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m I THIRTY-NINTH YEAR, NUMBER 3 Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 City Will Engineer SDrainage Problems The City of Port St. Joe is taking concrete, steps this week to rectify drainage prob- lems in the city which were emphasized in recent heavy Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee will walk out of Raiford .Prison tomorrow, free men, after being in jail for the past 12 years and 45 days for the 1963 murder of two Port St. Joe men, Grover Floyd and Jesse Burkett. Education Commissioner Ralph Turlington scrawled his signature on the pardon Tues- day morning making the par- don, instituted by Governor Reubin Askew, valid. Head- lines on an area daily Tuesday said, "Turlington Unsure On A public hearing on pro- posed increased rates of St. Joseph Telephone and Tele- gr'aph Company for its ser- vices, will be held next Friday morning, Sept. 26, at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will be conducted by an examiner of the Florida Public Service Commission in the County Commission Room - at the Gulf County Court- rains in the area. Nagging drain problems have plagued the city for years, but recent 'rains pointed out just how serious several of the problem Scores With Brains ' Keith Neel (in football 'uniform) was honored at half-time at the football game Friday night by the Gulf County School System. Neel was given congratulations for Pitts-Lee Case". He became sure some time during the morning hours and signed his signature giving a sufficient number of cabinet member signatures to set the two men free. Other signers of the pardon were Governor Askew Attorney General Robert She- vin and State Treasurer Phil Ashler. The move by Governor As- kew came after he felt new evidence in the case dictated his actions. Askew said he studied the case for 18 months house. Persons interested in the hearing, or wish to present testimony, should be in at- tendance at the hearing. Fur- ther information concerning the proposed rate increases can be obtained at the busi- ness offices of St. Joseph Tele- phone and Telegraph Com- pany on Reid Ave. areas were. Two,steps were made at the City Commission meeting Tuesday night. The City let bids for 120 feet of 30-inch and completing the entire previous year of school without making below an "A" in his grades. Neel was congratulated for the feat before the audience by. Temple Watson, who was assistant principal at Port St. Joe High School last year. With Keith for the ceremony are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Neel of White City. Star photo before arriving at his decision. The "new evidence" was a 1966 confession by Curtis Adams of Port St. Joe, who said he had killed the two local men. Adams is currently in Raiford serving a life sentence for a robbery murder in South Florida which was committed much like *the Port St. Joe case. Adams has since chang- ed his confession several times, claiming both guilt and innocence during the past nine. years since his original con- fession. His confession has kept the case in the courts almost :.r'.: '. since that time. The Star talked to former deputy sheriff H. T. Dean in Marianna Tuesday about the case. Dean was one of the investigators in the matter. Dean said investigators knew Adams was not in Port St. Joe. at the time of the murder. In becoming the deciding factor in the release of Pitts and Lee, Turlington said, "I have heard no evidence to (Continued on Page 8) Pridgeon Reports Collection Of $1,426,048.45 In Taxes Gulf County Tax Collector Harland Pridgeon asked for release from the respon- sibilities of the 1974 tax roll this week, reporting he had collected all that was I.collectable on the tax roll for the now waning ffscil year. Pridgeon was charged at the beginning of the fiscal year with collecting $1,466,952.00 in taxes. When the valuations were finally settled and the bills sent out, the Tax Collector billed tax payers for $1,481,167.10, an increase of $14,000 over the charged amount. Pridgeon's report showed he ac- tually collected $1,426,048.45. The difference was reflected in $49,300.61 in discounts earned by tax payers for paying early; $5,639.01 stricken from the tax list on property which was improperly assessed and $179.03 which has not been collected as yet due to a dispute in the amount owed. Pridgeon collects taxes for all taxing bodies in the county. He distributed the money collected as follows: School Board, $686,100.39; General Fund, County, $282,- 796.33; Fine & Forfeiture Fund, $98,522.59; Certificates of Indebtedness, I&S Fund, $64,769.49; Gulf County Health Unit, $21,- 893.86; St. Joseph Fire Control District, $4,740.93; Tupelo Fire Control District, $833.41; City of Port St. Joe, $248,969.28 and City of Wewahitchka, $17,422.17. 280 feet of 40-inch steel drain pipe to place in Forest Park to allow the canal there to drain off water more quickly.' The pipe will replace a piece of collapsed pipe in the park and provide additional drainage in the 10th Street area. In another move, the Com- mission decided to meet with their engineers, Smith and Gillespie of Jacksonville next Thursday afternoon to initiate a survey of the city's drainage needs from a professional standpoint. The Commission will ask for the opinion of the engineers in the matter. The two biggest problem areas in the City are the drain canal in Forest Park and the area east of Garrison Avenue. PIPE DISCUSSION Charlie Adams, owner of Florida Magnolia Homes here in Port St. Joe, made a request of the Commission that the Building Code allowing the use of plastic sewer pipe under the floor of home construction. Adams said the pipe, in a schedule 40 weight, is allowed by FHA and VA financing institutions and would save home owners money in con-, struction. Builder Wade Barrier and plumber E. W. Beaman were present and argued against a do'.; anc.': from the City's re- quirement that cast iron pipe be used in under floor con- struction. Both Beaman and Barrier felt the plastic pipe would be too susceptible to damage from clean-out tools to be practical. Adanis argued that the man-, ufacturers would replace any pipe damaged in this manner. The Commission decided to sit pat on its requirement for cast iron pipe in sewage installation but agreed to ex- amine its building code with the possibility of allowing plastic pipe applications in other areas. The building code was drawn up before plastic pipe began to appear on the market in any great volume and does not allow its use in any manner. JUNIPER OPENING Adams also asked when Juniper avenue would be open with water, sewer and roads open for use. City Street u, '.' r,,.r. Dorton Hadden said the street construction was waiting on .. : -', p.. ..* of water and sewer construction in the area which lies between 16th and 21st Streets. Hadden said it would take approximately two months to complete the water and sewer work and the road would be open for travel a short time later. F[-'E.P.R \1 iD The City was in receipt of a list of items which would generate federal disaster aid for correction. The items were damage caused by heavy rains during the months of July ahd August which dam- aged drain facilities and roads in the city. The areas for aid include: Battle Street and Avenue A, which suffered extensive wash-out. Drainage pipe in Forest Park between 8th and 10th Streets. Sewage damage on Marvin, Garrison, Woodward, McClel- lan, Monument and Reid Ave- nues. POT POURRI In other items of business, the Commission: Agreed to call for a public hearing allowing for a var- iance at the corner of Long Avenue and Sixth Street allow- ing the property to be used for a parking lot. Officially adopted the new City budget. Awarded a bid of $6,009.36 to Armco Steel for steel drain- age pipe. Awarded a bid to Kent Service Company for an air conditioner for the Wastewa- ter Treatment Plant. Learned the city could ex- pect $116,200 in state revenue sharing funds in the new fiscal year. Railroad tracks near First Street. The projectise1 Burying $230,000 part of a contract which will refurbish sewage. lift stations, build one new lift station and Workmen began laying $230,000 in the construct a 12 inch force main sewage trunk line ground last week with the operation shown in the from 16th Street to the Treatment Plant. The picture above. Workmen shown here are work is being funded by revenue sharing funds. preparing to jet a 12 inch line under the AN Star Photo Valuation Set At $105,235,630.00 It's now official. Gulf Coun- ty tax payers will pay taxes in fiscal 1975-76 on a taxable value of $105,235,630.00. Pro- perty Appraiser Samuel A. Patrick told The Star this week the figure had been approved by the State De- apartment of Revenue after several months of figuring and waiting. The acceptance of the pro- S. Thrift Honor Award Certificates are Wins Honor Award awarded annually to the top 12 per cent of those federally-chartered credit unions that For the second year in a row, the St. Joe have shown the largest average month rate of Papermakers Federal Credit Union has increase in total savings. received the Thrift Honor Award. Shown above are left to right: Wesley The purpose of the Thrift Honor Award is Atkins, Treasurer; Charles D. Marshall, to provide incentive for credit union officials Federal Examiner; Harold Quackenbush, to encourage members to save regularly as Director; Harry Lee Smith, Secretary; an integral part of their family financial Robert Nobles, President and James Jones, management planning. Vice President. Star Photo perty valuations in Gulf Coun- ty makes a mill of taxes valued at $105,235.63. This is the first year in history a mill of taxes in Gulf County has been worth over $100,000. Last year's taxable valua- tion was $94,310,319.00. The new roll reflects a 10 percent increase over the previous tax year. In an equalization board hearing at the Courthouse Friday morning of last week, Patrick said the increase in taxable property was due..to improvements to property. Patrick said there was nearly $1 million in new construction in the county during the past year and considerable in- crease in value in personal property taxes, which covers everything from a new boat to a new boiler. The Friday meeting also heard one objection to an assessment. Mrs. Iva Mae Herring said her assessment was too high but was not present to defend her claim. Mrs. Herring sent word 'she could not attend the hearing and asked for a delay in her petition. The Board examined her assessment and determin- ed it was in keeping with other property in the area and denied her request for a reduction. The Board used the .ab- breviated tax equalization ses- sion as a chance to do some house cleaning they have been (Continued on Page 8) 15 Cents Per Copy Freddie Pitts, Wilbert Lee Will Go Free Friday Public Hearing Set September 26 for Adjusting Telephone Rates I -V4GE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 THE S Published Every Thursday at 306 Will By The Star Publil Second-Class Postage Paid at SWesley R, Ramsey .......................... William H. Ramsey ........................ Frenchie L. Ramsey ....................... Shirtey K. Ramsey........................ POSTOFFICE BOX 308 PORT ST. JOE, F SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY I IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX M OUT OF COUNTY-One Year, $6.00 TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions In advert for damage further than amount received for such advertls The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed w S asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken jEITORIALS " We Think ( 'Out of B S Governor Askew's, actions of J last week in pardoning Freddie Pitts Sand Wilbert Lee wasn't the most Ulpqpular decision he's ever made SaiDiid these parts. People in Gulf C.nuity, for the most part, felt Pitts 1 and Lee were guilty and had killed two men. As a result, Gulf Countians b | felt they should be in jail. S S1 = There has been some specula- Stion as to why the Governor seem- Singly went out of his way to do this thing which he surely should know a would earn him only hard thoughts from Northwest Florida. Askew's t Statement of some few days past h that he wished to have the matter disposed of before the Southern . Governors conference in Miami led . some to bel eee.hT 'G Stions. There ;i rc those who even still g insist that Askew has the "Potomac E fever" even though, he continues to |deny this. s If this was Askew's thinking, we A rDoingJ SArecent release by the Florida l Department of Criminal Law En- fi hi'emenr t showed that crime was ScFnbirngi in the rural counties of the u B.i Bend area. The average in- c ci'd- v was 27 C [rt. rll ] Jio eiv in Gulf t'init, we should I be interested to know that our crn~i. rate increased about 12 n .-piIt''ct'l., the smallest increase by i :th-e countn ite,s which were saddled t '^with more crime than a year ago. In r the 13 counties-,.-vprlied in the Big Bend area, only one county, I ihi-ri,, ( reported a .<, I r. .,- X\ hil6. crime took an increase in s Gulf (ointv, so did the.number of ( crimes solved. The report showed i that in thefirstsix imvu,!lib. of 1974,26 , percent of the 107 crimes committed were solved. During the same period p of time in 1975, 43 percent of the 122 ( crimes reported have been solved, s STAR -- lams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida shing Company Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 .................... Editor and Publisher ......................'.. Production Supt. ......................... Office Manager ................ Typesetter, Subscriptions PHONE 227-3161 LOR IDA 32456 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, $7.0S isements, the publishers do not hold themselves liabe ement, ord is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely word is lost; the printed word remains. 0 0 governorr .ounds think he erred in his plans. In the first place he would stand to. get most of the vote he was trying to attract, anyway. His actions only served to alienate more votes than he gained, in our viewpoint. Whatever his reasoning, we can hardly see how the Governor of the State could upset a decision by two sets of jurors, who gave their decision based on the State's accept- ed method of deciding who is guilty and who is innocent. It seems to us he Governor took an-oath when he was sworn in to uphold the Constitu- ion of the Florida which sets out how we decide who is innocent and who is guilty. The Governor had no more at his disposal, as we see it, in the way of evidence than did the courts which tried and convicted the now famous. pair. Our people fought a war 199 years ago to erase the practice of one man setting the tone of what io-tIt. should consist of. ob Well Five of the 12 counties reported on had better records of solved crimes. The Iri',.,,init! seven counties solved a smaller percentage. It should be a- comfort to our people to know ih.ii our law en- iltrv11lir. both municipal and county, is not only discouraging the rate of crime increase but they are improving in efficiency. We think that as this efficiency increases the 'ate of performance by criminals will be reduced, rather than in- creased. As at ,rn4piri.ir., the report showed. Bay county solved 26 per- cent of its crimes, Calhoun 54 percent, Franklin 17 percent and LI.'bc r\ 67 percent. We think the law enforcement people are doing their job well in Gulf C.ouintt, based on the results shown in the report. In Gulf County Schools Explains Financing Many people are not aware other districts or counties. For who have had their employ- of the many things which every dollar we generated in ment terminated with the Gulf make up the school's budget, school funds in Gulf County for County School System. A fifth and how that figure is arrived 1974-75, we received 91.5 cents, concern results from a doub- at. Perhaps the following let- For the coming year we will ling of our contribution to the ter will enlighten taxpayers as generate 91.7 cents because Florida Retirement System to where their money, goes, this study indicates it costs for our employees. In the past, and what they receive for it. less to live in Gulf County than this cost has been shared with Dear Sir, it does in some other areas. the school districts and the In developing a school bud- A second deduction from our employee. Since January, get for the.Gulf County School money is a local required 1975, the Florida law requires Board for 1975-76, we find the effort. This means the tax that the total cost be paid by amount of money i%, -.i..je ,. payers' contribution for. re- the Gulf -..:..,,i School Board. not enough to keep providing ceiving state money. An alarming figure to us the same or additional ser- Last year the tax payers of which has a direct bearing on vices that have been offered in Gulf County paid -"-' the budget is the -.''.' the past. The operation of the and this coming year the tax -.- z.J .. found in our dis- schools, like that of any other payers are going to have to put trict. governmental agency, or your up to earn their In 1970-71, in our di,.-' we home, has felt the influence of state dollars. had :. _-7 students. It had de- the total financial picture we If the .'.r -. we have re- lined to the point that in 1973- find in this nation today, ceived are correct, last year 74, we have 2,6V students, There are a few statistics or the tax payers of G '. t **-r i/ in 1974-75, 2,629, and if ,.. facts that we' would like to paid 23.2 per cent of the edu- count we have taken this year present to the public for their cation bill, and this year "'*. is correct, we have. just over consideration. We received will be required to pay 24.57 2,60. The less number of stu- from the legislature a figureof. per cent of the tax bill, dents we have, the less dollars $745.00 per F .T.E. Generally There are many other areas we generate. speaking, an F.T.E. is a stu- of the budget that are of con- The '- : -',. presented dent who spends a regular day cern to us, First would be the here is just a small amount of in the school for the entire rising cost of utilities. Another that we have available con- year. During the 1974-75 school would be the rising cost of cerning the L *. h and im- year, Gulf, "... ., schools materials, whether it be z,. ,1' of a budget. generated S,673.45 F.T.Eo's. It :. a.'" b or *..'._.".. We are most anxious .and would appear we would gen- materials. The cost of fuel is willing to share with any in- erate $2,736,718.00, but there going up. I believe these items dividual or group of indivi- are a -few deductions which mentioned would be true in duals the information we have are made from this money, your home budget as well as in -. a-Lt and are open to One important deduction is for our school budget. Another constructive '_., '. '. on cst-of-living. This is a-stuy area of concern to us is the better ways :to use the tax done each year to determine unemployment compensation'- dollars available to us. the ri. :.'.,..r existing be- that we have not had in the ,; >. ... , tween the cost-of-living here to past. This is paid to employees ,.., ,, ', ,t Schools 'www w ww'^W^ ^wIIw ^ WSco o.** -4 In the small community of my boyhood we never used the word poultry. A chicken was called a chicken, and a chic- ken with its egg was an im- portant part of early survival. SWe poor people had a flock Pre-Poultry Days, Eggs Were Only Form of Money by CHARLIE WEBB of backyard chickens would roost in trees an known as I!. ',, tree-r chickens. Others woul on the fence and were lazy, fence-roosting ch We never worried aboul Every Communit Urged to Observi Bicentennial Florida is planning for many activities during the state's celebration of the na- tion's Bicentennial Mike Montgomery told the Rotary Club last Thursday, Mont- gomery is the North Florida Coordinator of the state's Bicentennial Commission. 1 '.,. '; ," l..,f (,..r f' I. ,(t '|, -. Florida's celebration plans are not '.-.. p. by tax dollars. "We are financed from an extra day of pari- mutual :'..- r ;..-r ', Mont- gomery said. One of the first events of- the Bicentennial will be a wagon train which will follow the old pioneer trails north to ,'\ . I :, -.:- Pennsylvania, arriving at their destination on July 4. "The train P..'.: start from Polk j' 4, in January and join other wagons along the way to Valley F<.- the speaker said. In F ;*.-. the train will follow old Indian !:L.h and the Old F...;- .' Trail. Riders are invited to join the train for a .,:" *' of their journey. -The train will travel the ". iit.'. hours an make about 20 miles a Montgomery showed minute film to' the club showed some of the ; underway in different across the state to ma i. i .. l -i .. Th was narrated by Lief son. The film 1. .,, hr .. . that the state was sett years before -* ' Declaration of Indepen It was ,- ,*. ?r" out th Bicentennial Commiss '-'-I.': i:; old and books of history of the The film urged every *:., to adopt some . to mark the Bicentennia S- . f Guests of the club Jesse Stone ,'.- J ;- 1.:v son. Lamberson told th the story of the Gulf C Volunteer Ambulance i and received the endorse of the club for the ser . Some the chickens would roost. Our ad were chickens wereot smart, and roosting we i.c ii'v -. that the kind .i -. d roost to do was to give the chickens called, their own choice about roost- ickens. ing ..r:- 1 - t where I was a large boy before I S knoew that .',i>.;. besides" eggs would be used for money. Mother would send me to the V store with one or two eggs to y buy small azr:, .. for the home during the week. Each Satur day mother was a f.'- piece e ture. wearing her neat ging- .,' ;! '. r. ;1 .r to the store for u'vr,;': purposes beautiful brown eggs. The eggs were rounded up precise- ly and nestled in the softness of pretty grey cotton-seed hulls in 'her milk bucket. She only in was never ashamed and often nd will said, r '.. .' -* se' for i day. other needed articles in the I a 14- store made her feel independ- which ent and free 'by not owing " ,;-.' anyone for .... "' cities The rich in the ..."..u..", ark the were not rich enough to do e film without chickens, but their Erick- chicken survival business was on a more elaborate plan that '' *us peasants with our flock of led 200 backyard, tree and fence- ;. of the : -..-' '. chickens. idence. Some of the more affluent iat the would .., il. a chicken yard ion is with real chicken wire and a d rare chicken house with small win- state, dows. I never figured out what y com- a chicken would see on looking out the windows, especially an al cele- old fat Wyondotte hen and an old red combed Dominicker were rooster. :..- r.- The word chicken is a good he club word to me and brings back County memories of a beautiful and Service happy era of physical survival segment *.:. the goodness of a vice. simple chicken. Farmers Home Active In North Florida .;. i Claude L. Greene, Jr., State Director of Farmers Home Administration in Florida, an- nounced today that assistance advanced to Florida farmers, rural residents and rural com- munities for the period July 1, 1974, to June 30, 1975 exceeded $117,491,890. The Rural Housing program has contributed to the deve- lopment of rural areas of the SState in the amount of $76,808,- S,.) 0o) These funds were used '.to build or repair 3,538 rural 'residences, 11 rural rental fusing facilities and one farm labor housing facility. HOME LOANS .. Individual rural housing loans are available to low-to- Moderate income families at ntine per cent interest, with a maximum repayment term of ..-'ears. The Rural Housing program will continue to make a substantial contribu- tion in the area of housing. A total of 759 Florida far-, mers have received loans in the amount of $12,583,890. These loans were made for purchasing farms, enlarging or improving farms, and. for operating expenses including the purchase of livestock and equipment. Farm Ownership loans are made to family far- mers, Mr. Greene said, and are made with funds advanced by private lenders and insured by the Farmers Home Admin- istration. The interest rate charge for these loans is five per cent per year on the un- paid principal with a maxi- mum of 40 years. Mr. Greene stated that these loans may also be used to drill wells and improve water .supply sys- tems for home use, livestock and irrigation, to refinance debts, develop and improve farm land, establish and maintain farm forests and provide drainage systems. Loans may also be made to provide facilities for fish pro- duction under controlled con- ditions and to finance non- farm enterprises and recrea- tional enterprises which will help the farmer supplement his income. Operating type loans may be made to purchase live- stock, farm equipment, and make minor improvements to buildings and land, develop water supply systems for farm and home use. He said that these loan funds may be used to provide family living ex- penses as well as annual farm operating expenses and to fi- nance non-farm and recrea- tional enterprises which will supplement the farmer's-in- come. The operating type loans are scheduled for repay- ment in from one to seven years at a current interest rate of 8% per cent. COMMUNITY PROJECTS .Twenty-seven loans and 17 grants totaling $26,881,000 were approved during the 1975 fiscal year for community water and-or sewer facilities. Five loans for community fac- ilities totaling $1,219,000 were made during the 1975 fiscal year. Facilities financed in- cluded a city hall, a hospital, fire station, fire equipment and a recreation complex. Mr. Greene states that the recently approved projects are now in the final stages of planning and that most of the projects will be under con- struction this calendar year or in the spring of 1976. Loans for community water and sewer systems and other community facilities may be financed for up to 40 years. The current interest rate is five per cent. Two business and industrial loans totaling $1,950,000 were approved in fiscal year 1975. One business and industrial grant in the amount of $290,000 was approved during the fis- cal year. Business and indus- trial loans and grants are made to develop or finance business or industry, to in- crease income and employ- ment and control or abate pollution. Mr. Greene states that loans made during the fiscal year are approximately a million dollars for each State FmHA employee. Almost all of the loan funds advanced by the Agency are provided by pri- vate investors and insured by the Government. Assistance is provided only to applicants who are unable to secure ade- quate financing from other sources. The State of Florida is ser- viced by a State Office and 30 County Offices and 17 part- time offices. LOCAL AID Eugene Pittman, local County Supervisor who serves the counties of Washington, Bay and Gulf states that during the 1975 fiscal year he assisted 148 rural residents construct rural homes costing $2,757,000.00. Twelve loans for $116,840.00 were made to as- sist farmers. One loan totaling $521,500.00 was made for com- munity water and sewer faci- lities to the City of Wewa- hitchka. Mr. Pittman also reports that one business was assisted with a business and industrial loan. Etaoin Shrdlu SBy: WESLEY R. RAMSEY There is a difference in grandsons. I have two who are six and seven and they cari come through the kitchen once and the candy jar full of peppermints kept there for the grandsons is empty in a flash. Then. I have two more grandsons who are two years old and they are different still: even different from the:four year old and 18 month old ones * fdii.-:da) night, after we got the paper out I was at home, i't.r'rVd back in my re'clningi chair k .it h my shoes kicked off in the floor reading the paper when one of the I %% \'.ir-olds came by. His tf.-v ,n p,ir timi' is the i.mik, jar. Ile'ii ,;; an occasional piece of p,-pptriunit, but he usually asks for a <'o..kie'. eats. two thirds of it and a'. I- the .'h.-r third to the dog. Then he sets up a howl that the dog 'i4t, his cookie which ir -ul:. in an immediate trip to the cookie jar for a r<-pl 4'ti;.evn.t This can happen, as many as four or five times a. visit until he gts,. all the ,. ki,." he can eat. After his cookie hunger is i,-i.-i-d1. he wants to pl.i(" the piano. The word pl,. -isn't mine, it' his. Then, later in the t-niing. the other two-year-old came by and had to, have a piece of p.-pprtrm int His kick is getting the ball point pen out of my shirt. pck.t and writing while he parades around the house in my shoes. All of this he did Wednesday night.' Thursday nmrniiin, I picked my pen up off the n,,,r where it was stuck from the writing of the previous ni hIt. I pried it up off the floor, washed the sticky ,-.iadv off it and put it in my pocket. Then, when I put on my shoes, lithey were so i'-k.' I had to wash them iff. too.. l'The qu-'n I.on is not why .granlitc'ildretn are so different. The i -i i6iin is how can a litl- round piece of pt-ppi-rimiti about thrct tltu.irl-re. of an inch in diameter cover a chair arm, a ball point pen, a pair of shoes, a II %i-aIr ild IP, and still have nIuu:h lh-l to go inside thfe s.iu- buy Speaking of grandsons, all young boys will be i:l .i' of information which was printed in the papers last week. A well known di-,ri-minlogist has issued a paper ,.hich says p,'iphl try to stay too clean. He said it was dlan.Lin.l to the skin to .I.'r ," '.,.r facrf ie iti than. uin r ,' : r di more than once a day. I read the article from one end i 1 ht* h tilhr to check out how often a person should take a bath but it never did. The thTr .l, it i'i soiul '-aip and detergents ".,. h Iliv natural oils off the skin and could lead to more infet--fin than remaining \ dirty. Washing too often may be dangerous but I'm going to continue to do so. Washing too often may, damage my epidermis but not washing often . does more damage to my nasal senses, I was impressed Friday night at the ball game. We can see where the fans will witness some good football and some good entertainment during this football season. While I was impressed with the versatility of the football team, I was most impressed with the band which our new director, Raymond Smith, has put together. The band is still small. He has started with very few members back from last year and added some new talent. Best of all, they play where you can hear them and they play well. The show was a fine show with some good music. The Sharkettes added some fine pageantry to the musical presentation and seemed to know what they were supposed to do. For the first time in several years, the band and the Sharkettes went through their routines with hardly a bobble. The Sharkettes are under the direction of Miss Ann Aldridge. I personally thought it was the best show a Port St. Joe band and Sharkette group has put on in five or six years. When you consider the present band has probably the fewest veterans back in its ranks of any year in the recent past, one has to give enormous credit to the band students and their instructors for some hard work. I liked it, band! Keep it up! The school teachers tell me they are finally able to hold classes again at Port St. Joe High School after about four years of serving as a referee over what amounted to an armed camp. It seems the high school has been sort of like the Sinai Desert for the past couple of years, with the "Jews" on one side and the "Arabs" on the other, each just waiting for the other to start something. It's not hard to understand that not much learning can go on in a situation suqh .a this. The report we get is that this year, things have finally cooled down to the point where serious work can be done. With the attitude of the teachers this year in agreeing to their work contract and the ' improving attitude of the students, we should all be thankful. Lwas ^-^W^WWCiik J MINUTES of the Gulf County School Board |. %f~~l^ ^ (^tt<*-<^<<^^^^ ^ THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 The Gulf County School " Board met in special session on August 27 at 3:30 p.m., with the following members pre- sent: Wallace Gufilot, Chair- man; J. K. Whitfield; Herman Ard; Gene Raffield and Fred Greer. I The Superintendent, Direc- tor of: Administration, and VDirector .of Instruction were pre'en. . y) " Julia Boyett Earns Degree Julia Ann oyett of Port St. Joe is among 235 scheduled to receive degrees from the Med- ical:' Cllege of Georgia in Augusta Sept. 19. Miss Boyett has earned a BS degree in Nursing. CARD OF THANKS May God bless each of you for each act of kindness shown to us during the loss of our loved one... The Family of J. F. "Bob" Davis CARD OF THANKS To our'many friends and re- latives in Gulf County, we wish to fully. express., our grat- itude to those who have helped us so very much in the recent death- 'of our loved one., We sincerely r, "'**'' the many acts ofi kindness shown to each of us. For your pray-, ers, concern, flowers, food, cards -and love we shall al- ways be grateful.' We shalA never forget that tragic day when' we lost our loved one, but we have to learn to look upon. it as God's will. The Family of Milton Lawson Whitfield S NOTICE T.,- City of Port St. Joe will ,hold .a hearing at the next regular meeting of the City Commission on October 7, *.1975, for the purpose of hear-. Sing any ,,tie, .'i 1 -. f' a vari-- ance to Zoning Ordinance No. .. ,,,.I..-i i. the construction of a .., i.,. nI ., i, over the ,. r..t .. iL.-., of Lots 1, 3,5 and 7 ',' Block 32. C. W. Brock, it, ..i,.h.,.r .1a Ji Clerk 3t 9-18 The meeting was opened with the invocation by Guillot and followed by the pledge of allegiance. Proposals were received on a blanket insurance policy from the Gaskin-Graddy In- surance Agency, and a bid on workman's compensation from Federated Insurance Company. The Tomlinson In- surance Agency and Hannon Insurance Agency representa- tives were present, and- re- quested more time to prepare a bid. The Board accepted the Gaskin-Graddy coverage, and formed a committee to study this insurance. All voted Yes to this action on motion by Raffield and seconded by Greer. On' motion by Raffield, seconded by Ard, all voted to accept the Superintendent's personnel recommendations as follows:- Appoint Janice Brownell as bus driver; Appoint lunchroom workers as follows: Wewahitchka High School- Edna Alford, Causie Griffin, Wa.va Johnson, Katheryn King. Viella Rouse, Bessie Smith, Betty Ck..k;", Wewahitchka V-e;fca", *:,.t.,,.,..--F.-.a Flowers, Ner- vine Colvin, Willie Estridge, Wynell Tate; - " Port St. Joe Elementary School-Minnie Lee Lovett, Ola Clemons, Yvonne Atchi- son, Rita Todd, Georgia Peak, Evelyn Harcus, Easter Nic- hols; igt,'c- '..' View Elementary School-Lou Eaker, Kate Kil- bourn, Essie Hall; Port St. Joe High School- -,. i.. A ., Ina Merritt, Idell Ray, Liz Prows, Opal Owens. The Superintendent present- Vets C Corner ST..PETERSBURG W. B. Mackall, Director of Flor- ida's Division of Veterans .\i..;- under the Depart- ment of t *i,,,, -.'' Affairs, states that education and training i,.u'--i.'. is ex- S Bill Thompson Office Equipment Sales and Service Typewriters Calculators Office Furniture Rental ) (Rental Lease options) Call The Star 227-3161 1512 Beck Ave. 769-6925 ed letters of request from parents to transfer children to the Port St. Joe Elementary School. The Board chose to leave this decision up to the school principals. On motion by Raffield, seconded by Ard, all voted Yes to grant early ,admission to college.to Susan Quarles. Wayne Stevens, a teacher at Highland View Elementary School met with the Board re- garding his position for the 1975-76 school year. The Board informed Mr. Stevens.that he would remain at the Highland View Elementary School. The Superintendent recom- mended that teacher aides be appointed as follows: Marie Atchors to Highland View Elementary School and Larue Huddleston to Wewahitchka High School. On motion by Raffield, seconded by Greer, all voted Yes. The Superintendent present- ed salary recommendations for administrative personnel. On motion by Ard, and second- ed by Greer, all voted Yes to the recommendations. Copies of these salary recommenda- tions are on file in the Super- intendent's office. On motion by Raffield, seconded by Ard, the Superin- tendent's recommendation on millage was unanimously ap-- proved as follows: 8.0 mils for operations and .9 mils for debt service, for a total of 8.9 mils. Board member Whitfield recommended that some addi- tional office help be secured for the office at Wewahitchka High School. The Board will discuss this at the meeting September 2. There being no further busi- ness, the Board adjourned to meet again in, regular session on September 2. . pected this fiscal year to reach 93,000 veterans and other participants in Veter- 'ans Administration pro- grams. The Veterans Administra- tion counseling program in- cludes a vocational iehabili- tation program for service disabled veterans, the GI Bill program for veterans and servicemen and a pro- gram for certain dependents and survivors. All three pro- grams experienced sharp in- creases since December, when payments were raised. The new law not only in- creased educational assis- tance rates by nearly 23 per-. cent, but also lowered eligi- bility requirements for voca- tional rehabilitation training from 30 percent disability to 10 percent or more. The law also gave veterans seeking undergraduate college de- grees under the GI Bill an additional nine (9) months of Another law, Public Law 93-337, July 10, 1974, extend- ed to ten (10) years, the former eight (8) year dead- line for veterans, wives and widows to complete their ed- ucation programs says Mackall. If you have any questions pertaining to the above or any veteran matter, contact, either your local County 'Vet- eran Service Office, any Of- Post Office Box 1437, St. Pe- fice of the Veterans Admin- tersburg 33731 (including istration or write Mackall at your Veterans Administra- tion Claim Number, Social Security Number or date of birth). (AFNS) Key Club, Keyettes, Begin New Year of Activities fiCYETTES rETc frtrrs The Port St. Joe High School Key Club is presently beginning its year of worthwhile projects as the school term starts. Both the Key Club and the Keyettes are under the auspices of the local Kiwanis Club, and actively participate in helping to foster better citizenship among the area's youth. Heading the organization this year, left to right are: Bill Nor- ton, President; Eddie Creamer, Vice President; Steve Cloud, Secretary; and Sandy Sanborn, Treasurer. Star Photo These five young ladies will direct the activities of the Keyettes, a service organization at Port St. Joe High School, for the upcoming school year. The Keyettes participate in numerous civic functions, charity drives, and school improvement projects. Left to right are:.Janis Schwelkert, President; Kathy Gray, Vice President; Susan Dupree, Sec.- retary; Joni Shores, Treasurer; and Jerrie Lewis, Parlia- mentarian. Star Photo ~IPIP~.~ILN~I~LR~d~*QI~PI~L~A~+b~R~EC7C PAGE THREE PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 Becky Gable, Guy White Are l Miss Becky Gable became the bride of Guy White in a double ring ceremony in the Oak Grove Assembly of Goc Church on August 30. The Rev David Fernandez performed the ceremony with Mrs. Heler Britt providing organ music and accompaniment to Mrs. David Fernandez, who sang "Walk Hand in Hand," '.Whi- ther Thou Goest," and "The Wedding Prayer." The couple exchanged vows in the sanctuary beautifully decorated in the bride's colors, blue and white. The brass arch was accented on either side with large urns of blue and white mums and baby's breath with cathedral candelabras flanked by more rmums and a candle tree. The bride is the daughter of Charles'and Otheda Gable and the bridegroom is-the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne White, all of Port St. Joe. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She wore a traditional gown of sheer- ganza and lace. Imported rose-patterned Chantilly lace fashioned the high neckline and lifted waistline. ": "' -" lace bands edged a flared 2 flounce creating a deep ruffle .. on the skirt front and chapel train. More lace outlined the . billowy shepherdess sleeves and long cuffs of lace. Her illusion was encircled ,with matching lace, set on a band of lace roses. She carried a colonial bouquet of white car- nations, baby blue W!n, "., ,,-. and baby's breath. Miss Debbie Stutzmah, cou- sin of the bride, served "as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Misses Janet Murphy and Debra Burns. Miss Leslie Wilder served as fl'...',...: '1 All attendants wore identical dresses of baby blue polyester and carried small colonial bouquets of blue carnations and white miniature roses. - Serving the bridegroom as .. best man was his father, Wayne White. Groomsmen were Gary White, brother of the groom, and Rnstv ,ur.rh Wavrne ahil R -1.iI C^,'t, ),., others of the bride, served as ushers. Randy Curlee acted as ringbearer. The mother of the bride :-:wore an aqua blue gown with matching long sleeved jacket and corsage of yellow minia- ture roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a rose dress with sheer multi-color long sleeved jacket and corsage of white miniature roses. RECEPTION A reception, hosted by the bride's mother, followed in the social hall of the church. Miss Deneen Jenkins, cousin of the f groom, kept the bride's- book. Guests were served punch by Misses Jancy Jones and Bren- da Clements. Mrs. Mary Ear- ley and Mrs. Louise Holland Courses Offered At GCCC Opportunities for ..'i:, .... education courses at Gulf Coast Co 'rT .' ..:-'.*, next week include a review of the national electrical code, investments. and the stock market, aid p ,.i-,' with oils and acrylics. According to Dean of Com- munity Services, Bob Meo Spadden, the courses do not carry '.'.,itg.i credit but are offered as a means of self improvement to interested p5ersons The electrical code review course will begin Wednesday, Sept 24 in Room C-1ll. Class es will be held for 10 weeks from 6:30-9:30 p.m. under the direction of Carl Borgersen at a cost of $20: Bill Maitland will instruct the investments course to be held at the Tyndall AFB Education Building beginning Sept. 25. Classes will meet for five weeks form 7:00 9:00 p.m. There will be no fee for enrollment. Painting with oils and acry- lies has been scheduled to begin in Wewahitchka Thurs- day, Sept 25. A $12 fee will cover the cost of this six- week course which will meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Persons interested in reg- istering for these courses which are offered as part of GCCC's self-supporting com- munity services program should contact the GCCC Of- fice of Continuing Education, 769-1551. *--''*- Ynitedln Marriage presided at the bride's table, andMrs. Linda Raffield at the groom's table. Little; Miss Tihai Jenkins, .r'.--.'r-. iof the groom, and Miss .*,i-- Raf- field attended -the rice bag baskets. OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. i -.- I-'-.'., , Mr. and Mrs. I ". '. Parker and Mrs. Rhonda )- .*, -., all of Wewahitchka; Mr. and Mrs. -Leo Jones, Annette and Pat Miss '. ~i. Wal a ".'.-. Pam M.,, .. Mrs. .0 ,-,. *, .'. M r. and Mrs. Scott Parker, James P. '1-..- e ,. and 'v- and Mrs. Russ Bower, all of Panama Si', Mr. and Mrs. H*,: Griffin of ) ..' ., Ga. Mr. and Mrs. ', ..' Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. P *' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutzman, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey ,.. Mr. and Mrs. Elton iI. ,,, and ;,:., all of Blounts- town; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gable of Altha; Frank dorf of Tarpon ..*. .. Miss Betsy Bird of Auburn, Ala..; 'Mr. and Mrs. -'.,' Dean and S .-..:.. of Marianna; Mrs. Berlie Palmer', ,-...._- -. .and Mrs. TV .-. E Chitty of Troy, Ala. After a short .- trip, the couple : '. :.. : at their home at 311 Iola '-. * PRE-NUPTIAL EVENTS On ... :.. August 7, Miss r. Gable' ws honor- ed with a 4 .-' shower from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the social :Mr. and Mrs. Guy White hall of the Oak Grove Assem- Becky by Mrs. Shirley House bly of God Church. The Oon- and Mrs. Gig Taylor at the oree's chosen colors of blue Gulf, County (.*,,rthrjij:i he. and -At,''. .- .<-, ".e' t, t .'' efnthe hour- of 2:'i0 p mr- out the entertainment-area and 5:00 p.m. Many bmploy- Hostesses for the occasion ees and co-workers came by to were Catherine Kennedy, wish her luck. She was pre- *,,':.: Harper, ,,A T :f' sented a gift of her chosen Ard, Evelyn -. ;. Bunnie .....: Gainnie, Anita Ward, Mary Yates, Angie Ellis, Allie Pad- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne White .'. "i '. : ,r Arnold and were hosts at a rehearsal din- Mary ..'i. ner on Friday, August 29, at Many friends called during Butler's Restaurant for mem- the appbinted.hours and the bers of the wedding party, honoree received many useful i, r.. ii, and out-of-town guests. gifts and best wishes. On ". .., August 18, Miss ,./.- was honored with a - .s *-*i shower given by Misses Janet '." ',," and Debra Burns at the home of *.; .' close friends were present and she received many useful " On '. August 23, a Bridesmaid's luncheon was given at the home of Mrs. Barnie .., :*, on Mexico. Beach. Miss Gable chose this time to present her attendants with .-.-i Hostesses for this ' occasion were Mrs.. ;* Holland, Mrs. Neal Arnold, and Mrs. Barnie Earley. As- :..,.'*; in serving were Mrs. Phil Earley and Miss Julie Holland. A of china in her chosen r.:" was presented the honoree. On T F. August 29, a surprise '; was hosted for First United Methodist Church Monument and Constition Port St Joe, Flao JOHNIE W. McCURDY Minister CHURCH SCHOOL ...................... 9:45 A.M PREACHING SERVICE....... 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. *METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP.... 6:30 P.M. CHOIR REHEARSAL ,.'*>; :-:. ..... 7:30 P.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH4 Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School ........... ... ...... 9:45 A.M. Morning :.'* .: Service ............. 11:00 A.M . Church Training ......... ............ 6:30 P.M . Evening Worship Service .............. 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) .............. 7:00 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" NEW ARRIVAL Walter and Desda Fields of Port St. Joe, are proud to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Kimberly Kay, born on -; *'.. 5 in Bay Memorial i.. r Kimberly arrived at 10:20 a.m. (CST) and weighed seven ,prw.-, *d 2/2 ounces. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harper of Port St. Joe, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,. of Mont- gomery, Ala. For Good Bargains See the Classifieds on Page 8 Blind-Deaf Dykes - Workshop at Library The libraries of the North- west Regional Library System will be holding hour-long workshops on materials and programs for .- r.-.- - capped and hearing-handicap- ped persons. Individuals, agencies, and friends ';- ,i with the blind or deaf persons are invited to come exchange their own ideas and materials as well as learn how the :*, :, .-. '-- ials and services can be of help. -: book machines, the Etna enlarging .- '." a See 'N' .;. Viewer for learning sign language, books on sign lan- S..; and lip ..:; and large print books, magazines, and -.. i:;.,:1 are a few of the resources to be :._ .. -: and demonstrated during the workshop. All six workshops will be held at four' p.m. local time with one exception. The sche- dule runs as follows: at Wash- ington :x. i, Branch Lib- rary, -i:i:.i:"- 22; at Port St. Joe Branch 1. :. l;' 23; at Holmes ..- branch :'-. -, 24; at Calhoun : -'. Branch ., 30; at I. .' :. Branch Library, Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m. EDT; at Bay C...'- Public .'- GOct. 1. Car Wash to Aid Mrs. Betty Scott The :'..:,;.: Youth Fel- lowship of Port St. Joe is spon- soring a car wash i '-., Sept. 20, from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. at the First United Meth- odist Church parking lot. The cost will be $1.50 per car, and all the proceeds will go to the Betty Scott Fund to help pay hospital expenses. Any dona- tions will be accepted. A pick up and -,i ...'. -.ser- vice will be provided- During the week, call Greg Chason at 227-7586, ., Gregg at 648- 5258 and Rhonda 0-! '- at 227-5381. On Saturday, call the church at 227-5121. Women 's Day Set for Sunday The women of ,t...',.p.t ., Primitive I i 7 :' Church, 263 Avenue D, will celebrate their annual ,.. r, Day ser- vices, Sunday, Sept. 21st. This year's theme is "Love the. Foundation of r, ^.- with Mrs.'Ann Balkman of Talla- hassee, as featured speaker. The evening service will be- gin with a candle I.., ceremony, "Christian Women - Lights of' the Lord." Every- one is invited to come out for ,u'i- -. School at 10 a.m., morning worship service at 11 a.m. and evening service at six p.m. For Ambulance Calt 227-2311 Maxwell Betrothed Rev. and Mrs. Major Dykes, Jr. of Savannah, Ga. wish to announce the engagement and appro;:-r -- i : their daughter, Patricia Denish Dykes, to Richard F.r ,r: Maxwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Maxwell, Jr. The bride- elect is a 1975 graduate of DeRenne Avenue Christian Academy. The groom-elect is a 1973 graduate of Port St. Joe High School and is :'- '- em- Motors of Ga. The .-'- is planned for -: .- ',.- 27 at two p.m. in the DeRenne Avenue ;" - Church in Savannah, Ga. No invitations are being sent, but all friends and relatives of the couple and their families are invited to attend. Miss Patricia Denish Dykes 601 Long Ave. Last Chance for Earl Johnson Brothers English Iron BLUE INDIES: 93 pc. set (Service for 12) Reg. $330.00. GREENFIELD: 93 pc. set (Service for 12) $350.00. Acsons American Stoneware FANTASIA: 45 pet. set (Service for 8) $ HOLLANDIA: 45 pc. set (Service for 8) * Reg. $99.95. Phone 227-3511 V Spectacular In $SEPTEMBER ly Christmas Shopping stone $150.00 :: $165.00 4500 .. *. Entire Stock Casual Stemware, Tumblers, Crystal Stemware FALL CLEARANCE 30% off Stainless Steel Flatware Savings to 75% o Reg. prices from $79.95 to $134.90. Sale Prices from $25.00 to $50 Victorian Reg. $9.95 Sculptured Rose Candles Now $5.00 A Rainbow of Colors_ Lenox Candle & Flower Arrangements: 0 / .off Fantastically Sale Priced at %0 O Reg. Prices $4 to $6. Sesco Wall Plaques $1.00 "It Ain't Beans" Now $1.00 For Children ages 1 to 100. A bank that New Prices Coming: Last Week to Buy looks like a jar of beans. Good idea for Costume Jewelry at $2.00 early Christmas stocking stuffer! Reg. Pierced earrings, rings, and pierced look. ' Sugar Plum Tree Gift Shoppe 2296 319 Reid Avenue Phone 229-6010 "wq Comforter Funeral Home The veteran in meeting your needs in trying times. Many have put their trust in us with confidence over the years. You can too. Sewing Classes Classes Start Monday, Oct. 10 Morning Classes-9:30 to 11:30 Tops-(,Halters, V-necks, Shirts)- Afternoon Classes--12:00 to 2:00 Basic Knits (Slacks, Jackets, Skirts) Classes 1 Day a Week, 4 Weeks Roberta Martindale, Instructor $10.00 Tuition For More Information Call Thames Fabrics 302 Reid Ave. Phone 229-6044 C I~ II~ a~ ? 111 - ---------- -- Pp----- ---- I-- - P~41 Garden Club Begins New Year at Luncheon Meeting The Port St. Joe Garden Club opened the 1975-76 year last Thursday, with a bounti- ful. covered dish luncheon at the Garden Center. Mrs. Bobby Jackson pre- bented the program, "Herbs and Things", emphasizing the use of herbs to .influence our environment, to control pests and season foods. Mrs. Jack- son cited the use of herbs in Biblical times. In closing, she gave'-the recipe for an "old timey", cough syrup. Mrs. Noble Stone. discussed the proper parliamentary proce- dure, naming courtesy, com- mon sense, and the right of the minority:to be heard, and that the majority rules. She ad- vised all to speak clearly, concisely, eliminate personal By Joe St. Clair The. story is told of the great conductor Sir Mic- hael Costa. Once he was rehearsing, a great orches- tra of hundreds of music- ians. The orchestra was filling the auditorium with -thunderous music. 'The drums,. the cymbals, the cornets, the string instru- ments-ail combining to make splendid harmony. "Stop!" he shouted. All fell silent to see what Sir Michael wanted. "Where is the piccolo?" he asked, In that immense and powerful orchestra, one man had been silent. Sir Michael had missed that tiny note and the re- hearsal was if,4'"',t"' ' This incident has a great lesson for all of us. In the mighty chorus of life, we too, are missed if we become silent. Every man has a place-has a part, whatever that part may be. OUR THOUGHT TO RE- MI!MI-Fi(. ONLY YOU 'CAN FILL YOUR PLACE. St. Clair Funeral Home 507 o10th St. 227-2671 stories, listen to the speaker, and be friendly. Mrs. Paul Johnsen presided over the business portion of the meeting. Mrs. Wesley Ramsey reported the recom- mendations of the Board of Directors. Mrs. Harry Halli- nan read the rental schedule for the use of the Garden Center. The morning or after- noon price is $5.00; evening, $10.00; half price to members, and use of the kitchen facili- Provides Working Program The '. .t-**...,..'.., Youth Corps under the Department of Community Affairs, Talla- hassee, is again providing a work. experience. program for Gulf County youth from low- income families during the 1975-76 school year. In order to qualify, applicants must be between, the ages of 14 and 21 and meet the economic guide- lines set up by the U. S. De- partment of Labor. Enrollees will be employed at various worksites through- out Gulf County j-.* .r',,,-.. many needed public services. All r,""' i'p'. will work ten (10) hours per week and re- ceive the minimum wage of $2.10 per hour. 2pe', ,v forms- may be obtained at the front offices of Port St. Joe Jr.-Sr. High School and Wewahitchka ki --i /School or in the Gulf County School Board Staff v ....., iment Center, Gulf .*, Court House, beginning Sep- tember 22. Mormons Plan Entertainment "LDS '.. '. -' Plus" will be presented in %i ,u *.. at 7:30 p.m ,.., ,, Sept. 25th, with local and Tallahas- see, area performers joining *,.1y 4.,.r to entertain audi- ences with '. L.,.,, comedy ..:. -, singing, danii ng, I.-,- ..'i-'., - and bands. The show will be held at the Apalachicola Branch chapel on "...... '. Road. There is no admission and everyone is welcome. ties, $2.50 extra. "Beauty at Our Doorstep", the goal of the president, Mrs. Paul Johnsen, was explained in her closing talk. Order, neatness and friendliness creates the beauty for the Garden Center and the town of Port St. Joe. 'Mrs. Clyde Fite, Mrs. Cecil Harrison, Mrs. Clyde White- head, Mrs. Alford F..:rr .- and Mrs. Michael Roche were welcome guests. The Garden Club is pleased to welcome Mrs. ;7 "-. Fite as a new member. The hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Wesley Ramsey and Mrs. Harry Halli- Snan. All members, friends and guests are invited to attend the Port St. Joe Garden Club's 'I .. .' '. ,r-. ': .' .r on Thursday, ,r,;.'.". t 25th at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden Cen- ter. Hostesses are Mrs. Paul Johnsen and Mrs. Winston Wells. Hunting Overstreet Postmaster- A postmaster vacancy exits at the Overstreet Fourth-Class Post Office, 'i A F-; a. ~ Post- master General announced e ,.- ,.0 . Section Center .-. r'. D. Peyton Yon at Tallahassee Post Office has been desig- nated to accept tr.,"',. from interested persons for t h i s . Sectional Center Manager Yon said that t.e.i. '.,..r will be accepted until Septem- ber 20, and that appropriate forms may be obtained at the Overstreet post office. The starting salary for the post- ,',,, ,.. ; ]... -.. "..' .*. '* ..r.i p e r year. No written test is re- quired. D. Peyton, Yoni said if,,, cants must reside in the postal sectional center area in which i''.. ; -. .. i on the date of his appointment. The ". .., ". 'postmaster will have to live within a reason- able distance from the post office so that he can ade- quately ..' *I .:.' the respon- sibilities of the office and the Postal Service, he added. Grhadoophf C.arsj 't Grandson of Charles Browns' Proclaims Constitution W.I: s' ' Hear Ye Hear '.. . men by this 1.V-: .:,'.-:-.. that the 17th day of U. -..i Ia ' through the 23rd is kc.','n i .**"*-,-'* ',* ,, W eek i'.: ho. United States of A _"*..;', . Now therefore, b- .1 .:,- claimed throughl'i .ir.r Nation to keep "Fiatb 0 .',tf O FQ r,.rir Fathers." Christopher Andrew ' dressed in an authentic BiW centennial costume like his, Collecting Old Scout Uniforms Any girl who wishes to get rid of their used Girl Scout uniforms, are urged to leave them at the St. Joe Branch. L.Ordr r,. with Mrs. jean Falls-. * ki. She will'see that the uni- forms are redistributed. For Ambulance Call 227-2311 fifth ,:', :' : .* (1776), represented the Peter Early i- ,' 1. t .-' r of the' American Revolution, in PTal.i Georgia, for Consti- tution Week. ,:.. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mills, and the grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Port St. Joe. THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 PORT ST. JOE School Lunch MENUS Port St. Joe High School Lunch Room Menus Monday, Sept. 22 Hamburger with bun, grill- ed cheese sandwich with half slice ham, English peas, French fries, :.' tomato, I',:'; cherry ; 'r.'I Tuesday pi ;'P Hl ,-.'.-- ",>1 with bun, green beans, sloppy joe on bun, mashed potatoes, cabbage, carrot and raisin slaw, fruit ...:', inmilk. Wednesday, Sept. 24 Chili with beans, hot dog with bun, potato salad, tomato wedge; brownie, crackers, bread, milk. Thursday, 5' -" Chicken and r .. .I ham- burger with bun, '.,-- peas, potato chips, '.a . Birthday Bash for Buck Port St. Joe's Police 0 ' H W. .F.. Griffin will mark his "39th" ",, r,.'' and a has been planned for the veteran )': ., Chief atf .' .Res- taurant on Reid Avenue, Mrs, Pauline ,.., ,-k,... operator of the restaurant has made an annual event of .'* Griffin on his 'i and invites all his friends to come by and wish "Buck" a "Happy ..,, and enjoy a piece of cake and a cup of coffee. The -. 'c ..". will be held Friday from 2 30 to 5:00 p.m. Ernest Thursbay Is now a member of the Sales '. of Tommy Thomas Chevrolet 705 W. 15th St. Panama 4 it Phones 785-5221 Panama City 64-7900 Mexico Beach . Call Ernest for all your new or used car needs tomato, pickles, jello with top- ping, milk. Friday, Sept. 26 Hamburger with bun, spag- whole kernel corn, cole slaw, French I:- .1, "v, tomato, pickles, peaches, milk. PAGE FIVE Elementary School Monday, Sept. 22 Grilled cheese sandwich, half slice ham, English peas, tomato slice, cherry pie, milk, Tuesday, Sept. 23 Sloppy Joe on bun, cabbage, carrot and raisin slaw, green limas, cinnamon rolls, milk, Wednesday, Sept. 24 Chicken and noodles, green beans, tossed salad, coconut cake, bread, milk. Thursday, Sept. 25 Pork chops, rice with gravy, with topping, cornbread, milk. .,'.h,. i. whole kernel corn, cole slaw, peanut butter chews, io,1:; milk. Oyster Bar Open Served on Half Shel l "or by the Bag iS Jim and Restaurant Jeans Across from Duren's JOB PRINTING IDEAS*ART, FINISHED PRODUCT -F --------*s Reflect " The Image ; You Want We know how to make your mailers, brochures, letterheads look like you. Consult our expert designers. Perfection Is Our Norm THE STAR Do You Want FIRST CLASS Ambulance Service? "I'm ,rr:,, our only ambulance is 'iJ'd up right now. We may be able to get one to you in about an hour." N.. one wants to hear 'ti-. when they have an emergency and need an ambu- lance ir-r-lii-dai:.. The County-owned. k.:,, le ,.: s'ti.i.*-'. in Port St. Joe ...i- to calls from Howard Creek, ~ ', ,- City, St. Joseph Pensinula, Indian P1. Ward Ridge, Jones Homestead, ' ,,k Grove, Highland View, St. Joe Beach, Beacon Hill, Overstreet, Mexico Beach and Port St. Joe. Using 1974 census fi u tur on the population of Gulf County, the Port'St. Joe ambulance is charged with providing Emergency Services to over 70 per cent of the entire population of Gulf ,.,:,: and those Bay County resi- dents at Mexico Beach. This ambulance is called upon also to transport patients from the Municipal Hospital in Port St. Joe to BayMemorial Hospital in Panama City for specialized care, several times per month. While the St. Joe ambulance is actually on emergency runs, (over 100 hours per month) 70 percent of our citizens-the entire south end of Gulf County-is without Emergency Ambu- lance Services. The only thing needed to provide this service is another ambu- lance. Trained Volunteer Emergency Medical Technicians are ready to respond-day or night-as they do with the present ambulance. What can you do to secure this service for you and your i ,nrl./., Call your county commissioners before their next regular n'..,-t'iri e September 23, and urge them to make ,'.,aah:i- the necessary funds to match, on a 50-50 basis, funds available to us from the State of Florida. These matching funds will no longer be avail- able to us after October 1, 1975 so it is imperative that we act now-to save our taxpayers one-half the cost of this needed vehicle. Please call: Silas Player Day 229-3376, Night 229-6681 Everett "Skull" Owens 229-3916 Eldridge Money 227-4077 Otis Davis, Jr. 639-2701 T. D. "Doc" Whitfield 229-6550 You are also invited to attend the next County Commissioners meeting on September 23rd and let them know your feelings concerning this service to you, the taxpayers and citizens of Gulf County. GULF COUNTY Volunteer Ambulance Squad **^'*5'5C^Ag^tffi^^g^$^s^^.^^$&6&&$^ f-^ -^^^ ^^^i^^^^ ^^^^^^^^'^^^f1^^^^----------^^^^^MM,^ I THE TIME HAS COME TO PUT WX GLlADLT IACC3MI I US.A.L rF@OD STAN" *EACH of these advertised items is .'required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price .in each A&P store, except as specifically noted in this ad. PRICE & PRIDE TOGETHER AGAIN. If we cafnt do it, nobody can. ALLGOOD BRAND SUGAR CURED SLICED Breakfast $ 1 Q 'Bacon' P K. L , Protein Substitutes ... Peas & Beans Dry beans and their close cousins, dry peas and lentils, are the answer to penny low and nutrition-high meals.-They are among the least expensive sources of protein, iron and B-Vitamins. To get the most value from your bean dishes, include complementary i.r t.. : '...-*r~ menu ;/ like-eggs, chee' .- a. i. o r ... Most beans and peas require soaking before cooking. For a good shortcut, start by boiling them for 2 minutes then remove from heat, soak an hour and they're ready to cook. Read package directions because some varieties are presoaked. If you want really great flavor, use chicken or beef broth instead of water: Cooking time varies with type. Allow about 2 hours for black and split green or yellow peas. Lima beans need 45 minutes to an hour. Great Northern bea-.'. ' 1 to 1/ hours. And lentilsand : peas need only / hour . Add one teaspoon salt per cup 4d r ,-,rf .,,' ,. Ii l..* it.. A, i,.. 'i r... S im m er ra 1,1 1 stir very I. .-, .prevent nt..., ,. ,.f skins. Always remember to allow room for expansion when cooking. I ,.. ,, -? .. gives you 2'to 2% cups cooked beans. AU1 wUP 'I- UPTO "SUPER-RIGHT" WESTERN BEEF Save 32ct London 6o SPIo Broil LB I MxoMa tc Sale f BETTY CROCKER 1 3Frosting Mixes I I Hlo0 OFF I ANY SIZE BOX I WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT I COUPON W/$7.50 OR MORE IN OTHER PURCHASES EXCL. CIGARETTES VA i THRU SUN. SEPT. 2,19 ---------- I 12 CT. IPampers I TODDLER YU $1.19 WITH YOU lTHlIS SPAY COUPONI LIMIT COUPON W/$7.50 , OR MORE IN OTHER 'PURCHASES EXCL. | CIGARETTES VALID THRU SUN. SEPT 2.1,975; J2 LB. CAN CHOCOLA Nestle's Quik YOU $1.80 T I PAY CouP LIMIT I COUPON W/$7.50 iOR MORE IN OTHER PURCHASES EXCL. | CIGARETTES VALID THRU S.UN. SEPT.21,19; 1 PRICES GOOD IN ALL I A&P STORES IN THE TE I FOLLOWING CITIES I 510 Fifth St.? oNI Port St. Joe, Fla. Prices Effective Thru. Sun. Sept. 21 Items offered for sale are not available to other retail dealers or wholesalers. Not responsible for typographical errors. A&P BRAND Maeator Beetf 7 Franks i7 ''SUPER-RiGHT'' HEAVY WE 5 T E R,, NS, !B EE F TOP Rou STEAKor LB16 11 m49 L ~ t- 1111 -unn r~T~r~~ .11~4plI~B~I~ S A V: E 30c THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 SSharks Devour Gators, 21-0, 1- 4'^ U.T\ 1I In Season Opener r rlcay twice. . The Sharks scored' once in the first period and twice in the second on their way to a 21-0 victory in the first outing of the season. The Gators just couldn't Sandy Sanborn leaps for 20-yard aerial to score Sharks' first touchdown of the season. Star Photo , .t %. ..... :,,., :'. .. .:. . Bill Norton, 20, steals pass from Gator Ernie Hall at Shark's goal line. Star Photo r-------- mm=-- -m-I- I* k The jaws of Port St. Joe's Tiger Sharks went snap, snap, snap in the first half, then they lay back digesting their 21 points during the second half while pushing the Wewahitch- ka Gators away from the table stopped by a pass interception late in the second period by Greg Abrams. In the fourth period, the Gators had the ball first down and goal to go on the Shark sevenyard line. The Shark defense held for three plays, then Bill Norton picked off a Clay Gray pass in the end zone to end the- Sator's last threat. The Sharks defensive effort was led by Chester Fennell with six tackles and five assists; Sandy Sanborn, six tackles and one assist and. Steve Cloud with five tackles and three assists. FRIDAY'S GAME Friday night, the Sharks will travel to Tallahassee to meet the Florida High De- mons. This is the first meeting in several years between the Sharks and the Demons and will be a Class game. I THE YARDSTICK First Downs Ru.'i Yards Passing Yards Pauses Intercepted by Pufits Fumbles lost Yards Penalized Wewa PSJ 11 11 90 194 61 87 4-13 6-11 '2 2 2-35 3-41 2 2 15 115 Quarterback JohnbOwens weaves his way Williams (66), Tom Stripling (84) and Carl through the line for a 13-yard gain. Gator de- Gray (32)..Shark blockers on the ground are fenders are Donald Dickens (33), Greg Robert Farmer, right, and Greg-Abrams.. cope with the thriple-threat running attack and the-effec- tive passing combination of John Owens and Sandy San- born. Last year's all-confer- ence threat, Robert Farmer ripped off 76 yards and Ronald Daniels was a pleasant sur- prise to the fans as he scam- pered for 71. Quarterback John Owens worked the option for good yardage on several occasions just to keep the Gator defense honest. Owens pinpoint passing was good for six completions in 11 attempts and a gain of 87 yards. The Gators looked as if they were going to be hard to handle in the opening mo- ments of the game. On their second play after the kick-off the Gators fumbled the ball on their own 39 yard line. On their third play from scrimmage, the Sharks had a first down on the Gator 29, but the ball squirted loose and the, Gators recovered. In nine plays the Gators had marched t<6the Shark 27 but a combination of a fumble and penalty ::.'4. .r. their drive. The Sharks then started from their own 27 and in eight plays, Ronald DE..;-a scored from two i, 'h i'u tr, go ahead in the ga.,e l '-: Shark drive featured a 13 yard run by Owens, a 15 -yarder from Farmer and a 13 warid dash by Daniels. The r.ie fkr the e .'r ...a ',1 : 'r...',- d second period, 'I.h .rc. ter snapped the i ro t.r i- punt and the .bll ., i 'A r) around out of o,~- -i tih'- Sharks pounced on the ball. at the Gator 22. The Sharks were in the hole on the fourth down, but John Owens unloaded to E. ,... i ri,>. 2 9yards away on the goal line and the Sharks had 12 points, just like- that. With a delay of the game penalty on the try for extra point, the Sharks were moved back five,.yards for the kick and elected to run for th' two extra points. Owens tossed a short pass to Bill Norton for the conversion. .,4i*r gd:, ruhrrg bacr'jo E r F:rr.ir hff d il h r c.n de, , with a Gator helmet which knocked the Gator cold and limited Farmer's running for the better part of the remain- der of the game. ., In the first series of plays after the Shark kick, the Gators fumbled again deep in their own territory and 'Mar cus Manning fell on the lose ball. In two plays Rpnald D'a'.",-i had the ball in the end tone again, scoring for the Sharks. Bill Norton's kick was good and the Sharks 'v,T< ,.pia .-u'p with 21 points. The Gators tried I. -t: I the ball moving twice ri, ." r. the game, but had one. drive Permits for the bear hunts in the Apalachicola Wildlife Management Area are now available from the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commis- sion. Tom Garrison, Regional Manager for the Commission, cautioned sportsmen that the permits could only be obtained through the. Commission's Panama City office. The bear hunt opens September 29th and continues through Novem- her 1st. The special ten dollar bear hunt permit as well as a regu- lar hunting license will be re- quired for any Florida resi- dent between 15 and 65 years of age. Those under 15 will require a special underage. permit which will cost $2.50. Those' participants over 65 will require only a Resident Senior Citizen Hunting & Fish- ing Certificate which can be acquired at no cost from any County Tax Collector's office. Non-residents should have the ten dollar permit as well as a valid non-resident hunting license. Those interested in obtain- ;r," a |...v-rry !. ,hi.",!;d ure';. -thE .F.,r_. gGagne ,i4d, Frejh Water Fish Commrs'ion P 0 Box 576, Pararria City, or -sit the Panama City office, 226 Airport Drive, Panama City. The permit can be ordered by mail by sending a check, cash or money order. Applicants should include their address, making sure it is legible, and should include the series and number of their hunting li- cense. Garrison noted that the entire Apalachicola Manage- ment area will be open for the hunt and that camping would be' permitted on designated campsites in the area. Rimfire rifles or shot smaller than BB are .t'.i'L ..3 and rifle am- munition must be of the soft - nosed type. Sidearms may be carried by hunters. Posses- sion of a bow and arrow and-a gun at the same time is pro- hibited. Guns and dogs will be allowed on the area from 8:00 a.m. September 28th and must 'be removed by 6:00 p.m. November 2nd. Saturday Stac House Program The Gulf County Recreation Department is sponsoring a Saturday Stac House program beginning September 20. The program will be as follows: nine a.m. to 12 noon, elemen- tary age children, grades one to six; two to five p.m., high school age students, grades seven through 12. The program will include a full range of inside and outside activities. Mrs. Louise Park- er, the summertime Stac House Director, will be in charg, *'A the, pc.,ram "Mt is important, for.6tid.e ' t'o'i"ftr-j d.nurg the fjrron e.' up for their own. age group. The regulations regarding at- tendance will be strictly en- forced. Tournament of Paper Giants Cancelled The golf tournament which had been set for this Saturday Between Great Southern and St. Joe Paper Co. has been cancelled. An another date will be set later. Anyone that would like to come out to the Country Club to, have a practice dogfight team, is urged to be at the club house by 8:45 a.m. Ea'.-':.. A pr ij.. i r-',md of all mem- ter ic St 't. A up on time will be held Robert Fatner .gts. his knee popped by Farmer's running for part of the game. in on Clay Gray (32) in action which hampered the stop is Gator Mike Ward (11). StarPhotq a, ass?,s~~w5 Lady Bowler.s Are Needed Beginner bowlers are need- ed to help fill the roster for the Thursday Night Ladies Bowl- ing League, which bowls at 7:30 p.m. at the St. Joe Bowling Lanes. All ladies interested- in be- coming part of this league are requested to report to the bowling lanes tonight tt 7:30 pm The attempts of the NCAA govern- ing body, to reduce the high cost of "Big Time Athletes" only proves once again, that people will be people. Throw in the politicians' broad ruling, concerning equal money for women's athletics, and you've really got a mess. No one seems to be abl-, to rs '.'Jrrbl- it. '.,.." - Or eL'en u.ndecMbtf-i.*' *-4 I Why not-just for the heck of it- let every sport pay its own way? Oh, ) you can really get some arguments there. And I'm not sure I like the idea dither. But I like it a whole lot better than having Washington or a collection of "bodunk Universities" ganging up on the maior conferences-ifl any sport. '. This week we think they'll go something like this. * Alabama 27 vs. Clemson 1 W Auburn 28 vs. Baylor 14 Florida 20 vs. No. Carolina State 19 LSU 14 vs. Texas A&M 14 Mississippi State 21 vs. Georgia 17 Tennessee 14 vs. UCLA 13 Kentucky 17 vs. Kansas 7 Houston 24 vs., Vandy 13 Tulane 18 vs. Ole Miss 10 Utah State 24 vs. Florida State 20 The Athletic House 323 REID AVENUE - - - - IL ~JXI *l B OWlIg < J1Flag Football Boys I Report for Action Sat. N ewI s All boys who have ,'n-A1 up urday may sign up Saturd fI or Elementa. a ... :a..I morning at the field. Plea ml* l il 9-11) Flag F::,' .: .." bring a parent and $1 h* fb L t. n l- ,nt Il fi .ld t 10 registration fee Gulf Co. Men's League Player's Supermarket drop- ped three games to King's Gulf Station on lanes one and two. High for King's was William King with 161 game ,and Mark Williams with a 395 series. For Player's, Gary McNeel had a 165 game and 441 series. Stems and Seeds gave up three games to Ten Pin y Lounge on lanes three and !four, with Tim Taylor bowling a 169 game and 464 series. Norman Hodges was high for Stems and Seeds with a 187 game and 504 series. ) On lanes five and six, But- ler's Restaurant took three games from Carr's Auto Sales. High for Butler's was .Harry Lowry's 203 game and Bill Besore had a 562 series. Also for Butler's, Harry Low- ry had a 525 series, and Duke Jones contributed a 512. Ran- dy Weston bowled a 180 game and 460 series for Carr's. It was a hot night on lanes seven and eight, with Camp- bell's Drugs taking 312 games from Shirt and Trophy. Bo Bouington had a 215 game and .',>533 series for Campbell's SFor.Shirt and Trophy, David Roclie had a 185 game and Tal Preston carried a 475 series. Campbell's Drugs King's Gulf Ten Pin Lounge Ten Pin Lounge Butler's Rest. Shirt and Trophy Player's S'market W L /2 7 1 6 1 6 2 4 4 /2 41/2 2 6 Stems and Seeds 1 7 Carr's Auto Sales 1 7 This week on lanes one and two, C & G Sp, "'.s Goods took four games from Team No. Six. For C & G, Patricia Hanna had a 162 game and 479 series. Kay had a 157 game and 409 series for Team Six. The Kats took four games from Pate's Shell on lanes three and four. Norma Hobbs had a 181 high game, and Melba Barbee had a 479 high series for the Kats. Peggy Heacock had a 175 high game and Ruby Lucas had a 473 high series for Pate's. On lanes five and six, Play- girls and St. Joe Furniture split with two games each. For the Playgirls, top gun was Marguerite Scheffer with a 150 game and 398 series. Brenda Mathes had a 162 game and 433 series for St. Joe Furni- ture. On lanes seven and eight, Playe's took four games from Florida Bank. Shirley Hicks bowled a 180 game and 462 series for Player's. For Flor- ida Bank, Christine Lightfoot had a 163 high game and 413 high series. W L Kats 8 0 Player's 8 0 St. Joe Furniture 5 3 C & G Sporting 5 3 Pate's Shell 3 5 Playgirls 2 6 Florida Bank. 1 7 Team No. 6 0 8 a.m. 5.i.rd i;,, Sept. 20 to begin league play. All boys must wear shoes, r.I'Aev'e, football shoes with hard, screw-on type cleats *'L ri.:. be allowed. Boys interested in playing, but were unable to attend the registration session last- Sat-. I* 're SN WA%.r,&C fl.CS~1 .tW; s fl.' ~:r %' .. --- -- ay ase .00 There were not enough 12-13 year-old boys to form a junior league. Those parents who registered their son for this league may come by the Gulf County Recreation office in the City Hall, and the Recrea- tion Department will refund your registration fee. Teen Agers A Place to Go! The Sharks Den 214 Reid Ave. (Next to the King's Room) Game Room Snacks Soft Dri,nks, Snacks, Pizza. featuring-- Pool, Fools .Ball, Pin Ball, Hockey and Others N I L Family Fun Mike and Jack Hammock, Owners No Alcoholic Beverages Allowed -, <,m r "^ .l^y Afl taaf!s ..- l'ailE'ls i" YJIEW if tA.M ". Permits for Bear Hunt Available Now -4-.- 4' I' CAR WASH 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Saturday, Sept. 20 First United Methodist Church $1.50 Proceeds Go to the Betty Scott Fund Sponsors: Methodist Church Youth For pick up & delivery, call 229-3411 Parents Welcome z PAGE SEVEN %rt~mrr-u*r~i-u4a~c~,-~Jsxrr~r.aw ",-2 . PAGE EIGHT Proeci0on For over. 5,000. years, RX has sym- bolized man's weapons against disease. The ancient Egyptians used the magic eye of Horus, God of Day, as a charm to guard them against ills and suffering. Centuries later, the eye reap- peared in a form similar to our "4" and evolved gradually into its present RX. But your doctor doesn't depend on Horus or. Jupiter.. he relies on your Rexall Pharmacist and the improved drug products your pharmacist stocks, You, too, can rely on Rexall brand products. YOUR S7// PHARMACY. IBUZZETT'S DRUG STORE F,; s227471 .311 Williams Convenient Drive-In Window Plenty of Free Parking -*** Air man Robert L. Watson Selected Ifor USAF STraining Airman Robert L. Watson, $son of Mrs.-Rosa L. Anthony of 114 Liberty St., has been selected for !._ tnni .lI t[anrn;iu in the U. S& Ar I.,-1 1. !,ir,! tii.,ii. and weapons mainte- nance field at Lowry AFB, (a ijo h,, air,.ar, recently com- Ii.-tei basic training at Lack I,ti.d AFB, Tex., where he studied the Air Force mission, *.I im..'.i,-,, and, ih.rnm and received special instruction in- human relations. Airman Watson is a 1975 graduate of Port St. Joe High School. Hll The word ketchup (no dif- Ferent at all from catsup) came from the Chinese teri ke-tsiap, meaning taste. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 (Continued from Page 1) Pitts, Lee Free convince me of the innocence of these two men." Turlington reportedly; signed the pardon because he supported clemen- cy for the two and felt they were due a pardon. SState Attorney Leo Jones of Panama City, who prosecuted the two men was the foremost leader of an effort to shortstop the pardon attempt. Jones said, "There is. not any evi- dence, not one piece, that Adams was even there". The By Ralph J. Edenfield County Forester W ', l raruI' .,'it' ]g." - .,rm,,. t'..r house founda- tions and even in i'. ,' P. ". ...r where winds and tides blow strongest. Which all goes to prove that, Mother Goose was wrong. Everyone remembers the -experience of the "Three Lit- .tie' i.- -how the house made of ..".d :'." blown in by the big, bad wolf while the house of brick held firm. F ; ,,.1. :. nature, wood is a rebuttal of '. little tale. America's F ,* Products wood only an inch square and 21/z inches long could support the weight of three auto- mobiles-10,000 pounds In ..:.,r, :-.'. >'.. i.. -like ., : .' in wood lets it bend and spring back-a trait not found in con- crete or steel. -When Hurricane Camile hit the coast of Mississippi with 1,.. rink .z per hour gusts and 20 to 30-foot tides, nearly all the few houses that weathered the storm .were made of wood. And when Agnes hit Florida's -.t, ..:. Point, those -that stood were well-built wooden structures on treated wood poles or, behind treated wood- en seawalls. During fires, wooden beams have been known to hold longer without collapsing that steel beams that quickly melt and lose their strength. The occupants of a to.,.,. r with wooden beams had more time to escape! And with lamination making wood..ever lighter and ever stronger, wood is being hailed as a possible replacement for huge, costly bridges.-The new laminated wooden bridge sys- tem is being given a whirl by landscaping artists. Its installation is uncompli- cated, fast and relatively cheap. A 200-foot road bridge recently erected on an Oregon resort took four men just three days to install. That's about one-third the time needed to install a comparable bridge made of steel or concrete. And because the laminated wood is light, it can be helicopter lifted to remote or difficult sites. --Continued from Page 1-- Valuations Set At $105,235,630.00 wanting to do for some time. . In the extended session, Chairman Otis Davis said it was his opinion the County Road Department should be streamlined and made more efficient. "I think every truck should log its miles traveled pardon movement was based on the assumption that Adams was the guilty party in the murder. Other cabinet members, Secretary of State Bruce Sma- thers, Commissioner of Agri- culture Doyle Connor and Comptroller Gerald Lewis have not signed the pardon as yet, saying they are not yet convinced of the innocence of the imprisoned pair. * For Sale: 19' Amana upright freezer, call 227-5461. 4tc 8-28 Reduce safe iand fast with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills". Campbell's Drug. 7tp-8-28 New Improved "Zippies", 4'2" the great iron pill now with Vitamin C. Campbell's Drug. work 6t 8-28 nry's Photo Lose weight, melt fat, de- crease cholesterol with amaz- ing Kelcithin B capsules, Campbell's Drug. 7t 8-28 650 CC Custom chopper, Thunderbird metallic blue, lots of chrome. Must sacrifice. Call 229-6918 after 5:30 p.m. tfe 8-14 Phone 229-6253 for MARY KAY COSMETICS tfe 7-3 Quail and pheasant, live or dressed. 1316 McClellan Ave. 227-3786. tfe 7-24 * TAKE UP PAYMENTS! 1975 Singer Futura in Beaiti- ful cabinet. Must Sell! Cost $650. Balance due $286 or $12 mo. Phone 769-6653. Free Home Trial, no :l -.,''n*.6 tfe 7-24 THE LATEST 'and *me" modern item for your e- - . .. :* w aJ .' ai . the most beautiful .' .r * designs. See our : i' *.- i ; s Call Alford P.-r i. 229-6506. To buy or sell Avon at new low prices, write Mrs. Sarah Skinner, Rt 4, Box 868, Pan- ama City, 32401, or calllMrs. L. Z. Henderson at 229-4281. tfc 6-12 10 speed bikes in stock, men's, women's. F.;:i. s,.,i-. Touring style. Credit terms available. Western Auto, Port St. Joe. Sewing machines repaired regardless of make of. age. Over. 25 years experience. Parts, supplies for all makes. Free estimate, guaranteed satisfaction. 229-6782. tfc 1-30 Singer Zig Zag sewing machine, .take up 12 pmts. $8.50 monthly. Makes button- holes, monograms, hems, sews on buttons, guarantee. 229-6782. tfec 1-30 Lost & Found FOUND Glasses found at the pier. Please come by The Star and pick up. LOST Bill fold, red with black stitching, lost by Mary Whit- tington. Please return papers if found. Reward. 301 Wood- ward Avenue or call 229-6942. and fuel used", Davis said. He also wanted an accounting of loads of dirt hauled and- called for closing down of the coun- ty's concrete pipe manufac- turing plant and an investiga- tion of the costs for cutting. grass along the highways. House for Sale: waterfront lot, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, :. room, dining room, r:' ,.- den, Florida room, utility, room, large garage. -Call 227- 3102. tfe 9-18 Week end hide-away, gar- den spot. Permanent resi- dence, 1 BR, trailer with add- ed paneled room and porch. .:',:; ,*. furnished and fenced with landing privi- leges. 227-8318. 3c 9-18 Two BR house on three lots at White City. Contact Cecil G. Costin,' Jr. or call 2274311. 4te 9-18 For Sale or Rent: 3 BR air vr',,,' '.+ *905 Juniper Ave- nue. Call 526-2880 tfc 9-18 2 BR frame house at St. Joe p ." ", ',^ '7 *- ,' ,,,- * . house, on 50'x 125' lot, " Call 648-3548. .* d 3 BR, 2 bath, w-wall carpet, natural gas central H and AC,. built-in kitchen. 1,350 sq; ft., nice yard. 109 Y V ,, r, ? Call 229-2522 for appt. tfe 9-11 Two lots, 100', x 100', fifth from Hwy. 98, on 20th St, Mexico Beach. Shade trees, Gulf view, $6,900 ea. 648-5263. 3 BR Redwood home at 123 SBellamy Circle. Phone 674- 4105 tfe 4-10 DO YOU NEED A HOMEBUILDER? that can build anywhere in North Florida, in the $17,500 to :$35,000 range? On your lot or help you find one. Handles the detailed paper work for VA, FHA, Far- mer's Home or conventional financing. Repayments to match your budget. Start liv- ing Southern style, call . Southern Home Builders 796-6711, Dothan, Ala. tfe 11-14 Three BR house, 1310 Gar- rison Ave. Call 229-6729 for appt. tfc 5-1 New home, ..0 sq. ft., sunken den, $ ,. .5 3 BR, 2% bath. Call 229-8119. By appt. only. tfe 8-28 Block t,. ..o. r .* -. * 3 BR, 2 baths, ..,', room, S ,',,.': room kt ..,, den, Approx.-2 acres of land, 265' lake .. '- Call '639-5469. 4tp 8-28 2 lots of land with double- wide l ..i' $20,000.00. For more information call 648-6622 tfe 7-23 Two-story home, 1902 Monu- ment Ave., 3 BR, 3 bath. Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474. tfe 8-21 Three BR masonry house on 1a lots, with chain link fence. Offered furnished,-for only $26,000. Two bedroom house on Long Avenue, $7,000. COUNTRY LIVING" Four BR house, with den, on 1.2 acres, fruit trees, garden space, good condition, near rive at Dal- keith.. Excellent buy at $12,000. Large 4 BR house, on 1% acres of land, 2 baths, fire- place, fully insulated, near Dalkieth, $26,250. , We can assist you in financing all of the above houses. FRANK HANNON Reg. Real Estate Broker 221 Reid Ave. 227-3491 3t 9-11 For Rent: One and 2 BR fur- nished apts., 510 8th St. United Far Agency, registered real estate broker, Beacon Hill Beach, Fla. 648-4800. tfe 9-11 Davis said fuel costs and shortages made it mandatory to account for every drop of fuel. "We also need to know how many trips our trucks. make a day and whether the' trips are necessary or not." The chairman went on to say uC.orp;.'. .. furnished apt. or trailer with ;,ib low weekly rates for minimum occupancy. Edgewater Camp Grounds, Mexico. Beach, 648- 3035. tfe 9-18 * Furnished apt. for rent, uti- lities furnished. 229-6132 days, . ^-.. i;. ,. ,,H-'..,: tfc'8-14 FOR RENT-2 bedroom apartment, furnished. Call 229-3011. tfc-8-21 - Small furnished house for. single person .or, couple, 227- 3261 tfe 8-28 One bedroom furnished house at.St. Joe Beach. In- quire at Smith's Pharmacy, tfc 8 7 Furnished two and three BR houses, at Beacon Hill, by week. Bill Carr or call 229- 6474. tfc 3-13: Furnished .:. ':7 at St. Joe Beach, reasonable month- ly rates. Hannon Insurance Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfe 5-8 Furnished exceptional nice 2 BR house, king size bed, living and .i-r'. :,-,..,- carpet- ed, auto. heat, air cond., ice maker refrig., screen porch, fenced front and back' yard, closed garage, washing math- inme. No pets. 229-6777 after 5 pnm. tfe 8-21. Partially furnished large 2 BR. house, air cond., central heat,, fenced yard, laundry and storage room, car port. 229-6777 ;,,'*Vr p t.. tfc 8-21 .-'? need grooming, call for .,(,- 2V. r;:7 tfe 9-11 Dress. making, custom shirts, baby items crocheted to order. Reasonable. 229-4612 after six on.weekdays, all day weekends, tfc 8-14 LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING All Types 229-6482 or 229-6447 tfe 9-20 West Fla. Structure & Carpet Cleaning Kills mildew and fungus ,on eaves and homes. (One-third off carpet cleaning, with ex- terior cleaning.) Phone 769-0333 4tp 8-28 Port St. Joe-Gulf Co. CofC WELCOME SERVICE Call 227-2501 or go by the Chamber office, Municipal Building, 5th St., Monday thru Friday, 9-12 EDT. tfe 5-1- Visit or call the Alcohol Counseling Information Center of the Panhandle Al- coholism Council, Inc. 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe. Phone 229-3515. tfec 1-30 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call tfc 6-2 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 -- Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida the county employed five men in the pipe shop. "We can buy our pipe. for less money than we pay to make it", Davis observed. The Chairman went on to say the grass cutting machin- ery was in sad shape and still the grass was not kept down on the road shoulders. "It might be we could contract the cutting to a private contractor cheaper than we can cut it", the chairman suggested. Furnished one BR house in town. Inquire at Smith's Phar- macy. tfe 8-28 Furnisheda3 BR house, cen- tral heat, laundry & storage room, washing machine. 229- 6777 after 5 p.m. tfc,8-21 3 BR house, unfur., screened porch, laundry and rtrage,. closed garage, central heat. Call 229-6777 after five p.m. tfc 9-18 2 BR irahilr, central air only. Corner lot.on Duval St. in Oak Grove. $125.00 per month. 2296394. tfc 9-11 Unfurnished 3 BR, .1% bath town,,'",1-'. on beach front at Beacon Hill. Call 648480q.. tfc 8-21 AT RUSTIC SANDS CAMP- GROUND, 15th ST., MEXICO BEACH, PATIO, BEAUTI- FUL, REC HALL PRIVI- iE: ., 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH, 648-3600. tfc 5-8 Public address system. Owned by the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. A new system operable on' either battery or current. Call Ken Herring, 227-5281 for rental, tfe For Sale or Trade -1969 Cad- illac, 4 dr., h.t., loaded, call 2294-6483. ltW 1970 Ford Torino Cobra Jet 429. In good condition. Call 229-5821. tfc 9-11 For TV repairs and Zenith sales, see K&D TV and Sound at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071. tfc 6-2 Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or 227-7586. tfe 11-14 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Tues. at8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Social Hall tfe 4-24 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work Welding 506 First Street Phone 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every day MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 648-5116 15th St. No. of Hwy. 98 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS 6-2 tfc 6-2 F Need help with your DECORATING IDEAS? If So Call 229-6506 tfe 3-6 ^,-* Tf~-ff-jWh-W _W Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. As a result of the conversay tion about the Road D ment, the largest.depar ' in numbers of men employ es' and money spent .in county, the Board agreed to call for bids on pipe and grass ,cutting. The Board also in- structed Commissioners Ev- erette Owens and T. D. Whit- field to set up a. system of record keeping on Road De- partment trucks and equip- ment. 1973 Ford Pin," Hatch tac.k. 4 in floor, radio .eac'T ih.or r mount tape player and s1 s. ers, chrome luggage :luggage good tires, 21,000 miles. $1,995.00. Call David May 227- 3881 or 227-2281. tfe 9-11 R.A.M.-Regular .convaca- tion on St. .To.p, p tihp.r to 56. R.A.M. Is! and rd M..-n- days., 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. J. L' SIMS, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec. There will be a VFW meet- ",,g ~h hoird Tuesday of each month in the American Legion Hall. tfe 6-19 There will be a regular Sionanuniimit'u' f Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurrs- day at 8:00 p.m. J. L. Sims, Ht'r i-r L. Burge, Sece _-- _ Waitress wanted, 18 years or older.. Call John Griffin at St. Joseph's Bay. Country Club. 229-9757. 2tp 9-11 ... ... .. L HELP W .NTED Experienced Collector, delivery, supervisor for fur- niture business, 40 hr. week. Apply Badcock Fur- niture to Kelly G'ooijrrimai 2t 9-11 SAW FILING-Hand saws, skill saws and table saws. Call 229-6185 or bring saws to White City, house on left behind the Gulf Station. Bert Hall. tfc 7-31 MEX ELECTRIC CO. Electrical & Air Condition/ Residential Commercial Service Joe Rycroft 648-6200 Mexico Beach tfe 7-3 Septic Tanks Pumped Out Carefoot Septic Tank 229-8227, 229-2351, and 229-6694 t.fc -21 Grass cutting and yards cleaned. 229-6779. tfe 4-3 Smitty's I Heating, Cooling & Electric Service Commercial or Residential Installation & Service 648-4976 Port St. Joe Owned & Operated by & Edward & Tommy Smith tfc 8-14 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. Beautiful Irish Setter pup- pies, six weeks old, eating very well. Wormed and vet checked. One male left, $50 five females, $40. Call 227- 3161, 9:30 to 6:00, after 6:00, 229-6343. Garage Sale in White City on Highway 71. Friday afternoon an'r r' b Sept. 26 & 27. 2tp 9-11 3 year-old Shetland Welch pony, saddle, bridle, arr,:-g. all for $100.. Can s-ee at -4 First St., Highland 'Vie#4 r call 229-6052. tfc 9-11 1974 Honda CB9Q, Re'i- nance or take over prn.ms ..C'aih 229-8115. 2ct9 1 Mobile home, 12 x 44,-2,BFR, excellent cond., $200.00 dowr,. and take up pmts., 2% ;. :-'- .. $73.36. Lot that the home is on. in Mexico Beach may be rented. Call 1-404-363-2750. 2tc,9-11 14-' fiberflass Tri-hull boat and trailer, $600. Call 648-3248. 3tp 9-11 Ugh! Henry Dockery, left, and Randy Richards display a occasion killed at the C & G Construction Company's site on the Simmonsr Banit s bridge. Needless to say, He grip on the snake's tail is mighty ginger. Star ] Mother Goose Proven Wrong About Wood CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking.. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all,' You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing mai#. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 I think it was something I ate." kills bugs for - up to six months, and saves you about S 100 yea rl in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe. Florida ~ I Orange Drink 27 Oz. Tang Packets Nestles 2 Lb. Chocolate Quick Borden's 'Cremora Armour CORNED Beef Hash $185 $215 22z. Jar $ 1 65 154 Oz. Can 75; Hunt's' 142 Oz. Can Stewed Tomatoes 1. 't I Al .. Bermour Beef Stew Kraft Dinner Mac. 2.1 Oz Can974 i1V1 Oz Prg & Cheese ~~*1 0 Morton DINNERS 11 Oz. Pkg. IGA 10 Oz. Pkg. Broccoli McKenzie MIXED Vegetables h. '. 65 Spears 39; 16 Oz, Pkg 59Q U. S. No. 1 DETERGENT 4BOLD 84 Oz. Pkg. No. 2V2 Can IGA Pork & Tablerite Choice Quality Pound Beans $ 45' (Limit 1 with Food Order) BONELESS $ Specials for Sept. 17 thru. Sept. 23 12 Oz. Tablerite Wieners 78 Tablerite Lean Boneless Canned $ 99 Ham 3Lb. Can --r Tablerite (Bologna Liver Cheese Pickle Loaf Old Fashion Loaf Salami) Luncheon Meats 6oz, Turkeys Tablerite Master Chef Bastes E-Z Young 10-12 Lb. Avg. IGA 1 Lb. Roll Pork Sausage Armour Star 12 Sliced Bacon $1 28 Oz. Vac Pak $138 Tabilerite Ground Beef Tablerite Skinned, Deveined & Sliced Sliced Beef Liver LB. LB. 78 78' * Toothpaste (Reg. or Mint) Save 30 All Varieties Shampoo (Save 41c) Anti-Perspirant (Save 40c) CREST SUAVE SECRET "79 88 99 5Ozo Tube 79 16Oz Btl ,60zo Can 99^ FOR SALE 1973 Ford. 1971 Ford with 12 foot refrigerated with 24 foot refrigerated body body and tandem axles Red and White GRA ES PLUMS LB. 1 00 'APPLES Sweet Potato( C 1$ 00 es IBasket PES PEARS PEACHES sinn or uu 3 Lb. Basket Sunshine 16 Oz. Pkg. Honey Grahams Swansdown Cake Flour Blue Lake IGA No. 303 Can Green Beans Red or Golden 2 Bags Fill Your Freezer Squash Fill Your Freezer Okra 69' 2Lb.Pkg. 77' 37' Delicious Detergent -. Ivory i quid BtI. Del Monte Tomato CATSUP 32 Oz. Btl.S Carnation Pkg. of 6 Inst. Breakfasts 9 Pkg 58 Hi-Dri (Limit 3) PAPER TOWELS Big Rolls IGA Q. BtI. Apple Juice 47" Frozen 49r APPLES $100 BAG 49 BAG 59 CI I II I _ I I __ ~ L I I -- 1IEMM" 'II I II I I r II - I =now I-t' ~' I I e 1' PAGE TEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fit THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1975 Bugs, Worms Hard to Control By Robert J. Black Extension Horticulture Writer University of Florida Sod webworms and fall armyworms, two caterpillars that are eating lawn grasses are easy to kill but difficult to control. A heavy infestation can be wiped out with a num-, ber of insecticides, but another infestation may cause damage in three weeks after * the initial infestation is clean- ed out. Eggs laid by brown moths or millers, hatch out and result in the new batch of caterpillars. These are not usually affected by insecti- cides previously applied to control the first infestation. By the time the eggs hatch out, the previous treatment has usually worn off. These grass feeding cater- pillars do not confine their injury to just one type of lawn grass. They are damaging to all of the lawn grasses com- monly grown in Florida. When young, the tiny cater- pillars are not able to bite pieces of the grass but can, only scrape away cells from one surface of the grass blade. This causes the grass blade to appear almost transparent. As the sod webworm or army- worm caterpillar grows, they chew out notches along the sides of the blades. The sod webworm feed only at night while thearmyworm does not hide during the day and may be found feeding at any time. When large populations of either of these two caterpillars feed on lawns the entire stand of grass looks like it has been mowed extremely close. Dur- ing. hot, dry ,. .tlwr. the entire lawn may be severely damaged or killed. Caterpillar damage to lawns generally shows up first along hedges and- flower beds. Sod webworm damage may occur in spots or patches over the entire lawn. These patches range in size from two to three feet across and enlarge as the caterpillar grow and increase in number. Armyworm damage is not in as definite patches as that of sod web- worm. ' The peak of caterpillar in- festation comes now, during .late summer and early fall. Watch out for them and apply an insecticide to rid your lawn of these pests. Several insecti- cides are known to kill lawn- eating caterpillars, among these are sevin and diazinon. Follow. the manufacturer's directions for application of the material you select. The best kill of sod web- worms is received when in- secticides are applied when the worms are small, so it is important to find them as soon as possible. Check any spot in the lawn that looks bare or brown to see if sod webworms or armyworms are eating the leaves. Common grass eating cater- pillars feed on the grass blades and not.on roots and runners. Therefore, insecti- cides applied to control cater- pillars are quickly lost and re- infestation many occur. 'A#.- F. the grass is mowed, new growth has no insecticide on it and any that does remain in the upper portion of the grass is quickly weathered away or washed off by rain, Miss "Fix-It" A* person is considered lucky these days when he finds a handy-man to do those odd fix-it jobs. When he finds a "handy-person" with the right equipment, such as this Sunken Gardens' model, a person has truly hit the jackpot. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. Case No In Re. The Marriage of ' GEORGE ALLISON CASSELL, hus- band, Respondent and HENRIETTA CASSELL, wife, Petition- er. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: GEORGE ALLISON CASSELL, whose residence and post office address is unknown. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Hon. Cecil G. Costin, Jr., plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before the 29th day of September, 1975, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a- default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on August 25, 1975. -s- Margaret B. Core, Clerk, Circuit Court 4t 8-28 NOTICE NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County, FlorIda, wIl, at Its regular meeting on Tuesday, September 23S1975, at 7:30 P.M. E.D.T., in the Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, consider the advisability of vacating, abandoning and quit-claiming to the abutting property owners of record, the following des. cribed property for which the County no longer has any use, and which was erroneously acquired;: a ;. .; ;,. -, ichsideofa Commence at the intersection of First Avenue and Second Street of Beacon Hill SubdivisIon as recorded on the 4th day of July, 1927, and run thence Sauth 43 degrees 46 minutes a ds- tnee of 113.3 feetfor point of begin ning. From point of beginning run on said bearing a distance of 358 feet. The above described line being a continuation of the centerine of First Avenue In said subdivision, all ioe- ated in T65, R1W, Government Lot No. 4, Section 31. George Y. Core, Clerk 2t9-11 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 75-146 In Re: The Marriage of ROBERT A. NORTH, husband, Petitioner, and 0 VICE WILLIAMS NORTH, wife, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: VICE WILLIAMS NORTH, whose residence and post office address is unknown. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been flied against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on Hon. Cecil G. Costin, Jr., plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before the 6th day of October, 1975, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint or petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on September 3, 1975. -s- GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk; Circuit Court. 4t 9-4 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons Interested in the business or profession carried on under the name of CENTENNIALS and the extent of the Interest of each, is as follows: George W. Puckett, 25 per cent; falmadge Lee Mathews, 25 per cent; Christonher J. Davis, 25 per cent; and KIm Davls, 25 per cent. -s- George W. Puckett -s- Talmadge Lee Mathews .-- Christopher J. Davis -s- KIm Davis 4t 9-4 NOTICE TO RECEIVE Bsi The Gulf County School Boa receive bids until 5t30 p.m. October 7, 1975 in the office of th intendent of Schools en two vehlei used 1965 Internatonal buses ,66 ger; and one used 1964 Chevrolet wagon. These vehicles may be the Port St. Joe High Schoc Mechanics Shop. The Board reserves the right ti any and all bids. STATEMENT OF OWNERS MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULAR The Star, a newspaper pu weekly at 304-306 Williams Avenu St. Joe, Fla. 32456. The publisher and managing editor is Wees Ramsey, whose address is P. 0. B Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456. The oA Wesley R. Ramsey, whose addre O. Box 308, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32 Known bondholders, mortgage other security holders owning or I one percent or more of total am bonds, mortgages or other sece Florida First National Bank at I Joe, Fla. 32456. Extent and nature of 2ircu average no. copies each Issue preceding 12 months; tetal no. printed, 2,335; sales through deal carriers, street vendors and c sales, 825; mao subscriptflons, total paid circuatl n, 2,272 free button by mail, carrier, or other samples, complimentary and oth .copies, 25; total distribution, office use, left-over, unaccounted ed after printing, 38 total, 2335 Actual number of copies of sng published nearest to filing ate: ti copies prited, 2,330; sales dealers and carriers, street vendo counter sales, 827; mail subscri 1,442 total paid circulation, 2,26 distribution by mal, carrier or means samples, complime and other free copies, 25; tot tribution, 2,294; office use, left unaccounted, spoIled after prLnti total 2,330. I certify that the statements mo me above are correct and.comr -s- Wesley R. Ramsey Tuesday Deadline for Filing Hunt Area Permits The September 23 deadline for applications for the quota hunt permits is rapidly ap- . proaching and many wildlife management areas are begin- ning to fill. Fred Stanberry, chief of wildlife management- for the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, said the five p.m. deadline on the 23rd is firm and any :,. .'"" re- ceived at the Tallahassee of- fice after that time will be returned to the :i.p.-: '. The cutoff time is necessary for the remaining 4 .,; . to be keypunched and a com- ,puter run made in time for hunters to receive a permit before the November 8 open- ing date of -.r '* r: season. The division chief said a date will be announced later when unsuccessful .-p .,: '.: may go directly to the Com- mission's regional offices to apply for any openings on S'Ii.A.4 management areas which were not filled during the allowed time. "This should take place around the second week in October, but the date will not be announced until later," Stanberry said. Hunters have had since June 2 to apply for the p!-r:!-: . to hunt on a management area during the first nine days of ...,'.,, season, November 8 ii...... t, \" ...- .*, 16. There were some v...-r .. with the computer earlier, Stanberry- said, but these have been worked out and ".i- *r.- 4 is running ..;.:.-fh . T.M .:-.,* are available at any county tax collector's office or their subagents and must have the ,p _"t1 -, wildlife management area stamp number, underage per- mit number or senior citizen certificate number, and be signed to be accepted. DEER DOG TRAINING The Game and Fresh Water Fish -Commission has an- nounced this year's deer dog training season. Hunters training free-run- ning hounds will have 23 days *' r.. October 4 to toughen their : F.:., the November 8 ,*! '-* ; of the f r *, i *'.. 1 season. eTra is restricted to .hours only and, sportsmen must possess a valid .,' "' ..-'-.' Posses- sion of firearms is r -.*t ... -.i during the training season. Z, ,- 'R, are reminded that dogs can not be used to pursue game in ,.-'--.- of Alachua, Gilchrist and Levy Counties bounded on the north by SR 26, the east by SR and otherwise bounded r '- ' 339. The use of free-running deer dogs is .'. i in : -.,. Hardee, Manatee and Sarasota counties. Deer dog training is pro- hibited on all wildlife man- Congressman Sikes Announces Exams for Academy Hopefuls Congressman Bob Sikes an- nounced last week that screen- ing examinations for appoint- ment to the U' S. Air Force Ds Academy, the U. S Military rd wil Academy, the U. S. Naval . EsT Academy and the U. S. Mer- Spe chant Marine Academy in 1976 passern will be held on Shadhi Nov- station ember 1, 1975, at locations eL Auto throughout the First District. I Young people between the orelect ages of 17 and 22 who are 3t 9-18 interested in a career in one of the military services, and liP, whose parents are bona fide WTION residents of the First Congres- bolshed je, Port sional District, are invited to Editor participate.' Bey R. Congressman Sikes will be ox 308, owner is pleased to hear from young ss is P. people who are interested in 2456and an appointment to one of the holding academies in 1976 and to pro- ount of vide an application form upon Port St. request. It is important that interest- iation; ed young people communicate during with.',. .-- at his ers and office in Washington, 2269 Counter Rayburn HOB, without delay d1l"r in order for instructions to be means furnished them concerning er free 2297; , spo Ie issue tal no. through irs and options, ,; free other entary 8d- ds- t-over, tng, 36s ade by !eta We don't have forests to burn their participation in the deadline of September 22, examination on November 1. 1975, for arranging the partici- The U. S. Civil Service Corn- pation of applicants in the mission has established a examination. DEPEND ON St. Joe Auto Parts Your NAPA Jobber for 18 Years FOR QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE PARTS EXPERT MACHINE SHOP SERVICE WE'RE . HEAD- HUNTERS SPECIALISTS IN CYLINDER HEAD RECONDITIONING ENGINE BLOCK RECONDITIONING CYLINDER HEAD CRACK REPAIRS BRAKE SERVICE (Disc or Drum) and QUALITY PARTS "Press Work" Phone 227-2141 201 Long Ave. 89c NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES For A No Appointment Necessarg Full Selection of Poses No Age Limit All Work Guaranteed Beautiful 11 x14 agement areas. Before train- ing on privately owned land, sportsmen must obtain the landowner's written permis- sion. WATERFOWL SEASON Florida duck and coot hunt- ers will have a two-phase waterfowl season, as an- nounced by the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commis- sion. Taking advantage of a 50- day season,,the first phase opens on noon, November 26 and closes December 10. The second -, will open Dec- ember 17 and run or..ucii January 20. ,,,.'.,ti. hours for both ducks and coots will be from noon to sunset opening day and one-half hour before sun- rise to sunset thereafter. i, .. bag limits for ducks will again be based on a p-".i. system Ai'h each duck and nterganser assigned a point value. Coots have no assigned point value, but the daily limit is 15 and a possession limit of 30. Waterfowlers will have a special canvasback and red- head season on designated coastal areas. Daily bag and possession limits are one can- vasback and redhead. There will be no hunting of brant or c a,.- during Flor- ida's 1975-76 season. Rounding out the season, there will be a special scaup- only season from January 21 ?t".ri-t-, 31. The special scaup season will be limited to desig- nated areas. Information on this year's waterfowl seasons can be ob- tained by 1..Of.,n ,o Com- mission headquarters in Tal- lahassee or from any of the five regional offices. 'J 1 i "1 4]t'P W&UatJNJ LIMITs 1 Per Person 2 Per Family Additional Subjects $3.95 Groups $1.59 Per Person Living color Portrait Children Under Two Years Photographed Free!! Wed. & Thurs. Photo Hrs.: Sept. 24 & 25 IDOLLAR STORESJ ]10-1 2-5 Port St. Joe, Fla. PATE'S SHELL SERVICE Phone 229-1291 223-225 Monument Ave. Legal Advertising NEWHOMES from $18,550 up Approved Farmers Home, FHA, VA and Conventional Loans Magnolia Homes _ _1 I I PAGE TEN. THJE STARR Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18l, 19755 520 First Street Phone 229-8180 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, concert Season At GCCC FGFWFC Is Ford Motor S A new season of free comr- symphony orchestras. throughout the nation and on Looking forF- Monsorin munity concerts will begin at A native of Memphis, Dr. coast-to-coast television. Gulf Coast Community Col- Nichols began his musical Theconcert will be held in Instructors Punt Pass & K ick Conte lege Friday (Sept. 19) with the career as a bass and "jug" the GCCC Fine Arts Auditor- 1ldE in1 ns r Icor 1V C I l appearance of tenor, Dr. Clin- player in his brother's hillbilly ium beginning at 8:00 p.m. Are you interested in hunt- ton Nichols and pianist, Stan- band. His interest developed, ing? o you have a concern ey Waldoff. however, into a doctorate Other cultural events this about the future of hunting in Local youngsters will be ratingg its 15th anniversary. It petition. No special equi The program for the even- from FloridaStateUniversity year include one-man band erry Florida? The Florida Game -... off" their icta is sponsored by the Ford is needed and partici inge m to Fin and appearances at te Arts Lin- performer Stephen Sedberry and Fresh Water Fish Com- and loosening up their throw- dealers of America in coop- does not impair a youi Depg, acc ording to Fine Arts coln Center and Carnegie Hall (Sept. 26); "The Messen- mission is looking for qualified ing --- Punt, eration with the National amateur standing arwillbetakenlarge- in New York City. gers," a young choral group mission is looking for qualified ing ,r .:.r .'." Punt ration with the National amateur standing. man Hairi(Oct 24); the movie "Came- instructors for their hunter Pass and Kick t.-:.'. ." Football League. Since is was Scoring is based on ly from the theatre, featuring Waldoff also has roots in lot" (Nov. 6); a bicentennial and firearms safety program, This year the local level of started in 1961, the program acy and range with on the works of Mozart, Wagner, Florida, though his talents on cert featuring the college If you would like to serve as a PP&K will be co-sponsored by has attracted more than 11.5 added for every foot of Puccini, Verdi, Bernstein and the piano were spotted early singers and the Gulf Coast Col volunteer instructor in your the St. Joe Motor '." in million youngsters and ing, passing and kickir Berlin. enough that he earned a scho- lege- Community Orchestra community call te Commis- with participating p,r : ':. this year is ex- tance and a point subt Dr. Nichols,currentlyonthe larship to the Juillard School (Nov 20, 21); baritone, Ray sion's regional safety coordi Ford dealers inm the area. pected to top the 1,200,000 fmr eer,' fo.' off a cent of Music. nator at 1-(800)-342-1676. PP&K is cele= mark. Twelve national fi music faculty of the New Or- mond Symonette (Jan. 23), ;-' ... ,,n in the Punt, will compete for the N leans Baptist Seminary, is a Apart from working as an "Feelin' Good" (Feb. 13); the Pass and Kick program corn- Championships in the former leading.tenor with the accompanist, Waldoff has a annual Student Art Show A 1 pete only against others their group during the half NeW, York City Opera Corn- reputation for being a vital (Mar. 28); a college produc- e own age, Any youngster 8 the Super Bowl Gar pany where he gained fame and technically accomplished tion of the Broadway hit .il ,.; 13 years of age, Miami, January 18, 197 not only for his dramatic per- concert pianist in his own "1776" (Apr. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10); and" accompanied by a parent or ners will have their formances, but also for his right, having performed con- a final college orchestra con- *S til i -v dy may register to wi- lh.. aeth-. nscrbed solo appearances with major certos with orchestras cert (Apr. 30). | ..',. in PP&K at any Pro F...-.:;-I Hall of F S .. ....wwww., f ,.- Ford dealer, C.,'..'. Ohio. Their tr .' e pesnte b 1 If you have any 'J i. r-'.,-- concerning Alcohol Abuse, please submit them to Clay Summerville, 321 Reid Ave., Port St. Joe. We will try to answer all que-stien'. in this newspaper column. Dear Clay: My son drinks and I am afraid that he will become an alcoholic. Could you help me in explaining, to him what he might be getting himself into. `'.1,;,' ff i - D.R. Dear D. R.,. I am glad that you are con- cerned about your son's drink- ing ., I, 1 r 1 'l,.). Ii 0 l..'' 1 1 .1' aware of what our children are becoming involved in. If your son drinks, it does not necessarily mean that he will become an alcoholic. Out of about 80 million peo- ple in the United States who use alcohol, nine million are estimated to be alcoholic per- sons. Doctors'do not know why some people become alco- holics; most experts believe that it is a combination of .physical, psychological and ociological causes, If your n on drinks to escape from his gi optional problems and the pressures of everyday living, ,;e will then 1 I' 1. be more likely to become individual. D does not make alcoholic. Dear Clay: !. ', I alcoholic men women? I see holic men an women. ie an alcoholic Dear Clay: drinking alone I think that a person an law is an alcol band refuses to '*"' '"]*.' she is. She ca Clay problems whe over to our hou do to get my h *r c. ; .r.<..r-. that she has a pr than there are maybe we can so many alco- 0 f. -ti:. anv ND. Dear N.D., This is only a :..' because alcoholism is on the increase among women. M? ..-.. author- ities feel that half of the alco- ,.. ,l.. in America are women. They-,,'. c'-r '' r*; F tospot because they are not often subjected to physical exams and other means of detection that expose men. Many alco- holic housewives are "nine a.m. to three p.m. drinkers" who indulge only ,,,ii,. their children are in school and the husband is at work. Since there seems to be more of a social *-#'i. attached to be- ing a woman i', ,. .'.- she is more ...!' to hide her drink- ing and be reluctant to seek treatment. r.. Dear A.S.: I would sug should contact Information Ce area to obtain tion about ale way you coul ism and leave your home that may also read holism, maybe your husband c to help your m Another alte contact your ,. ,I ,' *."h',:,: *: the white pages book. This gro *' I,'l ,r, .Js i rl,, o other people ha their t.i.."' were alcoholics k~'Th C Is Available The Federal Disaster As- sistance Administration has announced that help is still available for those unable to my mother-in apply for State and Federal holic. My hus- disaster aid at the centers. recognize that Included in the available uses a lot of assistance are low-interest n she comes disaster loans through the se. What can I Small Business Administra- husband to see tion, emergency farm loans problem, so that ,..*:Y. the Farmers Home help her. Administration, restoration of Sf,,,-r'.l. farm land 't. '..t,! the Agri- kAS cultural Stabilization and Con- servation Service, unemploy- ment insurance 'tFof,.j the guest that you Florida State Employment enthe Alcoholismin your Service, temporary housing more inforua through the Department of orom This Housing and Urban Develop- oholism. This ment and tax adjustments d have more ir. the Internal Revenue, about alcohol- Service. pamphlets in If you have incurred a your husband disaster need not covered by d. With more any of the above agencies, you about alco may apply for a direct cash then you and grant through the individual can find a way and family grant program other-in-law. administered by the Division nativee is to of Family Services. Flood local Al-Anon victims may now apply for aid bhich is listed at local' offices of State, Fed- Anonymous in eral and private .disaster of your phone agencies listed below. If a )up could help resident of the eight declared )ut ways of how counties has any difficulty in ave dealt with obtaining the assistance for members who which he is eligible, he should s. contact his local Civil Defense 6..r...e m. Director. Clay General inquiries may be made to the Disaster Field Office, Pensacola, toll free number 1-800-342-3227. Residents of Gulf Couhty may receive assistance at the . *:'. :. listed here: Division of Family Services, old Court- house, Wewahitchka; Job Placement, 401 Long Ave., Port St. Joe; Red C t-. .r- Office, Port St. ' Internal Revenue Service, 451 Oak Street, Panama r' , Unumployment Insurance, 114 E. 9th St., Panama ,.." Social *-. .i s-. 769-4877 and FHA, .\,- .- ,.' Center, Highway 90 West, 'A.!,. Stripling Is Promoted Marine Lance Corporal Hank T. Stripling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Stripling of Wewahitchka, has been meri- toriously promoted to his pre- sent rank while serving with the Second Marine Division at the Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, N.C. He received the early pro- motion in r.'co ri of his outstanding performance of duty, dedication and military bearing. -Visit The Star for All Your Office Supplies There is no entrance tee and no body contact during com- S..,I be presented by F Commissioner Pete Ro RENFRO-AUTO PARTS 401WilliamsAve. 229-6013 the members of the Church of Christ invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11:00 Sunday Night .................. 6:00 Wednesday Night.............. 7:00 Corner 20th St. & Marvin James Brantley, Minister Phone 229-8153 Youngsters 8-13 DO ipment ipating Something gster's Worthwhile accur- , e point .' - A punt- ". d tracted er line. inalists national ir age --- '-- im e of \, . me in " 6. Win- names - in the ame in Football ozelle. . Kick Competition Test your football skills against other youngsters your own age. You have a chance to win one of 18 trophies and go on to the next level of compe- tion. Bring your parent or guardian in to register. Get your free Tips Book and practice now. Registration Ends October 3 St. Joe Motor Co. 322 Mon. Ave. aAlcohol Questio ~JVI~VIYE_Wlpnru~r~,-rrrrl~,--- -- -- -- -- -- -- - : 1975 PAGE ELEVEN School's Open- Prices Watch Out For Children Guaranteed Shop Guaranteed PIGGLY WIGGLY September 17- - ----- i September 20, 1 Blue Ribbon ROUND STEAK AWEPW F ESS= P USDA Grade "B"' Fresh Whole F.RYERS Fresh Lean Ground lb. 3 Ibs. or more 26 OFF wh this coupon KEEBLER g 2 to bag lb. 69 Ib. DMATOCATSUP TOMATO CATSUP L Roman Meal BREAD Piggy Wiggly Mixed VEGETABLES PgglyWggly Gd SWEET PEAS s.2 100 SLb 99 c - Loaves 9 16 cans 59 16 oz.can 38c Cudahy 5 = .$ 4 0 . 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