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THIRTY-NINTH YEAR, NUMBER 15 I E STA Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1975 * a 15 Cents Per Copy In Economy Move Davis Asks Board to Merchants Pass Out Christmas Parade Prize Money Quin Lowery accepts Christmas parade float first-prize St. Joe High School Band Director Ray Smith. John Robert money for the Lions Club from newly-elected Merchants Smith, right, accepts the second-place award for the Port St. Association President Dickie Brown. David Roche, out-going Joe Kiwanis Club. The merchants awarded cash prizes of president, center, awards third -place prize money to Port $100, $50 and $25 to the float winners. Star Photo Changes Made In Building The Gulf 'County Commis- sion will get with their archi- sion. decided Tuesday to can- tect to suggest an alternate cel "its regular meeting sche- method of replacing the roof duled for Tuesday, December and eliminating leak prob- 23. The Tuesday meeting was lems. recessed until Next Tuesday, The Board decided to study December 16 at 5:00 p.m. to further a bid of about $60,000 give the final decision on bids to repair the roof and water- received Tuesday for the pur- proof the walls of the court- chase of a new backhoe for the house here in Port St. Joe. roaddepartment. PRIDGEON REPORTS The Board received 10 bids Tax Collector Harland on the piece of machinery Pridgeon reported to the Com- which ran from $47,400 to mission that 95 percent of the $96,965. The Board will study county taxes had been paid the bids to see which one and would be distributed Tues- offers the best deal .for the day to the various funds by his county and which meets the office. "This is what happens, specifications. when we are able to get the tax The Board also rejected bids bills out on time", Pridgeon to construct a new ambulance observed. center here in Port St. Joe and The Tax Collector asked the re-design the building for am- Board to give him the legal bulance use only. The original backing for enforcing the bid called for construction of a County Occupational License building which would also law. "This has previously house emergency power gen- been enforced by the State", erators to supply the Court- Pridgeon said, "and now it is house complex with electricity strictly up to the County". during a disaster. The Com- Pridgeon said he would see mission has since learned the that each business in the emergency power portion of county has a license if the the building amounted to near- Board would back him up with ly $24,000 of the $54,330 low bid the necessary legal powers. received on November 25. The Board said they would The Board is now leaning back Pridgeon's actions ne- toward building an ambulance cessary to collect the license center and make other ar- fees and instructed him to see rangements for the emergen- that each business had the cy power. necessary permit to do busi- The Board also rejected a ness. bid of $12,150 to replace the Pridgeon pointed out the roof of the old Courthouse in licenses were due October 1 Wewahitchka. The Commis- (Continued on Page 3) Join The need to come up with money to become affiliated with the Comprehensive Health organization of North- west Florida brought on some- thing more than a search for $1,400 at the County Commis- sion meeting Tuesday morn- ing. As the need.for the money arose and the search for where, it could be found brought forth a problem, Com- missioner Otis Davis offered a suggestion which could pro- vide the money and give the county a little lee-way in its budget. Davis' suggestion was also prompted by a notice from the State Department of Revenue which notified the county Tuesday it could expect $5,000 less than they had budgeted from the state this year. VA, CD Offices Davis then took the floor and pointing to the "bare bones" budget the Commission ham- mered out earlier this year in order to hold the line in taxes, that the County should consi- der abolishing some services to save money. Davis then recommended the County combine the Vet- erans' Service office and the Civil Defense and hire one person full time to administer both offices and furnish him with a part time secretary for clerical duties. Davis said, "We would save considerable money in this manner and still be offering all the services we are now offering with part time man- agement. This will tighten up our expenditures". Fire Guts Oak Grove Home Fire completely destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Wood on Huniter Street in Oak Grove last Wednesday evening. The alarm was sounded at 10:45 p.m., and was answered by the Port St. Joe Volunteer Fire Department and later by the Highland View Fire De- partment. When firemen arrived the,::! -house Was billowing smoke from every window and door but the flame could not be found. Firemen were not able to enter the house because of the dense smoke. As usual in areas outside the city, lack of water kept the firemen from keeping fire damage to a minimum. Fire- men had the smoke clearing out and the fire pretty well whipped down when they ran out of water. Shortly after they left to get another load of water, Highland View arrived on the scene and started battling the flames which had started engulfing the home by this time. Fire Chief Bascom .Hamm said firemen were hampered in their fire fighting opera- tions because the home had been added to several times and the solid walls of the previous construction pre- vented normal fire fighting procedures. After both departments had hauled several loads of water to the home, the fire was finally put out. This wasn't the end of the matter, as the fire caught up again about 6:30 Thursday morning and had to be put out again. The Wood family was not at home at the time and were unable to save any of their clothes or furniture. Commissioner Everette Owens, Jr., added to Davis' argument by observing that the county was paying $8,200 for the two directors on a part time basis and $11,164.40 for secretarial help for the two offices. Davis and Owens both con- tended the county could hire a full time person to administer both offices for less than the two part time directors are now receiving and hire part time clerical help for a third of what is now being paid. Commissioner Silas Player suggested the Board members think about the matter until the next meeting and examine the operation of both offices during that time before mak- ing a binding decision. "We need a little time to look into the operations and make an informed decision", Player said. The Board seemed to re- ceive Davis' suggestion with merit but decided to follow Player's advice which will probably set up a doozy of a meeting for Tuesday, January ADOPT RESOLUTION After this discussion was over, the Board adopted a resolution announcing their intentions to join the Compre- hensive Medical Planning or- ganization. George Tapper had spoken to the Commission earlier in the meeting urging them to become a member. Tapper said, "In 10 years, the Community Health Plan- ning organization will be larg- er than Health, Education and Welfare. Right now, they are the deciding body to building hospitals, enlarging hospitals or hospital care, attracting doctors, and the entire medi- cal treatment field. This or-' ganization has also located a doctor for Wewahitchka", he said. Tapper pointed out that: membership in the organiza-- tion is mandatory for 'receiv- ing any federal medical aid which includes financing for hospitals, Medicaide and Med- icare payments." A group of local citizens have banded together to offer a reward for information lead- ing to the arrest and convic- tion of the person or persons responsible for the vandalism. at Port St.'Joe High School during the Thanksgiving hol- idays. . Sheriff Raymond Lawience said the citizens have offered the reward "because they want to stop this type vandal- ism in our public facilities. They want to see law and order prevail". Lawrence said that anyone having any information in regards to this case should contact either him or Port St. Joe Police Chief H. W. Griffin. Lawrence said the law en- forcement had some leads on the case but one lead ran into a dead end. "We are still work- ing on the case full time", Lawrence said. Gulf County School officials estimate the damages and thefts from the incident will amount to around $5,000 in damages. Sharks Host Jasper In Grid Semi-Final Volunteer firemen Waylon Graham, Ray enter burning home through dense smoke. Ramsey, B. A. Collier and Jim Sealey try to Star Photo Tomorrow night, the Sharks will be host to the semi-finals, when they meet Hamilton County from Jasper. Hamilton defeated Wildwood last Fri- day night, 24-16. Hamilton owns an 8-4 record for the year. They lost to Alachua Santa Fe by one point in overtime in the regular season. Port St. Joe defeated Santa Fe, 28-8 in the first rounds of the play-offs in a superbly played game here on November 28. Game time will be at 8:00 p.m. Tickets for the Sharks' semi-final game against Ham- ilton High of Jasper are now on sale at the office of the high school and at Smith's Phar- macy, Campbell's Drug and Buzzett's Drug Store. Tickets are $1.50 for stu- dents and $2.50 for adults. Reserved tickets may be pur- chased only at the high school, and will be $3.00. The office staff urges everyone to get their tickets early, to avoid last minute lines. Group Approves River Dam Amos Sumner, right, welcomes Silas Player to Waterway Develonment meeting. The Florida Ports and Water Resour- ces Association, in a Monday meeting held in Tallahassee, put their stamp of appro- val on a new Corps of Engineers' plah to place a dam on the Apalachicola River near Blountstown. The Corps' proposal would place one low level dam in the river and had abandoned the two-dam proposal which they made a few years ago. According to the Engineers, the dam would give an all-year barge channel to serve the Flint-Chattahoochee-Apalachicola rivers waterway system. "We backed it in the Marianna hearing two years ago and we're for it again," the organization's new president, Raymond Bunton of Palatka, said. He also pointed out that J. C. Gissendaner, of Chattahoochee, was named to the associa- tion's board of directors this year. Gissendaner is also an advocate of the one dam system. Lt. Col. Donald R. Pope, Mobile Deputy District engineer, said Congress will make the decision on the Blountstown dam. "It is a new project", he said, "and the ball is strictly in the hands of state and local officials and Congress." Pope said he understood there was a break in the solid Florida opposition to the dam on the Apalachicola River, although most of its support is coming from Georgia and Alabama. Representatives of the Tri-Rivers Waterway Development Association showed a film entitled, "Dawn on the River" at the association meeting depict- ing the economic benefits to Florida counties which would result from the dam. The opening scene had Mark Twain describing the beauties of the river and an artist's drawing of the low-level dam was shown with an explanation that its beauty would not be damaged. The film also promised no damage to oyster production in Apalachicola Bay and improved sport fishing upriver. Harry N. Cook, executive vice presi- dent of the National Waterways Confer- ence, in the featured luncheon speech Monday told delegates that waterways are the least disruptive to the natural environ- ment of all modes of transportation. "When environmental organizations attack waterways," he ,said, "they are attacking nature's premier system of transportation which is superior to any alternate overland route." He said waterways score high in fuel economy, environmental cleanliness, effi- cient use of resources and consumer savings. APPROVE BARGE CANAL The Association also re-newed its support of the controversial cross-Florida barge canal. President Bunton said, "We're also going to go to bat for all the worthwhile waterway projects, including marking the 'missing link' section of the Intracoastal Waterway across the open Gulf from St. Marks to Anclote near Tampa. At present, the cross-Florida barge canal project is dormant, but the Tri-Riv- ers Association and the Florida Ports and Water Resources Association have pledg- ed themselves to work for its revival. Commissioner Silas Player represent- ed Gulf County at the Water Resources meeting. School Vandals Reward Offered !I I p I ,, tlm -THE STAR- Publisher! Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida By The Star Publishing Company 4 .Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SWesley R. Ramsey .......................... ................. Editor and Publisher S Willam H. Ramsey ...................... Production Supt. i': Frenchle L. Ramsey ............................................... Office Manager Shirley K. Ramsey........................................ Typesetter, Subscriptions POSTOFFICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY--One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, $7.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions In advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. !>a95aM W/A9 ////Aes //^% rg*#fl ///JSf. t y-.r 7 -, n It would appeal =who pay taxes her E-and Gulf County ai theirr public convene sandalss and those regard for the pro Z This week, a grou put their money on S.xandalism of pul -'f-this instance, it w Ote high school rec "-. Local citizens '$600.00 of their own information leading those who caused damage at the high tired of paying replacement of ma ties which are wai When the peo over such matters, '..short time until sincee the entire pop tife act, watching Dirty Tricks r to us that people doing. When the people get interest- re in Port St. Joe ed, things happeOA whether it is re tired of having stopping vandalism or building li- fiences torn up by braries. When people are not inter- ie who have no ested, culprits can walk off with operty of others. anything or destroy anything they p of local people wish with almost diplomatic immun- the line to punish ity. blic facilities-in vas vandalism at It seems we are forever praising gently. some unselfish public servant for his service offered the people in civic s have put up activities. Now we have the oppor- money to pay for tunity to be thankful for people with g to the arrest of a little money who are willing to turn the considerable it loose to protect the investments of i school. They are us all. every day for teverials and facili- The reward should go a long way ntonly destroyed to smoke out the villians in this instance. We canronly say thanks to pie get aroused the donors and issue a warning to it can be only a those who might be planning similar these acts stop, activities for the future. It seems as pulation gets into if the public is no longer going to put for any wrong- up with your dirty tricks. While standing beside a resident , of Oak Grove at the fire in that --.community last Thursday night, we -heard the resident mutter, "We Should have fire hydrants out here to Sight fires with." We couldn't agree with the 'resident more, but really can't get S.too carried away with remorse that -:the facilities aren't available. It seems the people of Oak Grove have %:two options to get the services of piped water and a sewage collection system: to come into the City of Port St. Joe or vote a tax upon themselves to pay for the facilities. A couple of years back, some of the people put up the stupendous :sum of $10.00 for each dwelling to :express their "good faith" for the financing of a water and sewer system. We sort of scoff at the $10.00 deposit since it takes in the neigh- borhood of $1,000 to finance these services to each customer. If the people of Oak Grove were to vote to come into the City of Port St. Joe, the City would have to borrow the money to put in the services. This money would be repaid in one of two ways: the system users (all 1300 of them) would pay for the installation through their water and sewer charges, or the people in the area would have liens placed against their property for the costs, repay- able over a 10 year or so period. This is how many sections of Port St. Joe itself were paid for. What we're saying is that the people of Oak Grove have expressed a desire for the services but have seemed reluctant to be agreeable to pay for it. Perhaps, with this season of the year, and its syndrome of Santa Claus bringing wanted items to those who ask has invaded the minds of some people and made them think a "Santa Claus" could be counted on to pay for the expensive water and sewer services for the area. We hope Oak Grove gets their water and sewer. It is a hard thing to do to stand helplessly by and see a person's home being destroyed by fire, when water is so close, yet still so far away. We can't say we are particularly interested in seeing them get it for nothing, when others have to pay for their services. It was a happy group of Port St. Joe fans who swarmed onto the field at the back congratulating them on their hard-fought victory. The celebration Chipley last Friday night after the Sharks won their quarter-final state lasted for a full 15 minutes after the game was over. championship play-off game. The fans mobbed the Sharks, slapping them on Star Photo Chaplain King. Completes Study Army Chaplain (Major) Wayne C. King, son of A. T. King, Route 3, Port St. Joe, completed Part II of a staff officer course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leaven- worth, Kansas. The course on command and general staff functions is divided into resident and non- resident studies. Chaplain King served in Vietnam and holds two awards of the Bronze Star Medal, at least one for hero- ism, two awards of the Army Commendation Medal and two awards of the Air Medal. He attended Del Norte Coun- ty High School, Crescent City, Calif., and received a B.A. degree in 1955 from Baylor University, Waco, Tex., and an M. S. degree in 1972 from Long Island University, Brooklyn, N. Y. ETAOIN SHRDLU By WESLEY R. RAMSEY President Gerald Ford and I have something in common. Of course, we have more in which we are different, than we have in common. We both can claim a parallel happening, though. Both of us received a Christmas tree Friday of last week. The similarity ends there. President Ford's Christmas tree was delivered to his door. It was an 18-foot Douglas fir which was planted on the White House lawn. My tree was a 6-foot Scotch pine which I bought and hauled home in the back of my station wagon, where it was "planted" in a bucket of water in the garage until I get around to "planting" it in the Christmas tree stand and depositing it in the family room where our oStorm Pits Once A Common Sight ' k By CHARLIE WEBB sw--- -----we Storm pits were once a com- mon environmental protection device around pioneer homes. A companion to the storm pit was called a flower pit. Ladies, in their wonderful love to protect the beautiful, created dirt pits to shield flowers during winter. The ar- rangements by the ladies of the potted flowers, within the flower pit, often represented a beautiful scene of a miniature sunken flower garden, even during the cold frosts of win- ter. Another type of pit concern- ed chickens. It was whispered in some circles that groups would slip off during the long Sunday afternoons to a river hammock in the swamp to December Bad Month for Drinking Drivers The Florida Highway Patrol this week warned party-going drinking drivers that alcoholic beverages can mar the holi- day season for many motor- ists, because the chance of being involved in a fatal acci- dent increases after that first drink. Colonel Eldrige Beach, director of the Patrol said, "In fatal accidents occurring dur- ing the month of December last year, records indicate that 69 drivers and 14 pedes- trians had been drinking." Some people have the mis- taken idea that alcoholic bev- erages stimulate the drinker. On the contrary, it depresses the central nervous system and retards a person's normal faculties. Only the body pro- cesses can overcome the ef- fects of alcohol and that takes time. Florida's traffic law re- quires drivers arrested for driving while intoxicated to submit to a chemical test for sobriety or be subject to license suspension for a period of three months. Not only does the drinking driver increase his chances of being involved in an accident but the Patrol warned he will also lose his driving privilege upon tonvic- tion. In stressing the dangers of drinking and driving, Colonel Beach said, "If you are going to drink, make arrangements to let someone else who is not drinking do the driving." PSC Denies Phone Rate Increase The Public Service Com- mission Monday of this week denied St. Joseph Telephone and Telegraph Company a rate increase, stating the com- pany dealt at "less than arm length" with the Florida First National Bank. PSC Chairman Billy Mayo said it was the first time in five years the commission re- jected a telephone company's request to raise rates. The PSC also found that St. Joe Tel. & Tel. would receive all the additional money it re- quired, $320,000, from an in- crease in intrastate long-dis- tance rates granted last month in the Southern Bell case. The local phone company sought a $541,000 increase, having last received a rate boost in 1962. The PSC stated that the telephone company was at- tempting to pass on part of the bank's costs for a new building to the 12,000 telephone cus- tomers. The commission ordered a $141,000 cut in the firm's rate base because of the purchase of the building of the Fl-ida First National Bank. The smaller rate base meant lower company income requirement because customer charges are based on the base multiplied by a PSC-set rate of profit. "The bank building trans- action is considered less than an arm-length's transaction because the president of the telephone company was a stockholder of the bank chain and the vice president of the telephone company was on the bank's board of directors at the time of the transaction," the PSC accounting staff said in a report adopted by the commission. The telephone company operated on the second floor of the bank building until 10 years ego when it decided it needed more room. According to findings stated by the PSC, the phone com- pany built a new building for $535,000, then exchanged it with the bank for the old building worth $36,000 and $260,000 cash. St. Joseph Tele- phone and Telegraph then spent $16,000 to remodel the bank building and is in the midst of another $460,000 ex- pansion. "The old building will even- tually cost the telephone com- pany an estimated $735,000... which is approximately $200,000 above the cost of the new building," the report said. enjoy a little fun with a breed of cock-fighting chickens. This could have been just a country rumor, because all our chic- kens were simple tree and fence roosting laying hens with no desire to fight, even when one hen was disguised as a stranger to the others by being coated black with chim- ney smut and a dab or two of lard-grease. One type of storm pit was a hole dug into the ground and a storm door attached for en- trance and exit. Small chil- dren had little fear of a storm, but girls would not enter with- out their play dolls, and boys were reluctant to leave their cur dogs outside in the rain and wind. Storm pits could be on the way out. Few of the wonderful and beautiful country homes of today have pits. After development of the atomic bomb there was an upsurge in the construction of private fall-out shelters. In compar- ison with the old time storm pit with its damp wall, grass- hopper insects, and even coach whip snakes, the bomb shelters were complex and beautiful in design. Could this be a lax time period within environmental protection? Perhaps many people have found a deeper confidence of faith and love within the beauty and hum- bleness of the heart that gives a feeling of safety against the once fearful thoughts of being a casualty of natural environ- ment. Double up, America. Two can ride cheaper than one. Christmas trees stand each and every year. We have trouble with our Christmas trees every year. If we put those pretty candy ornaments on the tree, which are so popular, it is a mad foot race through the house to see who eats them first; the grandsons or the poodles. Usually candy ornaments won't last out the day, if they are put on the tree as late as noon on any given day. If we can put them on the. tree about bedtime at night, they will last at least through the night. One thing I do have in my favor in putting up the Christmas tree, is plenty of help in its erection and decoration. For the past 20 years, our own kids have been more than willing to pitch in and help with this little chore. Now it is the grandchildren. When you get right down to it, I guess putting up the Christmas tree is about the easiest task to get done around a house where there are kids. Getting it taken down and hauled out of the house after Christmas is over is an entirely different matter. I 'understand the Lions Club had one of their rare 100 percent meetings last Wednesday at noon. The word got around that the Lions were going to have the local belly dancing instructor as their program and she was going to give a demonstration of belly dancing to the club members. Needless to say, most of the Lions Club members are interested in culture and showed up to see how thev could utilize this unique exercise to better their own physical condition. It's amazing how serious-minded these Lions can get at times. I even heard the Lions gave up their entire meeting and its program time to bring this bit of culture to help one member. The Lions felt Phil Barton could use some belly dancing exercises to slim down a bit before the summer beach-going season, so they sacrificed their meeting for Phil's good. He would look so good slimmed down and strolling the beach in a bikini. Too, we understand that program chairman, Bob Moore, was to be named "Lion of the Year" by the club for performing this public service duty for one of their prized members. The sacrifices some people will make continue to amaze me. Daniel Patrick Moynihan is making all of us proud to be Americans again. Moynihan, our ambassador to the United Nations is standing up on his tip-toes and telling the world just like it is. Moynihan has the philosophy that the United States should quit standing passively by and let the reckless dictators and despots of the world rant and rave about the big, bad United States and never say a word. It has been "not in the best political interest of the United States" to rebut these things with which we disagree, in the past. Moynihan has changed all that. True, name calling doesn't cause people to change their mind about what they wish to see accomplished nor does it make them love the United States. However, they didn't love the United States in the first place and had no idea of changing. Their sole purpose is to embarras the United States and Moynihan is going to have none of that. As a matter of fact, he embarrassed right back at them the other day by callifig for all nations to release their political prisoners from jail. It wasn't hard to figure out which nations had the political prisoners locked up when the furor started over that suggestion. Rave on, Patrick! J. B. Priestly said: "We should behave toward our country as women behave toward the men they love. A loving wife will do anything for her husband except stop criticizing and trying, to improve him. We should cast the same 4 affectionate but sharp glance at our country." EDITORIALS. .. People Are Tired of Lookingfor Satta PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 (Continued from Page 1) Building Plans Changed. and were delinquent after December 15. REFUSES IMMUNITY The question of whether or not the. Board had granted tax immunity to the St. Joseph's Bay Country Club at their last meeting came up for discus- sion with several of the Board members claiming they had not understood their vote in that manner. Commissioner Silas Player said it was his understanding the vote was to accept the Country Club's resolution ask- ing for the immunity for study by the Commission. The Country Club asked for the inimunity under a state statute which gives the coun- ties the power to waive the taxes of non-profit organiza- tions which offers outdoor recreation facilities for the public use. The Country Club's resolution stated they met that criteria and were not making a profit on their operation. Player then made a motion that the county refuse to waive the taxes for the organization and the Board voted unani- mously in favor of Player's motion. B &ODWPw wW W iYIJYP Z'~P VP P Royal Rest Mattress and F Twin Size $9900 St. J 205-207 Foundation Queen Size $159 King Size $199 C Iu Full Size 800 oe Furniture Reid Ave. Ph. 229-1251 If parades and Christmas were meant for anyone special, it has to be the kids who are the target of the two festive occasions. Saturday's Christmas parade in downtown Port St. Joe attracted the kids in droves who lined the streets for a half hour before parade time to be sure they got a glimpse of old Santa Claus. When Santa came into view, riding on Port st. Joe's big fire truck the kids came to life and got where they could get a close look at their favorite man. In the photo at left, Santa is shown keeping up with the times a little more than usual. His beard seems to be fuller and more luxurient than in the past. Santa is caught in the act by the Star cameraman as he tosses a handful of candy to the many children who came to see him. In the photo above, droves of kids follow the fire truck up the street to get an extra piece of candy and shout their wants and wishes to Santa as he rides by. The Christmas parade is sponsored each year in Port St. Joe by the Retail Merchants' Association, as a public service to the area. Star photos 4-PLY DOUBLE-BELTED Deluxe Champion Deluxe Champion" Polyester cord body 1976 new-car tire s3"5toS545 LESS 7e60tol3O50 OFF than reg. Fall '74 Prices Our June '75 Prices Price reductions include whitewalls. Price reductions include whitewalls. Stamp Office Open More S 'Effective December 1, food stamp recipients may pur- chase food stamps four times each month until they pur- chase their full coupon allot- ment. Prior to this date, food stamp recipients could only purchase twice each month. Due to the limited space in the Food Stamp Office, only a limited number of people can be admitted at one time. Therefore, we urge food stamp recipients to purchase their food stamps the second week of the month. This way they will avoid waiting in long lines during the cold weather. Initiated Into Honor Society Nancy Noble of Port St. Joe, is one of 12 Wesleyan College students initiated into Kappa Delton Epsilon, national honor society in education. Wes- leyan is located in Macon, A Georgia. Membership is open to those who plan to teach, who main- tain an average of B or better and who possesses leadership qualities. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Noble Sr. of 20th Street. She is a sopho- more majoring in elementary education. Wide, deep 7-rib tread on strong smooth-riding polyester cord body. $s095 As I A78-13 low as 11 Blackwall. Plus $1.76 F.E.T. and old tire. BLACKWALLS Reg. Bargain F.E.T. Size Fall'74 LESS price (each) B78-13 1 4.2 S4.25 s19.95 51.84 C78-14 5.0 4.05 20.95 2.04 D78-14 2 O 3.85 21.95 2.10 E78-14 2 0 3.65 22.95 2.27 F78-14 2 45 3.50 24.95 2.40 G78-14 2 0 3.75 25.95 2.56 H78-14 3 .0 4.05 27.95 2.77 G78-15 .4 3.50 26.95 2.60 H78-15 2.7 3.80 28.95 2.83 L78-15 5.5 4.55 30.95 3.11 All prices plus tax and old tire. Whitewall add s3. All-new 1975 Firestone Album... THE WONDERFUL WORLD of CHRISTMAS Features Tony Orlando, Bing Crosby, Anne Murray, Glen Campbell, Nat King Cole, New Christy Minstrels and other stars. Two fiberglass belts for long mileage, polyester cord body for smooth ride. 95 As A78-13 low as Blackwall. Plus S1.77 F.E.T. and old tire. BLACKWALLS June Amount Bargain Size price off price F.E.T. A78-13 33.2 s8.30 $24.95 sf.77 B78-14 '4.9: 8.00 26.95 2.02 C78-14 5. 7.60 27.95 2.10 E78-14 17. 0 8.05 28.95 2.32 F78-14 4 5 8.80 31.95 2.47 G78-14 4 50 9.55 32.95 2.62 H78-14 4 75 9.80 35.95 2.84 -78-15 4 O 8.95 32.95 2.55 G78-15 4 0 9.55 33.95 2-.69 H78-15 6. 5 9.90 36.95 2.92 J78-15 8.5 10.60 37.95 3.09 L78-15 0.7 10.80 39.95 3.211 All prices plus tax and old tire. Whitewall add $3. CHARGE 'EM! Open an account stonee -, We also honor *Diners Club *American Express- *Master Charge BankAmericard *Carte Blanche - _. Additional s3.98 each. Tires for COMPACTS and IMPORTS CHAMPION' 195 mhh Full strength 1I Blackwall tire with long mileage tread rubber. Size 6.00-13 Plus S1.44 tolS1.60 FE.T. and old tire. 1E95 $|l95 $I 5 Blackwall I Blackwall Size 6.50-13 Size 5.60-15 Plus S1.75 to S1.77 Plus S1.69 to S1.79 F.E.T. and old tire. FE.T.and old tire. Pate's Service.: Center 223-2'25 Monument Ave;: Phone 229-1291 " *~b3i~~~*'lb"inl~~%~P~jrp~l~~P~*Wdrl~'~' irtre -stone ~ I -I-~C .. .. ..:.tc. .;~~i~;;C~"n::t:---- _..:,..~... ..,. PAGE THREE PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 .* t... First Baptist WMU Senior Ladies Enjoy Luncheon Before an altar of orchid -mums and pink tapers Miss Sarah Claire Herring and :George Edwin Boyer said .-their marriage vows in a double ring ceremony Sunday, November 23 at four p.m. in the sanctuary of the First :Baptist Church of Port St. Joe. Rev. George W. Gay offi- ciated. The bride is the daughter of ,.Mr. and Mrs. William Jacob Herring and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. -Boyer. : ! Billy Rich..'Ji 'was .lie or-; - ganist. Mrs. James 0. Wolfe, aunt of the bride, sang the couple's chosen selection. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a lovely gown of silver grey satin with a matching-chiffon long jacket accented with orchid and pink. Her headdress was a small veil. She carried long-stem- med pink roses. Mrs. Danny Wayne Smith, cousin of the bride, served as matron of honor. She wore a pink floor length knit gown and carried a long-stemmed pink rose. Joe Peoples served as best man. William J. Herring, Jr. served as usher. The bride's mother wore a blue quiana floor length gown with a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother wore a printed green silk floor length gown with a corsage of pink rosebuds. The parents of the bride were hosts at a reception in the church fellowship hall fol- lowing the ceremony. The bride's table was centered with a pink and white wedding cake topped with white love birds. Silver candelabra hold- ing pink tapers and orchid mums were placed on either side of the cake. The refresh- ment table, covered in white, held a crystal punch bowl and silver coffee service, centered with a candleholder burning tiny pink tapers. Those assisting in serving were Miss Cathy Carlsten, Miss Wendy Pitzl, Mrs. Wil- liam J. Herring, Jr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Miss Deborah Carlsten kept the bride's book. Jessica Ellen Wolfe, cousin of the bride, handed out the rice bags. The suit fi couple cola attend West OU Out Mrs. Jessi( Dann Rock, of Sm e bride chose a rose pants or her wedding trip. The e will reside in Pensa- where the bridegroom is ding the University of Florida. jT-OF-TOWN GUESTS -of-town guests were James 0. Wolfe and ca of Camden, Ark.; Mrs. y Wayne Smith, Little , Ark.; Mrs. Ira Bowden ackover, Ark.; Mrs. Sid- ney Hall, Sr., Mrs. Sidney Hall, Jr., both of Malone; Jason J. Nichols of San An- tonio, Tex.; Dr. and Mrs. Ed- ware Bartee, Douglas, Dawn and David and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peoples, all of Pensacola; Miss Wendy Pitzl of Tallahas- see; Jim Powers, Miss Lisa Kriete, both of Atlanta, Ga.; Miss Betsy Reed of Madison, Ind.; Miss Nikki Johnson, Ron Fiorena, Bubby Lowery and Brock Register, all of Panama City." ' ClrtisItm s Part)" Today a t he Port St. Joe Garden Center The Port St. Joe Garden and William Whittington. Club will hold a Christmas They will perform the party on Thursday, December lowin'g selections: "Day 11, at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. W., D. Day",."Do You Hear Wh Sykes, Mrs. George Suber and Hear:?; "Little Drumi Mrs. Nobie Stone will be the Boy", "Silver Bells", "It's hostesses for this covered dish ginning to Look a Lot I luncheon. Members are asked Chris mas", "What Child to bring gifts for the club- This", and "We Wish Yot house. Merr yChristmas". A special music program Alligpmbers are urged under the direction of Miss bring friends to enjoy Ann Aldridge, will be given by special Christmas party. "The Singing Sharks", from eUWJ Port St. Joe High School. The .group is comprised of Mary Dell Adkison, Roxanne Lee, Marian Murdock, Paula Tan- kersley and guitarists, Ken- neth Turner, Scottie Bryant Mission Group Met In Home . of Mrs. Costi, Mission Group Two of the * First United Methodist Church * met Monday, December 8th, * at three p.m. at the home of Mrs. Chauncey Costin. Four- teen members attended -the Christmas meeting. Mrs. Hubert Brinson pre- 0 sided over the business meet- ing followed by a Christmas program and devotional chosen from Luke 2:8-14 was presented by Mrs. George Suber. An interesting talk, "Christ- / mas in Korea" was given by Mrs. Essie Williams. The next meeting will be in January at the home of Mrs. George Adkins. fol- by at I mer Be- Like d Is u A i to this The First Baptist Church social hall was the scene of a Christmas Love luncheon. The mission action group of the Woman's Missionary Union, headed by Mrs. John Rich, . f. B were the hostesses for the oc- casion. Lunch was served at 12:00 to 14 of the senior citizens of the -- church. The ladies enjoyed the meal after a devotional pro- gram, "Letting Others See Christ in Us This Christmas". A film entitled "The Re- turn" was shown and all of the I ladies enjoyed a "visit" after- wards. The senior citizens groups includes all ladies 65 and over. Three of the ladies: Mrs. Florence Strickland, "1 Mrs. Bessie Wimberly and Mrs. Fred Maddox were un- able to attend but were re- membered in prayer. Billy Rich, Jr. entertained S^ the ladies with a song, "His i Eye Is on the Sparrow", and S; was joined by all in singing "How Great Thou Art" and "Silent Night". The Mission Action ladies in involved were: .Mrs. John Rich,. Mrs. Robert'Whittle, .............................................................Mrs..........- New Arrival" Susan and Carl Goodson of White City are proud to an- nounce the birth of their son, David Carl on November 29. David was born in Bay Memorial Hospital and weigh- ed nine pounds. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William O'Shall of Port St. Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goodson of White City. Comforter Funeral Home Gulf County's First Beginning 30 Years of Continuous Service 'ete, Hortense & Rocky Comforter Telephone 227-3511 Mrs. Ralph Macomber, Mrs. Emory Stephens, Mrs. Bill Rich, Mrs. L. W. Cox, Mrs. L. C. Davis and Mrs. Albert Blackburn. Other guests in- cluded Rev. George Gay and Mrs. W. J. Herring. Shown in the photo attend- ing the luncheon were: Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon, Mrs. E. C. Cason, Mrs. C. G. Costin, Sr., Mrs. J. W. Plair, Mrs. W. C. Goodson, Mrs. Buena French, Mrs. Anna Brooks, Mrs. W. J. Daughtry, Mrs. John B. Hill, Mrs. E. J. Rich, Mrs. Anna Adams, Mrs. George Parrish, Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery and Mrs. Jewell Marable.. Also shown is Mrs. W. J. Daughtry, the oldest charter member of the First Baptist Church, holding little Miss Tina Marie Rich. Tina is the youngest addition of First Baptist Church and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John .E. Rich, Sr. with practical gifts he can enjoy Recliners Soff St. Joe Furniture 205-207 Reid Ave. Ph. 229-1251 I .a&u&ame wfisumaKnl&teumme *\&meian* ~2 Mr. and Mrs. George Edwin Boyer Sarah Herring, George Boyer Exchange .Vows S *Z7 the members of the Church of Christ invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11:00 Sunday Night .................. 6:00 Wednesday Night .............. 7:00 Corner 20th St. & Marvin James Brantley, Minister Phone 229-8153 F .U.g.Q 9=U ~;l~ll~r~~ll2 :::;, Xo1 i ;.;. THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 PAGE FIVE Historical Society Exteor Planters Offer Exterior Planters Offer The December 7 meeting of the St. Joseph Historical Soc- iety was held at Jake's Rest- aurant with Jesse Stone, pre- siding, and Mrs. Charles Brown opening the meeting with prayer. Others attending included: Mrs. Nobie Stone, Mrs. R. H. Brinson, Mrs. Her- man. Dean, Wayne Childers, Mrs. Paul Fensom, Mrs. Wil- liam Howell, Jr., Mrs. John Robert Smith and Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Sr. Appointments made at this time were: Nominating Com- mittee, Mrs. Charles Browne, Chairman, Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Sr. and Mrs. Herman Dean; Committee for Annual Dinner, Wayne Childers, Chairman, Mrs. Nobie Stone and Mrs. George Suber; Invitations, Robert Ellzey. Mrs. Brinson, chairman of the old cemetery project an- nounced that due to the efforts of Representative William J. Rish, the state had granted to this project the sum of $800.00, and the group agreed that this amount should be applied to the purchase and installation of a much needed underground sprinkler system, with the help and cooperation of the City. The society is grateful to Rep. Rish and to the cemetery committee for this accom- plishment. In addition to Mrs. Brinson, this committee in- cludes Mrs. Horace Soule and Mrs. Charles Brown. A special treat for this meet- ing was a lovely "book" cake, baked especially for the Soc- iety. Flag Collection Presented to DAR Miss Janie Cathey, December bride-elect of Perry Adkison, was honored with a Coffee Saturday December 6. The affair was held at the home of Mrs. Gannon Buzzett on Monument Avenue from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Many guests called during the appointed hours to visit with the honoree and extend their best wishes. The bride's chosen colors of blue and white were used artfully throughout the party rooms at vantage points. The hos- tesses presented Miss Cathey with a pair of silver candlesticks as a memento of the occa- SThe First Baptist Churceh of, SPort St. Joe will present their choir Saturday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m. in a Christmas cantata and dramatization, "Night of Miracles", by John W. Peterson, narrated by Rev. sion. Hostesses for the event were Mrs. Tom Parker, Jr., Mrs. Wayne Hendrix, Mrs. Rex Buzzett and Mrs. Gannon Buzzett. Shown in the photo are: seated, the honoree; and standing left to right: Mrs. W. 0. Cathey, Jr., mother of the bride-elect; Mrs. W. 0. Cathey, Sr., grandmother of the honoree; and Mrs. Clio Adkison, mother of the groom-elect. Miss Cathey and Mr. Adkison will be married Saturday, December 12 at six p.m. in the First United Methodist Church. George H. Cay. -- This is a story of love, but not love as natural'man knows it. This love knows no bounds. It is limitless and absolute and it was first manifested on that wonderful l night so long ago. .. a Night of Miracles. The pre- sentation will be directed by Billy Rich, Jr. The public is cordially in- vited to hear this musical of love and praise. William B. Simmons has presented a collection of Flags of Freedom to St. Joseph Bay Chapter Daughters, of the American Revolution. There are six flags in the. set, with a complete history of each. They are authentic re- productions of prominent ban- ners of the Colonial, Revolu- tionary War and Early Feder- al period of our history. The Gadsden flag, a coiled rattle- snake on yellow ground with "Don't Tread on Me"; the Betsy Ross flag, the first official national banner with 13 stars and stripes; and the Fort William McHenry flag, inspiration for the national anthem and the country's flag from 1795-1918, are included in the collection. The flags have been on dis- play in the local library and will be the subject of the DAR program for February, which is history month. They will also be displayed at the Christmas meeting of St. Joseph Bay Chapter on December 17, at the home of Mrs. Paul Fensom. -- 0 Lm AMA cut* Beauty to Home but Can Present Problems By Dr. Robert Black Ext. Urban Horticulturist Exterior planters which flank many contemporary homes may represent a thing of beauty or a problem of poor plant choice and poor plant health. Perhaps the best solution in choosing the best plantings for planters is to plant permanent dwarf evergreen plants which provide year-round attractive- ness, then supplement the planting with seasonal flower- ing or foliage plants for a seasonal accent. The home gardener will often miss a planting date, thus the area which is to be accented remains void for the season. Without permanent plantings, the winter season, too presents a time of void for the planter. Over the past several years plant breeders have developed outstanding dwarf plants which are very adaptable to limited planting areas, such as the planter. The home- owner has a wide selection from which to choose, yet his or her choice must be made with regard to the growth conditions of the planter, such as whether the planter is well drained, is it deep or shallow or is it in sun or shade? Do not overplant. Allow ample room for ultimate plant size and eliminate later prun- ing or removal of plants. Keep the planting simple, neat and attractive, yet avoid mono- tony. Due to location, some plant- ers are not conducive to opti- mum plant production. Those beneath overhangs of the home receive little rainfall and must be watered by hand. Planters against west brick walls absorb much summer heat. Many planters have poor drainage and others have very poor soil. The springtime gardener who prefers an air conditioned home to summer gardening should choose plants which demand very little care and attention such as.' dwarf nan- dina, yucca, dward yaupon holly, lantana, daylilies, dwarf bamboo, confederate jasmine, liriope, coontie and aspidistra. The sunny planter may in- clude: yucca, dwarf pyracan- tha, dwarf nandina, dwarf yaupon holly, dwarf junipers, liriope, daylilies, dwarf pome- granate, confederate jasmine, coontie or Japanese purple honeysuckle. Planters in the shade may be enhanced with aucuba, fatsia, fatshedra, Indian haw- thorne, dward azalea, ajuga, coontie or holly fern. For the planter which re- ceives part sun and part shade, -the gardener may choose from dwarf yaupon, dwarf hollies, Indian haw- thorne, liriope, vinca, confed- erate jasmine, dwarf gar- denia, japanese black pine, dward sasanqua or japanese purple honeysuckle. Plant choices for the planter are numerous, yet its success depends upon selecting the proper plant for the existing growing conditions. Every planter should be attractively planted so as to require low maintenance First United Methodist Church P Monument and Constition Port St. Joe, Fla. JOHNIE W. McCURDY, Minister CHURCH SCHOOL ...................... 9:45A.M. PREACHING SERVICE........ 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP.... 6:30 P.M. CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday)...... 7:30 P.M. S Give A Gift J That She'll Love -g Sweetheart Chests A gift that'll be treasured forever :r. 'St. Joe Furniture - 205-207 Reid Ave. Ph. 229-1251 -. whtB efaXeMbx..fc'>.e ..M)a^1 *0 =a (U) u. a)- E E 0 0 E 4- a) .0 mu mi FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH^ Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue Rev. George Gay, Interim Pastor Sunday School .........................'.9:45 A.M . Morning Worship Service ............. 11:00 A.M. Church Training ...................... 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service .............. 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meetng (Wed.) ................ 7:00 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" Names Groups Bride-Elect Feted First Baptist Church Choir Presenting a Christmas Music Program Saturday -f w -elaw-1 W--* -i raLEc - THE STAR, Port.St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 Lozwly Pogey Fish May be What Attracted the duPonts to Port St. Joe Belly dancing is not only popular with the ladies of Port St. Joe; the men seem to enjoy the art as a passing fancy also. Last week the local instructor, Theba Gibson, demonstrated the "exercise" to the Port St. Joe Lions Club who provided an appreciative audience. In the photo at left, Theba does her thing. In the photo at right, Charlie Norton, Bobby Jackson and Bill Altsteatter s'em to approve of what she is doing. Star photos 3elly Dancing Becoming Popular Exercise for Women and Men There are many stereotyped :.,deas about the art of belly *. :ncing, however it is rapidly h.-ecking its tarnished aura. Thousands of women of all j.ages in every part of the country are participating and ,Aljoying themselves in belly dancing classes, as they slim' ;i-:.wn. Belly dancing is an ancientnt art reborn, has come oa age. Most women who join the dance classes are usually motivated by the idea of the. :dance as fun, exotic and. a .,feminine form of exercise. It .'is also very therapeutic for ,-stiff muscles. Your torso firms Up if you're flabby and rounds ,-out in the right places if you. .are thin. - The belly dancing origins are as shrouded in mystery as the veiled, dancer tries to convey. There are Egyptian, Etruscan and East Indian tomb paintings and sculptures that resemble Middle Eastern dancers from the First Cen- tury *B. C. to the Fourth Century A.D.. . Throughout the. years, the, dance has been abused by the cabaret world and too. often the cabaret dancers exceed the boundaries of good taste. But the high level of artistic discipline gives the dance the classical image it deserves. Why have so many barriers been broken so that so many Westerners embraced .the belly dance? Maybe our in- creasingly smaller world and our eagerness to understand. the peoples of other cultures. Whatever the answer, the dance has become virtuous and respectable. It has emerged from its early begin- ning, and is admired in our modern settings as the beauti- ful form of art that it is. Everything about the dance adds to the fun, the tinkling coins, the exotic music and costumes. When one is dancing, it seems as though you've step- ped out of your everyday hum- .drum life into a marvelous fantasy of your mind. It is a tremendous discipline of mind and body though. One must learn to control different parts of their body and have them moving independently of one another. There is usually quite more to the dance than most ladies think, but if they ures will definitely reflect the continue to practice their fig- results of their effort. Mexico Beach Chamber Planning Xmas Party A Christmas party is being planned for the Mexico Beach Chamber of Commerce mem- bers and guests, to be held Saturday, December 13 at 8:00 p.m. (CST) at the Chamber building. Hor d' oeurves and punch will be served. Set-ups will be furnished. Ed Wysong, "Mex- ico Beach Music MVan", will furnish music for dancing and listening. Admission is $5.00 per cou- pie and $2.50 single. For.fur- ther information, you may call Helen St. John at 648-3121. The .English "vegetable marrow" is a squash to Americans. Would you be surprised to know. that an unusual run of pogey fish here in St. Joseph's Bay was probably responsible for the St. Joe Paper Company being here? George Tapper spoke to the Rotary Club. last Thursday, outlining some of the things which happened here in Port St. Joe years ago, and it was the pogey which brought his father, Captain Robert Tapper here in 1918. E. I. duPont was interested in forming a men- haden operation in Florida at that time and his group hired Tapper as their production manager. Tapper scouted the Gulf coast for concentrations of the fish they needed and found his best supply here at Port St. Joe, along with the railroad for shipment. So, the duPonts got into business here looking for fish to convert to fish oil and fertilizer. Tapper said the firm started a fish factory here, which was located about where the barge basin to St. Joe Paper Com- pany is now located. The firm operated a fleet of five fishing boats with "The Alfred I. duPont" as their flagship. The fish processing operation started up in 1920. Tapper said the old Park- wood Lumber Company was in operation here at that time. The dry kiln for the lumber operation was located in the building which now stands on the east side of the Highway 98 overpass and is occupied by the M. G. Lewis & Sons Garage. Back in those days, Port St. Joe was a sort of spa for south Georgia and Alabama and north Florida, The Apalachi- cola Northern Railroad ran special excursion trips on the week ends and visitors would flock to what is now the city park at the end of Fifth Street for a week end of bathing, picnicing and playing on the beach. Port St. Joe's first brick building was built in 1914 by R A Costin, father of Cecil and Chauncey Costin. The building was located where the Post Office now sits and the Post Office, Piggly Wiggly, Li- brary and Phillip's 66 build- ings are all built with the same brick as were used in the first brick building. Tapper had some old school programs which his mother had saved of vintage 1920's and '30's which listed casts of characters which included such people as Chauncey Cos- tin, Elizabeth Jones (Tomlin- Using Jump( Can be Dan; The common practice of using jumper cables to start a stalled car can be dangerous said the Florida Highway Patrol this week. Colonel Eldrige Beach, director of the Patrol urges drivers to follow these safety tips: -Refrain from smoking during jumping process. Sparks could cause an explo- sion. -Be sure the dead battery and the booster are of the same voltage-either six or 12 volts. -Be sure lights, radio, heat- er, and other accessories are turned off, and parking brake is set. Put gear lever in neutral or park. -Remove the vent caps of both batteries to release hy- drogen gas and cover vents with cloth. -Attach jumper cables as: son), Ida Ethel Kilbourn (Brown), Jimmy Kilbourn, Morgan Jones, Gladys Law- son (Boyer), Nobie Stone, Ruth Costin (Soule) and many others. Guests of the club were Cecil Curry of Boonesboro, Va., Leon Pollock of Port St. Joe and Wheelettes Katrina Pippin and Arlethea Hender- son. 2r Cables a gerous The positive (+) terminal of the booster must be attached to the positive terminal of the dead battery. (Positive termi- nals are marked with a "P" or "+"). The negative terminal of the booster should be at- tached to the engine block of the stalled car or other ground connection at least one foot from the dead battery. DC.; NOT connect the negative ter- minals of the two batteries. Foreign cars may have a posi- tive ground, so check with a dealer before attempting the jumping procedure. -Start the stalled car. -Reversele attachment procedure. -Remove and dispose of cloths covering vent, replace vent caps. Beach concluded by saying, "The best course is to replace your battery near the end of its' guaranteed life fl y^ 1 y Auto Parts For All Make Cars Monroe Shocks S Borg-Warner Rebuilt Parts , S !i Walker Exhausts i Blackhawk Tools RENFRO AUTO PARTS 401 Williams Ave. 229-6013 _ # --~ n -y -. -xf l ~S S.-- 5. y.- 5.5.4. S' Search Rescue Important Activity of Sheriff's Squad C' V 0/ er ua- One of the less known, but . anore' important duties of the ., .ulf County'. Sheriff's De- .,:,artment, is that of its search -and rescue operations. During the hunting season in particulara, hardly a week goes S'., without 'a call to try and cate a missing hunter, or m.So netimes a group. of them. people coming into Gulf .Coun- from out of the area, and Lt of state, are especially .. x' prone. to become lost in swamps and sloughs of the Chipola and Apalachicola River. systems. Fortunately, nearly all of them are found within a few hours of their being reported missing, with little harm other than being forced to spend the night in the open. However, there is the occasional case where some- one has fallen from a boat, or has a heart attack or stroke while in the woods. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence recognized the need for a well equipped and efficient search and rescue team and has been working toward that goal. His efforts have paid off and the county.now has one of the best teams in this area. So far this year, the de- .partment had located 34 mis- sing hunters and fishermen, recovered the bodies of five Sheriff's Department rescue vehicles. drowning victims and three victims of apparent heart attacks while in the woods or on the water. The successful conclusion of all these search efforts are the result of many hundreds of man hours on the scenes. The department has exper- ienced personnel and equip- ment ready to go into opera- tion on a moment's notice. Several deputies have spent most of their lives in Gulf County, and are familiar with the areas where people most often become lost. There is also a registered Emergency Medical Technician on hand in case he is needed. The department has two boats, a large one for use in the bay or river and a smaller one for the river and sloughs. Both are radio equipped, there is a four wheel drive vehicle and much other spec- ialized equipment for use in search and rescue work. If necessary, additional per- sonnel of the Sheriff's Auxil- iary, Civil Defense, Game and Fresh Water Fish Commis- sion, Coast Guard and Marine Patrol may be called in. The entire rescue team stands ready and able to do the job when they are called upon. 203 Reid Ave. It looks like slate...it feels like slate... Just peel off the protective paper, place each tile in position, and press into place. It's that easy! I Altm on DEVONSLATE captures the rugged look of luxurious, natural slate with a realistic textured finish and mor- tarlike grout lines. This distinctive slate design virtually hides its own seams, giving you a continuous wall-to- wall pattern. Like all Armstrong Place 'n Press Ex- celon Tile floors, Devonslate is easy to install, be- cause it comes with the adhesive already on the back. only $5586 ^ A. for a 10' X 12' room y f iythe do-it-yourslf way ,Now can say. w th podus by . did itmyself" ( strongg Phone 227-8111 Ernest Thursbay Is now a member of the Sales Staff of Tommy Thomas Chevrolet 705 W. 15th St. Panama City Phones 785-5221 Panama City. 648-7900 Mexico Beach Call Ernest for all your new or used car needs St. Joe Hardware cY "U' -- a.PAGE SIX - THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 PAGE SEVEN Robert Farmer, in the middle of the picture, picks up a hard four yards behind good blocking as the Tigers move in for the stop. Get Sweet Revenge for Earlier 13-0 Defeat Sharks Out-Hustle Chipley Tigers John Owens, Andy May, Chester Fennell and Ray Lawrence stand around talking about their victory after the game. Little Shark at left loins in. Star Photo Ronald Daniels ran 75 yards for a touchdown, with 10:12 left in the last period, to give the Sharks a 14-7 win over the Chipley Tigers last Friday night. The win gave the Sharks a shot at the semi- finals in the Class 2A football play-offs, and ended Chipley's hopes for their first state crown. * The game started at 9:00, Port St. Joe time, but the con- test could just as well have gotten under way at 8:00 be- cause everyone was there, in- cluding about as many Port St. Joe fans as there were from Chipley. To make matters more fin- ger-nail chewing than the ganlmewould ha've.been odin- ariry, .'totert warmer, l(|e Sharks big man with the run, had his ankle injured on the first play of the game and could only hobble for the few times he came onto the field during the night. With Farmer's injury, Dan- iels, the Shark threat around end and on returns, sucked it lin alnna with thp nnorvh defensive play of Preston Gant, Calvin Watson, Marcus Manning, Ray Lawrence, Jo- dy Taylor, Steve Cloud, Ches- ter Fennell, Greg Abrams, Bill Norton and Tim Hatcher and did what it took to win the game. John Owens, who had been out a few games with an injured knee had the knee hit again in the last period, but went on to finish the game after sitting on the sidelines for a few plays. The tough defense put the Tigers deep in their territory to set up the first touchdown by the Sharks which stood until the last period as the only scoring in the game. "The Sharks' punter, Rick Hatcher, backed the Tigers all the way to their own seven yard line by putting one out of bounds. The Tigers were able to get only to their own 33 before they ran out of downs, but Tiger penalties put them back on their own 13 before they finally got rid of the ball. The Sharks took the ball on the Chipley 35, and after two plays for only five yards, Owens hit Preston Gant with a seven yard pass and a first down from the Tiger 23. Two more plays and Daniels had the ball on the six. Daniels then picked up two more yards before the injured Farmer cracked through the middle, breaking two tackles on the way, for the score. Norton's kick for the extra point was good. About the middle of the second period, the Tigers were on their own 44 yard line with a fourth and one and they gambled. The entire Shark line stopped the run and the Sharks had the ball in Tiger territory again. The Sharks couldn't move and had to punt, with eight seconds left in the half. The Tigers fumbled the ball on their own 21 and Preston Gant fell on the ball. With two seconds left on the clock Owens hit Gant just short of the goal line, but Gan'couldn't get across. It was breaks as much as anything else which gave the Tigers their only score of the game. Early in the second half, with a third-'and long situation, Dilly Webb went to the air, and Daniels slipped and fell into the' intended receiver, earning a pass inter- ference call. Theodis Lee then squirted around left end and went 38 yards to the Shark 16 before he was knocked out of bounds by Calvin Watson. Watson drew a personal foul penalty and the ball was moved to the Shark eight yard line. On the second down, Jimmy Williams took the -pitch-out' ..frpomr Webbi .who barely got the togs bff-before he was scrambled by Gant, and Williams scored with 11:09 left in the period. Daniels said he felt respon- sible for the touchdown, so on the second down after the kick, he made it through the Tiger line, then out-ran the secondary for 75 yards and the Sharks winning score. Bill Norton put his kick for the extra point squarely through the uprights and the defensive battle started in earnest from that point on. The Tigers owned the foot- ball twice during the re- mainder of the game, but were forced into a fumble on their first possession on their own 25 yard line by Steve Cloud and Chester Fennell, with James Ward covering the loose ball for the Sharks. The Sharks nearly made it 21-7 on this possession, Robert Farmer hobbled for an 11 yard gain, Sanborn, who went in for the injured Owens, hit Greg Abrams with a pass at the goal line, but a Tiger interferred. The Sharks got the ball on the nine from the penalty and in three carries, Daniels put the ball on the two. On fourth down, Robert Farmer tried to go through the middle of the line for the score, but was stopped about six inches short. The Tigers'-Dilly Webb then really started passing in ear- nest. Ray Lawrence, Ches- ter Fennell and Preston Gant each sacked Webb good on pass attempts before his fourth down pass went wide and the Sharks sat on the ball to run out the game clock. There were no outstanding defensive players for the Sharks.>All played their hearts out and made life miserable for quarterback Dilly Webb and the Tiger runners during the entire game. Fennell, Cloud, Manning, Gant and Lawrence stayed in the Chip- ley backfield about as much as they stayed in their own 9 4urifi" "th tire gm!" f'n- nell, "Daniels and Gant each had seven tackles and one assist to their credit; followed by Lawrence with five tackles and four assists, Manning with five tackles, Sanborn with four and four, and Cloud with four tackles and three assists. Fen- nell and Ward each recovered a fumble. Robert Farmer, hobbled with his first play injury, still got into the game enough to gain 50 yards and managed to push his total for the year to 1,546. Daniels, who had a superb night in his unaccus- tomed role as the main ball carrier, ripped off 149. YARDSTICK PSJ Chip. First Downs 9 10 Yards Rushing 202 138 Yards Passing 32 40 Return Yardage 18 19 Passes 3-6 3-8 Punts 5-46 4-30 Fumbles Lost 0 2 Yards Penalized 73 54 Coach Taylor shouts encouragement. Kesley Colbert is apprehensive. Star Photo This Christmas give sports equipment- We have a S large line of Equipment & Apparel I TheAthletic Housel 323 REID AVENUE L401m -qlmw-411111-.911111 4I- -'. Star photo ... Give A Gift 4? Z z that will be both* . ?^%enjoyable & useful . .. Cookware, Lamps, - Tables, Pictures, Sam son ite Luggage -b n Gun Cabinets *- Hoover Small Appliances Bean Bags St. Joe Furniture 205-207 Reid Ave. Ph. 229-1251 THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 ...and your good health is the most important concern of your Rexall Pharmacist You can rely on him for prompt, courteous attention to all your drug and prescription needs... whenever you call! YOUR RasW PHARMACY BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. Port St. Joe High School jello with topping. Lunch Room Menus Wednesday, Dec. 17 Monday, Dec. 15 Sloppy Joe on bun, tuna Roast beef with noodles, salad, mixed vegetables, cabbage slaw, cheeseburger French fries, tomato slice, with bun, potato chips, Eng- strawberry shortcake, crac- lish peas, fruit cup, bread. kers. Tuesday, Dec. 16 Thursday, Dec. 18 Dry limas with ham, col- Turkey and dressing, giblet lards, hamburger with bun, gravy, lettuce, tomato salad, French fries, lettuce, tomato, mustard greens, cranberry pickles, whole kernel corn, sauce, rolls, pumpkin pie. Ph. 227-3371 317 William - Conveniant Drive-In Window l Plenty of Free Parkng Bowling. News, Books Are Ne PAGE EIGHT Sharks Nip Parramore; Lose to Rutherford Rams Friday, Dec. 19 Chili dog with bun, ham- burger with bun, French fries, lettuce, tomato, pickles, green butter beans, pineapple upside down cake. Elementary Schools Lunch Room Menus Monday, Dec. 15 Roast beef with noodles, cabbage slaw, English peas, fruit cup, bread. Tuesday, Dec. 16 Dry lima beans with ham, collards, tomato slice, corn- bread, jello with topping. Wednesday, Dec. 17 Sloppy Joe on bun, mixed vegetables, tomato slice, potato chips, strawberry shortcake. Thursday, Dec. 18 Turkey and dressing, giblet gravy, tossed salad, mustard greens, cranberry sauce, rolls, Christmas cake. Friday, Dec. 19 Cheeseburger with bun, French fries, lettuce, tomato, pickles, whole kernel corn, pineapple upside down cake. first period while the IHams were racking up 19. They finished with a flourish, how- ever, sinking 24 points in the final period. . Johnny Jenkins was the big man for the Sharks, putting 28 points through the nets. Wayne Thomas added 12. Jones was high man for the Rams with 26 points. PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins, 12-4-28; C. Daniels, 3-1-4; Low- ery, 3-2-8; Davis, 0-1-1; Thom- as, 5-2-12; L. Daniels, 3-2-8; Ward, 2-1-5. RUTHERFORD-Smith 6-2- 14; Jones, 9-8-26; Culver, 2-1- 5; Long, 7-2-16; Johnson, 2-0-4; Johnest, 2-3-6. Score by quarters: Port ST. Joe 11 18 16 24-69 Rutherford 19 10 19 23-7 1 Tuesday night's game was cancelled and will be played on January 27. During the coming week, the Sharks will travel to Bay High Tuesday night to meet the Tornadoes at 6:00 P.M., CST. Next Thursday night, the Sharks will travel to Bristol to duel the Bulldogs at 6:30 P.M., EST. On Sale Three books are now on sale announced the St. Joseph His- torical Society. The books are: "The Great Tide", one of Florida's most famous histor- ical novels, written by Ruby- lea Hall, republished in its 'sixth edition; "The Lives of St. Joseph", written, assembled and edited by Louise M. Por- ter; and "The Gulf County History", edited and compiled by the St. .Joseph Historical Society. .. These books were published .through the courtesy of The St. Joseph Historical Society. These limited editions will be for sale, and for orders con- tact Mrs. Eunice H. Brinson, 216 Sixth Street, Port St. Joe. Legal Ads NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commis- sioners, at their regular meet- ing on January 13, 1976, at 9:00 a.m., at the County Commis- sioners Meeting Room in Gulf County Courthouse, will con- sider the adoption of an Elec- trical Code for Gulf County, Florida, by ordinance with the following title: An Ordinance adopting - the National Electrical 1975 Edition as the electri- Scal code applicable to elec- trical systems and related activities in the unincor- porated areas of Gulf County; providing for the organization of the electri- cal inspection depart- ment; providing for the powers and duties of the electrical official; provid- ing application for per- mit; providing for fees; providing for inspections; providing certificate of approval; providing for excavation and public safety; providing for vio- lations and penalties; pro- viding for validity; and providing for an effective date for the ordinance as provided by law. Board of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA By: -s- Eldridge Money, 'Chairman 's- George Y. Core, Clerk lt 12-11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING F.S. 163.360 (4) To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commis- sioners of Gulf County, Flor- ida, is considering an applica- tion to the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment for a Community Deve- lopment Block Grant Final Application. The project being consider- ed is for the construction of a water and sewer distribution system for the community of Oak Grove. A Hearing con- cerning this project will be held by the Board of County Commissioners on December 18, 1975, and December 19, 1975, at 4:30p.m. at the County Commissioners Meeting Room, Gulf County Court- house. Further information per- taining to this application may be obtained from George Y. Core, Clerk Circuit Court. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Eldridge Money, Chairman it 12-11 Winter Mixed League On December 2, the Winter Mixed League met at St. Joe Bowling Lanes. On lanes one and two, Sylva- chem won three games from Fiesta Food Store. Bill Whit- field had a 177 high game and Shirley Hicks had a 440 high series for Sylvachem. Lou McDonnell was tops for Fiesta with a 127 game and 318 series. Lanes three and four had Rotagilla winning four games from Ten Pin Lounge. Carl O'Barr had a 185 game and 493 series for Rotagilla. Robert Montgomery (substitute) led Ten Pin Lounge with a 210 game and 567 series. On lanes five and six, No Names won three games from Varnes Seafood. David Howell had a 191 high game and 486 high series for No Names. Danny Talbert was high man for Varnes with a 142' game and 395 series. Lanes seven and eight saw Carr's win three games from. Kennedy & Wombles, Inc. Chuck Guilford had a 170 high game and Brenda Guilford had a 464 high series for Carr's. Steve Wombles had a 192 high game and 460 high series for Kennedy & Wom- bles, Inc. Standings: W L Carr's 37 11 Rotagilla 35 13 Sylvachem 34 14 No Names 27 21 10-Pin Lounge 25 23 Varnes Seafood 16 32 K & W, Inc. 12'/2 35/2 Fiesta Food 51/2 12/ Ladies' Winter League On December 4, the Thurs- day night Ladies' Winter Lea- gue met in action at St. Joe Bowling Lanes. On lanes one and two, Bowen's Cowgirls No. 1 won four games from Swingers. Pat Hutchinson had a 159 high game and 411 high series for the Cowgirls. Sandy Wood had a 127 high game and 364 high series for the Swing- ers. Lanes three and four had Bowen's Cowgirls No. 2 and Surfers splitting games, each taking two. Hanna Justice had a 147 high game and 350 high series for Cowgirls. Valerie Royal led the Surfers with a 135 game and 337 series. On lanes five and six, Ren- fro Auto Parts won four games from Highland View Motors. Cathy Blackburn had a 146 game and 405 high series for Renfro. Sue Parrish's 123 game and 331 series led High- land View Motors. On lanes seven and eight, Ralph and Henry's won four games from Team No. 7. Anna Smith had a 145 game and 382 high' series for Ralph and Henry's. Trudy Pate led Team No. 7 With a 148 ganie and 375 high series. Standings: W L Renfro Auto Parts 39 9 Ralph & Henry's 36 12 H'land View Motors 31 17 Cowgirls No. 1 29 19 Cowgirls No. 2 20 28 Swingers 13 7 Team No. 7 4 28 Surfers 4 44 Gulf Co. Men's League Monday night ended the first half of the season with Campbell's Drugs taking the sure play-off spot by being in first place at the end of the first half. Lanes one and two had Carr's Auto Sales taking three from King's Gulf Station. High man for Carr's was Randy Weston with 432 while King's Gulf had Don Thomas high with 392. Lanes three and four saw Shirt and Trophy take three from 10-Pin Lounge. David Howell led the Shirt and Trophy Center with a 566 series, and a 207 game. Tal Preston added a 512. For 10-Pin it was Steve Wombles with 553. On lanes five and six, Camp- bell's Drugs took all four from Player's Supermarket. Bo Bouington's 534 was tops for Campbell's, while Larry Mc- Neel led Players with a 454. Lanes seven and eight had Butler's Restaurant taking four from Stems and Seeds. Bill Besore led Butler's with a 589 series and games of 201 and 210. Norman Hodges had a 439 for Stems & Seeds. Final 1st half Standings W L Campbell's Drugs 43'2 121'2 Shirt & Trophy 42'2 131/2 Butler's Rest. 41 15 King's Gulf Ser. 26 30 10-Pin Lounge 26 30 Stems & Seeds 20 36 Player's S'market 13 42 Carr's Auto 12 44 1iSTW3S G ... GIFT FORTHE HOME Give Mom a Tell City or Town Square Rocker lalt o gis6* al St. Joe Furniture m 205-207 Reid Ave. Ph. 229-1251 Rl R AARRE GARAGE SALE Saturday, December 13 9a.m.-5p.m. 1314 Marvin Ave. Curtis-Mathis stereo, fully equipped, Spanish. 26" Schwinn 10-speed, $80; 26" ladies bicycle, $60; 26' wooden bay boat with 4 chairs, gas tanks, console. Misc. books and toys. Apalachicola, 653- 8457 after six p.m. Dixie gas stove 36", $100; Dearborn gas heater, 950 BTU, $50. Both in excellent condition. 229-6435. ltc 12-11 SL 70 Honda trail bike, top condition. 648-4431. 2tp 12-11 Nice mobile home. Small down payment, take up pay- ments. 639-2677, Wewahitchka after five p.m. It 12-11 Fight Cholesterol build-up with Lecithin-Kelp Combina- tion. Get Norwalk Leci-Kelp caps. at Campbell's Drug. 3t 12-4 27" 10-speed bike, in good cond., $50. 229-6730. tfc 12-4 Tennessee walking horse mare. Six years old, has all shots. Gentle, well trained. Call 229-5813. 2tc 12-4 90" couch, in excellent con- dition. Phone 227-5461.4tc 11-20 Reduce safe and fast with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills". Campbell's Drug. .6tp 11-6 Phone 229-6253 for MARY KAY COSMETICS tfc 7-3 One two-horse tandem wheel horse trailer, $400. Call 648-6796. tfc 10-2 DRY cleaning carpets is easier, faster, and safer with HOST. Rent our machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Transferring, must sell new 18' 1/2" shrimp net, complete with new doors, chain and new nylon ropes. Cost $225.00, will sell for $200.00. Call 229-2121 between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. or all day on Fridays. tfc 10-2 WALLPAPER Just arrived to help with all your wallpapering needs. Prepasted, Texturall, vinyl coated, and plastic bonded. If you need to purchase or have wallpaper hung, see our sam- ples. Call Alford Ramsey at 229-6506. Sewing machines repaired regardless of make or age. Over 25 years experience. Parts, supplies for all makes. Free estimate, guaranteed satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Singer Zig Zag sewing machine, take up 12 pmts. $8.50 monthly. Makes button- holes, monograms, hems, sews on buttons, guarantee. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Quail and pheasant, live or dressed. 1316 McClellan Ave. 227-3786. tfc 7-24 10 speed bikes in stock, men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. Western Auto, Port St. Joe. tfc 6-15 3 BR house and two apartment building. Ca 6538. tfi -stor ll 229 c 12-1 3 BR concrete block dwelling on 75' x 175' lot at 1314 Marvin Ave. Only $15,000. Large frame house on 3 lots on Madison St., Oak Grove. Price right at $9,000. Nice 3 BR house with den on 11/2 lots at 616 Gar- rison. Many nice fea- tures. $25,000. Large 4 BR house with two baths, den with fire- place on 1% acres of land near Dalkeith. $25,500. 4 BR house with large family room on 1.2 acres of land at Dalkeith. Price to sell for only $12,900. I doubt you could get a shell built this size on your land for this price. This is a complete house. Small 2 BR house on 6 lots on Dead Lakes, just north of Wewahitchka. Only $7,000. Lots are 50' x 175' each. Two lots in first block off Highway 98 at St. Joe Beach to sell for only $2,500 each. FRANK HANNON Reg. Real Estate Broker 221 Reid Ave. Ph. 227-3491 2tc 12-11 3 BR house on McClellan Ave., $12,000. 648-6260. 4tc 12-4 3 BR house priced for quick sale. 881 Hayes Ave., Highland View, chain link fence. 229- 6240. tfc 12-4 For Sale: Mobile home 12' x 65', 3 BR 2 full bath on 75' x 112' lot in Mexico Beach, $16,000. Also 2 lots cleared, fenced with well and pump, and 4 stall horse stable in Beacon Hill, $7,000.00. Call 648-6796. tfc 10-9 Two-story home, 1902 Monu- ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath. Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474. tfc 8-21 Nice house on corner lot, with chain link fence. 711 Long Ave. 229-6153. tfc 10-23 2 BR furnished apartment for rent, 509 10th St. 229-6688. tfc 12-11 For rent: furnished apt. Mexico Beach. You pay all utilities, mowing and garbage. Call 648-7128. 2tp 12-4 Furnished apt. for rent, uti- lities furnished. 229-6132 days, 229-6149 evenings. tfc 8-14 Classified Ads Get Results Try Them! 3 BR furnished house at St. y Joe Beach. Phone 648-4259 or 9- 648-7586. tfc 11-27 1 One bedroom furnished house at St. Joe Beach. In- quire at Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 8-7 Furnished two and three BR houses, at Beacon Hill, by week. Bill Carr or call 229- 6474. tfc 3-13 Furnished cottages at St. Joe Beach, reasonable month- ly rates. Hannon Insurance Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc 5-8 Furnished 2 BR house, auto heat, washer & dryer, phone 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 14023 AT RUSTIC SANDS CAMP- GROUND, 15th ST., MEXICO BEACH, PATIO, BEAUTI- FUL REC HALL PRIVI- LEDTES, 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8 NO need for wet carpets. Dry clean them with HOST. Use rooms right away. Rent machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 I--- MARINE REPAIR CE Expert repairs of Ou Stern Drives, Fibergla work guaranteed. Oper Jimmy Wilder, school mechanic. Phone 227-5062 Hwy. 30A-3 Miles E. For TV repairs and sales, see K&D TV and at 301 Reid Ave. 227-21 Septic Tanks Pumpe Carefoot Septic Ta 229-8227, 229-2351 and 229-6694 All types carpet an flooring installed. 10 experience. For free m ment and estimate, ca ald Ross, 229-6822. t Need help with your DECORATING IDEAS? If SoCall 229-6506 tfc 3-6 "I think it was something I ate." kills bugs for up to six months, and saves you about $100 yearly in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer tree with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe Florida Public address system. Owned by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. A new system operable on either battery or current. Call Ken Herring, 227-5281 for rental. tfc CARPET cleaning with HOST couldn't be easier. Just brush and vacuum for clean, dry carpets. Rent our HOST machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 1971 LTD 4-door, V-8, in good cond., will sell for $1,200, or trade for pick-up. Call 648- 5106. Itp 12-11 1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back, 4 in floor, radio, heater, floor mount tape player and speak- ers, chrome luggage carrier, good tires, 21,000 miles.' $1,995.00. Call David May 227- 3881 or 227-2 81. tfc 9-11 1972 MG Midget, a light-yel- low convertible with wire wheels. Call 227-7421. Port St. Joe. 2tp 12-4 1969 Longwheel base pick- up truck, V8, automatic, $900. 229-1511 or 227-4171. tfc 12-4 ENTERR LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING board, All Types ass. All 229-6482 or 229-6447 ss. Al tfc 9-20 ated by trained Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC WELCOME SERVICE Call 227-2501 or go by the of PSJ Chamber office, Municipal 4tp 12-4 Building, 5th St., Monday thru Friday, 9-12 EDT. tfc 5-1 Zenith Visit or call the Alcohol I Sound Counseling Information 071. Center of the Panhandle Al- tfc6-2 coholism Council,_. Inc. 321 d Out Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe. ink Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30 1, ST. JOE MACHINE CO. 8- 21 Machine Work Welding 506 First Street d vinyl Phone 229-6803 years Machinist on duty all day easure- Every day '11 1Dn- ill Ron- tfc 11-13 - A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call tfe 6-2' 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 Fishing Tackle Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. 1970 Yellow Opal GT, new paint job, in good cond., 229- 5511. tfc 10-16 BINGO Every Thursday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. American Legion Hall Sponsored by American Legion Post 116 tfc 10-9 R.A.M.-Regular convaca- tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon- days, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. J. L. SIMS, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec. There will be a VFW meet-- ing the third Tuesday of each " month in the American Legion Hall. tfc 6-19 There will be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurrs- day at 8:00 p.m. J. L. Sims, Herbert L. Burge, Sec. Family of problem drinkers can find help in Alanon and Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948 or 229-3392. 13t 10-30 Roofing & Repairing Work Call 229-6462 4tp 11-27 Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or 227-7586. tfc 11-14 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Tues. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Social Hall tfc 4-24, Smitty's Heating, Cooling & '& Electric Service Commercial or Residential Installation & Service 648-4976 Port St. Joe Owned & Operated by Edward & Tommy Smith tfc8-14 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe cov. 14SARTH) HURLBUT SUPPLY CO 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Morida Port St. Joe's basketball Sharks got in two of their scheduled games during the past week, playing with an abbreviated squad and work- ing around the football play- offs. In their first game of the season, played last Saturday night here in Port St. Joe, the Sharks nipped the Carter-Par- ramore squad, 45-42. Carey Daniels had the hot hand for the Sharks, scoring 16 points. Wayne Thomas added 13 and Johnny Jenkins had 10. Goldwire led Carter-Parra- more with 12 points. The Sharks got off to a slow start in the first period, then went on a 17-point spree in the second to give them the mar- HO SE F IR I in ,REAL ESTATE FOR SALE gin they needed to win. PORT ST. JOE-Jenkins, 5-0-10; Daniels, 7-2-16; L. Dan- iels, 0-0-0; Davis, 2-0-4; Thom- as, 6-1-13; Larry, 0-0-0; Ward, 1-0-2. CARTER-PARRAMORE- Anderson, 4-0-8; Bush, 3-2-8; Goldwire, 5-2-12; Johnson, 3-1- 7; Frison, 1-0-2; Akins, 1-3-5. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe 8 17 8 12-45 Carter-Par. 11 7 13 11-42 Monday night, the Sharks fell to the Rutherford Rams in Panama City, in their first loss of-the season. The Rams squeezed out a 71-69 point win over the Sharks who were slow getting started. The Sharks had an 11 point g THE STAR, fort St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY,. DE- 11, 1975 PAGE NINE SApalachee Bend Girl Scout Council Officially S-1. ... A ANWF Water Management Group The Girl Scout Council of the Apalachee Bend officially dedicated their Camp For All blessing of the house cere- were held at two p.m. Public .Season on December 6th. A mony and formal dedication Service Commissioner Billy Mayo, who chaired the cam- paign to raise funds for the camp, made a few opening remarks. Persons for whom various buildings in the camp complex have been named were given special recognition for their support. The Girl Scout choir, directed by Mar- tha (Mrs. George) Bishop, presented the Blessing of the House ceremony. A Camp For All Seasons is located on Lake Talquin just off Highway 20, about 15 miles west of Tallahassee. It is easily accessible to all of the 15 counties in the Apalachee Bend Council. Built at a cost of $375,000.00, A Camp For All Seasons took approximately one and a half years to complete. A Camp For All Seasons is the culmination of the dreams and hard work of many girls and adults. For years, girls have sold cookies to provide a starting fund for the camp. Many generous people contri- buted to a capital campaign which provided the remaining funds for the construction of the camp. On December 6th, hundreds of girls and adults saw the beautiful results of their hard work. ' Small Business Administration Extends Loan Deadline to December 31 for Disaster Aid Douglas McAllister, District Director, Small Business Ad- ministration, Jacksonville, announced this week that the Small Business Administra- tion has extended the deadline for filing Disaster Loan appli- cations for loans to repair, restore or replace damage resulting from Hurricane Eloise to December 31, 1975. McAllister said that this action became necessary be- cause of reports that it is taking longer than anticipated for a number of property owners on the beaches to determine whether or not they could rebuilt on the present locations, having plans and specifications drawn, and, in some instances, compiling fi- nancial data to support loan applications. McAllister also stated that the extended deadline of Dec- ember 31, was firm and that individuals, home owners, property owners or business owners who do not file an application on or before Dec- ember 31, will not be consider- ed for disaster loan assist- ance. Applications should be filed as soon as possible, regardless of whether or not insurance claims have been settled or waivers or permits obtained. Long-term loans for the pur- pose of repairing, restoring or replacing tangible losses as a result of Hurricane Eloise, less insurance proceeds, are available. Disaster Field Offices are located at the Wayside Shop- pign Center. 16006 West High- way 98, Panama City Beach, 32401, telephone 234-8856, at the Okaloosa County Island Authority Building, 105 Santa Rosa Blvd.. Ft. Walton Beach, 32548, telephone 244-6147, and in Jacksonville, Post Office Building, mail address P. 0. Box 52535, Jacksonville, 32201, telephone 791-2794. juectcates-"uam i~o~l.1 eason' -. eco Meeting Df The Governing Board of the Northwest Florida Water Management District will hold its monthly meeting Decem- ber 16 in the Calhoun County Courthouse in Blountstown. The meeting, which is open to the public, will begin at 1:30 p.m. (CST). GCCC Begins Registration Procedure Counseling in preparation for spring registration is now in progress at Gulf Coast Community College for new and returning students. First-time students should report immediately to the ad- missions office to complete application procedures and placement testing. Returning students should see their advisors to complete a tentative schedule Spring registration for even- ing classes will be held in the College's Fine Arts Auditor- ium Monday, January 5 and 6 at 7:30 p.m. Day students will register by appointment on January 6 and 7 from 8:30 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAYSCHOOL .................... 9:45A.M. MORNING WORSHIP ............... 11:00 A.M. CHURCH TRAINING .................. 6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP ................. 7:30P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:15 P.M. Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor Jerome Cartier, Minister of Music ec. 16 In Bl One highlight of the meeting will be a presentation of the U. S. Geological Survey film en- titled "Flood Plain Manage- ment" which shows the detri- mental effects of flood plain encroachment. Many flooding problems in northwest Florida are a result of construction within the flood plains of the surface water courses of the District. These problems can best be controlled through proper flood -plain manage- ment before construction oc- curs in these areas. The District staff will pre- sent a report on the damage resulting from the spring and summer flooding throughout the northwest Florida district and the Chotawhatchee River Flood Prevention Program will be discussed. Discussion of a proposal for a study of the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint Rivers is on the agenda. This study will provide necessary informa- tion about these river basins and facilitate intelligent man- agement of this great river system in conjunction with the states of Alabama and Geor- gia. The Gulf Power Company Site application for the power plant at Caryville will also be discussed. A Camp for All Seasons, the new Girl Scout facility on Shown here is a view of the veranda'of the Lake Talquin, was formally dedicated on December 6th. lodge. i - -4 T- L-- MU TIE2TIAV "I N 11 107 PAV-P WMIM lountstown By Joe St. Clair There have been many inspiring words about overcoming our handi- caps. The pages of history are filled with the stories of men and women who, despite handicaps, have achieved greatness. Judges inithe Bible tells of an interesting event which relates to the or- ganization of an army. It says there were 700 chosen left-handed men. The interesting fact a- bout this great army is that these men had not always been left-handed. They were likely seasqn- ed soldiers who had been in battle and been incap-- acitated of the use of their right hands-their sword hands. They had learned to be fighters with their left hands. We all feel handicaps in our own lives. But the- greatness in a person: comes through when they overcome. : The 700 left-handed sol-: diers won their battle-so can we. Everyone has a: strategic reserve of phy.-- sical and spiritual energy . and adaptability which- we rarely use. St..Clair Funeral Home 507 10th St. 227-2671 -Piggly Wiggly Prices Guaranteed December 10 thru 16,1975. Satvins For The Mloday Season Atl Maxwell House COFFEE 1 Lb. Can Martha * WE WELCOME S U:'S.D.A. FOOD STAMP W SHOPPERS White 4 Plain or Self-Rising FLOUR limit I with SlOor more additional purchase bone-in, Blue Ribbon Beef full cut Round & Standard Grade Fresh Whole FRYERS limit 1 bag with $10 or more additional order Blue Ribbon Beef Chuck ROAST t s. r Soft-Weve or Lady Scott Bathroom TISSUE 2 roll pkgs. 4 Lbs. or More GROUND CHUCK Blue Ribbon Beef BEEF LIVER Blue Ribbon Beef RUMP ROAST Fresh Lean supreme American Hostess Premium ICE 1/2 CREAM Funny Face DRINK MIX grape, lemonade, punch or che Lb. 99 Lb. 79C Lb. $129 Blue Ribbon Beef T-BONE STEAK Blue Ribbon Beef RUMP ROAST Blue Ribbon Beef SIRLOIN STEAK 6 Lbs. or More lb. U N Limit I with $10 Order 1 PUNCH 11 DETERGENT 8qt. *$Il rry Piggly Wiggly Yellow Cling PEACHES onl, 29 OZ. CAN halved or sliced I M ... .- Fmz" 8 oz. SFrozen kg. / Itftp Morton's TICKS4 8 APPLE or A PEACH PIES 24oz.pkg. 9i .. E LEMONADE 54 SHRIMP 8. k. 8 HUSH l.f 'N" BATTER c PUPPIES 5 I I iIi i I -,11 k-$ mm:M. ;,.:. .. , Washington State Sunbeam ARed Delicious BREAD 3 APPLES. 35 0 iA I F125OctR. Sunnyland 8oz. 3 F LORIDA WHIPPED tumblers ORANGES de OLEO- Freh E MED. 5 CRAN- lb g 1c;EGGS W`0 BERRIES S Qu oed Fresh 39 Seecte a* :Wil IMPERIAL %j c CRISP stalk 3c YELLOW 2O EKG- MARGARINE CELERY ONIONS 3b. 59bg .. .....12....Z ..PK .:.. .., ..........5 Green Giant ;.S. or W.K. Golden * Piggly Wiggly Has A Complete Supply Of Raisins, Fruits, Nuts And Other Fruit Cake Materials On Display For Your Selection. For Dishwasher CASCADE Green Giant NIBLET CORN 16 oz. cans SGentle White Detergent . IVORY LIQUID B B3a Smooth or Crunchy PEANUT BUTTER t Hunt's Lasagne or Stroganof SKILLET DINNER Crest Mint Flavored or Regular TOOTH PASTE 35 oz. box 12oz. 89c 39c 22oz.btle. 69 18oz.jar 88 17oz.pkg. 99c 8.75 oz. tube $119 24ozcan 88 200ct. 00 boxes Northern--60 Ct. Pkg. 18 FAMILY NAPKINS c MARS CANDY mky way be 7 bar, 3 musketeers bar, mar' almond bar, snik snake stiks, ma&m plain & peanut chocolate candies, 90c VALUE I o' marathon bar Prell 11oz. .149 LIQUID SHAMPOO I 5 Ib. bag -i packed 2 to bag I U Cudahy VIENNA SAUSAGE 3 Dinty Mode BEEF STEW Lay Scott FACIAL TISSUE Halved PEARS 16 oz. cans -W--~----'~`~~~~' A I SI: s< 4o l o o MINUTES SchoolBoard - - The Gulf County School Board met in regular session on November 4, 1975 with the following members present: Wallace Guillot, Chairman; J. K. Whitfield; Gene Raffield; Herman Ard and Fred Greer,. The Superintendent, Direc- tor of Administration and Director of Instruction were present. The meeting was opened with the invocation by Ard, and followed by the pledge of NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is'hereby given that the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, is considering an application to the Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development for a Community Development Block Grant Final Application. The Projects being considered are as 'follows: (1) Day Care Center In North Port St. Joe (2) Install heat, lights and plumbing in North Port St. Joe Recreation Center (3) Install Storm Drainage in North Port St. Joe (4) Install Storm Drainage in Mill- view Addition Unit III (5) Teen Center and Arts & Crafts Center in North Port St. Joe (6) Install new lighting and rebuilt grandstand at Baseball Park in North Port St. Joe A hearing concerning these projects will be held by the City of Port St. Joe City Commission on January 6,1976, and January 7, 1976, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the City Hall of Port St. Joe. Further information pertaining to this application may be obtained from the City Clerk. -s. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk S' 5t12-4 REQUESTS BIDS The School Board of Gulf County re- quests bids on weather proofing of gym- nasium roof at Port St. Joe Elementary School, Long Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, an area consisting of approxi- mately 88 squares. Weather proofing shall include strip- ping and removal of wastes of present built-up roof, any repairs required for proper installation of weather proofing materials, and installation. Bidders are invited to Inspect the roof at the Ele- mentary School site. Bidders shall include in bid the type of installation they propose to make with ke specifications of material to be used and warranty to cover. Co c ocess roof system will be constr with other types. - Address all bids in a sealed envelope to' Mr. J. David Bidwell, Superintendent of -4 Schools, Gulf County School Board, Port St. Joe, Florida. Not to be opened until 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 16, 1975. The envelope containing the bid must be plainly marked "Roof Bid, Port St. Joe Elementary School." The Board reserves the right to reject ,,-any or all bids received. 2t 12-4 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of WHIT- FIELD'S BAIT & TACKLE at Port St. Joe, Florida, and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Larry Ray Whitfield, 50 per cent. . Dennis W. Whitfield, 50 per cent. -s- Larry Ray Whitfield -s- Dennis W. Whitfield 4tp 11-27 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. W Case No. 75-175 ST. JOSEPH TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Plaintiff, vs. S-WILLIAM F. SIMPSON and BEN, D. COTTON, individual- .y and d-b-a RECYCLE COR- PORTION OF AMERICA, Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Ben D. Cotton 215 W. Edwin Circle ~' Memphis, Tennessee 38104 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Complaint filed and you are required to serve a copy of your Answer or other response to the Complaint on Petitioner's Attorney: ROBERT M. MOORE, Esq. P. O. Box 248 Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 and file the original thereof in the Circuit Court Clerk's Of- fice, Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Florida on or before the 2nd day of January, 1976. If you fail to do so, a Final Judgment for the relief sought may be granted by De- fault. DATED this the 21st day of November, 1975. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk of Circuit Court "By: -s- Margaret S. Core, Deputy Clerk 4t 11-27 allegiance. Joe Thomas met with the Board regarding his being re- fused the use of the dark room at Wewahitchka High School for the purpose of learning film developing. The Superin- tendent was instructed to con. tact the principal of the school and to inform Mr. Thomas regarding the decision. A group of citizens met with the Board regarding a book from the Port St. Joe High NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Port St. Joe sitting as the Board of adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Hall, Port St. Joe, Florida, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., Tuesday, December 16, 1975, to determine whether the City will authorize a deviation to Zoning Ordi- nance No. 5 for variance of one foot on Lot 6, Block 111 in St. Joe Sub-Division. -s- C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 12-4 BID NO. 192 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on, the following described Items: 600'-2" galvanized pipe, standard threaded ends w-couplings , 50-2" x ~" x 2" galvanized tees, threaded 50--%" x V/" galvanized bell re- ducers, threaded 50-Sprinklers (Nelson model silver spray full circle or equal), male threaded (NOTE! All of above must be "Dome. stic" pipe and fittings) Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. 192". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P. O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., December 16, 1975. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Com- mission Meeting December 16, 1975, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. -s- C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 12-4 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare un 1a&"',that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of WOOD- FAIR MANUFACTURING COMPANY at Hwy. 98, St. Joe Beach, Port St. Joe, Florida. 32456 and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Charles H. Harvell, 30 per cent. James A. Cox, Jr., 30 per cent. Allen L. Harvell, 40 per cent. -s- Charles H. Harvell -s- James A. Cox, Jr. -s- Allen L. Harvell 4t 11-27 IN CIRCUIT COURT FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN RE: Estate of E. C. PRIDGEON, Jr.,-deceased NOTICE OF PROBATE TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF SAID DECEDENT: YOU ARE HEREBY notified that a written instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of said dece- dent has been admitted to probate in this Court. You are hereby commanded within six calendar months from the date Of the first publication of this notice toappear in this court and sho" cause, if any you can, why the action of this court in admitting said will to probate should not stand unrevoked. -s- George Y. Core,.- Clerk Circuit Court Gulf County, Florida. First publication on November 20, 1975. 4t 11-20 SLegal Advertising School Library which was not suitable for high school read- ing. The Superintendent read a recommendation of the com- mittee investigating the book whereby the \book would be placed on the restricted list. It was the opinion of the group of citizens that the book should be removed from the library. On motion by Greer, seconded by Raffield, all voted Yes to remove the book from Port St. Joe High School and destroy it. On motion by Whitfield, seconded by Ard, all voted Yes to approve the minutes of October 7 and October 16. The Superintendent present- ed correspondence received during September. No action was required. On motion by Greer, second- ed by Ard, all voted Yes to the following personnel matters: -Approve Bryan Baxley for extra compensation for "B" team football coach at Wewa- hitchka High School; -Approve Hazel Lister as a two-hour worker for the Wewahitchka Elementary School lunchroom. On motion by Ard, seconded by Raffield, all voted Yes to grant permission to Debbie Carr and Gerry Jones, stu- dents at Wewahitchka High School, to attend Gulf Coast Community.College on early admissions basis. Letters of suspension were received from Edwin Wil- liams, Assistant Principal, Port St. Joe High School, re- garding violation of the rules by students at this school. On motion by Raffield, seconded by Greer, all suspensions were unanimously approved. Charles Gaskin, Board Architect, met with the Board to discuss the new gymnasium for Wewahitchka High School, and the vocational building for Port St. Joe High School. Mr. Gaskin was instructed to ex- pedite these plans all possible and trpgrt back to the Board. On option bhy4RIaffield, seco3 Gby Greer, programs for adults were unanimously approved. Programs for Highland View Elementary School, Port St. Joe High School, and Port St. Joe Elementary School were unanimously approved on motion by Raffield and seconded by Ard. On motion by Ard, seconded by Whitfield, the Board voted unanimously to have all ac- counting records performed by the Washington County School Board's computer ac- counting system, and to direct the Board's attorney to nego- tiate with the Burroughs Cor- poration regarding the machine now being used by the Board. The Director of Administra- tion presented a report on the repair of the roof at Port St. Joe Elementary School. Sev- eral contractors had been contacted with several esti- mates furnished for this re- pair. The Board will investi- gate the possibility of making immediate repairs until a per- manent roof could be install- ed. The Director of Instruction presented the. updated Com- prehensive Plan, as required by the Department of Educa- 1~ p a II -U tI: p p -p p 1' a -p 0 1' -P -a -a 1' P -p 1' p 'I p -a a a a a tr a a p b I'p a. a a a a fl 0.~~~.~ tion. Upon motion by Greer, seconded by Ard, all voted Yes to approve this plan. The Board discussed imple- menting a Navy R.O.T.C. pro- gram at Port St. Joe High School. On motion by Whit- field, seconded by Greer, all voted Yes to request the Superintendent to write the Department of the Navy ad- vising them of their interest for the 1976-77 school year. There being no further busi- ness, the Board adjourned to meet again in regular session December 2, 1975. The Gulf County School Board met in special session on November 18 at four p.m. The following members were present: Wallace Guillot, Fred Greer and Herman Ard. Board members Raffield and Whitfield were absent. The Superintendent was pre- sent. Motion was made by Greer, seconded by Guillot, to ap- point Ard as Chairman of the Board for 1976. There being no further nominations, it was unanimously voted to appoint Ard chairman. On motion by Guillot, seconded by Greer, all voted Yes to appoint Whitfield Vice- Chairman. On motion by Guillot, seconded by Guillot, Kathy Bryant was unanimously granted permission to con- tinue her education at Wewa- hitchka High School. A request from Joyce Wil- liams that her son Jamie be allowed to attend Highland View Elementary School was unanimously approved on motion by Guillot and second- ed by Greer. Each Board member was presented with revised, job descriptions. These will be discussed at the regular meet- ing December 2. The Board discussed the ' services being furnished by Thuro-Clean Systems. A spe- cial meeting will be held November 24 at four p.m. to discuss these services. There being no further busi- ness, motion was made by Greer, seconded by Guillot, that the board adjourn to meet again in special session Nov- ember 24. All voted Yes. The Gulf County School Board met in special session on November 24, with the fol- lowing members present: Herman Ard, Chairman; Wal- lace Guillot; J. K.'Whitfield; Fred Greer and Gene Raffield. The Superintendent and At- torney were present. The meeting was opened with the invocation by Guillot, and followed by the pledge of allegiance. The Board met to discuss the contract with Thuro-Clean Systems regarding custodial services at the school centers. On recommendation of the Board. Attorney, the School Board will hold their contrac- tual payment in escrow to pay employees; inventory all equipment and supplies now being used by Thuro-Clean; request a list of all outstand- ing checks to employees and for supplies. On motion by Whitfield, seconded by Raffield, to ter- minate the custodial contract with Thuro-Clean Systems in the most expedient manner, as their representative indi- cates they are unable to.fulfill this obligation, and have the Superintendent withhold any money due Thuro-Clean until a future meeting where Thuro- Clean has furnished the Board a list of outstanding itemized obligations to employees which have worked in the school system, including sal- aries which have not been honored. In addition, Thuro- Clean will furnish the Board a list of outstanding obligations with creditors of supplies and materials used in the school system. Motion was made by Raf- field, seconded by Guillot, that the Board employ as of this. date, same personnel at the same hourly rate, through December 2, 1975. At the Dec- ember 2 meeting, a recom- mendation from the principals will be considered. ,The Gulf County School Board met in special session on November 26 with the fol- lowing members present: Herman Ard, Chairman; Wal- lace Guillot; Gene Raffield; J. K. Whitfield and Fred Greer. The Superintendent and At- torney were present. The meeting was opened with the invocation by Ard, and followed by the pledge of "allegiance. The Board met to discuss the contract for custodial ser-, vices with the Thuro-Clean Systems. A group of employ- ees of the Thuro-Clean Sys- tems, representatives for the Florida First National Bank, and representatives for Thuro-Clean Systems met with the Board. The matter of salaries due employees was discussed, and payments due for supplies. The Board attorney recom- mended that the Board with- hold the monies due Thuro- Clean and place in the court since the contract had been abandoned. On motion by Raffield, sec- onded by Guillot, that this matter be tabled until the reg- ular meeting of December 2, all voted Yes. H & R Block is looking for a responsible individual capable of operating a volume tax business. Prior tax knowledge, while helpful, is not necessary. The Block franchise is compatible with most other service-oriented businesses. We furnish: *TRAINING SUPPLIES ADVERTISING "HR 3a a eic America's Largest Tax Service I I TO: i-3~r3 p o 2245 So. Monroe Tallahassee, Fla. 32301 Please send me your brochure outlining the H & R Block Fran- chise Program. I understand there is no obligation on my part. Name Address I City/State/Zip Code Telephone No OEMm- I I I U.. serve the 400 students of the Baptist Bible Institute and to work with its president, Dr. James Southerland. Dr. Morley, who is in his sixteenth year as president of Gulf Coast, was elected to a full three-year term on the In- stitute's board of trustees. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. PAGE ELEVEN Harrison Promoted to PFC Marine Private First Class Tony V. Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Harrison of 137 Bellamy Circle, Port St. Joe, has been meritoriously promoted to his present rank upon graduation from recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C. He received the early pro- motion for his superior per- formance in all phases of the training, which emphasizes physical conditioning, discip- line and teamwork. Godwants you to celebrate America's bicentennial... by helping others. Practice what you pray. ~ii~ia a~a~*io, ir)~~~ St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Co. will install during December, a Color Phone Extension (Desk or Wall) without Service Connection 7 ,.,;,/ "a ~ I fr/ 4 04 I I You need only to pay a small monthly extension charge of $1.50 per month for resident extensions or $1.75 per month for business extensions. Contact your Local Telephone Business Office today for More Information 227-2961 :1 President of Gulf Coast Community College, Dr. Ric- hard E. Morley, was recently elected to the Board of Trus- tees of the Baptist Bible Insti- tute of Graceville by the Flor- ida Baptist Convention."i Dr. Morley who, with his wife Eleanor, has long been a personal supporter of the In- stitute, noted that many for- mer Gulf Coast students had helped strengthen the ties be- twen the two institutions. - "We have had a number of students go on from here to complete their ministerial training and, through the Bap- tist Bible Institute, become ministers of music or mini- sters of education," Dr. Mor- ley said. Dr. Morley added that he was very pleased to have been given this opportunity to THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1975 Dr. Richard E. Morley Dr. Rik Morley On BBI Board DEPEND ON St. Joe Auto Parts Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years FOR QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE PARTS EXPERT MACHINE SHOP SERVICE WE'RE , HEAD- ^ HUNTERS SPECIALISTS IN CYLINDER HEAD RECONDITIONING ENGINE BLOCK RECONDITIONING CYLINDER HEAD CRACK REPAIRS BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum) and QUALITY PARTS "Press Work" Phone 227-2141 '201 Long Ave. COMPLETE Machine Shop Now Operating In Port St. Joe Machine Repairs Fabricating Welding All Types EMORY STEPHENS ST. JOE Machine Company 506 First St. Phone 229-6803 or Color Charges for Qur Subscribers St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph 502 Fifth Street Port St. Joe, Florida -IP AND MAIL TODAY >.aMMMWWIT v r-ViuS^ ~.aaaa.6b.lsolsrsoa~ia~ibacaal~~a~,.pj)o 1-1 - -- N, -n JewI I 1 [ I. DEL MONTE SEASONED SLICED Green Beans GARDEN Lindy Peas 3 ARMOUR Beef Stew KRAFT SALAD DRESSING 1000 Isle PLAIN OR IODIZED Morton's Salt 10. 303 CAN NO. 303 CANS 33' 89* 24 OZ. CAN 97* 16OZ. BTL. 99 ROUND BOX 19 Register Here For $1080 To Be Given Away Daily Over Radio Station WJOE PIKNIK CLIAMIT I WITH $10 OR MORsE PFOOo ORDER) MAYONNAISE LADY SCOTT S~2 ROLL PILLSBURY(LItT I WITH $1BOR MORE FOOD ORDER) FLOUR 5 LB. BAG ALL FLAVORS Hawaiian Punch 46OZ.CAN 65 IGA Peanut Butter 18 OZ. JAR81 KRAFT GRAPE JAM OR Grape Jelly 18 OZ. JAR 79 NESTLE'S Chocolate Quick Oz. 69 DISINFECTANT Lysol Spray 21 OZ. CAN29 32 OZ. j -thip' S' BA Chicken tGA BARTLETT PEAR HALVES 1 0 COLD POWER (LIMIT I WITH Us OR MORE Foop ORDER) IGA DINNERS MACARONI & CHEESE 71/4 OZ. F 4(G ~NO 205 Third St. RICH & SON'S FOODLINER Port St. Joe, Fla. Dec. 11-12-13 Quantity Rights Reserved Wi CANS V$ 17 OZ. CANS " * 11111 49 OZ. PKG. M94 q 4, 'w";,40 p produce ,,Slp roduce " P.E.A.R.-S7-- - PA A.T -0 E-S ( 0 Specials Good 1 61 1 |