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SSE oSTA Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1975 15 Cents Per Copy County Calls for Ambulance Center Bids About 50 local merchants ties for passing, worthless questions of the merchants. attended the Sheriff's Depart- bank checks. The new law does not charge ment's briefing on the new The new law was enacted to any provisions under the old Florida check law held in the protect the consumer who law but is merely additional Courthouse last Thursday writes a good check and to protection. It provides another evening, make the bad check writer legal method of establishing The purpose of the meeting pay his own way. the required identity of the was to correct any misunder- Sheriff Lawrence explained person passing the check by standing regarding the penal- the new law and answered requiring the full name, resi- State Auditor Criticizes Sheriff's Record Keeping Florida Auditor General Ernest Ellison recently con- ducted a routine audit of the office of Sheriff Raymond Lawrence for his first three years in office and scored the Sheriff on several points of record keeping practices of the office. Most of the criti- 'cisms of Ellison were for the first two years in office for Lawrence and were answered as mostly due to a mis-under- standing of the proper way to keep the required records. Ellison's report stated the Sheriff's office showed no glaring deficiencies but had several instances in which records and reports were fil- led out improperly or incom- plete. The biggest complaint of J. P. Fleishe Resident, Di J. Percy Fleishel, 72, a resi- dent of Mexico Beach, died at 6:00 a.m. Friday in Bay Memorial Hospital. Mr. Fleishel was a member of the Presbyterian Church, a graduate of Syracuse Univer- sity, a former Rotarian and had resided in Port St. Joe for 25 years. Survivors include his wife, M;s. Gladys M. Fleishel of Mexico Beach; a daughter, Mrs. Fay Pridgeon and three grandchildren, Phyllis, Tim and Michael Pridgeon, all of Tallahassee,; -a sister, Mrs. Bette Maltby of Syracuse, New York; and three stepchil- dren, John Zeb Felder of Bay St. Louis, Miss., Mrs. W. A. McPheeters of Houston, Texas and David M. Felder of Pan- Ellison was a payment of $1,947.00 in the first year's budget with the merchandise paid for received in the follow- ing year's budget. Sheriff Lawrence defended the action by replying that the purchase was for specialized radio equipment required of the department which was delay- ed in installation. The equip- ment was ordered and paid for in fiscal 1973-74 and delivered in Decemer, 1974, three months into the following fis- cal year. The Sheriff was criticised for paying his wife $341.40 for work performed in the depart- ment. The Sheriff said the pay "was for some part time work and no one else was available 1, Long-Time ed Friday ama City. Funeral services were held at 3:00 p.m. Sunday at the Presbyterian Church of Port St. Joe, with the Rev. Robert. M. Bay, pastor officiating. Interment followed in the family plot of Holly Hill Cemetery. Active pallbearers were Bill Terrace, Jimmy Costin, Bruce Hinson, Charles Smith, Joe Mira and J. Lamar Miller. Honorary pallbearers were J. B. Harris, John Robert Smith, Henry Campbell, Sam Mor- gan, Basil Kenney, Jr., C. H. Belvin, Charles R. Saunders, Henry Maige, Bubba Cathey, Cecil Costin, Sr. and Chauncey Costin. All arrangements were un- der the direction of Comforter Funeral Home. who could do the work at the time. The Sheriff said he has since repaid the money to the county after learning the fam- ily of an official cannot work in his office by Florida Sta- tute. Other criticisms<'were of incomplete record keeping, according to state require- ments. The deficiencies were in the areas of petty cash account, gasoline inventory records, and automobile ex- penses being kept on each individual auto. The Sheriff said his depart- ment has since adopted the state method of keeping these records. The Sheriff was criticized for using his 'car and the Department gasoline credit card for a personal trip, but the report showed Lawrence had reimbursed the county for the travel expenses after his trip. The Sheriff defended his use of the car by saying he felt he should'have adequate and immediate transportation should he be called back to duty by an emergency. Lawrence was also written up for providing, at Depart- ment expense, insurance cov- erage for members of the Sheriff's Auxiliary. Ellison said there was no precedent in Florida law to cover this expenditure. ' Lawrence stated the Auxili- ary members served without pay, facing danger, in their duties, and he felt the least the Department could do was to adequately insure them against injury. Ellison found that, due to a bookeeping error, Sheriff Lawrence was overpaid $31.03 in fiscal 1973, which has since been repaid the county. The County Commission were still playing "catch up" on their business Tuesday night, after missing both meetings in the month of September. The five hour meeting saw such activities as taking 30 minutes on deciding whether or not to supply the Civil Defense Director, Rich- ard Lancaster with a master key to the building and taking five minutes to spend $5,000 on repairs for tractors and drag- lines. The Board received working drawings on the new ambu- lance headquarters which will be built adjacent.to the Court iHouse from architect Charles Arthur Gaskin and instructed him to send out for bids on the dence address, home tele- phone number, place of em- H carry B r ployment, sex, date of birth, height, and race to be written on the check. The person A u accepting the check must wit- n A tom ness and initial it. The new provisions were established to Harry Leon Brewton, age provide a method for those 62, of 406 Madison Street receiving a check to properly apparently died of a heart identify the giver in case the attack while driving his panel check is no good. truck on Fifth Street here in -Port St. Joe Monday night. The required identification According to local police, can be established by one of Brewton was found slumped five methods: personal identi- over the wheel of his vehicle fiction, fingerprint, photo- after it had struck a post graph, check cashing, cards, .beiide. the median of .the or :required information on street, nar the St. Joe Motel back of check. at about 8:00 p.m., Monday The new law also provides evening. City Police have been that if a certified or registered unable to reconstruct the letter is sent to the person events'involved in the incident passing the check, return and ask that anyone who saw receipt requested, demanding the vehicle when it struck the payment of the check plus a post or in the vicinity to service charge of $5.00 or five percent whichever is greater, -,. and if restitution is not made '. within 20 days thereafter, intent to defraud is presumed, whether the certified or regis- tered letter is delivered or not. If the check is returned marked "NO ACCOUNT", then such notice is waived. Forms for presenting the 20 day notice are available at the Sheriff's office. The new law aids prosecu- tion and also helps located the maker of the worthless check. The certified or registered let- ter is not required but is recommended. Any party holding a worthless check and giving the maker notice by registered or certified mail, will be entitled to the $5.00 or five percent, and shall be im- mune from civil liability for criminal prosecution of the maker. After the 20 day notice has been sent and if no response is made after the 20 day waiting period, then the complaint should be taken to the Sheriff who will in turn pass it on to Cheryl Hatcher, center, l the State's Attorney for prose- head of the English Departn caution. school in recognition of Cher When questioned concern- Hatcher also received a plaque ing third party checks, the Sheriff explained that the C h eryl H person cashing the check ner l 1 would be the one to go to, and they in turn would have to go through the person who wrote to W i the check. In the case of to W in out-of-state checks or persons who have moved out of the Miss Cheryl Hatcher of Port state after writing the check, St. Joe Jr.-Sr. High School has the process is the same as with been cited for outstanding any other check. performance in writing. The National Council of Teachers of English has named her a winner of a 1975 NCTE Achievement Award in Writ- Corps Recommends Maintenance Work for Harbor The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers at Mobile announced that a final environmental statement and Statement of Findings recom- mending continued operation and mainte- nance dredging of the existing navigation channels in Port St. Joe Harbor, have been filed with the President's Council on Environ- mental Quality (CEQ). The Channel consists of (a) an entrance channel 37 feet deep, 500 feet wide at its outer bend and diminishing progressively in width to 400 feet at the first bend, a distance of 3.6 miles, thence continuing at a depth of 37 feet and a width of 400 feet through the second to the third bend, a distance of 3.3 miles, thence continuing at a depth of 35 feet and a width of 300 feet a distance of 2.4 miles to a point in St. Joseph Bay where the entrance channel joins the North Channel, a total overall distance of 9.3 miles; (b) the North Channel 35 feet deep, 300 feet wide, from the point where the North Channel joins the entrance channel to the north end of the turning basin at Port St. Joe, a distance of about 4.7 miles; (c) a turning basin 32 feet deep, 1,000 feet wide, and 2,000 feet long, with a harbor therein 35 feet deep, 250 feet wide, arsd 2,000 feet long, adjacent to the waterfront at Port St. Joe; and (d) the South Channel 27 feet deep, 200 feet wide and about one mile long leading from the south end of the turning basin to deep water in St. Joseph Bay. The final environmental statement was prepared after careful review of the com- ments received from various Federal, State and local agencies as required by Section 102 of the National Environmental Quality. Interested individuals and groups can obtain a copy of the final environmental statement by writing or telephoning the Army Corps of Engineers district office at Mobile. Written requests should be addressed to the U. S. Army Engineer District, Mobile, P. 0. Box 2288, Mobile, Alabama 36628; telephone requests should be made to (205) 690-2721. structure. The plans call for facilities for two ambulance vehicles and space to house emergency generators for the Court House complex in times of emergency. Gaskin said he would stipu- late in his bid call that the bids would be opened at the regular meeting of November 25. The Board also instructed Dick Lamberson, squad chief of the Port St.'Joe ambulance organization to file a request for matching funds to pur- chase communications equip- ment for the county service as required by Florida-law. The ,equipment would give the crews capability to transmit vital signs to a hospital and rewton Found Dead obile Monday Night contact them. Patrolman Bob- the Gulf County Civil Defense, by Lightfoot received the re- a member of the Sheriff's port of the van crashed Auxiliary and the Assembly against the post and found Church of Panama City. Brewton inside. He called the ambulance and then started resuscitation on Brewton. When ambulance crews ar- rived, they continued the emergency treatment while transferring him to the hospi- tal. Effdits to revive Brewton were futile. Brewton has lived in the Port St. Joe vicinity for the past 38 years. He was an electrical technician at St. Joe Paper Company. He was radio communications officer for ooks on as Catherine Ramsey, nent receives a plaque for the ryl's outstanding writing. Miss ie. Miss Ramsey taught Cheryl Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lela Florence Smith Brewton of Port St. Joe; one daughter, Mrs. Julia Griner of Panama' City; one son, Harry L., Jr., of Springhill, La., and four grandchildren:-. * Funeral services will be held this morning at 10:00 a.m., CST, from Smith Funer- al Home Chapel in Panama City. Burial will be in Ever- green Memorial Cemetery in Panama City. Rev. R. E. Coy will officiate. ing. The NCTE writing contest is held annually beginning in January. Over 7,000 students were nominated last February by their English teachers for NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing. Each nominee submitted a sample of her best writing and an impromptu essay. These compositions were evaluated by state judg- ing teams of both high school and college English teachers. The approximately 850 win- ners selected each year repre- sent high schools in all 50 states, the District of Colum- bia and American schools abroad. The number of possi- ble winners for each state is keyed to state population. The Council recommends communicate with the hospi- tal for emergency treatment in the field. Many of the treatments which EMT's are trained to give must be ap- proved by a doctor before they can be administered. Lamberson estimated the cost of the communications material to be about $30,000. He said Health and Rehabili-' tative Services had matching money for half the cost and possibly the Governor's High- way Safety Program would contribute 25 percent of the cost. Otto Collinsworth and Ervin Scovill complained to the Board that contractors paving roads in the St. Joe Beach. area had dug a ditch and opened a culvert which was draining Kenny Lake and flooding the downhill residents below the lake. The Board said the contrac- tor or the State Department of Transportation had no permis- sion from the Board to drain the lake. Collinsworth asked the Board to take measures to close the hole in the lake side preventing future drainage and allowing the lake to fill up again. Collinsworth said the lake never overflowed and was no problem to anyone. The Board said they would take necessary steps to repair the damage caused, by the contractor. OTHER BUSINESS In other items of business, the Board: -Agreed to furnish CD di- rector Richard Lancaster (Continued on Page 8) for three years, and Mrs. Wayne Biggs, second from right, is her present senior English instructor. Principal Ken Herring, left and Assistant Principal Edwin Williams, right, witness the presentation. Star Photo the award winners, now sen- iors, for college scholarships in 1975, should they need such assistance. Names of the stu- dents are sent to admissions officers and English depart- ment chairmen at U. S. two- and four-year colleges and universities. The National Council of Teachers of English is a pro- fessional organization of indi- vidual and institutional mem- bers at all levels of instruc- tion. Its goal is to increase the effectiveness of the teaching of English language and liter- ature in the nation's schools and colleges. NCTE furnishes such teaching aids as books and recordings, and publishes several professional journals, THIDTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 9 Lawrence Explains Law On Issuing Bad Checks atcher First Local Student national Award In Writing I imI -m n4 o - - PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 In the past we have found very little in which we could agree with Governor Reubin Askew. This has been particularly true with actions of the Governor which directly -affected Gulf County. We find no trouble at all in agreeing with a statement the 'Governor made last week in a speech before the governor's confer- ence in which he 'said, "Legalized casino gambling would destroy the tourist industry iq Florida". We couldn't agree with the Governor more. The Governor claims many tourists come to Florida because, they can bring their families to beaches, parks, and decent and wholesome family attractions. In his presentation to the governors, As- kew pointed out that the average stay of a tourist in Florida is 18 days"; compared to four days in Las Vegas where prices are lower. "Surely this must mean that Florida has some- thing more to offer people than roulette wheels", he said. The Governor missed one good point to illustrate that Florida's tourists are seeking good clean entertainment. A visit to Disney World near Orlando should convince any skeptic that the bulk of the tourists go where their children can enjoy themselves. In the case of Disney World, the adults seem to flock to the attraction to get good, clean entertainment for themselves as well. It might also be noted that Disney World has caused to be built in Orlando the world's largest concentration of tourist rooms. These are currently enjoying an upsurge of business. This means people are flocking to clean enter- tainment in Orlando more so than they are to the gambling-attractions of Las Vegas. The Governor has good argu- ments on his side and we think he has chosen the: proper side in this matter. There is a unified effort by :-ah organized group to see that. Florida adopts the practice of allowing the operation of casino gambling in those counties which want it. We hope the Governor will stand firm in his opposition and that private citizens who feel in a like manner will be just as vocal as the proponents of casino gambling. We saw something Monday night on the way home from the : office we wanted t& see and didn't want to see. We didn't want to see the man :. lying on the pavement on Fifth Street with an apparent heart at- tack; no heartbeat and no breathing. He had been struck down while driving his car, which swerved into a post and stopped. We did want to see the efficient way in which the Gulf County Volunteer Ambulance Squad were handling the situation. They were efficient and they were obviously doing what they knew how to do. They had the man stretched out and were applying heart massage and mouth to mouth resuscitation in an efficient manner. The emergency treatment continued on the transfer into the ambulance and the trip to the hospital. The man didn't revive but it wasn't because he didn't receive the proper attention soon enough. The new ambulance squad may be young and likely they will make mistakes in the future, but their performance Monday night showed they have been ushered intp adulthood in the emergency treatment business. -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida By The Star Publishing Company Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Wesley R. Ramsey ............................................ Editor and Publisher William H. Ramsey .............................................. Production Supt. F'enchle L. Ramsey ................................................. Office Manager Shirley K. Ramjey........................................ Typesetter, Subscriptions POSTOFFICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, 55.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF CQUNTY--One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, $7.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or-omissions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable Sfor damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. EDITORIALS. . Florida Doesn't Need Casino Gambling New Law Tough On Drinking Drivers A longtime problem for citi- zens of Gulf County has been that of drunken drivers on the highways. Effective January 1, 1975 new laws in this area have been passed by the State Legislature. Essentially these laws are addressed to punishment-for DWI violators. For first conviction, a mini- mum fine of $25.00 and maxi- mum of $500.00 may be assess- ed or up to six months in jail. Also the driver's license is suspended for a minimum of 90 days. For a second conviction, a maximum fine of $500.00 may be imposed along with a mini- mum of 10 days and up to six months in jail. The driver's .license is suspended for a minimum of six months. For. a third conviction, a maximum fine of $1,000.00 may be imposed with a mini- mum of 30 days and up to 12 months in jail and the license suspended for a minimum of one year and up to five years. County Court Judge, David Taunton, wishes to advise the public that the problem pre- sented to the safety of Gulf County citizens by drunken drivers is of primary concern as one of his responsibilities. Presently three individuals are serving 90 day sentences for this offense. It is recognized that many of those who drive while drink- ETAOIN SHRDLU By ESLEY R. RAMSEY Frenchie and I took off Thursday morning and went to Orlando for the remainder of the week to attend the annual meeting of the Florida League of Cities. While there, it would have been a crime against nature if we didn't go to Disney World, or, "The land of the Big Mouse" as they call it in Orlando. So we spent nearly half a day there Friday evening. They were right in the middle of their slack season when we were there. It looked as if only about 100,000 people were there. The parking lot had more cars in it than we have ever seen at a Gator Bowl game or at a Florida-FSU football game in either Tallahassee or Gainesville. If you were to pin me down, I would have to say I believe my estimate of 100,000 people was conservative. ,- . 'We saw the Bicentennial parade put on by Disney World each day throughl1975 and the first half of 1976. That alone was worth the effort of going to Disney World. You wouldn't believe ing have serious problems with alcoholism. In an effort to offer assistance to those who have this problem, a DWI School has been organized for Gulf County: The purpose of this school is to educate the offender to the inherent dan- ger of driving while intoxi- cated. Judge Taunton gen- erally requires those convict- ed of DWI to attend this school. It should be our goal to eli- For Ambulance Ca(l 227-2311 minate the drunken driver from the highways of our county. The court will con- tinue to cooperate with other agencies working toward this end. Ox Was Boy's Friend Way Back When By CHARLIE-WEBB Our cattle shipping pen was, located on a spur of the railroad. Sooner or later this pen would bring sadness to Other Editors Say: Other Cheek Turned Long Enough It's time to ring down the curtain on the anti-American orgy which this country and its citizens have been subject- ed to for the-last 15 years. The idea of citizens of the *- most powerful nation on earth forced to cringe under the barbs of lesser countries makes no sense. This is espec- ially true when one considers that nine out of 10 of the in- sulters are on our dole. The most recent incident was at the Pan American Games in Mexico City. Here the cream of America's youngsters and athletes were insulted, spat on, kicked and slugged. The Cubans, who are out for victory for propaganda pur- poses, cannot even understand the principles of sportsman- ship, since they cannot abide losing. The attitude of the Mexican fans cannot be excused. But it can be understood when one considers the hypocrisy of the president of the nation at our southern border who seems to be looking for a niche in the history books at our expense. To claim that Mexican fans' driving a U.S. girl diver to tears by the violence of their protest is attributable to Gen. Pershing's chase of bandit Pancho Villa is ridiculous. It may .come as a shock to the dedicated one-world liber- als, but the reason the Cubans and Mexicans are angry at the American teams is because our players are better than theirs. Consistently, the U.S. takes most of the gold medals. And they are attained by win- ning, not violence. But this is only a microcosm of the problem with a goodly number of the nations of the world. Matter of fact, the Pan American games incident is analagous with the motley hash called the Third World, the underdeveloped nations. The pattern persists also in the behavior of the Organiza- tion of Petroleum Exporting Countries in its oil embargo and subsequent fixing of oil prices. It appears the time for quiet, patient tolerance of the loudmouth lands is nearing an end. The Dr. Spock permissive approach is doing little for our national esteem and welfare. Hopefully, the posture of Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan at the United Nations signals a departure from the turn-the-other-cheek school of diplomacy. It was comforting to hear of him telling the U.N. it was "none of its business" what our troops were doing in South Korea and his terming Gen. Amin "a racist murderer". If we are to draw the line somewhere perhaps it should be at the U.N. and because of its blatant anti-Semitic resolu- tion backed by the Communist and right wing nations. As Moynihan stated: "There can- not since the 1930s in Germany have been as much anti-Semi- tism spoken in one chamber." There was a time, just before World War II, to dis- avow the conciliatory policy of Neville Chamberlain and adopt the stand-firm policies of Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Somehow, the Vietnam era boys that owned oxen. The pen was an economic necessity during this time period as the rugged and wonderful cattlemen who had cattle on the free-grazing land in the forks of two rivers - would drive the cattle to the pen and sell to cattle buyers. The love and friendship between a boy and his ox was a beautiful thing during pio- neer times. We would cut and peel a small pine sapling tree for the construction of an ox sleigh to be pulled by the ox. Names of some of our oxen were One Spot, Little Red, and Midnight. One of the times that a boy and his ox were close friends was on a group camping trip to the nearby river. At the camp site we would prop the ox sleighs end to end around some sturdy sweetgum trees. Inside this circle, the oxen were tied to the sleighs, and inside the circle of oxen we would make our own bed for seduced us back into the Chamberlain view toward the rest of the world, especially the smaller nations. It's time for a change. -Orlando Sentinel Star the night. The low sounds coming from the breathing of the oxen, sleeping almost within arm's reach of each boy, produced a feeling of true security to our boyish imagination of move- ments seen within the dark- ness of the river swamp. There could have always been some kind of protection sig- nals emitting from all types of living life for all life. The cattle buyers would sometimes need a few more cattle to make up a shipment. Our oxen were the next to go. Watching our friend the ox go up the cattle loading-chute and disappear into the rail- road car, filled with wild and excited range cattle with their painful goring horns, was a moment of true sadness. Sure, there were to be many more wholesome loves and wonderful friends later on in life, but in this dark moment a little hostility could have covered our hearts for- ever. Perhaps love to all small boys should always be outgo- ing and never restrained. The love we restrain today could have something to do with the- almost inescapable hostility often found in our tomorrows. either the parade or Disney World. Both had left no detail uncovered in furnishing entertainment both pleasing to the eye and titillating to the senses. We bought an $8.00 book of tickets for each of us and used only one of them out of each book to see the Country Bears, but still thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon going into free attraction after free attraction. The best thing I saw was the Parade of Presidents. After the introduction is over, the curtain rises and there are all of our presidents sitting and standing on the stage. All are animated, but they move, blink their eyes, squirm in their chairs and whisper to their neighbor. It takes a while before you realize they are not real people in disguise. After one gets into Disney World, it is easy to e ..-see- why' it-is- the 'greatest attraction- inthe :'Eiasftierfi= t tgf dtiild 11e you 'bo-tit the place all day, but you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it yourself. Before and after our visit to see the "Big Mouse", we spent our time in discussions and meetings trying to get a solution to the many , problems which face Port St. Joe and all cities of Florida. I confess, I thought these meetings were just excuses to get away from home, relax and enjoy * yourself. I was wrong. This particular meeting had sessions starting at 8:30 every morning and we stayed with it until 11:00 Thursday night and 10:00 in the final meeting Saturday night. Cities in Florida face an uncertain future, as, I'm sure cities from all over the nation face. Here we face a future within the next two years of having to come up with a plan to dispose of our solid waste (garbage) in a manner other than what we are now doing. The garbage must not be allowed to pollute the ground water. We learned at the meeting that there, is no reasonably economical way to do this at the present time for cities the size of Port St. Joe. Large cities such as Miami, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa and St. Petersburg can install reclamation units which will meet the standards. Small cities cannot. So, Port St. Joe has the problem of coming up with a plan to dispose of its solid waste in two years when there is no way available at this time. That should keep us busy a while. Cities also face problems from declining revenues, increasingly complex state require- ments and regulations, especially in the areas of pollution. The main thrust of the meeting was to try to * arrive at a solution to the financial problem and settle on methods to persuade the Florida Legislature to quit strangling cities with their requirements. Senator Lawton Chiles spoke to us at noon Saturday and said he would cast his vote to continue Revenue Sharing but he would hold his nose while he did it. I personally oppose revenue sharing. Too many cities are using the money to pay their bills instead of using it to put into capital improve- ments which will not require dependance on revenue sharing for their operation. Even Gulf County has placed a portion of its revenue sharing funds into their budget for next year. Cities from all over the state admitted at the convention that they were paying salaries and buying supplies with the federal money. This I isn't what it was designed for and one has to do some finagling to use it in this manner. If Senator Chiles will offer some amend- ments restricting further the use of the funds, he may not have to pinch his nose quite so hard A when he casts his vote in favor of the money bill. They're Efficient ~C~u~h~Ash~sh~Mu-shs4~Ch14h~Y-ChlhS P~h~krlllh~IO_liiSIC~Clr- --- - ----U Carnival im e Hallowe'en Carnival time is always fun time at offered by different classes in the school. In the photo Port St. Joe-Elementary School each year and last above, people gather around to participate in the cake I F Ti i Saturday was no exception. Hundreds of.people turned walk and win a delicious home-made cake baked by the - Sun m e out to enjoy good food and play the many games best cooks in the world right here in Port St.. Joe. Port St. Joe High School Lunch Room Menus Monday, Nov. 3 Hamburger with bun, chili with beans, cole slaw, French fries, lettuce, tomato, pickles, crackers, bread, or cheese toast, milk, cherry pie. Tuesday, Nov. 4 Ham and cheese sandwich, battered fried fish with bun, .,baked beans, cabbage, carrot mnd raisin slaw, tartar sauce, fruit cup, milk. Wednesday, Nov. 5 Oven fried chicken, rice with , gravy, tomato slice, English peas, peanut butter chews, bread, milk. Thursday, Nov. 6 Dry lima bans with ham, hamburger with bun, potato chips, cabbage slaw, coconut cake, cornbread, milk. Friday, Nov. 7 Hamburger with bun, pizza, : French fries, string beans, Association to lettuce, tomato, pickles, jello with topping, milk. Elementary Schools Lunch Room Menus Monday, Nov. 3 Pullman ham, buttered pot- atoes, cabbage, carrot and ,raisin slaw, chocolate cake, bread, milk ., Tuesday, Nov. 4 Chili with beans, green salad; whole kernel corn, peach with cookie, cheese toast, milk. Wednesday, Nov. 5 Oven fried chicken, rice with gravy, tomato slice, pea- nut butter chews, bread, milk. Thursday, Nov. 6 Dry lima beans with ham, collards, tomato wedge, coco- nut cake, cornbread, milk. Fiiday, Nov. 7 Pizza, French fries, English peas, tossed salad, jello with topping, milk. Nazarenes Organize Today Celebrating The members of the Gulf County Association for Re- tarded Citizens and friends of the retarded will have an or- ganizational meeting Thurs- day evening. The meeting will be held at the Port St. Joe Jr.- Sr. High School Commons Area at seven p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to plan for an adult activity center. Representatives from the Division of Retardation will be present to discuss the project. All members are, urged to attend and bring a friend. Other interested citizens are welcome. Homecoming Th6 First Church of the Nazarene will be celebrating their homecoming this Sun- day, November 2. The church is located on the corner of Long Avenue and Niles Road. Special guest will be Dick Goble, a former Grand Ole Opry star, and the Gospel Light Singers, of Columbus, Ga. Sunday School will be at 10:00 a.m., followed by morning ing worship at 11:00, after which dinner on the grounds will be served. The gospel sing will be at 2:00 p.m. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS In accordance with Section 129.06, Florida Statutes, 1973, NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of County Commis- sioners of Gulf County, Florida, has adopted a tentative supplemental budget for the St. Joe Fire Control Fund for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1974, and ending September 30, 1975; that said Board will bein session on Tuesday, November 11. 1975, at 9:00 A.M. for. the purpose of hearing complaints as to said budget andfor:its:final adoptipn,,to-wit: SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ; GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA For fiscal year beginning October 1, 1974 and ending September 30, 1975 ST. JOE FIRE CONTROL FUND A-C No. Original Supple- Budget mental Budget RECEIPTS: 1341 Reserve sharing trust funds... $2,200.00 Total Estimated Receipts .... 2,200.00 Less 5 percent................ 110.00 95 percent of Estimated Receipts ................. 2,090.00 Balance Forward: Cash...... 2,463.00 $4,740.93 4,740.93 011 r. 237.R - -t~ 4,503.1 2,463.1 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BALANCES ............ $4,553.00 $6,966.8 EXPENSES: 3201:305 Paymentto (for) Fire Dept... $3,160.00 $3,741.1 3201:334 Commissions ............... 155.00 155.1 Total Reserve for Contingencies ............ 328.00 328.C Reserve: Forward ........... 910.00 2,742.C TOTAL BUDGET ............ $4,553.00 $6,966.1 (NO ASSESSMENT OF MILLAGE REQUIRED) BOARDOF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Eldridge Money, Chairman ATTEST: George Y. Core, Clerk (SEAL) .5 - 88 00 88 88 00 00 00 88 THE STAR, Port St. Jde, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 PAGE THREE oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooOOOoooo0ooo0oo Iooo Of SLadies' Buy Now for Holiday S Lades Gift Giving 5 Pclyester Ladies Nylon Pants Suits ea. Sizes 10-18. Asst. colors, Sall other pant suits 10 percent off. Save! Save! Entire Stock Ladies & Children's DRESSES t or ore 1 /O off Junior, missy & half sizes, reg. prices start at a low $9.99. A Festival of Values Ladies Coats & Jackets 500 to $4QOO You save $2 to $5 , On each purchase. Soft vinyl jackets, I' untrimmed suede, fur trimmed suede, all purpose coats and jackets, polyester coats, sizes 5-18'/2. Festival Value Clearance! Ladies KEDS About 65 pr. /2 Price Many styles to choose from... current styles and colors, assorted sizes. Free Nylon Panty Hose with Purchase of I Ladies' / .PURSE $6.99 or More Free Souvenirs to All Especially Seafood Festival Visitors Pegnoir Sets $900 Gown and coat, embroidered and lace trimmed, S, M, L & XL. A Sizzlin Festival Value Ladies' and Children's I "Wrangler" (50 percent Creslan) ' Sweat Shirts 5 10% off Assorted colors, S, M, L & XL. Reg. price $3.99 to $6.99. Polyester Sport Coat $3999 to Free Shirt - Up to $10.00 value with each coat purchased. . Save! CL for thE On nS oes Family 10% off Men, women, boys, girls. Dress an casual, fall '75 fashions, for all occz sions. Labels of quality and dependabi ity. 222 Reid Ave. I Pair of SFree polyester pants with purchase of xMen-'s Suits Polyester knits and wovens. $7999 to S-10699 Free pants to value of $19.99 with each suit. Warm Thermal Shirt & Pants $5.00 per Suit Reg. price $2.99 ea. piece. S, M, L & XL. / ,' ,/' ./'i r-, \ l Tl^ I 'I ave! oys' Save! Save! ) Work Cloth Pants and Shirts S10% off Khaki, green, gray, navy. Fas- hioned by Dickie, Hartwell and Lee. "d Pants 20-50W. a- Shirts S, M, L & :1 Phone 227-4261 XL. Save! S 35 Pr. B Tennis Shoes $2.00 & $3.00 Values to $7.00. Keds, Bata and etc. Sizes 121/2 to 6. 0000000000000w Sam McCathan, Age 84, Taken By Death Oct. 21 Sam McCathan, 84, a resi- dent of 214 Avenue B, died at Guitar Lessons Starting Next Tuesday Nite The Gulf County Recreation Department will be offering guitar lessons beginning No- vember 4, according to the director. Walter Wilder. The courses will be offered each Tuesday night from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.. for a period of six weeks. Classes and registra- tion will be held in the student activities center in Port St. Joe High School beginning nest Tuesday. The classes are open to all who wish to attend. A fee of $8.00 will hbe charged for the six week course. his. residence last Tuesday, Oct. 21. Mr. McCathan had been a resident of Port St. Joe since 1950, was a veteran of World War I and a member of the Zion Fair Baptist Church. Survivors include a grand- son, five great grandchildren and one great-great grand- child: three brothers, Henry McCathan. Jr. of Pass Chris- tian, Miss.. James McCathan of Vero Beach and Nathaniel McCathan of Port St. Joe: a sister. Mrs. Curlee McCloud of St. Petersburg. and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday at the Zion Fair Baptist Church with the Rev. Charles P. Price, offi- ciating. Interment followed in the family plot of Williamsburg Cemetery of Wewahitchka. All servir ,verep under the direction of Comforter Fun- eral Home of Port St. Joe. Recreation Department Offers Children's Classes In Gymnastics The Gulf County Recreation Department is currently spon- soring Gymnastics classes for students enrolled in grades one to six. The eight weeks course will end on November 6. Over 100 students are en- rolled in the program with beginners classes for students in grades one to three held on Monday and Thursday; begin- ners in grades four to six meet on Tuesday and advanced stu- dents meet on Wednesday. All classes run from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The program involves work on the parallel bars, balance beams, trampolines, vaulting horses and a wide variety of ,tumbling activities. Ernest Thursbay Is now a member of-the Sales Staff of Tommy Thomas Chevrolet 705 W. 15th St. Panama City Phones 785-5221 Panama City 648-7900 Mexico Beach Call Ernest for all your new or used car needs Former Resident Dies In Eustis Funeral services for Mrs. Gladys Kaplin, formerly Mrs. Gladys McCoy of Port St. Joe, were held Wednesday at two p.m. in Eustis. She is survived by her hus- band, Dr. Alfred Kaplin of Eustis, a daughter, Mrs. Lucina Brislow of Jackson- ville; three sisters, Mrs. Nella Dean Bruce of Kingsland, Ga., Mrs. Mamie Lou Dare and Mrs. Margaret Shirah of Port St. Joe; three brothers, James Daniell of Winchester, T'nn. and Emmette and Arnold Daniell of Port St. Joe. Special Festival Clearnce Group Boys Sweaters & Sweat Shirts Now 33 1/3% off Good quality cardigan swea- ters and sweat shirts. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the members of the Church of Christ invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11:00 Sunday Night ............... ... 6:00 Wednesday Night .............. 7:00 Corner 20th St. & Marvin James Brantley, Minister Phone 229-8153 D E PA RT M !E N 7TST::O R E I- PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 1 .L DAR OFFICERS-Left to right, Mrs. Herman Dean, 'Treasurer; Mrs. William B. Simmons, Registrar; Mrs. Paul St. Joseph's Bay Initial Meeting In .Ihe first meeting of the St. the pledge of allegiance to the Jdseph Bay chapter of the flag and the American's Daughters of the American Creed. Revolution was held on Octo- Mrs. Francis Campbell, Flo- bi 23, 1975, in the Port St. Joe rida State Regent, announced Garden Center. Mrs. Paul the official name of the chap- Foesom called the meeting to ter and installed the following orxer and welcomed members officers: Mrs. Paul Fensom,, a.i guests. Mrs. Charles regent; Mrs. Thomas Owens, Btown led the D A R prayer, vice regent; Mrs. Charles Brown, secretary; Mrs. Her- X Ep *il man Dean, treasurer; and i S-EO ,n Mrs..William Simmons, regis- trar. The members were re- 'Installs quested to join the pledge of allegiance to the constitution yand the nation. Sff cers Mrs. Campbell presented the newly organized chapter 3he Xi Epsilon Kappa Chap- with an inscribed gavel. A ti* of Beta Sigma Phi installed guest register was presented oiicers for the pew year at by the Choctowhatchee, Bay thtir last month's meeting in and Pensacola chapters. tht home of Mrs. Elva Jones. Mrs. John Milton of Miami ,Ijnstalled were: Mrs. Dot talked on how the chapters filiams, President; Mrs. received their names. Three reda Jacobs, Vice Presi- names are chosen to be sub- ;nt; Mrs. Mary Harrison, mitted to Washington. The treasurer; Mrs. Betty Lewisi namesSt. Joseph Bay, Fort 1Recording Secretary; Mrs. Crevecore and Cape San Blas Elva Jones, Corresponding were submitted. The first Secretary & Parliamentarian; choice, St. Joseph Bay was jpd Mrs. Elaine Jackson and chosen because of the histori- Mrs. Phyllis Beaman, his- cal significance of the bay torians. since 1492. An old Spanish map Is The Chapter met on October in the archives of Spain shows ,in the home of the president, the bays' that were named Mrs. Dot Williams, The pro- around the peninsula of Flor- ,ram "The Voices Behind Us" ida. A replica of this map is Nas used in a group discussion now displayed at the St. jiy the members present.. Joseph Museum. Ten en- ,After the business meeting graved maps in the state the hostess served refresh- archives of maps bear the _oents to the members during name Bay of St. Joseph, the social hour. proving the importance early S:Mrs. Mary Harrison was navigators attached to this ~ected Valentine Queen for particular bay. St. Joseph Bay e chapter. was our link with Colonial, Revolutionary, and Civil War CARD OF THANKS days, and is the center of all The family of C. F. Gau- our history, and at the present ,treaux greatly appreciates the time is the center of our Sympathy and many kind- industry. pnesses shown us at the our Well wishers for the new time of sorrow; from the loss chapter from all parts of the of our beloved husband, father state of Florida were present. '9nd grandfather. Mrs. James McKinnon, state Mrs. C. F. Gautreaux corresponding secretary, an- and Family nounced the state D A R I:Ai & New Fensom, Regent; Mrs. Thomas Owens, Vice-Regent; and Mrs. Charles Brown, Secretary. Star Photo Announce Plans to Marry Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Burch have announced the engage- ment and approaching mar- riage of their daughter, Pam- ela Royce to Wiilliam David Arnette III, son of Mr. and Mrs. William David Arnette Jr. of Allentown, Florida. The bride-elect is a 1972 graduate of Port St. Joe High School and received her As- sociate of Arts degree from Chipola Junior College in De- cember, 1973. Her fiance is a 1971 graduate of Allentown High School and received a degree in Crimino- logy from Florida State Uni- versity in December, 1974. He is presently employed with the Florida Game and Fresh Wa- ter Fish Commission in Fort Meade, Florida. The wedding will be held at the First Baptist Church in Port St. Joe on Saturday, January 3, 1976 at 7:00 p.m. No local invitations are being sent but all friends and rela- tives are invited to attend. DAR Chapter Has Mrs. Griffin Garden Center conference will meet in Day- tona, March 1-3, 1976. Mrs. Fensom expressed the members' appreciation to Mrs. J.I. Melvin for her gift of a replica of the official Bicen- tennial flag. After a delicious luncheon served by the Port St. Joe Garden Club the meeting was adjourned. Regular meetings of the local chapter will be on the third Wednesday of each month. Miss Brenda Ann Guilford Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Guilford of Mexico Beach an- nounce the engagement and approaching.marriage of their daughter, Brenda Ann, to Louis Sanford Livings, son of Mrs. Virginia Livngs and the late W .L. Livings, of Quincy. The bride-elect is a 1971 graduate of Oakton High School in Fairfax, Virginia and a 1974 graduate of Gulf Coast Community College. She is presently employed with Robert M. Moore, Attor- ney at Law. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Millie Manasco and the late T. G. Manasco of Jack- onville, formerly of Port St. Joe and Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guilford of Overstreet. The groom-elect was born and raised in Quincy, and is presently employed with the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources. The wedding will be held in' the Mexico Beach Methodist Church at 6:00 P.M. CST on Friday, December 5. The re- ception will be held at the home of the bride on 39th Street, Mexico Beach. No local invitations are being sent, but all friends and relatives-are invited to attend. Hostess to Group II Mission Group II of the First United Methodist Church met in the home of Mrs. H. W. (Buck) Griffin on October 20th with 11 members present. In the absence of the Chair- man, Mrs. Eunice Brinson presided. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. Roy Gibson, Sr. Mrs. Edith Stone gave the program, "How Much Do We Care-Am I A Good Neighbor-Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Theyself," relating the fami- liar story of the gooq Samari- tan as it would apply to us today. Mrs. Brinson invited the. Group to meet with her in November. Returns from Tour of London Catherine Kennedy just re- turned from a seven-day sight seeing trip to London, Eng- land, with the Friendly Beauty Supply Co. of Orlando. While in London she visited West- minster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, the Windsor Castle, the gardens at. Hampton Court, Warwick Castle, the Tower Bridge, Big Ben and numerous other beautiful spots. Garden Club Meet Changed The District Horticultural Workshop in Panama City scheduled for November 13 has been changed to Novem- ber 6. Members of the Garden Club are urged to attend tifis important workshop, The fee is $2.50, which includes lunch. The instructors are the well- known Tom and Vivian Hol- man. This change necessitates the Port St. Joe Garden Club meeting be scheduled on its regular meeting day, Novem- ber 13, at three p.m. The program will be on "The Art of Drying Flowers." On November 3, from 10 a.m. to 12, a workshop on items for the Christmas Ba- zaar will be supervised by Mrs Ruth Nance. Please bring scissors, thread, needles, scraps of felt and fabrics. Also please bring projects you are working on. Miss Pamela Royce Burch FLOWERS Say It Better! Special! Small Sweetheart Roses with Fern in paper. *' 7 DOZEN $ Arrangements of 1 Dozen r Sweetheart Roses. $6.00 Any Color of Large Roses DOZ. $5.00 Arranged in Vase ................ ......... doz. $9.00 Arrangement of Small Carnations DOZ. $6.00 Red Carnations DOZ. Arranged with baby's breath in "forget-me-not" style. $7.50 Hedy's Florist 105 Reid Avenue 227-8501 In Port St. Joe everyone's becoming a do-it-yourselfer ... with Beach School Offers Classes Place 'n Press - Excelon+ Tile The Beacon Hill Adult School Center will be offering i special classes during the month of November and Dec- ember on handmade Christ- mas gifts and stuffed toys. These classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from six to nine p.m. beginning Nov- ember 5. IS IN HOSPITAL B. A. (Buck) Alexander of Wewahitchka, formerly of Port St. Joe, is a patient in the Municipal Hospital in Port St. Joe. Stop by and wish Buck a speedy recovery. NOW OPEN . Sammie's Beauty Salon 402 Third St. Port St. Joe Selma (Sammie) Wester Master Cosmetologist Owner Open Tuesday thru Saturday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Evenings by Appointment :-- Permanent Waves For Appointment Styling Shaping Call 229-8328 Tinting Frosting Special consideration for Senior Citizens Ask about the "Girl of the Week" m~b mm.qm .lia.1m -M..mm -. ---.,no -,1n -,m -,~.,lD.m. -- ,-m .mm ., m h.nlm This new self-adhering floor tile makes covering an old floor so easy you can transform that "tired,old floor" into something really special .. and in just an afternoon. The adhesive's already on the back To install Place 'n Press, just peel the release paper from the back of each vinyl- asbestos tile, place the tile in position, press it down, and it's on the floor to stay. Amrmmstrong Presto! You have a new floor that livens your den or family room- gives it a bright, new feeling- ..'*. .easily and ' inexpensively. Stop b\ our store and choose from one of these three . popular designs: Only $395 per pack . 7 of nine 12"x12" tiles (one square yard). Phone 227-8111 203 Reid Avenue St. Joe Hardware Co. Ladies In Match Play Tournament The Ladies' Golf Associa- tion of St. Joseph Bay Country Club held a Ladies' Fall Match Play Tournament this past Saturday at the club. Tourna- ment committee included Phyllis Altstaetter, chairman; Mary Alice Lyons, Marion McDonald, Claryce Whaley and Marie Costin. Winners in the champion- ship flight are: Margie Ely, first place; Amy Tapper, second place and Faye Cox, third place. Winners in the other flights and their order of finish are: First Flight: Claryce Whaley, Zella Anderson and Betty May. Second Flight: Frances Brown, Estelle Mose- ly and Vivian Hardy. Third flight: Shirley Daniels and Mariann Hendrix. Consolation prize went to Evelyn Smith. Pictured left to right are: Frances Brown, Claryce Wha- ley, Estelle Mosely, Margie Ely, Shirley Daniels and Amy Tapper. Historical Novels In Short Supply Connie Redmon, center, recognized for Assistant Principal Edwin Williams. efforts by Principal Ken Herring, left and Star Photo ' Writes "Bicentennial Minute" Connie Redmon has been chosen as the Port St. Joe 'Jr.-Sr. High School winner in ,,the Bicd6ntenhiallSenibrs scho- larship competition. This com- petition is part of a nationwide scholarship program for high school seniors currently being' conducted by the ,National As- sociation of Secondary School - Principals with funds from the Shell Oil Company. Connie Redmon's winning composition consists of a "Bi- centennial Minute" and a ^ commentary discussing the relevance of this "minute for today and for America's future." She also scored high on a current events test. The selection committee was comprised of Miss Cat- The Gulf County Recreation Department is sponsoring a course in Mid-Eastern dance for the ladies of Port St. Joe. The course designed for exer- cise and muscle toning will be directed by Mrs. Theba Gib- son. Classes will begin Novem- ber 4, at seven p.m. and will be held at Port St. Joe High School. The classes will meet each Tuesday evening from seven to nine p.m. and will run for six weeks. The cost will be $6.00 for the entire course. Ladies interested in enrolling should report to the Port St. Joe High School Commons Area, at seven p.m on Novem- 4 ber 4 for registration and ini- Adult Flag Football The Port St. Joe Adult Flag Football program began play on October 21 with Renfro Auto Parts beating Highland View, Basic downing Sears, and St. Joe Paper Co. defeat- ing St. Joe Furniture Co. League play goes on each Tuesday night at the St. Joe Softball Field with three games scheduled each week. The first game is set for six p.m. and portable bleachers have been set up for the fans who are interested in seeing the games. There is no admission charge and the concession stand will offer coffee, cold drinks and hot dogs. The League is -sponsored and supervised by Gulf Count, Recreation Department. herine Ramsey, Tammy Mc- Millan, Rev. Sidney Ellis and Temple Watson. ' Connie will n',. compete with other high school winners to become one of the two state representatives to the national competition. Two winners from each state and the Dis- trict of Columbia will receive a scholarship of $1,000 and all expense paid trip to Williams- burg, Virginia from January 16-19, 1976 to attend seminars on educational and social issues and to be on hand for the selection of the national winner. The grand prize winner re- ceives a $10,000 scholarship and will'have her "Bicenten- tial class session. Mrs. Theba Gibson is a graduate student of Straus- baugh School of Dance, Pan- ama City, Reisha School of Instruction of Mobile, Ala. and currently studying with Habe- ba School of Instruction, New Orleans, La. nial Minute" presented on the CBS television network. The St. Joseph Historical Society has several historical books and novels. of interest to people in this area. The books are limited in number and will probably not be re-printed again. Mrs. Hubert Brinson, who is supervising the sale of the books says the number of each edition is now very limited and asks those who would like a copy to act soon so they will not be disappoint- ed. The books for sale are: "The Great Tide", a histori- cal novel, telling of a boom town in West Florida. The book, written by Rubylea Hall, is now in its sixth edition. price is $8.95. "The Lives of St. Joseph", a chronological history of the lives of St. Joseph, written and assembled by Louise M. Por- ter, a West Florida poetess, and historical author. Price of the book is $8.95. "Golden Anniversary Cele- bration, Gulf County, Florida" is a history of the county from 1925 to 1975. The book was edited and compiled by the St. Joseph Historical Society. Price is $1.00. All of these books are limit- ed editions and would make good Christmas gifts. The books are available at First United Methodist Church Monument and Constition Port St. Joe, Fla. JOHNIE W. McCURDY, Minister CHURCH SCHOOL ..................... 9:45 A.M. PREACHING SERVICE........ 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP.... 6:30 P.M. CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday)...... 7:30 P.M. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL .................... MORNING WORSHIP ................ CHURCH TRAINING ................. EVENING WORSHIP ................. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... J Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor M 9:45A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 7:30P.M. 7:15 P.M. erome Cartier, minister of Music PUBLIC NOTICE The 1975 Tax Roll has been certified by Property Appraiser to Tax Collector for collection of county, school, cities and fire district taxes. Tax payments will be received, beginning November 3rd, 1975, at the Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Florida. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Discounts Allowed 4 percent November 1975 3 percent December 1975 2 percent January 1976 1 percent February 1975 Delinquent April 1976 Harland 0. Pridgeon Tax Collector, Gulf County P. 0. Box 989 Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Phone 229-6116 the following locations: Port st. Joe-Sugar Plum Tree, Smith Pharmacy, Flor- ida First National Bank, Rea- dy Arts and Crafts, Constitu- tion Convention Museum, Gulf County Court House, Hedy's Florist, Jimmy's Restaurant, Jake's Restaurant, Sears Cat- alog Store, Thames Fabrics, Aline's Beauty Salon and from Mrs. Hubert Brinson at 216 Sixth Street. St. Joe Beach-Duren's Store, Gulf Sands Restaurant, St. Joe Beach Grocery. Mexico Beach Mexico Beach Sundries. Wewahitchka Eddie's Beauty Shop, Lakeside Florist and Gift Shop, Wewahitchka State Bank. Apalachicola Apalachi- cola Seafood Festival. IN MEMORIAL In memories of Bural Cle- mons, a very missed loved one husband, father, grandfather and brother. On this day, the 29th of October, which is his .,birth date, he will be greatly missed by his whole family. Mr. Clemons passed away March 1, 1975. The family would also like to thank every- one again for all of the kind- ness shown them. THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 PAGE FIVE "A SPEEDY END TO THESE DISORDERS" October 26, 1775... In an opening speech to Parliament, King George III acknowledged the rebellious war in the colonies to be a "traitorious design" for the purpose of forming an. independent em- pire and authorized the raising of an army to trounce the colonies into obedience. Few volunteers were found among the British so foreign troops, known as mercenaries, were hired to fight rebel Americans. St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph- Belly Dance Course The Frigidaire 15.3 cu.-ft. Chest Freezer. Puts food at your fingertips, and more convenience into your life. This 15.3 cu.-ft. chest freezer has an automa- . tic interior light to help you see the packages you want, a sliding basket and a movable divider to help you organize them, and a lock and key to help safeguard food against theft. But there's more. A magnetic lid seal helps keep the cold air in, warm air out. There's also a Temperature Control that lets you ad- just the freezer temperature for the changing seasons and your changing needs. All this convenience in a cabinet that's only 441/2" wide. In Stock-Chest type Freezers from 5.3 to 20.3 cu. ft. Mo 27 F-1s3C Frigidalre combines heavy duty construction with an exclusive-action -Knits cycle. To help deliver dependable perform- ance, this Frigidaire Heavy Duty Au- tomatic Washer has a heavy duty mo- tor and other components used in Frigidaire Commercial Washers. It helps keep the shape and stretch in knits longer with the gentle wash action of the Frigidaire Knits cycle. You'll also find it helps keep wrinkles out of Permanent Press items with 3 Permanent Press Wash cycles. WC Trained Service Men to Service What We Sell ROCHE FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 209 Reid Ave. Phone 227-5271 mmmwmmmmmmm Dear Clay, g your column, My husband, age 43, has ough everyone been in and out of military and true? Am I of VA alcoholism treatment cen- le who don't ters a number of times and goes back to drinking within a Sincerely, few weeks after his release G. W. each time. I love him and feel that he has been trying to quit Dear G. W., A recent survey in the United States showed that 68 percent of American adults drink at least occasionally. The other 32 percent have exercised their freedom of choice not to drink. The group who drinks to ex- cess and are possible alco- holics, we are trying to reach. In this group, there are about nine million alcoholics in our country. With that large of a number being multiplied by four, because each alcoholic affects at least three other people, we are talking about 36 .million people being affected by alcoholism. : You are not alone and I do respect your right not to drink. I hope more people can begin to respect your right as well. Sincerely, Clay :..ear Clay, :-1:I was stopped by a police =*officer the other day. He said :that he wanted to test to see if I1 had been drinking. If I didn't :accept to take the test, he said :I would have my license sus- :pended. : Isn't this against the law? Wouldn't it be violating my right against self-incrimina- Stion? Sincerely, D.K. :Dear D. K. This comes under the head- -ing of implied consent. It is a . method of overcoming a dri- :Ver's unwillingness to take a chemical test. As such, every motorist, in exchange for the privilege of driving, shall be deemed to have given his con- sent to a chemical test. If you read your driver's manual you will see that you have given this consent. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on this and has determined this does not violate your right against self-incrimination. If you refuse a test, you can have your license automatically suspended for ninety (90) days. A better way, and a safer way for everyone to avoid this problem, is not to drink and drive. That is the reason be- hind the law in the first place. Sincerely, Clay with all the treatment he has taken. What can we do to save our marriage? holism information center. Sincerely, Clay Dear Clay, I have heard about a drug called Antabuse which is used by alcoholics. Could you tell me what it is and how it works? Sincerely, T.M. Sincerely, Dear T. M., J. S. Antabuse is a drug used to Dear J. S. maintain sobriety in alcoho- You do not mention any- lics whose treatment plan thing about either you or your calls for- its need. husband participating in a It is a pill which causes a prevention program between person to become violently ill periods of hospitalization. It when he takes a drink of alco- would seem to indicate that hol. Antabuse works by inter- .you have not accepted the fact fering with the way your. body that alcoholism is an incur- handles alcohol after the alco- able disease which requires hol gets into your system. It continuing therapy or living stops the breaking down of al- program to help maintain cphol at an intermediate strength needed in treatment. stage, causing the Antabuse- Neither do you mention 'alcohol reaction. This reaction anything about your participa- will cause the person to be- tion in any program of coun- come sick. selling to better understand Antabuse is not a "cure" for your part in the recovery alcoholism but is part of a process. Alcoholism is a fam- complete treatment plan. One ily disease and affects every- thing more, Antabuge should one who comes in contact with never be taken without a phy- the alcoholic. Several coun- sician's knowledge because ' sealing programs are available complications could arise. to you and further information Sincerely, is available at your local alco- Clay No Trick! Only treats this week end at St. Joe Furniture Roy Smith E pO %pius 2 % for Cash Only On every item in the store except fair trade items. St. Joe Furniture and Appliance Co. - Phone 229-1251 205-207 Reid Ave. I AGE SIX - a THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 Notice We'l II be Surveying and Engineering Office relocated Robert B. Nations, Sr., P.L.S., |.j announces the relocation of the firm of Florida Engineering T N Associates, Inc. to ,to observe to : P. O. Drawer 1089 Veteran Da Wewahitchka, Florida ::-- Phone 904-639-5611 Florida First National Bank Effective October 10, 1975 I at ortSt. 4Joe , -NO YOUR FULL SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1904 Bcicock 0-5 Register For FREE TURKEY to Be Given Away Before Thanksgiving Any item not stocked in a particul on request from the central warehouse Some prices subject to change without availabilities limited, due to manufa antee prices and quantities. Sale end ESTABLISHED 1904 mHOmE URNlNmSMNlG calETfs VALUE- PACKED 71st ANNIVERSARY Badcock salutes America's 200 years of freedom. For over one-third of those 200 years, Badcock has offered the very best values and selec- tions of brand names found anywhere. We pledge o coaninue ou, policy of g;.ng Full Service pnd :our - Double Guarantee of Complete Customer Sast.slaction or Your Money Back. Come in soon and see why we say, "Badcock Will Treat You Right." LA TIME TESTED CRAFTSMANSHIP aSatev wmteca* 3-Pc. Cast Iron Cookware Set 105/a" Skillet 65/8" Skillet 8/8" Skillet AV. %8 '76 SALE SPECIAL Comfortable, man sized, Colonial Rocker $23.95 M $0. Value.. J "- NOW ONLY s$7600 04CD Reg $99.95 ar store may be ordered t notice and some products acturer's inability to guar- s December 31, 1975. fKROEHLER It. IERCULON 1 *B -- '6. l.A Pete Hortense Rocky Comforter Funeral Home The veteran in,meeting your needs in trying times. Many have put their trust in us with confidence over the years. You can too. 601 Long Ave. Phone 227-3511 . Comfort is the key word in this coordinated livingroom setting. Solid wooden accents on Sofa, Loveseot and Chair adds strength and sta- bility. With matching end tables and cocktail table. Group is covered in a beautiful Herculon Plaid. by KROE KING SIZE SOFA Compare at $339.95 HLER 37 Seies OPEN STOCK PRICES King Size Cocktail Sofa (37KS)..--- $299.95 Table(37CT)-........ $59.95 SLove Seat(37LS) $259.95 End Table(37ET)... $59.95 Recliner Table Chair (37RC) ... $199.95. Lamp (06TL)- .... $69.95 -,,.- 1 -.1- - Established 1904 414-16 Reid Ave. Kelly Goodman, Owner Phone 229-6195 Shop aadcock Wkere Value and Service o9 7tand-in- 7tad/ I I EIvER- eSET-UP oree SERVICE l 'e 3 LAY-AWAYt MkUny~NMhtCIMNIY~Ch~Sh~CIRYIIII, Alcohol Questions an and his wife discuss this subject of death, but they should make known loca- tions of important family documents to make sure they are protected from'fire, theft and damage. The veteran should tell his family about possible survi- vors' benefits, such as Veter- ans Administration depen- dency and indemnity com- pensation for service-con- nected death or non-service- connected death pension for widows or for children when there is no widow, or when a widow is ineligible because of excessive income. Burial benefits for wartime and certain peacetime veterans should not be overlooked. These include a maximum of $250 burial allowance plus a ST. PETERSBURG No- ting that 355,000 veterans died during fiscal year 1974, of that 206,000 of these deaths were World War II veterans, W. B. Mackall, Director of the Florida Division of Vet- erans Affairs under the De- partment of Community Af- fairs issued a reminder to veterans to make certain their survivors know what Veterans Administration benefits they may be entitled to, when death comes. Not only should the veter- Dear Clay, From reading it sounds as thi drinks. Is this the few peop drink? I plot allowance not exceeding $150 for veterans buried out- side national cemeteries. For veterans who died of service-connected disabili- ties in lieu of the other bene- fits, there is an $800 burial allowance. It is equally important Mackall said, to keep track of GI insurance policy num- bers, Claims number for use on correspondence with the Veterans Administration, commercial insurance poli- cies, social security numbers and naturalization papers all important in claiming var- ious survivors' benefits. (AFNS) Local Businesses Need Your Support Buy in Port St. Joe -6 IT'S- :! The world's newest island is a volcanic one about 100 feet high which began forming in 1970 in the South Pacific. Wayne S. Biggs' SHOOTER'S SUPPLY White City, Florida SUPER SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Federal Shotgun Shells Number 6's in 12 Gauge Only High brass: $3.50 box or $57.00 Case Low brass: $3.00 box or $55.00 case (New Shells-Not Reloads) Taking Xmas Orders for Guns Now Repairs Cleaning Special Orders INOMM I A-Z THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 PAGE SEVEN Travel to Wakulla Tomorrow Sharks Lose A Tough One Last Friday to Chipley; Fumbles Cost Mike Etheridge (38), Calvin Watson (84) Williams. and Preston Gant (89) converge on Jimmie S,.. _.... , 'Bowling News* Gulf County Men's League The Gulf County Men's Lea- gue met in action on the lanes Monday night, October 27. On lanes one and two Ten Pin Lounge squeezed three games from Player's Supermarket. For Ten Pin, Steve Wombles bowled a 202 game and 505 series. Larry McNeel had a 174 game and 420 series for Player's. King's Gulf took three games from Stems and Seeds on lanes three and four, with Mark Williams bowling a 173 game and Raymond Peters rolling a 456 series. Wormie Kinard had :a 196 game and Norman Hodges had a 493 series for Stems and Seeds. On lanes five and six, Shirt and Trophy and Butler's Rest- A grant battled 'for second 'il'ce with 'Btl'er's king three-games. David Roche bowled a 187 game and Jim Mashburn had a 512 series for Shirt and Trophy. For Butler's Restaurant, Bill Besore had a real fine night with 190, 220 and 212 games for a 622 series. Harry Lowry also had a good night with a 211 game and 585 series. On lanes seven and eight, Will Stafford led Campbell's Drugs to four wins over Carr's Auto Sales. Will had a 167 game and 483 series.: Randy Weston was high for Carr's Auto with a 158 game and a 415 series. Standings: W L Campbell's 2612 51 Butler's 23 9 Shirt & Trophy 221, 912 King's Gulf 19 13 Ten Pin 13 19 Stems & Seeds 9 23 Player's 7 25 Carr's Auto 6 26 On lanes one and two, the Kats took four from Pepsi Gals. Melba Barbee led the Kats with a 167 high gmae and 452 series. Rhonda Gandis had a 126 game and Bebea Ake had a 394 high series for Pepsi gals. Lanes three, and four had Pate's taking winning one game from C & G Sporting Goods. Peggy had a 154 game and 428 high series. Betty Fain had a 142 high game and a 382 high series. On.lanes five and six, St. Joe Furniture took four from Flor- ida Bank. Bertha Clayton had a 186 game and a 508 series. Alice Martin had a 160 high game and Pam Burch had a 421 high series. Lanes seven and eight had Player's taking four from the Playgirls. Becky Seymour had a 170 high game and Shirley Hicks had a 444 high series. Marguerite Scheffer had a 144 high game and a 358 high series. Standings: W L Player's 24 4 St. Joe Furniture 22 6 Kats 171/2 101/2 C&G 15 13 Playgirls 131/2 14V2 Florida National 10 18 Pate's Shell 9 19 Pepsi Cola Gals 0 28 Winter Mixed League On October 21, on lanes on and two, Rotagilla won three games from Sylvachem. Don- nie Maddox and Jo Ferrell each bowled a 169 high game and Robert Montgomery (sub) had a 461 high series for Rotagilla. Bill Whitfield bowl- ed 185 high gar series for Sylvac On lanes there Team No. 6 took from Fiesta I .- _- TT -1-- h.- The Sharks couldn't, put it together Friday night in Chip- lay as they lost 13-0 to the number one ranked AA team in the state in a hard fought ball game. An estimated 4,000 fans turned out to watch the rivalry as the two previously unbeat- a PMistakes in the forms of fumbles and penalties plaqued the Sharks, killing several major scoring threats. On the Sharks first three possessions they fumbled the ball, cutting Star Photos good drives short of the score. Once on the Chipley 40, once on the 10 and once on the 47, the Sharks coughed up the me and 451 ball. hem. Even so the Sharks held the e and four, Tigers to only eight plays three games during the entire first quarter Food Store. and only seven yards total ... ^,1o n 19'4 james HicKs uowieu a 163 high game and Robert Clayton had a 451 high series for Team No. Six. L. P. West bowled a 199 high game and Billy Mc- Donnell a 328 high series for Fiesta Food Store. Lanes five and six had K & W, winning three games from Varnes Seafood. Steve Wom- bles bowled a 156 high game and L. A. Parrish a 409 high Young Acrobats Above Mrs. Sharon Gaskin helps Denne Young with an exercise on the balance beam, while Ranza Whittinton does a split on the beam. Below right Paula Ward executes a flip series for K & W. Toby Gay bowled a 132 high game and 358 series for Varnes Seafood. On lanes seven and eight, Carr's took all four games from No Names, making them the top team. Dot Guilford bowled a 197 high game and 533 high series for Carr's. David Harnell bowled a 158 on the trampoline, while the camera catches Jay Rish in mid-air in the left photo. These children are only a few of area youngsters who are taking gymnastics under the direction of the Gulf County Recreation Department. One is truly amazed at the agility of these youngsters. Mk.' Investigate Incidents The Gulf County Sheriff's Department is investigating several incidents which oc- g The folding of the WFL was i evit- able-course I figured they'd at least hold out for another month. Th ipout fwa4 ;npqf curred during the past weekA '. ... ..u"" ... O, ,w n ,u T and made arrests in two their players has- bee solved, in the SNFL for this season at least, by cases. Commissioner Rozelle. He said "we Sheriff Raymond Lawrence can't sign them." Too many legal noted that a burglary of the questions I'm sure. Food Stamp Office in High- It's interesting that of the "Big land View occurred last Wed- Three"; that started all the publi- nesday night with two sus- city; Csonka, Warfield and Klick- pects in custody within min- the Dolphins appear to be interested utes after the break-in was only in Csonka. And they made it reported. Bartley McNeel, age clear that they would not get into any "bidding war" for 18, and John Roland Wood,- him. Apparently they feel they are doing okay without age 21, both of Highland View, him. In my opinion I believe the loss of Dick Anderson, for were arrested shortly after the season,,was much more damaging to the team than were arsten srt fro the loss of all three of the above. And I still believe it'll be they were seen running from Minnesota and the Dolphins in the Super Bowl. the scene area. Bond was set For the colleges this week we like: at $750.00 for each subject. Alabama 35 vs. Mississippi State 0 The only thing taken in the Florida 21 vs. Auburn 12 burglary, a roll of postage OlelMiss 14 vs. LSU 14 stamps, was recovered at the Tennessee 18 vs. Colorado State 10 time of arrest. Kentucky 14 vs. Tulane 12 In another case, Annie Lee Vandy 19 vs. Virginia 7 In another case, Annie Lee Georgia Tech 24 vs. Duke 14 Andrews, age 42, of 515 Main Miami 17 vs. Bos. College 14 St., Port St. Joe, is being held Florida State 17 vs. Clemson 10 in lieu of $750.00 bond on a Nebraska 35 vs. Missouri 15 charge of Aggravated Battery after allegedly stabbing Alan Morning at a fish market on The athletic House Main Street. Morning was -. NO S-t treated at St. Joe Hospital and 32 REID AVENUE P -O'i S. O-z released. ____L_ rushing in the same period. Chipley put together its first scoring drvie with 1:25 left in the half. After three running plays and with only seconds remaining on the clock, Chip- ley quarterback Dilly Webb delivered a 45-yard touchdown pass to Roger Swindle, PAT was good, making the score at the half 7-0. Chipley's other scoring drive began after a St. Joe fumble on the Tiger 39 yard line, where the Tigers took the ball and marched 47 yards before Jimmie Williams car- ried the ball in from 24 yards out to cap the 61 yard drive. The score came with 1:55 left in the third quarter and con- sumed six minutes and 50 seconds of that quarter. The Sharks last scoring threat of the game came about high game and Johnny Linton a 450 high series for No Names. Standings: W L Carr's 18 6 Rotagilla 16 8 Sylvachem 16 8 Team No. 6 14 10 No Names 13 11 Varnes Seafood 8 16 K & W, Inc. 6V2 17 Fiesta Food Store 4/2 19/2 We don't have forests to burn. Think about it. Next time you burn anything. midway through the fourth quarter.when Dilly Webb at- tempted a pass to Jimmie Williams that was intercepted by Robert Farmer and re- turned 30 yards to the Chipley 35.' With first and 10, the Sharks took over play at the 35, only to get a delay of game penalty, then an illegal procedure pen- alty to give them first and 20. When the first down was exe- cuted, Mike Etheridge carried the ball for 14 yards, setting up second down and six, with Farmer running the b6ll for no gain. On third down, the Sharks picked up .another illegal procedure and'finally on fourth down from the 27, Rick Hatcher mishandled the snap on an attempted punt and was trapped behind the line for a 12 yard loss. The defeat leaves the Sharks with a 6-1 record and Chipley 7-0 thus far in the season. Both Chipley and St. Joe are tied for first place in their respective districts and could conceiva- bly meet again in the second game of District play-offs. St. Joe will have to beat Blountstown to take the play- off berth in District Three and Chipley will have to defeat Graceville, also 7-0. The win- ner of District Three would play the winner of District Four (Blountstown or St. Joe against Santa Fe). The winner of District one and two (prob- ably Chipley and Pace) would also compete with the winners of each pair for the next ad- vancement to the state playp offs. YARDSTICK PSJ Chipley First Downs 8 9 Yards Rushing 89 i70 Yards Passing 22 .. 65 Return Yardage 126 42 Passes 2-6-0 3-8-1 Punts 1-38 3-31 Fumbles Lost 4 .1 Yards Penalized 70 i10 PORT ST. JOE- 0 0 0 0-- 0 CHIPLEY- 0 7 6 0--13 Fumbles were costly to Sharks last Fri- mer has the ball (arrow) squirt away. day night. They lost four. Here Robert Far- Number 64 is Tim Hatcher. Our most satisfied radial customers are driving on theone thing money can't buy. EXPERIENCE If you're thinking of buying radial tires, doesn't it make sense to buy the most experienced radial on the road? That's Michelin 'X', the original steel-belted radial. It's the radial tire that paved the way for 4 :. the others. Michelin 'X' is the only ----- radial tire you can buy that has over 25 years of proven road performance built in, plus millions 1 of miles of world-wide satisfied S4Jcustomer driving behind it. The smooth ride, fast starts, short stops, easy-handling and firm road-holding are the radial tire characteristics that Michelin pioneered and perfected. So if you're thinking of buying radial tires start at the top, with the original, most experienced radial Michelin. Think radial... and look to the leader MICHELIN Pate's Shell Service 223-25 Monument Phone 229-1291 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. (Continued from Page 1) U i- Proleclion For over 5,000 years, RX has sym- bolized man's weapons against disease. The ancient Egyptians used the magic eye of Horus, God of Day, as a charm to guard them against ills and suffering. centuries later, the eye reap- peared in a form similar to our "4" and evolved gradually into its present RX. But your doctor doesn't depend on Horus or Jupiter... he relies on your Rexall Pharmacist and the improved drug products your pharmacist stocks. You, too, can rely on Rexall brand products. YOUR Me PHARMACY BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-3371 317 Williams Convenient Drive-in Window Plenty of Free Parking -....- Calls for Bids with keys to the front door and equipment room to the Court House. -Instructed building in- spector E. F. Gunn to inspect mobile home erections in the areas of tie downs, electrical hook-up, plumbing, blocking, etc., in accordance with a new state law. -Decided to ask the DOT to repair the east end of Indus- Bob Griese, Eat Your Heart Out ORLANDO Football training camp rubdowns were never like this! Sleek Cindy may be a different variety of dolphin from the famous Miami D's, but she's equally talented and entertaining. The star of Sea World of Florida's dolphin show receives a loving pat from Sea Maid Maria Allcorn trial Road. -Rejected bids of $126.52, $250.00 and $51.95 for a 1712 foot Thunderbird boat offered for sale by the Sheriff's De- partment and decided to re- advertise for bids. -Presented Jesse V. Stone with a plaque of appreciation for his work with the Gulf County Golden Anniversary Celebration. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH: Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School ............. ... ..... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service ............. 11:00 A.M. Church Trairing ........... ........... 6:30 P.M . Evening Worship Service .............. 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) ............... 7:00 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" ,iws ,,, m Flag Football Begins Saturday .- TO BUY? TO SELL? RESULTS? ,-. The Elementary Flag Foot- 'all League for boys nine .through 11 play their games each Saturday morning begin- :'ning at 10 a.m. There are four teams in the league: the Dol- ;phins coached by Bill Dunni- .*gan and Carl Whittle; the Raiders, coached by J. W. Bouington and Lawrence "Bowen,; the Jets, coached by Bob Moore and Wayne Par- ;rish; and the Vikings, coached :by John Presnell and Mike ; White. The League will end on ;:November 8. After the last .game on this date, individual :trophies will be presented to the members of the Winning team and a sportsmanship award to the player who, in the opinion of the coaches has demonstrated the best sports- manship throughout League play. Awards will also be pre- sented to the leagues most valuable player and the lea- gue's best hustler. These awards will be presented at noon, Saturday, November 8 at the Port St. Joe Softball Field. League standings through October 25, are as follows: Jets 5-1; Raiders 3-3; Dolphins . 3-3; and Vikings 1-5. Legal Ad NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED The Board of County commis of Gulf County will receive seale from any person, company, or cc tion interested in selling the Cou following described personal pro Type 1, Class 1; Conventiona Chassis with Modular ambulance (As described in General.Servi ministration Bulletin KKK-A-1 January 2, 1974. Interested bidders may pick specifications at the office of the C Circuit Court, P.O. Box 968, Port Florida. One (1) complete set: The Robert J. Brady "eme care" sound-slides, including 1 t One (1) Recording Resusci-Ar instruction and practice of CPR One (1) Laerdal Infusion Trai w all necessary equipment of in and infusion training. One (1) Laerdal Adult Int Model for instruction and prac endotracheal and esophageal use. I Ten (10) Personal Pagers for UHF complete with batteries an gers. Delivery date must be specific Liquidated damages for fail deliver unit on specified date wil at $5.00 per day. Bids will be received until 9:00 A.M., E.D.T. November 11, 1975 office of the Clerk of Circuit Cour Box 968, Port St. Joe, Florida The Board reserves the right ti any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Eldridge Money WARD Double ul RIDGE America NOW Each Afternoon Two can ride chea than one. 11C A Public Service of This Newsgaper & The Advertising SUMMER OVER Have your carpets steamed cleaned Removes Sand an Dirt. Living Room- Dining Room & Ha Only $3500 Call 769-0335 MACKIN JANITORIAL SERVICE- Pat II I I I Is BIDS sloners ed bids orpora- nty, the iperty: il Cab. t body. ce Ad- 1822 of up bid Clerk of St. Joe, urgency hru 10. nne for ner Kit niection ubation ct'ce of airway use on d char- ed. lure to I be set Phone 229-6253 for MARY KAY COSMETICS tfc 7-3 1968 Starcraft Camper, sleeps 8. See at 1304 Palm Blvd. or call 229-5502 after five p.m. 3tc 10-30 No. I Drive In Theater Apalachicola, Fla. Saturday, Nov. 1 DOUBLE FEATURE, Robert Redford in GREAT WALDO PEPPER Also BITE THE BULLET This ad will admit driver of car free this program only. Beautiful' Irish Setter female puppy, ten weeks old. Wormed and vet checked, $3p. Call 227-3161, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., after 6:00 p.m., call '229-6343. tfc One two-horse .tandem wheel horse trailer, $400. Call 648-6796. tfc 10-2 DRY cleaning carpets is easier, faster, and safer with HOST. Rent our machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. For Sale or Lease room in Wausau. Has furnished apartment Ideal for couple. Vic 229-8118. tfc 10-23 : Game s 5 room t on it. D Burke, 3tc 10-16 o'clock 1973 Yamaha motorcycle ,at the 360 MX, $900. 227-7772. tfc 10-16 t, P.O. 32456. o reject 13" fiber glass boat, $150; Remington table typewriter, S $22; chain saw, bow blade, 2 10.23 $60; large pool table with one inch marble slate, in good shape, $300; apt. size refrig- erator and gas range; $25 ea. S Call Vic Burke, 229-8118. 3tc 10-16 * Transferring, must sell new 18' 112" shrimp net, complete with new doors, chain and new nylon ropes. Cost $225.00, will sell for $200.00. Call 229-2121 betweeri 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.-or all day on Fridays. tfc 10-2 1972 23' Travel trailer, good cond., self-contained. Call Ted Cannon at 227-2551 or after five at 227-5236. tfc 9-25 3 year-old Shetland Welch pony, saddle, bridle, harness, all for $100. Can see at 324 First St., Highland View -or per call 229-6052. tfc 9-11 [per ( WALLPAPER Just arrived to help with all .. your wallpapering needs. Prepasted, Texturall, vinyl coated, and plastic bonded. If Council you need to purchase or have wallpaper hung, see our sam- ples. Call Alford Ramsey at 229-6506. Quail and pheasant, live or dressed. 1316 McClellan Ave. 227-3786. tfc 7-24 650 CC Custom chopper, d Thunderbird metallic blue, _ lots of chrome. Must sacrifice. Call 229-6918 after 5:30 p.m. ill tfc 8-14. 10 speed bikes in stock, men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms lamM available. Western Auto, Port '!t St. Joe. fff R.-1 C TAKE UP PAYMENTS! 1975 Singer Futura in Beauti- ful cabinet. Must Sell! Cost $650. Balance due $286 or $12 mo. Phone 769-6653. Free Home Trial, no obligation. tfc 7-24 THE LATEST and /most modern item for your home- photographic wall murals in the most beautiful colors and designs. See our samples and displays. Call Alford Ramsey, 229-6506. Sewing machines repaired regardless of make or age. Over 25' years experience. Parts, supplies for all makes. Free estimate, guaranteed satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Singer Zig Zag sewing machine, take up 12 pints. $8.50 monthly. Makes button- holes, monograms, hems, sews on buttons, guarantee. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Two bedroom house on two lots, with pump, 1306 Garrison Ave. Call 229-6160 for appoint- ment. tfc 10-30 COLORADO 26 ACRES, $6,500! $85 down, $85 monthly. 6 per- cent financing. Adjoining a' small town near hunting and fishing. A MILE AND A.HALF HIGH IN THE COLORADO SKY. OWNER 806-376-8690 Nice house on corner lot, with chain link fence. 711 Long Ave. 229-6153. tfc 10-23 Two lots, with pines, 4 blocks from St. Joe Beach, $5,000. John T. Tatum,' Sr. 1844 Marina Circle, North Ft. Myers, Fla. 33903. 5tp 10-23 3 BR masonry dwelling with den, furniture included. $24.500. Four BR house, with den, on 1.2 acres, fruit 'trees, garden space. good cond., near river at Dalkeith. Excellent buy at $12.900. Large 4 BR house, on '1x acres of land. 2 baths, fire- place, fully insulated, near Dalkeith. $26.250. We can assist you in financ- ing all of the above houses. FRANK HANNON Reg. Real Estate Broker 221 Reid 227-3491 Block house on Dead Lakes, 3 BR, 2 baths, LR, DR, kitchen and den, central heat and air. Approx. 2 acres, 265' lake frontage. Green house and 2 utility buildings, call 639-5469. L1 _-2 3 BR Redwood home at 123 Bellamy Circle. Phone 674- 4105. tfc 4-10 Two-story home, 1902 Monu- ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath. Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474. tfc 8-21 DO YOU NEED A HOMEBUILDER? that can build anywhere in North Florida, in the $17,500 to $35,000 range? On your lot or help you find one. Handles the detailed paper work for VA, FHA, Far- mer's Home or conventional financing. Repayments to match your budget. Start liv- ing Southern style, call Southern Home Builders 796-6711, Dothan, Ala. tfc 11-14 Three BR house, 1310 Gar- rison Ave. Call 229-6729 for appt. tfc 5-1 2 BR house on large lot facing highway in White City Ideal business site, only $8,000. Phone 1-205-794-3830, Dothan after 5 p.m. 4tc 10-16 For Sale: Mobile home 12' x 65', 3 BR 2 full bath on 75' x 112' lot in Mexico Beach, $16,000. Also 2 lots cleared, fenced with well and pump, and 4 stall horse stable in Beacon Hill, $7,000.00. Call 648-6796. tfc 10-9 2 BR furnished apartment, 509 10th Street, 229-6688. tfc 10-2 Furnished apt. for rent, uti- lities furnished. 229-6132 days, 229-6149 evenings. tfc 8-14 Completely furnished apt. or trailer with utilities, low weekly rates for minimum occupancy. Edgewater Camp Grounds, Mexico Beach, 648- 3035. tfc 9-18 H E fL P WA N E Experienced welder & h.d. mechanic, full or part-time work. Call Mexico Beach, 648- 5426, after 5:30 p.m. 2tp 10-23 Make $1,000 a month from your home, part time. Call 229-5901 for interview. 5tp 10-! BINGO CG Every Thursday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. American Legion Hall Sponsored by American Legion Post 116 tfc 10-9 R.A.M.-Regular convaca- tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon- days, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. J. L. SIMS, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec. There will be a VFW meet- ing the third Tuesday of each month in the American Legion Hall. tfc 6-19 There will be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurrs- day at 8:00 p.m. J. L. Sims, Herbert L. Burge, Sec. NO need for wet carpets. Dry clean them with HOST. Use rooms right away. Rent machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 AT RUSTIC SANDS CAMP- GROUND, 15th ST., MEXICO BEACH, PATIO, BEAUTI- FUL REC HALL PRIVI- LEDTES, 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH, 648-3600. ,tfe 5-8 Public address system. Owned by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. A new system operable on either battery or current. Call Ken Herring, .227-5281 for rental, tfc CARPET cleaning with HOST couldn't be easier. Just brush and vacuum for clean, dry carpets. Rent our HOST machine. St. Joe Furniture, 229-1251. tfc 10-23 Dress making, custody shirts, baby items crocheted to order. Reasonable. 229-4612 after six on weekdays, all day weekends. tfe 8-14 Family of problem drinkers can find help in Alanon and Alateen. Call Alanon 229-6948 or 229-3392. 13t 10-30 LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING All Types 229-6482 or 229-6447 tfe 9-20 For TV repairs and Zenith sales, see K&D TV and Sound at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071. tfc 6-2 Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC WELCOME SERVICE Call 227-2501 or go by the Chamber office, Municipal Building, 5th St., Monday thru Friday, 9-12 EDT. tfc 5-1 Visit or call the Alcohol 9 Counseling Information Center ,of the Panhandle Al- coholism Council, Inc. 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe. Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call tfc 6-2 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe S KTH KI HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe. Florida One bedroom furnished house at St. Joe Beach. In- quire at Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 8-7 Furnished two and three BR houses, at Beacon Hill, by week. Bill Carr or call 229- 6474. tfc 3-13 Furnished cottages at St. Joe Beach, reasonable month- ly rates. Hannon Insurance Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc 5-8 Furnished 2 BR house, auto heat, washer & dryer, phone 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 10-23 WANTED Wanted to Buy: One infant dressing table. Phone 229-6323 after 5:00 p.m. SAW FILING-Hand saws, skill saws and table saws. Call 229-6185 or bring saws to White City, house on left behind the Gulf Station. Bert Hall. tfc 7-31 MEX ELECTRIC CO. Electrical & Air Condition Residential Commercial Service Joe Rycroft 648-6200 Mexico Beach tfe 7-3 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work Welding 506 First Street Phone 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every day Dog need grooming, call for appt. 229-6052. tfc 9-11 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 648-5116 15th St. No. of Hwy. 98 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS tfc 6-2 Need help with your DECORATING IDEAS? If So Call 229-6506 c tfc 3-6 Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. 3 Grand Prix. See at 202 19th St. ltc 10-30 1966 Chevrolet station wagon, good condition. Otto Collinsworth. 648-4005. 1970 Yellow Opal GT, new paint job, in good cond., 229- 5511. tfc 10-1.6 1973 Ford Pinto Hatch-back, 4 in floor, radio, heater, floor mount tape player and speak- ers, chrome luggage carrier, good tires, 21,000 miles. $1,995.00. Call David May 227- 3881 or 227-2281. tfc 9-11 1970 Ford Torino Cobra Jet 429. In good condition. Call 229-5821 or 229-6864. tfc 9-11 Need to Sell Something Try the Classified Section Refinishing furniture. Rea- sonable, excellent work. Phone 227-8482. 4t 10-30 Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or 227-7586. tfc 11-14 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Tues. at8 p.m., Sun. at4 p.m. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Social Hall tfc 4-24 Septic Tanks Pumped Out. Carefoot Septic Tank 229-8227, 229-2351, and 229-6694 8-21 Smitty's Heating, Cooling & Electric Service Commercial or Residential Installation & Service 648-4976 Port St. Joe Owned & Operated by Edward & Tommy Smith tfc 8-14 think it was something I ate." kills bugs for up to six months, and saves you about $100 yearly in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer tree with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joel Florida 'PAGE EIGHT TUSAOT 017 NUN IL a N AL mpllk IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN THE JUVENILE DIVISION, IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE INTEREST OF: Luc Donald Ware, Male, Black AFFIDAVIT FOR CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF BAY I certify that on this day, before me, a Notary Public duly authorized In the State and County named above to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledge- ments, personally appeared Robert L. Clarke and stated under oath that he Is a Representative of the Division of Family Services; that he has made diligent search and inquiry to discover the name and residence of the Defendant in the above entitled cause as shown by the exhibits attached hereto, and the same are set forth In this sworn statement as particularly as Is known to affiant, to-wit: 1. The name of the Defendant Is Eugene Aaron. ' 2. The dald Defendant Is over the age of 21 years. 3. The resIdence of the Defendant is unknown. .s- Robert L. Clarke, Afflant Sworn and subscribed before me this third day of October, 1975. -s- Patsy R. Leake, Notary Public 4t 10-9 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN THE JUVENILE DIVISION, IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE INTEREST OF: Annie Jean Ware, Female, Black \ AFFIDAVIT FOR CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF BAY I certify that on this day, before me, a Notary Public duly authorized in the State and County named 'above to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledge- ments, personally appeared Deanna P. McCollum and stated under oath that she is a Representative of the Division of Family Services; that she has made diligent search and inquiry to discover the name and residence of the Defendant In the above entitled cause as shown by the exhibits attached hereto, and the same are set'forth in this sworn state. -ment as particularly as is known to affiant, to-wit: 1. The name of the Defendant is Eugene Aaron. 2. The said Defendant is over the age of 21 years. 3. The residence of the Defendant is unknown, -s- Deanna P. McCollum, Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October, 1975. -s- Patsy R. Leake, Notary Public 4t 10.9 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN THE JUVENILE DIVISION, IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE INTEREST OF: Tammy Tarelle Ware, Female, Black AFFIDAVIT FOR CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE STATE-OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF BAY I certify that on this day, before me, a Notary Public duly authorized in the State and County named above to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledge- ments, persoly appeared RobertL. Clarke and stated under oath thathe Is a Representative of the Division of Family Services; that he has made diligent search and Inquiry to discover the name and residence of the Defendant in the above entitled cause as shown by the exhibits attached hereto, and the same Share set forth in this sworn statement as particularly as is known to affiant, to-wit: 1. The name of the Defendant is Jerome Walker. 2. The said Defendant is over the age of 21 years. 3. The residence of the Defendant is unknown. -s- Robert L. Clarke Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October, 1975. .s- Patsy R. Leake, Notary Public 4t 10-9 BID NO. WWP91 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described chemicals: CHLORINE-2,000 lb. cylinders. 150 lb. cylinders. Cylinders must be steamed and valves re-built before filling. They must come with fiber washers (2) attached to valve. Tag must be attached giving fill date on each cylinder. Cylinders shall be clean and painted, without paint and corrosion build-up around fusible plugs and valves. CALGON-100 lb. bags, crushed (un- adjusted). CALCIUM HYPROCHLORITE-100 lb. drums 65 percent available clor- ine. ALUM-75 percent commercial 100 lb. bags,ground. APPROXIMATE AMOUNT TO BE USED IN FISCAL YEAR 1975-76- 20-Ton Cy., 75-150 Ib. cyl., 75 bags calgon, 12 drums H.T.H. Bidsshall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP91". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Each item is considered a separate bid. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P.O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., November 4, 1975. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commis- sion Meeting November 4, 1975, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 3t 10-16 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. In Re: The Estate of JOHN F. FORD, deceased. NOTICE CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of John F. Ford, deceased, are hereby notified and required to file any claims or demands which they may have against said estate in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Cour4 of Gulf County, Florida, in Port St. Joe, Florida, within four calendar months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand must be In writing and must state the place of residence and post-office address of the claimant and must be sworn to by the claimant, his agent, or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. September 25, 1975. WILLIAM FORD, Executor of the Estate of John F. Ford, deceased. Cecil G. Costin, Jr. Attorney for Executor 221 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida 4tc 10-2 BID NO. 191 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, Invites bids on the following described items: 48-Quartzlite 1500-Catalog no. G- 6045.5 fixtures with trunnion cross- arm mounting kits G6028 (wide beam) Appleton Electric Co. or equivalent. Must be equipped with proper accessories to be mounted on crossarm. 48-Lamps to fit into above fixtures. 1500T3Q-CL (277 volts, 1500 W, 29000 Lumens) -Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. 191". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all items bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be good for 30 days after opening. Each item is considered a separate bid. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., November 4, 1975. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Com- mission Meeting November 4, 1975, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 3t 10-16 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of HIGHLAND VIEW SUPERETTE, at 511 Hwy. 98, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Richard C. Walker, 50 per cent; Wanda M. Walker, 50 per cent. -s- Richard C. Walker s-. Wanda M. Walker 4t 10.16 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids in duplicate will be re- ceived until 7:30 P.M. E.S.T., November 25, 1975 by the Gulf County Board of County Commissioners at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the Re-Roofing and Repairs to: Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Florida & Old Previous Courthouse, Wewahitchka, .Florida. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment; and shall be responsible for the entire completion of this project. Plans, specifications, and contract documents may be inspected at the office of the Architect; state Road 22, Wewahitchka, Florida, and may be procurred by General Contractors upon a deposit of $25.00 for each complete set of plans and specifications, of which the full amount will be returned to each General Contractor who submits a bid, and returns documents in good condition within ten (10) days after bid opening. Cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond, for not less than five per cent of the amount of the bid, must accompany each proposal. Performance, Labor and Material Bond, and Workman's Compensation Insurance will be required of the suc- cessful bidder. Right is reserved to reject any or all proposals and Waive technicalities. I No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of (30) days after date set for opening. - George Core, Clerk of Circuit Court Gulf County Port St. Joe, Florida -s- Charles A. Gaskin, AIA P. 0. Box 7 Wewahitchka, Florida 3t 10-30 Legal Advertising THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 PAGE NINE Many Are Here In Gulf County NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County will receive sealed bids from any person, company, or corpora- tion interested in purchasing the follow- ing described personal property which has been declared surplus: 1-Outboard Motor (15hp) Evinrude Property Inventory no. 70-8 This item may be inspected at the Mosquito Control Department. 1101 10th St., Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. Bids will be received until 9:00 o'clock a.m. EST November 11, 1975at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, P. 0. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA -- Eldridge Money, Chairman 2t 10-30 NOTICE Petty Ray Geophysical Inc., P.O 0. Box 38, Chipley, Florida 32428, phone 638-7192 will be doing a Vibroseis Survey for the purpose of Oil & Gas Exploration, on Highway 71 right-of-way in Gulf County, from Calhoun County line south to Port St. Joe. Starting about October 29,and ending about November 5. Maps of shock points, rockformations, and depth of cap rock below the surface will be made available to the State Geologist. It 10-30 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida, at their regular meet. ing on November 11, 1975, at Port St. Joe, Florida, at the County Commissioners Meeting Room in the Gulf County Courthouse, will consider the advisa- bility of vacating the following roads: From their east terminus to their west terminus: Pierson Road Lewis Road Draper Road Seminole Road Lawrence Road all in Winona Gardens Subdivision, Gulf County, Florida, a subdivision of the North half of Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 9 West. Any person wishing to be heard is invited to attend said meeting. Dated this 14th day of October, 1975. Board of County Commissioners GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: 4- Otis Davis, Jr., Chairman (SEAL) 4t 10-16 NOTICE All City of Port St. Joe Occupational Licenses will expire September 30, 1975, and must be renewed or or before October 31, 1975. All licenses not renew- ed before November 1, 1975, shall be delinquent and subject to a fifteen percent penalty in addition to the stan- dard license fee. C. W. Brock, City Auditor and Clerk Stc 10-2 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES I declare that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of SAMMIE'S BEAUTY SALON, at 402 Third St., Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, and the extent of the interest of each, is as follows: Selma J. Wester, 100 per cent. -s- Selma J. Wester 4t 10.16 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of ST. JOSEPH FLORIST at 105 Hunter Street, Port St. Joe, Florida, ahd the extent of-the interest of each, is as follows: Jerry S. Padgett, 100 percent. -s- Jerry S. Padgett 4t 10-16 Where have all the pelicans gone? That's what a team of federal, state and private bird experts will be trying to find out. The team, headed by Lovett Williams of the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commis- sion, will be working under the auspices of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as it seeks to find answers to the dramatic decline of the eastern brown pelican. One of North America's most familiar water birds, these pelicans used to be a common sight around docks. and piers, waiting for a hand- out from a fisherman or dramatically diving in to the waves to catch their own. But, since 1960, the birds have gone into a sudden and mysterious decline, vanishing almost entirely from Louisi- ana and Texas and becoming seriously reduced in South Carolina. Only in Florida do they appear to be successfully breeding and maintaining their former abundance. The pelicans',decline was so rapid that the exact cause is still unknown. It now appears that pesticides such as DDT and endrin could have been responsible with. both chemi- cals known to be the cause of heavy mortality in adults and young today. The team will first assemble all the data so far gathered in NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners. of Gulf County will receive sealed bids from any person, company, or corpora- tion interested in purchasing the fol. lowing described personal property. One (1) 1959 Chevrolet pickup truck,. No. 3A590115769. Minimum bid: $400.00. This vehicle may be inspected at the Gulf County Sheriff's Department. Bids will be received until 9:00 o'clock a.m. EST November 11,1975at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, P. 0. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA -s- Eldridge Money, Chairman 2t 10-30 different parts of the pelican's range. This will then provide a basis for planning future re- search and management ef- forts to accomplish the long- term objective of reestablish- ing healthy, secure popula- tions of pelicans throughout their former range. Marshalls Are Partners In Life and Forest Service Serve In J4A Overstreet "The Marshalls of Overstreet" Center Archie and Verna Marshall, forest ranger and towerlady respectively at the Panama- Division of Forestry's Over- street center, celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary Monday, October 24, also 18 years continuous service in forestry serving Bay and Gulf counties. In their forest ranger towerlady com- bination position, Verna locates fires and Archie puts them out, but here of late, due to their excellent public rela- tion and forest education work, Archie has few fires to cope with! Both native Floridians, Ar- chie has led the more exciting life of the two, not only in firefighting duties, but saw action during World War II in Iwo Jima, Guam and Saipan! Verna stated that her excite- ment in life came when she met "Gentleman Archie", and their life together has been "wonderful" since. Archie is a Master Mason in Wewa Tupelo Lodge 289, and Verna, an Eastern Star at the same lodge. The couple have four children, Theresa, Pat- ricia, Melissa and Melinda. The entire family are mem- bers of the Overstreet Bible Church. Where Have All the Brown Pelicans Disappeared to? wqmwwlw mwmw "Ww w lowlw FALL! FURNITURE out~taqding "yLmrE Truckload Price King Size Recliners Now you can own the chair of your dreams, at an unbelievable, once-in-a-lifetime sale price! All the beauty and comfort that can possibly be built into a revliner are yours in these king size recliners. These sumptuous masterpieces are crtain to put real living into that special room. See us today, as this sale is for a limited time only! Our Objective Is To Help Every Customer Have A Nicer Home. Be smart. Give your living room a lift with the famous Kroehler Citation treatment. See what a dramatic difference it makes. Beautiful outside with fabulous striped velvet up- hlostery. Perfect inside with Kroehler Citation balanced comfort construction. A blessing to live with. Also available in other decorator fabrics protected with Dupont Zepel. Sofa only 129995 It's a lot for a little. $1 9900 ONLY Leh~ig one= iec .. j ** ,d Add storage to that small bedroom ana s save space at lhe same time S Len.gh one-piece bedroom suite puts i all logether. twin-size bed, six spacious drawers, and two shelves It's a versatile piece of furniture you can use in guest room, child's room or bachelor apartment. And good looking, tool The clean Early American styling in selected woods and simulated wood parts, all with an engraved Maple finish, to go with practically anything. But, if you like the matched look, you can have it. We sell 15 different Lehigh open-stock bedroom pieces in the same style. Bookcases. Dressers. Desks. Chests. And more. In fact, you can custom design a complete bedroom around the one-piece bedroom suite. Be sure and see it soon S Remember By Joe St. Clair The thinking of people is in a constant evolution- ary struggle. The evolve- ment of higher ideals is being brought forth in generation after genera- tion. For this we are thankful. It was just a hundred and fifty years ago that the English stopped exe- cuting women for "witch- craft". More than 300,000 women were put to death in England in a period of 300 years-their only criow was that they were "witches." A foolish practice? Yes, we all agree! But at the time of the executions people actually believed in witches and wizards. There were many who practiced the art of witch- craft, and believed them- selves to be witches. So, we look back over4A the past hundred or so years and we see an achievement of greatness through our progressive ideals. What about a hundred years from now? Will the things we accept today as "human nature" be in the dark ages of yesterday? Will prejudices and hate some day go the way of witchcraft? This, of course, depends on us. We make our world-we set the sails to our destiny. Whether we know it or not, we are doing just that every day of our lives. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: "THE WORLD TOMORROW WILL BE WHAT WE MAKE IT TODAY." St. Clair Funeral Home 507 l0th St. 227-2671 * Group of Kroehler Living Chairs Room I Several Styles $6 9 0 1/2 Price - p p p pp p p p p ppPP~ a p p a a ~ ~ ~ - I $9800 `1 . PKGSORANGES Peftehe HARD PnWfl 3FordFes TO Shop! /R-r,, POTATOES Lbs. of Red Delicious VAN CAMP Chili Beans NO.300CAN 33 IGA t Tomato Juice 46OZ.CAN 67 MORTON'S Nature Seasoning oOZ . 'EASY DAY' Dixie Plates 50CT. PKG. 'EASY DAY' Dixie Cold Cups oCT. PKG BLUE Borateem AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Syrup AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Mix BRACH'S HALLOWEEN Assorted Pops, BRACH'S MELLOW CREME Pumpkins 24 OZ L 133 2 LB. PKG. 83 16 OZ PKG. 99 12 OZ. PKG. KRAFT Vanilla Caramels 30OZ.PKG. 63' KETCHUP -: : ^, ..0 3 14 OZ. BTLS. Sd( HUNT'S Tomato )0 Sauce 8oz CAN 21l DEODORANT SOAP IRISH SPRING 4 $100oo BATH SIZE BARS CHEF BOY.AR DEE 15 OZ. CAN Lasagna TO ips oI#7. IGA (W BEANS' Chili CANoZ 55 VOTE and Help Colgate-Palmolive give Young America $365,000 Gel full deal Ballot Entry Blanks ,n Store R EACH VOTE ALSO DONATES 250 TO THE 1976 U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM IUP TO MILLION TO BE DONAT'DI olgi c- 205 Third St. RICH & SON'S FOODLINER Port St. Joe, Fla. _nprials Good October 30 -Nnvumhpr lst Quantity Rights Reserved 69 $119 $125 95* S 48 OZ. PKG. '".4 A THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1975 PAGE ELEVEN '^ Teachers Visit Business Community A solemn ceremony which originated in the Old World and is performed to protect from the hazards of the deep the men who go down to the sea in ships will be a colorful part of the Florida Seafood Festival this Saturday, Nov- ember 1. Clergymen of several de- nominations will participate in the Blessing of the Fleet at the Apalachicola River front in Battery Park at 3:30 p.m., when some 30 shrimp boats, ranging in size up to 80 feet, will steam by gaily decorated with flags and pennants of many hues. Visitors are urged to bring movie and other cameras to record the centuries-old ritual observed in Mediterrean and other countries of Europe. Each nation has-a patron marine saint, and on that -/ aint's day, or at the start of The fishing season, a church service is held. Then the priest Mother of Local *omen Dies Mrs. Catherine Loette Childs Marler Wise, 77, of Saf- e ite Beach, died Sunday, Oct. 19. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Ruth Sadler of Crystal River, Mrs. Fran- ces Chafin and Mrs. Peggy McFarland, both of Port St. Joe, and Mrs. June Trapp of New Orleans, La.; three sons, Charles Wise of La Marque, Texas, James Wise of Collins, Miss., and Donald Wise of Eau Gallie; 18 grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Smith of Florence, Ala. and Mrs. Annie Lou Guest of Sarasota; a bro- ther, Horace Childs of Ospery. Funeral services were held at three p.m. EST last Wed- nesday from the Rainer Fun- eral Home Chapel in Opp, Alabama. Burial followed at the New Home Cemetery. goes to the water front. He blesses the boats and calls on God to protect the men, their boats and reward them with successful catches. As various ethnic groups migrated to America, this ritual was brought here. Other Florida cities in which the custom is observed are Fer- nandina Beach, Mayport, St. Augustine and Tarpon Springs, as well as Biloxi in Mississippi and Morgan City in Louisiana. At most blessings, one or two priests of different denom- inatins participate, but in Apalachicola the ritual will be performed by those of three major faiths. Following the invocation by the Reverend David Day of the United Methodist Church, the Rev. Father Edward Kir- by of St. Patricks Catholic Church will speak on the significance of the blessing, then as the boats move down the river and pass in review, the priests will alternate in blessing them. Participating in this year's blessing in addi- tion to Father Kirby, will be Sidney Ellis of Trinity Epis- copal Church and a priest of the Greek Orthodox Church. This ceremony is part of a full program during the Festi- val. Other events and attrac- tions include a parade, sea- food dinner, oyster shucking contest, oyster eating contest, a crab race, gospel sing, street dance and grand ball. An art sale and flea market will be busy on the downtown streets, a carnival for the kiddies, free historic tours leaving from the marina area of the park, and open house at Gorrie Museum, which contains memorabilia of the inventor of artificial ice and air conditioning. Whether you choose to plunge headlong into the festi- vities, or simply wish for a quiet day on the coast and a seafood feast, the place to be Apalachicola and the Florida on Saturday, November 1, is Seafood Festival. The Career Development Center of Gulf County has completed plans for career in- service for Gulf County teach- ers. On Monday, November 3 and again on Monday, Decem- ber 8, schools will be dismiss- ed at 1:00 p.m. so that teach- ers may visit local businesses and industries cooperating in the program. Each year two half-day in- service sessions are provided for teachers to participate in a "Know Your Community Re- sources" activity. The pur- pose of this inservice provides an opportunity for teachers to visit the various businesses and industries of the school community. Through these visits teach- ers acquire first hand know- ledge about the world or work in the community, learn what the business world expects of education, and gather occupa- tional information that will help them adapt their classes to the goals and opportunities of students. In commenting on last year's activity, Mrs. Peggy Whitfield, a teacher at High- land View Elementary School, said, "It was a great learning experience for me! I want my students to learn useful infor- mation and be able to USE what they learn. Through these visitations we are able to work cooperatively with the entire community toward helping students become suc- cessful in adult life." Gene Raffield, Vice Presi- dent and General Manager of Raffield Fisheries, said, "This type activity is long past due and I am glad the educational community has come to busi- ness and industry to become familiar with the way we can work together to prepare our future labor market for em- ployment at home." Phone 639-2225 Local businesses and indus- tries cooperating in the 1975-76 "Know Your Community Re- sources" program are: Apalachicola Northern Rail- road Co., Basic Magnesia, Inc., Circle J Farms, City of Port St. Joe Waste Water Treatment Plant, David Carl Gaskin, Attorney, Dixie Sea- food Company, Lister Timber and Pulpwood Co., Inc., Muni- cipal Hospital at Port St. Joe, Raffield Fisheries, Inc., St. Joe Paper Company, St. Joseph State Park, St. Joseph Telephone and Telegraph Co., Sylvachem Corporation, The Star Publishing Company, United States Coast Guard Loran Station, Vitro Indus- tries USAF Site D-3, Wewa- hitchka State Bank, WJOE Radio Station and Wood Fish- eries. Drive Carefully and Watch for School Children Wewahitchka Want to know why I bank at Florida National? You've heard of a "doctor's doctor" well, 'Florida National is S-a banker's bank. It's the Old Reliable. Bankers with real S- financial know-how. And solid. SWhy, Florida National ,is one of the strongest banks in the nation. But they're right here in Florida ... with roots that go deep in Florida soil. / odAnd that's why Florida National is my bank. The older they get, the better they look. FLORIDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT PORT ST. JOE 504 Monument Avenue .Telephone: 227-2551 Meln,'vr, I I .1. Blessing of Fleet Part of Apalachicola Festival Let Our Insurance Professionals hello you with Flood Insurance. for Your Property Let us help you re-value your insurance on home and contents and bring it up to date. Agent In Sears Store on Tuesdays Gaskin-Graddy Insurance DEPEND ON St Joe Auto Parts Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years FOR QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE PARTS EXPERT MACHINE SHOP SERVICE WE'RE HEAD- HUNTERS SPECIALISTS IN CYLINDER HEAD RECONDITIONING ENGINE BLOCK RECONDITIONING CYLINDER HEAD CRACK REPAIRS BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum) and QUALITY PARTS. "Press Work" Phone 227-2141 201 Long Ave. Colonial or White Gold UGAR I55n Bounty 4 gf/Assorted or White large rollsi Limit 1 with $10.00 or more additional purchase L WE ACCE.P pm . A P-^ \(\A ^ v (V ^ \ Limit 2 with $10.00 or moreadditional purchase ^^ - 8H~~ J^ \tK I Famous Brand Le Sueur PEAS 17 oz. can Fresh Lean GROUND Standard Grade Fresh Whole Blue Ribbon Heavy Western Beef Round STEAK bone-in, full -cut 2 to bag CHUCK, CUCK FRYERS or more 9 rF RI Blue Ribbon Beef CUBED STEAK Sliced Skinless BEEF LIVER Swift Eversweet SLICED BACON Blue Ribbon Beef CHUCK STEAK Blue Ribbon Beef SHOULDER ROAST LB. 1 89 LB. 69. Pk$169 Pkg. I , lb. $1 lb. 4 Lb. Package Fresh Lean IGround BEEF. 6 Lb. Pkg Lb. 68C SHPYU REDYP I5Y W! -GL AV Maxwell House Coffee 1 Lb. Bag limit 1 with $10or more purchase 24 Oz. Bottle WESSON OIL only Welch's Orange or Grape SUNSHAKE DRINK 2 Blue Ribbon Beeft , BONFI FSS STEW Blue Ribbon Beef T-BONE STEAK Blue Ribbon Beef RUMP ROAST lb.:149 lb.$199 I 591 lb. 40 z. btles. Hunt's TOMATO SAUCE SHP.OU FINDY IGLYWGGY SV Piggly Wiggly Prices Guaranteed Oct. 29-Nov. 1,1975 Only Good Goblins SAnd Values Are Allowed At PIGGLY WIGGLY - Blue Ribbon Beef SI RLOIN, STEA K lb. quantity rights nonesold _____ reserved to dealers U.S.D.A WE ACCEP 2 9 Blue Ribbon Beef Choice Blade Cut I29 CHUCK 0Q ROAST ,I WE ACCEPT U ;S S. :D.A. FOOD STAMPS! W.4m E ACCEPT U. S. D. A. FOOD iTAMPS! dollgonh.4 |