The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/02088
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: November 13, 1975
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:02088

Full Text

Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida

* .

15 Cents Per Copy

Donor Wishes to Contribute to Construction

New Life Breathed Into

Construction of Library

A new library for Port St.
Joe gained new life Tuesday
when it was learned at the
County Commission that a
local man wished to make a
sizeable donation to its con-
' County Attorney William J.
Rish said he had been ap-
proached by an individual who
wished to make a sizeable
contribution if the County
Commission was in a recep-
tive mood with going ahead
with construction of a new
library building.
At present the county li-

brary here in Port St. Joe is in
cramped rented quarters near
the Post Office.
The Board received .the
news in an agreeable manner
and wished to meet with the
donor to see if a plan for
receiving the gift could be
worked and progress started
up once more on the project.
The County had been setting
aside federal revenue sharing
funds for the past few years
for the purpose of building a
new library building, but as
yet nothing had been started.
The County currently has on

hand and will receive through
this fiscal year, approxi-
mately $50,000 which could be
used for library construction.
One of the financial prob-
lems is that, although federal
matching money is available
for library construction, the
county cannot use the revenue
sharing funds for matching
money. It must be locally
generated funds to qualify for
the matching grants.
The Commission agreed to
go ahead with the planning
and Chairman Eldridge Mon-
ey appointed a committee

consisting of Rish, Money,
Clerk George Core, and Com-
missioners Silas Player and
Otis Davis to meet with the
possible donor to discuss the
There js still no guarantee
that the library will be built
but with the new events com-
ing to light, the possibilities
are getting better than they
have been at any time in the
Advocates of adequate li-
brary service in the county
have advocated construction

of a library building here
almost since the county
branch of the Northwest Re-
gional Library was .establish-
ed here several years ago.
Chief Librarian, Mrs. Jane
Patton has said the library
could offer far more services
than it does with practically
no additional cost if adequate
space was available.
The committee appointed by
Chairman Money 'will meet
with the donor in the very near
future to begin negotiations.

Now operates from this rented building

Purchase of Peninsula

Loses Favor with State

St. Joseph's Peninsula, a prime
source of coveting by the State's
Department of Natural Resources since
early this year, has apparently iost
favor with the state. According to
information released Tuesday from
state sources, the land parcel now
faces the possibility of being removed
from the state's priority list for
purchase as environmentally endan-
gered land.
The Interagency Planning Council
has asked Natural Resources Director
Harmon Shields to schedule a special
meeting Noveinber.24 to consider the
The peninsula property was a hot
prospect to receive the protection of the
state this year, by purchase to let it

remain in a "pristine" state. Environ-
mentalists and a sea specimen dealer
from Wakulla County, Jack Rudloe,
were trying to get the state to purchase
the property and let it lie dormant.
Local interests, largely, wanted the
property to remain in private owner-
Ney Landrum, director of the
endangered land program, says there
are too many areas already on the
priority list.
Most members of the, planning
council, which screens endangered land
proposals for Shields and makes rec-
ommendations to the governor and
cabinet, agree that projects cannot be
added to the list forever.
Of $200 million originally raised by

a bond issue to buy endangered land,
$105 million is left and council members
are concerned about the distribution of
the remaining money.
Says Landrum, "We can't keep
adding them in open-ended fashion. If
we're going to take on new ones and
start negotiations, then we've got to-'
stop negotiations on some already
Before the state had backed down
because of changing priorities with the
money available, they had already
crawfished on their deal when it was
learned the land owners were wanting
about $1.3 million too much for the.
property. It had been offered to the
state for $5.1 million and was appraised
by the DNR appraisers at $3.8 million.

Books are piled up in crowded facilities

Red Bull Island Property

Owners Have Problems

Residents and property
owners of Red Bull Island
development thought they
were due some road mainte-
nance and bridge repair from
the county and approached the
County Commission with their
desires Tuesday morning.
The County Commission, on
the other hand thought it was
not their business to perform
the work, since the area is not
an accepted subdivision on the
county books.
In the words of veteran
County Commissioner Silas
Player, "We will have to have
a formal request from the City
of Wewahitchka before we
could proceed with any main-
tenance". The Red Bull Island
portion of the county is located
in the City of Wewahitchka.
John C. Barnes was the
spokesman for several Bay
County property owners in the
area and he spent about 10
minutes explaining to the
Commission that a bridge
which crosses a man-made
canal in the vicinity needs
repairs in order for property
owners to get to their proper-
Barnes explained that the
bridge had been built by the
developer of the property,
Charles Parker, Mexico
Beach developer, and heavy
rains and high water had
made it unsafe to cross. His
group wanted the bridge re-
paired or a detour built until
the bridge could be built.
Mrs. Beth Fuselier, spent
about 45 minutes telling the
Board she would oppose any
restriction in the canal to put
in a temporary culvert and
she was also wanting roads in
the vicinity maintained by the
county. "The roads.were built
by Mr. Parker and have been
worked only twice by, the

county", she charged. Mrs.
Fuselier estimated that ap-
proximately $14,000 in county
taxes was generated by the
property each year and she
felt they were due some road
Clerk George Y. Core put
one problem on the table when
he explained that the County
had never accepted the sub-
division and would need the
request of the City of Wewa-
hitchka in order to work the
streets. He further explained
that no ad valorem taxes were
spent on road work. "All road
work is financed by gasoline
and racetrack taxes."
Attorney William J. Rish
then unloaded another prob-
lem on the matter when he
stated that the Federal Gov-
ernment had filed a suit
against the property for build-
ing the canal and putting fill
dirt in the Chipola River
without the proper permit. He
explained the federal suit
charged the county and ev-
eryone else not to touch "a
shovelful of dirt" on the land
until the suit could be taken
care of in the courts.
Rish said, "Under this rul-
ing we don't dare work any
roads or disturb in any man-
ner the banks of the Canal."
It was learned the County
had already started putting in
a culvert to give relief to the
people who needed to use the
damaged bridge.
Rish said the county should
remove all they had put into
the canal and back off. To
solve the property owners'
problem, he suggested the
county contact the necessary
federal agency to allow them
to repair the bridge.
Mrs. Fuselier then put in her
bid for road maintenance.
"You are working roads in

other subdivisions in the coun-
ty and we pay taxes too. We
deserve streets we can use.
Our streets are impassable on
any but a sun-shiny day."
Again the Commission re-
minded Mrs. Fuselier, they
couldn't touch the streets
without permission of the City
of Wewahitchka.
It was learned then that the
City of Wewahitchka had not
accepted the subdivision
After the dust settled nearly
an hour and a half later, the
County agreed to service the
roads if the City of Wewa-
hitchka would request the
work in writing. They also
agreed to make emergency
repairs to the bridge provided
the Federal Government
would allow it in face of the
The County Commission
agreed to purchase a third
ambulance vehicle for the
county volunteer ambulance
service at Tuesday's meeting.
The county now operates two
vehicles in the county-one in
Wewahitchka and one in Port
St. Joe. The third vehicle
would provide back-up service
primarily for the Port St. Joe
area, but also for the entire
county in case of a break-down
in one of the present vehicles.
The machine was purcl-: sed
when local squad cihef R. D.
Lamberson recently told the
Board they were in a position
of getting caught on calls with
the present car out on call. He
also noted the advancing age
of the vehicles made break-
downs a threat.
The new vehicle, a modular
ambulance pod mounted on a
one-ton chassis. was purchas-
,ed from Starline of Sanford at
a cost of $17,893.00. The county

a cost of $17,893.00 The county
will receive $10,000 toward the
(Continued on Page 3)

FSU "Flying High" Circus

Performing Two Shows

Saturday In Stadium

Saturday is circus day here
in Port St. Joe.
Florida State University's
famous "Flying High" Circus
will give two performances

Saturday afternoon and eve-
ning in the Port St. Joe High
School football stadium. The
two-hour shows will begin at
3:00 and 7:30 p.m.
According to Richard Brin-
son, manager of the circus,
the circus will bring between
18 and 20 acts to Port St. Joe to
perform in the three rings
which will be set up on the
football field. The show will
include trapeze artists, jug-
gling, acrobats, clowns, bal-
ancing acts, trick bicycle rid-
ing, roller skate acrobatics
and everything one would see
in any circus, except animal
The circus performers are
students of Florida State Uni-
versity, trained by artists with
Ringling Brothers Circus.
They have performed all over
the United States and on
television on numerous oc-
casions. The circus moves its

show to Callaway Gardens
each summer where they
perform daily.
The local show is being
sponsored jointly by the Ki-
wanis, Lions and Rotary
clubs. All members of each
club are involved in the plan-
ning and production of the
Admission to the big circus
will be: $2.00 for adults and
$1.25 for children 12 years and
under in advance and $2.50 for
adults and $1.50 for children at
the gate. Tickets are on sale
locally at the High School,
Elementary School, Florida
First National Bank, Rich's
IGA, The Star, Buzzett's Drug
Store, Smith's Pharmacy and
St. Joe Hardware and by a ll
members of all three service
clubs. ..'
The circus will be moving
into Port St. Joe early Satur-
day morning to set up their
rigging and sets for the acts.

'Sharks', 'Tigers'


Port St. Joe's Sharks
will put it all on the line
Friday night when they
meet the Blountstown Ti-
gers here in Shark sta-
dium at 8:00 p.m.
After a week of rest, the
Sharks will play the game
which will decide whether
or not they get a shot at
the state championship
this year. Blountstown is
a division foe and both the
Sharks and Tigers have
perfect records in their
division play. The winner

will represent this district
in the play-down system
for the state champion-
The Sharks enter the
game with a little better
record than the Tigers.
The Sharks are 7-1 and
the Tigers 6-2. Both teams
lost to powerful Chipley.
The Tigers defeated the
Sharks last year in
Blountstown and the
Sharks will be out for
revenge as well as the
league championship.

Trapeze artists will thrill crowd


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,PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975

i Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida
By The Star Publishing Company
Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456.

Wesley R..Ramsey ......................................... Editor and Publisher
William H. Ramsey ............................................... Production Supt.
Frenchie L. Ramsey ............................................... Office Manager
Shirley K. Ramsey......................................... Typesetter, Subscriptions


IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., S127.50
OUT OF COUNTY-One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, $7.00

TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions inmadvertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable
for damage further than amount received for such advertisement.

The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely
4 asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains.

For Children of All Ages

Acrobatic tumbling and trick bicycle riding will
be just two of the many acts to be presented at the
Florida State "Flying High" Circus to be held
Saturday at the football stadium. Other acts will
include the balance beam, the Spanish web, teeter
board, roller skating, flying trapeze, clown acts and
many others. Plan to attend the circus, take the
kids, and enjoy a great performance.


Circus Offers High

Class Entertainment

not very often that a show of acts in a professional manner.
ibre of the Florida State The show is costing the civic
ity Flying High Circus clubs of Port St. Joe over $4,000 to
to a community the size of bring to our city. They don't plan to
Joe. This show is coming to make any money in the venture.
saturday and we hope the Their only desire is to provide a
nity will support the per- first-class event for the people to
ce with their presence, see; a clean show for their kids to
circus is one of the finer in witness.
d today and is recognized We hope you will support the
nation for its high quality of show and future shows which will be
ance. brought if this venture turns out as
n we hear of a circus well as expected.
to Port St. Joe or any other
iwn we visualize a mangy Already, the Kiwanis Club has
Sor two, some smelly, poor the official U. S. Navy Band booked
and a half dozen or so for the month of March at consider-
-hill performers who gouge able expense also. They will prob-
)ple for a second class ably be aided in their efforts by the
dance. other civic clubs.
Flying High Circus has We think these two ventures of
ed all over the world. It is the civic clubs oftPort St. Joe are
p of students of FSU who acts of civic responsibility and show
een tutored by first-class their concern for being a credit to
people and who perform their their community.

Losing Good Men

We see where a state govern-
ment committee is proposing that
businessmen who. serve in a public
office be restrained from doing busi-
ness with that government agency,
even on a bid basis.
It seems to us that this is a bad
law, edict or proclamation, what-
ever the proposed ruling turns out to
be: bad for the government agencies
as well as bad for the businessman.
To be blunt about the matter, we
think there are ample safeguards
against those who would swindle the
government. Those who want to so
will find ways to do it, even if there
is a law against it. We think it is a far
more common occurance for a non-
businessman office holder to enter
into collusion with one who is to give
him preferential treatment for a
kickback. This would be compara-
tively easy to hide. By dealing direct
with the businessman, the transac-
tion is in the record and the guilt is
standing out for all the world to see,
if there is unfair practice or price
gouging going on. The matter of
taking bids for most goods provided
and services offered serves to dilute
the possibility of wrong-doing even
Then there is the need for
businessmen to serve on our gov-

ernment boards and in our govern-
ment agencies. If a businessman
knows he is automatically reducing
his potential customers by a healthy
percentage if he is elected to office,
he is not going to run. It's that
simple. This leaves the operation of
our land's biggest businesses wide
open to those who have had no
experience in operating a business.
This isn't to say they could not do so.
This is to say they haven't had the
A good case in point can be
found right here in Port St. Joe. We
have always had at least two
businessmen on the Commission and
sometimes more. As a result, what
finances we had at our disposal have
always been prudently managed and
necessary services provided in an
adequate manner. In over 20 years
of watching local government, 'we
have not seen an instance of where a
local businessman, serving in office,
has taken advantage of his position.
We think this is the usual, rather
than the unusual.

We would like to see some
regulation of public officers doing
business with their particular agen-
cies, but to preclude them from
being eligible seems to go too far.

There has been a lot of
water under the bridge since
St. Joseph Telephone and
Telegraph Company started
up a one section switchboard
offering telephone service to
the people of Port St. Joe,
according to statistics given to
the Rotary Club last Thursday
by Bernard Pridgeon, who is
general manager of the local
The company began service

with one operator keeping the
switchboard in her home. The
operator personally handled
every call, local or long dis-
tance. Today, the firm main-
tains a staff of 58 operators
and-have local calls handled
by the dialing customer him-
self and over half the long
distance handled by direct
distance dialing.
Pridgeon said the firm now
has 19,000 phones in service

over their service area. The
company employs 211 people
and has $18 million invested in
their system.
The firm is just winding
down a'construction project
which will give the company
new office facilities and en-
large their switching equip-
ment space. The new building
construction will double the
size of the old facilities.
The new construction will do

Lions Entertain
Area Clubs
At Zone Meeting

Three hundred pounds of
succulent ribs were served up
to approximately 100 Lions
who assembled here last Tues-
day for a district zone meet-
ing. The six Lions clubs at-
tending represented Region
Three, Zone One, District 35-F
of Florida Lions. The clubs
were from Panama City, Lynn
Haven, Panama City Beach,
Parkway and Port St. Joe.
Zone Chairman Herman E.
Myers of Panama City pre-
sided over the meeting. Three
new members of the Port St.
Joe Lions Club were installed
by Deputy District Governor
Daun Crews of Marianna. The
new Lions were Dana Holton,
Mike Groos and Ron Bordelon.

What has happened to automobile horns? As
young as I am, I can remember when cars let out
a comical "ah-ooo-ga" or a plaintive "bleep,
bleep" when the horns were blown. Now, it's an
adventure trying to figure out how to blow a horn
and when you finally get it to blow, it doesn't
come out with an authoritative "blat! blat!", but
we get an aneamic "pap!, pap!".
, We have three cars in our family and none of
them has a horn blowing apparatus like..-the
othei. My station wagon has one of those "pap!
pap!", horns, but you can never blow it in an
emergency. At times I have nearly pushed the

When Chataqnua

Came to Town


One of our first attempts to
break away from the slow and
easy life of going to church,
meeting the passenger trains,
and playing a few games of
checkers was through the

Chatauqua, with its idea of a
'fast, crisp, cultural life.
It seems people of all times
have been good promoters. To
get interest in something
which was hard to pronounce

Seminar for Shopkeepers

A seminar to aid shopkeep-
ers during the busy weeks
ahead will be offered by Gulf
Coast Community College
Thursday, Nov. 20.
Entitled "Shoplifting Detec-
tion", the seminar will cover
common shoplifting techni-
ques and the ways store
managers may combat this
type of crime.
Panama City Police Chief

more than give mord room.
Pridgeon said there are
changes coming in the phone
company operation. "Some
are already in service" he
said. Most of the changes are
in the Direct Distance Dialing
service. The firm has installed
an electronic selector for plac-
ing the calls to replace their
old mechanical system. Prid-
geon said the electronic is
faster and more dependable
than the mechanical equip-
Also, in the area of DDD, the
firm is putting in equipment
which will allow a patron to
dial a collect or person to
person call and the equipment
will go ahead and place the
call while the operator is being
notified of the call and breaks
into your line to get the
information needed to com-
plete the call. "By the time the
operator gets through with

Tom McAuley will participate
in the three-hour seminar to
outline shoplifting laws, and
GCCC law enforcement in-
structor, Russ Barnes will
present a film and lecture on
the problem.
The seminar, which is of-
fered free to all interested
persons, will begin at seven
p.m. CST in the GCCC Student
Center Quiet Lounge.

you, your call should be
complete", Pridgeon said. In
the new set-up, the operator
must answer within eight
seconds. "She or he has no
choice", Pridgeon said, "since
the machine is right there in
her face and it opens up
automatically to the first op-
erator the selector finds free."
One of the biggest pieces of
business for the company is its
long distance business. "We
are growing in this area by
leaps and bounds", Pridgeon
said. He said the firm handled
1,113,633 long distance calls in
1971; 1,549,000 in 1973; 1,756,-
000 in 1974 and 1,311,000 thus
far this year.
New services now and soon
to be offered include, direct
dialing for credit card calls,
collect calls, person to person
calls and a paging service.
The firm already has in
operation marine and mobile
telephone service.

and even harder to spell, the
people in town were divided
into two groups. One wore
red tags (about the size of a
silver dollar) and the other
blue tags in a ticket selling
contest for the Chatauqua.
The losing captain of the red
and blue team in the contest
was to get up on the Chatau-
qua stage on opening night
and hand saw through the
toughest old lightning struck
tree butt that could be found.
Most of us enjoyed wearing
our blue and red tags and
would hang them over a bed
post knob at night and the next
morning put them back on for
another good day of wearing
and showing our tags.
Some had a love for wearing
tags and most any kind of
ornaments, even live lizards. I
don't know whatever became
of the lizards or the people
who wore them, but if one
wanted to wear a little lizard
with a delicate gold chain and
would keep the lizard fed and
watered there surely was no
harm done.
The Chatauqua tent arrived.
It was the largest tent we had
ever seen, but the tent itself
did not culturize us very much
because we had seen many
medicine show tents and a few
all-gi'l burlesque dance tents
that rambled around through
the country trying to spread a
little sunshine with their dar-
ing knee length dance
dresses and snare-drum-beat
The red team lost the ticket
selling contest and had to saw
the lightning struck tree. We
all enjoyed the three days of
cultural advancement, and
after all, simple enjoyment
could be a high form of high

,the cal
comes t
Port St.
town SE
the lanm
over the
_small to
Sthe peo
. perform
- perform
made u]
have be
circus p(


hub through the steering wheel to blow the horn.
The blowing mechanism is a ring which goes half
way around the wheel between the outside and
the hub. Hit it wrong and it won't blow, which is
what I usually do when I get into an emergency
We have two of those cussed two-door
sedans. Neither of the cars have a horn which
can be found instinctively, in an emergency. You 4
-- have to hunt them. But just let- the seat forward
to l't somebody. or puit somethinginto the b ack
Asset anid you get a "p-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-p!".
My daughter has a car which I have driven
on occasion. It's one of the newer models which
those'which stay at the house aren't: I drove that
car several times and had to use the horn on
occasion and could never make it blow. At times,
I would be driving down the road and all of a
sudden the horn would blow. I finally found out
that you blow the horn by squeezing the steering
wheel. Shift your position in the seat, and
pressure on the wheel blows the horn. Turn to4
talk to somebody in the car, and the horn blows.
It's disconcerting.
I'll be glad when we get back to the days
when all cars have a horn which will blow by
hitting the hub of the steering wheel. After all,
isn't that the natural thing to do when you want
to hurry the guy up in front of you?
Would you listen to Representative Don
Tucker! Old Don, of the harmonica playing
Tuckers over in Crawfordville is trying to get
designated as Speaker of the House next year
and he has opposition. In my opinion, he is also
trying to get in position to run for Governor.
Tucker has come out with both arms flying
saying the state should abolish programs we
can't afford rather than raise taxes. That's a
refreshing thought!
Don (he might just change his last name
from 'Tucker' to 'Quixote') seems to mean what,
he says when he says the tax payers are paying
too much money for programs we cannot afford.
That's the first time I ever heard a law maker
wonder whether or not we could afford anything. A
The first thing Tucker has to do in his
vendetta against programs we can't afford is to.
educate the people that they are paying for them
all out of their own personal pockets. He has to
dispell the notion which Governor Askew planted
several years ago that the people wouldn't 'be
called on to pay corporation taxes. V
If old Don can sell that idea, he might just
sell himself as Speaker of the House and as

Commissioner of Education Ralph Turling-
ton who recently didn't make many friends by
saying the people of Florida should be taxed
more for education, came up with egg on his face
last week.
Turlington learned, to his dismay, that the
teacher his office designated as "Teacher of the
Year" was a participant in an illegal strike of
teachers in Broward County.
There's nothing which can be said against,
selection of a teacher for "Teacher of the Year"
designation who is active in matters pertaining
to the schools. When Florida law forbids strikes
by public employees, however, there is cause for
wonder at whether a law breaker should have,,
this distinction.



Like Topsy, St. Joe

Tel. and Tel. Just Grew

F W1

Pucketts Feted THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975 PAGE THREE

At Receptio Milestone Award Presented
Mr. and Mrs. George Puc. lestoneA ar Presented

kett and family were honored
Sunday night, November 9,
with a reception in the fellow-
ship hall of the First Baptist
Church. This was the Puc-
ketts last Sunday to serve
First Baptist in the field of
music and youth.
The Pucketts will be moving
to Mobile where George will
continue his education at.
Mobile College and will be
Minister of Music at Riverside
Baptist Church.

Wheelettes Newest Kid on the Block

The first Wheelette induc-
tion ceremony was held Sat-
urday evening at 5:30 p.m. at
the Harbor House Restaurant
in Panama City. The Wheel-
ettes are a new girls' service
club at Port St. Joe High The
club is being sponsored by the
city's Rotary Club.
The evening began with din-
ner and live entertainment
provided by Regina Ellis,
Karen Gosnell and Cindy At-
kins, members of the club.
The ceremony then began
being conducted by Ms. Karen
Price, sponsor. The ceremony
consisted of the lighting of
candles representing the girls'
desires for eternal love, sis-
terhood, and the betterment of
their school and community.
This was followed by an oath
of confirmation.
At present the Wheelettes
are taking the first step in
launching their year of activi-
ties. Their first activities in-
clude selling tickets for the

FSU Circus to be held here
Saturday, November 15 and
working at the circus. The
girls are anxiously looking to
the future with the hope of

doing their best to make Port
St. Joe a better place in which
to live.
Anyone interested in pur-
chasing circus tickets may

(Continued from Page 1)

Have Problems

purchase from the State of
The Board also approved
bids for the purchase of train-
ing aids for the service includ-
ing a Resusci-Ann doll for
$772.08, an infusion kit for
$93.25 and an Intubation kit for
$337.00 from Starline. Twenty
pagers were purchased from
Adams Communications of
Marianna for $2,875.
Other items of business
-Receipt of an inspec-

tion report from the De-
partment of Transportation
certifying that all the bridges
in the county were in good
-Agreed to meet with rep-
resentatives of Farmers
Home Administration in re-
gards to possible financing of
a water system for Oak Grove.
-Agreed to advertise for a
supplemental budget for the
Mosquito Control Department
to include $18,849.70 in state
funds carried over from last
year's budget.

contact any Wheelette mem-
ber or Ms. Karen Price at Port
St. Joe High School. The
prices are $2.00 adults, $1.25 -

Latter Day

Saints Set

A Tallahassee Stake Con-
ference, of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints,
will be held in Tallahassee,
Sunday, November 16, at 11:00
a.m. EST.
Elder Delbert L. Stapley, of
the Council of Twelve, from
Salt Lake City, Utah, will be
there for a division of the
The Church is located on
Stadium Drive, in Tallahas-
see. All interested people are
cordially invited to attend.

Papermakers Credit Union

Administrator Herman Nic-
kerson, Jr., National Credit
Union Administration, pre-
sented the NCUA Milestone
Award to the St. Joe Paper-
makers Federal Credit Union
on October 1', 1975. The award
was made in recognition of 35

Big Daddy
(By N. A. Coates)
There's no need to drive to White City.
He doesn't wait there anymore
to know when you turn the corner
down by Stafford's store.
No one waits at the vacant white cottage
sitting lonely with fond memories,
beneath the pines that support the sky
midst flowers and a balmy breeze.
No light shines from the windows.
No sounds from within for so long.
Even the frogs and the locusts
sing a melancholy song.
No straw hat hangs on the door knob.
No one to throw open the door.
No "Shore am glad to see ya-all."
It's not like it was before.
As he sometimes sat in solitude
relaxed, in his rocking chair,
who knows if his "Lord have mercy"
was an expression or a prayer?
He has gone to another White City
where he waits just over the ridge.
He will know that you are coming
when you cross the singing bridge.
WRITERS NOTE: About 13 years ago, the draw
bridge over the canal at White City, Florida was
named the "Singing Bridge" by a little blind girl
from Iowa visiting the Fords in Florida, with the
Coates family. Debbie knew where she was each
time she crossed the bridge by the sound of the
car tires on the steel mesh floor of the bridge.
Thus, the double meaning of "Singing Bridge"
in the above verse.

Mr. Ford passed away on September
19, 1975. He was proceeded in death by a
son, John Jr., who gave his life in an indus-
trial accident at Port St. Joe in September
of 1955.

years of dedicated service to
the membership on the part of
the credit union's volunteer
officials and its employees.
The St. Joe Papermakers
Federal Credit Union, origi-
nally chartered in 1939, is
located on Third Street, Port
St. Joe. With initial member-
ship of eight shareholders and
assets of -$40.00, the credit
union now boasts 1,217 mem-
bers and assets of approxi-
mately $1,860,000.00.
The National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA), is an
independent agency in the
Executive Branch of the Fed-
eral Government; its mission
includes the chartering,

examination and supervision
of Federal credit unions
throughout the United States,
its territories and possessions.
Equally important, NCUA
manages the Federal share
insurance program, which in-
sures members' savings ac-
counts in Federal credit
unions and state-chartered
credit unions which qualify
and apply for the coverage.
The National Credit Union
Share Insurance Fund insures
member accounts up to
As of year-end of 1974, the
Federal credit union system
had 15,906,434 members, with
total assets of $17 billion.

Comforter Funeral

Gulf County's First
Beginning 30 Years of
Continuous Service i
Pete, Hortense & Rocky Comforter

Telephone 227-3511

You Are Cordially Invited to Attend


Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street

SUNDAY SCHOOL ................. 9:45A.M.
MORNING WORSHIP .............. 11:00 A.M.
CHURCH TRAINING .............. 6:15 P.M.
EVENING WORSHIP .............. 7:30 P.M.
PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:15 P.M.
Jerome Cartier,
Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor Minister of Music

Seated: Regina Ellis, Parliamentarian; Arleatha Hen-
derson, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer; Nan Parker,
Vice President; Cheryl Hatcher, President; Gail Rodgers,
Historian; and Phyllis Willis, Secretary. Standing; I to r:

Sharon Weatherspoon, Tammy Lewis, Dorothy Boykins,
Vanessa Willis, Pam Smith, Brenda Young, Karen Gosriell,
Cynthia Addison, Cindy Atkins and Katrina Pippin.
Star Photo


Company held their annual Pictured are, left to right,
Spooks Halloween party on Friday, Merle Garrett, Rita Cumbie,
Oct. 31. Each year the opera- Pat Hanna, Dean Sexton, Ida
Operators of St. Joseph tors vie to see who can come Bell Lindsey, Steve Wilson,
Telephone and Telegraph up with the best costume. Louise Daughtry, Carolyn

Mrs. Maddox Presented Set

1 'of History Books by Society

Peak, Jean McMillan, Lillie
Mae Gilbert, Betty Terry,
Mary Brown and David Play-
er. Seated in front is Edith

Officers Named by

Retarded Citizens Group

A meeting of members of
the Gulf County Association
for Retarded Citizens was held


Is Two
Darrell Linton, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Linton,
celebrated his second birth-
day in his home with a party
last Thursday, Nov.'6, from
3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Cake, ice
cream and potato chips were
served to the children helping
Darrell celebrate.
Present for the party were:
Stacy Kemp, Tonya Peak,
Darrell Linton, Chris Cox,
Mike Miller and Frankie Lin-
ton. Second row, I to r, Law-
rence Kemp, Archie Linton,
Kevin Bradley,, Kimberly
Knight, Al Wood, Kelly:
Knight. Not shown were Maria
Miller and Analisa Wood.

Thursday night, November 6,
in the high school Commons
The following officers were
elected for the coming year:
President, Rita Sanders; Vice
President, David Lewis; Sec-
retary, Jacque Price; and
Treasurer, Minnie Likely.
Maxine Gant will serve as
membership chairman. Kath-
ryn Miller, Sara Fite and
Maxine Gant were elected to
the Board of Directors. for
one-year terms. Elected to
two-year terms were Peter
Grimm and Ray Likely. Mrs.
Millie Lyles, out-going presi-
dent, will also serve on the
Board of Directors.
A discussion was held re-
garding the Special Olympics
which will be in the spring.
The next regular meeting
will be Thursday night, Dec-
ember, 4, with the time and
place to be atnnout ied later.
All interested persons are en-
couraged to attend.

Miss Sarah Claire Herring

Engagement Told

Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Herring. have announced the
-engagement and approaching
marriage of their daughter,
Sarah Claire, to George Edwin


& Professionally cleaned. & soil retardant

Carpel Cleaning

Do Your Carpets Need Cleaning?

Any Two Rooms

and Hallway

Port St. Joe Phone 229-8177

Boyer of Pensacola. Mr.
Boyer is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E, Boyer.
Miss Herring is a graduate
of Port St. Joe High School and
Bauder Fashion College, At-
lanta, Ga.
Her fiance is a graduate of
FSU and is doing graduate
work at the University of West
Florida in Pensacola.
The wedding will be an
event of November 23 at 4:00
p.m. in the First Baptist
Church. No invitations are
being sent, but all friends and
relatives are invited to attend.

ki. -Idr-Ah. I I


knives is puubising a news-
letter and that it is available to
society members for the ask-
Jesse Stone announced that
the Constitution Museum is
now on the Bicentennial Trail.

ne also announced that Sen-
ator Dick Stone will be the
speaker for the annual meet-
ing of the society.
All members are especially
urged to attend the December

The November meeting of
the St. Joseph Historical Soc-
iety was held at Jake's Rest-
aurant, Saturday, Nov. 8, at
3:00 p.m. with president, Jes-
se Stone, in the chair. The
meeting was opened with
prayer by Mrs. George Suber.
Miss Netta Niblack reported
that book sales had been going
rather well, but the society
still has a number on hand and
these are available to the
public. The three are: "The
Great Tide", by Rubylea Hall;
"Lives of Old St. Joseph" by
Louise M. Porter; and the
"Gulf County History", pre-
pared by members of the
society for the recent 50th
Anniversary Celebration. The
public is advised that these
books are available at a num-
ber of places in the city and
from individual members:
Miss Netta Niblack, Jesse
Stone, Mrs. Hubert Brinson,
Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Sr. and
Mrs. Paul Fensom. The books
will make wonderful Christ-
mas gifts.
Mrs, Zola Maddox, the only
honorary member of the-soci-
ety, was presented with a
complete set of the above
mentioned books. The presen-
tation was made. by Jesse
Stone for the St. Joseph His-
torical Society.
Plans were made for the
society members to visit the
Junior Museum in Panama
City, November 15, from 2:30
to 5:00 p.m. The theme of the
museum at this time is "The

Miss Ward

Feted At

Miss Sandy Ward, Novem-
ber bride-elect of John Os-
borne, was honored at a
calling shower Thursday, No-
vember 6. It was held in the
First Baptist Church Social
Hall, which was decorated in
the bride's-chosen colors of
rusit. gold, brown and green.
Hostesses for the occasion
were Pam Puckett, Celine
Fowler, Tillie McKiernan,
Betty Ruth Fleming, Joyce
Moore, Bonnie Stephens,
Elaine Barnes, Sandra Raf-
field, Gladys Bateman and
Linda Johnson.
The hostesses presented
Miss Ward with a platter in
her chosen china pattern. She
also received many useful and
thoughtful gifts from well

Great Tide". It is hoped that
every member will attend.
A letter from Bob Ellzey,
Bicentennial Chairman,
stated that $800.00 had been
received from the State, for
improvements at the old
cemetery, and that the
amount would be transferred
to the City to pay for these
improvements. The letter fur-
ther stated that on January
10-11, the military caravan
will be displayed in Port St.
Joe. The military will have
four large vans to show how
the military forces have help-
ed the United States since
1776. There will be a parade,
including the school band, and
the event will be opened to
others to sell or display what-
ever the people desire. The
society was urged to suggest
further plans for those two
days, and the group decided to
sell books at this time. Mrs.
Charles Browne was appoint-
ed chairman of the book pro-
Mrs. Hubert Brinson report-
ed that a copy of "The Forbes
Purchase" had been placed
recently in the museum at
Port St. Joe, and a silver
spoon found on the beach by
the mother of Mrs. Dick San-
ders of Panama City. The
spoon was sent from Panama
City to Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Sr.
for presentation to the
Charles Smith displayed a
copy of an old French map of
St. Joseph Bay. He also an-
nounced that the Florida Ar-

Garden Club

Meets Today

The Port St. Joe Garden
Club will meet this afternoon
at three p.m. in the Garden
Center on Eighth Street. A
program on "Dried Flowers"
will be presented.
Hostesses for the occasion
are Helen Baldwin and Elaine
Jackson. All interested ladies
of the community are encour-
agedito attend#,, :I ;,;

We would like to thank all
our friends for the prayers,
calls, visits, beautiful flowers,
fruit and concern for I. C.
before and after his operation.
He is improving nicely and we
hope to be home soon.
The I. C. Nedley


LACEiRn.'?B S XE,9
by (rmstrong:-

$4 943
only a 4 o
for a 9'x12' room

St. Joe Hardware

203 Reid Avenue

Phone 227-8111

\I.~I tU-------------~E~

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975



Your friends won't believe
you installed this elegant floor

yourself! /, 1

Like all Place 'n Press
Excelon Tile floors,
Regency Square is a
snap to install be-
cause it comes with the
adhesive already on the back.
But, when installed, it
doesn't look like tile.
Regency-Square's dis-
tinctive, geometric
design tends to hide its
own seams, giving you
a"'aoritinuous'wall-to- ,
3 "Wl-' patten.' Ahd' be. *-..
cause it's made of
rugged vinyl-asbestos,
Regency Square can be
installed in rooms
where the action is. See
this high-styled floor today.


Six of the contestants are shown above. Front row, I to r: to r: Connie Redmon, Nan Parker and Lisa Melton.
Tammy Rushing, Sheila Harper and Joni Shores. Back row, I Star Photo

Thirteen Girls Will Participate In

Annual Junior Miss Pageant First
M tA d,...,.

Thirteen girls will vie for the achievement, talent, poise and
title of Port St. Joe's 1976 personality, physical fitness
Junior Miss in the annual and personal interview.
pageant to be held next Sat- This year's contestants and
urday night, November 22. their sponsors are: Cindy
The pageant will begin at Atkins, daughter of Mr. and
eight p.m. in the Commons Mrs. Wesley Atkins, Flor-
Area of Port St. Joe High. ida First National Bank;
Regina Ellis, daughter of Mr.
Last year's Junior Miss, and Mrs. Kenneth Ellis,
Miss Sandy Ward, will be on Pate's Service; Cheryl Hat-
hand to crown the lucky one cher, daughter of Staff Sgt.
selected by the panel of and Mrs. Cyrus Riley, Pete's
judges. The girls re judged Fcono Laundry, Driesbach
on "e e asf aaca e dic-' Aeaners:and Costin's Depart-

the members of the

Church of Christ
invite you to meet with them:
Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00
Sunday Morning Worship ....... 11:00
Sunday Night ................ 6:00
Wednesday Night ............. 7:00

Corner 20th St. & Marvin
James Brantley, Minister
Phone 229-8153

ment Store; Sheila Harper,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Harper, St. Joe Furniture;
Lisa Melton, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Guerry Melton,
George Tapper and Co.; Tam-
my Norwood, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Norwood,
Sears Catalog Store and
Carr's Auto Sales.
Nan Parker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parker,
Mexico Beach Corp.; Connie
Redmon, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Redmod, Citizen's
Federal; Gail Rodgers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Rodgers, Sylvachem;
Tammy Rushing, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lucious Rush-
ing, St. Joe Paper Co. Con-
tainer Division; Joni Shores,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Car-
son Shores, Debbie's Flowers;
Sandra Varnum, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Varnum,
Basic Magnesia, Inc.; and
Janice Walton, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walton,
St. Joe Paper Co.
Tickets for the pageant are
on sale now and may be ob-
tained from any contestant or
from the Jaycees and Jay-
ceettes, or bought at the door.
Admission will be $2.00 for
adults, and $1.00 for students.

The Centennials, a Port St.
Joe quartet, which is named to
commemorate the unique his-

Card of Thanks
The unexpected kindness
from an unexpected place, a
hand outstretched in friend-
ship, a smile on someone's
A word of understanding
spoken in an hour of trial are
"unexpected miracles" that
make life more worthwhile.
w We know not how it happened
that in an hour of need
Somebody out of nowhere
proved to be a friend indeed-
For God has many messen-
gers we fail to recognize, But
He sends them when we need
them for His ways are won-
drous wise!
The family of the late Harry
Leon Brewton, Sr., acknow-
ledges with gratefulness the
many acts of sympathy ex-
pressed in our time of sorrow.
We are especially grateful to
those who were near the scene
of the accident; the young
boys who worked so faithfully
until the ambulance arrived;
also to the ambulance crew,
the staff of the Municipal
Hospital, the Police depart-
ment and anyone who helped
in any way. The visits, calls,
food, flowers and every act of
sympathy is deeply appre-
May God bless you.
Mrs. Leila F. Brewton
Mrs. Julia Griner
Harry L. Brewton, Jr.

;t Ch, h

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975 PAGE FIVE

George Puckett, Tad Mat-
hews and Chris and Kim
Davis. In their album of gos-
pel music they have endea-
vored to choose a variety of
musical compositions and ly-
rics in order to effectively,
communicate the gospel of
Jesus Christ.

Old favorites, such as "Rock
of Ages" and "The Old Rug-
ged Cross" coupled with more
modern arrangements, such
as "It Won't Be Long" and
"Statute of Liberty" provide
the variety needed to appeal to
all ages. The album is now on

torical significance of the
Constitution City where Flor-
ida's original constitution was
signed, have made their first
The group is composed of

Shop and Save

at The

Insurance Store

Now you can do all your insurance shopping the new

I Welcome to
IThe "sura-ce t

easy way-under one roof.


in the Port St. Joe area
you'll find it in our
insurance store

At The Insurance Store, you'll find every kind of
Including homeowners, automobile, marine, health,
life, theft, liability, bond, aviation, and business insurance.
YOU'lj also find a wide choice of insurance companies.
And a wide variety of insurance coverages and prices.
Best of all, you'll also find a professionally-trained
staff that can help you save money by showing you how
to buy what you need-without buying what you don't
Why pay more?
Shop and save at The Insurance Store.

Hannon Insurance

221 Reid Ave.

Port St. Joe

Phone 227-2011

- II I r lrlC-C~ls~vt

Tad lock Piano Co.

brings their pre-Christmas

sale to Port St. Joe

Friday and Saturday,

Nov. 14 & 15






Console Pianos as low as

(Organs as low


Kimball Whitney Pianos in
Italian Provincial, Modern,
and Early American Designs.


Kimball Swinger Organs a
Theatre Modern, Spanish, atr
Italian Provincial.


Play a Kimball Organ like a "pro" ... in 5 mins... with 2 finge .sl
Kimball Piano selection includes spinets, consoles, grands!
All Kimballs give you superb sound, outstanding beauty.

Come by and see us in the
Piggly Wiggly parking lot


Local Group Cuts Record

Monument and Constition
Port St. Joe, Fla.
CHURCH SCHOOL ...................... 9:45 A.M.
PREACHING SERVICE........ 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M.
CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday)...... 7:30 P.M.

I I I ---------

II I -' I I-

FSA-1 1-5FMET 0


N At Jffl

I B-1 P'N A Y- "(r)

Friday, November

8:00 P.M. -Shark Stadium

SJ7r 12._,7L tjl32 77 6

L~i j





PORT ST. JOE'S FIGHTING TIGER SHARKS-Front row, left to right: Wade
Stoutamire, Curtis Williams, Barry Nobles, Keith Neel, Chester Fennell, Steve Cloud,
Phillip Davis, Bill Norton, James Ward, Joe Wilson, Ronald Daniels. Second row:
Coach Wayne Taylor, Allen Lowery, Steve Owens, Mike Etheridge, Greg Abrams,

Keef Pettis, Mano Whitehead, Jay Fleming, Mitchell Gainer, Coach Kesley Colbert.
Back row: Coach Bill Wood, Marcus Manning, Sandy Sanborn, Jody Taylor, Preston
Gant, Andy' May, Robert Farmer, Ray Lawrence, Carl Beard, Calvin Watson and
Coach Gerald Lewter. Star photo


Sept. 12-Wewahitchka H
Sept. 19-Florida High T
;Sept. 26-DeFuniak Springs H
Oct. 2-Carter Parramore T
Oct. 10-Monticello H
Oct. 17-Chattahoochee H
Oct. 24-Chipley T
Oct. 31-Wakulla T
Nov. 7-Open
Nov. 14-Blountstown H
Nov. 21-Bonifay H

Jr. Varsity
Sept. 18-Wakulla, 7:30 T
Sept. 25-P.C. Christian, 7:00 H
Oct. 2-Blountstown,7:00 T
Oct. 9-Open
Oct. 16-Marianna, 7:00 H
Oct. 23-Blountstown, 7:00 H
Oct. 30-Rosenwald, 4:30 T
Nov. 6-Wakulla, 7:00 H

7th & 8th Grade
Sept. 25-Blountstown, 5:00 H
Oct. 9-Marianna, 7:00 H
Oct. 16-Blountstown, 7:30 T
Oct. 30-Marianna, 8:15 T




ADMISSION: Adults $2.00 Students $1.00
Reserved Seats $2.25



VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-Left to right: Sonja Robin-
son, Jerri Lewis, Melody Smith, Joni Shores, Nan Parker,

Tickets on

Sale At:

* Smith's Pharmacy
* Campbell's Drug
* Buzzett's Drugs
* School. Office

Janis Schweikert, Vanessa Willis, Tami McMillian and Lisa
Melton. Star photo

Pay Cash and Pay Less


Carr's Auto Sales
309 Monument Avenue Phone 229-6961
Citizen's Federal
Savings and Loan Association
Quality at Savings Phone 227-7221
Come By for a Snack
Danley Furniture Co.
Make Your House A Home
Debbie's Flowers
Next Time Send Our Flowers Phone 229-5821
Driesbach's Cleaners
Pick-Up and Delivery

Earley Hdwe. Coastal Mfg.
Hwy. 98-Highland View Phone 229-2763
Florida 1st National Bank
at Port St. Joe
Hannon Insurance
and Real Estate
Hedy's Florist
105 Reid Avenue
Henry's Stand. Station
302 Monument Ave. Phone 229-6305
Jake's Restaurant
Buffet-Steaks-Seafood Phone 229-6864
K&D TV & Sound
ZENITH Sales & Service Phone 227-2071
Kirk's 76 Service Station
301 Monument Ave. Phone 229-2622

Piggly Wiggly
For Greater Savings Phone 227-5161
Player's Supermarket
Hwy. 98-Highland View Phone 229-3376
Pollock Cleaners
and Laundry
Raffield Retail Market
Phone 229-6877
Ralph & Henry's Stand.
113 Monument Ave. Phone 227-3056
Renfro Auto Parts
Phone 229-6013
Roche Furniture
Frigidaire Appliances Phone 227-5271
St. Clair Funeral Home
Phone 227-2671

St. Joe Auto Parts
Your NAPA Dealer Phone 227-2141
St. Joe Furniture
and APPLIANCE CO. Phone 229-1251
St. Joe Hardware Co.
Whirlpool Appliances Phone 227-8111
St. Joe Motor Co.
Ford-Mercury Phone 227-3737
St. Joe Natural Gas
Gas Is Naturally Better Phone 229-3831
Skip's Gulf Service
701 Monument Ave. Phone 227-3256
The Sewing Center
Third and Reid
Western Auto
David B. May, Your Davis Tire Dealer 227-2271

S .. ... ..







The Flag, Football League Champs are shown with their trophies as they
were entertained with a hamburger cookout Saturday at the Centennial
Building. The "Jets" had a league record of six wins and two losses. Shown left
to right are: Mitch Fortner, Eddie Lane, Kip Altstaetter, Jim Norton, Tommy

League awards were given by Recreation
Director Walter Wilder were: I to r, Most
Valuable Player, Tommy King; Sportsman-

King, John Mil
Adrian Lewis a
Moore, both lea

ship, Brad Bowen; Hustler, Chris Adkison;
Outstanding Nine Year Old, Mitch Burke;
and Lineman, Randy Raffield. Star Photo


News '


Gulf Co. Men's League
Lanes one and two were idle
Monday night, Nov. 3, as But-
ler's Restaurant and Carr's
Auto Sales postponed.
On lanes three and four,
Campbell's Drugs and Shirt
and Trophy split, each taking
two. Old man Ralph Ward
perked up as he hit a 528 series
and 196 game for Campbell's.
David Roche had a 530 series
and 198 game for Shirt and
Trophy, aided by Robert
Montgomery with a 520 series
and 194 game.
Lanes five and six saw
Stems and Seeds take three
from Ten Pin Lounge. High for

Stems and Seeds was Norman
Hodges with 505. Tim Taylor's
471 was tops for Ten Pin.
Lanes seven and eight had
Player's Supermarket taking
three from King's Gulf Ser-
vice. High for Player's was
Ray Baker with 430. Raymond
Peters led King's Gulf with a
497 series and 187 game.
Standings: W L
Campbell's Drugs 281/2 71/2
Butler's Rest. 23 9
Shirt & Trophy 24,2 11 '/2
King's Gulf Ser. 20 16
Ten PIn Lounge 16 20
Stems & Seeds 12 24
Players Market 10 26
Carr's Auto Sales 9 26


.$ 21 25

.Offer good thru Nov. 22

Don't get stalled out on the road in
the cold because your car is
overheating. We completely drain,
clean and flush your cooling
system to insure good circulation.
Refill with fresh coolant.


Ralph & Henry's

Standard Service
113 Monument Ave. Phone 227-3056

-., Ladies' Winter League
The Ladies WintediLeague
met November 6. Bowling on
lanes one and two, Highland
View Motors took three from
the Surfers. Bowling for High-
land View, Sue Parrish had a
high 116 game and high series.
Sub Jo Ferrell had a 444
series. Ruby Wilson had a 132
high game and Cindy Gay had
a 262 high series for the Surf-
Lanes three and four had
Team No. 8 taking four from
Team Seven. Faye Pope was
tops for Team Eight with a 146
game and 424 series. For
Team Seven, Karen Rayburn
had a 88 high game and 255
series. Sub Ann Jones had a
371 series.
Renfro Auto Parts took
three from Bowen's Cowgirls
on lanes five and six. Bowling
for Renfro, Vicki McNeel had
a 165 high game, and Sheila
Taylor had a 427 high series.
Pat Hutchison was high for
Bowen's with a 151 game and
396 series.
On lanes seven and eight,
Ralph and Henry's took four
from Cowgirls No. 2. Bowling
for Ralph and Henry's, Sheila
Stoutamire had a 146 game
and 372 high series. Gloria
McMullon had a 120 high game
for Cowgirls Two, and Elsie
Parker had a 304 series.
Standings: W L
Renfro Auto Parts 28 8
H'land View Motors 27 9
Ralph & Henry's 26 10
Bowen's Cowgirls 19 17
Team No. 8 12 0
Cowgirls 2 10 26
Team 7 4 16
Surfers 2 34

On lanes one and two, Sylva-
chem won four games from
Kennedy and Wombles, Inc.
on November 4. Bill Whitfield
had a 186 high game and 453
series for Sylvachem. Steve
Wombles had a 156 high game
and 446 high series for K & W,
Lanes three and four, Carr's
won four games from Fiesta
Food Store. Robert Montgom-
ery, substitute, had a 205 high
game and 552 high series for
Carr's. L. P. West had a 165
high game and 374 high series
for Fiesta Food Store.
Lanes five and six, Rotagilla
won three games from No
Names. Cathy Blackburn had
a 163 high game and Donnie
Maddox had a 412 high series
for Rotagilla. Johnny Linton
had a 182 high game and 450

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975 PAGE SEVEN
All students enrolled in the
Gym Class to Perform program will perform and the
., *general public is invited to
The Gulf County Recreation at the Port St. Joe Elementary attend. Admission will be 25
Department gymnastics class School gymnasium. cents for adults and students.
will present a program at
seven p.m., Monday, Nov. 17

SDoubles St. Joe Auto Parts

SSnooker Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years

The First Annual Doubles EXPERT
Snooker tournament wound up MACHINE SHOP SERVICE
here Saturday night at the St.
Joe Bar. First place awards....
went to Jimmy Roberts and
Wilbur Butts. Second. place
was captured by Tom Walker
and Bob Mooers.
Bob Besore and Ronnie Bis-
hop both tied for longest run
on points with 22, while Bob
Mooers had the longest run in
the finals with 16, to win an
additional prize.
ler, Randy Raffield, Barry Lowery, John Carter, Brad Bowen, Trophies were awarded to SPECIALISTS IN
ndTony Beard. Atback leftist Wayne Parrish,andat right, Bob the first and second place CYLINDER HEAD RECONDITIONINC
gue coaches. Star Photo teams and other awards were ENGINE BLOCK RECONDITIONING
resented for third place. CYLINDER HEAD CRACK REPAIRS

BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum)

Turkeys Closed to Nimrodsand QUALITY PARTS
"Press Work"

In Gulf This Season Phone 227-2141

Panama City-Game and
Fresh Water Fish Commission
officials today reminded Pan-
handle sportsmen that there is
no fall turkey season in the
majority of northwest Florida.
The two exceptions are Leon
and Jefferson counties.
Major T.L. Garrison issued
the reminder due to confusion
over confliction reports about
turkey season. "Only," he
said, "Leon and Jefferson
counties have a turkey popula-
tion sufficient to allow a fall
season. The other northwest
Florida counties will not have
a fall turkey season but will
have a spring gobbler sea-
The Leon and Jefferson
county turkey season will
coincide with the general
hunting season opening No-

high series for No Names.
On lanes seven and eight,
Ten Pin Lounge won three
games from Varnes Seafood.
James Hicks had a 176 high
game and Bertha Clayton had
a 486 high series for Ten Pin
Lounge. Danny Talbert had a
174 high game and 452 high
series for Varnes.
Standings: W L
Carr's Auto Sales 25 7
Sylvachem 22 10
Rotagilla 22 10
Sylvachem 21 11
Ten Pin Lounge 18 14
No Names 17 15
Kennedy, Wombles 102 21%
Varnes Seafood 10 22
Fiesta Food Store 4% 272

Gulf Co. Men's League
On lanes one and two, Shirt
and Ttrophy squeezed three
games from Stems and Seeds.
David Roche was top man for
the Trophy center with 505.
Norman Hodges led Stems
and Seeds with a 510 series
and 204 game.
Lanes three and four had
Carr's Auto Sales taking three

vember 8th and running
through January 18th. Har-
vest is limited to gobblers
only. There is a daily harvest
limit of one with a season's
limit of two gobblers.
The spring gobbler season
will include all northwest
Florida counties and will open
March 20th and run through
April 11th.
Garrison pointed out that in
recent years, a number of
factors made it necessary to
limit turkey hunting in the
area. He cited land clearing,
development and loss of habi-
tat as primary factors. "How-
ever," he said, "the Commis-
sion has been developing sev-
eral programs to increase
turkey populations. We be-
lieve that with the cooperation
of the sportsmen there will be
marked improvement in tur-

games from Player's Super-
market. Leading Carr's was
Randy Weston with 506 series
and 197 game. Larry McNeel
was top man for Player's with
Lanes five and six saw
Campbell's Drugs take three
from King's Gulf Service.
Ralph Ward led Campbell's
with 477 while Don Thomas
was high for King's Gulf with
On lanes seven and eight, it
was Butler's Restaurant tak-
ing three from Ten Pin
Lounge. Bill Barlow's 501 led
Butler's with John McKenzie's
500 topping Ten Pin.
Standings: W L
Campbell's Drugs 31V/2 8%
Butler's Rest. 30 10
Shirt & Trophy 271/ 12%
King's Gulf 21 19
Ten Pin Lounge 17 23
Stems and Seeds 13 27
Player's S'market 11 29
Carr's Auto Sales 9 31

Man Is A creature who
lives not upon bread alone,
but principally by catch-

Much has been written and said
lately about the violence of pro-
hockey. (What has this got to do with -I
football?) Well, I read the other day,
where a local policeman, in a 4
northern city, arrested a player for -
provoking a fight during a game.
Without going into the pros and cons
of the sport, the whole idea is
ridiculous. Pro sports have commis-
sioners, committees, officials,
unions, etc. enough to police their
own. If a player or players get out of -,
control, among themselves, let them handle it.
Why not arrest "Mean Joe" Green for trying to take
Fran Tarkington's head off-or Jim Palmer for hitting
Reggie Jackson with his fast ball? When is the last time
you read a sports page without part of it involving the
legality of something?
Nuts-and thank goodness for upsets.
Alabama 42 vs. Southern Miss. 7
Georgia 20 vs. Auburn 10
Florida 24 vs. Kentucky 14
LSU 17 vs. Miss. State 14
Tennessee 18 vs. Ole Miss 15
Vandy 28 vs. Army 7
Georgia Tech 17 vs. Navy 13
Miami 21 vs. Florida State 14
Notre Dame 13 vs. Pitt. 10
Tulane 21 vs. North Carolina 12

The Athletic Housel

key hunting opportunities in
the future."




The best tire buys for every driving condition!

S$3.50 to $5.45 LESS than reg. Fall'74 prices
Price reductions
A truly fine tire buy! include whitewalls.
The wide, deep 7-ribtreads.
gives you excellent BLACKWA LLS
traction, handling, s ,e BargainL S T.
and long mileage. Sl* Feii74 L pSS Price ischi
and long mile878-13 *~ 4.2 *4.25 '19.96 51.84
As low a C7814 2 4.0 20.95 2.04
As low D78:-14 3.5 21.95 2 10
$ 8 95178' 36 22.95 227
F78-14 2 5 3.50 24.95 2.40
G78.-14 2 0 3.75 25.95 2.56
H78-14 3 4.05 27.95 2.77
G78-15 3 3.50 26.95 2.60
H78-15 A2.7 3.80 28.95 2.83
L78-15 5 4.55 3Q,. 311
A78-13 Blackwall. All prices p us tax and old re.
Plus $1.76 F.E.T. and old tire. whitwaldd,3.

Deluxe Champion' DUBLE'BELTED
$7.60 to $13.50 OFF our June'75 prices
This 1976 new-car tire Price reductions
provides long tire mileage and include whitewalls.

"real resistance against road
hazards. Two fiberglass belts
hold tread firm on pavement
and polyester cord body
gives a smooth ride.
As low as


A78-13 Blackwall.
Plus $1.77 F.E.T. and old tire.

June Amount Bargain
Si*ze price off price F.E.T.
A78-13 33.25/ '8.30 24.95 '177
878-14 \349 8.00 26.95 202
C78-14 VI3., 7.60 27.95 210
E78-14 740 8.05 28.95 232
F78-14 4 5Sa 8.80 31.95 247
G78-14 50 9.55 32.95 262
H78-1 4 75 9.80 35.95 284
F78-15 1.0 8.96 32.95 2 55
G78-15 3.9 9.55 33.95 269
H78-15 46.8 9.90 36.95 292
J78-15 4.5 10.60 37.96 309
L78-15 S0765 10.80 39.95 321
All prices plus tax and old tire.
WhitewaN add '3.


Enjoy the benefits of
radials at amazingly low
prices! Long mileage, easy
handling, road-hugging
traction, smooth ride-all
are yours with the double
fiberglass belted radial
with a polyester cord body.
As low as

BR78-13 Whitewall.
Plus s2.07 F.E.T. and old tire.

$6.25 tos9.15 OFF
our June '75 prices
Jun. Amount serglin
Size price off price F..T.
BR78-13 9.2p *8.25 *32.96 '207
ER78.14 B.W 6.75 39.96 2.51
FR78.*4 .4 0 6.75 41.39 28.6
GR78-14 B55 7.30 45.95 2.88
HR78-14 5B35 7.40 49.95 3.04
GR7815 O 7.65 4.95 2.95
HR78.15 6.20 7.7 60.96 3,17
JR78-15 A2. 8.40 53.96 330
LR78-15 9.1 .15 6.5 3.48
All prices plus tax and old tire.

Priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced wherever Firestone tires are sold.
$ A i 95 Sie 6.00-13 I $E,95 Bl.ckwall.
49 acw ISizes25.60-12, 6.00-12.5,20"13,
Plus51 44 too160 FET Plus$ 38lo 153 7 15FETan 1ideldltr.

SB15l95 akiw. c0zs6.00 13 5 .* ,.6014. 5.60.15.
Plus sl 75 to 51 77 F.ET Plusl 44 toS1 69 FE T. and oldt'ire

S s95 d o.t9- FET P95 izes 6.4514 .8.00.15L.
^^ ~~~and old tireI ^

Pate's Shell

Phone 229-1291

223-25 Monument

`201 Long Ave.

'= II --- Ir



...that's the story of our
*'Rexall Pharmacy... and
it's all because of YOU!
Yes...our success de-
pends on your satisfac-
tion with our service and |
our products. That's why
we recommend and fea-
ture Rexall quality pro-
ducts. And, that's why
you can always expect
prompt, courteous atten-
tion to your needs! Call
on us soon...and see!

YoUp 7V Pharmacy

Ph. 227-W371. 317 Williams
Conveniit Drive-in Window
Plenty of Free Parking

Sealed bids in duplicate will be re.
"celved until 7:30 P.M., E.S.T. November
:25, 1975 by th'e Gulf County Board of
-County Commissioners, at which time
-and place all bids will be publicly opened
-and read aloud for the construction of
:the following project:
Plans, specifications, and contract
. documents may be inspected at the
SClerkof Circuit Court, Gulf County Court
Spouse and at the office of the Architect,
:State Road 22, Wewahitchka, Florida
,-and may be procurred by General Con-
-tractors upon a deposit of $25.00 per set
:.or plans and specifications, of which the
:full amount will be refunded to each
-General Contractor who submits a bid
,and all other deposits for other than one
,complete set of plans and specifications
"'will be returned less deduction to cover
Aost of' reproduction. All documents
m.nust be returned in good condition
-:within ten (10) days after date of opening
"of bids.
Cashier's check, Certified Check, or
%bid bond, for not less than five per cent of
'the bid must accompany each proposal.
Performance, Labor and Material
.,Bond, and Workman's Compensation
insurancee will be required of the suc.
.cessful bidder.
Right is reserved to reject any or all
proposals and waive technicalities.
; No bidder may withdraw his bid for a
- period of (30) days after date set for
'- Board of County Commissioners
Gulf County
Port St. Joe, Florida
Charles A. Gaskin, AIA
P. 0. Box 7,
Wewahitchka, Florida 3t 11-6
In the Matter of the Adoption of
Last known place of residence
Charlotte, North Carolina
You are notified that a Petition for the
Adoption of the above named minor has
been filed in the above styled court and
you are commanded to serve a copy o'
your written defenses, if any, on William
\ J. Rish, Petitioner's attorney, whose
address is 303 'Fourth Street, P.O. Box
87, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or
fiefore December 5, 1975, and file the
-original with the Clerk of this Court
either before service on Petitioner's
-attorney or immediately thereafter;
,otherwise a default may be entered
againstr you for the relief demanded in
,the Petition.
SWITNESS my hand and the Seal of
the Court at Port St. Joe, Florida, this
:5th day of November, 1975.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
:By: Margaret Core 4t 11-6
:IN RE: The Matter of the Adoption of
Address Unknown
a Petition for Adoption has been filed
-and you are required to serve a copy of
.your Answer or other response to the
:Petition for Adoption on Petitioner's
P.O. Box 248
Port St. Joe, Florida 32456
and file theoriginal thereof in the Circuit
-Court Clerk's Office, Gulf County Court-
)mouse, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before
t1he 11th day of December, 1975. If you
;fail to do so, a Final Judgment for the
Relief sought may be granted by Default.
DATED this the 5th day of November,
,Clerk of Circuit Court
.By: Susan E. Bigelow,
Deputy Clerk 4t 11-6

THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla.

- ------ -- O ffe r e d b y 'S
Port St. Joe Offered by
School The Department of Com-
School munity Affairs' Work Experi-
ence Training and Education
Program is now offering a
classroom training program

will allow a limited number of
Gulf County citizens from

Port St. Joe High School
Lunch Room Menus
Monday, Nov. 17
Chili dog with bun, hambur-
ger with bun, lettuce, tomato,
pickles, green beans, straw-
berry shortcake, milk.
Tuesday, Nov. 18
Creamed chicken on rice,
hamburger with bun, potato
chips, lettuce, tomato, pickles,
English peas, peanut butter
chews, cornbread, milk.
Wednesday, Nov. 19
Ham sandwich, meat loaf,
potato salad, cole slaw, apple
crisp, bread, milk.
,Thursday, Nov. 20
Pizzaburger with bun, bat-

Legal Ads

In Re: The Estate of
SAM McCATHAN, deceased.
All creditors of SAM McCATHAN, who
died on Octobei 21, 1975, while a resident
of Gulf County, Florida, are notified that
they are required to file any claims or
demands that they may have against his
Estate in the Circuit Court for Gulf
County, Florida, in the Courthouse at
Port St. Joe, Florida, within four
calendar months from the date of the
first publication of this Notice. Each
claim or demand must be in writing and
filed in duplicate and must state the
residence and post office address of the
claimant and be sworn to by the
claimant, his agent or his attorney, or It
will become void according to law.
Dated this 5th day of November, 1975.
-s- William J. Rish
Executor of the Estate of
Sam McCathan, deceased.
First publication on November 6, 1975.
4t 11.6

The City of Port St. Joe. Florida,
invites bids on the following Described
3,200--" x 4V1/2" carriage bolts & nuts
3,200-" flat washers
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and
plainly marked "Bid No. WWP92". All
bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe,
Florida, and approximate delivery date
shown. Bidders are requested to submit
bids in item sequence and totaled. The
City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids, waive
a"y formalities and to choose the bid
deemed best to meet the City's needs.
Bids must be good for 30 days after
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe,
Florida 34256, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.S.T., November 18. 1975. Bid opening
will be held at the Regular City Com-n
mission Meeting November 18, 1975, at
8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Municipal
Building, Port St. Joe, Florida.
-s-. C. W. BROCK,
City Auditor and Clerk It 11-13
Sealed bids in duplicate will be re-
ceived until 7:30 P.M. E.S.T., November
25, 1975 by the Gulf County Board of
County Commissioners at which time
and place all bids will be publicly opened
and read aloud for the Re-Roofinc and
Repairs to:
Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe,
Florida & Old Previous Courthouse,
Wewahitchka, Florida.
The Contractor shall furnish all labor,
materials, and equipment; and shall be
responsible for the entire completion of
this project.
Plans, specifications, and contract
documents may be inspected at the
office of the Architect; state Road 22,
Wewahitchka, Florida, and may be
procurred by General Contractors upon
a deposit of $25.00 for each complete set
of plans and specifications, of which the
full amount will be returned to each
General Contractor who submits a bid,
and returns documents in good condition
within ten (10) days after bid opening.
Cashier's check, certified check, or
bid bond, for not less than five per cent of
the amount of the bid, must accompany
each proposal.
. Performance, Labor and Material
Bond, and Workman's Compensation
Insurance will be required of the suc-
cessful bidder.
Right is reserved to reject any or all
proposals and waive technicalities.
No bidder may withdraw his bid for a
period of (30) days after date set for

George Core,
Clerk of Circuit Court
Gulf County
Port St. Joe, Florida
-s- Charles A. Gaskin, AIA
P. 0. Box 7
Wewahitchka, Florida

3t 10-30

tered fried fish, baked beans,
tartar sauce, cabbage & car-
rot salad, peach with cookie,
bread, milk.
Friday, Nov. 21
Spaghetti, cheeseburger
with bun, potato chips, lettuce,
tomato, pickles, English peas,
tomato wedge, rolls, brownie,
Elementary Schools
Lunch Room Menus
Monday, Nov. 17
Chili dog with bun, French
fries, whole kernel corn, cole
slaw, strawberry shortcake,
Tuesday, Nov. 18"
Creamed chicken on rice,

Give Away: Pretty puppies
need good home. 1101 Palm
Blvd. ltp 11-13

14' Coppertone chest type
freezer, with metal baskets,
good condition. 648-5398. Itc

Triumph TR 4, in good
cond., great gas mileage, $600.
Call 229-6214. ltc 11-13

Azaleas, camellias, red tip,
pyracantha, sansanqua trees,
ferns, hanging baskets, house
plants, pot plants, bedding
plants. Jackson's Nursery,
1707 Drake Ave., Panama
City. Turn north off 15th St. at
First National Bank, go 3

Apalachicola, Fla.
Friday Saturday
Nov. 14 and 15
2 Big Shows!
This ad admits driver of car
free this program only.

15' cu. ft. Kelvinator
freezer, 4 months old, upright,
$150 cash. 227-3826. Itp

3 year-old Shetland Welch
pony, saddle, bridle, harness,
all for $100. Can see at 324
First St., Highland View or
call 229-6052. tfc 9-11

Reduce safe and fast with
GoBese Tablets & E-Vap
"water pills". 'Campbell's
Drug. 6tp 11-6

New Improved "Zippies",
the great iron pill now with
Vitamin C, Campbell's Drug.
4t 11-6

1968 Starcraft Camper,
sleeps 8. See at 1304 Palm
Blvd. or call 229-5502 after five
p.m. 3tc 10-30

Phone 229-6253 for
tfc 7-3

Beautiful Irish Setter female
puppy, three months old. Have
been wormed, no shots, $30.
Very playful and friendly. Call
227-3161, 9:30 to 6:00 p.m.,
after 6, call 229-6343.

One two-horse tandem
wheel horse trailer, $400. Call
648-6796. tfc 10-2

DRY cleaning carpets is
easier, faster, and safer with
HOST. Rent our machine. St.
Joe Furniture, 229-1251.

tfc 10-23

Transferring, must sell new
18' 112" shrimp net, complete
with new doors, chain and new
nylon ropes. Cost $225.00, will
sell for $200.00. Call 229-2121
between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30
a.m. or all day on Fridays.
tfi 10-2

1972 23' Travel trailer, good
cond., self-contained. Call Ted
Cannon at 227-2551 or after
five.at 227-5236. tfc 9-25
Just arrived to help with all
your wallpapering needs.
Prepasted, Texturall, vinyl
coated, and plastic bonded. If
you need to purchase or have
wallpaper hung, see our sam-
ples. Call Alford Ramsey at

turnips, tomato wedge,,-peanut
butter chews, cornbread,
Wednesday, Nov. 19
Cheeseburger with bun,
English peas, potato chips,
lettuce, tomato, pickles,
brownie, milk.
Thursday, Nov. 20
Battered fried fish with bun,
baked beans, tartar sauce,
cabbage slaw, peach with
cookie, bread.
Thursday, Nov. 20
Friday, Nov. 21
Meat loaf, mashed potatoes,
tomato slice, string beans,
apple crisp, bread, rolls, milk.

Quail and pheasant, live or
dressed. 1316 McClellan Ave.
227-3786. tfc 7-24

650 CC Custom chopper,
Thunderbird metallic blue,
lots of chrome. Must sacrifice.
Call 229-6918 after 5:30 p.m.
tfc 8-14

10 speed bikes in stock,
men's, women's. Racing style.
Touring style. Credit terms
available. Western Auto, Port
St. Joe.
Sewing machines repaired
regardless of make or age.
Over 25 years experience.
Parts, supplies for all makes.
Free estimate, 'guaranteed
satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30

Singer Zig Zag sewing
machine, take up 12 pmts.
$8.50. monthly. Makes button-
holes, monograms, hems,
sews on buttons, guarantee.
229-6782. tfc 1-30

1975 Singer Futura in Beauti-
ful cabinet. Must Sell! Cost
$650. Balance due $286 or $12
mo. Phone 769-6653. Free
Home Trial, no obligation.
tfc 7-24


Want to buy membership in
Port St. Joe Country Club. Call
653-3945. Itp 11-13

To Rent or Buy: 3 BR, 2 bath
house, min. 1,800 sq. ft. Prefer
beach area or Port St. Joe.
Must be unfurnished. $30,000 -
$40,0o0 price range. Call 648-
5487 after six p.m.

Wanted to Rent: Dec. 1 nice
3 BR house, unfurnished, in
town. Call collect (904) 878-
4264, Mariann Henderson or
Scott Snyder. 4t 11-6

House for Sale: waterfront
lot on Constitution Drive, 4
bedrooms, 3 baths, living
room, dining room, kitchen,
den, Florida room, utility
room, large garage. Call 227-
3102. tfc 11-11

3 BR house, on two lots,
aluminum siding, chain link
fence, 229-5533. 2tp 11-6

Two lots, with pines, 4
blocks from St. Joe Beach,
$5,000. John T. Tatum, Sr. 1844
Marina Circle, North Ft.
Myers, Fla. 33903. 5tp 10-23

Nice house on corner lot.
with chain link fence. 711 Long
Ave. 229-6153. tfc 10-23

Two bedroom house on two
lots, with pump, 1306 Garrison
Ave. Call 229-6160 for appoint-
ment. tfc 10-30

2 BR house on large lot
facing highway in White City
Ideal business site, only
$8,000. Phone 1-205-794-3830,
Dothan after 5p.m. 4tc 10-16

2 BR frame house, 2 large
sheds, garden spot in White
City. 229-6786. 2tp 11-13


low-income families to con-
tinue their education and bet-
ter their chances of gainful
employment by attending
area vocational schools.
Arrangements have been
made for eligible clients to .
enroll in vocational programs
at Gulf Coast Community Col-
lege or Haney Vocational
Technical Center. Both
schools offer a wide variety of
vocational programs in many
different fields. Tuition and
transportation will be pro-
vided by the Department of
Community Affairs.
In order to qualify, appli-
cants must meet the economic
guidelines set up by the U. S.
Department of Labor.
Persons interested in train-
ing for a specialized skill, but
lacking the financial ability to
do so, should contact Ann
Sherry Herring at the Staff
Development Center of the
Gulf County School Board.

Block house on Dead Lakes,
3 BR, 2 baths, LR, DR, kitchen
and den, central heat and air.
Approx. 2 acres, 265' lake
frontage. Green house and 2
utility buildings, call 639-5469.

3 BR Redwood home at 123
Bellamy Circle. Phone 674-
4105. tfc 4-10

For Sale: Mobile home 12' x
65', 3 BR 2 full bath on 75' x
112' lot in Mexico Beach,
$16,000. Also 2 lots cleared,
fenced with well and pump,
and 4 stall horse stable in
Beacon Hill, $7,000.00. Call
648-6796. tfc 10-9

that can build anywhere in
North Florida, in the $17,500 to
$35,000 range?
On your lot or help you find
one. Pandles the detailed
paper work for VA, FHA, Far-
mer's Home or conventional
financing. Repayments to
match your budget. Start liv-
ing Southern style, call
Southern Home Builders
796-6711, Dothan, Ala.
tfc 11-14

Two-story home, 1902 Monu-
ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath.
Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474.
tfc 8-21
3 BR masonry dwelling with
den, furniture included,

Four BR house, with den, on
1.2 acres, fruit trees, garden
space, good cond., near river
at Dalkeith. Excellent buy at

Large 4 BR house, on 1%8
acres of land, 2 baths, fire-
place, fully insulated, near
Dalkeith, $26,250.

We can assist you in financ-
ing all of the above houses.
Reg. Real Estate Broker
221 Reid 227-3491

One bedroom furnished
house at St. Joe Beach. In-
quire at Smith's Pharmacy.
tfc 8-7

Furnished two and three BR
houses, at Beacon Hill, by
week. Bill Carr or call 229-
6474. tfc 3-13

Furnished cottages at St.
Joe Beach, reasonable month-
ly rates. Hannon Insurance
Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641.
tfc 5-8

Furnished 2 BR house, auto
heat, washer & dryer, phone
229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 10-23

For Rent

BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8

Public address system.
Owned by the Port St. Joe
Kiwanis Club. A new system
operable on either battery or
current. Call Ken Herring,
227-5281 for rental, tfc

Society to Visit Museum

The members of "The Jun-
ior Musetim" of Panama City
have invited the St. Joseph
Historical Society, as their
special guests for a group tour
on Sunday, November 16,
from two to four p.m. CST.
The public is also encouraged
to attend this group tour from
this area. The Museum is

located off U. S. 231, on the Old
Airport Road.

The theme of their displays
is based on "The Great Tide",
written by Rubylea Hall,
which is a historical novel,
telling true facts of a boom
town (St. Joseph) on Florida's
fabulous West Coast in the

1830's and 1840's. "The Great
Tide" is now -appearing in a
new sixth printing.
Mrs. Martha (Costin) Spiva,
formerly of Port St. Joe,
spearheaded the drive to
display "The Great Tide" ex-
hibit in the Junior Museum,
and spent many hours work-
ing toward this project. She is
to be commended by the area
for the excellent job she has
Mrs. Spiva is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey
Costin of Port St. Joe.
Mrs Spiva says these ex-
hibits will be on display until
after the Thanksgiving holi-
days followed by another dis-
play which will be announced
at a later date. .

Lost in vicinity of the city
pound at the log entrance to ,
the paper mill, a small Chi-
huahua dog, off white. Name
is Chico. Reward. 229-3107.

1970 Yellow Opal GT, new
paint job, in good cond., 229-
5511. tfc 10-16

Every Thursday & Saturday
7:30 p.m.
American Legion Hall
Sponsored by American
Legion Post 116
tfc 10-9
R.A.M.-Regular convaca-
tion on St. Joseph Chapter No.
56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon-
days, 8 p.m. All visiting
companions welcome.
J. L. SIMS, H.P.
E. William McFarland, Sec..

There will be a VFW meet-
ing the third Tuesday of each
month in the American Legion
Hall. tfc 6-19

There will be a regular
communication of Port St. Joe
Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M.,
every first and third Thurrs-
day at 8:00 p.m.
J. L. Sims,
Herbert L. Burge, Sec.

Refinishing furniture. Rea-
sonable, excellent work.
Phone 227-8482. 4t 10-30

Professional help with emo-
tional problems and-or con-
cerns. Gulf County Guidance
Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or
227-7586. tfc 11-14

Tues. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Social Hall
tfc 4-24
Septic Tanks Pumped Out
Carefoot Septic Tank
229-8227, 229-2351,
and 229-6694


Heating, Cooling &
Electric Service

Commercial or Residential
Installation & Service

648-497 6

Port St. Joe
Owned & Operated by
Edward & Tommy Smith
tfc 8-14'

I think it was something I ate."

RIda Buge

kills bugs for
up to six months,
and saves you about $100 yearly
in costly pest control services.
Use of Sprayer free with
purchase of Rid-A-Bug
306 Reid Avenue
Port St. Joe. Florida

The Highland Methodist
Church is having a Lay Speak-
er Revival beginning Monday,
November 17 at seven p.m.
The revival will continue
through Friday, with a differ-
ent speaker each night.
The public is invited to at-

Local Businesses Need
Your Support
Buy in Port St. Joe

3 BR furnished trailer for
rent at Overstreet. Call 648-
4259 or 648-7586. tfc 11-6

CARPET cleaning with
HOST couldn't be easier. Just
brush and vacuum for clean,
dry carpets. Rent our HOST
machine. St. Joe Furniture,
229-1251. tfc 10-23

Two BR house on three lots
at White City. Contact Cecil G.
Costin, Jr. or call 227-4311.
4tc 11-13

NO need for wet carpets.
Dry clean them with HOST.
Use rooms right away. Rent
machine. St. Joe Furniture,
229-1251. tfc 10-23

Furnished apt. for rent, uti-
lities furnished. 229-6132 days,
229-6149 evenings. tfec 8-14

Furnished apt, Mexico
Beach, $150.00 a, month. Pay
all utilities, mowing, garbage.
Call 648-7128. 2tp 11-6

Dress making, custonr
shirts, baby items crocheted
to order. Reasonable. 229-4612
after six on weekdays, all day
weekends. tfc 8-14

Family of problem drinkers
can find help in Alanon and
Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948
or 229-3392. 13t 10-30

All Types
229-6482 or 229-6447
tfc 9-20

For TV repairs and Zenith
sales, see K&D TV and Sound
at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071.
tfc 6-2

Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC
Call 227-2501 or go by the
Chamber office, Municipal
Building, 5th St., Monday thru
Friday, 9-12 EDT. tfc 5-1

Visit or call the Alcohol
Counseling Information
Center of the Panhandle Al-
coholism Council, Inc. 321
Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe.
Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30

A New Service At


For Information, Come by
or Call tfc 6-2
107 Second Street
Phone 227-4401

PAINT Dealer in
Port St. Joe


306 Reid Avenue
Port St. Joe. Florida

Four names were omitted
last week in the publication of
the Port St. Joe High School
Honor Roll. Making "All A's"
in the twelfth grade were Nan
Parker and Tammy Rushing.
Hughey Williams in the
tenth grade and Archie Shac-
kleford in the twelfth grade
made the "A and B" honor

Drive Carefully
and Watch for School Children

69 Ford Ranchero, 6 cyl.
automatic, air, radio, heater,
See at 88 Duval Street, Oak
Grove, $800. ltp

74 self-contained Dodge
camper, Adventure on wheels,
air cond., 25,000 miles. $5,000,
call 229-1331, Port St. Joe.
2tc 11-13

75 Buick Regal, 2 dr. hdtp.
$200 equity and take up pmts.
229-6786. 2tp 11-13.

1973 V-8 jeep, automatic
hubs, roll-bar, canvas top.
Low mileage, excellent condi-
tion. Contact Bubba Cathey,
648-4066. tfc 11-6

1975 Datsun with camper
shell, $200 equity and take up
payments. For more info, call
229-6588 after 5 p.m. It

1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back,
4 in flobr, radio, heater, floor
mount tape player and speak-
ers, chrome luggage carrier,
good tires, 21,000 miles.
$1,995.00' Call David May 227-
3881 or 227-2281. tfc 9-11

All types carpet and vinyl
flooring installed. 10 years
experience. For free measure-
ment and estimate, call Ron-
ald Ross, 229-6822. tfc 11-13

Electrical & Air Condition
Residential Commercial
Joe Rycroft
648-6200 Mexico Beach
tfc 7-3

Machine Work Welding
506 First Street
Phone 229-6803
Machinist on duty all day
Every day

Dog need grooming, call for
appt. 229-6052. tfc 9-11

Phone 648-5116
15th St. No. of Hwy. 98
Complete Beauty Service
tfc 6-2

Need help with your
If So Call
tfc 3-6

Hurlbut Supply
306 Reid Ave.

Training Program Is

Highland View Four Names Left

Having Revival Off Honor Roll

Smith, Hill End Careers at Paper Mill

Two employees of St. Joe
Paper Company retired Nov-
ember 1, after having worked
with the company for 28 years.
Thomas N. Smith was em-
ployed as a Millwright 1st
Class in the Maintenance De-
partment at the time of his
Napolien Hill was a janitor
at the time of his retirement
with the company.
Shown at left is Thomas N.
Smith, left, being presented
his retirement papers by Joel
Lovett, his supervisor.
In the right photo, Napolien
Hill, at left, is being presented
his retirement papers by Lar-
ry Davis, St. Joe Paper Com-
pany's Safety Director.

PFC Kilpatrick

Assigned to
Marine Private First Class
William P. Kilpatrick, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Mercedes Harris
of 642 Main St., Port St. Joe,
reported for duty with the
Third Marine Division on Oki-
nawa on October 30.
A former student of Port St.
Joe High School, he joined the
Navy in July, 1974.


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975 PAGE NIN



Retires from Container Div.

Mrs. Evelyn C. White re-
tired September 30 from the
Container Division, St. Joe
Paper Company. She began
her career with the Container
Division in May, 1957 as a
stenographer-clerk in the
Sales Service Department.
In July, 1965, she was trans-
ferred to the accounting de-

apartment where she worked
until her retirement. Mrs.
White will be missed by the
personnel of the Container

She is shown being present-
ed with a gift from Floye
Brewton, right, manager of
the Container Division, and

Phil Barton, right, office

The feasibility of expanding
the University of West Flor-
ida's Panama City extension
center is the subject of a
community-wide study curr-
ently being undertaken by the
University and Gulf Coast
Community College.
According to Mrs. Pam
Hooper, director of testing and
institutional research at
GCCC, issues under consider-
ation include the location of a
new UWF Panama City cam-
pus, wider curriculum offer-
ings and the pairing of educa-
tional resources between the
two institutions.
."Gulf Coast students were
surveyed this past week and
campus officials will soon
begin random telephone poll-
ing in the community at
large," said Mrs. Hooper.
Mrs. Hooper added that
anyone not contacted directly
who wished to complete the
brief questionnaire may pick
one up at the UWF Extension

Center, the GCCC Administra-
tion Building, the Bay County
Public Library., the Naval
Coastal Systems Laboratory,
Tyndall AFB, or the Interna-
tional Paper Company.
In reaction to the survey,
GCCC President, Dr. Richard
Morley said he was excited by
the possibility of an expanded
range of educational oppor-
tunities being made available
to residents in Bay and Gulf
"This is something that we
have dreamed 'about for a
nriumber of years being able
to provide local students with
the opportunity of earning
degrees through the master's
level right here in Panama
City," Dr. Morley said.
"Of course we are still
looking into the future, but a
strong, favorable response
from the general public could
go a long way in making the
vision a reality," he con-

Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue

GEqRGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music
Sunday School ..................... 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship Service ............. 11:00 A.M.
Church Training ......... ............ 6:30 P.M.
Evening Worship Service .............. 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting (Wed.) ................ 7:00 P.M.
"Come and Worship God With Us"

Ernest Thursbay

Is now a member of the Sales Staff of

Tommy Thomas Chevrolet
705 W. 15th St. Panama City
Phones 785-5221 Panama City
648-7900 Mexico Beach
Call Ernest for all your new
or used car needs

Auto Parts
For All Make Cars

Monroe Shocks

C Borg-Warner
Rebuilt Parts
-I Walker Exhausts
Blackhawk Tools


401 Wiliams Ave.

18.0 Cu. Ft.
Upright Freezer with
Fast-Freezer Shelves
Model FU182R
0 630-lb. capacity
] Infinite-position temper-
ature control
0 Four Fast-Freeze Shelves
0 Bulk package storage
0 Full-width, deep door
D Slim-Wall design-foamec
in-place insulation for
more space inside
0 Magnetic door gaskets-
easy-open door
Easy-to-clean interior,
baked enamel exterior
r[ Woodgrain handle


November 12, 1775:
Montreal falls to the Americans. Under
Brigadier General Montgomery, with
2,000 patriots at his command, the colon-
ists attacked the largest single force of red-
coats in the province at Fort St. Johns on
the Richelieu River. Under long and diligent
siege, the Fort ultimately falls and the way
to Montreal is cleared.

St. Joseph Telephone

& Telegraph Co.

Model KF332RN

30-Inch Electric



Listen to WJOE
for details.

S This Week $34900
| : End Special


Console Stereo

34" MEDITERRANEAN DESIGN in selected Wal-
nut wood veneers and hardwood solids. 8-speaker
audio system. Deluxe BSR 4-speed changer with
Diamond LP stylus. --
Stereo phono plus FMC/AM Rd:, Charming and Practical Early American Dining Group.
:: Stereo phono plus AM/FM/ This 7-piece group consists of a high pressure plastic top table
I MPX Radio 29 that can be used as a 42" round, 42" x 54" or 42" x 66" that 2
X is large enough for most any family and 6 hi-back 0 i
X: BUILT-IN 8-TRACK chairs that are shaped for comfortable sitting.
S TAPE PLAYER ^.China Available :
*:*% .........o.. 2,o,,,,,,,,.,,,,, .,,,,, . . . . . .. . . . . .

UWF Extension

Expansion Study



PrcsGarantee NoembeS1218y975

MIXED 16oz
Piggly Wiggly Sliced or Halved
TEA 100o


S50 Ft. Roll
20oz. SARAN
btles. WRAP
It Works In A Dryer Bounce
Hunt's All Flavors
ount c SNACK

.btle 59

Reg., Light Powder Ex-Dry or Unscented
ARRID 5oz. can

-W6-tcoe USDA.Food Samp `ho ers

only I

20 ct. box

50 ct.







SForest Industry Working Hard to

'Salvage Storm-Damaged Trees

The Forest Industry in
Northwest Florida is working
steadily to harvest timber
damaged by devastating

winds from Hurricane Eloise
which roared through the
Panhandle in late September.
The Division of Forestry

Workmen load timber taken from a
Northwest Florida stand of pine trees which
have been damaged by Hurricane. Eloise.
County Forester Ray Urban, left, and
Wallace Laird of Laird Timber Company,

(DOF) estimates damage
from the hurricane in Walton,
Holmes and Washington coun-
ties as affecting about 6,000

Panama city, supervise the loading. Pro-
ducers and dealers in the Panhandle counties
are concentrating on the salvage of damaged
timber before deterioration renders it non-

woodland owners and amount-
ing to slightly over 700,000
cords of pine and hardwood.
This represents about a year's
harvest of timber in that area.
Foresters know the timber
must be removed froin the
ground within three months or
insects and breakdown in cell
structure of the damaged
wood will cause deterioration
and rotting of the fallen trees.
Immediately following the
hurricane, emergency meet-
ings of Florida Forestry Asso-
ciation (FFA) members .and
officials, DOF personnel and
other forest industry repre-
sentatives were held to assess
damage and plan salvage
strategy. The FFA worked in
cooperation with the Gover-
nor's office, the Department
of Transportation, and DOF to
provide timber haulers with a
special 30 day permit allowing
them to transport greater
timber loads during the sal-
vage period. This emergency
response has helped provide
the hauling capacity required
in order to salvage as much
timber as possible.
One of the Panhandle's lar-
gest dealers, Wallace Laird,
President of Laird Timber
Company in Panama City,
said, "I am making the har-
vest of damaged timber my

top priority. I'm telling all my
regular customers who suffer-
ed no ill effects of the hurri-
cane to wait until we can get
the damaged timber problem
under control before cutting
their timber."
Within two weeks of the di-
saster, Laird had already
been in touch and begun work
with 35 landowners in the af-
fected area.
"If the weather holds for
us," said Laird, "I think we
will probably be able to sal-
vage about 75 percent of the
pine that's damaged and may-
be 50 percent of the hardwood.
I know that other producers in
the area are making salvage
their priority, too." ,
The mills in the vicinity-St.
Joe Paper Company, Inter-
national Paper at Panama
City and St. Regis at Pensa-
cola-are all accepting timber
even though inventories had
built up during the economic
According to Laird, a direc-
tor of the FFA, "The mills I
deal with are taking every-
thing I can produce. I'm sure
the other dealers in the area
are having the same exper-
ience. With everyone's coop-
eration we will be able to
handle a very devastating
natural disaster by reducing
the loss to the timber land-
owner. That's .our goal."

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1975



~ A' ~
I ~ I'' q
~ A' 1'
1/ ~ 4 4 Is
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A4 ...f
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41 '


Excellent Firefighter
"The Big Gun" in Bay and Gulf Counties
is a five-foot-five, mild mannered, Daniel
Gene Hanlon! In just three short years, Han-
lon had made quite a name for himself as an

Whitehurst Promoted

Marine Private First Class
David M. Whitehurst, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram White-
hurst of Route 3, Wewahitch-

excellent firefighter due to the fact that most
of "his" fires are in dense swamps where one
has to literally go in and "dig 'em out". A
native of Wewahitchka, Hanlon is married to
the former Betty Armstrong of Port St. Joe.
The couple have one son, Stacy, and reside at
the Panama District site in Overstreet.

Recruit Deport, Parris Island,
S.C. -
He received the early pro- -
motion for his superior per-'
formance in all phases of the
training, which emphasizes:
physical conditioning, discip-.-
line and teamwork.


ka, has been meritoriously
promoted to his present rank
upon graduation from recruit
training at the Marine Corps

Dear Clay:
If I am switch
of drinks I am
party, will I ge
staying with on
holic beverage?

hing the kinds
n having at a
t drunker than
e kind of alco-
G. H.

Dear G.,H.,
Switching or mixing drinks
wont make; y6u drunker be-
cause -'he degree of drunken-
ness is determined by the total
amount of the alcohol your
body absorbs, not by the. fla-
vor of the beverage. It is the
content of alcohol in your
blood which makes you drunk.
' Many times switching
drinks is more likely to cause
nausea and vomiting, possibly
because of the different fla-
vorings and mixers used.
t'. Sincerely,
Dear Clay:
I would like to know why
different people can drink dif-
ferent amounts of alcohol and
not get the same effect?
Also, many times I can have
the same amount to drink and
it will effect me differently.
Why is this?.
J. D.

Dear J. D.:
Reactions to alcohol vary
tremendously. Different peo-
ple react differently to the
same amount of alcohol. Even
the same person may react
differently to the same
amount of alcohol under dif-
ferent circumstances.
Reactions depend upon
many complex factors. A per-
son may be influenced by
physical factors: how fast
your drink; whether you have
o eaten; the types of beverage;

your body weight; your body
chemistry. You may also be
influenced by psychological
factors: the situation you are
in; your mood; your attitude
toward drinking; your drink-
ing experience.
If you want more informa-
tion, stop in at your local
Alcohol Counseling and Infor-
mation Center. They would be
glad to help,you.
Dear Clay:
I have been' reading your
columns and have seen what a
great problem alcoholism can
I would like to know what I
can do to help with the pro-
blem. I have some free time
and would like to volunteer my
time to help you.
B. B.
Dear B.B.,
Thank you so much for your
concern. I would like to invite
you to get in touch with the
local Alcohol Counseling and
Information Center. We could
use all of the help we can get.
Alcoholism is a big problem
and it is a community pro-
blem. The more citizens we
have involved with our organ-
ization the better chance we
have to help people. I would
like to encourage you again, to
get in touch with us. We would
enjoy your help and your
suppol t.

If you have any questions
concerning alcohol, please
submit to Clay Summerville,
321 Reid Ave., Port St. Joe.
Your questions will be answer-
ed in this column.

45 years ago,we were

the kind of banks that

Florida -needed.

We still are.

In 1930, when Florida and the nation were in the midst of a

financial crisis, the new president of the Florida National Bank
of Jacksonville believed that Florida lacked a sufficiently conservative

banking system. In an interview with the press he said:

"Banks are public trusteeships. Their primary object should

be the safe custodianship of the money entrusted to them.... If all

Florida banks had had this in mind there would have been no failures."

That's what our founder, Alfred I. duPont, said 45 years ago.

That's what the Florida National Banks believe today. No other banks
in the billion-dollar class have as high a capital ratio as we do. And

that's just one of the reasons that people call us "The Old Reliable".

Thomas A. Forehand In

Operation "Deep Freeze"

* Navy Machinist's Mate
Fireman Thomas A. Fore-
hand, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Forehand of Wewahitchka,
participated in "Deep Ex-
press,".an annual NATO exer-
cise in the Eastern Mediter-
ranean Sea.
He is a Crewmember aboard
the amphibious cargo ship
USS El Paso, which was one of
17 U. S. Sixth Fleet ships
involved in the multi-nation
The U. S. forces joined with
air, ground and seagoing units
from Italy, Turkey, Belgium,
the Netherlands, West Ger-
many and the United King-
dom, to test the operational
readiness and capabilities of
defense elements of NATO's
southern flank.

fensive operations by the com-
bined NATO ground forces
against a simulated amphi-
bious assault west of Istanbul,

Gulf Leads In
FFB Increase
Eight county Farm Bureau
presidents from Florida coun-
ties were recognized for their
leadership and "Outstanding
County Programs" at the
Florida Farm Bureau Feder-
ation's 34th annual convention
held at the Orlando Hyatt
House, Nov. 1-4.
Gulf County claimed the
title for the highest percent-
age gain with a 126 per cent in
membership increase over

Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc.

32 Banks Statewide/Over $1.5 Billion in Assets.

Florida First National Bank of Jacksonville Florida National Bank & Trust Company at Miami Florida National Bank at
St. Petersburg Florida National Bank at Orlando Florida National Bank at Coral Gables Florida National Bank at
Lakeland Florida First National Bank at Pensacola Florida Bank & Trust Co. at Daytona Beach Florida First National Bank
at Ocala Florida National Bank at Gainesville Florida First National Bank at Key West Florida First National Bank at Vero
Beach Florida National Bank & Trust Co. at West Palm Beach Florida Bank at Fort Lauderdale Florida First National Bank
at Bartow Florida National Bank at Lake Shore Florida Bank at DeLand Florida National Bank at Arlington Florida First
National Bank at Fernandina Beach Florida Bank at Fort Pierce Florida National Bank at Titusville Florida Dealers and
Growers Bank at Jacksonville Florida Bank at Starke Florida First Bank at Chipley Florida First National Bank at Belle
Glade Florida First National Bank at Brent Florida Bank at Bushnell Florida First National Bank at Madison Florida
National Bank at Perry Florida First National Bank at Port St. Joe Florida Northside Bank of Jacksonville Florida First
National Bank at Opa-Locka Members FDIC

504 Monument Avenue .-Telephone: 227-2551




TO Shop!

Veg-AII NO..303CAN
Syrup 40Z.BTL.
Chip A Roos 14V2OZ.PKG.
Punch Crunch 9Z. PKG.
Pancake Mix 2LB.PKG.
Saran Wrap 50 FT ROLL

Get Your Circus Tickets At Rich's
One Adult or Two Student Tickets
FREE With $50 Grocery Purchase At
Rich & Sons IGA




18 OZ. JAR
Quick 16oz.

Saltines 1 LB.PKG.
Instant Grits 8 0. PK.
Mini Chips 12Z.PKG.
Chocolate Chips 12 OZ. PKG.




48 OZ.



room &

1~ :1: :


205 Third St.



Port St. Joe, Fla.

Specials Good November 13-14-15 Quantity Rights Reserved




"I'M4,f dai

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