamson No. W-6-16
heating element. Element to heat 900
GPH from 60 degrees to 140 degrees
using 10 PSI steam in coil.
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and
plainly marked "Bid No. 191". All bids
must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida,
and approximate delivery date shown.
Bidders are requested to submit bids in
item sequence and totaled. The City of
Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all bids, waive any
formalities and tochoose the bid deemed
best to meet the City's needs. Bids must
be good for 30 days after opening.
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe,
Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.S.T., January 6, 1976. Bid opening will
be held at the Regular City Commission
Meeting January 6, 1976, at 8:00 P.M.,
E.S.T., in the Municipal Building, Port
St. Joe, Florida.
-s- C. W. BROCK
City Auditor and Clerk 3t 12-18

Notice is hereby given that the City of
Port St. Joe, Florida, is considering an
application to the Department of Hous-
ing and Urban Development for a Com-.
munity Development Block Grant Final
Application. /
The Projects being considered are as
(1) Install heat, lights and plumbing
In North Port St. Joe Recreation
(2) Sewer collection lines extension
Millview Addition, Unit 3
(3) Day Care Center in North Port St.
(4) Install Storm Drainage in North
Port St. Joe
(5) Install Storm Drainge in Millview
Addition Unit III.
(6) Teen Center and Arts & Crafts
Center in North Port St. Joe
(7) Install new lighting and rebuilt
grandstand at Baseball Park in
North Port St. Joe
A hearing concerning these projects
will be held by the City of Port St. Joe
City Commission on January 6, 1976, and
January 7, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., In
the City Hall of Port St. Joe.
Further information pertaining to this
application may be obtained from the
City Clerk.

-s- C. W. BROCK,
City Auditor and Clerk

3t 12-18

Case No. 75-175
BEN D. COTTON, individual-
ly and d-b-a RECYCLE COR-
TO: Ben D. Cotton
215 W. Edwin Circle
Memphis, Tennessee 38104
FIED that a Complaint filed
and you are required to serve
a copy of your Answer or other
response to the Complaint on
Petitioner's Attorney:
P. O. Box 248
Port St. Joe, Fla.' 32456
and file the original thereof in
the Circuit Court Clerk's Of-
fice, Gulf County Courthouse,
Port St. Joe, Florida on or
before the 2nd day of January,
1976. If you fail to do so, a
Final Judgment for the relief
sought may be granted by De-
DATED this the 21st day of
November, 1975.
Clerk of Circuit Court
By: -s- Margaret S. Core,
Deputy Clerk 4t 11-27

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 PAGE ELEVEN

Armed Forces Bicentennial Exhibit Cararan

Armed Forces Bicentennial

Caravan Coming to Port St. Joe

Port St. Joe will host the U.
S. Armed Forces Bicentennial
Exhibits Caravan on January
10 and 11, 1976. To be set up on
Fifth Street between Hwy. 98
and Williams Avenue, the

historical exhibits will be open
to the public from one p.m. to
seven p.m. on the 10th, and
from one p.m. to six p.m. on
the llth. Admission is free.
The four tractor-trailer

It's Only Your


The Bank Account Racket
Comptroller of Florida

In recent weeks we've had
a growing number of com-
plaints and inquiries about
companies offering to assist
people in laying claim to
abandoned bank accounts.
This particular scheme is
designed to extract from $15
to $19 from an individual as a
"process and research fee."
The money is requested in
a mailed solicitation, hinting
that you may be the legal
heir to an abandoned bank
account, simply because you
have the same last name as
the one on the account.
A typical letter begins like
"We are very pleased to
inform you that our research
into State records has re-
vealed that a sum of money
pertaining to an unclaimed
bank account.."
After capturing the indi-
vidual's attention, the letter
continues: "The depositor co
record bears the same ge-
neric surname as yours
(Smith, Jones, etc.). By vir-
tue of this, you may be the
owner or legal heir to this
unclaimed money."
The letters stress that it is


Machine Shop

Now Operating In

Port St. Joe

Machine Repairs



All Types



Machine Company

506 First St.

Phone 229-6803

urgent that you respond im-
mediately, and enclose the
specified amount of money,
so that research on your case
can begin at once.
Don't fall for it.
In the first place, these
companies make their
money primarily by collect-
ing the relatively nominal
"research fees" from as
many people as possible, not
by finding heirs
Information on abandoned
bank accounts is a matter of
public record in our office,
and if you have reason to be-
lieve that you might be a
rightful heir to any such ac-
count, let us know and we'll
check it out. (AFNS)

units, one representing each
branch of service, will present
the theme "The History of the
American Armed Forces and
Their Contributions to the
Nation." It is not a recruiting
The Army, Navy and
Marine Corps vans are walk-
through displays while the Air
Force van is a mini-theater.
The Army van will cover
that service's wartime role;
contributions during periods
of military government; com-
munity assistance; science,
medicine and technology; ex-
ploration; and current
achievements. Display techni-
ques used in this van include a
short filmstrip, backlit trans-
parencies, a multi-media slide
show and an electronic ques-
tion and answer board.
Exhibits in the Marine
Corps van will depict the
"Heritage of the Corps" in
five sections: Revolutionary
War, the Century of 1798 to
1898, the Marine Corps Band,
the Twentieth Century and
Marines today. Utilized in the
display are short movies,
paintings and models of
Marine Corps aircraft.
The Navy exhibit will por-
tray that service's role in
America's first 200 years with
emphasis on the Navy's con-
tributions to knowledge and
Navy-developed products and

processes which have im-
proved the life of the average
American. Included in the dis-
play are: a short-wave radio
tuned to the time signal trans-
mitted from Fort Collins, Col-
orado (approximately 1-1000th
of a second accurate), an
operational radar system and
a display demonstrating the
principles of sonar.
The Air Force, though only
28 years old, has been an es-
sential factor in military his-
tory. In its mini-theater, 15
slide projectors, five screens
anda stereo sound-system are
used to present a 17-minute,
multi-media program. Over
700 slides will be shown.
These unique exhibits are
expansible from eight to 14
feet wide to provide additional
exhibit space. Employing the
most modern audio-visual
techniques, the automated ex-
hibitry makes the displays en-
tertaining as well as educa-
For this project, the nation
has been divided into four
sections, roughly resembling
the time zones. Within each of
these areas, identical cara-
vans will be on tour from July
4, 1975 through December
This Bicentennial tribute is
a major, part of the Depart-
ment of Defense's participa-
tion in the celebration of the
nation's 200th birthday.

God wants
you to




by helping



what you


Th S Newspaper &
Th detsn Cuclf w 1 **

St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Co.

will install during December, a

Color Phone

XI Extension

(Desk or Wall)

without Service Connection

or Color Charges

for Our Subscribers

You need only to pay a small monthly extension.charge of $1.50 per 6
b month for resident extensions or $1.75 per month for business
I extensions.

Contact your Local Telephone Business Office today

Sfor More Information 227-2961

St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph I

S502 Fifth Street Port St. Joe, Florida
50 Fit Streetf
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St. Joe Auto Parts
Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years


BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum)
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Phone 227-2141

201 Long Ave.


.9oitK ttce. C-k' tulsCia Pw^teAd& P-yi j W 9t!!1

Pure Vegetable

3 1b.
can sil
limit 1 with $10 or more
additional purchase ,
* 1\ 1 I I i. 1AI.

ers quantity rights reserved




SButterball- 18 Lbs. and up




Limit 1
T0 Order


Holiday Favorite


4 Lbs. or More "w
Family Pak
Blue Ribbon Beef

Blue Ribbon Beef


full cut


%l minuO ib. M
Standard Grade Fresh Whole 4

Blue Ribbon Beef Chuck

Blad Cu


Lb. 99c
Lb. $129
Lb. $129

Blue Ribbon Beef
Blue Ribbon Beef
Blue Ribbon Beef

Lb. 99
Lb. $129
Lb. $169

Fresh Lean


6 Lbs. or More


Country Style or Buttermilk


Philadelphia Cream

Blue Bonnet
lb. 59t


8 oz. pkg.

Fresh Florida 125 ct.


Fresh Crisp




Washington State A
|Red Delicious 1

Fresh b.ba
Yellow NS 3b.b 59c
ONIONS 3ib 3

Kraft American Single Wrap
Kraft Soft


I ^41btles. *

Ole South
Frozen Pie

SHEU 3 gs$

I ggly Wiggly

9 oz.


AA Sunbeam 2 $o00
BREAD 2o0! 1
88 Del Monte Whole, Picklded or
16o. SLICEDo 1J
c% 88 BEETS 2.88
3t2soz. $100 O NG -16obe.
2 c.. 85 .MED. S159

Piggly Wiggly


* 00

Pigg!y Wiggly Has A Complete Christmas Tree Variety For Your Selection.


29 oz.


