The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/02078
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: September 4, 1975
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:02078

Full Text

- Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida


": .,
' iy
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Taxpayers Pay More

Get Less for Money


* 1. .

,.'over a hus, cludents to an

naoiter 1100willibe riding bir
8 s S. t wi ORcp n f their classrooms. Port St. JoeF
S: County Sherifi's Depariment,
Ths picturee becanie a cdhmon scene in Gull County on E Patrol %iress the danger to tl
Tuesdaylof'this week as (tools open for Ihe- 1975%19761 motoris.is Bus drivert, have rec(
session..Children all over the ,unly will be boarding buse-s in r safe operation oF their vehicles,
The morning,and leaving the Ntn the afternoon on tlir vay driving prachtl(s also. to prevc
to and from school Gulf Coa ty buses will be Iransporting child during the coming school y

City Adopts budget ,

Start On Seqwer Prc

The Port St. Joe City Corr let by the t'ity toi .ionstu.t a ,ri plite iC too high J
Pvi, ln adopted its propose new s.ah.tv ft t *m..~n ..'iih BIDS REt FIVED
$SF-t.8.613 budget Tuesda Street and Lng .\v%,,nu, onn- ir ',,m&nmi.sion received
night and tlvied a millage (f struct a n,.w f.,r.,. Iu mian ~umr -eOral bids for purchases
'.1l nmlls to (Inanc.- the bu' th-e 16th Street stiti!.r' '; hith T dfj right
get The Inliage reflected main colitiori ll a J I tl: frsl bud, quotations
slinht d.ti-rasc from Ia nue A and re-t.,lid ih- hit l ,t.ere.(-,ed fo.r,-ofice furni
*ief's rat. of S*1, but wi station :iat 21thI, Siree .rid :,ri d.- A 1s erJared
generate $41/ 00 more in la Highway w .r an, ,.n ur ,%- o r, ,.it, 'd bsr the
i e*t'fl es Street r.lt)t I'. ,.",j i ,rn',n i ,,ioten
O1 th" budget total $854.87 SThe he ,r --S',C ;,t .... r l, ,a : ..' t ,, it in rtle
uill he u1. d lor the gener4 syster;m Ii tE't-t .rp, I :i L ,t't lt' ,, rni t
buldi-ti fitani ing, $1,978,8(L thv Ftrirt Street It.r..,r idL. t- .
for Water and S'.wer Fui past, Dil oFE ,. ,, *..r t > I ur ti,, P.tl.,. I'partn .rut
operations and $2.... ,61: f io rnew torcrdi ma Ar A:, .u.- *, 1 r4t0r '... I r.44r- id j
Uti Wastewater Tieatmern sewage coll.'.td .;.tuiti i .it. 'r" : I.t ui'* ."up
PLunt operations Street diru il', ;|' i r ..1 i t'I |l I "t w., b.a.n.u; Jp
Trn r,.n budget widl go ,rr ci.lait bo,. i'! r ..1 e I"' .' i I Hll ft. .rr.P
elte..t with the new fiscal yea ..ne ol tih ,'..r.-" '1. 7.. .u.** lU fr 'ih --
on tlctober I It irnlhdes ad v o (f 6th it l,'1 t- d m rnrt' -.l r in. tid
per -t nt on. tease t l. pi a 'toI .A tual w .k f ii .r h ''. 1 t-,i il" t."-"
cdt3 erniployets and an adij should tbelit4n %h "%1', : r" ''4.
(naal four' percent increase The project is .'.e iQr.: i <', I ';'. 1 ifor t.he Crn
tht, employees rec.tu inde r i "iht. Re%'i. "l.. r fi?. !ii, "i.tr .: r.-."" s+
new rcfquilrtride t tiht the 'i rt) t. i r." li- 'upical
,AssnrWe th- emplov.ess }are OBJEC.I IOPRH1114SE: ,r.0 ti : :._ tP.,'..am: 4.'ce
o. the Slate retirement ipr(. The Bo.;rd de, rFue-' .. 1 ',. 'i. ;..::.i .i Tr c.r:.p
grain Ail Viry employees tlt nicht to I u their. tj cs t,' .. <.t I-. i' : I
the e(ceptii.n of Wastewate purchase ,ti pre.:--. ,.n St i'.i:,- Li2U 'ers ':,f Port
Plant employees ail rejelve Joseph Pt .niu)a ,, ir **an i ;a, :ie uf.essiuI
the increase on ULitober 1 mated i iuuliuthi .Ii6 t' t *,,,e i .r.:rt, u ti.'ns t.jr
Trc, trment plant em iplo'y e mission h.I ,rt-vi.si .*.t ,',,; .r,p, .... p.....k .- bid
'x.J) rtteive their five percent on rec(,frd .j ppjiu. -.r. J t ibt .. L. r 'q. per '+.re
.a theiCr anniversary date ant purchase, pt .-:-rn .C: :.,f.Wi- i.r L'' '. c :w-
their four percent increase or to let the proper" r-rnahn R1. i.tar, 1 .:.-.r i Li-
October, I p novate u niers rt-" I,' S.: e ,; 3,'rj
Ill Uf..-A .s. s 'Q u, l V..' ,t -l'J' .'__ F I

Contractors moved into thu
City thus week to begin imajoi
rehabithtation work of thI
sewage coUection system ,
Vmor iact of $Sfl 300 has buer

Phone Corn

S- -

nd from school In addition,
cycles or walking to and fr6m
Police Department, the Gilf
and the Florida Highway
hese children Irom passing
gently completed a course on
Citizens should employ safe
nl a tragic accident to some
ear. Star Photo



junk auto dealer for re
Johnson does not do


in a budget hearing'
right, the Gult Counw
mission decided riot
rr;illagi during the
i-;'.:al ',<.r in t'.e coUJ
Board f.ar.iAj .ndy rrmii
i.on to ar~ iricr-ase in
fhe rr---!s Awhct.; all
put'I-' I., '.,p4i,.-; ar
iondA taxai.on, but

i. I

moval if

Gulf County tax payers will
pay more for less services in
the schools of the county
during the coming budget
year. Even after cutting ex-
penditures to the bone in a
year which will see a healthy
decrease in state participation
in financing of school opera-
tions, local participation will
be increased.
In. a tentative budget ham-
S mered out Tuesday in an all
day session of the School
Board, county tax payers will
be tapped for an additional
$320,000 to finance school op-
erations. The school budget
for the coming year will be
I $3,195,781.20 for ,p.rfdtont.
and $602,223.11 for debt ser-
vice. The new budget reflects
- a reduction of $83,075 in the
operation budget and an in-
crease of $280,000 in the debt
service budget.

Tax payers will be paying
more and receiving less as
they. are expected to pay the
lion's share of the $921,547.00
in local funds which will be
required to operate the
schools. Part of this source
will come from lunch room
charges and various other
items. The Board will have
only $51,1Q4.01 in cash to carry
over as opposed to $101,689.91
last year.
The reduction of state and
federal income is the item
which throws the budget into a
tailspin this. coming year
Only $2,172,865.19 is expected
from this source. Last year,
the county received $2,399,-
246.11 from this source, show-
ing a $122,000 reduction.
On the expenditures side,
increases of $3,000 are seen in
administration; $40,000 in in-
structional salaries, $20,000 in
other expenditures, $24,000 in

operation of plants and $7,000
in reserves.
Sizeable reductions are seen
as $21,000 in plant mainten-
ance, $25,000.in pupil transpor-
tation, $7,000 in fixed charges
and, $86,000 in outgoing trans-
Total expected appropria-
tions in these various funds

may be seen in the Board's
proposed budget published on
page six of this issue.
In the debt service budget
tax payers will be tapped for
nine-tenths of a mill to provide
$89,161.00 of this fund, while
the state and incoming trans-
fers account for the remainder

of the $602,223.11 total. This
portion of the budget totalled
$320,063.71 last. year.
.':th'.,~, 1. last year.
The bulk of the increase in
this budget is due to a healthy
$177,000 increase in capital
outlay funds from the state
thi '!. aufing year. The Board is
(Continued on. Page 6)

Santa Comes Early and

Brings $387

Congressman Bob Sikes announced
Friday the award of' rir.,,i0,i in,,-!..p
ment Block Grants to three West Florida
cities totalling $. .: *,., ,hi.
Sikes said the cities receiving the. 100
per cent funding grants for projects, and
their amounts, are Wewahitchka, $110,000;
Wausau, $74,000; and Port St. Joe,
Award of the grants is made under the
provisions of the Community It*-..-',, rei.i-.f
Act of 1974 and through the U. S. Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban Development
Port St. Joe's money will be used for'
development of a neighborhood facility,
park recreation and street improvement.
Wewahitchka's grant will be used for
repairing or paving 17 city streets.
-Port St. Joe's allocation is broken
down into $50,000 for r-ino ai're, an exist-'
ing school .buli',ng into a neighborhood
center; $30,000 for a playground and athle-
tic area complex; and, S I ,., 'm for paving
five streets in the Millview Addition in
North Port St. Joe.
All.of the activity wouldd take plact- in
the northern portion of the community,
an area described by Port St. Joe Mayor
Frank Pate, Jr. in rhei appli<.IiUI, r-.4qu0i1,
as where "the people are economically
depressed, a majority of the minority


housing is located and where a majority of
the unemployed persons of the city live. '
Pate said the city has been trying to
iipr..,- i..ndiinN-. in the area by upgrad-
ing lrul'. f.i,.iI)-,,.. developing recrea-
tional outlets and developing an improved
transportation network, but that the com- .
bination of needs,- .oupluil ith the normal
everyday operations of the city and recent
reduction of available money, has created
.a financial burden.
This burden, Mayor Pate said, would
not allow Port St. Joe to develop the need-
ed projects as rapidly as it would like.
,:.ier-.-.ir,.i., Sikes said the HUD
funds, obtained with the'assistance of the
Northwest Florida Planning and Advisory
<'..iuruml, will now allow these three comrn-"
munities to begin work on these long-cher-
ished projects that the cities were pre-
viously unable to initiate.
Wewahitchka Mayor Alvin McGlon, in
his application statement, noted that
widespread expansion of the city sewage
collection system had resulted in damage
to many of the city's streets.
Mayor Mcrilun noted the Iunds would
be used to repaf r Ot-sr pave a number of present dirt roads in low
income sectors of the community. He said
the money would be used to resurface 4.2
miles of city streets,

nty Rejects Tax Increase

ty Corn-
to raised
r,'y Thf
I ijpposc
ta r'r tlt
del .eiJ

against any increases at this
time. Tentative millage was
set at 4,877 for the coming
fiscal year, as opposed to 5.13
for the current year,
' The Board used about half of
its $200,000 backlog of Federal
Re *e.-i e Sh., ing funds to hold
the tax line and made even

more budget cuts and shifting
of funds from one budget to
another to fend off a need for a
tax increase'.
Even with a 10 percent cut in
operations expenses, the
Board found itself in the
position of needing still more
money in order to initiate new

required programs, give wage
increases to every county
employee, elected and hired,
and to meet increasing fixed
expenses such as utilities and
Only about a dozen people
were in attendance and only
mildly voiced opposition to
increased taxes. Most seemed,

n i TUts.1.H l re 4l'-.'l Of. "f jn .;-_ ( ,1 i ,,., >. ~ i
CofmmiaiUL'rn ,e[t*'I^ utr^^,er ,,i
urged tht" State r to fur'^-r eN'... 1.3 t r m..d f.:,r
revie' yth propu.s purt- :A. e t*r .

price it f hey t iri,; ,or, glnrt'
ahead with the pl.rchare Trie
Conrn -,ssuor iteh: tih .r.-pe.r

pany Starts

New Directory Canyas

Preparation for publication
of the new 1975-1976 telephone
directory gets underway as
eight representatives of the St
Joseph Telephone and Tele-'
graph Company begin a twoS
week canvas of the area
During the past 12 months,
the' number uf telephones ser-'
vmig this area has increased

Church Sets

TRtival Service

*i Thgighland View Church
of God w'Jl be in revival
September 3-10 .at 7:00 p.m.
rnghtly, with the exception of
Sunday evening at 6:30.
The evangelist will be Rev.
'Leon Parker from Mayo. The
public is cordially invited.

by more than si per cent and
as a result, tMe ne's telephone
directory will re larger than
ever before.
Telephone activity in the
Port St. Je-Apalachicola-
Carrabelle arpa has increased
to a point where there is an
average of i,881 local calls
made every day, 5,517 out-go-
ing long distance calls per
day, and 1,:83 calls to infor-
iiation eachlday. All this tele-
phone activity adds up to an
even more Important role for
the telephone directory serv-
ing your cPmmunity.
The new directory will close
September 26, and anyone
wishing to make additions,
deletions,;or changes should
. contact their local business
Office at the earliest possible
date. !

',J r i-cer.ed ; c.,r.struc:
,m c i.iper. r.e I at the
_i iit.'.. i Tr TTraMEr, Ff, p'iit
had Farna MaCieners afd
Supply as the low bidder at
$10,895.88, Other bidders were
AAA Construction Co., at $13,-
500 and J. B. Jinks Construc-
tion Co., at $11,746.
In other business, the Com-
-Agreed to Commissioner
Roberts' suggestion that sev-
eral lights on the baseball field
in North Port St. Joe should be
-Agreed to a request from
Commissioner Sullivan to im-
prove the boat launching
ramp on Fifth Street and
heard a report from attorney
William J. Rish that a permit
had been received to clean out
the channel to the launching
-Approved a request from
Commissioner Ramsey to give
Charles Johnson sufficient no-
tice to remove his junked
vehicles from the area around
First Street then contact a

No Holiday Accidents In Gulf

Port St. Joe's Jaycees put up this
gruesome exhibit of what carelessness
on the highways can do in support of
their annual "Arrive Alive" program
over the Labor Day holidays.
The exhibit, erected on Highway 98
near the Florida First National Bank,
caught the attention of passing motor-
ists, giving them pause to reflect their
driving habits and causing some to stop
for a refreshing rest and a cup of coffee
before continuing on their journey.
According to Jim Cooley, who was
chairman of the annual project, about

50 to 60 out of town visitors stopped at
the display during the holiday hours.
The Jaycees offered their word of
caution and free refreshments from
8:00 a.m.to midnight Saturday, Sunday
and Monday.
In addition to the safety message,
the' Jaycees served as the calling
number to receive pledges for the Jerry
Lewis MD Telethon. "We didn't do as
good this year as we did last year",
Cooley reported. The Jaycees received
only $67.00 in pledges for the cause
which say the nation pledge $18 million

during the televised program:
Cooley said 25 local Jaycees were
involved in the week end project.
Gulf County Sheriff Raymond Law-
rence and Port St. Joe Police Chief H.
W. Griffin reported there were no
accidents in the city of county during
the long week end holiday which saw
thousands of visitors invade the county
for their last fling at the beaches.
Maybe such projects as this by Jaycees
throughout the state had something to
do with that.

to recognize that things cost
more but several expressed a
wish to see a sales tax in the
county rather than get the
extra money needed through
ad valorem taxes. There were
no emphatic protests against a
tax increase.
The Board used their axe to
erase a planned $1,400 contri-
bution to the Big Bend Health
Planning Council; chopped
$630.00 from the 'Panhandle
Alcoholic Council contribu-
tion; reduced the ambulance
service funds by $7,896 and
replaced several planned tax
financed purchases of equip-
ment with Revenue Sharing
All equipment purchases
planned for the Road and
Bridge Fund and the General
Revenue Fund will be financ-
ed with Revenue Sharing
funds. In addition to the
equipment purchases, $33,000
in the sharing funds were put
into the Fine and Forfeiture
(courts and Sheriff budget) to
replace tax money. In the tax
economy move, the County
will use up about $100,000 of its
Revenue Sharing fund back-
log, or about half its accumu-
lated funds. These funds were:
originally earmarked for con-
struction of a new library-
building and an ambulance:
service headquarters.
As a result of their Tuesday:
night meeting, the County will
adopt village which will col-
lect the same number of tax
dollars as were collected last
year. This will serve as a
slight tax reduction for those
who have the same property
valuation as last year and a
slight increase for those who
have seen their property val-
ues increase. Property Ap-
praiser Samuel A. Patrick has
released figures which says
property values have increas-
ed by some $10 million over
last year.
Any change which will in-
crease the tax rate from this
point on will require another
public hearing. Reductions
can be made without any
further public notice.

Per Copy

I I II '


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1975

Published Every Thursday at 306 W llams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida
By The Star Publishing Company
Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456
Wesley R. Ramsey ................................... Editor and Publisher
-William H. Ramsey ............................................... Production Supt.
Frenchie L. Ramsey................................................ Office Manager
Shirley K. Ramsey........................................ Typesetter, Subscriptions


IN COUNTY-ONE YEAR, $5.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., $127.50
S OUT OF COUNTY-~he Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S.-One Year, $7.00

'TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions In advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves lEabie
for damage further than amount received for such advertisement.

The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely
asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains.


STime to


zz The Federal Communications
-.Commmision was estabh:lhed to pro-
tect the pubhc's interest inthe licen-
=SSng of radio and televiion broad-
crasting. Recently, however, many
Ei have questioned whether the FCC is
L working in the irter'.st of the people,
-or in the interest of the powerful
t: network imonopolishe which control
Most of what we a arallowed'to hear
aiud se:e on our radio, and especially
.on our television sciLs
A Appearing at a public hearing
--iast May in Nashville, Tennessee,
- which wa;s .porore rd by Morality In
OMedia, Dr. Harry Hollis, a Southern
-Baptist Christian Life official said:.
"I'm sick of all the bathroom
iuniur on television I am tired of
seeing people wounded, raped,
'hanged, stabbed, beaten, maimed

+ exploitation of sex; and I am tired of
. being told by the networks that there
is no definitive evidence that vio-
lence on TV causes people to act the
!. same way."
Although Dr. Hollis has written
to the Chairman of the FCC on
,. several occasions to protest the
filthy language, rape scenes and
murders that keep occurring with

SDont Give L

In a recent survey sponsored by
the American Council for World
Freedom and conducted by the Opi-
-ni- on Research Corp. of Princeton,
.. New Jersey, 66 per cent of.Ameri-
cans favor continued ownership of
the Panama Canal, as against only
7 12 per cent in favor of turning owner-
ship and control of the Canal over to
7 the military dictatorship of Pan-
ama. At the same time, and in the
same survey, 80 per cent of those
questioned said that they had heard
or read very little (42 per ceritn or
T nothing at all (38 per cent) about the
possibility of negotiations on a new
Panama Canal Treaty. The fact is
that, contrary to the expressed de-
: sire of most Americans to retain the
E Panama Canal, elements within the
E. U. S. Department of State have been
working for some time to turn the
Canal over to whatever government
happens to be in control of Panama.
Worse yet, news stories indicate that
our Secretary of State, Henry Kis-
singer, sides with the left-wingers.

The campaign to se
trol of the Panama Can
United States has been |
';. many years. Former As


-" Representative William J.
- Rish was the guest speaker for
the Rotary Club last Thursday
-. in which he generally describ-
.- ed some of the accomplish-
ments of the spring session of
." the Florida, Legislature.
'Rish.said one of the major
accomplishments was that the

parate con-
al from the
going on for
sistant Sec-



disgusting regularity, the FCC has
not even given hithe courtesy of a
reply. ,
Dr. Hollis, of course, is'not the
only one to. o,~Q*it to the steady
decline of t"le', iion "entertain-
ment The well known -nttrtainrir,
iDanoy iThomai V^ saaii "IV is too
dirty for our kids to watch." Red
Skelton charge*tbat <:BS wanted
Jackie Gleasmn and himself to
"ttamIi up and t4 "isque jokes, just
to g':t people used io the idea so they
could show their risque movies."
Ther- art- hundreds of skilled,
capable artists ~and performers who
have the abtilh.y-tb present thorough-
ly entertaining, and clean, television
far', The only things that stand in
the way of such'good entertainment
are the Madison Avenue executives,


Come on America, let's
make it a happy birthday for
our nation by remembering

tinue to thumb their noses at the ierey,

American viewer.
Write or telephone protests to
local television stations, and send
protests to the Federal Communica-
tions Commission, 1919 M Street,
Washington, D.'C: 20554. One of its
members, Charlotte T. Teid, ap-
pears to be sympathetic to the public

- a'

The family of the late Cole-
man Griffin wishes to thank
their many friends for all the
kindness shown to them in the
loss of their loved one. We
shall always be grateful to you
for the cards, flowers .and
food. May God bless each of
Mrs. Ethel Griffin & children

HRL. fltt f Utt.fl

p the Canal Recrutin

retary of State for Latin American
Affairs, Spruille Braden, testified 20
years ago that Akletr Hiss, who was
later convicted for perjury, had
worked to scuttle U.S. control of the
Canal. Hiss, h,:, was identified by
many. witnesses as a secret member
of the communist -party, was direc-
tor of the State Department's Office
of Special Political Affairs. In that
capacity, Hiss sent reports from the
State Department to the United
Nations referring to the Canal Zone
as "an occupied 'territory." This
implied that "tjhe. people" of the
Zone are entitled to self-govern-
ment. The fact is, of course, that;
according to the terms of the 1903
treaty with Panama, the, land was
bought, paid for, and maintained by
the United States for the purpose of
operating the Canal. It is not a
"territory" in any sense of the word.
It is obvious,- however, why the
Communists would like people to
think so.
The Panama Canal is vital to
United States securIty and economy.
To turn the control of the Canal over
to any country, much less the
unstable government of Panama,
would be an act of hari-kari.

oaks to Rotary

Legislature didn't raise taxes
and the budget was reduced
-by $300 million. "The only way
government can not spend
money is not to have the
money to spend", the Legisla-
tor declared. He predicted the
people of the state would
hardly notice any reduction in

the services paid for by tax
Rish said he opposed a
recent move to levy a one cent
sales tax earmarked for the
counties to be used for proper-
ty tax relief. "It would be only
a one year reprieve", Rish
said, predicting that local


for Drive

Mrs. N. C. Schweikert, ,.cause-helping : r.' i4e- who
chairman of the 1975 Breath of suffer from cystic fibrosis and
Life Campaign of the C ;.:c other lung-damaging diseases.
Fibrosis Foundation in Mexico Volunteers are: Mrs. Charles
Beach, has recruited volun- Guilford, Mrs. Ken Ambrose,
teers for a very .i..r Mrs. George Hunter, Mrs. C.
S. M. Parker,;. Mrs. Michael An-
taxes would be raised the very gerer, Mrs. F ei Thursbay,
next year to recover any Mrs. C. W. Watkins and Mrs.
taxing lost by a sales tax Ralph Kimmell, in addition to
reprieve. Mrs. Schweikert.
The speaker said he thought These volunteers will par.ti-
the state needs crime relief ,cipate in a variety of activities
He declared the three-year -aimed at raising funds to
mandatory jail sentence for support care, research and
those convicted of committing education programs benefit-
a felony with a deadly weapon ing children who have asthma,
is having some effect on crime chronic bronchitis, "childhood
in .Florida. "A person thinks emphysema," recurrent pneu-
twice before robbing the monia as well as cystic fib-
neighborhood store with a rosis.
weapon if he knows for certain "For these children, breath-
he faces at least three years in ing can be a struggle," she
jail if he's caught". The' said and added that most
law-maker went on to say people probably aren't aware
"There was; a day when we that lung diseases can threat-
locked up the criminal: now en the lives of their .children.
we lock ourselves in our "Of the diseases that kill
homes so criminals can enjoy children, lung disease ranks
the streets." second only to cancer," she
On bad checks, Rish said stated. "And cystic fibrosis,
recent changes in the law the most serious of these di-
makes giving a bad a check a seases, is the number one
crime if not picked up in a genetic killer of children."

certain number of days. T"ail-
ure to do so indicates an
intention to defraud", Rish
Rish closed his address by
decoaring,"We need to get the
government controls back in
the hands of the people. We
can do this only by cutting off
the money for some of the
government aides."

Mrs. Schweikert continued:
"These are grim statistics. We
hope to change them for the
better. But, we need help.
:That's why we're appealing
for volunteers for our Breath
of Life Campaign to raise
funds for support of the Cystic
Fibrosis Foundation pro-
grams benefitting these chil-

cross-Tie C

M n Saw Tt
I: '

Cross-tie camps, scattered
around in our area during pio-
neer times for the purpose of
'~,A.tj cross-ties for the rail-
."'E: were manned by a
,mrln group of wonderful in-
dividuals who could see and
feel the simplicity and beauty
within the pine forest.
A two-man crosscut saw
was used to fell the large pine
trees and to saw them into
.engths desired for hewing the
cross ties. This saw was wide

These programs include
support for 117 Cystic Fibrosis
Centers across the nation,
including five in Florida,
which provide diagnosis,
treatment and referral to chil-
dren suffering from lung-dam-
aging diseases and gastroin-
testinal disorder related to
cystic fibrosis. "The Founda-
tion also supports top-notch
researchers who are trying to
find a cure or control for cys-
tic fibrosis and to develop bet-
ter methods of treating cystic
fibrosis and the other chi-
dren's lung-damaging di-
seases," the campaign chair-
man added.
Two aims of Foundation re-
search, she pointed out, are a
test to detect carriers of the
gene for cystic fibrosis which is
a hereditary disease and a
method of diagnosis at birth.
"The true goal, of course, is to
find a cure or' control for cys-
tic fibrosis."
"Although there is much to


in th1 middle with a tape"
towads each handle. Looki.-
down',the taper of the say
teeth, ine saw the image of as
alligair tail, and the saw wa.
often called a gator-taile
saw. A'|ew saws were narrov
without taper and were re-
ferred o as a fish-tail o,
ribbon ws.
Grea coordination was de
sired by wo men in pulling th
saw ba i and forth through
the hearipine trees. Once tw,

accomplAh, there has bees
terrific pogress in conquer
ing these diseases since thl
Cystic Fbrosis Foundatioi
was estakished in 1955. And'
this progris was made possib
ble becau4 of the public'i
support," aid, Mrs. Schwei
"For instance, in 1955, most
children wih cystic fibrosis
died in theiriarly years. Now;
more than 'o per cent are
living past a*e 18 and becom-
ing product* adults.
But, we wvnt to make it
possible for all children with
cystic fibrosis to live past
age 18," she added.

I wish to thank Doctor Smp-
son, the Muniipal Hos)ital
staff and all of my lear
friends for all tie many rind
things that they did for me
while I was in %th hospitIl.
I love each one,
Ltslie Spilers

,mps, Two

ams Felled

a nf.l 0f


men found this beautiful co-
ordination they would often
team up, and remain saw
partners for a lifetime, mov-
ing with the cross-tie camps as
the camps would move from
one cut-over section of lakd*
to another virgin section.
The cross-tie cutter's tool
were simple. A flask type..
tie of kerosene for easy c
ing in the hip pocket of th
overalls with green pine
straws inserted to dab tlh
kerosene oil on the face.of ti
gator or fish-tailed
blades. A broad-axe for hew-
ing the ties, a file with a
bamboo or corn cob handle
and a glut for driving into thi
saw cut to keep the saw blade
from pinching.
One rigid rule about camp
cooking was that anyone who
complained about the food,
automatically became the
camp cook. Once, a cook in
trying to get a complaint,
added extra salt into the
biscuit dough. One man rose
with 'a complaint, but once on
his feet realized that he was
about to become the cook, his
complaint trailed off in these
words: "The biscu '-r
real salty, but that is.t,
like my biscuits, re7 slty..
The cross-tie cuttes hew
by hand from the toughness.o6f
the forest a beautiful'heritage
of economic survival.'An even
greater heritage could have
been their ability to stand up
on their feet and think, regard-
less of how salty the issue,
without a yelp of retaliation.

,vine I u orejg

to the

l Editor

Dear Editor:
In this bicentennial year of'
our nation it is well that we
take a retrospective liok atJ
some things that have r' ir-.i-
our nation's greatness. One of
the unique distinctive ofR
American history is our de-,
pendence upon God. This|
national motto, which is in-j
scribed on American cur-
rency, ia-'--'- the ; :f
our nation's greatne a
Our trust in Go., a: a
.. W .. was market r
nation's observance .r4f thel
Christian Sabbath, t.. 'Y --
-holy. In recent y.at. ,.:a'f
nation has experiev-..r' ,'.
world-wars along w'. r,-
other skirmishes, xrrTi rj{
which may not have tc.-r. ,.'-
essary. During these '.4rre-' 'Ve
have observed both f .: '.,Y.
depressions and days :- 1i n f.' a
tion. Today obsence ia,,af
and other indicatior.- :' "a
morality is being "tutdj u5.:v,
our American homes !'i, s, '-
of nudity, sex perverse .-r.rf.. r,, g
addiction, moral corruption in
government and society, we
are no longer observing %'e
Sabbath as a holy day in
reverence of God, but only as
just another day.
It seems to me that it would
be a good thing for all Am ru
cans to observe ,',ir rnvuw'
200th birthday with a r-.a
to .' ... what '. ., A
"In God We Tru-t A g',,,,4
waytostartisto, "R ,.r..
the Sabbath to keep v rt.oi "
This cannot, and st v.-jAd r-.A
be done by a legisiTv-., ai':' -',f
our lawmakers, but it. seems
to me, that in reverence to
Almighty God, we should indi-
vidually resolve in our hearts
to find another day for nation'
al recreation, and for the
manufacturing and purchas-
ing of commodities and for the
usual operation of trade and
commerce, other than the
Sabbath. Perhaps we need to
be reminded again that "Man
does not live by bread alone."


-AIM'C'C~ ~e~MR~

I never want to see another us seat rink, a baselL diamond and, ight softball
again. .until next year, that is, when Laffield's fields. A ma' I talked to sai another like
slow pitch softball team takes its next tip to the complex was 1.eing built national softball tournament, town. .
2,000 MILES ROUND TRIP Onething noticedd was that. Oie was plen
I was invited by the Raffield team to ake the of greenery, 'ie grass was cdtuand all til
2,000 mile round trip journey with th . Trailways bus last week to York, Penns lvania. water fountaineithe restroom facilities works
. I eagerly accepted before I considered whether and everything vas in place. There was no sigp
or not my posterior could take a 24-hourb is ride. of vandalism aiinst public facilities.,

Twei.t, -i'_ur hours in a bus is not yoir usual ORTS MINDED
fun thing We left here at 6:00 p.m. Thursday; The people York are sports-minded: They
;. *w 1 to Tallahassee and picked up mother support 164 softball teams as well. as several
drdnver Ae then drove all night to Florenes S., C. baseball teams. Lifting bar bells is a favorite '
.k hre, we picked up our final driver. sport of the areaand bar bell clubs are nearly as
That wasn't so bad what with rest stops prolific as bowlag teams here.'
about every three hours., For breakft they serve you sausages
From Florence, S C to York, Pa was which resemble ieners, but are only about half
rough on the old derierrethough. Even so,'t was as long-with pe inevitable potatoes. Their
an interesting trip with' most on board seeing snack bars feat. a soft pretzel which s'hbout
; rightss they had never seen Nb,-fr,--and hearing five inches acro-, not salted and eaten',with
. sounds from kids cooped up in a bus, the had mustard on top..
never heard before. The kids had a tal: and Whenenv t-r the-re. h eschiolshadletouta
asked the bus drivers a thousand and-one half day becauI i th "-heat wave" (the
questions Really, it ws 'just 50 questions 'he temperatin e bh..Iared up tow degrees).Itwas
asked them over and over again. The ra rne a comfort-bl when we arrived and. an
question was, "How far is it to the next stT?" uncomfortable (f us Crackers) 55-60 Sunday.
Trailways has some courteous drivers "hey
answered the questions without the faintest Oge Of our group 45, the pace was set by those
,- their ,voice's The same can't be said a out of us who have sl ed don--like Mr and Mrs.
answers given by parents and adults who were Leonard i-,cirn, '. Anne 6iaskni of Wewa-
I pas 'hgers > hitchka and ni' Gene -Raffield and Walter
SEI. WASHINGTON SIGHTS Wilder tried to ., like they were part of the
SiWe, drove, right through the middle 'of young men who we to play tall hut they were
} Washington, D. C. about 4:00 p.m. Friday shd the first to agree tia resi top or" '"a trip to the
had the thrill of seeing many of the famdis motel to relax." i'f course we had Larry
buildings and monuments'of the U. S. Capito (Popcorn) Mathes f Wewa who played even
and at least half the cars-in the United Stat though he is too oli Larry was rel.-xtd all the
The other half were in Baltimore, Marylan, time.
here traffic is bumper to humper, eight lan I .holi ha-,-. t, 'd hrm Igu-s 1 thought
wide and moving two feet at a time. I was still young upil I got in the company of
,York is a pretty t.,wrn ir the Pennsylvani Jake Lewis, David .od, Jim Beti. Ken WhiMlie
Dutch country. It's hilly, lots of greenery an and Jerry Gaskin. Ihey drank cold drinks one
corn planted on every vacant spot and hillside after .riotnhir, just I .' rh.-y wtuJdji do a thing
There's more corn in Southern Pennsylvani to your kidneys. The idea of a good meal was a
than there is in North Florida and Southern lot of anything to et. I see, why Hardees ani
Georgia and Alabama. Corn seems to be their McDonalds arr,, so p ular Hall hc populatioif'j
food. Too bad they don't grind some of it up into, 25 and under and iey eat hamnlhurgrrs hk.
grits. I saw in the York paper Sunday morning peanuts. David is thtonly adult I ever sa.w whod
where a church. has an annual atiair where there u .f r.. ri.,rehv tyerhtnuar 5".,. -
main dish is corn and chicken soup .- 1 -1-t 6.4nAThAi V
York is an old -town, Wr ..sa- only part of it. 1al i hek.'hiy wer the quiet sh-'per_ Th.-y
but it was easy to notice the"difference. The wanted quiet so they could concentrate on the
houses are built narrow, tall and close together, pinochle game which4tarted about the tine the
Hardly any of the older houses were less than bus motor did and qit when it did. -
two stories tall, a small passageway from three Gil Shealey, Gre Knox and Mike Whited
to five feet wide between each one. Most are built enjoyed the scenery,land spent their off-timel
of brick. trying to close down The city had some fine parks. The one in 4 which offered all yrou i which the tournament was held appeared to be out of money or theymight have succeeded.
about 100 acres with a small "brook" ("slough" Several wives, fauiilies and girl friends -4
to us Crackers) running through it. There were Iplayers and coaches vent along and we had a
picnic areas with barbecue'grills, an ice skating .good, good time.
1 L' ''* ; t* .IW O


**** ***



Srainy weather enced day, to ehmmai their. from
ta of Raffield's sofball the national low pitch Ind~
Sin Yo Pesylvania trial League softball tourna-
I' a. and Sun- ment RaffieJd's bad *on tmeur
-.,m. m : .. .. :

sts 1-2 Record In National

opened Sar.urdea' morturl. bru a
windy conteWs
RatleO1'.1 fme~ t EuroalDIe-w
spel of iOV-At, Njchigiko jr4the

b~Iur rurNs e.e
reillin; in iJ -l ..r ,
th wst ard pusi~hng v

RA RHigid'. 5tA*qciy~ampfqn s !*tAdo jni jbeirqirmj ~ to ywl.. Pew~yl'iivmt W the
boas'V' a cmhairtsr TresI'iwaj% W t 6to OuIr ijio~ak t6tO~P~nt

game into extra innings, be-
fore pulling the game out of
the fire by a 7-4 score
The United Auto Workers
team scored two runs in the
second, another in the third
and their last marker in the
sixth before Raffield's shut
the door. ..
In the fourth inning, Rat--
field's began, to hit and Ken
Haddock smashed-a triple to
center field and came hfme on
a throwing error.
Jerry Gaskin was safe on a
fielder's choice in the sixth
and was driven in by Had--
dock's single, to bring the
,local squad to within two runs
of the leaders. ..__
In the seventh, Raffleld's
picked up two more runs Whe
when Mike White reached first
on a fielder's choice, Jake.
Lewis drew a' ia 6r:d ad ^i .
ned on David Wood's fly to
right field. Jim Belin then
sirnged driving White and
Lewis to tie t?, s4or( and put .
the game into extra 'wM,
In the big eighth, Al Cathey'
R lif &i It' a w- n. i r.g triple to
the left field corner. Larry
Mathes singled, di. ;r g in.
Cathey with the game winning
run. Knox went in to run for
Mathes and scored on Dany
iller's single. er scored
on a single by Jst*-- l."wi for
the last. Raffield run.
ThetwoKen' Hatld4'd-k rad
lWN ,e Raftfiid'% at !h,
wbat wi th tr ee, I,,to Jake
Lewis and Jim Beftich had
two for four. Whittle saved the
game in the sixth when he
picked off the lead ornner at
third to end a rally by the
Saturday afterancs. Rat--
'field's faced their first loss of
.the tournament against a big,
hard-hitting Nassau County
Police Department team.. The
. game was played in dropping
temperatures and threat of
Nassau County started off
with a bang, scoring four runs
,in the first inning. Thr) added
- two more in the second, one in-
the fourth,three in the sixth.
and two in he >.-<.t.
S* Raffield's began to hit line

drives in the third and Gil
Shealey reached first on a
single. He advanced on Mike
White's single and scored on a
single by Jake Lewis. Had-
dock's long sacrifice scored
White and Lewis scored on
Jim Belin's inside the park
homer. Belin hit Raffield's
only homer of the tournament
and one of two in the three
games in which the team was
entered. The third was the
only inningin u P., chk' wi .it w4'
could cross the plate in their
124 los,
Mike Wo.'e. Jake Lewis,

Jim Belin, Al Cathey and Gil
Shealey each had two hits for
three trips to the plate and
Ken Haddock had one for two.
Sunday, it was raining, cold
and bitter when Raffield's
took the field at 1:30 to meet
Bruce, Minnesota in a 10-1 loss
which eliminated them from
the tournament.
Raffield's bats were as cold
as the weather as they collect-
ed only lrtr hir.h .:i'f the Bruce
* team. In one stretch, 10 of 13
outs made by Raffield's were
on fly balls hit deep into the
Jerry Gaskin scored Raf-
field's only run in the second
inning, He. made it safely to
third on a double and a bad
throw and scored on Al Ca-
they's sacrifice fly.
Bruce scored three runs in
the first inning, six in the
second and one in the fifth.
As is the usual case when
Gulf County gets a chance to

receive national recognition
for their efforts, the county-
its people and organizations-
raised funds to pay expenses
of' the team to the national
tournament. Donations were
received from clubs, indivi-
duals, business and industry.
The team, its sponsors
and coaches expressed their
appr-faai;on for the support
they received in their efforts
to win the national title.

Have fun...juot do't spell it by
belg eclmess with &e& Vction
ties houldbe a h ay tlm
pme t for*t firM

.oid, r&itiy. 1000 miles from
home and we're losing.-

A i CkIh~vy heilpi Mt, u;mpiff bW &gnalifg Oil ShOolIy'
qimmt of hWt. N-I'ma~w 1utvwiudh ap ,ir 01Khold 1*l WI k Sd "Itam Pii.'. Woi hOM6.0181c 6I)LC 1N41$49 COUnT
Po Npaflimi"n'1rp th I ,.rmlv~afrtiPtt "eG~. Arlic~


-_I-*.uIce.Olt Mwr, ;. r {,< >
'.r1iitjt l 'LrIHq El'.n >ie.(-I re held

T' pr_,ram niicr Jae
Sri--itiob 'l u.t rrL iM F--r'lafv.
tlhr Staru 1tprtr(ii-o r'f .e-rldu-
ca u n as it held n. We'ab tch
Lk H4jh c'hoi AAuPe r *'.
"1Ta% > )4_t-r ,prora__ ,ie
a^>h A rn'er re. irdij(I
"Ihv dri ers who Il..'itpI h,.>

1 Fkp Sl>w JA* Rj4. F fIl w-.
-the group 41 iu t 1ti a ri.

I n 13bn E1110' 0 ApM t

S;f,ty MN Lee v 'oj,1vpurn
gate a. pre-fni-6ili.n :ii 'drug
abuse. Limr-r M2rmtne dis-
rui-w-ad 'i hnvra 'er pni iliCs
and other dri er crraini( Im The program was with a d?.cmussona of-local poli-
Ci1e D'ijl BdB4.441 pre--naed
Temple WaLsutn. hu -LL bte in
' etrke of transportation. Mr.
W.~ton gaire some al- fIr
the year that included trans-
porting safely, taking care of'
equpment, cooperationi loyal-,
rlj&d pubhc relations, along
V.*t> nand eionrm n. Pnn-
* 0" oc the saa>ls in the
count.'! were guests for the
Nineteen of the cunty's dri-
vers and substitutes attended
the school which was ended
with a sumpious covered dish
luncheo for drivers and
gu ..

-- -- -., Slif- *.

P j ist.CiAiA
."' ,..erhear a remark
*t.- ,i .., day -when a
rr :..r. was saying; .;-
..A *,i'.^,. hard W

,,..'i that can be
j man ", Me.
t.1-t-, ti r,.r. back onto
fi,- i. %- There are few
.,-.w ais who do not at one
iait -,r another stumble
.w li i as we weave our.
t t-:.- the briarpatch
i IA.' *,1'i;,i we are inno-
S .tims. of fact.
O... g.a.es our misfortunes
rIf 4 -i nature which lays
fht tin.we squarely on our
-,krk h.,'idders.
h.'ver. the nature of
AUi tw1t there is a great
an,'.'-,l, .'f respect and glo-
ry m me .tb.[,fy to rise
Many years ago, from
the pen of Oliver Gold-
smith, came these words:
"Our greatest glory
Consists not in never
failing.. .but in rising
every time we fall. ."
As we recall the remark
being made of the one
bouncing back onto his
feet. there w4s no men-
tion of courage. .or glory,
but it was thee--it is al-
ways there,.

St. Qair

Funerc h Home
5-0710th St. j 227-2671

Aufle vvakuable MIl.
If you are interested in
., ". 1,.- '' .r. 1! i r.. f..
Fish Commission would like
you as a "--' r and

I .f
- ,3 !.

respect for our wildlife and
firearms. The "-. r' ,
Regional Safet : :-:.r,,na may be reached toll-free at
1 342-1676.

The the weather Js more suita-
.ble for swimming or softball, the
calendars say it's "Kick-off"
time agaon.

SInce we -. c' completely
"skunked" ast year we :.'
we'd have .- r-f n ioz the crys-
tal ball. a" with what we
think the final top-ten in coliegi-
ate ball will be, plus the "Super-
Bowl" teams.

For the collegians. we think
they'll finish this way.

SNo. 1-Oklahoma
No. 2-Alabama
No. 3-Michigan State
No. 4-Texas A & M
No. 5-Southern CaMlfornia

No. 6-Michigan
No. 7-Misslssippi State
No. 8--OhIo State
No. 9--Nebraska
No. 10-Auburn

In the Super-Bowl, we believe it wlI be the Dolphips
over the Vikings.

The Athletic House
323..REID AVENUE Pt e o



The School Board of Gulf County, Florida
proposes to levy 8,00 mills for the 1975-76 fiscal
Year for the purpose of supporting the current
operations of Gulf County Schools.

* The millage required to be levied by the
* School Board in order to participate in the Florida
Education Finance Program is 6.2931 mills.

A public hearing on this proposed millage *
* levy will be held at the hour of 10:00 A.M.,
E.D.S.T., on September 16, 1975 at the Gulf
County Courthouse, School Board Meeting Room,
Port St. Joe, Florida.

* I





TH~aE STARH, Port St. Joe, Fla.


st I f 1,




for Area Dies In Savannah

0YOuith Mrs. Brunell Corbitt Wim- Funeral services were held
berly, age 71, a long-time Saturday, August 30, at 2:00
Kevin n"d Nancy Miphey former resident of Port St. Joe p.m. in the First United
of Macon, Gei.rg.ia wili lead 6 died last Thursday morning, MethodiSt Church of Port St.
Yoth Actv y Weekend arm August 28, in Savannah, Geor- Joe, with Rev. Johnie McCur-
Fin.tUnited M.thdiat Chch gia, where she was presently dy officiating. Interment fol-
in Port St Joe thi, week end residing. Mrs. Wimberly was lowed in Holly Hill Cemetery.
T i speia event will begn a member of the First United Active pallbearers were Bob
Friday evening at. sewn p. Methodist Church of Port St. King,. Gannon Buzzett, Lill
and will con'cide with th Joe. Whaley, Chauncey Costin,,
Sunday mo-rraiing war;up se- She is survived by a daugh- Cecil tin Sr and Cecil
vi<. Kevtr an Na-y dil ter, Mrs. R. A. Basque of Lyons. Honorary pallbearers
share wr th e y,-:u-t, i ug, Savannah, Ga.; two sons, Sgt. weretarion -rw.h, Jim Cox,
"musc anf wno, a. r G E: Clifford Wimberly of Sa Wesley Grace, Joe Hendrix,
:.xp~r ,erie c~iwr i Ui annah, Ga. and George W Charles Brock and A. S. Pratt.
.::Cbhjst..The pr(grem ,r, berly, Jr. of Port St. Joe; nine
.sism f!, roof-.. g,'na ei grandchildren; and a sister, All services were under the
-.-songs, co s, mptr .r.varv ff.m c Mrs.o Henry C. Murray of dire tion of Comforter Fun
n' d songs ',, ,,fPitsu ct.J.Lat"r Charlottsville, Va. eral H..,?.- of Port St. Joe.
: The' me: ai f f *.r fA u ',
.t. p, Ambulance Cre Reports
a-:. Cbr t'n" af o4.. .'hi- The Port St. Joe unit of the T.,.r .ri.r-'ar y transfers.
faa-, youtr ijd a4d0* Vid- Gulf County Volunteer Ambu- Tw.o 'dry runs.
O-f. v tari .'U,,_ r, r.t -- i lance Service had a* rather Three imiscellaneous alls.
gt.'. ,r 'n w r'' F-~_ ~ slow month during August, Th., 18 members of the
pe'i'W r .t a tr' a + cr i z ,, ... Dick Lamberson, volumintieer squad donated 2,232
Kit00.-,1 '.n F; squad chief. d *man hours of -.".* -,
T' he '.squad, answered 13 time to the people -of P -'
y "F AiR HLF. emergency, calls for a total of Joe and the ir ": 'ii, area
:^,Fri'd.y .- r ('@"n 17 actual hours of 'on the i -e g % u-it.
..w ha.. .h r oad" ambulance time. A r. Ee id.dor.
gr1.m i K< iarersd ... v The 13 calls were as follows: .?. ,u.i e ar- aijMeo?
'^ rdwy- nw tart ,.r' Ik- Two automobile accidents b .r K .(_ m b. p>-
S.i2 -( op .IJ *'" ,. Two motorcycle accidents. at any day or .'
t u r w.iO vl .,1 1 ri.'I One home accident. should call 227-2311

r pFI .L ast Rites f r .F. Davis
f:'.-: .el W 'h p P i -- e i(gh .. "
::-- ... K,r,, *,,,r d ^ .., .rK. ;, ...1 i._.&:.r'John F. :..,a a n.. rY s Mr. Sara
: hfdA *, > .i,.dv "Bob" -Davis, age 76, of. Port Pt'.., Orlando and Mrs.
=-t" ,i jO4.,.ir" a t ,,M 'c. .cJoe,. Were held Friday .- '. ..-. two
= .- ,: y, i y ,: i r,-r,.r;,,,< morning at 10:00 am. in the .., Tr .: ..0 t. r
-ijtr hig I i h .-- .First 1'r. .' .. Church ..., '.. I* '. bothtof
ag by K.*-.r. Mupha. with Rev. 'Frank 6 M'vri offi-.L '.. grand.
:- ih ,14n f, -- fo .y...I ,, .t ii 'a- .n, Burial ,. .. .P ... ,.,.a ~n, s J ,.. grand-
kle Cemetery, near ;. hid. .
AIl l:- i.. .*:.' t ,tr~d a 'j "- He r n ..-T', P.... wife, T-'..,.i 4 .0 *, i jn a hi ,ha of
: : ,.. ,g r'r. Mris. ,i~i Davis of Port St .,. ,:, sr. -r,4.f .

C(olenian ( Griff. 6'2.Taken by Death
6*"' ".i s 'imn 6i u.ii(l .s.ipJ d. .1 -O N.J. a '1 it .... '.rrffin of 'f' It .r;i God, .'illtB ia F "p
? "'.: f t -,r .. A..f. r1A4. a r iAi .' I4l,P.4,,. I ... i .. ..i. 16 grand- i, -tor.f.p-e. flr-:iating. In-
*.al.l ., i' A .l a children. ...; t.. i ,i
tp H.-,.1.d! *- o.. a. lodgh y ;., ,.. .,, ,t.! plotof o'' Hill Cemetery.
....- : r( .-,--. .4 'ri t. Joea "* -. *..".: ,.*" were under the
-.;:": ami.4- .,, rii.-, -kst Born at 2:00 p.m Saturday, August .:, .,, of r (,. 'i Fun-
.::s:" -'ti, th ,,i tr- i..,avr.r ,aod, and SOat The First Born Chuprchof eral Home

-- : the members of the' -
-::- Mr- i... ,r.. I h t
-:- .- .. .pu i .a,..:-1h,-r. Miss r
: f.,^ Mr._.- -it,, McGee,- invite you to meet with them:
*: -..u.ijj .' ..., ,I Mr., i ., Betts of Sunday Morning Bible Study... 10:00
I "- ". il. o44 Coe Sunday Morning Worship :o.... 11:00
:-.=- ". i"'' !! Sunday Night . .. .. 6:00
- -. Wednesday Night ..... ........ 7:00
%', i-y "fir Ai l" .ii,.i Mrs. A nM ie
Ri.-.1" J!oe;fes. .Corner 20th St. & 'Marvin
SM,.. -..-- utier of James Brantley, Minister
i' .- ,.-,.. Phone 229-81S3

as.. 1 Sa l 1

for Atkins

Sunday, August 31, a fare-
well dinner-on-the-grounds
was held in honor of Kenneth
Ray Atkins, at the Overstreet
Bible Church. Ken, a 1975
graduate .of Wewahitchka
High School, will leave Sep-
tember 1, for his Army basic
training at Fort Polk,La. Ken,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
D: Atkins of Overstreet.
Among those attending the
dinner were Rev. and Mrs.
Bill .ir-i. and Leslie Gra-
ham; Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Atkins and Misses Sherron
.and Wanda A4 ',, Mr.,and
*Mrs. ..- 'E Marshall and
Misses KAye and Fay Mar-
,, M ~s Annette h ,, -
all of Overst eet.
Out-oftownguests included
Mrs. Lfllie V. Carter, W. C.
Carter, l-tt.,r Cumbie, Miss
Terri Marshall, and Joe Mor-
gan, all of Panama City,
I would like to take this
means to thank the City Com-
missioners, the City employ-
ees, the volunteer firemen, the
doctors, u.i : ',. .* ff of Muni-
:.j1 H I '.i for all the con-
cern and kindness shown me
during my. recent ,ii, t.
Thanks to everyone for their
cards, flowers and visits' to
cheer me up.
Joseph Badger

,..Port St. Joe High School
S Lunch Room Menu
S, Monday, Sept. 8
Hot dog with bun,hambur-
ger A.. bun, French fries,
Tngh-h peas; lettuce, tomato,
'r.;i.., chocolate pudding,
Tueidsi .4pt 94
la .ir' w- twaeen bun, ham-
u. g. \ *ti n ,>-,La;. .6.- [B!
A.eir,- t~rpi corn, lettuce,
pci(ke_ '.,n it~es, brownie,
w dunfLdi1 .Sept.10
4M- Tf rf.-i and cheese, ham-
.t rer oi th r,'n, French Ir'.-iv
Je-,;ci- Ia)mTW pickles, Eng-
j'q? t'e~ ;&!-;0 with topping,
T1iursda% Sept. 11
ki" e, !re!i chicken, rice
,'.i ; a9 green. beans,
'.'.: applesauce,
bread -*' r.*
S Friday; 4-tpi 12
-i Hart: gir r .J t. pizza-
eA,,AiJn ibun, ,e ~.r
ratitpie iaw, tomato slice,
f v r, *-ith cookie, cornbread.

Elementary Schools
L u.n ci Room Men
Hot dpg 6th bun, potato
oi.a'd EErgvIsnipea,.ch'oolate
pudding, milk.
41 .


Louise Wise (Mrs Q.P.),
SOwiner & Operator

Now Open for Business

Located in White City, turn in
front of Baptist Church, turn
right 2nd block, green house
in center of block.

HAIR CUT AND STYLE.... $500.and Up
HAIRCUT ..................$2.50 and Up
Set Hair Style or Comb-Out ...$ 2.0 and
Set Hair Style or lComb Out ...$2.00 and Up
HAIR TINT ............$5.50$Sandp u
Frost, Bleach & Toner ...... $15.00 and Up
Scalp or Hair Treatment .. 00 andl Up
Wi and Wig lets........ $40 and Up
Weekly Color Rinse ..........
Permanent. Wave $.50 to $15.00
Newest innovation Sin Permanents,
UNI-PERM by Helene'urtiss 2tc.

Tuesday, Sept, .
Barbecue beef bun,
whole kernel corn, c slaw,
chocolate cake or b wnies,
Wednesday, Sept.
. Hamburger with bun,
French fries, Fn:,i.' peas,
;.?I with toppire
" Thursday, Sept.
Oven fried chicken rice
with gravy, string bea tom-
.I,' sl,. e applesauce, read,
rtids. m4lk 4
*- rida.. sep! la
'Pizzaburger with 'bun,
French fries, cabbageolaw,
peach with cookie, mi
>, '.- '-'^'vf'-

601 Long Ave.

Garden Club Opening Seal
Sept. 11 with Dinner at Cent(

The. Port St. Joe Garden
Club will open the 1975-76 sea-
son with a covered dish lunch-
eon on Thursday, September
11, at 12:30 p.m. at the Garden
Center on Eighth Street. The
hostesses are Mrs. Wesley
Ramsey and Mrs. Harry Halli-
Mrs. Bobby Jackson will
talk on the growing of herbs
and other things. Mrs. Nobie

Stone will discuss parliamefne
tary procedures and their ap-
plication to Garden Club busi-
ness meetings.
The president, Mrs. Paul
Johnsen, will outline pro-
grams, and events of the com-
ing season. Ladies interested
in help and information in
gardening are invited to this"
covered dish luncheon meet-
ing, Thursday, September 11
at the Garden Center;





4- -

Funeral Home

The veteran in meeting your
needs in trying times. Many

have put their trust in us
with confidence over the years,

You can too.

n Sleep Days at D, I

a', ~
~:& w ,.-~

~- -..--u~

~~"- ~a
~ ~ ?W~
t. '4,

~i P 'a, *~a


Your choice of sizes at reduced prices! Formerly much

higher priced-hurry while quantities last!

\ 0 2-pc. set
QUEEN SIZE. 60 x 80"
Sale'21 900

Factory discontinues t[-: former best-seller so you get a
great : :', ',' to m;, money-especially in the big new
modern sizes. Superb comfort from the puffy deep-quilting.
Famous Sealy firmnes, from hundreds of coils. Don't miss
out on this once-a-year Sale.

KING SIZE 76.x.80"
Sale $ 27900 3-p. set

%J 7

THE STAR. Port St. Joe. Fla. Farewell

Mrs. Brunell Wimberly Dinner

First United

Methodist Church.
Monumenf and Constition
Port St. Joe, Fla.

CHURCHSCHOOL 45AM.............. ..... 94 A M'
PQEA.:$I-NC. SERVICE..... 11A.M. & 730 P.M.
CHOIR REHEARSAL (Wednesday)..... '" 7:30 P.M.
N [ .

Phone 227-3511

31 MM-0


~- A j.-.-

FULL SZE54 x75"
Salel et







I I I I I L I I -I : L I






working harder than ever to satisfy you.


-EACH of theseaodvertised items is
required to be readily available for
sole at or below the advertised price
in each A&P store, except as
specifically noted in this ad.
BB^~By^ Bbm- Lluj^^^Hva
^^A&P Directer of C ansuls Utr Affa; rs

Whole FryerBreast Whole
Delmonicos or Leg Quarters -Bottom Rounds
10 LB. 18-20 LB.
LB. 20,19. LB. 59C LB. 1029

I A&P)

Chitterlings S9
5 B..... 5 PAlI r L i L

I o. -
lwz Fi


V 0AE------ ---PN---- 1 ----I I M 1 IM a.-- ----- .....U.... 1 PRICES C
iPrinrles QUAKER 120 oz 3 lb. BAG L PillShury Flnor FOLLO
S'r unCh EIGHT O'CLOCK ,ain,
POTATO CHIPS C REAL W ,Self-Rising Unbleached 510
Price s Effective Thru. Sun. Sept 7, Items offered for sale are not available to other retail dealers or wholesalers. Not responsible for typographical errors.
I *


Fifth St. I
. Joe, Fla.





P-11-- f--


p:ple Sauc e




. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1975


...that's the story of our
Rexall Pharmacy...and
'it's all because of YOU!
Yes...ou.r success de-
pe'tndt on your satisfac-
6 tron wittp our service and
o,,a "piod.'ct. tThat'r "why
'we reormernu oi-d, fe;%
tureRexall qua,.t? pro-
*ducts+ And, tHbt's why
Yypu" can always expect
*i: pfr'. *courteous atten-
ton to your needs! Ci
.ni vis oon.:..and see!

_You r. ll rmacv

P:IL2274 331 317 WiUliam,
Conwewhad Drive-lI Wind4ow
PInvy of Free Paeritkin

Legal Ad

Legal Ads

The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
invites bids on the following described
One (0-Window Air Conditioner unit
to meet the following specifications of
G.E. or equivalent: Model AGOS631,.
DO 31mO BTU-H. 230-20m volts, 233.
24.0 Amps, dual thrust. Case Dimoen.
Sons: width 27%", height 21. depth
37%". E.E.R. 6.2-6,
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and
plainly marked "BM No. WWP.9". All
bids must, be F.O.B., Port St. Joe,
Florida,and approximate delivery date
shown. Bidders are requested to submit
bids' in item sequence and toteaed. The
City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids, waive
agy fomaltlftes and to choose the bitd
deemed best to meet the City's needs.
Bids must be good for-.30 ays after
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's Office, P.O. Box A, Port St. Joe,
FiorIda 32456, on or before 500 PM.,
ED.T., September 16, 1975W Bid opening
WHO be hed at the Regular City Conm.
mission Meeting September M, W9S, at
'8:00 P.M:, E.D.T., in the Municipal
Buidlng, Port St. Joe, Foris.da
City Auditor and ClerkS 29-4
The City f Part St, Joe, Forde,
invites bids on the foeowing described
.fluorescent fixtures-
r5-Flurescent Fixtures foar surface
mounting, No. of lamps 4.F40, 4 sur.
faee mounted rapid start. OuttIde di.
'*~i 4%' x 4" x .17/' cross
.- overall width at. top,
16 V at bottom and 4" deep. Finish
outside sha bechromenr satin aumin-
num. Inside finIsh shai be baked white
Sth percent, mini
9e Blast; CMEB eort
tied TL balsteiDi. ffuser tshal be
waffle grid design. The unit shall be

1': : ...,,.,i I., it f,. rr + ,lr.K lf i 9.ir. r I .F i., "' .-
-' .i I ,.: '. ,jQuilt r air. "', ....: boardd v -'.. r .,-'
..i ,,i'. *-.,;ir,.,j .v p. r., : 2, .1.975, 'to.,:.i' a tentative
i.f. r-.... .rn :I.: ,.; .J i a 5um r ary of
r' i- 1 4 ,.,j, t r.',. .' I -. '. r, -.. r 'o' ...r., I a surn.rIary fad

and .90 for I-r- ". ....
T .. t' d ,, 2: ";'' | 1" i ,',", ,,, i -, l .'_ :, ,r,, ^ C T .%> *,t,, "* -+',,,+ g .,
. t.- h ',-,-l ,. i...J_-..rn, -,, -, h *....c ,o' .r. ff,. ..:,. '.,t St. Joe "
i.. i' the pi'r4 r" 1** 1 i ir.
l..f .r a" ,,ii. l r ..I .. .. I, ",. .. i~
1, 1 VL-I= rf FOR "o air1 3"1 ANr. ft;. iiATeP.rf' F
"+ O F .. "
S A F. .. hand f.-,: r..J ,.i '',o.r
S Cash .. ... .. $ 51,10401
B. Receipts, .,. ... F .. ... 217,865.19
Local Funds .1... 9... ........ 21,547.00
Other Sources .......... 50,26500
TOT -i : L' I-. I- I.f t .n9 ...... 3,195,781.20
P P .. .. '.- c ii l'.' ... -
.- 1 : ...in ..n. ir.,+...-,, ... 123,780.19
2. i", ,i..' .-.'a,,' Salaries.. .... ,693,599.20
3,.' l r I-: .- r,..:.l j. hr I, ,. 2 2 92,54340
S4. < "'.-'....5. Plants + .... 216.358.20-
5 5 .. ,,,,'i ,. ... ..... P I- ,,. ..'. .... .. 68,491.00
P" t....l r i.

: In 11f r S .e c s '
Food Services ..........

Health Services .o. .. ..
' '* '7 ... . r i. .: + .... ... + .
' o' ,\ '....f..i>:....,r. i n ,.'...; l ........ '... "+
9. Reserve ... .. .... .
T.. e>.c.n 'r- [_- *'".. [. t' .' t- f ... i..
A. Cash Balances ...... .....

*n B I .: .,f ,c ,r

State Sources ....... .. .
Local Sources .. ... .....
i 1. ; T .. .. s .... .... ..........

TOTAL RECEIPTS, 'i.fh. k '
.AND BALANCES .........
S .C. ,' -i = *.* L % 1. 1
S E t.s5 ." viceo ...... .... ...... ....
Outgoing r i. ........ ....
S Investments... ........
p ,r 1.i +, .......... .. .. ..............
.3. BUDGET FOR CAPITAL ,i.r _.-r-.
A; Balances ....... .. .. .... .........
B. 1. A- ,,r.. .s 4 -.-'.- + State ...........
2. Transfers from '.-. '....,- ........
C. *'F ,' -:'. i ,p.:*+:'TS'" -' -..
1. Total Capital Outlay................
.2. Balance... .............. .........


A. District Cp..P a '. 8.00
: B Debt Service Budget 0.90
TOTAL 8.90
Complete details of each separate part offt
budget summarized above are on fle and are ava
public inspection at the office of the County Superin
Schols at the County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, a
_avalableforsuch ..r.f a. .. *.. *. '.l -..._- ... -.a l
statements and Information. All interested per
cordially invited to participate in this public he,
discuss the School Program and budget for this C
the ensuing year.
By: J. David Bidwel, Superintende

W S."',
*29 *5 0
* 9 55200

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla.

lustre fluorescent or approved eaq.i
Bids shall be sealed In an envelope and
plainly marked "Bid No. WWPW". All
bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe
Florida, nd approximate delivery date
shown. Bidders are requested to submit
bids in item sequence and totaled. The
City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to
accept or reflect any or al bids, waive
any formalt"es and to choose the bid
deemed best to meet the City's needs.
Bids .must be good for 30 days after
Bids must be submitted to the City
COerk's Office, P. O Box A, Port St. Joe
Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.D.T., September 16, 1975. BId opening
will be held at the Reguar OCity Com.
mission Meeting September 1 s975, at
8:00 P.M., E.D.T., In the Municipal
Building, Port St. Joe, Pierie.
City Auditor and Clerk a2t9
Case No 75.146
in Re: The Marriage of
ROBERT A. NORTH, husband,
. and S '
v C1E WLLuAMS NORTH, wife,
resiaden esan post ofsies address s
Y-1-' et4 '. OTIP1ED that an action
for j'', of marriage has been
flied against ye u and ysu are reulred to
serve a onpy of yeu written defenses, i
any. t tjo on Hon. Cecil Cosn, Jr.,
plaintiff's attorney, whose address Is 221
Re ,Avenue, Port St Joe, Florida, n or
before the 6th day of October, S75 and
tiMe the orIgtns wIth the elerk of his
court either before service on paIntlff's
attorney aor immediatey thereafter
otherwise a defauRlt wi be entered

X.. .. '- r F i t~o

agist of or the re iof demanc, ded In
Courfon Septemer 397, 5.
Clerk, Circuit Court 4 9 4
W te the under ined betn duy sworn,
names ofs l persons. nterestei Ir 'ne
crunton under
i eu e and then
extent of the nt erest of each, is
GeorgeiWN Pocetkts 5 !per..entt,
TaLF dgoe LTY Fthws, LO w e
e ,ritophSr'J.,Dawls,25S'pr eate and
KimI'Oavl' 25 per reat.
4- 6e rrge W. puck@"
-s- TaOlmadge LeoMathews
.so *. s *J]. Davse Rus /
4t 9.4

Nottceis hereby given that the Boeard
Of County, commissioesrs ot oulf
County, wil receive sealed bids for
The numBr of employees, Sob iessifi-
cations, "'- "why be obtained at the
Offilee of *.r -I' Y, Core, Cierk, Suif

r yetsea and ail

-s- Otis Davts Jr, Chatrman,
Board of County Commissloners
e Core,

'.' FLORIDA. -.

In Re- The Marriage of
band, Respondent

28.3765.4 aend '

f- 'r '1 YOU ARE NQTIFiEO that an
Sfor. ,Sitluon of marriage hat
216. 959 16 fliede'alnst you and yeo are reop
Serve eopy of your wr (t en w e

2 6 7 ,7 2 6 4 1 '- *. *
89 161M ReS Aveos ePart Set os el teri
bet iFr dh M eA y to Sep omber
28,376.54 .. '.- .

otherwise a ,efa t wili be
602,223.1I a .-: *r th treeft demAn
r+ "the em lin,
34 e144'e WITNESS my hadAnd a ie sea
342,51445 Court A st 25, S .
45,86500 s+ Margaret M Core
Clerk, rcWut court

602,223 11 ROD%. t W
The City f Port St.. Joe, F
iitnass Wds aon the tolowIng dt
174 294 67 c "r'aoeda alvas ied ste
270,947,40 i of. So", asphalt coated 1
asalvenied cuovewt triple dip
2m of 5 a asphat coateda 12
445,242.07 .avanied cuavet ripe dips
30,92,.70 1-a ba nds asphalt coated
60-30 be hands aspheIt cated
414,259'37 Ids shaes esaal IednAnenveal
plainly make "Bd No. 7". A
,mt be FzO.B.. Port St. JseP f
445,24207 and ppoWemee delivery datae
ASSESS ESer are reqoesad to submtmI
5 ASSESS- jr Sequoene and totaed The
NUE FOR PFrtt. Joe reserves, the right t
AL YEAR r relct any or el btids wav
formaltes and to chose the bid d
best to mieet lthe oCHy's needs. Bid
bie good for t days after opening
BMs must be submit ted to tl
Cerk's Ofl e, P. 0. Box A, Paort
Forda 3 245 on or before 5 W
E.D.T, Septembern 1, S Bid
wil beheld at the Reouar Cly Cs
sion meeting September 6 17OM
he school PM., SE.O.T.,!ntteMrun epa' u
ailable for Port St. Joe, Florida
tendent of c. w. BROCK,
nd wiM be City Auditor and Clerk

I 1l; .
rsons are
ring and
:ounty for



You Are Cordially Invited To0Attend



Corner Long Avenue .and 16th Street

SUNDAY SCHOOL ...............:
MORNING WORSHIP ............
CHURCH TRAINING ..............
EVENING WORSHIP ............

Rev. J. C Odum, Pastor

...... 9:45A.M.
.... 11:00 A.M.
...... 6:15 P.M.
...... 7:30 P.M.
...... 7. 15 P.M .
Jerome Cartier,
Minister of Music

IN RE: The Marriage of
w ife.
Rt. 3
Bloomingdaie, Mich gan
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an an si
for dlasolution of marriage has been
filed against you and you are required to
serve a copy of your written defensesI,
any to iton FRED N. WITTEN, Attorney
for Petitioner, 3 Fourth Street, Port St.
jse, Florida, whose post office address
is Post Office Box 87, Port St. Joe,
Florida 32456, on or before Monday,
September 15, 1975, and fle the original
with the Clerk of this Court either before
service on Petitioner's Attorney or im-
mediately thereafter; otherwise a de-
fault will be entered against you for the
relief demanded in the Petition gor Dis-
solution filed by Pet tioner.
WITNESS my hand and sea In this
Court on August 12, 1975.
George Y. Core,
Clerk of the Circuit Court
By: -s- Maurell Cumble 4 0 .14



teesL if

i, on or
f, ms,

(Continued from Page 1)


carrying over $216,959:16 in
debt service money from last
year. The bulk of the total
budget will be used to start
work on a gymnasium in
'A' .,.r '..,: and enlarging-
the vocational suite here in
Port St. Joe.

The Board will hold a public
hearing bh the new budget in
the Board meeting room in the
Courthouse at 10:00 a.m.,
Tuesday, September 16.
The Board needs must levy
6.2931 mills to receive the
same number of tax dollars
received last year.- Their pro-

.posed eight mill levy takes
them to the legal limit of their
taking powers.

e ft

One 'boat, inboard, 6 A speed bikes in
cyl ,?._. :' "Miss' L',,. men's, women's. Fi
Can be seen at -.- -. '- style. Credi
Landing. Call 229-68 i .': Western Au
L* o a St. Joe.,

Beautiful Irish Setter pup1
pies, 1: -T ;.6: old, already
,4ifr '.e to eat. Wormed and
vet checked. Four males, :.z.
females, 227-3161, 9:30 to
60 *. r ,

6121o +

-^ V j Shape
'.:,J.. ..r Hydrex Water
Pills at t ... .L ..

Me's Pawn & Novelty Shop
Guns, 12, .;.,. 410 pumps and
autoo rifles, 22, 30-30,
and 45 muzzle loader. Assort-
ment of mechanic tools, in ,.
sanders, buffers and .- .,--
saws. 3 cycle .-:-., *. ,
washing, machine, J jh- new,
$85. And sr,...i. y '.,i, items to
choose from
10 5th St., Highland View
Phone 2296193
2tc 8-28

For Sale 19' Amana "4r4 ,'t
freezer, call 227-5461. 4tc 8-28

Reduce safe and fast with
GoBese 'f.7.'it. & E-Vap


t terms
ito, Port

. tfe 6-15

5 5 5

Two lots, 10 x 100', fifth
a ..r Hwy. 98, on 20th .St.,
Mexico, Beach -Shade
Gulf view, ; "
3tc 9-4

1 lot, 50' x A.' on 7th -;
Mexico Beach, 1 block from
water, cleared and grassed,
Sl.' 648-7176 2tc 8-28

New *.4.....2,300 sq. ft,
sunk,- .4-. i. .,- BR,
2% i ..i *; i .
appt. tfe 8-28

Block house on Dead Lakes,
3 BR, 2 t eu' 'i room
iir,'it' !...t,.Tn 't,_ f. f1i, den
Approx 2 .-i- .' of land, 265'
lake frontage. Call 639-5469.

Two-story home, 1902 Monu-
ment Ave., 3 BI, 3 bath,
i Phone 227-7221 or 229-6474.
tfe 8-21

"water pills". Campbell's 2 lots of land with double-
Drug. 7tp 8-28 wide trailer for $20,000.00. For
S.. more information call 64-6622
New Improved '.':,p.:. ,. tfe7-23
the great iron pill now with .
Vitamin C. Campbell's Drug. 3 BR Redwood home -at 123
6t8-28 ,.1..". Circle. Phone 229-
6137. tfc 4-10
Lose weight, melt fat, de-
crease cholesterol with amaz- DO YOU NEED A
ing Kelcithin B capsules, HOMEBLUII DEFR
'',r,p '", I[or' 'q7t 8-28 that r.;,, .,.,.p: ,,r. ',.re in
North Florida, in the $17,500 to
450 C Dozer w-blade and' range?.
rake. Also truck, trailer and $5,' range?
Amco new ground disc. Call On your lot ,., '..-1. you .
229-6872. 4tp- B21 one. Handle'. '- detailed
22872. 4tp8-21 paper work for VA, FHA, Far-
650 CC Custom. chopper, mer's Home or conventional
Thunderbird metallic blue, ',r,. ', Repayments to
lots of chrome. Must sacrifice. match your budget. Start liv-
Call 229-6918 after 5.30 p.m. ifig Southern style, .call
tfic 8-14 Southern Home Builders
Phone 229-6253 for 796-6711, Dothan, Ala.
tfc 7 Three BR ,- 1310. Gar
,,', a h n,;v r ,risen Ave. :.'' 2M97 for
>, i and pheasant, 'live or ap 1 f 51
Mr Vs'i5000 WAlnyAORvt av

' dregsed. 1316 McClelain Ave.
ntered 227- 3786 i e 7-24
dad in
!. thes TAKE-UP-
-1975 '.' Futura in Beauti-
st *s ful -cabinet. .Must Sell! Cost
Balance due $286 or $12
meo. Phone 769-6653. Free
Senae Home Trial, no ,i- ,.... '
i tr bed tfe 7-24

"n s Just arrived to "-, -. with all
gsoge your .. -.' *.. needs.
In w i ,-,,.' vinyl
coated, and ..:; ended, If
you need to ( '. *; or have
pHeand hung, see our sam-
f iad Call Alford L os at
2h 29-6506.
bds I
City of
see1pt Used on month 14,000 BTU
ie any
eWSm air $-,'" .-.. $20; stove
o must (Roper), almost one year old,
9+ $150. See at 1905 Juniper Ave ,
t .m 229-3 27 tfc 626

3 BR house at 1024 McClel-
lan Ave, snialll -.. 'and
r j '- .205 tife 6-19

N,:.. -'W f, .. *. .
with den on 1 lots. Offer-
ed furnished for only $26,-

Two bedroom house on
Long Avenue, $7,000

Large 4 bedroom house
on 1% acres of "land, 2
L .' 'E. -":'- and other
nice features. Priced to sell
ft. for $26,250.00

FP. : i. -i iBroker
221 Reid Ave. 227-3451
3tc $28

To buy .or sell Avon at new S
low prices, write Mrs. Sarah
Skinner, Rt. 4, Box 868, Pan-
ama City, 32401, or call Mrs. Small furnished house for
L. Z. Henderson at 229-4281. ., p cp
tife6-'12 : person or couple, 227
3261. tfc 8-2
2 National Chsh Registers. One bedroom furnished
Excellent cond., can be seen one bedroom furnAshed
at Piggly '. ,-i.. fe7-17 house at St. Joe Beach. In-
quire at Smith's Pharmacy.
THE LATEST and most: tfc8-7
modern item for your home- Furnished two and three BR
photographic wall murals in hu edtwanhreB
the most beautiful colors and houses' at Beacon Hill, by
designs. See our samples and week. Bill Carr or call 229-
displays. Call Alford Ramsey, 6474. tf3-13
2298506. Furnished cottages at St.

Sewing machines repaired JoeBeach son
regardless of make or age. ly rates. Haon Insurance
Over 25 years experience.? Agency, 227-3491 or 229-5641
Parts, supplies for all makes.
Free estimate, guaranteed
satisfaction. 229-6782. tfe 1-30 Furnished exceptional nice
2 BR house, king size bed,
Singer Zig Zag sewing living and dining area carpet-
machine, take up 12 pmts. ed, auto. heat, air cond., ice
$8.50 monthly. Makes button- maker refrig., screen porch,
holes, monograms, hems, fenced front and back yard,
sews on buttons, guarantee. closed garage, washing mach-
229-6782 tfc 1-30 ine. No pets. 229-777 after 5
p.m. tfc 8-21

Furnished'one BR house in
,town. 1 .r- .. .-*. Phar-
macy. tfc 8-28

BR house, air ... ;r.-, .l
heat, fenced yard, 1 r .
and storage room, car port.
S229-6777 :. tfe8-21

Fi i-,, BR .-' cen
trial heat laundry & :t'..r ,,'q
room *' i-.;, .-i. r ., 229-
6777 : i tfec8-21

Astof this date, August 7, I.
will not be .,.'I for
debts ..',. i .,.. ex-
cept '*. ,. ... 1 me.

R.A.M.--Regular convaca-
tion on-St. Joseph- 'r. .,,".- No.
56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Mon-
days, 8 ,.p.m. All
S' welcome,
J. L. SIMS, H.P.
E. William ',. F I, i .':..i Sec.

There will be a VFW meet-
ing the third Tuesday of each
month in the '" I ,, ..r.
H-.., tfe 6-19

There will be a regular
..,.,..,,,,, ..I,... :,, Port St. Joe
i.. ,_ No. 11l F. & & '
every first and third Thurrs-
day at e ('" .- m..
J. L. 'r. -
Herbert L !:, .. Sec.

All Types
229-6482 or 229-6447

Dress making, custom
shirts, baby items crocheted
to order. Reasonable. 2294612
after six on weekdays, .,iJ .';
weekends. tfe 8-14

Gi Gi's u.di.- f :.j .... Ina l
back, shop is open.
Need ,. ., I1 ..... call
: .. -4052. tfe2-27

West Flao Structure
& to' p, t i'l sg nii
Kills mildew and i .. s: on
eaves and- homes. (One-third
off carpet cleaning, with ex-
terior cleaning.)
Phone 769.0333

For TV repairs and Zenith
sales, see K&D TV and Sound
at 301 Reid Ave. 227-2071
% tfe 6-2

Professional help with emo-
tional problems and-or con-
cerns. Gulf County Guidance
Clinic, Port St. Joe. 227-2691 or
227-7586. tfc 11-14

Tues. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m.
S t. -'-': .: ,It : I v I
Social Hall
tfc 4-24

A New Service At


For Information, Come by
or Call tfec 6-2
107 Second Street
Phone 227-4401


Heating, Cooling &
Electric Service

Commercial or Residential
Installation & Service


Port St. Joe
Owned & Operated by
Edward & Tommy Smith
tfc 8-14

-_ i.I.'= St. Joe Beach
for rent. 648-4976. tfc 8-28

Unfurnished 3 BR, 1/z bath
town house on beach front at.
Beacop Hill, Call 648-4800. -
tfc 8 21

bath, Gulf view, with- i I i
screened porch. '.. Farm
Agency, Jean Arnold, Broker,
648-4800. tfe 8-21

For Rent:'On Cana
Joe t: ';!. 12 x 47 1
" .'....!... ..r-~. a-c. PI

AT RUSTIC -" :'.,"
S.i-.,. i ., 15th T I
BEACH, 648-3600.

i ., ,.1'. address
Ov i the Port
Kiwanis Club. A new
- .t.! e on either ba
current. Call Ken
227-5281for rental.

One and 2 BR
r,',,fr A ..i Beacon ]
tral air and heat, add
no pets. 648-4508.


22911. 01 ,

al St., St
h n 6.....-. -
hone 648-

Band Boosters Meet

Tonight In hBand Room

The Band Boosters wii Donations will be appre-
meet tonight at eight p.m. in $' dated and can be mailed to
the Band Room of the Po :.,' .. P..-rt St. Joe Jr.-Sr. High
Joe Jr.-Sr. High School .c '. #. 1 care of the Band Boos-
cuss and consider their pro- ters or call 227-4876 for more'
jer ..:x r, .jr4 i. r ir,':-7 nation.



Furnished apt. for rent .a.'
M e+. + ',, f E i* (.>. t14 r.; r l .

'.,, .orpe. Cal, d,, :. ] .'
'or roi m 68-.31>: tft', $- :

rent Edgewater c
i :.u.-ij; Mexico Beach tv.4.

liFt, ini noihh.ij J '."." | ._ 1 4.
t tni f14: !1


-i 7;." i dfI f '- lufr.niu l j rk-

MEXICO+ ,k'Dl 648-5001. tic 94
PRIVI- 3 -Y n-f.&j-1'i dihiiA .'*i
'FROM re"' .... :!,ir,, .ij '.," ._.
tfe 8 .
: f.',-.. Ii. ,l t. *:'yl., low
,v q, .

ittery or ). l. t,.J l'jt,' li ''' t1.".k,
e i.' 4 in-floor, r.i,. .. r 'l-.,.

S$1,195.00. Call [f %I. 1v,

r5061 "
Hill,c n- en'
ults only, HELP WANTED: General
lc94p ,rr,,' n experience not

bedroofM Florida ,iini.i i Homes, 520
.] Call I A'--.1 'U 1 1.i. '
*I,.-' '''"" ''"! *"*'**' *

skill saws and table sas. ,i
(A 4 ', .s I- i.nr ., I.- to White
, f 'o. tr, IeT l t.ehind~hie
Gulf Station. Bert Hall. tfc 7'k-

Electrical & Air Condition
t'-.. 2,, .' Commercial

068-6200 Mexico Beach
tfe 7-3

Machine Work Welding
". -: i ,, i. Fr''-",
Phone 229-6803
Machinist on duty all day
Every day

% -.*t:,. 1 a sT'|' l'nnq -'".I I hl
I barefoott ..' i.. 'I ;nk
227- '9 sarul .-4n' tn i
Bill; McfArland
.., .V.,h i.ti.,!-*

o Pot SI Jie- Gol ':. I :. i. ,
allU 227-2501 or. -go It., "-i-
*hamber rtfnr':, M'Trii
F'nme'Jid >' 5th 11 M.Mr sy .usi
F -'? E.D' tfc,5-1

Visit or call the Alcohol
Couns ling Information
Center; of the Panhandle Al-.
cohofis'p 'Council, Inc. 321
Reid Atenue, Port St. Joe.
Phone 229-3515. tfc 1-30




- a


.... '

IGA 16 Oz. Jar
Pot 0'

,28 z. .. $123



$1 05

40 Oz. Btl. $1 25

Chocolate Fudge '102 Oz. Pkg.


Tablerite Choice Quality Beef Tablerite ChoiceQuality Beef

Chuck Roast


Tablerite Choice Quality
Steaks Lb.
Taberite Choice Quality



Tablerite Lhoice Quality
Sw iss ode. Round
" -_l. L Lb.




Round Steak

Boneless Bottom



$ 78

Armour Star (Reg. or Beef)


12 Oz.

Dogs "^
Lykes 1 Lb. Vac Pak
Sliced $


All Star 12 Oz. Vac Pak



Tablerite Choice Quality Beef Rib Eye



Lb.- $ 18


Lykes Sliced
Baked oo. $&
Picnic vac Pak
Lykes Sliced 10 Oz. Vac Pak
Cooked t 1-





Tablerite Choice '...
Sirloin $ 98
Steqk Lb.
T r rttu.- Choice C .. t, T' -
Cube $188



Tablerite Controlled Quality
Ground Beef

Extra Lean 7


Insect Bomb 7 Oz. Can
Johnson's Off

*.. v r. Napkins

Pkg. of 12


(Limit 1 with $10.00 Order)

49 Oz.


Bleach 55'



Bama Grape 2 Lb. Jar
Grape Jelly sI 13

U U Style (Reg. *Hard t Hold Bowl
Deodorant (Reg. or Unscented) Tablets (Save 32c Stye (Reg. -a Hard to d -
Ultra Ban 5000 Excedrin Hair Spray Brd
s 1Biscuits 4/ 49'
IGA" 6 Oz. Cans O z. C^a n ( 4
Lemonade 4/69 5 Oz. k 7 3O. n Kraft
SVelvetta Lb. Pkg. 99

.Tennessee Mountain Grown


1 Medium Yellow,
Red and White GR,




3 Lb.Ba69
s Lb. 49'

U.S. No. 1



10 Lb.
50 Lb.



lb. 39'

Fresh Shelled Bag
Blackeye Peas59;
Large Bag
Okra, Squash 49'
-. Georgia Red SWEET


Red Delicious
APPLES iBasket

Sweet Sue 24 Oz. Can
Chick & Dumplins 77'

tRice --,. 2
AOico C ookiesi.n Sa",c
.Oreo. Cookies ^ .









(L $
Can 4
Limit 1 with
S10 Order

Gold Corn 3/89'

comie Save With Mr, I'G;

t I


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1975

of the

SGulf County Commission

L. ._.-we ..wp. *v*m. *<*"*^i<^'**(^

The Board of County Com-
missioners of Gulf County,
met on August 12, in regular
session with. the following
* members present: Chairman
Otis Davis, Jr.; Everett
SOwens, Jr.; T. D. (Doec) Whit-
field; Eldridge 'Money and.
Silas Player. Also present
were George Y. Core, Clerk,
William J. Rish, ,Attorney;
Road. Superintendent, Lloyd
Whitfield; Civil Defense Di-
rector,. Richard Lancaster;
Financial Officer, Jerry Gates.
and- Mosquito Control Super-
visor Emmette DanielL
.Auxflary Deputy Emmette
Daniell called the meeting to
order .at 9:00. a.m. Comm..
Money opened the meeting
with prayer and led the pledge
of allegiance.
The -Chairman announced
that the public hearing on the
exchange of property on' the
4oney Bayou Road would
begin. After no. objections
were made, Comm. Whitfield
moved, the transfer be exe-
.,;.rI ., I,rd -,e Attorney pre-
.r tr- t it.l documents for
IUI- ,_,4'urn. Comm. 'Owens
S-.:o,,r I' itl- motion and it
passed unanimously.
'Jesse Stone, President of the
Gulf County Golden Anniver-
sary Commission, presented
the final report of the com-
mission and tendered his re-
signation as president of the
commission. The Board
thanked Mr. Stone and praised
him and his committee for the
outstanding job in presenting
the celebration. Comm.
Owens moved the final report
be accepted, and Mr. Stone
relieved of any further respon-
sibilities as president of the
organization. Comm. Whit-
field seconded the motion and
it passed unanimously., Mr.
Stone reported that the Golden
Anniversary Commission had
budgeted $842.46 for unexpect-
ed expenses that had failed to
materialize. He added that the

'to the St. Joseph Historical
'.-' r' to help *i'-io., the
heavy indebtedness incurred'
by the society on historical
publications for the celebra
tion. Comm. Money moved
that the Golden Anniversary

.Commission be allowed to dis-
_ burse these excess funds to the
St. Joseph Historical Society.
Comm. Whitfield seconded the
motion and it passed unani-
Ray Osborne presented the
final plat, of St. Joseph Bay
Estates. After discussion,
Comm. Owens moved that all
plats presented to the Board
be accepted with the under-
standing that the Board is not
responsible for providing
water and sewer and that all
roads be brought to county
specifications before accept-
ance. -Comm. Money seconded
the motion and it passed unani-.
mously. After a discussion of
the location of the paved road
through the country dub and
i4. ,: i, on ', causing
a variance in the 'io, .". of the
blocks, Comm. Owens moved
the Board advertise for a
public hearing at 7:30 P.Mo on
i,, ,,. August1 19, 1975, to
-consider ."....,: the vari-
ance. Comm /.h.. .. -
seconded the .. .- and it
.passed i, .',,,.'. : .
The Board received .a copy
of E. ,.. -. ,...-.' %. i made
by Governor Reubin Askew
,'1 ,-,[ n i' state of emer-
gency exists in Gulf County
due to the recent heavy rains.
The Board also received a
letter from i.,,,., ".ta* CI., r-
gressman Bob Sikes offering
his assistance in obtaining
federal funds for repairs. Civil
Defense Director Richard
Lancaster reported that all
persons receiving damage to
their property- hi',,I f r.-.', it.
to the Civil Defense.
After discussion of extend-
in nto I- Creek the ditch
1 .' 1 the
Board r, ,,'.. Comm.
Money and the "-I ; .. Con-
tirol Supervisor work out a
schedule to operate "... '-
line five days a week and ex-
tend '. ,. l .into ',,

!, i., '! Con-
".,. ,, ** ,. -p., .that
1 .1 ,,. .... :.. personrinel would
terminate .! .,. ,. August
14, ''" and that he had over-

this by $200.00.

Finance Officer Jerry Gates
reported that Tax Assessor
Sammy Patrick had certified
a millage to the Board which
reduces last- year's ..'iAge
from 5.13 to 4.873. He added
that the tentative budget
adopted by the Board would
call for an increase of .322
mills in the Fine and Forfei-
ture Fund, and .672 mills in the
General Fund or .737 mills
more than last year.- The
Board agreed to discuss this
further after other business
had been taken care of.
David Bidwell, School Sup-
erintendent, and Wallace Guil-
lot, School Board Chairman,
appeared before the Board to
discuss the possibility of ob-
taining federal revenue shar-
* ing funds. They discussed the
financial problems facing .the.
school board and requested
the Board's assistance. The
County Commissioners ex-
pressed concern but had no
funds available in view of
budget problems facing the
County Commisision.
Upon motion by Comm.
Player, second by Comm.
Money, and unanimous vote,
the Board adopted an amend-
ment to Cooperative Equip-
ment Lease for the White City
Fire Department, Lease 75-1.
Upon presentation of a bill
from St. Joe Furniture and
Appliance Company, for furni-
ture used on the Gulf County
float, the Board agreed to dis-
cuss this matter with Henry
The Board received detailed
reports from Tropical Roofing
Company covering the pro-
blems on the roof and paneling
at the courthouse in Port St.
-"oe-and on the roof of the
courthouse. in- Wewahitchkao
The Board agreed to hold
these proposals for further
study. '
The Board received monthly
'.,.,'. fr .-. 'r R .ad Depart-
r ",! r.:. ',:.f i D e-

:-,- P.'.{ r<.l 'e- 'the fol-
Slowing employment applica-
tions: Jean Thompson, Phillip
''., f Dykes, James Edward
Douglas Rogers, Donna S.
McCroan, Douglas Michael
Harry James Hall, Oui-
da D. Carter, Janice Stokes,


James Larry Carter, Jane
Scribner, Edith Nell Perritt.
SThe Board was notifi~4by
Standard Oil that the pric$'of
gas increased 1.2 cents effec-
tive August 7, 1975. .
The Board received a grant
adjustment notice on LtAA
Telecommunications grannio.
71-12-05 extending the liquida-
tion period to October 9, 1973
The. Board received- a
memorandum concerning
changes in procedures :.:.r .tr-
tax adjustment board. -,
The Board received billings
in the amount of : i 'r
nursing home care afnd
$507.28 for hospital charges.
The Board received a bud-
get request for $50.00 from
the West Florida Resource
and Conservation L, ':,.
The Board tabled *. '"
further study.
The Board discussed return
of right .of way -rr'... ,,':i,,
conveyed as a public street in
Deed Book 24, page 63 in
Beacon Hill Subdivision. The
Board agreed to table this
matter for further study.,
Harland Pridgeon, Tax Col-.
lector, reported to the Board
that he had been in touch with
the Department of Revenue
concerning the unresolved
petitions before the Board of
Tax ." : ", '. and forms-to
. complete the tax roll .. '._
soon. be on the way. He also
urged the Board to use what-
ever influence ,:--~ ~- to
assure that the tax roll was
completed as soon.
so he .could have the current
tax statements in the i
October 31, 1975.
The Board discussed Chap-
ter 75-6), a new law r.- ,. .
the Board to have a contract
* with persons wishing to rent
the county-owned .,t..ir
The Board was reminded
that building inspector E.- F.
Gunn requests the Board con-
sider rules and regulations for
installation of mobile homes
as Florida. Power considers
electrical hook-ups up mobile
homes a big problem.
Upon motion by Comm.
Player, second by Comm.
Money, and unanimous vote,
the Board agreed to accept
easments on the Kemp Ceme-
tery Road as recorded in O. R.
Book 62, page. 360 and provide
St. Joe Land and Development
an appraisal of the value of the
acreage in this area.
Upon motion by Comm.
Owens, second by Comm.
Player, and unanimous vote,'
.the Board agreed to pay Neal
Land and Timber Company
four hundred dollars ($400.00)
for a lease to remove dirt from
two acres of land near Stone
Mill Creek as recorded in O.R.
Book 62, page 369.
The Board was reminded
that a public hearing od an in-


NOTICE is hereby given that an
EXAMINER will hold a public hearing on the
TELEGRAPH COMPANY pursuant to Section
S.; Florida S'a ut-. .. to adjust its rates and
charges to provide an additional annual gross
revenueof $542,741 9b-as to give the Company
the opportunity to earn a rate of return of 7.01
per cent on its December 31, 1974 year end rate
base. Said hearings will be held at the
following times and places:
9:30 a.m., Friday, September 26, 1975
County Commission Room
Gulf County Courthouse.
1000 5th Street
Port St. Joe, Florida

The purpose of this hearing will be to permit
the Petitioner to make a presentation of its
testimony and exhibits in support of its
Petition for a rate increase, to permit all
public witnesses who so desire, the opportun-
ity to present testimony concerning the
proposed rate increase as well as the ade-
quacy and quality of service being rendered
by the Company. All public witnesses will be
subject to cross-examination at the conclusion
of their testimony.
Further public hearings shall also be held at
the following time and place:
9:30 A.M., Tuesday, October 28, 1975
Florida Public Service Commission Hearing
Whitfield Building
700 South Adams Street
Tallahassee, Florida
The purpose for said hearing scheduled to
commence on October 28th, shall be to cross-

examine the witnesses of the Petitioner, to-
permit Intervenors actively participating in
the case to present evidence, to cross-exa-,
mine the witnesses of the Intervenors, and for
such other purposes, the Commission may
deem appropriate. Intervenor,s wishing to
present evidence at this hearing shall profile
same with the Commission and all parties in
the form of written testimony and exhibits no -
later than October 15, 1975. Members of the
public will be permitted to present testimony ,
regarding the Petition for a rate increase as
well as adequacy and quality of service now :
rendered by the Petitioner.
At said times, all interested parties will bt,'
given an opportunity to be fully heard. ^
A representative of the Legal Department of
the Commission will be present at the public
hearing at 9:00 a.m. to assist those members
of the public who wish to present testimony
concerning the Petition filed herein.
Although the Petitioner has proposed cer-
tain revisions to its existing tariff in order to
generate the additional revenues, the Com-
mission is not bound by such proposals and
will give consideration to applying said
increases, if any are authorized, in the
manner it deems fair, reasonable and proper.
Copies of the Petitioner's proposed iff
revisions are available for inspection a
Commission's main office, 700 South ms
Street, Tallahassee, Florida, and di ict
offices of the Petitioner.
This Notice is published by direction of the
Florida Public Service Commission.

2t 8-28

crease in telephone, rates
would be held in the county
commission room on Septem-
ber 26, at 9:00 a.m.
Upon motion by Comm.
Owens, second by Comm.
Money, and unanimous vote,
the Board agreed to contribute
$850.00 to the Port St. Joe
Chamber of Commerce.
Chairman Davis reminded
the Board that the .. would
like to exchange a "Y "' r for
clearing 17 acres of land. The
Board requested a written
C. V ':, .. /reported that
Q. P Wise had junked refrig-
erators and stoves ;,,.t- on
the county right of way in
White *'.'- and moved the
Board write Mr. Wise a letter
r .' these items be
removed from r r r.g,' *way
by a certain date or the county
would move them. The r. *
died for lack of a second.
Upon motion by Comm.
Player, second by Comm.
Owens, and unanimous vote,
the Board executed a contract
of agreement between Mich-
ael Lister and the Gulf County
Board of County Commission
as recorded in O.R. Book 62,
The Board i: ,-4-: the
tentative budget at '-'., t", and
Comm. M. moved the
Board advertise to increase
property taxes in accordance
A.^. Florida Statute 200.065
Comm. Player seconded the
motion. Upon vote, Commis-

and 7: ,: :. Aye, and
.r*, Davis voted nay.
Comm "' -.'. t that
a o"' .. on Roy C.
. -.. time sheet showed
that the county still owed him
$833.79. After discussion
Comm. r.. moved that
Mr. and Mrs. II .'.*-sign a
statement of agreement that
this shall be a final settlement
of all claims for overtime.
Comm. Owens seconded the
motion and it passed unani-

Gary Speighti \ it endiIng College

-. > ,r:. ,'- son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lamar i- ",.' 'A" Sr.
.of Port St. Joe, has been ac-
. .. .-l T .. ,,,... l -
boro, Kansas for the 1975-76
school year.
Mr. ,,. gr''- graduated
from Port St. Joe High School
this spring, and has indicated
an interest in Journalism as a
possible major field in col-
legiate study. i
Situated in a small town in

Protect yourself with these safguards against CANCER

BREAST Monthly Self-Exam
UTERUS Pap Test Once a Year
LUNG Don't Smoke Cigarettes
SKIN Avoid Excess Sun
RECTUM ProctoAnnually Especially .
After 40
MOUTH Exams R.,.iu'i.

central Kansas, Tabor i, ,d-f,
is.. : -.,- Christian liberal
arts school ..'-,i ,'c: a Chris-
tian '.:. and commit-
ment.. .:i" *-h the college is
sponsored by the -Mennonite.
Brethren Church, nearly half

of the students represent 40
other .i,>-rw,( *Ur..:fr1 Tabor's
500 students are ..-'rkng to-
ward the Bachelor of Arts
*..,r.-. % itih majors possible in
18 areas ,nl ~th- Associate of
Arts degree.

Auto Parts
For All Make Cars

Monroe Shocks

S Borg-Warner
S.Rebuilt Parts
Walker Exhausts
.^ Blackhawk Tools.


401 Williams Ave. 229-6013<
. ^^M,W5.SSSW^^

Command of the Coast
d Guard LORAN Station at San
Commands Mateo Point near San Cle-
mente has changed hands.
Sta *o ^ Chief WilbureM.r.:.. .
t at i officer in i i -i the station
for the past four years, was
relieved August 22 by -Chief

Public Hearing

in Docket No. 750166-TP

On a Petition By

St. Joseph Telephone

& Telegraph Company

---- --- --UT"' -r- ~ -.~ ~-~ -~- -- Y^ C -I~I~ *-- -- C ------f-~Yr--e

___ _, c- ---- -- -- -- ---- -t- ~ -- -------- ------ --- ----- -- --- -

Electronics Technician Julian
B. Lowe, of Phoenix, Ariz()a.
Chief House, also an Ele-
tronics Technician, is from
Port St. Joe. He, is being
transferred to the Coast
Guard Cutter RUSH, home
ported in San Francisco. o



THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1975

Brother of Mrs. Ward

Died Last Thursday
Dewey Lightfoot, age 75, a Marathon.
resident of J'' ,'f. died last Funeral services were held
Thursday in Bay Memorial Sunday, August 31, at 2:00
Hospital. Mr. Lightfoot had p.m. in the Community
been a resident of Wewahitch- Church with the Rev. J. W.
ka for 16 years and recently Hunt and Rev. Claude E.
moved to Panama City. McGill officiating. Interment
Survivors inlcude his wife, followed in the family plot of
Mrs. Cynthia Lightfoot of Mill- Millville Cemetery.
ville; a sister, Mrs. Shirley All services were under the.
Ward of Port St. Joe, and a direction of Comforter Funer-
brother, Johnny Bridges of al Home of Port St. Joe.

Bird Week of


SAN .Railroad and First Baptists Presented Softball League Awards

(iu rch Winners
TTropbi~s were pirlmeoled toih. wihe -trsin)Er
the Cbhfichi SAjLholII I~gut IbU t wf'Lby u61)h

I ..iinItri -; rr Dirc-ckor Wallcir %%,d.1i

Chuicr.r- ttopiu. "on F~ Fright hBarsthf. lintd

L-s1. Gui~ull '.',unty Recreation Direc-
trr W'at(/.r UAid'r pese.tled trophies to the
.invnrs -, h. i.1rmmne (.'al division of the

summer softball leagues. Representing
Sears, at left, is Harry Lowry, holding the
second place trophy. Wayne Parrish, repre-
itn'hing the Apalachicola Northern Railroad
team, accepted the first place trophy for the
team ."- P :."':-.

Ray Miller Wins Prize

In Badcock Promotion

Ray Miller, of White ,,".
was'the winner of a $50 ;,J:
certificate in the recent Bad-
cock Home Furnishing Cen-
ters Spring Value '-' i, ..".j
drawing. .
The gift certificate is re-

deemable on the home fur-
nishings of Miller's choice.
There were a total. of 160
winners, ,. .. ir..'. 16 overall
prizes and one for each of the
144 Badcock stores in the
$11,000 drawing.

Shown above left to right. Milton Ward, Tournament sponsor Randall Brady and Darrel Ward.

AWards Defend Doubles

Tennis Title Successfully

rae ,L.p ii,,...i..,i residents,
It. r-ri k i M~.l t ..,. Ward, re-
tained the Port St. Joe Invita-
tional Doubles Tennis cham-
pionship. The tournament held
I.. kliil was sponsored by
The Athletic House of Port St.,
Joe. Teams. were fielded for
the event .from .Port. St. Joe,
SBlountstown and Apalachi-
cola, w ',nov I. ,f d o.---...
Hendels of 4-p,.'ii',.,., were
defeated by Aurthur- Faurot
and Mark Pelt of Blountstown
iir it opening fire.
Jim Mashburn and Mike
_Scott of Port St. Joe downed
.Tim and Tony. Poloronis in a

Paul Wilson and Tony ,..
of Apalachicola fell to Rex
Davis and James Dunrn of
Blountstown. Jimmy Elliott
an Mark Elliott had a by* the
first round, were defeated by
Rex Davis and James Dunn
S-3, 6-1. Mike Cross and Tal-
man Sisk of Port St. Joe fell to
the Ward Brothers in the first
round of play.
The Wards, later in the
afternoon defeated Miles El-
dridge and J. Dendy of
Blounts.town 6-3, 5-7, 6-1 to get
to the semi-finals. Miles was
the oldest player in the tourna-
ment at 54. Despite his age
and a bad hip, Miles has cut
down many a young player

' with his good, sound strokes.
e ,, ... .,. i.[.r followed by
the finals were played %, .1..
afternoon. Milton and Darrel
Squared off against Rex Davis
and James Dunn. Davis and
Dunn came on strong in the
first set and captured it 6-3.
The Wards came back in the
second set and won 6-3 In the
at the i. .
continue. ,:,, r.3" ," :".* 1; *
for points until Davis and
Dunn i..... fell 6-3.
In the other court in the
semi-finals were Scott and
Mashburn of Port St. Joe and
Pelt and Faurot of Blounts-
town. Pelt and Faurot appear-
ed to be the most talented
team in the tournament with
their fine volleys at the net.
Pelt and Faurot took the first
set 6-3, but Scott and Mash-
,burn stormed by in the second
set, to- play what appeared
their best of the tournament,

as they clipped Pelt and Fau-
rot 6-2. Pelt and Faurot came
back in the third set, however,
and. smashed their way into
the finals 6-1.
The finals pitted the Wards
against Pelt and Faurot. The
first set was close as each
team hit stroke for stroke until
the score stood at 5-5. The
brothers then took the next

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two games and the first set 7-5.
In the final set, the Wards
,, ",* .,: best set ever, as
.rt ~~ -, .1 :,, to their
fourth consecutive doubles

championship, 6-1. The next
tournament may be played in
Blountstown, or perhaps in
Apalachicola at their recently
completed courts.

Bidwells Earn Degrees

Florida State 'I :.e' r
awarded degrees to approxi-
mately 1,025 students in
Graduates of this area are

husband and wife, David Bid-
well and Betty Bidwell of
Wewahitchka. TI,-, t .:..-'. -arr-
ed Advanced Masters in Ad-

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