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EIGHT PAGES THE STAR S"The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" NIlIMRER PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1971 ' Jim Faison falls across the Chipley goal line for the Sharks final score Friday as two Tigers come up too late to stop him. Archie Shackleford "does his thing" by than going around two Chipley defenders. bursting through, rather Quarterback Ken Whittle takes off on one of several of his -Star photos rambling jaunts, which kept Chipley's Tigers in a sweat. Sharks Win First Gulf Coast Conference Championship St. Joe Sharks 24; Chipley Tigers 6 City Christmas Lights Go On Tonight At 7:00 Something new will be added to the Christmas season this year when the City Commission will hold a ceremony in front of the City Hall for the turning on of Christmas lights for the 1971 yule season. The ceremony will begin at 7:00 p.m. tonight (Wednesday) at the Christmas tree in front of the City Hall, when Mayor Frank Pate will give the signal for all lights to be turned on for the first time this- year. Santa Claus will be on hand for the event to talk with the children and assist Mayor Pate and Commissioners Bob Fox, Bob Holland, Tom Coldewey and Dan Sexton in ushering in the Christmas spirit. N Santa will pass out pieces of candy to his small admirers at the ceremony. Port St. Joe's Police Depart- ment will block off Fifth Street from Williams Avenue to Reid Avenue to accommodate the the crowds around the city's Christmas tree which is located in the median of Fifth Street. City Clerk Charles Brock said the Commission has issued an invitation for everyone to attend the tree lighting. Rodney iNobles smothers : lChipley Tiger runner in his fine defensive effort Friday night., -Star photo Greenville and Wewahitchka Will Meet In First "Mullet Bowl" Here The Port St. Joe Quarterback Club is introducing the bowl game to Port St.. Joe this year by being the sponsoring organ- ization for the "Mullet Bowl" which will be played on the Port. St. Joe High School football sta- dium Saturday night, November 27 at 8:00 p.m. Appearing in the initial "Mul- let Bowl" Saturday will be Wewahitchka and Greenville. Both; are class A powers in North Florida and both missed going into the state play-offs in their division by one loss. Wewahitchka lost only to a powerful Port St. Joe and to Bristol, the play-off representa- tive in their district. Greenville lost only to Sneads during the regular season and was nosed out of the play-offs by Bristol. Tickets are now on sale at $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for students by the Quarterback Club. Profits from the bowl game will be used to help pay for the new stadium seating built here in Port St. Joe this year. The Quarterback club will also be selling fish dinners, hot dogs and drinks at the "Mullet Bowl". It was estimated that 5,000 :people would be on hand to see "the game" last Friday night as Chipley and Port St. Joe met in Chipley in a game to decide the new Gulf Coast Championship and who would represent dis- trict 2 in the state Class AA football playoffs. The game was scheduled to be- gin at 8:30, Port St.. Joe time, but they could have started -at 7:00 p.m., because the 5,000 were all there. As one sportswriter said, "it was no mistaking a mistake in the ratings", as fourth ranked Port St. Joe completely routed the number two ranked Chipley Tigers 24-6. The Shark defense, as usual, was superb holding the Tigers, who had ran rough-shod over their opposition all year, to a mere 164 yards, while the Shark offense was grinding out 299 yards in a display which surpris- ed even their regular followers. All season long, the Sharks had relied on the running of Ar- chie Shackleford peppered with carries by blocking back Jim Faison and Lawrence Bowen .and occasional pass plays to Per- ry Adkison, Steve Atchison and Steve Bass. But Friday night was another story. Shackleford was his usual hard running self, but quarterback Ken Whit- tle tossed in some long gaining option plays which kept the Ti- gers off balance all night long. Alan Hammook and Craig Da- vis in the life knocked out the Tiger's highly-touted Kimbrough and Jim Faison came roaring through for 10 to 15 yards at a , clip time after time. The Sharks even helped out in making Chipley's only score in the game. Twice the Shark defense stopped the Tiger's late in the first period, but a face mask and offside penalties kept the Tiger drive alive and they sent Steve Morris over from the four yard line for six points and (Continued On Page 8) Mrs. Neva H. Croxton Died Saturday After Short Illness Mrs. Neva H. Croxton, 74, of 1505 Monument Avenue, passed away Saturday in Municipal Hos- pital following a brief illness. Mrs. Croxton was a long-time resident of Port St. Joe and was a dietitian at the local hospital. Mrs. Croxton served as a Coun- ty Commissioner of Gulf Coun- ty from May of 1961 to January 1963, when she served out the unexpired term of her husband, G. S. Croxton, who died while in office. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, the Marie Jones Bible Class, Order of the Eastern Star 191 and. the Port St. Joe Garden Club. She is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Randolph Noble, Sr., of Fayette, Miss.; two grand- daughters, Mrs. Tom Turner, Jr., of Bellzoni, Miss., and Mrs. George Blair of Laurel, Miss.; and one grandson, Randolph No- ble, Jr. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p.m., from the First United Methodist Church, with Rev. R. M. Spikes officiating. Burial was in the family plot of Holly Hill Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Edd Ram- sey, C. E. Boyer, George Cooper, George Tapper, Chauncey Costin and George Core. Honorary pallbearers were Otto Anderson, Edward Good- man, members of the Marie Jones Bible Class, members of the Order of Eastern Star 191, members of the Port St. Joe Gar- den Club and staff members of Municipal Hospital. Comforter Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Judge Smith Moves Pitts-Lee Trial For Murder to Jackson County Circuit Judge D. R. Smith of Ocala ruled last Thursday that the new murder trialfer Freddie Lee Pitts a id WilberitLee will be held in the Jackson County Courthouse on February 21 of next year. The change in venue was one of several motions filed before the courts by Pitts and Lee's attorneys, headed by Ir- win Block of Miami. Pitts and Lee are charged with the 1963 murder of Grover Floyd and Jesse Burkett of Port St. Joe. Judge Smith also challenged the right of Phillip A. Hubbart, public defender of Miami to be a part of the defense team. Hub- bart is listed as one of the attor- neys of record for the two de- fendants. Judge Smith also set December 15 as the date for defense at- torneys to take depositions of several state witnesses here in Port St. Joe and to rule on fur- ther miiotions filed by the de- fense. One of the motions filed by the defense, to examine a trans- cript of the grand jury proceed- ings indicting the two for mur- der last month, was denied. The Judge ruled that the pro- ceedings of the grand jury was secret and would be kept secret in this case. Block argued before the court that the trial should be moved to Ocala in Marion county, but assistant state's attorney Leo Jones asked that Marianna be considered to lessen the cost to Gulf County for the trial. He also pointed out that Marianna had a federal courthouse capable of providing necessary facilities for the trial. On December 15 attorneys will also argue motions to dis- miss the grand jury indictments and to suppress defendants' con- fessions and statements. The defense attorneys at-' tempted, Thursday, to show that the grand jury was prejudiced in its deliberations in bringing the murder indictment. Six members of the grand jury were questioned; Will Harris, Mrs. Florence McNealy, Joann Rob- erts, Raymond P. Burrows, Mrs. Hazel Simmons and Milburn S. -Smith, who all testified they were familiar with the case but had no prejudice. Two of the grand jurors were questioned at length. Will Har- ris, of Port St. Joe admitted that he had once been convicted of a felony and has not had his civil rights restored, although he is a registered voter. Harris said he did not know at the time he did not have his civil rights. Mrs. McNealy of Wewahitchka, said she had worked for Sheriff Byrd Parker for about 15 years, but had not worked for the past three years. Later in the proceedings, Judge Smith granted the defense motion to take depositions of several prospective witnesses, but excluded the state's star witness, Willie Mae Lee, who was with the two defendants on the night of the alleged crime. State's -attorney Leo Jones ar- gued that her testimony was on file in numerous.. records and was readily available to the de- fense attorneys. The Judge granted a motion for- discovery of state evidence and generally denied a motion for the state to furnish the de- fense evidence which is favor- able to the defendants. Judge Smith said Hubbart's representing the defendants vio- lated a state law prohibiting elected officials from practicing outside their judicial circuit. Hubbart said he would apply immediately to Governor Reubin Askew for permission to partici- pate in the trial. Pitts and Lee were convicted, in 1963 in the deaths of the two service station attendants, Floyd and Burkett. They spent eight years on death row at Raiford. Their convictions- were over- turned by the Florida Supreme Court earlier this year after an admission of error by Attorney (Continued On Page 8) Port St. Joe City Commissioners were able to do what everyone desires to do last Tuesday night-burn some paid-up mortgage notes. Mayor Frank Pate, second from right, was the man with the matches as he set fire to paid up bonds on the City's Municipal Building. The Commissioners de- stroyed 89 paid-up bonds of $1,000 denominations saving one to put away in the City's records. Offering the Mayor advice and encouragement in his project are, left to right: City Attorney Wil- liam J. Rish, Commisisoners Bob Fox, Bob Hol- land and Tom Coldewey and City Clerk Charles Brock, right. -Star photo. - -I 1 ' THIRTY.FIFTH YEAR 10c PER COPY 12 Commissioners Burn Bonds ~r~-.- ! ' WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1971 3U SS Editorials... I "In the name of God, amen!" .- , So opens the Mayflower Compact. This pact was a rule of law for, the small settlement of Plymouth, to which all must' subscribe before leaving the ship to enter the new land. This document is a masterpiece, which in one sentence provided a workable code under which the peo- ple might live in peace and order. Here it is: "We do, by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic,'for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience." / This rule of law and order in all things was the very premise upon which the United States was founded. It was begun in the cabin of the Mayflower with the signing of the above compact. It established the world's first gov- ernment for and by the people. Although they could not have known what they were starting, the Pilgrims, with one stroke of the pen,. created the freedoms, the justice, and the opportunities which have made America unique among the nations of the world. The Pilgrims left England to escape the yoke of re- ligious persecution to find a place in the wilderness whbre they might walk in all His ways, whatever the cost. -And in all simplicity and humility, this they did. The Pilgrims brought God to these shores as a partner, comforter and friend. They brought the Holy Bible as their guide. Amer- ica was born a Christian nation, thanks to them. They loved God and they loved order. We fell heir to their priceless legacy by their faith and their blood, which they gave that we might be free. Our American holiday of Thanksgiving\is traced to this Plymouth colony, but the idea is much older. The origin of the custom of setting aside a time of Thanks- giving to God is lost in the mists of time. There are re- peated references to expressions of thanksgiving in the Old -Testament. Noah, delivered from the flood, erected an altar to the Lord in thanksgiving. One can uncover in history many a poignant tableau of thanksgiving. In Revelation we can journey to the island of Patmos and join a prisoner, named John, to behold a future thanksgiving scene that spans the dimensions of time and space, to generate hope and new life in the weariest of human breasts. We find in Revelation 7:11-12, "And all the angels stood round about the throne ... and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped. God, saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen." Only the blessed of God know what Thanksgiving Day is really all about. Only the country that was found- ed, under God, is the greatest blest in 1971. We, the people of today, must preserve this heritage for our chil- dren and our children's children, in the name of God, amen! I Feds Provide 1-3 Of County and City Money Florida counties and cities re- ceived one-third of their $2.4 billion in revenue for fiscal year 1970 from state and federal sour- ces, the Florida State Chamber of Commerce reported this week only 29 per cent was from other in its Weekly Business Review. Analyzing figures compiled by the U. S. Commerce Department, the State Chamber said in its Weekly Business Review that 37 per cent of all funds received by local governments in Florida came from state and federal sources. Five years ago, local governments in Florida had to- tal revenue of $1.3 billion and government levels. In the last five years, state aid to local governments in Florida has increased 133 per cent, reaching $785 million in fiscal year 1970. Direct federal aid to local government increased 119 per cent to total $81 million for the same period. "One reason for the increase is that local governments really don't have many other places to go for funds to offset their more limited tax base supported main- ly by the ad valorem property taxes," said Ronald S. Spencer, Jr., Executive Vice President of the State Chamber. "In fact, fi- nance reports show that more than three-fifths of all taxes are collected by the Federal govern- ment; state governments collect one-fifth, with the remaining be- ing collected, by local govern- ments," he added. The bulk of contributions made to local governments in Florida 33 per cent- came from state government. The re- maining 4 per cent came from direct federal aid funds. Local governments in Florida collected $1.5 billion of their own revenue in fiscal year 1970, half of which-$768 million- came from property taxes. In 1965, local governments collect- ed $915 million with $488 mil- lion coming from property tax- es, the Review said. be a physical giant, but look what it did to his brain. Now, -if you don't mind, "Please pass the applesauce." CLASSIFIED ADSI Midget Investments That I lid Mant Returnsl Efaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Perhaps, now, the remainder of Northwest Florida, if not the state as a whole, will believe the Sharks are "for real". It seems that Chipley didn't. The Tigers and their supporters did a heap of brag- ging about their record, their statistics and their ability. Sportswriters throughout the Bend leaned toward the big, bad Tigers of Chipley because they had scored nearly twice as much as had the Sharks during the past season. The Sharks had also allowed nearly twice as many points as had the Tigers. But the story told wasn't the whole tale. None of them considered- the schedule the Sharks had during the season. Of course, the Sharks' schedule helped them in the game that counted. They knew. what it meant to be be- hind. They knew what it meant to get their tail smashed to the ground hard. They knew what it meant to get set back and they knew what the sting of a vicious tackle felt like. They also knew how to take what was dished out, compensate, and come back fighting. There's no doubting that the Sharks are the cham- pions of the new Gulf Coast Conference. There's no doubting in Port St. Joe that they will be the state cham- doubting in Port St. Joe that they will be the stat echam- pions this year in class 2A. 0 * One of the things which makes our Sharks great is the following of the fans. Things aren't the best in the world in Port St. Joe right now. This prolonged strike at St. Joe Paper Com- pany has put a kink in our way of doing things. But, despite this formidable millstone about our neck, Port St. Joe has put nearly as many or more fans in the stands this season as have their opponents-regardless of where the game was played. Take a fellow off the farm and he soon loses his farm ways and mannerisms, even though he nostalgically hearkens back to the good old days of cream straight out of the cow, fresh churned butter, corn bread, fresh peas, and all that other good stuff. It's a pity, though, his knowledge dims of things gone by and what used to be second nature is now only a fan- tasy. We have two farmers operating a business here in Port St. Joe. These are Glenn Boyles, the product of a farm up in Virginia and Tom Culpepper from the farm- ing belt of Abbeville, Alabama. These two products of the soil have gone off and bought or stolen two "turkeys" they are giving away for Thanksgiving in a promotion. Do us a favor and if you're up town today look at the two "turkeys" penned up in front of Boyles and see if you don't agree the white one is a guinea! You'd think two old "farmers" would know better. I told Glenn Boyles last week that he had a guinea penned up out front. He said, "Are you sure?" then had to go look. "Aw-w-w-w, you're crazy!" he said. "That's a turkey ...... isn't it?" - As a youngster, I lived at a Time when there were few food fadists, a limited number of so- called authorities and not too many nutritionists. There may have been vitamins but few folks knew or cared any- thing about them. When people spoke of a balanced diet they were -usually talking about a balanced budget which deter- mined to a large extent what people ate. What we couldn't eat fresh was canned in mason jars and stored in the cellar for a rainy day. There were no Coke or Pepsi bottles available in the ice-box. The ice-man kept the box full. Cold drinks consisted of apple cider, lemonade, orange or grape juice. We also had home brew but it was a "no-no" as far as I was concerned. Butter, if you didn't make it yourself, could be had at the corner grocery store, scooped from a tub, while flour and su- gar were scooped from barrels. Somehow people lived, loved, worked and were happy. They may have belched a lot, but no- body seemed to mind. What brought all this tirade on was an item I read recently by a so-called health authority. He said his typical breakfast consist- ed of six calcium tablets of raw -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williaml Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESiY R. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnist, Reporter, Prom Reader, Bookkeepers and Complaint Department PoMsroncE Box 808 PONEx 227-8161 Poit ST. JOE, FLOIDA 82456 entered a second-class matter. December 19, 1987, at the Postoffe, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS., 127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. 8. One Year, $6.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or ommasions In advertisements, the publishers So not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such idvertlwmment. The spoken word to given scant attention; the printed word thoughtfully weihed. The 'oken word barely- assert; the printed word thorough y con- ." e 2.. eB word is lost; the printed word remain. bone-meal, two raw pancreas tablets, one vitamin E wheat- germ perle, one raw banana, two tablespoons of sunflower seeds, two tablespoons of raw sesame seeds, a tablespoon of chia seeds, a tablespoon of raw Tupelo Honey, raw certified milk, a small organically grown beefsteak marinated in Dr. Bren- ner's organic mineral bouillon, a' small portion of goat's milk yo- gurt, organically grown grape or apple juice, natural or organic food supplements, a tablespoon of Chlorogest, two tablespoons of protein hydrolosate and Ja- maica Blue Mountain coffee. I don't know what time his wife had to get up to -start fix- ing breakfast, but if she couldn't find her tablespoon she sure would have been in a bad way. How would you like to be a nice pink stomach and have something like that happen to you? I don't know about you but I'm still partial to such things as bacon and eggs and grits, rye been fooling around with junk like that since I can remember and I can't die young since I am approaching 80. All I can say is a guy who can concoct a menu like that may a- a FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DR. EDWARD R. SCRUGGS, Interim Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ TRAINING UNION EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" | You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 BAPTIST TRAINING UNION 5:45 EVENING WORSHIP .. 7:00 PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor A2JL P.M. P.3L P.M. >helpful h' Sat theto tempe f Or Cost of keeping room temperatures 1' above and below 75% using any type fuel. - 800 28% more 790 22% more 78 16% more 77* 10% more 760 5% more 750 TEMPERATURE SETT 74 5% less 73* 9% less 72 14% less S71 18% less 700 21% less csovefor a readyrem;de ':A 'H Too Late To Classify By Russell Kay Statt portable you! ING F- r rC I THE STAR,Port R. OO, PIGA& 'PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1971 FAGE Tlr B Thanksgiving Means Hunting Is In Full Swing Throughout The State FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Intersection Monument and' Constitution REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister Church School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 AM. Methodist Youth Fellowship ...... ...... 6:15 P.M. Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. "Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Still Survives" p I ship on the part of the landowner. !ing from the hunter. It must be The enjoyment of wildlife and pointed out, regulated seasons and wilderness is not limited to limits result in a harvest of sur- Thanksgiving, nor is it a privilege plus wildlife, leaving a breeding reserved solely for sportsmen. stock to repopulate the forest and Wildlife development programs fields. supported with revenue from hunt- Wildlife is a renewable resource ing license and tax on sporting and cannot be stockpiled.'If hunt- arms provide the non-hunting ers do not harvest the annual sur- public as well as the hunter with plus of game, nature will do the recreational opportunities. job. Disease, parasites and star- vation will reap the harvest when This year more than 250,000 sportsmen fail. sportsmen will purchase hunting licenses and each purchase will The sportsman-hunter is not a help finance programs of research, callous individual as some would TALLAHASSEE Throughout Florida, sportsmen will be afield on Thanksgiving. In this land, wild- life belongs to the people and pro- vides a hunting tradition that is a far cry from the European cus- tom where a landowner also owns the game and the exclusive right to hunt. Thanksgiving is a time when hunting is in full swing and the season open for just about all game birds and animals. For sportsmen, Thanksgiving means hunting and the chance to harvest the crop of wildlife that has been cultivated during the summer. Thanksgiving is a special time for sportsmen to give thanks for the privilege of living in a nation where an individual might own and share a wildlife and sporting heritage and for, the inalienable right to own and use sporting fire- arms. On this special day, Florida sportsmen are reminded that they might pause, look at the land on which they are hunting, and say thanks to the landowner for mak- ing the trip afield possible. Even in a land with a rich pu- blic hunting tradition the major- ity of today's hunting is on pri- vate lands. Of the four million acres in Florida' wildlife manage- ment area program, more than one-third is in private ownership. This land is available for public hunting as a cooperative gesture in the interest of good sportsman- PINES Stand Tall In Florida's Future indicate. Chances are, the wild- fowler who kills a duck and takes it from his retriever, or picks it up from a marsh surrounded mud flat, appreciates and understands that duck far more than the group that clamors for him to cease his hunting. This Thanksgiving, sportsmen may hunt with the knowledge that Florida's hunting heritage has been fought and paid for by other generations of hunters. They may hunt and enjoy the outdoors with the knowledge they also contribute to the conservation of wildlife and wilderness and to the perpet- uation of a heritage that provides for the smell of gun powder, the sound of hounds and the sight of wildfowl on wing. Radio Repairs CITIZENS BAND and MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED We have the parts, the know-how and the tools to repair your "working radios" quickly and expertly Color and Black and White TV Specialists Marvin's T V Repair 400 Third Street Phone 229-6324 management and protection that benefits all wildlife. In addition, the Federal tax on sporting arms and ammunition will be returned to the states to help finance wild- life programs. Unfortunately, across our land there is an increasing clamor to stop all hunting. Seldom do those creating the noise stop to think of the benefits to wildlife result- NO.1 EXHAUST SYSTEM SUPPLY CENTER Meeting exhaust system needs is a demanding businem , you need your muffler now, and it has to be right In every way quality, price and fit. INSTANT CAPABIInY it meeting.exhaust system needs is a large part of oar business. That's why INSTANT AVAILABIIJTY of'ugll1M pipes and accessories for all types of vehicle FAST A the right quality, right fit ad EIght pdin ket ade a No.1 exhaust system sppl sourcm til ft tLa 1 PA PAoundmnss MUFFLERS PIPES ACCESSORIES, DISTRIBUTED IN THIS AREA BYs ST. JOE AUTO PARTS CO. 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 S12"r PANASONIC TV D O UF/vF MAGNUS " aoranes ELECTRIC CHORD ORGAN I Jus.Say HARGEIT! -- L I .mast r charge. PAGETWO-.~...HE TAR Pot S. J., lorda DN!bAY 'NV. 4, 971 Real Power Lies In Being Able to Adapt The common thought is that real hill until 1945 in a gradual plane security is power, size, organize. on the graph. In 1945, the graph tion and other substantial adjec- of 'progress turned dramatically tives,, but it isn't, according to a upward and man hasn't been able film shown Tuesday to the Kiwan- to use his ideas as fast as they is Club and narrated by Joe Pow- were developed ever since", Pow- ell of the National Management ell said. Association. "Real security is be- "The graph of progress cannot ing adaptable", Powell said. graph of prgrs cn ing adaptable", Powell said. be drawn as fast as progress is He pointed, for example to the being developed",, he declared. dinosaur. "It was big,- powerful, The real reason for man's rapid organized but it wasn't adapt- progress in recent years is because able to changing surroundings so man ig "Making change on pur- it isn't here any more". n, innn hrw_ lare- IsI Poe". Past innovations have large- These four beautiful young ladies were pick- bed by a panel of judges as the finalists in the Fourth Annual Jaycee Junior Miss Pageant Satur- day night. Orom, left to right are, Miss Judy Hen- ;/. !, ^ _^ ^ ^ ^ ._^ _^ ._ ^ ^ ^ "You were married to change the day you were born", Powell said. Your security cannot be found by getting in a rut and staying there. A rut lis the most insecure place in the world.' Powell pointed out that George Washington and Solomon lived 3,000 years apart, but both had practically the same conveniences. and tools to work with. He observ- ed that man didn't really start to progress until' 1830 when a steam engine out-ran a horse and man broke the "oat barrier". "Then man gradually started up- Resolution Junior Miss Junior Miss Phillis Thomason takes her "victory stroll" down the parade run-way at the conclusion of Saturday night's Jaycee Junior Miss Pageant, held in the Higlh School Commons Area. Phyl. lis was chosen for the honor by the judges from a field of 24 can- didates. Phyllis will represent Port St. Joe in the state pageant to be held in Pensacola in February. -Star photo Mrs. Eloise Norris Hostess to Meeting Of Eta Upsilon Chapter November- 16 Eta Upsilon chapter of Beta Sig-I Service chairman, Barbara Van ma Phi met November 16 in the Camp,' collected food items from home of Eloise Norris. the members for a Thanksgiving he meeting began with the re- basket to be presented to a deserv- peating of the opening ritual. ing family. Dot Willams, president, conduct- Tillie McKiernan presented an d the business meeting. interesting program on "Aware- ed the business meeting. o... .._ ness 01 Blessings onhe aiu loei- ed the ladies search their hearts for the many blessings that are so Thrift Shop Will many times taken for granted. Be Closed Friuday During the social hour, the gra- Sos Fri y cious hostess served a variety of delicious refreshments from a ta- The Hospital Auxiliary Thrift ble decorated for the holiday sea- Shop will be closed Friday, No- son. -vember 26. ---- The shop will be open again as CLASSIFIED ADS usual Friday, December 3 at 2:00 Midget Investments with Giant *m4.auma p.m. WHEREAS, on November 20, 1971, our Heavenly Father, in his infinite love and mercy, call- . ed our Sister, Neva Croxton, to the Grand Chapter on high; and WHEREAS, Sister Neva had been a member of the Order of the Eastern Star for 45 years, having been initiated- into Fay- ette Chapter 149, at Fayette, Mississippi, on September 19, 1927; and affiliated with Gulf Chapter 191, Port St. Joe, on February 9, 1943, and served us as,Worthy Matron in 1956; and WHEREAS, Sister Neva was faithful to her God, her church, Usher community, and her Chapter, and she lived the principles of the Order of the Eastern Star, enduring herself to all she met along the way; and WHEREAS, she was a devoted mother and grandmother, kind, considerate and sincerely inter- ested in the welfare of others; and WHEREAS, we, the members of Gulf Chapter, have lost a tiue and loyal friend, one who was faithful to her obligations and ever ready to help her sisters and brothers, and one who thought that only her best was good enough; Now, therefore, BE; IT. RESOLVED, That we cherish her memory and emu- late her virtues as we walk along life's pathways; and be It further RESOLVED, That we, the members, of Gulf Chapter 191, Order .of the Eastern Star, ex- tend to the family of our late Sister, Neva Croxton, our pro- found sympathy in their bereave- ment, and express to them the assurance that she will be long remembered as one of our most devoted members; and be it fur- ther RESOLVED, That our charter be draped in memory of our de- parted sister; that this Resolu- tion be spread upon the minutes of our Chapter; that a copy be forwarded to the family of Sis- ter Neva, and a copy forwarded to The Star for publication. '* "The real essence of the Fra- ternal spirit is to be ever mind- ful of the welfare of others, to bring cheer and gladness into other lives. So let us put heart and soul into every handclasp, greet each other as sisters and brothers, and enjoy life's sun- shine together." Taken from Sister Neva's Year Book, 1956. * Lovingly and Fraternally sub- mitted, NORA GIBBS, Worthy Matron. ALINE HIGHTOWER, Assoc. Matron CLARA PATE, Past Matron. I EAST BAY MARINE BOATS TRAILERS ACCESSORIES OUTBOARD MOTORS KIEKHAEFER MERCURY SALES and SERVICE 785-3023 905 S. 30-A Boat Race Road and Alt. 98 2% ML from Tyndall Air Force Base ly come about through a solitary person tinkering 'or on accident. "Today millions of people are em- ployed every day to 'create a change' in our way of living. The man who does not adapt to that1 change is 'lost". Guests of the club were Lt. Gov. deorge Austin of. Panama City, Paul Shoenburger of Jacksonville and Bill Hanson -of Atlantic City, N. J. Lee Treace was inducted into the club as a new member by hi' sponsor, John Robert Smith. CLASSIFIED ADS "Midget Investments With Giant Returne` ii "" Presents Charter David May, right, representing the Port- St. Joe Rotary Club as the sponsoring organization for Cub Scout Pack 47, presents a new charter to new Cub Pack leader, "Smoky" Davis. The presen- tation was made last Thursday night at the regular monthly pack meeting. Davis is replacing Joel Gainous as Cub Scout leader. -Star photo Ii ECONOMY BUY "DL-100 NEW TREADS RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES Top quality Deep precision Full wrap- tread rubber tread design around tread or 7.75-14 7.75-15 7.35-14 7.35-15 6.95-14 6.50-13 6.00-13 SWHITEWALLE Larger sizes 2 for *31 Plus S70 to 57f per tire Fed. excise tax and 2 recappable tires off your ar. All tires mounted FREE! Single tires comparably priced. Another outstanding buy... Jirestone SDeluxe Champilon0SUP-R-TREDS RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES *Full 78-series *1972 new ca. tread width tread design 8.14M(7.75.14) F78-15 (7.75-145) A ^"JPlus 48* per tire Fed. exise tax and 2 recappable tires off your can WHITEWALLS or BLACKWALLS Larger sizes similarly low priced! ri/ve in today for fast service! Pted as sh.wn oot f rtlte." Si... Compot. p&. "ote o ln..r t Da.lers ad ol se iMonIc dom $ % hploysig tthe lrnetofn f. Pate's Service Center Jimmy s Phillips "66" Station mm s ahont. - Junior Miss Finalists drix (sister of last year's Junior Miss) as second runner-up; Miss Dianne Varnes, first runner-up; Miss Phyllis Thomason, Port St. Joe's new Junior Miss and Miss Terri Middleton, Miss Congeniality.' Wilmer Thursbay Is Now Associated With, ALFORD CHEVROLET CO., Inc. 2323 N. Monroe Tallahassee, Florida Phone 385-2181 NEW CARS and TRUCKS IWgMDESI)",'NOV. t4,1971' CI -'TH SAR Pdft JiioM I I %pl"TKwww. .p.m. THE STAR, Pert St. Jo, Pl. 32454 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1971 J Ihi ,,M I~ lllli ll I i l Gulf County Men's League 'St. Joe Lanes ---------- 23 17 Bowling was kind of slow Mon- Marvin's TV ----------- 21 23 day night, but some interesting re- Campbell's Drugs -------17 27 sults came out of the four contests Basic Magnesia -------- 16 28 at St. Joe Lanes. 113 Mile Oyster Co. ----- 11 25 Roche's Furniture took three .games from Campbell's Drugs on lanes one and two with Glen Wil- Wednesday Nite Ladies League liams throwing a 529 series for St. Joe Kraft moved into first Roche. David Roche added a big place by winning four games from 527. Bob Heacock had the big pill Sears last Wednesday night. Eve- for Campbell, chalking up a 489 lyn Smith rolled a 492 series to series. lead the Kraft team. Nadine Ap- Richard's Raiders had their lin was high with a 315 series for trn+ ,;white leader .B" 'J Richards Sears . Xi Epsilon Kappa, Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is 'participating in "Project Cheer"" this year through the Mental Health As- "sociation of Bay County. "Project Cheer"' is a direct service program to patients in all state hospitals. This is more than gift giving; it represents the concern of the Mental Health Association and the good will of the citizens of almost every community in Florida for the well being of fellow citizens who must be hospitalized for 'mental U r- CIC- --~ illness . The service committee has col- lected and delivered' the gifts for the patients. The program is directed by Flo Maddox, Greta Freeman and' Betty Scott. Ruth Patterson was hostess to the Xi Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi on Tuesday, No- vember 16 at her home on Gar- rison Avenue. Margaret ,B i g g s, president, presided over the business meet- ing. She announced to the group that the Senior Class and Mr. Keller's art class helped in send- ing Christmas cards to the pri- soners of war in Vietnam. Shirley Daniels, ways and means chairman, passed out the Beta Sigma Phi cook books which the chapter will be selling. Dot Grossman gave an inter- esting program on early Ameri- can furniture discussing some of the well known designers. The meeting was closed with a social hour enjoyed by all. rolling a 539 as they wrested three St. Joe Furniture won three big games from Marvin's TV. Mar- games from the Stevedores. Bren- vin had "low voltage" Bill Barlow da Mathes had a 448 series to lead on top with his 492. the Furniture team. Melba Barbee Shirt and Trophy kept up the led the Stevedores with a 484 ser- pressure, taking three from St. Joe ies. Lanes. Shirt and Trophy put Wayne Florida Bank and Comforter's Neel in front with a 489. St. Joe split two games each. Lois Smith ,Lanes had Charles Zimmerman rolled a 528 series for the Bank. rolling an even 500. Diane Terry was high for Comfor- Basic took three from 13 Mile ter's with a 448 series. Oyster Company with Bo Bouing- Shirt and Trophy won three ton leading the way with a 457 ser. games from William's Alley Kats. ies. Robert Montgomery's 499 was Doris Strickland led the Shirt and the best 13 Mile could do. Trophy team with a 459 series. Standings W L Eleanor, Williams led the Kats Shirt and Trophy ------28 12 with a 426 series. Roche Furniture --------261 18 Standings W L Richard's Raiders -- 26 18 St. Joe Kraft --------27 12 St. Joe Stevedores -- -25% 14% -. .... St. Joe Furniture -- 25% 14% *h Florida Bank ------- 25 15 *44 Williams Alley Kats -- 22% 17% 40a < Shirt and Trophy -- 20 20 < Comforter's ----14 26 Sears No. 2 0 40 C 0 'B' '4 'Rotary Club Puts Charity Ball Tickets On Sale The Port St. Joe Rotary Club's annual Charity Ball will be held this year Saturday, December 4 beginning at 9:00 p.m., accord- ing to chairman Cecil. Curry. The ball will be held in the Centennial Building with music to be provided by George Gore and his orchestra. Tickets are now on sale by all members of the Rotary Club ac- cording to ticket sales chairman B. Roy Gibson, Jr. Gibson says the tickets will be $7.50 per cou- ple, as they have been in the past. Curry pointed out that the ball has been a popular event here in Port St. Joe since it was start- ed eight years ago. In view of this Curry urged all who wished to attend to call reservations chairman Ted Cannon at the bank or at his home. "We have only so many tables we can set up"', Curry said, "and these usu- ally are full every year". Proceeds from the ball are used for charitable work in the county. In past years the money has been used to provide dental care and treatment for under- privileged children, funds for the Gulf County Guidance Clin- ic and Boy, Cub and Girl Scout work. Airman Drowns In Accident A night fishing trip on Chipley Creek near Apalachicola ended in tragedy Friday night when one member of the, family party was knocked from the boat by a tree and drowned, according to the Franklin County Sheriff's Depart- ment. Dead is Sgt. Leroy Truelove, 26, assigned to the 2021st Communica- tions Squadron at Tyndall Air Force Base. Sgt. Truelove resided at 1128 S. Guy Ave., Parker. According to the Sheriff's re- port, Truelove was setting a trot- line in Chipley Creek about 10:00 p.m. Friday, with his father-in-law and brother-in-law, when the acci- dent happened. The report states that Truelove was sitting in the bow of the boat letting out line when a low tree struck him in the back of the head knocking him from the boat. Truelove is survived by his wife Carolyn; his mother, Mrs. Aman- da Truelove of High Springs; one son, Brian Lee Truelove; two. sis- ters and a half brother. Kilpatrick Funeral Home of Port St. Joe was in. charge of lo- cal arrangements. PAGE SEVEN M Mis Km i ll jII:= n iilil 'llIiill;ll. In Two Majorettes Earn 'Superior' Rating Kathy Peterson, left, and Vicki Thompson, right, both received a rating of "Superior" at the annual District H Bandmasters' Asso- ciation twirling contest in Tallahassee recently. They received a score of 73 and 72 for their solos which gave them the two highest scores from their group. Vicki is a junior and Kathy is a sophomore at Port St. Joe High School. I The Tattler I Published by BOYLES Clothing and, Footwear Phone 227-4261 2 STORES IN 1 "THE STORE WITH MORE" STORE NO. 1-For Ladies and Children STORE NO. 2, 2nd Floor-For Men and Boys R. GLENN and ERLMA M. BOYLES -- Owners THOMAS E. CULPEPPER Mainaw BOYLES Why Not Make A Real Old-Fashioned VALUE STRIKE At BOYLES 25th THANKSGIVING SALE! Continues thru Saturday Dear friends (and all): First, a big fat, juicy Thanksgiving "Thank You" from the whole gang at BOYLES (On Strike Thanksgiving Day), the friendliest, most obliging, help-. ful'store people ANYWHERE! You've treated us better than we expected during a trying and difficult period. The folks at BOYLES will give you real Thunder and Lightning STRUCK SAVINGS every day until Christmas. ... and after! This is BOYLES way of saying "THANK YOU" even when it hurts, like striking a match to your finger. Yes, we've struck regular prices so hard you might think we're striking out! Well, it's a tough ball game, and we're facing some seasoned pitchers. How- ever, instead of striking out we're expecting to get some bases on balls and continue to make Value Runs as long as we choose to play the merchandise game. Won't you come to BOYLES and let us reason together. We just might STRIKE the mutual satisfaction of all concerned. Yes, you'll be able to Strike a Good Deal at BOYLES, SAVING up to 50% during the HOLIDAYS! Well, guess we'll strike out home, about four miles out 'ole Coastal Highway 98 ... It's beautiful out' there; yes a striking scene over St. Joseph Bay. and, unstruck slash pines back of us standing proud and stately in the unpolluted air. S'long .. RGB, '\ As we commemorate the first Thanksgiving, we pray that every family will be blessed with a portion of the bountiful harvest God, has be& stowed upon this nation. To you and yours, our sincere best wishes for a happy and prosperous Thanksgiving in the spirit of the forefathers. Thank you for your patronage through- out the past year! ' Beta Sigma Phi members, Mrs. Roy Maddox tients during the Christmas season this year as and Mrs. Bob Freeman look over some of the a part of their "Project Cheer". gifts the Sorority will send to state hospital pa- ---Star photo Christmas Cheer for Patients i JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB 1972 START SOCKING IT AWAY Don't get caught short at . Florida First National Bank at 'PORT ST. JOE S* MEMBER: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 9 IP~LP R1 ____ tijr6 STAii P.w I Jm ,Ps11 &ft AI WDNISbAY, tioV. 24, 197 Frogs With Ray Miliand at "Eden. ls. Withn hour, I met Mr..s....ith ...ilsaf fweretakt many people I had not seen for Shi and his staff were a st a year ing a tour of this area and were Particularly interested in the na-a It pleases me to report that Joe A b o u t M e x Ico ture scenes and history of Mexico Mira has returned from hisos-! Beach, Port St. Joe and Indian pital stay in Panama City^here Pass. he had surgery. Mr. Mira reports My thanks to Mrs. Anderson of that he is making a very fine re- St. Joe Beach, for the loan of "The cover. Great Tide" which I enjoyed read- Spoke to Margaret Buckloh of by RELLA WEXLER ing. I also want to thank Mrs. the Gulf View Motel, who recently Shannon and Mrs. Madsen for their had surgery. She was happy to re- offer to loan this book to me. An- port that she is doing well, al- other friend has loaned me "Cross port that she is doing well, al- Tom Hudson, who recently ac- out of the Hide-A-Way Marina, Creek" by Margaret Kinnan Raw- though "still hobbling about". At quired "Jamie" as his own-fishing Mexico Beach. lings, which contains some history t any rateshe s wellon the way boat, was a first place winner in1 Mrs. Lois Duncan recently vis- of mid-Florida. It is nice to have a recovery. the Panama City Silver Trophy cited her sister and brother-in-law, such good friends. I Three lovely Mexico Beach mai- Fishing Tournament. His winning Mr. and Mrs. Olin Hays, of the I enjoyed the Seafood Festival in dens are participating in the "Jun- catch, weighing in at 82.7 lbs., Governor Motel. Accompanying Apalach, as this was my first par- ior Miss Pageant" at the Port St. was caught while on a fishing trip her were Eliot Schick, production ticipation in the event. It is my Joe High School. Judy Schweikert, aboard Ed Austin's 'Tar Horizons" manager of the American Interna- feeling that the event should be a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. flani Pictures-1 is ain.nlt qnd tw-r ndffa. iw h n th dn Schweikert Terri Mi d d 1 e ton, S-Sgt. Williams In Annual Practice SFT. RILEY, KAN. Army Staff Sergeant William R. Williams, 28, . son of Mrs. Alice M. Slowe, Port St. Joe, recently participated in a five-day annual service practice (ASP- with Battery D. of the 67th Artillery's 6th Battalion at Ft. Bliss, Tex. Sgt. Williams unit, regularly stationed at Ft. Riley, Kan., was tested on its tactical and technical capabilities in preparing the Cha- parral Missile Syetem for firing, detecting and engaging hostile tar- gets, and in the firing of live mis- siles. During an ASP, each battery fires a total of 12 missiles at simu- lated jet aircraft targets called BATS. These targets, approximate- ly 18 feet in length and one-half foot in diameted, Sfly a trajectory course at speeds greater than 400 miles an hour. Each fiveman cha- parral crew has an average of 10 seconds to engage and destroy the BAT. Legion Post Wants Members The Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, American Legion sent out an ap- peal to Vietnam veterans this 'week to become a part of the lo- cal Legion post. The Legion Com- mander, Rex Littleton stated that "if any veteran has served on ac- tive duty in the armed forces of the United States during any per- iod from August 5, 1964, he is eli- gible to become a member of the American Legion". Littleton went on to say, "The Legion needs you and you need the Legion. Your local Post has numerous community programs and you could belong to one or several of theme programs as a committee*ian or chairman. There is a place for every, veteran in Port St. Joe with the Legion." "The veterans of World War I fouInd tdhle gig to benefit fu- ture generations", Littleton re- minded ex-servicemen, "World War II veterans carried the program onward. The majority of veterans' benefits now available were brought about because veterans' organizations fought for passage of bills by the U. S. Congress to help veterans". The Legion Commander said the new crop of veterans need to take an active part in these programs in order that they may aid future generations as veterans of the past have aided them. He said, "On you, the veterans of the present con- flict, will soon rest the responsi- bility of carrying on the programs of the Legion if they are to be carried on. The gap needs to be filled." Littleton called on all "civic minded, active and interested in their less fortunate comrades and future generations of veterans to join your local Post and help make it an asset to the commun- ity." The Legion meets every first and third Monday nights at 8:00 p.m. in the Legion Hall at the cor- ner of Williams Avenue and Third Street. 3. -\ U UIH rlrt, rsasmstsant ano I wo-aay aitair, were te crowds several associates. American In- won't feel rushed and are better ternational is now filming "The Iable'to' take in all that this city daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton and, Julie Holland, daughter Ct t. nhd Mrs. George Holland, are the three lovelies who are vying, with 21 other high school seniors, for the title of "Junior Miss" to represent Port St. Joe at the Florida state pageant. Judy is sponsored by Elizabeth Thompson Real Estate and Julie is representing Florida Power of Port St. Joe. Each participant is to perform in the arts. They have all been quite busy in the past week getting their beautiful out- fits in order and rehearsing dili- gently. Best wishes to you! -Autumn splendor is with us, just a short week before Thanks- giving, 1971. In the year 1668, with the appointment of November 25 as Thanksgiving Day, these words were written into the Plymouth Colony records: "It has pleased God in some comfortable measure ;to bless us in the fruits of the earth." Have a happy holiday! THE lE c GREEN Piggly Wiggly Prices Effective November 24, 26 and 27 DRUMSTICKS WHOLE FRYERS WINGS lb. 3.9c Quartered Thighs, Quartered Breasts, Chicken Wings BEEF LIVER Ilb. 49c SMOKED HOCKS ------lb.' 29c Ga. Grade "A" LARGE EGGS 2 Doz 99c Ga. Grade "A" SMALL EGGS 3 Dz. 99c EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Parade Compare at 37c You Save 12c Bartlett Pear Halves-------- 16 oz. 25c 16 Oz. Cans Oak Hill Compare at 2 for 39e You Save 9c Standard Tomatoes ------ 3 cans 49c 3 Ounce Can Compare at 17c You Save 4a Armour Potted Meat --------2 cans 29c 5 Ounce Can Compare at 29; You Save Sc Armour Vienna Sausage ...... can.. 4t 15's Daytime bDiapers Compare at 95c You Save 7c Disposable 'Pampers ---------- pkg. 88c 12's Overnight Pampers Compare at 95c You Save 7c Disposable Pampers --------- pkg. 88c 3.6 oz. Lotion Compare at 95e You Save 21c Head & Shoulders Shampoo -----btl. 74c Deodorant Compare at $1.59 You Save 21c Gilette Right Guard -----fam. size $1.38 12 Oz. Reg. or Mint Phillips Compare at 98c YOU Save 4c Milk of Magnesia ---------- 12 oz. 94c Once A Day MOUTHWASH 18 Ounce Bottle You Save 41c SCOPE t$1.18 5 Paks Double Edge Plus Plat. You Save 78c SCHICK RAZOR Blades 2 Half or Whole TENDERIZED HAMS Ib. w GEORGIA GRADE "B" The Board reserves the right to SA reject any and all bids. Lega Adv. ATTEST: WAYLON GRAHAM, NOTICE TO RECEIVE BIDS Chairman The Gulf County School BoardI R. MARION CRAIG will receive sealed bids until 9:00 Superintendent St-11-11 A.M., EST, December 7, 1971 in the office of the Superintendent in' the Court House on the build- ings and site as described below: Description of Carver Site, We- wahitchka, Florida: Three acres square in the N.E. corner -of Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (SW%, of SE%) Section Twenty-three (23) Town- ship Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, described as follows: Begin at N.E. corner of the SW 1/ of the SE'% and run South 361 feet, West 361', North 361', East 361' to a point of beginning, con- taining three (3) acres, more or less. Drive Safely All The TIME! THE MERRIER (Quantity Rights Reserved) b. 33C lb. 49c 39c Pork ROUND or Backbone --------lb. 44c Cube Steak -------lb. 99c Fresh Pork Steak --------lb. 59c Our Best Ground Beef -------lb. 69c 3 Down Good Spare Ribs -------lb. 69c Ground Beef 3 lbs. $1.69 End Cut Slab Bacon Slenda Sue Delicious ICE MILK 2 BPARADI BLEACH HALF GAL. 24c ALL MEAT STEW GROUND CHUCK 6l. 79c ShpPggl igyPrdc earmn o Shop Piggly Wiggly Produce Department for NEW DEW-LICIOUS CROP OF RIPE VALUES 10 POUND BAG ROUND WHITE POTATOES FRESH DELICIOUS LB. GREEN HEAD CABBAGE c C - Piggly Wiggly Dairy Food Specials - CANNED DRINKS CHUG-A-LUG All Flavors 12 OZ. CAN Paks 7c Yellow Rose Quality Brand DETERGENT 84 OZ. BOX 89c 8 Ounce Pillsbury C.S. or B'Milk - BISCUITS 4 Pak Ctn. 39c Kraft Quality Brand Miracle Whip Margarine- --- lb. tub 40c -- Piggly Wiggly Frozen Food Specials - McKenzie Frozen (with Roots) TURNIPS 29c 18 Oz. Pkg. Quik Stix Frozen Shoestring Potatoes ------ 5 bags $1.00 Your Pleasure Is Always Our Policy at Piggly Wiggly! End Cut Whole SLICED, Pork Chops --------b. 39c Slab Bacon ---- Ib. lb. 33c I - I Many Disabled Eligible For Payments Mrs. Broullette Gulf Art Sup Helping With State Fair Art More than 3,600 entries from Neil Mooney, art consultant with artists at the University of South throughout Florida are expected the state department of education Florida has had to be changed to t% be entered in the second an- who heads the advisory committee, spring, Mooney added. He said the nual High School Fine .Arts -Exhi- estimates that 300 of the 3,600 university's heavy schedule neces ibition at the Florida State Fair in works will be hung in the show. stated the change. Tampa. "In fact we're expecting so many Entrants in the exhibition must The exhibition will be staged entries it will probably take us be students in grades 10-12 in Flor- through the efforts of the fair as- two days instead of one to select be students in grades 10-12 in Flor-sh sociatin and the State Dept. of the young artist to be honored," he idapublic or private schools. Ea ch Education inthe fine arts builfling d. may submit two works in of the fairgrounds February 1-12, the same or a separate category. during the run of the world's lar. An originally scheduled sym- Categories acceptable for review gest winter exposition. posium during the fair for young are drawings, paintings, collages, we are Ilktdo you have to be Great deal we hope. Because we at A&P have much. We're thankful for God's blessings on our great country. We're thankful for the free enterprise system that has allowed us to serve you for more than a century. We're thankful, that again this year well be privileged to play a partin making Thanksgiving feasting a memorable occasion for so many. But most of all we're thankful for you...for ty I patronage and loyalty., "When you come in we hope that the warmth of out -service, the completeness of our selection and the dependability of our values will tell you better than words how thankful we are. Af NN PAGE OIIALITY I ~I UU-obKA I Crackers .. .. 43c Dte ULly Corn Meal... 29c *Orde's< None Such Mince Meat.. .. "69c Sive Label Karo Syrup ... W41c od kabl Karo Syrup ... ". 43c COa" Label" Karo Syrup ... n 41c ervisor, E: lk t x- k I I I I I David Robinson, Social Security Field Representative for Gulf County, says there is one aspect 66f mixed media; print making; sculp- social security benefits not always ture; crafts (ceramics metal, fa- understood. There are many indi- brics, plastics); photography; films viduals who have been disabled (8mmm, Super 8, 16mmm). since birth or who became disabled All works in both regional and in childhood who miy be eligible state wide exhibitions will be for social security benefits. juried by a panel of judges. Re- There are a few conditions that gional jurying will be held in De- must be met in order for these in- cember. dividuals to be entitled to these Persons assisting with the re- childhood disability benefits. The gional shows will include Mrs. Lila child must be the son or daughter Brouillette, of Port St. Joe. of an individual who is receiving S-- -- -icr --r- n1 1 if em "B SELF BASTING TUB a social security retirement or dis- has a child who meets the -condi- - ability benefit, or who was insured tions listed above, no matter how at the time of death. The disabil- old the child may be now, should: ity, mental or physical, must have apply for these benefits. Robinson occurred before age 18 and still stated, "We in social security pre- exist. Also, the impairment must fer that the parent not try to de- prevent the person from doing any termine whether the child quali- substantial work. And, finally, the fies or not." Should there be any individual must not be married, question or doubt as to whether Robinson stated that continuous the child qualifies, the best and efforts are being made to safest thing to do s to call or visit these disabled people or to alert the social security office. The others who may know of them to' people there will be gad to help have them get in touch with then any way possible. social security office. Anyone who The social security office for this area should dial "0" and ask son Ave., Panama City. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except on national holidays. Residents of This are should dial "0" and ask for WX-4444 to contact the office by telephone. KEYS - to 1014Lbs.Avg. 5 18 to22Lbs.Avg.94 ,.W... 5I3 ..... 4 90 S"Super-ight" U.S.D.A. Goade *A" Quick Frozen Tender PLUMP YOUNG S 10Tt.191bY l 9.22tbTs. Avg. Wt. Avg. Wa. TURKEYS 39c Lb. 35c ^|-Sur-- -ulyCokd-mke d .iniU- -- hiu Ceu1y My Cse ad Cooked Hams Chck Steaks... ..58c Shank Half Ag SteaBd Su .. .$1.C 16A to19.Lb*tLw 4 .\Add~d Sliced B ao Ba on ... P65 "Super-Right" Quick Froz.-2 lbs. *sup.r.-Mht Fresh r (3 I A o4 Beef Steaks pk. $1.49 Ground Chuck.... 8c Shrimp Creole ... 49c Pork Sausage ... .39c Cop'n John's Freoh Dry Packed Copeland's Sliend Standard Oysters..' $1.19 Cooked Ham... .'$1.29, .5d "A l. or1j. rs Fr y uarters Vt..O.A. Oead "A" Frame (4 to Lb. Baking Hens .. .. 4 Cap'n John's Frozen PERCH DINNERS 9 oz. 55c SSame Low Price As Last Year! Jane Parker A&P Whole or Strained SAVE 10c - Jane Parker Brown N' Serve Special I For Cooking or Salads Special I Flakey Rolls....'-29 WessonOil.....-89C Jane Parker Delicious (Mince Pies2-.69d A&P Why Pay More? A...mheese.. s35ce Pumpkin Pie... 59 Canned Handi-Whip .... 9.39c "instant., -" .* n14U,,,r -M lA&P Dry Milk....'99c Margarine......':49c VEGETABLE Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce... 3 $1.I 92- De9f 0n O.L. Del Monte Whol. KG C omr I15%-sh c Spiced Peaches... -69c So29o rBeef Hash.."4- 9I cL Paradise Glace' Fruit Shil w/Beans. %r. 39c Diced Citron 23c hil l a S c 39c. Paradise Glace' Fruit I MB E ,,PS Whole Red Cherries... ft 59c KLEENEX TOWELS Paradise Glace' Fruit Natural 4JR W Pineapple Slices ..... 59c Delsey Bathroom Tissue .. *. 69c Kotex Reg. & Super ... us 79c Colgae Kleenex Dinner Napkins.. -,29c Delsey Bowl Cleaner.... -79c Shave Cream . Kleenex ^"-- Tissue1. 4 1$1 Delsey Bath Tissue..... '* 35c, ..t. crme Hair n Srav . !.V.UAA .J PRA7111AN 'S fad Labd Karo Syrup .. 77c Irdseye Frozwn Cool Whip '5.. 65c Birdeye Frosn Cut Okra .. 3'.$1.00 Krafi Cracker Barrel Sharp Cheese. 89c Kraft Cracker Barrel Ex. Sharp Cheese. i 89c Kraft Miracle Margarine .... 43c *:*39c ~12-0an .49c STALK 29c I Egg Nog n69 m C..A. Z 1. Wn;--Ti c I Russet Baldng Potatoes ..... 10 L* 69c Golden Ripe Bananas . 10c Juicy Florida Whie Grapefruit..,.. 5 59c Fresh Ocean Spray Red Use 1 Freeze 2 Cranberries..... 3 .,99c Fresh, Firnn, Rip. Anjous Pears .. 4 U.. $1.00, Mean sth s AL are good through Wednlsday, Novembr24, 1971 In your local A&P Stte CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY U KITCHEN CHATTER By The Florida Power Corporation Your family's meals deserve and Sdo receive your utmost attention. For a different and delicious way to serve tomatoes, try this recipe today. Also Broccoli topped with a cheese sauce is really superb. SESAME CHEESE TOMATOES 3 large tomatoes, halved 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons sesame seeds 1% cup soft bread crumbs % teaspoon salt "r: % teaspoon black pepper '* Place halved tomatoes, cut side up, in a shallow baking pan. Add salt and pepper to each half. Broil about 5 minutes. In a mixing bowl blend together remaining ingredients. Top each tomato with 1-% tablespoons of mixture and broil 2 to 3 minutes. Serve hot. BROCCOLI MILANESE 2 pkgs. (10 oz.) frozen broccoli 1 teaspoon salt % cup water SPlace broccoli, water and salt in sauce pan; bring to boil and reduce to simmer for 10 minutes. Drain. Top with cheese sauce. Sprinkle with paprika. CHEESE SAUCE % cup milk 1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, cub- ed A cup Parmesan cheese % teaspoon onion salt Heat milk and cream cheese in sauce pan on low heat, stirring un- til smooth. Add Parmesan cheese and onion salt. Mix well. Yield: 1-% cups. TV Program ... appears each Tuesday evening at 7:30, Channel 11, WFSU-TV. Tallahassee. The December Food Party "Holiday Foods," will be December 9th.; 2:00 p.m. in the Home Ser- vice Centre. How's Your Hearing? Chicago, Ill.-A free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Beltone. Anon-operating model of the smallest Beltone aid ever made will be given absolutely free to anyone answering this advertisement. Tryit to seehow it is worn in the privacy of your own home without cost or obligation of any kind. It's yours to keep, free. It weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No wires lead from body to head. These non-operating models are free, so we suggest you write for yours now. Again, we repeat, there is no cost or obligation. Write to Dept. 9330, Beltone Electronics Corp., 4201 W. Vic- toria, Chicago, M1. 60646. rn)^^^^r^^ ^ Z' L:- U io Padfic Isle flUR I PI *.... - Pineapple.... 4.. $1.100 Ann Page Small & WilgeJ Stuffed Olives....' 69c Libby Deep Brown Beans 52$1.00 Heav Du). oet.rjw r4 Wonderfoil ...... .49c Baby Food _- 6 iars 69c Reynold' h &A Brown-In-Bag. 45c Roach & AntBomb. & 99c "C I ---C4. E~,~uQt. I I I THE STAP, 066 St. j6i, Fli. WibWMAVSBA, N6V.v 14, 191 AG I I w I - I I WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1971 WAGE EIGHT TWHE STAR Prt St. J, FIrl. Investigate Accident Police Patrolman James Graves and Deputy Sheriff Johnny Maynor fill out their accident report after the car shown above, dri- ven by Mrs. Barney McCroan struck young Blain Cox last Wednesday afternoon on Garrison Avenue. Mrs. McCroan reported she slowed down and tried to miss the boy, but he darted in front of her as she went to pass him. Young Cox was taken to Municipal Hospital for treatment. His injuries were not serious. -Star photo Sharks 24; Tigers 6' (Continued From Page 1) Chipley's 'only score. Archie Shackleford fielded the punt and brought it back to the 50. In two plays he carried for 18 more yards. Then after the quarter was sounded, a run by Bowen, a 15 yard toss by Whit- tle to Bass, an 11 yard run by Faison and a one yard, sneak by Whittle and .the Sharks had the game all tied up. After the kick-off the Sharks held on their own 35. Faison and Shackleford took off again with Whittle adding his first long gain on the option. After six plays the Sharks were on the two yard line and Shackleford bored through the middle to score, putting the Sharks in front 12-6. The run for two points failed. As the half was drawing to a dose, Mike White put the Sharks on the road again with an interception of a Chipley pass on the Shark 35 yard line. But the clock ran out before the Sharks could score again. As the second half began, the Sharks and Tigers exchanged two punts each, with the Sharks winding up on their own 25. Ar- chie Shackleford broke through for a 35 yard gainer to start the third scoring drive. Whittle also ripped off a 21 yard keeper play to the Tiger three, where Shack- leford pushed in for the score as the first moments of the last period began to tick away. The Tigers came to life a little later when they were stranded on their own 18. Tiey gambled on a fourth down and Chipley's Holiday Thoughts Turn * P = I *l Gibbs Outlines 'Purpose of Scenic 98 Association to Rotary Club TI T UI ow ara restive Kira Larry Gibbs of Panama City told we have a four-laned U. s. a9, we an, T ow W test v W 1 1/ U 9 the Port St. Joe Rotary Club last will get the traffic and the result- nmu Thursday, that it is the aim of the ing trade-if not, it will go by spe Newly organized Scenic Highway way of U.S. 90 and Interstate 10". (W GAINESVILLE With the ho. the shield-shaped Grade A label 8 As ati t ush through ,yea liday season approaching all means the bird is fully fleshed, an apo ial o our-aning or the "There is excitement for this eia thoughts turn to the festive bird. meaty, well finished and free from U a g fhway which follows the project all the way to New Orleans on Mrs. Lizette Murphy, consumer bruises and. de f e c t s. However, Gulf Coast from.Pensacola to Per- with thoughts of extending it to Th: education specialist, Florida Co- there is some variation among tur- Brownsville, Texas," Gibbs said, operative Extension Service, says keys of this same grade, so it's a "but all we're concerned with at T that modern production and pro- good idea to choose the broadest "We have something to sell in the present time is that part of Thi cessing methods have given today's breasted, short-bodied birds with this area, with our beautiful Gulf U.S. 98 in Florida". the turkey a new look. "The modern pale yellow coloring under the of Mexico, but let's face it, travel- Gibbs declared that every corn- ten turkey is plumper, meatier and skin. ing people want to drive on a unity along the route is falling tha more compact. It has a larger pro- 'four-lane road these days", Gibbs in behind the new organization portion of breast meat. The bird Eve grade A undama you said. He painted a bright picture and offering their time and mon- T is oven ready and is available in a should check f or undamaged for future tourist traffic and busi- ey for its promotion wil wide variety of styles. These fac- whapping because exposure to the ness for this area during the next ey for itstpromotiones wi tors coupled with greater produc- air dehydrates the meat and en- few years. Gibbs was accompanied by Mike test tion and lower prices have made courage rancidity. Darley, who has been employed Lfri turkey an economical and nutri- After selecting a top quality Gibbs pointed to Disney World as executive director of the new tious year round meat," says Mrs. bird, to: retain its fresh-frozen as the magnet which will draw organization. spe Murphy. goodness, store it immediately in even more tourist traffic in this Marion Craig of St. Joe Beach Th( -Most stores carry whole turkeys the refrigerator or freezer. direction from the Southwest. "If was a guest of the club. I to at two or three price levels. The Sizes of the whole bird may majority are sold fresh-frozen range from 4 to 30 pounds and ready-to-cook. larger. The larger the bird the When you- choose your turkey better the. buy if you. can effec- look first for the circular-shaped tively use all the meat. You pay USDA label. Some 90% of the tur- -less lper pound for the larger birds keys produced bear the U.S. De- than for the smaller. Larger ones apartment of Agriculture inspec- have more meat in proportion to tion mark. This means they've been the bone than smaller ones. Due to inspected for -wholesomeness at scientific "feeding, practically all FOR the time of slaughter and procer- birds re quickly grown. Therefore FOR SALE:30-06 rifle. Bolt action FOR sed under sanitary conditions, Mrs. both large and small birds of the Good condition. $65.00. Phone TWIRLING L SONS an Murphy points out, same grade are of equal quality. 229-6323. tfc--18 if interested call 8,00 229-2522 throy While grading is not mandatory, Because of its popularity con- FOR SALE: Two bedroom home. Group, 50c each for t sumers still pay more for the hen Air conditioning, carpet, furni- Private, $1.00 use ... ... turkey. However, there is no dif- ture, washer, dryer, water softener - 000 ..Bll shiutsu Postoffice Will be Closed Thursday Postmaster Chauncey Costin1 announced this week that the lo- cal post office will be closed all day. Thursday, November 25, for the Thanksgiving holiday. There will be -no delivery on city or star routes. The morning receipt of mail will be boxed for " post office box holders as usual and an evening out-of-town disL patch will be made. The regular holiday collection from .street collection boxes will be made. of his interceptions for the night and wound up on the Shark's 19. Steve Morris wound up on the 43. But the very next play, Steve Atchison picked off one of'two Pore Boy's Corner IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OP1EN SND.&Y 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Specials for Wednesday through Saturday, Nov. 24-27 With $10.00 Order or More Georgia Grade 'A' SU GAR ------ 5 lbs. 49c SMALL EGGS 3 doz. 89c hA 2 Pound Bag Dutch Ann forYellow ONIONS bag 29c P SH LS 2 for 29C White Ocean Spray 'POTATOES 10 lbs. 49C CRANBERRY SAUCE.--------.2 cans 49c Fresh Ripe Tall Cans Sliced BANNFresh Ripe PINEAPPLE 2 cans 49c BANANAS lb. 10c Double Luck Cut Firm, Crisp GREEN BEANS 4 cans 69c CELERY stalk' 15c' Lindy Eng. 'PEAS or 303 cans Standard TOMATOES __ 5 cans 99c Fresh Lge. Shank Half or Whole Cured LB., PORK ROAST------lb. 59c Fresh WHOLE HAMS --- b. 59c H Whole or Half 4 ' SLAB BACON -----lb. 37c Tender Fresh Gro .qd SIRLOIN STEAK $1.19 HAMBURGER 3 Ibs. $1.49b. $.9 Fresh Center Cut Rib Loin Cut Trimmed Beef PORK CHOPS Ib. 79c b. 89c RIB ROAST- Ib. 99c Pork Rolled Boneless NECK BONES --- 4 lbs. 79c CHUCK ROAST ---- lb. 89c Delicious .Flavor-Full : RIB STEAK lb. 99c RUMP ROAST -- lb. 89c Tender Medallion Baking Hens lb. 37c Young Hen 10 to 12 Lb. Avg. TURKEYS Ib. 39c ROBERSON'S GROCERY HIGHWAY 9R HIGHLAND VIEW ference in eating quality-tender- ness and juiciness between the hen and tom. Generally speaking, when buy- ing a whole or half ready-to-cook turkey under 12 lbs. allow -% to 1 lb. per serving. For larger birds provide a half pound per serving. Turkeys come in many different styles. If the turkey you buy is frozen, stuffed, a turkey roast roll, a turkey with a built-in timer, or is a self basting, turkey, the direc- tions are scientifically worked out by 'the processor. If carefully fol- lowed, they should give you a de- licious, safe and festive bird. Steve Bass was forced to kick after the Sharks were stalled and Morris fumbled the ball on his own 13 yard line after trying to pull off a reverse on the alert Shark defense. The Sharks worked the ball to the three, where Jim Faison ran around his left end for the last score of the game with three minutes left. The Tigers didn't give up though, and Steve Atchison had to intercept a Tiger aerial on the Shark 20 to stop their charge. Perry Adkison and Lawrence Bowen led the Shark defense with seven and six tackles re- spectively. Rodney Nobles was double teamed all night, and still turned in five tackles as well as turning several plays. Ar- chie Shackleford added five tackles. Steve Bass, Gary Gad- dis, Jim Faison, Murray Smith, Eddie Summers, Steve Atchison and Robert Dickens all got in their licks on tiger ball carriers. THE YARDSTICK Chipley PSJ. First Downs ----- 9 16 Rushing Yardage -- 118 286 Passing Yardage ....-- 48 23 Passes 4-12 2-3 Intercepted by ------ 0 2 Punts 2-33 3-36 Fumbles lost ------ 1 0 Yards penalized 25 51 Score by quarters: Port St. Joe -- 0 12 0 12-24 Chipley --------6 0 0 0- 6 For the 'third straight year the Sharks are now entering the state play-off in Class AA. The Sharks first competition in the play-offs will/be with Boni- fay. No official word has been released yet where the game will be played. Coach Wayne Taylor said the official word will be re- ceived Saturday, but he feels certain the game will be played in Bonifay since Bonifay and Port St. Joe met in the first rounds of the play-offs last year here in Port St. Joe. The first play-off game will be on Friday, December 3. Murder Trial Moved (Continued from Page 1) General Robert Shevin. The 1963 indictments were thrown out by Circuit Judge Charles Holley two months ago on the grounds that blacks had been systematically excluded from the original grand jury. A new grand jury, including four blacks, re-indicted Pitts and Lee last month. chain link fence, tool house. Space for garden. Contact C.Contact C. D. Harvey, 229-4512. tfc-6-10 FOR RENT: Spacious, furnished pick it up before we throw it in 2 bedroom apartment. Quiet, de- the garbage. The STAR. sirable neorhood.rlin Call 27- FOR SALE or RENT: 12x44 2 bed- 'Sdays or 64846O0'nig'hs 10-4 rom oblehoa4261days or 648-4600nights. 104 room mobile home located at' White City. Call 229-6483. 6tp-11.4 NEED MONEY?. Call Avon' now. | Need two representatives. Call FOR RENT: Furnished large one 229-4281 or write Mrs. Sarah Skin- bedroom apartment with separ- ner, District Manager, 518 Shade ate dining room, auto. heat and St., Panama City, Fla. 32401. large yard. Phone 227-8536 after --, 5:00 p.m. tfc-11-25 FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished and 2 bedroom furnished apart- ment. Phone 229-6168. tfc-9-2 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished house on Palm Boulevard. Call 227-3261. tfc-9-9 FOR RENT: Unfurnished 2 bed- room clean house. Laundry and storage room. Large shady yard. Automatic heat. Phone 227-8536 after 5:00 p.m. tfc-11-25 WANTED: House or lot overlook- ing the water at the beaches. Send information to Raymond Brunner, P. 0. Box H, Phone of- fice 482-3354 and residence, 482- 3882, Marianna, Fla. 4tc-10-28 FOR RENT: Fua-ished beach cot ages. Reasonable monthly rates. Phone 227-3491 or 227-8496. tfc Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe HURLBUT FURNITURE -. -nd APPLIANCES 306 Reid Ave. FOR RENT. One and two bedroom attractively furnished apart- ments. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Gas heat, window fans. They must be seen to be appreciat- ed. Contact Mr. or Mrs. B. C. Prince at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. Phlon- 229-2413 or 648- 3101. ; tfc-10-28 FOR SALE: Jalousie windows, door. hot water heater (30 gal.), cabinets, sink, oil heater, drum of oil and stand. Call 227-5331 or 227- 3341. tfq-11-25 FOR SALE: 2 burner oil heater. $40.00. Like new. Call 227-7606 from 8 to 5 Mon. thru Fri. FOR SALE: Yamaha 1970 model 100 CC motorcycle. Suzuki 1970 model 50 CC motorcycle. Both like new condition. Can be seen at 131 Bellamy Circle or call 229-6106. tfc-11-25 FOR SALE: Ford F250 % .ton truck with stake body. Air condi- tioner, radio, V-8 engine, 6 ply tires. Can be seen at 131 Bellamy Circle or call 229-6106. tfc-11-25 KILPATRICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 PANCAKE BKREAKFI-AST Being served in the AMERICAN LEGION HOME Saturday Morning, 6:00 A.M. All you can eat, $1.00 Proceeds to Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, Port St. Joe HEATH RADIO & TV REPAIR "Color Specialists" All Work Guaranteed- 4tp Phone 229-2782 10-14 FOR APPUANCE, heating and re- frigeration repairs call 229-6323 NO. 1 .DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Florida Friday and Saturday Nov. 26-27 "PATTON" also - "MAGIC PEAR TREE" IT'S A HUMDINGER! Quaker lace Tablecloths Portuguese Embroidered Boxes Russian Ural Stone Carvings Carved Boxes from India Winnie-the-Pooh stuffed animals Kids - Incense and Burners Order your Peasant Shirts See Ed and Marg MOTEL ST. JOE GIFT SHOP Second Floor Lobby REDUCE safe and 'fast with Go- Bese Tablets and E-Vap "water pills". Campbell's Drug. 10tp-10-2L4 WANTED: Mature, conscientious, experienced saleswoman. Must reply in own handwriting to "Sales- woman, P. 0. Box 308, Port St. Joe, - Florida. tfc-10-14- LADIES I mM now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. It roU have human hair or syn- thetic which you would Hke to have serviced quickly at low prices ... WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-24 JANICE STOKES tfc I feature starts 7:15 P.M. FOR SALE: 45 hp Mercury with __Sportscraft boat and trailer. See at Stafford's Grocery, White City. FOR SALE: 1955 Chevrolet, com- pletely rebuilt 283 engine, mag FIGHT FATIGUE with Zippies, the wheels, new interior, hurst 3-speed, great iron pill. Only $1.98. Camp- % racing cam. In real good shape. bels Drugs,' lp-10-21 Brown with white race stripes. SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Call $500. Phone 227-8707. 2tc-11-4 Buford Griffin. Phone 229-6694 or 229-2937. FOR SALE: 1969 Galaxy with air conditioning, power steering, PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo- w,hitewall tires, radio heater. Good onal problems and/or concerns. condition. Call 229-2896 after Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port p.m. tfc-1028St Joe, Florida 229-3621 FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 2- bedroom house with washer, dry-' er, automatic heat. Phone 227- 8536 after 5:00 p.m. tfc-11-251 New to This Area R. G. WEDDLE Brick and Block Mason All Types Masonry for information - call 648-6900 WEDDLE and SONS FOR SALE: Guns, lawn mowers, reels, automotive 8-track tape players ,tapes $1.50 to $5.99, tools, watches, rings and imports from Mexico. CB band unit, automatic tape players, $29.00 up, used tires and rims. Me's PAWN SHOP. 102 FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Weweahtchka and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511 C. P. Etheredge 518 Third Street Pot St. Joe, Pla. Plumbing and Electrical Contractor Call 229-4986 for Free Estimate Fifth St., Highland View, Phone RAM-Regular convocation on St. 229-6193. tfc-11-25 Joseph Chapter No. 56, RAM. S-- st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. Al RAY TRIM SHOP 'visiting companions welcome. RAY'S TRIM SHOP JOSEPH PIPPIN, H. P. Complete Upholstery Service H. T. WEST, Secretary "We aim to please you Every Time" WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116, 602 Garrison Ave. THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- Phone 2294326 ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call Emory Stephens. Free estimate THERE WILL BE a regular comrn Guarantee on labor and materials., mtnication of Port St. Joe Lodge Low down payment. Phone 227- No. Ill, F. & A. M., every first 7972. and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. FILL DIRT HAULED. Lots bush , hogged and leveled. General. tractor work. Call 648-4836 or 648- CHARLES 3017., tfc-10-28 pERRY J. R. JOLLEY, WH. McFARLAND, Secty 111 1 I -I _ II - hanksgiving Service might At Long Ave. The Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor, ounces that the Long Ave- e Baptist Church will have a - ecial worship service tonight wednesday) at 7:30 p.m. Each Lr the church observes a spe- I Thanksgiving prayer service the eve of our national day of S* anksgiving. rhis year the main part of the anksgiving worship will be '-Lord's Supper which is of- S'referred to as "The Eucha- :". The word Eucharist means nkfulness. Phe 45 minute worship toniglit l consist of music, singing, timonies, scripture and the rd's Supper. All members and ends are invited to attend this cial service of thanksgiving. e church nursery will be open care for small children. Ids +" SFREE! We made a boo-boo, d printed the wrong form on Sheets of paper. We hate to w it away. If you can use it the kids to draw on the back,. for practice typing paper or to look at our mistake, come jUbt L I |