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v a THIRTY-NINTH YEAR, NUMBER 12 Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975 15 Cents Per Copy City Insurance Costs Take A Giant Leap Toward Ionosphere Park Plans On Display First Contract Satisfied Band Rated "Superior" by Contest Judges Port St. Joe High School'sband travelled to Panama City Saturday afternoon to participate in the Florida State Bandmaster's Association marching contest. The band competed in the event in Tommy Oliver. Field, along with other bands of the Northwest Florida area. For the first time in several years, the band received a unanimous "Superior" rating from the judges for the event. The band was judged for their playing ability, marching expertise and the general effect of the band. The band will enter the second phase of the area judging in March of next year when they compete in the concert judging. A "Superior" rating in this competition would make the group eligible to participate in the state contest. It has been awhile since a local band has qualified for this opportunity. ,. The band is under the direction of Ray Smith, who is in his first year here at Port St. Joe High. His assistant is Miss Ann Aldridge. The band is shown in the photograph above as they appeared in Tommy Oliver Field Saturday afternoon. Star photo The County Commission- appointed committee met last Thursday morning with rep- resentatives of the prospec- tive donor for a new library building to get the donor's proposal. As a result of the meeting, the committee will recom- mend to the Gulf County Commission that they proceed with consideration of accept- ing the offer. Cub Pack Gets Active Again Port St. Joe Cub Scout Pack 47 will have its monthly meet- ing Tuesday night, November 25 at 7:30 in the St. Joe Ele- mentary cafeteria. Several awards are to be presented at this meeting.. It is important that each Cub Scout's parent or guard- ian be present. Also, anyone is interested in working in the Cub Scout program is urged to attend or contact any Den mother or the Cubmaster. Volunteers are desperately needed before a membership drive can be started, or any new Scouts added to the Pack. Early Paper Next Week The Star will be printed and delivered a day early next week due to the Thanksgiving holidays. The Star will be printed on Tuesday afternoon and be distributed through the mails on Wednesday. The publishers of the newspaper will close next weeks paper to advertis- ing and news copy next Monday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. The donor would give a, specified amount of cash and make annual payments of a stated sum for ten years for operation purposes if the coun- ty would furnish the remain- der of the money needed to build and operate the facility. No details are being made public at this time until the agreement can be worked out. Commission chairman El- dridge Money appointed a committee composed of Mon- ey, Otis Davis, Jr., Silas Player, Charles W. Brock, Tom S. Coldewey, Charles Smith, W. B. Simmons and Mrs. James T. Mceill, with William J. Rish and Mrs. Jane Patton, District Librarian to serve as ex-officio members. Money charged the commit- tee to make a study for a complete library for Port St. Joe and Wewahitchka, sug- gesting a location, building proposal, financial require- ments and operational plans. This committee is expected to begin their deliberations immediately. I Insurance, principally its cost, shook the City Commis- sion Tuesday night, when the agent writing the City busi- ness at the present, Tomlinson Insurance Agency, notified the Board their insurance coverage for the new fiscal year would run $63,479.00. This didn't include malpractice in- surance for the Municipal Hospital which will run an additional $10,000. This amounts to almost a full mill in taxes at the present valua- tion of city property. Tomlinson said rate in- creases, increased coverage on more personnel and the wastewater Treatment plant has jumped the insurance bill dramatically from the ori- ginal .three-year bid which was let two years ago. Tomlinson pointed to the difficulty of securing mal- practice insurance for the hospital but said he could offer the coverage. Tomlinson said, that in view of the present insurance mar- ket, it might be to the City's advantage to re-bid the busi- ness, even though his firm has another year to go on his contract. The Commission asked Tomlinson to come up with mal-practice figures at the next meeting and at that time, the Board would make a decision on the matter. PLAN PRESENTED Richard Barrett, of the De- partment of Community Af- fairs, presented the Board ** 10 Cases City Ends Fiscal Year In the Black Tried In Court_... Gulf County Circuit Court disposed of ten criminal cases on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Judge Larry G. Smith presided over the ses- sion. , On Monday, the case of David Phillip Graves, charged with aggravated assault, was continued to the February 16 session. .A jury ruled that Ronnie Kenneth Wood was not guilty on a charge of aggravated assault. Tuesday, a jury ruled that Willie Lee Butler was not guilty of a count of burglary and dismissed a case of break- ing and entering ..against- Johnny Mack Harrell, both of whom were charged with breaking into Rich's IGA. A case of grand larceny against Raymond and Martha Smit lwas continued to a later session of court. They are charged with moving mort- gaged furniture. Donald Earl Stark's case on a charge of three counts pertaining to narcotics was continued. Donald Dewey Brake will be sentenced today as the result of a. charge of carrying a concealed weapon, A state grand jury charge against Madaline Raffield, Sigrid Geissler and Hans Geissler for trafficking in nar- , c6tics was continued. Steve Gardner entered a guilty plea to a count of aggravated assault and was given two,. years probation. Charles Wayne Gable, charged with buying and rec- ceiving stolen goods had his case continued. Ard to Chair School Board The School Board met Tues- day evening in special session to appoint officers for the new fiscal year. The appointment sessionn was held all over the state by the various school boards in keeping with Florida law. The Gulf County Board se- lected Herman Ard of Port St. Joe to serve as their chairman for the coming year. Ard is in his first term as a school board member. Veteran board member, Kenneth Whiifield,. was nam- ed to thp post of Vice-Chair- man b, the Board.' 'V The City ended its fiscal year on October 1 and Clerk Charles Brock presented the Commission Tuesday night, with a year-end financialstatement which - showed the City ended the year with money in the bank not much, but still, money in the bank. Brock's report showed the general operating budget en4ed its fiscal year.with $55,134.25 in its operational account. This was a little less than was left last year and Brock warned that it may be more than will be left at the end of the present fiscal year if spending isn't carefully watched. - The City spent less than it had budgeted and took in :.more. .than- ;it. anticipated. Budgeted expenses for the general operation for fiscal 1974-75 was $632,871.00 The City spent $577,736.15. The City collected $709,803.64 from its various sources of revenue for the year; $76,932.64 more than anticipated. A sum of $24,944.85 was 'transferred to the Water and Sewer Department for capital expen- ditures. This doesn't mean the, City is $55,000 this side of being broke. Squirreled away , savings accounts and investments is some $337,702.79 in money set aside for replacing property and equipment, police retirement and bond sinking funds. Most of the unbudgeted income came from cigarette taxes, property taxes, miscellaneous income, interest earned on invested money and federal revenue sharing funds. Although spending was within the budget, several areas went over the anticipated needs. Repairs to streets, parks and cemeteries from adverse wea- ther conditions this year ran these budgets in the red. The storms cost the City $17,000 more than it expected to spend in these areas. The City Water and Sewer Depart- ment worked its financial program out almost even. The Department took in $1,200 more than it spent for operations. Committee Takes Its First Rotary Charity Ball Scheduled The-Port St JeRtr maeIn. advance-by-c Allng-- A The Port St. Joe Rotary Club is now making plans for their thirteenth annual charity ball, according to Chauncey Costin, chairman of the event. Costin said the ball will be held Saturday, December 6 in the Centennial Building with the Bay High School Dance Band providing the music. The Bay High Band scored a hit with those attending the ball for the Golden Anniver- sary Celebration and they are being brought back for the December affair. Tickets are now on sale by all members of the Rotary Club at $10.00 per couple. Table reservations may be made in advance by calling Ted Cannon at the Florida First National Bank at Port St. Joe. f< tl p All proceeds irom mthe ban are used each year by the Club for charitable work in the county. Sharks Going Into State Championship Play-offs Port St. Joe's Sharks Alachua-Santa Fe, win- ootball team will go into ner in District Four here he state championship in Port St. Joe Friday, lav-offs this year as the November 28. result of their District Three championship win over the Blountstown Ti- gers last Friday night. The Sharks will meet The Santa Fe squad, like the Sharks, own an 8-1 won-loss record for the season. Present for the meeting are shown above, left to right: Dr. Richard Morley, (, 1Board M eets H ere President of the College; Marvin Urquhart, attorney; Dr. Bill Carter, George G. Tapper, chairman; Helen Sowell, Dr. Robert King, Ted R. Bowers, Lee Gulf Coast Community College Board of Directors met here in Port St. Joe Henderson, director of the Community College System of Florida; Ed last Thursday for their annual session held in the county. The Board met in the Bandjough and Dr. Larry Tyree, executive vice-president of Gulf Coast. Gulf County Courthouse, taking up their regular order of business. Those Star photo with a finished plan for devel- opment of the old Washington High School area into a com- munity recreation facility. Barrett had cost estimates for the job which ran to an estimated $80,000. The money for the development will be made available from a gov- ernment block grant arranged by the Northwest Florida Planning and Advisory Coun- cil. The plans are on display at the City Hall for those who are- interested to make an inspec- tion and possible recommen- dations for changes. PAY ZURN The City closed out the first phase of the various contracts which were made to construct the Wastewater Treatment plant this week, when they paid Zurn Industries $29,000 as the final payment on the incinerator for the plant. The City had been holding the money until the furnace was made operational. Zurn had signed documents signifying that the problem of the fur- nace was in a design area approved by the plant engin- eer, so the City had no recourse but to pay the bill. Variuos other portions of the plant project are still being negotiated by the City due' to problems in operation and alleged errors in the construc- tion process. OTHER BUSINESS In other matters, the Com- mission: -Received a letter from the Department of Environmental Regulation praising the City's efforts with the Wastewater Treatment plant and the de- gree of treatment being per- formed at the lant. The letter especially lauded plant man- ager Bob Simon for his efforts in making changes in the plant to make it operate properly. -Ordered the Police De- partment to survey City streets in preparation to es- tablishing a more realistic speed limit. -Instructed assistant police chief Leroy Roberson to con- tinue with his efforts recently inaugurated to collect parking fines. Roberson said he had the .unpaid tickets filed ac- cording to license numbers and is sending notices for payment. He said the system was resulting in a higher percentage of collections. Juvenile Returned On Charge A male juvenile was return- ed to Port St. Joe and charged with aggravated battery and burglary with intent to com- mitt an offense. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence stated that the juvenile appar- ently several weeks ago 'en- tered a house in Overstreet, took some money, and attack- ed a young housewife who re- turned home and surprised the intruder. The suspect fled to Georgia where he was arrested for an offense committed there. A Gulf County deputy and a Division of Youth Services counselor picked him up and brought him back to Gulf County. The juvenile is pre- sently in the DYS Dententidn Center in Panama City. Gulf County deputies inves- tigating the incidents esta- blished the identity of the sus- pect by photographs and later on in a line-up. The arrest was the result of several days' investigation by the Sheriff's office. Step In Library Projecf I~ I- C--- 0- t-1 .-aGE> TWO THE S. TRPotS. Joe.la. TH UR SDA Y,- N- O V. 17 THE STAR- *\ .Published Every Thursday at 306 Williamrs Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida By The Star Publishing Company Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Wesley R. Ramsey .......................................... Editor and Publisher William H. Ramsey .................. ... Production Supt. J, Frenchie L. Ramsey ............................................... Office Manager I Shirley K. Ramsey........................................ Typesetter, Subscriptions 2" POSTOFFICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ^ IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY-One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, 57.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable vi 2 for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely i. asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. IEDITORIALS... SLibrary Will Enhance SOur Image of"Home" One of the biggest stirs from a include construction of a new lib news story in several years was building, there were, always s received here at The Star last week ingly more important, things ; :after the paper hit the streets with ping up to erode away the p our story on the new library last which was being built for week. We didn't really know there construction. With about $50,00 -=was such strong feeling in favor of in the pot and the donation by .- construction of a library building good samaritan, it looks as if we :-here until that story was published, finally score. -We are gratified over the expres- For a number of years, P sion. Joe has been just the place w -s While we are gratified over the Joe has bn u population earn :reaction to the story, we are more m happens to live. No ghyliving and happens to live. Now gratified that our city has this becoming home, since another -chance to have what it has needed eration is reaching adulthood. Jyfor many years. We have had library erauction of the new library jz facilities for nearly 25 years, but the struction of the new library service has always operated out of make our home more complete scfeel it will add to the pride ir :someone's hip pocket or in make- town, the prestige of the town shift quarters. Happily, it seems as further enhance that imag .- if these days are -numbered.. "home" as well asservea very The voluntary action of a donor need- to asr people. '- `'sr r -, who has said he wishes to finance at e least a part of a library building is It's no secret that we ar :J.the shot in the arm this project favor of construction of a needs. While the County Commis- library. The sooner it gets done sion set out- in their plans for better we'll like it. Apparently t .spending revenue sharing money to are many of you who feel the s. We 've Started Digging e arte^ Several years ago Russian ;, Premiere Nikita Krusehev an- nounced, "We will bury you". We believe that we here in the United States will beat him to the draw. In our opinion, we took up the shovel to start digging the grave last week, when the House passed legislation raising the federal debt limit to $959 billion. We now owe $561 billion and : will take in an estimated $350 billion ;:this year. It takes no whiz at mathematics to see that our debt will have the .capability of going to three times oui annual revenue if the Senate ap- ... proves the bill. That's dangerous ground for you and I and we believe it's dangerous ground for the Fed- eral Government as well. There is no doubt in our mind -but what the Russians are chortling With glee over this news. Now they have us where they want us. : With a debt of this sort we can't Swage a conventional war because we rary eem- crop- purse *its 0 left our e will rt St. where s its x it is gen- Con- will e. We n the Sand e .of , real - re in new e, the there ame. can't afford it. Even if we had the natural resources, we just couldn't raise the money to finance another war. With the coming of the SALT treaty, neither could we wage an atomic war.- Now, all the Russians have to do, when they get ready, is to engage us in a conventional war. Even if we win the war, we will be so bankrupt after it is over, the Russians will just have. to start up their oil wells and their mines and move in and take us over. Maybe we just don't understand the situation, but it doesn't seem to be far-fetched to us. If we are going to tell New York City they were stupid in spending themselves into: bankruptcy and they need to get their financial house in order, what's wrong with applying. the same advice to the United States of America? The Port St. Joe Lions Club entertained at a zone meeting last week, and, as usual, served up their famous barbecued ribs to the members and guests who came out for the event. In the photo above, left, Lion Bob Moore shows new member Dana Holton what it means to be blind by feeding him a plate of barbecues ribs while blindfolded. Sight conservation is the national project of Drive with Care During Holiday Unless all drivers exert ex- tra care for accident preven- tion, 28 persons may be killed in traffic crashes in Florida during the Thanksgiving holi- day period said the Florida Highway Patrol this week. "The traffic watch begins at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, Nov- ember 26, and ends at mid- night, Sunday, November 30," according to Colonel Eldrige Beach, director of the Patrol. This year's estimate is based on fatality experience observed during the past three Thanksgiving holidays along with an 11 percent decrease in traffic fatalities observed dur- ing the first 10 months of this year. "Let's demonstrate our thanks for the many blessings of this life by protecting each other from holiday accidents for what is more important than life itself," the Lions clubs. In the photo at right, chief chef Milo Smith turns a "hand" of ribs to make sure it gets done just right for delicious eating. Milo did his job well. The Lions and their guests consumed 130 pounds of barbecued ribs during the evening. Star photos ETAOIN SHRDLU By WESLEY R. RAMSEY It's funny how dogs and people are alike in so many ways. For instance, we have two poodles, at our house. There's Pierre, who is big enough to take care of himself and then there's Sidney, who would fit nicely inside Pierre's mouth if Pierre was to take a notion to put him there. Pierre and Sidney get along well together as long as things are going normal. Pierre will protect Sidney with a low, menacing growl if he thinks someone is trying to harm Sidney. They will roll and play and tumble. When Pierre gets into a chair or in his corner to sleep, Sidney will curl up in Pierre's front paws and sleep right there between his legs. They go outside together and usually stay pretty close wherever they are. .Hoboes Tested N Jail Facilities By CHARLIE WEBB When we finished our first pretty courthouse and jail, there was for a long time very little business in either one, especially the jail. Tle railroad ran through town and the freight trains would stop at a water tank to tak eon water for the train's steam engine. Some of the empty box cars would often contain young hoboes going South for the winter. Someone suggested this was a real op- portunity to exercise our own experiments in the wonderful and ageless aspects of law and order by pulling the young hoboes out of the box cars for a filler for the new jail. Even during this time the fast combat between punish- ment and freedom was close to the physical emotions of some people, so we began to say hello to the guilty and punishable hoboes at the water tank, put them in jail, then say good-bye 'to the cleansed and free hoboes be- ing shipped out in just 30 days at the same water tank and in the same kind of freight box cars. The population of the jail was constant and growing, Other Editors Say: Congress Has Missed the Red ,Ink Message Congress is wildly out of step with the people of the nation in the matter of big public spending with borrowed money. If any point emerged clearly around the country in many separate votes Nov. 4, it was the feeling almost everywhere that governments have piled up enough debt already. Bond issues and borrowing *--proposals were defeated in state after state. .Observers generally attributed the atti- tudes of the people to the spec- tacle of New York City about to collapse financially and damage its creditors and its citizens because of its fiscally irresponsible spending beyond its means for many years. Staggering debts have been piled up by the city, and now it can no longer borrow in nor- mal markets to continue living beyond its means. There is a national debate about whether the federal government can. or should, help it obtain new credit. With all these events on the front pages, voters in all parts of the nation turned the:nbs down on nearly all new local government spending schemes, not just those that would have been financed with borrowed money but also those which would have been paid for by new taxes. In short, voters appear to have decided it is time for the nation to clamp on the brakes against more borrowing and spending by governments. To most people, that ines- sage was made nearly two weeks ago in those widely separated votes by people against spending schemes. But did it get through to members of Congress? Well. on Wednesday. the House of Representatives authorized a level of federal spending for the current year that would drive the nation $73 billion or more deeper into debt. A move. sponsored by some Republicans, to reduce the overall spending ceiling by due to the equilibrium of the incoming guilty and the out- going of the cleansed. Most all things have perfect equili- brium on close observation, regardless of the topsy-turvey appearances. Some of us would gather around the jail in the evenings to hear the hoboes sing and play the harmonica. Some hoboes were good crayon artists, and we would put their beautiful sketches on the wall of our homes above the mantel clock. In return for the hoboes giving us 30 days of their valuable young lives in art and just $5 billion-just a few meager percentage points of the total-was voted down. The next major moves on spending will come in the Senate, where the starting point will be a proposed ceil- ing that would create an even larger deficit-more than $74 billion instead of $73 billion. President Ford is on record urging Congress to slow down national spending. But Wash- ington reports indicate neither the President nor the Con- gress is likely to do much except talk. The national debt now is $577 billion. Interest payments alone on that mountain of debts total $36 billion this year-the third largest cate- gory of federal spending-and will rise to $45 billion next year. Much of that money is owed to private individuals, and to privately owned institutions. They invested in federal securities on faith that the debts would be repaid. But sooner or later, the federal debt may grow so heavy that no prudent investor could have that confidence. When that day arrives and the federal government itself becomes a bad risk, the nation will face a crisis of a kind it might not survive. New York City overspent itself into just such shape. The people of the nation seem to have little trouble understand- ing that, nor is the parallel be- tween the city's mismanage- songs, we would give the hoboes syrup buckets of cook- ed fresh vegetables and fried chicken. The hoboes were happy, and we were happy too. It seems that generous giving often brings a happy thought of forgiveness, re- gardless of the guilt and inno- cence complex. What fate was ahead for the once pursued and ignoble hoboes? Have they today, through some quirk of the imagination and emotion become the noble pursuer of the ignoble guilty in the won- derful and ageless reality of guilt and innocence? White City will Hear Rev. James The White City Baptist Church will welcome Rev. Gerald James as guest speak- er on Sunday, Nov. 23. Rev. James is being considered for pastor of the church and will fill the pulpit for both morning and evening services. Plans for the day include food and fellowship at lunch- time. Everyone is invited to come and share basket lunch together. Rev. James is presently pastor at Mount Pleasant Bap- tist Church in Milton. He is a native of Gulfport, Miss., hav- ing graduated from William Carey College. Hattiesburg, Miss. He received his Mas- ter's degree in Theology at New Orleans Baptist Semi- nary. He and his wife Cecelia have one son, Mike, age 15. Everyone is invited to parti- cipate in the services of the day. Morning worship hour is at 11:00. and evening services begin at 7:00 p.m. meant and the federal govern- ment's fiscal foolishness too difficult for most persons to grasp. It seems, however, to elude the disorganized mob of poli- ticians in Congress and the White House. Perhaps the voters will step in and make wholesale changes in their leaders when the 1976 elec- tions arrive. -Tallahassee Democrat Things go along well: that is, until one gets something the other wants. One of the main bones of contention is a bone. A bone starts a fight among two fast and loyal friends which nothing else can. When there is only one bone between the two dogs, there is some teeth baring going on. It doesn't matter that Pierre is 10 times the size of Sidney, Sidney will bare his teeth, raise his hackles and let go with a threatening a growl as he can manage with his high tenor voice. Pierre lets him have it right back if Sidney, who is faster, happens to.get the bone and take off. Right now, there is a clean, well gnawed bone on the window sill where Pierre put it out of the reach of Sidney. I've noticed it there for several days. Pierre never goes to get it for a few minutes of delicious gnawing. He doesn't want it. He just has it there where Sidney can't get at it. Still, they play, sleep and eat together. Doesn't that sound just like a human being? 7- Even with the cold weathersltiverfng'down on us over the week end, many people turned out to enjoy the FSU Flying High Circus. The weather was so cold that even the fire built behind the concessions stand was looking for a coat, but the youngsters from Florida State went through their act and those present were appreciative. I saw some Florida State alumni, who shall remain nameless in deferrence to their team's record, at the Circus when they had been called to Tallahassee Saturday night for Homecoming. One FSU alumnus said, "I'd rather watch this circus here than drive to Tallahassee to see the one there". One guess as to who said it. I learned Saturday night that Port St. Joe's band made a "Superior" rating in their contest Saturday afternoon in Panama City. That's the first time a Port St. Joe band has made above zero in quite some time. I've been telling you here how good they are this year, and now those who judge such things for a living have said so. Come out and see them Friday night at the football game. Kenneth Creech came by the office last Thursday, after Veterans Day, and brought two newspapers which were announcing some of the reasons for the celebration of Veterans' Day. Kenneth had an old Dothan Eagle, printed in 1918, which was headlined, "PEACE, War Ends In Europe". The paper gave the full details of the signing of the Armistice and of the abdication by the Kaiser. Another paper, printed in Texas in 1928 was announcing the death of former President Woodrow Wilson. The story went on to detail how Wilson didn't die before he saw the establishment of his dream, The League of Nations, which was founded to ward off any World Wars in the future. We know Wilson's League of Nations didn't deter World War II, and by reading the papers in recent days, it looks as if the United Nations is not going to have much better luck with World War III. With the small left-leaning nations joining in a block to pass an necessary resolution opposing Zionism, the UN met on shaky ground last week. The United States even threatened withdrawal of its financial support of the organization if the resolution wasn't quashed. This, alone, is a precedent since the United States has been calmly shelling out the money to keep the circus on the Hudson operating while it seems as if the main order of business is to villify" our nation through the guise of championing peace. We have been paying the bill for these same nations to propagandize to the world about what ogres we are. You could tell it was getting close to a presidential election year. Senators Henry Jackson, Clifford Case and even Edward Kennedy stood up for the United States by saying the resolution was "irresponsible". Maybe some good will come out of that resolution after all. ___ .-PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1975 ;~~$--I THE STAR. Port St. Joe. Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1975 PAGE THREE i Front row, left to right: Cheryl Hatcher, Cindy Adkins and Regina Ellis. Back row, left to right: Sandra Varnum, Tammy Norwood and Janice Walton. Not shown is Gail Rodgers. This group of young ladies will be among the 13 participants in the Junior Miss Program to be held Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. in the Commons Area of the high school. Star Photo Annual Junior Miss Program Saturday The Port St. Joe Jaycees will present the annual Junior Miss Program, Saturday, November 22, at 8:00 p.m., est, at the Port St. Joe High School Commons Area. The 13 girls who will parti- cipate in the program will be judged on physical fitness, talent, personality, scholastic ability, and not beauty. Tickets may be purchased from any of the contestants or at the door the night of the program. Prices for adults are $2.00 and students $1.00. Mistresses of ceremonies will be Miss Jeri Rich and Miss Eva Maddox. y~wu,,1ePk., Py-jI -, 9 7 -. L- Sah .- OWJ sUE, *WI SW, S W' I 222 Reid Ave. 6z,24, A Welcome Surprise Ladies Pai Phone 227-4261- -? a on Christmas nt. Suits ULL ,75 to $1775 All polyester, washable, about 75 suits to choose from. Sizes 7 thru 24V2. Santa Says Select A Dress 10% to 50% off Great new holiday styles and colors. Jr., missy and half sizes. Entire Stock Ladies Coats- Reduced i 0%to50/ Special Group Children's DRESSES and PANT SUITS /3 to 1/2 off Mrs. Santa checked these and recom- mends super values. Values to $20. Santa says now is the timeto buy him a , SUIT and SPORT COAT I 20 o0/f This sale only. Models to suit every man. Some ensembles with a 2 pr. pants. Select today. Lay it away. irs'sumwa&A&sA&a&A& t a. CPO JACKETS 10% of Beautiful plaids. Boys sizes 10-20. Santa Santa Says Yes for Relaxing " for a Happy Christmas Day . Give Him Liesure Scuffs $3.75 to $5.75 Washable, asst. colors and fabrics. S, M, L &- XL. Observe Classrooms Four teachers from Lucille Moore Elementary School in Panama City spent the day at Port St. Joe Elementary School on Tuesday, November 11, observing in classrooms using the Individually Paced Instruction (IPI) Reading Program. Milton Acton, principal of Lucille Moore and chairman of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Visiting Committee which recently ac- credited the local school, was impressed 'with IPI and re- quested permission for his teachers to observe it in oper- ation. The Bay County teach- ers are considering adoption of the reading system in their classrooms. Local teachers whose class- rooms were observed were: Barbara Whitfield, second grade; Sylvia Costin and Avaryee Martin, third grade; Ruth Phillips, fourth grade; Virginia Blick, fifth grade; Martha Sanborn, sixth grade; and Lula Wilson and Madeline Wynn, Reading Lab. In addition to those classes listed above, IPI reading is also used in the Port St. Joe Elemental y School kindergar- ten. These beginning students undergo a thorough and ex- tensive readiness program which leads to the mastery of the 46 skills necessary to begin formal reading. The acquisi- tion of these skills before en- tering formal reading is of prime importance since stu- dies have shown that placing -pressure on children to read too early can result in learning disabilities and poor attitudes later on in school. IPI is a continuous progress program which stresses giv- ing the student a mastery of basic skills and allowing him to work at his own level of competency. All learning styles are provided for through the use of a variety of teaching materials. Interested parents are invited to contact the school for more informa- tion on this program. Ladies and Children's . "Wrangter" CreslaWi blend. SWEAT SHIRTS 10 o% ff So warm, soft and comfort- able. Sizes S, MA, L and XL. Santa says "Um! Um! So Comfy and Pretty" Children's Warm-, ... ... Gowns & Pajamas , 10% off Assorted sizes and colors. Infants thru boys 7 and girls thru 14. Select today. Use Boyles convenient lay-a-way. Santa Says Hurry! Men's Long Sleeve Sport Shiris Sport Shirts $2.75 to $4.75 Values to $11.00 in these shirts by Campus, Manhattan. Asst. colors and sizes. - -%.& --,%& A-"" Christmas Bazaar Set The Port St. Joe Garden Club will have a Christmas Bazaar from 10 a.m. to four p.m. this Friday and Saturday at the Garden Center on Eighth Street. There will be a selection of unusual items including hand- crafted Christmas decora- tions, potted plants, beautiful driftwood, clever note paper, collectable attic treasures, and a chance to relax, sit down with a nickle cup of coffee and a nickle homemade cookie and visit awhile. You'll find that special gift there. Mrs. Brinson Hosts Group Mrs. R. H. Brinson was hos- tess to Mission Group II of the First United Methodist Church on November 17. Prior to the meeting. Mrs. Brinson served refreshments to those attend- ing: Mesdames H. W. Griffin, Alfred Joines. Stella Farris. Roy Gibson. Sr.. Essie Wil- liams. George Suber. Charles Browne. Chauncey Costin. 0. M. Taylor. W. T. Mosely. Jr. and Miss Gertrude Boyer. Mrs- Joines opened the meeting with prayer. During the business meeting. officers for the new year were elected. Mrs. Charles Browne gave the program, reading the 1(0th P'salm. and a timely program on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Chauncey Costin in- ':ited the group to meet with her in December. Bake Sale Sat. On Saturday, November 22, beginning at nine a.m., there will. be a bake sale in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church. A wide variety of delicious baked "goodies" will be on sale Come early, have a cup of free coffee and select your favorites among the cakes, pies, cookies, candy, etc. The 50th Anniversary plates will also be available for purchase at this time'. A combination cake sale and flea market will be held at the Fiesta Fair at Mexico Beach this Saturday from 10 a.m., cst, until. The Fiesta Fair is located on Highway 98 in Mexico Beach. The cake sale is designed to offer some relief to the cooks in the family. Enjoy your holiday too. Cakes, pies, candy and cupcakes (all homemade) will be offered for sale. The sale is sponsored by the Mexico Beach Chamber of Commerce. There will be free booths for anyone wishing- to offer a flea market display at that portion of the Fair 'at Mexico Beach. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Ard are around to announce the birth of their son, James Brian. He was born at Bay Memorial the tenth of Novem- ber and weighed seven pounds, 412 ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Posey, all of Highland View. Sheila Lemiux Express Thanks The family of Marvin Lem- iux would like to express their deepest appreciation to all the churches of Gulf County and other areas for praying for their daughter, Sheila, during her serious illness. On October the 10th, :they were told of Sheila's condition, and later it was diagnosed as a malignant tumor. The doctor advised surgery as soon as possible. Becoming very; dis- turbed by this report, -they began to call on Christiahs to pray. Prayer was made" and the hand of God moved. On November 7th, when Sheila was again operated on, there was no trace, not even a scar, of any tumor. They praise God for this miracle, and for the Christians that prayed. Thank you. For Ambulance. Can 227-2311 BUY A DIFFERENT GIFT & While you shop at the Christmas "V Bazaar Fri. & Sat. 10-4 Cookies and Coffee 5 PORT ST. JOE GARDEN CENTER Eighth St. After Monday November 24, 1975 Dr. John V. Philpot's Medical Office in Port St. Joe Will be Closed He has accepted the position of Assistant Medical Director of Division Hospital in Lake City, Fla, and is returning to practice there in Division Hospital Clinic. First United Methodist Church Monument and Constition Port St. Joe, Fla. JOHNIE W. McCURDY, Minister CHURCH SCHOOL .................... 9:45 A.M. PREACHING SERVICE........ 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP.... 6:30 P.M., CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday)...... 7:30 P.M." , -r-r m ,~p~5;iD~iiD~`iL).~?;ipPii~;~i)D~PPB~? ProChngfmag ARTmENT sToRE DEPARTMENT STORE PAY CASH PAY LESS FAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. TIIURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1975 Assoc. Has Job Openings The Gulf County Association for Retarded Citizens an- nounces the following job openings in an adult activity center. 1. Director-Minimum re- quirements: four years col- lege degree with courses in rehabilitation or related fields. Should have at least two years full time paid em- ployment which includes ad- ministrative work, directing and supervising staff, pro- gram planning, and develop- ment. Three references should be provided. 2. Instructor Minimum two years college level course Work in fields related to re- '- habilitation of handicapped persons. One year experience. A sincere interest in mentally retarded adults. 3. Instructor aide-Qualifi- 1 cations: High school diploma or above. Experience in per- .. sonal care of children or adults having need for super- -'",. vision. Sincere interest in helping retarded persons. Pro- vide at least one reference. 4. Secretary aide-Qualifi- cations: Secretarial or college training, must be able to type Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Albany at Wewahitchka High School. !Thomas of Wewahitchka have Her fiance is currently serv- !:announced the engagement ing in the U. S. Navy. : and approaching marriage of . :their daughter, Bennye Lou, to The wedding will be an :Al Glaze, the son of Mr. and event of December 20 at 2:00 :Mrs. W. P. Glaze, also of p.m. at the First United 'Wewahitchka. Methodist Church in ,Wewa- Miss Thomas is a 1974 grad- hitchka. No invitations are -:uate of Florida State Univer- being sent, but all friends and Sity, and is presently teaching relatives are invited to attend. "M" Night Services ' Monday at Long Avenue : Southern Baptist Churches charge of this annual meeting. pof Gulf and Franklin counties "M" Night is mobilization ,will observe their annual "M" mght for Southern Baptists. At SNight meeting this year on this annual meeting emphasis Monday, Noviabers,24;-it 7a30 sise placed "upp training,, in .p.m. at the Long Avenue Bap- church membership. The spe- ;tist Church of Port St. Joe. cial speaker is Rev. Ben Pea- .:Rev. Lindsey Boyd, Minister cock, pastor of First Baptist .,of Education of the First Bap- Church of Panama City. it Church of Panama City is Special music for the meet- the Association Training ing will be provided by the 'snion Director. He will be ii: Praise Choir of the Long Avenue Baptist Church, along t, MANY, MANY THANKS with their youth ensemble, I, For your prayers, cards and which is known as "Jubila- tlowers during my recent ill- tion." ness. They meant so very The public is invited and all much to me and were deeply Baptists are encouraged to appreciated. So thanks again, attend. Rev. J. C. Odurn is Henry Campbell pastor of the host church. By Joe St.Clair Beauty is where you are. The story is told of the man walking through a Scottish moor, examin- ing flowers and blades of grass through lis pocket lens. A shepherd, moved by curiosity, drew near and watched with .inter- est. "Wouid you like to view this moss cup through my lens?" the man inquired of the shepherd. He eager- ly assented. He looked, his eyes filled with as- lonishment, and asked: "Can this be a ,moss cup?" Assured that it was, he looked again at .. the tiny flower through Sthe lens. "Sir, I wish you had never shown this to me." "Why?" the man asked in surprise. "Because." was the reply, "I tread on thousands of them every day of my life." Like the shepherd-so many people fail to see the beauty of life that sur- rounds us all. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: "HAPPI- NESS CAN NOT BE BOUGHT-IT IS EARN- SED.!" St. Clair Funeral Home 227-2671 ando o general bookkeeping. Resume should be in before November 24, and mailed to: Board of Directors, Gulf Co. A.R.C., P. 0. Box 296, Port St. Joe, 32456. Sybil Renee Underwood Sybil RenIee Underwood One Year Old Sybil Renee Underwood celebrated her first birthday, October 25. She is the daugh- ter of Clinton Underwood, and the late Margaret Underwood. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Willie R. Underwood. the members of the Church of Christ invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11:00 Sunday Night . .. 6:00 Wednesday Night .............. 7:00 Corner 20th St. & Marvin James Brantley, Minister Phone 229-8153 SEAMSTRESSES A New Pattern Making, Fitting & Design Method Copy or Design Your Own Clothes!!! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 2x NEVER BUY ANOTHER PATTERN Get That CUSTOM LOOK In Your Sewing Pt B LEARN HOW YOU CAN: *Eliminate costly & time-con suming alterations *Draft patterns to your size & contour 'Complete a garment in 2 hours *Get q good fit every time S Attend only one class BEGINNERS: Learn to fit before you learn to sew. D Prc or, Pa PRESENTS FOR PANAMA CITY THE FIRSTTIME Tuesday, DeL EVER IN PORT ST. SEVEN SEAS JOE Dining Room Rest. JOE 18 West 5th St. Mon., Dec. 1 1 l 0 J IMMY'S 90-MINUTE RESTAURANT CLASS Banquet Room Admission $3.50 504 less Hwy. 98 & 4th St. with this od Classes at 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Drafting materials for sale at class. Miss Brenda Guilford Honored with Shower Miss Brenda A. Guilford, bride-elect, was the recent honoree at a bridal shower held last Thursday. Hostessing the affair at the Mexico Beach Chamber of Commerce building were Mrs. A. A. St. John, Mrs. Reba Rheburg, Mrs. Barnie Earley and Mrs. George Holland. Miss, Guilford greeted her guests accompanied by her mother, Mrs. C. E. Guilford and her paternal grand- mother, Mrs. James Guilford. She was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Miss Guilford will become the bride of Louis Sanford Livings, December 5th at six p.m., CST, at the United Methodist Church at Mexico Beach. All friends and rela- tives of the couple are invited to attend. The reception will follow at the home of the bride at Mexico Beach. For her shower, the honoree wore a light blue three-piece pants suit. She was presented a corsage of white carnations with blue ribbons by the hos- tesses. . She is the daughter of Mayor and Mrs. C. E. Guilford of Mexico Beach. .. *. .*.*.* .~. .. . . . . *. ~. . . . .*.*.* * This washer stands up to hard use, thanks to a heavy duty mo- ,, tor and othir components used in Frigidaire Commercial Washers. It helps keep the shape and stretch in knits longer with the gentle wash action of the Frigidaire Knits cycle. You'll also find it helps keep wrinkles out of permanent press items with 3 Permanent Press Wash cycles. The matching Frigidaire Dryer lets you dry up to 18 pounds of laundry all at WC D-DEC once, and provides cycles specially . designed for knits and permanent press items. An Automatic Dry cy- cle turns off the heat when clothes Financing arranged in are dry. our store. We finance our own accounts. sEnjoy an oven that can clean while it cooks, even cook while you're away. From Frigidaire. Oven cleaning is less of a chore, thanks to continuous-cleaning side and back panels that begin reducing normal spatters to a present- ably clean appearance during normal baking or roasting. Spillovers should be wiped away. Bottom panel removes for sink-side cleaning of heavy soil. Automatic Cook-Master controls let you program the oven to cook a meal at preset time and temperature. On top of the range, a Heat Minder surface unit helps guard against boilovers. As an added convenience, Model REG-38 Easy-View surface unit controlsreveal a bright, easy-to-see orange strip when any sur- T dcoface heating unit is turned on. Trained servicemen to keep your appliance working. R Furniture and ROCHEIS Appliance Store : 209 Reid Ave. Phone 227-5271 Al Glaze Bennye Lou Thomas 5 10th St. ee Batey Ifessional Tail- Sea mstrees & pattern Maker THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1975 PAGE FIVE Ordination for James Maddox ular evening worship of the Lone Avenue Church. Friends of .Rev. and Mrs. Danny Maddox are especially invited to attend this service of ordination. Miss Pam Burch, bride- elect of William David Arnette III, was honored with a bridal shower on November 13, in the social hall of First Baptist Church. The' bride's chosen colors of blue and white were ,.,Mw _ M)r(e C( ristmnas tfor Y)ur Mon(ey OUR BIGGEST EVER FREE * GIFT-WITH-PURCHASE * With this coupon and any $20 i, purchase of Merle Norman * Cosmetics? you get our FREE Gift of a smart mock tortoise shell and crystal look purse. * Inside, a Holiday Collection of six Merle Norman beauty- * makers including: Intense Body * Moisturizer, Candescent Face 0 Makeup, Taupe Creamy Eye 9 Shadow, a Trio Compact with SSatin Sienna Lipstick, Tawny I 0 Cheek Color Creme and Russett Moist Lip Gloss. S Only at your mERLE noROMn COSmETIC STUDIO Aline's Beauty Salon 0 315 Williams Ave. Port St. Joe *Offer good through Dec. 25.1975 - or while supplies last at participating studios. Redeemable only at time of purchase. )used throughout the par area. Hostesses for the occasi< were: Gwen DeWitt, Car Dixon, Jean Fortner, Othec Gable, Dot Grossman, Cha lotte Pierce, Betty Pric Brenda Richards, Verr Smith and Sandra Swatts. Pam received many love and useful gifts from friend Mission Group Met Tuesday Mission Group I of the Fir! United Methodist Church m4 at 9:30 a.m. November 18 wit Mrs. Ralph .Swatts, Sr. Th business meeting was coi ducted by Chairwoman, Mr W. L. Altstaetter. Pledge cards were signed. Canne goods will be collected by tt group for a needy family. Mrs. Johnie McCurdy le a very inspirational Thank: giving program, with the a& distance of Mrs. Herman Dea and Mrs. Edwin Ramsei Thirteen members were pri sent for the meeting. The next meeting will be Christmas Party with Mr! Edwin Ramsey. ty and relatives that cal ing the appointed houi on moment of the gala ol the hostesses present da honoree with a silver r- tray. e, Pictured are left to na Mrs. William David Jr., mother of the ly elect, Pam, and Mrs. ds Burch, the honoree's Floyd, Swain S O s ISa Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. st ly of White City annou et marriage of their da h Anita Joyce Wimberly .e to Don Swain in the i n- S. ge *d ie d s- 5- If you soak badly stained dish towels in bleach and deter- gent in the kitchen sink, you'll bleach both towels AND sink Reg. Gas Ga. 539 Indep Open 6:30 AM to 8:30 Highway 98 led dur- rs. As a event, ted the serving Rev. J. C. Odum, pastor of the Long Avenue Baptist Church, announces plans for the ordination of James "Dan- ny" Maddox, a former mem- ber of their church. Danny, who was a resident of Port St. Joe and an em- ployee of Vitro Corporation for several years, is now a second-year student at Baptist Bible Institute in Graceville ,where he is earning a degree in theological education. Mr. Maddox has recently been called as pastor of the Bethle- hem Church at Kynesville, near Cottondale. The Long Avenue Baptist Church of Port St. Joe has been designated as the ordaining church. The service of ordination will be held at 4:00 p.m.. Sunday. November 23, in the -_;*'asli .' .:.' Miss Mary Jane Cathey Engaged o right: Mr. and Mrs. William 0. of Southern Mississippi. Mr. Arnette, Cathey, Jr. of Mexico Beach, Adkison is now stationed at groom- announce the engagement and Fort Sill, Oklahoma with the Roy L. approaching marriage of their United States Army. mother. daughter, Mary Jane, to The wedding will take place Perry Neal Adkison, son of December 12th, at six. p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Clio Adkison of EST, from the First United Port St. joe. Methodist Church of Port St. Grandparents of the bride- Joe with the Rev. Johnie Mc- elect are Mrs. Allen Shipman Curdy officiating. The recep- and the late Mr. Shipman of tion will be at 7:30 EST, in the 'I nMemphis, Teni and 'Mre.' hom f'6the' bride, -Mexico ia William 0. Cathey, Sr. of Beach. No invitations are .imber- Mexico Beach, and the late being sent locally, but all nce the Mr. Cathey. friends and relatives are in- aughter, Mr. Adkison's grandparents vited to attend the wedding yFloyd, are Mrs. George D. Reynolds and reception. home of of Mayfield, N.Y. and William T B o.noL-of rBa City ToVas - auditorium of the local church. The ordination ser- mon will be delivered by Rev. Rae Mangum. pastor of the First Baptist Church otf Blountstown. The charge to the church will be given by Rev. John Wright of Cotton- dale. Rev. J. C. Odum, pastor of the Long Avenue Baptist Church will deliver the charge to the candidate. Special music for the ordination ser- vices will be provided by the youth ensemble of the local church. This service of ordination will take the place of the reg- I--~l c~L FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue GEQRGE .PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School ......................... 9:45 A.M . Morning Worship Service ............. 11:00 A.M. Church Training ...................... 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service .............. 7:30'P.M. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) .............. 7:00 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" ama w m m v w w Shop and Save at The insurance Store Now you can do all your insurance shopping the new easy way-under one roof. Flood Welcome to SThe urance Store Insurance in the Port St. Joe area . you'll find it in our insurance store ,,, At The Insurance Store, you'll find every kind of insurance. including homeowners, automobile, marine, health, life, theft, liability, bond, aviation, and business insurance. You'll also find a wide choice of insurance companies. And a wide variety of insurance coverages and prices. Best of all, you'll also find a professionally-trained staff that can help you save money by showing you how to buy what you need-without buying what you don't need. Why pay more? Shop and save at The Insurance Store. V Hannon Insurance 221 Reid Ave. Port St. Joe- Phone 227-2011 her parents, Friday, Novem- o Mrs mo W n a . her 14, at 5:00 p.m. Also, Mrs. Amon W. Adkison A reception followed the and the late Mr. Adkison of ceremony in the Wimberly's Vernon. home. Many friends attended. Miss Cathey and Mr. Adki-uates of Port I' Betty Price... Your friendly They are presently living in son are both graduates of Port I'm Betty Price... Your friendly anamae presently whereliv St. Joe High School and have H Florida First National serving in the U. S. Marines attended Gulf Coast CommuChristmas Club Teller. TyndallArAFB. ity College and the University 1 7 l i - Comforter Funeral Home Gulf County's First I i Beginning 30 Years of Continuous Service :i r Pete, Hortense & Rocky Cornforter Telephone 227-3511 IT'S TIME TO Join Our .... Christmas Club for 1976 Come in today-be sure to stop by my window L and let's get acquainted. I'll be happy to sign you Anti up for the coming year. You'll be glad you did. Freeze $599 Installed ed t. FLORIDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK enenT as AT PORT ST. JOE PM 7 Days a Week nt Avnnum ,Tlnphnnn 2?7-251 Hihl Qnd View n4 MnnumFnt /\vnmin *Terlnphnn- PP7-rr551 Hightand View ... ^^^ ^^^ -^^ ^^ ^*^,^,^^^,*.^,s.sl.,^r ,- ; ,' ^^' ^^" Miss Pam Burch Is Inspiration for Shower Carr's -C I I I I 0 _j Friday, November 8:00 P.M.--- Shark Stadium 1O3E$ .a3m 5I 772-- t~~~~7 AO ]G^C 4 ? 21 /./ PORT ST. JOE'S FIGHTING TIGER SHARKS-Front row, left to right: Wade Stoutamire, Curtis Williams, Barry Nobles, Keith Neel, Chester Fennell, Steve Cloud, Phillip Davis, Bill Norton, James Ward, Joe Wilson, Ronald Daniels. Second row: Coach Wayne Taylor, Allen Lowery, Steve Owens, Mike Etheridge, Greg Abrams, Schedules Varsity Sept. 12-Wewahitchka H Sept. 19-Florida High T, Sept. 26-DeFuniak Springs H Oct. 2-Carter Parramore T Oct. 10-Monticello H Oct. 17-Chattahoochee H Oct. 24-Chipley T Oct. 31-Wakulla T Nov. 7-Open Nov. 14-Blountstown H Nov. 21-Bonifay H Jr. Varsity Sept. 18-Wakulla, 7:30 T Sept. 25-P.C. Christian, 7:00 H Oct. 2-Blountstown, 7:00 T Oct. 9-Open Oct. 16-Marianna, 7:00 H Oct. 23-Blountstown, 7:00 H Oct. 30-Rosenwa Id, 4:30 T Nov. 6-Wakulla, 7:00 H 7th & 8th Grade Sept. 25-Blountstown, 5:00 H Oct. 9-Marianna, 7:00 H Oct. 16-Blountstown, 7:30 T Oct. 30-Marianna, 8:15 T Keef Pettis, Mano Whitehead, Jay Fleming, Mitchell Gainer, Coach Kesley Colbert. Back row: Coach Bill Wood, Marcus Manning, Sandy Sanborn, Jody Taylor, Preston Gant, Andy May, Robert Farmer, Ray Lawrence, Carl Beard, Calvin Watson and Coach Gerald Lewter. Star photo SHARK'S OPPONENT Bonifay BIlue Devils ADMISSION: Adults $2.00 Students $1.00 Reserved Seats $2.25 F. V:, ,".: &.. Tickets on Sale At: * Smith's Pharmacy * Campbell's Drug * BuzzAtt's Drugs * School, Office Janis Schweikert, Vanessa Willis, Tami McMillian and Lisa Melton. Star photo BOYLES Pay Cash and Pay Less 227-4261 Carr's Auto Sales 309 Monument Avenue Phone 229-6961 Citizen's Federal Savings and Loan Association COSTIN'S Quality at Savings Phone 227-7221 Dairyburger Come By for a Snack Danley Furniture Co. Make Your House A Home Debbie's Flowers Next Time Send Our Flowers Phone 229-5821 Driesbach's Cleaners Pick-Up and Delivery Earley Hdwe. Coastal Mfg. Hwy. 98-Highland View Phone 229-2763 Florida 1st National Bank at Port St. Joe Hannon Insurance and Real Estate Hedy's Florist 105 Reid Avenue Henry's Stand. Station 302 Monument Ave. Phone 229-6305 Jake's Restaurant Buffet-Steaks-Seafood Phone 229-6864 K&D TV & Sound ZENITH Sales & Service Phone 227-2071 Kirk's 76 Service Station 301 Monument Ave. Phone 229-2622 Piggly Wiggly For Greater Savings Phone 227-5161 Player's Supermarket Hwy. 98-Highland View Phone 229-3376 Pollock Cleaners and Laundry Raffield Retail Market Phone 229-6877 Ralph & Henry's Stand. 113 Monument Ave. Phone 227-3056 Renfro Auto Parts Phone 229-6013 Roche Furniture Frigidaire Appliances Phone 227-5271 St. Clair Funeral Home Phone 227-2671 St. Joe Auto Parts Your NAPA Dealer Phone 227-2141 St. Joe Furniture and APPLIANCE CO. Phone 229-1251 St. Joe Hardware Co. Whirlpool Appliances Phone 227-8111 St. Joe Motor Co. Ford-Mercury Phone 227-3737 St. Joe Natural Gas Gas Is Naturally Better Phone 229-3831 Skip's Gulf Service 701 Monument Ave. Phone 227-3256 The Sewing Center Third and Reid Western Auto David B. May, Your Davis Tire Dealer 227-2271 VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-Left to right: Sonja Robin- son, Jerri Lewis, Melody Smith, Joni Shores,, Nan Parker, I * st L ~-- L ~I I I L L-~l ~ ---------- hah M," ~:78~ 54~ ell THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1975 rAui. aEViN Sharks Put It All Together In 26-14 Defeat of Tigers : Robert Farmer takes off through the line on a 67-yard touchdown jaunt. Steve Whitfield (23) missed him and Curt - Garrett gets set to make what he thought would be a tackle. .Country Club Sponsoring STurkey Shoot Saturday t The St. Joseph's Bay Coun- shoot Saturday afternoon at try Club is sponsoring a turkey the club site from 1:00 to 5:00 4 p.m. The shoot will be open to * Ladies Round the general public. Lea gu |A sandwich buffet will also Ball League be served from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., also open to the public. : Ladies interested in forming a women's basketball league Eveyone is invited to come in Port St. Joe should plan to try out their shooting eye and attend an organizational maybe get a free turkey for meeting Thursday evening at Thanksgiving dinner. Seven p.m. in the Gulf County s Recreation office. The Rec A dance will be held Satur- office is located in the Port St. day evening from 9:00 to 1:00 Joe City Hall. for members and guests. i Bowling Winter Mixed League On lanes seven and eight, On November 11, Carr's won Florida Bank took three from | three games, f om Rotagilla's 'Pepsi Cola Cathy Blackburn on lanes one and two. Chuck bhad a 176 high game and 397 Guilford bowled a 200 high high series for the Bank. Kay game and 498 high series, for Katynsky had a 120 high game Carr's. Jo Ferrell bowled a 188 and a 337 high series for Pepsi = high game and 438 series for Cola. Rotagilla. Standings: W L On lanes three and four, Ten Player's 32 8 Pin Lounge won four games Kats 2812 1112 from Kennedy & Wombles, St. Joe Furniture 26 14 Inc. Bertha Clayton bowled a C & G 21 19 . 192 high game and 545 series Playgirls 2012 19'12 for Ten Pin Lounge. 'Steve Florida Bank 15 25 Wombles was tops for K & W, Pate's 14 26 Inc. with a 146 game and 404 Pepsi Cola 3 37 series. Lanes five and six had Gulf Co. Men's League Varnes Seaiooa winning four games from Fiesta Food Store. Danny Talbert bowled a 178 high game and Stewart bowled a 456 high series for Varnes. Rosalie West bowled a 161 high game and 406 series for Fiesta. On lanes seven and eight. Sylvahcem won four games from No Names. Bill Whit- field was tops for Sylvachem with a 204 game and 537 series. David Howell led No Names with a 162 game and 408 series. Standings: W L Carr's 28 8 Sylvachem 25 11 Rotagilla 23 13 Ten Pin Lounge 22 14 No Names 17 19 Varnes Seafood 14 22 K&W, Inc. 1012 2512 Fiesta Food Store 4'2 3112 Gulf Co. Ladies League On lanes one and two, Player's and Kats split games, each taking two. Mary Whitfield had a 171 game and 431 series to lead Player's. Eleanor Williams was tops for the Kats with a 192 game and 464 series. Lanes three and four saw C & G take three from St. Joe Furniture. Lou Mork had a 165 game and 425 series to lead U & G. Bertha Clayton was tops for St. Joe Furniture with a 170 game and 480 series. Lanes five and six had the Playgirls taking three from Pate's. Edwina Bowen had a 165 high game and a 396 high series for the Playgirls. Ruby Lucas led Pate's with a 144 game and 407 series. Monday night on lanes one and two, Campbell's Drugs kep up their winning ways by taking four points from Ten Pin Lounge. Bo Bouington led Campbell's with 482. Steve Wombles' 456 was high for Ten Pn. Lanes three and four had King's Gulf Station taking all four points from Butler's Rest- aurant. Don Thomas was the top man for King's with 497. Harry Lowry's 507 led But- ler's. Lanes five and six saw Stems and Seeds take four from Carr's Auto Sales. Nor- man Hodges rolled the high series for Stems and Seeds with a 517. Bob Muguder's 482 was tops for Carr's. On lanes seven and eight, it was Shirt and Trophy taking four from Player's Supermar- ket. Jim Mashburn led the Trophy center with his 492. while Player's top man was Garry McNeel with 471. Standings: W L Campbell's Drugs 3512 812 Shirt & Trophy 31'2 1212 Butler's Rest. 30 14 King's Gulf Ser. 25 19 Ten Pin Lounge 17 27 Stems & Seeds 17 27 Player's S'market 11 33 Carr's Auto Sales 9 35 Farmer came right back on the next series of downs with a 63-yard gallop for a score. Star photo Sandy Sanborn hauls in an 18-yard pass Friday night for the Sharks' first score of the night. Star photo Leslie Costin. left, and Jo Ann Freeman, right, help little Teresa Jones perform a handstand on the balance beam in the program presented Monday night by the gymnastics class. Over 50 children participated in the program, exhibiting the various skills they have learned in the past few weeks in the gymnastics classes sponsored by the Gulf County Recreation Department. The students were enrolled in three classes: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Some of the skill exhibited by these youngsters leaves one in awe of their ability, and makes us wonder if some might be future Olympic competitors. Star Photo Church Leagues Forming Churches interested in spon- soring a team in the St. Joe Men's Church League Basket- ball program should have a representative at an organiza- tional meeting scheduled for Thursday. Nov. 20 (today). The meeting will be held in the Gulf County Recreation Office in the Port St. Joe City Hall at five p.m. This is an important meet- ing and all churches interest- ed in fielding a team .should have a representative present. RENFRO AU-T-O-PARTS 401 Williams Ave. 229-6013 Win Puts Team In Play-offs Port St. Joe's Sharks did their thing Friday night and rode to the District Champion- ship by a 26-14 win over the Blountstown Tigers. The Sharks came from be- hind twice in the game on big defensive plays by Steve Cloud, Ray Lawrence, Marcus Manning, Calvin Watson and Ronald Daniels and the hard running of Robert Farmer to trip the Tigers in an almost perfect game for the Sharks. The Sharks didn't lose the first fumble, had one pass inter- cepted and only 15 yards in penalties in what was prob- ably their best game of the season. The Tigers took the kick-off and in two and a half minutes they had put six points on the board on a 22 yard run by their premiere runner, J. D. Baker. The Sharks then took the ball and used up six and a half minutes of the clock marching 80 yards to score on an 18 yard pass from John Owens to Sandy Sanborn in the end zone to knot the score. Bill Norton's kick was good but was nulli- fied by an off-side penalty. The second attempt at the point after failed. The Sharks had another chance to score in the first half when Steve Cloud recovered a Tiger fumble on the Tiger 14. A Steve Owens pass to Sandy Sanborn was picked off in the end zone by Curt Garrett. The Tigers threatened as the half was winding down and drove to the Shark four yard line where Ray Lawrence and Marcus Manning stopped Bak- er on the four yard line to end the threat. The Sharks took the kick-off. in the second half on their own 33 yard line. On the first-play from scrimmage, Robert Far- mer picked his way through both lines and rambled. 67 yards to put the Sharks ahead, with Norton's kick, 13-6. The Tigers roared right back and drove 72 yards to score on a 35 yard run by Hubby Chason, who faked a pass and skirted right end for his touchdown. The Tigers attempted a kick, but the ball was blocked and bounded into the air. Baker caught the ball as it fell and ran to the left corner of the end zone for two points, which again put the Tigers in the lead, 14-13. Then Mr. Farmer went to work again and once again worked his way through the middle for a 63 yard scoring run. The Sharks tried for two points and failed, leaving the score at 19-14 with 6:42 left in the third period. The Sharks were back in business with four minutes left in the game when Kelly Faulk was jarred loose from a Shark punt by Calvin Watson. Wat- The Russian National Basketball '- ' team, currently touring the U. S. has, at last look a 2-4 record, Losing to Marquette, Indiana, North Caro- T'1 lina, and Maryland. Winning from I St. .Louis and Dayton. This is the same team that won the 1972 Olym- pics and most all of the other inter- f I national meets since then. Coach 7 Sean Smith, of No. Car., comment- ed, that maybe we should send the NCAA winner, rather than pick I individual outstanding players. I agree, but would suggest the winner of the NBA instead. The Olympic committee, in its definition of profession- alism, apparently is willing to accept each countries' definition. I.E., there are no professional athletes in Russia, East Germany, etc. The fact that they are paid and subsidized by their government apparently doesn't count. We, on the other hand, maintain a tight rein on our amateurs. If the Russian and East German international athletes are soldiers, teachers, etc. who just happen to practice and their their specialty, then Joe Namath is just a "panty-hose" salesman who happens to play football. The Russians are pros in every since of the word. LSU 24 vs. Tulane 21 Ole Miss. 17 vs. Mississippi State 14 Kentucky 14 vs. Tennessee 13 Notre Dame 13 vs. Miami 10 Houston 20 vs. Florida State 17 Nebraska 27 vs. Oklahoma 21 Ohio State 21 vs. Michigan 17 Pittsburgh 21 vs. Penn. State 18 So. Carolina 20 vs. Clemson 17 Arkansas 27 vs. Texas Tech 20 The Athletic House1 S 323 REID AVENUE son recovered the fumble and two plays later Farmer had scored again from 18 yards out. Norton kicked the extra point, giving the Sharks their 26-14 edge over the Tigers. The Tigers threatened again late in the game, but the Sharks held for four downs on the four yard line for the second time in the game. Ronald Daniels stopped Baker THE YARDSTICK B'town PSJ First Downs 12 10, Yards rushing 292 336 Yards passing 40 18 Passes 4-14 1-2 Punts 4-32 4-41 Fumbles lost 2 0 Yards penalized 35 15 TOMORROW Tomorrow night, the Sharks close out the regular season at home against Bonifay. The Blue Devils are tough this year and promise to give the Sharks a first class game tomorrow. on a reverse on the last Tiger play of the game. In the expected running contest between the Sharks' Robert Farmer and the Tig- ers' J. D. Baker, Farmer won out with 248 yards gained in 28 carries. This gives Farmer 1,243 yards for the season. The Sharks knew Baker was in the game, however, since he rack- ed up 207 yards in 27 carries. The Sharks outstanding de fensive effort was led by Steve Cloud with 10 tackles and six assists and one pass intercepr- tion. Mike Etheridge had seven tackles and two assists; Sandy Sanborn, six tackles and three assists; Ronald Daniels nine tackles, four assists and a fumble recovery and Chester Fennell, seven tackles and eight assists. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend. LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenu6 and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL ......... .... :...:. 9i45A.M. MORNING WORSHIP ................. 11:00 A.M. CHURCH TRAINING ................. 6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP ................. 7:30P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:15 P.M. Jerome Cartier, Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor Minister of Musi Cr I TIRE BIAS BELTED RADIAL The best tire buys for every driving condition! Deluxe Champion 4-PLY POLYESTER CORD e -l- $3.50 to$5.45 LESS than reg. Fall'74prices SSPrice reductions A truly fine tire buy! include whitewalls. The wide. deep /-riDb read gives you excellent traction, handling, and long mileage. As low as S1895 A78-13 Blackwall. Plus 51.76 F.E.T. and old tire. BLApKWALLS Reg Bargain F.E.T." Size Fall '74 LESS price (each) B78 13 '14.21 94.25 119.95 1 84 C78]4 25.0 4.05 20.95 204 078 14" 2.6 3.85 21.95 2 10 EE7T8 14 4 2.2 0 3.65 22.95 2 27: F-78-14 2. 5 3.50 24.95 2 40: G78-14 2 3.75 25.95 2 56 H78-14 3 0 4.05 27.95 2 77 -G78115 3.50 26.95 2 60 H 178'5 2.7 3.80 2895 2 83, L7815 5.5 4.55 30.95 3 11" All prices plus tax and old tire Whitewall add 13. : Deluxe Champion' SUP-R-BELT .. DOUBLE-BELTED 0L b t_ oi CI-q urr ou Je l rI. e This 1976 new-car tire Price reductions provides long tire mileage and include whitewalls. real resistancetagainst rotad" hazards. Two fiberglass belts BLACKWALLS hold tread firm on pavement June Amount Bargain and polyyester cord body Size prce off price F ET gives a smooth ri(l. 878 14 34.9 8.30 26.95 2102 C78.14 3 "5 7.60 27.95 2,10 As low as E78 14 0 8.05 28.95 2'32 F78 14 4 5 8.80 31.95 247 S07814 4Q 9.55 32.95 262 H78.14 4 75 9.80 35.95 2.84 SF78 15 1. 0 8.95 32.95 2;b5 G78 15 3. 9.55 33.95 2.69 H78.15 46.8 9.90 36.95 292 J78 15 48.5 10.60 37.95 3:09 A78-13 Blackwall. L78-15 50.75 10.80 39.95 21 J Plus s1.77 F.E.T. and old tire. All prices plus tax and old tire. Sh fWhitewall addno3. RADIAL DELUXE CHAMPION:, radials at amazingly low 5$6.Z5 to9U.lb UI : prices! Long mileage, tasyv rices handling, road-hugging our Junel 75 prices traction, smooth ride--all are yours with the double WHITEWALLS fiberglass Ibtltild radial June Amount Bargain '. with a pol\*ester cord body. size price off price F.E.T 8... ..B7813 92 6.25 $32.95 ;207 As low as ER78 14 6.75 39.95 251 95 -R7815 0765 46.95295 S.r --HR7'8- i5 8 7.75 50.95 317 JR78 __15 2. 8.40 53.95_330 3 *-LR78 t15 65.1_ 9.15 55.95 348 BR78-13 Whitewall. All prices plus tax and old tire. j Plus 2.07 F.E.T. and old tire. Priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced wherever Firestone tires are sold. Tires for COMPACTS and IMPORTS CHAMPION 'MINI-SPORT' S i95 ze 6 00-13 Ii $ I, 95 B0ackwall.. S1495 s ackwa 2 9_ Sizes 5.6012.6 00-12.5.20-13, 3 5.6013.6.15/155,13. Plus -144 to 1 60 FET Plus.-1 38 to 1 7b F E T and old r, I 95 k"650 SI 259 Sizes 6 00-13, 5.60-14, 560-15 { 95S1 sa6 l 6 13 " Wlilli l Blackwall l ~ 8S1 : Plus' 1 75o o 77 F E T Plus1 44 lo '1 69 F E T and old lr.- Sand old tire I9 B9 $... o 7 Sizes 6.45-.14. 6.00-15L. Saiz 5 -s6.85S-15. Plus 1 o1 t79 FET Plus1 ,74 to ,1.87 F E T andoldi PATE'S SHELL SERVICE Phone 229-1291 223-225 Monument Ave. I II ' ~&?P~~ I Tirestone I j Adow k6- I -'Is Enjoy the benefits of L $7. UU to 513. bU1 Utt our June '75 prices rl - - -- -- rA 1C ArC. PAGE EIGHT YOUR. PHARMACIST- PROFESSIONAL HONEST AUTHORITATIVE RELIABLE MODERN ACCURATE COURTEOUS INTERESTED SINCERE TRUSTWORTHY .Depend on him for prompt attention to all your drug. and prescription needs WHENever you call! BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-3371 317 Willliam ConvmilWt Drive-In Window Plenty of Free Parking to I I We donit have ; forests to bum THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1975 506 First St. THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. H. A. Norris Passes Away Suddenly at Home H. A. "Major" Norris, age 71, a resident of 104 Hunter Street, Oak Grove, died sud- denly at his residence Thurs- day night. He was a long-time resident of Oak Grove and a former engineer of Apalachi- cola Northern Railroad Co. for many years. Prior to his death .he was the custodian of Holly Hill Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Stella Norris of Oak Grove; two sons, Rev. Allen Norris of Biloxi, Miss. and James Norris of Thomasville, Ga.; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Mealer of Apalachi- cola, Mrs. Helen Broome of Panama City and Mrs. Juan- ita Lowery of Oklahoma City, Okla.; 14 grandchildren and 'seven great grandchildren; a brother, Dennis J. "Apple" Norris of Coden, Ala. and a sister, Mrs. Idell Ray of Oak Grove. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Highland View Assembly of God Church, conducted by The Rev. J. W. Hunt, assisted by The Rev. Jean Shoots. Inter- ment followed in the family plot of Holly Hill Cemetery. All services were under the direction of Comforter Fur eral Home of Port St. Joe. Holiday Money Can Cut Pay i Earnings from holiday jobs can affect the monthly pay- ments of students, house- wives, and other people get- ting social security benefits, according to David Robinson, Social Security Representa- tive for Gulf County. The amount people earn from holiday jobs will cause a reduction in their social security checks if their total' earnings for 1975 are over $2,520. "For every $2 you earn over $2,520, $1 in social security benefits is withheld," Robin- son said. "But no matter how much you earn for the year, you can get your full social security payment for any month in which you neither earn over $210 nor do substan- tial work in your own busi- ness." "Refunding overpayments to social security could cAuse hardship," he said. Phone 229-6803 Curtis O'Brian, 66, I)ied Sunday In Hospital Funeral services for Curtis T. O'Brian. age 66. of Oak Grove, who died Sunday morning in the Municipal Hos- pital, were held Tuesday morning. Rev. Cicero Tucker officiated at the services in the St. Clair Funeral Home .at 10:00 a.m. Burial followed in the Cypress Creek Cemetery at 12:00 noon. Mr. O'Brian was a native of Calhoun County. and had been a resident of this area for the past 37 years. He was a retired millwright with St. Joe Paper Company. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Bell O'Brian of Wewa- hitchka: two sons, J. D. 0'- Brian of Eufaula, Ala. and Pat B. O'Brian of Madison; a daughter. Mrs. George R. Padgett of Oak Grove: a sister, Mrs. Cicero Tucker of Panacea: two brothers, E. J. O'Brian and Coley O'Brian, both of Blountstown;, 10 grand- TO BUY? TO SELL? RESULTS? Micelneu m- children and one great grand- child. St. Clair Funeral Home of Port St. Joe was in charge of all. arrangements. Mission Has Dinner The Howard Creek Baptist Mission had a dinner on the * grounds, followed by fellow- ship singing last Sunday after- noon. The Youth Choir from the First Baptist Church. the- Highland View Baptist and the White City Baptist each sang: Mrs. Mary Parker. Rev. J. B. Gray, pastor of the Mission. and Mrs. Pinkie Burkett each sang a solo. A quintet of Tom, Linda and Tina Mangum, Rhonda Harri- son and Debbie Wilhite per- formed. -'I Country Club membership Equity on a lot for sale on St. for sale. Phone 648-4066. Joe Beach. Phone 648-3791. It 11-20 Country Club membership for sale. Phone 648-4066 or 229- 6139. 2tc 11-20 Floye Brewton, left, General Manager of St. Joe Paper Company'Container Division is shown presenting John Dawkins, a truck driver with the Container'Division, a service pin. Mr. Dawkins recently retired, and was presented with a 23 year service pin, and a pin in recognition of 13 consecutive years safe driving record (no accidents). Looking on are Leonard Belin, production manager, second from right, and Pat Patterson, assistant production manager, right. Final Rites Mrs. Lula Bryant Died Held For J. D. Brake Jake D. Brake, age 75, a resident of 1003 Kenney's Mill Road, died unexpectedly at his residence last Thursday after- noon. Mr. Brake had been a resident of Gulf County for the past 35 years, and was employed as a millwright at Kenney's Mill Lumber Co. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma Lee Brake of Kenney's Mill; five sons, Mason Brake of McDavid, Foy Brake of Anaheim,. Calif., Donald Brake of Highland View, Ronnie Brake? and* Le- Roy Brake of Kenney's Mill; four daughters, Mrs. Louise Deese of Crestview, Mrs. Joyce Gaiaous, Mrs. Sandra Brock and Mrs. Brenda Ric- hards, all of Highland View; 18 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2:00 Saturday at the Church of God of Highland View, conducted by the Rev. G. H. Goin, pastor; Interment fol- lowed in the family plot of Holly Hill Cemetery. Comforter Funeral Home was in charge of all arrange- ments. Special Day at, Oak Grove Sunday, November 23 will be Old Fashion Day at the Oak Grove Assembly of God. The guest speaker during, the morning hour will be Rev. A. C. Williams of Panama City. Rev. Williams will minister in song, and will challenge the hearts of the congregation with preaching. Immediately following the morning service, there will be a noon meal served in the church fellowship hall. Rev. David Fernandez, pastor, ex- tends an invitation to- the public to attend. Nov. 9 in P. C. Hospital Mrs. Lula Mae Bryant, age 43, a resident of 182 Avenue E, died November 9 at Bay Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. She is survived by her hus- band, Waymon Bryant of Port St. Joe; three daughters, Mrs. Regina Scott of Raleigh, N. C., Mrs. Willie Mae Thomas' of Port St. Joe and Mrs. Gloria Jean Bryant of Port St. Joe; two sons. Henry Jackson of Marietta, Ga. and Eddie Lee Jackson of Nashville, Tenn.; her father. Hunter Levins of Cincinnati. Ohio: three bro- thers. two sisters, and 11 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday at Zion Fair Baptist Church, with the Rev. R. A. Rogers officiating. Interment followed in the family plot of Forest Hill Cemetery. All services were under the, direction of Comforter Fun- eral.Home of Port St. Joe. CARD OF THANKS Please let me express my appreciation for the many prayers, visits, phone calls. cards, letters, flowers, food and other acts of kindness during my recent illness. Also especially to those who came to Tallahassee to be there during my surgery, and to the men from Long Avenue Bap- tist Church whose 'o willingly donated blood. For all this and more. 1I am very humbly grateful. May God richly bless each of you. , Minerva McLane '72 Kawasaki 100 Endura, like new condition, $250.- 227- 8714. 2tp 11-20 90" couch, in excellent con-, dition. Phone 227-5461.4tc 11-20 Reduce safe and fast with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills". Campbell's Drug. 6tp 11-6 New Improved "Zippies",. the great iron pill now with Vitamin C, Campbell's Drug.. 4t 11-6 Phone 229-6253 for MARY KAY COSMETICS tfc 7-3 One two-horse tandem wheel horse trailer, $400. Call 648-6796. tfc 10-2 DRY cleaning carpets is easier, faster, and safer with HOST. Rent our machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Transferring, must sell new 18' 11,2" shrimp net, complete with new doors, chain and new nylon ropes. Cost $225.00, will sell for $200.00. Call 229-2121 between 3:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. or all day on Fridays. tfc 10-2 1972 23' Travel trailer, good cond., self-contained. Call Ted Cannon at 227-2551 or after five at 227-5236. .fc9-25 WALLPAPER Just arrived to help with all your wallpapering needs. Prepasted, Texturall, vinyl coated, and plastic bonded. If you need to purchase or have wallpaper hung, see our sam- ples. Call Alford Ramsey at 229-6506. Quail and pheasant, live or dressed. 1316 McClellan Ave. 227-3786. tfe 7-24 10 speed bikes in stock, men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. Western Auto, Port St. Joe. tfc 6-15 Sewing machines repaired regardless of make or age. Over 25 years experience. Parts, supplies for all makes. Free estimate, guaranteed satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Singer Zig Zag sewing machine, take up 12 pmts. $8.50 monthly. Makes button- holes, monograms, hems, sews on buttons, guarantee. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 TAKE UP PAYMENTS! 1975 Singer Futura in Beauti- ful cabinet. Must Sell! Cost $650. Balance due $286 or $12 mo. Phone 769-6653. Free Home Trial, no obligation. tfc 7-24 WANTED Wanted to Rent: Dec. 1, nice 3 BR house, unfurnished, in town. Call collect (904) 878- 4264. Mariann Henderson or Scott Snyder. 4t 11-6 3 BR house, aluminum sid- ing. chain link fence, price reduced. Phone 229-5533. ltp 11-20 House for Sale: waterfront lot on Constitution Drive, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, den, Florida room, utility room, large garage. Call 2?7- 3102. tfc 11-13 Two lots, with pines, 4 blocks from St. Joe Beach, $5,000. John T. Tatum, Sr. 1844 Marina Circle, North Ft. Myers, Fla. 33903. 5tp 10-23 2 BR frame house, 2,large sheds, garden spot in White City. 229-6786. 2tp 11-13 Two bedroom house on two lots, with pump, 1306 Garrison Ave. Call 229-6160 for appoint-' ment. tfc 10-30 Block house on Dead Lakes, 3 BR, 2 baths, LR, DR, kitchen and den, central heat and air. Approx. 2 acres, 265', lake frontage. Green house and 2 utility buildings, call 639-5469. t;10-2 3 BR Redwood home at 123 Bellamy Circle. Phone 674- 4105. tfc 4-10 For Sale: Mobile home 12' x 65', 3 BR 2 full bath on 75' x 112' lot in Mexico Beach, $16,000. Also 2 lots cleared, fenced with well and pump, and 4 stall horse stable in Beacon Hill, $7,000.00. Call 648-6796. tfc 1Q-9 DO YOU NEED A HOMEBUILDER? that can build anywhere in North Florida, in the $17,500 to $35,000 range? On your lot or help you find one. Handles the detailed paper work for VA, FHA, Far- mer's Home or conventional financing. Repayments to match your budget. Start liv- ing Southern style, call Southern Home Builders 796-6711, Dothan, Ala. tfc 11-14 Two-story home, 1902 Monu- ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath. Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474. tfc 8-21 Nice house on corner lot. with chain link fence. 711 Long Ave. 229-6153. tfc 10-23 Two BR house on three lots at White City. Contact Cecil G. Costin. Jr. or call 227-4311. HOSSFUNSE One bedroom furnished house at St. Joe Beach. In- quire at Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 8-7 Furnished two and three BR houses, at Beacon Hill, by week. Bill Carr or call 229- 6474. tfc 3-13 Furnished cottages at St. Joe Beach, reasonable month- ly rates. Hannon Insurance Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc 5-8 Furnished 2 BR house, auto heat. washer & dryer, phone 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 10-23 Study Sea Grant Program COASTAL STUDY ADVISORS-The citi- zen's advisory committee plays a vital role in the federal-state-local zone management study being conducted by the North West Florida Planning and Advisory Council. CARPET cleaning with HOST couldn't be easier. Just brush and vacuum for clean, dry carpets. Rent our HOST machine. St. Joe, Furniture, 229-1251. 1 tfc 10-23 3 BR furnished trailer for rent at Overstreet. Call 648- 4259 or 648-7586. tfc 11-6 AT RUSTIC SANDS CAMP- GROUND, 15th ST., MEXICO 'BEACH, PATIO, BEAUTI- FUL REC HALL PRIVI- LEDTES, 14 MILE FROM BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8 Public address system. Owned by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. A new system operable on either battery or current. Call Ken Herring, 227-5281 for rental. tfe NO need for wet carpets Dry clean them with HOST. Use rooms right away. Rent machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Classified Ads Get Resu!ts Try Them! Dress making, custom shirts,, baby items crocheted to order. Reasonable. 229-4612 after six on weekdays, all day weekends. tfc 8-14 Family of problem drinkers can find help in Alanon and Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948 or 229-3392. 13t 10-30 All types carpet and. vinyl flooring installed. 10 years experience. For free measure- ment and estimate, call Ron- ald Ross, 229-6822. tfc 11-13 Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC WELCOME SERVICE Call 227-2501 or go by the Chamber office, Municipal Building, 5th St., Monday thru Friday, 9-12 EDT. tfc 5-1 Visit or call the Alcohol Counseling Information Center of the Panhandle Al- coholism Council, Inc. 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe. Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call tfc 6-2 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS .PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe. Florida Looking over information on the Florida Sea Grant program are (l-r) Nathan Peters, Jr. of Port St. Joe; Mrs. Grace Morris of Monticello and Robert Morgan, Panacea. 2 BR furnished apartment in town. Inquire at Smith's Phar- macy. tfc 11-20 Furnished apt. for rent, uti- lities furnished. 229-6132 days, 229-6149 evenings. tfc 8-14 1973 Buick Electra 225, 4 dr. hdtp., loaded with extras and very clean. Sell or trade and finance. Call 229-6483. It 1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back, 4 in floor, radio, heater, floor mount tape player and speak- ers, chrome luggage carrier, good tire's, 21,000 miles. $1,995.00. Call David May 227- 3881 or 227-2281. tfc 9-11 1973 V-8 jeep, automatic hubs, roll-bar, canvas top. Low mileage, excellent condi- tion. Contact Bubba Cathey, 648-4066. tfc 11-6 75 Buick Regal, 2 dr. hdtp. $200 equity and take up pmts. 229-6786. 2tp 11-13. For TV repairs and Zenith sales, see K&D TV and Sound at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071. tfc 6-2 MEX ELECTRIC CO. Electrical & Air Condition Residential Commercial Service Joe Rycroft 648-6200 Mexico Beach tfc 7-3 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work Welding 506 First Street Phone 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every day Septic Tanks Pumped Out Carefoot Septic Tank 229-8227, 229-2351, and 229-6694 Refinishing furniture. Rea- sonable, excellent work. Phone 227-8482. 4t 10-30 Need help with your DECORATING IDEAS? If So Call 229-6506 I tfc 3-6 VWVS>W .^wa^ Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. 1970 Yellow Opal GT, newf paint job, in good cond., 229-: 5511. tfc 10-161 BINGO Every Thursday & Saturday : 7:30 p.m. , American Legion Hall Sponsored by American Legion Post 116 tfc 10-9 R.A.M.-Regular convaca- tion on St. Joseph Chapter No."- 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon- days, 8 p.m. All visiting'- companions welcome. J. L. SIMS, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sece There will be a VFW meet- ing the third Tuesday of each month in the American Legion Hall. tfc 6-19 1 There will be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.Ml., every first and third Thurrs- t day at 8:00 p.m. J. L. Sims, Herbert L. Burge, Sec. -14 LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING All Types 229-6482 or 229-6447 tfc 9-20 Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or 227-7586. tfc 11-14 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Meets Tues. at 8p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Social Hall tfc 4-24 Smitty's Heating, Cooling & Electric Service Commercial or Residential Installation & Service 648-4976 Port St. Joe Owned & Operated by Edward & Tommy Smith tfc 8-14 "Ithink it was something I ate." kills bugs for up to six mo0aths, and saves you about $100 yearly in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe. Florida COMPLETE Machine Shop Now Operating In Port St. Joe Machine Repairs Fabricating Welding All Types EMORY STEPHENS ST. JOE Machine Company I I_ H arriso n TIHE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 20. 1975 PAGE NINE- STUDENT COUNSELOR-GCCC Minor- ity Student Liasison Officer, Leon Miller counsels (I. to r.) Diane Mathis of Panama City and Elaine Lowery of Port St. Joe. Miller Is Available Gulf Coast Community Col- lege Minority Liaison Officer, Leon Miller will be available for counseling throughout the College district, it was an- nounced recently. Miller said that his visits stem for a revitalization of Gulf Coast's long-standing philosophy of making infor- mation about the College's educational opportunities readily available t everyone. "My task is really an enjoy- able one," Miller said. "I have spoken with dozens of citizens from Port St. Joe, Apalachi- cola and Wewahitchka as well. as Panama City and have found a lot-of interest in the wide range of training a com- munity college can provide." Miller said that he has sent informational material to community leaders, churches, and public buildings to supple- ment his personal visits. "My main objective is to assist minority students but, of course, the information I have available is needed by every person about to invest time and money in a college career," Miller said. Disaster Loan Filing Time Expires On November 28 Douglas McAllister, District Director, Small Business Ad- ministration, Jacksonville, issued a reminder Friday that the deadline for filing applica- tions for loans to repair, re- place, or restore damage re- sulting from Hurricane Eloise which occurred on or about September 22, and the flooding which occurred on or about July 28, expires November 28. Port St. Joe School- MENUS .Monday, November 24 Hamburger with bun, tuna salad, French fries, English peas, lettuce, tomato, pickles, coconut, cake, crackers, bread, milk. Tuesday, Nov. 25 Turkey and dressing,-giblet gravy, cranberry sauce,' string beans, rolls, peach with cookie, milk. Wed. Friday Thanksgiving Holidays NO SCHOOL! .0 ,A A) Elementary Schools Lunch Room Menus Monday, Nov. 24 Tuna salad, French fries, English peas, coconut cake, crackers. Tuesday, Nov. 25 Turkey & dressing, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, string beans, rolls, peach with cookie. Wed. Friday Thanksgiving Holidays NO SCHOOL! I - I- ool 0 .E a) Persons whose homes, busi- nesses, personal property or inventory were damaged or' destroyed are eligible for low interest loans to make repairs or replacements. Loans are limited to the actual tangible loss, less any insurance funds received. Applications and informa- tion may be obtained at SBA's Disaster Field Offices located at Wayside Shopping Center, 16006 West Hwy. 98, Panama City Beach. Persons residing outside the Panama City Fort Walton Beach area may obtain infor- mation by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-342-8721. All applications filed or postmarked on or before Nov- ember 28, will be processed at the Disaster Field Offices. Double up, America. Two can ride cheaper than one. r Private First Class Tony V. Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison. of 137 Bellamy Circle. was home on' leave from November 4 to the 14th. after successfully completing recruit training at Parris Is- land. S.C. Prior to joining the Marine Corps he attended Port St. Joe High School, where he grad- uted in 1975. Following his leave he will be stationed at the Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejuene. North Carolina. and receive advanced training as a com- bat infantryman. Abundant Natural Resources By Audrey Barr Dept. of Natural Resources Dead Lakes State Recrea- tion Area, at the doorsteps of Wewahitchka in the famed fishing and tupelo honey region of north Florida, has an abundance of natural re- sources. Each season offers its bounty to the outdoorsman. In the fall and winter, three game preserves in the area open for the hunting season. Although hunting is not per- mitted in the park, hunters can camp within the recrea- tion area and bag their limits in nearby preserves. Deer are plentiful, as are wild turkeys and doves. In spring, fishing for the big bass draws. sportsmen near and far. Old logs and stumps, the aftermath of flooding caused by building a weir in 1962, make natural habitats for the fish. Shellcrackers attract those who like panfish. In April and May the fish beds in the lake bottom sometimes cover three acres. The fish grow to two pounds, thriving on tiny tree snails, which they crack with their teeth. Hence their name. When mayflies spread their wings in the swampy Dead Lakes-Flats, wily fishermen use replicas to lure bluegills, another delectable panfish. The flies breed in May and June, sometimes July.. Wild fruits are a bonus fac- tor, being plentiful almost all year. In the fall, juicy grapes burst forth from vines. Lus- cious blueberries appear in spring and early summer, followed by tempting black- berries. Many a campfire repast of fish and game is en- livened by the tart taste of fruit pies or jellies picked from the land. Living off the bounty of nature has paid off for the people of Wewahitchka. The "Land of Watery Eyes," as named by Indians, is one of the largest producers of tupelo honey, a pure form which doesn't granulate and is high- ly desired for medicines. Many natives are wealthy. Among the 4,000 inhabitants are 10 millionaires. Perhaps because they live the good life, the citizens have no caste distinctions like so many small towns. PFC Bolden Receives Achievement Certificate Army Private First Class Achievement recently at Scho- Vietnamese refugees, sion's 27th Infantry at Scho- William A. Bolden, 18, son of field Barracks. Hawaii. Pvt. Bolden is regularly field Barracks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bol- He earned the award while assigned as an assistant gun- The private entered the; den, 309 Avenue E. was pre- serving on temporary duty on ner in Company B, 1st Batta- Army in November, 1974 and" sented a Certificate of the island of Guam. aiding lion of the 25th Infantry Divi- was last stationed in La. ' ttnle .. SA PR E-HOLDA S to be given away' vI Nov.'24 Regme coring Anis ter Visit our store. C .....our rsonaltapeibrary"withthe 8 TrackTape Recorder. Pluyou No purchase necessary. get AM/FM/PM-Stereo radio. 8 Track Tape Player, Deluxe Record Player,. L ----- J SAVE NOW ON THIS SALE PRICE. -I se ~~~~ vooegwnaa Quality bedding by ROYAL carried only 14 I' o A L h( flight (f by DANLEY in Port St. Joe. i MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS X.Buy On Our I FULL oEEN KiNG, Easy $109 '159 $199 Terms! a- l-m ] I ,,-Now-I-"now 17 Completes Basic DEPEND ON St. Joe Auto Parts Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years FOR QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE PARTS EXPERT MACHINE SHOP SERVICE WE'RE HEAD- T HUNTERSt SPECIALISTS IN CYLINDER HEAD RECONDITIONING ENGINE BLOCK RECONDITIONING CYLINDER HEAD CRACK REPAIRS BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum) and QUALITY PARTS "Press Work" Phone 227-2141 201 Long Ave. ------------------------------ Strength told them it was "Smokey the S',l h V T1il rills. V'arc r Bear" all were glad! Smokey visit- ed the William Linton Kindergarten at Wewahitchka last Thursday and per- Some were afraid, and some cried sonally greeted each of the 72 enrollees. but when forest ranger Milton Assisting in the fire prevention pro- O gram were: rangers, Milton Strength, Herb Stevens, and Jerry Wheeler, all from the Panama-Division of Forestry district; also teachers Joyce Groom, Alane Redd, Connie St. Clair and Ver- onica Williams. W m Nprdc NO - These Advertised Items Are Good Thursday Nov. 20th thru Saturday Nov. 29th -Closed Thanksgiving- GREEN GIANT Cream Style Corn IGA SEEDLESS Raisins SUNSHINE Cheez-lts PLANTER'S Mixed Nuts SOFT AS SILK Cake Flour KLEENEX Dinner Napkins 15 OZ. 10 OZ. PK 12 OZ 2 17 OZ. CAN 39 PKG: 69 G. 65t CAN $125 LB. PKG. 77 50 CT. PKG. 47 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE a 1[p[NDNII iroo DAWN FRESH Mushroom Sauce IGA Saltine Crackers IGA Potato Chips PEPPERIDGE FARMS Stuffing McCORMICK Vanilla 5/ OZ. 1 LB. PKG. 8 OZ. TWIN PACK 8 OZ. PKG. 2 OZ. BTL. BATH SIZE. Jergens Soap -U P (LIMIT I WITH SWK OR MORE FOOD ORDER) 414! K'^' : '": " 'h~i ~ "I Jelly IGA Tomato Juice ROBIN HOOD SL. BAG LrGUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT S$1 23 BTL. FLOUR 1 0 205 Third St. RICH & SON'S FOODLINER Port St. Joe, Fla. November 20-29 Quantity Rights Reserved 9"-dlt j 15t 53* 79* 47* 79t 25* I I~urky an Triming fro I' 44 ^- Specials Good jt COMMUNITYY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT Notice is hereby given that the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, has prepared an* environmental review record on the pro- jects hereinafter described and has determined that said projects will have no significant effect on the quillty of the human environment. Location. is North Port St. Joe and brief description of projects: Project 1: Neighborhood recreational facility I.e. children's playground (with equipment), field play areas for young children, older children, adult field sports activities-tennis courts, basketball courts, other court sports; Project 11: Renovate existing gym intq a neighborhood community center, indoor recreation center and social center; Project Ill: Pave 5 streets in newly constructed residential area. The finding of no significant effect is based on the following: hese three projects are designed to and will Improve the environment of a depressed area. They are ex- tremely beneficial to the citizens of the neighborhood involved and will create physical, social, moral and recreational advantages not pre- sently available or otherwise Obtain- able. There is no possible way that any of these projects could harm or be detrimental to the environment or the citizens Involved. The environmental review record :'respecting said projects is available at City Hall, Port St. Joe, Florida, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday thru Friday, where the same may be examined and copied. No further environmental review is proposed to be conducted on said projects; and the City Port St. Joe intends to request the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) torelease funds for said projects. Comments respecting the environ- mental impacts of the above described projects may be submitted to the City of Port St. Joe, P. 0. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, no later than December 12, 1975. CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, P.O. BOX A, PORT ST. JOE, FLA. 32456 November 20, 1975, Date of first publication and dissem- ination of notice -s- Frank Pate, Jr. Mayor NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Port St. Joe sitting as the Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Hall, port St. Joe, Florida, at 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., Tuesday, December 2, 1975, to determine whether the City will autho- rize a deviation to Zoning Ordinance No. Sfor variance of three feet on the West side of Lots E'1/ of 5 and all of 6 in Block 113in order to construct a garage on the existing hbme on this property. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 11-20 IN CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR -GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN RE: Estate of E. C. PRIDGEON, Jr., deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of E. C. Pridgeon, Jr., deceased, are hereby notified and required to file any claims or en',ands whiTn they may have aga-ns' .aao estare n the oft,-ce Of the - Clerk Circuit Court of Gulf County, Florida, in the courthouse, at Port St. Joe, Florida, within four calendar months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and must state the place of resident and postoffice address of the claimant and must be S worn to by the claimant, his agent, or "his attorney, or it will become void according to law. -s- Marguerite L. Pridgeon Executor of the Estate of E. C. Pridgeon, Jr., deceased . PHILIP J. KNIGHT, t. 0. BOX 375 Blountstown, Florida Attorney for Estate First publication on November 20, 1975. 2t 11-20 IN CIRCUIT COURT FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA.. IN RE: Estate of E. C. PRIDGEON, Jr., deceased NOTICE OF PROBATE TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF SAID DECEDENT: YOU ARE HEREBY notified that a written instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of said dece- dent has been admitted to probate in this Court. You are hereby commanded within six calendar months from the date of the first publication of this.notice toappear in this court and show cause, if any you can, why the action of this court in admitting said will to probate should not stand unrevoked. -s- George Y. Core,- Clerk Circuit Court Gulf County, Florida. First publication on November 20, 1975. 4t 11-20 NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County will receive sealed bids from any person, company, or corpora- tion interested in purchasing the fol- "* lowing described personal property. -. One (1) 1959 Chevrolet pickup truck, NO. 3A590115769. This vehiclee may be inspected at the julf County Sheriff's Department. 'Bids will be received until 9:00 o'clock a.m., E.S.T. December 9, 1975 at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, P. 0. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners 3ULF COUNTY, FLORIDA s. Eldridge Money, Chairman 2t 11-20 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. IN RE: The Matter of the Adoption of SOUDRA LYNN FRAZIER. NOTICE OF SUIT TO: JIMMY LEE FRAZIER Address Unknown YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Adoption has been filed and you are required to serve a copy of your Answer or other response to the Petition for Adoption on Petitioner's attorney: ROBERT M. MOORE, Esq. P.O 0. Box 248 Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 and file the original thereof in the Circuit JCourt Clerk's Office, Gulf County Court- house, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before the 11th day of December, 1975. If you fail to do so, a Final Judgment for the relief sought may be granted by Default. DATED this the 5th day of November, 1975. rGEORGE Y. CORE, eovaerk Of Circuit Court ' By: Susan E. Bigelow, Deputy Clerk 4t 11-6 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids in duplicate will be re- ceived until 7:30 P.M., E.S.T. November 25, 1975 by the Gulf County Board of County Commissioners, at which time and place all bids will be puollcly opened and read aloud for the construction of the following project: AMBULANCE BUILDING PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Plans, specifications, and contract documents may be inspected at the Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County Court House and at the office of the Architect, State Road 22, Wewahitchka, Florida and may be procurred by General Con- tractors upon a deposit of $25.00 per set for plans and specifications, of which the full amount will be refunded to each General Contractor who submits a bid and all other deposits for other than one complete set of plans and specifications will be returned less deduction to cover cost of reproduction. All documents must be returned in good condition within ten (10) days after date of opening of bids. Cashier's check, Certified Check, or bid bond, for not less than five per cent of the bid, must accompany each proposal. Performance, Labor and Material Bond, and Workman's Compensation Insurance will be required of the suc- cessful bidder. Right is reserved to reject any or all proposals and waive technicalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of (30) days after date set for , opening. Board of County Commissioners Gulf County Port St. Joe,-Florida Charles A. Gaskin, AIA P. 0. Box 7, Wewahitchka, Florida 3t 11-6 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA In the Matter of the Adoption of LORIE ANN JONES NOTICE TO: LEWIS VICTOR JONES Last known place of residence Charlotte, North Carolina You are notified that a Petition for the Adoption of the above named minor has been filed in,the above styled court and you are commanded to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on William J. Rish, Petitioner's attorney, whose address is 303 Fourth Street, P.O. Box 87, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before December 5, 1975, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default may be entered "against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the Court at Port St. Joe, Florida, this 5th day of November, 1975. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Margaret Core 4t 11-6 NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County will receive sealed bids from any person, company, or corpora- tion interested in selling the County the following described personal property: One (1) Crawler Type .Hydraulic Ex- cavator. Specifications may be ob- tained from the Clerk of Circuit Court's Office, P. 0. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. Bids to include the following payment. schedules: A. Cash price without trade-in of one used dragline . B. Cash price with 'r 3d.e ,f6of re 6 ed dragline I C. Three (3) year lease purchase agreement price without trade-in of one used dragline D. Three (3) year lease purchase agreement price with trade-in of one used dragline Delivery date must be specified. Liquidated damages for failure to deliver unit on specified date will be set at $5.00 per day. Bids will be received until 9:00 o'clock A.M., E.S.T., December 9, 1975 at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, P. 0. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA .s- Eldrige Money, Chairman 2111-20 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PROBATE In Re: The Estate of SAM McCATHAN, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of SAM McCATHAN, who 'died on Octobe 21, 1975, while a resident of Gulf County, Florida, are notified that they are required to file any claims or demands that they may have against his Estate in the Cfrcuit Court for Gulf County, Florida, in the Courthouse at Port St. Joe, Florida, within four calendar months from the date of the first publication of this Notice. Each claim-or demand must be in writing and filed in duplicate and must state the residence and post office address of the claimant and be sworn to by the claimant, his agent or his attorney; or it will become void according to law. Dated this 5th day of November, 1975. -s- William J. Rish Executor of the Estate of Sam McCathan, deceased. *First publication on November 6, 1975. 4t 11-6 MINUTES of the Gulf County Commission! 0%0%0 q ,0twwO t-. The Board having adver- tised to receive bids for work- men's compensation insur- ance for county employees, received the following bids: Gaskin-Graddy Insurance Agency and American Mutual Insurance Company. The Attorney advised that each bid being offered was under the assigned risk plan and did not state a firm pre- mium. Frank Hannon reminded the Commission that he has here- tofore made the same offer to place the coverage under the assigned risk plan; that he did not enter a written bid be- cause he understood that the invitation for bids was for a firm price. He requested the Commission to consider his dral bid to place the coverage under the assigned risk plan. After consideration, there was a motion by Comm. Player seconded by Comm. Whitfield to continue the coverage with Hannon Insurance Agency under the assigned risk plan. The Clerk presented the annual financial reports on the following offices: Clerk Cir- cuit Court, Sheriff, Tax Col- lector. The Division of Family Ser- vices filed a Certification of Residency as to Perry Elliott. James McGee reported that a county road department vehicle ran into his auto- mobile causing damage. He presented two estimates for repairs of his vehicle. The Clerk was instructed to for- ward these estimates to the insurance agent. The Sheriff filed his budget amendments and transfer of funds within his budget, for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 1975. Copy of said budget amend- ments and transfer of funds is on file in the Clerk's office. Upon motion by Comm. Player, seconded by Comm. Whitfield and unanimously carried, such amendments and transfers.were authorized and ordered. James T. McNeill appeared before theBoard and thanked 'the Commission and the Road Superintendent for the emer- gency road work performed in the Indian Pass area during the storm. He said Commis- sioner Davis and Road Super- intendent Whitfield answered the distress call from the citi- zens living at Indian Pass. He then asked when the road that was cut to allow the relief of the backed up water would be repaired. He said large trucks will get stuck in this washout. The Road Superintendent was instructed to take care of this repair as soon as possible. B. M. Janowski told the Board that the Port St. Joe Ambulance Squad did a pro- fessional job in picking up at his home on SR 30 and deliver- ing him to the hospital. He highly commended the ambu- lance squad for its work. Mr. Dick Lamberson, St. Joe Ambulance Squad Chief, told the Board that he has made arrangements to use the services of the military assis- tance safety and traffic squad at Fort Rucker, Alabama, as to its medical evacuation mis- sion. He said that one heli- copter with its medical eva- cuation crew have flown in to Port St. Joe for an orientation meeting; that the helicopter first landed across Fifth St. at the A&P Store and later landed at the Municipal Hos- pital doors in a trial run. He explained how this' valuable service will be used at no cost to Gulf County. Mr. Lamberson then in- formed the Board that he has filed an application for match- ing funds for a new ambu- lance, educational 'and train- ing equipment as directed by the Board. The Board author- ized the advertisement to re- ceive bids for an ambulance and equipment after the appli- cation is approved. The Board then discussed the proposed ambulance and generator building. There was a motion by Comm. Owens, seconded by Comm. Player, and carried, that the architect present his plans for this 'building at the next meeting. The Wewa Ambulance re- quested a telephone for its headquarters located at the City Hall. The Board directed the Clerk to have a semi-pub- lic telephone installed. The Board discussed a re- quest from Mrs. Betty Martin for the county to adopt an ordi- nance with reference to "hog pens". The Board said it un- derstood this problem; how- ever, it could not adopt such an ordinance without includ- ing all animals and including all areas outside of munici- palities. The Chairman made the fol- lowing appointments: Commissioner in charge of: Ambulance, Welfare & Health Department, Otis Davis, Jr.; NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS In accordance with Section 129.03, Florida Statutes, 1969, NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of County Commis- sioners of Gulf County, Florida, has adopted a tentative sup- plemental budget for the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1975, and ending September 30, 1976; that said Board will be in session on Tuesday, November 25, 1975, at 7:30 P.M., E.S.T. for the purpose of hearing complaints as to said budget and for its final adoption, to-wit:- 'RESOLUTION 75-17 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida, adopted its annual budget for the General Fund on September 24, 1975, and WHEREAS, said budget included receipts for the Mos- quito Control fund as follows,'to-wit: A-C No. 1251 State I $15,000.00 A-C No. 1252 State II 10,115.43, and WHEREAS, the said budget failed to include certain State I and State II cash to be brought forward, which amount should have been included in said budget as follows, to-wit: Appropriations Increase New Bal. A-C 9990:799 Reserves Forward ........... $227,946.36 State I .............. ... $ 9,971.21 State II ................. 10,910.69 A-C 9990:799 Reserves Forward ........... WHEREAS, said increase in the above amount included in the 1975-76 budget as balances to b forward. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by th County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 19 the same is hereby supplemented as follows: SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND A-C No. 4212:000 MOSQUITO CONTROL Salaries .............. Chem icals ................ Fuel & Repairs ............ Tools & Materials ......... Legal & Taxes ........... Insurance ............. . Contracts ............. .... Incidentals ..... . .. Equipment .......... .... Contingencies .......... .. Original Budget Sup ....... $ 75,707.88 ....... 11,786.00 ....... 14,296.58 . . 1,610.00 ....... 95.00 . . 1,350.00 ....... 100.00 . . 2,898.00 ...... -0- . .-0- TOTAL ..... . . . . $107,843.46 (NO ASSESSMENT OF MILLAGE REQUIRED) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Eldridge Money, ATTEST: George Y. Core, Clerk (SEAL) Veterans Office, Civil Defense and County Building, Wewa- hitchka, T. D. Whitfield; Parks and Mosquito Control and Sanitary Landfills, S.C. Player; Road Department, Everett Owens,. Jr.; and Courthouse, Library and Agri- cultural Department, El- dridge Money. Upon motion by Comm. Player, second by Comm.' Whitfield, and unanimous vote, the Board instructed the Attorney to prepare a legal advertisement for the aband- donment of certain streets in .Winona Subdivision. Upon motion by Architect Charles A. Gaskin, Comm. Davis moved the Board ad- vertise for bids using the hot process and the cold process for reroofing the courthouses. Comm. Player seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously. Upon motion by Comm. Davis, second by Comm. Play- er and unanimous vote, the Board approved payment of $775.00 to D & W Air Con- ditioning and Refrigeration for emergency repairs. Upon motion by Comm. Davis, second by Comm. Owens, and unanimous vote, the Board agreed to advertise for bids to sell one 15 h.p. outboard motor, property item 70-8, Mosquito Control. Bids will be received until 9:00 a.m., November 11, 1975. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence requested the Board assist his office in maintaining the jail by allowing the courthouse custodians to maintain the offices in the jail. After fur- ther discussion, Comm. Whit- field moved the courthouse custodians assist the Sheriff by maintaining the offices in the jail. Comm. Player seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Comm. Davis reported that Comm. Owens had requested the Board take under consid- eration new job classifications and pay scales for. three mem- bers 'bf the road department who had been given additional duties. After discussion, Comm. Davis moved that Bob Davis be relieved of opening and closing of the work shop as this was the responsibility of the Superintendent and his assistant. He moved that Mr. Davis be classified as a book- keeper only and be put on an hourly basis With the rate of pay being $4.04 per hour for a 40-hour week. In addition, he moved that Alva Kemp be classified as the Tool Room Manager with an hourly pay rate of $4.04. Comm. Davis then moved that Bob Lester be named Administrative Assis- tant to the Road Superinten- dent and be put on a salaried basis with an annual salary of $9,152.00. He added that all of the above be effective retro- actively to Monday, October 13, 1975. Comm. Player seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board discussed the need for another dragline for the county as the present one is complete worn out. The Board agreed to try and obtain a used one from army surplus. Bidwell, Rouse Named to PAEC ConlmIuIittee $248,828.26 Dr. Cal Brooks of Bonifay ts must be has been named chairman of a be brought newly organized Panhandle Area Educational Cooperative ie Board of Health Advisory Council, a, that its which has offices in Chipley. 975, be and The organization, drawing membership from the cooper- ative's nine member counties, will make recommendations to PAEC on Health Education Programs. "The committee pp. Budget also will help coordinate areas p. Budget75,707.88 of health services and health 11,786.00 education," said J. Michael 25,146.28 Toole of Graceville, who was 1,610.00 named recorder for the group. 95.00 Toole said committee mem- 1,350.00 bers from this area are: J. 100.00 David Bidwell and James A. 2,898.00 Rouse of Gulf County. 2,000.00 Toole said the group plans 8,032.20 an exploratory information- sharing session with the nine $128,725.36 school superintendents and school board members. He S said the group also will invite Dr. Don Davis of the Florida Chairman Panhandle Health Systems Agency to become a member of the committee. THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1975 The Gulf County School Board met in regular session on October 7, at 5:30 p.m., with the following members present: Wallace Guillot, Chairman; J. K. Whitfield; Gene Raffield; Herman Ard and Fred Greer. The meeting was opened with the invocation by Ard, and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. A group of citizens, repre- sented by spokesman Larry Clayton, met with the Board regarding a book of plays which was, issued from the Port St. Joe High School Lib- rary. It was the feeling of the . group that this book should be removed from the library, and that all books in the library be screened. The Board assured the group that a survey would be made on the library books and any distasteful books would be removed. On motion by Whitfield, seconded by Greer, all voted Yes to approve the minutes of September 2 and September 16. The Superintendent present- ed correspondence received during September. No action was required. On recommendation of the Superintendent, motion by Whitfield, seconded by Ard, all voted Yes to appoint Sue Mathis as Teacher Aide at Wewahitchka High School. On motion by Raffield, sec- onded by Greer, the Board un- animously appointed Ray- mond Mathes as student help- er in the auto mechanics shop at Port St. Joe High School. Motion was made by Ard to point Betty Sue Anchors as Title I IPI Resource Teacher. The motion failed for lack of a second. On motion by Raffield, sec- onded by Greer, all voted Yes to approve the request of Cindy Hicks Nixon that she be allowed to continue her educa- t ion at Port" St.'Joe -.High School. Letters of suspension were received from Edwin Williams, Assistant Principal, Port St. Joe High School regarding violation of the rules by students at this cen- ter. On motion by Ard, sec- onded by Whitfield, all voted Yes to approve these suspen- sions. Representatives of Bur- roughs Corporation met with the Board to discuss the diffi- culties the Board is having with the accounting machine. The Board agreed to keep the machine on a (90) day basis, with the purchase pending upon the maintenance and performance of the machine. The Board discussed the re- quest from the Band Parents Association for financial as- sistance toward the purchase of uniforms. This matter was tabled until more information could be furnished. On motion by Ard, seconded by Raffield, all voted Yes to have October 21, 1975, as make up date resulting from the storm Eloise. The Superintendent present- ed a proposed Agreement re- garding Bay County students who attend the Port St. Joe schools. The Superintendent requested that this matter be tabled until he could meet with the Bay County Administra- tors. Temple Watson, Admini- strative Assistant, presented two recommendations regard- ing the re-routing of school buses. On motion by Greer, seconded by Ard, the Board voted unanimously to approve Recommendation two. Copies are on file in the Superinten- dent's office. Bob Mooers, manager of Thuro-Clean Systems, met with the Board to discuss the custodial services his- com- pany is furnishing the Board. Mr. Mooers requested to meet with the principals at their next regular meeting in an effort to clear up the difficul- ties they are having. On motion by Ard, seconded by Greer, all voted Yes to authorize the Superintendent to sign a contract with Thuro- Clean Systems whereby they would rent the Board's tractor and trailer for $75.00 per month, and furnish all parts, maintenance and insurance. The Superintendent present- ed a schedule of class pro- grams for Wewahitchka High School. On motion by Greer, seconded by Raffield, the class schedules were ap- proved unanimously. The Superintendent present- ed a contract from the Pan- handle Education Coopera- tive regarding a Teacher Edu- cation Center. On motion by Ard, seconded by Raffield, all voted Yes to authorize the Superintendent to sign this contract. On motion by Greer, second- ed by Whitfield, the Board voted unanimously to official- ly adopt the policy regarding the use of tobacco in the schools in Gulf County. A copy of this policy is on file in the Superintendent's office. The Board received two bids on a used 66 passenger school bus: Duren & Sons and United Pentecostal Church. On motion by Raffield, seconded by Whitfield, all voted Yes to accept the highest and best bid of United Pentecostal Church. Copies of all bids are on file in the Superintendent's office. On recommendation of the Superintendent, motion by Ard, seconded by Whitfield, all voted Yes to appoint the following supplementary posi- tions: Port St. Joe High School- Band Director, Ray Smith; head basketball coach, Wil- liam Lane; jr. varsity basket- ball, Mike Herring; jr. high basketball coach, Charles Reynolds; asst. jr. high bas- ketball, Charles Fortner; head baseball coach, Gerald Lewter; asst. baseball coach, Kesley Colbert; Head girls basketball and softball coach, Elaine Peters; head track coach, William Wood; head golf coach, Wayne Taylor; head tennis coach, Mike Herring; head wrestling coach, Christopher Earley; head weightlifting coach, Wayne Stevens; asst. band director, Ann Aldridge; cheer- leader sponsors, Catherine Ramsey, Lewana Patterson and Sara,Arrant; senior spon- sors, Sara Arrant, Carol Cathey, Kesley Colbert, and Ann Aldridge; junior spon- sors, Alice Machen, Karen Price, Charles Reymonds, Elaine Peters and Judy Poole. Wewahitchka High School- Band director, Steven How- ard; principal designee, George Cox; head basketball coach, Joe Wilson; jr. varsity basketball coach, J. R.' Gorte- moller; senior sponsors, Betty Holloway and George Cox; junior sponsors, Jerry Tanton, PAGE ELEVEN Jerry Kelley; track coach, Larry Mathes; baseball coach, J. R. Gortemoller; senior varsity cheerleader sponsor, Carol Kelley; jr. varsity cheerleader sponsor, Carol Kelley. Payment of bills was placed in the official minute book. The Gulf County School Board met in special sessiorf on October 16-with the follbw- ing members present: Wal- lace Guillot, Chairman; Her- man Ard; J. K. Whitfield and Fred Greer. Board member Raffield was absent. The Superintendent, Direc- tor of Administration and Director of Instruction were present. The Superintendent recom- mended that Betty Sue An- chors be appointed as ESEA Title IPI Resource Teacher. On motion by Ard, seconded by Greer, to confirm the appointment, the motion was approved with Whitfield vot- ing nay. On motion by Ard, seconded" by Greer, all voted Yes to- appoint Emma Jo Ferrell as. school bus driver for the: 1975-76 school year. The Board voted unani-: mously to approve a supple-i mental salary for Elaine.: Peters of $550.00 for coaching girls basketball and softball.: This motion was by Greer and: seconded by Whitfield. The Board discussed the. difficulty the county office is: having with the Burroughs accounting machine. The Board attorney will review the contract and advise the Board of the legal aspects involved- The Superintendent present- ed correspondence from the Professional Practices Coun- cil regarding a former em- ployee of the Board. The attor- ney for the Board will furnish a legal opinion. " The Superintendent present- ed a report by the Department of Health, Education and Wel- fare on the flood damages to the schools in Gulf County. This report authorizes the Board to apply for assistance. The Board discussed the school yearbooks and various methods of raising funds to help defray the cost of these books. There being no further busi- ness, the Board adjourned to meet again on November 4, at 9:00 a.m. ATTEST: J. David Bidwell, Supt. Wallace Guillot, Chairman LegalAds MINUTES of the Gulf County School Board -- --- ----- --- --- ---- -- --J ----< ^ ^^ W^^ ^S^l^ ^^^ CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking... One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 TAKE A: FLORIDA IM PRCE GARANTEE NOEMBRU1 THU'2,195 a |